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 ^ ai' BIT WILLIAM .ALtlNG. 

 Entered according to act of Congress, in the year 1851, by Wir. Alling, in tlie Clerk's 
 Office of the District Court of the Northern District of New York. 
 Stereotyped by 
 J. w. nuowjf, Rocliester. 
 rniNTEn by lee, maxn & oo., 
 Rochester, JV. Y, 
 To the first, — as a feeble tribute, a moiety of what is their due, for the 
 ph3,sical and moral triumphs they have won through long early years of toil, 
 privation and endurance. In view of the brief space allotted to man by an 
 All Wise Providence, as an average existence — (uo more than thirty 
 fleeting yeara constituting a generation) — you live to be the witnesses of 
 more than it is often given to man to see. The wilderness you entered in your 
 youths — some of you in middle age — you have lived to see not only 
 "blossom as the rose," but to bear its matured and ripened fruit. ^Vhere 
 you have followed the trails of your immediate predecessors — the Seneca 
 Iroquois -- or your own woods paths, are Canals, Rail Roads and Telegraphs. 
 A long line of internal navigation — an artificial River — bearing upon its 
 bosom the products of your own subdued, teeming soil, and continuous fleets, 
 laden with the products of an Empire, that has sprung up around the bor- 
 ders of our Western Lakes — winds along through vallies that you have seen 
 but the abodes of wild beasts; from whose depths you have heard in your 
 log cabins, the terrific howl of the famishing wolf ! Aqueducts, structures 
 that the architects of the old worid might take for models, span the streams you 
 have often forded, and over wliich you have helped to throw primitive log 
 bridges. And upon these Lakes, whose commerce you have seen to consist 
 of a few batteaux, lazily coasting along near shore, putting into bays and inlets, 
 whenever the elements were disturbed — are fleets of sail vessels, and "float- 
 ing palaces," propelled by a mighty agent, whose powers were but little 
 known when you began to wield the axe in the forests of the Genesee coun- 
 try. A subtle agent was occasionally fljishing in the dark forests, indicating 
 its power by scathing and levelling its taU trees; then but partiaUy subdued 
 to man's use; now tamed, hai^essed, control' 3d; traversing those wirea and 
 bringing the extremes of this extended Union to hold convene mth each 
 other with the "rapidity of thought,"— more than realizing the boasts of 
 the spirit of the poet's imagination, who would 
 '• Put a girdle 'round the Earth in thirty minutes !" 
 Villages, cities, institutions of religion and learning, are upon sites where 
 you have, seen the dark shades of the forest rest wi.h a profound stillness, 
 that you could hardly have expected to see disturbed by the hand of improve- 
 ment. But more than all this, you have lived to see an extended region of 
 wilderness converted inlx> fruitful fields ; a landscape every where interspersed 
 with comfortable, often luxurious, fai-m buildings; surrounded by all the evi- 
 dences of substantial, unsurpassed prosperity. Who else that have planted 
 colonies, founded settlement*, have lived to see such consummations ? Peaceful, 
 bloodless, and yet glorious ! The conquerous upon battle fields have been 
 destroyei-s; you, creatore; they, have made fields desolate; you, have clothed 
 them with smiUng promise and full fruition. The)', have brought mourning; 
 you, rejoicing. Theirs, was the physical courage of a day, perhaps of a for- 
 tunate hour; youi-s, was the higher and nobler attribute — the moral courage 
 — the spirit of endurance and perseverance, that held out through long years 
 of sufiering and privation ; that looked dangers and difficulties in the face, 
 till they became famiUar associates. In the retrospect of well-spent lives — 
 in view of the consummation of the great work of civilization and improve- 
 ment, you have helped to commence and carry on — now that the shades of 
 evening are gathering around you — now that you are admonished that your 
 work upon earth is done — well may you say : — " Now Lord lettest thou 
 thy servant depart in peace.^'' 
 To the second, — as the inheritors of a rich legacy, the fruits of the 
 achievments, of the long years of enterj^rise, toil, fortitude and perseverance, 
 of those Pioneer Fathers; the conservatoi-s of their memories. Honors, titles, 
 stars and garters, such as kings may bestow, are baubles compared with what 
 they have bequeathed ! Far most of them breaking out from their quiet 
 New England homes, in youth, and strength, went firet to the battle field, 
 where it was the strong against the wealc, the oppressor against the oppressed, 
 and helped to win a glorious national inheritance ; then, after a short respite, 
 came to this primitive region, and won a local inheritance for you, fair and 
 fertile, as rich in all the elements of prosperity and happiness, as any that 
 the sun of Heaven shines upon ! Guard the trust in a spirit of gratitude ; 
 cherish the memories of the Pioneers ; imitate their stern virtues ; preserAc 
 and carry on the work they have so well begun ! 
 And both will accept this tribute, from the son of a Pioneer — one " who 
 was to the manor bom," — who has essayed to snatch from fading memories, 
 gather from imperfect records, and preserve these local Reminiscences ; — and 
 who, most of all regrets, that in the execution of the task, he has not been able 
 to recognize more of the names and the deeds of the Found eus of settle- 
 ments IN THE Genesee Country. The Author. 
 [by W. H. 0. H081IKE, ESQ.] 
 High was the homage Senates paid 
 To the plumed Conquerors of old, 
 And freely, at tlieir feet were laid. 
 Rich piles of flasliiiig gems and gold. 
 Proud History exliaustod thought, 
 Glad bards awoke their vocal reeds; 
 "VVliile Pliidian hands the marble wrought 
 In honor of their wondrous deeds : 
 But our undaunted Pioneers 
 Have conquests more enduring won. 
 In scattering the night of years. 
 And opening forests to the sun ; 
 And victors are tliey nobler far 
 Than tlie helmed cliiefs of other times. 
 Who rolled their chariots of war, 
 To foreign lands, and distant climes. 
 Earth groaned beneath their mail-clad men. 
 Bereft of greenness where they trod. 
 And wildly rose, from hill and glen, 
 Loud, agonizing shrieks to God. 
 Pur%'eyors of the carrion bird 
 Blood streamed from their uplifted hands. 
 And wliile the crash of States was heard. 
 Passed on their desolating hordes. 
 Then tell me not of heroes fled — 
 Crime, renders foal their boasted fame. 
 While widowed ones and orphans bled. 
 They earned the pAantom of a name. 
 The sons of our New England Sires, 
 Armed with endurance, dared to roam 
 Far from the hospitable fi es. 
 And the bright, hallowed bowers of Home. 
 The storm tliey met with bosoms bared. 
 And bloodless triumphs bought by toil ; 
 The wild boast from liis cavern scared. 
 And clothed in bloom the virgin soil. 
 Distemper leagued with famines wan, 
 Ncned to a high resolve, tlioy bore ; 
 And flocks, upon the thymy lawn, 
 Eanged where the panther yelled before. 
 Look now abroad ! the scene how changed, 
 Wliere fifty fleeting years ago 
 Clad in their savage costume ranged. 
 The belted lords of shaft and bow. 
 In praise of pomp let fawning Art 
 Carve rocks to triumjjh over years, 
 The grateful incense of the heart 
 Give to our living Pioneees. 
 Almighty I may thine out-sti-etched arm 
 Guard through long ages, yet to be, 
 From tread of slave, and kingly harm. 
 Oca Eden of the Geneske. 
 Page 131 — arta of peace, instead of " acts." 
 Page 151— read sister instead of " daughter of Zachariah Seymour." 
 Page 174— in note— Judge Taylor, should be in place of "Judge Wells. " 
 Two references whicJi belong to ])age 325 are earned over to page 326. 
 Page 483 — Shay's Rebellion — " General order" — ilate sliould have been 1786. 
 Page 314 — 8th line, " after," should precede "his appointment." 
 Page 416 — 9th line $200 instead of $2,00." 
 Page 597— 15tli Une, receipts of Rochester P, 0., should be as iu a few lines above, 
 :3,4b, instead of "|34G." 
 'hJ^'o,: ■ :^•■^ 
 I ^ ^ f ' f ""^'in^ed nearly one year since, the publication of which has been 
 f£'rtt\^^°''^ tt«F°'ni«cd period, owing to causes unforBecn - princiLly to 
 the fact that it is of greater magiiitude, and has fnvolved a fur greater amount o?£e 
 labor and research than was anticii.ated - is now presented to the public ' 
 1 lie general plan of it will hanfly be misunderstood by its readers : — It is a his- 
 tory of the Pioneer, or first set. xement, of that portion of the Genesee Country em- 
 braced m the purchiise of Oliver Phelps and Nathaniel Gorham of the State of M:^I 
 sachusetto and the Seneca Indians, and of that portion purchased by Robert Morri. 
 J^hth '"""^^ "I H' • "^A" V^^ ^""""^ Company. *rho boundaries of the Sn 
 f!?™l ^V-'^If ^"'^ "! "'" ^'^}'' P''^''' «'"' '-^^^ "'""^ '^le-'irfy '''^fin^'d in the body of 
 w y \r ^V-? ^''^ ?'^^™' ''"'^ "'"'^^y t^»° "lie half of what constitutes, pro,)erly 
 Western New York ; its eastern boundary being the Massachusetts hue of pre-em Sn' 
 fr«.„<f X" <=«™"''^»'=e8 with the advent of the French upon the St Lawrence, and 
 traces their progress to this region, and along the shores o/ the Western Lakes to the 
 smrFrench'do!^nfon'*^'^°"^"^"'^ *^° prominent events that foUowed under English 
 Enough of colonial history has been embraced — that which tended in the direction 
 ot our local region — to make such an induction to the main design of the work as 
 l^n 5 1'''"!'^ *T? ""^°1^«» '=\«"'k «>• chronology of events, commencing wiUi the 
 lanchng of the French upon the St. Lawrence, and continued through the period of 
 Wfl'i' r"^ English occupancy As all this wa.s but incidental, it has been, geuemUy. 
 bnefly disposed of, for tlie author w.-is admonished tliat his space would berequirt>d 
 when he had entered upon a less beaten track. Yet he may venture to anticipate that 
 even Jie s udent of history, will find sometliing of interest in this precedent portion 
 of the work; for It IS not wholly an explored leld, and each new gleaner may bring 
 something from it to add to the common stock of historical knowledge 
 ti,: iTf the original design of the author to incorporate in the work, something of 
 the history of our immediate predecessors, the Senecas. It was mainly abandoned 
 however on learning tiiat a local author, quite competent for the task, (as his now 
 Dublished work bears witnes.s,) was preparing for the press, a work which would em- 
 .nT 'Til of Interest in their liistory.* Much of them, however, will be found 
 scattered throughout a large portion of the work, and a separate chapter is appropriated 
 to them, from the pen of a native, and resident of the Geneseo Valfey _ a scholar and 
 a poet, whose famejias gone out far beyond our local region, and conferred credit upoa 
 Its literature.t It;^ See chapter II, Part L uvii^muupou 
 The colonial period passetl, — the local events of the Revolution briefly disposed 
 ol; — Indian treaties commencing under tiie administration of George Clixton — 
 the almost interminable difficulties in which the State, and individual purchasers 
 were involved in with the Lessees, — the slow advance of settlement in tliis direc- 
 ri'^.l^T'"'*' ^""["Jf ts next ;,n order. Much of all this has been drawn from authentic 
 records, and did not previously exist in any connected printed record. 
 1 he mam subject reached - settlement of the Genesee country commenced -a 
 general plan of nan-ative, somewhat novel in its character was adopted : — History 
 ana briet personal Biography, have been in a great measure blended. This has vastiv 
 increased the labor of the work, but it is hoped it wiU be found to have added to ite 
 uiterest It will readily oe inferred that it involved the necessity of selectin.' the 
 most prominent of thr- Pioneers in each locaUty — those with whom could be blended 
 most oi the Pioneer events. In almost every locality there ^aa been regretted omis- 
 sions ; a failure to recognize all who should have been noticed. This has been pai-^ly 
 the result of necessity, but oftener the neglect of those who had promised to furnish 
 the required information. While tiie work contains more of names and sketches of 
 personal history, tiiau are to be found in any other local annals that have been pub- 
 lished in our countiy, there are hundreds of Pi oneer names reluctantly omitted. 
 • " League of the.Iroquois," by Lewis H. Morgan, Esq., of Eochegter. 
 1 W, H. C. Hosmer, Esq., of Avon. 
 In a. 1 that relates to early difficulties with the Indians ; to tliroatened renewals of 
 the Border Wars, after the settlement of Uie country commenced, the author lias been 
 fortunate in the possession of authentic records, hitlierto neglected, which gives to 
 the subjects a new and enhanced interest. The accounts of the treaties of Messrs. 
 PicKERiNfi and CiiAriN, with the Indians, arc mostly derived from official coiTespon- 
 dence ; while most of what relates to the councils held with them to obtain land ces- 
 Hions west of tlie Seneca Lake, are derived from the manuscripts of Oliver Phelps 
 and Thomas Morns, the principal actors in the scenes. 
 The autlior cannot but coaclude, tliat poorly as the task may have been executed, 
 It hafl been undertaken at a fortunate period. More than one half of this volume is 
 made up from the reminiscences, the fading memories, of the living actors in the 
 scenes descnlxid and tho cvent.s related. No tlian nino, wlio, iviihin tlie last ten 
 months, have rendered in this way, essential senico, - ^vithout whoso assistance the 
 ■work must have been far more imperfect -- are either in their graves, or their memories 
 are wholly impaired. 
 The thanks of the author are especially duo to Henry O'Rielly, for the use of val- 
 uable papers collected with reference to continuuig some historical researches, ho had 
 so weU commenced ; to James H. Woods, for the use of papers of Chas. Williamsox ; 
 to Oliver Phelps and James S. Wadswohtu, for the use of papers in their possession, 
 as tlio representativea of Oliver Phelps and James Wadsworth ; to Johx Grkio and 
 JosEPul'ELLOWsfor accoss to papers in their respective land offices; and especially 
 to tho former, for the essential materials in his possession as tlie representative of 
 Israel Chapih, and his son and successor, Isbael Cuapin ; to tlie managers of the 
 Rochester Athameum, for free access to their valuable Lii^ary ; to 0. C. Clarke, of 
 Albany, and S. B. B>jckley, of Yates, for valuable contributions; to numerous ther 
 individuals, most of wliom are indicated in the body of the work. And to Lee Mann 
 & Co., the Printers, and Wm. Alling, the PubUsher, for their liberal terms' and the 
 business accommodation with which they have aided the enterprise. 
 taf The manner of pubhshing is a n.aterial departure from the original intention. 
 Instead of pubhshing one work, there wiU be four. This is the first of tlie series. 
 1 hose that wiU follow in order— (and in rapid succession if no unforeseen difficulties 
 occur) — will be: — P. and G. Purchase — Livingston and Allegany; — P. and G. 
 P. -Ontario and Yates ;- P. and G. P. -Wayne. In this plan it is confidently 
 behevod the interests of Author, Publisher and Purchaser, will he made to harmonize, 
 it obviates the necessity of a large work of two volumes, and a high price, fatal to that 
 general sale that a loeal work must have, within its scope, to remunerate the labor of 
 Its preparation and defray the necessary expenses attending it. While the citizens of 
 Monroe, for instance, will have all the general history of Phelps and Gorham's 
 Purchase, i.nd Morris' Keserve — 493 octavo pages — brought down to a late Pioneer 
 period ; they will not be under the necessity of purchasing at an an enhanced price, 
 the mere local history of other counties. The only alteration there will ^le in the main 
 body of tho work, m the subsequent volumes announced, will be<he correction of 
 any material errors that are discovered; but there will be in each one of them the 
 ' Supplenient," or "Extension," of the Pioneer history of the counties, as in this in- 
 stance — Monroe. 
 The historical works which have been essential to the author's purposes, other than 
 those duly credited, are : —Conquest of Canada, Travels of the Duke De la Roche- 
 foucault Liancourt, Mary Jomison or the White Woman, History of Schoharie His- 
 tory of Onondaga, History of Rochester. ' 
 B^ There are no illustrations : — partly because the are not essential to liistorv 
 but mamly because they enhance the cost beyond wiiat the sa'.s of any local work 
 will warrant. Ihe leading object ha.s been in the mechanical execution of the work 
 to furnish a large amount of reading matter, in a plain, neat and substantial manner at 
 ^ ^iSl.T'^^'.TrJ^ , ^^'i^C'*'' ^* "^^^^ probably be conceded, has been accomplished. 
 1^ It will be observed, that little is said of the early history of Steuben In an 
 early stage of the preparation of the wor'- the author was apprised that a local histo- 
 ry oi that county, was preparing for the press. 
 |lt«~Errors in names, in lates, in facts, wDl undoubtedly be discovered De- 
 pending upon memories often infirm, one disagreeing with another, labor, weeks and 
 months of careful research, could not wholly guard against them. O" With reference 
 to the future enterprises announced, the author will be thankful for any corrections 
 that may be commumcated to him personally, or through the mails. 
 It was one hundred and sixteen years after ihe discovery of 
 America by Columbus, before the occupancy of our race was tend- 
 ing in this direction, and Europeans had made a permanent stand 
 upon the St. Lawrence, under the auspices of France and Cham- 
 plain. In all that time, there had been but occasional expeditions 
 to our northern Atlantic const, of discovery, exploration, and 
 occasional brief occupancy ; but no overt act of possession and 
 dominion. The advent of Chamfllain, the founding of Quebec, from 
 which events we date French colonization in America, was in 160S. 
 One year previous, in 1607, an English expedition had entered the 
 Chesapeake Bay and founded Jamestown, the oldest En^'^lish settle- 
 ment in America. In 1009, Henry Hudson, an Englishman, in the 
 employ of the East India Company of Holland, entered the bay 
 of the river that bears his name, and sailed up the river as far as 
 Albany. In 1621, permanent Dutch colonization commenced at 
 New- York and Albany. In 1620 the first English colonists com- 
 menced the permanent occupancy of New England at Plymouth. 
 In tracing the advent of our race to our local region, French 
 colonization and occupancy, must necessarily, take precedence. 
 Western New- York, from an early period after the arrival of Cham- 
 plain upon the St. Law.ence, — until 1759, — for almost a century 
 and a haU' formed a portion of French Canada, or in a more ex- 
 tended geographical designation, of New France. 
 France, by priority of discovery, by navigators s&iling under her 
 flag, and commissioned by her King, in an early period of partition 
 among the nations of Europe, claimed the St. Lawrence and its 
 tributary waters and all contiguous territory, as her part of the New 
 World. Setting at defiance, as did England the papal bull of Pope 
 Alexander VI., which conferred all of America, "its towns and 
 cities" included, upon Spain and Portugal, her then King, Francis 
 I. entered vigorously into the national competition for cofonial pos- 
 sessions in America. While the English and Dutch were cruizing 
 upon our southern and eastern coast,s, entering th^ bays, and mouths 
 of their rivers, hesitating and vascillating in measures of permanent 
 colonization ; and the Spaniards were making mixed advents of gold 
 huntmg and romance, upon our south-western coast; the French 
 were coasting off the mouth of the St. Lawrence, and unappallod by 
 a rigorous climate, and rough and forbidding landscapes, resolvin(r 
 upon colonization upon its banks. "Touch and take," was the 
 order of the day ; with but little knowledge of the value of the vast 
 region that had been discovered, of its capabilities and resources, 
 but such as had been gained by navigators in a distant view of the 
 coasts, and an occasional entrance into bays and rivers ; the splendid 
 inheritance was parcelled out, or cla'med by the nations of Europe, 
 as lightly and inconsiderately as if it had been of little worth. 
 The subjects of France, as it would now seem, when such a vast 
 field had been opened for possession ; after they had seen and heard 
 of more promising and congenial regions, made but a poor choice 
 of her share in the New World. We are left principally to con- 
 jecture for the explanation : First, the broad stream of the St. Law- 
 rence invited them to enter and explore it ; nc where were Europe- 
 ans met by the natives with more friendly manifestations ; and a 
 lucrative trade soon added to the inducements. It was a mighty 
 flood that they saw pouring into the ocean, with a uniformity °that 
 convinced them of the vast magnitude and extent of the region it 
 drained. Though ice-bound for long and dreary months, when spring 
 approached, its ^fetters gave way, and on rolled its rushing tide, a 
 " swift witness" that it came from congenial regions embraced in 
 their discovery. Beside, a " shorter route to the Indies," across this 
 continent, was one of the prominent and early objects of European 
 navigators, following the discovery of Columbus. It was in fact, a 
 mam object, allied perhaps with visions of precious metals ;— for 
 actual colonization, was at first but incidental to the leading objects.* 
 * Upon the shoros of the Clicp.apcnkp, upon tho Hiid«iu and St. Lawrenoi-, iui-l in 
 the bays ot New KnKlinul, tlic firKt inlonn;ition Houirlit after by Eiirop^-an adventure"* 
 ol the natives, throiiij:h the niediiini of sij^nsjiad reference to the directions fronnvhich 
 tne rivers flowed, and tlie existence of precious nietals. 
 It was but a natural deduction, that the broad and deep river they 
 had entered from the ocean, and its tributaries, were stretched out 
 in a long line toward the Pacific coast.* 
 The progress of colonization in all the northern portion of the 
 contment, after discovery, was slow. What in our age, and espe- 
 cially where our own countrymen are engaged, would be but the 
 work of a year, was then the work of a century. It was before the 
 world had been stimulated by the example of a free government and 
 a free people, unincumbered by royal grants and charters, and their 
 odious and paralizing monopolies. It was before governments had 
 learned the simple truths that some of them are yet slow in appre- 
 ciating that the higher destinies of our own race are onlv to be 
 worked out in the absence of shackles upon the mind and the phy- energies of the governed. It was when the good of the few 
 was made subservient to that of the many ; and Kings and their 
 favorites were central orbs around which all there was of human 
 energy, enterprize and adventure, was made to revolve as sattelites. 
 Jt was when foreign wars and conquests, and civil wars, in which 
 the higher interests of mankind were but little involved, wore divert- 
 >ng the attention of Europe from the pursuits of peace, civilization, 
 and their extended sphere. There was no prophet to awake the 
 sleeping energies of the Old World to an adequate conception of 
 the field of promise that was opening here;-no one to even fore- 
 shadow all that was hidden in the womb of time; and had there 
 been, there would have been unfolded to Kings and Potentates, 
 little for their encouragement; but how much to man, in all his 
 noblest aspirations, his looking forward to a better time ' 
 When colonization, such as contemplated permanent occupation 
 finally commenced, it was in a measure, simultaneous, upon our 
 northern coast.. Two powerful competitors started in the race 
 •iH' idoa that ll.rro \^^^' \n^^t:tu'''^T t" buvebeeu prepossess.,! witl, .liscovery a ul a qu So "^ ''"' l^^'"""^Satf.l of wlmt in our day is 
 for possession and dominion in America ; and a third was awakened 
 and became a competitor. While as yet the Pilgrim Fathers were 
 refugees ni Germany, deliberating as to where should be their 
 assylum, appalled by all the dangers of the ocean and an inhospita- 
 ble dime, and at times half resolving to go back and brave the per- 
 secution from which they had fled; — while as yet there was but 
 one feeble colony, upon all our southern coast, and the rambling 
 Do Soto and the romantic Ponce de Leon had been but disai)pointed 
 adventurers in the south-west; the adventurous Frenchmen had 
 entered the St. Lawrence and planted a colony upon its banks ; 
 had erected rude pallisades at Quebec and Montreal, and were 
 making their way by slow stages in this direction. Halting at 
 Kingston, (Frontenac) they struck off across Canada by river^and 
 inland lake navigation — carrying their bark canoes over portages 
 and reached Lake Huron ; then on, amid hostile tribes, until thev 
 had explored and made missionary and trading stations upon Lake's 
 Michigan and Superior, the upper waters of the JMississippi, and the 
 Illinois rivers. 
 Jn all the French expeditions to the St. Lawrence, previous to that 
 of Champlain, there is little interest save in those of Jaques Cartier. 
 In his second one, in 1535, with three ships, and a large number 
 of accompanying adventurers he entered the St. Lawrence and 
 gave it its name ; giving also, as he proceeded up the river, names 
 to other localities which they yet bear. Arrived at the Island of 
 Orleaas, he had a friendly interview with the natives. In a previ- 
 ous voyage he had seized and carried to France, two natives, who,, 
 returning with him somewhat instructed in the French laniruHge^ 
 now acted as his interpreters, and gave a favorable account to their 
 people of those they had been with, and the country they liad seen. 
 Proceeding on, he anchored for the winter, at " Stadacona," after- 
 wards called Quebec. Here he v;as met by an Indian chief, Dona- 
 cona, with a train ot five hundred natives who welcomed his arri- 
 val. The Indians giving Cartier intimation that a kirtrer vilhirre 
 than theirs lay farther up the river. With a picked crew of thirty- 
 five armed men he a.scended the river, had friendly interviews with 
 the natives upon its banks. Arriving at the present site of Man. 
 treal, he found an Indian village called Ilochelnga. which "stood in 
 the midst of a great field of Indian corn, was of a circular form, 
 containing about fifty large huts, each fifty paces long and from' 
 iburfeen to fifteen wide, all built in the shape of tunnels forned of 
 wood, and covered with birch hnrt • tl..^ ii ^ ,'. '^™^^ ^^ 
 seven] rnnm. ^^'^^ t^ifch baik , the dwellings were divided into 
 nres bu.ned. Three rows of pallisad-^s encircled the town with 
 th'oirrriTd r^'"^\'^^ '-''-''' ^^- '- wiK>ie L;:;:' 
 the outc. nng of defence, there was a gallerv, approached by ili.hts 
 resist attack. * The strangers were entertained with fetes and 
 to Jaqucs Cartier. who m the simple minds of the natives possessed 
 some supernatural power over disease, which he dLc a:imed ut 
 he p,ous adventurer "read aloud part of the Gospel of S John 
 and made the sign of the cross over the sufferers " ' 
 parting uuh ns newly acquired acquaintances at Hochela^. In 
 - absence the intense cold had come upon his people un-TpaJ; 
 UK or less allectcd. The kind natives gave him a remcdv that 
 tfa IftTT-^ ^'--P^^^^^-P-P-dtoretur^rF;^ 
 AS It al of the first mtervievvs of our race with the natives were to 
 be signa ly marked by acts of wrong and outrage, as n ea mesl of 
 the whole catalogue that was to follow, under pretence "ha "e|ad 
 c Pt "s and tl ^ ' ^ "/'"^ ^'" ''"■^^^' ^«"''^-"'^' t'^« fo'-- 
 toTk 1^; t" I ": ''^"t', "' '""'^'"^ ^'"'" ^" ^--^ his vessels, 
 k ml t e u 'en T' ",'? ^^'"^ '^'^''S^^-'' i^ has been said, by a 
 Kind tieatment that reconciled them to their flite 
 lie expedition had found no "gold nor silver" and for that re. 
 son disappointed their patron, the King, and the peoi of F .ce 
 n ir ;::^h ' ^^^ ^^'^'^ ^^ ^"^^"-^^^ ^^ a n-goLi 0^1^.^ t 
 Idtl^ ;:;•"' '^'.^^'-^-hle repots of an he had seen and 
 enou'ho F 1? 'll ^^''"^^^"'^. «« «oon as he had acquired 
 of t^ bl tv " \ ' " '"'f'^^'' " "^"'"••"«'' «" ^''at had been said 
 otl, beauty, richness and salubrity of his native country " The 
 chief, however, sickened and died ^' 
 The next commission to visit the new dominions of France, was 
 * CoiKiucut of Canada. 
 t A decoction of tlie loaf anu tlie bark of tJio fir tree. 
 Is i 
 granted to Jean Francois de la Roche, with Jaques Cartier as his 
 second ni command. It was formidable in its organization and 
 equipment; after a series of disasters : — the arrival of Cartier, 
 upon his old grounds; a reconciling of the Indian.^ lo his outrage, 
 a winter of disease and death among his men; a failure of de°la 
 Koche to arrive in season ; it returned to France to add to a war in 
 which she had just then engaged, reasons for suspending colonial 
 enterprises. Almost a half century succeeded for French advents 
 to become but a tradition upon the banks of the St. Lawrence. 
 How like a vision, in all this time, must those advents have seemed 
 vvith the simple natives ! A strange people, with all that could excite 
 their wonder : — the'.- huge ships, their loud mouthed cannon, whose 
 sounds had reverberated upon the summits of their mountains, in 
 their vallies, and been re-echoed from the deep recesses of their 
 forests ; with their gay banners, and music, and all the imposing at- 
 tendants of fleets sent out by the proud monarch of a showy and 
 ostentatious nation of Europe ; who had addressed them in an un- 
 known tongue, and by signs and symbols awed them to a contempla- 
 tion of a Great Spirit, other than the terrible Manitou of their sim- 
 pie creed; who had showed them a "book" in which were revela- 
 tions they had neither "seen in the clouds nor heard in the winds;" 
 whose advent had been a mixed one of conciliation and porfid": — 
 who had given them a taste of "strong water," that had steeped 
 their senses in forgetfulness, or aroused their fiercest passions. All 
 this had come and gonr-, began and ended, and left behind it a vacu- 
 um, of mingled wonder, amazement and curiosity; and of darkfore- 
 bodmgs of evil, if there was some kind spirit, caring for their future 
 destiny, to foreshadow to them the sequel of all they had witnessed. 
 Would the pale faced strangers come again ? — Would their lost ones 
 be restored to reveal to them the mysteries of those wondrous 
 advents; and tell them of all things they had seen in that far off 
 land, the home of the strangers ? These were the anxious enquiries, 
 the themes around their council fires, in their wigwams, when they 
 held communion with their pagan deities, or asked the moon and the 
 stars to be the revelators of hidden things. One generation passed 
 away and anoth-r succeeded, before the mysterious strangers came. 
 T)hUr«,nn vn li ,J f ^^ ^'T r ""^ ^''^'^'V tl'e advents c? Cartier nnd Clmm- 
 fc mil ;J '''I'^l'"" ','« "1 l"i-'''H'lj fi^licrmon and traders, Kt'iiendly coastin- off New 
 Foundland, occasionally entered the St. and traded with the natives 

 first to conciliate their favor by offering themselves as allies; then 
 to wrest from them empire and dominion. 
 The first expedition of Champlain was in 1603 and '4 The ac 
 counts of them possess but little interest. In 1G08, equipped by his 
 patrons for an expedition, having principally in view the fur trade, he 
 extended his own views to the addition of permanent colonization 
 and missionary enterprize. Arriving at Quebec, he erected the firsi 
 ±.uropean tenements upon the banks of the St. Lawrence The In 
 dians with whom Cartier had cultivated an acquaintance, were re- 
 duced to a few in number, by removal, famine and disease Re- 
 maining at Quebec through a severe winter, relieving the neccessi- 
 ties of the Indians, his own people suffering under an attack of the 
 scurvy, Champlain in 1609, accompanied by two Frenchmen and 
 a war party of the natives, went up tlia St. Lawrence, and struck off 
 to the Lake that still bears his name. The war party that accom- 
 panied him. were of the Algonquins and Hurons, of Canada, who were 
 then at war with the Iroquois. Their object was invasion of the Ir- 
 oquois country, and Champlain, from motives of policv had become 
 their ally. Upon the shores of a lake to which he ga^'e the name of 
 St. Sacrament-afterwards called Lake George-the party met a 
 war party of two hundred Iroquois ; a battle ensued, the tide c^ it was 
 as uusual, turning in flivor of the wariike and almost every where 
 conquering Iroquois, when Champlain suddenly made his appearance, 
 v.t his two Frenchmen and the first fire from their arquebuses, kil- 
 led two of the Iroquois chiefs, and wounded a third. The Iroquois 
 dismayed, as well by the report and terrible effect of new weapons 
 of war, as by the appearance of those who bore them, held out but 
 httle longer; fled m disorder; were pursued, and many of them killed 
 and taken prisoners. This was the first battle cf which history gives 
 us any account, in a region where armies have since often met - 
 And It marks another era the introduction of fire arms in battle," to 
 the natives, in all the northern portion of this continent. They had 
 now been made acquainted with the two elements that were destined 
 TheltdT't^r^''^'^'"';; '^^'''" ^^^ ^^^'^^^ extermination 
 They had tasted French brandy upon the St. Lawrence, English rum 
 upon the s^iores of the Chesapeake, and gin, up^n the ba'k" 
 of he Hudson. They had seen the mighty engines, one of which 
 was to conquer them in battle and the other was to conquer them 
 m peace councils, where cessions of their domains were involved 
 Champlain returned to France, leaving a small colony at Quebec- 
 was invited to an audience, and had favor with the Kin-r. who be- 
 stowed upon all this region, the natn^ of New Franco.* Cham- 
 plain visited his infant colony again in KJIO. and 1013, recruiting it, 
 and upon each occasion going himself to battle with his neifriil'rors 
 and allies against the Iroquois. In ICloa company of merchants in 
 France, having procured a charter from the King, which embraced 
 all of French interests in Ni^^v Trance, gave to Champlain the prin- 
 cipal direction of their aflliirs. Having attende. to the temporal 
 affairs of the colony, the conversion of the natives, bv Catliolic 
 missionaries, engaged his attention. Four missionaries of the order 
 of Recollcts were enlisted. These were the first missionaries in 
 Canada, and the first upon all our Atlantic coast, with the exception 
 of some Jesuit missionaries that had before reached Nova Scotia. 
 Leaving the large recruit of colonists he brought out at Quebec^ 
 where he found all things had gone well in his absence, the intrepid ad- 
 venturer, and soldier as he had made himself, pushed on to Montreal, 
 and joined again a war party of his Indian allies, against the Iroquois.' 
 The Iroquois were this time conquerors. Defea^t had lessened the 
 importance of Champlain in the eyes of his Indian allies, and they 
 even refused him and his few followers, a guide back to Quebec, 
 although he had been wounded. Remaining for the winter an 
 unwilling guest of his Indian allies, he improved his time, as soon as 
 his wounds would allow of it, in visiting more of the wild region of 
 Canada. In the spring he returned to Quebec, and in July, to 
 For several succeeding years, Champlain visited and revisited the 
 colony, extending and strengtheningit; encountering vicissitudes in 
 France consequent upon the breaking up and change of proprietor- 
 ships ; his colony subjected to attacks from the Iroquois whom he 
 * OiarlovoLv. 
 Jond, u;vu,,„noy„t tins r.-mr, _ f ). ]I. Marshall. Esq. „f HufFal. — t,. asantn w "re 
 Champ am and lus In,l,a„ allios „,va,l..,i 11,,. (crrilo/v ,.f ,ho Ir„.j,.oi.s. T .y c "ue 
 ac )..s tho 1 .uvr ond ot Lake ()„fari„, an,! passinjn tlnm.frh what is now .M\wlm2d 
 sw,.,^,. ro,,n1„.s, cr„ss«l tJ.o Onoi,lo Lak. luul attacked the 0„on,lai,a.s at Ih ■ pHn- 
 rxn^lf^ l,f^^ .• ''!" """"'•■■' S'"'"^'' "" "'iviinta-o ; and Champlain who 
 had injudiciously made his implacable enemies. Still, French colo- 
 nization in New France slowly progressed, and trading establish- 
 ments were multiplied. In 1(523 a stone Fort was erected at Quebec 
 to protect the colonists against the Iroquois, and a threatened rndof 
 amicable relations with the Ilurons and Algonquins. In 1G25, 'G, 
 the first Jesuit missionaries came out from France, among them were 
 names with which we become familiar in tracing the first advents of 
 our race in Western New York and the region of the Western 
 In 10-27 the colonization of New France was placed upon a new 
 fooling, by the organization of the "Company of One Hundred Asso- 
 ciates." Their charter gave them a monopoly in New France, and 
 attempted to prothote ci.ristianization and colonization, both of which 
 had been neglected by making the fur trade a principal object. The 
 "Company" engaged to introduce 16,000 settlers before 1643.— 
 Before the advent of this new association, the colony had become 
 but a feeble one ; the Indians had become hostile and kept the French 
 confined to their small settlements, at times, to their fortifications. 
 Hostilities having commenced between France and England, the 
 first vessel sent out by the Associates fell into the hands of the 
 English. An English expedition after destroying the French trading 
 establishment at T.idoussac, on the Sagenay, sent a demand for the 
 surrender of Quebec. Champlain replied in a manner so spirited 
 and determined as to delay the accack, until the English force was 
 increased. In July 1629 an English fleet appeared, and demanded 
 a surrender which Champlain with his reduced and feeble means 
 of resistance was obliged to obey. The terms of capitulation se- 
 cured all private rights of the French colonists, and most of them 
 remained. Champlain, however, returned to France. It was a 
 siege and capitulation in miniature, that after the lapse of more than 
 a century, was destined to be the work of concentrated armies and 
 navies, and weeks of fierce contest. 
 English possession was surrendered by treaty in 1632. At the 
 period of this small conquest :— "the Fort of Quebec, surrounded by 
 a score of hastily built dwellmgs and barracks, some poor huts on 
 the Is-land of Montreal, the like at Three Rivers and Tadoussac, 
 and a few fishermen's log houses and huts on the St. Lawrence, 
 wore the only fruits of the discoveries of Verrazano, Jaques Cartier, 
 Roberval and Champlain, and the great outlay of La Roche and 
 I' i 
 a'^LfC''"' ''' '"'^ '"' "^"^"Ss of their followers, fornearly 
 of Ser£n ''^"'^ ^" '"''• ^^"'"^ '^^^^ re-appointed Governor 
 cllTts and"'. "'"' ' '"; """'^ of Missionary and other 
 colonists, and gave a new impulse to colonial enterprise • settle- 
 "s flrmfrat O \"r^^"'^ ^^"^^^' w.thrich'endo«s 
 was tormed at Quebec, for the "education of youth andthemnvpr 
 the /ounder of French colonization in New Fiance, to whose perse 
 veranee courage, and fortitude, France was indebted for lefoo ' 
 hold she had gamed upon this continent, died, and was "buri d in the' 
 oily of which he was the founder." t 
 Montmagny succeeded Champlain. Deprived of much of the 
 patronage from the Associates that he had reason to expect, the work 
 of colonization progressed but slowly during his alin straZn 
 winch continue until 1047. Trade, advanced settlement ;„„: 
 pr L h'ad'a „' "r r''°=""' '"' "'"'""'^^ ^""^ educa.ionalfn er- 
 w founded Th n'rr""^ ^^"'"^' "-'Q-bec,a college 
 waslounded. The Dutchess de Arguillon founded the Hotel Die^, 
 and Ma ame de la Pel.rie, the convent of the Ursulins The las,' 
 gio^ ai^i: T'™? ™ ""'"'■ "''«' ''"'■■ ^ ^-"'- "> her e ' 
 n"w Wnu .r P''°P''S"°'- "' i'- She came hers, ' "to the 
 r,7. ;r " ™^«l"''"^''''™, accompanied byUrsulines 
 ofLt°rr r"r?"'"™°"'™"'p'™°-'y-*'thewto;' 
 of Lo«r Canada. Such was the eclat that attended the advent o^ 
 the noble patron and her followers, who had left all the refinement" 
 ga ties and luxuries of France, to take up their abode upon . ,e w" d' 
 sTgnatdCa : l"" "'"' "• ^''™"'=^' '^'" ">-> -iv Z" 
 signalized by a public reception, with military and religious observan- 
 ma!!' °"'°'' T^r' '™"" ""''" 'he administration of Mont- 
 Foifthere™'''. '""""'■'=" "' Montreal, and the building of a 
 Foit there and at the mouth of the Richlieu, as out.posls a<.ainst ^le 
 Iroquo-. whosmce they had become exasperated by Champ ai" 
 made Ircjuent attacks upon the French settlements. A threat reth 
 * Conquest of Canada. 
 .i£:t= -r;xiKr £ s^:a^^^^^^^ 
 ed the ears of Montmagny that they would "drive the white man into 
 the sea, and becoming convinced of the powers of the wild warriors 
 ^.'hose strength he had no meansof estimating, he sought the means 
 of es abiishing a peace with then., in which he was encouraged by his 
 neighbors the Hurons, who were worn out, and their number's re- 
 duced, by long wars with their indefatiguable adversaries The -ov 
 ernor and the Huron chiefs met deputies of the Iroquois at Three 
 Itivers, and concluded n peace. 
 M. d' Ailleboust who had held a command at Three Rivers was 
 the successor of Montmagny, and continued as Governor until ier.o' 
 The peace with the Iroquois gave a spur to missionary enterprise 
 and trade, both of which were extended. 
 During the administration of Montmagny, missionaries and traders 
 had followed the water courses of Canada, and reached Lake Hu- 
 ron where they had established a post. From that distant point, 
 in 1640, came the first of our race that ever trod upon the soil of 
 Western Nevy lorlc, and left behind them any record of their ad- 
 vent. * On the 2d day of November, 1040. two .Jesuit Fathers. 
 Brebeauf and Chaumonot, left their mission station at St. Marie 
 on the nver Severn, near Lake Huron, and came upon the Nia^^ara 
 nver. both sides of which were occupied by the Neuter NatiJn. f 
 Ihey found this nation to consist of 12,000 souls, having 4,000 
 vva^Tiors, and inhabiting forty villages, eigliteen of which the mis- 
 sionaries visited. They were, say these Fathers :_" Larger 
 s ronger, and better formed than our Hurons." " The men Tike 
 all savages, cover the=r naked flesh with skins, but are less par'ticu- 
 Neuter Nation. If tliis is so he J^lZ"ti^.! V-^ ^ tlie winter ut IG^ti „n.,.n-r the 
 The period is earlier Ln we em w^I«,f^ wnten.un who saw Western New York, 
 so fa.- away fro,n tl.e S irenN „no '^71 '''"■" '""''' ^''^:^^*" »"/ J''»'"chn,a„ 
 tl.e tlien utter hostility o the Imq^ / '^tHl tfe'"'^ wlu., wo eonsid., 
 as this have tolerated! few miS a^s ^ fti^""™ '''^'"^'' ■" ^'""" ""'^ -^-^ly 
 the west side of the N a.^ni river it wtv,^^ Lake Eno and a wide strip om 
 «'ere at, war, and they we e neutnls iT^tl,;,!""- «>•""',"'• ^j''il^«'"-nm„dini, nation, 
 and Chanmorot, the/we,.^d s w^,^ V'"' ^"'^'^ "^ "'•'-■'^«'"f 
 as we found it-a pit of ttC ,fo Th i w'^l''''^ ^ r!' ''" '>-'"" '^''^^'»°^^' " 
 the fury of the Iroquois, thev fina Iv n .!, ,^ "'?• ^■■'•^'? Clinrlevoix ; _ " To avoid 
 cothi.-,; by the union T o r>nn„ J r'f ,'.*'" "S'^lv'-s a-ainst the Hurons, hut mined 
 ^■■.tiafui, c/ostroy d aU thl canic^ H. ';' ''v': ^'"'f ^^i^'^r' '''"^^ Wood.' can ?iot hi 
 of the Neuter :N^atioii." '''^' ' '""^ "^ ""^ '^"y ^'^^c remains no trac- 
 lar than the Ilurons in conceaHng what should not appear." " The 
 Squau-s are ordmarily clothed, at least from the waist to the knees- 
 They have Indian corn, bean... and .j^ourds in equal abundance- 
 |.lso, plenty of fi.h They are much employed in^ buf-' 
 hdo, wild cats, wolves, wild boars, beaver, and other animals. It is 
 rare to see snow m th. country more than half a foot deep But 
 tins year, it ,s more than three feet." Th. Rev. Fathers found our 
 remote predecessors here upon the soil of Western New York 
 with the exception of one village, unfavorable to the mission they' 
 were upon, and intent upon which they had braved all the ri^^ors 
 of the season, and a long forest path which they soon reiraeed^' 'wl-N^fT" •"'" "'"'■"" '' "^^"^^'^ ^'--^ -du- 
 mbed woik.., fresh, as it were, Irom the Creator, and bearing 
 he mipress of His bands-and we may well suppose they were' 
 lor t„ey had come fro. > cloistered halls and high ats of iLlZ' 
 and relmeinent-h,..v must their eyes have been satlJed in : eS 
 ol he panorama ot lakes and forests, hills and plains, rushin. tor- 
 rents, water- falls, and the climax in their midst -1 the mighty°clta 
 -^ of I^K,gara, thundering in its solitude! Who woulcT^ w^ 
 t ';:^^f ".-^-""V'"'" - "' '''''' '^ P^^'-P^ -- ratio "1 
 tlwu he could enjoy such a scene as Western New York then was ^ 
 T .treaty with the Iroquois had but suspended their ho i uLs 
 In Cia they were again out upon their war-j.aths upon the banks 
 station of the small settlement of St. Jo.seph Whon ihn U 
 'Id men l,owo,„o„ and children, collec.ed for reli-io,,, scrvico . 
 party o Iroq„o,« „„,„ up„„ ,hem and massacred <& l^^n^ 
 «s probably ,l,o (irs.of a series of martyrdoms that aw lied he 
 ■losuit missionaries. In the carlv mn ,.r i,mo ,i ''""''so '"e 
 .cl, upon ,.o vi„a,os.„f the Ill^'l: e ly' tZ, ■ :?"£ 
 .uofupon, n,, X*s: ;■; "■ '"r -^^^ van at. 
 ;and, .ith their <^^^s^::^^ :.:^;::^2:^"y:::^ '^:^;i 
 the war-club, had visited the Hurons "Most of tho r 
 conqaerois, and were received into their nation. The few 

 PnEu.s ASL oouium's PunonAsE. 2I 
 flushed will, their victories over .heir mvn L r °''''"'"»- 
 Wdor and n,„ro delermine.l t, Tv ,1 T '"'i'™' K"'- 
 ^oprded . intruder. : zt:\x.r:^zi::/^ p- 
 U,e ConrederacA^ion;::, irFirero' ^r.t^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ "' 
 In 10.8, V,.seount d'ArRuson succeeded M de Liuson Tl 
 rFTetrr' ";; '■'if^™-'--- - si,™,i.'d J;: :..: : 
 a. Tl, ee RKert w^' fr'^T'r " '"''"' "^ » ^™'' °'' M°l'-vk^ 
 a„J",l,e'''F ■ " ','"' '^.""'■""'' '^™'' O"'-'!''' Baron dAv„„„„r_ 
 : ,i T'l ' r"7V'": '""'""^'' •■>■ ••"' '-P».-.».iOn°o 400 
 C if f 7n Q""''^'^ I'--"' "O"- l>a.. 
 Monts. lie found all spiritual and len,p„ral ell 'rts liU-Iy to he 
 eo omsts, that d Av ajour had alloued. The Bishop hastened to 
 r.anee, represented the evil to the Kin?, and cami hae ' whi, 
 ahe.t '■<! "cu- Governor proved a tyrant, thwarted the mis. 
 Mo^,anes^,||,„,o , general disrepute, and was soon roealled 
 • Conquest of Cauacla, 
 PHELPS Axn gorham's purchase. 
 1.1 l(i03, tl.o company of Associates relinquished all their rights 
 transferred to the West India Coinpa- 
 in Ae 
 \v F 
 lance, which were 
 ly. In this year, all that : 
 the C 
 \e\v York, was visited by a tremendous earthquake. * 
 M. de Tracy came out as Governor under the West India Com- 
 pany in 1005, bringing with him a recruit of soldiers, and soon 
 nith the aid ot Indian allies, intimidated the Iroquois. A larrre' 
 •lumber ot families, artisans and laborers, were added to the colony 
 =md lorts were built at the mouth of the Richlicu. In December' 
 the Senecas, Cayugas, and Onondagas, sent deputations sueinrr for 
 peace and an exchange of prisoners, which was readily a^rreed up- 
 -Mi. Tne Mohawks and Oneidas still holding out, after sending out 
 an expedition against them that imncipally failed, M. de Trac'V at 
 tbe head of 1200 French soldiers and 000 Indian allies, encounter- 
 ed al the vicissitudes of a long march through the wilderness ; in 
 which his army suffered for the want of food, and were only 
 saved from starvation by subsisting upon chestnuts. Arrivin-^ /t 
 the villages of the Moliawks, he found them principally deser'ted. 
 J he finale of the formidable expedition wrts the burnincr of the 
 -Afohawk cabins, and the killing of a few old men and women + 
 Little of glory, and much of suffering, loss and disgrace, were the 
 Iruits of the expedition. M. de Tracy returned to France, and the 
 government devolved on M. de Courcelles. 
 Peace with the Iroquois ensued, and a brief season was allowed 
 for the progress of settlement and the promotion of agriculture. 
 The administration of M. de Courcelles was vigorous and well con- 
 ducted. Learning that the Iroquois were endeavoring to persuade 
 he Western Indians to trade with the English, he menaced them 
 with a formidable attack; to make amends fbr murders of Iroquois 
 ..y Frenchmen, he had led out and executed, the offenders, in view 
 of those whose friends had been the victims ; and by other acts of 
 from 16C3? Some n, t ons offl?^ ^tica.n. sl.all Ave not say tliat all iliis datcH 
 to. of f^t, ti. j^ui; iS:;t;it t::;s^^:^^-^^^^^' ■ ^-^ - "" -^■ 
 ^^^t The French found corn enongh buried in pite to have suppUcd the Mohawks for 

 conciliation preserved peaee. A war broke out between the 
 Iror|uo,s and Otlawas, and he interfered and made peaee 
 About tl„s period, the small pox, always a most f i,-b,ful seource 
 ul tb" .",;'" "■"" ' ■"■"'" "'" "•"""" ••'" "■» allies o he f3 
 upon the St. Lawrenee and the interior of Canada. In so™ inrn 
 OS whole tnbes were exterminated ; the vie.ims were enTmeS 
 by^thousands; ,„ one ,„lage near Quebee, they atnounted to fifl 
 Near the close ofM. de Courcelles administration, in 1671 hv 
 western Lakes, a grand couned was convened at the Falls of St 
 Z7i :„;" '" ^"r^'snty ofthe King of France wa knowK 
 edged, and a cross, bearing his arms, was set up 
 cnu"al irall ?Jl!- ''''°""°'":' " "■"■"'^ """""">' of Champlain, his 
 equal m all, and h,s superior m many respects ; advanced in a.e bat 
 v^orous, arburarjvn ail his designs and ...ovements ; too t e r^ 
 of government m New France, and in many respects created an w 
 era. Following out the plans of his subordinate, M. Talon, an exne 
 d.t,on was set on foot to explore the "great river," the "Me hasepe " 
 .n he dialect of the western tribes, of which but va^ue and Li 
 finite Ideas had been gained of the natives. Mar„„«.ra Jest 
 Missionary, with Joliet, and other attendants, set outlom S. Mar" 
 and veachmg the Miami, obtained from ,hem two natives a guWs 
 Thy struck upon the waters of Fox River, and descendin/rem 
 crossed the short portage, and descended upon the waters" of X' 
 Wisconsin River to :ts confluence with the Mississippi Their 
 llL u u ""' """^ ™"l 'l-ey came to a of the 
 fflnois where they were " kindly and hospitably received." ° Tl e x 
 pedition, fa hng m with none but friendly natives, went as fa down 
 as below the mouth of the Arkansas, where, he rivc^ 
 mpt.ed Itself into the Gulf of Mexico, instead of the PacMc as th.v 
 fe^ .ondly hoped ; and fearing that they might fall inioZC^Jf 
 "^e Sjxm^ds^hey^^t^^ c-onimencing missbnty 
 <Wsa, h„o faital tl„.,„ i, ^ 1™],]™ li. „' ,''■''' ™'"'"',' i"™M»I in other 
 Ijlex,,,,,, or rather ,h„ ,«,„„ „f,te ,V , dmt-S f, ,;,''Z; V """1"'"4 '» «« com- 
 lL.-.t prevoiila the illsciso l.reakhit o« .™ J i™. ,,,,»' ','! ""' '"?■ '° " lo"Sl>»<»» 
 labors among the Miamis, and Jolict carrying?- the news of their dis- 
 coveries to Quebec. These were the lirst of our race that saw the 
 upper Mississippi and its vast tributaries. The pajrcs of general his- 
 tory that tell of the hazardous journey ; that recounts the impressions 
 made upon the mind of Marquette, who had a mind to appreciate all 
 he saw in that then vast and hitherto unexplored wilderness of prairie 
 and forest, inland seas, and wide rivers ; is one of peculiar attractions. 
 Few historical readers will fail to peruse it. The name of a county 
 in Illinois, and a village, perpetuates the names, and the memories of 
 Marquette and Joliet. 
 '. i 
 Previous to the western advent of Marquette and Joliet, La Salle, 
 a young Frenchman of ample fortune, after completing his educa- 
 tion, with, all the religious enthusiasm peculiar to the disciples of 
 Loyola, mixed with a spirit of adventure then so rife in Fiance, had 
 crossed the ocean, pushed on beyond the farthest French settle- 
 ments upon the St. Lawrence, an., become the founder of Frontenac, 
 now Kingston, the ownership of which was conferred upon him by 
 his King with the rank of nobility. The grant was in fact, that of a 
 wide domain, with some exclusive privileges of Indian trade. 
 When Marquette and Joliet returned, they took Frontenac in their 
 route, and found the young adventurer in tlic midst of his enterprises, 
 drawing around him missionaries, traders, agriculturalists — the pa- 
 froon ot one of the most flourishing settlements of New France.— 
 Listening to their accounts of the vast beautiful region they had 
 seen, its broad Lakes, wide prairies — and with especial interest to 
 their story of the "Great River,"-he resolve<l upon following 
 up their discoveries, by a new route, and extending French (hmin" 
 ,ion across the entire continent. Ilcturning to France, with ll). 
 ^ information he had obtained from various sources, his earnest impor- 
 . tunities inspired the king and his minister, Colbert, with confidence 
 and a commission of discovery was granted him. The object as 
 expressed in the commission, was, " to discover the western portion of 
 our country of New France," and the suggestion was made, that 
 through It a passage might be found to Mexico. The rxpndiiion 
'f their dis- 
 at saw the 
 eneral his- 
 ^rcciatc all 
 s of prairie 
 t' a county 
 imories of 
 La iSalle, 
 lis ediica- 
 'ciplcs of 
 mce, had 
 2h settle- 
 n fiim by 
 that of a 
 c in their 
 — the pa- 
 *ance. — 
 hey had 
 itercst to 
 with Ihe 
 it impor- 
 bjcct, as 
 Drtion of 
 :ie, that 
 was to be at his own expense, and that of his associates ; their pros- 
 pective remuneration, a restricted monopoly of trade with the natives. 
 With an Italian named Tonti, Father Hennepin, a number or 
 mechanics and mariners, naval stores, and goods for the Indian 
 trade, he arrived at Frontenac in the fall of 1678, and soon after a 
 wooden canoe often tuns, the first craft of European architecture 
 that ever entered the Niagara River, bore a part of his company to 
 the site of Fort Niagara. La Salle, followed soon after with a sail 
 vessel, in which he had a stock of provisions, and materials for ship 
 building; crossed the Lake, coasted along its .southern shore, entered 
 the mouth of the Genesee River or the Irondequoit Bay, and visited 
 some of the villages of the Senecas to reconcile them to his enterprise ; 
 and on his way from the Genesee to the Niagara River, encountered 
 a gale and lost his vessel, saving but a part of his cargo. Arrived at 
 Niagara, he erected some rude defences, established a post, and at 
 Lewiston erected a trading station with pallisades. Late in Janu- 
 ary the business of ship building was commenced at the mouth of 
 Cayuga creek, six miles above the Falls of Niagara. In mid winter 
 the neccessity occurring, the intrepid adventurer, on foot, made the 
 jom-ney to Frontenac, around the head of the Lake, returnincr on the 
 ice along the northern shore, with a dog and sledge for the transpor- 
 tation of his baggage. 
 _ It was fortunate, perhaps, that during the ship's building, the war- 
 riors of the Senecas were principally drawn ofTin anexpcdition against 
 some ot the western enemies. that remained behind, hun^r 
 around and watched the operations at Niagara as well as at the 
 place of ship building. In consequence of their remonstrances, what 
 was intended as the commencement of a Fort at Niagara, had to be 
 abandoned and a "habitation surrounded with pallisades" substitu- 
 te!; and they were almost constantly annoying the shipbuilders. 
 The missionary, Hennepin, by mild persuasion, and the display of the 
 emblems ot the foith he was propagating, would seem to have aided 
 much in reconciling the natives to these strange movement.^ they 
 ;l J 
 were w. nessmg. discouraged, surrounded with dangers, 
 the ship builders were once upon the point of desertion to the EnHish 
 settlements upon the Hudson, but were encournged bv the pious 
 missionary m "exhortations on holidays and Sundays "after divine 
 service. He told them that tlie enterprise had sole "reference to 
 the promotion of the glory of God, and the welfare of the christian 
 colonies. On one occasion, while the vessel was upon the stock. 
 a scheme, the Senecas had devised for burning it, was frustrated by' 
 the timely warning of a friendly squaw. 
 All these difficulties were surmounted, and when the River and 
 Lake had become clear of ice, a vessel of sixty tons burthen, was 
 ready for the water. It was " blessed according to our Church of 
 Home, ana launched under the discharge of artillerv, accompanied 
 by the chaunting of the Te Deum ; the Senecas fooking on with 
 amazement, declaring the ship builders to be " Ot-kons,» men with 
 penetrating minds." Some weeks followed of preparation for the 
 voyage; tnps by water were made to Frontenac ; trading parties 
 went to the principal villages of the Senecas ; and the Niagla Riv 
 er was explored to see how the vessel was to be got into Lake Erie 
 In the mean time the warriors of the Senecas returned from the 
 vvestward, and their reseniments were absorbed in wonder at all 
 they saw ; awe, or fear perhaps, overcame their jealousies. Invited 
 on board the vessel and hospitably entertained, they exclaimed 
 "ga-nor-ron," how wonderful! ^laimea, 
 The vessel was named the "Griffin," in honor of Count Fronte- 
 nac, whose armorial bearing was the representation of two-niffins 
 It was equipped with sails, masts, and every thing ready for Lvi^a-' 
 reV;;; w "^, ""■' ?^-^ ^^^^ ^^^"^^^ -^ two^arquebulls * 
 Aftei all was ready several attempts were made to ascend the Nia- 
 gam, befor a wind sufficiently favorable occurred to insure succ s 
 At as t, with much severe labor, men being often placed on sloi" 
 With tovv lines to assist the sails-the veLl entered Lake eZ 
 and on the 7th of August, IG70, accompanied by the discha,-: of cln-' 
 non, and the chaunting of the Te Deum, the first sail ve se w" 
 ton. llo says ■• .( t„ok fo r , oTL c- m v' "''/''" i ""';" '""""f'-'i"'^" »t L.^yil 
 to cltca- then,, the work v^JZn^^^I^,!!^^^''' ""''"''' ^"' ^''""^'^ ^'"^^ S'^ea 
 h dangers, 
 le English 
 the pious 
 fler divine 
 ference to 
 he stock?, 
 3trated by 
 'iver and 
 then, was 
 'hurch of 
 on with 
 men with 
 >n for tlie 
 g parties 
 ;ara Riv- 
 vke Erie, 
 from the 
 er at all 
 I griffins. 
 :he Nia- 
 II shore 
 e Erie, 
 -cl was 
 it Lowis- 
 After a protracted voyage, the Griffin cast anchor in Green Bay, 
 where a trade was opened with the natives and a rich cargo of furs 
 obtained. Late in the season of navigation, it started on Its return 
 voyage to the Niagara River, encountered severe gales, and the 
 vessel and all on board were never more heard of— their fate remain- 
 ing a mystery.* 
 ^ Hennepin describing what they saw of the shores of Lakes Erie, 
 St. Clair and Huron, and the banks of the Detroit and St. Clair Riv- 
 ers, observes ;— Those who will have the good fortur;e some day to 
 possess the beautiful and fertile lands, will be under many obliga- 
 gations to us, who have cleared the way. 
 Anticipating the return of the ill-fkted vessel. La Salle established a 
 tradmg house at Mackinaw, and proceeding to the mouth of the St. 
 Josephs, added to a small Missionary station, under the care of Al- 
 louez, a trading house with pallisades, which he called the " Fort of the 
 Miami." Despairing of the return of the Griffin, leaving ten men to 
 guard the fort, with Hennepin, and two other Missionaries, Tonti, and 
 about thirty other followers, the impatient adventurer ascended the 
 St. Joseph and descended the Kankakee to its mouth. From there 
 he descended the Illinois to Lake Peori where he erected a fort amid 
 the murmuring and discontent of his followers, who deemed their 
 leader and his expedition ruined by the loss of the Griiiin. Yielding 
 temporarily to despondency, the stout hearted leader, named it For^t 
 Creve Crjcur, the " Fort of the Broken hearted." 
 Recovering his wonted energy, however, he set his men to sawing 
 ship plank, dispatched Hcimepin with two followers to explore the 
 Upper Mississipi)i, and started himself with three companions, for 
 Frontenac, to procure recruits, and sails and cordage for his vessel.- 
 The journey was made in the month of iMarch, and was one of peril and 
 suflering ; the route to the Niagara River, and from thence 
 around the head of Lake Ontario to Frontenac. New adventurers 
 Unlws tlio autlior was ri-ht in tlic cniidnHion he forniu.l m to its fate in a nvovimis 
 walk. 1 hu Jesuit Missionancs coiicliidcd that it was straiulod in a tralc, phindoml 
 by the natives and its ci-w niurdcivd. Sii.'h was ])rol,ablv the t-ir( :_ln 1,!<0.-) s.,in.. 
 ot tlK> early settlers in Hanlhul•i,^ Faw e.ninty, after a seveVe blew thai bad renieved a 
 lara;(! bmlv »i sand and y-ravel iijien the lake sbere, tbuiid where it ha.l hevn deeply 
 jMiibedded, an anelmr. In later years, near the saniespot, there ha-^ been found several 
 luindred jviunds ot iron, sueh as would seem to have b<'en taken from a. vessel • and 
 near the snot, I wo rannon, the whole buried in iheVarth, and (rood sized forest trees otow 
 ini,' over them. There is no record, or tradition, of the lo-s of any vessel other tha 
 the (JrifHn at the early j.eriod in whieb thfsu relic must have been left 'where the 
 ■were foiii'd: 
 es^ped, and ound refuge among the Potawatomies on Lake Mi- 
 Returning to Green Bay, he commenced tradincr and estibh-shin^r 
 ovt: llntT"''" t' '''''''''-''-' -"-telhisscat™' 
 part of'ir^t ^ '^'"n ^r^^ ^" ^^« ^"'"^'^ ii-e'-. -d in the early 
 ~o!t^'rl^'''''r^^^'^^^^^- He planted a 
 called it Tou^^^^^^^^ ^^--^ ^he country for France, and 
 in o?r' l''"^" '/ °^ '1^''' ^"''^"S enterprises, that have no parallel even 
 m our day of wondrous achievements -that paved the wav for the 
 occup, ,^^^ ,^ ^„ ^^^ ^^^^ ^P^.^^^ the ay f or th 
 sippi -IS a long chapter of disaster, of successes and reverses mosX 
 remote from our local region, and belonging to the pages of C^ 
 history. In all that relates to French occunanov of' th It""^ 
 count.y, the borders of the western Lak^: ^ft ^;a L; o,tt mT 
 .,ss>pp,_ especially, to the adventures of Marrmette Jolt T 
 tallu T"'^' Vh"' ^^"•'' '''^''^''^ h.torionr h d but et 
 tarn guules, andbut unsatisfactory, authentic details. Recent di 
 ovenes m Quebec, and among the archives of the Jesuits in Rom " 
 afford encouragement that with some future historian the el 
 tures, that led hmi oA-er the plams ot Texas, to New Mexico • that 
 me i unity River m Texas, on a return, overland, to Frontenac 
 conphshed national historian, Bancroft :-" For force of will ntj 
■eturned to 
 is absence, 
 J, Father 
 Jwers, had 
 Lake Mi- 
 ttered fol- 
 i the early 
 planted a 
 ance, and 
 illel even 
 ay for the 
 e Missis- 
 es, mostly 
 'f f^eneral 
 the Mis- 
 ilief. La 
 tt uncer- 
 cent dis- 
 n Rome, 
 liese de- 
 )r leaves 
 r adven- 
 30 ; that 
 eries of 
 our ac- 
 r'ill and 
 1 of his 
 ty that 
 r afllic- 
 ed : One hundred and thirty nine years ago, the Griffin set out upon 
 Its voyage, passed up the rapids of the Niagara, and unfurled the first 
 sail upon the waters of the Upper Lakes. 
 Intrepid navigator and explorer! High as were hopes and ambi- 
 tion that could alone impel him to such an enterprise ; far seeing as 
 he was ; could the curtain that concealed the ^uture from his vfew, 
 have been raised, his would have been the exclamation : 
 " Visions of glory, spare my aching sight ;— 
 Ye unborn ages, rush not on my soul !" 
 He deemed himself but adding to the nominal dominions of his 
 King; but opening new avenues to the commerce of his country; 
 founding a prior claim to increased colonial possessions. He was 
 pioneering the way for an empire of freemen, who in process of time 
 were to fill the valleys he traversed ; the sails of whose commerce 
 were to whiten the vast expanse of waters upon which he was em- 
 _ How often, when reflecting upon the triumphs of steam naviga- 
 tion do we almost wish that it were admitted by the dispensations 
 of Providence that Fulton could be again invested with mortality, 
 and witness the mighty achievements of his genius. Akin to this, 
 wouk' be the wish, that La Salle could rise from his wilderness grave 
 in the far-off South, and look out upon the triumphs of civilization 
 and improvement over the vast region he was the first to explore. 
 Ours is a country whose whole history is replete with daring en- 
 terprises and bold adventures. Were we prone, as we should be 
 duly to commemorate the great events that have marked our pro- 
 gress, here and there, in fitting localities, more monuments would 
 be raised as tributes due to our history, and to the memory of those 
 who have acted a conspicuous part in it. Upon the banks of our 
 noble river, within sight of the Falls, a shaft from our quarries would 
 soon designate the spot where the Griffin was built and launched • 
 upon Its base, the name of La Salle, and a brief inscription that 
 would commemorate the pioneer advent of our vast and in'.reasincr 
 Lake commerce. "^ 
 Frontenac returned to France in consequence of disagreement 
 with other officers of the colony, but to return again in after years 
 Le was succeeded by M. de la Burrc, who found the Iroquois dis- 
 posed to lean toward the English interests upon the Hudson, and 
 assuming again a hostile attitude toward the French. The Otta- 
 •as, who were the allies of the French, had killed a chief of the 
 .roquois ; and fronn this and other causes, they were again exaspera- 
 ted, and preparing for descents upon the French settlements. Hith- 
 er. -> the Senecas, far removed from what had been the seat of war 
 and almost continually waging war with those of their own race,' 
 had participated but little in the wars with the French. Provoca- 
 tions now began on their part, in the way of endeavoring to divert 
 trade to the English, and in warring upon the French Indian allies; 
 and upon one occasion, they had robbed a French trading party on 
 their way to Illinois. 
 A long series of provocations were given by the Iroquois, which 
 determined M. dela Barre to go against them with all the forces he 
 could command. He had information that a descent was to be 
 made upon the French settlements upon the St. Lawrence He 
 assembled an army of 700 Canadian militia, 130 regular soldiers, 
 and 200 Indian allies, in July, 1683. While coming up the St 
 Lawrence, he learned that the more friendly of the Iroquois nations 
 had prevailed upon the Senecas to listen to overtures of peace. The 
 English had offered their mediation, with intimations that they 
 would make common cause with the hostile nations of Iroquois if 
 the French Governor persevered in his warlike demonstrations. 
 M. de la Barre crossed Lake Ontario, and quartered his army at a 
 Bay m what is now Jefferson countv, and awaited the arrival of 
 peace deputies of the Iroquois. While there, the French army suf- 
 lered much for want of wholesome provisions, and they named the 
 place « La Famine," or Hungry Bay. The Indians met them, with 
 an Unondaga chief, Garangula, at their head. A speech was made 
 by the French Governor, and replied to by Garangula, in a tone 
 ot contempt and derision, rather than of fear or submission. * He 
 well knew that famine and disease had weakened the French force, 
 and even tantali:.ed them by allusion to their misfortunes. De la 
 *For n rorn'ot translation of this noted ! speed., copied from La Hontan seo 
 offn'i n '/'"■'■■'■■■'^^ M--- Clinton s,ud : _ " I believe it i'n.poH.sil.lo to tind i , a i the 
 ITn the'veir'.'™'"' "/'/''-''•"/'■■'l""-.^. ^ ^P-'^"'' "'ore . mropriate or convinoi,,,' 
 Liii.rtlevedot roHpcotfid profession, it conveys tlie most ()iti'iir irony: and wliiU- 
 i .s !pf'',l „Tm '"i V'lr *^P'""^i'' i'n^ory, it cont^.ins the most adid reasonintr," The 
 of tbeiiquit ' ^^^«t°'-:^«f Onondaga," regards Lim as having been the NesU,r 
 Ban-e, says the Baron la Hontan, who was present, " returned to his 
 lent much enraged at .hat he had heard." The interview ended 
 by a stipulation on the part of the Senecas that they would make 
 reparation for some alleged wrongs ; * and on the part of tlie French 
 Governor, that he would immediately withdraw his army. The dis- 
 comfitted and chagrined la Barre withdrew an army made feeble 
 by disease and hunger ; and upon reaching Montreal, learned that 
 a French force had arrived, which would have enabled him to 
 humble the proud warriors, and provoking orator he had met on 
 the wild shores of Lake Ontario. 
 [Of local events, the expedition of De Nonville follows next in order of time. A 
 brief nUimnii to it wiU be found in Mr. Hosmer's chapter upon the Senecas, and more 
 of it will be found in tliu Appendix, No. 2.] 
 The Iroquois were prompt tocairy the war home upon their in- 
 vaders. In November following De Nonville 's expedition, they at- 
 tacked the French fort on the Sorrel, and were repulsed, but they 
 ravaged the neighboring French settlements, and made captives. 
 Darkness lowered upon the French cause. 
 "In this same year, there fell upon Canada an evil more severe 
 than Indian aggression .or English hostility. Toward the end of 
 the summer, a deadly malady visited the colony, and carried mourn- 
 ing into almost every household. So great was the mortality, that 
 M. De Nonville was constrained to abandon, or rather defer, his 
 project of humbling the pride and power of the Tsonnonthouans 
 He had also reason to doubt the faith of his Indian allies ; even the 
 Ilurons of the far West, who had fought so stoutly by his side on 
 the shores of Lake Ontario, were discovered to have been at the 
 time in treacherous correspondence with the Iroquois." 
 " While doubt and disease paralized the power of the French, 
 their dangerous enemies were not idle. Twelve hundred Iroquois 
 warriors assembled at Lake St. Francis, within two days' march 
 of Montreal, and haughtily demanded audience of the Governor, 
 which was immediately granted. Their orator proclaimed the 
 power of his race, and the weakness of the white men, with all the 
 emphasis and striking illustration of Indian eloquence. He offered 
 * The wronnp complained of. wore the destruction, by the Senecas of a l.-ir™ 
 nnnibor of the cmuoos „f the Freucli trnders, on (heir way to the K the akiiS 
 peace on terms proposed by the Governor of New York but o.I„ 
 allowe,! t e French four days for deliberation," ' °"'^ 
 strations. The whole country west of the river Sorrel, or Uichlien 
 was occ„p,ed by a savage host, a,.d the distant fort o c4ta touv' 
 on the Ontario shore, was with dilBeultv held loail Ron T ^' 
 wo had burned the fann stores with l^ Z , and ZZ 
 oatte of the settlers. The French bowed befor he ,„rt "he„ 
 could not resist, and peace was concluded on Condi ions th" war 
 » ould cease in the land, and all the allies should Tar „ X 
 bloss.ngs of repose. M. De Nonviile furUier agreed to rel e he 
 n .au c ,ers who had been so treacherously to™ rom i ei " a. va 
 w.Ms, and sent to labor in the galleys of France "• 
 Before the treaty was concluded, however, the implacable ene 
 m,es of the Iroquois, the Ahenaquis. attacked then, o he SorreT 
 destroyed many, and pushed Iheir conquest even to the F l ,- 
 .ernents. And nearly at the sa,„e, a^ZunSitut 
 to h,s own country, he went up the St. Lawrence, and lyi„,r-„ a" 
 .t:: ■tSSsrkiit^r™ irL^ ''-'■■ '-^ ^^'""- 
 ...en preluded that he was a!ti„^ 
 wtly backwoods Mefernich had concluded it would : - A retKwtl 
 * Conquest of Canada. ~ ' ~ ' • — 
 vi.o honof-ablc and u.sdul ca 'eor can U'^ .^^ '^' *? Franco :-<• His othu-l 
 act of troacliory. Fron. tl.e day we, h, cv 1 d fl '"/" '^''""^ '/^"^ "*' ""« ^'"'k 
 "K.US Indians, sctiriied .. broLii "ml t ■ t , I ' '';"'/' U"' ""'^' '"'f •""^'".'ifii. 
 Kiiould not Itave nintio Do CSc w , k - • '^^^^^^^^ Tho awtl.or 
 ..ndcr instructions. The instnlcVilt o iVi Tn'^o^V ■• "' J""^^''^""^^^- '''^ --t-' 
 ^^l^e t.e,^ ^^edl^ e^S^o^^^uSlt;^]],!— ^ S -'LSi^ 
 of hostilities was soon made by the Iroquois, to revenge themselves 
 tor the supposed baseness of the French Governor. Twelve hun- 
 dred Iroquois warriors made a descent upon the Island of Montreal 
 burnt the French houses, sacked their plantations, and put to the 
 sword all the men, women and children within the outskirts of the 
 town. •• A thousand French were slain in the invasion, and twentv- 
 six carried into captivity."* The marauders retreated, but not with- 
 out further destruction of life;-a force of one hundred French and 
 htty Indians, sent m pursuit, were entirely cut off. " The disastrous 
 incursions filled the French with panic and astonishment. Thev at 
 once blew up the forts of Cataracouy. (Kingston,) and Niagara, 
 burned two vessels, bulk under their protection, and altogether 
 abandoned the shores of the western Lakes.'' y Frontenac m-rived 
 at Quebec in October, 1689, at a period of great depression with the 
 colony. H.s hands were strengthened by the government of 
 France, but a vast field of labor was before him. Ke repaired to 
 Montreal, and summoned a council of the western Indians ; the 
 hrst rnd most miportant consummation to be effected, bein- their 
 perfect conciliation and alliance:-" As a representative of the 
 Ualhc Monarch, claiming to be the bulwark of Christendom - Count 
 Frontenac, himself a peer of France, now in his seventieth year, 
 placed the murderous hatchet in the hands of his allies; and ivith 
 tomahawk m his own grasp, chaunted the war-song, danced the 
 war-dance, and listened, apparently with delight, to the threat of 
 savage vengeance." J 
 In the February preceding the event just alluded to, the revolu- 
 tion m England had been consummated. William and Mary had 
 succeeded to the throne, and soon after which France had declared 
 a war against England, in which the American colonies became at 
 once involved, and a contest ensued, in which the question of undi- 
 vided empire m all this portion of North America was the stake to 
 be won; -France and England had both determined upon entire 
 conquest Frontenac succeeded in conforming the alliance of 
 nearly all the western tribes of Indians, and through the mission- 
 * Smitli'8 History of New York. 
 t Bancroft. 
 aries was enabled to make a partial divisioMof the Iroquois from the 
 English interests. He soon received from his government instruc- 
 tions to war for conquest, not only upon New England and New 
 Vork, but upon all the Indian allies of the English. His instruc 
 tions contemplated an attack upon "Manathe." ("Manhattan" or 
 l\ew York,) by sea, and an attack upon Fort Orange by land 
 and a descent upon the Hudson, to co-operate with the naval 
 expedition. The French force in Canada, of regulars and militia 
 was about two thousand. In February, 1G89, an expedition 
 started from Montreal and after a long march through the wild- 
 erness. in which they were obliged to walk up to their knees 
 m water, and break the ice with their feet, in order to find a solid 
 tootmg. they arrived in the vicinity of Schenectady, the then 
 farthest advanced of the English settlements. Arriving at a soli- 
 tary wigwam, the benumbed and disabled from the effects of the 
 severe cold weather, warmed themselves by its fire, and information 
 was gamed from the squaws who inhabited it, how they could best 
 fall upon the village and execute their terrible mission of war and 
 retribution upon those who had as.cisted the Mohawk branch of the 
 Iroquois ,n their onslaughts upon the French settlements. In all 
 their march and contemplated attack, they had been assisted by a 
 formerch.ef of the Mohawks, who had deserted his country and 
 Identified himself with the French allies at the west. Approaching 
 the point of attack, he had eloquently harangued the French and their 
 Indian aJIies to "lose all recollections of their fatigue in hopes of 
 aking ample revenge for the injuries they had received from th 
 Iroquois at the solicitation of the English, and of washino them out 
 m the blood of thetrai^ors."* At eleven o'clock at nighuhey came 
 ne.r the settlement, and deliberating whether they should no^no 
 pone the attack to a moredead hour of the night, were compel I'd by 
 th^e xcessive co ld^ton^sh^ their victims and destroy them, tJ 
 that oLped. bc4nVrdotX'.Vpit f tll^s "tH^^ ^'"^•^' "'' "" *'"' P"P"l'»tion 
 inandantof the pkco, "C. Sa Jc?- wl , 1^ ' ^ ^ '"/'^"'^■"'''^' of the British com- 
 to some Frencl, PrLs, „„9 ' The Fr 'nrl !'.' 'n*'^." ''T" ^''^'"■' P'■<'^'i<>"aly 
 " tl,e lives of fift'y or "i^n- nc, on. o J" " ' ' '" *'"/ 'V-^ Do<-u,„ent..,' .ay. that 
 havii^S escaped tlL fir.t l?.ry ol uttacS' ' "" ""'^ '^''^'^'''' ''"'' 'l"^"^- ^W 
 ' ■ i. 
 enjoy the warmth of their burning hamlets. A small garrison, where 
 there were soldiers under arms, was first attacked, carried, set fire 
 to aiid burned, and all its defenders slaughtered. Then succeeded 
 hours of burning and massacre, until almost the entire population 
 and their dwellings had been destroyed. The details of the terrible 
 onslaught are familiar to the general reader. It was a stealthy mid- 
 night assault, a work of the sword and the torch, that has few par- 
 allels in all the wars upon this continent. The whole forms an early 
 legend of the Mohawk, and was the precursor of the terrible scenes, 
 that in after years were enacted in that once harrassed and ravaged, 
 but now smiling and peaceful valley. 
 As if satiated with this work of death ; paralized by the severity 
 of the weather, or intimidated by the English strength at Albany ; 
 the French retraced their steps, with their prisoners and plunder, not, 
 however, without suffering from hunger and cold, enough to make 
 the victory, if such it could be called, a dear one. The flesh of 
 the horses they had taken at Schenectady, was for a part of the 
 march their only food. About one hundred and fifty Indians and 
 fifty young men of Albany, pursued them to Lake Charaplam, and 
 even over it, killing some and taking others prisoners. 
 Another expedition left Three Rivers and penetrated the wilder- 
 ness to the Piscataqua River in Maine, surprised a small English 
 settlement, killed thirty of its inhabitants, and made the rest prisoners. 
 After which they fell in with another French force, and destroyed 
 the English Fort at Casco. 
 A third expedition went among the Western Indians to confirm 
 their alliance by intimidation and a lavish bestowal of presents ; 
 and was by far the most successful of the three. It helped vastly to 
 turn trade in the direction of Montreal, and strengthened the French 
 with many of the powerful nations of the west. On their way, they 
 fe'l in with and defeated a large war party of the Iroquois. 
 While all this was in progress, war i)arties of the hostile Iroquois 
 had been making repeated incursions down the St. Lawrence, 
 harrassing the French settlements. 
 The incursions of the French at the eastward had aroused the 
 people of New England to make common cause with the people of 
 New York and their Iroquois allies. In May, 1G90, deputies from 
 New York and all the New England colonies met in Alliany, and 
 made the quarrel fheir own insfear! of that of England, who had been 

 remiss in aiding their colonies to carry it on. A general invasion 
 ol the Lrench colony was resolved upon. Two expeditions were 
 arranged, one to sail Iro.n Boston to Quebec, and the other to cross 
 the country to the St. Lawrence, and descending the River join the 
 naval expedition at Quebec. Both were failures. The land force 
 under General Wintlirop of Connecticut. 800 strong, marched from 
 Albany to Lake Champlain. where they were disappointed in not 
 meeting 500 Iroquois warriors a^ had been aggreed upon, and the In- 
 dians had also failed to provide the necessary canoes for crossi;.g 
 the Lake. A council of war was held and a retreat agreed upon 
 Major Schuyler of the New York levies, had however, preceded the 
 main army, and crossed the Lake without knowing that Winthrop 
 had retreated. He attacked a small garrison at La Prairie, and oblicred 
 them to fall back toward Chambly. The French in retreatin- fell 
 m with a reinforcement, and turned upon their pursuers; a severe 
 engagement ensued ; overpowered by numbers, Schuyler was obliged 
 to retreac. Sir William Phipps had command of the naval ex- 
 pedition, which con.sisted of 35 vessels and 200 troops. After captur 
 ing some French posts at New Foundland, and upon the Lower St 
 Lawrence, the British squadron arrived at the mouth of the Sa-e- 
 nay, Frontenac having learned that the English land force had 
 turned back, had hastened to Quebec, and ordered a concentration 
 of .is forces there. The slow approach of the New England inva- 
 ders gave him a plenty of time to prepare for defence. On the 5th 
 of October the squadron appeared before Quebec and the next day 
 demanded a surrender. To the enquiry of the bearer of the mes- 
 sage what answer he had to return, the brave old Count said •- 
 iell your master I will answer by the mouth of my cannon, that 
 he may learn that a man of my rank is not to be summoned in this 
 TT'- Jr^u '"''^ ^"""^^^^ •■ - ^ ^^^'^^ «^ 1700 was landed un- 
 der Major Walley, and had much hard fighting, with but indifferent 
 success, with French out-posts. In the mean time. Phipps had 
 ibrtr TrT ' ^'"'^"^ '^' {^eaviestguns against the town and 
 loitress. The fire was mostly ineffectual; directed principally 
 against the high eminence of the Upper Town, it fell short of the 
 mark, while a destructive fire was pouring down upon the assail- 
 fl^! 'f L '""u ''''' '''"''""'^ but twenty hours, when the Briti..h 
 fleet fell down the stream out of the reach of the galling fire from 
 the ramparts of the besieged fortress. The force under Major 
 Wrliey, upon land, continued the firrht frennmllu c,.„« 1 
 .heir approacho. After a -nes of "slwpTnJatm "r, fe'Tand 
 orco were oMipd ,o resort ,o a hurried embarira.r '^ Id o^ 
 Ile.r vessels. It was a night scene of panic and ,lis„,^ 
 l'.sing tl,ei,- lives l,y ,he ups° of boatT The ar* v 1".""' 
 taken on shore, fell into the hands of the French LeS .7 
 abled ship. Phipps retnrned to Boslon to'lf.o tltT, f ot'lt 
 Quebec ■"''• " "' """""' "^ '"^ ™-" °f '- ^'egeTf 
 Then followed a winter of re|>ose with the French colonv b„. of 
 d^ay and apprehension in New England and New York' who! 
 fl et and „„y ^^j ,„ .^^^^^^ ^^^^^ ^^^ Iroquois who h"d 
 & led to co-operate with Winthrop in th« fall, werl early in .he 
 held by themselves in the sprint In Miv n .). "^"7 '" '"« 
 warriors approached Montrea";, lading ^al^^FXltlle^^^^ 
 and re-cnact,ng all the horrid scenes of former year7-ulT"„; 
 repeated, and with similar results ^' "'""'"'" "' 
 .he'^Frenlh'rdtTh"" '"" "' '',""''* ^"'' '''^'•"'' -^ '"d-" -a^, 
 merrench under the energetic administration of Frontenac all ,U 
 wh,le extending their settlements, and stren^theniniTheirwho 1 1 
 omal pos,t,on. though with arms in their hai^d l^we I ,n s J 
 content to act upon the defensive, while on the part of tie fT. 
 .akiT-t Oiitarit) and ClianiDlaii, i„ inptm . *-""']"^'st« overthoir own raco. Crossina- 
 heir .tealtliy a.s,,ault,s and savago wartim^ £ on 1' ° ' "'--^ '"'• '.^^°'" ^'^^ "«' ""^v 
 tlu^r race added to ordinary >)ravorv-.thev ^r d f ■' °'^'""«''?"« ^itli the stoicism of 
 so dions of Franco, a.tonislfinj. the "men Xl Sinii-^ '""^'^ *™"''^ *'"'' ^*^'*^'-'»" 
 achievements. The best soldrers of Franco ^ndfe "^ 'he aits of war with their 
 occasion, for aB e.ual un.berof unt^^ saJdlii^^f S^^S S^ '"^ ^^ 
 tering the Onondaga Lake, the army was divided, a portion of it being 
 sent against the Ojieidas, while Frontenac landed with the main force 
 destined for the attack upon the Onondagas. The old Count had 
 now become so decrepid from age and hard service, that he was 
 borne to the point of attack upon a litter ; presenting a scene spiced 
 somewhat with romantic heroism, if the object of attack had in any 
 considerable degree corresponded with the military array and pre- 
 paration. The French army landed upon the banks of the Lake, and 
 threw up some defences. The Onondagas were aware of the ap- 
 proach, fortified themselves as woll as they could in their castle, 
 .sent away all but their warriors, and resolved upon a desperate de- 
 fence. They were, however, intimidated by a Seneca prisoner, who 
 had escaped from the French, who told them that Frontenac's army 
 " was as numerous as the leaves on the trees, and that they had ma- 
 chines which threw up large balls in the air, which falling on their 
 cabins would burst in pieces scattering fire and death every where 
 around, against which their stockades would be no defence," This 
 was a kind of warfare new to them, and which they resolved not to 
 encounter, setting fire to their castle and cabins, t-hey fled and left 
 their invaders the poor triumph of putting to death one old Indian 
 Sachem, who remained to become a sacrifice and defy and scorn 
 the invaders, even while they were applying their instruments of 
 torture. The Oneidas fled at the approach of the other division of the 
 French army, but thirty of them remaining to welcome the invaders 
 and save their castle, village, and crops. They were made prisoners 
 and the village, castle, and crops destroyed. No rumor came from 
 the English, but the fear of one hastened the French retreat across the 
 Lake to Fort Frontenac, and from thence to Montreal. 
 The treaty of peace concluded at Ryswick, and the death of Fron- 
 tenac soon followed, leaving partial repose to the harrassed French 
 and English colonies. The amiable Callieres, the governor of Mon- 
 treal, succeeded Frontenac, but hardly lived to witness the consum- 
 mation of his wise measures for conciliating the Iroquois, renewing 
 Indian alliances, and generally to better the condition of the aflliirs 
 of New France. lie was succeeded by Vaudreiul who was soon 
 waited upon by a deputation of Iroquois, that acknowledged the 
 French dominion. 
 It was but a short breathing spell for the colonies : — In May, 
 1702, what was called "Queen Ann's war," was declared, and the 
rnELPS AND goeiiam's purchase. 
 scenes of what had been called " King William's war," were re-enact- 
 ed upon this continent. 
 The Province of New York took but little part in the contest, and 
 itschief I irden fell upon New England. The Indians, within their 
 own limits, reinforced by the Indians of Canada, and not unfrequent- 
 ly accompanied by the French, made incursions into all parts of the 
 eastern English Provinces, falling upon the frontier settlements with 
 the torch, the tomahawk and knife, and furnishing a long catalogue 
 of captivity and death, that mark that as one of the most trying pe- 
 riods in a colonial history, upon almost every page of which we are 
 forcibly reminded how much of blood and suffering it cost our pio- 
 neer ancestors to maintain a foothold upon this continent.* The 
 war on the part of the English colonies, was principally directed 
 against Port Royal, Quebec and Montreal. Most of the expeditions 
 they fitted out were failures ; there was a succession of shipwreck, 
 badly framed schemes of conquest ; organization of forces but to be 
 disbanded before they had consummated any definite purposes; 
 "marching up hills and marching down again." 
 Such being the geographical features of the war ; the Province 
 of New York having assented to the treaty of neutrality between 
 the French and Five Nations, and contenting itself with an enjoy- 
 ment of Indian trade, while their nei'Thborinc; Provinces were strung- 
 gling against the French and Indians ; there is little to notice having 
 any immediate connexion w-ith our local relations. 
 Generally, during the war, the Five Nations preserved their 
 neutrality. They managed with consummate skill to be the inti- 
 mate friends of both the English and French. Situated between 
 two powerful nations at war Avith each other, they concluded the 
 safest way was to keep themselves in a position to fall in with the 
 one that finally triumphed. At one period, when an attack upon 
 Montreal was contemplated, they were induced by the English to 
 furnish a large auxiliary force, that assembled with a detachment of 
 English troops at Wood Creek. The whole scheme amounting to 
 a failure, no opportunity was offered of testing their sincerity; but 
 from some circumstances that transpired, it was suspected that they 
 were as much inclined to the French as to the English. At one 
 From the yonr 1675, to llio ch •■ of Queen Ann's War in 1713, about six thousand 
 of (lie Enirlisli colonists, liad perished by tlio stroke of tJio eneniv. or by distsmnei-a 
 contracted la military service. . . i 
 period during the war, five Iroquois Sachems were prevailed upon 
 to visit England for the purpose of urging renewed attempts to 
 conquer Canada. They were introduced to the Queen, decked 
 out in splendid wardrobe, exhibited through the streets of London 
 at the theatres, and other places of public resort ; feasted and toast- 
 ed, they professed that their people were ready to assist in extermi- 
 nating the French, but threatened to go home and join the French 
 unless more effectual war-measures were adopted. " This was a les 
 son undoubtedly taught them by the English colonies, who had sent 
 them over to aid in exciting more interest at home in the contest 
 that was waging in the colonies. The visit of the Sachems had tern- 
 porarily the desired effect. It aided in inducing the English gov- 
 ernment to furnish the colonies with an increased force of men and 
 vessels of war, in assisting in a renewed expedition against Mon- 
 treal and Quebec, which ended, as others had, in a failure. They 
 got nothing from the Five Nations but professions; no overt act of 
 co-operation and assistance. The Governor of the province of 
 New York, all along refused to urge ihem to violate their engage- 
 ments of neutrality ; for as neutrals, they were p. barrier to the 
 frontier settlements of Nev. York, against the encroachments of the 
 iTench and their Indian allies. 
 "The treaty of Utrecht, in April, 1713, put an end to the war 
 France ceded to England 'all Nova Scotia or Arcadia, with its 
 ancient boundaries ; also, the city of Port Royal, now called An- 
 napohs Royal, and all other things in those parts, which depend up- 
 on the said lands.' France stipulated in the treaty that she would 
 'never molest the Five Nations, subject to the dominion of Great 
 Jiritam,' leaving still undefined their boundaries, to fbrm with other 
 questions of boundary and dominion, future disagreements. ' 
 In all these years of war, French interests at the West had not 
 been neglected. In 1701, a French officer, with a small colony 
 and a Jesuit missionary, founded the city of Detroit. * The peace 
 of their respective sovereigns over the ocean, failed to reconcile 
 difficulties between the colonies. Tiie trade and the right to navi- 
 gate the Lakes, was a monopoly enforced by the French, which the 
 English colonies of New York were bent upon disturbing, though 
 yond Iho UeneseeSn '^°'' ^' ''*"°"''"'^ "^ ^''^''' ^"^^ ^''^ ^'''^ ^'^'^'"'''^ ^«' 
 liled upon 
 tempts to 
 II, decked 
 ' London, 
 and toast- 
 i extermi- 
 e French 
 ivas a les- 
 had sent 
 e contest 
 had tem- 
 lish gov- 
 men and 
 1st Mon- 
 . They 
 rt act of 
 i'ince of 
 r to the 
 ts of the 
 he war. 
 with its 
 led An- 
 •end up- 
 e would 
 »f Great 
 th other 
 had not 
 e peace 
 ich the 
 iced be- 
 the terms of peace had in effect, confirmed it. The English as- 
 sumed that all of what is now Western New York, was within 
 thair dominions, by virtue of but a partial alliance of its native 
 owners and occupants ; and the French claimed by a similar tenure ; 
 for, in fact, it was a divided alliance, fluctuating with the policy of 
 the Senecas, who seemed well to understand the importance of 
 their position, and were resolved to make the most of it. Soon af- 
 ter 1700, we find a marked and progressive change in the disposi- 
 tion of the Senecas towards the French. This we may well at- 
 tribute to the influence of the Jesuit missionaries, who had sue- 
 ceeded in getting permanent missionary stations among them, in a 
 greater degree, perhaps, to the advent of an extraordinary person- 
 age, who, for a long period, exercised an almost unbounded influ- 
 ence throughout this region. This was Joncaire, a Frenchman, 
 who, from a captive among the Senecas, merged himself with them, 
 was adopted, and became the faithful and indefatigable promoter 
 of the French interests. We first hear of him from Charlevoix, who, 
 m 1721, found him the occupant of a cabin at Lewiston, where he 
 had gathered around him a small Indian settlement, and where a 
 fortress was contemplated - the right to build which, he had nego- 
 tiated with the Senecas. He then bore a commission in the French 
 army. He was familiar with all the localities of this region, and 
 gave to Charlevoix a description of the "river of the Tsoutonouans," 
 (Genesee river,) the Sul^-hur Springs at Avon, and the Oil Spring 
 at Cuba. In 17r.O, Kalm, the German traveller, found a half-blood 
 Seneca, a son of hb, at Lewiston ; and in 1753, Washington made 
 the acquamtance of another son of his, while on a mission to the 
 French at the West, and mentions that he was then preferring the 
 French claim to the Ohio, by virtue of the discoveries of L.i Salle. 
 In 1759. these two half-biood sons bore commissions in the French 
 army, and were among the French forces of the West, that were 
 defeated on the Niagara River, on their way to re-inforce the be- 
 sieged garrison. In 1730, M. de Joncaire, the elder, ',M made a 
 report to the French Superintendent at Montreal, of all the Indians 
 whom he regarded as '-connected with the government of Canada." 
 rie embraces the whole of the Iroquois nations, and locates them 
 principally through this State, from Schenectady to the Niagara 
 River ; and in Canada, along near the lower end of Lake Ontario, 
 all of the nations of Canada, and nil inhabiting the. valleys of the 
 lii i 
 western lakes, the Ohio inrl th^ i\r 
 ment, he ment ons that hoT. " ^^''f'^PV^- I" this official docu- 
 "He snok. » """' ^^7« '« "engaged at the history of the Sioux" 
 mZ t^eJZ 'enit fi " ''V ''' '-' ^^"^ '' ^ '^'- 
 elo^enceofou^^^t '"^'^ ''■''''' ^^ ^^^^ all the .ublime 
 ernor of Ne v Yc^^ ^ . ^'"'''^' '" '^'' '^''''''''■' b»t the Gov- 
 a fort at Osvve.0 and XJwn ^"^I'sh Governor, Burnett, built 
 ouoit " ThI ■ P "" store-house" at the Bay of "Ironde- 
 quo.t. The year previous, the French, upon the ruins of ZT 
 porary works of De Nonville h-id h,nU / v ^^'^■ 
 protests and remonstrance: ontE^L ^'^'''^ '^^^'"^^ '^^ 
 J': Tz:^i:^::':;~z:^ -- ^^ ^^^^^^ out- 
 sanatory expeditions, of F enTandTnIn '?"''"'"^^' '^ ^" 
 but little reference to this o..T '''^''' ''"'''' '" ^^' "^^i" 
 one prominentTaVse c!^^^ J^SltTofV ^f h ^'"^^". '^^'^ ^^'- 
 countries had but little influen e witlfXnl "''" '^^ ""^^"^' 
 make war upon their own accost Toft ^a^^^^^^^^^^ ''^'^'' 
 t Wk n,otwith tl.o Hire,;;:, p ^ ^;/ n^F^::,?' '"•i'f'"T^t'»H.,n nt Lowisi a''^ ^^,s ponsislh,^ i/, allcnvinff /l/ei ' j ' ' " 7^?'.'/ " 5""tn,]Ii„f, tJ.c ,„H(fcr. T),e 
 country , sin poaec, the 4,k.I, a, /^v ' ';,.i,l I ""■'";''' ' 'f '^"'"''"'''■■'^,.,l :_.o''; 
 raisi,,;. .listMrbanccH. ilore. v • '/ ' .^ "™'" ^" "'' ° *" "v^' t,«othcM- with, t 
 >.;ro ; he IS a d.ihl „f the nation h^ 'ni m n;:;;r? /■' i' •^'""^""•^^'«'"l<i r^'nZ 
 t '!ve Ironi hi„i.'' Soon after thi. the h . vL ^ .: ''''"''' "''■ ""' ""^ nt Jibevt v to 
 •own the river, and paved the v^.yC'^'ll:'^''^"^^ I'is view. i;,4e 
 1 i>H was acco.nnlishl,,! by a ursB on the t-f f r "*•''' "'""" *■•""•'•«« "t Nia.^. ra 
 Ihe Senecusha.'l no iUea^of,lLti,iTi;1.^."^'''f •"'%••"'' "tl'-r Fren<h ofiic'rs" 
 then- terntory. A body of Im , c 1. ' ' "' ' '"' ^'"•-"■•^'' lorlifications ,m, 
 Niasara nver, to conu/ence ti.e Srk w .bl?'"' ""'■'""^'^'^' '''^ ^''^ ">"""' "* > " 
 take It ni the presence of the Hc^Zt ul^^ '^ "o nieans stron.j. eno„-ii to nndcr- 
 tirst f,'ot jierniission (o bui! | •, ^I'T' •J"''' watclun- their rnov,.n,e,rm TJ Z It 
 c.slron.'bein.wi,nes.S;IVL^,n^Sbi:; '^kn'''""^^ 
 UMble the French to protect nvcinsolv^seSi attack '''""»'' '"^™"^«1 ^o 
 French continued to extend their posts to the West and South West 
 and the English to strengthen the frontiers of New Encrland, and 
 their advance post at Oswego. ° 
 n^^T'^t ^'^^^ ^''^'''''' ''^''^^'^^ "^^^ ^g'"^'"''* F^^'i'^ce and Spain. 
 1 he first blow struck upon this continent, was the capture of Louis- 
 burg, which success emboldened Governor Shirley, of Massachu- 
 setts, to ask the co-operation of the other colonies in an attempt to 
 drive the French from all their American possessions ; some de- 
 monstrations with that view were made; but the principal events 
 of the campaign were at sea, and upon the frontiers of New Enrr. 
 land. The short war was closed by the peace of Aix la Chapelfe, 
 of 1748. Its chief result had been the loss to the French of all the 
 Northern frontier coast, to repair which, they immediately projected 
 schemes for extending their dominion to the valley of the Ohio and 
 upon the Mississippi, to the Gulf of Mexico. In 1750, commission- 
 ers met in Pans to adjust American boundaries, but after a long 
 session, accomplished nothing. Difficulties arose in a new quarter. 
 The crown of England granted to an association of its subjects at 
 home, and in Virginia, called the Ohio Company, 000,000 acres of 
 land upon the Ohio river, all of which was upon lerriiorv claimed 
 by France. The attempts of this Company to survey and settle 
 these lands, and the building of French posts upon them, simulta- 
 neously, brought the English and French colonists into direct con- 
 flict. The campaign was opened by the Governor of Vkmnla, who 
 sent an armed force to the disputed ground. Other colonies soon 
 co-operated ; and after the contest had been attended with alternate 
 successes and reverses, in 1755, General Braddock came with a 
 force from England, to aid the colonies. All the events of the war 
 upon the Allegany and the Ohio, form prominent pnges of American 
 history; ultimately connected with the history of our western 
 States ; but deriving its chief general interest from the circumstance 
 that it was the school of experience and discipline, where the sword 
 of the youthful Washington was first unsheathed. 
 Braddock's defeat followed ; then General Shirley's abortive ex- 
 pedition in the direction of Niagara ; Sir William Johnson's par- 
 tially successful expedition to Lake George ; the advent of Lord 
 Loudon, as Commander-in-chief of the British army in America ; 
 which principal events closed the campaign of 1755 ; and in the a<r'. 
 gregate, had darkened British prospects on this side of the Atlantic 
 ':•' ! 
 county of OneUa !Lr r, "" "'^''^ '■'"■ '" >'''»' '» "<"^ 'he 
 a French f„,co „, Ihr W "" ''"S''«='™"' "f 2n.J».roc. wi,h 
 Ihe British fort" Z?ZT r;V"'" '■""°"^'' ''>' "'^ "P""-" of 
 These princ pa 1°: r ^^^^'^Tm- ''°"'°'"™- 
 Indian depredations ?,! , "'^ "P °'' f''™'^'' ""d 
 mination of the border s« I "'^ '..-"""""^ "''"os. to the exter- 
 terests, at tl,e close of th, l'™"7l'»nia ; gave to British in- 
 e»cct,r,i„, .::rot\:7Zht -- - 
 Lord L n on CO ee^ , 1 rT '^r"f ™- ^"""»' ""' -'— • 
 posablc forces of till " T"' "'"'" "'""^'" """y- "" "'= d''" 
 added, u e, o Cm !" n "l'' " P"""*' ""''=' -™™™' 
 .on.butaba„redS::itra r"'^ 
 ble ; for reasons vvhieh7„l ■•° '"'''°''>' '"™'"'' "»="'.» ="»'na- 
 fare T,l i;? ™'"" '' '"}-^"=0-in the history of En dish war 
 cah„ in perso", ct SI, '^t;:::;^!! :.i'^,';?^ •■-- '^'-- 
 wasayearofdisa^terswi,MI,„ 17 V> / Wilham Henry. It 
 were embarke „d Jil | 1 ='"'' ' '°'™"'''"'' """«'' »"" ■"'vie. 
 Mr P ,!' ,d ' ""'"'"' ^"S'"""* ''"'""'^'.ood .— It wa, that of 
 of itf ff itv 'r"T'°" °' "^ ""'""■^- «'• •""•">-'l -a To aspcc 
 or whoever is out " s-ii,-l J nrA r\ . 7 ,' °"''- Whoever is in. 
 ^nehare::rrdots::i^:i ;:t:!-:r^r '"- 
 tbe'ix o'r[::i:bt:rrc''"''°^f = ""^"^^"'^ •'•'"«-™ 
 military offiecr7XS n . '' '° '■™°''''' "f"'" ""™l and 
 recalled I-or: A*r tiThe ^./.^tG"' '" '"""T' "'■ "" 
 irom tne auny in Germany, and made him 
ack of tJie 
 ^ now the 
 •trcct with 
 capture of 
 renc'i and 
 tlie exter- 
 British in- 
 even less 
 ring, by a 
 under the 
 ! summer, 
 II the dis- 
 ^ape Bre- 
 y attaina- 
 clish war- 
 is, Mont- 
 Jnry. It 
 id navies 
 !re abor- 
 s of the 
 that of 
 5 aspect 
 t it was 
 er is in. 
 , "lam 
 . Ttie 
 are no 
 gs, was 
 .'al and 
 Ir. Pitt 
 de him 
 commander in chief of the expedition, and made the Hon. Edward 
 Boscawen the Admiral of the fleet. An expedition consisting of 23 
 ships of the line, 15 frigates, 120 smaller vessels, on board of°which 
 were nearly 12,000 British regulars, sailed from Portsmouth and arri- 
 ving at Ilalifiix on the 2Sth of May, soon commenced the siege of 
 Louisburg, which ended in a capitulation of the strong for»ress,"after 
 a gallant and protracted resistance, on the 25th of July. The' fruits 
 of the conquest were 5,000 French prisoners ; 11 ships of war taken 
 or destroyed ; 250 pieces of ordnance ; 15,000 stand of arms, and a 
 great amount of provisions and military stores. A scene of plunder 
 and devastation followed in all that region, which dimmed the lustre 
 of British arms. 
 Far less of success attended British arms in this campaign in other 
 quarters :— Mr. Pitt had infused among the despairing colonies, a new 
 impulse; they had sent into the field an efficient force of 9,000 men, 
 which were added to 6,000 regulars— all under the command of Aber-' 
 crombie. In July, he had his strong force afloat on Lake George, 
 proceeding to the attack upon Ticonderoga and Crown Point, 'a 
 protracted siege of Ticonderoga followed, badly conducted in almost 
 every particular; the sequel, a retreat, with the loss of nearly 2,000 
 men. The intrepid Bradstreet soon made partial amends for this un- 
 fortunate enterprise, by the capture of Fort Frontenac, then the strong 
 hold of French Indian alliance. General Stanwix advanced up the 
 Mohawk and built the Fort that took his name. In the mean time 
 General Forbes had left Pliiladelphia with an efficient army of over 
 0,000 regulars and provincials, and after a defeat of his advance force, 
 had captured Fort du Quesne, changing the name to Fort Pitt in 
 honor of the great master spirit who was controlling England's des- 
 Note. -How ofton iiro tnuinphg of arms, the result of chance! It is btit a few 
 vcarsBmco an Arnoncau General confe.sse.l that a sple.ulid victory wns owing r^.tl^ 
 ftict that . on.e unJj^cn.Lne,! troops ,11.1 not know when they we.4 fmrly conqnered 
 pcrsevere.1 ,n (ho hj^ht and turne,! ll,o ti.le ,.f battle. An ini, hist.frian la ml i 
 upon ev. ,y subjec he touohoH, a.j.nivs that ll-e capture ..f Louisburir was accid.'ntu - 
 the hrst successful landm- was made by W„]f, then a General. Gen 
 Amherst doubte.l >t« j,rm-t,cal,ility. "The chivalrous Wolf himself, as he „e ed tbe 
 awlul sml, sniggered m las resolution, and nrop„siugto .h.ferthe enterprise, waved his 
 hat lor the boats o retire 'I hr,.,- y„uMg subaltern oHlcers.-howevor, connnandin.Mhe 
 1 ad ng eft, puH HMl on shore, having miHtaken the signal for what their stout hca ts 
 H , r , : ,f L -T r ' '•^';'^'''"'.'?«V.'.'^' ■■""! ci.'ov.'ned, but tlie renmint^er climbed up 
 r, f IT V • '"."' (""""'^ "I'"" ^'^^ ™"""^f- '•'''« Bng'^'lier then cheered on tlie 
 rest lit tliM i|ivi«i,iri (.1 ti>,. tiMiir-iii't of f'ii> •.iH , t (• i •• ■ i ^""-""" i'". 
 landing was accomplishod.'''^ ' ' ""^^'"^ ^''''' "'"^ '"'' "'° '^^'""'^"' '^'^'i"'"^ 
 be n ;.ectl e Ltr "'' ""f r^P^'S""' «>e year, Abercrombie ha,l 
 Toward he close of 1758, the policy of the British Minister Mr 
 Pitt began to be clearly developed. It looked to no farthe b effi 
 cenM^easures but to a vigorous and decisive canWn vhth 
 t:^z::::r t? i^i-'' ^?^^^^^' ^^^-^ -^ ^^'^' 
 ttiis continent. 1 he British people, stimulated by a spirit of con 
 quest, and a hatred of the French, both of which haSbe n assidu" 
 ously promoted by the public press, and public men of En" nd' 
 seconded the ambitious views of the Minister p7r ^"f ''"?' 
 dre^sinrr thp Thrr>, i , ^» uie ivimistei. rarliament. in ad- 
 dre .ing the Throne, applauded him, and upon the recommendation 
 of the King, wei-e prompt and liberal in the voting of suppl s 
 corl a ::? '■'' '"" '^'^^" "P°" ^'- '-'- «f theltlant' to secure 
 ord lal and vigorous co-operation ; the colonists, wearied with w 
 ^md Its harrassing effects, were cheered bv the exDressionlnf I 
 commiseration of the Kincr nnr? I,;. expiessions of the 
 fl„ I ■ J -^ "' ^"" '"^ assurances of protection nnrJ 
 fina .„dem„,fioa„on; and more than all, perhap, h/lnovT.cT^ 
 that Mr. Pi., had projec.ed. ,„ H. ^o^Z^^^ ^^^ 
 pme. a .nonopoly of the Indian .rade, ,ho c„„™orce of e Lake 
 control to bear upon the King am Parliament, and of course, had not 
 failed to magnify the hindrances to British interest which continued 
 French dominion imposed; nor to present in glowing language, the 
 truits of conquG t and the extension of British power in America. 
 Sir William Johnson, always faithful to his liberal patron the Kintr 
 was more than usually active in wielding the immense influence h'e 
 had acquired with the Indians to secure their aid ; he drew them 
 together in different localities, urged upon them his professions of re- 
 gard for their interests, inflamed their resentments by recounting 
 the wrongs they had endured at the hands of the French ; listened 
 to their complaints of English encroachments upon their lands, and 
 was lavish m promises of ample reparation; not omitting the more 
 than usually liberal distribution of presents, of which he was the 
 accustomed almoner. By much the larger portion of the Five Na- 
 tions of the Iroquois were won over to the British interests, a portion 
 of the Senecas being almost alone in standing aloof from the contest 
 or continuing in French alliance. ' 
 General Amherst having succeeded to the office of Commander 
 in Chief of the British forces in North America, had his head quar- 
 ters m New York, in the winter of 1758, '9, actively calling to his 
 aid the provincial troops, appointing Albany as the place of rendez- 
 vous at which place he established his head quarters as early as the 
 month of April. 
 The force at the disposal of General Amherst, was larger by far 
 than any that had been before mustered upon this continent. In 
 addition to a large force of British regulars, the colony of Massachu- 
 setts had furnished seven thousand men, Connecticut five thousand, 
 and New Hampshire one thousand. The provincial regiments, as 
 ast as they arrived at Albany went into camp, and were subjected 
 to rigid discipline ; the regulars, who were destined for operations at 
 the north, were pushed on and encamped at a point some fifty miles 
 on the road to Fort Edward. 
 The general plan of the campaign contemplated the conquest of 
 ti.e tJiree important strong holds, and seats of power, of the French • 
 Quebec, Montreal, and Niagara. The main army, under General 
 Amherst, were to move from the shores of Lake George, reduce the 
 French posts at Ticonderoga and Crown Point, descend by the river 
 Kichheu and occupy Montreal ; then, on down the St. Lawrence to 
 join the besiegers of Quebec. 
 Leaving the northern expedititlon to the province of general his- 
 tory.with the exception perhaps of a brief allusion to it in another 
 place, we will take up that portion of the general campaign, which 
 IS more .mmediately blended with the history of our local region : _ 
 Ihe force destined for Ningara rendezvoused at Schenectady 
 early in May. It consisted of two British regiments ; a detachment 
 ot Koyal Artillery ; a battalion of Royal Americans ; two battalions 
 ot i>lew York Provincials; and a large force of Indian Allies under 
 the command of Sir William Johnson; the most of whom were 
 Mohawks, Oneidas and Onondagas, the remainder, Cayugas and 
 tsenecas, with a few from such western nations as had been partly 
 won over to the British interests. Brigadier General Prideaux was 
 the Commander in Chief; next in rank, was Sir William Johnson 
 who previous to this had been regularly commissioned in the British 
 army. The force moved from Schenectady on the 20th of May 
 came up the Mohawk, and via the usual water route to Oswego' 
 where it remamed, completing the preparation of batteaux for ascend- 
 ing Lake Ontario, for over five weeks. On the first of July, the 
 whole force were embarked, and coasting along the shore of the Lake 
 toward their destination ; a strong fortress, the seat of French domin. 
 ion, over a widely extended region ; the key or gate-way to the pri- 
 mitive commerce of the western lakes; its battlements in solitary 
 grandeur frowning defiance to any force that would be likely to reach 
 It through difficult avenues, in its far ofllocation in the wilderness. 
 JXever m all more modern periods, have the waters of Ontario borne 
 upon their bosom a more formidable armament. In addition to a 
 large force, to their stores and camp equipage, was the heavy artillery, 
 and all the requisites that British militarv skill and foresight had 
 deemed necessary for the reduction of a strong fortress by regular 
 approaches; such as the plan of attack contemplated. And how 
 mixed and made up of difibrent races, and men of different habits 
 and characters, was this expedition ! - There was the proud com- 
 missioned and titled Briton, who had seen more of the refinements 
 and luxuries of courts, than of the hardships of camps in the wilder- 
 ness ; veteran officers and soldiers, who had fought in European 
 wars, inured to the camp and the field ; the sons of the wealthy and 
 mfluential colonial, in New York, along the Hudson river counties. 
 who had sought commissions in the army, and were going out in 
 their first campaign. Provincials, men and boys, transferred horn 
 the stores counting-houses, and nnechanic shops of New York, and 
 the rural districts of Yestchester, Richmond, Kings, Queens, Suffolk, 
 Dutchess, Ulster, Orange, Albany, and the lower valley of the Mo- 
 hawk, to the camp, the drill, and the march that seemed then as far 
 extended, and beset with more difficulies than would one over 
 the mountains to Oregon now ; and lastly there was the warriors of 
 the Iroquois, fully imbued with their ancient war spirit, decked out 
 with feathers, claws, and hoops, the spoils of the forest chase — and 
 with new paint, broad-cloths, blankets and silver ornaments, the gifts 
 of the King. 
 The armament coasted along up the south sliore of the Lake, en- 
 camping on shore ; the first night at Sodus, invited there by the 
 beautiful bay, in which their water craft could be made secure from 
 winds and waves, as their frail structure demanded. Their other 
 halting places for the night, were at Irondequoit, Braddock's Bay, 
 and Johnson's Creek ; (which latter place was named in honor of Sir 
 William Johnson ;) arrived at the mouth of the Eighteen Mile Creek, 
 (what is now the village of Olcott,) within eighteen miles of Fort 
 Niagara, a halt was made to enable recounoitering parties to go out 
 and determine whether the French had made a sortie from the Fort 
 in anticipation of their arrival. 
 As they coasted along up the lake, they had occasionally dis- 
 charged their heavy artillery, well knowing that a noiseless approach 
 would give them no advantage, as the Indian scouts from the garri- 
 son, glimpses of whom had been caught upon several occasions, had 
 kept the French well informed of their movements ; and there were 
 Iroquois enough in the French interest, belonging to the lower na- 
 tions, to give the French missionaries and traders, in all their localr 
 ities in Western New York, timely notice of all that was going on. 
 But they wished to inspire the Senecas in their interests with cour- 
 age and the neutrals with terror ; and well, perhaps, did their device 
 subserve those purposes. 
 Leaving the British army almost within sight of the field of con- 
 flict, let us pass over the lake, and down the river St. Lawrence, to 
 see what preparation had been made for their reception : — 
 Well informed at home of the policy of Mr. Pitt; of the prepara- 
 tory acts of ; of the shipping of reinforcements to the 
 British army in America; of all the minutiae, in fact, of the cam- 
 paign ; the French had not been idle. Despatches were sent to M. 
 etcTbvtif ■ ""' """'T' °' "'"""''■ ""'' ^i» I--* «erc strength, 
 eneci by reinforcements from Frnnpp u^ i * .• ■ ^ 
 and country over the forest and best portions of the New World 
 men., and colencod if J J J "'^ *"' ''«»"" "" -'-"'h" 
 the advance workmen ■,. Ihl , "''"'""■ ""'"« "Pon 
 into the opeVZund ; IlT T' "''""" '" """"-S^ f'™ 'h" foU 
 tired into t for, /fit ' '"'"'. ""''""S"''' ""'' *e party re- 
 fort, whic ;:; kept iiTr "r "^ '"'^--^^^ f"- "-^ 
 On the 8ih m. p ■ u"^ ^ " 8™""='' portion of the night 
 men! Mhe Fr th ottuCtr-'l''" ™"'" "P™ ">''^ ---'>■ 
 the f„ ,, and Hon' ieur La F? T " "''°" "'"'" =" '"""-'"'^ f™" 
 in the anned rhooner l\ "^"'""^ "'' ""'' ''™" '>"> Lake 
 ^hot. Genera Pndel'' """"^'""""y "^''d'ms them with a 
 ".anding a :™jt X "" "'' "'"' " """ '"'» ">e fort, de- 
 Freneh'commrdt ot ™1 ^■^■""'■■'^-'y --efced by the 
 exchange orXlo^Jil Tu^l '""' '""P'"^ '^^^'""^ *« 
 the loth, the EnHlradvanee r""'"''''"'"''^'^*'^'-^- «» 
 themselves hy entrenchment, V " "'" "P"" 8™"''. P™tecting 
 ^^^elment^^ occasional fire fro.n the fort! 
 r««..n, ,1.0 l„,fc, ,„„if„, J V° »' 2 J; ,'; : '" 'i""',"",'"' "' « »»'"' i- 1> C 
 and b,a,c, m die F™,ch .mice „ , Lli °o^?»"'"''"'' »' » >"n.J .3™ «" acU™ 
PHELPS AND gokiiam's puuciiase. 51 
 %Nliich became almost incessant during the nigbt, obliging tiiem at 
 tunes to suspend their works. The small French force at Schlosser 
 succeeded in reaching the fort. On the 11th, a small ,krty of 
 French approached within a short distance of the English trenches 
 irom which they sallied out in strong force, but were driven again 
 into their defences, by the guns of the fort. At 5 P. M., the En.'. 
 lish opened their fire with eight mortars. ' ' '^ 
 The siege continued from day to day, and night to night, with oc- 
 casional, but not long-continued intermissions ; the French, too few 
 in number to risk a sortie, holding out valiantly amid the tunblin<r 
 walls of their devoted fortress, seriously annoying the besiegers 
 by an active fire, that often arrested the progress of their works" as 
 may well be inferred from their slow approaches ; wearied with toil 
 and want of rest; at tJmo?, almost upon the point of abandoning 
 the unequal contest. On ilio 14th, the besiegers had so e-tended 
 their works, as to be enabled to bring a heavy force to bear upon 
 the fort. On the evening of the 19th, their General, (Prideux,) who 
 had so well planned the attack, and, so far, so well executed it 
 was accidentally killed, while giving his orders in the trenches by 
 the premature bursting of a shell, discharged from a cohorn mortar 
 The vigor with which the siege was prosecuted, may be jud-ed 
 Irom the tact, that m one night, they threw three hundred bom'bs 
 Ihus things continued until the morning of the 23d, when the be- 
 sieged had a gleam of hope that was destined not to be realized • — 
 Anticipating this attack. Captain Pouchot had sent runners to 
 Presque Isle, Le Boeuf, Venango, and Detroit, ordering thcn^ with 
 their commands, and all the Indian allies tliev could muster to 
 repai" to Niagara. At a moment when it seemed that the dilapidated 
 fortress, and its diminished and wearied defenders could hold out no 
 longer, two western Indians made their way into the fort, brincrino- 
 word from Monsieur Aubrey that he had arrived with a forc°e ol' 
 nearly twenty-five hundred French and Indians, at Navy Island 
 opposite the " Little Fort," (Schlosser.) Four Indians were imme- 
 diately despatched, to inform Monsieur Aubrey of the critical con- 
 dition of the fort, and urge him to press forward to its relief 
 The command of the British force having now devolved upon 
 Sir William Johnson, he had anticipated the approach of the 
 1-rench and Indians from the West, and kept himself carefully ad- 
 vised of their movements, by means of his Indian runners On 

 the evening of the 23d, he sent out strong detachments of troops, 
 and posted them along on either side of the road leading from the 
 tort to the Falls, about tvv., miles from the fort, where they rested 
 upon then- arms during the night. Earlv in the morninrr of the 
 24th, other detachments of his most efTective troops were "(ordered 
 from the trenches before the fort, to re-inforce those already posted 
 upon the Niagara River. The success of his protracted siege, 
 now depended on arresting the march of D'Aubrey. 
 The British force had but just been posted for the encounter 
 when the French and Indians, under D'Aubrey, came down the 
 river. The British out-posts fell back, and joined the main body. 
 The opposing forces were now drawn up in order of battle, and 
 D'Aubrey gave the order for attaciv. His western Indian allies, 
 hitherto principally concealed, swarmed from the woods, and gave 
 the terrif;-! war-whoop, at the same time, rushing upon the English 
 hues, followed by the French troops. The British regulars, and 
 such provincials as had seen little of Indian warfare, quailed for a 
 moment in view of the fierce onslaught; the Iroquois and the prac- 
 ticed Indian fighters, nmong both regulars and provincials, stood firm. 
 In a moment, the shock was met as firmly as it had been impetu- 
 ously made. Volley after volley was discharged upon the fierce 
 assailants from the whole British line, and from the Indian fianking 
 parties, until the Indian assailants gave way and left the field^ 
 Deserted by his Indian allies, D'Aubrey bravely led on his French 
 troops against the English colunm, and was pres: ing it vigorously, 
 when a reinforcement of Johnson's Indians arrived tVom the trench- 
 es, and assailed his fianks, and aided powerfully in turning the tide 
 of battle against him. Standing firm for a short time, and return- 
 mg the English and the Indian fire, he gave way and ordered a re- 
 treat, which soon assumed the character of a total rout. The 
 Enghsh pressed upon the vanquished and retreating French, and 
 made prisoners, or shot 'down by for the larger potion of them. 
 But a remnant of them escaped into an inhospitable and trackless 
 wilderness. D'Aubrey and most of his principal ollicers were 
 among die captives. This was the main and decisive feature of 
 the protracted siege. The contest was but of short duration; but 
 long enough, with the vigor and desperation with which it was 
 waged, to strew the ground for miles wilh the dead bodies of the 
 How vivid is the picture presented to the imagination, of this 
 early scene ! It was then far, far away, in any direction, frohi the 
 abode of ci vihzation. There were no spectators of that sudden clasJ. 
 ofarms, of that protracted siege ; all were participants. Hundreds 
 of miles beyond the heaviest sounds that like earthquake shocks 
 must have gone out from the conflict, were the nearest of our race 
 save those who were at Frontenac and Oswego, and the few mis- 
 sionaries and traders upon our interior rivers. The outlet of vast 
 inland lakes, the shores of which had been scarcely tread by Euro 
 peans, hushed to comparative stillness, after having tumbled over 
 the mighty precipice, and madly rushed through the long narrow 
 gorge that succeeds, was rolling past, its eddies dashing heavily 
 againstthc shore, moaning a requiem over the dead that were thickl'y 
 strewn upon it. Death and carnage, the smoke of battle, the gleam- 
 ing of steel, had chosen for their theatre a marked spot, romantic 
 and beautiful as any that arrests the eye of the tourist, in that region 
 of sublime and gorgeous landscapes. There was the roar of musket- 
 ry, the terrible war-hoop ; the groans of the dying; the fierce assault 
 and firm repulsion ; precipitate retreat, and hot and deadly pursuit • 
 the red warrior loading himself, with trophies of the tomahawk and 
 scalping knife, that would signalize his valor in the war dance or 
 tale out his deeds of blood at a place of reward : 
 "The sliout of battle, llic bail)ariim yell, the bray 
 Of (lisouant iiistnimonts, the clang of ann.«, 
 The shi'ieks of agony, the grouti of ilealh, 
 In one wild uproar and continued din 
 Shook the still air !"— Soutiiey. 
 In yonder ancient structure, standing out in bold relief, solitary 
 and isolated even now; was a handful of brave men, their numbers 
 thinned, holding out after a long siege; encouraged by hones that 
 were crushed, when their brave countrymen, deserted "by tVeacher- 
 ous allies, gave way before a superior fbrce. Stretched out upon 
 yonder plain, in long lines of batteries and entrenchments, were the 
 besiegers, who, advancing from day to day, had approached so near 
 that every shot from their heavy artillery told upon the massive 
 walls they were assailing. 
 It was a new scene in the wilderness; —nature in her solitudes 
 and fastnesses, was affrighted; the wild beasts hurried flrrther and 
 farther, into the recesses of the forest, or Imddled in their lairs 
 tit ■ * < 
 t.e.nblngas each successive crash came upon tlieir unaccustomed 
 ears. It was a calm July morning. The surface of that wide ex- 
 pause of water, smooth and unruifled, mirrored the scene of fire and 
 smoke, of waving banners and advancing cohunns. Stunning and 
 doafenmg came the sounds of battle ;- then a Imshed silence? as if 
 war and conquest stood appalled in view of the work of death they 
 had wrought ; ni which brief pause would come the roar of the 
 .u.ghty cataract, rushing in as if impatient to riot in its accustomed 
 monopoly of sound! The "great thunderer" was contending with 
 it. first rival! over all arose the smoke of the two battle 
 grounds to the clear bice heavens, and mingling there with the spray 
 ot the cataract was carried ofi-by a gentle breeze ; and at the suns 
 dechne, when the strife was ended, it canopied and spanned the deep 
 1 '"?!'''' r "" ^°'^ ""^^ 1''''"^''^ ""'"-^ ■'' harbinger of peace. 
 The French in the Fort had been close observers of every si-ni 
 without, and had seen enough to make them apprehensive of the in- 
 sult upon the river bank; but hours passed by before they could 
 know With certainty the fate of the gallant men wh. had been 
 arrested m then- march of intended relief An Indian scout gained 
 access to the I- ort infonning them of Aubrey's total defeat and rout 
 and ma few minutes, a British officer entered ond demanded a 
 surrender accompanying the demand with an exhortation from Sir 
 VV ilham Jolmson ag nst the necessity of further bloodshed, and the 
 intimation that his exasperated Indian allies could not be prevented 
 trom wreakiiig vengence upon the captives if the fight was furtlier 
 P olonged. Captain Pouchot, with the advice and concurrence of 
 of his officers, yielded to fate and necessity: and more than all, per- 
 haps, to the fearful apprehension that farther doubtful resistance 
 would make victims to savage warfare, of his unfortunate country- 
 men and their allies. Terms of capitulation were agreed upon, hon- 
 orable toboth parties ; and thus ended a well planned and Ivell con- 
 ducted siege; stood out against with almost unexampled heroic 
 fortitude, and thus commenced the English possession of Fort xXiag- 
 ara, and dominion over all the region oi Western N^w York 
 lagi?of-^;;il;;/:;i;!'^^;:riiii:r' £r.w 'h' ^^" Nin,nm Riverl-ct^roe.. tho vU- 
 "Bloody Run." s ■ i ( u- h^^" '" ''^^^'Y'^' ■''''"'"■'••^ ^y l'"' "i.m,.. of 
 l-arroK^,„, locks! l^J'^ls v n l^™,^:^ ^'^ i^ J 'i-^ -'^i'- ^T'T'^ ^"" 
 ..i the cam, and up to this i.n.i, tho p,;;:"ai;rdi^h;^i'i':.tsSr 
rnELP3 AifD goriiam's purchase. 
 The terms of capitulation assented to by Sir William Johnson, 
 should be added to the evidences that while he excelled in bravery 
 and military foresight, a life in the wilderness, far away from the 
 mcentives and examples of civilized life, had not made him insensi- 
 ble to the obligations ofhumanity and courtesy. Anticipatin-r the 
 bloody scenes we must yet pass through, to conduct the reader to the 
 mam objects of our narrative, the wish obtrudes itself that he could 
 have been spared to have exercised his vast influence in after years 
 m arrestmg the tomahawk and the scalping knife. The vanquished 
 were al-lowedto pass out of the Fort with the honors of war, and lay 
 down then- arms. It was stipulated that the French officers and 
 soldiers should be conducted to New York, where comfortable quar- 
 ters should be furnished them ; that the females and children should 
 have safe convoy to the nearest port of France ; and that the woun- 
 ded should be taken care of, and conveyed to New York as soon 
 as they were able to undertake the journey. Upon the other hand 
 Oaptam Pouchot stipulaicd tiie surrender of all the stores, provisions 
 and arms, with which the garrison had been well supplied. 
 The French that capitulated in the fort, numbered over 600 • be- 
 side them, were the prisoners taken in the battle upon the river 
 Not less than ten commissioned officers were among the prisoners," 
 of whom were the gallant D'Aubrey, Captain Pouchot, and two 
 half-breed sons of Joncaire. In marching out and 3mbarking in 
 batteux. It was with difficulty they were saved from massacre by 
 the Iroquois ; and only saved by the conciliatory course of Sir 
 Wilham Johnson, and the promise to his turbulent allies of a liberal 
 participation m the spoils of victory ; a promise that he fulfilled.* 
 In a fow days, after holding an Indian council to further promote 
 A Icttor, writtou from the spot Roon nffur fho «,„-r ,„ ) 
 ne*v-s],;,iH.r filos, states that tlu' i,di.,„ • i; .J ' «""r''M.Ioi. proscn-cd in some old 
 .av.. iho arms a.ul a,, ■ u o„ 4 „; ? h?" ,'"•''''' ''Vk I''"'"''-''' "' f''^" ^'-'t. 
 fiatola.ts,stor.Hl therefor [„, rl'nuo I'! ''';.'''■'''' '"•?" 'l"""ti'i<"* "f V^'^'nlll 
 sio,.aiiy uncovered by the pio:^h:t d;;;?^::,;?^:;;;!;^-^;;;;^:;-;; -- — -ca. 
 Oreat Meadows, and wo,. Idstir a^ !,' ^'^ ^ ^ "'VT '^"'i'^ "' ''"" ^''^"I'V'f^u, 
 'Ic'n.ff.; (iatesand Mor^.-m we,-e at a d ek' J..':, l'^', ^ """'••" >va.s .ntTieo,,- 
 ac(.rpsof J'rovincial |.".a7„a,r,s ; (le r,r 01 ' , If ",' ^^"'^ w,^ a vo„n^M,(ru-er i,, 
 SKMi ain(,M- tlio I'roviiu'ials ^n the .iel ,, ' \' ,'''?' "^^"'"^■'1. 1""^' '>■ coniinis- 
 ward, rendered ilhr.lrio n.'e; in i.vf "'■'''' ''""' "'^■•■^■^'■^' "thcr imn.e.s, after- 
 Crown Point, Tico.uler...a:Si;I;^',;;:i'i;;;:;;;;['''^«'"'''« ^( the cauipaignH .igai„«t 
 and strengthen the alliance of the Iroquois, ami detaching a suffi- 
 cient force to repair and occupy the captured fort. Sir William 
 Johnson, with his main force and his prisoners, departed for 
 ' in I • 
 ■ I'l 
 While all this was transpiring, war was waging with equal vigor 
 It not with as signal success, upon the banks of the St. Lawrence' 
 and upon the Northern Lakes. On the 22d of July, the main arm; 
 under General Amherst, arrived at Ticonderoga; and, opening I 
 heavy fire upon the French out-posts, compelled them to retire 
 vvithm the walls of the fort, leaving their heavy breast-works to 
 shelter the besiegers from a brisk fire they poured out from the 
 strong-hold to which they had retreated. The siege and stout re- 
 sistance continued until late in the night of the 23d, when the 
 l-rench, warned by the formidable preparations the besiegers were 
 making, withdrew their main force to Crown Point, leaving but 
 400 to mark^their retreat. Seldom, perhaps, in war's annals, has 
 an unequal lorce-a handful against a powerful array -so much 
 annoyed besiegers, as did these 400 gallant Frenchman, left, as it 
 would almost seem, for a sacrifice. In the daikness of the night, a 
 d taclunen of them went from the fort, and stealthily appro.^hed 
 the Enghsh in their entrenchments; breaking them up. and for a 
 entln .K T^ '"^^^^^'"S ^^y«' ^^""«yi"g the besiegers in their 
 Toltt^Z 'Vr"'""' ^^-^i^ecied fire. On the night of 
 he 26 h, the small force, perceiving that the English had planted 
 themselves strongly within six hundred yards, of the fort -that 
ig a suffi- 
 irted for 
 longer resistance would be unavailing- blew up their magazines, 
 fired their wooden breast-works, barracks and store-houses ; made a 
 wreck of their fortress for the besiegers to occupy, and secured a 
 .^afe. retreat, uninterrupted but by a pursuit across the Lake, and 
 the capture of 16 of their number. At daylight, on the morning 
 of the 27th, the French flag was struck down, and the En<Tlish flafr 
 raised, amid smoke and flames, devastation and ruin, that Sie torch 
 and lusee of the gallant, but despairing Frenchmen, had left for the 
 destruction of works their valor could not save. 
 The first work of Gen. Amherst was the repairing of the dilapi- 
 dated fortress ; and in the mean time some naval armament was per- 
 fected necessary to carrying his conquest further on, to Crown 
 loint. He was soon however, informed that that post was aban- 
 doned, and that the enemy had retreated to Aux Nois, at the lower 
 end of Lake Champlain. On the 4th of August, he advanced with 
 his mam army, to the last deserted French post. M. de Bourlema^ne, 
 who commanded the French forces in that quarter, seemed govern- 
 ed by the policy of retarding as far as possible, the advance of the 
 l;|ngiish force, whose ultimate destination he was well aware, was 
 Ciuebec; and their erran.i there, to aid the besiegers in the reduc- 
 tion of that strong hold, an-l last hope, of his king and country upon 
 this continent. At Aux Nois, where he had made his stand, he had 
 yet an effective force of 3,500 men ; 100 pieces of cannon ; and a 
 force of armed vessels, which gave him command of the Lake, 
 llie Lnghsh rested at Crown Point, engaging actively however, in 
 strengthening their feeble naval armament; occasionally sendincr 
 out small scouting parties; and preparing i.i all things, for breaking 
 up the Irench in their plan of retreat. On the 10th of Octol,ei° 
 the army under Gen. Amherst were embarked, and aftor an inefl'ec' 
 tua attempt to reach their destination, in consequence of Wmb winds 
 and storms, were obliged to seek shelter in a bay, upon the western 
 shore of the lake, and remain there for seven days. On the 18th 
 the troops were again embarke.l, and after encountering another 
 gale tell back to Crown Point. The season was now far^dvanced 
 -lie rigors of winter, in a bleak northern region, had began seri- 
 ously to impair the ability and energy of the troops. These con- 
 siderations, allied to the probability that he could not reach Quebec 
 until tae contest there was decided, induced Cen. Amherst to post- 
 pone further olTensive operations to a more propitious season. 
 :f !l 
 The English squadron, destined for Quebec, had set sail about 
 the middle of February. The command of this expedition was 
 conferred by Mr. Pitt, upon James Wolf; the youngest man that 
 had ever borne the commission of Major General in the British 
 army ; yet, he was selected for by far the most difficult service that 
 the war involved. The naval command was conferred upon Admiral 
 feaunders The expedition arrived at Halifax, towards the close of 
 the month of April. The force destined to act upon land under 
 Wolf, was over 8,000. From the first landing upon the American 
 coast, the British Admiral had anticipated the arrival of a convoy 
 Irom France, destined for supplies and men, and had watched to in- 
 tercept It, but It had eluded his vigilance and reached Quebec 
 It was not until the 27th of June that the imposing force had 
 reached the Island of Orleans, a few leagues below Quebec, and 
 disembarke<l. A recent historian* has thus eloquently described 
 the Enghsh commander's first view of Quebec, and the task that lay 
 before h,m : - " Accompanied by the chief engineer. Major M Kel- 
 ler, and an escort of light infantry, he pushed on to the extremity 
 of the Island nearest to Quebec. A magnificent but disheartening 
 scene lay before him. On the sumniit of the highest eminence ; on 
 Iho s raits of the great river from whence the basin before him open- 
 ed, the French flag waved. The crest of the rocky hei<dit was 
 crowned with formidable works redoubted and planked. On every 
 fixvorable spot, above, below, on the rugged assent, were batteries 
 biistellmg with guns. This strong-hold formed the right flank of a 
 position eight miles in extent ; the falls and the deep and rapid stream 
 of the Montmorency, was the left. The shoals and rocks of the 
 b . Lawrence protected the broad front, and the rich vallies of the 
 fet. Charles, with the prosperous and beautiful villages of Charles- 
 burg, an>l Beauport, gave shelter and hospitality in the rear A 
 crested bmik of some height over the great river, nuarkcd the main 
 hne of defences from east to west, parapets planked at everv favor- 
 able spot, aided their natural strength. Crowding on this embattled 
 bank, swarimngin the irregular village streets, and formed in mass- 
 es on the hil s bej-ond. were 12.000 French and Canadian troops, 
 led by the gallant Montcalm." 
 The scenes that followed-all the details of that protracted and 
 * Aiitlior of Conquest of Cuiiaila. 
 eventful siege — form prominent pages in our general history. It 
 would be but repeating that with which most readers are familiar, 
 to give them a place in these local annals. 
 The siege commenced on the 29th of June, and lasted with but 
 brief intermissions, until the 18th day of September. Upon that 
 memorable day the French, after a gallant resistance — a holding out 
 almost unparalelled, considered in reference to time ind the fierce 
 and frequent approaches they had to resist — surrendered the great 
 citadel of their strength in America ; the Gibraltar upon vvhich 
 they had fallen back in other days of untoward events ; the spot 
 they had occupied since Champlain chose it in 1608, as the seat 
 and centre of French colonization. 
 The American reader has been surfeited, through English sources 
 principally, with accounts of the bravery, the skill and the fortitude, 
 of the besiegers and conquerors of Quebec. The story of the gal- 
 lant Wolf, the mild, unassuming and amiable commander ; in whose 
 character there is mixed up the finest sensibilities of our nature ; 
 child like simplicity, with as stern heroism as Britain can boast in' 
 her long catalogue of military conquerors ; his almost shout of tri- 
 umph, when the news reached him that the enemy was vie!din<T, 
 even when the film of death was upon his eyes, just as his nobfe 
 spirit was about to take its flight far away from worldly conflict ; — 
 has become as familiar as house-hold ^vords. But little has been 
 said, or known, in our language, of the brave defenders of the be- 
 sieged citadel; and of him especially, the gallant but unfortunate 
 Montcalm ; whose end was as glorious as that of his conqueror ; 
 though no shouts of victory cheered him upon his entrance into the' 
 dark valley of death. 
 A recent English historian,* has in this respect, set an example 
 of magnanimity ; and to his pages are we indebted for much that is 
 new m all that concerned the defence of Quebec. From the mo- 
 ment the English had obtained a footing upon the Island of Orleans, 
 the French commander was like a noble stag at bay. (;onfrunted 
 by a powerful force, chafed and harrassed in'his preparation for de- 
 fence ; distrustful as the result proved he had reason to be, of the 
 courage and counsels of the Governor, Yaudreuil, who had an 
 immediate command of the Canadian militia; his courage was that 
 ' Author of "Conquest of Cauiida," 
 of desperation : - restive, impulsive, chivalric, to a fault. For<ret- 
 lul of superiority of rank, he said to Vaudreuil, in reference to some 
 policy he had pursued : " Vou have sold your country, but while 
 1 live J will not surrender it up." Of the provincial troops, he wrote 
 on the eve of battle : "My Canadians without discipline, deaf to 
 the sound of the drum, and badly armed, nothing remains for them 
 but to fly ; and behold me beaten without resources. But one thin.r 
 I can assure you, I .shall not survive the probable loss of the colony 
 There are times when a general's only resource is to die with honor ■ 
 this IS such a time. No stain shall rest upon my memory. But in 
 defeat and death there is consolation left. The loss of the colony 
 will one day be of more value to my country, than a victory. The 
 conqueror shall here find a tomb; his aggrandizement shall prove 
 his ultimate ruin."* 
 Never did the general of an army, or the defender of a citadel 
 have more upon his hands. There was disaffection amon^r the 
 mihtia to conciliate ; desertion to prevent ; a scantv and bad supply 
 of provisions to obviate, with but feeble prospects of obtaining nevv 
 supplies ; an unreaped harvest wasting in the fields, for the preser- 
 vation of which he was obliged to spare 2,000 of his men at a crit- 
 ical moment; the supply of ammunition was scanty; the vigorous 
 and almost incessant prosecution of the seige, left him with little 
 ot that confidence which is essential to eflicient action. His co- 
 operator, and superior, (Vaudreuil,) was but a clog upon his move- 
 ments. Yet he manfully and heroically contended against impend- 
 ing and fearfully foreshadowed fate. lie compelled obedience to 
 his orders by iron rules and summary infiictions of severe penalties • 
 •nspireil l)y his determined impetuous bearing, terror, where duty 
 and courage failed or flagged; moved from point to point i.suin^r 
 his orders ; here to repair a breach, there to prevent desertion ; and 
 there, to push forward attacking columns. 
 " I am safe," said he on the 12th of September, "unless Wolf lands 
 above the town." Even then, there was a movement with the Brit- 
 ish force to gain the position, fn.n the possession of which he had 
 impliedly foretold his ruin. 
 Forge t- 
 3e to some 
 but while 
 , he wrote, 
 e, deaf to 
 ! for them 
 one thiniT 
 le colony, 
 ith honor ; 
 . But in 
 le colony 
 ry. The 
 lall prove 
 a citadel 
 nong the 
 ad supply 
 ning new 
 e preser- 
 at a crit- 
 \ith little 
 His co- 
 is niovc- 
 lience to 
 •enalties ; 
 ere duty 
 t issuing 
 ion ; antl 
 olf lands 
 the Erit- 
 \ he had 
 .'nni : - Tf 
 > imt het'ii 
 ^■ay to tlio 
 While he was listening to the sound of cannon from an unexpec- 
 ted quarter, a horseman came to him in full speed, and announced 
 that the English were occupying the plains of Abraham. He 
 aroused a sleeping and wearied soldiery, and by promi)t action hod 
 them soon hurrying in long lines over the valley of the St. Charles 
 to the battle ground. Incredulous at first, that the besiegers had 
 ventured and succeeded in gaining the rugged ascent — almost be- 
 lieving it a feint; — when convinced of its reality he nei'ved him- 
 self for the decisive contest which he knew had come. The hour 
 of conflict found him at the head of his army ; as Wolf was of his. 
 Where danger was most imminent, he was to be found ; flying from 
 column to column, inspiring confidence by his presence and infusing 
 into his ranks, a desperate courage that England's veteran troops had 
 no where before contended with. At one moment, simultaneously al- 
 most, as if each charge was exploded by an electric circuit, came a 
 volley from the drawn up columns of the British lines. The French 
 were swept down like forest trees before a whirlwind. Upon this 
 hand, fell his second in command, upon the other, one of his bravest 
 generals ; the day and the battle, the citadel and an Empire was al- 
 ready lost ; and yet Montcalm was undismayed. Recoiling from 
 the shock, like hardened steel that has been bent almost to l)reakinrr, 
 again he collected his scattered forces and presented a bold front 
 to the enemy. Then came another terrible fire from the British 
 lines, and with it a charge, such as has but few parallels in the his- 
 tories of battles. Overcome, trampled down, yielding and flyino- in 
 every direction, was the whole French force. Amid this scene of 
 death and carnage, Montcalm died as he had hoped he should ; 
 w}ien-h& could no longer resist the march of the invader. He fell 
 mortally wounded at the head of his troops, that he was in vain at- 
 tempting to rally and make stand firm, in the face of a fire and a 
 charge, incessant and desperate. When the surgeon had examined 
 his wound, he told him it was mortal. " I am glad of it," said he, 
 " how long can I survive ? " " Perhaps a day, perhaps less," was 
 the reply of the surgeon. " So much the better," replied Montcalm, 
 " I shall not live to see the surrender of Quebec." It is given on 
 the atuhority of a British officer, who was present at the siege of 
 Quebec, that Montcalm, in his last moments, paid a high compliment 
 to his Conquerors; and at the same time bitterly reflected upon his 
 own troops. That he said : " If I could survive tiiis wound, I would 
 engage to beat tliree times the number of sueh forees as I commnn- 
 ded th,s mornmg with a third of their number of British troop, 
 on 'h B °iJ tie '""";"""■ ••">■' "« g""' -=.'0 mounted up. 
 besil'ed c tv . , rf- ''""'^' '° "■'"" " "'■••• """^ <^™'' from the 
 befo^ the fex. l: •:" '° r''°"""' '^ "° -■"'■--ment, 
 '^^ moining. This was in anticipation of the arrival 
 me^Ti^^^ ^-Tf-o- Montreal that had been ordered d vv^ Tl 
 arC J^d?D;n ''',? T""'' '"-^"^ ^'^'^'- «^' ^he French 
 The'; "ttd^ PoT""'''^' ^ f ^''^'^ ^-'^ P-t«d at another point. 
 1 ney letned t^ Port aux Trembles. When the Governor of Mon 
 treal came down and joined them, it was agreed to send encour"" words to M. de Ramsay, the Governor of Quebec urZl" 
 o hold out against the siege. The courier reacheVte£:i ty 
 The English army took possession of Quebec, and the French 
 anny retn-ed to Three Rivers and Montreal. Thus ended h 
 campaign m that quarter, for the season of 1759. It re7u ti had 
 been the conquest of Quebec. Crown Point, Ticondero! a,td 
 Niagara. Occupying these vantage grounds, the Englisl - ." 
 well be supposed to I,ave surmounted the most formidabk. b n- rs 
 against the complete success of the campaign; yet. on he parof 
 he French colonists, the stake they were co1.t;r^iin;fo w'as Jo 
 large - the issue was too momentous _ to admit of entire un ender 
 as long as there was the least chance of winning '"'^"' 
 M. de Levi, the Governor of Montreal, had succeeded Montcalm 
 as commander- n-chief TIip F,-o,.^i . • ^"''" ^'^""^^^"^ 
 1750 'fin h.A u . ^"^'' ^™>'' ^"'^"g the winter of 
 !!::!l!!:J:1!!!!^!^^ '^^^'' -^^ - i^rge 
 o„8 cn,.„,y m tl.o open fidtl. T,, aav fo h '"? 'l^'';;'""ncHl lo meet ]iis danger- 
 Wc. Jlatl tlio French Cener'il tl n t, ■ ' '^■'^f''""-''"'<'i'7 msulutwn, is inipossi- 
 dofietlhis assailants fnmi be LZ ..,'''"'';'* "•',^;' '^."'■^«<^' '^« ""ffl't J'a™ ^Ju^ly 
 short tinte belbre, he l,a,l i w ,M ; " "/'i'"'; *''^ '""^?"' ^'■"™ ^1^^'"' ^^^^'ay. l^ut a 
 lintish army in a ,r,„eral en^^^j ^ "^'it^': rT'''"''-'!f '"V""''' ""^f='- ^''^ 
 in(lofal,.rable enemy had been^h Su.u eve^^. I 7'-'" ^'"'^ "" »''^' ««'"-•<« "f l"s 
 terms: antl yet, at leni,nh, ,.„ an me l- in V'\ '''''^' "" "" "^■^'"" >'I""' ■''"}- 
 unaided by any advan(a«o of i.os fi L ' , "' ". " '',","" '^■'"^■"'- *"■• '"'^ ''"-'iH'^rv, 
 veterans of Kntrlantl. Once a do I ^'•' /'".''^^' f'"' '■"^''^ Cana.lian militia ai^ainst flie 
 «iis gallant Frt:?,eh,„an fb.Sl hi w stLn? •^'' n • '''-^'''^"^ ^""^ '"'"^f""^'^ '^•'^■"r S 
 dous en'or led him to defeat and d,tu' * '"''""'"^ ''''"' ^"^ '^''^^ one tremeu 
 W ' I 
 y o{ Indians. In April, as soon as the ur 
 cr portion of the St. 
 he transportation of 
 nis artillery, Heavy baggage, and nnilitary stores, M. de Levi re- 
 solved upon a descent and an attempt to re-conquer Quebec. It 
 was a rash attempt, but he relied much upon the eflects a cold win- 
 ter had had in reducing and enfeebling the British force, that had 
 been lelt at Quebec ; and in fact, shut up as they had been, but 
 scantily supplied with salt provisions, death and disability had fear- 
 ^ully thinned their ranks. The defence had devolved upon Gen. 
 Murray. On the morning of the 27th of .April, M. de Levi had 
 posted his strong force within three miles of Quebec. The British 
 General, fully aware that investment, for any considerable period, in 
 the condition of his army, would be equally as fatal as defeat 're- 
 solved to follow the example of Montcalm. His unequal force was 
 marched out, and an attack commenced. After a desperate fight, 
 and the loss, in killed and wounded, of nearly one-third of his army 
 he retired within the walls. U. de Levi followed up his success,' 
 approaching and strongly entrenching ; the lost citadel was apparent- 
 ly w'thin his grasp, when a small, but efficient English fleet came 
 up the St. Lawrence, and made quick work in destroying and cap- 
 turuig the whole French armament ; a new spirit was infused in the 
 English camp; and M. de Levi, with hopes so suddenly crushed, 
 made a hasty retreat at the sacrifice of his guns, amunition, stores, 
 and entrenching tools. Thus ended an expedition that the chagrined 
 Canadians stigmatized as "de Levi's folly." 
 On his way to Niagara, Prideux had left Col. Haldimand in com- 
 mand at Oswego. On the 4th of July, the fort was besieged by a 
 large force of Canadian militia and Indians, under the command of 
 M. de la Corne. A surprise was attempted and failed, the garrison, 
 being forewarned, was ready for their reception, and opened a fire 
 upon the besiegers, which compelled a dispersion. An attempt to 
 burn the English boats in the harbor failed, and the besiegers re- 
 crossed the Lake. 
 The English opened the campaign in 1760, to complete their con- 
 quest. Early in May, Gen. Amherst had collected a large force rt 
 Oswego. Two armed vessels succeeded in forcing all the French 
 armament upon the Lake to take refuge among the " Thousand 
 Isles.'' The army at Oswego consisted of over 10.000; allied to 
 which, were 700 Indians that Sir William Johnson had brou.dit into 
 Iheficld The mam army under Gen. Amherst, went down the 
 Lake, and the St. Lawrence; a detachment under Co!. Ilaviland 
 gomg via Lake Champlain to Crown Point, to be joined by the force 
 stationed there The first point of attack was the small garrison 
 upon Isle Royal, commanded by captain Pouchot. That surrender- 
 ed after a spirited resistance. Here the Indian allies mostly deser- 
 ted, or marched offin a body, chagrined at Amherst and Johnson's 
 refusal to allow them to massacre the whole French garrison as 
 they had intended. After a perilous passage down the St. Lawrence 
 in which 80 men and (50 boats were lost, Amherst's army landed 
 nine nnles from Montreal on the 0th of Septemb.^r. Murray, with 
 all his disposable force, had left Quebec and sailed up the St. Law- 
 rence on the 14th of June. As an evidence how strong was vet 
 the attachment of the Canadians to the French interests -even in 
 this hour where there was little hope, it is mentioned that Murrav's 
 orce was constantly annoyed by guerrilla attacks from the banks 'of 
 the nver as they ascended. After a slow passage, delayed in expect- 
 ation of being joined by fresh troops from England, the squadron 
 reached the Island of Montreal on the 7th of September, and were 
 disembarked. Col. Ilaviland having come dovn. Lake Cham^ aTn 
 cap tui.d the post at Isle Aux Nois, to which the French had re-' 
 iTo^ T'i;f"'V^' ^''^''''' ^^^^^^"' ^^« "«^r ^' hand, and 
 reached the Island on the 8th. 
 Under Amherst, Murray and Ilaviland, there was now an 
 English force o 10,000 elTective troops. With but little delay, in 
 ZZ^ir r] f "" army of besiegers, M de Vaudreuil surivn- 
 ered Montreal and signed articles of capitulation, which included. 
 cair^ r;; ' """''"''" ^''' ^'°''^' '""^ ^^ ^'^« extent of the French 
 ciaima at tlae west. 
 If any thing excused the French Governor. Vaudreuil. for so sud- 
 den a surrender, it was the favorable terms he exacted from the be- ' 
 H-egers, which were conceded to, as a better alternative, than the 
 hedding of more blood, of which the banks of the St. Lawrence, 
 and the shoi-es of the Lakes, had seen enough to satiate the 
 most morbid desire for human sacrifice, in the respective countries 
 to the thousands of victims owed allegiance. The foreign 
 French troops; the civil officers, their families and bar^.a^e -were 
 to be sent home in English vessels; the troops under p^^oL^to' serve 
 no more durmg the war. The militia were allowed to return to 
 their homes. The French colonists were to enjoy the same privi- 
 eges ami unmunities as British subjects. The Indians that had ad- 
 hered to the Lrench interests, were to be unmolested, and disturbed 
 m no rii,rht they had enjoyed under French dominion 
 Thus terminated French dominion uj.on this continent, which 
 had existed lor a century and a half. IIovv badly was all that time 
 improved ! Tbe sympathies which are naturally excited by a peru- 
 sal of all the details of the fmal contest ; the mislortunes and casual- 
 ties^we may well call then,, that one after another baflled the arms 
 of France, and paralize.l the arms of as brave men as were ever 
 tramed in her armies; shutting them up in fortresses; closincr the 
 avenues by which succor could reach them, with ice and snow, or 
 adverse wmds; cutting ofT reinforcements in their march of relief- 
 disease prostrating them, and famine staring them in the face, while 
 hos s of armed men were thundering at their gates, and their stron.^ 
 walls were swaying and trembling over their heads; are in a mea! 
 sure abated by the reflection, that they so long held dominion over 
 as hne a region as arms ever conquered, or enterprise ever reach- 
 ed, and were so unmindful of the value of their possession. An 
 occupancy of five generations, and how little did it leave behind of 
 nsjpress ! How little was done for France ! how little for man- 
 There was in Canada, (East,) the two considerable cities of 
 Quebec and Montreal, and a few small villages upon the St. Law- 
 rence. In their vicinities, upon the most favorable soils, there was 
 an agricultural population, but little more than supplying their own 
 food In Canada, (West,) but a small garrison at Frontenac, (Kin^s- 
 ton) with a little agricultural improvement in its immediate neigh- 
 borhood; a small trading station at Toronto ; and a few missionary 
 and trading stations in the interior, and upon Lake Huron. In 
 western New York, the valley of the Lakes, and the upper vallies 
 of the Mississippi, over all of which the French claimed dominion 
 here was but Ibr trading and missionary stations ; with few except 
 t.ons of agricultural enterprise ; by far the most considerable of 
 which, was upon a narr nv strip upon the Detroit river 
 There is much that is ad.nm-able in the French Missionary enter- 
 pnze m all the region they occupied. The world has no where 
 seen as much of devotion, of self-sacrifice, of courage, perseverance 
 and endurance. A host ot gifted men who had left the highest 
 iUicj. 1. 
 walks of civilization and refinement, which they had helped to 
 adorn, took up their abode in the wilderness, in rude huts ; here and 
 there, upon the banks of lakes and rivers, where there were none 
 of even the foot prints of civilization, save their own. Solitarv and 
 alone, they wrestled with the rude savage ; displayed the ^-oss. 
 the emblem of salvation, to his wondering gaze, and disarmed his 
 fierce resentments by mild persuasion ; adapting themselves to his 
 condition, and inducting him into the sublime mysteries of a re- 
 ligion of peace and universal brotherhood. Each missionary was 
 a wanderer: -ice, snow, swollen streams, winds and tempests, 
 summer s heats and winter's chills, were to him no hindrances, when 
 duty and devotion urged him onward. Inured to toil and priva- 
 tion a small parcel of parched corn and a bit of jerked beef, would 
 be hKs on y sustenance in long journeys through the forests, seeking 
 new fields of missionary labor. Olten were they martyrs - there 
 are few localities in all the vast region they traversed, where one or 
 more of them dd not yield up his life as an earnest of his faith _ 
 As often as they perished by the tomahawk, the rigors of the cli- 
 mate, exposure, fatigue or disease, their ranks were supplied. Like 
 disciplined soldiers, the Jesuit missionaries, one after another, would 
 Wl ranks, the vacancy of which would admonish them of danger 
 _ And where are now the evidences of all these lang years of mis- 
 sionary enterprize, zeal and martyrdom ? In the small villages of 
 Western New York, which now contain remnants of the once 
 powerful Iroquois, there is the form of the cross in tlieir silver or- 
 naments, and around the western Lakes and Rivers, the traveller 
 TZr T, h" T ''"'' ^'^^^^^^^"^^"y' ^ ™de cross, over an Indian 
 grave. This is all that is left, save written records, to remind us of 
 that extraordinary, long continued, missionary advent. All else 
 faded away with the decline of French power. The good mission- 
 mould of the forests he had penetrated, or relire,. when the fla. of 
 his country no longer gave him confidence and protection. The 
 treaty 17G3 forbid any recruits of his order.' In his absence, 
 his simple neophytes soon forgot his teachings. The symbols of 
 his f^aith no longer reminded them of the "glad tidings" he had 
 proclaimed. Tradition even of his presence, has become obscure 
 _ iNever perhaps, was rejoicing in England, as universal and enthu- 
 siastic, as when the news of the conquest of Quebec _fh. onn- 
 quest of Canada as it was rightly construed _ reached there 
 sessions had been rmsed ; and hatred of the French had become a 
 umversal pubhc senthnent. A scries of defeats and ,ZoZ^ 
 hat had prevtously attended the British anns in this quart..,. „ "he 
 war then was„ng, had disposed the people of England to , ak" the 
 was p,oeIa,med, pageants upon land and water succeeded with 
 bonfires and tllutrnnaticrs. The victory was the thenre o the Zt 
 was m:^*^°' ^ r' "'"' "'^'"»^^^- M'"8led with alHlS 
 was mouimng for the brave men that had perished in the lon^r -uc 
 oess,o„ of conflicts, or rather the reverse of the pictl w^ he 
 futleral pageant, the widow's and the orphan's tears, t earths 
 made desolate. When .he remains of the lamented V. „i, w re 
 earned home and conveyed to Greenwich eemetry, there wa a 
 EtZdher''"'"""'"'" '■" "" ""'''""■•" i"'-''- ^-l^"' ' ' °v- 
 cmpne, and the triumph of its armies 
 We know how ,vell it is ordered 'for us, as individual, that a 
 curtain is drawn between the present and tlie future; that ou pi 
 en happmess is unalloyed by any taste of the hiUe i,-ntZ!Z 
 eoncealed even ,„ the cup of bliss. So with nations, if fh y „u d 
 always see the tendency and the end of events, the e won d have 
 a pldleTE'T";'" r '"^ '"""""'^ °f --• H-v wold ha™ 
 app. lied England , how would her Kin;;, her Statesmen, sittinc u„! 
 t "'".'"l^'"l/'-'=l'0». o-- holding saturnalias at festive boards liave 
 u : tu ;: 11""' 'i^r^"' "■ ^""•^ P'-^'-'- "and had ilscriS 
 upon^then walls:-" You have „A,»En a P»ov,»cn a»„ lost a» 
 And such was the destiny ;_ crowding into a brief space the 
 cause and the eff-ect, the triumph and its consequences riitted 
 have been, at the commencement of the Revolution, in the absence 
 of tie apprenticeship in the trade of war, that the last French and 
 E, g sh war upon t is continent aff-orded. What better discipitne 
 could men have had ; what better experience, to inure them t^toil 
 SLf P^^^ \ :; J ^^f'-^: Q-hcc, Montreal, 
 lu i^ia^a.a. i.veiy cuiDpaign svas a school far 
 better than West Point and Annapolis. Mingled in all these were 
 the colonists of Wew York and New England". New Jersey, Penn- 
 sylvania, Maryland and Virginia. Out of the ranks of those retir^-d, came a host of the efficient men, who, upon thebreakin-out 
 of tne Revolution, so well convinced their militarv instructors of 
 the proficiency they had made under their tuition." The military 
 skill and genius necessary to organize armies, the courage and chi^-- 
 alry necessary to lead them to triumph, which had been inert, was 
 aroused in the stirring scenes of the French war; its succession 
 of splendid triumphs. England had made war a profession with a 
 large number of the colonists, little thinking where would be the 
 field and what the occasion of its practice. In the prosecution of 
 the French war, England had fearfully augmented its public debt; 
 in an hour of evil councils, against the protestations of her wisest 
 statesmen, taxation of the colonies was added to the burthens the 
 privations and sufferings that had borne so heavily upon tliem 
 And It may be added, that a handful of feeble colonies would hardly 
 have ventured to strike a blow for separation, as long as the French 
 held dominion here. Independence achieved, the colonies would 
 necessarily have had to assume the relative condition that England 
 bore with France. They would have assumed England's quarrels 
 growing out of unsettled boundaries and disputed dominions 
 Had there been no English conquest of French dominions, the 
 separation of the colonies, if realized at all, would have been an 
 event far removed from the period in which it was consummated. 
 France surrendered her splendid possessions in America, sullenly 
 and grudgingly, yielded to destiny and a succession of untoward 
 events, hoping for some event -some "tide in the affairs of men " 
 that would wrest from England's Crown the bright jewel she had 
 picked up on the banks of the St. Lawrence, bathed in blood ; and 
 which she was displaying with a provoking air of triumph It 
 came more speedily than the keenest eye of prophecy could have 
 orescen^ In a little more than twenty years after the fall of Que- 
 bec, La Fayette, Rochambeau, Chastelleux, D'Estang, M. de Choisv 
 Viomen.l, de Grasse, M. de St. Simon, and a host of gallant French- 
 men beside, saw the surrender of Cornwallis at Yorktown • -.n 
 event as crowning and decisive, in the loss of an empire, as' was 
 the surrender of Quebec, in the loss of a colony. 
 From the end of French dominion in Western New York, to 
 the close of the Revokition, constituted a period of twenty-four 
 years ; the events of which, having an immediate bearing upon our 
 local region, must be crowded into a space too limited lor elaborate 
 detail; allowing of but little more than what is necessary to pre- 
 vent a break in the chain of events that leads us to the" main de- 
 sign of the work in hand. 
 Little of historical interest occurred previous to the Revolution. 
 The English would seem to have made nu belter use of the rich 
 prize that the fortunes of war had thrown into their hands, than had 
 their French predecessors. Settlements made the advance of but 
 a day's walk, and occupancy in any form, west of the lower valley 
 of the Mohawk, was but the fortresses of Oswego and Niagara, and 
 small English trading establishments, that had succeeded those of 
 the French. The rich soil, that has made this region the prosper- 
 ous home of hundreds of thousands ; in which lay dormant the 
 elements of more enduring wealth than would have been the rich- 
 est " placers " of California, had no attractions for their ndventur- 
 ers, and were without the narrow circle of enterprize that bound- 
 ed the views of colonial governors and legislators. 
 The change of occupants does not seem to have pleased the 
 Senecas. Scarcely had the English got a Jbotl.old in their coun- 
 ty, before a war was commenced by an attack upon a British 
 wagon-train and its guard, as they were passing over the Portage 
 from Lewiston to Schlosser. A tragical event that has much 
 prominence in the local reminiscences of that region. This was 
 followed by an attack upon a detachment of British soldiers at 
 Black Rock, on their way from Niagara to Detroit. Sir William 
 Johnson, in his official correspondence, called the Senecas a "trou- 
 blesome people."' 
 All of Engish dominion west of Albany, other than its military 
 posts was a 'one manpower;" and before proceeding forther ft 
 .tied;, mcidentaljy, been introduced in our narrative. 
 He was a native of Ireland, of a good family, and was well edu- 
 cated. Soon after he became of age, in 1737 or '8, he came to 
 America as the land agent of his uncle, Sir Peter Warren, an Ad- 
 minil in the English navy, who had acquired a considerable tract of 
 and upon the Mohawk, in the present county of Montgomerv He 
 located a few miles from the present village of Port Jackson Of a 
 romantic disposition, and liaving acquired, from the unsuccessful 
 ternaina ion of a love affair in hi. native country, some distaste for 
 civilized society, which he was well qualified to adorn, he had not 
 been long a resident in the backwoods of America, when he had 
 determined upon permament settlement. He formed an exception 
 to a arge majority of his countymen, in the ease and facility with 
 vvhich he exchanged the refinements of civilized society for life in 
 the woods, with few but the native Indians for neighbors or associ- 
 ates. JNo Frenchman ever sit himself down upon the borders of 
 our western lakes, alone of all his race, in the midst of Indian wig- 
 wam., and sooner merged and blended himself with all about him 
 ?>ays the London Gentlemnn's Magazine, (1755) :- "Besides his 
 skill and experience as an officer, he is particularly happy in making 
 himself beloved by all sorts of people, and can conform to all com 
 pames and conversations. He is very much the fine gentleman in 
 genteel company. But as the inhabitants next to him are mostly 
 uutch he sits down with them and smokes his tobacco, drinks flip 
 and talks of improvements, bear and beaver skins. Being surround- 
 ed^^.lth Indians he speaks several of their languages well, and has 
 a wa>. some of them with him. He takes care of their wives and 
 old lnd.ans when they go out on parties, and even wears their 
 niess. m short, by his honest dealings with them in trade, and his 
 courage, wh'.ch has often been successfully tried with them, and his 
 courteous behavior, he has so endeared himself to them, that they 
 chose him one of their chief Sachems, or Princes, and esteem him 
 as their father. 

 He was just the man the English government required in the 
 contest they were waging with the French; and he had not been 
 long m the Mohawk valley, before he became its Indian a-nt and 
 the dispenser of its gifts, which added to his personal popularity 
 with the Indians, gave him an influence over them greater than 
 any one of our own race has ever possessed. He was the first 
 Englishman to contend, with any great measure of success, with 
 French Indian diplomacy; their governors, missionaries and tra- 
 On the breaking out of the last English and French war upon 
 this continent, he was made a General of colonial militia, and by 
 virtue of a leadersliip that had been created by the Iroquois, he was 
 head warrior of all of them that inclined to the English interests. 
 His first military service, was to head the formidable expedition 
 against Crown Point, in which he was the vanquisher of the Baron 
 Dieskeu. For this signal service, he was made a Baronet The 
 other prominent event in his military career, was the siege and con- 
 quest of Fort Niagara, which mainly devolved upon him, by the 
 death of his superior in command. Gen. Prideaux. 
 The gifts of his sovereign, and the facilities he enjoved for pur- 
 chasing Indian lands, made him the possessor of great wealth, which, 
 with his military honors, the partiality of his countrymen, and his 
 great influence with the Indians, rendered him as near a Prince as 
 any thing the backwoods of America have witnessed. * 
 After the close of tlie French war, as a British agent, he held 
 treaties and negotiated with the Iroquois, and some of^he western 
 , nations, all of the territorial acquisitions in middle New York north- 
 ern Pennsylvania, and upon the Ohio River, that was made pre- 
 «n ft-r-ir .' ':^ * 
 • f I 1 ,"•'" '^'"'>' ^''''■'' "•' liberally entortjiinod by Sir William and 500 
 un American Lady ■' ^ ^ "''^^^^8^° them valuablo ox A<^mM^: '- Memoir, of 
 vious to tlie Revolution. To his influence with the Indians as a 
 British agent, mhented by his family, may be attributed in a great 
 ZZl h7:n "T' '" ^'""^ ^^"•^"Shout the Revolulon ; 
 and yet had he hved when the contest was waged, it is doubtfu 
 what would have been his position. There areVong reason for 
 assumn^g that he would have been at least a neutral. He died at 
 JohnsonHallm June, 1774, just as the storm was gathering, soon 
 after he had himself predicted that " En'gland and her colonie; were 
 approaching a terrible war, which he should never live to witness." 
 tils health had been for some years declining * 
 In his youth, soon after he became a resident upon the Mohawk 
 hetook for his wiie, (conventionally,) a comely, German girl, 2. 
 being a redemptionist, was serving her time with one of his nLlbors 
 She was the mother of his son and successor, Sir John Johnson" 
 and of his daughters, who became the wives of Col. Claus, and Col' 
 Guy Johnson, a distant relative of Sir William. A lecral marria™ 
 ook p, when Sir ^yI]liam was on his death bed, whicii cremof: 
 had reference to the descent of property. And here it would b'e 
 historical dehnquency to conceal the fact, that Sir William, awav 
 from th^ restraints of civilized life, had indulged in what M Ban 
 croft would call the <• freedom of the backwoods." Ebeneze Allan' 
 who was at one period, in the valley of the Genesee, "L^S": 
 William was m the valley of the Mohawk, without taking his many 
 yiitues as his examples, was but an humble imitator of his one pr J- 
 mentv.ce. The fruits of his amours may be traced at this d'^t 
 a 1 the re reats of the remnants of the Six nations. Upon tii. banks 
 of the Allegany, the observing traveller will recognize the family 
 resemblance in the contour of faces; the " blood cJ the Johnsons '' 
 ouoL""%'h' ^f ' 'A^ harmoniously blending with that of the Ir;. 
 quois. The sister of Joseph Brant, in some respects as good a speci- 
 men of her race as was her renowned brother, was the mother of 
 several of his children who were also legitimatized by a private 
 marriage that took place a l■o^v years before his death 
 Histories of the Revolution exist in too many forms, are too 
 easily accessib^ ^todlclasses of readers, to make it necessary to em! 
 * DocuiiicntniT History Vol o,i ,, O'-.? • n ,i r» x ^ ." T ~ ~~ 
 brace even any considerable allusion to it in a work of this character. 
 All ofit that has any more than a remote connection with the his-' 
 tory of our local region, are the Border Wars of New Vork and 
 with them the author will assume that his readers are " generallv 
 On the death of Sir William Johnson, his son, John Johnson, suc- 
 ceeded to his titles and estates, and his ofHcer of General Superin- 
 tendent of Indian Aflairs fell into the hands of Col. Guy Johnson 
 his son-in-law, who had as his deputy Col. Claus, another son-in' 
 aw. Thus inherited, all the official and personal influence that had 
 been acquired ^vas wielded against the Colon^ . and in favor of the 
 mother country. The natives unschooled in all that could enable 
 them to understand the merits of the quarrel -(Iiemsflvcs recog- 
 nizing in their simple form of government heriditary rulers -could 
 see in the up rising of the Colonies against their i^ing, little else thnn 
 unjustiflable rebellion, and they were told by the Johnsons that the 
 outbreaKs in Boston, and the battle of Lexington, were the acts of 
 disobedient children against the King their Father, who had been 
 kmd to them as he had to the Six Nations. Sir William Johnson had 
 been the almoner ofannual gilts from his sovereign, and minglino- a 
 smcei-c regard for them, with his official duties, had wedded them 
 strongly to him and to his government. 
 ri°''ltn'^''^'x^''' ^"^^^"' Thay-en-da-ga,) had been the protege 
 of Sir WiUiam Johnson. When quite a youth he had sent him to 
 the Kev. Dr. Wheelock's school in Lebanon, Connecticut, after- 
 wards employed him in his private business. * Engaged in military 
 service, when he took the field, the young chief took the war path, 
 one of the leaders of Sir William's Indian allies. Under these cir- 
 cmnstances It was very natural that Brant should have been found 
 a follower of the fortunes of the Johnson family. 
 With those influences bearing upon them, the Six Nations, with 
 river, l,is piuvnlj av ? ;; S ""^^^ ^''"^ ^^^^'^>^ '^ jVIol.nvk, iK.rn .m th. Ohio i. all it. .^uiou. of ulelLiL^^i^: S^eSJS J^ ^^^ 
 a l,cs 01 Lnsiand throughout the war of tho Revolution Immerfi 
 ' ::;':. hf °' '' '?"'™' «"^ •"■^-°" renewi "I : 
 ces and as host.hties approached tho Mohawk valley, ■■ brightened 
 the Cham oflnendship" with gift., „„d lavish promiseJof i^crea"cd 
 patronage from hi, master, the King. A "committee o™,;- 
 wh,ch was early organized in " Tryon county," were iealou of 
 every movement of the Johnson, and especiall/ihose of G John- 
 son. It would seem, m fact, that he had at f.rst'ra.hly determined to 
 mam am h,s ground, and, for that purpose, under prete e o e 
 of attack from "the rebels," had fortified his hotse and dra™ 
 auxniary to the central committee at Albany. Thev made re-,ons to the Albany committee of all 'that dZZZ 
 tht'::; "'.?"': ^"""'""'f-""^" ««'» and ,he hostUe-mdC 
 they say.- We are, gentlemen, in a worse situation than any par 
 of Amenca at present. We have an open enemy before our faces 
 and a treacherous enemy at our backs." Thev assure the Alba, y 
 ■^rSC ' '' r"' "-•'^--"'™' •" 'hi acts of Parltmrn^ 
 1101 Lol. Johnson s arbitrary conduct." 
 A series of stirring local events followed : - The Johnson fmilv 
 c^ob; dhed in interest and ft-iendship with other infliiZl t^^ 
 hesof Tryon couMy, not only controlled the Indians, hut had .uch 
 an influence with the whites as almost to enable th^ni to co"c 
 oca obedience to them, and fealty to the King. They even 
 U.c^ ancl partial were successfbl, in using tl^ civil .L W 
 or ho instances ,n breaking up what they termed "rebel n-e^tin^s " 
 -Laily HI the summer of 1775 however, Guv .Tohnson had deter- 
 mined that his own safety and the interests of'his Kin., won d b^h 
 be promoted by removal to Canada. Up to this time, lie had . .lie 
 "27" h-V" -r'"^'---T movements were init temp r y 
 outbieaks, which would be suppressed bv the strong arn/of his 
 govemment, or conciliated by a redress ol^' son,e of the -n-ievanc s 
 complained of. But admonished by the dark clouds of^v ha 
 ere gathenng, that the crisis had arrived, that he could not preserve 
 uhere he was with safety, a position even of neutrality, he resolved 
 upon placmg himself in a position to take an active part in the coa- 
n-e the firm 
 wcd allian- 
 ' increased 
 of safety," 
 jealous of 
 Guy John - 
 M-mined to 
 ce of fear 
 id drawn 
 s alarnaed 
 ganized as 
 made re- 
 goin,2; on, 
 e Indians, 
 I any part 
 our faces, 
 c Albany 
 3n family 
 tial fami- 
 Iiad such 
 ley even 
 1 authori- 
 ng in one 
 id deter- 
 )u]d both 
 ;id iolied 
 n of liis 
 lar that 
 ihe con- 
 test. Under the pretence that he could better control the Indians 
 and keep them from harming the inhabitants by fixin^ his head-' 
 quarters at Fort Stanwix, he left "Guy Park" and repaired to that 
 post, where he was soon joined by John and Walter Butler Brant 
 and a formidable body of Tories and Indians. He soon removed 
 with most ot his retinue to Oswen-o. 
 It should here be observed, that inured to war as had been the 
 Iroquois -fond of it as would seem fromthe avidity with which 
 they had engaged in it with their own race and ours — the breaking 
 out of the Revolution, found them with somewhat altered inclinat 
 tions. Vastly reduced by wars with the southern and western 
 Jnduns, and with the French, the remnant of them that had enjoy- 
 ed a few years of peace had learned in some degree to estimate its 
 value. Fully realizmg the consequences, should thev take up the 
 hatchet for the King, the local committees of safetv for Tryon and 
 Albany counties, heM conferences with the Mohawks and received 
 assurances of neutrality. In June, 1776, General Schuyler, appoint- 
 ed for that purpose by the Congress at Philadelphia, held a council 
 with all of the Six Nations upon the German Flats, where assur- 
 ances of neutrality were renewed. But the superior influences that 
 have been spoken of, finally prevailed. 
 Guy Johnson soon repaired to Montreal, where he made his 
 head quarter.;, and engaged with zeal and activity, in enlisting the 
 Indians m a harrassing border war, chiefly directed against Ids old 
 neighbors. Sir John Johnson, previous to the flight, or he-ira of 
 his brother-in-law, had stipulated with Gen. Schuvler that he would 
 remain and be a neutral, the chief motive being the preservation of 
 the vast estate he. had inherited ; but encouraged bv the prospect of 
 a final triumph of the King over the colonics, lie followed his incli- 
 nations, violated his pledges of neutrality, and taking with him 
 three hundred of his neighbors and dependents, (chiefly Scotch,) 
 loincd his brother in Montreal, and became like him an active par- 
 tisan The immediate presence of the powerful family was thus 
 withdrawn from the Mohawk, and little left of them but their deser- 
 ted f^ields and mansions; but the devoted valley had yet to feel the 
 terrible scourge which loyalty could inflict, when sharpened by mo- 
 tives ot ])rivate vengeance. 
 Col. John Butler soon fivred his residence on the shores of Lake 
 Untario, ni the immediate vicinity of the village of Niagara, where 
 he ,™ .oon installed as the leader of the torv refugees. Erectine' 
 tt salM 7- ' "'Sf'^'^^J""'! quavered; and from that |,oint 
 hlk ri '"'"•■"\"'''"S -Podi'w"' to the valli,»- ol the Mo. 
 hey relumed when their errands of ml^diief had been executed 
 (was there the expeditions to the devolod valley of Wyomin-- and 
 to arres the mareh of Sullivan, were projected. ° 
 After leaving the JMohawk valley, Brant was alternately at Oswego 
 A-gam upon the Susquehannah and Genesee Rivers' until Sy 
 at uld Ih' n.^""; '"^. W'=™"»<= with an armed band of warriors 
 at Unadilla, an village upon the Susquehannah. There Gen 
 Herknner, with a strong guard of Tryon county militia sou4t an 
 |".e,-v,ew with him. in hopes of changing his purpos ^l eng li ^ 
 n the Kmg s servtce. They met. Bran.rather'ha,!ghtilydema,rde3 
 he object of the mterview. which ,vas explained. Hinting to Gen 
 Herknner that h.s attendants were pretty numerous for a peac: 
 a.nbassador he assured hi.n that he Itad a superior force, fiv llZ7d 
 varnors winch he could crush him and his part^ a, a "o d 
 bu sa,d he, "we are old neighbors and friends and I w'll no" dot " 
 A ot.headed and .mprtjdent Coi. Cox, who had accompanied Gen. 
 Iletknner, grossly tnsulted lirant, which came near bringing on an 
 unequal contest, bu, Brant hushed the impending storm and prnLed 
 another tntervew. It was had according to promise ; Brant a u,. 
 cd the General that he fully understood his enand ; "but" sa d h 
 you are too late, I am already engaged to serve the King. We 
 Ls ed. although you are entn-ely within my power." This was the 
 last conference held by the agents of Congress with the Man 
 pendM,gordu„ng,hewarof the;; and after thi . ton 
 lollowed the tern be scenes with vvl„V.' fi.^ .i 
 reader to be famih-ar. ^^^^h vvhicu the author presumes the 
 Imrnecliately following this interview with Brant, Sir John John- 
 son and Col. Water Butler sent out runners and convened dele' - 
 tions rom all of the Six Nations at Oswego. The counci w 's 
 open by a speech fro. Sir John, in' which L assured thc^Ind;::: 
 hat then- assistance was wanted "to subdue the rebels who Imd 
 taken up anns a, their good Father the King, and was about 
 to rob him of a great part of iiis possessions and wealth." Tiau 
 chiefs then rose and severally assured the British agents that they 
 had only one year before in council with General Schuyler, pledcred 
 themselves to neutrality, and that they should not violate the pledge 
 by taking up the hatchet. The British agents told them that the 
 rebels were few in number and easily subdued, and that on ac- 
 count of tneir disobedience they fully merited all the punishment that 
 white men and Indians united could inflict ; that the Km<r was rich 
 and powerful, botn In money and subjects; that his "vim was as 
 plenty as the waters of Lake Ontario." This appeal to the appetites 
 of the simple nafves which British agents had done much before to 
 vitiate, accompanied by promises of rich gifts, prevailed, and a treaty 
 was made in which they pledge themselves to take up arms a^rainst 
 the rebels, and continue in service during the war. " Upon the con- 
 elusion of the treaty, each Indian was presented with a suit of clothes 
 a brass kettle, a gun, a tomahawk, a scalping knife, a quantity of 
 powder and lead, and a piece of gold." * 
 _ In the speech of Cornplanter to the Governor cf Pennsylvania 
 in 1822, he said : - " The cause of Indians having been led into sin 
 at that time, was, that many of them were in the practice of drink- 
 ing and getting intoxicated.' Great Britain requested us to ioin 
 hem m the conflict against Americans, and promised the Indians 
 land and liquor. 
 Soon after the war commenced, Brant collected the Mohawks at 
 Lewiston, selecting for their home some of the fine grounds on the 
 Kidge Road, near the present village. He built a small lo- church 
 using the bell of one of the Indian churches upon the Mohawk 
 which was hung upon the notch of a tree, the British chaplain at 
 J^ort Niagara, frequently holding service there. After the Revolu- 
 tion, he removed to Brantford, C. W., where large c^rants of land 
 were secured to him by the British government. He died in 1807 
 aged 64 years. ' 
 Col. John Butler, who was respectably connected upon the Mo- 
 hawk, became, from the first breaking out of the Revolution, a 
 * Life of Mary Jemison. 
 them « scou^ to bordtr sottte „f N.» iVk a'di'^Sitolta ' '""'" 
I ■ X 
 s on that he had a good share of business talents. At the close of 
 the Revo ut.on he becan.o Superintendent of Indian afK irs fo^^^Un 
 per Canada and was also a half-pay British Colonel. T e p tron' 
 age of a he had served so devotedly at the s.crifico of th 
 private esteem of even those who had been hi. .. ^ 
 enabled him to surround himself v^ .] "^P^^'^"-'^ ^"«™s, 
 the In vnrir.« nC I,T Ti u ' '''^ Comforts and many of 
 the luxu nes of hfe The home of which he was the founder even 
 now n. us neglected condition, exhibits in all its primiti^ am^^^^^^^ 
 annals of Border WrT;^;^S^^^^^^^ 
 llie „,nucnce ol tl,o Johnson lamiiy with the Indians was hard 
 y less potent than with their white neighbors. No wl e in aU 
 nttt'lrV "" "'"° '" 'r«^ " P'-oVon-'onaie diversion o.h 
 of th C 7 ""/^IT"' "' "'= ''''™'»"°"' "' i" '!'» valley 
 of theiVIohawk; and on the other hand, no where were there bet- 
 ter examples of patriotism, bravety and self sacrifiee. It was en 
 ha,J all the features of cvd war; households were divided- it was 
 brother agatns. brother, and neighbor against neighbor f^^td he" 
 1 ou iMiag.,ra and Canada, they returned from time to thne unon 
 g.«und,and «el] Inew where most effectually to direct their steps. 
 that wo UK under much fours from H,-. r i ' f'"^"'l : — " \<.u will not .supiwse 
 lJ.o(;ouo.ce river wi.W.;^::;^,,^;" S nll'O "^'^Ull 7"" ^1'^'^ ^ «tarto,l'Lm 
 tJio (leuesco ru J,: w)^W. 0:^,,^ J ^i tli'S:^ x"" ' ^'^" ^"" ^1'''* ^ ^tartoti'i^on 
 Butler. We were served with a,>£ d isfnnf • I ""/'xc.'lont dmuer with Col 
 Bu,>i.ed ine .0., wa. to see a^fiVlll^aolr ^^Z a^'US'l o^l^^lSli^ 
 and where to execute the most terrible mischief. In the retrospect, 
 when nations have settled down in peace, and look bnck upon the 
 excesses they have committed in the strife and hr it of w ir, there 
 is always inucii even for self-accusation ; but r all t' .ist'ory of 
 wars, there is nothing that so stands out in bold •-,iief, < ithout miti- 
 nation or excuse, as was the sanguine policy of ;.,.. hv' in the em- 
 ployment of the tomahawk and scalping knife, to aid uv:i in warring 
 against her colonies. In all her own dark catalog.- n .,: wrongs, in 
 the east, at home, in compelling obedience to i.'u; Uuune, the°re is 
 nothing that so far outraged humanity, that so far transcended the 
 rules of civilized warfare, as was the arming of savage allies, and 
 sendmg them to lay waste unprotected backwoods settlements and 
 massacre their inhabitants, without regard to age, condition, or sex. 
 What the feeble colonies scorned to do in self-defence — after they 
 had determined upon asking nothing farther than to have the toma- 
 liawk and scalping knife kept out of the contest — British agents, 
 with the sanction of their government, did not hesitate to do°in a 
 spirit of inhumanity so sanguinary aud unrelenting, that it urged on 
 Indian warfare, even when it hesitated in the execution of its 
 stealthy and bloody missions. 
 The Border Wars, the tory and Indian incursions from Canada 
 Oswego and Niagara, continued at intervals from the flight of the 
 Johnsons, Butler and Brant in '75, until August 1779. The horrid 
 details already fill volumes of published history.* With powerful 
 British armies to contend with upon the sea board — work enou<Th 
 for the feeble and exhausted colonies — inadequate help had been 
 afforded to repel invaders of the frontier settlements of New York 
 The stealthy foe could make descents by land or water through dif- 
 ferent unguarded avenues, and when their work of death was 
 accomplished, retreat to their strong holds at Oswego and Niagara 
 a wide wilderness their defence and security against pursuit and 
 retribution. VVhen expeditions were planned at Niagara, if designed 
 tor the valley of the Mohawk, the Indians and tories would concen- 
 trate at Oswego; and if the valley of the Susquehannah was the 
 destination, they would concentrate upon the Genesee river, Seneca 
 ii i,f 
 Lake, or the Tioi 
 ga river. Their 
 Fort Niagara, the Bastile of the then .,_ vv„uc., 
 At last, in the early part of the year 1779, Gen. W; 
 prisoners were usually taken to 
 western wilderness 
 . ^ 1 - - — jv.>*. *i«.f, v<cu. vv ashinjiton de- 
 termmed upon a measure for carrying the war home upon the inva- 
 ders, rou mg the Indians from their villages, and if practicable, the 
 o,ge and capture of Fort Niagara. The command was entrusted 
 to Gen. Sulhvan. The army organized for the expedition was in 
 three divisions. That part of it under the immediate command of 
 Gen Sdhvan, coming from Pennsylvania, ascended the Susquehan- 
 nah to Tioga Pomt. Another division under the command of Gen. 
 James Chnton, constructing batteaux at Schenectadv, ascended the 
 Mohawk and rendezvoused at Canajoharrie. opened a road to the 
 head Otsego Laive, and from thence proceeded in a formi.lable 
 fleet of over two hundred batteaux, to Tioga Point, formin. a 
 .ivmction with the force under Gen. Sullivan, on the 22d of Au4st 
 Prev.ous to the arrival of Gen. Clinton, Sullivan had sent forward 
 ^::::^:t''' ^" '- '-'' - '-'^'-^ ^-^^ -^ ^-'^- -^ ^ 
 The con.bined forces amounted to 5,000 men. The expedition 
 had !,een so long preparing, and upon the march, that the enemv 
 were well apprized of all that was going on. Their plan of de- 
 fence contemplated a decisive engagement upon the Chemung river 
 For this purpose the Rangers and regular British troops, under the 
 command of Col John Butler, Cols. Guy and Sir John .Tohnson. 
 undei Brant had concentrated their forces upon a bend of the river 
 near the present village of Elmira, where they had thrown up a 
 long breast w^orkot logs. The united forces of the British al es 
 as computed by Gen. Sullivan, was about 1500. * Havin.. ascer- 
 ained their position. Gen. Sullivan marched in full force and .Stacked 
 them 1. the forenoon of the 29th of August. He found the enemy 
 partly entrenched and partly arranged in scouting and tlankin:. 
 parties, the Imhans especially adopting their favorite mode of wai^ 
 are. Well provided with artillery, a heavy fire was op.aed upon 
 the enemies entrenchments, which soon proved them a weak de- 
 fence; apart of the Indians were panic stricken bv the heavv 
 cannonade, and fled, while other portions of then, were rallied by 
 * Assumed to be niucli less in the British accounts. 
 their intrepid leader, Brant, and well maintained the unequal contest 
 'Bothtories and Indians were entitled 
 manfully. Ev( 
 3k and tree and bush 
 to the credit of fighting 
 ,,.,,.,- .sheltered its man, from 
 hehmd which the winged messengers of death were thickly sent 
 but with so little effect as to excite astomshment. The Indians 
 yielded ground only inch by inch ; and in their retreat darted iVom 
 tree to tree with the agility of a panther, often contesting each new at the point of the bayonet- a thing very unusual even 
 with, and still more rare among the undisciplined warriors 
 ol the woods/; * The battle had been waged about two hours, 
 when the British and Indians perceiving their forces inadequate 
 anc that a maneuver to surround them was likely to be successful, 
 broke and fled in great disorder. 
 " This " says John Salmon, of Livingston county, who belonged lo 
 the expedition and gave an accouiii of it to the author of the LH« 
 ot Mary Jemison, "was the only regular stand made by the In- 
 dians. In their retreat they were pursued by our men to the Nar- 
 rows, where they were attacked and killed in great numbers, so that 
 the sides of the rocks next the River looked as if blood had been 
 poured on them by pailfuls." 
 The details of all that transpired in this campaign are before the 
 public in so many forms, that their repetition here^is unnecessary. 
 1 he route of the army was via " French Catherine's Town,"' f head 
 ot Seneca Lake, down the east shore of the Lake to the Indian 
 vi.age of Kanadesag;.. (Old Castle.) and from thence to Canandai- 
 gua, lloneoye, head of Conesus Lake, to Groveland. Tlie villa-res 
 destroyed (with the apple trees and growing crops of the Indian! ) 
 were at Catherinestown. Kendai, or "Apple Town" on the east 
 side of the Lake, eleven miles from its foot, Kanadesaga, lloneoye 
 Conesus. Canascraga, Little Beard's Town, Big Tree,^ Canawagus,' 
 and on the return ot the army, Scawyaoe, a village between the 
 ' Life of Brant. 
 chief ,o I'hih'w plii h ;• \^L2^ ZZ^fu "I'T'"' '^'" -eo„,paniea tho 
 '""I "•'■■■'t«l will. i.Hicli rcspoA SlK • . I ' i' , 1 K.T>i""^'"^V "] l"''^-'''f<r '"'<'«<'• 
 mm'kud utten iun ),y iK. Jir Sim to'* ^''' Niagara, wJ.e.e slie was trealod with 
 Cayuga and Seneca Lakes, and several other Cayuga villages 
 Captain Maelun was at the head of the engineers in this expion' 
 Tiie industnous gleaner of Po.vIpv W • • expedition, 
 or the Ilistor-' of SI 1 .^^ '^^ War rernmisc-ences, the author 
 01 ^ of Schohane, has found among his papers the fol 
 lowing, whicli accompanied a map of Sulhvan\ entire route L 
 esee] Lasllc, taken in 1779, In/ actual survey : — 
 I<rom Eastou to VVeoiniuiiin. 
 lo Lackuwjiiii'Lk Creek "' 
 Qtiniliitermink, . ' . 
 Tuiikliiiiiiniiik Creek, 
 Mcsli()liiii.f CrvL'k. 
 VaiiderJips J'lantaliou, - 
 \\ ealuhkiiiy 'lV»\vii, 
 Wefisawkiii, 01- Pine Creek, 
 Iioga, .... 
 Cliemiiiig, ... 
 Ncsvtoii, ... 
 Preuv'li Catlieriiicstowii, - 
 Kaiiilia <,r Ajjplotim 
 Outlet of Seneca, Lake, 
 Kaiiatlesaga, „:■ Scueca Castle 
 A'.ijiista, "... 
 CoKsauwauIoiij^-liby^ . 
 Cliene^see Cu»tlu ' ' . 
 ■ 8 
 l-^ ~ 
 145 ~ 
 21 1'" 
 24 IJ.; 
 255 ~ 
 mad, ^A,„„„g,he papc. „f Cap,. Muchi,, « ,|,e following c^-tifi- 
 i,™-i..s «ur ,1,0 F„„, t ; ,t ■ 1 1 :"" ':"" "" -"'" "■"' » "»i"»''t "'4 «.„ 
 } .l..tta„,I.„ I, JOll.N-IlUTLKil, C„l.a„,l 
 f-iilil. o. II... s,x X„,i„„ „„j „,„ „|,i,„ „, ,,j_, ,^^. ,^^^, „ 
 wa.s prow,:,, ';i f:^;;::^^!] 't '" 't- ^■"'°-- 
 Capt Gregg revived. His dog ran off to some fishern.en of the 
 .^ t 'c di;^;;.- ''^^"^^',^'^--^ ^^-- ^7 i^is -oaning, attracted then, 
 in the dnection of his wound.d master. Capt. Gre.. was thu. 
 discovered, and hvcd to relate the story of his preser^Mioi I i 
 given upon the authority of Dr. Dui<it ^^^"^'^^ ^ '^^•'^"- ^' ^« 
 The march of Sulhvan, the devastations committed by his armv 
 judat this distant period seem hke Vandalism, in tL ab Se' 
 the consideration ihat he was acting under strict orders L 
 ^Mt those orders were approved, if not dictated by Washington 
 The campaign was a matter of necessity; to be effectual utas' 
 no -;^y-essary that its acts should be Retaliatory and r^tiib th^ 
 of the So, r\ '''^ '' '^''''''y ^" ^'^^ '^'"^"^ «f subsistence 
 ad '" "r '7'^^^^'-^'^- '---' P--nt their return to them, 
 River ^ T ' T ^'^^';-P^"™-^«"t retreat beyond the Niagara 
 ha Luld t^r ^"^r' '"-""^^ '' ''^''''y' ^^''-'^ Col. Stone 
 d b ?h so n?'"r J "" " '''•'"™"^'^ ''''y ^^"=^Se he approach- 
 ed b) the sound of his cannon, the author conceives, a n isappre- 
 hension of his mot vp« <^fo..ifi • . <- , u, luiscippre- 
 • !!>, motives, btealthy, quiet approaches, would have 
 fou.^ as vicums ni every village, the o.d^Len, th^ .ZJZ 
 Huma^^^^ '^"'^^'* ''''' ^'-- ^-^-^^ ^I'ies. 
 vTat s ' , ^''""''^^S, that those he did not come to 
 war against cou d have time to flee. It would have been a f.r 
 darker feature oi the than those that have been coLain; 
 o an o,ie that could not have been mitigated, if old men. . 
 and children, had been unnlarmed, and exposed to the vengeanc 
 o hos who came from the valleys of the Susquehannah .-md th.^ 
 ^o^^tr'T f ''''' '''''''' -'' -^'^^'^^-- '^h 
 ex ept n a small degree -just as it should have been, if lie could 
 not make victims of those he was sent to punish 
 The third expedition of this campaign, which hasgenerallv b.-,. 
 Fort 1 itt m August with six hundred m.Mi. and d....oyed seven,' 
 M.ngoand Muneey tribes living on the Allegany, French Co ' 
 and other tribmaries of the Ohio. '«"i-" «-Kl... 
 The heavy artillery that Gen. Sullivar , :,n,.ht.s for as IVowton- 
 wod.l uidicate that N^^gara was ong:.:.i!y the destination. T^l 
 the Geiu-ral and Ins ollieers, sen.g how !,„g it had taken to reach 
 If 'ill 
 ' m 
 ^' ill: 
 PHELPS AND gokiiam's pueciiase. 
 that pomt, m all probability dclormined .hat toomuch of 
 had been wasted, .„ allow of executing their tasks in 
 h ZTll ?""? ''."'^'r *' '"""" '" "f ™"'"- Besides, befofe 
 aseeZed hat ,1," 'n T"'^ °'' "'= <^''™'»* ""^ f»«' ™s 
 After the expedition of Gen. Sullivan, the Indhans never h-d an- 
 i: :■; vef' xre'"' rrr "''^' °^ •^^'- ^■"■~' »' •">« 
 eneseenvei. They settled down after a brief (li-^ht in tbei,- 
 i: o°"m. M ' ™i f' °' '"^ "^^' ■" '^^ -■=* •"^«i G " 
 Hinel "'"' "'""' '™°I''' ^"'^ ""frati™ of William 
 ..eommt of Sull.vai, s expedition, as copied from the manuserints 
 J'nrve.«t. ''J'liis .tocupaucy contimicTi 'Afr'"in." •'' '",'"'1^:'''^" '"'^'"l ""''1 tlie next 
 liPi- at tlie .Morris treity.-^ contimiccl, .AIi,,. Jemisoii liml the Giudcuu tract grautud to 
 It IS not the design of this work to embrace a detailed account of 
 Uie Five Nations. The Senecas, however, the Tsonnontouans of 
 I rench chronicle, who guarded the western door of the Lon^ 
 House, looking out on the Great Lakes, demand a passhig notice, as 
 we are approaching a series of events connected with the "par 
 tition ot their wide and beautiful domain. 
 In common with the red races, they are the " autochthonoi " of the 
 soil- "fresher from the hand that formed of earth the human 
 ^ce, than the present rulers of the land that was once theirs 
 Un their hunting grounds, the pioneevs of the Genese^; country 
 preparatory to settlement, kindled their camp-fires. Our clusteriii 
 Cities and villages are on the sites of their ancient castles, forts and 
 places of burial. In the vallies where they lived, an.l on hills 
 where blazed their beacons, a people with the best blood of Europe 
 111 their veins, at one ana the same time, are founding halls of leain- 
 mg, and gathering in the golden harvests. The early annals of 
 their occupation, to which the reader is soon to be introduced, are 
 intimately blended with this once powerful and numerous branch 
 oi the Iroquois confederacy, that furnished under the toteiuic 
 l)ond, at the era of confederation, two of the presiding law-crivers 
 and chiefs. * '"^ 
 An opinion prevails, that the guardians of the Eastern Door, the 
 Mohawks; or. as called by their brethren, " Do-de-o-gah," or 
 * Docimicutaiy History, 
 ! C- 
 message bearers," were the most warlike; but a careful exami- 
 nation of history and the pages of Jesuit journals, establishes the 
 luct, that the Senecas were not their inferiors in every martial at- 
 tribute, and were always represented at a general gathering of ^he 
 clans, m time of danger, by a more formidable force. They're is no 
 foundat^ion for the remark of Buchanan, speaking in reference to 
 the_ Mohawks, that their allies neither made war or peace without 
 their consent. 
 Unquestionable proof is on record, that the fierce Senecas were 
 not always governed in their action by the general voice at Onon- 
 daga. Sternly independent, they some times took up arms, when 
 the other tribes, to use an Indian metaphor, sate smokin- in quiet 
 on their mats. After the rapid decline of French ascendancy on 
 this contUK'nt, and many of the tribes beheld with terror the .rov- 
 ernmentof Canada fldling into English hands, the Senecas, "un- 
 daunted by the danger, adhered with dogged obstinacy, to the 
 For a time, they were in alliance with Pontiac, and played a 
 conspicuous part with the great " Ottawa " in his plan of surprisin.^ 
 a cordon of posts in the Lake country, and exterminating th^ 
 • dogs m red clothing," that guarded them. This statement does 
 not rest on vague conjecture, or blind tradition. By reference to 
 Apul, 1763 Sir William Johnson concluded at Johnson Hall, on 
 le Mohawk, preliminary articles of peace with eight deputies of 
 Pon^^r' Wrr;; "'' "'r ''' ^'^ ^^°^^^^^ '"-g-' ^ad joined 
 Pont ac. WMe he proud and conquering Mohawks imposed 
 n bute on the Mohegans. and scoured the pine-forests of dLan 
 Maine in pursuit ot flying loe.s, westward the track of the Seneca 
 ::^tl^'nr'^ -^ "'-''• ^^- ^-'^er Nation, with UoZZ 
 both Ides the Niagara, were "blotted from the things that be •" 
 and the Eries, after a brave resistance, destroyed _ tlie pri.e of 
 c<.nquest, the loveliest portion of our trans-denessean o try 
 The barren coast of Superior, a thousand miles away from the r 
 great counc.l-fire, was trodden by their warriors 
 The IH.nois turned pale at their approach on the shores of 
 he M ssissipp, and no hatchets were redder than theirs in the 
 et-culean tas of humbling the Lenni Lenapes, and fo etc 
 hushing into silence their boasting tonnies. 
 The ChippoAvas, a valinnt pc^nplo, discomfitted and utterly dis- 
 mayed by their prowess, lied like hunted deer to the remote vil- 
 lages of the Sioux. The Ion- and bloody wars waged by the Five 
 Aations with the Southern tribe., owed their origin to an attack 
 made on the Senecas in one of their distant expeditions to the 
 south west, by a party of Chorokees. The war-post was at once 
 struck, and the confederates joined with their injured brethren in 
 resenting the insult, and taming the pride of their wily antagonists 
 Though a vast extent of territory lay between the hunting grounds 
 of the latter and the central fire of their cantons, the^ dreaded 
 war-whoop of the Iroquois heard on the banks of the Talla- 
 poosa and Ocmulgee. Forbidding wilds, draped in the lonrr .ray 
 moss of mdder latitudes, and swampy fastnesses, the savage haunts 
 of the alligator and terrapin, were explored by the infuriated in- 
 Nature opposed no barrier to a triumphant campaign, and dis- 
 tance was no obstacle in the fearful work of retaliation. 
 Hiokatoo, the renowned husband of the " White Woman " was a 
 leader in one of those wild forays, and when a grav-haired ancient, 
 cheered many a listening circle at his lodge fire, with a narrative 
 ot his exploits on that occasion. 
 Individuals of Cherokee extraction, still reside on the Tonawan- 
 da Reservation. They trace their descent to captives, saved from 
 torture at the stake, and adopted as tribesmen bv their victors 
 I must differ from many writers, misled by Heckewelder in the 
 opinion that compared with surrounding nations, the Iroquois were 
 no a superior race of men. No primitive people can boast of 
 nobler war captains, than Kan-ah-je-a-gah, Jlon-ne-va-was, Brant, 
 Hendrick an.! Skenandoah ; - no abler orators and statesmen than 
 Dekanissora, Canassetego, Logan and Red .Jacket 
 When the adventurous Frenchmen first set foot on Canadian soil, 
 HI 003 ho ound the tribes of the League settled near Hochelaga 
 on he site of Montreal. Previous to this eventful period, they we'^e' 
 said o have been a peacc^ful and. happy people - more inclLd to 
 rl \ ]'' f ''' '^' "'="-P''^^^- ^''h« unprovoked encroach- 
 men o the Ad.rondacl. on their land - a powerful nation residing 
 . 00 milos above Trois-Riv.eres, at length woke their latent enennes 
 banks of the .S^ Lawrence, one of America's mighty arteries, and 
 conquering the Satanas in (lie 
 .. . . , , i'' migrations, they laid the founda- 
 tion of empire on the borders of our beautiful Lakes. Seasoned 
 hke C«;sars veterans, by hardship, long marches and victory, they 
 bravely resisted the inroads of their old ene.nies, the Huron and 
 ameiKls therefm-, by the exercise of greater prudence, and super or 
 tiategy Fighting in small detached parties, and under iii repid 
 aders they struck blows in remote points, at oiie and the same 
 moment of time, producing a general panic and surprise. 
 In turn, assuining the offensive, they drove back the invaders, 
 di.heai toned and disconifitted, to the neighboi-hood of Quebec. 
 Thcii came the tug of war. Through the intervention of Jesuit 
 mfluenee so puissant in the 17th century, that Kings and I'ontiffs 
 su mi ted to its dictation, the F,-ench coloiiists foi.iied an alliance 
 ith the vanquished tribes. Supplied with moi-e de;idlv ^^■ea].o^s - 
 the fire-ocks of civilization -the Algoi.quin ai.d ilm-o,; again 
 .a-uggled lor the ma.tei-y. By coiisulting Golden, we learn that 
 previous to the conflict between Chamj.lain and the Irocjuois, on the 
 Lake that bears his name, the latter had never hea,-d the thun.Ier 
 or seen the iightniiig of the pale faces. Though debated on that 
 occasion, they were not humbled ; all fear of conseque.ices was 
 mei-ged in a feeling of deep and deadly exasperation. The re- 
 doubtable Cha.iiplain himself, was doo.ned a few years after to feel 
 he heavy weight of their vengeance. * Incautiouslv lavinc.^e 
 to one of their forts on Onondaga Lake, in October, Ul'o, he "was 
 twice wounded by arrows, and forced to retire in disgrace with his 
 motley an-ay of French and Indians. 
 He who foils, in hard encouiUei-, a dexterous swordsman, with 
 an oaken stall, gives proof of matchless uddi-ess and prowcss- 
 and the fact that the Five Nations, recovering fi-om the illbcts of a 
 first sui-prise, boldly maintained their ground, even at this period, 
 and o.ten played an aggi-essive part, proves their native superioritv 
 and gives them indisputable right to their own haught^• tei-m of 
 designa t.on _ " O.i-gui-hion-wi " - men without peer.? ' 
 Irench interference, in behalf of the.r old and implacable foes, 
 only developed the genius of their Sachems, and attested the devo- 
 tion ol their warriors. 
 *0. 11. Mar«lu.U'« ulle.addrcss before the YouDg Men'. As«ociatiuu at ButtUlo. 
 «l.em ,0 wage a w tin. Zl I "'' ""''"""'■'' ""=>■ '=""°™8'=d 
 in... «n.i. Canada Is^pXf T^°Z::'^rr '"'■ 
 posts were burned — fh^ r ■ scream, louns and out- 
 -e, a,. .„. :l i;^'r,: iLr,t ;',::r %r 
 age nor sex was spared. ciearnig. NeitJier 
 The fur-trader found a red frrave in iU. -i . 
 sentinel was shot mr>in. f. "^ ^ . ^'Iderncss ; even the 
 rovZtolTx'^V ■°"''', "" "'''""-'-'ion of succlsive Vice- 
 Ar„:;^!:;f ?a;r:r i::;- ":;;: "^ f ;'f r -^ ^ 
 Hurons under Iho ..uns „(■ Omi!, "" °' •""■ 'aiHiful 
 foe that overran the°Z.°„e?l' "f '"""''"''"S '■'"l''-"^ "^ ^ 
 isis, ■■ as a torre, , i ^ , " ■ ,"'' ""^ f ™"S """"■'' »'' l""' annal- 
 and there i "^^Itl.tndt!;""'-''"''^' "■'■^" " »-'"»- - "--k^. 
 fer^r ■'Lt:. ™,rl' Ita't"?""^, """ """■• ^»P-' "^ 
 Ab„righ,al League Th„n , f ""''''" ""'' "''"'■^ "' 'l>i» 
 I'i-rro. with a few horl "f S 'ch"' """""r" ""^ 
 shouting rider- deemed bv tl,r=l , '^'""^'"5 slecd and 
 Centaur of fable !!ra,,ll„; ^'"> ,"""«»"<= a'M"aI, like the 
 ^bdned them '^th T^^JZ'"^ "" '','"'' "^ "'^- '™">P»' 
 overcome In ,i. 1^ „f ^ , ™ "PI*"' '° P""-'"'!^'" could . 
 »iain like unre is n ,|1„ i!' '"'"" ""',' """'^' "'""-"i^ -'e 
 yoke, and loold;^ ^n X 'ol/ ^Z:,™'?""™" f'"' "^'=^^ '° ""= 
 ed ignominious dea.l^^ Vr '"■ '"'••"■'■'"■'*en Incas sufltr- 
 perieueed a f vjXt J ^e Thf '^' ™r" ""^ """^ ^^'^^ ""^ -- 
 away, as it wore in , nuZ '"r ]''^'-'^^"<"'» f>'c ; U crumbled 
 feet^aliy insur,'; i^:! J.i» ^'"™''" " '' """""'S -ore ef- 
 ii» n 
 The romantic valor of a few Castiiian adventurers, outweighed 
 in the scale of rondict, the countless multitudes that opposed them. 
 Montezuma and Guatimozin, after all, were nothii.f^ more than 
 royal shadows, notwithstanding their patient martyrdom. 
 The sceptred i)hantoms invoked by the weird sisters were less 
 trad and unsubstantial, for they inspired fear — extorting this shud- 
 dering cry from a tyrant and regicide, bloody and false like Cortcz — 
 "Lot this pernicious Jiour 
 Stand, aye, acciirsetl in the calcmhir." 
 Of difTerent mould and mettle, were the Sachems and Attotarhos 
 of the Five Nations. They were endowed with the will to dare — 
 the hand to execute. Their Garangulas and Decanissoras — their 
 OuHdiagas and Karistageas united to indomitable courage, talents 
 for negotiation, and resistless eloquence. 
 Less brilliant than banded states that paid submissive tribute to 
 the Aztec emperor, there was more stability and strength in their 
 unwritten compact of union. Though a mere handful, compared 
 with tlie swarming and priest-ridden slaves of Mexico, they posses- 
 sed an inherent valor and spirit of independence, that submitted to 
 no wrong, and brooked no rivalry. Seldom in the field with more 
 than a thousand warriors, they went forth conquering and to con- 
 tjuer— bound by an heraldic tie that evoked a deeply-rooted senti- 
 ment of regard and national pride. 
 Less formidable by far was Spanish inroad at the extreme south 
 than French military power on this continent so vainly exerted, 
 under De Nonville and Frontenac, to overawe and subdue them! 
 " and it can scarcely be deemed fanciful to assert," says a dis- 
 tmguished writer, * " that had Hernando Cortez entered the Mohawk 
 valley inst, .d of that of Mexico, with the force he actually had, his 
 ranks would have gone down under the skilfulness of the Iroquois 
 ambuscades, and himself perished ingloriously at the stake." 
 Wherever they were urged onward by a martial impulse and 
 ardor that no diiHculties could lessen or abate — whether traversing 
 the Appalachian chain or western prairie — the fame of their ex" 
 ploits preceeding them, created panic, and paralized resistance. 
 Though thinned in number by long and bloody wars, they were fear- 
 fully formidable in modern times : foes in our revolutionary struggle, 
 * Schoolcraft. 
 theyproye.1 their devotion to their British Father at Wyom 
 i\iinni«ml.- onri rvi,M,..,^r.,l /-»_• i._ .... J " 
 Al.nn.sink and mournful Oriskauy- friends at a later epoch, of ou 
 Union, they followed Oundiakaand Ilonneyavvas to the red field of 
 Chippewa. Atall periods oftheir history -flushed with triumph.or 
 clouded by disaster -there has been no decay of hereditary valor. 
 Whether known as 'Massavvornekes' to the southern, or 'Na- 
 dowu to the western Tribes, they were alike terrible and invinci- 
 ble. A more splendid race of savages never launched their war- 
 cnnoes on our streams, or drew bow in our forests ; and a wild macr. 
 namity throws light on their darker traits, in their practical applica- 
 tion of the motto, " parcere subjectos, et extirpare superbos." Hu- 
 manity blushes to recall the scenes of rape and hellish licence that 
 have followed the storming of towns, and sack of cities in the old world 
 t.ut an Iroquois warrior was never known to violate the chastttv of 
 a temale prisoner. 
 Often a chivalric spirit gave an air of romance to their native 
 daring. After a successful foray into an encmv's country, pursu- 
 ers on the trail, finding their gage of mortal defiance, would move 
 with greater circumspection. Like the generous reptile whose 
 dread rattle arrests the step of the hunter, significant tokens dropped 
 by the way, warned foemen to retire, or expect no mercy at their 
 hands. Thus in 1696, when Frontenac's army was on the Oswec^o 
 two bundles of cut rushes, in their line of march, a numerical si^n' 
 conveyed the startling intelligence that more than fourteen hundred 
 warriors were on the watch for their comincr. 
 Not less haughty and heroic was their conduct in 1779, when re- 
 tirmg before the greatly superior force of Sullivan. Thev bent a 
 tree, and twisted its rugged top around the trunk, as an emblem of 
 their^own situation - bent but not broken - smitten, but not over- 
 Though all the tribes of aboriginal America were competitors ; the 
 palm forgreatest manifestation of mental power would be awarded 
 to this extraordinary people. The principle of unity that banded 
 them together, oflspnng of profound policy that lifts them above the 
 hunter state - the.r love of liberty that scorned submission to foreign 
 Tt it ' f r f '" rP'' ^" '°""^^'' '''''^ '^' ^''' ^J^i"^"' diplo- 
 matists of a boasted civilization -the wonderful eloquence of their 
 Ihene?' t,! "^l?^ eompanson with the finest periods of Demos- 
 thenes - their self-reliance that laughed r.tthe menaces of kings- 
 '4i " 
 '9/ ^m J^ SsM'm 
 WEBSTER, N.Y. 14580 
 (>16) 872-4503 

