A bK lit! YOUNG ADULT LIFE Page 1. Study Night 2 2. You 5 3. You and Your Friends . . . . . 6 4. Facts Meeting 8 5. Young Adult Social Life . 9 6. Sex and Single People 11 7. Facts Meeting (optional) 13 8. Sexual Identity 14 9. Facts Meeting l6 10. Social Problems 17 11. Social Problems 17 12. Facts Meeting 19 13. Evening of Reflection 20 14. Your Job - Your Future 22 15. Your Vocation 23 16. Facts Meeting 25 17. Finances 26 18. Family 28 19. Evaluation Meeting 29 Dead&JSwl ; STUDY NIGHT meeting 1 OPENING PRAYER REPORT ON LAST WEEK’S ACTION (5 minutes) The secretary reads the actions determined during the last meeting and each member reports. Have you completed this action? Will further action be taken? REVIEW OF INFLUENCE (10 minutes) Each member reports briefly on influence with friends not in YCM, or actions taken on any situation which affects either an individual or a group. STUDY NIGHT' (U5 minutes) In this part of the program you have a set of inquiries which treat topics of major concern to young people: leisure, dating, sex, finances, career, vocation. By understanding these important areas of a young adult’s life, you can respond to present needs, as well as prepare for the future - -yourself, your friends, and all young adults with whom you come in contact. The first inquiry is on YOU because in order to know and under- stand others, you need to understand yourself better. Although you begin with yourself, in the following inquiries be certain that your efforts proceed to meeting the situations and needs in the lives of other young people around you. It is very important, in this initial meeting, that you be hon- est with yourself and with each other as you take a look at your own personality and your personal adjustment in life. Openness, honesty, sincerity—these three qualities a person must have if he is to cane to know himself better and thereby better understand others. Unless a person occasionally takes an honest look at him- self—who he is, where he is going—he cannot even begin to under- stand or care about the needs and problems he finds in others. * * * "In our search for the right direction in which to go the first thing we must do is what sailors do at sea, we must fix our pres- ent position. Where are we now? What was our past? In other words, what is our position today and how did we get here?" Alphonsus Jansen, The Meaning of Love and Marriage , Divine Word Publications, Techny, 111., 1963 . DISCUSS: —Fran your own experience, what is the value of self-knowledge? —How does the community in which you live affect your way of thinking? Give examples. * * * - 2 - Each YCM member must grow, along with the others in the section, in being open and honest. This seems as if you are asked to be like a boxer who leads with his chin. It's not the same, however* Being open and honest is the only way you can know and find your- self. Use what you discover about yourself and others in the section for the right purpose: to help yourself and the others grow—and to let the others help you. If you don't use the infor- mation in this way, it will hurt the self-confidence and the relationships among the members. "Man can respond to man; he is not mute. At once we are in a bewildering world of reciprocal exchange, hazardous, free, excit- ing, where destinies are linked and sufferings shared, where every wound is mine and each wounds the other; the human heart is the vulnerable target for all the good and evil moving amongst men. We hold in pitifully frail hands the happiness and despair of others. Man finds himself face to face with man. Every man is my brother, and I live or die with him. This is the scene of tragedy, of solitude and communion, of deaths, farewells, and perseverances, the scene where we find sketched, perhaps lightly but not untruly, the designs, joys, miseries of a higher encoun- ter." Robert Oatermann, "Gabriel Marcel: The Discovery of Being" (II) The Modern Schoolman, XXXI, No. k. May 195*S PP- 297-29*3. DISCUSS: —What difference does it make how we act toward the people in our lives? Does this apply to everybody with whcm we come in contact? * * * In this part of the Study Night, you should talk about your friends and what you look for in a friend. What are your expec- tations? Select one of the group to take notes. A blackboard and chalk would be even better if there is one available. For the next ten minutes list all the things you can think of that you want to see in a friend. Don't discuss any of the ideas during the ten minutes; just list as many as you can. When you run out of ideas, or after the ten minutes are up, stop and dis- cuss for fifteen minutes: - Which quality do you think is the most important? - Which quality of friendship do you, as a friend, have to work on most? * * * Give each person a small piece of paper. Each member should decide the quality he personally needs most to develop and write it on the paper. If you want, you can list 2 or 3 qualities. Fold the paper and put it in your pocket or purse—sane place where you will see it often. - 3 - During the next few months work on developing this quality. Each time you see the paper, it will remind you of the quality you are trying to develop. If you master the first one, go on to the next. DUES Has your section collected and sent in its dues? This is a test of generosity and of belief in the movement. All are due the tenth of the month. LOOKING AHEAD During this part of the meeting preview the caning Young Adult Life inquiries. This is an important part of the meeting and will, to a great extent, determine the effectiveness of your group’s work on this part of the program. 1. Look over the social inquiries. 2. Determine the goals your group should set for this section of the program. 