The ^cofu\«ir5 1^# LEW • THE FIVE SCiPELilRS Raymond J. Miller, C.SS.R. Copyright 1960 LIGUORIAN PAMPHLETS KEDEMPTOBIST FATHERS Liguori, Missouri This is a summarized account of the five sea ulars, usually worn as a unit, and of the pro: ises made to those who wear these scapulai Imprimi Potest: John N. McCormick, C.SS.R. Provincial, St. Louis Province, Redemptorist Fathers July 5, 1960 Imprimatur : St. Louis, July 12, 1960 ^ Joseph E. Ritter Archbishop of St. Louis PROVO ^IVER^r Tm THE ME SCAPELARS Raymond J. Miller, C.SS.R. Red — white — blue — black — )rown: these are the five scapulars, five ittle pieces of wool, each about an inch quare, worn by Catholics as an act of levotion to the Mother of God. With one exception, they are small- cale copies of the religious garb worn )y monks and nuns of various religious orders. Wearing them signifies an inten- ion on the part of the wearer to share, IS far as he can, in the life of the monks )r nuns of these orders: their prayers, A^prks, merits; their influence with . God; ind the benefits that God or Our Lady lave promised from heaven to confer up- m' those who would be faithful in wear- ng that particular religious garb. - 3 - The one exception is the red scapula this one was revealed from heaven by Oi Lord precisely as a small scapular; it not derived from any larger religioi garb. And it is true that each of the fb scapulars is traced back to a revelatic from heaven; although the revealing co ered an immense period of time. It wj six and a half centuries, to be exact. T1 first revelation, about the white scapula occurred in the year 1190; and the la one, about the red, was made in 184 Here are the stories of those revel; tions. St. John of Matha, a Spaniard, wj saying his first holy Mass in 1190 whe he saw over the altar the figure of c angel wearing a white robe^, with a bli and red cross on the breast and tl shoulder. St. John was given to unde stand that this was the kind of religioi garb, or habit, that the Lord wished be worn by the members of the new rel gious order that John was about to foun( It was to be called the Order of the Mo - 4 - rtoly Trinity, and was to be dedicated to !;he work of redeeming Christians who lad been captured by the Turks of north- ern Africa and reduced to slavery. In 1198 St. John and his first compan- ons had applied to Pope Innocent III :or papal approval of their new order. ' SVhile he was debating the matter, he too Sad a vision of the angel in the white *obe with the red and blue cross, and hereupon did grant the approval. Such j s the story related in the Roman brevi- ary of the origin of the Trinitarian Or- ler, and incidentally of its scapular, the \^hite scapular. And beyond a doubt the )rder and its work turned out to be wor- ^ hy of the approval of heaven and the ^Church. During the three centuries from M200 to 1500, there were some ninety ^ housand Christians rescued by its means '^Tom behind the iron curtain of those lays. |! Next in order of time to be revealed jrom heaven was the black scapular of '^:he Sorrowful Mother, or of the Seven Dolors of the Blessed Virgin Mary. - 5 - In the year 1240 there were seve men, prominent citizens of Florence i central Italy, who had gathered togeth^ regularly and bound themselves by vo to honor the Mother of God in her so rows. One evening while they were their prayers, she appeared to them hoh ing some black garments in her hand “Behold,” she said, “the manner of tl garments with which I wish you to 1 clothed. These garments shall be to yc a perpetual memory of the sufferings < my heart.” Following upon this vision, the seve holy men founded the Order of the Se vants of Mary, or the Servites. It is we known in the United States as the ord( which promotes the novena devotions i honor of the Sorrov^ful Mother, held i many churches every Friday night. Th small black scapular of the Sorrowfi Mother derives its origin from this visio of the Mother of God. In fact, there : evidence to show that historically th black scapular was the first of all the fiv - 6 - ; small scapulars to be adopted and worn I by lay people. c Next came the brown scapular in 1251 \md 1322. The Roman breviary relates I that Our Lady appeared to St. Simon r Stock, an Englishman who was superior- ^ general of the Carmelite Order, in Cam- 1, bridge, England, in the year 1251. Hold- ing in her hands the brown habit of the Carmelites, she made this promise: “Who- ever dies in this habit shall not suffer everlasting fire.” In 1322 Pope John XXII issued a pa- pal document in which he declared that e Our Lady had appeared to him also and made this promise in regard to those who e wear the brown Carmelite habit and ful- lefill certain other conditions: “I, the Moth- ijer of Grace, shall descend on the Satur- iiday after their death, and whomsoever I in purgatory I shall free, so tl*at I ijmay lead them to the holy mountain of Qjlife everlasting.” i This extraordinary promise has come lito be known as the Sabbatine Privilege v((in Latin, Sabbatum means Saturday). - 7 - We shall have more to say about it wh we come