^ o. >» v , ; - \ * ^ V^ - ^ N w .^' - -CX' ^ °, ' * .«. "* ,0 */^ l)0im CoIIcqc Series. *>— _r , n ■ ■ — ■ H Number -~ ~~~~~~~~~~x~ ^fe — ~~ ~~~ Thirteen. ■• i <* GEORGE HERBERT, BY V DANIEL WISE, 13. D. 283 */ NEW YORK : PHILL1PS& HUNT. CINCINNATI: WALDEN & S T O V l88 3 . jgwpiilj^^ The "Home College Series" will contain one hundred short papers on a wide range of subjects — biographical, historical, scientific, literary, domes- tic, political, and religious. Indeed, the religious tone will characterize al 1 of them. They are written for every body — for all whose leisure is limited, but who desire to use the minutes for the enrichment of life. These papers contain s^eds from the best gardens in all the world of human knowledge, and if dropped wisely into good soil, will bring forth harvests of beauty and value. They are for the young — especially for young people (and older people, too) who are out of the schools, who are full of " business " and "cares," who are in danger of reading nothing, or of reading a sensational literature that is worse than nothing. One of these papers a week read over and over, thought and talked about at "odd times," will give in one year a vast fund of information, an intel- lectual quickening, worth even more than the mere knowledge! acquired, a taste for solid read ng, many hours of simple and wholesome pleasure, ind ability to talk intelligently and helpfully to one's friends. Pastors may organize "Home College" classes, or "Lyceum Rea tig Unions," or "Chautauqua Literary and Scientific Circles," and help lie young people to read and think and talk ami live to worthier purpose. A young man may have his own little "college " all by himself, read i lis series of tracts one after the other, (there will soon he one hundred of tneia ready,) examine himself on thorn by the '-Thought-Outline to Help the M in - ory," and thus gain knowledge, and, what is better, a love of knowledge. And what a young man may do in this respect, a young woman, and old men and old women, may do. J. H. Vinc New York, Jan., 1SS3. Copyright, 1SS3, by Phillips & Hunt, New York. Jpom:f