D 609 .U6 C4 Copy 1 Cije Centura association 3l^ecorti of ^erbtce H^entiereti in tl)e (Bvmt Wwc %\}t Centurj? Association B^ecorti of ^erbtce S^entiereti tn tlje (Bxmt W^v £_/ "7 s-^c ^7 <> JUL 2 liai RECORD OF SERVICES RENDERED DURING THE GREAT WAR REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON SERVICE FLAGS AT a meeting of the Board of Trustees of the L Century Association, held 27 November, 1917, it was voted that a service flag should be made, on which should be shown a star for every member of the Association, who during the Great War ren- dered service to the Government of the United States, or to one of the AHied Powers, either in the Army or Navy of such power, and that this flag should be shown, as was customary during the war, outside of the club building. It was also voted that a flag should be made whereon should be shown a star for every member of the Association, who during the Great War ren- dered service, other than military or naval, to the Government of the United States, or to one of the AHied Powers ; and in addition to these stars there should also be shown on the same flag a star for every son or daughter or grandchild of any member who in the Great War rendered service to the Gov- ernment of the United States, or to one of the Allied Powers, either in the Army or Navy of such power, or in a civil capacity. 15-2 Alden Sampson and H. Bolton Jones were ap- pointed a Committee to have this in charge. Ques- tionnaires were sent to every member of the Club, and from the returns to these, hsts were carefully prepared and displayed in the Club House, and the two flags were shown as directed. After the war the individual records of members were sent to them for correction, and in many in- stances letters were written to obtain the fullest possible information, and accuracy of information. One hundred and thirty-five members were repre- sented by stars on the outside service flag, of whom two were killed and one died in service. On the in- side service flag three hundred and ninety-eight members were represented, two hundred and ninety- five sons of members, ninety-one daughters, fifteen grandsons, and one granddaughter ; a total of eight hundred stars on the service flag shown within the Club House. So far as the accuracy of the Report is concerned great pains have been taken to achieve the best pos- sible results. Almost certainly in certain instances the lists will prove to be incomplete and to a cer- tain degree inadequate. When, in spite of every effort to the contrary, such may prove to be the case, your Committee would suggest that a letter containing any necessary corrections or additions be sent to "The Chairman of the Committee on Service Flags," and this material will be carefully pre- served for the future historian. In nearly every instance the Committee has had to rely exclusively upon the information furnished by the members themselves to whom the Ques- tionnaires were sent. In some cases, owing to the modesty and reticence of members, this return has been of meagre sort, so that the amount of space occupied by the record of any particular individual does not necessarily indicate the relative importance of his service. In many instances the record should be more ample in order to do full justice to the sub- ject. Upon the whole, however, the members of the Century have contributed liberally of their time to make this Record of value, and on behalf of the Association, the Committee desires to express very sincere thanks for the cordial cooperation which has been rendered. The Committee also wishes to ex- press its appreciation of the intelligent and efficient aid rendered to the accomplishment of this work by the Librarian, Mr. Charles W. Gordon. He generously gave much of his own time for this purpose. The publishing of this Record has been delayed by two circumstances: First, the very considerable time necessary to receive answers from all mem- bers. Those returns came in very slowly indeed. As soon as the time, in the opinion of the Commit- tee, for publication had arrived, the material was handed to the printer. The second very consider- able delay has been the inevitable lapse of time necessary to get the matter through the press. It seems as if there had been unnecessary delay. Your Committee assures you that such is not the case. The vital character of service in every conceivable kind of war activity, and the very considerable num- ber of those who participated in that service, are very notable indeed, and will doubtless be a source of pride and satisfaction to present and future members of the Century Association. Alden Sampson. H. Bolton Jones. 25 May, 1920. [8.1 HONOR ROLL • Members of The Century Association who, during the Great War, lost their lives in the Service of their Country RAYNAL C. BOLLING FANCHER NICOLL WILLARD STRAIGHT MEMBERS OF THE CENTURY ASSOCIA- TION WHO IN THE GREAT WAR SERVED IN THE ARMY OR NAVY OF THE UNITED STATES, OR IN THE ARMY OR NAVY OF ONE OF THE ALLIED POWERS. EACH OF THESE IS REPRESENTED BY A STAR ON THE SERVICE FLAG SHOWN OUTSIDE THE CLUB HOUSE. MEMBERS REPRESENTED BY STARS ON THE SERVICE FLAG SHOWN OUTSIDE THE CLUB HOUSE Abbe, Robert, Major, N.A. Medical Reserve Corps. AiTKEN^ Robert L, Capt., A.E.F. O.A.T.C., Plattsburg, 1917; Capt., Inf., 1917; Machine Gun Co., 306th Inf., 77th Div.; Grad. uated Army Line School, Langres, France; Army General Staff College, Langres, France; Intelligence, 77th Div., Staff, U.S.A. Aldrich, Richard, Capt., U.S.A. Gen. Staff, Military Intelligence Division, Washington, D. C, Feb., 1918, to May, 1919. Andrews, Avery D., Brig. Gen., A.E.F. Col., U.S.A., Oct., 1917; Deputy Director Gen- eral of Transportation, Nov., 1917, to March, 1918; Dep. Chief of Utilities, March-July, 1918; on General Staff, 1st Section, G.H.Q., A.E.F., July, 1918; Chief of 1st Section, General Staff, and Asst. Chief of Staff to Gen. Pershing, Aug., 1918; Brig. Gen., General Staff, Oct., 1918; Dis- charged, May, 1919; D. S.M.; Commander, CIS] Legion of Honor; Commandant, Order of The Crown (Belgium) ; Commandant, Order of The Crown (Italy). Atterbury, Grosvenor Nat. Housing Assn., Com. on Wartime Hous- ing, Chairman; Education Corps, Supervising Architect, Army University, Baume, France; Y.M.C.A., Overseas Army, Educational Com- mis. A.E.F. AucHiNCLOSs, Samuel Sloan, Major, Ord., U.S.A. Five Plattsburg Training Camps, 1916-17; O.T.C., Fort Oglethorpe, Ga., as civilian em- ployee; Capt., Ord., July, 1917; Capt., Ord., Watervliet Arsenal, N. Y.; Camp Ordnance Of- ficer, Camp Wadsworth, S. C; Commanding Provisional Ordnance Co., Camp Hancock, Ga., Camp Shelby, Miss.; A.E.F., Nov., 1918, Port Ordnance Officer, Nevers, France; Base Ord- nance Officer at Headquarters, Brest, France; Major, Ord., April, 1919; Discharged August, 1919. Bailey, Pearce, Col., Medical Corps, U.S.A. Major, July, 1917, Office of the Surgeon-Gen- eral, U.S.A., supervising all matters pertaining to nervous and mental disease. Was later promoted to the rank of Lieut. Col. and Col.; visit of in- spection to France and England during the sum- mer of 1918. Rendered service in securing and organizing the personnel for the Division of Neu- rology and Psychiatry. In Feb., 1919, there were 700 officers in this service. In the examinations of soldiers and officers 74,000 men were found un- fit from a nervous and mental point of view. By his activity a specialist in nervous and mental disease was placed with every mobile division to jjrevent the develojDment of those functional nerv- ous conditions known as "shell shock"; Dis- charged, Feb., 1919. BiGELOw, John, Lieut. Col., U.S.A. Active mihtary duty, U.S.A., July, 1917; mem- ber of General Court Martial, meeting at Gov- ernor's Island, N. Y., July-Sept., 1917; Profes- sor of Military Science and Tactics at Rutgers College, New Brunswick, N.J.,Aug., 1917-May, 1918; Acting Q.M. at Rutgers College, Oct., 1917-May, 1918; General Staff, War Dept., Washington, D. C, War Plans Div., Chief of the Historical Branch of the Mobilization Sec- tion, May, 1918-July, 1919; Lieut. Col., May, 1919. Bingham, Theodore A., Brig. Gen., U.S. A, BiRNiE, Rogers, Colonel, U.S.A. (Retired) Ordnance Advisor (Engineer), with Interna- tional Arms and Fuze Co., May, 1915-Jan., 1919, engaged exclusively in the manufacture of muni- tions for the British and United States Govern- ments during the war. The company operated plants at Bloomlield, N. J., and Montreal, Can. CIS] Blake, Joseph A., Col., M.C., A.E.F. Instrumental in organizing the American Ambu- lance Hospital at Neuilly; Pres. of Med. Board, and Surgical Director of one Div. of Hospitals, Aug., 1914; in charge of Johnstone Rickett Hosp., Sept., 1915-March, 1917, Chief Surgeon; organized a surgical centre, comprising a num- ber of other hospitals in that region; estabhshed the Robert Walton Goelet Research Laboratory ; Am. Red Cross, Paris, organized the hospital, 6 Rue Piccini (Dr. Blake's Hospital for care of French wounded) ; Major, M.R.C., July, 1917; commanding officer of Hosp., July, 1917-Nov., 1918; consultant in Surgery for Dist. of Paris; Lieut. Col., June, 1918; Col., M.C., Nov., 1918; served on the Board for Standardizing Medical Department Supplies, Splints and Apparatus ; Discharged, Feb., 1919; Col., M.R.C., June, 1919; Knight, Legion of Honor; Medal of Honor (Service de Sante) ; D.S.M. BoLLiNG, Raynal C, CoL, U.S.A., A.E.F. National Guard, N. Y., Squadron A, 1907-1915; 1st Lieut., N. G., 1915; organized and took to Plattsburg the first motorized Machine Gun Co., Aug., 1915; Capt., N. G., Signal Corps, Nov., 1916; in U. S. service, organized N. G. aviation at Mineola, N. Y., 1917, five months' service; honorably discharged, 1917; Major, Air Service Signal Corps, U.S.R., April, 1917; service abroad, June, 1917; Col., Aug., 1917; Asst. Chief of Air Service, Lines of Communication, Feb., 1918, assigned to H. Q. of British Royal Air Force for observation work, preparatory to as- suming command of American Air Units on British front. Killed in action near Amiens, 26 March, 1918. BoNSAL, Stephen, Lieut. Col., U.S.A. General Staff, Washington, D. C; Intelligence Section ; later attached to tlie Peace Commission, Paris. Brewer, George E., Col., M.C. Major, M. C, May, 1917; Director, Presbyterian Hospital Unit, Base Hospital No. 2, May, 1917; assigned to British Army, transferred to General Hospital No. 1, Etretat, France, B.E.F., Jan., 1918; transferred to A.E.F., Consulting Sur- geon, 42nd Div.; Lieut. Col., June, 1918; Con- sulting Surgeon, 1st Corps, 1st Army, July, 1918; Col., October, 1918; Discharged, Jan., 1919. Brooks, Harlow, Col, M.R.C., A.E.F. Major, Chief of Medical Service, Base Hospital, Camp Upton, Sept., 1917-July, 1918; Chief Con- sultant in Medicine to the staff of the First Army, A.E.F., Aug., 1918; Lieut. Col., Staff of Chief Surgeon, Second Army, A.E.F., as Chief Consultant in Medicine, Nov., 1918-April, 1919; Discharged, April, 1919; Col. in Medical Sec- tion, O.R.C., U.S.A. Bryant, W. Sohier, Col., M.O.R.C, A.E.F. Civil Medical Practitioner with Royal Army Med. Corps, Feb., 1917, Royal Victoria Hosp., Netly, Hants, England, Visiting Surgeon and Specialist in Brit. Red Cross Hosp.; Medecin, Major de la Premiere Classe, Hosp. at Orleans, France, July, 1917; Major, A.E.F., Am. Red Cross Military Hosp., No. 3, Paris, Ear, Nose and Throat Specialist, Mess Officer, Summary Court Officer, and service on Examining Board; Am. Red Cross, Italy, Bologna and Amelia Dists., Oct., 1918; Lieut. Col., Feb., 1918; Am. Red Cross, Paris, April, 1918; Discharged, June, 1919; Reconunissioned, Col., M.O.R.C., U.S.A. Caerel, Alexis, Major, French Ai'my, Medical Corps. French Army, 2nd Lieut., in care of the wounded in a base hospital at Lyons, Aug., 1914; sent by the Minister of War on a special mission to the front of all the French and Belgian Armies until the end of Jan., 1915. 1st Lieut., Jan., 1915; one of the organizers of an advanced hos- pital at Compiegne for the study of a new method for the treatment of wounds. Capt., spring of 1917; one of the organizers of the War Demon- stration Hospital of the Rockefeller Institute, 1917. In this service visited America for a few months. Major, summer of 1917; in charge of a Mobile Field Hospital with one of the French Armies for the study of hemorrhage. After Compiegne was bombarded organized a new base hospital at Noisiel, and laboratories at St. Cloud; Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1916; Com- mander of the Legion of Honor, 1917. CIS] Carty, John J., Col., U.S.A., A.E.F. Signal Officers' Res. Corps, Major, Jan., 1917, on staff of Chief Signal Officer, U.S.A., New York, April, 1917; Col., U.S.A., Aug., 1917; from personnel of Bell Telephone System organ- ized thirteen Volunteer Battalions, composed of telephone and telegraph experts, for service in the Signal Corps, A.E.F. ; organized laboratories for Research and Inspection, A.E.F.; served on the Staff of Chief Signal Officer, A.E.F., July, 1918-May, 1919; special representative of Chief Signal Officer, A.E.F., later detailed as Signal Officer on duty with the American Commission to Negotiate Peace; Discharged, July, 1919; D.S.M.; Officer, Legion of Honor, April, 1918. Chadboukne, William M., Major, A.E.F. Major, N.Y.G., 1914-1916; Mexican border service with 12th N.Y. Inf., Texas, June, 1916- March, 1917; 1st Lieut., Adjt. Gen.'s Dept., Nov., 1917-Sept., 1918, A.E.F.; Chemical War- fare Service, July-Dec, 1918; Major, Chemical War Service, Sept., 1918; Discharged, Dec, 1918. Clark, Stephen C, Lieut. Col., A.E.F. Major, Adjt. Gen.'s Dept., June, 1917; Staff of Major-General Wood, as one of the Assistant Dept. Adjts., Southeastern Dept., July, 1917; transferred to the 80th Div., N.A., at Camp Lee, Va., as Asst. Div. Adjt., Sept., 1917; later made Adjt. of the Div.; in August, 1918, transferred to Headquarters of the Second Army Corps, A.E.F., and became Adjt. Gen., with the rank of Lieut. Col. Was with the Corps when, as part of the British Fourth Army, it took part in the operations which broke the Hindenburg Line, east of Amiens, Aug., 1918. Cole, Rufus, 1st Lieut. Contract Surgeon, A.E.F. Collins, Joseph, Major, M.C., A.E.F. Major, M.C., Aug., 1917; service, Neuro-Psy- chiatric Examinations for officers, volunteers and enhsted men, Aug.-Dec, 1917; Am. Red Cross, Medical Director, Italy, Dec, 1917, to 1919; Discharged, Feb., 1919. Conner, Lewis A., Col., M.C., U.S.A. Active Service, July, 1917-May, 1919, office of Surgeon Gen., Washington, D. C. Cooke, Carleton Sprague, Capt., A.E.F. Capt., Cavalry, U.S.R., Jan., 1917; Asst. In- structor, R.O.T.C., Madison Barracks, N. Y., Aug., 1917; organized and commanded Co. A, 303rd Military Police, Oct., 1917; service abroad. May, 1918-June, 1919; in France and Germany (Coblenz); transferred to Inf.; Discharged, July, 1919. CusHiNG, Harvey, Col., M.C., A.E.F. Am. Amb., Neuilly, France, Chief Surgeon on First Harvard Unit, April-June, 1915; Major, Med. Corps, May, 1917, Director of U. S. Army Base Hospital, No. 5 (Harvard Unit), B.E.F., May, 1917; service with forward hospitals of B.E.F., Flanders, Paschendaele-Messines opera- tions, Summer of 1917; also in Lys offensive, Spring of 1918; detached for service with A.E.F., Senior Consultant in Neuro-Surgery, in the Vosges, at H.Q. of Med. and Surg. Consult- ants; rejoined Harvard Unit, B.E.F., 1918; Am. Red Cross, Medical Research Committee, Paris, 1918-1919; Lieut. Col., June, 1918; Col., Oct., 1918; Citation by Gen. Pershing, April, 1919; Companion of the Bath (British), June, 1919. CuTCHEON, Franklin W. M., Lieut, Col., A.E.F. Q.M.R.C, Capt., Dec, 1917; G.H.Q., France, Board of Contracts and Adjustments, July, 1918; supervision of the Bureau of Accounts, A.E.F., and was the Financial Requisition Offi- cer, A.E.F. ; Lieut. Col., May, 1918; Advisor in Europe of the Special Representative of the U.S. Secy, of War; Military Citation for Meritorious Service in Financial Matters; D.S.M.; Knight, Legion of Honor; Companion of St. Michael and St. George. Dean, Bashford, Major, A.E.F. Ordnance Dept., U.S.A., Expert in defensive armor, 1917-1919. Delano, Frederic A., Col., A.E.F. Fed. Reserve Board, AVashington, D. C, 1917; Major, Engineer Corps, U.S.A., July, 1918; Transportation Corps, Tours, France, Aug., 1918; Deputy Director Gen. of Transportation, Paris, Sept., 1918; Lieut. Col., Transportation 1:213 Corps, Oct., 1918; Col., Transportation Corps, May, 1919; Discharged, Oct., 1919; Knight, Legion of Honor, April, 1919. DowD, Charles N., Major Medical Corps, U.S.A. Dunham, Edwaud K., Major Medical Reserve Corps, A.E.F. Echols, Charles P., Col., A.E.F. Head of the Dept. of Mathematics at West Point; Col., U.S.A., 1914; Inspector at Allied Schools, and Observer with American, French and British armies at the Front, June-Sept., 1918. Eliot, Ellsworth, Jr., Major Medical Reserve Corps, A.E.F. Faulkner, Barry, 1st Lieut., A.E.F. Enlisted, 40th Engineers, Sept., 1917; 2nd Lieut., July, 1918; 1st Lieut., Nov., 1918; served with the 1st Div. in the Toul sector, and at Cantigny; with the 3rd Div. at Chateau-Thierry; with the 22nd and 28th Divs. on the Vesle; with the 82nd Div. at St. Mihiel; with the 35th, 1st, and 78th Divs., and with the First Army Corps as Corps Camouflage Officer in the Argonne; Time of service, Feb., 1918-Feb., 1919; Discharged, Feb., 1919. Fiebeger, Gustave J., Col., U.S.A. Professor, U. S. Mil. Acad., West Point, N. Y.; service abroad as Military Observer, Oct., 1917- April, 1918. 1:223 Field, William B. Osgood, Major, O.R.C., l^.A. 1st Lieut., Signal Corps, Photographic Branch, January, 1918; Captain, Air Service, Sept., 1918; Major, MiHtary Intelligence, June, 1919; Discharged, July, 1919; Commissioned Major, O.R.C., N.A., Nov., 1919. Fletcher, Jefferson Butler, 1st Lieut., A.E.F. Distinguished Service Cross; Croix de Guerre, three citations. Flexner, Simon, Col., M.C., U.S.A. Major, Med. Corps, U.S.A., July, 1917; Lieut. Col., Med. Corps, March, 1918; Col., Officers Res. Corps, U.S.A., March, 1919; during the War was Commanding Officer, Auxiliary Medi- cal Laboratory, No. 1, U.S.A., July, 1917-Janu- ary, 1919; in England and France as delegate to the Interallied Scientific Conference, called by the Royal Society of London, Sept. -Dec, 1919. Foster, Nellis B., Lieut. Col., M.C., N.A. Major, M.C., Medical Chief, Base Hospital, Camp Meade, Pa., Aug., 1917; Director of Mili- tary Medicine, Med. O.T.C., Fort Oglethorpe, Ga., Aug., 1918; Lieut. Col., Oct., 1918; Medical Officer, Walter Reed General Hospital, Wash- ington, D. C, and Medical Consultant to the Northeastern Dept., 1919; Discharged, July, 1919. Frissell, Lewis F., 1st Lieut., M.C., U.S.A. Contract Surgeon, 1917; Chairman of Med. Ad- visory Board, St. Luke's Hospital, N.Y.C, Jan.