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'Trn- L * J ASs ife N T iy^Me ASSlfMlO, Ajuftado eotre las dos Majeftadcs Catholica, y Bretanica, fpbre , £nca;rgarre la Com- - paflia die Inglaferra de la Tntroducton de 'v,E(clavos Negros en J' t^ America Efpano- f ja, /por tieinpo de tre- inta anos, que empe- 4 zaran d correr en primero de Mayo del prelbiite de mil fete- v^cJeiito* y tteti?; y *; cumpliran en otro tal dia del de mil Setecien- - i vl°Si y parenta y tres. Adjufted between Their aritannak and Catho- liok Majefties, forthei £»^//yi& GortJpany's o- bliging ir felf to (upply the Spattijh IVeft-Ittdies with BJack Sfaves, for the Term of Thirty Years^ to Commence on the Firft Day of Mty of this prcfent Year 17 ij. and tp' End on the like p|]^; in the Year 174J. :,* r EL ftEY. THE KING. Introducion^ OR Quan- ta aviendo termnaio el Affien- to ajujia' do con fa Corttpa- nia Real de Gtfifi^(t, ejiablecida en Francia^ de k mtroducion de Efclavos' Negros enlailndi- as, y defeando entrar en efta dcpendiencia la Reyna de la Gran BretaHa^ yen fitnom- bre laCoMpamadilnglaierfa, y en efla intHigem'taeflipula-' A •■ ■ [tiereas iheiaaodv&im, A/jientoAi p-eed on tpiih the iioyalGm-' neaCon^a- ny^fettlei ifi Stance Jor the introducing ofNe^rd Slaves into the In- dies, is determined, and the' ^een of Great Britain being dejirous of coming into this Commerce, and in Her Name the Eftglifh Company, \as is f'^ulated in the frelimina' rtes if the Peace, and that B doft -w. dofe affi en el Pre/minur de la Pas, para corrcr con efte 'Aljtento pot t'lempo, y efpado de t trim a anos ^ fiijo en J^ v'lrtud en mis manos Don Manuel Manafa Gilligan, Deputado de fu Magejlad Bretanica, vn Fliego^ dado para efte ejeiio, de liis qua- rem a y.dos Condicio/tes, "con tjue Je avia ,de arreglar ejie Tratado ^ elqual mando reco- nocer per vna Junta de tres Miniftros de mi Confejo de las Ind/as, para que vi^o por ella, me dixejfe lo que en razon de cad» ca^itub^ o ccn- ikcionf le ofreciejfe. Tavi- endolo executado affi, y que- danda de ejfa efpeculacion, pendiemes, y controvertibles muchos punt OS, lo bolvt a re- mitir a otra Junta, y entera- do yo de todo^ y fin embargo de las reparos, que por ambas Juntas Je expufieron, fiendo mi df(tnto coriilh\r,yperfecc\o- nar efte AJJiento, condefcen- diendo^ y complaciendo €n «/, en todo topojflble, ah Beyna Bretanica^ he vemk^p^im: ileal Decreto dfjbze di(^0g[ prefente met e^mmtffj^'^^^ aprobar las exprjtffadas qua^ tent a y dos Condtciottei conte- njdas en el citado Fliego^ en ii forma que dbaxo irdnex- puejias^ con mas la exienjibn, quefuera de elks he refuelto concedtr motu propiopor el eitiido Decreto a efta Compa- nia. ^ue todo es en laformf A .'-.UP' this Ajjiento Jhould continue for the Time and Space, oji Thirty years ^ Don Manuel Meqafles GilUgan, Jeputed by Her Ahijefiy ofGte^t Bri- tain, did J inpurfuance thereof^ put into lAy Hands aDraiight, made for that purpoje, con- raining Forty two Articles; for t})fi regulating this ComraO s which I referred to the Qonfi- deration of a Junta of Three Minifiers of My Council of th^ I ndies, that upon perufal t%'recffi^ the^ fji?^)t ^poft^ to Me ioMit Jhould ijchtr to them ttpoiieach Art'tefi or Condi- tion. Which being done, and fever al Points remaining up- ofl thi^ lamination unde- termined and , controverted, I ref&redh back to another Junta-., and beir^ fully in- formed of the whole Mat- ter, nctwithflandifg the Ob- je[f ions made byboth^unias, it beirigMy IrnkntiofLtoHon- clude and Ftnifh this Afjiento, with all ppffible Condefcention ajtd Complacency towards the ^£enof(^xtix^m^k(0i: thought Jif^ lyMj^oyd/Dterer., of the Twelfth afihif,pr^en$ ' JVlonih,to Admit and Apprc je of the /aid Forty two Arti*^ cles, contained in theforemen- tioned t)niught, in the man^, ner herei^ter fpecified^ with the Enlargemem, which over and above I have of My own free Will refolved to Grant to the f^id Company by My, /aid Deeree, AU Mich is, i/^\ the manner fo^ir^. I. Pri-' ASSl S.M.I pa, pr foils nalara troJu^ An«r l'teza« ai, 9n pn do uinof, Je eiT correr nvro dcfle :^'..ri1v^ d continue I SPiice^ ofi_ on Manuel I, Mguted Greht Bri- nce thereof^ (iDratight, rfofe^ con- \rtules,ifor ^ CmtraO \ ■) the Qonfi- a of Three Council oj lonperitfal t Ifepott, to Urt'to them or Condi- done, and naini^ up- tien nn^e- ntr«verted, to another ? fully in- hale Mat- ig the Ob- thjunjas, ion. toCon- h Afjiento^ ndefcention nvar^ds the \oydlY^'eree\ 'hh.prtfentl M Apprc je two Arti- beforemen- n the man^', "ifiedy with which over of My own 1 to Grant wJich is{ tn\ I. Pri- "''I "'il "iji' • r^3 ASSIHNTO 1. S.M.B.feoM1- pa, porlaiper- foils qtie fcn- nalara, de in troJucir en la Anerica I44U I'trzafde ladl- ai, en eJ liem- pn do ireinta uinof, que han de empezar a correr en pri- nvro de Mayo dcfls de 171 3 I. FRimeramente, que pdn procurar por dte medio vna mutua, y reciproca vtili- dad A las dos Mngeftades, y Vaflallos de ambas Coronas, ofrece, y le obliga fu Mage- (hd Bretanica por las perfb- nas, que aombrar^, y iena- lar^ l^ra quecorran, y fe en- carguen de introducir en las Indias Occidentales de la A- merica, pertenecientes a fu Mageftad CathoHca, en el ti- empd de los dichos treinta anos, que daran principio en primero de Mayo'de mil fe- tecientos y treze, y cumpli- ran en otro tal dia del que \en- dr5 de mil letecientos y qua- renta y tres •, es a laber, ci- ento y quarenta y quatro mil Negros, piezas de Indias, de ambos fexos, y de todas edades, a razon en cada vno de los dichos treinta aiios de quatro mil y ochocientos Negros piezas de indias, con 1% calidad, que las perfonas que paflaren a las Indias a cuydar de las dependencias del AflSento, eviten todo eV- candalo-, porque fi lo dieren fcran proceflados, y caftiga- dos en la milma forma que lo ferian en Efpaiia, fi los tales delitos fe cometieffen aqui. •1 ASSIENTO. FIrll then, to procure, m,t bI;m»«.-.* by this means, a niu- \\'.' %'i'^»,^ tual and reciprocal Advan- 'i'Th h",S tage to the Sovereigns and *''<"" siicfhan Subj^s of both Crowns, t&r^o'o"; Her Britijh Majefty does Ot'-^^^t^'^ cP'**" fer and Undertake for thet^^^t.^"^ rerlons, whom She fliall '^"Um, within Name and Appoint, That Vmrt^Tm^I they (hall Oblige and Charge '« ''epin nn the themfelves ^virh the bring- 'j" °^ ^^"^' ing into the Wejl-lndies of '" America^ belonging to His' Catholick Majefty, in the Space of the laid Thirty Years, to Commence oIi the Fiift Day of May, One thouland feven hundred and thirteen, and Determine on the like Day, which will be in the Year One thouland le- ven hundred and forty three, viz. One hundred and forty four thouland Negroes, Pie- zas delndia^ofhoth Sexes, and of all Ages,at the Rate of Four thoufand and eight hundred Negroes, Piezas de India, in each of the fa id Thu-ty years, with this Condition That the Perlbns who (hall go to the Wefl-Indies to take careof the Concerns of the Affiento (hall avoid giving any OJr fence, for ia (uch Cale they (hall be Prolecuted and Pu- nifhed in the lame manner, as they would have been in Spain, if thelikeMiiaemei- nors had been committed there. ' . ' i i B II. ai^e [4] IT. Pagara a nxon dttrcfniay ties perof tfoidoi, y vn tarcio do o- iro de cada ple> 2a de Indias, no nanduv''jjoi,n! con dsfe£tot, por todof, y qualefquler da- recboi ; y fi al- tuBoi cobraren foiMlnlftroi,fa avran de abo- nil', conftando por teilimonlo. 1!. Qjie por cada Negro, pie- za de Indias, de h medida regular de fiete quartas, no fiendoviejos, nlcon defeaos, fegun lo prafticado, y efta- blccido haila aqui en las In- dias, pagaran los Aflentiftas treinta y ties peibs efjudos de plata, y vn tercio de otro, en cuya cantidad le han de entender, y feriin conn»e- hendidos todos, y qualelqui- cra derechos, afli de Alcava- la, Sila, Union de Armas, Boquer6n, como otros oua- lel^uiera de entrada, y Re- galia, que eftuvieffen impu- eftos, 6 en adelante ie impu- fieren pertenecientesafuMa- gellad Catholica, fin que fe pueda pedir otra cola^ yque n algunos fe cobraffen per los Governadores, Oficiales Reales, u otros Mlniftros^ fe ayan de abonar a los Aflen- tiftas en quenta de los dere- chos que huvieren depagar a <^' Mageftad Catholica de los dichos treinta y tres pe- ibs efeudos de plata, y vn tercio de otro, en virtud de teftimonio autentico, el qual no ha de poder ne^r ningun Efcrlvano a quien le pida por parte de los Aflentiftas, k cuyo fin fe ha de expedir Cedula General, en la mas amplia forma. II. 11. That for each Segro,P'idza Ti'«e n»n t* de Mia of the regular Stan- ?ni,w«r S** dard of Seven Qjiarters, not i^i'fci for ttw being old or defedive, ac- S^.S'^^f.'^ cording to what has been n'PiocMof praftifed and eftablifhed hi- §'•"«. ^'»- therto in tlie Mies, the Affi- Jv^, < S'bc entifts (hall pay Thirty three J."^?" o^de. Pieces of Efcht (^^W.x)J%,i^"'^'' and One third of a Piece of Ouiiei rhouF Eight, in which Sum fhallS^g^Jj;, be accounted to be, and Ihall *^^ fame ap- be comprehended, all and allfi'^^S"" rnanner of Duties ofA/cava/a^ be made good. 5/2rf, Union de Armis, Bo- queron, or any other Duty whatlbeyer, of Importation or Kegalia, that now are, or hereafter fliall be impofed, belonging to His Catholick Majefty, fo that nothing more (hall be demanded j and if any fliould be taken by the Governors, Royal Of ficers, or other Mmifters, they fliall be made good to the Aflientifts, on account of the Duties which they are to pay to His Catholick Maje- fty of 3 3 T Pieces of Eight, as aforeiaid, the &m& being made appear by an Authen- tick Certificate, which (hall not be denied by any Pub- lick Notary, thereunto requi- red on the part of the Aflien- tifts 5 for which purpofe a General Order (Cedula) (hall be iflued in the molt ample form. III. Qpe u. in!^rei^« paid for all and irters, not puttef for th« ttive, ac-tertlMR«tof has beennjpioeeiof jlilhed bi§'«H^'»-, r, the Affi-p,«« (not be. hirty three •h?''*/''^ «*«'., a Piece of ^"''^ "•«>«*<' Sum fliall the'officcn, I, and fhall '^e («me ap- all and all a»l?'- jiAIcavala^ ba made good. >ther Duty tnpoitation K)ware, or imixrfed, Catholick It nothing iemanded j Id be taken Royal Of- Minifters, le good to account of 1 they are ^lickMaje- ^f Eight, as imo being m Authen- irhich fhall any Pub- unto requi- the Aflien- purpofe a (Ceduk) the molt IMQSS [ 5] III. Anclclpira loou, pefoi en dot pagai Igua- lei, da dot es dot tneftf, pira extinguirloi en lot dltf annot vhlmoi a loij. P'faa en eada vno. d«l pro- dufto de lu» derechoi. m. Que los dichos Affentiftas anticiparin a fu Mageftad Catholica, para ocurrir a las vrgencias de fii Corona, do- zientos mil pelbs efcudos, en dos pagas iguales, a razon de cien mil pelbs cada vna, la ptimera dos meles defpues que lu ^4ageftad ay;i apro- bado, y firmado efte Affien- to j y la I'egunda cumplidos otros dos mefes defpues de la primera^ cuya cantidad, afli anticipada, "o han de po- 4er reemDolIair hafta que le ayan cumplido los veinte aiios primeros de efte Aflien- to, quaiido podran hazerlo prornteadamente en los diez f cftantes, y vltimos, a razon de veinte mil pelbs en cada vno, del produfto deldere- cho de las piezas, que debi- eren latisracer en dichuc^ anos. *V IV. I'agara en tfta Cortalaanti^ Qpe J^, de ier de !a obli- 2;,^'?rg^cio« ds^. Affentiftas de iS^"ftu'n,i!iart3^d«>4p(g^ mil pefos ft(, por mind. elcudos.en xSpt Corte ^ como tambien el importe de los deie^hos, de lels en leis me- lib, de la mitad de las pie- zas de Efclavos, que le capi- tdlanencadavnana. V. V. Lsu pagas de los Qjie las pa^ de los de- dffeJd^iMAu *^*^^ ^^ ^" ^^ executar en Negros,poiha.'la fpiiQa expceflad^i en la d III. '"• That the faid Affientifts J« J^njred (hall advance to His Catho-cMofEighr, lirk Majefty, to fupply the ^^»^«!«;J;j^ urgent OccaflOnS of the qual Paymentf, Crown, Two hundred thou-!^^™d«?