 ;p.; : 
 their long adherence to one great plan of conquest ; — bear witness 
 that they were a highly-gifted race, and may well make them objects 
 of intense interest to the poet, philosopher and historian. The climate 
 enjoyed, and the country occupied by them were favorable to the de- 
 velorpement of a noble manhood. Their broad domain was irrigated 
 by streams whose rich alluvial bottoms rewarded the rudest tillage 
 with a full supply of golden maize ; its forests abounding in animals of 
 chase — bear, bounding deer, majestic moose and elk — furnished 
 their lodge boards with venison ; and the lovely lakes that spotted its 
 rolling surface, paid rich tribute to the bark-net, and barbed spear of 
 the fisherman. 
 Man owes many of his characteristics to the scenes amid which 
 he is nursed, and the grand, geographical features of Iroquois em- 
 pire were sources to its upholders and lords, of liigh, ennobling 
 thought. Rivers rushing to find a level "either in the gulfs oi' St. 
 Lawrence and Mexico, or in the intermediate shores of the Atlan- 
 tic " — Erie and Ontario, those lonely worlds of waters, that border- 
 ed on the north and west, with a blue belt, their hunting grounds ; 
 the Adirondack chain, with its deep gorges, vapory cones, and 
 splintered cliffs — old mossy woods, where the mysterious winds 
 awoke their wildest music ; glades basking in the light, and glens, 
 where reigned at noon-day a sepulchral gloom ; and, more than 
 all, the mighty Cataract of Niagara, singing an eternal anthem at 
 the western door of their Long House; were sights and sounds that 
 found a reflex and an echo, not only in their magnificent traditions, 
 but in the sublime imagery and symbolic phraseology of their 
 orators. Previous to the overthrow of the Neuter Nation, and 
 subsequent to that event, of the Erics, the Seneca country extended 
 westward to the Genesee. After that period they were undisputed 
 masters of the soil from the valley of Pleasant Water, to the banks 
 of the De-o-se-o-wa, or Buffalo Creek. Disputes have arisen among 
 antiquarians, as to the question whether the Kah-kwahs and Erie.s 
 were one and the same people. All Indian history proves that a 
 tribe is often known by diverse names in their own tongue, as well 
 as in difierent dialects. For example, referring to their position, the 
 Senecas were called "Swan-ne-ho-ont," (door on the hinge) — in 
 reference to the place of their origin — an elevated point at the 
 head of Canandaigua Lake, " Nun-do-wa-ga," or people of the Hill. 
 Whether known as Allegan, Erie, or Kah-kwah, the weitern door- 
 keepers strucrgled many years in vai'n tr. „• .u t 
 of .he League a grca.efeins „ " To" eS , t si ™' "°"" 
 Iheir Canadian seats, on the St. Lawrence and ,Kr"''""'"« 
 .hey checW in their march .owarV he e , j Jn "xhT' ^'7 
 m arna, ,ve,e incHned. while hand could wM L.che. no o" 
 - well worth the bloody sacHficeTrw T5 ''''= ^''''^■•"''^ 
 gallant people i„ defen'din; hf i olrr oTt 'V 'T^' '"" 
 .hen, wa. a foe. renowned throu„Wh/naiI T ^"^^ '° 
 durance, enterprise and boundlef/lbita "' '" "™"^^' '"■ 
 i he latter assign as cause of war, the defeit of fJ,« K" u i u 
 ■n^J^ll Playing, and other athletic ^^n^Z^t Z^^^;:^ 
 lav one 01 the tairest gardens of this western Wnrl^ t* 
 was a„ easy task for their subtle minds to frame Ip^ text t h 
 bitterly bewailin- il„ !„.. .k 7u """'"'"gas. and found them 
 massacre "f, 7 "I line *lt°f ''^^^ '■"<' -»'--<i i" the 
 enemies, the IcIlkwahsTh "^ " A-nen-cra-os " by their 
 verydiskstrouststrto^th'er;:;^""""^"^"^""™ "^*°'" -^ 
 Wgl.. martia '"ul^Ue ' f B^"!™' " """'-'akeable proof of their 
 Chhood. on C::;,^z/!z:i^t: "^ 
 Genesel Uiver L^^h : tcTte ^ !"" ''"T""'^"" "-"'^ """ '^» 
 days march from the „U X e of C™" "''""'° ""^ "'^" " 
 o,a village of Cannewaugus, in a westward 
f -*! 
 direction. The place of final conflict is better known. Leaving 
 more than half of their warriors, pierced by the shafts, and crushed 
 by tho war clubs of the conquerors, the survivors fled to their prin- 
 .cipal village, and strong-hold on the De-o-se-o-wa. 
 . ^ Reinforced by tlicir allies, the Senecas pursued and attacked them 
 in their fortress. After a brave resistance a feeble remnant of the 
 once haughty Eries fled from their old hearth-stones and possessions 
 to an Island of the Allegany ; but a foe was on their trail, truer 
 than the sleuth-hound when he has tasted blood. The unhappy 
 fugitives, surpris^^d in their encampment, fled down the river, under 
 cover of night, losing forever in distant wilds, their identity as a 
 nation. A few, saved from the general slaughter and dispersion, 
 were adopted by the confederates ; for by this politic course, they 
 in part, repaired the dreadful ravages of war, and postponed the 
 dismal hour of their own inevitable declension and fall. 
 I cannot forbear, in my brief sketch of their extirpation, from 
 closing in the eloquent words of my friend Marshall : — " They are 
 a people of whom there is scarcely a memorial, save the name of 
 the Lake that washes the shore they ruled. Fit mausoleum of an 
 extinct tribe ! Even the vague tradition that transmits their mem- 
 ory, will soon be lost, with the last remnant of the ' Nun-de-wa-gas' 
 that swept them from existence." 
 Enraged by continued infraction of their territory, during the ad- 
 ministration of De la Barre, by the passage of French trading 
 parties to the south west, laden with material to arm their enemies, 
 the Senecas began hostilities by wresting from them their powder 
 and lead — seizing their canoes, and dismissing them, homeward, 
 with threats of torture and death if they ever returned. In his in- 
 structions to the French Governor, on receipt of the alarming intelli- 
 gence, Louis XIV, recommended a prompt invasion of the hostile 
 country, and directed that all prisoners of war takei) in the cam- 
 paign, when opportunity offered, should be shipped to France, re- 
 marking, in his despatch, that " the Iroquois, being stout and robust, 
 would serve with advantage in his galleys.' 
 What plan, by the rash Bourbon, could have been devised, I ask, 
 more certain than this to undermine his sovreignty on this conti- 
 nent? An attempt to enslave a high spirited race, that preferred 
 liberty to life, was a long stride, on the part of French America, 
 towards certain destruction. Captives, treacherously seized, were, 
 actually caiTied to France, in pusurance of royal policv, and forced 
 J n to degradmg service. 
 At a subsequent period thoy were liberated and laden with pres- 
 ents, brought back to Canad.. But the dragon-teeth had been sown 
 and U was too late to hope for a burial of the hatchet. The nsu^t' 
 n-as one that the Five Nations would neither forget nor forgive - 
 and r.any ^,^re the bloody scalps that soon hung drying \ the 
 smoke of the. w.gwams. De la Barre's expedition to'La°Famine 
 b; r^^^y^ ^^'' "; ''"'f''''' ^^'^h the royal pleasure, was attended 
 b d sa strous resets A terrible distemper broke out in his camp, 
 and the half fam.hed troops, spurning restraints of discipline, clamori 
 eJ lor speedy departure to their homes. 
 While thus in a condition to become an easy prey for enemies 
 ever on the watch, he endeavored to achieve by'^lomacyw" he 
 could no effect by force. Messengers were sent entreating the Five 
 Nations to meet h.m in council on the shore of the Lake 
 1 he Mohawks and Senecas returned a haughty refusal, bvt the 
 remammg tnbes complied with his request. Th .'peech of Gar n. 
 gulo. on that occasion, has been justly deemed a master-piece of 
 argument and eloquence. ^ 
 De la Barre had indulged in idle bravado, thinking that his real 
 s.uat.on was unknown to his eagle-eyed adversary f and no h'g 
 could have astomshed him more than the picture^ drawn by f 
 sarcastic chief, of his utter inability to strike a blow -or mire 
 galling to a soldier's pride, than the taunting language that he em! 
 "Hear, Yonnondio! our women had taken their clubs, our chil- 
 or;::':^ t '^' ^"'■'^' '^^"' '^''-^ ^^^ — -^^ the he . 
 themblcr'' '" '"""" '"' "^^ ^'^'^^-'^^ ^'-"' -^d '-Pt 
 Soon after this signal exposure of his weakness, the Governor 
 returned to Canada, with a dispirited army, and a ta^ished relX 
 The Marquis De Nonville, successor of De la Barre thoucrh an 
 accomplished officer, was taught a still sterner lesson in 1687 n 
 tl. n H r IT) 7'' ^"° ^'^^"^^^"^ -Sulars and militfa and a 
 hou and fnendly Induans, he landed at "O-nvui-da-on-da-.wat " o 
 ed Long-house, at a point never before invaded, bv securing 
 II 'I 
 greater chances of sucrpsc T . ^ l- 
 gardedthe most ferociousand ^''.'"f ,""' /<"'«<^"'. J-H)' re- 
 the Marquis hoped 1021 2 T .'" "' "'" '''""' ^-'ions, 
 their strong Loa'.„e ?„ * ' r •' "' ''"™"" "" ''™" "' 
 hi» name, i„ eo„^ rin" rt^ion !' "'' •™"" "''" "^""^ '» 
 nf t;^,.ov,« "^ legion, and annexinrr t to the rrnwn 
 of France, unsurpassed in beauty and fertility "J J i 
 sons," mild of climate, intersected hvl,'''. ,^^ '"«"'^^ ^^a- 
 and said, by writers o tl^^ ^1 ^be ""^ ' ^ '^"' """' 
 the fru.its of Touraine and 1^^^ ^'^^''^ '' '^^™S all 
 in addition, by erectintT n fnrf of «. ♦! 
 ■and between the Niagara Rit a„a La\: or"''.^.".'""^r "' 
 secure uninterrupted oommund „r ,h ,''"'' '''""'""M to 
 beaver trade, and urnth alee „, T"' '"'«'^- "«>"°P»l-e the 
 savage .,i „, Iwl^-ltr/^lThrq^r ''^ '"' ''' 
 tecttett^rh:t'„rr:^^r-"'^-- •» - 
 villa put his ar„,, i„ '^^.T wlT:'^ T'^'' ^' """"■ 
 body of the Seneea warriors hastened to rrn'ovethti;. 'old ""''" 
 women and children to places of safelv ll , "'"^ ™™' 
 men at a small fort to lctZ!co!j^fT^ " '""''""^ "''^'""^ 
 watch the progress of the invader^ *"~""'°"' ""'' ^^'-^ 
 The latter, informed that " Ynnnnnri;^" 
 sent runners to their friends „d Z ™ "" "■»'•■'"'*• 
 give him a suitable recept!"„ " ^'"""S '™" """^'^ ^-"' '° 
 baitr^t^'r;,: S!'::!'^e!::t:f r-" "°*^ ''"'-^- 
 which was a deep and dan^erot's ttile ""=""''■ " "'^ '■°°' "^ 
 -.vmgs to quicken their moyempnt, Ti • j ^] "^""^ "^"^ 
 •be nation bad Hed, JZT^X^tS X ^T '™''' °' 
 the French plunged rashly into thedelil While icV'T'"™' 
 *e dreaded and blood-curdling war vh^iop'o? ' T ""' ''"''^' 
 their ears, foII„we<l by a hcavv volhv f , ■"""" '•'"S™ 
 bravest wen. down undir d e'elos IcharT f 'f "^""^ "^''^ 
 recoiled ; then, emulating French .peedt^^'.^ttleSX sp::!^ 
 sharnefully fled, disorganizing the whole line, and carryin. dism.v 
 in their course. "Battalions " — snv<! T n TT ♦ ">i>'o aismov 
 the historian of the H-ht -" 'separated tf/rt' ' T'^'"'' "^^' 
 r,.,f I n „ ° separated into platoons, that ran with- 
 ou o.,e, pe„.„,], , ,he right and left, not ..«..•„. Ju^t 
 v^r,nt. A more vivid picture of utter overthrow for the timp 11 
 the contagion of fear, could not be drawn ' ''''^ 
 Before tJ,e panic subsided, the Senecas broke cover, and charged 
 the flying foe, tomahawk in hand. cnarged 
 f..,^f-^''i''''["Sitivesvvere slain, but the pursuers followed too 
 far, losing the advantage of a thick wood, and strong position Such 
 vuie checked the Senecas, and after a valiant stand, and desoerate 
 Spartan prowess could l,ave done no more. A General thirty 
 years ,„ serv.ce, and a favorite officer of ..the Magnificent Lou s" 
 had been surprised ; his savage hordes coloni-,1 levl. , 
 regiments disordered, charged' and tren ^ ' JTCo, ™S 
 numbcs from he crmvnmg disgrace of a disastrous defeat 
 Though repulsed, the Senecas were not disheartened and when 
 challenged, ,„ the.r retreat, ,o stand and figl,,, halted onTermw 
 d ed ,' ', ""^'"''1'' ^-"^""'^ ""■ "■"" '■""dred to our four hZ 
 we ti^fU: :::.::' Lt'':" t"-" *"™ ^-^-^ '^'^ 
 iU^ r. :■ • '^ '^ unnecessary to remark thif 
 inX ;" T ""' ""'"^''' '"' ™ ""™ ^--1- -" »% or 
 'hri:r:;et.t°''™'""° """ *'^"' "•"""■'^ °-^'"»^- 
 If De Nonviile was the chivalrous ;,o!dier and christian fh,, 
 * Doc. "Ilk" Vol. 7, p. 248. 
 + Doc. "His." p. 231. 
!• • < 
 Zu ^ '"""" '° "'^ '"^'^ "'»' fell i"lo Ills Land, 
 wnicn he billorly deiionnces their cowardice and cruel'v' lln.J 
 TOoate^s 1 iclory. w,th La Hontan's, Ijiat besides twentv-Uvo woun 
 ded, a„ hundred Frenchmen, and ,e„ savages were slak ? 
 /he Baron s honest narralive, so little flatlerin,; to the militnrv 
 in view or their „t.:rl„reLc7:o cTf ^i^ ^ 'XeTnT 
 mans, sneenn-ily exclaim, tha, "they were only f„ to make war on' 
 Indian corn, and bark nnn«o. » r *i ■ ^ 'uiumdKe wai on 
 .he French ^ffic s "t Snt kovS vl™ ," "'°''' 7 "°"''' *" 
 o„„,ii II ,1 ''""' "°}"l' jeered one another for bein<r 
 appalled by the Seneca war whoop to such a de<.ree I, .„Tn 
 terror-stricken and powerless to the ground • ° " 
 The memory of illustrious women who have matched, in defence 
 of altar and hearth, the deeds of the sterner sex, has beenenshri ed 
 m song, and honored by the Historic Muse. J^an of Trc a„d the 
 dark-eyed ma,d of Saragossa, in all coming time, will be dnvllric 
 watchwords for Fr,ance and Spain, but iJlcss worthy of "corT 
 and poetic er,,balmment, were the five devoted heroines wL f„ o"ed 
 «hei red lords to the battlefield, near ancient Gana™ "'d 
 fought with unflinching resolution by their sides, f Ch^n^f 
 sue w-ives could not beotherwise than valiant. « Brin. b ckTour 
 junction to her son; but, roused to a higher pitch of coura-e the 
 Jid daughters of the Genesee stood in Ihe perilous pass, and !„ 
 tiie thunder of the captains, and the shouting." 
 ton 'hniT'" °^"!;' '"■•"""''"'"^ i'™P'ion into the Seneca can- 
 ton, though preceded by months of busy preparation, .reat con- 
 ump.on of material, and attended by the pomp'and pa al o Tr 
 may be summed up m few words. 
 * Doc. "His." Vol. 1, p. 2.1C. 
 tDoc. "His." Vol. l,p.248. 
le helpless and 
 his hands, 
 nor, his official 
 iuty admirably 
 the Minister, 
 JruelLy? IIqw 
 to an almost 
 ity-two woun- 
 ain ? 
 the military 
 lain, by other 
 jnant savage. 
 Western Ro- 
 make war on 
 a record, that 
 ler for beinnr 
 •ee, as to fall 
 d, in defence 
 !en enshrined 
 Arc, and the 
 be chivalric 
 ly of record, 
 -vho followed 
 agarro, and 
 Children of 
 ig back your 
 :r's stern in- 
 ourage, the 
 'ass, and, in 
 le sword — 
 leneca can- 
 great con- 
 ide of war, 
 A battle was fought in which the field was won by the French — 
 the glory by their foe. Then a few unarmed prisoners were tor- 
 tured, corn fields laid waste, and bark villages burned, followed bv 
 alarms that caused a precipitate retreat to their boats, harrassed 
 every step of the way by hovering parties in pursuit. Embarking 
 at Irondequo.t, after the loss of about twenty men,* they coasted 
 along the Lake, leaving a feeble garrison at Niagara to defend an 
 isolated post. 
 i;iie greater part of them, soon after, including the commander. 
 Ue Troyes. while closely besieged by the Iroquois, fell victims 
 within their stockade, to the not less fearful assaults of famine and 
 w! %, r f r P'?f '^ ^^'^' ^^^^'^ '""^"^ '^'' Revolutionary 
 wa Engkind, f.,rgetful of their obligations to the Six Nations. 
 tT 'n7 ' "^r''"^ '^'"^ '^■^'^^"">^' ^' ^'^^ d^-a^'ated fron- 
 e se tlements fully attested, made no provisions for their allies; 
 but left them to the mercy or discretion of those against whom they 
 clr'^f .r«' ^"^r '"'^ «^"g"-^^T warfare. "The ancient 
 the 1 1 f h !, 1''""^' '^' '''''^''''' °^ ^heir ancestors, from 
 the time far beyond theiv earliest traditions, was included in the 
 boundary granted to Americans." f According to the usages of 
 , ,, . , tMaj. Schuyler to Gov. boiigan, Doc. His. v. 1 p. 255 
 t Menional of tlie Six Js^ations, presented to Lord Camden. 
 i !l 
 US! I 
 ;rr r::::;r!:« rr;!:;r rrr 
 ties of our General nm] ^t.t. r ^""'1"«' "> • -"ut the authori- 
 so strinrrpnt. , , u '^^^^ Governments did not clioose to apply 
 so stringent a rule to the simple natives, who were unlearnoH n 
 reference to the position in which their action in e w t 'pi " 
 Gene., sc,,„,:e. aided b^. :^r:it:er„?t:,iir:;:":: 
 co..,ue.. would have been far .„„ expeiive .h npraee oh 
 The cessation of hostilities on the pa,t of those to whor,, they had 
 lately been all,es, left them in an embarrassing position Enll „d 
 had made a peace, and left her allies in the fidd to fi"ht it ou or 
 Previous to the cession by all the states, of lands within their 
 Ge"r: :u;d%M "T^' ^°^^^""^^"' ''' -^P-tive ri^f 
 astliiStnt Governments were but illy defined; and so far 
 as h,s State was concerned, especially, a collision was had As 
 making the Governor and a Board of commissioner the Superb 
 ten ents oflndian a^airs. The commissioners designated weTl 
 Abraham Cuj^er P ter Schuyler, Henry Glen, who°associated with 
 Yates, jr., P. W. Yates, John J. Beekman, Mathew Vischer, (ien 
 a umJdTh 1 . ""™"' ""^"-^^ ^'^"^^"' ^' "- head of the Boar ,' 
 assumed the laboring oar of negotiation. The services of the mis- 
 thc.iraids«S,f til w'slr'""'/^ been pursued, the Indians .vould have called to 
 HIacksnake, m.w Tn h mdre Tve '.""fl ""^- r^'""^"'^ ^'^" '''''■ '^'^'^ ^^^^'^^''We chief 
 «ists that tie Six Natriwe^Wo tt/r''r f''^ ^"'^-^''"^ Keservatiou, i„. 
onquered poo- 
 Jt the authori- 
 loose to apply 
 unlearned in 
 5 war had pla- 
 id, ungrateful, 
 vailed in the 
 g those who 
 >tate Legisla- 
 favor, that it 
 opposition of 
 on, with the 
 ' by a feeling 
 ed war and 
 ice negotia- 
 )etter policy 
 orn they had 
 1- England 
 [ht it out, or 
 has seldom 
 ivithin their 
 e rights of 
 ; and so far 
 s had. As 
 !ed an act, 
 e Superin- 
 d were : — 
 :iated with 
 3roeck, A. 
 cher, Gen. 
 the Board, 
 f the mis- 
 ve cnllcd to 
 erable chief 
 irvatiou, in- 
 a conquered 
 rmsips AND ooeiiam's PUECIIASE. 101 
 sionary, the Iv.v Mr. Kirkland, of Peler Ryokman, Jacob Keed 
 James Deane, Major Fonda, Col. Wemple, Major F,y, Col Va„' 
 %le, - „,„s, of whom had been India,, trader, or captive, -were 
 enhsted. Peter nyck,„a„ beean,e to the Board.Tlcie Tf 
 ■w,nged Mercury," flying from locality ,0 locality- now aX da 
 then at Kanadesaga, then at Niagara, consulting, with Bran, and 
 ne« a, Albany, reporting the result of his conferences vh t e 
 sta esn,e„ and d,plo,„a.ists of the forest. The time and place 
 ol a treaty vvas parl,ally agreed upon 
 In the mean ti,ne, Congress had contemplated a general treaty 
 with the Indians. bor<}er,ng upon the settlements in New York 
 Pen„syU,an,a and Ohio; and had appointed as its commisLner ' 
 Ohver Wolcott, K.chard Butler and Arthur Lee. A co,re po^.' 
 ence took place between the New York Boa,-d and the Co,l,s 
 he respec..-e nghts to treat with the Indians, wasse,-i„usly involv- 
 ed. The New York Commissioners found the Indians generally 
 averse to treating with a State, but generally disposed to mee 2 
 pelt of"so "' Tk' ''"" " "'"'' °f ^^'^ J°'""J' "i* 'heir 
 people of some of the western nations. Most of the sp,in., and 
 ummer of 1784, was consumed by endeavors of the New Y„ k 
 Board to get acouncilof the Six Nations convened. On the fi"., 
 o September, they met at Fort Schuyler-deputies from the mI 
 hawks, Cayugas, Onondagas and Senecas. The Oneidas and Tus- 
 caroras held back; but deputations from them, were b,ough. i,^ by 
 runners on the th.rd day. The deputies of these two nat,°o„s were 
 first addressed by Governor Clinton. He assured them of a di 
 p„s, ,o„ to be at peace ; disclaimed any intention to deprive hem 
 of thetr lands; proposed a settlement of boundaries; and warned 
 .hem ap,nst dtsposing of their lands to other than ommissione,; 
 V h th ra for lands, when they were disposed to sell them. In re- 
 pl) to tins speech, a delegate of the two nations cxp,essed their 
 gra.,ficat,„„ that the war had ended, and th,at they couM now me 
 "vh :rv'" p''" '"''''''■" '■^°"'>-° ---P." -wTe 
 th,s path winch you have seen as you have come along, has been 
 rewed w,th blood. We. therefore, in our turn, console'your Z 
 es and sorrows during these troublesome times. We rejoice that 
 you have opened the path of peace to this country " Hp fh. v A 
 the commissioners for their nL\r^ f. fi VT 7^" ^^^^ikeA 
 r^ J ,u , / * '""' °° """""'"y f™"! Cons-ras ; but as he h-,<l 
 .nv,ed.heI,,d,a„Mo assemble a. For. S.anvv^x, o^ ,he 20 h If 
 Sep ember, the commissioner,, ,o save the trouble of t, o cou noil/ 
 would alter the determination of holdin.. their eound ,^ N? 
 and meet them at For Stanwix on the S„r "°""' 
 Mohawks, Ouonda;,™, Cayugas, and Senecas." He assured them 
 .ha what was a colony had becon,e a Stat. ; that he a^d h s M nd^ 
 had met them to open the paths of peace, to establish tha f endiv 
 relation that eMsted between the Indians and their whiteLiTbo ^ 
 prevtous to the war. Some passages of the Governor's speech wL 
 us truly eloquent as any thing that will be found amon/our Shte 
 records. He sa,d : " The council fires which was lighted both i 
 Albany and Onondaga by our ancestors and those of Ihe SixNa 
 t,ons, wh,cn burned so bright, and shone with so friendly a I ^h,' 
 over our common country, has unhappily been almost e.xting„i h' d 
 by the late war Great Britain. I now gather to.'ether a Thi« 
 pace the remaining brands, add fr. h fuel, an'd w hX true ^W 
 ttt ToT; """ ""^ "'"™'"^' '■™"*'>'''' -''-^''^ 'ke fire, in J 
 that no future events may ever arise to extinguish n ■ but that von 
 and we, and the offspring of us both, may enjfy its beiign i fl e'nce 
 heletteisof the commissioners of Congress, he assured them that 
 their business was with Jndian. residing out of any Stlte Z h 
 New Yorlt had a right to deal with those residing. 'Z hj;":;,:.' 
 JJ^l ?.!"" '" *' ^.'^'"•""■■■^ speech was made by Erant He 
 aid that It meets with our dispositions and feehngs of our r^'inds " 
 tlrZ'Z 1 *^':^^P^""™ "'-- of Congress "and New York 
 to treat with the Indians, he thought it strange that « there shou d 
He thanked 
 nd Tusoaroras, 
 •chase of their 
 iscarora chiefs 
 !s. The letter 
 ce with all the 
 - that the Gov- 
 ; but as he had 
 ™ the 20th of 
 two councils, 
 iil at Niagara, 
 'arriors of the 
 assured them 
 md his friends 
 I that friendly 
 lite neighbors 
 's speech was 
 mg our State 
 ghted both at 
 the Six Na- 
 endly a light 
 ?ether at this 
 he true spirit 
 fire, in hopes 
 but that you 
 gn influence 
 •eference to 
 ;d them that 
 te ; but that 
 in her boun- 
 Erant. He 
 our minds." 
 ^ew York 
 here should 
 be two bodies to manage the same business." Several speeches 
 followed, Brant and Cornplanter being the spokesmen of the Indi- 
 ans. The utmost harmony prevailed ; the Indian orators treating 
 all subjects adroitly, manifesting a disposition to make a treaty, but 
 evidently intending to stave otf any direct action, until they met 
 in council the U. S. Commissioners. To a proi)osition from Gov. 
 Clinton, that the State of New York would look for a cession of 
 lands to help " indemnify them for the expenses and sacrifices of 
 the war ; " they replied, admitting the justice of the claim, but say- 
 ing they were peace ambassadors, and had no authority to dispose 
 of lands. The council broke up after distributing presents, and 
 leaving the Indians a supply of provisions for subsistence while 
 waiting to meet the U. S. Commissioners. 
 The treaty of Fort Stanwix followed, conducted by the United 
 States Commissioners, Oliver Wolcott, Richard Butler, and Arthur 
 Lee. No record of the proceedings exist in our public archives ; 
 the general result is however known. Terms of peace were con- 
 cluded ; the western boundaries of the Six Nations were so fixei 
 as to enlarge the " carrying place" on the Niagara river they had 
 previously ceded to the King of Great Britian, and starting from 
 the mouth of Bufialo Creek, was to be a line running due south to 
 the northern boundary of Pennsylvania; thence westto the end of 
 said boundary ; thence south along the west boundary of said State 
 to the river Ohio. The treaty was eflected with considerable ditTi- 
 culty, a large number of the Indians insisting that it should be gen- 
 eral, and embrace the western Indians, so that all questions of boun- 
 daries could be settled at once. Brant was absent, transactin^r 
 some business with the Governor of Canada. Had he been present" 
 it is doubtful whether any treaty would have been concluded. Red 
 Jacket, then a youth, made his first public speecii, and as Levasseur, 
 (who derived his information from La Fayette,) says : — "His speech 
 was a masterpiece, and every warrior who heard him, was carried 
 NoTE.-La Fayette was present at the treaty of Port Stanwix. After the laDso of 
 forty yearn, the (,rcum,us Frenchman, tlie companion of Wasliingto.t uu the s'neca 
 orator, affun met The author was present at tlie interview. A conconi^o of cit"i"ens 
 hiwl been asseml.lec Or nearly two .lays, awaitinf: the arrival of the st™m boa from 
 Dunku-k, which had been cliartcred by the committee of Erie county to come La 
 Faye te to Buffi, o, and among them was Red Jacket. He made, a.sui.a1, a somcilm 
 ostentatious display of his medal_a gift from Washington - and it required the c- 
 peml a tention of a select committee to keep the aged cliief from aXd ,.e ce _ 
 a "sin that so easy beset him," -which woiUd have'^ marred the dignity if'not tlic 
 away with his oloniipnrp " TT^ * , 
 away the r„„,i, "fVl'""'', '""'T'^ "S"'"^' "''""« 
 advocated a ro„o°va Tt t' '^t,"\, "' ""'• """ ''°'J'> 
 planter, however, nreva le Th .,*" """""'■' "^ Corn- 
 agreed to surrend,. "n o he ''"«"='-''"l".v. Th. Six Nation, 
 brought to the ,r v-11 1 r T"'"' """ ""■ "■''»'" '■"'l '-een 
 in be1,„lf of th I S s" Lr '""''T- "^''^ ""--"i-'oners.„ oftelfnTSerrS ^h'ief '^ ^""°"^ ''" 
 advising tlL tl",t he t ,e h Id hf " ^""'"=" "'°''' "='"»' -"l 
 infonned ti.em that it v „ e ,oST '" ""^^ '" ^"''''"-■ 
 ™mo of their lands south o" U Taji, "''a^rT ''T"' '" ^'" 
 sioners were ready to purchase Am ' T '°' "» '^™'"i'- 
 ;io.;, the Go.ernoJ.s sp^lt ™ rf;",": ^ ;"i;.,t^^,f;f ""■ 
 before the Kevo,uti:„t aid ■ ttZTFlT. "'"'V'^ f ""^-'^^ 
 were poor, applied to us lor h,l \ T ''™'''" "ben Ihev 
 'hey are .-iclfthey dol ° 4 : li^l .^°\T"° ""f ^^ *"" ™"- 
 const,™™te abilit; ; especiallydid "he ihief I I leT ■"" °"^ ^^ 
 Governor, in a lieouent allnsi™, i„ i ! ^ '"'''™ "P"" 'bo 
 to keep their lands D „ " H , , , "' '"^™'' '° ""^ '"dians 
 ceeded": the Indians nr U " rofi^ ll?'' ^^^^^ r""' -- 
 romance of the i;itomlerl iiifcrvioxr ~Th'. '■ —-— 
gainst ceding 
 3t, and boldly 
 cils of Corn- 
 ploquence of 
 Six Nations 
 om had been 
 N'ations the 
 ! recognized 
 had made 
 !v, after the 
 ner, in June 
 'ov. Clinton 
 rights, and 
 5 purchase, 
 ared to sell 
 cam mis- 
 s delibera- 
 the minis- 
 with lands 
 5 Mohawks 
 vhen ihoy 
 ; but now 
 ras one of 
 s upon the 
 le Indians 
 '^hig suc- 
 ut failincr 
 orally, were 
 iroiiirli wi( Ji. 
 t,'!ii.s-< ill lii-i 
 '' '» iiroiulcr 
 'll^^ii'li, if i; 
 leral in liis 
 '«', LaKav- 
 '•I'.'lt" 8;i'i,! 
 ■MkoU Til.. 
 'as enrich. 
 get lice. a. .hey were o^a loiv 7°'"^ '^ ^■™™''"'' «•" "°-''' 
 •hey't„e A^l^ ^le ? ^I "'h'^'IT- ""^™°" 
 overcome their cneraies " ^' * ''"■* "'""""gli lousy, 
 east an,l west through those s^^" I ' "'""' "' " '"" d'"™ 
 nia line, &o., for "^ich t M 7, fl"""^, °' "- P^-.vlva 
 'hem a liberal amount of gooS^ tril.'s °' 1° -'"""'' ™°"« 
 announcing the c„ncIusion°to sell , t/"i P""™"'- '» "-"-V 
 ■This news about sellin. „ur ill '^ ' \° "''•''chopper said : - 
 Six Nations, when thev h° .r „» h n '" " S'''"' ""'"^ "' 'he 
 -e hope we shall , o, « ann LdT "" '"'' V"""^' ""> "«''=''°'-e 
 How 'vas th,^rS , , 7°^^'/°""y°'''''''■™''«0•." 
 ^>atis,! Little duLltfT " ™P'' ''""''™'l'' <"P'»- 
 gmdgingly and unw lli ttp Ld "th"™", f':''' """"^ ""« 
 "Mened out, until his peo°pfe ^1^1; sh^ f ", "'''?' '"' ""'' 
 sessions ! ' """^"y *om of then- broad pos- 
 llerc, in the order of thm^ it i, 
 hindrances that were int "Id ,1""" "'f ""^-^ '" ™"«^ -o 
 ary me,asure, for the See o eTr""'^' ""'"^ ""^ P'"''™'"- 
 lower valley of the MohavTater !'«""', T"'""' """' *= 
 of England and France wJre ° ?„ ° '"°" ^ " ^''° ^''"8^ 
 eareless in their .ran of ,e, l f""' Seogfaphers, or very 
 'ed what they n^^er .osselTn'i" "I"" ™^'''- "^^'i- S™"" 
 other's ri»hts and crelT? "^^ ""^' '""° °''<^'"i™ 'o each 
 ny a tractof -un,r;d:Lti:r;dr:i:,::nd':'rT' '"""'- 
 degrees of latitude north and S,„„l, j"S'-""''e"endtng several 
 Paeitic ocean, east and ts, 'rcha*r 1 T^l "" ^""°"" '» "«' 
 port on of this territory, granted by Irs I tf^:"""'''" °' » 
 the Atia„„e,o,be Pacific ocean. Charts ri,„v, ' "'I '™" 
 ""^= - vor. a,,d Albany, .,. .■ovinii^:;^ Vos::":!^ 
 i ii 
 ii I 
 1 - ! 
 It , I 
 the present State of New Jersey. The tract thus granted extended 
 from a line twenty miles east of the Hudson river, westward, rather 
 in lefinitsly, and from the Atlantic ocean north, to the south line of 
 Canada, then a French province. 
 By this collision of description, each of these colonies, (after- 
 wards States.) laid claim to the jurisdiction as well as pre-emption 
 right of the same land, being a tract sufficiently large to form several 
 States. The State of New York, however, in 1781, and Massa- 
 chusetts, in 17S5, ceded to the United States all their rights, either 
 of jurisdiction or proprietorship, to all the territory lying west of a 
 meridian, line run south from the westerly bend of Lake Ontario. 
 Although the nominal amount in controversy, by these acts, was 
 much diminished, it still left some nineteen thousand square miles 
 of territory in dispute ; but this controversy was finally settled by a 
 convention of commissioners, appointed by the parties, held at 
 Hartford, Conn., on t!ie 16th day of December, 178G. According- 
 to the stipulations entered into by the convention, Massachusetts 
 ceded to the State of New York, all her claim to the government, 
 sovereignty and jurisdiction of all Jhe territory lying west of the 
 present east line of the Stale of New York ; and New York ceded 
 to Massachusetts the pre-emption right, or fee of the land, subject 
 to the title of natives, of all that part of the State of ISlew York 
 lying west of a line, beginning at a point in the north line of Penn- 
 sylvania, 82 .miles north of the north-east corner of said State, and 
 running from thence due north through Seneca Lake, to Lake On- 
 tario ; excepting and reserving to the State of 'New York, a strip 
 ot land east of, and adjoining the eastern bank of Niagara river, 
 one mile wide, and extending its whole length. The land, the pre- 
 emption right of which was thus ceded, amounted to about six 
 millions of acres. 
 The other dilRculty alluded to, arose from the organization and 
 operations of two joint Lessee Companies. The constitution of the 
 state forbade the purchase of the fee in lands of the Indians, by 
 mdividuals, reserving the right to the state alone. To evade this, 
 and come in possession of the lands, an association of individuals 
 •was organized in the winter of 1787, '8, who styled themselves the 
 " New York Genesee Land Company." Tlie company was com- 
 posed of some eighty or ninety individuals, mostly residing upon the 
 Hudson; many of whom were wealthy and influential. The prin- 
 cipal seat of the company was at Hudson. Dr. Caleb Benton 
 John L,v„,g^„„, and Jared Coffin were the principal manager"' 
 At the same time a branch company was or.tani7eH in r,„!. 
 called the ..Niagara Genesee Land' cL,p.a„;-° TO consheTlf 
 John Dntler, Samnel Street. John Powellf JoLson a Z2 a d 
 Beruannn Barton ; all but the last n.amed. bein, residents of S„da 
 Ths branch organization enabled the company to avail themselves 
 of the then potent influence of Col. John Butler with the Sk 
 Nation,, and the innuence of his .as, Benjamin Barton fhe 
 father of the late B.mjamin Barton Jr. of Lewis, „™ an ac, 
 ncmbcr of the assocktion. Soon after the close of the Revolution 
 he had engaged m the Indian tr.ade, and as a drover from New 
 N,,igara. By this means he had become well acquainted with the 
 S™e as was adopted by them, and had taken while a youth Hen y 
 OBail, the .son of Cornplanter, and placed him in a Loo ^7 
 to r-Ne : YoTc " "'° '"""""r "■"^ "^''-=^' «'-- W°"^d 
 o the New -i oik Company, several who had fcr a lon<r period been 
 ndian traders. Thus organized, by such appliances a's f, .1 for 
 ™ded negotiations with the Indians, the company i„ Nov^be " 
 1787 obtained a Lease for " nine hundred and ninety nine years " 
 of all the lands of the Six Nations in the state of New Y'rl 'e^lt 
 'r ™"' ■■—«»"-'. 'I'e Fiviiege of hunting, fishinT&c 
 The annual rent was to be two thousand Spanish milled dollas- Tnd 
 a bonus of 830,000 was also promised ' 
 afl-IL nlT „ T'"""""""'- "'■ ^Pe'intendent of Indian 
 temc 'the 1 o ' ■"" ?' '""' '" ""' '"'«»" """""T 'o conn- 
 teract the unlawful proceed ngs of the Lessees n„ i,- . u 
 reported that he had fallen in ^ith the cleA of' I . " '" 
 60 miles of Tioga, and would proceed no farth;,. Th "the Set 
 oa were exceedingly di,,satislied with Livingston, and vould „M 
 That near IfiO families were If T.-r u ^".^^eating them, 
 of P.,tfl . ;n III ^-'''' '"''^^ ^ consid'.rable number 
 of cattl.. n order to form a settlement on lands- bn* were 
 very n.uch at a ios. as the, had heard that the state tended 
/; It 
 s n 
 k .'' 
 \rh ir 
 i f 
 that no settlement should be made." Governor Clinton issued a 
 proclamation warning purchasers that the Lessee title would be 
 annulled, and sent runners to all the Six Nations warning them of 
 the traud that had been practiced against them. 
 It was a formidable organization, embracing men of wealth and 
 political influence, and those who, if their own plans could not be 
 consummated, had an influence with the Indians that would enable 
 them to throw serious obstacles in the way of legal negotiations with 
 them lor their lands. The lease consummated, the next object of the 
 association was to procure an act of the legislature sanctionincr the 
 proceedings, and for that purpose, an attempt was made to intimidate 
 by threats of dismemberment, and the formation of a new state' 
 embracing all the leased territory. But the wliole matter was met 
 with energy and promptness by Gov. George Clinton, who urged 
 upon the Legislature measures to counteract the inte. ded mischief 
 In March, 1788, an act was passed which authorised the Governor 
 to disregard all contracts made with the Indians, not sanctioned by 
 the state as null and void, and to cause all persons who had entered 
 upon Indian lands under such contracts, to be driven off" by force 
 and their buildings destroyed. Governor Clinton ordered William 
 Colbraith, then Sheriff" of the county of Herkimer,(which then em- 
 braced all of the present county of Herkimer and all west of it to 
 the west bounds of the state,) to dispossess intruders and burn their 
 dwelhncrs. A military force was called out, ai-d the orders strictly 
 executed. One of the prominent settlers, and a co-operator of the 
 Lessees, was taken to New York in irons, upon a charge of hinh 
 treason. " 
 Thus baffled, the managers of the two associations determined to 
 retaliate and coerce a compromise, if they failed to carry out their 
 original design, by meeting the State upon treaty grounds, where 
 they could bring a stronger lobby than they could command for 
 the halls of legislation. At the treaty, held in Fort Stanwix in 
 September, 1778, with the Onondagas, for the purchase of their 
 lands by the State, Governor Clinton took the field in pci-son, back- 
 ed by all the official influence he could command ; and yet he 
 found for a while, extreme difficulty in effecting any thing Little 
 opposition from the Lessees showed itself openly, but it was there 
 with Its strongest appliances. In after years, when preferring a 
 claim against the " New York Genesee Company," in behalf of th« 
 " Ningara Genesee Compuny," a prominent individua. among the 
 c a^mants, urged that the Canada company had kept the Indians 
 back from the treaties; and when they could no longer do so had 
 ononeocca.ion, baffled Governor CHmon for nearlyfhree :;et 
 ZT'l' TTl- T' ""' ""'^^ '^' ^''''' ^'^^ P^^^^^^ed itself of 
 the lands of the Six Nations east of the pre-emption line. The les- 
 sees, seeing httle hopes-of accomplishing their designs, finally peti- 
 tion d the legislature for relief; and after considerable dday, in 
 179J, an act mas passed, authorizing the commissioners of the land 
 £: ?r t'r ^'^"'"^ ^"^ ^^^^^^ --^^ unappropriated 
 lands of the State, a tract equal to ten miles square. The allot- 
 ment was finally made in township number three, of the " Old Mill- 
 tary tract." Thus terminated a magnificent scheme, so far as the 
 fetate was concerned, which contemplated the possession of a vast 
 domain, and perhaps, as has been alleged, a separate State organi- 
 zation It mark, an important era in the early history of our State. 
 The influence brought to bear upon the Indians from Canada, by 
 which the extraordinary lease was obtained, was stimulated by 
 the prospect of individual gain; but may we not well --nfer- with- 
 out an implication of the many respectable individuals who com- 
 posed the association in this State to that extent -that it looked 
 forward to future events; the maintenance of British dominion, 
 which was afterwards asserted and reluctantly yielded. It was 
 ong after th.., before the potent influence which the Johnsons, But- 
 ler and Brant had carried with them, even in their retreat to Cana- 
 da, was counteracted. They were yet constantly inculcating the 
 Idea among the Six Nations, that they were under British dominion, 
 he Senecas at least. What could better have promoted this pre- 
 tension, than such a scheme, especially if it contemplated the ex- 
 treme measure of a dismemberment of this State -such as was 
 tions? The calculations of the "New York Genesee Company" 
 may have been circumscribed by the boundaries of loss and ^ain • 
 that of their associates and co-operators may have taken a vvider' 
 range, and embraced national interest, to which it was wedded by 
 les even stronger if possible, than motives of gain and private 
 emolument As late as November. 1793, James Vadsworth and 
 Oliver Phelps, received a circular, signed by John Livingston and 
 Caleb Benton, as officers of a convention purporting to have been' 

 < I 
 held at Geneva, urging the people to hold town meetings and sign 
 petitions for a new state to be set off from New York, and to em- 
 brace the counties of Otsego, Tioga, Herkimer and Ontario. 
 ^ Early in the spring of 1788, another council with the Six Na- 
 tions was contemplated by the New York commissioners. In an- 
 swer to a message from them, requesting the Indians to fix upon a 
 time, some of the chiefs answered in a writing, that it must be 
 " after the corn is hoed." Massachusetts, not having then parted 
 with its pre-emption right wes. of Senoca Lake, Gov. Clinton 
 wrote to Gov. Hancock to secure his co-operation in counter- 
 acting the designs of the lessees. The general court declared the 
 leases "null and void ;" but Gov^ernor Hancock, in his reply to the 
 letter, stated that Massachusetts, on account of the " embarrassed 
 situation of the Commonwealth," was about to comply with the 
 proposals of some of her citizens, for the purchase of the pre-emp- 
 tion right. 
 The first of September was fixed as the period for the treaty, and 
 Fort Schuyler was designated as tiie place. A ctive preparations 
 for it were going on through the summer, under the general super- 
 vision of John Taylor, who had the zealous co-operation of Gov. 
 Clinton. In all the villages of the Six Nations, the lessees had 
 their agents and runners, or Indian traders in their interest. Even 
 the Rev. Mr. Kirkland had been either deceived or corrui)ted by 
 them, and had played a part inconsistent with his profession, and 
 with his obligations to Massachusetts. It was represented to Gov. 
 Clinton that, in 'preaching to the Indians, he had advised them to 
 lease to the New York and Canada companies, as their territory 
 Rote.— After the arrangement with the State, there was a lont,' coiitroverHv be- 
 tween tJie two associations in settling tlieir affairs : in tlic course of wliich, nnicli of 
 tlie secret machinery of botli wtLS developed. An old adage was pretty well illustra- 
 ted. It no wliere appears that any thing was paid to tlie Indians in their national or 
 conlederate capacities ; thougli a bonus of twenty thousand dollars was stii)ulatetl to 
 be paid in addition to tlie annual rents. The Canada company refused at one tiineto 
 pay an installment into this general fund, alleging as a reason, the non-iiavment of 
 this twenty thousand dollars due the Indians. But yet, it appears that it was a nretty 
 expensive operation ; the chiefs who favored the scheme and the agents who operated 
 upon them, must have been well paid ; "presents " must have been as lavish as in the 
 palmiest days of British and Indian negotiations. Remonstrances that were i)resented 
 to the Legislature oi this State, set forth that "secret and unwarrantable means had 
 been employed by the les.sees in making their arrangements with some of the In- 
 * T" it'on'' "leetingof the "New York Genesee Company," at Hudson, in Sep- 
 tem jcr, 1(89, llie aggregate expenditures, as liquidated, liad been over twelve tho'i- 
 sanil pounds, N. L. currency. It will be necessary to refer to this subject aLmiii, ill 
 connectwu with Indiau treaUes that foUowcd, and Clmrles Williamson. 
 was so wide, he could not makeh 
 is voice heard to its full 
 Gxtpnt ' 
 h treaty held at Kanadesaga. when the Lease was procured, he had 
 acted efficiently for the Lessees. To counteract thosestronc infl,, 
 ences, agents and runners were put in requisition bfSf 
 HurpeTcr''' '""^ during the summer, the poor Indians had but' 
 The preparations for the embassy to the Indian country, at Al- 
 bany and New York, were formidable ones. A similar expedition 
 now to feanta Fee, or Oregon, would be attended with less of pre- 
 hmmary arrangements. A sloop came up from New York with In- goods, stores for the expedition, marquees and tents, specie for 
 purcnase money, (which was obtained with much trouble,) those 
 ^ the board of commissioners and their associates, who resided in 
 iNew Yoi-k, and many who were going to attend the treaty from 
 motives of curiosity ; among whom was Count Monsbiers. the then 
 French minister, and his sister. 
 The board of commissioners and their retinue, started from Al- 
 bany on the 23d of August, (the goods and baggage going up the 
 Mohawk in batteaux that had been built for the ;urpose,) and did 
 not arrive at Fort Schuyler until the 28th. 
 A wild romantic scene was soon presented. The veteran soldier, 
 tT ?Tr' P"'^'^ ^'' "^''■^"^^' '-^"d ^«« ««"^"<^'^ the General 
 ns It he had headed a military instead of a civil expedition. Arroncr 
 his associates in the commission, and his companions, were m'any 
 ho had with h.m been conspicuous in the Revolution, and wer^ 
 the leading men of the then young State. They were surrounded 
 by the camp fires of the numerous representatives of the Six Na 
 tions, amounting to thousand.s, who had been attracted to the spot 
 some from an interest hey folt in the negotiations, but far the lar-' 
 ges proportion ot them had been attracted from their scattered 
 WiMerness homes, by the hopes and promises of feasts and carous- 
 als. Indian traders from all their localities in New York and 
 panada, with their showy goods and trinkets, and "firewater." were 
 upon the ground with the mixed objects of a sale of their .oods 
 when money was paid to the Indians, and the e.^pousal either of' 
 ^.e State interests or that of the Lessees. Some of the prominent 
 Lessees from Albany, Hudson and Canada had preceded the Gov- 
 ernor, and were in the crowd, secrelly and insidiouslv nndnavorin-. 
i ft 
 ti 'i - ' 
 f M ' 
 to nvnrt the ol^ects of .l,e council. Irritated by dl he had heard 
 pnnc ,a, John L,v,„gs,on, of •■Livingston Manor" was present 
 -with the eoncunenee of his associates. Gov. Chnton "look the 
 r spo„s,b,hty." as did Gen. .lackson a. Nov Orleans, and orde cd 
 Ic^Jr ,"=■ T''^'™ ™ "'-"h™-." »"d •Totietothed 
 tance of forty miles from Fort Schuyler 
 After this, Governor Clinton organised a species of court, or 
 hSnf 'r«"'°"'"" '"*■'■""• '"■""■'" "-aders, runners in the 
 merest of b„.h State and Lessees, took afHdavits of all that had 
 schene ol bnbery, threats, mtimidation and deception, practiced 
 upon the Indians. Finding that , he Seuecas were hod,,, back 
 from he treaty, and that many of the head n,e„ of the CavuJas and 
 ^I^jr ?""'■ -'"-™-S'l-. there ,v.,s a counte' 
 gathe„ng at Ivauadesaga, messenge,-s were sent there, who found 
 Hu Benton s„,To„„Jed by Indians and his agents, dealing out liquet' 
 and goods, anddehveringspeeches, in which he assured the Indian 
 that ,f they went to Fort Schuyler ,hc Governor of New York 
 would ether cheat them out of .heir lands, or failing in that, wou d 
 fall upon them w„h an armed fo,ce. Many of the Indian w^ c 
 undeceived, and finally induced to go to For. Schuyle,-, wi, nrtey 
 had lecovered from a state of beastly intoxication Ihev had been 
 kept ,„ by Dr. Benton and other agents of the Lessees." Such h d 
 wIrJsW f?^'' '^"' """">■ "'^ *^"'' ^^1"=" '^coming sober 
 we esck andu„.,blc to reach For. Schuyler, and a Cayuga chief, 
 Sp ce Garner d,od on the road. When thcy were en'eamped a 
 S vyace, twlve m,les east of Seneca Lake, on .he eas.en, .rail 
 wen, r ■ " '^J^r ''."■'■"' ■■ a' C-^, in .he in.erest of .he Lessee 
 wen. there, and by mtimida.ions, .he use of rum, and pro.nises ol" 
 presen.s, induced .hem .o .urn back romisesol 
 JrVir,™"' ",",'"■ "'■ ^""""'^^ """ ""^ ^'"■"™' Nations 
 ot tl e council. Governor Chnton addressed the Ononda^as inform 
 tng them minutely of the positions in which .ho Six Na". oVsto"; 
 in refei-ence .0 .heir lands; .hat they were theirs .o d ", o o 
 when .hey pleased, bu. .hat to protect them from frauds, hi a" 
 had reserved .0 itself the right .„ purchase whenever hey wee 
 disposed to sell. lie told them that the acts of the Lessees, were 
 he acts "disobedient children " of the State, and that thev were 
 a cheat and at the same time informing them that as commis- 
 sioners of the State, he and his associates were there prepared to 
 purchase. He cautioned them to keep sober, as there were stran- 
 gers present "who will laugh at us if while this business is in a^i- 
 tation, any of us should be found disguised." "After the business 
 IS completed,' said the Governor. " wo can indulge ourselves in 
 innocent mu-th and friendship together." Eiack Cap, in behalf o^ 
 the Onondagas. replied, assuring the Governor that the Onondar^as 
 who ly disapproved of the proceedings with the Lessees, had made 
 up then- nunds to sell to the State, but wanted a little farther time 
 1.0 a k among themselves. On the 12th, the treaty was concluded 
 and the deed of cession of the lands of the Onondagas, some res 
 ervatums excepted, was executed. The consideration was 81000 
 "1 liand and an annuity of $500 forever. After the trelty wa! 
 conc,,ae , additional provisions were distributed, presents of 'go d 
 made and congratulatory speeches interchanged. " As the business 
 on wluc we had met. said the Governor, is now hapnilv accom sh 
 ed. we shall cover up the council fire at this time i!;d Uake a dH k 
 andsmoke our pyes together, and devote the remainder of the day 
 to decent mirth. J 
 It should be observed, that this council was called for the double 
 purpose of perpetuating friendship with the Six Nations, ndpu 
 chasing ands. Though New York had ceded the p e-emron 
 ngh to the lands of the Senecas. to Massachusetts, still' t^^r 
 s.rab e t at the Senecas should be present. Most of their chiel 
 and head n-.en were kept away, but about eighty young Seneca 
 the old Foit. The governor addressed them, distributed amon. 
 hem some provisions and liquor, and desired them to go back to 
 their nation and report all they had seen, and warn their peop e 
 nganist having any thing to do with the Lessees. A young Seneca 
 warrior in his reply said :-" We had to struggle hard ^ break 
 through he opposition that was made to ourcomh^down, by some 
 of your disobedient children. We will now tell ^^u how ^hin^s 
 really are amonjj us 
 The voice of the birds,* and proud, strong 
 ^«, and falsehoods, were caUed by the Senecas. "tZZ^Z^^^^, 
>i ■ 
 f ■, 
 !•# ' 
 words uttered by some of our own people at Kanadesaga, overcome 
 tlie sachems and turned them back, after they had twice promised 
 to come down with us." 
 Negotiations with the Oneidas followed : — Gov. Clinton made a 
 speech to them to the same purport of the one he liad delivered to 
 the Onondagas. This was replied toby "One-yan-ha, alias Beach 
 Tree, commonly called the " Quarter Master." who said an answer 
 to the speech should be made after his people had counselled to- 
 gether. The next day, just as the council had assembled, word 
 came that a young warrior was found dead in Wood Creek. It 
 was concluded after som.e investigation, that he had been drowned ac- 
 cidentally, in a state of intoxication. Tiie commissioners insisted 
 upon going on with the treaty, but the Indians demanded a postpone- 
 ment for funeral observances. At the burial, A-gwel-en-ton-gwas, 
 alias, Domine Peter, or Good Peter, made a pathetic harrangue! 
 eloqueu. in some of its passages. It was a temperance, but not 
 a total abstinence discourse. 
 The funeral over, the business of the council was resumed. Good 
 Peter replied to the speech of the Govemor: — He reminded him 
 of a remark made by him at Fort Herkimer in 1785, in substance, 
 that he should not ask them for any more lands. The chief recapitula- 
 ted in a long speech, with surprising accuracy, every point in the 
 Governor's speech, and observed that if any thing had been omitted, 
 it was because he had not "the advantage of "the use of letters." 
 He then made an apology, that he was li^tigued, and wished to sit 
 down and rest ; and that in the meantime, according to ancient 
 Note.— The backwoods srnntnal and temporal adviser, insisted that his people 
 must abide by the resrdufi.m of tludr chief, widcli forbid anv of tliein askin- the Gov? 
 emor or connms.sioner.s for rum, but only to take it ^^hvu it%vas offered and measured 
 out to them. "We are n,,t fit " said he, "to prescribe as ro this .-Mtick.. Some who 
 re p-eat drinkers have often given in botli women and eiiildren in their list ad 
 nvn tor the whole company ,is warri(,r,., and tliereby inc.vased the quantity beyo d 
 all reasonable bounds. Let the Governor therefore determine, if he Les fit^to -ie a 
 glass mthemorn.n- and at noon, aiul then at night ; and if anv remain aftei-eaclt 
 one IS sen-ed, let it be taken off fhe ground. Thi.^ was the ancient custom at AlW 
 n '. T *;r'"f^',V'-«- ^^i"'" ■•! «'-^>^'t ■"""^■^■'' of Indians were a,.^embled on 
 th. hill above the city. The rum was brought there and each one drank a -la^- .oik 
 V as satisfied. No trie ndian who had the spirit of a man, was eve no vn at th 
 ay t() run to a commissioner and demand a bottle of rum, on the ground that he wis 
 m'suc ."r\""' .-.nother too, for tlie .eason, which is the practice now-a-day 
 nc such great men wer j known in ancient li; p])v times " ^ 
 I Good IVler's temperance e.xliortation, is similar to that of the Scotch divine • - 
 dri dSmS"'n"'' «"H«''-. ""'» '^ little on g.anging to bed; but dilina bo "drau,; 
, overcome 
 on made a 
 elivered to 
 lias Beach 
 an answer 
 [nselled to- 
 )led, word 
 Creek. It 
 ■owned ac- 
 rs insisted 
 L postpone- 
 i, but not 
 ?d. Good 
 nded liim 
 )int in the 
 n omitted, 
 f letters." 
 bed to sit 
 o ancient 
 his people 
 lis: the Gov- 
 k1 iiicasured 
 ■Some wlio 
 fir list, and 
 itjty beyond 
 • lit to give a 
 I after each 
 II at Albany 
 v-eiiibled oil 
 a i(liis.< and 
 own at that 
 that he was 
 ow-a-days ; 
 1 divine : — 
 •f a niorniri, 
 i be "drum. 
 custom, anoth^^r speaker would arise and raise the spirit of their de- 
 ceased sachem, the Grasshopper. But before he sat down, he in- 
 formed the Governor, that the man bearing the name of Oe-dat-segh- 
 ta, is the first name know in their national council, and had long 
 been publised throughout the confederacy ; that his friend, the Grass- 
 hopper, was the counsellor for the tribe, to whom that name be- 
 longed, and that therefore, they replaced the Grasshopper with this 
 lad, whom you are to call Kan-y-a-dal-i-go ; presentiiig the young 
 lad to the Governor and Commissioners ; and that until he arrives 
 at an age to qualify him to transact business personally, in council, 
 their friend, Hans Jurio, is to bear the name of 0-jis-tal-a-be, alias 
 Grasshopper, and to be counsellor for this young man and his clan, 
 until that period. 
 The Governor made a speech, in which he disclaimed any desire 
 on the part of the State to purchase their lands; bu', strenuously 
 urged upon them that the State would not tolerate th purchase or 
 leasing by individuals. He told them that when they chose to sell 
 the State would buy more for their good than anything else, as the 
 State then had more land than it could occupy with people. 
 Good Peter followed, said the Governor's speech was excellent, 
 and to their minds. " We comprehend every word of your speech, 
 it is true indeed ; for we see you possessed of an extensive territo- 
 ry, and but here and there a smoke." " But," said he, " we, too, 
 have disorderly people in our nation ; you have a keg here, and 
 they have their eyes upon it, and nothing can divert them from the 
 pursuit of it. While there is any part of it left, they will have their 
 ey^^ upon it and seek after it, till they die by it ; and if one dies, 
 there is another who will not be deterred by it, will still continue to 
 seek after it. It is just so with your people. As long as any spot 
 of our excellent land remains, they will covet it, and will never 
 rest till they possess it." He said it would take him a long time to 
 tell the Governor " all his thoughts and contemplations ; they were 
 extensive ; my mind is perplexed and pained, it labors hard." In a 
 short digression, he spoke of the Tree of Peace, and expressed his 
 fears that, " by-and-by, some twig of this beautiful tree will be 
 broken off. The wind seems always to blow, and shake this belov- 
 ed tree." Before sitting down. Good Peter observed that they had 
 all agreed to place the business of the council, on their part, in the 
 hands of two of their people, Col. Louis and Peter Ot-se-quette, 

 ' would be their " mouth and their ears." * There was, a 
 pointed, as their advisers, a committee of principal chiefs. 
 The negotiation went on for days ; speeches were interchanged • 
 propositions were made and rejected, until finally a deed of ces'^ion 
 was agreed upon and executed by the chiefs. It conveyed all their 
 lands, making reservations for their own residence around the Onei- 
 da castle, or principal village, and a number of other ones 
 for their own people, and such whites as had been their interpret- 
 ers, favorite traders, or belonged to them by adoption. The con 
 sideration was $2,000 in money, $2,000 in clothing and other 
 goods, $1,000 m provisions, $500 in money for the erection of a 
 saw-mill and grist-mill on their reservation, and an annuity of "six 
 hundred dollars in silver," for ever. Congratulatory addresses fol 
 lowed ; the Governor making to the Oneidas a parting a<ldress, re- 
 plete with good instruction and flxtherly kindness; the Onei.las re- 
 plying, assuring him of the satisfaction of their people with all that 
 had taken place; and thanking the Governor and his associate 
 commissioners for the fairness of their speeches and their conduct 
 It would be difficult to find a record of diplomacy between civilize ' 
 nations more replete throughout with dignity, decorum and ability, 
 than is that of this protracted treaty. 
 After dispatching the Rev. Mr. Kirkland (who had been present 
 throughout the treaty, anrl materially aided the commissioners- 
 thus making full amends for the mischief he had helped to produce 
 in connection with the long lease,) to the Cayugas and Senecas 
 charged with the mission of informing them of all that had trans- 
 pired, the Governor and his retinue set out on their return to Al- 
 bany. The council had continued for twenty-five days. 
 The next meeting of the commissioners was convened at Albany 
 December 15, 1788. Governor Clinton read a letter from Peter 
 Ryckman and Seth Reed, who were then residents at Kanadesaga ; 
 Reed at the Old Castle, and Ryckman upon the Lake shore. The 
 C.,]. Loms was a half blood, FroMch a.ul Oneida. IIo had held a co.nmisfliou un 
 iZnJl- ^•^'."/r';/"/''r .I^'^^'^'I"fi""- I'"t^''-„ott,e, in a speech 1," "ado^", th^ 
 rZTl' «'{"'^'"^tl/«l»%lj"«t returned from Franee, whero ho had'bcen take nd edu- 
 cated by La Fayette. He .aid that ^vhon he arrive.l in France, he "was nake .m 
 the Marquis clad liun, receiving and tre.-itin- nini with great kindness '' that f, a 
 ^.hditr^rfr' ""^^ ",'V'^"- '^"'^'^'^ *'<■ l<"'>wl'><l.e^lo.-ed i., .n us , I he 
 felt distressed at the miserable situation of his countrymen ;" that after fo r y oars^ 
 ;'^^See SS:!:^!^^ ''' ''''''-' '''' '^'"'^^'^^^^ -^' reformi,i,^thL^'"^ 
IS, also, ap- 
 rchanged ; 
 of cession 
 !H all their 
 the Onei- 
 lauer ones 
 The con 
 and other 
 !tion of a 
 ty of " six 
 resses fol 
 dress, re- 
 leidas re- 
 [h all that 
 ■ conduct. 
 1 civilize ' 
 id ability, 
 n present 
 issioners ; 
 > produce 
 ad trans- 
 rn to Al- 
 ; Albany, 
 >m Peter 
 idesaga ; 
 •e. ^[le 
 iissiou un- 
 Kulo in the 
 II and t'du- 
 inkcd, and 
 tliat for a 
 mind, he 
 iiur years' 
 letter was forwarded by " Mr. Lee and Mr. Noble," who had been 
 residing for the summer at Kanadesaga. The writers say to the 
 Governor, tiiat the bearers of the letter will detail to him all that 
 has transpired in their locality ; and add, that if required, they can 
 induce the Cayugas and Senecas to attend a council. The Rev. 
 Mr. Kirkiand gave, in writing, an account of his mission. He 
 stated that on arriving at Kanadesaga, he ascertained that to keep 
 the Cayugas back from the treaty at Fort Schuyler, two of the 
 principal lessees and their agents, had " kept them in a continued 
 state of intoxication ibr three weeks;" that "Dr. B. and Col. M. 
 had between twenty and thirty riflemen in arms for twenty-four 
 hours ; and gave out severe threats against P. Ryckman and Col. 
 Heed, for being enemies to their party, and friends to the govern- 
 ment, in persuading the Indians to attend the treaty at Fort 
 Schuyler." Mr. Kirkiand stated that he had been as far as Nia- 
 gara, and seen Col. Butler ; and that at the Seneca village, on Buf- 
 falo Creek, he had seen Shen-dy-ough-gwat-tCj the " second man 
 of influence among the Senecas;" and Farmer's Brother, alias 
 '• Ogh-ne-wi-ge-was ;" and that they had become disposed to treat 
 with the State. Before the Board adjourned, it was agreed to ad- 
 dress a letter to Reed and Ryckman, asking them to name a day on 
 which they could procure the attendance of the Cayugas and 
 Senecas, at Albany. Reed and Ryckman, on tho icuc^ytion of the 
 letter, despatched James Manning Reed with an answer, saying 
 that they would be at Albany, with the Indians, on the 23d ot 
 January ; and adding, that the lessees kept the Indians " so continu- 
 ally intoxicated with liquor, that it is almost impossible to do any 
 thing with them." 
 It was not until the 11th of Febuary however, that Mr. Ryck- 
 man was enabled to collect a sufficient number of Indians, and reach 
 Albany. Several days were spent in some preliminary proceedings, 
 and in waiting for the arrival of delegations that were on the way. 
 On the 14th, James Bryan and Benjamin Birdsall, two of the 
 Lessees appeared before the commissioners and delivered up the 
 "long leases" that had occasioned so much trouble. On the 19th 
 Note.— Gov. Clinton and many of the commissioners resided in New York. As an 
 illustration of the then slow lassage down tlie Hudson, they resolved at Albany to 
 charter a sloop, and tlius be enabled to settle their accounts uud arrange their papers 
 on their way down the rirer. 
! n 
 rnELPs AND gorham's purchase. 
 the council was opened with the Cayucras, many Senecas, Onon- 
 dagas and Oneidas, being present. ' Good Peter in behalf of the 
 Cayugas, made a speech. He said his brothers, the Cayugas and 
 Senecas had " requested him to be their mouth." As upon another 
 occasion his speech abounded in some of the finest figures of speech 
 to be found in any preserved specimens of Indian eloquer. ■ In 
 allusion to the conduct of the Lessees, and a long series ofprcjedent 
 difficulties the Indians had had with the whites, he observed : — 
 " Let us notwithstanding, possess our minds in peace ; we can see 
 but a small depth into the heart of man ; we can only discover what 
 comes from his tongue." Speaking of the relations that used to 
 exist between his people and the old colony of New York, he said, 
 they "used to kindle a council fire, the smoke of which reached the' 
 heavens, and around which they sat and talked of peace." He 
 said in reference to the blessings of peace, and the settled state of 
 things that was promised by fixing the Indians upon their Reserva- 
 tions, under the protection of the state : — "Our little ones can now 
 go with leisure to look for fish in the streams, and our warriors to 
 hunt for wild beasts in the woods." Present at the council, 
 was a considerable number of their women, ^vhom Good Peter 
 called "Governesses," and gave the reasons why they were there.— 
 "The Rights of women," found in him an able advocate : — "Our 
 ancestors considered it a great tran.^gression to reject the counsel 
 of the , women, particularly the Governesses; thev considered them 
 the mistresses of the soil. They said, who 'brings us forth? 
 Who cultivates our lands ? Who kindles our fires, and boils our 
 pots, but the women ? Our women say let not the tradition of the 
 lathers, with respect to women, be disiegarded ; let them not be des- 
 pised ; God is their maker." 
 Several other speeches intervening, the Governor answered the 
 speech of Good Peter; — He reviewed the bargain the Indians had 
 made with the Lessees, and told them that if carried out it would 
 be to their ruin; explained the laws of the state, and their tendency 
 to protect them in the enjoyment of a suflicient (juantity of land for 
 their use ; and to guard them against peculation and fraud. In re- 
 plying to that part of Good Peter's speech in reference to the 
 women and their rights, the venerable Governor was in a vein of 
 gallantry, elociucntly conceding the immunities that belonged to 
 the " mothers of mankind." He told them they siiould have re- 
as, Onon- 
 lalf of the 
 ^'ugas and 
 3n another 
 I of speech 
 ier,r In 
 served : — 
 .'e can see 
 over what 
 t used to 
 :, he said, 
 ached the 
 ce." He 
 d state of 
 5 can now 
 arriors to 
 ! council, 
 'od Peter 
 e there. — ■ 
 : — " Our 
 le counsel 
 Jred them 
 IS forth ? 
 hoils our 
 m of the 
 t be dcs- 
 /cred the 
 lians had 
 it would 
 "land for 
 In re- 
 } to the 
 vein of 
 >nged to 
 lave re- 
 servations " large enough however prolific they might be ; even if 
 they ^should increase their nation to its ancient stao and num- 
 bers." He apologised to the dusky sisterhood by saying that he 
 "was advanced in years, unaccustomed to address their sex in pub- 
 lic ;" and therefore they " must excuse the imperfections of his 
 Other speeches, and days of negotiation followed. On the 25th 
 of February, all the preliminaries being settled, the Cayugas ceded 
 to the state all of their lands, excepting a large reservation of 100 
 square miles. The consideration was 8500 in hand, .$1,G38 in June 
 following, and an annuity of 8500 for ever. 
 In a congratulatory address, after the treaty was concluded. Gov. 
 Clinton recapitulated all of its terms, and observed : — "Brothers 
 and sisters ! when you reflect that you hod parted with the whole of 
 your country, (in allusion to the long lease,) without reservin<- a 
 spot to lay down, or kindle a fire on ; and that you had disposed^'of 
 your lands to people whom you had no means to compel to pay 
 what they had promised, you will be persuaded that vour brothers 
 and sisters whom you have Mt at home, and your and^their children 
 will have reason to rejoice at the covenant you have now made' 
 which not only saves you from impending ruin, but restores you to 
 peace and security." 
 The three treaties, that had thus been concluded, had made the 
 state the owners of the soil of the Military Tract, or the principal 
 amount of territory now included in the counties of Cayuga, Onon- 
 daga, Seneca, Tompkins, Cortland, and parts of Osw.-o ant? Wayne 
 Other cessions followed until the large reservations were either 
 ceded entirely away, or reduced to their present narrow limits. 
 The deed of cession of the Cayugas stipulated that the state 
 should convey to their " adopte.i child," Peter Rvckman, " whom 
 they desire shall reside near them and assist them," a tract on the 
 iin;iti.r,.,n..M( tl,.. ,v,t,„,f „..,., : i , '..■?", *^"S '.'! *-" "^^''' J?.V wnlc, or some jilier 
 ..wiuTslup, as i, was art.r v ' ■ 4'^vn ,' ,\l "i ' l"'"-^'',"l'f'"" I'ne. but their 
 .^u.UL- promises on tlie nart of Hv,:!.-,..:, '^'^^ ""^ Vr.ArMy had rctcrouoc U< 
 Bumu promises on tlie part <>f iiyckmau. 
 west side of Seneca Lake, which should contain sixteen thousand 
 acres, the location being designated. 
 Soon after the treaty of Albany, the superintendency of Indian 
 affairs principally devolved upon John Taylor, as the agent of the 
 board of commissioners. Although the treaty had seemed amica- 
 ble and satisfactory, a pretty strong faction of all three of the na- 
 tions treated with, had kept back, and became instruments for the 
 use of designing whites. Although the Lessees had surrendered 
 heir leases they did not cease, tiirough their agents and Indian 
 traders in their interest to make trouble, by creating dissatisfaction 
 among tlie Indians ; probably, with the hopes of coercing the State 
 to grant them remuneration. Neither Brant, Red Jacket, Farmer's 
 Brother, and in fact but fe^y of the influential chiefs had attended 
 the reaties. Hnn-assed for a long period, a bone of contention, 
 first between the French and the English, then between the Enc- 
 ish and colonists of New York during the Revolution, and lastl^, 
 between the State of New York and the Lessees, the Six Nations 
 had become cut up into contending factions, and their old land 
 marks of government and laws, the ancient well defined immuni- 
 ties of then- chiefs, obliterated. Dissatisfaction, following the trea- 
 ties, found ready and willing promoters in the persons of the cov- 
 ment ofhcers of Canada, and the loyalists who had sought reflige 
 there, dunng the border wars of the Revolution. When the first at 
 tempt was made to survey the lands, a message was received by Gov 
 Clinton, from some of the malcontents, threatening resistance but 
 an answer Irom the Governor, stating the consequence of such re- 
 sistance, intimidated them. At an Indian council at Niagara. Col 
 Butler said the Oneidas were "a poor despicable set of Indians, 
 who had sold all their country to the Governor of New York, and 
 had dealt tre'ticherously with their old friends." 
 When the period approached for paying the first annuitv, the 
 Onondagas through an agent, represented to Gov. Clinton; that 
 hey had '• received four strings of wampum from the Senecas, for- 
 biddmg their going to Fort Stanwix to receive the money ; an<l in- 
 forming them that the Governor of Quebec, wanted their lands • 
 Sir John, (.Johnson, it is presumed,) wanted it ; Col. Butler wants' 
 the Cayuga s lands ; and the commanding officer of Fort Niagara 
 wants the Seneca's lands." The agent in behalf of the Govei^or 
 admonished them to "keep their minds in peace." assured them of 
riiELPs AXD gorham's pueciiase. 
 of Indian 
 ;ent of the 
 ed 'imica- 
 of the Ha- 
 lts for the 
 nd Indian 
 ; the State 
 , Farmer's 
 1 attended 
 the Eng. 
 and lastly, 
 s Nations 
 old land 
 1 immuni- 
 l the trea- 
 the p,ov- 
 ^ht refuge 
 le first at- 
 d by Gov. 
 :ance, but 
 r such re- 
 gara, Col. 
 f Indians, 
 Yovk, and 
 luity, the 
 ton, that 
 ecas, for- 
 ; and in- 
 sir lands ; 
 31' wants 
 them of 
 the Governor's protection; and told them the Lessees were the 
 cause of all their trouble. 
 The Cayugas sent a message to the Governor, informing him 
 that they were " threatened with destruction, even with total exter- 
 mniation. The voice comes from the west ; its sound is terrible ; 
 it bespeaks our death. Our brothers the Cayugas, and Onondagas 
 are to share the same fate." They stated that the cause of com- 
 plaint was that they had " sold their lands without consulting the 
 western tribes. This has awakened up their resentment to such a 
 degree, that they determined in full council, at Buffalo creek, that 
 we shall be deprived of our respective reserves, with our lives in 
 the bargain. This determination of the western tribes, our Gov- 
 ernor may depend upon. It has been communicated to the super- 
 intendent of Indian aOliirs at Quebec, who as we are told, makes no 
 objections to their wicked intentions, hut rather countenances them." 
 They appealed to the Governor to fulfill his promises of protection. 
 Replies were made, in which the Indians were told they should 
 be protected. As one source of complaint was, that some Cayugas 
 who resided at Bufialo creek, had not been paid their share of The 
 purchase money. The Governor advised that they should make a 
 iau- distribution ; and warned them against the Lessees, and all 
 other malign influences. 
 Among the mischief makers, was a Mr. Peter Penet, a shrewd, 
 artful Frenchman, who had been established among the Oneidas 
 as a trader ; and whom Gov. Clinton had at first favored and em- 
 ployed in Indian negotiations. But ingratiating himself in the good 
 will of the natives, he became ambif'ous, represented himself as 
 the ambassador of France, as the iriend of La Fayette, charged by 
 liim with looking to the interest of the Indians ; and finally, got the 
 ^OTK.— Iho pnrt tlint tlio S<>n(>rns m>ro jicrsuadcd to tnko in promotinrf thrso om- 
 luiTjwsnu.nts wii. o.l,.,nni,'ly inconsiHtciit. 'I'liuy 1,;; I sold a part of thfir lands to Mr 
 J lK'Ii)s tlic lidl bctorc, without oon8idtin;,'otluT nations, to sav nothini,' of their havin-r 
 ronswiti'd to tho "loase" which was afar worso harsrain than thoso nia<lo hy tlic 
 ^^tato Jiut tlio mam wonioters of tho tronblus, wore tho Lossets and the British 
 ai,'onts ; tlic latter ot whom, wore sourod by tho result of Iho Uevolulion, and were vet 
 looknii,' to ISntish re-possession of all Westei'n, and a part of Middle New 
 \ork. Ill all this matter Ihoeomluet of Brant, did not eorrespon-l with his Pvneral 
 reputation tor fairness ami honesty. He helped t.. fan tho flames of discontent while 
 nt the same time ho was almost upon )iis own hooks, tryinj,' to sell to th(^ Stnto the 
 remnant of the Mohawk's lands. Interferiiifr between' the Sl^ato and the Indiana 
 ho ijot some dissatisfied chiefs to join him m an insolent letter to the Governor' 
 which was replied U< wiiha wiod deal of severity of laii''iia!'o. 
 8 ^ a o 
 •' ' IJi 
 h I 
 promises of large land cessions. Thwarted mainly in his designs, 
 he became mischievous, and caused much trouble. ' 
 A mere skeleton has thus been given of the events connected 
 with the extinguishment of Indian titles, and the measures prelimi- 
 nary to the advancement of settlement westward, after the Revo- 
 lution. It was only after a hard struggle, much of perplexity and 
 embarrassment, that the object was accomplished. For the honor 
 of our whole country, it could be wished, that all Indian negotia- 
 tions and treaties, had been attended with as little of wrong, had 
 been conducted as fairly as were those under the auspices and 
 general direction of George Clinton. No where has the veteran 
 warrior and statesman, left better proof of his sterling integrity 
 and ability, than is furnished by the records of those treaties. In 
 no case did he allow the Indians to be deceived, but stated to them 
 from time to time, with unwearied patience, the true conditions of 
 the bargains they were consummating. The policy he aimed at was 
 to open all of the beautiful domain of western New York, for sale 
 and settlement — to prepare the way for inevitable destiny — and 
 at the same time secure the Indians in their possessions ; give them 
 liberal reservations; and extend over them as a protection, the 
 strong arms of the State. 
 The treaties for lands, found the Six Nations in a miserable con- 
 dition. They had warred on -the side of a losing party, for long 
 years, the field and the chase had been neglected ; they were suffer^ 
 ing for food and raiment. Half famished, they flocked to the 
 treaties, and were fed and clothed. One item of expense charged 
 in the accounts of the tr.aty at Albany in 1789, was for horses p'^aid 
 for, that the Indians had killed and eaten, on their way down. For 
 several years, in addition to the amount of provisions distributed to 
 them at the treaties, boat loads of corn were distributed amoncr them 
 by the Stale.* ° 
 In tracing the f)rogress of settlement westward, it will be neces- 
 sary to give a brief account of the disposition the State made of lands 
 acquired of the Six Nations, bordering upon the Genesee Country. 
 They constituted what is known as the Military Tract. To protect 
 Ihe yoars 1789, '90, is supposed to have been a period of m-eat srarcitv Tlie 
 U'cord of lepslatiou shows that large anioimts of provisions were paid for "by the 
 hUite, avid distributed, not only among the Indians, but among the white inhabitant* 
is designs, 
 3 prelimi- 
 he Revo- 
 2xity and 
 the honor 
 'ong, had 
 ^ices and 
 ! veteran 
 aties. In 
 i to them 
 iitions of 
 cd at was 
 i, for sale 
 ly — and 
 five them 
 tion, the 
 able con- 
 , for long 
 re suffer- 
 d to the 
 >rses paid 
 vn. For 
 ibuted to 
 »ng them 
 e ncccs- 
 of lands 
 ) protect 
 •ity. Tlie 
 for by tlie 
 the frontiers of this State from the incursions of the British and their 
 Indian allies, the State of New York, thrown upon its own resour- 
 ces, in 1779 and 'fcO, enlisted two regiments to serve three years, 
 unless sooner discharged. They were to be paid and clothed at 
 the expense of the United States ; but the Statt pledged to them a 
 liberal bounty in land. To redeem this pledge, as soon as Indian 
 titles were extinguished, the surveyor General was instructed to 
 survey these bounty lands and prepare them for the location of 
 warrants. The survey was completed in 1790. It embraced about 
 two million eight hundred thousand acres, in six hundred acre lots. 
 The tract comprised all the territory within the present boundaries 
 of Onondaga, Cayuga, Seneca and Cortland, and a part of Oswego, 
 Wayne and Tompkins. A large district of country adjoining on 
 the east, was thus put in the way of being settled, about the same 
 period that sales and settlement commenced west of the pre-emp- 
 tion line, though it did not progress as rapidly. Land titles wore in 
 dispute, and emigrants chose to push on farther, where titles were 
 indisputable. Speculation and fraud commenced as soon as the 
 patents were issued, a majority of those who it was intended the 
 bounty of the State should benefit, sold their right for a trifle,* and 
 some were defrauded out of the whole. By the that settle- 
 ment commenced, there were few lots, the title to which, was not 
 contested. In addition to other questions of title, the officers' and 
 soldiers' wives, held in a large majority of cases, the right of dower. 
 Land titles upon the whole military tract, were not finally settled 
 until about 1800, when a committee appointed by the Legislature, 
 one of whom was the late Gen. Vincent Matthews, accomplished 
 the work. 
 In 1784, Hugh White and his family progressed beyond the set- 
 tlements on the Mohawk, and located at what is now Whitestown. 
 In the same year, James Dean located upon a tract given him by 
 the Indians, in consequence of some services rendered them as an 
 interpreter, near the present village of Pome. In 1787, Joseph 
 NoTE.--TnaIutto-frornMr. Moriss to Mr, Col-iuhoim. dated in Juno 1791, he .avs 
 ^.R 1 n7 '*'"^"'?;l\*'''^f 'i'^'f"''' "'■ "^1^'' J''"J "^ *»"• ""lit'^ry tract ha 1 ri Jn 
 YorS ,f -^- ' n. "'"* " ■''''' "^"^"P"' ^■'"^•'' '"^ »""! '^""S''t of the State of New 
 lork ,n <86 in Otsego county, which by a fortunate use of some public so uritiel 
 cost him but 6d per acre, had rinen U, 10s per acre, New York currency. "''' 
 * "Many patents for GOO ficrcs woresohl it nricda in crvr. ;.>=(„., .» i • i 
 dolIara-L Juude, an English JounS ^ ' ""'^^"''^ "^ *°^ "^ "'^ht 
 I . 
 ■s i 
 Blackmer, who was afterwards a pioneer in Wheatland, Monroe 
 count)', advanced and settled a short distance west of Judge Dean. 
 In May, 1788, Asa Danforth, with his family, accompanied by 
 Comfort Tyler, progressed far on beyond the bounds of civilization, 
 locating at Onondaga Hollow. There being then no road, they 
 came by water, landing at the mouth uf Onondaga Creek. The 
 very earliest pioneers of all this region, speak of " Major Dan- 
 forth " and the comforts of his log tavern, as compared with their 
 camps in the wilderness. Another name has been introduced, that 
 should not be passed over by the mere mention of it. Comfort 
 Tyler was conspicuously identified in all early years with the his- 
 tory of the western portion of this State. He was teaching a 
 school upon the Mohawk at the close of the Revolution, and also 
 engaged in the business of a surveyor. He was with Gen. James 
 Clinton, in the establishment of the boundary line between this 
 State and Pennsylvania. He felled the first tree, (with reference to 
 improvement,) assisted in the manufacture of the first salt, * (other 
 than Indian manufacture,) and built the first turnpike in Onondaga 
 county. He also constructed the first " stump mortar," or hand- 
 mill, of which the reader will be told more in the course of our nar- 
 rative. He filled many important offices in Onondaga county, and 
 was one of the original projectors of the Cayuga bridge. He was 
 the friend of the early pioneers ; and many in all this region, will 
 remember his good offices. The Indians, who were his first neigh- 
 bors, respected him, and his memory is now held in reverence by 
 their descendents. His Indian name was •' To-whan-ta-gua " — 
 meaning that he could do two things at once ; or be, at the same 
 time, a gentleman and a laboring man. While a member of the 
 Legislature in 1799, he made the acquaintance of Aaron Burr. A 
 charter having been procured for building the bridge. Col. Rurr and 
 Gen. Swartout subscribed for the whole of the stock ; and at that 
 time. Col. Burr had other business connections in this 
 for new sot'ilcrs in 
 says, that ".sixtooii 
 rylcv ami Daiifoilli, l,„th eiignj:', i in making a little wilt 
 early vearB. A letter puhlished in a J'hl.-i.lelijhia iianer, in 17[)3, 
 bushels ol salt are in:inufiieture,l .lailv at 'A>1, Dani'erth'.s works." It i.^ n.ention«rin 
 the history ot Onondaga, tliat Col. Daniortli commenced the business of salt boilina 
 by caiTymg a five pail inm kettle IVoni Ononda-a Hollow lo the Salt Sprin-s iipoiihis 
 lieaci J.est this sliould be looked upon as incredible by (he younger class of read- 
 ers, .lie tact inay be mentioned, that it was a very comnuni practice of the pioneers to 
 carry tluur live puil kettles into the wood.s for sugar-mukiug iu thia way. 
 " Thus commenced the intercourse of Aaron Burr with the people 
 of Wes .ern New York, many of whom," with Col. Tyler, "were 
 drawn into the great south-west expedition." Col. Tyler and Israel 
 Smith were commissaries of the expedition ; went upon the Ohio 
 river, purchased provisions, and shipped them to Natches. Coh 
 Tyler was arrested and indicted, but never tried. With fortune 
 impaired by all this, in a few years after, Col. Tyler removed to 
 Montezuma, and became identified in all early enterprises and im- 
 provement at that point. In the war of 1812, he acted as Assistant 
 Commissary General to the northern army. He was an early 
 promoter of the canal policy, and his memory should be closely 
 associated with all that relates to the early history of the Erie 
 Canal. He died at Montezuma, in 1827, 
 There followed Danforth and Tyler, in the progress of settle- 
 ment westward, John L. Hardenburgh, whose location was called, 
 in early years, « Ilardenburgh's Corners," now the city of Auburn! 
 In 1789, James Bennett and John Harris, settled on either side of 
 Cayuga Lake, and established a ferry. This was about the extent 
 of settlement west of the lower valley of the Mohawk, when set- 
 tlements in the Genesee country began to be founded. * The ven- 
 erable Joshua Fairbanks, of Lewiston, who with his then young 
 wife, (who is also living,) came through from Albany to Geneva in 
 the winter of 1789, '90; were sheltered the first night in the "un- 
 finished log house" of Joseph Blackmer, who had become a 
 neighbor of Judge Dean ; and the next night at Col. Danforth's ; 
 Note. --For tlio pnur-piil farts in the above brief notice of one whose history 
 would. iiake a.1 inteivstin- volume, tlie author is indebted to tlie "History of Onon- 
 aagii. 1 le counection, in ail this reirjon, of prominent individuals with Col. Buit 
 m liiYouth-western .sdieme, was tar more extensive than hius ^a'nerallybeeu supposed! 
 It en.braced names here the mention of whieh would -„ far to favor the c<,nclusion 
 W p 1 i'"" '""' ''^^';^ "■'"''V''",^"^"'''" '"'''" Pro'l'^'i'ig, that the scheme, as imparted 
 by Col I.urrtohis followers, had nothinjr in it of domestic treason. There wire no 
 better Inends to their country, or more ardent devotees to its interests, than were many 
 inen ot western ^ cw \ ork, wlu. were enlisted in tliis scheme. In after years, when 
 u. finnhar cnnveivation with an informant of the author, (n resident of western 
 iNew loik,) Ool. ,urr fipoke even with enthusiasm of his associates here — namino- 
 them, and saym- that anionjj; tlicm, were men whom he would choose to lead armies'! 
 o len-a-i. ni any u-h achievement that rcpiired talents and ener-y of cliaracter. At 
 tliciiskot e.Mendni- this note to an unreasonable len-th, the author will add tho 
 ^?r!^ 1 ri!'""V/f""'"-' ''f' *''"^^'"-' "'^'I'«andchart,s, by which the British fleet 
 api..oached^ew Orleans m the war of 181:2, were those jirepared in w.-stern New 
 ioif-. I>y a then resident here, tor the south-western expedition of Col. liurr. The 
 cucumstance was accidental; the facts in uo way implicating the author or maker of 
 the maps. 
 * Other than the settlement of Jerusalem. 
 there being no intermediate settler. They camped out the third 
 night ; and the fourth, staid with John Harris on the Cayuga Lake 
 The parents of Gen. Parkhurst Whitney, of Niagara Falls, came 
 through to Seneca Lake, in February, 1790, " camping out '' three 
 nights west of Rome. It is mentioned, in connection with some 
 account of the early advent of Major Danforth, in May, 1788, that 
 his wife saw no white woman in the first eight months! These in- 
 cidents are cited, to remind tne younger class of readers that the 
 pioneers of this region not only came to a wilderness, but had a 
 long and dreary one to pass through before arriving at their desti- 
 I The first name we find for all New York west of Albany was 
 that bestowed by the Dutch in 1638 : — " Terra Incognita," or " un- 
 known land." It was next Albany county ; in 1772 Tryon county 
 (named from the then English Governor,) was set off, embracing all 
 of the territory in this state west of a line drawn north and south 
 that would pass through the centre of Schoharie county. Imme- 
 diately after the Revolution the name was changed to Montgomery. 
 All this region was in Montgomery county when settlement com- 
 menced. In 1788, all the region west of Utica was the town of 
 Whitestown. The first town meeting was held at the "barn of 
 Captain Daniel White, iu said District, in April, 1789 ; Jedediah San- 
 ger, was elected Supervisor. At the third town meeting, in 1791, 
 Trueworthy Cook, of Pompey, and Jeremiah Gould of Salina,' 
 Onondaga county, and James Wadsworth of Geneseo, were chosen 
 path masters. Accordingly, it may be noted that Mr. Wadsworth 
 was the first path master west of Cayuga Lake. It could have been 
 httle more than the supervision of Indian trails ; but the "warning" 
 must have been an onerous task. Mr. Wadsworth had the year 
 previous, done something at road making, which probably suggested 
 the idea Jiat he would make a good path master.* At the first 
 general election for Whitestown, the polls were opened at Cayu<Ta 
 Ferry, adjourned to Onondaga, and closed at Whitestown. Herki- 
 mer county was taken from Montgomery in 1791, and included all 
 wcsu of the present county of Montgomery. 
 The first road attempted to be made in tliis country, was in 1790, under the di- 
 rection of tl>e \VadHWorth8. from the setthnumt at VVhitestown to Canaidai-la 
 through a country Uien very Uttle explored, and then quite a wiJderness ''-So-v 
 At Geneva, (then called Kanadesaga) there was a cluster of 
 buildings, occupied by Indian traders, and a few settlers who had 
 come in under the auspices of the Lessee Company. Jemima 
 Wilkinson, with her small colony, was upon her first location upon 
 the west bank of Seneca Lake, upon the Indian Trail through the 
 valley of the Susquehannah, and across Western New York to 
 Upper Canada ; the primitive highway of all this region ; one or two 
 white families had settled at Catherine's Town, at the head of Sen- 
 eca Lake, A wide region of wilderness, separated the most north- 
 ern and western settlements of Pennsylvania from all this region. 
 All that portion of Ohio bordering upon the Lake, had, of our race, 
 but the small trading establishment at Sandusky, and the military 
 and trading posts upon the Maumee. Michigan was a wilderness, 
 save the French village and the British garrison at Detroit, and a 
 few French settlers upon the Detroit River and the River Raisin. 
 In fact, all that is now included in the geographical designation — 
 the Great West — was Indian territory, and had but Indian occu- 
 pancy, witii similar exceptions, to those made in reference to Mich- 
 igan. In what is now known as Canada West, there had been the 
 British occupancy, of a post opposite Buffalo, early known as Fort 
 Erie, and a trading station at Niagara, since the expulsion of the 
 French, in 1759. Settlement, in its proper sense, had its commence- 
 ment in Canada West during the Revolution ; was the offspring of 
 one of its emergencies. Those in the then colonies who adhered to 
 tiie King, ffed there for refuge : for the protection oflered bv British 
 dominion and armed occupancy. The termination of the strugglei 
 i. !», 
 f f 
 V i 
 If'* 5 1' 
 in favor of the colonies, and the encourngoinent afibrdcd by the 
 colonial authorities, gave an impetus to this emigration ; yet at the 
 period of the first commencement of settlement in Western New 
 York, settlement in Canada West was confined to Kingston and its 
 ^neighborhood, Niagara, Queenston, Chippewa, along the"hanks of the 
 Niagara Iliver, with a few small settlements in the immediate inte- 
 nor. Upon Lakes Erie and Ontario, there were a kw British 
 armed vessels, and three or four schooners were emploved in the 
 commerce, which was confined wholly to the fur trade, and the 
 supplyn-,g of British garrisons. 
 Within the Genesee country, other than the small settlement at 
 Geneva, and the Friend's settlement, which has been before men- 
 tioned, there were two or three Indian traders upon the Genesee 
 River, a few white families who were squatters, upon the flats ; one 
 or two white families at Lewiston; one at Schlosser ; ane<n'o,with 
 a squaw wife, at Tonawanda ; an Indian interpreter, and two or 
 three tra.lers at the mouth of Bufililo creek, and a negro Indian 
 trader at the mouth of Cattaragus creek. Fort Niagara was a 
 British garrison. All else was Seneca Indian occupancy. 
 In all that relates to other than the natural productions of the 
 soil, there was but the cultivation, in a rude way, of a few acros of 
 flats, and intervals, on the river and creeks, wherever the Indians 
 were loca'.ed ; the productions principallv confined to corn, beans 
 and squashes. In the way of cultivated fruit, there was in several 
 localities, a few apple trees, the seeds of which had been planted 
 by the Jesuit Missionaries ; and they vere almost the only relic 
 lelt of their early, and long continued occupancy. At Fort Niag- 
 ara and Schlosser, there were ordinary English gardens. 
 The streams upon an average, were twice as large as now ; the 
 clearing of the land, and consequent absorption of the water, having 
 diminished one half, and perhaps more, the quantity of water then 
 carried off through their channels. The primitive forests — other 
 than those that were deemed of second growth — that are standing 
 now, have undergone but little change, that of ordinary deca>" 
 growth, and re-production, but there are large groves of secund 
 growth, now consisting of good sized forest trees, that were sixty 
 years ago but small saplings. The aged Senecas point out in many 
 instances, swamps that are now thickly wooded, that they have 
 known as open marshes, with but here and there a copse of under- 
 wood. The origin of many marshes, especially upon the small 
 streams, maybe distinctly traced to the beaver; th.^ erection of 
 their dams, and the consequent Hooding of the lands, having des- 
 troyed the timber. As the l)eaver gradually disappeared, the dams 
 wore away, the water flowed oiT, and forest trees began to grow. 
 And here it may not be out of place to remark, that a very com- 
 mon error exists in reference to the adaptodness of certain kinds 
 of forest trees to a wet soil. We find the soft maple, black ash, a 
 species of ehn, the fir, the spruce, the tamarack, the alder, and 
 several other varieties of trees and shrubs <Trowing in wet soils, 
 and then draw the inference that wet soils are their natural local- 
 ities. Should we not rather infer, that all this is accidental, or 
 rather, to be traced to other causes, than that of peculiar adaptation ? 
 Take the case of land that has been flooded by the beaver : — the 
 water has receded, and the open ground is prepared for the recep- 
 tion of such seeds as the wands, the floods, the birds and fowls, 
 bring to it. It will be found that the seeds of those trees which 
 predominate in the swamps, are those best adapted to the modes of 
 transmission. The practical bearing of these remarks, has refer- 
 ence to the transplanting of trees from wet grounds. Wherever 
 the ash, the fir, spruce, tamarack, high bush cranberry, soft maple, 
 &c. have been transplanted upon up lands, and properly cared for, 
 they furnish evidence that it was a casualty, not a peculiar adapta- 
 tion, that placed them where found, generally stinted and unhealthy. 
 But little was known in the colonies of New York, and New 
 England of Western New York, previous to the Revolution. During 
 the twenty-four years it had been in the possession of the English, 
 there had been a communication kept up by water, via Oswego 
 and Niagara, to the western posts ; and a few traders from the east 
 visited the Scnecas. The expeditions of Prideux and Bradstreet 
 were composed partly of citizens of New England and New York, 
 but they saw nothing of the interior of all this region. A few 
 years previous to the Revolution, in 17G5, the Rev. Samuel Kirk- 
 land, whose name will appear in connexion with Indian treaties, in 
 subsequent pages, extended his missionary labors to the Indian 
 village of Kanadesaga, where he sojourned for several months, 
 making excursions to the Genesee River, Tonawanda and Buflalo 
 Creeks, lie was the first protestant missionary among the Senecas, 
 and with the exception of Indian traders, probably gave the people 
 of New England, the first account of ,he Genesee country * But 
 the campaign of Gen. Sullivan, in 1779. more than all else perhaps 
 served to create an interest in this region. The route of the army 
 a ter entcnng the Genesee country, was one to give thorn a thvora- 
 ble impression of it. They saw the fine region along the west shore 
 ot tt.e feencca Lake ; and passing through what arc now the towns 
 ot beneca, Phelps, Gorham.Canandaigua, Bristol, Bloomneld,Rich- 
 niond. Livonia, Conesus, they passed up an.l down the flats of the' 
 Genesee and the Canasoraga. To eyes that had rested only upon 
 the rugged scenery of New England, its mountains and rockv hill 
 sides Its sterile soil and stinted herbage, the march must have af- 
 forded a constant succession of beautiful landscapes; and what was 
 ot greater interest to them, practical working men as they were 
 was the nch easily cultivated soil, that at every step caused them 
 to look forward to the period when they could make to it a second 
 advent — a peaceful one — with the implements of agriculture 
 rather than the weapons of war. Returning to the firesides of 
 Easter.1 New York, and New England, they relieved the dark pic- 
 ture of retaliatory warfare -the route, the flight, smoulderinrr 
 cabins, pillage and spoliations- with the lighter shades -descrip. 
 tions of the Lakes and Rivers, the rolling up-lands and rich valleys 
 -the Canaan of the wilderness, they had seen. But it was a far 
 off land, farther off than would seem to us now, our remote posses- 
 sions upon the Pacific ; associated in the minds of the people of 
 New England, with all the horrors of a warfare they had known 
 upon their own extreme borders ; the Revolution was not consum- 
 The younfr missionary hrid flrnt seen some of the young mm of the Six Nations 
 ^t thenusMon school of tlie Rev. Mr. in Lci-num, Connecticut where hey 
 were hi.s lellow .s udents, muon- whom ^vas ]!ra,.,. Takin- a ,1 ew intoS 
 n. the jspintual welfare of their people, he -,ot introduce,! t<. then, as n is o a rv ,3 
 he eacla. the in.han sett en,ent at the toot of SenJca Lake, or rather at the Sen'eca 
 mt 1 ",''^""«,;^-^'^^ f:^'"";' 'y tl'c dM .achem of the village, and invitcl to re- 
 inaii hut a,io her chief ot the Pa-an party of the villa-e, so ,n made him , ,ich 
 ^ '/"f '" u'' '^"'''",'^T'' ^'' I"'' '•>■ "^''"^i"- ^'i"' "*' witchcrai't-of lo ' tjVe 
 ca.,se of the sudden deatl; (d one of their peoph'. He was tried and ac,,uitle.l t Im.u d 
 Cnur* u/*'";^,^-'",*''^''''''*'^^''''^- ^'"^'"' ^-^"•'>' ""'' grandfather of Mrs.' oiSe 
 Wosnu r. Afier this he wiis uninterrupted ;., ].m inis,sionary lal.oiu Mr. KirklancPs 
 * See Appendix, No. 5. 
 ry.* But 
 e perhaps, 
 the army, 
 a favora- 
 vest shore 
 the towns 
 eld, Ilicli- 
 ts ot' tho 
 inly upon 
 ocky hill 
 t have af- 
 what was 
 ey were, 
 sod them 
 a second 
 )sides of 
 dark pic- 
 1 valleys 
 vas a far 
 3 posse s- 
 jople of 
 I known 
 s Nations, 
 hurc they 
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 l'i'iii|^ tJif 
 1 throii^rli 
 k, by th(* 
 s. Ocorpp 
 mated ; long years it must be, as they thought, if ever, before the 
 goodly land, of which they had thus had glimpses, could become 
 the abode of civilization. The consummation was not speedy, but it 
 come far sooner than in that dark hour, they allowed themselves to 
 anticipate. In less than four years after Sullivan's expedition, the 
 war of the Revolution was ended by a treaty of peace ; but almost 
 ten years elapsed before tlie conflicting claims of Massachusetts 
 and New York were settled, and Indian titles had been extinguish- 
 ed, so as to admit of the ccmmencement of settlement. 
 The tide of emigation to the Genesee county, was destined to 
 come principally from New England. A brief space, therefore, 
 may be appropriately occupied in a sketch of the condition of the 
 citizens of that region, after the Revolution, in the vortex of which 
 they had been placed ; aad in this, the author has been assisted by 
 the venerable Gen. Micah Brooks, whose retentive memory goes 
 back to the period, and well informs us in reference to the men 
 wlio were the foremost Pioneers of the Genesee country. The 
 sketch is given as it came from his hands : — 
 " It was my lot to have my birth under the Colonial Government. 
 In childhood, I saw our fathers go to the field of battle, and our 
 mothers to the harvest field to gather the scanty crops. Food and 
 clothing for the army was but in part provided ; and at the end of 
 the war, the soldiers, who had suflered almost beyond endurance, 
 were discharged without pay ; the patriots, who had supplied food 
 and clothing for the army, had been paid in Government paper, 
 which had become worthless ; the great portion of laborers drawn 
 from the farms and the workshops, had reduced the country to 
 poverty; and commerce was nearly annihilated. The fisheries 
 abandoned, the labor and capital of the people diverted into other 
 channels, and the acts of peace had not returned to give any sur- 
 plus for exportation. A national debt justly due, of 8100,000,000, 
 and the Continental Congress no power to collect duties on imports, 
 or to compel the States to raise their quotas. The end of the war 
 brought no internal peace. In 1785, Congress attempted to make 
 commercial treaties with England, France, Spain and Portugal ; 
 each refused ; assigning as a reason, that under the Confederacy, 
 Congress had no power to bind the States. Spain closed the Mis- 
 sissippi against our trade, and we were expelled from the Mediter- 
 ranean by Barbary pirates ; and we were without the means to 
 %h them, or money to buy their peace. The attempt of the 
 States to extend their commerce was abortive ; salt rose to .^5 and 
 $8 pe bushel ; and packing meat for exportation ceased. Ma^.a- 
 cmsetts proh,bUed the exportation of American products in BHtish 
 bottoms; and some of the States imposed a countervailing d y 
 wh T tonnage. Pennsylvania imposed a duty on foreign goods 
 while New Jersey admitted them free of duty 
 tnbuton of property: -those equally friendly to the British had 
 secretly traded with the enemy, and supplied them with fr::,;^ v . 
 sions whde the.r troops were quartered in various parts of the 
 coun ry; thus filling their pockets with British gold. At the close 
 cmntrv'')' \ "' 'T""' of British goods were sent into the 
 coun p absorhng nnuch of its precious metals; tcndm. to render 
 us stdl dependent on British favor. While all those whose time and 
 property had been devoted to the cause of liberty and inde ^d- 
 ^ess and rum on a great portion of our most worlliy citizens 
 Time was required by those who had lost their time and property." 
 toree,tabhsh themselves in their former occupations; vet. som 
 of he States resorted to vigorous taxation, which crealed diseoT 
 t me sir 1 /'"'""" '^'^ ''''' '''' general pressure, at this 
 time, seemed to create a universal attempt of all ci, ditors to en- 
 force in the coui-ts of law all their demands before they should 
 be put at hazard by the sweeping taxation, which was e'videmly 
 It may be well to call to mind the condition of the country, as to 
 L^ and government. At the period of the Declaration o Inde- 
 people took the power into their hands to conduct the afi'airs of the 
 ^ ont'tf ^'°^ ' ? "'"'' ^"^^''^■^ assemblies, attempted to ear- 
 ly out the recommendations of the American Congress; and that 
 theaim^. The citizens of a town would form themselves into 
 ch sses ; each class to lurnish a man, equipped for service. The towns 
 pun si ed treason, arrested and expelled tories. levied taxes, and 
 cordiay co-operated in all tlie leading measures of that day, so fur 
 as related to our National Independence. 
 "In 1786, '7, a boy, I saw the Revolutionary fathers in their 
 assemblies. The scene was solemn and portentous ! Thcv 
 toun.1 their common country without a constitution and .-overn- 
 ment and without a union. The supposed oppressive'ures of 
 an adjommg State had so alarmed the people of a portion of it, 
 hat open resistance was made for self-protection, and the protec 
 tion ot property An army, in resistance to a proceeding of the 
 courts of aw in Massachusetts, had been raised, and had taken the 
 tick . Coh P. a man of gigantic stature, and a soldier of the Rev- 
 olution, with his associates in arms, entered the court-house at 
 Northampton, silenced the court; and in a voice of thunder, order, 
 ed It out, closing the doors, and using the court-house as his castle. 
 In the county of Berkshire, a General, with three hundred volun- 
 eers had talu.n the field, in open resistance to State authority ; and 
 ZVr f , ? "'■""' ^^'^ ^^^" '^''^' ^'^^^ ^J^« ---"tion of 
 fetate laws had been suspended. Other sections of our countrv 
 were in a state of insurrection, and no prospect of relief from any 
 source of mediatorial power then existing. The appalling scenes 
 that followed, filled the American people with fear and dread. The 
 distress that existed, might be an apology for the resistance of the 
 laws which was afterwards regretted by those who partook in it, a 
 number o whom I saw who had left their homes Jd wandered as 
 fugitives to evade the punishment that the law would inflict on 
 "A new field was now opened to exhibit the powers, genius and 
 energies of the American people. They soon .hscovered what was 
 essentinl to their security and prosperity; and in their deliberations, 
 moved and adopted an ordinance, or constitution, which they de- 
 clared to be .m order to form a more perfect union, establish jus- 
 tice, ensure domestic tranquility, and provide for the general de- 
 fence; promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of 
 liberty to ourselves and our posterity;' and, although defects and 
 ^Z :i;r r '"^ '''"-' '^''''' '-' '^ ^ '^^^ ^^- --^^- 
 At .the time the new constitution went into effect, a new class 
 of laborers appeared. These sturdy boys, who were taught in 
 business labits during the war, had grown to mnnhood, and with 
 redoubled energy, repaired the depredations which contending 
 anniesad spread. And many of those soldiers who composed' 
 bulhvan s army, and wiio had penetrated the western wilds of this 
 State, to chr 
 the savarres 
 lastise me savages tor cruel...., ........^^ ^.. ,.,^.,^ „,^.,,^^ 
 and relations; those who had viewed the beauties of the Genesee 
 and the rich table lands of Western New York, resolved to leaW 
 the sterile soil, the worn and exhausted lands of New En-land and 
 with their families, under the guidance and protection of a kind 
 1 rovidence, gathered their small substance, pioneered the way 
 through a long wilderness, to the land of promise - the Genesee 
 In 170G, in common with the sons of New England, I had a 
 strong disposition to explore the regions of the west, and avail my- 
 selt If possible, of a more productive soil, where a more bountiful 
 reward would relieve the toil of labor. I traversed the Mohawk, 
 the Susquehannah, the Seneca and the Genesee. I saw the scatter- 
 ed Pioneers of the wilderness in their lonely cabins, cheered by 
 the hope and promise of a generous reward, for all the temporary 
 privations they then suffered. Their hearts were clieered with the 
 sight of a stranger, and they greeted him with a welcome. I found 
 in most of the pioneer Realities, that three-fourths of the he Is of 
 families had been soldiers of the Revolution. Schooled in the prin- 
 ciples that had achieved that glorious work, they only appreciated 
 the responsibilities they had assumed, in becommg founders of new 
 settlements, and the proprietors of local, religious, educational and 
 moral institutions. These Pioneers inherited the principles and 
 firmness of their foreflithers ; and whatever in reason and pro- 
 priety they desired to accomplish, their energy and perseverance 
 carried into effect. They subdued the forest, opened avenues of 
 intercourse, built houses and temples for worship, with a rapidity 
 unknown in former ages. For intelligence and useful acciuirements 
 they were not out done in any age ; and were well skilled in all the 
 practical duties of life. In seven or eight vears from the first en- 
 trance of a settler, a number of towns in Ontario county, were fur- 
 nished with well chosen public libraries." 
 Oliver Phelps was a native of Windsor, Connecticut. Soon 
 after he became of age, the resistance to British oppression com. 
 menced in the colony of Massachusetts, and he became an active 
 partisan, participating in the revolutionary spirit, with all the zeal 
 of youth and ardent patriotism. He was among the men of New 
 England, who gathered at Lexington, and helped to make that early 
 demonstration of intended separation and independence. Soon 
 after, without the influence of wealth or familv distinction — with 
 nothing to recommend him but uncommon energy of character, and a 
 reputation he had won for himself— though 1jut a youth, he was 
 enrolled as a member of the Massachusetts Committee of Safety. 
 When the troops of Connecticut were first organized, and had 
 taken the field, he entered the service of a contractor of the army, 
 and soon after had an appointment in the commissary department,' 
 the duties of which he continued to discharge until the close of the 
 On the return of peace, he settled in SufField, Massachusetts. 
 He held in succession, the offices of member of Assembly, Sena- 
 tor, and a member of the Governor's council. Robert Morris 
 having been at the head of financial aflhirs during the Revolution, 
 Mr. Ph. ' 'S had made his acquaintance, and for a few rears after 
 its close, business relations brought them frecjuently together. Maj. 
 Adam Hoops, who had been the aid of Gen. Sullivan, in his expe- 
 dition to the Genesee country, was a resident of Philadelphia, and 
 an intimate ac(iuaintance of JVIr. Morris. It was during interviews 
 with them, that Mr. Phelps Vv as confirmed in a iuvorabie opinion of 
 ruELrs AND goeiia:h's pueciiase. 
 Ihis region, and the inducements it held out to enterprise, which had 
 been acquired by the representations of his New England nei^di- 
 bors, who had been in Sullivan's expedition. ° 
 _ Soon after Massachusetts became possessed of the pre-emption 
 right by deed of cession from New York, he resolved upon being 
 niterestad in the purchase of one million of acres ; and for this 
 purpose associated liimself with Judge Sullivan, Messrs. Skinner 
 and Chapin, William Walker, and several of Jiis friends in Berk- 
 shire. Before they had matured their plans however, Nathaniel 
 Gorham had made proposals to the Legislature for the purchase of 
 a portmn of the Genesee lands. Mr. Phelps had a conference with 
 Mr. Gorham, and to prevent coming in collision, they mutually 
 agreed, that Mr. (lorham should merge himself with the association, 
 and consider his proposition as made for their common benefit. He 
 had proposed the purchase of one million of acres, at one and six- 
 pence currency per acre, payable in the "public paper of the com- 
 monwealth." The House of Representatives acceded to the propo- 
 sition, but the Senate non-concurred. In a letter to one of the 
 associates, announcing the result, Mr. Phelps observes : — " We 
 found such opposition in the Senate, and so many person's ears and 
 eyes wide open, propagating great stories about the value of those 
 lands, that we thought best to postpone the affair until the next 
 session." This was at the session of 1787. 
 The elTect of Mr. Gorham's offer was to bring competitors into 
 the field, and others had resolved upon making proposals before the 
 legislature again convened in April, 17SS. Another compromise 
 was made which admitted new partners, and embraced all who 
 had any intention of purchase, in one association, of which Messrs. 
 Phelps and Gorham were constituted the representatives. They 
 made proposals for all the lands embraced in the cession of Massa- 
 chusetts. which were acceded to ; the stipulated consideration being 
 «ilOO,000, payable in the public paper of Massachusetts; the price 
 XoTE.-rn niMitiou tolho knowlcl-o Mr. riR.lp.s had acqiiiiwl ,.f \hc amuU-v as 
 alM,vo_m(;cl, K,).m; early rapluror },;„| jrivm liiii.a wriltoii a<-c,mii( (,f ii iVoiuw/iioh 
• 6 
 vhich had 
 lid neioh- 
 pon being 
 d for tliis 
 I. Skinner 
 in Berk- 
 rchase of 
 ?nce with 
 lefit. He 
 ! and six- 
 the com- 
 he propo- 
 ne of the 
 : — "We 
 ears and 
 of those 
 tlie next 
 itors into 
 cfore the 
 n promise 
 all who 
 i Messrs. 
 ; They 
 on being 
 le price 
 counli-y n.s 
 ijil>lc trees 
 itsaiid in- 
 cut Hiver. 
 ' suiiiiner, 
 uiiulu k'i'i 
 of which being much depressed, it was selling at a high rate of 
 So much accomplisiied, the share holders held a meeting, appoint- 
 ed Gen. Israel Chapiri to go out and explore the country; Mr. 
 Phelps the general agent, whose first duty was to hold a treaty with 
 the Indians, and purchase the fee or right of soil ; Mr. Gorham as an 
 agent to confer with the authorities of New Yor.k, in reference to 
 running the boundary or pre-emption line ; and Mr. William Walk- 
 er, as the local agent of surveys and sales. 
 The Lessees and their "long lease," was an obstacle duly con- 
 sidered by the purchasers, for they were aware of the exertions 
 I they were making to thwart the commissioners of New York, and 
 had no reason to anticipate any thing less from them, in their own 
 case. Massachusetts had joined New York, in declaring the leases 
 illegal and void, but the association were well advised that they 
 could not succeed in a treaty with the Senecas, against the powerful 
 influences the Lessees could command, through their connection 
 with Butler, Brant, Street, and their associates in Canada, and the 
 Indian traders and interpreters in their interest. A compromise 
 was resolved upon as tlie cheapest and surest means of success. 
 Proceeding to Hudson, Mr. Phelps met some of the principal Les- 
 sees, and compromised with them upon te-ms of which there are 
 no records, but there is evidence which lead;- to the conclusion, that 
 they were to become shareholders with him and his associates. 
 The Lessees on their part, contracted to hold another treaty with 
 the Indians at Kanadesaga, surrender their lease of all the lands 
 west of the Massachusetts pre-emption line, and procure for the 
 same, a deed of cession, Phelps & Gorham, for themselves and 
 associates, to be the grantees. 
 Mr. Phelps returned to New England and made preparations for 
 attending the treaty at Kanadesaga, which was to be convened and 
 carried on under the general supervision of John Livingston, the 
 principal agent of the Lessees. In all confidence that the arrange- 
 ment would be consummated, Mr. Pheli)s started upon his advent to 
 the Genesee country with a retinue of agents, surveyors, and assis- 
 tants, prepared to take possession of the country and commence 
 operations. Arriving at Schenectady on the 8th of May, the party 
 put their baggage on board of batteaux and arranged to go on horse- 
 back to Fort Stanwix, as far as there was any road, and from there 
 rnEiPs AND gorham's puechase. 
 embark in their batteaux. Mr. Phelps wrote from Schenectidv 
 hat they were Hkely to be delayed there by the non-arralof M^ 
 Livmgston ; that he had met many unfavorable rumors, the purport 
 of one of whicn was that the Indians had refused to treat wUh 
 Livings on and that they had " taken up and whipped seve al 
 ?nl b H . """'"'l I" ^"'- Wadsworth, of Hartford, that Livings- 
 ton had arrived with his provisions and goods for the treaty, that 
 all W.1S on board of batteaux, and the expedition was about to move 
 on, but he adds that an Oneida Indian had just arrived from the 
 westwith theinformauon that Brant has "got the Indians colLted 
 at iJufialo creek, and is persuading them to take up the hatchet, and if 
 possi le not to treat with us." He expresses his fears that the treaty 
 wi Ifai! , and adds h.s regrets, as he thinks it will " keep back settle- 
 ment a whole year. 
 Mr Phelps dkl not arrive at Kanadesaga. (Geneva,) until the 
 fi..tof June. On the4thhe wrote to one of his associates, Samue 
 Fowler, informing him that the Indians had not collected, that Ent- 
 er and Brant had collected them at Buffalo creek and persuaded 
 hem not to treat with Livingston. But inasmuch as Livings on 
 had sent out runners and interpreters, he is in hopes they wilf ye 
 e collected " I am well pleased," he says, " with what /have seen 
 of the country. This place is situated at the foot of Seneca Lake 
 on a beautiful hill which overlooks the country around it, and .ive^ 
 afine pro^,ectof the whole lake, which is about forty miles in 
 length. Here w^e propose building the city, as there is a water 
 carnage from this to Schenectady; with only two carryin-. places 
 of one mile each. I design to set out to-morrow to view the Genesee 
 After waiting at Kanadesaga until the 17th of June, Mr. Phelns 
 made up his mind that the Lessees would be unable to fulfil their 
 urn IZT- T "'?™';^ ^''" '^''"^' ^^'- Livingston, that he should 
 1.1 oceed independent of them or their lease, to treat with the Indians. 
 FroMoh Indian trnder at cCl on' X Sc W ^n3n t"' ^""""^'i'"' ^^'-''"'•■^^'^1'. fl>« 
 tJiai, a„v one Im-l since th^.lVvM of , . i' A hmico tlion among tlioSonocas 
 es..c.n,ially aidod the I " cVs ^^^^^^^^ ^"'^T' ""'l ■J""eaire. Ho had 
 alniost bo said, niisslona io. att^lt ncri^?^ . J 'i "T' 7^?':i''*t^^'-H, and it 'may 
 generally payable iu land, in S a bcTobd^ini::"' '"' '^ I-^*^'" -^ it .ni 
 He had by this time discovered that there was a " screw loose" 
 between the" Nevv York Genesee Company" and the "Niagara 
 Genesee Company and that they were pulling in different directions. 
 Infen-mg that the balance of power was in the hands of the Nia<.. 
 ara Company, Mr. Phelps taking the Indian trail, proceeded to Niag- 
 ara, where he met Butler, Brant and Street. He secured their 
 co-operation, and they agreed to procure a gathering of the Indians 
 at Buffalo creek for the purpose of holding a treaty with him. Mr 
 Phelps, rejomed his friends at Kanadesaga where he remained until 
 a deputation of chiefs waited upon hi,n to conduct him to the coun- 
 cil fire they had lighted at Buffalo creek,* where he and his party 
 arrived on the 4th of July. ^ v^nj 
 Negotiations were commenced. The Rev. Mr. Kirkland was 
 present, appointed by a law of Massachusetts to superintend the 
 treaty and see that no injustice was done to the Indians, and his 
 assistant, superintendent, Elisha Lee, Esq. of Boston. The ii tef- 
 preters were James Deane and Joseph Smith. William Johnstone, 
 Mr. Kirkland and several others. Besides these, there were also 
 pi-eseru, John Butler, Joseph Brant, Samuel Street, the officers of 
 Fort Niagara. Ihe Lessees, following up Mr. Phelps, were repre- 
 sented by John Livingston, Caleb Benton and Ezekiel Gilbert. 
 Chiefs of the Onondagas, Cayugas, and the Mohawks were also 
 On the opening of the council, Mr. Phelps produced the commis 
 sion given him by the Governor of Massachusetts : f had h TnTer.' 
 preted; and made a speech, explaining the object of the treaty 
 the right he had purchased of Massachusetts, &c. Most of the' 
 weie fcrr selling a portion of their lands. They, however stood 
 upon mdung the Genesee river the eastern boundary of their ces- 
 s,oi> and they stoutly resisted innovation west of it for seve II 
 days : but finally yielded, and fixed the western boundary as t w" 
 treaty, he said : - ■'• TIkmi 1, IJi h- a ul T]^ "f «''"KMvmn,irm" to Mr. Phelp's 
 took M. Phelps by the HaHa,Kff:^u;\jt?::;u!i;f^j^?\3^ 
 baud. Wlieu he opened hisniiud 
 p a pai'vi, \vitha seal to it, an biy 
 tu us, we took it hard." 
 afterwards cstubhshed. Mr. Phelps, in a statement he made of the 
 transacuons, says "the council was conducted in a friendK and 
 amica le manner.'' The negotiation then turned upon the pr ce to 
 he paid ; and Mr. Phelps and the Indians failing to i.,ee ley mu 
 tually appo nted John Butler, Joseph Brant, Elilha L^ee as eferees' 
 thous u)d dollars and an annuity of five hundred dollars for ;ver. 
 Ihe Indians had consented to take for the quantity of land they 
 o what the Lessees had agreed to pay for their whole country, and 
 tins was the basis upon which the price was fixed 
 The lands thus ceded, constituted what is now known as Phelp's 
 P em:t"h.f:"'^"; '^ ''''''•'' ^-"d-y- the Massachusetts' 
 pre-emption hne ; and its western boundary, a line " becrinnin.^ in 
 the northern line of Pennsylvania, due south of the corned- o noi 
 asciaga Cieek; thence north on said meridian line to the corner 
 or point, at the confluence aforesaid ; thence northwardly alon'the 
 waters o the Genesee river, to a point two miles north of Can^ 
 wagus VI age ; thence running due west twelve miles ; thence run- 
 mng northwardly, so as to be twelve miles distant from the w s te n 
 ounds of said river to the shores of Lake Ontario." With 
 these boundaries, were contained, by estimation, 2,G00,000 acres 
 Soon after arriving at Buffalo Creek, Mr. Phelps saw that tiie 
 delir \':dlT-';"'^^''T^ ''- n.^^^o.sL.t ,east, cal 
 delay-and he, therefore, made a compromise, stipulatincr the con 
 eyance to them of the four townships named in another onne 
 agents well for a forbearance in the work of mischief, in n-liich 
 ey were so persevering. Their release of so much as wa b 
 eluded in his purchase, was interpreted to the Indians 
 The Niagara Genesee Company, Butler and his associates, in ad- 
 dition to heu- interests in common with all the Lessees, had an n- 
 dependent claim for convening the Indians ; and by their influ nc 
 tliucxtonBion of Lis T)uiA.u"'b"vo ml tl r P'-««""^«l. that Mr. PJiolps, i„ ,„41 
 the Falls ; and i„ all Jrr.l a ] ty^, "iS ^^T'f 'ri\ '^'''^' "^' l'""*'''"^ '^ "^ ^t 
 diansand the white Kt^tlers ■ilri.m.iw f J"' ^'^'^ "'"'""^ benefit of the In- 
 Ebeucer Allan, „pou cond!ticS\K^S ^'Z. ^H!!^,. '!^ ?-- "- ^f}^ -re .{I 
 I fci't'Ct a saw-mill iuid giist-mili. 
lade of the 
 iendly and 
 lie price to 
 , they mu- 
 is referees, 
 hased, five 
 s for ever, 
 'land they 
 untry, and 
 as Phelp's 
 ginning in 
 ?r or point 
 I tlie Can- 
 he corner, 
 along the 
 of Cana- 
 ence run- 
 e western 
 ) acres. 
 that the 
 1st, cause 
 J the con- 
 • connec- 
 in ^vhich 
 i was in- 
 es, in ad- 
 ad an in- 
 • . TLo au- 
 I, in 'irgiiijr 
 ? a niiH nt 
 of t}io In- 
 UO acres to 
 niELrs AND goeuam's purchase. 141 
 in fact, enablinp Mr. Phelps to accomplish his purpose. This was, 
 probably, arranged by a promise on the part of Mr. Phelps, to give 
 them an interest in common with himself and associates. * 
 Mr. Phelps, before leaving the country, set surveyors to work, 
 under the direction of Col. Hugh Maxwell, to divide the newly ac- 
 quired country into townships ; and, having fixed upon Canandai- 
 gua as the primitive locality, the focus of intended enterprise, re- 
 turned to Suffield. All retired as winter approached, and left 'the 
 whole region in possession of its ancient owners.f Arrived at home, 
 Mr. Phelps reported, by letter to his principal associates, the result 
 of his embassy. " You may rely upon it," says he " that it is a good 
 country ; I have purchased all that the Indians will sell at pre- 
 sent ; and, perhaps, as much as it would be profitable for us to buy 
 at this time." Mr. Walker, after having remained in the country 
 until nearly the setting in of winter, returned and was present at a 
 meeting of the associates in January. He reported that he had 
 sold and contracted about thirty townships. At this meetincr, a 
 division of the land took place ; a large proportion of the shares 
 werebut small ones, the largest portion of the lands fallincr into the 
 .iiHl othom," (the Niagara Lessee Commnl^ fiV I I'n"'* *?°''"'' ^"^"""^l ^^'"^''^ 
 Lis purchase. Canaudmirwas his^afxt c^^^^^^^^^ ""'''' '^^ '''""''^ ^^ «^ ''^'^ 
 «ist tliat if w-i'j 'It P.,.,n,„i„; "^^'. pi^ooaoiy, tail mto tlio liaiids of tlioae who w 11 in- 
 crv, the tomahawk ami so 5„f Ci' "^ "ii^!^ eloquently invoking the war 
 whole storv is «|)(.ilo,l hv ulTlth tl' ^-'i^' "' « '''•"tlior opposing? him. The 
 Hoanof Do.r^ ' ' ,i M, ■pi, , ..'""^'l,^ °*" assertion, that lie and "Billy, and the 
 wai^no i Ition tT hrSVnrt,i-;'v'r^^^ 'T^ ''' Buffalo Cr/e'k. There 
 The idea ,/ a land tre'i v of m7 PI '^ •'?,* A'''' l"']'- ' ''^* °"° afterwards appeared. 
 came due. '-- ^'^ ■"•■; ^^'"f ^ir. liidpa' payments be- 
 hands of Phelps and Gorham and a few associates. The most of 
 the early sales of townships, was to those who held shares * 
 Early m the spring of 1789. under the general auspicies of Mr 
 siariea out to the new Genospp rnnt^t^'1r t^ „ . 
 ., , , vjLULsce countiy to commence a sett ement 
 .hegenorn ,le.a,l.of which will he found in another c„„„e" on 
 LnC? air '"=,*?' T'""''"""^ y^^'^' »"e™a.ingbe: 
 close of 178!., he had joinlly, wid, John Taylor, ,an agent of the 
 State contraeted with Ephraim Blackmer. who has before been 
 named, for the out of a road, two rods wide from Fort Stln" 
 w,x to Seneca La „. While in the Genesee eountry this jw in 
 he absence o, any ocal laws, he entered into a written compact with 
 Zlr7 "' of ^«->'"=»' character, each parly promising 
 to punish olfences committed by their own people 
 legislature n, 780, Messrs. Phelps and Gorham, and their associates 
 found themselves unable to fulfil the eng.agements they had m de 
 for the payment of the purchase money. They had predicated 
 pa"r: "m " "^ ™"''"""'"- "■"' '"^y ^-^ P-hase' e pub le 
 paper of Massachusetts, at its then market value, which was bm 
 about fifty cents on the dollar. I„ ,he interval, before p y da^ ar 
 r,ved, the prospect of success in the formation of a Federal 'overn 
 ment, and a consequent funding „f ,he debts of the S tires [h; 
 paper they had stipulated to make payment in, had nearly a pa va !e 
 in market. Thus situated, and having failed to exLJuish h! 
 nattve right to the whole, they memorfalized the legiZ e 1 
 P tint ont r b'f ' °"'=""""" ™ ■■^'■^■■™- '" -h' ' ^-ined 
 payu g onlj for what was mcluded in their Indian treaty. The 
 legislature the more readily perhaps, acceded to their request inas 
 much as they were pretty sure of finding a purchaser foi wto re." 
 mained, m the person of Robert Morris 
 New difficulties however, soon presented themselves. The Indi. 
 M Phelos tr^l-^'Ti' ""'™'-^-"'^ -.isfied with the Let 
 Mr. Phelps, became divided upon the subject; the mischievous 
 .'» ,.™. they p.i,, for ji»d„.;rri?/;pL:Esi'''""''"'''''"' »"'' 
 traders and some interpreters among them, promoted the trouble, 
 and in that then retreat of disturbed spirits, and liaters of every 
 thing that was American — the refugees of the Revolution, and 
 British officers and agents — Fort Niagara and its precincts — there 
 were disturbers other than those that had been compromised with. 
 The Indian chief Cornplanter, was the principal representative of 
 the malcontents. 
 In August, 1790, JMr. Phelps being in the Genesee country, wrote 
 to the elder Mr. Gorham in Boston, and after giving a somewhat dis- 
 couraging account of the almoft universal prevalence of disease 
 among tlie new settlers,* informs him that the Indians had been at 
 Canandaigua, and refused to receive any farther payments, alledg- 
 ing that the amount of purchase money, aside from the annuity, 
 was to have been ten, instead of five thousand dollars. He adds, 
 that some recent murders of Indians committed at Tioga, by whites, 
 had helped to exasperate them ; that he was about to set out to -'isit 
 their principal villages to appeasa them ; and that if he did not suc- 
 ceed, he feared they would retaliate by a general attack upon the 
 At an Indian council by Mr. Pickering at Tioga, in November, 
 Red Jacket and Farmer's Brother made speeches, in which they 
 both claimed that the sum to be paid by Mr. Phelps, was ten instead 
 of five thousand dollars ; alledged that they had been cheated ; 
 that their " heads had been confused " by treaties with the "thirteen 
 Fires," with " Fires kindled by the Governor of New York," and 
 by " Livingston." Speaking of the payment from Mr. Phelps, Red 
 Jacket said : — " When we went to Canandaigua to meet Mr. Phelps, 
 expecting to receive ten thousand dollars, we were to have but five 
 thousand. When we discovered the fraud, we had a mind to apply 
 to Congress, to see if the matter could not be rectified. For when 
 we took the money and shared it, every one here knows, that we 
 had but about one dollar a piece. All our lands came to, was but 
 the worth of a few hogsheads of tobacco. Gentlemen who stand 
 by, do not think hard of us for what has been said. At the time 
 of the treaty, twenty broaches would not buy half a loaf of bread ; 
 * He says: — " Wo have suft'erod mucli for tlio want of a physician ; Atwater has 
 not yet arrived ; wc liave Udw a sditlenian frotii I'ciiiisylvaniii .attending; on tlic sick, 
 who seems to undei-staiid liis business. Tlie t\vo Wad'swortlis, wlio came from Dur- 
 ham, liave lieeii very sieli, are now recovering,', but are low spirited ; they like the 
 country but tlieir sicKuesshas discourawd tliem." 
 80 that when we returned home, there was not a bridit spot of 
 silver about us." 
 In December, Cornplanter, attended by other Seneca chiefs, met 
 1 resident Washington at Philadelphia, and delivered to him a speech, 
 m which he represented that the treaty at Bulllilo creek, had been 
 Iraudulently conducted; that Mr. Phelps represented himself as 
 the agent of the " thirteen Fires," that he told them that the coun- 
 try had been ceded to the thirteen Fires by the British King; that 
 It he could not make a bargain with the Indians, he could take 
 their lands by force; and that generallv, it was by threats and de- 
 ceptions he had obtained the Indian lands. He added that Mr 
 Street, whom they supposed their friend, "until they saw him 
 whispering with Phelps." had been bribed by the promise of a 
 large tract of land. The President heard the complaints, promised 
 an investigation of the matter, and to see the Indians redressed if 
 they had suffered wrong. 
 Soon after all this, Mr. Phelps addre-ed the President, giving a 
 detailed history of the treaty, denying the allegations of Cornplan- 
 ter, and asserting that he caused the Indians at the treaty to be 
 well informed of his errand, their rights to their lands ; that he used 
 no threats, or coercion to accomplish his object, and that the sum 
 he was to advance to the Indians, was but five thousand dollars. 
 He accompanied his statement, by dejiositions from the Rev Mr 
 Kirkland, James Dean, Judge Hollenbeck, and others, ^\•ho were 
 present at the treaty, in substance, to the effect that the treaty was 
 conducted honorably, and fairly, and that Cornplanter was mista- 
 ken as to the amount of the purchase money. 
 In February, '01, Joseph Brant addressed a long letter to the su- 
 perintendent of Indian affairs for the northern district of the United 
 Jjn^^^H !'t^"f^ "•' ''r' ^if ^""''^',"''^' •>•"" '<'I™^' '"•" ""t of pain. A ot u.\]K 
 que eat ol t]it. fatal root, and hI« -, with his fathers in i)oacc> " Tliis w.« m . 
 iienn'o'^noTe. ■'"'"''"'■' ' "' ''" ^'''' '' -^^ <'-th,- .here one diHappearsild i 
 States, in which he attacks Cornplantor with severity ; alleging 
 that " influenced by bribes and other selfish views, he prevailed on 
 the chiefs who were sent to cover up the council fire at Kanadesaga, 
 kindled by John Livingston, to lease the whole of the Five Nation's 
 country, for a consideration of twenty thousand dollars, and an an- 
 nual rent of two thousand ; and it was wiili the utmost difiiculty, 
 that the Five Nations were able to move that lease, from off a por- 
 tion of the country." He recapitulates the bargain made by Mr. 
 Phelps, agreeing with other witnesses. He says that the Lessees 
 wore only released from the payment of five thousand of the twenty 
 thousand they had agreed to pay for the whole country, and a pro 
 rata amount of their stipulated annual rent.* Thi^ was to show, 
 that the bargain with Mr. Phelps, was abetter one even than Cor'.- 
 planter had jn-omoted with the Lessees. 
 When Mr. Pickering held his council at Newtown, in July, '91, he 
 examined several Cayuga and Onondaga chiefs, who stated that 
 Cornplanter's allegations were untrue ; and some of the principal 
 Seneca chiefs, stated to him that all was fair on Mr. Phelps' part, 
 in reference to the treat v. 
 But all this did not entirely quell the dissatisfaction, and the al- 
 ledged wrong was mixed up with other elements, to render the 
 earliest relations of Pioneers of the Genesee country and the Indi- 
 ans, equivocal ; in a condition to keep up alarm and apprehensions 
 of evil. If the Senecas themselves were mainly disposed to be 
 friendly, their jealousies and' resentments were kept alive, by the 
 western Indians, and their British prompters, and British agents at 
 Niagara. DCP See Mr. Phelps' speech to the Indians. Appendix, 
 No. 6. tt ■> 
 The whole history of the early Indian treaties in this State, is a 
 complex one; there was a disjointed state of things existing among 
 our own people ; the treaties began without any clear and definite 
 understanding, of what were the respective rights of the State and 
 the general government. The Indians, after they had heard of 
 "one big fire being lighted for all the thirteen States," could not un- 
 derstand why they should be invited to attend " so many little fires," 
 i,roJil'orrhvn.?T'^ ''•'"■'^^•^ ^°. *•"'''; ^'>=^* ^''° poor Indians never realized the sura 
 fl r^?vn. Z \ If'' ""^'"V^"'. t^*^ *«'•'» "f l^'il-es to some of their chiefs ; and iu torm hut a small portioti nf [t A,,,! -,.,,f fi,,. r^i-.-u- ir, -r,-, f „,.> . i X. 
 realized a large amount for their meg/'aong klle."" ' ^"''" ""^ """'^''■' 
■■i hi 
 m Hi 
 or councils. The almost interminable mischief, the Lessee move- 
 ment, was thrust in to add to embarrassment. The close of the 
 Revolution had left them with distracted councils, cut up into fac- 
 tions themselves. No wonder that when they were pulled and 
 hauled about from one treaty to another, beset by State commis- 
 sioners. Lessee companies, speculators and " their old friends at 
 Niagara," they should on several occasions have complained that 
 their " heads were confused." 
 But the crowning curse, the source of nearly all other evils that 
 beset them, and nearly all that embarrassed our early relations and 
 intercourse with their race, was the use of spirituous liquors. In 
 the absence of them, the advent of our race to this continent, would 
 have been a blessing to theirs, instead of what it has proved to be, 
 the cause of their ruin, and gradual extermination. No where in a 
 long career of discover}-, of enterprize and extension of empire, 
 have Europeans found natives of the soil, with as many of the 
 noblest attributes of humanity ; moral and ph}'sical elements, which, 
 if they could not have been blended with ours, could have main- 
 tained a separate existence, and been fostered by the proximity of 
 civilization and the arts. Every where, when first approached by 
 our race, they welcomed it, and made demonstrations of friendship 
 and peace. Savage, as they were called, savage as ihf may have 
 been in their assaults and wars upon each other, then • no act of 
 theirs recorded in our histories, of early colonization, of wrong or 
 outrage, that was not provoked by assaults, treachery or deception — 
 breaches of the hospitalities they had extended to the strangers. 
 Whatever of savage character they may have possessed, so far as 
 our race was concerned, it was dormant until aroused to action 
 by assaults or treachery of intruders upon their soil, whom they had 
 met and treated as friends. 
 This was the beginning of trouble ; the cupidity of our race 
 perpetuated it by the introduction of "fire water," which, vitiating 
 their appetites, cost them their native independence of character, 
 made them dependents upon the trader and the agents of rival 
 governments ; mixed them up with factious and contending aspir- 
 ants to dominion ; and from time to time, impelled them to the 
 fields of blood and slaughter, or to the stealthy assault with the tom- 
 ahawk and scalping knife. For the ruin of his race, the red man 
 has a fearful account against us, bince we assumed tlie responsibiiit 
PiiELPs Amy gorham's purchase. 
 of intercourse with it, as a separate and independent people • but 
 as ni another instance, where another race is concerned, we may 
 plead with truth and justice, that we were inheritors of the curse 
 and that our predecessors are chargeable with having fixed the plague 
 spot and stain up6n us, indelibly, long before the responsibility de- 
 volved upon us. 
 From the hour that Henry Hudson toled the Indians on board of 
 his vessel, on the river that bears his name, and gave them the first 
 taste of spirituous liquors, the whole history of British intercourse 
 with them IS marked by the use of this accursed agent as a princi- 
 pal means of success. The example of Hudson was followed up 
 by al the Dutch and English traders upon the Mohawk, and when 
 bir Wilham Johnson had settled as a British agent in the Mohawk 
 valley, he had unfortunately learned the potent influence of spirit- 
 uous liquors in Indian traffic and negotiation. He is probably the 
 first that made use of them at Indian councils ; thus settincr a vicious 
 example that has been perpetuated. The earl French traders upon 
 the St Lawrence, and in all this region, commenced the traffic not 
 until after they had ascertained that they could in no way compete 
 with the English traders than by using the same means. The early 
 Jesuit Missionaries checked them in their work of evil, but 'he 
 English trader was left unrestrained, even encouraged by English 
 colonial authority. The Senecas, especially, naturally inclined to 
 the French. There was something in the French character that was 
 congenial to (heir natural preferences ; the two races met and 
 flowed into each other, (if the expression is admissable,) like kindred 
 or easily assimilating elements ; with the English it was difTerent ' 
 there was a natural repugnance, it may almost be said ; the blowze' 
 turgid Englishman, and the Seneca who possessed generous and even 
 romantic and poetic elements, were in caste and inclination anti- 
 podes. It was with his keg of rum, that the Englishman could alone 
 succeed ; and with a morbid, sordid perseverance, he plied it in trade 
 as well as diplomacy. It was rum that first enabled the Englishman 
 tl,S'n"-'':^;::i*'i^^!!:^T!*.°^th«, f-nch Fmnciscan and Jesuit Mi^ionaries ia 
 casks. Thoy l)c.('anic, in somo instances,* mail vi'H'in'('M(I.-nv..iM.r f. «un.>.-e-""tK> tr.'ffir' 
 liu nist tciiiiKTuiu'c essay tluMvmi.i eversaw other than ilie ra'ecei)tq of tl,.. lii In 
 >vaswnttunm this region by a Jesuit Missionary, andpubliiei iii K ^"^'^^'' 
 r.oTL.-i<rom tlio hrst advent of the French Franciscar. and Jesuit Mis-sionarios in 
 US region, tliey were the detonnined opposers of the introduction of Si'oia 
 T" ,',',"*""" ^''^ ^r^'fi^- ^ '^^ .^^""''1 ^''PP"-'-'^'^ i' i" tlH' trading houses ^ot'th"k 
 'l ,t! 
 !' !' 
 to get a foothold upon the Hudson, upon the Mohawk, along the 
 shores of Lake Ontario ; in the absence of its use, bold as the asser- 
 tion may appear, he would not have succeeeded in putting an end to 
 French dominion in America. 
 At a later period, when the storm of the Revolution was gather- 
 ing, the English resorted to the old weapon they had used against 
 the French, to use against the colonies. The Indians had undoubt- 
 edly resolved upon neutrality ; unsophisticated, unlearned in all the 
 grievances of oppressed colonies, in the intricacies of taxation, 
 representation, and the immunities under other structures of gov- 
 ernment than their own, they could not understand why the bonds 
 of kindred should be sundered ; why those they had just seen fight- 
 ing side by side against the French should be arrayed against each 
 other so suddenly. The aspect of the quarrel was not suited to 
 their tastes or inclinations, and they resolved upon standing aloof; 
 the Senecas at least. Invited to Oswego, by the English refugees 
 from the Mohawk, kept intoxicated for days and weeks, promised 
 there that the accursed "fii^ water" of England's King, should be 
 as free to them " as the waters of Lake Ontario," their good inten- 
 tions were changed, and their tomahawks and scalping knives were 
 turned against the border settlers ; a series of events ensued, the 
 rev" nv of which creates a shudder, and a wonder that the offences 
 were so easily forgiven; that we had not taken their country after 
 subduing it with our arms, instead of treating for it. But well and 
 humanely cHd the Father of his Country consider how they had been 
 wiled to the unfortunate choice of friends which they made. Eng- 
 lish rum was not only freely dealt out at Oswego, during the Revo- 
 lution, but at Fort Niagara, where it paid for the reeking scalp, and 
 helped to arouse the fiercest passions of Indian allies, and send 
 them back upon their bloody track. 
 When peace came, and our State authorities began to cultivate 
 an acquaintance with the Indians, they found thein deserted by 
 their late Britisli employers, with nothing to show for the sanguine 
 aid they had given them, but appetites vitiated by the English rum 
 cask, and a moral and physical degeneracy, the progress of which 
 could not have been arrested; and lingering yet among them, in all 
 their principal localities, was the English or tory trader, prolonging 
 his destructive traffic. It was American, New York legislation, 
 that made the first statutes against the traffic of spirituous liquors 
 among the Indians. It was American legislation, after the incubus 
 of British dominion was shaken off, that first checked the slave 
 trade. Two enormous offences have been committed against two 
 races, both of which had been alike perpetuated under English do- 
 Mr. Phelps, although his residence in ail the earliest years of set- 
 tlement, was still in Massachusetts, spent most of his time in Can- 
 andaigua, and was the active and liberal patron and helper in all 
 the public enterprises of the region where he had been the pioneer. 
 Of ardent temperament, ambitious in all that related to the pros- 
 perity of the new country, the Pioneer settlers found in him a friend ; 
 and when disease, privation, Indian alarms, created despondency, 
 he had for them words of encouragement, and prophecies of a " bet- 
 ter time." He was useful to a degree that no one can realize who 
 has not seen how much one man can do in helping to smooth the 
 always rugged paths of backwoods life. 
 A considerable shareholder in the original purchase of Massa- 
 chusetts and the Indians, he eventually became a principal owner, 
 by purchase of shares, reversions and other means. In a few years 
 after the settlement of the Genesee country was fairly under way, 
 he was regarded as one of the most successful and wealthy of all 
 the many founders of new settlements of that period. In 1795, he 
 regarded himself as worth a million of dollars. There are no busi- 
 ness enterprises which, if successful, are better calculated to lead to 
 excess and rash venture, than that of speculation in lands. A 
 mania of land speculation, as will be seen in another connection, 
 commenced along in '95 and '6, and extended through all the then 
 settled parts of the Union. Philadelphia was the principal focus, 
 its leading capitalists, among whom was Mr. Morris, were the prin- 
 cipal operators. Among the devices of the times, was a gigantic 
 " American Land Company." Elected to Congress, Mr. Phelps, 
 elated with his success in the Genesee country, was thrown into 
 the vortex of rash adventure, and became deeply involved, as all 
 were who made any considerable ventures at that unfortunate 
 period. One of his ventures was in connection with the "Georgia 
 L.'ind Company ;" with the fate of which, most reader;, will be 
 familiar. Liabilities abroad made him a large borrower, and obliged 
 . ■I'- 
 him to execute mortgages upon his Genesee lands. In all this, the 
 titles of purchasers under him became involved, which created dis- 
 trust and excitement among a portion of the settlers, and broucrht 
 upon him a good deal of censure. His reverses, and the app!-e- 
 hensions, perhaps, that others were to be involved in them, previncr 
 upon a sensitive mind, his health gradually declined, and he died in 
 1809 aged GO years. In 1802, he had removed to Canandaic^ua ; 
 and from the commencement of his reverses up to the period o^fhis 
 death had been struggling to extricate himself, and others involved 
 with him, from embarrassment. In allusion to all this, an inscrip- 
 tion upon his tomb-stone contains the following sentence : — 
 i2^l7^^:^T"''' 'Ti Irr"^''' "■^'^"°* ^^^^^^ ^-^^"'--^ success; but tl.e 
 irmts ot tJioso viHues, \nll be felt by society." 
 The State of Connecticut having been a principal creditor of 
 Mr Phelps, and holding a large mortgage upon his lands, the Hon. 
 Gideon Granger became its agent, and ultimately the settlement of 
 the estate devolved upon him. When he entered upon the task, he 
 was assisted in some of its preliminary investigations by the late 
 Jessee Havvley, Esq., who, in a memorandum which the author has 
 m his possession, remarks that the estate was involved in " com- 
 plexity perplexity and confusion." The superior business facul- 
 ties ot Mr. Granger, however, made "crooked things straicrht •" 
 debts were cancelled, land titles cleared from incumbrances^; no 
 purchasers under Mr. Phelps, it is believed, ultimately suffered loss ; 
 and a considerable estate was saved to his heirs. Amoncr the sur- 
 viving early Pioneers, it is common now to hear expressiolis of re- 
 spect for the memory of Oliver Phelps, and regrets, that the last 
 years ot his active and enterprising life was so clouded by misfor- 
 lortune. Jesse Havvley wrote that he was "the Cecrops of the 
 Genesee country. Its inhabitants owe a mausoleum to his memo- 
 ry, in gratitude for his having pioneered for them the wilderness of 
 this Canaan of the west." 
 Mr. Phelps was first judge of Ontario, on the primitive or-aniza- 
 tion of Its courts; and was an early Representative in Con-ress 
 Irom the then western district of this State. " 
 He left a son and daughter. His son, Oliver Leicester Phelps 
 was educated at Yale College, married a grand-daughter of Rorrer 
 Sherman, and became a resident of Paris, France. Returnin<T°to 
 this country, after the death of his father, he became the ocrupant 
 of the old Phelps' mansion at Canandaigua ; was atone period Ma]. 
 General of the 22d Division of New York Infantry. He died in 
 1813. His surviving sons are : — Judge Oliver Phelps, of Canan- 
 daigua, who resides at the old homestead, a worthy representative 
 of his honored ancestor ; William H. Phelps, of Canandaigua ; and 
 Francis Phelps, an inmate of the Infirmary at Brattleborou^h 
 Vermont. The daughter of Oliver Phelps became the wife °ot' 
 Amasa Jackson, of the city of New York, and is now a resi- 
 dent of Canandaigua. A daughter of hers, is the wife of Gen. 
 John A. Granger; and another, is the wife of Alexander II. Howell 
 a son of the Hon. N. W. Howell. The wife of Oliver Phelps, who 
 was the daughter of Zachariah Seymour, died in 1826, acred 74 
 years. ° 
 Nathaniel Gorham, the elder, who was the associate of Mr. 
 Phelps, was never a resident upon the Purchase. He resided in 
 Charlestown, Mass. His son, Nathaniel Gorham, jr.. his local repre- 
 sentative, came to Canandaigua in 1789, and was of course one of 
 the earliest pioneers. He was an early Supervisor of Canandaigua, 
 a. Judge of the county courts, and the President of the Ontario 
 Bank, from its first organization, until his death. He died in 1826, 
 aged 62 years. His surviving sons are : — Nathaniel Gorham, mer- 
 chant, of Canandaigua ; William Gorham, of Canandaigua ; and 
 David Gorham, of Exeter, New Hampshire. Mrs. Dr. A. G. Bris- 
 tol, of Rochester, is a daughter ; and an unmarried daughter resides 
 at the old homestead at Canandaigua. The mother died in 1818, 
 at the advanced age of 83 years. 
 And in this connection, lest he should be omitted in a work like 
 this — as he should not be — some mention should be made of the 
 venerable William Wood, who, if not a pioneer himself, is especial- 
 ly the friend of the pioneers ; and among his other good works, 
 takes a lively interest in perpetuating theii- memories. Mr. Wood 
 IS a veteran bachelor, the brother of the late Mrs. Nathaniel Gor- 
 ham. His native place is Charlestown, Massachusetts. At one 
 period of his life, he was an importing merchant !n the city of Bos- 
 ton; after that, a cotton dealer in 'New Orleans, where he was 
 known for his deeds of philanthropy and benevolence. Becomino' 
 a resident of Canandaigua, "by quiet unostentatious charities, by 

 ;. II' 
 being " present in every good work, " he has well entitled himself to 
 be called the Howard of his local region. The public edifices of 
 Canandaigua, the rural church-yard, the streets and side-walks, the 
 public libraries, bear testimonials of his public spirit. If no other 
 good work is in hand, he will carry apples, books, and other accept- 
 able presents, to the inmates of the jail, and cheer them by kind 
 words. In cities and villages of this country and in England, he 
 has established libraries and literary institutions, principally for the 
 benefit of mechanics, apprentices and clerks. Well may it be said; 
 that the world would be better, the picture of humanity would have 
 in it more of lighter coloring, if there were more like William 
 Wood. But, principally, it has been intended to notice him in con- 
 nection with a Gallery of Portraits — mostly of Pioneers of the 
 Genesee country — that he is collecting and suspending in their 
 well-chosen and appropriate place, the court-house at Canandaigua. 
 It contains already the portraits of — 
 Oliver Phelps, 
 Peter B. Porter. 
 Philip Church, 
 Wm. Wadsworth, 
 MicAH Brooks, 
 Vincent Mathews, 
 Abner Barlow, 
 Walter Hubbell, 
 John C. Spencer, 
 Mobes Atwateh, 
 Augustus Porter, 
 John Greig, 
 James Wadsworth, 
 Red Jacket, 
 Nathaniel Rochester, 
 Jasper Parrish, 
 Judge Fitziiugh, 
 Ambrose Spencer, 
 William Williams, 
 N. W. HOWELI,. 
 And a correspondent adds; — "William Wood, the noblest Ro- 
 man of them all." 
 even the Indian trealie, ft,- 1! ''":"'=,'^™''^'=<' ■"'""fy, preceding 
 =.i.u.ed in ea,.,; Z^t Z^'^T^^ l^^^-^''^ »- 
 account of them it mnv ,v.ii i , '^''S'on; some 
 "ork of this ch";cter ' ™''"°"'' ""' '^^ '°'"^»<' '- '» ^ 
 Ft/e'ri ■" "r'^'i;':?;''-''''' ",t ™ ^^-"^^ ■'^ ^^ f""»-,.s, « ne 
 recovty. si rwt;,afw:„T I """';"""■"' ""'' """■ "'-■• 
 '■•aetedi; .in^ostoHif J;,r; Iti^S'-- .;- ^^^'^'■'' """ ""• 
 iilness, lici- friemk Iv,^ , ° , , l'""«" °'- I" the extremity of her 
 herdeatllw " asst !ffi' 'i'' '""""^ '"" ''«' ^'J" '""''"ess 
 K-ehng byits side, ^ade tt /t „ra,t X P "' 'T'; """ 
 she was l^Z^^J^:"'fT''""'' ^'"^ ''''^''^' J^-^cefonvar3 
 ci^nsidfi XroTsres'T f "^' """ '-^""'■""^' """ ™'* " 
 Sood New EnJ d tmeT T° "'''""'''■''"^■''' ■'°'"^' "^ "'="> 
 York, and spent sevcnll! f ^''' ^"^-''^"^' ^^^'^^^'^^'^ ^^^^"^^ 
 _^ ^Pent sevcial years ni the neighborhood of Philadelphia 
 f .vZlt '!■ 'f '-'''•^' '""• "'^^■" "™<'""' "f ho ! ! . c : 
I},t . f ' 
 r i; 
 and Lancaster, Pennsylvania, accompanied by most of her follow- 
 ers ; and she had proselytes wherever she went. Her authority 
 over them was absolute. Upon one occasion, at New Milford, in 
 Connecticut, she proclaimed a fast for thirty days on bread and 
 water. Most of them strictly obeyed; some of them becoming 
 almost what Calvin Edson was in later years. After remaining in 
 New England and Pennsylvania about twenty years, she came to 
 Western New York ; she was then near forty years of age. The 
 author has a copy of the " New Haven Gazette and Connecticut 
 Magazine," of date, ]March 1787, that has a letter in it from a 
 Phihidelphia correspondent, written at the time " The Friend," and 
 her followers were in Philadelphin, on their way to this region. 
 Her personal ajipearance is thus described : — " She is about the 
 middle size of woman, not genteel in her person, rather awkward in 
 her carriage ; her com])lexion good, her eyes remarkably black and 
 brilliant, her hair black and waving with beautiful ringlets upon her 
 neck and shoulders ; her features are regular, and the whole of her 
 face thought by many to be perfectly beautiful. As she is not to be 
 supposed of either sex, so this neutrality is manifest in her personal 
 appearance: — She wears no cap, letting her hair hang down as 
 has been described. She wears her neckcloth like a man ; her chemise 
 is buttoned around the neck and wrists. Her outside garment is a 
 robe, under which it is said she wears an expensive dress, the fash- 
 ion of which is made to correspond neither with that of a man nor 
 woman. Her understanding is not deficient, except touching iier 
 religious fanatacism. She is very illiterate, yet her memory is very 
 '.;reat ; artful in discovering many circumstances which fall out 
 among her disciples. On all occasions she requires the most extra- 
 ordinary attentions that can be bestowed upon her; one or more 
 of her disciples usually attend upon her, and perform the most 
 menial service. Her pronunciation is after the peculiar dialect of 
 the most illiterate of the country people of New England. Her 
 preaching has very little connexion, and is very lengthy ; at times 
 cold and languid, but occasionally lively, zealous and animated." 
 Enlarging upon the account she first gave of her rising from a 
 bed of sickness — dead in the flesh — she assumed that there was 
 nncc such a person as Jemima Wilkinson, but that " ^\\e died and 
 went to lieaven ; after which the Divine Spirit re-animated that 
 same bodv, and it arose from the dead ; now this divme inhabitant 
 is Christ Jesus our Lord, the friend to all mankind, and gives his 
 name to the body to which he is united, and therefore, body and 
 spirit conjointly, is the "Universal Friend." She assumed to have 
 two "w^nesses," corresponding in all respects to those prophccled 
 m Rev Chap xi, from 3d to 13th verse. These were James Par- 
 ker and Sarah Richards. 
 But the reader will be principally interested in the advent of this 
 singular personage and her followers to the Genesee country • _ 
 Previous to 1780, they were living in detached localities. In that 
 year, they met in Connecticut, and resolved upon finding some "fer- 
 tile unsettled region, far from towns and cities, where the ' Univer- 
 sal Friend" and her followers, might live undisturbed in peace and 
 plenty, in the enjoyment of their peculiar religion.' They delega- 
 ted three of their number, Abraham Dayton, Richard Smith and 
 Thom.s Hathaway to look for such a location. They went to 
 1 hiladelphia and traversed on horseback the interior of Pennsylva- 
 ma Passing through the valley of Wyoming, they came across a 
 backv/oodsman by the name of Spalding, who furnished them with 
 a glimpse of the region around Seneca Lake, and gave them direc- 
 tions hovv to find it. Following his directions, they went up the 
 river, and falling upon the track of Sullivan's army, reached the 
 loot of Seneca Lake, and from thence proceeded to Cashon<T creek 
 where they found two French traders, (De Bartzch and Poudrv )' 
 who told them that they had travelled through Canada, and through 
 the Western territory, and had seen no where so fine a country as the 
 one they were in. A few days exploration, satisfied the land look- 
 ers and they returned by the route they came, to inform the Friend 
 of the result of their travels. 
 In June 1787, twenty five of the Friends, among whom were 
 a grant in tlio present townnl, p < 'l m'ford C W v? ,"'""' ■'"-*^«''''l' ■''«'l ■"•■"lo 
 irrat... whc.nthcG,,v,.rn.w-aMnun(a],k .w ^'h ' ^ '^^'PanUions were made to enii- 
 j.oso,l Uumi t,. bo Q.4.rr f 4, n 1 1 , "^ --^'^''^ '^" excuse that he had .np- 
 Imt h-arning tha ll^ i 'r ,' • now o .f ' f '''T":^ l" ^^""^' "I'inion in EnK]an('l ; 
 Ho howcvo'^- ,nado tfio I'r ni c/T D^ nt ,''r T^ '' ^"'^""'"^'^t^'^r en.igratinn. 
 .nont dnties .tc.-as h^^^ i ,n i S,' .'l i/"'';'"''',"- '•^■' l'^' '"''' t^'nns,- settle- 
6 1 
 Abel Botsford, Peleg and John Briggs, and Isaac Nichols, with their 
 families, met at Schenectady, and embarked on board of batteaux 
 for the promised land. At Geneva they found but a solitary log 
 house, and that not finished, *' inhabited by one Jennings." They 
 went up the east side of the Lake to " Ajiple Town," where they 
 remained several days searching for a mill site. The noise of the 
 falling water, of the outlet of Crooked Lake, attracted them to the 
 west shore of Seneca I^ake. Passing up the outlet they came to 
 the Falls, and exploring the neighborhood, fixed upon i as their 
 location. They began their settlement in Yates County, about, one 
 mile south of the present village of Dresden. It was August when 
 t'^ey arrived. They prepared ground and sowed a field of wheat 
 in common, and the next season, 1789, several small fields of wheat 
 were sown.* 
 The first land purchase was made of the State, upon the " Gore," 
 previous to the running of the new pre-emption line. It was a 
 tract of 14,000 acres, situated in the east part of the present town 
 of Mile, and south east part of Starkey. William Potter and 
 Thomas Hathaway were delegated to make the purchase. They 
 applied to Governor George Clinton for a grant of land, which was 
 refused of course, but he assured them that if they would attend 
 the public sale in Albany, they would be able to obtain land at a 
 satisfactory price. They attended the sale and bought the tract 
 above named for a little less then 2s per acre. Benedict Robinson 
 and Thomas Hathaway, soon after ])ought of Phelps and Goriinm 
 the town of Jerusalem for Is 3d per acre.f 
 The first grist mill in Western New York, was built by three of 
 the society ; — Richard Smith, James Parker and Abraham Dayton. 
 The site was the one now occupied by the " Empire Mills,"" two 
 and a half miles from Penn Yan. It was built in the summer and 
 fall of 1789 and fiour was made in it in that year. Here also was 
 ■'TliiscoiTc'dstlic very common impression, that the first v.-hcat was liarvcstcd at 
 Cannmiaicrna, and Vidor, in the fall of 1700. Tho wheat sown by the Friends must 
 iuive been liarvcstud in 1789. 
 tit was anile at that early period, with Messrs. Theljis cfc Gorhain, in soliin"- a 
 picked townslnp, to require tlie pureliascr to draw for aiiotlier township at flio smie 
 ]nice. Jvobiiison and Hathaway after puivliasiui;' Jerusalem, drew what is now tJie 
 town of Gcneseo. The Friend o})jeeto(l lo her people "tradin-,' and buyins; pro|)ertv 
 at a distance," and fearing her displeasure, they jjrevailcd uixm Mr. PJi'elps to release 
 tlieni Iwm the l)arKain, which he was quite wilhng to do, as he had ascertained the 
 Value ot the township. 
 opened the first public house by David Waagencr. A son of his, 
 Abraham Waggener of Pcnn Yan, now TG^'ycars of arre, well re- 
 men.bers seeing the Frencii Duke, Liancourf, at his father's inn.* 
 The first framed house in the Genesee country, was built by Enoch 
 and Elijah Malin, as a residence for " Tlio Friend." The house is 
 still standing, and is occupied by Charles J. Townsend. It is a mile 
 north of Dresden, and a half a mile east of S. B. Buckleys. The 
 first school in the Genesee country, was opened by Rachef Malin in 
 a log roo.ri attached to this house. In 1789, a log meetinrr house 
 was built in which "The Friend" preached, and met with her fol- 
 lowers. This house stood a few rods south of the . -sidence of S. 
 B. Buckley. But this is anticipating pioneer events that belong in 
 another connexion. 
 Major Benajah Mollory, well known in all this region durino- the 
 war of 1812, is yet living, in Lockport, Niagara County. He is 
 spoken of in a preceding note as having married the daurrhter of 
 Abraham Dayton. This family connexion, (or then anticipated one,) 
 brought him to the Friend's settlement at an earlv period after it was 
 founded. He was the first merchant there ; and in fact, opened the 
 first store m the Genesee Country, other than those connected with 
 the Indian trade. From him the author has obtained manv remin- 
 iscences, some of which are applicable to the subject in hand He 
 gives the names of principal heads of families who were followers 
 of "The Friend," and located in the settlement during the earliest 
 years:— Abraham Dayton, William Potter, (father of Arnold Pot- 
 ter) Asahel Stone, John Supplee, Richard Smith, David Wagrrener 
 James Parker, Samuel Lawrence, Benj. Brown, Elnathan ant Jon-' 
 athan Botsford, Jessee Brown, Jessee Holmes, Joshua Brown, Barn- 
 abus Brown, Nathaniel Ingraham, Eleazor Ingraham, David Culver 
 David I^ish, Beloved Luther, John Gibbs, Jacob Waggener, Wm 
 feAnfoijI, John Barnes, Elijah Brown, Silas Hunt, Castle Dean, Jon- 
 athan Dean, Benedict Robinson, Thomas Hathaway, Besides the^e 
 there were unmarried men, and men and women who had been 
 separated in adhering to the Friend. The followers were mostly 
 Alh3,. .u A,„oncan supno.- .onsS^o/^nffi:,^'" Sl^H;:;"r ^fh ""[T"f " 

 respectable men of small property ; some of them had enourrh to be 
 called rich m those days. Those whc had considerable property 
 gave her a part, or were at least liberal in supplying her wants 
 Man and wife were not separated ; but they were forbidden to 
 multiply. A few transgressed, but obtained absolution by confes- 
 sing and promising not to disobey again. It ^vas generally a well 
 regulated community, its members mostly lived in harmony, were 
 temperate and industrious. They had two days of re«t in the week 
 Saturday and Sunday. At Uieir meetings the' Friend would gener- 
 ally speak, take a text preach and exhort and give liberty to others 
 to speak. The Friend appeared much devoted to the interests of 
 her followers, and especially attentive to them in sickness. Major 
 Blallory insists that the old story of her promising to '-walk on the 
 water" is wholly false. When Col. Pickering held his treaty with the 
 Indians at Newtown Point, nearly five hundred Senecas encamped 
 at Friends' Landing on Seneca Lake. They were accompanied by 
 Ked Jacket, Cornplanter, and Good Peter, (the Indian preacher,) 
 the Rev. Mr. Kirkland, Horatio Jones and Jasper Parrish. Good 
 Peter wanted an interview with the " Universal Friend." She ap- 
 pointed a meeting-with the Indians and preached to them. Good 
 Peter followed hei-, and the Friend wanted his discourse interpre- 
 ted. Good Peter objected, saying : — " if she is Christ, she knows 
 what I said." This was the meeting upon the bank of Seneca Lake, 
 that gave rise to the report alluded to. 
 The Friend did not join her colony until the spring of 1789. She 
 then came with a reinforcement, a somewhat formidable retinue.* 
 Benedict Robinson, the most considerable property holder amono- 
 her followers, gave her 1000 acres of land, upon which she resided.? 
 \-n3""'"S H^'^^hcT, the Pioneer at the moutli of tlie Genesee l{ivei^;^,nh;;j:;; 
 ^ewtoNvn Point, and helped l,er on ^vith Ian teams ihrou-di the woods to CteriU 
 FWond- r •^"'•^'^r"''r" ^^" accon,pa„ied the expediH,,,!, \ve f 'n^K • Tl ^ 
 Sd iec 3 n ^[T^""^ ""^«"'"n^- "-tKeenuillo hini.of a wonum eo ^roll !; 
 worn rJo'i" '/','?" y""-'' appertan,n,f. to the ounioy. It seemed to liin. a " o S 
 £u iho wil'l ''■' ^"■''' ^'"''^^'^^"'"l hospitality, when his father's fan ilv ea, e 
 Iwr ° ^'l^'«'-"^'^-^.»"<l stopped at her residence, on their way to the tienesoe 
 w!ir'"' """"", '"f ^''''''"■"^ ^^'^f^^™ "f -^f'-- Robinson, written to Messrs W'.dstrortl, 
 J\ Ihanison, an. others, and he is ofte.i to in early ren i dsc ,;; TJ e TS- " 
 i^ r''nd Slth'" 7'' '"' ^r"' W-:-"ThisBenedi:-"Zwnsoii aS' 
 rn ve •' "I M V 1 '"■•",'• '•'^;;"'^'"^"" ;'" ^^^^\^ "f ^'00 acres, ]o(l of which are im- 
 row A|,V, . '^ "f ' '^'■%''"" 'J"' <;""tt'nt.s hnns<.lf with breakinL' it no with a har- 
 ineuu, lieinlened from ks conversation that his confidence iu her divine mi*.k.u 
 Her business would seem to have been conducted by her female 
 witmess, Sarah Richards, who did not arrive at the settlement until 
 June, 1789. Some correspondence of hers, and memorandums, 
 have been preserved : — 
 " Jehusalem, 1st of Gth ino., 17D1. 
 " I arrived with Rachel Miilin, Elijali Malin, E.Mclutable Smitli, Maria, an.l most of 
 the Friend's family, ami the goods which the Friend sent Elijah to assist in briugin" 
 on. We all an'ived on the west side of Seneca Lake, and reached the Friend's house 
 which The Universal Friend had got huilt for our reception ; and with great joy, met 
 The Friend once more in time, and all in walking health, and as well as usual. 
 "In the year '91, settled witli Elijah Malin, being in trust for The Universiil Friend. 
 Attliistime, reckoned and settled with him forbuildiag Tiw; Friend's house, and pjiss- 
 ed receii)ta the 24th of the sixth montli, 1791. SARAH RICHARDS." 
 "Reckoned and settled with Richard Hathaway for goods which the carpenters took 
 up at his store for building The Friend's jLouse in Jerusalem. Settled, I say, tliis 3d 
 of the 7th month, 1791. SARAH RICHARDS." 
 "About theSGth of the 7th month, 1791,1 and Rachel Maliu were taken sick about 
 the time of wheat harvest, and remained sick, aud were not able to go out of the house 
 until the ground was covered with snow ; but entirely confined to our chamber, wliich 
 finished up the year 1791. SARAH RICHARDS." 
 Sarah Richards died in '94 or '5, and was succeeded in all her 
 relations to The Friend, by Rachel Malin. The father of The 
 Friend never became her convert, but her brother, Stephen, and 
 sisters, Mercy, Betsey and Deborah, followed her in her advent to 
 this region. 
 The meetings of this singular sect, were conducted very much 
 was somewhat weakened. The Duke might liave added a circumstance that hid 
 somtnyhat interfered with the relati<.ns of the Friend and one of her most prominent 
 (lisciplfts. He had mtracted one of her rules, by mairving. He was in tliis wav the 
 hrst transgressor among the followei-s. Susmnah lin'.wn had been his liouskeeper 
 1 hos. Hathaw.'jy having laisiness with Benedict eariy one morning, went to his house 
 where he^f.mnd Mr. \Villianison,wh.. told him that Benedict being unwell was vet 
 in bed. Mr. A\ il lanison leading Die way, they botli went up stairs iind found lieno- 
 dictin bed with his liousekeei)er, Susannah; "Good .Lord! Benedict, what does this 
 mean ? was the ejaculatK.n and ii.teiTogation of Thomiis, accomi)anied by an ui iliftiii'r 
 cU lus hands, in token of astonisl.nient and horror, at what he called "shameful, sin- 
 tid. and disgraceful.' Mr. Williamson replied :_"Whv, ISenedict g.,t tired <,fs!eenin.r 
 Mlone, and crept m bed with Su.sannah." Thomas hWtened to inlbrm The Friemf 
 wlio was dnpleased but avoided an open ri'pturo, with onewlioseposltionand influence 
 made liim too valuable to admit of ex-communication. The harsh features of theaifair 
 were so- n s(itfene<l, by Mr. Williamson, who announced that lie was then on his wav 
 trom ( iiandaigua, where he had taken out his commission as a Judge of Ontario county 
 and had legrJly married Benedict and Susannah before tliev had ventured to i.laco 
 llieniselves i,i tlie po.sition in whicli 'I'homas had found them. ' The eccentric mairia<re 
 proved a hnypy one to the parties, whatever it m.ay have been with the offended Jenu- 
 ina. The living descendants in the first di 
 nah, are : — DiCDaniel Robi 
 nson ofFarmiiiijtoii. Out 
 j:ree. ofthe olfending Benedict aiul Susan 
 county fMr.s. Dr. Hatniaker of 
 Mo \ ates county ; Jaines C Robinson, P. M., lenn Van ; and Phoebe, a maide 
 ilauglitei, who residesj at the old homestead. 

 'p I ■ 
 after the manner of the legitimate Society of Friends. The con- 
 gregation would sit in silence until some one would rise and speak. 
 While Tiie Friend lived, ..he would generally lead in the public 
 speakmg, and after her, Rachel Malin. In addition to this, and the 
 usual observance of a period of silence, with each familv, upon sit- 
 tmg down to their meals, " sittings " in each family, upon Sunday 
 evenmgs, was common. The family would observe perfect silence 
 tor an hour or more, and then rise and shake hands. " I remem- 
 ber," says Mr. Buckley, "when I was a boy, many such 'sittings ' 
 at my grand-father's, and I always rejoiced' when they commenced 
 shakmg hands to end the tiresome stillness." 
 _ It has already been observed, that the French Duke, Liancourt, 
 visited The Friend's settlement in 1795. He became much inter- 
 ested in the new sect, made the acciuaintance of The Friend, was 
 a guest, with his travelling companions, at her house, and attended 
 her meetings. For one so generally liberal and candid, he writes 
 of all he saw there in a vein of censure, in some respects, unde- 
 served. She and her followers, were then at variance with their 
 neighbors, and the Duke too readily listened to gossip that im|)lica- 
 ted the private character of this fbunder of a sect, and added them 
 to his (justifiable, perhaps,) denunciations of religious imposture. 
 Her real character was a mixed one : — Her first incentives were 
 the imaginings of a mind highly susceptible of religious enthusiasm 
 and strongly tinctured with the supernatural and spiritual, which' 
 in our own day, has found advocates, and has been systematizctl in- 
 io a creed. The physical energies prostrated by disease, the 
 dreamy mind went out, and, following its inclinations, wandered 
 .'.n celestial spheres, and in a " rapt vision," created an ima^e, some- 
 thing to be 01- to personate. Disease abating, consciousness return- 
 ing, this image had made an impress upon the mind not to be readily 
 effaced. She became an enthusi;-t ; after events, made her an im- 
 postor. All founders of sects, upon new revelations, have not had 
 even so much in the way of induction to mitigate their frauds. A 
 sect that has arisen in our own day, now counting its tens of thou- 
 sands, the founders of a State, have nothing to show as their basis, 
 but a bald and clumsy cheat ; a designed and pre-meditated fraud.' 
 It had no even distempered religious enthusiasm ; no sick man or 
 sick woman's fancy to create a primitive semblance of sincerity or 
 integrity of purpose. The trance or dream of Jemima Wilkinson 
 honestly enough promulgated at first, while the image of its creation 
 absorbed all her thoughts and threw around her a spell that reason 
 cou <1 not dissipate, attracted the attention of the superstitious and 
 credulous, and. perhaps, the designing. The motives of worldly 
 ambition, power, distinction; the desire to rule, came upon her 
 when the paroxism of disease in body and mind had subsided and 
 made her what history must say she was, an impostor and false 
 And yet there were many evidences that motives of benevolence, 
 a kindly spirit, a wif;h to promote the temporal wellfare of her M- 
 lowers, was mixed up with her impositions. Her character was a 
 compound. If she was conscious herself o^ imposition, as we must 
 suppose she was, her perseverence was mc "traordinary Never 
 through her long cr.reer di<l she for one m. aent yield the preten- 
 sions she made upon rising from her sick bed and goin- out upon 
 her mission. With gravity and dignity of demeanor," she would 
 confront cavillers and disbelievers, and parry their assaults upon 
 her motives and pretensions; almost awing them to a surren- 
 der of their doubts and disbelief. Always self-possesserl, no evidence 
 could ever be obtained of any misgivings with her, touching her 
 spiritual claims. Upon one occasion James Wadsworth called to 
 see her. At the close of the interview, she said :— " Thou art a 
 lawyer ; thou hast plead for others ; hast thou ever plead for thvself 
 to the Lord ?" Mr. Wadsworth made a courteous replv, when re- 
 questmg all present to kneel with her, she prayed fervently, after 
 which she rose, shook hands with Mr. Wadsworth, and retired to 
 her apartment. 
 The reader must make some allowances for the strong prejudices 
 of the French Duke, who upon the whole, made but poor returns 
 for the hospitalities he acknowledges. He says: — "She is con- 
 stantly engaged in personating the part she has assumed ; she des- 
 canted in a sanctimonious, mystic tone, on death, and on the happi- 
 ness of having been an instrument to others, in the way of their 
 salvation. She gave us a rhapsody rj prophecies to read, ascribed 
 to Dr. Love, who was beheaded in Crom '.veil's time. Her hypoc- 
 risy may be traced in all her discourses, actions and conduct, and 
 even in the very manner in which she manages her countenance " 
 The Friend's commn.nity. at fi.-,:t flourishing and successful, berran 
 to decline in early years. The seclusion and separation from "the 
 pViBr f . 
 selected ,„o fine « region ,o make a monopolv of i,. The tide o 
 m,s,at,o„ reached, hen,, and before thev ha.fgo, fairly undefvav 
 they were surrounded wilh neighbors who hfdli.UeS "^1 
 Fnend or sympathy with her followers. The relations of "e " 
 borhoo , town and county soon clashed, militia tnusters eam^ln 
 propcitj sold. Ihn Fnend was a Ion? time harr..««J -i-H ■-,-)■■ 
 menls lor blasphemy, but never convicted While'sh,').„ I'T ' 
 »ost of her older followers in the bar, J 'the ^ ef n 1 tl 
 ed of the res tratrts imposed upon thetn, by contrasting the r p "w 
 leges w,th then- d.sbelieving neighbors, would unharnes., tl mselve, 
 Jwo of , lat cmly class of methodist circuit preachers,* that were 
 so tndefattguable ,n threading the wood's Lds of his w tern 
 fores as were the.r Jesuit predecessors a cenluty befor the n 
 found he retreat, and getting a foothold, in a log schod hou "' 
 gra ually drew many o/ the young people to their mfetings Mam' 
 of the sons t^,d daughters of the followers abjured the faith ^ 
 Jemtma died in 1819, or departed, went awa^ as the 
 mtphe,. behevers in her divine ehnraeteJ would have ^'kache 
 Main, her successor in as well as worldly alli.irs dtd 
 about three years stnee. She fcpt up the meetings unti a f^w 
 years prev.ous to herdeath. James Brown, and GeorgeCIa A ■ I o 
 Zt , f' , tr' ""'""r" "'° P'°"^''>- "'a. she iri e^ 
 from The Fnend. The peculiar sect may be said to be eMincT 
 .0. more than tln-ee or four are living who even hold ligbti; o t, ' 
 ongmal a,.h Even the immediate .successors of Jan ma ad 
 Itaehel, he mhentors of the property, and those who ^^1 be 
 conservators ol tlieir memories, if not of their faith ar„ ,r, 
 their teaching. The old homestead, th v rv ' ncttnrvT 
 Universal Friend once with all things appertah n^ to ' -e L " 
 ened by her ngid discipline ; is even desecrated Durin. ,|.° 
 winter the sounds of music .and dancing have c^^^':^^:: 
 once consecrated and venerated walls. nn=For „, ■ ! • 
 sketch of Jemima Wilkinson and Iter follitir, 1,' luf ^''ir 
 manuserii.ts of Thomas Morris, see Appendix No 7 ' 
 'Revs. James Smiilt :ni.lJolm Eruadhcad. 
Tliey had 
 The tide of 
 'under way, 
 faith in The 
 ns of neigh- 
 i came, and 
 i and their 
 v.'itii indie i- 
 ! could kecj) 
 nes remind- 
 : their privi- 
 themselves ; 
 !t Robinson. 
 ,* that were 
 his western 
 efore them, 
 3hool house, 
 igs. Many 
 way, as the 
 it. Rachel 
 ifl'iirs, died 
 wtil a few 
 Clark, who 
 3 inherited 
 36 extinct ; 
 htly to the 
 mima and 
 should be 
 ' forgetful 
 ary of the 
 so chast- 
 ^is present 
 within its 
 from the 
 [Pioneer settlcmoiits will be taken up in tliis connection, by counties, as they now 
 exist. The arrangement will not allow of strict reference to tlie order of time iu 
 which events occuiTed ; but it will be found more convenient for the reader than any 
 other that could be adopted. 
 After Mr. Phelps had concluded the treaty,— before leaving the 
 country he made arrangements for its survey into Ranges and Town- 
 ships. This was done under contract, by Col. -Hugh Maxwell, who 
 completed most of the northern portion of it previous to the close 
 of the year 1788 ; and in the year 1789, with the assistance of 
 Judge Porter, he completed the whole. The survey of townships 
 into farm lots, in cases where whole townships were sold, was done 
 at the expense of the purchasers. Judge Porter, Frederick Saxton, 
 Jenkins, were among the earliest surveyors of the subdivis- 
 Mr. Phelps having selected the foot of Canandaigua Lake, as a 
 central locality in the purchase, and as combining all the advanta- 
 ges which has since made it pre-eminent, even among the beautiful 
 villages of western New York, erected a building for a store house 
 on the bank of the Lake. The next movement was to make some 
 primitive roads, to get to and from the site that had been selected. 
 Men were employed at Geneva, who underbrushed and continued 
 a sleigh ruad, from where it had been previously made on Flint creek, 
 to the foot of Canandaigua Lake, following pretty much the old 