- [233 July, 1918; Tuberculosis Commission of the Rockefeller Foundation in France, A.E.F., July, 1918-Jan., 1919. Geester^ Arpad G., 1st Lieut. Medical Reserve Corps, U.S.A. Gibson, Charles L., Major, M.C., A.E.F. Organized Base Hospital No. 9 (New York Hospital) for Am. Red Cross, Jan., 1916; Ma- jor, M.R.C., April, 1917; Chateauvoux, Sept., 1917; recalled to the United States for service in the Cornell Medical College, N.Y.C., Feb., 1918. Gilder, Rodman, Major, U.S.A. Air Service, U.S.A., Capt., July, 1917. Liaison Officer w^ith the Royal Flying Corps, Canada; Major, May, 1918. Administrative and instruc- tion work at various non-flviner schools of the Air service; Discharged, April, 1919. Goodrich, Casper F., Admiral, U.S.N. (Retired) In command of the Navy Training School, Princeton, N. J. Goodridge, Frederic G., Major, M.C. Active duty. May, 1917, organizing Base Hos- pitals Nos. 37 and 15, Fort Benjamin Harrison, Ind., July, 1917; Asst. Surgeon and Surgeon of 46th U.S. Infantry at Fort SneUing, Minn., and Fort Crook, Neb., Aug., 1917; Field Hospital No. 29, 5th Div., A.E.F., the Vosges, at St. 1:243 Mihiel, and the Meuse-Argonne. Commissioned 1st Lieutenant, Captain and Major. Graves, Henry S., Lieut. Col., A.E.F. Major, Engineers, June, 1917; in France for organization of the work of the U.S. Forest Regi- ments; Lieut. Col., 10th Engineers, Forestry, Sept., 1917; recalled to U.S. to resume work as Chief of the U.S. Forest Service, Dec, 1918. Greenway, James C, Major, M.C., U.S.A. Base Hospital at Camp Bowie, Texas, Sept., 1917-March, 1919. Harrison, Henry Sydnor, Lieut., U.S.N.R.F. Am. Ambulance, France, March- June, 1915. Harte, Richard H., Col., M.R.C., A.E.F. Major, M.R.C., U.S.A., May, 1917; Lieut. Col, May, 1918; Col., Oct., 1918; Director, Base Hospital No. 10, U.S.A., 1917; Commanding Of- ficer, General Hospital No. 16, B.E.F., 1917; Asst. Director, Surgical Service in France, 1917; detached from foreign service, and ordered to Walter Reed Hospital, Washington, D.C., Nov., 1918; Discharged, Jan., 1919; Companion St. Michael and St. George; British War Medal; mentioned in dispatches by Gen. Sir Douglas Haig; Citation by Gen. Pershing. Hartwell, John A., Major, M.C., A.E.F. Am. Red Cross, July, 1917, Nat. Advisor on Surgical Dressings in the United States and France; Director of a course of instruction in 1:253 Fractures and War Surgery at Bellevue Hos- pital, under the Cornell University Medical Col- lege, Nov., 1917; Major, Med. Corps, Jan., 1918; Chairman, Medical Advisory Board, No. 8, Cor- nell Univ. Medical College, N.Y.C., Feb., 1918; A.E.F. in France, July-Nov., 1918, care of Sur- gical Supplies; Am. Red Cross, and the study of surgery in the American Army. Worked in the Evacuation and Field Hospitals during one- half of the Argonne-Meuse battle; Consultant Surgeon to the Debarkation Hospitals of the Port of New York; Discharged, July, 1919. Heiser, Victor G., Major Public Health Service, N.A. HiCKOK, Charles R., Major, A.E.F. Judge Advocate, Signal Reserve Corps, Avia- tion Section, A.E.F. Hill, Frederick Trevor, Lieut. Col., A.E.F. Private, 1st Training Regt., Plattsburg, 1915; Sergt., 3rd Training Regt., Plattsburg, 1916; Captain, Q.M.R.C, Feb., 1917; Gen. Pershing's Staff, France, May, 1917; Major, Dec, 1917; Lieut. Col., Oct., 1918; Legion of Honor, April, 1919; Discharged, Feb., 1919; Recommis- sioned Lieut. Col., Aug., 1919. Hodge, Henry W., Col., A.E.F. Major, Engineer Officers Reserve Corps, spring of 1917; sailed for France, July, 1917; Lieut. Col., Oct., 1917; Col., Aug., 1918. During his service was first in charge of the designing of railroad structures, was afterwards Manager of Roads, and finally was Asst. Chief Engineer of the Army, in charge of military bridges; Dis- charged, January, 1919. How^LAND, John, Major, U.S.A. Medical Department, Surgeon General's office, Washington, D. C, and service at Camp Meade, Pa., and elsewhere. Hunt, J. Ramsay, Lieut. Col, M.C., A.E.F. Contract Surgeon, U.S.A., July, 1917; O.T.C., Ft. Myer, Va., in charge of Neuro-Psychiatric Examinations; Major, M.C., U.S.A., consultant in Neurology and Psychiatry, Beau Desert Hos- pital Centre, France; Discharged, April, 1919; Lieut. Col., M.C., A.E.F., May, 1919. Hyde, Arthur S., Capt., A.E.F. O.A.T.C, Plattsburg, N. Y., Capt. Inf., Nov., 1917; Camp Merritt, N. J., Jan., 1918; attended 2nd Corps School, Chatillon-sur-Seine, France, Feb., 1918; Observer with French Army at Ver- dun; Capt., Co. L, 18th Inf., 1st Div., March, 1918; active service in the Montdidier-Cantigny area, April-July, 1918; Instructor and Company Commander at Army Candidates' School, Lan- gres, July, 1918-Jan., 1919; in command of Co. B, 18th Inf., Army of Occupation, at the Co- blenz Bridge, Jan.-April, 1919; twice gassed; Discharged, June, 1919. James, Henry, 2nd Lieut., A.E.F. Adjt. Gen.'s Office, Washington, D. C, Volun- teer Assistant, March, 1918; 342nd Mach. Gun [27] Battalion, 89th Div., May, 1918; 2nd Lieut., 11th Inf., 5th Div., Nov., 1918-March, 1919, A.E.F.; detailed to Peace Conference, Paris, as assistant and acting Secretary of American Delegation on Reparations Commission, March, 1919; con- tinued after demobilization in April until ap- pointed American representative on Inter-Allied Danube Commission, on which he served until Aug., 1919. Janeway, Theodore C, Major Medical Reserve Corps, U.S.A. Johnson, Douglas W., Major, U.S.A. Local Exemption Board, N.Y.C., No. 136, 1917; Member of Div. of Geology and Geogra- phy, Nat. Research Council, and, as its foreign representative, active in supplying to the Coun- cil detailed reports on the use of Geology and Geography in the Allied and Enemy Armies of Europe, 1917; Member of staff of Experts as- sembled by order of the President under direc- tion of Colonel E. M. House to prepare data for the Peace Conference, 1917; Major, Mihtary Intelligence Div., N.A., 1918; War Dept., Spe- cial Mission to war fronts, to study relation of Topography to Strategy in Belgium, France and Italy, and the Balkans, March-Oct., 1918; appointed by Col. E. M. House to study prepa- rations being made in European capitals for the coming Peace Conference, March, 1918; Dept. State, Am. Commis. to Negotiate Peace, Spe- cialist in Boundary Geography, Dec, 1918; Chief [;283 of Div. of Boundary Geography, Am. Peace Coinmis., and Advisor to the President and Com- missioners, Paris, Jan.-Sept., 1919; appointed by Secy, of State to represent the Am. Govt, on the Roimianian, Jugoslav, and Central Territo- rial Commissions at the Peace Conference ; Tech- nical Advisor to State Dept. on European Terri- torial Questions, Oct., 1919; active in work of the American Rights League, Exec. Com., Chairman. Kammerer, Frederic, Major, M.R.C. 1st Lieut., U.S.A., Feb., 1911; Major, O.R.C., U.S.A., April, 1917; U.S.A., General Hospital No. 12, Asheville, N. C, Chief of Surgical Div. Kennedy, Foster, Major, B.E.F. Royal Army Medical Corps, with British Armies in France. Keppel, David, Capt. Mil. Naval Bureau, Columbia Univ., Executive Secretary, April-July, 1917; Am. Red Cross, Washington, D. C, July-Sept., 1917; Capt., Mil. Intel. Div., Washington, D. C, Oct., 1917-Dec., 1918; Discharged, Dec, 1918. Knoblock, Edward, Capt., British Army. Lambert, Alexander, Col., M.C., A.E.F. 1st Lieut., M.R.C, U.S.A., July, 1908; Am. Red Cross in France, Chief Surgeon, June, 1917; Am. Red Cross, Medical Advisor, Aug.-Dec, 1918; Lieut. Col., M.C., A.E.F., Aug., 1918; [:29] Col., M.C., A.E.F., Oct., 1918; Asst. to Chief Surgeon, Port of Embarkation, Hoboken, N. J., Dec, 1918; Medical Consultant at Embarkation Hospitals Nos. 3 and 5, N.Y.C. ; active in form- ing the Red Cross Research Socy. in France, where cooperation was achieved between the med- ical men of France, England and America. Le Conte, Robert G., Commander, U.S.N. Lieut. Commander, Med. Corps, U.S.N.R.F., June, 1917; Commander, U.S.N., Base Hospital No. 5, until Sept., 1917; with hospital at Brest, France, until Dec, 1918. Also U.S.N., Medical Liaison Officer for Naval Forces in France; Rep- resentative in International Medical Commis- sion, Brest. Legion of Honor, June, 1919; Pro- moted, Commander, U.S.N., July, 1919. Lee, Burton James, Lieut. Col., M.R.C., U.S.A. Base Hospital No. 9, France, Aug., 1917; La Paune, Belgium, Oct.-Jan., 1918; Transfusion Committee, U.S.A., Chairman, Jan.-March, 1918; Consulting Surgeon, 2nd Div., U.S.A., March-Nov., 1919; Consulting Surgeon, 4th Corps, later Asst. Consulting Surgeon, 2nd Army; Captain M.C., U.S.A., July, 1918; Ma- jor, July, 1918; Lieut. Col., Nov., 1918; D.S.M.; Croix de Guerre, one star. LiBBEY, William, Lieut. Col., U.S.A. Major, Ord. R.C., Feb., 1918; Asst. Chief In- spector, Small Arms Firing School, Camp Per- ry, Ohio, May, 1918; Lieut. Col., Inf., Sept., [30] 1918; Chief Rifle Demonstrator, Ord. Dept., Washington, D. C, Oct., 1918; Discharged, March, 1919. LiYERMORE, William R., Col., U.S.A. Active mihtary duty, May, 1917 ; editor and busi- ness manager of Professional Memoirs, the offi- cial publication of the Corps of Engineers; re- lieved from duty, June, 1919. LoNGCOPE, Warfield T., Col., M.C., U.S.A. Major, M.O.R.C., April, 1917; Lieut. Col., M.C., N.A., Office of Surgeon General, Division of Medicine, Aug., 1917-July, 1918; Col., M.C., U.S.A., May, 1918; Senior Consultant for In- fectious Diseases, July, 1918-Jan., 1919; Dis- charged, Jan., 1919. LuQUER, Thatcher T. P., Col., A.E.F. Capt., Engineers, R.F., March, 1917; O.T.C., Ft. Oglethorpe, Ga., May, 1917; Major, Aug., 1917, 306th Engineers, 81st Div., Camp Jack- son, S. C, in command of 2nd Battalion; Lieut. Col., N.A., May, 1918; School for Field Officers at Langres, France, Aug., 1918; Col. of regi- ment (detached), Oct., 1918; Col. in command in the Vosges, St. Die sector, Nov., 1918; the Div. moved to the Sommedieue, south of Verdun, and became the Right Wing of the 1st Army. The Div. attacked, 9 Nov., and fought until the Armistice; relieved of conmiand, 13 Dec, and resmned duties as Lieut. Col.; Col. Engi- neers, U.S.A., March, 1919; Discharged, May, 1919; on detached service, March-April, 1919, as C31] Divisional Educational Officer, 8th Corps, U.S.A.; Citation for conduct in action, Nov. 9-11, 1918. MacCallum, W. G., 1st Lieut., N.A. Contract Surgeon, N.A., Expert in Pneumonia at Army Camps, 1918. Mackenzie, R. Tait, Major, R.A.M.C., B.E.F. Major, R.A.M.C, July, 1915, Connaught Hosp., Aldershot, later H.Q. Gymnasimii, Al- dershot; War Office, London, Oct., 1915, organ- izing Command Depots; Medical Officer in charge of Command Depot, Heaton Park, Man- chester, Nov., 1915-June, 1916; Inspection duty. Command Depots and Convalescent Camps, June-Sept., 1916; Military Hospitals Commis., Canada, Inspector, May-Sept., 1917; Surg. Gen.'s Office, Washington, D. C, Advisor in Physical Therapy, 1918. Manning, William T., Chaplain, N.A. Volunteer Chaplain, Camp Upton, N. Y., Chap- lain of 302nd Engineers, 77th Div., Dec, 1917- April, 1918; Chaplain of 6th Battalion, 152nd Depot Brigade, April-Nov., 1918; Knight, Le- gion of Honor; Officer, Order of the Crown (Belgium). Mather, Frank Jewett, Jr., Ensign, U.S.N. May, William Ropes, Major, M.C., A.E.F. O.A.T.C, Plattsburg, N. Y., 1915-16; 1st Lieut., M.R.C., March, 1916; Ft. Slocum, N. Y., April, 1917; O.R.C., Med. Sec, Capt., Aug., 1:323 1917; Major, Feb., 1918, at Ft. Slocum, N. Y., April-Sept., 1917; M.O.T.C., Camp Greenleaf, Ga., Oct.-Nov., 1917; Base Hospital, Camp Bowie, Tex., Nov., 1917-Aug., 1918; with Base Hospital No. 84, at Perigueux, France, as Chief of Medical Service, Sept., 1918-Jan., 1919; Evac- uation Hospital No. 13, Walferdange, Luxem- burg, Jan. -July, 1919; Discharged, Aug., 1919. Mayo, William J., Col. Chief Consultant for all the Surgical Services, 1917-19, U.S.A., Med. Dept.; D.S.O., May, 1919. Merrill, Charles E., Jr., Major, A.E.F. O.R.T.C, Plattsburg, Nov., 1917; Capt., Inf., attached to 78th Div., Camp Dix, N. J., Dec, 1917; Executive Officer, Post-graduate School for Officers, Camp Dix, N. J., Jan.-March, 1918; Commanding E Co., 303rd Ammunition Train, March-May, 1918; on detached service with Ad- vance Party, 78th Div., France, May-June, 1918; at Army General Staff College, Langres, France, June-Sept., 1918; assigned as Brigade Adjt. and Operations Officer, 15Gth Inf. Bri- gade, 78th Div., Sept., 1918; Major, Inf., Oct., 1918; served in St. Mihiel salient, Sept., 1918, and in Argonne-Meuse battle, Oct.-Nov., 1918. Merriman, Roger B., Capt., A.E.F. Capt., Ord., May, 1918; Aide to Gen. W. S. Graves, A.E.F., Siberia, July, 1918; Mil. Intel. Dept., Washington, D. C, Dec, 1918; Dis- charged, 30 Dec, 1918. 1:333 ' Meyer, Adolf, 1st Lieut. Contract Surgeon, N.A. MoLiTOR, Frederic A., Col., A.E.F. Major, Engineer O.R.C., January, 1917; O.T.C., Fort Oglethorpe, Ga., May, 1917; Of- fice of Chief of Engineers, Bureau of Director General of Military Railways, July, 1917; Lieut. Col., Engineers, N.A., Dec, 1917; assigned to 22nd Engineers, June, 1918; Col., Engineers, U.S.A., G.H.Q., A.E.F., Sept., 1918; Dis- charged, March, 1919. Murphy, Fred T., Col., M.C., A.E.F. Major, M.O.R.C., April, 1917, Director, Base Hosp. No. 21, France; May, 1917, with Cas- ualty Clearing Sta. No. 64, B.E.F.; Command- ing Officer of Base Hosp. No. 21, in Brit. Gen. Hosp. No. 12, Rouen, Sept.-Oct., 1917; Lieut. Col., N.A.; transferred to A.E.F., assigned to Med. Div. of Gen. Staff, Chaumont, May, 1918; Personal Representative of Chief Surgeon, A.E.F., with Am. Red Cross, Paris, and made Director of Medical and Surg. Supplies Dept. of Am. Red Cross, Aug., 1918; Col., Oct., 1918; Discharged, Jan., 1919. NicoLL, Fancher, Capt., A.E.F. EnUsted in Co. K, 7th Inf., N.Y.G., March, 1900. He became a Sergeant in that company in Jan., 1909. In Dec, 1909, he was appointed 2nd Lieut, of Co. L, and was made a Captain in July, 1913. From July to Nov., 1916, he 1:34] served with distinction with his company on the Mexican border. In answer to the President's call for mobihzation he became a part of the U.S.A. in Aug., 1917. Capt. Nicoll, at the time of his death, was serving with the 6th British Division at the front. He was killed on the morning of the twenty-seventh of Sept., 1918, while leading his men in an attack on the enemy's works. Only twenty-nine members of his com- pany survived the charge. In a letter written by a member of the company after the disastrous engagement we find this statement: "Even when Capt. Nicoll was dying he reached out his hand to comfort his company clerk, who had been wounded beside him." Osborne, Thomas Mott, Lieut. Conmiander, U.S.N.R.F. In command of U.S. Naval Penitentiary, Ports- mouth, N. H., 1917-1919. Page, Curtis Hidden, Major, U.S.A. Military Stores School, Dartmouth College, N. H., Group Leader, June-Aug., 1917; Capt., O.R.C., Washington, D. C, Dec, 1917; Office of the Chief of Ordnance, Washington, D. C; Chief of Mail Control and of File and Record Sections, Dec, 1917-March, 1918; Ordnance Training Camp, Camp Hancock, Ga., March, 1918-Feb., 1919, serving as Intelligence Officer, Summary Court Officer, Senior Instructor, First Regi- ment, O.T.C.; Chief Intelligence Officer; Mem- ber and Reporter of the Efficiency Board, 1:35] O.T.C.; Inspector and Senior Instructor, Sec- ond Regiment, O.T.C., Commanding Officer, 1st Regt., O.T.C., President of Examining Board, O.T.C., President of Special Courts, O.T.C., Commanding Officer, 2nd Regt., O.T.C., Major, U.S.A., Oct., 1918; Senior Instructor, O.T.C., Mustering Out Officer, O.T.C., Nov., 1918, Feb., 1919; Assigned to Ammunition Div., Field Service, General Ordnance Depot, Mor- gan, N. J., Feb.-March, 1919; Personal Adjt. and Mustering Out Officer, March, 1919; Execu- tive Officer, March-June, 1919; Commanding Officer, Penniman General Ordnance Depot, June-Oct., 1919; Discharged, Oct., 1919. Palmer, Frederick, Lieut. Col. A.E.F. Accredited correspondent of the Press of the United States with the B.E.F., Aug., 1914-Dec., 1916. In Aug., 1914, the British War Office offered to receive one correspondent to represent the American press at the British Front in France. The Press Association of America chose Frederick Palmer for this position. Major, Sig- nal Corps, A.E.F., June, 1917-Dec., 1918; In- telhgence Section, Genl. Staff, Dec, 1917-June, 1919; Gen. Pershing's Staff, A.E.F., Lieut. Col., Oct., 1918. Paris, Wm. Franklyn, Capt., N.A. General Staff, Military Intelligence Div.; En- listed June, 1917; 1st Lieut., Inf., N.A., Aug., 1917 ; Capt., Military Intelligence Division Staff, Aug., 1919. [36] Parsons, Wm. Barclay, Col., A.E.F. Major, 1st Engineers, U.S.R., Oct., 1916; Lieut. Col., N.A., July, 1917, 11th U.S. Engineers, with British Forces, Aug., 1917-Feb., 1918, and March- June, 1918; in Cambrai offensive, 20-24 Nov., 1917, and in Cambrai defensive, 30 Nov.- 4 Dec, 1917 ; operations near Arras and Bethune, 1918; St. Mihiel and Argonne-Meuse offensive, and operations in Toul sector, 1918; Col., U.S.A., Sei3t., 1918; D.S.O. (British); Crown of Belgium (Belgian). Paton, Stewart, Major, A.E.F. Contract Surgeon, 1918; Commissioned Major, M.R.C., April, 1918; Overseas Service, Oct., 1918. Pearce, Richard M., Major, M.C., U.S.A. Am. Red Cross, Medical Service of Foreign Conmiissions, Director, 1917; National Research Council, Div. of Medicine, Chairman, 1918; Ma- jor, M.C., U.S.A., 1918. Peck, CHiUiLES H., Col., M.C., A.E.F. Council of National Defence, Gen. Med. Bd. ; N.G. State Nat. Defence Assn.; Organizer and Director of Base Hosp. No. 15, U.S.A., July, 1917, at Chaumont, France, a three-thousand bed hospital, and H.Q. Hosp. of A.E.F. during the war; Major, M.O.R.C, May, 1917; Senior Consultant in General Surgery, A.E.F., April, 1918; Lieut. Col., M.C., N.A., June, 1918; Col., M.C., Aug., 1918; Surgeon Gen.'s Office, Wash- 1:373 ington, D. C, Chief of Dept. of General Sur- gery, Aug., 1918-Feb., 1919; Discharged Feb., 1919; Recommissioned, Col., M.O.R.C., May, 1919; D.S.M.; Hon. Member of 68th Battalion, Alpine Chasseurs, for services to French Army during the battle of Chemin des Dames, Oct., 1917. PiERREPONT, Seth Low, Eusigu, U.S.N.R.F. Third District Exempt. Bd., Conn. ; State Coun- cil of Defence, Conn., Com. on Food Supply, Secy., Chairman of Ridgefield Committee; Lo- cal Fuel Administration, Ridgefield, Conn.; U.S.N.R., Aviation, Chief Q.M., June, 1918; Ensign, U.S.N.R.F., Oct., 1918, U.S. Naval Air Station, Hampton Roads, Va.; Discharged, Jan., 1919. PiNKHAM, Edward W., Col., M.C., A.E.F. Capt., M.C., U.S.A., Recruiting duty, N.Y.C., July, 1917; Major, M.C., U.S.A., Oct., 1917, Surgical Service, Fort McPherson, Ga.; Ad- ministrative work, Camp Lee, Va., and Camp Meade, Pa.; Chief Officer, Base Hosp. No. 10.5, Ft. Benjamin Harrison, Ind., Lieut. Col., A.E.F., Oct., 1918; at Brest, France, Executive Officer, Hospital Centre, Oct., 1918-Feb., 1919; at Joue-les-Tours, Tours, France, Chief Officer, Hospital Centre, Feb.-June, 1919; Col., M.C., May, 1919; Discharged, July, 1919. Pool, Eugene H., Lieut. Col., A.E.F. Medical Corps, A.E.F., Base Hosp. No. 9. Seventeen months' service abroad. CSS] Powers, Charles A., Lieut. Col., M.R.C., U.S.A. Am. Amb. Hosp., Paris, Senior Surgeon, April, 1916-July, 1917; Major, M.C., U.S.A., Chief of Surgical Service, Am. Mil. Hosp. No. 1, A.E.F., Neuilly, France, July, 1917-Oct., 1918; owing to physical disability was returned to U.S., Oct., 1918; on duty in U.S., Gct.-Dec, 1918; Discharged, Dec, 1918; Lieut. Col., M.R.C., U.S.A., July, 1919. Rand, William, Col., A.E.F. Major, Dec, 1917; office of Judge Advocate Gen., Washington, D. C, Jan.