Class BT-I51 I Boo k 3g H-feg JO Copyright^] COPYRIGHT DEPOSIR HOLY THEOMONISTIC BIBLE OR The Evolutionary Gospel of Fulfilment of Prophecy WHICH JOHN CALLS Th e bitter and sweet Open Book and 'Everlasting Gospel (Revelation 10:1, 7, 9; 14:6) BEING the authentic continuation and consummation of the Jewish and Christian Bibles and other Sacred Books NAMELY The Testament of God with Men of Today and all the Future in the Psychic Age or Theomonistic Era, which started 1916 A. D. AS REVEALED BY ELOAH, the Almighty God of the Universe; by Jehovah, Father of our own Solar System; by Basa Jesus Christ Xeovah, the only rightful King of Earth, and a large Host of Earthborn and Non- Terrestrial Angels Through mediumistic Automatic Writing of MRS. WELARI, the Clairvoyant Inspiration of the Editor, BISHOP THEODOLITHOS, S. T. D., and the guidance by their soulmates, THEODOLINDA and BISHOP PHILLIPS BROOKS. Illustrated with engravings of genuine photographs of Angels. UNIVERSAL THEOMONISTIC ASSOCIATION, INC. 1702 Oregon Ave. N. W., Washington, D. C. 1919-1921 rt$k COPYRIGHT, 1920, AND ALL RIGHTS RESERVED by the Universal Theomonistic Association, Inc., and Bishop Theodolithos (H. P. Holler), President. But as it is desirable that this Bible be printed as soon as possible in all languages of the earth, authorization will be given gratis to the first competent translator and to the first responsible publisher with sufficient funds for any version. No authorization of English reprint will be given, nor any authorization of reprinting any version without permission by the first publisher duly authorized and the Universal Theomonistic Association, Incorporated. OK 28 . /6 / ©CI.A654502 FOREWORD. A Bible, in general, means a library of books; but, in particular, it has come to mean "Sacred Books." But (this name is miore restricted in a sense recognized by all nations of the Earth, as "Sacred Books of the Old and New Testament" of Jews and Christians. Our new Bible is at once still more restricted and at the same time far more comprehensive than either of the meanings given; for our Bible is "Theomonistic," i. e., it is neither Jewish nor Christian, but it is the new and truly "Holy" or Divine Bible whose spirit sanctifies or separates the godly from the ungodly in an unmistakable manner; for it is born of the "Harvest Time" when the weed is rooted out. and of the "Judgment Time," when Satanic Powers of Hell formerly so rampant on Earth, despite Jewish and Christian churches, are bound and cast out. But, while this Bible is neither Jewish nor Christian, it is the fulfilment of all promises given to the Jews and the Chris- tians. Although it does not recognize any of the many falsely conceived dogmas, it is, in fact, the truly marvelous fulfilment and completion of all •that was genuinely inspired from divine sources in the old Scriptures. Professor Max Mueller has given the appropriate title of "Sacred Books of the East" to the splendid collection of best religious and philosophical books of the Oriental Peoples of ancient culture, such as the Indo-Aryans, Chinese, etc., and which collection oif sacred books most conclusively proves that God 'has never left any tribe or nation without truly inspired prophets who prepared them for Theomonism to come. Theomonism (from Greek "Theos"=God, and "monos"=one), means aiming for union with God, and this desire for union with God is the basis of all sacred books and the Bible. Theomo.nism does away with all divisions into various religions, churches, and sects. Neither Jew nor Gentile, neither Christian nor non-Christian shall be known in the future; 'but only Xebelas, i. e., People of the Fulfilment, Children of Light, who unite with the Heavenly Father, and consciously separating themselves from the Children of Darkness, but doing all they can to discipline, admonish, and instruct the latter followers of satans to turn to God and to fight against evil. The true spirit of Theomonism may be expressed in the words by my sreat ancestor, Welas (Xelas), of Alsace, who lived on Earth 125,000 years ago, given to me by independent spirit writing between slates: "All the worlds are One, All the people are one family, One goal is for all. I am working for the entire human race, regardless of nationality, color, creed, or country." FOREWORD. And upon this work and this new Bible the Lord Jesus Christ, whose new name (Revelation 19:12) is Xeovah, has set the stamp of his approval by writing at the same time with Welas, both in ancient Semitic and in English his signature, namely, "Xeovah," which means "Representative of Jehovah" (who is Father of our own Solar System, Eloah being the Almighty God of the Whole Universe of Many Solar Systems). And with the Lord Jesus have united very many greatly enlightened seers and leaders of all ages and of all countries, who all announced themselves in some way or other as the saintly Enoch (mentioned in the Old and New Testament) wrote at the same time when Welas and Xeovah wrote, and in the same manner, between slates: "I am but one of many co-workers with you," which means not only co- workers with us personally, but with all truth-seekers and children of God everywhere. The Theomonistic Bible, then, is the authentic continuation and consum- mation of the Zarathustrian, Jewish, 'Christian, Muhamrnedan, and any other truly sacred book of the East for the East and the West, but now produced in the West for the West and the East, answering the Mother Orient in the