 1. ■» ,j ! 
 whtrMt'ohJ'"*''"?''™^' ""•"="" ""'■ "--•■"'» near 
 gua outle . No one wintered at Canandaigua in 1788 '9 Earlv 
 m the spnng of nso, before .he snow was ofl' JZund Wh 
 Sm„h moved his family n-on, Geneva, and oecupi-d the „' store 
 house thus making hin.self "he first settler wes of Sene a L ke 
 Soon after h,s arrival he huilt a block hottse upon Main s re" up n 
 fl s tstoek o hquors was obtained from Niagara, U. C. He wen 
 re „ 1™/"|" "^r """"^ °' ""'"'^'^ "-"• i" •■' canoe ■ 
 S Sr I ' ;f' --/™"d«cd in a gale, a. ,he mou.i, of the 
 Uak Orcha d creek; but he saved n.ost of his stock, and carried it 
 to Cananda,gua on pack horses. This primitive tavern a, dihe 
 ude store house on the Lake, furnished a temporary JtSpl" place 
 for those who arrived in the spring and st,mn,er of 1780 ° ^ 
 Early in May 17811, Gen. Israel Chanin arrived at rni,n„ l • 
 and selected it as his residence, erecting'a 1^ Lt^e La iT X ! 
 -connected with him, and with surveys and land sales la, ,«; 
 contemplated. v.»re some eight or ten others, who can . ^ ^ 
 ho ,.1, ^i'™"''^' "■"'''■■ ''™" '■"°'h<' '"l^. <hou..h this w^ 
 Gen. chapin . -^^^^.:^2:Lt:^:^^£:2:'s::^ 
 Ph Ir.' Tr r™' ''•■""• ^°™ "•■"''■ M'-. Walker, a, t mrf 
 residence. Others came during the summer, who will be nimed in 
 another connection, and before the sittin. in of win e tho 7 
 pretty good beginning of a new settlement Ju;^^^^^^^^^ 
 a brother of Capt. Horatio Jones, -who still surviveft^ leXr 
 Canamlaif,nia was but a W on,, ti I ^ "''"'"','" "'«""- tin.,,.. His stay at 
 At the M,;^Ti,s imit at Oj, .sir ; hi ""''■" ''"'" ^''i'l'l^'.Ywl »« "n Indian iiitor eter 
 OMlc's of land o ,. W c^^^^^^^^^^^^ l'.'"""^ f;>'^ '" 'i''i ■•"ul Horatio .J,„u,ssix ^^ ,"': 
 Leirc.stcT. A .la,,,-?! t",^;,,' ','^..''"'*\'^'''^ <..'.'asio,H..l hy an acci.l...t at a l)all ,,], .' 
 D)Mix.BelJ, late CmialCuma^i;;;:^? """"' ''''^'"' "^ ^"^" ^^"'^ ^'^^ ^, 
 > made near 
 e Canandai- 
 , '9. Early 
 und, Joseph 
 "le log store 
 3neca Lake, 
 street, upon 
 ivern. His 
 He went 
 loe ; on his 
 outh of the 
 d carried it 
 ni, and the 
 pping place 
 the outlet ; 
 ! that were 
 it the same 
 1 this was 
 the out-let 
 !rs, besides 
 agent of 
 3ned a log 
 2d for his 
 named in 
 -re was a 
 H. Jones, 
 diiniii-- tJio 
 flis Slay at 
 ivcr I'liclps 
 ''• Hi' wiia 
 ni(if8('(l t'ur 
 ( tin. Jiidi- 
 ■vUh uwnt. 
 I' J'l'tv. ill 
 with great distinctness, early events, was one of the party who 
 opened the road from Geneva to Canandaigua, and from Canandai- 
 gua to the landing place on the outlet, in 1788, revisited the locality 
 again in August, in 1709. He says : -- " There was a great change. 
 When we left in the fall of '88 there was not a solitary person 
 there ; when I returned fourteen months afterwards the place was 
 lull of people ;— residents, surveyors, explorers, adventurers ; houses 
 were going up ; it was a busy, thriving place." 
 Mrs. Hannah Sanborn, is now the oldest surviving resident of 
 the village ; and with few exceptions, the oldest upon Phelps and 
 Gorham's purchase. She is now in her 88th year, exhibiting but 
 little of the usual infirmities of that advanced age, with faculties, 
 especially that of memory of early events, but slightly impaired, 
 The author found her in high spirits, even gay and humorous, en- 
 joying the hearty laugh of middle age, when her memory called up 
 some mirthful reminiscence. Upon her table were some of the 
 latest publications, and she alluded in conversation to Headly's fine 
 descriptions in his " Sacred Mountains," as if she had enjoyed them 
 with all the zest of her younger days. She had just finished a letter 
 in a foir hand, shewing but little of the tremor of age, which was to 
 be addressed to a great grand daughter. To her, is the author 
 largely indebted for reminiscences of early Tioneer events at Can- 
 Early in the spring of 1790, Mr. Sanborn came with his wife and 
 two young children to Schenectady, where he joined Judah Colt, 
 and the two chartered a boat, with which they came to the head 
 of navigation on the Canandaigua outlet.* Mr. Sanborn moved 
 IsoTH.— >,atlianu-l Saiiboni, llio luisbnml of Mre. Sajiboni, died in 1814. There i- 
 wareoly a pioneer .scM lev m tlio Ciunesee counli'v, tliat did not know tlie earh' landlord 
 and landlady. -Ir* S. was Ihe da.i-hler of Jann-, Gonld, of Lvni.. Conn., 'i- ihc aunt 
 ol Ji'.nies Gould ol Albany. Her son John and William ro.side in lliiiiois. Her el.lest 
 .lautriiter — tlic lirst born m Canandaijrua.— now over (iO years of a;,'e, is tlie wife of 
 )r. Jacol)sol Canandai,i.-ua; another (laui;hter is the wife of Henrv Fellow.s Ivsq. of 
 lenlield; another, is Jlrs. Jh'astus Granger of Hulfalo ; and a foiirth i.s a maiden 
 daughter, residing willi her iiKitlier. 
 * Mrs. S.srivcR a c;raphic account of this journev. The last the j larty slept 
 lu atti.'r leaving .^eheneetady unlil tliey arrived at the cubhi on llie Canaiu.aiguu out- 
 let, was the then one lo^; house in Utioa. It was crowch'd with boatmen from Nia^'- 
 ara. Mrs. S. spread lier bed ujion the iloor for herself, lui.sbaiul and ehihhvn, and the 
 weaned boatmen liegged tlie inlvilege of hiving their heads up,)n its Imrders. The 
 Iloor was covered. Alter tliat they camped wlierever iiii,dit overtook them. On tlie 
 0.swego lliver they took po, of a deserteil camj., antl just as they had got their 
 Hupper jirepiired two sfotit IiuUans came who claimetl the camp aud threatened a sum- 
 H 'i 
 intchB loghut ,ha, ho hnd built in the R„bi„.on „e!ghborl,oo,l, where 
 some Mrs S chose to go u-here she could have more than one 
 mtt' s::^Z/f' ,™'-- . Tl.ey removed to Canan. „„ 
 on h-nl; r\ *"= '°"."'' 'here .n May, 1790, Joseph Smith, hvtv- 
 on ba„K of Lake, Darnel Brainard in a hltle log hou e near the pre 3 
 en, oen,e.ry. Cap, Martin Dndley, in ,(,e hons^ built b^M VV t- 
 er James D. a log house down near the Lake; Gen. Cha, in 
 wo had been on the fall before had built a small framed house'f" 
 h.s famdy, a few rods below Bemis' Bookstore. Mr. Sanborn 
 moved ,n o „ untd a small framed house was erected on the Atwa r 
 ^ZL f ^^'^7'"= the occupant, opening a tavern, which 
 ^v.lh ho excep,ionof wha, Joseph Smith ha<l done in the way of 
 enter atnment, was the first ,avern west of Seneca Lake, and 
 was the only one for four years. It was the home of the votm. 
 men who came to Canandaigua for sClemen. ; of advenmre ° 
 emigrants, who would stop a, Canandaigua with their families a fe^ 
 daj^ ,0 prepare for pushing here and there into the wilderness • 
 land surveyors and explorers ; Judges of the early courts andlaw 
 yers; ,he ndianUiefs Red .f.acke,, Bran., Farmer's Br^eTc rn-' 
 planter who were called ,o Ca„,„daigua often in e.arly years "o 
 ransact business with Gen. Chapin, ,he Superi„,e„den^/i„ short 
 the prm„„ve ,avern that now would be ieemed of i^ade ua e 
 .nenstons or an m„ at some four corners in the country, had W 
 m nen.t their'T""'"",' """' "' *"' ''"''^ 1^=™'" ■ ""^ »f --V 
 eminent m their day, and even now blended with all the earlv his- 
 tory of he Genesee Country. Mrs. Sanborn enumerates amonc- 
 her early guests, many of them as boarders: -Oliver vZJ 
 Charles Williamson, Aaron Burr, Thomas Morris, Rev. Mr S' 
 nd, Augustus and Peter B. Porter, James and Wilham Wadswo h 
 the early Judges of the Supreme court of this State. Bishop CT ' 
 Joseph and Benj. Ellicct. Philip Church, Louis Le C,™teC 
 Chailes and Dugald Cameron, Vincent Matthew. Kathane W 
 Howell, John Greig, Horatio and John H. Jones llobert T o ,„' 
 Jeremiah Mason, Philetu. and John Swift, ^n IIow ' t^yTe ' 
 Lh»^_Cc^t^man Bogert, Samuel Ilaight, Timothy Hosmer,' 
 iiood, where 
 ig and lone- 
 re than one 
 mith, Iivir»'jr 
 ar the pres- 
 lAIr. Walk- 
 en. Chapin 
 d house for 
 •. Sanborn 
 'le Atwater 
 ern, which 
 le way ol" 
 Lake, and 
 the vounfr 
 lilies a few 
 i'ilderncss ; 
 I, and law- 
 her, Corn- 
 years to 
 ; in short 
 y, had for 
 I of many 
 3arly his- 
 !S amonrr 
 I' Phelps, 
 ^fr. Kirk- 
 )p Chase, 
 aniel W. 
 '■ Troup, 
 S. says it 
 Arnold Potter, Benedict Robinson, J<?niima Wilkinson, Samuel B. 
 Ogden, John Puller, Samuel Street, ana Timothy Pickering. Few 
 of all of them are now living, and yet the busy stirring landlady, of 
 whom they were guests, most of them in their early \ nrs, lives to 
 i-emember them and speak tamiliarly of their advents to this 
 Mrs. Sanborn well remembers the Pickering treaty of '94. As 
 it was known that Col. Pickering, the agent, would come prepared 
 to give them a grand feast, and distribute among them a large 
 amount of money and clothing, the attendance was very general. 
 For weeks before the treaty, they were arriving in squads from all 
 of their villages and constructing their camps in the woods, upon 
 the Lake shore, and around the court house square. The little 
 village of whites, was invested, over run witli the wild natives. 
 It seemed as if they had deserted all their villagr>s ana transferred 
 even their old men, women, a? 1 children, to the feast, the carousal, 
 and the place of gifts. The night scenes were wild and picturesque ; 
 their camp fires lighting up the forest, and their whoops and yells 
 creating a sensation of novelty, not unmingled with fear, with the 
 far inferior in numbers who composed the citizens of the pioneer 
 village, and the sojourners of their own race. At first, all was peace 
 and quiet, and the treaty was in progress, beeves had been slaughter- 
 ed sufficient to supply them all with meat, and liquor had been care- 
 fully excluded ; but an avaricious liquor dealer, secretly dealt out 
 to them the means of intoxication, and the council was interrupted, 
 and many of the Indians became troublesome and riotous. Gen. 
 Chapin however suppressed the liquor shop, harmony was restored, 
 and the treaty concluded and the gifts dispensed. A general ca- 
 rousal followed, but no outrages were committed. They lingered 
 for weeks after the council, dis[)laying their new broadcloths and 
 blankets, silver bands and broaches.* 
 Samuel Gardner was the first merchant in Canandaigua ; he 
 married a sister of \Ym Aiitis ; hi^i store was in a log building. 
 Thaddeus Chapin was the next. 
 * Jutlgt! Porter was then in C;uii:i>(li»ic!iia iutiiii; as the a!,'oiit ol' riiclps ami GurliMin, 
 ij-.Uie iiainu of liis j)rin('i|)als, lie Juul lo niakiMlu'ni ])r("'er.isol' provisions and wliiskcy 
 wiicn they came to Canamhiiii-iia, and tliat was pretty often. Uiithe oeoasion alhide'd 
 to \\v denied an Indian wliiskey, tt'llinfj,' liini it was all ''one. "No, no," replied tlio 
 Indian, " Genesee FulLs never dry." 'this was a shrewd allnsion to the j^nft to rhol]i8 
 and Gorbam of the enormous " Mill Lot," -s^hieli embraced the Ueuoriee FuHs. 
 During the 
 age,,,, who h JZll'!!?' ""T r"":- '"^ '"""" °^ "- 
 I'liys ciaii was T Dr A.u ^' '" '^anandaigiu. Ihe nearest 
 been left hy a travel e. A, w ? , " "'"=" " '''"^'' "'»' '''"I 
 Se, ;:!,tr^^el.r"'se''"=""'"°'■«""'^^'■""'■"«^"^--■ 
 M,■. Sanborn Ie,l the ZT^ ^""'°"' ''"" '«'"' l"-^ •'«'>" Call ; 
 f.-o.n eight, to „„ hnn,,red taa /e S and tl Wh™ r"", h'"' 
 ormeart. » 'M fru,ts — whortleberries, blackbrnle^ v:;i,i „l 
 crab.ap,,,e.,, cranberric-.,, .,„-awberries, ,-a pber e I we^ S "^ ■'' 
 .e,,. sea™, and furnished a prett/g J;;b:?i;,,eX\ ,U ^.^t^" 
 "near ct" , T '""" ™ C-anda.gua Lake, a, the Old Gas- ' 
 saucei, Dy Ails, feanborn, m 1794 •it n tpi nnvt,- i , 
 ■nuel, talked of; i, ,„arked an e,-a ' ' ^' '■""'' "'"' " """S 
 Ebenczer Allan is well ,.e,„e,nbered a. Cananrtaigna, as he is in 
 all tile I'joneer sett emonf? l\r,.o c i , " 
 ...est on his way ^Z^J'^T - " "' ''' ''°"'= ""' 
 I- two half-blood daaghte s ehoo ' i! .r,'" ''''''' '" f'"- 
 -Iwas^t that period what .be'tene": ':tJr^T:£^^ 
iier of the 
 nton, died, 
 le nearest 
 ■s destitute 
 it that ha(! 
 heiiig an 
 first rch\i^- 
 ssee Coun- 
 ling Judge 
 ohn CalJ ; 
 ere being 
 lith,* wlio 
 next was 
 plentj^ of 
 sh. The 
 ■ere easi- 
 ■ould kill 
 lien they 
 for Hour 
 i plums, 
 lenty in 
 31d Cas- " 
 J supply 
 'egan to 
 irst dish 
 ;i a tea- 
 a thing 
 e is in 
 ing her 
 ) plact.! 
 lied a 
 " Shin-ne-wa-na," ( a gentleman ; ) but stories of his barbarity in 
 the Border Wars, were then so rife, that he was treated with 
 but httle respect. Sally,* the Senecu mother, with all a mother's 
 fondness, came as far as Canandaigua to bid her daugiiters good 
 In July, 1790, the heads of families in T. 10, R. 3, (Canandai- 
 gua) were as follows : — Nathaniel Gorham, jr., Nathaniel Sanborn; 
 John Fellows, James D. Fish, Joseph Smith, Israel Chapin, John 
 Clark, Martin Dudley, Thineas Bates, Caleb Walker, Judah Colt, 
 Abner Barlow, Daniel Brainard, Seth Ilolcomb, James Brockle- 
 bank, Lemuel Castle, Benjamin Wells, John Freeman. Before the 
 close of 1790, there was a considerable accession to the popula- 
 The first town meeting of the town of Canandaigua, was held in 
 April, 1791. It was "opened and superintended by Israel Chapin," 
 who was chosen Supervisor; and James D. Fish was chosen Town 
 Clerk. The other town officers were as follows : — John Call, Enos 
 Boughton, Seth Reed, Nathan Comstock, James Austin, Arnold Pot- 
 ter, Nathaniel Potter, Israel Chapin, John Codding, James Latta, 
 Joshua Whitney, John Swift, Daniel Gates, Gamaliel Wilder, Isaac 
 Hathaway, Phineas Bates, John Codding, Nathaniel Sanborn, Jared 
 Boughton, Phineas Bates, Othniel Taylor, Joseph Smith, Benjamin 
 Wells, Hezekiah Boughton, Eber Norton, William Gooding, John 
 D. Robinson, Jabez French, Abner Barlow. 
 "Voted. That swine, two months old and upwards, going at large, 
 shall have good and sufficient yokes." 
 " Voted, That for every full-grown wolf killed in the town, a 
 bounty of thirty shillings shall be paid." 
 The reader, with names and locations that have occurred and 
 will occur, will observe that these primitive town officers were 
 spread over most of all the eastern portion of Phelps and Gorham's 
 Purchase. It was the first occasion to bring the Pioneers together. 
 Mutual acquaintances were made ; friendship, good feeling, tiiliari- 
 ty, athletic games, (says Mrs. Sanborn,) were the order of^he day. 
 1 of the 
 vc'i', not 
 Note. -When the Scneca.s ut tlie Morris treaty, deeded four square miles at Mount 
 Moms, to Allan, m trust for C hloe and Sally Allan, one conditio,, if the trust wa^ t^a 
 he slH.M a have them tau-:ht "rendrng and siting, sewing, and other useful art.; ac- 
 cordui!,' to the custom of while people." ^a^^-^.^i. 
 In April, 1792, the town meeting was "opened and inspected by 
 Israel Chapin and Moses Atwater, Esqs." Most of the officers 
 were re-elected. Eighty pounds were raised to defray the expen- 
 ses of the town. In this year i!:r, record of a road' was made, 
 which ran Irom " Joseph Kilbourn's house to the shore of the Lake •" 
 and another, from "Sw.;fs ashory to west line of No. 13, R. 2 
 near Webb Harwood's ;" another, •' from Swift's to Canandaigua ;" 
 and others, leading "from the square in Canandaigua," in different 
 Town meeting, 1793, it was voted that fence viewers "examine 
 the size and dimensions of hog yokes ;" tiie wolf bounty was raised 
 to %5. In this year, twelve scalps were produced; among the 
 narnea of those who claimed bounty, were : - Thaddeus Chapin, 
 William Markham, Benjamin Keys, Gamaliel Wilder, Daniel Cha- 
 pin, Israel Reed. Roads from "Canandaigua to John Coddings •" 
 "from Nathan Comstock's to Webb Harwood's;" "from old pre- 
 emption line to Canandaigua Mills;" "from Mud Creek Hollow to 
 Capt. Peter Pitts' ;" and many others, were surveyed this year. 
 The early road surveyors were: — Gideon Pitts, Jairus Rose, 
 Jonathan Edwards, Jabez French. 
 By the tovva records of 1791, it would seem that Annanias M 
 Miller had a mill in operation on Mud Creek. Roads were recorded 
 tins year, "from Canandaigua to Jerusalem;" "from Jerusalem to 
 Gerundegut." This year, Othniel Taylor presented six wolf scalps. 
 Gen. Israel Chapin was Supervisor till 1795, when he was suc- 
 ceeded by Abner Barlow. There is recorded this year, the sale of 
 several slaves, the property of the citizens of Canandaigua. 
 Although the county of Ontario, embracing all of the Genesee 
 country, was set off from Montgomery, during the session of the 
 legislature in 1789, '90, no organization of the courts was had until 
 1793. In June of that year, a court of Oyer and Terminer was 
 held at "Patterson's Tavern in Geneva." The presiding judge 
 was John Stop Hobart, one of the three Supreme Court judges ap. 
 pointed after the organization of the Judiciary in 1777. A grand 
 jury was called and charged, but no indictments preferred. The 
 first court of Common Pleas and General Sessions, was held at the 
 house of Nathaniel Sanborn in Canandaigua, in November, I794 
 The presiding judges were, Timothy Hosmer and Charles William- 
 son, associated with whom, as assistant justice, was Enos Bough- 
 :, f 
 pec ted by 
 le officers 
 he txpen- 
 ^as made, 
 le Lake ;" 
 12, R. 2, 
 idaigua ;" 
 ras raised 
 Tiong the 
 3 Chapin, 
 niel Cha- 
 addings ;" 
 old pre- 
 lollow to 
 !his year, 
 us Rose, 
 anias M. 
 isalem to 
 If scalps, 
 ivas suc- 
 e sale of 
 1 of the 
 lad until 
 ner was 
 g judge 
 dges ap- 
 A grand 
 i. The 
 d at the 
 r, 1794. 
 ton. Attornies, Thomas Morris, John Wickham, James Wads- 
 . worth, Vincent Matthews. There was a number of suits upon the 
 calendar, but no jury trial. The organization of the court would 
 seem have been the principal business. There was, however, a grand 
 jury, and one indictment was found. 
 The next session of the court was in June, 1795. James Parker 
 was an associate justice. Peter B. Porter and Nathaniel W. Howell, 
 being attornies of the Supreme Court, were admitted to practice in 
 the courts of Ontario county. Stephen Ross and Thomas Mum- 
 f:-rd were also admitted. At this court, the first jury trial was had 
 west of the county of Herkimer. It was the trial of the indict- 
 ment that had been preferred at the previous session, for stealing a 
 cow bell. John Wickham, as County Clerk, was ex-officio District 
 Attorney, but the management of the prosecution devolved upon 
 Nathaniel W. Howell. Peter B. Porter and Vincent Matthews 
 managed the defence. 
 In November, 1795, Moses Atwater was added to the bench. It 
 was ordered that " Nathan Whitney be appointed the guardian of 
 Parkhurst Whitney, an infant at the age of eleven years." David 
 Saltonstall, Herman Bogert, David Jones, Ambrose Hall, Peter 
 Masterton, John Nelson, Major Bostwick, George D. Cooper, H. 
 K. Van Rensselaer, were admitted as attornies, [most of them non- 
 From Book of "Miscellaneous Records," 1797: — Peter B. Por- 
 ter as county clerk, records the medical diplomas of Daniel Good- 
 win, Ralph Wilcox, Jeremiah Atwater, Moses Atwater, Augustus 
 Williams and Joel Prescott. 1799— Chiefs of Seneca Nation ac- 
 knowledged the receipt of $8,000 from Gen. Chapin, as a dividend 
 upon the sum of $100,000, which the United States government had 
 received of Robert Morris, as purchase money for the Holland Pur- 
 chase and Morris Reserve, and invested in the stock of the United 
 States Bank. The medical diplomas of Drs. John Ray, Samuel 
 Dungan, David Fairchild, Arnold Willis, are recorded. Peter B. 
 Porter appoints Thomas Cloudesly, deputy clerk. Theophilus Caze- 
 nove and Paul Busti appoint Joseph Ellicott and James Wadsworth, 
 their lawful attornies. 1800— Robert Troup as general agent for 
 Sir William Pultney, appoints Robert Scott local agent. De Witt 
 Clinton executes a mortgage to Oliver Phelps, on .in " undivided 
 fourth part of 100,000 acres [ying west of the Genesee River." 1801, 
Ill.t i 
 i I, 
 Peter B. Porter as clerk, makes Aurrustus Porter his deputy. 1803— 
 Benj. Barton and Polydore B. Wisner are made appraisers of dam- 
 ages incurred by tlie construction of the Seneca Turnpike. 1801— 
 Sylvester Tiffany as county clerk appoints Dudley Saltonstall his 
 deputy. Thomas Morris appoints John Greii,' his lawful attorney. 
 Harry Ilickox files certificate of license to practice medicine. 180(5 — 
 John Hornby of the county of Middlesex, Kingdom of G. B. ap- 
 points John Greig his lawful attorney. T. Spencer Colman is ap- 
 pointed deputy clerk. Phineas P. Bates is succeeded as Sheriff 
 by James K. Guernsey. 1807— Oliver Phelps appoints Virtue 
 Bronson his lawful attorney. 1808— Stephen Bates as Sheriff ap- 
 points Nathaniel Allen deputy. James B. Mower succeeded Syl- 
 vester Tiffany as clerk. 1810— Myron Holley is county clerk. 
 Canandaigua Library organized. 1811— James B. Mower as clerk 
 appoints Daniel D. Barnard his deputy. 
 In all the earliest years," the Cayuga, Oneida, Onondaga and 
 Seneca Indians received their annuities at Canandaigua, which 
 made it the place of annual gatherings of those nations, and the 
 centre of the Indian trade. 
 Although not entitled to it from population, in 1791, by a special 
 act, Ontario was entitled to be represented in the Assembly. This 
 was not known in the new settlements of Canandaigua, Geneva, 
 and their neighborhoods, but in a small settlement that had com- 
 menced on the Canisteo in what is now Steuben Co., they were in 
 possession of the secret. Col. Eleazor Lindley, under whose auspi- 
 cies the settlement was made, collected together a few back woods- 
 men, held an election, got a few votes for himself, carried them to 
 New York and was admitted a member of the Legislature. The 
 whole proceeding was irregular, but there was no one to contest 
 the seat, and the Legislature did not wish to deprive the backwoods 
 of a representative. General Israel Chapin was its representative 
 in 1792. 
 In a letter to Sir Wm. Pultney, in 1791, Robert Morris had de- 
 clared his intention of settling his son Thomas in the Genesee coun- 
 try, as an evidence of his faith in its value and prospects. He 
 states that Thomas was then reading law with Richard Harrison 
 Esq. by whom he was deemed a " worthy young man." In August 
 1791, Thomas Morris v.ith some companions, passed through the 
 country, visited Niagara Falls, and on his return, made a conb^dera- 
 ble stay at Canandaigua.* He returned and became a resident of 
 Canandaigua, marrying a daughter of Elias Kane, of Albany. His 
 father having become the purch ser of ihe pre-emption right of 
 what was afterwards the Ho 'and ?■ r-haso and Morris' Re^'serve, 
 it was probably intended that h • shou: 1 be the local agent. That 
 interest however being parted x ', , H hnd much to do with closing 
 up his Cither's affairs in this region, ,,,.u in all the preliminary meas"^ 
 ures adopted by the Holland Corr,,.M,y, in reference to their pur- 
 chase. His father having in .is sale to the Holland Company, 
 guarantied the extinguishment of the Indian title, he acted in all 
 that aHair as his agent. He was the first representative in Concrress 
 from all the region west of Seneca Lake; and as a 
 proprietor, and agent, was intimately blended with all the local 
 history of this region. Becoming through his father, an early pro- 
 prietor of the Allan tract at Mount Morri;^, that locality derives its 
 name from him. He was the intimate friend of Mr. Williamson ; 
 and in fact, enjoyed the confidence and esteem of all the early 
 Pioneers. Like others of that early period, he over-traded in lands, 
 shared in his father's reverses, and as early as 1803 or '4, retired to 
 the city of New York, where he practiced law, until his death, in 
 1848. The author knows nothing of his family, save the fact, that Mr. 
 Morris an Engineer upon the southern rail road, and Lieut. Morris 
 of the Navy are his sons. 
 *; Major Hoops, who was tlicn survoj-inrr for the father, Robert Morris in Stonhnn 
 wntestoh„„.S.,,t 1791 :_;< Your «on Thomas is an exceUont wV.Xla . He <^t^ 
 lo.s abou a ni.k. troni Canaudaigi.a, nigl,t came ou ; lie n.ade his way thnm ' h .v^„ 
 a,.<l over h.lls, and at en.^th espie.l a solitary light at a distance. 'Enter m'th't 
 froni whence It proceeded, he asked for lodging, but he appeared in such a questio 
 able Shane that it was denied. Upon being tohl who lie was, the <,ccn,,/ut n ado 
 amends lor his inciv.hty by turning half a dozen boys and girls n t of th eiri^^d n to 
 lu9 own 1 on, turned m, slept till morning among ilees and bed bugs, ^e. ?c tJ^eu 
 rose and tnidged on six miles, to Canandaigua, arriving before sun ris?" ' ' 
 And another case ol a benighted traveUer. of greater note perhaps, but of far less 
 rea nient, had happened years before settlemen't coniniencej :_ j^^.hn Jacob AsS 
 with a pack ot Indian goods upon his back, wandere<l from the Indian trail got l5 
 111 the low gnmnds at the footof SenecaLake, in an inclement night, wa iZed an 
 he howl and he rust ingof wild beasts, until almost morning, whenhe was U ti " 
 uild waSi. "" '" '"^'"' """■ '^'" "^^' "''''^'' '"^"^^ *"""^^"'° it' obtained shelter 
 Note- Mr Morris, in his manuscripts which were prepared in 1841, savs •-" The 
 excursion that has been spoken of was undertaken ty ne. partly from^a desire to 
 witness an In.han treaty, and see the Falls of Niagara; am partly wh a S to 
 see a country in w Inch iny father, at tliat time had To ex ensivJan interest and with 
 the detc.rm,nation o settle n it if I liked it. I was pleased with it, ancr,nkdc p n y 
 >nind to settl.. ..f Oiuandai^irua. .-m soon as T .houkl iiave attained he age o of a 5 
 myadmisswu to the bar. Accordingly, in the early part of Murcli, 1792, I left New 
 John Fellows, who is named among the residents in Canandai- 
 gua in lye ,, was in the Massachusetts line during the Revolution, 
 with the rank of Brig. General. He was a resident of Sheffield! 
 Mass., was sheriff of Berkshire county, and its representative in 
 the State legislature. He was one of the associates of Bacon and 
 Ada as, in the purchase of East Bloomfield; drawing his share — 
 3,000 acres, — on Mud creek, he erected a saw mill there in 1790, 
 in company with the late Augustus Porter. Besides this tract, he 
 had lands m Canandaigua and Honeoye. He never became a per- 
 manent resident of the country — got discouraged, or rather looked 
 upon the dark side of things; said there was no use of having 
 good wheat lands, if they never were to have any market. He re- 
 sold the 3,000 acres on Mud creed ibr 18d. per acre. He died in his 
 native town, Sheffield, in 1808. He was the father of Henry Fel- 
 lows, Esq. of Penfield, and of Mrs. Daniel Penfield. 
 James D. Fish, was first town clerk ; his wife's death was the 
 second one in Canandaigua ; and he died in early years. 
 John Clark came with Mr. Phelps to the treaty. His trade be- 
 ing that of a tanner and currier, he manufactured the first leather 
 mthe Genesee country. This was from the hides of the cattle 
 driven on to furnish beef for the Indians at the treaty. His vats 
 were made by sawing off sections of hollow trees. From this 
 small beginning, his business was extended, and in early years his 
 ' snoe and leather establishment was well known throughout a wide 
 region. His wife was the daughter of the early pioneer, Lemuel 
 Castle. Mr. Olarke died in 1813, and Mrs. Clark in 1842 Thev 
 Luther Cole came into the country with Gen. Israel Chapin 
 He was the first to carry the mail from Whitesboro to Canandai^rua ' 
 on horseback when the roads would allow of it, and often on foot * 
 In winters he would travel with a sleigh, buy goods in Whitesboro 
 that handsome town. wW the e .itl^ n mv hon,! 1 '"^'''^■'' "'"' '^^^■" "> 
 g^iSe w£ '""" ""* ^' Whitesboro." The Louse is n^ S^^alS^ 
 * See Post Office Canandaigua, Appendix, No. 8. 
 and sell them in Canandaigua. From this small beginning he be- 
 came an early and prominent merchant. His wife was a niece of 
 Mrs. Phineas Bates. He died many years since. His sons, Henry 
 and James, emigrated to Detroit ; James will be remembered as 
 an early and highly gifted poet. 
 Dr. Hart was another early physician, and died in early years. 
 He married the widow of Hezekiah Boughton, a brother of Jared 
 and Enos Boughton, and father of Claudius V. and George H. 
 William Antiss emigrated from Pennsylvania, and established 
 himself in Canandaigua as a gun smith, at an early period. He 
 was employed by Gen. Chapin to make and repair rifles for the In- 
 dians, and the white hunters and sportsmen, over a wide region, 
 were for a long pc-iod, the customers of his establishment. He 
 died in early years, and was succeeded by his son William Antip ■ 
 2d, who continued in the business until his death in 1843. The 
 sons of Wm. Antiss 2d, are William Antiss of Canandaigua, Robert 
 Antiris, who is the successor of his father and grand-father in busi- 
 ness. Mrs. Byron Hays and Mrs. Wm. Reed of Canandaigua, are 
 daughters of Wm. Antiss 2d. 
 In his rambles in June, 1795, the Duke, Liancourt, went from 
 Bath to Canandaigua. He staid all night at " Capt. Metcalf 's," and 
 mentions the fact that a few years before the Capt. had bought his 
 land for is. per acre, and sold a part of it for $3 per acre. He 
 says the settlement was " called Watkinstown, from several families 
 of that name who possess the greatest property here."* ''Capt. 
 Metcalf besides his lands and Inn, possesses a saw mill, where 4500 
 feet of boards are cut daily. These boards he sends on the lake to 
 Canandaigua, where they are sold for 10s. per 100 feet." " There 
 is a school master at Watkinstown, with a salary of twelve dollars 
 per month." Speaking of Canandaigua he says : — " The houses, 
 although built of wood, are much better than any of that descrip- 
 tion I have hitherto seen. They consist mostly of joiner's work, 
 and are prettily painted. In front of some of them are small courts, 
 surrounded with neat railings. There are two Inns in the town, 
 and several shops, where commodities are sold, and shoes and other 
 * The Duke was in Naples. rhelp.s and Gorhain aol.l the township to " Watkins 
 Harriss & Co." ^ viuuo, 
 articles made. The price of land here is three dollars per acre 
 without the town, and fifteen dollars within. Speakinir of a visit to 
 "Mr. Chipping," * (Chapin) he says he found him surrounded by a 
 dozen Seneca Indians, (among whom was Red Jacket,) who had 
 come to partake of his whiskey and meat." The Duke was evi- 
 dently in bad humor at Canandaigua. His friend Blacons had 
 selected the "second Inn, which was far inferior to the first," and 
 he says their dissatisfaction was greatly increased, when they were 
 " shewn into a corn loft to sleep, being four of us, in company with 
 ten or twelve other men," and after he had got to sleep, he says he 
 was disturbed by a recruit of lodgers, an old'man and a handsome 
 young woman, who I believe was his daughter." At the idea of a 
 young woman occupying the same room, with twelve or fifteen of 
 the other sex, bethinks his European readers "will scofi; or laugh," 
 but he thinks it showed in " an .ulvantageous light, the laudable 
 simplicity and innocence of American manners." 
 riiineas Bates was a native of Durham, Conn. He came to the 
 Genesee country in early summer in 1789, with the early Pioneer, 
 Gamaliel Wilder, and remained with him until the fall of the year! 
 making the commencement at Wilder's Point, in Bristol. He re- 
 turned to Connecticut in the fall, making the journey on foot. 
 Early in the spring of 1790, accompanied by his eldest son, 
 Stei)hen, his son-in-law, Orange Brace, and several others, he return- 
 ed, starting with a yoke of oxen and sled, the party bringing with 
 them a year's provision, and some household goods. Arriving at 
 Schenectady, they put every thing they could not conveniently 
 carry in their knapsacks, on board of abatteaux, left their sled, un- 
 yoked their oxen, travelled up the Mohawk, and struck otY into 
 the wilderness, preceding the Wadsworths a few weeks. At Onon- 
 daga, Mr. Bates bought half a bushel of potatoes, slung them across 
 the neck of one of his oxen, brought them ' > Canandaigua, and 
 planted them upon some village lots he j ...chased. During the 
 summer, he cleared ten acres, and sowed it to wheat. 
 Returning to Connecticut late in the fall, in company with Amos 
 Hall, Sweet, Samuel Knapp; soon r.fter the party left, they 
 encountered a severe snow storm, the snow falling to such a depth 
 ' Tlic tr.-iiislatnr of tlio Duko'.s "Trnvcl?," iniulc bad work willi names. William 
 V\ lulKwui'tli inr iiistaiici', in ciillud Cupt. Watworth." 
 as to render their progress extremely slow. Walking in single file, 
 one would go forward to break the path, until he wearied out, when 
 another would take his place. Anticipating no such delay, they 
 had provided themselves with an inadequate stock of provisions, 
 and long before they reached Whitestown, the suffering of hunger 
 was added to that of cold and fatigue. The carcass of an otter, 
 their dog killed in the Nine Mile Creek, was a substitute for more 
 palatable food. 
 Undismayed by the scene of suffering and privation he had passed 
 through, Mr. Bates on reaching home, made preparations for the 
 removal cf his family, and in February, 1791, brought them by 
 sleighing tc Canandaigua, making the seventh in the new settle- 
 He opened a public house at an early day, near the upper end of 
 Main-street, which was continued by him and his son for many 
 years. He was an early Justice of the Peace, and in all respects, 
 a worthy citizen. He died in 1829, at an advanced age. Bring- 
 ing with him into the country at so early a period, active and en- 
 terprising sons, the family occupied a prominent position for a long 
 series of ye;«-s. His eldest son, Stephen, marrying the daughter 
 of Deacon Handy of W. Bloomfield, became a successful fa°mer 
 in Gorham, was sheriff of Ontario, a member of Assembly, and a 
 Senator. In 1845, he emigrated to Sauk, Wisconsin, where he 
 died the year fbllowing ; and of a large family of children, but few 
 survive. Asher Bates married the daughter of Elisha Steel, of 
 East Bloomfield; in 180r-t, moved west of the Genesee river, 'and 
 opened a public house on the main road between Caledonia and Le 
 Roy; was one of the earliest sheriffs of Genesee; died in 1810. 
 An only son studied law with Spencer and Sibley in Canandaigua, 
 settled in Detroit, and is now a resident at Honolulu, one of the 
 Sandwich Islands, acting in the capacity of the King's attorney or 
 counsellor. His first wife was the daughter of Thomas Beals of 
 Canandaigua ; the second, is a sister of Dr. Judd, the phydcian of 
 the nn'ssionaries in the Sandv.ich lands. The widow of Asher 
 Bates is now the wife of Dr. Wm. Sheldon of Le Roy. Phineas 
 P. Bates succeeded his father as a landlord in Canandaigua, and 
 was for many years a ,;, -rUy sheriiF and sheriff of Ontario.' He 
 is the only one of a luge family that survives ; is the occupant 
 of a fine farm adjoininr the village of Canandaigua. David C. 
 Bates was a farmer near Canandaigua; died in 1849. A daughter 
 of the elder Phineas Bates became the wife of John A. Stevens 
 the early Printer, and Editor of the Ontario Messenger. An elder 
 daughter was the wife of Orange Brace, who has been named in 
 connection with the early advent of the family ; in 1806, he be- 
 came one of the earliest settlers upon the purchase of Phelps and 
 Chipman, in Sheldon, Wyoming county. * 
 Phineas P. Bates, Esq., the survivor of the family, who has been 
 named, in 1800, was the mail boy from Canandaigua to Fort Nia- 
 gara. The mail route had been, established about two years pre- 
 vious, and was carried through by Jasper Marvin, who sometimes 
 dispensed with mail bags, and carried the contents in a- pocket 
 book. Mr. Bates observes that when he commenced carrying it 
 for his brother Stephen, who was the mail contractor, it used to 
 take six days to go and return. His stopping places over night, 
 were at Mrs. Berry's, among the Indians at Tonawanda, and at 
 rort Niagara. 
 In some reminiscences of Mr. Bates, he observes, that "in 1793 
 one of those fatal accidents occurred at Canandaigua, which always 
 cast a gloom over small communities. A Mr. Miles, from what is 
 now Lima, and a citizen of Canada, were on their way to Massa- 
 chusetts Riding i-nto the village, when they were within a few 
 rods of Main-street, a tree turned out by the roots, fell upon the 
 travellers, killing them both, and one of their horses. What made 
 the affair a very singular one, was the fact, that although it was 
 raining moderately at the time, there was not the least wind to 
 cause the full of tlie tree." 
 Dr. Moses Atwater settled in Canandaigua as a physician, at the 
 early period of 1791. In some correspondence that passed be- 
 tween Gen Chapin and Judge Phelps, there was much gratifica- 
 tion nrianifested that their new settlement was to have the benefit 
 of a physician. Dr. Atwater enjoyed for a long period an extensive 
 practice, and made himself eminently useful in the -ew coun^rv 
 He was an early Judge of Ontario county. He died in 1848, at 
 the advanced age of 82 years. Samuel Atwater of Canandaigua, 
 and Moses Atwater of Buffalo, are his sons ; a daughter became 
 the wife of Robert Pomeroy, of Buffalo ; and another, the wife of 
 Lewis Jenkins, formerly a merchant of Canandaigua, now a resi- 
 dent of Buffalo. Dr. Jeremicih Atwater, a brother of Moses, set- 
 tled in Canandaigua in early years. He still survives at the age 
 of 80 years, laboring, however, under the infirmity of a loss of 
 Mr. Samuel Dungan was a native of Pennsylvania, a student 
 with the celebrated Dr. Wistar. He settled in practice in Canan- 
 daigua in 1797. He possessed extraordinary skill as a surgeon, and 
 in that capacity, was known throughout a wide region. He died 
 nearly thirty years since. He left a son and a daughter, both of 
 whom are still living. 
 Dr. William A. Williams was from Wallingford, Conn. He en- 
 tered Yale College at the close of the Revolution, and graduated at 
 the early age of sixteen. After passing through a regular course 
 of medical studies, he commenced practice in Hatfield, Mass.; but 
 m a few years, in 1793, emigrated to Canandaigua, established him- 
 self in a large and successful practice, which he retained until near 
 the close of a long life, One who was his neighbor for near forty 
 years, observes : — " He was a man of plain and simple manners, 
 amiable and kind hearted ; at the bed side of his patients, he min- 
 gled the consolations of friendship with professional advice ; in 
 day or night time, in sunshine or in storm, whether his patients were 
 rich or poor, he was the same indefatigable, faithful physician and 
 good neighbor. He died in 1933 or '4. Col. George Williams, of 
 Portage, and Charles Williams, of Nunda, are his sons. His 
 daughters became the wives of the late Jared Wilson, Esq., and 
 John A. Granger, of Canandaigua, and — — Whitney, the present 
 P. M. at Canandaigua, and Editor of the Ontario Repository. 
 The venerable Nathaniel W. Howell, now in his 81st year, is the 
 oldest resident member of the Bar of Western New York. His 
 native place is Blooming Grove, Orange County, N. Y. The son 
„* ' _i- 
 I HI 
 of a farmer, ot a period when farmer's sons were early inured to 
 toil, a naturally robust and vigorous constitution was aided bv the 
 healthy labors of the field. At the age of thirteen he was placed in 
 an Academy in Goshen, founded by Noah Webster, the widely 
 known author ; where he remained for nearly two years ; after 
 which he entered the Academy at Hackensack, N. J., the Principal 
 of which was Dr. Peter Wilson, formerly Professor of langua.'es in 
 Columbia College. In May, 1787, he entered the junior cla'ss in 
 Princeton College, and graduated, in Sept. 1788. A few months 
 after graduating, making choice of the legal profession, he com- 
 menced the study of law in the office of the late Gen. Wilkin, in 
 Goshen. Remaining there but a short period, he accepted a call to 
 take charge of an Academy at Ward's Bridge in Ulster Co.. where 
 he continued for over three years ; after which, he resumed the 
 study of law in the office of the late Judge Hoffman, in the city of 
 New York. He was admitted an Attorney of the Supreme Court 
 in May, 1794. 
 In May, 1795, lie opened an office in the town of Union, near 
 the now village of Binghampton, in Tioga county. The late Gen. 
 Matthews was then practicing law in Newtown, now Elmira. The 
 two were the only Supreme court lawyers then in the county. 
 Judge Howell was admitted as an Attorney of the court of com- 
 mon pleas in Ontario in June, 1795, and in the following February, 
 removed to Canandaigua, where he has continued to reside until 
 the present time. The records of the courts bear evidence of his 
 having acquired a large practice in early years. He was one of the 
 local legal advisers of Mr. Williamson^ and was employed by 
 Joseph Eliicott in his earliest movements upon the Holland Purchase. 
 Laying before the author at this present writing, are copies of his 
 letters to Mr. Williamson written in 1795, and a letter written with- 
 m the present year, in a fair hand, but little marked by the tremor 
 of age. Fifty six-years have intervened ! 
 In 1799, he was appointed by the council of appointment, on the 
 nomination of Gov. Jay, assistant Attornev General fur the five 
 western counties of this state, the duties of which office he contin- 
 ued to discharge until his resignation in 1802. In 1819 he was 
 appointed by the council of appointment, on the nomination of Gov 
 pewitt Clinton, First Judge of the county of Ontario, which office 
 he hlled ihr thirteen years. He was an early representative in the 
 inured to 
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 state legislature, and in 1813, '14, he represented in Congress, the 
 double district, composed of Ontario and the five counties to the 
 west of it. On retiring from the Bench, he retired from his profes- 
 sion, employing himself in the superintendence of a farm and gar- 
 den, enjoying good health, v/ith slight exceptions; in summers labor- 
 ing more or less with his own hands. 
 In a previous work, the author has observed, that there are few 
 instances of so extended a period of active participation in the 
 affjiirs of life ; and still fewer instances of a life that has so adorned 
 the profession to which he belongs, and been so eminently useful 
 and exemplary. To him, and to such as him —his early cotem- 
 porary. General Matthews, for instance — and others of his cotem- 
 poraries that could be named, is the highly honorable profession of 
 law in Western New York indebted for early and long continued 
 examples of those high aims, dignity, and exalted integrity, which 
 should be its abiding characteristics. They have passed, and are 
 passing away. If days of degeneracy should come upon the profes- 
 sion — renovation become necessary — there are no better prece- 
 dents and examples to consult, than the lives and practices of the 
 Pioneer Lawyers. 
 The first wife of Judge ' Howell was the youngest daughter of 
 General Israel Chapin. She died in 1808, leaving two sons and a 
 daughter. He married for a second wife, in 1809, the daughter of 
 Dr. Coleman, of Anchram, Mass. She died in 1812, leaving three 
 sons and a daughter. The surviving sons are : — Alexander H. 
 Howell, Thomas M. Howell, Nathaniel VV. Howell, Augustus P. 
 Howell. Daughters became the wives of Amasa Jackson of the 
 city of New York, and Henry S. Mulligan of Buffalo. 
 Dudley Saltonstall was a native of New London, Conn., a grad- 
 uate of Yale College. He studied law in the celebrated law school 
 of Judge Reeves of Litchfield, and was admitted to practice in the 
 court of common pleas of Ontario, in 1795. He had genius, and 
 high attainments in scholarship, commenced practice under fovorabla 
 auspices ; but aiming high and falling below his aim, in his first 
 forensic efforts, he lost confidence in himself, and abandoned the 
 profession. He engaged in other pursuits with but little better 
 success, and in 1808, emigrated to Maryland, and soon after to 
 Elizabeth city, N. Carolina, where he died some fifteen years since. 
 •Dudley Marvin did not locate at Canaudaigua within a pioneer 