3. Discuss what adaptations need to be made in the inquiries so that they will be meaningful to your group. Who will make the necessary adaptations? PREVIEW OF NEXT WEEK’S MEETING Read the observe questions. Does each member understand what is asked of him? How is he going to gather the necessary information? Select now the scripture the group will discuss at next week's meeting. Who will prepare the scripture with the chaplain? When? Normally the section president prepares the social inquiry with the chaplain. CHAPLAIN’S REMARKS CLOSING PRAYER - k - YOU meeting 2 OPENING PRAYER REPORT ON IAST WEEK'S ACTION (5 minutes) The secretary reads the actions determined during the last meeting and each member reports. Have you completed this action? Will further action be taken? REVIEW OF INFLUENCE (10 minutes) Each member reports briefly on influence with friends not in YCM, or actions taken on any situation which affects either an individual or a group. SOCIAL INQUIRY (45 minutes) Observe — What are your feelings toward your family? —List five of your close friends; five people you work with. —What are your feelings toward these friends and acquaintances? —What clubs or organizations other than the YCM do you belong to? —What do you do with your free time? Judge "You find yourself caught up in the onrush of life ' s movement and never find the time to get to know yourself. You follow the movement of the herd ... without ever struggling to make your own way...When you're not simply the victim of circumstances, you at least try to escape from real life. You refuse to accept your own limitations, your failures. .. .You won't see others as they are. If you're afraid to meet the real world, if you try to adjust it to your own liking or to escape from it instead of facing up and offering your services to it, you are not yet mature . " Michel Quoist, The Meaning of Success , Fides Publishers, Inc,, Notre Dame, Ind., 1963, pp. 109- 110 . Getting to know yourself means examining your present relation- ships with your family, your friends, the people you work with... and then examining yourself as you really are. —Can you know yourself better by looking at your relationships with your family, friends and acquaintances? If so, how? —In choosing your friends, do you always expect them to have the same ideas as you do? Do you accept others that have ideas different frcm yours? —Do you use your free time to develop your talents? - 5 - Act Are you satisfied with the picture you see? What are the loop- holes? What can you do to help yourself? CHAPLAIN'S REMARKS ON SOCIAL INQUIRY DUES SCRIPTURE (20 minutes) Discuss at this time the scripture which you have chosen and prepared for tonight's meeting. PREVIEW OF NEXT WEEK'S MEETING Read the observe questions. Does each member understand what is asked of him? How is he going to gather the necessary infor- mation? Select now the scripture the group will discuss at next week's meeting. Who will prepare the scripture with the chaplain? When? Normally the section president prepares the social inquiry with the chaplain. CHAPLAIN'S REMARKS ON ENTIRE MEETING CLOSING PRAYER meeting 3 YOU AND YOUR FRIENDS OPENING PRAYER REPORT ON LAST WEEK'S ACTION (5 minutes) The secretary reads the actions determined during the last meeting and each member reports. Have you completed this action? Will further action be taken? REVIEW OF INFLUENCE (10 minutes) Each member reports briefly on influence with friends not in YCM, or actions taken on any situation which affects either an individual or a group. SOCIAL INQUIRY (1*5 minutes) If you have made an open, honest and sincere evaluation of your- self, you are then ready to go on to an evaluation of your friends who and what they are. To do this well, you must continue with the same honesty and sincerity that you used on yourself last week Observe —Do you have a wide variety of friends? Do they represent dif- ferent groups of young people? Are they all young and single? - 6 - —What do your friends do in their leisure time? Do they do things just to kill time? Do they do things that will help to develop their whole person? --Ask your friends what they think happiness is. Do they feel they have achieved it? Judge "Your friend is your needs answered. He is your field which you sow with love and reap with thanks- giving. And he is your board and your fireside. For you cane to him with your hunger, and you seek him for peace. . . . without words, in friendship, all thoughts, all desires, all expectations are born and shared, with joy that is unac- claimed. . . . And let there be no purpose in friendship save the deepening of the spirit. . . . And in the sweetness of friendship let there be laughter, and sharing of pleasures. For in the dew of little things the heart finds its morning and is refreshed.” Kahlil Gibran, ”0n Friendship,” The Prophet, Alfred A. Knopf, Inc., New York, N.Y., 196U. —How can you and your friends help each other to develop your whole person? —Do you understand your friends? Do they understand you? —Is it important to know where to find new things to do? New people to meet? —How can you and your friends broaden your circle of friends? Act What actions have your observes suggested? Your action should be based on needs you have discovered. CHAPLAIN'S REMARKS ON SOCIAL INQUIRY DUES Your dues help to pay the cost of IMPETUS, your bi-monthly newsletter. SCRIPTURE (20 minutes) Discuss at this time the scripture which you have chosen and prepared for tonight's meeting. PREVIEW OF NEXT WEEK’S MEETING A facts meeting is scheduled next week. For a more complete explanation of this type of meeting, see the introductory mater- ial. Each member should be alert for situations to bring up at the meeting. Select now the scripture the group will discuss at next week's meeting. Who will prepare the scripture with the chaplain? When? CHAPLAIN'S REMARKS ON ENTIRE MEETING CLOSING PRAYER - 7 - FACTS MEETING meeting 4 OPENING PRAYER REPORT ON LAST WEEK'S ACTION (5 minutes) The secretary reads the actions determined during the last meeting and each member reports. Have you completed this action? Will further action be taken? REVIEW OF INFLUENCE (10 minutes) Each member reports briefly on influence with friends not in YCM, or actions taken on any situation which affects either an individual or a group. FACTS MEETING (45 minutes) Observe —Briefly present a few facts about one young working person you know. —To become more aware of our surroundings, we need to be alert to situations of various kinds. Report facts you have observed about: -race relations -international life -politics -your city -your neighborhood -your parish -work -heme Judge —From a human and a Christian point of view, what is valuable in the facts reported? What is harmful? Act How can you and the group improve the situations reported on? CHAPLAIN'S REMARKS ON FACTS MEETING DUES SCRIPTURE (20 minutes) Discuss at this time the scripture which you have chosen and prepared for tonight's meeting. PREVIEW OF NEXT WEEK'S MEETING Read the observe questions. Does each member understand what is asked of him? How is he going to gather the necessary information? Select now