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Loraqiia to doqumaitt aat trap grand pour Atra raproduit an un aaul ciidM, 11 cat filmi* partir da rangto aiip^rtour gaucha. da gaucha i droita, at da haut an baa; an pranant to nombra d'imagaa nicasaaira. Laa diagrammaa auivanta illuatrant to mithoda. , " ' > 2 * • 3 " X .'■ '■■■ .■■-■•. 4uC • - 2 r%, -., • ■'"'■1. / ' / ■ '■ '"- -..1 ■ ■ ■ * 6 ■ / * . ' * . , . ■ ■ . . ■ , -' 1 -" .«' " ". ■•'-,'' .■ , .; ■" . . ■ ■ ■ ' ;-■' : . '- '.■'..'■ MMumoM Tim dMir fANSi ami ISO TtST CHAUT No. 2) M^ Itt u 'Mlift ta i£i IM |4» L25 1 1.4 1^ A y^PPUED IM/Gg Inc 1<U cm IMn StiMi (m) 482- 0300 -Phon. (710) MB- 9080- F« Ywk t4<0B USA ■.- .»■• 1^ mmmar Sthir^I lltell^fliii IPi^!F{|iS _*!••*« S '4ti »»fj^ • "^tK"^!*. r A^'i. *j '/ ,-. . V- 1 \ ^.r / < ^«F •. V^ J.K.JJ' ■■.\- •■ . i't%.iKm M «> iPNiiluMNWi -) \ r' /.■ ■■ BABRIE gra-Mjmlar school, \ .•^ EXAMINATION PAPERS, &c. A ■■.,v..:. -v-' 'V ■■ N. ■ ' , '", ' ' .'. « ■ CONTENTS: KBBORT TO TRUSTEES. ENGLISH. NAMES OF MASTERS. geogiTaehy. NAME AND ADDRESS 9F PUPILS. HISTORY. SOHOLARSIUPS OBTAINED BY ARITHMETIC; PUPILS, 4(f. EUCLID, SPECIAL PRIZES to bk GoifPETED ALGEBRA, No. I. rot AT MlOSUMUSB ExAltlNAT'ION. " No. 2. GREEK. . TRIGONOMETRY. LATIN. " •■■■-' •'*^;. CHEMISTRY. ANTIQUITIES. NATURAL HISTORY. FRENCH. ^ - ■ . ■-• ■■ ■ " J.;. r~' BARRIE : PBISTBO At TUK <' »OBTBXBN ADVJiNCI^' OmCI. 1861. ♦" ^' * 1 <' - .^} V. w ei3 , A .'X TO THE BOATID OF TRUSTEES OF THE BARRlK GEAMMAtt aCHOOL. ' ■ p Barrib Grammar School, ) .luno 26th, 1861. \ Gbntlimbn:' , , ■ . 'n . ■'. . • The time having again cotno round for my Annual Report, I om happy to bo able to stato that the School under ray charge has continued to improve steadily in every reipect. , ' - |... ,„;.''■ ■• The iiverage daily attendance for the post twelve inbriths has been 74. Of these 62 are Classical and 12 Commercial I'upils. The number learning Latin without French or Greek is 15; Latin, Greek and French, 47. The accompanying Examina- tion Papers will give a tolerably correct idea of the present proficiency of our Senior Classes in each subject of study. V Since the date of my last Report eight pupils havo matriciV lated at the University of Toronto. Of these, four obtained Scholarships, and First Class Honors were awarded to seven in more than one subject each. The eighth! ranked in the second class* One pupil has also matriculated from this at Lennoxville, C> E, j^^ - "' • Among those now \api^e, nine are preparing to ientor the University during the ^^lentyoarv Two will matriculate at , Trinity College, Toronto, and two at McGill College, Montreal, in the coming Fall. ; .^ I remain, Gentlejmen, Your Obedient servant, > W. F. CHECKLEY, 1 Head Master. t TERMS AND VACATIONS. "There shall be four Terms each year,, to be designated the Winter, Spring, Summer and Autumn Terms. The Wintejr Term shall begin the 7th January, and end the Tuesday next before Easter, and dose the last Friday in Jun^j the Sum- mer Term shall begin the second Monday in August, and ♦•nd'the Friday next before the :16th October; the Autumn Term shall begin the Monday following the. clos« of the Summer Term, and sliall end on the 22nd December.'-' , "^^ ■ ^ [Kstract from Rules for Grammar Schools, prescribed by Cuunoil of PuUio Inftriiction.J ./ BARRIE GRAMMAR SCHOOL, i. • (BOAKUKKS.) ^"P'/fc Parmli or Ouardiani. Ent'd. Andtnoo, Altx..... J. An^enon, Eiq., Ch. Ksotor, H.H.B. Oom,, ... Qwbto 1809 Andenon, Jamei... .. 4oi do. i . •* 'Amlerton, Allan.... d«. dO. " M : Andcraoa.jMiMi.... lUv. 8. n. Aril*Kb, MA., fkirrie 1861 : ^ng^l, ir. V. Morrii Heligmitii, K«q., M.Tcht., CharUitODLS.O.. . " Armdur, Jmn Jamet Armoiir, Kin, Ln 8«lle, llliooU, U.fl 1809 , Ard»j|h, J J. Ard.gh, K«q., M.D., OrlllU f..... 1881 A"»nld, J Abnt'r Arnold, E.q., Rlobmond IIill...M. ■A»««y, ...» Mm. Ailloy, Shanty Hajr .Auitod, J*m«t —AuitoB,K«q„M.D.,(!obourg.. ......,.■...,.. ^^hojw, John Rut. It. Hoy«r, M.A., llllllor ..».. Checkley, F.... ... IUt. W. F. Clwckler, B.A.T.O.t)., n«rrff 1U9 > Obeckley. J. Y R. Oheckloy. Knq, M.I)., Ht. Vlnctnl, W.I. ...... lUO Baitwood, A .^ A. Eailwooil, Rtq., Lloyd town... •> Faloonbridgc, W. 0. J. K. Falconbrldge, K»q., Richmond Hill •' ,, Fletcher, J Rot. J. Flcicher, nrndlurd •« « °*^' W. H lUr. Richard Flood, Delaware, . W 18S9 «^'«^./- '•••••• ' ''»• <Jo- W«l S'"?.O.P D.B. 0. Pord,E<q.( BrockTllIe....A.- 18S» Forlontr, H Hn. Porlong, Toronto, .;, 1860 S"m?«'^- '<'«• . da. " OaTillor, B. A Alexander Oavillcr,. Enq., Hond Head " »'"<••. R- • • ' O. H. Low, Eiq., M.D., ALR.I.A., BowmanTlU*. . . " - Jonei, A R. Jones, Esq , l%rt Hope 181 .Meredith, H H. Meredith, E«q., Port Hope. I8i McManui, O. 0..... 0. MoMnnus, Esq., Mono...... ....." v McManuB, R do. do. 1861 McBwan, W. P J. McRwan. Esq., Sheriff County E«»ex 1860 Myeri,junry A. H... B. Myera, Esq., Twnton r. " Myer«,W.P... do.^ do " Morgan J. ...... . Rer. E. Morgin, Aisistant Minister, Barrie 1867 ; McTaTi8h,D.C Mrs. MoTavish, Grafton.... I860 2*'t.'' ^ Rev. II. B. Osier, Lloydtown. 18S9 i*."