 period, but his name is so blended with the locality, that a brief no- 
 tice of him will perhaps be anticipated. He was a native of 
 Lyme, Connecticut. His law studies were commenced and com- 
 pleted in the office of Messrs. Howell & Greig ; in the absence of 
 any classical education, but in its place was a vigorous intellect, 
 peculiarly adapted to the profession he embraced. He had not 
 Ijeen long admitted to the bar, when he had no superior, and few 
 if any equals, as an advocate, in the western counties of this State ; 
 indeed, the giants of the law from the east, who used to follow the 
 circuits of the old Supreme Court Judges in this direction, found in 
 the young advocate of the west, a competitor who plucked laurels 
 from their brows they had won upon other theatres of forensic strife. 
 " When sitting as a judge," says one of his early legal mentors, " I 
 freque-ntly li-stened with admiration to his exceedingly able and elo- 
 quent summings up in jury trials. I was once present on the trial 
 of an important and highly interesting cause, in which Mr. Marvin 
 and the celebrated Elisha Williams were opposed to each other, 
 and I thought the speech to the jury of Marvin, was quite as 
 eloquent as that of Williams, and decidedly more able. He was, in- 
 deed, unsuccessful, but the failure was owing to his cause, and not 
 to him. He might well have said witli the Trojan hero : — " Si 
 Pergama'dextra defendi possent etiam hac dcfensi fuissent." 
 He was twice elected to Congress, in which capacity the high 
 expectations that were entertained of his career were somewhat dis- 
 . appointed. The new sphere of action was evidently not his forte — 
 neither was it to his liking; while the free habits that unfortunately 
 so much prevailed at our national capitol, were illy suited to help 
 the wavering resolutions of a mind that was wrestling with all its 
 giant strength, to throw off chains with which a generous social 
 nature, had helped to fetter him. Years followed, in which one who 
 had filled a large space in the public mind of this region, was almost 
 lost sight of; his residence being principally in Maryland and Vir- 
 ginia. He returned to this State, and resumed practice in the city 
 of New York, where he continued but a few years ; removing to 
 the county of Chautauque, and retiring upon a farm. 
 Myron Holley came from Salisbury Connecticut, in 1803, locating 
 at Canandaigua. He had studied law, but never engaged in prac- 
 tice. He was an early bookseller, and for a considerable time 
 clerk of Ontario county. He was a member of the first Board of 
 canal commissioners, the acting commissioner in the original con- 
 struction of the western division of the Erie Canal, unil the whole 
 was put under contract. Soon after the location of the canal he 
 became a resident of the village of Lyons. So eminently able and 
 faithful were his services as a canal commissioner, that the grateful 
 recollection and acknowledgement of them, outlive and palliate the 
 mixed offence of fault and misfortune, with which his official career 
 Mr. Holley died in 1839, or '40; his widow, the daughter of 
 John House, an early Pioneer at Canandaigua, resides in Black 
 Rock, Erie county. 
 Isaac Davis, an early merchant at Canandaigua, and subsequently 
 at Buffalo, married another daughter of Mr. House. She resides 
 with her two sons in Lockport. Wm. C. House, a surviving son of 
 John House, was an early merchant in Lockport, and lately the 
 canal collector at that point ; his wife, the daughter of John G. 
 Bond, an early merchant in Rochester. 
 Thomas Reals became a resident of Canandaigua, engaging in 
 the mercantile business, in 1803. In early years his trade extended 
 over a wide region of country, in which he was highly esteemed 
 as an honest and fair dealing merchant. The successor of Thad- 
 deus Chapin as treasurer of Ontario county, in 1814, he continued 
 to hold the office for twenty eight years. As Trustee and Secretary, 
 he has been connected with the Canandaigua Academy forty years. 
 He was one of the trustees, and a member of the building com- 
 mittee of the Congregational Church in 1812; and was one^of the 
 county superintendents of the poor, when the Poor House was first 
 erected. He is now, in his 66th year, engaged in the active 
 pursuits of life ; the Treasurer of the Ontario SaviTigs Bank, a 
 flourishing institution of which he was the founder. Mrs. Beals, 
 who was the daughter of the early settled clergyman at Canan- 
 daigua, the Rev. Mr. Fields, still survives. There are two survi- 
 veing sons, one a resident of New York, and the other in Indiana. 
 Surviving daughters are: — Mrs. Alfred Field, and Mrs. Dr. Carr, 
 of Canandaigua, and Mrs. James S. Rogers, of Wisconsin. 
 In 1798, a formidable party of emigrants arrived and settled near 
 Canandaigua. It consisted of the families of Benjamin Barney, 
 Richard Daker and Vincent Grant. They were from Orange countyi 
 and were all family connexions.. With their six or seven teams! 
I' '' 
 184 puixps AND goeiiam's purchase. 
 and a numerous retmue of foot passengers, and stock, their advent 
 is well remembered. They practiced one species of travelling 
 economy, that the author has never before heard of among the de- 
 vices of pioneer times: — the milk of their cows was pift into a 
 churn, and the motion of the wagon produced their butter as they 
 went along.* The journey from Orange county consumed twenty- 
 six days. The sons who came with Benj. Barney, were : — Thomas, 
 John, Nicholas, Joseph and Henry. Thomas was the head of a 
 family when they came to the Genesee country ; a surviving son 
 of his, is Gen. V. G. Barney of Newark Wayne county ; a surviv- 
 ing daughter is the wife of Elisha Higby, of Hopewell, Ontario 
 county; — and in this connection it may be observed, that Mr. 
 Higby erected the first carding machine in the Genesee country, 
 in 1804, in what is now the town of Hopewell, to which he soon 
 added a cloth dressing establishment. 
 James Sibley, the early and widely known silver smith, watch 
 repairer, and jeweler, of Canandaigua, still suivives, retired from 
 business, a resident of Rochester. His son, Oscar Sibley, pursuing 
 the business of his father, is the proprietor of a large establishmen° 
 in Bufialo.^ By the aid of a singularly retentive memory — especi- 
 ally in reference to names and localities — he has furnished the 
 author with the following names of all the heads of families in Can- 
 andaigua, village, in 1803 : — 
 Setli Tlionipson, 
 Almci- liunndl, 
 Elijali 5J()r)»!y, 
 H(;iirv Cliaimi. 
 Samuel Latta, 
 Dudley Saltonstall, 
 Loaiul'cr ]5utlor, 
 Luther W. Eeujamin, 
 John Hall, 
 John House, 
 Maitin Dudley, 
 V'cn. Wells, 
 Jasper Tarisli, 
 Mr. Crane, 
 Daniel Danes, 
 Mr. Sampson, 
 Timothy Younglove, 
 Samuel Abbey, 
 John Shulur, 
 John I!rork('ll)ank, 
 Jeremiah Atwatcr, 
 General Taylor, 
 Widow Whiting, 
 I'hineas Bates, 
 Augustus I'orter, 
 Zaoliariah Seymour, 
 Natlianiel Sanborn, 
 Timothy Hurt, 
 TlioniiUH Morris, 
 ThomjLs ISeals, 
 M(jses AtAvater, 
 .Thaddeiis Chapin, 
 Israel Cha[)in, 
 Gould it Post, 
 James Dewey, 
 Ezekiel Taylor, 
 Wm. Anfisi, 
 John Clark, 
 James Srnedley, 
 Jacob Haskell, 
 Rev. Timothy Field, 
 Joshua Eaton, 
 Samuel Brock, 
 Mosea Cleveland, 
 Sylvester Tiffany, 
 Wm. A. VViUiams, 
 James llolden, 
 Natli. W. Howell, 
 Sanniel Dungan, 
 Robert Spencer, 
 Hannah Whalley, 
 Ebenezer F. Xortou, 
 John Furj^uson, 
 Abner ]5in-low, 
 Norton it Richards, 
 Nathaniel Corhani. 
 William Shepherd, 
 Freeman Atwater, 
 William Ciiaiimau, 
 Col. Hyde, 
 Virtue lironsoii, 
 James B. Mower, 
 Oliver I'helps, 
 Feter H. Colt. 
 Luther '"'ole, 
 Amos Beach. 
 fi.r ?"^^'"'^. '^IV^'' ^""'"? '""'« ^^'^^ i'« '"'Itch with an old lady who was fleeinn- from 
 the frontier in the war of 1812. An alarm found her with her dough mixed for b'lkinl 
 heir advent 
 nng the de- 
 put into a 
 ter as they 
 ed tvventy- 
 — Thonnas, 
 ; head of a 
 rviving son 
 ; a surviv- 
 ill, Ontario 
 !, that Mr. 
 !e country, 
 2h he soon 
 lith, watch 
 itired from 
 f, pursuing 
 ■ — especi- 
 nished the 
 es in Can- 
 \ Xortou, 
 I IS, 
 fleejlii;: fiotn 
 1 for bakiii"'. 
 The first permanent church organization in Canandaigua. of 
 which the author finds any record, was that of St. lALithew's 
 church of the town of Canandaigua, February 4th, 1799. "A 
 meeting was Jield at the house of Nathaniel Sanborn'; Ezra Piatt 
 was called to the chair to regulate said meeting." The followin-r 
 officers were chosen : — Ezra Piatt, Joseph Colt, Wardens ; Johii 
 Clark, Augustus Porter, John Hecox, Nathaniel Sanborn, Benjamin 
 Wells, James Fields, Moses Atwater, Aaron Flint, Vestrymen. 
 The Rev. Philander Chase, the present Bishop of the United 
 States, then in Deacon's orders, presided at this organization ; re- 
 mained and ofliciated as clergyman for several months. 
 About the same period, " the first Congregational church of die 
 town of Cannandaigua," was organized. "Ail persons who had 
 statedly worshi[.ped in said congregation," met "at the school 
 house," and as Trustees : —Othniel Taylor, ThaddeusChapin, 
 Dudley Saltonstall, Seth Ilolcomb, Abner Barlow, Phineas Bates. 
 The first settled minister of this church, was the Rev- Mr. Field. 
 The first record of election returns that the author has been 
 enabled to obtain, is that of the election of Senators and Assem- 
 blymen in 1799. Tliis was before Ontario was dismembered, or 
 rather before Steuben had a separate organization, and the returns 
 of course embrace the whole region west of Seneca Lake. Vin- 
 cent ]\Iatthews, Joseph White, Moss Kent, were the candidates for 
 Senators. The candidates lor Assembly were, Charles Williamson 
 and Nathaniel Norton, opposed by Lemuel Chipman and Dudley 
 Saltonstall. Williamson and Saltonstall were elected. The entire 
 vote is given : — 
 s Easton 
 Auj,'iista - 
 Sho rolled it up in a Wd, and sitting upon it, kept it warm, puUin- it out aud bakiuR 
 as she stopjied along tlie road. i a uv* uaivmjj 
 N-OTE.-TIiero was a little feeling of rivalry in tlu. organization of the,so Pioneer 
 W^^^^^^^ 'i'l^^' 'iH.n yoimg de ,y 
 mlm boardwl with Mrs. Sanborn, and to amuse one of her cLiMren, Vhittled < .n -i 
 slnngle m the shape ot a hddle, and stringmg it with nilk tluead, put it in t^he S 
 dow ; an ^ohan J.arp. The trifling affair soon got noised about .Ind son en b "s 
 of Sic SfI mSngTlldXr' """^'-^^'^ '' ^° ^^ ^^^ '^^"^ ^^^ '^' "^ ^ ^^ 
 ■- IIIIM 
 |50 ™l'^^ 
 If 1^ 
 •" 140 
 1.25 1.4 
 -^ 6" — 
 ^. ^^s 
 f vsSvv 
 WEBSTER, N.Y. 1458C 
 (716) 872-4503 
 - 110 
 Painted Post 
 Bath - 
 V >tal 
 - - - 
 - 1744 
 In 1800, Lemuel Chipman and Nathaniel Norton were elected; 
 number of votes, 3,582. Thomas Morris was elected to Congress, 
 receiving almost the entire vote of the Genesee country. Canan- 
 (iaigua, Palmyra, Bristol, Sparta, Hartford. Easton, Charleston, 
 Northfield, Augusta, their entire vote : and in several other towns 
 there were but one, two and three, against him. 1801 — Peter B. 
 Porter and Daniel Chapin were elected to the Assembly. 1802 — 
 Steuben elected separately, Pollydore B. Wisner, Augustus Porter 
 and Thaddeus Chapin, were elected members of Assembly from 
 Ontario. 1803 — Batavia, which was then all of the Holland 
 Purchase, gave less than 180 votes. In that year, Amos Hall, 
 Nathaniel W. Howell, Pollydore B. Wisner, were elected to the 
 Assembly. 1804 — The members of Assembly were, Amos Hall, 
 Daniel W. Lewis and Alexander Rhea. 
 Jonathan Philips, an early shoemaker of Canandaigua, still sur- 
 vives, hammering and drawing out his waxed ends upon a seat he 
 has occupied for 51 years ; being now 75 years of age. The old 
 gentleman observes, that in that now healthy locality, he has known 
 it to be so sickly, that more than half the entire population would 
 be afflicted with fevers. 
 Southworth Cole, an elder brother of Luther Cole, came into the 
 country in 1797. He located on the east side of the Lake, in a 
 then wilderness, at what was known in early days as '• Corn Creek." 
 There was an old Indian clearing of about 20 acres. Mr. Cole 
 was for several years the only settler between the foot of the Lake 
 and Naples. The location was famed as the favorite ground of the 
 rattle snake : some members of this Pioneer family have killed as 
 many as 100 in the course of a day at their den. Deer were so 
 plenty, that a hunter of the family hrs killed 00 in a season. The 
 sons of the Pioneer were Abner Cole, an early lawyer of Palmyra ; 
 Dorastus Cole, of Palmyra ; Joseph Cole, of Michigan ; G. W. 
 Cole of Saratoga Springs; and Benjamin B. Cole, of Ocrden. 
 Mrs. Philetus Swift of Phelps, and Mrs. Kingsley Miller of Palmy, 
 ra, were h.s daughters. Joseph Colt, the early merchant of Geneva 
 and Palmyra, married a sister of Southworth and Luther Cole 
 The settlement of East Bloomfield, commenced simultaneously 
 with thatof Canandaigua. The east township was purchased by 
 Capt. Wm. Bacon, Gen. John Fellows, Elisha Lee, Deacon John 
 Adams, Dr. Joshua Porter (the father of Peter B. and Au-ustus) 
 Deacon Adams became the pioneer in settlement ; — and tlie pa- 
 tnarch it might well be added, for he introduced a large household 
 into the wilderness. His family consisted of himself and wife his 
 sons John, Jonathan, William, Abner and Joseph ; his sons in laws, 
 Ephraim Rew. Lorin Hull, and Wilcox, and their wives, and 
 Elijah Rose, a brother in law and his family, and three unmarried 
 daughters. Joined with all these in the primitive advent, were • — 
 Moses Gunn, Lot Rew, John Barnes, Roger Sprague. Asa Hickox 
 Benjamin Goss, John Keyes, Nathaniel Norton. Early after the 
 opening of navigation, in 1789, the emigrants departed from Sche- 
 nectady, some of the men with the household furniture and stores, by 
 water, but most of the party upon pack horses, following principally 
 tlie Indian trails. In May, they were joined by Augustus Porter, 
 Ihaddeus Keyes, Joel Steele, Eber Norton and Oran^re Woodruff. 
 Judge Porter, then but twenty years of age, had been°employed to 
 make farm surveys of the township. When he arrived h^. found 
 the Adams family, and those who had come in with them, the occu- 
 pants of a log house, 30 by 40 feet, the first dwelling erected west 
 of Canandaigua after white settlement commenced. To accomo- 
 date so large a family with lodgings, there were berths upon wooden 
 pins along the walls of the house, one above another, steam, or 
 packet boat fashion. It was the young surveyor's first introduction 
 to backwoods life. He added to the crowded household himself and 
 his assistants, and soon shouldered his "Jacob staft;" and commen- 
 ced his work. The emigrants had brought on a good stock of pro- 
 visions and some cows ; wild game soon began to be added, which 
 made them very comfortable livers. The Judge, in his later years, 
 would speak with much animation, of the primitive log house, its 
 enormous fire place; and especially of the hread "baked in ashes" 
 which Mrs. Rose used to bring upon the table, and which he said 
 was excellent. 
 William Bacon, a principal proprietor in Bloomfield, was a res- 
 ident of Sheffield, JMass.; he never emigrated. He bore a captain's 
 commsssion in the Revolution, and was a contractor for the army. 
 After the Revolution he drove cattle through upon the old Indian 
 trail to Fort Niagara. Deacon Adams, Nathaniel Eggleston, and 
 several others of the early settlers in Bloomfield, first saw the Gen- 
 esee Country, in connection with this cattle trade to Niagara. Col. 
 Asher Saxton a prominent pioneer, i:i Bloomfield, Cambria, and 
 Lockport Niagara co., and lastly upon the river Raisin, near 
 Monroe, was a son in law of capt. Bacon and his local representa- 
 tive. He died at his residence in Michigan in 1847 at an advanced 
 age. He married for a third wife a sister of Gen. Micah Brooks. 
 When he left Bloomfield to go into a new region in Niagara county, 
 he remarked to an old friend that he was going " where they live in 
 log cabins." " I want" said he " to see more of Pioneer life." The 
 roof of a log cabin has seldom sheltered a worthier man. 
 The author is unable to name the j-ear in which all of the emi- 
 grants settled in Bloomfield after the primitive advent of the Adam'g 
 household, and those who came in the same year. Those who will 
 be named were of the earliest class of Pioneers. 
 Dr. Daniel Chapin was the early physician. He was the next 
 representative of Ontario county in the Legislature after Gen. 
 Israel Chapin. He removed to BufFalo in 1805 and died there in 
 Amos Bronson was from Berkshire, a persevering and enterprisino- 
 man, and became the owner of a large farm. He died in 1835. 
 His wife still survives, at the advanced age of over 90 years. Mrs. 
 Bronson, and Benjamin Goss, are the only two surviving residents 
 Note. — Tliero iirono suniving dcscotidants in tho first degree of tlio early Pioneer 
 Deacon John Adams. In tlie second, tliiid and i'omth de<;reo, few families are nioro 
 ininierous. The three unnianiod daughters mentioned above, became tlu! wives of 
 John Kt^es, Benjamin, and Silas K«!,deston. Among the descendants are the 
 lannlywho gave the name to "Adams Hasin," in Ogden ; Oen. Wm. H. Adams of 
 Lyons AVni. Adams of Rochester, and Mrs. Barrett of Lockport ; and the autlior re- 
 grets tliat he has not the memorandums to enable him to remember more of a mime 
 aud lumdy so promiueiiUy identiliod witliPiouccr aettlemeut. 
 of all the adult pioneers of East Bloomfield. The sons are among 
 the wealthy and public spirited men of the town. 
 Benjamin Goss, who is named above, was in the country as early 
 as 1791. He married a daughter of Dea:on George Codding, of 
 Bristol. Theirs was the first wedding on Phelps and Gorham's Pur- 
 chase. He is now 90 years of age ; a Revolutionary pensioner. 
 He was in the battl'^ at Johnstown, at Sharon Springs, and was in 
 the unsuccessful expedition of Col. Marinus Willett to Oswego in the 
 winter of 1781.* 
 Nathaniel Norton was from Goshen, Conn. He was the foun- 
 der of the mills that took his name, on the Ganargwa creek, in 
 Bloomfield. He was an early sheriff of Ontario, and its represen- 
 tative in the Legislature ; and an early merchant in Bloomfield and 
 Canandaigua. He died in 1809 or '10. The late Heman Norton 
 was his son ; a daughter became the wife of Judge Baldwin of the 
 Sup. Court of the United States ; another of Beach, of the 
 firm of Norton & Beach. Aaron Norton, the brother of Nathaniel, 
 settled in Bloomfield about the same time; died soon after 1^15, 
 Hon. Ebenezer F. Norton of Buffalo, and Reuben Norton of BLom- 
 field, are his sons. A daughter became the wife of Kibbe, 
 the early Bank cashier at Canandaigua and Bufialo ; another, the 
 wife of Peter Bowen. Eber Norton, another brother of Nathaniel, 
 died in 1810; Judge Norton of Allegany is a son of his. 
 Roger, Azel, and Thomas Sprague, with their father and mother, 
 and three sisters, were early pioneers. Roger succeeded Nathaniel 
 Norton as Sheriff of Ontario, was a member of the Legislature, and 
 supervisor. He died in Michigan, in 1848. Asahel and Thomas, 
 both died soon after 1810. The only survivor of the family is a 
 sister who became the wife of Dr. Ralph Wilcox. 
 Tlic old gentleman gives a relation of suffering and privation in that expedition, 
 winch exlahits some of the harshest features of tlie war of the Revohition. The con- 
 tein]ilatc(l attack npon Oswego, was mulertakeu in mitl winter, and the army eiicoun- 
 tere( deep snow. Many of tlio men had tlieir feet frozen, and tlie relator among the 
 number, llie expedition was undertaken in sleighs, and upon snow shoes, the men 
 going aliead unon the snow shoes, and partly beathig ihe track. Oneida Li>ko wna 
 crossed upon tlio ice. Arriving at Fort Brewerton, a largo number of the pressed mil- 
 itia, a])iialled Ijy the sutl'ering and diinger they were to encounter, deserted and return- 
 ed to the valley of the Moliawk ; the remainder, an unequal force for the work that 
 was belorethem, struck off into the dark forest in the direction of Oswego, were badly 
 jnloted, missed their course, and were tliree days wanderers amid the ttuni sn,)ws of 
 the wildernesf:. Coming within four mik's of a strong fortress, with provisions exhaus- 
 ted, amnuimtion much damaged, and men already worn out in the march, a council de- 
 culed against the attack, and the expedition retreated to Fort Plain. 
I! • 
 H ^ 
 Moses Gunn was from Berkshire. He died in 1820 ; Linus Gunn 
 of Bloomfield was a son of his; another son wa. an early tavern 
 keeper on north road to Canandaigua 
 As early as 1790 Daniel Gates located in the town of Bloomfield 
 on the Iloneoye creek, at what is now known as North Bloomfield' 
 and erected the first saw mill upon that stream. Procuring some 
 apple sprouts from the old Indian orchard at Geneva he had one of 
 the earliest bearing orchards in the Genesee country. His youngest 
 .on Alfred Gates, now resides upon the old homestead. 
 Dr. John Barnes was an early physician, remained a few years, 
 and emigrated to Canada. 
 Elijah Hamlin, Philo Hamlin. Cyprian Collins, Gideon King, Ben- 
 jamin Chapman, Joel and Christopher Parks. Ephraim and Lot Rue, 
 Alexander Emmons, Ashbel Beach, Nathan Waldron, Enos Hawley 
 Timothy Buel, were Pioneers in Bloomfield, but in reference to thern 
 the author as m many other instances, has to regret the absence of 
 names Elijah Hamlin, who was alive a short time since, in Mich- 
 gan. If ahve now, is the only survivor of them. He was a contrac- 
 tor on the Erie Canal, at Lockport, in 1823. Joel Parks, a son of 
 one of those named, married a daughter of Dea. Gooding of Bristol 
 He was a pioneer at Lockport. Niagara county, a Jus:ice of the 
 peace and merchant; and is nowa residen.of Lockport Illinois. 
 iZZ'/rV'"""^ ^''"^ ^'''^''^'''' '' ^^oorni^-^d, in March. 
 1/94. vvith his wife and seven children. He was then but 27 years 
 old. Remaining in Bloomfield until 1813. he removed with his 
 lamily to the town of Henrietta, when settlement had but first com- 
 menced and where he had been preceded two or three years by 
 some of his sons. He died in the town of Gates, in 1820, aged 62 
 years At the time of his death he had Hving, 12 children, 67 
 grand-children, and 7 great-grand children; nine of the sons and 
 daughters are now living. The mother died in Randolph, Cattara- 
 gus county, in 1840, aged 78 years; the eldest son at Council Bluff, 
 on his way to Oregon, in 1840. The history of this family furnishes 
 a remarkable instance of the spirit of enterprise and adventure in- 
 herited by the descendants of the early pioneers of the Genesee 
 country. Residing in one town, in 1813, in 1842 the sons and 
 daughters were residents of five different States,. Nine of them 
 are now living : James Sperry, in Henrietta, a well known surveyor, 
 and a local agent of the Wadsvvorth estate ; Moses Sperry, the 
 present Surrogate of Monroe ; Calvin Sperry, in Gates, Monroe 
 county; Charles Sperry in Quincy, Illinois; George Sperry in 
 Trumbull county Ohio. A sister resides in Cattaragus county ; 
 another in Akron, Ohio ; another in Missouri ; another in Gates, 
 Monroe county. 
 Mr James Sperry having kindly furnished the author with some 
 interesting pioneer reminiscences, they are inserted in the form 
 adoDted in other instances. 
 Among the trials of tlio first settlers, there wore none more irntatinij tlian 
 the destniction of slieep and swine by th^- wohes ami bears. Often "wliole 
 flocks of sheep would be shuiglitered in tlie niglit by the wol\-es. Tliis ha])- 
 pened so frerincntly that those wlio determined to preserve their sheep, made 
 l)ens or yards, so high and tight that a wolf could not get over or tlu'ough 
 them. If left out by accident or carelessnes.s, they weio almost sure to be at- 
 tacked. The state, coanty and town, offered bounties, in the ao-oTOfjate, 
 amounting to 820 for each wolf scalp. Asnhel Sprague caught ten irBIoom- 
 fiekl, which had the effect to pretty nnich stop their ravages in that quarter. 
 Bears preyed iqion the hog's, that iVom necessity the new settlei's were 
 clMged to let run in the woods for shack. About two years after we 
 came to Bloomfickl, when our iicarciit neigld)or was a mile from my father's 
 house, one dark evening in October, when we were all sitting around the 
 table pearing pumpkins to dry, (and to make apple sauce,) we were suddenly 
 started by a loud squeal from tlie motiier of the gruntei-s, who with her pro- 
 geny, were resting in a hollow log in the woods. Mv father having no ara- 
 nuuution for his old French gun, seize 1 an axe, and went to the rescue, un- 
 hindered by the remonstrances of my mother. The bear tied at his appi'oach, 
 biit had so injured the hog tliat my father killed her and dragged in the carcass. 
 It was not uncommon for boys to see bears when at\er the cows, but I 
 tl i:ik no one of tlie early settlers' received any injury from them, unless they 
 had first been wounded. One of the Coddings, in BloomlieU, came pr<.'tty 
 give ]u.n a I J. UMn^^^!^ '""? ^^P', ''f' ^"'-^ I^'''^^'^ ^'■^^"^^''^^1. ^o 
 fled boarinj <S' the a Sel v^^^^ to penetrate the sk„]l. The bear 
 Lnhu] <<,. ' " ^^''■'^ '"^■'*^ '^•y the woiiiK ed sk n and flesli,,ik,..^ ;'„, M^ *" T5 !"s heels, ana broke his back with a 
 el Jest sisler tt'l e , ll ^ r '■""' "'"f-'l"" '»«• My mother and 
 e^ongh ro.;;ar;;';'hr^,.'ro!;i7'is„ !::TZ^- ''''-'■ -' 
 ToL I Su Z ' ""I'''«^"*^'^^'"^^ ^^•'-^••« SO extended that the inhabitants 
 SvSe ° 'JFnings and soon they began to bo covered with oak nd 
 now per acre, . tt ^^SS^i.^ ^S^Ji.^^^S. ^ ^^^ ^^^^ «^ ^^ 
 be^ hSXrr'""'?!;'^^!^"^^^"^^^^ ^^^'-^ """^-o"s and hard to 
 inn- nil +)„• * Vi ^^ ""<-!, and l)arefoot in the summer; yet, notwith'^t-md 
 March nS ^f, •^^^'^'^^^ f«Vl'^"!- ^''ilcl>'en. . When our family arrived in 
 tt re liL'o th Tdn' ""^''i V '^'^ ""'f' '''' ^«™^'- «f the town, ne r 
 te ol It of our fHmtv ".' ''"^ .? 'T\ ^'^'^ "^>' ^=^"''^ ^^l'^^^- ^^'^'"r of 
 Norton nn-lTTr^^,'-'"*'.''''^ ^^'"^ •-°^"^'^' '"^^ «'»n as we arrived. Ilemin 
 J^ o?^si;;^^"'a^r "went through college," wer/mr 
 buiitl';roneiaSf":^::f:s.':::rcf^ ''% ^^'^?^ ^^^"^^ ^^='« 
 waskrMitbvIovi.-i P f \V A ^ ^'^^''*^ ^^"^''^' ^^'^'^™ '■^ «'J'ool 
 .to-uataMa. Uunng the summer o f '95 and '6, Betsey Sprague 
 west of Uatavin. wL f ' o^ i f ' ^ '," ^""^'-'''^''i Crock, tlneo miles 
 rlin.e. He canled the first tnuul o7. ,,, > ^^' '•' '"''' " '" "I"'" ^'"^ ^■^""•''"'l J*">- 
 rloth, a,ul nia.le tlic fir "t rL^i^ f t n^r C ? '"'"■''"•^'T ■• ^IrosseJ the fi„.t piece of 
 78th year of his age ^ '" ''"*' "* Caladuiua. He still survives, iu the 
 kept tins school. TheiR was then but two schools in the town. Miss 
 Spmgiie kopt the siiine school in the winter of '90 and '7. My eldest 
 brother and myself attended this school in the winter, walking two and a half 
 miles through the snow across the openings ; not with "old shoes and clout- 
 ed "_ on our feet, but with rags tied on theln to go and come in, taking them 
 oft" in school hours. The young men ami boys, the young wonu-n and girls, 
 for three miles around, attended this school. John Fairchild, west of tho 
 Centre, sent his children. 
 In tint fall of '97, a young man with a pack on his back, came in.', the 
 neighborhood of Ounn, Goas, King, Lamberton, and the Bronsons, two miles 
 ciust of the south west school, and one mile north of may father's, and intro- 
 duced himself as a school t<>acher from tho land of steady habits ; proposing 
 that they form a new district, and he would keep their school. The propose 
 tion was accepted, and all turned out late in the season, the young man volun- 
 teei'ing liis assistance, and built another log school house in winch he kept a 
 school in the winter of '97 and '8, and the ensuing winter. The school was 
 as full both winters as the house could hold. Two young men, John Lam- 
 beilon and Jesse Tainter, studietl surveying both winters, and in 1800, 
 Lamberton commenced surveying for the' Holland Company, doing a laro-er 
 amount of sur\eying upon their Purcluise than any other man. °Ho now 
 lives near Pine Hill, a few miles north of Batavia. The first wmter, ray 
 father sent seven to this scliool, and the second winter eight. In this school, 
 most of us learned for the first time that the earth Avas round, and turned 
 round upon its axis once in 24 hours, and revolves around the sun once a 
 year. .1 shall never forget the teacher's manner of illnsti'ating these tacts : — 
 For the ANTrnt of a globe, he took an old hat, the crown having "gone up to 
 seed," doubled in the old limber trim, marked with chalk a line round tho 
 mitldle lor the e([uator, and another representing the eliptic, and held it up 
 to the scholars, with the " seed end " towards them, and turning it, com- 
 menced the two revolutions. The simultaneous shout which went up from 
 small to great, was a " caution'" to all young school masters how they in- 
 troduce " new things" to yoimg Pioneers. Although the school mjister was 
 afayoriU;_with parents and pujjils, the "most orthodox" thought he was 
 talking of some thing of which he knew nothing, and was teaching for sound 
 doctrine A\hat Avas contrary to tho common sense of all ; for every body 
 knew that tho earth was flat and immovably fixed, and that the sun rose and 
 set every day. That teacher finally settled in Bloomfield, was afterwards 
 manv years a Justice of tlie Peace; for one term, member of the legislature; 
 anil for one term, a member of Congress; now known as Gen. Micah Bi'ooks, 
 of Brook's Grove, Livingston county. 
 ■ TIk', fiist meeting house in the Genesee country, was erected in Bloomfield, 
 in IRQ 1. A church and society had been formed some years before; Seth 
 ■\Villiston and Jedcdiali Bushndl, ujissionaries from the east, hibored occa 
 sionaliy and sometimes continually in Blcjmfield, from 1797 to 1800. An 
 extensive revival in that ami adjoining towns continued under their labors for 
 several years, and in 1801, they raised a large meeting house. Robert 
 Powers was the builder. Meetings were held in it summer and winter, when 
 it was in anunlinished condition, and without warming it, until 1807 and '8, 
 when it wa.': finished ; Andrew Colton being the ai'cliilect. 
 Ancient occupancy wsis distinctly traced "at the period of early settlement 
I s 
 in Bboinfie],!. On tlie farm of Nathan Wuldron, and on othei-s contio-uous, 
 in tlionortliefist comer of the town, near whore the Adams, Norton! and 
 Kues hi-st settled, many gim barrels, locks and stock barrels, of French con- 
 struct.oti, and tomahawks, were plowed up and used for makini; w mendin-r 
 agricultural implements. I have seen a,' many as 1 5 or 20 barreS at a time, al 
 Wadrons blacksmith shop, while ho and David Reese, his journeyman, were 
 vyorkino- them uji. I once saw Reese pointiniy out in the roof of the shop, 
 the etlect ol a ball fired from an old barrel while heatini; it in the forge; his 
 hearers wonderino; how the powder retained its strength for so long a period, 
 the barrel having lain under ground. 
 There were many old Indian burying grounds in Bloomfield, and many of 
 the graves were opened in search of curiosities. In some of them, hatchets 
 were loiind, out generally nothing but bones. In ploughing the ground, 
 bones, skulls, and sometimes hatchets, were found.' The 'stones used by the 
 Indians tor skinnmg tlieir game and peeling bark, were found in various 
 localities, iheso stones were very hard, worked off smooth, and brou<^ht 
 down to an edge at one end, and generally from four to six inches long. 
 I'estle stones used for pounding their corn were frequently found. They 
 were from one to one a half feet in length, round and smooth, with a round 
 point at both ends, something like a rolling pin ; and they were frequently 
 used by the settlers for that puri)ose. ^ 
 The venerable Deacon Stephen Dudley, who settled in Bloomfield 
 as early as 1799, still survives. In the summer of i848 he informed 
 the author that there were then less than twenty persons living in 
 Bloomfield, who were adults when he came there. He also inform- 
 ed the author, that Gen. Fellows built the first framed barn west of 
 Canandaigua; and as an instance of the value of lands in an early 
 day, he related an anecdote : — Gen. Fellows had no building spot 
 on the road, on his large tract, but an acre of land on a lot adjoin- 
 ing was desirable for that purpose. Proposing to buy it, he asked 
 the owner his price, who replied :— " I declare, General, if you 
 take an acre right out of my farm, I think you should give me as 
 much as fifty cents for it." 
 In 1798 a second religious society was organized in Bloomfield, 
 called the "North Congregational Society." The first trustees 
 were : — Jared Boughton, Joseph Brace, and Thomas Hawley. 
 Micah Brooks, was a son of David Brooks, A. M., of Cheshire, 
 Conn. The father was a graduate of Yale College. He belonged 
 ( contiguous, 
 J^ortous anil 
 French con- 
 ; or mending 
 . at a tiiiio, at 
 oynian, were 
 of the shop, 
 lO forge ; his 
 ag a period, 
 nd many of 
 3m, hatchets 
 the ground, 
 used by the 
 1 in various 
 ind brouglit 
 inches long, 
 und. They 
 r'ith a round 
 e frequently 
 e informed 
 s living in 
 so inform- 
 'n west of 
 n an early 
 Iding spot 
 lot adjoin- 
 lie asked 
 al, if you 
 ve me as 
 t trustees 
 to the first quota of men furnished by the town of Cheshire ; en- 
 tering the service first as a private soldier, but soon becoming the 
 quarter master of his regiment. He was a member of the legisla- 
 ture of Connecticut, at the period of the surrender of Burgoyne, 
 and a delegate to the State Convention that adopted the U. S. con- 
 stitution at Hartford. After his first military service, he alternated 
 in discharging the duties of a minister and then of a soldier — going 
 out in cases of exigency with his shouldered musket ; especially at 
 the burning of Danbury and the attack upon New Haven. After 
 the Revolution, he retired to his farm in Cheshire, where he died in 
 Micah Brooks, in 179G, having just arrived at the age of twenty- 
 one years, set out from his father's house to visit the new region, the 
 fame of which was then spreading throughout New England. Af- 
 ter a pretty thorough exploration of western New York, he returned 
 to Whitestown, and visited the country again in the fall of 1797, stop- 
 ping at Bloomfield and engaging as a school teacher ; helping to build 
 his own log school house. [D= See reminiscences of Mr, James 
 Spe:ry. Returning to Cheshire, he spent a part of a summer in 
 studying surveying with Professor Meigs, with the design of enter- 
 ing into the service of the Holland Company. In the fall of '98, 
 he returned, and passing Bloomfield, extended his travels to the Falls 
 of Niagara on foot, pursuing the old Niagara trail ; meeting with 
 none of his race, except travellers, and Poudry, at Tonawanda, with 
 whom and his Squaw wife, he remained over night. After visiting 
 the Falls — seeing for himself the wonder of which he had read so 
 imperfect descriptions in New England school books, he went up 
 the Canada side to Fort Erie, crossing the river at Black Rock. 
 The author gives a graphic account of his morning' s walk from 
 Black Rock to where Buffalo now is, in his own language, as he is 
 quite confident he could not improve it : — " It was a bright, clear 
 morning in November. In my lonely walk along the bank of the 
 Lake, I looked out upon its vast expanse of water, that unstin-ed 
 by the wind, waj as transparent as a sea of glnss. There was no 
 marks of civilization upon its shores, no American sail to float 
 upon its surfivce. Standing to contemplate the scene, — here, I re- 
 flected, the goodness of a Supreme Being has prepared a new crea- 
 tion, ready to be occupied by the people of his choice. At what 
 period will the shores of this beautiful Lake be adorned with dwel- 
 lings and all the appointments of civilized life, as now seen upon the 
 shores of the Atlantic ? I began to tax my mathematical powers to 
 see wh6n the east would become so overstocked with population, 
 as to be enabled to furnish a surplus to fill up the unoccupied space 
 between me and my New England friends. It was a hard question 
 to solve ; and I concluded if my New England friends could see 
 me, a solitary wanderer, upon the shores of a far off western Lake, 
 indulging in such wild speculations, they would advise me to return 
 and leave such questions to future generations. Dut I have r/ten 
 thought that I had then, a presentiment of a ;)rtr< of what half a 
 century has accomplished." Walking on to the rude log tavern of 
 Palmer, which was one of the then, but two or three habitations, on 
 all the present site of Buffalo, he added to his stock of bread and 
 cheese, and struck off again into the wilderness, on the Indian trail, 
 — slept one night in the surveyor's ca.-r^p of .Tames Smedley, and 
 after getting lost in the dense dark woods where Batavia now is, 
 reacheil the transit line, where Mr. Ellicott's hands were engaged in 
 erecting their primitive log store house. 
 Renewing his school teoching in Bloomfield, in '99, he purchased 
 the flirm where he resided for many years. It was at a period of 
 land speculation, and inflation of prices, and he paid the high price 
 of 80 per acre. Boarding at Deacon Bronson's — working°for him 
 two days in the week for his board, and for others during liaying 
 and harvesting, he commenced a small improvement. 
 Returning to Connecticut, he kept aschooi for the winter, and in 
 the spring came out with some building materials ; building a small 
 framed house in the course of the season. In 1801 he brought out 
 two sisters as house keepers, one of whom as has been stated, be- 
 came the wife of Col. Asher Saxton, and the other Curtiss, a 
 settler in Gorham. In 1802 he married the daughter of Deacon 
 Abel Hall of Lyme, Conn., a sister of Mrs. Clark Peck of Bloom- 
 He became a prominent, public spirited, and useful Pioneer. 
 Receiving in one of the earliest years of his residence in the new 
 country, a military comminion, he passed through the different gra- 
 dations to that of Major General. Appointed to the office of justice 
 of the peace in i806, he was an assistant justice of the county 
 courts in 1808, and was the same year elected to the Legislature 
 from Ontario county. In 1800, he was an associate commissioner 
 n upon the 
 :1 powers to 
 ipied space 
 nl question 
 3 could see 
 tern Lake, 
 e to return 
 have f/ten 
 hat half a 
 tavern of 
 tations, on 
 bread and 
 idian trail, 
 ledley, and 
 rm now is, 
 engaged in 
 period of 
 high price 
 ng for him 
 ig liaying 
 ter, and in 
 ng a small 
 •ought out 
 stated, be- 
 Curtiss, a 
 if Deacon 
 3f Bloom- 
 . the new 
 brent gra- 
 of justice 
 e county 
 with Hugh McNair and Mathevv Warner, to lay out a road from 
 Caiiandaigua to Olean ; and another from Ilornellsville to the mouth 
 of the Genesee River. In the war of 1812, he was out on the 
 frontier in two campaigns, serving with the rank of Colonel. In 
 1811 was elected to Congress. He was a member of the State 
 Convention in 1822, and a Presidential Elector in 1821. He was 
 for twenty years a Judge of the Ontario county courts. 
 In 1823, he purchased in connection with Jellis Clute and John 
 B. Gibson, of Mary Jemison, commonly called the White Woman, 
 the Gardeau tract on the Genesee River. Selecting a fine portion 
 of it for a large farm and residence, on the road from Mount Mor- 
 ris to Nunda, he removed to it soon after the purchase. The small 
 village and i)lace of his residence is called " Brook's Grove. " 
 Gen. Brooks is now 75 years of age, retaining his mental facul- 
 ties unimpaired ; as an evidence that his physical constitution holds 
 out well, after a long life of toil and enterprise, it may be remarked 
 that in the most inclement month of the last winter, he made a jour- 
 ney to New England and the city of New York. His present wife 
 was a sister of the first wife of Frederick Smith, Esq. of. Palmyra, 
 and of the second wife of Gen. Mills, of Mount Morris. His sons 
 are Lorenzo H. Brooks, of Canadea, and Micah W. Brooks, residing 
 at the homestead. A daughter is the wife of Henry Rielly Esq., 
 formerly the editor of the Rochester Daily Advertiser, and P. M. 
 of Rochester ; now a resident of New York, widely known as the 
 enterprising proprietor of thousands of miles of Telcgrajjh lines in 
 diflerent States of the Union ; another, is the wife of Mr. George 
 Ellwanger, one of the enterprising proprietors of Mount Hope Gar- 
 den and Nursery ; another the wife of Theodore F. Hall, formerly 
 of Rochester, now of Brook's Grove. He has two unmarried 
 daughters, one of whom is a well educated mute, and is now a 
 teacher in the deaf and dumb institution at Hartford, Conn. 
 The history of Mica'' Brooks furnishes a remarkable instance of 
 a man well educated, and yet unschooled. The successful teacher, 
 the competent Justice and Judge — as a member of our State and 
 National counciis, the drafter of bills and competent debater — the 
 author of able essays upon internal improvements, and other sub- 
 jects — even now in his old age, a vigorous writer, and a frequent 
 contributor to the public ^oress : — never enjoyed, in all, a twelve 
 months of school tuition I The small library of his father, a good 
 native intellect, intercourse with the world, a laudable ambition and 
 self reliance, supplied the rest. 
 The original purchasers of that part of the old town of Bloom- 
 held, which IS now the town of West Bloomfield, (or 10,5G0 acres of 
 It) were Robert Taft, Amos Hall, Nathan Marvin and Ebenezer 
 turtis. All of these, it is presumed, became settlers in 1789 '90 • 
 as was also Jasper P. Sears, Peregrine Gardner, Samuel Miller,' 
 John Algur, Sylvanus Thayer. 
 Amos Hall was from Guilford, Conn. He was connected with 
 the earliest military organizations, as a commissioned officer and 
 rose to the rank of Major General, succeeding William Wadsvvorth 
 At one period during the war of 18J2, he wos the commander-in' 
 chief upon the Niagara frontier. He also held several civil offices ; 
 and in ail early years was a prominent and useful citizen. He died 
 in 1 827, aged G6 years. The surviving sons are : — David S Hall 
 merchant, Geneva ; Thomas H Jl, superintendani of Rochester and 
 Syracuse R. Road; Morris Hall, Cass county Michigan : Heman 
 Hall, a resident of Pennsylvania. An only daughter became the 
 wife of Josiah Wendle, of Bloomfield. 
 Gen. Hall was the deputy ]\Iarshall, and took the U. S. censu<- in 
 Ontario county, in 1790, in July and August, it is presumed. His 
 roll has Deen preserved by the family, and will be found in the Ap- 
 pendix, (No. 9.) ^ 
 In April, 1787, three young men, Gideon Pitts, James Goodwin 
 and Asa Simmons left their native place, (Dighton, Mass.,) to seek a 
 nevv home m the wilderness. They came up the Su.squehannah 
 and located at Newtown, now Elmira. Here, uniting with other 
 adventurers they erected the first white man's habitation upon the 
 site of the present villnge ; and during the summer and fall planted 
 and raised Indian corn. Returning to Dighton, their favorable rep- 
 resentations of the country induced the organization of the " Di^^hton 
 1 helps and Gorham had perfected their title. To be in season, Cal- 
 vin Jacobs was deputed to attend the treaty with Gideon Pitts, and 
 select the t'-Qn* a. .^^., __ .u. . i- i^.^, .um 
 ie tr.<jct, 
 soon as tac townships were surveyed, the 
bit ion and 
 yf Bloom- 
 acres of 
 1789, '90; 
 b1 Miller, 
 :ted with 
 Seer, and 
 ^il offices ; 
 He died 
 i S.Hall, 
 ester and 
 came the 
 3ensus in 
 ed. His 
 1 the Ap. 
 o seek a 
 th other 
 ipon the 
 ble rep- 
 soon as 
 in, Cal- 
 tts, and 
 le com- 
 pany purchased 46,080 acres of the land embraced in Townships 9 
 in the 3ci, 4th, and 5th Ranges : being most of what was after- 
 wards embraced in the towns of Richmond, Bristol, and the fraction 
 of number nine, on the west side of Canandaigua lake. The title 
 was taken for the company, in the name of Calvin Jacobs and 
 John Smith. 
 In 1789, Capt. Peter Pitts, his son William, Dea. George Codding, 
 and his son George, Calvin Jacobs, and John Smith, came via the 
 Susquehannah route to the new purchase, and surveyed what is now 
 the town of Richmond and Bristol. One of the party, (the Rev. 
 John Smith,) on their arrival at Canandaigua, preached the first 
 sermon there, and first in all the Genesee country, save those 
 preached by Indian missionaries, by the chaplain at Fort Niagara 
 and at Brant's Indian church at Lewiston. The lands having been 
 divided by lottery, Capt. Pitts drew for bis share, 3000 acres, at 
 the foot of Honeoye lake, embracing the flats, and a cleared field 
 which had been the site of an hidian village destroyed by Sullivan's 
 In the spring of 1790, Gideon and William Pitts commenced the 
 improvement of this tract. Coming in with a four ox team, they 
 managed to make a shelter for themselves with the boards of their 
 sled, ploughed up a few acres of open flats, and planted some spring 
 crops, from which they got a good yield, preparatory to the coming 
 in of the remainder of the family. Withal, fattening some hogs 
 that William had procured in Cayuga county, driving them in, and 
 carrying his own, and their provisions upon his back. Capt. Peter 
 Pitts, started with the family in October, in company with John 
 Codding and fixmily. They came from Taunton River in a char- 
 tered vessel, as far as Albany, and from Schenectady by water, 
 landing at Geneva. The tediousness of the journey, may be juchred 
 from the fact that starting from Dighton on the 11th of October 
 they did not arrive at Pitt's flats until the 2d day of December. 
 A comfortable log house had been provided by Gideon and William. 
 The family consisted of the old gentleman, his wife, and ten children' 
 besides hired help. For three years they constituted the only family 
 in town ; their neighbors, the Wadsworths at Big Tree, Capt. Taft 
 in West Bloomfield, and the Coddings and Goodings, in Bristol. 
 ^ The House of this early family being on the Indian trail from 
 Canandaigua to Genesee river — which constituted the early trav- 
 elled road for the white settlors — " Capt. Pitts" and "Pitts FLls 
 haa a vvide notoriety in all primitive days. ' It was the stoppincr 
 place of the Wadsworths and Jones, of Thomas Morris and in 
 lact ot all of the early prominent Pioneers of that region. Louis 
 1 hrlhpe, when from a wanderer in the backwoods of America, he had 
 become the occupant of a throne, remembered that he had spent a 
 night ni the humble log house of Capt. Pitts. The Duke Liancourt 
 strollmg every where through this region, in 1795, with his com- 
 panions went from Canandaigua to make the patriarch of the back- 
 woods a visit.* 
 The Indians upon their trail, camping and hunting upon their old 
 grounds, the flats, and the up lands around the Honeoye Lake 
 were the almost constant neighbors of Capt. Pitts, in the earliest 
 years. Generally they were peaceable and well disposed ; a party 
 of them however, most of whom were intoxicated, on their way to 
 the Pickering treaty at Canandaigua in 1794, attacked the women 
 ot the family who refused them hquor, and Capt. Pitts, his son's 
 aiid hired men, coming to the rescue, a severe conflict ensued 
 Ihe assailed attacking the assailants with clubs, shovels and tonj:." 
 soon vanquished them though peace was not restored,, until Hor-' 
 atio Tones, fortunately arriving on his way to the treaty, interfered. 
 Ihe first training in the Genesee country was held at Captain 
 littsiiouso; a mihtia company, commanded by Captain William 
 Wadsworth; and Pitt's Flats was for many years a training ground. 
 Captain Peter Pitts died in 1812, aged 74 yeans. His eldest son 
 Gideon, who was several times a member of the Legislature, and 
 a delegate to the state convention in 1822, died in 1829 a-od 03 
 years. The only survivors of the sons and daughters of Canj 
 I itts, are, Pe ter Pitts, and Mrs. IJlackmer. A son! Samuel Pitts" 
 " ~ — ■ — — . ) 
 " The Dukii lias inadu ,i n^coici of ;h • " W.i cr.t n^^^ „-;.i, ui , T^ 
 I ;mi,l it v,.„- ,lilli™ltl„ „b,„i„ i,„, .» f ' -„L l,,"i m/ t.,v t. , '''";i " " " 
 better onus tlmn wo donyw." 
 tts Flats " 
 5 Stopping 
 "is and in 
 n. Louis 
 ca, he had 
 id spent a 
 his com- 
 the back- 
 I their old 
 )ye Lake 
 10 earliest 
 i ; a party 
 ir way to 
 le women 
 his son's 
 ; ensued, 
 nd tongs, 
 mtil Hor- 
 t Captain 
 g ground. 
 Idest son 
 ure, and 
 ngod 03 
 of Capt. 
 el Pitts 
 it an c'lBtiUo 
 10 cuuinry. 
 ^ attfii(li;r[j 
 ' t-'locutioii. 
 iin.J "AVe 
 f^vls tor our 
 ii" tliiitlie 
 II the iine 
 is lieju'ur.i 
 lu.i^'htcr of 
 'i''s house 
 ■•n<j;nii {iiid 
 lyst; much 
 was an early and prominent citizen of Livonia. The descendants 
 of Capt. Pitts are numerous. Levi Blackmer settled in Pittstown 
 in '95, is still alive, aged 78 years, his wife, (the daughter of Capt. 
 Pitts,) aged 72. In the summer of 1818, the boy who had driven 
 an ox-team to the£tenesee country, in 1795, was at work on the 
 The Duke Liancourt, said that Capt. Pitts had to "go to mill with 
 a sled, twelve miles " ; this was to Norton's Mills. In '98, Thomas 
 Morris built a grist and saw mill on the outlet of Hemlock Lake, and 
 in 1802 Oliver Phelps built a grist mill on Mill Creek. 
 In '95, Drs. Lemuel and Cyrus Chipman, from Paulet, Vermont, 
 and their brother-in-law, Philip Reed, came into Pittstown, with 
 their families. They came all the way by sleighing, with horse and 
 ox teams. The teams were driven by Levi Blackmerr-Bercc 
 Chamberlain, Asa Dennison, and Isaac Adams, all of whom became 
 residents of the town. They were eighteen days on the road. 
 Lemuel Chipman had been a surgeon in the army of the Revolu- 
 tion. He was one of a numerous family of that name in Vermont, 
 a brother of the well known lawyer, and law professor in Miudle- 
 bury College. In all early years he was a prominent, public spirited 
 and useful helper in the new settlements ; one of the best specimens 
 of that strong minded, energetic race of men that were the founders 
 of settlement and civil institutions in the Genesee country. He was 
 an early member of the Legislature, and a judge of the courts of 
 Ontario county ; was twice elector of President and Vice President ; 
 and was a State Senator. Soon after 1800, he purchased, in con- 
 nection with Oliver Phelps, the town of Sheldon, in Wyoming 
 county, and the town was settled pretty much under his auspices! 
 He removed to that town in 1828, where he died at an advanced 
 age. His sons were Lemuel Chipman of Sheldon, deceased, father 
 of Mrs. Guy H. Salisbury of Buffalo; Fitch Chipman of Sheldon ; 
 and Samuel Chipman of Rochester, the well known pioneer in the 
 temperance movement— now the editor of the Star of Temperance. 
 A daughter became the wife of Dr. Cyrus Wells of Oakland county, 
 Michigan, and another the wife of Dr. E. W. Cheney, of Canan- 
 Dr. Cyrus Chipman emigrated at an early period to Pontiac, 
 Michigan, where he was a Pioneer, and where his descendants 
 principally reside. 
 In the year 1796, Roswell Turner came from Dorset, Vermont, 
 took land on the outlet of Hemlock Lake, cleared a few acres, built 
 a log house, and in the following winter moved on his family, and 
 his father and mother. The family had previously emigrated from 
 Connecticut to Vermont. After a long and tedious journey, with 
 jaded horses, tliey arrived at Cayuga Lake, where they were des- 
 tined to encounter a climax of hardship and endurance. Crossing 
 upon the ice on horseback, a part of the family, the Pioneer, his 
 mother and two small children, broke through in a cold day, and 
 were with difficulty saved from drowning by the help of those who 
 came to their rescue from the shore. Arrived at their new home, 
 sickness soon aadcd to their afflictions, and two deaths occurred in 
 the family the first year. The residence of the family was changed 
 in a year or two to the neighborhood of Allen's Hill, where tiiey 
 remained until 1801, and then, as if they had not seen enough of 
 the hardships of rioneer life, pushed on to the Holland Purchase, 
 into the dark hemlock woods of the west part of Wyomino-, the 
 I'ioneer making his own road, west of Warsaw, thirteen miles ; 
 he and his family being tJie first that settled in all the region west 
 of Warsaw, south of Attica and the old Buffalo road, and east of 
 Hamburgh; — pages could be filled with the details of the hard- 
 ships of the first lonely winter, its deep snows, the breaking of 
 roads out to Wadsworth's Flats, and digging corn from under the 
 snow to save a famishing stock of cattle too weak to subsist upon 
 brouse, and other incidents which would show the most rugged 
 features of backwoods life ; but it is out of the present beat. Ros- 
 well Turner died in 1809. His sons were, the late Judge Horace 
 S. Turner of Sheldon ; the author of this work ; and a younger 
 brother, Chipman Pheljis Turner of Aurora, Erie county. Daugh- 
 ters—Mrs. Farnum of Bennington; Mrs. Sanders of Aurora; 
 and the first wife of Pliny Sexton, of Palmyra. 
 I lu^mciiiber veiyi\cll, (Iiat ^\Il.■ll oailv .](>;itlis omirred in our family, no 
 sea.som:d WkuxU could bo olilainod for ootliu.s, short of takino- down a parti- 
 tion of our log-house. The second winter, myself, a sister, a'nd youn^ bro- 
 ther, w;ent to st'hool two miles and a half through the wood.^ into what is 
 uow Livonia. We went upon the old Eig Tree Road, and mostly find tn 
 beat our own path, for but a few sleighs p.-is-sed during the winter. There 
 was hut onefuniily — that of Mr. Brig2;s — on the way. 
 I think it was in the summer of 1802, tliat a little daughter of one of our 
 neighbors, 8ewal ]3oyd, three years old, was lost in the woods. A lively 
 sympathy- was oi'cated in the neighborhood, the woods were scoured, the out- 
 let waded, and the flood wood removed; on the third day, she was found in 
 the woods alive, having some berries in her hand, which the instincts of 
 hunger had caused her to pick. The nniscpietocs had preyed upon her until 
 tney had caused running sores upon her face and arms, and the little wander- 
 er had passed through a terriiic thunder storm. 
 ^ The Indians, if they were guilty of occasional outrage, had some of the 
 nncst miiHiIses of the human heart. The wife of a son of Capt. Pitts, who 
 had alwiiys been kind to them, was upon her death bed; hearing of it, the 
 hqufiws came and wailed urouml the house, with all the intense grief they 
 exhibit when mourning the death of kindred. 
 Upon "Phelps' Flats," as they were called, near the Old Indian Castle, 
 at the foot of Honooye Lake, in the iirst jjlouLrhing, many brass kettles, guns, 
 beads, &c., were found. An old Squaw that had formerly resided upon the 
 Hats, said that the approach of Sullivan's army was not discovered by them 
 until they were seen coming over the hill near where Capt. Pitts built his 
 house. They were quietly braiding their corn, and boiling their succotash, 
 bhe said there was a sudden desertion of their village; all took to fli(rhtand 
 eft the invaders an uncontested field. One Indian admitted that ife never 
 looked back until he reached Buft'alo Creek. 
 In the earliest j-ears, deer would come in flocks, and feed upon our gi-een 
 wheat ; Elisha Pj-att, who was a hunter, made his home at our house, and I 
 have known him to kill six and seven in a day. Bears would come and take 
 the hogs from directly before the doors of the new settlers— sometimes in open 
 day light. I saw one who had seized a valuable sow belonging to Peter 
 Allen, and reti'eated to the woods, raising her with his paws clenched in her 
 spine, and beating her against a tree to deprive her of life; persisting even af- 
 ier men had approached ami were attacking him with clubs. ° 
 _ I could relate many wolf stories, but one will perhaps be so incredible that 
 It will sutl'ce. A Mr. Ilurlbuit, that lived in the west part of the town, was 
 ruling through our neighborlioo.1, on a winter eveniuo-, and passing a strip of 
 ■woods near our house, a pack of wolves surrounded him, but his dog diverted 
 their attention until he escaped. While sitting upon his horse, telling us the 
 story, the ])ack came within fifteen rods of the house, and stoj)ping^upon a 
 knoll almost deafened us with liieir howl. Retreating into the woods a short 
 distance, they seemed by the noise to have a fight among themselves, and in 
 the inorning, it was ascertained that they had actually killed and eat one of 
 their own number ! * 
 Capt. Harmon, built a barn in 1802 or '3; at the raising, an adopted son 
 ot his, by the name of Butts, was killed outright, and Isaac Bishop wjisstun- 
 noJ, supposed to be dead. He recovered, but with tiie entire loss of the fac- 
 * This is not incredible ; other similar cases are triven upon i^ood authoritv. Vnm- 
 ishiiig, iaveii,m.<; a fighl occurs, and usting blood, they know no distinction between 
 uieir own and otier species. — AuiHoa. 
 iilty of memory. Altlioiigli lie had possessed a good education, ho had lost 
 It all, even the names of his childivn, his wife and farming utensils. His 
 vMte re-taught him the rudiments of education, beginning with the ABC. 
 !Uid the names of things. 
 Rattle snakes were too common a thing to speak of; but we had a few of 
 another kind of snake, that I have never heard or read of, elsewhere. It had 
 a hom with which it would make a noise like the rattle of a rattle snake. 
 In 1790 and '7, Peter Allen and his family ; his brother Nathaniel, 
 and the father, Moses Allen, became residents of the town. The 
 father and mother died in early years. Pete.' Allen was connected 
 \.-ith early military organizations, and rose to the rank of a Brig. 
 Gen.^ lie was in command of a Regiment at the buttle of Queens- 
 ton, in which he was made a prisoner ; afterwards a member of the 
 Legislatm-e from Ontario. DCr" See Peter Allen and "Hen. Fel- 
 lows," Hammond's Political History. In 1810 he emigrated to In- 
 diana, becouiingone of the pioneer settlers of Terra Haute ; i por- 
 tion of his original farm, Veing now embraced in the village. He 
 died in 1837, many of his descendants are residents of Terra 
 Haute. Nathaniel Allen was the primitive blacksmith of Pitts- 
 town ; working first as a journeyman in Canandaigua, and then 
 starting a shop, first in the neighborhood of Pitts Flats, and after- 
 wards, on the Hill, that assumed his name. He was an early officer 
 of militia, deputy sheriff, member of the legislature. In the war 
 of 1812, he successively filled the post of commissioner and pay 
 master, on the Niagara Frontier. After the war, he was sheriff of 
 Ontario county, and in later years, for two terms, its representative 
 in Congress. He died at Louisville, Ky., in 1833, where he was a 
 contractor for the construction of the canal around the Falls of the 
 Ohio. Of five sons, but one survives. Dr. Orrin Allen, a resident 
 of Virginia. An only daughter was the first wife of the Hon. R. 
 L. Rose, who is the occupant of the homestead of the family on 
 Allen's Hill. The family were from Dutchess county. The daugh- 
 ters oi Moses Allen became the wives of Elihu Gifford, of Easton, 
 Washington county, Samuel Wood worth of Mayville, Mont, co.,' 
 Samuel Robinson of Newark, Wayne co.. Fairing Wilson, of Stock- 
 bridge, Mass., Roswell Turner of Pittstown, Ont., and Stephen 
 Durfee of Palmyra, Wayne county. 
 Sylvester Curtis erected the first distillery iii town ; and James 
 Henderson who Avas a pioneer at the head of Conesus Lake, was an 
 early landlord upon the Hill. 
 David Akin, Wm. Baker, Thomas Wilson, James Hazen, Silas 
 Whitney, Cyrus Wells, the Johnsons, David Winton, Nathaniel 
 Harmon, William Warner, were settlers in earliest years. 
 Philip Reed, who came in with the Chipmans, died about twenty 
 years ago. His surviving sons are Col. John F. Reed, Silas Reed, 
 Wheeler Reed, Wm. F. Reed, and Philip Reed, all residing on and 
 near the old homestead. 
 As early as 1790 or '7, Elijah and Stiles Parker, Elisha Belknap, 
 Col. John Gi-een, John Garlinghouse, became residents of the town. 
 The four first namea, emigrated many years since to Kentucky, and 
 in late years some of them have pioneered still further on, over 
 the Rocky Mountains to Oregon. Joseph Garlinghouse, a son of 
 the early pioneer, John Garlinghouse, an ex-sherilF of Ontario 
 county, a prominent enterprising farmer, still resides in Richmond. 
 A son of his married a daughter of Erastus Spalding, the early 
 pioneer at the mouth of Genesee River ; another, the daughter of 
 David Stout, a pioneer in Victor and Perinton. Daughters, are 
 Mrs. Comstock, of Avon, and Mrs. Sheldon, of Le Roy. Mrs. Briggs 
 and Mrs. Hopkins, of Richmond, are daughters of John Garling- 
 house ; and a son and daughter reside in Iowa. 
 Asa Dennison who is namea in connection with the Chipmans, 
 still survives, a resident of Chautauque county. 
 In all of the old town of Gorham, at first Easton, (what was is 
 now Gorham and Hopewell,) a few settlers began to drop in along 
 on the main road from Canandaigua to Geneva, as early as 1790. In 
 July of that year, there were the families of Daniel Gates, Daniel 
 Warren, Sweets, Platts, Samuel Day, and Israel Cha- 
 pin jr. who had commenced the erection of the mills upon the 
 outlet. Mr. Day was the father of David M. Day, the early ap- 
 prentice to the printing business with John A. Stephens in Canan- 
 andaigua, and the founder of what is now one of the prominent 
 and leading newspapers of western New York, the Buffalo Commer- 
 cal Adverfser. Daniel Warren emigrated to SI.eldon, now Wyo- 
 m,ng CO., ,„ ,8,0 or ■„, „l,ere he died within a few yea " I'ome 
 roy Warren of Attiea. Wyoming eo., is a son of h^ and Mrf 
 Harry J ara.lton. near Little For,, Ilhnois, is a daughter 
 Conn., bo h were out with Mr. Phelps in his primilive .advent 
 They purchased land in Gorham, paying ,s cd per aero. Tl !:« 
 mwT;,: .: "f /.■=«" '«'•«"- H-vastl ,irsteollee.orof 
 aies of the town of Gorham. His descendants are numerous a 
 Hrdt" f-rs r" '1 "^"=*'^" ^"™"-8 heads of fl L 
 H.S daug^ite s the wives of Asahel IJurch.ard, the early 
 P oneer of L,,„a; Asa Denton, Shubel Clark and J.amo Wyckoff 
 1 "; Bantcl Gates, jr. died in ,8,2; his wife was a sister o 
 he wtfe of Major Miller the early pioneer near Buffalo, and o 
 the Wife of Capt. Folle.t ; Daniel Gates of Palmyra is asoi 
 earr,7 ror"'^" ","' '"'z ^"^ "" "^'•'™'^ °f «-'>-" - 
 early as 179G or 7: — James Wood, Perlev Gitps T„ ii 
 Frederick Miller Sdas Eeed, Cap,! FreZictp II^ITl S 
 JorWarm ""' ""'"""' '"'^°^'' ■' '°'^^' -" J-- ^'"^^ 
 Major Frederick Miller left Gorham soon after ,800 a' 1 was a 
 Roneer at Black Roek, the early landlord and keeper of thTe^y 
 M,s Darnel Gates jr., were daughters of George Babcoek. 
 Silas Reed died m 1834, at the age of 70 years ; an only sur- 
 Tf loi, »:£! ■ " "'■'' ''°"°"' °' '''''^''' "-' " -M- 
 ™t,bone and E hsha Williams, on the Kingston side of the river,n s,gl,t ol .he Wilkesbarre Fort, the party were s d nly at 
 rnd^leTnS''SeT:i,;r::,'^-'s:il;f •""'="-''''»-'» 
 fpll ^.. I • f , ^^""•''Pf^ais. fctill having consciousness, he 
 fell on Ins face ~ be.n. unable to escape - held his breath as much 
 lation at the hands ol his ruthless pursuer.. But he was not thus 
 ovv Wyo- 
 s; Pome- 
 and Mrs. 
 The old 
 'Hector of 
 merous, a 
 ' families, 
 the early 
 sister of 
 , and of 
 3rham as 
 - Ingalls, 
 Hrdseye ; 
 \ was a 
 he ferry 
 nd Mrs. 
 Ictt and 
 •nly sur- 
 ime the 
 tiers of 
 e river, 
 ■nly at- 
 red and 
 less, he 
 s much 
 r muti- 
 ot thus 
 to bo spared. The Indians came up to him, and without any un- 
 necessary delay or useless ceremony, scalped him as he lay in hia 
 gore and agony ; and but for tlie approach of assistance from the 
 fort, would no doubt have ended his days with the tomahawk. 
 The spear wounds were severe and deep — one of which penetra- 
 ted his stomach, so that its contents came out at his side ! His 
 case was deemed hopeless, but kindness prompted all the aid that 
 medical and surgical skill could allbrd. lie was placed i i charge 
 of Dr. William Hooker Smith, who did all in his power to save 
 him — and his eflbrts were crowned with success, and he a 
 hearty and well man. He was then young and full of vigor, and 
 never experienced any particular inconvenience from these severe 
 wounds, except occasional pain from one of the bullets, which was 
 never extracted from his body, and extreme sensitiveness to the 
 slightest touch, or even the air, of that portion of the head from 
 which the scalp was removed. 
 He afterwards entered the naval service — was captured, and 
 taken to Halifax, and confined in a dungeon six months ; was re- 
 leased ; entered the service again, and was twice captured by the 
 British, and eventually returned to his native country, to Dalton, 
 Berkshire county, Mass., from whence he removed at an early day 
 to Gorham. 
 It is a somewhat singular coincidence that his eldest son- now 
 dead — who entered the naval service as a midshipman, in 1812, 
 was captured on board the Chesapeake in her engagement with the 
 Shannon, and was also imprisoned in the same dungeon six months 
 that his father had occupied during our first confiict with the pow- 
 ers of England. 
 " Capt. Follett " is frequently mentioned in the manuscripts of 
 Charles Williamson, and would seem to have been in his employ as 
 early as 1794. His surviving sons are, :— Orrin Follett, an early 
 printer and editor at Batavia, and a member of the legislature from 
 Genesee county, now a resident of Sandusky, Ohio ; his second 
 wife, a niece of James D. Bemis, of Canandaigua ; Nathan Follett 
 of Batavia; and Frederick Follett, of Batavia, the successor of his 
 brother, as a printer and editor — for a long period honorable assc 
 •lated with the public press of the Genesee country — and at 
 present, one of the Board of Canal Commissioners of this State ; 
 having in immediate charge the western division of the Erie Canaii 
 M. Folletl, of Ihe U. S. army, a Rraduate of West roint ■ a .ir- 
 cun^s ance wor.l.y of mention, as ,l,e patronage of tha M&na. 
 cheol ,s not always a, well bestowed, as in this instanee, upon the 
 d scendant of one so eminently entitled to be remember d L ser 
 ™e^ sacr,nces and sulTerings, unparalleled in our Revolutionary 
 tol. About the period that Mr. Phelps was holding his treaty with 
 the Indians, ■„ 1T88, they locatod at the Old Indfan ebari Tn,l 
 1 lonccr MiJi that has heen often named in other connections Hp 
 died many years since. Joseph Gilbert was living a ewLnS 
 since, at the age of 93 years; if living now, he is the ordeTtsur 
 vivmg resident of the Gene.see country 
 Deacon William Gooding and George Codding were amon. thp 
 ew who wintered in the Genesee c^'ountry in'l789 T" b1 
 famihes have been widely known, and few have been more usoM 
 Deacon John G„o.i„g, another son, was one of h Irlv fo^T" 
 of Lockport, Niagara county, where he died in ,838 oT'o " 
 Coddin- Town Clerk Olhe,r, 2 ®"I"'"''Sor, and John 
 Nathan Allen, nI i „ierFH,e i\* Goo7''";T '°'"''"="' 
 Moses Porter. Amos Barber AldenSersrS Z '!f'' 
 Stephen Sisson, Amos Uice', ^^^l^^^r^^J'^'^f 
 Dan.el Bur,, Mose, Porter, Jonathan Wilde" 'ti'^SiHC 
 nt; a cir- 
 t national 
 , upon the 
 ed for ser- 
 s of iJris- 
 eaty with 
 hard, and 
 the small 
 ons. He 
 V months 
 dest sur- 
 nong the 
 0. Both 
 re usefu] 
 e health- 
 is. The 
 reside in 
 )dding is 
 is a son 
 >f 1797. 
 id John 
 ere : ■ — . 
 Elnathan Gooding, Chauncsy Allen, Samuel Mallory, Ephraim 
 Francis, Seth Hathaway, Constant Simmons, James Carl, Zebulon 
 Township 12, R. 2, originally a part of Farmington, now Man- 
 chester; settlement commenced as early as 1793. Stephen Jared, 
 Joel Phelps, and Joab Gilleit, were the fu'st settlers. DCP For 
 Stephen Phelps, see Palmyra. Gillett, in early years, moved to No. 
 9, Canandaigua. 
 Nathan Pierce, from Berkshire, was a settler in 1795. But small 
 openings had then been made in the forest. Mr. Pierce erected a 
 log house, had split bass wood floors, no gable ends, doors, or win- 
 dows ; neither boards or glass to be had ; and " wolves and bears 
 were his near neighbors." Coming from Parker's Mills through 
 the woods at night, with his grist on his back, a pack of wolves 
 followed him to his door. Brice Aldrich, a Pioneer of Farmington, 
 w^as taking some fresh meat to Canandaigua on horseback, when a 
 wolf stoutly contended with him for a share of it. There were 
 many Indian hunters camped along on the outlet ; some times the 
 whites would carry loads of venison to Canandaigua for them, 
 where it would be bought up, and the hams dried and sent to an 
 eastern market. Trapping upon the outlet was profitable for both 
 Indians and whiles. 
 Mr. Pierce was supervisor of Farmington for fifteen years, and 
 an early magistrate ; he died in 1814 ; his widow is now living, at 
 the age of 87 years. His surviving sons are: —Nathan Pierce, 
 of Marshall, Michigan, Darius Pierce, of Washtenaw, Ezra Pierce 
 of Manchester. Daughters : — Mrs. Peter Mitchell, of Manches- 
 ter, Mrs. David Arnold, of Farmington. John McLouth, from 
 Berkshire, came in '95, was a brother-in-law of Nathan Pierce ; 
 died in 1820. Joshua Van Fleet, was one of the earliest; was an 
 officer of the Revolution, a member of the legislature from Ontario ; 
 a judge an*d magistrate, and the first supervisor of Manchester. 
 He is 90 years of age, a resident of Marion, Ohio. First merchant, 
 Nathan Barlow, a son of Abner Barlow, of Canandaigua; -resides 
 now in Michigan. First physician, James Stewart. Nathan 
 arr hk 'l h, f ^' ""^ '-i'™'' ""'' Mrs. Simmons of I'helpg 
 1-h. :""'"T'" ?^ purchasing a la,.o tract of i:nrTt 
 Hn" t ;'T '^^•«'" Berkshire; Gilbert died in 1830. Nicholas 
 Howland of Farmington. and Jonathan IIou land of Adrian 
 igan, are his sons. Mrs Sil-is T{m„.n ^r u i ^^ '"^"' ^"'cn- 
 a daughter. °^ Hamburg, Erie county, is 
 John Lamunion, came in early years ; was from Rhode Island 
 of ctt fTu f? ''''' ^"^^- «'^ -•^^' -'- -- the w ow 
 of Capt. Follett, died two or three year, since. 
 leleg Redfield. was a townsman of Mr. Thelps in SufT.eld • was 
 a musican m the Connecticut lineduringthe 99 
 he exchanged wuh Mr. Phelps, his small farm in Suffield. fo 200 
 r PhlT' H ' f ""'.' ^.'T ^^ '^^•^'^' °" ^^y unsold lands of 
 Mr Phelps. He selected the land where he now resides on the 
 Ra.l Road, a m.le and a half we.^ of Clifton Springs ; (a judiciou 
 se ectjon, as any one will allow, who sees the fine farm inCw eh 
 t has been converted ; ) clearing three acres and erecting the body of 
 a og house he removed his family in Feb. 1800, consistmg of a wiJe 
 and s.x children. " The journey," says a son of his, '^ was pe, form- 
 ed wuh a sleagh and a single span of horses. Besides theZX 
 h sle,gh was loaded with beds and bedding, and articles of house 
 hold fun.ture. I shall never forget this, my first journey to the 
 Genesee country, especially that portion of it west of Utica The 
 snovv was three feet deep, and the horses tired and iodod'by the 
 crad e-holes, often refused to proceed farther with their loaJ I 
 had the privilege of riding down hill, but mostly walked with my 
 father, my mother driving the team." ^ 
 Arriving at their new home, the Pioneer familv found shelter with 
 anew settler, "until the bark would peel in the spring," when a 
 roof was put upon the body of the log house that Mr. Redfield had 
 erected ; openings made for a door and window, and bass-wood logs 
 ? ,1 ' r- "''" '^' ^"^'^y ^'^'^'^^"^'^ ""ti' -utu'nn. when a 
 double log house had been erected. Mr. Redfield is now in his 
 80th year; his memory of early events, retentive, and his physical 
 constitution remarkable for one of his years. He is the fatiier of 
 the Hon. Ileman J. RedncKJ, of Batavia; of Lewis II. Ro.lfiol.l 
 p ,7 . rT "'''"'*' ^'"^'"'^'"'■' ^"^ l^«ok,seIIcr at Syracuse ; Hiram 
 Kodfiold of Rochester, George Redfield, Cass co. Michigan Alex- 
 ander H. Redfield of Detroit, Cuyler Redfield, with whom he i-e 
 sides upon the old homestead. His .on. Manning Redfield, of Man 
 Chester, was killed in a mill where he was marketing his grain in 
 1850. One of his daughters, was the wife of Leonard Short of 
 hhortsv.lle, and the other, of Marvin Minor, a merchant at Bergen 
 and Johnson's creek. "I could have made my location at I^rl 
 Will, near Canandnigua," said the old gentleman to the author "but 
 a town was growing up there, and I feared its influence upon my 
 boys. There are many Pioneer fathers who have lived to regret 
 that they had not been governed by the same prudent motive ' ' 
 The Pioneer mother died in 1844, aged 80 years. It will appeal 
 incredible to the house keepers, and young mothers of the present 
 day when they are told, that Mrs. Redfield, in early years, when 
 she had a family of six and seven children, performed all her ordin^ 
 ary huu^e-work, milked her own cows ; and carded, cpun and wove 
 all the woolen and linen cloth that the family wore. But the old 
 gentleman thinks it should be (.dded, that he and the boys licrhtened 
 her labor, by uniformily wearing buckskin breeches in the winter; 
 tfiough the mother had them to make. 
 rv i? I ^ ^?'''^ ''''t ^''" '■''*'''*"'^' ^^ fi'^^ it up and hired Elam 
 Crane to toucli a school. It was a mile from my house, and my boys used 
 to go throiigfi the wood.s by maikod trees. ^ ^ 
 mi?" r\^ ^'"'■'"m ''■"''''■' ''■'"■'' '"^ ^'''^^ ""i^nnce; nothing sliort of a pen sixteen 
 it. ';- W f^t^'^'t «»■• «1"^^P- in ^vinters, when hungry, they would 
 CO lect together and prow around the log dwellings; and if disappointed in 
 sccirnig any prey then- howling would sturtlo even backwoodsmen. The 
 Imhan wa,^ upon the wolf with great hatred ; it is in a spirit of re^■enge for 
 ..en preyinjT up .u tlien- game, the deer. In the side hill, along on my farm 
 l^jy dug pits, covered them over with light brush and leaves, and bendinff 
 clown small trees, suspended the ortiils of deer dir.ictly over the pits. In 
 sprm-nng for the b|ut tlie wolf would land in the bottom of the pits where they 
 c-ouM easdy be k, lied. The salmon us.d ,o ascend the Canandaigua outH 
 as ar up as Shortsvilo, before mill dams were erected. The speckled trout 
 we.e plenty^n the gulphiu-^S pring brook ; and in all the small streams. 
 '•'*£y ?n"lT8i'"^ ""''""^ '" '""^ BristolIgedT37e^8Th^l^;;;rt^ the Genesee 
 «l,e3 per biBbd, u, Watts Stem,™ J^ ' f ^;'**°f "'«'•■"■ I »U it for 
 bofght tads tor t^rSvc l°,s r:r:ct '""" ■' ""^ '" ""=" '*»'■■ -" 
 I 'iw!l 
 h''^!''^ ^^"''^ '''"' °^S^^"i=^ed in Manchester in 1804- the 
 evvey. i his was the first legal organization, a society had been 
 formed previous to 1800. Judge Phelps gave the soci:'y a ste for 
 Rev Anson .Sh/vn! . ? "^^^^^"g house was erected, 
 for 25 x. 1 ^^ °''"''^ *'^' "'^"^"'^' ^"^ ^^'"^^ined its pastor 
 T e M tl^:^i;tslaT''"*^^^^''^^''^^^^"^ ^^'^^^-^ '^'--' -^«^^ 
 I ne Methodists had a society organization as early as 1800 hold 
 ang their primitive meetings in school and private houses. ' 
 St. John s Church, Farmington," (Episcopal, at Sulphur Springs ) 
 vas organized by the Rev. Devenport Phelps, in 1807. Th offi 
 cers were: -John Shekels. Samuel Shekels, wardens- Dart 
 Wn^ms^ '^" '""rr ^^"»"^ '^'''^' A-hibald A Ll, Da 
 Williams, Thomas Edmonston, Alexander Howard, William Pow- 
 Hilt' Tr.p""'' '* *J" ^'"'' "^ *^'« S'"'^l' family-in sio-],tof "Mormon 
 it in it« caro.r,\n I L W to fl^ I '■ Tl^- 1" '^ '' ''''''' ^"^ "'''''•<>' ^'^''^'4 
 ^'S^:S:^T%f^!7^l'^'-^^^'^f^^ J^ - ^- the 
 tr, 11. ilo fi,>. settled in or near Palmyra village, but as 
 man's store. C.inancliugua Banker, who was the bo„k keeper L Shl7- 
 PublttSo'^H^l'"!''^^''^'^^ keeper at Qcnovn. The 
 public at the Sprmga.-.n,! Wiulam was thclandCi. 
 two brothers liad erected a 
 ss and naik. I 
 ?at. I sold it for 
 ndjuiid ISdper 
 \arliest yeai's of 
 ilieir labor, and 
 in 1804; the 
 and Jeremiah 
 ety had been 
 "'y a site for 
 erected a log 
 was erected, 
 led its pastor 
 3ied in 1845. 
 s 1800, hold- 
 lur Springs.) 
 • Tlie offi. 
 5ns; Darius 
 l3eal, Davis 
 illiam Povv- 
 )f "Mormon 
 lid siiio'ularly 
 crc'Iy starting 
 to Kirtlaud, 
 as fi'oiri tlio 
 IJagc, Lilt as 
 'd l)j Hoiiry 
 l)er 111 SLer- 
 ad ort'ctod a 
 early as 1819 was the occupant of some new land on " Stafford street" m the 
 town of Manchester, near tlie Tne of Palmyra.* " Mormon Hill " is near the 
 plank road about half way between the villages of Palm3Ta and Manchester. 
 The elder Smith had been a Univei-salist, and subsequently a Methodist; was 
 a good deal of a smatterer in Scriptural knowledge: but the seed of revela- 
 tion was sown on weak ground; he was a great balili^r, credulous, not espe- 
 cially industi'ious, a money digger, prone to the marvellous; and withal, aht- 
 tle given to dilHculties with neighbors, and petty law-suits. Not a very pro- 
 pitious account of the father of a Prophet,— the founder of a state; but there 
 was a " woman in the case." IIowe\-er jiresent, in matters of good or evil ! — 
 In the garden of Eden, in the siege of Troy, on the field of Orleans, f in the 
 dawning of the Reformation, in the Palace of St. Peterebuigh, and Kremlin 
 of INIoscow, in England's histoiy, and Spain's proudest era; and here upon 
 this continent, in the persons of Ann Lee, Jemima Wilkinson, and as wo are 
 about to add, Mrs. Joseph Smith! A mother's influences; in the world's 
 history, in the history of men, how distinct is the impress I — In heroes, in 
 statesmen, in poets, in all of good or bad aspirations, or distinctions, that 
 single men out from the, and give them notoriety ; how often, almost in- 
 variably, are we led back to the influences of a mothei', to find the germ that 
 has sprouted in the offspring. 
 The reader will excuse this interruption of nari'ative, and be told that Mrs. 
 Smith was a woman of strong uncultivated intellect; artful and cunning; im- 
 bued with an illy regulated religious enthusiasm. The incipient hints, the 
 first gi\ ings out that a Projihet was to spring from her humble household, 
 came from her; and when matters were matui'ingfor denouement, she gave 
 out that such and such ones — always fixing upon those who had both money 
 and credulity — were to be instruments in some great work of new revelation. 
 The old man was rather her faithful co-worker, or executive exponent. Their 
 son, Alvah, was originally intended, or designated, by fireside consultations, 
 and solemn and mysterious out door hints, as the forth coming Pi'ophet. Tho 
 mother and the father said he was the chosen one ; but Alvjili, however spir- 
 itual he may have been, had a carnal ap]ietite ; eat too many gi-een turnips, 
 sickened and died. Thus the world lost a Pi'ophot, antl Morinonism a leailcr; 
 the designs impiously and wickedly attributed to Pro\idence, defeated; and 
 all in consequence of a surfeit of raw turnips. Who will talk of the cackling 
 geese of Rome, or any other small and innocent causes of mighty e\-ents, af- 
 ter this? The mantle of tho Prophet which Mis. and Mr. Josejih Smith and 
 one Oliver Cowdery, had >vove of themselves — every tarcad of it — fell upon 
 their next ekh^st son, Joseph Smith, Jr. 
 And a most unpromising reci|)ient of such a trust, was this same Joseph 
 Smith, Jr., afterwards, "Jo. Smith." He was lounging, idle; (not to say 
 vicious,) and possessed of less than ordinary intellect. The author's own re- 
 collections of him are distinct ones. He used to come into tho village of 
 Palmyra with little jags of wood, from his backwoods home; sometimes pat- 
 ronizing a village grocery loo freely ; sometimes find an odd job to do about 
 * Here Iho luithor rcnioinbors to have first scon the family, in the winter of '19, '20, 
 in a nule log house, with but a small spot undurbrushe J oi-'ouud it. 
 t France. 
 Uie store of Seymour Se(U'f.ll • o„ i 
 "dare i>...7." *' to oneo andTwl^lf: f ''T'" .""'' ""l"'''"'^ '" "^ V<n,ng 
 inquisitive lounger-but'iw 1^''r", tiie iace of the then meMing 
 wlien ],e used to put hi f i | ' '"^''f ' ^^'^''/^'^ «'^' ^'^^W'-'ned hallj press! ViL e t^ ^t cK '" "I 1^ ^^'^'^ ^'^' ^^^^--J 
 may justly consider himself for 1 .,n ' ''^^ ^^ ''''"J-^-^^teemed as he 
 t}nuU of i ^vith eontriti^ a^ v^^"'; .^^V''^"'" T'^ "f '=""^' "''^^ 
 %ure the face of a P.^ophet -md i '., '^J '^'f"'^ ''"''P'^''' ^1^"-^ ^ dis- 
 But Joseph had a iS 1') v ''''' *''^' ^^'""•l^''' "fa State. 
 nK.her'siilllS'oJc £Sft;r 
 used to help us sohe .omo or .? • '"" *•''''''■' '^•Temlly when he 
 iu our Juviule deb t J h ^ Sl.;j""''T f '"""' ^ I-'!^i«^* ethics, 
 house onDurfee street/^o 4 H f .^ '""''^' '''^^y" '" ^'"^ "'^l ''^^^l school 
 in upon us in the villa «• an I 1. ;'""«3;'nee of c.^itics that used to drop 
 disnl in the ean.p nS;^ "w^ tT i^^^ ^'^"' T^^^""^ ^^ ^'^^'* ''^ ^^'^^l- 
 w^ a ,e,y pass.^le oxho^eHn\'::;;";:;;S;^r'^' "' ^^'^ '^^^""^ ^-^'' ^- 
 l>isla(lL. and mothir .'LS? n ^.i;"' S°?f 1" •^' r '"V^'^ ^'"^^ ^'^^^^ 
 ••ompanied his father in the n.idiSf K ; "• '"'^ ''"''''"'' ^"'^ ^'^'^^ ^''- 
 that guarded it. ""^'"'gi^t deh mgs, and mcantations of the spirits 
 rJl^, ';"ti;'h:;rS:% ^;;i^£;r^''' '^7 -^"-^.-« ^^ ^1.. ti. smith 
 was to eo„,e from thei £;, t,1 1 u l"';! J"'"'^rT^'"' '^''' ^ ^''-^J-''^^ 
 AWon Ilill was the p.aee^;.:,:^ it tS ^d^' ^'^^ ^*^ ^^^ ^^'^^ 
 an]^mc!;f::lSnf^th'n r^]:St 1??"^'" ^^'^^-^^^ ^™''v. 
 foun,lation for the stateml h tl >? 1 V""™"^'"^''' '''^'* ^^'''^ i« "« 
 Mr. Spauldin- of Olio A I ,' . ^'"','' '"''""^'^I't was written hy a 
 Comniandnis" n II prowK^^ ^f ''"' "'1''- I^ook 'of 
 been aided by Spauldin^l ttu^;,; J^ ^fj^ ^ L^ ''t •'"'•^f "'^ ''-« 
 a production of tl,e Smith fann^^ a «U. oi r r T'^' '' ;"''"'"' ^'""''^' 
 teacher on Stafford street an infh If > ^ u ?t'"-''' ^^''^ ^^s a school 
 with the whole niatte Th 2 ; ';'^ "u ^'-if' ^T^y^ ""^1 ^'I^^^tilied 
 it, or even given it u ur^ - ? t rn^';i.rV""';''''' ^'^ '—- ^ 
 n>an. The bungling attcmp" to count M-fS tl ? . "" f ''."'"^'^^ ^'^"' "'• ^^'O' 
 intermixture of inodernlXlo'v '^' ' '.'^ the Scriptures; the 
 Pl'v ; it. utter crudm'y ; ^l dn;.?'i^"'''f 7 "'* chronology and eeogra- 
 clearly exhibits its vuh.^. Sin Ta^." wholc^ stamp ite character and 
 and bad composition ° ° " '^™-' '"^^^"^■>' ^'^ ^^P^ures, romance, 
 ■Jhtained by a cheat and afriud T P.""'"!''.';^'/'^ a desire for noton,.f\-, t,, be 
 pr^.S.:t;w;:;i;:j.:;!;.::;:r^,2-j^r£"/'''' '-'?:■■• ^'-i^' '- rcn,in.i«f that np. 
 c^iiod, and j,u.ua4 it w^ r^^'^p;;^!;;;,:;^^ "^ ^'^-^ --^ «"ttoai.o.^ bce^ th!;; I 
 into tho office 
 i-S ill lis young 
 len meddling 
 Aioned liall.'s, 
 old f'ahhioJiej 
 teemed as lie 
 eftilnoss, may 
 1, thus to dis- 
 )iration,s; tho 
 illy when ho 
 'liticaJ etliies, 
 Id red school 
 used to drop 
 ■k of M(!tho- 
 nna road, he 
 ill as the de- 
 t only heard 
 but had ae- 
 of the spirits 
 It the Smith 
 t a Prophet 
 ; and that 
 lith family, 
 there is no 
 ritteii hy a 
 le Book of 
 9 may have 
 lout doubt, 
 ^as a school 
 ■ identified 
 > liavo read 
 nan or wo- 
 >tnres; tho 
 nd gcogra- 
 'at'ter, and 
 , romance, 
 whry, was 
 ■iefy, to be 
 1 ne\v sect, 
 <1 that np. 
 I'eou thus 
 The projectors of the humbug, being destitute of means for carryin5«- out 
 tlieir plans, a vi(^tim wjus s('lected to obviat(! that ditficulty. Martin Harris, 
 was a farmer of Palmyra, the owner of a good farm, and an honest worthy 
 citizen ; but especially gi\'en to religious enthusiasm, new creeds, the more 
 extravagant the better; a monomaniac, in fact. Jtweph Smith upon whom 
 the mantle of prophecy had fallen after the sad fate of Alv;i, began to make 
 demonstrations, lie informed Harris of tho great discovery, and that it had 
 been revealed to him, that he (Harris,) was a chosen instrument to aid in the 
 great work of surprising the world with a new re\elation. They had hit up- 
 on the right man. Ho mortgaged his fine farm to pay for priming the book, 
 assumed a gra\e, mysterious, and uneailhly d(.>portment, and made he're and 
 there among his acipiaintances solemn annunciations of the great event that 
 W!is transpii'ing. His version of the discoverv, as coramunieated to him by 
 tho Pi'ophet Joseph hims('lt; is well remembered by several respectable citi- 
 zens of Palmyra, to whom he made early disclosures. It was in substance, as 
 follows : 
 The Prophet Joseph, was directed by an angel where to find, by excava- 
 tion, at the place afterwards called Mormon Hill, tlu! gold jilates; and was 
 compelled by the angel, much against his will, to be the interjireterof the sa- 
 cred record they contained, and publish it to the world. That the j-lates 
 contained a record of the ancient inhabitants of this C(nmtry, " eno-ra\(,'d by 
 Mormon, the son of Nei)hi.'" That on tho top of the box containinoM;he phites, 
 "a pair of large spectacles were found, tho stones or glass set in which were 
 opa(pie to all but tho Piophet," that "these belonged to Mormon, the cjigra- 
 ver of the plates, and without them, the plates could not be read." Ilarris'as- 
 sumed, that himself and Cowdcny Avere the chosen amanuenses, and that the 
 Prophet Jos(>ph, cuitained trom the woi'ld and them, with his spectacles, read 
 from the gold j)lates what they counnitted to paper. Harris exhibited to an 
 informant of the author, the manuscript 1 itlo page. On it were drawn, rudely 
 and bunglingly, concentric circles, l)ctween above and below which were char- 
 actors, with littl(i resemblance to letters; apparently a miserable imitation of 
 hieroglyphics, the writer may have somewlKMv seen. To guard against pi'o- 
 fane curiosity, tho Prophet had given out that no one but himself, not even 
 his chosen co-operators, must l)e permitted to see them, on i>ain of instant 
 death. Harris had n(.!\er seen the j^lates, but the glowing account of their 
 massive richness excited other than spiritual hopes, and he ujion one occasion, 
 got a village silver-smith to help him estimate their value; taking as a b;isis, 
 the Prophet's account of tlieir dimensions. It was a blemling of Uie spiritual 
 and utilitaiian, that threw a shadow of doubt upon Martin's sincerity. This, 
 and some anticipations he indulged in, as to tho profits that would arise from 
 the sale of tiio (Jold Bible, made it then, as it is now, a mooted question, 
 whether he was altogether a dup(\ 
 Tho wife of Harrs was a rank infidel and heretic, touching the whole thing, 
 and deciiledly ojiposed to her husband's partici[)ation in it. With saeriligioiia 
 hands, slu^ seized over an hundred of the manuscript pages of the new'Teve- 
 l.'ition, and iiurned or secreted them. It was agi-cei] by the Smith family, 
 t'ow.lery and Harris, not to transcribe those again, but to let so much of the 
 new re\ elation drop out, as the "evil spirit would get up a story that tho 
 second translation did not agree with the first." A verv in^'onious metluxl 
 surely, of guarding against the possibility that Mrs. Harris had preserved tlio 
 .onSL'f :',S »',!:it,^„7 sl'iif £.;,*" 7'?;r = f ""st' i- 
 'tt'rf °n.',:il di""'*, TrTT' "■"■" '"''"■-■ H« .""™«i'iiX 
 uie iu(, ot ci baptiht older, biitlia.l by some iirevious froak if the iiitlior i^ 
 mat,,,,, Dc«,g,,,„g i,„I„t,o„.s dirf,<„,«i, „„,li.,i,„ so„,I,l„„cc of "3 
 "Yo too, b:licvers of incredible creeds, 
 WLosu faith enshrines tlio monsters wliich it breeds ; 
 Who bolder, even tlian Nimrod, think to rise 
 By nonBciiBo henped on nonsense to the skies; 
 Ye shall have miracles, aye, sound ones too, 
 Seen, lieard, attested, every thing Ijiit true. 
 Your preaching zealots, too insi)ired to seek 
 One grace of meaning for the things they sjieak ; 
 Youi- martyrs ready to shed out theii- blood 
ttempt an iuir 
 lioiiseliold of 
 5 absence, tlie 
 libors. They 
 the sliore of 
 1 cotton, and 
 5 stone, in a 
 it will be ob- 
 was the same 
 3nded discov- 
 ad with some 
 le credulous, 
 inie across "a 
 3ne. In tlie 
 ce. Enlarg- 
 d then explo- 
 -lurknoss. " 
 'hetsand the 
 ■Idly as wore 
 )usiness con- 
 by spiritual 
 of the new 
 d witnessed 
 proceeds of 
 I of $2,500, 
 original in- 
 ) made his 
 ■■ of impos- 
 oithily bore 
 e author is 
 ous denom- 
 ce of sanc- 
 the Smith 
 1 they were 
 et, or more 
 jd Prophet 
 For truths too heavcnlj to be understood ;" 
 * * # , 
 " They shall liave niystcrie.s— aye, precious stuff 
 For knaves to thrive by— mysteries enough ; 
 Dark tangled doctrines, diirkas fraud can weave, 
 Wliich simple votaries shall on trust receive, 
 Wliilc craftier feign belivf, 'till tliey believe." 
 Under tlie auspices of Ri^rdon, a n«nv scet, the Mormon.s, was proiectod 
 prophcc.s fell thick .and fast tVoin the li,>s of ; old Mrs. Smith Issum- 
 ed all the airs o the mother of a J^rophet ; that particular family of 
 bmiths were .saigled out and became e.Kalted above ail their k-o^ion of name- 
 sakes. _ I ho ball, clumsy cheat, found here and there an enthusiast, a mo- 
 nomaniac or ,-. knave, in and an.und its primitive localitv, to help it upon its 
 start ; and soon, like another scheme of imposture, (that had a little of dij?- 
 mty and plausibility in it,) it had its Hegir..^ or llio-Ut, to Kirtland; then to 
 ^auvo; thentoashort re.stin;r pl^ce in Missouri— and then on over the 
 Ivocky Mountains to Uta li, or the Salt Lake. IJanks, printing oilices, tem- 
 pH cities, and hnally a State, have arisen under its auspices. Converts have 
 multiplied to tens of tlu.u.sands. In .several of the countries of Europe there 
 are preachei>. and organized sects of Mormons ; believers in the divine mission 
 ot Jose})h Smith & Co. 
 And liere the subject must be dismissed. If it has been treated lio-htlv — 
 with a_ seeming levity -it is because it will admit of no other treatment. 
 1 here IS no dignity about the whole thing ; nothing to entitle it to mild 
 treatment. It deserves none of the charity cxU^nded to ordinary reli"iou« 
 la ^uacisin for knavery and fraud has been with it incipienily and progress- 
 ively. It has not even the poor merit of ingenuity. Its succes,s is a slur"ipon 
 the ago. promoted it at first; then ill advised persecution • 
 then the designs of demagogues who wislu'd to command the suilVao-es of 
 Its followers ; until finally an American Congress has abetted the fraud and 
 imposition by Its acts, and we are to have a state of our proud Union — 
 in this boasted era of light and knowlodnre — the very name of which will 
 sanction and dignify the fraud and falsehood of Mormon Hill, tli.; gold plates 
 and the spurious revelation. This much, at least, might havci been omitted 
 out of decent respect to the moral and religious sense of the people of thu 
 01(1 smti6s* 
 Township No. II, R. 3, (now Fanuington,) was the first sale of 
 Phelps and Gorham. Tlie purchasers were : — Nathan Comsfock, 
 Benjamin Russell, Abraham Laphain, Edmund Jenks, Jeremiah 
 Brown, Ephraim Fish, Nathan Herendcen, Natiian Aldrich, Ste- 
 phen Smith, Benjamin Rickeason, William P>aker and Dr. Daniel 
 Brown. Tiic deed was given to Nathan Comstock, and Benjamin 
V -__ 
 rnELPs AND goriiam's purchase. 
 Russell ; all except Russell, Jenks, J. Brown, Fish, Rickenson, Ba- 
 ker and Smith, became residents upon the purcliase. Jn 1789, Na- 
 than Comstock, with two sons, Otis and Darius, and Robert Hatha- 
 way, came from Adams, Berkshire county, Mass. ; a part of them by 
 the water route, landing at Geneva, with their provisions, and a 
 1- -♦ by land with a liorse and some cattle. When the overland 
 party had airived within 15 miles of Seneca Lnkc, they had the ad- 
 dition of a calf to their small stock, which Otis Comstock carried 
 on his back, that distance. They arrived upon the new purchase, 
 built a cabin, cleared four acres of ground, and sowed it to wheat. 
 Their horse died, and thoy were obliged to iriake a pack horse of 
 Darius, who went once a week through the woods to Ooneva, where 
 he purchased provisions and carried them on his back, twenty niiles, 
 to their cabin in the wilderness. Upon the approach of winter, 
 the party returned to Massachusetts, leaving Otis Comstock to take 
 care of the stock through the winter, with no neighbors otlicr than 
 Indians and wild beasts, nearer thai. Bougliton Hill and Canandai- 
 gua. About the same period of the advent of the Comstocks, 
 Nathan Aldrich, one of the proprietors of the township, came by 
 the water route, landing his provisions and 3ced wheat at Geneva, 
 and carrying them upon his back to the new purchase ; he clear- 
 ed a few acres of ground, sowed it to wheat and returned to Mass- 
 In the month of February, 1700, Nathan Comstock and his large 
 Aimily, started from his home in Adam.s accompanied by Nathan 
 Aldrich and Isaac Hathawny, and w^ere f jllowed the day after by 
 Nathan Herendeen, his son "Wiiliam, and his two sons-in-law, Josh- 
 ua Herrinrrton and John M'Cumber. The last party overtook the 
 first at Geneva, when the \\lioIr' penetrated the wilderness, making 
 their own roads as they proceeded, the greater part of the distance, 
 and arrived at their new homes in the wilderness, on the 15th of 
 March. After leaving Whitestown, both parties, their women and 
 children, camped out each night during their tedious journey, and 
 arriving at their destination, had most of them to erect temporary 
 habitations, and this at an inclement season. 
 The following are the names of all who were residents of the 
 new township in 1790 : — Nathan Comstock, Nathan Comstock, jr., 
 Otis Comstock, Darius Comstock, John Comstock, Israel Reed,' 
 John Russell, John Payne, Isaac Hathaway, Nathan Herendeen,' AND aoRnAM's pdrotase. 219 
 Welcome IlerenJecn, Joshua Ilerringlon, John JfCaml-cr Nalhan 
 Adnoh, J"cobS„,,^l, Job II„„,a>Kl, Abrahnn, Ln,.ham. J I,„ t^ 
 Wiic! Tir li"! '"' '"'"'''"'"'■'■'"='•• J™"'!'"" Smith. Pardon 
 Wilcox. liobcrl Ilathavvny, Jeremiah Smilh. But a part of all 
 hese ,ha, were n,arricd had brought in their families, and Is „ 
 them were um)arried. 
 Pa don Wdcox. and Levi Sn.i.h; ,0 the last of whom ,he author 
 s nuleh.ed for many of his Pioneer reminiscences of Farmi„,,o„ 
 Joshua Hercndeen died last winter, a. the advanced age of over 
 Many of these early Pioneers were Friends, either by member- 
 that an, of ts members contemplating any i.nportant enternrise 
 ■e rXh '/""' °':r'S™'-' "-' -Ion their intentir. ' 
 thetr meeting for eons.deralion and advisement. The rash enter- 
 pnse of away off to the Genesee countrv. and seltli,' down 
 am„n,g savages and wild beasts, was not consistent with °k nZ 
 regard entertamed by the meeting for the Farmington e, g ", "^ 
 onsent was refused, and they were formally disowned, vlh n a 
 connn,,, f ,h„ Friend's Yearly Meeting of Philadelphia, attend^ 
 Frie'ds! pT'°-" T" '' ^""--J-g- ■'" "0«. they visited the 
 moetmg that had disowned them in Massachusetts, which resulted 
 n he,r restoratton. A meeting was soon after cganized, tl e iL, 
 e ,t a '""».''",""'• "-« ■"% o"" west of Utiea. The society 
 etected a mee ,ng house in 1804. Their ea,ly local public Friend 
 wT He died last year at an advanced age. 
 Wheat was harvested in the summer of 1700, the product of 
 : : ;;r 7'" '' ''" ^""^'"^"^ "•" ^'""- A'd,.ich,'i„ V 
 PC. .ous. Some sun.mer crops were raised in the summer of '00 
 lie .stump mortai- w-as the principal dependence for pteparing 
 lieii-gi-am for b,ea.l. I„ the fall of 1700, iosliua Ilcicnd™, ,"i"h 
 Mills in Bristol ; arriving late on Saturday night, the n,iller' wife 
 s:r^.if'a,;'F' '""'■ ■■"" "-'"-« >i-^" ^HouM 'i'rrLrf 
 f«iii.aj, ,1 all iarmmgton starved." This ,„adc liin, a second 
»1 > 
 rinars akd ooniiAM's runciTASE. 
 journey, and it was a work of d 
 lys, as the first had boon. Duri 
 the same season, Welcome Ilerendcen. John M'Cumber and J 
 than Smith, took grain up the Canand 
 Wilder's Mill. They got hut 
 in the season, a part of (I 
 aigua outlet and Lake to 
 a part of it grouiid, and it being late 
 icir grist lay over until the next season. 
 man of Nathan Aldrich and 
 Levi Smith, in 1791, then a hired .......... 
 Abrahan, Lapba.n, carried grists upon two horses toVhe'FrienL 
 Mill, in Jerusalam, 
 As an example of the dilTiculties and hardships that attended 
 emigration at that early period, it may be mentioned that in 17!)I, 
 Jacob Smith, wi'h his family, was thirty one davs in makinn- the 
 journey (rom Adams, Mass., to Farmington. I'utling famil/and 
 household lurniture on ^oard of a boat at Schcneetadv. and driving 
 h.s stock through the woods, along tl« creeks, rivers, Imd lakes, the 
 ^vllole arrived at Swift's Landing, beyod which he had lo make 
 hjs road principally, as there had been little intercourse in that 
 direction, from the settlement in Farmington. 
 Nathan Ilerendecn himself wintered iiuhe new settlement, hi.^ son 
 Welcome returning to bring out the family, who came in February, 
 01 ; and about the same time other considerable additions were 
 made to the settlemenl, consisting of the families of those who had 
 come in the year before, and new adventurers. Brice, and Turner 
 Aldrich and their families William Ca.Iy, Uriel Smith, Benjamin 
 Lapham, were among the number. A considerable nun d)er of 
 them came in company, witli ox and horse teams, were twenty-one 
 days on the route, the whole camping in the woods eight nights on 
 the way. 
 The young reader, and others who may be unacquainted with 
 Pioneer life, in passing through that now region of wealth and 
 prosperity, will h^ sur])rised to be told that the i'ounders of many of 
 those farm establishments — clusters of neat farm buildings, "sur- 
 rounded by flocks and herds, and broad cultivated fields — iV their 
 primitive advent, plodded through snow and mud days and \v-eeks, 
 with stinted means; at night, with their families of young children,' 
 clearing away u.e snow and s[)readiiig their cots upon the ground J 
 their slumbers often interrupted by the howl of the caunt wolf 
 prowling around their camp-fires. Unless in that localitv, liom the 
 peculiar character of its inhabitants, better ideas of rigin physical 
 education prevails than is nsnn!. ihom f..-,. ,\--,„c.Ui..,-., ;.. .V . > > 
 c arc daughters in those abod 
 of comfort and luxury who shrink even from the henhhful breeze 
 w have prepared the frugal rrnal l,y the winter 
 camp-hre, and kept ntu-sery vigils where the drivin/storm pelted 
 her and her household through their frail covering. EJwt 
 phy.s.eal degeneracy, the work of but one and tw^o gen La ion 
 mar ed n. the sons. There are those in the Genesee eountr who 
 would deem ,t a hardship to black their own boots, harness their 
 own hor.e, or make their own fires, whose fathers and grand-fathers 
 have earned provisions to their families upon their backs throurrh 
 long dreary winter woods paths. Sincere.'v is it to be hoped ih^t 
 mental degeneracy is not keeping pace with all this, as some ob- 
 servers and theorists maintain. 
 But we are losing sight of the germ of what became a prosperous 
 settlement The new comers were soon in their log cabins, dotted 
 down m the forest, and making openings about them to let in tho 
 sun. i\afhan Comstock was regarded as surveyor general of roads. 
 Mounted upon his old mare, he would strike off into the woods in 
 oiilercnt dn-ecl.ons where roads were needed, followed by axe-men 
 and a teamster with oxen and sled. The underl)rush would be cut, 
 logs cut and turned out of the way. and thus the beginning of a 
 road was n,ade to be followed up gradually, by widening out"o two 
 and lour rods, and bridging of streams, sloughs and marshes. As an 
 evidence that they commenced in earnest to subdue the wilderness 
 It may be mentioned that there were ccnsiderable fields of wheat 
 sow-n ,n the fail of 1790. Nathan Aldrich having raisvl .ome 
 se.d wheat m that season. Welcome Herendeen worked for him 
 thirteen days for two and a half bushels, sowed it, and he used to 
 tell the story when he became the owner of broad wheat field, 
 remarkmg that he never had to buy any after that. The first set- 
 tlers of larmmgton, bringing with them apple seeds, and peach 
 a.u plum Pits, were early fruit growers _ soon had bearing 
 orchards- and for long years, the new settlers in far off nei<d,bor! 
 hoods, went there for apples, and a real hixurv they were in^imi- 
 tive tunes. larmington and Bloomficld cider, apples, and apple 
 sauce, was ari especial treat for many years in the backwoods of 
 the Holland Purchase. Some enterprising keeper of a log tavern 
 would push out when sleighing came, and bring in a load. His re- 
 *"■•" would be heralded over a 
 w ox sieds and iiorse sleigh ride, th 
 Je district ; and the 
 n woult 
 J fol- 
 rough wood's roads, rude feasts 
 and frolics. The pampered appetites of the present day know 
 nolhmg of the zest which attended these simple luxuries then. 
 J he fu-st marriage in Farmington, was that of Otis Comstock to 
 lluldah Freeman, at the house of Isaac Hathaway, in 1792, Dr. 
 Atvvater, of Canandaigua, officiating. The first birth, was that of 
 Welcome llerendeen, m 1790, a son of Joshua Ilerendeen, who now 
 resides m Michigan. As a specimen of this first production it 
 may be mentioned that his weight is now said to be 350 pounds. 
 1 he first death of an adult, was that of Elijah Smith, in 1793. 
 1 he first frame building was erected by Joseph Smith and James 
 U iMsh of Canandaigua, for an ashery, on the farm of Welcome 
 Herendeen. The first framed barn was built by Annanias McMil- 
 Ian for Isaac Hathaway, in 1703; and the same year, McMillan 
 bu It a small framed grist mill on Ganargwa Creek, within the town- 
 ship, for Jacob and Joseph Smith. Settlers have been known to 
 1 he fns saw mill was built by Jacob and Joseph Smith, in 1795 
 I he first physician in Farmington. was Dr. Stephen Aldridge. from 
 Uxbridge Mass. He died about fifteen years since, alter a long 
 and useful career, both in his profession and as a citizen 
 Almost the whole town of Farmington was settled by emi-rrants 
 from Adams, in that same county of Berkshire that has been so 
 prolific a hive, sending out its swarms not only here, but to all our 
 western States and territories. The local historian here and at 
 the west has olten to query with himself as to whether there could 
 be any body left in Berkshire ? It would seem tnat when new 
 lelds of enterprise were opened, new regions were to be subdued 
 to the uses of civilization, legions went out from its mountains, hills 
 rnd valleys -not "of armed men "-but of the best of materials 
 ^r the work that lay before them. Berkshire - a single county of 
 New England -It may almost be said, has been the mother of em- 
 In the iiistory of a wide region of unparalelled success and pros- 
 perity, no where has it been so uniibrm as in the town of Farming. 
 and nf n T'"" 'T ''°" ^"■"^'^^ •^"^ ^y '^'' «'-'S'"^^l proprietors, 
 and of all the purchasers, but one failed to be a permanent citizen 
 and pay fur his land. The wholesome discipline and example of 
 the .Society of Friends preserved it liom the eflects of an early 
 proluse use of spirituous liquors, so destructive to early prosperity 
PiiELi's AND oorham's purchask. 223 
 Icqrirecl '' ^""' ^'" '""^ ^'^^ P'-e-eminencc that it h.. 
 The first town meeting of the " District of Fur.nln^ton " was held 
 at the house ofNathan Aldrich, in 1707; meotin, ^^00 ne, S 
 sup.r,ntendea by Phineos Bates, Esq., when .Tared Co.nsrc Z. 
 chosen Supervisor, and Isaae Hathaway town clerk. Otho town 
 offieers:- Joseph Snu.h. Nathan Ilerendcen, Jonathan SniT 
 O s Cc..stock Asa Wihnarth, John M'Lou.h. Isaac II. thaway 
 Kte s, .Tob Howland, Welcome Ilerendeen, Turner Aldnch Gid- 
 eon Payne, .Toshua Van Fleet, Jacob Smith 
 in^Lr^Fm thafSlObep..idfor the scalp of each wolf killed 
 Town Tl ^ '""' ™''^ to defr..y the expenses of the 
 lown. The meeting W..S adjourned to beheld next year at the 
 house of Nathan Ilerendeen. 
 John Decker Robmson, from Claverack. Columbia co., and 
 Nathaniel Sanborn, were among those who came to the Genesee 
 country about the time of the Phelps and Gorhan. treatv Mr San! 
 born was employed by Mr. Phelps to take charge ^f a drove of 
 cattle that he mtended for beef, to distribute among the Indians a 
 have Ho.,t h.,t,.r .MiUeria^ to tS Si ^ ""l' Z^ 7;, ^^^ England could hardly 
 ••Hclul. At the period .,f omi-n' a o, ? ,? ,',1 ' f ^ ^ ^'l"' '^""''' '"^^'^ P'"v»-'d more 
 had .ix sons : F). in!. I , ' ' '• ,' ,/'^i^, '"""^''- ■''."'.' ralroon of uow settlement. 
 iet at Cup;^ .- 3i;r£:^;S .^Jlf" -'1 j£ ^„U,a„ .. the Piol 
 was construclod. Jose^,, J red nd Ih i we 1 t .'^ ""'''''^ ^'"T ^"^'''"^ '^'^ '^'^"^ 
 ted, and iK.raiiie tlic Dror rietn -^ r.f' , 1 . '^ """"^ »•'* ''»« C'l""! wa.s loca- 
 Town, u.ul tl,eT..avn.K' h c-ri. f^'".!'^'?"':" "* f''^«ite of the present Upper 
 «..uplerc:d l.eean,e a Pioneer nJar ! ^nr ' , >7 and .00., alter the canal was 
 the site of the vilia-re of A, 1, ■,,,,-. I"^' "V ' '"■'«(' <d Adijnn Miehi-rnn. A part of 
 stock, was a pronl ::::;f .^^ ^ ^ :^;;i;;;!:, ^ l^-''-^. -'"-I. if. -n. Addi.o„ ^S.ul 
 .'oseph, in Lock-pert, in IH'' \ ,1 - /j Vf,. ,/ ^^1'';:;^^^^ 18IG ; 
 i^an, in 1814 a.^l '5 ; ancfilis 1, F , ; ::^: ';tl;:^i^'^'^it■'-:• •'•'^' 1^^'"- i" Mich: 
 ^ylu. xvns an earlv law student in Cairind W • ,) , • ' ''^' ™'"^i™'- " John, 
 ria.., Michi-an. The .ie.scenlantV . i? ' ' "'^.'•f' di'« 4'on a farn. near Ad- 
 tlioir residences bein^ urn n^' v in M i 1! /"; "ri^ '^'^T' '"'' ^*^V' """'«'•«"«. 
 P-nin„on, is ada,^ 1/ '& Tl^ lif y|;,.„ ^li s! l^l^lAn,/^" ^'"^'^ "^ 
 Vriia a tl;u:giitt;rol Joseph. -n-^-ci ^nt.i, ot Uuiuu Spnngs, 
 the treaty. As soon ns land sales commr^nccd, Mr. Kobinson Ijought 
 lot No. 14, T. 1], R. 1, (Phelps) on the Canandaigua outlet, in pay- 
 ment for which he erected for Phdps and Gurhatn, (partly of logs 
 and partly Ihuned,) the building that was used as the primitive land 
 office, and lor the residence of the agent of Mr. Walker. In the 
 spring of 1789, he put his family and goods on board a battcaux at 
 Schenectady and landed them at their new home in the then wilder- 
 ness. Raising a cloth tent they brought with them, the family 
 were sheltered under that until a log cabin was erected. Nine days 
 after their arrival, they were joined by Pierce and Elihu Granger, 
 Nathaniel Sanhorn and his brother-in-law, Gould, who remain- 
 ed with them a few months, cleared a few acres on an adjoining lot, 
 built shantees, and returned to Suiricld in the flill, leaving' the Rob^ 
 inson family to spend the winter eight miles from their nearest 
 neighbor. Mr. Robinson opened a public house as soon as '93, or 4. 
 His location was East Vienna; embracing some valuable mill'seats 
 on iMint creek and Canandaigua outlet. He was one of the most 
 enterprising of the early Pioneers. His son Harry was the first 
 male child born in Phelps; another son, Henry, H. resides in 
 Following the lead of Robinson and the Grangers, in 1791, were, 
 Thaddeus Oaks, Seth Dean, Oliver and Charles Humphrey, and 
 Elias Dickinson. 
 Jonathan Oaks was the primitive landlord, erecting as early as 
 '94 the large framed tavern house, at Oak's Corners, about the same 
 time that Mr. Williamson erected his Hotel at Geneva. It was a 
 wonder in early days ; peering up in a region of log houses, it had 
 an aristocratic look, and its enterprising founder was regarded as 
 pushing things far beyond their time. ^It was the secon'd framed 
 tavern house west of Geneva, and when built, there was probably 
 not half a dozen framed buildings of any kind, west of that locality. 
 It was the house of the early explorers and emigrants, and its fame 
 oxtended throughout New England. It is yet standing and occu- 
 pied as a tavern in a pretty good state of preservation. Mr. Oaks 
 died in 1-804, leaving as his successor his son Thaddeus, who had 
 married a grand-daughter of Elias Dickinson. The father dying 
 at so early a period, the name of Thaddeus Oaks is principally 
 blended in the reminiscences of the later Pioneer period. He died 
 in 1824 at the age of 50 years; an only surviving son, Nathan 
?on I)ought 
 l(!t, in pay. 
 lly of logs 
 litivc land 
 r. In the 
 attcaux at 
 en vvilder- 
 lio family 
 Nine days 
 I Granger, 
 10 remain- 
 oining lot, 
 r the Rob- 
 r nearest 
 s '93, or 4. 
 mill seats 
 'the most 
 3 the first 
 •esides in 
 '91, were, 
 irey, and 
 s early as 
 the same 
 It was a 
 es, it had 
 rarded as 
 d framed 
 . locality, 
 its fame 
 nd occu- 
 ilr. Oaks 
 who had 
 er dying 
 He died 
 Oakf!, a worthy representative of his Pioneer ancestors, inherits the 
 fine estate, thn fruit of h's grand-father and father's early enterprise. 
 He is the P. M. at Oaks' Corners ; his wife, the daughter of Truman 
 Heminvvay Esq., of Palmyra ; a sister, is the wife of Leman llotch- 
 kiss, Esq. of Vienna. 
 As early as ISIO, the lessees ..f the Oaks' stand, were Joel and 
 Levi Thayer, now of Buffalo. About th=s period, the long celebra- 
 ted Race Course, was established ujjon the broad sweep^ of level 
 ground, upon the Oaks farm, which passengers may observe from 
 the cars, in the rear of the church. For years, it was a famous 
 gathering place for .sportsmen, and amateur sportsmen ; race horses 
 came to it from the south, and from Long Island and New Jersey. 
 The annual gatherings there, were to western New York, in a 
 measure, what the State Fairs now ai- to the whole State. 
 Philetus Swift, a brother of John Swift, of Palmyra, was in 
 Phelps as early as '91. He was an early representative of Ontario, 
 in Assembly and Senate ; in anticipation of the war of 1818, hold- 
 ing the rank of Col, he was ordered, with a regiment of volunteers, 
 to march to the Niagara Frontier, and was with his regiment at 
 Black Rock, when war was declared. He died in 1820. He left 
 no sons ; an only daughter by a second marriage, is wife of Alexis 
 Russel, of Webster, Monroe co. 
 Seth Dean, was the Pioneer upon the site of the present villat^e 
 of Vienna, building a primitive grist and saw mill, upon Fiint creek. 
 His mill was raised by himself and l:is son Isaac ; they being unable 
 to procure any help. The Pioneer died in early years; liis son 
 Isaac resides in Adrian, Michigan, is the father-in-law of Addison 
 J. Comstock, one of the founders of the village of Adrian. Mrs. 
 Wells Whitmore, of Vienna, is a daughter of Seth Dean. Walter 
 Dean, a brother of Seth, came in at a later period. He was the 
 father of L. Q. C. Dean. A daughter of his married Dr. Isaac 
 Smith, of Lockport, deceased, and is now the wile of David Thomas, 
 of Cayuga. 
 The first merchant in Phelps, was John R. Green, an En-llsh 
 lrv^"m)~d^'''' .^' i"' '^ '^P^ ^r"«''' P»t <^^ fi'-«t clioesofo pro.s.s in the Concsce coun- 
 try ; arid "Ihcrchy li;iii','S!it;ilo" — or, a hour .story. It was in ciio of tho „I, If.ti • V 
 out ,loor proHsos ; a boar cune at night, and entirely devoured t ^ hi^t^^ifa; ,1 Mi- 
 empty chc'csoourl), boro wiiiesa '""'•-'^ ", «ia nia tratks, and tlio 
 man, located at Oaks' Corner,.. Leman llolditiss and David Mc- 
 Ne,l, were the first «,erci,a„ts in Vienna ; a firm of muci, enterprise for a long period, the trade of a wide region. Ho h.' 
 .ss was the brother of the late Judge Hotchkiss^f Lew^ten 
 He d,ed ,n 1822. His widow is now Mrs, Joel Stearns, of Vient' 
 H,ram, of Lvor^ and Leraan B. of Vienna, are his son.,, MoNei 
 wa t e first ',M, ,„ Phe|,„ appointed in ISOI, he held the offic 
 re'-lntott:!'"'- ''''-' "■"^'-- "-vidow survives, a 
 l>r. Joel I'reseott, was the early physieian. He was an early 
 surerv.„r of the town, and fbr several ears chairman of Z board 
 of superv,sors ,>l Ontario. He died during the war of ISl- a 
 son of ,s, Imly Preseott, recently died in Geneva; Z d te s'be 
 came „e w.ves of Owen Edmons.on, of Vienna, a^d Jame Da . 
 row, ot feeneca county. 
 Elder Solomon Goodale, was the first resident minister in Phelps • 
 was at Uaks Corners Prp« ivtori-.K. ti n- • ,• 
 uxuLi!, iieso}teiian — the ster the 
 se Lorrnve'^r""" '^'!"''™"^ """ ^''" ^'^^'^-- ^^ 
 settled over a Weld, congregation in Ohio ; a grand-dau-diler, Jane 
 Reese, was a poe,es.s whose early effusions appeared ind,e I'a my 
 «est Of Seneca Lake, that of East Bloon.f.eld the first ]t wa, 
 01 Col. Co t who proone,! ,™bseripti„ns, and rented pews the of winch, more than paid for i,s con.pletion, Thad Zoab 
 locati™ "'" '""■"'"• ™''='"«i"ally co„,pe,i,„rs for the 
 Pioneer''!'™ 't "T '" " ""'^' »' '"' ' """^ '"=»- ""■ "-" -""^t 
 ;5f ^. ■t^:;e"z.rJJ;,;l:™:Ii~ 
 e was a large landholder. After accun, 1, i g" ^t f: 't 
 ; r:'po ^^u "fr''-'' "-^ """"■>• ™^»-'"'". "" as 
 ycdis, upon a llevolutionary nop.^inn If. j:.,! i,,,. ,• 
 J 1 -. !j^ (j,cu L'ut u lew years 
David Mc- 
 h enterprise, 
 )n. Hotch- 
 f Lewiston. 
 of Vienna. 
 s. McNeil 
 Id the ulfice 
 survives, a 
 IS an early 
 )f the board 
 af 1812; a 
 ugliters be- 
 anies Dar- 
 • in Phelps ; 
 2ed church 
 inister, the 
 'cs, and is 
 ;hter, Jane 
 he Palmy. 
 ey Durfee, 
 icond built 
 t. It was 
 m became 
 I in charge 
 pews, the 
 leus Oaks 
 vas finish- 
 Ts for the 
 than most 
 ;novvn as 
 ry enter- 
 It, where 
 'State, he 
 his lasts 
 -'vv years 
 since, at an advanced age.* His son, Jonathan Melvin, now resides 
 upon the old homestead. 
 Wells Wlntmore came in with Jonathan Oaks ; married a daucrh- 
 S' . '•',"'"'' '''' '"" ^"'"'^' '''''^'' ''^ <^^'°''gi«. an J Mrs. 
 JN'orton, oi Vienna, is a daughter. 
 John and Patrick Burnett, brothers, came in 1795; Patrick left 
 m a lew years; John became a prominent citizen. He held a 
 Captam s com.nission in the Revolution. Wm. Burnett, his son 
 was an early supervisor, magistrate, and attained t'le rank of Brier' 
 Oen. of mihtia. He was in service on the Niagara frontier in 1813 
 and commanded the volunteer force, called out to repel the British 
 mvaders at Sodus. He died in 1826; William Burnett, of Ann 
 Arbor, is his son ; I\Irs. Benjamin Hartwell, and Mrs. Bainbridge of 
 1 helps, are his daughters. 
 Cornelius Westfall came in '95; purchased 500 acres of land ; 
 died in 1832. His only son, Jacab, a Captain of a company of 
 riflemen, was killed in Queenston battle. 
 Elijah Gates, came in '95 ; died in 1835 : his sons Seth and Dan- 
 iel, reside at the old homestead. 
 Oliver Humphrey, one of the earliest, died in 1838; was a Major 
 of Mihtia. His son Hugh Humphrey, lives at the old homestead. 
 1-1 IS brother Charles, who came in with him, died a few years since ; 
 his son John, resides upon the homestead. 
 Lodowick Vanderniark, came in '94; erected one of the earliest 
 saw mills on the outlet. He died just previous to the war of 1812 • 
 1- and William, of Phelps, are his sons. His brother Joseph.' 
 who came in with him, died in 181(5. 
 Deacon Jessee Warner, one of the earliest, located on site of 
 v.lnge of Orleans; was one of the founders of the churches at 
 Orleans and Melvin Hill. He died in 1835 ; John Warner of Or- 
 leans, is his son. 
 Solomon Warner was in Geneva as early as '88. He located 
 near, a;.d afterwards became the purchaser of a part of the Old 
 ('astle tract, which he sold to Jonathan Whitnev. His wife was a 
 daughter of Jonathan Oaks. He died in .1813; two of his sons 
 re side in Michigan, a nd two at the homestead; daughters became 
 » In pnssin^nl.o 01,1 Oastlo, in an early -lay, l.o jnrke.l m.T.^am loTinrwns h,^l^ 
 now Hla..dina along tharoaJ, oa ias'dd iar:^:' "" " ^°"^ '' ''^ *""' ' "" ''^'^ '''' 
 the wives of Cephns ShekclLs, Alfred Hooker. William Jones. Rev. 
 Znl' Tu "•,'"" !^"'^"'' ""''" ''' y^''' '^^ =^Se, resides in the 
 hous. Ins father btnlt in '89, and in winch he was forn 
 Col Ehas Dickinson, on.s of the original purchasers of Phelps, was 
 from Conway. Mass. II3 died in 1804, or '5. His son. Cdton, 
 was killed m raising the church at Oaks' Corners, in 1804 ; Samuel 
 Dickinson, die eminent printer and publisher, of Boston, was a son 
 of Colton Dickinson; he was an apprentice of Elias Hull of Ge- 
 neva. Another son of the old Pioneer, was the founder of the 
 large mills of Vienna. He died in early years 
 Col. Elms Cost wns a native of Frederick co., Maryland, a son 
 of Jacob Cost; a sister of his, was the mother of Wm: Cost John- 
 Shekel, and Abraham Simmons, he came to the Genesee country 
 The party travelled on horseback, coming i„ via Mr. Williamson^s 
 Nonhumberland Road; upon 40 miles of which, there was. then 
 but one house; stopped at the Geneva Hotel, and continued on 
 lacTw h7? ' ''. ?"'"' o'"" ''">'^^""^ Mr.' Williamson, 
 lef ttrhn ; o """ ^^"" '''' >'^'^"S adventurers had 
 left their horses at Oa.. tavern, and arriving at the outlet, at Ly- 
 ons, were ferried over upon the back of a stout backwoodsman, by 
 ^ name of Hunn. Shekels and Simmons, bought land at the Sul 
 phur Springs. The party returned to Maryland. The next season 
 Col Cost came out and purchased land near Oaks' Corners, where 
 he has resided for half a century. He is now 72 years o^ a^e 
 may almost be said to be robust in health; his mind retaining^its 
 his native ^'•■'!''^''>' ' .'^---'■"^ the fine social qualities, peculiai- to 
 his na ive region. His first wife was the daughter of Capt. Shekells 
 After her death he married the widow of Thaddeus Oaks and was 
 t e an lord of the Oaks' stand for fourteen yea:s. His darle." 
 he fruits of his first marriage, became the wives of Thomas^John-' 
 son of Maryland, and Lynham J. Reddoe. a son of John Beddoe, 
 Of Yates CO. An unmmarried daughter whose mother was Mrs 
 Oaks supplies the place of her mot' e , (who died recentiv,) in 1 1^ 
 hspitabe mansion. Col. Cost was upon the frontier in tl. wlr of 
 of As "1 ^'r^'';-:''\^' ."^« -'•'i- of Fort Erie ; was a member 
 ot Assembly from Ontario, in 1840. 
 .>'oiK._C,,,, .li,.,} i„ Ai;rii hst^^MUt^u^ wurk was in inv,,. 
 Jones, Rev. 
 esides in the 
 Phelps, was 
 son, Colton, 
 }4 ; Samuel 
 I, was a son 
 Hull of Ge- 
 ader of the 
 'land, a son 
 Cost John- 
 h Benjamin 
 ee country, 
 3 was. then 
 ntinued on 
 nturers had 
 tlet, at Ly- 
 xisman, by 
 at the Sul- 
 lext season 
 lers, where 
 irs of a<re • 
 staining its 
 peculiar to 
 . Shekells. 
 s, and was 
 mas John- 
 n Beddoe, 
 was Mrs. 
 lly,) in his 
 he war of 
 1 member 
 Benjamin ShaksU, who33 advent is mentioned in connection with 
 Col. Cost, died m 1818. His son Richard resides in Hopewell ; a 
 daughter, is Mrs. Ste[;Iicns of Hopewell. Samuel Shekell came in 
 1803 ; died in 18'i3 : his son Thomas in 1894, and opened a store 
 at Clifton Spring-; ; returning to Maryland in a few years ; another 
 son, Jacob M., resides near Ann Arbor, Michigan ; another, John, in 
 Waterloo ; another, Cophus, in Milwaukee. His daughters became 
 the wives of Col. Elias Cost, Major \Vm. Howe Cuyler, Alexander 
 Howard, and Andrew Dorsey, of Lyons. The Shekells were trom 
 Bladensburg, Maryland. 
 William Hildreth was an early merchant and distiller ; was a 
 Supervisor of the town, and a member of the legislature. He 
 creeled mills on Flint Creek, was a large farmer, and in all, a man 
 of extraordinary enterprise, carrying on for many years an exten- 
 sive business. He died in 1838; his widow survives. His sons, 
 William and Spencer, reside in Vienna. 
 Eleazor, Cephas and Joseph Hawks, were early settlers in Vienna. 
 Cephas Hawks, just previous to the war, erected a large woolen 
 factory at Whitj Sprin s, on the Nicholas (now Mrs. Loe's) f\irm, 
 near Geneva ; bought the fine wool of the Wadsworths ; sold cloth 
 at from 85 to $12 per yard ; made money rapidly ; but low prices 
 ond consequent failure succeeded at'ler the war. He emigrated to 
 Michigan. Benjamin F. H iwks, of Vienna, is a son of Eleazor. 
 Luiher Root was the first clothier in Phelps ; he died 25 years 
 since ; his widow and sons are residenis of ViiMuia. 
 The town of Phelps was first the "J'istrict of Sullivan;" the 
 first tov/n meeting was held at the house of Jonathan Oaks, in 1796. 
 Jonathan Oaks was cho.sen Supervisor, Solomon Goodale, Town 
 Clerk. Other town ofTiccrs : — Joel Prescott, Philetus Swift, Pierce 
 Granger, Cornelius Westfall, Abraham F. Spurr, Chas. Humphrey, 
 Elijah Gates, Augustus Dickinson, John Patton, Wells Whitmore, 
 Jonathan Melvin, Oliver Humphrey, Patrick Burnett, Jesrse Warner, 
 Oliver Humphrey, Phil(>!us Swift, Augustus Dickinson, Joel Prescott, 
 Oliver Humphrey, Solomon Goodale. 
 A "gratuity of four pounds" was voted for "every wolf's head 
 that shall be killed in this district by an inhabitant thereof." 
 At a court of special sessions of Ontario county, in June, 17CG, 
 name was changed to ''Dist.ict of Phelps." 
 In February, 1797, u special town meeting was called "for the 
 purpose Of establishing some regulations in roforencc to schools." 
 After the town had assu.ned his name, Mr. Phelps save an enter- 
 a.n.ent at Oal.-Wn, and a jovial time tL b'ackwLsmen 
 had of It, as but few of them live to recollect. 
 While the Pioneer events we have been recordinjr, were jroincr 
 on m other localities, the little village of Kanadesaga, at the foot ,3? 
 beneca Lake, had been going a head under the auspices of Reed 
 and Ryckman and the Lessees. In the compromise with Phelps 
 and Gorham, the Lessees had come in possession of townships 6, 7, 
 and 8 m the 1st Range, and 9 in the 2d. These townships were 
 deeded to the Lessees under tlie name of the "New York Com- 
 pany ;" and a fifth township (No. 9 in the 1st.) was deeded to 
 Benton and Livingsto.." * " In the fall of 1788," savs a manu- 
 script m the author's possession, "number 8 was divided into lots 
 and balloted lor at Geneva; Benjamin Barton, sen., at that time 
 being agent for the Niagara (or Canada) Company, drew the num- 
 ber of lots assigned to them ; and Messrs. Benton and Birdsall 
 being present, drew for themselves and associates " f 
 In the fall of 1788, about the time that the Pioneer movements 
 were making at Canandaigua, Geneva had become a pretty brisk 
 p ace ; the focus of speculators, explorers, the Less(>e Company and 
 their agents ; and the principal seat of thelnxlian trade tor a wide 
 region. Horatio Jones was living in a log house covered with 
 bark, on the bank of the Lake, an.l had a small stock of goods for 
 the Indian trade; Asa Ransom (the afterwards Pioneer at Buffalo 
 * Bui. the four townships were included in tJ.e coinproniiso Benton ^ind T i in^^f 
 were nroinmont union" tlip L("W'>i^ • iml ..^ti,,..- ., . '.,',• ',',"^"" -i"" Unng^toii 
 ti» iHt, „t ii„s„; v-rf,-'„;„i rl:!. ';::;IJ; ..'':!.,;'"'"'.'■"■'•■'■.'■ ™j h ■••t 
 : o.k iuid Canada joint Lc-sce Coinpanic.i 
to schools." 
 /a an enter- 
 were going 
 the foot (>f 
 i'.i of Reed 
 vith Phelps 
 nships 6, 7, 
 ships were 
 fork Corn- 
 deeded to 
 .'s a manu- 
 d into lots, 
 that time 
 ' the nuin- 
 1 Birdsall, 
 rettj brisk 
 ipany and 
 'or a wide 
 ired with 
 goods for 
 at Buffalo 
 1 Living-itoii 
 lip hy j;iir- 
 ig the coiiv 
 IP, witli tlu> 
 I! lots tlicv 
 t,V thcrcoC." 
 I'l.'iiijiM was 
 I Iho Liiko 
 "t," wliich 
 B iiiiniu of 
 Eind liy all 
 and Ransom's Grove,) occupied a hut, and was manufacturing 
 Indian trinkets; Lark Jennings had a log tavern on the baidv of 
 the Lake ; the Lessee Company had a framed tavern and trading 
 establishment, covered with bark, on the Lake shore, "near where 
 the bluff approaches the Lake," winch was occupied by Dr. Ben- 
 ton. There was a cluster of log houses all along on the low grounrl 
 aear the Lake shore. The geographical designations wer°e '• hill 
 md bottom." Peter Ryckman and Peter Bortle were residing 
 there, and several others whose names are not recollected. Cot 
 Seth Reed was residing at the Old Castle. Dominick Debartzch, 
 an Indian trader from Montreal, was rather the great man of the! 
 country. His ])rincipal seat was the Cashong farm, which he 
 claimed as an Indian grant, and where he had a trading establish- 
 ment ; though his trade extended to the western Indians, among 
 whom he went after selling his claim to the Cashong iarm to the 
 late Major Bsnj. Barton, of Lewiston.* 
 The Lessees were then strenuously claiming all of the lands of 
 the six nations up to the old pre-emption line.' A letter from one 
 of the company at Geneva, to one of the Canada associates, dated 
 m Nov. '88, speaks confidently of a compromise with the State, " by 
 which we shall be enabled to hold a part, if not the whole of "the lands 
 contained in our lease." To further this object, it is prop.,sed that 
 the Canada miluence shall bo brought to bear upon the Indians ; and a strong delegation of the chiefs shall be at Albany whe'n the 
 legislature meets, and "retnonstrate openly to the sovereignty of the 
 State, against the late proceedings at Fort Stanwix, and d'emand the 
 restitution of their lands."t In April and M^iv, 1789, the New 
 York company held out to their Canada associates, the strongest 
 assurances of being enabled with their assistance, to induce the'ln- 
 Jians to abide by the Lease, instead of their cessions to the State • 
 hut in the fall of that year, they began to be disposed to take what- 
 ever they could get. In September, one of the auditors of the " New 
 John FI. Jom- y hu.«.,l tlie conf.rn.ahon of lliis ],a,-ai.<. Mi>jor Barton, in part 
 pavwiont, pulled .,11 Ins ovorcnnt, un.l ^-.-.v,. it to l),.I,iu-tzdi. It Jian heretofore beoi 
 SMd hat In,, pureluwewiis iniule of Pondry. ^fr. Jones correefs this, and savs Ih-it 
 ondry at the tune was a servant of,^ioually a:s,ssi:sting liinfiu the 
 Indian trade. Botli gloried m native wive.?. 
 tin llio inoiith of Septend)er preeeding, tlio Ononda-aH had, at a treaty at Fort 
 btiinwix,eeded their lauds to the Slate; and in the aaiue month, tho Ou-'l^Jas i<ad 
 ceuod tiieira 
 York Genesee Compiny," writing to tiie " Niagara Gancsee Com- 
 pany," says :— " Our business has fallen much short of our first idea;" 
 and after -.yA ing their concurrence in a proposed compromise with 
 the State, the letter closes with, " I am, with due respect, but like 
 the rest of the company at this time, somewhat dejected, your very 
 humble servant." 
 All that w;;s done at Geneva previous to the spring of 1793, was 
 under the auspices of Reed and Ryckman and the Lessees. The 
 little backwoods village th,':t had grown up there, the scattered set- 
 tlements in the Lessee towns and upon the Gore, and at Jerusalem, 
 constiti'.ted a majority perhaps of all the population west of Seneca 
 Lake. " 'i'hc district of Seneca," which, so far as organization was 
 concerned, embraced all the region north to Lake Ontario, and the 
 Lessee towns, had its first town meeting in April, 1793. It was held 
 at the house of Joshua Fairbanks, who still survives, a resident of 
 Lewiston. Niagara county. Ezra Patterson was chosen Supervisor, 
 Thomas Sisson, Town Clerk. Othor town officers, Oliver Whit- 
 more, Jas. llice, Phineas Pierce, Patrick Burnett, Samuel Wheedon, 
 Peter Bortio, Jr., Sanfdrd Williams, Jonatlian Oaks, David Smith 
 Benjamin Tuttic, Win. Smith, Jr., David Benton, Benj. Di.Kon,' 
 Amos Jenks, John Reed, Caleb Culver, Charles Harris, Stephen 
 Sisson, W. Whilmore, Joseph Kilbourn, Seba Squires. 
 In 1791, Aii.brose Hull was Sup ■s\ isor. Store and tavern licen- 
 scs were granted to Graham S. Scott, Thomas Sergeants, Joseph 
 Annin, Ilewson & Co. 1795, Timothy Allen was Supervisor, and 
 Samuel Colt, Town Clerk ; town meeting was held at the house of 
 Ezr.i Patterson, who was chosen Supervisor of the town for several 
 successive years. In 1800, the numl'cr of persons assessed to work 
 on the highways in the town of Seneca, was 290. 
 ^Mr. Williamson turned his attention to Geneva, in the spring of 
 1793 ; and as will be observed, many of the early reminiscences of 
 the locality occur in connection with him. In fact, Geneva is more 
 or less mingled with the earliest events of the whole region. It was 
 the door or gateway to the Genesee country, and there our race first 
 made a stand preliminary to farther advances. 
 Herman II. Bogert, conunenced the practice of law in Geneva, 
 in 1797, being now the oldest resident member of the profession' 
 except Judge Ifowell, in western New York. His father was Isaac 
 Bogert, a captain in the Revolution, attached to the ISow York line ' 
 ncsce Com- 
 r first idea;" 
 romise with 
 ct, but like 
 I, your very 
 ' 1703, was 
 isees. Tile 
 atlcred set- 
 ; of Seneca 
 lization was 
 •io, aad the 
 It was held 
 resident of 
 liver Whit- 
 I Wheedon, 
 ivid Smith, 
 •nj. Dixon, 
 is, Stephen 
 ivern licen- 
 its, Joseph 
 rvisor, and 
 e house of 
 for several 
 ed to work 
 ! spring of 
 5cences of 
 va is more 
 fi. It was 
 r race first 
 n Geneva, 
 was Isaac 
 ^ork !i 
 was at the siege of Fort Stanwix, and at the close of the war be- 
 came a merchant in Albany. The son was preceded in his profes- 
 sion at Geneva, only by Henry II. Van Rensselaer, who remained 
 but a lew years. 
 Mr. Bogei' observes, that at the period he came to Geneva, land 
 speculations were at their height ; high prices were the order of the 
 day; board was S 1,00 per week at the hotel; and all things were 
 going on as swimmingly as in the later years, 183G, '37. Eligible 
 building lots of three-fourths of an acre'> sold for 8500 ; farmin.T 
 lands in the neighborhood, sold for 85,00 an acre, that afterward" 
 brought but $2 and 83,00. .Mr. Williamson had a slocp upon the 
 Lake that was engaged in bringing down lumber. The mail was 
 brought from Albany once in two weeks upon horseback. Mr. Wil- 
 liamson's head quarters were then i)rincipally at the Genera Hotel. 
 In addition to his other enterprizes, he was a'ctivelv engaged in the 
 construction of the turnpike. 
 Mr. Bogert is now 77 years of age ; his wife, the daughter of 
 John Witbeck, of Red Hook, who also survives, is 73. Charles A. 
 Bogert of Dresden, Yates county, is a son; a daughter became the 
 wife of Derick C. Delamater, of Columbia county ^ another, of Her- 
 man Ten Eyck, of Albany ; another, of Godfrey J. Grosvcnor, of 
 Early lawyers in Geneva, other than Mr. Bogert, Pollydore B 
 Wisner, Daniel W. Lewis, Robert W. Stoddard, John Collins, Da- 
 vid Hudson. Mr. Wisner was an early District Attorney. He 
 died in 1814. He was from Orange county; studied law with 
 Richard Varick ; at one period member of the Legislature. Mr. 
 Lewis died within a few years in Buffalo, leaving no chikircn. An 
 adopted daughter of his was the wife of Stephen K. Grosvenor, and 
 IS now the wife of the Rev. Dr. Shelton, of BufTlilo. Mr. Stoddard 
 died in 1847. A son of his is a practicing lawver in Brooklyn, and 
 another son is an officer of the navy. Mr. Collins is now a prac- 
 ticing lawyer in Angelica. Mr. Hudson still survives, and contin- 
 ues a^resjdent of Geneva. Mr. Parks is yet a practicing Attorney 
 NoTE.-Mr. T!oi,rcrt,aiu.n.g^.thor interesting reininisccnoe.s of early tiiiios, wlii^ 
 V-!l7 "'tT ''""^ "' "^•^";«'"'"-'«i""^. «]'«>k. of a niavke.1 evont-a'\l,under! o , ' 
 Zo Zir^'P'Tn"*'''^ 'l""'"^ succession, of tiunuler; not nnlike the rc- 
 hudtw I'u'aiiek '" ' ''"' ^ '""''' of grandeur and terror, h-a. 
 in Geneva. He studied law with Lewis and Collins, and was ad- 
 mitted to practice in 1814. In the war of 1812, he was upon the 
 frontier, and in the battle of Queenston, in command of a company 
 of volunteers. 
 The early merchants of Geneva, other than those who were loca- 
 ted there under Indian and Lessee occupancy, were : Grieve and 
 Moflat, Samuel Colt, Richard M. Williams, Elijah H. Gordon, 
 Richard M. Bailey, Abraham Dox. Grieve & Motlatt established 
 the first brewery in all this region. Mr. Grieve was in the employ 
 of Mr. Williamson, in the earliest years, as it is presumed Mr. Mof- 
 fat wa-', as his name occurs in connection with the early move- 
 ments at Sodus. Mr. Grieve was out in the war of 1812, a colonel, 
 under Gen. McClure. He died in 1835. Mr. Moffat removed to 
 Buffalo. Richard M. Williams became a farmer in Middlesex, On- 
 ta- io county, (or in Yates county) where he died a few years since ; 
 a son of his was lately in the Senate of this State. Mr! Colt was a 
 lirothcrof Joseph Colt, the early merchant of Canandaigua, Auburn, 
 and Palmyra. lie removed to New York, and on a visit to Ge- 
 neva, attending tiie com'mencement at the College, he died suddenly, 
 at the Hotel, in 1831. Mr. Baily is still living. He entered the 
 regular army in 1812; had a staff appointment, was taken prisoner 
 at the battle of Queenston; went to Quebec in company with Gen. 
 Scott, where he was parolled. 
 Elijah H. Gordon is one of the three or four survivors of all who 
 were residents of Geneva previous to 1798 ; is in his 80th year. 
 His goods came in early years, from Schenectady, via the usual 
 \vater route, costing for transportation, generally about $3 per cwt. 
 Barter trade, in furs especially, constituted his principal early busi- 
 ness ; potash and ginseng was added after a icw vears. 
 Mr. Gordon was a Judge of Ontario county courts in early years ; 
 and the second Post Master at Geneva, succeeding Walter Grieves,' 
 who was the first. His two sons, John H., and Wm. W. Gordon,' 
 reside in Washington, Louisana. 
 Dr. Adams was a physician in Geneva in the earliest years of 
 settlement. Dr. John Henry and Daniel Goodwin, were the ear- 
 liest permanent physicians. Dr. Henry died in 1812. Dr. Good- 
 win removed to Detroit, where he died a few years since. Stephen 
 A. Goodwin, an attorney at law, in Auburn, is a son of his ; another 
 son, Daniel Goodwin, is an attorney in Detroit. 
 ind was ad- 
 is upon the 
 a company 
 were loca- 
 Grieve and 
 [I. Gordon, 
 the employ 
 d Mr. Mof- 
 'arly niove- 
 I, a colonel, 
 removed to 
 Idlesex, On- 
 ,'ears since ; 
 Colt was a 
 iH, Auburn, 
 visit to Ge- 
 d suddenly, 
 intered the 
 en prisoner 
 .' rtith Gen. 
 ; of all who 
 80th year. 
 I the usual 
 83 per cwt. 
 early busi- 
 arly years ; 
 er Grieves, 
 V". Gordon, 
 t years of 
 re the ear- 
 Dr. Good- 
 3; another 
 A Presbyterian society wa orjranized in Geneva, as early as 
 1798. In July of that year, a meeting; was held ; John Fulton and 
 Oliver Wliitmore presided ; Oliver Whitmore, Elijah Wilder, Sep- 
 timus Evans, Ezra Patterson, Samuel Latta, Wm. Smith, jr., and 
 Pollydore B. 'Winner, were chosen trustees. The Rev. Jedediah 
 Chapman became the first settled minister, continuing as such, 
 until hi3 death in 1813. He was succeeded by the Rev. Henry 
 Axtell. The society built a church in 1811. 
 In 180G, " nineteen persons of full age, belonging to the Protest- 
 ant Episcopal church, assembled, and there being no Rector, John 
 Nicholas presided." Trinity church was organized by the election 
 of the following officers :— John Nicholas and Daniel W. Lewis, 
 Wardens; Samuel Shekel!, John Collins, Robert S. Rose, Richard 
 Hughes, Ralph T. Wood, David Nagler, Jas. Reese, Thomas Pow- 
 ell, Vestrymen. 
 The Rev. Davenport Phelps was the first officiating clergyman ; 
 was succeeded by the Rev. Orrin Clark, who officiated for many 
 years. He died in 1828. The society erected a church in 1809, 
 which was removed, and its site occupied by the present Trinity 
 Church, in 1845. 
 Baptist and Methodist societies were organized, and churches 
 erected, soon alter the war of 1812, but the author has no farther 
 record or information concerning them. 
 Among the earliest mechanics at Geneva, were : Wm. Tappan, 
 John and Abraham B. Hall, John Sweeny, Elisha Douner, Moses 
 Hall, W. W. Watson, John Woods,* Lucius Gary, Jonathan Doane,t 
 Foster Barnard, Richard Lazalere, Jacob and Joseph Backenstose.'j 
 John Nicholas, emigrated from Virginia, and settled at Geneva 
 m 1804. He was a lawyer by profession, but had retired from 
 practice. He was for several terms, a member of the State Senate, 
 and a Judge of the courts of Ontario. He engaged extensively in 
 * Mr. Wood, was also an eai'Iy landlord. 
 t He erected the primative cliurclies ; was the father of Bishop Dcano of Xew Jer- 
 sey, who received his primary education in Oenevii. 
 t Thev were brothers, came to Geneva in tlio earliest years. Thev were the pioneer 
 tailors of the Genesee country. Time was, when to wear a coatlVoiu (heir press board 
 marked the wearer as an aristocrat. Men going to Ct)ngreHs, or the Legislature (jen- 
 cnilly got it coat liom a "(lenevii milor," but never before election. "GeiR>rals''~and 
 "Colonels" sotnelimes indulged insucli an extravagant lu.\ury. Tlie surviviu"- sons of 
 Jacob, are :— John Harkenstore a mercliant of Geneva, and Jacob and Frederick, of 
 iiloomtield. Jacob Barkcustorc yet survives, a residout of LocJijiort. 
 agricultural pursuits, owning nnd occupying llio large farm after 
 wards iMirchased by Cidcm Loo. Judge Nicholas died in 1817. 
 iris surviving sons arc Rol)ert(J. Nicholas, Lavvson Nicholas, Gavin 
 L. Nicholas, John Nicholas ; a daoghter became the wife of Abra- 
 ham Dox, and another the wife of Dr. Leonard, of Lansingburg. 
 Robert S. Rose, a broth<'r-in-law of Judg(^ Nichr.las, emigrated 
 with him from Virginia. He located upon a finm on the oirposite 
 side of Seneca Lake, where for many years, he was one of the 
 largest farmers in westc-rn New York. Roth he and Judge Nich- 
 olns, wore at one j.eriod extensive wool growers, and did much to 
 promote the imi)n)vement of sheo[) husbandry in this region. He 
 was for (.ik; or two terms, a rei)resentativo in Congress. " He died, 
 suddenly, :.t Waterloo, in 1815.* His widow, who was of the 
 Virgmiu family of T.awsons, so liighly esteemed for her quiet and 
 unobtrusive charities, and especially for her zealous aid to the Epis- 
 copal church, whose doctrines she adorned through life, died in 
 1817, or '8. The surviving sons, are: — Dr. Lawsmi C.'roso cf 
 Geneva; John an<l Henry lios*., of Jerusalem, Yates county; 
 Robert L. Rose, of Allen's Hill, Ontario county, late a representative 
 m Congress, from the Ontario and Livingston district, and Charles 
 Rose, ol the town of Rose, Wayne county. A daughter became 
 the wile ol Robert C.Nicholas; nnother, the wife of Hopkins Sill 
 From old nowspnper fil,..^ ]m^^ovvcd by James Bogart Es,,., nn early and 
 wortl.y ,.on. .,..(,„• of (l,e ,K.usp...,,..r press i„ Ontnno.ounty. ' ^W sJsonic 
 ac...,.Ml u ... early prin( and of (he (!en, sec eonntry. 
 In Hath (.azette 17!)!), by an advertisement, it woul.l seen, the " Uath 
 iH.a re was,,, l„h UtH. The plays annunnee,!, arc tho "Mock Doctor, or 
 the ),,,,., J.,, ye,,,vd' " A peep into the Se,.aglio." -Pit, six .hilii,, >.; 
 (.alley three .slnlhngs." In same pape,', (Jeo,'go M'Chiro, announees that lie 
 * In iwlv lif,. lu- li;ul eM(vi-(ai,.(..l a iM-eser.tin.etit of ,su.M<.|i .lei.Ui, arisi,«- fn.m sonu- 
 .sor,.u„/,a„n„ ,n ,)„. , ..f ,1... lK,,rt. Jlany y..;.rs j-iovious , , l,is .K. l/ . ul 
 .1 t ..t st..,,,„„- ,nt,. I„.s sii.,.;!, to refii,-,,, l\.ll nm\ .s,„m, expi,v,l So iluJi,, \ ' s 
farm affcr 
 d in 1817. 
 jlas, Gavin 
 of Abra- 
 le opposite 
 t)nc of the 
 idge Nich- 
 ifl Miuch to 
 gion. He 
 He (lied, 
 :as of the 
 quiet and 
 3 the Epis- 
 e, died in 
 '. Rose, of 
 s county ; 
 id Ciiarles 
 sr became 
 )pk ins Sill 
 1 early and 
 '" Soo some 
 the " Jjatl! 
 l)oct(ir, or 
 v .^liilliiu^'s; 
 u'cstiiat lie 
 C fn>m sonic 
 I'.-ilh lie ]i;i(l 
 I with siinu- 
 and in the 
 itiiiliii!,' «'a.s 
 ill! CXi'^t']!- 
 l>a« r^K.m..l a " house 'of ontert^iinmont," at IJath. Bath races arc advertised. 
 "iN..rlliiiinl,-rl;iiirl and Siinhiirv (iazcttc " lino- rJ„„.|, • w,\v 
 per aero to actual settlors." H.. says: — "A vill...c ell l i/- jV ,' 
 islaid oatat „K. j.,.K.tion of the i.a....^ ^H '^^ ' o ^^^'tZ 
 ihe Mla^., ^v,il l.ayo the advantage of asci.ool, chureh, dro." "MechanL 
 ;v""te. , to whom vi lage lots will lu, donated." "Mr.' W liiam .n lo^ 
 eavo t., n,tunM th. ( settle, in JVnnsylvania, that h. ..pel Z 2 
 o he annal of 400 Saxons fion. (J.rmany, who havetak... u, land in it 
 Oene,s,.o o.Minli y. Th.y sailed tVnm Hamifun^ in April la.t " * 
 M t .t .hey vv.ll contract the n.aking of a turnpike from Onondaga llollol 
 U) Gc.ncva, anc n>ake payn.u.t for the same "in g.,.d land." In s^„,e „ Z 
 It .s announced that "Sloop Seneca, will sail fmm (icneva <-Nery lUZ 
 ^vndand wvather pcrn-,i„in., fur the head of the Lake, andwiV^lT; 
 tained'hv'') ^7u u""^' ^J"""' !«"« = - "I^<-tive proof has been ob- 
 ; d ■ ,? '"^ "• .^^'l^'^/"orr.ey o-eneral for Keaitncky district, that Burr 
 Ind fon /in'; ']{r';'^'^M ^^f-^ ^var against Si-ain, invadiLg Mexico, 
 and toiijiing a distuict empn-o m the western "country." 
 In all our country there are but few survivors of our Revolution- 
 ary period -not one. perhaps- certainly not in our local region, 
 survives, who was so familiar with its stirring events as the venera- 
 ble .James Reese, of Geneva, now in his 87th year. Enterin- the 
 counting house of Willing & Morris, in Philadelphia, in the memora- 
 ble year of the Declaration of Independence, he remained thereuntil 
 tlie close of the long struggle that ensued. Transferred from the 
 commercial department of the firm to the private desk, and confi- 
 dence, of one of its partners, Robert Morris, then so blended with 
 and so particiinitnig in all that was transpiring, it may well be con- 
 ceived that his yet vigorous mind is a rich storehouse of historical 
 reminiscences. The man survives, a citizen of our own local region 
 who was a witness of the interviews that often occurred between 
 Geo. VVashmgton and Robert Morris ; when he who wielded the 
 : i::'^£rir:;:i^i::::;::{::S'z^^ ^^^ ^^^^^ - that the eatc^ns. 
 ■i ' 
 sword, would meet him who wielded the purse, and the two, with 
 painful anxiety, surrounded by embarrassments — with an unclothed 
 and unpaid army, and an empty treasury — would discuss the por- 
 tentuous questions, the ways and means of our nation's deliverance. 
 When unpaid armies, disheartened, wore down by fatigue and pri- 
 vation, would threaten dispersion and a return to their long neglect- 
 ed homes ; when even their sicit-hearted leader would temporarily 
 yield to despondency, and almost in despair appeal to him whose 
 financial expedients were seemingly exhaustless, for council and 
 The printed notes of hand that Mr. Morris issued in several 
 emergencies during the Revolution, — especially those used in addi- 
 tion to the sum borrowed of the French to enable Wa.-^hington to 
 put the army upon its march, preparatory to the battle of Yoiitown, 
 were filled up and afterwards cancelled by Mr. Reese. Of the 
 hundreds in Mr. Morris' employment at that period, in all his com- 
 mercial relations — as Superintendent of the finances, and Secre- 
 taryof the Treasury — Mr. Reese alone survives. His position 
 brought him in contact, and made him acquainted with the leaders 
 or both the American and French army, and the officers of the 
 Navy, of those whose memories are embalmed in a nation's heart. 
 He names them with all the familiarity of recent intercourse ; but 
 there are few, if any, in the long list that have not gone to their final 
 rest^ He is one of the few remaining links that connect the Past 
 with the Present — and his is not only in reference to our national 
 history, but to the Pioneer history of our local region. 
 Mr. Reese's first visit to this region was as clerk or secretary to 
 the commissloutM;s for holding a treaty with the Indians, at " Big 
 Tree, " commonly called the Morris' treaty. Returning to Phila- 
 delphia he acquired an interest in the new region, and in 1798, he 
 removed his family to Geneva, where he has since resided, with' the 
 exception of one year spent in Bath,i>. connection with the land of- 
 fice there. When Mr. Williamson canje out as the Pultnev agent 
 his first business was v^ith Mr. Morris, where Mr. Reese became 
 one of his earliest acquaintances in this country. On arriving here, 
 he entered into his agency service, and after that, was his private 
 agent until he returned to England. 
le two, with 
 n unclothed 
 iss the por- 
 jue and pri- 
 )ng neglect- 
 him whose 
 iouncil and 
 in several 
 !ed in addi- 
 shington to 
 York town, 
 !e. Of the 
 ill his com- 
 and Secre- 
 is position 
 the leaders 
 ers of the 
 on's heart. 
 Durse ; but 
 I their final 
 t the Past 
 ir national 
 cretary to 
 I, at " Big 
 ;to Phila- 
 1 1798, he 
 I, with the 
 e land of- 
 ley agent, 
 le became 
 ving here, 
 is private 
 of the work 
 He was appointed cashier to the old Bank of Geneva when it 
 went into operation. He was in service during the war of ISiy, as 
 a Deputy Quartermaster of the Northern Division of the Army • 
 StiTlnrv^T' l" ''"%""'''' ^'"^ *^^'^^'"*' I^^"k Conunissioner of 
 otato, and Postmaster at Geneva. 
 In a work devoted to other objects, but a brief space can be spared 
 lor iicvolutionary reminiscences -even those as full of interest as 
 are those of the subject of this sketch. Speaking of Mr. Morris, he 
 observes: — "His commercial transactions were immense, extend- 
 ing over the greater portion of the commercial world ; and to all 
 this was added the onerous task of providing for an army in the field, 
 and an armed force upon the ocean. He brought all his energies 
 ot mmdand body in requisition for the Herculean labor; wasactrve 
 vigilant -at tunes sleepless,- and all in his employ were kept in 
 motion 1 here was no man who could have filled his place He 
 wielded an immense amount of wealth ; had an extraordinary facul- 
 ty to inspire confidence ; he unloosed purse strings that no one else 
 could have unloosed. Even those of the society of Friends, their 
 principles forbidding an immediate or remote participaton in war 
 or any of its relations, who constituted at that period a large class of 
 Phdadelphia capitalists, lent him money; in one especial instance, 
 «6,000 in specie, in a pressing emergency of the armv, with an in- 
 junction of secrecy.* The relations between him and Washincrton 
 during the whole of the Revolution, was one of great intimacy, con- 
 Z7T -r^'^''^- There was no one individual upon whom 
 the 1 ather ol his country so much relied, in all the terrible conflict 
 that won our national Independence 
 As the clerk of Mr. Morris, Mr. Reese had an opportunity of 
 seeing Washington under circumstances which enable him to 
 speak familiarly of him. " He always," says he. "received me and 
 anfact"witrh-''""TT'"''"" '' ""^•"^' "^^" ' ^^' ^"^-^ ^o 
 t ansact wuh him. He was mild and courteous - sedate - not 
 Mr. Reese observes Ihat Mr. Morris' sudden reverses were in a 
 -reat measure consequent upon what he re^rardecl as lus forf.nv.t 
 investments! in ♦i.« /< "" "-o""^'^" 'is njs lortunate 
 «:£i :;■:, ;«;- -s ,;".;v,::: 
 ,t ii. 
 MLE OP P,„„. „„ „.,„„,„ ^„ „„„^„ „„„,^ _„^_ 
 A »A.« intimaielj, bla,id,d will, tl,„ whole history of Iho Revo 
 reg,o„. What could well Imnid, the material for an elabonte ht 
 successor J^f ,h> , ■""" ""= P"""" "^ ^'^ '"" "''i 
 successor. At the breakmg out of the Revolution, althou-h en 
 gaged m an extensive mercantile and eonnnercial l,u ines ra . e' 
 z* '"irmrh;"^ "^="™ " °"- - »-™ i«'i^- i" ;'e 
 =>"u le. m 1776, he was a member of Con<rress from P,.nnc, i 
 van,a, and one of the signers of the DeCaratirof XenSe: 
 s fortunate 
 His irolden 
 ir Willijirn 
 ope as the 
 " and with 
 he Union, 
 e from af- 
 h dignity, 
 his u.seful 
 le Revo- 
 ititude is 
 h all this 
 rate his- 
 his in- 
 While a 
 son and 
 ugh en- 
 that de- 
 1 ill the 
 In the previous year, soon after the battle of Trenton, General 
 Washington, in a pressing emergency, had realized from him a tern- 
 porary loan for the army. Again, money was wanted by the 
 commander in chief, and he supplied it; the army was destitute 
 of bread, and the doors of his store houses were opened for their 
 relief; it was without lead for bullets, — stripping the lead fixtures 
 from private dwellings for that purpose, — when the ballast of one 
 of his vessels supi)lied the deficiency. Invested with the office of 
 Secretary of an empty Treasury — becoming the financier of the 
 poorest country that ever kept an army in the field, or armed ships 
 upon the ocean — his own means were put in requisition, and his 
 almost unbounded credit freely used. With a tact, as a financier, 
 never excelled, when money must be had, he obtained it. When 
 other men or bodies of men failed, he would succeed. When the 
 rich bankers of Amsterdam knew no such new creation as the 
 United Stales, or its Congress ; or, knowing them, had no confi- 
 dence in their engagements, they trusted him on his private re- 
 sponsibility with millions, which he used in the public service. 
 And when the great struggle was drawing to a close — when a 
 last and desperate blow was to be struck, and the army that was to 
 doit, was in New Jersey, without pay, and destitute of comfortable 
 clothing and rations, *~ when even its stout hearted commander- 
 in-chief was almost yielding to the embarrassments with whic'i he 
 was surrounded, and upon the point of leading his army the wrong 
 way, because he could not command the means to move it where 
 it should go — the active, patriotic financier hastened to his camp, 
 and by assuring him that he would supply all immediate wants, en- 
 couraged him to put his army in motion. The destination was 
 Yorktown ;— the defeat of Cornwallis, the crowning act of the 
 Revolution, was the result.f Mr. Morris died in New Je-sey, in 
 1800. He was eventually reitnburscd by Congress for all of his 
 expenditures and losses in the Revolution, though not for the sacri- 
 fices of time and abstraction from his private business, that his pub- 
 lic services made necessary. He was, however, eminently success- 
 *"lHiiwthat army wlicn it i.iiHsod tliniiit;], I'liihuldphin," sjiys flio venorablo 
 JameH lli't-s,, ; "au.l a inoiv nmire,!, bIdoIoss, aiul sad looking one,' lias soldom been 
 [lilt iiiwii the inaivh lu tlio diicotiou of an I'lifiiiy." 
 t Tl... mn„.-y i-, «n.,oi,,>, that hi. h:id pr«n.i...d, wud bonwcd, aiid paid to tho army. 
 Init a lew days bulore tJiu attack upon Cornwallis. ' 
 ful in his commercial affairs, and at one period, was by far the 
 wealthiest man in the United States ; but engaging enormously in 
 land purchases — other than in this region — he became embar- 
 rassed, and the country he had so well served, had the sore morti- 
 fication of seeing him, toward the close of his useful life, the tenant 
 of jail limits. * 
 Mr. Morris' extended commercial affairs, had made him in a 
 measure, a citizen of the world, instead of that of the new republic. 
 Such was his credit at one period, that in most of the commercial 
 cities of Europe, his private notes passed from hand to hand, with 
 all the confidence that would have been had in the issues of a sound 
 bank. At the close of the Revolution, an immense quantity of wild 
 lands were thrown into market, speculation became rife, and Mr. 
 Morris entered into it upon an extensive scale. Mr. Phelps, during 
 the Revolution, having been connected with the commissary depart- 
 ment of the Massachusetts line, and Mr. Gorhnm, being a promi- 
 nent merchant in Boston, Mr. Morris had made their acquaintance, 
 and when they sought a purchaser for their unsold laiids in the Gen- 
 esee country, they applied to him. Little was known in the com- 
 mercial cities of all this region, other than what had been gathered 
 from maps, and from those who had accompanied Sullivan's expedi- 
 of Lini in I 
 TIio DiiK Liiinconrt, who itiiide the acquaintance of Mr. Morris, and speaks 
 lan^'UMgc of rc'sjic'ct and cstocn), montionH anioni,'liis ![rii,'antic, l)n,sinfss oiier- 
 ations, Ins investniouts in the city of Wasliington. Tlie c-ipital \vaa located in an era 
 of speculation and inllation, and niiijjii I ficcut expectations wew entertained in reference 
 to the city that would grow up anjund it. In company with Messrs. Nicholson and 
 Greenleaf, of I'hiladelpliia, he i)urchased G.OOO lots at f 80 per lot, with the condition 
 that there should be built upon thoni ILH) two story brick houses, within seven years. 
 This purcliase was made of commissioners; the company bought about an euuai 
 number of lots of original proprietors of the ground. Successful sales followed, ijart 
 of the buildings were erected, but the bubble burst and added to the embaiTassinents 
 of Mr. Jlorris, ruining manv others of the large capitalists of the United States. The 
 city of " brickkilns," and "magnilicent distances," as Mr. Randolph called it, abounds 
 with tlie relics of tlio extravagant views entertained at an early period. 
 The iirivatc notes tliat Mr. Morris issued during the Kevolul'ion, were railed " Lon- 
 J3ob8,"Saiid " liort Bobh ;" having reference to the drawer's name, and the periods of 
 their maturity. Jttgs- For a more extended biographical sketch of Robert Morris see 
 History of Holland Purchase. ' 
 *An unthinking Sliylock at a public watering place, during the last summer, in W. 
 X. Y., gave it as his sage and ])rofound oinuion, that no " worthy, (h'servin" man «' 
 eversulFered by the operations <if tlie old law, which imprison(Hl for lU'bt ; and added 
 the wish, tJiat it could be restored. The .'nithor nuist here not<! what occurred to him 
 nt the time ; — The man, without whose individual exertions, the Revolutionary strug- 
 gle woidd have been a failure ; and the man who projected the overland route of that 
 groiit dispenserof wealth and prosjierity to rnillinns — the Erie Canal — were victirtw 
 of that relic of an iron age, which strangely enough had found at this late period one 
 advocate. ' ' 
 tion. Mr. Morris, however, sought the means of further informa- 
 tion. Ebenezer (or Indian) Allan, was then located as an Indian 
 trader on the Genesee River, at what is now Mount Morris, and 
 was in the habit of making yearly visits to Philadelphia for the pur- 
 chase of goods. Samuel Street who resided at the Falls on the Can- 
 ada side, had also visited Philadelphia. From them Mr. Morris ob- 
 tained information, which induced him to accede to a proposition of 
 Messrs. Phelps & Gorham. Their deed of conveyance embraces 
 their entire final purchase of Massachusetts, of about two millions, 
 two hundred thousand acres, excepting such towns and parts of town- 
 ships as they had sold, being in all, about one million, one hundred 
 thousand acres. The consideration and actual price paid by Mr. 
 Morris, was thirty thousand pounds New York currency. 
 At an early period after the purchase, Mr. Morris employed Maj. 
 Adam Hoops to exolore the country,* who reported that " in respect 
 to soil, climate and advantageous navigation," it was equal to any 
 portion of the United States. Measures were immediately adopted 
 for the survey of such portions as vtas unsurveyed. The celebra- 
 ted David Rittenhouse was then just perfecting some surveyor's in • 
 struments, and he was employed to fit out Major Hoops' expedition.f 
 «>•?•' MrEbo™\tfn )l "^ n T'^^l^'' P"'"f "■'^'*''' ^'"^ "" '"« "g'^"* i" London, 
 tJiat Mr. Ji.l(iiczai Allan tlu^ oldest settler in that country" had .issured him "that 
 3,Xfs onr:o'fi^' "■' l'"t ' '^ "' ™"'P»■'^'•»'"1 '^troni an.l that he K ra sod 
 loity busholh ot the htiesi ;vheat he ever .saw, an.l so of otlier articles in like abund- 
 ance. Ho a.s,sert.s that the forest trees about Philadel,>hiu are not larger la th bran- 
 ch, s of trees i„ h,s neighborhood." In another letter he assures his agen ha he has 
 Si H^ml-f. Hi''''''"-; '''''%"''•' "^'"? ^""'^'^" P'"-'''''''^"' f--""' «'"«" who belonged to 
 the iM lend s settlen.en oa fccncca Lake, tliat had returned to Pennsylvania on a vi^t 
 o their connc^xion. He n.ssures him that he has from all quarttTS Srsuerfuor - 
 ble accounts of the couutry, that were he a young man, he wldd " pifcl, Ids tent there i" 
 Jf fhiu "','T '''■''' "'''• '"1? ';,";'■"■ I'''"«''''lplii-'i- Ho had been in the army through- 
 «fy-W '■;'•''';'"' '"''%"' «""'™"'>' c.i'npMign, and at one period, belonged oAe 
 staff ot W ashmgton ; and was one of the aid's of Gen. Sullivan, \n his expedition to the 
 ^Tm 'Z''''- f}'- '""'i ^""•'T^*'^ ''''''^' the earliest surveys of aFl ^ region 
 \\hen Mr Morris nf erwards, purchased all the regions west of 'Phelps and Gorha "s 
 ^'hjiT'; T^T^:"""^ .t and commenced the surveys. In 1801. he i'^ 1^ w h 
 Lbenezer I< .Norton, purchased the most of the township of Olemi. They la^d out 
 Sud.:;? a?n weSSS'^Sf^s :^>r''- ^^^'^^^ ^° «^-"- ^ ^^ 
 toUSi^/miJ'l^lirdr^ 1?h^he'i;K3i:JT' 7r'i *"''^°°1 
 i.,strumems. in anticipLtion of the t.anS ofVi:, ill^'h ttSll^dlS'j^St 
 be present and enjoy a view of it Among the res he had iuv e a re pectaWe far- 
 mer from tho ccmntry. who knew far more about raising crops, than hTSd about 
 In Mr. Morns' extensive land operations, he had a-ents in all the 
 principal cities of Europe. His agent in London, was Win Tern- 
 pie Franklin, a grand-son of Dr. Franklin, to whom he had .^iven 
 an inadequate idea of its real value. Just as he became fully ap- 
 prized ot Its value, and was in active preparation to bring it' into 
 market for settlers, un<ler his own auspices, he received news from 
 Mr. Franklin, that he had sold it. The purchasers were an '-Asso- 
 ciation," consisting of Sir Wm. Pultney, John Hornbv and Patrick 
 Colquhoun. The first was a capatalist, and at that peHod occupied 
 a high position as a citizen and statesman. He resided in the city of 
 London. The second, had been governor of Bombav, and was a 
 retired London capitalist. The third was eminent in his dav, as a 
 statesman and philanthropist.* The price paid for wliat was sup- 
 posed to be about one million one hundred thousand acres, but 
 which in fact amounted to almost one million two hundred thousand 
 acres, was thirty five thousand pounds sterling. Mr. Morris had 
 written to Mr. Franklin previous to the sale, a letter from which he 
 would have inferred, that he intended advancing on the price, but 
 the sale was made previous to the reception of the letter. In'that 
 letter he says: — "I have applications in all, for 250,000 acres of 
 the Genesee lands, and they are daily increasing. This winter has 
 disclosed the real character those lands deserve. Many genteel 
 families arc going to settle there, and as I have determined to settle 
 my son there, no one can doubt the favorable opinion I entertain of 
 the soil, climate and rapidity of settlement." " I consider that the 
 southwestern Indian war, will eventuallv be of advantage to the set- 
 tlements of the Genesee country." " There is now in this city a Mr. 
 Jackson, who lives on the borders of Seneca Lake, who is accom- 
 panied by an Indian. They assured me that before they left, while 
 there was snow on the ground, every night thirty or forty Iknilics 
 arrived at his place, (Friends settlement,) on their way to settle the 
 lands that had been bought before my purchase." " All our public 
 affairs go on well. This country is rushing into wealth and impor- 
 ,,n, ^'^'I'^f. ^^^l'** «'"ect«J i» front f.f the Pro«byterian cliurch in Caiiamlai.nm fo 
 pcrpctuaUj ]U8 moniory, Im i,p„„ it an insoriptiou wliicli rociriiiz,.. the pWnc pal 
 evontH ot lu« us. Ml He ^vaK a „ativo of Glas^.nv, an.! .li,.! in Lon.lon, i,I l,>^!i() 
 ago<l .bycaiu iMny men liavo coiitrilnitod more to tlu- ivfonuatioii of criMiiiial law-' 
 to Ik. i.mmj.tion ot tiado and foundinir syst.Mus for lH.n<-tiuin..-ll,t. poor' 
 and tor public edurNition ,n Entfland and Soolland. in son.e of Jus vorn^^v.mLwc 
 , « -Vw, "'^.^''.•' ;■'""'"••.• '>•' "H.ntiouK liaviuLf sp,.nt .oinf tin.o in Anieriiu iMrvi- 
 ous to I I'M : iiti i.s iiil..nvd. lu somu of thi' Siiuthcrn Stati's. 
 tance faster than ever was expected by the most sanguine of the 
 sanguineus." My Genesee lands are infinitely prelerable to any 
 American lands that can be offered in Europe." After he had 
 been apprised of the sale, he wrote to Mr. Colquhoun : — "Those 
 iracts which Gorham and Phelps had sold previous to my purchase, 
 are settling very fast, and the first settlers are raising enough to 
 supply the new comers." " I am now at New York, on my return 
 from Boston, where I saw several people from the Genesee country, 
 and it affords me great pleasure to reiterate the account which you 
 have already had, of that fine country. On my way through Connec- 
 ticut, I met Mr. Wadsworth who has settled in the Genesee country, 
 with whom I had much conversation, and who I find like every 
 other person who has visited the country, is in raptures with it. 
 Mr. Wadsworth is extremely intelligent, and one upon whose 
 veracity the utmost reliance can be placed. The reports made by 
 him and others in New England, has turned the attention of all who 
 think of em-igration, towards the Genesee, and every man who 
 pitches his tent there, adds to the value of your purchase." 
 IMajor Hoops, prosecuted the surveys under the new proprietors, 
 by an arrangement with Mr. Morris. He early discovered, what 
 had been suspected, a material error in the running the Pre-emp- 
 tion line. As this is a matter which it will be necessary for the 
 reader to understand, in connection with after events, it may be 
 here stated, that the State of New York ceded to Massachusetts, 
 all the territory west of a line to be drawn due north antl south 
 from the 82nd mile stone on the Pennsylvania line. Before the 
 running this line, it could of course be but mere conjecture where 
 it would fall, as far north from the starting point as Seneca Lake. 
 Seth Reed, the afterwards founder of the settlement at Presque 
 Isle, CErio.) Pa., the grand-father of the present ChnHes M. Reed, 
 and Peter Ryckman, both of whom had been Indian traders, ap- 
 plied to the State of New York, for a remuneration for services 
 rendered in some previous negotiations with the eastern portion of 
 the Six Nations, and proposed to take a patent for a tract, the boun- 
 daries of which should "begin at a tree on the bank of the Seneca 
 Lake, and run along the bank of the Lake to tho south, until they 
 should have IG.OOO acres between the Lake and tho east bounds of 
 the land ceded to Massachusetts." Their request was acceded to, 
 and a patent issued. Thus situated, they proposed to Messrs. Phelps 
 and Gorham, to join them in running the Pre-emption Line, each 
 party furnishing a surveyor. " A Captain Allen," says one authority, 
 " Mr. Jenkins " says another, was selected by Reed and Ryckman, 
 and Colonel Maxwell, by Phelps and Gorham. In the mean time, 
 the Lessees assuming that their transactions were valid, took an in- 
 terest in the matter, and as Messrs. Reed and Ryckman were both 
 share holders in their company, the matter was mutually accommo- 
 dated between them. The line was run, which is known as the 
 "Old Pre-emption Line." Messrs. Phelps and Gorham, were 
 much disappointed in the result, suspected error, or fraud, but made 
 no movement for a re-survey, before they had sold to the English 
 Association. Their suspicions had been at first excited by an offer 
 from a prominent member of the Lessee Company, for " all the lands 
 they owned east of the line that had been run." They were so 
 well assured of the fact, that in their deed to Mr. Morris, they 
 specified a tract, in a gore between the line then run, and the west 
 bounds of the counties of Montgomery and Tioga, those counties 
 then embracing all of the military tract. 
 Upon a superficial ej^amination of the line, Major Hoops was 
 convinced of its inaccuracy. Mr. Morris having in his convey- 
 ance to the English purchaser-s, stipulated an accurate survey of all 
 he conveyed, instructed Major Hoops to correct the line.* Mr 
 Elhcott with his two brothers, Joseph and Benjamin, had then just 
 finished the survey of Washington city. The transit instrument, 
 for surveymg by means of astronomical observations, havlwr just 
 been invented in Germany, Mr. Ellicott availed himself of It, ! is 
 brother Benjamin superintending its construction. Upon arriving 
 in this country, Mr. Ellicott was joined by the late Judge Porter, who 
 was then a surveyor in the employ of Messrs. Phelps & Gorham ; 
 a corps of axe-men were employed, and a vista thirty feet wide 
 opened before the transit instrument, until tlie line had reached the 
 head of Seneca Lake, when night signals were employed to run 
 down and over the Lake. So much pains were taken to insure 
 correctness, that tne survey was never disjjuted, and thus the " 7iew 
 Pre-emption Line" was established as the true division line between 
 11 ' a 
 * In a letter to Mr Colquhovn, Mr. Morris says: "These tliree brother*" CAn- 
 d ew, Joseph, and Benjamin Ellirott,) "are of tJio number of l,ein.s on X,'. n lU. e 
 Sh t'l''" ^T''- J '7 '"\S''^^ ">Hthen,aticiaMS as well as nR.ehanical ge u os to 
 Wlucli they have addocf much practical experience, and good moral character^'" 
 the lands of the State of New York and those that had been ceded 
 to Massachusetts. In examining the old survey, Major Hoops had 
 discovered the precise points of deviation to the westward. It had 
 commenced s6on after leaving the Penhsylvania line, gradually 
 bearing off until it crossed the out-let of the Crooked Lake, where 
 an abrupt offset was made, and then an inclination for a few miles, 
 almost in a north-west course ; then as if fearful that it was running 
 west farther than was necessary to secure a given object, the line 
 was made to incline to the east, until it passed the foot of Seneca 
 Lake, when it was run nearly north and south to Lake Ontario. All 
 this will be observed upon any of the old maps. It will at once be 
 perceived that the site of Geneva, the 1G,000 acres of Reed and 
 Ryckman, and the supposed interests of the Lessees, had caused more 
 than a usual variation of the surveyor's compass. Judge Porter's 
 explanation is as follows: "Geneva was then a small settlement, 
 beautifully situated on the Seneca Lake, rendered quite attractive 
 by its lying beside an old Indian settlement, in which there was an 
 orchard." * 
 The old pre-emption line, terminated on Lake Ontario, three 
 miles west of Sodus Bay, and the new line very nearly the center 
 of the head of the Bay. With the exception of the abrupt varia- 
 tions that have been noticed, the old line parting from the true merid- 
 ian about five miles south of the Chemung river, bears off gradually 
 until it reaches the shore of Lake Ontario. The strip of land between 
 the two lines was called " The Gore." In addition to the patent 
 granted to Reed and Ryckman, the State had pre-^umed the origi- 
 nal survey to be correct, and made other grants, and allowed the 
 location of military land warrants upon what had been made dispu- 
 ted territory. We shall see what was the final disposition of the 
 After Mr. Morris had made the purchase of Phelps and Gorham, 
 he had once endeavored to promote the settlement of the Genesee 
 lands, entering into negotiations with individuals, and with those 
 who proposed founding settlements or colonies, but he had perfected 
 nothing; though some sales he had in progress, were consummated 
 * In speaking of this fraiul, to tlie author, Jiul,i,'o Porter eutiroly exonerated Col 
 Maxwell, tor whom, in common with all who knew him, ho eiit<>rtained a lii^h res- 
 pect. In fact, it turned out that Col. Maxwell was sick and ^Mhvd to tnist the lino 
 to his associate at the time the fraud was committed. 
 by his successors. His plan of settlement contemplated principally 
 emigration from Pennsylvania ; but there were formidable difficul- 
 ties in the way. A wide forest separated his lands from the most 
 advanced settlements of Pennsylvania, over the mountains and 
 across the streams, of which no avenue had been opened ; and the 
 still greater difliculty was the fear of Indian wars. The Six Na- 
 tions were looked upon as but in a state of armistice, as having re- 
 luctantly yielded to necesssity, and paused in their stealthy assaults ; 
 but far from being reconciled, ready to again take up the tomahawk 
 and scalping knife, upon their own account, if opportunity was of- 
 fered, or at the bidding of those who were yet brooding over their 
 revenge behind the walls of Forts Oswego and Niagara, and in their 
 Canadian retreats. The borderers of Pennsylvania had seen and felt 
 too much of the horrors of Indian wars, to feel willing to place them- 
 selves again in a position to be harrassed by them. News had 
 reached them of Indian murders of surveyors and emigrants near 
 Presque Isle, and of surveyors in this region ; of solitarv cases of a 
 renewal of Indian hostilities upon the Susquchannah/ and rumor 
 had vastly magnified the, apprehended danger. A society of Men- 
 onists in Pennsylvania, had contracted with Phelps and Gorham 
 for a township, and were negotiating with Mr. Morris for a larger 
 purchase, to enable them to settle their sons in this country, but 
 gave up the project in consequence of the fear of Indian war. Mr. 
 Morris writes to Mr. Colciuhoun soon after he had sold to the As- 
 sociation, that " these worthy but timid people had grown afraid 
 smce the Indian wars at the westward had become so^general as it 
 IS, to let their sons go out even to the townships tliev have bought, 
 lest the Six Nations should become parties, and attack the Gcne'see 
 settlements. Now as there is not the least danger of this happenino-, 
 the Six Nations having decided already for peace, yet these timid peo- 
 ple wdl await their own time. I will, however, announce to them that 
 [ can supply them with the lands they wanted, and as I think the 
 [ndian war will be of short duration, there is little doubt but thev 
 will buy it when it is over." 
 In a letter from Mr. Morris to Mr. Colquhoun, dated in June. 
 1791, he gives a general statement of wild lands in the United Slates! 
 dien m market. Sjjcaking of his own operations he savs, he has 
 50,000^acres in Otsego county, that he had bought of the St.itc of 
 \'ew York; and he mentions that the State of New York iias yet 
 ble difficul- 
 tn the most 
 iitains and 
 d ; and the 
 ho Six Na- 
 liaving re- 
 ly assaults : 
 ty was of. 
 over their 
 lud in their 
 ^en and felt 
 ilace them- 
 News had 
 rants near 
 cases of a 
 md rumor 
 y of Men- 
 id Gorhani 
 )r a larger 
 untry, but 
 ■var. Mr. 
 to the As- 
 wn afraid 
 neral as it 
 fe bought, 
 3 Genesee 
 timid peo- 
 them that 
 think the 
 but they 
 in June, 
 }d States. 
 f, lie has 
 ! Stiitc nf 
 : has yet 
 000,000 acres, but he knows of a "company who intend to buy it. 
 1 he fetate asks four shillings per acre, and want cash down, the ap- 
 pheants want credit, an.l a lou'er price, and as yet the land remains 
 unsold. On the Molr.iwk river, are worth from £5 to£l5 
 per acre. New Englan<l currency." He mentions " that in company 
 with Govcrncur Morris," (who was then in Europe, endeavorincr to 
 sell lands,) " and his brother-in-law, I have a 190 thousand acres°on 
 the river Sf. Lawrence." " In Pennsylvania the lands belonging to 
 the State are reduced by sales and settlement to an inconsiderable 
 quantity." " The vacant lands in Virginia, from a vicious practice 
 in the land office, and a more vicious practice of the surveyors, are 
 rendered so i)recarious in title, that people are afraid to buy them 
 and therefore they are olfered at Od per acre, and no buyers" 
 •'Lands west of the Ohio are now out of the question, until the In- 
 dian war IS over; they are also too remote from any market" 
 '•Lands in North Carolina, South Carolina and Georgia may be 
 cheap, but the climate is too warm for rapid settlement." 
 As soon as the London Associates had completed their purchase 
 of Mr. Franklin, the agent of Mr. Morris, they entered upon 
 measures for the sale and settlement of what they had acquired. 
 Sir Wm. Pultney, in the earliest years, was in a great measure a 
 silent partner; the concerns of the Genesee lands .seem to have 
 devolved principally upon Mr. Colquhoun. He devoted himself 
 earnestly to the work; availed himself of all the information he 
 could acquire; projected improvements ; and made himself, by an 
 active correspondence with Mr. Morris and others, in this country, with this region. He was ambitious to make it a lucrative 
 operation for himself and associates, and at the same time to make 
 himselt and them the founders of prosperous settlements. His 
 correspondence are perfect specimens of method, and high business 
 tliorel,.,., u. tLi. rc,u.,, dul not coase with U. ^d. to Sir Wiu. i'miuoy aul ™tL 
 qualifications ; exhibit great foresight and prudence ; and touching 
 the interest of those upon whom was to devolve tlie hard task of 
 subduing the wilderness, there is blended in all of it a spirit of phi- 
 lanthropy, and fair and honest dealing, which would well justify 
 nmch that has been said of him on the tablet that has been raised 
 to his memory in Cahandaigua. And with nothing to judge from 
 but his business letters, instructions to agents, &c., it is impossible to 
 form any other conclusion with regard to Sir Win. Pultney, but such 
 as are creditable to liim, as one whose capital had made his own 
 interests and those of new settlers, mutual. 
 And here, with a knowledge that the author has acquired by a 
 perusal of masses of correspondence that have passed between the 
 foreign land holders of most of all Western New York and their 
 agents — letters written in all the confidence that would accrue from 
 such a relation— he is constrained to remark, that the country 
 could hardly have fallen into better hands. Both the English and 
 the Dutch companies, under whose auspices, as proprietors, three 
 fourths of the whole country west of Seneca Lake was settled, 
 were composed of ca5)italists who made investments of large 
 amounts of money, in the infancy of this republic, when its stabil- 
 ity was by no means a settled point ; and they were satisfied with 
 reasonable returns Ibr their vast outlays ; and patient under the de- 
 lays of payment, as all must concede. With reference to both 
 companies, in all their correspondence with their agents, no wish or 
 mdication escapes them of a disposition to have the new settlers 
 oppressed, or to have their business conducted in any other than a fair, 
 honest, and liberal manner. If any Avrong policy was pursued it 
 was a fixing of too high prices upon land, and in that matter they 
 generally were guided by the advice of their agents ; but long, in 
 many instances, almost interminable credits were given ; and that 
 enabled men to possess, and finally pay for land, who could not have 
 done so, if payment at a very low rate had been demanded in hand. 
 There is not in the history of the world a better example of the 
 advantages of credit than is furnished in the settlement of all this 
 region. It has conferred homes and competence upon tens of 
 thousands who would not have had them if pay down had been the 
 order of early days. There was no considerable class of actual 
 settlers when most of the Genesee country was brought into 
 market that could pay down even twenty five cents per acre. The 
 present system of sellmg the wild land, of the UnLed States would 
 one then ' ™ = " °"' ""^ ""= '"'"■ '•"""" '<'«- was 
 The Association, as a first step after purchase, looked for an a-ent 
 to manage ,,. The choice feii npon Charles Williamson o^e Ih" 
 was destined to nave his name prominently and honorably idenlZ 
 w,th all^Uje carhos. history of settlement and progress i'n Cem 
 frie*8cT;i!:r°H::;:tiT'ii:;:„S™^[ ■" '"^ --r^^™- 
 tarv of ,h. P„l f u Alcxande. Wi||,amson, was the Secre- 
 tary «f (he Earl of Hopcton. At the commencement of the Revo 
 im.on. he held a captain's commission in .ho British servTce and 
 was ordered to this conntry with his rogi.nen,, though a' 'hap 
 pened w.thout any service. The ship Tn whi h he°saiM when 
 newbnrypo 1, and transferred to the depot at Boston, where he re 
 ."red to'iz'd""'^', "' ^'°" "' "'^ "»^' "- ™-™d Id ;:: 
 turned to bcotlund. lie improved his stiv in <h« * > ■ 
 lectins much information, and eft it v 1 hilh e ? i'^' ""^ ''°'- 
 ference to ;i> ,),. ,■ ■ ■ ■ Sti expectations h re- 
 lerence toits dcst, which were fully confirmed by the success 
 IZZT""! "' ""^ "■•"• "'■ ''" ""™''"-"- After m Mug he" 
 :::i^^trr^rz?f^:;Ssin^Erp-' "r '^^ 
 qualities attracted thettentn o Mr't '^dU 001^ T'^' 
 thensherin-of Wes,„,i„ster. and with then ' he befame v X M 
 mate, was only ended by the death of thenar. e7 Mr 
 W,ll,^mson had a strong desire to return to this country wh ch ™ 
 gm uficd by h,s appointment as agent of what was a't f s taW 
 The, Assocatton, ■ and afterwards the Pultney Estate. Leav „1 
 London, he repaired to Scotland, and after arranging his affairs there 
 sailed for this country, accompanied by his fiimilv ind t vo n 
 educated and intelligent ScotcLen. /ohn jl" Le a d ch-'- 
 Cameron, who came out as his assistants. After a long voyage the 
 party arrived at Norfolk, and going ,„ Baltimore, Mr W I ramson 
 provided quarters for his family for the winter. From tZi dty he 
 wrote to his principals Iha. aii things looked well in the nw out 
 try; that the city was so full of newly amved emigrants that he 
 found it (lifllcuU to ,<ret accommodations. Preceding his companions, 
 he went to Philadelphia, made the acquaintance of Mr. Morris, and 
 availed himself of his knowledge of the Genesee country, and his 
 remammg mterest in it, in projecting some improvements, the open- 
 ing of a dn-ect road to the purchase, and a general plan of commen- 
 cing the settlements; at the same time, after having become natural- 
 ized he took from Mr. Morris deeds in his own name, his principals 
 being aliens and non-residents. In a letter to Mr. Colquhoun from 
 Baltimore, Mr. Williamson had foreshadowed some of his ideas of 
 what should be done. He states that he had just met with a gentle- 
 man who had "traversed the Genesee lands in several directions ; " 
 and his account corresponded with their most favf.rable anticipa- 
 tions : — " He declares that even the worst are superior to any he 
 ever saw." Mr. Williamson adds:-" These disinterested ac- 
 counts, from diirerent people, put the quality of the land in the ftdrest 
 view. The next object then is to take some liberal and decisive 
 steps to bring them to their value. Want of communications is 
 the great draw back on back settlements distant from the rivers 
 that run into the Atlantic. Remove this difficulty and there can be 
 no doubt that the gentlemen of the Association will reap an advan- 
 tage fifty times their outlay ; and come to their purpose many years 
 sooner. Nothing will draw the attention of the people of America 
 more readily than the idea of their settling under the protection of 
 an association who will take every means To render their farms con- 
 venient and profitable. " In the samo letter he proposes a plan for 
 advancing £J0 to "poor settlers to induce them to settle down on 
 the worst part of the tract where wealthier people might hesitate to 
 make a beginning., 
 Mr. Williamson spent the most of the winter of 1791, '2, with 
 his party in Northumberland, Penn. In February, however, he 
 made a flying visit to the Genesee country, going around via Now 
 York and Albany. He writes to Mr. Colquhoun that he passed 
 through "an uninhabited wilderness of more than 100 miles before 
 reaching Geneva, which consisted of a few straggling huts." 
 "There is not a road within one hundred miles of the Genesee 
 country, that will admit of any sort of conveyance, otherwise than 
 on horseback, or on a sled, when the ground is covered with snow." 
 " The price of land has, in a few instances, exceeded 2s. per acre ; 
Its that he 
 tlorris, and 
 ry, and his 
 ;, the opon- 
 f commen- 
 ne natural- 
 ; principals 
 ihoun from 
 lis ideas of 
 h a gentle- 
 rections ; " 
 5 anticipa- 
 ' to any he 
 'rested ac- 
 the fiurest 
 d decisive 
 licaticns is 
 the rivers 
 lere can be 
 an advan- 
 lany years 
 f America 
 )tection of 
 farms con- 
 a plan for 
 e down on 
 hesitate to 
 '1, '2, with 
 wever, he 
 I via New 
 he passed 
 iles before 
 ng huts." 
 wise than 
 th snow." 
 per acre ; 
 some few farms of first-rate quality have been sold on a credit for 
 4s. per acre." Returning to Baltimore, he decide.! upon opening a 
 conur.unication with the Genesee country from the southward "it 
 was Ironi that direction he expected his principal emigration ;"and 
 he looked to the Susquehannah and its branche.^ and Chesapeake 
 IJay, as the prospective avenues of trade from all this recrion • and 
 to Baltimore as its great emporium. To the eastward °from the 
 Genesee country, every thing had a discouraging look — a woods 
 road through the wide wilderness that separated the recrion from 
 the old settlement dn the Mohawk, which when improv^ed, would 
 furnish but a long and expensive land carriage ; and the imperfect 
 and expensive water communication afforded by the Mohawk 
 Wood Creek, Oneida Lake, Oswego, and Seneca Rivers, afforded 
 the best prospects that existed in that direction. Takin- care to 
 excite a good deal of interest in Baltimore, by holding out^the fine 
 prospects for trade with the Genesee country, he returned to North- 
 umberland and organized a party of road survevors. Pioceedincr 
 via Loyalsock, the party went up the Lycoming to the "house 
 of one Kyle," who was then the farthest advanced settler — 
 Sending out the hunters to explore ahead, and return and re- 
 port, the party by slow progress, camping and breaking up their 
 camps, proceeded until they had located a road from what 
 was then " Ross Farm." now Williamsport, to the mouth of the 
 Canascraga Creek, on the Genesee river, a distance of about 
 one hundred and fifty miles. * Application was made to the State 
 ot Pennsylvania for assistance to open the road ; but little more was 
 obtained than authority to build it through that State. Measures 
 were immediately commenced for opening the road. Before it 
 could be opened, a ship with merchant's goods that Mr. Colquhoun 
 had consigned to Mr. Williamson, arrived at Baltimore. The con- 
 signee informed the consigner that there was no other way to get 
 them to the Genesee country, but by "pack horses and Indian 
 paths, except in freshets ;" but finally concluded to sell off the heavy 
 goods at Baltimore, and send on the lighter ones via New York 
 and Albany. Before the close of 1792, Mr. Williamson had deter- 
 ■ * - "•- '-•' i..i<«<;a to Uenedcc nvcr. 
 mined upon commencing his first settlement at the termination of 
 his road on the Genesee river, and in pursuance of that decision, 
 had laid out a village, which he called Williamsburg, ploughed 80 
 acres of flats, and built a long row of dwellinfrs. 
 The dwellings and ploughed ground were intended for the use of 
 a German colony. As " Williamsburg" and " the Germans," 
 formed a distinct feature of all tliis region, in an earl} day, some 
 account of them, their advent, and alter hegaa, must be given 
 here. It was an untoward commencement of settlement, or rather, 
 of European colonization in the Genesee country. 
 Soon after the Association had sent out Mr. Williamson, there 
 appeared in London an itinerant picture merchant from Germany, 
 by the name of Berezy. With a good deal of tact and gentlemanly 
 address, he had won the confidence of Mr. Colquhoun, and prevail- 
 ed upon him to let him head an expedition which contemplated the 
 bringing to this country a colony of poor, industrious Saxons — 
 colonizing them, and holding them here as redempt-onists.* In- 
 stead of following his instructions, he went to the city of Ham- 
 burgh and jjicked up idlers, indifierent mechanics, broken down 
 gamblers and players, — in Hict, just about the worst materials that 
 were ever collected for the practical uses of a new settlement.! 
 They consisted of about seventy ftunilies. From their very start, 
 they began to be the source of enormous expense, Arriving at 
 London, they were, after a great deal of tnjuble, put on board two 
 chartered vessels and consigned to Robert Morris. They finally 
 ^. rived at Northumberland just about the time that Mr. Williamson 
 commenced opening the road. Axes, spades and hoes were provi- 
 ded for them, and they set to work: nnd bad work enough they 
 made of it. They had to be first taught the use of their tools, and 
 were far from learning easily. An old gentleman who came over 
 the road in an early day, says th6 trees looked as if they had been 
 "gnawed down by beavers." Their labor, however, made the road 
 NoTR.— On nrriving at Gcnesoo rivor, Mr. Williamson found that T. 8, R 7, now 
 Groveland, had boon wild to an agont ol a Society of Mcnonists, in Pct)nsylvaiiin, by 
 PljolpH and (iiiiliani. lie purtluiaeil the town.ship.s of llio agent, paying iho thou high 
 price of ono dollar per aero. 
 * Persona hekl to service to pay all expensos uttondhig their enuOTation and settle- 
 t They were, says the French Duko Lianconrt, " of the crowd of foroigneri, whom 
 poverty, idleness, and uocoaaitius of every kind, induce to resort, to HaniLurgh wiUi a 
 view to umigratiou." 
 principally, to where Blossburgh 
 1 . V> . , -r. " ' "°^ *^- ^^^^y were irien laKen 
 down to Painted Post, and ren.ained there until the sprin. of '93 
 when they were located at the home provided for them at William.', 
 hurg. Each family had a house and fifty acres of land appro- 
 priated to Its use ; necessary farming tools ; a stock of provisions ■ 
 and there were distributed among the whole. 27 yoke of oxen 4o' 
 cows, BO hogs, 300 sheep. Even their household utensils wore 
 provided them. Beside all this, they had their minister and 
 The city training, and idle habits of the expensive colonists, soon 
 began to be exhibited. They were both idle and improvident the 
 women made as bad use of the provisions that had been furnished 
 as the men of the farming implements that were pu to their 
 hands. An eye witness informed the author, that thcN ^ .od their 
 pork and then threw it away, supposing the grease only intended for 
 use; and he gave other .similar specimens of their domestic econo- 
 my. The whole fiddled and danced, and drank whiskey ; even the 
 minister proved a bad specimen of his cloth. It soon turned out 
 that most of them had been deceived. Berezy to sw^>Il his num- 
 bers, and gratify his ambition to be tlie head of a colonv, had prom- 
 ised them fine times in America ; had assured them that his patrons 
 being rich, they should want for nothin-g, and as they were to be 
 the founders of a city, they could each choose such employment as 
 was best suited to their tastes and habits. That they were to dig 
 and delve in the dirty earth, was not in the bond, according to 
 under.«tandinff. * 
 Mr. Williamson soon became convinced, that he had at least one 
 bad job upon his hands, as the founder of new settlements. One 
 stock of provisions was consumed, and another had" to be supplied ; 
 the fallows that had been provided for them, lay undisturbed; th. 
 sheep and hogs that were intended as breeders, and th. cows that 
 were intended to furnish milk -all obtained at great expense and 
 t.oube-one after another disappeared, and were found upon the 
 shambles; the city appetites of the hopeful colonists cravin- occa- 
 sional alternations between salted and fresh provisions. The very 
 seeds that Mr. Williamson provided, instead of going into the 
 ground, went into the pot. And what was worse perhaps than all, 
 Berezy, by indulgence and other artful management, had oMain^ 
 ed complete control of the colonists, and set ^himself above Mr 
 Williamson, claiming to have brought his authority directly from 
 head quarters in London. A store had been established at Wil- 
 liamsburg, which was under the care of Mr. John Johnstone, and 
 Berezy and the Germans had used its goods and provisions lavishly ; 
 and besides. Berezy had contracted debts for supplies, especially 
 with the Messrs. Wadsworth.s, assuming that he was acting for the 
 Association, and not under the authority of Mr. Williamson. 
 After having humored the whole matter, until some decisive 
 measures became necessary, Mr. Willinmsnn visited his refractory 
 colony, taking with him from Canandaigua, his friend Thomas Morris, 
 determined to have some reform. He had a house at Williams- 
 burg, then occupied by James Miller, where he kept a desk contain- 
 ing all his papers that had reference to that locality ; and tlierc he and 
 his friend took up their quarters.* Sending for Berezy he had an 
 interview with him, which ended by displacing him as an agent, 
 and forbidding him to exercise any authority over the Germans. 
 Calling the Germans together, he mformed them of their new rela- 
 tions, and proposed measures of further assistance to them, condi- 
 tioned upon their going tb work, and trying to help themselves. At 
 first they were disposed to listen to his proposals, but the superior 
 influence of Berezy soon prevailed, and riot and mutiny succeeded. 
 Sunday intervened, and Mr. Williamson says, " Berezy and the 
 minister were all day pow-wowing in every house in the settlement." 
 Monday came, and Mr. Williamson found the (piarters of .himself 
 and friends besieged. The Germans had collected in a body, and 
 under the influence of Berezy were making extravagant demands 
 as the terms of peace, and a continuance in the colony. Mr. Wil- 
 liamson retreated into the house with his friends Morris, Johnstone, 
 and several others, in all, a force vastly inferior to the refractory 
 colonists. " Driven into a corner between two writing desks" says 
 Mr. Williamson, " I had luckily some of my own people near me, 
 who were able to keep the most savage and daring of the Germans 
 ofl; though the cry was to lay hold of me. Nothing could equal 
 my situation, but some of the Parisian scenes. For an hour and a 
 half I was in this situation, every instant expecting to be torn to 
 pieces." Berezy finding the storm he had raised, raging too vio- 
 •Thortwlcr nhonU iindorMt.'uul tliiit Wiriiarnsliurt,', tlui sifo of <his oarlv German 
 Snr'^' 'f ,T ' p'"' A'-' "", '"Tr -V""^'; ''' t''" " Hornutage ; " U.y inwnt fknn and n"" 
 wcncti ol Uic liDii. Cuarlos II. Carroll. 
 lently, quelled it ; but rapine took the place of personal assault. The 
 cattle upon the premises were driven ofT, or killed to furnish a feast 
 for a general carousal. The mutiny and plunder lasted for several 
 days ; there being no authority or superior force to quell it. At 
 one time, the physician of the colony, who had taken sides with 
 Mr. Williamson became the object of the fiercest resentment. He 
 was seized, and in attempting to rescue him, Messrs. Morris and 
 Johnstone were assaulted and their lives placed in jeopardy ; but 
 finally made their escape. 
 Present in all the affray was Mr. Richard Cuyler, then acting as 
 Mr. Williamson's clerk. He was dispatched to Albany with a 
 requisition upon Gov. George Clinton, for a force sufficient to quell 
 the riot and apprehend the rioters. Berezy with a few of the Ger- 
 mans, departed for Philadelphia, for the double purpose of escaping 
 arrest and enlisting Mr. Robert Morris on their side. Gov. Clinton 
 issued an order to Judah Colt, who had been appointed Sheriff" of 
 the new county of Ontario, commanding him to summon a posse 
 for the arrest of the rioters. A posse eq'ual in numbers with the 
 German colonists was no easy matter at that early period of settle- 
 ment. But fortunately some boat crews and new settlers, had just 
 arrived at Bath. Thoy made a forced night march through the 
 woods, and joined by others, succeeded in arresting those who had 
 been foremost in the riot. They were taken to Canandaigua and 
 light fines imposed ; the principal object being the assertion of the 
 supremacy of the laws. Unable to pay the fines, they were hired 
 out to new settlers in Canandaigua and the vicinity, to earn the 
 money. Their defence, was some of the earhcst practice of the 
 late Gen. Vincent Matthews. 
 Berezy, going from Philadelp*hia to New York, put the Germans 
 and himself under the auspices of a German benevolent association, 
 who had made arrangements with Gov. Simcr ?, for settling emi- 
 grants at what is now Toronto, and in the townships of Markham. 
 They went down and encamped at the mouth of the Genesee river, 
 and were temporarily the early neighbors of VVm. Hencher. When 
 the boats came from Canada to take them away, a boatman was 
 drowned in the river. His was the first death and funeral, after 
 settlement commenced, in all of what is now Monroe county. 
 Another formidable attempt at colonization from Europe, did not 
 progress so far, or rather took another direction. Donald Stewart, 
 an enterprising Scotcliman, of " Achnaun by Appin, in Argyle.hire " 
 soon after the purchase of the Association, had organized a colony 
 m his neighborhood, the destination of which was Cumberland N 
 Carohna. He received a proposition from Mr. Colquhoun too late 
 fo change the-r direction, the colonists having embarked and sailed 
 but following them soon, Mr. Stewart came to explore the Genesee 
 country, with the intention, if suited witii i!, to bring his colony 
 here. He spent several weeks traveling on horseback, with Mr 
 U ilhamson, got a small specimen of the ague and fever; the new 
 country m its primitive roughness, had to him a forbidding look • he 
 turned his back upon it rather in ill humor.* There were many 
 other schemes of the proprietors in London, and J\f r. Wil]iam<^on to 
 colonize this region, none of which succeeded, except that of the 
 persevering, and finally eminently successful one, at Caledonia 
 Springs. And here it may well be observed, that in reference gen- 
 erally to founding new settlements in the United States, the AssvDci 
 ates in London, and their agent here, had many impracticable views 
 at first, of which they became finally convinced, by a pretty ex 
 pensive experience. , - f j' 
 The getting the Norlhumbe^'and road through ; the commence- 
 mentof a settlement at Williamsburg, and the building of a saw 
 mill on the Canascraga creek, near the present town of Ossian oc- 
 cupied the business season of 1792. Mr. Williamson himself iiav- 
 ing settled his family at Northumberland, was upon the move • 
 visited New lork, Baltimore; travelled in the interior of Mary' 
 land and Pennsylvania, beating up for emigrants; and explored 
 pretty thoroughly the whole region over which his agency extended 
 In tlie spring of 1793, operations were commenced at Bath f 
 * A e;oo(l anecdote panic of it however, wliirli it is sni() 1,-uI on,>,oH- .1 
 his dislike of 11,0 eountiy. Threadi,,.^ tl e rorest oif 1 0,1 ^"^T )vV'' ^" "^'''^ 
 his eo,niK„,io„ wove a(tr;lc,edl,y the ;H,is;"/^S,""-nr^^M^^^^ 
 p.. oi:e'h:^u:'i;:Sn;::tt ^:i:l::ikj!;^ti- ••?•' r '^^ 
 Highland ('olony, was not early intHHliiwd into lhi,s reL'ion The read rim 1 ^ 
 h.irn,i.-.ed, that the i,artj were viewing Clifton Springs? ^ " ''-'"^'' '^'" ^'■'"' 
 t Name from ttio daughter of Si-- Wn,. ruUncy. who was Couutc«s of Bath. 
 Two boats with workmen, provisions &c., came up the Susquehan- 
 nah to Tioga Point, where they left one boat and half the load of 
 the other, and reached Bath April 15, 1793. Mr. Williamson ar- 
 rived via Northumberland road, two days after. Some shantees 
 were thrown up, a village plat survpyed, a log land office was built ; 
 and during the season, about twenty other log buildings were erect- 
 ed. As would be said in this later day of refinement in language, 
 the Pioneers had a "distinct view of the elephant." Provisions 
 failed, and they were at one time three days without food ; as they 
 cleared away the forest, the fever and ague, as it was wont to do, 
 walked into the opening, and the new comers were soon freezing, 
 shaking, and then burning with fever, in their hastily constructed 
 cabins. It was Mr. Williamson's introduction into the hardships 
 and [)rivations of the wilderness. " He would lay in his hut, with 
 his feet to the fire, and when the cold chills of ague came on, call 
 for some one to lie close to his back, to keep him warm." To other 
 improvements during the year, at Bath, Mr. Williamson added a 
 log tavern, which was opened and kept by John Metcalf Bath 
 having been fixed upon as the centre of all the southern portion of 
 the Associates' purchase, farther improvements were commenced. 
 Mr. Williamson built a saw mill and a grist mill ; emigrants from 
 Pennsylvania and Maryland, soon began to be attracted there. It 
 became the permanent residence of Mr. Williamson. The Dulte, 
 Liancourt, who visited him in the summer of 1795, says: — "The 
 habitation of the Captain consists of several small houses, formed of 
 trunks of trees and joiners' work, which at present forms a very ir- 
 regular whole, but which he intends soon to improve. His way of 
 living is simple, neat and good ; every day we had a joint of fresh 
 meat, vegetables and wine. We met with no circumstances of 
 pomp or luxury, but found good ease, humor and plenty." Perhaps 
 it is the fairest eulogium I can pass upon his free and easy urbanity 
 to say, that all the time of our stay, he seemed as much at his ease 
 as if we had not been present. He transacted all his business in 
 our presence, and was actively employed the whole day long. We 
 were present at his receiving persons of different ranks and des- 
 criptions, with whom the appartment he allots to business is generally 
 crowded. He received them all v/ith the same attention, civility 
 and good nature. They came to him prepossessed with a certain 
 Confidence in him, and they never leave him dissatisfied. He is at 
 ir I 
 all times ready to converse witli any who have business to transact 
 with him. He will break off 
 a conversation with his friends, or 
 sake of dispatching those who wish 
 even get up from dinner for 
 to speak to him. 
 h\ the spring of 1791, improvements were commenced at Geneva, 
 the first and principal one being the erection of the Geneva Hotel. 
 It was comi)lcted in December, and opened with a grand ball, which 
 furnished a memorable epoch in the early history of the Genesee 
 country. The Hotel was talked of far and wide as a wonderful en- 
 terprise ; and .such it really was. Even now, after the lapse of fifty- 
 six years, when fine hotels have arisen in all of our cities and prin- 
 cipal villages, the okl Williamson Hotel, as it is often called, in its fine 
 location, with its large open park in front, is ranked as one of the 
 first class. Imagine how it was when it had no competitors in all 
 the region west of Utica, save perhaps three or Ibur moderate sized 
 framed taverns ; when log taverns were generally the order of the 
 day. It was an Astor House then ; and even this comparison falls 
 short of conveying an idea of its then comparative magnitude. Mr. 
 Williamson wrote to his principals, proposing such "a house, and 
 urged that as it would stand in the doorway or entrance to the 
 Genesee country, it should be respectable ; so designed as to make 
 a favorable impression ; and urged beside, that such a house, where 
 all the comforts of a good English inn could be realized, would 
 mvite respectable people to the country. And so perhaps it did. 
 How many readers of these early reminiscences, will remember 
 the house, the landlord, and all belonging to that early halting place, 
 in the long and dreary journles that used to be made. Blended with it 
 in memory, is the old stage coach ; chilled and drowsy with long night 
 rides, over hubs or poached clay roads, there would be the'^smart 
 crack of the driver's whip, the trundling of the wheels upon a stone 
 pavement, the squaring up to the door, the getting out and stretching 
 of almost torpid limbs ; the ushering in to well warmed and com- 
 fortable apartments, the smell and the taste of smoking steak and 
 hot coffee, and other "creature comforts," that it will not do to 
 speak of now. Your modern travellers know nothing of the ex- 
 tremes of pain and pleasure of the old fashioned way of traveling 
 from Albany to Bufl'alo. For landlord to his new Hotel, Mr. Wib 
 liamson selected Thom;..; Powell, whom he had known in London, 
 connected with the celebrated " Thatched Cottage, the rct^uH of 
 to transact 
 friends, or 
 who wish 
 -t Geneva, 
 va Hotel. 
 »nll, wliich 
 der'ul an- 
 sa ot'fifty- 
 and prin- 
 in its fine 
 ne of the 
 lors in all 
 'ate sized 
 er of the 
 ison falls 
 ide. Mr. 
 3use, and 
 !e to the 
 to make 
 ^e, where 
 :1, would 
 IS it did. 
 ng place, 
 d with it 
 'ng night 
 le smart 
 a stone 
 id com- 
 3ak and 
 t do to 
 the ex- 
 [r. Wil- 
 sort of 
 statc.^imen, politicians and wits." * He had previously emigrated to 
 this country, and opened a house at Lansirigburg. 
 Although Mr. Williamson's house was at Bath, a large proportion 
 of his time was spent at Geneva, attending to mailers connected 
 with the northern division of the purchase. The company that he 
 drew around him, made a very considerable business for the new 
 hotel ; and it was the early home of the young men without fami- 
 lies, who located at Geneva; the principal stopping place for enu- 
 grants, who could afford the comforts of a good iim. Under the 
 auspices of Reed and Ryckman, Joseph Annin and licnjamin Bar- 
 ton had surveyed a small village plat, which was superseded under 
 Mr. Williamson's auspices by a new, cnlrM-t^ed survey, generally 
 as now indicated, except that the new survey, i\ir. Willian)son"s 
 plan, contemplated that the whole town should be built up frjnting 
 the Lake; the space between the mam street and the Lake, was 
 intended for terraced parks and gardens. Ii a few words, Geneva 
 is now, though beautiful in all its appointments, more upon the utili- 
 tarian order, than Mr. Williamson intended. He had seen the 
 original in his travels upon the continent, and associating Seneca 
 Lake with " Lake Leman," had in view an imitation, in a wilder- 
 ness of the new world. In reference to this as well as other of his 
 projections, his ardent and sanguine temperament lad him to sup- 
 pose that villages and village imprfivements, to a considerable extent, 
 could precede a general cultivation of the soil. Experience has 
 shown that they must follow by slow steps after it. 
 The Hotel was but a part of Mr. Williamson's enterprises at 
 Before the State had acknowledged the correctness of the new 
 pre-emption line, as in the case of the site of Geneva, and Reed 
 and Ryckman, patents had been issued, covering nearly the whole 
 of " the Gore," Mr. Williamson, through the agency of Mr. John 
 Johnstone, having purchased all the patents, had so fortified 
 the claim of his principals, that he had ventured upon exercising 
 ownership; though title was yet an open question. In March, 
 1705, while a bill was pending in the legislature, providing for run- 
 ning a third line, by the Surveyor General, and if the one run by 
 Mr. Ellicott should prove correct, to give the associates other lands 
 * Mr. Powell became an early stajro propiictor. After keepiiiir the Hotel for many 
 years, lie removed to Sclieuuclutiy, uiid was succeeded by Lia broLher, Win. rowcll. 
 in lieu of those that had been patented upon the Gore ; Philhp 
 Schuyler introduced amendments, which prevailed, makinrr it dis- 
 cretionary with the Surveyor General, allnvvins Irm to w.-dve the 
 runnmg of a new line, if he satisfied himself that Mr. Ellicott's 
 Ime was correct; and leave it to the commissioners of the land 
 office to arrange matters between the holders of patent?) and the as- 
 sociates, or Mr. Williamson, holding as he did, by purchase, most 
 of the patents, to perfect the title to "the Gore," nearly 84,000 
 acres. As an equivolent for what he had paid in the purchase of 
 patents, the commissioners of the land office conveyed to him about 
 the same quantity of land embraced in the patents, off from the 
 military tract, in what is now Wolcott and Galen, in Wavne 
 The reader will have seen that the first location of " The Friend'' 
 and her followers, was upon « The Gore." Their titles were all 
 confirmed by Mr. Williamson, upon terms generally satisfactory. 
 Sodus was the next site chosen for the foundation of a settle- 
 ment—or in Aict, for the founding of a commercial villa^ro —not 
 to say city. In all Mr. Williamson's plans for settling The coun- 
 wl.oa,e nm.w,n thvHmiTtT^? w' *'?-" "PP?'-t""i'y. ^« I't thee know ««; wishes, 
 t" ri , " , tffsS ' /v {;""n<l's «<^ttk.Mu.Ht in Jonisaler,,, i„ the coiuUy of 
 fr eS Wi h s . fS w/ r ^ "'■''■ ^^'' ^'"^ ^"I'S'^'i'^^'s. ^vish lo take deeds iVora 
 Our desires kX e w I "V l^Vrov^'T'^t.^i ,,„, rather than any other person. 
 ^1.0 are on ihe hmd ""' ^''^'"'" "^ '^'" '^""'^ '" '^"^ "^'^''^ P"-^"" ^ul to us, 
 Ehiatlian Botsford, 
 Daniel Iiiirraljani, 
 Richard Matthews, 
 Ehiathan'ord, jr., 
 Asaliel Stnne, 
 Samuel Doolittle, 
 Jdlin Davis, 
 - Benedict Robinson, 
 pu^tt "■ ;St'"k '""] ?"!?''='; ''"\~ -^'"thcrsof the Friend, ..thesame 
 out reserve- _''?t it 1,1 -1 ^'?']*'"," ^^ 'Hi.t'"^"" " iiito hie family atlairs, with- 
 Beiiajah Botsford 
 Eleazor Ingrahatii, 
 Solomon In(^riJiain, 
 Richard Smith, 
 Abel Botsford, 
 Enoeli Malin, 
 Williatn Davis, 
 John Briggs, 
 Philo In^aljam, 
 Elisha Inf,'rahain, 
 Samuel I'arsons, 
 Jonathan Davis, 
 E\iy,)li Malin, 
 Thos. Hathaway, 
 Mary Aldrieh." 
 try, and his projections of internal improvements, laid from time to 
 time before his principals, he had looked to the Conhocton, the 
 Caniste, Tioga and Susquehannah rivers, as the avenues to market 
 from the southern district of the Genesee purchase ; and to Balti- 
 more as its commercial mart. With those views, he had founded 
 Bath. * Looking to Lake Ontario, the Oswego river, Oneida Lake. 
 Wood Creek, the Mohawk and the Hudson river, and the St. Law- 
 rence, as avenues to the New York and Montreal markets, for the 
 northern district of the purchase, he selected Sodus Bay as the 
 commercial depot. 
 Early in the winter of 1793, he determined upon improvements 
 there, and in the spring of '04, he had roads cut out from Palmyra 
 and Phelpstown, to get access to the spot from those points. It 
 was his first appearance in the Lake Ontario region, and his pre- 
 sence there, with his surveyors, road makers, builders, and all the 
 retinue necessary to carry out his plans, created a new era — in- 
 spired new hopes with the scattered backwoods settlers. It had 
 looked before he came, as if for long years, no one would be bold 
 enough to penetrate tlie dark, heavy forests, that in a wide belt, were 
 stretched along the shores of the Lake. They entertained before 
 no hopes of realizing for years, any better facilities for trans- 
 portation to market, than was afforded by Ganargwa Creek, f the 
 outlet of Canandaigua Lake, and Clyde river. He had preceded 
 the enter['rise by a written announcement of the plan of oper- 
 ations : — It contemplated the survey of " a town between Salmon 
 Creek and Great Sodus Bay, and a spacious street, with a large 
 square in the centre, between the Falls on Salmon Creek and the 
 anchorage in the Bay, and mills are to be built at the Falls on Sal- 
 mon Creek." He adds : — " As the harbor of Great Sodus is ac- 
 knowledged to be the finest on Lake Ontario, this town, in the con- 
 venience of the mills and extensive fisheries, will command advan- 
 tages unknown to the country, independent of the navigation of 
 • It shiiiild be (ib>c'rvo(l, tliiit Ik- ronteniplatcil ilio iinpvovotneiit of t]w iiavii^atioii 
 of those livers, and projuctuil a caiud to connect tiie lioga and Delaware rivers, in 
 order to reach Philatlelphia. 
 tMud Creek, until rec(ii\tly. Tlie old name was Mended witli tin- lecnllection of 
 staj^nant waters, liof^s, chills and i'ever.s. When its whole a,spect liad been rlian!i;ed by 
 tlie hiind of ini])rovt'inent, and it became even picturesque and bcatitii'ul in its inean- 
 derintrs throUi,'li ('idtivated ticlds, and a rural sc( nery seldom i quailed, the dwellers in 
 its valley werc^ enabled, witli the help of Lewis Morgan, PJsq , of Rochester, to couiu 
 ul itaancieat Scuecu name, wliich they adopted. 
 I> I 
 the Great Lake, and the St. Lawrence." The town was surveyed 
 by Joseph Colt. Tlie plan was as indicated above. The in-lot3 
 contained a quarter of an acre, and the out-lots ten acres. The 
 whole was upon a scale ofmagnificoncc illy suited to that primitive 
 period; and yet, perhaps, justified by thru pr'^poctive events; 
 and more than all, by the capacious ar.d hcnutiliil Bay, the best 
 natural harbor upon our whole chain of Lakes, a view of which, 
 even now, e.xcites surprise that it has not, ere this, more than reali- 
 zed the always sanguine expectations of Mr. Williamson. 
 The in-lots in the new town, were ofFered for one hundred dol- 
 lars; the out-lots, for four dollars per acre ; the farming; l.iuds in 
 all the neighborhood, at one dollar fifty cents per acic. Thomas 
 Little and MolFat, were the local agents. A tavern house was 
 erected at a cost of over $5000, and opened by Moses and Jabez 
 Sill. * JMiJLs were erected at the Falls on Salmon Creek ; a plea- 
 sure boat was placed upon .the Bay ; and several other improve- 
 ments made. In roads, surveys, buildings, die, over 820,000 was 
 expended in the first two years. 
 The first difficulty encountered was the ague and fever, that early 
 incubus that brooded over all of Pioneer enterprise, upon the Lake 
 shore. When the sickly season came, agents, mechanics and labor- 
 ers, could only work upon " well days. " Mr. Williamson soon be- 
 gan to realize that there was something beside the " romantic and 
 beautiful, " about the "Bay of Naples" he had found hid away in 
 the forests of the Genesee country. And another trouble came. 
 DO^ See British invasion of the Genesee country, at Sodus. 
 Soon after Mr. Williamson had perfected his title to the Gore, 
 the junction of the Canandaigua out-let and Ganargwa creek, the 
 fine flats, hemmed in by hills and gentle swells of upland the 
 facilities aflbrded for navigation with light craft, — attracted his at- 
 tention. Fancying the outlet and the creek to be miniature repre- 
 sentations of the Rhone and the Sayone, and struck with a coinci- 
 dence of landscapes, he bestowed upon the location the name of 
 Lyons. lie had been preceded here by some of the earliest Pioneers 
 of the Genesee country. In May, 1789, a small colony consisting 
 *Mosos Sill (lied in D;ui,svillo, in 1849. Jalicz Sill died at Wilkcsbarre, iti 1844. 
 Th(! lattdi-was an oarly pmjirictor at I'lidcaiix, " IJrudiidck's Bay." His son, Uaiiiol 
 Sill, is the forlutiaU; Caliioi'iiia adventurer from DansviJIe. 
 IJ^* For Konu! .•icconiit of the Sill family. Bce History of Wyoraliig, and Mrs. Ellott's 
 " Woraon of the lluvolutiou." 
 of twelve persons, were piloted up the Mohawk, and by the usual 
 water route, by Weinple, the Indian trader who has been mentioned 
 in connection with the Rev. Mr. Ivirkland. Arriving at what was 
 then the principal head of navigation, especially for batteaux of any 
 considerable size, they located and erected log huts half a mile south 
 of the present village of Lyons, whore James Dunn lately resided. 
 The heads of families, were : — Nicholas Stanscll, William Stansell, 
 and a brother in-law, John Featherly. They had been inured to 
 iiardships, toil and (I;inger, as border settlers upon the Mohawk, and 
 in Otsego county ; Wm. Stansell had been to this region in Sulli- 
 van's expedition. Their nearest neighbors were Decker Robinson 
 and tlie Oaks family ; the same season, a few families, located at 
 Palmyra. The Stansells and Featherly may be regarded as the 
 Pioneers of all the northern part of Wayne county. They ground 
 their corn in a small hand mill "until a German named Baer put up 
 a log mill where Waterloo now is. " Jointly with the Pioneers of 
 Phelps, they opened a woods road to that neighborhood and in the 
 direction of the mill at Waterloo. The father of the Stansells died 
 in the earliest years, and was buried in the absence of any funeral 
 rites ; there being no one to conduct them. A few weeks previous 
 to Wayne's victory, the early Pioneers became alarmed ; made up 
 their minds they must flee, or see a second edition of the scenes 
 that tliey had passed through upon the Mohawk ; the old batteaux 
 that brought them into the wilderness was re-corked and pitched to 
 take them out of it ; they were upon the point of starting, when news 
 came that '• Mad Anthony " had humbled the western nations, and 
 smothered the llame that had threatened to break out in the Gene- 
 see country. These early adventurers depended much upon the 
 " products of the forest ; " not such as comes under that head in 
 our modern canal statistics; but upon wild game; deer principally, 
 Nicholas Stansell was a hunter, and would go out and kill from 
 eight to ten deer in a day. Nicholas Stansell, a surviving son of 
 Note. — This curly colony hronslit in with tlicin some ling,s. and the rosult, with 
 other i^iniilar oiic-j thiit will bo noted, coiifinnR Hk; fact that oui-'doniostioatcd ho^ will 
 if tnriu'd into the forest, to share it with wild atiinials alor.c, gu hack U> his primitive 
 condition in one, or two years, at farthest. A Iwar, of this primitive stock changed 
 ni foiiii, liecame a wild racer, liis tusks grew to a frightful length ; he became more 
 than a match fi>r bears and wolves ; and finally a terror to the new settlers, until he 
 Wius hunted and shot. The first progeny of tliis primitive stock when caught could 
 not be tallied, oiid geuurull^ had £u be hunted like otlier game. 
 one of the two Pioneer brotlicrs, who now resides in Arcadia 
 Wayne county, says : — " After our first stock of provisions was 
 exhausted, we saw hard times ; got out of corn once ; went and 
 liourrht of Onondaga Indians. For days we were without any pro- 
 visions other than what the forest, the streams, and our cows aflor- 
 ded. We eat milk and greens. Venison and fish we could always 
 have in plenty. My father hardly ever missed when he went out 
 after a deer. Salmon, bass, pickerel, speckled trout, ducks and 
 pigeons, were in abundance. " 
 A small patch of corn and potatoes, raised by the Stansells and 
 Featherly, on the old Dorsey farm, in 17S9, were the first crops 
 raised in Wayne county. 
 Nicholas Stansell died in 1817 ; his surviving sons are, William 
 - Stansell, of Arcadia, and George vStansell, who lives a mile south 
 of Newark. John Featherly died a few years since in the town 
 of Rose, aged 80 years. Nicholas Stansell, changing his residence 
 in 1800, l)ecame the proprietor of lands upon which the village of 
 Lockville has grown up. 
 Mr. Williaiuson commenced operations at Lyons, in the summer 
 of 171)1. He made Charles Cameron his principal local agent. 
 Reserving nearly a thousand acres, which was afterwards sold to 
 Judge Dorsey, a house and barn were built for Mr. Cameron; the first 
 framed house in that region.* Mr. Cameron had the village surveyed, 
 and built a store house and distillery. Before the close of 1790, 
 Henry Tower, as Mr. Williamson's agent, had erected and com- 
 pleted wiiat was long known as " Tower's Mills," at Alloway. 
 The mills must have been of more than ordinary magnitude, for 
 that early period, as the author observes that the cost was over 
 twelve thousand dollars. In addition to other improvements, Mr. 
 Cameron cleared land, a>id cunnnenced making a farm. 
 Next to Sodus Bay, Mr. Williamson had regarded Prideaux 
 (Braddock's) Bay as a favorable position upon the Lake. He made 
 some surveys there for a town, but did little towards startins; it. 
 In his correspondence with his principals in London, he often men- 
 tioned the mouth of Genesee River, but not in a way to indicate a 
 high oi)inion of its k)cality. His aim was to improve only such spots 
 as were surrounded bv the lands he held in charge. Those nearest 
 It is uuw !^ta^ldiul^ in a tolerable state of prcsen'atiou, on the bank of the outlet 
riiELPs AJND goeiiam's pukciiase. 
 the mouth of the River and the Falls, had been sold by Thelps and 
 Gorham, before their sale to the London Associates. In 1794 he 
 visited the Falls, Prideaux Bay, and spent a day c"- ;•'•. with Wm. 
 Hcnchcr. He soon after purchased of Samuel l!. Ogde;, the Allan 
 Mill, and the Hundred Acres, with a view i -> con. ..jncing some 
 improvements upon the present site of the cit' -A' V chester. Al- 
 lan had sold the property to Benjamin Barton, sen o ■ ; ,nd Barton to 
 Of];dcn. DCT See deed, or title paper, in Library of Rochester 
 Athenaeum and Mechanic's Association. At tlit fima of William- 
 son's purchase, the mill, a frail structure origuially, with no cus- 
 tomers to keep it in motion, had got much out of repair. He 
 expended upon it some five or six hundred dollars— put it in tolera- 
 ble rei)air— but unfortunately there were no customers. It was 
 dilTicult of access from the older settlements, and mills more con- 
 venient for them, were soon erected. The purchase, repair, and 
 sale of the mill and mill tract, was about the extent of Mr. Wil- 
 liamson's enterprises at the " Falls of the Genesee River," where 
 the aspect of things in that early day, was any thing but encouraging. 
 In 1798, a party of emigrants from Perthshire, Scotland, cmfgra. 
 ted to America, landing at New York, and coming west as far as 
 Johnstown, IMontgomery county, halted there to determine on some 
 permanent location. Mr. Williamson hearing of the arrival of his 
 countrymen, made a journey to see them. He found them poor 
 in purse — with nothing to pay for lands — and but little even for 
 present subsistence ; but they came from the 
 Land of the forest and tlie rock, 
 Of dark Ijlue hike and mighty river. 
 Of mountains reared aloft, to mock 
 The storm's career, the lightning's shock ; 
 .X r <^^'".''^^''">' '""y '"> r'-osumod to bo the first business letter that was ever 
 written fn.m tlie site ul the present eity of ]{„chost<.r. Christopher Du-au nwried a 
 sister ot Lbenezer Allan, and was put in charge of the mill by him : 
 „, .„ ^ , , ^, i'ALLS Of t^EXESEE, Aiig. 9, 1791. 
 The null erected by Ebenezer Allan, which I am informed vou have purchased is 
 n a bad situation luuch out of repair, and unless atientiou is'paid to itTwiU so„n Its voyage to the Lake. I have resided here for .several ve;n ., aud ke t U ehTnd 
 war, , w.thout ee e.r recompense ; and am please.l to hear *t hat t has t; lien So the 
 bajuts o a gentleman who is able to repair ii', and whose character is sue 1 a 1 firm y 
 x.heve he wdl not allow an old man to suffer without rew.anl lor his exertions I w2 
 lo have you come, or send some one to take care of the mill, as my sit^^ at ou is S 
 as makes it necessary soon to remove. I am sir, with respect your mos 
 OiiAiiLKa WiLLi.-iiisox, Esq, 
 obedient humbl 
 e servant. 
 they were rich in courage, in a spirit of perseverence, in habits of 
 industry ; in all the elements that Ilk in the wilderness, and success 
 in It, requn-cd. Mr. Williamson became to them not onlv a patroon, 
 but a benefactor. "A Scot had met a brithcr Scot." ' He offered 
 them a favorite loration, in the neighborhood of the " Big Springs," 
 (Caledonia) ; - land at three dollars per acre, payable in wheat It 
 SIX shillings per bushel ; a reasonable pay day; and besides, to fur- 
 nish them with provisions until they could help themselves. Four 
 of their number were sent out to view the lands; were pleased 
 with the allotment that Mr. Williamson had made ; on their return, 
 met him on his way from Geneva to Canandaigua ; he drew up a 
 writing on the road, and the bargain was thus closed. In March, 
 1799, while there was yet sleighing, the Scotch adventurers came 
 from Johnstown to the "Big Springs."* Those who first came 
 were:— Peter Campbell and wife, Malcolm .MLaren and wife, 
 John M'Naughton and wife; and Donald M"Vcan and Hugh 
 M'Dormid, single men. In the fall of the same year, they were 
 joined Ly their countrymen, John M'Vean, John M'Pherson, 
 John Anderson, Duncan Anderson, all single men "but M'Vean! 
 During the next year they were joined by Donald M'Piiersoni 
 Donald Anderson, Alexander Thompson, and their families. Those 
 whose names have been given, except Thompson and M'Vean, 
 had crossed the ocean in the same ship. They are to be regarded 
 as constituting the primitive settlers at Caledonia, though for s°cveral 
 years after, other of their countrymen joined them. 
 The Springs, being on the great trail from Tioga point to Fort 
 Niagara, had long been a favorite camping ground.f Previous to 
 the Scotch advent. Fuller and Peterson, had become squatters there, 
 built log houses, and entertained travelers. This furnished the 
 Scotch settlers a temporary shelter. John Smith, one of Mr. Will- 
 iamson's surveyors, soon arrived and surveyed their lands, so j^lan- 
 ning the surveys that each allotment would have a front upon the 
 streams. Log houses were soon erected in the primitive manner, 
 small patches of summer crops planted ; and the Scotch settlers 
 ™no Vm '''" ^V, ""»!'',:■ *^ *'''' hcaVdy, even a.s far back ns (he first Engl Lsh occu- 
 pancy „f Nia-Mva. Mi-. W illianison gavo it thu new niuno of Caledonia. 
 t Au old C.'inrulian cniifrrant, and a frequent traveler upon the trail abont the close 
 1 Id l";\"'"".""' ""r ''"' ?"'r''"i^' "."^^'^^^^ '^ fr'-'l"'^"^, that the firen of one party 
 would be burning when anulhor arrived, * ' 
PnELP3 a™ aORDAJl's PCRCnASE. 269 
 Zil^ZTr"'"'; "'""°' "™""'"'" "'"■ '""''' '--' «s--t 
 Mel";, I '"",'"' r'"''"' ^"'" """" •" Alexander 
 lor supplung some provisions. Wheat was procured at Dans 
 vile and ground nuhe Wads,vor,hs' ml at Co, esus and 
 pork was drawn from the store at Williamsbur. Mr W 1 
 ^an,»„„ ako furnished them with some cows. And' how dM™ 
 manage for yo,„. early team work ? was the author', enouir of'the 
 bv hi t , " f'-^'^^-S'""". "°w in his 80,h vear.. „ Lnded 
 and ro.;';":;?"' """"'f, °^™'- hi^gamersfilled to overflowing, 
 "C o steX" Ti''"'^""'' P™-i-S'"'-e abundance 
 rive,' it T "; '"' "■"' "« """^'^ -^P"". f" ^«'l«-x on the 
 pu,ts h! e "T "? :"'^'"='' »»" «fty »-- for school 
 r,r ,./ ["^ "' ""^ *P""S' •■' S"^' '-""I S'"" mill, which 
 This is so far as Mr. Williamson was directly connected with the 
 P.oaecr settlers at Caledonia. Their after progress will be m n*d 
 w,d, event., „a,-ra.od in succccling portions of the work " 
 The reader of the present d.ay will smile at the idea of ■■ Fairs " 
 and Race grounds ,„ back woods settlements, at a time when 
 settlers generally had but just made small openings in the forest anS 
 stood n,o,.e ,n need of log causeways over streams, boa ds fo ter 
 blr:;- 'tr '"J'rr'^^- 'h- of-o^ dorses or imp,, td 
 »eef,ha „ tti "r"l T^"'"" "''-"'«"- Scotchman had 
 seen ihQse thmgs m England and Scotland, and supposed them 
 ments, and as , will be observed he had ulteiior object, in view 
 mprcssed, the idea that the region, the settlemen of whic To 
 «a cndcavoiang to promote, was nearly all it had m-„ved to ),! 
 cnlhusi.islic even inhiseflrats- h„l,.,t i ^ '"' ■ 
 niselloits, he had made up hjs mind that the 
 Uio hi„ l„„,„„ i]i,„h Cli„ml„.,l ,"„".„», :""l,,'}^'- ■'!';'•"'"'; ":«• ll» wiaon-of 
 Genesee country need only be seen to be appreciated. In travelling 
 through Maryland, Virginia, and Pennsylvania, he had endeavored 
 to bring niei- of wealth and enterprise to view the country, but had 
 generally failed. It was too secluded, too far off from civilization, 
 too much threatened with Indian wars ; liad in it too much of the 
 elements of chills and fevers, to be attractive, to men who were not 
 under the necessity of encountering such formidable difficulties. 
 But he had discovered that those he wanted to come and see the 
 country were fond of races and holiday sports, and he resolved upon 
 instituting them in ad<lition to the attractions he had held out. In 
 1794 he had laid out a race course and fair grounds, near the pres- 
 ent residence of the Hon. Charles Carroll, on the forks of the Can- 
 ascraga creek and Genesee river, and in the fall of that year was 
 had there a fair and races. Extensive preparations were made 
 for the event. Mr. Williamson's anxiety to have all things in read- 
 iness is manifested in a letter to Mr. Wadsworth. He says ; — "As 
 you have manifested much interest in the exhibition at Williams- 
 burg, do, my friend, attend to it, and push the getting a bridge from 
 Starr's or thereabouts, to the flats, in time ; Mr. Morris will give 
 £10 and I will give £lO. The appointed day came, and there was 
 a gathering from all the new settlements of the Genesee country ; 
 from as far east as Utica; and of sportsmen and land explorers from 
 Virginia, Maryland and Pennsylvania. The two small taverns of 
 Starr and Fowler, at Williamsburg, and the deserted log houses of 
 the Germans, were vastly inadequate to the accommodation of the 
 crowd. The few buildings at Geneseo, and all the log tenements of 
 the neighborhood were put in requsition, and yet the Fair ground 
 had 10 be an encampment. In the language of an intbrmant of the 
 author, who was present : — " Here met for business and pleasure, 
 men from all parts of the purchase ; stock was exhibited and pur- 
 chases made. Here also were seen for the first time, the ' ^liday 
 sports of " merry Englnnd, " such as greasing a pigs tail ; ..imbing 
 a greased pole, &c. " Care had been taken for the gratification of 
 visitors, to have a general attendance of the Indians; and as it was 
 just after Wayne's victory, it was perhaps very wisely c:onsidered 
 that it would help them in their then growing inclinations to be at 
 peace and cultivate the acquaintance of their new neighbors. They 
 were present in great numbers, and joim rl in the sports with great 
 relish. Their own foot races and ball plays, were added to the 
 amusements. It all went oft' well ; all were pleased ; the southern- 
 ers and Pennsylvanians vvere delighted with the entertainment and 
 with the country ; made favorable reports when they returned home ; 
 and with many of them it led finally to emigration. The Fair and 
 Races were held next year at Williamsburg, and at Bath and Dans- 
 ville, in a few successive years ; Mr. Williamson had himself some 
 fine race horses ; and in the way of oxen, such was the magnitude 
 of his operations in different portions of the purchase, that at one 
 time he had eighty yoke wintering on the Genesee flats. 
 In addition to the enterprises of Mr. Williamson, that have been 
 named, he was active in procuring the passage of the act for laying 
 out the old State Road from Fort Schuyler to Geneva, and was 
 one of the commissioners for locating it. In 1798, when Mr. Elli- 
 cott had commenced the survey of the Holland Purchase, he joined 
 him in making what was at first called the "Niagara Road," west 
 of Genesee river. He made the road from the river to Col. Gan- 
 son's, within a mile of Le Roy, expending upon it $2,000. * He 
 assisted in making the road from Lyons to Palmyra ; from " Hope- 
 ton to Townscnds;" from " Seneca Falls to Lyon's Mills;" from 
 " Cashong to Hopeton." There are few of the primitive roads in 
 Yates, Steuben, and the south part of Livingston, that he did not 
 either make or assist in making. He built mills at Hopeton, ou 
 the Hemlock Lake, and at Williamsburgh. He added to the hotel 
 at Geneva, the "Mile I'oint House and Farm," on the bank of 
 Seneca Lake, which he intended for a brother, the " Hopkins' House 
 and Farm," and the " Mullender House and Farm," at the Old Castle. 
 His enterprises at Williamsburg embraced an extensive farm which 
 NoTF — Tlic"\Villianison Fair niul Raoes, " am .■uiionf; the cherished leniiiiisccuees 
 oi the "oldest iidiabitaiits, " and in t'ael, it is uuly tlie oldcwt wlio survive to remem- 
 ber them. Frolie, sports, recreation, witli the meii of that period, were tilings done in 
 earnest liki- everything else they undertook, (ien. George M'Clure, an early I'ioneer 
 at Batli, .low re.siding at j;igiii, Illinois, writing to liis old ti lend Charles Cameron, 
 now of (Irceiie, Chenango eo., during the present year, savs in allu.sion to some liistor- 
 icalreniiniscem>eshe is g:ithei'ing up: — " It wont doto tt-f of all of our doings in those 
 ilays of ' Lang Syne. ' 1 jiresnnie you liave iiot forgot . 'lie night we spent in Dunn's 
 hotel when we roasted th't cpiarterof beef." "Give i ," v>>... 'go and any thing else 
 you can tliinkof This is a llouri.shiiig town. The Chioaj.,.. nd (i.-deim rail road 
 jw.sses through it. Why cant you come and ni.'ike iis n visit. You can come all the 
 way by steam. 1 am now in my MItli year, anil enjoy good lu'ilth. 
 * In connection with this (-nterprise, theauth:! hassmne items of account, shomng 
 the cost of thiiigH at that primitive period : - !• . ,st.f 18 to take a common waggon 
 load from Cenevato Le Hoy. 2 bbls. of |)(,iK and 2 i)bls. of whiskey cost, deliverecl, 
 (at (ianson's) ;«<l;>0. The only urind-stoiie in all the region, was one owned by the 
 Indians at Cunawagus, and tlie uso of it cost $1,50. • 
 aa&'ai- 'StuMii 
 he called the " Hermitage Farm." Beside this, he had a larrre fonr 
 on the Canascraga, a few miles below Dansville, and several farms 
 in Steuben. 
 Connected with all these improvements in the way of agencies, 
 clerkships, mechanics, surveyors, road makers, &c., are many fami- 
 liar Pioneer names: — Among them, those of William Wliite, John 
 Swift, Jonathan Baker, "Capt. Follett," Reed, Buskirk, Fitzsim- 
 mons. Woodward, Griswold, Henry Brown, Ralph T. Woods, Peter 
 ShaeiTer, Fiancis Dana, Solomon Earl, Williams and Frazee, 
 Gordon and Evans, James Bardin, Jonathan Woods, Francis Dana, 
 Jonathan Mathews, B. Lazclere, David Miloer, William Mulhallen, 
 Jacob Hartgiile, Elisha Brown, Leonard Beaty, Daniel Nicholson, 
 Woods and Pratt, Thomas W^ilbur, Nathaniel Williams, Judah 
 Colt, Caleb Seely, Thomas W. Williams, E. Hawkes, David Abbey, 
 King and Howe, Joseph Merrill, Charles Dutcher, Jonatiian Bur- 
 nett, Robert Burnett, Peter Lander, David Fish, Daniel Britain, 
 E. Van Winkle, Gideon Dudley, Norman Merry, David Abbey, 
 Obadiah Osburn, George Humphrey, Annanias Piatt, Wm. Angus, 
 John Davis, Grieve and Moffatt, John Carey, James Beaumont, 
 Joshua Laig, George Goundry, Elisha Pratt, Pierce Chamberlain, 
 Joseph Roberts, Thomas Howe, David Dennett, Jeremiah Gregory, 
 Darling Havens, Daniel P. Faulkner, Jonathan Harker, ifenry 
 Bro\vn, Asa Simmons, Peter Rice, W. M'Cartney, James Hender- 
 son, Rufus Boyd. These are but a moiety; i'or a considerable 
 period, in one way and another, a large proportion of the new 
 settlers were connected with his enterprises. 
 He was a large subscriber to the Canandaigua Academy, to the 
 first library established at Geneva, and aided in some of the first 
 movements made in the Genesee country, in the cause of educa- 
 tion. After he had extended his road Irom Northuinberland, Penn., 
 to Williamsburg, on the Genesee river, he soon established a mail, 
 on foot sometimes, and sometimes on horseback, between the two 
 points, thus opening a communication with Philadelphia and Balti- 
 more. A branch mail went to Canandaigua, Geneva and Sodus. 
 ■lu^,"^''"'""''^^'""^ ^'"' •'""' "^ "^'' I'l-ojortion of tlie Stntc Roiul west, of Romo, Mr. 
 VVilliaiiisun WHS n.linn; iipnii Jahut Islnn.l, in cr.Min.'inv witli Jlo WitI Cliiiton wlio re- 
 iiiiivkuiL' upnti llio KiMo,,|}incs.s <.f tliii roiid. siii.l \n .Mr. W.; — "If you liiul such ro.-uls 
 to your ooiiiJtry I would iiiiiko you avisit." — "It cnii lie donowith propor e.\urtioiis" 
 Mr. (huloii pioniiscd liini liis co-opcralioM. and afterwards assisted in procuring 
 the nu'orporatioii .,f tlie Genera Turninke fonipany, in which the State Itoau was 
 tiicrg<'d. Mr. I'hnicui's iirst visit to tliis region, -was in I&'IO. 
 For several years after, a better understanding was had with Gov. 
 Simcoe and his successors by means of these mail facilities ; they 
 received their letters and papers from Europe and the Atlantic 
 cities, through this primitive medium. It is presumed that he had 
 something to do with putting on the first mail and passenger wagon 
 from Albany to Canandaigua, as the agent at Albany procured and 
 charged to him a wagon and harness for that purpose. 
 Mr. Williamson was elected to the legislature from Ontario 
 county, in 1700 ; and for three successive years, while in that capa- 
 city, he contributed with great energy and perseverance to dif- 
 fei'ent measures for the benefit of the region he represented, which 
 was all of Western New York. He was a Judge of Ontario county ; 
 in the early military organizations in what is now Steuben, equipped 
 an independent company at his own expense ; and rose from the 
 rank of Captain in his Britannic Majesty's service, to that of Col. 
 of a regiment of backwoods militia in the Genesee country. 
 The manufacture of pot and pearl-ash was prominent in his view, 
 as one of the resources of the new country ; he gave some en- 
 couragement to it ; but the means of transportation to market at 
 that early day, was a great drawback upon the enterprise. * The 
 manufacture of maple sugar was also an object of interest with 
 him ; and in fact, was an anticipated source of great revenue to 
 the country, by many of the earliest adventurers. They failed to 
 appreciate the competition it had to encounter in the sugar-cane and 
 cheap hibor. One of the earliest enterprises of Mr vYilliamson, 
 was the improvement of the navigation of the Conhocton and 
 Canisteo, the manufacture of lumber, and the carrying of it to Bal- 
 timore, in periods of high water. 
 In all this career of Pioneer enterprise that has been passed over, 
 it may well be anticipated that much money was required. There 
 was little money in the country — hardly enough for the purchase 
 of the common necessaries of life — of course, not enough to make 
 any considerable land payments. Lands liad to be sold upon credit, 
 payments of instalments postponed ; most of his enterprises were 
 * Writiiip: to Mr. Colqulunm snon after his aifival in tliis country, lie slak'fl that 
 Judfjo Cddpor, I'atlicr of .1. i'VimiiiKiro Cdopcr, who was tlicn just foundii. ;• ;i settlo- 
 iiKMit on llic <)tsc),'o Lak(>, was (greatly pronioliiif^ salcH of land and sottlt'niciit, by 
 furnishing; Ihe new wltliTS with pot-as^h kcUlc^rt to a largo amount. Ho Kjjoal.s of the 
 aftor horo of backwoods' roinaiico — "Judge Tenijjlo," — as a proruiiioiit co-workoriu 
 |:jroinoti!ig settlunii'iits. 
 ahead of the time and the condition of the country, and made slow 
 returns. The resources were mainly the capital of his princij.als, 
 the London associates. Seldom, if ever, have property holders ad- 
 vanced larger amounts for improvements, or more freely at first 
 thougli they began to be impatient after years had gone bv, and the 
 returns of their immense outlays were coming in but slowlv to re- 
 plenish their cofl-ers. In 1800, the balance sheets did not iJok well 
 for then- Genesee country enterprise. There had been expended 
 for purchase money of lands, agencies, and improvements, such as 
 have been mdicated, $1,374,470 10. There had been received for 
 lands sold, but $147,974 83. In addition to tiiis balance a-ainst 
 them, they owed of principal and interest upon lands purchased? over 
 5^300,000. To make all this look better, however, they had an im- 
 mense amount of unsold lands, farms and mills, and an immense 
 debt due for lands sold. While all Mr. Williamson's enterprises 
 had been puttmg the country ahead in the way of settlement and 
 miprovement, (even from ten to fifteen years, as manv estimate ) 
 another direct effect must have been, the adding vastly 'to the prin 
 cipals, the care of which he turned over to his successors He 
 lound the wild lands of the Genesee country selling at from 1 to 4s 
 per acre; he left them selling at from 81,50 to $4. 
 He had at first formidable difficulties to overcome, other than 
 such as have been named and indicated, as consequent upon the 
 task of settling a country so isolated from the older settlements 
 possessing so many harsh features to keep back emigration He 
 was a foreignex, and had held a commission in the nmks of the 
 British army, with whom a large portion of the new settlers h?d 
 just been contending upon battle fields. Arms had been crrounded 
 but feelings of resentment, prejudice, were rife. The pos^'ssion of' 
 tort Niagara and Oswego, the British claims upon the territory of 
 Western New York, their tampering with the western Indians, and 
 even those that were unreconciled here, served to keep dive this 
 feeling. Although Mr. Williamson had from the time he landed in 
 America, given the strongest evidence that lie intended to mercrg 
 himself with the disenthralled colonies, and throw off all ulle-iance 
 to Great Britain, still he encountered jealousy and distrust. In re 
 capitulating to Sir Wm. Pulteney, toward the close of his arrency 
 the difficulties he had encountered, he makes the followiiicr renTarks •' 
 'Even previous to J794. there was a strong predisposiUou against 
 every thinj? that was British. But this was more particularly the 
 case in those parts of the back country adjacent to the British set- 
 tlements ; and where, I'rom the influence of the British govern- 
 ment with the Indians, there was too nii^ch reason to fear that hos- 
 tilities from that quarter would be directed against these infant set- 
 tlements. These jealousies met me in an hundred mortifying in- 
 stances ; and they were with difTiculty prevented from having the 
 most disagreeable elTects, both to me and every old countryman in 
 the settlements. To such an extent was this carried, that every 
 road I talked of was said to be for the purpose of admitting the In- 
 dians and British ; cveiy set of arms I procured — though really to 
 enable the settlers to defend themselves againt the Indians — was 
 said to be for supplying the exjiected enemy ; and the very grass 
 seed I brought into the country for the purpose of supplying the 
 farmers, was seized as gun powder going to the enemies of the 
 country." He also alleges that these distrusts — opposition to his 
 movements — were enhanced by influential individuals, who were 
 interested in the sale of wild lands in other localities. 
 All this, however, wore off, as we may well conclude, for he was 
 elected to represent the county in the legislature, with but little op- 
 position, in 1790, and the mark of favor was repeated. Well educated, 
 possessing more than ordinary social qualities, with a mind im- 
 proved by travel and association with the best classes in Europe, 
 his society was sought after by the many educated and intelligent 
 men who came to this region in the earliest years of settlement ; 
 and he knew well how to adapt himself to circumstances, and to 
 all classes that went to make up the aggregate of the early adven- 
 turers. Changing his habits of life with great ease and facility, he 
 was at home in every primitive log cabin ; a welcome, cheerful, and 
 contented guest, with words of encouragement for those who were 
 sinking under the hardships of Pioneer life ; and often with sub- 
 stantial aid, to relieve their necessities ; away off in some isolated 
 opening of the forest would be those prostrated by disease, to whom 
 he would be the good Samaritan, and send them the bracing tonic 
 or restoring cordial. These acts of kindness, his benevolence of 
 heart, are well remembered by surviving Pioneers ; and repeatedly 
 has the author been importuned by them to speak well of their 
 friend, in those local annals. 
 From the day that Mr. Williamson arrived in this country, until 
 Pinars and goritam's ruKoirASE. 
 he returned to Europe, his corrospondence was oxtonsivc and em- 
 braced a lar-e number of prominent men in the northern States 
 and in Europe. The interests of uli this rerrjon were deeply in- 
 volved m the success of Mr. .lay's mission to Eiiirjnnd in 17i)l. 'Mr. 
 Wiihamson's acquaintance with the stat(>smen of En-rjiuid were 
 with those principally of the cf>nservativ(. class, and with them he 
 urpd a reconciliation of all existing dilliculties. He made the I'ln- 
 hsh government acquainted witii the conduct of their agents hi 
 Canada : with their machinations with the Indians to brin." on an- 
 other series of border wars ; an.l with the coiuiuct of IJritish oflicers 
 at the western posts, in stimulating the Indians to stealthy assaults 
 upon settlers, surveyors and explorers. [D- See account of munler 
 oj Major Trueman, Appendix, No. 10. The treaty of Mr. Jay con- 
 eluded, he urged upon the Colonial department of the Enrr]ish gov- 
 ernment, the substitution of better disposed neighbors in The Cana- 
 das, than Lord Uorchcster, and Gov. Simcoe ; anrl the hastenin<T of 
 the fulfilment of treaty stipulations by the surrender of ()swe<vo'!xn(I 
 Niagara. Trouble, an open rupture with England, was to be sure 
 but postponed; but the author can hardly forego the conclusion, that 
 in the n.fancy of settlement in the Genesee country, it was fortunate 
 that English statesmen were extensive land holders— deeply inter- 
 ested in the securing of peace and prosperity to the country— and 
 that they had for their local agent, such a man as Charles Williamson 
 There had accompanied Mr. Williamson on his first advent to 
 the country, from Scotland, Charles Cameron, John Johnstone 
 James Tower, Henry Tower, Andrew Smith and Hugh McCartney 
 Mr. Cameron came over at the solicitation of Mr. Williamson pen- 
 etrated the wildernes with him, assisted in planning and executino- 
 improvements, kept the books and accounts, was his^ravellincr conv 
 panion in many forest journeys ; and in fact, was closely connected 
 with him during his whole residence in the country. He was the 
 local agent as has been seen, at Lyons, and from that point it is 
 supposed, shipped the first produce of the Genesee country to an 
 easiern market; the flour from the mills that had been erected un- 
 der his agency. He was one of the earliest merchants at Canan- 
 daigua; at a primitive period, when the mercantile business of 
 almost the pntlie Genesee country, was transacted in that village. 
 In this relatii.a he was widely and favorably known to the Pionee'J-s.' 
 Either upon liis own account, or as agent for Mr. Williamson, he 
 £0 7h. 6d. 
 was a merchant at IJatli before ho removed to Lyons, as is inferred 
 from a ston^ hill, vvhicli the author lias in his posses-iion : — 
 Bath, October, 1793. 
 John Dolson,* 
 I?oiif,'lit of Cliarlos Caitieron : 
 Ort. 20, 1 111. diocolatd, 'Jm. <i<l I l-ii b'iil. wliiskcy 5s. 
 Nov. .'). 1 f,';illoii whiskey, U)h. 
 Mr. Cameron is one of the few survivors of thai early period. 
 He is now in his 78th year ; a resident of Greene, Chenango county. 
 Mr. Johnstone was also in Mr. Williimison's employ. 
 When the division of liinds t(K)k place between Sir Wm. rultcnc} 
 and Gov. Hornby, Mr. Johnstone became the agent of the Hornby 
 lands, in which agency he continued until his death in 1800. He 
 married a step-daughter of Nicholas Lowe, of New York. He 
 was the father of James Johnstone, of Canandaigua, and Mrs 
 Leavenworth, of New York. 
 Henry Tower, was an tigent in the erection of the mills at Lyons, 
 (or " Alloway,") became the purchaser ot them ; and resided there 
 for many years. Hugh McCai tney nettled in Sparta. Of the other 
 two who came with Mr. Williamson, the author has no account. 
 Mr. Willinmson's first engngemcnt with the London Associates, 
 was for the term of seven years ; though he continued in the agen- 
 cy beyond the expiration of that period. It has already been in- 
 dicated, that his principals were somewhat impatient at the slow 
 return of his large outlays ; and the sanguine, impulsive agent, may 
 have ventured to deplete their purses too rapidly; but there could 
 have been no serious misunderstanding between them, as the cor- 
 respondence that took place, in reference to the final settlement of 
 the affairs of the agency in 1800 and 1801, exhibit a continuance 
 of mutual esteem and friendship. A paragraph in a letter from Sir 
 Wm. Pultney to the successor in the agency, indicates a wish that 
 Mr. Williamson should be dealt honorably with in the settlement. 
 In the final adjuslii.ent of his aliairs with his principals, what 
 would then have been considered a very large estate, was left him 
 in farms, village property in Geneva and Bath, wild lands, bonds 
 and mortgages, and persona! property. James llecs:*, Esq., oi Geneva, 
 * Mr. Dolson lived near Elmira. In one of Mr. Williiunsoii'sbapkwoods excursions 
 in 17;i-2, ho had an allack of h;vi!i- at Mr. Dolsmi's, where lie w:w nursed until 
 he recovered. He preBenled tlio family with twenty guineas, aiid a iann wherever 
 they might chooae it upon the purehaao. 
 was his agent, until he finally returned to Scothind, in Ifl03, or '4, 
 when he left all his allairs in America, with his I'riend Col. Benja- 
 initi Walker, of Utica. The successor of Col. \7alker in the care 
 of the Williamson estate, was John II. W ends Esq., of Geneva, 
 with whom it now remains. 
 Aaron Burr was identified, as has already been observed, with 
 some of the earliest movements in the direction of the Genesee 
 country. Soon after Mr. Williamson'.s arrival, he made his acquain- 
 tance, and retained him as counsel in his business : and the farther 
 relation of strong personal friendship soon succeeded. In 179,'>, 
 Mr. Burr made a visit to this region, continuing his journey as far 
 west as Niagara Falls. He was accompanied by his daughter The- 
 odosia, and her then, or afterwards, husband, Mr. Allston. The 
 party were on horseback.* Upon this occasion, Mr. Williamson 
 had interviews with him, if he was not in fact, his travelling com- 
 panion in a part of the trip; and when Mr. Williamson became a 
 member of the legislature in 'no, and in succeeding years, business 
 and social relations, made theni frequent companions in Albany. 
 In whatever project Mr. Burr had at the south, i\Ir. Williamson 
 was blended, and would have taken a conspicuous part in it, if it had 
 not been so summarily arrested. 
 After Mr. Williamson left this country, he resided at the home of 
 his fan)ily in Balgray, and in London. He died in 1808. The 
 only record of the event, that the author has been able to obtain, is 
 the following extract of a letter from Col. Walker, to " JMr. Wm. Ellis, 
 ^OTE.— C(.I. BcTijaTiim Walker, vas an early and prominent ciHzcn of Utien In 
 the early part ot the Revolution he had l,eei» in the statr of (ien. Washini^nini, aiu! ^va.? 
 afterwards the aul of Baron Stenl,en. He is r<.nneeted with a i,^,,,,.! atu'clote of he 
 J)uron:—Reviewnij< some raw troojiH, he ordered them witii liis im.ierfect J'hi.disli 
 pronunaau.Mi, to fall haek which tliey mistook for "advaiKv," and eame n.slii,,- di- 
 rectly npon lam. Irritated, and fearing they would understand him no belter in his 
 repnnKiiuis, he ordered Col. \Valker to d— ii ihem in Eii"i;^li 
 In 17!)^ Jk. was surveyor of the port of New York, ,md was employed by Messrs. 
 1 ulteney and Hornby to settle with an a-ont m this country, who had'invested some 
 money or theni m lands (other tlian the (ienesee purchase.) whirl, h,l to Lis early 
 aequain ance with Mv. VV, hamson. His corresp.mdence with Mr. Wilham^-on after ho 
 returned to hurope, woidd mdicato superior talents ; and there could be Lrk,,„ed from 
 tJiem niimy interesting early reminiscences .,f events in this country, t'ol. Waliver 
 died m Ltica, m 1818, An only daimhter married H'Villicrs, a F/ench .'entlenrm 
 who was m this region in '91, or '."). .She died in Franco. The only reiM-eseiitative of 
 the family in this country, is an adopted daughter, Mrs. Bours (jf (Jeneva. 
 *In this western visit Mr. Burr parted from his travelling companions at Avon 
 Uiid went down andvisited the fallsof theOenesec, takhigtheirhei<dit anda Lmdsc-njo 
 view of theni. He shared th.i log cabin of Mr. Shaefler, over night"! on his return .and 
 .lie old gentU'Tuau wcU rcmombora his praLsus of the new couutry, and Lis "ulei^ant 
 Bociable turn." •" i "o""!, 
rnELrs and goriiam s purchase. 
 Nicholson street, Edingburg :" — " An extract sent me from an 
 Englisli newspaper, announces the death of my friend, Col. Will- 
 iamson, as having happened on his passage from Ilavanna to 
 England ; an event which will be most sincerely lamented by a 
 numerous acquaintance in this country, who esteemed and loved 
 There is now no descendants of Mr. Williamson in this country. 
 He lost a son and a daughter in Rath ; and a son and daughter went 
 soon after him to Scotland. The daughter survives. Charles A. 
 Williamson, the son, married a Miss Clark of New York, and resi- 
 'ded in Geneva. Enticed by the discovery of gold in California — 
 although he would seem to have had enough of wealth to satisfy a 
 reasonable ambition — he took the overland route in the summer 
 of 1818, died of cholera at Fort Laramie; and about the same 
 period his wife died in Scotland. 
 Sir William Pulteney died in May, 1805, leaving an only heir, his 
 daughter, Henrietta Laura Pulteney, Countess of Bath. She died 
 in July, 1808. DCt' For historical, and legal deduction of title to 
 lands, other than what is contained in the body of the work, see 
 Appendix No. 11. 
 The successor of Mr. Williamson, in the general agency ot tne 
 London Association, was Col. Robert Troup. He was a native of 
 New Jersey ; in the war of the Revolution, he w^as the aid of Gen 
 Note. — Tlicrc are Cdiitradictorv acoounts of Mr. Willianisdii's position at tlu' jioriod 
 111' liis dcatli. One is, that lie liad bueu apixiinted by tliu L)ritisht,'ovL'L'rnineiit, (Jovuni- 
 or of ono of tlie West India Islands; and anotliov is. that his advL'iitnrous and entcr- 
 ]ii-isinff spirit, had connrctod him willi sonii' of tho oarliest niovoniunts in rulatiou to 
 Sunth AnuM'ii'au Indcpcndoni'L', in which hi; wa?! to have liornu a con.spicuous part ; 
 and in pnr.suance of which, he was at sua, at tho period of his death. 
 Note. — In a letter from JiiincH Wadsworth to Col. Troup, dated in September, 1805, 
 lie says: — " I havci just heard of the death of Sir William Pultnuy. ily mind is stroiii^- 
 ly impressed with tho disasti'rs that may befal this section of the State, from the 
 (■\ent. Sir William was a man of business ; he was cajiable of deciding for himself, 
 what was and what was not proper. Wliat may be the character of hi-! successor we 
 know not." In another letter from ihesametothe same, it is assumed that the sucoossov 
 in the man.'igeinent of tho estate, is Sir James Puheney. Mr. W. says : — I once dined 
 with Sir James at Sir William's; he is ilevoted to the army, and a great favorite of 
 the Duke of York ; and I think 1 have been informed, (luite nigardless of property; 
 but of his honorable views, and perfect soundness of miud, I have no reason to doubt." 
 ■a K 
 m m 
 « Hi 
 IL25 i 1.4 
 ^<i^ . ^/^ "^kN 
 WEBSTER, N.Y. 14580 
 (716) 872-4503 
 Gates ; his father was an officer of the navy in the preceding French 
 war. Previous to the Revolution, Col. Troup had been a student 
 at law in the ollice of Thoir-as Siuidi, of Ilaveslraw, New Jersey, 
 and subsequently in the office of Gov. Jay. After obtaining license, 
 he opened an office in the city of Alba j, and soon after returned 
 to New York, where he practiced law until 1801. He was a few 
 years a Judge of the U. S. District Court. In 1801 he was appoin- 
 ted a general agent of the Pulteney estate. Residing in New York 
 and Albany, he frequently visited this region, until 1814, when he 
 became a permanent resident of Geneva. Under his aus; ..os a 
 large portion of the original purchase of the London Associates, . 
 (such as had not been settled during Mr. Williamson's administra- 
 tion,) was sold and settled. Liberal in his views, public spirited, 
 and possessed of much practical knowledge, he was a valuable 
 helper in speeding on the prosperity of the Genesee country. Al- 
 though the "Mill Tract," west of the Genesee river, was settled 
 under the immediate auspices of Mr. Wadsworth, Col. Troup as 
 the general agen^, had much to do in all that relates to its pioneer 
 history; and for over' thirty years, his name was conspicuously 
 blended with the history of all this local region. He was one of 
 the early promoters of the Erie Canal, and wielding a ready and 
 able pen, he did much to forward that great measure in its early 
 proj(>ction and progress. He was the intimate friend of Alexander 
 Hamilton, antl in fact few enjoyed more of the. intimate acquaint- 
 ance and friendship, of the most of prominent men of the Revolution, 
 and early statesmen of New York. He died in New York in 1832, 
 aged 74 years. He liad two sons, one of wljom died in Charleston, 
 and the other in N. York. A daughter of his is Mrs. James L. 
 Brinkerhoof, of N. York; and another unmarried daughter resides 
 in New York. 
 Before Col. Troup's removal to Geneva, the immediate duties of 
 the agency devolved successively upon John Johnstone, John Hes- 
 lop and Robert Scott. Heslop was first a clerk of Mr. VYads- 
 worth, and ( ntered the Geneva office a short time before the close 
 of Mr. Williamson's agency. He died on a visit to his native 
 country, England. Mrs. Gresliom, of Brooklyn, is a daughter 
 of his. 
 Joseph Fellows is a native of Warwirlcshi.-^ Pn i j r 
 .00., an„ e„,e..e. ,h. office of Co,'. T™ ""rolrr Ge' e":' 
 ■n I8I0, as a sub-»ge„t m the Pultney land office : the detail, JZ 
 was the wife of DrEli Hi 1 T""," \ *'" ' '^ ^'"^ "f h- 
 Geneseo Hr hT^ ' , H,'^''"''^ of Conesus and 
 ImZ ir „ T,"' '" ^'"''"- Mi'^'"S»". where he died 
 brofhe": '"""'■ """ '■^^'*' "' G^""", with her 
 The purchasers of the Pnllney lands, have found in Mr Fellows 
 an agent deposed to conduct the business with strictlTe^rhv L 
 Wr ^^f''^'"^"" left Bath, James Reese removed thero 
 fiom Geneva, and took the temporary charge of the wfo r 
 Hesiqnmii fhenost In isni i * ^"Ji„e oi me L.and Office, 
 o „ ne post in 1803, lie was succeeded by Samuel I TTni,rhf 
 to practice in the Supreme Court, and in the following year opened 
 an office in Bath. Assuming the duties of the Land Office soon 
 after, he • ontinued to discharge them until 1814. He was sub- 
 sequently the law partner of General Matthews at Bath, and re- 
 mained so until Gen. M. removed to Rochester in 1821. He now 
 resides at Cubr<,, Allegany county. Besides holding important civil 
 stations, in 1819 he received the appointment of Major General of 
 the 25th military division, then comprising the counties of Steuben, 
 Allegany, Cattaraugus and Chautauque.* 
 The subsequent agents in the Bath office have been, Dugald 
 Cameron, and William M'Kay ; the latter cf whom is the present 
 agent. He is the son of John S. M'Kay, who emigrated to Geneva 
 in 1800, and died in Pittsford, in 1819. 
 Mr. Greig was a native of Moffat, in Dumfrieshire, Scotland. His 
 father was a lawyer by profession, the factor or agent of the Earl 
 of Hopeton; and besides, a landholder, ranking among the better 
 class of Scotch farmers. After having acquired in his native 
 parish, and in a High School in Edinburg, a substantial education, 
 while undetermined as to his pursuits in life, Mr. Johnstone, who, it 
 will have been seen, had been in this region, connected with Mr. 
 Williamson, revisited his native country, and meeting Mr. Greig, 
 induced him to be his companion on his return to the new world. 
 They arrived at New York, in the winter of 1799 and 1800, after 
 a tedious passage of eleven weeks. Mr. Greig, after spending some 
 time in ]\ew York and Albany, came to Canandaigua, in April, 
 1800. He became a student at law, in the office of Nathaniel W. 
 Howell, and in 1804 was admitted to practice. In 1800, on the 
 occurrence of the death of his friend, John Johnstone, he succeeded 
 him in the agency of the Hornby and Cohjuhoun estate ; in which he 
 has continued up to the present period. 
 In an early period of his professional career, he became the part- 
 ner of Judge Howell ; the partnership continued until 1820. Ming- 
 ling with his professional duties, the arduous ones consequent upon 
 'lu 1819 all that territory coutcoined but 3,100 men, subJMt to .Tilitary duty, 
 the sale and settlement of large tracts of wild lands, professional 
 eminence could hardly be expected ; yet in early days, when there 
 were " giants in the land"— when the bar of western New York 
 had in its front rank, a class of men, whose places can now harldy 
 be said to be filled — tney found in the young foreigner a professional 
 cotemporary, possessed of sound legal acquirements ; and especially 
 recommending himself to th. ir esteem, by a high sense of honor^, 
 and a courtes} , which ruled his conduct at the bar, as well as in 
 the business ard social relations of life. 
 As a patroon of new settlements — which his agency of a foreirrn 
 and absent principal, made him — in that position, in which so im- 
 portant an influence is wielded over the destinies of a new coun- 
 try— his best eulogy is found in the frequent expressions of gratitude, 
 which a gatherer of historical reminiscences may hear, from the 
 lips of surviving Pioneers, for indulgence and kindness received 
 at his hands.. 
 Mr. Greig succeeded Mr. Gorham, in the Presidency of the On- 
 tario Bank, soon after 1820, which place he continues to fill. He 
 became one of the Regents of the University in 1825, .t, '. is now 
 the Vice Chancellor of the Board. In 1841, '2, he was the Repre- 
 sentative in Congress, from Ontario and Livingston ; and is now 
 one of the managers of the Western House of Refuge. 
 He is row 72 years of age ; his general health and constitution 
 not seriously in)paired ; his mental faculties retaining much of the 
 vigor of middle age ; having the general supervision of his estate, 
 and discharging the public duties which his several offices impose. ' 
 _ One of the largest estates of western New York, is the fruit of 
 his youthful advent to a region he has seen converted from a wil- 
 derness, to one of fruitful fields and unsurpassed prosperity ; — of a 
 long life of professional and business enterprise and judicious man- 
 agement. Leaving his young countrymen and school fellows to 
 mherit estates ; with a self-reliance, which can only give substantial 
 success in life, he boldly and manfully struck out into a new field of 
 enterprise — a then fresh and new world — and became the founder 
 of one. Liberal in its management and disposition, with a sensible 
 estimate of what constitutes the legitimate value and use of wealth; 
 he is the promoter of public enterprises, the Hb-.-al patron of public 
 and the dispenser of private charities ; in J[ of which he finds a 
 willing co-operator in his excellent wife, wlio is a worthv descend- 
 ant of one who occupied a front rank among the earliest Pio- 
 neers of the Genesee country. She was tlie daughter of Captain 
 Israel Chapin, the grand-daughter of Gen. Israel Chapin ; was mar- 
 ried to Mr. Greig in 1800. 
 In preceding pages, tHe reader has observed some indications of 
 unsettled relations between the Indians, and the early adventurers 
 of our own race, in the Genesee country ; and the mischievous 
 influence of those to whom they had been allies in the Revolution. 
 All this will be farther exhibited in connection with the early settle- 
 ment of Sodus. In this chapter it is proposed to treat the subject 
 generally, avoiding as far as possible a repetition of what has been 
 and will be, in the other connections, but incidental. 
 The reader of American general history, need hardly be told, 
 that what was called a treaty of peace with Great Britain, in 1783, 
 war rather an armistice — a cessation of hostihties — and that but 
 little of real peace, or amicable '-elations, was immediately conse- 
 quent upon it. On the one hand, a proud arrogant nation, worsted 
 in a oontest with a few feeble colonies, its invading armies defeated 
 and routed, grudgingly and reluctantly yielded to a stern necessity, 
 and allowed only enough of concession to be wrung from her, to 
 secure the grounding of arms. And on the other hand, success, 
 victory, had been won by a last, and almost desperate eflbrt, — the 
 wearied colonies gladly embracing an opportunity to rest. Thus 
 conditioned, the terms of peace were illy defined, and left open 
 questions, to irritate and furnish grounds for a renewal of hostilities. 
 British armies re-crossed tlie ocean, and British navies left our 
 coasts, but British resentment was still rife. In the palace at 
 Windsor, England's King was mourning with almost the weakness 
 of childhood, or dotage, over his lost colonies ; yielding to the 
 sacrifice with a bad grace, and in the absence of any kinglv digni- 
 ty. Rich jewels had dropped from his crown, and he refused to be 
 reconciled to their loss ; and his ministers, with more of philosophy, 
 but little less of chagrin and discomfiture, in peace negotiations, 
 seem almost to have made mental reservations, that contemplated 
 a renewal of the contest. The homely adage, "like master like 
 man," was never better illustrated, than it was in the persons and 
 official acts of those who came out as government officers and 
 agents, to look to the little that was saved to England, after the 
 wreck of the Revolution. But one spirit, and one feeling pervaded 
 in the home and colonial governments. It was that the treaty had 
 been an act of present necesr<ity, that had not contemplated an 
 ultimate sacrifice of such magnitude as was the final loss of the 
 Ainerican colonies. The statesmen of England, were not unmind- 
 ful that the site of an Empire lay spread out around our western 
 lakes and rivers, and in all of what is now western New York, over 
 which the Indians held absolute and undisputed sovereignty. Those 
 Indians were their allies, ready to take the tomahawk from its belt, 
 . and the knife from its sheath at their bidding. 
 The first, and principal hope and reliance of England, touching 
 the reversion of her lost empire, was that the experiment of free 
 government would be a failure. Astonished that resistance to their 
 rule had been attempted by a few feeble colonics, and more aston- 
 ished that it had been successful — almost prepared to believe in 
 the decrees of fate, or the enactment of miracles — they were yet 
 unprepared to believe that discordant materials could be so blended 
 together as to insure a permanent separation; that here in the 
 backwoods of America, statesmen would be created by exigency, 
 with a firmness, an intuitive wisdom, to mould together a perma- 
 nent confederacy, that would be the wonder of the old world ; a 
 political phenomena — and thus secure all that had been so dearly 
 won. After the close of the Revolution, every movement upon 
 this side of the water, was watched with intense anxiety. Unpro- 
 pitious as were the first few years of the experiment, the events in 
 creased their confidence. The difficulties growing out of disputed 
 boundaries between the States; the Shay rebellion in Massachu- 
 setts ; the internal commotions in Pennsylvania ; and finally the 
 discordant views of those who came together to form a Union, and 
 a permanent government ; all helped to increase their hopes, that 
 divided and distracted, the colonies would either fall back into their 
 embraces, or be an easy conquest when they chose to renew (he 
 In the final success in the formation of a confederacy of States, 
 — the Union — the interested croakers lost some confidence in their 
 predictions, but they still hoped for the worst. If they admitted 
 for a moment that there might be a confederacy of eastern States, 
 they thought they saw enough of the elements of trouble in geo- 
 graphical divisions, in conflicting interests of soils and climate ; in a 
 curse they had entailed upon the colonies in the form of African 
 slavery, to insure the failure of the experiment to embrace the 
 whole in one political fabric. 
 Disappointed in their earliest hopes, they fell back upon another 
 reliance ; that by means of a continued alliance with the Six Na- 
 tions, and with the western Indians, they should be enabled to re- 
 tain all of what had been French Canada ; western New York, the 
 Tallies of the western lakes and the Mississippi. With this end in 
 view, by means of pretences so flimsy, that they never rose to the 
 dignity of being sufficiently defined to be understood, they disre- 
 garded the plainest stipulations of the treaty of 1783, withheld the 
 posts upon Lake Ontario and the western lakes, and steadily pur- 
 sued the policy of commercial outrages and annoyances, dogo-ed 
 and irritating diplomacy, and bringing to bear upon the Indians an 
 influence that was intended to embarrass all our negotiations with 
 them, and ultimately to make them allies in a renewed contest for 
 dominion over them and their territory. 
 The settlement of the Genesee country, commenced under the 
 untoward circumstances of a continued British occupancy ; the 
 native owners of the soil, but illy reconciled to the treaties of ce?- 
 sions, and thus in a condition to be easily incited to mischief; while 
 off upon the borders of the western lakes, were numerous nations 
 and tribes ready to join them, to redress their fancied wrongs, at 
 the instigation of the malign influences that lingered among them. 
 For six years after feeble settlements were scattered in backwood's 
 localities, the British retained Fort Oswego and Niagara, and the 
 western posts ; no American commerce was allowed on Lake Onta- 
 rio, or if allowed, it was a mere sufferance, attended with all the 
 annoyance and insolence of an armed police ai the two important 
 points, OswefTo and Niagara. 
 In the person of Lord Dorchester, the Gov. General of Canada, 
 was an implacable enemy of the disenthralled colonies, an embodi- 
 ment and fit representative of the spirit that ruled his home gov- 
 ernment, and his deputy. General Simcoe, the Lieutenant Governor 
 of the Upper Trovince, located at Niagara, was well fitted to take 
 the lead in that then retreat of mischief makers and irreconciled 
 refugees. Sir John Johnstone, after his retreat from the Mohawk, 
 had continued to reside at Montreal, and after the war, retained a 
 large share of the influence he had inherited, over the Six Nations. 
 He may well be supposed to have had no very kind feelings toward his 
 old neighbors. He was in fact the ready helper in the persevering 
 attempts that were made to keep the Indians irreconciled and trouble- 
 some. The position of Joseph Brant was equivocal ; keen scrutiny 
 and watchfulness, failed to determine what were his real inclina- 
 tions. Even his partial biographer, has left his conduct in the crisis 
 we are considering, an enigma. At times he would seem to have 
 been for peace; in his correspondence with Messrs. Kirkland, 
 Phelps, Thomas Morris, General Chapin, and with the Secretary 
 of War, General Knox, there were professions of peaceful inclina- 
 tions ; while at the same period, he would be heard of in war coun- 
 cils of the western Indians, stirring up with a potent influence, side 
 by side with his British allies, their worst passions ; or organizing 
 NoTK — As late as the Rummer of 1795, even after theJaytreaty and Wayne's treaty 
 of Grenville Col. Simcoe was irreconciled, and to all appearances loukmg forward to 
 a renewal of the contest between Great Britain and her lost colonies, or btates a.s they 
 had then become. The Didce Liancourt, was then his guest, at Niagara, who says ot 
 l,i,n • _ "War seems to be the object of his leading jKissions ; " he is acquainted witli 
 the military history of all countries: no hillock catches his eye without exciting in 
 hLs mind tl've idea of a foit, whicli miglit be constructed on the spot, and witli the 
 construction of this fort he assiciates the plan of a campaign especially 
 of that wliioh is to lead him t(, Philadeliihia." At tlie Indian village ot luscarora, 
 near Lcwiston, where tlie Dukj accompanied him, he told the Indians <hat the Yan- 
 kees were brooding over some evil (U'signs against them ; that they had no other object 
 in view but to rob them of tlieir lands ; and that their good father, king George, was 
 tlie true friend of their nation. Ho also repented, that the maize thief, li.i.. diy 
 I'ickeiin.' was a rogue and a liar." When the governor and the Duke were on their 
 way to fuRcarora, they met an American family on their way to Canada. On leani- 
 ii,/ their destination, the Governor said to them : —"Aye, aye, you are tired of the 
 F.'^deral government ; vou like not any longer to have so many kings ; you wish again 
 for your old father, come along and I will give you lands." 
 arrne<l band, of Canada Indian, as allies of the western confcde. 
 ates. led Jacket was a backwoods Talleyrand, and Cornplanter 
 an unschooled Metternich. '"l^'amer, 
 and l!im''',!? ^TJ' ^'''""^''^'^'S-rn in affluence, richly pensioned, 
 a^^d lumself and connections richly endowed wifh lands bJ 
 the king repaid the bounties of his sovereign with all the zoal that 
 ?ert , rT'i-" " ''"'' ^y^«^«"^Ji"gthe views of Lord Dorches- 
 he W, f TT"- - ^' ^^"P«'-'"t^"dent of Indian affairs he had 
 me.!n "^^^^^'"S«'^t«^« '"^"^« atNiaga^-a. and dispensed his 
 piesents profusely among the Indians, telling them that the "king, 
 e 1'" Th ' r^'r^" "^"^ '''''' ^^^^''^- «Sain, against the 
 rebels. 1 he early settlers of the Genesee country, saw on more 
 than one occasion, the Indians in possession of n;w broadcloths, 
 blanlcets and silver ornaments, that came from the king's store house, 
 he fearful purport of which they well understood. Some of the 
 nfluences and agencies that have been named, had assisted in land 
 treaties, but ,t had been for pay, and with the hope ultimately of the 
 partition of New York, and the non-fulfilment of the treaty stipu- 
 lation for the surrender^ of its western territory. Lin-erL vet 
 upon the Genesee river, and in several other localities, uere Refu- 
 gees from the Mohawk, with feelings rankling in their bo.oms akin 
 ParadiL '"°'^' "^'"' '^'^ ^""^ ^'''' ^^^^'^» '^' ^^ 
 Added to all thes« elements of trouble, was an irreconciled feel- 
 ing against the Indians, on the part of those who had been border 
 settlers upon the Mohawk and the Susquehannah, and could not so 
 soon foi-get their horrid barbarities. In the absence of courts and 
 any efficient civil police, this feeling would occasionally break out 
 in outrages, and on several occasions resulted in the murder of In- 
 dians; It required all the wisdom of the general and State govern- 
 ments and their local agents to prevent retaliation upon the Scatter- 
 ed settlements of the Pioneers. 
 While a storm was gathering at the west, and the Senecas, un- 
 der the influences that have been named, were half inclined to act 
 in concert with hostile nations in that quarter, the murder of two 
 benecas, by whites, occurred on Pine creek, in Pennsylvania It 
 highly exasperated the Senecas, and they made an immediate de- 
 mand upon the Governor of Penn..ylvania for redress. It was in 
 the lorm of a message, signed by Little Beard, Red Jacket, Gisse- 
 hakio, Caunhesongo, rliiefs and warriors of the Seneca nation, and 
 dated at "Genesco River Flats," August 1790. After saying they 
 are glad that a reward of eight hundred dollars has been olfered for 
 the murderers, they add: — "Brothers the two men you have killed 
 were very great men, and were of the great Turtle tribe ; one of 
 them was a chief, and the other was to be put in the great king 
 Garoughta's place, who is dead also. Brothers, you must not think 
 hard of us if we speak rash, as it comes from a wounded heart, as 
 you have struck the hatchet in our head, and we can't be reconciled 
 until you come and pull it out. "We are sorry to tell you, you have 
 killed eleven of us since peace." " And now we take you by the 
 hand and lead you to the Painted Post, as far as your canoes can 
 come up the creek, where you will meet the whole tribe of the de- 
 ceased, and all the chiefs and a number of warriors of our nation, 
 where we expect you will wash away the blood of your brothers, 
 and bury the hatciiet, and put it out of memory, as it is yet sticking 
 in our heads. 
 Mr. Pickering, who was then residing at Wyoming, was either 
 sent by the Governor of Pennsylvania, or the Secretary of War to 
 hold the proposed treaty, at Tioga Point, on the ICth day of No- 
 vember. He met there. Red Jacket, Farmer's Brother, Col. Butler, 
 Little Billy, Fish Carrier, and other chiefs of the Six Nations, and 
 the Chippewa and Stockbridge Indians. They came to the coun- 
 cil much enraged, and a speech of Red Jacket was well calculated 
 to increase their resentments. The black cloud that hung over 
 their deliberations for days, was finally driven away by the pmdent 
 course of Col. Pickering, and the war spirit that was kinJled in 
 many a savage bosom, finally quelled. This was the first time that 
 the Six Nations were met in council by the general governmen^ 
 after the adoption of the constitution. Col. Pickering informed 
 them that the Thirteen Fires was now but one Fire, tha^t they were 
 now all under the care of the great chief, General Washington, who 
 would redress their wrongs, and correct any abuses the whites had 
 NoTE.--MoiK),v atul presents of Roods, it is presumed, were the prineiral agents of 
 tx.,u.ihati..n. Ti.e wily chicft who deniandod the conncil, while they ussuined that 
 ,, • - •',,,,, " "" ",i'""""^»-u uiu council, wnue uiey assumed that 
 hen- young wanT:„rK,ouldh,u-dly be restrained from t^ikin;. nummary v^nseanco upon 
 hu ^ylutes, intimated what tl>ev wore expoctinR ; and they especially requested t^,a° 
 AeG..vernor should send to t fie council "all the property of the tmirderers" .->"] 
 would" be a gi-eat satisfaction to the families of the deceLd.-' The resu t of ll o 
 rf"frl' ul '{'ir't " . '° '"' ' ?•"'■'', ?'"'^ " co,npro,niMn.r of Uie murdei-s, and professions 
 ot Iriendship, tliat were destined to remain equivocal "''""a 
 practiced upon them ; and that especially traders among them 
 would be prohibit'^d from selling sjiirituous liquors. To all this 
 Red Jacket and Farmer's Brother made replies, expressing much 
 gratification that the "great chief of the Thirteen Fires, hi>d opened 
 his mauth to them." They made formal complaints of the manner 
 in which their lands had been obtained from them» to which Col. 
 Pickering replied, that their lands were their own to dispose of as 
 they pleased, that the United States would only see that no frauds 
 were practiced in the land treaties. 
 The Six Nations called their councils with the whites, measures 
 for "brightening the chain of friendship, "and never did chains get 
 rusty so quick after brightening as they did along during this critical 
 period. One treaty or council was hardly over before another was 
 demanded by one party or the other. In the spring of 171)1, when 
 the Little Turtle as the successor of Pontiac — at i leader, almost 
 his equal — had perfected an alliance of the principal western na- 
 tions against the United States; when expedients for reconciliation 
 with them had been exhausted, and General Ilarmar was about tu 
 march against them ; it was deemed of the utmost importance to 
 confirm the wavering purposes of the Six Nations, and divert them 
 from an alliance with the legions that threatened to break up the 
 border settlements west of the Ohio, and if successful there, to in- 
 volve the new settlements of the Genesee country in the contest for 
 dominion. For this purpose, Colonel Pickering was again commis- 
 sioned by the Secretary of War to hold ■ treaty. It was held at 
 Newtown, (now Elmira,) in the month of June. With a good deal 
 of difficulty, a pretty general attendance of the Indians was secured. 
 Fortunately Col. Proctor who had turned back in a peace embassy 
 to the western nations, in consequence of intimations which induced 
 a conclusion that it would not only be fruitless but dangerous, had 
 spent some weeks among the Sjnecas at Buffalo, and his visit had 
 been favorable to the drawing off of the chiefs and warriors from 
 Canada influence and western alliance, in the direction of Colonel 
 Pickering and his treat} ground. 
 The treaty was mainly successful. With all the bad inclinations 
 of the Set.3cas at this period, and bad influences that was bearing 
 upon them, there was a strong conservative influence which had a 
 powerful auxiliary in the, "Governesses, " or influential women.* 
 * The very coiiiiuuu imbues -luii iJiut the women L;ul no iiitlueiice ia tlie u. ucils of 
 The principal speakers were, Red Jacket and Farmer's Brother. 
 Thomas Morris was present at this treaty ;* the autlior extracts tro# 
 his manuscripts, spoken of in the prcl'acc to this work; — "Red 
 Jacket was I suppose, at that time, about 30 or 35 years of age, of 
 middle height, well formed, with an intelligent countenance, and a 
 fine eye ; and was in all respects a fine looking man. He was the 
 most "graceful public speaker I have ever known ; his manner was 
 most dignified and easy. He was lluent, and at times witty and sar- 
 castic. "" He was quick and ready at reply. He pitted himself against 
 Col. Pickering, whom he sometimes foiled in argument. The 
 Colonel would sometimes become irritoted and lose his temper ; then 
 Red Jacket would be delighted and shew his dexterity in taking 
 advantage of any unguarded assertion of the Colonel's. He felt a 
 conscious pride in the conviction that nature had done more for 
 him than for his antagonist. A year or two after this treaty, when 
 Col. Pickering from Post Master General became Secretary of War, 
 I informed Red Jacket of his promotion. ' Ah, ' said he, ' we began 
 our public career about the same time ; he knew how to read and 
 write, I did not, and he has got ahead of me ; but if I had known 
 how to read and write I should have got ahead of him.' " 
 The name of an early Pioneer has already been incidentally men- 
 tioned, who became prominently blended in all the relations of the 
 general government, and consequently in all the relations of this 
 local region, with our Indian predecessors. General Israel Chapin 
 was from Hatfield, Massachusetts. He was commissioned as a Cap- 
 tain in the earliest military organizations of Massachusetts, after 
 the commencement of the Revolution, and was in the campaign 
 against Quebec ; soon after which he was advanced to the rank of 
 Colonel, and at the close of the Revolution, he had attained to the 
 tliG Six Nations — tliiu their whole sex was regarded as mere drudges — is refuted by 
 tlio recorded facts, that in treaties with Gov. George Clinton, and iu the treaty at " Big 
 Trei'," they turned the scale iu councils. 
 * Mr. Morris, then just from his law studies, withayounger brother, set out from Phil- 
 adelphia, and coining via Wilkwharre and what was called " Sullivan's path, " attended 
 the treaty, visitoil tlie Falls of Niagara, and returning, made up his miud to fix his res- 
 idence at Canandaigua. »^See sketches of early times at Cauandaigua, and see also 
 Boiue further reniiniscences of Mr. Morris in connection with tlie treaty at NewtowD, 
 Appendix No. 12. 
 Note.— Among the Revolutionary papers of General Chapin, are many interesting 
 relics. Ei)hraim Patch, a soldier of liis company, charges in his memorandum, for 
 " one pair of bult'ed trowsers, one pewter basin, one pair ahoes, ouu tomahawk and 
 rank of Brij^adier General. In addition to his services in the field 
 ftfc was occasionally a sub contractor, or agent of Oliver Phelps in 
 procuring army supplies. Upon one occasion, as the author o' • erves 
 by his correspondence, he was requested by Mr. Phelps to obtain a 
 fine yoke of fat cattle for Gen. Washington's table." Gen Chapin 
 was in active military service during the Shay rebellion : [D" See 
 ''general orders,' transmitted to him by Major General Shepherd 
 Appendix, No. 13. After the close of the Revolution, he was a 
 prominent managing member of an association, organized for the 
 purpose of dealing in wild lands in Vermont. He was one of the 
 origmal associates with Mr. Phelps, in the purchase of the Genesee 
 country, and was chosen to come out and explore it in 1789 which 
 resulted m his removal with his family to Canandaigua. in 1790 
 Soon after the organization of the general government, the Sec- 
 retary of War, General Knox, saw the necessity of a local a^ent 
 among the Six Nations, and the well earned reputation of General 
 Chapin, in the Revolution, and in the important civil crisis thai fol- 
 lowed after it in Massachusetts, fortunately for the region with 
 which he had become identified, pointed him out as a safe de 
 pository of the important trust. From his earliest residence in the 
 country, he had been entrusted with commissions, in connection 
 with Indian relations, by Gen. Knox and Col. Pickerin y. Soon after 
 the treaty at Newtown, he was appointed to the office of Deputy 
 Superintendent of the Six Nations, though the duties of his office 
 ultimately, in many instances, embraced the whole northern de- 
 The letter of appointment from Gen. Knox, enjoined upon him 
 the impressing upon the Indians, that it was the " firm determination 
 of the President that the utmost fairness and kindness should be 
 exhibited to the Indian tribes bv the Uniteri States " Tint it was 
 « not only his desire to be at peace with all the Indian tribes, but 'to 
 be their guardian and protector, against all injustice." He was 
 informed by the Secretary, that Joseph Brant had promised a visit 
 to the seat of government, and instructed either to accompany him 
 "or otherwise provide for his journey in a manner perfectly a^ree' 
 able to him." *= 
 bell, onobiiyoiiGt. 111(1 bolt, lost by moil. UiJ^at from Qiioboc, MiiTcTnipri^r 
 athat. ClMrkohiirgos t.;it ho was equally lu.fortunato in the h.xstv ( i^^h ]JZl 
 This attempt to get Brant to Philadelphia, together with a large 
 representation of other chiefs and warriors of the Six Nations, and 
 others not actually merged with the hostile Indians of the west, had 
 been commenced in the previous winter. It succeeded very well, 
 with the exception of Brant ; a large Seneca delegation, with a few 
 Cnondagas and Oneida?, nearly forty in all, were conducted to Phil- 
 adelphia, across the country, via Wilkesbarre, by Horatio Jones 
 and Joseph Smith. It was upon this occasion that the Indian chief, 
 Big Tree, was a victim to the excessive hospital'ty that was extended 
 to the deJegation, at the seat of government, dying there from the 
 effects of surfeit. British hospitality and liberality was outdone ; 
 President Washington won the esteem and confidence of the Indi- 
 ans, and they departed with promises of continued frlend.ship, and 
 that they would undertake a friendly mission to the hostile Indians 
 of the west. 
 Brant w-is invited to the conference by the Rev. Mr. Kirkland 
 and Col. Pickering, but he stood out somewhat upon his dignity, 
 and intimated that if he went, it was to be in a manner more con- 
 sistent with his character and position, than would be a journey 
 through the country, with a drove of Indians, under the lead of in- 
 terpreters. This being communicated to Gen. Knox, he took the 
 hint, and thence his instructions to Gen. Chapin. Apprehensive, 
 too, that Brant wanted the invitation to come directly from the seat 
 of government, he addressed him an official letter, respectful and 
 conciliatory, appealing to him upon the score of humanity, to lend 
 his great influence toward reconciling the existing Indian difficul- 
 ties, preventing tlie further shedding of biood, and to assist the 
 government in devising measures for bettering the condition of his 
 race. This drew from the chief an answer that he would start for 
 Philadelphia in about thirty days, and in the meantime would con- 
 suit the western nations, and be enabled to speak by authority from 
 thorn. No statesman of the new or old world, ever penned a more 
 guarded, non-committal answer in diplomacy, than was this from 
 the retired chief, in the backwoods of Canada. 
 The letter to the Secretary of War, was sent to Mr Kirkland, 
 at Oneida, and forwarded by him by the hands of Dr. Deodat Al- 
 len, to the care of Col. Gordon, the British commanding officer at 
 Fort Niagara, with a request to have it sent hy private express to 
 Captain Brant, at Grand River. This manner of forwarding- the 
 etter proved unfortunate. Dr. Allen, knowing its contents dosijrned. 
 ly or imprudently communicated them to Col. Gordon, who acsompa- 
 nied U with suggestions well calculated to promote an unfavorable 
 answer. He also informed Captain Chew,* a deputy Indian 
 agent under Sir John Johnstone, residing at Niagara, of the 
 contents of the letter, who brought ail his influence to bear upon 
 Brant, to prevent the journey. 
 As the time of departure drew near, Gen. Chapin had Brant at- 
 tended from the Grand River to Canandaigua, and from there, 
 via Albany and New York to Philadelphia. The chief was at- 
 tended by Israel Chapin, jr., Dr. Allen, Samuel Street, a servant of 
 his own, and another provided for the party by Gen. Chapin. It 
 was Brant's first appearance in the Valley of the Mohawk after 
 his flight from there, and well knowing that upon his journey he 
 must often encounter those of his old neighbors against whom he had 
 carried on a sanguinary warfare, he feared retribution, and onlv 
 proceeded upon the pledges of Gen. Chapin that no insult or indi.- 
 nity should be offered him. It was only upon one occasion that fears 
 were entertained fof his safety on the route by his attendants, who 
 enabled him to avoid the threatened danger. Arrived at New 
 York, it would seem the whole party, about to appear at court — or 
 rather, at the seat of government — doffed their backwoods ward- 
 robe, and patronized a fashionable tailor. Pretty round bills were 
 presented to Gen. Chapin for payment ; that for a full suit for Brant 
 would show that he at least did not appear in any less mean attire 
 than was befitting an ambassador. 
 The result of this visit of Brant to the seat of government, in 
 detail, is already incorporated in history. Although in a measm-e 
 satisfactory and productive of good, his position was by no means 
 fixed, or changed by it. In the midst of feasting and civilities, the 
 recipient of presents and flatteries, he was reserved and guarded • 
 put on an air of mystery ; so much so. that Gen. Knox in a letter 
 to Gen. Chapin, expresses fears that some thing was said or done at 
 of rS^'!.S7.^'''^r7f,°^?'''.^^''^"'" '^^"'■•'' ^ h,-ilf blood T„8carora, the dm,f.hter 
 piodsiit ot luHoaroia, a woman wlio is wtOl remenibm-.l by the I'ioiu'crs of tint ro- 
 ^ b..n l"° ?'''"• ""^, \^"''} J"''*?" *" =^"^''' •"""-'•''• tolcf tla. autl, r th: t .so wag 
 ! I nf r I'r •'^""'''" •^'^ ?^ "^'^ ^*'^'"' "i'-- fi™t ^■•'P""^^! Wia will, a ('., t .i^, J.;t- 
 ty Indian 
 a, of the 
 )ear upon 
 Brant at- 
 3m there, 
 f was at- 
 prvant of 
 apin. It 
 iwk after 
 )urney he 
 )m he had 
 and only 
 or indig- 
 that fears 
 nts, who 
 at New 
 mrt — or 
 is ward- 
 ills were 
 or Brant, 
 an attire 
 iment, in 
 ities, the 
 juarded ; 
 1 a letter 
 done at 
 > diiiif^hter 
 )f that ro- 
 t tiliu wag 
 ijitain Ki- 
 ll! nfttiyes 
 Philadelphia that had displeased him. The truth was, that he had 
 a difficult part to perform: — In the first place, he was sincerely 
 tired of war, and wanted peace ; but he was bound to the British 
 interests by gratitude, by present and prospective interests ; exist- 
 ing upon their bounty, and apprehensive that his large landed pos- 
 sessions were held by the tenure of a continued loyalty. He knew 
 that every step he took, and every word he uttered in favor of the 
 United States, or peace, would be used against him, not only to 
 weaken his influence with the British, but also with what he proba- 
 bly valued still higher, his influence with his own race. Gen. Knox 
 drew from him a promise that he would visit the western nations ; 
 but the promise was attended with conditions and mental reserva- 
 tions, which were calculated to render the mission of little avail. 
 There followed this movement, a series of fruitless embassies to 
 the hostile Indians, a protracted period of alarm and apprehension. • 
 Repeated conferences and councils were held by Gen. Chapm with 
 the Six Nations, mostly with the Senecas, as they were most m- 
 clined to be allies of the western Indian confederacy. Hendricks, 
 aStockbridge chief, Red Jacket, and Cornplanter, were successively 
 sent on missions to the west, under the auspices of Gen. Chapin ; 
 but neither they, nor white ambassadors, succeeded in gettmg any 
 overture better than the ultimatum that the Ohio should be the 
 boundary line of respective dominion. 
 There was a long period of dismay and alarm, in which the new 
 settlers of the Genesee country deeply and painfully participated ; 
 evei<y movement in the west was regarded with anxiety ; and the 
 Senecas in their midst, were watched with jealousy and distrust. 
 In addition to the fruitless missions from this quarter, others were 
 undertaken from the seat of government, and our military posts 
 upon the Allegany, equally abortive; in two instances, peace am- 
 bassadors were treacherously murdered before reaching treaty 
 grounds. The hindrances to peace negotiations with the Indians, 
 were vastly augmented by British interference. Not content with 
 encouraging the Indians to hold out, and actually supplying them 
 with the°means of carrying on the war, on one occasion, they refused 
 to let a peace embassy proceed by water via Oswego and Niagara ; 
 and on another occasion, with a military police, prevented commis- 
 sioners of the United States from proceeding to their destination, 
 a treaty ground. And these were the acts of a nation with whom 
 if ' 
 1^ ( 
 we had just rnade a treaty of peace ; a nation who, in a recent cnsKs of their own, demanded the most stringent observance 
 of the duties of neutral nations. They set up the specious and 
 false pretence, that the supplying the Indians with the mea.^s of 
 warnng upon us, was the work of individuals, for which the .^ov- 
 rnent was not accountable. In the case of the Navy Island war. 
 they insisted that our government should be responsible for individ- 
 til ucts. 
 The office of Gen. Chapin, it may well be concluded, was no sin- 
 ecure. At the head of the war department was a faithful public 
 officer, ond he required promptness and energy from all his subor- 
 dinates. Upon Gen. Chapin, devolved the procuring of embassa- 
 dors to the host.le Indians, fitting out them and their retinues, and 
 ^ holding council after council to keep the faces of the Six Nations 
 turned from the west. In these troublesome times, the gov ernment 
 was of course liberal with the Senecas, and Gen. Chapin was its al- 
 moner. They, shrewd enough to understand the value of their con- 
 tinned friendship to the United States at that critical period, were 
 rnos of them sturdy beggars. Often they would propose counci 
 with the ulterior motive of a feast and carousal and a "staff"* to 
 support them on their return to then- villages. At his home in Can- 
 andaigua he was obliged to hold almost perpetual ar.dience with self 
 constituted delegations who would profess that thev were decided 
 conservat.ves and peace makers, as long as he disp;nsed his bread, 
 rneat and whiskey Ireely. Lingering sometimes quite too long to 
 be agreeable or essential to the purposes of diplomacv, he would fit 
 hem out with a iberal "staff" and persuade the squaws to uo back 
 ZtrmBe 'fr' '^'""^^ their hunting camp; in the 
 toiest. Ml. Berry at Canavvagus, and Winney, the then almost 
 «f thoso ,H,fo„ve,.sanf, wiU v .J J ? ' f 1 " '".^"^tio.u.d, for the information 
 Hllof Ihoir couiitiT tl.ey had rod , to h.'. 1 i 1 ^'i" ^''""'' T'"-"''' ^^'"•^ f" ■•.oover 
 .•m the t.o,UKlarvlino, u, 1^, tl iV v w III . "''f T'"^' '■'■^'^'^■'' "P"" "''' «'"" 
 Tlio oxpoditions of St M ir d ¥,;„r w . ''f ''' '■"';' ""'■'""■■'g'".! ^v the British. 
 runishiiH' tliu Indians for }.i., )',• ' ''■"■ ''."'"'•'^^'"^' P'-^vioud trealias a„d 
 ceded terriloiy. " Jq.redations coM.mUtcd ,.ponti>os. wlio had settled on 
 a miioniS " tIcSJ'u^ ?f "^.^'■'t^'y t" ^^-^^h they ^ave this «an,o. What 
 solitary resident upon the present site of BufTalo, were Indian 
 traders, and acted as local sub-agents, the two first named es- 
 pecially. Upon the General's orders, and sometimes at their own 
 discretion, they would dispense meats and drinks, and formidable 
 accounts thereof would be presented. Winney occupying an im- 
 portant position with reference to Indian relations, kept the General 
 apprised of all that was going on in that quarter. The United 
 States having passed a stringent law prohibiting whol'y the selling 
 of liquor to the Indians and trading among them without license, an 
 onerous task was imposed ujjod the superintendent to prevent its 
 infraction. School masters, missionaries and blacksmiths, among the 
 Indians had to be cared for, and their various wants supplied. In 
 all difTiculties that arose between the white settlers and the Indians, 
 the superintendent was usually called upon to be the arbitrator. If 
 the Indians stole fiom the white settlers, complaints were made to the 
 superihtendant and it seemed to have been a matter of inference 
 that his office imposed upon him the duty of seeing all .such wrongs 
 redressed. It will surprise those who ars not conversant with the 
 scale of economy upon which our national affairs commenced, that 
 the pay for all this, which was attended with large disbursement of 
 public money, for which the most rigid accountability was deman- 
 ded, was but five hundred dollars per annum. 
 The season of 1794 opened with gloomy prospects; — Negotia- 
 tions with the western Indians had signally failed ; one army had 
 been routed, and another defeated ; Indian murders of border settlers 
 at the west continued ; a war with England was not improbable ;* 
 and among the fearfully anticipated results in this region, was a 
 renewal of the border wars, with the active participation of the 
 legions of savage warriors at the west, added to increase its hor- 
 NoTE. — The fdllowin;; is ri spocimen of Mr. Wiimcy's coiTespondoiicc. Prince Ed- 
 ward wiw tlio afterwards Duko of Kent, tlie lather of the present Queen of England, 
 lie had then a commission in the British army : — 
 lii FFAi.o Creek, c 23d Aug., 1792. 
 "I inform General Chapin that :ihont 70 of the Cauiida Lidians is gone to Detroit, 
 they seem to be for Warr and a number of Indians more are expected to go uj), I fmlhir 
 inform you that the Indians of this place arc to go up in the Kings vessel tha 
 comes di)wn. Prince Edward i.s amved at niagara should I hear anything worth while 
 10 writo I Bhall let you know. I am your most obedient rnd very humble servant. 
 ■' C. WiNNEY. 
 * The reader is reminded that a war botwoon England and France had commenced 
 Entrl.iiid had nrostratxMl American commerce by her arbitrary orders in council; and 
 impressment of American seamen, (of itself a ButHcicut cause of war,) was going on. 
 rors. In the month of February, Lord Dorchester had returned 
 from England, and meeting a deputation from the western Indians, 
 had delivered to them an inflammatory speech, asserting among 
 o her thing., tnat he should regard as invalid, any acquisition of the 
 l/n.tejl States, of Indian lands since the peace of 1783. [Appen- 
 dix i\o. 14.J This of course included all of the Genesee country 
 I-ollowing up the hostile demonstration, Gov. Simcoe, early in April 
 with a body of troops had proceeded 'o the west, and erected a 
 Fort, at the foot of the Rapids of the Miami, far within the boun- 
 danes of the United States, as acknowlcged in the treatv of 1783 
 Although General Chapin, as many of the old Pionee"rs well re- 
 member, endeavored to quiet alarm, and prevent the desertion of 
 the country, he was far from feeling all the security and freedom from 
 apprehension of danger, that he with good motives professed All 
 eyes were turned to him; from all the backwoods settlement.s, mes- 
 sengers would go to Canandaigua, to learn from him all that was 
 going on -to consult him as to anticipated danger: -if he had 
 shown misgivings, or favored alarm, a desertion of the country would 
 have ensued, the necessity of which he was laboring to obviate 
 During the previous winter he had been to Philadelphia, and deliv- 
 ered to the President a message from a council of the Six Nations 
 and brought back an answer. In February he had convened a coun- 
 cil at Buflalo and delivered it. It had proved satisfactory except in 
 one particular -it had foiled to give an explicit answer upon the 
 vexed question of the disputed western boundary. He however 
 distributed presents among them -of which was a large supply of 
 warm vyinter clothing -and left them with renewed professions of 
 peaceful intentions.* In April he wrote to the Secretary of War that 
 he had entertained confidence that the Six Nations intended to hold a 
 council with the U. States, in order to bring " about a general peace," 
 but that he feared that the '-inflammatory speech of Lord Dorches- 
 ter (which had been interpreted to the Indians at Bufllvlo Creek 
 by Col. Butler.) "with what passed between the British and Indi- 
 ^ins on that occasion, had changed their intentions." "Captain 
 Bomberry attended the council in behalf of the British government 
 and took pains on all occasions to inform the Indians that war betweeii 
 * At diis period the Senecas wore almost wholly clothed and fed tiv I.;,,, t^ 
 the only poUoy w,nch could provout the,, ft.. r^Lrti^.t ^^^^^ iJ^::^ 
 their government and ours, was inevitable. When I was at Buf- 
 falo Creek, Gov. Simcoe had gone to Detroit. He started for that 
 place immediately on receiving Lord Dorchester's speech to the 
 Indians." " The expenses of the Indians increase with the im- 
 portance they suppose their friendship to be to us ; hov»rever, you 
 may be persuaded that I endeavor to make use of all the economy I 
 can." The letter closes as follows : — " This part of the country, be- 
 ing the frontier of the State of New York, is very much alaimed at the 
 present appearance of war. Destitute of arms and ammunition, the 
 scattered inhabitants of this remote wilderness would fall an easy prey 
 to their savage neighbors, should they think proper to attack them." 
 On the 5th ot May, General Chapin informed the Secretary, that 
 the British had commenced the erection of a Fort at Sandusky. 
 " If," says he, " it is consistent with the views of the United States, 
 to put any part of this country in a state of defence, this part of 
 it calls aloud for it as much as any. We are totally unprovided 
 with arms and ammunition, and our enemy is within a few miles 
 of us. If 12 or 1500 stand of arms could be spared from the arse- 
 nals of the United States, to the inhabitants of this frontier, together 
 with some ammunition, it would contribute much to their security."* 
 The apprehension of danger extended over all the region west 
 of Utica. In the small settlements that had been commenced in 
 Onondaga, it had been enhanced by an unfortunate local occurrence: 
 Early in the spring. Sir John .Johnson, through an agent, had at- 
 tempted to take from Albany to Canada, a boat load of groceries 
 and fruit trees. A party of men waylaid the boat at Three River 
 Point, and plundered the entire cargo. It was a lawless attempt of 
 individuals to take the power into their own hands, and redress na- 
 tional wrongs ; gratify an ill feeling against Johnson, and retaliate 
 for British offences upon the Ocean, and the annoyances of Ameri- 
 can Lake commerce at Oswego. An invading force from Canada 
 to land at Oswego, and march upon the settlements in Onondaga, 
 was threatened and anticipated. Rumors came that Johnson and 
 Brant were organizing for that purpose. 
 In refirence to the whole complexion of things at the west, and 
 in Canada, the legislature of New York had resolved upon erecting 
 fortifications upon the western borders, and had appropriated 
 • Some f.rras and aitinuniitioii were shortly afterwards sent to Gen. Chapiu, either 
 by the general or stato government. 
 £12,000 for that purpose. Tlie commissioners under the act, were 
 Generals Stephen Van Rensselaer and William North, Adjt. Gen, 
 David Van Home and Baron Steuben, who was then a resident 
 ot Oneida county. Soon after their appointment, they had enlisted 
 the co-operation of General Chapin, Charles Williamson and Robert 
 I orris, as to the location of the defences. Although Baron 
 ^ \ben came west, and corresponded wit>- he last named gentle- 
 n reference to the matter, the author can not learn that any 
 vas finally consummated west of Onondaga. Before any 
 uld have been matured, the clouds of war had began to dis- 
 1 the hour of alarm, the State commissioners came west 
 rr.i- ^s Salt Point, and ordered the erection of a block house, 
 %hich was soon completed. The Baron mustered together the 
 backwoodsmen of Onondaga, officered and inspected them; a 
 committee of public safety was organized. Before the block house 
 was completed and garrisoned, on several occasions, the inhabitants 
 fled to the woods with their most valuable effects. At this time, 
 there was an unusual number of Indians at the British posts of Os-' 
 wego and Niagara ; it was inferred that they were only waiting for 
 Wayne's defeat at the west, as a signal for a movement in this 
 ^ A new element of trouble was interposed to embarrass the rela- 
 tions of the Six Nations with the United States. Cornplanter, 
 with a few other chiefs, had sold to the State of Pennsylvania a 
 district of country along on the south shore of Lake Erie, which 
 included Presque Isle. The act was strongly remonstrated against, 
 and Pennsylvania was early informed that it had not the sanction 
 of competent authority, and would be regarded by the Indians as a 
 nullity ; but at a critical period, the authorities of Pennsylvania 
 very inddiscreetly commenced an armed occupancy and surveys. 
 This threatened to undo all that had been done by General Chapin 
 ^0TE. — The author of tJio oxcollont History of Onoiulaga.from which a portion of 
 the account of movoinents in thiit (]uaitcr are derived, savs : — "Frederick William 
 Auffustimharon do Steuben, once an aid-de-canip to Frederick the Creat, Kin- of 
 I ruHsia, Qiiarterniaster (teneral, Chevalier of the Order of INIerit, (iiand Master of the 
 Court of Hohenzollen, Colonel in the Circle of Suabia, Knight of the Order of l-'ideli- 
 ty, (-oinniander-)n-ehief of the armies of tlio Prince of Jiaden, MnU>v General of the 
 armies of the United States, and Inspector General of tlie same— the fortunate 
 Boldier of hfty battles, an admirer of freedom, the friend of Washintrton, tlio man of 
 virtue, tideht y and honor— performed his last mililarv service in revie\viii!r a score of 
 !!!i!tnr,rd, half-elad militia, and in selectiie? a site ibr a blu.'k-hniise f(ir the defeuce of 
 the Iroutier of New ^'ork, in the county of Onondaga, at Salt I'oint, in 1791." 
 to keep the Six nations quiet. He took the advantage of a visit of 
 Capt. Williamson to the seat of government, to represent the con- 
 sequences, and induce the Presitlcnt to interfere and persuade the 
 authorities of Pennsylvania to abandon the enterprise. In a letter 
 to the Secretary of War, dated on the 7th of June, he had fore- 
 shadowed the difficulty that was springing up in a new quarter — 
 " The Cornplanter, whose steadiness and fidelity has been, until 
 lately, unshaken, has, I am apprehensive, been induced to join 
 their interests. He has lately returned fro.n Niagara, loaded with 
 presents. Shortly after his return to his home, he despatched run- 
 ners to the different tribes of the Six Nations, requprfting them to 
 meet in a general council at his castle, to proceed from thence to 
 Venango ; informing them that an Indian had been killed by our 
 people, and that it would be necessary for them to inquire into the 
 circumstances." " I am afraid that the murder of the Indian is not 
 the real cause of calling this council. The lands at Presque Isle, 
 were sold to the State of Pennsylvania by Cornplanter, and a small 
 party, without the consent of the nation. No division of the 
 money was ever made. The Cornplanter has always denied h;,ving 
 made the sale, and they have never considered it as a valid one. 
 The troops sent on by the State of Pennsylvania, prove to the In- 
 dians that the property is considered by the State as belonging ot 
 them ; and the Cornplanter, in order to extricate himself from the 
 unpleasant situation he is placed in, is perhaps desirous of inflaming 
 the Six Nations against the United States." General Chapin sig- 
 nified his intention of attending the council at Venango, as he had 
 been invited, to thwart any mischief that might be engendered 
 there. He succeeded, however, in changing the council to Buffalo 
 Creek, to be held thero on the 15th of June. 
 Cornplanter was present at this council, and the principal speak- 
 er, lie led off with a speech to be transmitted to the President, in 
 which he nearly threw off all disguise, and from a conservative, be- 
 came an ultra ist. He opened smoothly and artfully, however ; ad- 
 dressing the President through Gen. Chapin, he said: — " Brother, 
 I have for a long time aimed at the good of both parties. I have 
 paid you different compliments, as that of brother, and f^^ther, and 
 now I shall call you friend. We were pleased when we heard that 
 you war- appointed to have chief command of the T^nited States." 
 He closed a long speech, and one of a good deal of ability, by join- 
 mg the western Indians in their ultimatum, in reference to making 
 the Ohio the boundary line ; thus, in fact, nullifying his own acts. 
 He demanded redress for two of their people killed by the whites ; 
 and even hud the effrontery to complain of the occupation of 
 Presque Isle, adding very significantly that it might "occasion 
 many accidents," and presented the Gen. with ten strings of black 
 wampum. General ^jhapin made a judiciou.« reply ; and in answer 
 to a request that Cornplanter had made in behalf of the Six 
 Nations, for him to go to Prcsfpie Isle, disclaimed any right he had 
 to interfere with the acts of Pennsylvania; but said he would ac- 
 cept the invitation, and go there and give his ad /ice. 
 Accompanied by William Johnson, * two Seneca chiefs and ten 
 Indians as a guard and as oars-men, General Chnpin left Buffalo 
 Creek on the 19th of July for Presque Isle, where he arrived on the 
 24th. Their , 'ow progress had been owing to head winds that 
 frequently obliged them to camp on shore and await their subsiding. 
 There were then no Indian or white occupants at Presque Isle. A 
 company of troops and a corps of surveyors were stationed at Le 
 Boeuf, on French Creek, IG miles distant, to which place the em- 
 bassy plodded their way through the woods on foot. A Captain 
 Denny co:nmanded troops at Le Boeuf, and Mr. Ellicott f was at 
 the head of the surveyors. The arrival of the ambassador of peace 
 and his dusky retinue, was honored by the discharge of cannon. 
 Runners had preceded the party, and on its arrival, a considerable 
 number of Indians were collected. General Chapin delivered to 
 Messrs. Denny and Ellicott , a message from the chiefs he had met 
 at Buffalo Creek, which contained a demand for the suspension of 
 surveys and a withdrawal of the troops ; a day or two was spent in 
 makmg speeches, and in friendly intercourse with the Indians. The 
 council, or interview, terminated in a promise from General Chapin 
 of a general treaty to settle not only that, but all existing difficul- 
 ties, and the representatives of Pennsylvania signified a wfilingness 
 f abide by the result. Before leaving Le Boeuf, General Chapin 
 despatched a letter to the Secretary of War, in which he said, that 
 rrli"^'"wl''^'t1'*l^''','r''',"'l'"''-"r'''''*^''" '" ^'^'^ ""tish interests, residing at Duffxlo 
 hTr^'.tlT ° '"!"'l "^" '■* ""^ P'''-'^''"^ "ty of Buffalo. A coniproniise .'avo 
 Z £' a But W h" ""■ '"'■'^ " f'r. *='V' ""<! '^ tract of wild land neai- [he citv. ^ He 
 iw(i iiiun a Uutler Ranger. Ho died in 1807 
 t Either Jo.scph or Beujainiu JJllicott. 
rnELPS AKD goeiiam's pukciiase. 
 " although the minds of the Six Nations are much diatuibed at the 
 injuries they say they have sustained, they are still opposed to war, 
 and wish, if possible, to live in peace with the United States. 
 They are much opposed to the establishing of a garrison at this 
 place, as they say it will involve them in a war with the hostile 
 Indiana. * They are likewise much displeased with the having 
 those lands surveyed, as they say they have not been legally pur- 
 chased." In this letter, General Chapin earnestly recommended a 
 general treaty, as the only means which could keep the Six Nations 
 aloof from the dangerous confederacy at the west. 
 To the letter of General Chapin, the Secretary answered on the 
 25th of July, saying: — "Your ideas of a conference are adopted. 
 It will be held at Canandaigua on the 8th of September. Colonel 
 Pickering will be the commissioner, to be assisted by you in iW re- 
 spects. Notify the Six Nations that their father, the Presiti nt of 
 the United States, is deeply cjncerned to hear of any diss; 'sfac- 
 tion crusting in their minds against the United States, and there- 
 fore invites them to a conference, for the purpose of removing all 
 causes of misunderstanding, and establishing a permanent peace 
 and friendship between the United States and the Six Nations." 
 No time was lost by General Chapin in disseminating the invi- 
 tation among the Indians ; holding " talks " and councils with them, 
 personally, in their villages. A crisis was at hand ; Gen. Wayne 
 was marching into the Indian country ; legions of the western and 
 southern Indians were assembling to give him battle ; unless the 
 Six Natiins were diverted, there was strong probability that they 
 would be with them ; and if Gen. Wayne was defeated, there was 
 the additional fearful probability that an attempt of the confederates 
 would follow, to address the alleged wrongs of the Six Nations, by 
 bringing the war to this region. Runners, or messengers, were 
 despatched to the scat of government ; frequent communications 
 passed betwen Generals Knox and Chapin, and frequent speeches 
 came from the President, through GtMieral Knox, to the Six Nations. 
 On the 30th of July, General Chapin reported progress, and inform- 
 ed General Knox that the complexion of things at the west looked 
 discouraging ; that although he entertained hopes of a general at- 
 * Oblige ihf^m to join the hostile Indians, it is presumed, is the meaning intended 
 to be conveyed. 
 rm:LPs and oortta^m's ruRciiASE. 
 tendance at the treaty, he had to stem a strnncT tide of opposition, 
 principally instigated by the British. "Captain O. Bail does not 
 feel satisfied respecting his villanous conduct in making sale of the 
 lands at Presque Isle, which jrivcs general dissatisfaction to the Six 
 Nations, as they were not informed of his proceedings. The In- 
 dians' enmity to him, induces him to be more attached to tho 
 British, as they tolerate every kind of such conduct to disturb the 
 Indians and bring about their own purposes." In this letter, the 
 General mentions that the warriors on the Allega.iy had been' per- 
 suaded that Wayne would march in this direction, and had re- 
 moved their old men, women, and children, to a new location on 
 he Cattaraugus Creek, with the ultimate intention, as he thought, 
 of crossing the Lake to Canada. 
 In the forepart of September, General Chapin employed William 
 Ewing, whom the reader will find alluded to in connection with 
 reminiscences of Pioneer settlement on the Genesee river, to repair 
 to Buflldo creek and Canada, use his influence in getting the Indi- 
 ans in that quarter to attend the treaty, and watch and counteract 
 as far as possible, British interference. A letter from Mr. Ewing 
 to General Chapin after his return, contains so much of the cotem- 
 porary history of that period, that the author has inserted it entire 
 in the Appendix, No. 15. 
 The most ample provisions were made for the treaty ; while the 
 Secretary of War would caution against the unnecessary expendi- 
 ture of public money, he transmitted funds liberally, and ample 
 stores ^of Indian goods, liquors, tobacco, &c., were purchased in 
 New York, sent up the Hudson, and started upon the long and tedious 
 water transit, while at Canandaigua, the local superintendent, laid 
 in provisions and prei)ared to fulfil a promise to the Indians, that he 
 would "hang on big kettles." Col. Pickering wrote to General 
 Chapm to have quarters provided for him where he could entertain 
 friends ; that he ha.l sent on liquors, provisions, tea and coffee, for 
 a private establishment. 
 The Indians gathered tardily. Col. Pickering anticipating this, 
 di'i not arrive until after the 20th of September. In a letter to the 
 Secretary, dated on the 17th, Gen. Chapin mentions a rumor, that 
 Wayne had defeated the Indians. In reference to the treaty he 
 says : — " Since the Indians were first invited to it, the British have 
 endeavored if possible to prevent their attendance, and have used 
 every t-ndcnvor to persuade them to join the hostile Iiuli.'ins, till at 
 last they found the Indians would not generally join in the war, 
 the Governor told them in the council at Fort Erie, that they might 
 attend the treaty, and if anything was given them by the Ameri- 
 cans, to take it." " The Indians will generally attend the treaty in 
 my opinion, or especially those of the best part of them ; such as 
 are generally in council, and the best friends to the United States." 
 Previous to the treaty, or Wayne's victory, a little light had broke 
 in to the darkness ihat pervaded. The prospect of a general war 
 with Eii"lrM(l was lessened. Gen. Knox wrote to Gen. Chapin in 
 June, that the " British conduct in the West Indies." and Lord 
 Dorchester's speech had "rendered it pretty conclusive__that last au- 
 tumn the ministry of Great Britain entertained the idea of making 
 war upon us. It is however, now pretty certain that they have 
 altered or suspended that intention. This conclusion is drawn from 
 the orders of the Pth of January, and the general opinion enter- 
 tained in Great Britain." Favorable as were these indications, 
 they had no immediate efiect upon British agents in this quarter. 
 It was not until near the middle of October, that a sufficient num- 
 ber of Indians were collected at Canandaigua, tc warrant the com- 
 mencement of business. About that period General Chapin w;ote 
 to the Secretary, that he should " endeavor to make use of the 
 shortest ceremony in procuring supplies, but the number cf ^adians 
 is greater than I expected, and the expenses also." It is apparent 
 from the cotemporary records, that the Six Nations, a large propor- 
 tion of them at least, hung back from this treaty, even until they 
 began to hear of Wayne's victory, from such of their number as 
 had been in the fight, as allies of the confederates; and in fact they 
 did not assemble at Canandaigua, in any considerable numbers, un- 
 til Wayne's success was fully confirmed, and they were clearly con- 
 vinced that the fortunes of war had turned decidedly against those 
 w'th ^vhom they would have been fully allied, if Wayne had met 
 with no better success than had his predecessors, Harmar and St. 
 The general proceedings, and favorable termination of Picker- 
 ing's treaty of 17!) 1, at Canandaigua, are already incorporated in 
 history. Wayne's victory, and the success of the treaty, which 
 was in a great measure consequent upon it, were the commence- 
 ment of events that finally gave a feeling of security to this region, 
 and enabled settlenrients and improvements to go on, unannoyed by 
 the alarms and prospects of war and invasion. There was a iin- 
 gering state of uncertainty after the two fortunate events; for 
 months rumors can)c, that the western confederates were a<rain 
 makmii; a stand, and refusing any compromise ; indications in Can- 
 ada, and at the British posts at the west, favorrd the conclusion of 
 British alliance with them ; but the news at last cmne, that the far 
 western nations were retiring across the Mississippi, discomfited, 
 and chagrined with an alledged breach of fai'h on the part of the 
 British, in not coming to the rescue when 'uiey were hotly pressed 
 by Wayne — in shutting t!ie gates of their fortress against them, 
 when his iron hail was strewing the ground with their warriors; * 
 and finally, that the nations more immediately interested in the con- 
 test, had signified their willingness to do what was soon after con- 
 summated at the treaty of Crenville. Jay's treaty Ibllowed, Oswego 
 and Niagara were surrendered, and years of peace and security 
 followed, and continued until the war of 1812. 
 The lion. Thomas jMorris, it will have been seen, was a citizen 
 of Canandaigua. lie was })resent at the treaty. He tnus speaks 
 of it in his manuscript reminiscences: — "For some months prioi 
 to the treaty at Canandaigua, the Indians would come among us 
 painted lor war; their deportment was fierce and arrogant : such 
 as to create the belief that they would not be unvvillingto take up 
 the hatchet against us. From certain expressions attributed to 
 Gov. Simcoe, in connection with his conduct at SoJus Bay, it was 
 believed that the British had taught the Indians to expect that Gen. 
 Wayne would be defeated, in which event they might easily have 
 persuaded the Six Nations, to make common cause with the hostile 
 Indians, and our settlements would have been depopulated. Such 
 were the apprehensions entertained at the time of an Indian war on 
 our borders, that in several instances, farmers were panic struck, and 
 with the dread of the scalping knife before ihem, had pulled up 
 stakes, and with their families, were on their way to the East. Ar. 
 rived at Canandaigua, they found that I was painting my house, 
 and making improvements about it ; believing that I [tossessed better 
 information on the subject thai, they did, their fears became quieted, 
 *Mr. Morris Hnystlint flu- hostile Truli.ans at (lie west, sent nnui('r.^to tlu! Ciinaiulai- 
 uativaty with a lull account of llicir disaslcr, whii'li closcil by savin;,' : — " AuiU.iif 
 rcllin n, tik' liiiiiMh, lookcil un, and yavc us not llic least assistance.'' 
 and they retraced their steps back to their habitations. After the 
 defeat of the liostile Indians, those of the Six Nations becam com- 
 pletely cowed ; and, from that time all apprehensions of a war with 
 them vanished. 
 Brant has almost been lost sight of in the progress of this narra- 
 tive ; though he was by no means inactive. He was in correspond- 
 dence with General Chapin, on terms of personal friendship with 
 him, receiving from his hands considerable sums of money in pay- 
 ment for promised services ; but it is impossible to avoid the con- 
 clusion that he was insincere and faithless. His own partial biog- 
 rapher, Col. Stone, places him in arms, with an hundred Mohawks, 
 against St. Clair, and gives a letter of his to Gov. Simcoe, in which 
 he acknowledges the recei})t of ammunition from the British, and 
 said he was about to join his cainj) of warriors at " Point Appineu,"* 
 to act in co-operation with Cornplanter in an attack upon Le lioeuf. 
 In short, with the exception of a growing distaste for war, of which 
 he had had a surfeit, his relations to the British government, and 
 atlachmcnttoits interests, were not materially changed, until grow- 
 ing out of land difliculties in Canada, he had a quarrel with the 
 colonial authorities. Cornplanter finally made some amends for 
 the conduct of which Gen. Chapin so very justly complained. 
 The visit of General Chapin to the disputed territory in Penn- 
 sylvania, as a mediator, and the fortunate turn he gave to affairs by 
 his judicious suggestion of a general treaty, was an important event 
 not only to this region, but to our whole country. It diverted the Six 
 Nations from marching against Wayne ; had they been in main force 
 with the confederates, the result of the contest, in all probability, 
 would have been adverse. Little Turtle would have been aided 
 by the counsels of "older and better " warriors than himself ; the 
 ancient war cry of the Iroquois that hac" so often spread dismay and 
 terror among the confederates, \/ould have been equally potent in 
 rallying them in a common cause of their race. In a letter to Gen. 
 Knox, dated in December, alter the treaty, in which he congratu- 
 lates the Government through him of the favorable turn of allairs, 
 and gives the assurance of a settled state of things in this region, 
 General Chapin says : — " My journey to Le Boeuf, I shall ever 
 believe was the means of preventing the Six Nations from lending 
 * Piiiut Abiuo ou the Canada side of Luke Erie. 
 their assistance to their western brothers, as they term tl,ern • and 
 mwh,ch I got my present sickness fron. which I :.m fearful I shall 
 never recover. But believe n.e. Si, to be useful to the frontier upon 
 wind I hvc. and my country in general, has been the prevai ing 
 object of my pursuits. " ^ ^ 
 Other than the mutual pledges of peace and friendship which 
 was made at the treaty, the settling of the lands about Presque Isle 
 was the important consummation. This was the result of 1 com- 
 P onnse. IJy the treaty at Fo.t Stanwix, the western boundary of 
 the Pennsylvania hne ; thus cutting thorn otf from Lake Erie and 
 takuig from them all the territory that is now embraced in Chautaunue 
 count3^ besides a strip which is now in Cattaraugus, and a gor '" 
 Ene county. Th,s was restored, making their Western b<; .ulary 
 the shore of Lake Erie, and a strip of la.ul on the Niagara Rivef 
 toured te's '''" ''' ''''] ^^"^'" '^ ^''-^ ^^•'^•"'"' ^^ ^'- - 
 loreu. I'le benecas sniTen; (^rpf) nil rilni,,^ ♦„ n 
 land -the triangle at Vr^^uf ' """"' """"" '' 
 at Whitof "'''""^ r""'' '' '^'"- ''''' ''''' ^'>--" '"^ - '^tter dated 
 atWlmsown, ,n this state, which says that « Wm. Johnston a 
 British ndian agent was p,'esent at the t,-eaty an.l secretly at 
 tins m General Chapin's correspondence with Gen. Knox but he 
 ir^fers hat so.nething of the kii.d occu.Ted. In aleU^o B,nt 
 Gene,, chapin speaks of the sudden departure o olm ton^ 1 
 h t..eaty g,-ound. as if he had advised it in consequence of a Z 
 ha soine out.;age woi.ld be coniu.itted upon him ,y citizens in at 
 tenda..c. ; as . he had intci-f^i.,, ai.d a^ ^nish:!;^ 
 The_ forebodings of General Chapin, in his last letter to General 
 Knox, m reference to his declining health, unhappily for his coun y 
 wha s ,t ; ; ^" """'"""^ ^" '^^^^""^' '-^'- tl- effects of 
 disease of the couiit.y, which fhu.Ily tern.i.iated in dropsv II'; 
 e on he 7t of M.i,.eh, mr, aged 54 yea.-s. In the ^cha": 
 01 h.s olhcal duties, he had won the esteen. and confidence of the 
 d u:""" w1"'n ''r' '''''' ''"'^ Sivon befbre ai.d af>er 1 u 
 leath. Apprized ui his iiii.ess. his Colonel Pickering, who had 
 succeeded Gen. Knox as Secretary of War, carefully consulted the 
 eminent physician, Dr. Rush, and communicated his advice by 
 letter ; and equal solicitude was felt throughout a large circle of ac- 
 quaintance. In all this local region, his death was mourned as that 
 of a public benefactor ; and no where more sincerely than among the 
 Indians, whose esteem he had won by his uniform kindness and 
 strict regard for their welfare. Soon after 'his death a large num- 
 ber of chiefs assembled at Canandaigua, and in public council de- 
 monstrated their high sense of thi loss they had sustained, Red 
 Jacket, addressing Captains Israel Chapin and Parrish, said : — 
 "BaoTiiEiis — I wish you to pay attention to what I have to say. 
 We have lost a good friend ; the loss is as great to us as to you. 
 We consider that we of the Six Nations, as well as the United 
 States, have met witli a great loss. A person that we looked up to 
 ss a father ; a person appointed to stand between us and the United 
 States, we have lost, and it gives our minds great uneasiness. 
 He has taken great pains to keep the chain of friendship bright be- 
 tween us and the United States ; now that he is gone, let us pre- 
 vent that agreeableness and friendship, which he has held up between 
 us and the United States, from failing. 
 "Bkotiieus — It has been customary among the Six Nations, 
 when they have lost a great chief, to throw a belt in his place after 
 he is dead and gone. We have lost so many of late, that we are 
 destitute of a belt, and in its place we present you with these strings, 
 [9 strings black and white wairipum.] 
 •■'BaoTHKRa — As it is a custom handed down to us by our fath- 
 ers, to keep up the good old ancient rules, now we visit the grave 
 of our friend, we gather leaves and strew them over the grave, and 
 endeavor to banish grief from our minds, as much as we can." [14 
 strings black and white wampum.] 
 Alter this the chiefs adopted a messngc to be sent to the Presi- 
 dent, inlbrming him that the "person whom 'le had appointed for 
 us to connnunicate our minds to, has now left us and gone to ano- 
 ther world. He with the greatest care comnnmicatcd our minds to 
 the gn>;it council Ih'e." They concluded the message by recapitu- 
 lating the services that had been rendereil them by Captain Israel 
 Chapin, his son ; reminded the President that ho is conversant with 
 all the relations of his father with them, and request that he may 
 t;ucce(;d to his place. 
 The President being of the same mind of the Indians, the ap- 
 pointment of Captnin Israel Chapin soon followed. In announcing 
 to him his appointment, Mr. Pickering says : — " The affairs of the 
 Six N tions will henceforward be managed with much less trouble 
 than rmerly. The treaty made with them last fall, must supersede 
 all pre-existing cause of complaint. The treaty entered into by Mr. 
 Jay with Great Britain, will, I trust, rid you of all such embarrass- 
 ments, as heretofore have sprung from British influence, and peace 
 with the western Indians, is now in fair prospect. The hostile na- 
 tions liave all sent in their chiefs to Gen. Wayne, to sue for peace ; 
 and have agreed upon a treaty, to be held at his head quarters, about 
 the first of June next. So your principal concern will be to pro- 
 tect the tribes under your superintendence from injury and imposi- 
 tion, wliich too many of our own people are disposed to practice 
 upon them ; and diligently to employ all the means under your di- 
 rection, to promote their comfort and improvement." 
 As the Secretary suggested, the principal ditnculties with the Six 
 Nations had been adjusted, but a vast amount of labor and responsi- 
 bility still devolved upon the local agency. Annuities were to be 
 paid, not only the general ones, but special ones, to a large num- 
 ber of chiefs and warriors, who had recommended themselves to 
 favor; schools and school-masters were to be looked to; blacksmiths 
 were to be employed and superintended in all the principal Indian 
 villages; depredations upon Indian lands were to be prevented, and 
 frequent difficuhies between Indian and white settlers were to be 
 adjusted ; Indians killed by the white men were to be paid for.* 
 The Indians had learned to lean upon the local Superintendent with 
 all the dependence of childhood. All these arduous duties seem to 
 have been faithfully discharged until 1802, when he was removed 
 from the agency. His successor was Captain Callender Irwin, of 
 Erie, Pennsylvania. The change would seem to have been one 
 ot an ordinary political character, an.l not from anv cause that im. 
 plicated his private or official character. 
 In connection with these events, it should be mentioned that 
 "KUliTiu: wiM n n.Mtt.T of ]>„siiHw c..mi)rnini«. : — " Roccive.l .,f Is-n-I ("I,-.,,ip 
 the Six Nations found in the Yearly Meeting of the society of 
 Friends of Philadelphia early and faithful guardians of their inter- 
 ests and welfare. A committee of their number hospitably enter 
 tained their chiefs when they visited Philadelphia ; at the especial 
 request of the chiefs, a committee attended the treaty of '94, at 
 Canandaigua. For almost half a century there has been a standing 
 committee of that Yearly Meeting, having especial care of the 
 Six Nations. In HOG this committee, availing themselves of a 
 visit of Jasper Parrish to the seat of government, prevailed upon 
 him to visit the Indians and tender to them their assistance in a 
 plan to instruct them in "husbandry and the most neccessary arts 
 of civil life. " They soon after established schools, sent men and 
 women among them to teach them fanning and house work, and 
 built mills for them, in at least one locality. 
 The sons of General Israel Chapin were : — Thaddeus, who was 
 an early merchant in Canandaigua, and subsequently, a large farmer 
 near the village ; Israel, the official successor of his father, who was 
 the founder of what was called "Chapin's Mills, " a ihw miles north 
 of Canandaigua, on the Palmyra road ; the only survivors of his 
 family, are, Mrs. John Greig, and a maiden sister ; Henry, who was 
 an early merchant in Bufllilo, a resident of Ohio ; and George, a 
 farmer near Canandaigua. A daughter of General Chapin, was 
 the wife of Benjamin Wells, who came to Canandaigua with his 
 father-in-law, in 1789. The surviving sons of Mr. Wells are, 
 Walter Wells, of Webster, Monroe county, Benjamin Wells, of 
 Conhocton, and Clement Wells, of Canandiagua. A daughter 
 became the wife of Jonas Williams, who was one the founders of 
 the village oi Williamsville, Erie co. 
 His family were emigrants from the state of Connecticut to the 
 head waters of the Delaware river in this State, where they were 
 residing on the breaking out of the border wars. In 1778, wheti 
 but eleven years of age, the subject of this sketch was with his 
 father, who was six miles from home, assisting a family of back- 
 woodsmen to move nearer the settlement, where they would be less 
 exposed. Attacked by a small [rariy of Munsee Indians, they were 
 made captives. Tlic father was taken to Niagara, and after being a 
 captive two years, was exchanged and enabled to rejoin liis family. 
 The protector of young Jasper, was a war chief, by whom he 
 was well treated. After remaining a while at the "Cook House," 
 he was taken to Chemung. When entering the Indian village, the 
 war party that accompanied him set up the Wiir shout, when a posse 
 of Indians and Indian boys sailed out and met them; pulling the 
 young prisoner from the horse he was riding, they scourged him 
 with whips and beat him cruelly with the handles of their toma- 
 hawks — subjected him to one form of their gauntlet — until his 
 master humanely rescued him. lie was soon after sold by his 
 master to an Indian family of Delawares, and taken to reside with 
 them at their village on the south side of the Delaware river, where 
 he remained during the year 1779, suffering a good deal during the 
 winter for the want of warm clothing, and in consequence of the 
 scanty fare of the Indians. To inure him to cold, the Indians com- 
 pelled him almost daily, to s'rip and plunge into the ice and water 
 of the river. Adopted by the family who had become his owners, 
 he was kindly treated, and accompanied them in all their hunting 
 and fishing excursions. 
 He was at Newtown with his captors, when Sullivan invaded 
 their country, and used to relate what transpired there : — As the 
 army api)roached Newtown point, a large body of Indians collected 
 four miles below to make an attack, after having placed their squaws, 
 prisoners and baggage in a safe place. They soon found they could 
 not stand their ground, and sent runners to the squaws directing 
 them to retreat up the river to Painted Post, where they followed 
 them soon after. The whole made a hasty march to Niagar.i, via 
 Bath, Ceneseo and Tonawanda. The family to whom Parrish be- 
 longed were of this retreating party. In a short time after their 
 arrival, nearly the whole of the Six Nations were encamped on the 
 plain, in the vicinity of the Fort. They subsisted upon salted pro- 
 visions curing the winter, dealt out to them from the British garrison, 
 and great numbers died in consotjuence. To induce them to dis- 
 perse and go back to their villn.gos on the Genesee river, or go out 
 on scouting parties, the British oilicers offered them an increased 
 bounty for American scalps. 
 Before winter young Parrish was sold for twenty dollars, to Cap- 
 tain Dnvid Hill, ''a large fmo looking Mohawk Indian,"' a relation 
 of Joseph Brant, who conducted him to his tent and gave him to 
 understnnd that he would thereafter live with him. He disliked 
 the change of . .asters at the time : it involved the nccessitv of 
 learning another Indian language, and he had become attached to the 
 Delaware family ; but it all turned out for the best. He resided in 
 the family of Captain Hill for five years, in all of which time he 
 was kindly treated, and well provided for. His time was chiefly 
 spent in accompanying the Indians in travelling excursions, hunting, 
 firihing, and when put to labor, but light tasks were imposed upon 
 him. Soon after he was purchased by Captain Hill, a general 
 council of the British and Indians took place at Fort Niagara; upon 
 which occasion Capt. Hill took his young American captive into the 
 midst of an assembly of chiefs, and adopted him as his son, going 
 through the ceremony of placing a large belt of wampum around 
 his neck. After which an old chief took him by the hand and 
 made a speech, as is customary on such occasions, accompanying it 
 with a great deal of solemnity of manner. Then the chiefs arose 
 and all«ehook hands with the adopted captive. 
 On one occasion, while with the Delaware family at Niagara, he 
 came near being the victim of the British bounty for scalps. Left 
 alone with some Indians who wei'c on a carousal, he overheard one 
 propose to another, that they should kill the "young Yankee," take 
 his scalp to the Fort and sell it for rum. In a few minutes one of 
 them took a large brand from the fire and hurled it at his head, but 
 being on the alert, he dodged it and made his escape. The Indians 
 pursued him, but it being dark he was enabled to avoid them. 
 In May, 1780, Brant founded a village of Mohawks near the pres- 
 ent village of Lewiston, to vvhich Capt. Hill removed. There Par- 
 rish remained until the close of the Revolution. He travelled with 
 his Indian father a good deal among other Indian tribes, by whom 
 he was always well treated. At the treaty of Fort Stanwix, in 1784, 
 he with other prisoners, were surrendered in accordance with treaty 
 stipulations. He immediately joined his father's family, whom he 
 found in Goshen, Orange county. Having nearly lost the use of 
 his own language, he attended school for about one year, which was 
 all the opportunity for acquiring an education he ever enjoyed, 
 otlier than what a strong native intellect enabled him to acquire in 
 his intercourse with the world. 
 He was employed by Mr. Pickering in his Indian treaty in 1790, 
 and '91, and his qualifications as an interpreter, together with his 
 character for faithfulness and integrity, coming to the knowledge 
 of the then Secretary of War, General Knox, he employed him in 
 the Indian department in 1792, giving him a letter to General Cha- 
 pin, with ivhom he became associated as interpreter for the Six 
 Nations. In all the crisis of Indian difficulties, he was the active 
 co-oi)erater of General Chapin, ain] contributed much to the final 
 adjustment of them. A " winged Mercury," in the earliest years 
 his appointment after he was now here, and now there ; alter- 
 nating between the seat of government, at Philadelphia, Buflalo 
 Creek, Genesee River, Onondaga, Oneida and Canandaigua ; the 
 interpreter at councils, and the bearer of messages. The captive 
 boy of the Indian wigwams, becoming a man, remembered only the 
 virtues and kindnesses of his captors — not the wrongs they had 
 intlicted upon him or his countrymen — and was the faithful inter- 
 preter of their complaints and grievances to him, whom they called 
 their "Father, the great chief of the Thirteen Fires" — Washino-. 
 ton. In 1803 he had the additional appointment of local Indian 
 agent, and continued to hold both offices, through all the changes 
 of the administration of the general government, down to the 
 second term of General Jackson's administration. 
 He retained to the close of his life, a strong attachment to the 
 Indians, as was the case generally with liberated captives ; and by 
 means of his position, and the influence he had acquired with 
 them, was enabled to render them essential service ; to assist in 
 ameliorating their condition, by introducing among them the Chris- 
 tian religion, schools and agricultural pursuits. While a prisoner, 
 he acquired the Mohawk language, and before the close of his life, 
 he spoke that of five of the Six Nations with great fluency. 
 Captain Parrish died at his residence in Canandaigua, July 12th, 
 1836, in the 69th year of his age. 
 He married in early life, a daughter of General Edward Paine, 
 one of the Pioneers of the western Reserve, and the founder of 
 Painesville. She died in 1837. His surviving sons are, Isaac, a 
 farm^'- on the Lake shore, near Canandaigua ; Stephen and Ed- 
 ward, residents of the village of Canandaigua. One of his daughters 
 became the wife of Ebenezer S. Cobb, of Michigan, who was lost 
 with the ill-fated Erie, near Dunkirk, in 1841 ; another, the wife 
 of Peter Townsend, of Orange county ; and another, the wife of 
 William W. Gorham, of Canandaisxua. 
pirELrs Amy gorhams pukciiasb. 
 The reader has already learned, generally, what was the temper 
 and bearing of the British authorities in Canada, touching the early 
 Pioneer movements in the Genesee country. A British and Indian 
 alliance, a connected movement, having in view the re-possession 
 of the country, was with much difficulty but barely prevented. 
 In all the controversy — or pending the issue of the whole matter — 
 ';here was, other than what may have transpi-ed at the west, but 
 one overt act, in pursuance of Britisli pretensions and threats. This 
 was an actual invasion, by a British armed force, of the Genesee 
 country, at Sodus Bay. 
 Previous to coming in possession of the valuable manuscripts of 
 the late Thomas Morris, the author bad drawn up for this work, an 
 account of the events the materials for which were derived prin- 
 cipally from the papers of Mr. Williamson. Mr. Morris having 
 included it in his reminiscences, it being a matter, " all of vvliich 
 he saw, and a part of which he was," his L'story of the transaction 
 is substituted : — 
 " Gov. Simcoe had, from his first assuming the government of 
 Upper Canada, evinced the greatest jealousy of the progress of t'iC 
 settlement of our western country ; he was even said to have 
 threatened to send Captain WiHiamson to England in irons, if he 
 ever ventured to come into Canada. In 1794, Capt. Williamson 
 had commenced a settlement at Sodus Bay. 
 In the month of August of that year, Lieut. SheafTe, of the 
 British army, (now Major General Sir Roger Hale Sheaffe, who, 
 durir.g the last war, commanded at the battle of Queenstnn, after 
 [AC (l■■^[h of Gov.. Brock,) was sent by Governor Simcoe, with a 
 protest to 1)0 delivered to Cnptiiin Williamson, i.rotosfinir no-ninst 
 the prosecution of the settlement of Sodus. and all other Ameri- 
 can settlements beyond the old French line, durini: the inexecution 
 of the treaty that terminate.l the Revolutionary war. Findincr 
 there only an .■.-jcnt of Mr. Willian)son's, (a Mr. Modat, who is yc^ 
 livmji,) Lieut. Sheatlb intorn.ed him of the nature of his mission, 
 andre(iuestedhinitomake it known to Capt. Williamson, and to 
 inform hnn that he would return in ten days, when he hoped to 
 meet Capt. Williamson there. Mr. MolTat came to mo at Canan- 
 daigua, to acquaint me with what had taken place, and induce me 
 to accompany him to Bath, to confer with Capt. Williamson in re- 
 lation to this very extraordinary protest. I accordinolv went to 
 Bath, and it was agree.l between Capt. Williamson and niyself that 
 we would both meet Lieut. Sheallo at So.h.s, at the time lie had ap- 
 pointed to be there. Acconlingly, on the day named by Lieut 
 bhealle, we were at So<lus ; and shortly after our arrival there we 
 perceived on the lake, a boat rowed' by about a dozen British 
 soldiers, who, after landing their ollicer, were directe.l by him to 
 pull ofT some distance in the bay, and remain there until he made a 
 signal to return for him. Capt. Williamson, in consequence of the 
 threats imputed to Gov. Simcoe, in relation to himself did not think 
 proper to expose himself unnecessarily to any act of violence, if 
 any such should have been meditated against"^ him. He therefore 
 requested me to receive Lieut. Sheaife on tiie beach, an<l to ac- 
 company him to the log cabin where Capt. W illiamson was, with a 
 brace of loaded pistols on his table. The ordenng his men to re- 
 main at a distance from the shore, shows that tlie precaution that 
 had been taken, though proper at the time, was unnecessary 
 and that no resort to force was intended. The meotinq between 
 the Lieut, and Mr. Williamson, was friendly; they had known each 
 other before ; and while in the same service, had marched throu-h 
 some part of England together. The Lieut, handed to Capt. Wil 
 Iinmsan the protest, and was desired by the Capt. to inform Gov- 
 Suiicoe that he would pay no attention to it, but prosecute his set- 
 tlement, the same as if no such paper had been delivered to him ; 
 that if any attempt should be made forcibly to prevent hiin from' 
 doing so, that attempt would be repelled loy force. Lieut. SheafTe 
 having, (luring the interview between them, made some allusion to 
 Capt. Williamson having once held a commission in the British 
 army, ho replied, that while in the service of the Crown, he had 
 faithfully performed his duty ; that having since renounced his al- 
 legiance to that Crown, and became a citizen of the United States, 
 his adopted country, having both the ability and the inclination, 
 would protect him in his rights, and the possession of his property. 
 I asked Lieut. Shealle if he would be so good as to exi)lain what 
 was meant by the old French lir.e, where it ran, und what portion 
 of our country we were forbidden in Gov. Simcoe's protest, to oc- 
 cupy. He replied, that he was merely the bearer of the paper ; that 
 by the orders of his superior oiricer, he had handed it to Capt. Wil- 
 liamson ; that no explanation had been given to him of its purport, 
 nor was he authorized to give any. After about half an hour, I 
 accompanied him to the beach, where he had landed ; and on a 
 signal having been made by him, his boat returned for him, and he 
 deported. This is what my father, in his letter of the 10th of Sep- 
 tember, 1794, alludes to, and terms a treaty, and f)r which he hopes 
 that Simcoe will get a rap over the knuckles from his master. So 
 many years have elapsed since the complaints made both by the 
 British and our own Government, were adjusted by negotiation, 
 that you may be at a loss to know what Governor Simcoe meant 
 when he spoke of the inexecution of the treaty that terminated our 
 llevolutionary struggle. The complaint on the part of Great 
 Britain, was, that those parts of the treaty which required that 
 those States in which British subjects were prevented by law, from 
 recovering debts due to them prior to the Revolution, had been re- 
 pealed, — as by the treaty, they ought to have been, — and also, 
 that British property had been confiscated, since the period limited 
 in the treaty for such confiscations, and no compensation had 
 been made to the injured parties. On our part, the complaint was, 
 that after the cessation of hostilities, negroes and other property, 
 were carried away by the British army, contrary to stipulations en- 
 tered into by the preliminary treaty of peace. The British retain- 
 ed itossession of the posts on our borders, and within our bounds, 
 until an amicable .settlement of these ditficultien, and which settle- 
 ment, I think, took place in 1796." 
 NoTK. — ^^Tlie Odiivoivatidii Itint juissimI liotwei'u Mr. Williainsdii and Lieut. Slieaffe, 
 as copied from Mr. Williainsdii's autdtrra|ili, is as t'dUows : — 
 LiKVT. Shkakke. — " I am C()iiiiuissi<iiiu(l by Governor Sinicoo to deliver tlie papers, 
 ant! reuuiie an arjswer." 
 Mr. vVii.i,i.\msox. — "I am a citizen of the L^nited States, and under theii- authori- 
 The news of this hostile dcnionstration on the jiart of one, secm- 
 inj; to act l»y authority from the IJritisli ^'overnnient, was soon 
 s|)iea(l throui^h all the hackwoods seftjeinents of the Genesee coun- 
 try. At no jn-riod since the settlement coinnionced, had the con- 
 dilcl of till' Indians so riiiich favored the worst a|)|)relu!nsions. Ilar- 
 niar and St. t'lair had in turn been defeated and r('|iulsed hy the 
 weritern Indians, and the issue that Wayne had niado with them 
 was pending; in"s defeat beinj^ not im|)rohal)Ie, in view of the for- 
 midahle enemy with which he had to contend. Mvidences of 
 IJritish aid to the western Indians, ajfainst General Wayne, was 
 furnished hy returniii'^ adventur.Msfrom the west, and every travel- 
 ler thai came throuu;!i the wilderness from Niatj;ara, confirmed the 
 worst suspicions of all that was going on at that focus of liritish 
 machinations, against the peace of the defenceless border settlers. 
 It was, too, oiiiiiioiis of danger, that tho Senecas in their immedi- 
 ate neighborhood, in their midst, it may almost be said, had armed and 
 moved off in considerable numbers, to become confederates against 
 General Wayne, bearing upon their persons the blankets, the broad 
 cloths, calicoes, and whr decorations, served to them from the kind's 
 store house at Niagara, by the hands of one whose very very name* 
 was a terror, for it was mingled with the chiefest horrors, and 
 the darkest deeds of the Border Wars of the Kevolutiun. Wayne 
 defeated, it was but natural to that the Senccas who had gone 
 west and made themselves confederates against him, would brine 
 back with them upon tlieir war path, allies from the western tribes, to 
 renew the i)loody scenes that had been enacted upon the banks of the 
 Mohawk and Susquehannah. fSueh being the cotemi)orary state 
 tynmii)roti<ctinii, I ikisscsm these lands. I kiunv iii> iii;lit tli;if his liritaiinie Miijestv, 
 or (h)v. Siiiu'iie, has to iiilcrC'ie, <ii- leM me. Tlie (iiil\ iille^'iaiice 1 dwi' In aiiy 
 |)(>wer on earlh, is |o t\w . iiileil dilates : and so far Iroin heiiii,' inliniidated hv threats 
 ironi peo|ih'l liavc no eonneelion « ilh, I sh.ali proeecd willi'inv ini|inivetne'Mls; and 
 iiothini,- lint superior I'oree ahall make me abandon the pla^'e. Is the protest <il' (!ov. 
 Simeoe iutendeil (o apply to .Sodiis, e.\cliisivelv V" 
 LiKi T. — •■ l>y no means ! li is inU-nded to endirace all tlu^ Indian lands 
 I'lnrhased since the peaee of 17!s;i." 
 Mil. U'ri.ii.vMsus. — ".Nnd what are (lov. Simeoe's intentions, snpixisin"- the nrotost 
 i.s disri'M-arded V ' 
 l.iK;-r. SuKVKKK. — "I am merely the ollieial lir.aror vl' tlii' pajiers ; hut I have a 
 Anther nie.'^saue to deliver from (iov. Simeoe ; which is that he rejiroliates your con- 
 duct exccediiiirly lor endeavorini; lo ohiain llour from I'jiper Canada ; and llial should 
 lie iierniil il, it would he acknuwledgiiiy the riyht of the Tiiitetl Slates tu these In- 
 iliau lands.'" 
 "Col. J oliu Butler. 
pinara and gcril^^^i's i'urcitase. 
 of tliiniTs, it is liardly to he wondered, that the landing of <a small 
 body of British trnr)j)s upon the soil of tlie Cenesee country ; though 
 they came but small in numhers, their errand but to bring a threat- 
 ening protest, was a circumstance of no trifling magnitude. And the 
 reader will not fail to take into the account, how fi;e!)le in nurrdjers, 
 how exposed, and how weak in all things necessary to a successful 
 defence, was the then new settlernjnts of the Genesee country. In 
 all this he will be aided by a brief retrospect of the commencement 
 and [trogress of settlement ; and added to what this will show, 
 should !)(■ the consideration, that the settlers came iiito tiie wilder- 
 ness unpre|)ared for war. They came, relying upon a treaty ot 
 peace. Wearied with war and all its harrassing ellects, they had 
 more than figuratively beat their swords into ploughshares, and 
 their sppars into j)runing hooks. They had come to subdue the wil- 
 derness, and not to subdue their fellow men. The rumors of war 
 cairie to the sparse settlemisnts, and the solitary log-cabins dotted 
 down in the wilderness, like the decrees of fate, to be added to all 
 the sulVerings and endurances of pioneer life. But a few weeks 
 previous to all this, there had been, as if by concert, a far more than 
 usual emigration of New York Indians to Canada. They went from 
 most of the Six Nations, in detatched jiorties, and a very large pro- 
 portion of the Onondagas had emigrated in a body. The demeanor 
 of the .Senecas had undergone a marked change. By some unseen 
 but suspected influence, they had become morose and quarrelsome. 
 A I'ar more than usual number of outrages were committed u})on 
 the new settlers ; in fact, the principal ones that are now remem- 
 bered, liap|)ened about this period. These facts were not without 
 their inlhience in converting the circumstances of the landing of an 
 armed force at Sodus Bay, into a preliminary measure, the secjuel 
 of which might prove the breaking out of a general war, having 
 for its object the recovery of the soil of the Genesee country by 
 the Indians, and the bringing of it again under British dominion 
 It will surprise those who are not familiar with early events in the 
 Genesee country, when tl.'cy are told that as late as 1791 — eight 
 years after settlement had been commenced, there was but little of 
 intercourse or communication with Albany and New York ; Phila- 
 delphia and Baltimore, and especially the latter, had far more inti- 
 mate relations with all this region. To the papers of those cities, 
 the settlers in those then backwoods looked for news, and in them 
 events transpirinnr here were generally recorded. On the first of 
 September, tiie alfair at Sodus was announced in the Maryland 
 Gazette, in a letter from Philadelphia, accompanied by the intelli- 
 gence that an express had arrived at the then seat cf government 
 with desi)atclies for the War Office. ' 
 Immediately after the departure of Lieut. SheafTe, Mr. William- 
 son, with theco-operationof other prominent citizens, adopted the 
 rnost energetic measures, as well for the purpose of preparin<r tbr 
 the contingency, which he had good reasons for supposing would 
 occur, alter what had transpired at So.lus, as to give assurances of 
 Safety and protection to the inhabitants. 
 He not only despatched an express rider to the seat of govern- 
 ment, as indicated by the correspondent of the Maryland Gazette, 
 but he also despatche<l one to Albany. He forwarded' by these mes- 
 sengers letters to Edmund Randolph, Secretary of State to Gen 
 Knox, Secretary of War. and to Gov. George Clinton. In these 
 letters he detailed all that had transpired, suggested some measures 
 ot protection, and gave asurances that the mandate of Gov Sim- 
 coe would be disregarded. In the letter to Gen. Knox, he says • _ 
 " It IS pretty well ascertained that for some time past, quantities of 
 military stores and ammunition have been forwarded to Oswego 
 This makes me think it not improbable that Lieut. Sheaflb will take 
 a forcible possession of Sodus on his return. I shall, however with- 
 out relaxing, go on with my business there, until drove olf bv a 
 superior force. It is heedless for me to trouble you with any com- 
 ments on this unparalleled piece of insolence, and gross in.ult to 
 the government of the United States." 
 Mr. Williamson wrote a letter to Sir William Pulteney, in which 
 nc suvs *■ -■ 
 " T shall inakonofurtlier comment on this business, than to observe tint 
 nay linng slu.rt of actual liostilitios, it eom,,]etes the u u^iSlS t^^ on 
 .1. t ot Mr. .Snncoo toward thi. g,.vernme,lt. Mr. Simce's p s c of nv 
 iu h'm" J" ; " ""''"^; ^" ^''^ *"'^^ ^'■'■'^"' i» thisoounln- .' d op 
 laia sciu'incs lie li.-is nrevcut.v everv iio<siIiilitv ,^f^ -n, .,... . i .• i' ^ 
 tljiseountn- and thelstile Indiaus," aid .S:^,;^, i^ 1 ! i ^1 Ic t' K 
 N., ' n''' ""^* ^T' '""^ '^■^' undone to indue ll„. Six 
 Na ons, our neighbors, to take up tlio batch.t die moment ho gives tl ' u . r 1 
 \oumust ,eaniuamt..d with his marching a body ot\.nii;i t o ,. • i 
 ^-.vctmg a tort at theKapids of the Miami scven,;y^ miles withi, ^ L^nt^y 
 of the United States, Lut this being an extensive wilderness, seemed of less 
 " Nnt content with this, h<» lias now interfi'ivil witli our sr-ttlenients, in a 
 manner so unlike the ilijjrnity of a yreat nation that it must astonish yon, If it 
 L« tlieintt'ntii)n of tlie Drilish ministry, by low and underhand sehenu-s, to keep 
 alive a harrassing war a^'ainst heljijcss women and children, or by murders on 
 this frontier, to add to the list of nuirders already committcilby the intluenee 
 of tlieir serv;mts her<', and to treat this <i;i iNcrnnuMit with the most nn\\ arrantable 
 insolence and contem]it. 1 allow tiiat Mr. Siimoe is the most iiKhisirious and 
 faithfid servant the British o-ovemnient ever had. But if 'I is theii' intention 
 to cultivate a frieiully intereonrse \\ith this countiy, it never can take ]ilace 
 ■while sueh is the conduct of their (iovernorhere. For my own part, I think 
 it woulil lie doing the government of Great Britain a most essential service, 
 should their intentions towards this country be friendly, to show to their min- 
 istry the i< induct of (iov. Simcoe; and 1 write this letter that you may ^how it 
 to Mr. Dundas, or Mr. Pitt, if you think projier. Their knowledge of me, I 
 anr conxinced, will gi\e it sniticient weight. If these transactions are in con- 
 sequence of orders from (Ireat llritain, and their views are hostile, there is 
 nothing further to be said." 
 While all this was progressing, in four days after the affair at Sodus 
 in fact, before Gov. Sinicoe would liave had time to execute his 
 threats, the great measure of deliverance for the Genesee country 
 and the few scattered border settlers of the west, had been con- 
 summated. " Mad Anthony, " — [and there had been " method in 
 his madness, "] — had met the confederated bands of the hostile 
 Indians cf the west, and almost under the walls of a fortress of their 
 British allies, achieved a signal victory! Those upon whom Gov. 
 Simcoe was relying for aid, (for it is evident that he looked to a 
 descent of the western Indians upon the Genesee country in case 
 the war was renewed,) — were humbled and suing for peace. 
 This alone would have averted his worst intentions, and added to 
 this, was the consideration that Mr. Jay had sailed for London on 
 the 12th of May, chjthed with ample powers from our government 
 to arrange all matters of dispute. 
 Those familiar with the history of our whole country in the 
 earliest years of its separation from England, are aware how im- 
 portant was the well planned and successful expedition of General 
 Wayne. Important in its immediate conse(iuences — the putting 
 an end to protracted, harrassing Indian treaties, and tliefotniding of 
 tliat great empire of wealth, prosperity, and unparralleled progress, 
 our western states, liut few can now realize its local consequence, 
 in the Genesee country. It gave security where there was little of 
 it beiore, inspired hope and confidence with those who were half 
 ■ ■ 
 determined to retrace the weary steps that had brought them into 
 the wilderness, for they felt that if war was to be added to all the 
 sufferings and privations they were encountering, it were better to 
 abandon the field, if not forever, to a period more propitious. The 
 news of Wayne's victory was communicated by Ijrant to Gpn. 
 Chapin, and it circulated briskly among tlie backwoods settlements. 
 Here and there was seen small gatherings of Pioneer settlers, con- 
 gratulating each other upon the event, and taking fresh courage to 
 grapple with the hardships of Pioneer life. All was confirmed,°when 
 in a lew days, the Senecas were seen coming back upon their war 
 path, humbled, quaking with tear at the mere recollection of the terri- 
 ble onslaught that Mad Anthony had made upon the dusky letWons 
 that had gathered to oppose him, and uttering imprecations a-niinst 
 those who had lured them from home to take part in the contest 
 and then remamed far away iVom danger, or shut themselves up in 
 a strong fortress, but spectators in a conflict in which they and 
 their confederates were falling like autumn leaves in a shower of 
 The haughty spirit of the descendants of the warlike Iroquois 
 was humbled within them, and chagrined by the terrible discomfit- 
 ure they had witnessed, and been partakers of, as well as by the 
 bad faith of their advisers and abettors at Niagara, they resolved to 
 settle down quietly in their villages, and renew their peaceful and 
 amicable relations with their white neighbors. 
 As early as the 3d of July, preceding'^the visit of Lieut. Sheaffe, 
 to Sodus, a representation had been made to the War Department,' 
 of the exposed condition of the new settlers in the Genesci coun- 
 try, the danger of Indian disturbances promoted by British agents 
 at Niagara, and the necessity of some means of defence. To wliich 
 Gen. Knox, the Secretary of War, had replied in substance, that 
 some official use had been made of the communication, by the Sec 
 NOTI...-1 lore are some ainusinij aiHTilotoH of (hordaticnsDiat the n-hirniii- Iiidi- 
 <lm.,s jjMv. .,1 tl.e .atil.. I,, its cm .'t, Wavn.. l,a,l ,na,l,. lii.nsrlf n tV , n' .., m.,.v than Innna,,. His y^-,. a ^varthr,.■ thw l,a,l uuu^dV--\,Z^;;^:u^ 
 cmslun,. : „,sp,nn.^ a tenor thai ooM,,u.rea as ..K.otimllv as his ar , A S ' wl ^ 
 camo auav n, an early sfa^e of the l.a.fle, Laviuj. seen ,|uite enough to frn,tif v is',^ " 
 ^wi hi 'V ;"''rf""'''>,^''"i""" ""'"'"^"'t -'•''- author: tho'reason tor s 
 piec iil,.te retreat, lie sai.i ,u h.s irraphic deserij.t.ou of the opening, of the li.^h' 
 - lop pop l.op,-.hoo, woo, woo-o.oo,_wish. wish, wi^li-J-ee.-ho,., woo'l- 
 ^ Liv •'' "^"'"^ """' """■'• "" -""^'' kv.l-nl" TJiis the reader will ui o„c-o 
 r^h !! ,:; .IVr'L"' ^:';'lf '" ;'"";"" ""! ,«'■"'*? "f «'""11 '""'H and cannon, and the 
 wiu/^' o! till.- tu=e, uiid ihu burstnig oi Loinba. 
 retavy ot War, in his correspondence with the British Minister, 
 that a conlerence was to be held with the Six Nations at Canandai- 
 gua, in Septeuib'^r, for the purpose of concihating, and establishing 
 finally a peace with them if possible. In reply to an application 
 for arms, the Secretary says, that an order had been issued in favor 
 of the Governor of New York, for one thousand muskets, cartridge 
 boxes, and bayonets. 4 
 The following copy of a letter from President Washington to Mr. 
 Jay, our then minister in London, possesses much of a general 
 historical interest, and will aid the reader in a full understanding of 
 the questions then at issue, so far as this local region wasc oncerned : 
 "ArcjusT, 30, 1704. 
 "As you will receive letters from the Secretary of IState.s' utlice, gi\iiig' an 
 official account of the public occurrences as they ha\-e arisen and advanced, 
 it is unnei'i'ssary for nie to retouch any of them ; and yet I cannot ivstiain my- 
 self from uiakin^'some observations on the most recent of them, tlie commu- 
 nication of whicli wiis receiveil this mornino- only. I mean the protest of tho 
 Governor of Upper Canad;i, delivered by Lieutenant Hlieatfe, against our oc- 
 cupving lands far fnun any of the jiosts, whicli, long ago, tliey ought to have 
 surrendered, and far within the known, and uutil now, the acknowledged 
 limits of the United States. 
 " On this irregular and high handed proceeding of Mr. Simcoe, which is 
 no longer masked, I wtndd rather licar what the ministry of (treat Liiuain will 
 sav, than ]ironounce my own sentiments thereon. litit can that government, 
 or\vill it altemjjt, after this oflicial act of one of their governoi-s, to hold out 
 ideas of friendly iiilentions towai'ds the United States, and sutler such con- 
 duct to pass with impunity ? 
 "This may be considered a.s tht most open and daring act of tho British 
 atrents in AnuM'ica, though it is not the most hostile and ciiiel : for there 
 does not lemain a doubt in the mind of any well informed i)erson in this 
 country, not shut against conviction, i\\\\i all the difficidties 'we cncounler with 
 the ludi'iiis, their hostililieif, the murders of helpless women and ehildren, 
 along oxr frontiers, result from the conduct of agents of Great Britain in 
 this couiilri/. In vain is it then for its administration in Biitain, to disavow 
 having giv(,'n orders which will warrant such conduct, whilst their agents go 
 unpuni>he(l ; while we have a thousand corroborating circumstances, and 
 indeed as many evidences, some of which cannot be I irought forward, to prove 
 that thin arc seducing from our alliances, and endea\oiing to remove over tho 
 line, tribes that ' ive hitherto been kept in peace and friendship with us at a 
 he;\vv e.\[H'nse, and who have no causes of complaint, except pretended ones 
 of their ei'eating ; whilst they keep in a state of irritation the tribes that wq 
 li'istileto us, and are instigating those who know litUe of us, or we of them, 
 to unite ill the war against us ; and whilst it \i-an undeuialile fact, that they 
 are furi</-<hiuij the whole with amis, ammunition, clothing, ami even jiro- 
 I'isions In carry on the war. I might go farther, and if thev are not much 
 behed, add, men also in disguise. 
 " Can it bo oxpectc.], I ask, so lonj. a.s tli^se t Inn-s an- kn.nvn i„ tl.- United 
 tnac tiKu ner ^vlll u ■ ,,m I,., any cnr.l.alitv belw.rn tlu; two cuiuiiri,..^ 1 
 i 1 t,nn lonn It (lies,. i,„,sts a.v nu, sunvn.l.n,,!. 7V km^^h.hv . f tI„>.o b.-in^r 
 i.i> M.nlnn,.„.s, would bavobut little wd^^bt, I an,,H.>.„adoirwI,h h. i; '? 
 nd mms ,.a..>n, orp..,.I,a,. wi,b tlu-nation, i„ Hil.,,!n.t!,.. ,„r s b, 
 nu K. sat,shH, tint .f tl...y want to b. at peace with Ibis eonnf v. m o 
 \V 1 di,: I't ''^'•''^''^- to givenp the posts is the <mlv road to i' 
 The advent of these two brothers to the Genesee country, marks 
 an era „. our early local history. They were from ihe first, 
 large landholders and patroons of new settlements, and for many 
 years uifnnatoly and conspicuously blended with the jiro-n-ess of 
 nnprovement. The connection of their family with Col. feremiah 
 ^\ adsworth, of Hartford, Co.ul, was the primary cause of their 
 early enterprise ; of whom, as he was an early and large proprietor 
 of land, by purchase from Phelps and Gorham. it will not be out of 
 phice to speak, incidentally. He was the son of the R,.v. Daniel 
 Wadsworth, ot Hartford. Entering uj.on a sea-faring life in early 
 years, or the benefit of his health, first as a sailor before the masf 
 and afterwards as mate and captain, he finally settled down in 
 Hartford, vvdiere he resided upoa the breaking out of the Revolution- 
 ary war. He received the ai)pointment of commissarv of the Con- 
 necticut line, and following that app; intment, he had important trusts 
 committed to his charge, not only by Connecticut, but bv the Con- 
 gress at 1 hiladc-lphia, having relereuce generally to the pa'v. clothincr 
riiELPs AND gori[a:\i s purchase. 
 and subsistence of the Continental troops. Soon after the arrival 
 of Iloeliiiniheau, with the Frcnr'i army, their subsistence was en- 
 trusted to his charge, jointly with Jolni B. Church. He was one 
 of those with whom Gen. Washington made an early acquaintance 
 when the great crisis arrived, and in whose hospitable mansion, at 
 Hartf(.)rd, he was wont to meet, and have social intercourse and 
 consultation with its owner, and other prominent men of the Revo- 
 lution. It was the taking down and removal of this old mansion, 
 that suggested the following leautilul lines of Mrs. Sigourney : — 
 " Fallen dome, beloved »i •well, 
 Tluni eould'st many a legend tell 
 Of Iho cliiefs of ani'icnl lamp, 
 Wlio, to'u thy shelter came : — 
 Riii'liiimlicaii and La Fayette, 
 ]{onnd thv jilenlcdus board liave met, 
 With Columbia's mi^ditier son, 
 Great and glorious WAsiiiMiTox. 
 Hero with kindred minds they plann'd 
 Kescue for au infant land ; 
 While the Bntisli Lion's roar 
 Ecliu'd round the leagur'd sliore." 
 Annali cf Conn., by R R Hinman. 
 "The services of Col. Wadsworth, during some periods of the 
 war," says a biographer, " were incalculable." He was a member 
 of the 1st, 2d, and 3d Congress. He died in ISOl, aged Gl years. 
 Mr. Pheli)s having been in the commissary department during the 
 Revolution, he had made the acquaintance of Col. Wadsworth, and 
 soon after he obtained title, induced him to make investments in the 
 Genesee country.* He purchased T, 0, R. 9, a part of T. 11, R. 
 7, and one 12th of " Big Trce."t Being a man of wealth, and con- 
 sidcrablv advanced in years, their purchases were for investment 
 and and re-sale, rather than with any intention to emigrate. 
 William and James Wadsworth were natives of Durham, Conn., 
 the sons of John N. Wadsworth. James Wadsworth graduated at 
 Yale College, in 1787, and spent the winter of '87 and '88, in Mon- 
 treal, employed in school teaching. The father had died before 
 James ^graduated at College, and left the homestead in Durham, 
 which would have been called a " fair estate" in New England, to 
 his three children, the care of which had devolved upon the elder 
 brother, William. Iti the Spring of 1790, at a period when James, 
 then 22 vears of age, was undetermined as to the pursuits of life — 
I! ji 
 hesitating between tlie alternatives of seeking his fortune in the south- 
 ern states, and acquiring the profession of law, and settling down in 
 New England, his kinsman, Col. Jeremiah Wadsworth, proposed to 
 him emigration to the Genesee country, the sale to him of a part 
 c*" his tract at " Big Tree," upon advantageous terms, and an 
 agency that would embrace the care and sale of his remaining lands. 
 After consulting with his brother William, making it a condition of 
 the proposed emigration that he should accompany him, the two 
 brothers agreed jointly to accept the proposition. 
 In Juno, after a work of preparation which was of no little mag- 
 nitude in New England, preliminary to an advent to this then far 
 off and secluded wilderness ; amid the farewells of kindred and 
 friends, in which were mingled sad forebodings of the dangers and 
 vicissitudes the bold adventurers were about to encounter, thev com- 
 menced their journey. William, the practical working man of the 
 two, so far as manual labor was concerned, started with an ox team 
 and cart, two or three hired men and a colored woman, a favorite 
 slave belonging to the family. J James came via the Sound, and the 
 Hudson, and the water route from Schenectady to the head of navi- 
 gation on Canandaigua outlet, in charge of provisions and a small 
 amount of household furniture. William, with his oxen and cart, 
 made sl(nv progress. The winter sleigh I'oad west of Whilosboro, 
 had to be adapted to wheels as they progressed ; logs had to be cut 
 and moved out of the track, and small streams and sloughs had to 
 be cause-waycd. Arriving at Cayuga Lake, there was no ferry 
 scow, and the party chartered two Indian canoes, which they lashed 
 together, and making a deck of poles, succeeded in crossing. Be- 
 tween Whitcsboro and Canandaigua their average progress was 
 but twelve miles per day. The parties reunited at Canandaigua, 
 James having arrived three days in advance. 
 After making some necessary preparations, the whole partv start- 
 * Or, ns is mii(o jiroliiiblo, Col. Wailsworth mny Lave Lad an interest, originally, 
 with Messrs. rliolps and Gorhain. 
 t To wliicli, James and William alterivards added a tentli, making the original 
 Wadoworth tract at Geiieseo, about 5,(IU0 acres. 
 t The identical "Jenny." She was for a hnvjr time almost the only one of her rare, 
 in that region ; and an object of curiosity wiili the younger portion of flic hacJi- 
 voodsmen. Turning to tliu travels of Liancoui,, \ve ivil thai on the niornihg lie left 
 "Big Tree," she was (jiRuiingand powdering "Capt. WadsAvortli's" hair, j)reparatory 
 to his departure for'Cai fuiaigua to "vivii'V/a p.,;ry of ^i M;'-..-. (;S.-r lie is 
 L'fi; t.MU.' 
 ed from Canandfiigua, with all the eftects with which they had left 
 Durham, to which had heen added i small stock of cattle, purchased 
 upon the Mohawk. They took the Indian trail and Sullivan's 
 route, clearinij; their road for the passage of their cart, as they went 
 along, camping the first night at " Pitt's Flats," and the next, at the 
 foot of Conesus Lake. Breaking up their encampment in the 
 morning, James, on horseback, with one companion, preceded the 
 rest of the party, and pursued the Big Tree trail; William, with 
 the oxen, cart, and other effects, following after, took the Branch 
 trail that led to a large Indian village of the Oneidas, which was 
 two miles below Big Tree, on the river. Wandering from the 
 obscure trail, the party got lost, and brought up at night in a swamp 
 about two miles north-east from Big Tree, tied their cattle to trees, 
 and encamped. James, having spent the night at Big Tree, with 
 his companion, in the woods, with no means of making an en- 
 campment, took his back track in the morning ; arrived at the point 
 where the Oneida trail branched off, followed the track of the cart 
 wheels, and found the lost party, groping in the wilderness, un- 
 determined as to the course they should pursue. He conducted the 
 whole party to Big Tree, (Geneseo, the reader will bear in mind,) 
 where they slept in the cart and upon the ground, for two or three 
 nights, until they erected a rude cabin on the table land, a little be- 
 low the present village, on the old River trail. On their arrival, 
 they found, of their race, but one man, Lemuel Jennings, who had 
 a cabin, and was herding some cattle on the flats for Oliver Phelps. 
 James, returning to Canandaigua on the day he had located the 
 party, on his way back, got benighted, but was attracted by a light, 
 and pursuing the direction from which it proceeded, found the negro 
 woman, Jenny, holding a light for his brother William, who was 
 hewing some plank for their cabin floor. 
 The arrival was upon the 10th of June. In August of tlie same 
 year, 1790, when Gen. Amos Hall took the census, the family of 
 William Wadsworth corsisted of nine persons. Beside him, there 
 had then settled in the town.^hips, others who were regarded as 
 heads of families: — Phineas Bates, Daniel Ross, Henry Brown, 
 Enoch Noble, Nicholas Rosecrantz, David Robb, Nahuni Fair- 
 banks. Horatio and John H. Jones had preceded the Wadaworths 
 ■a few weeks, and were over the river, occupying an Indian cabin, 
 and the shantee they had built the year before. They had come in 
 I" '. 
 from Geneva, via Canandaigua and Avon, witli a cart, Horatio's 
 wife and three children, household fiiriuture, and some hired men. 
 Their cart was the first wheel vehicle that passed over that route. 
 From Avon, they had no traok, but picked their way alon- the 
 ridges and open n-rounds. Horatio Jones l)uilt a coinfortal)le block 
 house the same year. Besides Horace Jones' family, tliere was in 
 August, west of the river, on what was then called'" Indian lands," 
 the families of William Ewing, * Nathan Fowler, and Jeremiah 
 Gregorv. f 
 The Indiiins residing ui)on the Genesee river in 1790, were loca- 
 ted in villages, as follows : — At S(iuaky Hill, near lAfount Morris, 
 there were a small cluster of cabins, and a few families. The men 
 had been southern captives, who had intermarried, and n)erged 
 themselves with the Senecas. The principal chief, was " Jjlack 
 Chief." At " Allan's Hill." now Mount Morris, there were a few 
 families ; their principal chief, " Tall Chief" He was a fine speci- 
 men of his race, physically and otherwise. At Philadeli)hia, on a 
 visit to Congre-s, with Horatio Jones, he commanded much atten- 
 tion and respect. ' 
 Little Beard's Town, a large village, was upon the present site 
 of Cuylerville. The chief, Little ]}eard, was one of the worst 
 specimens of his race. He was chiefly instrumental in the horrid 
 massacre of Lieut. Boyd, and all the early Pioneers give him a bad 
 character. The manner of his death in 1800, was but a just retri- 
 bution for his many acts of cruelty in the l^mier wars : — In a 
 drunken row, in which both Indians and whites were enga<red, at 
 the old Stimson tavern, in Leicester, he was pushed out. if door, 
 and falling froin the step.s, received an injury lliat caused his 
 Big Tree, a considerable village, was upon the bluff, opposite 
 S , V fT ! '"V^;-,"^^'"'^ '''"'■-'■ J''^v""i.': .•"iHitli.T son, (;<-o.-oW., was Si.Mc 
 1^.,,, nt f,„ni Ir,. nn,l, nm\ w,-,s s.utl.d iu Nortli.milK.-lau,!, Pa., wheu f 
 J- "li,^:'" ui Si:r.;;f :i ^^?' ^''•' "'"■>■" ^-''^ ^='« ""« "f <■'« ^''ite ^vivos ..f j^bone. 
 ..m .lanes in,) the pros.nt site of ul^ «hato S^lel^ ' ^''' "^"" ''^"" "'"" '''' 
 Geneseo, upon the rivei-j now embraced in the farm of Eason Slo- 
 cum ; Ken-de-wa, (Big Tree) was its principal chief. 
 There was a small village of Tucaroras on the river, a little 
 above t! 3 Geneseo bridge, which was called Tuscarora ; and two 
 miles down the river from Geneseo, near the large Maple Giove of 
 the Messrs. Wadsworths, was " Oneida Town," a large village of 
 Oneidas. * 
 The other, and a principal village, was on the west bank of the 
 river, opposite Avon, near where the main road crosses the river, 
 The chief was Ga-kwa-dia, (Hot Bread,) in high repute among his 
 people, and much respected by the Pioneer settlers, f 
 Gardeau, was the residence of the White Woman, and the several 
 branches of her family went principally to make up the small 
 village. Her husband was principal chief At Nunda, there 
 was a small village; "Elk Hunter" and "Green Coat," were 
 principal chiefs. 
 At Caneadea there was a considerable village ; the head chief, 
 John Hudson. He was an old man, and had been a leading 
 " brave " in the southern Indian wars, waged by the Senecas, 
 and afterwards, in the English and French wars. Hon. George 
 Woods, a prominent citizen of Bedford, Pennsylvania, became a 
 prisoner with the Indians, on the Ohio or the Allegany. Hudson 
 porcured his release, after he had been condemned au.l tied to a 
 stake. In after years, they met, and the Judge treated him with 
 much kindness, making him a present of a fine house and lot at 
 * The Oneidas and Tuscaroras were divided on the hrcakuig out of the Revolutiou. 
 Those that adhered to the colonics, and llie jieiitrals, reniaiuins; in their eastern vil- 
 lages; and those that followed Ihitler and Ihant, coining upon the Genesee River. A 
 partial re-union of the Tuscaroras took place at their village near Lcwistou, in after 
 fThis wa-s the birth place of Cornjilanter. In his letter to the Governor of Penn- 
 sj'lvania, in lb'2'2, he says : — " 1 feel it my duty to send a speech to the (Governor of 
 Pennsylvania at this time, and inform him the' place wliere I was from — which wag 
 Conni'wauijiis, on the Genesee river." He then y;ues on to relate to the (T()vern<ir, that 
 on trrowini; uj), the Indian hoys in the nei;;hborliood took notice of his skin being of 
 a dillerent color from theirs, and on naming it to his mother, she told him who his 
 white father was, and that he livt'd at Albany. He, after becoming a nian, souglit him 
 out, and made himself known to him. He comj)laiiis that lie gave him victuals to 
 at his house, Init "no ])rovisions to eat on the Avay home." "He gave me neither 
 kettle nor gun, nor did he tell ine that the United States were about to rebel against 
 Great Ibitain." This is authentic, and does away with the less tnithful, but more 
 rom.-mtie version of the first iaterriew betwee-u Coruplaiitor aud his white father, 
 O'Baii or " Abeel." 
 Bedford, which he never occupied, but he used to often pride him- 
 self upon its possession, and the munner in whicii he cnnie by it. 
 In a ramble, to give the reader some account of their neighbors, 
 the adventurers wlio were mere immediately under consideraticn, 
 have almost been lost sight of We left Willinm Wadsworth hewing 
 plank for their shantee, by cnndle light, and James emerging from 
 the forest, where he had been lost on his return from Cananchiigua. 
 The shantee went up, and the work of clearing a small spot of^p- 
 land anrl preparing a few acres of flats for summer crops, was im- 
 mediately commenced. There was from the first, a division of 
 labor l)etween the two brothers : — William had been bred a 
 farmer, and from habit and ])hysical constitution, waa well adapted 
 to take the laboring oar in that department. Few men were better 
 fitted for a Pioneer in the backwoods — to wrestle with the harsh- 
 est features of Pioneer life —or for being merged in habits, social 
 intercourse and inclinations, with the hardy adventurers who were 
 his early cotemporaries. The backwoodsmen called him "Old 
 Bill," and yet he had not reached his 30th year ; —not from any dis- 
 respect, but as a kind of backwoods conventional nomenclature At 
 a log house raising, " a bee," or a rude frolic, " he was one of them ;" 
 and when there were any "doings" at "Old Leicester," "Pitt's 
 Flats," or Williamsburg, he was pretty sure to be there. He took 
 an early interest in the organization of the militia, and mingled 
 with the recollections of the author's boyhood, is " General B^ill," 
 at the fall musters, with his harsh, strong features, and bronzed 
 complexion, mounted upon his magnificent black charger ; the 
 " observed of all observers," the not inapt personification of the 
 dark and frowning god of war; and to youthful backwoods eyes, 
 he looked nothing le.5s. 
 James, was by nature, of a difierent cast, and to natural incli- 
 nations had been added the polish and the discipline of mind 
 acquired in college halls, and a mingling in the most cultivated of 
 New England society. The transition, the change of a New Eng- 
 land home, for that of a cabin in the wilderness, and the associa- 
 tions of the backwoods, was far less easy and natural ; thouirh by 
 alternating between the settlement at " Big Tree, " and Cana^ndai- 
 NcTE.— James Hiulson, the snn ami successor of Jolui. was one of tlm fi„o«t ^pfici- 
 li,'.';ri',/i' ;!f T"'' I '''1 ''"'""' '"■?■' "' ^''° ""''"^y ^'■'^'» "*' ^^^ttli'ment. Staid and d .'iii- 
 tieil 111 Ins aeportiiient, ]w was tnilv one of "Dftiire's no1.Ipi<ip,i " ^ 
 j,'ua, Albany and Connecticut, he managed to accommodate himself 
 very well lo circumstances. Ij)on him devolved the land agen- 
 cy, and soon extending: its spiiore, and purchasino; Inrsoly on the 
 joint account of himself and brother, even in early years, he be- 
 came engrossed in a business of great magnitude. 
 They had left behind thorn a large circle of family connexions 
 and friendH in "old Durham, " and great was their concern for the 
 rash adventurers who had pushed away on Ijejond the verge ^f 
 civilization, and set down in the midst of wild beasts, and then l)ut 
 recently hostile Indian tribes. How diifereut is now the spirit and 
 feeling of the age ? Then, there had been brooding over New Eng- 
 land the incubus of foreign dominion, binding, fettering enterprise, 
 and confuiing it to nari-ow, sterile and unpropitious bounds ; until 
 when the fetters were shaken off, it seemed rashness to venture 
 upon the extension of settlement and civilization even to this fair 
 region, where all would seem to have been so inviting and promis- 
 ing. Now, under the blessings, the stimulus, the release from 
 foreign thraldom, of something over half a century, our young men 
 make a hasty preparation, and are off over a wide ocean track, foun- 
 ding villages and cities on the Pacific coast, in the interior, and fol- 
 lowing up, up, the dark ravines of the Sierra Nevada, are making 
 their camps upon its slope and its summit ; and in fond kindred 
 circles at home, there is less concern for them than there was for 
 the young adventurers who pushed out from New England to settle 
 in the Genesee country. 
 An active correspondence commenced between James and his 
 New England friends soon after their departure from Durham. 
 In a letter to his brother, John N. Wadsworth, dated at Albany, he 
 says : — " We have secured a boat and pilot, forage is pretty scarce, 
 but our expenses do not exceed our expectations. We have now 
 arrived where Genesee is much talked of, and all accounts confirm 
 us in our choice. All hands are in good health and fine spirits ; lay 
 aside all anxiety for us. We expect many difficulties but are fast 
 in the belief that perseverance will surmount them. There hn^ 
 arrived this day, two vessels from Rhode Island. One has 28 and 
 the other 30 passengers, bound full speed for the Genesee country. 
 The migrations to the westward are almost beyond belief. Gin's 
 (the colored woman,) courage rather increases, as many of her 
 '^olnv are froiufr to the Genesee."* A tender epistle to James, in no 
 aiasculine han.I, diito.l at New Haven, imayines that at some Indian 
 war dance, his scalp may be one of the trophies " that will daiurje 
 Irom the belt of a Seneca brave. " She ad<ls, that " nothing short 
 of niakinjr a fortune could induce you to reside amongst an uiicivill 
 ized people, exposed to the savages of the wilderness. " Samuel 
 Street, ot Chippewa, C. \V., writes a note from CanandaJcnia, on a 
 small strip ot paper, asking Mr. Wadsworth to excuse it "as paper 
 IS very scarce hei:e. " John 15. Van Epps writes from Schenectady 
 that " leter and Gerritt Ryckman would not take up the four bar- 
 rclsof rum to Canaudnigua. under 84 per barrel; and to be paid 
 likewise tor riding the barrels over the carrying place. " 
 As early as Seplember, 17U0, the progress ol' improvement was 
 arrested : — William and all of his hired hands had the fever and 
 ague, the wench Jenny being the only well one among them JJis- 
 heartened by disease, the hired men returned to " Connecticut, 
 where they were soon tbllowed by James, leaving William and 
 the negro woman, to winter in the shantee and take care of 'the 
 James Wadsworth started from Durham, in April 1791 • but was 
 delayed in New York by the sprouting of the ague, the seeds of 
 which had been sown the fall previous. He arrived however at 
 "Big Tree " in June, and writes back to his uncle James thai' lie 
 ox-cnn, outline out r„a,l. and nu,Vins. "a n tht^T " ^|" ,^::^ «;™ ,„ ti.o 
 Hist tljat tiK. ex|,c.,l.tio„ ^va.s a w,Ll a,ul 1 >. i; un^a d^ f^^^ "'." 
 would bo U.t t., ,,. back to '■ Old Durha,„ " aild ^'o 11 uj^a'a bad gb."'""' ^'"^ '' 
 Revolution, ^v.. n u,on,borot ,l,e Co;,;!,'' ^ i ,^ ^ss", w^r";. ;"" '" "" 
 nent iiu-n oj ^c■w E nn-land. Ir wn,;!.| set'o, tint •.IWtl ,! , I < , '. '"' '"■'""'" 
 U.n, if not tbe ,uanl,.n, .ho kind u..n,:;.':;,:.t;: ^.i ^ ..'Z''^'':'"''' 
 fi rhis incniorv is ilw natura iinind^o uium ih.. „ ..i V i • '"■ '" l"" ^V'-- lu-vurciico 
 had d..part«l fi.r the Gcnos, ."S-v ^HislSw^/T '''u''^'", *'"'"" ='"'■'• ^'""^ 
 ono. re .loto ^vith advi... and , ^.n 'ilv ^ ", ti h". H 7' ''''' ■"" '^ ^*""f 
 instructions as to tlio dutirs and imrMiitso f i l * ', ' ''Uio is soninuml, and 
 the nc,,] ;dl fhccurront noVs I /, • "j -f t "; ""k' I'"^^]^,,'" ■^"'■V' l'.^' ^^'^-.s 
 pa,.ors or mails, (as thov roallv ^veIv ^ •!, I .'o?' -, , i ••"'"' *'"' ''''"''^' "' "^'"■''- 
 yol, of the in,,H;Aancc .^^ " Ss" , d •" I ^ ^n t in I'n'u^ ^ '"'"' """'"'^ 
 obsm-alion of the SaM.nli ; of jiwiicc i" ■ „ ;, , ' '' '"^'^ •^^.''tl'^"'^"' • "i '^ I-'opcr 
 and of inviolably Hupponini^ J' - c ml ' V, j ^^ ^'^^l^i ^l"-'''^''!;, ^^.th the Ind.ans; 
 Indians. WhatVver nisbamlrv ^4?mlVVt ,',/', ".'"' '?;"'"' "^''^''''"'""i? 
 other letter, he strikes off npo, f vU „e v li^ Tl ^r:'!?; ^ • '^'' "^''"" '" '"" 
 topics an,on!,M,urpolitician,sand ^Jml C^;;^,.]ilJTZT''' '" f''""'^'' ."'■'• l''« 
 are nun.h .h,. order of .he dav tluTe^'lt u1 ^ ^^"".^^Inrd a^ If H "' "'^'^^"'^""'^i"". 
 pn;pe,.ly appli., i„ ...e i,,siances. K.p.ll^s^v;^ tlil^iin'^'hc , 'i; ;;rj|;ir^;;^ ^^ 
 foiuhl '•brother Bill well ; and by ])ersin'eriiig indiistiylic h:\s much 
 iiiiprnvo<l the place, and given our settlciiieiit a very dilll'ieut and 
 hiLrhly pleasing aspect. We have an excellent enclosed pasture 
 within eight rods of our house, and please ourselves with the pros- 
 pect of soon enjoying most of the conveniences of settlements of 
 several years standing. We have tiie pn)S(»ect througiiout the 
 country of ;i most extraordinary crop of wheat ; ours far exceeds 
 our expectations, and corn promises 00 or 70 bushels to the acre. 
 Our flats bespeak a great quantity of hay,(\vil(l grass.) Respecting 
 the Indians, we are so far from dreading the Six Nations (our neigh- 
 bors) that we consider them no inconsiderable security. Thev 
 have given us the most satisfactory proof of their friendsliip. We 
 shall not be troubled by the southern Indians. I am happy to say 
 that on second view of the Genesee country, I am confirmed in my 
 favorable opinion of it. We have received a great increase of in- 
 habitants the winter past. Four barns were raised last week in 
 Canandaigua, within a half mile distance. Ontario, from a dreaiy 
 wildiM-ness begins to put on the appearance of a populated country. " 
 In a letter to his uncle James, dated in August, same year, he 
 says: — " The Indians have returned from the treaty(Pickering's at 
 Newtown,) highly pleased. The inhabitants now do not even think 
 of danger from the Six Nations ; although fears are entertained 
 that the southern Indians will attack the Six Nations. " 
 In 1791, Oliver Phelps, First Judge of Ontario county admits 
 James Wadsworth to practice as attorney and counsellor " to enable 
 persons to sue out writs and bring actions, which at the present, 
 for want of attornies, it is impossible to do. " 
 The Messrs. Wadsworths' from year to year, extended their far- 
 ming operations, bringing the broad sweep of flats that they pos- 
 sessed, under cultivation, and stocking it with cattle. There beincr 
 no access to markets for wheat, they raised but little, but were early 
 large producers of corn. Their cattle went to the Philadelphia 
 and JJaltimore mru-kets principally ; some were sold to new settlers, 
 and some driven to Fort Niagara and Canada. Independent of 
 their cultivated fields, the uplands and flats in summer, and the 
 rushes that grew in abundance upon the flats, in winter, enabled 
 them to increase their cattle to any desired extent. The present 
 town of Rush, upon its flats had extensive meadows of rushes, upon 
 which tlieir cattle were herded for several of the early winters. 