Words of the younger, but better schooled, Occident, and thus: The West with East For Loving Feast At last in God shall meet. The basis of such heartfelt union is faith in the one true personal God and Father of all mankind, in His sanctified messengers of all times, and by acceptance of Basa Jesus Christ Xeovah as the most ancient human advanced leader of men who has been approved by God to unite all with Himself, under the direction and continuous help of Jehovah. Men have used many names for God, but their best seers have beheld the union of all divine souls in one highest God, Eloah, as we call Him, or Allah, as the Muhammedans name Him, the ancients calling Him Light or Breath, or simply God, the Good iOne, after whom the Goths were called the "godly" people (for, right in the Center of Europe, after the Orient had started the truly divine revelations, the non-trinitarian Goths were the only guardians of the true faith, from whom, their followers, the Germans, received an inspiration whic'h bears its highest fruit in Theomonism). - Except for German faithfulness and scholarship taught, the Theomonistic Bible would not have been written. But it was by a German missionary to the Orient who, after his work in India was done, settled in the United States of America, that these divine messages were received, collected, properly arranged, and brought into instructive divisional focuses ^he editor, although a German by birth, and an American citizen for a number of years, loving Germany as his mother, the United States as his bride, and India as his sister, strove all his life to be a genuine internationalist, one whose motto was that of his illustrious ancestor, Xelas, by whom he was inspired in his work, as is evidenced by the founding of his Oriental University, the first pioneer internationalistic uni- versity on Earth. Not because he was a German by birth, nor because he was an American by adoption; but because he was an Internationalist, could the Theomonistic Bible be revealed through him and his most faithful co-worker, Welari, his wife, who shared all hardship in various countries with him and FOREWORD. who progressed with him step by step, till, after many years, both were pre- pared by the high angels to obtain the mighty and wonderful revelations given in this Bible for the Whole Earth. Four great Lines of the Human Race or Four Great Ages have passed, during each of which God made a convenant with His people on Earth through Jehovah and Jehovah's Angels. On January 1, 1916 A. D., began the Fifth Ivine or Age, namely the Theomonistic Era. The Theomonistic Bible constitutes the Fifth Covenant of God with All Men. It is the Gospel for the Psychic or Golden Age, often called the Millennium, now starting, when all evils shall be subdued. The Theomonistic Bible lays claim .to as high, if not higher, authority and authenticity than all preceding Bibles or Sacred Books of the East or West, because that not only is it entirely based upon original angelic revelations, but it recites in most cases the exact words of the heavenly beings who are superior to common Earth conditions and who not only see far more clearly than mortals, but who have also in their service for mortals a high mission and a divine power of which men on Earth know as yet little. Since the editor is the founder and president also of the International Psychological Society, there has not been any remarkable phase of medium- ship which has not come under his critical observation, and many messages received through one kind of mediumship and one particular medium have been re-tested through another kind of mediumship and by another medium, and nothing has been left undone to be sure of what is the real intent of each message obtained and recorded in this Bible. In this work we have been very greatly assisted by the angels who have endeavored to give each message in the simplest form till the import of the new fact or teaching was thoroughly comprehended. Key-notes, as it were, were given years before the whole glorious harmony of the grand divine symphony of heavenly revelations re- corded in this Book of Books was unfolded. All true religions ever have been started from the heavens by the inspirations given by God through His messengers (angels). It is ever the higher who must enlighten and guide the lower. That this Theomonistic Bible is 'holy or separated from all other books by truly divine revelations such as have not been given elsewhere, and that this is the Gospel of Fulfilment of All Previous Prophecy has already been indi- cated, and the proof for which must be earnestly sought in the Bible itself, under prayer for divine guidance to a true and full understanding. It remains now to explain what is further stated in the sub-titles on the title page. We are calling this Gospel an "Evolutionary" Gospel, and truly so. Evolution is God's method of creation, and all life means creation or a becom- ing anew. In all kingdoms of nature, from the light-waves striking each other and forming mist bubbles, the water and the life in the water caused by rays piercing upon it, the decay of life forms forming earth, hardening into rocks and metal, or, softened by rain, giving growth to plants, forming again food for the animals, to the development of mind first weakly applied in life activity of the Foraminifera to the highest development in the angel divested of the gross material body but still invested in a body more fit for his higher Stage of