the scripture the group will discuss at next week's meeting. Who will prepare the scripture with the chaplain? When? Normally the section president prepares the social inquiry with the chaplain. CHAPLAIN'S REMARKS ON ENTIRE MEETING CLOSING PRAYER - 8 - YOUNG ADULT SOCIAL LIFE OPENING PRAYER REPORT ON IAST WEEK’S ACTION (5 minutes) The secretary reads the actions determined at the last meeting and each member reports. Have you completed this action? Will further action be taken? REVIEW OF INFLUENCE (10 minutes) Each member reports briefly on influence with friends not in YCM, or actions taken on any situation which affects either an individual or a group. SOCIAL INQUIRY minutes) Observe —Bring to the meeting a list of places in your area where young people can go to meet others—any night of the week—without feeling the need to bring a date. —Find out if your friends feel there is too great a pressure re- garding dating. If one particular evening of the week is con- sidered "date night," do the girls stay heme if they don't have a date? Do the guys take a girl out just because it's the thing to do? —Do your friends develop friendships with persons of the other sex aside from dating? Judge "Encounter with another. . .is. . .the central event in the life of most men...Such encounters. . .in most cases afford men an excellent opportunity of realizing themselves and fulfilling their vocation as men. " Ignace Lepp, The Ways of Friendship , The Macmillan Company, New York, N.Y., 1966, p. 18. —Do you think the dating habits of your friends offer them the type of encounter—or meaningful relationships with others — which Fr. Lepp speaks about? —What is the purpose of dating? Should the person we date always be a potential marriage partner? —What do you think about the American dating system? Do you feel that the social pressure of our dating system in any way causes some of the problems existing among the young people of today- excessive drinking, undue loneliness, love that is only romantic, unwed mothers, unmarried fathers? —In what ways, other than dating, can young people "encounter" others ? - 9 - Act Based on the needs you have discovered , what action can you and the group take? Same Suggestions: - Can you make social life for the young people of your community more interesting, less of a pressure? - Can you discuss with your friends same of the ideas on dating that were brought up at tonight's meeting? CHAPLAIN'S REMARKS ON SOCIAL INQUIRY DUES SCRIPTURE (20 minutes) Discuss at this time the scripture which you have chosen and prepared for tonight's meeting. PREVIEW OF NEXT WEEK'S MEETING Read the observe questions. Does each member understand what is asked of him? How is he going to gather the necessary information? Select now the scripture the group will discuss at next week's meeting. Who will prepare the scripture with the chaplain? When? Normally the section president prepares the social inquiry with the chaplain. CHAPLAIN'S REMARKS ON ENTIRE MEETING CLOSING PRAYER - 10 - meeting 6 SEX AND .SINGLE PEOPLE ** Tonight's meeting concerns a topic which you may want to spend two weeks on. If so, the first week could be devoted to «1 1 the observes. These could be covered in depth. The Judge and Act part of the inquiry could be covered the following week. Or you may want to complete Meeting 6 tonight and then draw up your own observe, judge and act for Meeting 7« OPENING PRAYER REPORT ON LAST WEEK'S ACTION (5 minutes) The secretary reads the actions determined during the last meeting and each member reports. Have you completed this action? Will further action be taken? REVIEW OF INFLUENCE (10 minutes) Each member reports briefly on influence with friends not in YCM, or actions taken on any situation which affects either an individual or a group. SOCIAL INQUIRY (45 minutes) Observe —Do your friends constantly bring up the subject of sex in their conversations? —What do your friends think of sex relationships involving single people ? —Discuss with your friends: Does the availability of contracep- tives influence young people's attitudes toward sex relation- ships? In what way? --Do they think there is a sexual revolution in progress? "...the determining power of the sex drive is also limited, for it, too, is subject to the control of the rational and the supra- national forces in the total man. From the standpoint of these forces, sex love has always been viewed as the crowning act of an infinitely rich, beautiful, and transfiguring love of man and woman; as one of the greatest joys of human life, and the noblest way of a unification into one 'we' of the individual egos of the lovers; and, finally, as the necessary means for perpetuation of human race. •• .Control of sex love by the rational and supranation- al forces of the total man has not aimed at the suppression of this great value of human life, but at the prevention of its falsification, degradation, and misuse. For these not only tend to rob the sex love of humanity, but they... lead to the degrada- tion of the total man to a mere sex organ, and of the... rich human life to mere succession of flat sex affairs, punctuated by ten- sion, hate, remorse, anxiety, interhuman strife..." Pitirim Sorokin, The American Sex Revolution , Porter Sargent Publisher, Boston, Mass., l$5b, pp. 156 -157 . - 11 - — In your opinion, are attitudes toward sex changing? In what way? How do you feel about this? —For what reason does a single fellow get involved in sex relationships? A girl? —What are the effects on a single girl of sex relationships? On a fellow? Is it ever morally right to use contraceptives? —What do you think of the ideas of your friends, of their sense of values? How do these compare with true human and Christian values? Act Considering the facts presented in the Observe, and the group's judgments--what can you do to help bring about a more human and Christian sense of values in your friends? CHAPLAIN'S REMARKS ON SOCIAL INQUIRY DUES Your dues help to support the international office in Brussels, Belgium and, through it, to aid the YCM in poorer countries, SCRIPTURE (20 minutes) Discuss at this time the scripture which you have chosen and prepared for tonight's meeting, PREVIEW OF NEXT WEEK'S MEETING Next week you have the option of continuing the topic of tonight's meeting or taking the facts meeting. If you choose to continue discussing Sex and Single People, decide now what prepa- rations the members should make during the coming