I t METODO RACIONAL DE INGLES METODO RACIONAL DE INGLES EN VEINTE LECCIONES POR JULIAN MORENO-LACALLE, A.M. JEFE DEL DEPARTAMENTO DE ESPAÑOL DE MIDDLEBURY COLLEGB AUTOR DE ‘‘ELEMENTOS DE ESPAÑOL,” “ ELEMENTS OF SPANISH PRONUNCIATION,” “COMPOSICIÓN ORAL Y ESCRITA,” ETC., ETC, *> » J» *> 9 t JAIME V. LAGO, Editor NUEVA YORK 1923 TEtizi ■SiH.é? COPYRIGHT, 1923. By Jaime Y. Lago. ©C1A711765 SEP -6 1323 Press of J. J. Little & Ives Company New York, U. S. A. | INTRODUCCION "8 rJ CX? No se pretende por el presente método enseñar el inglés en veinte lecciones. Se ha tratado tan sólo de dar en ese número de lecciones los elementos del idioma, siguiendo el sistema de la reforma iniciada por los lingüistas alemanes hace más de treinta años, y desarrollada con gran éxito. Ese sistema se basa sobre el método analítico-inductivo, mediante el cual el estudiante, una vez en posesión de los hechos (que en todo idioma hablado son las oraciones completas), construye por sí mismo la regla. El estudio de idiomas es un proceso psicológico que tiene por base la asociación de ideas. Por lo tanto cada lección empieza con un trozo en inglés completo en sí, por cuanto que todas las palabras que lo componen se rela¬ cionan unas con otras y dan ideas completas, lo que facilita su estudio de memoria. Y alrededor de ese trozo gira toda la lección con sus ejercicios. El fin del método es poner al estudiante en posesión de los elementos del idioma, para que con ellos pueda proseguir sobre una base segura el estudio más avanzado del idioma. J. M-L. ( v INDICACIONES PARA EL USO DE ESTE METODO La pronunciación, como se indica en el capítulo corres¬ pondiente, debe estudiarse con una persona que hable bien el inglés. Durante la instrucción preliminar en pronunciación, el estudiante no debe leer la palabra impresa o escrita sin haber antes aprendido a pronunciarla. Para ello, el maestro debe primero pronunciar a viva voz lo escrito, repitiéndolo el alumno sin mirar el libro. Las lecciones se hallan divididas en seis partes, cada una de las cuales debe aprenderse aisladamente, a saber: I. Lectura y Conversación. — Una vez aprendida la pronunciación del trozo inglés, estudiése de memoria, si es posible. El vocabulario que se da a continuación a modo de diccionario, se ha de consultar sólo en caso de necesidad. II. Preguntas. — Estas las ha de contestar el alumno según lo aprendido del trozo, bien sea de palabra o por escrito. El maestro podrá añadir las que quiera, pero siempre dentro del conocimiento del discípulo. III. Números. — Deben aprenderse de memoria, y ejercitarse con la frecuencia posible, en la forma que se indica en el ejercicio correspondiente de la Parte VI. IV. Conjugación. — Aprendida la conjugación de cada tiempo y verbo, el alumno debe usar las distintas formas en frases completas. V. Grámatica. — Los ejemplos, que siempre preceden vii INDICACIONES viii a la regla, debe estudiarse y analizarse en forma que el alumno mismo saque la regla. Sólo por vía de compro¬ bación se ha de consultar la regla que se da después de los ejemplos. VI. Ejercicios. — Todos ellos están basados en los puntos de la Lección y debe hacerlos el alumno en el orden en que se dan. _ Nunca debe pasarse a la siguiente lección sin dominar perfectamente la anterior. LA PRONUNCIACION INGLESA 1. Por la gran variedad de sonidos que tienen las letras inglesas, especialmente las vocales, el estudio de su correcta pronunciación debe hacerse bajo la dirección de una persona que sepa bien el inglés. 2. Los sistemas de pronunciación figurada, empleados en casi todos los libros para la enseñanza del inglés han resultado siempre deficientes e ineficaces. Sirven más bien para hacer incurrir al estudiante en vicios de pronuncia¬ ción difíciles de borrar después. 3. El alfabeto inglés consta de 26 letras a saber: Letra Nombre (Pronúnciese) Letra Nombre (Pronúnciese) Letra Nombre (Pronúnciese) A a ey I i ai R r ar B b biy J j dyei S s es C c siy K k key T t tiy D d diy L 1 el U u yu E e iy M m em V V vi F f ef N n en W w dablyu G g dyí 0 0 ou X X eks H h eich P P piy Y y uay Q q kiu Z z sed 2 METODO RACIONAL DE INGLES ¿r 4. Por la antedicha razón, en este libro se ha con¬ siderado más conducente a resultados seguros dar'una serie de reglas sencillas sobre la formación de los sonidos principales, y se recomienda al estudiante que antes de empezar el estudio de la Lección Primera, domine bien esas reglas mediante los ejercicios que se dan para cada sonido. 5. Como ya se ha dicho, la mayoría de las letras in¬ glesas tienen, cada una, diversos sonidos, y algunas son a veces mudas según su posición en la palabra. Además hay otros sonidos representados por combinaciones de letras, como th, sh, ch, etc., los cuales se explicarán más adelante. I. Sonidos de las Vocales (En todos los ejemplos siguientes la pronunciación figu¬ rada se da entre paréntesis.) 6. La vocal a (ey). Esta vocal tiene seis sonidos dis¬ tintos, a saber: 1 er . sonido, como ei : ale (éil), ate (éit), palé, (péil), bake (béik), cake (kéik), fake (féik), take (téik), make (méik), carne (kéim), tame (téim), haste (jéist), taste (téist), paste (péist), bate (béit), cañe (kéin), lañe (léin), relate (riléit), gate (guéit). 2 o . sonido, como e breve, cuando no tiene acento: senate (sénet), preface (préfes), delicate (déliket), grimace (grímes), botany (bóteny), salary (sáleri). 3 er . sonido, como ea (retirando mucho la lengua ) : pare (pea), prepare (pripea), mare (mea), care (kea), tare (tea), ware (uea), fare (fea), LA PRONUNCIACION INGLESA 3 6. La vocal a (continuación): 4 o . sonido, como e acentuada (muy abierta ): add (éd), ask (ésk), task (tesk), abstract (épstrékt), attack (étték), pass (pés), fat (fét), have (jév), last (lést), grasp (grésp), am (ém), hat (jét), bad (béd), pat (pét), pad (péd), man (mén), apt (épt), fad (féd), dance (déns), vacant (vákent), madam (médem), final (fáinel), formal (fórmel), rat (rét), cat (két), 5 o . sonido, como a (abierta, pero con la lengua mucho más retirada que en español ): arm (am), car (ka), ah (a), alms (ams), palm (pam), art (at), cart (cat), tart (tat). 6 o . sonido como o (pero sin redondear los labios ): all (ol), ball (bol), cali (col), rail (rol), draw (dro), claw (cío), salt (solt), malt (molt), quarrel (kuórel), water (wote), what (juot), quality (kuoliti), alright (ólrait). 7. La vocal e tiene sonidos diferentes, y es muda en los casos que se indican 5 1 er . sonido como iy: eve (iyv), mete (miyt), feet (fiyt), sweet (suiyt), feed (fiyd), Greek (griyk), key (kiy), meet (miyt), seed (siyd), reed (riyd), bee (biy), be (biy), me (miy), fleet (fliyt), create (kriyéit). 2 o . sonido, como e (cerrada): end (end), pet (pet), rivet (rívet), ten (ten), men (men), prudent (prúdent), strength (stréngz), estáte (esteit), cent (sent), send (send), blend (blend), tell (tel), prey (prey), vein (vein), guess (gues), ended (énded), penitent (pénitent). 4 METODO RACIONAL DE INGLES 7. La vocal e (continuación): 3 er . sonido, como e muy abierta y con la lengua muy levantada hacia atrás: fern (fern), err (er), her (jer), prevent (priyvént), refer (riyfér), ever (éve), per (pe), serve (sev), term (tem), perfect (pérfect), water (wote), inter¬ view (interviú). 4 o . sonido, como ía: here (jía), sincere (sinsía), austere (ostia) 5 o . sonido, como ea, en there (dea) 6 o . e muda. La letra e es muda, es decir, no se pro¬ nuncia cuando está al fin de una palabra, y en las terminaciones —ed, —en, de los participios pasados, a menos que la raíz del verbo termine en t o d: carne (keim), cañe (kein), tame (teim). dale (deil), take (teik), give (guiv), examine (exémin), ere- dence (crédns), prudence (prudns), vice (váis), happen (jépn), happened (jépnd), feebled (fiybld), reasoned (riysond), settle (setl). 8. La vocal i tiene los sonidos siguientes: 1 er . sonido, como ai: ice (ais), rice (rais), time (taim), find (faind), sight (sait), might (mait), child (chaild), guile (gail), guide (gaid), ride (raid), lime (laim), bind (baind), might (mait), right (rait), kite (kait), rite (rait). 2 o . sonido, como la i española: antique (entík), pique (pik), marine (marín), pólice (polis), pacifist (pésifist), fist (fist). LA PRONUNCIACION INGLESA 5 8. La vocal i (continuación): 3 er . sonido, como una i muy abierta que tiende a una e cerrada: bit (bit), it (it), fit (fit), ill (il), sin (sin), cabin (kébin), examine (exémin), admit (edmít), emit (emít), visible (visibl), kiss (kis), miss (mis), dim (dim). 4 o . sonido, delante de r, como e, con la lengua muy retirada y levantada hacia atras: fir (fer), girl (guerl), bird (berd), virgin (vergin), girdle (guérdel), tapir (téiper), stir (ster). 9. La vocal o tiene los sonidos siguientes: 1 er . sonido como ou: oíd (óuld), note (nóut), bone (bóun), tone (tóun), motive (móutiv), bold (bóuld), over (óuver), fold (fóuld), cone (kóun), home (jóum), stone (stóun), drone (dróun), glory (glóuri), oral (óurel), hole (jóul). 2 o . sonido, como o pero sin redondear los labios, y tirando al sonido de a: tobáceo (tobécko), odd (od), song (song), god (god), cloth (cloth), dog (dog), cost (cost), gone (gon), son (son), done (don), come (com), not (not), cross (cros), often (ofn), got (got), anatomy (enétomi), poetic (poétic), broth (broz), obey (obei). 3 er . sonido delante de r como o con la lengua muy retirada y haciendo el sonido muy prolongado : for (for), ñor (ñor), or (or), ford (ford), orb (orb), forget (forguet), more (mor), cord (cord), port (port), import (import), export (export), ordain (ordéin). METODO RACIONAL DE INGLES 9. La vocal o (continuación): 4 o . sonido como u prolongada: do (du), prove (pruv), woman (umen), bosom (busam), lose (lus), tomb (tum), boot (but), food (fud), good (gud). 10. La vocal u tiene los sonidos siguientes: 1 er . sonido, como yu: use (yus), abuse (ebyús), puré (pyur), mute (myút), cube (kyub), duty (dyúti), tune (tyun), jury (dyúri), human (jyúmen), numeral (nyú- merel), universe (yúnivers), unit (yunit), duke (dyúk), due (dyu), nature (nétyur), valué (vályu), unite (yunáit), United (yunáited), universal (yu- nivérsel), university (yunivérsiti), judicial (dyu- dishal), sugar (shyúgar), stupid (styúpid), sure (shyur). 2 Q . sonido, como la u española pero prolongado: bull (bul), put (put), full (ful), cónsul (cónsul), frugal (frúgal), fulfill (fulfíl), joyful (dyóyful), quality (kuáliti), quite (kuáit), guano (guanou), language (lángueich), persuade (pesueid), suite (suit). 3 er . sonido, como o pero sin redondear los labios: up (op), bud (bod), but (bot), tub (tob), cup (cop), submit (sobmít), dunce (dons), voluntary (vól- onteri), under (onder). 4 o . sonido, como e muy abierta y con la lengua muy levantada hacia atrás: fur (fer), urge (erdch), burn (bern), urn (ern), furl (ferl), turpentine (térpentain). LA PRONUNCIACION INGLESA 7 10. La vocal u (continuación): 5 o . La letra u es muda en casos como los siguientes: guide (gáid), guild (gild), tongue (tong), build (bild), antique (entík), coquette (cokét), guard (gard), guess (gues), dialogue (dáyalog), catalogue (kételog), prologue (prólog). 11. La letra y como tiene sonidos idénticos a los de la i, a saber: 1 er . sonido, como ai: style (stáil), defy (defai), fly (flai), try (trai), shy (shai), ply (plai), rye (rai),hyena (jai-ína), rhyme (raim), amplify (émplifai), modify (modi- fai). 2 o . sonido, como i: nymph (nimf), lyric (liric), pity (piti), play (plei), apply (aplái), say (sei), day (dei), happy (jépi), ray (rei), physics (físiks), clay (clei), pay (pei). 3 er . sonido, como e con la lengua muy levantada y retirada hacia atrás: myrrh (mer), myrtle (mertl), zephyr (dséfer). II. Sonidos de los Diptongos 12. Además de los sonidos de las vocales arriba expli¬ cados existen las siguientes combinaciones de diptongos: (1) ai y ay se pronuncian ei: aim (éim), train (trein), pain (pein), vain (vein), claim (cleim), chain (chein), sail (séil), say (sei), play (pley), ray (rei), lay (lei), day (dei), rain (rein), gain (gein), paid (peid), mail (méil), nail (néil). 8 METODO RACIONAL DE INGLES 12. Sonidos de diptongos (continuación): (2) ai se pronuncia e en algunos casos como: said (sed), again (eguén), captain (képten), mountain (máunten), against (eguénst). (3) ai, raramente, como ai, en aislé (ail). (4) ai como éa (con la lengua retrasada para ambos sonidos), delante de r (pronunciada muy débilmente): chair (chéar), pair (péar), fair (féa), Sinclair (sincléar), air (éar). (5) au y aw, como o pero sin redondear los labios, y con la lengua retrasada: staunch (stonch), launch (lonch), flaunt (flont), taunt (tont), laundry (londry), haunt (jont), caw (co), saw (so), law (lo), maw (mo), hawk (jok), crawl (crol), bawl (bol), lawn (Ion), pawn (pon), prawn (pron). (6) ea, como iy: beach (biych), peach (piych), bead (biyd), beat (biyt), read (riyd), beak (biyk), leak (liyk), beam (biym), lean (liyn), freak (friyk), seal (siyl), seat (siyt), beneath (biniyz), clean (cliyn), breathe (briydz), sea (siy), wreathe (riydz), guinea (guíniy), leave (liyv), leaf (liyf), feat (fiyt), reason (riyson). (7) ea como ei: steak (steik), break (breik), great (greit), yeames (yeims), yeatman (yeitmen). (8) ea como e: breath (brez), bread (bred), death (dez), head (jed), read (red), lead (led), hearth (jerz), earn (ern), earth (erz). LA PRONUNCIACION INGLESA 9 12. Sonidos de diptongos (continuación): (9) ea, como éa (con la lengua retrasada para ambos sonidos ): pear (péar), tear (téar), bear (béar), learn (lern). (10) ea, como ía (con la lengua retrasada para la a): hear (jíar), rear (ríar), clear (clíar), near (níar), fear (fiar), ear (íar). (11) ee como iy: feed (fiyd), need (niyd), deed (diyd), seed (siyd), feet (fiyt), sheep (shiyp), seem (siym), been (biyn), sweet (suiyt), deem (diym), seen (siyn), deep (diyp), coffee (cofiy). (12) eau, como iu: beautiful (biútiful), beauty (biúti). (13) eau, como o: beau (bo), burean (biúro), chateau (sható). (14) ei y ey como ei: deign (déin), foreign (fórein), reign (réin), vein (véin), eight (éit), rein (réin), grey (gréi). obey (obéi), they (déi). (15) ei y ey como iy: conceive (consíyv), leisure (líyshiar), deceive disíyv), receive (risíyv), monkey (mónkiy), honey (jóniy), money (móniy), key (kiy). (16) ei como éa (con la lengua retrasada para ambos sonidos ): heir (éar). (17) ey como ai, en eye (ái). (18) eo como e: Leonard (lénerd), leopard (léperd). 10 METODO RACIONAL DE INGLES 12. Sonidos de diptongos (continuación): (19) eo como iy en people (piypl). (20) eo como ou, en yeoman (youman). (21) eo como ye: scutcheon (scútchyen), surgeon (sérdyen), dungeon (déndyen). (22) eu y ew como iú: feudal (fiúdal), feud (fiúd), few (fiú), dew (diú), blew (bliú), Europe (iúrop). (23) ie o ye como ai: lie (lái), relie (rilái), pie (pai), tie (tai), rye (rai). (24) ie como e en friend. (25) ie como iy: belief (belíyf), relief (relíyf), fiend (fiynd), sien (siyn), sieve (siyv). (26) io como ye: action (acshyen), question (kueschyen), billion (bilyen), million (milyen), onion (onyen), canyon (canyen). (27) oa como o pero sin redondear los labios: broad (brod), abroad (ebrod). (28) oa, como ou: coast (coust), road (roud), load (loud), toad (toud). (29) oe como ou: coe (cou), toe (tou), foe (fou). (30) oe como u, en shoe (shu). LA PRONUNCIACION INGLESA 11 12. Sonidos de diptongos (continuación): (31) oe como a en does (das). (32) oo, como oa con la lengua muy retrasada: floor (floar), door (doar). (33) oo como ua con la lengua muy retrasada: moor (muar), poor (puar). (34) oo como o pero sin redondear los cabios: blood (blod), ñood (flod). (35) oo como u prolongada: food (fud), boot (but), foot (fut), shoot (shut), soon (sun). (36) ou y ow como au: out (áut), loud (láud), count (cáunt), sour (sáur), cow (cáu), down (dáun). (37) ou como ou, con la lengua muy retrasada, en court (court). (38) ow como o prolongada, con la lengua retrasada: low (lo), crow (ero), tow (to). (39) ow como ou: know (nou), knowledge (nouledeh). (40) ua como ué: persuance (persuéns), suave (suév), persuade (persuéd). (41) ue como iú: sue (siú), persue (persiú), due (diú). (42) ue como u: accrue (accru), blue (blu), clue (clu), true (tru). 12 METODO RACIONAL DE INGLES 12. Sonidos de diptongos (continuación): (43) uicomoi: guild (guild), guilty (guilti), building (bilding). (44) ui como u: juice (dyus), cruise (crus), bruise (brus), juicy (dyusi). (45) uy como ái, en buy (bái), guy (gái). III. Sonidos de las Consonantes 13. La letra b tiene un sonido bilabial como la b española, pero de más explosión, y nunca es suave como la española entre vocales: boy (boi), able (eible), Arabian (areibian), bring (bring), blast (blest), ebb (eb), robber (rober), bulb (balb). Nota: la b es muda: (a) después de m en la misma sílaba: climb (claim), bomb (bom), tomb (tom). (b) antes de t: debt (det), debtor (détor), doubt (dáut), subtle (sátl). 14. La letra c tiene los siguientes sonidos: (a) como s delante de e y de i: cede (siyd), acid (ésid), civil (sívil), forcé (fors), glance (gléns). (b) como sh delante de e o i seguida de otra vocal: ocean (oushyan), vicious (víshyes), ma- licious (melíshyes). LA PRONUNCIACION INGLESA 13 14. La letra c (continuación): (c) como k: (1) delante de a, o, u, (2) delante de consonante, o al final de sílaba (no seguida de e o i): cali (koll), carne (kéim), cry (krai), clay (klay), are (ark), disc (disc), sanction (sénkshyen), accord (ekkórd). Nota: En casos raros, la c tiene sonido de k delante de e y de i, como en sceptic (sképtik), scirrous (skaires). (d) La letra c es muda en casos como: czar (dsar), indict (indait), muscle (mássl), corpuscle (córpessl). 15. La combinación ch tiene los siguientes sonidos: (1) como la ch española: church (cherch), China (china), much (mach), hatch (jetch), watch (wotch), Scotch (skotch). (2) como sh (ch francesa) en palabras de origen francés: machine (mashiyn), chagrín (shagrin), mustache (mustash). (3) como k: chorus (kores), echo (eko), chlorine (klorine), Christ (kraist), character (kar- ektar), architect (arkitekt), archangel (arkeindjel). Nota: la combinación ch es muda en casos como yacht (yot), schism (sism), drachm (dram). 14 METODO RACIONAL DE INGLES 16. La letra d tiene un sonido semejante al de la d española, pero más fuerte: day (dei), dry (drai), oíd (ould), end (end), idle (aidl). Nota: La letra d es muda en: Wednesday (wénesdei), handkerchief (jénkerehif), handsome (jénsom). 17. La letra f tiene un sonido igual al del a f española: fame (féim), fly (flái), free (friy), few (fiú), cuff (kaf). 18. La letra g tiene los siguientes sonidos: (1) Como el de la g fuerte española delante de a, o, u, r, 1 , s, gay (guéi), go (gou), gun (gan), glad (gled), grow (gróu), lingual (lingual), argüe (árguiu), bags (begs), hug (jag), egg (eg), berg (berg). Nota: La letra g tiene algunas veces el so¬ nido fuerte arriba descrito delante de e, o, i, como en get (guet), give (guive), giggle (guigl). (2) Como dy (pronuncíense al mismo tiempo ), delante de e o i excepto en los casos indicados en la nota precedente: gem (dyem), engine (éndyin), rage'(reidyi), cage (keidyi), magic (medyic), ginger (dyindyer), stingy (stindyi), register (re- dyister). Nota: La letra g es muda en algunos casos, como: deign (déin), reign (rein), sign (sain), phlegm (flem), gnat (net), gnaw (no). LA PRONUNCIACION INGLESA 15 19. La combinación gh tiene los siguientes sonidos: (1) al principio de vocablo como g fuerte: ghost (goust), ghastly (gastli). (2) como f: laugh (laf), cough (kaf), draught (draft), rough (raf), enough (inaf), tough (taf), laughter (lafter). (3) Es muda en casos como: though (dou), although (oldou), thought (zot), dough (dou), slaughter (sloter). 20. La letra h tiene generalmente un sonido aspirado, semejante al sonido andaluz de la j, y nunca es fuerte como el sonido castellano de j: hate (jait), here (jiar), horse (jors), house (jaus), home (jóum), hard (jard). Nota: La h es muda en las siguientes pala¬ bras: hour (auar), honor (onar), honest (onest), humble (ambl). 21. La letra j tiene el sonido de dy (pronunciados al mismo tiempo ): jar (dyar), jam (dyem), project (pródyect), majesty (mádyesti). 22. La letra k tiene el sonido de k: kite (káit), kill (kil), skill (skil), ask (esk), ark (ark), elk (elk), milk (milk), ink (ink), oak (ouk). Nota: La letra k es muda delante de “n”: knot (nat), know (now), knee (niy), Knox (nax). 16 METODO RACIONAL INGLES 23. La letra 1 se pronuncia como la 1 española, con la diferencia de que la punta de la lengua está más re¬ trasada, tocando generalmente el centro del paladar: lie (lai), low (lou), hold (jould), fly (flai), glow (glou), play (plei), elk (elk), help (jelp), halt (jolt), battle (batí), bridle (bridl). Nota: La letra 1 es muda en los siguientes casos: would (wud), could (kuud), should (shuud), alms (ams), balm (bam), calm (cam), palm (pam), palmer (páma), psalm (sam), salmón (sámon), almond (ámond), half (jaf), behalf (bijaf), calí (kaf), halve (hav), chalk (chok), talk (tok), walk (wok), folk (fouk), yolk (youk). 24. La letra m se pronuncia como en español: me (mi), smile (smail), palm (pam), lamp (lemp). 25. La letra n se pronuncia como en español, sufriendo iguales modificaciones que ésta según el sonido que la sigue: no (nou), ñame (neim), end (end), antiquity (entíkuiti), million (mílion), in Berlin (im Bérlin), in París (im Páris), anger (éngar), congress (cóngres), monk (mank), anxious (énkshyes). Nota : La letra n es muda después de m: hymn (jim), solemn (sólem), condemn (condém). 26. La letra p se pronuncia como la española, aunque con más fuerza: pie (pái), pea (piy), pay (pei), cup (cap), upper (ápar), happy (jépi), play (pléi), pray (préi). LA PRONUNCIACION INGLESA 17 26. La letra p (continuación): Nota: La letra p es muda en los siguientes casos: pneumatic (niumátic), psalm (sam), pshaw (shou), psychology (saicólodyi), raspberry (rés- beri), receipt (ricít), corps (cors). 27. La combinación ph se pronuncia como f: photograph (fótograf), philosophy (filósofi), graphic (gréfic). 28. La letra q va siempre seguida de u, y ambas letras se pronuncian como ku: queen (kuín), question (kuéschen), conquest (kónkuest). Nota: En palabras derivadas del francés la combinación se pronuncia como k, como en coquette (cokét), Marquette (markét); y también al final de vocablo, como antique (entík), burlesque (berlesk), technique (tek- ník). 29. La letra r nunca se pronuncia como la española. Es mucho más suave. Tiene dos sonidos: (1) Delante de vocal, en cuyo caso la punta de la lengua toca el paladar jus ta- mente sobre los dientes superiores, y trina una sola vez: rise (rais), raise (reis), cry (crái), dry (drái), array (eréi), raw (rou), grow (grou), throw (zrou). (2) Después de una vocal, en cuyo caso se pronuncia con la punta de la lengua muy retirada y tocando el centro del paladar . 18 METODO RACIONAL DE JNGLES 29. La letra r (continuación): El efecto de una r después de una vocal es dar a al vocal un sonido también muy retirado, y la r apenas suena (siendo en muchos casos imper¬ ceptible). Téngase presente que el so¬ nido de la vocal y de la r que le sigue se producen con la lengua muy retirada hacia la úvula (« campanilla ): urn (ern), fern (fern), burn (burn), bird (berd), first (ferst), girl (guerl), ever (ever), clever (clever), her (jer), firm (ferm), term (term), far (far), arm (arm), tar (tar), war (wor), forcé (fors), hard (jard), heard (jerd), farther (farder). 30. La letra s tiene tres sonidos: (1) Como la s española: see (siy), saw (so), hiss (jis), yes (yes), scorn (scorn), sky (skái), smile (smáil), swim (suím), cuffs (cafs), picks (piks), absurd (abserd),basis (basis), best (best), message (mésedch), false (fols), prac- tise (practis). (2) Como la z francesa en “Zouave,” es decir, haciendo vibrar las cuerdas vocales (este sonido se representará en los siguientes ejemplos con una 2 bastar¬ dilla) : has (jez), rose (rouz), is (iz), husband (jázbend), preside (prizaid), resolve (ri- zoulv), pleasant (plézent), observe (ob- zerv), dismay (dizméi). LA PRONUNCIACION INGLESA 19 30. La letra s (continuación) (3) Como sh (véase ei par. 65) delante de ia, io, u (pronunciada yu), ea (e pronun¬ ciada como i): Asia (eishya), Asiatic (eishyatic), pas- sion (pashyen), manshion (ménshyen), sensual (senshyual), sure (shyuar), sugar (shyugar), issue (íshyu). 31. La combinación sh se pronuncia oprimiendo la punta contra la parte posterior de los dientes superiores y haciendo salir el aire con fuerza: sharp (sharp), shine (sháin), rash (resh), rush (rash), usher (asher). 32. La letra t se pronuncia como la española, aunque con la lengua más retirada: tie (tai), note (nout), it (it), try (trai), stay (stei), art (art), after (aftar), sent (sent), attend (atend). Nota 1: La letra t, tiene algunas veces el sonido de sh, como nation (neishyen), y otras de ch, como en question (kuéschyen). Nota 2: La letra t es muda en casos como los siguientes: mortgage (mórgueidch), hasten (jéisn), often (ofen) , listen (lisn). 33. La combinación th tiene tres sonidos: (1) Semejante al de la d española: the (de, delante de consonante; di, de¬ lante de vocal), they (dey), this (dis), these (diiz), then (den), with (uid), father (fader), mother (madar), northern (nordern), Southern (saudern), though (dough), although (oldou). 20 METODO RACIONAL DE INGLES 33. La combinación th (continuación): (2) Como la z española: thought (zot), thaw (zo), thin (zin), thick (zik), thing (zing), enthusiasm (en- zusiasm), broth (broz), length (lengz), breath (brez), birth (berz), width (wiz), bath (baz), mouth (máuz). (3) Como t: Thomas (tomas), Esther (estar), Thames (téims), thyme (táim). Nota: La combinación th es muda en asthma (asma), isthmus (Lsmes). 34. La letra v nunca se pronuncia como la v española, es decir no se pronuncia con el sonido bilabial de la b española. El sonido de la v inglesa es un sonido labio- dental, que se produce aplicando el labio inferior a los dientes superiores. Teniendo esto presente, pronúnciense los siguientes ejemplos: vain (véin),ever (evar),vivid (vivid), vote (vout), uvula (yúvula), move (muv), calves (cavs), wolves (wulvs). 35. La letra w tiene el sonido de la u española sin acento delante de vocal: was (uáz), wet (uét), went (uént), worse (wérs), twin (tuín), swan (suén), where (juéar), what (juát), when (juén). Nota 1: La w después de o suena como la u española: how (jau), glow (glou), throw (zrou), cow (cau), town (táwn). LA PRONUNCIACION INGLESA 21 35. La letra w (continuación): Nota 2: La combinación ew se pronuncia yu: few (fyu), dew (dyu), curfew (kerfyu). Nota 3: La w es muda en los siguientes casos: write (rait), wring (ring), wrote (rout), written (rítn), answer (ánsar), sword (sord), toward (toard), two (túu), who (júu), whom (júm), whoop (júup), awe (oo), law (loo), (en estos dos últimos casos la o se pronuncia sin redondear los labios). 36. La letra x tiene dos sonidos: (1) de ks, como la x española: box (boks), wax (uaks), execute (ekse- kiút), exit (éksit), exclaim (eksléim), exhortation (eksortéishyen). (2) de gz (para el sonido de z véase 63 (2) ): exalt (egzolt), exist (egzist), exaggerate (egzádchyereit), example (egzampl), ex- empt (egzempt), exert (egzert), exotic (egzoutik), exhaust (egzost), exhibit (eg- zibit). Nota 1: La letra x al principio de palabra se pronuncia como la z inglesa (vésae el párrafo 63 (2) ). xilophone (zílofoun), xanthic (zéntik), xi- lography (zilóugrafi). Nota 2: La letra x tiene el sonido de sh (véase el par. 65) para la s Cuando va se¬ guida de sonido de y: anxious (enkshyes), luxury (lukshyuri), noxious (nokshyes). 22 METODO RACIONAL INGLES 37. La letra y se pronuncia como (1) la y consonante española, delante de vocal: yes (yes), yet (yet), year (yiar), you (yu), beyond (biyond), young (yang). (2) Como vocal después de vocal o de con¬ sonante: eye (ai), play (pléi), say (séi), happy (jépi), sympathy (símpazi). (3) Como ai, en los siguientes casos: by (bái), my (mái), cry (crái), rye (rái), shy (shái). 38. La letra z tiene el sonido de la z francesa (nunca el de la z española) como se explica en 63 (2), es decir, que para producir el sonido de la z inglesa la punta de la lengua se aplica a la parte posterior de los dientes superiores y por la abertura estrecha así formada se hace pasar el aire con vibración de las cuerdas vocales (este sonido se representa en la pronunciación figurada de este libro con una z bastardilla); zeal (¿il), zone (zoun), maze (meiz), size (sáiz), frozen (frouzen), hazy (jéizi), buzz (baz). PALABRAS Y FRASES CORRIENTES EN LA CONVERSACION DIARIA TÍTULOS Sir, Señor ( cuando no se menciona el nombre). Madam, Señora o Señorita ( cuando no se npenciona el nombre). Mr. (Mister), Sr. ( usado delante del nombre). Mrs. (Mistress, pronúnciese mises), Señora ( usado delante del nombre). Miss, Señorita (usado delante del nombre). A lady, una señora. A gentleman, un caballero. SALUDOS Y FRASES DE CORTESÍA Good moming, Sir (madam) Good aftemoon, Mr. Smith Good evening, Miss Jones Good night, Mrs. Brown (se dice sólo al retirarse) How are you? ) How do you do? / How is your family? Very well, thank you Not very well So, so Pretty well I am very glad to see you So am I to see you Buenos días, señor (señora) Buenas tardes, Señor Smith Buenas noches, Señorita Jones Buenas noches, Señora Brown ¿Cómo está usted? ¿Cómo está su familia? Muy bien, gracias No muy bien Así, así Bastante bien Me alegro mucho de verle Yo también de verle a usted 24 METODO RACIONAL DE. INGLES Thank you I thank you Many thanks Don’t mention it 1 You are welcome j Excuse me I beg your pardon I am sorry I am glad Please Do me the favor of - Please give me- Please pass me- With much pleasure Come in Sit down \ Be seated J I must go Is Mr. Brown in? Here is my card It is very late Come again Congratulations I congratúlate you Merry Christmas Happy New Year Same to you Good-by Au revoir Gracias Doy a usted las gracias Muchas gracias No hay de qué Usted dispense Dispénseme Le pido mil perdones Lo siento Me alegro Sírvase; haga el favor de Hágame el favor de- Sírvase darme- Sírvase pasarme- Con mucho gusto Pase usted (¡adelante!) Siéntese Debo irme ¿Está el Sr. Brown? He aquí mi tarjeta Es muy tarde Venga otra vez Enhorabuena Le felicito Felices pascuas Feliz año nuevo Igualmente Adiós Hasta la vista PALABRAS Y FRASES 25 PRESENTACIÓN I have the pleasure to intro¬ duce to you my friend, Mr. Smith I am very glad to meet you Where are you from? I am from Spain How do you likethiscountry Very much How long have you been here? I have not been here long I hope I shall meet you again Thank you; I hope so too I live at No. 85 Main Street Here is my card; you will find my address in it Tengo el placer de pre¬ sentarle a mi amigo Mr. Smith Tengo mucho gusto en cono¬ cerle ¿De dónde es usted? Soy de España ¿Qué tal le gusta esta país? Mucho ¿Cuanto tiempo hace que está aquí? No hace tiempo que estoy aquí Espero verle otra vez Gracias, así lo espero Vivo en el No. 85, Main Street (Calle) He aquí mi tarjeta; en ella hallará usted mis señas PARA ORIENTARSE Excuse me, Sir; will you please tell me how to go to the Spanish bank? Take the subway at this station; get off at i4th St. Station, and when you go out into the Street, turn to your right, walk one block and you will find the bank. Many thanks Dispénseme, señor; quiere usted decirme como se va al Banco Español? Tome el subterráneo en esta estación; bájese en la es¬ tación de la Calle 14, y cuando usted salga a la calle, doble a la derecha, ande una manzana, y ha¬ llará el banco Muchas gracias 26 METODO RACIONAL DE INGLES EN UNA Good moming, Sir; what can I do for you? I want to buy several things How much is this hat? Three dollars and a half Let me try it on It does not fit me Show me another I don’t like that one I will take this one Please send it to this ad- dress How much do I owe you? Here is a twenty-dollar bilí Give the change in one five- dollar bilí and the rest in one-dollar bilis Here is your change EN UN Helio, John! Where are you going? I am just taking a walk Will you come to the movies with me? With much pleasure, but you will let me pay Of course not; I invited you first All right, but tomorrow you are my guest TIENDA Buenos días, Señor; ¿en qué puedo servirce? Deseo comprar varias cosas ¿Cuánto es este sombrero? Tres dólares y medio Déjeme probármelo No me cabe Enséñeme otro No me gusta ése Me quedo con éste Sírvase mandarlo a esta di¬ rección ¿Cuánto le debo? Aquí tiene un billete de 20 dólares Deme el cambio en un bi¬ llete de cinco dólares, y en el resto en billetes de uno Aquí tiene usted el cambio CINE Hola Juan! ¿ A donde va usted? Nada más que paseándome ¿Quiere venirse conmigo al cine? Con mucho gusto, pero me dejará pagar Claro que no; yo le invité primero Bueno, pero mañana usted será mi invitado PALABRAS Y FRASES 27 Here we are Let us see in the póster what they show tonight (At the ticketwindow) Two orchestra seats, please There are no reserved seats in this theatre; all seats are of the same price Howmuch is the admission? Twenty-five cents PARA TOMAR I am in a hurry I have to take a taxicab Send for a taxicab It is raining Let us cali a taxi I don’t see any around here There goes an automobile for hire, but it is not a taxi That doesn’t matter Yes, it does; a taxi is cheaper How much does it cost? Twenty cents for the first quarter of a mile, and ten cents for every additional mile Tell the chauffeur to take us to- Aquí estamos Veamos en el cartel qué dan esta noche (En la taquilla) Sírvase darme dos asientos de butaca No hay asientos reservados en este teatro; todos los asientos son del mismo precio ¿Cuánto es la entrada? Veinticinco centavos UN COCHE Tengo prisa Tengo que tomar un taxí¬ metro Llame un taxímetro Está llovicado Llámenos un taxímetro No veo ninguno por aquí Allá va un automóvil de al¬ quiler, pero no es taxí¬ metro Eso no importa Sí que importa; un taxí¬ metro es más barato ¿Cuánto cuesta? Veinte centavos por el pri¬ mer cuarto de milla, y diez centavos por cada cuarto adicional Dígale al chofer que nos lleve a- 28 METODO RACIONAL DE INGLES Chauffeur, take us to- We have arrived; tell him to stop Please stop here; we want to get off Let us get off How much is it? Must I give the chauffeur a tip? Yes, it is customary How much must I give him? Give him a quarter Keep the change Chofer, llevemos a- Hemos llegado; dígale que pare Pare ud. aquí; queremos bajar Bajemos ¿Cuánto es? ¿Debo darle una propina al chofer? Sí, es la costumbre ¿Cuánto debo darle? Dele veinticinco centavos Quédese con el cambio EN UN RESTAURANT Waiter! let me see the bilí of fare I want chicken soup, fried fish, roast meat, baked potatoes, some vege¬ tables, salad, desert and coffee Bring some more bread and butter I want some water Bring me the check Is it customary to tip the waiter here? Yes, in this country, as everywhere, you have to tip almost everybody ¡Mozo! déjeme ver la lista de platos Quiero sopa de pollo, pes¬ cado frito, carne asada, patatas asadas al horno, legumbres, ensalada, postre y café Tráigame más pan y man¬ tequilla Quiero agua Tráigame la cuenta ¿Se acostumbra dar propina al camarero aquí? Sí, en este país, como en todas partes, hay que dar pro¬ pina a casi todo el mundo PALABRAS Y FRASES 29 PARA HACERSE ENTENDER I want to ask you a question May I ask you a question? Do you speak Spanish? I cannot speak English yet I don’t understand English very well I do not understand much Excuse me, what did you say? Please talk slowly Don’t speak so fast Please repeat it I did not understand what you said I did not hear you What is this (that)? How do you cali this (that) in English? How do you spell that word? Please pronounce each word separately Quiero hacerle una pregunta ¿Puedo hacerle una pre¬ gunta? ¿Habla usted español? No puedo hablar inglés to¬ davía No entiendo inglés muy bien No entiendo mucho Dispénseme, que ha dicho usted? Sírvase hablar despacio No hable tan de prisa Sírvase repetirlo No he entendido lo que usted ha dicho No le he oído ¿Qué es esto (eso, aquello)? ¿Cómo se llama esto (eso, aquello) en inglés? ¿Cómo se escribe esa pa¬ labra? Sírvase pronunciar cada pa¬ labra separadamente . ■ ' . FIRST LESSON I. Lectura y Conversación THE HUMAN BODY The principal parts of the human body are: the head, the trunk, and the limbs. In the head are: the face, the eyes, the nose, the mouth, and the ears. In the head is also the mind. Other parts of the head are: the hair, the forehead, the cheeks, and the chin. The head is joined to the trunk by the neck. In the trunk are the vital organs: the heart, the lungs, and the stomach. The upper limbs are the arms, with the shoulders and hands and fingers. The lower limbs are the legs with the hips, the feet, and the toes. VOCABULARY also, también the hand, mano the hair, pelo the head, cabeza the heart, corazón and, y the arm, brazo are, son to be, ser, estar the body, cuerpo the cheek, mejilla the chin, barba the ear, oreja, oído the eye, ojo the face, cara the finger, dedo (de la mano); joined, unido the lesson, lección lower, inferior the lung, pulmón the mind, cerebro the mouth, boca the neck, garganta the nose, nariz human, humano in, en first, primero, -a the foot, pie, pl. feet the forehead, frente of, de 31 32 METODO RACIONAL DE INGLES the organ, órgano the part, parte other, otro to, a the toe, dedo (del pie) the trunk, tronco principal, principal the shoulder, hombro the stomach, estómago upper, superior vital, vital with, con the, el, la, los, las II. Preguntas 1. Which (cuáles) are the principal parts of the human body? 2. What (qué) parts are in the head? 3. Where (dónde) is the mind? 4. What are the other parts of the mind? 5. How (cómo) is the head joined to the trunk? 6. What organs are in the trunk? 7. Which are the vital organs? 8. Which are the upper limbs? 