^o fand Pisces of Eight T ^- M^nt", andTto cuios ) in Two even Pay-'»='«^'^"«°' ments of One hundred thou-th,ffSi? land Pieces of Eight each, Yean, at Twen- the Firft to be made Two Re'i^S'^^hi Months after His Maj#y ywriy. Ihall have Approv'd andSign'd this Afliento ■, and the Second at the endoftwo otherMonths next after the Fif ft Payment j which Sum lb advanced, is noi to be reimburled be.ore the end of the Firft Twenty Years of this Affiento, and then it may be deduoed by eoual Portions in the Ten laft remaining Years, after the Rate of Twenty thouland Pieces of Eight yearly, out of the Produce of the Duty upon Negroes, which they are to my in thofe Years. IV. IV. That the Aflientifts lhaU'n»M«i«yd. be oblig'd to pay the afore- SStaihT'* fiid Advance or Two hun-cSurtofAi*. dred thoufand Pieces of,bJDuita?rf'* Eight, in this Court j asimporndoo, aljfofrom Six Months toSixfcS'^'gS* Months, theHalf ofthe A-quaii'oicioBi, mount <» the Duties payatte ,\: for the P'>«Af of Slaves, '.o ■ which they have agreed to • " •' '' Import yearly. V. V. That the Payments ofthe JJi^^p^JJ" laid Duties {m\. be made in niaobeoniy the mannq: mention'd in the for Four thgu- condi- [<5] srrfeio tfada copclkion anteccx^ctuc, fin a- tin lot nuo. en iv jw oaavnunnn.fntrjllo, dupun, lit otfj iiitcr- cii**nrii "["Si! con la dcclaractoii, de que los diiho-) Aflemiftjs no han de eft ir obU^^ados a latista- ccr mas de los que toca- ren al numero de las qiuv tro mil piezas de Indlns en cjida vn ano,y no de las oclio- cicnta-s reftantes •, dc las (]iia- legf en todos los treinta aiPios dc efte Afiienro, Ic ha dc ha- 7er I'u Mjg'Itad (como Ic la haze) gracia, y donacioii, en la mejor via, y tbrma, que piieda dezlrle, en aten- cion a los iiiterefles, y riel- gos, que debJan bonificaife a los dichos Allentiltas, por !a paga, y anticipacion en elta Corte de los dereclios, fjiie correlponden a las qua- tro mil piezas. vr. Dcfpupj de eumpltdopl oumero dc las 4?oo. p|pz« dc ladiM, podra innoducir mai Negroieolot veinti y cJnco annoi primrroSf pjundo ihz y ftis ptroi efcu- dos, y dos ter- ciotdaotro, rn lu|ar de trein- ta y trw, y vn tercio, lambien CD cfta Corcc. VI. Qye los dichos Affentiftas han de tener la facultad, def- pues de introducidoslosqua- tro mil y ochocientos Negros de iu obligacion en cada aiio, que (i reconocieffen ler ne- ceflario para el beneficio de fu Mageuad Catholica, y de ills Vaffallos el introducir mas tiutnero de Negros, lo han de poder executar, du- rante los veinte y cinco aiios primeros de efte contratOi porque en los cinco vltimos no lo han de poder hazer de mas que los quatro mil y o- chocientos capituhdos } con B foregoing Article, wltlwut '"»"!! i^'^j*" any Delay or Difpute, orSirndrii^'S',- without putting any other In- ly.hcjinnrtniit- tcrprctation upon it^ yct.lU ."S.ii with this Declaration, that <« ^w^nv the \fri:ntifts (hall not bcjartJ:!,. oblig'd fo pay the Duties fbrtercftoiRifqwi more than Four thoufand*'^"'* **'~5'- Negroes (Piezas de Inaia) yearly, and not for the re- maining Eight hundred, the l")uties payable for thefe laft, during the whole Thirty Years of" this Affiento, being to be, as they are hereby fViven and granted to them the faid Affientitts, by His Majelty, in the beft Form and Manner poflible, in con- fideration of the Rifques and Intereft that ought to be made good to the Aflientifts, for the Money advanced, and Payment in this Court of the Duties foi the faid Four thou- IandP/>2(;x. VI. VI. That the faid Affientifts, After havim? after they ihallW Import- \^^^ ,f-; ed the Four flioulkid eight iwndred p,«- hundred Neigfqfejyeai-lf^ ac- NtmbaS cording ti(y'(helPi3ohtfa^,-ifbe carried, L- they find it mmif^^ WfV^J'l^ /^ /u !• i_ *ii-i-ft4 'r. • Fivtand twcn- CathollCk MdjCKfeS Service, ty Years, pay- and that of His Subjeas, io^^%»M*d,ii Import a greater Number,if /jV^Jj"^, they fhall have Liberty to do "f tig^it it, during the firft Twenty^ five Years of this Contraft ; (for as much as in the Five laft Years they fliall Import no more than the Four thouland eight hundred agreed upon, ) with .. Condition, that thejr fhall la L 7 J tliof of higiit Ute, or iiiind'ed yejv. therln-iy..*^;""'*^^"'''- i yct,,hu ihwcrtull n, that ■<>« »«»ny not DC goo-f for the IB- ntiesfbrwrcftoiH'fq»«'« houland'^f"""^"^- • Inaia) r the re- ired, ihe lelc laft. Thirty :o, being : hereby to them by His ift Form ;, in con- ques and t to be Iflientifts, need, and urt of the •our thou- VI. Vrtientifts, After hayim? T^»^.-<- Impiiited Four eimporr- ihoWani enhi md eight l\undredl'<«- 1" ... o „_ afuriher '•^^Vz '^^r-Numboi may intrant, -II be carried, du- S Service, ty Years, pay- hiefts toinsM Madrid Number, of j'^jpiects ;rty to do "f tig^i. venty five il 5 (tor as laft Years no more and eight n,) with . lejr (haU la i:'/ VII. Hira la con- diiclun d£ fus Am PZonei *n Naviu Ing- iurci, F-fpa- notes, Con la tripiiUcion cur rffpondiente, que no ha dc cdufarefcandalo a 1j Religion Caihonca,baxo Is pensis, que aqiK te tx- preflitn. b alidad, que tan (btamcntc .lyan dcnapir dic7. y (t;'*> pe- Ibs elcuao%, y dos tercios de oiro de todps derechos, por cada pieza dc Indhis, que tn- troduxeren, adem;i.s de los quatro mil y ochocicntos re- feridos, que es la mitad de los treinta y tics peios efcu- dos, y vn tcrcio, arriba ex- preffados •, y la paga de ellos avr'i dc fer tanibien en clb Corte. vn. ■•■' •■■-"'■' Qpclosdichos AfTcntiftas han de tener la libertad de emplear en efte trafico, para la conducion de lUs Arma- Tones, los Navios propios dc lu ^ia^eftad Bretanlca, y de fus Vaflailos, 6 de otros, que pertenezcan a los de fu Mageftad Catholia, pagan- doles fus ttetes, y con la vo- luntad de fus duenos, tripu- lado3 dc Marineria, Inglefa, o tlpanola, a fu eleccion ^ fi- endo vifto, que los Coman- dantes de los tales Navios, •mpleados por los Aflenti- ftas, ni tampoco los Marine- ros, han de caufar ofenla, ni efcandalo al exercicio de la Religion Catholica Romana, debaxo de la pena, y por las reglas impueftas en la condi- cion primera de elte Afliento. Y ammifmo ha de fer licito, y han de poder los dichos Al- i«ntiftas introducir los El^ clavos Negros de lu obligaci- on en todos losPuertos de los Mares del Norte, y de Bue- nos Ayres, enqualefqmerade fiay no more than Sixteen Pivces of Kighf, and Two thirds of a Piece ofKi^lir, lor all Duties on each Ne- gro, Picea de India, which they ihill Import, over and above the laid Four th'Hi* fiind eiglit hundred, that 'leing the Half of Thirty three Pieces of Eigfc, and () iiiird abovemenrioiicd \ and this Payment ;il(o ftdll ■ • • be made in tlw Court. , , • VII, •■ ' ^^t • Tliat the laid Affientifts'nieLoajingi (hall be at liberty to employ, t^ K'^,T in this Comniercs; tor the f'"^r in /•«£'./» carrying of their Cargoes, Sr;/if& Her Majellv Q\9reat Br/- ChHca t.f the /,;: ''. own Ships, or thole ot ^^^^^i^ " Her Subjcib, or any belong- o.Ttnce h« jng to His Catholick Maje- fStfR.if- Ities Subjects, ( paying them Rion, under tin their Freight, and with the;;^,^*{y;j.*,'„. content of their Owners ) Na- pi«isM. vigated with Englifh or Spa- nijh Mariners, at their choice, care being taken that neither the Commanders of thole Ships employed by the Affien- tifts,nor the Mariners do give anyOfFence, or caufc anySca ti- dal to the exerciie of the Ro- man Catholick Religion, un- der the Penalties,and purliiant to the Regulations e'rablifh'd by the itt Article of this Af^ tiento. And alio it fliall be lawful for the faid AfTien- tifts, and they Ihall have power to introduce their Bl ack Slaves contraQed for into ;ill the Ports of the North Sea dxidoi' Buenos ilyr^jjin any of los L» J VIII. Podra introdu- cir Negros an lodos los Puer- cm del Mar del Norte, a donds hovicrtOiiji. ales Reala, o fui Tenienres; y en lui ds la Cofta de Barlo- veoto, Sania Maria, Cuma- ra, y Maracay- bo, no podra, venderloi a mas de trecientoi pefos. los referidos Navios, en la milma forma, que le ha con- cedido a otros Affentiftas an- teriores •, aunque iiempre de- baxo de la feguridad, de que afli los Comandantes, como los Marineios, no han de dar efcandalo a la Religion Ca* tholica Ronnana, baxo de laS penas"Va exprefladas. VIII. Que por quanto le ha ex- perimentado de grave per- juizio a los interelles de fii Mageftad Catholica, y de fus ValJallos, el que no fuefleli- ato a los Affentiftas detranf- portar fus Negros en todos los Puertos de las Indlas ge- neralmente •, fiendo cierto, que las Provincias, que care- cian de ellos, experimentaban grandes mileriaSj por la falta de cultivo de fu^ tierras, y haziendas, de que refultaba la necefltdad de valerle de to- dos los medios imaginables para adquirirlos, aunque fu- effe con fraude •, Es condicl- on expreffa de efte concrato, que los dichos Affentiftas po- dra n introducir, y vender los dichos Negros en todos los Puertos del Mar del Norte, y en el de Buenos Ayres, a lu eleccion, revocando fu Ma- geftad Catholica (como revo- ca) la prohibicion eftableci- da en otros Affientos prece- dentes, para que folo en«Taf- len en los Puertos lenalados en ellos \ con declaracion, que los dichos Affentiftas no han depoder llevar, ni de- the afotemention'd Ships, in like manner as has been grant- ed to any former Affientifts^ however always vtrith this aft furance, that neither th« Commanders nor Seamen (hall occalion any Scandal to the Roman Catholick Reli- gion, under the Penalties at: ready mention'd.'," ;v \' >'> VIII. VIII, That whereas Experience JJjJJf^"" has (hewn it to be very Preyed loaiithe'"' judicial to the Intereft ofHis te^°|*» Catholick Majefty, and Hiswh^reAari Subjects, that it hath not ^^°y»'Pffi«rs been lawful for the Affien- ties, and mfy* tifts, to Tranfport their Ne- a'AJbe carried groes into all the Ports of "ard'Sf India in general, ( it being ^*'»^* ^'«"'''», certain tliat the Provinces SiTrl^SC^ which have not had them, JJfhere chey endured great Hardfliips for Sfd" ™e want of having their Lands t'i»n 300 Pieces and Eftates cultivated, from°^^'»'"«»="- whence arofe the neceffity of ufing all imaginable ways of getting them, even though it were fraudulently ) it is made anexprels Condition of this Contraft, that tiie laid Af; fientifts may import and vend the laid Negroes in all the Ports of the North Sea, and that of Buenos Ayes at their choice, ( His Catholick Majefty revoking, as he does revoke,theProhibition contain- ed in other former Affiento's, to import them into any other Ports, than thole therein men- tioned) with this Reftrifti- on, that the laid Affientifts may not import, or land any fem- res. m ships, in :en grant* fientiftsi 1 this aft diet ths Seamen :andal to ick Rdi^ lalties air. rj^ . , vm. vTViriptirft ^^* Negroes xperience ^^^ ^e import. very Pre^edioalith* eft of His ^-tt , ,: and jrllS when thore ara hath not ^°y"' °'^^"» X /c or cheir Dspu. le Amen- ties j and may fhptr Ne- alft>be carried ^5="^^^^£,totheVVind- : Ports 01 ward-Coaft, fit- heinj? S4i»fl< Martha, Provinces M4rac*yba, id them, IJfherc chey , ,, . n "lall not be llllips tor fold f 01 more eir Lands t'j«n.3oo Pieces ted, from ''^^'»'^"»'=''- leceflity of le ways of though it it is made ion of this I fiid Af^ iport and ;roes in all North Sea, X Ayres at Catholiek as he does ioncontain- • Affiento's, to any other ieicin men- i Rettrifti^ Aflientifts or land any. fern- [ 9 ] ftmbarcar Negro alguno, fi- Negro, except in thofe Ports where there are Royal Offi- no en los Puerros a donde huviere Oficiaies Rnaies, 6 Tenientes de ellos, q-e pue- dan vifitar los Navlos, y fus Cargazones, y d:ir certifica' cers, or their Deputies, wlio may ieaich the Ships and thei' Cargoes, and certifie the Number of Negroes that are cion de los Negros, que le Imported. And it is provided introduxeren. Y aflimifmo le at the fame time, that the declara, que los Negros, que Negroes which are carried to ft'llevareiia losPuertos^e la the Ports of the Windward Cofta de Barloxento, Santa CaaSi-SemQaTlhtrthafumana^ Marta, Cumani, y Maracay- and Maracayho, Ihall not be bo, no podran vender losdi- fold by the laid Aflientifts, chos Aflentiftas mas que a ra- for more than after the Rate zon de trecientos pefos ca- of Three hi^dred pieces da vno •, y de aqui abaxo al of Eight eacii, and tor as menor precio, que fuere pof- much lels as is poiTiiile, to fible, para alentar a aquellos encourage tiie Inhabitants of Naturales a comprarlos •, pe- thofe Places to buy them ^but ro por lo que toca a los de- as to the other Ports of AVnv mas Puertos de Nueva-Efpa- Spain, its Iflands, and Terra- na, fus Ifbs, y Tiena-Firme, i'irma, it fhall be lawful for fera licito a dichos Affen- the laid Aflientifts to fell tiftas venderlos al mejor pre- them at the beft Prices they fhall be able to get. IX. IX. That the faid AfTientiftsbe- "°" ^'■""» ing allowed, for the Realbns "l^^riy mlbe'** mention d in the foregoing '^'""nfp/.u;*, Artide, to import cheir Ne-X^a'dX te, por las razones deducidas, groes into all the Ports of the other 400 for en la condicion antecedente, jWr/jSea, it isalfo Agreed [ijp'!f']-°e5.' queda tambien prevenido, that they fhall have power ^nd a Traa of f.g que lo han de poder hazer en to do it in the River of Plata, p^J out*fofTi!. k-5 fenaiaran cl Rio de la Plara, permiti- His Catholiek Maiefty allow- lage and oi,«"ded^r?l' endolesfu Mageftad arfio- ing them out of the FourS"for°cU6 pa. a d tuitivo, lica, quc de las quatro mil y thoularid Eight hundred Ne- Subfift'jnceof ycrian^adc ochocieutas piezas, que con- gi'oes, which purfijant to this ^!!1'^^5""'^^* ■anidos, rara r- v n.A/r-.j i \ «- i • groes. ©"''. eifiifientode torme 3 eltc A.iiento deben Afhento they are to import aad for which los Neiiro* ji^n inttoducir cada ano, en con- Yearly, (inCoiifideration of^^^iK^^'" Jagirisrcna fideracion delas ventajas, jr the Advantages and Benefits *''^' ' deiedioai&uno.geneficios, quefe feguirana that will thereby accrue to ks Provincias vezinas, de in- the Neighbouring Provinces) troducir.fe en el dichoRio de to bring ip*-: the laid River C la cio que pudieren. IX. IX. I'odra irirrod.- Que cftando pcrmitido a ^^H"tzi"nr« los dichos Affentiftas de in- piezas .je indi troduclr fus Ncgros en todos ?; r;;!:.'"l!?