development, it is always the same grand course of divine evolution FOREWORD. flowing on and on, but an evolution which demands care of guardians and co- operation with the individuals themselves, whether beasts or men. "Survival of the Fittest" is not a vain designation taken from material science and com- mon biology, but is a true, and what would seem to be an eternal, fact through- out the whole grand Universe. Work and live, or, Be idle and dlie; Co- operate with the forces of God, or, Be crushed by these forces! There is no alternative. Hell's terrible burden is because of lack of understanding of universal truth and failure to co-operate with the powers of life divine. Godlessness is the greatest stupidity and the greatest danger in the world. The greatest mistake is to follow low sense and to trust in material stability. Life means motion. There is no standing still, neither in nature nor in souls. Upward or downward runs the great course of evolution or devolution, and, since everything is moving, either way, it is utterly impossible for a moment to be neutral. Man must decide, must 'be positive on the side of God and goodness. He must keep moving on day by day, or decay. More than any other sacred book, does this Theomonistic Bible illustrate these facts and truths of evolution. This Theomonistic Bible has been long foretold by angels through the Evangelist John, of whom Bishop Phillips Brooks is a true disciple. John called it a "little" book, because it is nothing but a part of the great divine Word of God or eternal flow of divine revelations. John calls it also a "bitter" and "sweet" book, and why so will be quite clear to even a casual reader of this Bible; for it treats of the actual judgment in the Heavens and on Earth, of the Great War on the Spirit Spheres and on Earth, of the great Delusion by the Beast and its leader, the Man 666; as well as of the great plagues and sufferings ensuing. It is a terrible book of facts and heavenly interpretations that appalls our sensitiveness again and again. It is, indeed, very bitter, and it is meant by God so to be. The taste of the consequences of godlessness and devilish arrogance is very bitter, and must be bitter, just like the medicine that ultimately heals. If godlessnes were bring- ing any real and lasting joys, mankind, being so pleasure-loving, would never find God and eternal life of progression. But God has arranged that the remedy, although so bitter, shall follow the disease. But, o'h, how sweet is the wonderful fulfilment of divine promises of all preceding ages now come at last. At last, a way has been opened that we may all commune with heaven; for some kind of divine mediumship is for everyone who is sincere and who truly aspires in prayer and good work. Truly, now at last shall Eden be found and Paradise be opened unto mankind on Earth. It is no idle dream, it is reality, reality of means brought and applications shown which will establish the Kingdom of God on Earth, in fact, a kingdom of justice to all, of peace and harmony, of an abundant life of higher unfoldment and unceasing joy. Has ever any book given such sweet messages as the Theomonistic Bible? John also calls this Gospel the "Everlasting" Gospel. This should be clearly understood. It is the Eternal 'Gospel pre-eminently, for the fact that, as has been stated, this Gospel is of the Stream of Eternal Revelation from the Throne of God for which the Old Testament, the New Testament, the Zarathustrian Gathas, the Koran, the Vedas, and all sacred books were only preparatory, because this new Bible fulfills them all and it gives the true key to understand them all. But more, this Bible is an Eternal Gospel because it FOREWORD. is the first and only Universal Gospel. Highly Advanced Angels from great Elevated Worlds far outside of our own Solar System have announced to us that Theomonism, as we call it, and which may be differently named, perhaps, but which is always the same thing, is the "expression of divine evolutionary unification" or what is commonly called "religion" on all advanced worlds. Theomonism is the truly universal religion never to be changed for the reason that it is genuinely divine and progressively unfolding ever more 'and where ever worlds are prepared enough to grasp it. But, let the Bible speak for itself! If it is the Word of God Which is con- tained in it, no power in the world will be able to suppress it. If it brings the principles of a new and better life, all well-inclined people will gladly hail its publication and will further the spreading of this Bible. All that I, the editor, and my beloved co-media, Theodolinda, Bishop Phillips Brooks, and Welari crave is that our brothers and sisters in the flesh and on the spirit spheres shall believe that we have been earnest, painstaking, and truthful in our work throughout, continually praying for divine enlightenment and power to resist the hindering evil souls who have fought us severely from time to time, while the heavenly host of specially commissioned angels of light and power have continually surrounded us; for which blessings our souls adore Him, our Eternal Father, the Just and Loving God by Whom we live and have our being forever and ever. Amen! Editor and Co-workers. THE THEOMONISTIC BIBLE. PART I. MESSAGES OF AND CONCERNING ELOAH. Introduction. — Eloah, the Almighty, is the 'Creator, Preserver, and Beauti- fier of all the worlds of the Universe, i. e., of all that exists. There is none other like Him, none