V£ ^ Q, f V / / ? W 3 1 & OfKl DID MARY HAVE OTHER CHILDREN ? By: C. F. DeVine, C.SS.R. (Professor of Sacred Scripture) S T . ALPHONSUS S E M I N A R Y Woodstock, Ontario, Canada Published By LIGUORIAN PAMPHLET OFFICE Redemptorist Fathers LIGUORI, MISSOURI Imprimi Potest: J A M E S F U L L E R , C . S S . R . Superior of the Toronto Province May 25, 1946. Nihil Obstat: L . F L Y N N Censor Deputatus Imprimatur-. 8B J O H N T . K I D D Bishop of London London, July 9th, 1946. Dsacfcfflfecf DID M A R Y HAVE OTHER CHILDREN 9 9 I . INTRODUCTION This little pamphlet is concerned with an inter- esting scriptural problem that occurs several times in the New Testament. It purposes to deal with an expression that at first sight seems to imply that Jesus our Savior had real brothers and sisters, or that Mary had other children besides Jesus. It is a very important problem, for as can easily be seen it has a direct bearing on the Catholic belief that Mary the mother of Jesus was a virgin not only before and during, but also after the birth of her Son. In a dozen or so places in the New Testament certain individuals are referred to as the "brothers of Jesus". In one or other place sisters are also mentioned. Who, then, are these individuals and what is the nature of their relationship to Jesus? Were they real brothers and sisters or not? The first step in attempting to answer these questions The Problem is to take a copy of the New Testament and seek out carefully each place where the brothers or sisters are mentioned. The places in question are the following: St. Matthew 12:4