^^ los Puertosdel Mar del Nor- |j l^lata,Uso- cliocien :a» pa- ra l^u<.nos Ay- res, y las qua- trocientas v^ra las Provincial riearriba^y [ la Plata, 6 Buenos Ayres, en cadavno delos treintaaiios defte Afliento,haftael nume- ro de mil y dozientas de al- ias, piezas de Indias, de am- bos iexos,paravenderlo5 alU, al precio que pudieren, re- 10] 0? ?lata or Buenos Ayres^ in each of the laid Tliirty Years of this Afliento, to the Number of One thouland and Two hundred of thole P/^2u«rra ccn I us Krtorei, y ilepenJieniei, : que han dede- Ittnbarear en los Pueitcs Je la permiiri on, y vna tm- barcaciun me- iliaaa para lle> var Ics Je liu- cnus A} rcf. XII. Qye para el me jor govier- no de eite Afliento fe ha de fervir lii Majeftad Catholica deconcedcr, quelu Majeftad Bretanica pueda embiar, lu- ego que fe aya publicado la Paz, dos Navios de Guerra con los dichos Faftores, Ofi- ciales, y demasdependientes, que le han de emplear en lervicio de el, explicando antes los nombres de vnos, y otros, para que ie defembar- quen en todos los Puertos de la permiflion, a donde fe liu- vieren de eftablecer, y arre- glar las faftorias, afli para que hagan el viage con may- or leguridad, y conveniencia, como rara prevenir lo necet iario a la recepcion de las Em- barcaciones, que fueren con Negros 5 porque debiendo irlos a tomar en las Coftas de Africa, y defde alii tranfpor- tarle a los Puertos de la Ame- rica Elpanola, fuera muy de- lacomodado a los Faftores, y dependientes el embarcarfe en ellas, (bbre fer inutil, como es indifpenlable que antes eften prevenidas calas parafii habitacion, y las demas pro- videncias, que fe dexan con- fiderar s Y que para conducir el Faftor, y demas dependi- entes a Buenos Ayres, Ie con- ceda vna Embarcacion media- m •, con declanicion, que afli 4J lefs they can be charg'd with a£ling contrary to the efta- bliflied Laws, or to the Con- tents of this Afliento. XII. That for the better Manage- ment of this Afliento, His Catholick Majefty will be pleafed to grant, that as Coon as the Peace is Proclaim- ed, Her Britmnick Majefty may fend Two Ships of War, with the laid Faftors, Officers and others, who are to be employed in this Service, giving firft a Lift of the Names, both of the one and the others, that are to go a- Ihore in all the Ports, where they (hall be allowed to fet- tle and regulate their Fafto- ries, as well that they may go with the greater conveni- ency and fecurity, as that they may provide all things neceffary for the receiving the Vellels that fliall go with Negroes, which being obliged to go to take the Blacks in upon the Coaft of Africa^ and thente Tranfport them to the Ports of the SpanijhA- merica^ it would be very In- commodious as well as Un- profitable, for the Faftors and others employ'd, to go on Board the Ships made ufe of in thofe Voyages, andyet it is indifpenlably neceflary that Houles be prepared be- fore-hand for them to dwell in, and all other Provifions made which they (hall want 5 and for tlie Tranfporting of efta. xri. After the l*ub. Ilcation of the Paacc, two Men of War may be fent with ibe I'af^ors and Servants, CO land ihem in the feveial Ports 5 and a Veflel of mid- ling liurthcn to carry thofd dellRn'd for XIII. >odra noit uezes Co radores et 'uertoi,y :arei prin lalss ac Ii nirica, n crlos con l:ada caut nalarles 1 ilurios, q:i iieciere 5 'refident* Ion ft jo, q a IVoteit I Mtniftro si propafK uefca fu, lonfervadi rivatiTOi arg'd with the efta- ) the Coii- to. rManage- iento, His will be lat as (bon Proclaim- : Majefty IS of War, s, Officers ire to be Service, I of the le one and J to go a- :ts, where ;d to let- leir Fafto- they may ■ conveni- , as that all things receiving II go with ig obliged Blacks in if Africa, ort them SpaniJhA- t very In- jU as Un- ; Faftors 'd, to go made ufe s, andyet neceflary pared be- to dwell i*rovifions all want 5 orting of efta. xri. After the Fub- llcation of the Peace, two Men ot War may be fent Willi ibe I'af^ors and Servants, 10 land ihem In the feveial Ports i and a Veflel of mid- ling liurthcn to carry thofd defiRn'd for "^ L 15 J efta, como los dos Navios the Faftors, and others, be- de Guerra, hande fer vifita- longing to the Company, to dos, y fondeados en los Bue/ios Ajres^ a Veffel of a Puertos por los Oi:ciales midllng Burthen (hall be al- Reales ; y que han de podcr lowed j and it is hereby de- comiflar los generos, fi los dared. That as well this llevaren j y que para fu re- Veffel, as the Two Ships of torno fe les den los bafti- War, are to be viflted and mentos que neceflitaren, pa- fearched in the feveral Ports gandolos poi fu jufto piecio. by the Royal Officers, who may feize their Merchan- dize, If they carry any j and farther the faid Ships (hall I be furniflied with neceffarjr Provifions for their return, at a reatonable Rate. XIII. XIII, The faid Affientifts may I^« Aflientifti name ,.». ... .^M.w. Nominate, in all the Ports jl^ei confer- Lugares prin- and Chief Places of America^ Pom and PrS XIII. ^ 3tni. 'odranombrar Podran los dichOS M- -adofes^n'io';fen"ftas nombraf en todos •ueriof.y Lu- los Puertos, y Lugares prin- »..« ^«tw* * .-«- «. «,««.«», p^^^^ ^^ lata li'"?'A- ^'P*^^s de la America, Jue- Judges Confervators of thisa^a/puceiof nirica, remo- zcs Confervadores, que lo Affieoto, whom they may ^'"''''•»."'"* 'adlSSdfy^eande efte Affiento, a los remove and difplace, andSSnYSa- naiaries io5 quaks han de poder remo- appoint others at pleafure, '''« ^j^^^p \^^ Se're'^'i ^'^^ ^'^'^a'* ^ nombrar 0- in the manner allow'd to the saTri«as"Sey •refidWdei tros, a fu arbitrlo, en la for- Ponfurawe in the Eighth Ar- "»a" thmic fir, iavSklo? y "^a r of the the time scano ( el- ereof, (hall F this Af- that they vlinifter of 11, (whom moft pro- Judge Con- ine of all o- Catholick )bation, in i has been Iffiento's. XIV. No [17] XIV. No podran los Virreyes, Audl- tncias, I'refi- dentej, Gnver- iwdorei, ni oiro Miniftro algii- BO, detcn-ir loj Natiosde efte Aflienro con ninuuna caula, ni pretexto. ^IV. No han de poder los ', Ir- teyes, Audiencias, Prefi- d«ntes, Capitanes Generates, Governadores, Ohciales Re- ales, ni otro Tribunal, o Miniftro alguno de fu Ma- geltad Caiholica, embargar, ni detener losNavios deelte Alfiento, ni embarazarles fu viage, con ningun pretexto caufa, ni motivo, aunque fea paraarmarlos en Gucrra, 6 por otro dcfignio j antes bien feran obligados de ha- zerlesdar todo el favor, af- fiftencia, y focorro. que los dichos Aflentiftas, o fus Fa- ^ores, les pidieren para la mejor expedicion, defpa- cho, y carga de dichos fus Navios ; y affimifmo los viveres, y demas cofas de que neceflitaren para fu mas breve avio, a los precios que fueren corrien^^o j con aper- cibimiento, y baxo de la pena, que los aue hiziercn Id contrario feran obligados por fi propios d refarcir, y fatisfacer todos losdaiios, y perjuizios, que por el em- barazo, 6 detcncion fe fi- guiere a los dkhos Aflen- tiftas. XV. XV. lAnSfga'r,, Tatn poco han de poder ni vaierfe de los Viircyes , Prcfidentes , feS'pc" t^.- Capitanes Generales, Govei- cientes a el Af nadores, Corrcgidorcs, Al- ?aX'cafa!d; ^^^^^ iMayorcs, Juezes, y loi F^«,">i"«'»'5 Minifter whatever, of HisAmrtai'J"* CatholickMajefty, tolay an Embargo on, or detain the Ships belonging to this AV- fiento, not to hinder them in their Voyages, under any pretence, or for any caufs^ or motive whatever, even thcMgh it fliould be to fie then^ out for War, or upon any other defign ^but ontha contrary, they (hall be ob- liged to afford them all the Favour, Afliftancc and Sue* cour, that the faid Aflientifts or their Factors fhall defire, for the more ipeedy fitting out, difpatching and lading of their faid Ships ^ and like- wife the Victuals and all o- ther things they fhallftand in need of, for forwarding their Voyages, at the Current prices, with this warning, and under this penalty, that thofe who do otherwife,fliall be obliged at their own pro- per coirs, to make good and fatisfie all the Damages and Loifes, which the Aftientifts may fuflain by fuch Impe- diment or Detention. XV. XV. Neither fhall the Vice- [Jf {^1^ Jj^^n Roys, Prefidents, Captains Royi, Gover-' General, Governors, ^o^^^'ln-Er&'^o^ gidores , Great Alcaldes, l^s^zslnyoi Judges, and Royal Officers, l*^' Eftefts be- D Ohciales Araento, nor [i8] fino ei Ml el OficlalesRealcs, nl otroTri- or any other Tribunal or OF- search the TXlio':^ bunal. ni Oficlal algano/ ficer whatfocver.take, fdEe.Saftor/x!?; fun» introciuci tomar, facar, retener, nl«m- detain, or lay an Embargo "«> pfonf"' , «q'ue'avifi then wicb JjjeiC«.fci»a-dgningunp,et«xto,caufi,nl tence, or for any caufe or ID'cSTX motivo, por vrgenteqae fea, motive whatfoever, ( though i^i%9 Coof«- cawdalcs, bienes, y efe£tos ntver fo urgent ) on any of**'"* a^unos, procedidos de efte tht Stock, Goods and Ef- Amento, 6 pertenecientes a fe^iy that are the Produce dichos Aflentiftas, pena de of this Afliento, or belong- qua leran caftigados, y que ing to the Affientifts, under pagar^n de fus propios the penalty of being panifh- bienes los daiios, y per- ed, and paying, out of their i'uizios, que por efta razon own Eftates, the Damages «s huvieren ocafionado. Y and Lofles that (hall accrue aflimifmo no han de poder thereby : Nor (hall the faid los referidos Miniftros vi- Minifters fearch the Houles (icai las Cafas, y Almacenes orWare-houfes of the Factors de los Faflores, y demas or others belonging to this depcndientes del AAiento, Afliento, who are to enjoy que debcn gozar de efte pri- this Privilege and Exemp- vilegio, y exempcion, por tion, to prevent the Icandal ^vitar el«fcandalo, y def- and dilcredit that attend credito, que refulta de fe- fuch Proceedings ^ unlefs in mejaotes diligencias ^ fino cafe it (hall have been' pro- es en el cafo que fe huviefle ved that there has been fbme juftiBcado alguna introdu- fraudulent and prohibited cion de fraude, y prohibida $ Importation, and then they en el qual fe podran execu- may be fearched, with the tar las vliicas, con la afli- Afliftance of the Judge Con- ftenciaprecifadel JuezCon- fervaror, herein abfolutely fervador, quienavra de e- required, who fhal] take vitar los extravios. y fub- care to prevent Pilferiogs ftracciones, qae fuelen expe* and Embezlements, that ufe timentarfe del crecido ini- to happen by the great mero de Soldados, y Mi- Number of Soldiers and Of- niftros que concurren ^ con- ficers, that crowd to fuch fintiendo, que ii fe apre- places on thofeoccafionS} It hendieten algunos generos, being agreed, That if any iean comiflados^ pero no fuch Goods are found, the/ los caudiles, ni efetlos del may be feized, but not the Afliento, qae han de quedar Stock or Effefts of the A** ;'.» libres j y fi los Fatoe^ fiento, which are to cor .• . - mm iMi al or Of- ke, fdze, Embargo any 0- anjr pre- caufe or ( though 1 any of and Ef- Produco belong- (s, under I punifh- of their Damages II accrue the faid le Houles eFaftors ; to this to enjoy Exemp- B Icandal c attend unlefs in leen^ pro- een fbme rohibited„^ hen they vith the ige Con- bfolutely all take liferiogs that ufe le great ; and Of- to fuch ifions i It t if any nd, they I: not the ' the Ar , x> cor .• Search tfie Hoiifei of the Faroes, txcept on proof ot fomc unlawful Imponatlon, and then wicb the Concur- r^'nca of the judifl Coorer* vatar. \ fueren los complices del de- lito, fe avri do dar cuenta ^ la Junta para el caftigo. XVI. XVI. Krvido'Io*" 9}** ^^5^'" '°* Aflentiftas, Mjrinero?. Ar- fus Faftores, v dem^depen- ofic'iai« ue"^*^"^** cn IndJas, podr^n oecc^iu^ cener en fu fervido los Ma- lineros, Ani«tos, y Oficiales de trabajo, que necefiitaren para cargar, y dcfcargar fus Navioi, y Embarcacioncs, ajuflandofe con cllos volun- tariamcnte,y pagandoles los lalarios, oeftipendiosen que huvietcn convenido. xvn. Podra cargar All retornoienFlo- tas, o Galconei , u otroi Nivioi de Guerra de fu Magedad, que ban de far llbres da todos dercchos de en- crada en Efpa- ra, y dequal- quier indulio, ordinario, u ex- iraordinario. XVII. Que los dichos Aflfentiftas han de tener facultad de cargar a fu eleccion los e- fe£los que tuvieren en las Indias, fobre los Navios de Flotas, 6 Galeones, para traerlos k la Europa, aju- ftando fa flete con los Ca- pitanes, y dueiios de dichos Navios, 6 fobre los propios de efte Afliento j, los qaales podr^n venir de.conferva, fi 10 tuvieren por conveniente, con dichas Flotas, y Gale- ones, li otros Navios de Guerra de fa Mageftad Ca- tholica, quien fe ha de fer- vir de mandar a vnos, y a otios, que precifamente los admltan, y traygan debaxo de fa l-Toteccion, y Salva- guardia -, con advertencia, que no fe les ha de repartir cantidad alguna, por razon 4 nuc free ) and if the Fadors are concern'd in fuch Of- fences, an account thereof (hall be given to the Junta, that they may be punched. XVI. XVI. That the fald Arnentifts,j;':«^'J»f« their FaQors, and others be- what 5eam«a, longing to them in the J/riit*. workmen and ° ^ t ■ u J o • Carrl«rj ilwy may employ m their Service pieafe. fuch Mariners, Carriers, and Workmen, as they fhall have occafion for, to load and un- load their Ships andVeflels, upon a voluntary Agreement made with them, and pay- ing them fuch Salaries and Stipends as they (hall have agreed for. XVII. XVII. That the faid AflTientifteThe R«rurn, fhall have liberty to H,ol[a^,7-;*J." their choice,'the Effects they om, or'shtps may have in the M«, up-^^inTof "S on the Ships or the Flota or orinthe AOien- the Galeons, to bring them *ijj*^^^^p'» into Europef agreeing for free ot an Ou- the Freight with the Cap- |Jf« °"j™''Md tains and Onrners of the faid induWi but Ships, or upon the Veffels [J"Jj}°»s5;,5« belonging to the Afliento » any Paffcoterl, which ifthcy think it con- subjefti of the venient, may come under or dieirEfieas. Convoy with the faid Flo- tas and Galeons, or other Ships of Wat belonging to His Catholick Majefty, who will be pleas'd to lay his ex- prefs Commands, bioth up- on the one and the other of them, to admit and take them under their protefli- on and lafe-guard, with this warning, that no Sum what- D 2 de do Indulto ordlnarlo, nicx- traordinario, y de vcnir en conferva dc dlchas Floras, y Galeones i y que lo$ cfe£to,^ que viniercn en elloj con ju- Itificacion in(trumental de Eertenccer a los Adencidas, an de fcr libres de todos, y qualefquiera dercchos de entrada en Efpana, por de- berfe confiderar fus caudales con el mifmoprivilegio, que fi fucran de fu Magellad La- thoUca } y prohibiendo, que en losexprefTidusNavios del Afliento, que vengan en di- chas