besides Him. He is not what He has made, nor is He a diffused vapor or dissolved influence; but He is the a'bsolute Macrocosmic Person, all-knowing, all-powerful, which means that all there is of life, exist- ence, intelligence or wisdom, and (original power centers in Him. He is su- preme to all beings in all the worlds, and all wise and intelligent beings every- where gladly obey His command. He is the Lord of Hosts of Spirits, and a Spirit Himself. His is the macrocosmic Mind which directs all microcosmic minds well, if they will heed His directions. He is the Giver of All Good Gifts. He is the Grand Architect of the Universe, the Light of the Universe, the majestic Evolver Who draws all His children toward Himself, and with His Work He is ever more progressing, higher and higher, for to Him, all things are possible, all vibrations being subject unto Him 'because He orders them and reshapes them for an ever better purpose. Unto Him belong all honor and glory forever and ever. Chapter 1. What the Great World Angel Groundless Said. 1. The re-shaping of the Earth is the work of Eloah, Who over the All is expanding, and Who is yet concentrated, the Supreme Lord. Although no one can fully scrutinize His work, He is governing all nature, for His influence is universal. It is His life which ever renews all life everywhere. 2. He is strengthening the strongest. The weakest becomes strong in His power. His voice every atom proclaims. His eye, seen only at times of highest aspiration by the most faithful ones, is seeing far more than all crea- tures may perceive. No names can describe His nature fully. 3. He dwells in the 'Center of the Universe. His hand (or most powerful influence) reaches out to the utmost. He, whose breath is a fire creating new worlds day by day, is the source also of greatest love force. Thus broodeth the Cause of Creation, never resting inactive and never changing His plan of progress and unification. 4. The worlds which are groundless or far more centralized than yours are clearly seeing the efflux of His glory. From the first to the last they see that a wheel radiates, as it were, from the center of world rounds. As straight as the straightest spokes are His workings and as round or all-inclusive as the wheel rims. Propulsion from Him never a'bates. Chapter 2. What the Angel Power from Neptune Said. 1. We must presume that Eloah is generating children in the sense that Pt. I. ELOAH. Ch. 2:1—4:1. He gives origin to personal souls and 'bodies, 'and it is true what one of your teachers has said: "The son is a light born from the Light," which is true of every personal 'being in the Universe; not so that everyone directly, but many of them indirectly descended from Eloah. 2. As it is with you, that a father has often both, good and bad, children, namely such who behave properly and others who do not behave properly, so is it throughout the whole Universe. Freedom of choice 'being necessary to put will power to effect, and personal development of character requiring free- dom of choice, such freedom is the best means of advancement (unfoldment), but we are responsible if abusing it. 3. Eloah's was and is the primitive power, He 'having become a person by free choice of the 'best. He is the most perfect "I," "Self,' or "Ego." At and from the center of the Universe, He does what He did in the past, namely generates children and forms worlds fit for their habitation and development, and Him do we all honor as the "Almighty God." 4. Philosophers who imagined that the world-forming power is diverse, not unified, reached such wrong conclusion because they saw only particular and individual forces; while the erring pantheists think only of diffusion, not of concentration without which there could not be diffusion. Evolution and generation answer the problems involved in the mystery of universal life. 5. In the past, God has been gracious in passing over the confused philosophies and theologies; but from now on, all men are bidden, in the interest of their own higher development, their own salvation, to think and speak of the almighty God of the whole Universe only as the Personal Primitive Power Who causes everything, namely of the one true God Who only creates life and light, both physical and spiritual. 6. It is not enough that ye say, "We are sons of light and the children of God;" but you must really become illumined and divine. Do not err! Everywhere, throughout the whole Universe, there cannot be a standing still without degeneration, for the divine principle of progress determines life fully and completely. Chapter 3. What the Angel Victory (Wuksha) Said. 1. The wonders of the Highest One are revealed. We bring you leaders to help you. They are far-reaching. 2. Then said the leaders: "Sanctissimus" (the Holiest, i. e., from God Eloah) is our name; for we come in His name. 3. A sacred fire has been kindled. Its influence has been felt far and wide. United are they who were scattered by those who are bound to the Most Holy One. 4. The work of each one is connected with that of the other. Starting from the same parent stem, these branches form a beautifully rounded-out crown of the tree of life. 5. The psychic power of the Most Holy One, active through His holy spirits and sanctifying directly every soul having divine aspirations, is the only liberating, purifying, and satisfying force in the grand Universe and every part of it, and you may have its beneficient influence. Chapter 4. Message of Eloah Delivered By the Angel Xebela (Tobias). 