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" "5;'-"^'^"\ ip**«#«-.- » '&]>t'fey "ji/^ Vjn^ ,C','^i >y '"i" ! % ' ii4^"' '>^ ■ ■ <■ «■ ' - rY-LAWS -'»ni>%M'>^ t !/*• I*.^ 0F1 wmm ■■^H I :!!«i% ■i REVISED BY-LAWS OF THE MUNICIPAL COUNCIL OF THE if^iUiam Owens, Mayor. , PICTON: PRINTED AT TEE PICTOK TIMES OFFICE. 1872. 1 ■^ <-l5 ,i %■ THE CONSOLIDATED B|-UwsolllieTflWJifllPiilflii. By-Law No. 1. To provide for the preservation of Peace, Or- der and good Government in the Town of Picton. Be it enacted by the Corporation of the Town of Picton : 1 That no person shall injure or damage any Pump or other Property belonging to the Town ; or pull down or deface any Sign-board ; or maliciously break any Window, Blind or Shutter ; or make any distur- bance in any place of Public Worship ; or inscribe or draw indecent words or pictures on any buildmg. wall, fence or other public place ; or tear up or destroy any bridge or sidewalk ; or thow stones or missiles m any of the Streets; or be guilty of cursing, sweaiing, drunkenness, obscene, blasphemous or grossly insulting language, or other iff morality ; or fight or challenge another to fight ; or make any disturbance to the an- noyance of any of the inhabitants ; or injure, or cause to be injured or destroyed any iree planted for shade or ornament on any Street of the Town ; nor shall any 1) PRESERVATION OP THE PEACE. ^ person fasten their horse or horses to any such tree, or any tree-box protecting such tree, or suffer or allow their horse or horses to remain in the immediate neighborhood thereof, so that the tree will be in- jured by the stamping of the feet of the horse or horses : And every owner of such horse or horses shalf remove the same away from such tree, immediately af- ter being notified so to do ;• And no person shall ex- pose his body, or an^ part thereof, in the Street, or by bathing within the limits of the Town. II That no person shall exhibit or cause to be exhi- bited any Show of Animals, Birds, or any Cirrus or Show of any description ; or give any Concert or other performance within the limits of the Town, with-' out having previously obtained from the Mayor a Li- cense for that purpose; and the Mayor shall have power to charge for such License any sum not exceeding Twenty Dollars for every exhibition of such Show,' Concert, Performance or Circus ; and no person shall aid or abet at such unlicensed exhibition. III. That no Lecturer delivering Lectures other than free, shall do so w: '^ out having previously obtained from the Mayor a License for that purpose— which said License shall be free or ortiierwise, at the discretion of the Mayor. IV. That no person or persons shaU play at Quoits, Ball or any other game, or fly a Kite or Kites in any of the Streets of the Town; or discharge any fire- works' or fire-arms, (unless acting under Military 0;uthoHty,) in any Street ; or use any hand-cart or ^^heel-barrow on any sidewalk ; or draw or run any hand-sleigh on the side-walks or streets, so as to annoy any inhabitant Or passenger. ' ' ' • .^ -.aSi ri t PRESERVATION OF THE lEAC'E. V. That no person shall "Irive any Horso or Horses with a Cutter, Sleigh or c.her Winter vehicle without having bells affixed to the harness thereof, or the vehicle; or shall drive any Horse or Horses at an immoderate or furious rate through or in any street of the Town ; or exhibit or cause to be exhibited ir^ any Street of the Town, any Stalion, 9-t any time. VI. That no person sliall fight Gocks, Dogs or any other Animals ; and no person shall aid or abet in the same. VII. keepirg frequente way contribu Tson or persons shall be guilty of 'ing, or be an inmate or habitual uy way connected with, or in any he support of any disorderly house or house of ill-fame, or other place for the practice of prostitution ; or knowingly own or be interested as proprietor, landlord or otherwise of any such house ; or delivering Lectures of an immoral tendency ; or exhibiting or causing to be exhibited indecent pictures ; or giving lessons of an imror^l character, or permitting the same on his or her premises within the Town; and no person shall frequent the same; nor, shall any person for hire or prolH, keep a Bowling Allov within the Town. ft/ YIII. That the occupant of any Tavern, Oflico, Mer- chant's or Mechanic's Shop, sliall cause a sufFicient post or posts to be placed in front of such Tavern, OfMce or Shop, for the purpose of tyi\-)g liorses to ; and no person shall leave his or her horse or horses untied in. any Street within the Town ; and every person tying his or her horse or horses shall do so by a good and sufficient chain, rope, strap or halter. ^•» v li 6 PRESERVATION OF THE PEACE. 4t tSa XX. That the weight of the Baker's Loaf of Bread sold in the Town, shall be Four Pounds Avoirdupois — and in proporti<;n for smaller loaves ; and if any loaf fihall be deficient in tlie weight it is sold for, it shall be forfeited, and the Baker or Seller thereof shall be liable to a Fine : and it shall be the dut> ^.-f the Chief- Constable, from time to time — either on complaint or otherwise — to visit any place where Bread is made or. sold and examine the* same, and report to the Ma^or ihereon. X. That no person shjdl be guilty of keeping an "house or place for gambling; and any Faro-banks, Rouge-et-noir, Roulette- tables and other devices for gambling found therein, shall be seized and destroyed. XL That no person or persons shall have for hire or gain, directly or indirectly, keep or have in their possession or on their premises any Billiard Table or Tables, without having a License therefor from the 'Corporation of Pic ton. XIL That the sum of Forty Dollars per annum, shall be paid for each Table by the owner or owners thereof, which is or are kept in a House of Public Entertainment; and the sum of Forty Dollars, per annum, for each Table kept in any place, for hire or profit, other than such House of Public Entertainment —which said License shall be signed by the Mayor ,nd countersigned by the Clerk, j^nd have the Corporate eal attached, XHL That the said License shall expire on the First ^onday in March, in each year. ^ XIV. That the owner or owners of such Billiard Table or Tables shall not permit them to be used after r; finrri 'C4A^^ " 5. >r" ^^t^'^ c^j'ii^ DUTIES OF offi(;krs. tlie hour of Eleven o'clock in the evening , and the room or rooms containing them shall be closed, and all persons excluded from the use of the said Table or Tables. XV That no person shall wilfully obstruct or molest any offi.^er in the execution of his duty, but shall svhen called upon, ai.^ and assist such officer m the same. And any Me- uer of the Council shall have the same power as the Chief Constable, so far as^ regards the apprehension and taking to Gaol ot offenders. WILLIAM OWENS, JOHN TWIGG, ^^y^^- Clerk. By-Law No. 2. A By-Law to provide allowance to, and to define tlie duties of certain Officers of the Town of Picton. B^ it enacted by the Ccrporation of the Town of Picton. __ TREASURER. I That the Treasurer of the Town, before entering' on the duties of his off ce, shall deposit with the Mayor his Bonds for the sum of Two Thousand Dollars, and two sufficient sureties in the sum of One Thousand Five Hundred Dollars each, conditioned for the due and faithful peformance of the duties of his office as defined and set forth in the second section of this Bv-Law. ! ! t f*4 8 DUTIES OF OFFICERS. II. That all moneys and revenue of the Town from whatever source, shall be paid to the Treasurer; and that such moneys cat), only be withdrawn and paid out 1 Tr^^^'"'? of the Council, a copy of which, certified by the Clerk and sighed by the Mayor, Presiding Officer, or Chairman, shall be his authority for so domg : And ihe said Treasurer shall keep the follow- ing Books, viz -.