week. If you choose to take the facts meeting, read through it and be alert to situations to bring up next week. Select now the scripture the group will discuss next week. Who will prepare the scripture with the chaplain? When? Normally the section president prepares the social inquiry with the chaplain. CHAPLAIN'S REMARKS ON ENTIRE MEETING CLOSING PRAYER 12 - meeting 7 FACTS MEETING ** If this week you have decided to continue your discussion of Sex and Single People, disregard the observe, judge and act below. OPENING PRAYER REPORT ON LAST WEEK'S ACTION (5 minutes) The secretary reads the actions determined during the last meeting and each member reports. Have you completed this action? Will further action be taken? REVIEW OF INFLUENCE (10 minutes) Each member reports briefly on influence with friends not in YCM, or actions taken on any situation which affects either an individual or a group. FACTS MEETING (^5 minutes) —Briefly present a few facts about one young working person you know. —To became more aware of our surroundings, we need to be alert to situations of various kinds. Report facts you have observed about: —From a human and a Christian point of view, what is valuable in the facts reported? What is harmful? Act How can you and the group improve the situations reported on? CHAPLAIN'S REMARKS ON FACTS MEETING DUES SCRIPTURE (20 minutes) Discuss at this time the scripture which you have chosen and prepared for tonight's meeting. PREVIEW OF NEXT WEEK'S MEETING Read the observe questions. Does each member understand what is asked of him? How is he going to gather the necessary information? Select now the scripture the group will discuss at next week's meeting. Who will prepare the scripture with the chaplain? When? Normally the section president prepares the social inquiry with the chaplain. CHAPLAIN'S REMARKS ON ENTIRE MEETING CLOSING PRAYER Observe -race relations -international life -politics -your city -your neighborhood -your parish -work -heme Judge 13 - SEXUAL IDENTITY meeting 8 OPENING PRAYER REPORT ON IAST WEEK'S ACTION (5 minutes) The secretary reads the actions determined during the last meeting and each member reports. Have you completed this action? Will further action be taken? REVIEW OF INFLUENCE (10 minutes) Each member reports briefly on influence with friends not in YCM, or actions taken on any situation which affects either an individual or a group. SOCIAL INQUIRY (45 minutes) "Each culture develops its own patterns of masculinity and femi- ninity which color the individual's growth. Each man and woman tends to play his or her role as seen in the community. Since our country is a 'melting pot' of European cultures, a nation of rapid change, and finally, the scene of a most vociferous 'battle of the sexes,' we are often confused over how we should act as men and women." Man and Wife , TOGETHER IN CHRIST SERIES, Book 5# Family Life Bureau, U.S.C.C., Washington, D.C., I960, p. 103. Observe —Ask your friends who they think is an ideal man or an ideal woman. What do they think makes a man manly and a woman woman- ly? Do your friends accept those who don't meet their standards —Do your friends think people have to be strictly feminine or masculine? How much room do they allow for individual differ- ences? —How have advertising, TV and movies aided or exploited the images of masculinity and femininity? Look for examples in your local paper and TV programs during the week prior to this meeting. Judge "All mankind has a common human nature and a common destiny which is eternal happiness. However, human personalities are divided into two groups; they are colored by masculinity or femininity... masculinity and femininity, which were determined at the moment of conception, have been complicated by the development of characteristically masculine or feminine traits during the learning process. Each person's experience is somewhat different. - l4 - and the culture in which each has been educated largely determines what will be considered characteristically masculine or feminine." Man and Wife , TOGETHER IN CHRIST SERIES, Book 5, Family Life Bureau, U.S.C.C., Washington, D.C., i960, p. 10. --What is your opinion of the way your friends accept other people? Should we accept others as they are, regardless of our own stand- ards of masculinity and femininity? Why? —What masculine or feminine traits do you think each man or woman should have? Is it necessary that they have these particular traits to be manly or womanly? —In what way does your family influence your being masculine or feminine ? Act What actions have your observes and judges suggested? Does the group feel there is a need to know more about masculini- ty and femininity? Could a competent and carefully chosen speaker be engaged for a general meeting to talk on the topic and its implications? Invite your friends and other young people not in YCM. CHAPLAIN'S REMARKS ON SOCIAL INQUIRY DUES SCRIPTURE (20 minutes) Discuss at this time the scripture which you have chosen and prepared for tonight's meeting. PREVIEW OF NEXT WEEK'S MEETING A facts meeting is scheduled next week. For a more complete explanation of this type of meeting, see the introductory mater- ial. Each member should be alert for situations to bring up at the meeting. Select now the scripture the group will discuss at next week's meeting. Who will prepare the scripture with the chaplain? When? CHAPLAIN'S REMARKS ON ENTIRE MEETING CLOSING PRAYER - 15 - FACTS MEETING meeting 9 OPENING PRAYER REPORT ON LAST WEEK’S ACTION (5 minutes) The secretary reads the actions determined during the last meeting and each member reports. Have you completed this action? Will further action be taken? REVIEW OF INFLUENCE (10 minutes) Each member reports briefly on influence with friends not in YCM, or actions taken on any situation which affects either an individual or a group. FACTS MEETING {,b 5 minutes) Observe —Briefly present a few facts about one young working person you know. —To became more aware of our surroundings, we need to be alert to situations of various kinds. Report facts you have observed about: -race relations -international life -politics -your city -your neighborhood -your parish -work -home Judge From a human and a Christian point of view, what is valuable in the facts reported? What is harmful? Act How can you and the group improve the situations reported on? CHAPLAIN'S REMARKS ON FACTS MEETING DUES The payment of dues is an apostolic action. All