?' E- • • J- R' Park, Esq., Colchester. •«•' Rjld, L; 0.... BIrs.Reid, BowmanTillo ;........,....... «« Ridoal, D. ...... . T. G. Ridout, Esq., Toronto. 1860 J""e".ti. :.. ........,.....;... I860 Stewart, 0......... Captain A. Stewart, R. If 1869 Taylpr H, .... P.Taylor, Esq., Whitby i860 Tbomaon, 0. A John Thomson, E3q.,.0rlllia 1869 TliompsoD, -X. B. . . . Alfred Thompson, Esq., Penetangnlsheno 1859 Tyrwbitt, J • SepUmus Ttrwhltt,Esq.,Middleton 1868 J,y'w''ltt,R....>... do. do. 1861 iVerhoff.J.O... .Detroit X... 1860 Watren, " J, B. Warren, Esq., Oshawa.... 1869 ^arren, A Wm. Warren, Esq., Whitby. 1861 (are, C. ......... . JIw, Ware, Peterborough I860 '|lkes,F.T........ Judge Wilkes, Owen Sound.. ..>...... ........ 1861 ^ ^ ,.rr4'.,.,T;-... ..^^-'-'X^- ""lE^I^''"'' d'i^'jt -»; '^f^ M»ti, • • • M H • • 1861 N • t • IIM • • • IMt • • • • • • • *• »•• 1 - * Ifi! • • ■ IMO 1? 1 • • 11 II • • • 18S9 1861 • • • 18S» ■ • • 1880 II II . 1* < • 1 • ■ • * ^^% • • isn' II ,, « • 1861 • • 1860 II II • • 18ST • • 1860 • • 1SS9 11^ . (4 • • 1860 • • 1860 • • 1869 « • 1860 • • 1869 • • 1859 • » 1868 1861 • '• 1860 • • 1869 • • 1861 • • 1860 • • 1861 P^t- . Parmli or CuarHlani. L^. Armilroof. Thai... Arlhor ArOMliong, Il«|., Uo/dto««.,.,.< IRM J >•'•... • do. , dOk ' ' " BurntU, AUi ,...,.. .'..,..^.,,.t,,., , CamplMll, J........ Mm. rumpbull. Plcki>rln« msg 0«mph«ll, B Wm. <;iiinptMli, K«q , Tornnio iRtio OurrU Hugh.' Ilunh Ourrie. K*(\., NoUftWMm*.., \tiM Goitk, .'... ThomM ()i)<ik, K4(|,(!i(>kiitown.. ...... \H>,0 DiiKCan, 0. f Oito. IJuMmi, K<q., Uironlfr, Toronto.... 18.10 ''•'•'"'■i K Il"n. H. U. lUrrlnoii.C.J .Torottlo........ l«HH F»r«w(ilJ, B. J A, F«r«WPll, K«q , 0«linw». imm a4robl«, W A. Onmblf, K«q,Himc(Ki ;.. j^-.^ •»'»«lf» M . . . i . . . . A. OnflllMi. E*^., UonU H«m1. IMAo " , ■ do. do. ' iHiio floraon, W. Oordon,R»q..WliUby,t , , ih.io Oore. VV. 8 Mrs. Uore, Itice t.nke .... |ra(> Orlffln, ir W. W.ir.(5rim.hl.;«q.,D.y.P.M.(»»n, Qii«b«o. iHflO Herman. 8. H Jj, U. JIarm«a, K*q., itorrUtar, Toronto IHOO H«rni«n, 0....,.,, •* do. do - " lUrman, W .,,.^..' * do. r <^ " gtrfey. Aim R. Uervej, R!iq.,ChlcaK0,.V.. m^ H»w«rd,r..., F. IIew«rd, Kiq, Toronto isss Hnward, U... do. do. - . ,ii HAmlltoD, J Wm. HumiltoniE^q., Toronto Howell, R , R. Howell, K»q., Karrle ....,r.... 1«S7 Hunter, 0- 1 Mm. Iliintor, ()iik4anil, liiirrie ... moo LMIjr, B. . ^ B. Lnlly, Knq . County Tn-nsurer, Ikiriifi. . lH5f) MaRrtth, J. F Colonel Mii«ri»th, Toronto , I . , 186^ Milne, W. 0. Milne, K«q., I'ickerin(t. • .... <«i t ..... I MoII»»lne, W./ 1857 McKenile, C^ ... . W. L. McKonJSio. Ml' P., Toronto Iti3« McKeoiie, K Barrle jgfto lIcBwnn, P. A-..-' J.McEwan, Biq., Hlieriir Coimty E»«ei... IStJO MoMnnui^R 0. MeAlnlini, Rxq, Mono . .', in',s MoIntoi6,T........ W. Mcintosh, Esq., Newcastle........... isub None, W W. Corrignl, Cobourff. m, IRno Oiler, E Rer, F.L. Oslor, Diindn».™ .....V. 1858 Piwlti H J. R. P»rk, Esq., Colcheiter. ...........,.' 1800 P'rrj, U M perry, E»q., Lloydtown ]8flR RnUlon, Jm. Rntston, Esq , Jlew Vork, U.S 1800 R«wtoD 0. C J Rrt wBon, Esq., SJMinly Hay. .......... uno Held, J M^. Reid, Rowniitiivillc ,. 1850 Robartl, W. V. T.|P. Robarta, L'aq., Quebec. . . . , IRCO Kobertion, H ..; 1858 Thorpe, J. L....... JJL. Linton, Esq., Pickering.. 1800 ltd* M I«I69 IMM IHOO 1H58 lAOO IXM 1H5T 18.10 IN.18 IIAB 1868 l«.')8' 1857 18.57 1838 1868 M 1800 *, 1867 18.50 1R5S 1857 I860 1857 V857 1859 l«ftf • 1861 • 1858 18.50 ' 1B58 1887 1857 18.50 1800 1857 1858 1857 1868 ' I,, \ / i*TS:!^spis«JB^« MAStERS. HEAir MASTER > Rev. W. F. Gheckley, B.A., Trin. CoU., Dublin. MAtHBMATIOAL MASTER: : , JaS. JOH»STOK,*E8q^ . SBOONDMATHBMATIOAL MASTER t John Magee, Esq., Scholar, University, Tordttto. ENGLISH MASTER: ^ Hbnrt KtA«iN, Esq., Scholar, University, Toronto. FRENCH MASTER: V ' Monsieur R. Cuiri, late of the College of Avranches, iFrance PRAWINQ AND WRITING MASTERi J» G. BRATHWArrE, Esq., . •: . ■ ■ ■ ( ■ , - . ' ■ i • - ^^ SPECIAL PKIZES TO BE CQMFMTEJ) FOR AT THE ANNUAL MIDSUMMER EXAMINATION.' ClJissios. >• j« •••••«•>••.•••••.•• .Gold Medal SubjeOaof EzamiiuUion: , > LATIN. Sallnst^atalina. Virgil\£Qeid, Horace Odes. ,' Lat|a Composition.' GRBVK. Xenophoo's Anabasis, Book I. 'er'sIUiad, « I. Odyssey, " K. Gtedk Composition. Modern Languages. ..... ^ ./.. .. .Grold Medal. iSu^ifecti (^ Examination : ; ENGLISH. . Fowler's English Grrammar. Latham's l£indbook of* the English Language. Trench's Study of Words. " English Fast and Present English Comjposition. Anderson's Geography. White's English CUstory. rRENCH. ^ De Fivas* French Grammat. Montesq^uieu, GrandiBur et Decadence des Remains. Voltaire, Charles XIL French Composition. Mathematics. . . .. ..'... . ....... . .Gold Medal. Sul^'ects of Examination : . Arithmetic. Golenso's Algebra, Parts i. and IL " Euclid, Book L^VL (with exercises.) " Trigonometry,PartL • Mechanics (^ofessor Cherriman's). < Naturac- Sciences. . . . . . . . °. .An Achromatic Microscope. SiA;'eets of Examination: RUterson's Zoology; "^---^ Agassiz and Gould's Comparative Physiology. Gray's First Lessons in Botany. Elements of Chemistry in Chambers' Edacatioual Course. Hitchcock's Momentary Gteology. 