-First, A Cash Book, in which shall be entered one general Cash Account of the Town and for the Board of School Trustees of Picton. Second A Voucher Book, in which shall be entered all accounts passed by the Council, in the following order-lst' number of Voucher; 2nd, name of person to M^hom paid,' M, lor what service ; 4th, amount naid ; 5th, signa- ture of receiver. Third A Ledger in which shall be opened a separate account for each source of revenue and expenditure of the Town, and the Board of School Trustees of Picton. And that the Treasurer shall perform all other duties that may from time to time devolve upon him by virtue of his office and in com- p^iance with resolutions or By-Laws of the Council that may hereafter be passed, and shall, when request- ed so to do, hand over to his successor in office^ all books, bonds, papers and moneys belonging thereto. ^ III. That the Treasurer shall receive the sum of One Hundred Dollars per amium for the performance of the duties of his office. CLERK IV. That it shall be the duty of the Clerk to make out and deliver a Collector's Roll according to any Act that IS now or may hereafter be in force respecting the same V; That it shall be the duty of the Clerk tb tnake ^ ^ it DUTIES OF OFFICERS, 3 out .11 s«cl> reports, returns or ^t^tements as -ay^^ reouired either by the Government or the Council, ana perfo m all other duties that may from t.me to tirne dttwe upon him by virtue of his office or resolutron. of the Council. VI That it shall be the duty of the Clerk to ict a^' aerk in the Police Office of the Tovvr, and he shall dlsitwith the Treasurer the balance that may re- main on hand at the end of every month. VII That the Clerk shall be entitled to receive the Bum of One Hundred and Seventy-five Dollars per ZZ, payable a-^terly for the performance of the duties of his office. ASSESSOR. VIII That it shall be the duty of the Assessor to take the assessment, according to Law, f ;^\yZ,;,'''^^. return his Boll to the Clerk, complete and added up, together with the necessary certificates and affidav^s attached, on or before the first Monday m Aprrl of each year; and further he shall make and return at the same time he does the roll, a list of the names of all. male persons between the ages of twenty-one and sixty ;is' liable to pay a poU-tax of Two Dollars each Lid ng in the Town, who are not otherwise exempted IhercfrL. And he shall be entitled to receive the sum of Fifty Dollars per annum for the due perform- ance of his duties. COLLECTOR. IX That the Collector before receiving his Boll, shall deposit with the Treasurer his Bond in the sum of Z Thousand Dollars, with two sufficient sureties in the sum of Fifteen Hundred Dollars each, conditioned t 10 DUTIES OF OFFICERS. that he ehdl duly and faithfully perform the duties of his office, and pay over, and deposit with the teors Roll; and at no tin,e shall he retain in his Ws of the t»x«, so collected an amount exceeding Four Hundred Dollars without making a deposit of the same. The said collector shall be ^possessed f the same property qualification a« a Town Councillor. X. Thatit shaU be the duty of the Collector, upon thereon, m accordance with any Act that is now or inay hearafter be in force respecting his duties. Hundred Dollars per annm for his services, payable when he returns his EoU to the Treasurer. CONSTABLES. ,, ™; ^at fhere be one Chief fW^^tx^ ^j, toy It w,U be to follow the directi;;^r51ErSo!nea and to apprehend a«y pe^on in the act of -ommittW ^yoffen^a^inst the By-Laws of the Town and t! take the ofikider before the Mayor or Eeeve or or.er Justice of the Peace of the said Town, to be judged for WL A^^^'T^,'"'"'"^ "'^"^ unreasonable Jiour, the Chief-Coustable may take the oflender to th^ common Gaol, and the keeper thereof thX any wntten order until the sitting of the Mayor Keeve or other Justice of the Peace of tho said Town^the M lowing day; and it shaU be the duty of the ^ietCon ^Wero report to the Mayor evei/infiuctitn of ^^ By-Uw that may come to his knowledge. ^ t DUTIES OF OFFICERS. 11 the duties with the the Col- lin in his exceeding I deposit 5sessed of buncillor. ;or, upon es named now or 1. n of One payable , whose Council niitting and to )r oilier ged for sd or if sonable to the bereby ithout Reeve lie fol- r-Con- f any XIII That there shall be a Deputy-Chief Constajjle, appointed for the Town of Picton, who shall receive the sum of One Hundred Dollars per annum, for his services, in addition to the usual fees in the Police Court, for such duties as he may perform therein. (See By-Zaw No 25, passed 4th March, 1872.) XIV. That there shall be at least one Constable appointed for each Ward of the Town of Picton. XV. That the said Constables shall receive the usual fees laid down in the tariff of fees to Constables, for such services as they may render in the said Town. XVI. That the salary of the Chief-Constable shall be at the rate of Two Hundred Dollars per annum, in addition to the usual Constables fees for services in the Police Court, said salary payable quarterly. (See By-Zaw passed 4th March, 1872. XVII. That the Deputy-Chief Constable and the Constables appointed under the Thirteenth and Four- teenth sections of this By-Law, shall do and perform the same duties as those laid down for the Chief-CouT stable, and mentioned in the Twelfth section of this By-Law. INSPECTOR. XVIII. That one Inspector of Shop and Tavern Licenses shall be appointed by the Council, on or brifore the first Monday in February in each year ; and he snail hold office during the current year: and any vacancy occurring during the year shall be filled up bj' the said Council. The said Inspector shall be possessed of the sami. property qualification as that of a Town Councillor. i ■■^ I 12 PUTIES OF OFFICERS. XIX. That the said Inspector before entering upon the duties of his office, shall take and subscribe to the necessary declarations of office and qualification, and within eight days after so doing deposit the same with the Clerk, under the penalty of being guilty of a misdemeanor. ^ XX That it shall be the duty of the said Inspector, immediately after accepting office to publicly notify all persons intending to present their applications for certificates for Tavern License and also for Shop License to do so at Iiis usual place of business on the second Monday in February. He shall then proceed to examine the premises of all applicants for certificates tor Tavern Licenses, and on the third Monday in .the saia month grant certificates to all those applicants entitled to receive them. He shall not grant any cer- tificates unless the applicants are Natural born or Naturalized subjects of Her Majesty, and they be of Sober Life and Conversation A., * ^XL That the said Inspector may in his discretion ^^nd by and with the consent of the Council, endorse permission on the back of any License for the holder thereof to sell the Liquors mentioned in said License at any place out of his house, or remove from the house lisensed io another house, to be described in the endorsement, and situate within the Town: and the said permission will allow the holder to sell in the house removed to by him during the unexpired portion of the term for which the License was granted, and ^pon the same terms and conditions ; and any bond or security given by said holder shall not be void, but apply on suid house removed to. "VXTT-r m AAil. That the said Inspeptor shall receive the sum ^ 1 DUTIES OF OFFICERS. 13 ermg upon ribe to the ation, and same with uilty of a Inspector, J notify all itions for for Shop S3 on the n proceed certificates [onday in applicants i any cer- l born or ey be of discretion 1, endorse he holder J. License from the 3ed in the and the sU in the id portion nted, and y bond or void, but of Fifteen Dollars per annum for discharging the duties of his office. He also shall give a Bond to the Treasurer of the Town-himself in the si;m of One Hundred Dollars and two Sureties in the sum of 1 itty Dollars each-conditioned for the due performance oi the duties of his office. POUND KEEPERS. XXni That there shall be appointed a Poundkeeper. for each ward of theTown, who shall perform then- duties as laid down in the By-Law respecting the regulating of Public Pounds. They are to be paid for their services by fees as stated in the said By-Law. RETURNING OFFICERS. XXIV That each Returning Officer appointed to hold the Municipal and School Trustee Elections, shall receive the sum of Two Dollars per day each day that he is so employed, AUDITORS. XXV. That the Auditors shall receive the sum of Five Dollars each for their services. FENCE VIEWERS. XXVI. That there shall be appointed annually by resolution of the Council, to be named in the said resolution, three Fence Viewers who shall perform then- duties as laid, down by S.tatute ; and they shall be paid for their services according to the rates mentioned in the Act respecting Water Courses and Line Fences. J the JOHN TWIGG, WILLIAM OWENS, sum Clerk. Mayor. '! I ^1 ! 1:11 By-Law M. 3. and Shops m the Town of Picton. ^^ p/o" *^ **' Co,-pomtu>n of the Town of I. That no more than Six Houses shall be Licensed or Intoxicating Liquors may be sold, in quantities less than one quart, and drank therein. II. That no more than three Shops shall be Licensed .n any one year whereSpirituous, Fermented or other Manufactured Liquors can be sold by the quart not to m. That no certificates for Licenses to retail Sniri tuous Fermented or other Manufactured Sors"^ Public Er\^' '^'^' ^^^ «-- or Z.r f any applicant except on Petition by the applicant to and has all the accommodation required by Law. ficato" t?lr'^ ^T ^''"^^'^' "PPlyingfor a certi- clforl, ""'""t •'""^ <»»'«^°i^ "t least four oi beddmg and furmture, in addition to what !„, k„ *i INN AND «HOP LICENSES, li ? of Inns Town of J Licensed Spirituous atities less ! Licensed i or other lit, not to iiilding of purchaser resident ail Spiri- quors in [ouse of anted to icant to he same, that the License, w. a certi- hali be ist four )lement matT \\ck needed for the use of the family of the Tarern or Inn- keeper, and proper stabling for at least six horses. V, That eveTy person before receiving a certificate for taking out an Inn or Shop License shall give a bond to the Treasurer of the Town, himself in the sum of One Hundred Dollars and two others in the sum of One Hundred Dollars each conditioned for th^ due ob- servance of any By-Laws, Rules or Regulations that are now or may hereafter be in force in the said Town.. VI. That etvery Inn-keeper shall, during the time he shall hold such License, keep and observe each and every one of the following rules and regulations, viz.:; 1st. No Inn-keeper shall suffer any person to play at- cards, dice, shufBe-board, skittles, or any other imple- ment of gambling in his or her house, outhouse, grounds, or any part thereof. 