income is directed toward our goal of reaching more young people and f6rming them as life-time apostles. SCRIPTURE (20 minutes) Discuss at this time the scripture which you have chosen and prepared for tonight's meeting. PREVIEW OF NEXT WEEK'S MEETING Read through Meetings 10 and 11 very carefully. They are dif- ferent from other social inquiries in this program. You must choose the topics for these meetings and then draw up your own observe, judge and act. Do this now. - 16 - Select the scripture the group will discuss at next week’s meeting. Who will prepare the scripture with the chaplain? When? Normally the section president prepares the social inquiry with the chaplain. CHAPLAIN’S REMARKS ON ENTIRE MEETING CLOSING PRAYER meetings 10 & 11 SOCIAL PROBLEMS OPENING PRAYER REPORT ON LAST WEEK’S ACTION (5 minutes) The secretary reads the actions determined during the last meeting and each member reports. Have you completed this action? Will further action be taken? REVIEW OF INFLUENCE (10 minutes) Each member reports briefly on influence with friends not in YCM, or actions taken on any situation which affects either an individual or a group. SOCIAL INQUIRY (^5 minutes) "Man is the only case in nature where life becomes aware of it- self. He must make choices, make decisions, risk failure. He is aware of all that threatens him and eventually of the ultimate reality and certainly that is death. "What can man do to give an answer to this situation? There are only a certain number of ascertainable ways in which man can solve the problem of existence. As an animal, man wants to live; but as a human, he wants to find unity. He wants to overcome a sense of complete separation. He wants to be one with something. "He can do that in two ways—the regressive way or the progressive way. What I call the regressive way is to try to obliterate that which is specifically human, and that is awareness. Mankind has tried that for many hundreds of thousands of years by the oblit- eration of reason with drugs, alcohol, sexual orgies,..." Erich Fromm, an interview in McCall ' s , October, 1965. INTRODUCTION Each village, town, community or city has its own particular social problems in addition to the many it has in common with other communities. Read the papers thoroughly and watch the news programs during the next week to see what they report as the major problems . IT - What are some of the problems of your community—and of young people in particular—that you feel are not adequately covered by the news media? Do these problems exist in your community: -mental illness? -reckless driving? -recreational -vandalism? -gang wars? facilities? -drinking parties? -poverty? -drugs? -others? Choose two problems that are peculiar to your community as topics for Meetings 10 and 11 . The sample meeting which follows is on drinking and alcoholism. It is included here as an aid to you in writing your own meetings on community social problems involving young people. SAMPLE MEETING: DRINKING AND ALCOHOLISM Observe —Do you and your friends drink? How much? Why? —Have you seen the problem of alcoholism in a family? Describe the situation. —Ask some of your friends why young people turn to heavy drink- ing. Is it a particular group or clique that encourages drunk- enness? —What agencies are available in your community to help alcoholics? Contact them and obtain sane information on their services. Judge —Do you think young people should give up drinking entirely? — Is drunkenness in any way an insult to a person's dignity? If so, how? —When are you drunk? How can you tell? What does your state law define as legally drunk? —What causes problems of heavy drinking and alcoholism? What are the effects on the individual? On the people around him? Act Based on the needs you have discovered , what can you do individu- ally and as a group? bid your visit to your local agency suggest anything? CHAPLAIN'S REMARKS ON SOCIAL INQUIRY DUES SCRIPTURE (20 minutes) Discuss at this time the scripture which you have chosen and prepared for tonight's meeting. PREVIEW OF MEETING 11 Choose now the topic of next week's meeting and decide what observes the members should make during the coming week. Either tonight or next week determine guide questions to help judge the facts discovered. - 18 - Select the scripture the group will discuss at next week's meeting. Who will prepare the scripture with the chaplain? When? PREVIEW OF MEETING 12 A facts meeting is scheduled next week. For a more complete explanation of this type of meeting, see the introductory mater- ial. Each member should be alert for situations to bring up at the meeting. Select now the scripture the group will discuss at next week's meeting. Who will prepare the scripture with the chaplain? When? CHAPLAIN'S REMARKS ON ENTIRE MEETING CLOSING PRAYER meeting 12 FACTS MEETING OPENING PRAYER REPORT ON LAST WEEK'S ACTION (5 minutes) The secretary reads the actions determined during the last meeting and each member reports. Have you completed this action? Will further action be taken? REVIEW OF INFLUENCE (10 minutes) Each member reports briefly on influence with friends not in YCM, or actions taken on any situation which affects either an individual or a group. FACTS MEETING (45 minutes) Observe —Briefly present a few facts about one young working person you know. —To become more aware of our surroundings , we need to be alert to situations of various kinds. Report facts you have observed about : -race relations -international life -politics -your city Judge From a human and a Christian point of view, what is valuable in the facts reported? What is harmful? -your neighborhood -your parish -work -home Act How can you and the group improve the situations reported on? CHAPLAIN'S REMARKS ON FACTS MEETING DUES Your dues are a material expression: - of your conviction about the work of YCM - of your gratitude for having been brought into this great apostolate - of your desire to see YCM reach more and more young people, SCRIPTURE (20 minutes) Discuss at this time the scripture which you have chosen and prepared for tonight's meeting. PREVIEW OF NEXT WEEK'S MEETING An evening of reflection is scheduled next week. This is one of the most important meetings of the year. Prepare for it now with your chaplain. CHAPIAIN'S REMARKS ON ENTIRE MEETING CLOSING PRAYER EVENING OF REFLECTION meeting 13 WHAT IS AN EVENING OF REFLECTION? An evening of reflection brings members to think of Christ. It