confervas, no puedan traer ningun Pafligero Ef> Jiarlol, ni caudales de Vaf- illos de fu Mageftad Ca- UioUca. xvin, Dafde el pri- mer dla d« Mayo de mil fctccientoi y treze no pu- itra la Com- pania de Fran- cia, ni 0(10 al- |uno, Introdu- cir Nejiroj, pr na qiieTcdaian por perdidot a uvcr de la do Inglaterri, cu- yoiPaf>oiespo dran fjs EmbJicaclones, que Heearen a las CoAas COB perniiffo, y au- loridad de lot Oovernadores. XVIII. Que defde el dia primero de Mayo de el prefente ano de mil fetecientos y treze, hafta que fe ay a tonnado pofleflion de efte Afliento, ni defpues de averfe tornado, no podra la Compaiiia de Gui- nea de Francia, ni otra per- fona alguna, introducir nin- gun Efclavo Negro en las Indias^ y encafodehazerlo, fu Mageftad Catholica los ha de declarar ( como por la prefente condicion decla- ra ) por confifcados, y perdi- dos en favor, y beneficio de eftos Aflentiftas j los quales han ds q'ledar con la obli- ever He demanded of them, by way of Ordinary or Ex- traordinary Indulto^ or for their conning In Company with the faid Fleet or Ga- Icons s and that the Effects Wiiich fhalVcome in them, and (hall appear, by an Au- thentick Writing, to belong to the Aflicntilts, fhall be free of all Duties wbatfo- ever, on their Importation in Syain^ feeing their Stock is to be looked upon to have the fame Privilege ai if it belonged to His Catholick Majeity j and it is forbid, that the faid Ships belong- ing to the AlTiento ( which may come in Company with the Flotas ) do bring on Board them any Spanijl) Paf- fenger, or any Effefts of a- ny Subjei:l of His Catholick Majefty. XVIII. That from the Flrft Day of Miy of this prefent Year 171?, till they (hall have ti- ken Pofleflion of this Aflien- to, nor afier their taking fuch PofTeflTion, it fhall nor be lawful for the French Guinea Company, or any other Perfon whaffoever, to introduce any Negro Slave into India ; and if they do, His Catholick Majefty will de- clare, as by this prefent Ar- ticle He does declare, thtm to be Confifcated and For- feited, in favour, and for the Benefit of thefe Aflientifts, to whom they Ihall remain, gaciuii xviir. From the FJrft of May, 171 J. neither tlie Frtmh Corrpa- nv, nnr any other Perfiin, fhall Import Black', und«t Penalty oi forfeiture to till* Comany, wliofe ViCtott may, with th« Leave and Au- iliority of iht Governor!, fvarch the Vsf. fall that fhall arrive upanthe Coaft. of them, Y or Ex- , or for -ompany t or Ga- le Effeai In them, ' an Au- belong (hall be whatfb- rtation in Stock is to have as if it iatholick i forbid, belong- ( which my with riiiR on its of a- atholick xvnr. rft-Day ^'•'""the Rrft "nt Yea^"^^^'''■^'^ .^l learneithtr th« have tl- FrtwcfcCompa- S ni len- other Perfcn, taking Hiall Import hall nnr ^'ack', und« nan noi p^njij'y ^^ ■tremh forfeicure Co or anw ''''• Romany, 5Ver, to may, with th« , u.^'liorityof «h. ' ao, rilS Governor!, P " ^^ fall that ftial! lent A r- arrive upsnthe e, thfem ^°»'*' tid For- ^ 1 for the ^ ientifts, remain, ■'''' gaciuu L XI J gadon de p.igar los dere- they being obliged to pay the Choi de loi Negrcs, (jue fc Djtiei foi the Negroes thus huvicren inrroducido contra Imported contrary to this el tenor de cfta condicion, Article, as are Regulated and en la formi, que por efte Settled by this Contraft, conrrato queJa arregludo, y for which purpofe, fo foon eftablecido, avlendolcdedef- as it is fign'd, Circular Or- pachar defpues que eltc rtr- ders. in the moft ample form, mado en toda forma, ordenes Ihall be difpatch'd to Amt- circulares ^ la America, para rka^ that there be not an/ que en ninguno de fus ruer- Negroes for the account of tos fe admitan Negros de the Fre;rc& Company admit* guenta de la Compania de ted into any of the Ports, to rancia, i cuyo Apodcrado whofe Agent the fame (hall le le avra de notificar ; Y be notify 'd \ and that this para hazerle mas efe^Uvo, m-iy be the more effectual y vtil a la Real hazienda, fe and advantageous to the previene, que quando los Royal Revenue, it is Agreed, dichos AflTentiftas tuvieren that when the faid Aflientilts noticia de aver llegado fo- fhall huve notice that any bre las Coftas 6 entrando Ship with Negroes (not be- en qualouier Puerto de las longing to them ) is come Indias algun NavioconNe- upon theCoaft,or entrcd in- gros, qua no fean del AfTien- to any Port, they may fit to, han de poder apreftar, our, arm, and fend out im- armar, y defpachar luego mediately fuch VefTels as los que tuvieren propios, they fhall have of their own, 6 bi^n pertenecientes a fu or any others belonging to Mageftad Catholica, 6 a fus His Catholick Majefty, or Vaffallos, con quienes fe His SubjsQs, with whom avran de convenir para to- they fhall Agree, to Take, mar, embargar, y confifcar Seize, and Confifcate fuchc-- a los tales Navios, y fus Ships and their Negroes, of Negros, de qualquiera Na- whatever Nation or Perfon cion, 6 perfona a quien per- they be, ro whom the lama tenezcan j a cuyohn han de fhall belong j to which end tener dichos AfTentiltas, y the faid AfTientilts, and their fus Fa£tores la libertad'de Factors, fhall have liberty ro reconocer, y vifitar todos los take cognizance of,3ndfearch Navios,v Fmbarcaciones,que all Ships and VelFeU that llegaren a las Coltas de las fhall come upon the Coafts Indias, 6 en fus Puertos, en of I/?dh^ or into its Ports, ir» los quales aya fundada ra- which they fhall have reafotj zon, 6 motivo de fofpechar to believe or fufpe6t, that: .que que ay Negros dc contravan- do : bien entendido, que para executat las vifitas, reconoci- mientos, y las demas dili- gencias, que van exprefla- das, ha de preceder el per- miffb de los Governadores, a quienes (e avra de cotnu- nicar, y peditles, que inter- ppngan fuautoiidad} ent;en- diendofe, que paia la ex- ecucion de todo efto, y dar principio a efte Aifienco, ha de aver precedido piimero la publicacion de la raz. Xix. XIX. saMageftad Que los dichos Afleotlf r hs'"ondi. f »s. f"s Faftores, y Apodera- Clones deftsAf-dos, han de poder navegar, dXiSSlv® in«oducir los Efclavo3 labra Real. ' Negfo$ de fu obligaclon en todcs los Puertos del Norte de las IndiasOccidentalesde fu Mageftad Catholica, in- clufo el Rio de la Plata, con prohibicion a todos los de- mas, ya fean VaflTallos, 6 EUrangeros de la Corona, de tranfportar,ni introducir Ne- gros algunos, debaxo de las penas eftablecidas por leyes, que compreheiulen efte con- tra to i y fu MageRad Catho- lica fe obliga, con fu Fee, y Falabra Real, a mantenei a los dichos Aflentiftas en la entera, y plena pofieflion, y obfervancia de todas las condiciones de el, durante el tiempo que fe capitiila, fin permitir, ni diflimular cofa alguna, que ie oponga a fu puntual, y exa£lo cum- plimiento, pot confiderarlefi) there are Contraband Ne- groes : Provided always that for the making of fuch Searches, Vifits, and other Proceedings before men^I- on'd, they (hall firft have leave from the Governors, to whom they thall communi- cate what occurs, and defire them to interpofe their Au- thority J Provided that i'eace (hall be proclaimed before any thing of this can be done, or this Aflfiento take place. XIX. XIX. That the laid Aflientifts, H'* c«hoiick theirFaGors and Agents.(haU SA TiSth have power to Navigate and and i^oyai Import their Negro Slaves, KteS according to iusit Contratt.t'^eAriidesof to all the Northern Ports of "^^ A"^**"'* His Catholick Majelties Weft-Iniies^ including^ the River of PJintd; with Prohi- bition to all others, whether Subje£l$ of the Crown, or Strangers, to carry and in- troduce thither any Negroes, under the Penalties eftablifh- ed by the Laws' that relate to this Contrail of Trade % and His Catholick Majefty Obliges himfelf by His Faith and Royal Word, to main- tain the faid Aflientifls, in the entire and full Pof- feflion and performance of all the Articles thereof, du- ring the time agreed on, without allowing or conni- ving at any thing that may be contrary to the pun£lual and exa6l fulfilling thereof, Mageitad r X Su Mai refsrva folo el cimieni pl«yt09 fa?, qii eten lu y tur Aflieaci X3 Los Ns eftetral podran en los [ fin que ro juftii los Cap de r.o a' eL'os Sn: dsd CO] bfj. 3n ■B I*l" iband Ne- ilways that 5 of fuch and othet ' )re menfi- Hrft have )vernors, to communi- , and defire e their Au- [ that i'eace ned before liis can be Iiento take XIX. Affientifts H'sCathoijck lgents.(haUSn%rFi!d, Brigate and ?"<> Royal ». Jr CU.Ta» W^o'd, caufe eo gt0blaveS,beOb}er7edan r Contract tfie Articles of rn Ports of '^•^"^•■^* Majefties uding^ the urithProhi- s, whether Crown, ot ry and in- ly Negroes, iS eftablifh- that relate of Trade 5 ck Majcfty y His Faith I, to main- Hentifts, in full Pof- >rniance of hereof, du- agreed on, ; or conni- , that may e pun£tual ag thereof, Mageftad T C23] Magenad como interes pro- His Majefiy confidering Ic pio fuyo -y con la call- as his own concern j with dad de no poder introducir this Condition,that they (hall en el dicho Rio de la Plata, not Import mto the faid Ri- 6 Buenos Ayies, mas de las ver oiPlatay or Bnevos Jyres, mil y dozientas plezas de more than the Twelve hun- la Negros, permitidas por condicion o£tava. XX. Que en el cafo que los dichos Affentiftas fueren mo- cimiento"de los leitados CO la cxccudon, y pleytos XX. Stt Mageflad refsrvaen fi folo el cono' dred Piexas de Negroes al- lowed by the Stb. Article XX. XX. Tliat in cafe the faid Af- Hfs cathoiicfc fientifts be molefted in the J^rlcf ^,/,^:^. Execution and Pertbrmance feir ainne Ae &L"?: cu»nplimw«o de efte Affi- of this Aflicnto, and that ^,?e^^f;?f^,«r eten lufcitarfe, ento, y que fbefTeii inquie- their Proceedings and Rights latino to thu ^ffienw." ^'^''tadas fas acciones, y dcre- be difturbed by way of Suits Aflicnto. chosporvia depleyto, 6 en at Law, or in any othei otra foripa, qsalquiera que manner whatfbever. His Ca- lea, fuMageltad Cathdica tholick Majefty declares dedara, que ha de reiervar that he will relerve to him- en s'l folo el conocimiento felf alone the Cognizance de ellos, y de las demas cau' thereof, and of all Caules las, que pudieren promo- that may be moved there- verfe, con inhlbicion a to- upon, with «n Inhil)itk>n to dos, r qaalefquiera Juezes, all and whatfoevei Jctdgei y Jafticiasde tonnar infpec^ and Juftices totak»tothem>< cion, y conocimiento de las lelves the Examination and dichas caufas, y pleytos, ni Cognizance of the faid Gas- de las omiiliones, y defers, ies, ot of the Suits, Omif- que pudieflen refiiltar en el fions of Defedts that may csmplimiento de efte Affi- happen in the performance ento. ofthis Afliento. xxr. xxr. xxi. Que los Navios de dichos That whenever the Ships ships empioy'd XXI Los Navios de polran^^^^^^ Afloitiftas luego'quell^uen of "tte feid Affientifts, Qi^Vn^Alt^L a los Puertos de las Indias anive in the Ports of tbet'isPoresbtfow con fus Armazones de Ne- Mies with their Cargoes of Syec'eS/d gros, los Capitanes deellos Negroes, the Captains there- there h no con- han de eftar obligados de of (hallbeoblig'd toCertifie'jS'SSr* certificar, que no tienen that there is not any Con- en los Puerros, fin quecrimt' ro juftifiquen los Capitanes de r.o aver en el'os enforme- dsd concagi- o£i. ninguna enlermedad conta- gioJa, para que los Gover- nadores, y Oficiales Reales les puedan permitir la en- tiada en dichos Puettos ^ fin tagious Difi^emper amongft them, that the Governor and Royal Officers may permit them to enter into the faid Pons, without which Cer- cuya XXII. Los (lichiii Na- viii haa de fer vifitadoj, y fi fe hallarea niercaleiias lian de fer coTimiffjdis con U impofi- cion de las pe- nis, giiefeprcf- (driven ; pero no los Ncgros, Haftimentos, ni Embarcacioaes, [ 24 ] cuya juftlficacion no ban de tificates, they fliaH not be fer admUidos. admitted. XXII. XXII. xxir. Defpues que los dichos Na- When the faid Ships (hall J''^ ^'''p; "'^" viosajranentradoenqualqui- have entred into any of the anivltTMe"' era de losPuertos hande fer Ports, they are to be vifited ^^i"^'"* vilitadospor el Governador, by the Governor and Royal b3 lilan he y Oiiciales Keales, y fondea- Officers, and fearchftd to the ^nfi'^atedt and dos haffta el plan, y laftre bottom, even to the Baliaft j menn"£i,y de ellos i y aviendo defem- and having Landed their Ne- F«'tfi'>ed oiiu barcado los Negros en todo, groes in whole or in part/bu^th^Ss o en parte, podran al mifmo fhsy may at the fame time i*fovi(ions,an>{ tiempo defembarcar las pro- Land the Provifions, which lief' "'*"'" vifiones, que llevarerf para they fhall brhig for theit fu fuftento, poniendolos en Subfiftence, laying them up algunas cafas particulares, in particular Houfes or Ma- 6 Almacenes, obtenida licen- gazines,having obtain'd leave cia de los Miniftros que los of the Minifters who had huvieren vifitado, para evitar Searched the faid Ships ^ to a- porelte medio occafion de void by thefe means all oppor- fraude, 6 controverfia j pero tunities of Friud or Contro- no podran defembarcar, in- verficj but they fliall not Land, troducir, ni vender ningun Import,or Vend any Goods of' genero, ni mercaderia, con Merchandize under any Pre- ningun pretexto, ni motivo j tence or Motive whatfoever 5 porque fi algunas fe hallaren and if there (hould be any en los Navios, ban de fer on Board the Ships, they eomifladas, como (i eftuvi- fhall be Seized, as if they were found on Shore, ex- cepting only the faid Negro Slaves, and the Magazines of Provifions for their Sub- r eflen en tierra, si folo los dichos Efclavos Negros, y almacenar los baftimentos para fu manutencion, pena de que feran caftigados fe- fiftence, under the penalty, veramente los que lo execu- that thofe who are guilty, taren, y fus mercaderias, y (hall be feverely punifhed, efe£los confifcados, 6 que- and their Merchandize and mados, declarandolos para EfFe£ls Confifcated or Burnt, fiempre incapazes de tener and they (hall be declar'd for empleo alguno en eldicho ever incapable of having any AffientOi y los Oficiales, y Employment in the (aid A(^ VafTallos de fu Mageftad fiento j and the Officers and Catholica que lo permitie- Subjefts of His Catholick ten, feran iguahnente cafti- Majefty who (hall conniv« gadosj porque toda intro- at the fame, (hall be feverely 5 ducion, all not be . xxir. Ships (hall J"? Ships null I my Ot the amval } Mai- I be vifited ^f^»" ]'«s . ,, , lounJ on ind Royal Board (hafl be ;hftd to the confifotedt and una *"^ puniui- le rSai.llT j ments fiereby their Ne- P'^^"^^^ '?