to speak of the benefits and t obligations connected with the wearing the scapulars. Here we mention only t it is universally accepted in Catholic l;j that this Sabbatine promise of Our La applies not only to actual members of t Carmelite Order, but it is connected al with the wearing of the small brow scapular, by any and all Christians. Several centuries elapsed before hea ' en spoke again to reveal one of the fi scapulars. This time it was in the ye 1605, in the city of Naples, to a holy ni by the name of Sister Ursula Beninca Our Lord Himself appeared to her ai made great promises if she and her f< low-nuns would adopt as their religio habit one of a light blue color in hon of the Immaculate Conception of t Mother. Sister Ursula then asked Him He would grant similar favors to those the laity or of other religious orders wl would wear in honor of the Immacuh Conception a small blue scapular; ai Our Lord did so promise. - 8 - I I * Several centuries passed again, and we 1 come to the year 1846, to the city of Troyes in France, and to Sister Appoline 1 Andriveau, of the Sisters of Charity. In i that year Our Blessed Lord appeared to her, showing her the red scapular of the Passion, promising that whoever would I wear it would receive a great increase of '' faith, hope and charity on every Friday. 'This vision was several times repeated; ^ and the extraordinary thing about it is the rapidity with which it was approved g in Rome. The visions occurred in 1846; and the very next year, 1847, Pope Pius IX approved it and enriched it with many indulgences. So prompt an action on the Impart of Holy Mother Church in a mat- ter of this kind hardly has a parallel. Such was the origin of each of the five H scapulars. According to the accounts, ^ each of them was revealed directly from 5' heaven. The custom of wearing the small scapulars as a kind of small-scale copy la of the original habit, it is true, did not H come into practice until about the year 1600. By their connection with the orig- -9- inals, however, they too may be said i have come at least indirectly from heave But the stories of these heavenly visioi are not the only reasons, nor indeed eve the main one, for their importance ar power in Catholic life. It is the approv of the Church which gives them the real value, and gives them the blessii of heaven more certainly and dependab than all the stories of revelations fro on high. Now the Church has approved eac one of the five scapulars independent! by itself: the red, white, blue, black ar brown. And we might mention here th the Church has also approved many otl er scapulars besides our five. There a: also those of the third orders of St. Frai cis and of St. Dominic; those of Our Lac of Good Counsel, of St. Joseph, of S Benedict, of the Precious Blood, of tl Sacred Heart, and the black scapular < the Passion; also the green scapular « Our Lady and a number of others; aboi twenty in all. Our own five scapulars however, ha^ - 10 - one very special distinction; they have been approved not only each by itself, but also all together. The five scapulars are one single devotion, approved as such by the Church. In Europe about the beginning of the present century they were often called iThe Redemptorist Scapulars, for the Re- demptorist Fathers on their missions al- ways preached (as they still do) the de- votion of the five scapulars, and had received power from Pope Leo XIII in the year 1886 to enroll the faithful in them. Even as far back as St. Alphonsus’ time, in the 1700’s, Redemptorists had the faculties from the pope to enroll in four of the five: the white, black, brown and blue. And when the red scapular was revealed to Sister Appoline in 1846, and Pope Pius approved it in 1847, it was not long before people began asking for that scapular as well as the four from Dlden times; and it was this popular de- mand that gave rise, in the providence of jrod, to the devotion of the five scapulars. So much for the origin and approval - 11 - of the five scapulars; now for their be efits. The main one is that the wearer enjo some special protection of the Blesst Virgin Mary. Even though not all tl five are scapulars of Our Lady, yet Catholic tradition they have come to 1 taken as a special sign of devotion to he As such, St. Alphonsus recommends tl wearing of the scapular in a list of D votions to Mary he gives in his class Glories of Mary; and states that he hir self was enrolled in the four: whit black, brown and blue (in his time tl red had not yet been revealed). Another benefit is the company whic the five scapulars bring us into. Tl wearer is affiliated somehow with thr religious orders, and four confraternitie The three orders are: the Trinitarian for the white scapular; the Servites, f( the black; and the Carmelites for tl brown. The four confraternities of whic the wearer becomes a member by beii enrolled in the five scapulars are: of tl Most Holy Trinity, for the white; of tl - 12 - Sorrowful Mother, for the black; of Our Lady of Mount Carmel, for the brown; and of the Immaculate Conception, for the blue. The