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Les diagrammes suivants illustrent la mithode. 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 MW^l ^ HEGULATIONS AND STATUTES, MADE AND ESTABLISHED BY THB PRESIDENT ..ND GOVERNORS OF THK i^otttreal Smnd Hospital, FOR THE GOVERNMENT OF THE OFFICERS, MEMBERS, PATIENTS AND V Servants of the Hospital, PASSED ON THE 6th DAY OF APRIL, 1823, TO WHICH IS PREFIXED THB FIRST ANNTAL REPORT OF THE SECRETARY, AND Td WHICH IS ADPRP AN APPENDIX CONTAINING A COPV OF IHK CHAHXER Of INCORPORATION, A MST OF THE CONTRIBUTORS TO THE BDIL.D1N6, TUB ttOV-' F.KNORS AND MEDICAL OFFICERS. PUBLISHED BY ORDER CF THE GOVERNORS. JlONTREAL : PniNTED BY N. MoWEJRj 1823. 3iS7;t i-^ FIRST <> OP THE PROCEDINGS OF THE GOVERNORS OF THE asontreal dJetieral ©Oiefpital, AficT the reception of the Royal Charter qf Incorporation, embracing in substance that of the Committee appointed to superintend the buil- ding, also that of the Committee qf Management, with some particu* lars respecting the origin of the Institution* IN layfng before the Members of the Corporation, the first an- nual report of the proceedings of the Governors, during the twelve months just ended, it may not be improper for the information of some of them, to state, as bi ietly as possible, tjie circumstances which led to the erection of the Hospital, From the encrease of the population of Montreal, the Hotel Dleu Nunnery was found to be inadequate to the reception of the indigent sick. This inconvenience was still further augmented by the great influx of emigrants from the United Kingdom, some of tliem labouring under fevers of a contagious nature, and other dis- eases, that were not admissible into that Hespital. To remedy this, a subscription was made, in the year 1819, for hiring a house to serve as an hospital. Though this was only on a small scale, the good, which was effected by it, was, after one year's tria', so evident, that it was deemeid an object highly desireable, to erect a building, which might give permanency to the establishment. To further this design, the Hon. John Richardson, the Hon. William M'GiiUvray, and Samuel Gerrard Esquire, in the month of August, 18'JO, purcliased, on credit, (which, by a Notarial deed executed by them, was declared to be in trust for this purpose, ) a Int of ground in tlie St. Lawrence Suburbs, as a site for the inten- ded Hospital, well adapted to the purpose, both from its proxinnty to tliu town, and the salubrity of its situation. A i^Jan of the luiilding to be erected, and an estimate of its prob- able expense, were ordered to be made, and laid before the Direc- tors for their comideration. The plan bubmltted consisted of a centre building of TG feet by 4-0, capable of containing 72 patients, and, on an emcr^nncy, bC, and two wings each of lO teet by 30, it J.r?;?*'^r^"''^I"S. and to project 15^^^^^ each side of It, eaci. capable of contamirig nearly a like number of patients. ^.^\ r, ^^''-^ *^'"^''*'°" ''^' ^'^^ ^^"'«^ «* 'his building, could not even by the most sang.une, be expected to be procured, it was de- termined to erect for the pest nt, ilu- center building only: the ex- pense ol winch, exclusive of the furnace for warming it with heated air, cupola, double windows, lurnituie, and out buildings, was esti- mated to be 2,200 pounds. A subscription to raise this sum was therefore opened m the month of December, of the above mention- ed year. By the exertions of those employed to procure subscrip- tions, and the liberality of the public, such a sum was subscribed by the end ot the month ot January 1821, that the Directors resolved, that a Committee, to consist of the Hon. John Richardson, the Kcv. John Bethune, Dr. Williaiu Bobertson, John Molson, David Jloss, John Try, and Alexander Skakel, Esquires, should be ap- pointed ti> make contracts for the e^-cution of the work, and to su- perintend the buildmg. Those Gentlemen, in consequence, entered upon the discharge of the duty commincd to them. They contracted with the several workmen, and had the saticfaction to witness, on the sixth of June tnccorncv stone laid with Masonic CLTomonic5, and to see the budding covered by the end of the year, and fit for the reception of putijnls in tho month of May following, Duringthepm-ressofthework, ;i was deemed highly expedi- rot to follow tho method adr.pred in tho Derbyshire Hospiial in I'-n-land, to warm the building by air heated bv a lurnace placed iu tue bnsemcnt story.^ Even thougli no saving should arise liom this nietj.D 1, the r;>nyemence of supplying tho fuel, the cleanliness, tho small rsic ot (hro being communicated to the building, were consider- ed a sulhc;ent reason for its u-loption. and they wiil be, it is Iioiaed an aclequato comoensutmn for the money expended in its con.-^^ruction A cupolawasaisoud-odtoitrvriusan ornament to the huildimr anu to give hghtto .a ion room. Tiie latter of these ob- jects, trom the oistnhvition of tho interior, could not be cflected It was toand indisp-isibly nccoss.n-y to erect some out buildings* instead oi the wood.-a fence wliich formerly .snrroundrd the around >t was t.iougnt prop-v to cnclobe it on two i'ides with :, t-tone wall' and^on the Ironc with an iron vaihiig erected on a loundation of To give a detailed account of the money expended in comnle- ting tho^e works, would extend this report far bevoml its due length ■ an ahstruct only shall therefore bo given, li is as follows Dr. the Montreal General Hospital ' .g To Samuel GEiinARn, May 1st, To amount of accounts paid as per de- ; tailed account, 3 ^^,556 8 To cost of the land purchased from IMurghal, 1 ,300 f I I Cost of the Hospital, v'>;856 b ."> if )t t * • t • > May Ifei, Uy b'ubscnptions received to this date, £2,1€7 10 Duo the Treasurer, 3,(188 18 'J'his sum has been advanced, In equal shares, by the Hon. John liichiirdsoii, i!ic Hon. Wiliiarn McGiiHvray, and Samuel Ger- i'aid Ksq. In adtbtion to the above mentioned co.-t of the buiUling, there were subscribed by Mr. Thomas Phillifjs C'iO, allowed him ll^r su- jK-rintending the work, and by John Molson Esq. was presented ati iron railing for the front oi The Iloipital. valued at £75, uiaLing with his formt'r subscription a donation of JLTOO.. Though the Hospital has cost much more than the estimate rt;en- Jioned abovt^ it is to be rememhciod, that many additions have been made to the original plan, which were not at first contcmplatt'd ; and that that estimate was metely for the building itself, exclusive of any appeudiiges. Those capable of judging, who have seen it, consider it to have Ijecn erected at a very cheup rate. To estimate the good that will arise from this Jiisiitution, it Is on-' ly necessary to notice that which has already been done by it, even when cramped in its utility by want of funds. This will appear from the following statement. The number of patients admitted from May 1st, 1822, to May J St, 1823, with those brought from the temporary Hospital, is 421 The number of patients that have received advice and medi- cine as out-patients for the tame period, is 397 The total number of paticwts who have received benefit from the Hospital during the last iwelve months, is 818 This great number of indigent human beings, have, in their sick- ness, been carefully attfMided, and every thing, in the power of hu- man means, done for their recovery. The consciousness of having contributed to alleviate the sufterings of so many felhiw creatures, is alone uo small return for the sum annually bestowed l)v eiieh in- dividual, for the support of tlie Hospital. But this is not ail. h'e- veral of those, according to the Physician's report iu August hist, wore laboring uneler typhus fever. "By means of the Hospital, this disorder was prevented from spreadir^g amorg iho inhabitants, 'j'lic alarm, that was excited, about li-i- years a^'o, by the arrival of a logiment infected with this dist>ase* must still be'in the rcc; iicctiou of many. In supporting the Hospital, therefore, we not onlv relieve tho distresses of suffering humanity ; but wo use the best mcims to prevent t'mse distresses iVom reaching ourselves. The expenditure of the Hot^pital, taken from the Treasurer's account from IMay 1st, 1822, to May 1st, 1823, amounts to From tin's sum is to be deducted onaccoimt of debts A:i()r'(S 1 6 contracted during the time of the ten)porary hor,pita], KxpenJiture for the last twelve months, Drawn from the Treasurer as abore^ 203 15 f? <; r, n I • jtlO^G 1 6 6 Kcetivtid from I'ay-patients, Annual Subscriptions, Two old Boilers, &c. Sundry public collections, Sundry Donations, £31 4 6 413 7 6 127 47 17 3 Funds received by the Treasurer from May 1st, 1S22, to May Ist, ib2:i £625 12 8 Due Ihe Treiisurer on account of the current ex- pen9es of the Hospital, To this add the debt contracted on account of thg building, Total debt of the Hospital, £410 8 10 3688 18 a 4099 6 10 The l.,ej;islnfurp granted, on the recommendation of His Excel- ]eii<\ tftr Ccminor in C'hief, the sum of £850 towaidsthe support cf the Hospital, for the year 1823. But to extinguish the debt al- ii ady coiurnctcd, will demand the most strenuous and persevering exert icns of the Members of the Corporation and of the friends of the Tnstifution. An appeal must be made to the public, and an ap- peal to the })ubli'; of Montreal, in the cause of suffering humanity, it is h(.[ied, will never be made in vain. * 'I hrough the favorable representation and the patronage of His Excellency the Earl of Dalhousie, Governor in Chief, His Majesty h;is pleased to grant a Charter of Incorporation, under the Grey t iVtnl of the Province. This will give not only respectability, but f»einianency to the Institution. Thif- Chttrter, among other appoints, that every one who has contributed to theVunds of the Hospital, or who shall contribute £5 or more, and who shall pay ai.nucilly £l , or more, shall be a Mem- ber of the Corporadon, and have a right to vote at the annual elec- tion of Governors. Every one, v. ho has contributed, or shall con- tribute £'J5 or more, and who shall pay annually £3 or more, shall be a (iovcrnor for life. Every one who has contributed or shall con- tribute £10, and less than £25, and who shall )uiy annually £2, or J' ore, may be elected a Governor. There sjiall bo, for the present, «il Governors annuall} elected, ihntctn ; but as soon as the Gov- ernors for life shall be less than thirteen, then a greater number of <.ioveiiiorf sliall be eleeted, so that the whole rniniber of Govern- ors, ineluding for life, resident in Montreal shall not be less tl un twenty wix. The votes shall be in the ratio of tlie sum con- tributed, thu". is, one vote tor tvt.y £[>, so that no one have nicra than ten vutes. The Direttors, (who by tl)e Charter arc called Goveriiors.) be- fore tlic patients were removed from the tetriporary Hofpital, ap- pointed a Committee to draw up lin'rs and Ko«';iutioi\s for the better government of the Members, Oilieers, Servants, and Patients. These Kules, after j^eing submitted to the Directors, were eppoin- tcdbythcm tobethcruiesandrcgulitticns for the Hospital. The*c *i Continued in force until the cliarter, was obtaincrl, when .inothor On.