'i . • i il'- Wf^sim' SOHOLAKSHIPS. Names of {hose vih M^^ ^^'^' '^\*^ jyames oj '^^^^ ^^ ,^.^^^^ ^^ring tfu! year, 1858: ■ . H. RoBERTWW obtained a Scholarship in Law.__ // T. KiRKLAND, « « '" Mathematics. F. H. C. Brathwaitb, « in Civil Engineering. /-. : F. G. DuGGAN Matriculated in Iaw. . , ^ , nhtttinBA a ' Thos. KiRKiAND passed first year's examination and obtamed a - Scholarship in Mathematics. . .5^^ .„ « ., "^ . F. H. C. Brathwaite passed first year's examination m Civil Engineering, 1st class in Mafhematics. M. Caviller obtained a Scholarship in Engineering. _^ A.BuRNEiT,) Matriculated in Engineering, Ist Class m W.S. Gore, J Muthematics. ^ ^ « , i Matriculated at WGill College at Montreal. j. L. Reid in Engineering. F. H. C. Brathwaite in Medicine. Names of those who passed Hui prdindnary examnaiion before . the Board of Provincial Land Surveyors: j;L.REm...;................."v....V.[Standing]Fiwt. F. H.C. Brathwaite. .....-...•••••••••• ruBi.. ■". ■ ^: ■■ ■■ 18-59: - u ' ■ J. Armstrong. .. ^. •.«••••••••»••••: V ** * Matriculated in Medicine'. Thomas Armstrong ... . . . • ..........•••• .Victoria College. Passed the EntrameEzamination before the Law Society: V Hi Robertson, ....•...»•••• fE. Lallt, G.I.ouNT,................-E. J. Farewell. - Pass^ the CimU Service Examination: H. W. GRffFIN. , I860: , " > H. Rbazin "passed first year's examination, and obtained a Scholarship in Agriculture. , . . „' . ♦• J Magee Matriculated in Arts, 1st Scholarship m Mathematics. G. Lount, : ■ 2nd J\ . . « B. Irwin obtainedil Scholarship m Engineering. > Jno. G. TiRRELL ♦♦ Agriculture. v . # E. Cleri Matriculated in Arts, with First Class Honors m Modern Languages. J. Johnston " - « " Mathematics:^ W. Milne « in Medicine. , ^ ■ „ — Pat MtEwAW " - in Arts, S e cond Cla ss H nnnw. | ■I' 1 ■ BARBIE GRAMMAR SCHOOL, '1 ■I' I ■ EXAMINATION PAPER/S, ' -:. ■•; -, : ■ ' '■: -I : ^ JTJITB, 1831. -»(> / . .•*t /i .*W«Tpj^J, ■ * ■ . n "Sr 0REEK. Translate the following psMM^e : 'Hutu rot Tfio(n9s» dnoKXafx^ivrsi 'Axatoi itoDToloti i»ifieta» Cntip lUya lalrffa 6aXda«7it, otxadt Uittvol, aiAijw 6i6v,iXXa xdtuSa^ ijk^/uv oikm 1C0U Ztht ^^tkt fiT^Thaui^at. Xaolf*ATptl8tw'AYaiitftvwo(:tl>x6iu^'ttyatf rou8^vovYtpii:fiinwimoupdvio9]ilioii<ntv . T(Sff<njv yip iiirtspas itoXtv, xai iitioXtatXaaui voXXou^' ^fuU y oJre xt/oytS/uvot rd irA'fo%>a lx6fu»\ «r « 7r«J/>otc S€ivijim,^t xai &XXm^ iohiz iwTlyfjv ^T« ^tlvtov &int<; iarlv. iXXal9slo, tpiplffTt, *to6c • hirat 8i rul eipfv • Zthf If hctttiaJTtitp IxsrdmvTS Hivwv rt, ^tivto^, 9i f t&o(tfcv S/t aldolotatv dir^itt. § ^Ktoiitli, &^etv\^ rrfXa^sv ttX-^Xoufa^t Of fit ^ol/i; xiXtat \ itiSlptv ^ &Xifui9aU nh yip KvxXanct^ AidiaiyidxouiXiYoufftv, odSi ^m/taxdputv * iitt^icoXh ipsprspot tl/itv, ouS' av lyit Atd<: !][&oi iXtodftevoi- ict^tioipjiv o^re rft5,«w* irdpovytl jirj ^tj/ii^ fU xtXsutU aXXd iiot sii/f% 8irq iaxti li>v ehtpyia vr^a . TJ itou jff' iaxan^i, ^ xa) ffx$86v, S^pa Satim. Odtssbt IX,25a— 280, ■;■■/.'•■■ ■;■..''.■■■ ■ . '-'I ". ' 1 . Parse bxmXafidlvxtii^ Uiavoi elXijXooda<:y SetdlfUVf letftidtpa^. 2. Give the derivations of mjAir, w^Trfo?, paatdpm t/xtddy, xOxXtup alytdxovt n 3. 'H/uUTot tpobfitv. i^lain the use of rot. '*^ 4. 'adiuff ft « jrojooc?. Supply the ellipsis. 5. febo^Fov. Explain. ** 6. Bistingnish between Aad< and %oc^ 7. Give the ordinary forms pf the dialectic varieties in tho^ —:L.^;above passage. ' -^.:i — ;„^.-i-w^~™~-- " ^^ 8. What difference between tiie Cyclopes x>f Homer and those ofVirgilt / t , V' > 'i ■■■••■- IxA-TIN./ Translate the following matage : Port ea miraW^ur non nine lifibtis esset Prima dijM; Causam percipe, Janus ait. Tempora^mmisi nascentia lebnsagendis, To^jis alpuspieio ne foret annus ioers. Qujique^suasartes oh idem delibat agendo, pln^quamsolitumtestifieatur opus. Viox ego : pur, quamvis aliorum numina placem, Jane,'Ti|)i primum tura merumque fero t ^ .; X^t'poasisaaitum per me, qui limina servo, . Ad quoscumque voles, inquit, habere deos. At cur ladta tuts dicuntur verba Kalendis, !Et damns alternas accipimusque preces 1 Tum deus incumbens bacnlo^ quern dextra gerebat) Qmina princ^>iis, inquit, inesse solent. Ad primam vocem timidas advertitis aures, Et visam primum consulit augur avem. Templa patent auresque denm, nee lingua caducas Concipit ulla preces, dictaque pondus habent. Ovn) Fasti 1. 165— 182. 1; Give the derivations of iners, ddibat, tura, Kalendis, augur, Fasti, temjia. 2. Give someaccount of the Boman Calendar. Express in Latin, August 9th, ]\^rch 2ad, Jane 21st. 3. Give a ^tch of the life of Ovid. Translate the following passage : Eadem GaUi faitentnr ; ac Lentulum dissimulantem coargiiunt,. E raster litteras, sermonibus, quos ifle habere solitus erat: ''ex bris Sibyllinis, regnum Romce tribus Corneliis portendi: Cin- jiam atque Sullam antiea; se tertium, cui latum foret urbis potiri : prseterea ab incenso Capitolio ilium ease vigesimum an- num, quern asffpe ex prodigiis haruspicesrespbndissent hello civili cruentnm^fore.'' Igitur, perlectis litteris, cum prius omnes si gna sua cognovissent, senatus decemit, <* nti abdicate mag is- tiata liontulus, item ceteri in liberis custodiis haberentur." Interea plebes, conjaratione patefacta, qnsD primo, eapida r«rum novarum, nimis bello favebat, miitata in^nt0, Catili- nsB consilia exsecrari, Ciceronem ad coJlum tollerd: veluti exservitute erepta, gaudidnn atqiie iGBtitiam agitabant. Nam- que alia belli ikcinora prasdsB magis, q;iam detrimento fore ; itt- ceDdinm vero orudele, immoderatum, ao stbi inaxime calami- tosum putabat; qiiippe eui omnes copiae in usu quotidiano et cultu corporis eratit. Post eum diemr qiiidam L, Tarquioiiis ad ■bnatum adductus erat, quern ad Catilinaiii proficiscentem ex itinera retraotumaiebant. 