2nd. No Inn-keeper shall suffer any book of a sedi* tuous or immoral tendency to be read or discussed in his or her house. 3rd, No Inn-keeper shall soffer any persons to assemble in his or her house for the purpose of any Unlawful confederacy* 4th, No Lm-keeper shall suffer any person to remain tippling in his or her house until he gets drunk, nor shall he give liquor to any person who shall have entered his or her house in a state of intoxication. 5th. No Inn-keeper shall so far degrade himself as; to be seen in a state of intK)xication. 6th. No Inn-keeper shall sell or vend any wine or ether Liquors on the Sabbath day in his or her house. IG IXX AND SHOP LKJENSES. i i ^ 7th. No Inn-keeper sl,ail sufler any person resorting to his or her house to remain tippling. 8th. No Inn-keeper shall harbor in his or her house out-honse, grounds, or any part thereof, any known or repu ed ,,„„,ggler. or any dealer in forged nLT or counterfeit coin, thief, or any gambler, or any im^ J turbulent, or disorderly, or drunken person. ' 9th, No Inn-keeper shall suffer any profane swearing loth. Nd Inn-keeper shall reeeive any article in pledge or pawn for li.iuor sold at his or her hue or on his or her premises. ' afte. Eleven p. m., for the purpose of selling or gi^^n^ Spin uous or Fermented Liquors to any p!rsL Xf than to traveUers arriving after that houn 12th. No Inn-keeper shall, after the hour of seven: o cloek on Saturday evening, to the hour of six o'X^ on Monday morning thereafter, sell or dispose of any Spirituous or Intoxieating Liquors to any pei^on 3 persons whomsoever. ^ ^ °'^ 13th. No Inn-keeper shall suffer his or her ho„«» t be kept open for the sale of Spirituous ^r ntox ^t l! peTo^rs'^lulJlin^^^^ Election ma%eholde:r:M"^::oSren^ reSlin^X'^" T' '^ '^' ^^""y- *"fter notification by the Town Constable ; and in case the snow and ice is not removed as above, it sl^all be done at the expense of the above pe^^sons. WH^LIAM OWENS, JOHN TWIGG, ^' Mayor. Clerk. >, or 6ause upon' any els, boxes it or side- nmediate I ! M,'( A By-Law to prevent the Erection of Wo Buildings ii certoin"" ""T'""' "'^ ^^"o^on and to define ^^^0^ ''' '^'"-"^' Whereas, from /A/. /•« ^« it enacted hu thp n. . Fieton : " ' ^"?<"«"°» of the T„vn of I- That from and affpr +k k-'o^'en .hop, Warehouse 1^^^?' "''""° "°"K »F other wooden or "^'^r '"""'• "''''''«' ^hej •'"Ming •*,„ CZo^l^ ^f^'Y- "' «•"■"« pletion-in that mrt „f !^ L '''" ''"""^ss of com- 0« Main Streefc nf +1. • . Talbpf Streets, ^C. ^tlr f:;'"",."'' ^^'" -<> side of Main Street t.„ '^teti^ along the Norther] v the South side'of Sr ^^*T''"'''^'^--- Water Street, awfhsfrS^'"''" '^' »">er of l-oth sides' of Bdte sL * f" ^ ^^' «"'«'; on Easterly ,i„,if3ofZe?w:rd"" *""" ''^^«"» ">« '^"Mn;tSaa7p4cSwitV - ?^ '^ ""^y -«-'^n -id addition bfhr^^^fS^r^r'""^' ""'^" *"«' i»"id.ng hereafter •ereptedtrtH?''^^' ^.^''^"-y EUliOXION OF WQODEN BUILDIXa.J. 21f of Wooden ' the Town.* i w e88cntlnl '■ property of . * « Toivn of, lis By-Law, ^i^»^' Jiouse," able, shej' or framo' -excepting^. 13SS of coni- cton lying- M'ain and Northerly thence on corner of in Street f^oad; on 'et to the wooden less the hill any 5 vall or. wty v<^Us (as the case may be) of brick or stone, on the side or sides which shall ad- join, or be intended to adjoin, any other building or house, fl.nil hp. termiTiat-ed at +hf> fnn W i\. firp-minvfl wall with proper coping, and lising not less than cigh- i 22 Mfii ' i ! vJSBECno.V OF WOODEN BUILDIXOS. .fore Jid ^* " '"'"^'' " '^^""^ -^" » -alls as nstiucted^yn the self-consuming prineiplp. WILLIAM OVfms, JOHN TWKjG " Mayor. Clerk. Br-Law jVo, 6. P.i,! -«^^<^ «^ ^Ae Corporation of tke mon of I. That the£« shall be appointed annually at the first - a subsequent ,;,geti„g of the Council in and fp^ the )IXGS. PREVENTION OF FIRES. 2^ ways that if a :>resaid be pre- Jjoining house person or per- 3uilcling, shall ^l or walls as erected with- fi of this By- or stone, and Lor shall any p that is not Mayor. ccidental ein men- Toion of t tl|p first d fpf the said Town, one Chief Fire Engineer and two Fire War- dens in each Ward of the Town. II. That it shall he the duty of the Fire Engineer to assume the chief direction and control at all fires, to direct the movements of the other officers and the in- habitants in general thereat, and #ith the concurrence of any one of the Fire Wardens to order the pulling down or blowihg up of any adjacent buildings that he may deem necessary for preventifig the spread of the devastating element ; also to tak^ charge of the Public Wells and Cibtems, the Fire-Etigines, and the Fire- apparatus and ?ke that they are kept in order. III. That it 5?hall be the duty of the Fire Wardens oi* any two of tl*em, once every year in the month of December, and as miith oftener at they shall be order- ed so to do by the Cotincil, to ent^r into and examine the Condition of all tenements and' premises within the Town with respect to their security against fire, and report thereon to the Council; to give such orders to the several owners or occupiers of tenements as to them may seem redsOftable and pi^bper, with respect to alterations or repair's in their respective stove-pipes, chimnies, drches or fife-places, and also with respect to the depositing of ash^'s ; to give orders to the inhabi- tants assembled at fires as to their conduct thereat, {ind to assist the Fii Engineer in superintending gene- rally at all fires; and that any member of the Council, ' in case of a fire; shall have power to direct any person; to give assistance thereat, and to take charge of any property. IV. That no persoii' shall disobey the orders of the^' Chief Engineer, Fire We^dens 6r Members of the_ Council, as specified ih the precetog section, or shall 2i I I m^ii ^t ml P^i^VE.VTio.v OF ™es; obstruct any of fha •, ' oflascUu^/t ' *''"'"^" - «.e execution ^ I'hat there shall U p^Mr i , r-^y, to be composed of w^, t ? ""'^'-^ «<'™- ■"ore than fifty men. iCl « ?"" '°^^ '»»- "o. P^y. to be composed of nof 1 ^"^^ """^ ^'^'' ^om: ""^ow than forty men. "''' """^ ">irty men noi- «f J»)yin each year to dV/''-^ the Twelfth day Corporation a certified 'It rT. ""' ^''^ ^'^"^ "^ th^ 0' the members of the si tdcLn" """"'" '"^^ «''»«« *» ''« "• good standinfthr^r '"*'""'"» "«»° Coaipanies shall, upon th! '••^'"' ""*' '^e said f ■•- up ana ado^t ^.'^''T:"'^, ''-" organised, 'h^..;g«ida,%e, and depos^a '".T '," "'^^'--^^ the siiid dlerk. ' ""^''"o'' «»!'/ thereof witlj ♦^ii' That whf>n fiiri I JL -"y deposited a. afoitr^P ''"'?' ™^* ^-- Corporation may. by resoS ^' ,*^""'''" "^ ">« ^>d 1" "Pon their VuteSktSr^' '^"'^ ^"**- T^'o Bollars imposed upon Lh of t.*" ''"'"'^' ^'"° ot to pay the said sum a! a St ' '^Pr°' *'*'" wear upon the said certified list " " "**''* virr. That it 'shnii K ^i , Secretary of the fZ JL!1L f °' "'^ ^^'^«^'^'»« that body has appointed S"'^'*' T "^^iately aftef certify to the Co'neil the «ame JT nl''^'' ^''^'^ *•> « order that the' said officL shilf ^'f ^"^'"^-. -entconflrmrd by the sS « " '" '^PP"''**- .^^■^hatnope.onshaUusealight«,:candle., * 1. PEEVENTION OF FIRES. 25 ^^iQ execution 1 Engine Gom- orty men, noi* f Ladder Com^ thirty men nol- tptain of eadh e Twelfth day 5 Clerk of the' ■ ^nd names itioning them 'hat the said -n organized, gulations for thereof with' Jnen h an-: o^ the s^id I and enter- lual sum of ^sons liable hose nifties I^e^ording ately after * year, to Engineer, appoint- andle Of lamp or sjnoke any pipe, or cigar, in any stable or other building or place where any straw or combustible materials. shall be kept (unless such candle or lamp shall be well secured in a lantern) ; or shall carry fire through any place or street without securing such fire in a proper manner. X. That no person shall take up any ashes, and place them in any wooden receptacle,, or otherwise within twelve ieet of any wooden building or fence connected w-itii any such building. XI.. That the oWner of any dwelling , house or other building, in which a fire is kept, shall furnish one good and suflacient laddei*, to reach f^om the ground to the eaves of such building, and anottiet from the eaves to the top of the roof; and in default, shall forfeit and pay^ a fine thereof, and a further fine for every month that SMch building shall remain unprovided with said ladder or ladders. * % ~. -I .-•.