last named is of compar- atively recent origin: Pope Leo XIII es- tablished the confraternity of the Im- maculate Conception on September 18, 1894. And note again that the red scapular is not derived from any religious garb, and has no confraternity. It is a Catholic devotion. It does not make a wearer a member of any spiritual organization, but it has its own benefits and obligations. Indulgences are often spoken of as one of the great benefits of the five scapulars, but it must be said that at the present time they are not so extremely numer- ous. Perhaps there are three or four plenary indulgences every month, to be gained usually by receiving the sacra- ments and saying an Our Father, Hail Mary, and Glory be for the intentions of the Holy Father. The red scapular car- ries with it the privileges of gaining a plenary indulgence every Friday if one ~ 13 - meditates for at least a quarter of an hou on the Passion of Our Lord. This shoul not be too difficult for persons who mak a daily meditation. They could make for that day on the Passion. - 14 - THE SCAPULAR PROMISES What are the promises that heaven has made for wearing the five scapulars? Im- plicitly, there is a very real promise with each of them. When our Lord or His mother appeared with the individual re- ligious habits, they were as much as say- ing: “Wear this for Me, and I will love you.” Explicitly, however, not every one of the five has a specific promise. There is none (at least as far as this writer has found) in so many words for the white or for the black. For the blue, our Lord promised “great favors” for the wearers “and others” no doubt for those near and dear to the wearers; He also seems to have promised special power to their prayers for the conversion of sinners. For the red, He promised “a great in- crease of faith, hope and charity on every Friday.” The promises of the brown scapular of Mount Carmel are the most famous. - 15 - To St. Simon Stock, the Blessed Virgii promised that its wearers would escape hell; to Pope John XXII she promisee that she would free them from purgator] on the Saturday after their death. Thii latter Sabbatine promise has been the object of a vast amount of controversy The main point of the controversy waj settled by the Church many years ago when Pope Paul V issued a decree or January 20, 1613: ‘Tt is lawful for the Carmelites tc preach that the faithful may piously be- lieve in the assistance promised to the brethren themselves and also to the mem- bers of the Confraternity of Mount Car- mel, namely, that the Blessed Virgin wil assist by her continual intercession, suf- frages and merits, and also by her specia: protection, particularly on the Saturday after their death, the souls of those brethren and members of the Confra- ternity who depart this life in charity and whilst living on earth have worn the habit, observed chastity according to theii state in life, etc.” - 16 - We shall discuss the other conditions /hen speaking of the obligations of the irown scapular. Besides getting things for wearing the capular, however, we are also empower- d to do things. The scapular is not a pod luck charm. The wearer is not sup- osed to be completely passive about it. lather, it is to inspire him to do things or God and for souls. This is one of the •enefits. Wearing the white scapular is a way f sharing in the works, merits and pow- r of the Trinitarian Fathers, who saved '0,000 Christian slaves from behind the ron curtain of days gone by. The mod- rn wearer of the white scapular and lember of the Confraternity of the Most loly Trinity, is sharing in those merits; 5 drawing upon them in his own prayers nd good works in the work of bringing elief and perhaps even deliverance to lie thousands of slaves behind the iron urtain of our own day. Similarly, the wearing of the black capular in honor of the Mother of Sor- - 17 - rows is a good work calculated to brii down the favor of that Mother on all tl mothers and all the loved ones bereave by war or persecution or exile in our ov day. Our Lady of Fatima revealed to tl children that devotion to her Immac^ late Heart is the way to world peace ai the conversion of Russia. The blue sea; ular of the Immaculate Conception c fers a way of practicing that devotio also the red, which, besides being tl scapular of the Passion, is also that - the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the In maculate Heart of Mary. And in h< final great apparition at Fatima, Maj took the appearance of Our Lady < Mount Carmel, according to the accoun of the children. Now for the obligations of the fr scapulars: what must the scapulars thee selves be made of? what about the e: rolling and the wearing (with somethii about the scapular medal)! and the pra; ers or devotions that have to be pe formed? - 18 - The scapulars must be of wool; there must be two sets of the five, joined with red strings. They must be worn around the neck, one set on the breast, the other on the back. It is not required that the red cord be attached to each of the five scapulars. They may be wrapped in cel- lophane