1. 0(Uli. Whnt modern poimtries were comprehended, under — ,_ the terra GuUial- ^ — — : _^___^i_^ 2. Bzlibria Stbyllinii. State what yon know about thent. 3^ Tribus Corneliis. Distinguish between nomen, cognijmen, * agtfomen, 4. Give sketches of the lives of Sy//a and Cicero. V. 5. J>istingnish between j>/^9 and /w^n^/tM, interea and interim^ gatidiiim au<\ liftitta, scio and cognoseo, 6. Explain the use and significatiqn o(hic,iste, itle,is^^uit, qui, 7. Give the derivation otAuspex, knruspex,caiamitcsus. 6. Posi eum diem. Illustrate this idlpm. 9. . Liberia custodiia. Explain. ■T / AkTIQUITIBiS^ 1. Give a Wef sketcli of the Sparton CowtitoUon as eabt*. lished by Lycutgus. 2. Describe briefly the Spartan Army, as to its divisions, ariMj Sco.jSco. . . ,-}■'■ :':' 3. Explain the use of the tfxitoii). i. Give an outline of the Athenian Constitution in the time of Solon. 6. What were the duties, find what the privileges of the Utrouot at Athens. 6. State what you know as to the objects of ostnicism, the way in which it was carried out, and its effects. 7. Give some account of the division of the Romans by Servius Tullius into classes and centuries. ;^ 8. Ebtpkin fully the terms (wfo»i« and »m«nicii»a. 9. What were the nature of the Agrarian l4awi of Licinius and the Gracchi. 10. Explain the privileges eonnubivm and commercwntk 11. Give some account of the Roman Magistracy during the Republic. \%k Explain thg terms dmimOio capitis, jusitnaginum, vitidkUt pratoris, * . .t ,.: fe'j. .. » :' .'S^-^ iriuoM, arms^ « of Licinius FRENCH. im I. 1. Explain the use of avoir and Hre as anxiliaries. Give ex- mpies of verbs which oaa be conjugated with both avoir and itre, and explain their meaning when conjugated with each of these verbs. i. Explain by examples the difierence between ji/oyer and fUer. vitntneux and vitUneux, coruomner and consumer, d terrt and par Urre, rtpartif and ripartir, d la campagne and en cam' S. IVanslate the following sentences,. and give tuleAfur the nae^ ■ ■■ of «•: ■ ■ „ ^ ^ -,. .-.^ -1 , ■ .- n V Us en veulent t'ma vie. ; V^\ "h) 11 ne sait Od il en est. V ' "^ IsS Nous nous sonimes promen6s a n'en pouvoir plus. ' (4) lis en sont venus aux mains. 4. How. uiay telhe translated 1 How is it varied when it pre- cedes a verb 1 I .;'''■, . . '..1 5. When do we use dtmtt aniil "^hen d'od 1 Examples. 6. How does the past participle of a pronominal verb difier from any other) Construcit Sentences in which ie pkure, u «MMre,andie«u^8i« will be used. / 7. is ow« always reginse direct I . If not, give examples in which it is indirect. 9. When are si and aussi to be used in expressijs^ comparison 1 Name all the words by^ which a comparison may be made. .9. Ckureot the foUowinflf sentences, if wrong, with reasons for such corrections: /' \* ■ Ct\ Ia tass6 de th6 q^e j'ai pns xtCa fait du bien. 0^1 if fant rifl^chir aiiperavant de parlor. (3) li'homme d'ui;i[ plomb moztel atteint cette aigle alfiire* / U. Translate into English : II nfatteudait pour executor ses grands desseins qne Pemploi d£f preiuier vizir, dont sa jeuuesse I'ecartait encore. Dans cette idee, il aVait plus besoin d'Strd Tallin que I'ennemi du^|nr, son intcrSt ni sa volenti n'6taient pas de garder plus lon^kps le j Tui .do So 6 d e , e ncor e moin s d' a r m er la Turgu ie e n sa fii veu r,* ^:/'-; ■ifm^m^ ?^>'<^PPIii'l ,; ■l:.r Vm MUlement il ymiklt reavoyer ce prince* mail il dimit ou- ▼ertraent qu'il n« fallait p)ui soiiflrir d Jaormaiy aiioun miniitra ChrAtien 4 Constantinople, que tons oei ambaamdeun n'etaient qiiedea espioni honorablet, <^ui corrompaieqt, ou qui trahiwaient lei viairi, et donnaient deptiis lonstempi le mouvement anx in- trigues do «6ra»l; que lea FrancH, ^slabjis a Pera, et daps lea Achelleadu Levaiit, sonl dea marchands qui n'ont besoinquo d'un c6nsul, et non d'un ambassadour. Le grand vizir, mri de-- vait son itablissemont, et da vie niAino, nu favori, et quo do pliu le craignait, se conforrhait i sea intentions d'autant plusais^ ment qu'il s'Atait vendu aux Muscovites, et qu'il espAratt sa venger du roi de Sudde, qui iivait voulait le perdre.— CAar/<i U Douze,jiage 184. 1. How many meaninga may te given to Hi que, ind how iomi each meaning affect the article 1 2. ITHaient p.u de garder. When xtinfjMU and point be soph pressed, and when must they be suppressed 1 Explain the difference between " Cet-tnfant n'etudie pas," and " Cet enfant n'etude point." 