1. We bring you a direct message from Eloali, as follows: Pt. I. ELOAH. Ch. 4:2— end. 2. "A great abundance of gifts to fill all your needs and to satisfy- all your wishes is sent to you 'by Me. A new leaf from the eternal tree of life comes into appearance. The prodigal shall be embraced by me, when now returned, and in 'My house we shall together cele- brate his return. 3. The lyre is being tuned and new universal religion (i e., union of God with His children) is now beginning for you. Announce it to the Earth that what the former seers have seen of the harps played around My Throne refers to this new religion of harmony now starting on Earth (namely Theomonism). The divine harmonj' is the music of the spheres. 4. All worlds are united in -this religion; but for your Earth it is new, and it will be introduced with the crowning of Jesus the Christ. 5. (His crown is of finest material and of best design, having four corners to indicate all directions of the Earth to be under his rule, and the crown is open on top to signify that Jesus is directly connected with the elohim and with Eloah. His glory will be such as Earth has never seen before.) 6. Remember, O Earth, that it is I, Eloah Himself, who is sending you this beloved son Jesus Christ as the King of the whole Earth. Ye cannot be obedient to Me if ye are not obedient to him. Verily, he is coming soon and his reward is with him. Already are being sent to Earth the things which he will need." (Given July 6, 1915 A. D.) ],) PART II. MESSAGES OF AND CONCERNING JBHOVAH. Introduction. — Jehovah is not the God of the Universe. He is the minor god of our own particular solar system and one of the great sons of God called "Elohim." As all blessings must come from Eloah, the Almighty, so also can all blessings for our own particular solar system come only through the office of Jehovah. Obedience to God (Eloah) is effective only if it in- cludes obedience to Jehovah. Except in rare cases, when angels speak of God they refer in the first place to the god Jehovah, because without his great help we could not possibly reach up to God. When the angels speak of the Heavenly Father, they mean in the first place our dear Jehovah, for through and by Jehovah are we children of God. Through Jehovah is our divine descent and ascent. Jehovah presents the holy justice of God Eloah so that he may send us the 'beautiful love of God, too; for without justice love is in vain, neither properly regarded nor effective in deeds. When justice shall have 'been established on Earth, Jehovah's wonderful fatherly love will be evermore apparent to all his obedient children. And by such love they will be made most happy, whether in the gross material flesh or in the spirit body. Chapter 1. What the Angel Power from Neptune Said. 1. There are many others like Jehovah at the head of many solar systems. See the wisdom Of having revealed in the past only the name of Eloah and of Jehovah; for these two are most important for the earth dwellers! In the past, the people could not distinguish the one from the other. But now the distinction is clearly made for all to know and to understand. 2. While you think of Eloah and adore Him in your inmost heart, call upon Je'hovah as your immediate divine Father, who has mediated and caused to originate for this our solar system all that is of spiritual light and of divine power, as it is syrmbolized in nature by the physical Sun originating the planets and giving natural life and power to all heavenly bodies within this solar system. 3. As our own 'Sun is evolved from the Central Sun of the Grand Universe, so is Jehovah generated or evolved from Eloah. 4. We would speciallv emphasize to the dwellers on your earth that the true peace of heart with God and one with another can he effected only by a heartv personal unification with Tehovah, the divine Father, by whom only the Almighty Father can come nearer to us, and we nearer to Him, for constant renewal and improvement, namely by a life of sincere prayer and serious work for progress toward a psychic union. 5. As to the time of origin, we have in this our own solar system other beings as old as Jehovah; but none of them was so progressive and none so 11 Pt. II. JEHOVAH. Ch. 1:5—3:2. faithful as was Jehovah; hence they did not obtain the government over this solar system. 6. The descendants of those other ancient beings receive now a much greater light from Je'hovah than from their own fathers to whom they are directly related (because of the fact that such fathers are not so highly de- veloped as is Jehovah), except such fathers themselves become elevated similar to the elevation mi Jehovah, which, because of the former neglect, seldom happens. 7. There is Evolution and Generation. The evolution of life forms goes parallel with the generation of souls, from the father to the child. As the human is to you the highest known life form, so is to us here in this our solar system Jehovah the highest known soul J being or personality. To us he is truly majestic and the only majesty whom we can behold immediately. 8. As you in the fleshly body have psychic yearnings to become liberated from the bondage and limitations of the flesh, so also do the elevated angels at the throne of Jehovah, and we with them and him, yearn for a still higher perfection and glory, namely for the absolute unification with the Almighty. 