■■. ■ ;k^il That no person or persons shall between the hours of sunset and suiirise, set fire to any shavings, straw, or other combustible material, in any. stteSt^ of the Town, or within twenty feet of any building ;. and no person shall be present aiding or abetting in the same. .. XIII. That it shall be the duty of every occupier of my tenement within the limits of the Corporation to cause the chimney or chimnies of such tenement to be thoroughly sweptj and all stovepipes to be cleaned (if considered necessary by the Inspector) during the months of March and November in each year. XIV. That the Council shall immediately after the, passing of this By-Law, appoint a Chimney Inspector, l;l Mr m ii-i :tM 'ml ■ 11:1 2G PREVENTION OF PlRES. whose .lutyt .shall be to examine into the condition of any ch.mney or chimnies, and stovepipe, wi hin th» Corporation tt the tin,e,^ „enti„ne,I n'« e pre edL. Clause, and report to this Council. Preceding XV. That the, folloi-ing tariff for the payment of persons employed as sweepers be established, v"! larrett, the sun. ofZ Ll I^^^.^J^j flue the sum of five 6ents. ^ aaa...onai hJl!"' ^- 7^^*^^" «^^eping of a chimney in a house higher than,s named in No. 1, and whfeh does not exceed m height, two floors and a garrett, the si '^ ^fteen cents, find for every additioit,! fl„ T five cents. ^ aUditional flue, the sum 6f ceed in height three floors and a Barrett tZ I JOHN TWIGG, WILLIAM OWENS, the condition of i:»ipes within the n the preceding the payment of Jished, viz : — 'y in any house found floor and very cadditlonal ley in a house ^hieh does not itt, the sum of ^e, the sum of eyin a house ^ does not ex-' tt, the sum of «e the sum of r in a hou.ve f twenty-five sum of ten paid by the the time of ENS, Mayor. By-Law ^o. 7. A By-Law to prevent certain Animals from running at large, and to provide for the im- pounding of the same, and for the regulating of a Public Pound in the Town of Pic ton. Be it '.nactedhi; the Corpomtion . of the Toivn of P'lcton. I. That there shall be one Pound located in each Ward of the Town of Picton, and a Pound-keeper ap- pointed for each of said Pounds. II. That no Horse, Bull, Ox, Cow, Sheep or Cattle of any description shall run at large in the Streets of the Town, from the First day of December in each year to the First day of April in ^ach succeeding year'; nor from the First day of April to the First day of De- cember in each year, between the hours of seven o'clock in the afternoon of one day, and five o'clock in the morning of the following day during the said period. III. That no Swine, Pigs, Goats, Sheep, Geese, Do mestic Fowls or Poultry, shall run at large at any time. The sum of fifty cents per head on each Pig or Swine. found running at large or doing damage, shall be charged besides the Pound-Keeper's charges — one-half of said sum to be paid to the Treasurer of the Town, and the other half to the party impounding the said animals : Provided always that the said sum, together with costs, shall be collected from the owner or owners, if their name or names be known, on complaint before tha Mayor or other Officer entitled to take the same, in case the animal or anin^als cannot be driven to the pound. n ! J ; I i.'i III::! i 'Mil i0\ \ m K i ■- i ! •jil i ■I ' I III ' w ^. 28 ANIMALS KUNNING AT LARGE. IV. That .the Pound-keeper or person impounding any amma running at Urye. as mentioned in the first and second sections of this By.La«^, shall be entitled to and receive the fees as stated below for the follow- mg services, viz : — For each horse, or head of cattle impounded, 15 cts do. Sheep, Swine, <&c., do 12A do. Fowl or Poultry, &c., do. ''Z 5 For feeding 20 pounds of hay to each horse, or 15 Pounds of hay to each head of cattle every U hours. 20 do. 5 pounds of hay to each sheep, every 24 hours ., jq do. 1 pint of Peas, Corn [or "other '*•' ' ' • ^ood equal thereto] to each swine every 24 hours, with water ne- cessary in each case.... in For advertising Sale.. o^ For each Sale. '.:•... •■";' ^ For Notice to each Fence Viewer. . ...'.'..'.*...'."..'. 25 and the foregoing fees shall be the first change upon party impounding the same. ■■■ V: That the following kind of a fence shall be a le- gal' &np(> When made of sound materials and in a substenW toanner .for the pui^ioses mentioned in this JOHN TWI.G. CiJ'^'i ^^^^ f^"'- IGE. ion impounding ned in the first shall be entitled 7 for the foUow- i^ed, 15 cts. 12^ 5 orse, each p.... 20 lee^, .10 )ther ' ' w^ine ^ ne- IQ 2^ .50 25 t cha-^ge upon lot against the s shall be a le- ials and in a itioned in this ' other similar lid a fence of it ; such fence 1 four inches, Worses, Sheep ENS, Mayor. • ■• ; . » By-Law No. 8, A By-Law to restrain Dogs from running a| ' large at certain times. Be it enacted 67 the Corporation of the Tqwii of ■ " "■ ' -i i.; ' '.'li. '■■■ ' ■ 'i.i Picton. I. That it shall be obligatory on the owner of any Bog within t^^ehty-four Jioui-s after a Proclamatiot^ shall have been issued by the Maycy-', to shut up or se- curely muzzel such Dog; and all Dogs found running at large contrary to the provisions hereof, shall be sub- jfeCt to be destroyed by any person whatever ; and ^hy person allowing any DjS^ to run'ipif large, which isih the habit of molesting ' pr runiiiii| at persons passing along' the Streets of the said To^ii, shall, upon coiri- i)laint before the Maypr— made ' by the person so at- tacked by such Dog— be liable to a fine therefor. JOHN TWIGG, WILLIAM OWENS, .<■. Clerk. J^tp-yor. By-Law No. 9. A By-Law to provide for the payment of Selec- tors of Jurors. Be it enacted by the Corporation of the Town of Picton : That tiie vjierK gnaii ue enwwcu. w acw^tv. v.xv. .,um i I I ! n.hi M ill I 30 HELECTOUS OF JURons. of One DMhv and Ffty Cents for each hundred nan.es «electin.r h? 1 '' '•'''"''' ''"'"'''«' "■''■"<'» f""' first rejecting the jurors of the said Tow„-whicI, s-iid JOHN TWIGG, WILLIAM OAV.J^]NS, Clerk. Mayor. By-Law No. 10. * %:;r' "^ '" '"^'-^'^"'^ ^f "'^ ^-^ of I. That in accordance with f^o a«^ eipal Institutions, as ili^lwn t' re'cor^-?"; Statutes of tJ-ner Oan,^., *i. , ^ (-"nsondated for the said Town . ' ^'^' ""^ ^ ^°"'' »'' health CounciI,and« reTt^'f "' ""--^ '"-^bers of this power to add tHhtrl "it STf ^ ^^'"^ ber shall not excPPr] + or. . i ^ ^^^"^^ ^^^"- resolution o1 the Coi*" '^ pointed annually by II. fThat said Board of Fpfllf]i cT^oii i posed of at least on„ Ke -5* ■ r ^"*'^ '^°'"- HOARD OF HEALTH. 31 1 hundred luames, ititled to receive d ricames for first vn— wJiieh said ies by the Trea- te of tlie CJerk )W.f:Ns, Ml iiyor. Health for 'he Toiun of acting Muni- -^onsoJi.Jated d of Health ibers of this •ewith; with total . nuin- finually by artlv com- III. That it shall not be lawful for any person to sufter the accumulation of any dung, manure, offal, filth, refuse, stagnant water or other matter or thing upon his or her premises, or on any vacant lot in the Town, so as to be a nuisance, or injurious to the health of any person in the Town. IV. That whenever it shall appear necessary to the Board of Health, or any person or persons appointed by them for the preservation of the public health or for the abatement of any nuisance, or upon the receipt by the Board of Health of a notice signed by one or more inhabitant householders, stating the. filthy con- dition of any building, so as to be a nuisance to or in- jurious to the health of any person ; or that upon any premises within the Town there is any foul or offen- sive ditch, gutter, drain, privy, cescpool, ash-pit, slaughter-house or pig-pen, kept or constructed so as to be a nuisance or injurious, or that upon any such pre- mises swine, or any accumulation of dung, manure, oflal, filth, refuse or stagnant water or other matter or thing is or are kept so as to be a nuisance or injurious as aforesaid, the said Board of Health shall have full power to direct any of their officers to enter such build- ing or premises in the da^^ time, for the purpose of ex- amining the same, and (ii, necessary) to order the re- moval of any such matter or thing as aforesaid, and if any proprietor, or his lawful agent, or representative, having charge or control of such premises, or the occu- pant — after having had twenty-four hours notice from such officer of the Board of Hea 1th to remove or abate su ch matter thing as aforesaid, shall neglect or refuse to re- move the same, he, she or they shall be subject to a, penalty. WILLIAM OWENS, Mayor. JOHN TWIGG. Clerk. I !l I ! Ml ' I m I >!:i:( By-Law No. li, A By-Law to provide for the propor ,!raiuiu.