8. Aucun ministry. When do aucun and nul U^e the mark of the plural, and when not 1^ _— ^ j f 4. Ou. Give exai^ples of words whkJh vary when they are accented. •"» B. Qui dtvait. In how many different ways may this verb be translated? Illustrate. m. Tranalate into English : .. Ce n'est pos la fortune qui dbmine le mbhde ; on peut le de- maqder anx Remains, qui eurent une suite continuelle ire pros- perities quandils se gouverndrent sur un certain plon,et une sHite nbh interronipue de reverslorsqu'ils se conduisirent sur un autre. II y a des causes g^ri^rals, suit morales, soit physiques, qui agissent dan? chaquo monarchie, I'^ldvent, la mointiennent, ou la prfecipitent ; tons les accidents sont soumis k ces causes j et' si le hasard d'un battaille, cest-i-dire une cause particulidre, a ftiin6 tin Etat, il y avait un cause g^n^ral qui faisait que cet Etat devait p6»ir par une seule battaille. En un mot, I'al lure principal entratne avecelletous les accidents particuliers.—JMbW' tesquieu, : «■■■■. ^ .'..;■-■ ■ ■ i, . './•': 1. Le demandtr, To what does 7« tefer 1 Tiranslate, Areyoti happy, madain 1 lam. .^ 2. Interrompue, Why varied I Give the rules relating to past participles. ' . \ '■' | 3. Revers. Form the rtoral of gen(M,ail,hawe-sac,s(ms-ferimeri 4. Quils se conduisireM. Give primitive tenses o£ conduire, — mmmr,souriTe,ifiv r e, s'cuse o ir, and ba r e. — — — - — ■ ' ■ y vn ■".■ ^. When did Muntesquieu write t tnd name other npt^d met} )vho lived at the lumo time. ■•/ IV. Translate into Frenoh — It would lio iraiKMsiblo to form a correct cstimato of the power und resources of Kngland, without (M(ing into roiisidor- Btion her vast colonial empire, wliich furms her pcciiliur giorjr and distinguishes her from the other nations of modern Knrope. What Greece was for the ancient world, Knglutid is to the modern. If we look Inck into antiquity, wo nhiill find that it was the peculiar cimructeristio of tho Creeks that they Minight new Huttlumcnta, not for the object of foreign conqnest, hut timt they might transfer thither the lawb uiid institutions of their native citios, and enjoy the blessingik of frccdoui in a laitd les^ crowded than their own. „_ ms ' V 3 --^V \:.;.. BNOLIBU GRAMMAR. ^ 4. . '■■-/. -- 1 /Give tham^iflcations of Noun- and rrononot. Define each, llow we they soverally determined t . 2. Cta«iify'Pn)riot,n.. What jiicull.nty in ^»!« formatfen of Compound rersonal I'ro.Hmn. t Di.tm«u,.h »>«twc*n my . and mine, each and eve^ither and netU^, each other and oneanotlter,whoan^,fmoevifi^. , 3. The modifications of Verba. Give examples of personal endings. In how many ways may a verb bo conjugated T Conjugate the Verb Do in the future tense, explaining the . xwe of shall and will. , 4. PARBi:-Be sincere in aH ypur words,and obligiflg in all your actions. / ., ■ - What wo know is notbitag, but what we ai^nonint ot / is immense. m^;- 6. toBWCT, WITH RBAioRp/t-The Examination!. ing, at Which I. will be sure of a prize, and so shall my brother; then comes the holidays and vacation, and when wfely arrived at home, I intend doing my best to Jettinguiny kind of amusement escape me. '■Ktii- HISTORY. I. -i^fftA''/* l.\the oironmstkncei which give jri«e to each of tho dynutiM i| \ of England. ♦ || 8. Si^te what you knowo of the wars of the Rofei. m 3. Motion the prinoi|iol wars and bottles of tingland, since the Ctkiqiicst, with dates. IIow did they aflect the acciuisUion • or lyssof territory! :■ :, . ;.: .n.' ■--'.••■■■> • -. ■>■■ ■^' ■ 4. The origin of the picbs. Sketch ftilly their struggles for equality, with dates and leading churucturs. B. State what yon know of the Punic wars. 6. Who and for what noted were (1) Pyrrhus,(2) Mithridatei, (3) J. Cajsar, (4) Octavianus. .\ ^4 ^11. 7. Give a brief desoriptron of t1ie geography of anoieot Greece. 8. Give a brief outline of the t^loponesian war. 9. Mention the principal invustons of Greece by Persia, and of Persia by Greece, with the more important events com- tneaced vHth each. I MR. rt _ • -■ '.' :':'. '■- ' "•■ , - '■ ' ■ ', ■ ' ■•vl •. 5 T > " '"■■'* ■ ■■♦■. .. -;s^- '.w^-' • -4- • < V *v -1 / ■ ■ A > k « X -triTmil *- ' ^H ^jM toOOBAi^HY. \< I. Define the terras latitude, longitude, straH, foadsidS, kmhii meridians, tropics. ^ . g. Give the principal islands of (I) Asia^ (2) Australasia, (3) Scotland, (4) Ireland. ' - 3. Trace three of the principal rivers in each of the Continents> and in England, Ireland and Scolland, 4. Give' the boundary of (1) Prussia, (2) Afghanistan, (3) igypt» (*) Lincolnshire, (5) Sutherland, (6) Virginia, (7; Viptoria; C. W. 5: The priiicipal towns of Penmark with their positions. 6. The Counties of Connaught, and those of Scotland in the basin of the Forth, with their positions. * 7. The Counties an4 County Towns of Canada West. 8. Give some account of the uatural distribution of plants and / animals. « „ « . /q\ 9. Give the position df (1) Baltinaore (2) Hari«rs,^g^err^ (3> Galveston,(4) Montgomery, (5) Birmingham, Wff*»^yf Tv IvH (7) Paisley, (8)Drogheda, (9) Frederickshal.XlO) Go trnbu L(ll) &lsingfor:(12) Dantzig, nsy^^^ S)Xluse, (15) Mprieilles, (16) Stutgara, (17) HamaPi l8).Trrdad (19) siiety islands, (20) Charlotte Town: •», and -\-, ARiTltMETIC. iV/ 1. Sow is ouf common decimal System of notation extendcjd id fraction? In whole uiimbert, for every cypher added t«^lhe extreme right of the number its magnitude is increabcd ten. . fold. Why is this not the wise in Decimal Fraotipinsi ~*^ What change in the decimal increases its value tenfold! *. 