-March, 1918; G.H.Q., Chaumont, France, March, 1918-April, 1919; Lieut. Col., Oct., 1918; Col., April, 1919; office of Judge Advocate Gen., Washington, D. C, April, 1919; Discharged, May, 1919. RiGGS, Austen F., 1st Lieut., M.C., U.S.A. O.R.C., M.C., Amb. Co. No. 13 (later, 301st Amb. Co.), March, 1917; Discharged for physi- cal disability, July, 1917; Psychiatric Consul- tant, Med. Advisory Bds. of 2nd and 3rd Dis- tricts, Mass., until Oct., 1918. RoBBiNS, Reginald C, U.S.N., Lieut., J.G. Ensign, U.S.N.R., April, 1917; Command of U.S.S. "Grosbeak," April, 1917; U.S.S. "Zen- da," June, 1917; U.S.S. "Dixie," Aug., 1917; Navigator, Signal and Communication Officer, Sept., 1917; Staff of Adm. Wilson, as Coding Watch Officer, Jan., 1918; Lieut., J.G., May, 1918; U.S.S. "Von Steuben," as Patrol Watch Officer, May, 1918; Relieved, Feb., 1919. [39] Robertson, Thomas Markoe, 2nd Lieut., A.E.F. Air Service, U.S.A., 2nd Lieut., Feb., 1918; Air Service, H.Q., London, Assistant Personnel Officer, April- Aug., 1918; British Independent Air Service, Assistant Intelligence Officer, Aug.- Sept., 1918; Army Intelligence School, Langres, France, Sept.-Nov., 1918; First Army Observa- tion Group, Vavincourt, France, Intelligence Officer, Nov.-Dec, 1918. Russell, Frederick F., Col., M.C., U.S.A. Lieut. Col. and Col., M.C., U.S.A., May, 1917; Army Medical School, Washington, D. C. Saint Gaudens, Homer, Capt., A.E.F. O.A.T.C., Plattsburg, N. Y., May, 1917; 1st Lieut., Inf., Aug., 1917; 1st Lieut., Engineers, Sept., 1917; Capt., Engineers, May, 1918; or- ganized the first Camouflage Company, Co. A, 40th Engineers, Dijon, France, Dec, 1917; in charge of the camouflage work of the 2nd Div., Feb. -July, 1918, in charge of important camou- flage work for the American Army until Nov., 1918; wounded at the battle of Verdun- Argonne, 25 Sept., 1918. Saville, Marshall H., Capt., U.S.A. Military Intelligence. Schelling, Ernest, Major, A.E.F. Capt., Inf., Aug., 1917; Major, Nov., 1918; service at War College, Washington, D. C, and at Fort Myer, Va. ; Assistant Military Attache at Berne, Switzerland, since Nov., 1917; Mis- [40] sions in Russia, Poland and Germany; Legion of Honor, Nov., 1918. ScHoriELD, W. Elmer, Capt., B.E.F. Royal Fusiliers, 24th Battalion; Royal Artil- lery, 2nd Lieut., Oct., 1915; served in France with M Battery (Anti- Aircraft) in 3rd and 4th Armies ; in the battles of the Somme, Arras, and Cambrai; with 2nd Army of Occupation, Co- logne, Germany, Guards Div., as Capt., and Acting Major; Discharged, Jan., 1919. Schuyler, Montgomery, Capt., A.E.F. Ordnance and Mil. Intel. Div., Siberia, Chief, Gen. Staff, U.S.A. Scott, James Brown, Major, A.E.F. Officers Reserve Corps, Judge Advocate, Wash- ington, D. C, May, 1917; Service in France; Discharged, March, 1919. Sever, George F., Major, Engineers, U.S.A. Commissioned, March, 1918; War Industries Board, Engineering investigations in New Eng- land and on the Pacific Coast in regard to the sufficiency of electric power for war needs ; Dis- charged, May, 1919. Shear, Theodore L., 1st Lieut., U.S.A. O.A.T.C, Plattsburg, N. Y., Aug., 1917; 1st Lieut., Inf., N.A., Nov., 1917; Dept. Mil. Aero- nautics, U.S.A., 1st Lieut., Feb., 1918; Dis- charged, Dec, 1918. Shrady, Henry M., 1st Lieut., U.S.A. Field Artillery. Smyth, Henry Lloyd, Capt., N.A. Instructor in Infantry Tactics and Topography, Harvard R.O.T.C, 1917-1918. SoPER, George A., Major, M.C., U.S.A. Commissioned, Jan., 1918; Med. Dept., Sanitary Corps, Washington, D. C; Discharged, Sept., 1919. Spalding, Albert, 1st Lieut., A.E.F. Signal Corps, Aviation Section, A.E.F.; Aero- plane Observer in Italy. Stimson, Henry L., Col., A.E.F. O.A.T.C, Plattsburg, 1916, 1st Lieut.; Major Judge Advocate, Gen. Staff, Washington, D. C, and Intelligence Officer, War College, May, 1917; Lieut. Col., 305th F.A., 77th Div., Camp Upton, N. Y., Aug., 1917; with 51st Highland Div., B.E.F., near Cambrai, Jan., 1918; General Staff College, A.E.F., Langres, France, took full course and was recommended for Divisional Chief of Staff, Feb.-May, 1918; at Toul for ob- servation with Artillery, 26th Div., A.E.F., May, 1918; with 305th F.A. at Souge, for field artillery instruction. May, 1918; in command of 1st BattaHon, 305th F.A., holding the right of the divisional sector near Baccarat, in Lor- raine, July, 1918; Col., F.A., returned to U.S., to command and bring over one of the new regi- ments then being raised, Aug., 1918; assigned 1:42: to 31st F.A., Camp Meade, Pa., Aug., 1918; Discharged, Dec, 1918; active in the organiza- tion of the Nat. Security League, Chairman of League's Com. on the Army ; writer and speaker in behalf of the war activities of the Nation. Straight, Willard, Major, A.E.F. Prominently identified with the organization of the Military Training Camp Associations in 1917; O.A.T.C, Plattsburg, N. Y., 1st Lieut., 1917; Major in Adjt. General's Department, U.S.A., April, 1917; Adjt. Gen. at Governor's Island, N. Y., May, 1917, and at Ft. Sill, Okla.; recalled to Washington to undertake the organi- zation of the War Risk Insurance Bureau, and in Dec, 1917, with his Staff, sailed for France to carry out the work of this Bureau in the A.E.F. In Feb., 1918, entered the General Staff College at Langres. Attached to the Staffs of the Third and Fifth Corps, during the organization, and at the opening of the St. Mihiel offensive was transferred to the General Staff of the First • Army. Previous to this he had received the Com- mission of Major of Infantry. Shortly before the Armistice he was selected by Gen. Pershing as Liaison Officer between himself and Marshal Foch, and immediately after the cessation of hostilities his services were utilized in the organi- zation of the American Delegation to the Peace Conference at Paris. He died from pneumonia, in Paris, 1 Dec, 1918; D.S.M. [433 Strong, Theron R., Major Captain, Field Artillery, U.S.A., Nov., 1917; Senior Instructor, Field Artillery, O.T.S., Camp Dix, N. J., Jan.-April, 1918; Captain, 317th Trench Mortar Battery, May, 1918; Major, Coast Art. Corps, U.S.A., Nov., 1918, Staff duty with Army Artillery, 1st Army, A.E.F.; Dis- charged, Feb., 1919. Swift, Homer F., Col., M.C., A.E.F. Capt., M.R.C., May, 1917; Director of Medical Service, Base Hospital No. 2, B.E.F., Jan., 1917-Jan., 1918; Major, M.R.C., July, 1917; Am. Red Cross, Trench Fever Investigation Commission, Jan.-June, 1918; First Army Corps, A.E.F., Consultant Physician, July-Nov., 1918; Consultant Physician, Third Army Corps, A.E.F., Nov., 1918-April, 1919; Lieut. Col., M.C., Nov., 1918; Col., M.C., March, 1919; Dis- charged, April, 1919. Swinburne, William T., Rear Admiral, U.S.N. (Retired) Served as President of General Court Martial at Headquarters of The Cruiser and Transport Force at Hoboken, N. J., Oct., 1918, until Sept., 1919. Thomas, John M., 1st Lieut. Chaplain, N.A. Tillman, Samuel E., Brig. Gen., U.S.A. Superintendent Military Academy, West Point, 1:443 N. Y., June, 1917- June, 1919; Brig. Gen., U.S.A., March, 1919. Train, Arthur C, Major, U.S.A. Major, Mil. Intelligence Div. of Gen. Staff, Washington, D. C. After a course at the War College for Staff Officers, he received a certifi- cate as "Assistant, Grade 2"; Service, Oct., 1918- Jan., 1919. Trowbridge, Augustus, Col., A.E.F. Major, Signal Corps, June, 1917; Engineers Corps, Nov., 1917; Lieut. Col., Engineers, Gen. Pershing's Staff, Oct., 1918; British D.S.O. (Ci- tation of Sir Douglas Haig) ; D.S.M. (Citation of Gen. Pershing) ; Legion of Honor. VAN Beuren, Frederick T., Jr., Major, M.C., A.E.F. Captain, M.O.R.C., April, 1917; Major, May, 1918 ; Overseas as Commanding Officer of Section 3, Mobile Operating Unit No. 1, July, 1918- Feb., 1919; Discharged, Feb., 1919. Chief activi- ties: recruiting work for Medical Reserve Corps, May, 1917-March, 1918; Chief of Surgical Team in various Evacuation Hospitals in France, July-Nov., 1918. Vanderbilt, Cornelius, Brig. Gen., A.E.F. Col., 22nd Engineers, N.Y.G., Dec, 1916; Col., Corps of Engineers, U.S.A., Aug., 1917; Col., 102nd Engineers, Spartanburg, S. C, Sept., 1917-March, 1918, Chief Engineer of 27th Div.; Acting Chief of Staff, 27th Div., Feb.-March, 1918; Camp Humphreys, Va., March-May, 1918; Brig. Gen., A.E.F., June, 1918; Brig. Gen., 13th Div., N.A., Camp Lewis, Wash., Aug.-Sept., 1918; Brig. Gen., 25th Inf. Brigade, 13th Div., Sept., 1918, until discharged; Brig. Gen., O.R.C., Aug., 1919; D.S.M. Van Dyke, Henry, Lieut. Commander, U.S.N. Chaplain; Commander, Legion of Honor. VoGEL, Karl M., Captain, M.R.C., N.A. Am. Hosp. Ambulance, Hospital B, Juilly, France, Nov., 1914-March, 1915; Medical Re- serve Corps. Walker, John B., Col., A.E.F. Medical Corps., U.S.A.; Commanding Officer and Chief of Surgical Service, Base Hospital No. 116 (Special Hospital for Fractures). Ward, Cabot, Lieut. Col., A.E.F. Major, Signal Corps, Aviation Section, U.S.A., Aug., 1917; Lieut. Col., Asst. Chief of Staff, S.O.S., Dec, 1918; D.S.M. ; Legion of Honor. Weld, Francis M., Major, A.E.F. O.T.C., May, 1917; Capt., Inf., Aug., 1917; Major, 2nd Battalion, 308th Inf., 77th Div., Oct., 1918; Campaigns of Baccarat, the Vesle, and the Argonne; Wounded, 5 Nov., 1918. Welling, Richard, Lieut., U.S.N.R.F. Fleet Naval Reserve, commanding Naval Base No. 4, Montauk, N. Y., March, 1917-Aug. 1919. 1:463 Wells, Edgar H., Capt., U.S.A. Am. Red Cross, Assistant to the Vice Chairman and Assist, to Acting Chairman and Director of Chapters, Dec, 1916-Aug., 1917; Deputy Com- missioner to Great Britain, Aug., 1919; Capt., Asst. to Mihtary Attache, Am. Embassy, Lon- don, Dec, 1917-Dec., 1918; Discharged, Jan., 1919; Mihtary Cross (British), Nov., 1919. WiLGUs, William J., Col., A.E.F. Major, Engineer O.R.C., Feb., 1917; Col., En- gineers, Railroad Transportation Corps, Oct., 1917; Military Railway Commis. to England and France, May, 1917. This Conmiission of five were the first of the combatant forces of the U.S. to land on European soil after the declara- tion of war by this country; prominent in de- termining the transportation policy of the U.S. in France; Director of Railways, Nov., 1917; , Deputy Director Gen. of Transportation; Dis- charged, Jan., 1919; D.S.M., March, 1919; Le- gion of Honor, April, 1919. WiLLARD, Daniel, Col., U.S.A. Council of Nat. Defence, Advisory Commis., Oct., 1916, Chairman; Sub-Com. on Transporta- tion and Conmiunication, Chairman, and, at the request of the Council of Nat. Defence, brought about the organization of the Railroad War Board; War Industries Board, Chairman, Nov., 1917; Col. Engineers, Engineers Dept., Trans- portation Sec, Oct. 1918. 1:47] Williams, Linsly R., Lieut. Col., M.C., A.E.F. R.O.T.C., Camp Benjamin Harrison, Ind., 1917; 1st Lieut.; Capt.; Major; Lieut. Col.; Serv- ice in France, May, 1918-March, 1919; with 81st Div.; Gen. H.Q.; Advance Gen. H.Q. Williams, William, Lieut. Col., N.A. Received Commission, Feb., 1918, Ord. Dept., Procurement Div., Washington, D. C, Law Service; Discharged, Feb., 1919. Wilson, Woodrow President of the United States; Commander in Chief of the Army and Navy ; head of the Com- mission for the Negotiation of Peace at Paris, 1918-1919. Zinsser, Hans, Col., M.C., U.S.A. Member of the American Red Cross Commission for the Suppression of Typhus in Servia, 1915; entered active service as Major, M.R.C, U.S.A., Aug., 1917; served in Surgeon General's Office until Jan., 1918; Asst. Director of Lab- oratories, A.E.F., Jan.-June, 1918; Sanitary Inspector, 1st Army Corps, June-Oct., 1918; Sanitary Inspector, 2nd Army Corps, Oct., 1918-Feb., 1919; Discharged, April, 1919, as Col., M.C., U.S.A. [48] MEMBERS OF THE CENTURY ASSOCIA- TION WHO IN THE GREAT WAR REN- DERED SERVICE TO THE GOVERNMENT OF THE UNITED STATES OR TO ONE OF THE ALLIED POWERS, IN ACTIVITIES OTHER THAN MILITARY OR NAVAL SER- VICE, THROUGH ORGANIZATIONS RECOG- NIZED BY THAT GOVERNMENT. EACH OF THESE IS REPRESENTED BY A STAR ON THE SERVICE FLAG SHOWN DURING THE WAR WITHIN THE CLUB HOUSE. MEMBERS REPRESENTED BY STARS ON THE SERVICE FLAG SHOWN WITHIN THE CLUB HOUSE Abbott, Lawrence F. Nat. Security League, Executive Com. ; active in writing in support of the war activities of the Government. Abbott, Lyman League to Enforce Peace; active in writing and in lecturing in support of the war activities of the Government. Adams, Elbridge L. American Red Cross, Capt., serving as hospital representative in France, June-Dec, 1918; Legal Advisory Board, Central Law Committee, N.Y.C. Adams, Herbert Committee on Public Information, Div. of Pic- torial Publicity. Agar, John G. War Dept., Commis. on Training Camp Activi- ties; Nat. Catholic War Council, on Com. of Eleven. Akeley, Carl. E. Engineer Dept., U.S.A., Div. of Investigation, Research and Development, Consulting Engi- neer; Emergency Fleet Corp., Special Asst. to Chief of the Concrete Ship Div. Alderman,, Edwin A. Am. Red Cross ; Council of Nat. Defense, Edu- cational Section, Washington, D. C. Aldrich, Chester H. Am. Red Cross in Italy. Ames, Charles W. State Safety Commis., Minn.; Am. Fund for French Wounded, Paris, 1916; Chevalier, Le- gion of Honor, July, 1919. Anderson, Edwin H. Commission on Training Camp Activities ; mem- ber of War Service Com.; Am. Library Asso- ciation. Appleton, Edward D. Home Defense, N.Y.C., Capt. Bacheller, Irving In service of British Foreign Office at the front as War Correspondent, 1917; active in writing both verse and prose in support of the war. Bacon, Gorham Medical Advisory Board, N.Y.C., of the New York Eye and Ear Infirmary. [52] Baekeland, Leo H. Naval Consulting Board; Nat. Research Coun- cil, Nitrate Supply Committee, Organizing Member. Bakek, Ray Stannard U.S. State Dept., Special Commissioner on La- bor and Political Conditions in England, France and Italy. In the Peace Conference at Paris was Director of the Press Service of the Ameri- can Commission. Bakewell, Charles M. Major, Am. Red Cross; Inspector and Historian for Italy; Rome, 1918-19. Baldwin, Edwin Legal Advisory Board, N.Y.C., Associate Mem- ber. Baldwin, George J. U.S. Shipping Board, Emergency Fleet Cor- poration, Hog Island, Pa., Board of Directors, Chairman; New York Shipbuilding Corpora- tion, Camden, N. J., Board of Directors, Chair- man. Baldwin, Henry deF. Legal Advisory Board, N.Y.C., Chairman, Lo- cal Exemption Board. Bangs, Francis S. Legal Advisory Board, N.Y.C., Supervisory Committee. Bangs, John Kendrick Rehabilitation of Devastated France, Am. Red Cross and Y.M.C.A., in France. Bannard, Otto T. Am. Red Cross, N.Y.C., purchase and distribu- tion of supphes, eight months' service ; under the Ahen Property Custodian, Advisory Committee on Sales, Chairman; Director of Hamburg- American Steamship Company, the North Ger- man Lloyd Steamship Company, and their American subsidiaiy companies. Barker, Lewellys F. Committee on Naval Recruiting in Maryland; Medical Advisory Board, N.A. Barse, George R., Jr. Am. Protective Service, Investigator ; Service on Long Island and Northern Westchester Co., N. Y. Bartlett, Frederic C. Naval Intelligence, Chicago, Assistant Manager and later Manager. Baskerville, Charles Bureau of Mines and Ordnance Dept. ; Consult- ing Engineer in manufacture of gas for warfare. Bassett, John S. Investigator for the National Board for His- torical Service, Washington, D. C; Y.M.C.A. Lecturer at Camp Devens, Mass. 1154: Beatty, Robert C. Legal Advisory Board, N.Y.C. Beers, Lucius H. Submarine Defense Assn., Chairman, service rendered in association with the Navy Dept. Betts, Samuel R. U.S. Commissioner, Southern Dist. of N.Y., act- ing Magistrate; Legal Advisory Board, N.Y.C; Advisory Council to Alien Property Custodian, in respect to matters involving Patents and Trade-marks; Director of Alien Property taken over by Alien Property Custodian. Biggs, Herman M. N. Y. State Mobilization Bureau; Am. Red Cross, Medical Advisory Com. Blashfield, Edwin H. Committee on Public Information, Div. of Pic- torial Publicity; one of Chairmen for N.Y.C; Treas. Dept., Liberty Loan Com., N.Y.C BoGERT, Walter L. Drama League, Service at Camps. Boston, Charles A. Legal Advisory Board, N.Y.C BouTON, Archibald L. In charge of academic instruction, S.A.T.C, New York University, Sept., 1918-Jan., 1919; Y.M.C.A., War Personnel Committee, the East- ern Division, March, 1918. 1553 Bradley, William Harrison U.S. Consul-General, Montreal, Canada. In charge of Belligerent Aliens, acting for the United States and Canadian Governments. Braixard, Owen Quartermaster's Division, N.A., Town Plan- ning, Camp Meade, Md.; Sub-Council of Na- tional Defense; Sub-Council on Housing, Hog Island, Pa. Brannan, John W. Ninth Coast Artillery, N.Y.G. Service, April, 1917-1920; Capt., Medical Corps, Dec, 1918. Breck, George W. Ninth Coast Artillery, N.Y.G. Brewster, Robert S. State Dept., Special Asst. to the War Trade Board in London, Oct., 191 8- Jan., 1919. Brewster, William T. Associate Director of the Am. University Union, Paris, and Registrar (volunteer) for soldiers in the University of Paris, under the Army Edu- cational Commission, Dec, 1918-May, 1919; previous to that was a Government employee, N.Y.C., and in that capacity read foreign lan- guage papers (Portuguese). Brown, Elmer E. Greater N.Y.C., Library War Council; univer- sity service in Vocational Training of soldiers and members of S.A.T.C., Univ. of N. Y. 1562 Brown, Lawkason Contract Surg., Camp Devens, Mass., Dec, 1917-Jan., 1918. Brown, William Adams War Time Commission of Churches, Secretary. Bruce, James M. Y.M.C.A., Teacher of French at Ft. Schuyler, N. Y., and at Governor's Island, N. Y. Burgess, Edavard S. Training Bacteriological workers at Hunter's College, N.Y.C., for Army Hospitals. Butler, Charles Member of the Am. Relief Clearing House, France, June, 1915-Noy., 1916; attached to the French Ministry of War as an Expert on Hos- pital Construction, 1916; member of the Serbian Relief Expedition, sent by the American Relief Clearing House to Corfu, Athens and Corsica, Feb.