■*" . . ^ be intiiaeJ, r in part, butth«wacks, ame timel*/or no tener culpa ^ y que to the faid Forfeiture and a perfona, 6 perfonas, que Contifcation, they being tuvieren el encargo puedan declared to remain free^ profeguir fu negociacion ^ as not being in fault j and y que li las mercaderias, o the Perfon or Perlbns, who generos aprehendidos no have charge of them, may excedieren el valor de cien go on i^ith their Trafiick ; pefos efcudos,_ le quema- and if the Merchandize or ran, Hn remiflion alguna, defpues de valuadas, y el Capitan fera condenado a pagar la cantidad que im- portaren, en pena de fu Goods Seized do not exceed the Value of One hundred Pieces of Eight ( Efcudos ) they Ihall be burnt without any remiflion (being firft delcuydo, y omiflTion j y que Appraized ) and the Cap- fi no exbibiere prompta- tain fliall be condemned to mente el valor del comif- pay the Sum at which they fo, quede fufpenfo, y prefo, were Appraized,as a punifh- bafta avetlo hecho-, pero H ment for his negleQ and fe juftificare, que el tal omiffion, and if he does not Capitan no ha fido com- pay down theValueof what plice, ha defer defy obliga- fhall have been fo Seized, he cion entregar la perfona que fliall be Sufpended and Im- huviere delinquido j y en prifon'd till Payment made 5 cafo quedard el li- but if it be proved that he efte bre. r XXllI. l-os baftimrn* los que derem- barrare para el was not an Accomplice, he fliall be obliged to deliver u p the Perfon Guilty, and in that cafe he fliall be free. XXIII. XXtlT. That the Viftuals and o-f'"^'!'?"* ^ ther Provifions which fliall uf" of .he X Befer loiNt dead( derecl Mods huvie rnosd q'jshi Iter qi dack curarf pafliid eren i ad'Ut biem ehos. XXIII. Qpe de los baftimentos, y fuitentVds'ioiOtras provifioncs, que de- ftjaTd^re f«mbarcar«n para tl fuftento be put on Shore for the Sub-Biack*s,flwnnot chos akunoi; de los Negros, no deberan fiftenceof the Negroes, fliall Snmpwior" a'lfuSSs P*8*' ^«??°s ?ie«nps de not pay any Duties of Im.E;p-M« con riefgode entrada,ni de falida, niotros portation or Exportation, or (haUpay Te handT^'er quakfquiew que fean, im- any others whatever. thatj""« «Y*.^ venderioi con pueltos, o que fe impu- now are, or hereafter may Subjeft$, and iSo'SM*^''^i«'^6n en edelantcj aunque be impofed 5 but if the Af- {f^«yy "^afn ^^*' ., flrlfh/tliyMy iin t^ is de- bips, on Negroes the Pro- heir Sub- )e lyable turc and being ult ; and )ns, who em, may Traffick ; andize or ot exceed hundred Efcudot J t without Bing firft the Cap- :mned to hich they a punifh- Sle£^ and ; docs not le of what Seized, he i and Im- !nt made ^ d that he iplice, he leliver up . and in be free. r xxrir. iIsando-?'°j''i'°'«'. ks-k /u^n 'andea for the tllCh tnail ufe of the rthe Sub- ^'''^'"''^aH not OeS, inall of Import or !$ of Im- ^"P""* •>« .-.• tnofe bouRfic .ation, OrfhaHpaythe i^er, that '»'?«»« ara ^ r,_' ^„ paid bv Sptmiflk fter may Subjefts, and f the Af-jf any wmafn e likely to pe- ri(h, they may XXIV. Berembarcados lai Negros haa d( adeudar lot derechps} pero HO da los que huviere enfer> inos dc pelij^ro, qus han de te- ner quinze dias da lietnpo para curarfe $ y fi paflitdos cftuvi- eren con vida, ad uJaran ta- biemlosdere- chos. L 87 J fi los compraren, 6 los ex- fientifts buy or export them f«foM *«'»«''« trageren de los Puertos, han from the Ports, then (hall SLXlS^of- de eftar obligados k pagar they be obliged to pay the fi«n, paying los que eftuvieren eftableci- Duties Eftabiifiied, in the "^'^ """*"• dos, delmifmomodo, quelo .Qme manner as His Ca- hizieran los Vaflallos de fu tholick Majefties Subje£ts Mageffad Catholica } con ought to do ^ and it is de- dedaracion, que i\ deles clared,Thatif, of theProvi- dichos baftimentos alma- fionstliatwerelaidup in the cenados quedaren algunos W^.re-hou(es, there fhould rezagos, por no averle po- remain ibme, which could dido confumir, expuelitos al not be expended, and likely riefgo de corromperfe, los to perifb, they may be fold, podran vender, 6 conducir a or carried to other Pons to otros Puertos, para el miimo be difpofed of, paving the finde fu venta, pagandolos Duties there Eltablifhed ^ the derechos, que en ellos efti:- whole, with the Interpofiti- vieren impueftos -, todo con on and Knowledge of the intervencion, y conocimiento Royal Officers, de los Oficiales Reales. XXIV. XXIV. XXIV. Que los derechos de los That the Duties upon thejhe DjUm w Negros introducidos han de Negroes Imported, are to beBiacki°fronith« caufarfe defde el dia de fu due from the Day of theirrtmaofLand- defembarco en qualquiera Landing in any of the Ports |"oibwiioflian de los Puertos de las In- ofthe/«i;M,after the Search be danferouny dias, defpues de hecha la made, and all matters K-i^'o%^itlZ. viHta, y regulacion por los gulated by the Royal Offi- i^wed, and iiia Oficiales Reales j con de- cers j and it is , declared, g'^i" "for" daracion, que fi fe muriere That if any of the faid Ne-them aifo, if, alguno de los dichos Ne- groes dye before they arefJ^^y'Sru'tr* gros antes de eftar vendido, fold, the Afflentifts (hall not living, no por eflb han de dexar los thereby be quit of the Obli- Aflentiftas de eftar obliga- gation of paying the Duties ^ dos a pagar los derechos de for thofe that dye, nor have los que murieren, (in que any pretenfion to make upon fobre ello puedan introducir that Account ) except only, pretenfion alguna^ y folo fe that in cafe, upon making permite, que (i al tiempo de the Searches, there be found hazerfe la vifita ferecono- any Negroes dangeroufly ill, cieren algunos Negros en- they may bs landed for their fermos de peligro, fe pue- Recovery, and if thefe dye dan defembarcar para pro- within the fpace of Fifteen curarlos algun aiivio ^ y que Days, from the time of their £ 2 fi L 20 J fi eftos fe murleren en los being put on Shore, the Af- quinze dias primeros del- fientilts (hall not be obli- pucs de echados en tierra, ged ro pay any Duties, in no efienobligadoslos AlTen- regard they were not landed tiftas a pagar derechos al- for Sale, but in order to Re- gunos, refpe£lo dc no de- cover their Health in the fembarcar fe con el fin de laid Ffreen Days j which be- venderlos.finp de procurarlcs ing expir'd, if they fhall be la falud en los quinze dias yet alive, then they fhall referidos ; y ii paflados become indebted for the Du- eftuvleren con vida, en tal ties for them, in like man- r XXV. Defpuct d« cafb deberan adeudar los derechos en la conformidad que los denias, y fatisfacer- los en efta Corte, como vi prevenido en la condicion quinta, XXV. Que defpues que los Af- ner as for the reft, and fhall pay them in this Courr, purfuant to what is agreed in the Fifth Article. XXV. XXV. That afrer the Aflientifts, ?"*. "f «hc r.t!fNa?r» fentiftas,6fusfaaoresayan or their Factors, fliall have SKnT'J '"^ •leiaBmbir- ajut^ado, y vendldo parte de fettled the Duties,and fold Pp"* »n(» »'ie p~Mra losNegrosdeUEmbarcaci- part of the Loading ofi;S'K«,^ Daflaraotro On, que huvierc enttado ena- Blacks, which they had ""•'"•i" " w* K'rSr" q^el Puerto, lesha de fer brought to that Port, theyft^,S?« en pago el oro, permkido paflfar a otro el "nail be allowed to carry ofhavine ac- ?a&Tb;edenumeroquelesquedare,daii. theremaindei to any other S:',^;^,^/-^*! codos derechos ;dofeles cettificacion po'r los "o't, carrying Certificates Haymem in rutTj^ftc-OficialesRealesdelosdere* from the Royal Officers of St'S'a'a que avrachos, quc.alli huvicrcu a- having there accounted for DntUs, bm eftaWdS, V deudado, para que no fe les the Duties, that fo the fame '^^l^fH «' . -_ . „ J . i„ J — i^ _-^ t- J j-j of the Duties, lospodiapa'fTarpueda repetir en los demas d« vnoj Pucr- " — _ — SOS aotfof. Other "<*."iy ''« re- may not be demanded Puertos I Y aflfimifmo po- them again in any dran, recibir enpagodelos Port ^ And they may re-or.e Pen to que vend ieren, reales,,varras ceive in Payment for, thofe^^J'j^'''""'* de plata, y tejos de oro, they fhall feli, Money, Bars ° ' que fean. qointados, y fin of Silver, and ingots of fraude, como tambien los Gold, which (hall have paid frutos de la tierra, para fi- the Kiag's ^into without carles, y embarcar libre- Fraud, as alio the Produce in^iite, affi los reales, vat- of the Countryy which they rasdeplittta, y tejos de oro, may... carry, aw^y, and, em* * como lo& e&£^o«, y frutos, bark freely, as- weU the por fer procedidos de la Money, Bais of Silver, and v«at&.dQ difhosNegros, lis Ingots of GQld, as tbeothei ohliga- , the Af be obli- >uties, in lot landed iertoRe- I in the wnich be- y fhallbc hey fhaU r the Du- ike man- and fhall s Courr, is agreed r XXV. Iflientifts P?«of»he hall have a^ln-^'^ and Ibid Pp«» ■n<* 'he A\t%r. «*• "'■ff^' proceed ling Otwith iherc- ley had malnder ts v>* ort,theyf&S»« to cairy of having ac- rnv other ^J"".^"^ '"'■. *« ^X-."" Duties, and the ttlhcatesHaymenc in fficers of '^^''^"f Silver mcersorf {^f^g^fgj inted lorOncits, bm the fame fi &"'/'<" ttftCti to pay inded of the Duties, f Other**"* "^y be nay re- one Von to or thpfe ""Other to be ey. Bars jots , of avepaid without Produce ich they ndr- em- :;Q the fer, and leothei ohliga- 'fold. XXVI. Pndran los Na< vioi dt efte Af- fientofalirda los Puirtos de la Gran Rre- tana, o de Erpana, y bol- vera eUosafu eleccion, dando ancei nocicia de fu partenza, y bolviendo a Efpana entre- gara.i regiftro de fus retomos, y fi a loi de In- (latena, tm- bia.aa rclacion fio que puedan etnuarcar cau- ilales de Efpa- noks, nl PafTa- geros, fin Hcen- da de fu Magc- AadCachullca. [29] obligaciondepagarderechos, EfFeds and Fruits, as being s'l folo los que eltuvieren the Produce of the Sale of cUablecidos en los Lugares the faid Negroes, without be- de adonde fe entregarcn los ing obliged to pay any Da- tales i'rutos, y efieQos, ties, except only thofe that que fe les permiterecibir en fhall be Eltablifhed in the cambio, 6 per precio de Places from whence thole los Negros, de qualquiera Fruits and Efre£ls are calidad que (ean \ y los que brought, which they are vendieren en efta forma, por allow'd to receive in Ei- falra de moneda, han de change, or for the Value of poder tranfportarlcs con las their Negroes, of whatever Embarcaciones empleadas kind they be, upon Sales en elte trafico, a los Puertos made in this manner for que les pareciere, y vender- want of Money, which they los en ellos, pagando los may carry on board the Vef- derechos acoitumbrados. fels employ 'd in this Com-. mcrce, to fuch Ports as they fhall think fit, and fbll them there, paying the accuftom^ ed. Duties. XXVI. V,. XXVI. Qiic los Navios que eftu- XXVl. That the Ships which T"' ^-"^ "' noc Paf- , - , •#./»,»! ■>• A *'^'* Afliento vieren empleados para elte fhall be employ d by thn n^av saii to AQiento, han de poder falir Affiento, may Sail from rhe"/,,^ or"' de los Puertos de la Gran Ports of Great Britain ot sp (hall be conftantly punifli- . ; , : , -. ; ed. *•'] vl i^\.