 1 1 ii 
 I i 
 II ! 
 ' I 
 They at one period had an extensive dairy. Tiie cultivation of 
 hemp engaged their attention in an early day, and along in 1800, 
 and a few succi vding years, they were large cultivators of it, with 
 others upon the river. They nuinufactured much of it into ropes, 
 for which they found a market la Albany and New York. In com- 
 mon with others in their neighborhood, they commenced the culti- 
 vation of tobacco ; but that business fell pretty much into the hands 
 of a company, who came on from Long Meadow, in Connecticut, 
 rented flats of them, and cultivated for a few years largely. They 
 cured it and put it \i\ for market alter the Virginia fashion. The 
 breeding of mules fo. the Baltimore market, was a considerable 
 business with them in early years. In later years they turned their 
 attention to sheep, nnd prosecuted wool growing to an extent that 
 hns never been exceeded in the United States. In some observa- 
 tions of Professor Rcnwick, they are ranked with Gen. Wade Ilam})- 
 ton, of S. Carolina, in reJerence to the magnitude of their opera- 
 tions, at the "head of agricultural pursuits in the United States." 
 While the inmiediate care of all this chiefly devolved upon Wil- 
 ham Wads'.vorth, James iiarticipated in it by a general supervis- 
 ion, the purchase and sale of stock in distant markets, the procuring 
 ot improved breeds of cattle and sheep, and a scientific investiga*^ 
 tion of all matters of practical improvement in agriculture. 
 T^rom their first coming into the country, they were con,^ atly 
 extending their farming operations, and adding to their possessions. 
 In early years they were materially aided in all this, by the use of 
 the capital of their friends in New England ; especially that of 
 their relative. Col. .Teremiah Wadsworth; but their extensive and 
 judiciously conducted farming, soon began to yield them large 
 profits, winch added to the commissions that James realized upon 
 various land agencies, in the aggregate, of vast magnitude, and of 
 profits of purchase and sale of wild lands upon his own account 
 enabled them to add farm to farm, and tract to tract, until they were 
 ranked among the largest land holders in the United States; and 
 m i-eference to present and prospective value of their possessions, 
 pi-obably the largest. Certainly no others owned and managed so 
 many cultivated acres. 
 Ini « Y«al ^...:us ..pj.h. ,1 moHl of the «iuuil JcaW. ^s..i oi Luku, 
 nlo pliiL's, .'Hid 
 In February, 1790, James Wadsvvorth sailed lor Europe. He 
 went upon his own account, upon tiiat of joint partners with him in 
 land operations, and other km^e land holdeis in the United States. 
 And here it is .not out of fjUice to remark, that land s})eculations had 
 beconia rife very soon after the close of the Revolution. Large 
 quantities of wild lands were tlu'own into market by the dili'erent 
 States, pre-emption rights weie obtained. Indian cessions followed, 
 and very soon most of the available capital and credit of the whole 
 country was used in the i)urchase of lands. They rose rajjidly in 
 value, fortunes were made, but as we have seen in later years, a 
 crash followed, ruin and bankruptcy overtook, a large and prominent 
 class of the operators. No matter how low they had purchasetl 
 their lands ; if they were in debt for them, sale, settlement and nn- 
 provement, would fall behind the pay days of purchase n)oney, and 
 wide tracts of uncultivated wilderness was a poor resource for taking 
 care of jn'otested bills, and threatened foreclosures. Speculators had 
 over bought, even with the ([uantity of wild lands then marketable, 
 and when other wide regions in the north-west territory were thrown 
 into market, and brought into competition, embarrassments were en- 
 hanced. In '95, '6, this untoward state of things had arrived at its 
 culminating point ; an exigency existed which created the alterna- 
 tives of ruin to nearly all who had ventured in large land specula- 
 tions, and the enlisting of cai)ital in Europe. 
 In such a crisis, a distinct realization of which, can only be liad 
 by a general review of the history of that period, Mr. Wadsworth 
 was selected as an agent to go to Eurojie, and make sales of lands to 
 foreign capitalists. It was ce-rtainly no sniall compliment to the bus- 
 siness reputation and character of one who had gone out in his youth 
 and acquired his recommendations in the back woods, to be thus 
 singled out from among the most prominent men in the United 
 States, whose interest, with his own, he was to proinote. His visit 
 l(.) Europe, was at the suggestion, and attended by the co-operation, 
 of Uobert Morris, Thomas Morris, Governeur Morris, Aaron Burr, 
 Charles Williamson, De Witt Clinton, Robert Troup, Oliver Phelps. 
 Nicholson and Greenleaf, Col. Jeremiah Wadsworth, of Hartford, 
 and other prominent men of New England and Pennsylvania. His 
 mission was undertaken under adverse-circumstances : — What was 
 understood in Eurojie to have been the highly successful ventures of 
 the London'associutes, and the ilolland Company of Amslerdaui, in 
 pni'irrs and ciouiiam'm pni:(!irAMT<:. 
 IiiikI.; ill flii; i(Mri,,ti. Ii;i(| hail (Iin (>li;«ct. to sfiiimlafc ofluTs. and at 
 firsi, lo cnvitc a, stioii;^ ilisiiositinn lor Aiiiciicaii land invcsdncnts. 
 hund a-rciils liiid (locked lo iMiropc, and it is not at all stran-c tliat 
 iinp(V'ili..ns had liccii piacliccd. and thai many liad lu-cn. (to ns<< :i 
 in.'dcrn l<-nii,) viclinii/rd. Tlic reader need only Ik! told, (liat !i 
 system of .<|.(-raiions had been carried on, not nnlik<' tlui inappinj^ 
 •'>iid |il:illiii;r upon papiM-, uliicli prevailed in lN;t({, '7. Mr. 
 woith iv.aclie.l l':urop(« .at ;i p,>riod of ivaetioii, and yet. with llii> 
 f<vstimonials he rariied with him, addinl to the conlidenoe he inspired 
 hy his di.niiiy of d,>p()rtment .and nianil'est in(ei.rrity of purpose, hy 
 !i slow process, his mission was m.ainly siiccrssliil. II(. visited, .anil 
 resided t(«mporaily in London, I'aris and An.sterdam. His Idlers of 
 iiilrodiiction.comiii.-; fromhie;!! soiirci-s in this country, ,i;ave him no- 
 r(>ss to the society of prominent men ol'thal period, .and inci- 
 dentally to that ol'some (Miiinent statesmen and scholars. Favored ;it 
 <Mic.' I.y the eountenanee .and hiendship of Sir Wm. l»ulten(>y and 
 AFr. folipdioun. and in Amsterdiim, with that of the memhers of the 
 IloI!,and (\)mpany, aiiK.n.^ whom was on(> (<ininent statesman, and 
 several who ornipied a hi<di iiosition .as bankers, the youDir liack- 
 woodsman. from then youn.r America, w^as (Miahled t.) plaee him- 
 solf u|>,m a iavorahle lootinjr. not only with reCeivnce to the immo- 
 diate ohiects of his mission, hut with nd'erenee to those advanin'^-es 
 iHM'iMvd ( y foiviim (rav.d and r.>sidence. I Je remained abroad until 
 the last of \ovember. 17!)S. In all this time, he elllvted a larw 
 muonnt of sales, and to this mission is to be attributed many of the 
 iorei-n proprietorships in this re-ion. as well as in oth(<r portions of 
 the Tnited States. Some brief extracts from his corrospon.lence 
 whil,« abroad. po,ss.>ss not only local, but i^eueral hist.irioni inter- 
 est, imd are contained in a note .•utached. While in London 
 Air. Wadsworth obtained a commission agency from Sir William 
 rnlteney, for tho sale o[' lands ujion the I\rill Tract west of 
 tienesee H Ivor, ombraciiur what is now (Vdcn, Parma, Ki^,!, {1,i|i 
 ;ind a part of (Greece and Wheatland, from William Sixr.."f Am- 
 sterdam, for the sale o( the township, now Ucnnetla, and from 
 tethers, the agency for the sale of other tracts. And a.Med fall 
 this, was the ns^ency for the s.ale o( lands in the Cene.see country 
 belonpni^to.lerciniah Wadsworth and. other New England land*- 
 holders. The duties thus as.sumed. loszether with the general man- 
 au'onient o( what then, constituted. t!ie Wadsworth estate, of farms 
 rind wild Innds, throw niton his hmids an arnonnt dI' I)usin('ss seldom 
 dcvnlvitif^ upon one individual, aiid rc(iuirin'^r nil his tirno and cner- 
 <j;i('s. Ho must Ix^ rctrardod as the patroon of now scttlotnents in 
 his own nci^hl)orli(M»d, iti a largo portion <)\' llio present county of 
 Monroe, atid in several other localities. His European a'^encies 
 wore upon terms that ;!;uve him an interest in the sale and settlement 
 of wild lands, in soino instances more than i'.(\\v,i\ to that of the jiro- 
 prietors, and he was indefati_a;aJ)Ie in promotiiiy; sales. The fine re- 
 f^ionscominj^ under hissu[)ervision, uid)roken by sales or settlement, 
 prineipally west of the (Jenesoc; river; were put in m;irket, and 
 (.'oinir to New I'iiiLdand, he [trosecuted ti[)on a. lar^c^ scialc, a system 
 that Mr. I'helps had he.i!;an, of exchanivinir wild lands for farms, " 
 whcM th(! occupants would Ixicome residents. lie thus secured a 
 jfood class of now settlers, and no where in the whole historv of new 
 settlements in thiscotmtr}', have they been more prosperous, abating 
 such dr;iwl)acks as were beyond his control, than those were of 
 which h(^ may be regarded thi> founder. And while he was thus 
 the. instrument, eventually, to promote the prosi)erity of others, he 
 was laying the foundation, or accumulating, the. largo estate which 
 his family now ]>ossess. The profits oi his agencies were large 
 ones, and wore invested in wild lands and farms. These beiiK^ 
 g niM-ally retained and well managed, the in value chielly helped 
 NdTK. — l''r(im lidiiihm, .hiiic, '!M;. ,F. W. writcw to OIiiirloM Wilkes,* lli:it lio wns 
 Ujioii ilii' iHiinI 111' ('IJ'rcliii;,' l:irLCc siilcH oi hiiid, "luit all had hccii IViislralcrl l>v oppo- 
 Hilidi'. in llic II. (it Kvp, 1.1 Jay's Ircaly." "'I'lii' t'car of sciiucslralinii and ii.iill«cati(iii 
 lias (ir.sMoycd .all cdnlidcnrd willi cap'ilalislH in Kni^larKl. lii'sidcs tlicy l'c;:r llic cllert 
 (if iMvni'h inlluciu'c in llic riiilcd yialcs." " Mr. Vdniit,^ ji lai;;c Kasl India cap- 
 ilalist, l<i whoni I was froin:,' to s<'ll Itd.OOl) acres <if land at liait' a f;iiin( a per acre, 
 backs (lilt in c(inKci|iience of news iVimi America." J. W. (o 'I'lidiiias .Mdnis, .May' 
 'HO, sjiys; — " I am prevetiled from Tnalcin;; sales liy (lie |irdceedinL''K df II. of Kepre- 
 penlatives." J. W. lo Oiarlcs Wilkes, ■linu'. '!t(i : — '"I'liiiitrs are lookiiii,' lictler ; neWH 
 lias l.een received llial ('on^re.-is liave passed llie necessary laws to carrv llie Irealy into 
 eiVecl ; contidence in American inve.stmcnls are reviving'." J. W. to Henj. West, (llio 
 celelirated p.'Mnter.) — " lie kiml enonirli to use yo'ir inlliience in i|nieliiii..; alarm and 
 L'etliiur lip Cdnliilence in London. I liave no diiiilil llial tin; L'niled Slates will lie as 
 liappy, and their irdvernment as pcrniaTienl, as is ailowalile to men, anil human insli- 
 luliniisinthe world." A cdrn-pdndenco lietween .Mr. Wadswiirth and Aanm linrr 
 was ki'iit lip dnrim'; the absence of the fdrnier; the Icller.sof Mr. liinr, would some- 
 limn.- lie upon mailer,'* df, Sdmetimes n|idn iiolilics, which suhject Wdidd snd- 
 Jenly he arrested hy his faviirile theme, yossip upon conrtship and niarriai;e. Some 
 pdrlioHH of his letters are dhscnred liy the use df his ci])hers. A. 1>. to .1. W., Xov. 
 17!li; : — "1 refer yon to the !,'a/.ettes fo'r the name of the electors, and the parti'culara 
 Vi'l known respectiii!.;' the elfdion ; .1 I think will he 15; 1, ha.s, I think Ud chance ; 
 1') and I will run ^'cnerally to!,'ether, 4mt the latter will not succeed liy rea.son of 
 bomr .iisaU'ection in M ; — Hi, U), Wl been at home, i;{ would have lieen" the man iiH 
 * .\.i rmineiit early inerchant of New York ; a namesake and family cdiinevion of 
 Charii.- W dkos, of Londiui. 
 rnELPs AXD goriiam's purchase. 
 to make the lagest estate, perhaps, that has ever heen accimiulateii 
 in the United States, by the same process. 
 But lul no one, while viewing tlie broad domains of which he 
 died possessed, suppose tiiat they came to hiia in the absence of in- 
 dustry, economy, good management, or of long vears of severe 
 trial and embarrassments. Dependent, chidly, in' his early enter- 
 prises, upon the capital of others, he carried along through an ex- 
 tended period of depre.-sion, a slow growth of the country, a war that 
 bore heavily upon this local region — a large debt, and all the trials 
 and vexations which it carrits in its train.* It was not until the 
 war of 1812 made a good market for his produce, that lie began to 
 •be relieved from embarrassment ; his large clip of wool, his cattle, 
 grain, and the produce from his duiiy, enabled him to rapidly di- 
 minish his indebtedness ; then followed a few years of depression ; 
 then came that great measure of deliverance, and source of pros- 
 perity to all this region, the Erie Canal ; and participating largely, as 
 his possessions enabled him to do, in the rapid advance in the value 
 of real estate, in the facilities for market that it at once atlbrded 
 freedom from debt, unincumbered wealth that was soon rated "by 
 milHons, was the reward of his early wilderness advent, and over 
 half a century of industry and enterprise. 
 In a history of pioneer settlement, such as this is intended to be, 
 one who bore so conspicuous a part in it, must necessarily occupy 
 a considerable space, and yet one entirely inadeciuate to the task of 
 detailing his immediate and intimate connection with the 'growth 
 7011 will JO c.,nvino,..,l ^v uMi y„>, shall roturn hcmo. Tpon il,o wlu.lo I am quite sat- 
 ishcH>.,t t hm.^s." "Kxcpt the lilllo h.i- ahvadv a.-kn-n lo"' I an 1 
 vluch appeai-od „ have bL..ii sent by ,ny bo.,ksellei-8, pr„bably under v.,ur onl ts I 
 have m,t receive.l a .,nok or a pan.phh.t iVun, you sin,'e your >esi,|,.nee „broa,l." ' 1 
 h,ne t horn the very best authority that your triend Liuklaen i.s soon to In. luarried 
 o a .lau,,']> er ol Major L.. yard, a prclly and ^dii Not a ba.l , ateh I 
 S^hu s A ; 't W ■•; P'v^^'iit u.d.^putably at llie head of n,y list. Under otir. 
 u dates A. B to J. A\ . --"J uive beeiMjiule a rerluse and a fanner this summer; 
 lw\e not .een two miles troni home smee my r.^linn Inmi I'hilndelphia; am !,ot iiiar- 
 ned nor have made any approaches to it, though .shall not probahlv y.s, another shx 
 l.H , hs sinn.le. though no partu.dar objee, has y<.t engnged 'mv attwuion. Cnd ble s 
 nnd piosper you ' t is hoped by some, feined by others, .■in'd b,.lieved bv all, tliat 
 he ] resident will deelme being a .■andidate at the next eh-etiou. Tiie ea.ididatc.s will 
 be burw-k, -1 i, .1 and I. Ihe seems pretty doubttul. I have been told (this 
 d.iy,) and ully behove it, that ^'D .-uul 21 « ere i-ublielv married a lew daysa-o. Adieu 
 oiK'o more," » .. Jo- j»>"iu 
 _* In a letter to a friend after he liad had an experieiue of fifteen vears hesjivs'— 
 It IS slow realizing from new hinds. J will never advise iinotlier friend 'to invest in 
 tlK'in, .Men genoridly h.avt! not the i-e.iuisitepatieiK'c for siiecuiaang in tliein "' 
 and prosperity of this region. His biography alone, if it followed 
 him in all his relations to our local region, would be almost its early 
 history. To say that his was a useful life, would be but a natural 
 deduction from his early advent, and his leading participation in 
 laying the foundation of that unexampled prosperity, which now 
 exists in a region that he entered, the wheels of his cart, and shoes 
 of his horse, making the first impress of civilization upon its soil ! 
 The abatement, if any, from his life of usefulness, would be the 
 amount of territory he encompassed, and held on to with a tenacity, 
 almost amounting to dotage, or an inordinate desire to possess ex- 
 tended fields and forests. This ambition was first excited when a 
 young adventurer, on his way to IMontreal, in company with John 
 Jacob Astor, to seek employment as a school teacher, he saw an 
 extensive and beautiful estate, in one of the valleys of Vermont ; 
 and traveling in Europe, a few years afterwards, making a sojourn, 
 occasionally, at the hospitable seats of immense land proprietors, he 
 seems to have been confirmed in his desire for a similar position, 
 and to have steadily pursued his object in after life. Great landed 
 estates in a country like ours, are a sore evil ; the effects, in various 
 ways, bearing heavily and vexatiously upon their immediate 
 neigliborhoods. It is no " vote yourself a fiu'm" spirit, no sympathy 
 in common with agrarianism, that dictates the exjiression of a hope, 
 that b)' all legal means, the evil may be abated. It would have 
 been far better for the beautiful valley, where Mr. Wads worth cast 
 his lot in early life, and with which he became so intimately blen- 
 ded, if his ambition for large possessions had been more moderate; 
 but, " may I not do as I will with mine own? '" is an interrogation 
 he might well have opposed to those who cavilled at his monopol}- 
 of the soil.* 
 * And this rcniiiiils II11' aiilhur (if an aiu'Cildtu of iiii carlv and vi'iioratt'd coteinpora- 
 ry of Ml'. Wadswoith, the late Ani,'ustuH I'orter. Tiie ])(isst'ssiou in liis family of " Goat 
 Island." and all the most dcsii'atik' t;-rounds 011 tho Anicricau side, at Nia^'ara Falls, 
 and the tcnarity with which tlioy were held, when iniiJi-ovcmcuts were s(Uii!:ht to 
 he made, had oeeasioned nn I'li of mnrmmint; and faidt findini;;, in which the au- 
 thor, as the editor of a iiajier in tjiesanie eonnly, had ]iailu'i]iated, oeeasionally !,'ivin,i» 
 pome tln-nstsat what nsed to lie called the " nionopuly." While enn-a!i;ed in a |ireccding 
 l.isitirieal worli, tlie old f,'eiitlenian had kindlv i,d\en liini tlu^ henelit of days and 
 niu'lits of ounversatiou n])on Iheeaily iiistory ol' all this retjion ; his peisoiial narrative, 
 that lii'^ini with Ids early adventures in the wilderuet^s, his early years spent in survey- 
 or's canijis, eneounterini;' hardships and ])rivations; his at'ter Ions years of toil. At 
 the close of tliis intc^rview. sulVerinir under I'oddy inthnntics. partly consequent ujion 
 nil this, ho observed : — "Isow you have luy w'hule history ; you have seeu liow I 
 At an early. period — almost as soon as the farming operations of 
 the Wadsv^orths were fairly commenced —James Wadsworth crave 
 much of his attention to agricultural improvements. He may be said 
 to have given the impetus, in this state, to the application of science, 
 the heeding of the simple teaching of nature, the elt/ntion of rural 
 labor from mere uninslructed handicraft, to the position and the di^r. 
 nity It has been rapidly assuming. He had cotemporaries, co-opera- 
 tors — there were perhaps those before him in the state, who had 
 labored m the same field - hut he had entered upon the work with 
 an earnestness, with practical views, and aided with his pen and 
 his purse, effectual measures, that helped to mark a new era in 
 agricultural improvements. Practical in his views upon all sub- 
 jects, his theories and recommendations occupied the mi.ldle crround 
 betvveen a judicious and healthy reform in the cultivation "of the 
 earth, and stock breeding, and the extravagancies of mere theorists. 
 1 he practicability and the usefulness of a thing with him were always 
 allied. Had he been in the place of Mr. Jefferson, his spirit of enter- 
 prise may have dictated the erection of a saw mill upon an eminence, 
 to be propelled by wind, but before he had ventured upon the ex- 
 periment, he would have seen how his saw logs were to be got up 
 the steep ascent. 
 His, was a mind too active to repose upon the possession of 
 wealth, or fall into supineness and inactivity, when the stimulus of 
 gain had in a measure subsided. It reached out after new objects, 
 when old ones were accomplished. Education, — educat ' .n of the 
 masses, alHed to political economy, in all its later years, became 
 with him, if not a hobby, an object of intense interest. He was not 
 unmindful of the higher interests of religion, but even those he would 
 have made secondary in the economy of life, believing that educa- 
 tion of the mind was the broad superstructure upon which all of 
 spiritual as well as temporal good should be based. As the possessor 
 of property, he urged upon the wealthy of the state, by stron.- r,p. 
 peals, that it had no security short of the education of the masre- , 
 out of which alone wou'd grow a respect for the laws, aii<I vested 
 rights. He was the patron of J. Orville Taylor, in his first move- 
 ments ; had essays upon education, upon political economy, tracts, 
 tmnly no c.mvc.,.ic.nt ^vay of ineotrng tlie rebuke, or answering the interrroiat" ly 
 printed and distributed through the state, at his own expense ; en- 
 listed newspapers in tl\e cause of education, by paying tlieni for 
 setting apart a space for its discus^-ion; aided i-n the estabhshment 
 of the District School Journal, and paid salaries to public lecturers, 
 to go through the State, and arouse public attention to its impor- 
 tance. If the system of District School Libraries did not originate 
 with him, (as there are some reasons to suppose it did,) it had the 
 benefit of his early and efficient aid. In tne way of agricultural 
 improvement, he had essays printed and distributed, and was an 
 early and efficient patron of Judge Buel, in the starting of the 
 Cultivator, at Albany 
 A love of order, system and regularity, was one of his leading 
 characteristics. This is strikingly exhibited in his correspond- 
 ence, and the careful manner in which it was preserved ; and 
 equally so in the written instructions to his agents. His office 
 clerks he reminded of the maxim : — "Every thing in its place, and 
 a place fur every thing ;" and they were forbidden to hold any con- 
 versations with those who came to tlie office to do business, on 
 the subject of party politics, but instructed to interest themselves, 
 and hold conversations "in reference to schools, and the means of 
 their improvement." His out-door clerk, or farm agent, was in- 
 structed to " frequently visit every farm, make suggestions to ten- 
 ants ; see how they manage alfairs, see that every farm has growing 
 upon it good and wholesome fruit ;.look to the compost heaps and 
 manure ; see that the premises are made conducive to health." All 
 short comings, negligencies, and slovenly, or bad management, you 
 are to report to the office. Your inquiries should be : — " Are the 
 gates in good order ? Is the wood-pile where it ought to be ? Are the 
 grounds around the house kept in a neat and wholesome manner ? 
 Are the sheds, and yard fence around the barn in a good state of re- 
 pair ? The land agent should make suggestions to the tenants on 
 the leading principles of good husbandry, with frequent reference 
 Note. — Tn a letter to Mr. Traup, nl'tcr lie had succoedod to the PulU'iuiy nguiicy, in 
 180,"), Mr. Wiulswin'tli iirj^'cs tlio suttinji; apart of laud in eacli township " for a school 
 house, meeting: hovu-^e, gleljo, and pai-sonaj."'." He acidic : — " 1 am not sujurslifioiLs, but 
 I believe in Christianity; lain no partwni, lint 1 lielieve in the piety iif patriot- 
 is:-i ; and amidst the atHu'tionsof this wayuard -worhl, it ajipears lo niethat thesweot- 
 est ('(insolations that attend advanced life, is a recollection of snb.staulial lieneiits con- 
 ferred npon our country of haviiiL; contributed our fidl ndte t(j theimpiovement and 
 happiness (if our felk'W men : especially t" llmt port-'H of them whose di slinics, 'ire in- 
 lluenced more or luHS by our decisions, and by iLubiluaUonn, 'whicli, uudui Froviduucc, 
 w6are jilaccd." 
 : .» 
 to sound mornls, founded on the sanction of religion and just 
 reasoning; and also the unappreciable importance of the edu- 
 cation of youth; and of a vigilant attention to the state of com- 
 mon schools in the lessees' district. Shade trees must bo about 
 each house. From a look or two about the garden or house, you 
 can easily ascertain if the occupant drinks bitters in the morning 
 or whiskey with his dinner. If he drinks bitters, vou will find his 
 garden full of weeds." 
 To a natural love of rural scenery, skirted and dotted with forests 
 and shade trees,had been added observation in European travel where 
 time ha<l enhanced their beauty and value. In England, in fact, 
 he had learned to love trees, and appreciate the importance of their 
 preservation ; and in nothing has he so distinctly left traces of him- 
 self, as in the beautiful woodland scenery and magnificent lV,rest 
 trees, so much admired, in the immediate valley of the Genesee 
 With the same forecast that enabled him to estimate the prospec- 
 tive value of lands, he saw far ahead what this whole region is no^y 
 beginning to realize, the evil of destroying the native forests, with- 
 out planting and rearing trees for future practical uses, as well as 
 The personal character of Mr. Wadsworth may mostlv be infer- 
 red from tliis imperfect sketch of him, as the Pioneer and founder 
 of settlements. yVlmost his entire history is blended with this local 
 region — its early settlement and progress; though he took a deep 
 interest in public affairs, it was in the retirement of private life, 
 from which he would seem to have never had a disposition to be' 
 drawn by any allurements of official stations. His private corres- 
 pondence, the ability with which ho discussed various subjects of 
 political economy, scientific agriculture and education, evince a 
 clear, sound judgment, strengthened by judicious, practical read- 
 ing; mdeed, his library, like all the appointments of his farms his 
 stock, his dwelling, and his garden, is chosen with a strict regard to 
 utility. " He was," (says a surviving cotemporary, * ) « a good jud-^e 
 ot men — .seldom erred in his estimation of them — and reiving up- 
 on his judgment, was even arbitrary in the withholding ancfbcstow- 
 al of confidence. He had not the elements of popularity ; or if he 
 had, did not choose to make them available ; usually absorbed in 
 the cares of business, or some favorite study, he was reserved in his 
 deportment, and liable to be ro,a;nrded as austere and unsocial ; but 
 relaxing, as he sometimes would — freeing his mind from its bur- 
 dens, he would exercise fine conversational powers, not unmixed 
 with humor, wit and gaiety." 
 William Wadsworth, as has already been indicated, was the prac- 
 tical farmer, and has little of history disconnected with the imme- 
 diate supervision of large farming operations, and his early and 
 prominent position in the local military organization. At the battle 
 of Queenston, after the wounding of Gen. Solomon Van Rensselcar, 
 the immediate command devolved upon iiim, and he acquitted him- 
 self with honor, and won even something of laurels, upon a badly 
 selected and generally unfortunate battle field, where they were 
 scarce, and hard to acquire.* He was a bachelor, and a bachelor's 
 history has always an abrupt termination. lie died in 18r}3, aged 
 71 years. His property which had been mostly held in common 
 with his brother James, was willed to his children; thus leaving the 
 large estate unbroken. 
 James Wad"worth died at his residence in Geneseo, in June, 
 1844, aged 70 years ; leaving two sons and two daughters. His 
 eldest daughter, was the wife of Martin Brimmer, of Boston, at 
 one period the Mayor of that city; she died in 1834. His second 
 daughter, Elizabeth, was married in January, of the present yeai', 
 in Scotland, to Charles Augustus Murray, second son of the late 
 Earl of Dunmore, and a nephew of the Duke of Hamilton ; and 
 now resides at Cairo, in Egypt, where her husband is the diplomatic 
 representative of the British Government.f His son, William 
 * M:iiisSc;l(l, oiiuof tlio hio^rriiphors of Gen. Scott, says that when lie had crossed 
 the Xi;i[,'arn, at tlio l)attlo of (^iicciistnii, and arrivod iipfm the Tlri^lits, he prupnseil 
 to (ieii. Wadsworth, ins^teadof tLssumiiig tlie chief coiiiinaiid to Hiiiit it to tlie lemilur 
 force; to which the brave and patriotic Wadsworlii replied: — " Xo, you know best 
 jirofessionally what oiiglit to be dr)no ; I am liere for tb.e honor of my country, and the 
 New Yorlv nulitia." And the l)ioi,'ra])lier adds : — " Scott assumed the command, and 
 Wadsworth throuirhout (lie movements that ensued, ilared every danger in .seeondini;' 
 his views. Though they liad met for the tirst time, ho had become attaclied to the 
 youn<j; C(donel, re])eate(lly durini^ tlui Ijattle, interposini!; his own person to shield 
 Scott from till' Indian riMes, which his tall foiTU attracted." This statement, illus- 
 trating llio modesty of his courage, is confirmed by General Scott. 
 tHe is the grand son of Loril Dunmore, the governor of the cohmy of Virginia on 
 the breaking out of the Kovolution, In If^'.il, he visited t}m cotnitry, u]!on a torn- 
 undertaken with the two fehl objects of liusiness and jileasure. Upon investigation 
 he ascertained tliat by some defect or omission in tlie N'irginia acts of contiscation, 
 he could recover a largo tract of land that had behinged to liis grand-father, but he 
 declined consummating the recovery upon learning that the land was nearly valueless. 
 Striking off into tlie western States, lie orgnnixed at St. Louis a eor]>3 of ulh eiiturers, 
 and with them visited one of the far westeni Indian nations — the Pawnees — spend- 
 ing the inoBtof tt summer with them, joining them in their rural sport ■j, atvl i',ccf>';;- 
 Wadswortli, who marriorl the daughter of Auntin, of Boston, 
 resides at the old (annW mansion in Geneseo. His son. James S. 
 Wadswnrtii, who married tin: daughter of John Wharton, of Piiiladel- 
 phia, IS the occupant of a fine mansion he has erected in a MV)ve 
 a short distai^ce north of t.he village of Geneseo, upon a blua'lhat 
 overlooks a broad sweep of the valley of the Genesee. Upon him. 
 in consequence of the abscence of the surviving sister, and the in- 
 firmities^ of his brother, flevolves the entire management of the 
 Wadsvvorth estate ; a difficult task, with all its diversified interest 
 Us numerous farms, and tracts of wihl lands ; but one that is well 
 performed, not only in reference to the estate itself, but with refer- 
 ence to the public interest in which so large landed possessions are 
 necessarily merged. The representative of the early Pioneers — 
 his father and uncle - " to the manor born" - while he knows little 
 of the hanlships, self-denial, the long years of trial and anxiety 
 which attended the accumulation of tiie immense wealth he controls, 
 he entertains liberal and enlightened views in reference to its iu;in' 
 agement and disposition ; is not unmindful, as his frequent acts of 
 punhc munificence bear witness, of the local interests and prosper- 
 ity of his native valley of the Genesee. While in many portions 
 of our country, the evil attending the accumulation of great estates 
 is much enhanced by the narrow and sordid views of those into 
 whose hands they fall; in this, as well as in other instances, in our 
 own prosperous region, it has been mitigated. It was something 
 more than the mere possession of wealth — something of the more 
 legitimate claims to poi)uIar esteem — that during the last winter 
 created that intense anxiety in the local public mind, when the 
 worst ieai-s were entertained in reference to the iate of the packet 
 ship, in which the subject of this incidental notice, had taken pas- 
 sage on iiis return voyage fi'om Europe. 
 pa . n- tu>,u,n their huftilo huuU He is the .author of a hook of " Travels in North 
 Amvna," an.l of he j.onulur talc of fnet an<l tii-tioii - of wikl adventure an,l ro,„an- 
 jc nu.,, en,s_ entnleJ tL " I'rairie Und ;" ^vhieh the author is int/.rmeii iVo!,!. of 
 a q 1,0 lan.eof 1 he tanuly ,lur,ni,^ h,.s residence in Europe, and the youu^-er nuMuher 
 It ^lou^d,t a le.terof introduction to Idn, when he came out tothi/countrv in ]rM; 
 thenu. the aoiiuaintance; the se<iuel, after a hu.-r, consequent upon tllo n.„ ,ied 
 lucstiwn ot country and residence, lias been f},e transfer of one of tlie Jauyhtei's „i' the 
 f^v oiT", !i." k 7 H '^ ni I'lr'-V, *^ ^^'^ '-■""'■^ '""' ^''" dil'l^"'=^tic circle of one of the 
 liu oil capilols ot the Old A\ orld. 
 ,^''.7?:- — •''""'•« ^Va.lswortli in his life time, founded a Iit,rarv in Gencseo, erectincr 
 a buiUhn,!^ ior the puri.ose, and for its support deedinir to its Tnistees two fr".,. ami 
 faome vuhige i^roiierty. Ue made it free to every citiijeii of Livingston coiiuty. 1 1 has 
 In the primitive division of Ontario into Districts, the second 
 district, Geneseo, embraced all west of the east line of the present 
 towns of Pittsford, Mendon, Richmond. The first town meeting 
 for the " District of Geneseo, " was held at Canawajrus, April 9, 
 1791. John Ganson was chosen Sup. David Bullen, T.C. Other 
 town officers : Gad Wadsworth, Nathan Perry, Amos Hall, Israel 
 Stone, Edward Carney, Hill Carney, Jno. Ball, Isaiah Thompson, 
 Benj. Gardner, John Lusk, Jasper Marvin, Norris Humphrey. 
 It will be observed that these officers were distributed throughout 
 the entire settled region west of the line named above. It used to be 
 alledged that a little feeling of aristocracy had thus early crept into 
 the backwoods, and manifested itself in the choice of supervisor — 
 shoes, moccasins, and bare feet, were the order of the day, but '• Capl 
 Ganson, " glorying in tho possession of a pair of boots, the choice 
 fell upon him. 
 The town meeting in 1793, was held at "Miles Gore," Lima ; 
 Amos Hall was elected Supervisor. Thrs year, most of all the 
 early roads in Livingston, east part of Monroe, and west part of 
 Ontario, were laid out and recorded. Store and tavern licenses 
 were granted to Gilbert R. Berry, Wm. Wadsworth, Simon Stone, 
 Elijah Flowers, Pierce and Ransom, John Johnson, Donald JMc- 
 Donald, Elijah Starr, Abel Willey, Peter Simms, Nathaniel 
 Fowler, James Rogers, Wm. Hencher, Abner Migells. Nathaniel 
 Perry, Christopher Dugan. 
 At that early period, when stock of all kinds ran in the woods, 
 ear marks were appended. It is presumed that nearly all of the in- 
 habitant.s had their peculiar marks recorded. In many of the old 
 town books, the picture of a hog or a sheep's ear, is drawn, with 
 each man's mark delienated opposite his name. In 179G, there 
 were upon the town books of the district of Geneseo, the following 
 names of those who had chosen ear marks, in all the wide region 
 west of East Bloomfield to the western boundaries of the State. 
 There is no other form in which so many Pioneer names are re- 
 corded : — 
 mm- about 2,1500 Toluincs, and a yearly income of about $G0O. In his will, lie constitu- 
 ted Ills iininrdiiite heirs its trustees. Its maiiagcniont devolves ujwn James S. Wads- 
 worth, under which it iscarryinj^ oui the designs of its founder, and promises to become 
 oneof Ihc lar<iest Libraries in the State. He gave $10,000 the income of whicli is to be 
 en!i>l(!yed hi the education of .any iiulii^cnt vcl.'ilive. He. also g.nve *! 0.000, tliein- 
 coiiie of which is to be devoted to the benefit of the commou schools of the State. 
 1 ! 
 Benjamin Gurdner, 
 IViiz (tiirdiier, 
 J. I'. ScaiH, 
 Clark Peek, 
 Jas|)cr -Marvin, 
 Jiifiii Alifcr 
 Jolm Gardner, 
 Jcihii Elinor, 
 yiiliiinon Hovey, 
 Anius Hall, 
 As,i linker, 
 Saiiniol iiarkur, 
 Paul Davisdii, 
 Saniut'l |{aki'r,jr., 
 lOliJah Mori;an, 
 'i'licpiiias Peck, 
 Sylvi sior ilarviii, 
 Nathaiiicil Fowler, 
 Win. Harris 
 Kbcrii'zcr Mcitv, 
 Jariil) W'riL^lit, " 
 Al)raliani VVrii,dit, 
 S. C. linu'kway, \V;uh', 
 StL'i)li('ii 'rui'kor, 
 Amariali JJittts, 
 Jos. Wright, 
 John Park^, 
 -lohn Gansoii, 
 David 9(" villi mr, 
 Alexander Forsyth, 
 •Icihii Beach, 
 Reuben Thayer, 
 Nuthauiel ifun;'er. 
 Henry Redding, 
 Josejih Sniiili, 
 Adiia lleai'ook, 
 Marvin (iatos, 
 Danifl (!ate«, 
 Phineas Hates, 
 Awdiei Jiiirchell, 
 Klicnezer Sprague, 
 Simon Titl'any, 
 Ezra Burchull, 
 Seth Lewis, 
 Alexander Ewing, 
 Gad W'adsworth, 
 Wni. Markhani, 
 Ehenezer Alerry, 
 Wni. VVad^worih, 
 Jed. Cuniniinf,'s, 
 Benjamin Thompson, 
 Lonn Wait, 
 'I'liomas Lee, 
 lliehard Wait, 
 Wni. Moore, 
 John Barnes, 
 Daviil Davis, 
 Samuel Goodrich, 
 Gershoni lieacb, 
 Daniel Fox, 
 Aaron Lyon, 
 "William Layton, 
 Hoiekiah Fox, 
 Joseph Baker, 
 Zebailon Moses, 
 Asahel Warner, 
 Tim. Ilosmor, 
 John ItlioiU-H, 
 David Bailev, 
 Thomas Rlii,'ells 
 Theo. She|)herd, 
 Ransom Smith, 
 Philip Simms, 
 David Markhani, 
 Reuben Heath, 
 Daidel Wright, 
 J'.s. Arthur, 
 P. and J. Sheffor, 
 Jo.s. Morgan, 
 Enos Hai-t, 
 Abel Wil.sey, 
 John Morgan, 
 Asa B. Simmons, 
 David B. Jlorgan, 
 Samuel Bullen, 
 Samuel Stevens, 
 Ge(jigo (iardner, 
 Joseph >rorton, 
 Jesse Pangburn, 
 Joel Har\ey, 
 David Benton, 
 Jeremiah Olmsted, 
 Joshua Whitney, 
 David Pierson, 
 Justus Minard, 
 Jon.athan (lonld, 
 Abiol (iardner, 
 Ezekiel Chamlierlin, 
 Benjamin Parsons, 
 The location of the Wadsworths at Geneseo.made that point the 
 nucleus of a considerable neighborhood, though for many years, 
 there was but a small cluster of buildings. The business of the 
 new settlements was divided between Geneseo, " Old Leicester," 
 and Williamsburg. The Wadsworths resided in their primitive W 
 house until 1794, when they built a large block house on the site of 
 the old Wadsworth mansion. About 1804, they had erected the 
 upright part of the present building, a large square roofed house 
 that made an imposing appearance in a region of log houses, where 
 a framed house of any size was a rarity. The early clerk of 
 James Wadsworth, after he had opened his land office, was Samuel 
 B. Walley, an Englishman, the father of Mrs. Dudley Marvin ; lie 
 was succeeded by Andrew McNabb, who went into the Bath land 
 office ; Joseph W. Lawrence was first blacksmith in Geneseo. He 
 removed to Michigan, where he died in 1845. Among the promi- 
 nent early settlers, were : — Lemuel B. Jenning.s, Benjamin Squire, 
 Wm. Crossett, Rodman Clark, Wm. Findlay, David Findiav. As 
 oarly as IFOl. Mv. Wadsworth visited Mnrlhorough. Connecticut, 
 and exoiumtrc'd hnds I'or Ihrms, thus inducint,' several families to 
 remove, who settled on the road leading to Conesus, among whom 
 was David Kneeland ; their location was early called " IMarlhoroufrh 
 The early merchants atGeneseo were Minor & Hall. In 1805, 
 one of the firm, Hall, died at Oneida Castle, on his way to New 
 York to purchase goorls. 
 The prominent early merchant of Geneseo was the late Major 
 Wm. n. Spencer. He was from East Haddam, Conn. Arriving 
 upon the Genesee River in 1803, with his axe upon his shoulder, he 
 was a Pioneer of " Fairfield " now Ogden ; breaking into the wilder- 
 ness on Rush creek, about a mile east of Spencer's Basin, he built 
 a cabin, kept bachelor's hall, bought provisions of Mr. Shaefler, 
 carrying most of them in on his back ; built a saw mill, and in a little 
 over a year cleared fifty acres. Getting ready for his saw mill irons, 
 he went to Connecticut, and brought them all the way from there 
 with an ox-team. In 1804 he struck the first blow in Rin-a, makinc 
 an opening, and erecting a house for Mr. Wadsworth, a mile and a 
 half southeast of Churchville. 
 In 1805 he was induced by Mr. Wadsworth to take an interest 
 with him in a mercantile establishment in Geneseo. Starting with 
 a large stock of goods for that period, his business extended as set- 
 tlement advanced, and there were many early years that his trade 
 embraced a wide region. His goods came by the water route from 
 Schenectady to the foot of Cayuga Lake, and from thence on wheels 
 to Geneseo; the transportation usually costing about 83,00 per cwt. 
 Doing principally a barter trade, his furs, tobacco, hemp, grain, pork, 
 and maple sugar, were in the earliest years marketed at Baltimore ; 
 by wagoning to Arkport on the Canisteo, and from thence by water. 
 The first produce shipped at Arkport, was from Dansville ; the sec- 
 ond shipments were by Spencer & Co., from Geneseo. This was 
 the avenue to market for all the southern portion of Phelps and Gor- 
 ham's Purchase, until the Jefferson embargo ; then it changed to 
 Lake Onfar- •, by wagon roads to the mouth of Genesee River, 
 until bateaux wei j introduced upon the river. These ran from the 
 rapids above Rochester, as higb up as Geneseo ; and Durham boats 
 used to ascend to Mount Morris. In the war of 1812 INIaj. Spencer 
 was the aid of Gen. Wadsworth. Many year's since he retired 
 from the mercantile business to his extensive farm of flats and up- 
 land, on the river opposite Geneseo. lie was the owner of the 
 beautiful sweep of flats, field after field, along on either side of the 
 road from Geneseo to PifFardinia ; and had become one of the largest 
 grazers, wool and wheat growers in the valley of the Genesee. He 
 died suddenly, of ajjpoplexy, in January of this year, while engaged 
 in the active management of the large estate that had been gai'ned 
 by early Pioneer enterprise, industry and perseverance. 
 In 1805 Geneseo had but about a dozen dwellings, there were 
 two public houses, one kept by Faulkner, and the other by Bishop ; 
 John Pierce had started the hatting business. Seymour Welcon 
 was a tavern keeper there as early as 1809 or '10. Dr. Sill was the 
 early physician. He died in early years ; he was the father of Dr. 
 Sill, of Livonia, and Sill of Wheatland. He was succeeded 
 in practice by Dr. Augustus VVolcott, who emigrated west in early 
 years. Ashbel Atkins was the early tanner and shoe makei-. The 
 earliest religious meetings were held in a small building called the 
 " town house, " opposite the Park, which also answered the purpo- 
 ses of a school-house. Elder Joseph Lindsley was the first resident 
 clergyman. That portion of Morris Reserve and the Holland Pur- 
 chase lying west of Geneseo, commenced settling along in 1805 and 
 '6, and Geneseo being upon the main thoroughfare, its trade, and 
 the business of its public houses, derived a considerable impetus 
 from it. Much of the trade of the new settlers was done there and 
 the grain raised upon Wadsworths, Jones, and Mt. Morris flats, 
 was their principal dependence. 
 In 1793 or '4, DeEoui, a Frenchman, wandered to this region with a single 
 eninpaniun, a negro slave, Imilt a log cabin on Wadsworth's flats, and lived tJie 
 life of a recluse. He was a nati\ e 'jf Alsace. While a youth, he cjuarrellcd 
 witha fiiend, wounded liim in a duel, fled to St. Domingo, where he .served 
 as a ])rivate soldier, until his sajtcndp attainments reeonuuended him for em- 
 ployment in llie pul.lic ,ser\ !«• as an engineer. He finally received the appoin- 
 ment of Inspector General of the higliroads, and became besides, a consider- 
 able planter. Tlie rf\(»lution in St. ijoininon, bi'caking out, lie tied to Amer- 
 ica, bringing with hiii! om faithful servant, iuict the remnant of hk eaalo, a 
 few bills on France. Col. Wadsworth, of Hartford, assumed tlie neQ;otiation 
 of his bills, ad\aiieod him money, and granted to him the use of a small ti-aet 
 of land, which ho came on and occupied. When the Duke Liancourt, and 
 his Frvnch compani(jns were upon the river, in 1795, they visited .ii.n and 
 spent the night in his hut. They found him a confinnc-d misanthrope, but 
 pleased at the unexpected visit of his ccuiitryinon to his backwooils I'etreat. A 
 highly cultivated mind had been soured by misfortune ; and he had contract- 
 ed a disgust for his race, seeking no other associates but his taitliful servant, 
 who cooked his food, and cultivated a small patch (jf ground for tlu.-ir nuitual 
 sustenance. Ll^nless he is right in assuming that he finally joined a colony of 
 his countrymen at Asylum, in Pennsylvania, the author is unable to state 
 what became of him. 
 In 1788, John H. Jones had joined his brother Horatio, in Gene- 
 \a. In the spring of 1789, having obtained a yoke of oxen, the 
 two brothers went into what is now Phelps, found an open spot, 
 ploughed and planted five or six acres of corn, which they sold on 
 the ground. In August of that year, the Indians having promised 
 Horatio a tract of land west of the Genesee river, the advent of 
 the two brothers, was as related in page 328. 
 With the history of Horatio Jones, the public have already been 
 made familiar. In a previous work of the author's — the history 
 of the Holland Purchase,— there is a sketch of his life. Identified 
 as he had become, with the Senecas, and shaving hirgely in their 
 esteem and confidence, in his settlement west of the river, he had 
 relied upon their intention of granting him his location, in which 
 he was not disappointed, as will be seen in connection with the 
 Morris treaty. Receiving from President Washington the appoint- 
 ment of Indian interpreter, in early years, his attendance upon 
 treaties, the accompanying of Indian delegation.^ to the seat of gov- 
 ernment, and various other trusts connected with the Indians, em- 
 ployed most of his time. When alive, there veas none of our race, 
 save Mary Jemison, who had been so long a resident of this region. 
 He was with Col. Broadliead in his expedition to the Allegany, and 
 as an Indian prisoner, he resided at Nunda, as early as 1781. The 
 Nom — Noouo wlioselot was ever cast with the Seiiccas, was a better jikIot of 
 Iheir chiiriietcr; mikI no one lui^ in ii ,nm\>}T ■.Icirrii'j contribute!! lis .ii;r kiuiv-U'd^e of 
 them. Ills lirothcr gave to tlie author, some observations of his, in reference to^thok 
 farming principally devolved upon John II. Jones, and in early years, 
 the brothers were large producers, especially of corn, for the new' 
 settlers who dropped in around and beyond them. At a primitive 
 period, when the In/lians in all that region, far out numbere<l the 
 whites — at a period too, when they were unreconciled, and unde- 
 termined, as to their relations with the whites, Horatio Jones ex- 
 ercised a salutary influence; and to him much of the credit is due, 
 for the .success of Indian treaties, and the suppression of hostilities. 
 The Indian captive boy became the arbitrer between his captors 
 and his own race ; and by an inherent strength of mind and energy 
 of character, which marked him as no ordinary man, made eaSy 
 misfortune the means ol conspicuously identifying himself with the 
 early iiistory of ali tiiis region : rendering to it essential service in 
 years of weakness ; becoming in fact, a founder of settlement and 
 civilization upon soil where he began his career as an alien and 
 Among the captives with whom he became acquainted while in 
 captivity himself, was the daughter of Whitmore, of Schenec- 
 tady. She was rele;tsed with him at the treaty of Fort Stanwix, 
 soon after which they were married. She died in 1794. He died 
 1830, aged 75 years. The surviving sons, are : — William, Hiram 
 and Charles, of Leicester, Horatio, of Moscow, Seneca, a Califor- 
 nia adventurer. Daughters : —Mrs. Lyman of Moscow, Mrs. 
 Fitzhugh, of Saginaw, Michigan, Mrs. Hewitt and Mrs. B. F. Angell, 
 of Geneseo, Mrs. Fintey, of Ann Arbor, Michigan. Two sons,' 
 George and James, were killed at the IJritish attack on Lewiston,' 
 in the war of 181'J. 
 John H. Jones, is now living at the age of 80 years, his mind 
 but little impaired, and with the exception of rheumatism, a physi- 
 cal constitution but little broken. In 1792, lie was engaged 
 in the Indian trade at the mouth of Genesee river, upon Ihe 
 Allegany river, and Cattaraugus creek. He speaks familiarly 
 of being at Buffalo, when the only white inhabitant was Win- 
 Tnt 1 I i • '• '\''"'' " " '"'"T*"' '"'•" "^■^■'-■'' '"^^''"■^' ''<'^'>' l'"l'li^l"''i. ill' used to 
 H!X^ tjMt thou- soutlicTi, wMrs M-,ih llioirowii ntcc, tlicir Kurass in tlu'tn. were .,ft,.n 
 tl.rii-tljn,,i t HMVMr .la.Kv, ;iii.l iu Hum,- ui-wiinis. ii,. iw.s oflon hvnvd ilu, „ld 
 IT,'/' > ' I ",' '■'''■>■ "•'""" "'' '^''"'■'■■'. lui'l .1 ffiTor will. IiHliaiis .,f (itli.M- naliniiH 
 At t ij' south ami tlu. wc'st, iiiid aiiinnir iho nalions u{ dnuuh. tlic Sciiwii wai-wiioon" 
 would almost .•oiHiuci' of iiscli: II,. said that even as lalo as (ho war uf 18l:>, the In- 
 auiiiH <.t ( aiia.ia struok with tenor, whuii they k-amed that thov luusttncouuter 
 ncy, a Butler Ranger, and the only resident on all the south 
 shore of Lake Erie, west of Buffalo, other than Indinns, was " Black 
 Joe," a fugitive slave, at the mouth of Cattaraugus creek. Judge 
 Jones was a magistrate of Ontario before the division; soon after 
 Genesee was set off, he became one of its Judges, and from 1812 to 
 1822, was first Judge of Genesee, and after that for several years 
 of Livingston. He was the first supervisor of Leicester, and was 
 in all early years, a prominent, active helper in pioneer movements. 
 His surviving sons are, George W., Ilorntio, Thomas J., James M., 
 John H., Lucicn B., Iliram, and Fayette, all residing in his imme- 
 diate neighborhood ; and Napoleon N., of Scottsville. Daughters ; 
 Mrs. Clute, of Cuylerville, Mrs. William Jones, of Leicester, Mrs. 
 James Jones, of Cincinnatti. 
 The three brothers, Jellis, Thomas and William Clute, from 
 Schenectady, were early settlers at Leicester. Jellis was engaged 
 in the Indian trade at Beardstown. Thomas and William settled 
 at Gardeau. 
 The Rev. Samuel J. Mills was a graduate of Yale College, a na- 
 tive of Derby, Conn. He emigrated to the Genesee river in 1795. 
 He joined Thomas Morris and others in the purchase of 10,000 
 acres of land in Groveland and Sparta, at a period of high prices, 
 paying and contracting to pay 80 per acre. The price soon fell 
 below 82. He settled near where Col. Fitzhugh afterwards loca- 
 ted ; erecting a framed house and moving into it, it burned down, 
 with all his household furniture, the family barely escaping. This, 
 with his unfortunate investment in lands, embarrassed him, and dis- 
 couraged the spirit of enterprise that had brought him from New 
 England. He was the early minister, for several years itinerating 
 among the new settlements, until the period of his death, soon after 
 1800. His wife returned to Connecticut. One of his sons, the 
 late Gen. William A. Mills, was destined +0 a more fortunate career. 
 Thrown upon his own resources at the age of 17, he rented flats 
 of the Indians, occupying a shantee, where he lived alone at Mount 
 Morris, his nearest neighbors, the Indians. Renting iiis land upon 
 easy terms, and hiring the Indians and Squaws to assist iiim in 
 working it, ho was soon enabled to erect a distillery ; and when the 
 Mount Morris tract was opened for sale, he purchased from time 
 to time, until he became possessed of eight hundred acres, including 
 several hundred acres oi the fine flats opi)osite the present village 
 of Mount Morris. His Indian name, " Sa-nem-ge-wa," (generous) 
 would indicate their esteem for him, and the probity that governed 
 his early intercourse with them. He spoke their language (luent- 
 ly, and from early associations, was much attached to them. When, 
 after their removal, they would occasionlly revisit their old homes 
 upon the Genesee, he met them, and treated them as old friends. * 
 To his distilling and grain raising in early years, he added grazing 
 upon the Mount Morris and Gardeau flats, and became finally large- 
 ly engaged in that business ; and successful, as many have witness- 
 ed at our early county and State fairs. He was for twenty years, 
 the Supervisor of Mount Morris ; a commissioned officer in the 
 early military organization in his region, he was upon the frontier 
 in the war of 1912, and in later years, rose to the rank of Brig. 
 General. He died in 1844, aged 67 years. His sons are : — Wil- 
 liam A., Sidney H., Minard.H. and Julius F., of Mount Morris, 
 and Dr. xMyron H., ol' Rochester. Daughters : — Mrs. Levi Beach 
 of Knox county, Ohio, Mrs. Dr. G. W. Branch and jMrs. William 
 Hamlin, of Mount Morris. 
 Alexander Mills, another son of the early Pioneer, Rev. Samuel 
 J. Mills, located at Olean in an early day, where he was extensively 
 engaged in the lumber trade ; now resides in Cleveland. Major 
 Philo Mills, another son, located in Groveland, emigrated to Tecum- 
 seh, Michigan. Frederick L. Mills, another son, 'located on flats; 
 he died in 1834; his living descendants are :— George, of Mount 
 Morris, Philo, of Groveland, Lewis, of Allegany, and Mrs. Hunt, 
 of Groveland. 
 The first saw mill west of Genesee river, (save one at Niagara 
 Falls, erected by Stedman,) was erected by Ebenezer Allan, on° the 
 outlet of the Silver Lake. This supplied the first board^^ had in the 
 ui)per valley of the Genesee. It was built in 1792, and raised by 
 the help of the Indians, for the want of suflicient white men in the 
 country. In some of the earliest years. Judge Phelps had a distil- 
 lery erected near the present village of Moscow. In 1800, Augus- 
 tus Porter, as the agent of Oliver Phelps, laid out the village' of 
 And tl'is, the mitlior would here remark, wns not unlike the rcLitio", that existed 
 .etween nios of (he I'lonenrs of the (ieiuwee country and the Indians, wlioro they 
 hecarne nei-hliors ni early years, and Koniethin.' .'.f mutual dependence existed 
 Jl.veii now. ni our I'ities fiud vill.u.f... tl.f. ,,i.i i>:, „,,,.,, _.. ,,.,:,,, i jv .. • ■, 
 mg uitn (legrudation, and j.roinpt to resist any insult otrored totiieui. 
 Leicester, * on a tract ho had purchased of Jones and Smith, and 
 opened the direct road across the flats to " Jones' Ford ;" previous 
 to which, it had cjone via Beardstown. He also erected a saw mill 
 on Beards' Creek, near the present village of Moscow. For several 
 years after 1800, the village of Leicester bore an important relation 
 to the new settlements forming in Wyoming, Allegany, and south 
 part of Erie. The early and well known tavern keeper, was 
 Leonard Stimson, from Albany, who had been engaged in a 
 small Indian trade at Mount Morris. He opened the first store, 
 and started the first blacksmith shop. He left Geneseo soon after 
 the war of 1812 ; his descendants reside in the neighborhood of 
 Rochester. The first physician was Dr. Paul Newcomb. Colonel 
 Jedediah Horsford, the present M. C. I'rom Livingston, was an early 
 teacher of a missionary school at Squaky Hill, and an early land- 
 lord at Moscow. Joel Harvey was an early tavern keeper a little 
 west of Old Leicester. 
 The first town meeting in Leicester, was held at the house of 
 Joseph Smith. John J. Jones was elected Supervisor ; George A. 
 Wheeler, Town Clerk. Other town officers : — Samuel Ewing, 
 Alpheus Harris, Dennison Foster, Abel Cleavland, Samuel Hascall, 
 George Gardner, Wm. A. Mills, Joel Harvey, David Dickinson, 
 James Dale. 
 One hundred dollars was raised to pay " bounty on wolves and 
 wild cats, killed by white people." 
 By a resolution of a special town meeting, in 1803, town of An- 
 gelica was set ofT from Leicester. 
 The village of Moscow was started just after the close of the 
 war of 1812, under the auspices of the late Samuel M. Hopkins, 
 who in company with Benjamin W. Rngers, had purchased three 
 fourths of the original Jones and Smith's Indian grant, of Isaac 
 Bronson. Hopkins built the fine residence now owned by W. T. 
 Cuylor, between Cuylerville and Moscow. The first merchant was 
 Nicholas Ayrault, late of Rochester ; Wm. Robb, William Lyman, 
 and Sherwood and Miller, were (\irly merchants. The earl v land- 
 lords were: — Jessee Wadhams, Wm. T. Jenkins, Homer Sher- 
 wood. Early lawyers, other than S. M. Hopkins: — Felix Tracy, 
 John Baldwin, George Miles, recently one the Judges of the Su- 
 * Name, from Oliver Lciceater Plielps. 
 preme Court, of Michigan. Rev. Mr. Mason founded the first 
 Presbyterian church. An Academy was founded principally under 
 the auspices of Mr. Hopkins, in 1817; the first rrinci])al \vas Og- 
 den M. Willey ; his assistants, the Miss Raymonds, one of whom 
 became the wife of the Rev. Calvin C. Colton, the author of the 
 hfe of Henry Clay, then a settled Presbyterian minister, at Batavia. 
 The early physicians were : — Asa R. Palmer, J. W. Montross, 
 Daniel II. and Daniel P. Bissell. 
 Cuylerville sprung up after the completion of the Genesee Valley 
 Canal. W. T. Cuyler, who was an early citizen of Rochester, pur- 
 chased tile Hopkins house and farm, of Richard Post, a son of the 
 late Dr. Post, of ^cw York, in 1830. TJie village has grown up 
 on or near the site of the old Indian village of Beardstown, where the 
 road from Perry and Warsaw crosses the canal. Mr. Cuyler 
 started the first ford warding and commission house; the early mer- 
 chants were: — Odell and Evans, and Joseph Wheelock. 
 From Ebenezer Allan, the Mt. Morris tract, of four scjuare miles, 
 went into the hands of Robert Morris, and afterwards his son Thom- 
 as became a joint owner with others. Col. John Trumbull, of 
 Revolutionary memory, the celebrated artist, was one of the early 
 proprietors. He visited the country, and selected for his residence, 
 the site, in the present village, now occupied by George Hastino's, 
 Esq.; planted an orchard, and made some preparations for building. 
 The name, which had been " Allan's Hill," he changed to " Rich- 
 mond Hill." Afterwards, when he had abandoned the idea of 
 making it his residence, the name was changed to Mt. Morris. The 
 early jjroprietors of the tract, other than those named, were : — Mr. 
 Fitzsimmons, of Philadelphia, Charles Williamson, Robert Troup, 
 the Messrs. Wadsworths, John Murray* & Sons, of New York 
 (of which firm Wm. Ogden was a partner,) Benj. W. Rod-'ers' 
 Isaac Bronson, Gen. JMills, and Jessee Stanley, were the prominent 
 pioneers of settlement. Deacon Stanley was from Goshen, Conn., 
 his residence was the site now occupied by James Bond. He died 
 in 184G, aged 90 years ; he was the father of Oliver Stan-ley, of 
 Mt. Morris. The village has grown up principally on the lands of 
 Messrs. Mills, Stanley, and Mai'k Hopkins, a brother of Samuel M. 
 * .Tdlin \{. Miirrny, <if Mr. ArniTis is tlio !rrnnil*tn of J<>liu Muiray. Ihe o.".rl-.- jiniiiri.' 
 tor at Mt. Murri«, aud owner of tlio towiiwluj', uuw Oyduu. 
 Hopkins. Mr. Hopkins came on as agent for owners, soou after the 
 tract was opened for sale. He died soon after 1820. 
 Following the tract of Mr. Williamson when he broke in from 
 Pennsylvania and made a commencement at Williamsburg, settlers 
 soon began to drop into the valley of the Canascraga. In Grove- 
 land, other than at Williamsburg, John Smith was the Pioneer. He 
 wasiiom New Jersey, a surveyor ii. the eii.j)loy of Mr. Williamson. 
 He purchased a mile square, upon which he resided until his death 
 in 1817. Benjamin Parker, a step son ul' John Smith, John Harri- 
 son, William and Thomas Lemen, William and Daniel Kelley, 
 James Roseborough, were among the earliest. Smith in '99, built a 
 mill between Hornellsville and Arkport, and as early as 1800 took 
 lumber from it to the Baltimore market. Michael Roup was an early 
 Pioneer upon the up lands in Groveland, with his son Christain 
 Roup, He died during the war of 1812 ; iMichael Roup, of Grove- 
 land is his son. The early minister that visited the neighborhood was 
 the Rev. Mr. Gray ; the first school taught was by Robert M'- 
 Kay, in one of the houses that the Germans had deserted. 
 The early Pioneers of Sparta, on the Canascraga, between jNIount 
 Morris and Dansville, were : — J. Duncan, John Clark, Thomas 
 Ward, Wm. McCartney, Henry Driesback, Benjamin Wilcox, Geo. 
 Wilkenson, Rev. Andrew Grey, John McNair. 
 In Groveland, other than those named in another connection : — 
 Samuel Nibleck, (Nibleck's Hill,) William Martin, Samuel Stilwell, 
 John Vance, Doty, Ewart. 
 In reference to all the upper valley of the Canascraga, Dansville 
 was the prominent pioneer locality, as it is now the focus of business 
 and enteri)rise. The Pioneer in the town of Sparta, near the present 
 village of Dansville, was Hugh McCartney, who had accompanied 
 Mr. Williamson from Scotland, and of whom, the author has no ac- 
 count other than the fact of his early advent. Upon the site of the 
 village of Dansville, Neil McCoy, was the first settler. He came 
 from Painted Post, and located where his step-son, James McCurdy^ 
 who came in with him, now resides. The family were four days in 
 making the journey from Painted Post, camping out two niirhts on 
 the way. The only tenement they found, was a small hut built for 
 surveyors, where Conrad Welch now resides on Ossian street. At 
 this time there was no white inhabitant in what is now the town of 
 Dansville. Preparing logs for a house 14 by 18 feet, help to raise 
 it came from Bath, Geneseo and Mount Morris, with Indians Irom 
 Squaky Hill and Gardeau. It is mentioned by Mr. McCurdy, in 
 some reminiscences he contributed several years since to a local 
 history of Dansville,* from which the author derives many facts to 
 add to what he has gleaned from other sources, that his mother, Mrs. 
 M'Coy, the first season heard of the arrival of Judge Hurlburt's iamily 
 at Arkport, on the Canisteo, eleven miles distant, and as an act of 
 backwoods courtesy, resolved upon making the first call. Taking 
 her son (McCuidy) with her, she made the visit through the woods 
 by marked trees, dined with her new neighbors, and returned in 
 time to do her milking, after a walk, going and coming of twenty- 
 two miles ! During the first winter they needed no hay for their 
 stock, the rushes upon the Canascraga flats furnishing a substitute, 
 upon which their cattle would thrive. The Indians belonging in the 
 villages along the Genesee river, were almost constantly encamped on 
 the flats of the Canascraga, as high up as Dansville, principally engag- 
 ed in hunting, though they cultivated small patches of ground, l^ietr 
 venison and corn was a part of the subsistence of the new settlers. 
 Mr. McCoy died in 1809, childless; his representative, and the 
 occupant of his primitive locality, is James M'Curdy Esq., his step 
 The venerable Amariah Hammond, for a long period a patriarch 
 of the setflement and village of Dansville, after living to see a young 
 and flourishing city grow up in the wilderness, where he so early 
 cast his lot, died in the winter of '50, '51. His large farm, is im- 
 mediately adjoining the village, on the main road' to Geneseo. 
 Daughters of his, became the wives of L. Bradfor, Esq., and Dr. 
 James Faulkner, both of whom are prominently identified with the 
 locality. L. C. Woodruff; Esq., formerly of Lockport, graduating 
 in his youth from a printing office, and now the principal active 
 manager of the Bank of Dansville, a sound and flourishing institu- 
 tion, married the daughter of Mr. Bradner, the grand-daughter of 
 If i 
 'Miniature uf Diinsville," by J. W. Claik. 
 the early and much respected Pioneer. The first wife of Mr. 
 Huinniond died in 1798, " She had," says Mr. M'Curdy, "endear- 
 ed herself to all of us by hei many virtues. When she died, all 
 wept who had hearts and eyes." 
 The author of the small local history already named, states that 
 Mr. Hammond on coming in to explore, slept two nights under a 
 pine tree on the premises he afterwards purchased. Early in the 
 spring of 1796, " he removed his young family from Bath to this 
 place ; his wife and infant child on horseback, his household goods 
 and farming utensils on a sled drawn by four oxen, and a hired man 
 driving the cattle." Some difficulty occurring in getting the cattle 
 through the woods, Mr. Hammond after arriving at his log cabin, 
 went b;ick upon his track, and remained in the woods all night, 
 leaving his young wife with her infant child to sjiend the first night 
 alone. Mr. Hammond among other instances of the embarrass- 
 ments of pioneer life, that he used to relate, said that the first scythes 
 he used, cost him a journey to Tioga Point. Two scythes and the 
 journey costing him eleven dollars. 
 In relating to his London principals the progress of settlement, 
 Mr. Williamson says: — "I sold also on six years credit, the west 
 half of township No. 6, Gth range," (this includes a large portion of 
 the site of Dansville,) to a Mr. Fitzgerald, at $1 50 i»or acre. He 
 so^d the land to gentlemen in Pennsylvania for a large profit. The 
 purchasers were, a Mr. Wilson, one of the Judges of Northumber- 
 land CO., a Mr. C. Hall, a counsellor at law in Pennsylvania, a Mr. 
 Dunn, and a Mr. Faulkner. These gentlemen have carried on the 
 settlement with much spirit, and Mr. Faulkner is at the head of it. 
 The\- have a neat town, a company of militia, two saw mills and a 
 grist mill, and indeed, every convenience. Mr. Faulkner, although 
 he came from Pennsylvania, was originally from the State of New 
 York, north from Albany. This winter he went down to see his 
 father and other connections ;. the consequence was, that he moved 
 Note. — In "Uescriptiniis of tlie Geiicsoc country," -Bjiftcu liy Mr. Willianisoii, in 
 798, 111' ii'iiiiirks : — " Ol'tlidso M'ttlcnicntH lu'guii fii ]7!)(i iJiuro tiro two worthy ofiio- 
 ice , tiiat (if tlie Ui'v. Mr. Gray, in T. 4, 7th l<;ingc, who removed from ruunsylvaniix 
 ritli a ri'spci'tablf ]iart of liis former j);iri>h, ami a ^Mr. Daniol Faulkner, witU ir.lereey 
 cttlcmcnt, on the head of Canaseraga ereek ; both of them exhibit iristances of iudus- 
 ry and enterprisi'. I'lie ensuini^ season, ilr. Faulkner beinf,'a]i])ointed cajitain of a 
 onipany of i,n-eiiadiers to be rai.-ed in his settlement, at the ori;anization of tlie militia 
 if Steuben, ;i[)|ie;i.'eil on parade ai the head of 27 f,Tena(!!ers, all in a iiandsonie uuiform, 
 llld well .armed, mid eiiniiuiseil Riilelv iif the. vniinir ihi'M nf liis Hetfli'iiipiit " 
 up about fifteen very decent families, who passed through Albany 
 with excellent teams, every way well equipped. He sold to some 
 very wealthy and respectable men of Albany. r,,000 acres at a large 
 profit. " The Captain Faulkner, who Mv. Williamson names, was 
 Daniel P. Faulkner, an early patroon ol Uansville, as will be infer- 
 red. "Capt. Dan. Faulkner," was his familiar backwoods appella- 
 tive, and thence the name ~ Dans-vWle." He was the uncle of Dr. 
 James Faulkner. 
 Soon after settlement commenced, Mr. Williamson had erected 
 a grist and saw mill, on the .site afterwards occupied by Col. Roches- 
 ter. David Scholl, who was Mr. Williamson's mill-wriglit at the 
 Lyons mills, erected the mills. The early mill-wright of the Gen- 
 esee country, emigrated many years since to Michigan. Mrs. Sol- 
 omon and Mrs. Isaac Fentztermacher, of Dansville, are his diuightcrs. 
 The mill was burned down soon after 1800, after which, befm-e re- 
 building, the neighborhood had to go to Bosley's mills at the foot of 
 Hemlock Lake. 
 Jacob Welch came from Pennsylvania to Dansville, in 1708. 
 He died in 1831. His widow still survives, aged 80 years. His 
 sons, Jacob, Henrv and Conrad, are residents of Dansville. His 
 daughters became the wives of John Beltz, Peter Labach, Will- 
 iam Kercher, and Valentine Hamsher. The deccndants of Jacob 
 Welch, residents of Dansville and its vicinity, number over one 
 hundred and thirty. The part of his farm inherited by his son 
 Conrad Welch, embraces the Dansville canal slip and basin. Mr. 
 Conrad Welch, a prominent and \vorthy citizen of Dansville, gave 
 the author some account of the early advent of his fathcr,'^and 
 others: — "My grand-fulher, Jacol) Martz, resided near Sunbury, 
 Northumberland county, Pa. The advent of Charles Williamson 
 through that region, his road, and all that was going on under Wu 
 auspices, created a good deal of interest for the Genesee country. 
 Jacob Martz came out and viewed it, and returning, reported so 
 favorably, that an emigrant party was soon organized. It consisted 
 of Jacob Martz, In's son Conrad Martz, George Shirey, Frederick 
 Barnhart and Jacob Welch, and their flnuilies. The partv came 
 via Batii, and up the Conhocton. From what afterwards became 
 Blood's corners, the emigrants had their own road to make througn 
 to Dansville. A winding road had been underbrushed, but no 
 streams bridged, and high winds had encumbered it with fallen trees 
 They were three days coming in from Buth, camping out two nights. 
 Hearing of our approach, the new settlers in Dansville nearly all 
 turned out, met and assisted us. Prominent of the party was Mr. 
 Faulkner, who was ahvay ready to assist new settlers by such acts 
 of kindness. Occupying an old deserted hut, and quartering our- 
 selves upon the settlers in their log cabins, we got through the 
 winter, and in the spring erected log cabins for ourselves. When 
 we arrived, Samuel Faulkner had opened a small framed tavern, 
 near where Mr. Bradner's store now is. In addition to the Faulk- 
 ners, Hammond, and M'Coy, there was here when we arrived, 
 Wm. riienix, James Logan, David Scholl, John Vandeventer,* the 
 father-ill-law of Escp Hammond, Jared Erwin.Wm. Perrine. Tliere 
 was three or four families along on the road to Williamsburg." 
 "There had been, where Dansville now is, a pretty large Indian 
 .settlement, fifteen or twenty huts were standing when white settle- 
 ment commenced, and several Indian families lingered for several 
 years in the neighborhood." 
 "Game was very abundant; the new settlers could kill deer 
 about when they pleased. After yarding their sheep, they would 
 often have to go out and scare the wolves off. In cold winter 
 nights, the wolves would set up a terrific howl in all the surround- 
 ing forests. They attacked cattle ; in one instance, they killed a cow 
 of my grand-father Martz. Steel traps, dead falls and pits, were 
 put in requisition, and soon thinned them out. There was fine fish- 
 ing in the streams. iMill Creek, especially, was a fine trout stream. 
 Pigeons were so abundant, that almost uniformly, newly sowed 
 fields had to be watched almost constantly." 
 * A l)riitlic;r of Isaac VaiidevoiitLT, tlie oarly sottluroii liulfalo i-oacl west of Clarence 
 Note. — The autlKU- copies iVoin the iiiamiacripts of W. H. C. Hosmer, Esq., the fol- 
 lowintj account of a!i " ancient trrave at Dansville : " — 
 "Picibre the Revoliuioii, aceonlint; to Indian tradition, a liattlo took place on a hill 
 a few miles distant fioui the village of Dansville, lietweeuthe Cauisteo Indians ajid 
 those livin.s; on the ' Gii-nose-ga-j^-o,' [Canascra,L,a] Creek. A chief of the latter, of 
 preat renown, was slain, and 1)!nie(l with f^reat ])onip by nis trihesmen. When the 
 wliites first settled here, ihe spot where he f'.dl was niarkeil by a lar!j;e liole dug in the 
 shajie of a man prostrate, with his arms extended. An Indian trail Idl liy the phice, 
 and the passing,' red man was accustomed to clear away the dry leaves and brush 
 lilown in by tlie winds, 'i'lie chief was interrt'd in an old burial jdace near the present 
 site of Ihe 'Lutheran Church in the village of l);insville. The ground was formerly 
 covered with graves to the extent of two or three anres. His monument consisted of 
 a large pile of small stones, gathered IVom time to time by the natives, from a hill, a 
 miledislant; ]iassiiig, they would add to tlie heap, by lusslng ou ii, after the manner 
 of the ancient Cakdoui;uis", tlieir rude tiibules of .all'ectiou." 
 h ! 
 The primitive settlers of Dansville were mostly Lutherans, or 
 Dutch lli'Ibrmed. The first meetings were held from house to 
 liouse ; Frederick Biirnhurt or Adiim Miller, usually taking the 
 lead. The Rev. Mr. Murkle, a Lutheran jn-eachcr from Geneva, 
 occasionally visited the place, as did Elder Gray. The first loca- 
 ted minister, was the Rev. Mr. Pratt. The Rev. Hubbard, a 
 son-in-law of Moses Van Campen, was an early settled minister. 
 He was the father of John Hubbard, of Oswego. 
 Jonathan Rowley was an early landlord in Dansville ; he erect- 
 ed for a tavern the first brick house in the villaae. He died in 
 1830, childless; the only representative of the family, residing in 
 Dansville, is a niece of Mr. Rowley, the wife of Samuel W. 
 William Perrine, has been before named as one of the primitive 
 class of Pioneers, died in 1847, at the advanced age of 93 years. 
 He was a soldier of the Revolution in the Pennsylvania line. His 
 son, Peter Perrine, occupies the farm on which his father originally 
 settled, near the village. William Perrine, of South Dansville, and 
 Robert Perrine, of West Sparta, are also sons of the early Pioneer. 
 Mrs. Robert Thompson, of Dansville, is a daughter of his. 
 Harman Iiartman was one of the earliest of the Pennsylvania 
 emigrants. His descendants are numerous, residing princii)ally in 
 Dansville and its vicinity. 
 Hugh McCurdy, Esq., in a statement made for tlie author of the 
 published reminiscences of Dansville, already alluded to, says : — 
 " The first tanner and currier was Israel Vandeventer ; the first black- 
 smith, James Porter ; the first marriage was that of Wm. McCartnev 
 to Mary McCurdy ; our first school was taught by Thomas Mac- 
 lain ; the first established preacher and founder of a church among 
 us, was the Rev. Andrew Gray ; the first Justice of the peace was 
 Dr. James Faulkner, (uncle to the present Dr. James Faulkner;) 
 the first Supervisor was Amariah Hammond ; the first death was 
 that of Captain Nathaniel Porter ; the first P. M. was Israel Irwin ; 
 the first merchant goods were brought in by Captain Daniel P. 
 Faulkner ; the next merchant, Jared Ervvin. He died of the pre- 
 vailing fever during the war of 1812 ; his widow became the wife 
 of Col. James JM'Burney ; Mrs. Gansevoort, of Bath, is his daugh- 
 Joshua Shepherd, L. Bradner and S. W. Smith, were early and 
 proniinont mcrclmnts of Dansville. Mr. Sliephenl died in lh'29 ; 
 Mr. Bnidner is the President of tlie Bank of Dansville ; Mr. Smith 
 is a son of the early landlord on the main road fn n Avon to Cale- 
 I'inneer settlers of Dansville, other ii:an tht'se named : — Natha- 
 niel Porter, John Haas, Thonias Mc' 'i..>rt( i. Samuel vShannon. 
 James Harrison, Daniel Hamsher, TJathe ],orr, Oliver Warren. 
 a ne{)he\v of Dr. Warren, of llevolutionar} .Tiemory. 
 Col. Xathaniel Rochester became aresideni of Dansville in 1810, 
 purchasing a large tract of land, which includes the greater portion 
 ol' the water power now within the limits of the corporation. The 
 old Williamson mills were eiribraced in his })urchase. lie added 
 to till! mills, a paper mill, the pioneer establishment in that line, in 
 all western New York. * In 1815, Col. Rochester sold his land, 
 mills, and water power, to the Rev. Christian Endress from the 
 borough of Easton, Pa., and Mr. Jacob Opp, from Northampton Co.. 
 Pa. Mr. Endress resided in Dansville but a year, when he return- 
 ed, and resumed the charge of a German Lutheran cougregation in 
 Easton. He died in Lancaster, Pa., in 1827. His interest in 
 Dansville was purchased by Dr. James Faulkner. Judge Endress 
 and Dr. Endress, of Dansville, are his sons. Mr. Opp died in 
 Louisville, in 1847, aged 84 years. Henry B. Opp, of Dansville, is 
 his son. 
 North Dansville, in which is the site of Dansville village, was in 
 the county of Steuben, until 1822, when it was attached to the 
 town of Sparta, Livingston county. In 1840, the old town of 
 Sparta was divided into three towns — of which the town of 
 North Dansville, three miles square, was one. The town of Dans- 
 ville, is still in Steuben county. 
 Although it is one of the pioneer localities, of the Genesee coun- 
 try, and commenced in an early period to be a place of considera- 
 ble business, Dansville was but little known in the northern por- 
 tion of western New York, until after the completion of the Gene- 
 see Valley Canal ; and even now, away from the main eastern and 
 western thoroughfares, as it is, it may well be presumed that this 
 work will fall into the hands of many readers, who have neither 
 * The pnro ■water at Dansville aiul fine ■n-ator pciwcr, has invitod tliis braiirli of inanu- 
 fnpluvcs tlii'iv to a axeat cxtt-iit. TliiTu wire I'mr larire ])ai>L'r mills tlare in 1844, 
 iiiauutai'turiiig over $1UII,UUU worth of paper jxir aiiiunu. 
 seen the bustlinrr, prosperous large village, hid away among the 
 southorn hills, nor perhaps, read any account of it. For this rea- 
 son, a brief topographical sketch will be given — a departure from 
 the uniform purpose of the author, in this history of pioneer set- 
 Thouy'i some sixteen miles from the Genesee River, it is in fact 
 at the head of the Genesee Valley.* Coming down through the nar- 
 row gorges of Allegany and the southern portion of Livingslon, the 
 river has but an occasional broad sweep of flats, until it reaches Mt. 
 Morris. The flats of the river are continuous, and mostly of uni- 
 form width, from a few miles above Rochester, to Mount Morris, 
 from whicli point gradually narrowing, they follow the course of the 
 Canascraga to Dans vi lie, where, after widening out, and gradually 
 rising in beautiful table lands, they come to an abrupt termination, 
 and are hemmed in by hills. The Canascraga, Mill Creek, and 
 Stony Brook, coming down from the highlands, through narrow 
 gorgi?s, enter the valley and unite maiidy within the village limits. 
 The Canascraga enters the valley through a narrow pass called 
 "Pog's Hole," through whicli, climbing along a steep acclivity, and 
 tb.en descending to a level with the stream, passes the Ilornellsville 
 road. Upon the opposite side of the stream from the road, through 
 the whole length of the narrow pass, is a perpendicular ledge of 
 rocks, an hundred feet in height. Beyond this pass, the valley 
 widens out occasionally, into small areas of intervale, but ranges of 
 highlands rise in near proximity on either hand. The scenery is 
 wild and romantic, at every step reminding the contemplative ob- 
 server, of the written descriptions of the passes of the Aljis. Mill 
 creek making in irom another direction, has a rai)id descent for a con- 
 siderable distance, before reaching the valley, furnishing a succes- 
 sion of hydraulic facilities, as does the Canascraga, where it jjasses 
 from the highlands, and for a considerable distance below. The 
 aggregate durable water power of both streams, before and after 
 their union, is immense —largely improved now — and equal to any 
 present or prospective retiuirements. 
 At the head of the valley, is a succession of promontories, over- 
 looking the town, upon one of which is a rural cemetery, not unlike the 
 Mt. Hope, at the other extremity of the Genesee Valley. Moulder- 
 * Tl.p term " viillov " ia here uml not in its luliirged House — the term " flats " would 
 ptTLiipri be better. 
 ing in its shades, upon its slopes and summits, are all that was earth- 
 ly of nearly all the rioncers, who, eiiterin-j; that beautil'ul valley, 
 when it was a wilderness, laid, amid toil, disease, and j>rivations, the 
 foundation of that busy scene of enterprise, ])rosperity and happi- 
 ness. Admonished may their successors and inheritors be, that 
 their spirits may be lingering upon that summit, (guardians and 
 watchers, over those to whom they bequeathed so rich an inherit- 
 ance. Let that elevated city of the dead, be to them a Mount Sinai 
 or an Horeb, i'rom which to catch, as if by inspiration, a nioietv of 
 the stern resolves, the moral courage, the patriotism, of the Pioneers. 
 The main street of tlic town is parallel with, and at the base of 
 an unbroken range of high land, rising to the height of nearly f /e 
 hundred feet — steep, but yet admitting of cultivation. Cultivated 
 fields and woodlands, rising one above another, form tiie back grounti, 
 or rurd landscape ; iu the foreground are gentle olfsets, or table 
 lands, at the termination of which, the Canascraga winds along the 
 base of another similar hill, or mountain range ; to the left are the 
 headlands, that have been named, and to the right, the Canascra- 
 ga, winding along between the two ranges of highlands, ilows to min- 
 gle its waters with the Genesee, at Mount Morris. 
 The Genesee Valley Canal, terminateti a half mile from main street, 
 where it is fed from Mill creek, and a mile below, at Woodville, 
 receives the waters of the Canascraga. The canal terminating 
 too far from the central business locality of the town, individual 
 enterprise has supplied a side cut, or slip which remedies the incon- 
 In reference to the whole scenery of the southern portion of the 
 Genesee country, the upper vallios of the Genesee, the Canascraga, 
 the Allegany, the Cattaraugus, the Conhocton, and the Canisteo, it 
 may here be remarked, that the traveller or tourist of wdiat Mr. 
 Williamson called the "northern plains, " who breaks out for a 
 summer excursion to the east, the north or the west, may be told 
 that a day's journey to the south, will bring him to a region of hill 
 and valley, rivers and creeks, mountains and rivulels. cultivated 
 fields and wild woodlands, which should satisfy any reasonable desire 
 for the romantic and picturesque. And if health is the object of 
 his summer wanderings, no where can he breathe " freer and deeper," 
 of a pure and invigorating atmosphere — or drink I'rom purer springs 
 and streams, — thau in jdl our local southern reuion. 
 He was of a family, the name and services of which are inti- 
 nnately blended with the history of the stirrinsr events of the Rev- 
 olution in the colony of Maryland. The lather, Col. William 
 iMtzlmgh, held the commission of Colonel in the liritish army, 
 retired upon half pay, when the troubles l)etween the colonies and 
 the mother comitry commenced. IJe resided at the mouth of the 
 Patuxent.^where he had a larw estate, a farm, mills and manufac- 
 tories. Exercising an unusual share of inHuence with his fellow 
 citixens,^ the Briti.-^h colonial Governor made him the extraordinary 
 oiler of a continuance of his rank and half pav, and the (juie't 
 possesion of his property if he would remain a neutral in the con- 
 test. Though an uivalid, by ivason of physical infirmities, here- 
 jected the overture, surrendered his connnis.sion — (or inther left it 
 tipon the Covernoi''s table when he refu.sed to receive it) — encour- 
 aged his two .sons to take commissions in the "rebel" army, takin<r 
 himself a seat in the Executive council of Maryland, to assist in 
 devising ways and means for his country's deliverance. His fine 
 estate, easy of access from its locality, was of course doomed to pil- 
 Inge and the torch. Tn the absence of the father and .sons, a small 
 British party landed, but resistance came from an unexpected source. 
 The Kevclutionaiy wife and mother. Mrs. Eitzhugh, armed the slaves 
 iijHni the estate, and carrying herself carfridiies in her apron, went 
 out to meet the invader.s and intimidated them to a hasty retreat. 
 It was however, but a warding oil" of destiny for a brief season. A 
 stronger party came and ruthlessly executed their mission, the 
 family fleeing to an a.sylum fifty miles up the river where it remain- 
 ed until the contest ended.* 
 The son. Col. Peregrine Fitzhugh, was first commissioned in a 
 corps of light horse, but in a later period of the war s enrolled in 
 the military family of Washington. DCT See Soaus. William, 
 the more immediate subject of this brief sketch, served as a Colonel 
 in a division of cavalry, and after the war, was a member oi' the 
 Maryland Legislature. Previous to ISOO Col. Peregrine Eif/.hugh 
 had made the acquaintance of Mr. Willlam'son, and had visited the 
 ' PriiK iii.illv I'lom Mrs. EUet'w "Wonifu of Uie Revolution." 
•1 ■> 
 Genesee Country. Wlien Col. Willhmi Fitzlmgh first visited the 
 country in 1800 in company with Col. Nathaniel Rochester, Major 
 Charles Carroll, and several others, he brought a letter of introduc- 
 tion to Mr. Williamson from his brother, foi himself and Col. Roches- 
 ter ; IMaJor Carroll as would seetu from the reading of the letter, 
 having previously known him. During this visit, in addition to a 
 third interest in the "100 acre Tract" at the Falls of the Genesee, pur- 
 chased in company with Messrs. Rochester and Carroll, jointly with 
 Mr. Carroll he purchased on the Canascraga, in Groveland and vSpar- 
 ta, 12,000 acres of Mr. Williamson, paying 8 201) per acre.* Their 
 tract embraced the old site of Williamsburg, Mi-. Williamson having 
 abandoned his enterprise of forming a town there after the failure 
 with his German colony. Leaving iheir property in the care of an 
 agent. Messrs. Fit/hugh and Carroll did not emigrate with then 
 families until 181(5, when a division of the joint purchase was 
 Col. Fitzhughdied in 1839, aged 78 years; his wife, who was the 
 daughter of Col. Daniel Hughes, of Washington county, Md., died in 
 1821), aged 50 years. The surviving sons and daughters are : — 
 Wm. H. Fit/.hugh, residing upon the old homestead in Maryland ; 
 Dr. D. H. Fit/.hugh, residing upon the Canascraga four miles from Mt. 
 Morris; James Fitzhugh, in Ohio county, Ky.: Richard P. Fitzhugh, 
 on the Canascraga near his brotlier Daniel ; Hen.y Fitzhugh, in 
 Oswego; m^. Dr. Fi'ederick F. Backus, of Rochester ;"Mrs. 
 James G. Rirney, of Kentucky ; ^frs. Gerrit Smith of Peterboro ; 
 Mrs. John T. Talman, of Rochester ; Mrs. Lieut. J. W. Swit\ 
 of the U. S. Navy, residing at Geneva. A son, Judye Samuel 
 l.H'ir tnu'i wiis i)niici|iiilly up Ituids ; a striuii,'.' clioicc it wn.s tlioiif,'lil at tlio time, 
 wJiou X\\v\- wtTi' ,,lk'i'i'(l the Mt. .Mon-is tract, with its hfautifiil swoi'i.s .if tliits, at m,m 
 per aoiy. l!ut they liad vumv IVdiii a n'i;i(.ii mIutc tiiiil)i'i- va.s ficaivo. aiul t'licv had 
 loanu'd to apinvcian^ its value ;iiid wilii ivloiviici' to intrinsic relalivu valno i.i' soil ; 
 tun.', and iin|iv,.voi systems of .■ultivation an- fust dcmonstfatini'- that their ehoice <if 
 lands was lar li>s mjndieious than it iisod ♦ . be considenMh 'J'iie late iMajoi- ^'jjenm- 
 told tlie authevthat the uplands uj.on his L. >• f, . ■>■ were wofth as mueh T)eV anv as his 
 Hats. ' 
 NoTK.— Tlie i^hiikei- settleuienf af the [iini'tion of the Kishaiiua creek willi flio 
 taiuiseni-a atew mdesahove Mt. Miu'iis, wheiv llie (ieneseo Vallev canal entefs tho 
 valley ol the ( anas.raoa. isa])ait of the ofi-inal Fitzlmgh and ('arroU tr-t Tins 
 s.|eletv puivhascMl .if Dr. Fitzlin.-'., :; '■ «• years ^in.v. 17(1(1 acivs, for whi.'h toey paid 
 f ,U,(I( ; an,! t.. whu'h they ha 'u,m1 s.'veral hun.lred a.uvs. Tlieir ...ijani/.atiou is 
 after the nianner ..1 lli.. socieliOH at Niskavuna an.l N.'w Lebanon ; thev are enterpri- 
 bin.u'and prnsp>.rous : (h.niselvesan.' ; h.^autiftil location one of the many ubiects 
 -A Jiiterest ii, the soiulicni portion of our h)L'id" region. 
 |i , kJ it 
 l!r IS! I I 
 Fil/Im-h, ;,(. Mt. M«rris, died in 1811) ; ;„hI :i y()un!.cr son. 
 ItoLerl, .li.'.l ill (In.vchni.l. in 1N.'{(;. Tlu-re :uv over 80 (Icsceud- 
 unts ul (Jul. Wni. riizjuiuli. 
 Ifis coniioction with Messrs. Iloclu-slcr j.nd Fit/.himh, ;ind his 
 .•idveiit to ;his ivoi(»n Willi them in IHOO, will Imvc hirn noticed. 
 lie had pivvionsly in ttu; year 17i)8. with a bi-olher. Daniel Cnrroil, 
 been here upon a four of exploration. They eanic via the Sus(iuo- 
 hannah route, witii paek mules, made a general survey of the coun- 
 try, were ])leased with it, hut made no investments as will he oh- 
 served. until 1800. 1'heir residence in Maryland was at IJellevue, 
 near 1ho;erstown : the earlier home of the family had heen ujion 
 the site of the city of \Vashin,uton ; the cajHlal (.f die Tnited States, 
 ii"w occupies a portion yf tlie estate of their father, Charles Carroll,' 
 niio wa.s a cousin of • Charles Carroll of Cariollton." 
 The author has little of the history of Major Carroll, disconnected 
 with that of his associates. Messrs. Rochester and Fitzluio|i. He 
 died at his residence in ( ooveland, in 1897, ajved (iO year.s. His 
 hviiur sons are: — Charles (^irroll, the occupant of the homestead, 
 recently the representative in (\.nnress of the Livingston and On- 
 tario .li.strict, and a Stat.- Senator; Dr. ])aniel .). Carrol of New 
 "^ovk: William 'J'. Carroll, a clerk of the Supreme Court of the 
 ruited Slates. Dauuhters became the wives of Henry Fit/hnuh, 
 of Oswego: I\ros(«s Tahhs, of Washington, D. C.; Dr. llard.ige' 
 Lane of St. Louis. The (-Idest ..on was the jirivate Secretary of 
 Mr. (lay, at tduMit : becoming soon :d'ter the clt-rk of his father 
 who held the ..iHce of Kec(>iver at Franklin, Missouri, he was killed' 
 in an alfray which occurred in that town. 
 There came t.) the Cienesee country with Messrs. Fit/hugh, 
 Kochester and Carroll, <ir at about the same time. Col. .Tonas Hog- 
 inire, of Washington comity, Md., Wm. Heal, and .lohn Wilson, of 
 Frederick couiily. Col. llogmire purchased of Mr. Wadsworlh, 
 on the river, in Avon, um acres of land, upon which his sons Con-' 
 1 , 
 rad and Samuel Hosimire now reside. The father never emigrated. 
 Messrs. Beul and Wilson purchased a large tract on tiie (^anascraga, 
 in Sparta. 
 Gil!)(M-t R. Berry, was the first permanent settler in what is no 
 Avon.* He was irom All)any. He married the daughter of the 
 early Indian trader, Wemple, wlio has been named in connection 
 with the Uev. Mr. Kirkland. Enga,y;in<r in the Indian trade, he 
 located first at Geneva, and in 1785), removed to the Genesee river, 
 erected ;i lo^y house on the west side of the river, near the present 
 l)ridji;(>, oi)ened a trade with the Indinn village of Canawaugus, es 
 tahlished a ferry, and pntertained the few travellers that passed 
 through on the old Niagara trail. He died in '9() or '7, and was 
 succeeded by his widow. The Holl and Purchase being opened for 
 settlnnent soon tdterwards, the "Widow Berry's" tavern was 
 widely know in all early years, west of the river; and besides fur- 
 nishino- a comfortable resting place for early Pioneers, in her prim- 
 itive tavern, i^ome of the best wives and mothers of the Genesee 
 count ry, were reared and fitted for the duties of life. Her daughters 
 became the wives of Geo. Hosmer, Estp, of A\(;n, E. Clark Hickox, 
 the early merchant of J?atavia and Bullah^ .lohn Mastick, Es(i., the 
 Pioneer lawyer of Rochester, and George A. TiHany, whose father 
 was one of the early ]).rinters of Canandaigua. 
 Cajit. .Tohn Ganson, was the pioneer settler following Mr. Berry. 
 Holding a commission in the Revolutionary war, he had accompanied 
 'I'hi^i-i.'issmiu'tl tVointiu- l)cst iiiforniati.m the autlior hius bwrn able to olitsiin. 
 WilliuH UicfwasiU Avon in llu' snine yoar, and must liavo sciili'il i'm-iv sunn allur 
 Mr IUmtv Muiviina.ul Williiini Ih-slia, wove upon Iho " l)i'>lia l-lats," us oarly n.s 
 ns'l .■hmiiiii" uiiil.T an Indian f;Tanl ; liut tiio title failin-,', tla-.y iviudvea to Canada. 
 Tli.MV NvrivtluTe in tliat voar, be.sides, several lieads of fanulies. wlio afe supposed not 
 toliav.. l,renpennaneuf settlers. Tlie son of the Wm. Riee named above, was the 
 tirst horn up..i' tlie I'helps an.l Gorhan.'s I'nrel.ase. He wa. nmne, •Oliver 1 helps 
 Uiee " .!ud"e I'lielps uave him an KKI aeres i.f land in Livoma, wlu.'h he oeer.pied 
 when he beeanu' of a-e. Mrs. liiee was a «o<..l specimen of the slron- mn.ded ener- 
 1\h- women, who were the 1 l;„ n.olhers of thisre-iun MulUd as a nudw.leand 
 nur-e she wnt from seltlemeni lo settlement, and trom In- eabir to lo^^ .■abin. olren 
 sum.i'vin- the i.laee of a phvsieian. Her manv aets of kindn.'ss are jtraleluliy remein- 
 l fl 11 ' 'a riv I'iot.eers. Mrs. Gould of Lima, and Mrs. llhodes ol Gcausco, an- 
 I I 
 her daui,diiers. 
 the expodition of Gen. Sullivan. Before the treaty was concluded, 
 in 178H, he revisited the country, and selected a fine tract of land 
 on the river, about two miles below Avon. Ills sons John and 
 James wintered in a cabin in 1788, '<), ujKm the premises; and the 
 father and family came on in the fall of 1780. During the fnllow- 
 inc^ winter they erected a rude "tub mill " on the small stream that 
 puts into the river on the Markham i'arm. It was a .'^mall lorr 
 building; no boards could be had ; the curb was made of liewed 
 plank ; the spindle was made by straightening out a section of a cart 
 tire ; the stont's were roughly carved out of native rock. There 
 was no b(jlt, the substitute being hand sieves, made of sjilints. It 
 was a rude, ])rimitive concern ; but it would mash tiie corn a little 
 better than a wooden mortar and pestle ; and was (juite an acquisi- 
 tion to the country. It preceded the Allan mill a lew months, and 
 if we shall call it a mill, it was the first in the Genesee Valley. The 
 buckwheat that lias been mentioned, produced upon Boughton Hill, 
 was ground or mashed in it, having been carried there twenty miles 
 through tlui woods, by Jared Boughton, in the fall of 178!) ; and the 
 producer, and mill boy (or man) lives to eat buckwheat cakes, now in 
 the winter of 1850, '51. Borrowing the language of Shaks])care, and 
 applying it to this one of the few survivors of that early period, may 
 "Godil (lif^i'stiuu wail on iii)j)etite, 
 Ami hoallli du botli." 
 Capt. Ganson had claimed title either under the Indian grant, or 
 under tlu' Lessees, which failed, and Col. Wm. Markham becam.e 
 liis successor. He resided for several years afterwards, four miles 
 east oi" Avon, on the main road. As early as 1788, about the period 
 ot the conimencement of surveys ujton the Holland Purchase. Capt. 
 Ganson, had jjushed on to the west side of the river, and purchased 
 the i)ioneer tavern stand of Charles Wilbur, on the then vern-e of 
 civilization, one mile east of the ])resent village of Le Rov. In this 
 location he was widely known in early years. His iiouse \\as the 
 liome of early land agents, surveyors, explorers and pioneer settlers. 
 He was both loved and i'eared by the Indians; thev came t(j him 
 for ct)unsel and advice ; and when they became turbulent in their 
 drunken frolics and threatened outrage, he would quell thetn by his 
 determined will, or with his strong arm. He was even ultra in his 
 Revolutionary principles. When he came upon the river, he and 
 the Butler Hangers — the tories of the Revolution, were far from 
 beini? ngreeuble neighbors ; lie was impatient to see the last of them 
 on their wny to Canada. 
 'J'ownship 10, 11. 7, (Avon,) was sold by Mr. Phelps to " Wads- 
 worth, Lewis & Co." Those interested in the purchase, wt-rc : — 
 William Wadsworth, of Farmington, Conn., (a cousin of .lames 
 and William,) Wells of Hartford, Isaiah Thompson, Timothy 
 Ilosmer, and Lewis. The price paid was Is (Jd, N. E. cur- 
 rency per acre; "a high price at the ))priod, in conseiiuenco of the 
 hirge amount of open Hats." Dr. Hosmer, and Thomiison, were the 
 only ones of the proprietors who became residents. ]\Lijor Thomp- 
 son, who had not brought his family, died the first season, of hillious 
 fever. His son Charles afterwards became a resident, ;nid died in 
 Avon, nniny years since. Mrs. Tompkins, of Batavia is a grand- 
 daughter of Major Thompson. 
 Dr. Timothy Hosmer was a native of West Hartford, Conn. 
 With a little more than an ordinary academical education, he be- 
 came a student of medicine with Dr. Dickinson, of Middleton. 
 But recently settled in practice in Farmington, at the breaking out 
 of the Revolution, he entered the service of the colonies, as a sur- 
 geon, in the Connecticut line. Serving in that capacity through 
 the eventful crisis, he retired, happy in the recollection of its glori- 
 ous result, hut like most of those who had achieved it, poor and 
 pennyless, a growing family dependent on his professional services 
 for support. In the army he had accjuired a high reputation in his 
 profession; especially lor his successful treatment .of the small pox, 
 at Daid)ury, where an army hospital hail been established for |>atients. 
 The discovery of .lenner, having been but recently promulgated in 
 Europe, its efficacy was a mooted question ; with a professional 
 boldness which was characteristic of the man, he espoused the new 
 discovery, and used it with gi;eat success. His mate, in the army, 
 was Dr. Eustis, afterwards Secretary of War. 
 Personally acquainted with jMr. Phelps, and hearing of his pur- 
 chase in the Genesee country, partly from a love of adventure and 
 iNoTK. — Jiiiiifs aii<l Joliii GiMisii 
 o, ,. I ,, ... ., "" t lie siiiis. were nivlv IiiiHllords ;it Lo Roy and 
 Ht.u,..i,l. Mv>^. WiiiToi. Lcn-kimi-t, isa .laiin-hfr. Jainc-s Causm is stiU 
 Jiuny-, ai-o.s,,U,,t ot .liickson, .Mu-l.i-aii ; l,is sons, arc .)olm S. Gaii-m,, ,,f liuffiilo, 
 1 rcsuuMit of ho Jiuiicol .\ttioa; Josoph (iansoii, .-. nu.roluiiit of J!i-ookiK,n. Ilira: 
 t oi-iiolius aiK Coriioil. i-o,Hilonts(,fMiolui;ini. and aimtluM- son rosi.lo- 
 llio sons ol .loliii Gaiison, aro Dr. Uolloii (iaiison of Ha 
 in Mihvaiilvpc. 
 • ,, ,;. , ,'"i' •"'•"• *""i"ii v.iiMMMi ui liataviii; Jolin (ian^dii. an .-Utor- 
 lioy Jii l.iiUulo; luul Jiiino.s (imiHou, Ca.siiior of tliu .Marino Bank of iiuQUlo. 
 new entcM-pnso, and partly to escape from alai-e practice that wa. 
 re.iu.niiur too ,nuch of constant toil, in 1700, he visiteil this re-non 
 111 company with Major Thompson, with whom, for themseU-os''and 
 associates, he made the purchase of a township. Spendin-r the 
 summer ol -DO in Avon; in -Ol he brought on his two sons. Fred- 
 eiickand Sydney; erectin.s; a lonr house, the first dwellincr on the 
 liresent site of Avon, where Mr. Merrill's house now stands. His 
 whole lannly joined him in 1792. Coming into the wilderness, with 
 other objects m view, he was forced by necessitv-bv the ab.sence 
 ot others of his profession, to engage in practice, widch he contin- 
 ued until relieved by others. Among the old pioneers who in those 
 primitive days, were in detached settlements throughout a wide 
 range, you udl hear him .spoken of; and especiallv do thev remem- 
 ber Ins disregard of fatigue, his long, night, wood's rides, prompted 
 more by a .spirit of benevolence than professional gain; his .rood 
 humor, and the kind words he always ha.l t.. cheer the despoiidin^ 
 settler wh<j was wrestling with disease, or the hardships of pioneer 
 Ide J he Indians early learned to appreciate his profes.sional skill, 
 and personal good oflices. They named him •' At-tta-.rus," the healer 
 of disease. In a period of doubt as to their relations'wifh the new 
 settlers, he helped to reconcile them and aven a threatened .langer. 
 V\ hen Ontario was organized he became one of its Jud^res, and 
 succeeded Mr. Thelps as first Judge, which ollice he held until he 
 was sixty years of age, the constitutional limitation. He possessed 
 naturally a fine literary taste ; and his well selected librarv was an 
 ano.naly ,n the backwoods, hi his correspondence with Messrs. 
 \V adsw.M-th and Williamson, which the author has perused, there are 
 indicr.tions of the scholar, the poet,* and alw.n's, of ardent, enli<dit- 
 ened patriotism. ^ ^ 
 He died in November, 1815, aged 70 years. His surviving sons, 
 ! ::;; ''^^'"^•"' ^'^'•'■-. «o„l,l notlK. ..i,vn,ns.TilK..l il, il« limits t.Ml.o .hoU of 
 tic I ; St.,t ' "'7' "^ •■•■"'■'■','""■. " '-^''''T". «H,1 that 1h. ...xt..M^i^,.|,„.v of 
 Smij : ^^''"^■"■™" ''^' ^'"V''"H.,1 with th.-pvafstlarililv, andwitlia .h-r-v ofh.p. 
 1'} >uiU,o„. : a,Ml ,t isthwvlure not a matter of suquisc, to .e. Frauce, who.u a nnif 
 T— ?; 
 most of whom ciime to- the country as junior pioneers, are William 
 T., of Meadville, Pa.; George, of Avon, who in early years occu- 
 pied a conspicuous position at the bar of W. N. York, the father 
 of Wm. II. C. Hosiner, the author of " Yonnondio," "Themes of 
 Sonif,'' and other poems ; who is justly entitled to the positifui that 
 lias been awarded him in the front rank of American scholars and 
 poets. Geo. Hosmer pursued his early studies under the tuition of 
 the Rev. Ebenezer Johnson of Lima ; in 17i)9 entered the law 
 oflice of the Hon. Nathaniel W. Howell, as a student ; and in 1802 
 •svas admitted to practice, oi)ening his oflice in Avon, then the only 
 lawyer west of Canandaigua. In the war of 1812 he was upon the 
 frontier as the aid of Gen. Hall. He is now OO years of age. 
 Timotiiy, the early and widely known landlord at Avon, resides at 
 the Four Mile creek, near Fort Niagara ; Sylvester, in Caledonia ; 
 Albert in Hartland, Niogara co. An only daughter of Judge Hos- 
 mer is the wife of the Kev. Flavel F. BHss, of Churchville. Fred- 
 erick Hosmer, deceased, was a son of Judge Hosmer; he was the 
 first merchant at Avon ; another son, A. tSydney Hosmer, was long 
 known ns a tavern keeper at Le Roy; he emigrated to Wisconsin, 
 where he died in 1835. 
 Colonel William Markham, who had first settled at Bloomfield, 
 moved to Avon in 1790. In Bloomfield he had purchased an hundred 
 acres of Innd, and paid for it with the proceeds of one acre of po- 
 tat(»es. With the proceeds of tliat land, he purchased and paid for 
 the fine farm on the river, now owned by his son, Guy Markham, 
 which has rented tor !$1,000 per year. He became a useful, public 
 spirited citizen, and his name is mingled with the reminiscences of the 
 town, in all early years. He died in 1827, or '8. His surviving sons 
 are ; Guy and Ira, of Rush, Wayne, on Ridge Road, near Clarkson, 
 Vine, in Michigan. Daughters : — Mrs. Whitney, Michigan ; Mrs. 
 Boughton and Mrs. Dr. Socrates Smith, of Rush. 
 Gad Wadsworth was a distant connexion of James and William, 
 and came in with them, in their primitive advent in 1790, in care, 
 personally, pf the stock. James and William having become, by 
 purchase from first hands, land proprietors in Avon, he settled 
 liiivf fiiiii'liitlitiViiitlli.Mif liKlvpt-iidi'iice, ill Aiiicrii'M, vk'toriimsovi'iMlif tninidnsof des- 
 pois. Anil it' I limy bo allti\v('<l the ]irivil('<;'t' of a prodiftioii, I i^lKlll liavc ln.t Utile 
 iif'sitiiiioii ill iirououiu'ing, that tlie extirjiatiou of tyrants and tyranny from Europe, 
 is but a ^niall remove from the present era." 
 ^f f 
 tlioro in 1702, his ninn bein,<r what are now the fiirms of liis son, 
 irtMiiy Wn.lsworth. aiul Asa Nowlon, upon wliich aro the Avon 
 si)rinir^s. He died soon after IH20. nearly HO years old. Another 
 son of his, Rieliard, inhabited that piirfof the farm upon wiiirh tiie 
 sprinnrs are situated, and sold to Mr. Novvien. lie emigrated to 
 IMajor Isaac .Smith was the early and widely known landlord, four 
 miles west of the river, eomnienein<r th(>re as early as INOO. I'n- 
 der his roof, a lartje pioj)ortion of the Pioneers west of the river, 
 have I'ound rest and refreshment ; and from under it, it may ;ilso be 
 added, have eome not less th;m half a dozen excellent wives aii.l 
 mothers. They were : — Mrs. Isnac Sutherland, and Mrs. K. Kim- 
 berly, of IJatavia, Mrs. John M'Kny, of (^idedonia, Mrs. A. Sidney 
 Hosnier, formerly of Le Hoy, Mrs. Faulkner, (jf Dansville, and 
 Mrs. Sylvester Hosmer, of Caledonia. S. W. Smith, .^f Dansville, 
 an<l Nelson Smith, of ]\Iichi<ran, are sons of the early landlord. 
 The n(<xt landlord at Avon, after Gilbert K. Rerry, w:is Nathan 
 Perry. lie built a framed house, north side of square, on the site 
 now occujiied by the dwelling of i\Ir. Curtis Ilawley. Perry emi- 
 irrated to the Connecticut Re.serve, and was succeeded by Sydney 
 llosmer, who nuide additions to the house. In 180(5 .lames Wads- 
 worth buih the hotel on tlie corner, and soon after .sold it to Sidney 
 and W. T. Hosmer, after which it was loni;; known as the Hos- 
 mer Stand.* During the war, and for many years alter, it was 
 kept by Tihiothy Hosmer. The old landlord "aiiil hr diady are still 
 alive, the owners and occupants of one of the linest 'arms, in that 
 region of fine farms, Niagara county. The first school hou.^e was 
 a log one, erected a little north of the Episcopal church. .Judge 
 Hosmer and the Wadsworfhs. built saw-mills on the Conesus, as 
 early as 170G. The first meetings were held in the log .shool house. 
 Judge Hosmer usually reading the Episcopal service. Mr. Crane, 
 an Episcopal clergyman, and Rev. SamuoJ J. Mills, were early 
 itinerant ministers. 
 Jehiel Kelsey yet survives, of the early Pioneers of Avon. He 
 has reached his SOth year. The old gentleman si)eaks familiarly of 
 early events, of the [)eriod when not over twenty or t\ enty-flve 
 ■Prcvidiis 1(1 till" silc. li( 
 liiiwt'vci-, T);iviil Finillnv iiml JosliuaLovcjov wiiiv iMTiipiintH. 
 Lov(jjt..v ivmovcl to I'.iilthI,.. j;^" Scf nccuuiil' of llu' nuwsicru ol'.Mns. Lowiov, at 
 tJie di'.siructioa ul' JJulValo, iu lli.storv of Jiulhuul I'luvliiise. 
 iiK'ii cdulil In; i-iiiscd in all the UciieHce valley, to put a lui: bridf^e 
 over I )(•('[) Hollow, in the n(nv city of Rochester. In 17J)8 he 
 Itrounht the first carj^'o of salt that came from Ononda;ii;a, by water, 
 and around the Portat^e, at Genesee Falls. He paid lor each bushel 
 ol salt, a pound of pork, and sold his salt at 810 jier barrel. He 
 well rcmenibors seeing companies of surveyors fitting; <nit, and load- 
 iiijj; their pack hor.scs at Avon, to break into the Holland Purchase. 
 In 180r>, a Ijibrary was established at Avon. The trustees were : 
 A. Sidney Hosmer, .Job Pierce, .Toshua Lovejoy, .lehirl Jvelsey, 
 Elkanah Whitney, .lames Lawrence, Win. Markham, George Hos- 
 mer, Stephen Ilodi,fers. 
 ill ISIO, " a number of persons be inij; stated hearers of llev. John 
 F. Pliss, of Avon," met and organi/.ed "Avon Rcjligious Society." 
 Samuel Bliss and Asa Clark presided. Trustees: — .Tohn Pierson, 
 George Hosmer, Nathaniel Bancroft, .Tolm Brown, E/.ekiel Mosely, 
 William Markham. 
 Tlio ra]M(l]y incroasing colcbvity of Avon Springs a.s a sunn tier resort for 
 invuliils, jileasure ]>nrlios, ami toinisls ; invite<l ;is well hy tlic healing waterji, 
 n?\>\ clKirniing seencry, the bmail, cnltivated fields, and beautiful t'oi'ests, tliat 
 suriduud them, will juiiliaps render some early reininiscenees of them nut un- 
 inleresting: — They were known to the Jesuit Mis.sionarie.s, and Joneaire, un- 
 der l'"n;neli duuiinion, and they recognizeil their usi- by the Indians, fui' ir;edi- 
 cinal or healing jnu'poses. 'i'lie Seneca name tor them was " Can-a-wau-gus," 
 (feiid. liad smelling water,) and tlieneo the name of their villa::.', in ihc im- 
 mediate neighliorhood. When settlement eonuneured, sixty years since, they 
 were surround<!i| by a dense marsh. 'J'Ik; waters of tho springs tlowed 
 into a hasin or poml, covering a space of several acres, tlio margin of wliidi, 
 wa< pure white sanil, thrown up by the action of the water. The watei's W(,'re 
 clear and transparent, and shaded by the dark forest, the spot had a secluded 
 and romantic as])ect. It was tirst noticed as a resort of the wild ]«igef)n. 
 Indian paths were found leading to the spot, from tho old Niagara trail, and 
 from the branch trails; and the Indians told the earliest settlers of the ellicacy 
 of' tin.' waters in cutaneous diseases. vVt an early jierioil in tho settlement of 
 the country, as many will remember, the mea.sles, (as it was called*) was 
 * It tlie iiii'ilii'al faculty will excuse a non-])rof(!ssor for tho iutroduotiou of a new 
 luuiic, in llii'ir\<n'aiiul;uv, it was tlie " Genesee ifcti," to wliichincua.s well as Miiiiiiiils 
 vrci't' siiliji'ct in this retjion, when tirst cuinini,' here — cndeinical in its chararter — or 
 rntlu-r inciJoifcil to forest lifu here. The Jesuit uiissiouaricb wero alliictcd with it. 
 u iii 
 £ us 
 1.25 1.4 
 ^ 6" — 
 WEBSTER, NY. 14580 
 (716) 872-4503 