is a time when the chaplain talks about great realities like the Mystical Body or the Mass, realities which we, as Christians, believe in and which are the source of YCM. It is the greatest opportunity to learn how to pray, because reflection is prayer. WHY AN EVENING OF REFLECTION? YCM members must come closer to Christ if they are to bring Christ to others. God is greatly concerned about our reaching other young working people who are unaware of Him, His Incarnate Son, and of the Mystical Body. Through evenings of reflection Christ impels the YCM members forward. The greatest contribution we can make to the Mystical Body is our love for Christ. If a YCM member is great for action yet fails to grow spiritually, he has missed the point. We must be more like Christ if we are to bring Him others. We cannot give what we do not have. - 20 - Leadership training is not enough. If we are to be Christians in the true sense of the word, if we are to be leaders with faith, hope and trust, love, conviction and courage, we must come into ever closer contact with the mind and heart of Christ. Evenings of reflection are indispensable in accomplishing this. HOW IS AN EVENING OF REFLECTION HELD? An evening of reflection is held every three months and should last about two hours. There might be three 20-minute talks with time between for thinking over what has been said; this is a time for the members to open themselves to the Holy Spirit through humility, trust, desire and love. The chaplain will find the evening of reflection the best oppor- tunity to help members learn what mental prayer is and how they should go about it. But before he decides on a topic, he might ask the members for their recommendations. He might use an eve- ning of reflection to suggest improvements in the section, bring- ing up problems of discouragement, pettiness, lack of action, poor participation in the meetings, neglect in taking observes, slack- ness in supporting the movement through dues. Above all he should talk about Christ--either by way of illustration or by devoting the evening to some element of Christ's life, like the training of Peter as an apostle. The chaplain should ask the members for their suggestions. Here are some additional suggested topics: - Present-day Spirituality - Being Poor in Spirit and Being Poor - Mass - The Effects of Influence May be Invisible - Parable of the Talents -- 1967 - Christ and His Training of the Apostles - God Loves Me - The Influence of Love PREVIEW OF NEXT WEEK'S MEETING Read the observe questions. Does each member understand what is asked of him? How is he going to gather the necessary infor- mation? Select now the scripture the group will discuss at next week's meeting. Who will prepare the scripture with the chaplain? When? Normally the section president prepares the social inquiry with the chaplain. - 21 - YOUR JOB - YOUR FUTURE meeting 14 OPENING PRAYER REPORT ON LAST WEEK'S ACTION (5 minutes) The secretary reads the actions determined during the last regular meeting and each member reports. Have you completed this action? Will further action he taken? REVIEW OF INFLUENCE (10 minutes) Each member reports briefly on influence with friends not in YCM, or actions taken on any situation which affects either an individual or a group. SOCIAL INQUIRY (45 minutes) Observe —Have your friends given any thought to what they want to do for the rest of their lives? - Ask them how they determine what is ''right” for them and how they are working toward their goals. - Do they like the work they are doing now, or are they biding time until marriage? - Does their present job provide training and opportunities toward their goal? --Does your community have any employment offices, employment counselors or vocational counselors? What services do they provide ? —Are there schools or other programs which enable adults and young adults to improve their skills and abilities? —Find out from one of the companies in your area the available job opportunities and what they look for in an employee. Judge — Is it important that young people find out what job is right for them? Why? --How important is job satisfaction in comparison with salary? —Is it important that your present job relate in some way to your plan for the future? Why? —Can a high school counselor give you the same counseling as a professional personnel manager or businessman? As the state employment office? —What other people can young adults speak with about planning their future? Act What actions are suggested by the observes and judgments you made? CHAPLAIN'S REMARKS ON SOCIAL INQUIRY DUES - 22 - SCRIPTURE (20 minutes) Discuss at this time the scripture which you have chosen and prepared for tonight’s meeting. PREVIEW OF NEXT WEEK'S MEETING Read the observe questions. Does each member understand what is asked of him? How i6 he going to gather the necessary infor- mation? Select now the scripture the group will discuss at next week's meeting. Who will prepare the scripture with the chaplain? When? Normally the section president prepares the social inquiry with the chaplain. CHAPLAIN'S REMARKS OR ENTIRE MEETING CLOSING PRAYER meeting 15 YOUR VOCATION OPENING PRAYER REPORT ON LAST WEEK'S ACTION (5 minutes) The secretary reads the actions determined during the last meeting and each member reports. Have you completed this action? Will further action be taken? REVIEW OF INFLUENCE (10 minutes) Each member reports briefly on influence with friends not in YCM, or actions taken on any situation which affects either an individual or a group. SOCIAL INQUIRY (45 minutes) Observe —Are your friends planning to marry—soon or in the future? What are their vocational plans? Do they think it is abnormal not to marry? —List 5 single people; 5 priests, nuns or ministers; 5 married people you know. --Choose a person in each of the 3 groups who impresses you a great deal. Ask them: - Why did they choose their way of life? - How did they prepare for it? - Are they happy? - What is their outlook on life? What are their future plans? - 23 - Judge "The awareness that God works through our free decision puts us in a tremendously challenging position, and this is the basically Christian adventure no matter what the vocation." Sr. Mary Anne David, "I Shall Make You Love Me," Today , March, 19&4-, P« 20. —What is the connection between "life goal," occupation, and state in life? How many of the people you listed are in their vocation by choice? How do they