- mittee was appointed to revise them, and to make sucli alterations iit them, as experience might point out, and conformity wiih the ( lunfrr might require. The Rules and Regulations so revised were laid helor.:' vi meeting of the Governors duly conveued for that purpose, on the i'fjih of April last, and after being approved by them, were established nnil ordained to be the By-Laws, Regulations, and Statutes of the Cor- poration of the Montreal General Hospital. In conclusion it is highly satisfactory to be able to state, both from the reports of the Committee of Management, and from tln-- observations of the visiting Governors, that the Medical Officers have shown the greatest zeal, and assidtiity in every thing relatinjj to their department. That the wards have at ?ll times been fouiid neat and clean, and every attention given to the comfort of the po- tients. The Committee of Management has sincerely endeavoured to promote the good of the Institution ; how it has succeeded, it is not for the writer of this report to decide, wherein it has failed iu the discharge of the important duties divolved upon it, the candid will no doubt admit, as an excuse, its inexperience, and the difficult ties attending the organizing a new Institution. All which is respectfully svbvv'tlcd. AL. SKAKEL, Socretarv, Montreal General Hospital, May 6th, 1823. I BY-LAWS, REGULATIONS, AND STATUTES, ^ •. 1,. ...chLshci' apil oraaincd 1)V llic tratliority of tiie Laws, 11' g ;ulations'und Statutes ot tlic ?aitt Hospital. CHAPTEU I. r:/ i.hc Qualificallons of Members of the CarpornUoM. ,.,i,a 1-r rmt' Ibutcfl, or who shall licreaftcr con- 1. Every P^f "f ^?^ Vr^nv: Hos ,i^ (Wo pound. MalUax cur- tribute, tov^ards the ^^^f ' ^;^;^,7,;V:t^^ like curvcnu:y, o^ rency, or more, and ^^^ P^J, '\"^;!;;v"a member ol' the Corpora- Z:^SS:^ t Stffi t^t^^ U.: election .. Governor. t . whn ],a^ c-ntrib'Ucd to the erection of tho Hos- 2. Every P^^'?" ^/;,X^^^ to the funds of the Ilospita! Pital, or ^vho ^'^^'AY:^i^^;^. '.!*,; or npMards, and shail pay .n- ^^^:^:i:t^^rZ.^^^ li- tUree pounds U.c car^ r,..,r" sliall be a governor icir lite- o '.n„.r» .1,-11 1-e thirte<-.i olbcr flcvornor., «ho sl.all be annnally 3. rliere sli.JI ^f ]■;"%.■ ,„.(,„eriboa. IVon. araon.t those per-^ elcc.e. , m "-■"-;, ^...'''^f^,^'',,,,,, hereafter contribute, to the ,ot,, who '''»■^y"' "'X'foe pm,.Hl--. Halifax curre.)cy, ami not less Sr:;o';r irSrrencJ', wlU. :„, an,n,a. paj,„ent thereto o, two P0.UC1S, or n,oa-, ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ for Hie resident at Won- 4. Whensoever *<; "™' ' ,,, ^rh™ ad-lilion simll be made to troal .hall "•-■;-;';;' I'^^ertrs. as ,o ,naUe the whole nun. tZ S: hSe so-i-l^at inclusive) twenty-s.x. J[:°:;^Z:';^Sspr«tstrtl,„. m. m. CHAPTER II. Of the Flection of Governors. 1. Notice of the hour anc' place o^' meetnig. for the election of GovLTUors, shall be given hy the Jitc. aary in one or more of the newspapers published in Montreal, at least seven uajs previous to such meeting. '2. The votes shall be given in the ratio of the contributions, (that is. one vote for every five pounds contributed. ) provided that no person shalK i;-. any case, have more than ten votes. 3. The annual election of Governors &hatl he held on the first Tuesday ot May, in each and every year, in the Committee Room of the Hospital, at one o'clock, P. M. and continued until three o'clock, I'. M. of the ssame day; at which, two Governors for the preceding year shall be appointed to inspect the ballots; and ev;.ry person voting at said election shall personally then and there ap- pear, and deliver, to the aforesaid inspectors, a ballot containing the i.ames of thirteen p-;rsons, or more as the case may be, as (iover- iiors for the ensuing year— und the Inspectors shall deposit, in a box, ah ballote so delivered, and shall insert the nanus vi the per- sons so voting in a poll list, kept by them for the purpose ; and wheu the poll of such election shall be closed, the Inspectors shall open and count the said ballots, and shall openly declare to the meeting the names of the persons who shall be found to have been elected bv the majority of the votes, and shall delivir a certificate theieof to the Secretary, who shall, forthwith, communicate the same to the persons so elected. 4. ! he Secietary for the preceding year shall, immediately after the election, give notice, m writing, to the Governors elected, and to the Governors for life, requiring them to meet on the Tuesday- next ensuing, to choose a President, a Vice-President a Secretary a Treasurer a Committee of Management, and Medical Officers for the ensuiiigyear. .5. The Governors elected shall declare, either at their first meet- ing after their election, or by letter, addressed lo the Secretary at least ofie day previous to such tneeting, whether or not they are willing to act in their office, otherwije tb.eir election shall be void. t". in case the number of (iovernors elected shall, at anytime, by death, resignation, absence, neglect of duty, or rt-fusal to act in their oifict,be less than thirteen; or in case, by any of those causes, the whole number of Governors shall, at any time, be less thari twenty-six. the deficiency shall be made up, within thirty days after such vacancy, by the vote of the Governors for the time being, at« meeting lo be convened for the purpose. 13 CHAl'TER IIL 0/ihe Governors. 1. A qiKn'teriy mroiing of the Governros shall bo ht-ld, in ihr. Committee lloom of t'.ie Hospital, on tlic first Tuf<«day in August, on the fi^>it Tueidoy in Noveinher. un the first lucsilay in I'ebruary, and o!j t!ie first TaescUiy in May, ui each and evtry year, at one o'clock P. M. 2. The (jovernois for life, tojjetlier with those elected, shall choose by ballot, out of their nua>her, on the second Tuesday in May, in each and every year, one Pixsidcntaiid one Vice- i*rcsident; and out of tiicir numht-r, or otl\ervvi.-<e- one .Secretary and one Trea- surer ; and also oit of their numher they shall nominate and appoint by vote a Connnittee of Mana^oenient, consistiof^ ot five, of whom three, including their Chuirman.'shail be a quorum: all of whom shall remain in office one year from the date of their appointment. 3. Every President, Vice-President, (iovernor, 'J reasux-er and Secretary of the Corporation, shall, «s soon as convenient after their election, and " efore fhey act in their respective offices, take the oath heteinafter prescribed, to be to them administered by the President or Vice-President, fof the time bcinjj;, or for the precedinji year, for the faithful and due execution of the diitie!> of their respective ot- fices during their continuance in tlu-- i^ame. Form of the oath. — I do swear, that I will faithfully and duly execute the office of of the Corporation of the Montreal (veneral Hospital, during my continuance in the same, according to the best of my ability. So help me (Jod. 4. The (lovernors, at their meeti'io en the second Tuesday in May, in each and every year, shall elect by vote, and not by ballot* six medical officers, who shall In; the Medical Hoard of the Montreal General Hos^pital, v.'hicii election shall oe conducted in the following manner, vi/. — The President, or in his absence tho Vice-President, shall openly propoc-e the names of six medical of-, tker^, whoso election shall be decided by the nijjjrity of the votes of those present. 5. I'he President, or in his absence fh.c Vice-President, shall and mav, or at the request of twcj (iovernor.«v sMiuuion and c.ili together (bv letter from the Secrptary. at the Conmiiititj i^>oi)i of the Hos- pital, at anv time to be aopointed by him,) ilie Uo\eri.ors of the Corporation for the time hc^ng, pfivin^; theni. at lcas:r, one days no- tice ther(5)f. and iiitisiUtting liu? purpose of thi' ni 'eiing. 6. Seven or more «voveinors, convened ajcoruirj'; i.) ihe by-laws of the Corporution, A v.hom tho Preijident or V a .-President shall be one, shall constitute? a legal n)e8tuig uf fvi',1 Oorpn-.ation, and shall be compctont to truisait ail busiress r ;i:ruv;' to ihe said Cor- poration in as far as tl'.e) I'.ro uutiianztd vy l' e c;haitcr. 7. The GiJvernors shall iui^ p;)vver, ai P'y q'\;t!tev!y or e^traor- diuary meciio^^, Ut appoint, t^y bailul or otherwise, su«:h officw-r or u •fficers, and fix thfcir salaries as tliry nmy iit anv time fiml ncces- «ury for the nianuge>-nent of the Hospital. 8. Th(y shall also appoint a Steward, and a Mati-on or House- keeper, and lix their salaries, who shall respectively lemain in o<fie<; as long as thev continue to disohnrge proptrJy the duties tijercof. 9. IVo of tile (Joveriiors sIihII in lotatioii visit the Hospital at least twite a week, and shall enter tlu:ir names in a hook, with mch observations relative to the Jnstitutiou as they sliali tliink neces- sary. 10. If any Offieer, the Steward or the Matron, fliall, at any tniie, hee(»mo unh't to perform tiie duties of his or her offiee, or shall mis- cWmcan himself or herself, in Lis or her office, it shall be the duty of anv Governor or oflicer of the Corporation, acquiring a knowledge the'reof. to make known the same to the Committee of iv'Iauagemeut, who shall have power to suspend the Steward or the Matron from the exercise of his or her office, if they think proper, until a meet- ing of Governors can be obtained, with as little delay as possible, to take cognizance of the charge or charges v^hieh may " e brought against them or either of them, and in case of complaint against any (Jovernor or Officer, they shall examine into the ease and report thereon to the President, or, in his absence, to the Vice-President; and, in default of attention thereto by the Committee of Manage- ment, '.he Governor, or Officer aforesaid, shall lay his complaint be- fore the President, or, in his absence, the Vice-President, who shall <'ause the Secretary to summon a meeting of Governors at a time to be appointed by him, and to give notice to the party or parties complained of with a copy of the charge or complaint, and to the party or parties complaining; and the Governors shall, at f;uch nieet- ii»(;,''after hearing both parties, remove, by bnllot or otherwise, if they lind sufficient cause, the person or persons complained of. CHAPTEU IV. (ythe Presidoiit and Vice-PreaUlenf. t 1. The President, or, in his absence, the Vice-President, shall preside at all meetings of the iTOvernors of the Corporatioii. 2 At all meetings of the Governors every person shall, m speak- ing.' stand up and address himself to the President, who shall pro- pose all questions; aed if a difference of opinion shall arise on any <Vie«tion, such qupstion shaU be fairlv stated by the President, and shall then be determined by ballot, (if two of the (Governors require it,) and if in any case the votes be equal, the President shall have the casting vot ?,. The President shall not refuse to propose any question, nor^ shall he dissolve or adjourn any meeting witlmut the consent oi a majority -f the snid meeting, until the business thereoi be h- iiished. CHAPTER V. Of the Treasurer. 1. The Treasurer shall give such security as may be required by the Governors for t!ie dui- accounting for, and payment of the mo- nies which he shall, from time to time, receive for the use of the HospitaJ. 2. He shall have tlie custody of all bonds, title-deeds, docu- ments, and other papers, relating to the property of the Corporation. 3. He shall also receive a'l monies belonging to the Corporation and pay out the whole or any part thereof, on receipt of a written ordt r from the Committee of management, but not otherwise. 