 sr ^^ MP. 
 preva ont amono: tl,e_ hoo.. It was oLsen-d, tl,at when thus afflictK]. tl.ey 
 lentl} ortbatol-ject In early yoa.., Miss \Ven.],le, a si.ter of M,.. ulL 
 upon e ,.e<..„,„u,Kanuno D..Hc™, bathed in an.l chank the waters, a.K 
 vas ,ehe^ed; an.l other snn.Jar occuvrecl. Soon aft.T the war of'> 
 visitors troni abroad be.Q-aij to resort to the Sprino^s, and Hiehard Wadsworth! 
 at nesugges uon, and w,th the aid of George, Ks<,., erected a sn'al 
 kahmg.stabl,sh.nent and shower bath. Afrerthe pnrohase of the prup.l 
 bv M.. iNowlen, and the erection of a boardinij house by Mr. IhnXL a 
 new nnpetns wasgnen to ^npro^•enlents; ^■isito;>; be^an tJ increase, tV^.n year 
 to yeaiv improvements have been progressive ; nntil sick or uvil, the.^ is notpot 
 moieinMting in western^ew Vork. Bnt a ],ioneer history was only intended 
 _ Mr. Ilostner confirms tlie position, tliat the domestic lioo- will go back to 
 bis native s ate, soon after he has re-entered a f.avst lif<.. In earlf ye k of 
 s.-ttleinent, there were droves of h„gs, generally roaming ov^ the I 1 kN 
 a ong the Genesee river, the immediate p.-ogenitors of .ddch ha,I be V ' 
 .omesticated by the Indians, and those brond.t here by Bntler's ]{ , o.^. 
 They w<.re wiid, as ,u: those now seen by Ca!itV,rnia adintnrei^ in cn,;si, ^ 
 he Isthmns ot Panama. They Mere nntameable, and when wanted t U' 
 wild '-ame '" "''"^'^''"° ^ ^' ''^ ^'^"^'^ ''"'" ^''''^''^ ^'""^ ^^^^^ ^^^ ''ti'«' 
 • 11^795 Frederick Hosmer, attlie instance of Mr. Williamson, went to 
 reside at the mouth ot the river. Erecting a Jog shantee, he kept a tl. 
 goods to barter with the Indians for fnrs, and trade with the b Ltteann ..Ai 
 used to make that a stopping place. George Hosmer was freuueiuh ^^i 
 mn. British deserte.^ trom Niagara would frequently come down the Lake 
 Lpon one occasion some deserte.s were followed bv a voung Lieutenant and 
 agmu-dof 8 nien in a boat. Arnving at the mouth of tlurrivei, and W 
 ign<.thingof therctugees,_tbe Lieutenant hunted and fished; lendin.- Is 
 to^^lng piece to two of his soldiers who were goino-up to theFalb'tlcv 
 too deserted. The Lieutenant pursued them to dr^m,Z S oneV b B td 
 " md 0? £1^ '^^"''-^l'^ tliey werefieemg toson.e new^llemo!;;'!;!'^ 
 land ot hbe.t3 «o rapidly, that he gave uj) the chase, and returned to Fort 
 Niagara, minus wo of his guard, addcl to Ihe deserte s. The unt , ami' 
 ^"=::;;f tc:^-'^ '-' "^" -^ '^^ ^-^-'- -^ ^"^ ^-^'^ 
 sol lierr;'? *!l "; f '''''" ^'"^^^^ ^^l' ^''^^^''^ ''^^ frequent a. soon as the 
 soLheis knew that there we.e new settlements in this .juarter - placxs uf re- 
 fuge ,- Lidians were iired by the British officers to pursue them and failin<v 
 to arrest, to shoot the m. White hunters, and citizens visiting the Fort" 
 falniSs'lJe'lv'sJ^fW^" NonviHe's arn.y,,.erc attacked ^ith thT^^^nJ^l^.. 
 ^X^:l:l:::::l^!^;'^'^^'' ----iterate, and otherwise n^oh4. diilbr- 
 fflict.'fl. tliey 
 • forest a}i|)a- 
 Mix. \ktY\j, 
 wati'is, aikl 
 >ai' of 18 IL', 
 cteil a small 
 ;llO lirnp(,'ity 
 loiiulituii, a 
 I', fii;iiiyfar 
 no is no spot 
 ly in tended. 
 go back to 
 y years of 
 !io ti|ilanils, 
 bei_-n ilioso 
 s ]"t;iiio'ei's. 
 Ill crossinfi" 
 waiiletl fur 
 fc like other 
 II, Avont to 
 kept ^ few 
 luuii'ii tfcat 
 lently with 
 n tlie Lako. 
 tonant and 
 and liear- 
 oiuliiio- Lis 
 Falls,' t key 
 L J)i'in'Iit(.in, 
 lent in tlio 
 led to I'uit 
 he liei'o at 
 oon as the 
 aees ( )f re- 
 nid failing 
 the Fort, 
 :im." '11)0 
 W!iy would 
 iully difll-r- 
 nnd intondinpf to pass through the wikh^rncss to the eastward, wore furnished 
 with a medal, or a token, to show the Indians thus employed, to iire\ cnt ar- 
 rest. " Tuscarora,'' or "Stitf-amiod George," was thus employed, and he 
 was one, of the worst speeimons of his race; a terror wherever he was known. 
 Ho shot and scaljK'd several deserters, carrying his trophies to Fort Niao-ara 
 for reward. Ui)on one occasion, wlien (Joorgo Hosmer was left to take care 
 of tliH shantee in the absence of his brother' Frederick, Gooro-(« deiiiandod 
 rum, which being refuseil, the Indian pushed him back against a post, and 
 striking at his head with his tomahawk, the blow was averted, making an 
 impression upon the post which evidenced the intention of the reven'\'ful 
 sa\-age. Mr. Iloncher and his hireil man came to the rescue.* ° 
 Ebenezer Allan was rather imposing in his appearance, usuallv mild and 
 gentlemanly, but ho had a bold and determined look; could easily put on the 
 savage character. IIo had acquired a distaste for civilized life. Mrs. Dii'mn, 
 his sister, was mild and amiable — somewhat accomplished. ° 
 _ The "On-ta-gua," or Horse Shoe Pond, a mile and a half bel.iw Avon 
 village, abounded in line fish, especially large black bass, in an oaily day ; 
 and it was also the favorite resort of ducks, goose, and other wild water fowl. 
 Speckled trout wcmo plenty in the river, an.l in all the tributary streams. 
 Thei-o was no pickerel, or pike, above the Genesee Falls, until ]R10, wlK-n 
 William Wjidswortli, and some others, caught pickerel in Lake Oiit'irio, and 
 other Lake fish, and i)ut them into Conesus Lake; and pickerel abound tiiere 
 now; have been taken weigliing 20 lbs. As the pickerel came down from 
 the Lake into the Genesee river, the trout disappeared. 
 The most troublesome wild animals in early days, other than boars and 
 wolves, were the foxes and wild cats preying upon die fowls, piireons preying 
 npon the newly sowed crops, chipmucks, ravens, hawks, owls, wood chucks^ 
 and black stpiiri'cls. There were a few turkey buzzards upon the ri\er, and 
 a few turkeys npon tlie uplands; several panthers were killed. The crow, 
 the grey squirrel, the quail, came in with civilization. New species of bii'ds 
 have been coming in almost yearlj-. The opossum is a new couior. 
 Paul Davison, in the summer of 1788,t about the period that Mr. 
 Phelps was negotiating his Indian purchase, in company with his 
 brother-in-law, Jonathan Gould, came from the valley of the Sus- 
 quehannah, to look out a new home in the Genesee country. Passhio- 
 * He finally met his deserts. Enlisting as an ally of the western Indians against 
 Wiiync, lie was among the killed. ^ 
 tif tlio aiitlier's informant is rorrect in the year, this was the first advent of an 
 hou!ielwld west of the Adam's settlement, iuBlooiiitield. 
 the last white habitation at Geneva, tliey pursued tlie Indian trail 
 to the present town of Lima ; where, finding a location to suit them, 
 they erected a cabin and commenced making an opening in the 
 forest. Going to the Indian lands at Canawaugus, they plorited and 
 raised a patch of corn and potatoes. Their location was about one 
 mile south of the Indian trail, near the west line of the town. Af- 
 ter some improvements upon their cabin, such as the luxury of a 
 bark roof, and a hewed plank floor, and gathering the small crop 
 they had raiserl upon Indian lands, they returned to the Susquehan- 
 nah, and in the spring of 1789, Mr. Davison, with his family, con- 
 sisting of his wife and her mother, and two children, came to make 
 his permanent home in the wilderness. He was accomi)anie(l by 
 Asahel Burchard, The family and household implements were con- 
 veyed in an ox cart, Mr. Davison and his companion sleeping under 
 the cart, and the family in the cart, during the whole journey. 
 Their route was Sullivan's track, the whole distance from the Sus- 
 quehannah to where the Indian trail bore off in the direction of 
 Canawaljgus. They had bridges to build occasionally, and logs to 
 cut out, before they left the track of Sullivan ; after that, they had 
 their own road to make for the greater part of the way to the place 
 of their destination. The journey consumed three weeks. Mr. 
 Davison raised a crop of oats and turnips, the first of any kind raised 
 in Lima ; and in that and a few succeeding ye-ars, cultivated Indian 
 lands at Canawaugus. For two years, the family pounded all their 
 corn in a stump mortar, getting their first grinding done at the Al- 
 lan mill. Cai)tain Davison and some of his Pioneer neighbors, took 
 six or seven bushels of corn to Canawaugus, hired an Indian canoe, 
 and took it down to the mill. On their return up the river, their 
 canoe ui)set, and their meal became wet and unfit for use ; a small 
 matter to make a record of, some readers will say, and yet, let them 
 be assured, it was no small matter with those new beginners in the 
 wilderness. In 1790, Mrs. Davison's mother died; it being the 
 second death in the Genesee country after .settlement commenced. 
 A daughter of Captain Davison, who became the wife of James 
 Otis, of Perry, Wyoming county, was the first born white female 
 west of Geneva. Captain Davison died in 1804, aged 41 years, 
 after having become a successful farmer, and the owner of a large 
 farm. Mrs. Davison died in 1844, aged 80 years. 
 Dr. John Miner and Abner Migells, had settled in Lima, in the 
 summer of 1790 ; and it is presumed that Mr. Burchard liad tlien 
 brought in his family ; as his name, as the head of a family, occurs 
 in tiie census of that period. He still survives to enjoy the fruits 
 of his early enterprise and life of toil. ■' He was," says a corres- 
 pondent of the author, "always a kind and good neighbor, and much 
 esteemed by the early settlei-s." 
 Lima was cal' ^d, in arx early period, " Miles' Gore," the fraction 
 of a township having been purchased in the name of Abner Miles, 
 or Abner Migells, as the author finds it on some of the early records.' 
 According to the recollccticns of William Henchcr, he must have 
 left Lima soon after settlement commenced there ; as he was early 
 engaged with his father in trading trips to Canada, and erected a 
 public house at Toronto in the earliest years of settlement there. 
 The brothers, Asahel and Matthew Warner, Miles Bristol, and 
 others, who were early and prominent Pioneers in Lima, the author 
 hopes to be able to speak of in another connection. At present, he 
 has not the necessary datas. 
 Reuben F. Thayer must have settled in Lima before the close of 
 1790. The venerable Judge Hopkins, of Niagara county, was in 
 the fall of 1789, with a number of companions, returning to New 
 Jersey, after a trading excursion. Passing Canawaugus, they as- 
 sisted Gilbert R. Berry in erecting his first log house ; and the next 
 day, finding a " settler just arrived by the name of Thayer, with 
 logs ready for a house," they stopped and assisted him. 
 Wheelock Wood came to Lima in the winter of 1795, Incatino- 
 upon the present site of the college, where he commenced clearinc" 
 and erected a log cabin. He remained there a few j^ears, and re- 
 moved to Livonia, and from there, in 1807, to Gainesville, Wyoming 
 county. He died in 1834. 
 In an early period of settlement in Lima, ancient remains, and 
 relics of French occupancy were to be seen in various localities. 
 The "Ball Farm," so prolific in these, and so often alluded to by an- 
 tiquarians, is within the town. Upon the farm of Miles Bristol, a 
 short distance west of Lima village, upon a commanding eminence, 
 the embankments and ditches of an ancient Fort were easily traced! 
 In ploughing upon his farm, in early years, Mr. Bristol picked up 
 several hundred pounds of old iron, chiefly French axes. 
 James K. Guernsey, in connection with the Nortons, of Bloom- 
 field aud Canandaigua, and afterwards upon his own account was 
 the ear y prominent merchant of Lima. He removed 'to Pittsford, 
 where he died m 1839. George Guernsey, of Michigan, is his son ' 
 Mrs. Mortimer F. Delano, of Rochester, is his daughter. For m^ny 
 years, his stare m Lima commanded the trade of a wide region 
 chased T 12, R. 2 now Palmyra, and commenced the survey of it 
 -nto farm lo ., m M^rch. Jenkins being a practical surveyoif bu 
 a camp on the bank of Ganargwa creek, about two miles below the 
 pesent village of Paln.yra. His assistants were his nephew, Al! 
 pheus Harns, Solomon Earle, Baker, and Daniel Ransom. One 
 mormng about 2 o'clock, the party being asleep .n their bunks, thai 
 fire givmg hght enough to show their several positions, a party of fonr 
 Tuscarora Indians and a squaw stealthily approached, and the Indi- 
 ans puting their guns through the open spaces between the logs, se- 
 lected their victims and fired. Baker was killed, Earle, lying upon his 
 bacK with his hand upon his breast, a ball passed through his hand 
 and breast, mutilated his nose, and lodged under the frontal sinus 
 between h.s eyes. Jenkins and Ransom escaped unhurt, and en- 
 countering the murderers- Jenkins with his Jacob staff, and Ran- 
 som with an axe - drove them off, capturing two of their rifles and 
 a tomahavvk In the morning they buried their dead companion, 
 earned Earle to Geneva, and gave the alarm. The Indians were 
 pursued and two captured on the Ciiemung river. Tlie nearest jail 
 being Johnstown, it was feared they would be rescued; if an at- 
 tempt was made to carry them there ; what in later years would be 
 called a Lynch court, was organized ; they were tried and execu- 
 ted at Newtown, now Elmira. The execution was after the Indian 
 method, with the tomahawk. They were taken back into the 
 woods, and blindfolded. One of the executioners dispatched his 
 TMCtiin at a blow ; the other failed ; the Indian being a stout athletic 
 fellow, parried the blow, escaped, was followed by a possee, who 
 caught and beat him to death with stones and pine knots ! This 
 was the first trial and execution in the Genesee country. Horrid 
 and lawless as it may now seem, it was justified by then existing 
 During the summer, John Swift moved into the township, erect- 
 ingj^a log house and store house at "Swift's Landing a little north of 
 the lower end of Main street, Palmvra. 
 Before the close of the year 1789, Webb Harwood, from Adams, 
 Berkshire county, with his wife came in and erected a cabin on the 
 rise of ground near first lock west of Palmyra, upon the farm now 
 owned and occupied by Dennison Rogers. He was accompanied' 
 by Noah Porter, Jonathan Warner and Bennet Bates, single men. 
 The author is disposed to regard Harwood as the Pioneer, although 
 it is generally supposed that Gen. Swift had previously brought in°a 
 family. No family but that of Mr. Harwood and David" White 
 K'oTE.— The I'lJian party had their hunting camp neiirtlie aurvevors. and had seve- 
 ral times shaved tlieir provisions ; tlie incentive was huii;,'er. One 'of them that 
 escaped was " Turkey" well knmwn m after vears ujion tlie Genesee river. He had a 
 s.^ar upon his face, the mark of a blow from Ileukin's Jacob staftl IJuiim.- the war ot 
 1812, he contracted the small pox upon tlie frontier ; came to Scpiak v llFll. The In- 
 dians dreading the spread of the disease, carried him to a hut in the piiie woods near 
 Moscow, where lie was left to die alone. Earl rci; )ve!ed. He was the early ferry num 
 iit the Seneca outlet. Tliere have been many versions of tiiis aflair. The author de- 
 rived his information from the late Judge Porter, and from Judge JoJin H.Jones, whoso 
 informants were Horatio Jones and Jasper I'ani^h, wlio were' present at the trial and 
 execution. He has a-lso a printed account of it in the Maryland Journal, of April 17.><9. 
 Alpheus Hivrris waslidng a few years since, if ho is i.ot'now, at Sjiauish Hill, a few" 
 miles from Tioga Pohit. He says the Indians were " tried by committee law." 
 XoTE. — John Swift was a native of Litchfield Cotmtv Connecticut. He took .an 
 active part in the Kevolutionar^ war, and at its close, with his brother Philetus was 
 an emigrant to the disputed territory in Peiinsvlvania. He held a commission, and 
 was at the battle of Wyoming ; and wa.s also engaged in the " Pennamite " war, where 
 he set tiro to a Pennamite block house. He became a conimissionod otficer 'in the 
 earhest organization of the militia and in the campaiirn of 1S14 iip<jn the Nia^'ara Fron- 
 tier, he was co.nmissioned as Brig Gen. of N. Y. voluuteeis. In reconnoiU'rinf' the 
 enemy's position and works at Fort George, he captured a picket guard, and while in 
 the act of receiving theirarms, one of the prisoners shot him through the breast ; an at- 
 tack from a superior British force followed ; tlio wounded General ralhed his men, 
 commenced a successful engagement, when he fell exhausted bv his wound. "Never"' 
 Bays an historian of the war, "wa.s the country calknl upon to lament the loss of a firm- 
 er patriot or braver man." The Legislature voted a sword to his oldest male heir. 
 The gift fell to Asa R. Swift of Palmyra who was (h-owned in Sodus liay in l!^20 or -21 
 by the upsetting of a boat wlule engaged in fishing. The sword is now in the Innds 
 of Henry C. Swift, his .son, a resident o.fPhelps. His companion Ashley Van Duzer, 
 was also drowned ; his widow a sister of Mrs. Gen. Brooks, became the wife of Gen. 
 Mills ot Mt. Morns, ami now resides at Brook's Grove. The Rev. Marcus Swift, of 
 Michigan is a sou of Gen Swift. 
 IS enumerated in the census taken in the summer of 1790. Mr 
 Harvvood died in 1824. Wrn. Ilarvvood, of Ann Arbor, Midi, 
 igan IS a son of his; his daughters becauie the wives of Isaac Mace 
 oi lerry, Wyoming co, and Coe, of Kirthmd, Ohio. 
 The settlers that followed, in 1790, 'gi, '92, in the order in which 
 tliey are named, or as nearly so as the author's information enables 
 him to arrange them, were: -Lemuel Spear, David Jaekways, 
 James Galloway, Jonathan Millet, the Mattisons ; Gideon Durfee 
 the elder, his sons Gideon, Edward, Job, Pardon, Stephen, ami 
 Lemuel; Isaac Springer; William, James and Thomas Ri-rerT; 
 John Russell, Nathan Harris. David Wilcox, Joel Foster, Abraham 
 Foster, Elias Reeves, Luther Sanlbrd ; and to what was Palmyra, 
 now Macedon, in addition to those that have been named, Messrs, 
 Reid, Delano, Packard Barney, Brown, Adam Kingman, Hill, Lap- 
 ham, Benj. and Philip Woods. 
 Lemuel Spear, was a soldier of the Revolution, as most of the 
 Pioneer settlers of Palmyra were. He was from Cun.mington, 
 Mass. The family came on runners, before the breaking up ot the 
 ground in Feb '90, with two yoke of oxen, some cows and sheep, 
 having little more than a bare track and blazed trees to guide them 
 from Vienna to their destination, a mile above Palmyra village, where 
 Mr. Spear had purchased land of Isaac Hathaway, for twenty cents 
 per acre. The season being mild, they turned their stock out upon 
 the open flats, some of which had been cultivated by the Indians, 
 where they got along well through the winter and spring; the fam- 
 ily consisting of the parents and nine children, living in a covered 
 sleigh and in a structure similar to the Indians camp, until they had 
 planted a few acres in the si)ring, when they built a log house. 
 Bringing in a year's provisions, and killing deer whenever they 
 wanted fresh meat, or bartering for venison with the Indians, they 
 got along very well until after the harvest of their few primitive acres 
 of crops. In the first winters, the Indians camped upon the flats and 
 w^ere peaceable, good neighbors, hunting and trapping, occasionally 
 getting a beaver, the last of a colony, selling their furs and skins to 
 traders and bantering their surplus venison with the new settlers. 
 Lemuel Spear died in 1809; his surviving sons, are: — Ebenezer 
 Spear, of Penfield, Abraham Spear, of Jeddo. Orleans county, 
 Stephen Spear, residing upon the old homestead. A daughter is 
 the wife of Dr. Mallory, of Wisconsin. 
 Ebenezer Spear is now in his 78th year. Leaving Palmyra in 
 early years he went to sea, engaged in mercantile business in Bos- 
 ton, returned to Palmyra in 1804, married for a second wife, a 
 daughter of Francis Postle, an early tailor in Canandaigua and Pal- 
 myra, from the city of Prague, in Bohemia, moved to North Pen- 
 field in. 1807. He was one of the Carthage Bridge company, and 
 opened a tavern at Carthage, while the bridge was cor-tructing. 
 In 1790, after we had got settled at Palmyra, the wife of our predecessor 
 in the wildorness, Webb Ilanvood, in a delicate state of lieaUh, prececUiig 
 child-bii'tli, I'eqiiired wine, and her indulgent husband determined ujion pro- 
 curing some. At his request, I went to Canandaigua, found none — to 
 Utica, and was equally unsuccessful — and continuing my journey to 
 Schenectady, j^rdcui'ed six quarts of wine of Charles Kane. I was fourteen 
 days making the journey on foot, carrying my provisions in a knapsack, 
 sleeping undei a roof but four of thirteen nights. 
 Our tirst boards came from Granger's saw-mill on Flint Creek, several years 
 after we came in; Captain Porter built the tirst framed barn, and my father 
 the next one. 1 burned the tirst lime kiln west of Seneca Lake, for General 
 Othniel Taylor, of Canandaigua. In 1794, or '5, Abraham and Jacob 
 Smith built mills in Farmington, on the Ganargwa Creek; previous to which, 
 we used to go to The Friend's mills in Jerusalem. The tirst corn carried to 
 mill from Palmyra, was by Noah Porter. He went to Jerusalem with an ox 
 team in '90, carrying corn for all the settlers, taking leu days in going and 
 retui'ning. His return to tlie settlement was hailed with great joy, for } nvmd- 
 ing corn was very hard work. Our cotfee was made of burnt com; our tea, 
 of hendock and other bark ; and for chocolate, dried evans root was frequent- 
 ly used. 
 David White died in early years — the first death and funeral in 
 Palmyra. His sons weve, the late Gen. David White, of Sylvania, 
 Michigan ; Orrin White, a resident of Ann Arbor, Michigan ; and 
 Drs. James and William White, who reside at Black Rock ; a 
 daughter married Col. Otis Turner, of Niagara Falls. Ber'-''tt 
 Bates is still living at Ridgeway, Oneans county ; is the fathei 
 of Lyman Bates, of Ridgeway, and Orlando Bates, of Jeddo. 
 Noah Porter died in early years ; he was the father of Mrs. Sey- 
 mour Scovell, of Lewiston, and John Porter, Esq., of Youngstown. 
 Jacob Gannett was an early settler, and founder of the mills near 
 Macedon Locks. 
 The Durfee family, who have been named, were from Tiverton, 
 Rhode Island. In the summer of 1790, Gideon and Edward came 
 first to Farmington, and Gideon returning in the fall, represented 
 the country so favorably, that the whole family resolved upon emi- 
 gration. Gideon, with Isacc Springer, came buck in the winter of 
 '90, '91, with an ox sled, consuming 17J days in the journey. 
 Gideon purchased of John Swift his choice of IGOO acres. He 
 located it on what was long known as " Durfee Street," a short dis- 
 tance below Palmyra, securing a large amount of the ilats on the 
 Ganargwa. Being soon re-joined by iiis brother Edward, the 
 brothers and Springer built a cabin, and clearing six acres, and 
 without the use of a plough, planted it to corn. The brothers re- 
 turned to Rhode Island, and brought out their brothers, Pardon and 
 Job, with their families, coming in a batteaux, and landing at their 
 new home in the wilderness, almost destitute of food. They were re- 
 joiced on their arrival to find their corn fit for roasting, a forward- 
 ness they have never since known. It served them the tv,o-fold 
 purposes of food, and confidence in the soil and climate. The six 
 acres yielded 50 bushels to the acre, a quantity that served their 
 own wants and over-stocked the market, as there were few con- 
 sumers.^ The remainder of the large family came out in the winter 
 of '91, '2. They had a large crop, some of which was marketed 
 at Schenectady, probably the first that ever reached that market 
 from as far west as Palmyra. Otherwise prosperous, sickness soon 
 laid a heavy hand upon the large household, 17 out of 22 being 
 prostrated at one time with fevers. Their first bread was made 
 from pounded corn ; their first grinding was procured at Wilder's 
 mill, and occasionally at The Friend's mill, Jerusalem, 
 The descendants of the Pioneer and Patriarch, Gideon Durfee, 
 were 1 1 sons and daughters, 9G grand-children, and the whole num- 
 ber are now over 200. The daughters became the wives of the 
 Pioneers, Welcome Herendeen, of Farmington, Weaver Osborne, 
 Humphrey Sherman and William Wilcox, of Palmyra. The only 
 surviving son, is Stephen Durfee, of Palmyra, aged 75 years ; and 
 the only surviving daughter, is Ruth Wilcox, aged 76 years. 
 Elias Durfee and IMrs. Thomas Lakey, of Marion, Elihu Durfee, 
 of Williamson, William, Isaac, Lemuel, Bailey Durfee and Mrs. 
 Brown, of Palmyra, Mrs. Wicks, of Ogden, Mrs. Edward 8. Town- 
 send, late of Palmyra, Charles Durfee, ot New York, Pliilo Durfee. 
 of Bullalo, Sidney Durfee, of Chicago, Allen, Barton and Nathaniel 
 Durfee, of Michigan, are among the descendants. 
 There was general prosjieiity in the early settlement; all were friendly; 
 mutual de])endenee iiiado us so; and stnijrgling with the hardships of pionet-r 
 life, tliero was a fellow feeling, u sympathy for each other's misfortune's, but 
 little of which exists now. The fii-st curse that came upon us was whiskey 
 distilleries, when the new settlers would take their corn and rye, and get them 
 con\'erted to what wiis the cause in many instances, of their ruin, and that of 
 many of their sons. There was not only habitual, every day drinking, but 
 much intoxication. I saw so much of the evils of intoxication, that I refrain- 
 e<] entirely, and was almost alone in it. I think the first temperance movi- 
 ment, practical one, in all this region, was made by me when I raised my 
 house in 1811. When I invited my neighbors to the raising, I gave out that 
 no liquor would be pronded; and although it wiisa new experiment, 1 ha^i 
 no difficulty in raising my Strict temperance was not then a disci- 
 pline with the society of Friends to which I belonged, but aftenvards be- 
 came so. 
 In the way of markets, our eiuliest grain mostly went to the distillericN 
 and supplied the new settlers. After Zebulon Williams, the early merchant 
 established his store, he commenced a barter trade, receiving for goods, grain 
 and cattle. Money was .scarce ; those who were pretty well off wei'c trouble'! 
 many times, to pay their taxes, and much property used to be saci'ificed at 
 public sale. W^illiams wiis the fii'st cash purchaser for wheat, but the prices 
 were fluctuating; running down sometimes to 37+ cents. One of my neigh - 
 1)ors once sold his wheat in Rochester, for twenty-five cents. 
 In early yeara we couU hardly believe that settlement would go much be- 
 yond the Genesee River, dui'ing our life time. We thought we were quite 
 far enough to the west ; as far removed from markets as it would answer to 
 venture ; and we that had seen the hardest features of pioneer life, wei'e surju-ise'l 
 to see or hear of men attacking tlie dark hea^■y forests of the Holland Purchase. 
 Our fii'st commerce was the navigation of the Ganargwa creek ; then cam.i 
 the ''big wagons," and then the Erie Canal, that ga\e usf;ur, steady prices 
 for prod uce, raised the value of lands, and brought on a new era of enterprisie 
 and prosperity. 
 The Indians, were hunting and traj^ping, camping in our neighborhood, in 
 all tlve eailiest years. The flats of the Ganargwa, and tlie adjoining up lands 
 were favorite hunting grounds. Many of the sons of the early settlers were 
 trai)i>ers. It was about our only means of obtaining any money. I have re- 
 iilized from muskrat and coon furs, 850 in a season. I caug'ht a beaver in a 
 trap that I set for otter. Henry Lovell, a famous hunter was here in early 
3S4 riiELrs and ooeuam's rcKcnASE. 
 tW Smt-J^ If 1 hV '°™,'-' '?"" »'P"'i»'ti"'l. Join. Swift ,VM 
 too^'inl'^oJT"'i '''*'' ^'^'^'""''1^'''^ '''^^'>' ^'""t*^^ «f P^'l'^vr^; and fisherman 
 of C WniiSf:rcriT'" M?'^"'r^"^^''^' ^^-^^ ti. present rcia^^e 
 &e '• m to .vlvi^^^ a» early convert to Mormonism, and mortgaged Lis 
 nue laim to pay for the printing of the " Gold Bible."* b o " "'^ 
 Zebulon Williams, who has been mentioned by Stephen Durfee, 
 as the early merchant, died several years since, his widow survives, 
 a resident at the old homestead. Piatt Williams, of California, who 
 was early engaged in canal transportations at Albany, and Richard 
 in- the broom stick aw) 1 i ?„ f ■i^l'ilW<ma floor, snap and catcli 'em, junp. 
 sports, t]K x°™a .oanl cm V th*!,";;'';] ' *" "Tt^ \^' ^ast. / All joined iu the'ru.tlc 
 ladv, "the dan cs we e w^^^^^^ Canai.daigna " continued the old 
 a h red ehl in ■imilta en '"^'"' n»"^^^ ,f'"t tliere was no aristocracy there; thonjrh 
 Ld 1 ,fce w th S'r 1 n''\- ?"^'":' ""'/ ^^"•-''' ^^■■"■'°^' I "««fl to attend the ffi 
 Colt D \t«.,t , ■ ■ '^"'l ^^fe'"st"s I'orter, Th<,mas Morris, Samuel and J ud^ 
 v-tiitts ui inc past, one alter another, woiild flash upon her memory; 
 Homer and Zebulon Williams, are his sons ; Mrs. Hiram P. Tliayer, 
 of BufTiilo, is his daufjthtor. 
 Stephen Phelps was the early landlord in the village ; afterwards 
 the surrogiite of Ontario county. Tlie site he occupied, is now that 
 of Nottinifham's Eagle Tavern. He emigrated to Illinois in 1820. 
 Enoch Lilley was another early landloni ; his wile was the daughter 
 of the Rev. Eleazor Fairbanks. Preceding either, however, wis 
 Dr. Azel Ensworth, who was a brother-in-law of William llodgers, 
 and had come into the country in '92, and first settled in his imme- 
 diate neighborhood. After keeping a public house in early years, 
 in Palmyra, in the early start of Rochester, he was the founder of 
 the Eagle Tavern, and for a long \)er\oA he and his son were its 
 landlords. He still survives, a resident of Bufialo, with his son-in- 
 law, }3enjamin Campbell.* 
 Silas Stoddard was from Groton, Conn. ; had been at sea, in the 
 merchant service, emigrated to Palmyra in 1801, landing first at 
 Sodus. He died in July last, at the age of 91 years ; his intellect 
 and physical constitution but little impaired previous to his last ill- 
 ness. Col. James Stoddard, known of late years as an intelligent 
 horticulturist, is his son ; now a resident of Palmyra, aged 66 years. 
 He served an apprenticeship with Col. Samuel Green, of the New 
 London Gazette, and emigrated to Palmyra with his father. From 
 him the author obtained many early reminiscences. In 1804, he 
 \vas in the employment of Major Samuel Colt, who had commenced 
 merchandizing in Palmyra, and had charge of two Durham boats, 
 which JNIajor Colt owned at Palmyra. Loading them with flour 
 and j)ork, he went down the Ganargwa creek to Lyons, and from 
 thence to Schenectady. Among his companions, were Gilbert 
 Howell, Cooper Culver, John Phelps, and Wm. Clark. The party 
 were one month going and one month returning ; having merchan- 
 dise for their return freight. About the time of the building of 
 these boats, says Col. Stoddard, land transportation looked discour- 
 aging; the merchants of Geneva, Canandaigua, Palmyra, Ithica, in 
 fact all who did not depend on the Susquehannah as an avenue to 
 market, held a consultation, and concluded that business must be 
 done via the Rivers, Oneida Lake, and the Mohawk ; and to en- 
 * At the Pioneer Festival in Rocliester, in 1850, he was pie.9cnt, and the medal was 
 awarded to him as being the earliest Pioneer present. 
 courage them, stone locks had been built, at Rome and Little Falls. 
 Many boats were built ; for a few years business was brisk, but it 
 proved too tedious and expensive ; too dependant upon high nnd 
 low water. Even land transportation, over bad roads, successlully 
 competed with it. 
 " The first trip we made," says Col. Stoddard, " in passing through 
 Oneida Lake, we stopped at Vanderkemp's settlement, now Con- 
 stantia. Mr. Vanderkemp had erected an expensive dam, .a large 
 saw mill and grist mill, and there were eight or ten framed and 
 some log dwellings ; but one single family however, all the rest hav- 
 ing been driven off by sickness.* When I landed with my father's 
 family at Sodus, Mr. Williamson's settlement had much declined, 
 and there were many deserted tenements between Sodus and Pal- 
 myra ; sickness having driven off the occupants. I have known 
 periods when a majority of all the inhabitants of the Ganargwa 
 valley were prostrated by svers." 
 Henry Jessup was the early tanner in Palmyra, and still survives, 
 his sons being his successors in business. His partner for many 
 years was George Palmer, of Buffalo. 
 William Rogers came in with his brothers, James and Thomas, 
 in 1792, a widower, and his brother James dying in early years, he 
 married his widow. The family were from Rhode Island. William 
 was one of the early Judges of Ontario, one of its representatives 
 in the Legislature, and a 
 prominently identified with 
 the history of Palmyra and Ontario county. He died in 1836, aged 83 
 years. Major William Rogers, so favorably known to the travel- 
 hng public in the early years of canal navigation, as a packet master, 
 the father-in-law of Pomoroy Tucker, editor of the Wayne Sen- 
 tinel, is a surviving son. He is now the occupant of a fine farm 
 near Pultneyville ; as stirring and energetic as when he used to 
 sing out : — " Hurra, i", the lock ready ? " — or beat up the quarters 
 of the sleepy drivers in dark and rainy nights. A daughter of his 
 was the wife of Noah Porter. Gen. Thomas Rodgers, and Denni- 
 son Rodgers of Palmyra, are surviving sons of James Rodgers. 
 Thomas Rodgers preceded his brother, and assisted in the survey 
 of the town ; of his family, only his son David remains in Palmyra. 
 *The loiinder of this settlunicnt tlio fatliorof John J, Vaiidcrkonip, of Pliila- 
 doljihiii, ihe y:i'iiti;il jif,'C'iif of tlio Holland Co. lie soon abandoned the entcjprise, and 
 reinu\i;a lo Oideubaruuvcidl," [Tiuuloii,] Oueiduco. 
 The first winter after Judge Rodgers came in, the neighborhood 
 was without salt. Learning that some had been brought up as far 
 as Lyons, with a hired man, and an ox team, he cut his own sled 
 path, and after three days hard labor, returned with his salt. 
 Zackariah Blackman was the early blacksmith. John Hurlburt, 
 a brother of Judge Hurlburt, who was the Pioneer of Arkport, on 
 the Canisteo, became a resident of Palmyra in 1795. His widow 
 is now living at the age of 81 years. He set up a distillery as ear- 
 ly as '96. He died in 1813. * William Jackway, who came in 
 with Gen. Swift, died in 1849, aged 91 years. John Russell, who 
 was one of the front rank of Pioneers, upon whose original farm 
 a portion of the village lias grown up, removed to Henrietta in 1821, 
 where he died but a few years since, from the effects of the kick of 
 a horse. John Russell was the step-father of Augustus Southworth, 
 of Holley ; Mrs. Russel now resides in Rochester. 
 Reuben Town was the earliest settled Physician in Palmyra. 
 He removed to Batavia iii early years. He was followed by Dr. 
 Gain Robinson, as early as 1800. Dr. Robinson was from Cum- 
 mington, Massachusetts. He married the daughter of Col. John 
 Bradish, the father of Gov. Bradish, who was one of the early set- 
 tlers of Palmyra. He continued in practice until his death, in 1880, 
 enjoying a large share of professional eminence, and highly esteem- 
 ed in the wide circle of his practice. There have gone out from 
 under his instruction a large number who hare conferred credit up- 
 on their early mentor ; among them may be named : — His nephew, 
 Dr. Alexander Mclntyre, who for many years practiced with him, 
 and is now his local successor ; Drs. James and William White ; 
 Dr. West, of Cayuga county ; Dr. Isaac Smith, of Lockport, 
 (deceased;) Dr. Whippo, (now an engineer;) Dr. Durfee Chase, 
 of Palmyra; Dr. Gregory of Michigan. The surviving sons of 
 Dr. Robinson, are : — Clark, Darwin, and Rollin, of Buffalo. 
 Daughters :— Mrs. Philip Grandin, of New York ; her husband 
 was an early merchant in Palmyra ; and IMrs. Judge Tiffany, of 
 Adrian, Michigan ; Mrs. Hiram Niles, of Buffalo ; and Mrs. Geo. 
 Pomeroy. f 
 * A toast of the early Pioneer, in one of tlio early years, at a Fourth of .July oele- 
 bratiun, is worthy of prcsorvalioii. The wisli has' been fully realized: — "May wo 
 cullivate the vino and sheaf in this new world, and l'\n-nish the old with bread." 
 t.Tuikri! TifTany is a son of the early printer at ^'■iaLrara, C. W., luid Canandfugutu 
 Mr. Tomeroy is one of the founders ot' \V elL-j & I'omeroy's Express. 
 _ The first lawyer in Palmyra, was John Comstock, who al«o mar- 
 IdHa:.Sr^'^'-^-^^^^- "^ -- -eside. Zr 
 In the year 1789, Joel Foster, Elias Reeves and Luke Foster of 
 Long Island, became the agents of a company that had been form 
 d m Connecticut New Jersey and Long Island, for the purpose of 
 leasing lands of the Indians ; an organization similar to L L see 
 JCHned by others, they traversed the wilds of Virginia, and return- 
 mg to the north, struck the Ohio river, and followed it down to the 
 desirable location called Turkey Bottom, where they purchased a 
 daim to a large ti-act, and left Luke Foster to keep possession for 
 th winter, Joel Foster and Elias Reeves returning to take on a 
 coon3 of settlers in the spring. An act of Congress interfedn^ 
 with their title or possession, frustrated the enterprise. "Turke^ 
 the west '" ^''"''' ""^ ^''"'' ^'''"'' Cincinnati, the queen city of 
 Thus disappointed,, and Indian wars growing more threatenincr at 
 the west, the Long Island adventurers turned their attention tolhe 
 Genesee country Elias Reeves, Abraham Foster, William Hop- 
 kins, Luther Sandford and Joel Foster, in the summer of 1791 
 bought 5,500 acres on the Ganargwa Creek, in East Palmvm' 
 spotting a tree and planting some apple seeds, an earnest of fheir 
 m ended occupancy. In April, 1792, they built a sail boat, launched 
 1 m Heady Creek, embarked with their families, towing down the 
 stream to South Bay, and sailing up to New York, and from thence 
 to Albany, where they took their boat out of water, transj.orted it 
 on wheels to Schenectady, launched it in the Mohawk, ami from 
 thence came to Lyons ; and obtaining a smaller boat, ascended the 
 Ganargwa Creek to their new wilderness home. The journev con- 
 sumed 28 days. Most of those named, became prominent founders 
 oi settlement, and have left numerous descendants. 
 Me P;^.!,,,,.',., "'■'Ill -I'll. niiii> J. I'o.stei, fi (k'sceiidaiit ol one of 1 ho Pkiijopvh 
 tL ul\ ,""'■ "* *'f ^•"^t'"'«"* t''° cliok.m at Saiulusky, in tliosu.n.nor of 848 
 ,.i-"„.ii^„Ti(UaiJOxa, aided m laying tiie fouudaUoua of (society and tiwse 
 It is stated by the Rev. Mr. Fisher, that a Presbyterian church 
 was organized in 1793, i-n Palmyra. If this is so, it was the first or- 
 ganized church west of Seneca Lake. Mrs. Tice, a daughter of John 
 Hurlburt, says their first religious meetings were conversational or 
 social meetings, not sectarian, generally held at the house of John 
 Swift. It is recorded that the Presbyterian church in Palmyra was 
 organized in Sept., 1797; the trustees elected : — Jacob Gannett, 
 Stephen Reeves, David Warner, Jedediah Foster, Jonah Howell! 
 The first settled minister was the Rev. Eleazor Fairbanks, who was 
 succeeded by the Rev. Benjamin Bell. 
 Jonah Howell erected the first mill, a mile east of the village, on 
 the Vienna road ; this was followed by one erected by Gen. Swift, 
 on the site occupied by Goddard's mill. 
 The first death in Palmyra was that of David White ; the first 
 wedding was that of William Wilcox and Ruth Durfee ; the first 
 male child born in town, was Asa R. Swift, a son of John Swift; 
 the first female, the daughter of David Wilcox, who became the wife 
 of Alva Hendee. 
 His father, John Cuyler, of Greenbush. had been (at what period 
 the author is unable to state,) a General in tiie British service. 
 He was a resident of Greenbush, opposite Albany, an attorney at 
 law. It is presumed, that when Mr. Williamson arrived in this 
 country, upon his agency, he found in him an old acquaintance, as 
 he is one of the first with whom he held correspondence, and he 
 was one of his first legal advisers. As early as 1793, his son, Rich- 
 ard, was in the employment of Mr. Williamson, as was his son Wm. 
 Howe Cuyler, several years previous to 1800. 
 Soon after 1800, Wm. Howe Cuyler became a resident of Pal- 
 myra, having become the local agent of Mr. Williamson, for the 
 bk'SfSi'd iiis^titutions wliich arc now tlio supjiort and ornanu'tit of ooinnimiitv Tho 
 logciuls ul those tiriiCH are adoniLvl with tlie names of feiiialfs tliat slioiild diNcoiid to 
 postcnty, and ],v cinlialined in tlicir most jiTatcful recollections. We oftt'ii wonder if 
 the mantle of those veneniteil matrons liave fallen uiiou the wives of llie present day • 
 With all the improvements m modern edncation, are they better qnalitied fo make 
 ha].py homes ? Have tliey larKer hearts, better minds, pun-r patrioiism, wrn'm'T z«al, 
 iu every jjood work '(" 
 sale of lands in the north-east portion of what is now Wayne 
 county. Sawyer, the brother-in-law of John Swift, who 
 had an interest with him in the original purchase of the town, wish- 
 ing to return to Georgia, where he had formerly resided, sold his 
 property to Major Cuyler, in 1805. Included in this sale, was tlie 
 old Cuyler farm, upon: which a considerable portion of the village 
 of Palmyra lias grown up. 
 Upon ihe breaking out of the war of 1812, Major Cuyler v/as early 
 upon the frontier, as the aid of General Swift.* " Stationed at 
 Butfalo, he was the active co-operator with Lieut. Elliott, in the 
 preparatio-^s for the gallant exploit of capturing the British vessels, 
 from under the walls of Fort Erie, on the 8th of October, 1812. 
 In anticipation that the expedition would return with wounded men, 
 he had been engaged through the night in making preparations for 
 their reception. Anxious for the fate of men who had engaged in 
 so hazardous an enterprise, before day light in the morningrhe had 
 rode down upon the beach, towards Black Rock, when a chance 
 grape shot, from a British battery, at Fort Erie, passed through his 
 body, breaking the spine, and killing him instantly.f It was the first 
 sacrifice of the war, on the Niagara frontier; the first and one of 
 the dearest of the many sacrifices ot western New York, in all that 
 contest. And it may also be added, that Gen. Scott being near 
 him, it was his first introduction to the terrible realities of war, of 
 which he wa^ destined to see so much through r lonj^ and brilliant 
 military career.J After the war, his remains were removed to 
 Palmyra, and are now entombed in the rural cemetery, which the 
 citizens of that village, with much of good taste and public spirit, 
 have within a few years added to their flourishing village. 
 In civil life. Major Cuyler was a man of much energy and enter- 
 . ...T^i" ""tJ^o'' !>«» «ii enrly epdcnce of liis military spirit and ambition. When some 
 of the earliest military organizations were going <fn I'n Steuben, he wa.<, a resident at 
 ?„ il?^f r° •*^';' ^^'"''""'°'\ ■^^'- Williamson beingin Albany, the young a p ant 
 ^military d.stmctum. wrote to Wrn ; - " You arc the only field^officcT in the He" - 
 ?ZuT\ "\^°"' ""irTi ^'"/l''™lvc tl'c duty of maki.fg proper recommendatioT.k 
 L™^^ ^'T"^ '^1* \ 'r*-' \"''\'' nmavymnn for about twelve years past, and 
 o T.v If T " M™//'" H^''"^' '""^ ^^'*t I ""^ look for promotion.-^ I should like 
 the duty of Adjutant Geuerfd m the several brigades, now devolve on th»t olHcer." 
 t The Rhot is now in possession of his sister, Mrs. Smith, of Auburn. 
 t He had just been promoted to the rank of Lieut Colonel, and had nnived at Black 
 Ilock, m command of two companies of U. iS, Artillery. 
 prise ; he was one of the founders of the Ontario Woolen Manu- 
 facturing Company.* He married the daughter of Samuel Shekell, 
 of Manchester, who still survives, a resident of Brooklyn, with her 
 daughter by a second marriage. Major Cuyler left two sons, George 
 \7. and William Howe Cuyler ; the former a banker, and the lat- 
 ter a merchant, in Palmyra. 
 The early advent of the Stansell's and Featherly, the building of 
 mills, the primitive commencement generally, at Lyons, have been 
 noticed in connection with Mr. Williamson. 
 James Otto came in 1796, was employed in the erection of the 
 mills, and in '98, marrying the daughter of Capt. Dunn who settled 
 where the Mead's now reside on the Geneva road, he moved upon 
 his farm south of Lyons village, where he now resides, in his 81st 
 year. He has been the father of eight sons and eight daughters, 
 thirteen of whom are now living in Lyons and the western states. 
 The old gentleman says it was so sickly about the village of Lyons 
 in early years that many who attempted to settle there got discour- 
 aged and left. Dr. Prescott of Phelps, was the first physcian. Dr. 
 Willis settled where the village of Lyons now b, but getting sick 
 himself, and sick of the country, returned to "Vermont. In the 
 winter of '99 and 1800, there was an unusal deep snow ; there came 
 a rain making a crust, and the wolves destroyed the deer to such an 
 extent that their carcasses were strewn over the woods tainting the 
 whole atmosphere. 
 Judge Evert Van Wickle, who has been mentioned in connec- 
 tion with early operations in Allegany, came to Lyons soon after 
 Mr. Williamson had commenced improvements there, and was in 
 his employ as a surveyor.f 
 Judge Daniel Dorsey from Frederick county, Maryland, came 
 * He introduced the first Merino buck into western New York, purchasing it of one 
 uf the Liv-ingetons, in Albiuiy, paying $900. 
 t In one of Mr. Williamson's letters, in 1798, hosays :— "A promising tiettlem^nnt, 
 ooniposed of p'iip1.\ f'nir.i Jcvs-.'v mid Mary bind, is beiruu here tliisJu'ie 
 Wickle from the Jerseys, nioveil iu along with forty persons." 
 n Mr Vau 
 to Lyons in 1801, with his family. Two years previous he had ex- 
 plored the country and purchased of Mr, Williamson nearly one 
 thousand acres, mostly on the east side of the outlet, immediately 
 adjoining the village of Lyons, on either side of the Lyons and 
 Geneva Plank Road. It included the farm that had been common, 
 ced by Mr. Cameron, as agent for Mr. Wiliamson, and the improve- 
 ments ; had been reserved in anticipation of what would grow up 
 at the confluence of the streams— m-^stly the head of navigation; 
 but was sold to Judge Dorsey as an inducement to emigration. 
 He had a large family— ten children — and a considerable number 
 of slaves, that were soon liberated, p.incipally for the reason ihat 
 in that case as well as in all other similar experiments that were tried 
 in this region, slave labor was unprofitable. 
 The strong handed emigrant immediately commenced clearing 
 and improving his fine possessions. Soon after 1800 he commen- 
 ced merchandizing, bringing his goods from Baltimore. A large 
 proportion of his early trade was with the Indians, who were en- 
 camped along the banks of the outlet and at Sodus. There used to 
 be as many as thirty Indian huts along where William street, of 
 Lyons village, crosses the canal. 
 ^ Thomas Dorsey, a son of the early Pioneer, now occupies a por- 
 tion of the old homestead. The author transcribes from memoran- 
 dums of a conversation had with him, some early reminiscences of 
 that locality : — 
 Durham boats used to arrive frequently from Schenectady with 
 emigrants and goods, and with salt from Salt Point. It was only 
 in freshets that they could go as high up as Palmyra and Manches- 
 ter. Salmon were very plenty in the streams ; at the forks I have 
 known fifteen and twenty taken with one spear in a night ; weigh- 
 ing from fifteen to twenty pounds. It was not uncommon to see 
 herds of deer grazing on the flats. 
 When the Dorsey family arrived at Lyons, there was settled in 
 village and immediate vicinity, other than those already named : — 
 John Biggs, who kept a tavern on the site now occupied by Bar- 
 ton's tavern, in a log house. He was the Pioneer landlord, and is 
 yet living near the village. Richard Jones, a saddler, had a shop 
 on what is now Broad street, in a log building. He died in 1833. 
 George Carr, a mason by trade, lived on Broad street in a log house. 
 William Gibbs lived a little south of the village, on the farm now 
 owned by Harvey Geer. John Perrine lived on tlie Canandaigua 
 outlet one mile from the village. He was an early magistrate and 
 Supervisor of the town ; removed to Michigan, wher,- he died in 
 183G. The progress of the village was slow in all the early years, 
 and in fact until the location and construction of the Erie Canal. 
 In 1818 there was but a small cluster of buildings ; two taverns, one 
 kept by Ezekiel Price, and another by Elias Hull ; the store of 
 Leach & Demmon ; a few dwellings ; a few mechanic shops ; 
 a Methodist and Presbyterian church. John Cole, the father of 
 Joseph Cole, was the first local minister, and organized the first 
 Methodist society. He died in 1810. The first religious meetings 
 were attended by Judge Dorsey, who was a member of the IMeth- 
 odist church, and occasionally an exhorter. 
 The village of Lyons had a rapid start after the completion of 
 the canal ; many enterprising men were attracted there ; substantial 
 business establishments were started one after another ; private 
 residences, in beauty of location, and in all their appointments vic- 
 ing with those of any of its neighboring villages and cities in West- 
 ern New York, were founded one after another ; new streets were 
 laid out with the accompaniments of fine walks and long lines of 
 shade trees; substantial and neat public edifices were erected; 
 until now, in 1851, there are few spots in all this wide region, hold- 
 ing out more inducements, either for residence, or business pur- 
 suits. The tourist, in western New York, who does not wander 
 from the rail road route, misses at least two beautiful and flourishing 
 villages — Palmyra and Lyons. But things as they were, not as 
 they now are, are the subjects in hand. 
 Daniel Dorsey died in 1823, at the age of 65 years. His survi- 
 ving children are: — Upton Dorsey, Esq., of Geneva; Thomas E. 
 Dorsey, residing on the old homestead at Lyons ; Nelson R. Dorsey, 
 residing in Calhoun county, Michigan ; Mrs. Cyrus Chapin, of Gen- 
 eva ; Mrs. Lawrence Riley, in Ohio ; Mrs. Thomas Rook, of Lyons, 
 Mrs. Wm. Hudson, of Geneva ; Mrs. Michael Miller, of Calhoun 
 CO., Michigan ; Mrs. Milton Barney, of Chicago ; and two sons 
 have died after arriving at adult age ; eleven in all. The early 
 Pioneer had held a Captain's commission in the Maryland line during 
 the Revolution, and after his advent to this region, was an early 
 JnrlfTft of thft courts of Ontario. 
 After the advent of Mr. Williamson in that region, the erection 
 of his mills, large tavern house, wharf aad store house — all the im- 
 provements under his auspices — there followed long years of de- 
 chne ; but an occasional hardy adventure dropping into the wil- 
 derness, along on the Lyons and Palmyra roads, encountering dis- 
 ease and privation— some of them wrestling with them until dis- 
 couraged, leaving their log cabins untenanted — a forbidding indi- 
 cation to new adventurers. All that Mr. Williamson had done was 
 I)remature. A fine public house, good mills, a pleasure boat upon 
 the beautiful Bay, would have been well conceived enterprises in a 
 settled country, but sadly out of place in a wilderness, with here 
 and there, miles apart, in small openings of the forest, a Pioneer 
 settler, half resolving to leave the country, and give up his enter- 
 prise as a bad job. Of those that were connected with the im- 
 provements, but few remained long after they were completed. 
 In 1801, Ami Elsworthcame from East Windsor, Conn., and set- 
 tled on the road leading from the Ridge to the village Mr. William- 
 son had founded upon the Lake and Bay. There was then on the 
 road leading to Palmyra, no settler nearer to where he located than 
 Daniel Russell, 9 miles distant. At the Point, (village) Moses Sill 
 was in the tavern house ; and there were two or three families be- 
 side, most of whom lived by fishing and hunting. On the Lake 
 shore, seven miles above the Point, was a solitary settler by the 
 name of Amos Richards. * Elijah Brown was an early, but not a 
 permanent settler on the Lake shore, four miles above the Point, f 
 CoTincc cd with lum or liis family, is a talo of pioneer life, vreU v^ovthj of record. 
 Mr. KicliardH had been .n but a few years, and made but a little opening in the forest, 
 when he died, leaving a wife, and a daughter twenty years old ; botli uneonimoidv en- 
 dowed with health and strength. In their solitary fiome, far away from neighbors, 
 the mother and daughter took the laboring oars in out of door work, eliopped and 
 Cleared land added a comfortable log barn upon their jiremises, planted nn orchard, 
 Harrowed, plou^died, sowed, reaped and harvested ; dispensing entii-cly witli the labor 
 ot men. In wiiiteis, they had their own roads to make to the settlements, their stock 
 to todder and brouso ;— in fact, women as they were, they contended successfully with 
 all tl.e endurances of jMoiieer life, and in tlie end, with pretty good success. TJiero 
 was an eiitno r.ew fe.ntuio in the old lady's domestic economy : — She trained a cow 
 to cany burdens, and espociallv lier grain to mill, upon her back. Mrs. Richards died 
 in Iti'U, aged 93 years. The daughter is the wife of Jeduthan Moffatt. 
 file was a Pioneer upon the Hcillaiid Pnrrhase, at thn mmith of Q.-iV Orpjiorr) 
 Creek, as early as IbUt. In 1805 or '(i, he came down the Lake from his new loca- 
 tion to null at Sudus, in a skiti; lleturuiug, he was taken sick, and on going on sliorc, 
 Mr. and Mrs. Ellsworth still survive, at an advanced age. They 
 have fifty living descendants in the town of Sodus. 
 The old gentleman says that his neighborhood, in an early day, 
 was more than usually the haunt of deer, bears and wolves; wild 
 ducks were abundant in the Bay, and sonit seasons of the years, 
 pigeons were so plenty, that it was difficult to protect the crops 
 from their depredations. At one period, they had their roosts on 
 the Lake shore, their nests occupying the trees upon hundreds of 
 acres. Some trees would have sixty and seventy nests upon them. 
 The backwoods settlers carried away cart loads jf the young 
 squabs. On another occasion, an unusual quantity of beach nuts 
 and mild weather, attracted myriads of them to the neighborhood ; 
 the weather suddenly changing to severe cold, the woods were 
 strewed with those that had been frozen to death. 
 Elijah Gibbs was the first settled physician in the neighborhood. 
 He died in 1829. Several of his sons are masters of vessels upon 
 the Lake. Elisha Matthews was an early physician ; a son of his 
 resides in Rochester. 
 Mr. Ellsworth was sick for five of the first years after settling at 
 Sodus ; his then young wile, transferred to the u-ilderness from a 
 comfortable New England home, had her husband and young chil- 
 dren to take care of, and much of the out door labor to perform. 
 A payment upon their land became due : their dependence to meet 
 it was a sum due them in Connecticut ; Mrs. E. made the long 
 journey to Windsor upon horseback, and obtained it. The history 
 of their pioneer years has the harshest features of backwood's life ; 
 but with them, as with others, the scene has changed ; the dense 
 forests have melted away ; in the midst of their descendants, sur- 
 rounded by fruitful fields, they are spending the evening of their 
 days, and calmly awaiting the close of the mission upon earth, 
 they have so well performed. 
 DCr See William Fitzhugh, page 364. He emigrated to this re- 
 gion in 1799. Residing three years at Geneva, he was engaged in 
 died at Tromlequoil. John G. Brown, of Hudson, Michigan, and Paul Brown, of Pal- 
 myra, Wayne county, are Iiis soiia Daughters became the Avives of Edward Durfee, 
 audWilliauA Wilcos, of Palmyra, oud Gilfjurt Howell, of Oak Orchard. 
 improving a large purchase he had made at Sodus, until his removal 
 there in 1803. But little had been done there before his advent, 
 m the way of farm improvements. Mr. Williamson's fine tavern 
 house loomed uj) on the Bay, on either hand, a few log cabins, 
 most of them deserted ; while the background was a thickly wood- 
 ed forest, upon the beautiful swell of land between the Bay and 
 the Lake; cut up into "inner" and "outer" town lots; the stakes 
 and blazed trees of the surveyors being the only marks of improve- 
 Col. Fitzhugh came into the country strong bended; his was the 
 Pioneer advent of the " Marylanders," and was a marked event. 
 He came over Mr. Williamson's Northumberland road, with a for- 
 midable cavalcade; large Pennsylvania wagons, drawn by 27 
 horses ; his fa. ily, including slaves, consisting of over forty per- 
 sons. The cavalcade was five weeks in making the passage, the 
 whole camping in the woods two nights on the way. 
 The enterprising .adventurer from the shores of the Chesepeake 
 Bay, chose ihr his home one of the finest regions of the Genesee 
 country, as time and improvements are now rapidly demonstrating, 
 but one beset with many early difficulties and hindrances — dis- 
 ease, isolation, in reference to the directions that business and the 
 progress of improvement took ; destined to slow settlement, and 
 long untoward years. He died in the midst of his enterprises, in 
 1810. The owner, by inheritance, of slaves, he introduced them 
 into a region unfitted for slave labor, and in his case, as well as with 
 all others who made the experiment, it was a failure. He had 
 made most of them free before his death. 
 Mrs. Fitzhugh, who was the daughter of Samuel Lloyd Chew, of 
 Ann Arundel, Md., still survives, a resident at the old homestead, at 
 the advanced age of 84 years. She has lived to see her descend- 
 ants of the fifth generation. The surviving sons of Col. Peregrine 
 lltzhugli, are: — Samuel Fitzhugh, who has been a clerk in the 
 ^OTK —Au experiment of 1 )cnl ooloDizafion, or n-parate settlement of free blacks, 
 cnmmcnop • m aii early day ;..t Sodus. The inanniinittcd slaves of most of the 
 Marylande.-s — many of tliei/i those of Mr. Fit chugh — were allowed to go 
 upon tlio lultrney lands, near the liav, the ten, fifteen, and, twenty acre 
 lots that hal hcen laid out hy Mr. Williamson ujion liis towwn plat. They 
 numbered at. one time, abort 80 in all The settlement began to disjjorse after a 
 few years; thi.y provrd illv ndapfcd for makirig thoMi^elves a home upon new lands' 
 those that reniahied wore i.lle and tmthriftv, and their locality is now a Bad specimen 
 ot the self relianv^e, or iudepei.deut existence, of their race. 
 General Post Office, at Washington, for nearly thirty years ; and 
 Bennett C. Fitzhugh, a resident at Sodus Point. Daughters be- 
 came the wives of William Pulteney Daiui,* whose mother was a 
 niece of Sir William Pulteney ; of William Haylartz, of Sodus ; 
 of William Edwards, of Sodus ; an unmarried daughter resides at 
 the old homestead. 
 He was a native of New Jersey. After a collegiate education, 
 he studied medicine, attended the lectures of Dr. Rush, at Philadel- 
 phia. His ambition as a student, is indicated by the fact, that he 
 took copious notes of the whole course of lectures of that eminent 
 man, which fill several ([uarto volumes, and are the only re]:ort ex- 
 tant, of that course. An acquaintance thus formed, betwe i mas- 
 ter and pupil, they afterwards maintained a correspondence of 
 intimacy and friendship. Commencing the practice of medicine 
 in Philadelphia, he continued there until a declining health, conse- 
 quent upon an attack of the yellow fever, induced him to seek a 
 change of climate. 
 He came on a tour of exploration to the Genesee country soon after 
 1800. In a trip by water, with some friends, they were overtaken 
 by a storm, off the mouth of the Genesee river. The party landed, 
 and went up to view the Falls. Upon the present site of Roches- 
 ter, they came to a solitary log cabin, knocked, and were bid 
 to com: in. Upon entering, they found that in the absence of 
 the family, a parrot had been the hospitable representative. The 
 family returned soon, however, and gave them a supper of potatoes 
 and milk ; the best that the site of a now city of 40,000 inhabit- 
 ants, then afforded. Deciding upon making Sodus Point his home, 
 he made considerable investments in lands there, and soon removed 
 his family to their new home. He resided at the Point, until the 
 commencement of the war of 1812, when he removed two miles 
 farther up the Lake, where he had purchased lands, and erected a 
 flouring jnill. His house at the Point was burned when the British 
 * He came to this country soon after his relative had become a proprietor here ; his 
 ■wife (1 yiiij,', he returned to England in early years. Mrs. Daniel H. Fitzhugh, of Grove- 
 lainl is. ;i il;iiR-ht('V of Ilia. 
 force made their landing there. To the flourin« mill, in his new 
 locality, he added a. saw mill, an iron forge, and several other branch- 
 es of business; besides improving the land, dividing it into farms, 
 and building several houses for tenants. The little settlement was 
 called " Maxwell." Leaving Philadel])hia with the design of aban- 
 doning his profession, his practice was only such as the exigencies 
 of the new region demanded, and mostly gratuitous. He be"stowed 
 much of his time and talents in the cause of internal improvements. 
 If not the projector, he early and zealously espoused the opening 
 -f a communication between Lake Ontario ar;i the Erie Canal, bv 
 means of a branch canal, terminating at Sodus Bay.* 
 To indefatigable industry and perseverance, he added extraordi- 
 nary business talents ; and to u vigorous intellect he added a thor- 
 ough education, cultivated literary tastes and pursuits, in hours of 
 relaxation from the sterner duties of life, v/hich made him an agree- 
 able and instructive companion. He died in 1833, at the age of 58 
 years. An inscription upon his tomb stone, in the rural cemetery, 
 at Sodus village, pays the following tribute to his memory; — "He 
 was one of the Pioneer Border settlers. His enterprising, vigor- 
 ous, and active mind, aided esssentially in the improvements of this 
 country, aiKl commanded for him universal esteem." 
 The first wife of Dr. Lummis died in early years. His second 
 wife was a daughter of Captain Jol.n Maxwell, and the niece of 
 General William Maxwell, both of whom are honorably mentioned 
 in Revolutionary annals. The surviving sons of Dr. Lummis, 
 are : — Benjamin Rush Lummis, residing on the east side of Sodus 
 Bay ; William M. and Dayton Lummis, merchants, New York. 
 An only surviving daughter is Mrs. Elizabeth Ellet, the wife of Dr 
 William H. Ellet, Professor of Chemistry in Columbia College, N. 
 York ; The amiable and gifted authoress of " The Women of the 
 American Revolution," and "Domestic History of the American 
 Dr. Thomas G. Lawson, an Englishman, leaving home on ac- 
 cou nt ot so me domestic di fficulties, came to Sodus Point, in early 
 «n;',.i^?'""-'f^'r'',''''''^/" ^''*u' years.'piidj^diT^ the auspices of another public 
 Gpiuted ni,livi( Wni H.A.lauis-witli sloxvand untoward progress a lirst ; 
 but now, with tlie aid ot recent legislati.m, likely to bo coMsuniinated. 
 JN OTK ■— Mrs. Lllet is now about 3H years of age. Her tint iniblished literary- effort 
 ^v as written at the age of thirteen ; an "Oile" written on the occasion of La Fayetto's 
 vxsitatUeneva where she was attending school. 
 years, purchasing a 111 rge number of Mr. tVilliamson's "out lots," a 
 mile from the Point, fixing his residence there. Possessed of consid- 
 erable wealth, he practiced his profession only occasionally, spending 
 his money freely in improvements of his possessions. lie returned 
 to England, where he died in 1833. 
 Elder Seba Norton was the the pioneer clergyman, at Sodus, set- 
 tling there as early as 1805. After four years' service in the 
 Revolution, which included a participation in the battles of Mon- 
 mouth and Saratoga, he united with the Baptist church, an(' loon took 
 upon himself the olfice of a minister, with a limited education, but 
 with a native strength of mind, and a devotion to his profession, 
 which insured a long career of usefulness. He was the founder 
 of th(; first meeting house in the township. He died in 1835, in 
 the 76th year of his age. 
 In reference to the slow growth of Sodus, the early fluctuations of its 
 population, Judge Byram Green remarks : — "A large ))ortion of the 
 early settlers about the Bay, v^re but transient residents, fishermen 
 and hunters. They would come to the Bay, invited by the abun- 
 dance of deer in the forest, wild ducks in the Bay, and fish in the 
 Bay and Lake, and erect their huts on the Islands in the Bay, or the 
 main land. There they would hunt and fish for a season, some a 
 few years, and leave the place. Soon another set would come, and 
 occupy the vacant and common ground. And thus a floating pop- 
 ulation was coming and going, like the rolling waves upon ttic Lake, 
 until more enterprising men purchased and occupied the ground, 
 subdued the forest, and cultivated the soil." 
 Secluded, in referenc to the main tliorougliferus, the northern portions of 
 Mf>m-of' and Wayne counties are loss known than most of the Genesee coun- 
 try. Sodus ]_iay, ospeciiiUy, a markwl spot in the topography of the Genesee 
 country, and in fact in all our Lake region, luis never been seen by many, 
 otherwise faniilim- with the whnle region. considerations will excuse a 
 seeming partiality, in making tliem an exception to a general rule, in this his- 
 tory of i) settlement. 
 Passing Irondequoit Bay, and tri'ing east, the Ridge Road becomes as well 
 defined, as uniformly ele\ated, a- u]ion ;iny ]>ortion of it between the Genesee 
 and tlie Niagara rivers. It psisses through the towns of Webster, in Monroe, 
 „,_ _,.^ ^ 
 Ontnrio, Willimnwn, and So<lus, in Wavue, tomiiiiatini^ at thn head of the 
 Bay, orrath.T losing tla-re its regular and clistiiietive''cliaracter. Ktaitino- 
 troin .Ir<mae<[uuit, pasMiig tlie fine swells of uplands and broad plains — the 
 constant succession of magiiificcnt farms, of the town of Wel.ster, the flour- 
 ishing inral village, that bears tlie name of the town — there is a great uni- 
 tnriiiity in nature's own highway, npon which yon are tiHveling; its gradual 
 slope in the direction of Lake Ontario, and the gentle swells and rolling lands 
 <'n the other hand — a sainen?ss of landscape — nutil you arrivi! at Wil- 
 hainson, or Po]>pino's corners, whore the m/iin road passes from Pahnvra to 
 1 ultney vijle. Hero the scene changes gradu/ill v, the slope and the Ridge becom- 
 ing more irregular, and at the south knobs aiufsugar loaf hills bcconKrfrequent, 
 to add to the variety of sccneiy, not to form an exception to the every wliero 
 desirable farms, and prosperous agricultural region. No where in all this 
 region of progress, has the hand'' of improvement eftectwl a more rapid 
 change, or found a soil making better returns for its labor. And here it may 
 be reniarked, that with reference to the stai)le grain i)i„Juct, wheat, there is 
 no region (^t country on earth, that contains in its s(^il more of its elements, 
 than the slope from the Ridge Road to Lake Ontario, in its whole extent. 
 I assmg from Poppino's Corners to Sodus village — seven mil(>s — on either 
 liand are broad wheat fields, clear of stumps, mHnv of them looking like vast 
 onion beds ; the Ridge gcutly curving, and then strain-ht for miles, widi a 
 regular elevation, you are gradually bearing towards the Lake, until for a con- 
 siderable distance you catch glimpes of its blue waves, through vistas of the 
 forest, schoonore with Fails spread, or perhaj is a magnificent steamboat— -a 
 tloating palace — vnll cross the lino of vision. 
 Sodus village has gi-ownu]) on tlie Ridge — hardly within a pioneer period 
 — a liounshing, brisk countiy \illage, having a pleasant rural aspect ; its site. 
 ^yhere the roail from Lyons to Sodus Point, crosses the Ridge. A walk, oi 
 ride, of four miles through a fine farminjx reo-ion, of ridges and valleys, brino-s 
 you to the Point, or the old site of Mr.AVilliamson's magnificently projected 
 If yo'Kpiestion his judgement, or say that his plans were premature, yoii 
 will be obliged to pay homage to his t'.ste ; for no where in all this re^rion is 
 tliere a finer site for a village or a city. The bold shore of the Lake'^'fonns 
 an elevated and beautiful terrace on the one hand, while the ground <rra,lua]ly 
 descends to the waters of the Ray upon the other. As the l>oint gradually 
 wMens out in the back ground, it rises slowly, and is interspersed with 
 XoTE.-In the years 1818, ']!), tlio nntlinr, a vontli, sorvin- lu's npiircntishin in i 
 ■ < blind iio\\>i,a|or c rncT. ft was a iiidst iinjiruiiiisin.r rcijio i eC lo.' (vibins «iiiitod 
 improven.e,, s ol cImIIs m,d fevers. '] h. owls 'hoete,! fVomlops c f liro . .'k t Jo 
 mui^drli'l'r- ''?■'' ^""''"''*^" '.'"^ ''■■"" f'^rcsts;t].c^aucyl,.wk would bo 
 ;^f Zr iS 'r' J"^"'T-''""" ••••"•'■, Jki.I t.kcll.e pl.rc of those;e,l sccnc^ 
 nml c ,1, >s lK> ,,l,,,,.^,,,l t„ ]„,,;_. I ,„,j ^„ i^ ^.,^.^t ^.^^^ ,^^^j^ J 
 lii'ic, tiuw I aJiiiost pity tho-elliat cnimot." t. uvo 
 swells of land, slopes and vallies, forming sites for residences overlooking Lake 
 and Bay, and every way inviting. 
 The Bay enters a cove of the Lake, which is protected on cither liaud by 
 headlands, Itis about half a mile across its neck, gradually widening out to 
 the extent of four miles. Li lenglli from north to south, itis ncaily seven 
 inilt^s. A small Island in the Lake, l}ing opposite the entrance to tlu-Bay, a 
 pier connects it with the main land, and another is extended into the Lake. 
 These public impro\'ement'!, added to natund ad\'antages, renders it the iinost 
 harbor upon all our Lake coasts. It is said of the magniticent li ay of San 
 Francisco, that " all the navies of the world might ride at anchor in it at 
 one time, with safety." It may bo said of Sodus IJay, that all the craft that 
 will ever navigate our Lakes, Avould lind ample room there; good anchorage, 
 and protection from the severest gales. Its mostly deep, still waters might at 
 times, be passed over safely in a canoe, when a tempest was tossing the waters 
 <)f the Lake. The scenery, especially upon the east siile of the Bay, is less 
 bold and rugged, but its ])roinentories I'cmind one of the desciiptions of the 
 Bay (jf Naples. AVith an eye for the pictureapie and romantic — a feeling of 
 enthusiiism in reference to all this region, — Mr. Williumson Wivta to a friend 
 in England; — "The town" (Sodus,) "stands on arising ground on the 
 west point of the Bay, having the Lake on the north, to appearance as bound- 
 less as the ocean, and the Bay to the east romantically interspersed with Islands, 
 and parts of the main land stretching into it. The first view of the place, 
 after passing through a timbered country from Genev;i, twenty-eight miles, 
 strikes the eye of the beholdei", as one of the most magnificent landscajjcs 
 human fancy can picture ; and the beauty of the scene, is not unfrequeutly 
 heightened, by the ai)peartmce of largo vessels navigating the Lake." 
 The " District of Sodus," was erected in the primitive division 
 of Ontario county into Districts, in 1789. The earliest record of a 
 town meeting is in 1799. The district then embraced all of the 
 present town of Sodus and Lyons. The town or district meeting 
 was held at the " house of Evert Van Wickle" in Lyons vilhige. 
 The officers chosen were as follows: — Azariah Willis, supervisor, 
 Joseph Taylor, town clerk ; other town officers : — Norman ]\Ierry, 
 Samuel Caldwell, Chas. Cameron, Moses Sill, E. Van Wickle, 
 Timothy Smith, Joseph Wood, David Sweezy, Daniel Russell, 
 Henry Lovewell, Wm. White, Reuben Adams, Samuel Nelson, 
 David Sweezy, and John Van Wickle. 
 At a special town meeting in 1799, held "at the house of Jolm 
 Briggs," John Perrine, Timothy Smith, and Samuel Caldwell were 
 chosen school commissioners. 
 There was at this period on the tax roll, the names of 50 persons, 
 some of whom were non-residents ; the settlers would seem to have 
 been located m Lyons village, on the road from Lyons to Sodus 
 IZL ; l"T 7^ °" '^' ^^'"^^''•^ ^°^^^' ^^'^^h the exception of 
 B own and R.chards, on the Lake shore between the Point and 
 Pulteneyvdie. In 1800, Timothy Smith was supervisor. In this 
 year the first records of roads were made. Two dollars bounty 
 voted that "hog yokes be eight inches above the neck." It was 
 also voted that Elias Dickinson, who it is presumed was a Justice of 
 he peace m Phelps, "be allowed $3 for opening town meetings 
 two years past. ^ 
 In 1799, l^he District gave Charles Williamson and Nathaniel 
 Norton candidates for Assembly, each 23 votes. In 1800 Thomas 
 Moms had the unanimous vote of the district, 68, for representative 
 of the Western District in Congress. 
 _ In 1801 the district "neglected to hold town meeting," but three 
 justices of the county, Wm. Rogers, Darius Comstock and Ezra 
 Patterson, met at the house of Oliver Kendall, and appointed John 
 1 errine, supervisor, and Richard Jones town clerk 
 Pulteneyville is upon the shore of Lake Ontario, at the mouth of 
 Little Salmon creek. The waters of the fine pure stream that have 
 been collecting upon the slope in Marion and Williamson, on ap- 
 proaching the Lake, seem to have been coy and hesitating in fall- 
 ing into Its embrace ; meandering along for a considerable distance, 
 nearly , arallel with the Lake shore, a ridge elevated from 35 to 40 
 teet, affords fine building ground overlooking the Lake. Two prom 
 ontories put out above and below the entrance of the creek into the 
 Lake, which, with a bluff shore, affords the means of making a very 
 good harbor with a small comparative expenditure of money It 
 was a prominent locality in long years of French and English do- 
 rninion-the frequent stopping place for the small craft that coasted 
 along the Lake shore. Although the locality was marked by mT 
 Williamson in his plans of improvement, and is mentioned in his 
 c oirespondence with his principals, no commencement was made 
 there under his auspices. 
 Previous to 1806, William Waters was the only resident there. 
 In that year. Capt. Samuel Throop, changed his residence from 
 Manchester to Pulteneyville, accompanied by his father-in-law 
 Jeremiah So by, who had settled at Pahnyra as early as 1801. 
 rhey erected a saw mill and grist mill on Little Salmon creek 
 Capt. Throop kept the first public house at Pulteneyville. Russel 
 Whipple, becoming a resident there in early years, built the schooner 
 " Laura,' which was sailed by Capt. Throop. The widow of Capt. 
 Throop, is now the wife of Major William Ilodgers.of Pulteneyville. 
 In addition to the son named in a note attached, Capt. Washington 
 Throop, of Pulteneyville, is another son. Daughters becam.c the 
 wives of W. H. Rodgers and Capt. Andrew HoUing, of Pulteneyville. 
 Joseph Colt, the early merchant at Canandaigua and Geneva, 
 was the pioneer merchant at Pulteneyville. Jacob W. Hallett, late 
 of New York, was an early resident of Pultneyville, ar. was Samuel 
 Ledyard, who is a resident there now ; of both whom, especially 
 of the latter, whose family was early identified with all the region 
 west of Utica, the author is in hopes to be able to say something in 
 another connection. 
 In December, 1789, the Shaefier family became the pioneer set- 
 tlers in all the region west of the Genesee river, and in fact of the 
 whole valley of the Genesee, if we except those who had blended 
 themselves with the Indians, w^ere Indian traders, or had become 
 squatters upon Indian lands, in their flight from the Mohawk and 
 Sus(iuehannah, during the border wars. With reference to pe ma- 
 nent settlement and improvement, they must be regarded as the 
 Pioneers of the Genesee Valley. 
 NiiTK. — A Hiiifijular train of Lnkc ilisiisti'rs and deatliH, is connected with tliis pio- 
 iicui family : — Capt. Tlnoop liinisolf was drowned from tli ■ sclioonor Lark, of which 
 111' was master, while attcniptiiiu; to i.iter Sodiw Bay, in a trale, in 1819. Previous to 
 which, Mrs. Throop witli two young diildren, in a sldtf with lier luii-.hand, Jeremiah 
 }!. Selhy and George Arnistrong', were going a few miles up the Lake ; the skiff 
 filled, the children were drowned, and Mrs. Throo]) harely escaped. At the early 
 age of IS, the jiresent well known Ca]it. Horatio N. Throop, of the steam boat Onta- 
 rio, became a navigator of the Lake, as the master of a small schooner, which he had 
 b\iill liimself In lH'2't on his way to ()swey:o, a carijo of corn with whicli ho was 
 laden became damp, swelled, tlie ve8,sel suddenly Innsting and sinking. Two lads on 
 l)o!ml drowned, and Capt. Throoj) himself escaped by swinimaig to the shore, four 
 Iiiilu.s, on it door that had become detached. 
 • ..^i^fe.'' 
 Peter ShaefTer, the elder, was a native of Berks county, Pa., but 
 emigrated from Lancaster to this region, at the advanced age of 
 85 years. His family who became permanent residents, consisted 
 of hi-nseif and liis sons Peter and Jacob. In July, 1789, they came 
 first ) Geneva, and then to Ganargwa creek, in B]oomfield,\vhere 
 the} purchased 1200 acres of land of Gen. Fellows. Remaining 
 there until December, the old gentleman apportioned that tract 
 among his three daughters, and went upon tl.e river ^vith his sons. 
 They found Ebenezer Allan, the owner of the fine tract of flats and 
 upland at the mouth of Allan's creek, adjoining the present village 
 of Scottsville. He had a comfortable log house, upon a gentle 
 swell of land, which may be observed a short distance from the 
 confluence of the creek and river. He was living then with a 
 young white wife, whose name had been Lucy Chapman. Her 
 family on their way to Canada, had stopped with him, and by the 
 solicitations of Mrs. Dugan, (Allan's sister,) Lucy remained to keep 
 her company. A sham magistrate came along soon after and made 
 her a joint partner with some half dozen natives, in the aflections 
 of the then lord of the Genesee Valley. Mrs. Dugan, had come 
 on some years previous, with her husband and joined her brother, 
 and had been his housekeeper. Allan had acquired three hundred 
 acres of land by gift from the Indians, to which he had added one 
 hundred and seventy by purchase, from Phelps and Gorham. He 
 had a stock of goods for the Indian trade.* He had 50 or 60 acres 
 of open flats under the plough. 20 acres of wheat upon the ground; 
 some horses and cattle. A few years previous he had wintered 
 seventy head of cattle on rushes, f 
 The Shaeffers became the purchasers of his fine tract of land, 
 paying him the then high price of $2,50 per acre ; though it must 
 _ * And •;thcrcl)y lianra a talo : " - Tlieso goods were obtained of Jolin Buflor Brit- 
 leh suponnterxlcnt of Indian affairs at Niagara. Tliey were taken fo.n Si Kino" , 
 tScon r'T"?.! r'''f «"'^;"%i;'^>''l.«.l for Indian p4ent« npon the Genesee riv^r 
 o do^^i !n f.i ^'''T'^" i". '■" ^^'''''''' '"*""'^*'^' ''"'» strengthen the British claim 
 an, s n r l'' T "^' li ^''" ""r^T P"''^"" "^ tl"^ State. But tlie agent ,nis- 
 In V 1 n H • h- i""^''^ ^"';t ^'^'' ^H 8"'"'« '"-"^ey 1 ecanie oftenergif^s of gal- 
 lat.y than tins, ofdiploniacy. Butler made a business matter of it; demanded pay for 
 t he gomis ; Allan eonH'sted the claim, but it was finally compromised by theinte/ven- 
 uon ot James \\ iulsworth, Esq. .< i j 
 1 J A^^*"" ''"'"'"^, "P"n *¥ Geneseo river, he had become a grazer and drover. But- 
 ler a Kiuiwrs andthe Indians would steal rattle froinUio Mohawk and the Susnuehan- 
 n.ui ami dnvo them to him. After keeping them upon the river, until they becaineirood 
 Doel, Uicy would command A ready sale at high prices, at Fort Niagara and in Cmiada. 
 be considered that sixty acres of improvement was tlien a valuable 
 acquisition. Allan included in the sale, one acre of wheat upon the 
 ground and a sow pig.* The father and sons added to Allan' house- 
 hold for the winter, subsisting upon the milk of two cows they 
 brought in, and Indian pudding that jMrs. Dugan cooked for them. 
 Allan had erected the saw mill at the Falls, (now Rochester) in 
 the summer previous, and had his timber out for the grist mill. The 
 money that he realized for his farm, enabled him to push forward his 
 enterprise. The grist mill was raised the forepart of winter. The 
 frame was 26 by 30, of heavy timber. All the able bodied white 
 men in the Genesee valley were invited to the raising — and they 
 numbered fourteen, all told. It took them two days. A trading 
 boat happening to enter the mouth of the river, while they were 
 raising, some rum was procured, and the backwoodsmen had a 
 dance in the mill, and a rejoicing at the prospect of something better 
 to prepare meal for their bread than the stump mortar. 
 The Shaeffers brought apple seeds with them from Pennsylvania, 
 and planted them in December, 1799. These were the first apple 
 seeds, (other than the old French orchard at Schlosser,) planted in 
 the Genesee country, west of the river. 
 After Allan had sold his farm to the Shaeffers, he went back to 
 Mt. Morris, purchased goods at Philadelphia, bringing them in from 
 the back settlements of Pennsylvania, on horseback. In the season 
 of '90, he sowed 100 acres of wheat, besides raising considerable 
 Like Alexander Selkirk, he was " lord of all he surveyed ;" 
 commanded the services of the Indians to work his fields for rum 
 and trinkets, occasionally pressing into his service the Butler Ran- 
 gers, who had stopped in the valley, in their flight from the Mohawk 
 and the Susquehannah ; paying them sometimes, but often arbitrarily 
 adjusting their services to suit himself, as there was then no au- 
 thority superior to his own. His gallantries, truthfully related, would 
 equal the tales of eastern romance ; the " turbaned turk might have 
 yielded to him supremacy ; it extended even to the employment of 
 a purveyor, in the person of a Dutchman, Andrews. About this 
 time, alternating in his tastes between his own and another race. 
 * Tluit same sow pis; cost a iiiglit's loilu;in!^ in tlio woods. She took to tho -woods 
 Cfirly in tho mmuii;, ami liiid U. liu Inoktnl 14. wln;ii wiutCT came afralu. In the Rearch, 
 tl 10 preswit Peter Shaoflfor got beuiglitod uud'slopl in a koUow log through a winter 
 he took another white wife, the daughter of a Ranger, named Greg- 
 cry, who hved upon the Canascraga flats, near Dansville.* 
 Mr. Shaeffer contradicts the story of Allan's murder of the 
 Dutchman, Andrews.f but he says that he murdered a boy that 
 lived with him, and points out the grave, near the site of Allan's 
 residence, on the ShaefTer flats. The boy was sent for a bucket of 
 water, and playing l)y the way, Allan met him, took the bucket 
 from him, and beat him to death with it. 
 He was, says Mr. Shaefler, mild and conciliating, when he had a 
 selfish end to accomplish ; but always severe and harsh with his 
 dependents. A refugee, a negro slave, had during the Revolution, 
 come from the Mohawk to the Genesee river, and domiciled with 
 the Indians. He was called « Captain Sun Fish." He was shrewd, 
 intelligent, became a trader in cattle, selling in Canada, and at Fort 
 Niagara, took a squaw wife, and acquired considerable money. At 
 one time he was settled at the mouth of Tonawanda creek. Cov- 
 eting liis money, and wishing, perhaps, in the way of matrimony to 
 try a thu'd race, Allan married one of his daughters. Getting pos- 
 session of the money, however, he aiscarded the mixed negro and 
 Indian wife ; but as if there were some redeeming traits in his char- 
 acter, he pensioned the old negro, and allowed him a hut upon his 
 Allan's creek farm. Sun Fish finally went to Tonawanda. where 
 his descendants now reside. 
 Jacob Schoonover and his family had preceded the Shaeffers a 
 few months, and settled near the mouth of Duijan's creek. Peter 
 Shaefl-er married his daughter, in 171)0. He and his wife died in 
 1838, '9, at the ages of 93 and 94. Mrs. Shaefler died in 1835 aged 
 63 years. ^ 
 The whole valley of the river below Mr. Shaefler's, was slow in 
 T y' J''^ ^"''^ '^"''' '^^' •'^'^Ph J^^'^'-S'^"' Jii« f'^-m adjoining 
 the Shaeflbr farm, in '92; a daughter of his, Mrs. Early, now occu- 
 pies the place. His son, Joseph Morgan, resides on the river, a short 
 wiZ\rin,,w!rrH'^ to Canada, l.e u.ulcrfook to le.sen the number of hi, white 
 Pun'o«7tr,k n f .flrowninf? of thm hist one. Two men that were hire.l for the, took lier down in a canoe, and ixu-imKelv ran over the falls near tlie nr.Nenf 
 sHe W ;;"li""""'^r'r ^^'"'"^■'^•^' ''"^ l-vin^h^^lIl^ooSj'^he ta^ hK 
 Ser ^i : V'"'? f* them saving? Iierself, and 8„on appearing in the preseneo 
 ^1 tdn, P . ' *1V'" '"""'•' 'f ^^'' '''-'''- --^ '''M'Pi-'S «•■■"'■'• "y'V Shi follow" 
 (Kl hm to uanada, and became one of his now household there. 
 mm" rirbir"' .*'•"' «''"<«^'e Falls when takin^r mill ii-ous dowa for the old AUaii 
 null , the boat and irons were found below the Falls. 
 distance below. In some of the earliest years, 
 — Peabody 
 erected a dis, :iery, first at Handford's Landing, and afterwards, on 
 the Joseph Morgan place; Win. Peabody, of Scottsville, is a son of 
 his. Andrew Wortnian was a settler upon the river, as early as 
 '94 or '5, occupying the farm that belonged to Samuel Street, of 
 Chippewa, who was his brother-in-law. Caleb Aspinwall, Peter 
 Conlde, T^rederick and Nicholas Hetzteller, were early in the Shaef- 
 fer neighborhood. Reuben Heth, a Vermonter, stopping first at 
 Bloomfield, came upon the river, in early years, worked for Mr. 
 Shafter, without a change of his buckskin breeches and buckskin 
 coat, until he had earned enough to pay for a farm. He died about 
 twenty years since, a man of wealth, and the founder of a highly 
 respectable family. Eldridge Heth, of Wheatland, is a son ; Mrs. 
 Hyde, Mrs. Nettleton, and Mrs. Halsted, are his daughters. 
 The two story, venerable looking farm house, near which is the 
 old apple orchard, on the Genesee Valley canal, a short distance 
 below Scottsville, is the residence of Peter Shaeffer. The fine flats 
 spread out before it, in a high state of cultivation, with long lines 
 of wire fence, are those he purchased from " Indian Allan." In a 
 romantic spot, at the end of the ridge, that will be observed rising 
 upon the flats, and terminating near the river and creek, stood the 
 log dwelling, which served the purposes of a farm house, a store, and 
 a harem, for this singular man, who fled from civilization, first to 
 become the scourge of his own race and kindred, and afterwards to 
 repay the confidence and hospitality of another race, by a career 
 among them, marked throughout by selfishness and sensuality. 
 It will hardly do to talk of antiquity, in a country where our race 
 have been occupants but sixty years, in allusion to any relic of 
 their advent. But the old Shaeffer home, with all its historical as- 
 sociations, may be said to look antiquated. It was built in 1789, be- 
 fore the new discovery, the cut nail, was in use, and all the doors had 
 to be made consequently with wrought nails. Its strap door hinges, 
 its locks, handles and latches were made by a blacksmith, who had 
 come into the country ; none other could then be procured. It was 
 the first framed farm dwelling, in all the region between Genesee river 
 and Lake Erie. When it was building, the surveyors were making 
 the preliminary surveys of most of all the territory now comprised in 
 the counties of Orleans, Niagara, Erie, Genesee, Wyoming, Allega- 
 ny, Cattaraugus, and Chautauque ; Buffalo contained three log 
 dwellings, and Mr. Ellicot was making an opening to erect the first 
 log dwelling at Batavia. For ten years after that house was com- 
 pleted, and twenty years after its venerable surviving occupant was 
 cultivating large fields; when those apple trees had become bear- 
 ers, from the seeds he had planted, the site of a city of 40,000 in- 
 habitants, was a rugged and forbidding wilderness! The orchard 
 was planted six years before the British gave up all claim to W. N. 
 York, and surrendered Fort Niagara, and the house built but two 
 years afterwards. 
 The father and brother of Peter Sh^efl^er died in early years. 
 The fine start which the improvements gave him — the ready mar- 
 ket he found for his early large crops of corn — the facilities he en- 
 joyed for exchanging provisions for labor, with the new comers 
 that dropped in around him, were advantages he well improved ; and 
 to which he soon added grazing and droving ; his market. Fort Niag- 
 ara and Canada. He added to his original land purchase, by degrees, 
 until lie had a large possession ; and a competence of wealth has 
 rewarded his early enterprise. He is now in his 88th year ; his 
 faculties not materially impaired, his memory of early events reten- 
 tive and intelligent ; and with the exception of a diseased ankle, his 
 physical constitution holds out remarkably for one of his age. In 
 his younger days, he used spirituous liquors moderatelv; none for 
 i'u? last twenty years ; and as an example to old tobacco" chewers, it 
 may be added, that he was one of them for iialf a century, but is not of 
 them now. He has been the occupant of difl'erent town offices, and 
 has always enjoyed the esteem of his fellow citizens. The Scotch 
 settlers who became his neighbors, in indigent circumstances, and 
 the pioneers of different neighborhoods, in the western part of 
 Monroe county, many of them speak of his kindness in early years, 
 in furnishing them with grain and pork, upon credit; and in return 
 the old gentleman pays a high compliment to the honesty of the 
 primitive settlers, by saying that of the numerous debts thus con- 
 tracted, lie recollects no instance where he ultimately failed to re- 
 ceive his pay. He speaks of the gratification it used to give him, to 
 suppx^ vith a few bushels of grain, some potatoes, or pork, i)erhap.s, 
 settlers in the backwoods, (to be carried off", generally, upon their 
 backs,) who he has lived to see become the owner of broad fields and 
 crowded granaries. The surviving sons of Peter Shaeffer, are : — 
 Peter, Levi, Daniel, George ; the last of whom is the owner and 
 occupant ox" the old homestead, and one of the best farmers and stock 
 breeders in the Genesee valley. Mrs. Philip Garbut and Mrs. 
 Caleb Allen, are his daughters. His children all reside in Wheat- 
 land and Chili. 
 It was several years after settlement commenced upon the river, before the 
 Ridge Road was known ; an Indian tiail wont from the in(nith of the River 
 to Foit Niagara, keeping near the Lake shtire; and an(.)ther trail was alung 
 the west bank of the river fi'Dia Canawagus to mouth of river. Peter and 
 Jacob Shaetfer laid out a road from vVilan's creek to the Fails, in '92; had 
 no compass; took ranges from trees; but the road as it now exists, is mainly 
 on the okl route. It wiis improved, the streams bridged with logs, so that 
 tc.".ms could pass in the winter of '9;3, '4. 
 Deer were plenty ; bears and wolves made it troublesome to keep sheep or 
 hogs; but the raccoon was the most troublesome animal we had to contend 
 with. To save their corn, the new settlers were obliged to Inmt them, but 
 their fur sold readily, and paiil for the hunting. At some seasons the pigeons 
 •were very abundant; they could be taken in large numbers, by the use of nets; 
 the brciists were cut out, salted, and they made \ery good eating. Trout 
 were so plenty in Allan's creek, that a string of an hundred and an lumdrod 
 and titty, could be taken without changing ground. At Dumplin Hill, on 
 one occasitm, a jjanther vv;us a victim to liis voracious appetite. Killing a Ueer, 
 lie gorged himself, became stupid, an Indian found him hol}>less, avd shot him. 
 Uj> to 1V94, there was a constant intercourse kept up between the British 
 at Fort Niagara, and in Canjida, and th ^ Indians upon the river. A large 
 proportion of the Indians inclined to the British interests, and by means of 
 runnei-s, and speeches sent from Gov. Simcoe and Lord Dorchester, the idea 
 was constantly inculcated that the British would soon want their aid against 
 the United States. Just before the victory of Gen. Waj'ne, belie\ing as they 
 were made to believe, from some source, that be Avould be defeated, they 
 were menacing and insolent. AVhen a large ]iarty of them were encami)ed 
 on the Hats of Allan's creek, on their way to become allies against Wayne, 
 some (if the ])ainted wariiore gave out that they Avould return with help enough 
 to drive otf tlie whites. The victory created a better state of things, but th re 
 was not a feeling of perfect security until the surrender of Fort Niagarii, in 
 " I lia\ e been the commissary of an army," said Mr. Shaeffer, and he ex- 
 plained : — "When the American troops were on their way up the Lake to take 
 possession of Fort Niagara, in battcaux, they met with head winds, ])ut back 
 into the (ienesee ri\er, where their [irovisions failed. Hearing of Mr. Shaeffer, 
 they came up the river, quaitered in his barn, and ho supplied them with 
 pork and Indian meal, taking the ollicer's note. When they broke up their 
 quarters, Mr, Shnefter piloted them to Caledonia Springs, put them upon the 
 trail, nn.l arrivin- at To„,, Voudry pilot..! thorn to Fort Nia<rarn, whoro 
 drovo cat K, to (;anac^^ Ms,t..,l [-'...t Nia-a^^ an,l n-...iv.Ml hi., pay. 
 Mary J-nnson oiuv, stai,! at Mr. Hha-'-tK-r's over ni-ht, on her way with a 
 htintn,^. party to tho m.,„lh ,.f tlu, river. Sho ,vlat..,l tlu, story of l.or cap- 
 tivity, au.l said sh„ was haj-py in her Indian relations, and preferred to remain 
 rather than to rejoni her friends. 
 William ITencher was a native of Brookfield, Mass., a soldier of 
 the Revolution, he afterwards hccame a parti/.an of Shay, in the 
 Massachusetts rebellion. While transportinir some i)rovisions to 
 the insurgents, he was overtaken by some of the oi)posing military, 
 fled, leaving his teams, and sought refuge in the then wild region:* 
 of western New York. He came finst to Newtown Point, remained 
 there one year, was joined by his family, and located in the neigh- 
 borhood of Col. Sterrett, on Big Flats. In August, 1791, he and 
 his son William, then eleven years of age, went to the mouth of the 
 Genesee river, where they found Walker, the Ranger, located in a 
 log hut on the east pide of the river, near its mouth, the solitary oc- 
 cupant, short of Irondequoit Bay, Orange Stones, and Peter 
 Shaefi'ers. Determining upon a settlement, Mr. Hencher, with the 
 help of his son, went up to Long Pond, cut wild grass for the stock 
 fhey intended to bring on, erected a hut on the west side of the 
 river, and returned to Big Flats; carrying with them, however, a 
 sufficient amount of the fever and ague to last them nearly through 
 the winter. 
 ^ In February, '92, he moved in by the way of Seneca Lake and 
 Catherine's Town, upon ox-sleds. At Irondequoit, was the end of 
 any road. Mr. Hencher cut his road before liis teams, striking the 
 river above the Falls, and then down on the east side to Walker's, 
 where the family remained until the last of March, when they 
 crossed the river and occupied the hut they had erected in the fall, 
 the rocf of which was dry wild grass. This was the first hut of a 
 white man erected on the shores of Lake Ontario, between the 
 Genesee river and Fort Niagara. The family consisted of the 
 father, mother, one son, and seven daughters. Clearing a few acres 
 the first season, and i)lanting a few acres that Walker had cleared, 
 they got some summer crops ; and also erected a comfortable log 
 house. The place was much frecjuented by emigrants and boat- 
 men, who came to camp on shore. Mr. Hencher soon commenced 
 traffic with boatmen, emifrrantji and Indians, to which business he 
 soon added a brisk trade in lie and his son, havinti; |)i.,oured 
 a boat, would cross Lake Ontario to the river Credit, and purchase 
 fresh sahnon, and aometimes catch ihcni in the Oal; Orchard and 
 the Irondo([uoit. These he would cirry back into the settlements, 
 and exchanife for butter and cheese, which he would market in 
 Canada, makinjj; large profits. Purchasing six liunured acres of 
 land, li(! su[)]iort,ed a large family, and paid for the land twice, the 
 first title proving defective. The old gentlinrian died soon after the 
 war of 1812, his wife surviving until 1813, when she died at the 
 age of 93 years. The eldest daughter married Thomas Lee ; she 
 survives, and is a resident at I'ittsford. Hers wa.s the first marriage 
 that took place upon the west side of the river, except that of Peter 
 Shaefler. Another sister married Bartholomew Maybee, and is 
 yet living in Ohio ; another, Stephen Lusk, of Pittsford, and is yet 
 living; another, Jonathan Leonard, of Parma, and is yet living; 
 another, Donald M'Kenzie, of Caledonia, and is yet living. Two 
 others, Mrs. Clement, of Cleveland, and Mrs. Abel Rovve, of Parma, 
 are dead. Seven Pioneer wives and mothers came from under one 
 roof I Of the eight children, six are living ; and yet, they have 
 passed through the most rugged scenes of pioneer life, and their 
 location was, in early years, deemed the most unhealthy of all the 
 new settlements ! The eldest is 80, and the youngest (55. The old 
 gentleman lived to see all of his children married and settled. The 
 only son, William Hencher, is 71 years of age ; resides in Andover, 
 Allegany county, with faculties unimpaired, his memory enabling 
 him to relate early events with minuteness and accuracy. 
 For two years after we came to the moiitli of tlie Genesee river, many of 
 tlio Tmlians were ugly, tlireatcning and (jiianvlsome. Ponding the victory 
 of Wayne, my father had made uj) his mind to leave the country, if the re- 
 sult had been adverse; but his courage was renewed when the Senecas came 
 ])aek from tlic tight, tamo and spintloss, complaining of the conduct of tlioir 
 ISritish allies in shutting themselves up in a fort, and not comint;' to their res- 
 cue, as they had lieen made; to he]ie\-e they would. We all expected that if 
 "Wayne was tlefeated, the western Indians would come down and aid tlie 
 Senecas in a war upon the whites in diis region. The mouth of the Genesee 
 River, Braddock's Bay, and Irondequoit i3ay, were huntings, trapping, aud 
 : ( 
 °™;;f iH"* ;!;t Ss :i:,:;. txjr «^"'-«- ""- ^"-j« 
 !i?™i°; :;;:;""""'' '"■""«' "■■ '"■''»"• »"•■ ^^rt >-•. ..,."..,.11 ,,„ .,;;;;. 
 ™„ll'l"'.° ,i^""'l """". .''""■" '""' ■■"^'''' "ill' " l"i- *»-.T,.l ,h,v, wl,,.n 1,0 
 between fl...... I,v u-.. ,. ; ^^'''o'"'' ■'" • U.^u.m,,, a |„a,l to lie eiinW. 
 iW Vl ■ ''''■^"■V^^'"^'^'^''' ^^ '*• ^'^'"l "l I'-"n,l,.,,„,.ir, was ,.n,ssin.- th.lky 
 m a canoe — saw a bear swiinmn.r — . struck atliim ...i - i .1 " ■ 
 Parks, tl,3 lu,nt..r, n,a,|,. ,„y father's honso head m,a te^ ' Ni ^ I.^uhT 
 cocJnston'u,'''l .;;'"' T" ^"S"> ^^^'^ "^''^'l '^^ I'''^»^1<^'!>'oit, .ere out after 
 dark T, 1 ' i'"!"'- ^'""' ''"-' ^'■'■'"' '""'- "'^ ^l'*'y ^"l'l"«t.d. It was 
 dark, ]Ju, ,arelnnl„.d the tree, until he diseov.nd ,, .mi ofiyes laro^er tlnn 
 coons usually hav., and backed .lown. Thcv built n> ti, ., mnaS lr25 
 loJ ^fS: *,■;; ;-^'^ !-"''!<- ---'l''l<;n^i.. the bank.of tlio river be- 
 Slie ^n^u 'T "•'■'r'"-''^'^^^^ ^'"'3' ^vould come out, 
 li^ r nT '' '^^''^'.r^^ ^^■'^'' ^''^'•' J'^^'l^^tiekiuixout; .0 
 ZseUel Im I ''^r''- /^'"'^ r."'^' ^■""^■■»"« "»'i' the weather 
 to tliui den, unti cold weather came ao'ain. I have killed ll^rtv in a dav 
 w^t 1 d^^Sr •; '•''' '''''' 'iV!r n '-^^ ^-^ ^•'^^■*'-' "" --'■•' -^^ 
 the J-A , '","'"''■""' ^'"''' '^^^ '" ""■-'' '•''•>•• i '"'V.' no doubt of 
 La I i . uTi "^ ^'':""""«-A-, ^■■^■t''"; ^ ^'''^'^ ^^'"'^^1 ••'•»"1« -snakes tJmt 
 bl k 5^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^""''' ""^' '''^^■^^^'■^^■" --' l-i'-lstlutterin,. over 
 snake, when they woidd quickly take thewino-, 
 terof'D'.''\T'"'"'I-'p""''' '■''""-' "'' •^"''" ^^^■^^' ^^''"^ I>'>'1 "'^"■i^^l" <^'«'^h. 
 M-^Jt n v'''V. \^''^''''rr'' "* ^^''- ^^'il"i"n,son. My father and Love 
 Mcnt up t.;. Ls,,. >Shae rters and bought some corn, took it down to the Allan 
 TvlZ ,ur"ir T ? "^'^f^^^' l;"^k«.l n over the portage d.nvn to a point 
 a 1 ttie ab(.e Handtord s Landing, where they made ropes of bark and et it 
 Clow n in a canoe. 
 Deer we,-., abundant. I have killed six in one hour. Braddock'.s Bay was 
 aiamouspiace tor otters, muskrats and minks. Geese and ducks 
f fiimt'd 
 bro<l in tlio Bay, in tl.o pond, in Ironaefjuoit ]}ay. Wo ooiil.l nroonre their 
 ejrf,'s in any (lcMr,.,l (juMntity. 
 Our early route u|. ti.e rivor wasanold Indian trail that hore off from the 
 river to a\oi(l D,.,.]) Hollow, and came upon it again at Seuttsville; and it 
 was m;iuy yars before we had auv thing but a wood's road tinou'di the nre- 
 sent city of Kochcster. ^ 
 A very likely [ndian — Tusearora Charles — and his S,,uaw, were almost 
 constantly eneami)ed at the mouth of tlie river and iJradtloek's Bay. When 
 Uadierwent to Canada in '93, Charles went with mo to drive his cattle. 
 On our return, arriving at a camping ground, where the viliaoe of Cary- 
 ville, (lenesee comity, now i.s, we found Joseph Brant, with a white waiter, 
 en his way t(. Canada. He was well dressed, after the fcwhion of white men; 
 but before we parted, he changed his dr.'ss (Mitirely, putting on an Indian 
 dress, and getting Charles to paint him like an Indian warrior. This was be- 
 fore reachuig Tonawanda, and I fancied that he preferred appearing among 
 his own people like one of them. 
 There was a great change when tlie British gave up Oswego and Niagara: 
 navigation of the Lake was brisk; surveyors and emigrants 'on their way to 
 JNew Connecticut, often put into the mouth of the river. 
 We had but little sickness in our family; calletl Dr. Ilosmer on one or two 
 occiLsions. He used but little medicine; he recommended to my mother the 
 use ot the extract of bntteinut root, iw an ordinary cathartic, 'and she was 
 well Convinced of its etliacy. 
 During the Revolution, Butler's Rangers that did not go to Canada, were 
 .scattered along among the Indians, on the Susrpiehannali and Tioga rivers, 
 beneca Lake, and Genesee river. To arrest the march of Sullivan, Butler 
 and Brant came from Canad.•^ Butler to head the Rangers, and Br;mt to 
 head the Indians. When they were defeated and driven" before Sullivan's 
 army. Brant with his Indian allies, took the Niagara trail for Canada; and 
 Butler and Ins Rangers went down to the mouth of the Genesee river, after 
 sending AValker as a runner to Niagara to have boats sent down. They en- 
 camped, nmde no Hres for fear the "smoke would betray them, fired no guns, 
 kept as (piiet as possible, fearing that Sullivan's scouts would discover dieir 
 retrofit. There were several days delay of the boats, and when Walker ar- 
 rived with them, Butler and his men were nearly famished for the wjint of 
 .^^''- I^""ti ^ij«3 Pioneer at Johnson's Creek, Niagara county, was a 
 prisoner at Fort Niagara during the Boi'der Wars. Walker was then on the 
 other side, and one day was sent by Col. Butler over to enquire of the com- 
 manding ofHcer of the Fort if he had any news? "Tell Col. Butler," said 
 the British commandant, "that there is bad news; the d— d rebels have 
 carried the day, and there will be no place left for us but Nova Scotia where 
 It IS colder than is hot." * 
 This was jtist after the battle of Yorktown. The reader may fill the blank with 
 the name of the wainiest Ideality he can think of. The Walker alluded to by Messrs. 
 bliaettor and Heiicher. was from Minisink. Beconiini,' a Butler Ranijer, in the flio'ht 
 of tliat corps to 0:111 ;!.i:i iiftrr tlir ,!,i«i!<Te~ful attemi.t !u arrest the march of Sullivan, 
 he stojiped at tlie nioutii ot the Genesee rirer, on the east side, erected a lo" cabin, and 
 Lvcd there until his removal to Canada. He will have to be considered tho first of 
 rimLPs AND gorham's purchase. 
 Isaac Scott wns the first owner and occupant of tiie present vil- 
 lage of Scottsville. He emigrated from Vermont, in company 
 with Aaron and .lessee Beach,* in 1T!)(), to Avon, and they located 
 at the mouth of Allan's creek soon after, if not in the same year. 
 Scott (lied in 1818; many of his descendants reside at Whitewater, 
 Indiana. Other early settlers there not named in otiier coi iiections : 
 — Hinds Chamherlin, Samuel Cox, Israel Hall, William Frazier, 
 .Tames Woods, D. S. Winter, .John Smith, who was an early sur- 
 veyor employed hy Messi-s. Phelps, Williamson and Wadsworth, 
 Robert and Thomas Smiih, of Chili, are his sons. 
 Samuel Street of Niagara Falls, C. W., purchased soon after 
 1790, (of Ebenezer Allan it is presumed,) what has long been known 
 as the Street farm, at Dugan's creek on the river. In earliest the 
 years of settlement, Jeremiah Olmsted, his brother-in-law, came from 
 Fairfield, Conn., with his family, and occupied it. Considerable 
 improvements had been mad.' upon the farm by Allan and Dugan, 
 and Mr. Street had stocked it largely lor that early period. Ofthe 
 family, and those en^ployed upon the tarm, ten persons died the first 
 year of the " Genesee fever," among whom was Mrs. Olmsted. In 
 '98 or '9, Mr. Olmsted moved down the river and occupied a hut, on 
 the [)rescnt site of Rochester, south of the House of Refuge, near 
 where M'Kerchney's brewery now stands, where he cleared a small 
 spot. This was the first blow struck in the way of impr(jvement, 
 other than at the Allan mill, on all the present site of the city of Roch- 
 ester. " Tho shantee," says the author's informant, " had been put 
 up by one Farwell ; " one of the brothers it is presumed, who are 
 named in another connection. Mr. Olmsted remained upon the 
 spot but one year ; long enough, however, to produce tlie first crops 
 A (Imio:liter ot Is;iiic Sedtt, ivlio was llic v,-ilo (if .Tosso Bench, now rcsidos with 
 herson.Cvnis Hcncli, ;it Cimiliriii, Niii-iirii tomitv; jiavd t<2 viTirs. Sliosavshcrfnlhw 
 ami tho lioai'hos jiaul .')0 oeiit.s pcraoio lor lainl in aiulal)ou'l iSciltsvillr. " 'J'hfaullKir 
 fjivc'sa nMniiiHi'dic" in licr own words :— "'rhcrt' wiis a innii thcv railed Alli.ui ahowt 
 there when we eaiiie ; lie kept a nuniher of eatth^ on the llats, aiid jiad two or tlireo 
 squaws that staid with him ; they browsed and took care of tho cuttle." 
 oirr rare who iiihahit.'d all the ])resent county of Monroe. He h;id with him either two 
 Rtel)-(laui:h(<'rs, or women hving in a more (['uestionahle capacil v. He 1 imted, fished, 
 and trailiek.'d with halteinixmen. An early ma]) of all this rejrii'ii, en.ii'raved in J.ondon, 
 has upon it no sii^n of civilization or hahitation. on all the J.ake shore between Us- 
 ■Wego and Niau'ar.-i, excpt t!ie picture (if a lo^' cabin at the moulli ut the (ienesoe 
 nvejvuid uiiderne.ah it the word "Walker's." 
 ever grown upon the site of Rochester, lie went upon the Ridge 
 becoming the neighbor ol' Daniel Rowe. He was the collector of 
 taxes for Northanipton, in 1799, and like his predecessor, «imon 
 Kuig, and his successor, Peter Shaeller, his tax roll embraced the 
 whole region between the Genesee and Niagara rivers. He changed 
 his residence to Ilandford's Landing in 1810, where he died °he 
 same year. Harry Olmsted, of Greece, his son ard successor, still 
 survives; has been long known as a tavern keeper, on River road, 
 near Handford's Landing; another son resides in Canada, and Mrs.' 
 Billington of Allegany county, is a daughter. Harry Olmsted, was 
 at the mouth of the river, and upon Niagara frontier in the war of 
 1812, at one period a irember of Capt. Rovve's company, at another 
 enrolled in the cavalry of Major Stone. He was in the battle at 
 Lundy's Lane, and was at Fort Erie in the aHliir of fhe luth of 
 As early as April, 1797, ail the region between the Genesee river 
 and Lake Erie, was made a separate town of Ontario county, called 
 Northampton. The first town meeting was held at the house ol" 
 Peter Shaeller. "The vote was taken by Gad Wadsworth, Esq.. 
 of the town of Hartford." Josiah Fish was chosen supervisor, Eli 
 Granger, town clerk. Other town ollicers : — .Joseph Morgan' Jo- 
 siah Fish, Peter Shaeffer, Elijah Kent, Jeremiah Olmsted^Gideon 
 King, Christopher Dugan, Isaac Scott, Hinds Chamberlin, Simon 
 It will be observed that there were but three road districts. They 
 were on the river, from Canawagus to Lake Ontario ; no road then 
 leading into the interior. The inhabitants were so few, that one 
 man held no less than three town offices. Filty dollars was raised 
 to defray the expenses of the town. In that year 18d., was au- 
 thorized to be expended for "election boxes." 
 In 1799, most of the same officers were re-elected, and Jesse 
 Beach who had settled on the road west of Caledonia, was made a 
 path master, the first west of Caledonia Fifty dollars was raised 
 for town expenses, and the like sum, " payable in labor or produce," 
 for the erection of bridges. 
 In 1800, the town ofiicers chosen v,-ere distributed along on west 
 bank of the river and along the main road to the village of Buffido. 
 For instance: — iwo path-masters resided upon the river one at 
 Le Roy, another at Statlbrd, another at Durham's Grove, another 
 I lit .lili 
 4 i I 
 -4 I i 
'Mi t 
 at Clarence ITollnw, and another in liufllilo. Tn this j'oar, il'iOO 
 was raised lor huildiiiy; a hridgo over the creek at " Buttermilk Falls." 
 In an accouni current between the tt)vvn, and Josiah Fish, su])(>rvisor. 
 lor tlie years '97, '8, '0, '<.>0, lie is credited for money expended on 
 " Bridge over Deep Hollow," (llochester) $17^). In this year, Peter 
 ShaeH'er was collector of the town. The number of names upon 
 his tax roll was less than ir)0, and a lar^e number of them were 
 those of non-residents. Althougli the whole fax was over S?,000, 
 the sum paid by resident landholders was less than 6i2,00. In the 
 collection of it Mr. Shaefler found it much cheaper to pay himself 
 many of the small amounts, than to look up those to whom they 
 were assessed, scattered as they were in the forest. To reach the 
 town of Lewiston, from Buffalo, he had to cross the Niagara river 
 and go down on the Canada side. 
 In 1801, $100 were raised "for destroying wolves, and payinfr 
 other contingent charges of tb.e town." It was voted that the 
 "wolfs head must have the entire skin thereon." A resolution was 
 passed, that "from the extensive boundaries of the town, it is neces- 
 sary it should be divided. " 
 A glance at the records of 1802, shew the progress of settlement 
 westward ; although the town meetings were still continued at the 
 house of Peter Shaeller, and Col. Fisfi was continued supervisor, the 
 path-masters began to occupy a wide range : — Abel Howe was a 
 a i)ath-master in the now town of Greece; Asa Utley, near Scotts- 
 ville ; Daniel Buell, at Lo Roy ; Jas. M'Naughton, Caledorda ; 
 Ezekiel Lane, Buffalo ; Joseph Howell and Lemuel Cooke at Niag- 
 ara Falls and Lewiston ; Richard M. Stoddard of Le Roy was one 
 of the commissioners of highways ; and Isaac Sutherland of Batavia 
 was a constable. 
 In 1803, the towns of Leicester, Batavia, and Southhampton, were 
 erected from Northampton by a resolution adopted at a special town 
 meeting. The commissioners appointed to fix the boundaries of the 
 four towns, were: — Elijah Kent, R. M. Stoddard, Samuel Tupjier, 
 John Thompson. 
 The first general election for all the region west of Genesee River, 
 was in April, 1800. For Congress, Thomas Morris had 37 votes. 
 For members of Assembly, Nathaniel Norton had 37, Lemuel Chip- 
 man 25, William Dunn 10. In 1801, Stephen Van Rensselaer had 
 78 votes fur Governor, George Clinton 10. For delegates to state 
 convention ; — Moses Atwatcr 52, John Knox 77, Israel Cliapin yi, 
 Amos ITnll 0. In 1803, for (V,n<ri-ess, Oliver rhoIi)s 117, N.W. 
 Howell 1(5; lor metubers of Assenihly, .Tose])li Ellicotf. 117, Aug. 
 Porter 117, Daniel Chapin 121, TliaJdeus Cliapin 5, Eheiie/.er Merry 
 2, I'ollydore B. Wisner 12. 'J'liis was the last election previous to 
 the erection of Genesee county. 
 First road recorded i;- from Braddock's Ray to distillery of 
 St<'[)hen Peahody, on River, a short distance below Mr. ShaeOer's. 
 This, it is presumed, was what had been called the " Williamson 
 road," — tlie first avenue opened to reach the Bay fiom the BufTalo 
 road. The 2d: — "From Landing; |)lace below the Falls, to Land- 
 in<^ place above the Allan mill." 3d: — Across the fiats of the 
 River near Cuylerville. 'Ith: — From "mouth of River to Canawa- 
 gus, and from thence to east ])Oun(is of Peter (JampbcH's lot, at the 
 up])er end of Scotch settlement." In lh02 the road was recorded 
 from Le Roy to liatavia; from "Batavia to mouth of Buffalo creek 
 near John Paltner's house;" from "Niagara Falls to Lewiston and 
 Fort Niagara." In 1707, there were three path-masters west of Gen- 
 esee River: — Christo[)her Dugan, Joseph Morijan, and Jo;iiah 
 Fish. In 170!), there w(n-e five : — Jessce Beach, Asa Baker, Peter 
 Shaefier, Elijah Kent, Sanuiel Hicks. In 1800, there were seven : — 
 Jotham Curtis, Garrett Davis, Asa Ransom, Joshua ('hamberlin, 
 Stephen Peabody, Timothy Madden, Jr., Daniel (Jurtis. In 1801, 
 eleven: — Nehemiah Weston, Simon King, Solomon Blood, Joseph 
 Cunnnings, Vvycy. Brown, John M' Vean, Daniel Davis. John Pal- 
 mer, John M' Naughton, Salmon Scott, Asa Ransom. 
 Col. Jo.siah Fish, the early Supervisor of the wide region of 
 Northampton, was from Windham, Vermont. Having in a pre- 
 vious visit to the country, jiurchased a farm at the mouth of Black 
 Creek, on the Genesee river, in 171)5, with his son Libbeus, he came 
 on to commence upon it. Hiring his team work of Mr. Shaeller, 
 he broke up a few acres of the open flats, planted it, put up a log 
 hut which h(> \'ot the Indians to cover with bark; after which, the 
 father and son went down to board with Sprague, who was then in 
 charge of the Allan mill, at the Falls; "and pretty hard board it 
 was," says the son: — " We had raccoon fur breakfast, dinner and 
 supper, witli no vegetables ; and upon extra occasions, we had 
 cakes fried in raccoon oil." This, with the fever and ague added, 
 was a specimen ol pioneer life in what is now Rochester. Taking 
 the son up to Mr. Berry's at Canawaugus, where he had a winter's 
 sickness, the father returned to Vermont for the family; and in 
 April, the whole were in their new solitary home at Black Creek 
 hvmg without doors, floor, window or chimney. Over half of the 
 family were soon prostrated by disease, whicii continued the crreat- 
 er part of the season. In November, Mr. Williamson havin-^lnred 
 Coi. .<ish to fake charge of the Allan mill, the family moved°down 
 to the Falls, and occupied a board shantee for cookinrr, sleepincr in 
 rooms partitioned off in the mill, where was not even the lu.xury 
 of glass windows. In this way they wintered and summered. 
 1 he next fall, they put up a three walled log house, against a ledge 
 of rocks on the river hank, the site being that now occupied bv the 
 old red, near Child's basin ; the ledge of rocks serving fo; one 
 wal of the house ; a fire place and chimney being excavated in the 
 rock. They found for their neighbors, Messrs. Hencher and Hos- 
 mer, at the mouth of the river; and soon after they had located at 
 the Falls, they ;vere much gratified in the accession of some new 
 neighbors — the Atchinsons — at Braddock's Bay. In 1798 Col 
 Fish, being a magistrate for Ontario county, held a court at Lewis- 
 ton for the trial of a person who had sold li.juor to the soldiers of 
 t ort A K.gara. He remained in charge of the mill until 1804, when 
 he moved back to his farm. In 1807, he sold his farm, and moved 
 upon the Ridge, near Parma, where he died in 1811. Libbeus 
 Fish, lormerly of Batavia, now residing at Jackson, Michigan; 
 John P., Chicago, are his sons. 
 The Afchinson family were from Tolland county. Conn. It con- 
 sisted of Bezaleel Atchinson, his brothers, Asa, Jacob, Sylvester 
 Stephen and John, his two sons, and two daughters. Sylvester 
 Atchinson surveyed the town of Naples for Phelps & Gorham In 
 1794, they purchased lands there, some of the brothers remained 
 and mad. impn.vements, and in 1790 were joined by Bezaleel and 
 his family, who remained there but a short time, and in March of 
 that year, went to Braddock's Bay, two brothers accompanying him. 
 Although all the Atchinson brothers, six in number, were at the 
 Bay as eariy as 1802, Bezaleel with his family, and two brothers, 
 Stephen and John, were the Pioneers. Mr. Williamson having just 
 opened the town of Parma for sale, held out some inducements for 
 them to commence the settlement at the Bay. They came in by the 
 way of Canawagus, crossing the river on the ice, and on urnving 
 at the Allan mill, found a hunter by the name of Parks, a wanderer, 
 with his dog, gun, and blanket — the Leather Stocking of the Gen- 
 esee Valley — who they hired as a pilot, — not having even the bene- 
 fit of marked trees after they left the river. They were three days 
 making the journey from where Rochester now is, to Braddock's 
 Bay, making their own road as they went along. With tlie boards 
 from their sled, and some blankets, they made a shelter, in which 
 they lived six weeks; in which time they built a log house without 
 nails, boards or glass. Starting from Naples with four oxen they 
 lost one on the road, and two, soon after they arrived at the Bay, 
 leaving them but one ox for their team work ; but with this one ox, 
 they logged eight acres and prepared it for summer crops. They 
 used him with a crooked yoke and traces. 
 Michael Beach, had the summer previous, come in and made a 
 small improvement, on the farm now owned by Judge Castle. 
 Within one, two and three years, the Atchinsons were joined in 
 their new settlement by George Goodhue, Silas Leonard, Timothy 
 Madden and their families. Leonard was from Stockbridge, Mass- 
 achusetts; there came in with him his sons Jonathan and Silas. 
 The next year after they emigrated, the father went to the salt 
 works at Onondaga to chop cord wood, and was killed by the fall- 
 ing of a limb of a tree. Capt. Jonathan Leonard, upon whom the 
 care of the family devolved, who married a daughter of Wm. Hench- 
 er, is yet living at the Bay. He says : — " We suffered much from 
 sickness. After being in three years we lost all our household ef- 
 fects by fire ; we could raise no money for anything except cattle, 
 with which we paid for our land ; with a crop of three hundred 
 bushels of wheat, we could not raise one shilling in money. We 
 experienced the utmost kindness from Mr. Williamson, and his suc- 
 cessors." Silas Madden, of Parma, is a son of the early Pioneer ; 
 another son, Alpheus, sickened upon the frontier in the war of 1S12, 
 and died soon after reaching home. 
 Roswell Atchinson, Esq., of Parma, is a surviving son of the 
 early Pioneer, Bezaleel Atchinson. He says ; — "I have heard my 
 mother say that she lived eight months without seeing a white 
 woman. The Indians often come to the Bay to hunt, trap, and pick 
 cranberries. Salmon were abundant in Salmon creek; I have 
 known my father to take three barrels in a short time. We had for 
 neighbors, tlie first v/inter, a colony of beavers. Their dam was on 
 Salmon creek ; we did not molest them ; used to often see them at 
 work ; thounrht we would protect them, and let them breed a large 
 colony ; hut the spring freshet came, swept away their dam, they 
 went into the Bay where they were caught by a trapper. These 
 were all the beavers we saw ; their dams on all the small streams 
 however, looked as if they bad not been long deserted." " We had 
 no schools until we had been in eight years ; we then built a locr 
 school house, in whicli Alpheus Madden taught for two monthj 
 when the house burned down. I went to Victoi-, the nearest school. 
 Two Metho.list circuit preachers — Messrs. Hill and Woodworth 
 found our new settlement after many years; not until settlement 
 had commenced upon tlie Ridge. They would preach at the house 
 of some new settler ; and it was not uncommon for women to cro 
 on foot five or six miles to hear them." ^ 
 The surviving sons of Bezaleel Atchinson, are: — Roswell of 
 Parma, Austin, of Greece, Fuller, a Methodist clergyman at the west 
 Daughters: — Mrs. Willard Cranson, and Mrs. Buel, of Michicran 
 Mrs. Samuel Wyman, of Parma, and Mrs. Sylvanus Willey, of Oo-.' 
 den. The father died in 1828, aged 06 years. The brothers who 
 came into the country with him :- Sylvester, resides in Oakland 
 county, Michigan ; Stephen died a few years since in Illinois, Mrs 
 George Patterson of Parma, is his daughter ; John resides in Parma 
 overSOyearsof age; — he commanded a volunteer corps in the 
 war of 1812, serving upon the frontier, and at the mouth of the 
 Genesee river. Asa. resides in Coldwater, Michigan, and Jacob in 
 Illinois ; makmg four of the six brothers, who came to the Genesee 
 country in 1794, still alive; an instance of longevity, that has few 
 parallels^ Jacob Atchinson buried a wife and nine children, before 
 leaving Parma, and has now a second wife, and a large family 
 In 1790 Phelps and Gorham sold to a company of men in Spring- 
 field and Northampton, Mass., 20,000 acres of T. 7, 1. short ran4 
 upon the "Mill Tract." This embraced all of the present site of 
 the city of Rochester, west of the river.* Among the purchasers, 
 were Quartus Pomeroy, Justin Ely, Ebenezer Hunt, and 
 Breck. By re-sales, previous to 1796, Augustus and Peter B. Por- 
 ter, Zadock Granger and Gideon King, had become part owners 
 or "Il^!n ^11 t"^»^ V- ?"; 'V"' of conveyance, the "One Hundred Acre TiacV 
 or Allan MiU 1 ract," vhich had previously been granted to Ebei-ezer ATan. 
 The tract was surveyed in 1790, by Frederick Saxton, aad sub- 
 divided in '97, by Aug. Porter. 
 In the winter of 1796, '7, the settlement of the tract commenced, 
 by the advent of four families : — Eli Granger, Thomas King, Si- 
 mon King, and Elijah Kent. They came in via Canawaugus, and 
 down the river, locating a short distance above what was afterwards 
 King's, now Handford's Landing. They had no shelter but their 
 covered sleighs, until they erected log huts. The next year they 
 were joined by Bradford and Moses King, Dr. Stone and Gra- 
 ham ; and in 1798, four brothers, Ebenezer, Daniel, Abel and Asa 
 Rowe, settled in the neighborhood. These new settlers began to 
 make farms, but encountered sickness and death enough to have dis- 
 couraged the less resolute. Several of the hea«ls of families died 
 in the first few years. 
 Asa Rowe died soon after coming in, as did Graham, and 
 the father of the brothers Kings, and Elijah Kent. When Mr. 
 Rowe died, the other brothers were sick and unable to go for help 
 to lay him out and bury him, until he had lain 24 hours. Recover- 
 ing from their sickness, the surviving brothers left the country, and 
 returned to Oneida county. In a few years however, Daniel and 
 Abel returned, bringing with them another brother, Frederick, and 
 setded on the Ridge Road. 
 The first boards that the new settlers obtained, was by repairinrr 
 the old Allan saw mill at the Falls, and in a few years Nathaniel 
 Jones, built a rude saw mill on the small stream, that puts in near 
 Hanford's Landinji. 
 Dr. Zacheus Colby, and Dr. Sylvester Atchinson, were early 
 physicians, practicing in the Kings' settlement. 
 In 1799, Eli Granger and Abner Migells, built a schooner at 
 King's Landing, the first merchant vessel built by Americans on 
 Lake Ontario, and none had been previously built by Americans on 
 the LIpptr Lakes. 
 Township 13, range 7, was the fifth sale made by Phelps & Gor- 
 hnm. In Mr. Pheli)'s memorandum, it is entered as sold to " Gen. 
 Hyde and others." The associates of Gen. Hyde, who was a resi- 
 dent of Lenox, Mass., were his townsmen, Prosper Polly, Enos 
 Sto.v,'. Job Gilbert, Joseph Chaplin, and it is presumed, John Lusk, 
 of Berkshire, as fifteen hundred acres of tlie township near the head 
 of Irondequoit Bay, was set ofi" to him, while the survey of the 
 township into farm lots was progressing. Mr. Lusk was the pio- 
 neer in improvement and settlement, and in fact bore that relation 
 to all of what is now Monroe county, having even jireceded the 
 Shaelfers several months. With his son Stephen, then fifteen years 
 old, and Seely Peet, a hired man, he came to the new region early 
 in the summer of 1789. Arriving at Schenectady, he embarked 
 with a small stock of provisions, in a batteau, the son and hired 
 man coming by land, and driving some cattle. The son, Stephen 
 Lusk, of Pittsford, who still survives, says he remembers very well, 
 that upon the present site of Utica, there was only an opening of 
 about half an acre in the forest — and that the ])ioneer there, John 
 Post, was just finishing his log cabin. They came upon the Indian 
 trail, via Skaneatelas, Onondaga Hollow, and from there to Cayuga 
 Lake had little more than spotted trees as a guide. They crossed 
 Cayuga Lake on a raft, swimming their cattle. The father, son and 
 hired man, re-united at Canandaigua, and constructing an ox-sled, 
 made their own road to their location in Brighton. Erecting a loo- 
 cabin, they cleared twelve acres and sowed it to wheat, procuring 
 their wheat of Ebenezer Allan, upon the ShaefTer farm, by cutting 
 a woods road to the mouth of Red creek, to which point they trans- 
 ported it in a canoe. While they were clearing the land and so\\ing 
 their wheat, they saw none of their own race, but the surveyors of 
 the township. Indians often came from Canada in canoes to the 
 Bay, on their way to Canandaigua. The whole three had the ague 
 and fever, which obliged them to suspend labor for a considerable 
 period. They returned to Massachusetts in the fall. 
 In the spring of 1790, Mr. Lusk brought out his family, coming 
 all the way from Schenectady to the head of Irondequoit Bay by 
 water, the sons Stephen and Erastus coming by land with stock in 
 company with Enos Stone and others. Mr. ShaefTer and his brother, 
 being bachelors, the family of John Lusk may be said to be the first 
 family located upon all the territory now embraced in Monroe county, 
 other than the temporary residents, refugees from the border wars, 
 Allan and Walker. The first few years they had to contend v/ith all 
 the usual privations of extreme l)ackwoods life, and to which was 
 added disease and harrassing Indian alarms. The refugee Walker 
 of whom Mr. Hencher speaks, living in his solitary hut at the mouth 
 of the River, was stilhn the British ami Indian interests -made 
 frequent_ visits to Niagara; and returning would ahirm the lew 
 settlers in the backwoods by representing that thev were to be 
 attacke ' by the Indians. He was not jileased with his new nei-rh- 
 bors ; and when they crowded upon him, he sought more concrenial 
 associations, in Canada.* . ° 
 Mr. Lusk died in 1814, aged GO years. Besides the present 
 Stephen Lusk, his sons were Erastus, Norman, John and Aaron. 
 Stephen Lusk, whose wife as will have been observed, is the dauc^hter 
 of Willinm ITencher, is 76 years of age. Heman and Dennis Lusk 
 of Bittsford, Henry Lusk of Laporto, Indiana, are his sons; Mrs. 
 Thomas Wilcox of Mendon, is his daughter. 
 Orange Stone, a son of one of the original proprietors of the 
 township, with his fiimily, Joel Scudder and family, and Chauncey 
 and Calvin Hyde, followed Mr. Lmk in a few weeks; and about 
 the same time Timothy Allyn, came on and occupied ahne, a log 
 cabin he erected on a tract of 500 acres on the stream that took his 
 name, near the termination of the Brighton plank road. Spending a 
 summer in the wilderness he got discouraged, sold out and went°to 
 Geneva, where he wcs a prominent and useful citizen in earlv years. 
 He had borne the commission of Captain in the war of ihe Revolution. 
 He finally returned to Massachusetts, where ho died at the advanced 
 age of 90 years. He was a lineal descendant of Robert .Ulvn, who 
 with Robert Winthrop and James Averv, was a pioneer emio-rant 
 at New Lo-.don,Conn.; F. U. Sheffield, of Palmyra, is a nephevv of 
 the early Pioneer of the Genesee country. 
 Orange Stone located on the now Pittsford road, a little east of 
 Brighton village, near the " rock and tree." Messrs. Bacon, Adams, 
 and Fellows, of Bloomfield, Enos Stone, Stephen Lusk and others, 
 who had emigrated, or intended to do so, in 1790, clubbed together, 
 and started for the new region a drove of oxen, cows, and hogs. 
 Enos Stone, Jr. the son of one of the proprietors named above, 
 Stephen Lusk. Jacob Lobdell, one of the Adams, were of the drivers. 
 After leaving Utica, they travelled about 25 miles per dav, camping 
 each night ; arriving at Cayuga Lake they crossed their stock in 
 two Durham Boats — the work of crossing consuming four days. 
 The provisions of the party failed thcMn, and they were from Thurs- 
 day morning until Sunday night without food. Arriving at Geneva, 
 nearly famished, their wants were supplied. 
 Unless this party had been preceded a few days by the Wads- 
 worths, their stock was the first brought west of the Seneca Lake. 
 They had among the rest, a few sheep that went to Bloomfield. In 
 addition to Orange Stone, Chauncey Hyde, a son of another of the 
 proprietors came on in 1790, locating upon the farm now occupied 
 by Col. Gould. He remained but one season ; sickness discouraged 
 him. He went upon some lands of his father, in Broome county. 
 The elder Enos Stone did not emigrate to Brighton until 181G, 
 where he died a few months after his arrival. Orange Stone, who 
 for many years occupied one of the western outposts of civilization, 
 keeping almost from his first arrival, a house of entertainment ; a 
 home for the young men who were settling about him, and a stop- 
 ping place for the occasional hunter, Indian trader, and traveler, 
 died in 1842, aged 73 years. His eldest son. Orange, was drowned 
 at Connraut, Ohio, by stepping from the plank of a steamboat in the 
 night. The only surviving son, Enos Stone, is now in California; 
 several daughters reside in Michigan. 
 Col. Enos Stone continued to reside in Lenox, making frequent 
 visits to the new purchase, and residing occasionally with his bro- 
 ther. Orange, until 1810, when he became a pioneer settler of the 
 city of Rochester, his original farm embracing all of the most densely 
 populated portion of the city east of the river. He still survives, 
 at the age of 76 years. His wife, who was the daughter of Bryant 
 Stoddard, of Litchfield, Conn., died in 1850, aged 73 years. James 
 S. Stone, (horn in May, 1810, the first born on the site of the city 
 of Rochester,) of Greece, is the only survivor of five sons ; Mrs. 
 Wm. C. Storrs, of Rochester, and Mrs. George Wales, are sur- 
 viving daughters ; and a third, unmarried daughter, resides with her 
 father. With a memory of early events unimpaired. Col. Stone has 
 furnished the author with many interesting reminiscences, the ear- 
 liest of which, are inserted here, and the later ones reserved for 
 that portion of the work, having more especial reference to Monroe 
 In an early year, I was stopping with my brother Orange. Chauncoy 
 Hyde and myself were out liunting cattle. We saw a sinuke risini^ at the 
 Irondcqiioit Landing, and went down to it. AVe found that it prucfckvl from 
 an Indian camp; as we approached it, two Indians rase up from a coucli, one 
 of wliich, especially, attracted our attention. His camp otjuijipage we thought, 
 rather extraordinary fi)r an Indian; he was well dressed — partly as a white 
 man, and partly as an Indi;m; bid us good morning with great civility, and 
 displaying a gold watch and trimmings, observd that being wearied lie had 
 over slej't. He soon announced himself f,., Josei)h Brant, on hLs way from 
 Burliiigl(>n Bay to Canandaigua. Having ariived in a boat he had sent In- 
 dian runners to Canandaigua for horses, and was awaiting their return. He 
 accepted our invitation and came up with us to my brother's house. His 
 familiar conversation, and gentlemanly manners, soon convinced us that he 
 was nut the savage we had conceived him to be, from accounts we had heard 
 and read of him, in connection Avith the Border Wars. He (piieted our ap- 
 prehensions of any farther Indian troubles, by assuring us, that as the Seneciis 
 had sdld their lands to the whites, the bargain should be cairieci out in good 
 faith, and the new settlements should not be molested. He manifested I'nuch 
 interest in all that was going on in tlrs region, and inquired when new settle- 
 ments were commencing. The visit gave us great pleasure, and (piieted our 
 fears. In iiereon, Jaseph Brant bore a close resemblance to Gen. Braily, of 
 the U. S. aimy. 
 I knew an early settler of Irondequoit, who used to kill, dress, and eat 
 skunks ; ho said their meat was fine flavored, free from any ofl;ensive odor.* 
 The principal colony of the rattle snakes was in bank of river, below the 
 Lower Falls, at a place Ave used to call " Rattle Snake Point;" and there wjis 
 also a large colony at Allan's creek, near the end of the Brighton plank road. 
 I think they grow blind about the time of returning to their dens, in August 
 region tor the oil and the gall of the rattle-snake. The oil was used for stitf 
 joints and bruises; the gall for fevers, in the form of a pill, made up with 
 Fish were abundant, and a great help to the early settlers. A structure 
 similar to an eel wire was placed in the Irondequoit, below the Falls. The 
 rack was made of tamarack poles. I have known ten barrels of fine fat 
 salmon taken there in one night. The river atibrded a plenty of black and 
 st)ii)ed biiss, and the Bay pickerel and pike. I never knew of the salmon 
 ascending the Genesee river, but one season. Allan's creek in Brighton, 
 aftbrded abundance of trout. The geese and ducks were so plenty in Brad- 
 dock's Bay, that bushels of their eggs could sometimes be picked up in the 
 * Somo of the early surveyors of Wiaconain confirm this good opinion of the flesh 
 of the skunk. 
 In one of tlie early ycnrs, I carried sonip jfrain to the Allan mill, to jvot 
 pround for my brotlier Oranj^o, and had to remain over niylit. Allan was 
 there, iu a spree or carousal. To mnke a fea-<t, he had sent Indians into tho 
 woods, to Hli(K)t ho^s that had gone wild, and he furnished the whiskey. 
 There were many Indians collected. It was a high time, and the chief of 
 tlie entertainment wiuseiij'ving it in great glee. Tired of the carousal, ho re- 
 tired to a couch, where a sijuaiv and a white wife awaited his coming. 
 The hogs that we brought here in 1790 strayed oh', and they and their pro- 
 geny became wild, we hail to either shoot or hunt them with dogs. The 
 boars and old sows have been seen often, victoi-s in a conflict with beai-s. A 
 boar was caught and penned. He refused footl, and woulil not tame. When 
 pei'sons ap[)roached the pen he would froth at the moutii; occasionally strike 
 his long tushes into the logs of his pen, tearing out and champing the splinters. 
 He is a native of Orwell, Vermont. In March, 1796, when he 
 was 19 years old he left home in company with Samuel SpafTord, 
 and came on foot to the Genesee country, first stoppinj^ a short time 
 at Jonathan Smith's in Farmington, where they hired out to make 
 sap troughs. Going to Irondcciuoit Landing, he found tlie only 
 occupant there, Asa Dunbar, a mahitto, witia a family. Remaining 
 at the Landing about six weeks, a large company, consisting of the 
 proprietors of the then newly purchased Connecticut lands in Ohio, 
 their surveyors, and two families, in five boats, came up the Lake 
 on their way to commence survey and settlement. In pursuance of 
 a previous agreement, the young men, Culver and SpalFord, joined 
 the expedition. Landing at Queenston, taking their butteaux over 
 the portage, the expedition went up Niagara River and coasted along 
 the south shore of Lake Erie, finding no wliite inliabitant after they 
 lef* the mouth of Buffalo creek — where there was one solitary 
 family until they reached Er.':, where they found Col. Seth Reed, 
 Gunn, who had his family with him, stopped at Conneaut, be- 
 coming the first settlers there. Proceeding to the moftth of the 
 Cuyahoga, the party landed, on the site of the present city of Cleve- 
 land, and erected a log dwelling house and store house. Stiles, one 
 of the party who had taken his wife along, built for inmself a house, 
 and became the Pioneer settler at that point.* 
 * A son of his born tlie next winter -vwis the first born of white parents, on the Re- 
 serve. Mrs. Stiles <it the period of parturition bad none other of her sex than native 
 Bquaws, to attend her. 
 The party all returned to New Eii<rl;H)(l in the fall. In the follow- 
 ing spriiiir, Messrs. (Culver ami S|>air<'r(l came on again to Ironde- 
 quoit, himted, trapped, bought furs, until the surveyors again arrived> 
 and they again embarked in their service. The principal of the 
 party on this second expedition, was Seth Pea o, a brother-in-law 
 of Gideon Granger. The expedition consisted of a Dout (50 persons. 
 In the .summer — 1707 — they cleared and planted six acres, which 
 are now in the centre of the city of Cleveland. In 1798, Mr. 
 Culver was in the employ of the contractors who had taken the job 
 of the New Connecticut com[)any to cut out the road from the Penn- 
 sylvania line, across their purchase. Remaining the next year in 
 Vermont, in 1800 Mr. Culver came out and purcliased the farm 
 where he now resides; making his home at Major Orange Stone's, 
 and going to his place through the woods by marked trees, he cleared 
 seven acres and sowed it to wheat the first season ; realizing a 
 good crop. Fearing a defective title, he abandoned his farm, and 
 •was employed by Augustus Griswold for the next three years, at 
 Ironde(|uoit Landing, in superintending an Ashery, the first estab- 
 lished in all this region. It worked up the ashes and black salts of 
 the new settlers I'or a great distance around it ; shipping at the 
 early period, in 180;i, 108 barrels of pearl ash to Montreal. Ashes 
 being a shilling per bushel, enabled the settlers, generally destitute 
 of money, to get some store trade. In 1804, obtaining a small stock 
 of goods at the east, by purchase, and a much larger stock of Tryon 
 and Adams, at Iron(ief[uoit upon conunission, Mr. Culver went to 
 Cleveland and opened a store, principally for Indian trade, where 
 he had been preceded only by one trader, with a small stock. He 
 bought furs of the Indians, and opening a barter trade with the 
 settlements in Pennsylvania, his customers brought him upon pack 
 horses, whiskey and cider brandy, in keg,s, butter, cheese and honey- 
 He sold them salt at 83,00 per bushel. Extending a barter trade to 
 Detroit, he obtained there, a|)ples and white fish. Disposing of his 
 goods, he returned, had title to his farm made good, married the 
 daughter of John Ray of Pittsford, and became a permanent resi- 
 dent of Brighton, as early as 1805. 
 In 1811, Mr. Culver built the schooner Clarissa, on the Roswell 
 Hart farm in Brighton, and drew it to the Bay, with twenty six 
 yoke of oxen ; and after tliat he built three other schooners, and put 
 them upon the Lake. He was one of tlie contractors for building 
 the ombifted locks at Lockport, on the original construction of 
 the canal. In 1822, he built at Brighton, a packet boat, the first 
 boat built as far west as there, and the fourth packet that was built on 
 the canal. These are but a part of the enterprises of his active 
 and useful life. He is now 72 years old, moving about and super- 
 intending a large estate, neither his physical or mental constitution 
 but little impaired. He has buried two sons ; his only daughter is 
 Mrs. L. D. Ely of Brighton. 
 On the .shore of Lake Ontario, on a liigli bhilf near Irondequoit Bay, in 
 1796, tlie bank caved otf, and untoiiibed a large (quantity of Imnum bones, 
 of a large size. The arm and leg bones, upon comparison, were much 
 larger than those of our own race. 
 In 1797 I trapjied two young beaver, at Brush creek, above Braddock's 
 Bay. I saw one of their kjdges. It was about the size and shape of a liay 
 cock; carried up with brush, as aground work, co\ered with nislies, and pks- 
 tered with clay. I have seen the stumps of trees they had gnawed down, that 
 measured one foot across. They select the sites of their dams with something 
 like human intelligence. 
 At one pei'iod, jJivtty much all the Lake business of this region, was ens- 
 acted at Irondequoit Landing. Tlie first flour wasshijiped there that v 4 to 
 Montreal. It wa.s not untib along about 1813, that we abandoned the idea 
 that it would be the great commercial point of this region. 
 In 1805, 'G, myself. Orange 8tone, George Dailoyryiwnuel Spafford, and 
 Miles Nortlui]), with tlie hulp'of $50 a]iproi)riated from the town of North- 
 field, cut out the road, two rods wide, from Orange Stone's to the river, four 
 Wlien I first came to Irondequoit, in excavating the earth to build a store 
 house, we found a large quantity of lead bails and flints. On a knoll, on the 
 bank of tht' < reek, there were the remains of a battery.* 
 In 1802 there was no school nearer than Pittsfoitl. We clubbed to- 
 gether, built a log school house, and hired a young man by the name of 
 Turner, who was clerk in Tryon & Adams' store," to ojjen a school. I wanted 
 to go to school, and foi- my part, I got logs to a saw mill, and furnished the 
 roof boartls. Our first iih\sician was Jol'in Ray, of Pittsford; our first mer- 
 chant at Bi'ightnn, Ira West, who removed to Rochester. 
 Amos Sparti)rd, of Orwell, Vermont, the father of Samuel Spaftbrd, who 
 came to the Genesee country with me, was one of the early surveyors of the 
 Reserve, and one of the founders of settlement at Cleveland. The U. S. 
 * The battery, undoublutUj, that La liontan sayb De Nonville erected at the LaiiJ- 
 government granted him a mile and a half square of land, at Mauraee, to 
 •nliich jilace he removed, and where his descendants now reside. Samuel 
 Spart'ord setded at Brighton, and made first improvements on the Blossom 
 farm, emigrating to Maumee. 
 AniosSpatford being the first mail contractor at Cleveland, in 1805, his 
 carrier being taken sick, I took the mai) on my back, and carried it to Huron, 
 in four hours, traveling on the ice with skates. 
 Timothy Allen sold his five hundred acres of land, in Brighton, to John 
 and Solomon Hatch. In company with them, I built a saw mill on Allan's 
 Creek, in 180G. They removed to Genesee county.* 
 In 1798, Judge John Tryon, of Lebanon Springs, became through 
 a brother who had failed to make the payments, the owner of a 
 tract of land on the Irondequoit, in Brighton, three miles above the 
 Bay. His brother had previously laid out a village, but had made 
 no progress with it. Judge Tryon built a store and store house, 
 and in the spring of '99, opened a store in the name of Tryon & 
 Adams. The locality assumed the name of " Tryon's Town." The 
 agent of the proprietors, Augustus Griswold, first came on with 
 five sleigh loads of goods, and after that, in the fall, Capt. Oliver 
 Grace came with a boat load from Schenectady, the freight costing 
 $3 00 per. 112 lbs. Asa Dayton soon opened a tavern, Stephen 
 Lusk started the tanning and shoe making business, and besides 
 these was Asa Dunbar, a mulatto, and John Boyd, — four families 
 in all. In 1800, Henry Ward, the present worthy citizen and Post 
 Master, of Penfield, then 18 years of age, came on and became a 
 clerk in the Tryon & Adams store. At that period, much of the 
 business of this pioneer store, the first west of Canandaigua, con- 
 sisted of barter, for furs, bear and deer skins, with the Seneca In- 
 dians, and such white men as were hunters and trappers. In 1801, 
 Silas Losea settled in the place, and enabled " Tr/on Town," alias 
 the "city of Tryon," to glory in the addition of a blacksmith's 
 shop. An ashery and distillery was added to the store, soon after. 
 In the earliest years, the store commanded a wide range of custom- 
 ers. There are names upon its old books, of the early settlers of 
 all the western towns of Ontario and Wayne, northern towns of 
 1 ! 
 : f 
 * Jarvis M. and Hiram F. Ilatcli, attorneys in Rochester, are the sons of the early 
 pioneer, Jolm Hateh. Tlie i'atlier and bruthor were from Madison county. John Hatcxi 
 rernoveil froiii Hri^tlion t" B.irrc.Orlo" us count j, and subscnuentlj to Elba, near Bata* 
 via, where his widow now roaidea 
 Livincrston, and even a solitary settler of Orleans county, at the 
 mouth of Oak Orchard creek, was a regular customer. The '• city" 
 was governed by civil laws of its own enacting. What has since 
 been called a " Lynch Court " was established, and several trials 
 and convictions were had. 
 The business of the place declining, shipping business going to the 
 mouth of Genesee river, and rival stores springing up in other local- 
 ities, in 1810 Mr. Grisvvold broke up the store, and went to Tren- 
 ton, Oneida county. In 1818 the old store house was demolished, 
 and there now remains scarcely a vestige of the once"citvot 
 Gen. Jonathan Fassett, of Vermont was the original purchaser 
 from Phelps and Gorham, of T. 13, R. 4, now Penfield, and south 
 part of Webster; he attempted its settlement in '91 or '2. He 
 was accompanied by Caleb Hopkins, his son Jonathan Fassett, 
 Maybee, and some others. Discouraged by sickness, and other 
 endurances of the wilderness. Gen. Fassett abandoned the enterprise, 
 and returned to Vermont; though Messrs. Hopkins and Maybee 
 remained in the country. Mr. Hopkins was the afterwards Col. 
 Hopkins, of Pittsford, and Mr. Maybee was the father of John and 
 James Maybee, who were pioneer settlers of Royalton, Niagara 
 county, and of Suflrenus Maybee, a pioneer settler at Bulfalo, and 
 the mouth ui Cattaraugus creek ; a daughter was the wife of Orange 
 Stone, another of Caleb Hopkin.s, another of Griffin, of Pitrs- 
 ford. Dr. Fassett, of Lock[jort, and a brother of his in Rochester, 
 are grand-sons of Gen. Fassett. 
 Mr. ]\Iaybee was from the Mohawk! He came by water to 
 Swift's Landing at Palmyra, there mounted his batteaux upon 
 wheels, and cut his own road from a short distance west of Palmyra 
 to Penfield. 
 Gen. Fassett located at the old Indian Landing, on the east side 
 of the Bay, about two miles below the present village of Penfield. 
 He had a plat surveyed there for a town, but nothing farther was 
 done. He soon sold his interest in Penfield to Gen. Silas Pepoon, 
 who sold it to Samuel P. Lloyd, from whom, in consequence of some 
 liabilities incurred, it went into the hands of Daniel Penfield. 
 iCr' Farther reminiscences of Penfield will be added in another 
 What is now Pittsford, being a portion of a township at the 
 northern termination of the 5th range, 13,296 acres was purchased 
 by an association, who were represented in the transaction by "Stone 
 and Dodge." Settlement commenced there before the close of 
 1789. Tlie pioneers were, Israel Stone and Simon Stone, Silas 
 Nye, .Joseph Farr, and at the same time, or soon after, other heads 
 of families came in: — Thomas Cleland, Josiah Giminson, Alex- 
 ander Dunn, and David Davis. 
 William Walker, the local agent of Phelps &■ Gorham, purchased 
 T. 12, R. 4, now the town of Perinton. In the sutnmer of 1799 his 
 brother Caleb erected a log cabin, and moved into the township, 
 taking with him Glover Perrin, with his wife. Perrin went fust in 
 the capacity of a hired man, but after the death of Caleb Walker, 
 had some interest in the purchase. The pioneers had no children,' 
 and lived alone in the woods for several years, after which they 
 moved to Pittsford. lEP For Mendon, see Monroe county. 
 [Omitted in its appio]iriate place.] 
 Enos Boughton, of Stockbridge, Mass,, and his brother Jared, 
 had visited this region in 1788. Enos had engaged as a clerk of 
 William Walker, the agent of Mr. Phelps, and as soon as sales com- 
 menced, purchased the town of Victor, for twenty cents per acre. 
 In the spring of 1799, the two brothers, Horatio Jones, a brother- 
 in-law, who was a surveyor, and several hired hands, went upon 
 what was afterwards called Boughton Hill, erected a log cabin, 
 sowed a patch of buckwheat, (the first of that crop in the Genesee 
 country,) surveyed the township, and after sowing three acres of 
 wheat, the whole party returned to Massachusetts, except Jacob 
 Lobdell, who remained "solitary and alone," to take care of the 
 premises, and winter fourteen head of cattle upon wild grass, that 
 had been cut upon the Indian Meadow, on what is now known as the 
 Griswold place. In February, 1790, Jared Boughton started from 
 Stockbridge, with his wife and iiifanl daughter, and made the long 
 NoTK. — Mr. Lobdell loinained in the town, and became an enterprising and promi- 
 nent citizcii ; was well known as iin curly ciuilraotor iipMii tlic Eric Canal! His many 
 kind acts in jiioneer times, are well remembered. He died in IrtlH, as^ed 7H years. 
 His sons are : — Levi and Jan.b L., of Victor, UeorKe, of Hennepin, Illinois, Wallace] 
 of Cidlioun CO,, Micliiu-an : his dantditers, Mrs. Abraham and. Mrss. Ilufus lluihjihrey' 
 of Victor, and Mrs. Ulcveland, of atouben llliuois. i ■ J' 
 winter, and wood's journey to their now home ; a pretty full ac- 
 count of which is given in History of Holland Purchase. Their 
 travelling companions were the family of Col. Seth Reed, who were 
 coming on to join him at Geneva. Between Col. Danforth's at 
 Onondaga Hollow, and Cayuga Lake, the whole party, fourteen in 
 number, cleared away the snow, and made a night camp of hem- 
 lock boughs. They were ferried across the outlet of Seneca Lake, 
 by Solomon Earle ; after parting with the Reed family, they arrived 
 at Flint creek — there was no bridge — had to fall trees to get their 
 goods over, and afterwards tow the horses and sleigh across with 
 ropes. Between Flint creek and Canandaigua, they found one 
 small opening, and an unoccupied cabin. They arrived in Victor, 
 March 7th, one week after the Adams family had arrived in Bloom- 
 field. The stock of provisions they brought in, lasted with the help 
 of the buckwheat that had been harvested the previous fall, until 
 their wheat harvest. The early wheat crop was thrashed upon a 
 floor made of split bass wood, and cleaned with an old fashioned 
 corn fan, the rim of which was fabricated from an oak tree, and 
 the bottom from a pine board, which had been a part of their sleigh 
 After Enos Boughton had purchased Victor, his father took an 
 intercot with him, selling his farm in Stockbridge, and coming into 
 the new region. He died in Aug. 1798. His four sons were Enos, 
 Jared, Seymour and Hezekiah. Enos, who was introduced to Mr. 
 Clinton in 1825, as the man who built the first stick chimney, first 
 framed barn, and planted the first orchard west of Seneca' Lake, 
 he died in Lockport, in 1826, where he had made an early pur- 
 chase of a large portion of the present village site. Jared is yet 
 living, at the age of 84 years. In 1848, the author saw him in the 
 full possession of his faculties, and he was afterwards indebted to 
 him for .pioneer reminiscences, in a hand writing that showed little 
 of the tremor of age, and exhibited a distinct and intelligent recol- 
 lection of early events. The young wife, who with a child four 
 months old, had cooked frugal meals by winter camp fires, and en- 
 dured the most rugged features of pioneer life, was also alive in 
 1848 ; " hale and hearty," the mother of 12 children. She died in 
 1849. The living sons, in 1848, were : — Selleck, an Attorney in 
 Rochester, Frederick, of Pittsford, [the first white child born in 
 Victor.] Jared K., on old homestead in Victor ; EuoS: of E. Bloom- 
 field ; daughters, Mrs. Dr. A. G. Smith, New York, Mrs. Bennett 
 Lewis, of Green county, Ohio, Mrs. Mortimer Buel, of Geneseo. 
 Hezekiah died as early as 1793 ; was the ftuher of the late Col. 
 Claudius Victor Boughton, after whom the town was named in 
 1813, as a mark of esteem for his gallant services upon the Niagara 
 frontier, to which the legislature of this State added the presenta- 
 tion of a sword. Reuben H. Boughton, of Lewiston, is a son of his. 
 Another son of Hezekiah, is George H. Boughton, Esq., of Lock- 
 port. Col. Seymour Boughton was killed at the battle of Black 
 Rock, in the war of 1812. 
 Jared Boughton took the buckwheat and got it ground at Capt. 
 Ganson's rude mill at Avon. His next milling expedition, (after 
 wheat harvest,) was with a double ox team, to the Allan mill at 
 Genesee Falls. Arriving within four miles of the River, (at Orange 
 Stone's,) he came to the end of the road ; any direct route' to the 
 River was through a dense forest, and low wet grounds ; which 
 obliged him to go around, and work his way over the range of hills 
 east of Mount Hope. Arrived at the River, he belled his oxen and 
 turned them into the woods, carrying his grain across and down 
 the river to the mill. As winter approached, the infant settlement 
 was without salt. It was decided to send a boat to Salt Point. In 
 November, Jared and Seymour Boughton. aud John Barnes, went 
 to Swift's Landing, (Palmyra,) took a Schenectady boat, and pro- 
 ceeded on their voyage. The Stansells, at Lyons, were the only 
 white inhabitants on the whole route. Below the junction of the 
 Ganargwa creek, and Canandaigua out-let, they came to a raft of 
 flood-wood, 16 rods in extent. To pass it they were obliged to haul 
 their boat out of the water, up a steep ascent, and move it on rollers 
 to a point below the raft. Procuring twelve barrels of salt, the 
 party starting on their homeward voyage, encountered a snow 
 storm and ice when they got into the Seneca river. They made 
 slow progress, on one occasion being obliged to wade into the ice 
 and water to lift their boc.t from stones upon which it had struck. 
 At the raft on Clyde River, they had again to transport their boat 
 overland, with the addition of their twelve barrels of salt. On 
 account of low water, they were obliged to leave their boat and 
 cargo at the Lyon's Landing. Going through the woods to Farna- 
 inston, followinsr township lines, they returned with six yoke of 
 oxen via. Palmyra, and partly upon Wagons, and partly upon sleds, 
 making their roads mostly as they went along, they succeeded in 
 getting the first cargo of salt to Victor. 
 Levi Boughton, an uncle of .Tared and Enos. accompanied Jared 
 and Jacoi) Lobdell in their primitive advent — moved his family in 
 the next year. He died in 18-28, aged 78 years. His sons were, 
 Nathaniel, of Bloomfield, Joim B., of Ohio, Thomas Morris, of 
 Rochester, Horace B. of Victor. Thomas M. is tiie only surviving 
 son. Daughters became the wives of Jacob Lobdell, Aaron Tay- 
 lor, an early settler on the Ridge Road, near Molyneux's Corners, 
 Niagara county, Zera Brooks, John Brace, and Philemus Smith, of 
 Rufus Dryer from Stock])ridge, Mass., came to Victor with some 
 portion of the Boughton family, and in 1799, accompanied Enos 
 and .Tared m their lumbering expedition to Georgia, where he re- 
 mamed with them for several years. Residing after that in Madi- 
 son county, he became a permanent resident of Victor in 1806. 
 He was the founder of the well known Dryer stand in Victor, and 
 had opened it and kept it a year before his death in 1820. His son, 
 Wm. C. Dryer, succeeded him, kept the stand for many years, and 
 retired to a fine farm, upon which he and his brother Truman now 
 DCf= For additional reminiscences of Victor, see " Phelps and 
 Gorham's Purchase — Ontario." 
 [The Allowing omissions in reminiscoucos of West Bloomfield, page 198 • and in 
 reminiscences of Bristol, page 208, are supplied.] ^ ' 
 Ezra Marvin was one of the associates in the purchase of town- 
 ship now West Bloomfield; he never emigrated; his son. Jasper 
 1 . Marvin, became a resident and died there, in early years The 
 surviving sons of llobert Taft, are Jessee, Robert, Bezaleel, and 
 Chapin raft, al of Bloomfield; daughters, Mrs. Peck, of Bloomfield, 
 Mrs. Lea-:h, of Lima. Ebenezer Curtiss died in 1812 ; Mrs P .r 
 ker, of Luna, is his daughter. Jasper P. Sears died in early years. 
 O her pronunent early settlers : _ Marvin Gates, a brother of Dan- 
 jei, mentioned in connection with East Bloomfield; Jacob Smith 
 rJ/l,'',": '""'""'' ^''''^ '"ill- i» early years, on the Honeoye,- 
 ^miths Mills -died many years since; Deacon Samuel Handy, 
 aied 10 or 15 years smce, was the father of Russel Handy, of Alle- 
"\ m 
 gany; Peter W. Handy, of Rochester. Mrs. Stephen Bates, and 
 Mrs. Charles Wilbur, (the early pioneer in Le Roy and Lockport ) 
 Bayze Baker, still surviving, at the a; e of 80 years ; Nathaniel Err- 
 gleston, an early landlord, father of Mrs. William Parsons, of Lock- 
 port; Palmer and Clark Peck, came in as early as 1790 Clark 
 was an early Supervisor of the old town of Bloomfield, died in 1825 • 
 Jasper Peck, of Bloomfield, is a son of his, Mrs. Page, of Blnomfield' 
 a daughter; his sons, Joseph and Abel, resiae in Michi-ran- the' 
 mother is still livinjr. ° ' 
 John Dixon, was a native of Kcene, N. H., a graduate of Mid- 
 dlebury College, studied law in Milton, near Ballston, Saratoga 
 county ; was admitted to practice in 1812, and in 1813 located in 
 West bloomfield, where he has since resided, and now resides 
 mingling professional duties with the successful pursuits of agricul- 
 ture, a useful citizen, and a much respected member cf the bm- of 
 Ontario. He was a member of the State Legislature, in J 821), '30 
 and of Congres.s, for two terms, at a later period ; is now 67 
 years of age. 
 The sons of Gamaliel Wilder, the earliest Pioneer of Bristol 
 were : - Daniel, David, Joseph, Asa, Jonas ; daughters became the 
 wives of Elisha Parrish, Theophilus Allen, Nathan Hatch, and 
 — IToag. Daniel became the owner of the Indian orchard in 
 Bristol, that had escaped the devastation of Sullivan. * 
 Ephraim Wilder, coming in soon after Gamaliel, settled at first 
 m South Bristol, but afterwards removed to T. 9, 4th Range. He 
 died in 18^2. His surviving sons are, Timothy, John, and Russell 
 Wilder, of Bristol ; daughters became the wives of George Goodinjr 
 Henry Pitts and John Hatch. 
 In Gen. Hall's census of 1790, Aaron Rice (other than the early 
 settler at Avon, as the author concludes,) is named as the head of a 
 family in South Bristol. He removed to Genesee county, and 
 from thence to the west in early years. His daughters became the 
 It contained both apples and jioaolie^, both in greator nunntity than in any other 
 of tin. I.uhnn orchanls that ^y^^v. p.vsorvcl. A rid. to " ixMnk" apple nuIvS 
 eatn,«-. and ouler dnnkinjr. „n horseback, o„ ox slo.lsand horse .le,>hs k.n. \hetcT- 
 teied new settlements, was no uncommon occurrence. Tlie possession of an old Indian 
 orchmd near Geneva, am some c eared hu.ds anmnd it, w!,s deeme.l of s „ c co,^ 
 V^P ''''' '/'VT,'' r n'"""' '['"'I''' pre-empUon line was varied in order to c^n- It. South Hns „l, hillv and broken as it is known to be, conld once have been 
 exchanqfed for Eiist R nnn.H,.l,1 b"Mhe!>-ii-o"iin irim,l-^l- ' . ' , ' t i • 
 orchard " ' ' "' '"S'"" ^\ ^^ dtehijva uii accountoi the " ludiau 
 wives of David Wilder, Simeon Crosby, and Randall Chapman. 
 Aaron Spencer was also the head of a family in South Bristol, in 
 1790, but of him the author has no account. 
 The Coddings, whose advent is named, incidentally, in connection 
 with the Pitts family, were three brothers : -^ John, George, and 
 Faunce, [called erroneously "Fauner," in another [connection.] 
 The surviving sons of John Codding are, John, George, Benjamin, 
 Warren, of Coddingsville, Medina county, Ohio : and Robert F., 
 of Summit county, Ohio. Daughters became the wives of Timo- 
 thy Wilder, Isaac Van Fossen, and John Wilder. The sons of 
 Faunce Codding are, Faunce and Stephen A., of Bristol ; George 
 T. and Ichabod, of Lockport, Illinois, where their mother and sister, 
 Mrs. Hale S. Mason, reside. George Codding died childless. Geo. 
 Coddmg, sen., the father of the three brothers, joined his sons in 
 early years. His other children were, Burt Codding, Mrs. Benj. 
 Goss, Mrs. Zenas Briggs, Mrs. Elizur Hills, and Mrs. Wm. T. Codd- 
 ing, who still survives, a resident of Bristol. M. O. Wilder, Esq., 
 of Canandaigua, is one of the numerous descendants of this early 
 and orominent Pioneer family. 
 Although Mr. Morris had acquired the pre-emptive right of 
 Massachusetts to all the territory in this State west of Phelps and 
 Gorham's Purchase — what was afterwards designated as Morris' 
 Reserve and the Holland Purchase — as early as May, 1791, the 
 native right to the soil was not extinguished until 1797.' Soon af- 
 ter he purchased of Massachusetts, in 1792 and '3, he sold to the 
 Holland Company all the land west of the transit line, over three 
 millions of acres, which is now embraced in the countietj of Niagara, 
 Erie, Cimutauque, Cattaraugus, and all of Allegany, Wyoming, 
 Genesee and Orleans, except their tiers of eastern townships, leaving 
 to himself a tract of about 500,000 acres, between the lands of 
 Phelps and Gorham, and those he had conveyed to the Holland 
 Company. In his conveyance to the Holland Company, he had 
 stipulated to extinguish the native title, and had left in their hands 
 thirty-five thousand pounds sterling, of purchase money, as a 
 Various untoward circumstances — the withholding of the mili- 
 tary posts by the British, or in fact, their refusal to surrender their 
 dominion over this region, the prospects of a renewal 'of British 
 and Indian wars ; and more than all, j)erhaps, the indisposition of 
 the Senecas to part with any more of their lands — delayed the 
 fulfilment of this stipulation. It had been the firm determination 
 of the Senecas, adhered to strenuously during all the preliminary 
 negotiations of Mr. Phelps at Buffalo Creek, to make the Genesee 
 river below Mount Morris, their eastern boundary line, and they 
 yielded the "Mill Tract" with great reluctance and subsequent regret. 
 Fort Niagara was surrendered by the British, and taken posses- 
 sion of by a company of United States troops, under the command 
 of Captain J. Bruff, toward the end of the summer of 1796. In a 
 few weeks after American possession of that ancient strong-hold 
 of French and British power — the spot where the Senecas had so 
 often assembled to renew French and British alliance — had been 
 established, a numerous delegation appeared before the garrison, 
 made a salute after the Indian fashion, which was returned by the 
 discharge of artillery. It seemed an overture to establish the rela- 
 tions of good neighborhood, and was met by the commandant in 
 a spirit which evinced that he did not mean to fall behind his prede- 
 cessors in acts of friendship and hospitality. He made a friendly 
 speech to them, presented them with the American flag and a bar- 
 rel of rum, and apologised for not furnishing them with a supply of 
 provisions, alleging that they vi^ere scarce at that " distant post." 
 In the answer to this speech, the Indians alluded to Mr. Morris' 
 pre-emptive right, and begged of Captain Bruff to protect them 
 from the " big eater with the big belly," who wanted to come and 
 " devour their lands." Mr. Morris was then about to make his appli- 
 cation to President Washington for the appointment of a commis- 
 sioner, but concluded to delay it on account of this manifestation at 
 Fort Niagara. 
 The next year, 1797, President Washington, at the solicitation 
 of Mr. Morns, consented to nomiimte a commissioner, with the 
 condition that Captain Bruir's speech and the Indians' reply of the 
 precednig year, should accompany the to the Senate 
 and observed that "such was the desire to conciliate the Six Na- 
 tions, that lie did not believe that the Senate would confirm any 
 nommation contrary to their wishes." The Senate confi. ned the 
 appointment of a commissioner, but with the proviso that he should 
 not act until the Indians themselves reciuested a treaty. The com- 
 missioner first appointed was Judge Isaac Smith, of New Jersev 
 but his official duties interfering. Col. Jeremiah Wadsworth was 
 The task of getting the consent of the Indians to hold a treatydevolv- 
 ed ui.on Thomas Morris, and he ob.serves that it "was not an easv one 
 to accomplish." It required journeys on foot and on horseback,' con- 
 ferences with the Indians in their villages, and all the persuasive 
 arts of one who was not unfited for diplomatic missions to red or 
 white men. The Indians objected that if thev asked for the treaty. 
 It would be construed as the expression of a wish to sell their lands' 
 Their consent was finally, however, obtained, the time of hoJdirKr 
 the treaty agreed upon, and "Big Tree," now Gencseo, designated 
 as the treaty ground. 
 All concerned were principally congregated during the last davs 
 of August. Thomas Morris and Charles Williamson, and .lan.'es 
 Reese, as Secretary, were the representatives of Mr Morris- 
 though Mr. Williamson being called away in an early sta<rc of the 
 treaty, the principal labor of negotiation devolved upon° Thomas 
 Morns. Col. Wadsworth was in attendance as the commissioner 
 on the part of the United States, and William Shepherd as the 
 commissioner of Massachusetts. Theophilus Cazenove, wh.. was 
 then the representative of the Holland Company in the irnited 
 States, procured in their behalf the attendance of William Baynrd 
 of New York, Joseph Ellicott and Col. Linklaen,who were acconi- 
 panie.I by two young men by the name of Vanstai)horst, neailv re- 
 lated to one of the Dutch proprietors. Beside these, Israel Chapin 
 was present, and a large representation of Indian interpreters and 
 traders, whde many, ^vere drawn to the treaty ground from motives 
 of curiosity. 
 James Wadsworth was then in Europe ; Mr. Morris obtained of 
 with the 
 ply of the 
 10 Senate ; 
 ifi Six Na- 
 nfli'in any 
 fii 110(1 the 
 ' he sliould 
 The com- 
 \v Jersey ; 
 vorth was 
 n easy one 
 back, con- 
 to red or 
 he treaty, 
 loir lands. 
 )!" iiokh'nfr 
 last days 
 id James 
 . Morris ; 
 ge of the 
 •d as the 
 who was 
 c United 
 I Bayard, 
 e accoin- 
 learly re- 
 i Chapin 
 3ters and 
 . motives 
 tained of 
 William Wadsvvorth the use of the tmnnishod residence of the 
 brothers, to accommodate those directly connected with the treaty; 
 and for a council house he provided a large tent covered with green 
 boughs, and furnished wilh a platform and rows of scats, after the 
 manner of preparations for a camp meeting. 
 ^ Days, and in fact, nearly two weeks, of lardy and fruitless nego- 
 tiations succeeded. With few exceptions, the Indians were entirely 
 averse to parting with their lands. Red Jacket took the laboring 
 oar for his jieople, though Cornplanter, Farmers Brother, Littl« 
 Beard, and Little Billy, were occasional speakers. 
 The first business of the treaty was to deliver a speech addresf?- 
 ed to the Indians, by Thomas Morris, containing generally his pro- 
 posals. Then followed a long consultation among the Indians to 
 frame an answer; which, when it came, was adverse to any land 
 ce^sions. Meetings and speeches succeeded, Mr. Morris urging 
 his proposals and Red Jacket resisting his importunities with ol^lity 
 and ingenuity. After some ten or twelve days had been spent, and 
 nothing accomplished. Col. Wadsworth became indisposed, impa- 
 tientof further delay, and insisted on the business being brought to 
 a close: and about the same time Mr. IMorris discovered thrU the 
 influence of white sciuatters, upon the Indian lands, and some inter- 
 preters, whose oflers of assistance he had rejected, stood in the way 
 of success. The interpreters especially had inculcated among the 
 Indians that by standing out they could get a much larger price'than 
 had been offered. 
 Learning that a council of the Indians had decided upon otTering 
 him a single township, and that only, his friends persuaded him 
 against his better judgement, to promptly and indignantly reject the 
 ofthr, which he did on the assembling of the general council, and 
 the offer being made. This was thougiit to be the best expedient to 
 bring the Indians to terms, but as it proved, was ill advised. The 
 offer was a township on the Penn.sylvania line, at one dollar per 
 acre, which Red Jacket accompanied with the very com.ortable 
 NV,'H;._Tnii spoMi ,.f U«l Jacket's he nssun,<..l thiiliftlio SiMuras ,«,t,-d with 
 what was h'it oi \hnv wide domain, th( y would bo shorn of th.-ir iuhwncc with 
 u'li- n..|ohl.nnn,u- liatio.jH To liiis Mr. Morris ••c.j)lied, rathw tauntinirlv aUudin.r to 
 th(. trcat,Mi'iit that Red Jarlcot and otiicrs of a(h.h.<ration of St.n<'Cis liad rwc^ivcd 
 ronilhe western ndians wl,eu they went as ])ea(>ene<rotiators to the Miainu with 
 Uil liekornif,r and Beverly liandolnh; treatment that amounted to contempt Red 
 Jacket parried the assault l,,y shrewdly o!>Hervin<r fhnt it was all owiuL^ to Ihclr mnnu 
 tliere in bad eoinpany. tliat the ciieunistance alluded to Lad admonished them not to 
 go in bad company when they visited their friends. 
 assurance, that over and above the purchase money, the land could 
 be sold for enough to pay all the trouble and expense of the treaty. 
 Mr Morris told them if they had nothing better to offer, the sooner 
 the conference terminated the better, that all might return to their 
 Red Jacket immediately sprung upon his feet, and said :— " We 
 have now reached the point to which I wanted to bring you You 
 told us when we first met, that we were free either to sell or retain 
 our lands, and that our refusal to sell would not disturb the friend- 
 ship that has existed between us. I now tell you that we will not 
 part with them. Here is my hand." Mr. Morris taking his hand, 
 he ended by saying : — " I now cover up this council fire." A ter- 
 rible whooping and yelling followed, and menaces made somewhat 
 alarming to those present, who were unacquainted with Indian man- 
 ners. To all present, but Mr. Morris, affairs looked hopeless, and it 
 was with difficulty that he persuaded Col. Wadsworth and others, to 
 remain and let him make another trial. 
 The next day, Farmers Brother called upon Mr. Morris, and told 
 him that he hoped the failure of the treaty would not diminish the 
 triendship that had existed between him, (Mr. Morris) and his peo- 
 ple Mr. Morris replied that he had no right to complain of their 
 refusal to sell iheir lands, but he did complain of their behavior 
 towards him; that they had permitted one of their drunken warriors 
 to menace and insult him, whooping and yelling in approbation of his 
 conduct. He said he had noi deserved such conduct from them ; 
 that for years he had not refused them food, or as much liquor as 
 was good for them, when they had been at Canandaigua; and that 
 his father had treated such of them as had been to Philadelphia 
 with equal hospitality. Farmers Brother admitted that all this was 
 true, and regretted that the council fire had been covered up oth- 
 erwise they could meet and "smooth over, and heal these' diffi- 
 culties^ Mr. Morris replied :-" The council fire is not extin- 
 guished ; and of this I also complain, that Red Jacket had declared 
 the council fire to be covered up, when according to your own 
 usages, he alone who kindles the council fire, has a right to extin- 
 gmsh It. It is still burning." After a few moments' reflection, 
 farmers Brother assented to the correctness of the conclusion, and 
 agreed that the council should be again convened ; Mr. Morris pro- 
 posing that It should be delayed a few days, which time he would 
 occupy in examining his accounts, and paying for the provisions 
 which had been consumed, collecting the cattle were not 
 shiughtered, and attending to other matters preparatory to leaving 
 the treaty ground. 
 " The Indians," says Mr. Morris, " are very tenacious of a strict ad- 
 herence to their ancient rules and customs ; according to their usages 
 the sachems liave a right to transact all the business of the nation, 
 whether it relates to their lands or any other of their concerns, but 
 where it relates to their lands, and they are dissatisfied with the 
 management of their sachems, the women and warriors have a 
 right to divest them of this power, and take it into their own hands; 
 the maxim among them being that the lands belong to the warriors, 
 because they Ibrm the strength of the nation ; and to the women 
 as the mothers of the warriors. There are therefore in every na- 
 tion, head or chief women, who, when in council, select some 
 warrior to yieak for them. 
 With a knowledge of this fact, Mr. Morris had made up his 
 mind to try his luck with this mixed council, as a last resort. He 
 brought about a meeting with the chief women and warriors. He 
 told them of the offers that had been made to the sachems ; and 
 urged upon the women the consideration, that the money that 
 they would receive for their lands, would relieve them from all the 
 hardships they then endured. " Now," says he, " you have to till 
 the earth, and provide by your labor, food for 'yourselves and 
 children. When those children are without clothing, and shivering 
 with cold, you alone are witnesses to their sufferings ; your sachems 
 will always supply their own wants. They feed on the game they 
 kill, and sell the skins to buy them clothing ; therefore, they are in- 
 different about exchanging their lands for money, enough every year 
 to lessen your labor, and enable you to procure for yourselves and 
 children, the food and clothing necessary for your comfort." He 
 concluded by telling them that he had brought a number of presents 
 from Philadelphia, which he intended to have given them, only in 
 the event of p. sale of their land.s, but as he had no cause of com- 
 plaint agains' the v,omen, he would cause their portion of the pres- 
 ents to be distributed. 
 The " women's rights," and well considered diplomatic speech, 
 WMth the presents added, gave a ftivorable turn to affairs. For sev- 
 eral days, the chiefs, women and warriors, were scattered about in 
 small parties, in earnest consultation ; the finale of which was, an 
 invitation to Mr. Morris toa,c;aiii open the council. 
 ^ They convened, and speeches were made by Mr. Morris, by 
 Col. Wadsworth, explaining to the Indians their rights, and the na- 
 ture of the pre-emptive claim; and by the Indians, Red Jacket 
 and Cornplanter, principally. But the women and warriors had 
 become the real negotiators, and with them, in fact, the bargain 
 was made. * 
 The purchase money agreed upon was orle hundred thousand 
 dollars. The President had directed that it should be invested in 
 the stock of the Bank of the United States, in the name of the 
 President and his successors in office, as the trustees of the Indians. 
 When the sum was agreed upon, it was with great difficulty that 
 the Indians were made to understand how much one hundred thou- 
 sand dollars was ; the sum far exceeding any rules of their simple 
 arithmetic. This difficulty was obviated by computing how many 
 kegs of a given size it would take to hold it, and how many horses 
 to draw it. Another difficulty of still greater intricacy with thorn 
 occurred : — a stock investment would of course givp fluctuating 
 per annum returns, or dividends ; and this was quite beyond their 
 comprehension. They conjectured, however, that the bank was a 
 large place in Philadelphia, where a large sum of money was plant- 
 ed : and that like other things that were planted, some years there 
 would be a good crop, and some years a poor one. With this con- 
 jecture, they were content ; and in years that followed, whenever 
 Mr. Morris returned from Philadelphia or New York, they would 
 enquire of him what kind of a crop they might anticipate ? 
 The Reservations was the next business to be arranged : — Mr. 
 Morris had stipulated that he would make no deduction from the 
 purchase money, it they were reasonable in their demands in this 
 respect. The Indians insisted upon itural boundaries, such as the 
 course of streams, &c. To this i^Ir. Morris objected, inasmuch as 
 I'.e could be no judge of the quantity of land within such bounda- 
 nes. He brought them to his terms, the naming of S(iuare miles, 
 in the aggregate about three hundred and fifty. Viien this came 
 to be apportioned among the diflerent villages, a great deal of 
 This may liave been the natural eourse in tlie vst^^mcj tliat cxistrd, or it may 
 have hcfii a (■•(.nvcnifut cxpi'dicnt of lied Jai'k.'l .■m.l nihor .-hi, f< to havo th,. (rc-itv 
 foiiBUiuuiatcd ami ilifir diguity unsulUed by an appearance of a cliaugoof piupose. 
 jealousy and rivalry was manifested amono; the chiefs, as to the re- 
 spective allotments. Before it was agreed how much the agfr. tr/ate 
 of the Reservation should he, Red Jacket was exhorbitant in his 
 deniands, claiiimig for the reservation of his immediate people at 
 BuHmIo Creek, nearly one-lburth of all the territory purchased; and 
 Cornplanter was scarcely less exorbitant in his deuiands. They 
 were rival chiefs, nnd tlieir relative importance depended upon the 
 respective possessions of their people. Mr. Morris had to assume 
 the office of arbitrator, and decide the respective allotments. * 
 After all tluisc matters had been adjusted to the satisfaction of 
 all parties, a young Indian, then about twenty-four years of age, 
 who had not before been to the treaty ground, mad' ; appearance. 
 It was Young King. He was, by the female line, :) neal descen- 
 dant of "Old Smoke," whose memory was revered as onei of the 
 greatest men that had ever ruled over die Six Nations. In liis lile- 
 time, his power had been unbounded. Young King was a heavy, 
 dull, unambitious, but ai>parently an honest young man. Seldom 
 meddled with the business of the nation; but when he did so, he ex- 
 excised a great hereditary influence. On his arrival, all business 
 was suspended, until what had been done was fully explained to 
 him. He expressed his disapprobation of the course that had been 
 pursued. Farmer's Brother and other chiefs informed Mv. Morris 
 that the treaty could not be completed contrary to the wishes of 
 Young King ; that however unreasonable it might appear to him 
 that one man should defeat the will of a whole nation, it was a 
 power which he had derived from his birth, and one which he could 
 not be deprived of. Young King at last, though not reconciled to 
 their parting witli their lands, acquiesced, saying he would no long- 
 er oppose the will of the nation. 
 1 \wy were : — At bq.uiky Hill, two sqiiaip iiiil(>s : at Little Roanl's Town and Biff 
 Iroc our; at Gank'iui, t\vonty-eifj;ht ; at Cana-dca. Kixtccn ; Oil Spri.ifr, one; on 
 U.c Alk.-any Riwr, f,,vty-tw,. ; on the Catiara.i-K-sCroek, tortv-two ; on the BuiR.lo 
 l.rivk (.lie liiin.lici and thirty; on the 'i'oiiawuuda Creek, soventy ; .it Tuscarora 
 one ; iit Cauawaugus, two. ' 
 i\„TK. — Yoiinijf Kin->« upon tho Bnftalo ResoiTation, wliiw he diei! but a few 
 vearK .since, boon atlerthewar of 1H1!2, he met with an .^^•cid..nt, wliich for a few 
 •lays, seemed likely to orea-iion an outlvreak anien;; the Senecaw : — .\n altercation oc- 
 curred between hmi and David Reese, the tierson ernnloyed to do black.stuith work for 
 tlie iiidiauM, by the U. S. Indian aufent at iiuthlo. \\ j^rew out of an aUeired failure 
 to niiike or repair a !i-h spear !WrY.>.in,.I\i„j.. Ju.,.ir.„h.|;.„c.., Reese dealt a trenien- 
 (lous hlow wiiha scyihe, whicli nearly severed one of Yoniu^ lCiie''s arms; so nearin 
 lact, IhatamputnUoii had to hv iiniiiudiately resorted to. The Indiaus became inucli 
1,1, '■ 
 i I II 
 Red Jacket, who had ably defended the interests of his people 
 and acquitted himself with much credit during the tedious negotia- 
 tion, played Red Jacket, and not the great orator, at its close The 
 night previous to the signing of the treaty, he sought a private in- 
 terview with Mr. Morris, and told him that he had pretended to the 
 other chiefs that he was opposed to it; but that after its execution 
 uy the other chief:,, he would come to him and have his name alTix- 
 ed privately ; and for that purpcjse, wanted a space reserved. He 
 added that it would not do for the treaty to go to Philadelphia with- 
 out his signature, as Gen. Washington would observe the omission, 
 and conclude that he had been degraded, and lost his rank and in- 
 fluence among the Senecas. The blank was left, and his signature 
 thus privately added. UJ^ For unpublished reminiscences of Red 
 Jackeli see Appendix, No. 10. 
 Thus concluded a treaty which gave title to all of what is now 
 known as the Holland Purchase and Morris' Reserve ; the account 
 of which has been given in a detail that may seem to some unne- 
 cessary for historical purposes ; but as there had been many garbled 
 and imperfect relations of it, the author has availed himself of the 
 authentic documents in his possession, to give a pretty full, and 
 what may be regarded as a correct history of\he whole transaction. 
 The surveys of the Holland Company commenced in 1788, un- 
 der the general supervision of Josei)h Ellicott ; surveying parties 
 were soon traversing the wilderness in all directions ; a mere woods 
 road was made upon the main east and west route ; and before the 
 close of 178^, flunilics had moved in tor the purpose of opening 
 houses of public entertainment at Staffbrd, near the present village 
 of Caryville, and at Clarence ; and at Staflbrd, Mr. Ellicott had 
 erected a store-house quarters for iiis surveyors, covering them with 
 In the meantime. Captain BrulF and his successor, Maj. Rivardi, 
 had prevailed upon the Indians to allow a sufficient improvement 
 of the old Niagara trail to admit of carrying provisions through by 
 J m Ins r..ut(! thai l.e wa. "gu.n^r to kill \h',sv." Well .l„o.ll„. atitlmr mncnboi 
 F M-natod the " „ anovl ot .Lalh ;" h. wan arnu.i with a war ch,h an, lonmhawk 
 ■a pan.t waR .laul.ed up,,,, hi. ^warlhy fa«., and I..,,,^ h,i,u-li,.,s „f h,„>,. hair, .lyil 
 ru! ..<;,'p.-mli!iit tr.mieadiurm. Itcoso wa.-, k.-i,! Mvivk'.t.ami Ihiis.inall nmimbili- 
 ty, avo.,Jod Uio lute that cvou kiudred Imd luct at Uie hui.ds of Jolui JeniisoL, 
 sleighinjT, from the settlements east of the river to Fort Niagara ; 
 and a weekly horse mail was put upon the lonrr and mostly woods 
 route from Canandaigua to Fort Niagara. Add to this, the two or 
 three log and one framed hut at Buffalo, and two or three tenements 
 at Lewiston, and the reader will have a pretty good idea of all, in 
 the way of improvement, thrt had transpired upon the Holland 
 Purchase before the close of 1709 ; and at the close of the cen- 
 tury, there was but little more than the addition of a few families 
 along on the Buffalo road, and the prosecution of surveys. 
 The author had supposed that he was done with Indian wars, and 
 Indian war alarms ; coming down to this period, he finds a letter from 
 Capt. Bruff to Capt. Israel Chapin, which would indicate that some 
 apprehension was entertained in this quarter, that the Indians here 
 would be drawn into a southern alliance with the western Indians, 
 in connection with the then pending difficulties with France and 
 Spain. The letter is given in the Appendix, [No. 1^,] more as a 
 curious local reminiscence than from any thing of load consequence 
 allied to it. 
 Previous to the advent of Mr. Ellicott and his surveying parties, 
 in the spring of 1798, the Senecas had not surrendered the possession 
 of their lands, and were extremely jealous of any encroachments 
 until certain preliminaries were arranged with the Holland Com- 
 pany. In March, Hinds Chamberlain and Jesse Beach, who had 
 the year previous been to Le Boeuf, Pa., and fixed upon locations 
 there, started from Avon, with two yoke of oxen and sleds, and 
 making their own road the greater portion of the distance, arrived 
 at Buffalo, where some four hundred Indians were assembled, high- 
 ly exasperated at what they considered an invasion of their ierri- 
 tory. The trespassers informed them that Poudry, of Tonawanda, 
 had assured them that he had obtained their consent ; and after 
 menacing and threatening, the matter was settled by Red Jacket, 
 as the principal negotiator, for " two gallons of Indian whiskey, and 
 some tobacco." And this is but one of the many instances in 
 which that chief sullied his high character, by as'sisting to feign 
 resentment to levy tributes — generally payable in that which he 
 would often sacrifice his honor to obtain. 
 John B. Church came from England to the American colonies, a 
 young adventurer, a few years previous to the Revolution. He had 
 been placed by a wealthy uncle in a large mercantile establishment 
 m London, but the business not suiting his inclination, he emigrated, 
 fixing his residence in Boston, where he prosecuted for several years, 
 with great success, the business of an underwriter. When the 
 Revolution broke out, or as soon as an army organization was per- 
 fected he was engaged in the commissary department, with Jeremiah 
 Wadsworth, in which he continued throughout the war. Gen. 
 Philip Schuyler, being also engaged in the commissary department 
 for the northern division of the army, business relations led to an 
 acquaintance, and before the close of the Revolution, Mr. Church 
 married one of his daughters. The official duties of Messrs. Wads- 
 worth and Church, embracing the care of the subsistence of the 
 French army, an intimate acquaintance with the French military 
 and naval officers of the Revolution, succeeded. Soon after the 
 close of the Revolution - in '85, — some unliquidated accounts 
 between the commissary department and the army of Rochambeau, 
 made it necessary for Messrs. Wadsworth and Church to visit the 
 French capital, where they remained with their families for eighteen 
 months. Mr. Church removed his family to London, residing there 
 and at a country seat in Berkshire, on the Thames, until '97, when 
 he returned to America, and settled in the city of New York. 
 The eldest son of John B. Church, is the i)resent Judge Philip 
 Church, of Belvidere, Allegany county, the Pioneer ol that region. 
 In iiis early boyhood he was taken to Paris by liis father and after- 
 wards to England, receiving his education at the celebrated Eaton 
 school. Returning to America, he became a student of law, with 
 his uncle Alexander Hamilton.* and also his private Secretary 
 Changing h.s destination in life soon after his majority, and becom. 
 nig the patroon of new settlements in the wilderness 
 _ Judge Church is now 71 years of age. With a yet vigorous 
 intellect, n.s memory goes back to the early scenes of his youth, and 
 calls up remmiscences of the American and French Revolutions 
 ot England and English satesmen, which, although they belon- t.'. 
 the provmce of general history, will, the author is confident, notb. 
 unacceptable, if preserved in these local annals. -See Appendix 
 While pursuing his studies, the difficulties occurring with France 
 on the raising of the provincial army, he was commissioned as a 
 Captain tliough he saw little of service, as the difficulty was soon 
 adjusted.! Cen. Hamilton, as the agent of John 13. Church, had in 
 his absence, loaned to Robert Morris $80,000 and taken a mortgage 
 T fnZL *'"'■'' f f '^'^'^'l^'"'^; ^''« li«" being afterwards transferred 
 to 100,000 acres of land, on Morris' Reserve in the now county of 
 Allegany. In 1800 the mortgage was foreclosed, the land wassold 
 , T-, "i"^ ^^' ^""j- ^^'^""- ^'^^" Sheriff of Ontario, and bid 
 in by Phihp Church for his father.| 
 At the period of this sale, there was no white settler on all the 
 territory now embraced in the county of Alleganv, with the excep- 
 tion ol two localities which will be named. The' survey and settle 
 raent ot the 100,000 acre tract was commenced under the general 
 supervision of Philip Church. Shortly after he had graduated from 
 the law office of Edmund Pendleton, where he had finished his law 
 studies-m July 1801 -he made a second advent to the Genesee 
 country. Taking Geneva and Lyons in his route, he employed as 
 ♦Gen. Hainiltoii married a daiigliter of Gen. Philip Sdiiivler 
 tWh I J ■ 
 an opinion. " rtnnn^, in. « jj .tiuUcd bj h^ lulliur lur orfonng so rash 
 surveyor and local agent, Evert Van Wickle, who was accompa- 
 nied by John Gibson, John Lewis and Stephen Price. Laying in 
 provisions and camp equipage at Geneva and Bath, the party ren- 
 dezvoused at the setvlement, which had been commenced by the 
 Rev. Andrew Gray and Moses Van Campen, in what is now Almond, 
 Allegany county. Mr. Van Campen, who to use a sailor phrase, 
 knew all the "ropes" of the forest, was enlisted in the expedition.' 
 Proceeding on, the party came to the house of Dyke, a solitary 
 settler who occupied the advanced post of civilization, near the 
 junction of the eastern line of Allegany with the Pennsylvania 
 Ime ; slept in a log tarn, and then pushed on into the dark forests 
 upon the Genesee River. This was the first breaking into the woods 
 in all the region which is now embraced in the western portion of 
 Allegany, Wyoming, southern portions of Erie, Chautau(iue and 
 Cattaraugus, and all that part of Pennsylvania bordering upon this 
 state, with the exception of Presque Isle, and the solitary family 
 of Francis King, at Cerestown, near the Allegany river, that had a 
 short time before exchanged a residence in the city of London for 
 a solitary one in the backwoods of Pennsylvania, a days journey 
 from their nearest neighbor. 
 The party made a pretty thorough exploration of the tract, camp- 
 ing and breaking up their camp from day to day, encountering 
 almost constant rains and swollen streams. With Judge Church i"t 
 was a youthful advent — a first introduction to the woods — and a 
 pretty rugged specimen he encountered, as all will acknowledrre who 
 have traversed the alternating hills and valleys of Allegany. ^Arriv- 
 ed at the north-west corner of the tract, the party mostly returned 
 to their homes; Judge Church and Van Campen, making up their 
 minds for a. pleasure trip, taking an Indian trail * that bore ofT in 
 the direction of Niagara Falls. This they pursued for two days, 
 when they found themselves in the Seneca Indian village. They 
 made their appearance in the little white settlement of "Ivew Am- 
 sterdam," (Buflalo) in a sorry plight ; with torn clothes, beards un- 
 shaven, tanned and camp smoked. They visited the Falls, returned 
 This trail led from the Indian village of Canaedeaon the Allesranv rivor, over the 
 siiiJinut that (livid, i -ho waters nf the Geuuseo from tlioso of Lako llrie, fdl into tho 
 valley of the Caiaraiiirus, tlieii passed over into tlie valley of the west branch of Btif- 
 lalo creek, and jiursued generally, the conrso of that stream, to the Indian village at 
 its juiKliou with the niaiu itreaiu, lour linies iVom its uiouLh. 
 to Buffalo, and took the " white man's trail " * on their return to 
 Bath. No such tramps had been contemplated, and soon after 
 leaving Buffalo, money and provisions had both been exliau>ted ; all 
 but a surplus of chocolate, which they exchanged alonfr with the 
 new settlers for meals of victuals. Mr. Ellicott had just got liis land 
 iiffice built at Batavia. At Ganson's there was a militin training, 
 the first that was ever had west of the Genesee river. Richard 
 W. Stoddard being one of the officers, supplied Mr. Church with 
 money ; and proceeding on to Geneseo, they visited Mr. Wads- 
 worth, whom Mr. Church had become acquainted with in New 
 Returning to Lyons, Judge Church arranged with Mr. Van Wickle 
 to go on to the Allegany lands, and commence sui'veys and im- 
 provements, having previously designated the site of Angelica, as 
 a primitive location. A mill calcu' ited for one run of .stones, and 
 a saw mill, was soon commenced, and a road opened from four miles 
 west of Hornellsville, (west line of Steuben) to Angelica.f This 
 road was cut through by Silas Ferry and John Ayers. The saw 
 mill was in operation in 1802, the grist mill in 1803. A framed 
 dwelling house for Mr. Van Wickle, a small log land office, and a 
 few shantees to live in, were also erected. Judge Church remembers 
 that the transportation of his mill irons from Albany to Angelica, 
 cost 86.00 per cwt. All the early transporting was done with 
 sleighs and wagons, from Geneva (80 miles ;) with liglit loads, a 
 trip would generally consume seven days. In 1802, Joseph Taylor 
 opened a tavern. In the same year. Judge Church opened a small 
 store, which was managed by John Gibson, one of his companions 
 m the primitive exploration, who now survives, a resident of the 
 neighborhood of Angelica, aged 72 years, John Ayers who helped 
 cut out the first road leading into Angelica, is also alive, a resident 
 near the Transit Bridge, on the river. In 1803 a road was opened 
 from Angelica to Belvidere, and in 1805 was continued on to the 
 present site of Hobbyville, to which point Dr. Hyde had advanced 
 and erected a log tavern house. This was in 1807 ; the road was 
 for several years but little better than a woods' path. 
 *"Wlion wolKHl iiKulc .-i track tlirougli iho. UnvM," suvs Mr Ln.k of 
 Pittsford, wo cdlccl It a "white huiu'h trail, to distinguish it from the huliau miils" 
 From the commence-nent of settlement, until 1805, Allegany was 
 a part of the town of Leicester, Ontario county, and the new settlers 
 had to go to the old village of Leicester on the Genesee river, via 
 Hornei:svilIe, to town meeting. In 1805 what is now Allegany 
 county, was erected into a new town, and called Angelica. In 
 April of that year the fust town meeting was lield at the house of 
 Joseph Taylor. Benjamin Criggs was elected supervisor, Jacob S. 
 Holt, town clerk. Other town officers : — John T. Hyde, David 
 Church, Luke Goodspeed, Sylvester Russel, Elijah Church, Wm. 
 Barney, Evert Xixn Wickle, Joseph Taylor, Abisha Cole, Win. S. 
 Hcydon, Stephen Waterman, Thoma.s Cole. John Bennett, Ezra 
 Bacon, George Otto, Jacob S. Holt. 
 In this year there are the records of roads, as follows : — Through 
 main street of Angelica ; from Angelica to Indian line, or Canaedea; 
 from Angelica to south liije of Van Campen's farm ; from Angelica 
 to rhilip^burgh mills ; to Bhilips creek ; to Vandennark's creek ; 
 to Dike's settlement. 
 No resolutions were passed in 1805. In 1800 Luke Goodspeed 
 was supervisor. It was resolved that "every man's yard should be 
 his pound ; " that the town of Angelica should pay .$2,50 for every 
 wolf caught within the limits of the town. 
 At the first election, April, 1805, John Nicholas had 10 votes for 
 Senator ; Ibr members of Assembly, Alexander Rhea, had 30 votes, 
 Ezra Patterson 25, Daniel W. Lewis 10, Jeremiah Munson 12. Iri 
 1800, Daniel W. Lewis a.s a candidate lor Congress, had 51 votes; 
 for the Senate, Joseph Aimin 42, Evens w'herey 38, John Mc-' 
 Whorter 33, Freegift Patterson 33 ; for Assembly, Philip Church 
 82, Timothy Burt 35, Philetus Swift 33, James Reed 32, Asahel 
 Warner 30, Joseph M'Clure 0. In 1807, as candidates for Governor, 
 Morgan Lewis had 37 votes, Daniel D. Tompkins 28. 
 Judge Church spent several months in the new settlement, in 
 each of the years 1801, '2, '3, and '4. In 1803, 1.., selected as 'his 
 residence, a location upon the Genesee River, where he now resides, 
 four miles from Angelica, which was named Belvidere. His large 
 farm is a beautiful sweep of flats, table and up land. The Judge, 
 who in his prime, was somewhat noted for athletic feats, is said to 
 have looked out the favorite spot, by climbing tall pine trees upon the 
 highlands. The winding of the river at that point, and the frequent 
 breaks in the ranges of highlands as they rise from the valley, sur- 
 rounds cultivated fields, a fine mansion with its En^dJsh lawn, culti- 
 vated groves, orchards and gardens, — with a varied, wild and ro- 
 nnantic landscape. The primitive framed house — built in 1803 — 
 which slood for years, an outpost of civilization, is yet preserved ; 
 its architecture, its old fashioned cut nails, marking a period when it 
 must have looked almost aristocratic. Its founder still lives, but 
 how n)any of the early men of the Genesee country, who have 
 been sheltered under that venerable roof, have long since gone to 
 r graves 
 Belvidere is retired and secluded, even now. After an occupan- 
 cy of nearly half a century, the guest of its hospitable founder, will 
 often be waked from his slumbers, by the crack of the rifle, and the 
 baying of hounds upon the surrounding hills. How must it have 
 been when miles of forest intervened between it and the nearest 
 settlements, and those settlements far away from the earlier ones of 
 the Genesee country ! 
 In 1805, Judge Church married the daughter of General Walter 
 Stewart, of riiiladelphia,* transferring her at the age of eighteen 
 years, from city life and its associations, to the ^ar oil" home in the 
 wilderness, that has been described. The then youn" wife the 
 now venerable matron — remembers that woods journey, and des- 
 cribes it, even in a vein of gaiety and humor. There was the long 
 ard tedious journey IVom Albany to Geneva, and Bath ; then the 
 jolting wagon, over a wood's road to Hornellsville; and then when 
 wheels could no longer be used, the horseback ride over what was 
 but little better than a wood's path, to Angelica, and her new home 
 at Belvidere. With a characteristic gallantry, Thomas Morris, then 
 the active promoter of settlement, in the Genesee country, accom- 
 * Glti. Stewart li;icl a commaiul in the Pcnnsvlvania line (luring the Rcvohition. 
 Hw liouse in Philadel|.liia\vas(>t'toii the liospitable retreat iif Wiishiii!,'t<.ii, La Fayette, 
 Rodinmbeau, and other of tlie eminent men of llie Revohilimi. Mrs. Cliiircli lins a 
 valualik' heir loom of tlic family, a rdic, r,f the latliev of liis country. If is his por- 
 trait m a^ frame ; imoii the haek of the fiame i.s jjasted an <iriginal autoKfaiili addressed 
 to Mrs. Stewart, which accompanied the ]>ortrait. It was soinethiii>r nniqiie in its 
 way at the time. In the note, Washington witli characteristic modestv, begs Mrs. 
 Stewart to regard it " not so much for any merit of the original, a.s for its excellence as 
 a work of ait; the prodiiclion of a yomig hidv." 
 E.xtract from Wasiiington's general order liook, Moore's House, 1779 : — "The com- 
 mander in chief directs a general conrt martial to I)e held at the usual place to-morrow 
 niornmg, at 10 o'chick, for the trial of Col. Arniand ; Col. Walter Stewart to ))reside." 
 Ac. Ry a resolution of Congress, medals were ordered struck for Gen. Wavne, Major 
 Walter Stewart and Lt, Co], Fleury, for their gallant, conduct in tlicstorming of Stouy 

 riTELPs Amy gohtiam's purcuase. 
 panied her in this her bridal tour to the wilderness. She had her 
 first experience in housekeepinu;, and lived for several years, miles 
 away from neighbors ; often the busines's of her husband calling 
 him away for weeks , her only compuniou a colored female domes- 
 tic, and a small boy.* She m;; 'c in. ..• )r)y acquaintance with the 
 Indians at Canaedca, and was a I'.ivorite with them. Upon one oc- 
 casion, in the absence of Judge Church, she attended one of their 
 festivals, contributing to its feast out of her stores, and enjoying 
 with a high relish their Pagan rites, dances and rude sports. They 
 gave her as a name, "Ye-nun-ke-a-wa," or the ' first \vum;in that 
 has come ; " having reference to settlement upon the river. Judge 
 Church being in England on the breaking out of the war of 1812, a 
 party of Canaedea Indians, headed by a chief, went to Belvidere, 
 and in gratitude for Mrs. Church's kindness to their people, offered 
 to keep a guard around her house, to jn-otcct her from thi^ ]5i itish 
 Indians, llegarding herself as secure from invasion, in the Nvnods 
 of Allegany, she thanked them but declined their proffered gallantry. 
 John B. Church died in London, in 181G. His sons, other than 
 Philip Church, were :— John B. Church, who now resides in Paris; 
 Alexander, who died young, and Richard, who now resides in Eno- 
 land. His daughters became the wives of Bertram P. Cruger, of 
 New York, and Rodolph Bunner, late of Oswego. 
 The family of Philip Church, now consists of John B. Church, 
 of ISiew York, who married a daughter of Professor Silliman; 
 Walter and Henry Church, of New York ; Philip Church, who re- 
 sides near Belvidere, and Richard Church, who resides at the home- 
 stead. Daughters : — Mrs. John Warren, of New York, Mrs. 
 Pendleton Hoosick, of New York, and an unmarried daughter, re- 
 siding with her parents. 
 The southern portion of all that part of Allegany, which is upon 
 the Holland Purchase, was not settled until just preceding the war 
 of 1812. As early as 1804, a few families had settled at Clean, but 
 no road from Angelica to that point was opened until 1809 or '10, and 
 then but a woods road. It was surveyed by Moses Van Campen, 
 Thore was miidi of womaTi's nature in licr reply, in 1, ng after years, to nn obser- 
 vation made to her, e.xpressinsf some surprise that she could liavc cndure.l such a 
 change — Ironi a gay and social city to the woods : — •' Oh," said she, " I was just the 
 one to do It, [ had youth, Iiealth ; to bo sure it was pretty hard at first, but the rela- 
 tions ot a wife, to wliich was added the cares of a mother, soon reconciled me to my 
 Uuw home." •' 
 in 1815, and soon after settlers drc^jped in, began to be worlied by 
 them and the proprietors of Oleaii; though when it began, in 1810, 
 '17, to lie thronged with western emigrants on their way to embark 
 upon the Allegany, it was only by sleighing they could get along 
 comfortably ; when that left them, as it often did, they plodded 
 through sloughs, and over stumps and roots, making slow progress. 
 There ar^ emigrants on the Ohio and Wabash and in southern Illinois, 
 who remember their early journey through the woods of Allegany 
 and Cattaraugus, as by far the most trying scene they encountered 
 upon their journey. Soon after 1810, a state road was laid there, 
 the state making a small appropriation, but the pay for its construc- 
 tion principally made dependent upon the proceeds of tolls. It was 
 completed in 1822. The road was principally built by David D. 
 In 1805 Judge Church purchased and had drove to Belvidere twen- 
 ty-four sheep. Arriving late in the evening, they were folded close 
 by the house. In the morning a brother-in-law, from New York, 
 being his guest, he invited him out early to see them. Approaching 
 the pen, they found 19 of the 24 lying dead. The wolves had 
 tracked them in, and made the havoc. As is usual, where they 
 have a plenty of victims, they had only bitten the throats, and ex- 
 hausted the blood. The woods of Allegany were especially the 
 haunts of wild beasts ; trapping and hunting was a serious diver- 
 sion of the new settlers, from the work of improvement. 
 In early years, the Pust-olBce nearest Angelica, was at Bath, 40 
 miles distant. The citizens clubbed, and contracted with William 
 Barney to make the trip, carrying letters and papers once a month. 
 A blind boy of Mr. Barney made the trips, until he was killed by a 
 fall from his horse. 
 There was no physician in Allegany, in the earliest years ; Judge 
 Church says he brought in a medicine chest, and " Buchan's Family 
 Medicine," and occasionally made prescriptions. The nearest phy- 
 sician. Dr. Niles, in Steuben county. The first settled physician in 
 Angelica, was Dr. Ellis, who was succeeded by Dr. Southworth, 
 now of Lockport. 
 The primitive religious meetings were held in the loft of Judge 
 Church's store house, by the Rev. Andrew Grey. " He was a broad 
 shouldered man," says Judge Church, "of extraordinary muscular 
 power ; I remember his getting »o earnest on one occasion, in en- 
 forcinrr rcliijjious precepts upon his brickwoorls conf^tofration, that in 
 his gestures, he knocked our Htoro desk to pieces, tiiat we j^ave him 
 for a pulpit.'" 
 That ))art of the Morris' Reserve, in Allegany, which constituted 
 the ('hurch Tract, was six miles wide, lying east of, and adjoining 
 the Holland Company's lands. In the division among Mr. Morris' 
 creditors, another tract, six miles wide, containing 150,000 acres, 
 fell into the hands of Sterritt and Harrison, merchants of Philadel- 
 phia ; and in turn, this was cut up into small tracts and divided 
 among their creditors. This large tract was mostly kept out of 
 market until after 1815. South of the Church and Sterritt tract, 
 on the Pcmisylvania line, is another tract of 37,000 acres, which 
 fell into the hands of Willing &; Francis, also merchants of Phila- 
 delphia; Mr. Willing, of the firm, was President of the old United 
 States Bank. 
 The first settlement founded after Angelica, was at Van Campen's 
 creek, in the direction of Olean. This name was giv-en dm-insr the 
 primitive advent of 3Ir. Church, in honor of his woods' com])an ion, 
 Mr. Van Campen. Harrison and Higgins were the first settlers. 
 Six or seven miles up the river, above Philipshurgh, a settlement 
 was commenced by Josejjh and Silas Knight. The first settlement 
 down the river, was founded by the Sandfords. 
 No new country has probably ever been opened for sale and set- 
 tlement, that had as rugged features, as much of difficulty to over- 
 come, as the territory which comprises the county of Allegany. 
 Heavily timl)ered throughout, with the exception of small spots up- 
 on the river, it was many years before the roots were out so as to 
 admit of easy cultivation. The new settlements in all early years, 
 were extremely isolated. The wide forests of the Holland Pur- 
 chase bordering upon them, had been but little broken into, as late 
 as ISOOor '10, and after that for many years, settlement upon them 
 advanced but slowly. When the settlers began to have any thing 
 to diriposo of, they had no market, but such as involved a ruinous 
 cost of transportation, over long woods, roads, and up and down 
 steep hills. The very earliest years, however, were far more pros- 
 perous than a long period that succeeded. Black salts, pot and 
 pearl ashes, and grain could be taken to Hornellsville, and from 
 thence go to Baltimore, where it would command cash. This made 
 for a few years, pretty brisk times ; but the navigation was precari- 
 ous, and at best, had in each season but a short duration ; and 
 soon came on European wars, the embarcro T, be...- especially heavy 
 upon the enterprise and prosperity that h. d bctjir,. to dawn in the 
 secluded backwoods. Pine lumber, >v. j.;oo(i /or nothing, beyond 
 the homo uses of the new settlers. It v .s to, far from the naviga- 
 ble waters of the Allegany, even if there ' ' -en roads ; and Too 
 far from the, nortliern older settlements, to allcnv of any considerable 
 market in that direction. The best of ,.. , > trees, instead of being 
 any help to the new settler, was a great Inudrance, for they constitute 
 the most difficult clearing of new lands that is encountered. The 
 first consideralile market for the pine lumber of Allegany, was at 
 Mt. xMorris and Dansville, after the completion of the Genese Val- 
 ley canal to those })oints. 
 Independent of other hindrances to prosperity — or especially to 
 agricultural improvement — two prominent ones have existed' — 
 The mountains, the valleys and the streams, had attractions fot the 
 hunter, the trapper and the fisherman, and slow progress in felling 
 the Ibrest, neglected fields, and dilapidated log tonenients, were the 
 consequences. The free use of whiskey in all the new settlements 
 of the Genesee country, was a curse and a blight, the consefjuences 
 of which — the manner that it retarded prosperity and imjirove- 
 ment— the strong men tliat it made weak— the woe and the sor- 
 row that it carried to the log c;.bins of the wilderness— would fbrm 
 a theme that might be regarded as an innovation here ; but elsewhere, 
 in its appropriate place, would "point a moral," though it would not 
 "adorn a tale." Especially was this an evil where men were 
 attracted by the causes that have been named, from legitimate pur- 
 suits. The other local hindrance succeeded when lumbering be- 
 came a sufficient object to draw men away from agricultural im- 
 Soon after 1807, a serious embarrassment was added to other 
 difficulties upon the Church tract, which constituted nearly all the 
 settled portions of Allegany. John E. Church, who was then resi- 
 ding m New York, became embarrassed, principally inconsequence 
 of French spoliations upon American conunerce ; having made 
 large ventures as an underwriter.* The title of one half of the 
 * His licirs havu now largo, niul ms it would soum just claim upon our L'overninent. 
 ^n-owng out ot thw. Uy Treaty with Fr;uu;o, uur goveriimwit Lunml .,f 
 Uic claims. 
 • ' ii 
 100,000 acre tract, was in his son, Philip Church, but there had been 
 no division ; a mixed interest was assigned to trustees, for the benefit 
 of his creditors, and there was no final division and settlement until 
 1815. In all this time there was a distrust of title, which bin- 
 dered settlement, and created an unsettled state of things, as the 
 same cause always will. 
 The war of 1812 prostrated all of enterprise and progress in all 
 the newly settled portions of the Genesee country, wliere they had 
 no surplus produce, were consumers instead of producers. The new 
 settlements of Allegany furnished their full (juota of men for the 
 frontier, drawn from feeble settlements, where they could least be 
 well spared ; some were left upon battle fields, died m hospitals, or 
 returned to die of disease contracted upon the frontier. Peace had 
 but just been concluded, when the cold and untoward season of 
 1810, came upon them, its biting frosts upon hill and valley, de- 
 stroying all their hopes of sustenance, creating distress and want, 
 driving, in many instances, men to the game in the forest, the fish in 
 the streams, and,wild roots and lierbs, as their only resources to ward 
 off a famine. Independent of their own sufferings and privations, 
 they had quartered upon tliem the poor Indians of Canaedea,who were 
 reduced to the extremity of want. Then came propitious seasons, 
 lite and activity ; for a few years a tide of emigration flowed through 
 their midst, on their way to Olean, and down the Allegany, creatiuir 
 a home market for their produce. This lasted, gradually declining 
 until the Erie canal had reached its western terminus, when emigra- 
 tion was entirely diverted, and their main roads and public 
 were deserted. The Erie canal so diffusive in its benefits, stimu- 
 lating to life and activity, in all other localities of western New 
 but came to crush the hopes, and depress the energies of the people 
 of Allegany and Cattaraugus. Recovering from its first effects, 
 gradually, and remotely, its benefits began to reach them, even be- 
 fore the construction of the Valley canal. 
 It is after almost a half century's struggle, but for Allegany the 
 '•better time" has come. The whistle of the steam cars are start- 
 ling the deer that yet linger in her forests ; the echoes of the boat- 
 man's horn, ere these imperfect annals will issue from the ])ress, will 
 be sounding along the valley of the upper Genesee ; the dark forests 
 are rapidly disappearing ; the neat framed house is taking the place of 
 the mo.<s covered log cabin ; all is putting on the appearance of re- 
 newed enterprise and rapid progress. Long almost a " terra incogiii- 
 tia" her near neighbors on the " northern plains," lier soil, her climate, 
 pure water and pure atmosphere, is beginning to be appreciated ; 
 and she will soon occcupy a better relative position in the empire 
 region of the Empire State. 
 Mr. Williamson was directly connected with the introduction of the 
 jM'inting press into the Genesee country; The two first ncwspa])ei's wx'iv, e.s- 
 tahlished utidei' his ausjiices and patronage. Early in January-, 1790, In; pro- 
 cured from Nortluiniberland or Sunhury, in Pennsylvania, a second liand 
 newspa]K'r office, and enlistetl as printei-s and publishers, \Vm. Kersey* and 
 James Edie. Tliey issued "The J^ath (lazette and Genesee Advertiser.'" 
 This Wiis the first newspaper published in western New York. 
 In the same year, he induced Lucius C'arcv, who had been jniblisliiiiir a 
 jtajier at Newburg, to sell t)ut and est;iblish himself at Geneva. Mr. Care^- 
 forwarded his printing materials by water, and came himself, with liis house- 
 hold goods, by land. On his arrival, hiMvrote toMr. Williamson at All)aiiv, 
 that be had en I'd a lung and expensive jocirney; arrived, and found his 
 house unfinished, and no room provided for his ofiice.f He got settled during 
 * It is ] that Mr. Kersey may liave liiui a ciuniection with llip jinper not a.s 
 printer, but iis one of Mr. Williuiusoii's asjeiits at Hatli. He was a l-'iiend, as would 
 appear Viy iiis h'tteis. In eno of them, written to Mr.Wiliiamsoii at .Miwiny, lie speaks 
 of havini,' lo(;ateil some new .settlers, and at th(^ hhiw' time, asks for .some new tv])e, 
 nrij;int; that the type they have brouj^'ht from Pennsylvania is "<ild and worn." "We! 
 on considerinix the ease, I'onelude it is best to have a suilicient (piantity of new tvpe t(i 
 complete the oHiee, so that we may do business in good fashion; therefore reijue'st that 
 in addition to the order by Ci\\)\^ Coudry, tliou may i)o pleased to send us as soon as 
 may be, ^(1(1 weii(ht of small jiica or bourj,'eois. We have some eneoiu-a<rement to inir- 
 Hue the b\isiiiess, luit many of our patrims eomplain of tlie badness of tlie i)rint, and 
 that not without suffi<'ient cause." Ho was at the time one of the .Indices of !S|eid)en, 
 and informs Mr. Willi.imson that he and his associates had been indicted bv the Grand' 
 Jury, "for not holding u-i election at the J'ainted I'ost for a re|)resentativo in Con- 
 t "Tiie Pioneer printer was in ill Imnior. He says to Mr. Williamson : — I am now 
 lyinj? idle, and how long- 1 shall, 1 cannot say, only i'orthe want of a room to work 
 ill. My house was to be done in July, and it is a mortifying reflection to me to have 
 the winter, liowever, and in April, 1797, brouglit out tho fii-st number of the 
 "Ontario Gazetto and (Jeneseo Advertiser." Tho paper wiis continued but 
 about a year and a half at Gene\a, after which it was removed to Canaiuhii- 
 gua, and continued until 1802, when the othco was sold, and the name of the 
 paper changed to "Western Repository and Genesee Advertiser." Mr, 
 Caivydieti in Canandaigiui, in 1804. 
 James K. Gould was the immediate successor of Mr. Carey. In May, 
 1803, ho issued "for the propriet.jrs," the "Western Repository and Gene- 
 see Advertiser." In August, 1803, Mr. Gould, in ompaiiv with Russell E. 
 Post, purchased the establishment, and changed the title to " Western Reposi- 
 tory.'' In October, 1804, this partnership was dissolved, and James D. 
 Hemis took tlio ])]ace of Mr. Post. Mr. Gould dving in March, 1808, the 
 paper was continued by Mr. Remis, with only a "slight change of title, for 
 twenty-one years. The i)aper is still published, being now the oldest news- 
 ]iapcr in western New York. The immediate successors of Mr. Bemis were. 
 Cliauncey Morse and Samuel Ward, the former of whom was a biolhcr-iu- 
 law of Mr. R., an,l the latter a nephew. Mr. Har\ cv was at one j .eriod 
 a-;s<xiated with Mr. Morse in ius publication, flie present editor and publisher, 
 IS George L. Whitney. 
 In 18(13, Sylve-<ter Titfany established in Ganandaigua, the Ontario Free- 
 man, lie was from New Hampshire; his wife, one of the well known fami- 
 ly ot Ji'iistons, of that Stat.'. For several years before settling at Canandai- 
 gua, Mr. Titiiiny had jiublished a paper at Niagara, U. C. Ho was for sever- 
 al yeai's clerk of Ontario county. He died in 1811. His widow still sur- 
 \ives, a resident of Rochester. The surviving sons are : — Svlvester Titiany, 
 an early merchant in Le Roy; George A. Tittany, who married a dauohter of' 
 Mrs. Berry, at Avon, and now resides in Wisconsin ; Alexander R.Titfany, 
 who studied law in Canandaigua, married a daughter of Dr. Gain Robinson, 
 and is now Judge Titfany, of Adrian, Micbiu-an. Dean 0. Titfany, the 
 youngest son, was a clerk in the book store of James D. Bemis, of Canandai- 
 gua, and subse(|uently, in the Everingham store in Rochester; died at the 
 south. Daughters became the wives' of Stephen and William Charies, of 
 RoclK^ster, and John C. Ross, of C. W. 
 John A. Stevens was the successor of Mr. Titfany, commencing tho pub- 
 lication of the Ontario Messenger in 1800. The Repository and Messen<rer, 
 untlerthe management of Messrs. Bemis and Stevens, were for a considerable 
 I'enod the leading papers of the respective ])arties whose interests they es- 
 poused. "Mr. Stevens," says a brii^f l)iogra])her, * "wa- a kind, atleciion- 
 ate, and good hearted man, and very generally esteem, •; by all who knew 
 liim. He died some twenty years since. 
 iny pari'iits lionr tlmt, I must lay i.ll<- lor the want ef a lioiisc, ivlicii f Jiml si>„ke so 
 nine 1 111 pniisc ot the town, and liccn tlic ineiins nf a coiiiim' t. it since I 
 7" luln \ Y"'I'"'';" ^^'' ^"■>''' ''^' •''"'"■"f ''"I"'"'^ "'■ 1''-^ '""•'^'•'''' : vet, with Uk^ loan 
 V .'■"', *'; I • ',' """'^■•■' '>^' '""> K<'f ii paper (Hit, and move alontr, "if lioVan i,'<'t a room." 
 tlis (IwelhiiK house was liimlly fnrnished, and a far hetter on<. it must liave heen than 
 I inneer printers usually enjoy, as the amount i>ai(l for it by iMr. Williamson, was over 
 * Frederick Follctt, Esq., who compih'd the proroedinirsof the " Printers' Fe«tivnl " 
 ui K(K-hostcr, held in 1847, and ailded a " History of the Truss of Westuru New 
 Of the large nninlicr ol" printers, mot of wliuiii liavc been, or are now, 
 conductors of ne\vs[>!i[iers, ^vllu serveil tlieir ;i|)iiri'nti(.('sl.ij)H witli Messrs. 
 Beinis and Stevens, the names of the followino- ooeur to the author: — Oran 
 Follctt, IJavid M. Day, [..'wis II. Kedli.M, I'lCz-kiah and Smith Salisbury, 
 A. H. I)ennctt, Thomas 11 JJaiiium, Kandall ^leai. ham, John Van Sice, Ed- 
 ward Van Cleve, John Gilbert, Elisha Stai'r, beside many othere of a later 
 period; and the Author of this work, in ]iart. 
 Eben I^aton, a brother of (ieneral Eaton, was the successor of Mr. Carey 
 at (Jeneva. He started a paper in 18U0, called "The impaitial Observer 
 and Seneca Museum." 
 James IJogcrt came to Geneva in 1800. lie served his apprenticeship in 
 the old ollice of T. it J. Swords, New York. In November, 1800, he is- 
 sued the lirst nmnber of the "Expositor," which was continued until 1809, 
 when he changed th" title to "(h-neva Gazette." He conducted the paper 
 for ovi'r twenty-seven years, retiring from it in 18.38. Next to Mr. Beinis, 
 he is the oldest survivor of the conductors of the jircs in western New York. 
 He was a good printer aiul editoi', and in all respects, a Avortliy member of 
 the "craft." He was u])on the frontier in the war of 1S12, bearing the com- 
 mission of Captain in the regiment of Colonel Peter Allen, and was after- 
 wnnls commissioned as a Colonel. After retiring from the Gazette, he was 
 for five years Collector of Canal Tolls at Geneva. 
 James I). Hkmis may justly be regared as the father of the press of west- 
 ern New York: and thisr.ot only with reference to his eariy and long con- 
 tinued coniieetion with it, but with tarther reference to the large number of 
 printers who have gone out from under his instruction ; his character as a man, 
 and as a member of a local craft, the dignity and respectability of which he 
 has in so large Ji degree maintained. lie was a native of New Hampshire; 
 though, if the author rightly recollects, lie served his apprenticeship in Al- 
 bany. Soon after a riving at his majority, in the winter of l,--0.3, he left 
 Albany with a small stock of books and stationery, intending to locate in 
 Canada, but arriving in Canandaigua, was induced by the favorable jirospects 
 held out there, to make it his permanent home. [See his own cotemporary 
 acccnmtof his advent, Aiipendix, No. 19.] Soon engaging with Mr. Gould 
 in the Repository, he sold his stock of books and stationery to Myron Holley ; 
 but it was not long before he connected book-selling with printing, and for 
 many yeais was not only the editor and ])ublisher of the most successful 
 newspaper in western New York, but he enjoyed almost a monopoly in the 
 printing of handbills, blanks, in the sale of books, and in the business of 
 book-binding, in a wide region. All of this was inanaged by a close aj)plica- 
 tien to biwinoss, in a careful, systematie manner. }ieculiar to the man. No 
 one connected with the newspajier press in western New York, has been mor-^ 
 successful, and no one better deserved succcv. 
 Mr. li.'mis still survives, li.iving reached his i"*^"! year. Sincerely is it la- 
 nieule.l iiy a wiile circle of friends — and <'■ pccially by those who have known 
 him nnvst intimately; many of whom owe him gratitude as well ius respect — 
 that the evening of his long and • fid life is ckxided with misfortune. I'e 
 has been for a considerable periov ,i) aimate of an institution at IJrattleboro, 
 Vt., under treatment for the cure of physical intinnities, in which hisonco 
 well balanced mind in -omo degree ]»articipates. * He married in early life; 
 liis wife still sarvi\es. An only son is George W. Bemis of Canandaigua, 
 .i ^ 
 ■ \ 
 D^;r;rs'M^''/l^7: ' V"^^^"^^' ^^^^^ ^^^ -^^^"*1>^ '^^^n appointed a 
 IJepiity U S. Ma.-s}iall, Daughters became tlie uiv,.s (/ Tluulde is C}vm\r 
 ot^gjnanda.gua, and W.n. B. Peck, a bookseller of New i^'Z^'^f 
 and addc.) : _..^Tho wir artofS 'nl f^^.S^^ 
 car..or, whotl.or wo conHidor t]>o oven s ,^ t nf . ■ ! / "/i "'^7'"^ 1" "^^^^>' y**''"'" 
 acted tlifir parts in trnisf. rm ur tu2 , "■^^J'^'"'"'. "r the cliaractcr of men who 
 il^'iS^;,;^^^- ^-^'^-t editor in we.tS.^l^iS Sll^h ^^^^^ 
 [end of general history op PHELPS AND GORIIAm's PURCHASE.] 
 *fev ^Vr-, 
 [Note.— A table of contents -which would .mibrace a reference to localities, persons 
 and events, in regular order, was found far too elaborate, and occupying too much 
 space. A shorter one lias therefore been adopted, by which the reader, having refer- 
 ence to localities, will be enabled to refer to atiy given subject, event or person, with 
 attle difficulty.] 
 CHAPTER I.— [Commencing page 9.] — Brief notices of Early Colonization — Pro- 
 gress of the l-rench upon the St. Lawrence — French and Indian, and French and 
 i^nghsh Wars-- Progress of tlie Frencli around tlie borders of the Western Lakes 
 — Discovery of the Mississippi by Marquette and .Joliet — First advent of our 
 race to woMerii New York — La Salle — First sail ves.sel upon the Upiier Lakes— 
 M. lie La Barrie's invasion of tlie country of tlie IroquoLs — Do Nonvi]l."s inva- 
 mon ot the Seneca Country, in what is now Ontario County — Foundiu" of Fort 
 JSiagara — I-ivnchand English battles in the region of Lakes George ami Cham- 
 CHAPTER IT.— [Coin, page 40.] — Siege and SuiTendor of Fort Niagara— Con- 
 quest of ^\ esteru New York. 
 CHAPTER in.— [Com. jiago fiG.] — Siege and Capture of Ticonderoga, Crown Point, 
 tiuebeo and Montreal- Peace of lUi'.i, end of French Dominion. 
 CHAPTER IV.— [Comjiage 69.]- 
 olutiou — Sullivan's Cainpaigu. 
 ■ English Dominion — Border Wars of the Rev- 
 CHAPTER I--[ Com. page 83.] — Our immediate predeces,sors, the Senccas, with a 
 glance at the Iroquois — their wars with their own race, and with the French - 
 tlieir bravery and prowess — invasion of tlieir country l.y De Nonville. 
 CHAPTER II. -[Com. page !I9.]- Conflicting claims to western New York — In- 
 dian 1 ieati(>s— The Lessee Company— The Military Tract. 
 CHAPTER III.- [Com. page 127.] - The Genesee Country at the period when set- 
 tlement commenced— its position in reference to contiguous temtory — Condi- 
 tion ot thecouutrygenerally after the Revolution. 
 ^^^'sHN '^)l,V,7,fi'^';'"- ^:''-" F'-^ r ',''"■''" '""' ^■"■•''•i'"'« I^'-relioso of Ma,^sachu- 
 Se ne^Ts \ ,1 ''^'Ip.''' '"'^/"'^'^"t to the Gene.seo Country, and hi:^ treaty with the 
 Oenecas — Jvatlianiel Gorliain. "^ 
 *^"'Vow Yates Counter ^"'°" ^''^■^-^'''^'^ Wilkinson -Pioneer events in what is 
 CriAPTFR I._[C,.,n. rii-c KM.J -CmuM,.,,,...,...,,! of siim.ys nnd sotllomcnt of 
 the O.. u'so.' ( nnnti-y-I'MMMTr ..vnits m1 (';i,„„„lm-un~ Mrs. Sa-il.nrn - J.i.W 
 now,;ll-o luT, ,,Hy rioM.rr.s-l!;,M,n>ti..l,|-tlu.A,h,M,staMiiiT-oil„.r,,io,„.,r 
 )iinnli..s-|{,.,mMis<vi,..,.s ,.f .h„„,.s Spcrry- Mici.l, H,.„„kM-'W,.sl lilooMilirM 
 -lillstown.~l,tl'H iiiiMily--()thf,- cMily l'io,„.,.rs~ l!i.|i,i„isroiKVH of Mrs. 
 I'iinuMM— IhrCl mi.miiH and Allans— (ioihaiii. l'anMii.f,'fon, MaiH,',.,— lU- 
 .nm,,..M of l",.],^. J{,,l(iol,l - Tli. Murn.on.s- J'ludps- Ocnova- Janios 
 CHAl'TKR Tr~[r,,,n p,njr,.o.|n.]--Sal,-of I'lu'lp.s an.l Goilia.u to liolurt. Morris 
 — U(>HaliMo Knnisli /vssocialio.i — A.lvoiit of C'liarlrs Williamson— Kvf.its at 
 \y,ll,an.stM.vp, I,.,,],, (;.,,„,,,., Lyons. So.lns, Culclonia, l!nuldock'.s liay-Jolni 
 OrcifT-HobrK 'I'roiip-JoHiipli Fellows. ^ 
 ClIAPTKR III. [Con,. ]|a,nv :2,S1.J- In.lian .liflionltios-Uritisli intorimmcc- 
 Jndian connciLs— (Jon. Israel CliajMn- Jasper I'arri.sli. 
 CHAI'TKli lV._[Coni. jia^v 'Ur..]- AtL^nipt of (Jov. .sin.eoel,. Invak np llio set- 
 tlenient at Sodus May- l!,i,isl, elain.s to weslen. New York-Wayne's Victory 
 — Surrender ol J'orts Osweijo and Niairara. > '""ry 
 CHAl'TKR y.-[Co,n.,re .Mr.,|.]-,i,,„„,; .„„, -^^rj,];,,,^, Wadsworth-Horatio and 
 tlie Di.MM.t ol (.eneseo ' — Leir,.sler,.'\[ose<,w, m. iMorris- N'a ley .,f the Can- 
 CPIAPTl'jJl Vr.-[Con,. p;i;,^e;)7S.]~T'ionorr events in what is now Wayne county 
 ~.lolu, ^wilt - Harwoo.1 Spears, Dnrfees, Rodders, other early l'i,,Meers--Wm 
 Hove U,yler-Jvons-Uor,s..ys, Van Wiekles, I'errine. othcT early '1^1 tiers - 
 R.d-e Road - So.lus Ray- Per.-rino Fif/hugh-Dr. Lun.niis. ^ 
 ^"1vtII'si,iy;;r'^iv;niT"%"*"'^'^7f'';V-'^^ 'r^'' "• ^^■'"'•^ '^""^^ ^onroe- 
 Ki , • . ' ""■. ; llcnelier-Ool, Frsli-Ateliinsons- Hraddoek's Jiay- 
 Kin^^ s setlJenen- Rriirl,t.n.- Lnsks. Stones, ( »liver Cuh er- Trv.m's Town - 
 \SS'^':Z 'T^r '".'.'^f'"'''; ^''■'■'■'"'""- 1^"""-'^-" «»l'I'li-rin r Ibr^^c to 
 Victoi, \\ Uloomheld and IJnslol, paL;e -j;n.] 
 CIIArTKR VIIL- [Com. pa-.. l.'Ui.] -The Jlorris Trealv at Hi.. Tree-Cession 
 NewspicS"'^ "''''' '^'^"'^'^'^ -dGorhau.'. Purd.a^o - Eady I'rinlirand 
 [NO. 1.] 
 On tlic mil of February, IGG,'), ubout half piint five o'clock iu the evening, a great 
 rushing noise was heard throughout the wlioh; extent of Canada. Tim noise ciuLsed 
 the peojile to run out of (heir houses into the streets, as if their habitations hud been 
 on fire ; but, instead of flames or Hinoke, they were surprised to see the walls rwding 
 backward and for\vard, ;ind the stonc's moving as if they were detached from each 
 other. The timbers, rafters tind planks cracked. The earth treiubled violently, and 
 caused the stakes of the jialisades and palings to dance, in a manner that would have 
 been incredible, had we not actually seeu it in many jilaees. It was at this moment 
 every one ran out of doors. Then were to be s(!en animals flying in every direction ; 
 children crying and screaming in the streets ; men and women, seized with affright, 
 stood horror-struck with the dreadful scene before them, unable to move, and ignor- 
 ant where to fly for refuge from the tottering walls and trembling earth, which threat- 
 eiu'd every instant to crush them to death, or sink them into a profound and iiiimeas- 
 urabU' abyss. Some (hivw themselves (m their knees in the snow, crossing their breasts, 
 and calling on tlieir saints to relieve them from the danger with which they were sur- 
 rounded. Others passed the rest of this dreadful night in prayer; for tho"eartl](|uake 
 ceased not, but continued at slKjrt intervals, with acertain undulating imj)ulse, resem- 
 bling the w;)ves of the ocean ; and the same qualmish sens-itionis, or sickness at the 
 stomach, was felt dining the s'.ocks, as is experienced in a vessel at sea. 
 " The vioh'nce of the eartliquake was greatest in the forest, where it ajijieared ;ls if 
 there was a battle raging between the trees ; for not oidy their brandies were destroy- 
 ed, but even tiieir trunks are said to have been detached from their jilaces, and dashed 
 against each other with inconceivable violence and confusion —so much so, that the 
 Indians, in their figurative manner of sjieaking, declared that all the forests were drunk. 
 The war also seemed to be carried on between the mountains, some of Avliich were 
 torn from tlieir beds and thrown ujion others, leaving imtnense chasm.s, in the jilaccH 
 fioin wlience they had issued, and the very trees with wliidi they were covered, sunk 
 down, having only their tojjs above the surface of the earth ; others were completely 
 overturned, tlieir branches buried in theeailh, and the roots only remained above 
 ground. During this general wreck of naiinv, the ice upward of six feet thick, 
 was rent and thrown uji in large pieces, and from the ojieiiings in many part.s 
 there isued thick chnids of smoke, or fountains of dirf and sand, which spouted up to 
 a very considerable height. The .sjiiings wiie eitlie:' choked ii]i, or imiiregnatcd with 
 sulphur; many rivers were totally lust ; others were diveiled from their courses, and 
 ihcir waters entirely corrnptod. Sonic of tlictn hpciimo yellow, others rod, and tlio 
 ^ivat river of tliu St. Lawrence app(^are(l entirely white, as far down as Tadoiissjic 
 Thi-* cxfriiordinary phenomena, must astonisli thowe \\li()kiu'W the size of the river 
 and the immense liody of waters in various parts, whieli must hav(^ HMpiired sueh 
 atmiid.'un'e of matter to whiten it. They write from Montreal, tliat durinij the earth- 
 Unako, they plainly saw the stakes of tho picketing or palisades, jump up as if they 
 had heon dancinjf ; and that of two doors in the sanio room, one opened and the 
 oilier shut of their own accord ; that the chimneys and tops of the housi's, l)ent lik,' 
 Krauches of the trees ajfilaied with the wind ; that when they wnt to walk, tiiey felt 
 the e.arlh foUowinij them, and rising' iit every step they took, somethin!^ sticking 
 against the solos of their fee',, and other lhiiii,'S in u very forcible and surprising inaiv- 
 " From Tlirec liivers they write that tho first shock was the most violent, and com- 
 menced witli a noise rcsemhlini? thuruler. The liouses were actitated in the same man- 
 ner as the tops of tre"s during a tempe^t, with a noise as if fire wius crackinu; in the 
 g.'inots. The shock lasted hf'f an hour, or rather better, though its greatest force wa.s 
 pro])erly not more than a (juartcr of an hotu', and we believe there was not a single 
 shock, which did not cause the earth to open more or less. 
 •' As for Uw rest, wc have reni.arked that, though this eartlKpiake continued almost 
 without infermis:,ion, yet it was not always of an eipial violence. Sometimes it was 
 like the pitching of a large vessel which dragged liea\ ily at her anchors, and it was 
 this motion which caused many to have giddiness in their lieads, and a (pialmishness 
 in their stomachs. At otJier times the motion wasluirried and irregular, creatini' sud- 
 den jerks, some of which were (,'.\treniely violent ; but tho most common, was a slight, 
 trenudous motion, which occurred frequently with little noise. Maiiy of tho French 
 inhabitants, anil Indians, who were eye-witnesses to the scene, state that a gri'at way 
 up the river of Trois Kiviercs, about eighteen miles below Quebec, the hills which bor- 
 dered the river on citlier side, and which were of a prodigious height, were torn from 
 tlieir foundations, and plunged into the river, causing it to change its course, and 
 spread itself over a large tract of land recently cleared ; tho broken earth mixed with 
 the waters, and for several montlis changed tho color of the great river ISt. Lawrence, 
 into which that of Trois Riviera disemboques itself. In the course of this violent con- 
 viU.sion of nature, lakes ajijieared where none ever existed b<tore; mountains were 
 overthrown, swallowed nj) by tho gaping, or preciiiitated into .■idjacent rivers, Laving 
 in their jilaces frightful chasms or level phiins ; falls and rapids were ch.anged into 
 gentle streams, and gentle streams into falls and rapids. Rivers in many parts of the 
 country sought other beds, or totally <lisnp]ieared. The earth and mountains were 
 entirely split and rent in innumerable ])lace.s, creating chasms and precipices, whose 
 depths have never yet been a.^certained. Such devastation was also occasioned in the 
 wood,s, that more than a thousand acres in one neighborhood were comiiletely over- 
 turned ; and where, but a short time before, nothing met the eye but an immense forest 
 of trees, now were to be seen extensive ch'ared lands, ajiparently cut up by the plough. 
 At Tadoussac, (about l.")0 miles below Quebec, on the north side,) the elFect of the 
 earthquake was not less violent than in otlier ilac s ; and such a heavy shower of vol- 
 canic ashes fell in tliat neighborhood, particularly in the river St. Lawrence, that the 
 wai.'r was as violently agitated as tluring a tempest. The Indians .say that a vast 
 volca\.. .xistsin Labrador. Xear St. I'aul's Hay (about fifty miles below Quebec 
 on the north .side,) a mountain, about a quau'er of a league in circumference, situated 
 on the shore of the St. Lawrence, was precipitated into the river, but us if it had only 
 madn a pliingo, it rose from tlu! bottom and Iwcamo a Biiiall island, formiiitf with the 
 sliorc a convenient liarbor, well sheltered froTii all winds. Lower down the river, 
 towiird Point Alonettoi.", an entin! forest (jf eonsideralile extent, was looHeiied from tho 
 main bank and slid into the liver St. Lawrence, wliero the trees took fresh root. There 
 are three circnrnstances, however, whicli have rendered thi.s extniordinarv eartliqiiakc 
 paiticnlarly remarkable ; — The first is it.s havin},'eontinned Iroiri Fc^bniary 
 to Anjjust, that is to say, more than six months almost wilhout intermission. It is 
 I me, the i-liocks were not always ecinally violent. In several places, as toward the 
 inoiintjiins buhind Q n bee, the ihunderint,' noiwwmd trenibling motion continued suc- 
 cessively for a considerable time. In others, as toward TadfiuKsac, thc^ shock contin- 
 ual f,'r.iierally for two or Ihreo days at a time, with much violence. 
 The second circumstance relates to the extent of this earth(juake, which we believe, 
 was uiiivorsal throughout the whole of New Franco, for we learn that it was felt from 
 L'Isle Perce and Gasiie, which are situated at the mouth of the St. Lawrence, to be- 
 yond Jlonlreal; as also in New England, Arcadia, and other places more remote. As 
 far IIS it has coiik! to our knowledge, this earthquake extended more than (JDO miles in 
 lentil, and alwiit DfJI) in breadth. Fleiice, It^O.OOO s((uare miles of land were convul- 
 sed in the same day, and at llu,' same moment. 
 The third circumstance, which appears the most remarkable of all,re,<<ards the ex- 
 traordinary protection of Divine Providence, which has been extended to ii.s and our 
 habitations; for we have seen near us the large openings and chasms which the earth- 
 quake occasioned, and the jnodigions extent of country which has been either totally 
 lost or hideously convulsed, without our loosing either man, woman, or child, or even 
 having a Lair of their head touched." 
 [NO. 2.] 
 Succeeding M. de la Barre, the Governor, Do Xonville, had immediately commenced 
 peace negotiations with tho Sunccas ; at times there seemed every ju'osjiect of a favora- 
 ble issue ; but the EiigUsh Governor, Dongan, was evidently throwing every obstacle 
 in the way of ]ieace. Had he been otherwise disposed, a jjowerfiil inllneiice was 
 brmiglit to bear iqion him : The English traders had approached the imiductive hunt- 
 ing grounds of Western N(!w York ; and were stimulated by the prosjiect of gain wliich 
 they afforded ; and this region was their only practicable" avenue of approach to the 
 still more extensive field of Indian trade around the borders of the western Lakes. 
 The mi'rcenary views of the English traders predominated over any regard for the 
 peace of their colony. The sale of poor English brandy to the Indians, and the ac- 
 quisition of rich packs of beaver were considi;iatioiis with them paramount to wliich 
 involved (juestions of peace or war between J^ance and England. They of course 
 wc^re not the i)eace coun.sellors of Gov. Dongan. 
 France and 1)(! Nonville had a faithful helper, in tho person of tho Jesuit Father 
 LamberviUe, who had been for sixteen years located as a missionary, at Onondaga, 
 the central canton of the InKjuois. He had, not unworthily, acquired great influence 
 and he exercisi'd it in fa\-or of peace. He had perseveringly endeavored to prevent 
 the introduction of sjiiiitous liquors among Mio Indians ; had foretold its consequences, 
 and in all things else had jiroved their friend. Pending tho viait of M, de la Earrc to 
 tho south shore of Lake Ontario, ho had exerted himself to procure a conference be- 
 tween tliu French and all the Iroquois nations ; and in ordurto romovc ovory olwtacle, 
 had opened a friendly con-osjiondence with Gov. D(,^igan, to induce him to be on the 
 side of peace. - Let your zeal," lie wrote, " for tiie public peace, and especially for 
 the Christiana of this America, induce you to put a fini.shin^' hand to this good 
 work. Since peace, through your care, will apparently last, we shall continue to carry 
 the Christian faith throuy:li this country, and to solicit tho Indians, whom you Jioni^r 
 with y(jur friendship, to embrace if, as yon yourselves embrace it, for this is the sole 
 object tliat has caused us to come here ; that the blood of Jesus ChrLst, shed for all 
 men, may be useful to them, and that his glory may be great throughout the earth." 
 Till' good missionary retjuests the Governor to Ben<l lu.s answer by Gai-akontie, m 
 Onondaga, whom he will meet at Albany ; and he exhorts him " to have a little care 
 for Garakontie," to recommend him "not to get dnmk any more, aa he promised when 
 lie was baptised, and to iierform the duties of a Christiim." 
 On the advent of De Nonville, Father Lamben-ille seconded all his efforts for 
 peace, though as duty to his country dictated, he at the siime time kept tlie (iovcrnor 
 informed of all the English were d<jing to prejudice the Iroquois against tlie French. 
 The winter of 1685, 'fi, wore away, the French shut up at Montreal, and at their 
 advanced posts, and tho English, not venturing nmch beyond tho Hudson. Little 
 could be done in the winter in the way of peace negotiations, war, or trade, iw the 
 navigable waters, tho only means of conmiunication, were principally closed with ice. 
 In May, De Nonville informed his govern ment.that there had been seen on Lake Erie, 
 ten Englisli canoes, laden with merchandise, in which were some French desei tcrs ; and 
 mentions that lie had sent a small force to Niagara to intercept them on their return. 
 He gives a mintito topograi)hical description of Niagara ; describes its command- 
 ing position ; and recommends the erection of a fort there, its the most elfectual means 
 of preventing English encroachments at the west ; and he is of the oj)inion that if 
 the Scnecns should see a fort planted there, they would be more pliant." Ho informs 
 the government that he has assumed tho responsibility of sending an engineer and 
 draughtsman to Niagara, to locate the Fort, and make the necc'ssary drawings."* The 
 expense attending tho getting of military stores and provisions to Kingston, is men- 
 tioned as a serious drawback to his oiierations, it costing not less than "110 liVres 
 from Ville JIarie, on the Island of Montreal, to Catarokouy, per 1000 lbs." 
 Soon after this dispatch had been forwarded to France, De Nonville received a letter 
 from the English Governor, abounding in professions of friendshij), and a disposition 
 to preserve jieace between the two nations ; laments that the Indians had dealt harshly 
 with two Jesuit Missionaries ; and thinks it " a thousand pitties that those who made 
 such progress in the service of God. should be disturbed; and that by the fault of 
 tlioso wlio laid the foundation of Christianity ainonst those barbarous peojile." In 
 this letter, however, the English Governor distinctly asserts the right of English do- 
 minion, all along the soutli sliorcs of Lake Ontario, and up to the eastern banks of 
 lis is imiloubtedly the incijiient step to the occupation of the site of Fort Niag. 
 n his llistiiry of the Holland Purchase, the author has assumed that La S;dl( 
 ara. In ms msiory ox me noMaiid I'uivliase, tlie autlior has assumed that La S;dle 
 erected a trading post there; but butter information leads him to the conclusion that 
 this was an error. 
 Note.— The reader will bear in mind, that up to this period of colonization in 
 America, the queslKui ofright, as to jurisdictiou and doniinioM, was but illv defined 
 Boundaries were but imaginary, no survevor's compass having marked them ; no 
 stakes or stones" had been set up. The French claimed dominion and pre-emjjiive 
 tho Niagara River, complnins of the gatherinwof stores at "Cataraqui," (Kingston,) 
 as it is evidence of intention to war upoii tiio Iroqiiois, who, it is assumed are the 
 kir^' of En(,'land's siihjocta, and protests against the iiitt'iitioiw of the Frencli to build 
 a tlbrt at a place called Ohnijijero, on tliis side of the Lake, within my master's ter- 
 ritory es." 
 Other correspondence transpired between the Governors of the rival colonists, and 
 lx)th kept their governments informed of all tliat was ffoins; on in this purtidn of tlio 
 new world. The diplomacy of the floveniors, was marked thronf^hont witli insincer- 
 ity ; they mutually concealed from each other their real intentions. Gov. Don^an 
 occasionally falls into a vein of flattery : — On one occasion he expresses his "hii?h 
 satisfaction that the Kini^ of France has sent him so ffood a neij^hbor, of so excellent 
 qualitications and temper, and of a humor alto^etlier dilferent from Monsieur La Uarro, 
 who was so furious and hasty, very much addicted to great words, as if it had bin to 
 have bin frightened by him." De Nonville aware that Gov. Dongan was a (^atholic, 
 takes good care to often impress him with the idea, that all tliat lie is doiiig lias refer- 
 ence to "the glory of God, and the ])ropagation of the Christian faith." Suddenly 
 however, his tone changed, and he charged tJie English Governor with inciting the 
 Indians to lunnlia- Frenchmen uj)on their own territory; of being privy to tlie "mar- 
 tyrd(jm of holy missionaries ;" of having sent an English exjjedilion to JMishillima- 
 quina." " Think you," says he, "that religion will progress, whilst your merchants 
 «upply as they do, Eau de vci in abundance, which converts the savages into demons, 
 and their wigwams into counterjiarts and theatres of hell." He charges in addition, 
 that the English liave "hiubored and protected French runaway.s, bankrupts and 
 De Xonville informed his King of English eucroachinents upon French teftitory ; 
 of their expeditions to the AVest ; of their hohling councils with the Iroquois, and es- 
 pecially the Senccas ; of their arming and inciting them to war upon the French ; 
 and ooncluds with the opinion, that there can be no .success for the French Mission- 
 aries or Traders, until the Senecas are hun'bled ; and for this purpose he demands a 
 large j-einforcement from France. The King assured him that his demands should be 
 complied with, and recommends prompt otfensive measures. 
 Much othei coiTospondenee passed between De Nonville and his government, and 
 between the two Governors, which is not material to an understanding of events that 
 right over all the lands of the Indians, aniong whom their missionaries and traders had 
 gained a foothold. By this tennre they were, at the jieriod u])on wliicji we are now dwell- 
 ing, claimiu^' the wliole vallev of tlie Western Lakes, and of tlie Mississijipi ; over 
 into Texas and Xew Mexico, by rea.«on of llie advent of La Salle ; and all ot wliat is 
 now New York, as low down as tlie eastern bounds of Oneida county. Tlie taking 
 po.ssession by formal jnodamation, in the name of their king, tlrst ilone by De 
 Nonville, in what is now Ontario county ; and repeated at Niagara. The English 
 claimed upon similar tenure, beyond wlieie they had obtained po.ssession by treaty. 
 When the issue was jiending between De Nonville and tlio English Governor, the Eng- 
 lish had not been occupant.*, in anv form, of any portion of western Ne\, York. 
 The Frendi had missionary and trading stations as low down as the Oneida castle. 
 The Eiiii'Iish had, to be sure, performed the ceremony of sending agents to all the Iro- 
 quois villages, to en-ct poles,upon which were flags bearing the a: ins of their nation ; but 
 the act was so ludicrous as to excite (he contempt of the natives, who generally tore 
 them down, for llie Iroquois acknowledged no sovereignty of either France or England, 
 over them.* 
 *We are free !" said GaiTangula to de la Barre ; — " We woroborn fro(>men, and have 
 no dependence on Yonnoudio," (the French Governor,) " or Corlear," (the Euglisb 
 ')\m i i 
 t >l|' 
 f ■ 

 ISKS llii 
 ■" Itt 12.2 
 S 114 '"" 
 S '- il|J£ 
 11.25 1.4 16 
 ■« 6" 
 ^ ► 
 m. oS. ^^s 
 WEBSTER, N.Y. 14580 
 (716) 872-4503 
 In June, 1687, the recniite having arriveu from France, the French army moved up 
 the St. Lawrence, and occupied the Fortat " Cataracouy." The premeiiitatcd invasion 
 of the Seneca country, W08 preceded by an act of treachery and perfidy, which has 
 few parallels in liistory. The French Governor persuaded the go(*d misworiary, Laiu- 
 bervdle, who was intent only upon peace, the service of his King, and the success of 
 his mission, to take a large delegation of Indians to his head quarters, under the pre- 
 tence of holding a peace council, and reconciling all difficulties. When they were 
 shut up within the fort, and completely in his power, he ordered fifty of them to be 
 put in irons, conveyed to Quebec, and from thence to the galleys in France ! His ob- 
 ject, as will be inferred, was to hold them a.s hostages, to give him advantage in making 
 overtures of peace ; but he sadly misjudged the effect. The news of the treachery 
 reaching the Oneidas, a French Missionary was seized and led to t'le stake, and was 
 only saved by th.! intervention of a squaw, who claimed the right to adopt him as 
 her son. At Onondaga, the Missionary Lambenllle, was summoned before a council 
 of chiefs, and while anticipating that his life had been forfeited by the part he had 
 taken m the affair, a chief arose and addressed him thus : —"Thou art now our ene- 
 my- thou and thy race. But we have held counsel and cannot resolve to treat thee 
 as an enemy. We know thy heart had no share in this treason, though thou wert its 
 tool. Wo are not unjust; we will not punish thee, being innocent and hating the 
 cnme as much as ourselves. But depart from among us ; there a* some who mi-ht 
 seek thy blood ; and when our young men sing then- war song, we may no longer be 
 enabled to protect thee." Lamberville was furnished with an escort, who conducted 
 him to the French upon the St. Lawrence. 
 Previous to his arrival at Cataracouy, De NonviUe had sent presents to the western 
 nations at war with the Iroquois, their ancient enemies, who were in alliance with the 
 French, and had given orders to the commandants of the western posts to collect 
 them, and repair with them and their respective commands to Niagara, and from thence 
 to Ga-ni-en-tar-a-quet," (Irondequoit.) There were at this period, Fr..nch posts 
 at Mackinaw, upon Lakes Superior and Michigan, Upon the Wisconsin, the Illinois 
 and the Mississippi rivers ; and never had a King or a country more devoted or faith- 
 tul subjects, than were the commandants of these far off posts, dotted down, hundreds 
 of miles apart, in the wilderness. Chief among them was Tonti, wliom De NouviUe 
 Lad named to the King, as "a lad of great entei-prise and boldness, who undertakes 
 considerable." Tonti, it wiU have been observed, had been the companion of La 
 Salle in the primitive advent over the waters of Lake Erie. Left by his principal, 
 withahandfulof menatthe-Fortof the Illinese," (Illinois,) he had successfully 
 defended it against the assuJts of the Indians. He was with de la Barre, in his expe- 
 dition to the south shore of Lake Onterio; and returning to Illinois, he had been in 
 search of the adventurous La SaUe, to the Gulf of Mexico. Undei him the western 
 forces were marshalled. 
 By a remarkable coincidence, the army under De Nonvillo, and the western French 
 and Indians arrived at Irondequoit on the same day, -the 10th of July. Pushing 
 directly across the Lake from Cataracouy, to "La Famine Bay," the main army had 
 coat,ted by slow stages, encamping on shore when night overtook them. Thrir last 
 andmost^onside^^ .^^ ^^^^^^^ ^^ . 
 and ^aZ ^'l^l'.rS h?!' v*''l-' i' VF^^^^ stopping place for IV^ncYba t^xi^;;^ 
 FrpnM . f ( 1. • ^"^'■'■'''i L"!'-" coasters. The sj)ecics of amAo tree wliich the 
 fid ic^ : i^^dtrir' t'"*',':';g''^»./v.-.8 growing tl,ere, and there was the remains of a^ 
 Sofn blf ^« I'lt^ T •^''"le'nent commenced. The place was known i.s "Ap. 
 pienoon, before its present name was conferred, *^ 
 The western dmsion of the army came d„,.n from Niagara by lan.l pur«uinwhe 
 Indmr, trail upon t].e shore. Entori,,, the Bay of Inrnd.quoit with twolnaod 
 butteaux, and n.n,ar.y canoes. De Nonville erected a paliJe fort upon an deva^ 
 tedsrte, m wluoh to station a snmU force for the protection of his wat^r rnffand 
 nnhtary stores. "Never had Canada seen and never perhaps will it se^ 1 ;''"- 
 acl A camp composed of one fourth regular troops, with the General's uTt^one 
 fourth habuans,* xn four battallions, with the gentry otthe country ; onetX'hr 
 tian Indians; and finally a crowd of all the barbarous nations naked trooed .Th 
 panued over the body with all sorts of figure, wearing horns o thettS t 1„^ 
 down then, back, and armed with arrows. Wo could hear during the nig t ^nuT 
 tude of languages, and songs and dances in every tongue. The "Tsonnontouan » 
 (Senecas came to reconnoitre ns, and then went to burn their villages andTe to 
 leffwit, r '^^'^•■•^-^'^.g"-^,:- 300 Christian Indians; the Pagan ^savages ntl^ 
 Thercl r""-Tr T.^^^^^-'^OO Pou^, (Sloux.) 100IUinois,50HuronI 
 headed by De Nonville, and the other by M. Duque " 
 In the mean time the Senecas had not been idle. They were cognizant of thp 
 ga hermg of troops and provisions at Cataracouy-had seen ^heTISri LLn 
 push across the Lake ; squads of them concealed in the thick woods, had watched the 
 Ernti: :Jn ^-^-'^ .t-^^-^: ^'-- "^^^•^ ^^^^^-^ -d their swift ^^it ti 
 fhe' n s -"^'- '-^J-ed of their moven.ents. Preparations had been made for 
 aetT^lTi, 1 "f •"«™"™lt'-<'^t'-eme youth, had been sent to places of 
 sa ety all else without regard to sex, had been marshalled for the approach^ com- 
 bat A party of an hundred, approached the French in canoes, bef re they had L 
 embarked, and hailed them in a friendly manner; to which, as they re,« t" te 
 French "rephed in base language : -Enustogan horrio, squa which irnuchn 
 ti.- anguage. as the devil take you ! " Another scouting party ppr ch d t^o 
 F.enoh and received quite as uncivil an answer; whereupon they wont back -nd re 
 ported to the sachems, that to fight was the oidy alternative. 
 Various accounts of the battle that ensued, have been preserved ;-There are De 
 Nonvme-, ofhcial report; La Hontan>s account; the EngLi account d r dim 
 the Indians; and that of L'Abbe de Belmont, in a manuscript, "Historvof Cunl " 
 recently discovered in the Royal Library of Paris. Theau'tl or woulcl' 1 o'lte 
 be n an e,. witne..s, and he has faithfully, as is evident, recorded the ev , '" 
 coveied with aides. ^I'ls is the place which they selected for their ambuscade. iW 
 * French militia. 
 head a tuft of haii' is bound and tridned to If.nT • ^T'"^ VP«" ««> crown of the 
 or tassel ' ^ '"""^'^ *° ^^and upright, terminating in a loose tuft 
 divided Ihenisulvos, posted 300 men alori^ the falling brook botwoon two liill.^, in a 
 great thi.kct (if beodi trees ; and 500 at the bottom of these hills, in a marrfi, among 
 the alders ; with tlie idea that the first ambuscade of 300 men should let the army pass 
 and then them in the rear, which would force it to fall into the second anibus- 
 cade whicJi was concealed at the bottom of the hills in tlie marsh. They -deceived 
 Uiemselves nevertheless, for as the advanced guard which M de Calliera commanded, 
 was very distant from the body under the command of the Marquis, tliey believed it 
 was the entii'o array. Accordingly as the advanced guard pits.sed near the thicket of 
 beeches, after making a terrible whrjoj), (sakaqua ! ) they tired a volley. 
 " The Ottawas and the heathen Indian.s all fled. The Chrisfiau Indians of the 
 mountain and the Sault, and the Abenaquis held fast and gave two vollies. 
 "The Marquis De IS'imville advanced with the main body, conqiosed of the royal 
 tro-ps, to occupy the height of the hill, where there was a 'little fort of piquets; but 
 the t«'rof and disorder of the surprise were such, that there was only M. de Calzenne 
 who distinguished liimself there, and M. Duquo who bringing up the rem- guard, rallied 
 the battalliou of Berthier, which was in flight, and being at tliohead of that of Mon- 
 treal, fired two hundred shot'i. The Marquis, en chemise, sword in baud drew up the 
 main body in battle (mier, and beat the dnmi at a time when scarcelv anv one was 
 to be seen. This friglitenetl the DDO Tsonnonouans of the ambuscade, who " fled from 
 above towards the 500 that were and)ushed below. The fear that all the world was 
 upon Ihem, made them fly with so nuich precipitation that they left their blankets in 
 a heap and notlung more was seen of them. 
 "A council was held. It was re solved, as it Wiis late, to sleep on the field of battle for 
 camp. Oiij who was still alive said there were 800 of them ; 300 above, and 500 
 below ; and that the Goyogoaians, (Cayugas.) were to come the next day, which was 
 the reason that they f\ aid where they were. There were found at several j)lac(s during 
 the succeeding days, provisions, and some other dead savages ; or if not dead, our men 
 killed them." 
 "On the morrow we inarched in battle order, wating for an attack. We descended 
 the hill by a little sloping valley, or gorge, througli wliich ran a brook bordered with 
 thick bus^vs, and which discharges it.self at the foot of a hill, in a marsh full of deep 
 mud, but planted with alders so thick that one could scarcely see. There it was tliat 
 they had stationed their two ambuscades, and where perhaps we would have been de- 
 feated, if tlu^y had not mistaken our advanced guards for the whole army, and been 
 so hasty in firiug. The Manjuis acted -"ery prudently in not pursuing them, for it was 
 a trick of the Iroquois to draw us into a greater ambuscade. The marsa which is 
 about twenty acres, (aopens,) being passed, we found about three hundred wretched 
 blankets; several nuserablo guns, and began to perceive the famous Babylon of tlie Tsou- 
 nontouans ; a city, or village oi bark, situate at the top of a mountain of earth, to 
 which one rises by three terraces, or hills. It ajipeared to us from a distance, to be 
 crowned with roimd towers, but these were only large chests, (drums) of bark, about 
 four feet in length, set the one in the other about five feet in diameter, in which they 
 keep tlieir Indian corn. The village had been burnt by themselves; it was now 
 eight days since ; we found nothing in tlie town excejit t'.ie cemetery and grave. It 
 was filled with snakes and animals, tliere was a great mask with teeth and eyes of 
 brass ; and a bear skin with which they disguise in their cabin.s. There were in the 
 four corners, greiit boxes of grain which tliey had not burred. They had out.sidc 
 this j)ogt, theii* Indian corn in a piquet fort at the top of a httlo mountain, steps or cut 
 down on all sides, where it was knee high thvoughout the fort." 
 " The Tsonnontouans have four largo villages, which they change every ton years, in 
 order to hring tlien>selves near (lie wodds, and permit them to grow up again. They 
 callthfiii CMgn.sjifa, Tohaitwi, which are the two larger; Onnntagiie, and Oiinenatu 
 ffhich are Rinaller. In the kst dwells Ganonkitahoui, the principal eliief. Wu cut the 
 hfau(iing grain already ripe enough to eat, and burned the old. It was estimated that 
 we burnt one Imndred thou.iand minots of old grain, and a huntlrod and fifty thou-sand 
 minotH of that standing in the field, besides the beans, and the hogs that we killed. 
 Sixty persons died of wounds received inthebatlle, a multitude perished of want: 
 many of them fled beyond tlie great mountainM of Onnontagtie, and went to dwell in 
 the country of the Andastoez. The greater part of their captives dispersed, and 
 Mncothat time the Tsonnontouau, (Seneca) nation, which counted at loiHit eight or 
 nine hundred warriors, and ten thousand souls in all, has been reduced to half tliat 
 " From here, against the expectations of our Indians, who believed wo were going 
 among the Iro(iuoia crntons, we went to establish a Fort at Onnigara, [Niagara,] where 
 we arrived after three days' journey." 
 The ofheial account of I)e iVonville, does not difter materially from that of the L 
 Abbe de Belmont. He says the French loss was but " five or six raeu kiUed and 
 twenty wounded." He says : — " We witnessed the painfid sigh.^ of the usual cruel- 
 ties of the savages, who cut the dead into quarters, as in slaughter houses, in order to put 
 thcia into the jiot. The greater number were opened wliile still warm, that their blood 
 might be draiik. Our rascally Ottowas distinguished themselves parti ularly by the.«o 
 barbarities, and by their cowardice, for they withdr om the combat ; the Hurous of 
 Michilimaquina did very well, but our Christian Indians surpassed all, and performed 
 deed« of valor, especially our Iroquois, of whom we durst not make sure, ha\in- to firrht 
 against their relatives." He is quite as extravagant as de Belniont, in hLsestimate of tlie 
 amount of com destroyed.* The estimate of either is incredible; it was a new kind of war 
 for the Marquis, and not much to his taste. He says to the Minister of War : — " It is 
 an unfortunate trade, my lo.d, to command savages, who, after the first broken head, ask 
 to return home, carrying home with them the scalps which they lift off Uko a leather 
 cap; you cannot conceive the terrible efforts I had to retain' them until the com was cut. 
 It is full thirty years since I hate had the honor to serve, but I assure you, my lord, 
 that I have seen nothing that comws near this :n labor and fatigue. 
 Baron La Hontan accompanied the expedition, as he was much disposed to tell the 
 truth upon all occasions, his version of the general features of the battle is entitled to 
 credit. Ho insists that the ambuscade was very successful, tlirowing the French into 
 general disorder, and panic from which they were only relieved by a fierce assault 
 of tlieir allies, the western Indians, upon the assailants. He savs the ] was that of 
 ten of their Indian iJlies, and a hundred Frenchmen. " Six lavs we were occupied 
 in cutting down Indian com with our swords. We found in all the villages horse?, 
 cattle, and .n multitude of swine." 
 The western Indians were much chagrined at the result of the expedition They 
 had come down to join De Nonville, in the hope that their ancient implacable ene- 
 mies, the Iroquois, were to be exterminated, when they found that the French intended 
 to retreat without visiting the other Iroquois cantons, tiiey complained bitterly and 
 indirectly taunted them with cowardice. They spoke in contei.iptuous language of 
 an expedition assembled at so much expense and trouble, "to burn bark cabins which 
 could bo rebuilt in four days," an.l destroy com, the loss of which t heir confederates 
 * A minot ia equal to tluee bushels. 
 in tlieir abundance, could easily Rupply. Many of tliem doparted for home in disgust 
 Those that went with tho French to Niagara, were only a])[)wiKC(i by the proiuiac that 
 the war should be renewed. 
 Before leaving tlie Seni'ca country, De Nonville took fonnal posBftssiou of it m the 
 name of liis king, making a ijoniiiousi)rorlaniation, in wliich he enumerates the Tillages 
 of Ga-os-waeh-gwa, (upon Botighton Hill,) (Ja-no-gairae, (near where the old ludiai 
 trail crossed the Oanargwa, in East Bloomtield,) De-yu-di-huak-do, (at the north-east 
 bend of the Houeoye outlet, near West Meiidon,) Dy-u-doii-set, (al)out two miles 
 south-east of Avon.) "^he proclaniation, act of possession, or " process verbal," sayb 
 that the I'rench ;ai-my " have vanquishetl and put to flight eight hmuhcd Iroquois 
 Tsonnontouans, and have laid waste, burnt, and destroed tlieu- cabins." 
 Subsequently there has appeare<l tlie careful and distinct account of the battle given 
 by the L. Abbe de Belmont, a larger portion of whicli is given in preceding pagea 
 Guided by that and Mr. Marshall's pamplilet, the author has made some personal 
 investigations which leads him to the conclusion that the army of De Nonville landed 
 on the east side of whr.t has been known as the old "Indian Land- 
 ui; ;." and pursued the old Indian trail, r-nsged the head of tiio Bay, and the branch trail 
 which bore otTa little east of Pittsford village, and over tho ridge of higlilands, descend- 
 ing to Victor flats over the now farm of Wm. C. and Truman Dryer, near the present 
 Pittsford road. 
 With the different authentic accounts of the battle which we now have, the antiqua- 
 rian, or historical reader, will have no difhcnlty in identifying upon Victor Flats, Bough- 
 ton Hill, and Fort Hill, the entire battle grounds. There are the places of the two 
 ambuscades, the site of tho " Babylon of the Tosnnontouans," the " high hill siuTOunded 
 by three little hills or terraces, at the foot of a valley, and opposit« some other hills ;" 
 and mdeed, many things, evidences of identity that arc conchisire. In early years of 
 settlement, Brant was a guest of Jared €*; ;1 Eiios Boughton. He traced out tlie site of the 
 ancient Indian villag'-, and tho old French battle ground, and 8t!ite<l that his grand- 
 father, who was of the Iroquois tliat had settled under French protection, upon the St. 
 Lr^'-Qiico, was the pilot of De Nonvilk's army. 
 Relics of the battle and of temporary French occ^ipancy, were numerous in the 
 early years of K'ttleniv'iit, such as " bill axes," gun barrels, and trinnnings, a silver cross 
 and silver coins. As late as 1818, two five frank pieces were j)loughed up on the liill 
 nortli of Boughton Hill. A little oast of the Pitfsfcrd road, near tho old Indian trail, 
 on the farm of Asahel Boughton, there was ploughed up a few yeai-s ago, a half bushel 
 NoTK. — The p'-ecise location of the battle ground of De Nonvallo and the Senecas, 
 has been a muofed question. Mr. Ho.smer has favored the conchision that it was in 
 Avon, near one of the tributaries of the Honeoye. Mr. James Hpeny, of Henrietta, an 
 early pioneer, a man of obser\;ition, as the reader will ;ilready have obser\'ed, inclines 
 to the opinion that it was on the farm of Nathan Waldron, in tlie nnrtli-east cornel 
 of East Bloomtield. A few years sinco', O. H. Marshall, of Builalo, a close and care- 
 ful investigator — an intelligont antiquarian, to whom our whole local region is far 
 more ind(bted for early Indian and French History, than he has had credit for — trans- 
 lated from the Frencl'i, the Journal of De Nonville, for the, use of the New York His- 
 torical Society, and to illustrate his sulijcct, made a tour of obseiTation, He located 
 tho battle ground in Victor, traced and mapped the several localities alluded to in De 
 Nonville .and La Hontan's account of the battle ; and left little room to doubt the 
 correctness of his conclusions. He was assisted in his investigations by Jacob Lob- 
 dell and Wm. C. Dryer. Exhibiting a maj) of the region to tlie venerable and int"l- 
 gent Seneca chief, Blacksmith, at Touawanda, he traced it with bis finger, and locat xl 
 the battle ground as Mr. Marsliall had. 
 of iron balls, about the sl-^ of musket biilbi. In the early years of scttloiuent iu Victor, 
 the niowt of tho iron tlic settlers used, was the old French axon the phugh woulil 
 But tlie inquiry arises, if the battle ground of De Nonville and the Senecaa was in 
 Victor, liow arc Iho relics on tlie " Wuldron farm," tlie " Bull farm," in Avon, to he 
 accounted for ? The inquiry miglit also include Uio relics of French warfare, and 
 Frencli occupancy, in Aurora, and Eden, Erie counly, spoken of in tlie history of the Hol- 
 land Purchase. Tlie answer may be that our Jiistory of French occupancy of ;h(; wliolr 
 Genasee country, is as yet imperfect , but a small part of the Jesuit, Recollet and Fran- 
 ciscan "Relations," during tlic occupancy of more than a century has as yet been dis- 
 coTered, unless the recent discoveries among the archives of the Jesuits in Montreal, 
 and by Mr. Cass our minister at Rome, has supphed the deficiency. 
 [NO. 3.] 
 [extract FKOM his excellency, gen. WASHINGTON'S ORDERS.] 
 "Head Quarters, More's IIoisk, Oct. 17, 17'?9. 
 "The Commander-in-Chief, has now the pleasure of congratulating the armv on the 
 complete and full success of Maj. Gen. Sullivan, and the troops under his command, 
 against the Seneca and other tribes of the Six Nations, as a just and necessary puuishnienl 
 for their wanton depredations, their unparalleled and innumerable cruelties, their deafness 
 to all remonstrances and entreaty, and their pereeverance in the most horrid acts of 
 barbarity. Forty of their towns have been reduced to ashes, some of them large and 
 commodious-; tliat of tlie Genesee alone, containing one hundred and twenty-eight 
 houses. Their crops of com Iiave beeu entirely destroyed,— which, by estimation, it 
 it is said, would have provided 160,000 bushels, besides large quantities of vegetables 
 of various kinds. Their whole country has been over-run and laid waste : and thev 
 themselves compelled to place their security iu a precipitate flight to the British for- 
 tress at Niagara ; — and the whole of this has been done with the loss of less than foitr 
 men on our part, including the killed, wounded, captured, and those who died natural 
 deaths. The troops employed in this expedition, both officers and men, througliout tlie 
 whole of it, and in the action ti^^y had with the enemy, manifested a patience, perse- 
 verance, and valor that do them the highest honor. In the course of it, when tliere still 
 remained a large extent of the enemy's country to bo prostrated, it became necessary 
 to lessen the issues of provisions to half the usual allowance. In this the tro( ips acqui- 
 esced with a most general and cheerful concuiTence, being fully determined to sur- 
 mount every obstacle, and to prosecute the enterprise to a complete and successful 
 issue. Maj. Gen. Sullivan, for his great perseverance and activity ; for his order of 
 march and attack, and the whole of his dispositions; the Brigadiers and officers of all 
 ranks, and the whole of the soldiers engaged in the cxpedititm, merit, and have thv 
 Commander-in-Cliiers warmest acknowledgements, for tlieir important ser\-ices upon 
 this occasion." 
 As nothing has been said of Col. Brodhead's campaign, it may be proper to sUte 
 that on the 22d of March, 1779, Waehington ordered him to make the necessary pre- 
 parations for an expedition against Detroit, to throw a detachment forward to Kittan- 
 ing, and another lieyond to Venango, at the same time preserving the strictest secrecy 
 88 to his ultimate object. Though this expedition was soon found impracticable and 
 obaudoued, preparations were immediately, made for the one, which was actually un- 
 -lertakpii ngninat tlio Indiana at tho heml of tlie Allegany River, French Creek, and 
 .)t.her trilmtarifK of tlic Ohio. On the ll(h of Au(,niHt, 1779, with about hx liumlred 
 men, incliuliiig militia and vohintociH, and one month'rt provisions. Col. Daniiil Brod- 
 ht>a<l left Fort Pitt and hefran his march to tho Indian country. Tho result was an- 
 nounced by Gen. Wjwhington to his army at West Point :— 
 [Extract from General Orders.} 
 "Hkad Qiiarteus, Moiiu's Hoise, Oct. 18th, 1779. 
 " The Commander-in-Chief is happy in the ojuxirtunity of congratulating the army 
 < >u o\ir further success, by advices just arrived. Col. Biodhead, with the Continentid troops 
 uuder his command, and a body of militia and volunteers, has penetrated about one 
 hundred and eif^hly miles in.'o the Indian country, on the Allcfjany river, bu.nt ten 
 of the Muuc'v and Seneca towns in that quarter, containing one huiuh'ed and si.xty- 
 tive houses; destroyed all their fields of corn, computing to comprehend five hundred 
 acres, besides large quantities of vegetables; obliging the savages to flee before him 
 with the greatest inecipitatioii,and to leave behind them many skins and other articles 
 of vahie. The oidy oi)position the savages ventured to give our trooi)s, on tliis occasion, 
 was near Cuskusking. About forty of their warriors, on their way to commit barbarities 
 on our frontier settlers, were met here. Lieut. Harden, of the 8th Pennsylvania regi- 
 ment, attlieheadof (me of cmr advance partu-s, comjwsed of thirteen men, ot whom 
 eight were of our friends the Delawan! nation, who immediately attacked the savages 
 and put tluun to the rout, with tho loss of five killed on tho spot, and of all their canoes, 
 blankets, shirts, and provisions, of which, as is usual for them when going into action, 
 they had divested themselves ; ai;d also of several arms. Two of our men and one of 
 our Indian friends were very slightly wounded in the action, wliich was all tho dam- 
 age we sustained in the whole enterprise. 
 "The activity, perseverance, and firmness, which marked tho conduct of Col. Brod- 
 heau, and that of all the oflicern and men, of every descri])tion, in this expedition, do 
 them great honor, and their services justly enlitlo them to the thanks, and to tliis tes- 
 timonial of the General's acknowledgment." 
 In a letter dated "West Point, 20th October, 1779," addressed to tho Marquis dc 
 La Fayette, Gen. Washirgton incidentally alludes to these two campaigns, and their 
 j)robable efT'eets njion the Indians. He informs Gen. La Fyetto as news that may be 
 interesting to him, that — 
 " Gen. Sullivan has conijileted the entire destruction of the country of the Si.x Nations • 
 driven all their inhabitants, men, women, and children, out of it ; and is at Easton on his 
 return to join this army, with the troops under his command. lie performed this service 
 without losing forty men, either by th(^ enemy or by sickness. While the Six Nations 
 were under this rod of correction^thc Mingo, and Muncey tribes, livingon the Alleganv, 
 French creek, and other watei-s of tho Ohio, above Fort Pitt, met with similar chastise- 
 ment from Col. Brodhead, who, with six hundred men, advance<l upon them at the 
 same instant, and laid waste their country. These unexjjeeted and severe strokes have 
 disconcerted, humbled, and distressed the Indians exceedingly ; and will, I am persua- 
 de.I, be productive of gi-eat good, as they are undeniable pi'oofs to them, that Great 
 Britain cannot protect them whenever their hostile conduct deserves it"— Writings of 
 Washington, Vol vi, p. 384. 

 [NO. 4.] 
 [from manuhchipts ok thomas moekis.] 
 At this trrnty also, T became intiiniife with Peter Ofsequclte, wlio when a boy, was 
 taken U) France, by the Marqum d(; La Fayette. He remained witli tlio Marquis seven 
 years; he received while with him, a very finiHJiwi education. Having received tlic 
 early part of my own echication in France, and t.-ng well arciuainted with the French 
 langiiaj,'.-, I won Id fa'(jnently retire with Peter, into the woods, and hear him recite 
 some of the finest pieces of French poetry from the tragedies of Corneillo and Racine. 
 Peter was an Oneida Indian, he had not been many months restored to his nation, and 
 yet he woidd drink raw rum out of a brass kettle, take as much delight in yelling 
 and whooping, as any Indian ; and in fact, became as vile a drunkard as the worst of 
 [NO. 5.] 
 [from MAJdlSCRIPTS OF W. H. C. nOSMER.] 
 Ho was the father of MiH Maria Berry, wife of the late Gilbert R. Rerry, a pioneer 
 Indian trader, and settler in the valley of the Genesee. In advance of civilization, 
 this remarkable man, frequently visited the Indian villages of western New York— 
 ajid sometimes exten<led his joiirnies by water, in a birch canoe, manned by Indians, to 
 Detroit, and thence to Mackinaw and the Straits of St. Mary's. His place of resi- 
 dence was near Canghiiawaga, on the Mohawk, at the breaking out of hostilities. He 
 afterwards removed to the Oneida Castle. 
 John Scott Quackeuboas, a kinsman, and who knew him in his boyhood, describes 
 him as a man of majestic proportions, more than six feet in height, and endowed by 
 nature with great personal strength and agility. His influence was great among the 
 Oneidas and Mohawks, being familiar with their customs, and their superior in all ath- 
 letic sports. He accompanied, by special invitation, Gc ral Herkimer and party, in 
 their perilous expedition to Unadilla in 1777, and acted m.-^ interpreter at an interview 
 between Drant and the gallant old German, on that occasion. He was also interpre- 
 ter for Sullivan, and in that capacity served in the great Indian campaign of 1779, 
 accompanying the army in their march through a howling wilderness, and hostile 
 country, to the valley of the Genesee, where liis daughter and son -in law subsequent- 
 ly settled and died. My informant, Mr. Scott, of Mohawk, in Montgomery county, 
 alluded particulaily to his skill as a marksman, having been his companion in many a 
 hunt. He also spoke with great fluency, all the dialects of the Iroquois, besides 
 having a knowledge of many western tongues. Soon after the close of the Revolu- 
 tionary T^ar, while in a forest that bordered the Mohawk, he Avas the unseen spectator 
 of a murder, p.-rpctrated by a Mohawk, known as Saucy Nick — the victim being un- 
 conscious, at the time he received the fatal blow, of an enti.:^ being in the neighbor- 
 hood. After he returned to his home, he saddled a horse for the purpose of procuring 
 process for the Indian's arrest Ou his way to the magistrate's office, a few miles dis- 
 tant — he stopped at a public house, observing Saucy Nick standing on the steps, and 
 wishing a close watch to be kept on the murderer's movements. After the necessary 
 I' ( 
 wa^lill^' had Ixhmi {,mvoii, ho wns about to loavc, wlion Saucy Nick importunnd him to 
 treat, iiiiil iii,si.4o(l that Mr. AVeinplo whouM drink ■with liiiii. 
 To liilUho Jiidiuik's MiiKpicioiiB, wliich hiUiiou^'lit liad W'vn aroiiwd, lio drank 
 witli him, and niountod his liorsc ; he had Ijceii ia tlic mMh hut a few ininutcH, wlicn 
 ho was attacked witii a severe pain, and a scuso of niortid tiickiiess. With dilliculty 
 Lo disnioiiuted, and vaH !i>*tiisted to a bed. His 'tonf,'iie BWelled until it protruded from 
 his nioutli, and tlie next day, after indeHcribable agony, he died. 
 IV was generally believed by his neij,'hl)i)rs and friends, tliat the Indian had had Kocrot 
 intelligence of the design to arrest hiiii, and adroitly druggeil, wiih boiuc Hubtlo poison, 
 tho ' 'pior of his unsuspecting victim. Tlie murderer elfected iiis escape;, and joined 
 hifl tribe in Canada, tiendritk Weniple, was buried close to Oueida Oaatle, ou the 
 north side of the turnpike, about one mile from Skenandoah's residence. 
 In his life time he claimed a large portion of temtory, afterwards bought by Judge 
 Coo])er, of CooiRTstown, and embracing some of the best lands of Otjscgo county. 
 Ho was a descendant of Hendrick 'Wemple, one of the original proprietors of .Schenec- 
 tady— the O-no-al-i-gono of the Oueidas — and whose arms, Giles F. YatcH informs 
 me, may still be seen over the door of an old Dutch church, one <if the moat cherished 
 antiquities of the city. His name is not out of place in this local work. 
 He was a transient resident in this region previous to tlio Revolution, aud many of 
 his descendants are now residents of the Genesee country. 
 [NO. 6.] 
 I wish in afiieudly manner, to state to you the particulars of our bargain : — When 
 I arrived at Buffalo creek, O'Bail, (Cornplanter.) had leased all your cotmtiy to Liv- 
 ingston and Benton. I had bought that lease of Livingston, but I found you were 
 dis,satisfied, and not willing to give up your country. Although I had power to have 
 confirmed that lease and have held your lauds, yet I would not have anything to do 
 with your lands without your voluntaiy consent. I therefore, to remove the lease out 
 of the way, and set your minds at ease, bought so mucli of it of Livingston as covered 
 the Seneca lands, and gave up tho lease to you, making it all void ; so that all the 
 Seneca lauds was yours. So that by my means you got your whole country back 
 again. I then came forward with a speech to you, requesting to purchase a part of 
 your country. You was not willing to sell so much as I wanted, but after a long 
 time we agreed on tho lines. 
 Brothers, you rcmemher we set up all night. It was almost morning before we 
 agreed on the boundaries. After breakfast we returned to agree on the prico you 
 should have. Capt. O'Bail said he was willing to take the same proportion for the 
 Seneca lands, that Livingston was to pay for the whole, 
 [Mr. Phelps recapitulati'd the terms of the bargain as fixed by the referees, and 
 cited the testimony of those present, in confirnuitiou ol his statement] 
 After some consideration you agreed to the terms proj)osed, but insisted that I must 
 add some cattle and some rum, to which I agreed. Brothers, you know there was a 
 great many people there ; they all tell alike ; they all teU one story. 
 Now, brothers, I do not want to contend with you. I am an honest man. If you 
 go to New England aud enquire my character, you will not find me such a rogue iis 
 you represent me to bo. I menn to fulfill my engagement to yon. I now owo you 
 ono tlioiisand doUnrs for two years rent," which I am willinj? to j«y at auy time, and 
 at any place you wish. 
 [NO. 7.] 
 "Prior to my having settled at Cnnandaigua, Jemima Wilkinson and her followers, 
 had cstahlislied themselves on a tract of land, purchased by them, and called the 
 Friend's settlement. Her disciples were a very orderly, sober, industrious, and some 
 of them, a well educated and intelligent set of people ; aud many of them posaossed 
 of handsome properties. She called herself the Universal Friend, and would not 
 permit herself to bo designated by any other appellation. She jtretoiidctl to have had 
 revelations from heaven, in which she had been directed to devote her labors to the 
 conversion of sinners. Her disciples placed the most unbounded, confidence in her 
 and yiehled in all things, the most implicit obedience to her mandates. She would 
 punish those among them, who were guilty of the slightest deviation from her orders ; 
 in some instances, she woiild order the offending culprit to wew a cow bell round 
 his neck for week.s, or month.s, accordijig to tlie nature of tho offence, and in no in- 
 stance was she known to have been disobeyed. For some offence, committed by one 
 of her people, she banished him to Nova Scotia, for three years, where ho went, and 
 from wlience he returned only after tlio expiration of his senteuce. When any of her 
 people killed a calf or a sheep, or purchased an article of dress, the Friend was asked 
 what portion of it she would have, and the answer would sometimes be, that the Lord 
 hath need of the one half, and sometimes that tho Lord hath need of the whole. Her 
 house, her grounds, and her farms, wore kept in tho neatest order by her follower, 
 who, of course, labored for her without compensation. She was attended by two 
 young women, always neatly dressed. Those who acted in that capacity, and enjoyed 
 the most of her favored confidence, at tho time I was there, were named Sarah Rich- 
 ards and Rachel Malin. Jemima prohibited her followers from marrying ; and even 
 those who had joined her after having been united in wedlock, were made to sept- 
 rate, and live apart from each oilier. This was attributed to her desire to inherit tho 
 the property of those who died. 
 Having discovered that bequests to the Universal Friend would be invalid, and not 
 recognizing the name of Jemima Wilkinson, she caused devises to bo made by the 
 dying to Sarah Richards, in tlie first instance. Sarah Richards, however died, and her 
 heu- at law claimed the property thus l)equeathed ; litigation ensued, and after the con- 
 troversy had gone from court to court, it was finally decided in Jemima's favor, it ap- 
 pearing, that Sarah Richards had held the property in tnist for her. After the death 
 of Sarah Richards, devises were made in favor of Rachel Malin ; but Rachel took it 
 into her head to marry, and L.r husband claimed in behalf of his wife, the property 
 thus devised to her. Among Jemima's followers, w.-s an artful, cunning, and intelli- 
 gent man, by tlie name of Elijah Parker; she dubbed him a prophet, and called liim 
 * Purchase money in part. Mr. Phelps' use of tho term "rent "must have been dic- 
 tated by the consideration that the Indians had been talked to so much about rent, by 
 the Lessees, that they would better understand him, than they would if ho spoke of 
 instalraenta of purchaso money. 
 tho Prophet Elijah. IIu would, before proplicsying, wear around the lower part of hu 
 waist, a hnnda^'e or girdle, tied very tiglit, and wlien it had caiwed tho upper part of 
 liis stomach to swell, ho would pretei-d to 1)0 filled with the prophetic visions, which ho 
 would impart to the cotninutiity. But after Horiie time, Jeiniiiia and her Pr.iphet (juar- 
 relled, and lie then denounced her as an imixwtor, declared that «!ie had iinpowed on 
 his credulity, and that he had never been a prophet. After havin;? divested himself 
 of his projihetic character, lie became a justice of the peace, and in that capacity isHueu 
 a warrant ajjainst Jemima, charging her with blasphemy. She was accordingly 
 brought to Canandaigua, by virtue of this warrant, and at a circuit court held there in 
 179(), by the late Governor Lewin, Judge of the S-prenie Court of tho State, a bill of 
 indictment prepared by Judge Howell, of Ciinandaigua, thiMi District Attorney, was 
 laid before the Grand Jury. Judge Lewis having told the Grand Jury, that l)y tJio 
 laws and constitution of this State, blasphemy was not an indictable offence, no bill 
 was found. Judge Ho -ell has informed me that a similar question having been 
 brought before a full bench of the Supreme Court, that Judge Lewis* opinion was 
 overruled by all the other Judges, and that blasphemy Wiis decided to be an indictable 
 offence. These litigations liowever, had considerably les.sencd the number , f her fol- 
 lowers, but she. as I am informed, retained until her death, her influence over a con- 
 siderable portion of them. 
 Prior to these occurrences, Jemima had been attacked with a violent disea-se, and 
 she expected to die. Under tliis conviction, she caused her disciples to be a,«sembled 
 in her sick chamber, when she told them that her Heaveidy Father, finding tliat tho 
 wickedness of the world was so great, that there was no prospect in her 8ucce(;ding in 
 reclaiming it, had determined that she should soon quit it, and rejoin him in heaven. 
 Having unexpectedly recovered, she again assembled them, when she announced to 
 them that her Heavenly Father had again commanded her to remain on earth, and make 
 one more trial. 
 When I first saw Jemima, she was a fine looking woman, of a good height ; and 
 though not corpulent, inclined to en bon point. Her hair was jet black, short, and 
 curled on her shoulders ; she had fine eyes and good teeth, and complexion. Her dress 
 consisted of a silk j)ur})le robe, open in front ; her under dress Wiis of the finest white 
 cambric or muslin. Round her throat, she wore a large cravat, bordered with fine 
 lace. She was very ignorant, but possessed an uncommon memory ; though she could 
 ueitlicr read nor write, it was said tliat she knew the Bible by heart, from its having 
 been read to her. The sermon I heard her preach, was bad in point of language, and 
 almost unintelligible ; aware of her deficiencies in this respect, she caused one of her 
 followers to tell mo, that in her discourses, she did not aim at exjiressing herself in fine 
 language, prefening to adopt her style to tlie capacity of the most illiterate of her 
 [NO. 8.] 
 In 1803, the only Post Office in all the Genesee country west of Geneva, was a* 
 Canandaigua. To show the reader how wide a region of new settlements was em- 
 braced in its circle of delivery, the autlior extracts from its list of advertised letters, a 
 few names and their localities : — 
 "Mr. Garbut, near Geneva;" "Gen. Mountjoy Bailey, Geneva;" "Wm. Bates, 
 Gov. House, head of Lake Ontario;" Samuel B 'sin, (Avor " "Mathew Clark. 