-- and keeping .,f certain (:,cok.s ^vitlliu the Town of Picton. Be U enacted by (he Corpomtioa .,f Ih: IV „n nf Jricton. , WHEREAS it is necessary lor tiie health „1 the In.' habitants of the Town of Pi^tnr. » > ii. • i f^itu *!, wi. ; i;icton, ana their horses and cattle that the waters of certain Creek, i„ the Town WHERpI/fT''l '"'' ""^ "..polluted; X^ ^f the Townfhat the ati^osphere should be kept pure and unt»inte(i froi^the exhalation of noxious VuvS of filth, &a, exposed tp.the.action of th? air in Summer wherever a portion of certain Creeks shall become dry l^ilC'^"-^^. ^""^^^^^ ■' '^ further neces5' :s:.Sti„t:th^rner '^^^ "'"^^"'" ^^^^^' Be it ther^cnje enacted liy & CorpoMon oftU Town Of Ficton. I. That from and after tho parsing of this By-Law all pnvies, slaughter-hprises, dung, filth, offal, aid all kinds of nuisances whatsoever, shall be removed from nluZ^^J Stream^anning from Agnes Street in HaUowell Ward North of Main Street, in the Town, hH f'^'''''^"'™™^"'™ Queen Street to Head Street, m Tecumseth Ward of the said Town- upon ten days notice being given by t:.e Mayor to that ' 1, •opoi' (li'aiuJiiM Ivs within the of ihr Trtvn of tiealth oi the In-, bheir horses and :s in the Towji,' olluted; ANt) r the health o^ i be kept.p^jje, loxious effluyia^ air in Summer ill become dry. irther necessary f certain Creeks m of the Town >f this By-Law offal, and all removed from gues Street in in the Town, [^ill ; also, from een Street to '' said Town — Mayor to that U i\ DRAINAGE OF CERTAIN CREEKS. il, Tlidt ltd jidf son or persons shall build, erect or place Hxiy privy, s]r«,agl1ter-house, or ai«y other kind of nuisiiuce on the said Cteiek^ ; or throw any dirt, filth, ofi'al, kd., i.ito the saine. III. That the said Creeks shall be kept clear, and all mild, tilth, iish an intelligence Office m the Town of Picton. ^'AltoT'^''^ ^^ '^' ^''r'omtion of the Town of . I. That there shall be an Intelligence Office opened m the Town of Picton. ^ ^ IT, That, said office shall be for. the purpose of keep- ing a Registry book, in which shall be entered the names o^ all persons desirous of hiring as servants, and also of thos^ persons requiring servants, to which alf persons shall have access at all seasonable hours. Ill That the sum of twelve and a half cents shall be charged by the keeper of said office, and received from the servants who registers his or her name; and also irom the person who registers his or her name for the purpose of obtaining a servant or servants. IV. That the keeper of said office shall pay to the Council the sum of One Dollar for a License to keep said office-said License to expire on the last day of February in each year; and the license shall be si^ed by the Mayor and countersigned by the Clerk and have the Corporate Seal attached thereto. JOHN TWIGG, WILLIAM OWENS, Clerk. Mayor. 12. tdli^rcncc Office I of the Town of nee Office opcr.ed purpose of keep- II be entered the g as servants, and its, to which all' lable hours. half cents shall bt md received from name; and also her name for ihe ants. shall pay to the License to keep the last day of 3 shall be signed e Clerk and have OWENS, Mayor. By-Laav Nk). 13. A B/-L*uv to Liconso an I rogalat3 Ti-aasiont Ti-abVj aal oth3r p3rj)aim th3 Town of Pictoii. Bti it cii'ided hj. tkd Co'pomtloii of the Town of Pldon. I: That any person occupying a place of busines: within the Hinits of the Town for any period less thar on3 year, and who exposes for sale and sells any ware^- goods, merchandise or effects, otherwise than by public auction, and holding a license from the proper autho- rity so to d ), and wliose namo does not appear upon tho Ai:iossm3nt Roll of th3 said Town for th3 year in which h3 SD sells, shall procure a Liconso signed by the Mayor and countersign-'' by th3 Clerk, and sealed with th3 Corporate Sjal^ which shall b3 paid for according to th3 following scale, viz :— For each day and not over six days thali sales are made, $3 per day. For each ad- ditional day over six days that sales are made, SI per day. It. That any person guilty of an infrings^nant of th3 above Section shall incur a panalty und3r th3 By-Law imposing fin3s and penalties. WILLIAM OWENS, Mayor. JOHN TWIGS, Clerk, \j. n i: : ' K ll'Mli- :1 I ih'ii!!! By-Law Jfo. 14. A By-Law to provide for the Collection of Poll Tax, in lieu of Statutp Labor in the Town of Picton. Me it enoicted by, the Corpor(itipn of the Town 0/ Picton. > I ' :'. I That the Asse^goi: or Assessors of the Town of Picton ?hall, when they return their Roll, make a re- turn of tl|e n^mes of all mal^ persons resident within the sai4 Town, between the ^ges of twenty-one and sixty ye^rs liable to p^y a t^x m lieu of Statute Labor (unless specially exempted therefrom.) ' ' II TJ^at the Clerk ^hall ma^e out a Roll upon which he shall enter the names mentioned in the first section of this By-I,^^, and place opposite each name the sum' ""^ t^^ W^^^' m^, deliver tlie said Roll to the person apporateci tocoUectthe same, not later than the first Alsq the Clerk sh^-U immediately after the rates for. taxes a^^ jmposec^, make out a second Roll upon which' shall be placed the nances of ftU male persons between the ages p>^ove mentioned on the Assessment RoU whose taxes would not amount to Two Dollars and extend opposite their names the sum' of f wo Dollars ea«h, and he shall pleHver the said Roll to the person ap- pointed to collect the same i^ot later than the first daA- of October in each ye^r.' ^ ^ IIL That the perso^ ^poi^ited to collect the afore- said tax shall take the Roll '^n the d^y mentioned in the first clause of the seqoncl section of this By-Law COLLECTION OF POLL TAX. 3^ CoUectioi) of ! Labor in the and proceed to collect the sums named thereon ; also Roil named in the second clause of the said second sectiqn, on the day named therein and proceed to col- lect the sums named thereon ; pay over all monies received, to the Treasurer, and make a return thereof with his Roll to the Clerk not later than the first day of December in the same year. » ♦ IV. That the said Collector shall not be required tp have any property qualification, but shall give a Bo^^ to the Town Treasurer himself in the sum of Two Hun- dred Dollars, ^nd two sureties in the sum of One Hun- dred Dollars eaqh, conditioned for the dup performance pf his duties hereunder. V. That any person neglecting or refusing to pay the eum s^t opposite his name in either of the Rolls name^ in the second section of this By-Law within ten daj^s after the s^me is demanded of him by the Collector, thfs Collector may levy the same by distress and sale of his goods ^nd chattels, with costs of distress, and if no suf- ficient distress can be found, then upon summary con- viction before any Justice of the Peace in the County of Prince Edward, he shall incur a penalty of not more than Five Dollars,' with costs, and in default of payment thereof be committed to the Common Gaql qf the County, and there be put at hard labor for any time not exceeding ten days unless said penalty and costs are sooner paid. VI. That the Collector of Poll Tax be allowed 12^ per cent on all sums received by him. JOHN TWIGG, WILLIAM OWENS, Clerk. Mayor. ini ' ( !-!i;i By-Law No. 15. A By-Law respecting Bonds and other securi- ties belonging to the Town of Picvon. Be it enacted hy the Corporation of the Toivn of Picton. "^ That Bonds and otlier securities that will have to be deposited with the Town Treasurer, under any By-Law or By-Laws that are now or may be hereafter in force m P:.cton, shall be approved of/in writin ^ T^TT^T r^ WILLIAM OWENS M.vi- JOHN TWIGG, Clerk. ■ - ^^^^'^^vi^iyor * m»» m il 11-^ BY-Law ^0. 16. A By-Law for establishing and regulatino« a Market in the Town of Picton, and for other purposes. Beitenaeted hy the Corporation of the Town of l^icton m pursuance of the power vested in the said torpomtion under the Act respecting the Municipal Institutions of Upper Canada {now Ontario) I. That all By-Zaws now in force conflicting with this By-Law are hereby repealed. ^^■^M&-ii^iii::iX::R*m,%lt^iS^iai'^-: 15. xnd other SGcuri- of Picvon. n of the Toiun of ihafc will have to be under any By-Law e hereafter in force writing, on the said ayor, or in his ab- anner, viz:— "lap- 5ecurity, as the case the case may be/') OWENS, Mayor 6. d regulating a 'icton, and for of the Toivn of nested in the said g the Mmvhipal Ontario.) ! conflicting with MARKET AND OTHER PURPOSES. 39 II. That a Market be established in the Town of Picton : and that the Market-place consist of the Mar- ket-Lot, together with so much of Ross and King Streets as borders on the said Lot. MARKET-HOURS AND DAYS. III. That every day in the year shall be a Market Day except Sunday, Christmas i)ay and Good Friday and any other day set apart by Proclamation as a Holi- day. IV. That from the first day of May until the first da^ of November in each year the market shall be opened at six o'clock in the morning, and during the rest of the year at 7 o'clock, and closed at 4 o'clock in afternoon. The Butcher's Market shall be closed at four o'clock, but on Saturdays it shall be kept open un- til nine o'clock at night. MARKET-CLERK. V. That a Clerk of the Market shall be appointed by the Council, who shall, under the control and super- intendance of the Market-Committee— appointed by the Council— have the care and superintendance of the Market and Market-place; and it shall be his duty to execute and enforce all regulations, orders and By-Laws for the government of the same respectively, and all the orders of the said Committee, not inconsistent with or repugnant to the said regulations, orders or By-iaws. VI. That it shall be the duty of the Clerk of the Market to open and cIosq the sstid Market at the hours appointed, and that he shall attend to the Market con- stantly during Market hours, unless prevented by sick- ness or unavoidable accident, in which case the Market Committee may appoint a person to discharge his duties. i^*ii 40 MARKET AND OTHER PURPOSES. !