accept this state or situation? What can young adults learn from the ideas you discussed with these people ? —What happens if a person makes the wrong decision? —What do you think of your friends’ ideas and plans regarding their vocation? Act Based on the needs you have discovered, what action can you and the group take? CHAPLAIN’S REMARKS ON SOCIAL INQUIRY DUES Your dues enable us to send organizers into the areas where YCM has not yet been started. SCRIPTURE (20 minutes) Discuss at this time the scripture which you have chosen and prepared for tonight's meeting. PREVIEW OF NEXT WEEK'S MEETING A facts meeting is scheduled next week. For a more complete explanation of this type of meeting, see the introductory mater- ial. Each member should be alert for situations to bring up at the meeting. Select now the scripture the group will discuss at next week’s meeting. Who will prepare the scripture with the chaplain? When? CHAPLAIN'S REMARKS ON ENTIRE MEETING CLOSING PRAYER - 2k - FACTS MEETING meeting 16 OPENING PRAYER REPORT ON LAST WEEK'S ACTION (5 minutes) The secretary reads the actions determined during the last meeting and each member reports. Have you completed this action? Will further action be taken? REVIEW OF INFLUENCE (10 minutes) Each member reports briefly on influence with friends not in YCM, or actions taken on any situation which affects either an individual or a group. FACTS MEETING (45 minutes) Observe --Briefly present a few facts about one young working person you know. —To become more aware of our surroundings , we need to be alert to situations of various kinds. Report facts you have observed about : -race relations -your neighborhood -international life -your parish -politics -work -your city -home Judge From a human and a Christian point of view, what is valuable in the facts reported? What is harmful? Act How can you and the group improve the situations reported on? CHAPLAIN'S REMARKS OR FACTS MEETING DUES SCRIPTURE (20 minutes) Discuss at this time the scripture which you have chosen and prepared for tonight's meeting. PREVIEW OF NEXT WEEK'S MEETING Read the observe questions. Does each member understand what is asked of him? How is he going to gather the necessary infor- mation? Select now the scripture the group will discuss at next week's meeting. Who will prepare the scripture with the chaplain? When? Normally the section president prepares the social inquiry with the chaplain. CHAPLAIN’S REMARKS ON ENTIRE MEETING CLOSING PRAYER - 25 - FINANCES meeting 17 OPENING PRAYER REPORT ON LAST WEEK'S ACTION (5 minutes) The secretary reads the actions determined during the last meeting and each member reports. Have you completed this action? Will further action be taken? REVIEW OF INFLUENCE (10 minutes) Each member reports briefly on influence with friends not in YCM, or actions taken on any situation which affects either an individual or a group. SOCIAL INQUIRY (45 minutes) Observe —How much did your friends, both single and married, earn last year? How did they use this money? (Naturally this informa- tion will only be shared by close friends.) —Ask your single friends: - How much money did they spend needlessly? - Do they feel that saving money is important? Why? - How do they feel about charge accounts? Credit cards? —How many of your single friends own property, stocks, bonds, have savings accounts? —How many of your friends have a fairly new car? How much do they spend on dates, clothes, liquor, cosmetics, records? —Do your friends give to the poor- -either finane iaily or by action on the community level? —Do they contribute in any way to the poor of other nations? Judge "We must repeat once more that the superfluous wealth of rich countries should be placed at the service of poor nations. The rule which up to now held good for the benefit of those nearest to us, must today be applied to all the needy of this world. Besides, the rich will be the first to benefit as a result... If today's flourishing civilizations remain selfishly wrapped up in themselves, they could easily place their highest values in jeop- ardy, sacrificing their will to be great to the desire to possess more." (Para. 49) "No one is justified in keeping for his exclusive use what he does not need, when others lack necessities." (Para. 23) Pope Paul VI, On the Development of Peoples, U.S.C.C., Washington, D.C., 1967 . - 26 - —Can a budget help people get the most out of their money? How? —Which system do you think is best for saving money—banking, credit unions, government bonds, life insurance, stocks? —Why do single people feel that paying up to $4,000 for a new car is more important than saving or investing this money? —Do you feel that young people are cheated by revolving credit and interest payments on new cars due to a lack of understand- ing of the charges involved? —How does one determine what percentage of his income should be given to the poor and exploited of the U.S. and of the world? How far should a person's concern go? Act Based on the needs you have discovered , what action can you and the group take? Seme Suggestions: - Make up a budget allowing for saving 10# to 20# of your income. Attempt to live by this budget. - Convince and help your friends make budgets which include saving. - Can you and your friends set aside part of your income to help the needy of other countries—through CARE packages, financial aid to the YCM of Asia, Africa and Latin America, etc.? Recommended Reading: Hillel Black, Buy Now, Pay Later . Pocket Books, Inc., 1 W. 39th St., New York, N.Y. 10018. CHAPLAIN'S REMARKS ON SOCIAL INQUIRY DUES SCRIPTURE (20 minutes) Discuss at this time the scripture which you have chosen and prepared for tonight's meeting. PREVIEW OF NEXT WEEK'S MEETING Read the observe questions. Does each member understand what is asked of him? How is he going to gather the necessary infor- mation? Select now the scripture the group will discuss at next week's meeting. Who will prepare the scripture with the chaplain? When? Normally the section president prepares the social inquiry with the chaplain. CHAPLAIN'S REMARKS ON ENTIRE MEETING CLOSING PRAYER 27 meeting 18 FAMILY OPENING PRAYER REPORT ON LAST WEEK'S ACTION (5 minutes) The secretary reads the actions determined during the last meeting and each member reports. Have you completed this action? Will further action be taken? REVIEW OF INFLUENCE (10 minutes) Each member reports briefly on influence with friends not in YCM, or