-March, 1916; decorated by the Serbian Government; U.S. Housing Corporation, as Ex- pert on Hospital Construction, July-Nov., 1918; member of the Committee on Army Hospital Plans, to examine and report on all plans for Army Hospitals in the United States. Butler, Howard Russell Treas. Dept., Government Loan Organization, painting pictures for Indoor Div. Advertising Bureau; Service for military camps, painting Range Finding Targets. Butler, Nicholas Murray Nat. Research Council, Committee on Methods of Submarine Detection, Chairman. Byard, Dever S. Medical Advisory Board No. 4, N. Y. C. Byrne, James Major, Am. Red Cross; Deputy Commissioner to Italy; District Exemption Board, N.Y.C. Campbell, Frederick B. War Committee of the Bar of the City of N.Y., Secretary. Canfield, George F. U.S. Appeal Agent; Local Exemption Board, N.Y.C. Carle, Frank A. Registration Board, Minneapolis; U.S. Ord- nance Dept., recruiting skilled workmen for ar- senals and munition plants. Carlton, Newcomb Council of National Defense, Com. on Telegraph and Telephones; Federal Director of Cables. Carrigan, William L. Connecticut State Home Guard, 2nd Lieut.; Asst. to U.S. Naval Attache, Lisbon, Portugal. Case, George B. Am. Red Cross, War Council, Washington, D. C. 1582 Chambers, Robert W. District Exemption Board, Malone, N. Y. Chambers, Walter B. State Guard, N.Y., Squadron A. Chapman, Frank M. Am. Red Cross, Bureau of Publications, Nat. H.Q., Director, June, 1917; Insular and For- eign Div., June, 1918; Commissioner to Latin- American Republics, Oct., 1918. Child, Edwin B. Y.M.C.A. work in military camps. Choate, Joseph H. Active in the campaign for preparedness ; Chair- man of the Committee of the City of New York in the reception of the Representatives of the Allied Powers, May, 1917. Chorley, E. Clowes U.S.N., 7th Regt. Marines, Chaplain. Clarke, Edmund A. S. Council Nat. Defense, Advisory Committee. Clearwater, Alphonso T. Internat. Red Cross; Questionnaire's Court, Ul- ster Co., N.Y., Chairman. Cobb, Henry E. Y.M.C.A., Director of Religious Work, Va. Cole, John H. Legal Advisory Board, N.Y.C., Associate Mem- ber, Board 153, later Board 100. Coleman, Warren Local Exemption Board, N.Y.C., No. 158, Medical Examiner. Collins, Charles F. Medical Advisory Board, St. Luke's Hospital, N.Y.C. Colt, Harris D. State Home Guard, N.Y.; Legal Advisory Board, Associate Member, N.Y.C. Conway, Eustace Legal Advisory Board, N.Y.C, Associate Mem- ber. CooLiDGE, Archibald C. Commission of Inquiry ; appointed by the Presi- dent, 1917, to study world conditions, prepara- tory to peace. CooLiDGE, J. Randolph, Jr. Am. Red Cross, Boston, Executive Com. ; Mass. Com. of Public Safety, Sub-Com. on Prevention of Social Evil in neighborhood of camps. Cotton, Joseph P. Allied Food and Finance Councils, London and Paris, 1918; U.S. Shipping Board, Counsel; Food Administration, 1917, Representative abroad. CouDERT, Frederic R. Local Exemption Board, N.Y.C, Chairman, Div. No. 128; Legal Advisor to British Em- bassy, and Counsel for other Allied Govern- [60] merits; one of the organizers of the American Rights League; active in support of prepared- ness, and in the war activities of the Government ; founder, and later Treasurer, of the Socicte pour les Enfants des Frontiet'es. Cox, WiLMOT T. Legal Advisory Boards, N.Y.C., Associate Member, Nos. 200 and 153. Craimpton, Henry E. Committee of National Defense, Advisory Com- mis.. Central Committee. Crane, Charles R. U.S. Special Diplomatic Mission to Russia, 1917. Crane, Clinton H. Council of Nat. Defense, Advisory Commission, Lead Committee, Chairman; Lead Producers' Conmiittee for War Service, Chairman. Crittenden, Walter H. Legal Advisory Board, N.Y.C.; Government Appeal Agent, Local Board No. 23, N.Y.C. Crosby, Raymond M. War Dept., Military Intelligence Section, U.S. Naval Experimental Station, New London, Conn. CuNLiFFE, John W. Am. University Union in Europe, Director of London Branch. Cei] Curtis, Francis G. Committee of Public Safety, Newton, Mass. CusHiNG, Harry A. Govermnent Appeal Agent, Local Exemption Board No. 156, N.Y.C. CusHMAN, James S. Commission on Training Camp Activities (Mili- tary Entertainments Committee) ; Chairman of the Board of Review; Y.W.C.A. War Work Council, Chairman, — was twice abroad; D.S.M. Cutler, Colman W. Medical Advisory Board, N.Y.C. CuYLER, Thomas DeWitt Committee on Public Safety, State of Penn.; Dept. of Military Affairs, Penn., Director. Damrosch, Frank H. Training Bandmasters for U.S.A., Governor's Island, N. Y. Damrosch, Walter Went to France in June, 1918, to give orchestral concerts for the soldiers of the A.E.F. At the request of General Pershing, he examined two hundred and ten bandmasters of the A.E.F., in order to determine their fitness. As a result of his further investigations as to the condition of the American bands, he founded a School for Bandmasters and Musicians for the A.E.F., Chaumont, France, the headquarters of our Army. As professors for this school he ob- 1:621 tained, by courtesy of the French Minister of War, the services of some of the foremost musi- cians of France, then in the French Army. The school was in operation under U.S. Army con- trol, Nov., 1918-June, 1919, and graduated hun- dreds of musicians as bandmasters and as oboe, bassoon and French horn players. Dana^ Charles L. War Dept., Committee on Medical and Surgical Standards; Nat. Com. on Mental Hygiene, War Work Committee, Chairman; Nat. Research Council; Local Exemption Board, N.Y.C.; Medical Advisor. Davison, Charles Stewart Active in the League to Enforce Peace, and as President of the American Defense Society, and in support of preparedness, and of the war ac- tivities of the Nation. Davison, Henry P. Am. Red Cross, Chairman of War Council. Day, Frank M. War Industries Board, War Emergency Con- struction, Washington, D. C; Chairman Sub- Com. of Architects. deforest, Henry W. Belgian Relief Commission, N.Y.C., Chairman; War Camp Community Service, Director and Member of Finance and Budget Committee, N.Y.C. [63] DEFOREST, Robert W. Am. Red Cross, Vice-President, Chairman of N. Y. County Chaj^ter. deGersdorff, George B. Local Exemption Board, N.Y.C., Chief Clerk. Delafield, Lewis L. District Board, N.Y.C.; Vice Chairman of War Com. of Bar, N.Y.C.; Chairman of War Com., N.Y. State Bar Assn. Delano, William A. Diplomatic Corps, Paris; attached to the Peace Commission as Assistant to J. C. Grew (Secre- tary and Minister Plenipotentiary). Delevan, D. Bryson Representative of Am. Red Cross Hosp. No. 2 (Paris) ; Am. Exec. Com., Chairman; Member Exec. Com. in America for Hospital for Inju- ries of Face and Jaw (Paris) ; Naval and Marine Recruiting Station, N.Y.C., Consultant (unoffi- cial) ; Russell Sage Institute of Pathology (Cal- orimetric Investigation of Food Values, Venti- lation, etc.), N.Y.C., Pres. Devine, Edward T. Am. Red Cross, France, Major; Chief of Bu- reau of Refugees and Relief. DiMAN, John B. Capt., Am. Red Cross; Field Director, 2nd Na- val Dist., and at Newport, R. I., 1917-18. Serv- ice in Ireland, in charge of Red Cross activities [64] at Queenstown; transferred to Chichester, Eng- land; American Aerodromes, 1918-19. Dodge, Cleveland H. Am. Red Cross; National Finance Committee, Chairman; War Work Council, Y.M.C.A., Treasurer. Donaldson, Henry H. Nat. Research Council, Philadelphia. DOUBLEDAY, FrANK N. Am. Red Cross, China, Japan and Manila; Am. Red Cross, as a member of the firm of Doubleday, Page and Co., publishers of the Red Cross Magazine, which attained a circulation of a million and a third, and was eventually turned back to the Association, Vv^ith a profit of approxi- mately $700,000; as representative of the 14th Div. of the Am. Red Cross, made a long tour in Japan and China to organize tlie Americans in those countries, one result of which was that 50,000 Chinamen joined the Am. Red Cross. Draper, William K. Medical member of Local Exemption Board No. 159, N.Y.C. Drinker, Henry S. Military Training Camps Assn. of U.S.; Gov- erning Com., Chairman. DuFFiELD, Howard N.Y.G., Chaplain with rank of Captain; 9th Coast Art. Corps. [65] DuGGAN, Stephen P. President's Commission, 1917-1918, to collect and collate Data in anticipation of the Peace Conference at Paris; Committee on Public In- formation. Dunn, Gano Nitrate Commission of the War Department; Council of National Defense, Engineering Com- mittee, Chairman; National Research Council, Vice Chairman; State Department, Special Committee on Submarine Cables, Chairman and Disbursing Officer; Military Engineering Com- mittee, N.Y.C., Executive Committee, Chair- man. DuRKEE, Augustus W. Am. Red Cross Worker, N.Y.C. Edmonds, John W. Third Liberty Loan Com., Member; 4th Liberty Loan Com., Chairman of Coffee, Tea and Spice Trades. Ellsworth, Lincoln Am. Red Cross, in France. Ellsworth, William W. Y.M.C.A. Lecturer in camps. Emerson, William Am. Red Cross, Major; Director of Bureau of Construction, Paris, 1917-1919; active in the or- ganization and work of the American Rights League, and, for some time, its Treasurer; later working in France in Reconstruction of the Devastated Villages of the Frontier. Eno, Henry L. Designed and constructed apparatus for the test- ing and training of Air Pilots, Princeton, N. J. EvERiTT, Samuel A. Publishers' Com., Thrift Stamps and War Sav- ings Certificates. EwiNG, Charles Architectural Service, U.S.N., Bureau of Yards and Docks; U.S.N. Bureau of Medicine and Surgery; U.S.A. Bureau of Ordnance, Nitrate Division. EwiNG, James Lecturer on Pathology to Military Surgeons, Cornell University Medical College, N.Y.C.; Contract Surgeon, U.S.A., Army Medical Mu- seum, Washington, D. C, 1918-1919; various published articles on medical topics. EwiNG, Thomas Asst. to Special Assistants of U.S. Attorney General for Port of New York, looking after Alien enemies, March-Sept., 1918; Munitions Patents Board (a joint board of War and Navy Depts.), Sept., 1918-Nov., 1919, Chairman. Fabbri, Ernesto G. Am. Red Cross, Major, Deputy Commissioner in Italy, Dec, 1917- April, 1918; Inspector General of Red Cross work in Italy, and after the Armistice had charge of all relief work in invaded and devastated territory. Farnam, Henry W. Council of National Defense, Conn.; U. S. Em- ployment Service, Community Labor Bd., New Haven, Chairman. Farrand, Wilson Education Section of the Com. on Engineering and Education of the Advisory Commission of the Council of Nat. Defense. Fenner, Burt L. Department of Labor, Bureau of Industrial Housing and Transportation. Ferguson, John C. President's Conimis. to collect and collate Data for the Peace Conference at Paris, 1917-1918. Finley, John H. Am. Red Cross, Lieut. Col., Head of Red Cross Commission to Palestine and the Near East, 1918. FoRDYCE, John A. Council of Nat. Defense, N.Y.C., Medical Sec- tion. Fox, Austen G. District Legal Advisory Board, N.Y.C. Freeman, John R. National Research Council, Advisory Section on fires in munition plants ; Nat. Advisory Com- mis. on Aeronautics, Chairman. Ces] Gardiner, H. Norman P. O. Dept., Translator of German Newspa- j^ers published in U.S. Garfield, Harry A. U.S. Fuel Administrator, 1917-1919. Garland, Hamlin Y.M.C.A. volunteer lecturer in camps; active in support of the Liberty and Victory Loan Cam- paigns; many contributions to the public press in support of the war. Garnsey, Elmer E. Y.M.C.A., Personnel Com., Overseas Workers; Service for Military Camps, painting Range Finding Targets. GiBBS, George Am. Railway Advisory Commission to Russia, 1917. Gibson, Charles Dana War Dept., Com. on Public Information, Div. of Pictorial Publicity. Giddings, Franklin H. One of the organizers of the American Rights League; rendered service during the war as writer and speaker for preparedness, and for the war activities of the Nation. Gilbert, Cass War Dept., Construction Div., U.S.A., Archi- tect of Army Supply Base, Brooklyn, N. Y. [69 3 GoDKiN, Lawrence Local Exemption Board, N.Y.C. Godwin, Hahold Reconstruction Work for French Government in France. Greene, Carleton Am. Internat. Shipbuilding Corp., Hog Island, Pa., Engineer. Greene, Jerome D. Council of Nat. Defense, 1917, Medical Section, Committee on Venereal Diseases ; Am. Shipping Mission, London, 1918-1919 (Allied Maritime Transport Council), Executive Secretary; Com- mission on Reparations, Peace Conference, Pa- ris, 1919, Joint Secretary; Arbitrator between the British and French Governments on inter- pretation of Runciman-Clementel Agreement, 1918. Greenleaf, James L. Cantonment Construction, U.S.A.; and U.S. Housing Corp. Gregory, Charles N. War Dept., Trading with the Enemy Bureau; State Dept., year's service, compiling Prize Laws. Gregory, Henry E. Legal Advisory Board, Associate Member, N.Y.C. Guthrie, William D. District Appeal Board, Eastern Federal Dis- trict, Long Island, N. Y., Chairman. Hadley, Arthur T. Military Training Camps Committee, Yale Uni- versity. Hale, Edward E. Military Conmiittee, Union College, Chairman. Hale, Robert S. War Industries Board, Washington, D. C. Harkness, Edward S. U.S. Fuel Administration, Housing Corpora- tion, Advisory on Railroad Matters; United War Work Campaign, Captain. H^iRT, Albert Bushnell Active in writing and lecturing in support of the war activities of the Nation. Haskins, Charles H. U.S. Peace Commission, Paris, Division of Western Europe, Chairman; Commission on Belgian and Danish Affairs, and Special Com- mittee on Saar Valley and Alsace-Lorraine. Hazen, Allen Engineer for Water Supply and Sewers, Camp Dix, N. J. Hemphill, Alexander J. Advisory Committee appointed by the President to cooperate with Commission for Relief in Bel- gium; Treasurer, Am. Red Cross, N. J. TTr "^r==ar^?isac»t . Hendrick, Ell wood Legal Advisory Board, N.Y.C. Hering, Rudolph Gompers Welfare Committee, Sub-Com. on Ventilation of Munition Works and Camps. Herrick, Robert Com. of Pub. Information, Foreign Press Bu- reau. Hewitt, Edward R. Dept. of Commerce and Labor, Bureau of Mines, Fuel Div., Consulting Engineer. Hewitt, Peter Cooper U.S.TsT., Naval Consulting Board. HiBBEN, John G. In charge of S.A.T.C., Princeton University; also of the Naval Unit of the University, the R.O.T.S. for Paymasters of the Navy at Prince- ton, and of the Aeronautical School of the U.S. Government at Princeton. Hill, David Jayne Am. Defense Society, President; Navy League of U.S., Director; Nat. Security League, Exec. Com.; active in Liberty and Victory Loan Drives. Hilles, Charles D. Am. Red Cross, Speakers' Bureau, Chairman. 1:723 HiNES, Walker D. Asst. to the Director General of Railroads, Feb., 1918; Asst. Director General of Railroads, May, 1918; Director General of Railroads, Jan., 1919. Hoffman^ Bern hard N. Y. Federal Food Board, Asst. Director, Transportation and Distribution, in charge of Sugar Distribution. Holt, Hamilton Y.M.C.A. lecturer at camps; founder of the League to Enforce Peace; active in service of this organization both at home and abroad, and as correspondent of The Independent; member of the Near East Peace Commission, for Arme- nia and Syria; Order of George I. (Grecian) ; Liaison Officer with the Allied Powers, under the appointment of the Security League. HoppiN, Tracy Treas. Dept., War Savings and Thrift Stamps, Agent, New Hope, Pa. HoRNADAY, William T. Fund for Relief of Belgian Refugees, 1914; Belgian Order of the Crown. House, Edward M. Diplomatic Service; President's Commis., 1917- 1918, to collect and collate Data in anticipation of the Peace Conference at Paris; Member of U.S. Peace Commis., Paris, 1918-1919. [73] HowAED, John Galen Am. Red Cross, Capt., service in France, Aug., 1918-June, 1919. Howe, Ernest Am. Red Cross, War Fund Com., Newport, R.I., Chairman, 1917; Air Service Bureau of Aircraft Production, Laboratory Section (In- spection Department), Chief, 1918. Howe, Henry M. Civihan Expert in Metallurgy attached to the Ordnance Dept., Washington, D.C.; National Research Council, Engineering Division, Chair- man; Consulting Metallurgist, United States Bureau of Standards, Washington, D.C. HowLAND, Charles P. Of counsel to Manager of Emergency Fleet Cor- poration; service over-seas for State Department and Am. Red Cross, in connection with Ameri- can, Serbian and Russian Prisoners of War in German Prison Camps; member of Priorities Committee of War Industries Board; Counsel to United States Housing Corporation; one of the organizers of the American Rights League, Exec. Com. ; writer and speaker in behalf of pre- paredness, and of the war activities of the Nation. Humphreys, Alexander C. In charge of instruction at Stevens Institute of Technology, Hoboken, N. J., for Army and Navy S.A.T.C.; also of the U.S. Navy Steam Engineering School, Hoboken, N. J., for train- ing engineer ensigns for the Emergency Fleet, etc. Hunt, Richard H. Am. Red Cross, N.Y.C. HuTTON, Fredp:rick R. Council National Defense, N.Y.C. Ide, George E. Treas. Dept., Washington, D.C., Committee of Insurance Men, Chairman. Ingraham, George L. District Board, N.Y.C, Chairman; member of Advisory Com. under Ahen Property Custodian Act. Jaccaci, August F. From the first month of the War, 1914, rendered service in caring for the children of the zone of fire, who had lost one or both of their parents, or who were separated from their parents, the father a soldier at the front, the mother having remained in the invaded districts or being unable to look after them; upon the formation of the Franco- American Committee for the Protection of the Children of the Frontier, became President and Executive Manager, Sept., 1914. This organiza- tion had the charge, on an average, of 2,000 chil- dren during the War. In March, 1920, it has the care of 1,200 children, supported by contribu- tions from Americans. Knight, Legion of Honor; French Academy, Corresponding Mem- ber. 1:75] Jackson, A. V. Williams Engaged in research work for the U.S. Govt, in regard to Persia, 1918; member of the American- Persian Rehef Commission to Persia, 1918. James, Arthur C. Y.M.C.A., War Council; N.Y. and N.J. Har- bor Commissioner, Port of N.Y. (War Board) ; Am. Commis. for Near East Rehef, Paris, 1919. Jenks, Jeremiah W. Aircraft Board, Washington, D.C. Jessup, Henry W. Local Exemption Board, N.Y.C. Johnson, Robert U. American Poets' Ambulances in Italy, originator and Chairman; Italian War Relief Fund of America, President. Jones, Francis C. Committee on Public Information, Div. of Pic- torial Publicity; Service for military camps, painting Range Finding Targets. Jones, H. Bolton Service for military camps, painting Range Finding Targets. JuDSON, Frederick N. Local Exemption Board and Registration Board, St. Louis, 17th Ward, Chairman. JuDSON, Harry P. District Exemption Board, No. 1, Northern Dis- trict, 111., Chairman. C 76 ] Kelsey, Carl War Dept., Bureau of War Risk Insurance, District Supt., Philadelphia, 1918-19. Keppel^ Frederick P. Confidential Clerk to the Secy, of War, April, 1917-April, 1918; Third Asst. Secy, of War, April, 1918-June, 1919; Am. Red Cross, Direc- tor of Foreign Operations, July, 1919; Am. Red Cross, Central Committee, Vice Chairman, Dec, 1919. Kessler, George E. U.S. Housing Corp., Camp Planning and De- velopment, Town Planner. Kimball, Alfred R. War Dept., Federal Council of Churches, Treasurer, selection and training of Chaplains. King, James G. Legal Advisory Board, Associate Member, Local Board No. 123, N.Y.C. King, W. L. Mackenzie Canadian Patriotic Fund, Executive Committee. Kingsbury, Howard T. Veteran Corps, Art., N.Y., 1st Lieut., 1917; Capt. and Paymaster, 1917; Capt. and Supply Officer, 1917; Major and Judge Advocate Gen., N.Y.G., 1918; Lieut.