or other transparent material, as long as the blue and red cross on the (vhite scapular remains visible. In particular, the requirements for the white scapular are that it have a blue and red cross sewed onto the front piece of the two parts of the scapular. On the back piece, there need be nothing; and sometimes it is reduced to half size. For the cross, the up and down beam must be red, and the one across must be the blue. The white scapular must be the first or last among the five, for the reason that the cross upon it must be visible. There is no special legislation about the make-up of the black, blue and brown scapulars, except that they must be wool- ;n. They may have an image of the Blessed Virgin upon them, but this is not - 19 - necessary. The scapular of Our Lady ( Mount Carmel may also be colored blac instead of brown; though among the fi\ it will always be brown to distinguish from the black one of the Sorrowft Mother. The red, however, is very special. O one of the two pieces it must have a image of our Lord on the cross with tb prayer: “Holy Passion of our Lord Jesi Christ, save us!” On the other piece thei must be an image of the hearts of Jesi and Mary, with the prayer: “Sacre Hearts of Jesus and Mary, protect us!” In order to share in the benefits of th five scapulars, two things are always a sential: 1) one must be enrolled in eac of them by a priest having the powe and 2) one must wear the scapulars (c the scapular medal). About the enroUing: most priests nov adays have the power to enroll, or ca obtain it fairly easily. Many priests ha\ also the power to enroll in the scapulai under a single formula. This means thj instead of having to place the five scaj - 20 - ulars upon the person’s shoulders five times, as they would otherwise have to do, a single imposing of the five will suf- fice, when accompanied of course with the proper prayers. This is the manner of the enrolling when there is a large crowd to be en- rolled: (There is no problem if it is only one or two.) The priest having the proper faculties can use a single scapular to enroll them all. And it need not be a scapular belong- ing to anyone of the persons to be en- rolled. 1) The priest blesses the scapular. If it is blessed already, that is, if he has used it before in an enrolling ceremony, he may omit the bless- ing. 2) Next, before imposing it upon any- one (not after), he recites the en- rolling words: “Receive the habit of the Most Blessed Trinity . . .” “Receive the scapular of the Pas- sion of Our Lord . . .” etc. - 21 - 3) Then he does the actual imposin by laying it for a moment on tf shoulder (it need not be arour the neck) of each person; ar leaves it lying on the shoulder i the last one. 4) Finally he says the concludir prayers. Some priests have a special privilege If there are more than tw^enty persons l be enrolled, and each has his own scapi lar, they can impose it upon themselvc at the proper time in the ceremony. Bi this will not usually be the case; mo; persons nowadays have not the scapuh but the scapular medal. Afterwards the name of each perso e^olled must be taken down and sent i to some church where one of the foi confraternities is established: of the Mo; Holy Trinity, of the Sorrowful Mothe: c3Ff^ Our Lady of Mount Carmel, and c the Immaculate Conception. Redemptoi ists, however, are privileged to enroll i the scapulars without the obligation c sending in the names. - 22 - As to the actual wearing of the scap- jlars, they must be worn around the leck or carried on the person. If a scap- ular is lost or worn out, all that is neces- >ary is to procure another one and put it Dn; no new blessing is required. If a per- son once enrolled has completely given Lip wearing it, but now wishes to take jp the practice again, all he needs to do is to get a new one and put it on. No new blessing or enrolling is required. This is the case with the scapulars them- selves. ^But if one procures a new med- al, the medal must always be blessed. And that brings us to the scapular medal. In 1910 Pope Pius X granted the privilege of wearing the scapular medal instead of the scapulars, declaring that thereby the wearer shared in all the bless- ings and benefits of the scapulars for which the medal had been blessed, “not excluding,” he says with emphasis, “the Sabbatine privilege.” But note these things about the scap- ular medal: 1) The first enrolling must be in the - 23 - scapular, not in the medal, except i persons in the armed forces, who m be enrolled directly with the medal. 