- '; r.] xxvn. Si E an Au- which it ley have ley come dzn, thejr xacfc Ac- ng, that be fully with this may not oi the 'er,Gold, lan what :e of the roes, nor ;er$, they sceive on ndize or ccount of Majeities snninions, i Licence HisCa- and they Captains, Officers, on board, nee, they iilt3rj and d^aud- itoms.and theCon- and the tMajefty id to give thereof, gof fuch s of the )J[fenders, thereof, punifli- kxmsi xxvn. Sc ptCTieuP It forma qje fe hJ de ubrervar con ]is prefji que hizicrcn lot Naviosdetfte Afliento, »{n en fu vciiu, como eala epplica- c!on defu pro- du£lo,ypaga de deiccboi. XXVII. XXVII. xxvir. Si fucediere, que los Na- If It (hould happen that Tie Method vios de ette Alfiento fueren the Ships of this Afliento |° ,^4tion7o'^ armados en Guerra, v hizi- (hould be fitted out as Ships Prfzci taken eren algunas prefas de Ene- of War, and fliould take a- M'!,?''','*' °' mi^os de vna, y otra Coro- ny Prizes from Enemies of *" ** na,odelosPiratas,Coriarios, either Crown, or from the que fuelen cruzar, y robar Pirates that ufually Cruize en los Msi^es de la America, and Plunder in the Seas of podr^n entrat con ellas en America , they may bring qualquier Puerto de fu Ma- them into any Port belong- geftad Catholica , adonde ing to His CathoUck Maje- han de fcr admitidos ) y li- Ity, where they are to be endo alii declaradas por admitted} and the faid Pri- baenas, y legitimas las pre zes being declared good and fas, no han de eftikr obhga- lawfuU the Captors fhall dos los Aprefadores a pagar not be obliged to pay greater mayores derechos de entra- Duties, upon the Entry of da de los que eftuvieflen e- their Prizes, than what are ftablecidos, y pagaten los eftablifhed and payable by Naturales Vaflallos de fu the natural Subjeds of His Mageflad •, con declaracion, Majefty > and it is declared, que fl en ellas fe hallareA that if there (hould be any Negros, los han de poder Negroes on Board fuch vender por quenta del nu- Prizes, they may fell them fnero de los de fu obligaci- in part of the Number they on, como tambien los vive- have engaged to furni(h, as res, y baflimentos, que les likewife the Vi£luals and fobraren j psro efto no fe Provifions that (hould be 0- entiendc con las mercaderi- ver and above what is need- as, y generos que aprelaren, cuya venta ha de quedar ful for their Subfiftencej But this is not to extend to liempre prohibida ^ pero fe the Merchandize and Goods les permite (atendiendo a which they may take,thefale la conveniencia de fus in- wh^rebf is cver,t6 remain terelTes) que paedaii llevar Pfbnibited : Ha^e^er fuch las dichas mercaderias, y Regard is had to their Inte- generos aprefados a los Pu- refts, that they are allow'd ertos de Cartagena, 6 Por- to carry the faid Merchan- tovelo, y entregarlos a los dize and Goods lb taken, to OficialesReales.quieiieslos the Ports of Cartbagina or avranderecibit, inventatiar» Porto^^i/o, and deliver them^ y poner en Almacenes, con to the King's Officers, who aflut^Qcia de los Aprefado- are to receive them, and •i:i;ii •• res. ifti ■M [ 30 res, dondc ft guarden hafta make an Inventory thereof, el arribo de G:ileones, j que and lay them up in Ware- Uegueel ticmpode cclebrar- hoults, in thePrelenccof the fe las Ferias en dichos Pu- Captors, where they are to crtos dc Cartagena o I'orto- be kept till the Arrival of velo, quando los Oiiciahs the Gaieons, and the time Reales han de cuydar de of holding the Fairs in the qoe fe vcndan con interven- faid Ports ol Carthagena and cion, y alTiltencia de\osDe- Portobellot, and then the puiados del Comeicio, y King's Officers are to take de los mifmos Aprcfadores, care that they be fold, with 6 fu$ Apoderados j para lo the Inttrpofition, and in the 3ual avra de dar fu Mage- Prefence of the Deputies of ad Cachoiica las ordenes Commerce, and the faid> convenientes, como fe las Captors,or their Agents; for da por efta condidon j y which purpofe His Catho- que facandofe la quarta par- lick Majetry is to give the te de la cantidad de fu ven- necefl'ary Orders, as he does u, que ha de pertenecer a fu Mageltad para entrarla en las Reales Caxas, y re- mltir a Efpana con toda di give them by this prefent. Article, and deducing a Fourth Part of the Pro- duce of the Sale thereof^ liincion de lo que precede, which is to belong to His fe han de entregar las tres Catholick Majelty, to be quartas {)attes reftantes de put into the Royal Coffers, cada prefa, fin la menordi- and remitted to Spain^ with lacion, a los Aprefadores,6 a difiinCl Account of thefaid fus Apoderados, defcontan- Produce, they are to deliver do, y baxando de ellas to- dos los gaftos que fe huvie- fen caulado en la venta, y almacenage, y facisfaciendo al ni'^o tiempo que lie ven- dan las mercaderias de las the Three remaining Parts of each Prize, without the leaft Delay to the Captors, or their Agents, deducing and retaining thereout all E give the as he does is prefent iu6tiog a the rro- B thereof^ ng to His f, to be al Coffers, pain^ with oftheTaid ; to deliver ling Parts ithout the e Captors, dedu£ling ereout all r Sale and ^nd fa- ame time t are Sold, )uties pajr- Tie %o the A;ad foe ill manrtep 3avil, His That the and other Muni- Munlciones, y todos los de- rmis ptrtrechos, que en ellas fe hallaren, a los dichos A- prcfadores. XXVIII. Sm MiRcftadei Caih.)lka,y Uretanica, (on imerefladiit ca- da vni por la qtiarta piru m efta Afliento. para lograr las Itananciaf, qiie del lefuluraa. XXVIII. Que mediante ajuftarfe, y eltablecerfe efte Afliento con particular conocimiento del beneBcio que pucden re- ciblr fus Mageftades Breta- nica, y Catholica, para fus Reales averes. fe ha conve- nido, V cftipulado, que am- bas Mageftades han de fer interefiadas en la mitad de el, y cada vna en la quar- ta parte, que le ha de per- tenecer, fegun lo acordado : Y refpe£lo de fer neceflario, que para aver de gozar fu Mageftad Catholica de los vtiles, y ganancias, que pa- ede producir efte negociado, huviefie dc pagar anticipa- damente a los dichos Aden- tiftas vn millon de efcados de plata, 6 bien la quarts parte de !a cantidad, que por cllos fe regulafle fe« ne- ceflario para poner en buc- na orden, y goviemo efte negocio, fe ha ^onvenida y aiuftado, que fi fuMageftad Catholica ho juzgare por convenicnte anticipar la re- fttida canttdad, otirecen los dichos AiFentiftas hazerla dc fa propio dinero % con la calidad, que fu Magcftad Catholica les aya de hazer buenos lo$ interefleS) eo la Veflels ( thus made Prize of) of whatever fort they be, with their Arms, Gum, Ammunition, and all tbs Furniture and Taclcle on board them, (hall belong to the Capors. XKVIII. xxvai. That whereas in the Efti- Tiieir iv,/v« blirtiing and Adjufting thisj;j?,Jht"i« Afliento, a particular R^ard imarefled each is had to the Advantage ?,'CAna, that may thence accrue to Their JSriri^ and Catholick Majefties,^nd to Their Re- venues, It is Agreed and Stipulated, That both Their Mafefties (hall be concern'd for One half of this Trade, each of them a Quarter part^_. which is to belong to them purfuant to this Agreennent : And whereas it is neceflary that His Catholick Majefty ( in order to have and enjoy the Benefit and Gain that may be obtained by this Trade) (hould advance to the faid Aflientifts, One Million of Pieces of Eight, ( Efcuiot ^ or a quarter of the Sum, which they full judge neceflary for the put- ting of this Commerce into a gdod Order and Method, It is Agreed and Settled, That if His Catholick Ma- jefty (hall not think it con- venient to advance the faid' Sum, the aforemention*d Afiientifts do o'Ssx to do it out of their own Money, upon Condition, that His atholick Majefty (hall F quenta L i^ J qucnta quedieren, ii razon make good the Intered out de echo por ciento al airo, of what they (hall be ac- correfpondicntes ;1 los diis countable for, to Him, after del defembolfo, halla ics the Rate of Eight pfics thac I, which elves to t in cafe ny Profit lents or that in- ly fuffer ^ will be !S oblige ime,) to imburs'd :rn'd, ac- and in be' leaft ; Royal 5 Catho- 3 Name Faftors, t London^ ; Indies^ chat the/ on His ithofeot" efty, and inrereft- reftions, ounts of lom His to give »y whicli es, par- X. Qjie I XXIX. Ciimplldi'S loi rloco tnoi vr'- nir.roi fe avrj deiJar la quen cidelaiganan- rial, y pagar lo qiiede eliaiio care a fu Maje- A^d Ciliiclica. L 35 J ticubrly to thofe in the ht- diei^ for the better avoiding all Impediments and Dil- > putes which may happen. XXIX. XXIX. xx.x. Qu5 los dicfcos Aflentlftai That the faid Afllcntifls Atthrmdof hande dar la qucnia de los are to give an Account of ||;' S-Ufir vtilcs, y ganancias que hu- their Profits and Gain at rna-cmmifor vicredefpue&qiieayancum- the end of the Firft Five {J'pi'j';!;}!^"* pUdo los prlmeros cinco a- Years of this Afliento, withunjs to hu nos de ela AiTiento, con re- Accounts taken upon Oath, Tfi'''"''''' ***' lacionesjuradas, y Icgicimos and certify 'd by Legal In- inlhumcntos dc los prccios ftruments, of ihc Charge of de h compra, fuftento, iranf- the Purchafe, Subfillenct, porre, y venta de los Ne Tranlportation, and Sale of gros, y de todos los den^^s the Negroes, and all other gnftos, que fe huvieren can- Kxpences upon their Ac- iado i como tamhien certifl- county and aifo Certificates caciones en buena forma de in due Form, of the Produce lo que huviere procedido de of their Sale in all the Ports la venta de clfos en todo. and Parts of Amnica^ be-- los Puertos, y partes de la longing to His Catholick America, penenecientcs ^ Majefty, whither they fhall fu Mageftad Catholica, a- have been Imported and donde fe huvieren introduci- Sold \ wbicll Accounts, as do, y vcndido j cuyas quen- well of the Charge as the tas, affi de los gaftos, como Produce, are firft to be Exa- de los prodii£los, ban de fer min'd and Settled, by Her primero reconocidas, y li- Britamick Majefties Mini- quidadas por loj Minlftros fters employ *d in this Ser- de fu Mageftad Bretanlca, ^ vice, in regard to »he Share (juienes perteneciere, por el She is to have in this Afli- ento, and then to be Exa- mined in like manner in this Court 5 And his Catholick Majefties Share of the Pro- fits may be Adjulled and Recovered from the Aflien- tifts, who are to be oblig'd to Pay the fame moft regu- interes que tiene en efte Af- fiento, para que en efta Cor- te fe pueda del mlfmo modo examinar, y ajuftar lo que tocare a fu Mageftad Catho- lica, y cobrarlo de los Aflen- tiftas, quienes tendr^n la o- bligacion de pagarlo muy regular, y puntualmente en Isrly and pun0:ually, m fuerca de efta condicion, purfuance of this Article, que ha de tene? la mifma which is to be of the fame tuer^a, y vigor, que fi fuera Force and Vigour as if it F 3 infira- m mm inftfumento publico, y de- baxo de lo expieHado en la condicion veinte y echo, en qaanto a los Faftores, que 111 Mageltad Catholica ha de nombrar. ^xx. XXX. SiSSas Ql^e fi el produaode las it loi primcrot ganancias de los pnmeros h"d/,«mSi-""c?, anos excediere a la fariaCompaniaCantidad, quc debieron anti- f^J°«i"8.X't'P"» y anticiparon los Af- ere anncipaao ^ *^^.A 5- » j n t por la qtmaientiftas por fu Mageftad 5cfta/cS Catholica, junto con los in- lica, V de lo! terefles de ocho por ciento, intertffM, y de q^q fg han dc comprehendcr, anno5fucaffiv.-y abonar en la forma que dtTrf 7ea-^^^^^ exprcflado, los di- M porUmifma'chos Alfentiftas fe avran de oraen. reembolfar en primer lugar de lo que huvieren antici- pado, con mas los intcrefles, y fatisfacer a fii Mageftad Catholica lo demas que fe huviere adquirj^o cun los derechos de los Negros, in- troducidos aiiualmente, fin dilacion, ni embarazo aigu- noj cuya orden affimifmo fe ha de oblervar, y conti- nuarfe de cinco en cinco aaos fuccefflvamenie, du- rante el tiempo de efts Af- fientoj y al firt de el fe dara la quenta de las ganancias de los vltimos cinco anos, en la forma que va expref- fado en los primercs , de ca- lidad, que fu Mageftad Ca- tholica,. y los Miniftros que tuvieren efta incumbencia, queden fHenamente fitisfe- ehos, debaxo de lo expreffa- do en la condUipn veinte y were a Publick Inftrument, and under the Regulation mention'd in the 28th Arti- cle, concerning the Fa£tors which His Catholick Maje- fty is to appoint. XXX. XXX. That if the Amount of the ?"» "f 'h* p«>- Gain, made during the firlt firftSvelS; Five Years, does exceed the «'ie Company Sum which the Affientifts Sfei??,"'"' are to advance, and (hall "'«''; Ad»anct advance for His Catholick ficffiSto Majefty, together with the Q."»«e»-.parr, Inrereft of Eight per Gwf/.^l'Jnd'^SfL which is to be included and count fhaii be made good in the manner Si"!;"/,, abovemention d, the Aflien-F'^e Years fuc- tifts are to reimburfe them- ''^"'^^• felvcs in the iirft place, what they fhall have ad- vanced, with all the Inteteft, and then to pay to His Ca- tholick Majefty the re- mainder of the Profit that fhall come to His Share, to- gether with the Duties up- on Negroes annually Import- ed, without any delay or impediment j which Pra£lice is likewife to be ob&rv'd and continued every Five Years fucceffively, during the T3rm of this Alfiento -, and at the end thereof an Account fhall be given of the Gain made in the laft Five Years, iq the fame manner as is mentioned in relation to the fifft Five Years j fo that His Catho- lick Majefty, and His Mini- fters, whom he fhall employ in ihis Affair, may remain d ' ocho. ■P nftfument, Elegulation 28th Arti- !ie Faftofs ick Maje- r U Jt sunt of the g thefirli exceed the Aflientifis and (hall Catholick with the per dnt, luded and e manner lie Aflien- irfe them- :ft place, have ad- 5 Inteteft, His Ca- the re- 'rofit that Share, to- 'uties up- ly Import- delay or \l Praaice ob&rv'd I'ery Five , during AfPiento } hereof an given of the laft the fame itioned in ifft Five is Catho- His Mint- II employ ly lems^in ocho. XXX. OutofthcPro-' ficsmadsintht firftFiveYea», the Company may reimburfs themfelves (heir Advanct ofHIiCatho- lick Majeftiei Quarter parr, and :he Inter- •ft; and an Ac- count (hall be given in like manner every Five Years fuc- ceflively. ocho, en quanto a losFafio- res, que fu Magsftad Ca- tholics ha de nombrar. XXXI. Si Its ganancin de los primtros eineo anos k> Sermitieren, sfpuesdsfatis- fccha at axpref- fado ruplimi- ento, podra la Compania ha- zerfe pago del todo.o parte de los dozientos mil pefos, que ofreceancicipar. XXXII. Se concede a la Compania el tiempo de tres ducj defpues de cumplidos lo] trelnta der edc Aflienco xxxr. Que aviendo los dichos Aflenciftas ofrecido por la condicion tercera de efte contrato de antlcipar dozi- entos mil pefos efcudosde plata, en la forma que en cll7. ie refiere, no ban de fer reembolfados de ellos, hafta que ayan paffado los veinte ■ arios primeros de efte Aflien- to, como fe expreflk en la citada condicion terceraj ni tampoco puedan pretender cofa alguna, por razon de riergos, e interefles de efta cantidad •, pero que fi por lo refpe£livo a la quenta, que han de dar los dichos A0en- tiftas al fin de los primeros dnco aiios, conftare aver avido ganancias, han de po- der reemboliarfe de la can- tidad, 6 parte de ella, que por quenta del del.mbolfo huvielFen anticipado a fu Mageftad Catholica, por