-Col. and Judge Advocate Gen., N.Y.G., 1918-19. KiRCHWEY, George W. U. S. Employment Service, Director, N.Y., 1918-1919. [77] KiRKBRiDE, Franklin B. Y.M.C.A., Hoyt Commission, England and France, 1917; Member Executive and Finance Committees in War Work Council, 1918. Krech, Alvin W. Treas. Dept., Capital Issues Com., N.Y.C. La Faroe, Bancel Students' Army Training Corps, Instructor, New Haven, Conn. La Farge, C. Grant Dept. of Labor, Housing and Transportation, AVashington, D.C. Lambert, Adrian V. S. State Committee on Nat. Defense, N.Y., Medi- cal Advisory Board. Lambert, Samuel W. Am. Red Cross, First District, First Aid Com. Chairman; Council of Nat. Defense, N. Y. State Com. Lambert, Walter E. Medical Advisory Board, No. 6, Eye and Ear Infirmary, N.Y.C. Lamont, Thomas W. Treas. Dept., Liberty Loan Committee, Com. on Regulation of Capital Issues, Chairman; Commis. to Negotiate Peace, U. S. Treasury Representative and Financial Advisor. Lawrence, AVilliam W. Post Office Dept., Foreign Language Service; Y.M.C.A. Speaker; S.A.T.C. Instructor. Ledoux, Louis V. Legal Advisory Board, Associate Member, N.Y.C. Lee, Frederic S. Council of Nat. Defense; U. S. Public Health Service, Consulting Physiologist. Leffingwell, Russell C. Treas. Dept., Special Counsel and Asst. to Secy, of the Treasury, 1917; later, Asst. Secy, of the Treasury. Lewis, Robert Medical Advisory Board, N.Y.C. Lindley, Charles L. Medical Advisory Board, Lakewood, N. J. Lindsay, Samuel McC. Special Advisor to Asst. Secy, of the Treasury, Washington, D.C.; Military and Naval Intelli- gence, War Risk Bureau. Little, Arthur D. War Dept., Chemical Warfare Service, Re- search Section; Chemical Service to the Na\y Dept. and to the Intelligence Div. of the U.S.A. LocKWOOD, George R. Local Exemption Board, Medical Inspector, N.Y.C. 1:793 LocKwooD, Luke V. Local Exemption Board No. 15, Fairfield, Conn., Chairman. LoiNES, Russell H. State Home Defense, N.Y. LoREE, Leonor F. Raili'oad War Board, Eastern Department, Chairman; Member of Committee on Investiga- tion of Camp Whitman for the Chamber of Commerce of State of New York; Member of War Board of the Port of New York; Member of War Labor Conference Board; Member of Nat. War Labor Board. Ludlow, Edwin Am. Red Cross, Lansford, Pa., Chairman; Pub- lic Safety Com., Pa., Carbon Co., Chairman. LusK, Graham Inter-Allied Scientific Food Commis., Paris, Rome, London, 1918. MacCracken, Henry N. Am. Red Cross, Junior Membership, Nat. Di- rector. MacDougal, Daniel T. Council of State Defense, Arizona. McAlpin, Charles W. Y.M.C.A., Nat. War Work Council. McCrea, Roswell C. War Dept. Commission on Conscientious Ob- jectors. McLouTH, Lawrence A. U.S. Secret Service Dept. MaCY, V. EVERIT Labor Adjustment Board, Shipbuilding Indus- tries, Chairman. Main, John H. T. Near and Far East Commissions, Jan., 1919; Special Commissioner to the Caucasus with head- quarters at Tiflis to study famine conditions in Russian Armenia, March-May, 1919. Mandel, John A. War Dept., Washington, D.C., office of the Surgeon General, assigned to give special in- struction to Medical Officers and instruction to Medical Students, S.A.T.C. Mansfield, Howard Legal Advisory Board, N.Y.C., Local Board No. 159. Marburg, Theodore One of the founders and organizers of the League to Enforce Peace; active in writing in support of the war, and of the League of Nations. Martin, Walton Surgical service in France, four months, 1916; Council of Nat. Defense, State Com., Medical Advisor. Masten, Arthur H. U.S. Dist. Board, N.Y.C. Mathews, Charles T. U.S. Food Administration, N.Y.C. Mathews, Frederic Appui aux Artistes, Paris, Vice-Pres. Melcher, John S. Member Dist. Board, N.Y.C; Provost-Mar- shal Gen.'s Office, N.Y.C. Mellen, Chase Local Exemption Board No. 3, Nassau Co., N.Y., 1917-1919; Y.M.C.A., United War Fund. Mendelson, Walter U.S. Dist. Board, N.Y.C. Mezes, Sidney E. President's Commission, to collect and collate Data for Peace Conference, Paris, Oct., 1917- Dec, 1918; Director in immediate charge; Di- rector of the Territorial Section of the Am. Commis. to Negotiate Peace, Paris, 1918-19. Miller, James Alex. Am. Red Cross in France, Major; Rockefeller Commis. for Prevention of Tuberculosis in France, Associate Director. Mitchell, Wesley C. U.S. Shipping Board, Division of Planning and Statistics, War Industries Board, Chief of Price Sec. and Editor of Hist, of Prices During the War. [82] MoEX, Edward C. Legal Advisory Board, N.Y.C.; War Trade Board, Bureau of War Trade Intelligence, Washington, D.C. Monroe, Paul State Dept., Division of Research, Inquiry Com- mission, Educational Specialist. Monroe, Robert G. Local Exemption Board, N.Y.C. Moody, William R. Y.M.C.A. Welfare Work, Camp Devens, Mass., 1918; Am. Red Cross Welfare Work, Walter Reed Hosp., Washington, D.C; Service to Brit. Ministry of Information, 1918. Moore, Charles Nat. Board for Historical Service; visited Uni- versities of Great Britain and Ireland, 1918. Moore, Edward Caldwell Am. Commission for Relief in the Near East, 1919. MooRE, John Bassett Am. Red Cross, Incorporator, Central Com.; Exec. Com., N.Y.C. Morgan, J. Pierpont Liberty Loan Committee, N.Y.C; Commercial Agent for British and French Govermnents. Morgan, Thomas Hunt Instructor in Military Hygiene and Sanitation for S.A.T.C, Columbia University. [83] Morris, Ray Liberty Loan Committee (eight western N.Y. counties), Chairman; Certificates of Indebted- ness Dept., Federal Reserve Bank, 2nd Dist., N.Y., Director of Sales. Morrow, Dwight W. War Savings Committee, N. J., Director; Am. Shipping Mission, Europe, 1918; D.S.M. MoTT, John R. Special Diplomatic Mission to Russia, 1917; Y.M.C.A. National War Work Council, Gen- eral Secretary; also similar services to Alhed Armies and among the prisoner-of-war camps throughout Europe; Knight, Legion of Honor; D.S.M. Mowbray, H. Siddons Am. Red Cross, Washington, Conn., Chairman. Myers, T. Halsted Dist. Exemption Board, Medical Advisory, N.Y.C. Nettleton, George H. American University Union in Europe, Direc- tor, 1917-1919. NiLES, Wai-ter L. Local Exemption Board No. 164, N.Y.C; Medical Advisory Board, Cornell Medical Col- lege, N.Y.C. NoRRiE, Van Horne Local Exemption Board No. 158, Medical Ad- visory. Norton, Chas. D. Am. Red Cross, War Council, Nat. Exec. Com. ; War Camp Conmiunity Service, Trustee, and Budget Com.; War Dept., Board of Finance Procedure. O'Brien, Morgan J. Knights of Columbus and Am. Red Cross. Olmsted, Frederick L. Council of National Defense, War Industries Board, Emergency Construction; U.S. Housing Corporation, Town Planning Div., Manager. Ordway, Samuel H. U.S. District Board, N.Y.C. Outerbridge, Eugenius H. War Board, Port of N.Y.C; War Dept. Board of Appraisal on North German Lloyd and Ham- burg-Am. Hoboken terminals; Federal Reserve Bank, Auxiliary Com. on Supervision of Capital Issues. Page, Edward D. Advisory Com. on Purchase of War Supplies, N.Y. Park, William H. Commission, 1917, to study Laboratory Condi- tions at the Front and in Base Hospitals, Teach- ing Bacteriology to groups of surgeons of Army Med. Corps, and Classes of Laboratory Workers for Red Cross Hospitals and Federal Service. CSS] Patterson, Edward L. War Trade Board, Assistant Director, Bureau of Imports; Asst. Director, Bureau of War Trade Intelligence, Washington, D.C. Paulding, James K. Am. Red Cross, France. Pedersen, James Medical Reserve Corps, N.Y.C. Pellew, Charles E. N.Y.G., 1st Lieut., Depot Battalion. Penfleld, Frederic C. U.S. Ambassador to Austria-Hungary; was en- trusted by the British, French, Italian, Japanese and Roumanian Governments with the safe- guarding of the interests of military and civilian prisoners of their respective countries, who were held in Austria, 1914-1917. Pennell, Joseph Committee on Pubhc Information, Div. of Pic- torial Pubhcity, Vice Chairman; Com. on Over- seas Artists; one of authorized artists for U. S. Govt, activities. Peterson, Frederick Teaching the medical men of the army, ordered by the Government to the Neurological Insti- tute, N.Y.C., for instruction in Neurology and Psychiatry. Phillips, John S. Am. Red Cross; Red Cross Magazine, Editor. Pickering, Edward C. Nat. Research Council, Astronomy Com. of Naval Reserve Corps, Chairman; Naval Con- sulting Board, Special Problems Com. Pierce, Henry H. War Trade Board, Washington, D.C., Coun- sel to Russian Bureau. PiERsoN, Charles W. Legal Advisory Board, N. Y. C, Associate Member. Pine, John B. Legal Advisory Board, N.Y.C. Platt, Charles A. U.S. Food Administration, Italy. Poor, Chahles Lane Invention and Construction of Naval Devices, N.Y.C. Potter, William Federal Fuel Administrator, Pa. Pratt, George D. U.S. Fuel Administration, Conservation Com- mission in charge of Wood Fuel, N. Y. Pratt, Harold I. Y.M.C.A., War Work Council. Prudden, T. Mitchell Rockefeller Institute of Medical Research, Mem- ber of Board of Directors. PURRINGTON, WiLLIAM A. Legal Advisory Board, N.Y.C., Local Board No. 105, Chairman. Putnam, George Haven Major, U.S.A. (Retired) ; founder and Presi- dent of the American Rights League; active in the service of the National Security League; lectured in the United States many times in sup- port of preparedness, and in the United States, Canada, and England, in support of the war ac- tivities of the Nation, and in behalf of the League of Nations. Putnam, Herbert Am. Library Assn., Library war service. Gen- eral Director, 1917-1919. Pyne, M. Taylor Am. Library Assn.; United War Work Cam- paign, N. J., Vice Chairman. Raasloff, Harold de One of the organizers of the American Rights League; rendered service for preparedness, and for the war activities of the Nation. Rainsford, Laurence F. Medical Advisory Board, Westchester and Put- nam Cos., New York. Rea, Samuel Am. Railway Assn., Special Commission on National Defense, Executive Com.; Council of National Defense and Com. on Public Safety, Pa., Div. of Transportation, Director. CSS] Reiland, Karl Y.M.C.A., Camp McClellan, Ala., Chaplain in Charge, 1917; Am. Red Cross, Capt., Saumur, France, 1918. Reynolds, James Bronson War Dept., Intelligence Div., investigation and preparation of cases against pro-German agents, etc., Jan.- April, 1918. Rice, William Gorham Am. Red Cross, Albany Co., N. Y., Vice Chair- man. Richardson, W. Symmes Am. Red Cross in Italy, Capt. Richmond, Charles A. Director of S.A.T.C. in all Colleges and Uni- versities in N.Y. and N. J. (District No. 2). Rogers, Archibald U.S. Naval Reserve, 3rd District, Lieut., 1917; War Dept., Military Intelligence. Rogers, Francis Y.M.C.A. in France, 1917-1918. Rogers, William A. United War Work Campaign, Buffalo, N.Y., Chairman. Roosevelt, James R. Treas. Dept., War Savings Com., Dutchess Co., N.Y., Vice Chairman. [893 Roosevelt, Theodoee Active both in lecturing and writing in the cause of preparedness, and in support of the war activi- ties of the Nation. Root, Elihu Ambassador Extraordinary, Special Diplomatic Mission to Russia, 1917, during the revolution. Roper, Joseph C. Medical Advisory Board, N.Y. Hospital, Chair- man; Am. Red Cross, Atlantic Div., Medical Advisor. Rose, Wickliffe Rockefeller Foundation, War Relief Commis. to Belgium, 1914-1915; Commis. for Prevention of Tuberculosis in France, 1917-1919; Am. Red Cross, Medical Advisory Committee, Chairman. RowE, Leo S. Asst. Secretary of the Treasury, Washington, D.C. RowE, William V. Legal Advisory Board, N.Y.C.; Y.M.C.A., N.Y.C. RusHMORE, Charles E. Legal Advisory Board, N.Y.C, Asso. Member. Russell, James E. Educational Director, Surgeon General's Office, Reconstruction Div., Washington, D.C. Sachs, Julius Committee on Public Information, Historical Commission to determine the scope of German propaganda; volunteer instructor in History- course on War Aims before S.A.T.C., Columbia University. Sanford^ Leonard C. Contract Surgeon, S.A.T.C., Yale University. Sanger^ William Cary Am. Red Cross, Washington, D.C. Sargent^ Franklin H. War Dept., Commission on Training Camp Ac- tivities ; Dept. of Dramatic Activities among the Soldiers, Chairman; Member of Military Enter- tainment Com. Sargent, Henry B. Am. Red Cross, New Haven, Vice Chairman. Satterthwait, Thomas E. Medical Reserve Corps, U.S.N. Schieftelin, William Jay 15th Colored Inf., N.Y.G. (formed as replace- ment of 369th Inf.) , Col. ; Y.M.C.A., War Work Council; Liberty Loan Com.; Nat. War Sav- ings Com. (Chairman of Drug Trade Div.) ; Belgian and French Protestants' Relief Com.; Serbian Relief Com. ScHURMAN, Jacob Gould State Food Commission, N.Y.; Fed. Food Board, N.Y. con ScoLLARD, Clinton American Poets' Italian Ambulance Assn.; ac- tive in writing, both in verse and prose, in sup- port of the war. ScoTT^ Francis M. District Board, New York City. Scribner^ Charles Treasury Dept., Committee of the Allied Trades, printing and publication for the Liberty Loans, Chairman, N.Y.C. ScRUGHAM, William W. Legal Advisory Board, Westchester Co., N.Y., Secretary. Seager, Henry R. Shipbuilding Labor Adjustment Board, Secre- tary. Sears, Joseph H. State Military Census, N.Y., Director; Com. on U.S. Official War Films, Chairman; N.Y. State Public Information, Head of Div. Sedgwick, Alexander Am. Ambulance in France, Am. Red Cross in Italy. Severance, Cordenio A. Am. Red Cross, Serbian Mission, Chairman. Sewell, Robert V. V. Service for the Military Camps, painting Range Finding Targets. 1:923 ■RTK Sexton, Lawrence E. Local Exemption Board, N.Y.C., Appeal Agent. Sheldon, Charles Naval Intelligence Dept., Washington, D.C. Sheldon, Edward \V. American Library Association ; Food for France Fund; The Society of the N.Y. Hospital, War Service. Shipman, Louis Evan Federal Food Commission, Plainfield, N.H.; N.H. State Com. of Public Safety. SiMKHOviTCH, Vladimir G. President's Commis. to Collect and Collate Data for the Peace Conference, Paris; Chief of the Reference and Archive Div., N.Y.C. Sloane, William Y.M.C.A., Nat. War Work Council, Chairman. Sloane, William M. Active on the Pacific Coast, in lecturing in sup- port of war activities, 1917-1918. Smith, Howard C. N.Y.G., Col., Asst. to Adjt. Gen.; Inspector Gen., N.Y.G. ; Supervisor, Finance Dept., Adjt. Gen.'s office, N.Y.G.; Acting Chief of Staff, N.Y.G. Smith, Joseph Lindon Y.M.C.A., France, Belgiimi and Italy, Enter- tainment Dept., Director, — Instituted and di- rected "Soldiers' Talent Development." Smith, J. Waldo Military Engineering Com., N.Y., Chairman. Smith, Munroe Translated from the German for the Carnegie Peace Foundation the "Lichnowsky Memoran- dum," of which 400,000 copies were distributed ; many other translations from the German. Speir, Francis Legal Advisory Board, South Orange, N.J. S PRAGUE, Edward E. District Exemption Board, N.Y.C. S PRAGUE, Frank J. U. S. Naval Consulting Board, Com. on Elec- tricity and Shipbuilding, Chairman. Ste\^ns, Gorham p. Am. Red Cross, Capt., Oct., 1917, — Col. Baker's Commission to Italy; service in Sardinia with the National "Pro Sardinia" Society, member of the Executive Committee; Am. Relief Clearing House in Rome, Executive and Distributing Committees ; service in the prevention of Tuber- culosis with Am. Red Cross and Italian Red Cross; same service in Sicily; service in distribu- tion of large sums of money to soldiers' families in Italy ; in charge of large consignments of cloth- ing and medical supplies for Greek refugees in Mitylene, fall of 1918; compilation of reports for Am. Red Cross upon the blind soldiers of Italy; member of the Executive Committee of the Italo- 1:943 American Union in Rome ; received a service dec- oration from the Italian Army. Stewardson, Langdon C. Speaker and writer in behalf of the war activities of the Nation. Stewart^ George D. Instructor of Army Surgeons, Bellevue Hospi- tal, N.Y.C. Still WELL, Lewis B. National Research Council, Washington, D.C. Stokes, Anson P. Am. University Union in Europe, Chairman; Y.M.C.A. First Educational Director, A.E.F. Stokes, Frederick A. Book Publishers' War Service Com., N.Y.C, Chairman. Stokes, I. N. Phelps Dept. of Labor, U. S. Housing Corporation; Director, 1918, of Div. of Preliminary Investi- gation in Housing Bureau of Department of Labor. Stokes, J. G. Phelps 9th Coast Art. Corps., N.Y.G., Capt. and Regi- mental Adjt., 1917-1919. Stone, George C. War Industries Board, Non-Ferrous Metals Section, 1918. [95] Stone^ Harlan F. War Dept., Board of Inquiry on Conscientious Objectors to Military Service, 1918-1919. Strong, Austin Commission on Training Camp Activities, Li- brarian for Dept. of Dramatic Activities. Strong, Benjamin Liberty Loan Com., N.Y.C., Chairman; Capital Issues Com., N.Y.C., Vice Chairman; Fed. Re- serve Bank, N.Y.C., Governor. Strong, Charles H. Legal Advisory Board, N.Y.C., Am. Red Cross; War Camp Community Service in Newport, Providence and Fall River, 1918. Tack, Augustus V. Liberty Loan Com., Chairman of Art Advisory Com., N.Y.C. Taft, Henry W. Legal Advisory Board, N.Y.C; War Com. of Bar, N.Y.C, Chairman; War Relief Clearing House for France and her AUies, Exec. Com.; Salvation Army, War Work Com.; Am. Com. for Devastated France, Director ; Pohsh Victims' Relief Fund; French Tubercular Soldiers' Relief Com.; National League for Woman's Service, Advisory Council; Committee of Mercy, Nat. Com. Taft, William Howard Am. Red Cross, Central Committee, Chairman, Ex-Officio member of the War Council during the War; National War Labor Board, to prevent strikes and lock-outs and to secure maximum pro- duction during the War, one of the joint Chair- men, March, 1918-July, 1919. One of the found- ers and organizers of the I^eague to Enforce Peace ; active in lecturing and writing in support of the war, and of the League of Nations, and contributing his services in aid of the various Liberty and Victory I^oans. Taylor, Howakd C. Council National Defense, Medical Section, N.Y. State Com. Thomas, Augustus Commission on Training Camp Activities, Com. of Dramatic Activities, Chairman. Thomas, John Lloyd Bureau of Public Information. Thorndike, Edward L. Adjt. Gen.'s Office, Washington, D.C., Com- mittee on Classification of Personnel in the Army, Chairman; Surgeon Gen.'s Office, Div. of Psychology, member of Advisory Bd.; Air Service, Member of Board on Selection and Training under Peace Conditions. TiLTON, Edward L. War Dept. Architect, Architect for Liberty Theatres for all of the Army Cantonments and for Libraries. [97] Todd, Henry Alfred Censorship; Y.M.C.A. Lecturer; S.A.T.C. In- structor ; Mission de Rapprochement, France. TowNSEND, Howard Dist. Board, N.Y.C. Trowbridge, Alexander B. N.Y.G., Inspector of State Armories, 1st Lieut. Trowbridge, S. B. P. Serbian and Roumanian Relief Commissions of America, Chairman. Tucker, Allen Am. Ambulance in France, 1915-1916; Am. Red Cross in France, 1917-1918. Tuckerman, Eliot United War Work Campaign, Industries Divi- sion, Lawyers' Com. Vail, Theodore N. Council of Nat. Defense, Cooperative Commit- tee on Telephone and Telegraph; Library War Council; U.S. Food Administration, Committee on Wheat Prices. Vaillant, Louis D. Food for France and French Comforts Com- mission. Vanderlip, Frank A. Nat. War Savings Committee, Chairman. Van Dyke, Paul Am. University Union in Europe. [98] Van Pelt, John V. Dept. of Labor, U.S. Housing Corporation, In- spection Committee, Chairman. Van Sinderen, Howard Govt. Appeal Agent, Local Exemption Board, No. 153, N.Y.C. Ver Planck, William G. Legal Advisory Board, N.Y.C., Associate Mem- ber. ViCKERS, H. Montague 9th Coast Artillery, N.Y.G.; Brit. War Mis- sions, 1918-1919, Inspection Dept., Deputy Dir. Vincent, George E. U.S. Food Administration; Am. Red Cross. VoLK, Douglas Committee on Public Information, Div. of Pic- torial Publicity. VooRHEES, Clark G. Co. F., 3rd Inf., Conn. State Guard, Capt. Walker, Roberts District