9. Which are the lower limbs? III. Números Cardinales (de 0 a 10) Apréndanse de memoria: zero, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten. IV. Conjugación The verb to be, ser, estar I am, yo soy o estoy you are, tú eres o estás, We are, nosotros somos o estamos usted es o está you are, vosotros sois o estáis they are, ellos, ellas son o están FIRST LESSON 33 Y. GRAMATICA 1. The definite article (el artículo definido) the body, el cuerpo the face, la cara the head, la cabeza the truhk, el tronco the hands, las manos the eyes, los ojos the feet, los pies the ears, las orejas Nótese que en inglés sólo hay una forma para el artículo definido, y que esa única forma sirve tanto para el singular como para el plural. 2. The indefinite article (el artículo indefinido) a nose, una nariz an ear, una oreja a heart, un corazón an eye, un ojo a body, un cuerpo an hour, una hora a foot, un pie an animal, un animal Nótese que la forma del artículo indefinido en inglés es a delante de una palabra que empieza con consonante o h aspirada; y es an delante de una palabra que empieza con vocal o h muda. VI. Ejercicios A. Copíese el texto inglés “The Human Body.” B. Copíese, o léase en voz alta, el párrafo siguiente, es¬ cribiendo o leyendo los números en inglés: The principal parts of the body are 3. We ha ve (tenemos) 2 hands and 5 fingers in each (cada) hand. 3 and 3 are 6. 10 less (menos) 2 are 8. 1 and 3 are 4. 7 and 2 are 9. 7, 5, 4, 0, 3, 6, 9, 1, 5, 2, 8, 10. C. Conjugúese el presente de indicativo del verbo to be, en frases completas, per ejemplo: I am Mr. (mister) López; you are Miss (señorita) Smith, etc. 34 METODO RACIONAL DE INGLES D. Tradúzcase al inglés. La cabeza, el tronco y las extremidades son las partes principales del cuerpo humano. Los órganos vitales es¬ tán en el tronco, y son: el corazón, los pulmones, y el es¬ tómago. En la cabeza están la cara, los ojos, la boca, la nariz, las orejas, la frente, y el pelo. Los brazos, con las manos y los dedos son las extremidades superiores. Las extremidades inferiores son las piernas y los pies. E. Escríbase de memoria una reproducción en inglés del texto, “The Human Body.” SECOND LESSON I. Lectura y Conversación THE FAMILY I have a large family. My family is composed of my father and mother, my brother and sister, my aunt and únele, my two cousins John and Mary, and my grand- parents, that is to say, my grandfather, my mother’s father, and my grandmother, my father’s mother. We have a large house. We live together in the same house. I have a room and my sister has another room. My cousins also have a room each. My cousins, my sister and I go to school together. We have books, notebooks, pencils, pens, paper, and other things. We study and play together very often. VOCABULARY another, otro the aunt, tía the book, libro the brother, hermano the mother, madre my, mi the notebook, cuaderno each, cada the family, familia the father, padre to go, ir the grandfather, abuelo the grandmother, abuela the grandparents, abuelos to have, tener the house, casa composed, compuesto the cousin, primo, la prima often, a menudo the paper, papel the pencil, lápiz to play, jugar the room, cuarto same, mismo the school, escuela second, segundo the sister, hermana to study, estudiar that is to say, es decir the thing, cosa large, grande to live, vivir John, Juan together, junto the únele, tío very, muy Mary, María 35 36 METODO RACIONAL DE INGLES II. Preguntas 1. Have you a large family? 2. Of whom (de quiénes) is your family composed? 3. How many (cuántos) brothers have you? 4. How many sisters and cousins have you? 5. Where do you live (dónde vive usted)? 6. Where do you go (va usted) together with your (tu) sister and your cousins? 7. What have you for the school? 8. Do you and your sister and cousins play together very often? III. Números Cardinales (de 11 a 20) Apréndanse de memoria: eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen, twenty. IV. Conjugación The verb, to have, tener, haber ( auxiliar) I have, yo tengo we have, nostros tenemos you have, tú tienes, usted you have, vosotros tenéis, tiene ustedes tienen he, she, it has, él, ella tiene they have, ellos, ellas tienen V. Gramática 3. The plural of nouns (el plural de los sustantivos) Singular Plural the book, el libro the books, los libros the house, la casa the houses, las casas the brother, el hermano the brothers, los hermanos the face, la cara the faces, las caras Nótese que el plural de los sustantivos se forma general¬ mente añadiendo una s a la forma singular. SECOND LESSON 37 4. Plural of nouns in ss, ch, sh, x. (Plural de sustantivos en ss, ch, sh, x) Singular the glass, el vaso the church, la iglesia the wish, el deseo the fox, el zorro Plural the glasses, los vasos the churches, las iglesias the wishes, los deseos the foxes, los zorros Nótese que los sustantivos que terminan en ss, ch, sh, x, forman el plural añadiéndose es al singular. 5. Plural of nouns in y. (Plural de sustantivos en y) Singular Plural the family, la familia the famiiies, las familias the study, el estudio the studies, los estudios the university, la universi- the universities, las univer- dad sidades Nótese que el plural de los sustantivos que terminan en y se forma cambiando la y en i y añadiendo es. 6. Plural of nouns in o. (Plural de sustantivos en o) Singular Plural the tomato, el tomate the tomatoes, los tomates the potato, la patata the potatoes, las patatas the negro, el negro the negroes, los negros Nótese que el plural de sustantivos terminados en o se forma añadiendo es al singular. 7. Irregular plurals. (Plurales irregulares) Singular the foot, el pie the man, el hombre the woman, la mujer the mouse, el ratón the ox, el buey Plural the feet, los pies the men, los hombres the women, las mujeres the mice, los ratones the oxen, los bueyes 38 METODO RACIONAL DE INGLES VI. Ejercicios A. Copíese el texto inglés “The Family.” B. Copíese o léase en voz alta el párrafo siguiente escribi¬ endo o leyendo los números en inglés: I ha ve 3 brothers and 2 sisters. My father has 18 houses. My brother has 11 books. Your cousin has 15 pencils. 3 and 10 are 13. 15 less 1 are 14. 10 and 10 are 20. 16 and 4 are also 20. 12, 17, 11, 4, 6, 9, 13, 15, 18*, 19, 7. C. Conjugúese él presente de indicativo de to have en frases completas. D. Tradúzcase al inglés: Mi familia es muy grande. Tengo tres hermanos y seis hermanas, y diez primos. Vivimos juntos en una casa muy grande. Mis hermanos, mis primos y yo vamos juntos a la escuela, y estudiamos y jugamos juntosa- menudo. Tenemos lápices plumas, papel, libros y cua demos para (for) la escuela. E. Dense los plurales de los siguientes sustantivos: house, book, potato, negro, study, fox, foot, man, woman, glass, brother, ox, mouse, pencil F. Escríbase de memoria una reproducción del texto inglés ‘The Family.” THIRD LESSON I. Lectura y Conversación IN SCHOOL We study in a good school. It is a large school, and it has many students. The class rooms in the school are of different sizes, with high Windows and wide doors. Some students are good and other students are bad. The good students learn quickly because they study. We study English. Speaking, reading and writing we learn much. English is a difficult language. The teacher reads in a loud voice to teach us the pronunciation. In the class room we speak in English all the time. English is not an easy language. To write we have desks, ink, pens, pencils and paper. Sometimes we write on the blackboards with chalk. VOCABULARY a, un, una all, todo bad, malo because, porque blackboard, pizarra chalk, tiza classroom, clase desk, pupitre difficult, difícil door, puerta easy, fácil English, inglés good, bueno high, alto ink, tinta many, muchos quickly, de prisa to read, leer reading, leyendo size, tamaño some, alguno sometimes, algunas veces to speak, hablar speaking, hablando teacher, maestro time, tiempo us, nosotros voice, voz wide, ancho window, ventana to learn, aprender loud, alto, en voz alta to write, escribir writing, escribiendo 39 40 METODO RACIONAL DE INGLES II. Preguntas 1. Where do you study? 2. How many students has the school? 3. Of what sizes are the class rooms in the school? 4. How are some students and how are others? 5. How do the good students learn? 6. What do you study? 7. How do you learn much? 8. What kind of a (clase de) language is English? 9. Who reads in a loud voice? 10. For what does the teacher read in a loud voice? 11. What do you speak in the class room? 12. When (cuándo) do you speak English in the class room? 13. What have you to (para) write (with)? III. Números Cardinales (de 21 a 30) Apréndanse de memoria: Twenty-one, twenty-two, twenty-three, twenty-four, twenty-five, twenty-six, twenty-seven, twenty-eight, twenty-nine, thirty. IV. Conjugación 8. La conjugación inglesa es fácil por cuanto que las formas para cada persona son casi siempre iguales. En el presente de indicativo la forma de la tercera persona singular difiere de las demás en que toma una s, o cuando la forma del verbo termina en y, ésta se cambia en i, y y se le añade es, por ejemplo, I study, he studies. THIRD LESSON 41 to study, estudiar, studying, estudiando, studied, estudiado Presente de indicativo: I study, you study, he studies, we study, you study, they study. to leam, aprender; learning, aprendiendo; leamt, apren¬ dido. to speak, hablar; speaking, hablando; spoken, hablado. Conjugúese el presente de indicativo de cada uno de los verbos precedentes en la misma forma que se indica para to study. V. Gramática 9. The adjective (el adjetivo) a good school, una buena escuela a large room, un cuarto grande a difñcult language, un idioma difícil a different size, un tamaño diferente the class rooms, los cuartos de clase the bad students, los malos estudiantes the high Windows, las ventanas altas the wide doors, las puertas anchas some easy lessons, algunas lecciones fáciles Nótese que el adjetivo (1) tiene sólo una forma para el singular y el plural, y (2) va delante del sustantivo. 10. much and many. I have not much time No tengo mucho tiempo He has many books El tiene muchos libros Nótese que much tiene la forma many para el plural. 42 METODO RACIONAL DE INGLES VI. Ejercicios A. Copíese el texto inglés “In School.” B. Copíese o léase en voz alta el párrafo siguiente , es¬ cribiendo o leyendo los números en inglés: The class room has 5 high Windows, 2 doors, 4 black- boards, 25 chairs, 1 table, and 22 pictures (cuadros). 23 students are in the room. 14 and 8 are 22. 15 and 9 are 24. 28 and 2 are 30. 16 and 11 are 27. 19, 30, 5, 23, 13, 3, 10, 7, 21, 12, 8, 18, 15, 25, 9, 26, 30. C. Conjugúese en frases completas el presente de indi¬ cativo de (1) to study, (2) to speak, (3) to learn. D. Súplase un adjetivo para cada uno de los siguientes nombres: 1. a student. 2. the books. 3. some Windows. 4. the language. 5. chairs. 6. sizes. 7. the school. 8. a window. 9. a door. 10. the teacher. E. Tradúzcase al inglés: Estudio [el] inglés. Voy a [la] escuela para (to) estudiar inglés. La escuela es grande y tiene muchos cuartos de diferentes tamaños. Mi cuarto tiene cuatro ventanas altas y una puerta muy ancha. Para aprender, estudia¬ mos, leemos, escribimos, y hablamos en inglés. [El] inglés es un idioma muy difícil, pero (but) aprendemos mucho porque tenemos un buen maestro. El maestro lee en alta voz y nosotros escribimos en el papel con pluma y tinta, o con lápiz, o en la pizarra con tiza. F. Escríbase de memoria una reproducción del texto inglés “In School.” FOURTH LESSON I. Lectura y Conversación IN THE CLASS ROOM The opposite of much is little, and of more, less. The opposite of large or big is small; of good, bad; of well, ¡11; and of better, worse. The opposite of high is low; of long, short; and of wide, narrow. The opposite of thick is thin. The opposite of many is few. The teacher has many books; she has more books than the pupils. The pupils have less books than the teacher. The teacher’s table is higher than the pupils 7 desks. Her chair is larger than the pupils 7 seats. Peter and Louis are large, but Louis is smaller than Peter; Peter is bigger, Raymond is tall, but Charles is taller; Raymond is shorter. The window is high; the wall is also high, but the window is higher than the wall. The window is wide, but the door is wider than the window; the window is narrower. Charles is a good student, but he studies less than John. John is a better student. VOCABULARY better, mejor big, grande bigger, más grande but, pero, sino chair, silla Charles, Carlos fourth, cuarto higher, más alto ill, enfermo John, Juan larger, más grande less, menos little, pequeño, poco long, largo longer, más largo opposite, contrario Peter, Pedro pupil, alumno Raymond, Ramón seat, asiento 43 4A METODO RACIONAL DE INGLES VOCABULARY short, corto, bajo shorter, más corto, más bajo small, pequeño smaller, más pequeño table, mesa tall, alto taller, más alto than, que thick, grueso thin, delgado, fino II. Preguntas 1. What is the opposite of much, oí. more, of lar ge or big, of good , of well, of betterf 2. How many books has the teacher? 3. Has she less books than the pupils? 4. Who has more books than the pupils? 5. What table is higher than the pupils’ desks? 6. Are the pupils’ seats larger than the teacher’s chair? 7. Are you taller than I? 8. Who is bigger, John or Peter? 9. How is the window, high or low? 10. Is the wall higher than the window? 11. Who studies less than John? 12. Is Charles a better student than John? III. Cardinal Numbers (de 30 a 100) Apréndase de memoria: thirty, thirty-one, thirty-two, thirty-three, thirty-four, thirty-five, thirty-six, thirty-seven, thirty-eight, thirty- nine; forty (40); fifty (50); sixty (60); seventy (70); eighty (80); ninety (50); one hundred (100). (continuación) Louis, Luis low, bajo more, más narrow, estrecho narrower, más estrecho wall, pared well, bien wide, ancho wider, más ancho worse, peor FOURTH LESSON 45 (Para formar las decenas de 20 a 90 no hay más que añadir la unidad al nombre de la decena respectiva, como se ha visto en los casos de 20 y 30; por ejemplo: 41, forty- one; 52, fifty-two; 63, sixty-three, etc.) IV. Conjugación The verbs to read (leer), and to write (escribir), reading, leyendo writing, escribiendo read ( pronuncíese red), leido written, escrito Presente de indicativo Forma Afirmativa I read, leo you read, lees he (she) reads, lee we read, leemos you read, leéis they read, leen I write, escribo you write, escribes he (she) writes, escribe we write, escribimos you write, escribís they write, escriben Forma Negativa I do not read you do not read he (she) does not read we do not read you do not read they do not read I do not write you do not write he (she) does not write we do not write you do not write they do not write Forma Interrogativa Do I read? Do you read? Does he (she) read? Do we read? Do you read? Do they read? Do I write? Do you write? Does he (she) write? Do we write? Do you write? Do they write? 46 METODO RACIONAL DE INGLES V. Gramática 11. Possession (posesión) (a) Thebooksof theleacher The desks of the pupils Some pupils of the school The pages of my book Nótese que la posesión en (de) delante la cósa poseída. (b) The teacher’s table Peter’s book The pupiPs desk The day’s lesson Charles’ pencil The pupils’ pens Los libros del maestro Los pupitres de los alumnos Algunos alumnos de la escuela Las páginas de mi libro inglés se expresa poniendo of La mesa del maestro El libro de Pedro El pupitre del alumno La lección del día El lápiz de Carlos Los lápices de los alumnos Nótese que también se puede expresar posesión ante¬ poniendo el posesor a la cosa poseída, y añadiendo después del sustantivo del posesor un apóstrofo seguido de s (’s). Nótese además que la s no se usa cuando el sustantivo del posesor termina en s (como en los últimos ejemplos). 12. Comparison of inequality (comparación de desigual¬ dad) (a) I have more books than you. Tengo más libros que usted. The pupils have less pencils than the teacher. Los alumnos tienen menos lápices que la maestra. John studies more than Peter. Juan estudia más que Pedro. The pupils understand less than the teacher. Los alumnos comprenden menos que la maestra. FOURTH LESSON 47 Frank is more obedient than Charles. Francisco es más obediente que Carlos. Lesson Four is more difficult than the third. La lección cuarta es más difícil que la tercera. Nótese que la comparación de desigualdad se forma regu¬ larmente traduciendo más por more, menos por less, y que por than. 13. Comparison of adjectives (comparación de tivos) (a) Positivo small, pequeño tall, alto high, alto oíd, viejo rich, rico long, largo short, corto deep, hondo poor, pobre gay, alegre grey, gris (b) fat, grueso big, grande thin, delgado red, rojo (c) large, grande fine, fino noble, noble polite, cortés sincere, sincero (d) easy, fácil happy, feliz lazy, perezoso Comparativo smaller, más pequeño taller, más alto higher, más alto older, más viejo richer, más rico longer, más largo shorter, más corto deeper, más hondo poorer, más pobre gayer, más alegre greyer, más gris fatter, más grueso bigger, más grande thinner, más delgado redder, más rojo larger, más grande finer, más fino nobler, más noble politer, más cortés sincerer, más sincero easier, más fácil happier, más feliz lazier, más perezoso adje- '48 METODO RACIONAL DE INGLES Positivo (e) difficult, difícil certain, cierto famous, famoso foolish, tonto beautiful, hermoso characteristic, caracter¬ ístico Nótese que: Comparativo more difficult, más difícil more certain, más cierto more famous, más famoso more foolish, más tonto more beautiful, más her¬ moso more characteristic, más carácterístico (a) Los adjetivos de una sola sílaba forman el compara¬ tivo añadiendo -er. (b) Los adjetivos de una sola sílaba que terminan en consonante sencilla precedida de vocal sencilla, duplican la consonante y añaden -er para el comparativo. (c) Los adjetivos de dos sílabas que terminan en e muda sólo añaden una r para el comparativo. (d) Los adjetivos que terminan en y precedida de con¬ sonante cambian la y por i y añaden -er para el com¬ parativo. (e) Los demás adjetivos forman el comparativo ante¬ poniendo more (más), como se ve en el Par. 12. 14. Irregular comparatives Positivo much, mucho little, poco good, bueno bad, malo well, bien ill, mal (comparativos irregulares) Comparativo more, más less, menos better, mejor worse, peor better, mejor worse, peor Nótese que los adjetivos arriba enumerados tienen com¬ parativos irregulares, como sus equivalentes españoles. FOURTH LESSON 49 VI. Ejercicios A. Copíese el texto inglés “In the Class Room.” B. Copíese o léase en voz alta el párrafo siguiente , es¬ cribiendo o leyendo los números en inglés: 4 and 30 are 34. 58 less 32 are 26. 4 times (veces) 9 are 36. 60 and 17 are 77. 50 and 50 are 100. 81,93,46, 23, 14, 59, 74, 68, 10, 50, 100. C. Conjugúese en frases completas el presente de indica¬ tivo de to read y to write. D. Pónganse los adjetivos en la forma comparativa con more o -er, según se requiera. The window is — high — than the door. John is — obedient — than Peter. This lesson is — difficult —• than Lesson I. Cervantes is — —famous— than Lope. The pencil is — small — than the chair. The wall is — wide — than the window. The paper is — thin — than the book. E. Tradúzcase al inglés: La maestra tiene muchos más libros que los alumnos, y también tiene más lápices que ellos. El lápiz es más corto que la pluma y el lápiz y la pluma son menos gruesos que el libro. La mesa de la maestra es más alta que los pupitres de los alumnos. Juan estudia más que Pedro, es mejor estudiante que Pedro, Pedro estudia menos que Juan, es peor estudiante que Juan. La lección Cuarta es más difícil. El libro de Carlos. La mesa del maestro. La lección del día. F. Escríbase de memoria una reproducción en inglés del texto inglés “In School.” FIFTH LESSON I. Lectura y Conversación THE DAY. THE HOUR. THE TIMEPIECE The day is divided into two parts, the day and the night, and is subdivided into morning, noon, afternoon, evening, night and midnight. Here is a timepiece; it is a watch. There, on the wall, is a clock. The watch and the dock are used to indicate the time. The hour-hand indicates the hours, the minute-hand indicates the minutes, and the second-hand indicates the seconds. For example: When the hour-hand is at ten and the minute-hand is at twelve, it is ten o’clock (in the morning or in the afternoon); if the hour-hand and the minute-hand are at twelve, it is twelve o’clock (or noon, or midnight). If the hour-hand is at two and the minute-hand at six, it is two o’clock. If the hour-hand is at nine and the minute-hand at three, it is a quarter past nine; if the hour-hand is at seven and the minute-hand at five, it is twenty-five past seven. But if the minute-hand is to the left of the face, we say “of,” or “to”; for example: it is a quarter of (or to) one; it is ten minutes of (or to) six. V O CABULARY afternoon, tarde at, a clock, reloj day, día divided, dividido example, ejemplo evening, noche face, esfera for, por here, aquí hour, hora hour-hand, horario noon, medio-dio not, no o’clock, del reloj of, menos on, en or, o past, y quarter, cuarto 50 FIFTH LESSON 51 VOCABULARY to say, decir second, segundo second-hand, segundero if, se to indícate, indicar into, en it is, es, son left, izquierdo midnight, medianoche minute, minuto minute-hand, minutero moming, mañana (continuación) night, noche nine, nueve subdivided, subdividido there, allí time, hora timepiece, reloj to, menos used, usado watch, reloj we, nosotros when, cuando ] II. Preguntas 1 . Into how many parts is the day divided? 2 . How is the day subdivided? 3 . What is the watch for? 4 . What is the hour-hand? 5 . What is the minute-hand? 6. What time is it when the hour-hand is at three and the minuté-hand at twelve? 7 . What time is it when the hour-hand is at two and the minute-hand is at six? 8. What time is it when the hour-hand is at eleven and the minute-hand at three? 9 . What time is it when the hour-hand is at four and the minute-hand at nine? 10 . What time is it when the hour-hand is at eight and the minute-hand at ten? 11 . What time is it when both (ambas) hands are at twelve? 12. What time is it now (ahora)? 52 METODO RACIONAL DE INGLES III. Cardinal Numbers (100 a 1000) Apréndase de memoria: one hundred, two hundred, three hundred, four hun- dred, five hundred, six hundred, seven hundred, eight hundred, nine hundred, one thousand. one hundred and one; two hundred and five; three hundred and ten; four hundred and fifteen; six hundred and twenty-eight; seven hundred and thirty-three; eight hundred and seventy-nine; nine hundred and ninety-nine; one thousand. Para formar las centenas póngase el número de la unidad delante de la palabra hundred; por ejemplo, ciento, one hundred, trescientos, three hundred. Para las unidades de centena, póngase después del número de la centena, la respectiva unidad precedida por and, así; three hundred and three (trescientos tres). Para las decenas de centena, póngase la respectiva decena después de la centena, precedida por and, v.g.: five hun¬ dred and fifty-one. IV. Conjugación The verb to do, hacer doing, haciendo; done, hecho Presente de Indicativo I do, hago we do, nosotros hacemos you do, usted hace you do, ustedes hacen he (she) (it) does, el, ella they do, ellos, ellas hacen (ello) hace Nota: Este verbo se usa además como auxiliar para las formas interrogativa y negativa, como se ha visto en la FIFTH LESSON 53 lección anterior, y también para la forma enfática de los verbos, por ejemplo: Forma enfática del Presente de Indicativo de to speak I do speak, yo hablo we do speak, nosotros hablemos you do speak, usted habla you do speak, ustedes hablan he (she) does speak, el, they do speak, ellos, -as hablan ella habla V. GRAMATICA 15. Manner of expressing presar la hora del día) What time is it? It is one o’clock It is twelve o’clock It is half past six It is a quarter to eight It is ten past two It is three o’clock sharp time of day (manera de ex- Qué hora es? Es la una Son las doce Son las seis y media Son las ocho menos cuarto Son las dos y diez Son las tres en punto Nótese que para expresar la hora en inglés se emplea el pronombre impersonal it con la tercera persona singular del verbo to be, seguido del número de la hora, y la ex¬ presión o’clock, si no se indican los minutos; o si éstos se indican, el número de ellos precedido de la palabra past (si los minutos son después de la hora), o to o of si son antes de la hora. 16. Superlative forms (formas superlativas) 0) the most, el, la, lo; los, las más. the least, el, la, lo, los, las menos, the best, el, la, lo mejor, los, las mejores, the worst, el, la, lo ... peor, ... los, las péores 54 METODO RACIONAL DE INGLES (b) the richest, el, la, lo más rico, -a, los, las más ricos, -as. the biggest, el, la, lo más grande, los, las más grandes. the noblest, el, la, lo más nobles, los, las más nobles. the happiest, el, la, lo más feliz, los, las más felices. (c) the most difficult, el más difícil. the most certain, el más cierto. the most famous, el más famoso. • the most foolish, el más tonto. Nótese (a) que las cuatro primeras formas son, respecti¬ vamente, los superlativos de more, less, better, y worst; (b) que el superlativo de los comparativos clasificados bajo el Par. 13 (a) (b) (c) y (d) se forma cambiando la terminación -er con la -est; (c) que el superlativo de los adjetivos clasificados bajo el Par. 13 (e) se forma con most precedido del artículo definido. VI. Ejercicios A. Copíese el texto inglés tf The Day—The Hour—The Timepiece. ,, B. Copíese o léase en voz alta lo siguiente, escribiendo o leyendo los números en inglés: A week has 7 days. The day has 24 hours. Some months have 31 days. Other months have 30, and February has 28 o 29. The year has 365 days. 431; 567; 936; 712; 824; 666; 249; ISO; 303; 809; 906; 790; 525; 850. 6 . Conjugúese en frases completas el presente de indi - ' cativo de to,do. FIFTH LESSON 55 D. Dense los superlativos de los siguientes adjetivos: 1. New York is — lar ge — city in the world. 2. Charles is my — good — friend. 3. This is — large •—house in New York. 4. Washington is one of — famous — men in the world. 5. John is the — stupid — boy in the school. 6. She is — good — I have. 7. February is the — short — month of the year. 8. China is — big — nation in the world. 9. This is the — high —• window in the room. 10. The first lesson is the — easy — in this book. 11. I am the — happy — man on earth (en la tierra). E. Tradúzcase al inglés: ¿Qué hora es?—No lo sé (I do not know). Mire al (look at) reloj que está en la pared. Son las ocho y veinticinco. Entonces, adiós; debo irme (I must go). Le veré (I shall see you) mañana a la diez de la mañana. Este es el mejor libro que tengo. Es (it is) el libro más grande que tengo. El maestro es el más alto de la clase y también el más viejo. Esta lección no es larga, pero no es más fácil que la de (that of) ayer (yesterday) y es la más difícil de todas (all). Cerremos (let us cióse) los libros; es tarde (it is late). Es la una y media de la noche. F. Escríbase de memoria una reproducción en inglés del texto inglés “The Day, etc.” SIXTH LESSON I. Lectura y Conversación THE WEEK, THE MONTH AND THE YEAR The year is divided into twelve months, which are: January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November and December. Each month has thirty or thirty-one days, except Febru¬ ary, which has twenty-eight days, or twenty-nine if it is leap year. A week has seven days, which are: Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. Today is the present day; yesterday is the day that pre¬ ceded today, and tomorrow is the day that follows to- day. The day before yesterday is the day that preceded yesterday and the day after tomorrow is the day that follows tomorrow. “What is today?” “Today is Tuesday (Saturday, Wednesday, etc.)” “What date is today?” “Today is the thirty-first of March (the second of October, the 15th of January, etc.).” “When did you arrive in this country?” “I arrived in this country the twenty- sixth of November.” Sometimes the watch or the dock does not show the right time. Then we say that it is fast, or slow, and it is necessary to regúlate it. If the watch or the dock is stopped it is necessary to wind it. VOCABULARY after, después de April, abril date, la fecha December, diciembre each, cada except, excepto to arrive, llegar August, agosto before, antes de country, país to be fast, adelantar (el reloj) February, febrero 56 SIXTH LESSON 57 VOCABULARY follow, seguir Friday, viernes January, enero July, julio June, junio leap year, año bisiesto March, marzo May, mayo Monday, lunes month, mes necessary, necesario November, noviembre October, octubre to proceed, preceder to regúlate, regularizar right, correcto, -a Saturday, sábado September, septiembre (continuación): to show, indicar to be slow, atrasar (el reloj) to stop, parar Sunday, domingo that, que then, entonces Thursday, jueves today, hoy tomorrow, mañana Tuesday, martes Wednesday, miércoles week, semana what (interrog.), ¿qué? when (interrog.), ¿cuándo? which, que to wind (a watch), dar cuerda year, año yesterday, ayer II. Preguntas 1. How many months has a year? 2. What are the months of the year? 3. How many days has January, March, etc.? 4. When has February twenty-nine days? 5. How many days has a year? 6. How is the month divided? 7. How many days has a week? 8. What are the days of the week? 9. What is today? 10. What date is today? 11. What do we say when the watch does not show the right time? 12. What do you do when the watch is fast or slow? 13. What do you do when the watch is stopped? 58 METODO RACIONAL DE INGLES III. Números Cardinales (De 1,000 a 1,000,000) Apréndase memoria: (a) one thousand (iooo); two thousand (2000); three thousand (3000); four thousand (4000); five thousand (5000); etc. (b) six thousand and one (6001); se ven thousand and three (7003); eight thousand and ten (8010); nine thousand and ninety-nine (9099). (c) Eleven hundred (1100); twelve hundred (1200); thirteen hundred (1300); fourteen hundred (1400); fifteen hundred (1500); sixteen hundred (1600); se venteen hundred (1700); eighteen hundred (1800); nineteen hundred (1900); eleven hundred and five (1105); thirteen hun¬ dred and seventy-eight (1378); etc. (d) Twenty thousand (20,000); thirty thousand (30,000); forty thousand (40,000); fifty thousand (50,000); etc. Sixty-three thousand (63,000); seventy-five thousand two hundred and two (75,202); eighty-four thousand one hundred and eleven (84,111); ninety-nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine (99,999) (e) one hundred thousand (100,000); two hundred thousand (200,000); three hundred thousand (300,000), etc.; nine hundred and ninety-nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine (999,999); one million (1,000,000). Obsérvese que (a) para formar las unidades de millar se antepone el correspondiente número de la unidad a la palabra thousand (mil), como en español; (b) para SIXTH LESSON 59 expresar las unidades o decenas después del millar, se pone la conjunción and después de thousand, seguida de la respectiva unidad o decena; (c) para expresar las unidades de millar con cientos se dice, por ejemplo, eleven hundred (literalmente once cientos ), twelve hundred and four (literalmente doce cientos y cuatro), thirty-two hundred (trienta y dos cientos), etc., en vez de usarse la forma regular, como en español, (d) las decenas de millar y (e) las centenas de millar se forman como en español. IV. Verbos El Tiempo Pretérito To be, ser, estar Forma Afirmativa I was, you were he, she was fui, estuve, etc. We were, you were they were fuimos estuvimos, etc. Forma Interrogativa Was I? Were You? Was he (she) ful estuve yo, etc. Forma Negativa I was not, you were not, he (she) was not no fui, no estuve, etc. To have, tener Forma Afirmativa I had, you had, he (she) had, we had, you had, they had, tuve yo, etc. Para las formas interrogativa y negativa sígase la misma construcción indicada para el verbo to be. 60 METODO RACIONAL DE INGLES Y. Gramática 17. The absolute superlative He is a very good teacher He teaches very well It is only seven o’clock; it is very early It is very late She is a very pretty woman This is a most comfortable chair (el superlativo absoluto) Es muy buen maestro Enseña muy bien No son más que las siete; es muy temprano Es muy tarde Es una meyer muy bonita Esta es una silla muy coda Nótese que el superlativo absoluto se forma antepo¬ niendo very (o most) (muy) al adjetivo o adverbio. 18. Demonstrative adjectives (adjetivos demostrativos) This month This hour The se days These last weeks At that time That chair is mine Those watches are fast Those weeks are past Este mes Esta hora Estos días Estas últimas semanas En ese o aquel tiempo Esa o aquella silla is mía Esos o aquellos relojes ade¬ lantan Esas o aquellas semanas han pasado Estúdiense las formas arriba indicadas de los adjetivos demostrativos ingleses equivalentes a este, ese, aquel, esta, esa, aquella, etc. 19. Demonstrative pronouns (pronombres demostrativos) This (one) is my watch Este es mi reloj This (one) was her house Esta era su casa SIXTH LESSON 61 19. Demonstrative pronouns I want that (one) These (ones) are our What is this? This is a book What is that? That is a house (continuación) Quiero ése (ésa, aquél, aquélla) Esos (ésas, aquéllos, aqué- las) son nuestros (-as). ¿Qué es esto? Esto es un libro ¿Qué es eso (aquello)? Eso (aquello) es una casa Estudiénse las formas arriba indicadas para los equi¬ valentes ingleses de los pronombres demostrativos (éste, ésa, aquél, aquélla, etc.), y del pronombre demostrativo neutro (esto). VI. Ejercicios A. Copiése el texto inglés “The Week, etc.” B. Escríbanse en palabras o léanse en voz alta los siguí - €ntes números en inglés: 9; 6; 3; 11; 5; 27; 58; 62; 41; 93; 101; 910; 817; 564; 1100; 9233; 1881; 1921; 4000; 6755; 15,000; 23,923; 88,765; 130,000; 751,974; 888,889; 460,002; 1 , 000 , 000 . C. Conjugúese el pretérito de: to be, forma negativa, to have, forma afirmativa, to have, forma interrogativa, to be, forma afirmativa. D. (1) Fórmese el superlativo absoluto con very, de los siguientes adjetivos y adverbios: James is-good. She is-tall. Charles is-- bad. This watch is-slow. That dock is-fast 62 METODO RACIONAL DE INGLES My watch keeps-good time (anda muy bien). The window is *-- narrow. This room is not - large. That woman is-pretty. (2) Substituyase la forma española del demostrativo por la inglesa: I want (ese) watch. How much is (este) book? What is (eso)? (Esto) is a calendar (calendario). Which do you want? (este) or (aquel). I want (ése). (Éstos) are better than (aquéllos). (Estas) ladies (señoras) are my friends. I don’t know (no conozco a) (esos) gentlemen (caballeros). Are (estos) your shoes (suz zaputos)? No, (aquéllos) are mine. E. Tradúzcase: De los doce meses del año, enero es el primero y diciembre el último. Febrero es el mes más corto. Sólo tiene (it has only) veintiocho días, o veintinueve si es año bisiesto, lo cual (which) es cada (each) cuatro años, cuando el año tiene trescientos sesenta y cinco días. Yo nací (I was born) el 28 de julio de mil novecientos noventa y siete. En (on) ese día cumpliré (I shall be) veinticinco años. El tiempo se divide en años, meses, semanas, días, horas, minutos, y segundos. Para medir (to measure) el tiempo tenemos el reloj (timepiece). Hay (there are) varias clases de relojes como reloj de bolsillo y reloj de pared, etc. F. Escríbase de memoria una reproducción en inglés del texto “The Week, etc.” SEVENTH LESSON I. Lectura y Conversación ARITHMETIC — MONEY Arithmetic is the Science of numbers. Besides count- ing, we can make four different operations with numbers. These operations are called: Addition, which is adding one number to another; subtraction, taking one number from another; multiplicaron, repeating a number several times; and división, distributing a number in equal parts. To add, we say, for instance, one and (or plus) three, are four; to subtract, we say three from (or less) five are two; to multiply, we say twice five (or five by two) are ten; six times eight (or eight by six) are forty-eight; to divide, we say eight into sixteen are two. The unit of American money is the dollar, which is divided into one hundred cents. There are two kinds of money in circulation, paper money and coins. Paper money is commonly called bilis or notes and there are different denominations: one-dollar bilis; two-dollar bilis, twenty-dollar bilis, and so forth. There are also different kinds of coins: gold coins, of which there are several pieces: five-dollar gold pieces, ten-dollar gold pieces, and twenty-dollar gold pieces; silver coins, of which there are ten-cent pieces (or dimes), twenty-five cent pieces (or quarters), fifty-cent pieces (or half-dollars), and dollar pieces (silver dollar); there is also a nickel coin of five cents, commonly called nickel. Finally, there is a copper coin of one cent, commonly called penny. 63 64 METODO RACIONAL DE INGLES VOCABULARY to add, añadir addition, adición American, americano, -a another, otro, -a arithmetic, aritmética besides, además de bilí, billete by, por to cali, llamar can, poder cent, centavo circulation, circulación coin, moneda commonly, comunmente conversation, conversación copper, cobre to count, contar denomination, denominación dime, moneda de 10 centavos to distribute, distribuir to divide, dividir división, división dollar, peso, dólar equal, igual finally, finalmente for instance, por ejemplo gold, oro kind, clase to make, hacer money, dinero multiplicaticn, multiplicación to multiply, multiplicor nickel, níquel note, nota number, número operation, operación penny, centavo piece, pieza plus, y to repeat, repetir Science, ciencia seventh, séptimo subtraction, subtracción to take, tomar time, vez unit, unidad II. Preguntas 1. What is arithmetic? 