Collagenous gastritis presenting as chronic heartburn in a patient with psoriatic arthritis

Anasua Deb MD, Busara Songtanin MD, Thanita Thongtan MD, Sameer Islam MD


Collagenous gastritis is a rare cause of heartburn in adults. Histopathological examination of gastric mucosal biopsy from the stomach shows submucosal collagen deposition. The pathophysiologic mechanism is unknown, and collagenous gastritis cases have been associated with certain drugs, such as olmesartan and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, and certain medical conditions, such as common variable immunodeficiency, primary IgM deficiency, autoimmune disorders, and psoriatic arthropathy. Here we report a case of collagenous gastritis in a 29-year-old woman with psoriatic arthropathy who presented with persistent heartburn. She was successfully treated with oral pantoprazole.

Keywords: heartburn, collagenous gastritis

Article citation: Deb A, Songtanin B, Thongtan T, Islam S. Collagenous gastritis presenting as chronic heartburn in a patient with psoriatic arthritis. The Southwest Respiratory and Critical Care Chronicles 2022;10(45):67–70
From: Department of Internal Medicine, Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center, Lubbock, Texas
Submitted: 7/26/2022
Accepted: 10/8/2022
Conflicts of interest: none
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