■ i il': lii VII. That it shall not be lawful for the Clerk of the said Market to trade directly or Indirectly or have any diyebt or indirect interest in the profits or sales of any things or animals which may he brought and exposed for ,sale in the said Market, or purchase any such for or on behalf of others. yill. That it shall be the duty of the Clerk of the Market to keep open the , weigh house during s-'^^^ hours and at the times the Market is hereinbefore di- rectedtobe kept open, and the Scales, Weights an^ Measures, and everything connected with the Weigh-' house shall be maintained in a cle^n and orderly man- ner; And the Clerk shall weigh or measut-e th^ different articles that are sold or disposed of in the Market, as hereinafter provided, whenever he shall be' thet-ettnto required by the partieis ihterested therein, or' either of them. IX. That no person shall bring to Market, expose or of^r for sale any tainted or unwholesome meat, poultry fish or other articles of food; and it shaU be the duty' of the Clerk of the Market to inspect all meats and other articles of provisions exposed for sale, and if any such tainted or unwholesome meat or other articles of food shaU be found or exposed for sale, to prosecute the offender ; and it shall be lawful for him, under direction of the. Mayor or Reeve to seize or destroy all sqch tainted ot unwholsome meat, poultry, fish or any other article of food so found, whether the same has been ex- posed for sale or not. X. That all persons resorting to the public market house and place . with produce, , commodities, articled and things for sale shall be guided and controlled by the Clerk of the Market, or other person appointed lES. B Clerk of the y or have any )r sales of any and exposed ny such for or Clerk of t^e e during &-' ^ einbfefore di- Wei^hts and i the Weigh-' orderly man- iieasut'e the* }d of in the r he shall be' sd therein, or et, expose or aeat, poultry, be the duty meats and J, and if any 3r articles of •rosecute the der direction foy all such" or any other bas been ex- blic market ties, articleirf >ntrolled by 1 appointed MARKET AND OTHER PURPOSES. 4.1 in his stead, in the iirrangement of the stands and vehicles, and the order in which each shall be placed so as to produce order and regularity ; and no person shall thwart, hinder or molest the Clerk or such person as may be so apjiointed, or his assistant, in the dis- charge of his duty. XI. He shall determine the order of standing in or occupation of the Market place in conformity with this By-Law ; he shall see that the Butchers, paying rent, have i*eceipis for the same, and in the event of non-payment, shall seize and sell, after six; hours notice, a sufficient quantity of meat to pay the amount of such rent, if enough meat shall be fpund in; the stall of the person who has not paid such rent, and if enough meat shall not be found therein for the payment of the rent, then he shall seize any personal property found there- in and sell the same according tb law relating to the sale of goods andf chattels seized by a landlord for the payment of rent— as may be due ancj \inpaid, and shall re j)ort delinquents (if any), togethei: with .the number of their stalls. He shall be, ex-officio, a To-v^m Constable and sworn in as such when entering vfon the duties of his office ; he shi^U enter into a Bond with the Town Corporation, himself in Six Hundred DollaM with two sufficient sureties ir Two Hundred DoUairs each, for the due performance and faithful discharge of ctll his duties, and the faithfill accounting for and paying over to the Town Treasurer, as directed by the Town Council, all monies which , shall come into his (the Clerk of the Market) hands, at least once in every month, but oftener if required; he also, shall make such returtis relative to hjs office, as called for by resolution of the Qouncil; and shall, in all maj^ters and things, act in ac- cordance with such By-Xiaws as may from time to time be passed by the Uouneil. MARKET AND OTHER PURPOSES. XII. That the Clerk shall not permit any e: .pty fcart, truck, wagon or sleigli to stand in the Market- place; but Butcher's renting stalls in the Market-house shall be permitted to place their carts, wagons or sleighs' on the north-east side of the Market building, and not elsewhere, and such horses that belong or may he har- nessed thereunto shall be securely fastened to posts placed for their accommodation; and should any Butcher neglect to tie, chaiu or fasten his horse or hofses to the posts so provided it shall be considered an infraction of this By-Law, and subject to the penalty hereinafter mentioned. ^ XIII. That it shall be the duty of the said Clerk to light and heat tne Town HaU whenever required so to do, by the person or persons who have chstge of th6 same; to take -proper care of the Engine Hpuse, Engine and keep all parts of the Market-house (except that part required to be kept clean by the Butcher's) Town ' Hall, and Engine House, in a clean and propeT- state/ and to keep all sidewalks and platforms cleat of snow/ at Ms own expense, and to perform aU the duties which this By-Law, or any of the By-Laws of the Town shall now r or hereafter require to be done by the said Clerk, and to perform aU other duties which the Market Committ;ee shall require to be done oy the said Clerk, and to act as Weigh-Ma^ter, and perform the duties required of the Weigh-Master. ,[ XIV. That the said Clerk shall receive for the due performance of his duties, as above mentioned, firewood and coal-oil necessary to be used in the two rooms origi- nally set apart in the Market building for theClerk— the said rooms are to be free of rent; also the sum of Two Hundred Dollars per annum, payable every three MARKET AND OTHER PURPOSES. 4a months: provided the Tolls a^e not, K ^9 named in th^e. 42nd Section of this By-J.?j,w. / , SALE OF MEATS, &c. XV. That no person shall buy, seU o?, offer for sale any meat, flour, hides, wpol, fish, poultry, eggs, b.uttei', cheese, hay, straw, vegetables or fruit exposei;!, for sale or marketed in the open air wi ' hin. the To^v^n of Picton at any place excepting at the public Marketrpkce, ex- cept as may be hereafter provided; (and no person shall forestall o^ buy any meat; wood, flour, Jiay, fish, , poultry, eggs, butter, cheese, vegetables or fruit brought to the said Market,) nor shall any of the before men- tioned articles be inspected, bought, bargained for, sold or oflered for sale by any person, until the seller has taken up his place on the Market, and has obtained a ticket from the Collector of Tolls of sf 'd Market: pro- vided always at any hour of i\\e day any pork (in carcase) and, after the hour of eleven o'clock, a. m., butter, meat, (in carcase or by the quarter), flour, hides, poultry, eggs, cheese, hay, vegetables or fruit that have been brought to the Market, the Mark^i^ fees thereon paid, and a ticket obtained therefor may be bought or. sold by any person in any part of tjie, T^^^n ; ^^^ Pro- vided forther, that before the hour of i^en o'clock, a. i?i.,, between the first day of April and tl^,e. first, day of No-. vember. in each year; and, before the hour of, eleven , o'clock, a. m.', between the firsji^ ^^y.^f November and the first day of April, no perso^i. shall buy for the pur- pose of selling again^ or for export, any meats, fish, poulti^y, roots, vegetables, f^juits, dairy products; or any articles required for fam^y use, and such as are- usually sold in the Market brought to the Markfet. Also tha^t fish, hides aaidwool brought to the Market need* not be kept there for sale after the fees are paid. 4,4, MARKET AND OTHER PURPOSES. i " 'fi I Hi XVI. That butter in rolls or prints offered or exnoseH for sa e within tho Town, shall be sold .y ITiX and not othenvise „nless otherwise agreed, and which s stated or represented to contain S^ weilTs 1 ^aU be lawful for the Clerk of the Market oT^ pe * r *PPr *^''' "> ^"'S^ »«* butter, as aforesaiHnd if found short of weight from what it was reZlZ seize and take it before the Mavnr P ^ f Pi^^fnted, to ^f the Town, either of who»Taiu"L'? f r^'^'"*" aue proof of its being shorof wfiXT^'f ^'^ f"" Judge it forfeited, an! .aul t tT^'^^ZlS ut making such misrepresentation shall be deemed ^iltv of a bre«=h of this Byiaw, and dealt with aTcifS^ m^k'^dinittirj^rn'^ "'""-' '°'-'« - keted in the StpZ '' " '?'''^'' '""^ "^ BUTCHERS. Vom for sale in any phice but the Market. MaS W^'" *'!! t"' P™"'^''' '■"^ B"t«he.^ in the H^SSa^^^S-S^S-^- , ber On. at FBrty Dollars; Stall Number W Jortv" Dolh^ ; Stall Number Thi.e at Twenty Ste C with this By-Uw and «"v nf^ ?f *^^^ ^^^^« comply 7 i^w, a^d any other By-Law or By-Laws market; and o-^her purijoses. 