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Under the personal direction of H. B. Thearle. Clilcago. ^ ASSISTED BY <- MISS PAULINE STEIN, SOPRANO. MISS GERTRUDE BAKER, SOLO PIANIST. PROGRAM. 1. Piano Solo— Scene of tlie KermesBe from Faust Gounod-Saint Saene ' 'T^^ Miss Gertrude Jiaker^ 2. Song— Aria from Roberto Mayerbeer ,;, '• . ;.■-"■ yiiss Pauline Stein. .._'[ '-'V'^.j - h,..;':. 3. Violin Solo— Concerto fiomantique, in 5 parte B. Goflard V ; V , . ,' Allegro Moderate. , i. ^> . -V-'":''^'' %-^>' ':^---' Recltativo. .. /"^ '■ ' ' 'V* ■ — -m-v'i^.i ..,„■ .-,. -[:,':. '■X/'-''- :'>"•',,>'•■■■ Andante. ■■■.'■••: '-^'^ ■'''=".■'-■ ■;..■; "' ■ cC-:-v',J''-'^'''v : J- -^'.^ - Canzonetta. ^' ' • ■.', ,-■. - .'.'.<•■,- • .» ■ ■• ■ .,.■ ^■■ -r> -_' '' - Finale.— Allegro molto. .' : '. - 4. Piano Solo— Polonaise Tchaiko^vsky-Liezt Miss Gertrude linker . K v«rtHr, ««i«a ia Choral Nocturne. (G Minor.) Chopin -Remenyi ,^! soios- -^ yj Malaguena. (Spanish Dance.) Sarazate ' •''* Mdouard Remenyi. « ««ra < *• Serenata , .... Mozkoweki b. songs--^!^ ADream Bartlett Miss Gertrude Stein. 7. Violin Solo— Popular and National Melodies, transcribed for Violin alone by E, Remenyi 1?. Retnenyl, 8. Ensemble— A va Maria Bach-Gounod Miss Pauline Utein, Miss Gertrude Buker. '(PQ and Eilouard Remenyi, ^ , ^ Vix ^^EMENYI. Under the personal direction of H. B. Thearle. Chicago. ^ ASSISTED BY -^ MISS PAULINE STEIN, SOPRANO. t MISS GERTEdDE BAKES, SOLO PIANIST. PROGRAM. 1. Piano Solo— Scene of the KermeBse from Faiiet Gounod-Saint Saens Misn Oertrude .Bakei\ 2. Song— Aria from Roberto ■. iiayerbeer Miss Pauline Stein, 3. Violin Solo— Concerto Eomantiqne, In 5 parte B. Godsrd Allegro Moderato. Recitative. Andante. ^ Canzonetta. Finale.— Allegro molto. M. Renienyi. 4. Piano Solo—Polonaiee Tchalkowsky-Liszt 3Iis» Qet'trttde Jiaker. K \r»«HT, tt^irto jft Choral Nocturne, (G Minor.) Chopin Remenyi 5. Violin Boios-^^ Malaguena. (Spanish Dance.) Sarnzate JSdouard Rentenf/i. « tt»n». < a- Serenata MozkowBki b. song8--|y3 A Dream.... Bartlett Miss Gertrude Stein. 7, Violin Solo— Popular and National Melodies, transcribed for Violin alone by E, Reraeny i J5. Rtinenyi* 8. Ensemble— A va Maria Bach-Gounod Miss Pauline Utein, Miss Gertrude Baker. /*-j ^ and Edouard Retnenyi. (^qC-