2. How many operations can we make with numbers? 3. What is addition? 4. What is subtraction? 5. What is multiplication? 6. What is división? 7. What is the unit of American money? 8. How is the dollar divided? SEVENTH LESSON 65 9. How many kinds of money are there? 10. How is paper money commonly called? 11. What is the ñame (cuál es el nombre) of the twenty- five-cent piece, of the ten-cent piece, of the five- cent piece, of the one-cent piece? 12. How many cents has a dollar? III. Números Cardinales (De 1,000,000 a 1,000,000,000,000) (a) One million (i,000,000); two millions (2,000,000); three millions (3,000,000); etc. (b) four million, one hundred thousand, one hundred (4,100,100); five million, two hundred and fifty thousand, six hundred and eighty (5,250,680); nine million, nine hundred and ninety-nine thou¬ sand, nine-hundred and ninety-nine (9,999,999). (c) ten million; twenty million, etc.; one hundred mil¬ lion; two hundred million; nine hundred and ninety-nine million, nine hundred and ninety-nine thousand, nine hundred and ninety-nine (999,- 999)999)* (d) one billion (1,000,000,000) (mil millones). (e) one trillion (1,000,000,000,000) (un billón). Obsérvese en (a) (b) y (c) que las unidades, decenas y centenas de millón se forman como en español excepto que, como en (b), cuando después del millón sigue un número menor, se usa la palabra million en singular; (d) que en los Estados Unidos se da el nombre de billion a lo que en realidad es mil millones, y (e) de trillion a lo que es billón. 66 METODO RACIONAL DE INGLES IV. Verbos La forma progresiva Presente de Indicativo I am writing estoy escribiendo, o escribo, You are writing etc. He (she) is writing We are writing estamos escribiendo o escri- You are writing bimos, etc. They are writing I was writing You were writing We were writing You were writing They were writing Pretérito estaba escribiendo o escri¬ bía, etc. estábamos escribiendo, o escribíamos Forma Negativa I was not writing, You were not writing, etc. Forma Interrogativa Was I writing? Were you writing? etc. Obsérvese que la forma progresiva en inglés se forma con el verbo to be y el gerundio del respectivo verbo, y que el pretérito de la forma progresiva sirve para expresar una acción continua en el pasado, como el tiempo imper¬ fecto en español, por ejemplo, yo hablaba cuando él entró, I was speaking when he entered. SEVENTH LESSON 67 V. Gramática 20. Possessive adjectives (adjetivos posesivos) (a) my father my chairs your dollar your houses his money his pens her bilí her coins its denomination its ñames our teacher our friends your house your parents their country their countries (b) a friend of mine an únele of yours some books of his a friend of hers a friend of ours a teacher of yours a protector of theirs mi padre mis sillas tu dólar (su dólar de usted) tus casas (sus casas de usted) su dinero (de él) sus plumas (de él) su billete (de ella) sus monedas (de ella) su denominación (de una cosa) sus nombres (de una cosa) nuestro (-a) maestro, -a nuestros (-as) amigos, -as vuestra casa (su casa de ustedes) vuestros padres su país (de ellos, de ellas) sus paises (de ellos, de ellas) un amigo mío un tío tuyo (suyo de ud) algunos libros suyos (de él) un amigo suyo un amigo nuestro un maestro vuestro (suyo de usted, -es) un protector suyo (de ellos, de ellas) Nótese (a) las formas de los adjetivos posesivos que se usan delante de lqs sustantivos, y (b) las formas de los 68 METODO RACIONAL DE INGLES adjetivos posesivos que se usan después del sustantivo. Nótese también que, como los demás adjetivos, los posesi¬ vos ingleses son communes a ambos géneros y números. 21. Possessive pronouns (pronombres posesivos) el mío, la mía, lo mío, los míos, las mías el tuyo, la tuya, lo tuyo, los tuyos, las tuyas el suyo, la suya, lo suyo, los suyos, las suyas (de ústed) el suyo, la suya, lo suyo, los suyos, las suyas (de él) el suyo, la suya, lo suyo, los suyos, las suyas (de ella) el nuestro, la nuestra, lo nuestro, los nuestros, las nuestras. el vuestro, la vuestra, lo vuestro, los vuestros, las vuestras el suyo, la suya, lo suyo, los suyos, las suyas (de ustedes) ¿Es éste el mío? Sí, es el suyo (tuyo) Esta es su casa (de ellos); aquélla es la nuestra mine yours his hers ours yours Is this mine? Yes, that is yours This is their house; that one is ours Nótense las formas inglesas de los pronombres posesivos y cómo se emplean. VI. Ejercicios A. Copíese el texto inglés “Arithmetic — Money.” B. Escríbanse en palabras o léanse en voz alta los siguientes números en inglés: 1,000,003; 32,000,120; 4,500,175; 67; 233; 859; 200,000,000; 887,314,915; 918,564,321; 2,356,473,900; 52,000,000,000; 3,000,000,000,000. SEVENTH LESSON 69 C. Conjugúese en la forma progresiva y en los tiempos presente y pretérito: ( 1 ) to speak; ( 2 ) to write; ( 3 ) to study. D. Tradúzcase al inglés: Las cinco operaciones de aritmética son: adición; subtracción; multiplicación, y división. Sin (without) los números no podemos (we can not) contar, y si no podemos contar no podemos saber (know) cuánto dinero tenemos. El dólar es la unidad del dinero de los Estados Unidos, y se divide en cien centavos. Hay en circulación dos clases de dinero: papel moneda, y moneda. Aquél (the former) se llama (is called) comumente billete o nota; hay varias denominaciones, de (from) un dólar a mil, y más. Las monedas son también de varias clases. Hay monedas de oro, de plata, de níquel y de cobre. La moneda de un centavo se llama “penny”; la de (that of) cinco centavos, “nickel,” la de diez, “dime,” la de veinti¬ cinco, “quarter,” y la de cincuenta, “half dollar.” é E. Escríbase de memoria una reproducción del texto inglés “Arithmetic — Money.” EIGHTH LESSON I. Lectura y Conversación THE HOUSE When I was in New York I lived in a comfortable house with a prívate family. On the first floor was the vestibule or hall, with a large mirror and a hat rack. To the right was the parlor, luxuriously furnished with a mahogany set consisting of a large sofá, two rockers, two or three arm-chairs, and several chairs; curtains and beautiful rug. To the left was the library, with a large table in the middle, several easy chairs, and around the room, against the walls, high book cases full of books. In these rooms there were also some pretty pictures and portraits. Then there was the dining-room with its pantry, and the kitchen. Below the first floor was a basement with the furnace and the coal bin. On the second floor were the bedrooms of which there were four, with beds, dressers, chiffoniers, tables, desks, chairs, and closets. The bath room was also on the second floor, with its bath tub, and wash-stand, and medicine chest. It was an old-fashioned house with high ceilings, walls and Windows, and wide doors, but it had all modern conveniences, such as electric lights, telephone, and so forth. The houses in the United States are quite different from the houses in Spain. In the larger cities a style of house that is very popular is the apartment house. Some apartment houses are ten floors high (tienen diez pisos de alto). Each floor is divided into several apartments of different sizes, and each is occupied by a different family, as the “pisos” in Spain. When I go back to the United 70 EIGHTH LESSON 71 States I shail live in an apartment house. Apartment houses are more comfortable than prívate houses because one does not have to attend to the heating. The best apartment houses have elevators and excellent Service. V O CABULARY against, contra and so forth, etcétera apartment house, casa de pisos armchair, sillón around, alrededor as, como to attend, atender basement, sótano bathroom, cuarto de baño bath-tub, baño, tina beautiful, hermoso, -a bed, cama bedroom, alcoba below, bajo, abajo best, mejor bookcase, estante de libros but, pero ceiling, techo chiffonier, cómoda closet, guardaropa coal-bin, carbonera comfortable, cómodo, -a to consist of, consistir en convenience, comodidad curtain, cortina desk, escritorio dining-room, comedor dresser, tocador easy-chair, poltrona electric, eléctrico, -a elevator, ascensor first floor, piso bajo floor, piso from, de full, lleno, -a furnace, hornada to go back, volver hall, vestíbulo hat-rack, percha heating, calefacción kitchen, cocina left, izquierdo, -a library, biblioteca light, luz luxuriously, lujosamente mahogany, caoba medicine chest, botiquín middle, medio mirror, espejo modera, moderno, -a New York, Nueva York to occupy, ocupar old-fashioned, anticuado, -a pantry, despensa parlor, salón picture, cuadro popular, popular portrait, retrato pretty, bonito, -a 72 METODO RACIONAL DE INGLES vocabulary ('continuación) prívate, particular quite, muy right, derecho rocker, mecedora rug, alfombra Service, servicio set, juego (de muebles) several, varios, -as size, tamaño sofá, la sofá style, estilo such-as, tal-como table, mesa telephone, teléfono United States, Estados Uni- Spain, España dos very, muy vestibule, vestíbulo washstand, lavabo wide, ancho, -a window, ventana II. Preguntas 1. Where did you live when you were in New York? 2. With whom (con quién) did you live? 3. What rooms were on the first floor? 4. How was the parlor furnished? 5. What was in the library? 6. Where was the basement? 7. What was in the basement? 8. What rooms were in the first floor? 9. How are the houses in the United States? 10. What is an apartment house? 11. Where will you live when you go back to the United States? 12. Why are apartment houses more comfortable than prívate houses? 13. How high are (cuántos pisos tienen) some apartment houses? III. Números Ordinales First (ist), second (2nd), third (¿rd), fourth (4th), fifth (5th), sixth (6th), seventh (7Ü1), eighth (8th), ninth (gth), tenth (ioth), eleventh (nth), twelfth (i2th), thirteenth EIGHTH LESSON 73 (i3th), fourteenth (i4th), fifteenth (isth), sixteenth ióth), seventeenth (i7th), eighteenth (i8th), nineteenth (i9th), twentieth (2oth), twenty-first (2ist), twenty- second (22nd), twenty-third (23rd), etc., thirtieth (3oth), one hundredth (iooth), one thousandth (ioooth), one miUionth (i,ooo,oooth), etc. Estúdiese la precedente lista y obsérvese cómo se forman los números ordinales en inglés y la manera cómo se abrevian en cifras. IV. Verbos I shall write you will write we shall write you will write he (she) will write they will write El tiempo futuro yo escribiré tu escribirás nosotros escribiremos vosotros escribiréis él (ella) escribirá ellos, ellas, escribirán Nótese que el tiempo futuro de los verbos ingleses se forma anteponiendo al respectivo verbo el auxiliar shall para la primera persona des singular y plural, y will para todas las demás personas. El tiempo condicional I should write, yo escribiría, etc. we should write you would write you would write he (she) would write they would write Nótese que el condicional se forma anteponiendo al verbo respectivo el auxiliar should para la primera persona del singular y plural, y would para las demás personas. El modo imperativo En inglés el modo imperativo toma la forma del infini¬ tivo sin la preposición to. Propiamente hablando, tiene 74 METODO RACIONAL DE INGLES una forma solamente que se usa para la segunda persona del singular o del plural, según el caso. Las otras personas del imperativo correspondientes a las españolas se forman con el verbo to let (dejar, permitir), precedido del respectivo pronombre sujeto. Obsérvese, por ejemplo, el modo imperativo del verbo to speak, hablar: speak, habla tú, hable usted let him (her) speak, hable él (ella) let us speak, hablemos nosotros speak, hablad vosotros, hablen ustedes let them speak, hablen ellos (ellas) El modo imperativo de todos los demás verbos se forma de igual manera. V. Gramática 22. Direct object pronouns ( accusative ) (pronombres ob¬ jetos directos (acusativo)) Do you see me? I see you But I don’t see him Neither do I see her I have it in my hand Did you see us? I did not see you But I saw them Nótese (1) que las formas de los pronombres objetos directos son me (me), you (le, la, te), him (le), her (la); it (lo, la, para cosas); us (nos), you (les, os), them (les, los, las); (2) y que el pronombre objeto se pone siempre detrás del verbo. ¿Me ve usted? Le (la) veo a usted, o te veo (a tí) Pero no le veo (a él) Tampoco la veo a ella Lo (o la) tengo en la mano ¿Nos vió usted? No les vi (a ustedes) Pero les (los, las) vi (a ellos, -as) EIGHTH LESSON 75 23. Indirect object pronouns ( dative) (pronombres de objeto indirecto (dativo)) He gave me the book He gave the book to me I spoke to you They said it to you She wrote him the letter She wrote the letter to him j She wrote it to him He wrote her the letter He wrote the letter to her He wrote it to her They sent us a present They sent a present to us They sent it to us Mr. Smith teaches the lesson to you Mr. Smith teaches you the lesson Mr. Smith teaches it to you Give them something Give something to them Give it to them | Me dió el libro Le hablé (a usted), o te hablé Se lo di (a usted) o te lo di Ella le escribió la carta (a él) Se la escribió (a él) Él le escribió la carta (a ella) Él se la escribió (a ella) Nos enviaron un regalo Nos lo enviaron Mr. Smith les enseña (a Uds) la lección Mr. Smith se la enseña Déles algo (a ellos, o a ellas) Déselo (a ellos o a ellas) Nótense: (1) que las formas del pronombre objeto indirecto (dativo) son iguales a las del directo: (2) que cuando se expresa el sustantivo del objeto directo (acusa¬ tivo), el pronombre del objeto indirecto puede ir antes o después del objeto directo; (3) que cuando se usa el pronombre directo, el indirecto le sigue siempre (pre¬ cedido generalmente de to y algunas veces de for (para); y (4) que los pronombres objetos van siempre detrás del verbo. 76 METODO RACIONAL DE INGLES VI. Ejercicios A. Copíese el texto inglés “The House.” B. Escríbanse en palabras o léanse en voz alta los siguientes números ordinales: Sunday is the lst day of the week, Monday, the 2nd, Tuesday, the 3rd, Wednesday, the 4th, Thurs- day, the 5th, Friday, the 6th, and Saturday the 7th. The 20th century (siglo). The last century was the 19th. This is the 8th lesson. 31st, llOth, 67th, 83rd, 52nd, lOOOth, 125,000th, 813,655th, l,000,000th, 41st, 99th, 103rd, 622nd, 158,413th. C. Conjúguense en el futuro y en el condicional los siguientes verbos: (1) to do, hacer; (2) to speak, hablar; (3) to eat, comer. D. Tradúzcase al inglés: La casa donde yo vivía en Nueva York era grande y cómoda. Pertenecía (it belonged) a una familia particu¬ lar. Era una casa muy lujosamente amueblada. Mi cuarto estaba en el segundo piso. En mi cuarto había (there was) una cama, una cómoda, un tocador, una alacena, una mesa, una mecedora, y varias sillas, y estaba adornado (adorned) con cuadros, cortinas, y alfombras. En mi cuarto duermo (I sleep), me visto (I dress), y estudio; en el baño me lavo (I wash) y me baño (bathe). Como en el comedor con la familia, y después de comer (after eating), paso un rato en la biblioteca. Cuando yo vuelva a los Estados Unidos viviré en una casa de apartamientos. Porque es más cómodo, y no hay que (and one does not have to) subir (climb) escaleras (stairs), porque las mejores casas de apartamientos tienen ascensores. E. Escríbase de memoria una reproducción del texto inglés “The House.” NINTH LESSON I. Lectura y Conversación THE DAILY LIFE Mr. Alfred J. Smith is a very busy man. He is presi- dent of a New York export firm which does a great deal of business with Spain. He wakes up very early in the morning, and he immediately gets up. After getting up he washes his hands and face, or takes a bath, and then he combs his hair and gets dressed. Once dressed he goes down to the dining room where he joins his family and they all breakfast together. After breakfast he puts on his overcoat and his hat and leaves the house. He takes the subway to go to his office, which is down- town, in Wall Street, and on the way he reads the morning paper. On arriving at his office, he takes his hat and coat off, and saying “good morning” to his clerks he goes into his private room. He seats himself at his desk where he finds the morning mail. After reading the many letters he has received, he calis his stenographer and dictates several letters. Then he calis in consulta¬ ron the cashier and the secretary of the company, and discusses different matters with them, after which he receives several callers who have business with the com¬ pany. At noon he leaves the office to go to his club, where he lunches with some friends who are also prominent in business — bankers, exporters, manufacturers, brokers, etc. After lunch he stays at the club for a while chatting with his friends and then he goes back to his office where he works until five o’dock, unless he has business engage- ments which require his attention elsewhere. 77 78 METODO RACIONAL DE INGLES After office hours and before going back to his house for dinner, sometimes he takes an automobile drive with his wife and children, and then they return home for dinner. They generally ha ve friends for dinner, and after they get up from the table, they sit in the parlor or in the library until it is time to go to bed. Then the friends leave, saying “good night,” and the different members of the family go up to their rooms, and after undressing they go to sleep until the following morning. They usually retire at ten o’dock at night and wake up at half past seven in the morning. VOCABULARY Alfred, Alfredo banker, banquero breakfast, desayuno to find, hallar firm, firma following, siguiente generally, generalmente to breakfast, desayunar broker, corredor busy, ocupado, -a caller, visita cashier, cajero to go down, descender good morning, buenos días good night, buenas noches to get dressed, vestirse get up, levantarse to Chat, charlar clerk, dependiente to go to sleep, dormirse to go up, subir to comb, peinar company, compañía consultation, consulta daily, diario a great deal, mucho hair, pelo, cabello hat, sombrero to díctate, dictar dinner, comida to join, unirse to leave, dejar, salir letter, carta life, vida lunch, almuerzo to discuss, discutir to do, hacer early, temprano elsewhere, otra parte engagement, cita export, exportación exporter, exportador to lunch, almorzar mail, correo, correspondencia manufacturer, fabricante matter, asunto NINTH LESSON 79 vocabulary (continuación) member, miembro once, una vez overcoat, abrigo paper, periódico president, presidente prominent, prominente to put on, ponerse to receive, recibir to require, reclamar to retire, acostarse ride, paseo secretary, secretario to seat oneself, sentarse sometimes, algunas veces to stay, quedar stenographer, taquígrafo to take a bath, bañarse to take off, quintarse to undress, desvestir unless, a menos que until, hasta usually, usualmente to wake up, despertarse to wash, lavar way, camino while, rato wife, esposa to work, trabajár II. Preguntas 1. Who is a very busy man? 2. What is Mr. Smith? 3. When does Mr. Smith wake up? 4. What does he do after getting up? 5. Where and with whom does he breakfast? 6. What does he do after breakfast? 7. How does he go to his office? 8. What does he do on arriving at his office? 9. What does he say to his clerks? 10. To whom does he dictate the letters? 11. Whom does he cali in consultation? 12. Where does he lunch? 13. What does he do after lunch? 14. When and with whom does he take an automobile drive? 15. At what time does he go to sleep? 16. At what time does he wake up? 80 METODO RACIONAL DE INGLES III. Números Quebrados (Fractions) \ one half f three fifths f four eighths i one third f four sixths f three ninths f two fourths f six sevenths T % four tenths t 2 t two elevenths five twentieths t 3 2 three twelfths seven hundredths T oVo one thousandth rsirowo onc millionth Obsérvese que, con la excepción de one half (una mitad), los números quebrados en inglés se forman con un cardinal para el numerador y un ordinal para el denominador. IV. Conjugación La Voz Pasiva Infinitivo, to be respected, ser respetado Gerundio, being respected, siendo respetado Participio Pasado, been respected, sido respetado Presente de indicativo I am respected, soy respetado, etc. we are respected you are respected you are respected he (she) is respected they are respected Obsérvese que la voz pasiva se forma con el auxiliar to be y el participio pasado del respectivo verbo. Los Tiempos Compuestos El verbo to be, ser, estar Infinitivo compuesto, to have been, haber sido Gerundio compuesto, having been, habiendo sido NINTH LESSON 81 Presente Perfecto I have been, yo he sido, etc. we have been, hemos sido, etc. you have been you have been he (she) has been they have been Pluscuamperfecto I had been, yo había sido, we had been, habíamos etc. sido, etc. you had been you had been he (she) had been they had been Futuro Perfecto I shall have been, habré we shall have been, habre- sido, etc. mos sido, etc. you will have been you will have been he (she) will have been they will have been Condicional Perfecto I should have been, habría we should have been, ha- sido, etc. bríamos sido, etc. you would have been you would have been he (she) would have been they would have been Obsérvese que los tiempos compuestos se forman con el auxiliar to have y el participio pasado, y que corres¬ ponden a los equivalentes en español. V. Gramática 24. Relative pronouns (pronombres relativos) This is the book that I gave Este es el libro que le di you John has the papers which I Juan tiene los papeles que signed yo firmé 82 METODO RACIONAL DE INGLES 24. Relative pronouns (continuación) There is the man who spoke Allá está el hombre que me to me habló The house to which you sent La casa a la que usted le him mandó I have seen the gentleman of He visto al caballero de whom you spoke to me quiere usted me habló Nótese que las formas corrientes del pronombre rela¬ tivo son that y which (para personas y cosas) y who (para personas), y que cuando el pronombre se usa como objeto de una preposición se usan las formas which para cosas, y whom para personas. 25. The relative adjective and pronoun whose (el pro¬ nombre y adjetivo whose) This is the gentleman whose house I bought. Este es el caballero cuya casa compré. Whose pencil is this? De quién es este lápiz. It is a good book, in whose pages you will find much information. Es un buen libro en cuyas páginas hallará usted mucha información. Nótese que whose se usa como pronombre interroga¬ tivo para traducir de quién (de quiénes), y como adjetivo relativo para cuyo (cuya, cuyos, cuyas). VI. Ejercicios A. Cópiese el texto inglés “The Daily Life. ,, B. Cópiese o léase en voz alta el párrafo siguiente, escribiendo o leyendo los números cardinales y quebrados én inglés: 2 is £ of 4. % of 1 dollar is 25 cents. 1 cent is of 1 dollar. 3 cents is ~¡¿\ of a quarter. of 1 dollar NINTH LESSON 83 is 60 cents. 50 is -J of 100. X 3 X , f J-, x V°o-> tooioóo? b t> tw&> tIm* C. (1 ) Conjugúese en la voz pasiva el verbo to love, (2) Conjúguense los tiempos compuestos de to write. D. Llénense los espacios en blanco con that, who, which, whom o whose según sea necesario: The house-I bought (compré). The teacher ——- knows (sabe) Spanish. The man - house I bought. The students to - I spoke. This is the picture for-I paid thé two dollars —— you gave me. These are the children-father you know (conoce). The exercises - we studied are the note- books in-we wrote them. E. Tradúzcase al inglés: Como (as) soy un hombre muy ocupado, me levanto temprano; me levanto tan pronto como (as soon as) me despierto. Después de levantarme, me lavo la cara y las manos, o me doy un baño, me peino, y me visto. Una vez vestido bajo al comedor y desayuno. Entonces, salgo de la casa, y voy a mi oficina en el tranvía sub¬ terráneo. Al llegar a mi oficina, me quito el sombrero y el abrigo, y doy los buenos días a mis empleados. Después de leer la correspondencia que está en mi escritorio, dicto algunas cartas a la taquígrafa, y después me pongo a (I start to) escribir. Salgo de la oficina al mediodía para almorzar con mis amigos en el club, y después del almuerzo vuelvo a mi oficina donde trabajo hasta la hora de volver a casa (the time to return home) para la cena. Algunas veces me doy un paseo antes de volver a mi casa. F. Escríbase de memoria una reproducción en inglés del texto “The Daily Life.” TENTH LESSON I. Lectura y Conversación THE MEALS We have to eat in order to live. Generally we eat three meáis a day. We eat in the dining room. After we get up in the morning we breakfast (we take break- fast); for breakfast we take fruit, cereal with cream, ham or bacon, and bread or rolls with butter, and a cup of coffee and milk. In the United States they eat more at breakfast than they do in Spain. At noon, we eat lunch, which consists generally of a dish of omelet, meat or fish, salad, desert, and coffee or tea. Dinner is the heaviest meal in the day. We generally eat dinner between six o’clock and seven. For dinner we have soup, chicken, meat or fish, with two or three vegetables, such as potatoes (fried, boiled or mashed), tomatoes, peas, beans, cora, and so forth; then the dessert is served, and it consists usually of fruits and sweets, or sweets only, such as pies, puddings, ice cream, gelatine, cakes, and so forth. Some people eat in restaurants or in lunch rooms, especially those who have no time to go back to their houses for lunch. Many take for lunch sandwiches and a cup of coffee, tea or milk. Yesterday my friend Mr. Perry invited me to dinner with him and his family. I accepted his invitation with great pleasure. On arriving at his house at half past six, I rang the bell, and a servant opened the door. I gave her my card, and then took off my hat and coat which she hung on the rack. She told me to wait in the parlor and went to tell Mr. and Mrs. Perry that I had arrived and was waiting in the parlor. In a few minutes they 84 TENTH LESSON 85 carne down and after the customary salutations, we sat down and chatted until dinner was ready. When the servant carne in and announced that dinner was served, we went into the dining room and sat at the table. After dinner we went back to the library where the coffee was served, and there we talked about different things until about ten o’dock when I rose and took leave of Mr. and Mrs. Perry, thanking them for their kind hospitality. VOCABULARY about, hacia, acerca de to accept, aceptar bacon, tocino bean, haba between, entre bell, timbre boiled, cocido, -a bread, pan butter, mantequilla cake, pastel card, tarjeta cereal, cereal \o chat, charlar chicken, pollo coffee, café com, maíz cream, nata, leche cup, taza customary, de costumbre dessert, postre dish, plato to eat, comer especially, especialmente few, pocos, -as fish, pescado fried, frito, -a fruit, fruta gelatine, gelatina to give, dar ham, jamón to hang, colgar heaviest, más fuerte him, él, a él hospitality, hospitalidad ice cream, helado in order to, para, a fin de invitation, invitación to invite, invitar, convidar kind, amable, cortés lunch room, restaurant mashed, majado, -a meal, comida meat, carne milk, leche omelet, tortilla only, solamente to open, abrir peas, guisantes people, personas, gente ‘ pie, pastel 86 METODO RACIONAL DE INGLES vocabulary (continuación) pleasure, placer potato, patata pudding, pudín ready, listo, -a to serve, servir soup, sopa sweets, dulces to take leave, despedirse to ring, tocar (la campanilla) to talk, hablar tea, té to rise, levantarse roll, panecillo salad, ensalada salutation, saludo sandwich, emparedado servant, criado, -a to tell, decir to thank, dar gracias, agradecer tomato, tomate vegetable, legumbre to wait, esperar II. Preguntas 1. What do we have to do in order to live? 2. How many meáis do we eat a day? 3. Where do we eat? 4. When do we take breakfast? 5. What do you take for breakfast? 6. How do you cali the noon meal? 7. What do you take for lunch? 8. Which is the heaviest meal in the day? 9. At what time do you take dinner? 10. What do you eat for dinner? 11. Who invited you to dinner yesterday? 12. At what time did you arrive at your friend’s house? 13. Who opened the door? 14. What did the servant do after she told you to wait in the parlor? 15. Where was the coffee served? 16. At what time did you take leave of Mr. and Mrs. Perry? 17. For what did you thank Mr. and Mrs. Perry? 18. Where did you go afterwards (después)? TENTH LESSON 87 III. Números Cardinales Repásense los números cardinales que se dan en la Lección Primera. IV. Conjugación Apréndase la conjugación entera de los verbos to study, estudiar , to learn, aprender , y to know, saber , y conocer, según el modelo que se da en la página 161, y después de consultar la lista de verbos en la página 162 y siguientes. V. Gramática 26. Indefinite and negative terminados y negativos) Have you any books? I have some books I have no books I have not any books Have you seen any man here? I have seen some persons I have seen no man I have not seen any man adjectives (adjetivos inde- ¿Tiene usted algunosTibros? Tengo algunos libros No tengo ningunos libros. ¿Ha visto vd. algún hombre aquí? He visto algunas personas | No he visto a nungun j hombre Nótense las formas de los adjetivos indeterminados y negativos y cómo se usan en preguntas, en afirmación, y en negación. 27. Indefinite and negative pronouns (pronombres in¬ determinados y negativos) Is there anything I can sell you? Yes, I want something I want nothing I do not want anything ¿Hay algo que yo pueda venderle? Si, quiero algo No quiero nada 88 METODO RACIONAL DE INGLES 27. Indefinite and negative pronouns (continuación) Have you seen anybody? I have seen nobody I have seen no one I have not seen anybody Have you any? I have some I have none I have not any ¿Ha visto usted alguien? -No he visto a nadie ¿Tiene vd. alguno (-a)? Tengo algunos (-as) No tengo ninguno (-a) Nótense las formas de los pronombres indeterminados y negativos y cómo se usan en interrogación, afirmación o negación; nótese también (1) que como algo y nada, anything, something, y nothing se refieren a cosas sola¬ mente y (2) que, como alguien y nadie, anybody, some- body y nobody se refieren a personas. VI. Ejercicios A. Cópiese el texto inglés “The Meáis.” B. Escríbanse o léanse en voz alta en inglés los números siguientes: 33; 25; 9; 11; 3; 9; 6; 22; 15; 7; 1; 17; 21; 34; 4; 27; 18; 16; 23; 13; 36; 26; 2; 12; 5; 39; 8; 10; 30; 20; 21; 14; 24; 19; 28; 38; 37; 31. C. Conjugúese en todos los tiempos: (1) to study, en la I a . per. sing .; (2) to leam, en la 3 a per. sing.; (3) to know, en la 2 a per. plu. D. Llénense los espacios en blanco con any, some, no; anything, something, nothing, some, none; anybody, somebody, nobody, según sea necesario: Are there - books on the table? Yes, there are -books, but-- pencils. I want-pencils, have TENTH LESSON 89 you-? I have not-. Has-been here? No, sir, -has been here, but-is there who wants to see you. Have-to say to him? I have-to say. E. Tradúzcase al inglés: (a) ¿Qué tenemos que hacer para vivir? Para vivir tenemos que comer, pero hay (there are) algunos que viven para comer. Yo como para vivir. Tomo tres comidas al día: El desayuno por la mañana, el almuerzo al mediodía, y la cena por la noche. La cena es la comida más fuerte del día. No me gusta comer (I do not like to eat) en ningún (any) restaurant; prefiero (I prefer) comer en casa, o con algún amigo en su casa. Ayer mi amigo el Señor Smith me invitó a cenar con él y con su familia, y después de la cena estuvimos charlando de algo interesante (interesting). (b) ¿Quiere usted algo? — No, gracias, no quiero nada, pero busco (I am looking for) a alguien. ¿Ha visto usted a alguien por aquí (around here)? — No, señor, no he visto a nadie. — Tengo algunas cartas muy importantes (important) para (to) echar en el correo (to mail), pero no encuentro (I do not find) a nadie que me las lleve (to take them for me). Démelas a mí (give them to me), yo se las llevaré (I shall take them for you). — ¿Tiene usted (algunos) sellos? — Tengo algunos en el bolsillo (in my pocket). Tómelos (take them). — Gracias. — No hay de qué (you are welcome). F. Escríbase de memoria una reproducción del texto inglés “The Meáis.” ELEVENTH LESSON I. Lectura y Conversación THE CITY New York is the largest city in the United States. It has now a population of nearly eight million inhabitants. The principal part of the city is on the Island of Man¬ hattan, which is diagonally traversed from north to south by a very long thoroughfare, its main artery, called Broadway. Parallel to Broadway run the avenues; Broadway and the avenues are traversed by the streets all of which are numbered, except those in the downtown section, which are designated by ñames. In this section are located the principal business houses, such as banks, commercial houses, brokers’ offices, in- surance companies, and so forth. The best stores are located along Fifth Avenue. With the exception of the streets in the business sec¬ tion, such as Wall St., Fulton St., Pearl St., and others, the streets and avenues in New York are very wide and perfectly straight, with wide sidewalks and all are well paved and clean. In the business section the streets are fianked by very tall office buildings, some of which are o ver forty stories high. The residence sections of New York contain besides prívate houses, many apartment houses and hotels. The larger hotels of New York, which are supposed to be the best in the world, are in what is known as the hotel and theatre district. There are also many fine public buildings in New York, as for instance, the Public Library, the Metropolitan Museum, the Custom House, the City Hall, etc. As I live uptown, far from my office, I usually have to take the subway which takes me there in less than fifteen minutes. Besides the subway, there are in New York 90 ELEVENTH LESSON 91 surface and elevated cars, and busses, but the subway is the quickest of all. The population of New York is so large that in spite of the great number of public convey- ances of all kinds, passenger trafile in the Street cars is always congested. When I have time and the weather is nice, I walk to my office with a friend of mine. On the streets we see many men,.women and children walking along the side- walks. In the middle of the Street pass many carriages, automobiles, trucks and wagons. To regúlate this hú¬ mense traffic, there are policemen in the most crowded crossings, who give signáis to the vehicles to stop them or let them go ahead as the case may be. New York is now not only the largest city in the world, but also the largest port, and it is one of the most important financial, commercial and educational centers. Its public school system is also considered one of the best. YOCABULARY along, a lo largo de always, siempre artery, arteria automobile, automóvil avenue, avenida bank, banco building, edificio J business, negocio business house, casa de to consider, considerar to contain, contener conveyance, vehículo Crossing, encrucijada crowded, concurrido Custom House, aduana comercial congested, congestionado, clean, limpio, -a commercial house, casa -a comercio bus, ómnibus carriage, carruaje case, caso center, centro children, niños city, ciudad City Hall, Ayuntamiento to desígnate, designar diagonally, diagonalmente district, distrito downtown, parta baja de la cuidad educational, educacional 92 METODO RACIONAL DE INGLES vocabulary (continuación) elevated car, tranvía ele¬ vado exception, excepción far, lejos financial, financial fine, hermoso to flank, flanquear to go ahead, seguir high, de altura immense, immenso in spite of, a pesar de inhabitant, habitante Insurance Company, com¬ pañía de seguros island, isla known, conocido, -a largest, más grande to let, permitir to lócate, situar main, principal ñame, nombre nearly, casi North, norte now, ahora to number, numerar office, oficina over, más de parallel, paralelo to pass, pasar passenger, pasajero paved, pavimentado, -a perfectly, perfectamente policeman, policía population, población port, puerto quickest, el más rápido to regúlate, regularizar residence, residencia to run, correr school, escuela sidewalk, acera signal, señal South, Sur to stop, detener store, tienda story, piso straight, recto Street, calle Street car, tranvía subway, subterráneo to suppose, suponer surface car, tranvía de superficie are supposed to be, se supo¬ nen ser system, sistema to take, tomar, llevar theatre, teatro trafíic, tráfico traversed, atravesado thoroughfare, vía pública truck, camión uptown, la parta alta de la cuidad wagón, carro to walk, andar weather, tiempo nice weather, buen tiempo work, trabajo world, mundo ELEYENTH LESSON 93 II. Preguntas y Respuestas 1. Which is the largest city in the United States? 2. How many inhabitants has New York? 3. Where is the principal part of New York? 4. Where are the principal business houses located? 5. How are the streets in New York? 6. Ñame (nombre) some of the public buildings in New York City. 7. Where do you live? 8. How do you go to your office? 9. When do you walk to your office? 10. What do you see in the streets? 11. What does the policeman do in the most crowded crossings? 12. Which is the largest port in the world? 13. How is the public school system of New York? 14. With whom do you walk to your office? 15. Ñame the different kinds of vehicles (vehículos). 16. What is Broadway? 17. Where are the best stores in New York? 18. What is the Metropolitan Museum? III. Números Cardinales Repásense los números cardinales que se dan en la Lección Segunda. IV. Conjugación Apréndase la conjugación de los verbos to come, venir; to go, ir; to retum, volver, según el modelo que se da en la página 161 y después de consultar la lista de verbos en la página 162 y siguientes. 