 Sodus;" "Dr. Prcscott, Phclpstown ; " " Samuel C.bwdl, Friendn' Settleraont;" 
 " Aloxuniior M'Donuld. Caledoniu; " "Nathan Fisk, Northfield ; " "Widow llebtscca 
 Reed, PittHtown ; " " Wni. White, Palmyra;" "Elisha Sylvester, Lyo.m;" "John 
 Smifh, Williamsbug ; " "James 0. Shennett. Potter's Town ; " " Henry Tower, Hope- 
 ton;" "Soljmon Hull, JeruHalem;" "David Nash, Big Tree;" "Joseph Poudry 
 Tonawanda ; " " Eliakim Crosby, Fort Erie ; " " Peter Anderson, Big Springs." 
 [NO. 9.] 
 Tlic followinfj is an abstract of the census roll of Gen. Amos Hall, a deputy ranrslml 
 under the U. S. census law of 1790. Th.. author i>resumcH that the enumeration was 
 made in July and August of that year. It embraces the names of all who were heads 
 of families, in all the region v^cst of the old Ma^^sachusetts pre-emption line : * 
 No. 9. 7th R. 
 William Wadswoiih, 
 Phineas Bates, 
 Daniel .R0.18, 
 Henry Brown, 
 Enoch Noble, 
 Nicholas Rosecrantz, 
 David Robb, 
 Naliuin Fairbanks. 
 No. 1, 2nd R. 
 Ele<izer Lindley Esq. 
 Samuel Lindley, 
 John Seely, 
 Ezekiel Mumford, 
 Eleazer Lindley, Jr., 
 No. 2, 2d. P.. 
 Arthur Krwine, 
 Henry Gulp, 
 William Anchor, 
 Martin Youn,^, 
 Peter Gardner, 
 No. 3 & 4, .'ith & 6tli R'8. 
 James fj^^dley, 
 William Baker, 
 Jedediah Stevens, 
 Uriah Stevens, 
 Uriah Stephens, Jr., 
 Joliii Steplieiis, 
 Richard Crosby, 
 Solomon Bennett, 
 Andrew Bennett, 
 John Jameson. 
 No. 11, 2d. R. 
 ■ Sweet, 
 Ezra Phelps. 
 No, 10, .'ill. R. 
 Nafliiiuiel Gorhnm, Jr. 
 Nathaniel Sanborn, 
 No. 10, 3d. R. 
 John Fellows, 
 JoHe|)h Smith, 
 James D. Fisk, 
 Israel Chapin, 
 John Clark, 
 Martin Dudley, 
 Phineas Bates, 
 Caleb Walker, 
 Judah Colt, 
 Abner Barlow, 
 Daniel Brainard, 
 Seth H(dcomb, 
 James Brocklebank, 
 Lemuel Castle, 
 Benjamin Wells, 
 John Freeman, 
 No. 11,3d. R. 
 Abraham Lapham, 
 Isaac Hathaway, 
 Nathan Harrington, 
 John M'C'-mber, 
 Joshua Harrington, 
 Elijah Smith, 
 John Paine, 
 Jacob Smith, 
 John Russell, 
 Nathan Comstock, 
 Israel Reed, 
 Reuben Allen. 
 No. 12, 3d, R. 
 Webb Harwood, 
 David White, 
 Darius Comstock, 
 Jerome Smith. 
 No. 8, 4th R. 
 Gamaliel \^ Uder, 
 Epliraiin Wilder, 
 Aaron Rice, 
 Aaron Spencer. 
 No. 9, 4th R. 
 James Goodwin, 
 William Goodwin, 
 Nathaniel Fisher, 
 No. 10, 4th R. 
 Ephraim Rew, 
 Lot Rew, 
 Matthi!w Hubble, 
 John Barnes, 
 Oliver Chainn, 
 Nathaniel Norton, 
 John Adams, 
 Michael Rodgers, 
 Allen Sage, 
 No, 11, 4th R. 
 Seymour Boughton, 
 Jared Bouditon, , 
 Zebulon Norton," 
 Elijah Taylor. 
 - No. 9, Sth R. 
 Gideon PittB. 
 No. 10, 5th R. 
 Peregrine Gardner, 
 Amos Hall, 
 Benj. Gaidner, 
 Peck Sears, 
 Samuel Miller, 
 John Alger, 
 Sylvanus Thayer. 
 No. 12, 5th R. 
 Jared Stone, 
 Siraon Stone, 
 Israel Farr, 
 Thomas Cleland, 
 Silas Nye, 
 Josiah Giminson, 
 Alexander Dunn, 
 David Davis, 
 * Geneva and the Friends Settlement on' Seneca Lake, is of course not included. 
 No. 11, 5th R. 
 Jonathan Hall, 
 William Moores. 
 No. 13, 5Ui R. 
 John Lusk, 
 Chauiicey Hyde, 
 Timothy Allen, 
 Jacob Walker. 
 No. 10, Gtli R. 
 John Minor, 
 Asahel Burchard, 
 Abuer Miles, 
 No. 11, 6th R. 
 John Gaiison, 
 Philemon Winship, 
 Atcl Wilsey, 
 Elijah Mortran, 
 Solomon Hover, 
 John Morgan, 
 William Webber, 
 William Markham, 
 Abr? ia;u Devans. 
 iVo. 7, 7th R. 
 No. 9, 1st R. 
 David Smith, 
 I'hineaa Pierce, 
 Esther Forsyth, 
 Thomas Smith, 
 Harry Smith, 
 Thomas IJarden. 
 No. 10, 1st R. 
 Scth Reed, 
 Thaddeiis Oaks, 
 Jonathan Whitney, 
 Solomon Warner, 
 Jonathan Oaks, 
 Joso]'h Kilboume, 
 John Whitcomb, 
 Phineas Stevens, 
 Benjamin Tuttle, 
 No. 11, 1st R. 
 John D. Robinson, 
 Pierce Granger. 
 No. 8, 2d R. 
 Francis Priggs, 
 Michael Pierce, 
 Benjamin Tibbits, 
 Henry Lovell, 
 John Walford, 
 William Hall, 
 Arnold Potter. 
 No. 10, 2d. R. 
 No. 9, Ist R. 
 Jame.q Latta, 
 David Benton, 
 Samuel Wheaton, 
 Males, 728 ; Females, 340 ; Free Blacks, 7 ; Slaves, 9 ;— Total population, 1,084. 
 No. 10, 2d R. 
 Daniel Gates, 
 Thomas Warren, 
 Israel Cliapin, 
 West of Gknksek Riveb. 
 Gilbert R. Berry, 
 Darling Havc^ns, 
 David Bailey, 
 William Rice, 
 Gershom Smith, 
 HUl Caniey, 
 Morgan Desha, 
 William Desha, 
 Horatio Jones, 
 William Ewing, 
 Nathan Fowler, 
 Jeremiah Gregory, 
 Nicholas Philips, 
 Jacob PhiUps, 
 CaluK/ Forsyth, 
 Nathan Chapman, 
 Nicholas Miller, 
 Asa Utley, 
 Peter Shaeffer, 
 Ebenezer Allan., 
 Christopher Dugan, 
 Zephaniah Hough, 
 Edward Harp, 
 Joseph Skinner, 
 [No. IC] 
 About the 20t]i of May last, [1793] I left FortWashington, in company with Majors 
 Hardin and Trueman. After bearing us company 7 days. Major Hardin and his atten- 
 dants took the route for Sandusky, while Major Trueman, with whom I continued, took 
 the route for Au Glaize. About sunset we fell in with two Indians and a little boy, who 
 appeared friendly and asked to encamp with us, saying they would be our pilots to An 
 Glaize, then about 30 mi'es distant. 
 After having made fires, taken our supper and smoked. Major Tnieman had laid down 
 and fallen to sleep. The oldest Indian asked me to ask the Major if he would have me 
 or the Major's servant tied to him as otherwise the Indian boys would be afraid to sleep. 
 The Major consented that his servant might be tied to liim, which was done. After 
 which the Major covered liimsclf all over with his blanket to keep off the musquctoes, 
 and seemed to fall asleep. The Indians sat up against a log and smoked. The oldest 
 Indian desired me to lay down on a boar skin near him, which I did. Taking rp liis 
 gun, he said, ' look, what a bad gun I have got,' and taking advantage of my head being 
 turned the other way, fired, killing Major Trueman, the ball entering lii." 'oft br<....)t.— 
 The Major threw himself over on his left side, groaned and died immediately. I ran to 
 a tree ; the Major's nervant disengaged himself, ran, but was overtaken and brought 
 back. One of the Indians watched mo to shoot rae, but I covered myaclf ■with the 
 tree, and reasoned with him to save my life. The Indian who h,id tlie Major's Hcrvant 
 called to the one who had the gun to shoot as he could not hold liim. He turned and 
 shot him through the heart. 
 WliL-n all thi.s was done they called me to come to the fire, which I did after they had 
 promised to save my life. Next morning they carried me to Au Glaizc where I met 
 some of my adopted relatives* and wa.'^ well used. At this time there seemed to be u 
 suspension of hostilities on account of Brant's going to Philadelpliia. They were wai- 
 ting for his answer. While I was at IJois de Bou, a great council was hold to heai- 
 Brant's ans';\er, whom they heard was returning ; but on his being taken sick one Mr. 
 Gill brought his papers, which were opened before a great council. But as Congress 
 they said, liad not agreed to give up the land on the further side of the Oliio, the voice 
 for war was unanimous, and a paity of COO warriors mai-ched immediately after to 
 attack Fort Jefferson. 
 Mr. Williamson added that Smellie informed him that the Indians were bueily 
 employed in concentrating their forces, and that they expected to have not less than 7 
 or 8000 warriors the nejtt year ; and that tliey were liberrJly supplied by the British 
 with provisions, arms and ammunition. 
 [No. 11.] 
 Not as much as the reader will have been led to anticipate by the reference in the 
 body of the work, wiU be given. In proceeding to the task, the author found that a 
 connected historical and legal deduction of title would involve the use of too much 
 space, at a stage of the work in which condensation, and the omission of much matter 
 already prepared, had become necessaiy. So far as the validity and soundnefis of the 
 title is concerned, now after the lapse of over half a century, when the acts of our legis- 
 lature and the decrees of our courts have frequently confirmed them, and no less than 
 three Attorney Generals of state have investigated and made reports coinciding ; the 
 whole must be deemed now a settled question. Certainly, a careful penisal of the 
 whole chain of title, induces the conclusion that there are few less broken and imper- 
 fect ; lew instances in which through so many changes, and a long succession of years, 
 a title has l)'2en so carefully guarded. 
 lu the body of the work, the Pulteney estate is left vested in Henrietta Laura Pulte- 
 ney, the daughter of Sir William Pulteney. She died in July, 1808, leo\-ing a cousin, 
 Sir John Lowther Johnson, her sole heir. He died in December, 1811 ; previous to 
 which he had executed a will devising all of his real estate in America, in trust, (to be 
 sold and the proceeds spccilically appropriated,) to Ernest Augustus, Duke of Cumber- 
 land, Charles Herbert Pien'epoint, David Cathcart and Masterton Urc. In these truE- 
 toes, and then- successors, tlie title now remains, in trust for two sons of George Frede- 
 rick Johnstone, who was au oidy son of Sir James Lowther Johnstone. The heirs are 
 twins, born after the death of their father, and are now minors, being but 1 1 years of 
 age. They reside in Scotland. 
 The portion of the original estate of the London Associates, which in the division, 
 fell to Gov. William Hornby, is owned by his grand-children who reside in London. 
 •Smellie had been an Indian captive. 
 [NO. 12.] 
 It may not l,e amm to mention here, an arecdote that ^.as told, and ^vhich was 
 generally bol.ovod to l,o correct, as to the means resorted to by Red Jacket to become 
 a faac hem. The Sacliemnhip is derived from birth, and the doscenu is in the female 
 hne, because they say the offspring,' of the mother is always known to be legitimate ; 
 the ^ar-Ch.efs only, are selected for bravery and merit. Red Jacket, though of 
 obscure birth was .letern,ine<l to become a Sache.n. To effect his purpose, he announ- 
 ced to the Ihdmns, that the Great Sj.irit had made known to hin, in a drea.n, that their 
 Wahon woidd never pnmi„.r, until they m,«le of hin. a S.achem. For some time, Vfiiy 
 little attention was paid to this j.ret.Muled revelation ; but the dreamer artfully availed 
 himsclt of every cidamity that befc'l the Nation - su.^h a« an unusually sickly season, 
 the small pox spreading amons: them, iuid .ittributed all the misfortunes of the Nation 
 to their not complying with the will of the Great Spirit. He is said to have persevered 
 in tins couree until he wfis made a Sachem. 
 The Farmer's Brother was a tall, powerful man, much older than Red Jacket por- 
 fcctly honest, an.l possessiu-, and deserving to possess, the confidence of the Nation. 
 Ho wasdiirmtied fluent in his public s],eaking ; and although not gifted with the 
 brilliancv- of Red Jacket, he possessed good common sense and was esteemed both by 
 tlic white people and the Indians. 
 _ It may not be improper here to describe a religious ceremony to which I had been 
 invited, and joine.l in. during this treaty. It being full moon ; the ceremony waa in 
 honor .;f that luminary. There were present probably 1.500 Indians; we w.'ie aU 
 Bcated on the gro„„,l forming a large circle, excepting that part of it, where afire was 
 burning, and not far from which was a pillar or, rej.resenting the stake to which 
 criminals are tied when tortured, after having been taken in battle. A very old Cayuga 
 Chief, much distinguished for hid bravery, .and called the Fish Carrier, rose, and address- 
 ed the Moon in a speech of alnnit a half an hour in length, occasionally, throwing in 
 the hre a handful of tobjicco, as an otFering. After this speech, we all stretched our- 
 selves full length upon the ground, the head of one, touching the feet of another • 
 and .It one end of the circle commenced the utterance of a guttural sound which wa^ 
 repe'ited, .me after the other, by every pem.n present. Then followed the War-dances 
 performed by young warriors, n.aked to the w.ais* band, with bodies painted with 
 Btreaks of red, down their backs representing streams of blood. Occasionallv ono ot 
 the dancers would strike the post, representing the tortured prisoner, and inl!^. whoso 
 body he was sup,,osed to thrust the end of a burning stick of wood. Ho wouhl then 
 brag of the number of scalps be had taken from those of his tribe or nation. After the 
 nim during this ceremony, i,ad began to produce its effect, an Oneida warrior 
 struck the . St, and imprudently began to boast of the number of Indian .scalps he had 
 taken during the War of the Revolution, when the Onei.las alone had sided with tho 
 Americans, and the Senecas, Cayugas, Onondagas, and Chii)pewa3 with the Ihitisii.- 
 Ihis b,.ast e.\.'iiecl llio anger of the others, knives were drawn, and theie would have 
 been bloody work, had not old Fish Carrier, (who was venerated both on account of his 
 age and his bravery,) interi.osed. He arose, and addressing himself to the young war- 
 riors, told them that when any of them had attained his age, and Lad taken as many 
 Bcalps as he had, it would be time for thwu to boast of what they Lad dona; but until then 
 it better became them to be mlont. Ho then stnick the post and kicked it over, and 
 caused tlie fire to be put out, and they dispersed peai;eat)ly. 
 It was fit tills ceremony that I received the Indian name, by which I was tliereafter 
 calhid by them. I'liat name was O-tes-si-aw-nc, which was translated to bo " always 
 ready." Red Jacket told mo that it was his name, when he was a ybuug man ; but 
 when he became a Sacliem, he was called Sa-go-ye-wa-tiu 
 And in this connection the author will add an mipubliahed reminiscenco of Red Jack- 
 et, that he had from John Dixson, Esq., of Bloomtield, who gave Jasper Parriah as his 
 'I"he Chief, it is well known, was no renowned warrior. The author, in his boyhood, 
 kn(!W liim wcU, has often seen him hi his wigwam upon the Seneca Reservation, and in 
 his fre(nient journeyings between liis own village and-tlu! homes of his people upon tlie 
 Genesee River. He was never popular with his own race ; his influence wai* acquired 
 alone by the force of liis superior tidents ; ho would govern by Ids detiirmined will and 
 strong intellectual powers ; not by commanding the love or esteem of those he govern- 
 ed. It Wiis common to hear him called a coward ; indeed such wiis his general reputa- 
 ti(m among his own people. But, to the reminiscence : — When the Indians retreated 
 before Sullivan, and had crossed the Canandaigua outlet, reaching the commanding 
 bluff, on the west side of the Lake, Farmer's Brother insisted upon a stand, and a resis- 
 tance of the invasion, but Red Jacket opposed him and insi.sted upon a continued flight. 
 Agidii, at the old Indian orchard, a little south west of Canandaigua, Farmer's Brotli- 
 er was for standing and giving battle, but met with the same opposition. Turning in a 
 spirit of indignation to the squaw of Red Jack- 1, he told her not to boar sous of which 
 He was the father, for they would be the inheritors of his cowardice. 
 [NO. 13.] 
 Northampton, 5th December, 1796. 
 General Order* for the Miiitia of the 4th DicLiion. 
 WhereaB, the Legislature, composed of the Representatives of the good people of this 
 Commonwealth, have, at their late meeting for that purpose, carefully and attentively 
 examined our political circumstances, and the various causes, and even pretended causes 
 of complaint anions' us of late ; and have, aa far as is consistent with the interest and 
 hapfiiiicsH of the State, complied with the wishes of every of its citizens; and have 
 among other things, i)i'cpared and jfliblished an accurate statement of all taxes that 
 have been granted, and the sums p.lid ; also the sums that have arisen frota the Impost 
 and Excise, aiul the application of all monies within the State. Also the whole amount 
 of our foreign and domestic federal debt, and the particular debt of this State. And 
 have enumerated resources competent to the payment of the whole, accompanied with 
 agreements convincing to all honest and well disposed members of society ; and finally 
 have even iiidemnltied all concerned in any irregular or riotous proceedings in any 
 part of the State that none who had acted from mistaken notions of propriety and civil 
 duty, might be jirecluded from returning to the same. 
 Notwithstanding which, there are still some noi-so-is (so restless and abandoned to 
 all sense of soc'ial obligations and tranquility and not improbably influenced by the 
 clandestine instigations of our avoweii and must iuqilacablo euomies) again embodying 
 r I 
 under arms to obstruct the course of law and justice, and perhaps by one IjoM strolte 
 ovorturri tlio very fnuiulation of our Government and Constitution, and on their ruins 
 exert the unprincipled and lawless domination of one man. The General, tlierefore 
 from a sense of duty, and desirous to ward off impending evils, no less than in compliance 
 with orders from lus excellency, the (Governor, once more entreats and even conjures 
 the mihti,-. of his division, both Train Band and Alarm List, and indeed every cliUHs of 
 citizens, as tlioy prize their lives, their liberties, tlieir prosperity, and tueir country, 
 unitedly to exert themselves to prevent those ills which must otbor^vi80 inure. And 
 all officers commanding Regiments, are hereby requested and comman.led immediately 
 to march with all the effcclivc men of their several regiments to Brookfield, in tlie 
 county of W(,rcester, ami to wait further orders ; tlie commanders of regiments will 
 take care that the men are furnished with arms, ammunition and accoutrements, well 
 clad, and with fifteen day's provisions. The (k'neral begs that no little j)ersonal or 
 private considerations may t^dce place of tlie very near regard we all owe our country 
 but that we may with one mind contribute in our several conditions to reclaim the de- 
 luded, bring aU high handed to tlie punishment they so justly deserve, and 
 give not only the present but future generations proof tliat Uie peace and dignity of 
 Massachusetts is not to be attacked with impunity. 
 ' WM. SHEPARD, Maj. General 
 [NO. 14.] 
 LORD Dorchester's speech to the Indians. 
 ''Children : I was in expectation of hearing from the people of the United States, 
 what was required by tJi.™ ; I hoped that I should have been able to bring you together 
 and make you friends. ' 
 "CnttnaEN : I have waited long, and Hstened with great attention, but I have not 
 heard one word from them. 
 "CnxLmiEu: I flattered myself ^V^ the uopc that the line propo.sed in the year 
 eighty-three, to separate us from thoTJnitod States, which was immediately broken by 
 themselves as soon as peace was signed, would have been mended, or a new one drawn, 
 m an amicable manner. Hero, also, I have been disappointed. 
 " Cnii:,DRE.v : S-'nce ray return, I find no appearance of a line remains ; and from the 
 manner m which tlio people of tlie United States vush on, and act, and talk, on this 
 side; and fron. what I learn of their conduct toward the sea, I shaU not be surprised 
 If we are at war t. ith them in the course of the present year ; and if so, a Une must then 
 De oi-awn by the warrior.a. 
 " CniLDHEx : You talk of selling your lands to the State of New York.* I have told 
 you that there is no line between thorn and us; I shaU acknowledge no lauds to be 
 thcir's which have been encroached nn by them since the year 1783. They tlien broke 
 the peace, and as they kept it not on their part, it doth not bind on ours. 
 "Childden: They then destroyed their right of pre-emption. Therefore all their 
 approaches toward us since that rime, and aU the purchases mad.! by them, I consider 
 as an infringement o n tlie King's rights. And when a lino is drawn between us, be 
 * The Caughnawaga Indians, residing near Montreal, were about this time in treaty 
 with Governor George Clinton, for tlie sale of some of their lands lying within the 
 bonndaries of the State of New York. The late Egbert Benson was a Commissioner 
 on the part of the State. 
 it in peace or war, tlicy must loose all their Improvements, and houses on one side of 
 it, those people must all bo gone who do not oVjtain leave to become the King's sub- 
 jects. What belongs to the Indians will of coui-se, be secured and confirmed to them. 
 "Children : Whi.t farther can I say to you ? You are witnesses that on our parts 
 we have acted iu the most peaceable manner, and borne the language and conduct of 
 the people of the United States with patience. But I believe our patience is almost 
 [NO. i5.] 
 Geneseo, Sept 17th, 1794. 
 Israel Ciiapin, Esq., Sir : — Agreeable to j-our request, the 2Gth ultimo I left this 
 place to go and see Capt. Brant, and bring him forward to Canandaigua if possible. 
 As I passed tlirough Buffalo Creek settlement, I was told by Red Jacket, one of the 
 Seneca chiefs, f hat the Indians at that ])lace, and the Six Nations in different parts of 
 the country around, had not yet determined, whether they would attend the treaty at 
 Canandaigua or not ; that they were waiting for Capt. O'Bail (Cornplaiiter,) and other 
 chiefs to come in, whose arrival was hourly expected, when they should determine 
 what answer to send to your invitation, though himself and many others, from tlie 
 first, was determined to attend your council fire. I was also told by young Jemison, 
 a Seneca Ind-'an, that Cob Butler left that place a few hours before I arrived, who 
 had been in council with the Indians some days past, aud that he was of an opinion 
 that Butler was trying to stop the Indians, and he did not think they would go to 
 Canandaigua. I from this place crossed the river to the British side, and proceeded down 
 the river to Niagara Fort. I found tlie Britisli had been much alarmed at Gen. 
 Wayne's advancing into the Indian country. The news was that Wayne had an en- 
 * The autlienticity of this speeeh of Lord Dorchester is denied l)y Chief Justice 
 Marshall, and Mr. Sjiarks, in his Life and Correspondence of Washington, notes that 
 denial without dissent. Hence it has been received as spurious, and Lord Dorchester. 
 Avith his Oovernment, has escaped the responsibility of having uttered such an un- 
 warrantable document. The first copy was forwarded to President Washington by 
 Governor Clinton, who did not doubt its genuineness. Neither did the President" ; 
 since, in his letter to Governor Chnton, acknowledging its receipt, he states his reasons 
 at large for dissenting from the opinions of those who were proclaiming it to be spurious. 
 On the contrary, he declared that he entertained " not a doubt of "its authenticity." 
 Equally strong was he in the opinion, that in making sucli a speech. Lord Dorches'ter 
 had s] token the sentiments of tlio British Cabinet, according to his instructions. On 
 the 2()tli of May, the attention of the British Minister, Mr. Hammond, was called to the 
 subject by the Secretary of State, Edmund Ran(lol])li, who remonstrated stronglv, not 
 only against tlie speech, but against the conduct of Governor Siincoe, who was then 
 engageil in measures of a liostile character. Mr. Hammond replied on the •2-2d of 
 May, rather tart ly ; and. what renders the denial of the speecli by Marshall and Sparks 
 tlie more singular, is tlu^ fact, that the British Minister sjiid in that letter :— " I am 
 willing to admit the authenticity of the speech."— [Sea T. B. Wail (^« Son's Editinn 
 of American State Papers, vol, 1, pages 449 — 453.] " But if doubt has existed be- 
 fore, as (o tlie genuine character of that document, it shall no hjngcr exist. 1 have 
 myself transcribed the preceding extracts from a certified niamiscrijit copy, discovered 
 among the papers of Joseph Brant in my possession."— ^j</ior of Life of Brant, 
 Note. — If confirmation, other than that furnished by Col. Stone, is required, the 
 papers of Gen. Israel Cliapin will supply it. Assuperintendentof Indian affairs in this 
 region, Gen. Cliapin obtained authentic information of the exti-aordiuaiy speech of Lord 
 Dorchester a few days after it was delivered. — Author. 
 i )■ 
 gagement with the Indians, that the action commenced in what is called the Olaize, 
 and that he had defeated and completely routed the Indians, and drove them six or 
 seven miles down the Miami of the Lakes, below the Fort at tlie rapids, built by the 
 BriUsh, and that as he passed by the Fort he demanded it, but the officer in command 
 of it, refused to comply with his request, and he passed on without giving any dam- 
 age to the Fort Some said there was 100 Indians, some 150, some 60 i nd 35 killed 
 and taken, and that the loss on Wayne's side was very great, two or three hundred. 
 Rut the best i.'formation, and what I most depended on was, I lodged at what is called 
 the Chippewa Fort, at the head of the Great Falls, at the head of the carrying 
 place, and I overheard a Mr. Powell, who had just arrived from Detroit, relating to 
 tlie officer the news of tn^.t country, and among the rest he told him he thought there 
 was eighty or ninety Indians and white people lost in all ; he said also there was no 
 dependence to be put in the Militia of Detroit, for when Wayne was in the country 
 they refused doing duty in the Fort Gov. Simcoe had called out all the Militia of 
 the country about Niagara, it was said to man the posts through or to send up to De- 
 troit, but upon hearing that Gen Wayne had returned back to his Forts, some were 
 discharged, some deserted, and about sixty were kept in Barracks, so tliat every thing 
 seemed to be suspended for the present I from Niagara Fort proceeded on to the 
 head of Lake Ontario, about twenty miles from Capt Brant's settlement, at wliioh 
 place I got certain information that Capt. Brant liad set off some days past for De- 
 troit. At this place I also found he had vvrote you a letter the day he started, and 
 that a Dr. Ciirr had it, which 1 afterwards con< ived to get. It wa.s said Brant'.-; object 
 was to meet the Southern Indians r.t Detroit, though I believe he has taken l.jO or 200 
 warriors with him, but his object will be known in a future day. I returned by Ni- 
 agara and Buffalo creek. I was told at Niagara, that Gen. Simcoe would set off for 
 Detroit in a day or two to meet Capt Brant and the other Indians, and to strengthen 
 tlie Fort at the Miami. The 13th instant Simcoe arrived at Fort Erie opposite Buftalo 
 creek, and Col. McKay from Detroit met him there. The day following the Indians 
 from Buftalo creek were called over to council with them. Simcoe there told them 
 when he was going, and that he was going to make his forts strong, and to put more 
 men in them, tliat if Wayne should return, he would not be able to injure them, that 
 the fort at the Rapids was not strong, nor but a few men in it when Gen. Wayne came 
 past it, but that he now should make it very strong, and put a great many men 
 in it, so that he would be able to protect the Indians for the future ; he told tliem the 
 Indians had lost but thirty-five warriors, and five or six white men in tlie last engage- 
 ment with Wayne, but that Wayne had lost a great many, two or three hundred men 
 supposed, and that he would not have drove them, only tlie Indians were not collec- 
 ted. This it seems was the news Col. McKay brought h<it times would soon alter, for 
 the Indians were collecting from all quarters, and from all nations, that a greater force 
 was already collected, and they were coming in daily, and that he observed Capt 
 Brant was gone with a number of wamors, and that the destination of tlie Indians 
 was to give Wayne a decisive stroke, and drive them out of the countiy. Tliis I Avas 
 told by one of the Indians who was at the council. The next day Simcoe and McKay 
 sailed for Detroit. After this council I saw Red Jacket and lie informed me that the 
 Indians would all go to the treaty at Canandaigua, that the next day tiiey would go 
 into council among themselves, and agree upon the time they should start and where 
 to meet you, and in two days time they should send off runners to let you know, but 
 that there was not the least doubt but all the Indians would attend, but r-.y opinion is 
 it will be fifteen or twenty days before they all collect I cannot perceive any differ- 
 ence in the Indians at Buffalo creek, they appear as friendly as ever, and I do not 
 think they wish a disttnbaiicc with the United States, were it not for tlie British. As 
 to Brant, although he is now gone away to the South, and will not attend the treaty 
 and every appearance is liostile, yet I cannot luit entertain favorable ideas of his con- 
 duct and juacofble wishes towards the United States ; he acts open and candid and 
 the part ho is now acting, it appears to me, he is rather forced into it by the British, 
 and the promises he has made to them Southern Indians heretofore, though I cannot 
 but tliink from the conversation I have had witli liini some time pjist, and wliat I have 
 heard in many other places, but that his real wish and desire is that a peace might be 
 brought about between the United States, and all the Indian nations, and that although 
 he now acts in the capacity of a warrior, that he would be as willing to take hold of 
 the olive branch of peace, as the bloody tonoaliawk. 
 I am, Sir with respect, your most obt and most humble servt, 
 [NO. 16.] 
 "Many years ago," snys Thomas Maxwell, Esq., of Elmira, "in conversation with 
 Red Jacket at Bath, after a little fire water had thawed liis reserve, the diief remark- 
 ed, that when a boy, he was present at a great coimcil fire held on the Shenandoali. 
 Many nations were represented by their wise men and orators, but the greatest was 
 Logan, wlio had removed from the tenitory of his tribe to Sliemokin. He was tlic 
 son of Shikellcimus, a celebrated chief of the Cayuga nation, who was a warm friend 
 of the whites before the Revolution. On the occasion alluded to. Red Jacket remark- 
 ed, tliat he was so cliarmcd with his manner and style of delivery, that he resolved to 
 attain if possible, the same liigh standard of eloquence; though he almost despaired 
 of equaling his distinguished model. 
 He said tliat after his return to his then home, at Kanadesaga, near Geneva, he 
 sometimes incurred the reproofs and displeasure of his mother, by long absence from 
 her cabin without any ostensible cause. When hard pressed for an answer he inform- 
 ed his mother that he had been playing Logan." 
 Thus in Ills mighty soul, the fire of a generous emulation had been kindled not to 
 go out, until his oratorical fame threw a refulgent gloiy on the declining fortunes of 
 the once formidable Iroquois. In the deep and silent forest he practiced elocution, or 
 to use his ow;i expressive language, played Logan, until he caught the manner and 
 tone of his great master. What a singiiLir revelation ! Unconsciously the forest ora- 
 tor was an imitator of the eloquent Greek, who tuned his voice on the wild sea beach, 
 to the thunders of the surge, and cauglit from nature's altar his lofty inspiration. 
 Not without i)reviou8 prejiaration, and the severest discipline, did Ked Jacket acquire 
 !iih power of moving and melting his hearers. His graceful attitudes, significant 
 gestures, perfect intonation, and impressive pauses, when the lifted finger and flashing 
 eye told more than utterance, were tlie results of sleepless toil ; while his high acquire- 
 ment, was the product of stern, habitual thought, study of man, and keen observation 
 of eternal nature. 
 He did not trust to the occasion alone for his finest periods, and noblest metaphors. 
 In the armory of his capacious intellect the weapons of forensic warfare had been pre- 
 rioHsly polished aiid sturud away. Ever ready for the unfaiteiing tongue, was the cut- 
 ting rebuke, or apt illustration. Let not tlio superficial candidate for fame in Senate 
 halls mipposefora moment, that Sa-go-ye-wat-ha, "The Keeper Awake," was a 
 speaker who sprung uj, fully equipped for debate, without grave meditation, and cun- 
 mug anticipation of whatever an adversary might advance, or maintam. 
 By labor, like all other gi-eat men, persevering kbor, too— he achieved his renown 
 A profound student, though unlettered, ho found "books in the running brooks ser- 
 mons m stones." By exercising his faculties in playing Logan when a boy, _ one of 
 the highest standards of mortal eloquence, eitlierin ancient or modem times — he has 
 left a lesson to all ambitious a-'^irants, that there is no royal road to greatness ; that 
 the desired goal is only to be gained by scahng rugged cliffs, and treading painful paths. 
 [NO. 17.] 
 CAPT. BEUFf's letter. 
 , "NiAOARA, Sept., 1797. 
 Ur. bir: — Recent information, not to be disguised, assures us that emmissaries 
 have been among the Indians residing within tlie territorial limits of the United States, 
 to engage them in hostile enterprises against the posts, and from a combination of 
 circumstances, it is feared that tliey have been too successful. 
 "Accounts from Detroit say that the Indians there are very surly, and have planted 
 no crops; that numbers have gone over the Mississippi, and that others have collected 
 in bodies near th^posts St. Josephs, Mackinaw, and other points, whose views are 
 unknown, but must be apprehended. That the French inhabitants of the post St 
 Vincent have revolted, taken the national cockade, and declared for France and Spain. 
 That the attachment of these at Detmit, cannot be much relied upon. That the 
 Spaniards have not yet given up the pc „s, but are collected in force, high up the Mis- 
 lliese menacing appearances ; the hostile messages to the western Indians 
 tlioirs to the Seven Nations of Canada, and their.s to the Sk Nations; tlie doubtful 
 disposition of the latter towards us; the admonition of the Secretary of War in his 
 last communication, "to uso the same precautions as if tlie United States were actuaUy 
 at war;" with the remembrance of the deep laid schemes of Pontiac ; arc sufficient 
 to put us on our guard, if not to alarm us, on account of our present reduced numbers 
 and the distance from which we to look for succor. For provided the Indians and 
 those that set them on, are politic, they may so manage the attack upon the posts on 
 either side, tliattlie other would hesitate about giving aid that might involve the 
 nation in an Indian war. 
 For some weeks past, our neighbors, the Tuscarora.s, have been very shy • the few 
 that have visited us are distant. There are at present about fifty warriors of Chippewa 
 and Ottawa nations on the opposite shore, and a large number are expected in a few 
 days ; ostensibly to hold a council with the Governor about supplies. Those already 
 arrived have been importunate for arms and ammunition, and I understand have ob- 
 tained a gim each." 
 [Capt. BniflF closes his long letter with some account of the indefensible condition 
 of Fort Niagara, and suggestions to as keeping watch of the Indians, and other precau- 
 tionary measures.] 
 [NO. 18.] 
 On his return to England, John B. Church having been a decided partizan in the 
 Rovnlution, and moreover, having connected himself by marriage, with so notorious a 
 "rebel" family as the Schuylora, found himself not in repute with the hio;h tory par- 
 ty, and had especially the disfavor of his j)atron uncle. Fortunately, Jiowever, the; 
 An.erican adventurer was as independent in his purse as in his politics, and g'jon gi-ew 
 in favor with Fox and Pitt, and their party. Ho was elected a member of the British 
 Parliament, from Wendover, warmly esj)oused the liberal party, and ndhered to Mr. 
 Fo.x, when it wiis said in de>isio-i that "his party could go to (he House of Commons 
 in a hackney coach." 
 The country residence of the family was but four miles from Windsor Castle, and 
 tJie family physician was the physician of George tlie Third. Long before it trauspir- 
 e<l publicly, the physician informed Mr. and Mrs. Church of the King's aberration nf 
 mind, and he did not hesitate, confidentially, to attributes the developcmeut of herctlita- 
 ry tendency, to the loss of American Colonies. 
 The house of Mr. Church in Lon<lon wa"; a frequent resort of Fox and Pitt ; of pro- 
 minent Americims who visited London ; and on the breaking out of the Freuch Rev- 
 dlution, when the refugees fled to London, he had as guests, Talleyrand, and many 
 of Ids companions, with most of whom he had become acquainted in America and 
 Paris. Judge Church speaks of the happy faculty of the French to be gay and light 
 hearted even in the darkest hours of advei-sity. The men who liad fled fr(mi what M. 
 A. Tliiers calls the " Sanguinary Republic of '93" — from the rack and the gtiillotiro 
 — statesmen and courtiers — stripped of their possessions and dependent upon tte 
 purses of their friends for the means of subsistence ; were yet chcerf'd and seemingly 
 happy, seeking amusements, and endeavoring to make dull and smoky London as gay 
 as their own devoted capital had been. 
 In Paris, Judge Church had made the acquaintance of Talleyrand, and it was by 
 means of the assistance he rendered him that the refugee Minister was enabled to reach 
 tliis country, when the British Ministers had ordered him to leave London in twenty- 
 four hours. Aftei-wards, when he had returned to Paris, and was flourishing again und er 
 a new dynasty, he remembered the kmdneso, but the demonstrations of his gratitude 
 were marked with the peculiar characteristics of the man. John Church, a son of iiis 
 benefactor, having taken up his residence in Paris, received from him a general invitat ion 
 to all his evening parties, and besides, an invitation that at his weekly dinners there was 
 always a " knife, fork, and plate for him." This had continued for a while, when the 
 welcome guest, discovered that some change had come over his host ;— coldness and 
 reseiTC had taken the place of cordial welcomes. An explanation followed. One evening 
 as Mr. Clmrch entered his apartments,Talleyrand beckoned him to a deep window recess 
 and -vhispered :— " Mr. Church, I am always happy to see you, but you must not feel 
 unpleasantly if I pay no attention to you ; I am so watched that I cannot be civil to 
 any person from England or America." The anecdote will be adjudged bx good 
 keeping with the whole character of the man. 
 Judge Church relates many anecdotes which illustrates the ill feeling that prevailed 
 in England, after the Revolution, and especially pending the Jay treaty, to every 
 tiling that was American. His school-follows at Eaton, were generally tlie sons of thi' 
 nobility, and of high tory blood, and tlieir boy partizanship could hardly tolerate the 
 sentiments of a representative of the disenthralled colonies. French politics -Kaa soon 
 introduced, and the young American, following the lead of his father, was inclined to 
 be a French republican ; manifesting upon one occasion a little exultation over tlie fate 
 of Louis XVI, he provoked the bitterest resentments of his school-follows. 
 When the family left London, in '97, there was employed about the King's home- 
 stead, a young Frenchman, in the capacity of a cook or confectioner. Ho had made 
 himself olmoxmustotho tones by Iuh Hitra French republieanis.n. and would sing 
 siiatcluH oi Fre.cU revo uhonary balladn. in tbe very precincts ..f royalty, and at tl.o ale 
 houses So„,e of the King's household quietlv a^-ran^ed his ^-npLy n.ent by Mr. 
 Church, and he c..n.c to Au.erica vith his fan.ily ; afterwards, estuWishin.- himself a. a 
 c.mfect.o„er ,„ ^ ew \ ork. 1I« v..^ the father of Godey, the founder ..f Godey 's Ma^a- 
 Eiue, in i'liiladelphia. " 
 Most rea.lersure familiar witli the attempt .3f Dr. nolhnan and Busier to La 
 Fayette Ironi the pri.son of Uhnntz. Yhe daring adventurers reaching; London, made 
 ac.,ua,ntanco ot Jo'.n B. Church, ^vho had La Fayette when a guest at his lath- 
 cr-indaw s house, ui Albany, in other places during tho Revolution, and aftenvards in 
 Paiis and London ; and feeling a lively interest in the pr..j..ct for his release, he at once 
 seconded it ; m hw aouse, in London, the plan wa.s matured, and ho contributed moauB 
 fw p'usccutirig it.* 
 /^ Judge Philip Chursh bears upon his .jerBoii a relic of the Border Wars of the Revolu- 
 Uou ; a slight scar upon his forehead ; comicctcd ^ith which is an interesting lustorical 
 renuniscence, dillerent vershuis of which have I,cen incorporate.! in history. In 
 August 1 < 97 a scheme was devised by Sir Frederick Haldimand, the !? c.umnan- 
 dei-, in, to secure Gen. Schuyler at Alba.iy, and by getting possession of him 
 emove the powerful mlluenco he was exercising against the success of the banded 
 British tones and Indians. John Waltemeyer. a tory refuge* was with U.e 
 «.jumand of the expi^lition. With a gang of torh'S, Canadians and Indian.s, he cro.ssed 
 Die Pt. Lawrence, and readied the pine plains between Albany and Schenectady when- 
 tJieylurk.'d about for several days until they could a.scertain the precise position of 
 General Schuyler's mansion, which stood upon the banks of the Hudson, about three- 
 fourths of a mile from the then setUed portions of Albany. Attempts having been 
 previously made upon his life, he had a good 8up])ly of arms, and a pretty strong body 
 gi.ard ot servant.s. He had beside rehablo information that Waltemeyer and his party 
 were lu the neighborhood, and well inuiginod theii- errand. 
 Witli reference to defence, the was so arranged, that at night the only accea 
 was in the roar, and that was banvrl by an iron gate, wluch was kept locked. Sit- 
 ting with lus numerous famUy in the main hall, in a sultry evening, a servant came and 
 mlonned him tJiat a man was at the gate wishing to speak to him. In reply to U.e 
 question as to wliere the man came from, tlic servant repUed that he " thought he came 
 down the hill from the woods." The moment the General heard this, he onlered all 
 the lights to be extinguished, the sen-ants to arm themselves, and the family to retreat 
 to tlie garret. Unfortunately. JIra John B. Church, tlie day previou.s, seeing that her 
 Wlivu La Fayette visited Rochester in Ins American tour, a member of the c.unmit- 
 tec ol rcceptum was introducing the ladies as they one after another, in ,n,ick succession 
 presented hem.sclves. In the crowd was a daughter of Judge cliurch. As shJ 
 approaches , La I ayette addressed the conuuittcc man, saying : -^ ■< Sir, vou nee.l nor 
 r^If. V''r- %T,"r"-J'\''"'''r''^''" :^''''""'""^"*' '"y "'l<lin<'"<l Angelica Srhuvl.T;" 
 K '1 ;"• Ti"'''' ^'H\y^''^'^ "t the .same time advancing and shaking her 
 by tl„, hand This was the recognition of a family resemblance after tlie !;ipse of over 
 forty years! This is almost incredible, and yet the author witnessed in tl'e Nation's, Kunnlar instances of his 'xtraordinary recognition of persons, and familv resem- 
 blances. In a letter to Judge Church, dated at La Grange, in 182(;, he alhufcsto the 
 circums ance : — " Happy I an in the opportunity to remind you of the old friend of 
 your beloved parents ; to present my respects to Mrs. Cliurch, doubly dear to niv most 
 precimi:^ recollections ; ami to your amiable daughter whom a frimdly imarre ch'sraral 
 on imj heart, niade me recognize before she was named to me. 
 Your affectionate friend, LA FAT £TTE." 
 mfwit son, (the present Jiulgo P. Cl.urch) was meddling' with the muskeg had them 
 removed to a back closet or entry. Gen. Schuyler, lookh.g wit at iho window, saw 
 tJiat his house was surrounded by armed men, and immediately posted himself with 
 the servants at the foot of the stiiirs, with the lest defences they could lay their hands 
 on ; resolved at least to protect tho family. The banditti soon forced an entrance into 
 iho house. At this juncture, Miss Margaret Schuyler, (aftenvards the wife of Gen. 
 Stephen Van Rensscloar,) discovered Uaat her inlant aistor had been left asleep in a 
 cradle upon the ground floor. Rushing down stau^, cad passing her faUier, against his 
 remonstrances, she seized the child and was pas.sing the beseigers, when Waltemeyer 
 nnstnkmg her for a ser^-ant maid, demanded of her— " Where is your master V "Gone 
 to rail tlie guard," she replied with presence of mind, as she made a safe retreat 
 with the child. Prcsummg that the chief object of tlic visit had escaped, they com- 
 menced plundenngtho house, and were in tlie dining room securing the plate. Three of 
 theservants had possessed themselvesofanns, and Gen. Schuyler havinghisside arms aa 
 good a rosist^mco was made as their strength would admit, but the superior force finally 
 obliged all to retreat to the upper rooms of tlie house. Waltemeyer and his party pur- 
 sued, and ,,ust as they were about to make prisoners . f the whole family, Gen. Schuy- 
 ler hit upon an ingenious and successful expedient. 'Suddenly raising a window, as if 
 a host had come to his rescue, hallowing out to the eve ngair,in aloud voice, there 
 no friends to hear : _" My friends, my friends, quickly, surround tlie house and let not 
 one of the rascals escaj^o !>' The banditti were panic stricken, ran down stairs, sweep- 
 ing the silver from tho side board as they passed, and hurrying off with them in their 
 retreat to tho woods as captives two slaves,- the first amied rescue perhaps, of " .per- 
 sons held to seiTice," that ever transpired in this State. No one was killed in the 
 melee ; Waltemeyer received a slight wound from a pistol shot of Gen Schuyler •» 
 sen-ant was slightly wounded. The slight injury of the child, named in tlie intnKiuc- 
 tion, was had in the hurried retreat to the garret. 
 The failure of Gen. Schuyler to bring to his aid any of the then few citizens of the 
 tiUaseot Albany, was owing to a most ingenious contrivance of Waltemeyer Dunua 
 his ambush in the woods, he had come across a woman, whom he bribed to precede 
 hm. m Ins attack and report, in the village that there was a dead man in the woods 
 off ,n another direction from Gen. Schuyler's house. The trick succeeded. When tho 
 alarm was given the men of the village were away searching for the dead maO 
 s B88; at 
 In his retreat, Wiiltemeyer and his party <«ok General Gordon from his 
 Lallstou, and carried him to Canada. 
 not vary luatorial v from tlio account o( Col. StonV i, Li b of II,-, t .'" ",^f™ 
 A writer in tlie Albany Express, a few years since snoakiiirr nf tl„. .,1,1 q i i 
 mansion in Albany, say/: - '^ Here also til illustrious Tf am f , " w o 1 md .m?S 
 daughter otns -hospitable proprietor, that venerable and exccWm wo na w1 sSl 
 hves n tho full enjoyment of her iiicuKi.s, „„e of the few re ',"'.1^, of S^ 
 Revolutionary a,-e. Another daughter of Gen. Schuvler -i bidv of .rr,.f V> . i 
 acconiplislinients, was als., niarried'in this housJ, to J&t c£^^^ 
 came out to t ns country .hiring the Revofeion. Aiuong llSis Ze ■' 1 ave 
 [NO. 10.] 
 ExtiTict of a letter to Mr. nnd Mrs. Diuiiel Wiird, of Albany : — [Mrs. Ward was a 
 sister of Mr. Ik-miH, -was tlio mother of Samuel and Uen. ^'ard, and Mi-a Oran 
 "After being at Utica upwards of seven weeks, my patience was so far exhausted, 
 that I dtteriiiiiied, notwitlistnriding the badness i.f the roads to make one nioreatttini)t 
 to gain tlie place of my destination, mid iccordingly hired two wagons to taku me to 
 Oaiiandaigua. They had proceedtvi about 50 rods when one of them got mired to the 
 hub I Cood start, you will say. Well, we g.,t out in about a- hour, mul tinvi'lled 
 eight milts the first day, and put up at Raymond's inn. Next morning after taking n 
 warm breakfast, I rgain weighed anthor, and trudged in solitude along the inuildy 
 waste, (for it is indeed solitary to have no company but swearing teamsters,) 'till wo 
 reached Oneida village, an Indian settlement, where about dark, both wagons again 
 got mired (o the hub ! Zounds and alack ! What a pickle wo were in I ! How dkl I 
 invoke the aid of old Hercules to give one tug at tbo wheel 1 However, after Ufting, 
 1,'runibling. hoUowing and tugging three hours and a half, with the assistance of 
 an Indian, we once more got on land. It was now ten, and no tavern within our power 
 to reach. Cold, fatigued and liungry, we were glad to get under shelter; and accor- 
 dingly sto])pe(l at thg first Indian hut we found, where there was no \ 1, nor victuals 
 except a slice of rusty pork." * * * » •##«,' 
 " After a night spent in yawning, dozing, gaping, we again got under way, and hove 
 in sight of a tavern about ten o'clock ; but nothing like breakfast was to bo had — all 
 confusion -and wo went on to Onondaga, (50 miles from Utica,) where wo anived 
 about ten at night. Here the house was full, and I obt^iined the privilege of sleeping 
 with two strangers, by paying for their lodgings and giving theia a glass of bitters ; 
 an odd bargain to be sure ; but I iJiought it cheap, had it been my last shilling. But 
 fate decrtied that the troubles of that day, should not end with going to bed." * 
 [The young adventurer had become a room mate 
 with a " snoring traveUer." He describes his enormous nose, and says, that the sounds 
 It gave out all night long, "frightened Morpheus from his post."] 
 " At tliis place, (Onondaga) the wagonera got discouraged and dispairod of the 
 practicability of travelliug ; they r.ccordingly stored their goods and made the best of 
 their way home again. Here I was obliged to remain two weeks, when a fine snow 
 L-illing, I hired a man with a three horse sleigh, to carry me to Canada, and arrived at 
 this place on Saturday evening, 14tli Januaiy, after a short and pleasant passage of 
 SIXTY TWO days from Albany ! Here I put up for the night only, c xno( tin.r 'o depait 
 early in the morning for Canada ; but receiving some advices hero froi ^ gH;n , 1 smcn of 
 respectibility, which deserved my attention, I wjls persuaded ).. v^y store in this 
 village, for the winter at least. How I shall succeed is yet among the secrets of fate ; 
 but as yet I have had no reason to repent of having stopped here ; for such is the en- 
 couragement I have already found, that I think it probable I shall continue here." 
 "I have now only room to add, that the country is beautiful and flourishing ; the. 
 inhabitants wealthy and respectable; the citizens enlightened, affable and friendly; 
 and there is an agi-eeable society of young people, especially of Indies. Hence a 
 Ktianger finds an agreeable reception. I am the seventh young man that is Jiere from 
 Albany ; sill old acfjnaiutances." 
 ( , < 
 I" . , ) Cl 
 1 1 
 That portion of the old town of Caledonia which is now Wheatl 
 land, was, as ^vl 1 have been observed, the Pioneer locality — the 
 spot where settlement first commenced in all the region between 
 the Genesee River and the west bounds of the state. In connection 
 wi h the enterprises of Mr. Williamson, the advent of the Scotch 
 settlers, and in another connection in the body of the work, the 
 tovvn has already been embraaed. It remains in this connection to 
 ex end the notices of Pioneer advents in that localitv,as fur as the 
 author s information will allow. 
 .vpM^'r/f ^^nt'^Y ""T^ ^? ^^^^' ^^'""^ ^^"eca county, and soon 
 erected the mills that bear Ins name, and those that were so useful 
 to the eai-ly settlers west of the River. He removed to the Lake 
 shore, m Niagara county, in an early day, where he died a few years 
 since. _ His son Jacob Albright, one of the most successful and en- 
 terprising tarmers of that county, resides at Olcott. 
 Donald M Vean, who came a single man with the first Scotch 
 settlers, was a mill wright ; had charge of the early mills built by 
 the Wadswoi-ths at Conesus. He erected the first mill in Scotts- 
 vU e; and selling it, purchased a large iract of land which he <livi- 
 ded between his sons ;^ they are Donald M'Vean, of Michiiran, 
 Duncan and Peter M'Vean of Caledonia. Mrs. Donald and Mrs. 
 Joseph Campbell, and Mrs. James Cameron, of Caledonia, are his 
 John M'Naughton has been named as one of the advance corps 
 ot Scotch emigrants, in 1799. He still survives at the u^e of 80 
 years. His surviving sons are : — Duncan M'Nauirhton oYMum- 
 lord and Darnel M Naughton. a resident upon the homestead ; Mrs. 
 Duncan M \eanof Scottsville, and lAIrs. Merrit Moore, of Church- 
 are his daughters 
 an unmarried daughter resides with her 
 ^OTI■;. — Prcvinnsto lonving tlioir homos in Scotlami, cortificatos siinilar to the fol- 
 Wing ^-ore g.vou to nil of the Scotch cnigrant.s ,vh;. wcvo nK-mhcH of tho kir • 
 such at Ic-ust as ^vol■o hon, rertlishire ; and it y,-as wortliily bestowed in tliis instmicc' 
 as !i long and useful lite will Ix'ar witness : — J '■u" ^^' l"is msiaucc, 
 " These do certify that t lie hearer John M'2^a.iirhton. .ind his spouse. Manwot M' 
 Bern,,,!, are tlnn uur j.ari.sli of KUlin ; aud luc-d therein' .uostlv fr^m tiieir 
 inliuicy ; and always behaNod m their single and married state, virtuously, honestly. 
 . !■ 
 'tS < 
 , 9 
 riiELrs AND goriia:\i-s purchase. 
 father. The mother died in 1844. Mr. M'Naushton established 
 the first brewery west of the River, previous to 1810, and a distil- 
 lery which was the next one after that built bv Oliver Phelps near 
 Moscow. He was one of the first to entrage in the purchase of 
 wheat to be (loured for the Canada naarket ; cotnniencing the busi- 
 ness pr(>vif)us to the war of 1812. 
 Zachariah Garbutt was a resident upon the river Tyne in England, 
 in the town of Winston, county of Durham, at the period of the 
 French Revolution. Espousing the whig side in jjolitics in those 
 violent i)arty times in England, when freedom of speech was re- 
 stricted, lie subjected liimself to jiroscription and persecution at the 
 hands of his more loyal neighbors. His windows were broken in 
 and his children stoned in the streets. Leaving Winston, he went 
 into a retired part of the cuuntry, where he remained for three or 
 four years, and then sought an asylum over the ocean in a land of 
 toleration, of political and religious liberty. Borrowing thirty 
 guineas to defray expense of emigration, it was repaid by liis son, 
 John Garbutt, with money earned ujjon a shoe bench, anil remitted 
 to England. Arriving at New York in 17i)8, they remained near 
 Smg Sing tmtil 1800, when they came to the Genesee country, set- 
 tling first upon sixty acres of 'land in the town of Seneca. ~ The 
 eldest son John, in 1803 purchased laud on Allan's creek, which 
 soon became the residence of the whole family — the site of what 
 is iiow known as Garbutville. The three brothers, sons of Zach- 
 ariah Garbutt, were, John, Philip and William. John Garbutt 
 who still survives, was the first sujjervisor of Wheatland; in 1829 
 he was a representative of jMonroe county in the Legislature. 
 Philip Garbutt, widely known in business enterprises, the owner of 
 the mills and locality that bear the name of the family, also 
 survives. His wife, as will have been seen, is the daughter of Esq. 
 Shaelfer. The father-in-law was the original owner of the mill site 
 and inotH'iisivc'ly ; froo from all public scandal known to us. That tlicroforo wc know 
 of no iTah.(in to liiiidcr llicir reception into, oi- rosidonco in, any oontrrci^ation, socictv 
 or family, wlierc God may cast their lilt. * * * » » "# ** ' « # « >. 
 [A few closing lines arc ohliteratod.] 
 " Signed. 
 High M'nor(;Ar., ^linistor, 
 •Iamks M'N.Miii, J'^Idcr, 
 „, Jas. M'Gibdin, Parish Clerk." 
 " The above is fact. 
 CuAs. Cami'dkij,, Es(j. of Lockllordit, 
 Francis M'Nabb, chief of M'Nabbs. 
 J'>lui ItoDsox, liaron, Bailio to the Earl of Bradalbine." 
 Dated Fel). 1798. 
 " Do me the favor to name tlio fact," saiil an early inercliant of tlie Genesee country 
 to the author, "that when reverses came upon me, 'and 1 was tluown uimmi jail limits. 
 ■while those wlio owed me dehls of icratitude stood aloof ; a f^eni'rous Jieart'ed Scotch 
 fanner, wiioni I had butslii;iit!y kiu.wu, in tlio way of business, souf,dit me out. kindly 
 invited me in wharc his purse for all iliiit was necWsarv for tlie ci-uifort of myscli'or 
 ttiniily. And you may add that it was John M'Naughtnn, of Wheatland." 
 of what is now known as Garbiilt's mills and the land ujion which 
 the celebrated pl.-ister beds are located. A saw n:"ill was erected by 
 Es(|. Shaeilcr in 1810 and a p;rist mill in 1811. 
 The venerable Powell Car])enter, now in his 80th year, became 
 a resident in the immediate neighborhood of Scottsvillc in 1.804. 
 In 1818, by })urchasc from Isaac Scott, he became the proprietor of 
 most of the site of the present village of Scottsville. In 18'25 or '«). 
 Abraham ilandford and Judge Car))entcr created a water power by 
 conducting the waters of Allan's creek in a race, 1:^ mile, and thus 
 obtaining a fall of 1!) feet. This was the commencement of any 
 considerable mov^ements towards the founding of the pleasant and 
 prosperous village; though mills had been erected as early as ISl."! 
 by Donald M'Vean and Abraham Ilandford. Often sons of .Judge 
 Carpenter, six are now living, three of whom were Pioneers iu 
 Michigan. Ira Carpenter, of Scottsville is his son. He was one of 
 the early Judges of Monroe. 
 The Rev. Donald Mann was a nativo of Invcrnesshire, Scotland ; 
 emigrated, settling on tiie 40,000 acre tract in Caledonia, in 1809 ; 
 ifi 1815 removed to what is now Wiieatland, where he now resides. 
 He had been educated in his youth for the ministry, in the Baptist 
 connection, but located in the new region, he united the labors of the 
 field, (or rather, the forest,) with tiie duties of his profession ; provi- 
 ding lor the respectable maintenance and education of a large family, 
 and at the same time itinerating occasionally where i)riiuitive and 
 feeble church organizations needed his services. "When we had 
 got together a small Baptist congregation in Le Roy," says an in- 
 NoTK. — Tlio (lisco^'ory of tlio plaster, which has proved so valimblo an aoqiiisif ion 
 to a wi(k' rojjio'i — tht^ heels jkihscssiiii,' more of what ''onstit\ik's real value tliaii if tiie.v 
 had liceii llie riflR'.-it jilacers that liave been found ii])ou tlio slo]ii' o f tlie Sierni 
 Nt'Mida — iiiMV nof lie cuiisidcreil an un interest iut^reniinisccncf : — It was accidental. 
 Aa the y^rist mill drew ni'ur to completion in the winter of ISIO, '11, Mr. John Carbnt 
 Went to Cayufi'a for a load of jiliusler, with the promise from Es(|. Shaefl'er that it 
 should he i^i-ound in tlu; process of |ire]iarini,' the mill stoue.s. In his aliseiici\. wliile 
 Home workmen were e.vcavaling the hank to procure earth to iinish the endjaidvininit 
 of the mill race, one of them, a forei',nier, insisted that they werc^ e.wavatini,' i>laster. 
 E.\]>erime,its followed whicli jiroved the fact. The demand for it Iteiii^- liiil limited, 
 farmers hininf,' lieen slow in appri'ciatin^' its value, its mimufacture was not fairly 
 underway until ISIS ; since which it has heeii constantly upon the increase and 
 the heds wouM seem exhaustless. 
 Note. — .ludgo Carpenter cmisrratod from Westchester county as early na 1704, loca- 
 ting,' in company with William Arinesley, nein- Cash(.iiu' creek, on Seiu'ca Lake, ^[ajor 
 Beujamin Barton was then residing at Cashouii' in a 1' '■■" *'■•■ ' ■ " *' ' 
 Det) and I'oudry, Samuel Wlieaton had been 
 or fom- vears. Afti'r makinic !' little openini,' iu tlie fore 
 J ■ ■'" " - ■ 
 . cabin, tlii^ successor then,' 
 in the ueijrldjorhood for three 
 luildin;,' a jiole cabin. 
 I.U iiMii ^>v-uis. iiiifi iMiiKiiit; a xinur (t[jemrii^ lo uie inreM, ioio iMiiioni;;; a [foii' eanui. 
 Judij'e C;iri)enter went to Pennsylvania and hrouiflit a smidl stock of fiu'niture, and a 
 younif wife into the wdderness. Comintc u[) the Susi|Uehamiali he workeil llieir pas- 
 sai^'e on a Durham boat, crossed over to Catliei'iiiestown, and came down the Lake tu 
 Cashotuf in a batti'au. The wife that he moved into his ]irimitive cabin, as well a- 
 himself, are amonff Ihe few survivini; Pioneers of tliat early ]ieriod. There are pro'i- 
 nlily not twetity pertjuns li\Hig' who were adult emigiiiuls lo IJie Genesee country 
 jirevious to 17'j.'>. 
 li II 
 I^Z lthr;"°r""Th''''" Mr, Mann used .0 come up on 
 ivr i' "r- The sumvinrr sons are : — Alexander 
 The mothev uL c ]i "^'^ 'T^ *°"'" unmarried daughters. 
 emi'TZ An. r ' '"''^''''' ^' ^ ^^"ghter of the early Scotch 
 emigrant, Angus uameron. 
 me," TrJm '^^' ^'r^'!'"''^ V'PS^^'', ^"'''■g^ Goodhue, Joseph Black- 
 mei J(,lm So_ge, Elud Goble, Peleg Weaver, Marvin Cadv See Iv 
 ageu 48 jeais Mr. Goodhue, was a settler at Painted Post and 
 removed ^V^ .1 'f'^'''""'/^^'' ^^^'^^^ddock's Bay. Ir. 180G he 
 lemoedto Wheatland, where he now resides with his son To^n 
 derc mhnts ""'uf^' ''^^T% ^"^ '^^ ^y riarrcircb 'of 
 hL "te "son M ^;'r\^''^'' ^ ^rW"'' ^'"^^ ^" the 72d vear of 
 ^eacf 'Mr cllZ '"?' ^^"^.l^^^'^'" ^age occupy the home- 
 sieaci. Ml. GobJe was a resident of Seneca countv as earlv is 1 Ron • 
 Frink l"V' n,' !''''T'' ""''''' «*' ^^heo.tland "his on '7r 
 Funk >^d ^e tied in Westmoreland, Oneida county, previous to 
 Jk aLohis w fi r^'''''"r"' f'^^ ^'^'^''^ epidenliic in 1813, as 
 t . V ' r^r'"'"'"' ^^•^"'^' «t Wheatland is his son. 
 P.M . ^/^^'o^^'»g "Pot pioneer enterprise with Joseph 
 S SL" 0? if ""'"\^," ^^'^"^^^"^'^ ^" ^««« We have alreaSy 
 comm utn J u "P^r t'^^ ^'«;y ^^erge of civilization, in Oneida 
 cou •; in 7«« T 'o' a'u' ^''^, c°»^»^encing in the Genesee 
 ho t-i^h^' w Ion ,;!" . ^^' "'^'''t^' Pioneers otten speak of his 
 wee Ju l^r^ D^^^^ '""vv""'' ''"'f '^'^ ""'^ ^^-^i^^ habitation be- 
 tueen Judge Deans, in Westmoreland, and Colonel Dantorth's, at 
 a^vi.y fro,,, ,]„. l,n„ks. to t!,e , is an 'o " n , f ' "'•^i"'^' , """^^ ^'" ""'^ ^''^^^■«' 
 ..xistcd tl,"r,. ; -r ntt; h . «. d'S l"''^ ''" 7^"'^^ '^'"''^ ^''" ^■■""^' •'irti'^"lfy 
 drive tl.c..,. t , ov- n k . ■, do .m ■,.„"•■ """i"^' '"' ';-"'™V '" ""''^■"vori-,.' to 
 in scvo.-;,l i„sta>,ces on vi ,^ . ;. ^M ] ^'^ '^''"^'''iy'Jf ^'^MV^ tlio ioun,c.y ; 
 Im.luv t., w.f „„„„ tlw, .„IM :. ' "'.'„" ■*■,• .™ I'.' '^■'■'' H" ''t1 to I'l-eet a tor.-;,orary 
 ■ ■" "ity 
 .ito siu.,v, his .ito/si;;,, a;;?;^;;-;'s v;:?o;;X som'S" t^TfT "" "'^f 
 Avciittd worktoniakoa l.iid..,. -l.,, «I i:;,,, "ii soli,l icc, to got thoni over, he 
 t)iev Moi-c, hroke off id >.„;,. "'"';,"''* "'ff^S:*^^'! the section ofice upon which 
 thoTails SeL n- ; , . ; Hi '^ ''!^'' '',"'■ ""'''''"^' '"^<^'3^ t^' »'« precipi'tated over 
 tJie si -.nd hi i:i,t '""^v.nir .t to h.s ^vife, .ho fastened ,l„e. e„i of i: t(, 
 Slus ' ;i r :^ ;i r, ;";;!i^;', :;7^''^'^ "i;" •'« 'r-^^i the ice to the si,ovo ami 
 ice from wh L , „ v , I 1 '"";-"^'l'"l'l ^'^^^'<^^^- I" n tew moments thr rake of 
 ortw'lt ule*^;! •; , : :;™,^^rtheoLrH:;VM^^^ the Fans . Stoppi,,, ..raday 
 Mte whi.h is noM- f],e ee , n of he it ,• R *V 'I' '''' '"'VT'' '"■" ''''""' ^'I'"'^ ""-' 
 woodsvoad,heAtehi,,:Shn:i,ul;:i";oii;.a!yo;Sl.^"*' '"""™^ ^"""^'^ ^'"^ 
 Onondarra. In a letter from John Tavlor, a State Indian acent, to 
 T"r^r^'"'^?,L "''■"' "' ^'^'^^' '^ '•' mentioned that in co-cmeralion 
 with Uhver 1 helps, he had made provisions for openin-r .1 road from 
 Onondaga to Oneida, and that Mr. Blackmcr had contracted to do 
 a i)ortH.n ot the work. He was a native of the town of Kent, 
 State oi Connecticut, and may truly he said to have heen of a 
 lioneer stock, as he was a descendant of Peregrine White the first 
 born of white parents, in New England. Ile'died in 184S, arred 
 80 years. He was public spirited, enterprising as the reader will 
 mier, a goo*} neighbor, and an efficient helper in all that was tend- 
 ing to die prosperity of his locality. He donated from his farm tlie 
 site for a meeting house, .school house and burying ground. Jirah 
 i^phraim, and Oliver P. Blackmer, of Wheatland, are his sons' 
 i^aughters became the wives of Jesse Kinney, of Michi<ran ; of 
 Jerry Merrill, of Orangeville, Wyoming county. 
 Deacon Rawson Harmon was a native of New Marlborouc'h 
 Berkshire county, Mass. ; he was a resident of Madison county 
 previous to 1797 ; in 1811, he removed to Clarence, Erie county 
 but soon changed his residence to Caledonia, now Wheatland. At 
 that period he had six sons and five daughters, nine of whom are 
 vet living, VIZ :— Ariel, Uawson, Ira, Sylvester, Anan and Elisha 
 Kawson, all residing upon and in the neighborhood of the home- 
 stead ; Mrs. Horace P. Smith, Mrs. James R. Flynn, and Mrs. 
 Oliver 1 . Blackmer. The living descendants of Deacon Harmon 
 are, 9 in the first degree, 52 in the second, and 17 in the third. He 
 died m 1850, aged 85 years. 
 Calvin Armstrong and George H. Smith, were residents in 
 VVlieatland as early as 1812. Mr. Armstrong, now 70 years of 
 age has recently changed his residence to the neighborhood of 
 bushviUe, Batavia, having become the owner and occupant of the 
 well known Pendell farm. Mr. Smith died in Wheatland, at ad- 
 vanced age ; he was a native of Germany ; Daniel Smith, of Wheat- 
 land, IS his son. 
 The Baptist church in Wheatland, was orcanized as early as 1811 . 
 O all the original members of it, none survive but Jirah Blackmer, 
 who has been a Deacon and Clerk in it for 40 years. Its settled 
 ministers have been :— Solomon Brown, Ely Stone, Aristarchus 
 Willev, William W. Smith, Horace Griswold, John L. Latham, 
 Daniel Eldnge, John Middletca, Gibbons Williams, Hiram R 
 Stimpson, and Wm. W. Evc-rts. 
 In observations made in connection with Pioneer history, the 
 author has been frequently reminded of the benefits that have 
 accrued from the early institution oi' public librar'es. The books 
 \yere selected at a better era of our literature, of book making, than 
 the present one ; before a surfeit of the worthless trash that now 
 untortunately too much prevails in our popular reading ; they were 
 ^Jioroughly read, and thoroughly umlerstood ; the Pioneers became 
 intelligent, and inducted their sons and daughters into a course of 
 profitable reading. The general intelligence of the citizens of all 
 of the old town of Caledonia, has-been proverbial ; they enjoyed the 
 benefits of a well selected library, as early as 1804. It was the 
 Pioneer Library west of Genesee river. The first books were 
 bought at Myron Holle s book store, in Canandaigua, by John 
 Garbutt, who carried them to their destination on his back. Peter 
 ShaefTer waa first Librarian. Tiie library now consists of over 
 1500 volumes. 
 [Farther reniinisconccg of Scotch settlers, having reference to the old town of 
 Calcdonin, will bo inserted in the volume, "Livingston nnd Allegany." The autlior 
 lia« found it difficult to separate tlicm as town and county divisions have done.] 
 In addition to their purchase of the " Big Springs," and water 
 power at Caledonia, of Mr. Williamson, in early years, John 
 and Robert M'Kay purchased land and water power at what 
 is now the village of Mumford, and had erected a saw mill there 
 previous to 1808. In 1809, Thomas Mumford purchased the inter- 
 est of Robert M'Kay. In 1817, Thomas Mumford and John M'Kay 
 erected a large stone flouring mill having four run of stones. John 
 W. Watkins opened the primitive tavern ; Philip Garbutt the first 
 mercantile establishment. 
 Donald M'Kenzie may be regarded as the earliest resident Pio- 
 neer of the locality. In 1804, he came from his native place, In- 
 verness, Scotland, remained in New York and Connecticut two 
 years, and coming to the Genesee country in 1806, resided at 
 Honeoye one year, after which, in 1807, he erected a log building 
 upon the present site of Mumford, started the business of cloth 
 dressing, becoming in that branch of business the Pioneer in all the 
 Genesee country west of the river. His early customers were dis- 
 tributed over a territory that now constitutes ten counties. The 
 venerable Simon Pierson, of Le Roy, in some published reminis- 
 cences, gives a graphic account of his first milling advent to Cale- 
 donia. " I took my wheat on my horse," says the narrator, " rode 
 down Allan's Creek 7 or 8 miles, when I came to a dark, dense 
 forest of evergreens, which I t(X)k to be a cedar swamp on a hill. 
 Near the centre of this swamp, as I took it to be, I found a small 
 hut which I entered, for I was very cold, it being late in November. 
 I found a good fire, and the w^orkmen were at dinner. I found the 
 owner liberal and intelligent. He told me his name was Donald 
 M'Kenzie — that he was building a fulling mill, and making prepa- 
 rations for wool-carding and cloth-dressing." 
 In 1809, Mr. M'Kenzie added to his business, a carding machine, 
 which was preceded in all the territory west of the river only by 
 one er"xted by Wm. H. Bush, near Batavia. He still survives, af- 
 ter a long, active, and useful life ; a good specimen of the energetic 
 and persevering Pioneers. Few men are better versed in the his- 
 tory of ecarly settlement in all this region, and the author is much 
 indebted to him for written reminiscences, and the results of his 
 retentive memory. He is now (57 years of acre. His surviving 
 sons are : — William, in California; Daniel R., in Laporte, Indiana; 
 John, Simon and Joseph, upon the homestead. Daughters became 
 the wives of Daniel M'Naughton, of Wheatland, and Hector M'- 
 Lean, of Rochester. 
 UZf' For topography, &c., of Caledonia and Wheatland, see Ap- 
 pendix to supplement. No. 1. 
 The settlement of " West Pulteney," now Riga, commenced 
 under the auspices of Mr. Wadsworth, in 1805. the first ten set- 
 tlers were :— Elihu Church, Samuel Shepherd, William Parker, 
 Amasa Frost, Ezekiel Barnes, Nehemiah Frost, Samuel Church, 
 Joseph T-cker, Enos Morse, and George Richmond. Elihu Church 
 still survives, a resident upon the land upon which he settled in his 
 early advent, and upon which the first tenement was erected, and 
 the first improvement commenced, in Riga. He is in his 77th 
 year. Dennis Church, late Supervisor of Riga, is his son ; daugh- 
 ters became the wives of Erastus Sprague, of Lima, Dann Hawes, 
 of Carv'ville, Genesee county, Oliver W. Warner, of Lake county, 
 Ohio, Enoch Fitch, of Wilson, Niagara county, and an unmarried 
 daughter resides at the homestead." His first wife died in 1823 ; 
 a present one was the widow of Matthew Fitch, one of the second 
 class of early settlers in Riga. Mr. Church was for many years 
 a Supervisor and Magistrate of Ri^a. 
 Samuel Church, a brother of Elihu, was the founder of settle- 
 ment at Churchville, where he built the first saw mill in town, in 
 1808, and a grist mill in 1811. He was a Captain of the first mili- 
 tia company organized in Riga ; was upon the frontier in the war 
 of 1812, and participated with his command in the sortie of Fort 
 Erie. He died in 1850, in Chenango county, agtd 82 years. His 
 surviving sons are : — Rev. Samuel C. Church, ot'Medina, and Rev, 
 Jared Church, of Tennessee; a daughter became the wife of the Rev, 
 Charles Robinson, a missionary to Siam, who died on ship board on 
 his return to this country in 1848. Mrs. Robinson who, with her 
 three children, was returning with him, now resides in Medina ; she 
 was the first born in the town of Riga. Other daughters are, Mrs. 
 Casey, of York, Mrs. Clark, of B^-ron, and the wife of the Rev. 
 Titus Cohen, a missionary to the Sandwich Islands. 
 Jesse Church, another brother, settled in Riga as early as 1807; 
 was an early mechanic of Churchville ; also, the Captain of a com- 
 pany in the war of 1812; was made a prisoner at Fort Erie, and 
 carried to Iliililhx. He died in 1820 or '7. Stoddard Church, of 
 Ugdeii, IS his son ; (.ther sons reside at tiie west. 
 Samuel Sliepinnl died hut a lew rears since. Beniamin F. 
 hhephard. ol Hica, is his son ; his son Hiram, now deceased, was 
 the hrstmale child horn in IliiTji. 
 Ainasa Frost died inanyye;n-s since; Nelson A. Frost is his son; 
 another son ve^^ules in iMichiu^an. ,Mrs. Jacoh All.riifhf, of Olcott, 
 JNiajrara county, and the wili' ol' Dr. Dibble, of Rochester, are his 
 dauirhters. Achpmi.'di Frost, died in isno; Dr. Frost, of Medina, 
 IS his son. William I'arker removed to Maj.le Uid-c, Orleans coun- 
 ty, and emi^n-ated from there to tlie west. 
 Those whose names follow, were ali residents ol" ]l\<sn previous 
 10 1810— most of them settled there in 1S08, "D :— James iviiowles, 
 still survives; Paul and William Knowles, of liiua, are liis sons; 
 :\lrs. \\ arner iJrown and Mrs. Montross, of Pti-rf,,' jire his dau^h- 
 ters Thnmas Hill-ham still survives: .Toseph J'.mgham, of Alle^Ta- 
 ny, Justin bintrliam. ol Michijian, and William PiiKdiam, of UiW 
 are his sons ; Mrs. Pratt, of Alh',<:aiiv. is his dauu'hter. Clark hIiH 
 still survives, a resident of Wheatland, thouol, his earlv lor.ation 
 v^as in K Ilia. ITalfs Corners, in ^Vheatlaiul, took their name from 
 him 1 homos Hill was the first Supervisor of Rijra, still survies 
 at the age oi 8{) years; Hev. Robert Hill is his son: another son, 
 beorge Hill, resides in Wisconsin : Mrs. Emerson, of Rio^a. is his 
 'l^aughter. Joseph Emerson still survives ; Erastus. Jos'epii, and 
 beorge Enierson, of Riga, arc his sons : an onlv daucrhter became 
 the wile ol John Reed, of Sweden. Eber and Chester Orcutt; 
 Ljcy still survives. They were brothers ; the father, Moses Orcutt, 
 was an early Pioneer in PittstoA^-n. Bcnajah Holbrook. emi-rated 
 to Michigan ; Mrs. Frederick Davis, of Mount Morris, is his 
 The rapidity of settlement warranted a mercantile establish- 
 ment in Rigaas early as 1808 ; that of Thompson & Tuttle : the 
 last name( oi the firm, was a non-resident, engaged at the time in 
 nmning a big ^yagon upon the Albany and Ruflalo road. Joseph 
 Ihompson, ol the firm, was the Pioneer tavern keeper: a part of 
 the building now occupied bv the Riua Academv. was erected bv 
 him for a tavern house. He died many vears since. 
 Dr. John D.arling was tlie earliest jilivsician in town ; ho died in 
 oaiiy years. He was succeeded bv ])r: Richard Dil)ble. 
 1 he first death m town was that of Richard Church, in 1807. the 
 tather of the brothers who have been named. 
 I emi.oTntod from Berksl.iro to Phelps. Ontario county, in llOG, and 
 urchased land upon Flint Creek, where I remained until 1805. In that 
 change ^v.ld lands for farms, and had induced by b'otbor sTimuelto 
 PuTe2 ye'f""H'T } -?-l'--'J ^>i- to^vhatwL th n WeS 
 i-ulttney. We found it a densely and heavily timbered wilderness- the 
 «ily oceupants other than ^ild boLts. John Si^ith and his sr^^^^^^^^^^^ 
 p ored he township, and were pleased with it. Durino- the next winter I 
 selected lor myselt, my present location, and fur my broTher, the site " Ihe 
 preson village of Churehville. In March, 1806, I rem^; d ^^^ Lt 
 from Phe ps to my new location, expecting that I had a house re'ady fbr 
 them as I had contracted for the building of one; but on anivfnf we 
 found ourselves houseless. William Parker, Samuel Shepherd ad Am^s^ 
 Fro t, lad preceded me a few days, with their familie, and were oTc^ 
 part of the, surveyors' camp, where myself and family w^re hospi ubh a - 
 muted as jom occupants; and a crowded household we had-2S of us al 
 together-al m one small cabin. We called it t!>e " Hotel," and tJutt it 
 tlie name to the stream upon the banks of which it stood Isaac EH Im 
 and David Farwell, then of " Springlleld," now Wheatland, hear nV- tl t I 
 was houseless generously came and helped me erect one. whm up 
 ^e body of It in one day; had it ready to move into on the fourt da/ 
 The floor was of split basswood, the roof of cedar shingles; no boaX 
 Tf v" • s^" TZTT"":' ' "'^ ''''^r '"^^^^^^ ^" Ehsha'FaruS for 
 VI • , r'l , f^ "P"^ *'"'^y commenced a pioneer life, a small specimen 
 of wluch I had already witness..d, and been a part of. ii^ Phelps. ' 
 summer^.! T .f'1-,? .-'^^ ''"'"« "^ ^«°«' '"aised small patches of 
 summci crops. In the fall ot that year. I had fiftv acres cleared which 
 I sowed to wheat. I had got in debt in clearing land and in bu 1 I.'k, and 
 ough I had an excellent crop of wheat, it ,vas difficult to pay debts S 
 It , It would not con.mand money. 1 exchanged some of it for labo w th 
 new comers In 803, 1 took wheat to Canandaigua: there w no p a 
 and no sale for it there; no exchanging of it for ^tore trade. I remm'ed 
 to Geneva, at a cost of 12i cents per bushel, and paid a debt lowed 
 there for a barrel of whiskey with it; the wheat fin.lly nettino me m 
 cents per bushel, or one gallon of whiskey for six bushels of whea^ w! 
 busS * Tn ^1 . IH '''^' ""'Z^'' ''''' ""^ ^'^«'-''^"^' Pncc, 31 cents per 
 bushel In the cold season of 181G, when summer crops were oeneral- 
 &'" T the fdf 'r' \f """f T' '''''' "'" ^"^ '^-'^"-^ wheu^rop in 
 fn "So [ , ' ^ ^?^^'''y '''^"'^'' ^'■^P ^° ^«"d anJ Hatch, Rochester, 
 In some of the earliest years, Mr. Wadsworth sent some pot-ash kettles 
 mto the township, and the manufacture of black salts and pot-asli was com- 
 mence.l. It proved a great help to the new settlers; enabled them to pr^ 
 cuie some of the common n ecessaries of life, when wheat would not. 
 * Extinct of a letter from ."^Ir. Wmlswoitli to Col. Trom d.ito<] in ISO^ • •■ it ; 
 XoTK.-Tlie first four pot-ash kettles that Mr. Wadswortli in-oourod iu All,-inr for 
 the new settlcmeuts, co.t $10 each ; trau.purtaUou to Uie lailing place at clJu^S' 
 If i 
 TIio first town meoting we attended was in Ogden, at the house of Esq. 
 VVillcy, in 1807, Then the town of Northampton embraced the nortliern 
 towns of Monroe, west of the river; or " sottk-rnents," and "districts," as 
 they were tlien termed. We made choice of two Supervisors in su-ices- 
 sioii, but their election was a nulHty, neither of tliem being freeliolders; 
 tVee-liolders were scarce in tliat early day. Wo finally compromised the 
 matter by appointing delegates from each settlement, to appoint town ofH- 
 cers. The proceeding- was not exactly legal, but no objection being made, 
 it all went off well enough. 
 Our first religious meetings, previous to the organization of the Con- 
 gregational church, wore held in my barn, it being the first framed barn 
 erected in town. I think Elder Reed, a Baptist missionary, was the firfet 
 to visit our settlement. The Rev. Mr. Phelps and several Methodist cir- 
 cuit preachers, visited us in early years. 
 Judiic Heniy Brewster, now a resident of Le Roy, at tlie :id- 
 vanced au'c of 77 years, was one of the Tionecrs of Riga. Though 
 laboring under the physical infirmities incident to old age, his men- 
 fal faculties are unimpaired ; as a well drawn up and intelligent 
 account of his early advent, which he has furnished for this work, 
 attests. His surviving sons are; — Henry A. Brewster, Rochester, 
 Edward Brewster, Builalo, Albert Brewster, Le Roy. F. W. Brew- 
 ster, Brockport ; a daughter is iMrs. Norris, of Stratford, Conn. 
 My father was a farmer in New London county, Connecticut, town of 
 Prescott. As with most ^ew England farmers, the Revolutior., its per- 
 sonal services and sacrilices, its incidental burdens, was the occasion of 
 depression and embarrassment. 2\.s soon as I was old enough to labor, 
 ray services were required upon the farm, so unremittingly as even to de- 
 prive me of the advantages of education, beyond what could be acquired 
 before I was twelve years of age. I married at the age of twenty-three 
 years, and unfortunati'ly bought a ffirm and settled upon it, in one of the 
 poorest mountain towns of the county of Berkshire. Unable to sell it, I 
 was obliged to cultivate the ungenial soil of the Berkshire mountains for 
 ten of the best years of my life. 
 The duy of deliverance came, however: — In 1805, I met with a large 
 handbill sent out by James Wadsworth, Esq., of " Big Tree," pioposing 
 to exchange each alternate range of lots of land in " West Pulteney town- 
 ship," for improved farms in the county of Berkshire. Daniel Dewey, 
 Esq., of Williamstown, and Hopkins, Esq., of Great Harrington, were 
 named as the agents in Berkshire, who would give applicants all needed 
 BiRige, lor till.' itiur, §156 :25. Tliis was in 1M)7. In IHUS, be bnuglit 24 kcttlos in 
 Albiiny,at $35 eucli ; cost of transportation tmt little less than, in tlic preceding yeai'. 
 information The farms were to l,e taken at appraised value, and the wild 
 land given in exchanov, at H per acre. 
 In October I8O0. Mr. 8amuel Baldwin, a neighbor of mine, and myself 
 mounted our and camo to see liie Q.n.^^^e country, a .d csS v 
 West Pul eney. Arriving nt Avon, a guide Imd been^' videdC r 
 Wadsworth to conduot us to our destination.' I] mo /; 
 se tlenu-n," in East Pulteney. we went through the Zds t the s ! 
 m-s cabin in We.t Pu Iteney. where we were lodged, fed, and providc'd wUh 
 maps and a guide, while we made a pretty th").ou..h explur'Uion of. « 
 township We found that several of our neighbors fi/m Bert ire I 3 
 been m. [those named by Mr. Church,] had Visited the to w, '^7 p t 
 chased and exchanged lands; but all .hat was doing to prepare fo seUle 
 Baldwm and myself selected 850 acres each, the quantity which th^ an- 
 praised value ot our farms in Berkshire entiti kI us to. After this we vi S 
 od the mouth of the river, and ascending it, viewed t!ie Fa! , S Ra id • 
 and the present site of Rochester. All was a dreary wihlernestin which 
 d a ely about the oM Allan mdl. There was a narrow and crooked w "oa 
 pa h(. the east side of the nver, and such it remained for several 
 the ver, made n.m the timber of my lands in West Pulteney. 
 We then visited "liig Iree," where we were hospitably entertained b^ 
 Mr. Wadsworth. our land exchanges arranged, and the deeds nreo m.f 
 which we took with us to Albany to^" be signed by Col Tro p Velt' 
 each of us, purchased several lots upon credit ^ ' 
 In the fall of 1800, I re-visited tiie country to make preparations for the 
 removal o my family. At the hotel in Can^Kulaigua, .LL I was r Idn! 
 mg over the Sabbath, I met with Col. Troup. \'here bei,."^ X 
 worship ,n the village, we spent the day in company. ObservlnrtI afhe 
 took a lively inte. est in all that related to the Settlement ot the' cm try 
 md especially in al that ndaled to public worship, and a stri t re' rft^o 
 the observance of the Sabbath, I ventured to suo4st to him the hinnv • 
 fluence it would have upon our new set.lementTn U'es T^ 1 en Ti f he 
 would set apart or donate lands for religious and educational mLose • 
 Tow isl in HrSl r%." "'"" P"'"^-^^ "" '■''' '•"'• -'"'^--t oTtl e 
 township. He fell in with my views, saying to me :— " Go on and or-aniza 
 a t-ehgious society, elect trustee's, and select^ two one hundred acre lots- 
 on fur the support of the Gospel, and another f a- the support of schoo _ 
 call on me at Albany on your return, and I will deliver you the title dee L " 
 Duimg my stay in the settlement, a meeting of the Pioneers t ok pi 'e 
 few m number, and measures were adopted toavailou.>elvesof the dona ion' 
 ihere were then hve families in West Pulteney, and about fifteen heads 
 of families were making arrangements to settle there. At the mceti e i? 
 was agreed to take all the necessary legal steps in the form: tion of a fd 
 gious society: one of whg^^^s^the^ that notice uf intention 
 NorK.-Iu a letter frcm Mr. Wa.lswoi-tli to CI. Troup, in IH.I.J i,7s;;;:;idi^7M^ 
 fine pr(,sp..cts h,. had „f settlin- West Piiifei.ev he iienr ,, , \i , ' » " • , 
 Brewster as likely ,., prove a v.duublc a..iZ^6n tl: tl "^w l^ta;;;:!! "'''^"" '"^' 
 I ■ 
 i ! 
 ,' r 
 ,'■ i 
 •fs-^ '.'i 
 slioiild 1)0 read nt tluj "close of public worship, three Sabbaths in sicces- 
 sioM," nl ilic iiMKf and pldci! to ..lect to organize audi suciotv. Wo ap- 
 puiiiicd a meiMiii^' thr e Siii/oaths in succesM"ii, at t!-. li-diouse of Anuwa 
 I'rost. Doacon iVelioniiali Frost und myself were ih'^ only prof.ssurs of 
 religion in llio fiftile n aL; we comlucted the reading uikI -j.ray.'r ii.!;elin.'s. 
 LviTV pei-soii, yonng and i.Id, aitunded the meetings. On liie day appoint- 
 ed for the orgamzaiion of the society, Xehoiniuii Frost was chosen niodura- 
 t<)r, and mysc-lt .seeretary. Nidieniiah Frost, Samuel Church, Aniasa 
 JJ^rust, Samuel Daldwin, Klilu, Churcli and myself, were cliu.sen trustee!!. 
 Tlie society was ealh-d the " First Congregational Society of West Pulte- 
 ney, m the county of Genesee." Tlio hnds W(!ro secured, and devoted to 
 the objects designed by the donor, or donors, as Col. Troui) acted, of 
 course, for Ins |)iincipals. 
 In less than three ye;irs after the organization of the societ\', a church 
 was lonjK'd, and the U-v. Allen llollister, from the county of Dutchess, 
 was settlrd as its pastor. The church and society, thus early organized, 
 have unitorinly supp(jrted a pastor, up to the present time, without any 
 missionary aid. 1 am the only one living of the original members of that 
 church, and I do not know of any of the original members of the society 
 living, exoe|)tElihu Church, E-cj., and myself 
 1 moved my family from Herksiiire to the then new region of the Genesee 
 country, in Alay, 1H07. Tin; town of Riga had a rapid and permanent 
 settlement, the papulation being, with few exceptions, from New England, 
 We saw, perliaj)s, less of the harsher features of pioneer life, than most of 
 new settlers. We were tolerably well accomodated with a grist and sa\/ 
 mdl; the substantial necessaries of life were obtained at ac()nvenient dis- 
 tances, nndat fair prices; the lack of a market was a serious drawback. 
 Before the completioi of the Erie Canal, in one year, I raised three 
 thousand bushels of wheat. After harvest, the nominal price was from .•)! 
 to 87^ cents per bushel. I tried the experiment of transporting Hour to 
 Northampton, Conn, by sledding. For this purpose, I had seventy bar- 
 rels manufactured from the best <juality of wheat, rurchasino- six yoke 
 ot oxen, 1 put th( in upon two sleds, and two spans of horses, each upon a 
 sleigh. With the lour teams, I transported my 70 barrels of flour; was 
 on the road twenty days; sold my flour at 8t3 per barrel, and my oxen at 
 a protiL; all for cash in hand. My teamsters cost me nothino- but their 
 board going and coming, us they v.ished to visit New England; and that 
 was a part of my own object;— upon the whole, the experiment succeeded 
 pretty well. We were about twenty days on the road, going down. 1 sold 
 the balance of my crop of wheat the next June, for 50 cents per bushel. 
 It went to the Canada market. 
 N0TE.-I11 a letter to Mr. Tronp. .Intod Jnntmrv. 1807, Mr. Wndsm-rtl. snvs :- 
 TMuMi I ••oninieiiml mvitiiiir settlement tu West, I'ulteuev, it was literallv a wiLlei- 
 iiess witlmut a loii,. passu,- throu-h it. It liad lu'eii tor sal,' ten vem-s, ^uu\ M..t, ii s,'!- 
 tier liii. '^uuo up..,, lie. t,aci. bales l„„l l„.i.,i enil.a.Tassc.I hv the el.e;,,. liinds ol' the 
 HollMi,,! (.omiiimy ; a„il yet, i,..Iwilhvlai,aii,ir ll,ese ..l.stacles; it has beeome the imisl 
 r.^speetable setth'ieent west of ti,.. (i-'iir-eo i-iver." In a lettci' }n,i,i sa,n,.. t., saiee, in 
 May tollo«-ii,-. It IS i-ei„;e-k:..l :— " Mv. M ■ail has oreote I a saxv-mill ..„ Jilaek Creek : 
 tuik; im:\v harns Lave been creeled in West I'ulteuev. There I.h imf tliree frame barns 
 11' Caiedouia. 1 ' ' " 
 Less than a century has produced such a clmniro in tl.o aspect and con- 
 dition ot all this n.-ion as is hardly to be cnnlitcd by those who havo not 
 resided in it; and Imrdly to be realized by tliose who have. Even those 
 who are wont to <' take careful note of time," have been unable to keep up 
 witli progress and improvement. Forty years have champed R„<:h'.stcr 
 from a wild.'rnoss to what it now is; and Ri-a sho^vs what has been done 
 in a iitti." more than forty years by the hardy enterprise of New Knoland 
 yeomanry; about half of the tiie.d destitute of the advanta-res of a°nar- 
 ke . A l.oavy timbered wilderness has been eonvert.'d into a well cultiva- 
 ted, well fenced, wealthy farming town; unsurpassed bv any town, in any 
 region of country, in the way of neat and convenient farm hous.'s and 
 barns, and in the general appearance of rural happiness and iiido[)endenco 
 Alter observations made in travelling more or less in twenty States of 
 the Uni.jn, I regard the greater portion of western New York, in point of 
 soil, climate, and in all things which go to make up the character of a 
 countrv, as tlie most desirable spot of earth, in which i could reside as a 
 An excellent example was set hy the venerable Pioneer, Elihu 
 Uiurch bsq., in the spring of 1850. He invited to his ample and 
 liospitable (IwellinfT, all the Pioneers of Riga, and t'lcy had u plea- 
 sant, social time of it. Old times were reviewed, anecdotes and re- 
 miniscences related ; the memories of their departed friends and 
 neighbors passed in review; ol 1 acf|uaintances revived and friend- 
 ships renewed ; toasts and sentiments offered ;— in all things, it was 
 an agreeable and happy meeting. Present, as -in everv good 
 work, having reference to pioneer times, was the enthusiastic, kind 
 hearted Scotchman, Donald M'Kenzie. It is to be hoped that such 
 social parties will he multiplied. 
 Among the reminiscences related, was that of Mrs. Emerson, 
 who said that on one occasion, when their wheat was ripe, her hus-^ 
 band '• cut it with a sickle, drew it out of the field upon an ox sled 
 threshed it with a flail, cleaned it witli a hand fan. drew it to Ro- 
 Chester and sold it for 31 cents i)er bushel." Elilm Church, Eso 
 related the adair of the cold bath in Black Creek, in the winter of 
 1807. llimsell and brother Samuel, Amasa Frost, Samuel Shep- 
 herd, and their wives, were on their way to visit their nei<rhbor 
 .lehiel harnes. Crossing the stream on their ox sled, the hind "board 
 come out as they were raising the steep bank, and the whole party 
 were m-enched with water, in a cold night, two miles from the near- 
 est house. 
 A resolution was passed, worthy of especial note :— It was in 
 substance, that the male Pioneers present, attributed, under Provi- 
 dence, a largo share of the success that had crowned their efforts 
 to the heroic fortitude, self-denial, fidelity and energy, of their " ex- 
 cellent Pioneer wives." 
 The Pioneers present, all entered their names, ages, and the 
 r ' *: 1 
 ,' '' t ■ 
 : 1 ■ 
 ^ j 
 periods of their arlvents. A review of the list, and a reference to 
 other incans of observation, induces the conclusion, that there is no 
 town HI the C;enes<.'e country, where there is so large a proportion 
 ot the Pioneer settlers survivin<r. 
 The first town meeting wns held at the house of Ilenrv 
 Uaidener, m J 800. Thomas Hill was chosen Su])ervisor, and 
 Joshua Howell, town clerk. The ot!ier town oflicers were: 
 Eleazer T. Slater, Jes^se Church, Israel Douirlass, Thomas liinrr- 
 ham.^ Jacob Cole, Isaac C. Griswold, Aniasa Frost, Henry Waiden- 
 er, Thomas Gay, Warner Douglass, Daniel Dinsmore, George Rich- 
 mond, .Solomon Blood. Elihu Church was Supervisor in 1811, 
 12, '13; and Horatio Orton, town clerk in those years. 
 John JMurray, a merchant in New York, was an early proprietor 
 of T. 3, west of Genesee river, formerly Fairfield, now 0-rden. 
 William Ogden, of New York, was his son-in-law; consequently, 
 one of the heirs of the estate : and thence the name the town bears.' 
 The sale and settlement of the township was embraced in the nu- 
 merous agencies of James Wadsworth. Soon after 1800, he made 
 himself acquainted with the valuable tract, and took preliminary 
 stejis to bring it into market. Fixing the price at 82 per acre, in 
 1802, he sold farm lots, in the town'shij), to Benajah Willev. Abra- 
 ham Colby, Jolm Gould, John Webster, Sally Worthington, Benj, 
 Freeman, Snow, Daniel Spencer. 
 The Pioneer of the tovvnshii) was George W. Willey, who still 
 survives at the age of 83 years. He is living with his "third wife, 
 and of nine children, but three survive : — George Willey, of Michi-' 
 gan, Mrs. Elisha P. Davis, of (^hurchville, and Mrs. Jehiel Castle, 
 of Parma. Mr. Willey moved in his family from East Iladdam,' 
 Conn., in 1801. His route from Avon was via Scottsville antl the 
 Ilanover settlement, where Joseph Carey, Samuel Scott, and John 
 Kimball, had located, and to which poiift they had opened a road. 
 Beyond that, Mr. Wadsworth was opening a*^ road to "Fairfield," 
 but had it but partlv completed. Mr. Wiliev had been in the vear 
 before, and built a log house, and made a small openinc-, 
 panied b} '^'"' ' ' ....."' 
 hnirliam, wlicm he 
 o , - Had found settled on Jilack 
 Creek, and persuaded to change his location. Each erected lo'r 
 houses, the first tenements in the township ; living in a rude canij^ 
 and procuring their provisions of the new settlers south of them. 
 When they had the logs ready for their houses, they went in difler- 
 ent directions, to Braddock'.s Bay, the Landing, Scottsville, and the 
 Hanover settlement, for help to raise ; procured in all about twenty 
 men. Mr. Willey remembers that lie came very near not being 
 present at the raising of his own house ; for in his tour, invitincr the 
 raisers, he got lost remained in the u-oo.Is all mixht, and his return 
 Wi.s thus delayed until after the raising had commenced. Mr. 
 Wa,hu'oiih hadot ereda premium of six bushels of wheat a barrel 
 o[ whislvey, and a barrel of pork, for the first (hveljing raised in the 
 townshi}) , and was himself present at the raising"; sharin<r the 
 camp ot Messrs. Willey and Dillingham over night.lxit gettin. lit- 
 tie s eep; or the backwoodsmen, intent upon a frolic, ufed up" the 
 Whole night, lor that |)urpose, insisting occasionally that he should 
 participate m their ru.le sports, which he knew well how to do 
 when occasion rerpnred: and a log house raising, away olf in the 
 wilderiH-ss, was no place to be a non-participatU in whatever was 
 proposed. Dillingham moved his family in soon after, but crettin<^ 
 onesome, moved back to Black Creek. vVfter the raising Mr VViU 
 ley was taken sick, was removed to Geneseo, and reco'veriiiT re- 
 turned to Connecticut late in the fall, coming out with his lUmilv 
 the next season, as has been mentioned. Before his arrival with his, Lphraim, Abraham, Timothy, and Isaac Colbv, two of them 
 with tamihes ha( built a log house and moved in."' In the same 
 year^ .Tosiah Mather, Jonathan Brown, Henry Ilahn, and William 
 ±1. fepencer, settled in the town. 
 At the Pioneer Festival in Rochester, in 18-19, the medal pro- 
 cured tor that purpose, was awarded to Mr. VVilley, as the oldest 
 lesident Pioneer in attendance. 
 William B. Brown settled in Ogden in ISOG or '7 ; was from 
 l^ynn. Conn. ; located near the present village of Soencerport • 
 married '" early years the sister of Mr. Willev; still survives at 
 the age o (>Q. He has been one of the Judges of Monroe county ; 
 a CoIoupI mihtia ; was upon the frontier in the war of 181-i,"in 
 CoondAfchinsons regiment. Rev. Daniel Brown, the father of 
 Ju< ge Brown, settled m Ogden as early as 1807 or '8. He i.reach- 
 ed the first sermon m the village (now city) of Rochester; ilied in 
 1 ittsfc.rd, in 1845 aged 84 years. William Brown, of Ogden, is a 
 son <) his; a daughter became the wife of the Rev. Lemuel Brooks. 
 ot Churchville. Daniel Arnold in 1805; died in early years; 
 Daniel. Aaron and l-^noch Arnold, of Ogden, and Ebenezer Ar- 
 nold, ot Boi-gen, are his sons ; a dauglifer of his became the wife 
 ot Sainuel Latta, ot Greece. David W^andle was one of the ear- 
 liest; (lie< some 25 years since ; no descendants rcsidiu'r in town. 
 J!mr,>s Baldwin was a settler in early years; removed to Royalton, 
 Niagara county, where he .lied a few years since, and where many 
 o| his tami ly now reside. James Patfingill, Jarvis Ring, Stephen 
 Cridley. Oliver Gates, were other early settlers :— Mr. Pattin-dH 
 died al)out ten years since; Benjamin, Reuben, Osgood, and Moses 
 aimgilL u( (3gden. are his sons ; adau-hter is the wile of Nathaniel 
 iin hn, ot ()g<len. Mr. Gridley is still living. Mr. Gates .lied 15 
 or 10 years since : Stephen and llenrv Gates, of Garden, are his son^ 
 ' i ; 
 li. i 
 I 4 
 Daniel Spencer from East Haddam, Conn., settled in Orrden in 
 1804. Ills tann einl)raced the present village of Spencerport. He 
 died in 1835, aged f.l years ; his first wife was a sister of Mr. Wil- 
 ey ; Joseph A. and Libbeus Spencer are his sons. He was Col- 
 lector ot the old town of Northampton. Austin Spencer, his hrotiicr, 
 settled m the town in 1808, locating near his brother. He still 
 survives at the age of (J7 years. He was the Supervisor of the 
 town, before and after the organization of Monroe county ; and for 
 twenty years n Justice of the Peace. 
 John P. Patterson settled in Ogden in 1810. He was the first 
 Supervisor of the town, and afterwards the Sheritl' of Monroe. 
 He emigrated to Illinois, where he died a few years since. Samuel 
 Ivilbourn, now ot Brockport, was a brother-in-law of Sheriff Pat- 
 terson, and settled in Ogden about the same period ; was an early 
 supervisor of the town, and a Justice of the Peace. 
 r, ^'H^i^-u ^'^''g'*^"^ meeting in the town, was held at the house of 
 lisq. Willey, in 1805; Revs. Mr. Mitchell, .Tenks, Van Epps, 
 Cratchell, Lane, were early Methodist circuit preacher.^ who visited 
 the settlement. The first settled minister was the Rev. Ebenezer 
 Everett. Dr. Gibbon Jewett was the first physi^'ian, and practiced 
 lor niany years. He died at Parma Corners "about 15 years since. 
 i he first school Was kept by a sister of Esq. Willev, who became 
 Uie wife of Judge Brown. Benajah Willey built fhe first framed 
 house and barn ; pretty much all the settlers who came in in 1804 
 raised a few crops in 1805. The first born in town, was John 
 Colby, a son of Abraham Colby. 
 The settlement of the town was pretty much arrested during the 
 war of 1812 ; but after the war, was rapid, until the whole was set- 
 tled. JMr. Wadsworth recommended the township to his New 
 England fi-iends, as one of the best in the Genesee country : and 
 well he might. The soil is uniformly of tho best quality ; and what 
 IS a little remarkable, there is perhaps, not 50 acres of waste land 
 in the townshij). 
 Charles Church was the first and the principal merchant in 0<r- 
 den for over thu'ty years. He died in Rochester, in 1850, where 
 his widow (who IS a descendant of the Pioneer of Bloomfield, Dea- 
 con John Adams.) now resides. He left but one son, a minor ; a 
 daughter is the wife of F. T. Adams, of Rochester. Fairchiids and 
 Richards were also early merchants in Ogden. 
 «n ''^"•L*^'\^''^ ^''^"'^ i'pttlers of Ogden were from Haddam, Conn. 
 When Mr. Wadsworth had resolved upon commencing the settle- 
 ment, he visited that part of New England, and in Haddam a pub- 
 lic meeting was called to hear his description of the new town of 
 "iMirfield." It was called the "Genesee meeting." Following 
 this, Daiiiel Arnold came out, saw the township, and reported favor- 
 ably. Emigration soon commenced. 
 The settlement of the town was carried on under the auspices of 
 Mr. Wadsworth, until 1823, when Messrs. IMurrav anrl O^^rlen an- 
 pointefl Mr. Willey tlieir local a,<ront, and lie cr)niinu"(l t<. act as 
 then- agent until the township was all sold and paid for. The father 
 o{ Mr. Willey, (Benajah VVillcy) who it will be oljserved was the 
 first purchaser m the township, settled in it in 1800. He died in 
 early years. 
 The late Wm. H. Spencer, as will have been observed, located 
 first in Ogden. lie built a saw mill in 1805, which furnished the 
 first boards used in that region. 
 " Gore in Parma, north of Fairfield."— This was the desicnation 
 given by Mr, Wadsworth, under whose at^ency it was sold and 
 settle(l, to all the south part of the town of i'arnia, on either side of 
 the Ridge Road. Those who first purchased, or took contracts for 
 land, upon this tract.commencing in 1805. and in the order named, 
 were: — Abner Brockway .Tr,, James I'^frbert, Jonathan Ogden', 
 IIoi)e Davis, Lazarus Church, Samuel M. Moran, Daniel Bmwn, 
 Bezaliel Atchinson, Jarvis Ring, Tillotson Ewer. It is not to be 
 presumed that all these became settlers. The reminiscences of 
 two Pioneers, as given to the author, will embrace the names of most 
 of the settlers, and most of the early events : — 
 I was a resident of Wolcott, N. H. In 1803, James Wadsworth vi.'ited 
 that town, called a public meeting, gave lis a description of the Genesee 
 country, and urged us to emigrate. Thomas VViard, Benni Dishop, . 
 Stebi)ins, Seymour Welton and Abel Curtis, with their fomilics, and Ash- 
 bel Atkins, John Curtiss, and myself, unmarried men, formed an eniigant 
 pnrty. There was 38 persons in all. We came with seven wagons, form- 
 ing a considerable cavalcade ; were 21 days on the road. Gencsco was 
 our desriination ; when we arrived there we were all quartered in some log 
 houses that belonged to Mr. Wadsworth ; were jovfully received by the 
 settlers ; we liked the country ;and all were cheerful and happy. 
 I worked out by tlie month for a year or two ; was engaged for some 
 time in a trading excursion with James Rodgers who had settled in Canan- 
 daigua in an early day ; we traded with' the Indians in Allegany and 
 Cattaraugus. I resided in Bergen from ISO'J until 1811, in which last 
 year, 1 came to Parma, and purchased the tavern stand and the small im- 
 provennuit of Hope and Elislia Davis. Thiy had been Pioneers at Parma 
 Corners : had built a eoinibrtablo bi.ick hou^L-. Ilupe died ia lb4ij ; bit* 
 widow still survives ; Elisha Davis removed to Riua. 
 1 here was settled at Pnrma Corners before tlie close <,f 1811, beside 
 «ie and myself :_ Augustus Mather; he died four years since ; his 
 widow sull survives ; Mrs. Amos of Parma is lu's daugiter. Lendell 
 Curtiss; emigrated to A ichigan, som.,- years since; Kinnieone Roberts died 
 whoSjri""' , Mo^'y •"' '' ^^''- ^''''''' "f OKd<". Joshua Whitney, 
 r / i i '^"', " ^"'^ ^'"^ ''''' '^>'" ^" Salmon creek ; he emN 
 g ated to Michigan where he now resides. These were all at the corners uid 
 iln n Wl'' ?" ''T'^'''; ,'^"^''':'' ^'"'' '>^^'l removed from the Allan 
 mills at Kochcster, and resided on the Ridge east of tlie vill ge 
 Our hrst meirhants at Parma corners, were Joseph Thompson and David 
 luttle; tlie.r successors were, John Rochester and Harvey Montoomery; 
 then-successor wasW.lham M'Knighf, now of Rochestei- Dr. Gibbons 
 Jc»ett, was our first phy.s.can; Gibbon II. Jewett, of i'arma, is his son; 
 h vas an early superv.sor and magistrate. John D. Iliggins was the first 
 to Rath. Dr. John Scott practiced here in several early years. 
 /oyed Stevens settled in Parma in ]8i;j or '14; was a merchant and 
 distiller; a supervisor and magistrate; died 12 or 14 years since 
 beitlementw'ns entirely suspended during the warof 1812; some left, but 
 none came ; and yet the beating up of recruits, the marching of soldiers the 
 transportation of supplies for the army, made brisk times upon tiie Ridn-e Road 
 It was a constant state ,.f e.xcitement and alarm, and little was doiTe in the 
 way of iinin-ovements by those wlio remained in the country Hope Da- 
 vis the early I loneer I have named, raised a volunteer comminy, and went 
 to the Trontier; >yas at the battle of Lundy's Line, and in several other 
 engagement.s. I have a cannon ball t at Aveighs si.xty-eight pounds, that 
 was tired from the Mritish fleet, off the mouth of Genesee River. I saw 
 where it struck, and went and picked it up. 
 The early tavern keeper, .Air. Talmn.lge, resides upon a fine 
 farm a mile west olPanna Comers; is cliildless ; his wile, wno 
 M-a.sMlie widow of David Franklin, whose sudden death is noticed 
 by iMr. I'ier.son, died m 1812. 
 _ Samuel Castle settled hi Parma, north of Rid-re, in 1810 and vvas 
 joined next year by his lather, Abraham Castle. The old .rcitle 
 .nan m 18P2 Ili.s surviving sons, other than the one named, 
 are :-Jeh,el Castle, of Parma ; Isaac Castle, of Greece. A dau-di- 
 ter ol us became the wile of Arnold Markham, a brother of tlie 
 earlv I loneers in Avon and Rush. Samuel Castle has been one of 
 tlie Judges ol Alonroe count v. 
 Our purchase of land when we came in, was of Birdseye & Norton; 
 the location had upon it a small improvement that liad been made by 
 Michael Heach, a previous occupant, lie had been a salt boiler; had sev- 
 wlr'"'Sfn'' •■"'"'^^, /"^p.«^''; T^S by endeavoring to get stronger 
 ^v, tor. ]3eac!, removed to Put^ford. died several years smce in Clarendon 
 Koad to t e L; ke ,t was called the " Canawaugus ilocfd;" another road 
 d from I5raddock's Bay to "Deep Hollow Bridge." What w ' ciS d 
 ^le Canawauous road is now the main road from Parma Cor, er toPunu 
 Centre and Un.onvil e. The inhabitants at that period nor h cf Rid, en 
 Parma, other that, those in the immediate Bralidock's Bay settlement 
 were:-Alpheas Madden, near Parmi Centre; died hero, lis funj J re- 
 moved; Timothy Madden, a little west of Castle's Corners died 5 o^r 20 
 years since; Sdas Madden, of Parma, is his son; Mrs. Joseph Randal of 
 Parma, ,s h,s daughter^ Hicks; died in early years Van Rm^se 
 lear and Be-.jamin Hicks, of Parma, are his sons Joshua iSon 
 Jeremiah Perry; died here. Nehemiah Weston. !"» ^I'cKson, 
 In 1810 there was no framed house or barn in Parma, north of Rid^e 
 excep m the Braddock's Bay settlement; there was but 0^11^ at K 
 m. Coiners. It was very sickly north of Ridge, in all the early years; 
 nouTtoni'T' '"r^" "i'^'^'^, T""' ^'^^^« would not be w'eli one 
 enough to take care of the sick; deaths sometimes occurred for the want 
 a -u n,'-o ""'"^ r'^'Ti f '^'' r"^- ^ ''^"'^ '^'''^ ^^J'^" -ffli^ted with the 
 dkl l^av Tl, ■T^'^ ^""'1 '^' '""''"''y ^^'^^'^ I 8-ot well enougli; many 
 ^e Poll A ''?^:''f,^''^ ^« P'--'^^i >"o«t at Braddock's Bay. and about 
 the I ends. A spirit of kindness prevailed among the new setlers. a sym- 
 rn2f!v'''f'"'n''''"'t'''^'"*^^= '^'''' ^^'^'^ "^'^^J i» settlement; a little 
 and take care of the invalids day .nd night. The land north of Ridoe 
 was heavily timbered, wet. It was so hard beginning, that men who had 
 no means, could not take up land ami pay for i1; molt that attempted to 
 do so, failed; were obliged to sell their improvements for what the? could 
 get. 1 knew of one man, however, who persevered in this way, taking up 
 OV.1"'; "^"^^ small improvemen-s, and selling out, until he became thL 
 owne of a good farm. The proprietors of the land were very indulgent ; 
 had It been otherwise, but few of the early settlers could ever become free- 
 holders ihere was, m the earliest years of settlement, no market when 
 the settlers had any thing to sell; in 1810. they had began to better their 
 condition by the manutacture of pot-ash and black salts. 
 During the war, settlement was mostly suspended; some left who did 
 not return; others would move off at periods of excitement and alarm, and 
 return aoain A smgular circumstance occurred with one of our nei-h. 
 borsatthe battle of Queenst..n:-Jo,seph Stoddard was shot in the fo°re- 
 head ; the army sui^-eons extracted a ball ; ],e came home, and another was 
 extracted; the two balls having made but one perforation of the skull 
 Parma Centre is three miles north of Parma Corners ; there is a 
 post-othce, two meeting houses, two stores, several machine shops 
 and a tavern house and dvvellinixs. Unionviile is two miles north 
 ol Parma Corners ; there at that point, two meeting houses, a store, 
 several machine shops and dwellings. The village has started on 
 ^1 H 
 1 sH 
 the farms of Jnson Tyler, and Jonathan Underwoorl. The last of 
 e IS a 
 Avhorn, is especially remembered by 
 bachelor, nearly 70 years of no;e. 'lie had a Inrire improved far 
 and in an early day raised large crops of rirain. In seasons of 
 scarcity he would withhold from" those who had money to purchase, 
 and trust it out to his neighbors who stood in need of it. Let those 
 old neighbors, or their descendants, see that marble, as well as 
 history records this fact. 
 The town of Parma was erected in 1808. At the first town 
 meeting in 1809, Gibbons Jewett was elected Supervisor, Justin 
 Worthington, town Clerk; other town officers : — Jarvis Rino;, 
 Jonathan Underwood, Abraham Colby. Daniel C. Arnold, Joshua 
 Wickson, Elisha U. Brown, Josiah Mather, Benjamin Freeman, 
 Ephraim Colby, Hope Davis, Stephen Atchinson. 
 The north part of Parma was called by Mr. Wadsworth, " Brad- 
 dock's Bay Townshii)." It was surveyed in 1790, by Joseph Colt. 
 Upon the original surveyor's map, many lots are marked as sold to 
 "Thayer," and afterwards it is noted that they are "released by 
 Thayer to Lady Bath." It would seem that Mr. Wadsworth's 
 agency, in the township commenced in 1800, or rather that he first 
 turned his attention to the sale and settlement of it in that year. — 
 In September, of that year, he wrote to Mr. Troup : — "I have 
 just been down to Braddock's Bay Township. Almost every man, 
 woman and^ child was sick with the fever ; some of them were 
 actually suffering. I supplied them with some articles of necessity. 
 I am afraid the settlement will be abandoned." How changed ! The 
 region which the enterprising patroon of new settlements then 
 spoke of with so much despondency — where men, worn down by 
 disease and all the trials incident to back- wood's life ; is now one of 
 health and prosperity. It v.'ould take from $40 to 800 per acre, to 
 induce its owners to " abandon" it now ; and most of them are 
 under no necessity of quitting it even at that rate. 
 In a preceding portion of the work, the early advent of William 
 Hencher, the lu'oprietors of the " -^0,000 acre tract," and a few oth- 
 ers, in what is now Greece, has been noticed. It remains in this 
 connection to speak of jiioneer events there at a later period. 
 Messrs. Troup and Wadsworth would seem to have contem- 
 plated the making of the mouth of the river a commercial point, 
 soon alter Col. '^'roup succeeded to the agency of the Pulteney 
 estate ; it is often a subject of discussion in their correspondence ; 
 but it was not until a few years before the war of 1812, that any 
 movements were made to that end. Samuel Latta was the first 
 permanent settler there, as a local agent for the Pultenev estate, 
 and the locality having heen made a port of entry, he was^ appoin- 
 ted a collector of customs, and had also a small mercantile estal)lish- 
 ment. The Latta family were early settlers at Geneva ; Mrs. 
 Benjamni Barton of Lewiston, was a member of it. Samuel Lat- 
 ta died in Greece ; his widow is now ]Mrs. Beal, of that town ; John 
 Latta of Ijroclqjort, is his son. George Tiatta, now the owner and 
 occupant of the fine farm on the lake shore, near Charlotte, was a 
 younger brother of Samuel; became a resident at Charlotte, in ISU. 
 Erastus Spalding, who had resided at or near Geneva, settled at 
 the mouth of the river, under the auspices of Col. Troup, some 
 time before the war of 1812, lie built and opened the first hotel; 
 a building now standing on the bluff, a litde uj) the river from the 
 present steam boat landing ; had a small trading establishment ; 
 built the first vessel at the point — the schooner Isabel, which was 
 captured by the Bnitish, in the war of 1813 — and was the first to 
 commence the purchase of butt staves, a business that became one 
 of considerable magnitude at that point. Mr. Spalding afterwards 
 became the owner and occupant of the farm on tne river, which 
 embracedthe eligible plat of ground now called Lake View, near 
 the city of Rochester. His son, Lyman A. Spalding, was one of 
 the earliest merchants of Lockport and has been for many years 
 one of the most enterprizing business men of W. N. York ; other 
 surviving sons are. Holmes Spalding of Michigan; Mark Spalding 
 of Lockport, and Frederick Spalding of Rochester. 
 Frederick Bushnell, was established as a merchant at Charlotte, 
 previous to, and during the war of 1812. Samuel Currier was an 
 early tavern keeper at Charlotte, and had some connection with the 
 lake commerce. R is mentioned as an extraordinary fiict, that he 
 was the husband of seven wives, five of whom are buried at Char- 
 lotte. He was drowned in the Genesee River, below the Falls. 
 The first steam boat that entered the mouth of the Genesee Riv- 
 er, was the Ontario, in 1810 — Capt. Eli Lusher was commander. 
 John Mastick, who afterwards settled at Rochester, was first 
 located at Charlotte, previous to the war; was the Pioneer lawyer 
 o| all this local region. Giles H. Holden, Esq., now a resident at 
 Charlotte, settled there at the close of the war. He remarks : — 
 ■'As late as 1815, there were but kw settlers at Charlotte. Sick- 
 ness and the war had been the prhicipal hindrances. Wuen 1 came 
 there were many deserted tenements in Greece, where the Pioneers 
 had either died, or had left the country on account of sickness, or 
 in fear of British invasion. For many years after, the ague and 
 fever, and the billious fever were very"^ general in July "and Au- 
 gust. In 1819, diseases were most i'atal — many died — there 
 were instances of three and four deaths in the same familv. The 
 prevalence of disease was attributed to the low grounds on the riv- 
 er and lake ; to tJic ponds and marshes, of which there are over 
 u I 
 i ; 
 i t H^ 
 s; ' •' 
 V i 
 51 G 
 4000 ncrcs in the town of Greece. I nttrilmte it rather to the 
 clearing up of land, the letting in of the sun upon wet lands, the 
 consequent decomposition of vegetable matter; li.r now that lands 
 are cleared and dry, we have little of disease, and yet the ponds and 
 ^ouiitiT ''"'''^ ^' '"'''"'"" "' ^''''^' '""'''^ '" ^''^ '^'^•''>' settlement of the 
 _ Immediatelv after the war there was a considerable accession of 
 inhabitants at Charlotte; the purchase and shi,,pin^ „f luml)er and 
 pot ash, and a small business in the way of shippin- (lour an.l <rrain 
 made it a pretty b-isy place ; but as Rochester gradually sprung up, 
 business declined there. "^ ' =■ ' ' 
 Tlie mouth of the river was an exposed jwint during all of the 
 war of 1812 ; in the fore fact of the war, the enemy had vastly the 
 superiority in naval torce u[)on the lake : and in fact, durin<r the 
 entire war, there was too little to prevent their landing where^they 
 chose, between Oswego and Niagara ; a fact howev^er, that they 
 were not at all times aware of At the mouth of the river there was 
 but httle to attract them, and Rochester, as will be inferred, was of 
 nomagmtude that would have made its capture either glorious, or 
 prolitab e. Although there were several instances of discmbarkinrr 
 and enibarkmgot American armies at Charlotte, and of temporary 
 encampments, there was no regular force established there during 
 the war J he defence of the position mainly devolving upon the 
 local mi litia, and volunteer companies, who at some pe^-iods were 
 exempt rom going upon the Niagara Frontier in consequence of 
 anticipated exigencies nearer home. 
 Sir James Yeo, the British commander, made his first appearance 
 oft the mouth of the nver, in June, 1813. He had contemplated 
 an attack upon Oswego but the weather proving unfavorable, he 
 cruis d up the lake, anchored oft' the mouth of Gcmesee River and 
 sent a r)arty on shore. Their entire errand was plunder ; no resis- 
 tance was oftere<l, for there was no military organization to offer it. 
 1 he only restraint that was put upon a few captured citizens, was the 
 preventing theirgoing out t<. warn the inhabitants of the nei-rhbor- 
 nood of their presence. 
 In the store-house of Frederick Bushnell there was a quantity of 
 salt, whiskey, and jn'ovisions, ^^•l,ich they took off; in a business 
 A ay hoNV'ever, for they gave to the clerk, George Latta, a receipt 
 for the proi-erty. The landing was made in an afternoon ; they 
 remained over night keeping cut sentinels, and quietly retired early 
 in the morning; probably g(>tting an intimation that an armed force 
 was colecting at Ilandford's Landing. A body of armed men 
 mat Had collected there marched down, arriving at the Charlotte 
 landing just as the invaders were embarking on board their boats- 
 pome shots were fired upon them, but from too great a distance to 
 be ellcetive. 
 Toward the last of September, of the same yeftr, both the British 
 and^^ertcnn fleets were at the upper end of the lake, Conimo- 
 do. ( hauncey making trequont demonstrations to Sir James Yeo 
 ot hKs rea.hness to contend for the supremacy of the hd<e, hut the 
 latter rlcclmnig, and gra.lually making his wav down the hike. — 
 Arriving ofl the mouth of the Genesee River the fleet was becalm- 
 ed niwl ay ahnost motionless upon the water. The inhabitants at 
 Uiailotte supposed the fleet had anchored preparatory t.. another 
 landing expresses were sent into the country; men armed and 
 unarmed flocked from the back-wood's settlements, and in a few 
 Hours a considerable number of men collected ready to fi<r|,t or to run 
 as ciiances of mvasion should make it expedient. While anxiously 
 watchmg the Br tish fleet. exi)ectiug every moment to see their boats 
 coming tovvard the shore a light breeze sprung up, and soon after, 
 me tteet ot Commodore Chauncey was seen rounding Bluff Point 
 It was a welcome advent, was hailed with joyous shouts from the 
 sliore ; at a moment when a weak force had supposed themselves 
 about to engage with a vastly superior one, succor had come — a 
 champion had stepped, or rather sailed in, quite equal to the task of 
 de ence, in fact seeking the opportunity that seemed to have occur- 
 red. Commodore Chauncey brought his fleet within a mile from 
 the shore, and when it was directly opposite the becalmed fleet of 
 he enemy, he opened a tremendous fire upon it. At first a sheet of 
 flame arose from the American fleet, and then a dense cloud of 
 smoke, that rolling off" before a light breoKe, blowing ofl" shore, as 
 completely shut out the British fleet from view, as if the curtains 
 of night had been suddenly drawn; while the American fleet 
 remained in full view. The fire wa,; returned, but as the breeze 
 increased both moved down the lake, continuing to exchange shots 
 until after dark. The fire upon the British fleet was prettv efTect- 
 ive, unti by its superior sailing abilities it had got out of theVeach of 
 Commodore Chauncey s guns. The British fleet was a good deal 
 disabled; and an officer and ten men were either killed or woun- 
 ded A vessel of the American fleet got a few shots through its 
 fuilf, but no one was either killed or wounded on board of it " Sir 
 Jaines Yeo, ran into Amherst Bay where the American fleet was 
 unable to follow him on account of the shoals."* 
 The next visit of Sir James Yeo, with his fleet, to the mouth of 
 Genesee river, was in May, 1814. In anticipation of such an 
 event, in addition to other organizations for defence in the nei<rh- 
 borhood, Isaac W. Stone, one of the earliest Pioneers of Uoch- 
 ester, had been commis.sioned as a captain of dra<Toons, had en- 
 listed a company of fifty men, and was stationed at Charlotte; and 
 flie further measure of defence had been the sending to captain 
 Stone, by the orders of General P. B. Porter, from Canandaigua, 
 an 18 and a 4 pound cannon. The 18 pounder had been taken 
 ! , tl 
 T !' 
 rin':Lrs and gorham's ruRcnAsi:. 
 down to the mouth of the rivor, and tho 1 ].oundpr planted upon a 
 bafferv, or hivast work, called "Fort IJcndfr;' wliic-h the citizens 
 had thrown up on the River road to impede the crossinir, hy ili(> in. 
 vaders, ol" the bridge over Deep Hollow. The fleet was (irst "descried 
 by captain Stone and the citizens of Charlotte, a litfe after sunset, 
 upon which expresses were sent into tht> settlements in dillerent di- 
 rections, calling for volunteers. In what is now the city of lloches- 
 ter, there were then 32 men capable of bearing arms. 'These were 
 organized during the forejiart of the night, mikI armed with nniskets 
 that Jiad been deposited with llarvcy Ely &, Co. ; or rather 30 of 
 them, one refusing to volunteer, and another i)eing held in reserve, 
 with a cart, to tidic off the women and children'; so few in num- 
 ber, that the means of conveyance was (piite ample. The formida- 
 ble force, marching through deep mud, and in rain, arrived at 
 Charlotte, at 2 o'clock in the morning. They iuul constituted 
 Francis Urown and Elisha Ely their olliccrs. In addition to the 
 force of ca])tain Stone, there was stationed at Charlotte, a volun- 
 teer company, under conmiand of captain Frederick Jiowc ; the 
 men ])rincipally citizens of what is now the towns of Gates and 
 Greece; and Col_. Atkinson's regimeiit, from what is now the north 
 western towns of Monroe county, were cither there previously, or 
 as soon as tlie exigency re(piire(l. The only fortification at Char- 
 lotte, was a breast work, ui)on the bluff, near the old hotel, so loca- 
 ted as to command the rbad leading up the bank from the wharf 
 Ttwas composed of two tiers of ship timber, with a space between 
 the tiers filled in with barn manure. 
 The hastily collected defenders of their country were so impatient 
 to meet the invaders, that before any demonstrations were made 
 from the fleet toward shore, a volunteer party went out in an old 
 boat that had been used as a lighter, just after day light, in a heavy 
 fog, to reconnoitre ; the fog suddenly clearing away, they found 
 themselves within range and reach of the guns of the\vhole British 
 fleet. A gun boat from the fleet jait out after them, but they suc- 
 ceeded in making good their retreat. 
 All tilings remained in a state of suspense until about ten o'clock 
 in the forenoon, when a ilag of truce was seen to leave the British 
 fleet, and make^ toward the shore. At the retjuest of captain 
 Stone, captainsFrancis Brown and Elisha Ely went to receive it. 
 with orders not to let the party who bore it enter the river, or dis- 
 einbark, but to communicate with them from the Lake shore. For 
 this purpose, they went out upon a fallen tree, a short distance 
 above the mouth of the river, and tied a white handkerchief to a 
 stick, as a signal. The British boats' crew approached, proposed to 
 land, as is usual with the bearers of flags of truce, but the orders of 
 captain Stone were tenaciously obeyed. While the parley was 
 going on, a small party of urmcLl men a{)j)roached, anxious to watch 
 the progress of events. The British olHcer, a stickler for all the 
 rules niul iTcriilafioMs of war, onquircd :—" Ts it your custom to re- 
 ceive a (1:.^ of irure uiulcr anus Y' Tn which ciiptnius IJrown and 
 -Ny replied :— " ^ ou must excuse us, sir; we are not soldiers, but 
 citizens The armed men, however, were reciucsted to retire, 
 when the Untish oHicer disclosed his husiness. It was to tender 
 iho iissuiance of Sir James Yen, that if all the public i)ro|)erty vvas 
 surrendered, private profjcrty should he resp(>ct(!d. To favor his 
 mission, he presented a paper si,-^r,„.,l by several citizens of Oswef^o, 
 tlie purport of which was, that as the government had left lanre 
 quantities of stores and munitions at that place, without any ade- 
 quate lorce to protect tliem, thev had concluded not torisk their lives 
 and pro|x>rty in the defence. The message and the paper was for- 
 warded to captain Stone, whr decided at once that the citi/en sol- 
 diers assembled at the mouth of the C^enesee river, could not follow 
 the preccileni of their countrymen at Oswego. " Go back and tell 
 the oflicer," said he, "that he may say to Sir James Yeo, that any 
 puljlic |)roperty that may be liere, is in the hands of those who will 
 delend it." 
 Soon after this, a gun l)oat, sloop rigged, of from {)0 to 100 tons 
 bun en, .sailed out from the fleet, approached the mouth of the river, 
 fired a six pound shot, which compliment was returned from the 18 
 pounder on the American battery. The gun boat then fired 15 or 
 20 08 pound shots ; but one of them, striking the store-house, doin" 
 any damage. " '^ 
 Soon aiter this occurrence, Peter B. Porter arrived, and assumed 
 command. Another ilag of truce came from the British Hect at 4 
 o clock P. M, bringing a perem])tory demand from Sir Jajiies Yeo, 
 that the public property be delivered up; and the threat, that if the 
 demand was not complied with, he would make a landing with his 
 marines and 400 Indians. To this, Gen. Porter replied, through his 
 aid, Major Noon, that he would endeavor to take care of any force 
 thai. Sir James ielt disposed to send on shore ; accomi)anying the 
 reply with an intimation that a third Hag of truce sent upon the 
 .same errand, could not be respected. The demand for the surren- 
 der of the public property was not repeated; and nothing farther 
 occurrc(l, but an occasional shot from the fleet, which did iio harm. 
 Many of the heavy balls thrown on shore, were picked up, and have 
 been preservetl to this time, as memorials of the event. 
 The whole force collected for delence, vvas at most, 800 ; a num- 
 ber entirely insufficient to contend with one which could have been 
 iurnished Irom the British fleet. The reason why Sir James Yeo 
 sailed down the Lake without executing his threat, was probably an 
 over estimate of the strength of the American force ; many ingen- 
 ious maneuvres having been resorted to, well calculated to i)roduce 
 that result. Or, he may very wisely have concluded that a victory, 
 won with even a small loss of men," would have been a barren one" ; 
 for with the exception of a small amount of public property, there 
 was little in all the locality to encourage or provoke invasion. 
 I ' 
 i 1 : '.Ji 
 I : ■li: 
 r ' 1 !^ 
 f;LPs AND oonirAji's rvRcirASJK. 
 arJ L i T TV'^ '" '^'' l^'''''^^"^ touns ,.f (ialos, Greece 
 ami the city o Uochestor on the west si.le of the River had a 
 o thRiv 'l -'T'"' ^'•'■•'"""P'"". once e.nhnu'n. all ZIl 
 1, •,, • • ''"■|.^'".'J^' ^^''' "'"-^ '•^••'•"•'''1 in territory. The iVech-.M- 
 vi^sSl. s''''''M"''"^r''^;''^'''^-^'''-'- Hartor" n 
 vent!; 1 ■ *'"■';■ ^^T' ^''''''''^^' ^'^■•"""^•> t'"''i<'r. I aac \ =u„le 
 MnV •"''^,.'^'— J ''•;•""« Kniff, Richanl Clark, John Williams 
 Mathew Moses Clark, Nathaniel Til, hies Al,.]'' 
 ihonias Lee, Charles llarlord, Frederick Rou-o F .. , i> i ' 
 Asahel Wdkinson, NaU.aniel .1.,^^; aI^s^^^! ^ w" ^ Zl; 
 iNiU fcan.Kd Latta was supervisor; the hountv unon r-,nlr 
 :r ;: «;:;"""";■:; '"'vr'""-;' ,','; •"- -ki"''! i"'r. i:l 
 nn ,.nMi ?■ 1^ 1— >^acheus Colbv was suiicrvisor • hountv 
 on lattle snakes was increased to V2i cents. 1812 - Toh /m ich 
 ;8^!!'Ji::S j}«f-l^ounty on wolves w^s r^l::!;!^ ^1^! 
 cWk. i/^rli =:!l";f.^"i--™-. Jo'^"^- Rochester, town 
 - --.^v-v.,^ >nio oci Ull HI i«:;iij. 
 1 revious to the close of the war of iMio „^«,i, , . . 
 e«,m^, „?"'?"■ "I'","'",!'" »»>ne,l in,, ,v ,1 ear y 
 an impiovenient of al)out 30 acres on fh'if mnA ...wi i -if i 
 = t/Xirrrr'^'', ^^- ^^^'-- ^i -ilJ:;!^ 'ri^e 
 ^Xh^v•s nur i V'l "p/r '\^.«'"'»^ncement upon the farm 
 \VSarUtir II ^h ''"'■'' ^^'''^^' '" ^^^«; now owned by 
 i Id 'isn ■-''""" ""'^ a commencement upon th^ 
 Mr. M 
 ason, and comn 
 In 181U. William Williams 
 lenced inii)rovements 
 ulvanccd heyoiid 
 luncey larm. 
I'lUai'8 AND GOitllAM's rirRCHASE. 521 
 commissary flcpurtment • -iff • • f ,.1 ^'"T" ^ ''^'l''^' '" ^^e 
 field. Hediedin H4 » t . '^'^'^i' ^' ^^^'^^ settlement of Jiloom- 
 lit^, dunn^ t;I ' , ^^; ; t;;:^;^ ^^^^^ ^'^-- a Ion, and active 
 ters:_Mrs. Judge in o? Bl i t l1 T" ""ri^r ' ^^^"-^- 
 The permanent settlement of Penfield commenced in isni Tn 
 i«in. ""^ 1''^"^ "I village. 1 he former died in 1810 the lotforin 
 1810; sonsot both reside in l^enfield Th<. Jf\L I '^"^^'" 
 II 1804 wore— Tn«inh T K u k • , ^^"'^'3 who came m 
 Y yii!.,no, was at cue period the keeper of thf> l<'nr,i„ t'' • 
 Pataya. Both of .ha 'brother, sut-vivl °' ito'-Bet.; Xd" In 
 ' i 
 I ; 
 " 1 

 I ft; 
 1835. arroH 73 years ; Mrs. David Baker Mrs. Luke Thompson, Mrs 
 John I). Scovell, are his <lau'jfhfiM-s. Tie was a captain in the Rev- 
 olution, in the Jerscv lin". Afrs. I'addock still survives. 
 hi 1800, Capt. Wni. M'Kinslcr opened tlie first store of goods, 
 with which he connpclcd a distillery. Me was from Hudson, the 
 son of the Col. M'Kinster whosi' life was saved hy Joseph Brant 
 (lurii _ix the horder wars. Mr Fdlows ^.^avo the author an interest- 
 inn; aeconnt of J}rani's visit to lIuiUoii in ISO.'). He was on iii?, 
 uay to iMnzland, and had stopped there to .^^ei' Daniel Penfieldjn 
 reference to some land tides on the Grand iiiver in Canada. Tlie 
 business delaved him fi'r two we(d<.-'. in which time he received much 
 attention from tht; citiz'-nsof Hudsun, many of the men ot the Rev- 
 okition calling upon him. who had met him in the battle field, ^ or 
 learned to dread him as the master spiirit of horder warfare. Col. 
 M'Kinster. who lived at 1/ivinuston Manor, w.Mit down to Hudson, 
 and the two had a happy mi'eting. It was t!ie lirst time they had 
 met since Brant had saved the Col's, life. An)ona; the rest who 
 came to see him was a lixiuacious Dutchman who had known him 
 before the Revolution. In a boasting and rather uncivil way, the 
 Dutchman told him if he had met him in the border wars, he would 
 have put a stop to his career. Brant i)arried the attack with a 
 pleasant anecdote: — ".And if you had met me,'" said he, "it would 
 have been with you just as it was with your neighbor ■. He 
 had boasted just as you are boasting now. In a skirnnsh 1 happened 
 to meet him"; he took to his heels, and hardly stopped to take breath 
 until he arrived in Albany, where a fire h;' just broke out, and the 
 Dutchmen were in the streets crying, " raunt!" "braunt!!"^ — 
 (fiire! fire ! ) Stop))ing short he exclaimed in amazement : — " The 
 d — d Indian has trot her(> before me!' " 
 While in Hudson Brant was free to say that he regretted having 
 espoused the liritish sirie in the Revolution ; and that in another 
 contest such would not be his pf)sition. 
 Capt. M'Kinster was upon the i'rontier in the war of 181-2, in com- 
 mand of a company at the battle of Queenston. In 1814 Jacob 
 B. lb-van became hi"s liu'iiness partner; the firm was continued un- 
 til 18-io, until Mr. :\rKinstrv returned to Hudson. Mr. Bryan, who 
 was the early P. M. of Peiifield, continued the business untd 1841 ; 
 dioxl in 1813. 
 Dr. \'an Dake commenced the practice ot medicme ni I enfield 
 in 1801, died in 1810: Dr. Rich in 1808, died in 1814. Dr. Arms 
 m 1810; removed to .Michigan in 1833. where he died in 1838. 
 Dr. Oliver Reynolds eounnenced piactice in the village, m 1815; 
 in 1S18 removed to what is now Webster, where he now resides. 
 Dr. Daniel Durfee settled in the east i)art of the town m 1818, 
 where he still continues the practice oi his profession, at the age of 
 70 years. , 
 the first settled miaister was the Rev. Asa Cai'iienter, as early 
 !}l/'^*^i«J-' ''''''' ^''^ ^''•""^'' ^^'^'^-'^ IVesbyteriau church. He 
 UlCfl 111 loJ<^. 
 Mr. I'eiifield erected a jurist and saw null, at the Falls of the 
 Iromlequo.t .n 1805. As has been observed, he did not become a 
 resident until 181]. In 1813. Henry Ward (who has been'uln'ed 
 in connection with reminiscences of Tryon Town,) became his 
 cerk- continuing as such until 18-1. Mr. I'enfield erected a tlourin.^ 
 mil at an expense of ,S15,000. It is now owned by J. B. Roe In 
 18db, James Iv. Livingston erected a stone tlourin<r mill at an ex 
 pense ot $30,000, which is now owned by Samuel Millei' 
 1 here has gro\vn up in the locality, a pleasant rural vilh.cre hav- 
 ing a 1 the signs ol enterprise and pro.sperity ; of which much more 
 could be .said, but it is only primitive things that come ^vithin the 
 design ot this work. 
 Henry Fellows was the son of Gen. John Fellows ; (see pace 174 ) 
 After graduating at Williams' College, he studied law with Peter 
 iTin '"i •' '^;.^^"^''f.hook. In 1800 he was adi, 'tted to practice, 
 and settled in Canandaigua, where he remained until 1812, when 
 he removed to Penfield, where he still survives, the occupant of a 
 hnelarm, a successtul agriculturist and horticulturist, exhibitincr but 
 little ot physical, and nothing of mental infirmities usually conse- 
 quent upon the age at which he has arrived. He was at one period 
 a member otthe State legislature, as all will remember, who are 
 conversnnt with the political history of the State. He is the father 
 pJnrM 'Vf'';"-i" ^''"^'^^'''' «'■ ^^Irs. Danlel E. Lewis, of 
 1 enheld, Airs John L. Livingston, of ShortsN . -, Mrs. John Van 
 rSusKirk, ot JXevvark. 
 It was not until 1805 or '0 that settlement commenced in north 
 part of present town of Penfield, and what is now Webster In those 
 years and .soon alter, there went into that neigliborhood, John Shoe- 
 ci%alt Isaac Strai-lu, Daniel Harvey, Deacon Foster, Paul Ham- 
 mond, Wi ham Mann, William Harris, John Letts, Samuel Pierce, 
 Michnel Dunning, Justin Walker, William Straight, Gerard Dun- 
 ninii, Rulus Herrick, Robert Woodhull, Brooks Mason. 
 Ah: Shoecratt was a native of Ulster county, a Pioneer upon the 
 Mohawk {irevious to the Revolution, an active partisan in the Bor- 
 der wars ; w:is in Sullivan's expedition, and helped bury the man<ded 
 remains ot Lieut. Boyd. In the command of a, picket guard, near 
 Mieriy V alley, he with one Broidhoad was taken prisoner by the 
 Indians, and carried to Chemung. While their Indian guards were 
 asleep, they made their escape, killing several of their captors. In 
 the war of Ihpj. he was upon the frontier, in command of a com- 
 pany ol Silver Greys ; Jclm Shew was his lieutenant. He died in 
 1833, aged 77 years. Peter and John Shoecraft, of Penfield are 
 his sons ; two other sons and a daughter, Mrs. Fox, reside in Michi 
 gan. Mr, Letts was the jnoneer tavern kcejjer, uj.on the stale road • 
 still survives. The Dunnings were enterprising pioneers : it is per- 
 ••l, I 
 I i, 
 s , 
 Iiaps worthy of record, that Michael built the first cider mill in all 
 that region. 
 William Mann is the son of John Mann, the founder of Mann's 
 mills on the Irondequoit, in Pittsford. He settled whore he now 
 resides in 1808, upon 100 acres his father purchased, and upon 
 which he had erected the first saw mill in all that region. William 
 Mann added a grist mill in 1813. A life of industry, perseverance 
 and endurance, has been that of most of all the early Pioneers ; 
 even where all this has been common, there are some things in the 
 history of William Mann worthy of note. Possessed of but a slight 
 frame, with apparently a i'eeble physical constitution, his life has 
 been one of constant and persevering toil, uninterrupted by sickness. 
 Taking charge of his own saw mill in an early day, he has been 
 known for weeks to have no .■•leep, except during the intervals of the 
 sets of his saw for each board ; in the labor of the field, he has been 
 earliest and latest ; foremost at logging bees or raisings, where hard 
 work was to be encountered ; and even now, there is with him but 
 little falling off, or suspension of labor. The reader will be glad to 
 learn thatcouifort and competence is the reward of all this ; but he 
 seems to work on as if he did not know how to stop. 
 In most of North PcntielJ, what is now Wobster, the forest was heavy* 
 the ground wet, and it was hard beginning'. The new settlers used to 
 change works; many of them could not command a team, and had to work 
 for their neighbors to procure team work. " Bees" would be made to help 
 the weak handed ; all were friendly ; sickness, privation, liardship, created 
 unity and mutual regard for eacli other's inter'st and weU'art. JNer and 
 other wild game were nlenty ; salmon in the spring and fall would come 
 several miles up the Four Mile creek. No money could bo obtained in the 
 earliest years ; in fact, our lirst resources for a little money and a little store 
 trade, was when the brothers, Comings, and Amos Dunning, and Amos 
 Harvey, started asheries, and nuide market for ashes and black salts. The 
 RidL^e Road was an Indian trail. It was not cut out so as to be passable 
 for wagons, until a little whde before the war of 1812. There was great 
 scarcity of food after the (old summer of lylO. I had ten acres of rye, 
 stout and early ; live acies of it was cut and eaten before the remainder, 
 or any other grain in the neighborhood was cut. In 1807, Amos Stone, of 
 Pittsford, harvested wheat, threshed and carried it to Mann's Mills to be 
 ground in good condition, o)i the Alli of July. A peach tree was planted 
 on my farm, in 1807j it lived and bore peaches imtil 1849. Solomon Ful- 
 ler, in IBOG, built a small mill on the Irondequoit, in Brighton; used the 
 old mill stones, and mill irons of the Allan mill at the Falls; I have one of 
 the gudgeons. The tir^t school in North Penfield was organized in 1810, 
 WY ^'^'^r^'^,'''''';''. »f-'igl>borhoc.d; Wm. Harris, a Scotchman, was the first 
 eacher. Methodist circuit riders were our first ministers. The 1 ev So 
 Ion Pierce organized a Methodist church in 1812 
 the Lnghsh as.soc,at,on the Salt Works tract, 3000 aci^s. There 
 was upon the tract, about two miles north of Webster Corner a 
 salt spring that vvas first known as a much frequented deer lie ^'-^^ 
 As agents tor the proprietors, Stephen Howard and Stephen 
 S^:iTi ':\f ^ ^^^" «0 ieet deep and obtained tolerablv stron J w . 
 ec for t wi l'v7''' T '"^^ '"'f '^ " -""'• ^'"^^''^3- was manun'i;.tur- 
 ed toi a Wide region o new settlements. The price was Si 00 ner 
 hushel. Christopher Prentice succeeded How'ard and SpraTe ^Ts 
 agents ; as early as 1809 or '10 the business of salt manufacture fe! 
 .no the hands o Daniel Hudson and his son-in-lavv, Joel Tlaye 
 The property iell into the hands of Mr. Groicr, the n anufictu.e of 
 sal was suspended, and the lands reserved tc.llu-nlsh timl r for s.d 
 boihng forms now a landscape of beautitui highly cultivaS farms 
 i he first town meeting in Penfield, was held" in 1811. William 
 OtlTi T "^''^ '^"P«-i->'% «'-ooks Mason town c le 
 Otl er town officers .--Nathaniel Case, Charles P. Moore, Josiah T. 
 WiM fsn ' n-''''/± ^^''f'"'^'' ^'''^'^ ^^''' ««"i^^'^i" Tripp 
 S . ll'?'"'' I f T' T'''°"' ^'''''^'^' T. Shaw, Reuben Bailfy 
 bid?., "'r^^ ^'^•'^P'^''"''''^'^''^ '^'" exhibit pioneer names, and 
 mdicate where settlements were made as late as 1811 :-John 
 Strogor Gurdon Lewis, David Camp. Stephen Butler, Pelecr Ross 
 w'lY ^^'\«-' Enos ILu.j s,,,,.^^^^., pi^,.^l_ EbenezorSpearrDavid 
 S'n"' J/f ^P'\"«'-^:«y' Z'^^th Eldridge, Elisha Smith, Rufus D 
 M ^h b-V^'^' ?/'"7^''' '^'^'^'^ ^''■^'''^'' E"'^''-'^ <'=^««' John Pierce 
 Michael Hibnor Reuben Brace, Zaccheus Horton, Abner Brown,' 
 Wm. Cole, Jonathan Carpenter. Willian. Spear was Supervisor in 
 in 1838 The townof Web.ster was taken from Penfield 
 Brooks Mason was an early Judge of Ontario, a Justice of the 
 icace, and m other respects, a prominent Pioneer. Hussell B 
 Mis. Andrew Lincoln, of Pennton, is a dautditen 
 •^i7!"'~/' '■'■''* ^'^^™'^'^'f' '^""" Yankeu rionocr wnntwl nothiii.Hnit nn " u 
 Ijmhld MM.l au^ur, a . rau-in.r knil\. an,! .jn..l< plan.." to bu Id „ M h use M 
 Main, iKU not as nnu'l, ; ),nt l.ninir a l„.llnwH and anvil ),.. mad. 1 is o v dmi.loti' 
 .iugur,s and plane iron., witl. which he Ix.ilt not only bu ii g , .illf 
 ) -I 
 i 1 
 t I 
 . 1 
 I ! 
 'i ] 
 J : 
 Tlio village of Webster has grown up on the farm of Dr. Oliver 
 Reynolds. The earliest merchants there, were Stearns & Coltiss ; 
 the' permanent ones, William .-md Timothy Corning. 
 The names of tlie first eight heads of families will be found on 
 page 431. They were priiicii)ally from Salem, Washington coun- 
 ty. Israel Stone died in early years ; his widow became the wife 
 of Paul Uichardjon, and after his death that of Moses Barr : she 
 died a few years since at an advanced age, Eri Stone, of I'itts- 
 ford is a son of Israel Stone. Simon Stone died 15 or 20 years 
 since. Orrin Stone, of I'ittsford, is a son of his. Jesihel (not .To- 
 seph, as on page 4.'H.) Farr, died soon after 1812 : the death of Mrs. 
 Farr was the first that occurred in " Stonetown;" Jesihel Farr, of 
 Pittsfnrd is a son : a daughter became the wife of Caleb Nye. Silas 
 Nye came into the new I'cgion at an advanced age ; had h(dd a 
 commii^sion in the Revoh.lion : he was the first supervisor of the 
 town; died in early years. Tlis surviving sons are, Nathan and 
 Silas Nye, of I'ittsford. Nathan who is now 78 years of age, has 
 been a suj)crvisor of the town, and justice of the peace. A daugh- 
 ter of Silas i\ye the elder, becanie the wife of one of the brothers, 
 Becliwiths, early merchants in Palmyra : another, the wife of Carmi 
 Hart, of Pittsford. Thomas Cleland died soon after 1830, Josiah 
 Gimminson did not become a permanent resident, neither did 
 Dodge, who was one of the pro])rietors of the town. Alexander 
 Dunn was a son in law of Silas Nye. 
 Other Pioneers, as early as 1790, and mostly before 1800: — 
 Anson Stone, John Stone, Ann is Stone, Samuel Stone, Daniel Per- 
 rin, (the father of Darius Perrin, P. M. Rochester.) Caleb Hopkins, 
 Wm Acker, Noah Norton, Thomas Billinghurst, Wm. Agate, Rich- 
 ard Welsh, Nehemiah Hopkins, Robert Holland, Henry Bailey, 
 JarcMl liarker, Elilui Doud, Nathan Calhoun, Ezra Patterson, Ben- 
 jamin Weeks, Daniel Brown, (an early liaptist preacher,) Israel 
 Canfield, Benjamin Miller, William Hill, Robert Holland. Wm. 
 Acer, was the father of John Acer, the widely known landlord of 
 Pittsforil; Ezra Act'r, of Pittsford, is a son; daughters became the 
 wives of Theron Noble, Dwellie Clapp, and May. Caleb 
 Hopkins was breveted a Colonel in the war of 1812, had com- 
 mands upon the Niagara frontier, and at the mouth of the Cenesee 
 River; was an active and efficient ])artizan in all the trying crisis; 
 Marvin Hopkins, late sui)ervisor of Pittsford is his son. Nathan 
 Calhoun still survives at the age of 73 ; lias been a sujiervisor ot 
 the town 8 years, a magistrate 30 years ; is the father of eight 
 daughters, of whom have become ^vives. 
 ►Simon Stone 2(1, a connexion of the numerous family of thai nime 
 who wore pioneers m the lociilitv, w:is the primitive kuvver. He 
 WIS loeiited HI jH-actice soon alter 1800; filled the office of super- 
 vise, and Justine ol the pence : he died 1 5 or 16 vears since. Wm. 
 Cr. 1 ayior was the next practicing lawyer, locatinjr in early vears • 
 he emigrated to the west. Ira Bellows; who has been so lone ideii- 
 tihed with the locality, yet suryiyes, in the practice of the profession. 
 1 lie (Mrly physicians were, Dr. .Tohn Rav and Dr. Daniel Rood • 
 .succeedinsr them were, Dr. Acliill<-s G. Snn'th, and Dr. Hartvveli 
 Carver. Dr. Carver is a lineal descendant of John Carver who 
 came over in the M.'ivtlower, and of Jonathan Carver, the ear- 
 ly western explorer, lie was a -rraduate of Yale Colle-H-, .settled at 
 littsloid soon alter the war of 1812. Althoimh makinir that hi.s 
 hailinir place, a spirit of eiiK-rprise and adventure, has made him a 
 traveller in Europe, a resident in New Orleans, in Florida, and in 
 iViiiinesota; lew men are more widely known, or have obtained 
 more prolessional celebrity. Though a waiiderinu bachelor, he 
 would seem to be becoming a fixture now, as he is buildin-r th," m,. 
 iquo dwelling place, that may be observed uiion the outskirts of the 
 pleasant rural village of I'iitsford. 
 Allhough Israel Stone in an early day, did a little in the mercan- 
 tile way, the first considerable mercantile establishment was founded 
 by U'-- A^ G. Smith, Nathan Nve, Caleb Hopkins and John Acer 
 Samuel Hildreth, a brotiier of the Hildrelh's of Vienna, was an 
 early merchant, tavern keeper and stage proprietor ; foundiii"- the 
 first line ot public conveyance from Caiiandaigua to iJoeliT'ster, 
 an( with others, the; first on the Riga road from Rochester to Can- 
 andaigua; his widow survived until recentiv; John Ilildivth, of 
 littsloid IS a son; Mrs. Babcock and Mrs. Richardson ol' Tittslord 
 are his daughters. Augustus Elliott was an early merchant and 
 distiller ; and in an early day erected an iron forue in IVnticid. lie 
 was the lounder of the fine private mansion that was alterward^ oc- 
 cu;)it d by James K. Guernsey. 
 _ Glover Perrin who is inentioned as the pioneer of Perrinton. <rot 
 tired ol his solitary life there, vacated his log cabin soon after The 
 death ot his friend Caleb Walker, and became the pioneer landlord. 
 lie died childless : .John Acer was his successor. 
 Pittsfoid village, ill ])oint of time, may be said to have been a 
 lioneer locality next to Canandaii-ua. aiid as early as Geneseo 
 Avon, Palmyra and Lyons. The fine bluir which forms its site, at 
 the base of which was a valuable spriim, drew the attention of the 
 early .adventures to the spot. There were lonu years in which the 
 principal business of a wide region was transacted there ; and thouuh 
 It IS now oneot the out posts of an (wershadowing city, time was, 
 (and lliat w 
 w settlers in tl 
 itiun tiie memory of hundreds who survive,) when the 
 o{' that city, thought themselves out in tl 
 mall openings of the dense forest on the site 
 \e world again, when they 
 I- I 
 ft •! 
 M '. 
 had reached ihat vilhifre, where there were dry streets, comfortable 
 pubHc and private dwelliiiirs, merchants, mechanics, lawyers, and 
 doctors, and ''stated prea'jhino;." 
 The town of Northfield was organized in 1701. It was then all 
 of what is now Piftsford, Penfield, Perrinton, Henrietta, Brighton. 
 Irondequoit, and Webster. The first town meeting was in 1790. 
 It was "opened by Phineas Bates." Silas Nye was chosen super- 
 visor, John Ray town clerk. Other town othcers, Noah Norton, 
 Caleb Hopkins, Glover Perrin, Jonas Sawen, Jesihol Farr, Aaron 
 Stone, Ezra Patterson, Samuel Bennett, Henry Bagley, Alexander 
 Dunn, William Acer, Paul Richardson. In 1798, tlic name of the 
 town was changed to Boyle. In 1813, the town of Boyle was 
 divided into three towns, Penfield, Perrinton and Sniallwood , and 
 in 1811 the town of Brighton was erected ; and in the same year, 
 what is now Pittsford and Henrietta, was made to constitute a town 
 which was called Pittstbrd. Henrietta was erected in 1818. There 
 was no such town as " Stonetown ;" this was the early designation of 
 the settlement ; as in the case of " Boughtontown," " Pittstown," &c. 
 A school was organized in what is now Pittsford, as early as 1794 ; 
 a Congregational church in 18(»9. 
 John Mann, saw the Genesee country immediately after the close 
 of the Revolution — as early as 1784. ' A resident of New Jersey, 
 in company with Allen N"ixon and Scritcbfield, he came 
 through the wilderness from the Delaware River, following the 
 Indian trails to Niagara River. Failing to make some contempla- 
 ted arrangements with Gov. Simcoe in Canada, for a settlement 
 there, the i)arty returned to New Jersey. Upon the Genesee river 
 they made the acquaintance of Eben /.er Allan, who offered to ob- 
 tain for Mr. Mann the Indian grant ol .')00 acres of the present site 
 of the city of Buffalo, for the horse he rode. Mr. Mann visited the 
 country again in 1803 in company with his son, Wm. Mann of Pen- 
 field. He found al that early period a sister of his wife — a Mrs. 
 Field — wiio had settled with a large f\unily of .sons and daughtei-s, 
 in a small Indian village at the mouth of the Wiscoy, in Allegany 
 county. In 1804 Mr. Mann moved his famly, consisting of a 'wife 
 and ten children, to Victor, and renting land of Enos "Boughton, 
 raised^ 500 bushels of wheat for his own'share, which he exchanged 
 with Zachariah Seymour, of Canandaigua, f r ihe hundred acres of 
 land in Penfield, upon which his son "now resides. In 1805 he 
 bought of Simon Stone fifty acres of land on the Irondequoit near 
 the great embankment, upon which Mr. Stone had erected a small 
 grist mill and saw mill soon after 1790. Mr. Mann re-buill the mills 
 in 1812. As " Stone's mills" and " Mann's mills," they were known 
 in early years throughout a wide region. Millwrights of the pre- 
 sent day may learn something of the oxpediciUs of the early period 
 in which the sawmill was built; ot what " necessity, the mother of 
 invention," used to accomplish ; from the fact, that the saw used in 
 Mr. Stone's primitive mill was made by Samuel Bernett, a black- 
 smith, by welcliiij. together old scythes. Mr. Mann died 1824, aged 
 75 years. His son, other than the one already noticed in connec- 
 tion with Penlield, is Jacob Mann, of Pittsford ; daughters became 
 wives of Wm. B. Jobson, of Canandaigua, Calvin R. Cheeny, of 
 Michigan ; Mrs. Asahel Baker, of Iowa. 
 Stejihen Lusk, whose early advent is noticed in connection with 
 Brighton, became a resident of Pittsford in 1807, establishing there 
 a j)rimitive tannery, and continuing it for many years. He is now 
 the occupant of a fine farm, a mile east of the village on the Victor 
 It has little of pioneer history distinct from that of Pittsford, with 
 which its territory was blended previous to 1810; and it is one of 
 those localities from which the author has been favored with no 
 account of its early settlers. It will be observed that its original 
 proprietor made a commencement there as early as 1790, and died 
 in that year at Canandaigua; his companion, Glover Perrin, leaving 
 sf»on after ; it was several years before its settlement was again 
 attempted. Among the earliest settlers were, Jesse Perrin, Asa 
 Perrin, Ecbvard Perrin, Major Norton, John Scott, Levi Treadwell, 
 Richard Treadwell, John Peters, and Gideon Ramsdell. 
 With reference to the uplands of Victor, Mendon, Pittsford, Per- 
 rinton, Penfield and Irondequoit ; oak openings, and to a small ex- 
 tent, pine plains, a marked change has occurred. It was an inviting 
 soil when settlement commenced ; far easier beginning upon it, and 
 making more speedy returns for labor expended, than the heavily 
 timbered lands. But long years of discouragement and stinted 
 crops succeeded. The sandy, light soil became almost unproduc- 
 tive, in some instances thtir cultivation was abandoned, and the 
 vallies and intervals became the chief dependence. In Victor, as 
 late as 1820, uplands were sold as low as from $'S to $0 per acre. 
 Since about that period a chansre has been going on, until from the 
 poorest, these lands have become, if not the best, equal in value to 
 any in all this garden of the State. Their prices now range from 
 $40 to 'S80 per acre; in J'ittsford, farms have been sold this sum- 
 mer as high as f SO. Tunc, and each successive cultivation, im- 
 proves the soil. 
 Omitting any speculations or any theories of his own, the author 
 Mr. Wm. C. Dryer, ot Victor, a lui.uuf intdli-.Mice uii.l auvM 
 ol.s,.rvaf,(.n, s;,ys 1 mt tl.c IVcq.u'nt l)urnincr over of these 
 that pr(-c(>d,'(l sctflomont an<l cultivation, |„hI rendered inert aiTd 
 unproductive the surface soil, while it had been niakin- deposites in 
 tliosul.-sod, ot someot the mo«t essential elements of ve.retafion 
 which deeper plowui^ has, developing and other of improved 
 cultivation, m.kmg ayi.ilable. The late Timothv Hacluis.of Le l{oy 
 and ^ockp..rt. (one ol nature's student.s, as well as one of " nohle- 
 men, ) a li-w y,.ars before his denth, in conversation with the author, 
 was citing the lact that the first board of commissi.,ners, sent out 
 byourgmvrnmentto explore the peninsula of Michi-aii, ma.le ;, 
 report, which is upon record, in substance, that it was unfit for hab- 
 itation or cultivation and woul.l never repay the co^t of survev and 
 sale. 1 hey jud,ir<«d, ' said he, "that the heav-ily timbeie<l lands'were 
 ge.ierally too wet for cultivation, an.l that the burr oak openincrs, 
 which predominated, were unproductiv barrens, lu'cause they sifw 
 upon thein but stinted herbage, and a feeble undergrowth of shrub- 
 beiy. i here was m the soil rich and abimrlant elements of a-rri- 
 culture, as time and experiment has .lemonstrated, but it was intlic 
 sub-soil ; the surface s<.il had been depleted by fire, and deteriorated, 
 or poisoned by the acids of the oak and chestnut leaves This 
 remark is applicable to the same kind of lands in our own reo-ion • 
 tl^ie new settlers could at first realize but stinted crops upon tliem.' 
 Even now, wherever the oak or chestnut leaf has fallen and decayed 
 tor a long succession of years, it requires time and cultivation to 
 make the soil productive." 
 Township 11, R. 5, what is now Mendon. containincr 'jgoiO 
 acres, was the last sale made by Phelps and Corham previo'us to the 
 sale w^h to Sir Wm Pulfc.n,.y and his associates. The purchasers 
 were Franklin and Bougbton," or the entry of sale is to them. 
 Ihe tou-nship was soon subdivided, an<I .Teivmiah Wadsworth be- 
 came the of 1 1.000. Other large early pr.mrief,»rs of the re- 
 mainder of the town were, Catlin & Fe; ris, VVaddington & Pcpoon. 
 Jonathan Bal . Ebenezer Barnard, of IlartfonI, Conn., became 
 the owner o( ha t of the Wadsworth tract. The whole 1 1,000 acres 
 was settled under the auspices p.i>vMpally of James Wadsworth, 
 either as owner or agent. Tlu Ball trac^ was sold to Augustus and 
 1 eter B. Porter, and Zel ulon Norton. Zfliulon Norton '^from Ver- 
 mont, was the Pioneer in the township, erecting mills as eaviv as 
 1791, on the Honeoye Falls. He died in 18 J i ; his son Ezra, upon 
 whom the 
 two years 
 Sales ot 
 the 11,00( 
 year, sales 
 not all of y 
 tli''y paid 
 Hickox. a! 
 1701. Ot 
 fore the ch 
 Samuel L 
 Klijah licl 
 atider, Ge 
 wives of I' 
 side at the 
 years ; his 
 settler at 
 Capt. Tr 
 a century 
 could be s 
 hrii^fness f 
 and J'iller 
 stead, aiu 
 Nathan \ 
 Mendon, ; 
 viving sor 
 residing u 
 a daughte 
 sons of Si 
 .fudge Jol 
 Other e 
 ters, Jacr 
 Sims. ]i 
 ot' Marvii 
 ters of Bl 
 an early n 
 as do in f 
 usual in < 
 son of Jo 
 The ea 
 der of K 
 He wa.s 
 wliom flic care of the mill and farm devolved in early years, died 
 two yciifs y)revious. 
 S;ili;s of farm lots were commenced by James Wadsworth, on 
 the 11,000 acre tract, in June, 170.'{ ; in that and the succecdin;^ 
 year, sales were made to "Dan Williams, Cornelius 'J'icat, Elijah 
 Williams, Henjamin I'arks, lihene/.er llafhhun. Ilufus I'arks, Nathan 
 Williams, Moses Everett, Wm. Hiekox, Lorin Wait, Ueuheu Hill;" 
 not all of whom, it is presumed, became actual settlers. Tic ])rices 
 tlu'v paid were from 61 2r» to S'-i pcv acre. Treat, Williams, 
 Hickox. and Parks, "all from Berkshire." were actual settlers in 
 1701. Other earlv Pioneers in the tovvtishij), in succession, all be- 
 fore the close of 1800, were, John Parks, Jonas Alhm, Joseph Hryan, 
 Samuel Lane, Charles Foote ; and soon after 1800, Moses Rowell, 
 Elijah fieland. Charles Foote, of Mendon, and Elias Foote, of Alex- 
 ander, (ienesee Co., are sons of Charles Foote; dauj^hters became 
 wives of Fnos Blossom and Gains Lane ; other sons and dauirhters re- 
 side at the west. C'apt. Treat died in 1848, at tfie advanced a<re of 81 
 years; his wife, whose first husband was Benjamin Paimer, an early 
 settler at Palmyra — father of Ceo. Palmer of JJuffalo — died in 1849. 
 t'apt. Treat was not only an early settler, but for more than half 
 a century was a protninent citizen of the town, of whom much 
 could be said, as in lumdreds of other instances, if the necessary 
 l)ri(!fness of these sketches would allow of it. Dr. John Jay Treat 
 and J'illery Treat, of Rochester, Nelson Treat, upon the home- 
 stead, arul Joseph Treat, residinfr at the west, are surviving sons. 
 Ainaziah, Calvin, and Thomas Parks, of Mendon, are the sons of 
 [{enjamin Parks. Joseph Williams, of Canandaigua, is the son of 
 Nathan Williams. Rufus, John, Benjamin, and James Parks, of 
 Mendon, are the sons of John Parks, who still survives. The sur- 
 viving sons of Capt. Jonas Allen are, Ethan, in California; Daniel, 
 residing upon the homestead ; and George, a magistrate in Mendon ; 
 a daughter is the widow of the late Dr. Milton Sheldon. Of eight 
 sons of Sanniel Lane, but one survives, Gaius Lane of Rochester. 
 Judge John Bryan, of Michigan, is the only surviving son of Joseph 
 Other early settlers of Mendon : — Marvin Smith, Henry Shel- 
 ters, Jacob Young, John and William Dixon. John Moore, John 
 Sims. Benjamin of Mendon, and Isaac Smith, of Rush, are sons 
 of Marvin Smith. Lyman Shelters, of Mendon, and Cabot Shel- 
 ters of Bloomfield, are sons of Henry Shelters, Jacob Young was 
 an early and enteryn-ising manufacturer at the Falls; now survives, 
 as do ill fact, a larger number of the early Pioneers named, than is 
 usual in other localities. Amos Dixon at the Honeoye Falls, is a 
 son of John Dixon. 
 The early physician was Dr. Knickcrbacker, who was the foun- 
 der of Knickcrbacker Hall, Avon, now a resident of Rochester. 
 He was succeeded by Dr. Harvey Allen, who is yet in practice. 
 '1 ; 
 r , 
 V, ! 
 K f 
 ) ' 
 ' \ \ . ' 
 f» i 
 Dr. Wm. Rrown was the early physician in East Mendon, is now 
 a resident ot rembroke, Cenesee county. 
 ^^ Zebulon Townsend was an early settler on what was called 
 Abraham s riains," still survives, at the a^e of 75 years. Surviv- 
 uig sons are: — Geo. P. Townsend, an Attorney, in Penfield, Jo- 
 seph B. ol Mendon, Jeremiah, Seth and Gideon, of Maren™, Mich 
 '^'\"\r L'' i''Vl ^^- ^^""'"'^ '-''"'^ ^^''- Oi-ra Case, of Honeoye Falls 
 and Mrs. S. N. De^roli; of Maren, o, are liis daughters. 
 Innothy IJarnard, who was the brother of the e. rly land propri- 
 etor, (l)ut not resident,) named above, removed from the city of 
 Hartlord— cxchaiitrinnr a comfortable home for a log cabin in the 
 new i;egion--in 1808. He died in 1847 or '8, aged' 1)1 years. It 
 IS a singular fact, that although he brought a large family into the 
 new country, and his descendants in the second degree became nu- 
 merous, his was the first death that occurred in the whole family 
 circle. He was an early Judge of Ontario, and in other respects a 
 prominent and useful citizen. He was the father of Daniel D 
 Barnard, the U. S. Minister to Prussia, of Timothy and Henry 
 Barnard who reside on the homested. 
 Among the reminiscences of the early settlers of Mendon, is that 
 of an oak stump, on the farm of Capt. Treat, nine feet in diameter 
 1 he tree was supposed to have been cut down by the Indians. On 
 tne Jarm ot Mr. 1 arks, a section of a hollow sycamore was cut off 
 6 feet in length, through which a pair of oxen, of ordinary size, was 
 driven in their yoke. John Stimpson, a trapper, caught on Capt 
 fTJ T' '"^ '''°'''^' ^" ''"^ "'g'^^' ^"^»' which he received a bounty 
 01 bJO- a large sum ot money in those primitive times. Wolves 
 pursued Capt Treat one night for miles ; and nothing but the supe- 
 nor speed of his horse saved him from becoming an inhabitant of 
 an older settled country, '•• where wolves cease from troul)linfr " Dr 
 Joe Brace, the early physician in Victor, was going from Norton's 
 Mills owards home, on the old Indian trail. When near what is 
 novv Miller s corners, his horse suddenly stopped, and looking ahead 
 ot him he saw in his path a huge i.anther, crouched and i^eady to 
 spring upon him. An attempt to turn around would have been fatal. 
 With much presence of mind he suddenly spread his umbrella, and 
 shaking it, the animal walked otf. 
 The town was organized in 1813. Jonas Allen was the first 
 supervisor; Daniel Dunks town clerk. A Baptist church was or- 
 ganized in 180!) ; the first pastor, the Rev. Jessee Brayinan ; a Con- 
 gregationalchurcji inlSlTor '18, the first settled minister the Rev. 
 eivm7fom,',']w./''i"^''''r'"'°" "*■ *H" En.pk7sMZ" is a designation oc^i^ni^ 
 K r , / T '": •'''■''''^''''■''f ^'"''"^^y' '■•'^^''■' vauntingl/j,m-hap.s; l.ut it li li 
 SvlJ fh our imtional oxiston.e conunonced. and for I.mi- rears nfr,.- 
 rSviMn '.!''!•'• ' "f ^^^^■■^"'^'"' "'; H'^' ^'"'^^''' *'='f^'^ ; ^ ^'"^t MasUT General ; 
 Ld h<f amepeSd ^ ^-'^•''''•''"'- "'"l I^'cuteuant Governor of our State; atone 
 Hams, Wir 
 ( ;ady, of ]\ 
 the frame 
 owned am 
 Urook was 
 'ian and \ 
 I'holps ani 
 The aut 
 itive settle 
 ally in the 
 Joseph . 
 was one 
 which nov 
 tiful sweei 
 with the C 
 the hands 
 ilv of thai 
 'In 1801 
 county, M 
 as. Jacob 
 The fa: 
 county, w 
 tario, for ( 
 a member 
 the war ol 
 upon the 
 county, a 
 of Rush, 
 sors of INI 
 ollices ga' 
 ol" Comni 
 He was c 
 case with 
 long and 
 the wife ( 
 wife, whc 
 cob Adan 
Ion, IS now 
 vas called 
 !. Surviv- 
 Mifield, Jo- 
 1^0, Micli- 
 Joye Falls, 
 ind pro])ri. 
 he city of 
 bin in the 
 years. It 
 y into the 
 !came nu- 
 )le family 
 respects a 
 I3aniel D, 
 1(1 Henry 
 )n, is that 
 ians. On 
 as cut off, 
 size, was 
 on Capi. 
 a bounty 
 the supe- 
 ibitant oi' 
 ig." Dr. 
 • what is 
 iig ahead 
 ready to 
 een latal. 
 ella, and 
 the first 
 was or- 
 ; aCon- 
 ;he Rev. 
 but it lias 
 'SCO Coun- 
 L'ars jitVcr- 
 ■ Gcnoral ; 
 tc ; at oni! 
 Nathaniel Taylor. The early mechanics were : — Nathaniel Wil- 
 liams, Wm. Hickox, Nathaniel Bryan, Samuel Lano ; (Jen. Chalotte 
 ( 'ady, of Miciiigan, was the first merchant. Elliott erected 
 the frame of the first saw mill on the Irondecpioit ; the mill was 
 owned and finished by Jonas Allan. The first grist mill on i'ond 
 Brook was built by Haze. 
 Jeremiah Wadsworth, was the purchaser of 5,000 acres, and "Mor- 
 'ian and his associates, of 4,750 acres of what is now Rush, of 
 I'holps and Gorham. 
 The author is unable topive the years in which each of the prim- 
 itive settlers came in, but those named were the earliest, and gener- 
 ally in the oi'der named. 
 "Joseph Morgan, who had first settled on the west side of the river, 
 was one of tlie earliest settlers of the tov\n, his farm the same 
 which now constitutes the horaested of Joseph Si1)ley — the beau- 
 tiful sweep of flats and upland at the junction of the Honeoye creek 
 with the Genesee river. The properly i)assed from Morgan into 
 the hands of Spraker, one of the well known Mohawk fam- 
 ily of that name, who died there. 
 "In 1801, to the few settlers that were previously located in the 
 township, there was added a considerable number from Frederick 
 county, Maryland: — The families of Philip Price, Chrystal Thom- 
 as, Jacob Stull, John Bell, Otto. 
 The family of Philip Price, consisted of seven sons and one 
 (laughter. The sons were: — John Price, of Gorham, Ontario 
 county, who was for many years one of the county Judges of On- 
 tario, for one or two terms a representative in the Legislature, and 
 a member of the State Convention of 1831. Peter Price, who in 
 the war of 1812 was a Lieutenant in a volunteer corps, and served 
 upon the Niagara Frontier. He was an early Judge of Monroe 
 county, a Justice of the Peace, and for 18 years was the supervisor 
 of Rush, and for several years chairman of the board of Supervi- 
 sors of Monroe county, improving the opportunities that judicial 
 otlices gave him, by study, he was admitted to practice in the court 
 ol" Conimon Pleas, of Monroe, and ultinrttely in the Supreme Court. 
 He was emphatically a self made man, and what is not always the 
 case with self made men, the work was well done. He died after a 
 long and useful life, in Feb. 1848, leaving an only daughter who is 
 the wife of A. D. Webster, a merchant in West Henrietta. His 
 wife, who was the daughter of Nathan Jeffords, ,4111 survives. Ja- 
 cob Adam, and Philip Price, emigrated to Michigan in 1824. Geo. 
 The dauiih- 
 Prico resides in Rush on the homestead of the Aiinilv. 
 ter was tiie wife of Jacob !Stull 
 The survix-iny sons of Jacob Stull, are:- John P. 8tull, George 
 StuI , Jam,,.s Sluli al residents of Rush. Chrystal Tho.nas, died m 
 844 lie erect^ed the hrst saw mill in Rush, on Stonv Rrook. i,. 
 1805 Jacob, Cfn-ystal, and David are his sons. M,j 
 Mook. ot Henrietta IS a dauirhter. John and Frederick Bell of 
 Kush, are the sons of the early emigrant from Maryland, John jjell 
 In ad.iilion to these that have been named, there were settled in 
 Rush previous to 180(5, Thomas Daily, who still survives. The 
 Harmon family, who were afterwards early settlers in Svveeden 
 and onumal proprietors of a lai;ire portion ol' the villa-e plat of 
 of J ush. Joseph M lar and ; the father of Peter iMFarland, of 
 Kush. /(>phaniah JJranch. A large family of (JolTs, of which the 
 early and widely known Elder G'ofK was a member • 
 Jaseph Sibley caine to the Genesee country in 1804 — in 1800 
 located ni Jiush He was from Renssealer countv, N. V Like 
 witb' inl t •' ' k" '"''\ ■:"l^-^'"^^"-^'-«- l^e came into the wildernes 
 with little to aid him in his enterprise; but with an in.Jomitablt 
 spin of perseverance, he looked at its ruuged features undismayed, 
 and bo l,t V and successfully wr.^.tled through long years with all of 
 iStUud' lirSlj'"""""- '^'' ^""^'^^^"^' ''^^'^'^' --^'S^ -^ 
 " Tlio iixc tlint w.indroiis iiistniiiient, 
 TiiMt like tlii^ hilisinan, ti-niist'orms 
 Ucst'i'ts to liulcls ami cities," 
 and first in one locality and then in .aiother, made openincrs in 
 he f-M-est ; and now m his declining years, favored with almost'un 
 interupted health, and a sound constitution, he is enjoying the frui s 
 of his h.bors-,s settled down m the midst of bnii; highly culti- 
 vated fields, constituting one of the many large and beauliful ilrm^ 
 in the immediate valley of the Genesee. "^auiiiui laims 
 In 1812 he changed^his residence from Rush to Riiin, an.l was one 
 o the first to commence clettring a farm in the neighborhood of 
 Churchville ; and after that was a resident of Chili,' louiidii,. tl e 
 mdhng establishment on creek, now owned by D Co ne 
 When in anticipation of the declaration of war, Gov Tomnkins 
 ordered drafts from the militia, he was one of the sk- hundre .1 vob 
 unteers that supplie.l the necessity of a drt.ft, and promptly marched 
 to tlie frontier, under tl ' .•/-.., '— i 
 supervisor of Genesee and Monroe 
 le command of Col Swift. H 
 lature ; for five years 
 a canal superintend 
 a member of the State L 
 e was an early 
 the collector of the port of Ge 
 and Samujl Church, of Riga, to whom I 
 survives; a nioie lliun usual nioiiuliiyJi 
 int; and more recently 
 Miesee. His wife, the sister of Elihu 
 le was married in 1807, still 
 lis prevailed with their i; 
The dauiih- 
 ull, George 
 nus, died ii, 
 ■ iJrook. in 
 oils. Mrs. 
 di Bell of 
 John jk'll, 
 a settled ill 
 ives. The 
 I Svveeden, 
 ^'e pjiit of 
 i Ilartwell, 
 'ariand, of 
 whieh the 
 — in 1800, 
 Y. Like 
 vith all" of 
 urage and 
 penings in 
 ihuo.-jt un- 
 ihc fruits 
 hly culti- 
 iliil larms 
 d was one 
 rhood of 
 idinti; the 
 D. Cope, 
 Ired voj- 
 an early 
 e hems- 
 of Elihu 
 807, .still 
 eir large 
 family of sons and daughters; of a family of ten children, most of 
 whom hecame adidts, hnt three siu'vive : — Horace J. Sil)lry a stu- 
 dent of law ill lloclu'ster ; Mrs. John P. Stull, of Hush ; and Mrs. 
 James M'Ciill, of t'incinnatti. 
 AYIicn I came to Rush, in 1800, th(?re was no surveyed road in the 
 township. The fall previous, .Mr. VVaJsworth hiid contracted with Major 
 Mnrkliam to cut out a wuail's road as fur as the line of lluiiiicilii; but it 
 wa-i several years before it was carried any farther. Tho lirst surveyed 
 road tl>rough the town and West Henrietta, was the State roal from Ark- 
 port to llie mouth of the (Jeuesee river. A road was surveyed from the 
 line ot Meiuioii thne.inh the "Golf settlement," in 1807; and in 1808, a 
 brid;;e was built by tho volunteer labor of sotllers, over the lloneoye, near 
 where State road crosses, In 180!), a bridge was built over tiie Honeoye, 
 in West Unsh, on r.ver road, by the town. In 1817, the bridge on the 
 State road, vveut otV in a freshet, and about the same periud, Austin VVing, 
 a broliiur of Dr. Wing, of Albany, was drowned in crossing the stream. 
 There were large patches of rushes both on Hats and upiaiuLs, along the 
 river and the lloneoye Creek; the locality was called "Hush liottom " — 
 thence the name of tiie town. Cattle would winter well and thrive on 
 the rushes; the Wadswortha would send large droves here to winter, and 
 many were sent from Lima, llloomtield, and Victor, ibe rushes finally run 
 out by being repeatedly fed down. 
 The greatest amount of sickness and death that I knew of in any locali- 
 ty in tli(! Genesee country, was as late as 18'2!, in the settlements along 
 on Black and Sandy (Jreek. The prevailing disease had all the distinctive 
 character of the yellow lever, ami in a dense population, vvoull have been 
 equally as fatal. It was principally owing to the erection of mill dams, 
 and consecpient flooding of timbered lands. When the mill dams were 
 drawn oil, the sickness subsided. In one of tho earlier years, when Riga 
 and Chili were one town, it was ascertained that 00 died in apopuhuion of 
 less than 3,000. At one period, in a population of 83, within the distance 
 of It miles alonii' on the Hrntklock's Bay road, G3 were sick, principally 
 with billions inlermittents. In many seasons, along on the river, the per 
 cent of sickness was greater than has ever prevailed in any of the large 
 cities of the United States, not excepting even the seasons of cholera. 
 This was the case in many of the early years. 1 have seen instances 
 when entire families would be prostrated, deaths would occur wiihout any 
 medical aid, and sometimes even without nursing. Physicians would be 
 worn out, over-run with business; often it would be twenty-four hours af- 
 ter they received a call before they could attend to it. 
 In 1805, crops were very light, and before the harvest of 180G, there 
 M^as much suflering for food; wheat, went up to $2 50 per bushel. The 
 season of 1804 been very wet, espec'ally along about corn harvest; 
 aud the seed corn planted in 1805, seemed to have lost in a great measure 
 • Its germinating principle ; much of it rotted in the ground. The harvest 
 of 1806 was an abundant one; many fields of wheat were fit to cut on 
 the 4th of July. Wheat and corn became a drug; neither would sell for 
 store trade, nor could they be bartered for the ordinary necessaries 
 of life. I chopped, cleared, and sowed to wheat, twenty acres the first year 
 I commenced in Rush. I harvested from 6 to 700 bushels, but could sell it 
 for nothing that I wanted, except in a few instances. I gave a blacksmith 
 m JJloomfaeld, a bushel of wheat for putting a small wire baii into a tea 
 kettle. Leather, wheat would not buy : and so we had to go barefoot. 
 This state of things produced a large amount of distilling, and whiskey 
 became far too cheap for the good of the new country. The seasons of 
 1807, '8' '9, '10, '11, were productive, but that of 1812 was unproductive 
 and they grew worse until 1816 inclusive. In that year, most of the' 
 wheat was not fit to cut until September; the corn crop was almost entire- 
 ly lost; but little summer crops of any kind were raised. From the 6th to 
 the 12th of June, there was frost every night. I sold pork that year for 
 $10 percwt., fresh; and beef for $6. The harvests of 1817, '18 were 
 tolerable ones: from 1819 to '24, they were universally prolific. In 1819 
 wheat went down to 31 cents per bushel. ' 
 In early years, there was none but a home market, and that was mostly 
 barter:— It was so many bushels of wheat for a cow; so many bushels for 
 a yoke of oxen, &c. There was hardly money enough in thee ountry to 
 pay taxes. In the way of clothing, buckskin breeches and those made 
 from hemp grown upon the river, were quite common. A young man 
 would then have to work six months for such a suit of clothes as he could 
 now buy for $12. Few wore shoes or boots, except in winter. I have 
 seen men who are now wealthy farmers, barefoot long after snow came, 
 lie price of a common pair of cow-hide boots would be $7, payable in 
 wheat at 62 cents per bushel. Judge Peter Price told me that the first 
 horse he ever owned in Rush, he paid ten bushels of corn for shocincr 
 As a matter of necessity, mostly had to be used without shoeino-. 
 When we began to have a few sheep, n cost usn great deal of trouble t"o 
 keep them from the wolves; the coarsest wool was worth 50 cents per lb 
 and cash at that. Woolen shirts were a luxury; the most common ones' 
 were oi flax and hemp. 
 Along in years previous to the war, there was extensive liemp culture 
 on the river. The Wadsworths introduced it, raising much themselves, and 
 turnisiungseed for others; upon their Honeoye farm, in 1811 18 acres of 
 hemp were raised. Samuel M. Hopkins, and his brother, Mark Hopkins, 
 were largely er iged in the business at one time, at whiit is row Cuyler- 
 ville. Ihe principal market was at Albany. It finally became a losing 
 business; cultivation, harvesting, preparation for market, transoortation, cost 
 too mucii. It was abandoned after an experiment of a [c\v years 
 Game was very plenty :-The hills of Rush, Avon, Caledonini Wheat- 
 land, valleys and uplands, were favorite ranges for the deer. In the win- 
 ter of 1806, '7, a deep snow came suddenly in December— a thaw suc- 
 Note.— In 1816, iho uutlior paid some Indian women at Monnt Monis, $2 per 
 tjuft.nci tor a oiiu liurwu wngon load of corn, and helped pound it outinthc biu'guin. 
 ceeded, leaving the openings pretty much bare, but there was eight or ten 
 inches of snow left in the woods, which was suddenly crusted over. This 
 drove the deer, in large flocks, into the openingr^. They were in good con- 
 dition, and we could easily kill all we wante i. The Indians of Canawau- 
 gus had tine sport, and laid in stores of venison. In all the early years, 
 those Indians were frequently upon the trails that went down to Ironde- 
 quoit, the Falls, and the mouth of the Genesee river. On their return, 
 their ponies would be loaded down with the spoils of the chase, the 
 tish-hook and spear. 
 The winter I have spoken of, was generally a very severe one ; toward 
 the last of March and beginning of April, ihere was a heavy fall of snow ; 
 through Canandaigua, Phelpstowa, and in all that region, it was from four 
 to five feet in depth ; on the river, three and half feet. AH the roads were 
 entirely blocked up. A thaw carae suddenly and swept the flats of the 
 river throughout their whole exl«.-nt. It was a singular fact, t the robin, 
 remained in the country throw mt this generally hard winter, in the 
 winter of 1808, '9, another de^ , ow and crust occurred. The wolves 
 and dogs made terrible havoc i: the deer; the poor creatures would 
 take to the roads, and flee into farmers' yards for refuge. Venison, in the 
 way of meat, was a great help to new settlers. I have never heard of a 
 regiou where deer were so plenty. 
 In the winter of 1815, we had a general wolf hunt, or drive, as it proved 
 to be.. The inhabitants of the whole region turned out, and surrounded 
 all the swamps in Gates, Chili, Wheatland, aud Caledonia; sounded horns, 
 fired guns, halloed, shouted, and raised a din of discordant sounds. 
 Many deer, bear and foxes were killed; the wolves fled, and after that, 
 there was but few seen in this region. 
 Ducks were abundant in the river and tributary streams in early years. 
 There was the wood duck, another species bearing a strong resemblance to 
 the common tame duck, shell drakes, dippers, or divers; and occasionally, 
 the real canvass back. Wild geese would come every fall and sprino; 
 Pigeons would in some seasons come in large flocks, and seriously injure 
 the newly sown crops. I have known an hundred dozen to be cauoht m a 
 net in one day. In 1812, they made a roost in a cedar swamp on Dugan's 
 creeli. They occupied the trees of seventy -five or eighty acres; there 
 were, in some instances, as many as thirty nests on a single tree. The 
 young squabs were brought away by the inhabitants in cart loads. When 
 the young ones loft the nests, they would go off and remain about the 
 neighborhood in flocks by themselves, and it was several months before the 
 old and young ones mingled, 
 The black squirrel was a great nuisance in early yeara I have ?een 
 thirty on a single tree. They would sometimes destroy whole fields of 
 corn. They have bcv3n gradually diminishing. 
 The advent of ihe crow in this region was in 1817. They had been 
 preceded by the raven, then- natural enemy, as I am led to infer. The 
 crow made cautious and gradual approaches ; at first, they flew over, then 
 ventured to light on the tops of the highest trees, in which position muc 
 would seem to be detftrmininp' if it were safe to locate. It was F.nme w.i 
 before they became permanent residents, and had fairly expelled the r^ 
 ]! ' 
 In after years, wlien a raven would venture to revisit tlie region, tlie crows 
 would seem to be gntbered here and there iu council, to determine how 
 ^ulVoTr;::: " '- '''''''- ^'^ --P-^^- ^^ '•- — > -- the re" 
 In the earliest years, there were a few turkey buzzards upon the river, 
 b they soon disappeared. A constant revolution has been goino on 
 Mi h birds, annuals and quadrupeds; old settlers Inive been disappeaHn^, 
 b d dn'Tf ^"r^^^«-- Tl^ere is scarcely a year in which some Strang 
 I ..J, .u ^.4c.rj.irfaa nM become a permanent resident. 
 Ehsha Sihley, a brother of Judge f^ibjov, -vas amonn- ,he enrjv 
 ley, VVilIiam feible}- Kcj Jeremiah Siblov, of Ilus!,. Elisha Sibley, 
 • S^^t ""T^'r ^- '•'''''' S''>'^-y'0<'t^'-'^veland, and Martin and Joseph 
 ^'^I'^y- o* ^^/chignn. Daughters became the wives of Holt 
 ot 1 ush Calvni Norton, of Groveland, and Jehiel Markhain 
 _ Llnathan Perry was a settler in Rush, as earlv as ] SOU. He vva« 
 in service ( unngthe Revolution, and came to*' this region in Sulli- 
 van s expedition. At some period during the Revolution he had 
 made the acquaintance of La Fayette, and was recognized by hin. 
 at Rochester, in his tour through this region in 1825.^ He died in 
 1848 ; his wKlow still snirvives His surviving sons are, John Perry 
 a Ll ivr''t'"'"' "'i r 'T' ^ T^'^^'/''' ^^"^''' ^^''- ^^-^than Green 
 and Mrs. feturgess ol Rush, are his daughters. 
 iVnjamin Campbell, who afterwards was a merchant and miller 
 m ^iochester, ^yas an early merchant in Rush : soon after the war 
 ot 181 J lie ,s now a resident of Builalo. John Webster and 
 Miner, were early merchants. 
 as?8n ^' n"'""' ^\t']',''' ■ '" f,'''>' '''""'^'' Pliysician-as earlv 
 as 1811. He was killed by the lall ol a tree, fifteen or twenty year's 
 S ll' M "'1 ''^ *'?V"J?f^"'' -^^^ A.s,semb!y from Monroe, is a ^on 
 ot his , Mrs. Jeremiah hibley, ol Rush, and Mrs. Robert Martin, of 
 Irlenrietta, are hi.s daughters. 
 loi^f ^°?!''"^^ SmithVommenced practice soon after the war of 
 8 U and IS vet a practicing physician in the toxvn. He married a 
 daughter ot the early Pioneer, Col. Wm. Markham. 
 ihe irst rehgiou. society organised in ]{ush, was of the Baptist 
 oidei ; their early settled clergyman. Elder (ioti: They erected a 
 stone church about If^yo Elder Badger organized a christian so- 
 ciety in early years. A Lutheran society was organized in early 
 ycar.s; and built a church about IS.'JO. 
 The town of IJush was organized in 1818. The first town meet- 
 ing was lield at the house of Rcnajah Hilliufrs. Tli'> ofhc-rs chosen 
 were:— William Markham, supervisor, Peter Price, town clerk. 
 piiELPs AND goiuiam's pukoiiase. 539 
 Other town ofTiccrs: — Nat' 1 an JefTords, Jacol) Stull, John Mark- 
 ham, Natlian Rose, Dudley Braiiiard, Clark Davis, Ueorge Liday, 
 Peter ]*rice, Adolplms Allen, Alfred Jones, John Ford, J3enj. Cam}).' 
 bell_. Daniel llulburt, Philip II. llich, Alexander Kelsey, Oliver Case, 
 Jericl Smith, Nathan Gilpin, Henry Hart. 
 James Sperry, Esq., who is generally familiar with the dcductionr, 
 of land titles in this region, is under the impression that T. 12, 
 7th R.. which now constitutes'the town of Henrietta, was sold bv 
 Phelps and Gorham, previous to the general sale to the J^ondon As- 
 sociates. In tiie general deed of conveyance there is no reservation 
 of that township, except that of 900 acres to "Major E. Scott," 
 and the author therefore concludes that the main portion of the 
 township became a part of the Pulteney estate : and this belief is 
 strengthened by the fact that the township assumed the name of 
 the daughter of Sir. Wm. Pulteney. Mr. Wads worth sold the 
 township during l. tour in Europe, to William Six, of Hague, in 
 Holland, and two associates, as the agent of the I^ondon Associ- 
 ates, as is inferred. When he returned from Europe, the sale and 
 settleinent of the town, constituted one of his numerous agencies. 
 He did u<jt, as would seem, l)ring it into market until the late period 
 of ^1800. In that year, Stephen Rodgers surveyed it into farm lots. 
 The name, " Major E. Scott," as entered in the ollice of Messrs. 
 Phelps and Gorham, should have been, Alajor Isaac Scott. He had 
 been_ either an agent or surveyor, for Phelps and Gorham, and to 
 satisfy a claim, or to fulfill a promit,e of reward, they apportioned 
 to him 900 acres, on the River, in the south west 'corner of the 
 township. Although displeased with the location that had been as- 
 signed him, he settled up;'n it soon after 1790, built a log house, 
 cleared some ten or fifteen acres, remained in his solitary wood's 
 home ibr two or three years; but becoming discouraged, from sick- 
 ness in his lamily, and other endurances incident \o pioneer life, 
 he gave up his enterprise, and the tract, by some exchange or com- 
 in-omis(\ was again merged in the township. This was the untoward 
 conuTiencement of settlement in what is now the wealthy and flour- 
 ishing town of Henrietta. It was a hard region to begin in, desirable 
 as it would now seem ; the lands were most of them flat, wet and 
 heavily timt)ered; and the whole region had a forbidding as[)ect, as 
 many will recollect, in the earliest years of settlement. 
 The. next adventurers, and in fact the i)ioneer settlers of the town, 
 in reference to permanent settlement, were: — Jcssee Pangburn. 
 Lymau and Warren Hawiey. They came in in 1800. liesides 
 tliem, the purchasers in the township, in this year, were : — Charles 
 Rice, William Thompson, Moses Goodale, Thomas Sparks, George 
 Dickinson, Sela Reed, Asa Charnplin, Gideon Grisvvold. In Octo- 
 ber, 1807, there were settled, and about to settle in the east part of 
 the township, mostly on what was called the " VVadsworth Road : " 
 — Joseph Came, Ira Hatch, Moses Wilder, Charles Rice, Jonathan 
 Russell, Benjamin Bales, Parish, Barnes, Elias 
 Wilder ; and soon after the jieriod named, there were added to the 
 settlement, the Baldwin family and Eiisha Gajre. 
 But few sales and settlement took place in 1807 and '8 ; in 1800, 
 '10, nearly all the most desirable lands in the township were contrac- 
 ted. In the latter part of 1811, the sales were arrested in conse- 
 (juence ot- the discovery that the foreign proprietors had neglected 
 to put their deeds upon record in the ofKce ot the Secretary of 
 State, as they were required to do by a special statute. The set- 
 tlers were advised by Mr. Wadsvvorth to use their means in making 
 improvements, and in preparing to pay the purchase money when 
 the dilliculty in the way of title was 'removed. In the winter of 
 1813, '14, Mr. Wadsworth (h'ew up a petition, which was generally 
 signed by the settlers, praying the legislature to pass a law which in 
 etlect would allow the proprietors to" supply the omission of record 
 within one year after the close of the then pending war. The 
 prayer was granted, and in 1817 title was perfected. Soon after 
 this, Mr. Wadsworth purchased of the foreign projv Motors, all of the 
 unsold lands in the township. 
 On the perfection of title, a somewhat stringent policy was adop- 
 ted by the proprietors, in reference to the outstandinir expired con- 
 tracts : — The contract price, $4 per acre, had been fixed at a time 
 when Henrietta vvas looked upon as a quite out of the way place 
 — a back settlement — " thirty miles from Canandaigua," and pros- 
 l)ectively far removed from market iacilities. In 1817 the whole 
 face of things had changed, and was changing: — A village had 
 sprung up at "the Falls,'' (Rochester,) milling, and other manutac- 
 turing was in progress there, and large expectations had began to 
 be formed in reference to the locality ; and what was still more im- 
 portant, the speedy prosecution of the then projected Erie Canal, 
 was confidently anticipated. New terms were imposed upon the 
 settlers, or rather what amounted to new terms, for although they 
 had had a long time to prepare for payment, they were mostly un- 
 prepared ; — it was in years when new settlers could do little more 
 than provide for present support of themselves and families. The 
 conditions imposed were : — t»avment in fu" ipon their contracts at 
 contract price, within about four months, or payment in full for 
 twenty acres or more at contr -ct price, and a new contract for all 
 that remained unpaid for, at an advance of GO percent ; or paying 
 nothing, and taking new contracts, the 66 per cent was to be ad- 
 ded. The new conditions imposed were upon the principle that 
 the proprietors and settlers, were entitled to an equal share of what 
 would be regarded as a lair estimate, of the rise in value tliat liad 
 occurred since the original contracts were made; a principle that 
 governed large land proprietors in other similar instances, but which 
 did not give due weight to the consideration, that it is tlie ])ioneers 
 who first break into new tracts of land — commence improvements 
 — who principally give the lands their enhanced value. But few 
 of the settlers could meet the prompt payment demanded ; most of 
 them were obliged to submit to the terms of renewed contracts ; un- 
 toward years followed, and the finale was the loss, with many, of 
 their improvements ; while many were obliged to sell at a sacrifice, 
 and renew in some western region, a j)ioneer lil'e. Such has been 
 the fate of many early settlers in other localities of the Genesee 
 country, but in few instances perhaps, were there as large a propor- 
 tion of changes of ocupants as in Henrietta. But few, in fact, of 
 the early settlers became permanent residents. 
 The Sperry family, as will have been observed in another con- 
 nection, settled in Henrietta in 1809, — or a part of it in that year, 
 and a part in 1813; their location, what was termed "Methodist 
 Hill." John Briminstool was the first settler on the River road, in 
 1810. His father, Michael Briminstool, settled on the same road in 
 1811. In that year, the only settlers on the lliver road from Enos 
 Stone's, in Brighton, to .south line of Henrietta, were the Brimin- 
 stool's, John Cook, Russell, and a family in a log house near 
 Mt. Hope ; to whom were added before the close of the year, Lu 
 ther C. Adams, Charles Case, Isaac F. Nichols, Hugh and Frederick 
 Sample, Simon Moore, Bethuel Hitchcock, and Charles Colegrove. 
 In the same year, Andrew and John Bushman, and John Gould set- 
 tled on cross road between River and State road. With a little 
 assistance from Mr. Wadsworth the River road was opened through 
 Henrietta to the Falls, in 1812 : — " but," says Deacon Briminstool, 
 "we had but little business in that direction ; we used sometimes to 
 go down the river to fish, and sometimes to mill." In 1812 Joshua 
 Briminstool and William Frazier, and soon after, Daniel BIy and 
 Timothy Torrence settled upon the road. Of the early settlers in 
 that part of the town, the surviving residents are, Michael Brimin- 
 stool, Charles Case, and Andrew and John Bushman. Deacon Brim- 
 instool is now in his 81st year. Jacob Briminstool, of Henrietta, is 
 a surviving son; a daughter of his became the wife of James Mc- 
 Moses Wilder set out the first orchard in town, and built the first 
 framed house; Elias wilder the first barn. Elias Wilder moved to 
 Conncaut, Ohio, soon after the war of 1812. His surviving sons, 
 are, Amasa Wilder, of Richmond, Moses Wilder and Palmer B. 
 Wilder, of Rochester; daughters became the wives of Jonathan 
 Rood, of Pittsford, Clark Marshall, of Waterbury, Vt., Orrin An- 
 derson, of Orleans county, Jairus Bryant, of Pontiac, Michigan. 
 Ira Hatch removed to Cattaragus county. Jonathan Russell is 
 still livincr in Henrietta. Benjamin Bales removed in an early day 
 to Ontario, Wiiyne county; and also the Barns and Parish families, 
 The religious meetings held in town, were at the house of 
 Moses Wilder, by circuit preachers : — Elder S. Puffer, Lacey, Fill- 
 more. The first school on Wadsworth road, was opened in 1809, 
 in a log school house that stood near Stephens' corners. The school 
 was kept by Sarah Leggett. The first military muster in town. 
 was in 1810. Joseph Bancroft was captain ; Hodge, who 
 was killed at the battle of Queenston, was the Lieutenant. It was 
 remembered that but few of the trainers had guns, and most of them 
 were barefooted. A saw mill was erected in 1811 or '12, by Jon- 
 athan Smith. 
 In 1814, Elder Thomas Gorton settled on the river road. He 
 had previously resided in Lima. A Baptist society had been or- 
 ganized two years previous, and meetings had been kept up. Deacon 
 Briminstool generally leading in them.' After Elder Gorton settled 
 in the neighborhood, a block meeting house was erected. The Elder 
 emigrated to Michigan in 1840. He had thirteen children who be- 
 came heads of lamilies. The first school on River road, was opened 
 in 1810, by Lucy Branch, now Mrs. Solomon Nichols, of Cattarau- 
 gus county. A religious reading meeting was started in 1811, by the 
 elder Mr. Sperry, on the State road, which terminated in the forma- 
 tion of a Congregational society, in 1815. A log meeting house 
 was erected, but no stated preaching was maintained until the Rev. 
 Wm. P. Kendrick was employed by the society in 1823. In 1833, 
 the society was merged with another that had been organized in the 
 east part of the town, and their present nrieeting house near the 
 Academy was erected. 
 In 1813 or '14, a Baptist society was organized in the east part 
 of the town, over which Elder John Finney was settled for several 
 years. In 1827 the east and west societies were merged, and a 
 house erected at Henrietta corners. Over this united church Elder 
 Miner was settled until 1838, when a division took place, and 
 churches were erected at West Hem-ietta, and in the east part of 
 the town. 
 To the enterprise, and just appreciation of the cause of education, 
 on the part of a few citizens of the town of Henrietta, the inhabitants 
 of all this region were indebted tor an early flourishing literary insti- 
 tution. Monroe Academy was projected as early as 1825. Before 
 the close of 1820 a sufficient amount of subscriptions were obtained 
 to warrant the erection of a building. The contract went into the 
 hands of Benjamin Baldwin, a young merchant of the town ; the 
 Academy building was completed and the whole enterprise was 
 fairly under way under the auspices of David Crane as Principal, 
 in the winter of '28 '9. Among its rnost active projectors .ind pat- 
 rons, wr re : — Luther C. Chamberlin. Richard Wilkins. Richard 
 Daniels, ElishaGaae. Bediamin Baldwin, Abijah Gould, 
 Ozias Church, (father of the present Lieut. Governor,) of Henrietta, 
 and Giles Bolton, of Rochester. Its success exceeded the most san- 
 guine anticipations; its students soon numbering as manv as 350. 
 It continued to he a flourishing institution in all the early vears of its 
 existence, and supi)lied a local ^' (ici. ,u;y that had existed in the 
 means of education ; and only declined when similar institutions 
 were rapidly niulti|)lied in otirjr localiti 's. 
 Early settlers of Henrietta, other than those named : — Ebenezer 
 Gooding, a son of the early pioneer in Bristol, Warren Burr, Ros- 
 well Wickwire, Elijah Little, Stephen Legget, Alfred Jones, Noble 
 Dayton, Charles Bahvin, . Scudder. 
 _ The Pioneer sr^tdement of Henrietta, owing to its secluded posi 
 lion, its heavy ti; iber, and the prevalence generally of level lands 
 and wet soil, to which was added vears of questionable title ; was 
 slow and discouragin-^ As with all the rest of this region — but 
 especially with that and several other localities — the "good time" 
 came with the Eri canal ; or when that great promoter and diffuser 
 of prosperity had bi^come a settled measure. The town is now 
 justly ranked among the best agricultural towns of Western New 
 York ; and no where, perhaps, do farms bear a higher average value. 
 The territory thus designated is bounded on the east ny Phelps 
 and Gorham's purchase ; north by Lake Ontario ; west by the 
 Transit, or Holland Company's eastern line; south by the Penn- 
 sylvania line; — containing in all, not far from 500,000 acres. It 
 was a reservation made by Mr. Morris, in his sale to the Holland 
 Company, and afterwards sold in large tracts to others — principally 
 to preferred creditors. The northern portion of it, the settlement 
 of which will only be included in thid connection, was divided into 
 two tracts: — the"" Triangle," and the "Connecticut," or " 100,000 
 acre Tract." 
 This is a tract, which as will be observed by reference to maps, 
 has its base upon Lake Ontario, and terminates in a sharp point, a 
 little south of Le Roy village. The peculiar shape had its origin 
 in the north easterly direction it was necessary to give the west 
 line of Phelps and Gorham's Purchase, in order to have it corres- 
 pond with the course of the Genesee River, and be an average dis- 
 tance of twelve miles therefrom.* The tract contains 87,000 acres ; 
 embraces the towns of Clarkson, Sweeden, and part of Bergen and 
 Le Roy. Mr. Morris sold it to Le Roy, Bayard and M'Evers, who 
 were then merchants of the city of New York. It was not sur- 
 veyed until 1801. In the spring of that year, Mr. Eliicott, as agent 
 for the proprietors, employed Richard M. Stoddard who then resi- 
 ded m Canandaigua, and had been in the emplov of the Holland 
 Company, to survey the tract ; and after the survey he became the 
 local agent for its sale and settlement. 
 Mr. Stoddard had married the sister of Dudley Saltonstall, of 
 Canandaigua, who took an interest with him in the purchase of 500 
 acres of the tract, which constitutes the site of Le Roy village. 
 Mr. Saltonstall soon sold his interest to Ezra Piatt, who was also a 
 resident of Canandaigua, and one of the early Judges of Ontario. 
 Stoddard and Piatt, became the Pioneers of Le Roy, and all of the 
 Triangle. Before the close of 1801 they had built a log house on 
 the banks of Allan's creek, opened a land office, and were erecting 
 mills at what was then called " Buttermilk Falls." Mr. Stoddard 
 was sheriff of Genesee county soon after its organization ; in all 
 early years a prominent and useful citizen. His widow still sur- 
 vives, a resident with her son, Thomas B. Stoddard, Esq, near Irving, 
 Chautauque county. The only daughter was the first wife of the 
 Hon. John B Skinner, of Wyoming. Mr. Stoddard died in 1810. 
 Ezra Piatt, who was at one period First Judge of Genesee, died in 
 1811 ; Elijah and George Piatt of Le Roy, and Ezra Piatt, of Ann 
 Arbor, are his sons ; Mrs. Stephen M. Wolcott, of Le Roy, is a 
 daughter of Judge Piatt. 
 This pioneer commencement has reference to the immediate vil- 
 lage of Le Roy. Near the village, on the main road, east, it will 
 have been observed, Capt.. Ganson had succeeded Charles Wilbur 
 in a public house in 1798. In reference to the whole towij Mr. Wil- 
 bur was the pioneer. He was the first justice of the peaie west of 
 Caledonia. Removing fron. Le Roy, he located at the Cold Springs, 
 near Lockport, becoming the first settler in all that part of Niagara 
 county. His wife was a daughter of Deacon Handy, of West 
 Bloomfield ; a daughter, the first born in Le Roy, is Mrs. Standart, 
 of Cleavland. Jessee and Philip Beach, Chapman Hawley, Gil- 
 * Tlie survey of the Mill Tract -n-aa first made l)v Col. Hugh Maxwell. He ran 
 twelve miles west from tlie ri\cr, and tlieii due north to Lake Ontario. Tliis beiufr 
 objected to by the Indians, tlio late Judu:e Porter ran a new line, whicli was as near 
 an avr-rage of twelve miles di^latit from tlie River as a straight lii;e would allow. Li 
 after surveys, west of this line, the tract which Porter's survey struck out from the 
 Maxwell survey, became what has been termed the Triangle. 
 Douglass, Samuel Davis, and Hinds Chamberlin, 
 bert Hall, — 
 were soon added to the new settlement east of the present village 
 site. The Beaches removed to Niagara county where many of 
 their descendants now reside. Deacon Hinds Chamberlin, who is 
 named in another connection, came a young man to Scottsville, as 
 early as 1795. He was elected a constable in 1798, for the whole 
 region west of the River; first serving precepts issued by a magis- 
 trate at Avon ; and afterwards those issued by Esq. Fish. As a 
 road commissioner he laid out the first road west of theRiver, from 
 Scottsville to Hall's corners. He married previous to 1800, the 
 widow of Malcolm M'Laren, of Caledonia. He aied in 1849, aged 
 84 years. Some reminiscences of his, will be found in Holland 
 Purchase, p. 321 ; to a son of his, Mr. S. Chamberlin, of Le Roy, 
 the author has been indebted for some farther reminiscences obtain- 
 ed from the early pioneer, previous to his death.* Mr. Davis be- 
 came an early tavern keeper, a mile east of Le Roy. He was from 
 Bloomfield ; lived in early life with General Hall ; married a daugh- 
 ter of Isaac Scott, the pioneer of Scottsville. He was murdered in 
 his own house, in 1827 or '8, by James Gray, who was excuted at 
 Batavia. The father of Gray, who was implicated in the murder, 
 was sentenced to the States prison, pardoned by the Governor, and 
 died in Le Roy a few years since. The Grays were intoxicated; 
 the immediate provocation was the refusal of Mr. Davis to give up 
 a child of James Gray that was indented to him. 
 Gen. Daniel Davis was a settler as early as 1801, and also became 
 an early tavern keeper. He was ;in early military officer, succeed- 
 ing Joseph Hewitt in the command of a company of militia ; had 
 attained the rank of Brig. General on the occurrence of the war of 
 1812 ; was killed at the sortie of Fort Erie. 
 Asa Buell was a settler soon after 1800 ; had held a commission 
 in the Revolution ; was a member of the Legislature of Conn. ; 
 died in 1825 or '6 ; a son was killed with Gen. Davis at the sortie of 
 Fort Erie ; a surviving son occupies the homested. 
 The following list embraces the names of all who purchased land 
 upon the Triangle, from commencement of sales until the close of 
 1809. Generally it is the names of the early Pioneers, though in 
 some instances, it is presumed, the purchasers, or holders of contracts 
 never became residents. And it is also to be considered that many 
 Note. — In reminiscences ef Le Roy, reference will be had to tlie wliole town, witli- 
 out any distinction as to that poition of it which is on the Triangle. 
 * Mr. Chamberlin has forwarded to the author the first deed given for a farm lot, 
 west of Caladonia. John Johnstone, as the agent of William Hornby, conveys 100 
 acres of land in Le Roy, to Josepli Hewitt. The blank was printed by " L. Gary, 
 Canandaigtia." Mr. Hcwett paid for his farm thus early witli the i)roceeds of a con- 
 tract with Mr. Ellicott, fur buii Jiug the fiist bridge uver Allan's creek, at Le Roy. lie 
 removed to Lewiston, Niagara county, in early years, where he became a successful 
 farmer, and where his descendants now reside. 
 ■ii ! 
 transfers of contracts were made, in which cases the names of 
 the actual settlers may not appear : — 
 ' TowN>iiirp J. 
 Ducllf Walioiwtall, 
 E. il. a»odUaid, 
 Township 1. 
 Elias Undenvdod, 
 E. Uacoii, 
 William Gilmorc, 
 TowNsnir 1. 
 Isaac Marsli, 
 'I'owNsnii' 4. 
 Moody Freeman.] 
 Township 1. 
 PliiloiiKiii iVcttlcton, 
 James Bates, 
 John Fordham. 
 Benj. Fox, 
 Gaines Uiown, 
 Jessee Foskett, 
 Ccplias Fordbam,' 
 Martin Kelsey, 
 James Bates, 
 Jessee Giiswold, 
 Daniel Le Barron, 
 Sylvan us Fail-field, 
 Joseph Mapes, 
 Ella Sinitli. 
 Township 2. 
 Eirliard Abbey, 
 Abraliam Davis, 
 Aley under Wliite, 
 Township 1. 
 Simon I'ieison, 
 Joseph Pierson, 
 Oliver Bates. 
 Township 2. 
 Samuel Oleason. 
 William Peters, 
 Jonathan Tliompson, 
 Willard Leach, 
 fleorge L(}tson, 
 Joseph Eldridge, 
 Sanmcl Farley, 
 David Johnson, 
 Township 1. 
 David Fainliild, 
 Thaddous Keys, 
 Township 1. 
 Lemuel F. Prindell, 
 Natlian Hnrvey, 
 Jormiiiih H.iMaU, 
 ^Township 5. 
 John Barns, 
 Amos W. Sweet, 
 John Cobb. 
 Township 2. 
 David Scott. 
 Jolm Landon, ' 
 Benajah Wordeu. 
 Township 4. 
 James Sayres, 
 Township 2. 
 James Austin, 
 David Potter, 
 Solomon Loach, 
 Cotton Leacli, 
 Gideon Elliott, 
 Isaac Leacli, 
 Levi Leach, 
 Daniel Kelsey, 
 David Franklin, 
 Jolm I'ieison. 
 Township 3. 
 Isaiah Wliito, 
 Jonathan Freeman, 
 TJiomas White. 
 Township 2, 
 Roger Kelsey, 
 James Gano. 
 Township ,3. 
 Jas. D. Mowlat, 
 Archibald M' Knight, 
 Josepli Hopkins, 
 Levi Gilbert, 
 Gideon Orr, 
 John Ellis, 
 ToVv-N-SHIP -l. 
 Wm. Spafford, 
 Samuel Algur, 
 Township I. 
 EbeiK'zer Oicen, 
 Aaron Scriljuer. 
 Township 1 . 
 Abraliam liiissell, 
 Horace She|iherd, 
 Joshua Woodward. 
 Township 2. 
 Jacob Fuller. 
 Township 4. 
 Elijah Blodgett. 
 Township o. 
 James M'Casaon. 
 Township 4. 
 John Fowle, 
 Wm. Davis, 
 Simeon Daggett, 
 David Stanton, 
 Noah Owen, 
 Benj. Boyd, 
 Isaac Farwell, 
 John Farwell. 
 Township 5. 
 Abigal Sayer, 
 John Chajiman, 
 Township 4. 
 Aretas Haskcdl, 
 Julius Curtiss, 
 Samuel Cliiswell, 
 Ebenezer Towlo, 
 Svhester Eldritlge, 
 Iv^oah Owen, 
 Olney F. Rice, 
 Carr Draiier. 
 Township 5. 
 Perry G. Nichols. 