actions taken on any situation which affects either an individual or a group. SOCIAL INQUIRY (^5 minutes) Observe —Consider your own family and at least one other family you know. Specifically, what are the things that tend to draw the families together? What are the things that tend to separate them? —What are your friends' attitudes toward their families? —Ask your friends who are no longer living at heme if they have changed their attitude toward their family since they left. —What are the attitudes of your married friends toward the family they are forming? Do their attitudes reflect their own family background? —In conversations with a few people, try to find out what they believe strengthens or weakens the family as a community. Judge "...the family is social life in miniature, a carmunication, a living together, a cooperation, a head and members, an authority and obedience, a giving and a taking, a producing and a sharing, a unity and a multiplicity. That is why the problem of our day more than any else is a family problem, and the greatest contri- bution that the family can make is to be itself—what it really should be, to be a pattern for those who have lost the true image of it, and to be a pure and healthy source of community." Eugene F. Geissler, The Meaning of Parenthood , Fides Publishers, Notre Dame, Ind., 1962, p. 104. —Frcm your observes, what do you think are the important elements of a strong, happy family? What stands in the way? —Does the quotation suggest the pattern for the ideal family? Give examples. —How does this apply to your own family? What is your respon- sibility to apply this in your family? —How do the ideas in the quotation compare with your friends' attitudes toward their families? - 28 - Act Based on the needs you have discovered , what appropriate action can you take? Can you involve your friends? Suggestion: Can you invite a couple whom you respect to share seme of their views with your YCM section and your friends? CHAPLAIN'S REMARKS ON SOCIAL INQUIRY DUES Your dues help maintain the national office. SCRIPTURE (20 minutes) Discuss at this time the scripture which you have chosen and prepared for tonight's meeting. PREVIEW OF NEXT WEEK'S MEETING An evaluation meeting is scheduled next week. Carefully read over the entire meeting and came prepared to discuss the work of your section. Select now the scripture the group will discuss next week. Who will prepare the scripture with the chaplain? When? CHAPLAIN'S REMARKS ON ENTIRE MEETING CLOSING PRAYER EVALUATION MEETING OPENING PRAYER meeting 19 REPORT ON LAST WEEK'S ACTION (5 minutes) The secretary reads the actions determined during the last meeting and each member reports. Have you completed this action? Will further action be taken? REVIEW OF INFLUENCE (10 minutes) Each member reports briefly on influence with friends not in YCM, or actions taken on any situation which affects either an individual or a group. EVALUATION MEETING (^5 minutes) 1. The secretary reports: a. What facts were discovered in the inquiries on Young Adult Life? b. What actions were decided upon? 2. The group discusses: a. Were the observes factual, current, and based on friend- ships with young people? - 29 - b. Were the judgments based on good human reasons, on Christian teaching, and applied to the members' observes? c. Were the actions based on the facts discovered? - Did all the members take personal actions? - Were the actions carried out? If not, why not? - Which actions were effective? Which were not? How could the actions have been more effective? - Is further action necessary? If it is, plan it now. - How will the members and the group continue their in- volvement in areas of special concern to young adults? Note : If your section adapted inquiries in this program to better apply to your locality, we would like you to send copies of them to the National Office. 3. How has the group done with regard to: —regularity of meetings? —attendance at meetings? —starting meeting on time? —length of meetings? —preparation for meetings: - Were observations made informally through conversation? - Were human and Christian judgments formed on those observations by preparation of the judge? - Was additional reading done to better prepare for the meeting? - Were ideas for possible actions explored? - Did the members read and reflect on the scripture inquiries - Were the members sensitive to people and situations which were outside the scope of the meetings (Review of Influ- ence ) ? - Did the discussion leaders prepare with the chaplain? —Have the members generously supported the movement with their dues? —Did the group recruit any new members? —Any other points that should be discussed? CHAPLAIN'S REMARKS ON EVALUATION MEETING DUES SCRIPTURE (20 minutes) Discuss at this time the scripture which you have chosen and prepared for tonight's meeting. LOOKING AHEAD During this part of the meeting preview the coming inquiries. Depending on the date of the primary election in your state, you will take either Politics or International Life. This is impor- tant and will, to a great extent, determine the effectiveness of your group's work on the next part of the program. 1. Look over the social inquiries. 2. Determine the goals your group should set for this section of the program. 3. Discuss what adaptations (if any) need to be made in the in- quiries so that they will be meaningful to your group. Who will make the necessary adaptations? CHAPLAIN'S REMARKS ON ENTIRE MEETING CLOSING PRAYER EVALUATION OF YOUNG ADULT LIFE INQUIRIES, 1967-66 This form is to be filled out by each member after the inquiries on Young Adult Life have been completed. Please fill this out at the meeting. Your comments will help the National Office improve future inquiries on Young Adult Life. HAVE ANY OF YOUR OWN IDEAS BEEN CHANGED OR BROADENED THROUGH THESE INQUIRIES ON YOUNG ADULT LIFE? WHICH SPECIFICALLY? WHAT INDIVIDUAL ACTIONS HAVE YOU TAKEN AS A RESULT OF THE INQUIRIES? WHAT GROUP ACTIONS HAVE BEEN TAKEN? ANY RESULTS TO REPORT? WHAT BOOKS, MAGAZINES OR NEWSPAPERS HAVE YOU READ FOR INFORMATION ON YOUNG ADULT LIFE? WHAT SUGGESTIONS DO YOU HAVE FOR FUTURE INQUIRIES ON YOUNG ADULT LIFE? THANK YOU FOR YOUR HELP. Name Section City State_ Zip 0 ode Length of time in YCM This evaluation sheet should be handed in to your section secre- tary and mailed Immediately to: NATIONAL SECRETARY YOUNG CHRISTIAN MOVEMENT 1655 W. JACKSON BOULEVARD CHICAGO, ILLINOIS 6o6l2 - 32 -