?3.c:"g>i ’ (HattfrfytBitt for 3firat fflnmmuttuattla l&gnwzh Chilian Jffrritertrk $uato Oln., 3nt. 52 Barclay Street 436 Main Street New York, N. Y. Cincinnati, O. / Ntfftl ©betat. REMIGIUS LAFORT, S.T.L. Censor. imprimatur. * JOHN M. FARLEY, Archbishop ofNenju York . New York, March 20, 191L Copyright. 1911. FR. PUSTET A CO. NBW YORK AMD CINCINNATI. -$ Extract from Decree of S. Congre. S. $. on First Holy Communion , A ugust 8 1910. 1. “The age of discretion required both for Confession and Communion is the time when the child begins to reason; that is about the seventh year, more or less. From this time on the obligation of satisfying the precept of both Confession and Communion begins. 2. “Both for first Confession and first Communion a complete and perfect knowledge of Christian Doctrine is not necessary. The child will, however, be obliged to gradually learn the whole catechism according to its ability/^ Things Necessary to be Known by Little Children before First Communion. 3. “The knowledge of Christian Doctrine required in children in order to be properly prepared for First Communion, is that they understand, according to their capacity, those mysteries of Faith which are necessary as a means of salvation—that they be able to dis- tinguish the Eucharist from common and material bread—and also approach the sacred table with the devotion becoming their age.” (Decree Aug. 8, 1910, ) 4 CHAPTER I. On the Mysteries of Faith9 the knowl- edge of which is necessary for salvation . Article i. ODk tiff iExiatpnre and Nature uf (Sail. 1. Q. Who made us and the whole world? A. God made us and the whole world, heaven and earth, and all things. 2. Q. Who is God ? A. God is the Lord and Maker of heaven and earth and all things. 3. Q. Is there more than one God? A . No, there is but one God. 4. Q. Had God a beginning? A . No, God had no beginning; God is eter- nal, that is, God always was and always will be. Article ii. (Shx tiff float HlfHHfii Qlruiitg. 1. Q. Is there more than one Person in God? A. Yes, in God there are three Persons, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost. 2. Q. Is each of these three Persons true God? A. Yes, each of these three Persons is true God. 8. Q. Is there, then, more than one God t A, No, there is but one God, 4. Q. What do we call the three divine Persons in one divine Nature ? A . The three divine Persons in one divine Nature are called the Most Blessed Trinity. Article iii. incarnation. 1. Q. Is one of the three divine Persons become man ? A. Yes, the Son of God is become man. 2. Q. How is the Son of God become man ? A . The Son of God is become man by being conceived by the Holy Ghost and being born of the Blessed Virgin Mary. 3. Q . Why is the Son of God become manf A. The Son of God is become man in order to redeem us from eternal damnation. 4. Q. How did the Son of God redeem us from eternal damnation ? A . The Son of God redeemed us from eternal damnation by His suffering and dying for us on the Cross. 5. Q, How do we call the Son of God as man? A . As man, we call the Son of God Jesus Christ, Our Lord. 8 Article iv. (®n iEwrlafittttg l&ttxmtb ani> PuntelputttL 1. Q. How does God repay man for his works ? A. God repays man for his works by reward- ing the good and punishing the bad. 2. Q. Does God repay man only in this life ? A. No, God metes out His reward and His punishment also after death. 3. Q. Then the soul does not die with the body ? A . No, it is impossible for the soul to die. 4. Q. How does God reward the souls of the just ? A. God rewards the souls of the just by taking them into Heaven. 5. Q . How does God punish the souls of the wicked? A. God punishes the souls of the wicked by sending them into hell. 6. Q. What is Heaven? A. Heaven is everlasting happiness with God. 7. Q. What is Hell? A. Hell is everlasting suffering away from God* ? CHAPTER II. <§tt fuli( ffintmttutrtiw. Article i. ©1]? Steal Prejspitrp. 1. Q. receive in Holy Com- munion? A. In Holy Communion we receive the true body and the true blood of Our Lord Jesus Christ. 2. Q. Is, then, the Sacred Host no longer bread? A. No; but the Sacred Host is the true body and the true blood of Our Lord Jesus Christ. 3. Q. How is the bread changed into the true flesh and blood of Jesus Christ? A. The bread is changed into the true flesh and blood of Jesus Christ by the word of Jesus Christ. 4. Q. When is the bread changed into the true flesh and blood of Jesus Christ? A. The bread is changed into the true flesh and blood of Jesus Christ at the Consecration of the Mass. 5. Qo Does the Sacred Host not appear to be bread? A. Yes, the Sacred Host appears to be bread, because even after the Consecration the appearances of bread remain. 