Author Y * ^ *« "> Title Class .J..S Book!.H?S^-jXl-G. Copy a Imprint ■ CENTENNIAL NATIONAL SONGS A Nil A N 1^ H E M S ; '• I! , I ^9K^|o«Mor lh« jottrtli of jHlyJf i Ta ihe Peoplr of the Vvitnl SkUea, avil h, l/ir JJiniv.< vhofmiylil for Cnliiiiibia'.-i Jvdfije'iKhruf. and thoi,fnrfi hnndred yeai:'i,Hii!e right. COLUMBIA, LAND OF THE FREE. Columbia, land of the free. Home of the noble braves, Who swore a hundred years ago They'd be no longer slaves. A hundred years ago, They rose up in their might, To perish by the foe. Or triumph in the right. Columl)ia, land of the free. In spite of scoffer's sneers. Thou hast maintained tin- liberty. And liv'd a hundred years. A hundred years have pass'd, By thee improv'd so well, That all the nations haste Thy children's swell. Columbia, bid tliy children raise Their voices high to-day^ Deeds of their uoble sires to praise. Wlio long have pass'd away From earth to homes above, In realms of endless light. Where all is peace and love. And foes with foes unite. Columbia, bid thy children raise Their voices high to-day, Tlte great preserving power to praise ; And pray Him speed the day When earth, like Heaven above. Shall l:>e from error free. And rul'd by eternal love All shall united be. Then nations shall no longer learn The cruel art of war, Nor shall mankind with envy burn Each other's works to mar ; But all shall dwell in peace. Like that in Heaven above, From earth all wars shall cease- Hate be destroy'd by love. Oh ! haste the time, Oh, Lord, The nations all unite ; Control them by thy word, and bid The might be with the right. We praise thee, Lord, to-day, For all thy mercies past. And for Columbia pray ; Lord, keep her still steadfast. May she a model be, we pray, Throughout all comiug time. To lead the nations up till they Perfections heights shall climb. To this end, Lord, create A Are that shall consume Corruption in each State, Oblivion be its tomb. Then shall Columbia rise and shine, ^ A light to ev'ry nation ; Nor shall she through all coming time, Know want or desolation. Her people all sh-all be With peace and plenty crown 'd, Nor want or misery In all her land be found. COLUMBIA. THE HOPE OF THE WORLD. Ring out ! ye merry bells, ring out ! For joy let all the people shout, A hundred years have pass'd away Since Columbia's natal day ; A hundred years with dangers rife Tenaciously she's clung to life ; A hundred years ago to-day She rous'd her for the coming fray. In spite of tyrant's scoffs and sneers. She has survived a hundred years ; Without a rival now she stands A beacon light to other lands. 9 Colulnbia'^s foe?;, where are they now? They've! died, or changed their minds, I trow And now in her centennial year, All natio)is come to swell the cheer. I Her sons and daughters meet to raise Her many glorious deeds to ]>raise) ; They come with trophies to adorn The brow of hex they once did scorn. In spite of tyrant's scotts and sneers, She has surviv'd a hundred years ; Without a rival now she stands A beacon light to other lands. They come from every land on earth To celebrate Columbia's birth, From north and south, from east and west. Upon her hallow'd soil to rest ; To glory in her growing fame, And add new lustre to her name ; To help to swell her nation's cheers, And crown her Queen of a hundred years. In spite of tyrant's scoffs and sneers, She has surviv'd a hundred years; Without a rival now she stands ' A beacon light to other lands. Oh shout, ye people, shout for joy. Let Freedom's praise your pow'rs employ, For Freedom's spirit 'tis that 's borne Columbia safe through ev'ry storm. Right nobly has she held her course. Borne onward with resistless force Of Freedom's mighty spirit, till Her glorious fame the world doth fill. 10 lu spite of tyrant's scoffs aud sneer? She shall survive a thousand years Without a rival now she stands A beacon light to other lands. THE GREAT CENTENNIAL ANTHEM. 'T is done ; the great transaction 's done ; The battles have been fought and won. Columbia's triumph is complete ; To honor her the nations meet; They come her brow to crown, And add to her renown ; To listen to her story, And in her fame to glory ; To help to swell her nation's cheers, And crown her Q.ueen of a hundred years. Awake ! awake ! tlie glorious song, And let its echoes roll abong ; O'er ev'ry land, o'er ev'ry sea. Ring out the triumphs of the free. Let ocean unto ocean roar, Their praises sound on ev'ry shore, Bid the nations all rejoice. With cheerful heart and voice. To swell Columbia's children's cheerii, And crown her Queen of a hundred years. 11 Triumphaut now her banner waves. Thank God ! no longer over slaves : But proudly now, o'er land and sea, It waves, just emblem of the free. The vict'ry is, indeed, complete. And proudly now the nations meet Upon her soil, to share her glory, Spread abroad her wondrous story : Their voices add to swell her cheers, And crown her <^ueen of a hundred years. Triumphant since, her banner waves, Thank God ! no longer over slaves. Since her triumph is complete, Proudly all the nations meet. To honor her for her success, And glory in her righteousness. God grant her grace, we pray, That she may, day by day, Onward and upward her course pursue. To Freedom, Truth and Justice true. COLUMBIA'S SONG OF T RIUMPH. FOR 1876, Awake ! awake ! to-daj', the song ; Let music roil in waves along. From ]Maine to California's coast. Awaken Freedom's mighty host. Let all in retrospection view The scenes Columbia has passed through ; Behold the victories she has won In the century now just done. Chorus — To-day let Freedom's song arise In triumph upward to the skies. 12 Awake, to-day, sweet freedom's song, Let music sweet be borne along Upon the wings of every breeze That sweeps across the inland seas Of fair Columbia's broad domain. From mountain, valley, hill and plain, Let freedom's song of triumph rise. In grandeur swelling to the sl\;ies. Chorus — To-day let Freedom's song arise In triumph upward to the skies. From every stream or brooklet flowing. Past fields where grass or grain is growing. Where forest wave and flowers bloom. And till the air with sweet perfume; Where grows the Cottonwood and pine, Where delves the miner in the mine ; From all let Freedom's song arise. As grateful incense, to the skies. Chorus — To-day let Freedom's song arise In triumph upward to the skies. Where rolls her commerce to the seas. Borne by the force of steam or breeze ; Where in her shops, or oh her soil, Her .sons and daughters daily toil, Within Columbia's broad domain. From all these, let the glad refrain <^f freedom's joyous song ring out ; For joy let all the people shout. Chorus — To-day let Freedom's song arise In triumph upward to the skies. 13 Where swiftly speeds along the track. The iron horse, from out whose stack The smoke and soot streams on the air, Let Freedom's song wake echo there. Where grows the orange and the lime, Columbia, in thj' southern clime, God grant thej^, too, learn Freedom's song, And help the right to conquer wrong. Chorus — From all let Freedom's. song arise, To-day, in triumph to the skies. Let North and .South their voices Idend ; To-day let all our bickerings end, And all who breathe, in all thy lands, Be bound in friendship's holy bands. Let love thy people all unite — Columbia to sustain the right — Then in a hundred years from now. There'll he more cause for joy, we trow. Chorus — And Freedom's joyous song shall rise From all the world to blending skies. THE GREAT CENTENNIAL SHOW Oh, is n't this a grand affair, This great Centennial Show They have at Philadelphia, Where all the nations go ? From England, France and Germany, From Italy and Spain, They come to Philadelphia, the wat'ry main, 14 Chorus — With us to sing Columbia's praise, Aud wonder at her story, And pray, through all her coming days, She may increase in glory. From Eussia, too, and Austria, From Sweden and Denmark, They come to see Columbia, Her vast improvements mark. From Egypt, too, in Africa, Frora China and Japan, From Greece they come, and Turkey, And far off Hindoostan, Chorus — With us to sing Columbia's praise, And wonder at her story. And pray, through all her coming days, She may increase in glory. In fact, from all the world This year the nations come ; Their flags are all unfurl'd Within Columbia's home. From all the islands of the seas To Philadelphia they, Borne thitherward by steam and breeze, This year have made their way, Chorus — With us to sing Columbia's praise, And wonder at her story, And pray, through all her coming days She may increase in glory. If) oil, wliat would our forefathers say, And our foreniothers, too. If they eould only go this day The wondi'ous show to view. Tliey 'd scarcely know Columbia, With all lier modern styles. Her railroads and telegrai)hs, 80 uaany thousand miles. Chorus — Hut they would shout, iind sing her praise, And wonder at her story, And pray God, tlirough all coming days, To still increase her glory. Perhaps tliey "d wonder some to see The banners of the world, All gathered there upon this day. In Friendship's cause unfurl'd. They might be puzzled some to hear The various nations talk, As, up and down eacli thoroughfare, With varied grace, they walk. Chokl'S — But they would sing Columbia's praise, And triumph in her story, And pray God, through all coming days, To still increase her glory. Say, shall we show less zeal than they Would show if they were here ? Upon this glad Centennial day Let none forbear to cheer, 16 And glory that a hundred years Have pass'd in safety now, And all the nations come, with cheers, To crown Columbia's brow. Chorus — Then let all join to sing her praise, And triumph in her story, And pray God, through all coming days To still increase her glory. LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 0017199111