Ileal neuroendocrine tumor without metastatic disease presenting with chronic diarrhea

Jasmin Rahesh MS, MBA, Victor Mendiola BS, Baseer Quarashi BS, Srinivas Pathapati MD


Neuroendocrine tumors in the gastrointestinal tract, formerly known as carcinoid tumors, are benign in presentation but can quickly metastasize if not diagnosed during regular screenings, such as colonoscopies. Unfortunately, most patients do not present for treatment until late with metastasis when symptoms become severe. We report a 65-year-old Caucasian man who presented with chronic diarrhea for over 2 months; this presentation suggested liver metastasis, but he had no metastasis on evaluation.

Keywords: Gastrointestinal carcinoid tumor, colonoscopy, ileal metastasis, neuroendocrine tumor

Article citation: Rahesh J, Mendiola V, Quarashi B, Pathapati S. Ileal neuroendocrine tumor without metastatic disease presenting chronic diarrhea. The Southwest Respiratory and Critical Care Chronicles 2022;10(42):25–27
From: Department of Internal Medicine, Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center, Amarillo, Texas
Submitted: 12/20/2021
Accepted: 1/9/2022
Conflicts of interest: none
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