8 * 6. Q. What, then is changed at the Con- secration? A . At the Consecration, the substance of the bread is changed into the substance of the true and living Saviour. Article ii. Jlreparattim fnr Ijnhj (Emttmuntmu 1 Q. Must we be free from sin at Holy Communion? A . Yes, at Holy Communion we must be free at least from all grievous or mortal sin. 2. Q. Are we allowed to eat or drink before Holy Communion? A . No, at Holy Communion we must be absolutely fasting from all food and drink from midnight. Article hi. (jHi JPrpqnntl Conmtmumt. 1. Q . Should we often receive Holy Com- munion? A . Yes, we should often receive Holy Com- munion; if possible, every day. 2. Q. Must we go to Confession every time we wish to go to Holy Communion? A . No, it is not necessary to go to Confes- sion every time we wish to go to Holy Com- munion, unless we have committed a mortal sin. 9 3* Q. May we go to Holy Communion even if we have committed some little fault after Confession f A . Yes, even if we have committed some little fault after Confession, we may go to Holy Communion ; but it is good to be sorry for that fault. 4. Q. Whom should we ask for advice about frequent Communion ? A. We should ask our confessor for advice about frequent Communion. 5. Q. Why should we often go to Holy Communion ? A. . We should often go to Holy Communion, because it pleases God and assists us to lead a holy life. CHAPTER III. &amutt*ni of ipwraur*. Article i. trailing ©ur IHm 1. Q . How can we recall our sins to mem- ory f A . We can recall our sins to memory by earnestly inquiring into our past life. 2. Q. What must we do before we begin to recall our sins ? A . Before we begin to recall our sins, we must pray to God to help us know and under- stand our sins. 10 Article u. (®tt Contrition. , 1. Q. Musi we be sorry for our sins ? A. Yes, at least at Confession we must be sorry for our sins. 2. Q. How are we sorry for our sinsf A. We are sorry for our sins by hating them and sincerely wishing that we had not done them. 3. Q. Why must we be sorry for our sinsf A. We must be sorry for our sins, because they offend God. 4. Make an Act of Contrition! Contrition. O my God, I am really sorry for all my sins ; I hate and detest them with all my heart because they displease Thee, my good God, and I firmly purpose, with Thy help, never to com- mit sin again. Article iii. ©it tt|p Purpose of Amendment 1. Q. Must we also purpose to avoid sin after Confession ? A. Yes, we must firmly purpose to remain good after Confession. 2. Q. Can we avoid sin without the help of God? A. No; without the help of God no one can remain good to the end. 11 S. Q. How can we obtain the help of Godf A .. We can obtain the help of God by prayer and other works of piety. 4. Q. What else, then, must we do to keep from sin? A. To keep from sin, we must at all times do our duty, resist temptation, and avoid bad companions. Article iv. (Dtt GUmfoasinn. 1. Q. What must we do before Holy Com- munion if we have committed a mortal sin? A . If we have committed a mortal sin, we must go to Confession before going to Holy Communion. 2. Q. How do we make a good Confession? A. We make a good Confession by sorrow- fully telling our sins to the priest. 3. Q. Must we tell all our sins in Confes- sion? A. Yes, in Confession we must tell all our sins, at least all our mortal sins. 4. Q. Can the priest forgive us our sins? A. Yes, the priest can forgive us our sins by the power of God. 5. Q. Is it a sin if we conceal a mortal sin in Confession? A . Yes, it is a new and grievous sin, a sacri- lege, to conceal a mortal sin in Confession. 12 6, Q. Are any sins at all forgiven by a bad Confession f A . No, by a bad Confession no sins at all are forgiven. Article v. ©it ftetumre, nr ^atisfartum. 1. Q. Can we make satisfaction to God for our sins ? A. Yes, after Confession we can make satis- faction to God for our sins by doing penance. 2. Q. What is fe doing penance ?” A. “Doing penance” is saying the prayers, or performing the good works, which our con- fessor imposes upon us. 3. Q. Should we be satisfied with the penance imposed upon us? A . No, we should not be satisfied with the penance imposed upon us, but of our own ac- cord practice piety to remain good. CHAPTER IV. ©it (EmtttrmatUm. 1. Q. What is Confirmation? A. Confirmation is a Sacrament by which the Holy Ghost is given to us. 2. Q. Why is the Holy Ghost given to us? A . The Holy Ghost is given to us that He may strengthen our faith and adorn our soul. 18 8. Q . Can we be confirmed more than once? A . No, we can be confirmed only once, be- cause Confirmation imprints an indelible mark upon our souls. 