Board, N.Y.C. Walters, Henry Advisory Committee to Director-General of Railroads; Excess Profits Tax Advisory Board. Ward, George G., Jr. Council of National Defense, Medical Service Corps. Wardwell, Allen Am. Red Cross, Russia, Major in Russia, 1917- 1918. In command of Mission, May-Oct., 1918. Washburn, William Ives District Board, N.Y.C., Secretary. Webster, Albert L. Council of Nat. Defense, Com. Sanitation; Sub- Com. on Drinking Water, Chairman; Com. on Welfare Work; Com. on Labor. Welch, Archibald A. State Council of Nat. Defense, Conn., War Bu- reau, Chairman; Am. Red Cross, Hartford, Conn., Executive and Finance Committees ; Nat. War Risk Bureau, Hartford, Conn., Advisory Com. Weld, C. Minot Dept. of Interior, Bureau of Mines, War Min- erals Investigations; War Industries Board, Washington, D.C. Wells, Thomas B. American Red Cross, England. Westera^lt, William Y. Advisor to the Council of Nat. Defense in re- gard to the country's resources in Sulphur and Pyrites essential to the manufacture of explo- sives. Spring of 1917. In July, 1917, was ap- pointed by the Am. Inst, of Mining Engineers and by the Mining and Metallurgical Socy. of America to represent them in forming the War 1 100 3 Minerals Committee, Dept. of Int., Washington, D.C., composed of the above representatives of the nat. mining organizations, of the U. S. Geo- logical Survey, the U. S. Bureau of Mines, the Am. Socy. of State Geologists, and the Nat. Re- search Council. Chairman of said Committee until the end of War. White, Gaylord S. General War-Time Commission of the Churches, and General Com. on Army and Navy Chap- lains. Whiting, Frederick Medical Examination Boards (Cornell Medical College and N.Y.C. Eye and Ear Infirmary) . Whitlock, Brand Ambassador to Belgium ; Belief in Belgium. Whitman, Royal District Board, N.Y.C, Medical Advisory, Chairman; Instructor to Officers of Medical Re- serve Corps. Whitney, Caspar Relief in Belgium, France and Poland, and on the Commission for Relief in Belgium, and the Comite Nationale Fran9ais. Whittemore, Harris State Council of Defense Conmiission, Conn.; Am. Red Cross, Naugatuck, Conn., Chairman. WiCKERSHAM, GeORGE W. District Exemption Board, N.Y.C; War Trade Board, Special Commissioner. noi;] WiLLCOXj WAI.TER F. Emergency Fleet Corp., Philadelphia, Statisti- cal Div., Expert; War Dept., Surgeon Gen.'s Office, Washington, D.C., Consulting Statisti- cian. Williams^ Roger H. 9th Coast Artillery, N.Y.G., 1st Lieut. Williams, WillIx\m R. Pres. Medical Advisory Board, No. 4, New York Hospital. WiNSLOw, C. E. A. Am. Red Cross Mission to Russia, 1917, Major; Council of National Defense; Medical Advisory Board; U. S. Public Health Service, Consulting Sanitarian. WiNTHROP, BrONSON Local Exemption Board, No. 159, N.Y.C. WiTMER, LiGHTNER Major, Deputy Am. Red Cross Commissioner in Italy. Wood, Francis C. Medical Advisory Board, St. Luke's Hospital, N. Y. C, Chairman. WOODBRIDGE, FREDERICK J. E. S.A.T.C., Columbia Univ., Administrative Bd. Woodward, Robert S. Naval Consulting Board, Washington, D.C. 1:1023 WooLSEY^ George Local Exemption Board, N.Y.C. Medical Ad- visory. Yeatman^ Pope Council of National Defense, Raw Metals Div., Consulting Mining Engineer, 1917; AVar Indus- tries Board, Non-Ferrous Metals Section, Chief, 1918-1919. Clos] SONS OF MEMBERS OF THE CENTURY ASSOCIATION WHO IN THE GREAT WAR RENDERED SERVICE TO THE GOVERN- MENT OF THE UNITED STATES, OR TO ONE OF THE ALLIED POWERS, THROUGH ORGANIZATIONS RECOGNIZED BY THAT GOVERNMENT. EACH OF THESE IS REP- RESENTED BY A STAR ON THE SERVICE FLAG SHOWN DURING THE WAR WITHIN THE CLUB HOUSE. SONS OF MEMBERS REPRESENTED BY STARS ON THE SERVICE FLAG SHOWN WITHIN THE CLUB HOUSE • Abbott^ Lyman Theodore J. Abbott, Major, Medical Reserve Corps, A.E.F. Base Hospital, No. 116. Adams, Elbeidge L. William H. Adams, Ensign, U.S.N.R. Elbridge Adams, Am. Ambulance Service in France. Adler, Felix Waldo Adler, N.A., 1st Lieut., Signal Corps, Aviation Sect. Agar, John G. John G. Agar, Jr., Signal Corps, Aviation Sect., 1st Lieut., A.E.F. ; killed in the battle of the Meuse, 21 Oct., 1918. William M. Agar, Signal Corps, Aviation Sect., 1st Lieut., A.E.F.; Croix de Guerre. Herbert S. Agar, U.S.N.R.; Discharged, owing to injuries received in the line of duty. C 107 ;] Alexander, Welcome T. L. B. Alexander, N.A., 1st Lieut., Signal Corps, Aviation Sect. Ames, Charles W. Charles Lesley Ames, Major, Field Art., 1916; A.E.F. Theodore Gordon Ames, Am. Fund for French Wounded, 1916; 2nd Lieut., Signal Corps, Avia- tion Sect., A.E.F. Andrews, Avery D. DeLano Andrews, Capt., Field Art., Aide de Camp to Gen. Summerall, 1st Div., A.E.F. Schofield Andrews, Lieut. Col., Gen. Staff, Asst. Chief of Staff, 90th Div., A.E.F. Armstrong, D. Maitland Hamilton Fish Armstrong, N.A., 2nd Lieut. Armstrong, J. Sinclair Sinclair Howard Armstrong, War Trade Board, Washington, D.C. William C. Armstrong, 1st Lieut., Field Artil- lery, A.E.F. George Alexander Armstrong, 2nd Lieut., Field Artillery, A.E.F. Arnold, Francis R. John W. Arnold, N.A., Signal Corps, Aviation Sect. Auchincloss, John W. Charles Russell Auchincloss, Capt., Ammuni- tion Train No. 302, A.E.F. [108;] Baekeland, Leo H. George W. Baekeland, 1st Lieut., Aviator, A. E. F. in Italy. Baldwin^ Elbert F. Elbert Baldwin, U.S.N., Ensign. Baldwin^ George J. George Hull Baldwin, Captain, N.A., Mexican Border Service, 191G-17; Regimental S.O.S. Officer, 1st Ga. Inf. (later, llStli Field Art.), 31st Div.; Inspector Instructor, 13th Keg., Field Art., Replacement Depot, Camp Jackson, S. C; Discharged, Dec, 1918. Baldwin, Henry deF. Sherman Baldwin, 2nd Lieut., N.A., Artillery. Bangs, Francis S. Francis N. Bangs, Capt., Inf.; Adj., 302d Train, H.Q. and M.P.; Provost Marshal, 77th Div., A.E.F. Henry McC. Bangs, 1st Lieut., Air Service; Adj., 17tli U.S. Aero Squadron, A.E.F. Bangs, John Kendrick Howard R. Bangs, N.A, Francis H. Bangs, Yale Hospital Unit, France. John Kendrick Bangs, Jr., N.A., 1st Lieut., Quartermaster's Dept. Barney^ Danford New^ton Danford N. Barney, Jr., Yale Hosj^ital Unit, A.E.F. A. D. Barney, 1st Lieut., 303rd Field Art., N.A. l 109 2 Baknum, William M. Phelps Barnum, Am. Ambulance Service, France. Bartlett^ Philip G. Russell Sturgis Bartlett, U.S.N., Lieut., Sub- marine Service. Baskerville, Charles Charles Baskerville, Jr., 1st Lieut., 166th Inf., 42nd Div., A.E.F. Bassett, John S. Richard N. Bassett, R.O.T.C. and S.A.T.C, Harvard University. Batten, Loring W. Loring W. Batten, Jr., U.S.N.R.F. Lieut. Richard W. Batten, N.A. Engineers, Forestry. Bellamy, Frederick P. Frederic W. Bellamy, U.S.N. 1st Lieut. Bentley, Edward M. Edward S. Bentley, N. A. Capt. Inf. BiGELOw, John Braxton Bigelow, Am. Hospital at Paris, Am- bulance Driver, Jan., 1915; British Naval Hos- pital, Belgrade, Serbia, Orderly, May -July, 1915; Royal Field Art., British, 2nd Lieut., Aug., 1915; Royal Engineers, 170th Tunnelling Co., Acting Capt., April-Sept., 1916; wounded, Sept., 1916; active service resumed, Dec, 1916; promoted Lieut., Royal Engineers (Special Re- [110] serve); missing in action, July, 1917; gazetted as "reported killed," Feb., 1918; mentioned in dispatches for "distinguished and gallant serv- ices and devotion to duty," April, 1917; Cross of Mercy, Serbian, for services in 1915. Bingham, Theodore A. Rutherfurd Bingham, Diplomatic Service, Vienna, 1915-1917. BisPHAM, David David Bispham, Jr., Royal Flying Corps, 2nd Lieut.; Killed at Hendon, England, 4 Nov., 1917. Black, Hugh Hugh Black, Jr., Lieut., Royal Air Service, England. Blair, Joseph P. Joseph P. Blair, Jr., 2nd Lieut., Inf., U.S.A. Bliss, Howard S. Daniel Bliss, S.O.T.C. Amherst College; O.A. T.C., Fort Lee, Va. BoNSAL, Stephen Stephen Bonsai, Jr., N.A., 1st Lieut., Signal Corps, Aviation Sect. Brace, Charles Loring Charles L. Brace, Jr., Signal Corps, Aviation Sect., U.S.A. Reserve. Brett, George P. George P. Brett, Jr., Capt., Inf., 77th Div., A.E.F. cm] Brewer, George E. Leighton Brewer, Am. Amb. Corps, 1915; Sec- ond enlistment, Am. Amb., 1917; U.S. Army, Aviation Service, Aug., 1917, qualified as pilot and assigned to 13th Aero- Squadron (pursuit group), A.E.F., July, 1918; served in the front area until Armistice; Official credit three Ger- man aeroplanes. George E. Brewer, Jr., S.A.T.C., Yale Univ., Art. Sect., Sept., 1918. Brown, Thomas E. Otis deR. Brown, N.A., Corporal, Pioneers. Bache H. Brown, N.A., 1st Lieut., Signal Corps, Aviation Sect. Thomas E. Brown, Jr., N.A., 1st Lieut., Ord- nance. Clinton B. Brown, N.A., 1st I^ieut., Ordnance. Brown, William Adams William Adams Brown, Jr., Y.M.C.A., in Russia, Secretary. Buehler, H. G. Reginald G. Buehler, 2nd Lieut., R.O.T.C, Field Art., N.A. Buel, Clarence C. Richard Van W. Buel, Am. Field Service, Amb. Sect. No. 30; A.E.F. Sect. No. 642; Wounded Feb., 1919; Croix de Guerre. Thomas Buel, U.S.N. Lieut. (J. G.) Submarine Service. 1:1123 BURLINGAME, E. L. William Roger Burlingame, 1st Lieut., Inf., A.E.F. BuTTEiavoiiTH^ George F. George F. Butterworth, Jr., N.A. Calder^ a. Stirling Alexander S. Calder, S.A.T.C., Stevens Insti- tute, Hoboken, N. J. Callisen, Adolph W. Sterling A. Callisen, U.S.N. Carpenter, William H. William M. Carpenter, 2nd Lieut., Coast Art., N.A. Rhys Carpenter, 1st Lieut., Gas Service, A.E.F. John T. Carpenter, U.S.N.R.F., Coxswain. Carr, Walter L. Eknendorf Lester Carr, U.S.N.R.F., Ensign. Chambers, Robert W. Robert H. Chambers, R.O.T.C, Harvard Univ. Chambers, Walter B. Robert N. Chambers, Am. Ambulance in France and Italy; 32nd Regt., F.A., French Army. Chapman, John J. Victor E. Chapman, Foreign Legion, France, member of a Machine Gun Co., 1914-1915; wounded in action, — one-half of his squadron was either killed or seriously injured. Trans- ferred to the French Aviation Corps, Sept., 1915. Received instruction in aviation in France; was commissioned Pilot, Feb., 1916. Was a member of the Franco- American Aviation Corps until 23 June, 1916, when he was killed at Verdun, and fell within the German lines; Croix de Guerre, May, 1916. Had he lived he would have received the Medaille Militaire in July, 1916. Child, Edwin B. Bradford Child, U.S.N.R. Clark, George C. James Averall Clark, U.S.N. Ensign. George Crawford Clark, Jr., Capt., 324th Reg., A.E.F. Clark, John B. John Maurice Clark, Commission for Regulation of Prices of Food Products. F. Huntington Clark, Shipping Board, Emerg- ency Fleet Corp. Clark, W. Irving W. Irving Clark, Jr., Am. Red Cross Hospital, Paris; Staff, French Army Hospitals; U.S.A., Capt. Medical Corps. Clarke, Thomas Shields Charles John Clarke, Sergt., Ordnance Dept., A.E.F. Clinedinst, B. West Wendell W. Chnedinst, N.A. Quartermaster's Dept. 1:114:] CoAN, Titus Munson Hamilton M. Coan, Fourth Battery, Art., A. E. F. CoBB^ Henry E. Clement B. P. Cobb, S.A.T.C., Williams Col- lege, Mass. Oliver Ellsworth Cobb, U.S.N., Lieut., Ad- miral's Staff. CooLiDGE^ Charles A. Charles A. Coolidge, Jr., Capt., Machine Gun Battalion, No. 147. Coolidge, J. Randolph, Jr. Joseph R. Coolidge, 3rd, 1st Lieut. Engineers, A.E.F. Hamilton Coolidge, Signal Corps, Aviation Sect., A.E.F. John Gardner Coolidge, 2nd, 2nd Lieut., Field Art., N.A. Oliver H. Coolidge, S.A.T.C, Harvard Univ. CouDERT, Frederic R. Frederic R. Coudert, Jr., 2nd Lieut. 105th Art., A.E.F. Crane, Charles R. Richard Crane, State Department, Secretary to Robert Lansing. Crane, George F. William Dwight Crane, 2nd Lieut. Inf., A.E.F.; seriously gassed. 11152 Ceomwell^ James W. J. William Cromwell, State Home Guard, Sum- mit, N. J. Lincoln Cromwell, War Industries Board, Washington, D.C. Curtis^ Francis G. Edward Davison Curtis, Belgium Relief, 1914- 17; Belgian Army, 1917-18; U.S.A., Field Art., 1st Lieut., 1918. George W. Curtis, Engineers and Med. Corps, A.E.F. CusHiNG^ William L. C. C. S. Cushing, Y.M.C.A., Entertainment Service, France. Cutler^ Colman W. Paul C. Cutler, U.S.N. Ensign. Richard P. Cutler, S.A.T.C. Harvard Univ. Cutting, R. Fulton Robt. Bayard Cutting, Y.M.C.A. Organizing Sec'y, France. Died at American Base Hospital No. 15, April, 1918. Fulton Cutting, U.S. Signal Service Labora- tories. Charles Suydam Cutting, 2nd Lieut., A.E.F., Military Intelligence Sec, General Pleadquart- ers, France. Dana, Charles L. C. Loomis Dana, Jr., Marine Corps, A.E.F. ; Died in Service in France. cue: Davis, Rowland Howland S. Davis, Major, 11. Q., 77th Div., A.E.F. William S. Davis, 2nd Lieut., 15th Field Art.; 1st Lieut., 35th Field Art., A.E.F. Wendell Davis, 2nd Lieut., Field Art., N.A. Davison, Henry P. Henry P. Davison, Jr., U.S.N., Ensign. F. Trubee Davison, U.S.N., Lieut., Air Service. Day, Frank M. Kenneth M. Day, S.A.T.C, Princeton Univ., 1918. deForest, Robert W. Johnston deForest, Major and Deputy Com- missioner, Am. Red Cross, France. deKay, Charles Rodman dcKay, U.S.N. , Lieut. Drake deKay, 2nd Lieut., 39th Inf., U.S.A. Del AFIELD, Lewis L. Lewis L. Delafield, Jr., Legal Advisory Board, N.Y.C. Dellenbaugh, Frederick S. Frederick S. Dellenbaugh, Jr., Capt., Signal Corps, Advance Supply Service, A.E.F., in France. Dennis, Samuel S. James S. Dennis, 2nd Lieut., Inf., A.E.F., France. [117;] Devine, Edward T. Thomas Devine, 2nd Lieut., Inf., A.E.F., Russia. DiELMAN, Frederick F. MacNeil Dielman, N.A., 2nd Lieut., Inf. Ernest Benham Dielman, N.A., Signal Corps, Aviation Sect. Dixon, George A. George A. Dixon, Jr., Corp., A.E.F. Dodge, Cleveland H. Cleveland E. Dodge, 1st Lieut., Art., A.E.F. DoMiNiCK, Henry B. Henry B. Dominick, Jr., N.Y.G. Donaldson, Henry H. Norman Vaux Donaldson, U.S.N., Ensign. Doubleday, Felix N. Nelson Doubleday, U.S.N., Lieut., Air Service. Felix D. Doubleday, 1st Lieut., A.E.F. Signal Corps, Aviation Sect. Douglas, James James S. Douglas, Am. Red Cross, France. Drinker, Henry S. Philip Drinker, 1st Lieut., Signal Corps, Avia- tion Sect., A.E.F. James Blathwaite Drinker, Capt., Cavalry, N.A. DuRYEE, Joseph R. Samuel S. Duryee, Capt., 302nd Art., A.E.F. CllS] 'h Egbert^ James C. George P. Egbert, 1st Lieut., Inf., A.E.F. Lester D. Egbert, 1st Lieut., Signal Corps, Avia- tion Sect., A.E.F. Egleston, Melville Nathaniel Hillyer Egleston, N.A., Major, Ma- chine Gun Service. Ellsworth, William W. Bradford Ellsworth, Capt., Inf., and Intelligence Officer, A.E.F., D.S.O., and Croix de Guerre. EVARTS, PrESCOTT Wilham M. Evarts, 2nd Lieut., Inf., 77th Div., A.E.F. Richard C. Evarts, Sergt., 38th Reg., 32nd Div., A.E.F. Farnam, Henry W. Henry W. Farnam, Jr., Capt., N.A., 1st LT.S. Field Art. Ferguson, John C. Chas. J. Ferguson, 1st Lieut., Engineers, A.E.F. Robert M. Ferguson, U. S. Marine Corps. Duncan P. Ferguson, U. S. Marine Corps. Ferguson, AVilliam C. Donald Van Dyke Ferguson, 1st Lieut., Inf., N.A. Eric Ferguson, 1st Lieut., Inf., N.A. Fernald, Walter E. Thomas Wentworth Fernald, 2nd Lieut., Inf., U.S.A. Ciio] Fisher, Samuel H. Robert Fisher, Signal Corps, Aviation Section, 2nd Lieut., A.E.F. FoRDYCE, John A. Addison Fordyce, U. S. Military Aeronautical School, 2nd Lieut., Air Service. Freeman, John R. Everett Wendell Freeman, Boston Inst. Tech., Air Service, U.S.N.R.F. Hovey T. Freeman, Capt., A.E.F. John R. Freeman, Jr., Bureau of Standards, Washington, D.C., Assistant Physicist. Roger M. Freeman, U. S. N., Supervising Engi- neer. Clarke Freeman, 1st Lieut., A.E.F. Freeman, Rowland G. Rowland G. Freeman, Jr., N. A., 1st Lieut., Art. Gallatin, Frederic R. Horace Gallatin, Legal Advisory Board, N.Y.C., Associate Member. Goelet Gallatin, Capt., 348th Field Art., A.E.F. Albert Gallatin, Major, Military Attache, U. S. Legation, Havana, Cuba. Garfield, Harry A. James Garfield, U. S. A., H. Q., 38th Brig., Coast Artillery, A.E.F. Stanton Garfield, Aspirant, 1st Bat., 8th Reg., Reserve Army Corps, French Army. C 120 3 Garnsey, Elmer E. Julian Ellsworth Garnsey, Capt. Art., Asst. Chief of Staff, 3rd Div., A.E.F.; Dept. of Sup- plies, 1st Div., A.E.F. Arlo Ellsworth Garnsey, Signal Corps, Aviation Sect., 2nd Lieut. Died in foreign service, 11 Oct., 1918. Gates, Merrill E. Merrill E. Gates, Jr., 1st Lieut., Q.M.C., H. Q., 77th Div., A.E.F. William B. Gates, Chaplain and 1st Lieut., H. Q., A.E.F. Geer, William M. Enos Throoj) Geer, Asst. Manager, Contract Div., U. S. Shipping Board, Emergency Fleet Corp. William Montague Geer, Jr., 1st Lieut., 15th Field Art., A.E.F. Francis Hunt Geer, U. S. N., Ensign, R. F., U. S. S. "Seattle." Gerster, Arpad G. John C. A. Gerster, Major, Medical Officers' Re- serve Corps, A.E.F. Gibson, Charles Dana Langhorne Gibson, U.S.N., Destroyer "Evans." Gilbert, Cass Cass Gilbert, Jr., 2nd Lieut., 17th Field Art., 2nd Div., A.E.F. 1:1213 Gilder, Joseph B. Harwood Gilder, State Home Guard, N.Y. GiLLETT, Charles R. William Gillett, 1st Lieut., Q. M. Dept., U.S.A. Godwin, Harold Frederick Marquand Godwin, U.S.N., Lieut. GooDNOw, Henry R. Weston W. Goodnow, Signal Corps, Aviation Sect., 1st Lieut., Flight Commander, A.E.F. Greene, Francis V. Warwick Greene, Aviation Service in France, Lieut. Col. Greenleaf, James L. Donald L. Greenleaf, O.A.T.C., 2nd Lieut., En- gineers, N.A. Hadley, Arthur T. Morris Hadley, Field Art., Major, A.E.F. Hamilton Hadley, Air Service, Capt., A.E.F. Hale, Edward E. Maurice P. Hale, H.Q. Specialists School, Camp Hancock, Ga. Nathan Hale, S.A.T.C, Union College, N.Y. Hamlin, A. D. F. Marston L. Hamlin, Corp., State Guard, N. J. Harper, J. Henry John Harper, 2nd, 1st Lieut., Engineers, A.E.F. 1:1223 Fletcher Harper, Capt., Remount Service, Q.M. Dept., U.S.A. J. Henry Harper, Jr., 2nd Lieut., Signal Corps, Aviation Sect., A.E.F. Hart, Albert Bushnell Adrian Putnam Hart, Sergt., N.A. Gas Defense Service. Albert Bushnell Hart, Jr., Sergt., N.A., Gas Defense Service. Harte, Richard H. Richard H. Harte, Jr., N.A., 2nd Lieut. Hay, Louis C. Wellington B. Hay, 2nd Lieut., 141st Aero Squadron, N.A. Hem PILL, Alexander J. Chfford Hempill, Capt., Ordnance Dept., A.E.F. Henderson, Edward C. Alexander I. Henderson, Capt., Field Art., A. E. F. Hepburn, A. Barton C. Fisher Hepburn, Capt., Inf., A.E.F. Herrick, Harold Newbold L. Herrick, U. S. N., Lieut. Harold E. Herrick, U. S. N., Lieut. (Junior grade). Herrick, Robert Philip A. Herrick, Amb. Service, A.E.F., 1917- 1919, assigned to French Army; Croix de Guerre. [1233 Hewitt^ Edward R. Ashley Cooper Hewitt, O.A.T.C., Plattsburg, N. Y., two seasons ; six months in the Navy; 23rd Engineers, A.E.F., 1st Sergt. Hill, David Jayne Walter L. Hill, Am. Red Cross, Scranton, Pa., Secretary; Vice-Chairman, and Chairman of the Home Service Section; Chairman of the Profes- sional Men's Committee for Northwestern Penn., of the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th Liberty Loan Drives, and of the Victory Loan Drive; JJ. S. Naval In- telligence, volunteer aid. HiLLES, Chaeles D. Frederick W. Hilles, U. S. N. Training Corps, Yale Univ. Hitchcock, Ripley Roger Wolcott Hitchcock, A.E.F., 1st Lieut., Signal Corps, Aviation Sect. Distinguished Service Cross for air combat service near Fere- en-Tardenois, 1917. Killed in action. Holt, Henry Elliot Holt, 1st Lieut., Art., A.E.F. Henry Holt, Jr., 2nd Lieut., Signal Corps, A.E.F. Howard, John Galen Henry Temple Howard, 2nd Lieut., F.A., May, 1917-Feb., 1919, A.E.F. Robert Boardman Howard, Motorcycle Dispatch Corps, service in France, June, 191 8- April, 1919. [124 3 Charles Houghton Howard, S.A.T.C., Univer- sity of California. HoYT, Gerald L. Lydig Hoyt, 1st Lieut., Field Art., A.E.F. HuNT^ Richard H. Frank C. Hunt, 1st Lieut., Ordnance Dept., A.E.F. Jonathan Hunt, 1st Lieut., Field Art., A.E.F. Jacoby, Harold Maclear Jacoby, U.S.N. Ensign. Jennings, Frederic B. Percy H. Jennings, Air Service, A.E.F. Jessup, Henry W. Henry Herbert Jessup, 1st Lieut., Inf., A.E.F. Theodore Carrington Jessuj^, Capt., Inf., A.E.F. John Butler Jessup, 1st Lieut., Inf., A.E.F. Philip Caryl Jessup, Inf., A.E.F. Johnson, Robert Underwood Owen Johnson, active in writing in support of the war; originator and directing Chairman of the celebration of Bastille Day, 14 July, 1918, in which 350 cities and towns in the United States participated. Keyes, Edward L. Edward L. Keyes, Jr., Medical Reserve Corps, Col. Kidder, Camillus G. Jerome F. Kidder, Y.M.C.A., Divisional Secy., France. 