9. As the Earth must be improved to become the equal of the higher planets of our solar system, so also must our whole solar system together be- come more elevated to become equal -to the high elevation of higher solar systems. It must become more refined and more divine as to souls and their bodies, which both belong together. 10. Therefore, 3^e friends and brothers on Earth, and also ye who have not yet realized your relationship with the divine, seek that ye may find! Only so can ye escape from the destruction of all -that is low. By your own free will you must go forward toward the divine light, to receive true 'bliss. 11. Do not think that ye will escape the judgment by saying, "We are better than were our fathers," because a much higher standard will be expected of you because of the benefits of so many improvements, costing their great struggle, received by you, which they did not enjoy! Chapter 2. Angels of the Throne of Jehovah. 1. The angel band called "Sanctissimus" gave the following revelation: 2. "Seven are the great angels of the throne of Jehovah who ascend as the lark from the meadow to the clear 'blue sky of divinity, night and day bringing supplications for the redemption of mankind to the throne of God (Jehovah and through him to Eloah). 3. The names of these seven great angels of the throne are Truth, Justice, Peace, Good Will, Jesus, Joy, and Love, and they have come to you before. Fuller revelation about them will be given later. (This message was given January 26, 1917). 4. As are these angels, so should you become, intercessors for your brothers and sisters. And such work of intercession will make you ever stronger. Chapter 3. First Messages of Jehovah to Theodolithos. 1. I am one of the elohim or planetary gods descended from Eloah but inferior to Him. 2. It v/as I who spoke to and sent messages to Moses and the other 12 Pt. II. JEHOVAH. Ch. 3:2—5:5. prophets known to yott from your Bible. I never lived on your earth. 3. The sun of justice will shine upon the Earth as never before, and a temple will be dedicated expressly for the purpose of communicating directly with us and through us with God the Almighty. 4. Again will I show imy presence by the shekinah, and you shall be the first to officiate in the new temple with the presence of the cloud. 5. We have examined your efforts, and we find you prepared for the coming work. We see you at the Throne of God'. 6. We have 'begun the work. Do not worry in time and eternity! We will correct your mistakes. We will help you in all your errors. We elevate you; Xebela leads you. We bring considerable strength 'to su'bdue (the op- posing evil forces). 7. We have appointed for all enterprises the right kind of help. Xebela we have put over all, as he has been found worthy. We are elevating you, and you will remain without great opposition; for Jesus has prayed for you. Chapter 4. New Year Message by Jehovah, January 1, 1915. 1. We see the heavens open over you. The divine eye looks upon the events of the world as they are related one with another and as the one draws the other under the supervision of Himself, the All^Powerful-iOne. 2. The Eternal writes in fadeless script through me: "L,et ther.e be (life) !" Although the autumn storm must tear off the dead leaves and branches from the tree of life, yet /shall there he a wonderful growth again in the beautiful spring time. 3. Many conditions not yet adjusted will 'be combined into one grand whole, when purified. Chapter 5. Jehovah Sends a Message Explaining His Symbol. 1. In the symbol of my name you find a picture of spectacles. The symbol of 'the former revelations and of primitive Chritianity is a single pair of spectacles, indicating vision. My symbol has two pairs joined. 2. This indicates that the former is the beginning or the promise, but that now comes the fulfilment. The higher revealed to you now is that which was embraced by the inhabitants of all planets of our solar system and by all higher worlds never fallen and not disobedient. 3. From you is now being taken the duping power of the evil, through the victory of Jesus and his friends. But there remains at present the possi- bility to fall into wickedness again through the memory of the evil ways and their deceits and the not yet fully purified institutions and customs which will still exert for some time a degrading influence. 4. Till Earth is fully cleansed and all men become strong in the spirit power of Eloah, it is necessary that special care be taken to resist the tempta- tions, and, doing so, the power to resist will gradually become much stronger. 5. When it is purified, the real life meant for the Earth from the beginning, and which was interrupted by the fall or degradation caused by dis- obedience, will start and grew This will be a great satisfaction to Jesus, be- cause then the glory from the Father will appear, and the generations will be far more spiritual on Earth, as they are on more advanced worlds. 13 Pt. II. JEHOVAH. Ch. 5:6—6 intr. 6. Pure, beautiful, and resounding sweetly will be the lives of the children of God on Earth then. 7. And nature, too, will be refined because of influences coming from better worlds to ennoble it. 8. It was as a pump not giving out any water, 'because of the handle being missing; but now the handle is being supplied, and the water shall flow freely. 9. Earth will become fertile of the good life, and what this life implies will be made clear to you later when it appears. 10. The symbol of this new life in God (Theomonism) is the lyre, because in the new life there is harmony which brings healing to the sick strangers. The inner ear of man will be opened to the harmonies of the heavei. ., instead of being filled with the sounds of the evil things, as formerly. 11. In the new life, a mother will teach her child always to listen, when playing, learning, or working, to the voice of God in a pure conscience. She will advise the child: "Dear one! Whenever any question comes to you, listen to the voice within; for the voice within is the voice of your guardian angel from God, and never do anything against the will of God!" 12. It will be 'bad if the parents neglect to caution the c'hildren thus; for then the evil slinks to the minds and feelings of the children, and it will get such a power over them that, when the children are grown up, they will be wicked again, as many were in the past. 13. But when the well-trained children are growing to maturity, the youth and the maiden, by inner laws of magnetic love, will be drawn together as they are fit for each other, in purity, and when they marry each other there will be harmony of souls giving a beautiful sound to the heavens. 14. They will arrange their household wisely. Gladness and firm hope will be in their hearts. The man will do his daily work circumspectly, and the woman will help him by counsel and cheerfulness. 15. Then will be given to them children of light with rounded-out soul prospects. And from such family and homelife will radiate out into the civil life of the whole community good influences, and strong power of light will point toward the path unto God. 16. In the later development of mankind, the spaces and spheres of the heavens will be transversed not only by the heavenly angels, but also by earth dwellers elevated by a pure life and who are well developed as psychics, to make a daily intercommunication between the heavens and earth possible. 17. Answers will come from the spirit world to questions which cannot be answered on earth, and fulfilment of prayers will be sure. (Not only will useful information -be given by the angels, but they will bring also the manna of heaven, gifts of sustenance. Note: — This message was sent by Jehovah and his soulmate, Heavenly Dove, through Jesus, and was delivered to us by Xebela. Chapter 6. Jehovah Gives Theomonistic Ten Commandments. Introduction. — On July 6, 1915, when the elements were in great uproar, and thunder and lightning made ordinary spirit communication impossible, Jehovah gave the following Ten Commandments, in the presence of an inner circle of Jesus, Xebela, Moses, Elijah, Abraham, and John Baptist, and of a wider circle of many apostles, prophets, and saints; and I (Theodolithos) saw 14 Pt. II. JEHOVAH. Ch. 6 intr.— note. the Lord Jehovah as on a high mountain, having a sword in his right hand, and in his left hand lie had the symbol of Holiness of Power, and, calling us, my dear wife and me, his "son and daughter," he gave to me the fallowing commandment 'by inspiration: 1. Commandment: Seek to become mediumistic, that ye may receive a ray of holiness, and that ye may reflect it unto others! 2. Commandment: Honor father and mother: Then will ye receive the promise (of blessings fulfilled) ! Eloah is your eternal Father and Mother, and through Basa and Ra and Meli, the earthborn, are ye made of one family now 'to be combined by Jesus and his soulmate. 3. Commandment: Kill not again on Mount Zion, this earth, now re- newed and made clean! Never again desecrate it 'by the shedding of blood! Swiftly and terribly will we take to justice who injures life! 4. Commandment: Rise from the old to the new by the power which Eloah is giving you; for a new life must be worthy of this new earth! 5. Commandment: Seek truer peace, and hasten to get real harmony! 6. 'Commandment: Know that the Eternal has given to each man one mate; that with pure and cordial desire he may seek union with her, and thus a beautiful life in and with God be established! 7. Commandment: Work, that ye may have the fruit; for only by work can life become fruitful! 8. Commandment: Wrestle for the treasures which are imperishable: (a) The treasures of the mind in higher perceptions; (b) The treasures of the heart's disposition, that ye may obtain deeper and better sensibilities; and (c) The treasures of the will in more divine deeds; for then will ye have a better share and joy in the day of celebration! 9. Commandment: Do not keep any false pictures or notions of the things which are spiritual and godly! Do not suppose that if ye understand a part of the earthly things that ye thereby have explored also the divine life! Ye have seen only a light outside the temple, when the things of the inner temple are hidden from you. But ambassadors are coming to you from higher worlds. Jesus stands at the door of the temple. Only they who go into the temple with him will dwell in the Father's house. 10. Commandment: "The Earth and All Worlds are Mine," says Eloah. "Call upon me, My children! I will satisfy all your wants. I have counted times and hours, and what I have decided upon that will I also carry out. Therefore, respect My Government of Destinies, that ye may not do anything against these My commandments! Keeping My laws, you will be gifted as with motor power, and will be carried through the air, namely by spirit force will ye penetrate to My Fatherheart." Note: — On Sunday, June 5, 1916, when we celebrated the Lord's Supper, I was permitted to salute Jehovah, seeing him in his whole form. He appeared as a most wonderfully bright and majestic old gentleman. He was preceded by a grand choir of singers, such as I never had seen before. They were like splendid translucent flowers in many different hues, all blending into one sweet harmony; and their very personalities emitted a grand symphony. Although they appeared like earthly men and women in blooming youth, they were so ethereal that I seemed to be able to look clear through them. Jehovah was followed by an army of grand angelic soldiers of truth and justice. As our 15 Pt. II. JEHOVAH. Ch. 6 note— end. Father Jehovah approached, I saw that the scaffolding, which the worldly schemers had erected to hinder his progress, everywhere tumbled as blown down by a hurricane. The new work of the heavens, as ordered by Jehovah for our Earth, appeared to me symbolically as a strong keel for a new ship and as a long and strong spinal column for a large fish to be made alive. This was seen in the presence of the assembled congregation; however, none of the people present saw what I saw; but some exclaimed 'that they had seen me transfigured, and others said that I had been enveloped in a light blue vapor. 16 PART III. MESSAGES OF AND CONCERNING XEOVAH (JESUS CHRIST). Introduction. — "Xeovah" means "Representative of Jehovah." It is the new name of the Lord Jesus Christ (Revelation 3:12), who is not the third part of a fabled trinity of Deity — for God is one — 'but he is the "son of man," born of human parents, 200,000 B. Th. (before the Theomonistic Era, which began with 1916 A. D.), whose grandfather we know by the name of Samballin. Xeovah was known first as "Basa," which means "good ruler" He was the first man to have developed a soul able to get in touch with the spirit world and with God. Mighty evil spirits, by their powerful leader, took advantage of this mediumistic development 'to tempt Basa's wife, Meli, though having been warned by Jehovah, and she was disobedient to God and fell in the temptation, dragging with her for a while also Basa. But when Basa saw what disobedience really meant, he turned ever more to God and wrestled for higher development, keeping up this onward progress after he passed out to the spirit existence; from whence he came again by his own choice and to fulfil all justice, being reincarnated — and the only man ever reincarnated, the imaginations of the Hindus and most Theosophists to the contrary notwith- standing — at Bethlehem, exactly as told in the New Testament. No human father was required the second time, but a human mother, 'to he sure. For the purpose of showing to all men true obedience to God unto death, to liberate us from the power of lying spirits, and to prove immortality, linking all his descendants more and more to the true and only God and Father, he has worked and suffered much, and his work will be fulfilled now, since he has come again to earth as the great Prince of Spirits and 'the only rightful King of Earth to whom all kings and presidents must become subject. The descendants of the children of Meli, who are s. Sen, d. Bula, s. Win, s. Dro, d. Sine, s. Fo, and s. Bede, because of her disobedience, are marked by the dark skin. After 'Meli passed out, Basa married Ra, from whose daughter, Fine, all the light-skinned races have descended. The information contained in this Introduction has been given (by the Lord Xeovah himself, mostly in writing. Chapter 1. Message from Eloah Concerning Xeovah. 1. Ye will often ask, Where is Christ? Although it will be known from where he starts his triumphal entry on earth, there will be no place where he will make his abode in particular, so that ye could say, Here he is, or there. For this is the particularity of his dwelling on earth as the King: 2. He will pass through the assemblies of men, often without the people realizing it; and he will enter into the homes, likewise often unawares. He will be present when great men and governors are making important decisions 17 Pt. III. XEOVAH. Ch. 1:2—3:1. which affect whole nations, and then again he will be found by the down- trodden, the weary, and the lonely. 3. And this is the peculiar effect of his approach: To wherever he comes, men will see themselves in the light of divine spiritual truth, as in a mirror, and the mirror is Jesus himself. For I, Eloah, have given him the reflex of divine wisdom of life. Chapter 2. Xeovah Brings a Host of Superior Angels. 1. Victory, on June 28, 1917 A. D., in the presence of Xedekel, informed us, as follows: 2. Xeovah brings a host of angels from above his present position. These are the Angels of the Fulfilment or of the Deeds, as those who destroyed Sodom, Angels of the Light from the Department of the Execution of the Will of the Highest. 3. Their leader's name is "Power," and the general name of his host is "Justice." Their dwellings are the huts in front of the House of God (Jehovah), being ready at all times to carry out his commands. 4. These angels lived formerly in the body on earth and on other planets of our solar system; for this is a chosen host from various planets who in the flesh already overcame the evil ones and fully turned to God (for there are other earths in our solar system where souls are incarnated). 5. They all belong to our own particular solar system for which Jehovah is the Highest Father. Of course, Eloah influences all solar systems and all His children everywhere, just as your (Theodolithos') ancestor, Welas, in- fluences you. But Jehovah has