2) The medal supplies for any a all scapulars for which it is blessed; tl is, if the priest had faculties to enroll the five scapulars, and blessed the mec properly, it carries all the privileges of t five. If he blesses it for still others, it c: ries their privileges too. 3) The priest in blessing the mec need only make the sign of the cross o\ the medal for each scapular. He ne say no words; but he must keep ea scapular distinct in his mind as he ble! es. He can do so by repeating with ea sign of the cross: ‘‘Red — White - Blue — etc.” 4) How does a scapular medal loo It must have on one side an image our Lady, any accepted representati* of her whatever; and on the other, t image of our Lord with His Heart sho ing. 5) The scapular medal need not worn around the neck, but may be ci - 24 - ried anywhere on the person, or sewed in the clothes, (for example, in a bath- ing suit). We now come finally to the prayers that have to be said or good works done in order to gain the benefits of the scap- ulars. For four of them, namely all but the brown, there is nothing imposed as of obligation. It is the brown scapular that has the special obligations. Not as re- gards our Lady’s promise to St. Simon Stock, about saving the wearers from hell; that requires only the faithful wear- ing of the scapular. But to gain the Sab- batine privilege; to make sure of being freed from purgatory on the Saturday aft- er our death (if not sooner); there we do have something special to do. The decree of Pope Paul V of Janu- ary 20, 1613, which was partially quot- ed above, goes on to list these obligations of the Sabbatine privilege. It declares that we may believe that the Blessed Vir- gin will bring special help: especially on the Saturday after their death to the souls - 25 - of those brethren and those members the confraternity who depart this life charity and who, whilst living, have wo the habit, observed chastity according their state, and who shall have recited t Little Office of the Blessed Virgin Mai or, if they cannot read, shall have o served the fasts of the Church and sh; have abstained from flesh meat on We nesdays and Saturdays (unless the Fes of the Nativity of our Lord falls on th day). Note that, besides wearing the brov scapular, this decree imposes two obt gations, with a substitute offered for t' second. The first obligation is that of “cha tity according to one’s state.” This do not mean that the wearer of the brov scapular may not get married, but th married or single he must strive to avo sins against chastity, and if he shou fall into sin, must be prompt to reper The second is “reciting the little c fice of the Blessed Virgin.” This is very ancient Catholic devotion, consis - 26 - ng of a collection of hymns and psalms ind prayers in honor of our Lady, mod- eled on the divine office which priests ay every day; a kind of abbreviated )reviary in honor of Mary. It must be aid every day to gain the scapular prom- se. Those bound to say the regular di- dne office fulfill the obligation by that ^ery exercise. Sisters who recite the new hort breviary in English (as many are loing nowadays) would also seem to be ulfilling this obligation; at least, any )riest who has faculties to enroll in the )rown scapular can commute the obli- gation of the little office into this Eng- ish office for them. The substitute for the second obliga- ion in Paul V’s decree is to “observe the asts of the Church and abstain on Wed- nesdays and Saturdays.” But very often n modern life even this substitute is )ractically impossible. So the Church, ike a solicitous mother, has gone on to )ffer a substitute for the substitute. She las granted to every priest who has facul- ies to enroll in the brown scapular, the - 27 - power to change or commute this fa ing and abstaining into the performar of certain good works or the recitati of certain prayers. Good works would t periodic almsgiving; regular contributic to the missions; hearing Mass on wee days; kissing the brown scapular da with the prayer: “Our Lady of Mov Carmel, pray for us!” As to the prayc to be recited, various suggestions e made by writers on the subject. Soi say it should be seven Our Fathers a Hail Marys every day; some would bri it down as low as one Our Father, o Hail Mary, and one Glory be, every dc The exact prayers will depend on t judgment of the priest who does t commuting. This, then, is the devotion of the fi scapulars. In one way it seems easy, cc sidering the magnitude of the benefits offers. But to be faithful throughout li in a conscious and deliberate way, to tl easy exercise of wearing the little sea ulars and fulfilling the other obligatic is no little thing, and wiU surely bri - 28 - le rewards that heaven has promised nd Holy Mother Church has made her wn by her approval. “Those enrolled in the five scapulars re to be enrolled in the four confra- jrnities pertaining to the white, black, rown and blue scapulars. There is no onfraternity and no inscribing necessary, 3r the red scapular. - 29 - WHITE Rev. Director, Confraternity of the Most Holy Trinity, St. Ann’s Church, Bristol, Pennsylvania BLACK Rev. Director, Confraternity of Our Lady of Sorrows, 3121 Jackson Blvd., Chicago 12, Illinois BROWN Rev. Director, Confraternity of Our Lady of M Carmel, Carmel of Holy Hill, Hubertus, Wisconsin BLUE Rev. Director, Confraternity of the Blue Scapula 1156 9th St., Denver 4, Colorado - 30 - Send for a free copy of the complete list of popular LIGUORiAN PAMPHLETS Over 400 Titles WRITE TO LIGUORIAN PAMPHLETS UGUORI, MO., U.S.A, 82 t Published by LIGUORIAN PAMPHLETS REDEMPTOBIST FATHERS Liguori, Missouri Printed in U.S,