4. He shall deliver to the Secretary, three days at least, previous to the general Annual Meeting, held on the first Tuesday of May, in each and every year, a full statement of all his Accounts with ^he Vouchers, for the preceding year, to be laid before the said JVleetnjg. CHAPTER VI. Of the Secretary. 1. The Secretary shair attend all Meetings of the Governors, take minutes ol the proceedings of each Meeting, and transcribe tlie same mto a hooiv. ^. 2. Heshaliateachmeeiingofthe Governors read the procee- dings of the last meeting. * 3. '1 hrough him all communications, of whatsoever nature, shall be made to the Governor, and, by bin,, the said Governors to the public, or any department of the Hospital. 4. He shall immcdiatel); after the election of the Goveroors or other (>fhcor,s ol the Hospital, give notice thereof in writing, to the diftcrent persons so elected ^ 5. He .shall furnish to the Committee of Mangement, any docu- ments .0 hu possessmn, which they may. atany time, require. r.nor/ nf fl! ''^' r' ^''^^<!^^>»-"»'-s- «» ^^^ annual meeting, a report ot th.'ir proceedings during the past year. nrJ;/^i"''ii'^.?^ .'"■'!'""' ^'' '^'''''' ^""^ ^^^'".V "meeting of the Govern- ors it shall be his duty, to send notice of the time and place of such meeting, to each Governor, stating the purpose of the mee- rh^;i^^"^''*T''^'"'""^."'^^^'"fe' ^^ appointed, to consider of a charge or complaint, preferred against any Governor or Officer, or Toll P-J «'/»he said charge or complaint to the party or pa.ties comp amed of; and to the party or parties complaining.^ ^ unano'tcr/rhrr ''^'^"'"^ election of (Governors, hang up anot.ce m the Committee-room of the Hospital, and shall stall 13 therein the of tlie persons qualified to be elected, as well as of those who are (jiuilified to be the electors. 10. He shall keep the necessary books for entering all the trans* actions of tiie (lovernors. 11. t)n the first Tuesday of April, in each and every year, the Secretary shall send the fi'llowiiiif monitory letter to each and every person, whose subscription shall then be in arrear. Montreal General Hospital, day of 18 Sir, . T am to acquaint you that it appears by the Collector'.^ list, that your subscription of , has not been paid i\v the present year; it is therefore the request of the Governors that you will please to pay the same to , our Collector for your district of the city, and excuse this application, \\hirli is only meant to inform you that your suhccription is now in aricar, as is usually done by other Hospitals in like cases. Dy ordor of the Governors. 12. The Secretary shall lay on the table, in the Committee Room, at every mtetuig of Govi'mors. the journal or minutes of their pro- ceedmgs the case book of the Medical I'oard, tiie book containir^ the minutes of the visitu'g Governors, and iiny other document re- lating to the affairs of ihe Corporation which they may requne, CHAPTER VII. Of the Committee of Managcmnit. 1. They shall at their first mcetin^^ after their appointUicnt elect, by vote, a Chairman and a Secretary. 2. rile Committee of Management shall meet at the Hospital e.t least once a week, and shall have power, imd it shall be then- duty to inquire strictly into the dooKstic economy of the house; to order all th.ngs necessary for the same; to inquire into the conduct of the Governors (jfficers, Matron, SttHard and servants of the Hospital, antl report then on to the President as {)rescribcd by these by-laws; to order all repairs: to oversee and control (as far as they have an- thority foi tho same by the hy-laws) every thing conneeti-d with tiie management of (he Hospital; to audit, inspect, and approve all ac- counts, and to order payment of the same; and to report thronuh the vTeretury of the I'orp u'ation, a statement of all tlieir transac- tions to each quarterly met ting of the Ciovernors. 3. riu'V shall liare the general charge and care of the property of the Corporation, and shall <!nforce all necessary attention to ecu- nomy, cleanliness, and good conduct. 4. 'I'hey shall, at their meetings, make minutec of their proceed- ings, whie'i they shall torthwith cause their Secretary to tranicribc into a book 5. 1 hey .-hul! have the power, and it shall be their duty, to cr.- ^age and disciiaige all scivants of theHcspital, and fix their wugcs. ting ol * J-4 f>. The Cnmmitfe^ of Management shall at each quarterly mee« lie (iovenuors report the stqfce of the Hospital and the state and nu!i:h r of Patients admitted and discharged during the prece- ding quarter. 7. 'they thall inscit or cause to be inserted in a book, to be pro- vided for the purpose, all o.cli^rs to the Steward for the purchase of t!u^ storf^s on! 'vhich order must be signed by the Chairman. 8. I'hcy shtdl lay on the table, in the Committee Room, at every meeting oCibo Gorernors, the book containing the minutes of their nroceedings. CHAPTER VTir. 0/ihe Stemrd. 1. The Stcv.-ard shall purchase, under tlie direction of the Com-* rnittee of management, fuel, provisions, and all other stores for the use of the Hospital, except Medicines and Medical Stores, and rhallbe accountable for the same. 2. He shall keep, in books provided for that purpose, an account of all stores brought into the Hospital— and shall not deliver any stores under his charge ; unless on a requisition from the Matron, ( iUoied by her in 4 book provided for the purpose. 5. Mo sluiil keep pass books into wliich shall be entered all arti- cles purchased from tiiose tradesmen with whom the Committee 0^ n):ma<,nMncnt may open accounts; and, for all other articles, he hiiall obtain Bills of Parcels ; all of which he shall lay before the r<>mn)i(tce of Managcrvient, at each of their meetings. 4. He shall keep an account of the monies due by the pay pa- iiettlsaiid collect ihe same. Fi. He shall present, to the Conjnv'ttcn of ^Tanagcment, evcrv Iircc month?! or oftcner, if required, a statement of hisaccounts and (■hall shew his books when reqn.ired. 6. He sh.i' .'ive timely notice, in writing, to the Committee of MTnnjrrment, when any of the storc^ are ncririy expended. 7. He sh.^U itnniediatf'ly on the adniisHon of a Patient, take an 'nivcun-^iy, in a book to be kept foi th.U purpose, of his or her cloths srnd other (ff'ccls— i-hall order the cloths to be punfied, if necesitsary -- ru;'-] shall he nccontitaijle for the paff delivery of the same to the Patien* on leaving the HoP[»ital or in cnpie of death, to any person v.'ho'.n t)ir (-oinmittce of Managcmcitt shall nuthorizoto receive the «!:iinc —Provifhd, that if the cloths of any Patient be in such a state ar. to rrtider ii nrces.'^ary that they vshould be btirned, it shall be d'joc, if sanrt'oncd by the attending; Medical (>flicer. 8. He fhail keep, in a book, for the purpose, an account of the Scrvan's time and wagCM, and pay the same when ordered by the Comtnitlee of Managrtnent. 9 It slu^ll be his duty to take care that every part of the premis- es Vrithout the Hospital, be kept in proper order. >♦ 15 10. tte shall ■ eep the Keys of the cuter I'oois and patt?. at'd lock them at 10 o'clock P. M. and open them .\L 6 A. M. in i:\ tli^ first of May to the first of November— and lock them at 8 1'. M, and open them at 7 A. M. during the nst olii.e \tar; unhjss (,j- dered otherwise by the Commilttc of Mani.gcnicnt cr in case of emergency for the service of the Patients. i 1. He shall report, to the Committee of IManageiricnt, ary niist conduct or irreuularity that may come under hi.s notice. 12. He shall write the minutes &c. of the Committee of r.'Ir.a- agenient wh*eu required. 13. He shall hang up, in the Hall of the Hospital, the names of the weekly visitiv.g Governors, and shall on the ^;aturday preceding llieir week of attendance give them notice thereof by h iter. li. He shall lay his books of accounts on the tabJe ia lise Com- mittee room at all meetings of the Governors. 15. As soon as the body of a Patient dying in tho Ilospitnl, is laid out in the dead house, it shall be the duty of the Steward to see that the body be safely kept there, until delivered for Inttiniei»t, and he shall be responsible for the faithful execution of duty. IG. He shall give reaaonable security, to the Gcvcniors for Iii-s fidelity. 17. He shall not absent himself from tlie Hospital, except on duty, without the permission of the House Physician or Surgeon. CHAPTER IX. • Of the Medical Officeis. 1. The number of Medical Officers of the Hospital, who shall be, and are hereby denominated and appointed, the Medical Board of the Montreal General Hospital, shall bo six, who fehall make such arrangements among themselves, that the Hospital be visited once a day at least by one. or more, of them. 2. No person shall be eligible to the situation of a Pliysician vx Surgeon to the Montreal General Hospital, who shall not havu ob- tained a degree, or diploma from some University or College in the British Empire. 3. Tho Physician or Surgeon attending the Hospital shall enter, or cause to be entered, ia the Ilegister for Patients, the ni me, sex, age, religion, country, place of rcf-idence, diseape, and time of ad- niission of every patient received into the Hospital ; also the name of the person by whom the patient has been recommended, whether a pauper or a pay patient, and the rate per week: and the time and the manner in which every patient leaves the Hospital. 4. At e-^ch vi^'t the Physician or Surgeon in attendance shall it)- quire whether his p. c'scriptions and directions bave been attended to, and shall also give such iurther orders, as he may deem neces- sary, to the house Physician or Surgeon, Matron or Nurses. 5. The Physician or Surgeon attending sliall keep, or cause tiieir clerks to keep, a case book, into which shall be entered the name 15 c- the attending ^^f<^zT'^:^ ^r^T::^;^^^ ,icm aamUte.l ...t" ''''■' ""fP ^ ; ^cl «";• ^fli.e d.-a-'Ah. daily L,,a to' throw light o„ "■^."f""',i';^'L't,'',e Medical Board of .he G. The visilmg hours shall bt ''>^^"y J^';- „,^, „,,;„ a„a Hon^iul, that the ''"«''""^ ' ', f ' " ^^ ,t' kno«. to%he public, tint the hour lor scndms ,.at,tns umjicknoj. J,.„ji„g. i„ T. 11- any Phvfic.r.n or^"'!-'^'" '^.tS'-'^cure some other Thy- ,„•. turn, to the du„es o, ^;' *>;•, ';. ', P7he duty in his stead. thecoacurreuceora. '«»?";;;,';' ''/.Sd^artment shall be pur- y. Nothing required lor t .. ,'■*"' ".^^^.j.^,, „iSc;er on duty, Cased without a wn en "f V^ „^^ '^\ '^: , ,„„k and signed by wiich written order shall be lusi.riLci a , li"'"^- -,• ni .-, .;nn nr Sur'^-oH ftliail. oD lOP first M OH- IO. The attending Tnysic'-an o ^^""n-^"^ ^ • .i^it dav of each and every month, .nd f ^^ \; ' ';^, J;\^,\i ^, ^ood order, the Apothecary's shop, see '■' ^^^'L r ^lUaV Y suppH.d; and .hall late any of the by-laws of li.e uospual. Cil.^PTER X. 0/thc Medical Board. d,eall)oardofthe^IontreaU,eu,■ ^^^ ^^.^ % The Medical Board shall I »'/ r';J:,^;"„r h„u,„ Surgeon, duty, <o rxu,nino all '^f'.dates^ or the oH c^ ^^^^^ _^, ^^ house I'hysician, f l>"' ^^r^' ^'^ ^ ,, "and >usc.rtain wh, .her tho -^hrt;^^:i^^™:S£^^;i^£''^'^^^-^^ " ,;! Vh"r™aU- ■ li::™^: « tin>e, as occasion .ay re, a diet table tor the patients. V 17 .ity, by V CHAPTER XI. Of the house Physician and Surgeon, 1. No person shall be eligible to either of the above offices unless he have attained the age of twenty- one years, nor until he have laid before the Governors satisfactory testimonials of his moral charac- ter, and of his having been examined by the Medical Board, and approved by them. 2. The house Physician and Surgeon shall visit their respective wards at least once every morning and evening, and oftener if re- quired by the attending Medical officer ; and be prepared to report to the attending Physician or Surgeon as the case may be, the state of the patients since the last visit; and it shall be their duty to see that the medicines, &c. sent to the patients be regularly taken, and administered with care, and without delay. 