2. Explain the Roman method of Notation. Express the nura- . bers MM MDCCCLXXIV, and CCCIooo in words, , 3. Prove that . - , ! 3.25+21 73.8x8-19 of.0009747 _ (iy .=5i (2) — —- -——^=6.3099 V^ 3i-2>^ ■ .0018 ; . Explain the ihethods by;i«^»Kih (1) rectangnlar areas, (2) rectangular soliJs ar6 measured. Illustrute with hg" res. If 1-12 inch be the unit of linear measurement how many square units are there in a square foot, and vvhat nnmh^t will represent the solid content of a piece of wood, leet long,2 in. wide, 3-5 in. thick. h.'Explain the meaning of the terras Ratio and Proport ion. Show that if a projiortiou exists among four niimLers taken in a certain order, it will also exist among the numbers taken in the contrary brder. , 6. A person takes 55 min.to walk from the Grammar^School to the Station* and 29 mln. 40 sec. to return by the boat, row- ing twice as fast Jis he walks. The distajjce by the road is 3; miles ; what is it by tUe Lake. 7. State clearly the distinction between Simple and Compound Interest. Stale and explain the Rule for Simple Interest. When the interest, bas to be calculated from a certain day to another day, how are the days Reckoned 1 (i) Find the Simple Interest and amount of $886.25 for 5 years, 9 months, and 18 days, at 7 per cent per annum. (2) What sum of money at 6 per cent, Simple Interest, in li years, will aimonnt to $455.55. «. What is meant by Discount 1 Ujion what principle ought ti to be calculated? Shew that the customary discount on »'! paying a bill some tioie before it is daev is greater than tbe true discount by the interest on this latter sum for that time. What are the true and customary discounts on a bill of £257 89. B{d., paid 210 days before it is due, at 6 per cent. Give the result in dollars and cents. 9. Explain the following <||Dtation from the London Times: — '*« Consols which left off on Saturday at 914 *o l» have ranged between 91 1-8 and 91} ; the closing quotation is again 914 to S. Bank Stock left off at 207^ to 209 ; Re- duced 91 to | ; new three per cents 914 to }.'* V 10.. The population of three towns in Canada in the year 1850 were 2035, 4220, 5009, and in the year |861 they had in^ creased respectively 9, 10, and 12 percent; find the averr age population of the three towns in 1861. n^ A boy must got 4 marks to pass this ejcamihation, he an- swers { the questions, but to '5-6 of his answers gets on an average only 2-5 of the marksj and thus gets 25 marks, too few to pass.' How many does he get altogether 1 IS, Jf the train did not stop on its way^ it would come from" Toronto to Barrie (62 miles) in 3 hours. If itstops^at 5 Stations and loses 4 minutes at each'; if also it only goies at half speed for the first 2 minutes atler each start (not in- eliiding the first) how long is it performing the distance. '•r<Ji?»V'' 'r^ m 2. 3. 4. b( Is 5 . 6 n. :■■ '\ m-- ALOEB^A. ■; , ■-■■ , ; ■ m- :■■■'-: - : .^ ': Divide I— a;* by 1— i?. Expand (1+a:) (l+'a?) (1+**) (l+a^)— (1+^) « »--- cending powers of a;. 2. Show how to find the least whole niimber Vhich js accnr- ateiy divisible by each of two given whole numbers. Tind the least nnmlier of ounces .pf standard gold that can be coined into an exact number of h«if «<;l«'«a 5 ^'^"f " /. ard gold being coined at the xate of £3 17s. lOid., to an ■ .ounces .■; -. 3 Define a fr^ctidrt, and from your definition prpye a riile for addTn^ together' two fractions with different denominators. Add together the fr»ctions-|| Ci-^ab (a+6)W'0 (b+c)\b+a) (c+a)(^6). 4.'ProVearule for extracting the square root of a'.compound Algebraical quantity. . Showthatif— . .J ' it4+aa:3+6ai8+ca;+a / be a complete sqnare, the coefficients satisfy tho Equation Is it nece^ry that the cftefficients satisfy any other Equation \ 6. Eliminate x, y, c, between the Equations z X X y - + - = &, -+-=c. % z y ^ 6 Shew that a quadratic equation cannot have moje than two roota, and solve the fo^wing equations ; y ^ — + — — «» ' z :. y ■ CO *^^i^^^^^^ (2) (p'-l («-«) («-3JI - («-*) («-8) («-') (8) T7: + r-:."- ;«+a? a^T!