1125 2 KiNG^ James G. James G. King, Jr., 2nd Lieut., Inf., O.T.C., Plattsburg, 1918; Small Arms Firing School, Camp Perry, Ohio, 1918; Instructor of Musketry and Small Arms, Washington and Jefferson Col- lege, Va., 1918. KiNNicuTT^ Lincoln N. Roger Kinnicutt, Major, Medical Reserve Corps, Base Hosp. No. 6, A.E.F. Kissel, Rudolf H. Gustave H. Kissel, 1st Lieut., Signal Reserve Corps, A.E.F. Killed in aerial combat near Merville, France, 12 April, 1918. Rudolf H. Kissel, Jr., Asst. Paymaster, U.S.N.R.F. Krech, Alvin W. Shepard Krech, N.A. La Faroe, Bancel L. Bancel La Farge, S.A.T.C., Harvard Univ. La Faroe, C. Grant Christopher G. LaFarge, N.A., 2nd Lieut., Inf. Lambert, Samuel W. Samuel W. Lambert, Jr., 2nd Lieut., Field Art., U. S. A. Lamont, Thomas W. Thomas Stilwell Lamont, Field Art., N.A. Larremore, Wilbur Thomas A. Larremore, N.A., 1st Lieut., Sani- tary Corps. [;i26] Lee^ Charles H. Marion W. Lee, U.S.N., Senior Lieut., U.S.S. "Arkansas." Levermore, Charles H. George K. Levermore, Capt., Field Art., A.E.F. LiNDABURY^ Richard V. Richard V. Lindabury, Jr., S.A.T.C, Princeton Univ. Lindsay, Samuel McC. Daniel E. Lindsay, N.A., Signal Corps, Aviation Sect. Lloyd, Arthur S. John Lloyd, Am. Ambulance Corps, France, Chaplain. Loree, Leonor F. James T. Loree, Major and Asst. Q.M., 27th Div.; Lieut. Col. and Q. M., 80th Div.; Col. and Deputy Provost Marshal, A.E.F. Robert F. Loree, Asst. to the President of Inter- Allied Finance Council, Paris; Asst. to the American Financial Advisor to the Peace Con- ference, Paris. McGiffert, Arthur C. Arthur C. McGiffert, Jr., Y.M.C.A. Secretary, Naval Camp, Pensacola, Fla.; N.A., 1st Lieut., 1918. McGucKiN, William G. Benjamin F. McGuckin, U.S.N. , Lieut., J.G., cm 3 U.S.S. "Wadsworth"; Served on Staff of Adm. Wilson at Brest. Mackenzie, James C. Cameron Mackenzie, Official War Correspondent for the London Chronicle, on Gen. Pershing's Staff. Alexander Mackenzie, 14 months on Belgian Re- lief, in Belgium and France. George M. Mackenzie, M.C., U.S.N.R.F., Lieut., Bureau of Medicine and Surgery, Wash- ington, D.C.; Base Hospital No. 7, France; U. S. Naval H. Q., Paris; and on U. S. S. "Plattsburg." James C. Mackenzie, Jr., Major, Field Art., N.A.; First Provisional O.T.C., Madison Bar- racks, N. Y., 1917; 307th F.A., 78th Div., 1917; School of Fire, Fort Sill, Okla.; Artillery Train- ing School, Camp VaDiadon, France, 1918; De- fense of Toul Sector, Battles of St. Mihiel, and Argonne-Meuse ; Discharged, 1919. MacVeagh^ Charles Ewen Cameron MacVeagh, N.A., Capt., Field Art.,A.E.F. Francis Wayne MacVeagh, Am. Ambulance Corps, France. Lincoln MacVeagh, 2nd, Major, Inf., A.E.F. Rogers MacVeagh, Field Art., 1st Lieut., A.E.F. Mabon, James B. James B. Mabon, Jr., Am. Amb. Corps, France. MaCY, V. EVERIT Valentine E. Macy, Driving Ammunition Truck in France. Croix de Guerre. Am. Ambulance Corps in Italy. Mahl, William Frederic W. Mahl, Military Equipment Stand- ards. Marburg, Theodore Theodore Marburg, Jr., Capt., Royal British Flying Corps. Martin, Edward S. George W. Martin, 1st Lieut., Field Art., A.E.F. Martin, Newell Grinnell Martin, 304th Regt., 77th Div., Field Art., Capt., A.E.F. ; Oise-Aisne and Argonne- Meuse offensives. Matheson, William J. Hugh M. Matheson, U.S.N., Ensign. Malcohn M. Matheson, U.S.N., Ensign. Melcher, John S. John Melcher, 1st Lieut., 166th Inf., 42nd Div., A.E.F. Mellen, Chase Joseph Manley Mellen, Am. Amb. Field Service in France, July, 1915-Jan., 1916; with French Army in Alsace, 1st Lieut.; 96th Aero Squad- ron, U. S. Air Service, A.E.F., Oct., 1917-Jan., 1919; prisoner in Germany, July-Nov., 1918; Croix de Guerre. [129 3 Chase Mellen, Jr., 3rd O.T.C., Jan., 1918; 308th Inf. Corj^s, May, 1918; Sergt., June, 1918; 2nd Lieut., 23rd Inf., 2nd Div., July, 1918; at the battle of St. Mihiel; severely wounded in action, 6 Oct., 1918; Croix de Guerre; Discharged, Sept., 1919. Mendelson, Walter Lewis Wharton Mendelson, Ordnance Dept., A.E.F. Merle- Smith, Wilton Van Santvoord Merle-Smith, Major, 165th Inf., A.E.F., D.S.C. MiLBURN, John G. Devereux Milburn, Field Art., Major, A.E.F. Monroe, Paul Ellis Monroe, 306th Inf., 1918; 2nd Lieut., Co. C, 109th Inf., 28th Div.; 1st Lieut., Co. C, 109th Inf., 1919. Moore, Charles MacAllaster Moore, Ordnance, 1st Lieut., Coast Artillery, A.E.F. James Merriman Moore, N.A., Major, Adjt., 9th Div. Moore, E. Caldwell John C. B. Moore, Am. Amb. Service; Trans- portation Service; Am. Field Service; 2nd Lieut., Air Service, A.E.F.; in charge of Trans- [130] portation, American Commission for Relief in the Near East, May, 191 6- July, 1919. MoRAN, Horace Bruce Moran, 11th Engineers, U.S.A., May, 1917-Nov., 1918; Service with "Stars and Stripes" (newspaper of A.E.F.), and in Field Service as Corp., in Luxembourg and Germany, until June, 1919. Morgan, J. Pierpont Junius S. Morgan, Jr., U. S. N., Ensign. Morse, James H. James H. Morse, Jr., Home Defense, Engle- wood, N. J. William Gibbons Morse, U. S. N., Lieut. Junior Grade. Mowbray, H. Siddons George Siddons Mowbray, Norton-Harjes Am- Ibulance Corps, 1917; Corp., Battery B, 71st Coast Art., received certificate at Saumur Art. School. Murray, Francis W. Francis W. Murray, Jr., U.S.N., Lieut. Lawrence N. Murray, Field Art., 1st Lieut., A.E.F. Myers, T. Halsted Halsted H. Myers, U.S.N. Nichols, Harry P. J. Donaldson Nichols, Capt., 76th Div., A.E.F. [131] Shepley Nichols, U.S.N., Quartermaster, U.S. Submarine Chaser No. 325, Lost in the Irish Sea, 21 Aug., 1918. Oakman, Wai^ter G. Walter G. Oakman, Jr., 1st Lieut., Coldstream Guards, D.S.O. O'Brien, Morgan J. Esmond O'Brien, 1st Lieut., Ordnance Dept., A.E.F. Justin C. O'Brien, Supply Train Dept., A.E.F. Morgan J. O'Brien, Jr., U.S.N. Kenneth R. O'Brien, Capt., Art., A.E.F. Ogden, Rollo Nelson Ogden, N.A., Fleet Corp., Philadelphia; Ordnance Bureau, Washington, D. C. Olney, Peter B. Peter B. Olney, Jr., N.Y.G., Sergt.; Associate Member, Legal Adv. Bd., Dist. Bd. No. 4, Lawrence, N.Y. Sigourney B. Olney, O.A.T.C, Plattsburg, N. Y., 1917; 1st Lieut., 305th F.A., Aug., 1917; Captain, F.A., Jan., 1918; Major, H.Q., 152nd Brigade, F.A., 1919; A.E.F.; Campaigns — Vosges, Vesle, Argonne, Argonne-Meuse ; Dis- charged, 1919. Ordway, Samuel H. Samuel H. Ordway, Jr., S.A.T.C., Harvard Uni. [132] OsBORN, Henry F. A. Perry Osborn, N.A., Lieut.-Col., Ordnance. Henry F. Osborn, Jr., N.A., Capt., Field Art. Ralph Sanger Osborn, N.A., Capt., Signal Corps, Aviation Sect. Osborn, William Church Frederic Osborn, Am. Red Cross, France. William H. Osborn, 2nd Lieut., Inf., A.E.F. Earl Dodge Osborn, Belgian Relief, 1915-, Am- bulance Service, France, 1916-17; A.E.F., 1917; Relief in Hungary, 1918. Osborne, Thomas Mott David M. Osborne, N.A., 2nd Lieut. 1st Maine Heavy Art.; 1st Lieut., Air Service. Charles D. Osborne, 2nd Lieut., Machine Gun Service, A.E.F. Robert K. Osborne, N.A., Capt., Inf. Page, Edward D. Leigh Page, M.D., State Home Guard, Conn. Parker, Charles W. Dudley F. Parker, U.S.N. Ensign, U.S.S. "North Carolina." Phihp M. Parker, 309th Trench Mortar Bat- tery, Serg., A.E.F. Parsons, Wm. Barclay Wm. Barclay Parsons, Jr., Ambulance Service, French Army, 1916; Capt., M.C., U.S.A., 1917- 1919. 1:1333 Paktridge, Edward L. Theodore Dwight Partridge, U.S.N., Ensign. Peabody, Endicott Malcolm E. Peabody, Chaplain, Harvard Medi- cal Unit, France; Chaplain, 102nd Field Art., France. Peck^ Charles H. Charles H. Peck, Jr., Enhsted M.C., U.S.A., June, 1917; Sergt., Med. Corps, U.S.A., July, 1917; Base Hosp., No. 15, A.E.F., with French Army as member of the first Am. Operating Team assigned to the French, at Vasseny-sur- Vesle, during the battle of Chemin des Dames, Oct., 1917; transferred to combat service, A.E.F., Art. School at Saumur-sur-Loire, Mch., 1918; died in service at Chamnont, France, 7 Mch., 1918. Peters, John P. John P. Peters, Jr., Major, M.O.R.C. Bryan F. Peters, N.A., 1st Lieut., Trans. Corps. Frazier F. Peters, N.A., 1st Lieut., F.A. Peters, William R. Thomas INIcClure Peters, War Trade Bureau, in N.Y., Washington, and in charge of branch at Nogales, Ariz. Platt, Charles A. William Platt, U.S.N., Aviator, Ensign. 1:1343 Poor, Charles L. Charles L. Poor, Jr., U.S.N., Lieut. Alfred E. Poor, U.S.N., Air Service, Ensign. Porter, William H. James J. Porter, 2nd Lieut., 10th Machine Gun Bat., 4th Div., U.S.A., A.E.F. Pratt, George D. George D. Pratt, Jr., Driving Truck, Am. Field Service, France. Prellwitz, Henry Edwin M. Prellwitz, U.S.N.R.F., Ensign. Pritchett, Henry S. Henry H. Pritchett, Lieut.-Col., Inf., A.E.F. Prout, Henry G. Curtis Prout, Capt., 302nd Battalion, A.E.F. Putnam, George Haven Palmer Cosslet Putnam, Royal Aviation Corps, Canada. Putnam, William A. W. Allen Putnam, Jr., French Amhulance Service; Am. Ambulance Corps, A.E.F. Pyne, M. Taylor Percy R. Pyne, 2nd, Council of National De- fense, 1st Asst. Director, 1917-19; Knight, Order of the Crown (Belgian). Rainsford, William S. Ralph S. Rainsford, Capt., Signal Corps, A.E.F. W. Kerr Rainsford, Capt., 307th Inf., 77th Div., A.E.F. Rand, William William Rand, Jr., U.S.N., 1917; Ensign, Sept., 1917; special course, AnnapoKs, Oct., 1917- Feby., 1918; U.S.S. Desti'oyer "Gregory," in the Mediterranean, July-Dec, 1918; Lieut. J. G., Nov., 1918; Discharged, Dec, 1918. Robert C. Rand, U.S.N., 1917; U.S.S. "Har- vard," Convoy Service; Discharged Nov., 1918. Rantoul, Charles W. Endicott Rantoul, 2nd Lieut., 304th Machine Gun Battahon, 77th Div., A.E.F. Rice, William Gorham William Gorham Rice, Jr., 1st Lieut., Am. Field Service; Ambulance Service, A.E.F., Croix de Guerre, three citations. Richards, George Archibald M. Richards, Y.M.C.A., France. Guy H. Richards, Am. Ambulance Corps, France; Sergt., Battery A, 309th Field Art., 77th Div., A.E.F. Richardson, Frank W. John Richardson, Capt., Air Service, A.E.F. George A. Richardson, Major, Field Art., A.E.F. Richardson, Frederick David W. Richardson, U.S.N., Aviation. i:i36] Allen B . Richardson, 2nd Lieut., Royal Air Force, Brit. Army. Richmond, Charles A. Locke Richmond, U.S.N., U.S.S. "Wheeling." Robinson, Edwin Phillips B. Robinson, U.S.N. Marine Corps, Capt.; Died in service, 2 Nov., 1918. Rogers, Archibald Herman L. Rogers, 308th Field Art., Major, A.E.F. Edmund P. Rogers, O.T.C., Camp Zachary Taylor, Louisville, Ky. Rae H. Rogers, Motor Transport Corps, 2nd Lieut., N.A. William C. Rogers, Tank Corps, N.A. Rogers, William A. William S. Rogers, Capt., Field Art., A.E.F. Alden Rogers, Sergt., Mallet Reserve Corps, Motor Truck Div., N.A. Roosevelt, Theodore Theodore Roosevelt, Jr., Lieut.-Col., 26th Inf., 1st Div., U.S.A., A.E.F.; Croix de Guerre with Pahns ; Legion of Honor. Kermit Roosevelt, Captain, Light Armored Motor Battery, B.E.F., Mesopotamia; Captain, 7th F.A., 1st Div., A.E.F.; Military Cross. Archibald B. Roosevelt, Captain, 26th Inf., 1st Div., A.E.F.; wounded near Seicheprey, 1918; Croix de Guerre. CIST] Quentin Roosevelt, Aviation Corps, Canada; 1st Lieut., N.A., Air Service, A.E.F.; Croix de Guerre; killed near Chamery, 14 July, 1918. Roosevelt, W. Emlen George Emlen Roosevelt, Lieut-Col., Inf., A.E.F. John Kean Roosevelt, U.S.N. , Lieut. Philip James Roosevelt, Signal Corps, Aviation Sect., Major, A.E.F. Root, Elihu Edward Wales Root, American Red Cross, Secretary, Potomac Div. Elihu Root, Jr., Major, 304th Inf., 76th Div., and member H.Q. Staff, 6th Army Corps, A.E.F. Rose, Wickliffe Harold W. Rose, U.S.N. Ensign, Wireless operator, 1917; served on U-boat Chasers and later on Destroyer. RossiTER, Ehrick K. Ehrick W. Rossiter, Censorship Service, Post Office Dept. Kensett Rossiter, Hea\y Art., N.A. Russell, Charles H. Charles H. Russell, Jr., Attache, American Legation at Berlin, Aug., 1914- Aug., 1916; Third Secretary of American Legation at The Hague, 1917; American Legation at Berne, Ciss] 1918; Special duty with Peace Commission at Paris, 1919. Hemy P. Russell, 1st Lieut, with French Army; Am. Ambulance, Harjes Section, 1915-1916; O.T.C., Plattsburg, 1916-1917, 1st Lieut.; A.E.F., 1917-1919. Sachs, Julius Ernest Sachs, Prof. Special Training Course for Surgeons in Brain Surgery, Washington Univ., St. Louis, Mo. Sampson, Alden Edward Sampson, N.A., 1st Lieut., Signal Corps, Aviation Sect. Sanger, William C. Wilham C. Sanger, Jr., N.A., 1st Lieut., Am. Ambulance Service in France. Sargent, Henry B. Ziegler Sargent, O.A.T.C., Camp Zachary Tay- lor, Ky. Murray Sargent, War Industries Board, Wash- ington, D.C., Small Hardware and Hand Tools Section, Chairman. Saville, Marshall H. Randolph M. Saville, 2nd Lieut., Machine Gun Instructor, A.E.F. Winthrop L. Saville, U.S.N., Apprentice Sea- man. 1:1393 SCHIEFFELIN^ WiLLIAM J AY William Jay Schieffelin, Jr., Capt., 12th Field Art., A.E.F., Service near Verdun. John Jay Schieffelin, U.S.N. , Lieut., Naval Aviator on the North Sea. — Received the thanks of the British Admiralty for sinking two sub- marines; U. S. Naval Cross. ScHOFiELD^ W. Elmer Seymour R. Schofield, Lieut., Field Ai'tillery, B.E.F. ScHURMAN, Jacob Gould Jacob Gould Schurman, Jr., Capt. 309th Inf., Headquarters Co., 78th Div., A.E.F. George Munro Schurman, R.A., 1st Lieut., 4th Field Art., B.E.F. ScRiBNER, Charles Charles Scribner, Jr., 1st Lieut., Remount Ser- vice. Q.M.C., A.E.F. Sedgwick, Henry D. Robert M. Sedgwick, 2nd Lieut., U.S.A., In- structor, University of Florida. Sewell, Robert V. V. Robert B. Sewell, Signal Corps, Aviation Sec- tion, Instructor at Ft. Sill, Okla., 1918; A.E.F., 1918-19. Seymour, Henry T. Lawrence D. Seymour, 2nd Lieut., Air Service Intelligence Dept., A.E.F. [;i40 3 Shaw^ Albert Albert Shaw, Jr., 2nd Lieut., F.A., A.E.F. Sloane, William M. James R. Sloane, N.A. Capt., Gen. Staff and Service of Supply. S MEDLEY, William T. Edward Darling Smedley, .5th Reg., Marine Corps, U.S.N. Smillie, George H. Charles V. V. Smillie, U.S.N. Smith, Arthur Cosslett Sibly Cosslett Smith, Capt., Am. Red Cross, France. Gordon A. Smith, Lieut., Naval Aviation, France. Smith, Eugene Leonard B. Smith, Major, Field Art., A.E.F. Smith, Howard C. Caswell Moen Smith, S.A.T.C. Soper, George A. George A. Soper, Jr. Chief Q.M. (Aviation) U.S.N. Speir, Francis Francis Cecil Speir, Ensign, U.S.N.R.F. Sprague, Edward E. William B. Sprague, N.A., Capt., Chemical Warfare Service, Camp Humphreys, Va., and Camp Hendrick, N. J. cm] S PRAGUE, Frank J. F. Desmond Sprague, Lieut., Naval Reserve, J.G., Experimental Ordnance. Robert C. Sprague, Midshipman, U. S. Naval Academy, Annapolis, Md. Sprague, Henry W. John S. N. Sprague, Sergt., Ordnance Dept., Interpreter, A.E.F. Squibb, Edward H. Charles G. Squibb, N.A. 2nd Lieut., Ordnance Dept., Wool Expert Inspector; Transferred to Naval Aviation, Ensign, U.S.N. George S. Squibb, 1st Lieut., Sanitary Corps, Gas Defense Div. ; Capt., -Chemical Warfare Service, A.E.F. Stewart, Wm. Rhinelander Wm. Rhinelander Stewart, Jr., Naval Intelli- gence Bureau, Washington, D. C, Volunteer Clerk, Sept., 1917; Lieut. (J.G.), U.S.N., Oct., 1917; Asst. Naval Attache, U.S. Legation, Paris, April, 1918; Flag Lieut, to Adm. Bristol, who was subsequently High Commissioner to Turkey, Mch., 1919. Discharged Oct., 1919. Stimson, Henry A. Henry B. Stimson, Capt., 104th Field Art., A.E.F. Philip Moen Stimson, Capt., Med. Corps ; Adjt. Am. Red Cross Military Hosp., A.E.F. i:i42 3 Stokes, Frederick A. Frederick B. Stokes, 1st Lieut., Inf., A.E.F. Horace W. Stokes, 1st Lieut., Inf., A.E.F. Strong, Benjamin Benjamin Strong, Jr., French Army, 191 G; 1st Lieut., A.E.F., 1917. Strong, Theron G. Prentice Strong, Col., Field Art., N.Y.G. Taft, Henry W. Walbridge S. Taft, jV. A. Capt., Ordnance Res. Corps, Nov., 1917; 2nd Lieut., F.A., and as- signed to Staff, F.A.C., O.T.S., Camp Taylor, Kentucky, Oct., 1918; 1st Lieut., Oct., 1918; Discharged Dec, 1918; Major, F.A. Res. Corps, May, 1919. Wilham Howard Taft, 2nd, 1st Lieut., A.E.F., Ordnance Res. Corps, Watervliet Arsenal, N. Y., Aug., 1917; Headquarters Troop, 39th Div., at Camp Beauregard, La., Oct., 1917; later trans- ferred as 1st Lieut., F.A., and aide to the Com- manding Gen. of the 64th Art. Brig., with the 39th Div.; overseas with the 39th Div., Aug., 1918; Discharged, April, 1919. Taylor, Frank M. David P. Taylor, Capt., Chemical Warfare Ser- vice, A.E.F. Taylor, Howard Geoffrey Taylor, Capt., Inf., A.E.F. Murray Taylor, Major, Inf., A.E.F., Two Divi- sional Citations. 1:1433 Taylor, Howard C. Howard C. Taylor, Jr., S.A.T.C, Yale Uni- versity. Thomas, Augustus Luke G. Thomas, N. A., Capt., Headquarters of Gen. McAndrew; Major, 29th Div., A.E.F. Thomas, John Lloyd Arthur W. Thomas, 1st Lieut., N.A., Q.M.D. Thomas, John M. Henry S. Thomas, Sergt., S.A.T.C, Middlebury College, Vt. TisoN, Alexander Paul Tison, Am. Red Cross, Ambulance Serv- ice in Italy and France, and Am. H. Q., Paris. Todd, Henry Alfred Henry Wallingford Todd, U.S.N.R.F., New- port, Wood's Hole and Princeton. TowNSEND, Howard Howard Townsend, Jr., U.S.A. Trowbridge, Alexander B. Sherman Trowbridge, 2nd Lieut., F. A., A.E.F. Alexander B. Trowbridge, Jr., Cadet, Naval Aviation. Trowbridge, Augustus George Augustus Trowbridge, Am. Ambulance in France; Engineers, U.S.A. Cornelius P. Trowbridge, 2nd Lieut., Inf., U.S.A. [144] Truesdale^ William H. Calvin Truesdale, 2nd Lieut., N.A. Milville D. Truesdale, Lieut., U.S.N. TUCKEKMAN^ B A YARD Bayard Tuckerman, Jr., N.A., 2nd Lieut. Vanderbilt^ Cornelius Cornelius Vanderbilt, Jr., Headquarters Troop, 27th Div., A.E.F. Vermeule^ Cornelius C. Cornelius C. Vermeule, Jr., Capt., 80th Div., A.E.F. ; Personal Citation. Vezin^ Charles Cornelius D. Vezin, U. S. Marine Corps. Volk^ Douglas Jerome Douglas Volk, Corp., Inf., 107th Reg., 27th Div., A.E.F.; wounded and prisoner in Germany. Wendell Douglas Volk, Capt., Engineers, 20th Reg., A.E.F. Walker, Henry O. J. Marquand Walker, Capt., Field Art., 2nd Div., 12th Reg. Previously Am. Ambulance, Field Service; Croix de Guerre, France, 1916; Croix de Guerre, Servia, 1917. Walker, Howard Harold D. Walker, Lieut. (J.G.), U.S.N.R.F. Ward, H. Galbraith Galbraith Ward, Am. Field Service in France C 145 3 with French Army, 1916; Inf., 1917-1918; A.E.F. Died in service, 17 Dec, 1918. Marquand Ward, A.E.F. Killed in action, 18 Oct., 1918. Warren, William R. Edward H. Warren, 1st Lieut., N.A. WiUiam Van V. Warren, Capt., N.A. Washburn, William Ives Wilham Ives Washburn, Jr., 2nd Lieut., Tank Corps, U.S.A. Webster, Albert L. Benjamin L. Webster, S.A.T.C., Yale Univ. Wetmore, George Peabody Wilham S. K. Wetmore, Y.M.C.A., Secy, for Overseas Work, A.E.F., Service at Nice, In- formation Bureau; at Cannes, Officers' Rest Club. Wheeler, Everett P. David E. Wheeler, Hospital Service in France; Foreign Legion, Brit. Med. Service; Surgeon, 16th Inf., A.E.F.; Croix de Guerre; Deceased. White, Gaylord S. Charles T. White, U.S.N., Lieut., J.G. Whiting, Frederick Frederick L. Whiting, N.A., Medical Corps. Whitman, Alfred A. Alfred M. Whitman, Am, Field Service under French Army, 1916; Head of "Motor Pare," 1917; later. Tank Corps, A.E.F. C1463 Roger W. Whitman, Am. Field Service under French Army, 1916; 1st Lieut., Maintenance OfBcer for Motor Transport Service, A.E.F. Whitman, Royal Armitage Whitman, Capt., Medical Corps, A.E.F. WiCKERSHAM, GeORGE W. Cornelius W. Wickersham, Major and Asst. Chief of Staff, 2nd Army, A.E.F.; Knight, Legion of Honor. WiLGUs, William J. Wilham J. Wilgus, Jr., N.A. Inf. WiLLARD, Daniel Daniel Willard, Jr., R.O.T.C, Ft. Myer, Va., April, 1917; 2nd Lieut., Art., Aug., 1917; Mih- tary School for Officers at Saumur, France; Attached to 26th Div. until June, 1918, as 2nd Lieut., Brigade Adjt., and Aide on General's Staff; Citation at Battle of Seichprey; Croix de Guerre. WiLLCOX, William F. Bertram F. Willcox, Ambulance Driver in France; Am. Red Cross Officer in Paris; Field Art. School at Fontainebleau ; French Army, three months' service as Aspirant. Williams, Frederick W. Wayland W. Williams, Air Service, 2nd Lieut., A.E.F. [;i47] Williams, Jesse Lynch Henry Mead Williams, 1st Class Quartermaster, U.S.N. Williams, Richard H. Richard H. Williams, Jr., Lieut.