3. No medicines, wine, spirits, nor any other thing, shall be pre- scribed or administered by the house Physician ; nor shall any ope- ration be performed by the house Surgeon (except in urgent cases) without the special direction of the attending Physician or Surgeon, to whom such cases, when they occur, shall be immediately re- ported. 4'. In any case of a dangerous nature, the house Physician or Sur- geon shall give immediate notice to the attending Physician or Su. • geon, as the case may be, and if he cannot be found, to any of the other Physicians or Surgeons of the Hospital. 5. They shall allow no patient to be removed from one bed or ward to another, without the order or permission of the attending physician or Surgeon. 6. Neither the house Physician nor Surgeon shall have power to admit or discharge any patient, that being the exclusive prerogative of the attending Medical officers. 7. They shall not be absent during the visits of the attending Medical officers, and when, at any other time, either of them goes out, he shall give notice thereof to the Matron, and state where he is to be found during his absence, and on his return to- the Hospi- tal, shall make it known to her. , 8. In no case, shall they both be absent, at the same time. 9. They must be in the Hospital at a seasonable hour in the even- ing, and never sleep out of the house without the permission of one of the Medical IJoard. 10. They shall transact no other business than that of the Hos-, pital, without special permission from the Governors. 11. The house Surgeon shall have charge of all the surgical in- struments belonging to the Hospital, shall be responsible for tW» same, and for their good order ; and he shall never suffer them to be lent or used out of the Hosiitah 12. The house Surgeon shall insert in the case- book under hh charge, an account of all the operations performed in the Hospital, and by whom performed. 3 18 18. The house Physician or Surgeon* when a patient is dismissed /or irregular conduct, shall immediately notify the Steward thereof. 14. The house Physician and Surgeon shall draw up a report of the state and number of the patients admitted and discharged, dur. ing the three months previous, to each quarterly meeting of the Go- vernors, and they shall deliver tlie same to the Committee of Mao* agemept. CHAPTER XII. Of the Apothecary, • 1. No person shall be eligible to the office of Apothecary unless he have attained the age of twenty -one years, nor until he have laid before the Governors satisfactory testimonials of his moral character, and of his having been examined and approved by the Medical Board. . 2. He shall compound and make up all the medicmes required for the Hospital, according to the formulas, from time to time, pre- scribed by the Medical Board. 3. He shall deliver no medicines which are not ordered by the Medical officers attending, nor shall he permit any medicines to be taken out of the Hospitals, except by out patients. 4. He shall make up the different medicines for the wards, and annex to them labels, containing the names of the patients and tic directions for taking them, and shall send the medicines to the dif- ferent watub by the orderly man, who shall deliver the same to their respective nnrses. 5. He shall regularly attend the shop, and never be absent with- out permission ; he shall keep the shop, and every thing appertain- ing thereto, clean and in proper order; he shall also observe strict economy in all and every thing relating to his department, and shall be particularly careful in the delivery of medicines, &c. for the patients. 6. He shall not allow any patient, under any pretence whatever, to enter the shop. 7. The Apothecary shall give a bond in the penalty of one hun- dred pounds currency, as jl security for the faithful performance of the duties of his office ; and he shall not cease to perform the said duties, without giving to the Governors two months notice of his intention of leaving his employment. 8. The funds of the Hospital not being at present sufficient to pay a house Physician, Surgeon, and Apothecary, the duties are in the mean time to be performed by the Physician residing at the Hospital. 19 CHAPTER XIII. Of the Studtnts attending the Hospital, 1. Any Student of Medicine, on paying two guineas to the Trea- surer, shall receive a ticket entitling him to attend the practice of the Hospital during one year from the date of such ticket. 2. The Students shall be allowed to visit the patients half an hour before the arrival of the attending Physician or Surgeon, remain in the wards during the visits to see the practice, and shall then leave the Hospital, unless there be some operation to be performed after the visit; also, in the afternoon, between the hours of four and five, from the first of November until the first of May, and between five and six during the remainder of the year. 5. No Student shall, during his visit, disturb any patient who may be sleeping. 4. No Student shall go to any part of the house but the wards, and the room for taking down the cases of the patients. 5. Every Student shall be allowed to be present at any operation or dissection occurring in the Hospital. 6. If the case books of the Ph3^sician8 and Surgeons of the Hos» pital shall not, at the hours prescribed for the Students to take down cases, be in the room provided for that purpose, the Student or Stu- dents, requiring the said books, shall send the orderly man to the Apothecary's shop for them. 7. The Students shall have the aforesaid books, for the purpose of taking down cases of patients, between the hours of half-past ten and half past eleven, A. M. of each and every day; but they shall not, at this visit, enter the wards without special permission from the Medical officer attending. 8. Any Student, on paying to the Treasurer four guineas, also, any Student who shall have already paid two guineas, and who shall, at any time after, pay two guineas more, shall receive from the Treasurer a perpetual ticket of attendance. 9. The Students are to behave with respect and decorunf in the Hospital, and any one of them violating any of the by-laws, shall be subject to the penalty of expulsion at the discretion of the Com^ tnittce of Management. CHAPTER XIV. Of the Drescers, 1. No Student shall be eligible to a dresscrship, unless he have nerved eighteen months with some Medical practitioner, and have attended the Hospital at least six months. o p,r£.,.,r ^an<liHn»P fnr fl flresfiershlo shall, bv the Secretary, three days previous to one of the stated meetings of the Medical Board, give in his petition ar'' '♦ther documents to tlie said Board, v,hu §0 ■hall have power, and it shall be thjjir duty to decide whether he be qualified to be a dresser. 3. Every Student who has paid his fee, and is otherwise qualified for the situation, bhall of right be admitted a dresser for one month, in his rotation, which shall be determined by seniority. 4. Any dresser not complying with, or neglecting the order of the nttending Surgeon, may be dismissed from the office of dresser by the IMedical Board. ■i CHAPTER XV. 0/the Matron. 1 . The Matron Khali visit the wards of the Hospital every morn- ing at 8, every afternoon at one, and every evening at 8 o'clock, and oftener if necessary; at these visits she shall see that the wares are proper 'y attended by the Nurses, and that all the patients are in their respective wards, and report to the house Fhybician or Sur- geon the na.nes of such patients as are absent without leave from their respective wards. 2. She shall oversee the conduct of the patients and servants, and take care tliat the wards, appartments, beus, clothes, linen, &c. are kept clean and in good order. 3. She shall have charge of all the furniture, beds, bedding, and dresses belonging,' to the Hospital, as far as regards her department. 4. She shall report any misconduct of the patients or servants, or any other irregularity occurring in the house to the attending Phy- i^ician or Surgeon ; or, in his absence, to the houae Physician or Surgeon, and to the Committee of Management. 5. She shall prevent any thing being taken into the waids, except that which is ordered. 6. She shall not admit any person or p'rsons to see any patient or patients, except at the hours appouited by the Medical lioard of the Hospital. 7. When any patient shall wish it, the Matron shall send imme# diately in writing tor such (!lergyman as he may desire. 8. ^he shall superintend the preparing of the diet of the patients, and be particular that the said diet, in the quantity, and at the time prescribed, be given, and nothing else; the shall also keep a diet list, with the number of patients on each diet. 9. When a death occurs, the Matron shall immediately report the same to the house Physician or Surgeon. 10. When a patient is seized with violent or alarming symptoms, she shall immediately r port the same to the Physician or Surgeon in attendance, or, in his absence, to the house Physician or Surgeon. 11. One hour after the death of any patient, she shall cause the body to be carried to the dead house, and there wabhed and decent- 12. She shall not absent herself from the Hospital, without the leave of the house Phvsidan or ^' *j. y in CHAPTER XVI. Of the Sursei, I. When a patient Is admitted into the Hospital, the Nurse of tlie -ward, to which such patient may be ordered, shall immediately wakh his or her lace and hands, neck and arms, feet and legs, with tepid water ; she shall give him or her (if he or she have none) an Hospital shirt and a night cap, and shall deliver, without delay, his or her clothes, after an Inventory of them has been taken, to the person ordered by the Steward to receive them. <2. The Nurse shall, at tlie next visit, state to the attending Phy- sician or Surgeon such circumstance or circumstances ae may tend to throw light on the case, and shall be ready to do the same, if re- quired, at each succeeding visit. 3. In the event of any patient being seized with violent or alarm- ing symptoms, she shall give immediate notice thereof to the Ma- tron. ♦. The Nurses, when ordered by the Matron, shall change the patients' linen, bed-linen, and bedding. 5. She shall receive no medicines sent from the Apothecary's shop to the wards unless labelled and directed. 6. When a death occurs, the Nurse of the ward bhall immediate- ly give information thereof to the Matron. 7. They shall clean their respective wards, &c. at 8 A. M. from the first of May to the first of November, and at nmo A.M. the re» raainder of the year. 8. The Nurses shall be diligent in complying with the orders of the Medical Officers, fc^urgeon and Matron, and they shall behave with tenderness to the patients. 9. They shall pay particular attention to the patients, and a? often as necessary supply tiiem with the drink prescribed, and assist them when they are unable to assist themselves, and when they are able dhall place the vessel or vessels containing their drink commodiously within their reach, and take care that they never remain empty. 10. They shall see that the patients take theii medicines as pre- scribed. II. They shall never, on any account, allow any thing to be brought into the wards, or given to the patients, except that whicli is ordered. 12. They shall give immediate no je to the attending Physiciaa or Surgeon, or, in his absence, to the house Ph" " ' -^ or Surgeon, or to the Matron, when any patient or patient h; ve vioJaied any of the by-laws of the Hospital. 13. They shall eat their meals in their own rooms; tliey shall ne- ver leave their respective wards except when their dut) requires it ; nni* Srinll tnpv InilvtJ tlt^ T-Trtcrtit^al tvitlt/Mif rtarmic^oi.-.n i'.y^n~ aU»I J ., J _. ...,...,, „t |.-v I s.ifociutl i2Utu tXIC SlUUdn Physician or Surgeon and Matron. 14r. They shall always keep themselves clean and decently clotliei« JkV 2id CHAPTER XVII. Of the admission oi;' Patients, 1. Every Governor and Medic rJ Officer of the Hospital, and the Clergymen belonging to the congregations of this city, may recom- mend patients to be admitted into the Hospital, in the manner and form hereinafter prescribed ; but it shall be the exclusive preroga- tive Of the attending Physician or Surgeon, as the case may be, to judge if the person or persons so recommended be bouring under such disease as is admissible into the Hospital, according to the by- laws of the Corporation. 2. In any urgent case, when delay may be dangerous, the hou8» Physician or Surgeon .ihall have power to admit patients, and he shall immediately give infoimation of the same to the attending Physician or Surgeon, as the case maybe, or, if he cannot be found, to any other of the Medical Board of the Hospital. 3. No patient shall be admitted into the Hospital whose case shall be considered incurable, or who is insane, nor any vtrhose case does not require the particular benefit of in-door practice. 4. No woman, in an advanced pregnancy, shall be admitted as an in-door patient. 5. No children under six years of age, except in cases where the greater operations are to be performed, shall be admitted into the Hospital. 6. Such patients as arc unable to pay for their maintenance, shall be received as paupers ; such as are able to pay, shall be admitted into the Hospital as pay patients, and none of these at less than five shilimgs per week, for the payment of which the person recommend- tflg such patient shall be responsible. 7. The person recommending any patient or patients shall men- tion, in the certiHcate for admission, if the patient or patients be paupers, and if not, the sum they are to pay per week. 8. No patient shall be admitted into the Hospital as a pauper, excepting emigrants from the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, or other indigent persons passing through the town, who does not reside in the city or parish of Montreal ; an he person or persons who shall recommend any patient or patients, vviu* dr^nok reside in the city or parish aforesaid, shall become i- ;;^ or.3»bL for the payment of the Hospital dues for such patient or patients, which tohalt not be less than seven shillings per week ; and in case of his or her death, he shall also be bound to defray the expense of the fune- ral, which shall not exceed twenty two shillings and sixpence; but as special c;< *<: rmy occur when a cleviaiion from this by>law may be necesse'-, , '^•^. Co'i-inittee oi Management are authorized to dis- pense with ii ju suvii cases, and shall report the same to the Gover- nors at theii' i.sexfc meeting. 9. Patients shall not be admitted into the lock- wards as paupers^ biit each and e^^ry lock-ward patient shall pay at least five shkllijags % ' t. \ a y 0$ »• J \ per week the first time, tnd not less than ten shiUings per woeic th« second time of his or her admission ; and if it be not specified on f ^e ticket of admission rhat he or she be a lock-ward patient, then t » attending medical officer shall send back such patients to the pc •on recommending, with the words lock-ward written on the ticket, and if the person recommending shall renew his recommendation, he shall then be responsible for the payment of the Hospital dues for such patient. 10. Two beds (one in the men's and one in the women's wards) •hall be kept in reserve, to receive such patients as may, from sud- den accident, be in need of immediate relief. li. The fppliranta for admission shall attend, at the place ap- pointed for , .at purpose, in the Hospital, at any time from eleveti o'clock, A. M. to one o'clock, P. M. Sir, Form of Certificate Jbr the admission of Paupers. Montreal, day of 18 I recommend to be admitted into thp Montreal General Hospital as a pauper, if be thought a fit ob- ject for admission. To the attending Medical Officer of the") Montreal General Hospital. j Sir, Form of Certijicate for the admission of Pay- Patients, Montreal, day of 18 I recommend to be admitted into the Montreal General Hospital, as pay-patient at the rate oi per week, if be thought a fit object for admission. To the attending Medical Officer of the' Mot: real General Hospital. CHAPTER XVni. Of the Patients, 1 1. No patient shall smoke in the house or on the galleries, make use of obscene or profane language, nor leave the ward in which he or she shall have been placed, without permission from the atteni* ing Physician or Surgeon. 2. The patients shall not play at cards or dice, or any otI)er game. 3. They shall conduct themselves with due respect to the Ma- tron, Nurses, and Servants of the Hospital. ♦. No male patient, under any pretence whatever, shall enter tht •»r\t-kaf^nr« Ante ^^v «»m«/1a rrtf* fVkivto|AO n/%i* omaII a ^^^maaI^ a>«tn^l.^««A ^^^t.^^ the apartments or wards for males. 5. No patients shall allow their frienrb to bring to tjjien?, nor sItjlII 1^ 21 they use any thing whatever, except the diet pre^crihed, without permission from the attending Physician or Hurgeon. 6. Every patient shall retire to bed at nine, P. M. from the first of May to the first of November, at eight P. M. from the first of November to the first of iVIay, and those who arc able shall rise at seven, A. M. during summer, and at eight, A. M. durint< winter. 7. Such patients as shall be considered able, shall assist the Nurses and other servants of the Hospital in nursing the patients, making the beds, cleaning the wards, and doing such other work as the at- tending Physician or Surgeon may direct. Any patient or patients not conforming to the by- laws of the Corporation shall incur the penalty of expulsion. 8. When any patient is discharged from the Hospital for irregu- lar conduct, the Steward shall give notice thereof by letter, in the form and manner following, to the person who shall have recom- mended £uch patient : Sir, Montreal General Hospital, day of 182 I am directed to inform you that A. B. recommended by you, has this day been discharged irom the Hospital tor irregular conduct by Doctor attending Steward. 10. The body of any patient dying in the Hospital, shall not be removed for interment until twenty-four hours in summer, and thirty- •ix in winter, shall have elapsed after the death of the patient, with- out a written permission trom either the attending Medical Officer or the house Physician or Surgeon. CHAPTER XIX. > >. Of the Out Patients, 1 . They shall attend, in the place, and at the hour, appointed by l^e Medical Board for giving advice and medicines to the poor gratis ; and if any of them neglect to attend twice in succession, without leave from the attending Physician or Surgeon, he or she «hall not be entitled to any further advice or medicine. 2. The lame* of the out-patients shall be entered in a booK kept tor the purpose, with their age, complaint, religious persuasion, the time of admission, and the termination of the disease, as far as it can be ascertained. S. Medicines and advice will be given to the poor at every visit of the attending Physician or Surgeon. 4. No medicines or advice shall be given a second time to any tt3tieQt or Tiatlenta wjin shall not have returned to the Anothecarv tlie gallipots or phials, and such medicines as they may not have used. I 7 I f 25 6. No oat patient or patients shall loiter about the Hospital gate, <r pro-nises mljoiiiiiig'; they shall co:ne directly to the place ap- pointed to recoivo them, and as soon as they hava received the ad- vice and medicines, which may be considered necessary for them, they shall immediately leave the Hospital. h. Any out-patient or patients, who shall violate any of the rules 9r regulations of the Ho&pital, shall incur the penalty of dismissal. CHAPTER XX. V Of Vaccination, 1. On any of the diys appointed by the Medical Board for ino- culating the poor gratis, any person or person?, withoui the recom- menilation required for the admission of patients to the Hospital, may present their children for inoculation. 2. The hour for inoculotin;^ on the aforesaid appointed days, shall be writtiMi in largo characters by the Steward, and hung up in the hall of the Hospital. 3. Th'^ person or persons who shall inoculate any children or other persons, on any of the above seated days, shall registe- ''n a book belonging to the Hospital, kept for that purpose, the name, age, sex. and religion of each and every individual so inoculated, the part of the body on which tlje inoculation has been performed, the date, progress, and termination of each and every case. 4. Each and every person bringing a chdd or children for vacci- nation, shall deposit two shillings and sixpence as a pledge of re- turning once at least with the child or children on a dav fixed by : the inoculator, that the appearance may be noted ; non-compliance . with this rule will incur the lorf'eiture of the deposit, but upon due compliance with it, it will be returned. chaiti':r xxr. Of the Penalty of receiving any Fee ot Reivard. 1. No Governor, Officer, or cither person connected with the Mont.eal General Haspital. shall, at any time, presume under any pretence whatever, on pain of expulsion, to give to, «fr take from, any tradesman, patient, servant, or any other person or pc^r^ons, any fee, reward, or gratuity of whatever kind, directly or indirectly, for any service or services done, or to be done, or proposed to be done, on account of, or relative to the said Hospital. CHAPTER XXH. or When a pauper dies in the Hospital, the Matron shall give notice thereof to the Clergynjan to who?p c )ugrcgation or church hr o\ she may belong ; and the Porter shall assist the Sexton at the inter ment. ' 26 CHAPTER XXIir, Of Altering, Tiepenling, and malcing Regulations and Statutes, >Jo additional by-law. regulation or statute, shall hereafter be made M.r ./.all ;,ny ..f tho>e already existing be in anvTav luL.5 or repealed excep, a special n.otion for such alteration reloTla be ,nade and received at o,u. of the quarterly „4t Z" oTthl C^* vemors, and passed at the next quarterly meeting! ^ ' ^^ ^^' Jv 1 27 fear. er be Itered I. Ac. iGo- > \ 53aI|jDU]eiie, Governor. GEORGE the FO URTH, hy tie Grace of God of the Vnit.''ff Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, Kingy Defender of the Faith, To all to whom these Presents shall come, Greeting: Whereas our loving subjects, John Richardson, Wilh^am .VIc( Jill. vray, and Samuel Grirird, Enquires of our City o^ Montreal by tlieir liumDJe Petition present- Petition of ed to our Right Trusty, and Hitjlit Well P-eloved Cou- t:»^\^^^^* am. George, liarl of Dalhousie O ir Captain-Gmeral and „^I,^rsj;;;;,^{' Govenior-in.Chiefin and over Our I'rovince of I.owL'r- ";'<Vr.nd"'E«. Canada, and road in Council for the said Trovincr, on ''"'"'' the ninth day of April, in the year of our Lord one thau?and eight hundred and twenty two, did among other thin£.s in substance set forth, that there had been a su')scription set on foot hy them for the purpos^e of ^rectinij a G.meral Hospital in our said City of Mon- treal; and tint sundry public spirited persons, influenced hy principles of benevolence, have iiberaily .-uhxribtd towards the same; that, from the maiiiftst utility of >nch a Hosp tal, further contributions and donations may be expected, if there be an assurance of peruianencj to the Institution, and means provided for the managiniont of its concerns; tiiat very considerable progr s* lua oeett made towards th- object in coiUc.npUiion. by the pur- chose of a spacious lot of ground in a central situation, in the Saint Lawrence Suburbs of the said City. wli. re- on is erecting a largo building, for the bod/ or centre part of the said Hospital, and suseeptible oi' txteiusioti heieafter by wings upon a tegular plan, which l)uilding IS now in a state of advancement towards compk-tion, iliat promises eventual success if a Charter of Incorpo- ration be obtained; and, therefore, the Peiitioneis hum- bly prayed for Our Letters Patent forming a Cor|)ora- tion for the purposes aforesaid: NOW Wli taking into our ,toyal consideration, the beneficial tendency of such which ineoneU an Institution, within our said City, calculated for r^-t^^^^'^Z Uvmg tne distresses of the indigi-nt. and preservin"- the ''*''"<^y '« bves of many useful memoers of the community? are Rr iciously pleased to grant the said humble request of our said loving subjects: KNOW V K, thuvforc. that We, or our especial grace, cert:?in knowled^r,., and mere motion, have willed, given, granted, ordained, constitu- graate*. ted, and appomted, and, by these presents, f,.r Ls, our Heirs, and Successors, do will, give, grant, ordain, con- »iitute, and appoint, that Thomas Naters, John Molsi^u, Member,^ ts %!)« Corpora* ti<>D namc'il. t, John Bichardson. William McGillivray, Samuel Gc-r. rard, John Forsyth, Frederick William Krmatinger, David Ross, Thomas Phillips, Thomas Torrance, John Try, George Garden, George Aukljo, Thomas I'liain, Ilol>ert Gillespie, Benaiah Gib!), John Molson the younger, Thomas Molson, William Molson, Isaac W^in- slow Clarke, William Hutclnnson, Daniel Fisher, Henry McKenzie, Charles William Grant, James Millar, Ar- chibald Norman McLeod, Alexander Skakel, John Torrance, Joseph Chapman, Thomas McCord, Angus Shaw, James Leslie, George MotPitt, James Heid, Ro- bert Froste, William M. Porter, Charles Brooke, Rev- erend John Hethune, David David, John Fleming. Sa- muel Gale, Richard Mc(Jinnis, James Stuart, Alexan- der Thain, Charles K. Ogden, 'Ihomas Busby, Abner Bagg, Charles F. Bancroft, John Bland, Joseph Beckot, William Caldwell, Henry, Jacob De Witt, Jaliez De Witt, Reverend IJenry Esson, Horatio (Jatcs, Fre- derick (jonnerman, J(Um Jones, William Kayes, Adam X,. McNider, James B. Prime, Andrew hliaw, Isaac Snav, John Wragg. James Woolrich, Z.ibdiel Ihayer, William ."temm, James Dunn, John Ci. Ikek, Alexan- der Henry, Francis Metzler, William Limn, Chakies Willard, Feter McGiU, Kenneth Dowie, James Logan, Keverend James Somerville, David Handyside, Joseph Shuter, Henry Loedel, Levy B. Boruck, Hoycs Lloyd» Nahum Mower, Peter Mcintosh, Alexcinder Mabbut, Andrew Malcolm, Robert Mcdinnis, John McKenzie, Joseph Nickles.s, Cornelias Oiikes. J.i^oa C. Pearce» (Jeorge Pyke, Donald Ivobert.soii, Michael Scott, Ste- phen Sewiil, John Spragg, William Si)ragg, F. D. Stro- thers, IvUther Simtell, !'e\iry Salomon, John Simmons, Herman Seavt IS HalphTu}^:), John Jeilivy, Arthur Webster, Albert Ware, George VVurtle, Oliver Waile, Andrew White, t harlts Wageiier, Guy Warwick, Fd- ward W'oolrieh, lUrjamia S, Soiomon, T. li. \Villatd, Keiuieth Walker, Andrew Alia)-, Robert Armour, Wil- liam Annesley, '] homas Blackwood, J(jlm Brown, James Brown, Stanley Bagg, Abraham Bunbury, William Bin- ley William Bent, J. T. Barret, James Clark, John Clarke, James E. Campbell, James Carsuel, Benjamia Clamp, James A. Dwight. George Davies, Peter W. Dease, Robert Drumniond, John Fellows, John Finlay, Thomas French, Archibald Ferguson, James Forster, William Fotbes, James C. Grant, William Gray, Chris- tian C. Gundlach, Henry GriHin, Nahum Hall. Benjamin Harl, Alexander Hardie, KobeiL Miuwood, John Har- ivood, James Henry, Kukitrd Hurd, James Hughes, John P. Hogg, Charles Hoolstettcr, Benjamin Hall, ItiSiac JoneS) ^&thaniel Joaxas, JSicholas Jiui^yn^ and > ^ ^9 l( ali such other perfons nlio have contributed, or shall hereafter contribute t) tiie [iv-:titurioii. by a domuinn re- spectively of five poniids (.-iirrent money of the Province J|)[|'* *,*;?"*.'["" of Lovi^cr-Canada, or iip.vnrds of five pounds, and who c usiiMe* shall rei^uUu'ly continue to pay auiually towards its sup- *'^'"''*'^'"* port not less than one pound of such money, shall be, and become members of the Society and Coiporation hereby erected, and for ever hereafter shall, by virtue of these presents, be one Body politic, and Corporated Am! i]icor|>or« in deed, fact, and name forever; arid We wiU, give, '*'*^''' grant, and ordain, that they antl their successors, '■ the Name. Society of the Montreal General Hospital," by the same name shall and may have perpetual succession, and shall Tohnveppr. and may by the same name, be persons capable m the sion. Law to sue, and be sued, implead, and be impleaded, capi.we to ««• answer, and be answered unto, defend, and be defended «»»''^* «««'*• in all courts, and elsewhere, in all manner of actions, suits, cotnplAinrs, pleas, causes, matters, and demands whatsoever, as fully and amply, as any other of Our Liege Subjects of Our Province of Lower- Canada, may* or can do by any lawful ways and means whatso- ever ; and that they, and their successors, by the same name, vsh^ll forever h-r. after be persons capable, and Tohoide»iat« able in the I^aw to purchase, take, hold, receive, and enjoy to them, and their successors, any messuages, te- nements, and real estate wh.-itsoever, and all other here- ditaments of whatsoever quality they be, in fee simple, for term of life or lives, or in any other manner howso- ever; and also any goods, chattels, and personal estate jirovi.t<»ii th« whatsoever t provided always, that the clear yearly va- hllilnn.'j'.y.'.J lue of the said real estate doth not, at any time, exceed ",'t . \..ea the sum of one thousand pounds lawful money of our rency.'"'* Province of Lower Canada, a -ve all out-goings, and reprise; atul that they and their successors, by the same name, shall have full power ad authority to give, grant, To iMseund sell, lease, demise, and dispose of the said real estate, ^* and hereditaments whatsoever for life, or lives, or years, or forever ; and also all goods, chattels, and personal estate whatsoever, at their will and pleasure, as they shall judge to be most beneficial and advantageous for the good and charitable ends and purposes above men- tioned; and that it shall and maybe lawful for them To hare 8«e«w and their successors, forever hereafter, to have a Com- mon Seal to serv(! lor the causes and business of them, and their succesi-ois; and the same seal to change, al- ter, break, and make new^ from time to time, at their ■;■" —', l" '•'^\ , •; n---.,ci. w.ii ..i.u j..^„..v,.. J.,, The Corpora. that, when our shuI (orporation berel y erected, shall, tion siL-iiicora. by the generous donations of the benevolent, or other- J*euiVuUdin|» wise, have sufficient funds, they shall complete the pre* Wblcb li^aM be called t>» Monirai 'ie- Governor* f r life, t( J >■ *i)o ContrihHit; j;^5 mtauttvt pay annu> ally ^'J. or more. Qitreraiim •lected, Hio^e Whocr.iit;i!>'ite le«a ika» ^\.'^, •nd net nii6ct' ^10, •nd pnv Arinu> •Uy jt'<i. '^' more. A PresMwiif: •ad Viic I'l'c- •ideat. A Tro.i.uriT •ndScuct.iiy. Wr«t Out or. ■or« nf (lie Cnr{)urat>'>ii. 30 icnt building, and offices, erecting in the said Saint Lawrence Suburbs for the said Hospital, and shall ex- tend the same by wings, or otherwise, so as to render the baid General Hospital in all respects as ptTfeet as may be, for the purposes of the Institution, which We will shall forever hereafter be called " The Montreal (ieneral Hospital ;" and that it shall and may be lawful for our said Corporation, from time to time, and at all times hereafter to erect, for their use and convenience, any other house, bouses, or buildings whatsoever ; but not fur other purposes, than those of the said Hospital; and for the better carr\ mg into execution the purposes aforesaid, our Royal will and pleasure is, and We do hereby for Us, our Heirs and Successors, ^ive and grant to "The Society of'the Montreal General Hospital," and their succe>sor!3 forever, thut there shall be feiever here- after, belongint; to our said Corporation, as many Go- vernors for life of tlie s^aid Ho nital, os there shal! be per.noos. who have contributed, or shall contribute there- to, by donation respectively, twenty-five pounds, or up- wards, lawful money of our said I'rovifice, with on an- nual payment each of three pounds, or nior-.^ like rno- nty ; and tliere shall be thirt(en other Cioveincrs tliere- of, who shall be annually elected, in manner hcrelnal'ter prescribed, from amopj; those persons who have contri- buted, or shall contribute to the Institution,, under twen- tytive pounds, monty ai)ove said, and not less than ten pounds, with an annual payment tiiereto of two pounds, or more, like money, which persons so contributinfj, and paying, are hereby dcclaved qualifiod to he elected Go- vernors; which Governers for life, and tho.-e so elected, shall appoint, out of their num!ier. oni President, and one '^ice-Fresidciit; and also, out of their number, or otherwi:5e, one Treasurer, at'd one Secretary, and shall conduct and manage the affairs and busiues>s of the said Hospital and Corporation for the ensuing 3ear, in man- ner as hereafter is declared and appointed ; and i'or the more immediately carrying into execution cur Royal will and pleasure herein, VVe do hereby^^n, consti- tute, and appoint the aforesaid Thomas Naters, John Molson, John Richardson, William McGillivray, Sa- nmel (Jerrard, John Forsyth, Frederick Wdliam Er- njiitinger, David Ross, Thomas Phillips, Thomas Tor- rance, John Try, George Garden, George Auldjo, Thoma-? '1 bain, Robert Gillcs[>ii.\ 15enaiah Gibb, John Molson the younger, Thouias Molson, William Molson, Jsaae \V. Clark, Alexander Skakel, Danjf:'! Fi&htr, Henry McKen/Je, Charles W. Grant, Archibald N. INIcLeod, John Tmrance, Joseph Ciapman, Thomas McCord, James Reid, Angus Shaw, James Leslie, awd r 31 Ceorge Moffat, to be the present Govr mors of the said Hospital and Corporation, whereof the aforesaid John Richardson to be the President, and the aforesaid John F'MiPr«.«kleB« Molson to be the present Vice-President, the aforesaid vicePre«de«i Samuel Gerrard to be the present f reasuror, and the Treasurer, aforesaid Alexander Skakei to be the present Secretary a.ui s.creiLr,, of our said Corporation, hereby erected; which said r^.ly^uy'*'% President, Vice- President, Governors, Treasurer, and i-ce u'.'.'ta Secretary, shall hold, possess, and ertjuy their said re- spective offices,, until the first Tuesday in May next en- "'e \-t Tnet- euing, when die same shall cease, and determine, as to i'^'iV" ***'* this appointment; but continue, as to those aforesaid, who are created Governors for life; and fur keeping up A"d for keep, the succession in the said offices, our Royal will and :;:fn':i'"SS pleasure is, and We do, hereby, for L's, our Heirs, and t,^r*tV.-Vru Successors, establish, direct, and require of, and give, "/ouii!Lr?, °* and grant, to the said Society of the MontreaJ General Hospital, and their Successors forever, that on the said first t'u^sL?"' Tuesday in May now next ensuing, and yearly, and '^^^> """h«ii/, every year forever thereafter, on the same day, (where- of public notice of the hour, and place of meeting, shall of ' hici> notk» be given in one or more of the Newspapers published lue^J.^IJi-^ in Montreal, at least seven days before,) they and their »''"'»«<;*«* successors, the Members of the said Hospital and Cor- *^''* poration, contributing and paying as aforesaid, shall meet at tit' said Hospital, or at some other convenient place, in our said City of Montreal, to be fixed and as- certainod by some of the By-Laws or Regulations of our said Corporation, and there by the majority of such of them as shall so meet, reckoning their votes in the *''*"''*^**« *• ratio of the contributions actually paid ; but so as that 'I'lle co.uilb^"' no member of t!ie Society or Corporation shall have ^'""'' more than ten votes, hhalfby ballot, or in such other bvbaiiot or manner and form as shall be directed by any of the By- otUerwui, Laws or Regulations of our said Corporation, elect and to elect ihi choose thirteen of their Members, qualified as aforesaid, tee. "ovmV to be (ioyernors, or whensoever the number of Gover- '""*' nors for life, then resident at Montreal, shall be under thirteen, then such an addition shall be made to the number, so to be elected Governors, as to make the The number of whole number thereof (those so resident inclusive) «"veii.or». in. twenty-six, which Members of the Society and Corpo- foM!';^.*.^^^ ration, .so qualified, and elected, shall b-j Governors of'"'''-'''"'"" our said Hospital and Corporation for the ensuing 5 eat, oTu iue Oo. and with the President and Vice-President, by them si',ie!i't"'H*/'*^ appointed, shall immediately enter upon their respective vic.i'rJtiiieui offices, and duties, and hold exercise, and enjoy the -V'.,!' o'overno« &a lie resp "ctiveiy, from the tune of such elections, and taent.rupoa appomtmonts, for and during the space of one year, and [mu'eamteln untii other tit persons shall be elected aud appoiuted in l'£^ '"^^y"*'" *• t yer.r, or till ctb^'is he cUu ■en ill thc'ii' •lead. In case of tin doafli, I'l'iiiu- 32 tbeir rrspective places, according to hn La\T« and Ue* ti^llati()il^ uK^rfhaiil; und hi ta-.j any of the said iH-it^ont so eleetLtl. and appointed to tin: re, oifices abovo s.iid, or vvlio j-hdli be hcreaUcr uK eU:d and {ippointed _. thereto, shall die, or be reiuovul Irom sueh offices re- »arri(us;Vi,,M f;nectivelv belore the time of their lespeelive apponiied LT.T"' """" services .;hall be expired, or refuse or neglect to act m und e>w.:eute tlie office for which he or they shall be so elected, and appointed then our Royal will and plea- sure is, and W e do hereby direct, ordain, and require, tliat the oiaer (..uvernors of our said Cornoration shall eKoni"«'n.e:r appoint a .uenib. T or members thcreuf, duly qualified, •tead bv ti,e j,^ ^\^^^ pj^^.^. jxml «tead of hint or them so dymj?, remov- Sn"n,?r'.v ed, or refa^ing oi ne-keting to act, within thirty dav* «on*^iD^e>.cr" '^^'xt after such eontinj-eney who .shall serve until the first Tuesday in Alay next following: and we do hereby will and direct, that this ni.thod shall for ever after be usid ior filln^g up all vacinei' s in the said offices be- tween the an iniul election* above directed ; and our wdl and pleasure is, and we do hereby for Ts, our Heirs, F»ory officer, and Successors, direct, ordain, and require, that every befpre he call pj.^.sJ^'iL'nt, Vicc- President, (iovimor, 1 reasurer, and «n*.'."rhfnr"tue Secretary, of our said Corporation, to lie elected and ctr^'ul'bU appointed by virtue of the^e presents, shall, before they ««utie». a^t ,n their respective ( Ifiees, t ike an oath, • > be to them administered by the Pre ideiit, or Vice-Presiuent, of our said Corporation foi the being, or of the preceding year, (who are hereby severally authorized to administer the same, ) f ,'r the faitlnul and due execu- tion of their lespective offices, during their continuance In the same respectively; and further, our Royal will and pleasure is, and We do lu-.t 'oy l"oi Us, our Ileirs, and Su.;cessors, ordain, and app(nnt, and give and erant, to the said bociety of the IMontreal General Hos- ^hePreM.i.n», pital, that the President of the said Coiporation for the •r,i..i.i* .-.b- [j^^g hi:infi, and in ease of a vacancy in the said othce, vicfpr'^lhiont or in case of Ins sickncs.^ cr abs.ace, the Vice-President may summon the (ioveniors to meet, yn III \^Mo\- \jt ...... « , shall, and may. from time to tnne, as occasion may re- quire, summon, and call together, at such places, withm our said City of IVIontveal, as by any r>y.Law shall be appointed for such meetings, and on such day and hours as the President or Vice-Picsidcnt shall respectively think proper, the Govcre.ors of the oaid Ccrporation and at least HospUal, for the time being, givie.g th....n at the east one SneZy'slr' day's noiice thereof; and W. do hereby require them '"^" to meet accordingly, and give, gr..nt, ordam, that any Seven of tue seven, or more, of the (Governors of our ;^^'^ ^«'-pora. Gnvernms^f ^j ^eing SO Convened togeth' r, of wh-W the Presieent, r;:-.Vrv''.re: or -n casi of a vacancy in the said office, .or the sick- :::T!:b:.o!;., ness, or absence of the Prcsidua, the >ice- 1 resident prfident al t lii'i constituts % quur iiB, 33 for the time being shall always be one, shall, for ever Itereat'ter, be a legal nnccting of the said Corporation, and th«.^v» or the njajor part of them so met shall have '"'** power t* c i, • I .1 ■ 1. ,• 1 1 aujourn, and tull poH^er and authority to adjourn rrom day to day, or for any other time, as the business of our said Cor- poration may require; and to do, execute, transact, (ransart tb« manage, and periorm in the name of our said Corpora- tor'.orauon''* tion, all and every act and thmg whatsoever, which our .said Corporation are, or sh ill, by virtue of these our Letters Puicot, be authorized to do, transact, manage, and perform, in as full and ample manner, as if alt and tvery the (rovernors and Members of the said (Corpora- tion were present and cOnslenting thereto; saving, and exceptintj, always, the clectin}; of Governors, unless *'?*^*J'**''*„ upon vacancies, as aforesaid, happening m the interme- veniors, uniekn diale period between geiicral elections; and also saving, beiw 'en g'lMie' and excepting the giving, granting, selling, or other- »^»' '^'fctiuns, wise aliening any of the estate, real or pergonal, of our praiMfng^aarf*, said Corporation, and the leasing, demising, 6r disposing **;',•. ^"'" " '''"" of any of the lands, tenements, hereditaments, real or one jear. mixed estate, of our said Corporation, for any longer lime than one year; our lloyal will and pleasure being, ^teoftiier"! that no part thereof so sold, leased, or in any wise porau-.n to be aliened for any longer term or time, but by and with the by t'he^c»nseut concurrence and approbation of the maiority of the '^*''.^n'"J''rity II u c^u f^ L- • 1 /•- .• of all il,e Go. whole number ot the Crovernors or our said Corporation, vemon. lor the time being, first obtained at any legal meeting jy,''ie5',"*^n"''u of the same; and further. We do, hereby, for Us, our iug liiaj, Heirs, and Successors, ordain, and appoint, and give, and grant, to the said " Society of the iVIontreal Gene- ral Hospital," that at any such legal naeetiug of any seven or more of the Governors of our said Corporation, of whom the President, or Vice-President, for the time being, shall always be one, it shall, and may be lawful ynj^^.h ibr them, in writing under the common Seal of our said ofiuecorpoin- Corporation, to make, establish, and ordain, from time la^ii' '"""^ *'^' to time, and at ail times hereafter, such By-Laws, Re- gulations, and htatutts, for the better government of the Oifictrs, Mer*;bers, and Servants of tlie said Corpo- ration, and of the Patients, fom time to time, admitted into the said Hospital ; for fixing and ascertaining the f,'^ ula^f '"ifd place of meeting of our said Corporation, on the days fimes of meet, and times of election above mentioned; and for regula- and*f.,rnfpi'iH! ting the mode and mannei of making such elections, the ^^"^ ^^^ '"""• management and disposition of the funds, and charities, aae'mt'nt of the and all other the business and affairs of our said Corpo- ^'*"'*''» ration, as they, or the major part of them, so legally , met, shall judge best for the general good of the said Corporation, and profitable for promoting the charitable and beneficial designs of the said Corporation ; and the To alter and r, rcpesl tbp far- ^^■■■!*""^B'?'^ u 1' iuwft lie lint A|)Uibt;ciirU's, to np))oint their duties, to np|if>tnt a Vfewird. and s;ime, or any oflhetn, to alter, amend, or repeal, from tiiiie to time, as lliey, or the major part of them, so met as aforesaid, shall judge most conducive to ll " benefit of the said charity; provided such Laws, Regt-'ations, rontrBrv'tothe and Statutcs, bc not repugnant hereto, or to the Laws {,i*^s"i thePro- ^^ ^'"^ ""*■ l^rovince of Lower-Canada ; and We Ao fur- Tri"«*t. ther will, and grant, that the said Governors for the time being, or any seven or more of them, legally met as aforesaid, of whom tl>e President, or Vice-President for the time, shall always be one, shall have the full and sole power and authority for ever after, by the majority of their voices, from time to nine, yearly, and every phy'uMans ^ year, to nominate such and so many Physicians, Sur- A?ufth""*.vir"^ gcons, and Apothecaries, as they shall judge necessary i.ot ...irits. ^^ attend to the said Hospital, and the sick and diseased patients, from time to tnne, admitted therein ; and to appoint and designate the respective powers, authori- ties, business, trusts, and attendances of the said Physi- cians, Surgeons, and Apothecaries ; and also to appoint a Ninfronraiui a fc*teward, a Matron, a Nurse, or Nurses, and all otbe# anlTiVJir""'^'' servants and attendants upon the said Hospital, with wages, their respective powers, a^ithorities, business, trusts, and attendancies, with the allowancies that shall be found necessary, from time to time, to be made and paid to* any of the persons above said for their attendance and to .lispiace the services respectively in the said Hospital ; and to dis- «^«wttrci. Ma- place and discharge any Steward, Matron, Nurse, Ser- ae'rvant." " vant, and Attendant, from the service thereof, and to nominate and appoint other, or others, in their place» or stead ; and We do further grant and ordain, that vi'cl^iwdeut ^^^'^"' ^^^ ^s o^'^^"» ^s any President, Vice-President, <;ov<rii..r, Governor, Treasurer, Secretary, Physician, Surgeon, aetor"?pi.ysu o"" Apothecary, of the said Corporation, shall become cian, surtft-on, unfit Or incapable to execute their said offices respec- SHcoiniVff*^i?niit tively, or shall misdenoean themselves in their said of- ' biiioT""' ^^^® respectively, contrary to their duty, and to any of ' ""**' ' the By-Laws and ilegulatiens of our said-Corporation, or refuse or neglect the executien thereof, and there-* upon a charge or complaint in writing shall be exhibited against him, or them, by any member of our said Cor^- poiation, at any legal meeting of the (iovernors thereof, as aforesaid, that it .shall, and maybe lawful for the Pre- sident, or Vice President, and Governors, or the major part of them then met, or at any other legal meeting of Srjroon ^' our said Corporation, iVoni time to time, and upon exa- be disciiarpcHi mij-jation iuid sufficient proof, to suspend or discharge from bi» othre, p_. .;,i„„^ v:,,. t>..f.cul->r.t n.,v«rr.or IVpHsnrer. Secretary, Physician, Surgeon, or Apothecary, from their offices respectively, although the yearly, or other time oi' their respective services shall not be expired. or 33 any thing in tliese presents before contained to tlic con- trary thereorin any wise notwilhiitanding ; provided al- ways, that none of the said Otticers so complainctl a<,'ainst be isuspended or discharged at any meeting, without the hutnotwUhMa concurrence and approbation of the majority of the ami^oru';?/ whole number oi the Governors of the said Corporation, "" *''*' *'"^*"- nor without having a copy of the complaint, or charge "'-if n^'J.'i ''«"'' " against him, at least six days before such examination, Iia'yf ",';■;■,' bt* and an opportunity to be fully b^ard in his defence. And '"« '''e"'-.i .■. our will ana pleasure further is, that the said Governors ''" "•*""' of the said Corporatipn and Hospital shall, fronj time to time, when thereiinto required by the Governor, W'*'" requir. Lieutenant-Governor, or Person administering the Go- ven,or,'&c?of vernment of our Province of Lower-Canada, give an ac- "*•* Pf'^vince, count, in writing, of the several sums of mouej' by them »rVu,\ViZ'r received, and expended, by virtue of these presents, or i/.e",""."'"".'^ any authority hereby given; and of the nianagement, c«^*c'j a«a ex- application, and disposition ^f the revenues, donations, .»'*"''''•'• and charities aforesaid, to such person or persons, as the said Governor, Lieutenant-Governor, or Person admi- nistering the Government, shall, from time to time, ap- point io reeeive and audit the said accounts. And fur- ther, We do, by these presents, foi Us, our Heirs, and Successors, give and grant unto the said " Society of the Montreal General Hospital," and their Successors forever, that this our present Charter shall be deemed, JJ^*^''*'"**''"'* adjudged, and construed, in all cases, favorably, and faVor'/t'thesI)" for the benefit and advantage of our said Corporation, '^'^^^' and for promoting the good of this charitable Institu- tion ; and this our present grant being entered of He- ""^ "" ^^'^f cord, as is herein after expressed, shall be, for ever here- c"rT,lu:^\bJ' after, good, and effectual in the Law, according to our £'""*' '" Royal intent and meaning herein before declared ; and without any other licence, grant, or confirmation from Us, our Heirs, or Successors, hereinafter by the said Corporation to be had, or obtained, notwithstanding any misrecitals, not naming or misnammg of any of the aforesaid Offices, Franchises, Privileges, Immunities, or other the Premises, or any of them ; and although no writ of ad quod damnum, or other writs, inquisitions, or precepts, has been, upon this occasion, had, made, is- sued, or prosecuted, any statute, act, ordinance, or pro- vision, or other matter and thing to the contrary there- of notwithstanding : provided further, and our will and pleasure is, that the said Society and Corporation of the Montreal General Hospital is hereby constituted, made, erected, and created with the express reservation, and condition, that our Letters Patent, relating thereto, Mr.y be zvsr may be hereafter altered and amended in such manner *'^ '"^"^ »»6na ai>d form, and with such additions, diminutions, exten-^ :J6 «th«<;ov«r- i;ions, and explanations, as our Covcrnor, Licutcnanf- (.jovernor, Person ailnunistenng the dovernment oi our l*rovince of Lower-Canada, by and with the advice. with the ac)- .%. ^^j consent of our Executive Council of our said I'ro- r > 1. <.iii.ii ju.ic*- vince, sh.di judce best for the general ffood of the haid ke soeiety. Corporation, and tor tlie more cncctuaiiy pron)oting the charitable and beneficial designs of the said Society, ac- cording to the true irjtent and meaninj; of the contribu- ttrs thereto. In testimoney whereof, We have caused these our Letters to be made Patent, nrid the Great ^eal of our Province to be hereunto affixed, and the same to be entered of record in our Secretary's Office, for our said Pi evince of Lower-Canada, in one of the books of Patents there remaining, \Vitness our Right Trusty, and Right Well Beloved Cousin, George, Earl of Oalhousie, oiir Captain General and Governor-in- Chief in and over our said Province of Lower-Canada, at our Castle of Saint Lewis,' in our City of Quebec, by aiid with the advice and consent of our Executive Coun- cil for our said Province of Lovver- Canada, the thirtieth day of January, fn the year of our Loi'd one thousand eight Iiundrtd and twenty-three, and of our Reign the Fourth. (Signed) Ls. Montizambfrt, D. Acl> Prov. ISc'dif, ' ui ?! \f \ OF THE SUBSCRIBERS TO THE BUILDING Of THE MONTRFAL CENERAL HOSPITAL. If \ Thomas Najters John M'^lson John Hiciiartlson John I'or.syth Samuel (ierrard Fredk. W Krmatinger Hohert (lillespie David Ross Thomas Philhps Thomas Torrance John Try ^^ (ieorge Garderj ..... Tieorge Auldjo ..,.. \Villidai McGijh'vray... 'J homas Thain... Benaiah Ciihb, * *] Thomas Forsyth .*' U ilham Hinojuun 7'Jie Seminary 100 I or 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 John -Molson, Junr Thomas Mf Json | William MoUon.. ..'.*.*.'.',' i Isaac VV. Clarke I JVoste Hi Porfor ! William Hutchinson!!!i Paniel Fislier j George MofFaft "'..'.*!.'.'.' i Henry .McKenzie | Chvio W. Grant Samuel Guie IMiJ!ar& Parlanel!!!!!! -Archibald N. McLeod Alexander shake!.... Joiin Torrance Joseph C'hipman ...'. Thomas McCord...!.* Angus Shaw James Reid [[[ Joseph Beckett. ...!].*i James Leslie " ^0, 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50, or 2.3 iA5 2.5 ¥5 25 2.'^ C c 0' 25 25: D.' 01: o'i Frr.rcis A. I arocque... Simon McGillivray Jas. McGiii Desrivierts Francis Desriviercs '•••f •••• • • • . . > James Stuart John FIcniinf R'chard IMc(Jinnis. David David Charles Brooke Alexander Ihain.,,., Charles K. Ogden.., ^thn Fethune. 25 2r, 2.5 2-; .1 25 2f '2F, 25, c oi 0, ( £ 25 25 25 25 s. p. 0. i 12 10 1210 12 10 12 12 12 10 10 IC 12 12 Dontio Gates - - . . . Willijim Stemm .... William Caldwell - - . Ahner Pagg John Wragg ---... John Jones ----.-. James Woohith - - - . Jacob DeWitt Andrew Sliuw Jabcz 1) DeWitt - - Henry Corse Charles Bancroft - • - Spragg & Iju^diinsoii Shiiter & VViikins - - - Mis. Flizabeth Piatt- FUnry i'sj-on Isaac Shay Thon)as I'usby ... William McKay - - James 1 nnn - "- - - Adam. L. McNider Robert L. Morrongh -ju) John DIand - - - . 1' . . ^ahum Mower .... Pierre De Rocheblave 10 10 10 l( 10 10 10 10 10 U) 10 10 10 1( 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 0:0 00 olo o;o Co olo Francis Mitzlcr O 10 10: 10' olo I 10 JiS V 'i Jolin G. Heek • - ^^i!liam Liuin - - Ijtmy & Beti'iune 7 lOj 7 10 7 10 K.i' Jeter INTcGill Keneth Dowie James Logan James Somervillo Handyside, i^rs. & Co, John I'inlay ------- Andrew Allen - - . - - Nahum Hall - l^enjamin Halt - - - - Elexander F^ardie - - - IVIichap] Scott Arthur Webster - - - - Thomas Hlackwood - - Kicolas P. M, Kurezyn Stephen Sewell - - - . William (3ray - - - 1 _ Ware A- Gibb .: Kobert IJarwood - - - John HaiM'ood - - - .: jsaac Jones ---.».: l^oiiry Loedf! rornclius I'ock - - - . j JcUii IJrovvu ' 'f lioiras French - - - -' M. S. Hahi.ty 1 - - - .| Ann Piatt | Jolni Claik George Wmtele - - - - ' 'hristiiin Gmilack - - - DoiiaUl Kobcrtsoii - - "'■A iiliatn .'•prajjir - . . J Stanley i'>ay:^ [ blames llrtMAn ] Oliver Wait I .''iunes A. ].)wight - - -{ I'oiiick 1j. lA;vy - - • - Abiaham liuhiuiry ~ - Archibald Ferguson McDonell Aiinessley - Andrew White - - - - James Henry George Davics - - - - 5 h 5 5 5 5 I Q 5 n r> b 5 5 I .lames Strothet - ^ • Piukard Murd • - - - Hobert Armour - - - Ciavke & Appleton . Peter Mcintosh - - - George Fyke - - - - Alexander Mahbut - James E, Campbell - James FIu^j;hes - - - - . Peter B. Dease - - - - . James Carpwell - - - John Potts Hogg - - . William Rinley - - - . John Fisher Nathaniel Joners - - - . Cliristian Wagener - • Luther Sawtcl Robert Drummond - ■ ! Guy Warwick & Co. ■ Woolrich & Symes - - Andrew Malcolm - - - George B. Willard - - BcnjamiH Clamp - - - Daniel Bent L. <fe B. S. Solon)pns & Co. - - - - . - ■ James C. (irant - - - John Fellows • John Summers- - - - . Edward Harnett - - - . Gordon Forbes - - • . John JefFcry ..-.». i'oster & Try Henry Solomon - - - - Henry Griffin Kenneth Walker - - - .1. T. Barret Bobert McGinnis - - - John ^^;ott John MruKcnzic - - . William Forbes - - - - Charles HnoiKstetter . Benjamin Hall J. Slasjon ------_ L. C. Foucher - - . - , William Blackwood - . Alexander Glass - - - Charles La Montagne H. Seaver '. . £ s.» Oj oi 5 5 6 5 6 5 5 5 » ■ ,0 6 a J s ! » p ) s ^ S9 ^sdM THE GOVERNORS OF THE MONTREAL GENERAL HOSPITAL. Governors Jbr life are. All in the preceding list who have contributed to the funds of the Hospital £25 or upwards. The Hon, John Richardson, President. John Molson, Vice President. Samuel Geurard, Treasurer. Alexander Skakel, Secretary. Governors Elected for the year 1823. The Rev. John Bethune, The Rev. Henry Esson, Samuel Gale, Andrew Shaw, Pierre de Rocheblave, Joseph Shuter, Jabez D. DeWitC, Thomas Busby, Charles Bancroft Adam L. McNider Henry Coriie, Abner Bagg, Charles Brooke, '^ c Committee of Management. Alexr.Skakel, Chairman. John Try, Henry McK|:nzie, Secretary. Henry Corse, Joseph Shuter. Medical Officers, William Robertson, William Caldwell, Andrew F. Holmes, Henry P. Locdel, John Stevenson, William Lyons. Building Committee, The Plon. John Richardson, Chairman, Jolm Molson, William Robertson, David Ross, John Try, The Rev. John Betbune, Alexander Skakel. FORM of a LEGACY to the Society of the Montreal General Hospital, JtClU, I give and bequeath to The Society of the Montreal General Hospital, incorporated by Royal Charter, the sum of to be paid out of m/ TLau}- .nm.vj, or uiSivi |.'cioOiiai piopeii}, liuu lu uu appiicu toward^ carrying on the clmrituble purpose for which the aaid Societjf was Incorporated. H^'lSfT?, Of tlie Governors, ' " " " • Of.hePre.Me,u„„Jvic.rre,iUe;, ". " " ^i the Treasurer, . ' - ^f the Secretary, . " *" " Of,l.eCo,.„,i,,e;orMa„„„'„,e„, ' . ' " " W the Steward, . . - Of the Medical OffictTs, . ' * ' " ' Of the Medical BoarU . " " ' " Of the Matron, . _ " ' ' - Of the Nurses, . * ' * - - Of tJ,e Admission of Patients/ ." ' " * Of the Patients, . ' " - . OftheOut-Patients, . * , " * ' - Of Vaccination, . _'"**- Of the Penalty of receiving any Fee o'r r/ , " ' Ofthe Burial of the Dead ^ '"' "'^ ^««"'^ - - ^i^RepeaIin,anJ.aUn,St:tutes:-W Governors Elected, . . " " " " - Committee of Managenjent, ". " ' ' " " J\Iedical Officers, - , ' . " " " ■ - l^U'Iding Committee, . " ' " * • Fonnpfa Legacy to the jSociety" / . " . * / " 'AGZ • 8 • 9 70 - 11 12 - 12 13 - 14 15 - 16 IV • 18 19 ■ 19 20 21 £2 25 24 - 25 25 - 25 SG . 27 37 • 39 S9 39 39 39 K 3 - 8 • 9 - 70 - 11 12 - 12 13 - 14 - 25 - 16 • IT ' 18 19 • 19 20 - 21 22 ' 25 24 • 25 25 25 SG 27 37 39 3^ 39 39 f9 ■<)