45 e sold or ex- and Rules to be hereafter passed, for the government of the Market, ^nd that the lessees sh^ll not assign or underlet the said stalls or any part thereof to be occu- pied by any other person, without the written consent of the chairman of the Market Con^mittee under a penalty of forfeiting their respective stalls and leases, (See By-Law No. '26.) XX. That no B^tcher shall be allowed to have or hold more than one stall at any one time, unless with the express sanction of the Market Committee, who are hereby empowered in their discretion to make sucl allowance. XXI. That all the said stalls in the Market shall be numbered in the manner to be detei-mined by the Market Committee. XXII. That each Butcher shall ha^ e his name painted in full on a board of uniform sizes, and placed over his stall. XXIII. That no persons but Butchers, being lessees of Market-stalls, shall sell meat in a less quantity than by the quarter, but it shall be lawful for persons to bring meat to Marke^. in wagons, sleighs or other con- veyances, and tp 59H the same by the carcase or quar- ter, subject to the Market regulations. >r or XXIV. That it shall be the duty of each Bu^ lessee to keep his stall and the hall adjoining, in a v^m W and sweet state ; and that no Butcher or lessee shall allow hides, skins or any offal to remain in or about the Market, after Market hours; that no animal shall be bled in the Market place, and no Butcher or any other person shall keep any dog in or about the Market or place designed for the sale of meat. 46 MAKKET AND OTHEK PURPOSED HAY AND STRAW. either sold or for .sale si 1 7 ™"«'" '•"" To^",' Weigh Sealesb/otitLciT^'^'''' '"'^ ■""'^'■^^ Council, in charge thereof o K t' T*"''"*'^ ^^ ^^ pointed, and any pe Jon or r^^^'P"'^' •^"'y -iP- hay, straw or oU.e a^ icTef Xr' T''"'' ^''^'^ ->^ Weigh Scales, and take fori J, '»" '^ ''' ■'"'''' o^P~«ise of s„eh, shall be^:,Jr:;X;^-"^' articles, when requ.Sot ^^^T^l f'"^'?^'^^ articles so brought with Z * ' """^ '" ''^'?^ all upon which thet„vb rT."' "' """''■ ^^^cle 0)-er, or person having ^eh^^'l'^f 'P ""^-h ">« - ceipt dated showing, th! ^ *® ^'"'''' '^'h » re- is to be takenVrtlHrrf*' "T'' ^-'p* purchaser shall sign the saTd r^c . T^"'"' ""^ ^^^ same is to be takefblfc Z^ u'^^' ''^*^' ^^''='> the weigh the wagoner c^ttJf^*;' ^'-"^^ -ho will of the same in'the reS^^ t :K """^^ "^"«''* and also a weigh not/IfT ^ ^ '*"'' '» his office- aerie, or bisZT'^^ T'^T'^ "^y *« Market 'oad in pounds r^'r:4 - ; 'Ir'''^ "' ^"* ta^e of the wagon orotheT^r. tf"" ^^^''^'■- *he the load; the^namtof L '= the,„ett weight of ehargeofthesamTJdi! °'"'V' P'^^"" ^^^S'^ quired eithef by ■ttp'SS^' ^^'^ ^'>^"' -henev^. re. % that he has>elw , '^ ^''""' "" *'' ^' h- been unloaderS th? w "^ '"' ''''^^ ^^^ -"»« upon Which thesameSi^elre!!,!!^- -"^^^ i ' ~ ^ «"^*uicsu upoii tile OSES. articles required hfc into Town' at the Publip^ minted by the ^^y> duly (^p. hall weigh any It the Public fee or reward, malty. l^arket Clerk ' of weighing f to wei^h all 'ther vehicle fbrnish the i with a re- the receipt aser and the which the 'k, who will the Weight in his office- ^he Market ht of such Jhicle; the Weight of >n having chaser. ■ • ' I ^ a 1,1 enever,re-, tne .same the same ■ vehicle, ' upou the ARCHivea MARKET A>^D OTHER ^URPoSES. '/^O^^ weigh note the exact weight of the wagon or other Vehicle, as ascertained on that day ; and any owner or person } iving charge of any load, who shall refuse of neglect to have the exact weight of such wagon or bther vehicle ascertained as aforesaid, upon the request of the purchaser, shall be subjected to a penalty. XXVIII. That the Mat-ket Cletk. whenever tiny ar- ticle shall be brought to hihl to be weighed, \i^hich ik wet, dr from any other cause iniiy be heaVier than siicH article, if merchahtkble, ought to be, ^all endorse the same on the weigh -note given to the owner or putchaser thereof, together with the dedilcti6n which, in his opinion, ought to be made on account of Wet ot othei* cause. XXIX. That the Market Gerk shall, wheii requi?ed, inspect any hay or other article sold o: oftered for sale in the Town, and give his certificate, if the same be wet or otherwise not merchantable. XXX. Thfe-t th^ Market Clei-k shdll ketep a book, in which he shall enter :— 1st; Thd date of Weighing; 2na, The seller's name in fuU; 3rd,.The purehaeer's nStm^in full ; 4th, The article weighed; 5th, The grOsfe weight; 6th, The tare weight; 7th, The nett weight; 8th, The total amount received; 9th, The total amount paid to the Town Treasurer-— which bjook shall be open at all reasonable times, for inspection; and, except when the tolls are leased or let, he shall pay o v er all fees reciexved to the Town Treasurer on Monday of ea6h Week; also, he shall make a return, in wtiting^o the Council at the end of every month, of all the foregoing particulars, with the fee paid in isach' case. ^ !■■■'■■ ' • XXXI. That any person committing or , attempting any fraud in the selling of Hay, Straw or any other I III I i -i^ ^ ir ' iJ ' /;; 48^ MABKKT AND OTHrn « ' penalty. '"'"""^ -^-^J be subject ^ XXXTI. That all wei'l^^' ' i ■ ■ , loads weighed by the Mafki^n',^*^'"' f»' article, or -y per«,„ who-Ihall fZty fS' ^"^ *>« -«^' W a'ter. or »ake a«y weig£ „!"""°*«g'y, &b«oate, 'hereon with intent tod^d'^ ' " *"^ ^°'^'"-^'^™en "hall exhibit, for a load 1™! ""^ P"'-«haser. or who' ^ '-^. ^hall be subject i^ :Z^-'"''^ '"' ^^ other CORDWOOD. . aXX?XI. That, excenf .. i. ^e of eordwoad ;oi/4^':i"f ■■ ^'•r'*^. -the' be»gpa.d therefor; and thaV!n ? "'"'' P^^ l"»d ^ -W by the cord n^e^^^Z '^'"^'^ ^^all ticket speeifvm Ti.^ ^® P^^^^n brincir.^ T "^^^ *<> • .xx/vtf ~'^"''''-^^ "■" J-^e' ^o-ie^llI^IXr:*''^^"^ ^--^ to the' ^eqwre the MarW fek ^"^"^^ ">« '"'^e for Je ^111 a tickei specif.in„ tb/ ^' ""* f^tain fro^' *hove provided ^ ^ *''^ 1'«»«ty midVlity^^- . XXXVI Th»» , -ood for sale rt?^„PS« ?rpersons oVr«„v_ . - — »i.aJi, on reqnestlf "^^.^ .Hs;;-'-.-;;:^* RPosfis.' MARKET AND OTHER PURPOSED. ^:) ^traducing heavy '^r.de, or into the '^^l'' «^ hy any ^^ be subject to a ^ for afticJes or *" b« VaJi^. ana' ^»^gfy, fabricate; 'y endorjsemenfc •cba^ser, or who' - fo^ any other" ^J^^^ed, in the' ^ood shall be r brought to "*s per Joad ffiwood shaJJ assistant, be '<^/ and that' '^j'ought to *«e same a ■oodtothe' ® forjale;- * Measure f^-in from' aalitj^ aa' "^© iire- t of the party to whom the same shall be offered fort! with ex- hibit to such person the ticket of inspection ;reinbe- fore required to be obtained therefor. XXXVII. That Beech, Maple end Ironwood, when sound, shall be considered first quality ; thai; Elm, Bass- wood and Black Ash, be second quality; and Pine, Cedar and other soft wood, be third quality. XXXVIII. That it shall nevertheless be lawful for parties to contract for and deliver firewood on the premises of the parties so contracted with, without such firewood being brought to market. XXXIX. That it shall be the duty of the Chief Constable or Assistant Constable to measure firewood sold by contract, by the request of the buyer or seller, after the sam^ shall have been piled; and for which he shall be paid the sum of four cenos per cord by the party requririg the same. t^'ariff of fees. , XL, That it is necessary ij impose cprtain fees or,, rates upon person^ bringing, articles for sale on the Market Grounds and in the Market Building, ,.XLI. That the following sums shall b^e imposed on the articles 1. ereafter enumerated, brought to the Mar- ket for sale, and collected by the Market Clerk, viz.: For each wagon, sleigh or other vehicle contain- ing hay or straw (including weighing) $0 20 Fjr each wagon, sleigh or other vehicle contain- ing any produce or other commodity except hay or straw 05 For each horse, eow or other animal exposed for ^ 05 Waeket and other purposes. . safe apar^ from' any wagon, sleigh or otlier vehicle ^ V For each hand-cart or wheel-barrow containing produce or other articles exposed for sale on the market grounds ^ q„ For each sale of article or articles by public auction, the owner thereof shall, previous to the sale, pay the sum of.., ., q 9^ FEES IMPOSED ON ARTICLES EXPOSED FOR SALE WITH- IN THE MARKET BUILDING. /or erxch barrel, U^ or 'l^^Ie donf TWfc^yCle^k.. si» a wi »- By-Law. ]?fo. 19. A By-Law to appoint an Inspector of Weights and Measures in the Town of Picton, and to define his duties. ^e it enacted hy the Corpoo^ation of the Town of Ficton. I. That there shall be appointed, for the Town of Picton, an Inspector of Weights and Measures. INaiM'XTOll OF WKIGUTS AND MKASUXIES. 59 II. That tlu^ said Inspector sliall attend at his office in the sai<,l Town, during the first week of January ^nd July, in each year, for the ])urpose of examining su^;l^ weightH a^id measures as \my be bpoijght to him ; aid he shall give at least one nH»^tljy previous i)otu;e, either by ;adyeAtisingoA-j).ostiijg wp limr tod-bJD^ U) the To>vn.. III. That Wfore ei,\|t,«>M;g on the x^ities .