la (juarta parte en que fe ha de intereflar en efte Afliento, e igualmente por el importe de fus interefles, en confe- queiicia de lo exprefTddo en 1^ condicion veinte y jcho. XXXII. Que defpues de fenecido, y cutnplido efte Affiento, fu Mageftad Catholica conce- de a los Aflentiftas el tiem- fully fatisfy*d, purfuant to what is mention'd in the 28th Article, concerning the Faftors which His Ca- tholick Majefty is to ap- point. XXXI. xxxr. That whereas the faid iSffirStic"^ Affientifts have ofFerM by the X^"' *'" »'• 3d Article of this Contraft, clX may to advance Two hundred 7"nb""e thoufand Pieces of Eight [Swhoie in the manner therein ex- Advance. prefled, they fhall not be reimburfed the fame, till the end of the firft Twen- ty Years of this Alfienro, as is mention'd in the faid 3d Article, nor (hall they pretend to any Allowance for the Rifque or Intereft of that Sum ^ but if upon the Account that is to be given by the Affientifts, at the end of the firft Five Years, they (hall appear to be Gainers, they may relmburle them- felves the Sum, (or pare thereof) which they (hall have advanced for the Quar- ter Part, wherein His Ca- tholick Majefty is interefted in this Afliento, as alfo the Intereft due to them on this Account, purfuant to what is mention'd in the 28th Ar- ticle. XXXII. xxxir. That from and after the JrinttJ^"hY* determination and fulfilU.ig Company' ('f- of this Afliento, His Catho- J*"!" D«': \' \ -Ki • a. J ^ minatioo of ilii lick Majefty does grant to^ovtarsofthia pQ Affieato) foe tt U P rica fiXi iflo 69. pjrs rtcojfi fus po de tres liios para aiuftar la quenia final, todas fus quentas, y recoger i"h a f°"Nf * ^^^°* ^"* efeftos en las Indi- vid «? iM Pu- as» y d^r U quenta final 5 en etfosdeia^rnc-cuyo tiettipo de tres afios gozaran los AffentiHas, fus Fadores, Apoderados, y de- pandientes, los mifmos pri- vilegios, y franquezas, que les cilan concedidas durante el tiempo de efle G)ntrato, para la entrada libre de fus Navios, y Embarcaciones en todos los Paertos de la Ame- rica, y extraccion de los efeflosqueenellos tuvieren, fin alteracion, ni reftriccion alguna, qualqaiera que pue- da fer. xxxiii. Los dei'dores de efto Afliento liandeferap.-e mladoi a la pa' ga, comofi lo lueffen dc fu Magefldd Ca- tholica. XXXIV Podra embnr veftidrs, me- dicinas, provifi- ones, y penre- chos navalei defde burnpa a los Puenosde lat lodias en Embarcacionts dc a cienio y dnqucnta tone- ladas (a parte d« las que con- ituGcn los'Nc- XXXIII. 0.06 rodos los deudores de los Aflentiftas han de fer compelidos, y apremiados a la fatisfaccion de lo que de- bieren executivatnente, por quanto le han de confiderar lus creditos con el mifmo privilegio, que fi fueran pro- pios de fu Mageftad Ca- tholica, que los califica co- mo tales para el fin de la mas fegura cobranca. XXXIV. Que fiendo neceflario pa- ra la manutencion, y fuften- to de los Efclavos Negros, que fe defembarcaren en los Puerros de las Indias Occi- dentales, como rambien de todos los depend lentes em- pleados en efle trafico, te- ncr Almacenei continua- the AfHentifts the fpace of !«"'"« •■ •''"'' Three Years, to adjuft tUitlffllflm, Accounts, and gather in all Privilege! as their Efteas in the Mies,^^''"' and make up a Balance of the whole, during which Term of Three Years, the faid Afflentifts, their Fa- vors, Agents, and others em ploy 'd by them, fhall enjoy the fame Privileges and Immunities as are gran- ted to them for the Term of this Contra£l:, for the free Entrance of their Ships and Veffels in all the Ports of America, and Exportation of fuch Eflfetls as they may have there, without any Al- tera tioa or ReftriQionwhat- foe\'er. xxxm, XXXIII. That all the Debtors to Dibf» heionp. the AfRentifts fhall be com- '"« '" ''"' '^"'• _ ^I„a „_. c J *"f" tecovera- pelled and torced to pay bieasthofedus their Debts, by taking them " *'^'' '''"8- and their Goods in Execu- tion,^ thefe Debts being con- fider'd upon the fame foot as thofe due to His Catho- lick Majefty himfelf, who declates them as fuch, that they may be the more ef- fectually recovered. XXXIV. xxxr\'. That it being requifite ^■'"^'^"'d'^-^* for the Support and Subfi- v ffi .^ Na. ftence of the Negro Slaves "^^ ^'fttts, may who fhall be fet on Shore in ^^^/Hhs the Ports of the TVeS-Tudies, Q^'oen'sCoitf- as likewife of all the Per-uToVf^X!^ Ions employ 'd in this Com- ftntifts only, la merce, to keep conftantly ^f ? .tln^J Magazines filled with Advice of (he mentecouncUofiha Jit their with ilic f, loi Negros. largo, y penofo viage, y pre- venirlos de qualquier mal contagiofo, y dsftemplan^a, fe ha de conceder libcrtad a los Fa£lores de efte Aflien- to de artendar las porciones de ticrra, que parccieren convenientes, en las cercani- as de los Lugares adonde fe eftablecieren las Fa£torias, con el fin de cultivai las tierras que alTi arrendaren, y de bazer plantios en que recoger provifiones frefcas para fu alivio, y fuftento •, cuyo cultivo, y beneficio fe aya de hazer por los Natu- rales de aqaet Pais, y por los Efclavos Negros, y no por otros, fin que en efta tbima pueda ningun Mini- ftro de fa Mageftad Catho- lica embarazarlo. ^ xxxvi. XXXVI. f^:^:l Qj»e fe ha de conceder li- bJar vn Naviocencia a los Aflentiftaa para Lbd«Tias poder embiar vn Navio de nlfliment to Be inHi£):ed on the Offenders, unlefs it be, in the cafe of an urgent Nc- ceffity, for a S^anijh Ship, the Captain whereof, in or- der to his re. urn home, may be obliged to buy the fame as he -can agree with the Faftors. XXXV. x^xv. For the refrdhing andteJlKj',"' prefervmg in Health the Lands, norths ^egro Slaves, which Aev5?«|'„f^i^^ inall import into the Weji'^iota tobecni. M« after fo long and pain- Siy« nil Voyage, and to pre-siatki. vent any Contagious IllnelS' or Diftcmper amongft them, the Factors of this Afliento (hall be allowed to hire fuch Parcels of Land as they (hall think fit, in the neighbour- hood of the Places where the Faftories (hall be Efta- blifhed, in order to Culti- vate the faid Lands, and make Plantations^ in which they may raife fre(h Provi- fions for their Relief and Subflftence ; which Cultiva- ting and Improvement is to be rerform'd by the Inha- bitants of the Country, and the Negro Slaves, and not by any others, nor may any Minifters of His Catholick Majefty binder them, provi- ded they keep to this Rule. ^ XXXVI. xxxvr. That Leave (hall be grant- ^,3^0?" edto the AlTientiftstofend a jooToih^co Ship of Three hundred Tons^.^/^'^.^Sf; treci- IfliQed on lefs it be, IrgentN*. [ttijh Ship, pof, inor- )nne, may the fame Iwith the XKXV. ling andf^'/f'SB'^en bit" the tea. lich they "?ori«, for tht> Ur^O making Planra. tne IVeJi-tlotu to been!. and pain- '!t'««'1 h "w . ^ '^ Natives and to pre-siacki. us Illnels gft them, i Afliento hire fuch they fhall leighbour- es where 1 be Efta- to Culti- inds, and in which efh Provi- 'elief and h Cultiva- nent is to the Inha- intry, and and not ^may any [^tholick m, provi- his Rule. XXXVf. be grant- J*^»«'»i''«i , .„? . for a Ship of itofendajooToni, to red Tons i°''!«''iec<». treci- "'*''* inai de cana. trecientas lus, yincar re- irt__ C 4* J toneladas k las to the Canary Illands, and 0"f 'lerRrgiftro de Canarias, facando to carry from thence fuch ma^jtr'!^.^. lara la Ameri- fu regiftro de los ffotos, que Fruits as are cuiiomarily ta- '"'i fc' on«r 'i^rJura^el en elTas acoftumbran cargar ken on board there, for Ame^ ?"?H,^'of fhi m:a(o para la America, en la con formidad que te concedio pot la condicion veinte y feis a Don Bernardo Ffancff^ CO Marin, y la veinte y vna nca^ purfuant to what was Afficmo. allowed to Den Bernardo Francifco Marin bv the 26xh. Article of his AfTento, and by the 2lft Article of ihe chit del de la Compania de Gui- AfTiento of the Guiwa Conv> nea de Portagal, por vna pany of Portugal, for vez foil, durante el tiem- po de efte Affiento. xxxvn. Que fe les Iia de dcfj)!- S" que^o'to char GeJala, para qoe en do$ iM PnertM todos los Puertos de la Ame xxxvn. ' Seha dedefpl- char Cedula one time only, during the ccMiti^ nuance of this Au>ento. XXXVII. x^xvn. That Orders (hall be dll^SfoShft'* patched for the Publicatloh caufhig pubu' - .- in an the Ports of America, ^,Sia in th« ftpubUquTu-tica fe haga ptiblicacion de ofan/iriiifrofitf the Negroes Pom of ^*,. duitoparaiM Indulto para losNegros de unduly Imported from the^'f^^fi"'"- SI^.?*d'SHemala emrada, defdc el dia Day that Ihls Affiento is to for &?rf'' el dia em-en que fe concede efte Afli- take plac^, mtb freellberty 'Jf 5*'"?p»nyt K TtenSento, concedrcHdofe libre fa- to the Favors to^lay an 7«-unduiyb'ouW ciode [a Cotr-cultad a lo» Faftores d« in- dmlto on them ae what Time l^***" '•'" P*"''- dultarlos, por el tiempo, y and Price they (hall think /KonJn en el precio que les pirecie- firj and that the Produce "*"""«««• re; y qoe el inrtporte deefte of this MulHo (}lall be arp. indtiltoleaplique, y ieaeff p^ied to tlie Benefit of thff beneficio de lbs Aflentiffa*, AflTtt ntrils, #f>6 fliaff hi quienes han de tener la obti!- obliged to ?vt to HisCatho^ gatton de pagsr los dere- lk;lc Majefty the r^ular choSregnlaresa (uMageflad Duties* of Thirty three Pie* de rreinra y tres pe^ efcu> ces of Bight, airid One third dos, y vn tercio de otro,. pr>f of a PiefeeofE^h-, fot each^ cada Negro, al mifmo tiem- Negro, at the time that thi po que fe indoTte. . Indulto is laid. xxxvni. xxxvBi. Qie-pafralamejor, ymas That for «he bener ana Minifte«oi'ih» ASo'fe'haP«>n*P» expediciofl deefte mor^ expeditious Difpatchc^icitofrte deformarvna ncgocTO fe la dc ftfvfr fff of tfti» AflSiir, HiS Mafje% JJMi J7 KftrMd'efMageftid de format \ra wnrbepkalBd to eftabli(higrAfti«rf Confeio de lai JdHrs dc ttes Mintiltos it a Jonta of Three Miniftcrs»|!'J|^(MB^' fiftCTda'd*!"*^^ ^ "^y®' ^*^ccion, eon fuch as he (hall think «"<>*» lifted ^2« creciry of Ud JCXXVIII. ParalMdeptn- dencia* de efle xxxvm. That forthebettet and-*'-'"^-'- FifcaL «!Maspa(KReneia del Fifeal, y Se- proper, who, wkh the AfTt ttJo/i ctetarfd del Goftiejo de Its Ihnce of^ the Fifeal and St-OwMii. 6 G Itidias, L 4^ J Indias, para que enttenda, y cretary ortheCouncllof tho conozca privativamente de LidieSf (ball hear and take fodos los negocios, y depen- Cognizance, (exduiive of dienciai de el, durante el all others ) of all Matters t'tempo que fc capuula^ y and Caufes relating thereun- que fa dicba Junta confulte to, during the time that ^ fu Mageftad lo que fe ofre- is fiipulated ^ and that the ciere, del modo que fe efta- £iid Junta (hall lay before bleci6,vform6paula.Com- HisMajedy what (hall oc- paiiia de Fiancia. . ^ -. ._ ^,-- ^_- dlflintl tifccioif Matef iiholical XXXIX Todat lu con- XXXIX. did ^^ ^^^^ ^ condiciones iHdM?taI*"'concedidas en los Alfientos Afeiiift«»B. antecedentcs de D. Domingo JSi&c.r GrUlo, del Confidado de XXXIX. e- cur to them, in the fame manner as was pra£lifed for the French Company. XXXIX. That all the ConceffionsJJ',^^^^^^"' in former Aflientos to Don aow, mi con- Domif^o GriUo, the Confula- ."'KM?! do of SeviUe^ Don NicoJoi ftood in irsF^. oafiisaIn.;fe villa, de D. Nicolas Porcio, Porcio, Don Bernardo Marin l°^'^^\'f^ SS'.^ofaftr.deD.BenardoMarinyGuz- jv Gufmn, the Companies iniL^'dS"' i n«» «iei, y man, de las Companias de of Portugal^ rndfrancCf notj**«^^"0Bei,miifo, y la ^guiidadde po- foied to lemov^witkall Se- aod vctm Na? ,ti!^i,| it dK L 4JJ incllof tho r and take cdufive of 11 Matters ig tbers^un- time that id that the lay before t ihall oc- the fame :a£^ifed foe any. n it qjiedar der ficffl en el tertnino de Scwtone. ano, y medio, defde que fe lAffiento.fin declare el rompimiento, to- Idtrfet m-^^^ ^^^ fusefeaos libremente en qualavrai _ne»ar Ar 15, y Vande- idiflintas, a tlrccion de Mateftad iihclica. XXXIX. ^"cefljonsJ;l'^-S OS to Don datoi, am eon- ieConfula-"»2:»''*, « NkoUu ftood in its Fi. ^mpanies inlmcd, the rance^ not }i'«<^[^« that the Con- gramnl to for- laft, fliall jw AffiMtifti, ledaredtoMeg'^^S- as if they a* «»kea. y inferted i rders that be6n dip ofthofe ifientifts , to thefe, askthem^ KorDit XL. aDecla-Iacafeof^Vai lich find ''«*•*"*• rown. 01 the ComiMay that nf '^■Oiiavta agcUnlt to wUhdnw AiSento^'i .?*«».. hov^reveriht/Wm.but he iuflifbctwillaei* ^nc •hecofthem all be- aad otiwr Nar der lualavran los NavioS dc 61, qUC fe hallaren en los Puertos delas Indias, 6 en los de Efpa- noles^ con la calidad, que f; en eftos ft tranlportaffen a los de Elpana, los podrdn fi- car de ellos libremente, co- mo fi el Afiiento elhiviefle corriente, precediendo la ju- ftificacion de ier del produtlo As los Negros •, cor\ declara- cion, que fi fucediere, que las dos Coronas de Elpana, y Inglaterra, 6 qualquiera de dlas entren en guerra, vnida, 6 feparadamente con otras Naciones, en tal cafb avr^n de Ikvar los Navios del tra- fico del Afiiento fus PafTa- portes, y Vanderas. con Ar- mas diftintas de las que a- coftumbran traer loslnglelcs, y Efpaiioles, del modo que fu Magelhd Catholka tuvi- ere por Men de elegtrlas ^ las chides no podran ftr con- cedidas i otras Embarcaci- cnes, que a las exprefliadaS de efte trafico, fin que pue-' danfer inquietados. ni violen- tados por los de las Nacio- nWj que fiiaen, 6 le decla- lafTen Enemigas' de las dos Coronas ^ para cuya feguri- dad fc empeiiara (ii Mage- ilal Bretanica a fblic'.cat, y coirfeguir, que en el tratado proximo de la Paz Goierd •*^ iniertevnarticulo«xpreflb pan que venga a la noticiet curity, (during the W of «J«^«»-^Mp» One Year and an Half, from fhau be n^u- the time of the Declaration [^'/j» ^^^J^' of fucK Rupture) all their Ihaii'havs'' Effefts, and to bring them P'gj^*^ ^fl home neely in fuch of their fevinsfr"'' Ships as fhall then happen to *,'"fJ,h'*a7H["' be in the Ports of the W/fx, cath'oHck Ml- ^^3lJ ...1 .