94 METODO RACIONAL DE INGLES V. Gramática 28. Adverbs of place (adverbios de lugar) We live here They went there Where did you leave the book? The book is where I left it His house is near mine The ceiling is above and the floor is below It is coid outside and warm inside Let us go far It is warm everywhere I am going nowhere They went somewhere We left them behind They are ahead Vivimos aquí Fueron allá ¿Dónde dejó usted el libro? El libro está donde lo dejé Su casa está cerca de la mía El techo está encima y el suelo está abajo Hace frío afuera y calor adentro Vayamos lejos Hace calor en todas partes No voy a ninguna parte Fueron a alguna parte Los dejamos atrás Están delante 29. Adverbs of time (adverbios de tiempo) When did you come? Now (just now) I arrived yesterday He went the day before yesterday Today is Saturday He will come tomorrow They will be here the day after tomorrow Let me finish first He saw us before we saw him ¿Cuándo vino usted? Ahora (ahora mismo) Llegué ayer Se fué anteayer. Hoy es sábado Vendrá mañana Estarán aquí pasado mañana Déjeme acabar antes El nos vió antes que noso¬ tros le viéramos ELEVENTH LESSON 95 29. Adverbs of time (continuación) They left after we arrived I shall do it afterwards She is always ready He never comes They went already They are still here I am not yet ready I saw him once I read this book twice He has been here three (four, etc.) times Do it again He comes often (frequently) Since when are you here? We go to the office early The train arrived late. (The train was late) He returned soon Salieron después que llega¬ mos Lo haré después Ella siempre está lista El nunca viene Ya se fueron Todavía están aquí Todavía no estoy listo Le vi una vez Leí este libro dos veces Ha estado aquí tres (cua¬ tro, etc.) veces Hágalo otra vez Viene a menudo (frecuente¬ mente) ¿Desde cuándo está usted aquí? Vamos temprano a la oficina El tren llegó tarde Volvió pronto VI. Ejercicios A. Copíese el texto inglés “The City.” B. Repásese el ejercicio B de la Lección Segunda. C. Conjugúese en todos los tiempos: (1) to come; (2) to go; (3) to re ton. D. Escríbanse frases completas con los siguientes ad¬ verbios: here, there, where, when, never, always, some- where, once, already, not yet, far, near, inside, outside, above, below, today, tomorrow, yesterday. 96 METODO RACIONAL DE INGLES E. Tradúzcase al inglés: Vivo en Nueva York, la cuidad más grande del mundo, y también el mejor puerto. Mi casa está en la parte alta de la cuidad, y para ir a la oficina tomo el subterráneo, o, algunas veces (sometimes) voy a pie (I go on foot). Mi oficina no está cerca de mi casa; está muy lejos; está en la parte baja, donde se hallan (are found) las principales casas de comercio. Cuando hace buen tiempo vuelvo a mi casa a pie, con un amigo mío (a friend of mine) que vive en la misma (same) casa en que (where) yo vivo. Por las calles (on the streets) vemos mucha gente (many people) unos (some) a pie, y otros en vehículos, como carruajes y automóviles. En las encrucijadas donde hay mucho tráfico (where there is a great deal of traffic) hay policías que dan señales a los vehículos para pararlos o dejarlos pasar, según el caso. Para ir pronto de un sitio (place) a otro (to another) lo mejor (the best thing) es tomar el subterráneo que (which) es el más rápido de todos. F. Escríbase de memoria una reproducción del texto inglés “In the City.” TWELFTH LESSON I. Lectura, y Conversación TRAVELING Chicago, Illinois, September 20, 1921. Mr. Charles H. Jones, Havana, Cuba. My dear Mr. Jones: Although I arrived from Spain only a week ago, I had to come to Chicago on business three days after I landed in New York. I embarked at Cádiz on one of the steamers of the Spanish line. I had a comfortable cabin on the promenade deck. After a pleasant trip which lasted a little more than two weeks, without making any stops, the steamer entered the beautiful port of New York, and after the sanitary and customs inspection, we disembarked at the pier. Several Spanish friends were there to meet me, and they took me in their automobile to one of the best hotels where I was given an excellent room with bath. My trunks were taken to the hotel in an auto truck. To come to Chicago, I had to do several things. First I went to the station to buy my railroad ticket at the ticket office, and then my Pullman lower berth. Then I went back to the hotel and told the porter to check my trunks. A quarter of an hour before the departure of the express train to Chicago, I went to the station in a taxi-cab with my suitcases. At *the depot a station porter carried my suitcases to the train. I did not have to wait in the waiting room or on the platform because the train was already there. The Pullman porter showed 97 98 METODO RACIONAL DE INGLES me to my seat, and later the conductor carne and I gave him my tickets. The railroads in the United States are very fast and very comfortable. In less than twenty-four hours my train arrived at Chicago. There is only one class in the American railroads, and if you wish to travel in the Pullman cars you have to pay extra fare. There are different kinds of Pullman cars: parlor cars, with chairs only; sleeping cars, with upper and lower berths, and with drawing-rooms and compartments; and dining cars. I intend to stay in this city for a week more, and then I shall go back to New York. With kindest regards, Very truly yours, Antonio Pérez Y O CABULARY ago, hace already, ya although, aunque auto truck, camión auto¬ móvil cabin, camarote Cádiz, Cádiz to carry, llevar to check, facturar (equipage) class, clase to come, venir compartment, comparti¬ miento conductor, revisor customs inspector, vista de áíuanas departure, salida dining-car, coche comedor to disembark, desembarcar drawing-room, salón to embark, embarcar to enter, entrar express train, tren expreso extra, más, adicional fare, pasáje fast, rápido to intend, tener la intención de kind, afectuoso, amable to land, desembarcar to last, durar later, más tarde lower berth, litera inferior to make a stop, hacer escala to meet, recibir parlor car, coche salón pier, muelle TWELFTH LESSON 99 vocabulary (continuación): platform, andén pleasant, agradable porter, mozo promenade deck, cubierta de paseo Pullman car, coche Pullman quarter of an hour, cuarto de hora railroad, ferrocarril railroad ticket, billete de ferrocarril regards, saludos, recuerdos sanitary inspection, inspec¬ ción de sanidad seat, sitio to show, mostrar sleeping car, cocne cama Spanish line línea trasat¬ lántica station porter, mozo de es¬ tación steamer, vapor suitcase, maleta taxi-cab, taxímetro ticket, billete ticket office, taquilla train, tren to travel, viajar traveling, viajando, de viaje trip, viaje trunk, baúl upper berth, litera superior Very truly yours, Su atento y seguro servidor waiting room, sala de espera to wait, esperar without, sin II. Preguntas 1. When did Mr. Pérez arrive from Spain? 2. To whom does he write the letter? 3. Where is Mr. Pérez? 4. How did he go to New York? 5. How long (cuánto tiempo) did the trip last? 6. Where did he disembark? 7. Who met Mr. Pérez at the pier in New York? 8. How did he go to Chicago? 9. What did Mr. Pérez have to do to go to Chicago? 10. Where did he buy his railroad ticket? 11. Who carried his suitcases to the train? 12. How are the railroads in the United States? 100 METODO RACIONAL DE INGLES 13. How long (cuánto tiempo) was the train in arriving (tardó el tren en.llegar) at Chicago? 14. How many kinds of Pullman cars are there (hay)? 15. How long does Mr. Pérez intend to stay in Chicago? III. Números Cardinales Repásense los números cardinales que se dan en la Lección Tercera. III. Conjugación Apréndase la conjugación de los verbos to sleep, dormir; to awaken, despertar; to get tired, cansarse; to rest, descansar. IV. Gramática 30. Adverbs of quantity (adverbios de cantidad) How much do you want? I feel much better Don’t work too much He works so much that he is tired John studies more than I I have eaten enough She eats little She eats less than he He almost finished it It is nearly two o’clock That is very well done I have about ten dollars They were twenty, more or less ¿Cuánto quiere usted? Me siento mucho mejor No trabaje ud. demasiado Trabaja tanto que está can¬ sado Juan estudia más que yo He comido bastante Ella come poco Ella come menos que él Casi lo acabó Son casi las dos Eso está muy bien hecho Tengo unos diez dólares Er veinte más o menos TWELFTH LESSON 101 31. Adverbs of manner (adverbios de modo) How are you? Welly thank you Mr. Brown is ill ¿Cómo está usted? Bien, gracias El Señor Brown se siente mal 32. Adverbs of manner in -ly (adverbios de modo en ly-) (a) My friend is constantly studying This train goes slowly Generally speaking He acted ivisely Mi amigo estudia constante¬ mente Este tren anda despacio Hallando en general Obró prudentemente Obsérvase que los adverbios de modo, equivalentes a los terminados en -mente, se forman añadiendo -ly a la forma del adjetivo. (b) This exercise is easily Este ejercicio se hace fácil- done mente They lived happily Vivieron felizmente Obsérvese que cuando el adjetivo (como easy, happy) termina en y ésta se cambia en i y se añade -ly. (c) I am fully convinced Estoy plenamente conven¬ cido Obsérvese que cuando el adjetivo termina en 11, sólo se añade -y para el adverbio. (d) He did it nobly Lo hizo noblemente We slept comfortably Durmimos cómodamente The orator spoke admi- El orador habló admirable- rably mente Obsérvese que cuando el adjetivo (como comfortable, noble, admirable) termina en -le, se suprime la e y se le añade -ly. 102 METODO RACIONAL DE INGLES V. Ejercicios A. Copíese el texto inglés “Traveling.” B. Repásese el Ejercicio B de la Lección Tercera. C. Conjúguense los verbos: 1. to sleep; 2. to awaken; 3. to get tired; 4. to rest. D. (1) Escríbanse frases completas con los siguientes adverbios: happily, easily, well, wisely, generally, fully, comfortably. (2) Fórmense adverbios con los siguientes adjetivos y escríbanse frases completas con los adverbios así formados: sufficient, sincere, kind, clean, usual, able, rich, pretty. E. Tradúzcase al inglés: Habana, 28 de septiembre de 1921. Señor Don Antonio Pérez, Chicago, Illinois. Mi querido amigo: Tuve mucho placer (pleasure) en recibir (in receiving) su carta del 20 del corriente (instant), y me alegro de (I am glad to) ver que ha llegado usted bien. Cuando usted se embarcó en Cádiz yo había salido ya de México para esta cuidad donde estoy por negocios desde (since) la semana pasada. Pienso quedarme aquí hasta el mes que viene (next month) y entonces saldré para Nueva York, donde espero (I hope) encontrarle. Actualmente (now) el viaje de la Habana a Nueva York se puede hacer (can be made) casi todo (almost all) por tierra (by land). El tren se toma en Cayo Hueso (Key West) que está muy cerca de Cuba. Por vapor el viaje de la Habana a Nueva York dura (lasts) más de TWELFTH LESSON 103 tres días y es muy agradable. En los vapores de esa línea se viaja (one travels) muy cómodamente. Espero encontrarle (I hope to meet you) cuando vuelva a Nueva York, y quisiera (I should like) que Yd. me acompañe cuando yo vaya a la Habana otra vez (again). El viaje le gustará a Yd. (you will like the trip) mucho, I am sure. Con atentos saludos, quedo (I remain) Su afectísimo amigo (Yours cordially) Charles H. Jones. F. Escríbase de memoria una reproducción del texto inglés “Traveling.” THIRTEENTH LESSON I. Lectura y Conversación SHOPPING When we need anything we go to buy it at the different stores where they sell what we want. We enter the store and a clerk comes and asks ‘What can I do for you,” and we answer telling him what we want. After choosing the things we like we ask “How much is it?” The clerk adds and then tells us the amount of the purchase, and we pay him or the cashier. He then gives us the things bought wrapped in a package, and finally we leave the store. There are many kinds of stores. For instance: grocery stores, where they sell foodstuffs, as cereals, canned goods, cheese, butter, eggs, lard, crackers, oil, salt, pepper, etc. Butchers’ shops, in which they sell meats, such as beef, veal, pork, ham, mutton, sausages, etc. Cigar stores where you find all kinds of cigars, cigarettes, matches, pipes, etc. Drugstores, the places where they fill prescriptions, and sell medicines, perfumes, toilet articles, candies and many other things. Bookstores, for the sale of books, pamphlets, magazines and all sorts of publications and stationery. Haberdasheries, or men’s stores, where they have things for men’s wear, such as ready-made clothing (suits, coats, vests, trousers, overcoats, hats, caps), shirts, collars, cuffs, ties, etc. Jewelry stores, where they have on sale jewels, watches, precious stones, rings, bracelets, etc. Department stores, so called because they are places composed of several stores in one, where they sell prac- tically everything. 104 THIRTEENTH LESSON 105 There are also bakeries, tailor shops, shoe shops, barber shops, milliners , shops, dressmaker shops, hairdressers’ and other shops. VOCABULARY to add, sumar amount, cantidad to answer, contestar anything, algo to ask, preguntar bakery, panadería barber shop, barbería beef, carne de vaca bookstore, librería bracelet, pulsera butcher’s shop, carnicería to buy, comprar candy, dulce, confite canned goods, conservas en lata cap, gorra cheese, queso to choose, escoger cigar, cigarro cigarette, cigarillo cigar store, cigarrería clothing, ropa coat, americana, abrigo collar, cuello to compose, componer^ crackers, galletas cuff, puño department store, bazar dressmaker, modista drugstore, botica egg, huevo everything, todo to fill, llenar foodstuff, substancias ali¬ menticias grocery store, tienda de ul¬ tramarinos haberdashery, camisería hairdresser, peinadora how much is it?, ¿cuánto es? jewelry store, joyería jewel, joya lard, manteca magazine, revista match, fósforo medicine, medicina milliner, modista de som¬ breros mutton, carnero (carne de) to need, necesitar oil, aceite <• package, paquete pamphlet, folleto to pay, pagar pepper, pimienta perfume, perfume pipe, pipa place, sitio pork, puerco (carne de) practically, virtualmente precious, precioso, -a prescription, receta 106 METODO RACIONAL DE INGLES vocabulary (continuación) publication, publicación purchase, compra ready-made clothing, ropa hecha ring, anillo sale, venta salt, sal sausage, salichicha to sell, vender shirt, camisa shoe-shop, zapatería shop, tienda, taller so-called, así llamado sort, clase stationery, efectos de escri¬ torio stone, piedra suit, traje tailor shop, sastrería tie, corbata toilet article, artículo de to¬ cador trousers, pantalones veal, ternera (carne de) vest, chaleco to want, desear wear, uso to wrap, envolver II. Preguntas y Respuestas 1. What do you do when you need anything? 2. Where do you go to buy what you want? 3. What does the clerk ask you when you enter a store? 4. When do you leave the store? 5. How many kinds of stores are there? 6. What is a grocery store? 7. What is a butcher shop? 8. Where do you buy cigars and cigarettes? 9. When you want to have a prescription filled, where do you go? 10. Where do they sell books? 11. What is a haberdashery? 12. What is sold (se vende) in the jewelry stores? 13. What are department stores? 14. Where do you buy bread (pan)? 15. What do they sell in the shoe shops? 16. Where do you have your hair cut (dónde se hace vd. cortar el pelo)? THIRTEENTH LESSON 107 III. Números Cardinales Repásense los números que se dan en la Lección Cuarta. IV. Conjugación Apréndase la conjugación de los verbos: to see, ver; to hear, oir; to taste, gustar; to touch, tocar; to smell, oler . V. Gramática 33. Simple prepositions (preposiciones simples) (a) Usos de at I arrived at New York three weeks ago They sat at the table to eat At what time will you come? At two o’clock At last At the beginning At the end I saw him at the theatre He was standing at the en¬ trance (b) Usos de in I have a handkerchief in my pocket The students are in the room Please put this book in the drawer In the month of October Llegué a Nueva York hace tres semana Se sentaron a la mesa para comer ' ¿A qué hora vendrá vd.? A las dos Al fin Al principio Al fin Le vi en el teatro Estaba de pie a la entrada Tengo un pañuelo en el bolsillo Los estudiantes están en el cuarto Sírvase poner este libro dentro de la gabeta En el mes de octubre 108 METODO RACIONAL DE INGLES 33. Simple prepositions (continuación) (c) Usos de on On what day did you arrive? On the 3ist of May The book is on the table Leave it on my desk On getting up I wash I gave it to him on finding it (d) Usos de to I am going to my friendo house Give it to me The teacher speaks to the students There are five miles from here to there I want the book to read it I wish to stay here The teacher told me to study (e) before y after Before entering he took off his hat After eating he got up from the table Let us study before the class After the lesson, we left The witness appeared before the judge ¿En qué día llegó vd.? El 31 de mayo El libro está en (sobre) la mesa Déjelo en mi escritorio Al levantarme me lavo Se lo di al encontrarlo Voy a la casa de mi amigo Démelo a mi El maestro habla a los alumnos Hay cinco millas de aquí a allí Quiero el libro para leerlo Deseo quedarme aquí El maestro me dijo que estudiara Antes de entrar se quitó el sombrero Después de comer se le¬ vantó de la mesa Estudiemos antes de la clase Después de la lección sali¬ mos El testigo compareció ante el juez THIRTEENTH LESSON 109 33. Simple prepositions (continuación) (f) before y behind The students are before the teacher The map is behind the teacher Before the door Behind the door (g) upon y under The books are upon the table The shoes are under the bed (h) with y without They carne with their friends I shall go with you The gentleman with the black hair He speaks without difficulty Don’t come without telling me (i) from, since, till, until From now on From whom did you get it? I come from Spain Since when have you been here? I have been here since May From today until tomorrow Till I see you again Until what time will you be here? Till two o’clock Los alumnos están delante del maestro El mapa está detrás del maestro. Delante de la puerta Detrás de la puerta Los libros están encima de la mesa Los zapatos están debajo de la mesa Vinieron con sus amigos Iré contigo ( con usted) El caballero del pelo negro Habla sin dificultad No venga sin decirme Desde ahora en adelante ¿De quién lo obtuvo usted? Vengo de España ¿Desde cuando está vd. aquí? Estoy aquí desde mayo Desde hoy hasta mañana ■ Hasta que vuelva a verla ¿ Hasta qué hora estará aquí? Hasta las dos 110 METODO RACIONAL DE INGLES VI. Ejercicios A. Copíese él texto inglés “Shopping.” B. Repásese el Ejercicio B de la Lección Tercera C. Conjúguense los verbos: 1. to see; 2. to hear; 3. to taste: 4. totouch; 5. to smell. D. Escríbanse frases completas con las siguientes ora¬ ciones: at, in, on, upon, to, from, under, before, after, behind, with, without, since, till, until. E. Tradúzcase al inglés: Como (as) necesitaba varias cosas, fui a una tienda a comprarlas (to buy them). Al entrar, el dependiente me saludó, y me preguntó si deseaba algo. Le dije que quería (I wanted) varias cosas. Primero, le pedi que me enseñara (I asked him to show me) unas camisas, y después un traje hecho y un par (a pair) de zapatos. Después de escoger lo que me gustó, le pregunté al dependiente (I asked the clerk): ¿Cuánto es? Me con¬ testo (he answered me) que le debía (I owed him) treinta dólares. Se los pagué en un billete de veinte dólares me devolvió el cambio (he gave me back the change) y finalmente salí de la tienda. Hay varias (several) clases de tiendas. La carne y otros comestibles (foodstuffs) se venden (are sold) en las carmecerías y en las tiendas de comestibles. El pan se hace (is made) en las panaderías. Para (to) comprar cigarrillos vamos a una tabaquería oa una botica. En las boticas de los Estados Unidos se vende de todo, además de llenar recetas. Los almacenes (stores) grandes, que están compuestos de varias tiendas, se llaman “depart- ment stores” y no hay nada (there is nothing) que no se venda (which is not sold) en ellas. F. Escríbase de memoria una reproducción del texto inglés “Shopping.” FOURTEENTH LESSON I. Lectura y Conversación PROFESSIONS AND TRADES Man, in order to earn a living, must work, but, as he cannot do everything, he specializes in some profession or trade by which he serves his fellow beings. Thus we ha ve different professions: The priest is God’s minister on earth and, as such, attends to our spiritual needs. The physician or doctor cures us when we are sick. The teacher imparts the knowledge necessary in life. The lawyer defends his clients’ right before the judge, who administers justice. The engineer directs the construction of works like roads, bridges, canals, machinery, etc. The architect makes plans for buildings. The manufacturer manufactures the various articles necessary in life. The farmer cultivates the soil, and the merchant buys, sells or exchanges mer- chandise. There are also many trades and occupations: such as bakers, carpenters, masons, tailors, mechanics, barbers, cabinet-makers, engravers, horseshoers, printers, silver- smiths, musicians, painters, sculptors, chemists, shoe- makers, servants, dressmakers, nurses, cooks, laborers, etc. When we want a suit of clothes made we go to a tailor who after taking our measure cuts the cloth and then sews it. If our hair is long we have it cut by the barber. He cuts with the scissors and with the aid of a comb; and sha ves with a razor, after lathering the face. lll 112 METODO RACIONAL DE INGLES If we need a new pair of shoes we go to a shoemaker and have them made to order, or we buy them ready made at a shoe store. Dressmakers and seamstresses make women’s clothes. The milliner makes hats for women. The carpenter works on wood with tools like hammers, saws, planes, etc.; and the masón works on stone and brick, which he joins by means of lime and sand or cement. Houses are built by carpenters and masons. The food we eat is prepared by the cook and served at the table by the servant, or by the waiter or waitress if we are in a restaurant. VOCABULARY to administer, administrar aid, ayuda architect, arquitecto to attend to, atender a baker, panadero barber, barbero to be sick, estar enfermo, -a brick, ladrillo bridge, puente to build, construir by means of, por medio de cabinet-maker, ebanista canal, canal carpenter, carpintero cement, cemento chemist, químico client, cliente cloth, tela clothes, vestidos comb, peine construction, construcción cook, cocinero, -a to cultivate, cultivar to cure, curar to cut, cortar to defend, defender to direct, dirigir doctor, médico to eam, ganar earth, tierra engineer, ingeniero engraver, grabador to exchange, cambiar farmer, labrador, agricultor fellow being, semejante food, comida, alimento God, Dios hammer, martillo horseshoer, herrador to impart, impartir to join, juntar judge, juez FOURTEENTH LESSON 113 yo cabulary (continuación) justice, justicia knowledge, conocimiento laborer, obrero to lather, enjabonar lawyer, abogado lime, cal living, vida machinery, maquinaria made to order, hecho a me¬ dida to manufacture, fabricer masón, abañil measure, medida mechanic, mécánico merchant, comerciante minister, ministro musician, músico must, deber need, necesidad nurse, enfermera occupation, ocupación painter, pintor pair, par physician, médico plan, plan plañe, cepillo (de carpintero) to prepare, preparar priest, cura printer, impresor profession, profesión razor, navaja ready made, hecho, -a road, camino sand, arena saw, sierra scissors, tijeras sculptor, escultor seamstress, costurera to sew, coser to shave, afeitarse shoe, zapato shoemaker, zapatero shoe store, zapatería silversmith, platero soil, suelo to specialize, especializar spiritual, espiritual stone, piedra such, tal tailor, sastre thus, así tool, herramienta trade, oficio waiter, mozo, camarero wood, madera work, obra, trabajo II. Preguntas 1. What do you do in order to earn a living? 2. Why must you work? 3. Please mention some of the most important profes- sions. 114 METODO RACIONAL DE INGLES 4. What does the priest do? 5. Who cures us when we are sick? 6. What does the teacher do? 7. What is a lawyer? 8. What do you cali a person who administers justice? 9. What does the engineer do; the architect; the manu- facturer, etc.? 10. Please mention some of the principal trades. 11. What do you do when you want a suit of clothes? 12. Where do we go when our hair is long? 13. What is a shoemaker? 14. Who makes women’s clothes? 15. What does a carpenter do? 16. What do you cali the person who prepares the food we eat? III, Números Cardinales Repásense los números que se dan en la Lección Quinta. IV. Conjugación Estúdiese la conjugación de los verbos to carry, llevar, portar; to bring, traer; to put in, meter; to take out, sacar. V. Gramática 34. Compound prepositions (preposiciones compuestas) It is five o’clock according to my watch I shall do it in accordance with your wishes Study as far as this page As to what you say, I believe it Son las cinco según mi reloj Lo haré según (de acuerdo) con sus deseos Estudie hasta esta página En cuanto a lo que vd. dice, lo creo FOURTEENTH LESSON 115 34. Compound prepositions (continuación) We study by means of books I sat opposite to her He put it by the side of the table The teacher is in front of the pupils I am going out in spite of the rain He walked in the middle of the Street You ought to study instead of playing I could not go on account of the rain Out of New York I said it with regará to the lesson Estudiamos por medio de libros Me senté en frente de ella Lo puso al lado de la mesa El maestro (o la maestra) está en frente de los discípulos Voy a salir a pesar de la lluvia Anduvo en medio de la calle Vd. debe estudiar en vez de jugar No puede ir a causa de la lluvia Fuera de Nueva York Lo dije con respecto a la lección Nótense las preposiciones compuestas que se ilustran en los ejemplos precedentes, y obsérvese su uso. VI. Ejercicios A. Cópiese el texto inglés “Professions and Trades.” B. Repásese el Ejercicio B de las Lección Quinta. C. Conjúguense los verbos to carry, to bring, to put in,, to take out. D. Escríbanse frases completas con las siguientes preposi¬ ciones compuestas: on account of, in spite of, according to, as far as, in front of, instead of, with regard to, by means of. 116 METODO RACIONAL DE INGLES E. Tradúzcase al inglés: Para ganarse la vida es (it is) necesario trabajar, pero como no es (it is not) posible hacer todo, tenemos que (we have to) especializar en algo. Así, pues (therefore), hay varias profesiones, oficios y ocupaciones. El que (he who) atiende a nuestras necesidades espirituales, es el sacerdote, el ministro de Dios en la tierra. Cuando uno (one) está enfermo llama a un médico para-que (to) lo cure. Para (in order to) aprender tenemos a los maestros. Para (for) la construcción de los edificios el arquitecto hace los planos, y los construyen los albañiles y los carpinteros. El barbero corta el pelo; el sastre hace la ropa para hombres y la modista la ropa para mujeres. Los zapatos los hacen (son hechos por) los zapateros. Los cocineros hacen la comida y los criados las sirven (serve them) a (at) la mesa. Los camareros también sirven a la mesa. Otros oficios y ocupaciones son: panadero, grabador, herrador, impresor, músico, pintor, obrero, etc. F. Escríbase de memoria una reproducción del texto inglés “Professions and Trades.” FIFTEENTH LESSON I. Lectura y Conversación IN THE COUNTRY During the summer it is better to live in the country than in the city. It is too hot in the city, and in the country it is cooler. My friend Mr. Smith has a beautiful country house, where he spends the summers with his family. It is a farm house, near a river. It is situated in a pretty valley surrounded by hills and mountains. The farm has several cows, horses, chickens, rabbits and other domestic animáis. It has many fruit trees, especially pear trees, apple trees and ^each^ trees. There is also a truck garden where many kinds of vegetables are raised. The grass covers the fields and when it is long enough it is cut and allowed to dry. When the grass is dry it becomes hay and it is then piled up in stacks which are brought into the barns, and there kept to serve as fodder for animáis during the winter months. Near the house there is a beautiful garden which is always full of flowers, like roses, carnations, violets, pansies, daisies, etc., of which Mrs. Smith takes good care, assisted by a gardener. She also feeds the chickens and rabbits with the help of her children, a boy of twelve and a girl of ten. On his farm Mr. Smith grows wheat which is harvested in June when the harvest begins. The reaper then cuts the wheat with reaping machines. Later the wheat is threshed and the grain is taken to the mili where the miller grinds it and turns it into flour. 117 118 METODO RACIONAL DE INGLES The fruits are gathered when they are ripe in Ihe beginning of the fall. Later the last crops are gathered, such as potatoes and corn, and finally they begin to plow the land, after which they sow the seeds for next year’s crops. Mr. Smith’s children have a very good time when they are in the country. They are outdoors most of the time running, playing and picking flowers. Every day they swim in the river near the house. They have two dogs that accompany them wherever they go. The dogs are their inseparable companions.' The other day I spent several hours in Mr. Smith’s country house. I enjo^ed my stay there very much. Mr. Smith showed me everything: the animáis, the truck and the flower gardens, the J)arn, etc. The farm house is a beautiful home with all modern comforts. Mr. Smith’s is one of the best I have seen. It is a model farm. VÓCABTJLARY , to accompany, acompañar to allow, dejar apple tree, manzano to assist, asistir, ayudar barn, granero t to become, hacerse, convertirse „ to be cool, hacer fresco (tiempo) to begin, empezar to be hot, hacer calor boy, muchacho to bring, llevar * camation, clavel the companion, el compañero, -a country, campo, país country house, casa de campo to cover, cubrir cow, vaca crop, cosecha daisy, margarita ' dog, perro domestic, doméstico, -a to dry, secar s during, durante to enjoy, gozar de enough, bastante every day, todos los días fall, otoño farm, hacienda farm house, casa hacienda to feed, dar de comer FIFTEENTH LESSON 119 Y o cabular y (continuación) ñeld, campo, prado flour, harina flower, flor fodder, forraje, pienso fruit tree, árbol frutal garden, jardín gardener. jardinero, horte¬ lano to gather, cosechar girl, muchacha grain, grano grass, hierba to grind, moler to grow, crecer harvest, cosechar to have a good time, divertirse hay, heno help, ayuda her, su, sus hill, colina horse, caballo inseparable, inseparable in the beginning, al principio to keep, guardar land, tierra last, último, -a later, más tarde mili, molino most of the time, casi todo el tiempo mountain, montaña near, cerca de next, próxima, -a other, otro, -a out of doors, al aire libre pansy, pensamiento peach tree, melocotonero pear tree, peral to pick, coger to pile up, amontonar to play, jugar to plow, arar pretty, bonito, -a rabbit, conejo to raise, cultivar reaper, segador reaping machine, segadora ripe, maduro, -a river, río rose, rosa seed, semilla to sitúate, situar to sow, sembrar to spend, pasar stack, montón stay, permanencia summer, verano surround, rodear to swim, nadar to take care of, cuidar to thresh, trillar too, demasiado truck garden, huerta to turn into, convertir valley, valle very much, muchísimo violet, violeta wheat, trigo wherever, donde,dondequiera winter, invierno 120 METODO RACIONAL DE INGLES II. Preguntas 1. Where is it better to live during the summer? 2. Why is it better to live in the country than in the city? 3. Where does Mr. Smith spend the summers? 4. Describe Mr. Smith’s country house. 5. What animáis are there on the farm? 6. What do they raise in the truck garden? 7. When do they cut the grass? 8. Where are the flowers? 9. Who takes care of the flowers? 10. What does Mr. Smith grow on his farm? 11. When does the harvest begin? 12. What is a reaper for? 13. What does the miller do? 14. When are the fruits gathered? 15. What do they do after gathering the last crops? 16. How do Mr. Smith’s children have a good time? 17. What do the dogs do? 18. Where do you live during the summer? 19. Which season of the year is the best? 20. What is a truck garden? III. Números Cardinales Repásense los números cardinales de la Lección Sexta. IV. Conjugación Estúdiese la conjugación de los verbos to be bom, nacer; to live, vivir; to die, morir; to grow, crecer , cultivar . FIFTEENTH LESSON 121 V. Gramática 35. Simple conjunctions (conjunciones simples) John and I He gave it to me after I asked him for it I like this also As you like it He left although the teacher told him not to She did it be cause she had to They went before we arrived I can read English but I can not speak it However, you must not do it Moreover (besides ), I do not like it Juan y yo. Me lo dió después que se lo pedí Me gusta éste también Como quieras Se fué aunque el maestro le dijo que no Lo hizo porque tenía que hacerlo Se fueron antes que llegáse¬ mos Puedo leer el inglés pero no hablarlo Sin embargo, usted no debe hacerlo Además, no me gusta Tampoco yo No podemos irnos ahora Neither do I We can not leave now Nótense las conjunciones simples que anteceden y cómo se usan. VI. Ejercicios A. Cópiese el texto inglés “In the Country.” B. Repásese el Ejercicio B de la Lección Sexta. C. Conjúguense los verbos to be born, to live, to grow, to die. D. Escríbanse frases completas con las siguientes con¬ junciones: and, after, also, as, although, because, before, besides, but, however, moreover, neither, now, if. 122 METODO RACIONAL DE INGLES E. Tradúzcase al inglés: En la ciudad hace demasiado calor durante el verano; es mejor vivir en el campo, donde hace fresco. Tengo una hermosa casa de campo donde paso los veranos con mi familia. Es una casa hacienda situada cerca de un río, en un valle rodeado de colinas y montañas, cubiertas de (covered with) yerba. Cuando la yerba de los campos (fields) ha crecido y es bastante alta (long), se corta y se deja secar. Así, (thus) queda convertida en (is con¬ verted into) heno, que sirve de pienso para los animales durante el invierno. Tengo muchos animales domésticos en la hacienda, como caballos, vacas, conejos, gallinas, etc. En la huerta crecen muchas clases de legumbres. Cerca de la casa tengo un hermoso jardín que está siempre lleno de flores, como claveles, pensamientos, violetas, rosas, margaritas, etc. Las cuida el jardinero. En la hacienda cultivo trigo y maiz (corn), que se cosechan en junio. Los segadores cortan el trigo con máquinas segadoras. Después se ara la tierra y se siembra la semilla para la cosecha siguiente. Cuando estoy en el campo me divierto mucho. Tengo dos perros que me acompañan a donde quiera que voy. Son mis inseparables compañeros. F. Escríbase de memoria una reproducción en inglés del texto “In the Country.” SIXTEENTH LESSON I. Lectura y Conversación THE SEASONS OF THE YEAR In the countries of the températe zone the year has four seasons: spring, summer, autumn (or fall), and winter. In spring everything renews its life under the warmer rays of the sun. Nature smiles. The grass begins to cover the fields with verdure; the trees are clothed with green leaves, the flowers bloom, the birds sing, and the bees fly from flower to flower. The days are as long as the nights. The sun shines brightly, and it is neither coid ñor hot; it is cool. In a word, spring is the pleasant- est season of the year. Summer is the hottest season of the year. It is very warm some days. Sometimes it rains, and in order not to get wet we have to use umbrellas or raincoats. Some¬ times there are electric storms when we hear the thunder and see the lightning. After the summer has passed, the leaves begin to turn red or yellow. It gets colder every day, and it is often cloudy. We are then in the fall (or autumn). Soon the leaves fall and the trees become bare. The ground is covered with leaves. Autumn is a beautiful season. It is the season when the fruits become ripe and are gathered. It is also the game or hunting season. When winter comes it seems that nature sleeps. The fields are bare and desoíate. It is very coid. One must then wear heavier clothes and the houses have to be heated. To be outdoors one must put on an overcoat, and wear gloves. Sometimes, if the thermometer is 123 124 METODO RACIONAL DE INGLES below freezing point, instead of raining it snows, and the fields are covered with snow; everything is white. Other times it hails. In winter most birds migrate to warmer climate and they do not return until the spring. Of all the seasons of the year we like spring best. It is the pleasantest season. When it is very hot we long for winter, and vice versa, when it is very coid we yearn for summer. VOCABULARY autumn, otoño bare, desnudo, -a to be coid, hacer frío to be warm, hacer color to become, quedarse to become ripe, madurar bee, abeja bird, pájaro to bloom, florecer, orotar brightly, brillantemente climate, clima to clothe, vestirse cloudy, nublado coid, frío cool, fresco desoíate, desolado, -a electric storm, tormenta to fall, caer flower, flor to fly, volar freezing point, punto de hielo game, caza to gather, recorrer, cosecher to get coid, hacerse frío to get wet, mojarse gloves, guantes grass, hierba green, verde ground, suelo to hail, granizar to hear, oír to heat, calentar heavy, grueso, -a hot, caliente hunting, caza instead, en vez de leaf (plu., leaves), hoja lightning, relámpago to like, gustar to long, anhelar, ansiar to migrate, emigrar most, cosí todos nature, la naturaleza neither-ñor, ni- ni to rain, llover raincoat, capote ray, rayo red, rajo to renew, renovar to return, volver season, estación to see, ver SIXTEENTH LESSON VOCABULARY (continuación) to seem, parecer to shine, brillar to sing, cantar to sleep, dormir to smile, sonreir snow, nieve to snow, nevar soon, pronto, -a spring, primavera sun, sol the sun shines, hace sol températe, templado, -a thermometer, termómetro thunder, trueno tree, árbol to tum red, volverse rojo umbrella, paraguas to use, usar verdure, verdura vice versa, viee versa warm, caliente to wear, llevar white, blanco, -a word, palabra to yearn, anhelar yellow, amarillo, -a zone, zona II. Preguntas 1. How many seasons has a year? 2. Describe spring. 3. Describe summer. 4. Describe fall. 5. Describe winter. 6. Which is the pleasantest season of the year? 7. When are the days longer than the nights? 8. When do the leaves fall from the trees? 9. When is it very coid? 10. What do the birds do in the winter? 11. When are fruits gathered? 12. For what do we use umbrellas or raincoats? 13. When do you put on an overcoat? 14. When does it snow? 15. When are the days as long as the nights? 16. When are the days shorter than the nights? 126 METODO RACIONAL DE INGLES III. Números Cardinales Repásense los de la Lección Séptima. IV. Conjugación Apréndanse los siguientes verbos impersonales: to dawn, amanecer; to get dark, anochecer; to rain, llover; to hail, granizar; to snow, nevar; to thunder, tronar. Nota: Téngase presente que en la conjugación de los verbos impersonales se usa sólo la forma de la tercera persona singular del respectivo verbo, precedida del pronombre it, por ejemplo: it dawns, amanece; it rained, llovió; it is snowing, está nevando, etc. V. Gramáti ca 36. Simple conjunctions (conjunciones simples) (continu¬ ación) I have four or five I shall do it provided you do it too He has not retumed since he left The ruler is longer than the pencil He said that he would come In order to know one must learn; therefore let us study He works though he is tired Study here until he comes I can not go unless you ac- company me Tengo cuatro o cinco Lo haré con tal que usted lo haga también No ha vuelto desde que salió La regla es más larga que el lápiz Dijo que vendría Para saber, uno debe apren¬ der; por lo tanto, estu¬ diemos Trabaja aunque está can¬ sado Estése aquí hasta que venga No puedo ir a menos que usted me acompañe S1XTEENTH LESSON 127 36. Simple conjunctions (continuación) I remain when he goes Me quedo cuando él se va I do not know whether he is No se si viene o no coming or not Read while you wait Lea mientras espera Nótense las precedentes conjunciones simples y obsér¬ vese cómo se usan. VI. Ejercicios A. Copíese el texto inglés “The Seasons of the Year.” B. Repásese el Ejercicio B de la Lección Séptima. C. Conjúguense los verbos to dawn, to get dark, to rain, to hail, to snow, to thunder. D. Escríbanse frases completas con las siguientes con¬ junciones: provided, or, since, though, therefore, than, that, while, until, unless, whether, when. E. Tradúzcase al inglés: Las cuatro estaciones del año son: la primavera, el verano, el otoño y el invierno. La primavera es la mejor estación del año; es la más agradable. No hace ni frío ni calor; hace fresco. Bajo los rayos más calientes del sol todo renueva su vida. Entonces los días son tan largos como las noches. Los árboles se cubren de verdes hojas, y brotan las flores. La estación más calurosa del año es el verano y entonces los días son más largos que las noches. Llueve algunas veces y para no mojarse hay que usar paraguas o capotes. Cuando llega el o toño, las hojas de los árboles empiezan a volverse rojas o amarillas y pronto se caen. Es la estación en que (when) las frutas maduran. 128 METODO RACIONAL DE INGLES En el invierno hace mucho frío. La naturaleza duerme y los campos se quedan desnudos y desolados. En vez de llover, nieva y los campos se cubren de nieve y todo está blanco. Las aves emigran y no vuelven hasta la primavera. En el invierno es necesario calentar las casas, y para estar al aire libre hay que ponerse abrigo y llevar guantes. F. Escríbase de memoria una reproducción en inglés de “The Seasons of the Year.” SEVENTEENTH LESSON I. Lectura y Conversación THE UNITED STATES The United States of America is one of the largest and. richest countries in the world, with an immense territory,, inhabited by nearly one hundred million souls. Its boundaries are: on the north, Cañada; on the south,, México and the Gulf of the same ñame; on the east, the Atlantic Ocean, and on the west, the Pacific Ocean. There are forty-eight states in the American Union,, which constitutes a federal republic, with a Presidenta a Congress, and a Supreme Court and several federal courts. The President with his Secretaries of depart¬ ment, exercises the executive power; the Congress exercises the legislative power and is composed of twa houses: the Senate (which is the upper house, with two senators from each state) and the House of Representa¬ tivos (which is the lower house, with four hundred and thirty-three representativos). The President, the senators and the representativos are elected by the votes of the citizens; the Secretaries of department, the justices of the Supreme Court, and the judges of the federal courts are appointed by the President. There are nine Secretaries of department: the Secre- tary of State; the Secretary of War; the Secretary of the Navy; the Secretary of the Interior; the Attorney General; the Postmaster General; the Secretary of Agriculture; the Secretary of Commerce, and the Secre¬ tary of Labor. The Navy of the United States is second only to that of Great Britain; it has many dreadnaughts, battleships» cruisers, gun boats, destroyers, submarines and seaplanes* manned by sailors and commanded by officers of different 129 130 METODO RACIONAL DE INGLES ranks, such as admiráis, vice-admirals, rear-admirals, eaptains, commanders, lieutenant commanders, lieuten- ants and ensigns. The Army of the United States is composed of about two hundred thousand men in time of peace and over three million in time of war. The different corps of the army are: Artillery, Cavalry, Infantry, Engineers, Quartermaster, and the Sanitary Corps. There are sol- diers, corporals, sergeants, heutenants, eaptains, majors, lieutenant colonels, colonels, brigadier generáis, major generáis, lieutenant generáis and generáis. The States of the Union are independent in their inte¬ rior government, each being governed by a governor, a legislature, and a state judiciary. When the United States acquired their independence from Great Britain in 1776 there were only thirteen original states, which were the British colonies which fought for their liberty under George Washington, one of the greatest figures in history. V O CABULARY to appoint, elegir army, ejército artillery, artillería Atlantic, atlántico attomey general, fiscal gen- about, cerca de admiral, almirante agriculture, agricultura captain, capitán cavalry, caballería Citizen, vecino colonel, coronel colony, colonia eral battleship, acorazado boundary, límite brigadier, brigadier British, británico, -a Cañada, Canadá to command, mandar commander, comandante commerce, comercio congress, congreso to constitute, constituir, forma corps, cuerpo corporal, cabo court, tribunal cruiser, crucero SEVENTEENTH LESSON 131 y o c abular y (continuación) destróyer, destrozador dreadnaught, dreadnaught each, cada uno East, este to elect, elegir ensign,- alférez executive, ejecutivo to exercise, ejercitar federal, federal to fight, luchar figure, figura general, general George, Jorge Great Britain, Gran Bretaña gulf, golfo gunboat, cañonero history, historia House, Cámara (legislativa) independent, independiente, libre infantry, infantería to inhabit, habitar interior, interior justice, magistrado labor, trabajo legislative, legislativo liberty, libertad lieutenant, teniente lieutenant-commander, te¬ niente comandante lower, bajo, -a major, comandante to man, tripular navy, armada, marina ocean, océano officer, oficial Pacific, Pacífico peace, paz postmaster general, admi¬ nistrador de correos power, poder quartermaster, comisaría rank, grado rear admiral, contra-almirante representativo, represen¬ tante, diputado repubtic, república rich, rico, -a sailor, marinero sanitary corps, cuerpo de sanidad seaplane, hidroplano secretary, ministro, secre¬ tario senate, senado senator, senador sergeant, sargento soldier, soldado soul, alma State, estado , submarine, submarino supreme, supremo territory, territorio under, bajo unión, unión upper, alto, -a vice-admiral, vice almirante vote, voto war, guerra West, Oeste 132 METODO RACIONAL DE INGLES II. Preguntas 1. What is the United States? 2. How many inhabitants has the United States? 3. What are the boundaries of the United States? 4. How many States are there in the American Union? 5. What do the States constitute? 6. Who exercises the executive power? 7. What is Congress? 8. What is the Senate? 9. What is the House of Representatives? 10. Ñame the Secretaries of department. 11. How is the President of the United States elected? 12. Describe the Navy of the United States. 13. Describe the Army of the United States. 14. How are the States governed? 15. When did the United States acquire their inde¬ penderé? 16. How many were the original States? 17. Who was George Washington? 18. Who exercises the legislative power? 19. Who exercises the judicial power? 20. Are the Justices of the Supreme Court elected or appointed? III. Números Ordinales Repásense los números ordinales que se dan en la Lección Octava. IV. Conjugación Estúdiense los verbos: to see, ver; to look, mirar; to lose, perder; to look for, buscar; to find, encontrar. SEVENTEENTH LESSON 133 V. Gramática 37. Compound conjunctions He walks as if he were lame Stay here as long as you want Come as often as you can Come as soon as you can I can not do it even if I wanted to In case it happens I tell it to you so that you will know it (conjunciones compuestas) Anda como si estuviera cojo Quédese aquí tanto tiempo como quiera Venga tantas veces como pueda Venga tan pronto como pueda No puedo hacerlo aunque quisiera En caso de que ocurra Se lo digo para que lo sepa VI. Ejercicios A. Copíese el texto inglés “The United States.” B. Repásese el Ejercicio B de la Lección Octava. C. Háganse frases condistintos tiempos y personas de los verbos to see, to look, to lose, to look for, to find. D. Escríbanse frases con ¡as siguientes conjunciones compuestas: as long as, as if, as soon as, as often as, even if, in case, so that, in order to. E. Tradúzcase al inglés: Los Estados Unidos tienen (has) casi cien millones de habitantes (inhabitants). Ocupan (it occupies) un in¬ menso territorio. Son (it is), por lo tanto, uno de los países más grandes y más ricos del mundo. Lindan (it bounds) al norte con el Cánada, al sur con Méjico y el golfo del mismo nombre, al este con el océano Atlántico, y al oeste con el Océano Pacífico. 134 METODO RACIONAL DE INGLES Originalmente (originally), cuando los Estados Unidos adquirieron su independencia de la Gran Bretaña, sólo había trece estados; ahora son cuarenta y ocho, los cuales (which) constituyen una república federal, con un Presidente, un Congreso, y un Tribunal Supremo y varios tribunales federales. El Presidente, por medio de sus nueve Secretarios de Departamento, ejerce el poder ejecutivo. El Congreso, es decir (that is to say), el poder legisla¬ tivo, está compuesto de dos cámaras, el Senado, que es la cámara alta, y la Cámara de Representates, que es la cámara baja. Cada (each) estado de la Unión es inde¬ pendiente en su gobierno interior, y tiene su propio (its own) gobernador, su propia legislatura, y su propia judicatura. La marina y el ejército de los Estados Unidos se han reducido (have been reduced) después de la Guerra Mundial (World War). F. Escríbase de memoria una reproducción en inglés del texto “The United States.” EIGHTEENTH LESSON I. Lectura y Conversación BUSINESS Business is the life of nations, because through busi- ness we are impelled to produce what others need and procure what we need for ourselves. We do business by selling for money and buying with money, or by exchang- ing one thing for another. Some people go into business for themselves but when a person has not enough capital to undertake a business by himself (por sí sólo), he enters into partnership with somebody else, thus forming a company or Corporation. Some corporations in the United States ha ve millions and millions of dollars’ worth of capital. The capital of a company or Corporation is divided into shares or stocks, whose valué fluctuates in the stock exchange. If a company devotes itself to selling at Wholesale or retail it is commonly called a business house and a man devoted to business is called a business man or merchant. There are diíferent kinds of officers and employees in a company: the president, who directs the general affairs; the manager, who is in direct charge of the management; the secretary, who keeps the records and carries on the correspondence; the treasurer, who administers the fi- nances; the cashier, who receives and pays money; the bookkeeper, who keeps the books by entering in them all financial transactions, and the diíferent kinds of clerks, such as stenographers, typewriters, correspondents, file clerks, salesmen, collectors, etc. Manufacturing and Wholesale houses employ also traveling agents or salesmen to find customers for their 135 136 METODO RACIONAL DE INGLES goods, which they sell by means of samples which they carry. Goods not manufactured in this country or raw ma- terials not produced here are imported from abroad, while this country exports great quantities of raw ma- terials and manufactured goods. The foreign commerce of the United States is enormous, with the exports exceed- ing the imports by hundreds of millions of dollars, which shows how rich this country is and that it sells more than it buys. Most of the merchandise imported has to pay customs duties for the collection of which there are custom- houses in all ports. These duties are collected in accord- ance with a tariff law. There are different ways of paying for merchandise bought: by cash, on credit, or by drafts payable at varying periods. Most of the business transacted in the United States is done on credit, and almost all financial trans- actions are done through banks. The person to whom the money is due is the creditor, and the person who owes the money is the debtor. When a business firm or individual cannot meet its cbligations it is forced into bankruptcy, and we then say that it is a bankrupt. If a commercial firm or business man needs money to carry on his business he borrows from a bank, which lends him the money, on some security, with interest, and pay¬ able within a certain period of time. Banks are institutions essential to the life of business and industry, because they serve as intermediaries be- tween labor and capital and between seller and buyer, es- pecially in the United States where most of the money used in business operations is transferred by check, draft, or other commercial paper. New York is perhaps the largest banking center in the world. EIGHTEENTH LESSON 137 VOCABULARY abroad, fuera, en el ex- trangero accordance, conformidad affair, asunto almost, casi bankrupt, insolvente bankruptcy, quiebra, ban¬ carrota bookkeeper, tenedor de libros to borrow, pedir prestado businessman, hombre de ne¬ gocios to carry on, mantener cash, pago al contado certain, cierto, -a charge, cargo collection, recaudación commonly, generalmente correspondence, correspon¬ dencia correspondent, corresponsal credit, crédito creditor, acreedor customs’ duty, derecho de aduana customer, parroquiano debtor, deudor to devote oneself, dedicarse direct, directo to do business, negociar, hacer negocios draft, giro, libranza due, debido, -a duty, derecho de aduana, impuesto to employ, emplear employee, empleado, de¬ pendiente enormous, enorme to exceed, exceder exports, exportaciones to export, exportar file clerk, archivero finances, rentas, finanzas to fluctuate, fluctuar to forcé, forzar foreign, extranjero goods, mercancías to have to, tener que individual, individuo to impel, impeler, impulsar imports, importaciones to import, importar to keep books, llevar libros de comercio to keep records, llevar archivos law, ley to lend, prestar management, manejo, ad¬ ministración manager, gerente, adminis¬ trador manufactured goods, géneros manufacturados manufacturing house, casa manufacturera to meet, llenar, satisfacer merchandise, mercancía merchant, comerciante obligation, obligación 138 METODO RACIONAL DE INGLES vocabulary (continuación) ourselves, nostros mismos to owe, deber partnership, sociedad, asso- ciación payable, pagadero period, período person, persona to procure, procurar, obtener to produce, producir quantity, cantidad raw material, materia prima record, archivo retail, al por menor salesman, vendedor sample, muestra security, seguridad, valor share, acción (de una com¬ pañía) to show, indicar some people, algunas per¬ sonas somebody else, algún otro stock, acción (de una com¬ pañía) stock exchange, bolsa (de comercio) tariff, tarifa, arancel through, por medio de transact, despachar, hacer transaction, transacción, ne¬ gocio traveling agent, agente via¬ jero treasurer, tesorero typewriter, máquina de es¬ cribir, macanógrafo to undertake, emprender valué, valor varying, variante what, lo que while, mientras Wholesale, al por mayor within, dentro de worth, que vale II. Preguntas 1. Why is business the life of nations? 2. How do we do business? 3. How much capital have some corporations? 4. How is the capital of a company divided? 5. What is a business house? 6. What is a business man? 7. Ñame the officers and employees of a company. 8. What does a salesman do? 9. What is imported into this country? 10. What does this country export? EIGHTEENTH LESSON 139 11. What can you say about the foreign trade of the United States? 12. Which are the different ways of paying for mer- chandise bought? 13. What is a creditor? 14. What is a debtor? 15. When is a business firm forced into bankruptcy? 16. What does a business man do when he needs money? 17. How do the banks lend money? III. Números Quebrados Repásense los números quebrados en la Lección Novena. IV. Conjugación Apréndanse los verbos to buy, comprar; to sell, vender; to exchange, cambiar; to lend, prestar (dar prestado); to borrow, prestar (pedir prestado). V. Gramática 38. Double conjunctions (conjunciones dobles) This house is as large as that one That man is both wealthy and intelligent You either pay it or leave it I speak neither Russian, ñor Japanese The more we have the more we want The less you study the less you know My friend has not only in- vited you but me Esta casa es tan grande como aquélla Aquel hombre es tan rico como inteligente 0 lo paga o lo deja No hablo ni ruso ni japonés Mientras más tenemos más queremos Mientras menos estudia me¬ nos sabe Mi amigo no sólo le ha in¬ vitado a usted sino a mí también 140 METODO RACIONAL DE INGLES VI. Ejercicios A. Cópiese el texto inglés “Business.” B. Repásese el Ejercicio B de la Lección Novena. C. Háganse frases con distintos tiempos y personas de to buy, to sell, to exchange, to lend, to borrow. D. Escríbanse frases con las siguientes conjunciones dobles: as — as, neither — ñor, both — and, not only — but, the more — the more, the less — the less, either — or. E. Tradúzcase al inglés: Hacemos negocios vendiendo por dinero y comprando por dinero, o cambiando una cosa por otra. Por medio del comercio nos vemos (we are) impulsados a producir lo que otros necesitan y nos procuramos lo que necesi¬ tamos para nosotros mismos (ourselves). Cuando uno no tiene bastante capital para emprender un negocio por sí solo entra en sociedad con otra persona. Hay compañías en los Estados Unidos con millones y millones de dólares de capital. El capital de una com¬ pañía está dividido, por lo general (as a rule) en acciones, cuyo valor fluctúa en la bolsa. El que (the one who) dirige los negocios de una com¬ pañía es el presidente ; el administrador o gerente tiene cargo directo del manejo de la compañía. Hay además (besides) otros empleados, como el secretario, el tesorero, el tenedor de libros, el cajero, y varios dependientes, como taquígrafos, mecanógrafos, agentes, cobradores, etc. Aquí se importan (are imported) los artículos y materias primas que no se producen en el país, pero los Estados Unidos exportan más de lo que importan (exports more than it imports). Este país es, por lo tanto, n>«y rico. E1GHTEENTH LESSON 141 Para la recaudación de los derechos de aduanas hay- aduanas en todos los puertos. Uno puede pagar las mercancías que compra bien sea (either) al contado, bien (or) a crédito, o bien, por medio de giros. La persona a quien se debe el dinero es el acreedor, y la persona que debe el dinero es el deudor. Casi todos los negocios que se hacen (transacted) en los Estados Unidos se hacen a crédito, y por medio de los bancos. F. Escríbase de memoria una reproducción en inglés del texto “Business.” NINTEENTH LESSON I. Lectura y Conversación CORRESPONDENCE Under the term “correspondence” is included practi- cally everything that we send through the mail, such as letters, postal cards, newspapers, printed matter, circulars, advertisements, etc. Letters may be of two kinds: social and commercial. A letter generally consists of six parts: (1) the date, with the address of the writer; (2) the ñame and address of the person to whom the letter is written; (3) the salutation; (4) the body or text of the letter; (5) the cióse or ending, and (6) the signature of the writer. Sometimes, when one forgets to say something in the letter another part is added, called the postscript, ab- breviated P.S. The salutation varíes according to the degree of famili- arity. When writing to a relative or intímate friend, it may be as follows: My dear Charles; Dear father; My dear únele; My dear friend, etc. If there is no famili- arity, the salutation should be: Dear Mr. Smith; My dear Mrs. Jones, etc. More formal salutations may be as follows: Sir or Dear Sir; Madam or Dear Madam (whether for married or unmarried ladies); Gentlemen. The cióse or ending may be according to the degree of formality: “Your sincere friend ”; “Very sincerely yours”; “Yours very truly”; “Very faithfully yours”; “Very cordially yours”; “Very respectfully yours.” A letter should be written on good paper, and in good language, and should be clear, brief and courteous. The envelope should be clearly addressed, and the stamp placed on the upper right-hand córner. 142 NINETEENTH LESSON 143 After the letter is written we insert it in the envelope; the envelope is sealed, and the stamp put in its place; the letter is then ready to be mailed at the post office, or at the letter box. When we write business letters we should be careful in dealing only with the object of the letter, with clear- ness, brevity and politeness. The use of abbreviations should always be avoided, because they lend themselves to misinterpretations and spoil the appearance of the letter. VOCABULARY abbreviation, abreviatura to abbrevíate, abreviar according to, según address, dirección to address, dirigir advertisement, anuncio, avis appearance, apariencia as, como, tan to avoid, evitar body, cuerpo (de una carta) brevity, brevedad brief, breve, corto careful, cuidadoso cióse, despedida (de una carta) circular, circular clear, claro cleamess, claridad clearly, claramente to consist, componerse de cordially, cordialmente comer, ángulo, esquina courteous, cortés, fino date, fecha to deal, tratar to deal with, tratar de dear, querido, -a degree, grado ending, fin, terminación envelope, sobre de una carta familiarity, familiaridad, confianza to follow, seguir formal, formal formality, formalidad generally, en general gentleman, caballero if, si to inelude, incluir, contener to insert, insertar intímate, íntimo lady, señorita language, lenguaje letter, carta letter-box, buzón madam, señora, señorita to mail, echar al correo misinterpretation, mala in¬ terpretación more, más 144 METODO RACIONAL DE INGLES vocabulary (continuación) newspaper, periódico no, no place, lugar, sitio to place, poner politeness, cortesía post, correo postal, postal postal card, tarjeta postal post-office, casa de correos PostScript, postdata printed matter, impresos relative, pariente right-hand, de la mano de¬ recha salutation, saludo to say, decir to seal, sellar, cerrar to send, enviar signature, firma sincere, sincero sincerely, sinceramente Sir, Señor something, alguna cosa, algo to spoil, estropear stamp, sello term, término text, texto themselves, ellos mismos, sí mis mos under, debajo, abajo unmarried, soltero, -a use, uso to vary, variar very cordially yours, suyo afectísimo when, cuando whether, si writer, escritor II. Preguntas 1. What is included under the term “correspondence”? 2. How many kinds of letters are there? 3. Ñame the parts of a letter. 4. How does the salutation vary? 5. How do you end a letter? 6. On what kind of paper should a letter be written? 7. How should the envelope be addressed? 8. What do you do with the letter after it is written? 9. How should a business letter be written? 10. What can you say about the use of abbreviations in letters? NINETEENTH LESSON 145 III. Números Ordinales Repásense los números ordinales en la Lección Octava. IV. Verbos Apréndense los verbos: to memorize, aprender de memoria; to remember, recordar , acordarse; to forget, olvidar; to recall, recordar; to overlook, pasar por alto. V. Gramática 39. Compound verbs with prepositions (verbos compuestos con preposiciones) (a) to ask The teacher asked me if I knew the lesson The beggar asks for money (b) to cheer The orator was cheered Do not be sad; cheer up (c) to come Come to see me May I come in? Come on! Tell them to come out Come over to my house Come up; the door is open (d) to draw The mulé draws the wagón The architect drew the plan We drew away from the house He drew out his handkerchief La maestra me preguntó si sabía la lección El mendigo pide dinero El orador fue aclamado No esté triste; anímese Venga a verme ¿Puedo entrar (pasar)? ¡Vamos! [¡Véngase!) Dígales que salgan Véngase a mi casa Suba; la puerta está abierta La muía tira del carro El arquitecto dibujó el plano Nos alejamos de la casa. Sacó el pañuelo 146 METODO RACIONAL DE INGLES 39. Compound verbs with prepositions (continuación) (e) to fit The tailor fitted me a dress This hat fits me That paragraph does not fit into the story The govemment fitted out the expedition Let us fit up the room (f) toget Please get me a pendí Where did you get that hat 9 I get along very well here He can not get along with anybody The robber goi away If you gave it to him you could not get it back How did you get in here? Get out at once! We must go; please get ready It is late; get up! (g) to give Give it to me He gave away all his money I gave it back to him El sastre me entalló un vestido Este sombrero me sienta Ese párrafo no encaja en el cuento El gobierno equipó la expe¬ dición Arreglemos (adornemos ) el cuarto Sírvase conseguirme un lápiz ¿Dónde compró ( obtuvo ) usted ese sombrero? Lo voy pasando bien aquí No puede llevarse bien con nadie El ladrón se escapó Si se lo dio, no puede usted recobrarlo ¿Cómo se ha metido (en¬ trado) usted aquí? Salga (marchase ) en se¬ guida Tenemos que ir; apréstese Es tarde, / levántese! Dé meló Se deshizo de (regaló) todo su dinero Se lo devolví NINETEENTH LESSON 147 39. Compound verbs with prepositions (continuación) The coal gave out before they reached port I shall never give in They gave up their rights (h) to go Where does this train go? Don’t (do not) stop, go ahead Tell him to go away I want to go back to Spain Will you go down and tell them to wait? Don’t (do not) go in; wait here I go out every day Go up; he wants to see you Please go with her You will have to go without it (i) to let Will you let me go? Let him in Let me out (j) to lie He never lies I am tired; I want to lie down El carbón se acabó antes de que llegaran al puerto Nunca cederé (me daré por vencido) Renunciaron a sus derechos ¿A dónde va este tren? No pare; prosiga (siga ade¬ lante; continúe) Dígale que se vaya Quiero volver a España ¿Quiere usted bajar y de¬ cirles que esperen? No entre; espérese aquí Salgo todos ios días Suba; quiere verle Sírvase acompañarle Tendrás que pasarte sin ello ¿Me dejará {permitirá) usted ir? Déjele entrar Déjeme salir Nunca miente Estoy cansado; quiero aco¬ starme 148 METODO RACIONAL DE INGLES 39. Compound verbs with prepositions (continuación) (k) to look Look! How pretty it is I want to look at those pie- tures The nurse looks after the sick What are you looking for? I shall have to look into this matter The boy looks like his father I am looking on to see what happens Please look over this book Look it up They look upon him as a father (l) to put Where shall I put this box? Put it on the table This is the only piece left; put it away Put it back in its place The firemen put down the fire I put the letter in the enve- lope The performance was put off till tomorrow They put him out , because he was not a good servant ¡Mire! ¡Qué bonito es! Quiero mirar esos cuadros La enfermera cuida a los enfermos ¿Qué busca usted? Tengo que investigar este asunto El niño se parece a su padre Estoy observando para ver qué pasa Sírvase hojear (dar un vistazo) este libro Averigüelo ( búsquelo ) Lo consideran (como si fu¬ era) su padre ¿Dónde pongo esta caja? Póngala en la mesa Este es el único pedazo que queda; guárdelo Devuélvalo a su sitio Los bomberos sofocaron el fuego Metí (inserté ) la carta en el sobre La función se difirió ( pos¬ puso ) hasta mañana Le echaron por que no era un buen criado NINETEENTH LESSON 149 39. Compound verbs with prepositions (continuación) We have to put up with Tenemos que resignarnos what we have con lo que tenemos (m) to take I took what they gave me We take the car here Let us take a walk I like to take exercise The girl takes after her mother Please take these chairs away Take back what you said! I always take down what the teacher says I took you for your brother On entering I took off my hat Take this letter to the post office I shall take up this matter when I have time Tomé lo que me dieron Tomamos el tranvía aquí Démonos un paseo Me gusta hacer ejercicio La niña sale {se parece) a su madre Sírvase quitar {llevarse) estas sillas ¡ Retráctese de lo dicho! Siempre tomo nota de lo que dice la maestra Le tomé por su hermano ' Al entrar me quité el som¬ brero Lleve esta carta al correo Estudiaré {consideraré) este asunto cuando tenga tiempo Nótese cómo varía el significado de los verbos pre¬ cedentes según la preposición usada después. Los verbos apuntados son los más comunes, pero son muchos los que se hallan sujetos a tales cambios de acuerdo con la preposición empleada en cada caso. VI. Ejercicios A. Cópiese el texto inglés “Correspondence.” B. Repásese el Ejercicio B déla Lección Octava. 150 METODO RACIONAL DE INGLES C. Escríbanse frases con distintos tiempos y personas de los verbos to memorize, to remember, to forget, to recall, to overlook. D. Escríbanse frases con los siguientes verbos: to put away, to take off, go in, go out, give up, go up, go down, lie down, look for, give out, get up, ask for, let in, let out, take off. E. Tradúzcase al inglés: Todo lo que mandamos por el correo, como cartas, tarjetas postales, periódicos, circulares, anuncios, etc., está iñcluido en lo que se llama (in what is called) “corres¬ pondencia.” Hay varias clases de cartas, pero las más importantes son las cartas sociales y las commerciales. Una carta se compone (is composed) de seis partes: la fecha, el saludo, el cuerpo o texto, la despedida, y la firma. Cuando uno se olvida de decir algo en la carta, se añade otra parte que se llama “post data.” Una carta buena debe estar escrita en buen papel y estilo (style), y debe ser clara, breve y cortés. El sello se coloca (is placed) en la esquina superior derecha del sobre. Una vez que la carta está lista (ready) se echa (it is mailed) en el correo. Debe evitarse el uso de abreviaturas en la correspon¬ dencia. F. Escríbase de memoria una reproducción en inglés del texto “Correspondence.” TWENTIETH LESSON I. Lectura y Conversación INDUSTRIES While industry and commerce are different in that, industry means production and commerce, distribution,, the two are interdependent. Without one the other can not exist. We ha ve already spoken of commerce and business. Today we shall deal with industries. There are four kinds of industries, in all of which the United States is a leading nation. First, we have the mining industry, which extracts from the earth useful materials, such as gold, silver, iron, copper, tin, coal, oil. Then there is the agricultural industry, ,by which the soil and certain animáis are made to yield the principal articles of food and other useful products. Agriculture or farming is the basis of wealth in the United States as in most countries. Corn, wheat, cotton, and meat are among the principal agricultural products of the United States, and in those four essential articles this country leads the world. Then comes the manufacturing industry, and in this the United States is also a leader. By means of the manu¬ facturing industries, the raw materials produced by min¬ ing and agriculture are turned into articles for use in the various activities of life. Thus, we have all sorts of fae¬ tones, shoe faetones, cotton and woolen milis, steel foundries, sugar refineries, canneries, hardware faetones, automobile faetones, etc., etc. In a word, practically everything needed for daily consumption is manufactured in the country. The fourth kind is the transportation industry, so essential to the other industries because it furnishes the 151 152, METODO RACIONAL DE INGLES means of conveying the producís of the other industries to the consumer. In this industry the United States with its vast territory is also ahead of the other countries,. The means of communication in the United States are as varied as extensive. They may be divided into (1) roads and highways, (2) railways and streetcars, and (3) water- ways. To these should be added the most modern means of transportation, the aeroplane, which will soon be used as generally as the automobile. For land transportation, the railroad is the most important, and as an auxiliary to the railroad, the auto truck is also very important. The waterways, made up of the navigable rivers, lakes, and canals, also form an important part of the trans¬ portation system of the United States. Among the means of communication should also be in- cluded the telegraph, the telephone and the wireless, whose lines in the United States are the largest in the world. The means of transportation are so indispensable to the life of a nation that they are well termed “the arteries of commerce. ,, A great development has taken place lately in the organization of industries. From this development many advantages have been derived, especially in economy of time, and Jabor, the immediate effect of which has been to increáse industrial production. VOCABULARY advantage, ventaja aeroplane, aeroplano agricultural, agrícola ahead, adelante to be able, poder auxiliary, auxiliar basis, fundamento, base cannery, fábrica de conser- to be ahead, ir delante among, entre vas alimenticias coal, carbón de piedra communication, comunica- automobile factory, fábrica de automóviles ción TWENTIETH LESSON 153 v o c abular y (continuación) consumer, consumidor consumption, consumo, uso to convey, transportar, llevar corn, maíz cotton, algodón cotton mili, fábrica de teji¬ dos de algodón to derive, derivar development, desarrollo earth, suelo, tierra effect, efecto especially, especialmente extensive, extenso, -a to extract, extractar, extraer factory, fábrica farming, cultivo, agricultura to fumish, suplir, suministrar hardware factory, fábrica de ferretería to increase, aumentar industry, industria interdependent, dependiente uno de otro iron, hierro labor, trabajo lake, lago lately, recientemente to lead, conducir, estar a la cabeza leading, principal, primero leader, cabeza, el primero line, línea manufacturing, fabricante, manufacturero material, materia means, medio, modo to mean, significar, querer decir mining, minero, -a navigable, navegable to produce, producir product, producto railway, ferrocarril road, camino shoe factory, fábrica de zapatos silver, plata so, tan soil, suelo Steel foundry, fundición de acero streetcar, tranvía sugar refinery, refinería de azúcar system, sistema to take place, suceder, verifi¬ carse telegraph, telégrafo to term, nombrar, llamar tin, estaño transportation, transporte useful, útil varié d, variado vast, vasto, inmenso waterway, vía fluvial wealth, riqueza wheat, trigo wireless, telegrafía sin hilos woolen mili, fábrica de te¬ jidos de lana to yield, rendir, producir 154 METODO RACIONAL DE INGLES II. Preguntas 1. What is the difference between industry and com- merce? 2. How many kinds of industries are there? 3. What is the mining industry? 4. What is the agricultural industry? 5. What is the basis of wealth in the United States? 6. Which are the principal agricultural products of the United States? 7. What is the manufacturing industry? 8. What is manufactured in the United States? 9. What is the transportation industry? 10. Mention the principal means of communication. 11. Which is the most important means of land trans¬ portation? 12. Which are the waterways? 13. What other means of communication are there? 14. Which are the arteries of commerce? 15. What advantages ha ve been derived from the develop- ment in the organization of industries? 16. What is the telegraph? 17. What is the telephone? 18. What is wireless telegraphy? III. Números Quebrados Repásense los números quebrados en la Lección Novena. IV. Conjugación Apréndase los verbos to sit down, sentarse; to rise, levantarse; to raise, levantar; to stand up, estar (ponerse) de pie; to walk, andar; to stop, parar , detenerse. TWENTIETH LESSON 155 V. Gramática 40. Defective verbs (verbos defectivos) Hay en inglés algunos verbos defectivos, es decir, que carecen de infinitivo, de gerundio y de participio pasado y que sólo tienen una forma para todas las personas. Los principales son: Presente Pretérito can, poder (aptitud) can could may, poder (permiso) may might must, deber must must ought, deber ought ought shall, deber shall should will, querer will would Por ejemplo: I can do many things when I have money Puedo hacer muchas cosas cuando tengo dinero May I go now? You may ¿Puedo (se me permite ) irme ahora? Usted puede You musí do it as soon as possible and he must come Usted debe hacerlo tan pronto como sea posible y él debe venir Do you think we ought to stay? ¿Cree usted que debemos quedarnos? You shall do it at once Usted tiene que hacerlo en seguida Will they go with us? ¿Quieren ellos acompañarnos? Shall (para la I a persona, singular y plural) y will para las damás personas, se usan como auxiliares para el tiempo futuro. (Véase la página 73.) 156 METODO RACIONAL DE INGLES 40. Defective verbs (continuación) Should (para la I a persona singular y plural) y would para las demás personas se usan como auxiliares para la formación del tiempo condicional. (Véase la página 161.) May se usa como auxiliar para la formación del presente de subjuntivo. (Véase la página 161.) 41. Prefixes (prefijos) Los más comunes son: anti- ( anti-), para denotar oposición; antidote, antidoto; anti-suffragist, antisufragista. de-, dis-, in-, un- (de-, des-, dis-, en-, in-) para expresar negación o privación: demoralized, desmoralizado; depre¬ cíate, depreciar; dislócate, dislocar; incorrect, incorrecto; unable, inepto. ex- (ex-), para denotar lo que fué: ex-president, expresi¬ dente; ex-communicated, excomulgado. extra- (extra-), significa fuera de lo normal: extraordinary, extraordinario; extraoficial, extraoficial. over-, out, super- (super-, sobre-): overeat, comer demasiado; outlive, sobrevivir; superman, superhombre; superintendent, superintendente. under-, sub- ( sub-, su-, menos-) denotan defecto, carencia, o grado inferior: underestimate, tener en poco; undervalue, menospreciar; subconscious, subconsciente; to subject, sujetar. ultra- (ultra-) denota grado extremo o máximo: ultra- conservative, ultra-conservador; ultra-radical, ultra-radical. Muchos verbos ingleses se hallan formados de diferentes prefijos. Es conveniente conocer los principales verbos así formados consultando la lista de verbos en las páginas 162 y siguientes. TWENTIETH LESSON 157 VI. Ejercicios A. Cópiese el texto inglés “Industries.” B. Repásese el Ejercicio B de la Lección Novena. C. Escríbanse frases con distintos tiempos y personas de to sit down, to rise, to raise, to stand up, to walk, to stop. D. Después de consultada la Lista de Verbos , pp, 162-271, escríbanse frases con diez verbos con prefijos. E. Tradúzcase al inglés: El comercio es diferente de la industria en que ésta (the latter) significa producción, y aquél (the former) distribución. No puede existir el uno sin la otra. Las industrias se pueden agrupar (may be grouped) en cuatro grandes clases, a saber (to wit): la industria minera, que extrae de la tierra materias útiles al hombre; la industria agrícola, que hace rendir al suelo y a ciertos animales alimentos y otros artículos necesarios para la vida (life); la industria manufacturera, por la que (by which) las materias primas se convierten en cosas usadas en las diversas actividades de la vida; y la industria de tras¬ portes, que suministra los medios de llevar los productos a los consumidores. Casi todo lo necesario para el consumo diario se fabrica en los Estados Unidos. Hay toda clase de fábricas; como (such as) fábricas de automóviles, fundiciones de acero, fábricas de muebles, de zapatos, de tejidos, de algodón y de lana, etc., etc. El sistema de trasportes de los Estados Unidos es el mayor y el mejor organizado del (in the) mundo. Los diferentes medios de comunicación se clasifican en (are classified into): caminos y carreteras, ferrocarriles y 158 METODO RACIONAL DE INGLES tranvías, y vías fluviales. Entre los medios de comuni¬ cación deben incluirse (should be included) también el telégrafo, el teléfono, y el telégrafo sin hilos, cuyas líneas en los Estados Unidos son las más extensas del (in the) mundo. F. Escríbase de memoria una reproducción en inglés de “Industries.” APENDICE a I CQ m D >> tí • rH CQ tí tí O CQ Sh P 00 Ó o tí 05 o ■s tí -a o a o o tí o> GO CD Í-. a o CQ tí bO tí 0> H 161 y para las demás personas will; para el condicional, should y would, respectivamente. 162 METODO RACIONAL DE INGLES LISTA DE LA CONJUGACIÓN DE LOS VERBOS INGLESES MAS COMUNES (Esta lista contiene sólo las formas que sufren inflexión. Para la conjugación completa de los tiempos, véase la página 161 .) 3 a per. sing. Participio Infinitivo Ind. presente Pretérito Gerundio Pasado to abandon abandonar abandons abandoned abandoning abandoned to abolish abolir abolishes abolished abolishing abolished to absent ausentarse absents absented absenting absented to absolve absolver absolves ) absolved absolving absolved to absorb absorber absorbs absorbed absorbing absorbed to abuse abusar abuses abused abusing abused to accent acentuar accents accented accenting accented to accept aceptar accepts accepted accepting accepted to acclaim aclamar acclaims acclaimed acclaiming acclaimed to acclimate aclimatar acclimates acclimate acclimating acclimated to accomplish lograr accomplisb.es accomplished accomplishing accomplished to accord conceder otorgar accords accorded according accorded to accost dirigirse á una persona accosts accosted accosting accosted to account dar cuenta accounts accounted accounting accounted to accredit acreditar accredits accredited accrediting accredited to accumulate acumular accumulates accumulated accumulating accumulated to accurse maldecir accurses accursed accursing accursed to accuse accuses accused accusing accused acusar APENDICE 163 Infinitivo 3 a per. sing. Ind. presente Pretérito Gerundio Participio Pasado to accustom acostumbrar soler accustoms accustomed accustoming accustomed to ache doler aches ached aching ached to achieve lograr achieves achieved achieving achieved to acknowledge reconocer acusar recibo acknowledge s acknowledged acknowledging acknowledged to acquaint informar acquaints acquainted acquainting acquainted to acquire adquirir acquires acquired acquiring acquired to acquit libertar absolver acquits acquitted acquitting acquitted to act acts acted acting acted obrar hacer operar to adapt adaptar adapts adapted adapting adapted to add agregar añadir adds added adding added to address dirigir addresses addressed addressing addressed to adduce aducir adduces adduced adducing adduced to adhere adherirse adheres adhered adhering adhered to adjoin lindar colindar adjoins adjoined adjoining adjoined to adjudge adjudicar adjudges adjudged adjudging adjudged to adjudícate adjudicar adjudicates adjudica ted adjudicating adjudicated to adjust ajustar arreglar adjusts adjusted adjusting adjusted to administer administrar administers administered administering administered to admire admirar admires admired admiring admired 164 METODO RACIONAL DE INGLES Infinitivo 3 a per. sing. Ind. presente Pretérito Gerundio Participio Pasado to admit admitir admits admitted admitting admitted to adopt adoptar adopts adopted adopting adopted to adore adorar adores adored adoring adored to adora adornar adoms adomed adoming adomed to adultérate adulterar adulterates adulterated adultera ting adulterated to advance avanzar advances advanced advancing advanced to advise aconsejar, dar consejo advises advised advising advised to advócate abogar advocates advocated advoca ting advocated tó affect afectar affects affected affecting affected to affirm afirmar affirms affirmed • affirming affirmed ^ to afflict afligir afflicts afflicted afflicting afflicted to afford proporcionar affords afforded affording afforded to affront insultar affronts affronted affronting affronted to aggrandize agrandar aggrandizes aggrandizing aggrandizing aggrandized to aggravate aumentar agravar aggravates aggravated aggravating aggravated to aggregate agregar aggregates aggregated aggregating aggregated to agítate agitar sacudir agitates agitated agitating -encorvar torcer curves curved curving curved to cut cortar partir dividir cuts cut cutting cut APENDICE 185 Infinitivo 3 a per. smg. Ind. presente Fretérito Gerundio Participio Pasado to dally f,arriar dallies dallied dallying dallied perder tiempo to dampen humedecer dampens dampened dampening dampened to dance bailar danzar dances danced dancing danced to dangle colgar pender dangles dangled dangling dangled to daré atreverse arriesgarse dares dared daring dared to darken obscurecer darkens darkened darkening darkened to dart lanzarse darts darted darting darted to dash arrojar tirar dashes dashed dashing dashed to date datar fechar dates dated clating dated to deaden amortiguar amortecer deadens deadened deadening deadened to deafen asordar ensordecer deafens deafened deafening deafened to deal distribuir tratar negociar deais dealt dealing dealt to debar excluir privar debars debarred debarring debarred to debate contender debates debated debating] £debated to debit adeudar cargar debits debited debiting debited to decay decaer decays decayed decaying decayed to deceive deceives deceived deceiving deceived engañar 186 METODO RACIONAL DE INGLES Infinitivo 8 a per. sing. Ind. presente Pretérito Gerundio Participio Pasado to decide decidir decides decided deciding decided to decipher ’ descifrar deciphers deciphered deciphering deciphered to deck ataviar decks decked decking decked to declaim recitar declaims declaimed decía iming declaimed to declare declarar declares declared declaring declared to decline excusar rehusar declines declined declining declined to decompose descomponer decomposes decomposed decomposing decomposed to decórate decorar decorates decorated decorating decorated to decry rebajar decries decried decry ing decried to dedicate dedicar dedicates dedicated dedica ting dedicated to deduce deducir deduces deduced deducing deduced to deduct deducir deducís deducted deducting, deducted to deem juzgar considerar deems deemed deeming deemed to deepen profundizar deepens deepened deepening deepened to deface afear defaces defaced defacing defaced to defame disfamar defames defamed defaming defamed to default faltar delinquir defaults defaulted defaulting defaulted to defeat HArTnta r defeats defeated defeating defeated Uvl 1 U l (U vencer to defend defender defends defended defending defended to defer defers deferred deferring deferred APENDICE 187 Infinitivo to define definir to deflect desviar to deform deformar to defraud defraudar to defray costear to defy desafiar retar to degrade degradar to deign dignarse to deject abatir to delay dilatar tardar to delegate delegar diputar to delibérate deliberar to delight deleitar to delinéate delinear to deliver entregar to demand demandar to demolish demoler to demur objetar to denomínate denominar to denote denotar 8 a per. sing. Ind. presente defines deflects deforms defrauds defrays defies degrades deigns dejects delays delegates deliberates delights delineates delivers demands demolishes demurs denominates denotes Pretérito defined deflect ed deformed defrauded defrayed defied degraded deigned dejected delayed delegated deliberated delighted delineated delivered demand ed demolished demurred denominated denoted Gerundio defining deflecting deforming defrauding defraying defying degrading deigning dejecting delay ing delegating deliberating delighting delinea ting delivering demand ing demolishing demurring denomina ting deno ting Participio Pasado defined deflected deformed defrauded defrayed defied degraded deigned dejected delayed delegated deliberated delighted delineated delivered demand ed demolished demurred denominated denoted 188 METODO RACIONAL DE INGLES Infinitivo to denounce denunciar delatar to dent abollar to deny rehusar negar to depart irse partir to depend colgar depender to depict representar to deplete agotar to deplore deplorar to deport deportar to depose deponer to deposit depositar to deprave depravar to deprécate deprecar to deprecíate depreciar to deprédate depredar to depress deprimir to deprive privar to depute diputar to derange desarreglar to deride burlar 3 a per. sing. Ind. presente denounces dents denies departs depends depicts depletes deplores deports deposes deposits depraves deprecates depreciates depredates depresses deprives deputes deranges derides Pretérito denounced dented denied depart ed depended depicted depleted deplored deported deposed deposited depraved deprecated depreciated depredated depressed deprived deputed deranged derided Gerundio denouncing denting denying departing depending depicting depleting deploring deporting deposing depositing depraving deprecating depreciating depredating depressing depriving deputing deranging deriding Participio Pasado denounced dented denied departed depended depicted depleted j deplored deported deposed deposited depraved deprecated depreciated depredated depressed deprived deputed deranged derided Infinitivo to derive derivar to descend descender to describe describir to desert desamparar dejar to deserve merecer to design idear diseñar to desígnate designar apuntar to desire desear to despair desesperar to despatch despachar to despise despreciar to despoil despojar to destine destinar to destroy destruir to detail detallar to deter disuadir to deteriórate desmejorar to determine determinar to detest detestar to detract detraer 3° per. sing. Ind. presente derives descends describes deserts deserves designs designates desires despairs despatches despises despoils destines destroys details deters deteriorates determines detests detraets APENDICE Pretérito derived descended described deserted deserved designed designated desired despaired despatched despised despoiled destined destroyed detailed deterred deteriorated determined detested detracted Gerundio deriving descending describing deserting deserving designing de signa ting desiring despairing C:"Tatching deepising desooiling destíning desíroying detailing deterring deteriorating determining detesting detracting 189 Participio Pasado derived descended described deserted deserved designed designated desired despaired despatched despised despoiled destined destroyed detailed deterred deteriorated determined detested detracted 190 METODO RACIONAL DE INGLES Infinitivo 3 a per. sing. Ind. presente Pretérito Gerundio Participio Pasado to develop desenvolver desarrollar develops developed developing developed to deviate desviarse deviate s deviated deviating deviated to devise idear inventar devises devised devising devised to devolve concernir tocar devolve s devolved devolving devolved to devote dedicar devotes devoted devoting devoted to devour devorar devours devoured devouring devoured to dew rociar dews dewed dewing dewed to diagnose diagnosticar diagnoses diagnosed diagnosing diagnosed to díctate dictar mandar dictates dictated dicta ting dictated to die morir dies died dying died to diet estar á dieta diets dieted dieting dieted to differ diferenciarse diferir differs differed differing differ ed to diffuse difundir diffuses diffused diffusing diffused to dig cavar digs dug digging dug to digest digerir digests digested digesting digested to dim obscurecer dims dimmed dimming dimmed to diminish disminuir diminish.es diminished diminishing diminished to din ensordecer dins dinned dinning dinned to dip dips dipped dipping dipped mojar APENDICE 191 Infinitivo 3 a per. sing. Ind. presente Pretérito Gerundio Participio Pasado to direct dirigir directs directed directing directed to disabuse desengañar disabuses disabused disabusing disabused to disaffect descontentar disaffects disaffected disaffecting disaffected to disagree disentir disgrees disagreed disagreeing disagreed to disappear desaparecer disappears disappeared disappearing disappeared to disappoint chasquear frustrar disappoints disappointed disappointing disappointed to disapprove desaprobar disapproves disapproved disapproving disapproved to disarm desarmar disarms disarmed disarming disarmed to disarrange desarreglar disarranges disarranged disarranging disarranged to disband desbandarse disbands disbanded disbanding disbanded to disburse desembolsar disburses disbursed disbursing disbursed to discem discernir discerns discerned disceming discerned to discharge descargar discharges discharged discharging discharged to discipline disciplinar disciplines disciplined disciplining disciplined to disclaim repudiar disclaims disclaimed disclaiming disclaimed to disclose descubrir discloses disclosed disclosing disclosed to disconnect desunir disconnects disconnected disconnecting disconnected to discontinué descontinuar discontinúes discontinued discontinuing discontinued to discount descontar discounts discounted discounting discounted to di seo ver descubrir discovers discovered discovering discovered to discredit discredits discredited discrediting ^discredited desacreditar 192 METODO RACIONAL DE INGLES Infinitivo 3 a per. sing. Ind. presente Pretérito Gerundio Participio Pasado to discrimínate diferenciar discriminates discriminated discriminating discriminated to discuss discutir discusses discussed discus sing discussed to disdain desdeñar disdains disdained disdaining disdained to disease enfermedad diseases diseased diseasing diseased to disengage librarse librar disengages disengaged disengaging disengaged to disentangle desenredar disentangles disentangled disentangling disentangled to disfigure desfigurar disfigures disfigured disfiguring disfigured to disgrace deshonrar disgraces disgraced disgracing disgraced to disguise disfrazar disguises disguised disguising disguised to disgust repugnar disgusts disgusted disgusting disgusted to dishonor deshonrar dishonors dishonored dishonoring dishonored to disinfect desinfectar disinfects disinfected disinfecting disinfected to disinherit desheredar disinherits disinherited disinheriting disinherited to disjoin desunir disjoins disjoined disjoining disjoined to disjoint dislocar disjoints disjointed disjointing disjointed to dislike no gustar desaprobar dislikes disliked disliking disliked to dislodge desalojar dislodges dislodged dislodging dislodged to dismay desanimar dismays dismayed dismaying dismayed to dismiss despedir echar dismisses dismissed dismissing dismissed to dismount dismounts dismounted dismounting dismounted desmontar APENDICE 193 Infinitivo 3 a per. sing. Ind. presente Pretérito Gerundio Participio Pasado to disobey desobedecer disobeys disobeyed di sobey ing disobeyed to dispense distribuir dispenses dispensed dispensing dispensed to disperse dispersar disperses dispersed dispersing dispersed to displace desalojar displaces displaced displacing displaced to display desplegar displays displayed displaying displayed to dispossess desposeer dispossesses dispossessed dispossessing dispossessed to disprove confutar disproves disproved disproving disproved to disregard desatender disregards disregarded disregarding disregarded to disrupt desarreglar disrupts disrupted disrupting disrupted to dissatisfy desagradar dissatisfies dissatisfied dissatisfying dissatisfied to disseminate diseminar disseminates disseminated disseminating disseminated to dissent disentir dissents dissented dissenting dissented to dissipate derrochar dissipates dissipated dissipating dissipated to dissolve disolver dissolves dissolved dissolving dissolved to dissuade disuadir dissuades dissuaded dissuading dissuaded to distinguish distinguir distinguishes distinguished distinguishing distinguished to distort falsear distorts distorted distorting distorted to distract distraer perturbar distraéis distracted distracting distracted to distribute distribuir distributes diftributed distributing distributed to distrust desconfiar distrusts distrusted distrusting distrusted to disturb disturbs disturbed disturbing disturbed turbar perturbar 194 METODO RACIONAL DE INGLES Infinitivo 3 a per. sing. Ind. presente Pretérito Gerundio Participio Pasado to disunite desunir disunites disunited disuniting disunited to dive zambullirse dives dove diving dove to divert desviar diverts diverted diverting diverted to divest despojar divests divested divesting divested to divide dividir divides divided dividing divided to divorce divorciar divorces divorced divorcing divorced to do hacer does did doing did to dock atracar docks docked docking docked to dodge escabullirse evadir dodges dodged dodging dodged to double doblar duplicar doubles doubled doubling doubled to doubt dudar doubts doubted doubting doubted to down derribar downs downed dowxxing downed to doze dormitar dozes dozed dozing dozed to draft bosquejar reclutar drafts drafted drafting drafted to drag arrastrar drags dragged dragging dragged to drape vestir drapes draped draping draped to drain desaguar drains drained draining drained to draw arrastrar draws drew drawing drawn to dread temer dreads dreaded dreading dreaded to dream soñar dreams dreamed dreaming dreamed APENDICE Infinitivo 3 a per. sing. Ind. presente Pretérito Gerundio Participio Pasado to drench empapar drenches drenched drenching drenched to dress vestir dresses dressed dressing dressed to drill ejercitar drills drilled drilling drilled to drink beber drinks drank drinking drunk to drive drive s drove driving driven impeler guiar manejar to droop gotear caer droops drooped drooping drooped to drown ahogar drowns drowned 1 drowning drowned to drum tocar el tambor drums drummed drumming drummed to dry secar dries dried drying dried to dull embotar dulls dulled dulling dulled to dump vaciar descargar dumps dumped dumping dumped to dust despolvar dusts dusted dusting dusted to dwell habitar dwells dwelled dwelling dwelled to dye teñir dyes dyed dyeing dyed to eam ganar merecer eams eamed eaming ea*med to ease aliviar suavizar eases eased easing eased to eat comer eats ate eating eaten to edify ilustrar edifies edified edify ing edified to edúcate educar educates educated educa ting educated 196 METODO RACIONAL DE INGLES Infinitivo to effect efectuar to elapse pasar to elect elegir to electrify electrizar to elope fugarse to embargo embargar to embarrass turbar desconcertar to embellish embellecer to embody incorporar to emboss repujar to embrace abrazar to emerge brotar to emit emitir to employ emplear to empower autorizar facultar to empty vaciar to enable habilitar to enact decretar to enamel esmaltar to enchant encantar to encounter encontrar 8 a per. sing. Ind. presente effects elapses elects electrifies elopes embargoes embarrasses embellishes embodies embosses embraces emerges emits employs empowers empties enable s enacts e ñaméis enchants encounters Pretérito effected elapsed elected electrified eloped embargo ed embarrassed embellished embodied embossed embraced emerged emitted employed empowered emptied enabled enacted enamelled enchanted encountered Gerundio effecting elapsing electing electrifying eloping embargoing embarrassing embellishing embodying embossing embracing emerging emitting employing empowering empty ing enabling enacting enamelling enchanting encountering Pe rticipio Pasado effected elapsed elected electrified eloped embargoed embarrassed embellished embodied embossed embraced emerged emitted employed empowered emptied enabled enacted enamelled enchanted encountered APENDICE Infinitivo 3 a per. sing. Ind. presente Pretérito Gerundio Participio Pasado to encroach abusar encroaches encroached encroaching encroached to end acabar terminar concluir ends ended ending ended to endeavor esforzarse endeavors endeavored endeavoring endeavored to endow dotar endows endowed endowing endowed to endure soportar endures endured enduring endured to enfeeble debilitar enfeebles enfeebled enfeebling enfeebled to enforce dar fuerza enforces enforced enforcing enforced to engage comprometer engages engaged engaging engaged to engrave grabar engraves engraved engraving engraved to enhance encarecer enhances enhanced enhancing enhanced to enjoy gozar enjoys enjoyed enjoying enjoyed to enlarge agrandar ampliar enlarges enlarged enlarging enlarged to enlist alistar enlists enlisted enlisting enlisted to enliven vivificar enlivens enlivened enlivening enlivened to enrage enfurecer enrages enraged enraging enraged to enrich enriquecer enriches enriched enriching enriched to enroll alistar matricular enrolls enrolled enrolling enrolled to enslave esclavizar enslaves enslaved enslaving enslaved to ensue seguir ensues ensued ensuing ensued to entail entails entailed entailing entailed vincular METODO RACIONAL DE INGLES 198 Infinitivo to enter entrar to entertain hospedar festejar to entice tentar to entitle intitular dar derecho to entreat rogar to enumérate enumerar to envelop envolver to envy envidiar to equal igualar to equip equipar to erase borrar to erect erigir to err errar to escort te , escoltar acompañar to espy divisar espiar to essay ensayar to establish establecer to esteem estimar to estimate calcular to evade evadir 3 a per. sing. Ind. presente enters entertains entices entitles entreats enumérate s envelops envies equals equips erases erects errs escorts espies essays establishes esteems estimates evades Pretérito entcred entertained enticed entitled entreated enumerated enveloped envied equalled equipped erased erected erred escorted espied essayed established esteemed estimated evaded Gerundio entering f entertaining enticing entitling entreating enumerating enveloping envying equalling equipping erasing erecting erring escorting espying essaying establishing esteeming estimating evading Participio Pasado entered entertained enticed entitled entreated enumerated enveloped envied equalled equipped erased erected erred escorted espied essayed established esteemed estimated evaded APENDICE 199 Infinitivo 3 a per. sing. Ind. presente Pretérito Gerundio Participio Pasado to even igualar evens evened evening evened to evidence evidenciar evidences evidenced evidencing evidenced to evolve desenvolver evolves evolved evolving evolved to examine examinar examines examined examining examined to exceed exceder exceeds exceeded exceeding exceeded to exchange cambiar exhanges exchanged exchanging exchanged to excite • excitar excites excited exciting excited to exclaim exclamar exclaims exclaim ed exclaiming exclaim ed to exelude excluir exeludes excluded excluding excluded to excuse excusar disculpar excuses excused excu sing excused to execute ejecutar executes executed executing executed to exempt exentar exempts exempted exempting exempted to exercise ejercitar exercises exercised exercising exercised to exert esforzar exerts exert ed exeríing exerted to exhaust apurar agotar exhaust s exhausted exhausting exhausted to exhibit exhibir exhibits exhibited exhibiting exhibited to exile desterrar exiles exiled exiling exiled to exist existir exists existed existing existed to expect esperar expeets expected expecting expected to expedite acelerar expedites expedited expediting expedited to expel arrojar expels expelled expelling expelled 200 METODO RACIONAL DE INGLES Infinitivo 3 a per. sing. Ind. presente Pretérito Gerundio Participio Pasado to experience experimentar sentir experiences experienced experiencing experienced to expire espirar expires expired expiring expired to explain explicar explains explained explaining explained ♦o explode volar estallar explodes exploded exploding exploded to explore explorar explores explored exploring explored to export exportar exports export ed exporting export ed to expose exponer exposes exposed exposing exposed to expound exponer expounds expounded expoundin. expounded to express expresar expresses expressed expressing expressed to expropriate enajenar expropiar expropriate s expropriated expropriating’ expropriated to extend extender extends extended extending extended to extermínate exterminar extermina tes exterminated exterminating exterminated to extort arrancar extorts extort ed extorting extort ed to extricate desenredar extricates extricated extricating extricated to exult regocijarse exults exulted exulting exulted to fade marchitar fades faded fading faded to fag fatigar cansar fags fagged fagging fagged to fail dejar frustrar fails failed failing failed to faint desmayarse faints fainted faintin fainted to fake fakes faked faking faked APENDICE 201 3 a per. sing. _ Participio Infinitivo Ind. presente Pretérito Gerundio Pasado tofall caer falls fell falling fell to falsify falsificar falsifies falsified falsifying falsified to fan abanicar fans fanned fanning fanned to fancy imaginar fancies fancied fancying fancied to fare pasarlo fares fared faring fared to farm cultivar labrar farms fanned farming fanned to fatten engordar fattens fattened fattening fattened to favor favorecer favors favored favoring favored to fear tener miedo fears feared fearing feared to feast festejar feasts feasted feasting feasted to feed alimentar feeds fed feeding fed to feel tentar sentir feels felt feeling felt to feign fingir feigns feigned feigning feigned to fell derribar fells felled felling felled to fence esgrimir fences fenced fencing fenced to fetch buscar ir por fetches fetched fetching fetched to fight pelear fights fought fighting fought to file limar files filed filing filed to fill llenar filis filled filling filled to find encontrar finds found finding found 202 METODO RACIONAL DE INGLES 3 a per. sing. Participio Infinitivo Ind. presente Pretérito Gerundio Pasado to fine multar fines fined fining fined to finish acabar finishes finished finishing finished to fire hacer fuego fires fired firing fired to fish pescar fishes fished fishing fished to fit ajustarse fits fitted fitting fitted to fíame flamear ñames flamed flaming flamed to flash relampaguear flashes flashed flashing flashed to flatten allanar flattens flattened flattening flattened to flavor saborear flavors flavored flavoring flavored to flee huir flees fled fleeing fled to fling arrojar fling s flung flinging flung to flirt coquetear flirts flirted flirting flirted to float flotar floats floated floating floated to flood inundar floods flooded flooding flooded to flourish florecer flourishes flourished flourishing flourished to flow fluir flows flowed flowing flowed to fly volar flies flew flying flown to foam espumar foams foamed foaming foamed to fold doblar folds folded folding folded to fool chasquear fools fooled] fooling fooled to forcé forzar forces forced forcing forced APÉNDICE 203 S a per. sing. Participio Infinitivo Ind. presente Pretérito Gerundio Pasado to foretell predecir foretells foretold foretelling foretold to forfeit perder forfeits forfeited forfeiting forfeited to forge avanzar forges forged forging forged to forget olvidar forgets forgot forgetting forgotten to forgive perdonar forgives forgave forgiving forgiven to forxn formar forms formed forming formed to formúlate formular formulates formulat formulating formulated to forsake dejar forsakes forsook forsaking forsaken to forswear abjudrar forswears forswom forswearing forswom to fortify fortificar fortifies fortified fortifying fortified to forward enviar forwards forward ed forwarding forw arded to free libertar librar frees freed freeing freed to freeze congelar freezes froze freezing frozen to frequent frecuentar frequents frequented frequenting frequented to freshen refrescar freshens freshened freshening freshened to frighten espantar frightens frightened frightening frightened to front hacer frente fronts fronted fronting fronted to frost helar frosts frosted frosting frosted to frown fruncir frowns frowned frowning frowned to fry freir fríes fried frying fried to fulfill fulfills fulfilled fulfilling fulfilled 204 METODO RACIONAL DE INGLES Infinitivo S° per. sing. Ind. presente Pretérito Gerundio Participio Pasado to fumish surtir suministrar fumishes fumished fumishing furnished to further promover furthers furthered furthering furthered to fuse fundir fuses fu sed fusing fused to gag amordazar gags gagged gagging gagged to gage medir gages gaged gaging gaged to gain ganar gains gained gaining gained to gamble jugar gambles gambled gambling gambled to gape bostezar gapes gaped gaping gaped to gargle gargarizar gargle s gargled gargling gargled to garaish aderezar gamishes gamished garnishing gamished to gather gathers gatbered gathering gathered reunir coger recoger to gaze mirar gazes gazed gazing gazed to generalize generalizar generalizes generalized generalizing generalized to generate engendrar generates generated generating generated to get adquirir conseguir gets got getting gotten to giggle reirse giggles giggled giggling giggled to gild dorar gilds gilded gilding gilded to give dar gives gave giving given to gladden alegrar gladdens gladdened gladdening gladdened to glance glances glanced glancing glanced ojear APENDICE 205 Infinitivo 3 a per. sing. Ind. presente Pretérito Gerundio Participio Pasado to glare relumbrar glares glared glaring glared to glide resbalar glides glided gliding glided to glimpse .ojear glimpses glimpsed glimpsing glimpsed to glorify glorificar glorifies glorified glorifying glorified to glory gloriarse glories gloried glory ing gloried to glove enguantar gloves gloved gloving gloved to glue encolar glues glued gluing glued to gnaw roer gnaws gnawed gnawing gnawed to go ir goes went going gone to gossip chismear gossips gossipped gossipping gossipped to govem gobernar govems governed governing governed to grace agraciar graces graced gracing graced to grade graduar grades graded grading graded to gradúate graduarse graduates graduated gradúa ting graduated to grant conceder grants granted granting granted to grasp grasps empuñar, asir grasped grasping grasped to grate rallar grates grated grating grated to gratify satisfacer gratifies gratified gratifying gratified to grease engrasar greases greased greasing greased to grieve afligir grieves grieved grieving grieved to grind moler grinds ground grinding ground RACIONAL DE INGLES 206 Infinitivo to grip agarrar empuñar to groan gemir to ground encallar to group agrupar to grow crecer to growl grañir to guarantee garantizar to guard guardar proteger to guess suponer adivinar to guide guiar to gum engomar to hail granizar aclamar to halt pararse to hammer martillar to hand entregar to handle tocar manejar to hang colgar suspender to happen acontecer succeder to harden endurecer METODO 3 a per. sing. Ind. presente grips groans grounds groups grows growls guarantees guards guesses guides gums hails halts hammers hands handle s hangs happens hardens Pretérito gripped groaned grounded grouped grew growled guaranteed guarded guessed guided gummed hailed halted hammered handed handled hung happened hardened Gerundio gripping groaning grounding grouping growing growling guaranteeing guarding guessing guiding gumming hailing halting / hammering handing handling hanging happening hardening Participio Pasado gripped groaned grounded grouped grown growled guaranteed guarded guessed guided gummed hailed halted hammered handed handled hung happened hardened APENDICE 207 Infinitivo S° per. sing. Ind. presente Pretérito Gerundio Participio Pasado to fíate detestar odiar hates hated hating hated to haul arrastrar hauls hauled hauling hauled to have haber tener has had having had to head encabezar heads headed heading headed to heal curar heals healed healing healed to heat calentar heats heated heating heated to heed atender heeds heeded heeding heeded to help ayudar auxiliar i helps helped helping helped to hide esconder hides hid' hiding hidden to hinder impedir hinders hindered hindering hindered to hit pegar golpear hits hit hitting hit to hitch enganchar hitches hitched hitching hitched to hoard amontonar hoards hoarded hoarding hoarded to hoist izar hoists hoisted hoisting hoisted ’ to hold tener retener detener holds held holding held to hole agujerear holes holed holing holed to hollow excavar hollow s hollowed hollowing hollowed to hone afilar hones honed honing honed to hop hops hopped hopping hopped saltar RACIONAL DE INGLES 208 Infinitivo to hope esperar to house albergar to howl ladrar to hug abrazar to hum canturrear to humor dar gusto to hunt cazar to hurí tirar to hurry apresurar dar prisa to hurt dañar lastimar to hush callar to ice halar to identify identificar to idle holgazanear to ignore desconocer to illuminate iluminar to illustrate ilustrar to imagine imaginar to imítate imitar to immerge sumergir to immigrate inmigrar METODO 3 a per. sing. Ind. presente hopes houses howls hugs hums humors hunts hurls humes hurts hushes ices id entifies idles ignores illuminates illustrates imagines imitates immerges immigrates Pretérito hoped housed howled hugged hummed humored hunted hurled hurried hurt hushed iced identified idled ignored illuminated illustrated imagined imitated immerged immigrated Gerundio hoping housing howling hugging humming humoring hunting hurling hurrying hurting hushing icing identifying idling ignoring illuminating illustrating imagining imitating immerging immigrating Participio Pasado hoped housed howled hugged hummed humored hunted hurled hurried hurt hushed iced identified idled ignored illuminated illustrated imagined imitated immerged immigrated APENDICE 209 Infinitivo 8 a per. sing. Ind. presente Pretérito Gerundio Participio Pasado to impair empeorar dañar impairs impair ed impairing impair ed to impart comunicar imparts impart ed impart ing impart ed to impeach acusar impeaches impeached impeaching impeached to impede impedir impedes impeded impeding impeded to impel impeler impels impelled impelling impelled to imperil arriesgar imperils imperilled imperilling imperilled to impersonate personificar representar impersonates impersonated impersonating impersonated to implícate implicar complicar implicates implicated implica ting implicated to imply decir significar implies implied implying implied to importune importunar importunes importuned importuning importuned to import importer imports imported importing imported to impose imponer imposes imposedj imposing imposed to impress imprimir impresses impressed impressing impressed to improve mejorar perfeccionar improves improved improving improved to improvise improvisar improvises improvised improvising improvised to impute imputar imputes imputed imputing imputed to inaugúrate inaugurar inaugurates inaugurated inaugurating inaugurated to incapacítate incapacitar incapacitates incapacitated incapacita ting incapacitated to incense exasperar incenses incensed incensing incensed to incite incites incited inciting incited incitar 210 METODO RACIONAL DE INGLES Infinitivo 3 a per. sing. Ind. presente Pretérito Gerundio Participio Pasado to incline inclinar inclinarse inclines inclined inclining inclined to incorpórate dar cuerpo incorporates incorporated incorporating incorporated to increase aumentar agrandar increases increased increasing increased to incúbate empollar incubar incúbate s incubated incubating incubated to incur incurrir incurs incurred incurring incurred to indent dentar indents indented indenting indented to indispose indisponer indisposes indisposed indisposing indisposed to individualiza individualizes individualizar individualized individualizing individualized to indorse endosar indorses indorsed mdorsing indorsed to induct instalar inducts inducted inducting inducted to indulge consentir gratificar indulges indulged indulging indulged to infecí infectar infecís infected infecting infected to infer inferir deducir infers inferred inferring inferred to infest infestar infests infested infesting infested to inflict imponer inflicts inflicted inflicting inflicted to influence influir influences influenced influencing influenced to inform informar avisar informs informed informing informed to infringe infringir infringes infringed infringing infringed to inhabit habitar inhabits inhabited inhabiting inhabited Infinitivo to initiate iniciar to inject inyectar to injure injuriar agraviar to inlay incrustar to inocúlate inocular to inscribe inscribir to ínsert ' insertar to insinúate insinuar to insist insistir to inspire inspirar aspirar to install instalar to instigate instigar to institute instituir to instruct instruir to insult insultar to insure asegurar to intend intentar pensar to ínter enterrar to intercept interceptar to interest interesar 3 a per. sing. Ind. presente initiates injects in jures inlay s inoculates inscribes inserís insinuates insists inspires installs instigates institutes instructs insult s insures intend s inters intercepts interests APENDICE Pretérito initiated injected injured inlaid inoculated inscribed inserted insinuated insisted inspired install ed instigated instituted instructed insulted insured intended interred intercepted interested Gerundio initiating injecting injuring inlaying inocula ting inscribing inserting insinuating insisting inspiring installing instigating instituting instructing] insulting insuring intending interring intercepting interesting 211 Participio Pasado initiated injected injured inlaid inoculated inscribed inserted insinuated insisted inspired installed instigated instituted instructed insulted insured intended interred intercepted interested 212 METODO RACIONAL DE INGLES Infinitivo 3 a per. sing. Ind. presente Pretérito Gerundio Participio Pasado to interfere ingerirse entremeterse interferes interfered interfering interfered to interject interponer interjects interjected interjecting interjected to interline interlinear interlines interlined interlining interlined to interlink eslabonar interlinks interlink ed interlinking interlinked to interpose interponer interposes interposed interposing interposed to interpret interpretar interprets interpreted interpreting interpreted to interrógate interrogar interrogates interrogated interrogating interrogated to intemipt interrumpir interrupts interrupted interrupting interrupted to intervene intervenir intervenes intervened intervening intervened to interview intrevistar interviews interviewed interviewing interviewed to introduce introducir presentar introduces introduced introducing introduced to invade invadir invades invaded invading invaded to invalídate invalidar invalidates invalidated invalidating invalidated to invent inventar invenís invented inventing invented to invert invertir inverts inverted inverting inverted to invest invertir invests invested investing invested to investígate investigar investigates investigated investigating investigated to involve envolver implicar involves involved involving involved to irrígate regar irrigates irrigated irrigating irrigated to irrítate irritar irrítate s irritated irritating irritated APENDICE 213 Infinitivo 3 a per. sing. Ind. presente Pretérito Gerundio Participio Pasado to isolate aislar isolates isolated isolating isolated to issue emitir issues issued issuing issued to itch picar itches itched itching itched to jab pinchar jabs jabbed jabbing jabbed to jam apiñar jams jammed jamming jammed to jar sacudir agitar jars jarred jarring jarred to jeer mofar jeers jeered jeering jeered to jerk sacudir jerks jerked jerking jerked to join juntar unir joins joined joining joined to joke chancear jokes joked joking joked to jolt sacudir jolts jolted jolting jolted to judge juzgar judges judged judging judged to jump saltar brincar jumps jumped jumping jumped to justify justificar justifies justified justifying justified to jut sobresalir juts jutted jutting jutted to keep guardar tener keeps kept keeping kept to kick cocear patear kicks kicked kicking kicked to kill matar kills killed killing killed to kiss besar kisses kissed kissing kissed to kneel kneels knelt kneeling knelt arrodillarse 214 METODO RACIONAL DE INGLES Infinitivo 3 a per. sing. Ind. presente Pretérito Gerundio Participio Pasado to knife acuchillar knifes knifed knifing knifed to knit entretejer knits knitted knitting knitted to knock chocar pegar golpear knocks knocked knocking knocked to knot anudar knots knotted knotting knotted to know conocer saber knows knew knowing known to lab el rotular labels labelled labelling labelled to labor trabajar labors labored laboring labored to lace atar laces laced lacing laced to lack carecer faltar lacks lacked lacking lacked to lag rezagarse lags lagged lagging lagged to lame lisiar lames lamed laming lamed to land desembarcar lands landed landing landed to lap sobreponer laps lapped lapping lapped to lapse prescribir lapses lapsed lapsing lapsed to lash azotar lashes lashed lashing lashed to last durar lasts lasted lasting lasted to laugh reir laughs laughed laughing laughed to launch botar ó echar al agua launch es launched launching launched to lay lays laid laying laid poner colocar APENDICE 215 Infinitivo 3 a per. sing. Ind. presente Pretérito Gerundio Participio Pasado to lead llevar conducir guiar leads led leading led to leak gotear leaks leaked leaking leaked to leap saltar brincar leaps leaped leaping leaped to learn aprender learns leamed leaming leamed to lease arrendar leases leased leasing leased to leave dejar partir irse leaves left leaving left to legislate legislar legislates legislated legislating legislated to lend prestar lends lent lending lent to lengthen alargar lengthens lengthened lengthening lengthened to let dejar permitir lets let letting let to level nivelar Jevels levelled levelling levelled to license licenciar licenses licensed licensing licensed to lick lamer licks licked licking licked to lie mentir lies lied lying lied to lie echarse lies lay lying lain to lift alzar lifts lifted lifting lifted to light encender alumbrar lights lighted lighting lighted to like gustar querer likes liked liking liked to lirnit limits limited limiting limited limitar 216 METODO RACIONAL DE INGLES 3 a per. sing. Participio Infinitivo Ind. presente Pretérito Gerundio Pasado to limp cojear limps limped limping limped to line alinear forrar lines lined lining lined to linger demorar lingers lingered lingering lingered to link enlazar links linked linking linked to lisp cecear tisps lisped lisping lisped to list poner en lista lists listed listing listed to live vivir lives lived living lived to load cargar loads loaded loading loaded to loan prestar loans loaned loaning loaned to lock cerrar locks locked locking locked to lodge alojar lodges lodged lodging lodged to loiter vagar loiters loiter ed loitering loitered to look mirar ojear looks looked looking looked to lose perder malograr loses lost losing lost to love amar querer loves loved loving loved to lower bajar descender lowers lowered lowering lowered to lure atraer lures lured luring lured to magnify aumentar magnifies magnified magnifying magnified to mail echar al correo mails mailed mailing mailed to make makes made making made hacer APENDICE 217 Infinitivo to man tripular to manage manejar manipular to maneuver maniobrar to manifest manifestar to march marchar caminar to mark marcar to marry casar to marvel maravillar to mash amasar to mask enmascarar to mass juntar to master vencer dominar to match emparejar to materia lize materializar to matter importar convenir to mature madurar may poder to mean querer decir to measure medir to meddle meterse 3 a per. sing. Ind. presente mans manages maneuvers manifests marches marks marríes marvels mashes masks masses masters matches materializes matters ma tures may means measures meddles Pretérito manned managed maneuvered manifested marche d marked married marvelled mashed masked massed mastered matched materialized mattered matured might meant measured meddled Gerundio manning managing maneuvering manifesting marching marking marry ing marvelling mashing masking massing mastering matching materializing mattering maturing meaning measuring meddling Participio Pasado manned managed maneuvered manifested marched marked married marvelled mashed masked massed mastered matched materialized mattered matured meant measured meddled 218 METODO RACIONAL DE INGLES Infinitivo 8 a per. sing. Ind. presente Pretérito Gerundio Participio Pasado to medícate medicinar medicates medicated medicating medicated to medítate meditar meditates meditated meditating meditated to meet encontrar meets met meeting met to melt derritir fundir melts melted melting melted to memorize memorizes aprender de memoria memorized memorizing memorized to mend componer mends mended mending mended to mention mencionar mentions P mentioned mentioning mentioned to merge unir fundir merges merged mergíng merged to mesh enredar meshes meshed meshing meshed to methodize metodizar methodizes methodized methodizing methodized to milk ordeñar milks milked milking milked to mili moler milis milled milling milled to mind atender minds minded minding minded to mine minar mines mined mining mined to mingle mezclar mezclarse mingles mingled mingling mingled to mint acuñar mints minted minting minted to misapply misapplies hacer mal uso de entender mal misapplied misapplying misapplied to miscarry frustrarse miscarries miscarried miscarrying miscarried to misfit ajustar mal misfits misfitted misfitting misfitted to mislay mislays mislaid mislaying mislaid extraviar APENDICE Infinitivo to mislead despistar to mismatch desigualar to misplace extraviar traspapelar to miss errar to mistake equivocar errar to mistrust recelar to mitígate mitigar to mix mezclar to moan gemir to mob amotinarse tumultuar to mock mofar to model modelar to modérate moderarse to modernizo modernizar to modify modificar to modulate modular to moisten humedecer to molest molestar to moor amarrar to moralize moralizar 8 a per. sing. Ind. presente misleads mismatch.es misplaces misses mistakes mistrusts mitigates -ó. .-iá . mixes moans mobs mocks models moderates modernizes modifies modulates moistens molests moors moralizes Pretérito misled mismatched misplaced missed mistook mistrusted mitigated mixed moaned mobbed mocked modelled moderated modemized modified modulated moistened molested moored moralized Gerundio misleading mismatching misplacing missing mistaking mistrusting mitigating mixing moaning mobbing mocking modelling moderating modemizing modify ing modula ting moistenening molesting mooring moralizing Participio Pasado misled mismatched misplaced missed mistaken mistrusted mitigated mixed moaned mobbed mocked modelled moderated modemized modified modulated moistened molested moored moralized 220 METODO RACIONAL DE INGLES Infinitivo to mortify mortificar to motion hacer señas to mould moldear to mount subir to mourn lamentarse deplorar to move moverse mudar to multiply multiplicar to murder asesinar to murmur murmurar must deber tener que to mutiny amotinarse to muzzle embozar to nab prender to nail clavar to ñame nombrar to nap dormitar to nárrate narrar to narrow estrechar to nationalize nacionalizar to need necesitar 3 a per. sing. Ind. presente mortifies motions moulds mount s mourns moves multiplies murders murmurs must mutinies muzzles nabs nails ñames naps narrates narrows nationalizes needs Pretérito mortified motioned moulded mounted moumed moved multiplied murder ed murmurred must mutinied muzzled nabbed nailed named napped narrated narrow ed nationalized needed Gerundio mortifying motioning moulding mounting mouming moving multiplying mur dering murmuríng mutinying muzzling nabbing nailing naming napping narrating narrowing nationalizing needing Participio Pasado mortified motioned moulded mounted mourn ed moved multiplied murder ed murmurred mutinied muzzled nabbed nailed named napped narrated narrowed nationalized needed APENDICE 221 Infinitivo to neglect descuidar to negotiate negociar to nest anidar to neutralize neutralizar to nip coger cortar to nomínate nombrar to nose oler olfatear to note notar to notice notar observar to nourish nutrir to nullify anular to number numerar contar to numérate numerar to nurse criar cuidar to obey obedecer to object objetar to oblige obligar to oblitérate borrar to obscure obscurecer to observe observar 3 a per. sing. Ind. presente neglects negotiates nests neutralizes nips nominates noses notes notices nourishes nullifies numbers numerates nurses obeys objects obliges obliterates obscures observes Pretérito neglected negotiated nested neutralized nipped nominated nosed noted noticed nourished nullified number ed numerated nursed obeyed objected obliged obliterated obscured observed Gerundio neglecting negotiating nesting neutralizing nipping nominating no sing noting noticing nourishing nullify ing numbering numerating nursing obeying objecting obliging obliterating obscuring ) observing Participio Pasado neglected negotiated nested neutralized nipped nominated nosed noted noticed nourished nullified number ed numerated nursed obeyed objected' obliged obliterated [obscured observed METODO RACIONAL DE INGLES 222 Infinitivo to obstruct obstruir to obtain ’ obtener to obtrude imponer to obvíate obviar to occasion ocasionar to occupy ocupar to occur ocurrir to offend ofender to offer ofrecer to ofñciate oficiar to offset balancear to oil aceitar engrasar to omit omitir to ooze manar to open abrir to opérate obrar operar to oppose oponer to oppress oprimir to ordain ordenar to order pedir ordenar 3 a per. sing. Ind. presente obstructs obtains obtrudes obviates occasions occupies occurs offends offers officiates offsets oils omits oozes opens operates opposes oppresses ordains orders Pretérito obstructed obtained obtruded obviated occasioned occupied occurred offended offer ed officiated offset oiled omitted oozed opened operated opposed oppressed ordained ordered Gerundio obstructing obtaining obtruding obviating occasioning occupying occurring offend ing offering officiating offsetting oiling omitting oozing opening operating opposing oppressing ordaining ordering Participio Pasado obstructed obtained obtruded obviated occasioned occupied occurred offended offered officiated offset oiled omitted oozed opened operated opposed oppressed ordained ordered APENDICE 223 Infinitivo 3 a per. sing. Ind. presente Pretérito Gerundio Participio Pasado to organize organizar organizes organized organizing organized to ornament ornamentar ornament s ornamented ornamenting ornamented ought deber ought to oust desposeer echar ousts ousted ousting ousted to outclass exceder outclasses outclassed outclassing outclassed to outdo sobrepujar outdoes outdid outdoing outdone to outfit equipar outfits outfitted outfitting outfitted to outgo aventajar outgoes outwent outgoing outgone to outline delinear outlines outlined outlining outlined to outrage ultrajar outrages outraged outraging outraged to outweigh preponderar outweighs outweighed outweighing outweighed to overbear sojuzgar agobiar overbears overbore overbear ing overborne to overbid pujar overbids overbid overbidding overbid to overcharge sobrecargar overcharges overcharged overcharging overcharged to overeóme vencer overcomes overcame over coming overeóme to overdo exagerar overdoes overdid overdoing overdone to overflow overflows salir de madre overflowed overflowing overflowed to overlive sobrevivir overlives overlived overliving overlived to overload recargar overloads overloaded overloading overloaded to overlook overlooks pasar por alto overlooked overlooking overlooked to overmatch overmatches overmatched overmatching overmatched superar 224 METODO RACIONAL DE INGLES Infinitivo to oversee vigilar to overset volcar to overthrow derrocar volcar to owe deber adeudar to own poseer tener to pacify pacificar to pack empacar to pad rellenar to paddle bogar to page paginar to pain doler to paint pintar to pair emparejar parear to palé palidecer to pant jadear to parade asar revista acer gala to paraphrase parafrasear to parcel partir to pare mondar to parley parlamentar 3 a per. sing. Ind. presente oversees oversets overthrows owes OTOS pacifies packs pads paddles pages pains paints pairs pales pants parades paraphrases pareéis pares par lies Pretérito oversaw overset overthrew owed owned pacified packed padded paddled paged pained painted paired paled panted paraded paraphrased parcelled pared parlied Gerundio overseeing oveisetting overthrowing owing owning pacifying packing padding paddling paging paining painting pairing paling panting parading paraphrasing parcelling paring parlying Participio Pasado overseen overset overthrown owed owned pacified packed padded paddled paged pained painted paired paled panted paraded paraphrased parcelled / pared parlied APENDICE 225 3 a per. sing. Infinitivo Ind. presente Pretérito Gerundio Participio Pasado to part partir repartir dividir parts parted parting parted to partake participar partake s partook partaking partaken to pass pasar passes passed passing passed to pat acariciar país patted patting patted to patch remendar patch.es patched patching patched to patronize patrocinar patronizes patronized patronizing patronized to pattern copiar pattems patterned patterning patterned to pause pausar pauses paused pausing paused to pave pavimentar pavés paved paving paved to pawn empeñar pawns pawned pawning pawned to pay pagar pays paid paying paid to peck picotear pecks pecked pecking pecked to peddle revender peddles peddled peddling peddled to peel mondar peels peeled peeling peeled to peep atisbar peeps peeped peeping peeped to pen escribir pens penned penning penned to penétrate penetrar penetrates penetrated penetrating penetrated to people poblar colonizar peoples peopled peopling peopled to perfect perfeccionar perfects perfected perfecting perfected to perform performs performed performing performed ejecutar desempeñar 226 METODO RACIONAL DE INGLES Infinitivo to perjure perjurar to permit permitir to permute permutar to perpétrate perpetrar to perplex confundir to persecute perseguir to persevere perseverar to persist insistir to personalize personalizar to perspire sudar to persuade persuadir to pertain pertenecer to pervert pervertir to pet mimar to petition suplicar to petrify pertrificar to philosophize filosofar 3 a per. sing. Ind. presente perjures permits permutes perpetrates perplexes persecutes perseveres persists personalizes perspires persuades pertains perverts pets petitions petrifies Pretérito perjured permitted permuted perpetrated perplexed persecuted persevered persisted personalized perspired persuaded pertained pervert ed petted petitioned petrified Gerundio perjuring permitting permuting perpetrating perplexing persecuting persevering persisting personalizing perspiring persuading pertaining perverting petting petitioning petrifying Participio Pasado perjured permitted permuted perpetrated perplexed persecuted persevered persisted personalized perspired persuaded pertained pervert ed petted petitioned petrified philosophizes philosophized philosophizing philosophized to photograph fotografiar photographs photographed photographing photographed to pick picar escoger picks picked picking picked to pickle escabechar pickles pickled pickling pickled to picture pintar pictures pictured picturing pictured APENDICE Infinitivo 8 a per. sing. Ind. presente Pretérito Gerundio Participio Pasado to pierce agujerear pierces pierced piercing pierced to pile amontonar piles piled piling piled to pilot guiar pilots piloted piloting piloted to pinch pellizcar pinches pinched pinching pinched to pin fijar pins pinned pinning pinned to pitch arrojar pitches pitched pitching pitched to pity compadecer pities pitied pitying pitied to plácate aplacar placates placated placating placated to place colocar places placed placing placed poner to plait plegar plait s plaited plaiting plaited to plan trazar proyectar plans planned planning planned to plañe allanar acepillar planes planed planing planed to plant sembrar plantar plants planted planting planted to plaster enyesar plasters plastered plastering plastered to píate platear planchear plates plated plating plated to play jugar tocar plays played playing played to plead defender pleads plead ed pleading plead rogar to please gustar pleases pleased pleasing pleased to pledge pledges pledged pledging pledged prometer empeñar 228 METODO RACIONAL DE INGLES Infinitivo 3° per. sing. Ind. presente Pretérito Gerundio Participio Pasado to plot tramar urdir plots plotted plotting plotted to plug tapar obturar plugs plugged plugging plugged to plumb aplomar plumb s plumb ed plumbing plumb ed to plume desplumar plumes plumed pluming plumed to plunge zambullir chapuzar plunge s plunged plunging plunged to pluralize pluralizar pluralizes pluralized pluralizing pluralized to ply ejercer practicar plies plied plying plied to pocket embolsar pockets pocketed pocketing pocketed to point apuntar points pointed pointing pointed to poise equilibrar poises poised poising poised to poke atizar hurgar pokes poked poking poked to polish polishes polished polishing polished pulir lustrar bruñir to poli empadronar polis polled polling polled to ponder reflexionar ponders pondered pondering pondered to pop soltar espetar pops popped popping popped to popularize popularizar popularizes popularized popular izing popularized to popúlate poblar populates populated populating populated to possess possesses possessed possessing possessed APENDICE Infinitivo 8 a per. sing. Ind. presente to post anunciar apostar situar posts to postpone diferir aplazar postpones to pound golpear pounds to pour derramar pours to powder pulverizar empolvar powders to practice practicar ejercitar ejercer practices to pray rezar rogar pedir prays to preach predicar preaches to preelude evitar excluir preeludes to precipítate precipitar precipitates to preconceive concebir precopceives to predestinate predestinar predestinates to predict predecir prediets to prefer preferir prefers to prefix prefijar prefixes to prejudice predisponer prejudices to preoccupy preocupar preoccupies to prepare prepares preparar Pretérito posted Gerundio posting postponed postponing pounded pounding poured pouring powdered powdering practiced practicing prayed praying preached preaching precluded precluding precipitated precipitating preconceived preconceiving predestinated predestinating predicted predicting preferred preferring prefixed prefixing prejudiced prejudicing preoccupied preoccupying prepared preparing 229 Participio Pasado posted postponed pounded poured powdered practiced prayed preached precluded precipitated preconceived predestinated predicted preferred prefixed prejudiced preoccupied prepared 230 METODO RACIONAL DE INGLES Infinitivo 8 a per. sing. Ind. presente Pretérito Gerundio Participio Pasado to prepossess predisponer prepossesses prepossessed prepossessing prepossessed to prescribe prescribir recetar prescribes prescribed prescribing prescribed to present presentar presents presented presenting presented to press aprensar prensar presses pressed pressing pressed to presume presumir presumes presumed presuming presumed to pretend aparentar pretender pretends pretended preten ding pr entended to prevail prevalecer prevails prevailed prevailing prevailed to prevent prevenir impedir prevents prevented preventing prevented to prey rapiñar preys preyed preying preyed to price valorar prices priced pricing priced to prick punzar pricks prick ed pricking pricked to pride preciarse prides prided priding prided to print imprimir print s printed printing printed to probe indagar probes probed probing probed to proce ed seguir proseguir proceeds proceeded proceeding proceeded to proclaim proclamar proclaims proclaim ed proclaiming proclaimed to procrastinate diferir procrastinates procrastinated procrastinating procrastinated to procure lograr procures procured procuring procured to produce producir exhibir produces produced producing produced APENDICE 231 Infinitivo to profane profanar to profess profesar pretender to progress adelantar progresar to prohibit prohibir vedar to project echar arrojar to prolong prolongar to promise prometer to promote promover fomentar to prompt impulsar apuntar to promúlgate promulgar to pronounce pronounciar to propágate propagar to propel impeler to prophesy profetizar to propitiate propiciar to proportion proporcionar ajustar to propose proponer declararse to prorogue diferir aplazar 8 a per. sing. Ind. presente profanes professes progresses prohibit s projects prolongs promises promotes prompt s promulgates pronounces propagates propels prophesies propitiates proportions proposes prorogue'» Pretérito profaned professed progressed prohibited projected prolonged promised promoted prompt ed promulgated pronounced propagated propelled prophesied propitiated proportioned proposed prorogued Gerundio profaning professing progressing prohibiting projecting prolonging promising promoting prompting promulgating pronouncing propagating propelling prophesying propitiating proportioning proposing proroguing Participio Pasado profaned professed progressed prohibited projected prolonged promised promoted prompt ed promulgated pronounced propagated propelled prophesied propitiated proportioned proposed prorogued 232 METODO RACIONAL DE INGLES Infinitivo to proscribe proscribir to pro secute procesar acusar to prospect explorar to prostrate tender to protect proteger amparar to protract prolongar alargar to protrude sobresalir to prove probar demostrar to provid e proveer prevenir to provoke provocar to prune podar cortar to pry espiar acechar atisbar to publish publicar editar to puff hinchar inflar soplar to pug rellanar to pulí tirar de halar arrastrar to pulse pulsar 3 a per. sing. Ind. presente proscribes prosecutes prospects prostrates protects protracts protrudes proves provides provokes prunes pries publishes puffs pugs pulís pulses Pretérito proser ib ed prosecuted prospect ed prostrated protected protracted protruding proved provided provoked pruned pried published puffed pugged pulled pulsed Gerundio proscribing prosecuting prospecting prostrating protecting protracting protruding proving providing provoking pruning prying publishing puífing pugging pulling pulsing Participio Pasado proscribed prosecuted prospected prostrated protected protracted protruded proved provided provoked pruned pried published puffed pugged pulled pulsed APENDICE 233 3 a per. sing. Infinitivo Ind. presente Pretérito Gerundio to pump bombear pumps to punch punzar horadar punches to puncture agujerear punctures to punish castigar punishes to purchase comprar purchases to purge purgar purges to purify purificar purifies to purport significar purport s to purpose proponer proponerse purposes to purse embolsar purses to pursue perseguir seguir pursues to push empujar pushes to put colocar poner puts to puzzle embrollar confundir puzzles to qualify habilitar calificar qualifies to quarrel reñir pelear quarrels to quarter cuartear alojar quarters to quash sofocar reprimir quashes pumped pumping punched punching punctured puncturing punished punishing purchased nurchasing purged purging purified purify ing purported purporting purposed purposing pursed pursing pursued pursuing pushed pushing put putting puzzled puzzling qualified qualifying quarrelled quarrelling quartered quartering quashed quashing Participio Pasado pumped punched punctured punished purchased purged purified purported purposed pursed pursued pushed put puzzled qualifíed quarrelled quartered quashed 234 METODO RACIONAL DE INGLES Infinitivo 3 a per. sing. Ind. presente Pretérito Gerundio Participio Pasado to quench apagar quenches quenched quenching quenched to question preguntar dudar questions questioned questioning questioned to quicken vivificar quickens quickened quickening quickened to quiet aquietar quiets quieted quieting quieted to quill desplumar quills quilled quilling quilled to quit dejar parar quits quitted quitting quitted to quiver temblar quivers quiver ed quivering quivered to quote citar cotizar quotes quoted quoting quoted to race oorrer competir races raced racing raced to rack torturar racks racked racking racked to rage rabiar rages raged raging raged to raid invadir raids raided raiding raided to rail cercar rails railed railing railed to rain llover rains rained raining * rained to raise levantar alzar raises raised r ai sing raked to rake rastrillar rakes raked raking raked to rally reunir rehacer rallies rallied rally ing rallied to ram pisonear atestar rams rammed ramming rammed to ramble r ambles rambled rambling rambled vagar APENDICE 235 Infinitivo 3 a per. sing. Ind. presente Pretérito Gerundio Participio Pasado to range recorrer fluctuar ranges ranged ranging ranged to rank clasificar ordenar ranks ranked ranking ranked to rap golpear raps rapped rapping rapped to rarefy rarificar rarefies rarefied rarefying rarefied to rate tasar rates rated rating rated to ratify ratificar ratifies ratified ratify ing ratified to rave delirar desvariar raves raved raving raved to reach alargar alcanzar llegar reaches reached reaching reached to read leer reads read reading read to reap segar cosechar reaps reaped reap ing reaped to rear educar rears reared rearing reared to reason probar razonar reasons reasoned reasoning reasoned to rebel rebelarse rebels rebelled rebelling rebelled to rebound repercutir rebotar rebounds rebounded rebounding rebounded to rebuild reedificar rebuilds rebuilt rebuilding rebuilt to rebuke increpar reprochar rebukes rebuked rebuking rebuked to recall revocar destituir recalls recall ed recalling recall ed to recede recedes receded receding receded cejar retroceder 236 METODO RACIONAL DE INGLES 3 a per. sing. Participio Infinitivo Ind. presente Pretérito Gerundio Pasado to receive recibir receives received receiving received to reciprócate ser recíproco reciprocates reciprocated reciprocating reciprocated to recite referir recitar declamar recites recited reciting recited to reckon contar calcular reckons reckoned reckoning reckoned to reclaim reclamar reclaims reclaimed reclaiming reclaimed to recline reclinar reclines reclined reclining reclined to recognize reconocer recognizes recognized recognizing recognized to recoil recular recoils recoiled recoiling recoiled to recollect recordar recollects recollected recoil ecting recollected to recommend recomendar recommends recommended recommending recommended to recompense recompensar recompenses recompensed recompensing recompensed to reconcile reconciliar reconciles reconciled reconciling reconciled to reconnoiter reconocer explorar reconnoiters reconnoiter ed reconnoitering reconnoitered to reconsider repensar reconsiders reconsider ed reconsidering reconsidered to reconstruc' 1 ' reedificar reconstructs reconstructed reconstructing reconstructed to record registrar inscribir records recorded recording recorded to recount referir recontar recounts recounted recounting recounted to recoup desquitarse recoups recouped recouping recouped to recover recobrar recovers recovered recovering recovered APENDICE 237 Infinitivo to recreate recrear to rectify rectificar to recupérate recuperar to recur repetirse to redden enrojecer to redeem redimir to redress enderezar reparar to reduce reducir to refer referir referirse to reflect reflejar reflexionar to reform reformar to refrain refrenar refrenarse to reíresh refrescar renovar to refrigérate refrigerar to refund restituir reintegrar reembolsar to refute refutar to regain recobrar to regard observar mirar respetar 3 a per. sing. Ind. presente recreates rectifies recuperates recurs reddens redeems redresses reduces refers reflects reforms refrains refreshes refrigerates refunds refutes regains regards Pretérito recreated rectified recuperated recurred reddened redeemed redressed reduced referred reflected reform ed refrained refreshed refrigerated refund ed refuted regained regarded Gerundio recreating rectifying recuperating recurring reddening redeeming redressing reducing referring reflecting reforming refraining refreshing refrigerating refunding refuting regaining regarding Participio Pasado recreated rectified recuperated recurred reddened redeemed redressed reduced referred reflected reformed refrained refreshed refrigerated refunded refuted regained regarded 238 METODO RACIONAL DE INGLES Infinitivo to regenérate regenerar to register registrar inscribir to regret sentir deplorar to regúlate regular to rehearse ensayar to reign reinar to reinstate reinstalar to reject rechazar rehusar to rejoice regocijar alegrar to rejoin reunirse to rejuvenate rejuvenecer to relapse recaer to relate relatar to release soltar libertar to relieve relevar aliviar to relinquish abandonar to relish gustar to rely confiar to remain quedar 3 a per. sing. Ind. presente regenerates registers regrets regulates rehearses reigns reinstate6 rejects rejoices rejoins rejuvenates relapses relates releases relieves relinquishes relishes relies remains Pretérito regenerated registered regretted regulated rehearsed reigned reinstated rejected rejoiced rejoin ed rejuvenated relapsed related released relieved relinquished rejished relied remain ed Gerundio regenerating registering regretting regulating rehearsing reigning reinstating rejecting rejoicing rejoining rejuvenating relapsing relating releasing relieving relinquishing relishing relying remaining Participio Pasado regenerated registered regretted regulated rehearsed reigned reinstated rejected rejoiced rejoin ed rejuvenated relapsed related released relieved relinquished relished relied remain ed APENDICE 239 Infinitivo 3 a per. sing. Ind. presente to remark observar advertir remarks to remedy remediar remedies to remember recordar acordarse de remembers to remind recordar reminds to remit remesar remitir remits to remonstrate objetar remonstrates to remove remover quitar removes to remunérate remunerar remunerates to rend rasgar desgarrar rends to renew renovar renews to renounce renunciar renounces to renovate renovar renovates to rent alquilar arrendar rents to repair componer remendar repairs to repay repagar repays to repeal derogar repeals to repeat repetir repeats to repel repeler repels to repent arrepentirse repents Pretérito remarked Gerundio remarking remedied remedying remembered remembering reminded reminding remitted remitting remonstrated remonstrating removed removing remunerated remunerating rended rending renewed renewing renounced renouncing renovated renovating rented renting repaired repairing repaid repaying repealed repealing repeated repeating repelled repelling repented repenting Participio Pasado remarked remedied remembered reminded remitted remonstrated removed remunerated rended renewed renounced renovated rented repaired repaid repealed repeated repelí ed repented 240 METODO RACIONAL DE INGLES Infinitivo S° per. sing. Ind. presente Pretérito Gerundio Participio Pasado to replace reemplazar reponer replaces replaced replacing replaced to replenish rellenar replenishes replenished replenishing replenished to reply contestar replies replied replying replied to report informar reports report ed report ing report ed to repose descansar reposes reposed reposing reposed to reprehend reprender reprehends reprehended reprehending reprehended to represent representar represents represented representing represented to repress