(if Jiis <»r less than eight dollars; and every iiueh liglit or unjust weight uv nieasiav, h) '^?ii 60 INSPECTOR OF WEIGHTS AND MEASURES. I 1% used, shall, on being discovered by the Inspector, be seized, and on conviction of thef person using the same shall be forfeited and broken up by the Inspector. VI. That the said Inspector may, at all reasonable times, enter any shop, store, warehouse, stall,yard or place whatsoever, within the Town, where any commodity is bought, sold or exchanged, weighed, exposed or kept for sale, or weighed for conveyance or carriage and there examine all weights, measures, steel-yards or othei; weighing machines and compare and try the same with fhe copies of the standard weights and measures pro- vided by law,' VII. Thatif upon such examination itappears that the said weights or measures/ or any or either of them, have not been stamped, or are light or otherwise un- just, the same shall be liable to be seized and forfeited, •and the person or persons in whose possession the same are found, shall, on conviction, forfeit a sum not exceed. ?ng- eight dollars for the fipst, and twenty dollars for every Subsequent offence. ' " VIII. Thf^t any pepon who has in his possession a steel yard or other weighing machiiie which on examination proves to be incorreplf or' otherwise unjust, or who, when thereto required, neglefits or refuses to produce for such examination all weights, measures, steel-yards or other weighing machines m his possession, or who otherwise obstructs or hinders such examination, shall be liable to a similar penalty as -::3ntioned in the 7th section of this By-Law. *v. ■'■ m' '^^^^ ^^ penalty,as aforesalu, shall be incuiTed in the^own until at least two months after a standard of weights and measures have been received bv the In- spector of the said Town. fit . 1... mmtrnmrnm, ^' INSPECTOR OF WKIGin'3 AND MEASUREH. Gl X. That any person making, forging or counter- feiting or causing to be made, forged or counterfeited or knowingly acts or assists iu the making, forging oi; counterfeiting of any stamp or mark, k^gally used Ibp the stamping or marking of any weight!:^ or measijres within the Town, shall be guilty of a misdemeanoi:. And if any person knowingly sells, alters, disposes of or exposes to sale any weight or measure, with such forged or counterfeit stam}*, or mark thereon, he shall, for every such offence, forfeit, on conviction, a sum not exceeding forty dollars, nor less tlian eight dollars. And all such weights or measures with such forged or coun- terfeited stamps or marks shall be foi'feited and broken iip by the Inspector. XI. That if the Inspector stamps, brands or marks any'weight or measure without having first compared and v'eritied the same with and by the standard weights antl measures, })rovided by law for that purpose, or is guilty of a breach of any of his duties as Inspector, he fehall, on conviction, forfeit a sum not exceeding twenty dollars to be recovered and applied as herein- after mentioned. XII. That the Inspector upon removal from office, resio-nation or removal from the said Town shall de- liver to his successor in office, or such person as may be appointed by By-Law for that purpose, all the Beams, Stamps and Standard Weights and Measures in his possession as such Inspector, and in case of the death of such Inspector his representatives shall, in like manner deliver the same to his successor in office, or to such other person as aforesaid: And in case of refusal or neglect to deliver such Beams, Stami)s and Standard Weights and Measures, entire and complete, the sue- I ^i) ,G2 ^;,'SPK(JT()U .9F WKIGHTS 4XD MKASLTHKS. i •^1 II eesHor in «,%(<; /p^y ,iuaiiitniii an action on tlie case n.i^aiiist tlie pei'ifM^n o/r por.son^ so refusing or neglectin.,', Jiini sliall recover (jo,ul.jc^,J^e y^lue of tlieni as have not been 5,leliveiv,(l; and in every a^-tion in wliicjli judgment is r^.-ndered for the PJiiintit}; j^e sJiall recover (louble costs; and of tl;e (hiinages Jey/^ed, one n^oiety sliall be retained by the Piaintitf, and the other nioiety sliall be applied in supplying such standards us ;nay be in his olh'ee. XIII. That i^U penalties unde,i' this By.-Law, to'rether Avith reasonable evs.ts, shall be recoverable befor:3 any Justice of the Peace, of the Tovvn or (bounty, ujxjn the oath of thelnsjHH'tor, or of any other creditable witness, JUid shall, if not foi;thwith [)ai*^, be levied by distress, and sale of the glh> By-Law No. 20. A By-Law to divide the Town of Picton into' rolling,' Sub divisions for the election of a Mcmher of the Legishiture of the Province' of Ontario, for the County of Prince Edward, Be it enacted by the Corpomtion of the Tdwn of Fidon. I. 'i iiat the tc'jwn of Picton be divided into three polHng sub-di^>M(Sns f.r the reception of votes at an Election of a Mteniher to represent the County of Prince" Edward in the Legislative Assembly, of the Province of Ontario — sai* divisions to be know i as follows, viz: POLLING SUB-DIVISION NUMBER ONE. This f'ub-divMon shall be and consist of all that por-' tion of the Town of Picton, knowu as " Hallowell Ward.',. POLLING SUB-DIVISION NUMI^ER TWO. This sub diVi^^bn shall be and consist of all that por-; tiod of the To\^i\ of Picton, known as "Brock Ward." POLLING SUB-DIVISION NUMBER THREE. This sub-divisibn shall be and consist' of all that por-' tion of the To\^n of Picton, known' as "Tecumseth' AlV^ard." WILLIAM OWENS, Mayor.' JOHN TWIGA; eierk. 4^ J A By-Law for the purpose of imposing Peiic^i: ties or Fines. Be it enacted hy the Corporation of tli'e Town of Picton, I. That ivy person duly elected or appointed t.o the office of Mayor, Councilman, Reeeve or Deputy, Reeve, Assessor or Collector,who refuses such office or ^'oes not make the declarations of. office and qualification' Within twenty days after knowing of his election or appoint: ment; and every person authorised to administer any such declaration, who, upon reasonable demand, refuses to administer the Sc.me shall, on .convictioA thereof before any ^ two or more Justices oi^ the Peace^ forfeit and pay not more th..n Eigrcy Dollars, nor less than Eight Dollars at the discretion of the Justices, to the use of the Corporation, together with the dokis of prose- cution. n. That any person who has been electpd or ap- pointed to any o^ice in the Corporation ^nd who has accepted such office and taken the usual declarations or oaths required of such person, and afterwards neglects the duties thereof, shall, upon conviction thereof before a,ny Justice of the Peace in and for the County of Prince Edward, forfeit and pay a fine or penalty of any sum not exceeding Fifty Dollars, together with the costs of prosecution.' III. That any person who shall be prpyed guilty of a breach of any of the By-Laws of the Corporation that are now .^v may hereafter be in force, to which express penalties are not attached, shall forfeit and pay a fine or penalty not exceeding Fifty Dollars, exclusive of costs. IMPOSING PENALTIES AND FINES. 65 IV. That any person who is convicted of a breach of any of the By-Laws of the Corporation and neglects to pay the fine or penalty within the time specified in the Convi -tion or order, a distress warrant against the goods and chattels of such oftender shall isuse at the end of the, time allowed for the paj^ment of the fine or penalty and costs of prosecution, and, in case of sufficient goods or chattels not being found, be committed to the Common Gaol for any period not exceeding twenty-one days,with or without hard labor. WILLI AlVT OWENS, JOHN TWIUG, Mayor.' Clerk.' A By-Xaw :> repeal certain By Law^' or the' Town of Picton. Be 'it enacted by tfie CoryOration <)/ *'^^' ^<^^'^ ^f Ficton. ThsLt all By-Laws aiid amendments ifefetp' iDcarmg' titles similar to those named in the Consolidated By- Laws, and included in the report tliereori, and number- ed from number one to twenty-one, be and the sairie are hereby repealed. Passed 19th February, 1872. WILLIAM OWENS, Mayor. JOHN TWIGG, Clerk; 4^ By-Law No. 23. A By-Law tomipose Tax on Dogs in the Town of Picton. Be it enacted by the Corporation of the Toiun of Picton.- That there be imposed and collected, to and for the use 6f the Town of Picton,atax of OneDollar upon each Dog and Two Dollars upon each Bitch, from the person on whose prertiis^sthe said Dbg. or Bitch is harbored, or the possessor or owner thereof 4nd the Assessor is required to enter on his Roll the number of Dogs and Bitches o^Aed, harbored or possessed' by each person on ^h03(i'pi»fetti5^esthe same are found. And the Clerk dMi 6ftte^ the amottrit foi' which said person is liable foi*- sAid tax in a separate column on the Collector's Roll, &nd the said sum shall^Be collected at the same time A^d in the same manner as other taxes of the' Corpora- tioii Sbi% done. Passed 4ih March, 1872. WI'MIAM 0WE2?S» JOHN TWIGG, Mayor Clerk. A By-I. and and t fortl Be it € Picton That<; ed to the opposite vincial T John He Harman Thoniqis Caroline Peter \}\ William Also, i to the i opposite vincial I Edv Cha Har Passed 4 JOHN [ I By-Law io. 24. A By-Iytaw to issue Certificates to obtain Tavern and Shop LipensMaj'or, or other presiding offtcfir, except the imroduOcr. 24. That it shall be th? dutypf/tji, Mayor, or other presidiiy officer, whenever he shall eoiveivc.that a motion read by the intro° ducer and Clerk may be.co.i*r|^ry. to the ..Rules of the CoancU to apprize the Council thereof before the motioa shall be put by him, and to cite the Eul«. w]^kh i? ftppjiqjtble to the case, 25v Tlmt a motion toadjoorn shAll always be ia order, except —1st. When a member is in possession of the fli> i...'tH % ^^ •C: