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Lea disgrammes suivants iiluatrant Ie m^thode. 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 %«iU -2Jf>»^ TRAVERS '-vs. ^4 mm I Pursuant to the decrej^made in this c&use on the Twentieth c the approbation of Jam^ Shanly, Esquire, Master of ibis Co; o;i-\t(be,,vpremises, in the .\'^c ,_ 1 '♦' t^^AV*** <> at the hour of 11 o'clock in 1 t «. in. the 4 parcels hereinafter mentioned, the PARCEL 1. Lot No. 21, on the east side of William, and the westedy 32 feet Thomas, the whole having a frontage of 66 feet on^Willium Street, and running hack tn a depth of 164 feet. Upon this Lot ia ere( .jood ftiime barn and shed. This will be put up ntJUfe upset price of $3,250. J * ji^ Tf- • PARCEL 2. Lot No. 22, en the east* side of William^S^reet, in the Tot^pf St. T !>afk to n lopth of 132 foot. Thi.s parcel will be put up at the upset price of -1^00. y^ ^ , ' ^ * • ';.i.<\ ■; PAPf!1i!T. !l T.nt Nn 9.7 nnth a wAfit side nf OuAfin Street, in the Tftwn.of St. ,>"> ',uk to ft depth of 132 fi'ot. This parcel will 1)0 ;pllt tip at the upset price if $4.'5U. , , '- ■^rrwrrrmn vAmnujflKiclTtQ ii^vptii orabout IdO ft»r^iuS>Sjmpri3iug the whole of the fli^}l Cob excepting thfe .V ^'S^'-^' .■t>|i^ttflft».^ in fc^ Ml. having a i^onta ig the. wt)4targ^§^'|j^(y.^o^ -Chi, parcel will be pub up at th^^iiipot \mmj>\ ^i»uM,, . .,,- Efeej iue( T And D>sthe same Auctioned or Adjoiningf the T On the Same Day, at 3 o'c^L in one parcel, the following- Lanfls and PAHCEL 5. The Homestead Property of the late Dr. Pichard W. Travers, in t! Itemg a Franif House n ml Burn, contniiiing by *ilineti8urtMnent in all about 5U acro-i, of which 3.5 ficrea are cleared ami fenced, and com !ialf of Lot 18, south side of Talbot Road East in South wold, described as follows— Commencing at a point equi-distant between the '. 35 degrees west 10 chains 15^ links more or less, then south 45 degrees east 4 rods, then north 35 degrees east 20 chains 31 links m or less, then south 35 deirreea wnnt 12 ohninn .1 linlrn nmrn or Ipm ihttn nrt^t'^ J..^ Aonraaa w^a* 7 nknino ki\ i:»U^ ,^^,.^ L- \..„^ ^V,^^ ^^.■,^ or less, then south 35 degrees west 2 chains 3 links more or less, then north 45 degrees west 7 chains 50 links more Jor less, then sout less to Talbot Roail, then south 35 degrees west 3 chains 5| liuks more or less to the place of beginning. Second. 1(| perches of land, East in the Township of Southwold aforesaid, at a place on the south-westerly limit of the Union road that is south ^5 degrees east fro then south 35 degrees west t.vo el ins and 3 links, then north 45 degrees west 50 link?, then north 33 degrees east ^chains and 3 linl Road East, in the said township of Southwold, commencing at a place on the south-we^sterly limit of the Union Roil, that is, south A east 1 chain, then south 35 degrees west 2 chains and 3 links, then north 45 degrees west I chain, then north SS^egrees east 2 cho [)erches, commencing on the south-westerly limit of the Union Road, at a place that is south 45 degress east from tie uortherly angle then south 45 degrees east 1 chain, then south 35 degi-o s west 2 chains and 3 links, then north 45 degree} west 1 chain, th containing 32 perches, commencing at a place on the south-westerly limit of the Union Road, ut a place that is souti 43 degrees east degrees west 2 chains and 3 links, then south 45 degrees east 1 chain, then north 35 degrees east 2 chains and 3 1 nks, then north .subject to a lease from Eliphalebt W. Gustin to Thomas Burwell for the term of 3 years from the first day of January 1372, at the yea tlay of sale. This parcel will be put up at the upset price of $2,600. The purchasers of Parcels Nos. 1 and 2 are to take the same subject to the right of Dr. Gustin to remore his Surgery therefrom bef One-Tentli of tlie Furcliase Ho]ie7 So-Tm, and the Balance into Court conditions of sale are the standing* condiiioi Further particulars and the conditions of sale may be ot Etichard Bayly, Esq., London, Messrs. Cronyn & Martin, London lECHER, STREET & BECHER, ' V* \ Vendor's Solicitors. Omce QfMasfcer m Chancery, London, 15th September, 1873. Vv^ A ; I Wi H..1 ir I iMiim ^timtmmUlmt ifciihyiiiiin London Free Pr^ss Print! ^nm^ 3 o'clock In tbo Af tornoon Lan^s and Tenements, that is to say : I W. Travers, in the Township of Southwold, near Pingal, with the buildings thereon, cleared ami fenced, and comprising the following lands, that U to say :—' First) The greater part of the N. E. :|; and 2 acres of the rear t equi-distant between the N. W; and N. E. anstles of the said Lot 18, thii'south 45 degrees east 50 chains more or less, thjn south] ;e8 east 20 ^chains 31 links mora or les^ to the allowtuce for road between Lots 18 and 19, then north 45 degrees west 41 chains more-' inks more tor less, then south 35 degrees west 5 chains 7 links more or less, then north 45 degrees west 2 chains 50 links more or 5 Second. IQ perches of land, part of a Village Lot in Fingal, commencing on the north-easterly limit of Lot 18, south on Talbot.Roidl is south ^5 degrees east fron^ the northerly angle of the' said Lot 18 3 chains and 75 links, then south 45 degrees east 50 links; proes east ^chains and 3 links to the place of beginning. Third. 32 perches of land at Fingal, part of Lot No. 18, south oa Talbotj Union Koajil, that is, south 45 degrees east from the north-easterly angle of said Lot 18 5 chains and 25 links, th^n south 4) degrees north 35 degrees east 2 chains and 3 licks more or less to the plkce of begihning. Fourth. A Village Lot in Fingal, containing 33 ast from tie northerly angle of Lot No. 18, south on Tabot Road East, in the Township of Southwold, 4 chains and 25 links, 45 degree i west 1 chain, then north 35 degrees east 3 chains and 3 liiiks to the place of beginning. Fifth, a Village Lot in Fingal, hat is souti 43 degrees east from the northerly angle of Lot 18, south on Talbot Road East 6 chams and 25 links, then south 35J as and 3 1 nks, then north 45 degrees vest 1 chain to the place of beginning. The whole of the said Homestead Property be ingi f January 1872, at the yearly rent of |150, which lease is in the puss^ssion of the Tendor's Solicitors, and will be produced at tb&j \ ' ■ ■ re his Surgery therefrom before the first day of December, 1373. 9 /^DpLiiEj I ace into Court ^^tliin Ozke Konth thereafter. In other respects the iding conditions of the Ooiirt ' of Chancery. * r le may be obtained of. the said Master, and at the Offices of| artin, London, and of the Vendor's Solicitors. .J ■^■. ■ (' ■ JUm ee Pr^ss Printinor Miiii tmmmimmm Comp an: 9 Master in Chancery, London. '€i Vvl f'^^^wm^iimi^Mm Hati