-CoL, Remount Service, Q.M.C., A.E.F. Willis, William H. Harold Willis, 2nd Lieut., Art., N.A. WiNGATE, George W. George A. Wingate, Brig.-Gen., 52nd Brig., F. A., 27th Div., D.S.M., A.E.F. Charles G. Wingate, War Dept., Inspector of Shells and Manufactures in U.S. Winter, Edwin W. Edwin P. Winter, Capt., Art., A.E.F. WOODBRIDGE, FREDERICK J. E. Frederick J. Woodbridge, S.A.T.C., Columbia Univ.; Central Officers' Training Camp, Fort Monroe, Va. ; Coast Art. Service. WooLSEY, Theodore S. Theodore S. Woolsey, Jr., Lieut.-CoL, En- gineers, A.E.F. Zabriskie, George Alexander C. Zabriskie, Lieut., J.G., U.S.N. George Gray Zabriskie, Lieut., J.G., U.S.N. Zogbaum, Rufus F. Rufus F. Zogbaum, Jr., Commander, U.S.N., Destroyer "Davis" (one of the first six ships to [148 3 be sent abroad at the beginning of the war) ; British Admiralty citation; U.S. Naval Medal. Harry St. Clair Zogbaum, U. S. Air Service, Oct., 1917; 2nd Lieut., Signal Corps, Aviation Sect., Jan., 1918; Discharged, Dec, 1918. Ferdinand Zogbaum, Signal Corps, Aviation Sect., 2nd Lieut., Nov., 1917; 59th Engineers, July, 1918; Transportation Corps, A.E.F., 1st Lieut., Sept., 1918; Discharged, Sept., 1919. Lim DAU(3HTERS OF MEMBERS OF THE CEN- TURY ASSOCIATION WHO IN THE GREAT WAR RENDERED SERVICE TO THE GOV- ERNMENT OF THE UNITED STATES, OR TO ONE OF THE ALLIED POWERS, THROUGH ORGANIZATIONS RECOGNIZED BY THAT GOVERNMENT. EACH OF THESE IS REPRESENTED BY A STAR ON THE SER- VICE FLAG SHOWN DURING THE WAR WITHIN THE CLUB HOUSE. DAUGHTERS OF MEMBERS REPRE- SENTED BY STARS ON THE SERVICE FLAG SHOWN WITHIN THE CLUB HOUSE • Adaivis, Elbridge L. Emily Adams, Am. Red Cross. Abler, Felix Eleanor Adler, Fed. Board for Vocational Edu- cation; Rehabilitation of Wounded Soldiers. Margaret Adler, Penn. Woman's Land Army. Ruth Adler, Reconstruction Aide, N.A., Colonia Hosp., N. J.; Polyclinic Hosp., N. Y. C; Fox Hills Hosp., Staten Island. Ames^ Charles W. Elizabeth Ames, Am. Fund for French Wounded, Paris. Ahce Ames Crothers, Am. Fund for French Wounded, Paris. Margaret Ames Wright, Am. Fund for French Wounded, Paris. Andrews^ Robert D. Elizabeth Andrews Bronson, Y.M.C.A., Can- teen Service, Paris, AUevard and Lyons, France, 1918-1919. Baekeland, Leo H. Nina R. Baekeland, Yeoman, U. S. Naval Res. Baldwin, Elbert F. Marian Baldwin, Y.M.C.A., Canteen Work in France. Baldwin, Henry deF. Dorothea Baldwin, iVni. Red Cross, France. Bangs, Francis S. Helen Clewell Bangs, Capt., Nat. Service School, Washington, D, C; Am. Red Cross Mo- tor Corps, N. Y. C. Mary Whitney Bangs, Am. Red Cross Instruc- tor, Model Work Room, 38th St., N.Y.C.; Aide, Hudson St. Branch, Naval Hospital, N. Y. C. Bartlett, Philip G. Priscilla Alden Bartlett, Y.M.C.A., Secy., France. Batten, Loring W. Clare W. Batten, Chief Clerk, Draft Board, N.Y.C. Beers, Lucius H. Eleanor Beers Lestrade, U. S. Censorship, N.Y.C. Bradley, William Harrison Marion Kari Bradley, Nat. League for Wom- an's Service, Ridgefield, Conn. Mary Linda Bradley, State Council of Defense, Woman's Com., Ridgefield, Conn., Chairman; Nat. League for Woman's Service, Ridgefield, Conn., Chairman. Brannan, John W. Eleanor Doddridge Brannan, Am. Red Cross Nurse; Y.M.C.A., France. Byrne, James Helen MacGregor Byrne, Am. Red Cross, Paris. Sheila Byrne, Am. Red Cross, N.Y.C. Clarke, Edmund A. S. Louise Clarke, War Trade Board, N.Y.C, In- telligence Dept. Clarke, Thomas Shields Alma Clarke, in France with the Society of Les Enfants de la Fronticrc. Cleveland, Clement Elizabeth Manning Mead, Women's Bureau, Y.M.C.A., New York, 1917; Women's Bureau, Y.M.C.A., Paris, 1918-1919. Cobb, Henry E. Dorothy Penrose Cobb, Intelligence Dept., Washington, D.C. CooLiDGE, Charles A. Isabel Coolidge, Nurse at French Military Hos- pital. Decorated by French Government. Me- daille des Epidemies. 1 155 ] Julia S. Coolidge, Y.M.C.A., Canteen, Kirk- well, Orkney Islands. Damrosch, Frank H. Helen Theresa Damrosch, Reconstruction Aide in Occupational Therapy. Damrosch, Wajlter AHce Damrosch Pennington, Y.M.C.A., France. Dana, Charles L. Marjorie Dana Barlow, Am. Red Cross, France; British Red Cross, Belgium. Davis, George S. Emily W. Davis, Laboratory Technician, Camp Gordon, Atlanta, Ga. Davis, Howland Katharine Davis, Am. Red Cross, N.Y.C., Bu- reau of Personnel. deKay, Charles Katharine Finola deKay, Adj. Gen.'s Dept., Washington, D.C.; Art Teacher, Occupational Therapy, Fox Hills Hosp., Staten Island, N.Y. Ormonda K. deKay, S.A.T.C, Top Sergt., Co- lumbia Univ. Delafield, Lewis L. Charlotte Delafield, Am. Fund for French Wounded, France, Motor Corps. Dennis, Samuel S. Dorothy Dennis, Y.M.C.A., France. [156 3 DowD, Charles N. Constance E. Dowd, Ordnance Dept., Washing- ton, D.C. DuRYEE, Joseph R. Margaret E. Salesbury, Am. Red Cross, Nurse, Base Hosp., Camp Merritt, N. J. Farrand, Wilson Margaret L. Farrand, Am. Fund for French Wounded; Am. Red Cross, France. Fisher, Samuel H. Margaret Crossette Fisher, Am. Red Cross Can- teen; Hostess Red Cross House, Base Hosp., No. 16, AlHngtown, Conn.; Nurse in same hos- pital; Worker in Debarkation Hosp., No. 3, N.Y.C. Fiske, Amos K. Annette Fiske, 2nd Lieut., State Home Guard, Mass., Medical Dept. Forbes, William J. Rebecca E. Morse, Y.W.C.A., War Council, N.J. Frazier, Kenneth Veronica Frazier, Nurse (Auxiliaire) , Am. Am- bulance Hospital, France. French, Daniel Chester Margaret French, Am. Red Cross, Debarkation Hosp., No. 3, six months' service; Duryea War Relief, Secy., one year. [157] Gilder, Joseph B. Charlotte J. Gilder, U.S. War College, Wash- ington, D.C., translating from French and Ger- man. Hamlin, Alfred D. F. Genevieve K. Hamhn, Canteen Work, N.Y.C. C. Louise Hamlin, Canteen Work, N.Y.C. Harper, J. Henry Urling Harper Benedict, Nat. Surgical Dress- ing Com.; Nat. League of Woman's Service, Canteen; Am. Red Cross, N.Y.C. Henderson, Edward C. Margaret I. Henderson, Am. Fund for French Wounded, France; Women's Overseas Hos- pitals, Labouheyre; Association des Dames Frarifaises, France. Hendrick, Ellwood Grace Virginia Pomeroy Hendrick, Am. Red Cross, Motor Corps, N.Y.C. Hepburn, A. Barton Cordelia A. Hepburn, Canteen Worker in France. Hewitt, Edward R. Candace Hewitt, Near East Relief Committee, Turkey. Lucy Hewitt, with Committee for Restoration of Devastated France, Service in the Aisne. Hill, David Jayne Catharine J. Packer Hill, instructor in the French language to U. S. Officers, Soldiers, Sailors and Marines. Holt, Henry Winifred Holt, Head of the Phares de France^ Sevres, Bordeaux, Neuilly, Plaisance, Vichy, and of the Faro d'Maria. Sylvia Holt, Y.M.C.A. Jay, John C. Edith Van Cortlandt Jay, Surgical Dressings, Am. Red Cross, N.Y.C., Canteen; National Special Aid Socy., N.Y.C. Johnson, Robert Underwood Agnes M. Holden, Serbian Relief, N.Y.C. Kimball, Alfred R. Rosamond Kimball, Y.M.C.A., Dramatic En- tertainments; Nurse in Base Hospitals, N. Y. and N. J. Kissel, Rudolph H. Eleonora M. Kissel, Y.M.C.A., France and Germany, Secy. Le\t]:rmore, Charles H. Elsa Levermore Furman, Am. Red Cross, N.Y.C. LocKWOOD, I. Ferris Eleanor Lockwood, Am. Red Cross Nurse, France. Priscilla Lockwood, Reconstruction Aide, U.S.A., Med. Dept., France. [159] Mackenzie^ James C. Anna MacKenzie, Am. Red Cross Nurse. Manning^ William T. Frances van Antwerp Manning, National League for Women's Service, Canteen Worker; Ward Messenger, Debarkation Hospital, No. 3. Elizabeth van Antwerp Manning, Am. Red Cross, War Fund Headquarters, Secretary; service in Liberty Loan Campaigns. Merritt^ Douglas Ethel Douglas Merritt, Am. Red Cross Hosp., Yvetot, France, May- Aug., 1915; St. Valery en Caux, Dr. Fitch's Hosp., Aug-Sept., 1916; gave illustrated lectures in America to raise money for Dr. Fitch's Hosp., Oct., 1916; service at Evreux until May, 1918; Military Nurse at the Baroness de Rothschild's Ambrine Hosp. at the front, until Nov., 1918. Moore, Edward Caldwell Dorothea May Moore, Am. Red Cross, Paris; Clinical Laboratory Work, Am. Red Cross Hosp., No. 2. Moore, John Bassett Phylhs Elwyn Moore, Am. Red Cross, U.S.A., 1914-1917; Am. Red Cross and Rockefeller Ins., France, Belgium and Balkan States, 1917- 1919. Anne Ferguson Moore, Nat. League for Wom- Cieo] en's Work at Harvard Canteen, N.Y.C., also at Pershing House for the Wounded, N.Y.C. Angela Turner Moore, War Savings service. MuNROE, George E. Marjory Munroe, Am. Red Cross, Instructor, N.Y.C, and East Hampton, L.I. O'Brien, Morgan J. Estelle O'Brien, Am. Red Cross, N.Y.C. OsBORN, Henry F. Virginia Osborn Sanger, French Heroes Fund, Paris. OUTERBRroGE, EuGENE H. Ethel Outerbridge, Am. Red Cross, N.Y.C. Peabody, Endicott Helen Peabody, Y.M.C.A., Hosp. at Nevers; Orphanage at Etretat. Rose Peabody Parsons, Am. Red Cross, Mobile Hosp. Unit, No. 2, Searcher. Peters, William R. Isabel M. Peters, Am. Red Cross, France. AHce R. Peters, War Trade Bureau, N.Y.C. Peterson, Frederick Frederica Peterson Jessup, Presbyterian Hosp., N.Y.C, later, home service, 305th Inf., Aux. Porter H. Hobart Dorothy Porter Pardee, Nurse at Front Line Hospital, France. Potter^ William Adeline Potter Shear, Am. Red Cross, Canteen Work at Philadelphia Navy Yard. Pritchett^ Henry S. Ida W. Pritchett, Rockefeller Inst., N.Y.C.; Medical Research, Johns Hopkins Univ. Med. School. Putnam, Herbert Shirley Putnam, Am. Library Assn., Library War Service with the Am. Red Cross, France, and at the Am. Hosp., Neuilly, France. Richmond, Charles A. Margaret Richmond, War College, Washington, D.C., Office of Chief of Staff, Research Clerk, Military Intelligence Dept. Frances Richmond, S.A.T.C, 2nd Dist., No. 2, N. Y. and N. J., Managing Clerk. Roosevelt, Theodore Ethel Roosevelt Derby, Am. Red Cross Nurse, France. Root, Elihu Edith Root Grant, Treasurer, Women's Com- mittee for Engineer Soldiers, Washington, D.C. Rose, Wickliffe Ethel Rose Jackson, Technician in Rockefeller Institute for Med. Research. Sandford, Edward T. Anna Magee Sanford, Am. Red Cross, Canteen Service in France. [162] SCHIEFFELIN, WiLLIAM J AY Margaret Schieffelin Osborne, Standards Com. of Woman's Land Army, Chairman. Mary Jay Schieffelin, Asst. Librarian at Camp Upton for Am. Libr. Assn.; Y.M.C.A. In charge of Library at Chamnont, France, for eight months. Seymour, Henry T. Clara Damrosch Seymour, Reconstruction Ser- vice as Nurse, Camp Meade, N. J. Shrady, Henry M. Julester Shrady, U.S.A., Nurse. Smith, Arthur C. Louise Cosslett Smith, Hackett-Lowther unit, French Army, Ambulance Service in France. Smith, Munroe Gertrude Smith Goodhue, City and State Com- mittees for Fourth and Fifth Govt. Loans, Boston, Mass., Chairman of Local Committees. Smyth, Henry Lloyd Charlotte Pumpelly Smyth, Am. Red Cross; Y.M.C.A. Pauline Pumpelly Smyth, Am. Red Cross; Y.M.C.A. Stimson, Henry A. Julia C. Stimson, Chief Nurse, Base Hosp. No. 12 (St. Louis, Mo., Unit), British Exp. Force, France; Director, Army Nursing Corps, A.E.F. [:i63] Stoddard, Charles A. Ethel Stoddard Parsons, Am. Red Cross, Ser- vice for the Blind, Paris. Strong, Charles H. Margaret Longfellow Strong, American Red Cross. Thaw, A. Blajr Katherine Blair Thaw, Am. Red Cross, Dr. Blake's Hospital, Paris. Thomas, Augustus Glorj^ Thomas, Am. Red Cross, Motor Corps. Thompson, Walter Jessie Fuller Thompson, Y.M.C.A., Canteen Service, N.Y.C., and Navy Camp, Peekskill, N.Y. Todd, Henry Alitied Lisa Oilman Todd, Y.M.C.A., Camp Upton, N.Y.; Canteen, Overseas Service. Martha Clover Todd, Censorship Bureau, N.Y.C., Y.M.C.A., Canteen, Overseas Service. Townsend, Howard Anne L. Townsend, Civilian employee (stenog- rapher and typist), Q.M. Dept., U.S.A. Trowbridge, Augustus Katharine Trowbridge Perkins, Fosdick Com- mission, Protection of Girls. Verplanck, William G. Margarita Schuyler Verplanck, Woman's Land Army, Leader of Halesite Unit, L.I., N.Y., 1918. Am. Red Cross, Nurse's Aid, House of Relief, Hudson St., N.Y.C., 1918-1919. Vaca- tion War Relief, office worker. Weir, J. Alden Cora Weir, Lieut., National League for Woman's Service, Canteen Work. Dorothy Weir, Food Conservation, Fairfield, Conn., Director. Whiting, Feederick Margaret Whiting, Nurses' Aid, Debarkation Hosp. No. 5, U.S.A. WooLSEY, George Marjorie E., Nurse at Army Hosp. No. 1, N.Y.C. ZOGBAUM, RUFUS F. Kate Zogbaum, Am. Red Cross, Inspection Dept., Atlantic Div., 1917-1919. [165] GRANDCHILDREN OF MEMBERS OF THE CENTURY ASSOCIATION WHO IN THE GREAT WAR RENDERED SERVICE TO THE GOVERNMENT OF THE UNITED STATES, OR TO ONE OF THE ALLIED POWERS, THROUGH ORGANIZATIONS RECOGNIZED BY THAT GOVERNMENT. EACH OF THESE IS REPRESENTED BY A STAR ON THE SER- VICE FLAG SHOWN DURING THE WAR WITHIN THE CLUB HOUSE. GRANDCHILDREN OF MEMBERS REP- RESENTED BY STARS ON THE SERVICE FLAG SHOWN WITHIN THE CLUB HOUSE • Cromwell, James W. Jarvis Cromwell, 1st Lieut., U.S.A., Instructor at Camp Hancock, N. J., and Camp Meade, Pa. Davis, A. McFarland Hallowell Davis, Am. Red Cross, France, Auto- mobile driver at the front. Dixon, William P. Byam K. Stevens, U.S.N., Ensign U.S.S. "Harvard." Douglas, James Lewis W. Douglas, 1st Lieut., Field Art., N.A. Gallatin, Frederic Philip Gallatin Cammann, 1st Lieut., Inf., 102nd Regt., 26th Div., A.E.F. Howland Gallatin Pell, U.S.N., Quartermaster. Frederic A. Gammann, S.A.T.C., Columbia LTniversity. C 169 ;] Hill, David Jayne Walter L. Hill, Jr., Junior Military Camp, Plattsburg, N. Y., 1918, 1st Lieut., in command of a troop of cavalry ; training as a cavalry officer at Norwich University, Conn., 1918. Humphreys, Alexander C. H. Sherman Loud, Jr., S.A.T.C., Stevens Inst., Sergt.-Major. Keyes, Edward L. Edward L. Keyes, 3rd, 2nd Lieut., U.S.A. Lanier^ Charles Francis R. Appleton, O.A.T.C., Plattsburg, N.Y., three training camps, 1915-1916; Capt., O.R.C., U.S.A., Nov., 1916; instructor at Plattsburg, O.A.T.C, May- Aug., 1917; in com- mand of H.Q. Co., 307th Inf., 77th Div., A.E.F., British Training Area of Eperlicques, Aug., 1917; assistant in Operations and Training Sec- tion of General Staff at Divisional Headquar- ters, Apr., 1918; student at the Army Gen'l Staff College at Langres, June-Sept., 1918; Brigade Adjt., 8th Inf., 4th Div., Sept., 1918; Meuse-Argonne Offensive, Sept.-Oct., 1918; Major, Inf., U.S.A., Oct., 1918; Secretary of General Staff of 2nd Army; Lieut. Col., Inf., March, 1919; discharged, July, 1919; recommissioned, Lieut. Col., O.R.C. Charles Lanier Appleton, O.A.T.C, Platts- burg, N. Y., 1916; 2nd Lieut., Nov., 1916; Capt., Aug., 1917; Supply Officer, 367th Inf., Camp Upton, L.I., Nov., 1917- Aug., 1918; Major, 1st Battalion, 367th Inf., Aug., 1918- March, 1919; the Vosges and Argonne, Outpost Line on Moselle River, south of Metz, Oct.- Nov., 1918; with the Army of Occupation at Noveant, in German Lorraine for two weeks; discharged, April, 1919. Reginald B. Lanier, U.S.N.R., Boatswain's Mate, 1st Class, Newport, R. I., two months in Training Regt., and Petty Officers' School; Service on various patrol boats; Ensign, Sept., 1917; command of patrol boat "Nightingale," Oct.-Nov., 1917; U.S.S. "North Carolina," con- voy service, April-Dec, 1918; discharged, Dec, 1918. George E. Turnure, Jr., Am. Amb. Corps, Dec, 1916; Lafayette Flying Corps, French Army, Jan., 1917; Military Aviation School at Avord, Feb., 1917 ; at the front, Flanders and the Aisne, with Escadrille, S octet e Pilots Aviateurs 103, Groupe de Combat, No. 12, July— Dec, 1917; one German aeroplane brought down (of- ficially recognized), near Dixmude; at French Aviation Training School, Issoudun, as Instruc- tor, Jan.-Feb., 1918; at the front, in the 103rd American Aero-Pursuit Squadron, as Pilot, and later as Flight-Commander, Feb.- Aug., 1918; official record, one balloon burned, near the Che- min des Dames, 20 April, 1918; and one balloon burned, 1 June, 1918, at Ploegsteert; with 28th Aero-Pursuit Squadron on the Toul CITI] front, as Chief Flight Officer, St. Mihiel offen- sive, Sept., 1918; Aero Service in the Argonne, Oct.-Dec, 1918; Discharged, Feb., 1919; Dec- orations, Legion of Honor, Croix de Guerre, with five citations, and the official French rib- bon for volunteer members of the Lafayette Flying Corps ; also the Fourragere of the Esca- drille Lafayette. Ranks, Soldat 2ieme Classe, Corporal. Sergeant, 1st Lieut., and Captain. Macdonald, Chaeles Charles Macdonald Serson, Canadian Army. Meyer, Henry C. Henry C. Meyer, 3rd, U.S.N. Raymond, Rossiter W. Alfred Raymond Bellinger, Signal Corps, Avia- tion Sect., 1st Lieut, and Adjt., N. A. Stoddard, Charles A. Wilham H. V. Hoffman, Jr., Lieut., Signal Corps, A.E.F. Stoddard Hoffman, Lieut., Signal Corps, Avia- tion Sect., and Ambulance Corps, A.E.F. Charles Gouverneur Hoffman, Lieut., Royal Flying Corps, B.E.F. Williams, David Eliot B. Foot, Am. Ambulance Corps, Argonne Dist., 1916-1917; returned to U. S., owing to physical disabilitj% spring of 1917; enhsted in 1st Res. Aero Squadron (later 26th Aero Squad- ron, A.E.F.) May, 1917; promoted, Corp., 1 172 3 Sergt., 2nd Lieut., transferred to 32d Aero Squadron; service at Issoudun, France; dis- charged, April, 1919; received with others from French Minister of War a special medal with ribbon. Winter^ Edwin W. Wallace C. Winter, French Army Aviation. Killed in Action, 8 March, 1918. William J. Dean, Capt., 9th Inf., 2nd Div., A.E.F. Twice wounded. GRANDDAUGHTER Macdonald, Charles Marion Macdonald, Nurse, Volunteer Aid Dept., France. 1:173] LIBRftRY OF CONGRESS 003 403 708 5