4. Q . Who can give Confirmation ? A. By virtue of his office, the bishop alone gives Confirmation. 5. Q. Must we be free from mortal sin at Confirmation ? A . Yes, at Confirmation we must be free from all mortal sins, lest we commit a sacrilege. PRAYERS. Stye S’ign ttf fife (Ernaa. In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen. ©If? Uarii'a flrager. Our Father, who art in Heaven, hallowed be Thy name; Thy kingdom come; Thy will be done on earth as it is in Heaven. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. Amen. ©If? Amjpltral g>alutatum. Hail, Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee; blessed art thou amongst women, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death. Amen. 14 ©iff Apnatlffl* (Emit. I believe in God, the Father Almighty, Cre- ator of Heaven and earth, and in Jesus Christ, His only Son, our Lord; who was conceived by the Holy Ghost, born of the Virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died and was buried. He descended into hell ; the third day He arose again from the dead: He ascended into Heaven, sitteth at the right hand of God, the Father Almighty; from thence He shall come to judge the living and the dead. I believe in the Holy Ghost, the holy Catholic Church, the communion of saints, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body, and the life everlasting. Amen. ©Iff ©fti (Eommattimfttta. 1. I am the Lord thy God; thou shalt not have strange gods before me. 2 . Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain. 3. Remember thou keep holy the Lord’s day. 4. Honor thy father and thy mother. 5. Thou shalt not kill. 6. Thou shalt not commit adultery. 7. Thou shalt not steal. 8. Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor. 9. Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor’s wife. 10. Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor’s goods. 15 Stye §rtrot B>arramrttt0. i) Baptism; 2) Confirmation; 3) Holy Eucharist; 4) Penance; 5) Extreme Unction; 6) Holy Orders; 7:) Matrimony. utye ©lfrre ©^alngiral Birture. Faith. O my God, I believe in Thee, and I firmly believe all Thou hast revealed and proposest through Thy holy Catholic Church for my belief; because Thou, the Eternal and Infallible Truth, hast said it. Hope . O my God, I hope in Thee, and I hope to obtain, through the merits of Jesus Christ, the remis- sion of my sins, Thy grace* and life everlasting; be- cause Thou, the Almighty, Merciful and Faithful God hast promised it. Charity. O my God, I love Thee with my whole heart and above all things ; because Thou art my loving Father, the Supreme and most Amiable Good. For Thy sake I also love my neighbor, friend or enemy, as myself. mp0si«0 lirfnre fMrate. + Bless us, O Lord! and these Thy gifts, which we are about to receive from Thy bounty, through Christ our Lord. Amen. tore After Utrak. 4* We give Thee thanks for all Thy benefits, O Almighty God, who livest and reignest for ever; and may the souls of the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen. tUnnung frager. In the name of the Father, etc. O God, I give Thee thanks for having so graciously preserved me this night from a sudden and urn provided-for death. Grant that I may never more offend Thee by sin. Our Father, etc. Amen 16 SEttPitutg Pragpra. In the Name of the Father, etc Save us, O Lord, when awake, and watch over us when asleep, that we may watch with Christ and rest in comfort. Merciful God, I thank Thee for all the gifts of body and soul Thou hast this day bestowed upon me : protect me this night in Thy infinite Mercy from all the snares of the devil, from all evils of body and soul, especially from a sudden and unforeseen death. Amen. (Here make a short examination of conscience, to find out the sins you have committed during the day; then make an Act of Contrition.) O my God, I am, etc. (Same as on page io, “Con- trition.”) In the name of my Crucified Redeemer I go to rest. May He protect me now and ever, and lead me to everlasting life. Amen. We fly to thy patronage, O holy Mother of God. Despise not our petitions in our necessities, but deliver us from all dangers, O ever glorious and blessed Virgin. Jesus, Mary and Joseph, I give you my heart, and my soul ! Jesus, Mary and Joseph, assist me in my last agony ! Tesus, Mary and Joseph, may I breathe forth my soul in peace with you ! O angel of God, whom God hath appointed to be my guardian, enlighten, protect, direct and govern me. Our Father, etc. Hail Mary, etc. I believe in God, etc. Wfjftt halting 3folg 3®atwr sag: May the almighty and merciful God, the Father, i the Son and the Holy Ghost bless me. Amen.