-a' 15 (4 y+* — , J8 + « — —# fl! + y » — 7. Find the ■um of a series of quantities in geometrical j^Or grewion. / Apply the result to find a common fraction equivalent to a recurring decimal fractioD. «. If a be the first and 6 the Iwt of a series of n quantities in geometrical progression, piove that the continued product of the terms vf the series is (a6)*», 6. If a, 6, c, be a series of quantilies, and x be a quantity der pending b» them in such a manner that z vaties as a when the rest are constant, and thot a varies as b when the rest are constant, bnd so on ; shew, iliat. when they all vary, 2 ^~ varies as their product. Appl y ih is principle to the following case : — Assuming that the quantity of work done at a sitting varies as the Cube root of the number of agents, when the time is the same, und varies as the square root of the time when the aqniber of agents is.the sjime ; find ho^Kr long three men woufd take to do one-fiflh of the work which twentyrfour men can dQ in twenty-five hours. :9. I leave the Barrie Station at 8.30 o'clock, p.m., and 10 min. after I meet the orhnibus, which, after stopping 15 min. at the Sation, passes me again opposite Judge Gowan's, 2X miles from the Station, at 9.20 o'clock. Find the rate ait which the omnibus travelled. }0. In the late boat race, when the boats turned at Fisherman's Point, I was J of a mile on this side of it, and xowing in the direction of Barrie at the rate of 6 miles an hour, t observed one boat 30 yds.ahead of anbther,and pn|pas8ing me the distance between them was diminished to BO yds. The first boat is overtaken by the second opposite the teacher's boat house, a mile from the point. How lonjg were they jrowingfrdm fisherman's point? '■•:t ■; . l«,!: *>/;■;.•■' ■;*-.^-" . ■ V > . ■ 'if'*' ^■ ,. Find the mioibet of permaWUm ^^J^ _ T^^n points in space^f-^^ there is no other i^ane ^^^'fCfeXf^wS contains •. them } howmany nlanes are there, each 01 wnw three of the pointsi ^ , 2. Prove the Binomial Theorem for a posUive integral valpe of the index. . ■; Find an appro^f imate vatue of V 108 ^ 3: Find an expression for theamount^gnjenjui^^ which has accumulated dunng a given numoer 01 y a iriven rate of comix)und interest. , .' * „« l»»-fold in w^ years, prove that f^3s nlogpP»^ ^.AcertainmemberoftheMi^^ . from the Government. His pbance "f «^«| ^ ^.^ance Parliament «V^'fSr fof four Cr^ is as 5 to 6, what isthe of remaining in office lor. lour years w no » valueof his expectation 1 - 5; A mortgage » W» to "n ,»», W^^ 6. Shewthatif . ^ . c^^rt^ xi - ^ fci^vdnes of .,.na if the ooeffioieuU do not ino«a» without limit. Find the sijja of the series .^ ~ ■r ^ M \ ■■.>■■ ^ i^^^^^ ■.u'!*^..tS.u']tuI5LZ^«Jjiaa ii^^fii'yiiffiiite'Mi agpaa^ Jt fe^issa.-*(. ^ ~' *■* --* '^'- ^--^^ IE©S^^^^ **^^^3TO &i^M^^ aaESBJgKr.-JW 7. Prore that th^ spm of the product of the fint » natoiml ' mimbera, taken two and two together, u («~l)»t(n+l)(3n+2 ) 24 •■ • ■ 8. Shew that'the ram of all the harroonio means, which can be inserted betHf een all the pain of numbera, the sidm of which isn/is ■ ' '?"*■'■■■ ■ ■ . ■ , 9. Define the terms conreirgent and divergent, wheil applied to a serira of quantities real or imaginary. . Investisate a rule wj^idh'is ordinarily sufficient to ascertain ' whether a series is or is not convergentr -. Are the following serieis convergent 1 3 ' 6 7 9' 2ii-»-l (t) _aj— — j# + — aJ«+ -^ii:*-f.--- -^— ^ -_ 2 6 10 17 »i»+l wheve x is leal. n ii(«— 1) ' n(»— l)--(n— a:+l) 1-i — x+ -^ a? ^ ..... . ^__ , — jfi J. _ when X is less than 1. ■r-; r '^■ »:: -r^y C^. .■;■.: ^.•» ; . '^^Wrl ■v>^^-.. "Ta^lp^"'^ ih6 ■ ioh V''-- *■ :\ ., ied A ■ ain 1. 9. EUOLID. What obiwlion. have been urged «8«\n»V*»«, .^?'*XI'I parallelitraight lines, as it is laid down l>y EucW r ^Iv^ie ipes the diafculty originate, and what has been suggest^a to remove iti State the 12th Axiom. In some ^^^^^f J/]" ^SS'7mh". hud down as an a»ion more evident thaO ^*^°''^* *£ i! Kt two straighMine, which cut one ^^-^^\^!^'^[X^ . be pBrallel to the same straight Ime. Show m^ »» on'Y » disguise of Euclid's Axiom. 3. The opposite sides and ingles of parallelograms are equal to one another; and the diameter bisects them. / Iftheoppositesidesorthe opposite angles of any ^^^^^ rilateral figure be equal, or if its diagonals bisect one ano- \ ther, the quadrilateral is a parallelogram. k The complements of pamllelogmms V^l^^h are ^^^« ^ diameteV of any parallelogram, are equal to one another. \ If K be the common ung^dar point ofih^l^"^ . ^ grams, and BD the other diameter, the difference ot the parallelograms is equal to twice the triangle BKU. . scribed on the sides which pontam the right angle. If ABC be a triangle whose angle A i» ^ right angK and . BE CF be drawn, bisecting the opposite sides respec^^ively^ Slew that four times the sum of the squares of Bh and CF is equal to five limos the square ot uc. fi Divide a straight line into two parts, so tliat theTCctaii^le *• ^Ztained W^he wholQ and one of the parts shall be equal to the square of the Other part. , ., \^, Shew that in Euclid's figure four other lines, beside the given ones, are divided in the required manner. ^ Also produce a given straight line to a point such _that thftrecffiewntained by the whole U^ : fc^t^fflf ^^al the siiare of the given straight hue. 7 Describea square #!l^hich shall be equal to a given rectangle. ^^Iv^i^T^^, and one side of a rectangle which^* equal to the square ; ^d the other side. _ 'V ;.-"l >. ^ firs d^fcfti7A„'^rJ°« ~°'' »' "■» •»«'- « iwo ci«, e. e" Kd t i^^^" f '»'"«"«<"■ of thd equal angle, ore horn^o^,'"'"*^''"'' ■""'«!<»'<'' '" 'ho . P»int ,v4in a Set coSt '""""« "■""»'' ° «"•'" .y J TtllGONOMfeTBY. i. Define accurately the units employed when angles aire exs pressed in degrees, and in circular measure. If A and B . represent the same anijlej expressed in terms of these units; find an equation connecting i4 and 9. 