reprimir represses repressed repressing repressed to reprimand reprender reprimand s reprimanded reprimanding reprimanded to reprint reimprimir reprint s reprinted reprinting reprinted to reproach reprochar reproaches reproached reproaching reproached to reproduce reproducir reproduces reproduced reproducing reproduced to reprove reprobar reproves reproved reproving reproved to republish reimprimir republishes republished republishing republished to repudiate repudiar repudiates repudiated repudiating repudiated to repulse repulsar repulses repulsed repulsing repulsed to repute reputar reputes reputed reputing reputed to request rogar pedir requests requested requesting requested to require requerir exigir requires required requiring required to rescind rescindir rescinds rescinded rescinding rescinded APENDICE 241 8 a per. sing. Infinitivo Ind. presente Pretérito Gerundio Participio Pasado to rescue rescatar salvar rescues rescu ed rescu ing rescued to researeh buscar researches researched researching researched to resemble asemejarse resembles resembled resembling resembled to resent resentirse de resents resented resenting resented to reserve reservar reserves reserved reserving reserved to reship reembarcar reships reshipped reshipping reshipped to reside residir resides resided residing resided to resign dimitir resigns resigned resigning resigned to resist resistir resists resist ed resisting resist ed to resolve resolver resolves resolved resolving resolved to resort acudir resorts resort ed resorting resorted recurrir to resound repetir resonar resounds resound ed resounding resounded to respect respetar respects respected respecting respected to respond responder responds responded responding responded to rest descausar reposar rests rested resting rested to restore restaurar restores restored restoring restored to restrain refrenar restrains restrained restraining restrained to restrict restringir restricts restricted restricting restricted to result resultar result s resulted resulting resulted to resume reasumir resumes resumed resuming resumed 242 METODO RACIONAL DE INGLES 8 a per. sing. Participio Infinitivo Ind. presente Pretérito Gerundio Pasado to retail retails vender al menudeo retail ed retailing retailed to retain retener retains retained retaining retained to retard retardar retards retarded retarding retarded to retire retirarse retires retir ed retiring retired to retort replicar retorts retorted retorting retort ed to retouch retocar retouches retouched retouching retouched to retract retractar retracts retracted retracting retracted to retreat retirarse retreats retreated retreating retreated to retrieve recuperar retrieves retrieved retrieving retrieved to retum volver devolver returns returned returning returned to reveal revelar reveáis revealed revealing revealed to revenge vengar vengarse de revenges revenged revenging revenged to revere reverenciar reveres revered revering revered to reverse trastrocar invertir reverses reversed reversing reversed to revert retroceder reverts reverted revert ing reverted to review revisar repasar reviews reviewed reviewing reviewed to revise revisar revises revised revising revised to revive resucitar revivir revives revived reviving revived to revolt rebelarse revolts revolted revolting revolted levantarse APENDICE 243 Infinitivo 3 a per. sing. Ind. presente Pretérito Gerundio Participio Pasado to revolve rodar revolves revolved revolving revolved girar to reward premiar recompensar rewards rewarded rewarding rewarded to ríd rids desembarazar librar rid ridding rid to ride cabalgar rides rodé riding ridden to ridicule ridiculizar ridicules ridiculed ridiculing ridiculed to rifle robar rifles rifled rifling rifled to rig ataviar rigs rigged rigging rigged to rhyme rimar rhymes rhymed rhyming rhymed to ring rodear tocar rings rang ringing rung to rinse enjuagar rinse s rinsed rinsing rinsed to rip rasgar romper rips ripped ripping ripped to ripen madurar ripens ripened ripening ripened to rise subir levantarse rises rose rising risen to risk arriesgar risks risked risking risked to rival competir rivalizar rivals rivaled rivaling rivaled to roar rugir bramar roars roared roaring roared ío roast asar tostar roasts roasted roasting roasted to rob robs robbed robbing robbed robar 244 METODO RACIONAL DE INGLES Infinitivo 3 a per. sing. Ind. presente Pretérito Gerundio Participio Pasado to robe ve3tir robes robed robing robed to rock mecer rocks rocked rocking rocked to roll girar enrollar rolls rolled rolling rolled to room alojarse rooms roomed rooming roomed to rope atar ropes roped roping roped to rot pudrirse rots rotted rotting rotted to round redondear rounds rounded rounding rounded to rouse despertar rouses roused rousing roused to rout derrotar routs routed routing routed to rove vagar roves roved roving roved to row pelearse rows rowed rowing rowed to rub restregar fregar rubs rubbed rubbing rubbed to ruffle arrugarse ruffles ruffled ruffling ruffled to ruin arruinar ruins ruined ruining ruined to rule gobernar rules ruled ruling ruled to rumble retumbar rumbles rumbled rumbling rumbled to rummage revolver rummages rummaged rummaging rummaged to run correr runs ran running run to rush precipitarse rushes rushed rushing rushed to rust rusts enmohecerse aherrumbrarse rusted rusting rusted APENDICE 245 Infinitivo Ind. presente Pretérito Gerundio Pasado to sack ensacar saquear sacks sacked sacking sacked to sacrifice sacrificar sacrifices sacrificed sacrificing sacrificed to sadden entristecer saddens saddened saddening saddened to sail navegar sails sailed sailing sailed to salt salar salpresar salts salted salting salted to salute saludar salutes saluted saluting saluted to sample probar catar s ampies sampled sampling sampled to sanction sancionar sanctions sanctioned sanctioning sanctioned to sap minar saps sapped sapping sapped to satiate saciar satiates satiated satiating satiated to satisfy satisfacer satisfies satisfied satisfying satisfied to satúrate saturar saturates saturated saturating saturated to save salvar ahorrar saves saved saving saved to say decir says said saying said to scald escaldar scalds scalded scald ing scalded to scale escalar scales scaled scaling scaled to scandalize difamar escandalizar scandalizes scandalized scandalizing scandalized to seare asustar scares scared scaring scared to scatter esparcir scatters scatter ed scatter ing scatter ed to scent husmear scents scented scenting scented METODO RACIONAL DE INGLES 246 Infinitivo to scheme tramar to scoff mofarse to scold regañar to scorch chamuscar to scorn despreciar to scrape raspar to scream chillar to screen abrigar to screw atornillar to scrub fregar to seal sellar to search buscar to season sazonar to second apoyar to secure asegurar procurarse to see ver to seek buscar to seem parecer to seize agarrar coger to select escoger to sell vender 8 a per. sing. Ind. presente schemes scoff s scolds scorches scorns scrapes screams screens screws scrubs seáis searches seasons seconds secures sees seeks seems seizes selects sells Pretérito schemed scoffed scolded scorched scorned scraped screamed screened screwed scrubbed sealed searched seasoned seconded secured saw sought seemed seized selected sold Gerundio scheming scoffing scolding scorching scoming scraping screaming screening screwing scrubbing sealing searching seasoning seconding securing seeing seeking seeming seizing selecting selling Participio Pasado schemed scoffed scolded scorched scorned scraped screamed screened screwed scrubbed sealed searched seasoned seconded secured seen sought seemed seized selected sold APENDICE 247 8 a per. sing. Participio Infinitivo Ind. presente Pretérito Gerundio Pasado to send enviar mandar sends sent sending sent to sentence sentenciar sentences sentenced sentencing sentenced to sepárate separar separates separated separating separated to serve servir serves served serving served to set fijar poner sets set setting set to settle arreglar settles settled settling settled to sever separar severs severed severing severed to sew coser sews sewed sewing sewed to shade sombrear shades shaded shading shaded to shadow anublar shadows shadowed shadowing shadowed to shake sacudir menear shakes shook shaking shaken to sham simular shams shammed shamming shammed to shame avergonzar shames shamed shaming shamed to shape modelar shapes shaped shaping shaped to share dividir participar shares shared sharing shared to sharpen afilar sharpens sharp ened sharp ening sharp ened to shave afeitar shaves sha ved shaving shaved to shed derramar sheds shed shedding shed to shell descascarar shells shelled shelling shelled to shelter shelters sheltered sheltering sheltered guarecer albergar 248 METODO RACIONAL DE INGLES Infinitivo 3° per. sing. Ind. presente Pretérito Gerundio Participio Pasado to shift cambiar shifts shift ed shifting shift ed to shine , lucir relucir shines shone shining shone to ship embarcar remesar ships shipped shipping shipped to shiver tiritar shivers shiver ed shivering shivered to shock horrorizar shocks shocked shocking shocked to shoot fusilar disparar shoots shot shooting shot to shop ir de tiendas shops shopped shopping shopped to shorten acortar shortens shortened shortening shortened to shout vocear gritar shouts shouted shouting shouted to show mostrar enseñar shows showed showing showed to shrink encogerse shrinks shrunk shrinking shrunken to shuffle barajar shuffles shuffled shuffling shuffled to shunt desviar shunts shunt ed shunting shunted to shut cerrar shuts shut shutting shut to sicken enfermar sickens sicken ed sickening sickened to sift cerner sifts sifted sifting sifted to sight avistar sights sight ed sighting sighted to sign firmar signs signed signing signed to signify significar signifies signified signifying signified to silence hacer callar silences silenced silencing silenced APENDICE Infinitivo 3 a per. sing. Ind. presente Pretérito Gerundio Participio Pasado to sin pecar sins sinned sinning sinned to sing cantar sings sang singing sung to single singularizar separar singles singled singling singled to sink hundirse sinks sank sinking sunk to sit sentarse sits sat sitting sat to size medir sizes sized sizing sized to sketch trazar bosquejar sketches sketched sketching sketched to skim desnatar skims skimmed skimming skimmed to skin desollar despellejar skins skinned skinning skinned to skip skips pasar por alto skipped skipping skipped to skirt ladear skirts skirt ed skirting skirted to slacken aflojar slackens slackened slackening slackened to slam slams cerrar de golpe slammed slamming slammed to slander calumniar slander s slandered slandering slandered to slant sesgar slants slant ed slanting slant ed to slap pegar abofetear slaps slapped slapping slapped to slash acuchillar slashes slashed slashing slashed to slaughter matar slaughters slaughter ed slaughtering slaughter ed to slave esclavizar slaves slaved slaving slaved to slay matar slays slew slaying slain 250 METODO RACIONAL DE INGLES Infinitivo 8 a per. sing. Ind. presente Pretérito Gerundio Participio Pasado to sleep dormir sleeps slept sleeping slept to slice tajar slices sliced slicing sliced to slide resbalar delizarse slides slid sliding slid to slight despreciar slights slight ed slighting slighted to sling lanzar slings slung slinging slung to slip deslizar slips slipped slipping slipped to slit rajar slits slit slitting slit to slop verter slops slopped slopping slopped to slope inclinarse slopes sloped sloping sloped to slow retardar slows slowed slowing slowed to slur menospreciar slurs slurred slurring slurred to smack hacer sonar smacks smacked smacking smacked to smart escocer smart s smart ed smarting smart ed to smash romper quebrar smashes smashed smashing smashed to smell olfatear oler smells smell ed smelling smelled to smile sonreir smiles smiled smiling smiled to smite golpear smites smote smiting smitten to smoke fumar smokes smoked smoking smoked to smooth allanar smooths smoothed smoothing smoothed to smother ahogar smothers smothered smothering smothered APENDICE 251 Infinitivo 3 a per. sing. Ind. presente Pretérito Gerundio Participio Pasado to snap chasquear snaps snapped snapping snapped to snatch arrebatar snatches snatched snatching snatched to sneak sneaks escurrir el bulto sneaked sneaking sneaked to sniff husmear sniffs sniff ed sniffing sniff ed to snooze dormitar snoozes snoozed snoozing snoozed to snore roncar snores snored snoring snored to snort resoplar snort s snort ed snort ing snort ed to snow nevar snows snowed snowing snowed to snub desarrar snubs snubbed snubbing snubbed to snug ajustar snugs snugged snugging snugged to soak empapar remojar soaks soaked soaking soaked to soap enjabonar soaps soaped soaping soaped to soar remontarse soars soared soaring soared to soften ablandar softens softened softening softened to solace solapar solaces solaced solacing solaced to solder soldar solders soldered soldering soldered to solicit solicitar solicits solicited soliciting solicited to solidify solidificar solidifies solidified solidify ing solidified to solve resolver solves solved solving solved to soothe calmar soothes soothed soothing soothed to sound sondar sonar sound s sounded % sounding sounded 252 Infinitivo to sour cortarse to sow sembrar to space espaciar to spade azadonar to spank zurrar to spare ahorrar escatimar to spark chispear to sparkle chispear to spatter salpicar to speak hablar to specialize especializar to specify especificar to speck manchar to speculate especular to speed acelerar avivar to spell deletrear to spend gastar consumir to spice sazonar to spill derramar verter to spit escupir METODO RACIONAL DE INGLES 8 n per. sing. Ind. presente Pretérito Gerundio Participio Pasado sours soured souring soured sows sowed sowing sowed spaces spaced spacing spaced spades spaded spading spaded spanks spanked spanking spanked spares spared sparing spared sparks sparked sparking sparked sparkle s sparkled sparkling sparkled spatters spattered spattering spattered speaks spoke speaking spoken specializes specialized specializing specialized specifies specified specifying specified specks specked specking specked speculates speculated speculating speculated speeds sped speeding sped spells spelled spelling spelled spends spent spending spent spices spiced spicing spiced spills spilled spilling spilt spits spit spitting spit Infinitivo to splash salpicar to splatter chapotear to splint entablillar to split dividir partir to spoil estropear to sport ostentar to spot manchar notar to spout brotar to spread tender esparcir to spring saltar brincar to sprinkle rociar regar to sprout germinar to spur espolear to spurt brotar to spy espiar to square cuadrar to squash aplastar to squeak chirriar to squeal delatar to squeeze apretar APENDICE 8 a per. sing. Ind. presente Pretérito Gerundio Participio Pasado splashes splashed splashing splashed splatters splattered splattering splattered splints splinted splinting splinted splits split splitting split spoils spoiled spoiling spoiled sports sported sporting sported spots spotted spotting spotted spouts spouted spouting spouted spreads spread spreading spread springs sprung springing sprung sprinkles sprinkled sprinkling sprinkled sprouts sprouted sprouting sprouted spurs spurred spurring spurred spurt s spurt ed spurting spurted spies spied spying spied squares squared squaring squared squash.es squashed squashing squashed squeaks squeaked squeaking squeaked squeals squealed squealing squealed squeezes squeezed squeezing squeezed 253 254 METODO RACIONAL DE INGLES Infinitivo 3 a per. sing. Ind. presente Pretérito Gerundio Participio Pasado to stab herir stabs stabbed stabbing stabbed to stack apilar stacks srtacked stacking stacked to stage representar stages staged staging staged to stain manchar stains stain ed staining stained to stake apostar arriesgar stakes staked staking staked to stale enranciarse stales staled staling staled to stamp estampar sellar stamps stamped stamping stamped to stampede ahuyentar stampedes stampeded stampeding stampeded to stand poner de pie resistir stands stood standing stood to stare fijar la vista stares stared staring stared to start empezar iniciar start s start ed start ing started to state exponer declarar states stated stating stated to station apostar stations stationed stationing stationed to stay parar quedarse stays stayed staying stayed to steal robar hurtar steals stole stealing stolen to steam steams generar vapor steam ed steaming steamed to steer gobernarse steers steered steering steered to stem represar stems stemmed stemming stemmed to step dar un paso steps stepped stepping stepped pisar APENDICE Infinitivo 3 a per. smg. Ind. presente to stew estofar stews to stick meter clavar stick s to stiffen endurecer stiffens to stifle sofocar stifles to still acallar stills to sting picar stings to stink heder stinks to stir agitar menear stirs to stitch coser stitches to stock proveer abastecer stocks to stone apedrear stone s to stoop agacharse stoops to stop detener parar stops to store acopiar almacenar stores to stow aprensar meter stows to straighten enderezar straightens to strain estirar forzar strain s to straiten estrechar straitens to strand encallar strands Pretérito stewed Gerundio stewing stuck sticking stiffened stiffening stifled stifling stilled stilling stung stinging stank stinking stirred stirring stitched stitching stocked stocking stoned stoning stooped stooping stopped stopping stored storing stowed stowing straightened straightening strained straining straitened straitening stranded stranding Participio Pasado stewed stuck stiffened stifled stilled stung stunk stirred stitched stocked stoned stooped stopped stored stowed straightened strained straitened stranded 256 METODO RACIONAL DE INGLES Infinitivo 8 a per. sing. Ind. presente Pretérito Gerundio Participio Pasado to strangle estrangular strangles strangled ctrangling strangled to strap liar straps strapped strapping strapped to stray extraviarse strays strayed straying strayed to streak rayar streaks streaked streaking streaked to stream fluir streams streamed streaming streamed to strengthen reforzar strengthens strengthened strengthening strengthened to stress insister stresses stressed stressing stressed to stretch extender alargar stretches stretched stretching stretched to stride strides montar á horcajadas strode striding stridden to strike golpear pegar strikes struck striking struck to strip desnudar despojar strips stripped stripping stripped to stripe rayar stripes strip ed striping strip ed to strive esforzarse strives strove striving striven to stroke frotar strokes stroked stroking stroked to stroll pasearse strolls strolled strolling strolled to strop asentar strop s stropped stropping stropped to struggle luchar struggles struggled struggling struggled pugnar to study estudiar studies studied studying studied to stuff rellenar stuff s stuff ed stuffing stuff ed to stumble tropezar stumbles stumbled stumbling stumbled APENDICE Infinitivo 8 a per. sing. Ind. presente Pretérito Gerundio to stun aturdir atontar stuns stunned stunning to stupefy atontar stupefies stupefied stupefy ing to subdue subyugar subdues subdued subduing to subject sujetar subjects subjected subjecting to sublease subarrendar subleases subleased subleasing to sublet subarrendar sublets sublet subletting to submerge sumergir submerges submerged submerging to submit someter submit s submitted submitting to subscribe subscribir subscribes subscribed subscribing to subserve servir subserves subserved subserving to subside calmarse subsides subsided subsiding to subsist subsistir subsists subsisted subsisting to substitute substituir substitutes substituted substituí ing- to succeed suceder lograr succeeds succeeded succeeding to succumb sucumbir succumbs succumbed succumbing to suck chupar sucks sucked sucking to sue demandar su es sued suing to suffer sufrir suffers suffered suffering. to suffice bastar suffices sufficed sufficing to sugar azucarar sugar s sugared sugaring to suit cuadrar suits suited suiting convenir 25? Participio Pasado stunned stupefied subdued subjected subleased sublet submerged; submitted subscribed, subserved subsided subsisted substitutedi succeeded succumbed» sucked sued suffered; sufficed sugaredj suited. 258 METODO RACIONAL DE INGLES Infinitivo to sum sumar to summon citar to superpose sobreponer to supersede sobreseer to supply suplir to support sostener to surcharge sobrecargar recargar to surface allanar to surmise conjeturar to surname apellidar to surpass sobrepujar to surprise sorprender to surrender rendir rendirse to surround rodear to survey apear inspeccionar to survive sobrevivir to suspect sospechar to suspend suspender to sustain sostener to swallow tragar 8 a per. sing. Ind. presente suma summons superposes supersedes supplies supports surcharge s surface s surmises surnames surpasses surprises surrenders surround s surveys survives suspects suspenda sustains swallows Pretérito summed summoned superposed superseded supplied supported surcharged surfaced surmised surnamed surpassed surprised surrendered surrounded surveyed survived suspected suspended sustain ed swallowed Gerundio summing summoning superposing superseding supplying supporting surcharging surfacing surmising surnaming surpassing surprising surrendering surrounding survey ing surviving suspecting suspending sustaining swallowing Participio Pasado summed summoned superposed superseded supplied supported surcharged surfaced surmised surnamed surpassed surprised surrendered surrounded surveyed survived suspected suspended sustained swallowed APENDICE 259 Infinitivo 3 a per. sing. Ind. presente Pretérito Gerundio Participio Pasado to swamp sumergir swamps swamp ed swamping swamped to swap cambiar swaps swapped swapping swapped to sway inclinar 6ways swayed swaying swayed to swear jurar swears swore swearing sworn to sweat sudar sweats sweat ed sweating sweat (sweated) to sweep barrer sweeps swept sweeping swept to sweeten endulzar sweetens sweetened sweetening sweetened to swell hinchar swells swelled swelling swelled to swim nadar swims swam swimming swum to swing mecer swings swung swinging swung to switch azolar desviar switches switched switching switched to sympathize simpatizar compadecerse sympathizes sympathized sympathizing sympathized to taboo prohibir taboos tabooed tabooing tabooed to tack clarar tacks tacked tacking tacked to tackle agarrar tackles tackled tackling tackled to tag rotular tags tagged tagging tagged to tail añadir tails tailed tailing tailed to take tomar llevar takes took taking taken to talk hablar charlar talks talked talking talked to tallow tallows tallowed tallowing tallowed ensebar METODO RACIONAL DE INGLES 260 Infinitivo to tame domar amansar to tan curtir to tangle enredar to tap horadar to tar embrear to tarnish deslustrar to tarry tardar to taste gustar probar to tax tasar gravar to teach enseñar to tear desgarrar romper to tease fastidiar chotear to teem rebosar to telegraph telegrafiar to telephone telefonar to tell decir to temper templar to tend guardar cuidar to tender ofrecer proponer 3 a per. sing. Ind. presente tames tans tangle s taps tars tamishes tarries tastes taxes teaches tears teases teems telegraphs telephones tells tempers tends tenders Pretérito tamed tanned tangled tapped tarred tarnished tarried tasted taxed taught tore teased teemed telegraphed telephoned told tempered tended tender ed Gerundio taming tanning tangling tapping tarring tarnishing tarrying tasting taxing teaching tearing teasing teeming telegraphing telephoning telling tempering tending tendering Participio Pasado tamed tanned tangled tapped tarred tarnished tarried tasted taxed taught tora teased teemed telegraphed telephoned told tempered tended tendered APENDICE Infinitivo 8 a per. sing. Participio Ind. presente Pretérito Gerundio Pasado to term nombrar terms termed terming termed to termínate terminar terminates terminated terminating terminated to test probar ensayar tests tested testing tested to testify testificar testifies testified testify ing testified to thank agradecer thanks thanked thanking thanked to thicken espesar thickens thickened thickening thickened to thin aclarar adelgazar thins thinned thinning thinned to think pensar creer thinks thought thinking thought to thirst tener sed thirsts thirsted thirsting thirsted to thrash trillar thrashes thrashed thrashing thrashed to thread enhebrar threads threaded threading threaded to threaten amenazar threatens threatened threatening threatened to thrill estremecerse thrills thrilled thrilling thrilled to thrive medrar thrives thrived throve thriving thriven to throb latir throb s throbbed throbbing throbbed to throng atestar throngs thronged thronging thronged to throw echar tirar throw s threw throwing thrown to thrust introducir meter acometer thrust s thrust thrusting thrust to thump aporrear thumps thump ed thumping thump ed to thunder tronar thunders thundered thundering thundered 262 METODO RACIONAL DE INGLES Infinitivo 3 a per. sing. Ind. presente Pretérito Gerundio Participio Pasado to thwart frustrar thwart s thwarted thwarting thwarted to tickle tickles hacer cosquillas tickled tickling tickled to tie atar amarrar ties tied tying tied to tighten apretar tightens tightened tightening tightened to till labrar tills tilled tilling tilled to tilt ladear tilts tilted tilting tilted to tin estañar tins tinned tinning tinned to tint colorar tints tinted tinting tinted to tip gratificar ladearse tips tipped tipping tipped to tire cansar cansarse tires tired tiring tired to toast tostar brindar toasts toast ed toasting toasted to toil trabajar toils toiled toiling toiled to toll tañer tolls tolled tolling tolled to tone templar tones toned toning toned to torment atormentar torments tormented tormenting tormented to torture torturar tortures tortured torturing tortured to toss tirar lanzar tosses tossed tossing tossed to touch tocar tentar touches touched touching touched to toughen endurecer toughens toughened toughening toughened APENDICE 263 Infinitivo 3 a per. sing. Ind. presente Pretérito Gerundio Participio Pasado to tow remolcar tows towed towing towed to tower campanario elevarse towers towered towering towered to toy jugar toys toyed toying toyed to trace trazar descubrir traces traced tracing traced to trade negociar traficar trades traded trading traded to trail arrastrar trails trailed trailing trailed to train educar adiestrar trains train ed training train ed to trammel trabar trammels trammeled trammeling trammeled to tramp vagabundear tramps tramp ed tramping tramped to transact tramitar transact s transacted transacting transacted i to transcribe transcribir transcribes transcribed transcribing transcribed to transfer transferir transfers transí erred transí erring transí erred to transform transformar transforms transformed transforming transformed to transíate traducir translates translated translating translated to transmit transmitir transmits transmití ed transmitting transmitted to transmute transmutar transmutes transmuted transmuting transmuted to transport transportar transports transport ed transporting transported to trap atrapar traps trapped trapping trapped to treasure atesorar treasures treasured treasuring treasured to treat treats treated treating treated tratar 264 METODO RACIONAL DE INGLES Infinitivo 3 a per. sing. Ind. presente Pretérito Gerundio Participio Pasado to treble triplicar trebles trebled trebling trebled to tremble temblar trembles trembled trembling trembled to trend dirigirse tender trends trended trending trended to trespass violar trespasses trespassed trespassing trespassed to trick engañar tricks tricked tricking tricked to trifle bromear malgastar trifles trifled trifling trifled to trim recortar arreglar trims trimmed trimming trimmed to trip trompicar trips tripped tripping tripped to triumph triunfar triumphs triumphed triumphing triumphed to troop atroparse troops trooped trooping trooped to trouble turbar molestar troubles troubled troubling troubled to truck traficar vender trucks trucked trucking trucked to trust confiar trusts trusted trusting trusted to try probar ensayar tries tried trying tried to tuck arremangar tucks tucked tucking tucked to tug remolcar tugs tugged tugging tugged to tumble caer tumbles tumbled tumbling tumbled to tune templar afinar tunes tuned tuning tuned to tum tums tumed turning turned volver voltear APENDICE 265 Infinitivo 3 a per. sing. Ind. presente Pretérito Gerundio Participio Pasado to tutor enseñar tutors tutored tutoring tutored to twist torcer twists twisted twisting twisted to typewrite typewrites escribir á máquina typewrote typewriting typewritten to typify representar typifies typified typify ing typified to unbend enderezar unbends unbent unbending unbent to unbutton desabrochar unbuttons unbuttoned unbuttoning unbuttoned to uncase desenvainar uncases uncased uncasing uncased to uncoil desenrollar uncoils uncoiled uncoiling uncoiled to uncork destapar uncorks uncorked uncorking uncorked to uncover destapar descubrir uncovers uncovered uncovering uncovered to undergo sufrir undergoes underwent undergo ing undergone to underlay reforzar underlays underlaid underlaying underlaid to undermine undermines undermined undermining undermined socavar minar to undersell malbaratar undersells undersold underselling undersold to undersign subscribir undersigns undersign ed undersigning undersign ed to understand entender comprender understands understood understanding understood to undertake emprender undertake s undertook undertaking undertaken to undervalue undervalues undervalued undervaluing undervalued menospreciar to underwrite subscribir underwrites underwrote underwriting underwritten to undo undoes undid undo ing undone anular deshacer 266 METODO RACIONAL DE INGLES 8 a per. sing. Participio Infinitivo Ind. presente Pretérito Gerundio Pasado to undress desnudar undresses undressed undressing undressed to unfasten desatar unfastens unfastened unfastening unfastened to unfold desplegar unfolds unfold ed unfolding unfolded to unharness desenganchar unharnesses unharnessed unharnessing unharnessed to unhinge desgoznar unhinges unhinged unhinging unhinged to unhook desenganchar unhooks unhooked unhooking unhooked to unite unir juntar unites united uniting united to unlace desenlazar desatar unlaces unlaced unlacing unlaced to un load descargar unloads unloaded unloading unloaded to unmask desenmascarar unmasks unmask ed unmasking unmasked to unravel desenredar unravels unravelled unravelling unravelled to unroll desarrollar unrolls unrolled unrolling unrolled to unscrew destornillar unscrews unscrewed unscrewing unscrewed to unseat unseats quitar de un asiento unseated unseating unseated to untie desatar unties untied untying untied to unveil descubrir unveils unveil ed unveiling unveiled to upset trastornar tumbar volcar upsets upset upsetting upset to urge impeler estimular urges urged urging urged to use usar uses used using used emplear APENDICE 267 Infinitivo 3 a per. sing. Participio Ind. presente Pretérito Gerundio Pasado to usher introducir ushers ushered ushering ushered to utter proferir utters uttered uttering uttered to vacate evacuar vacates vacated vacating vacated to vaccinate vacunar vaccinates vaccinated vaccinating vaccinated to valué valuar preciar valúes valued valuing valued to vanish desvanecerse desaparcer vanishes vanished vanishing vanished to vanquish vencer vanquishes vanquished vanquishing vanquished to varnish barnizar vamishes vamished vamishing vamished to vary variar varíes varied varying varied to vent desahogar vents vented venting vented to venturo osar aventurarse v entures ventured venturing ventured to verify verificar verifies verified verify ing verified to verse rimar verses versed versing versed to view ver mirar views viewed viewing viewed to vilify difamar vilifies vilified vilify ing vilified to vindícate vindicar vindicates vindicated vindicating vindicated to vise visar vises vised vising vised to visit visitar visits visited visiting visited to vitiate viciar vitiates vitiated vitiating vitiated to vocalize vocalizar vocalizes vocalized vocalizing vocalized RACIONAL DE INGLES 268 Infinitivo to voice expresar to void anular to volunteer ofrecerse to vote votar to vouch atestiguar garantizar to voyage viajar to vulgarize vulgarizar to wade vadear to wag sacudir to wage emprender to wager apostar to wait esperar aguardar to wake despertar to waken despertar to walk andar caminar to wall emparedar to waltz valsar to wander vagar to wane menguar to want necesitar querer METODO 3 a per. sing. Ind. presente voices voids volunteers votes vouches voyages vulgarizes wades wags wages wagers waits wakes wakens walks walls waltzes wanders wanes wants Pretérito voiced voided volunteered voted vouched voyaged vulgarized waded wagged waged wagered waited waked wakened walked walled waltzed wandered waned wanted Gerundio voicing voiding volunteering voting vouching voyaging vulgarizing wading wagging waging wagering waiting waking wakening walking walling waltzing wandering waning wanting Participio Pasado voiced voided volunteered voted vouched voyaged vulgarized waded wagged i waged wagered waited waked wakened walked walled waltzed wandered waned wanted APENDICE 269 Infinitivo 8 a per. sing. Ind. presente to war guerrear wars to ward guardar wards to warm calentar warms to warrant garantir warrants to wash lavar bañar washes to waste malgastar wastes to watch velar vigilar watches to water regar waters to weaken debilitar weakens to wear usar llevar wears to wed casarse weds to weed escardar weeds to weep llorar weeps to weigh pesar weighs to weld soldar welds to wet mojar wets to wheel rodar wheels to wheeze jadear wheezes to whip azotar fustigar whips to whirl girar whirls Pretérito warred Gerundio warring warded warding warmed warming warranted warranting washed washing wasted wasting watched watching watered watering weakened weakening wore wearing wedded wedding weeded weeding wept weeping weighed weighing welded welding wet wetting wheeled wheeling wheezed wheezing whipped whipping whirled whirling Participio Pasado warred warded warmed warranted washed wasted watched watered weakened wom wedded weeded wept weighed welded wet wheeled wheezed whipped whirled METODO RACIONAL DE INGLES 270 Infinitivo to whisper cuchichear to whistle silbar to whiten blanquear to widen ensanchar to will querer to win ganar vencer to wind enrollar dar cuerda to wink pestañear guiñar to winter invernar to wire telegrafiar to wish desear querer to wisp cepillar to withdraw retirar to wither marchitar to withhold retener detener to witness presenciar to wonder extrañarse to word redactar to work trabajar labrar 3 a per. sing. Ind. presente whispers whistle s whitens widens wills wins winds winks winters wires wishes wisps withdraws withers withholds witnesses wonders words works Pretérito whispered whistled whitened widened willed won winded wound winked wintered wired wished wisped withdrew withered withheld witnessed wondered worded worked Gerundio whispering whistling whitening widening willing winning winding winking wintering wiring wishing wisping withdrawing withering withholding witnessing wondering wording working Participio Pasado whispered whistled whitened widened willed won wound winded winked wintered wired wished wisped withdrawn withered withheld witnessed wondered worded worked APENDICE 271 Infinitivo to worry molestar preocupar to worst vencer to wrap envolver to wreathe enroscar to wreck arruinar to wrench arrancar to wrest arraucar to wring exprimir to wrinkle arrugar to write escribir to wrong agraviar to yawn bostezar to yeam anhelar to yell vociferar to yield rendir ceder 8 a per. sing. Ind. presente worries worsts wraps wreath.es wreck s wr enches wrests wrings wrinkles writes wrongs yawns yearns yells yields Pretérito worried worsted wrapped wreathed wrecked wrenched wrested wrung wrinkled wrote wrong ed yawned yearned yelled yield ed Gerundio worry ing worsting wrapping wreathing wrecking wrenching wresting wringing wrinkling writing wronging yawning yeaming yelling yielding Participio Pasado worried worsted wrapped wreathed wrecked wrenched wrested wrung wrinkled written wronged yawned yearned yelled yielded DICCIONARIO INGLÉS-ESPAÑOL Y ESPAÑOL-INGLÉS EL MAS COMPLETO DE LOS PUBLICADOS HASTA EL DlA REDACTADO Con presencia del de Clifton, Bustamante y de los mejores Diccionarios Españoles é Ingleses, los de la Real Academia Española, Salvá, Worcester, etc. POR Arturo ANGELI REVISADO POR J. Me LAUGHLIN Oficial de Instrucción pública, profesor de lengua inglesa en el instituto comercial de Paria y autor del Nuevo Diccionario Inglés-Francés, etc. PRECIO . . . $2.50 LIBRERIA DE LAGO 156 WEST 14TH STREET, NEW YORK De no mandar el dinero con el pedido ordénelo y pague al recibir •• , -.-IV DICCIONARIO Español-Inglés é Inglés-Español DE APPLETON Contiene más de cuatro mil vocablos modernos y veinte mil acepciones, voces técnicas y modismos que no se encuentran en ningún otro diccionario de esta clase, con los modos fundamentales de los verbos irregu¬ lares y la pronunciación de cada palabra por medio de un nuevo y sencillísimo sistema de representación fonética POR ARTURO CUYAS PRECIO | Con Indice Sin Indice $4.00 3.50 LIBRERIA DE LAGO 156 WEST 14TH STREET, NEW YORK De no mandar el dinero con el pedido ordénelo y pague al recibir ■ . ’ i oiiar / - ■ . ' ■ * * ' t Deacidifíed using the Bookkee Neutralizing agent: Magnesiun, VAIUO Treatment Date: Oct. 2006 PreservationTechnologies A WORLD LEADER IN PAPER PRESERVATE». preservation 111 Thomson Park Orive Cranberry Township. PA 16066 (724) 779-2111 I