•trv/ or in thole belonging to Spa- icfty ftiaiiap- maris s with this Condition, *"*""* that if they Ihould bring them to the Ports of Spain^ they may freely carry them away a^in, as if the Afiiento was yet inforce, it being firft" •<. ^ made to appear, that thqr '' are the Produce of the Negr* Trade j And it is firther de- claiedj That if it fhouldhap-^ pen that the Qowns oF^ain and England, or either of them, joyntly or feparately, fhall enter upon a War with other Nations, in fuch caft the Ships employ'd in thisAf- fiento are to haveftfTes and carry Flags with difierent Arms from what are ufually born by the Ef^fifh or Spa- niaris fuch as His Cathofick Majefty fhall pleafe to make Choice of, the like to which are hot to be granted to any^ other VefTeis than thofe be-' longing to this Trade, which fhall Moteft them from being molwled or aflaulted by the Ships of ftch Nations as fhall be, or declare themfelves Enemies to the two Crowns % in order to the fecuring of which. Her Britannick Ma- jefty will take upon Her to fblicit and obtain that in the G 2 de ^ iH t.-t L 44 J de :odo5 los ftinclpes, y enluing General Treaty of e^n obli^dos a roandar. Peace, an expreis Article may que fus V^allos, y Subditos be inferted, that all the Prio' le guarden, y oblVven ex- ces may take notice ot k» a£t9, y pontPalineoij& v.: yy:ji .'}V,1- ■& and mav be oblig'd to com- mand their Subje^s to go* vern ihemfelves accordir»gly\ and to obferve the fame ex- a£lly, and punfhially. XLI. V^ XLI. XLI, XLI. XLI. SuMigeftadCa- Y que todo lo conteiildo That all the Contents oriJi'«.^«''oiick S°"7a%"' ^ ^^ prefente cpntrato, y las this ptefent Contraft, and the ipcwn jJ*f» eite"AffiLnto*(>.condiciODesinlert3sen«l,co- Conditions therein inferred, fer ot »hi«- da. la, Leyei, jpo todo lo anwo, y dcpen- as likewife all that (hall bCanSlSf CedrpAvh diwite, fe ha de cumplir, y annexed thereunto, or depend- contrary here, leiiios, feftjbie- executar fincera,. y piintual- ing thereon, ihall be fulfill- YwJ",^d yToSrw, mente, fin t the Term ^ Thirty ceden a los\Ai^tifta8 p^ Years, during whiph this Am- recoger fus efeCbs, y dar la ento is to continue, and the guenta final, iegon va exprel^ threeYears Luther, which are iado, aviendo de qued^r en allowed to the Affientifts fo« fu fuercai y vigpr »wa los de- t;he£etting|nttoEff«ajs»and ^ raas calbs, quf» np tpcsfi i baUuic^g theif Accounts, as efte Contrato, y paia el tiem* has been aUeady mention d $ poadelante, defpuesdecum- which Laws, &c. are hoW' plidos 1(^ tjfeiijii y tij^.*?<^ ever to continue in all theiu de ^. w. ud ioM ,rbi/i.-. ?«r«eandyigowr,inallQtb«? t)j|B3 'liw vfi' Cafe^thgt dpflot relwe to thia ^ v., : ComraSi, and i» all tjise XLIL Y OJ I Twaty of J Article ma/ all the Prio' notice ot it, ig'd to com- >je£b to go- accordingly, the ianae^- ually. ;?. ;,.. ■■hr.l -r I..}.. ■ I Jj XLI. Contents oft!,'' ^"'''o'ick .raft, and the r»^ ein inferted, ^ur ok cbii [hat (hall teafe^'Sf :0, or depend- contrary licfc. allbe&l-rrj;°.Vc? r and punctu- 3 Ysars mort. b as it may i hy any Prc- Motive what- lich purpofe to difpcnle, ebydifpaife,) , Ordinijnces, Privileges, E- Ulage$, and :ary- hereunto, "ftmemayhe |rofthePori$, ovincetof yl^ »g to His Ma- arm^ Thirty hlchthisAffi* lue, and the er, which are (Iflkntifts for Accounrs, 33 y inention d 5 ?*<•. are how- 3 in all their ]r,in8Uoth«r t relate to this ^ in all timti XLIL Y xLii. ' ^'^ ^-'"^ xiai. '■'''-''''' Concede fii Y finalmcftte concede (u Sa ?i^'' Mageftad 3 dichos Affenriftas, Coitipanijjfui fus Agcntcs, Faitorcs, Mini- Aa'D'csyFafto-ftjos, Oficiales, foliticos, y Ki«gradil; Militates, afli en Mar, como franqueMi, y en Tietra, todas las gradas, privilecioi con- r- • •• • "^ ^idoT en lot frajiquezas, privilcgios, jr ex- Affuntospre- cmpciones, que le havieren ""**• concedido en los Aflientos precedents, qualelquiera que fern, 0n ninguna reftrlccion, nr Hmitaclon, en quanto no ie oponga a to prevenido, y expreffado en las condicionw antes de cfta •, las quales ft obligan los AiTcntiltas afl|- mifmo de cumplir, y exccu- tar,inte^a, y puntualmente. Demas dfe las exprefiadas txmdiciones, capituladas por la Compafiia de Inglatcyra, fii M^igfdRad Catholi€a,atendi> endo ¥las p^idas, qvii ^an teoldo los' Aflbitiftas ^ntecei- dcntes, y con la expreffa ca- I'.dad de qne no ha de hazer, Ul^eptar la reftrida Com- pania ownercio ilguna ilici- to, dircfb, rii indlf tttjai^tej, introducirte dchaxo d6 nin- XLII. MS. f J J coming, after the f xpiraticn of the Thirty three Years thereof •■ , XLII. '7'^ '•'^■•'' And finally His Majcfty hu Cithoiick mints to the laid Affientifts. Jfili^v, ,„ their Agents, Fatiors, Mini- c;<)mpany an fters,Officersavil and Mill- J^,"',;]"'"* tary, as well at Sea as at Land^ Privileges all the Favours, Freedoms, fj;;j;j\Jj^y Privileges, and Exemptions, that have ever beenj^anted to any former Amentifts, without any Reftriftlon or Limitation, lb fir as they are not conttary to what is a- ereed and exprefied in the foregoiiTg Atticles-, which the Affientifts do likewife oblige themfelves to accomplilh and execute entirely and pun- ftually. Bendes the foregoing Ar- tides Stipulated on behalf of the Ertgfijh Company, His on condition Catholick N^ffty, ,confider- *;;*y J;'^°^ ing the LofliS Vmich fbr- attempt any merAffientiftshavefuftainedf, ^'7^"L and upon this ExprefsCon-ath^ickM* dition, that the laid Com- ifftv sf«»«8. panjr (hall not carry 9n„nor S.;ith^; attempt any urflawfblTradfeofsooTons a5ffeaiynorindireaiy,underffl;°^'ht any pretence whatibevtr •, iand ff^'fi-Mit'tHit tomanifeft toHct Brttannrc^^^^^J^l^ Majcfty how much he di- a^*o\av*e fires to pleafure Her, and to 5 p«r cm. on Additional Article. ' on the other *. cun i^retcxto -, y para mani- leftar a fu Mageftad Bretanica ^ , . r"jX)to ,dj^ fit Mageftad •^'^"•^^^'^^ 'g^oUcacomplacerla^yafi- eonflnii * mbre and more a l",*!'".™.'^! ^n^armasla eftiecha, ybiid^ correfpondiencia, ha iMo ftt;- vido ae venir, por ft Red Decretp de doze de Mar^o «. ^ — .^ „. w.xoi,*w^.,w »»./».«.- «.>.y ie eftc preftnte afio, en con- Year, t'»tlne)w to the Gornpa- /,u|57n*'"}," °' ceder ^ la Comp&nijt dfc-efte ny , in this preftnttobefoidoniy Afli- w/ : ■ii. 111. I/! ) Alfiento, vn Navio de quinicn- tas toneladas, en cada vn ano, dc los trcintaprefirridos en il, para que pueda comer Five hundred Tons Yearly •''6 ""w^hne during the Thirty Years of l^^SfL". its Continuance, to Trade "nJ«c«re of , . therewith to the Indiet, in fiS&'Sl!"" ciar 3 Us Inoias, en oue iguat- which His CatholickMajefty AflicnciRs. mente^ha de gozar lu Mage- Is to partake a Fourth part of the Gain, as in the AflSen- ftad Otholica de la ouarta parte del beneficio ae la ganancia, como en el Aflien- to^ y demas de efta quarta parte ha de percibir ammiP mo fu Mageftad Catholica vn cinco por ciento de la li- quida ganancia de las ottas tres partes, que tocaren a to, befides which Fourth, His Catholick Majefty is to re- ceive $ per Cent, out of the neat Gain of the other Three parts which belong to &ig- /andy upon this Exprels Condition , that they may not lell the Goods and Inglaterra } con exprefla con- Mercliandizes, which each dicion de fe podran of tho(e Ships (hall car- vender los generos, y merca- rv, but only at the time of derias, oue Uevare coda Na- tne Fair \ and if any of thefe vio de eftos, fino es (bio en Ships flwli arrive in the X»- el tiempo de la Feria^ yfl dies^ before the Flotas and qualquiera de ellos Uegare a Galeons, the Factors of the Indias antes que las Flotas, y Afliento ihall be oblig'd to Galeones^ (er^n obligados land the Goodsand Merchan- ts FaQores de la Compaiiia dize (with which they (hall a defembarcar los generos, be laden) and put them in^o y mercaderias que conduxere, Ware-hou(es that (hall be 1r almacenarlas debaxo de dos locked with two Keys, oiie laves,quela vnalia de quedar of which to remain witn the en poder de OAciales Keales, Royal (Xikers, and the other J la otra en el de los Fa£bres with the Fa£tors of the Com- elaCbmpania,paraquelos pany, to die end the (aid S(neros,y mercaderias referi- GoodsandMerchandize may as (blopuedan vender(e en be (old ^thu the Continu- cl expreiiado tiempo de la ance of the iaid Fair only^ l^eria,libresdetodosderechos and they are to be free of all en Indias. Y porque mi votuiitad es, q^e todo !o icontenido en cada vna de los capi- tolos, y condkiones ex Duties m the Indies. , And whereas My Wlfl Condufion; and F^eafure is. That au that is contained in each of the Articles and Conditions treiTadas en cl pliego anl- ( expreiled in the abov9 a inlerto, y la oue vapor Draught herein inlerced) iaalde], anadidademipto* and that which is the lalt •Itf the mean whne ^NtohekcDC In or Wjre-houfet, \Aq unJcr Care of j-'rhoKlnR'sOt- V^ ficcr!« nd iht >(^ Aflincins. mt ien- His ►re* ',. ■' 'the hree prefi may and each car- le of thele efo- s and f the ;'d to chan- OiaU lin^o 1 be one the other jom- iaid may itinu- onlvi of all WHl Condufion; chof tions ibove fted) kbit pib [47 J plo motu, 7 voluntad, ten- of all ( being added there g« cumplido cfc^o ; I'or la pre fen te le apruebo, y ra- tifiro, y mando fe guarde, cumpla, y execute literal- to of My own free Will ) fhould have its full Ef- fe£l, I do hy thefe Prefents Approve and Ratify the mente en todo, y pox todp, fame, and Command that como en cl, y en cada vno h be Obferved, Fulfilled and de fus capitalos fe contiene, Executed, literally, in the y dedaraj y que contra fu whole and throughout, ac- tenor, y forma no le vaya, cording to the Conienrs of ni fe palFe, ni confienta ir, ir, and of every Article ni pallar en nianera alguna, thereof, and what is there- difpenfando ( como por elh in Declared, and that no- vez dilpenfo ) todas las ley- thing be Done or Afled, or esy y prohibiciones, que be any ways fufi'ered to huviexe en contrario ) y pro- meto, y afleguro por mi fee, y palabra Real, que cum- pliendofe por parte de la Compaiiia ds Inglaterra con be Done or A£\cd, contrary to the Tenor and Form thcre- ofj difpenfing ( as I do for this time difpenfe) with all Laws and Prohibitions that loquelatoca,y esobligada, may be contrary thereunto ^ ft cumplitji de la mia lo and I promife and affure, Contiatado ) para oiva fir- upon My Faith and Royal meza fe ha otorgado Dor Word, that provided the Nlillord Lexington, Minittro Company oT England per- de fu Majeftad Bretanica form this Contracl on theii en efta Corte, la efcriptura, part , fo far as concerns y aceptacion de efte Contra- them, and as they are ob- to, correfpoodiente afuen- liged, I will perform it on tero camplimientOj y vali- My part: InWltnefswhcfe- dacion ^ la qual en. confe- of I have granted to the guencia de mi Real orden Lord LociifgfoM, Her Majefty i ha becho poi la Efcriva- of Great Britain's Miniftet nia de Camara de mi Con- in this Court, the prefent lejo de las Indias en vehite y' feis del prelente mes, y ano. Y quiero, que para, la execucion de todo lo expref- lado en efte Afliento ftf ex- Writing and Acceptance of this Contra£t, core0)onding with '!s entire Performance and Validity } which, in purfuance of My Royal pidan a fu tiempo todas las Command, has been made Ciedulas, Defpachos, y Or- out by the Regtf(er^ Office denes correfpondientesal en- of the Chaniber of My tero efefto, y cumplimicnto Council of the Indies^ the d^Iv y delaprefentetoma- Twenty foth Day of this ran w \ [48J ' • fin ta ratof, los Contidores prefent Month and Yeir^ . de Qjienws, que refiden en and I Will, that for tde ^ el dicho mi Confejo. Fecha Execution of all that ig en Madrid ^ veinte y feis de mentioned !.-> this Afliemo, M^^o de mil letccientos 7 all theCedulat, DKpatclies a*d Orders, requir'd for thi entire Effca and Folfilling thereof, be Iflucd in thei/ ■^ proper Timet And the Comptrollers of Accounts, who attend My faid Coun- cil, are to take notice of thefo Prefcnts. Given at Madrid the Twenty fixtti Day of March, One thou> land feven hundred and tMl^ teen. -rt ireze. oc ,ii.'0J';;rj: \ t>:iii ■.!t-r!/. "io a'n»ificl-> c.Jt <^) yfi'Lv:' -91.- .J li -" ri/i i :.: ," •'•: ' ill b»jjfl.'l <•>.'/ • .t; : •■3iJ<:i r\r.o i Lr". ^ n^Tst'JO •.* ..H ' ■\ " ' ■ .''if; r.-N^^ I YO EL RE Y. I THE KINO; Por Mandado del Rejr, nue- By the Command M Qui j, ftio fifior, ^-y-r: ! ;\,:;:,^ Loid the King, - " ^^o J. Don Bernardo Tina- -Do* Birmurdo Ttmi* 1- gucro de k Efq*lcM. u.^mo ik}^p^»imd^ ^ U. M. apnicva y rati6ca el Your Majefty does hereby Afliento Ajuflado con la Aj^ove and Eaiify th« Compania delnghtem, ' fobre U Intfodmion do Eftlavn. Ne^cos eo Indi- ^ as, por tiempo de tremca ailos, en la fbrma que fe OKpfefa en bs Conidido- :^ msarriba inleitasky > *.^^^ . ni ,rbW* < viiLik/ Lie > i|M lo >3(;.i7s»;r) »fit lo -: sIs?3io3ii;'n^\7lsno:iE7a^ r4ui Ailiento Adjoftcdi'^^wiill the Gomj^ny of Etn^Ufiii fartlieJitipoFta(ilo[«^NieM rny Slaves intotto J>mI?»; for the Term of Tiiirtf Years, in the ihmner meti- y tloned in the Ankles a'( t bovciiitfoted. i • -^ ''^ £..; t::.Lc) cqr;.3"';.if} f; . • ■;;^': T*^. .%'^' 0/.' for rtjt that is MVienio, (patctws Ifotthi in thtir ^nd the kccounts, id Goun- iot!c« of jiven at wy fixth foe thou' and thif • [liVC. : =6f "6SJ ■?■. •V «» hereby : iatify th« iftcdi'Vffickf liortofNe' of Thirty amiernnfeh'- Aftklcs a-C ^-p Y .tiifi' 1 ■ V' Q/rl^i ! *^