12. Define the terms « sine," « cosine," "tangent,'' and "se- cant," and trace the changes in sien and magnitude, aS the angle incireases from 135 o to 405 <^ . Construct the angle whose tangent is 3— v^"2' 3. Prove that sin (^A-\-B) =* sin A cos B-f cos A sin J3,and deducid a similar^ expression for cos( .4-1- i?.) A-\-B a cos A If « tan il-fA tan B =. (a-f ft) tan , shew that— — — — 2 6 cosi^ 4. If ;a+5-HC = 180* , prove that tan il + tan .B 4r tan C == tan A tan B tan C If a, /9, y, denote the distances from* the angular points of a triangle to the points of contact of the iniferifoed circllft, shew tliat the radids of the inscribed circle a (• « f r, V 1 ) a + ^+T "5. iPirovi^ that the sij^^s of tjie the angles of a Iriahgte aVft pro^ portional to the opposite sides. Hence dedti^e the expression for the cosine of an angle in terras df its sides. D. If ij, ft, and B be given, shew under what circumstances there will be two triangles ^tisfying the condition of the problem. ; ^ Prove that the 'circles circumscribing both triangles are equal m inagnitude, and that the distance between the centres is _•■'■■■■■;:■:%■■■■ '••^—(fta^ cos 'B — a? ,/; ■ ■■::;•'.■, ■;:■.- ■•"'■■ 7. Two sides and the included angle of a triangle being givenj shew how to find the remaining angles. ■/■. . ■■■ The ratio of two tidrs of a triangle is 9 : 7, and the included Mgle ii 47 o 2A', find the other angles. Hven,Iog2- .3010300 «" , ^, £ tan 66* 17' 80" - 10 . 3523942 £ tan 15 o 63' « 9.48^1489 ' « dili; l> —4797 » 8. Standing at the Head Mnster'areaidcnoe, the height of which is 82 (ert above the f^iito I observe the angular elevation of a oFoud to Ikj 75 o , and the angular depression of ita reflec- tion in the Lake to be 30 0| find the height of the clond. PRACtlCAL SURVEYING AND USE OF " INSTRUMENTS. l.Descrilje the Theodolite and Gunter's Chain. 2. Find by the Theodolite and Chain, the distance of the Sta- tion from the Head Master's bqat house j also the distance of the Station from Tollendal. 3. From the gate leadinj; into the Head Master's grounds ob- serve the angle pf elevation of the fiagstufTon the summit ot the hill 5 go 60 feet nearer, and again observe the anirle of elevation . Given the hpight of Iheflagstaff to he 60 feet, find the inclination of the hill to the horizon, 4. Find the area of the School grounds, , :/ .: >r •''M( I- f»- • CHEMISTRY.' 1. What is meant by^ ohefnical element 1 ClaaaifV theele* meats 08 solids, liquids and gases. 2. What is the natufe of chemical affinity t Give an example of double decomposition^ 1* ' . ■ ■ ' 8. Explain the terms, protoxide, peroxide, binoxide ftnd dedtoD> iae, with examples. 4. The properties of an acid, a base and a sal^ Distinguish between oxacids and hydracids, oxysalts and trus salts. U. Give the composilion of the atmosphere by weight and by measure. Mention somo of its properties and uses. 6. How is the specific gravity of solids, liquids and gases oscer- tainedl A metal weighs oz. 64.5 in air, and oz. 61.5 in -water, required its specific gravity. What is the metal 1 7. Give the preparation and properties of asygen, chlorine, phosphorous. 8. Give the composition of marble, clay, alum, starch acolio, ' acid, chloroform, gunpowder and olifiant gas. 9. What are ^-CIO'. CaF,AsO». Hs,CaOHa 10 The chemical changes that occur in the processes of bread and soap making andtthi? slaking of lime. \ '•/ f i\ t - I ^ 1 ij ■tegsaia^ia ■-1»--^^- •, *v; /*! X. itAflTURAt, *'S • ( . TORY, ■.I I ' |. State generally the uaea of the diflbfent pnrts of a pFant. B. The QM and position of the Albumeii. The variety and rK>i lition of bttdi. I - * p. Name some of the diflhrent fornoa Under which itema and bvanohea oocur. 4. Give the parta of a flower. What are double iiowen 1 The mof phology of the reoeptaoie^ | (J. The difftrent methods of propagating plants, and the prinoi- plea involved in the*. . 6. Give a brief outline of botanical claasificatioD. 7. The Nature of the anjmd tiasuea. 8. Com^ the nervoof lytteoii of the different «ub-kingdproi, 9. Give the atruotnre of aimple and compound eyes. , 10. Give some es|im|det.of metamorphoses, and of alternate .■•../ generatioD; . ; f-'- ■ ■*•■-■■ '/■ * 1' '.•''■'■ ' ' 11. The varietfisfe in the ibruoture of the mcdar teeth. \2. la what class and order would you place the following:— Sloth, horse, groand-hog, whale, salmon, flamingo, whip- poor-wUl, moacLu^to, oystot, tape-worm. -' '*• ••tfi/':. / TOBV. \ enl purti of a plant. |. Tl^e variety and po^ under which items and e double flpwerat Tho ; plants, and the prinoi- liflcation. ^1 ■ ■: •!',"■■ -V'*' ■ • - ... V ' 1 * . . ' ■ V /■■■■ i ■ ■ ■ , "" " "^ . '*♦■* ■*■■ . '., '.*" ' '"'\r,t^ different sub-kingdoms, pound eyes. hoses, and of alternate tiKdar teeth/ place the following ^-^ imon, flamingo, whip- rm. ■.■■" >.,' ;■ ''W- ■ ■■- - .' t, '■•'.'.' ' ■ .•.-■'■■ ;.;■:. :;:-:;V^/^: •./■". j^^l ' / '^z- '^^^1 >' !. •1 f^ i ,j$^ -'^'il m- m--' i^"^ <»f^* ^^r*"*" :.-■ m- . apBSEK:- ..:) . t^