 1- i 
 andoorham's purcil^e. 547 
 Township 1. 
 Township 2. 
 Township 3. 
 Oliver Biites, 
 James Larulon, 
 Ephraim (barter. 
 Jainos BiiteH, 
 Sylvanus Durlain, 
 Bethucl H.iiTou, 
 Lock wood G. Iloyt, 
 Aug. lUieli, 
 Amos Parks, 
 SylvjiiniH Franklin, 
 Joim (iifford. 
 I'liah L. James, 
 I'liilo i'iorson. 
 Cyrus (litFord, 
 AV^m. James, 
 , ^M 
 ToWNSIlU- 2. 
 Dyre Thomas, 
 AV. Stewart, 
 , ^M 
 Abriiliani Davis, 
 Jo.sej)!! Tiiroop, 
 Elisha Stewart, 
 ' ^M 
 Levi UussellJr., 
 Orange Throop, 
 Bi'iij. Sheldon, 
 Elislia Ewer. 
 Pliili[) Conklin, 
 David Johnson, 
 John A. Lackor, 
 Aaron H. Kelsoy, 
 Ei)er (Jriswold, 
 Wlieaton Southworth, 
 Hein-y i). (Jillbrd, 
 Jeretuiali Hart, 
 A. Bissell. 
 Township 3. 
 John Ellis, 
 John Reed, 
 Samuel Bishop, 
 Stei)lien Jolmson, 
 Township 4. 
 Patrick Fowler, 
 JoHe[)ii Grover, i i 
 Wiliiur Sweet, ■ '■ ! 
 Levi Loaeli, 
 Eli (Hiuis, 
 Ahiier Lovejoy, 
 D, l{. Peters, 
 Benj. Woodward, 
 Wju. Woodward, 
 Josej)h Ho )kins, 
 Wm. Dunsha, 
 Samuel Liucoln, 
 Luke Chase, 
 Wm. Dickinson, 
 Anthonv Case, 
 S. Bigelow. 
 TowNsiiir I. 
 Township 3. 
 Township 3. 
 John Richards, 
 Walter Palmer, 
 Wm. Bentley, ■ ,' 
 1 Leonard I'arinelee, 
 Linc<iln Palmer, 
 Niclioliis Jjako, 
 Win. Wolcott, 
 Cyrus Hatch, 
 Oramel Butler, 
 Daniel Waite. 
 Rufus Harinan, 
 Simeon Gray, 
 Nathaniel Kin;?. 
 John A. Tone, 
 Joseiili Luce. 
 Township 4. 
 Reuben Stickney, 
 ' ^1 
 Benj. Wright, 
 Levi Wanl, Sen. 
 Joseph Ekiridge, 
 Steplien Lyman, 
 Josnua Green, 
 Eldiidge Farwell, 
 John Mallory, ^^Ji * 
 John Ward, 
 Lsaac Iiincoin, HMII 
 Levi Ward, Jr., 
 Cyrus Galloway, 
 Eli Mead, ^^^H 
 BetHoy Whipple. 
 Wm. M. Bentley, 
 Wilbur Sweet, ^^Hi 
 Win, Munger, 
 John Wright, 
 Charles Warren, 
 L. W. Udall, ^n 
 )* ^^1 
 Wm. B. Worden, 
 Robert Clark, WkM 
 ■t ^^M 
 Joseph 'i'hroop, 
 Aaron Hill, 
 Robert Hoy, ^^^ 
 Polly (Hfford, 
 Moses J. HiU, 
 Robert Brown, j, i'> 
 Peleg 'i'honias. 
 Juihih Church, 
 Jas. M. Brown, .- 
 Abijah Cai)ron, 
 Natliauiel Pool, 
 Oliver Hamlin, 
 Simeon Gray, 
 Daniel C. Stoue, 
 Dani'ortli Howe, 
 Wni. H. Miinger, 
 David Lovett, 
 Macv Brown. 
 TowNsi'ii- 3. 
 Jacob Bartlett, 
 Eli Ijundell, 
 Samuel Linc(dn, 
 Bonj. Kidght, 
 Natliauiel PooL 
 Joiiatlian Mead, 
 Johnson Hedull, 
 Elisha Lake. 
 Amos Parks, 
 Micajah Moon, 
 Edward Parks, 
 Reuben Downs, 
 Township 2. 
 Township 3. 
 Township 3. 
 Joshua tireen, 
 Amos Frill k, 
 Reuben Stickney. Jr., 
 Daniel Guthrie, 
 Alaiison Tlioraas, 
 Tlios. W. Taylor, 
 Azariah Haywood, 
 Iwiac Howard, 
 Reulien Downs, 
 George Ornian, 
 Zadock Hurd, 
 Township 4, 
 Jacob Orman. 
 Joseph Lan 'don, 
 Levi Jlerrills, 
 Isaac Holmes, 
 Township 3. 
 James Hoy, ; 
 Matliias I'ease, 
 Joshua Gieeu, 
 Joshua H. Brown, 
 Ebenezor Champney, 
 John ilarshall. 
 Walter Billings, 
 Gale Funuan, 
 Stephen Clark, 
 Orange Risdeu. 
 1 1 
 Ttie successor of R. M. Stoddard in the lanrl acrency, was Gra- 
 ham Newell, who was succeeded by Egbert Benson. Jr. The suc- 
 cessor of the last named, was Jacob Le Rov, a son of one of the 
 m-oj.rietors. In 1839, Mr. Le Roy returned to New York, and 
 Joshua Lothrop who had been his clerk, succeeded him in the 
 agency, which position he still retains ; though the affairs of the 
 agency are pretty much closed ; the whole tract being sold, deeded, 
 and paid for, with the exception of a small amount which remains 
 m the form of loans. 
 The reader by a cursory examination of the list of earlv settlers, will 
 observe that tor the first few years, settlement of the Triangle beyond 
 the immediate neighborhood of J^e Roy, had a slow progress. I n 
 1803, there were but two lots sold in Bergen ; in 1804, but seven ; 
 in 1805, but twenty-one. In 1805, but three in Sweden ; in 1806, 
 but nine ; in 1807, but twenty-six. In 1803, but one in Clarkson , 
 in 1804, but three; in 1805, but twelve. And it is not to be pre- 
 sumed that all who purchased became actual settlers ; in fact, many 
 did not. 
 Jeremiah Hascall removed from Canandaigua, where he had set- 
 tled in 1800, to Le Roy, with his family, in 1805; having pur- 
 chased a part of the present Murphy farm in 1802. He was a 
 Justice of the Peace when his jurisdiction embraced all the territo- 
 ry west of Genesee river. He died in 1835, aged 96 years ; his 
 wde in 1834, aged 84 years. They had thirteen children, twelve 
 ol whom arrived at adult age. The surviving sons are :— David, 
 Amasa, and Augustus P. Hascall, of Le Roy, the last named being 
 the member of Congress elect, from the county of Genesee ; John 
 Hascall, of Kalamazoo, Michigan. Daughters :— Mrs. Wiard, of 
 Le Roy; Mrs. Hurvey, of Pike; Mrs. Austin, of Le Roy; Mrs 
 Knowlton, of Ohio. 
 James Austin was an officer of the Revolutionary army ; settled 
 fn-st in Bristol; in Le Roy soon after 1800. He died in Bergen. 
 His widow still survives, over 90 years of age. Mrs. Bissell'and 
 Mrs. Lee, of Bergen, Mrs. Allen, of Mendon, were his daughters. 
 Nathan Harvey settled in Le Roy in 1802. He and Jeremiah 
 Hascall were both engaged in opening what is now called the Brock- 
 port road. It was done at the expense of the proprietors of the Trian- 
 gle. The road makers took camp equippage, and encamped as 
 they progressed. Mr. Harvey died in 1839. Harmon Harvey, of 
 Le Roy aid Nathaniel Harvey, of Allegany, are his sons; Mrs. 
 Hiram Butler, of Le Roy, is a daughter. 
 Richard Waite was the Pioneer blacksmith ; was an early officer 
 of the militia. He still survives, a resident of Alexander.' He is 
 the father of the Rev. Richard L. Waite, of Carvville ; Daniel D. 
 Waite, editor of the Advocate, Batavia; Elisha Waite, of Adrian. 
 Michigan : Mrs. Newton, of Alexander, is a daughter. 
 Stephen Stilwell was the Pioneer shoemaker ; coming in with a 
 large family in the fall of the year, for the want of a better tene- 
 ment, he was obliued to rover and make a small addition to a frame 
 raised by Major >v' a ite i'^f shoeing oxen; in which he wintered, 
 and began the ;-liO'.ii'r; u' the new settlers. He was not only a 
 shoemaker, ju. a preicner, and a famous coon hunter. One of a 
 family of emig n^s ;lying at Capt. Gansons, he preached the fu- 
 neral sermon in l.'.e b i-room. This was the first death and burial 
 in Le Roy. 
 The Parmule*' 'i r ily were early settlers. Col. Parmalee, of 
 Wilson, Niaga > .. ity, is one of the survivors. Martin Kclsey. 
 Timothy Hatch, Washington Weld, Isaac Marsh, Hugh Murphy, 
 David Scott, Martin 0. Coe, were in Le Roy previous to, and be- 
 fore the close ot the war of 1812. Mr. Kelsey survives at the a-^e 
 of 70 years ; Mrs. Elmore, of Le Roy, is his daughter. Mr. Hatch 
 died in 1844 ; his widow still survives ; M. P. llatch, of Oswego, 
 is a son of his ; Mrs. Martin O. Coe, of Le Roy, a daughter. Mr. 
 Weld died in 1849 ; Willard Weld, residing near Lockport, is a son 
 of his ; the widow still survives. Mr. Marsh died many years 
 since ; some of the family are residing in Bushville, near Batavia. 
 Mr. Murphy settled first in Cambria, Niagara county; in 1810, 
 changed his residence to Le Roy, purchasing the tract which now 
 constitutes the fine farm occupied by his sons and daughters, border- 
 ing upon the eastern boundaries of the village. He died in 1826. 
 David Scott was an officer of the regular army in 1812 ; now re- 
 sides in Michigan. Mr. Coe still survives : George, Joseph and 
 ("harles Coe, of Le Roy, and William Coe, of Boston, are his sons. 
 Dr. Ella Smith was the first settled physician in Le Roy. Dr. 
 William Sheldon settled there in 1811, and has continued practice 
 up to this period. William H. Sheldon, of Le Roy, who married 
 a daughter of one of the early pioneers at Allen's Hill, Ontario 
 county ; Joseph Garlinghouse ; Lucius Sheldon, of Le Roy ; G. T. 
 Sheldon, of Detroit, and Horatio Sheldon, of Wisconsin, are his sons. 
 Dudley Saltonstall was the first practicing lawyer in Le Roy. 
 Heman J. Redfield commenced practice there soon after the war of 
 1812; his students, while at Le Roy, were: — Seth M. Gates, of 
 Warsaw, Lucas Beecher of Sandusky, Willis Buell of Zanesville, 
 and Albert Smith of Milwaukee. John B. and Samuel Skinner, 
 and John and Augustus Hascall, succeeded the early lawyers in 
 practice there. 
 In 1810, the first building was erected exclusively for merchan- 
 dizing. It wixs first occupied by George A. Tiffany, a son of one 
 of the early printers at Canandaigua, and by Johnson and 
 Joseph Annin, in succession. Thaddeus Joy, so long and widely 
 known, first as a teamster in the days of " big wagons," on the Al- 
 bany and Buffalo road, then as a mei chant, and in later years, in 
 connection with transportation on the Erie Canal, was merchan- 
 dizing in Le Roy as early as 1810. He went to Buffalo in 1823; 
 now resides ill the city of Now York. Ju(lu;(> Siimucl Dc Vcaux. 
 ol" Ni:i,<(;ir;i l'\iils, now one; of the most we'iiihy and jmblic spirited 
 citizens of all thai ren;ion, had been att,ach(>d to the connnissarv 
 department at I'ort Niagara, and suhse(iuently had conmuMiced 
 mercliandizinu: then;. The winter alter the IJreaking out of the 
 \var, he removed to Lc; Roy, and was en<fa<:;t'd in merehan- 
 diziniir_ there until alter the close of the war. Li'some reminiscen- 
 ces of the war of 181'2, which he has furnished the author, and 
 which will fonuan interestin<r chapter in a volume now ]tarrlv pre- 
 pare(Mor the jn-ess—" Sketches of the War of 1812 upon the j\ia- 
 jj;ara Frontier "—he i)ays a well merited tribute to the patriotism of 
 the citizens of j^e Roy, in that tryinu; crisis ; and especially names 
 tlu^ circumstance of the furnishing of ,<i;ra!uitous supplies from that 
 villaj^e and neiu-hborhood, at a luM'iodof want and destitution upon 
 the Frontier; and it but accords with the author's recollection of 
 the patriotism (>f the citizens of that locality during tlie war. 
 A Presbyterian church was organized in'Le Roy in 181'2. The 
 Rev. Mr._ Tuller was th.> first to oilieiat',> ; the llev. Calvin C. Colton, 
 author of the "Life of Henry Clay," was the first settled clergy- 
 man. The society erected a church in IS-jS. Previous to the or- 
 ganization of this society, religious meetings had been held in a barn 
 near the present residence of Judge Brewster; and subse(|uently. 
 ill a school hou.-'e opposite the residence of Col. Shedd. The P>af)- 
 tists erected a church in 1822. A illethodist society was formed in 
 1823, Dy Elder A. Seager. An Episcopal church was erected in 
 The Le Ptoy Female Seminary was founded in ISHfl. An asso- 
 ciation, the members of which were, A. P. ITascall, Samuel Corn- 
 stock, Lee Comstock, Ezra Rathbuii, S. j\[. Cafes, Albert iJreUster. 
 Jonathau P. Darling, Alonzo S. Upham, Richard ilollister, William 
 S. Bradley, and Euos Bachelor, j)urchased a private residence for 
 the purpose of converting it into a literary institution. The Misses 
 Inghams, having i)reviously l(jcated themsslves in the village of At- 
 tica, as an inducement for'tb.em to remove to Le Rov, the associa- 
 tion took their [nopcrty in Attica in exchange for the building and 
 lotiiiLePioy. The school was immediately started under' their 
 ausjjices, was nourishing, and has become, by their uiu'cmitting en- 
 terjnise and perseverance, one of the best 'Female Seminaries in 
 the State. Improving the grounds, and from time to time enlarging 
 the ('(lifice, it now has the imposing appearance of some of the 
 eastern colleges. Few, if any, female institutions in the State have 
 turned out more well educatcfl graduates; many of wheni are. 
 cither at^the head of, or teachers in seminaries in different portions 
 ot the United States : especially in the western .States. One of 
 the founders of the institution lias becume the wife of Mr. Phineas 
 Stanton, a son of one oi' the prominent pioneers of the Holland 
 Purchase, the late Colonel Staiiton, of Middlebury. 
 The aiitlior is indebted to the venerable Simon Pierson, a suiviv- 
 in[i- pioneer dI' liie noiiliern jiuriion of the town of JiO Hoy — the 
 noic^hbftrlinoil of F(^rt Hill — for nnniy early reminiscences of that 
 locality, espi'cially in reference to the interestinir ancient remains 
 which has (fiven to the spot considerable celebrity. The remains 
 found at Fort Hill, were embraced in a previous work of the au- 
 thors, and the public have been made familiar with the subject in 
 other l()rins. Mr. I'ierson's account of early settlement, the author 
 cheerfully and thankfully makes available. 
 Deacon Hinds Chamberlin was a ])ioneer in this, as he had 
 been in other localities. He broke into what was called the north- 
 crri woods, built a cabin, and made ,m opeiiin<^ in the forest, in the 
 neidiborhood of Fort Hill, in 1801. In 1802, Alexander M'J'herson 
 beoamii his neighbor; John, .Jani(;s, Allen, and Alexandor M'l'her- 
 son, jr., are his sons. In 1801, Francis Lc JJarron; descendants 
 principally i-eside in Michigan. In 1801, Cideon Fordham. Also, 
 in 1801, i^'hilemon N(;ttleton ; descendants |)rinci[)ally reside in 
 Michigan. In 1805, these five first settlers rolled up sonte huge 
 b.'isswood logs, at the ibot of Fort Hill, near the brook, and nuule 
 one of lli- mdest specimens ol" a backwoods school house. The 
 first teacher was vVddrew M'Nabb, a Scotchman; the secohd, 
 Siunucl Ciocker ; the third, Major Nathan Wilson ; the last of whom 
 died in 181,'J of the prevailing epidemic; liis son, Nathan Wilson, 
 jr., died from a wound received in battle in the war of 1812 : 
 Steplu'n S. and Jared E. Wilson, of J^e Hoy, are surviving sons. 
 Alexander M'Pherson died in I8\i',i, aged 80 years ; Francis Le Bar- 
 ron in 18;?2, aged 01 years; Philemon Nettleton in 1818, ag"d 72 
 years; (lideon Fordham in 1821, aged 77 years. 
 David J^e IJarron, Samuel Smith, Ebenezer Parmalee, Jshi 
 Franklin, Aljner Hull, llussell Pierson, Rev. Josiah Pier.son, Philo 
 Piersson, John l^ierscMi, Simon Pierson, Sylvanus Franklin, Linus 
 Pierson, were all settled in the neighborhood before the close of 
 1810. The first nanied died in 1820, aged 51 years ; two sons are 
 sui)posed to be with the IMormons at Salt Lake. The second died 
 in 18'2!), figed 77 years ; descendants reside in Michigan. The 
 third died in J817, aged 73 years; David W., Harlow and William 
 Pnrmalee are his sons. The fourth died in 1813, aged 02 years; 
 Warren, Watson, Henry, William and David Franklin, are his sons. 
 The nixth died in 1815, aged 70 years; Luther and Adol})hus Pier 
 son, of Ijergen, Edwin Pierson, of Chili, Willis Pierson, of Ogden. 
 and ,Iohn Pierson. of Careyville, are his sons. The seventh died 
 in J)ergen in 181(»; Hamilton W. and Nelson Pierson, of Bergen, 
 Carloss Pierson, of Ohio, and Josia'.i Pierson, of Mount Morris, are 
 his sons. The eighth died in 1820; William Pierso'i, a lawyer in 
 Kentucky, and David B. Pierson, a merchant in Cincinnati, are his 
 sons. The tenth died of the prevailing epidemic in 1813, contract- 
 ed upon the frontier, aged 30 years ; au only son was drowned from 
 on board the S. B. Washington, on Lake Erie, in 1838 ; Mrs. 
 Flint, of Batavia, is a daughter. The eleventh still survives, re- 
 siding near Churchville. 
 David Frankin, a brother of Sylvanus Franklin, had come in 
 previous to 1809. In March of that year, the two brothers, with 
 their wives and two children, were descending the primitive road 
 at Fort Hill, which ran along upon one side of a deep ravine, in a 
 sleigh drawn by spirited horses. The horses became unmanage- 
 able, set off at full speed, and turning an angle of the road, the 
 sleigh upset, throwing the whole party a considerable distance, with 
 great violence ; David Franklin striking a stump, and receiving an 
 injury that he did not long survive. " This sorrowful accident," 
 says Mr. Pierson, " threw a shade of gloom over our backwoods 
 settlement; for it seemed as if we could hardly do without our 
 neighbor Franklin, who was forward in every good word and work." 
 This, and other accidents that had happened there, induced a change 
 in the location of the road. 
 Touching the advent of our friend Mr. Pierson, he must be al- 
 lowed to tell his story in his own humorous way. 
 In October, 1806, in company with my brother, the l",ue Rev. Josiali 
 Pierson, of Bergen, and our families, I started from Ki'.lingworth, Conn,, 
 with a wagon load of household goods, bound for the Genesee country, 
 which we then understood as embracing all west of Whitestown. I was 
 then 28 years old, my brother 26, From Albany to Whitestown, we met 
 a vast number of teams loaded with wheat for the Albany market. On 
 the road, we met De Witt Chnton returning from a western tour. At 
 Whitestown, there were three log-houses, one of them a tavern, kept by 
 Air. Baggs. We then supposed we had arrived at the western verge of 
 civilization, and that we were now coming to a region — 
 " Where nothiug dwelt but beasts of prey, 
 Or men as wild aud fierce as they." 
 here — 
 But which has proved to be a regio;; 
 " The worthy, need,; , poor repair, 
 Aud build them towns and cities there." 
 " * * * * » 
 •' They sow their seed, and trees they plant, 
 Whose yearly fruit su[)plie.s tliei. want ; 
 Their race grows up in fruitful stock, 
 Their wealth increases with tlieir Hock." 
 From Vi^hitestown we passed on, I should think, about three miles, where 
 there was a log school house, and where they were holding a meeting — 
 for it was Sunduy — and they were singing the good old familiar tune — 
 New Jerusalem: — 
 " From the tliird heavens where God resides," &c. 
 We travelled on the Sabbath, because we were told that travellers had no 
 home but the tavern ; and that they were thronged on that day with those 
 whose society would not contribute to a Sabbath day's rest ; loafers they 
 would be called now that we have got such a word. From Whitestown 
 to Canandaigua, 112 miles, was a new turnpike, much of the way through 
 the woods and very muddy. Once in ten miles was a toll gate where we 
 had to pay 25 cents for poaching ten miles of road. On arriving at the 
 outlet of Canandaigna Lake, we found a small grist-mill, said to have been 
 built by one of our townsmen, Mr. Harris; who, it was said, had brought 
 a half bushel of wheat on his back from Whitestown, for seed. I saw 
 the old man on his return from the Genesee country. His friends in Con- 
 necticut had conjectured that the Indians would use him up, and that he 
 would never reach home again. 
 At Genesee river, we had no way of crossing, but in a wretched scow. 
 On the west side of the river, we saw many Indian huts, from the corners 
 of which was suspended, by braided husks, large quantities of corn. An 
 old Indian told us we were at " Canawaugus." I began to think of toma- 
 hawks and scalping knives. About four miles west of the river, we came 
 to a log tavern kept by Major Smith. Here we found a small man with a 
 very large wife. Says Major Smith to the small man : — " Is that woman 
 your wife ?" " Yes, sir," was the reply. Says the Major : — " How did 
 you get across the river? — I should suppose that your wife would have 
 sunk that old scow." " 0," said the little man, "I went twice for her." 
 Arriving at " Ganson's settlement," now Le Key, we found friends who 
 advised us not to purchase land " down in the north woods," for, said they, 
 " it will always be sickly there ; and the region will never be settled. " 
 But having a brother and brother-in-law at Fort Hill, who had preceded 
 us a few months, we resolved upon going there. Fort Hill was then cov- 
 ered with a dense forest of heavy timber from its base to its summit. Its 
 appearance was that of gloom and solitude, except when enlivened by the 
 music of the water rushing over the falls at Allan's * Creek. 
 Mr. Pierson is now in his 73d year ; his surviving sons are, Philo 
 L. Pierson, of Le Roy, and M. D. Pierson, of Dansville. 
 The prominent ancient remains in Le Roy, other than those at 
 Fort Hill and its immediate vicinity, were upon a bluff, near Allan's 
 creek, a short distance below the village. It was a mound, or 
 tumuli in size, according to Mr. Pierson's recollection, who saw it 
 in an early day, about that of an ordinary coal pit ; others who saw 
 it in an early day, tl^ 'k it was about 15 feet in height, with a base 
 " Mr. Pierson, in corsidcr'.tion of the unamiable character of the person from whoi.i 
 this beautiful Btreani is named, would change it to Mrs. Jemison's Iniliau iiame — 
 " Ginisaga." Other citizens of Le Hoy, would call it " Oatkn " the Indian name for 
 a stream cominf i i^ om between hiijli banks. Tlie latter would only be ap- 
 plicable to till topogi-aphy of Le Roy and its neighborhood. D; -i.' ;ble iifi 
 some cliange of tJio name of the stream in.'iy he regarded, it would require the co- 
 opersliiiii of those ^.vnerally who reside upon its banks, in its whole extent ; a con- 
 yentional decision that the author lias uot ventured to anticipate. 
 of no feet. Trees were growini;; upon it 18 inches in diameter 
 The foxes in Inimnvingintoit h;ul hrou.i^ht out liuman hones, which 
 Jed to an asnenibliniv of the early settlers, on a yiven daj', in consid- 
 erable numbers, who made several excavatioiis in tfie tumuli, and 
 disenterred a large quantity of human skeletons. They were the 
 bones of all ages and both sexes ; some of them judoed to be consid- 
 erable larger than^ the bones of the largest of our own race. 
 \£r ^ee Appendix to sui)])lemcnt. No. 2. 
 Jn a considerable area of the locality ; especially in the immediate 
 neighborhood of Fort Hill, many relics of ancient occupancy have 
 been discovered ; and occasionally evidences of French occupancy. 
 During the Revolution, those who lied from the Mohawk to Canada, 
 and made frequent jourTiies backwards and forwards upon the old 
 Niagara trail, had favorite camping grounds upon the creek in the 
 immediate vicinity of Le Roy village. They had leit considerable 
 plats ol tame grass, which were very convenient for travellers when 
 settlement was tending in that direction ; attracting the deer from 
 the surrounding forest, they were often killed in those little openings. 
 Allan s creek has a fall of over sixty feet, within the corporate 
 limits ot Le Roy village ; thus creating a durable and valuablo 
 water ]U)wer, in the midst of a rich agricultural region, where it is 
 much required. It takes its rise from springs in Wyomino- county ■ 
 passes through Warsaw, JMiddlebury, Covington, Bethany, a cor-' 
 ner ot Stallord, Le Roy, and Wheatland, discharging into the Gen- 
 esee river at Scottsville. It furnishes mill power at Gainesville. 
 Warsaw, Pavillion, Bailey's mills, Roanoke, Northrup's Factory. 
 Tomlinson's mills, Le Roj- ; a mile below Le Roy, Albright's, (now 
 Finch's) mills, Garbuttville, and Scottsville. 
 Le Roy luivingbeen erected from Caledonia in l812, when the 
 war spirit was rife, it \vas named Bellona; afterwards, and in better 
 taste, it assumed the name of one of the original proprietors of the 
 Triangle. William Sheldon was the first .supervisor, Thomas Tuft>-- 
 town clerk Other town officers : — David Le Barron, Philo 
 rierson, IJenjamin Ganson, Ella Smith, John Ganson, Asa Buel 
 Zalmon Turrell, David Bidleeum, Harvey Prindle, Richard Waite' 
 Levi Farnuni, H. Graham Newell, George Terry, Amasa Hascalk 
 Jeremiah Ilascall. At first State election, in 1813, for Governor 
 Darnel D. Tompkins had 123 votes, Stephen Van Rensselaer, 24.' 
 It will be observed by the preceding list of names, and periods of 
 settlement, that the settlement of what is now Bergen had but com- 
 menced along in 1804, '5 and '0. Tiie early road w^as the north 
 and south road already mentioned. The road trom where Roch- 
 ester now IS to Batavia,was not opened through Bergen until 1810. 
 The town was organized in 1818. Tiiuse wliose nanies Ibllow, were 
 early pioneers, other than those ah-eady named tioinc of them among 
 the earliest : — 
 Levi Bi.<-oll, 
 AkxiiiKk'P IJissol, 
 ]';itiu'k Fouler. 
 Tiiniithy Hill, 
 JoL'l Wii^'ht, 
 Stcplii'ii Everts, 
 David (i. EvL'its, 
 Anuis Hcwi'tt, 
 i'liiiK'jis I'aniialcc, 
 Natliun Field, 
 Jouuli Buell, 
 Uriah Ktlsov, 
 Jedediaii Crosby, [Iiis 
 Hoii Lutlier,a pieseul jun- 
 tiee of the jieaci' in lier- 
 fj;ea, was the first born 
 ill tlie town.] 
 Wielvhain Field, 
 Uriah Crampton, 
 Ashbell OranipVon, 
 Sanuiel Bas.sett, 
 Uarvey Kelsey, 
 M. Wriirlit, 
 Jacob Sjiatiurd, Sen 
 Nathaniel Spallord, 
 Aaron Arnolil, 
 Oliver Avciy. 
 Sanaipl Biiljur, 
 A))el Fuller, 
 Bela Mnn-er, 
 JeNM' I'.arber, 
 James MuniaT. 
 Dr. Levi Ward was a native of KilHn<>;\vortli, Conn., a son ol 
 Levi Ward. He studied his profession with Dr. Jonathan Todd, of 
 Guilford, and marrying the dtuiu;hter of Daniel Hand,* settled in 
 practice in Haddain, in 1790, where lie continued until 1807, in 
 which year he emigrated to the Genesee country ; his lamily then 
 consisting of his wife, and four sons, and four daughters, lie was 
 accompanied by his brother, John Ward, and his ftimily. The em- 
 igrants arrived at Le Roy undetermined as to their location ; lallin*'- 
 in with R. M. Stoddard, the then agent of the Triangle, whom they 
 had known in New England, they were induced to cast their lot 
 with a linv old neighbors who had preceded them, in what was then 
 called the "north woods;" then mostly a dense, heavily timbered 
 forest, rugged in all its features; now the smiling tind |)rosperous 
 agricultural neighborhood, contiguous to the Rail Road station in 
 Bergen. Finding temporary (piarters in the newly erected log 
 house of Daniel Kelsey, Dr. Ward erected a small frtimeil house, 
 covering it with cedar shingles, and using riv^ed cedar for siding. 
 The Dr. quaintly observes, that even that manner of building was 
 ahead of the times, and in a region of log cabins, was deemed some- 
 what aristocratic, His brother erected a log house ; both went to 
 clearing land, but it took about a year to :nake an opening sufficient 
 to see out without looking up. 
 It was QU Saturday when the emigrants arrived at their new 
 home in the wilderness ; accustomed to a regular attendence upon 
 public worship, the first business was to provide for religious exer- 
 cises ; a meeting was agreed upon at the house of a new settler ; 14 
 or 15 persons convened from their scattered woods homes ; prayers 
 * Captain Hand was an officer of tlio Revolution, a highly respected and useful 
 member of society, a professor and promoter of religion. Ho died at an ad\anced 
 age, iu Ciuilford, the place of his birth. 
 were made, a sermon was read, and Mrs. Ward says they " had ex- 
 cellent singino;."* 
 For nine years Dr. Ward was one of the active and prominent 
 Pioneers of his locality ; an etHicient helper in all there was to be 
 done in the backwoods, in religious and school organizations in, the 
 opening of n^w roads, &c. Coming to the new region, to be the 
 founder of a new home for himself and his large family, rather than 
 with reference to the practice of his profession, his practice was 
 only to the extent that the absence of other physicians in tiie new 
 region made necessary. To the labor of clearing heavily timbered 
 land, and subduing a rugged soil, was soon added, as will be observ- 
 ed, a land agency, which made him the founder, or agent of settle- 
 ment in his immediate neighborhood. In 1811 he was appointed 
 an agent or commissioner, to settle the accounts of the commission- 
 ers who had constructed the primitive bridge over the Genesee 
 River, upon the site of Rochester. There was no mall routes, or 
 ]>ost offices north of the main Buflalo road until 1813. In that 
 year, Dr. Ward interceded with the then P. M. General, Gideon 
 Granger, nnd obtained from him authority to transport a weekly 
 mail from Caladonia, via Riga, Murray, Parma, Northampton, to 
 Charlotte, at the mouth of the Genesee River. His compensation 
 was the net proceeds of letter and newspaper postages collected on 
 the route. It was provided in the contract that the P. M. G. would 
 appoint deputy post masters, in any locations the contractor should 
 (lisignate, which were seven miles distant from each other. The 
 plan was put in successful operation. Routes were extended by Dr. 
 Ward, upon the same terms, along on Ridge Road to Oak Orchard 
 Creek ; from Clarkson corners through Sweeden, to Bergen; from 
 Parma through Ogden and Riga to Bergen ; from Bergen to Bata- 
 via.f This system continued until 1820, supplying the early con- 
 venience of mail facilities to a wide, sparsely populated region, 
 when it was superceded by the ordinary contract system. 
 In the war of 1813. in an exigency of anticipated invasion, and 
 a want of arms. Dr. Ward collected all the muskets, rifles, cartouch 
 boxes and bayonets in his neighborhood, and delivered them to Col. 
 Daniel Davis for the use of his Regiment. Twenty-one muskets. 
 and cartouch boxes, and bayonets, and four rifles ; % and besides all 
 * In tlie same year a Congre!i;atioiial Cliurcli was organizoil, the si^ermd one west of 
 Genesee River. The Rev. Allen Hollister, ministered alternately to this chin-ch ari<i 
 the one organized in Riga. The Rev. Harmon Halsey, now a resident of Wilson. 
 Niagara county, was an early settled minister. Dr. Levi Ward and Uriah Grampton 
 are among the few wlio survive of the earliest members of this church. 
 t Prettly liheral time was allowed, cunesponding with the condition of primitiv( 
 roads. It was stipulated that tlie mail should "leave Caladonia every Monday at 8 
 A. M., and arrive at Charlotte on Tuesday, by 4 P. M." 
 t It has been before remarked that a large pro])ortion of the Pionecr.s of the Genesee 
 country liad been officers and soldiers of the Revolution. Most of tlu! muskets col- 
 lected in Bergen, belonged at the time to those who luid used them in that contest 
 for nationaal independence. 
 the powder and balls of the new settlement were put in requisition. 
 In anotlier crisis, at the requisition of Major General Hall, a com- 
 pany of exempts, or " silver grays," were raised in Bergen, and Dr. 
 Ward was elected to the command of it. Though the company saw 
 no service, no marching orders having been received, and no inva- 
 sion extending as far as that locality, tlie muster roll is copied, ex- 
 hibiting as it does Pioneer names, and shewing who were willing in 
 that crisis to waive a legal exemption and engage in the defence of 
 their country : 
 Levi Ward. Jr. Capt. 
 Jesso Barber, Lt. 
 Amos Huwit, 2il Lt. 
 Joseph Lans^don, Ensign. 
 Calvin VVolis, Sergeant. 
 Reuben Langdon, " 
 Wlieaton Southworth, " 
 ■VVilliaiu Peters, 
 Leonard Tattle, Corporal. 
 Benj W. Elsworth, 
 Joliu Colinan. " 
 John Dibbl<?, 
 John K Larkins, " 
 Wra. H. Ward, 
 James Munger, Drummer. 
 Simon Pierson, Fifer, 
 Benjamin Wright, Private, 
 Josiah Picrsou, " 
 John Ward, Private. 
 Jesso Munger, " 
 Samuel Taggart, " 
 J()se])h Lord, " 
 Lodowick M^right, " 
 William Crowell, " 
 Jehoida Page. 
 Jolni Didap, '• 
 Asa Williams, " 
 Theophilus M. Fcnn, " 
 William Jones, " 
 Benham Preston, " 
 Ainasa Walker, •' 
 Cyrus Walker, 
 Samuel Hammond, " 
 Joshua Wright, " 
 James Tillotson, " 
 Amos Allen, " 
 Martin Richmond, Private. 
 Nathan Rogers, " 
 Isaae Baker, " 
 Dennis Jtagden, •' 
 Abner Phelps, " 
 Orange Throop, 
 Joshua Green, 
 Moses Brown, 
 William Shepherd, " 
 Linus Kelsey, '' 
 Samuel Throop, " 
 John T. Freeman, " 
 Asa Merrills, •' 
 Josiali Bnel, " 
 Win. Buel, " 
 Adin Hard, " 
 Amos Chamberlin, 
 Samuel Tillotson, •' 
 Elijah Loomis, " 
 Ward was for six or seven years the supervisor of his town, 
 and at one period one of the Judges of Genesee county. 
 In 1817 he changed his residence from Bergen to ihe village of 
 Rochester ; thus becoming a Pioneer in a new locality, with which 
 he has been prominently identified in most of its history of rapid 
 progress. One of the first to break into the wilderness region north 
 of the old Buffalo road — he has survived to see it become one broad 
 theatre of agricultural wealth, comfort and prosperity. One of the 
 first to cast his lot in a primitive village, while the forest was yet 
 but partially cleared away ; where the wolf, the bear, the deer and 
 the rattlesnake had but just had notice to quit — he has survived 
 to see it become the fifth city of the Empire State ; to see it a scene 
 of unsurpassed business activity and enterprise; endowed with re- 
 ligious and literary institutions, and all the evidences of substantial 
 progress, intelligence, and refinement. 
 He is now in his 80th year ; the wife and mother, who accompa- 
 nied him in his primitive advent, nearly of the same age. With 
 the sands of life running low, yet blessed with a more than usual 
 exemption from the infirmities of age, enjoying all of temporal bless- 
 ings, in the midst of a large circle of their descendants, they are 
 calmly and serenely awaling the sununons to depart from the the- 
 atre of life, upon w'hich they have so well performed their parts. 
 The eldest son, Wm. H. Ward, who was P. M. at Bergen, the 
 first north of Le Roy and Caladonin ; a Colonel of Militiji in early 
 years, and an early merchant. )f Rochester; died in IHJJS.nged 45 
 years. Another son, Daniel H., died in 1840, a<red 50 years. Sur- 
 vivin.r sons, are : — Ilenrv M Ward, a resident of Illinois; Levi 
 A. Ward, an Ex-Mayor of Rochester; Ferdinand D. W. Ward, a 
 returned Missionary from Madras, in the East Indies, author of a 
 work entitled " India and the Hindoos," now a settled minister at 
 Geneseo. Daughters, are the wives of Silas O. Smith, Samuel L. 
 Selden, Charles L. Clarke and Freeman Clark, of Rochester. A 
 deceased daughter was the wife of Moses Chapin , she died in 1823, 
 aged 25 years. Another deceased daughter was the wite of Dan- 
 iel Hand, a prominent and successful merchant in Augusta, Georgia; 
 she died in 1839, aged 35 years. 
 The father of Dr. Ward, who followed him to the Genesee coun- 
 try m early years, died in I}crgcn in 1838 at the advanced age of 
 over 92 years. The brother, John Ward, survives, a resident of 
 JJergen, aged 81 years ; his surviving sons are, Martin, Abel, John, 
 J*hilo and Horatio Ward. 
 The northern portion of the Triangle, Sweeden and Clarkson. 
 began to be settled in 1804. '5, or rather land contracts were taken 
 in those years, and it is presumed that actual settlement soon follow- 
 ed, though it [)rogressed slowly, as in all the region north of the then 
 principal thorough-fare, the Buffalo Road. 
 Dr. Abel Baldwin, is one of the oldest surviving residents. He 
 was a native of Norwich, Vermont ; studied medicine with Dr 
 Nathan Smith of Hanover, N. H. Dr. Thurber, of Riga, Dr. 
 Nathaniel Rowley, of Clarkson, Dr. Jacobs and the late Dr. iJemis, of 
 Canandaigua, were his fellow students. Dr. Baldwin settled in 
 practice in Saratoga county in 1807 —in 1810 first visited the Gen- 
 esee country — in 181 1 removed to Clarkson. Practicing medicine 
 only in the earliest years, h? opened a public house in 18i5, at what 
 was then called "Murray Corners," now Clarkson village. He 
 erected the first framed tavern house on the Ridge Road ; travel up- 
 on the Ridge had then became pretty brisk — Falls travel had be- 
 gan to take that route ; the house of" Dr. Baldwin being about half 
 way from Canandaigua toLewiston, was a prominent haltino- place. 
 In fact, Clarkson Corners, at that period, and up to the final com- 
 pletion of the Erie Canal, in refei-ence to all the northern region, 
 was a prominent locality. Dr. Baldwin continued a landlord until 
 1825, when he was succeeded by Mr. Silas Walbridgc; he is now 
 an enterprising and successful farmer. He was an Elector of Pres- 
 NoTK.— It ^vill give the ipndor some idea of tlio slow progross of scttlciiK'nt in all 
 tlio ivgion lictwoon tlio oM Biittalo road and Lake Ontario, to Icani, that as late as the 
 war of 181;i, so littlo was known of tliat best of all natnral highways in the world, 
 fill' llidge Koad, that a large army, with heavy artillerv, camp e.iiiipage il-e., \\w des- 
 tination of whieh was Lewiston,' actuallv diverged from the Ridge at Clarkson, iuul 
 went via Bergen and Batavia. 
 ident and Vice President, in 18.')2, Mrs. Baldwin also survives ; 
 uu only daughter is the wile ot lleury K. Solden. 
 When I moved into the country in 1811, with my fiimily, we wore fer- 
 ried over the (jienescc river at Rjcliester; the Ridgo road was only cut 
 out wide enough for a wagon track; the streams were crossed by means of 
 log bridges. Upon the present site of Clarkson village, there were three 
 log-houses; and in all, perhaps, thirty acres of land cleared. James Sayre 
 was the Pioneer of the locality; in fact, the first settler on Ridge, in what 
 is now Clarkson and Murray, and I think, Parma. He liad selected this 
 spot on account of a fine spring, before any thing was known of a continu- 
 ous Ridge road. Sayre, who had taken up considerable land, sold his 
 contracts and removed. Beside liira, I found here: — David Forsyth, who 
 remained here until 1840, when he removed to Michigan. Deacon Juel 
 Palmer had just commenced tanning and currying in a rude primitive es- 
 tablishment, the first upon all the Ridge road. He still survives, a resi- 
 dent of Clarkson ; Joel Albert and John Palmer, of Clarkson, are his sons. 
 Dr. Nathaniel Rowell had preceded me a few months, and was in practice 
 among the new settlers. He was from Hanover, N. H. ; died in 182(3; 
 Hopkins Rowell, of Clarkson, is his son; two other sons are clergymen in 
 New Jersey; Mrs. Henry Smith and Mrs. Danforth are his daughters. 
 Eldridge Farwell had located here, but removed soon, and became the 
 Pioneer of what is now Clarendon, erecting mills there. Eldridge, Geo. 
 and Horace Farwell are his sons. West of the Corners, on the Ridge, 
 John and Isaac Farwell, brothers of Eldridge, had settled. The saw-mill 
 of the afterwards Judge Eldridge Farwell, in Clarendon, made the first 
 boards had in all this region, and his was the pioneer grist-mill, excepting 
 a small log mill the Atchinsons had erected on Salmon Creek. We had 
 our first milling done at Church's mill in Riga. 
 In all the region north of Ridge, in what is now Clarkson and Murray, 
 Moody Freeman was the Pioneer. He was originally from Hanover, N. 
 H. ; had pioneered his way all along; had beon the proprietor of the town 
 of EUisburg, Jefferson count; ; and one of the earliest settlers of Broad- 
 albin, Montgomery county. He made his solitary home two miles north 
 of the Corners, at the centre of the township. He was an early Justice of 
 the Peace: a man of more than ordinary natural abilities; was an early 
 backwood's lawyer, or pettifogger. There was in Clarkson, north of Ridge, 
 beside Freeman, in 1811 : — Eratus Haskell, who had taken up land upon 
 which there were salt springs — and set up a few kettles, and was boiling 
 salt for the new settlers. Haskell was a captain of militia in the war of 
 1812; was at the sortie of Fort Erie. He now lesides in Joliet, Illinois, 
 Stephen Baxter settled in that neighborhood in 1811, and also engaged 
 early in salt boiling. He still survives, and has 
 a large number of de- 
 sccndnnts in the neighborhood. John Nowhm was also settled in tho Frec- 
 raaii iKMghbdrliuod; still aurvivcs, over 80 years of age. 
 The war of 1812 stopped nil settlement and improvemont. TIkto was 
 11 constant state of exeiteinent and alarm; many new settlors broke up and 
 left the country. Tho Hidge road was a thoroughfare for troops pas.sing 
 to and from tho Frontier. Wluiii J^ewiston was burned, many families 
 came and wintered along on Ridge road; tho families of the late Sheldon 
 Thompson, of lUilfalo, Joshua Fairbanks, Mr. Townsend, and Dr. Smith, 
 stopped in Clarkson. A comijany of riflemen was raised in tliis vicinity, 
 commanded by captain Stewart; went upon the frontier, and at ono period 
 at the mouth of tho river; they acted mostly as minuto men. There 
 were besides, militia drafUs and volunteering during the war. 
 Immediately after the war, settlers came in rapidly. Tho Ridge road 
 may almost be said to have settled in its wliole extent west of Genesee 
 river, in 181 ti. I'revious to that, there was but few settlers upon it; es- 
 pecially in Momoc hnd Orleans. 
 'J'he lirst town meeting of Murray, was hehl at the barn of John.son 
 Bedel, about four miles south of Urockport. The I'ioncer of iJrockpojt 
 and its neighborhood, was llufus Hammond. His farm embraced a part 
 of the northern portion of the village. He liad been settled live or six 
 years wlien I came; had an orchard and a considerable improvement. Ho 
 had formerly lived in Avon; died in 1824; Shubel Hammond, of Clark- 
 son, is his son. Either Mr. Hammond or Mr. Freeman raised the lirst crops 
 in this region. I raised the lirst framed barn ; Isaac B. Williams the lirst 
 framed house, upon the site of the present brick tavern. I omitted to 
 name Mr. Williams, as one who was here previous to 1811; he was tho 
 Pioneer blacksmith. He removed to Hartland, where he died several 
 years since; William Williams, of Clarkson, is his son. 
 In 1817, a considerable settlement had been made at Sandy Creek, on 
 the Ridge — 15 or 20 families, perhaps — in which year, Iloiwy M'Call and 
 Robert Perry built mills there; raising a dam and overflowing 15 or 20 
 acres of timbered land. A sickness that pervaded every household in the 
 neighborhood, soon followed; in one season, in a population of about 100, 
 there were 27 deaths. The settlers from other neighborhoods had to go 
 there and take care of the sick, as there were not well ones enough there 
 to do so; — it was a neighborhood of gloom and desoluion. Tho mill dam 
 was taken down, and the sickness disappeared. 
 The first settler at the mouth of Sandy Creek, was a Dutchman by the 
 name of Strunk. When I first visited the place in 1812, he had died, and 
 a man by the name of Billings was living there; and others had been there, 
 I presume, for there were several deserted log houses, Billinos removed 
 to Canada. After that, settlers would come in by water, and after remain- 
 NdTK. — Suit spviiiivs IptoiIj nut ill! Jiloiin; on tlie ■ Iojh- iiortli of Ridge — jxpnorally 
 about thivi' mill's disliiiU. Tlu'V break out IVoiii the Clinton (iroup, whieli is next 
 Jibove the Meilinii Sand Stone, 'in the early settlement of tlio rountrv, salt was maiiu- 
 faetufed near l^oekport, Oak Oivhanl, in Clarkson, J 'aiina.'Hollev, Wel)ster, 
 Ontaiio antl Soiliis. The salt was usually att'oriied at aliout a dollar per birshel. Tlie 
 weakness of tlie lirine forbid competition witli the Works at Montezuma and Salt 
 Point, wlieii the Krie Canal was finished ; ami the business, in fact, had bei^au to de- 
 cli lO previous to that. 
 inpf a short limo, would bo taken sick, and have to be brought out to the 
 older sctllemonts on ox-slods. The iirst permanent settlor in that locality, 
 was Alanson Thomas, at the head of still water, lie purchased a saw- 
 mill that Le Roy and IJayard had built thero in 182U; to which he added 
 a grist-mill. Thomas sold out to a community of Fourcrites. * 
 The whole region between Ridge and Lake, and more especially, per- 
 haps, in Murray, Clarkson and Purma, was as forbidding as any that stout 
 hearted Pioneers ever ventured to break into. Its settlement was attend- 
 ed with long years of hardships and privations ; many changes of inhabitants 
 occurred before there was a permanent population. It was heavy timbered, 
 mostly a wet soil; when the timber was removed, openings made, the heat 
 of summer suns would engender disease. Those who lived along on the im - 
 mediate shores of the Lake, or on the Ridge, not in the immediate vicinity 
 of ponds or marshes, would generally escape; the scourge would principal- 
 ly prevail where openings had been made in heavily timbered wet lands. 
 Sickness would generally commence in August, and continue until winter ; 
 it was by no moans fatal ; where there could be even good nursing, the 
 proportions of deaths to the number of cases would bo small ; but at times 
 sickness would be so pervading, that good nursing could not be had. It 
 was a common thing to bring whole families out of the woods upon ox- 
 Speaking from observation and experience, my advice would be to all 
 those who are settling a new timbered region, to select Ihe most olovated 
 sites for their residence, and leave several acres of timber standing for the 
 few earliest years about their dwellings ; and what is of still greater im- 
 portance, if they have not good springs of water, dig wells to begin with, 
 and thus avoid the poisonous surface water, which is of itself a pregnant 
 source of disease in new settlements in the forests. 
 A log school house had been erected, and a school was in operation, 
 when I came there in 1811. Our first settled minister was the Rev. John 
 F. Bliss; the Rev. Mr. James, of Albany, was settled here in 1825 or 'G. 
 |.' if. 
 t * f 
 [! !•« 
 No where in ;i wide region of prosperity, has there been a greater 
 change than in the locality that Dr. Baldwin embraces in liis obser- 
 vations, north of the Ridge. Even tiie Pioneers, stout hearted, san- 
 (piine aa their anticipations must have been, in reference to the 
 ultimate value ot the land, to liave endured what they did, could 
 hardly have anticipated the sources of agricultural wealth that 
 through so many trials and difliculties they were developing. The 
 soil they were not strong handed enough to drain; that they could 
 but imperfectly cultivate while the stumps and roots remained in it ; 
 and which gave them but poor returns for the labor, is now dry, sub- 
 dued, its surface mould mingled with the rich elements that lay hid- 
 * The ^\■]u>\ti ;liint5 has boon a failiiro. Tlio jiriiicipal leaders wore : — Simoon Dajj;- 
 i^oU, Dr. TlioUci', Thoiiiiis roinid. Many (hvoUini^s wore orecteil, and a impiilalion of 
 about 300 gathe'etl there. The community broke up after an experiment of two 
 m Uk 
 li£ IlilM 
 1.4 IIIIII.6 
 ^^V'.^ 'M 
 WEBSTER, NY. 14S80 
 (716) 872-4503 
 den Its sub.soil ; and no where does the earth make more bountiful 
 returns for the hibor bestowed upon it. It has become a region of 
 high i)riced and desirable farms. The sites of bark covered \o^ 
 houses and thatched hovels, have now upon them comfortable and 
 even luxurious brick and framed farm houses, and all the appoint- 
 ments of flourishing farming establishments. Good common roads 
 and even plank roads have taken the place of the wood's roads 
 through which the pioneers plodded — more than half the season 
 waded through mud and mire — and over which some of them, as 
 \ye have seen, and their families, were carried hv the good Sama- 
 ritans of the older settlements, who would find them in the dark 
 recesses of the forest, prostrated by disease. 
 Asa Clark, the father of Gustavus Clark, of Clarkson, was from 
 iiast Haddam, Conn., emigrated to Geneseo in 1802 ; soon removed 
 to Avon, where he resided until 1830, He died at Sandy Creek in 
 1834, aged 76 years. His sons were : —Asa Clark, who resided in 
 Avon until 1S28, when he removed to Sandy Creek, where he was 
 a merchant for many years. He was a representative in the State 
 legislature of Orleans, in 1834, '5, had been a Presidential Elector 
 in 1828. He still survives, at the age of 06 years. George W 
 and Charles Clark of Buffalo, are his sons. Erastus Clark, of Lima, 
 who in early early years was the mercantile partner of James K. 
 Guernsey, and afterwards established in the mercantile business by 
 himself in Lima. He still survives ; a son and a son-in-law, are his 
 successors in business. Gustavus Clark, who as early as 1800, was 
 a clerk with Minor & Hall, at Geneseo ; afterwards a clerk of James 
 IV. Guernsey in Lima, under whose auspices he commenced busi- 
 ness in Clarkson, where he has resided since 1815, and where he 
 still resides. His wife, who still survives, was a daughter of John 
 ^lerson, one of the pioneers of Avon ; Edwin E., of Clarkson, and 
 Uushrod W. Clark, of Buffalo, are sons of Gustavus ; an only dauf'h- 
 ter is the wife of W. L. G. Smith, of Buffalo. He was a represen- 
 tative from Monroe, in the Legislature, in 1825 ; and was the first 
 1 resident of the Bank of Orleans; an early Supervisor of Clarkson, 
 and more recently, a magistrate. The daughters of the elder Asa 
 Clark, became the wives of Robert M'Kay, of Caladonia, Ephraim 
 Chapman, a pioneer in Portage county, Ohio, and Chandler Pierson, 
 01 Avon. 
 When I came to Clarkson, in 1815, the Ridge road was but little trawl- 
 led for want of bridges; my first load of goods broke most of the bridges 
 down from Rochester to Clarkson, and the team was obliged to return to 
 Lima viii the south road and Le Roy. That road had been opened before 
 ?.tf^'i°f ™'? '"'! ^'""'T^Y ""if- ^^y ^''^ P""<='P^l business Tvas to pay 
 part goods and part cash for black salts and pot-ash. Henry M'Call a 
 metfntn h"'°" ^'""f!}' ?' ^"^^'-^"^ ''-"^J^- had beenfirsren.aged h 
 S bP.n ^""'T'a' ^^''}''''' %»d Joshua Field, now of Brockjort, had 
 f^ofiuf r^ S''^ ''''1 ""S^ged in the manufactury of pot-ash; in 
 fact, tha was then the staple production of all this region. It was the 
 r^t o r ;f ' ""''"' -^'^ ^^' new settlers had to pay for^store goods or to 
 raise a little money ; ,t was a great help to them ; I hardly know how they 
 could have got along without it. It was a period when hi few of the S 
 rnn 1 1 T'^ "."^ ^^am to Sell. The new settlers would put up a few 
 rnS^'^''','"'^>''"7/"^.™''^'^« ^^-"'^ '^^''' t'^««« who were ^st?on. 
 handed enough, and could raise kettles, would make pot-ash. Upon lands 
 where beech maple and elm predominated, the ashes would almost pay for 
 clearing. Many times when a new settler was under the necessity of rais- 
 ZTZ7' """ T^ .'","'''^ °f '^''' ^'^^'' ^' ^'0^1^ 8« into the forest, 
 chop down maple and elm trees, roll them together, and burn them, for the 
 suoolietmanflr*'!'-''"'!/-" ^''^''*.™S- The proceeds of ash^s ha^e 
 lifpJn ?h T ^^/''^■\'",*h" ''§•«" ^''h t'^e «"™^on necessaries of 
 ite, m the absence of which there would have been destitution. Our pot- 
 fLT ?. ? ■'' M ' "''",^'i "^ *'^' ^''''''' "^<^r and shipped to Montreal. 
 n^IL H '" ^r^''i ^'^ '' ^^ ^ P"'^^ ^^ ^305 pif ton. Lumber. 
 ng, the getting oiit, purchasing and shipping of oak butt staves, was the 
 next considerable business after that of pot-ash, and helped the new set- 
 on ntnTarTet. "' ^"'^ ''' ^"' ^'°'^' "^^ ' ^"-P^"^ '^S^^'- t« «^"^"P- 
 =nSn?'?f.^-!i'"'^ '^''' ™."'h improved soon after 1815, by the erection of 
 substantial bridges over the streams. A post route was established from 
 Canandaigua Lewiston. in November 1815. At first, the mail was car- 
 nod in a small wagon twice a week. In 1820, daily coaches were pu* 
 upon the route; travel increased rapidly; for a few years before the canal 
 was completed, there were coaches almost continually in sight. 
 • ^I!".""" Warren, settled upon the Rid-e, in east part of Clarkson. 
 m 1817 ; still survives, at the age of 80 years. He is the Hither of 
 ISOTE -In Mny 1807, Mr. Wadsworth urgos Mr. Troup Ly letter, to oncoura-o the 
 nanulactmo .. j.o -ash; «iys it will bo a "great help t. noV settles aVircar^ 
 St7 V^7 t!"-;"- /'""l^ ; an,l ,ukls, that Mr. Murray has authorized liSo b' y vo 
 tpnllril / ^ ~:\T; ''"".'""•'Ily I' what a spring the two not-a^li 
 ketth's 1 1 ave sent to 1 airfie d has given to the c-rearing „f lancf, unfl what a n^at ac- 
 con.modat.on it 18 connidered by the i.ihabitante. The'situatio. of the 1. alS an s ,'n 
 thiB part ot lie cou,.try ha.s really bee,. di.tres.i..g ; a .night have 000 b Lis 
 of ... h.8 ban., a..d yet not be able t,. buy a j.oun.l of !ea ' Till of 1- tc the 
 nicrehan s have began to take wheat for, but at a very Icnv price '' •' I fullv 
 believe tha theprorits a fan.ier can n.ake'fmu, the ashes on 'm acra o ,'mbered] f 
 18 greater than the profits .... a,, a.-re of wheat. I n.uch wish tha? i. e ., de ce .1 1 
 beh.t.,..o.. toco.iv.nee Lady J?atl. how .nuch the value of her esL t^ vo be „ 
 hanced (,y the tra.isportation of pot-ash an.l heiu,, to Moutra '' fTIds 
 has relercace to some change in tlio British leveuue laws] ^ ^"^^>^""uii. lihis 
 Capt. Henry Warren, who lias been for many years the popular 
 manager of one of the Rochester and Buffalo canal Packets. At 
 the period he located upon the Ridge, there were settled in north of 
 his locality, in what was called the " north woods," three brothers : 
 Adam, Henry and James Moore. They were Irishmen ; neither of 
 them survives; there are many of their desendants in the noifrhbor- 
 hood ; John and Thomas Moore, early settlers of Loclqiort, were the 
 sons ot Adam. The Hoy family, also Irishmen, were settled in the 
 same neighborhood ; the old gentleman died in 1838 or '9 ; his sons 
 were: James, John, and Robert Hoy; many of the desendants 
 reside in Clarkson. It was pretty much a wilderness north of 
 Kidgein 1817. There had settled along the Ridge in Clarkson: 
 Tj ,j ""'^^'^' ^^ho ^s ""^w living ; had come in previous tc war. John 
 H. Bushiiell was the Pioneer of the neighborhood ; died about five 
 years since ; widow still survives ; Sidney and John Bushnell are 
 his sons ; he was a supervisor and magistrate. Ebenezer Toll, re- 
 moved to Gaines, where he died about fifteen years since. The first 
 tavern keeper at Ladd's corners, was Huysott ; Reuben 
 Downs wa-. an early tavern keeper east of Ladd's corners. John 
 Philips, afterwards sherifi' of Niagara, kept a tavern in the neighbor- 
 hood m an early day. 
 The village of Brockport, was one of the creations of the Erie 
 canal, and is of course not embraced in the Pioneer period. Pre- 
 vious to the construction of the canal, there was at that point— upon 
 the site of one of the most flourishing villages in Western New 
 York— but the farm houses of Rufus Hammond and Hiel Brockway. 
 The village started up under the auspices of Mr. Brockway, and 
 to his extraordinary enterprize was much indebted in all its early 
 yeais. He was a native of Lyme, Conn., settled first in this State 
 at Cattskill, about the year 1800 ; emigrated to the Genesee country 
 in an early day, and was a resident first in Geneva and then in 
 Phelps. Soon after the war of 1812, he removed to the then town 
 of Murray, afterwards Sweeden, and purchased the farms of two or 
 three of the early settlers, at the rate of $12 and 815 per acre. The 
 site of Brockport and its vicinity was then but a region of log 
 houses and small improvements. The locality had no other advan'^ 
 tages than of being the point where a main north and south thorough 
 fare crossed the canal ; and of being in the centre of a region which 
 promised to become, as it has, one of the richest agriculture districts 
 of Western New York. The village took a rapid start after the canal 
 w^as completed, and has had a steady and uninterrupted growth. 
 In addition to other early enterprizes, Mr. Brockway was en- 
 gaged extensively in the packet boat business ; first putting on boats 
 between Rochester and Buffalo in opposition to the old packet line 
 from Utica to Buffalo ; then filling up the portion of that line west 
 of Rochester with his own boats in connection with that line. He 
 made Brockport the centra! locality in reference to packet boat 
 operations at the west ; infused a new spirit of enterprise into the 
 business ; and to him, in fact, have the travelling public been largely 
 indebted for the superior packet boats, and their excellent manage- 
 ment, that have for a long series of years been enjoyed upon The 
 western section of the Erie canal. To part with them and their 
 excellent managers, most of whom have been educated in the school 
 ot Mr. Brockway, (and he was a shrewd judge of men as well of 
 horses, and of the best model of boats,) will seem like parting with 
 old triends ; and yet the event would seem to be near at hand for 
 soon the shrill notes of the steam whistle will be heard along the 
 line, where their horns have so long sounded ; and haste, speed, 
 regardless of comfort, is the order of the day. 
 Mr. Brockway died in 1843, aged C7 years ; of a large family of 
 children — 13 in number — but 4 survive : Charles M., and Nathan 
 K. Brockway, Mrs. Dr. Carpenter, and Mrs. Elias B. Holmes. 
 A portion of the village has grown up on non-resident land that 
 James beymour purchased about the time the canal was constructed. 
 Mr. beymour was an early merchant in the village; the President 
 ot the bank of Rochester; was the fortunate owner of the land on 
 which the capital of Michigan was located ; and is now a resident 
 The town of Sweeden was pretty geK./% settled before the con- 
 struction ot the Erie canal, but a large portion of the farms had been 
 but recently commenced. When the town was organized, in 1821 
 Jere were 330 inhabitants liable to assessment upon the highways' 
 Ihe first supervisor was Silas Judson> the town clerk. Major M 
 ^'■"'f^ri-^^^®^^^^" officers: Joshua B. Adams, Chauncey Staples. 
 Abel Crifiord, Levi Branch, Zenas Case, Oliver Spencer, Zenas Case 
 Jr., Samuel Bishop, Levi Pond, Sylvester Pease, Daniel J. Avery. 
 Jo^ph S. Bosworth, John Reeves, Peter Sutven, Joseph Randall. 
 The early physicians of village and town, were : -— Daniel J 
 Avery, the father of Daniel J. Avery of Sweeden, Millican 
 John B. Elliott, Elizur Munger, Davis Carpenter, M. D. 
 Levi Pond settled in Sweeden in 1817, purchasing a farm in the 
 north part of the town ; still survives. He has filled the several 
 ottices of deputy sheriff, constable and collector, and in 1833 was 
 one of the representatives of Monroe in the Legislature. He is the 
 lather ot Elias Pond, late collector of the Genesee District. 
 Robert Morris sold this tract to Andrew Cragie, James Wat'-on 
 and James Greenlief, for $37,500. Oliver Phelps purchased an 
 equal undivided half of it in 1794, which he conveyed to De Witt 
 Clinton in 1095 ; it reverted, and Mr. Phelps sold his interest to the 
 State of Connecticut, The other half was sold by Mr. Cragie to 
 Charles Williamson and Thomas Morris, and ultimately the title 
 became vested in Sir Wm. Pulteney ; the State of Connecticut 
 and Sir William Pulteney thus becoming tenants in common, 
 in 1808, the commissioners .of the school fund of Connecticut, 
 (tiie purchase having been made out of that fund,) appointed Levi 
 Ward, Jr., who had then recently settled in Bergen, to act in their 
 behalf, and in co-operation with Col. Troup, the local representative 
 of the Pulteney interest, to procure the survey of the tract. This 
 accomplished, in March 1810, Dr. V/ard was further empowered in 
 co-operation with Col. Troup, in behalf of the commissioners of the 
 school fund, to procure an equitable partition of the tract. Israel 
 Chapin and Amos Hall were mutualiy appointed by Messrs. Troup 
 and Ward, for that purpose, and made the partition. 
 Fifty thousand acres of the tract having been vested in the com- 
 missioners of the school fn.nd, in July 1810, they appointed Dr. 
 Ward their local agent for the sale of it. In September of the 
 same year Dr. Ward commenced the sales of farm lots. The sales 
 progressed until 1810 under this agency, when Dr. Ward and Levi 
 H. Clark, purchased of the State of Connecticut all the unsold 
 lands. By agreement, the sales were continued in the name of the 
 State, until the whole was disposed of to actual settler.^. The bonds 
 belonging to the State, have remained in charge of Dr. Ward, until 
 the })rcsent time ; the management of the property for the last ten 
 o: fifteen years, since the retirement of Dr. Ward from active busi- 
 ness, iias(levc'ved upon his son Levi A. Ward. 
 The half belonging to the Pulteney estate, was managed in Col. 
 Troup's agency and that of his successor, Mr. Fellows. The 100,- 
 000 acre, or as it has usually been called, the Connecticut Tract, is 
 bounded north by Lake Ontario, west by the Holland Company, or 
 transit line, south by an east and west line, a little north of the Buf- 
 falo road in the town of Stafford, and east by the west line of the 
 Triangle. In it, are now embraced the towns of Kendall, Murray, 
 Clarendon, Byron and a small portion of Le Roy, afford and Ber- 
 The whole tract as will have been observed, was settled after the 
 general Pioneer period, and it is one of the localities of the settle, 
 NoTi;. — A singular incident is connected with the title to the 100,000 tract. —After 
 sales had eoninienced and progressed several years, Selh P. Beers, who rejireseiitcd 
 tlie State of Cunuecticut, and Joseph Fellows, the agent of the Pulteney estate, discov- 
 ered, that a deed from one of the early grantors was lost, and not upon record. Jlr, 
 Beers souglit out and importuned tlie grantor to substitule a new one — offered him 
 jSilO.OOO wliich he refuseii, demantling ^'20,000. Another of the early jHoprietors wlio 
 Jiad been familiar wiili all tiie transfers, was upon jail limits in the city of Waslung- 
 ton. Mr. Beers repaired to that city and lie assured hiin ho could find the deed ni 
 Philadelphia. Procuring a carnage, Mr. Beers took him from the jail limits under 
 cover of niglit, conveyed him to I'hiladeljihia, he fountl the deed, and was r jturned 
 to the jail hmits before his absence was discovered. For $1000 tlonated to ^hc finder, 
 title was perfecteil without yielding to the exhorbituut demands of one who was for 
 takiug auvantago of the loss of the deed. 
 ment of whicli the author lias received but meager remmiscences 
 Benliam Ireston was the Hrst settler, preceded survey and tli, 
 openuig of sales. He went in from «tatlbrd, on the Bullhlo road, 
 and set his family down upon Black creek, without a shelter, while 
 he went through the woods to the then new settlement of Ber<ren 
 and procured the aid of Henry D. Gifford and otiiers in erecting a 
 rude cabin. ^ 
 The following are the names of most of all who took contracts 
 upon the whole tract, or deeds, the first five years after sales com- 
 menced. As in the instance of the Trangle, it will generally, but 
 not invariably, indicate who were the Pioneers : 
 SajTuicl Lincoln, 
 Paul Kiiowlton, 
 Aaron Sciilmcr, 
 Ella Hniilii, 
 William Wooil, 
 Horace Laii<,'(l()n, 
 Amos lio.sworth, 
 Elijah Brown, 
 Elijali Loomis, 
 Samuel Hall, 
 Bilas Hoi brook, 
 Uriel Holcomb, 
 Major Osliorne, 
 Miumon llobbs, 
 Jas. M. Piico, 
 Chester Holbvook, 
 Silas Hazen, 
 Araasa Walker, 
 Jacob Sjiatford, 
 Timothv T.Hart, 
 Alfred Ward, 
 Joshua Wright, 
 Eliab Wright, 
 Jared Child, 
 SelahM. Wright. 
 Ezekiel Case, 
 Wm. Jenny, 
 Beuajah Giawold, 
 Simeon Hosmer, 
 Sanuiel Hosmer, 
 Gideon Hazen, 
 Jacob Dunning, 
 Caleb JVliUer, 
 Antliouy Miller, 
 Amos Lainpson, 
 Paul Knowlton, 
 Wm. Croswell, 
 Seth Griswold, 
 Benj. Livermore, 
 Paul Bulluid, 
 Natlian George, 
 John Smith, 
 John Coleman, 
 Silas Taylor, 
 Elisha Tavlor, 
 Eli Jlead, " 
 John Mead, 
 Elijah Sluimway, 
 Henry Mead, 
 John Gookin, 
 Harvey Prentice, 
 Nathan Sciuior, 
 Stephen Parldiuret, 
 Ishi Parmelee, 
 Daniel Beckley 
 Elijah Warner, 
 John Thwing, 
 Jolm Thwing, Jr., 
 Frederick Jimes, 
 George Christ, 
 William Wolcott. 
 Manning Richaidaon, 
 Daniel Oaipenter, 
 Ami Cui-tiss, 
 Ira Scribuer, 
 Joseph Barker, 
 William Strong, 
 Amasa Heath, 
 Justis Taylor, 
 Samuel Payne, 
 John P. Bishop, 
 I'age Bussell, 
 Enos Bush, 
 Abel Hyde, 
 John Carnirtj 
 John Tucker, 
 John Xan \"alkenburg, 
 Samuel Hammond, 
 Dauiel Woodward, 
 Grcenman Carpenter, 
 Adam Gardner, 
 Jonathan Sprague, 
 Darius Sprague, 
 John Parewell, 
 William Jiurlingame, 
 Joshua Whaley. 
 William Shepard, 
 Grover Gillum. 
 Job Jordon, 
 Ednnind Wilcox, 
 Asa MerriLs, 
 George Holt, 
 John Janes, 
 David Loomis, 
 Hubbard Everts, 
 Samuel Parker, 
 William Parker, 
 Enoeli Eastman, 
 John Johnson, 
 John Cunnnings, 
 Eandal Stivers, 
 John Stivers, 
 Iladley Randal, 
 IsJiac B. Williams, 
 Oliver Van Kiik. 
 John Freeman, 
 George Barton, 
 Ahimaz Bniinard, 
 Thompson & Tuttlo, 
 Justis Parish, 
 Moses Green, 
 M. J. Hill, 
 R. Lucas, 
 A. Webb, 
 Augustus White, 
 Henry Merrill, 
 Lyiuau Griswold, 
 Zeno Terry, 
 Jolm Siiyrus, 
 Nathan JJannistcr, 
 Zuri Stephens, 
 Pliney Sanderson, 
 Preserved Kichinond, 
 Nathan Ladd, 
 Mathew Hannah, 
 John Richards 
 William Preston, 
 Josiali Heath, 
 Homer H. Campbell, 
 Silas Williams, 
 Salmon Patterson. 
 Lyman Isbel, 
 James Douglass, 
 Consider W^arner, 
 John Douglas, 
 Theodore Dr<ake, 
 Barney Carpenter, 
 William Rhoades,v 
 Amasa Haskell, 
 William Wood, 
 Chauncoy Robinson, 
 Daniel (Jleason, 
 John Stephens, 
 Sliiibel Lewis, 
 Oliver Smith, 
 John Southworth, 
 George Campbell, 
 Joseph Langdon, 
 Ezra Sanford, 
 Lodowick Wright, 
 Benham Preston, 
 Henry Grovenburg, 
 Daniel Hall, 
 Job Gardner, 
 Peter Prindel, 
 Oliver Mattison, 
 John Qiiimby, 
 Stoiy Curtiss, 
 Betheuel Greenfield, 
 Timothy Bachelder, 
 Stephen Richmond, 
 Cyrus Coy, 
 Noah Sweet, 
 William Lewis, 
 Charles Lee, 
 Abijah Smith, 
 Nicholas Prine, 
 Roswell Osborne, 
 Ezekiel Lee. 
 Thomas Hause, 
 Calvin Weed, 
 Pliineas White, 
 Barney Carpenter, 
 Thomas Fisner, 
 Abner Chase, 
 Nathaniel Rogers, 
 Dewey Miller, 
 Ezra Sanl'ord, 
 George Holt, 
 Roswell Mair, 
 Elisha Smitli, Jr., 
 Solomon Bishop, 
 Lemuel P. Hall, 
 Ephraim Whipple, 
 Lodowick Wright, 
 Chester BiUs, 
 Ezekiel Allen, 
 Eli Whelon, 
 John Lake, 
 Ephraim Van Valkenburg, 
 Jesse Carter, 
 Daniel Reese, 
 Davis Ingals, 
 Elijah Andrus, 
 Peleg Sisson, 
 Solomon Ciirpenter, 
 Asa Lake, 
 Joh.athan By am, 
 Arrod Kent, 
 William Allen, 
 Ezekiel Allen, 
 William Jones, 
 Joel Bronson, 
 Ebcnezer Penigo 
 Zirari Perrigo, 
 Oliver Page, 
 WilUam P. Gibba 
 Ebenezer Gibbs, 
 Elijah Macknard, 
 Levi Dudley, 
 David Leaaman, 
 Wm. Alexander, 
 Joseph Parks, 
 Allen Sears, 
 Amos Salmon, 
 Anson Morgan, 
 Stephen Eastman 
 Jacob Amen, 
 Robert Owen, 
 Darius Ingalls, 
 Jesse Munson. 
 Cyrus Hood, 
 Sanford Main, 
 William Buniham, 
 Elisha Bentley, 
 William D. Dudley, 
 Lemuel Cone, 
 John Cone, 
 Samuel Alger, 
 Abner Hopkins, 
 John Palmer, 
 Henry Van Wormer. 
 Samuel Rundal, 
 Henry L. Gould, 
 David Glidden, 
 Stephen Martin, 
 Eddy Emmons, 
 William Stiveback, 
 David Church, 
 Chauncey Hood, 
 Aaron Thompson 
 Levi Preston, 
 Gideon Baldwin, 
 Van Kirk. 
 Eldridgo Farwell 
 Daniel R. Starks, 
 John Love, 
 Jiras Hopkins, 
 Horace Balcom, 
 Samuel Mansfield, 
 Samuel Day, 
 Nathan Crandal, 
 David Hutchinson 
 Isaac Leach, 
 Robert Clark, 
 Benjamin Allen 
 David Wait, 
 Abel Wooster, 
 David Jones, 
 Nathaniel Brown, 
 Theopilus Randal, 
 Enos Cochran, 
 Henry W. Bates, 
 Benjamin Morse, 
 Amos Randall, 
 John Augur, 
 Stephen Randall, 
 David Jones, 
 Levi Stephens, 
 Joseph Weed, 
 Asel Balcom, 
 Hooker Sawyer. 
 The township was an early pioneer locality, as will have been 
 seen in preceding pages, though its settlement made but slow 
 progress; but an occasional settler coming in previous to 1816 
 1 he town which then embraced what is now Brighton and Ironde- 
 quoit was organized in 1814. Oliver Culver was the first supervisor, 
 i\ehemiah Hopkins, town clerk. Other town officers i—Oranrre 
 btone Ezekiel Morse, Solomon Gould, Sylvester Cowles, John 
 Hatch, Jessee Tamtor, Ezra Rogers, Rufus Messenger, Enos Blos- 
 sc)m, bamuel SpafTord, David Bush, Enos Stone, Job C. Smith, Wm 
 liilhnghurst. There were but three road districts in the town • the 
 overseers were, Rufus Messenger, Wm. Moore, Solomon Gould, 
 James Suffield, Joseph Caldwell. By records transferred from old 
 town books of Northfield, it .would seem that as early as 1802 a 
 road was Jaid "from Tryon Square, to Genesee River near Kincr's 
 l^anding. In 1801 a road was surveyed " from Irondequot Fttlls 
 intersecting a road from Glover Perrin's to Irondequoit Landinrr " 
 In 1806 a road from mouth of river to intersection of road n^ar 
 Ihomas m Landing Town." In 1800 a road "from centre of 
 Main street ni the city of Tryon, to the road leading from Orange 
 fetone s to the Genesee River." In same year, a road leading "from 
 centre of road leading by Hollands and Ingersoll's to Irondequoit 
 Landing. Same year, " from Rattle-snake Spring to the Genesee 
 Kiver, opposite the old mill." Same year, a road "from a stake and 
 stone, south of Allan's creek, to Irondequoit Landing. In 1810 a 
 road " beginning at the new bridge, Genesee river Falls, till it in- 
 tersects a road near Mr. Wilder's in West Town." As late as 1816 
 $10 was voted for wolf scalps. In that year there was five school 
 districts in the town. Same year, Elisha '^,ly, Oliver Culver, Otis 
 Walker, Lbenezer Bingham and Ezekiel Morse, were appointed 
 as a committee to petition the "General Assembly," for money to 
 be laid out on the road from " Orange Stone's to the Genesee River " 
 In 1817 Daniel D. Tompkins had 29 votes for Governor, Rufus 
 King 42. In that year Elisha Ely was supervisor. 
 The first settled minister in Brighton was the Rev. Solomon 
 Allen, as early as 1817. He was the father of S. & M. Allen, the 
 well i.-nown brokers in New York ; a faithful minister and an ex- 
 ce lenn man, as many well remember. His first meetings were 
 held at private houses. He remained five years, and would receive 
 no salary. He died in the city of New Y.:k in 1820, aaed 70 
 years. ° 
 Enos Blossom was the Pioneer of the numerous family of that 
 name, that has been so closely identified with the history of the 
 town ; emigrating previous to, or during the war of 1812. He was 
 from Cape Cod, Mass. He died in 1830, aged 51 years. George 
 Blossom, of Brighton, and Noble Blossom, of Marshall, Mich., are his 
 sons ; daughters became wives of Marshfield Parsons, of Brighton, 
 and Aldrich, of Marshall, Michigan. Ezra Blossom, an uncle 
 of Enos, caine to Brighton in 1813, purchasing the Spaflbrd farm, 
 upon which the village of Brighton has since grown up. He opened 
 tlie first tavern there ; died in 1820, aged Gl vears. His only sur- 
 viving son is Benjamin B. Blossom, Post Master of Brighton ; 
 daughters became the wives of Ansel House, one of the pioneer 
 auorneys of Rochester, Wm. C. Bloss, of Rochester, and Levi 
 Hoyt, of Brighton. 
 Dr, Gibbs was the first settled physician in Brighton ; Ira West 
 the first merchant. 
 A small portion of Chili, was an early settled locality, next to 
 Wheatland, in all the south western portion of Monroe county. 
 When the pioneers had settled down in •' West Pulteney," " Fair- 
 field," and on the Gore " in now Parma, thej called it going out of 
 the woods when they went to the " Hannover settlement." This 
 settlement was along on the old Braddock's Bay road, projected by 
 Mr. Williamson, in " East Pulteney, now Chili ; the first settlers, 
 principally from Hannover, N. Hampshire. There were of them 
 the elder Mr. Widener, his sons, Jacob, Abraham, William, and 
 Peter ; Jacob still survives ; the Sottle family, Joseph Gary, 
 Wood, and his sons Lemuel and Joseph ; Joshua Howell, who wa? 
 an early Justice of the peace; Samuel Scott, of Scottsville, Benja- 
 min Bowen, and the Franklin family. The names of early settlers 
 on the River, have occurred in other connections. With the ex- 
 ception of a small portion, the town was late in settling, owing to 
 diffipulties in land titles, which kept the lands out of market, but as 
 a whole, its superior soil has been enabling it to overtake its neigh- 
 boring towns in the march of improvement. 
 John Chapman became a resident of the town in 1804. He had 
 been preceded two years by his son Israel Chapman, who still sur- 
 The elder Chapman opened the road from the Hannover 
 settlement, to his location on Chestnut Ridge. In 1807 he had the 
 contract from Mr. Wadsworth for opening the State road, from 
 the site of Rochester to Ogden; the primitive opening consisting 
 only of " turning out the logs," and under- brushing. In 1808 he 
 opened a road from where he settled in Chili, to the Rapids. He 
 had removed from Phelps, and returning there in about two years 
 he remained there until his death, at the advanced age of 80 years, 
 Israel Chapman, of Chili, Julius Chapman, of Riga, and Joel Chap- 
 man, of Macedon, are his sons ; other sons reside at the west ; 
 Mrs. Wm. Peer, of Chili is a daurrhter. 
 Isaac Lacy, thoiifrh a late Conner, was for many years a prominent 
 citizen of the town; an enterprising and successful farmer, lie 
 emigrated from Washington county in 1816, and in process of time 
 became possessed of a farm of ne'ar 1000 acres; (500 of which he 
 cultivated. He died in 1811, aged 08 years. He was a member of 
 Assembly from Monroe for two'terms, and subsetiuently a member 
 of the Senate. His surviving .sons are Allen T. Lacy, near Mar- 
 shall, Michigan ; .TohnT. Lacy, clerk of Monroe county ; Edward 
 P. and Isaac Lacy, of Janesvilie, Wisconsin. Daughters became 
 the wives of Ira Carpenter, of Scottsville ; R. M. Long, of Buflalo- 
 Dr. John Mitchell of Janesvilie; and H. II. Smith, of Union city, 
 Michigan. There was in all, a family of eleven children. 
 In all wc have of the history of French occupancy of Western 
 New York, but kw allusions are made to the immediate valley of 
 the Genesee ; and yet there are distinct evidences that there were 
 Jesuit Missionary and French traders located upon it ; and such 
 may well be the inference, as within it were some of the principal 
 seats of the Senecas. Soon after the advent of La Salle, a trading 
 post and missionary station was founded upon the Niagara, a few 
 miles above the Falls. In the Jesuit letters there are several allu- 
 sions to another one, with which those who occupied the first, were 
 in frequent communication, upon the "River of the Tsonnontouans." 
 (the river of the Senecas.) * While La Salle was building his ves- 
 sel at the mouth of the Cayuga creek, he sent embassies over land, 
 to reconcile the Senecas to his enterprise ; and the vessel he had 
 built at Frontenac, coasted along the .jouth shore of Lake Ontario 
 * The communication was by water, aad yet not by the Niagara river and Lake 
 Ontario. Strange as it may now seem, batteaux iisoenJecl the Tonawanda, were car- 
 ried over a short portage into tlio Tonawanda swamp, and descended by the waters 
 of Black creek to the Genesee river ! That there liad once been Bucli an internal 
 navigation, Mr. EUicott was in some way apprized, and that suggested to him his fa- 
 vorite route ft;r the Erie Canal, a partial survey of which was made. 
 and entered the Genesee River, the first craft of European architec- 
 ture, in all prohabihty, tliat ever disturbed its waters. The liaron 
 I^a llontan, who accompanied the expedition of I)e Nonville, L'ave 
 some account of tiie River, and laid it down upon the ma[) that 
 accompanied the first publication of iiis "Voyages to North Amer- 
 ica," in London, 1703. There are other maps in which the River 
 is recognized, of even earlier date. Views of the upj)er Jind lower 
 Falls were published in London in 1708. Upon them, the river is 
 called, "Casconchi;igon, or Little Senecas' River." [The term 
 lilth, must have been in comparison with Niagara river.] Joncaire, 
 who is introduced in the body of the work, was familiar with the 
 whole region, and gave to Charlevoiz, in 1723, a very intelligible 
 description of tl.» Genesee River. English occupancy of western 
 New York, was comparatively of but short duration, and there 
 seems to have been no occupancy of the immediate valley of the 
 (jcnesco. In Governor liurnctt's time, there was an English trading 
 house, and a few soldier's at the " Bay cf Tyrondequoh," but little 
 is said of it. It was probably soon abandoned, as the Senecas were 
 far more jealous of English than of French occupancy. The Rev. 
 Mr. Kirkland visited this region in 1765, and during all the period 
 of English occupancy, there were English traders on Seneca Lake, 
 the (Jenesee and the Niagara rivers. When the Revolutionary 
 war commenced, the Genesee valley, aj will be observed, began 
 soon to be the temporary abiding place of refugees from the Mo- 
 hawk, the Susquehannah and New Jersey ; the chief among them, 
 the ruling spirit, the " lord of the valley," being Ebenezer, or Indian 
 Allan ; the solitary occupant upon the River, below the mouth of 
 Allan's creek, one of his liege subjects, Jacob Walker. 
 Truly ic may '.e observed, that with reference to the pioneer his- 
 tory of all this region, a reversal of the ordinary arrangement is in- 
 dicated by the course of events, and the first becomes last. The 
 site of the "City of the valley op the Genesee," — the com- 
 mercial and general business emporium, of all the region that we 
 have been travelling over — was a wilderness, almost unbroken, a 
 bye place, in homely phrase, for long years after settlements were 
 founded in almost the entire Genesee country. When Buffalo, 
 Batavia, Canandaigua, Geneva, Palmyra, Penn Yan, Bath, Gen- 
 eseo, Caledonia and Le Roy, had becnme considerable villages, and 
 local business had began to centre at Pittsford, Penfield, Victor, 
 Lyons, Vienna, Manchester. East Bloomfiold, Lima. Avon, Dans- 
 I villu Aiisreiica, Warsaw, Attica, Lr^wiston, Uait Orclianl, Gaines. 
 r Clarkson, Pauna, Charlotte, Ilandlbrd's Lanrjinj,' and Scottsvillc 
 sulficient to form little clusters of stores, machine shops and dvvell- 
 injrs — there was at "Genesee Falls," now Rochester, hut a rude 
 mill and u few rude dwellings, h^ss than twenty acres of the forest 
 cleared away, and less than a half dozen fami.ics. 
 The reader whose interest and patience have both held out thus 
 far, to keep alnni? with the narrative, has had occasional glimpses 
 of the site of Rochester, hut has seen little as there hut little to 
 see ; or rather has read little of it, lor the reason that it lias not 
 been before reached in the order of tima. It was late in attracting 
 the attention of men cf enterprise, founders of settlements and vil- 
 lages. Now when its superior advantages are so obvious, when it 
 has become a largo and populous city, with those not familiar with 
 the early history of the country, surprise is created that it was not 
 one of the primitive theatres of investment and enterprise. In the 
 first place, it may be observed, that there was a long series of 
 years, after the settlement of the Genesee country commenced, 
 . when the Pioneers in detached settlements in the forest, were 
 subduing the soil, and obtaining from it but barelv the means of 
 subsistence; in the most favored localities but a, small surplus 
 which was required by the new comers that were dropping in from 
 year to year around them ; there was little necessity for market 
 . i places, or commercial depots. Rapids upon the small streams ex- 
 : isted in almost every neighborhood and settlement, upon which rude 
 mills were erected, sufficient for all the then existing requirements. 
 The extensive hydraulic power created by the Rapids and the Falls 
 of the Genesee, was not put in requisition, because there was no 
 occasion for it. Rochester, of itself, in its steady permanent growth, 
 demonstrates the fact, that villages and cities should follow the gen- 
 eral improvements of a country which is to be tributary to tl?em. 
 and not precede them. It .sprung up when it was required, kept 
 pace wi4h the growth and improvement of the whole country — and 
 a rapid march it had to make to do so — and thence its permanence 
 and substantial character. 
 The territory bordering upon the shore of Lake Ontario, in the 
 entire Genesee country, with few exceptions, did not attract settlers 
 in all the earliest years. There was little of Lake commerce, and 
 travel, transportation and business, centered upon the main thorough- 
 fare, the old Bufllilo road. It is a far greater wonder that at a peri- 
 od when good roads was the great desideratum, when upon all ordin- 
 ary soils they could not be made ; when even the main Buffalo road, 
 after there had been expended upon it a vast amount of labor, was 
 in most seasons of the year almost impassable, — that sujh a con- 
 tinuous national highway as was the Ridge road, was not opened 
 and travelled ; than that the Falls of the Genesee were not earlier 
 'li ■ 
 ' i ' 
 ■ i 
 ; i 
 ■ 1 
 improved. There was never, in the earliest period, any misapprehen- 
 sion of tiie intrinsic valuf^ of the soil in all ♦his northern region of the 
 (ienesee country. The Pioneers were awure of the fact, now so clear- 
 ly demonstrated by time and experience, that from the Pennsyl- 
 vania line, northward to the shores of Lake Ontario, there was a 
 irradual improvement in the face of the country, and in all the ele- 
 ments of succes.'sful agriculture ; but along on' the Lake shore, in 
 tiie whole distance from vSodus Bay to Fort Niagara, there was a 
 wide belt of dense dark forest, the soil mostly wet ; its whole aspect 
 repulsive and forbidding. It was penetrated in the earliest years by 
 luit few, and those as may well be conceded, the boldest of the Pio- 
 neers. First, Mr. Williamson, attracted by the beautiful Bay of 
 iSodus, by its fine building ground, and its prospective commercial 
 importance, broke in there, and accompanying extraordinary enter- 
 prise with a liberal expenditure of capital, mad^ a failure of it, and 
 years of decline, and almost desertion, followed. Then two hardy 
 Pior "ers set themselves down on the Lake shore, between Sodus and 
 Pulteneyville ; (Brown and Richards.) Previous to this however, 
 the Lusks, Hydes, Timothy Allyn, Orange Stone, the Scudder.s, and 
 a few others had located upon an inviting spot in Brighton, near the 
 head of the Irondequoit Bay. Then followed William Hencher, 
 at the mouth of the Genesee river; then the Atchinsons and a few 
 others, formed an isolated and lonesome settlement at the head of 
 Braddock's, (Prideaux's) Bay. Then James Walworth, Elijah 
 Brown, (the same who had settled below Pulteneyville,) Elisha 
 Hunt, the De Graws, Lovell, Marsh, Parmeter, Dunham, the Grif- 
 fiths and others, located at Oak Orchard ; and soon after, openings 
 ill the forest began to be made in the vicinity of Fort Niagara, as 
 low down as the Four Mile creek. Following these pionet r advents, 
 other adventurers were " few and far between ; " they were in a 
 tinv localities in Niagara, along on the RidT-e in Orleans, in Clark- 
 son, Ogden, Bergen, Riga, Chili, Greece, Penficld, Macedon. Wal- 
 worth, Marion, and along on the road from Sodus to Lyons. When 
 little neighborhoods had been formed in all these detached localities, 
 disease came into the openings of the forest, about as fast as they 
 were made. Often families, and sometimes almost entire neigh- 
 borhoods were carried into the older and healthier localities, upon 
 ox sleds and carts, through wood's roads, to be nur.sed and cared for. 
 Through long years this operated not unlike the carrying of th? dead 
 and woimded from a battle field into the presence of those whose aid 
 is re(iuired to renew and maintain the strife. It was but little less 
 appaling and discouraging. The whole region now im nediately 
 under consideration was sickly in all the early years, and i.pon that 
 account, and for other reasons, was slow in settling. All the region 
 i'rouiid the Falls of the Genesee, at the mouth of the river, at King's 
 Landing, (as the reader has observed and will observe,) was regar- 
 ded as prolific in the seeds of disease — ot' chills and fevers — almost. 
 vis are the Pontine marshes of the old work), and the passes of the 
 Isthmus on the route to California. A single instance may be sta- 
 ted in this coimection, in addition to what will appear elsewhere : 
 — In an early year, previous to 1800, Wheelock Wood, a pioneer 
 in Lima, built a saw mill on Deep Gulley creek, within the present 
 city limits of Rochester, had it in operation but one season, carried 
 back to Lima, his workmen, prostrated by disease ; and was finally 
 obliged to abandon his enterprise, and let his mill go to decay, for 
 the reason that workmen could not be found who would incur the 
 exposure to disease consequent upon the care of it. 
 The causes that have been cited are quite sufficient to account 
 for the late start of Kochester ; to explain to the readers of the pre- 
 sent day, why valualjle hydraulic privileges, in the immediate neigh- 
 borhood of shipping ports of Lake Ontario, were so long principally 
 shrouded by the primeval forest, after settlement had approached 
 and almost surrounded the locality. To these causes the reader 
 may add what he has already observed, of the tendency of things 
 toward the main thoroughfare, the Bufialo Road, in early years ; 
 and Ihe fact, that quite up to the period of the start of Rochester, 
 the commercial enterprize and expectation of a large settled portion 
 of the Genesee country was turned in the direction of the head waters 
 of the Allegany and Susquehannah. 
 The year 1811, that being the year in which Col. Rochester, first 
 surveyed and sold lots on the one hundred acre tract, may be regarded 
 as the starting period of Rochester, though in reference to any con- 
 siderable movement, accession of population and business, the years 
 1815, or '10 w^ould perhaps be indicated. The first period named, 
 preceding but a few months, another important event in our local his- 
 tory, the war of 1812 — some account of the then general condition 
 of the Genesee country, will not be out of place : — Commencing with 
 the Pioneer region, the territory now comprised in the county of 
 Ontario, improvements were considerably advanced. Generally, 
 the soil there was more easily subdued, and made more speedy re- 
 turns for labor expended, than the more heavily timbered lands that 
 predominated elsewhere. There were many framed houses and 
 barns, bearing orchards, largely improved farms, and good public 
 highways. The territory had began to have a large surplus of pro- 
 ducts, which principally found a market in the later settled regions, 
 south and west. There may be included in this description a small 
 portion of the present counties of Wayne, Livingston and Yates. 
 In nearly all the northern portion of Wayne county settlement was 
 recent, and but small improvements had i)een made. In Living- 
 ston the considerable improvements were principally confined to the 
 fiats of tlie Genesee and Canascraga, the IJuifalo road, Livonia, 
 r^'Onesus, Grovelnnd nnd Sparta. A large portion of Alleimny wag 
 a wilderness ; there were but few recent and feeble .settlements. The 
 older settlements in Steuben had began to produce a small surplus, 
 i ft! 
 which, with its lumber, was shipped upon the head waters of the 
 Susquehannah, for the Baltimore market ; but most of the county 
 was either a wilderness, or sparsely populated. 
 West of the Genesee River, the lands along the Buffalo load were 
 principally settled, and many large improvements had been made. 
 The principal public houses were along on that road ; it was the 
 central locality ; those who lived away from that were in the back- 
 woods, or interior ; there they gloried in some very respectable 
 framed tavern houses ; " double log" tavern houses prevailed to the 
 south and north of it. In Wyoming, there were settlements and 
 considerable improvements along on the old " Big Tree" road, the 
 Tonawanda and Allan's creek ; elsewhere the Pioneers were in 
 small isolated settlements, with wide belts of forests intervening. 
 Cattaraugus had been broken into in but few localities, principally 
 along on the Cattaraugus creek, the Ischua, and the Allegany River. 
 Chautauque and the south towns of Erie iiad considerable settle- 
 ments, principally along near the lake shore, and in the interior, on 
 Chautauque Lake, and on the old " Big Tree" road. The settle- 
 ments in all the northern portion of Erie, were along on the Buffido 
 road, and between that and the Seneca Reservation. In Niagara, 
 settlement was principally confined to the Niagara River, the Ridge 
 Road, and along on the narrow strip between the Ridge Road and 
 Mountain Ridge. Orleans was mostly a wilderness, with but little 
 in the way of improvement off from the Ridge Road, and in but few- 
 localities upon it. The Ridge Road in its whole extent, from the 
 Genesee to the Niagara River, had but just been opened, a large 
 portion of it was butan underbrushed woods road, with only a part of 
 the streams having over them even rude log bridges. In short, in 
 ■ al! the region between the Genesee River and the west bounds of 
 the State, off from the main east and we-t road, there was but isola- 
 ted neighborhoods and detached famlies, settlement had mostly 
 commenced within the preceding six years. There was not fifty 
 framed dwellings, nor over an hundred framed barns ; fifty acres 
 was deemed a large improvement, much above the average. 
 The condition of the territory now comprised in Monroe, may be 
 inferred from the history of settlement that has been given. 
 During the war, there was no increase of population in the whole 
 region — as many lel't the country as came to it — a very laro-e 
 proportion of the effective men were upon the frontier, and alarm 
 and apprehension paralyzed all of industry and enterprise. With 
 reference to the period of 1812, Rochester had an untoward com- 
 mencement; and with reference to the latter period — 1815 and '16 
 — it started v^rhen the whole region with which it had a local iden- 
 tity, had but passed its infimcy, — when after acquiring a little 
 strength and manhood, prostration and weakness had followed, from 
 which it was just recovering. 
 :! iijii 
 It was soon after Mr. Phelps had concluded his treaty, that he 
 sold or gave to Ebenezer Allan the One Hundred Acre Tract, upon 
 which he erected , his rude mills. The mills were in operation be- 
 fore the close of 1790, or rather were in readiness to saw and grind 
 when there was anything to do. The measure on the part of Allan 
 was premature ; when the grist mill was completed, there was not 
 in all the region west of the old Pre-emption line, 1500 of our race ; 
 and with theexceptionof the flats upon the Genesee and Canascraga, 
 and a few small Indian improvements elsewhere, not 1000 acres of 
 cleared land. As settlements increased, small mills were erected in 
 other localities, leaving the Allan mills at the Falls of the Genesee, 
 surrounded as they mostly were by an unsettled wilderness, but little 
 to do. A miller was usually kept with them, the solitary occupant 
 of all the now site of Rochester, but he had usually not employment 
 enough to enable him to keep the mill in repair. Sometimes there 
 would be no miller — the whole premises would be deserted — and 
 in seasons of drouth, or when the small mills at Mendon, Wilder's 
 Point, and atConesus, would be out of repair, the new settlers would 
 come down the Genesee River in canoes, upon Indian trails, or via 
 the early woods road that came from Pittsford to Orange Stone's in 
 Brighton, and to avoid the low wet lands thai intervened, was carried 
 off upon the ridges lo the south, coming out upon the river near 
 Mount Hope. Arriving at the mill, they would occupy the deserted 
 cabin, supply a broken cog, mend a strap, put a bucket upon a wheel 
 or a plank upon the floom, and be their own millers. 
 The mill and the Hundred Acre Tract was purchased of Allan by 
 Benjamin Barton, senior, in March, 1792. The property was soon 
 after conveyed by Barton to Samuel Ogden of the city of New 
 York. Mr. Ogden being a lawyer, and a far off resident, was not 
 likely to improve it, and as early as 1794 conveyed it to Charles 
 Williamson. The next year Mr. Williamson put the property under 
 the care of Col. Fish, and expended upon it about -^500. But still 
 there was a want of business for it, and in all the time that elapsed, 
 during the ownership of Mr. Williamson, it was allowed to go grad- 
 ually to decay. While in various other localities, in Sodus, Lyons, 
 Geneva, Hopeton, Bath, on the Canascraga, in Caledonia, and to a 
 small extent at Braddock's Bay, he was prosecuting enterprises, 
 founding villages, and mills, the Falls of the Genesee seems to have 
 had no considerable attractions for hira. And this together with 
 the then isolated condition of the locality in reference to the 
 that settlement was then taking, may furnish the explanation : In all 
 expenditures and improvements lie had reference to the increasing 
 of the value of the property of his principals. All thai is now Gates, 
 most of Greece, a part of Chili, all of Henrietta, Rush, Mendon, 
 Pittsford, Perrinton, Penfield, and Brighton, was not a part of the 
 Pulteney estate. The principal interest of his principals in the im- 
 mediate vicinity of Rochester, was most of what is now Irondequoit, 
 a tract of 4000 acres at the Rapids, and a larger tract in what is 
 now Chili. In January, 1802, in a valuation of all the different 
 parcels of the Pulteney estate, made by Israel Chapin, Joseph 
 Annin, and Amos Hall, the mill and hundred acres, was valued at 
 Following the erection of the mill, the clearing away of a small 
 spot of the forest around it, there was in respect to either settlement 
 or improvement, an hiatus — an almost total suspension of opera- 
 tions — for nearly twenty years ; a period in our present day, more 
 than sufficient for settling States, founding new empires, and build- 
 ing large cities. 
 Tn all this time the locality, and its immediate vicinity, was not 
 lost sight of; it was frequently visited by tourists and men of enter- 
 prise. In 1795, Aaron Burr, — then a large operator in sites of 
 towns, in tracts of wild lands, and in a few years after, the owner 
 for a short period, of an 100,000 acres of Orleans county, contiguous 
 to mouth of Oak Orchard creek — diverged from the old Butfalo road, 
 came down a^id critically examined the Falls, taking measurements 
 of them. Adventurers coasting along the Lake shore in batteaux, 
 would put into the mouth of the river and survey the Falls, become 
 impressed with the value of the location, the magnitude of its hy- 
 draulic power; but the dark frowning forests, the low wet lands, 
 the malaria they could well fancy they saw floating in the atmos- 
 phere, sent them away to other fields of investment and enterprise, 
 of far less importance, as time has demonstrated. 
 In 170G Zadock Granger, Gideon King and others, as will have 
 been observed, formed a settlement at what afterwards became 
 Hand ford's Landing. These were the first comers upon the river, 
 belov/ the mouth of Black creek, (the miller of the Falls excepted,) 
 after Wm. Hencher. In writing to his friends in England, Mr. 
 Williamson was much disposed to make things quite as forward as 
 Note. — In tliis connection the author will make an extract from the manuscript re- 
 miniscences of Tliomas llorris : — "In June, 1797, Louis Pliilip, the late King of 
 Franco, his two brothers, tlie Duke de Montpensicr, and Count Beaugolais, were my 
 guests at Canandaigua. Being desirous of shewing them the Falls of the Genesee 
 Iliver, we rode togetlier to where Rochester now is, There was not at that time a liut 
 of any kind. Tlie nearest habitation was that of a farmer by the name of I'erriu,'" 
 (Orange Stone he should have said,) " where after viewing the Falls we dined iu our 
 return to Canandaigua. Notwithstantling all that I had heard of the progress of Roch- 
 ester," (Mr. Morris is now alluding to his visit to the city in 1814,) it was tlifhcult for 
 mo \n realize that a place that I had last seen, even at that distance of time, an un- 
 inhabited wihlerness, shouhi now be a busy, active city, containing elegant and costly 
 buildiiig.s, uiid wiUi a |i(ipulali()u, as 1 was iuibrmeu there, of between tweuty-flve 
 andthiity thousand iiihabitauts." 
 they were, and to rreate the impression that the country was going 
 ahead pretty rapidly. He announced the advent of these new 
 comers, as a matter of considerable importance ; and speaks of the 
 commercial enterprise of Mr. Granger, in the same year, as having 
 created a new era in this region of the Genssee country. " The 
 navigation of the river," says one of his letters, " is interrupted by 
 four successive magnificent falls, the highest of them 90 feet ; 
 around these falls a carrying place was made, and the inhabitants 
 for the first time began tc use the navigation, and they received 
 their salt from the Onondaga salt works, and their stores from Al- 
 bany, with a very trifling land carriage, compared to what they 
 were before necessitatedjo undertake from Geneva; and it has 
 opened to them a ready market for their produce." 
 From the very earliest period of the settlement of the Genesee 
 country, there seemed to be a prevalent, vague idea, that a town 
 of some consequence was to grow up somewhere in what is now 
 the northern portion of Monroe — neucluses were formed, prelim- 
 inary steps taken to start villages and commercial depots — but the 
 sites, or locations, were for a long period fluctuating. There are 
 within nine miles of Rochester, within the precincts of the over 
 shadowing city — the sites of no less than five embryo villages, or 
 towns, gone to decay — or rather, are either converted into highly 
 cultivated farms, or have become principally the eligible sites of 
 private dwellings; and this, without including Frankfort — at first 
 assuming rather an independent existence — but having now but 
 little separate identity ; having long ago been merged in the city 
 that is now travelling on, on, beyond it, with rapid strides. 
 Soon after the completion of the surveys of Phelps and Gorham's 
 Purchase, the late Augustus Porter, mapped the whole territory, 
 carefully disignating the localities where villages and mills either 
 were or were likely to be. He makes no mark or sign of civiliza- 
 tion, on the river, below " Hartford," (Avon,) except at the Allan 
 mill, and upon the afterwards site of Carthage, is printed, "Athens." 
 This would lead to the conclusion that the earliest proprietors of 
 the region, (even before the advent of Mr. Williamson,) had desig- 
 nated that as their favorite locality. EligiJile and beautiful as the 
 site now is, it must have been in that early day, a most unpropi- 
 tious spot, to introduce a name associated with the highest degrees 
 of civilization in the old world. But let this reminiscence remind 
 the dwellers there, that they are treading upon classic ground. 
 " Tryon Town," in now Brighton, on the " Eutauntuquet* Bay," 
 was the next favorite locality ; where, as will have been observed, 
 a town was projected and commenced, and for many early years 
 was the focus of business for a wide region of log cabins and wood's 
 roads ; — a shipping port, withal. Then succeeded " King's" and 
 ' Vide, Judge Porter's Map, 
 •'Handfords Landings; then "Charlotte;" and next, (or perhaps 
 in earlier years.) " Castle Town." All but the " oldest inhabitants" 
 will have to be told where "Castle Town" was : — It was upon the 
 west side of the river, at the Rapids, near the division line of Gates 
 and Chill. Mr. Wadsworth owned lot 47, the south east corner lot 
 ot Gat-s, embracing the upper part of the Rapids, and the PuUenev 
 estate, lots 12, 24, and 36 of the "4,000 acre tract," conti<mous and 
 below, embracing the lower part of the Rapids. The whole bein^ 
 under Mr. W.. Jsworth's control, as owner and agent, durin<r the 
 long years that the site of Rochester was left unimproved, he°con- 
 ceived the idea of founding a village there, it being the foot of nav- 
 igation on the Genesee river, and the head of the portage from 
 the navigable waters of the river below the Falls. A town was 
 surveyed, some lots sold, a store and tavern house erected, and a 
 few iamilies settled there ; among whom was Isaac Castle • and 
 thence the name. Rochester starting up, and soon after, a diver- 
 sion of the water power being made by the Canal Feeder, there was 
 an end of " Castle Town." 
 After the pioneer commercia' enterprise of Mr. Granr^er, a con- 
 siderable period elapsed before other vessels were buiit. ' The one 
 schooner, with such' as dropped in at the mouth of the river for 
 Ireight, hailing from other ports, was probably found sufficient pre- 
 vious to 1800. Augustus and Peter B. Porter, built a schooner up- 
 on Irondequoit Bay, and for several years the commerce was divi- 
 ded between the Bay and the River. "In 1808 or '9, Erastus Spauld- 
 ing built a schooner at the mouth of the river, and in 1811, Oliver 
 Culver built one upon the Irondequoit Bay. The Lake commerce 
 had commenced with pot and pearl ashes for the Montreal market 
 to which was soon added small amounts of flour and wheat, salt 
 from the Onondaga salt works ; and at a later period, butt staves 
 A small commerce, upon the River and Bay, seems almost to have 
 been forcing itself in the earliest years. The navigation of the 
 busquehannah was fluctuating, tedious and expensive. The boat- 
 ing Irom Lyons, Geneva and Seneca Falls, had been almost aban- 
 doned ; transportation of produce, overland, upon the Albany road, 
 impracticable to any considerable extent, except when good winter 
 ^OTE. — Something of Charlotte will be found in dctaclied portions of the work • 
 but any esi)eciiil notice of one who was early identitied with the locality, has been' 
 omitted. Andrew J\['^ abb, emigrated from Scotland in ISOG. AVell educated and 
 ^""^tmm" l»"Vr oi clearing new hinds, he spent a considerabl time with Alexan- 
 der M 1 herson, ol Le Roy, under an arrangement tliat he should be the teacher of his ' 
 children, and m turn should be taught himself the rudiments of Tioncer labor Soon 
 however, he att acted the attention of Mr. Stoddard, and was employed in his land 
 ottice ; Irom which he was transferred to the office of James Wad' worth. Under the 
 auspices ot Messrs. Troup anil Wadsworth, he was establislied at Charlotte as early 
 as IHUJ witli a stock of goods, and as a local land aaent where lie vemnippil until tli.. 
 occu;i«iice of the war of 161:^, when he removed to Geneva, where he died, a bachelor 
 previous to 1830. 
 roads occurred ; Lake ports and Lake commerce, began by slow 
 degrees to be the creation of exigency and necessity. In a letter 
 from James Wadsworth to John Murray & Sons, N. Y., dated in 
 June 1807, he observes that Mr. Penfield has been to Upper Can- 
 ada, and while there had became impressed with the commercial 
 advantages of that county ; " a barrel of pot ash can be sent from 
 there to Montreal for 81 00; wheat commands cash, and a much 
 higher price than in this State, from the fact of facility of transpor- 
 tation." " These facts," adds Mr. W., " serve to illustrate the im- 
 portance of ' Fall Town,' (Rochester,) and of the country in its 
 vicinity. Articles can be sent at somewhat less expense from the 
 mouth of Genesee river, than from the west end of Lake Ontario. 
 At present our communication with Kingston and Montreal is attend- 
 ed with unnecessary embarrassment. Montreal must become an 
 immense deposit for agricultural productions seeking an European 
 market. I could now purchase to be delivered at FallTown, 10,000 
 bushels of wheat at 50 cents. It could then be ground and sent to 
 Montreal for 75 cents per barrel. Our field ashes which are now 
 wasted, would be an object of considerable consequence. Fifteen 
 tons might be rr.ade in the small town of Fairfield this season. The 
 business once started, the example would be followed by many. 
 The ashes which can be scraped off from an acre after a good burn, 
 are worth from $4 to 88. I imagine there will he 200,000 bushels 
 of surplus wheat in this part of the State, west of a line beyond 
 which wheat cannot be sent to Albany, at the price it now com- 
 In July of the same year, Mr. Wadsworth wrote to Samuel Corp, 
 N. Y. : — Grain here will not command money at any price. The 
 Nortons are sending flour to Albany at a certain loss of $1 50 per 
 barrel. JVIoney hardly circulates among us. Farmers who have 
 four or five hundred bushels of grain on hand, are paying premiums 
 for a few dollars, tha- would astonish you." * * * 
 * "A tract of country extending from Utica to Lake Erie, 
 and from Lake Ontario forty or fifty miles southward ; (a tract twice 
 as largo as the State of Connecticut,) is in a rapid progress to a 
 tolerable state of cultivation. The agricultural products of this 
 district cannot be transported to Albany, except in years of scarcity. 
 They must generally be sent to Baltimore or Montreal. The com- 
 munication to Baltimore is only open from three to four weeks in 
 the spring. This river is undoubtedly a great benefit to the coun- 
 try, especially to the inhabitants on its banks, who can seize the fa- 
 vorable opportunity for pushing oflT their arks. But in my opinion 
 the St. Lawrence is the natural out-let for the produce of this coun- 
 try. Lake Ontario is navigable in all seasons of the year. Boats 
 may be sent dov^'n the St. Lawrence, almost eight months in the 
 year. Restrictions to trade with Canada, embarrass every thing 
 Free trade would be a mutual advantage." Mr. W., in the same 
 letter urges Mr. Corp, to " correspond with friends in London upon 
 this subject." 
 As early as March, 1810, Silas O. Smith emigrated from N. 
 Malborough, Mass., and became a pioneer merciiant at Ilandford's 
 Landing. He is one of the few survivors of that early period ; has 
 lived to witness the- primitive start and entire growth of Rochester, 
 and with a physical "ul mental constitution unimpaired, has but 
 partially retired from the active duties of life. He is the father of 
 L. Ward Smith, late a representative in Assembly from Monroe 
 county, now acting Adjt. General of the State ; of George Hand 
 Smith, M. D. of Rochester; and of E. Meigs Smith, of Rochester. A 
 daughter is the wife of Samuel Stevens, of Albany ; and there are 
 two unmarried daughters. 
 Mr. Smith has obligingly furnished the author with his recollec- 
 tions of the early times, which are used in the form adopted in other 
 When I came to the country, the whole region was but sparsely settled. 
 About the Upper and Lower Landing, the forests were but little broken. 
 Where the city of Rochester nryf stands, it was a dense forest, save about 
 half an acre of cleared grounti, around the old Allan mill. In the spring 
 of 1813, I built the tirst store in what was then called " Rochesterville.''' 
 It was a wooden structure, and stood next north of the Rochester Bank, on 
 Exchange street. In 1814, I cleared three or four acres of ground on 
 which the Court House, St. Luke's cliurch. First Presbyterian cliurch, and 
 school house No. 1, now stand. I sowed it to wheat, and had a fine crop; 
 the harvesting cost me nothing, as it was most efi'ectually done by the 
 scjuirrels, coons, and other wild'beasts of the forest. Scarcely three years, 
 however, had elapsed before this ground was mostly occupied with, build- 
 ings, through the liberal policy of Col. Rochester, the acting proprietor. 
 The war of 1812 to '15, checked the growth and enterprise of the young 
 Note. — Such wore tlie embarrassments, s\icli the speculations and anticipations in 
 riioso early years. By hardy eiiteipiise the forest ])ad been so far cleared away, the 
 soil so far subdued, that a surplus began to be produced ; somethiuij to reward toil, to 
 htt exchauLced for the necessaries and comforts of life, where there liad been long years 
 of privation and endurance ; but tJie isolated condition of tlie country, the want of 
 avenues to market, forl)id the fruition so well earned and so long delayed. What an 
 event was hidden in the womb of speedily coming time ! But a few weeks previous 
 ro the date of the first letter of Mr. Wadsworth. a citizen of the (Icnesee country — 
 (and honored l)c his memory !)— oppressed by pecuniary misfortune, a refugee from 
 inexorable creditors, in an obscure village in Pennsylvania, had projected, and ready 
 for denoument, the plan for the connection of the waters of Lake Erie :tnd tlie Hi:d- 
 son, by means of an Oyi;iiLAXD Ca\al ! That great remedy for the formidable evil 
 that was paralyzing industry in all this fair and fertile region ; that great and diffusive 
 dispenser of the wealth, comfort and luxuiy that meet us at every liaiid, wliethcr we 
 :i\i surveying our own Western New York, or travelling through" tiiat Einjjire of the 
 West, wiiere the influence has been f.c.ircely less potent ! Q;^ See 2d or 3d edition of 
 " Holland Purchase," appendix. 
all J 
 village. The rumors of border warfare, and frequent turn-outs to meet the 
 enemy, interfered much to interrupt its quiet progress. It was not until 
 the peace of 1815 that the village may be said to nave fairly commenced 
 its growth ; which from half a dozen families, now numbers 40,000 inhabi- 
 In 1810, when at the Landing wit?i a store of goods, I was often asked 
 by travellers who threaded their way through the narrow paths of the 
 forest, how I found sufficient customers to warrant any business enterprize. 
 But people came there from a dist.^nce of even 100 miles with their teams 
 and loads of pot ash to sell and exchange for their supplies. 
 Charlotte and Handford's Landing had just began to contend for the 
 ascendancy, when the war and fever? settled the contest, and located the 
 village at Rochester; when the g:eat Falls, with their extensive water 
 privileges, together with a fertile and healthy country, opened a field quite 
 worthy of its enterprising Pioneers; and did time, i^pace, and recollections 
 of the past admit, I should hke to do justice to the memory of those active 
 and praiseworthy men. For their perseverance and endurance during so 
 many privations ; I remember them with the highest esteem and honor. 
 I would add that Handford's Landing was formerly called King's Land- 
 ing. The earliest settlers there were mostly doomed to a death more ter- 
 rible than the sword. Prostrated by fevers, there were times when there 
 was none left with strength enough to bring water to the parched lips of 
 the dying, or afford a decent interment to their remains. Their graves, 
 more than twenty in number, could be counted in the woods near by. 
 Very rarely a missionary would pass through this wild and lonely region, 
 administering the consolations of his faith. Sunday was not at all observ- 
 ed. I remember with pleasure, the Rev. Mr. Parmalee, a Prysbeterian, a 
 good old man, who passed through and stopped at my house where he 
 preached and baptised; afterwards continuing on for miles to find another 
 house and repeat the same services. At the time he was suffering so much 
 from ague and fever that he was often obliged to dismount from his horse 
 and lay down under a tree until the ague fit had left him, then arise and 
 continue on his solitary journey. 
 At that early period we had no great partiality for any particular denom- 
 ination of christians ; we were sufficiently glad to have any. Very provi- 
 dentially I had brought with me three books of Common Prayer; and 
 while living at the Landing, fishing and hunting being the usual occupa- 
 tion of many of the new settlers on Sunday; the report of the rifle breaking 
 the otherwise " Sabbath stillness of the day" ; I obtained the assistance of 
 John Mastirk, and in a small plank school house we commenced the beautiful 
 ritual of the Episcopal church; and on each Lord's day read the prayers and 
 a sermon. The plan was perfectly successful, for the services came to be 
 attended from far and wide ; and it formed the neucleus afterwards of St. 
 Lukes, the largest church in this diocese. These were the first Prayer Books 
 and Episcopal services used and held in this section of the country. This 
 very small beginning contrasts strangely with the present aspect of the 
 various religious societies, and shows that the early settlers of Rochester, 
 as well as the present inhabitants, were not entirely negligent in these mat- 
 ters which have had such beneficial influence upon the great prosperity of 
 the city. 
 Charles Harford was an emigrant from England, soon after 1700. 
 Among Mr. Williamson's papers, is a letter from him dated in New 
 York, in 1794, in which he reciuests Mr. W. to reserve for him 
 4,000 acres near " the Great Sodus" and some " town lots," — says 
 he intends to engage "extensively in grazing ; " that he is aliout to 
 start for England to bring out his family. It is presumed thot on 
 his return from England, (or may be previously,) he had purchased 
 an interest in the " 20,000 acre tract," west of the River. The au- 
 thor is not informed where he located previous to 1807. In that 
 year he became the Pioneer on all the site of Rochester west of the 
 river, erecting a block house on what is now State street, near the 
 termination of the Lisle road, and making a small opening in the 
 forest. He had here allotted to him 100 acres of his interest in the 
 20,000 acre tract; besides back farm lots in Gates, upon which in 
 early years, he settled several branches of his family. In 1808 he 
 had completed a small mill with one run of stones, a little below the 
 Falls, conducting the water in a race. This mill for four years, did 
 the grinding for a wide regioYi of backwoods settlers. A saw mill 
 soon followed, or it may have preceded the erection of the grist 
 mill. Mr. Harford died nearly thirty years since ; of a numerous 
 family, possessing at one period a hundred acres of the city of 
 Rochester, and about one-twelfth of the town of Gates, the author 
 has no information, other than the fact that a son resides in the 
 town of Chili, and that other sons and daughters reside in Western 
 After the advent of Charles Haford on the west side of the Riv- 
 er, the next was that of Enos Stone, the first settler on the east 
 side of the River. DCP See page 424. Mr. Stone's advent was in 
 March, 1810. Arriving at the house of his brother Orange with 
 his family and effects, he was helped through the woods by him and 
 some of his neighbors, and established in his log cabin, the solitary 
 occupant of all the present site of Rochester, east of the river. Two 
 years previous, Enos Stone the elder had erected a saw mill on the 
 river, which had been carried off by a freshet. In October follow- 
 ing, needing a little more house room — having occasionally to en- 
 tertain a visiter or traveller, Mr. Stone put up a small frame build- 
 ing, 16 by 20 feet. The cutting of the timber, raising and enclos- 
 ing occupied but three days; — the raising was done by Mr. and 
 Mrs. Stone, and a hired man and hired girl.* Mr. Stone saw and 
 endured the most rugged features of pioneer life. Getting out of 
 provisions, he went out in search of wheat, and passing through 
 Pittsford, Mendoi, Victor, Bloomfield and Livonia, found not a 
 bushel for sale, until he had arrived at Judge Chipman's near Allen's 
 Hill, in Pittstown. He remembers with feelings of gratitude, that 
 * The structure of the first frame building ever erected upon all the broad site of 
 tlie iiow cit^ of Rocliester, in a toleiable State of preseiTatioii, is now occupied as a 
 wood sliL'd, in rear of the dwelling of Wm. Adams, on Elm street 
 teilin<» the Judj?e of his wants, and of the destitution of himself and 
 his backwoods neighbors, how readily he gave him a seat at his 
 breakfast table, and went out himseli and made a levy upon his 
 neighbors — getting a bushel of wheat of one, and a bushel of an- 
 other ; — and so far as pay was concerned, he would only receive a 
 dollar per bushel, less than the current price. It is with lively recol- 
 lections of other and like kind acts, on the part of this early and wor- 
 thy pioneer, that the author records this veminiscence. On another 
 occasion, being out of meat, Mr. Stone walked oat with his rifle, 
 and a fine buck just trotting up the bank from the river, where he 
 had been to drink, was transferred to the shambles ; — and as oppor- 
 tunely it was, as the manna, in another exigency in the world's his- 
 Isaac W. Stone, who has already been mentioned in connection 
 with the invasion at the mouth of the rivei, in the war of 1812, had 
 settled in Bloomfield, establishing a clo'Ji dressing establishment on 
 Fish creek, soon after 1800. In 1810 1 ^ purchased of Enos Stone 
 five acre*: opposite Blossom's Hotel, pon a part of which the 
 Minerva block now stands ; erected a framed house and opened a 
 tavern. There had began to be a little travel on the Ridge Road, 
 though the fording of the river was often difficult and dangerous; 
 and settlement it will be observed had commenced on the Ridge. 
 His was the only public house in Rochester during the war, was a 
 boarding place lor several of the early local adventurers — the head 
 quarters of all military operations, while the enterprising landlord 
 was himselt, by virtue of a commission, as well as by pitriotic im- 
 pulses, the active and principal leader in measures of defence. Re- 
 turning from the Niagara frontier, in 1813, he was taken ill upon 
 the road, and died at the house of Major Isaac Sutherland, near 
 Batavia ; much regretted, for he had been active and useful in the 
 then trying crisis. An only surviving son became a resident of 
 Lockport, was for one term sheriff of Niagara ; died a few years 
 since in Illinois. The eldest daughter, the wife of the Rev. Artemus 
 Bishop, went upon a mission to the Sandwich Islands, in 1827, 
 where she still resides. Another daughter became the wife of Ira 
 West ; another the wife of the Rev. Wm. F. Curry, now a settled 
 minister at Geneva; and another, the wife of .Tohn F. Bush, of 
 Rochester. Mrs. Stone, who continued the pioneer tavern for four 
 years after her husband's death, still survives, at the age of 70 years, 
 a resident of Rochester; and with the exception of Enos Stone, 
 the oldest living resident of the city. 
 The first public improvement upon the Genesee River, below 
 Avon, was the erection of a bridge upon the present site of Roch- 
 ester. In 1809 the Ridge Road becan to be regarded 
 JToTK. — Mr. Stone adds, that when bp arrived n,t Zohiilnn Norton's mill, in McndoD, 
 the old gentleman instead of taking toll, added a bushel, j 
 ly, as an important thoroughfare, and the citizens of what are now 
 the northern towns of Wayne and Monroe, began to make move- 
 ments te secure a better crossing of the River, than that of a dan- 
 gerous fording place. A petition to the Legislature was put in cir- 
 culation, and favored by the pretience at Albany, of both the elder 
 and younger Enos Stone, a law was passed for the construction of 
 a bridge, by means of a tax upon the inhu.jitants ot Genesee and 
 Ontario, at the session of 1809, '10. The measure met with severe 
 opposition ; the dwellers along on the Buffalo road, feared the diver- 
 sion of travel from that thpn main thoroughfare, and the local mem- 
 bers of the Legislatuie, were all from that road or south of it, ex- 
 cept Judge Rogers, of Palmyra, who gave it his support. Samue 
 Lawrence, of what is now Yates county, then a member from On- 
 tario, opposed the measure, as im])0sing an oppressive tax upon those 
 who were not to be benefitted by it, as an unnecessary and wild pro- 
 ject. In the course of his speech he assumed that the region sur- 
 rounding the cor.tcmplated improvement, was one frowned upon by 
 Providence, and not fit for the residence of man. It is, said he, "in- 
 habited by muskrats, visited only by straggling trappers, through 
 which neither man nor beast could gallop without fear of starvation, 
 or of catching the fever and ague." The bill passed by a close v ote ; 
 the bridge was commenced in 1810, and finished jUst after the com- 
 mencement of the war of 1812. The first company of troops that 
 marched to Lewiston, passed upon the uncovered timbers. The 
 building commissioners were Dr. Zacheus Colby, of Genesee, and 
 Caleb iloikins, of Ontario ; the builder, Hovey. The bridge 
 soon began to bring travel to the Frontier, upon the northern route, 
 and in the absence of the war would have given an impetus to set- 
 Little beyond what has been named, transpired upon the east 
 side of the River, until the close of the war ; but two families were 
 added to those of the Messrs. Stones, and they were not permanent 
 Though Col. Rochester and his associates. Cols. Fitzhugh and 
 Carrol, had purchased the Hundred Acre Tract in 1802, it lay idle, 
 as it had in long previous years, until the summer of 1811. The 
 delay in the improvement of a site so valunble, is sufficiently ac- 
 counted for in preceding pages ; late as would now sam the com- 
 mencement, it was even premature, as the re"(ier will hove observed. 
 Yet there had began to be an anxiety to see a cuinmencement, the 
 Bridge was progressing, public expectation and individual enterprise 
 had began to fix upon the tract — the 100 acres, and the hydraulic 
 UoTK. — By some means or other tlio Bridge matter took a p.irty turn, tlie then 
 democratic iiumibers generally voting for it. The next year it was brought into the 
 election canvass, find was thiMneans of defeating the deiiiocratic members. That de- 
 termined the complexion of the Legislature ; so the tii'st bridge iu R-^chester, cost the 
 democratic party the asceudaucy iu the State. 
 facilities it L-mbniced- 
 ■as the oligible spot in which all hilhertc 
 . , , , . , ,. . . ^ . - iiiinerto 
 projected business locahties in its- neighborhood, was to become 
 merged. In August 1810, Mr. Wadswortii. although his interests 
 were principally at Charlotte, and Castleton, had |)robably i)ecome 
 convinc'd that neither was the natural location of the business he 
 saw ({rawing otfto the lower valley of the Genesee, towards the 
 navigable waters of Lake Ontario ; and in one of the localities, 
 sickness had began to discourage him as it had others. At this pe- 
 riod he wrote to Mr. Troup ; — " J wish that tract of 100 acres 
 could be purchased of the Maryland gentlemen. The Brid.'e and 
 Mill seat render it verv valuable indeed." ° 
 In July, 1810, Col. llochester came down fronr. his residence at 
 Dansville, and surveyed a few lots on the River, along on either 
 side of Exchange and Butfulo streets. Having before °his return 
 home, constituted Enos Stone his local agent, he addressed to him 
 the following letter of instructions . — 
 Daxsville, 14th August, 1811. 
 Dear Sib : 
 Inclosed I send you a plat of tlie village of Rochester, at tlie Falls of 
 Genesee River. I have sent on advertisements to the printers at Cnnr.r.daigua and 
 Geneva, mentioning that I have laid out a village, and that you will shew the lota and 
 make known tlio terms on whicli the lots are to be sold. 
 The terms are for lots No. 2, 3, 4, 5, 16, 17, 18, 30, fifty dollars each ; for lots No. 6, 
 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 19, 20. 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, thirty doUar:5. No. 1, two hundred doUars, 
 the rest that arc numbered are sold. Tcrsons purchasing must build a dwelling house, 
 or store house, not less than 20 by 16 feet, by the 'irst of October 1812, jr the lote 
 will rev<^rt to the proprietors, and the advance of five dollars be forfeited. Five dollars 
 are to be advanced on each quarter acre lot, aud twenty dollars on lot No. 1, the resi- 
 due to be paid iu two annual payments with interest thereon. If any person wants a 
 lot above the head of the race or the River, tell theiu tliat I will be down in October 
 to lay out lots along Mill street up to the river, and these lots can be had for building 
 Ware Houses on the River, at tifty dollars for a quarter acre lot. Brid;;e street, Buffalo 
 sti-eet, Mill street and CaiToll street, are sLv rods wide, the other streets are four rods, 
 and the Alley's twelve feet. You will observe that lots No. 26, 27, are to be but three 
 rods on Bridge street, but extend back more than ten rods, owing to the angle in the 
 street. Wlieu I go down in October, I shalllay out the streets, alleys and lots agreea- 
 ble to the enclosed plat, NATHANIEL ROCHESTER. 
 Enos Stone became the purchaser of lot 36 at 850. Other sales 
 occurred in the order, and at the pi ices named, commencing Dec. 
 29,1811: — 
 Israel Scrnntom, 
 Luscum Knapp, 
 Hezekiah Noble, 
 Jose{)li Hughes, 
 Ebenezer Kelly, 
 Ira West^ 
 " 50, 115, 260 
 Henry Skinner, 
 Lot No. 1, 
 Hamlet Scrantcn, 
 Isaac W. Sti'ue, 
 " 23, 34, 
 Abraham v^iarks. 
 David C. Knapp, 
 Amasa Marshall, 
 " 21, 22, 
 Apolenus Jerry 
 Lot No. 18, 19, 
 " 15, 62, 
 1 " 3. 
 ElishaEly. Lot No, 39, 40, 41, 133, f 3G0 
 Porter P. Peck, Lot No. 154, 100 
 Jo9iahBissell,Jr., " 7,13,31, 260 
 Stephen Lusk, " 6, 50 
 Wm. Robb, Lot, 61, 69, C3, 1 16, 
 117, 800 
 Miciiael Cully, Lot No. 79, 100 
 Cook & Bro-WTi. " 83, 100 
 Harvey Montgomery, " 88, 250 
 Roswell Hart, " 8, 56, :>?, 400 
 Chas. D. Farman, '• 129, 300 
 Geo. Ct. Sill. " liJ4, 90 
 James Stoddart, " 130, 100 
 Fabricus Reynolds, " 131, 200 
 This will give the reader a pretty good i '. x of the range of pri- 
 ces of primitive locations, and bring pioneer names to mind, though 
 many of the purchasers did not become permanent residents. The 
 author notices but one lot that reverted ; nearly all were paid for by 
 purchasers, or those to whom they transferred their contracts. The 
 list embraces nearly all the sales that were made before the close of 
 the war. The lovv range of prices will strike the reader, as being 
 almost unprecedented in the early history of villages and cities. 
 The liberal patroons seemed to have been guided by the considera- 
 tion that should govern the founders of towns and settlements, as 
 well as legislation in reference to our public lands : — That, as it is 
 the Pioneers, the settlers, that add real to what was before little 
 more than nominal value, tney should be large sharers in what they 
 Identified witb the Pioneer history of the city of Rochester, far more than 
 in name, was the late Col. Nathaniel Rochester. The acting resident co- 
 proprietor of the "100 Acre Tract" — the principal germ of village and 
 city — we may -well consider him the Patroon and Founder of the prosper- 
 ous City of the Genesee Valley. Thus blended with the most prominent 
 locality embraced in these annals, a brief biography of him demands a place 
 in thexii ; and especially as in other precedent instances, it may be made to 
 embrace, not only interesting reminiscences of our own local region, but 
 those of the Revolutionary period. He was one of the founders of an em- 
 pire of freemen — our glorious Union — and also one of the founders of 
 settlement in one of its most prosperous localities. 
 Col. Rochester was a native of Westmoreland, Virginia, the son of John 
 Rochester, whose father was an emigrant from the county of Kent in Eng- 
 land. When thirteen years of age, his family removed to Granville county 
 in North Carolina . Two years afterwards he entered the mercantile estab- 
 lishment of James Monroe, in Hillsborough, N. C, as a clerk, becoming 
 after a few years a partner in the concern ; a third partner at the time, 
 being Col . John Hamilton, who was Consul for the British government, in 
 the middle States, after the close of the Revolution. Soon after the break- 
 ing out of the Revolution, Col. Rochester was appointed a member of the 
 Note. Many transfers took place soon after purchase. Lot 1 , was present Eagle 
 Tavern lot; 26, "site of Pitkin's Block; 2.3, partly site uf I5iirn's Block uud Arcade ; 
 25, Arcade ; 32, S. 0. Smiths Corner ; 18, 19, partly Gould's Block. 
 committee of safety for Orange county ; tht duty of said committee having 
 been, to use his own language : — " To prom ite the Revolutionary spirit 
 among the people, procure arras and ammunition, make collections for the 
 city of Boston, whose harbor was blocked up by a British fleet, and to pre- 
 vent the sale and use of East India teas." In August, 1775, he attended 
 as a member, the first Provincial convention in North Carolina. Among 
 the measures adopted was the raising of four regiments of troops; the or- 
 ganization of a militia system, and enrolling of minute men; and the adop- 
 tion of a resolution for an adjourned raeetingin May following, to frame and 
 adopt a constitution. During the setting of the convention he received a 
 Major's commission, and was appointed a Justice of the Peace. 
 At the meeiing of the convention in Ma)^ he was appointed Commissary 
 General of military stores and clothing for the North Carolina line, which 
 was then made to consist of ten regiments. As a member of the conven- 
 tion he participated in the organization of a State government for North 
 Ou tiie adjournment of the convention, he entered upon the active duties 
 of providing food and clothing for the army ; the fatigues incident to which, 
 accompanied by uausual exposure in unhealthy districts of the country, 
 brought on disease so permanent in its character as to cause the resignation 
 of his office in accordance with medical advice. He was not destined to 
 remain idle in these stirring times. Returning to Hillsboro', he found that 
 he had been elected a member of ihe Legislature, in which he soon took 
 his seat; thus becoming a member of one of the earliest legislative bodies 
 organized and assembled in defience of British claims to dominion. It was 
 at this time, and in this same convention of Pioneer legislators, that Nathan- 
 iel Mason, then just graduated Irom college, commenced his long career of 
 About this period Col. Rochester was appointed a Lieut. Col. of militia, 
 and clerk of Orange county; in which last office he was the successor of 
 Gen. Nash, who was killed at the battle of Germantown, In 1777, he was 
 appointed a commissioner to establish and superintend a manufactory of 
 arms at Hillsboro' ; the iron necessary for which he transported upon wagons, 
 from Pennsylvania, a distance of 400 miles. He was next appointed one 
 of the board of auditors of public accounts. In 1778, he engaged in busi- 
 ness with Col. Thomas Hart, the father-in-law of Henry Clay, and James 
 Brown, who was afterwards minister to France. Col. Hart was then a 
 resident neai' Hillsboro', where he was a large land holder, miller and man- 
 ufacturer; being an active whig his tory neighbors depredated upon his 
 property to an extent that induced him to take the advice of Gen . Gates, 
 then in the command of the southern army, and remove to Hagerstown, 
 Maryh nd, after a disposition of his large estate. In 1781, Col. Rochester 
 also removed to Hagerstown and settled on a farm. 
 In 1783, the war having been brought to a close, Col. Rochester went 
 into the mercantile business with Col. Hart at Hagerstown; their business 
 embracing the manufacture of flour, a nail and rope factory. The part- 
 nership continued until 1792, when Col. Rochester went into business on 
 his own account He after that, filled successively the offices of a member 
 of Assembly of Maryland, P. M. at Hagerstown, a Judge of the county 
 court, sheriff of the county, elector of President and Vice President in 180S, 
 President of the Hagerstown Rank. In all this time he had not only been 
 carryinrr on extensive manufocturing establishments in Hagerstown, but 
 had in operation two mercantile establishments in Kentucky. 
 ^In 1800 he first visited the Genesee counf'v, in company with Cols. 
 William Fi'zhugh, Hilton, and iUajor Charles Ca-rol. The measures taken 
 by Mr. Williamson to attract the attention of Marylanders to this reoion, 
 have already been noticed. Col. Peregrine Fitzhugh who had not yet re- 
 moved, was the neighbor of Col. Rochester at Hagerstown, was active in 
 promoting emigration in this direction, and it is presumed, the party were 
 induced to take the j )urney by him. They bore from him a letter of intro- 
 duction to Mr. Williamson ; though Major Carrol had previously made his 
 acquaintance. The writer informs Mr. Williamson that the fever and ao-uo 
 is generalljr prevalent in Maryland, but hopes that this country is exempt 
 from it, " inasmuch as a few paie faces generally makes an unfavorable im- 
 pression upon strangers." Before they left the country, Messrs. Carrol 
 and Fitzhugh made their large purchase near Mount Morris, and Col. Roch- 
 ester the mills, water power, and a portion of the lands upon which he 
 afterwards resided at Dansville. In 1802, the three revisited the Gen- 
 esee country, and while here, purchased the '• 100 Acre," or "Allan Mill 
 Tract," in what is now Rochester, then called " Falls Town." 
 In 1810, Col. Rochester having closed up his business in Maryland, re- 
 moved to Dansville, and occupied his purchase there ; erecting a paper 
 mill, the first in all the Genesee country, and making other improvements. 
 Disposing of that property in 1814, he purchased the large farm of the 
 late Col. Asher Saxton, in East Bloomfield, upon which he resided until 
 1818, when he removed to the locality that had already assumed his name. 
 The subject of our sketch has already been hurried through a long, busy 
 and eventful career; a life of activity, of public employment, and private 
 enterprise, that has few paralels ; and yet a new field of enterprize— a vast, 
 successful one it has proved to be — was just opening before him. At an 
 age whenmost men are retiring from the active duties of life, he was re- 
 engaging in them. 
 Soon after settling at Dansville, he had taken some initiatory steps for the 
 commencement of operations upon the 100 Acre Tract; in August ISll, 
 had surveyed a few lots and was offering them for sale ; and while residing 
 at Bloonifield, had usually an agent upon or near the property, making fre- 
 quent visits to it himself. All that was done, was under his immediate 
 supervision, until 1817, when the interests of the proprietors were separated 
 by a division of the property, each of them assuming the management of 
 his own interest. 
 In 1816, Col. Rochester was for the second time an Elector of President 
 and Vice President. In 181 V he attended the Legislature at Albany as an 
 agent of the petitioners for the erection of what is now Monroe county; 
 which consumation was delayed until 1821, at which time it liad the bene- 
 fit of his active personal exertions. He was the Ihst clerk of the new 
 county, and its first representative in the legislature, in 1821, '2. In 1824 
 he was one of the com'missioners for taking subscriptions and distributing 
 the capit!)! stnck of the Bank of Rochester, and upon the organizntiun of 
 the institution was unanimously elected its President; which office was 
 accepted upon a condition dictated by a sense of the increasing infirmities 
 ipaired phj 
 _ _ 1 constitution, that he should resign the 
 place as soon as the institution was in successful operation. He resigned in 
 December following. This was the last of the numerous public and cor- 
 porate trusts of his protracted and active life. The remainder of his days 
 were rather those of a retired Patriarch, aiding by his counsels and his 
 matured judgment, all in matters of local concern; manifesting a deep 
 interest in the prosperity of the then thriving and prosperous village; in 
 works of charity and benevolence ; in a contemplation of, and preparation 
 for the final close of his earthly career. Sustained by an imphcit relii;iou3 
 faith — that of the Episcopal church, of which he had been a liberal pat- 
 ron, and at whose altar he knelt, "an humble recipient of its holy symbols," 
 he bore with patience and fortitude, protracted and painful disease, which 
 terminated in his death, on the l7th of May, 1831, in the 79th year of his age. 
 If personal eulogy had been within the scope and design of this work, at 
 every step in its progress — when reminiscences of the Pioneers of all this 
 region were passing rapidly in review — there would have been occasions 
 for itG indulgence; seldom a more fitting one than the present. Starting 
 in life with but few advantages, as we must infer from the fact that he was 
 thrown upon his own resources at the early age of fifteen, with energy and 
 integrity of purpose, a fearless self reliance, he had a long career of useful- 
 ness. When but foirly under way in private enterprise, his country de- 
 manded his services and he obeyed its requisitions: alternating in its 
 financial, military and legislative affairs. It exigencies terminating, he was 
 as zealous a co-worker in all that related to the beneficial uses of free gov- 
 ernment, as he had been in its attainment. Almost constantly filling im- 
 portant public stations, he was at the same time the founder of business es- 
 tablishments, the promoter of local prosperity ; and after having in advanced 
 life sought and secured a quiet rural life, he broke out from it and became 
 the patroon of new settlement ; the founder of a city! Ihere are few 
 examples of a so varied and active life. What in his case, especially in- 
 vites remark, is the fact, that he was well educated as the manner in which 
 he discharged his public duties, and transacted his private business, fully 
 proves — and yet, the reader will have observed, that his school days ended 
 before he had arrived at the age of fifteen years! All beyond that period, 
 was self education and self reliance. 
 The late Wm. B. Rochester was his eldest son. Educated at Charlotte 
 Hall, in Maryland, he prosecuted the study of law, first at Hagerstown, and 
 afterwards in the ofiice of Adam Bently, Esq., in Maysville, Ky. He 
 opened a-, office in Bath, Steuben county, in 1809; in the war of 1812, he 
 was the aid of Gen. M'Clure, was a volunteer under Smyth's proclamation, 
 and participated in the sortie of Fort Erie. At the period of the adoption 
 of the new State Constitution, he had been elected to Congress from the 
 Steuben district, which office he resigned, accepting the office of Circuit 
 Judge of what was then the 8th circuit, which office he continued to fill 
 until he was put in nomination for the office of Governor, in 1 826. Although 
 contending against the strong current of popularity then running in favor 
 of Mr. Cluiton. the " Young Lion of the West," as he was then termed by 
 his ardent and zealous supporters, came within 12U0 voles of an elecliuu. 
 He was soon after appointed Secretary of the American delegation to the 
 Congress of Nations at Panama; and afterwards, in succession, was Secre- 
 tary of the American Legation to Mexico, and Charge D'affaires to Guate- 
 Previous to these latter events of his life, he had removed from Rath to 
 Eochesier. Upon the location of a Branch Bank of the U. S. in Hufl^ilo, he 
 ■was appointed its President, and removed to Buffalo. 1 1 e spent the winter of 
 1837 at Pensacola, closing up the affairs of the Branch Bank located there; 
 and returiiing in the month of June, was one of the passengers of the ill- 
 fcted Pulaski, that was burned off the cost of North Carolina. He was 
 drowned by the swamping of a boat, in which, with the mate of the vessel 
 and others, he was endeavoring to reach the land. James and Willifim B. 
 Rochester, of Buffalo, are his sons; a married daughter resides in Chicago. 
 The surviving sons of Col. Nathaniel Rochester, are, Thomas H. Roches- 
 ter, President of the Rochester City Bank, Nathaniel T., and Henry E. 
 Rochester; dauahters became the wives of Harvey Montgomery, Dr. An- 
 son Coleman, Jonathan Childs, William Pitkin, Wm. S. Bishop. Of the 
 daughters, but Mrs. Pitkin and Mrs. Bishop survive. John Rochpster, 
 the 2d son of Col. Nathaniel Rochester, was a captain in the regular ser- 
 vice in the war of 1812, attached to the 29th Regiment, of which the pre- 
 sent Gen. Wool was Major. Retiring from the army, he was connected 
 ■with Mr. Montgomery in early mercantile establishments in Rochester and 
 Parma. He emigrated to Missouri in 1818, where he died in 1831. 
 The brothers, Dr. Mathew, Francies, and David Brown, were 
 originally from Western, Mass. Dr. Brown emigrated in early life 
 to Rome, Oneida county, where he remained many years in the 
 pi-actice of his profession. Francis Brown, in early life, resided at 
 Detroit, with an uncle, Wm. Brown, who was engaged in the Indian 
 trade. Soon after 1800 he was shipwrecked on a voyage over Lake 
 Erie, was picked up on the shore, exhausted and nearly lifeless. 
 On recovering he continued his journey eastward, purchasing a 
 canoe at Niagara, with which he coasted along the south share of 
 Lake Ontario. Passing the mouth of the Genesee River he was 
 driven in by a storm, and while waiting for it to subside, walked up 
 and viewed the Upper Falls and the site of Rochester, and became 
 sanguine of the prospective value of the locality. 
 Thomas Mumford was from New London, Conn. ; a graduate of 
 Yale College; studied the profession of the law with Judge Samuel 
 Jones. In 1794 settled in his profession in Aurora, Cayuga county. 
 In 1800 removed to Cayuga Bridge. 
 In 1810, the Messrs. Browns, JVIumford, and John M'Kry, of Cal- 
 adonia, had became by purchase of Charles Hurford, Oliver Phelps 
 and Samuel Parkman, the owners of the 200 acres north of and 
 adjoining the Hundred Acre Tract, embracing the main or Upper 
 Falls. Mr. Mun)ford soon purchasing the interest of Mr. M'Kay, 
 he became the owner of the south. 100 acres, and the half owner 
 •with the Messr''. Browns, of the north 100 acres. In 1812 Benjamin 
 Wright, for the proprietors, surveyed a portion ol" it into village 
 lots, and made a few sales before the commencement of the war. 
 Previous to acquiring this interest Mr. Mumford had became the 
 owner, by purchase of Augu-tus and Peter B. Porter, of a twelfth 
 of the 20,000 acre tract, and over 2000 acres in Brighton ; and the 
 purchase of the Messrs. Browns of Charles Harfoixi had included 
 a considerable tract of wild land of the 20.000 acre tract. The sep- 
 arate and joint purchases of the Messrs. Browns and Mumford, was 
 named Frankfort. 
 The advent of the Messrs. Browns was in the winter of 1812. 
 The two brothers came by sleighing, to view their new purchase, 
 bringing a mill-wright with them to assist in projecting some im- 
 provements. There was on the Frankfort tract the small grist mill 
 of Mr. Harford, with one run of stones, and a saw mill, a block 
 house in which Mr. Harford resided, a plank house in which his son 
 Benedict resided, and there was one or two occupied log shanties on 
 the River road before reaching Handford's Landing. A son and 
 sor-in-law of Mr. Harford had just penetrated the interior of the 
 20,000 acre tract, and made smaJl openings in the forest. Upon the 
 Frankfort tract, there was hardly an opening enough to let the sun in, 
 and but a wood's road that ran along near the river bank. The 
 whole tract was a dense forest, the soil wet and miry ; a " dismal 
 looking place," says one who saw it at that period. 
 In the spring of 1812, Francis Brown came from Rome, bringing 
 mill Wrights, mill irons, a small stock of goods, and commenced im- 
 provements. What has been kno n as Brown's race, was con- 
 structed, and the old Harford mill was repaired and three run of 
 stones added. Artemas Wheelock lived in the plank shantee, built 
 by the Harfords, and kept the boarding house; and the Browns 
 soon added a small plank house for Ezra Mason, who brought in his 
 family and went into their employ. The improvements named 
 were about all that were undertaken during the war. In 1814 how- 
 ever, Francis Brown gave Chubb, of Pittsford, a yoke of 
 oxen for cutting out the timber and grubbing the stumps to make 
 a three rod road, where Sta^e street now is. The saw and grist 
 mill were kept in operation, the latter drawing customers from as 
 far as Niagara county on the Ridge road, and from a wide region in 
 other directions. The Browns kept up a small mercantile business, 
 in a log store they built on the site of Frankfort market. The clerk 
 in the store was Gains B. Rich, who became an early merchant in 
 Attica, Genesee county, and is now a well known banker in Buffalo. 
 Francis Brown continued to reside in Rochester until 1821, when 
 upon account of an asthmatic affection he emigrated to Mobile, 
 taking charge of an estate that belonged to his father-in-law, Daniel 
 Penfield. He died in 1824. Ilis surviving sons are, Daniel P. 
 Brown, a merchant in Toledo. Francis Brown, a m.erchant in Roch- 
 ester ; a married daughter resides at Toledo. The author could 
 relate numerous instances remembered by the Pioneers of Roches- 
 ter, of the generous acts of Francis Brown. " To his strict integ- 
 rity and honor, in all his dealings," says Ezra Mason, ("his refusal 
 to receive another man's money, when he could get nothing of me 
 but the promise of In'ior,) I am indebted for my farm." 
 _ Dr. Mathew Brown continued to reside in Rome, making frequent 
 visits to the property until soon after the war, when he became a per- 
 manent resident of Rochester. He still survives at the advanced 
 age of 86 years. Infirm in health, he lives in retirement, enjoying 
 a large share of the esteem and veneration of the dwellers of the 
 crowded city with which he has been so long and so prominently 
 identified ; one whose founders he may truly be said to have been. 
 His surviving sons are, Mathew Brown, of Toledo, Henry H. 
 Brown, of Detroit ; daughters became the wives of Wm. Barron 
 Williams, who was connected with some of the earliest mercantile 
 operations in Lockport, now among the enterprising business men 
 of Rochester ; another, the wife of Fletcher M. Haight, formerly of 
 Rochester, now of St. Louis. Of the third brotherj David Brown, 
 the author has no information, beyond the fact that he resided in 
 Rochester in early years, prosecuting business in connection with 
 the brothers Mathew and Francis. 
 The elder Mr. Mumford never became a resident of Rochester. 
 His resident representative, as early as 1818, was his son William 
 Mumford. Philip Lisle, who purchased an interest in the Mumford 
 tract, managed sales previous to 1818. A partition between Mum- 
 ford and the Browns,of the original Harford tract, occurred soon af- 
 ter improvements were commenced. Silas Deane Mumford, a 
 brother of Thomas Mumford, also purchased an interest in early 
 years. Thomas Mumford died at his residence at Cayuga in 1831, 
 aged 61 years. Wm. W. Mumford died in Rochester in 1848. 
 Elihu H. S. Mumford, from whom Mumfordville derived its name, 
 was killed by the bursting of a steam boiler, in New York, in 1844. 
 Geo. H. Mumford, of Rochester, is the surviving son. A daughter 
 became the wife of Dr. John G. Vought, an early physician of Roch- 
 ester, who removed to New York, where he died during the first 
 cholera season ; another daughter is the wife of Samuel I). Dakin, 
 of N. York. 
 Thomas Mumford was in an early day proprietor of lots 46 and 
 47, below Frankfort, which he sold to the late chancellor Jones, and 
 subsequently the late James L. Graham, of New York, acquired 
 an interest in it. Its sale and improvement have been principally 
 under the agency and management of Dr. Alexander Kelsey. 
 Ezra Mason, who has already been named, went into the employ- 
 meat of the Messrs. Browns soon after they had commenced opera- 
 tions, and remained with them until 1817. He gives a graphic ac- 
 count of Rochester in early davB ; the war alarms, llichts anrl prep- 
 aration for flights, the rattle snakes, and the ague and fever. At 
 one period an idle rumor came that the British had landed "in 40 
 boats at the mouth of the Oak Orchard ;" pits were dug to bury all 
 valuable effects, and in a few instances, they were used. At anoth- 
 er time the flour was all taiien from Messrs. Browns mills and Iiid in 
 the woods. When news of peace came, there was a jubilee ; every 
 thing brightened up and began to move on briskly. There was a 
 rattle snakes den on the east side of the River, below Falls Field, 
 and they used frequently to visit the west side of the River. On 
 one occasion, Mrs. Mason found an infant daughter attempting to 
 pet a large rattle snake who was giving " notice of intention" to 
 strike. Mr. Mason and Mrs. Mason resides upon the farm on the 
 Lisle Road, they commenced on in 1817; and where they have 
 seen the roughest features of pioneer life, but where they are now 
 surrounded with smiling and productive fields. They have eleven 
 children, all of whom have arrived at adult age. 
 Hamlet Scrantom was from Durham, Conn.; in 1805 emigrated to 
 Lewis county in this State, where he remained until 1812. In J811, 
 he visited Geneseo, and having been acquainted with the Wads- 
 worths in Durham, they named to him Genesee Falls, as a locality 
 where a town was likely to grow up. Henry Skinner who had pur- 
 chased the Eagle Tavern corner, resided at Geneseo, and to encour- 
 age Mr. Scrantom to locate at the Falls, proposed to erect for him 
 a log house uj^on it. Men were sent down for that purpose, they 
 erected the body of a log house, but before covering it they were at- 
 tacked with the fever and ague, and obliged to quit. Mr. Scran- 
 torn arriving with his family soon after, was allowed a shelter in a 
 shantee belonging to Enos Stone, on the site now occupied by the 
 dwelling of Anson House, where he resided until August, when lie 
 moved into the log house on the Eagle corner. Mr. Scrantom be- 
 ing by occupation a mi'.ler, soon went into the employ of the Messrs. 
 Bissell and Elys. He purchased two lots, one of them being the 
 site of the store of O. L. Sheldon, and the other, the site of the old tan- 
 nery of Mr. Graves. He built a dwelling on the BufTalo street lot. 
 In 1814 he purchased a farm, now the Hanks property near Mount 
 Hope, for $i per acre, erected a log house and went there to reside, 
 to have his family less exposed in case of British invasion ; becoming 
 the first neighbor of D. K. Carter. He removed back to the village 
 at the close of the war, and became the miller of the Messrs. Browns. 
 In late years he was an agent of Culver and Maynard, in the con- 
 struction of tiie first locks at Lockport, where the author knew him 
 as a highly esteemed and worthy man. He was a trustee of the 
 first school and school district, organized in Rochester and was an 
 efficient helper in early religious organizations; one of the foundeis 
 of St. Luke's church.' 
 He died in April, 1S50, aged 77 years; his wife still survives. 
 His surviving sons are, Henry Serautuiu, uunchunt, Elbert Scran- 
 tom, late city Treasurer, Edwin Scrantom, an early printer 
 and editor, and now a successful auction and commission merchant. 
 and Hamlet Scrantom, o clerk of canal superintendent; all of 
 Rochester. Daughters becaoie the wives of Jehiel Barnard, a 
 Pioneer in Rochester, now a resident of Ogden ; another, the wife 
 of Martin Briggs of Rochester ; and there is an unmarried daughter. 
 Abelard Reynolds was from Pittsfield, Mass., his occupation that 
 of a saddler. In 1811, he travelled through this State and the north- 
 ern portion of Ohio, and made uj* his mind to settle in Warren, 
 Trumbull county. Returning to Pittsfield, in the spring of 1812, he 
 was on his way there to make arrangements for removing his fam- 
 ily and eflects, when in remaining over night at Bloomfield, he met 
 Col. Hopkins, of ^^ittsford, and several other gentlemen, who recom- 
 mended him to visit Charlotte, at the mouth of the Genesee River, 
 which they said, "being at the outlet of the rich products of the 
 valley of the Genesee, with its commercial advantages, was des- 
 tined at no distant period, to become a place of unrivalled impor- 
 tance." He diverged from his route, enquired the way to the vvith 
 him, newly heard of locality, come to the Genesee Falls, finding in 
 the woods Enos Stone, also "from Berkshire," who interested him 
 in his relation of what Col. Rochester had been doing towards start- 
 ing a village. The most he saw in the way of improvement how- 
 ever, or signs of civilization, was some remains of the old Allan 
 mill, the cabin that the miller had occupied, and the unfinished 
 bridge over the River. " The whole aspect and appearance of the 
 place," says Mr. Reynolds, "was then the most undesirable and 
 fovDidding that language can describe. Yet it was evident in the 
 reflecting mind, that the natural elements of future greatness were 
 here combined, and lay concealed amid this chaotic confusion." 
 Mr. Stone, as the agent of Col. Rochester, importuned him 1o be- 
 come the purchaser of a lot; but he made up his mind to see Char- 
 lotte first. Taking directions from Mr. Stone how to ford the Riv- 
 er; and especially that he must make for the "large sycamore tree 
 on the opposite bank," his reliable horse carried him safely over, 
 though he remembers that the story Mr. Stone had just told' him of 
 a man who with his horses and wagon, had but a few days before 
 been carried over the Falls, predominated in his mind.* 
 Mr. Reynolds visited Charlotte, continued on his journey to 
 Ohio, but the embryo village at Genesee Falls, had made a favorable 
 impression upon him ; he returned and purchased lots 23 and 24, 
 upon which the Arcade now stands. With the aid of " oxen and 
 a stone boat," kindly furnished by Enos Stone,, he drew stone (rom 
 the bed of (he river, made a foundation 24 by 36 feet, erected a 
 frame upon it, and leaving it in charge of a carpenter to be cover- 
 ed and enclosed, returned to Berkshire. Coming back in Novem- 
 ber, he found the house in the condition he had left it, and erecting 
 * The reader will boar in mind that at that early period the Genesco River was not 
 the diiuiuishud body of water, ho has seen in later years. 
 a smaller frame, in a few weeks had it tenantable. It was the first 
 framed building erected on the Hundred Acre Tract. In Novem- 
 ber, 1813, he removed his family. A brother-in-law who assisted in 
 the removal, went back to Massachusetts and reported that he had 
 left them in a place where they must "inevitably starve." 
 In November, 1812, he had been appointed P. M., and had made 
 Mr. Stone his deputy until he got settled. The nett proceeds of the 
 office up to April 1, 1813, was .f3 40. With limited means, and 
 encountering a long season of ague and fever, he had a hard intro- 
 duction to pioneer life, but with cou.-age and fortitude, he " bore up 
 and bore on," gradually reaping the reward of his enterprise. He 
 was the first saddler, the first P. M., and the first magistrate in all 
 of Rochester, and' kept the first public house on the Hundred 
 Acres, or original site of Rochester. He held the office of P. M. 
 when the nett quarterly returns were ^34(5 ; he surrendered it to 
 other hands in 1829, when they amounted to 82,105 1(5. In 1828, 
 he erected the Arcade upon the ground he hud originally purchased 
 and occupied — an enterprize of magnitude, and ahead of the times 
 then — even now, after a twenty years' march of progress, not be- 
 hind. The small plat of ground he purchased when it was almost 
 in its primitive condition, is now producing an annual rent which is 
 exceeded only by that of but few spots of equal size in the most fa- 
 vorite localities of the largest cities in the Union. In the hands of 
 his son, Wm. A. Reynolds, there has been added to the property 
 Corintliian Hall, a structure creditable to the city ; a model even 
 for similar enterprizes in the older cities. 
 Mr. Reynolds is now in the 06th year of his age ; his surviving 
 sons are, Wm A. Reynolds and Mortimer F. Reynolds, of Rochester^ 
 the last of whom was the first born on the Hundred Acre Tract' 
 after it had been platted as a village ; a daughter resides in Roches- 
 ter, and another in Illinois. The Pioneer wife and mother still sur- 
 Hervey Ely wao from West Springfield, Mass., the nephew and 
 ward of Justin Ely, one of the original proprietors of the 20,000 
 acre tract. ' In November, 1813, at the age of 22 years, he cast his 
 lot with the Pioneers of Rochester. In company with his brother, 
 Elisha Ely, and Josiah Bissell, he commenced selling goods in a small 
 building that stood on the Hart corner. Bringing men and supplies 
 from Massachusetts, they soon erected a saw mill, their boaVding 
 place being a stable of Mr. S. O. Smith, which had been cleared 
 out and fitted up for that purpose. In 1817 they built the red mill, 
 with four run of stones. The care of the mill devolved upon Hervey 
 Ely ; and thus becoming a Pioneer miller in Rochester, he has con- 
 NoTE.— Justin Ely took an active part in tlic Revolution — principally in mustering 
 the militia for service. A considerable capitalist, he loaned money to Mr. I'lulps ancl 
 received Lis pay in lands in different localities oa Phelps and tJorhams' Purchsise ; 
 thence his proprietorship in the 20,000 acre tract. 
 tinned in the ])usiness, until lie has seen it in hi.s own and other 
 hands, arrive at a magnitude considerably exceeding that of any 
 other locality in the world! In 1822 he built the stone mill now 
 occupied by Mr. C. C. Winants, and in 1828 the extensive estab- 
 lishment on the west side of the River adjoining the Acjueduct. 
 After being engaged in the milling business for 38 years, he is yet 
 in his GOth year, engaged in it — active and enterprising as in his 
 early years. Some idea of the magnitude of his operations may be 
 gathered from the statistical facts, that with the exception of the 
 late Gen. Beach, he has paid more canal tolls upon hisownjjroperty 
 than any shipper on our canals ; for the first ten years after the 
 Eric canal was completed he paid 1 3-4 and 1 1-2 per cent of the 
 entire canal revenue. He pioneered in the business of bringing 
 wheat from the western States to be mai.uftictured in Rochester, in 
 1828. He has manufactured from his own wheat, in one year, 80,- 
 000 barrels of flour ! Later comers, to be sure, are deserving of 
 credit for their enterprise — as helpers in the work of making Roch- 
 ester what it is — but it is especially gratifying to record such 
 facts, in reference to a Pioneer. 
 Elisha Ely removed to Allegan, Michigan, in 1834, where he still 
 resides ; is a Judge of Probates, and a Regent of the University of 
 James B. Carter was the Pioneer blacksmith, locating upon the 
 Hundred Acre Tract in 1812. He erected a small story and a half 
 house on the corner now occupied by the block of Dr. John B. El- 
 wood. His shop was on ground now occupied by Front street. He 
 survives^, a resident of Churchville. In March, 1814, his brother, 
 David K. Carter, removed from Lewis county and became the oc- 
 cupant of the houie. In the same year he purchased the Mansion 
 house lot from second hands, paying for it 8 lOG ; in 1817 erected 
 upon it a three storj tavern house. The first lessee of it was Dan- 
 iel Mack, a brother-in-law of Erastus Spalding. Mr. Mack emi- 
 grated to Detroit ; a surviving son is Charles S. Mack of the firm 
 of Mack & Van Valkenburg, Lockport. The next lessee of the 
 house was John Christopher, "who had opened a house at Handford's 
 Landing, and relinquished it on account of sickness there. He kept 
 the house for fourteen years — and a comfortable one he made of 
 it as many an early traveller in the old stage coaches over the 
 Ridge Road will remember. Mrs. Christopher still survives, a resi- 
 dent with her son, John Christopher, in St. Louis. Another sur- 
 viving son is Joseph Christopher, of Buffalo. 
 In 1817 Mr. Carter purchased of Augustus Porter thirty-two acres 
 on the river, on either side of what is now Mount Hope Avenue, south 
 of the canal, for $3 per acre, upon which he found but a bark covered 
 log house. In 1820 he erected a tavern house, long known as the 
 "Carter stand," on the Henrietta road. He died in 1827; his 
 widow still survives, a resident of Rochester. There are five sur- 
 vivlng sons in five different States, one of whom is David K. Carter, 
 a present or late M. C, from Ohio ; Mrs. Dennis M'Arthur, of Syra- 
 cuse is a daughter. 
 Mrs. Carter well remembers the first meeting she attended in 
 Rochester— a reading meeting — held in Jehiel Barnard's tailor 
 shop, on site of Pitkm's block. Old Mr. Harford read the Episco- 
 pal service, Silas O. Smitiitlie sermon ; Jehiel Barnard led the sing- 
 ing^ " In 1814 we got up ? small school house, and it was with 
 difficulty that we got together about a dozen scholars. Aaron Skin- 
 ner was the teacher." Mrs. Carter observes that when she firfit 
 came to llochesterville there was but small openings of the forest. 
 Dr. Simeon Hunt, still a s ;rviving practicing physician in Roch- 
 ester, has been in practice in Monroe county forty years. He set- 
 tled in what is now Greece, his only permanent predecessor, Dr. 
 Zaccheus Colby, who died in early years ; his surviving sons are 
 Hull and Zaccheus Colby, of Greece, and Merril Colby of Nunda. 
 Dr. Hunt is in 06th year ; surviving sons, Anson M. Hunt of Albion, 
 Rev. T. D. Hunt of San Francisco, who was for five years a mis- 
 sionary in the Sandwich islands ; Mrs. Moore of Rochester is a 
 Dr. Hunt was a surgeon of Isaac W. Stone's Dragoons in the 
 war of lSl-2, and continued under his successor, Col. C. V. Bout'h- 
 ton ;' was at the sortie of Fort Erie and battle of Lundy's Lane. ° 
 Dr. Jonah Brown was the earliest physician of Rochester; he 
 still survives, a resident of Irondequoit. Dr. Orrin Gibbs, of 'the 
 early Pioneer family in Livonia, was next ; died several year's since ; 
 his father, Deacon Gibbs, also settled in Rochester in the earliest 
 Abraham Starks, was so early in Rochester, that he kept a small 
 grocery store in the woods, near the present Mansion House. 
 Jonathan Child was from Orange county, Vermont. He came to 
 Utica as a school teacher, in 1806, where he became the clerk of 
 Watts Sherman, a widely known merchant of early years, an.l uncle 
 of the Albany banker of that name. In 1810 he established him- 
 self with a small stock of goods at Charlotte, where he was succeeded 
 in a few months by Frederick Bushnell. He was next established 
 in Bloomfield, in company with Benjamin Gardner. In 1820 he re- 
 moved to Rochester, and soon after was engaged for several years 
 as a contractor upon the heavy rock cutting through the Mountain 
 Ridge at Lockport, in the construction of the Erie Canal. To his 
 business as contractor, he added at Lockport, one of the earliest 
 mercantile establishments in that locality. He was one of the early 
 proprietors of the old Pilot transportation line upon the canal. He 
 still survives at the age of 60 years ; his wife, who it will have been 
 observed was the daughter of Col. Rochester, died in 1850. His life 
 has been one of business, activity andenternrize; success crowned the 
 enterprises of his early career — then came severe reverses ; but he 
 was of the material that a large class of the early Pinneers were 
 made of — and now, at an a!j;c when most men are seeking ease and 
 retirement, he is in the active management of a new branch of busi- 
 ness of great magnitude and public utility, of which he is one of the 
 founders; active, stirring, sanguine persevering, as 'n middle life: 
 " Ills iige, liko a lusty winter, -f oaty, but kindly," 
 Samuel J. Andrews was from New Haven, Conn., a graduate of 
 Yale College ; was a brother-in-law of Moses Atwater of Canan- 
 daigua. On a visit to this region in 1812, he purchased jointly with 
 Dr. Atwater, of Augustus rorter, a tract of land on the River, 
 adjoining the farm of Enos Stone on the north, embracing the Up- 
 per Falls. In 1815 he brought on a small stock of goods which he 
 opened in the house of Enos Stone, and soon after his family. Mr. 
 Stone having laid out a few lots on Main street, Mr. Andrews pur- 
 chased what is now the corner of Main and St. Paul street, and built 
 upon it a stone house, the first structure, other than of wood, in Roch- 
 ester. Before the close of 1810 he had commenced the erection of 
 mills at the Falls. He died in 1832, aged 64 years. He was the 
 father of Samuel G. Andrews, under whose auspices, what has been 
 called the Andrews' Tract, has principally been surveyed and sold 
 out in village and city lots ; of James S. and Julius T. Andrews, of 
 Rochester; Mrs. Wm. P. Sherman, of Rochester, and the wife of 
 Judffe Joseph R. Swan, of Columbus, Ohio. The elder Mr. An- 
 drews had been engaged in commercial pursuits, but he readily 
 adopted himself to the work of settling and improving a new region, 
 and was always sanguii-e in reference to the destiny of Rochester. 
 The original Andrews and Atwater Tract — in all 140 acres — is 
 now mostly occupied, principally with private dwellings ; is the 
 Sixth Ward ; has been sold and occupied principally under the 
 agency of Samuel G. Andrews. Mrs. Andrews survives, a resident 
 with her daughter, Mrs Sherman. 
 So far, after reaching the site of Rochester, Pioneer advents and 
 events, have principally been confined to the period immediately 
 preceeding and during the war of 1812. Those that will follow gen- 
 erally have reference to a later period — when all of Western New 
 York was reviving from the effects of the war, and Rochester es- 
 pecially was setting out upon its rapid march, and giving earnest 
 of its future destiny ; though the merging of the periods, in some 
 degree, is unavoidable : — 
 John G. Bond was a native of Rockingham, New Hampshire, a 
 son of Dr. John Bond, a surgeon in the Navy during the Revolu- 
 tion, having studied his profession with Dr. Bartlett, one of the 
 signers of the Declaration of Independence, On the side 
 he was of a Pioneer stock His grandfather. Wm. Moulton. was 
 hefirstse tier of Marietta. Ohio, in 1788. the women ,;f his family 
 the first white females in Ohio. The subject of this sketch was bred 
 a merchant and in 1799 became the partner of Gen. Amasa Alien 
 in Kcene, N H. In June 1815, he visited Rochester upon a mixed 
 errand of exploration and business. Impressed with the advanta<'eg 
 ot the ocahty, he purchased of Jehiel Barnard, the lot now occupied 
 by 1 itkin s blocK, on which there was a small framed house; after 
 which he visited Buflalo. Niagara Falls, Toronto, and returned 
 home via Montreal. The farther account of his early advent — his 
 reminiscences of primitive days in Rochester — the author prefers 
 to give in his own language. There are few of the survivincr Pio- 
 neers ot Rochester who so well remember early events, or more 
 largely i-articipated in them. 
 In ISi'i, Judge Bond changed his residence from Rochester to 
 Lockport then a small village in the woods, which had sprun-r up 
 after the location of the canal ; where he had a joint interest with 
 lis brother, Wm. M. Bond, who now resides at Mt. Morris, and the 
 late Jesse Hawley, in a tract of land upon the original villa^'e plat 
 He was a good helper there as he had been in Rochester, in aTl those 
 things which are required to give new communities an auspicious 
 commencement. He was one of the early Judges of Niacrara He 
 IS now 73 years of age, a resident of Niles, Michigan, where he was 
 also a 1 loneer. His wife, who was the daughter'^of the Hon Dan- 
 iel x^ewcomb, of New Hampshire ; died in 1848. There are three 
 surviving sons residing at Niles, and an only surviving daucrhter 
 Mrs. Win. C. House, resides at Lockport. A deceased dau^'^hter 
 was the wife of Jacob Beeson, an enterprising merchant of Niles. 
 In the fall of 1815 having m company with my brother-in-law and partner, 
 Uaniel D. Hatch, purchased what was then deemed a large stock of coeds 
 in Boston and New York, we were fairly under wav in the mercantile busi- 
 ness in ''Rochesterville." Our transportation had 'cost us 84,50 per 100 
 from A bany. Enlarging the small house and shop that Barnard had built 
 we made it answer for our store. In the way of merchandizin-., there had 
 preceded us Silas O. Smith, Ira West, Bissell & Ely, Roswell Hart At 
 this period, (and within a few months after,) the citizens of all of what is 
 "«j/^''f.''f«ter, were, other than the merchants I have named, the Browns, 
 Phihp Lisle, C. Harford, Mr. Hamblin, Hamlet Scraatom, D. Carter, Hast- 
 ings R Bender, John Mastick, Harvey Montgomery. Abelard Reynolds and 
 his fathers family, George and H. L. Sill, Deacon Gibbsanrl T)r. Oihh= D- 
 Jonah Brown, John C. Rochester, Mr. Wakefield, the widow King and hJr 
 two sons Bradlord and Moses King. Ashbel Steel, Comfort Williams, 
 Daniel Mack, Enos Stone,' Mrs. Isaac V/. Stone, Solomon Close, Thomas 
 Kempshnll, Seth Saxton, Enos Pomeroy, Roswell Babbitt, Lutlier Dowell, 
 Erastus Cof>li, Daniel Tinker, Wm. Rogers, Kellogg Vosburgh, Libbeus' 
 Elliott, Adunijah Green, James Irvin, A.& J. Colvin, Augustnie G. Dauby, 
 James Sheidon, Henry Skinner, Wm. W. Jobson, M. P. Covert, Samuel J. 
 Andrews, Azel Ensworth, Rulufi' Hannahs, Chauncey Mead, Willis Kemp- 
 shall, Preston Smith, Benedict Harford, J. Hoit. I of course include the 
 families of all who had them; many of those named were unmarried. 
 The population increased very rapidly in the lattjr part of 1816. and la 
 '17 and M8. The timber was cut out of Buffalo street as far as what is 
 now'"Halsted Hall," in the spring of 1816 ; at which time there was but a 
 wagon track on the Scottsviile road south of Cornhill. The road from Oliver 
 Culver's to Rochester was mostly a log causeway, rough as any that may 
 now be seen in the newest regions. It was a good Hour's work to go over 
 it with a waoon. There was, I think less than 100 acres of cleared land 
 on all the site of Rochester. In all the region around Rochester, with the 
 exception of a part of Brighton, Penffeld and Pittsford, there was seldom 
 but the primitive log house, small openings of the forest. The now fine 
 town of Henrietta looked little as if I should live to see it what it now is. 
 In February 1816, I brought my own family and that of my partner, 
 Mr. Hatch, from New Hampshire, changing from runners to wheels, and 
 finally arriving when asuddenthaw had left the roads in a horrid condition. 
 Houses were scaice and rents high. In less than a year I changed my 
 residence four times. I first went into house built by Francis Brown, 
 the same that the good old gentleman Dr. Brown now lives in ; next a house 
 built by John Mastick on the Brighton side; next into the house of Iru 
 West on west side of State street : next into a house owned by John Roch- 
 ester, a little south of the Roche. ler House. I built the house, the late 
 residence of Gen. Matthews on Washington street, in 1817; and had previ- 
 ously, in 1816 built the store which Dr. Pitkin occupied for manyyearsas a 
 druooist shop, and which now stands in rear of his fine brick block. The 
 oldlhop I had bought of Jehiel Barnard, and converted into a store was 
 used successively by Dr. Jabcz Wilkinson, Dr. Backus, and John A. Gran- 
 ger, as a drugstore. , TT 1 • ,r,,n T 1 J 
 What was then a very serious fire, occurred, Ithink in 1819, which des- 
 troyed several shops and stores on the Arcade lot and my lot ; and the only 
 printing office. . ,, , ,„,, i. i 
 When I began on Washington street, m May or June, 181b, to clear 
 away the native forest for the purpose of building my house, my neighbors 
 expressed some astonishment, that I should think of building so far back in 
 the woods. I told them that within twenty or thirty years, I expected to 
 see it in the midst of a great city. They mostly demurred to my proph- 
 ecies and said if the population ever reached the number of 2,500 it would 
 be more than they were looking for. In 1816 myself and Hervey Ely plant- 
 ted suo-ir maple and other trees along on the west side of Washington 
 street "the first trees for ornament set out in Rochester. There was no 
 house west of Sophia street, before I built mine. On the ground now oc- 
 cupied by the Stone Market, I erected a large adiery as early as 1815. 
 Previous to December, 1813, our 
 was brnu 
 rht from Canandaiffua on 
 horseback. Capt. Elisha Ely and myself concluded to make an attempt 
 to raise a company to run a stage to Canandaigua. We went alons the 
 route and succeeded m getting Wca. Hildreth and other tavern keepers on 
 It to engage in the enterprise. Jn January. 1816, the mail was first brought 
 to Rochester in a four horse coach, or rather, a coach body upon runnfrs 
 We followed up the enterprise by a journey to Lewiston on the Rid<.e 
 i? \i r'' K ' "^^^y^ '"/^aching Lewiston, and we broke down our 
 sleigh three times, by running foul of snags on the track. We succeeded 
 in enL^ting upon the route, (principally Messrs. Barton and Fairbanks of 
 Lewiston,) a sufficient interest to extend the Canandaigua route over the 
 Ridge Road. In June, 1816 a tri-weekly four horse coach was put upon 
 t. This was thought to be far ahead of the times-some said ei^ht or 
 ten years at least -but within a year, there was often the necessity of 
 sending out three or four extra* m a day, and soon the Ridge Road became 
 a great thoroughfare, ° cvomo 
 We early citizens of Rochester had a great difficulty in gettin<r the new 
 county o Monroe. The old counties of Ontario and Genesee were mostly 
 opposed to dismemberment. I was often with others, in Canandaigua and 
 Ba avia o promote the object. We were told in those localities^ that it 
 was a wild and foolish project to think of having a new county in the back, 
 sparsely settled Lake region. In answer to°some unkind Remarks of a 
 pntiemanat Canandaigua _ language of contempt, touching the aspir- 
 S£;Tl -."Tr"^ young village of Rochester- Dr. Brown ventured to 
 foretell Us destiny, and promise that it would soon reach a position that 
 would command respect instead of contempt and derision 
 In the year 1816 and '17, Rochester had a rapid growth, a large addi- 
 IZT ""^ f /' !t' ^TJ'^^^'^I- ^* ^^^ ^'''''^' "«t only the principal 
 wheat market for the whole valley of the Genesee, but for most ot' what is 
 now Ontario, Wayne, Orleans and Genesee. The crowding in of teams 
 sales of wheat, made store trade, and with new comers dropping in, build- 
 ings going up &c the young village was a scene of activity and enter- 
 prise Hanford s Landing was the principal shipping point. Vessels be- 
 gan to make regular trips to the mouth of the River and Hanford's Land- 
 ing from all the ports below. Flour and wheat, pot and pearl ash, whis- 
 key and staves, were the principal articles of commerce. In '16 some 
 Sm If i"^ ^TT. ^'f"" ^^ ?' ?"'"• Population was increasing so 
 rapidly that we had to enlarge the building in which we had our school, 
 and held our meetings. ' 
 After the canal had been located as far west as Montezuma, it became a 
 question where it should cross the Genesee River. Carthage below, and 
 some point above - Black creek I think, - were proposed While this 
 was a mooted question, the Oswego route, Lake Ontario, and a canal around 
 the balls of Niagara^ was revived, and became a powerful competitor. 
 News ciinae that the Canal Board were divided upon the question of over 
 land and Lake route. This created a good deal of stir with us, and alarm 
 It may be added. A meeting of the citizens of Rochester was convened in 
 my counting room, a handbill was drawn up by Enos Pomerov, signed bv 
 many ctizens, printed and circulated far and wide. It was headed "Canal 
 m Danger!' This was just pending the State election. The handbill 
 favored the election of Mr. Clinton., as Governor, and of his friends to the 
 Legislature. It was a close vote as all wiU remember, between Clinton and 
 I' f\ 
 Tompkins, and I think the Rochester movement, its stirring appeal by 
 handbill, to the local interests of Western New York, decided the contest.* 
 An early adventurer in Rochester, I had from the first, high anticipa- 
 tions of its future greatness, and espoused its cause with an ardent zeal, 
 as many of my old friends will remember. My predictions were sometimes 
 looked upon as " castles in the air," but they have proved to be upon terra 
 firma — made of real and substantial brick, stone and mortar, as all may 
 now see. I visited the scenes of my early enterprises and associations, 
 during the last season, and my heart was warmed in taking by the hand 
 my old neighbors and co-workers of Pioneer times ; in talking over the 
 events of early days, and witnessing the evidences of prosperity spread 
 out upon every hand. Where I had in years of maturity, helped to clear 
 away the forest, was a population of near 40,000 ; wealth, prosperity and 
 all the happiness that a high degree of civilization and refinement can in- 
 sure, was spread out upon every hand; and more than all, with me, was 
 the recognition of old friends, whom 1 had encouraged to cast their lot with 
 me, in the primitive, rough and forbidding locality — whom I had seen 
 struggling in early years, with hardships and privations — in the enjoyment 
 of health and competence, in their declining years. May God bless, and 
 continue all this, is the hope and the prayer of a surviving non-resident 
 Richard Kempshall with a large family, was an emigrant from 
 England, locating in a neighborhoxl of chiefly English families in 
 what is now Pittsford, in 1806. He died in less than a year, of the 
 prevalent disease of the new country, after having expended all of 
 his small means in emigrating, making the first payment upon a tract 
 of new land, in erecting a log house, and defraying other incidental 
 expenses, leaving a wife and ten children in indigent circumstances. 
 With no ability to make the payments still due upon their lands, 
 they were obliged to let it revert, aiul destitute even of a home, the 
 support of the large family devolved upon the widow, and the eldest 
 son, Willis, who was then but eighteen years of age. The family 
 was broken up, but through the extraordinary exertions of Willis, 
 mostly found good homes under the roofs of the more fortunate Pio- 
 neers. Of the ten children, six still survive. 
 Willis Kempshall, having acquired from his father the trade of a 
 carpenter, was as early as 1813 in the employ of the Messrs. Browns, 
 in Frankfort. He became a permanent resident in Rochester as 
 early as 1814, where he has since mostly resided until quite recently, 
 he has purchased a farm in Wyoming, Wyoming county, upon which 
 he now I'esides with a large family. 
 * The autlior has been favored by Judge I^ond with a copy of tlic famous handbill ; 
 an interesting historical reniiiiiscence. It i.s signed by Roswell Hart, Ira West, Thos. 
 Keinjishall, Russell Ensworth, Cluis. J. Hill, Raljjh Parker, D. D. llatdi, J. Ludden, 
 Jollli G. Uoud, CluiB. llarioid, Benjuniiii iilossoni, Eno8 Blossom, isolonioii Close, 
 Anson House, Samuel J. Andicws, Oliver Culver, Enos Stone. Azel Ensworth, 
 Thomas Kempshall the more immediate subject of this brief bio- 
 graphical sketch, worked with his brother in early years • in the 
 wmter of 1813. '14, had the good fortune to be placed fn the 'store of 
 that early Pioneer merchant and excellent man, Ira West, to whose 
 examples, councils and friendship, he was largely indebted for a good 
 H busmess education and moral attainments which prepared him for 
 fl eiXd w^h %TwT7 T^'P'-'^'l^'^^ usoililness.* The clerkship 
 ended with Mr. West, he became his partner, at a period when his 
 business had become largely extended and profitable. Mr West 
 retiring in 1821, Mr. Kempshall continued the business on his own 
 account for several years, when John F. Bush, who had been a clerk 
 in the establishment, became his partner. The business was prose- 
 cuted for a few years under the firm of Kempshall & Bush, when 
 It was changed to that of an extensive furnace, and mill furnish- 
 mg establishment, under the management, mainly, of Mr. Bush 
 1 his business vvas discontinued about ten years since. In 1826' 
 Mr. Kempshall formed a business connection with Gen E S Beach 
 and the two erected the Aqueduct Mill, an extensive flouring es- 
 tablishment at the west end of the Aqueduct, fronting Child's Basin 
 It was put in operation in 1827, and carried on under the firm of 
 Beach & Kenipshall, until 1834, when Mr. Kempshall became the 
 sole owner and manager. He prosecuted the business until he was 
 obliged to suspend it in consequence of losses sustained durino- the 
 severe financial revulsion of 1838, '39, '40. The pronertv i "issed 
 into the hands of Gen. Beach ; Mr. Kempshall contTnuinl'hi cTn 
 nection with it until the present time. 
 Uninterrupted success, wealth, had rewarded his early enterprise, 
 and long years cf close application to business, when reverses and 
 embarrasments came upon him under which he has strugHed with a 
 beanngof nianliness, fortitude, and an integrity unimpaired, that have 
 . commanded respect and esteem. The orphan boy of a foreign em- 
 igrant, thi own upon his own resources, unaided but by tfie patron 
 Who nad tlie discrimination to discover merit, and a heart larcre 
 w'!fb?hV^''''".r.'S''^ ","'"1^ '''^^ ^'^" S'"'^^^^'^ ^»d strengthened 
 with the streng h of the locality where his lot was cast. E^iterin^ 
 It \vhile as yet the forest had not receded from its now main thorouah° 
 tares and the sites of its costly public edifices, it became an incor- 
 porated village, and he became one of its officers ; it became a city 
 and in progress of time, he became its Mayor. 
 Andnot less intimately or honorably is hia history blended with 
 that of the wiiole county of Monroe. The occupant of a locr 
 cabin when it was "a region of log cabins," the boy and- 
 man, the primitive region, the populous and wealthy county, had 
 ■ - 
 * Hitherto fliorc li.'is liof'ii but !"''''i>!'^"! •illvi-v-- i^ Tvn TV -' t. i u i ,, . 
 kept pace with each other, in the march of progress ; and in 1838, 
 the one bore the relation to the other, of its Representative in our 
 nationnl councils. 
 Rochester has many examples among its Pioneers and founders, 
 of self made, (and well made,) men ; and when its history, and their 
 histories, are so blended as in this instance, it is a pleasing task to 
 turn aside and for a few moments dwell upon the analogy. Were 
 this not the history of a wide region, instead of a single locality, far 
 more would be said of the early men of Rochester. 
 Mr. Kempshall still survives, his enterprise and industry unabated 
 by misfortune, or declining years. 
 Josiah Bissell, Jr., had a business connection with the Elys in 
 their primitive advent in 1813, but he did not become a resident 
 until 1817. He was previously a merchant in Pittsfield, Mass. He 
 was an early and efficient helper in church organizations ; was the 
 principal founder of the 3d Presbyterian church ; and also of the 
 six day line of stages, the object of which was to avoid the desecra- 
 tion of the Sabbath occasioned by the seven day lines. There are 
 few names and memories more closely identified with Rochester. 
 In 1827 he purchased in company with Ashbel W. Riley, of Enos 
 Stone, with small exceptions, all of the unsold portion of his origi- 
 nal large farm. Erecting his dwelling — which is now a part of 
 the fine mansion house of Dr. Levi Ward, in " The Grove" — in the 
 midst of the purchase, a large addition to the city was made under 
 his auspicies ; new streets laid out, and dwellings erected. He died 
 in the prime of life, at Seneca Falls, where he was engaged in a 
 business enterprise, in 1830, aged 40 years. His surviving sons are 
 Josiah W. Bissell, of Rochester, a broker; Charles P. Bissell, Presi- 
 dent of the Eagle Bank of Rochester; George P. Bissell, Cashier of 
 the Western Bank, Pittsfield, Mass. ; Champion Bissell, of New 
 York. An only daughter is the wife of Willard Parker, Professor 
 of the University of New York. 
 In 1817, Elisha Johnson removed from Canandaigua to Roches- 
 ter. He was a son of Capt. Ebenezer Johnson, who was an early 
 Pioneer in Chautauque county ; a brother of Dr. Johnson, who is so 
 closely identified with the history of Buffalo. His profession was 
 that of an Engineer. On coming to Rochester he purchased of 
 Enos Stone all the unsold portion of his original farm, (and but little 
 had been sold previously,) lying upon the River and extending back 
 to North street. This purchase embraced the water power upon 
 the east side of the River, principally above the Upper Falls, and 
 about 80 acres of what is now a compactly occupied and built up 
 portion of the city. Mr. Johnson paid $10,000 for the yiroperty, 
 and before the close of the first year expended upon it $12,000 in 
 the erection of a dam across the river, and the construction of a race. 
 Orson Seymour, of Canandaigua soon became a joint owner. Tliis 
 may be said to have been the starting period of all that portion of 
 the city lying east of the river, as but little had been done there pre- 
 vionily. The name, and enterprises of Mr. Johnson, are probably 
 more closely associated with what used to be called the " Brio;hton 
 side" — now almost one half of the entire city — than those of any 
 other individual. 
 He was the Mayor of the city in 1838 ; an Elector of President 
 and Vice President in 1844. One of his many business enterprises 
 was the formidable work of constructing the tunnel ot the Genesee 
 Valley Canal at Portage, or prosecuting it until the work was sus- 
 pended by the State. He is now in his 66th year, yet in active life, 
 a citizen of East Tenessee, where his only son, Mortimer F. John- 
 son also resides. His daughters became the wives of Chauncey L, 
 Grant, of Ithica, Elihu H. S. Mumford, Benj. F. Young, Edward B. 
 Elisha B. Strong was from Windsor, Conn., a descendant of the 
 Pioneer colonists of that town. After graduating at college, in 
 1809, he made atrip to Niagara Falls, was pleased with the country, 
 located at Canandaigua, entering the office of Howell and Greig as 
 a law student. Admitted to practice in 1812, he was for several 
 years the law partner of Wm. H. Adams, who was his successor 
 in business at Canandaigua. In 1816 he purchased in company 
 with Elisha Beach, 1000 acres embracing the site of Carthage, of 
 Caleb Lyon,* who had been settled there for several years, had 
 made a small opening in the forest, and erected a few log cabins. 
 The few families upon the tract were mostly squatters. Nearly all 
 of what is Irondequoit was a wilderness ; Mr. Greig was offering 
 some of the poorest lands at 50 cents per acre ; for the best he 
 asked ^5. Sylvester Woodman, a retired sea captain, was the first 
 purchaser of a farm ; those that preceded him had been squatters 
 engaged principally in lumbering. In 1816, there was no access to 
 the site of Carthage or the mouth of the River, from the east and 
 west Brighton road, other than the " Merchants road," made prin- 
 cipally by the merchants of Canandaigua some years before, which 
 left the Brighton road a little east of the farm of Oliver Culver, and 
 a woods road, with blazed trees as guides, that had been made by- 
 Mr. Lyon, on the River, to the Brighton road. 
 In 1817, a bridge was projected and commenced across the Gen- 
 esee River at Carthage, by a joint stock company consisting of 
 Elisha B. Strong, Elisha Beach, Heman Norton and Francis Al- 
 * Tlic father of "Caleb Lyon, of Lyonsdale," the newly elected Senator from Lew- 
 is and Jeft'ersou. After aclliiig here, the old gentleniao purehaseJ a large tract of laud 
 in the Black river country, and became a patroou of settlement there. 
 bright. It was completed in Feb. 1819 ; the architects were Brain- 
 ard and Chapman. Considerinjr the period of the enterprise, it 
 was one of great magnitude, and would have proved one of great 
 public utility had it been permanent. "It consisted of an eni ire arch, 
 the chord of which was 352 feet, and the versed sine 54 feet. The 
 summit of the arch was 19G feet above the surface of the water. 
 The entire length of the bridge was 718 feet, and the width 30 feet, be- 
 sides four large elbow braces, placed at the extremity of the arch, and 
 projecting 15 feet on each side of it." * The bridge stood and was 
 crossed a little over one year — loaded teams with more than 1500 
 weight had passed over it ; and it was traveled over with a feeling 
 of security, until it gave way, when there was no weight upon it ; 
 the fault in the construction having been a want of bracing to pre- 
 vent the springing up of the arch. It was crossed about 18 months. 
 The Ridge Road broken by the River and the deep wide gorge, the 
 Bridge was designed as a connecting link. A facility for crossing 
 Irondequoit Bay v»'as a part of the plan which contemplated the 
 making of the long continuous natural highway, a main eastern and 
 western thoroughfare. Under the auspices of the proprietors of 
 Carthage, a store house and wharf was constructed upon the River, 
 and a road mad^ leading down to them. 
 The main design of the proprietors, was the forwarding of a de- 
 pot for the commerce of the Lake and the erection of mills and 
 machinery, using the hydraulic power of the Lower Falls. Aside 
 from the failure of the bridge there were other early untoward 
 events: — The failure of the old and hitherto substantial firm of 
 Norton & Beach, which threw the enterprise pretty much upon the 
 hands of Judge Strong; an interruption of the trade with Montre- 
 al ; and most of all perhaps, the sudden and rapid start of a power- 
 ful rival. When the decision as to the place of crossing the River 
 with the canal was i)ending, that locality was a competitor ; a route 
 was surveyed, and the estimates of an aqueduct made. Mr. Holley, 
 the acting commissioner, at one period offered to receive proposals 
 for the work ; a re-estimate however of the cost of an aqueduct to 
 span the deep and wide chasm, led to the abandonment of the route.f 
 In addition to the improvements named, the proprietors of Carth- 
 age and the Bridge, erected a public house which was opened by 
 Ebenezer Spear, who has been named in connection with Palmyra 
 and Penfield. He was succeeded by Justin Smith. Harvey Kim- 
 ball and Oliver Strong opened mercantile establishments. Levi H. 
 Clark, a lawyer settled there as early as 1818. He was the partner 
 * Jesse Hawlp-''-, in Rochester Directory, 1827. 
 t Those who hnd become interested in Rochester, were divided upon the question r 
 uiiil hication ; a portion of tlieni being of opinion that the diversion of water froi 
 ,, „ - iipinion that the diversion of water from 
 nulls and tnacliinery to i'i>oi\ the (anal, ^vould not Iiave its equivalent in anj' advanta- 
 ges that would grow out of the near proximity of it to their business sites. 
 of Dr. y/ard, in the purchase of the residuary land interest of the 
 State ot Connecticut Returning to the east after a residence 
 there of a few years, he was at one period a reporter at Washin^r. 
 ton; died a few years since in New York. John W. Stroncr was°a 
 resident of Carthage, as early as 1818; was an early prmninen^ 
 merchant in Rochester ; removed to Detroit in 1830 ; is niw a clerk 
 of the Commissioner of the Land Office. Oliver Stroncr was con- 
 "'?i'lo'/^^ "]^.''^^"tile and milling business with Judge Stroncr 
 until 183-2, in which year he died at Detroit. He was at one period 
 the Major General of a Rifle Brigade. Horace Hooker was early 
 at Carthage, engage^ in mercantile and distilling business He 
 still resides there. Francis Babcock built a flouring mill at the 
 Lower Falls as early as 1824 ; built the dwelling now°occupied by 
 Ansel Frost ; eaving here, he engaged in mercantile pursuits ; was 
 captured and k-illed by pirates on the coast of Africa Capt Cru- 
 !uy of Ne'w Y^"rk ""^^ '''' ''''^ '' ^'''^''^^ ' "°^" ''''''^'' "^ '^'^ 
 Heman Norton was the son of Nathaniel Norton, the early Pio- 
 neer o Bloomfield, and merchant of Canandaigua; married a sis- 
 ter ot Judge Strong. He removed to the city of New York, where 
 he died several years since. His sons are. Professor Wm. P Nor- 
 on, John Aorton, a Merchant in New York. A daughter became 
 the wife of Walter Griffith of New York. Eilsha Be^ach who uTs 
 a^son-in-law of Nathaniel Norton, died in Monroe, Michigan, in 
 Elisha B. Strong has continued to reside in Carthage since his 
 early advent ; witnessing and participating in its rise and decline 
 and surviving to see the village that became its successful rival' 
 grovv into an overshadowing city, and generously embrace it in its' 
 limits. That portion of the original site of Carthage remainincr in 
 his hands, and for many years constituting his farm, is now sehincr 
 in lots ot 100 feet front, at from $100 to -$500. He i.s now in hil 
 b^dyear. He was a member of Assembly from Ontario in 1819 
 ^? ixT ^^^^21, when the application was made for the erection 
 ot Monroe, from parts of Ontario and Genesee, he was in attend- 
 ance at Albany, and contributed essentially in thwarting a stroncr 
 opposition, and bringing the measure to a consummation. He was 
 appointed First Judge on the organization of the courts of Monroe 
 holding the office until succeeded by Judge Samson. 
 Capt. John T. Trowbridge, now residing in Racine, Wisconsin 
 long known in connection with the commerce of Lake Ontario re- 
 sided at Carthage as early as 1820. 
 All of what is now Irondequoit was slow in settling. The lands 
 especially between Ridge and Lake, being mostly pine nlains, the 
 soil light and sandy — "barrens," they used to be called. But a 
 change has come over them, such ns has been noticed in other lo- 
 calities. 1 heir present value is from $50 to 8100 per acre. 
 The early proprietors of that portion of the city on the east side 
 of the River, between the Andrews and Atwater tract, and the 
 Carthage tract, were John W. Strong, who after making a farm and 
 residing there, sold his possessions to Martin Galusha, under whos^. 
 auspices it has been platted and sold ; Caleb Lyon, who owned 32 
 acres, and sold it to Elon Huntington. The whole space, the Carth- 
 age plat included, affords some of the most eligible building grounds 
 within the city, overlooking the River and its romantic scenery, and 
 the lower part of the city on the east side of the River. It is fast 
 filling up. 
 Ashbel W. Riley emigrated from Wethersfield, Conn., in 1816; 
 ^vas in early years extensively engaged in the lumber trade ; in 
 1835 was one of the principal founders of a six day transportation 
 line upon the Erie Canal, and at the same time was the joint propri- 
 etor with Josiah Bissell in real estate operations, which have been 
 named. The last ten years of his life has been principally devoted 
 to the temperance reformation, in which cause he is a widely known 
 and popular public lecturer. His military title is derived from the 
 holding of the c9mmission of Major General of the 3d division of 
 Gideon Cobb was a young adventurer to the Genesee country 
 from Vermont, just previous to the war of 1812 ; a travelling ped- 
 lar of scythes and axes ; temporarily making some improvements 
 on a tract of wild land among the hemlocks of the western portion 
 of Wyoming county ; serving a brief season upon the frontier ; 
 then a travelling dealer in hollow ware; until 1814, when he went 
 into the employ of the Messrs. Browns, at Frankfort. He estab- 
 lished the first " public conveyance," in Monroe county : — a four 
 ox team which went twice a week from Rochester to the mouth of 
 the River, principally to do the transportation for the primitive mer- 
 chants of Rochester. He used to get his beans and pork "cooked 
 by Mrs. Culver except in warm weather, when his beans would 
 get sour," and he "had his cooking done twice a week." He 
 finally got board with Willis Kempshall, but had " to sleep under 
 the work bench." He cleared the timber from North and Monroe 
 streets. And all these were but a part of his early industry and 
 enterprise. He is now 61 years of age, " hale and hearty," the 
 owner and occupant of one of the largest farms in Brighton ; and 
 as if he knew not how to suspend labor and enterprise, is building 
 for the county of Monroe, the splendid edifice for its courts and 
 public offices, at a cost to county and city, of $60,000. 
 William Cobb, a brother of Gideon, had been connected with 
 Dr. Matthew Brown in the axe and scythe manufactory, near Rome. 
 In 1816, the business was transferred to Rochester, and commenced 
 now occupied by Lewis Seely' 
 shop was added. In 1820, in partnership with Lawson Thayer, he 
 purchased the site now occupied by D. R. Barton, to wiiieli the 
 business of scythe manufacturing was transferred. The rear of the 
 lot was occupied by Thomas Morgan, with the first manufactory of 
 the cut nail started west of the Hudson. Mr. Cobb left Roches- 
 ter previous to 1830, under an engagement with the late Nathaniel 
 Allen, of Allen's Hill, to take charge of a tool shop connected with 
 the contract for constructing the canal around the Falls of the Ohio 
 at Louisville. The employer and the employed — two valued cit- 
 izens of western New York— both died at Louisville. Three dauc^h- 
 ters reside in Michigan, one in Buffalo, and one, (Mrs. Wm.°J. 
 Hanford,) in Rochester. 
 P^;- John Cobb, of Ogden, who was a brother of Gideon and 
 William, was a settled physician in Ogden, as early as 1816. 
 Chauncey Dean was an early citizen of Rochester — was a broth- 
 er of L. Q. C. Dean, of the present wife of David Thomas, of 
 Aurora ; was of one branch of the Pioreer family of the name in 
 Thelps. He was the founder of mills on Black creek, in Chili. He 
 died soon after 1825. His wife, who was the sister of Austin 
 Wing, of Michigan, is a resident with her sons at Monroe. 
 The following, as near as the author has been able to ascertain, 
 were the pioneer mechanics, other than those already recognized: 
 Erastus Cook, established silver smithing and watch repairing in 
 1815; still survives, and continues the business. Salmon Scofield, 
 soon after him ; died in early rears. In 1816, Jonathan Packard; 
 still survives, and continues b, iness. In 1817, Samuel W. Lee; 
 still survives, carrying on chiefly the manufacture of silver ware. 
 Ebenezer Watts started copper, tin and sheet iron business, in 
 1817, to which was added in process of time, an extensive hardware 
 establishment. He still survives, retired from business. He is the 
 father of John H. Watts, broker, of Rochester. Frazer &' Shel- 
 don, were early in the same business. Mr. Frazer removed to Al- 
 bany. Josiah Sheldon died in 1849 ; Benjamin Sheldon, of Roch- 
 ester is a son of his. 
 Preston Smith had established a small cabinet shop previous to 
 1816 ; he still survives. In that year, William Brewster commen- 
 ced the business. In 1819 Frederick, Starr. Both survive, and 
 are at the head of establishments, that in magnitude, and work- 
 manship, vie with the best establishments of the kind in the older 
 cities of the Union. 
 Isaac and Aldridge Colvin were first to start the manufacture of 
 hats ; they still survive, are farmers in Henrietta. John and Will- 
 iam Haywood followed them ; John Haywood still survives and 
 continues the business. Next to Mr. Reynolds, I'elatiah West, a 
 brother of Ira West, started the business of a saddler and harness 
 maker. He removedto Palmyra, where he died 8 or 10 years since. 
 John Shethar was early in the same business ; died at Seneca Falls. 
 John H. Thompson, started the manufjicture of looking glasses, as 
 early as 18\21. '2 ; still survives and continues the business. 
 After Jehiel Barnard, the principal early tailors were Smith & 
 Holden. In fact theirs was the fu'st considerable establishment. 
 Jacob How started a bakery as early as 1815, continued it until 
 his death ; was succeeded by 'his son, "Jacob IIovv, who still contin- 
 ues the business. 
 Jacob Graves and Samuel Works, emigrated from Vermont in 
 1816, purchased a small tannery that had been started by Kcllofr 
 Vosburgh. In the hands of Messrs. Graves & Works, and in later 
 years, in the hands of Mr. Graves, the business has been one of 
 great magnitude. It is now carried on by Jacob Graves & Sons. 
 Mr. Works is a resident of Lockport ; was an early and efficient 
 helper in advancing the prosperity of Rochester ; has in later years 
 filled the offices of a State Senator, and Canal Superintendent. 
 The early master builders were, Daniel Mack, Phelps Smith, 
 Robert and Jonathan King, the last two of whom survive and are 
 residents of Rochester. Philij) Allen was an early builder; was the 
 fether of Asa K., and of the early forwarder upon the Erie Canal, 
 Pliny Allen. The Allen family, some years since emigrated to Wis- 
 consin, to a locality now called " Allen's Grove," where the old 
 patriarch, surrounded by over an 100 descendants, died in 1845, 
 aged 88 years. He was the father of Mrs. Samuel W. Lee, of 
 Charles Magney was the pioneer cooper ; Eggleston was 
 early in that branch of business. Mrs. Jewell, of Rochester, is a 
 daughter of Charles Magney ; a street of the city takes its name 
 from him. 
 Although he was preceded by others, in a small way. in the boot 
 and shoe business, Abner Wakelee was the first to establish a shoe 
 store. He is now a farmer in Brighton. Jacob Gould was earlv in 
 that branch of business ; commencing when Rochester was a small 
 village, his establishment, in his hands and those of George Gould 
 & Co., has kept up in the march of progress. The early mechanic, 
 Jacob Gould, has been a prominent citizen of Rochester, and an 
 efficient helper in its prosperity. He has held the military rank of 
 a Major General, has been Mayor of the city : in later years, Mar- 
 shall of the Northern District of N. Y. He is now President of 
 the Farmer's and Mechanic's Bank. Thomas and Jesse Congdon, 
 were early shoe dealers. 
 Brown, established the earliest regular machine shop ; was 
 the first to set up the engine lathe in Rochester. Thomas Morgan, 
 who is named as the founder of a nail factory, was an ingenious and 
 enterprising mechanic, worthy of being the predecessor of the host 
 of enterprising men who have made Rochester almost a city of me- 
 chanics and manufacturers. His wife and familv still resides in 
 Kochester. " 
 The early lawyers of Rochester, were John Mastick, who was 
 the first in the county. He studied law with George llosmer, of 
 Avon ; was admitted to practice and settled at the mouth of the 
 river, previous to 1811; removed to Rochester during the war, 
 opening an office in a small wooden building near the site of Gould's 
 shoe store. He died childless, in 1828 or '9. 
 Enos Pomero^ was a native of Massachusetts ; studied law in the 
 office of Gen. Kirkland, was admitted to practice in 1815, and in 
 the same year opened an office in Rochester. He still survives, 
 residing upon a farm in Brighton, at the age of GO years. He is 
 succeeded in practice by his son, John N. Pomeroy ; another son 
 was recently in Engineer corps on the Genesee Valley canal. 
 Jo.?eph Spsncer was from Hartford, Conn., a son of Isaac Spen- 
 cer, the Treasurer of the State at one period ; graduated at Yale 
 College ; commenced practice in Rochester in 1816. He was at 
 one period in the Senate of this State. Possessed of fine talents, 
 with the promise of professional success and eminence, he had but a 
 short career; dying previous to 1830. His wife was the sister of 
 Samuel L. and Henry R. Selden. She is now the wife of Capt. Eaton 
 of the U. S. Army, a son of Professor Eaton. 
 Roswell Babbit was from Lewis county ; studied law in Lowville • 
 died at Saratoga Springs soon after 1830. Charles R. Babbit, of 
 Rochester is his son. 
 Hastings R. Bender, was from Vermont ; a graduate of Dart- 
 mouth ; he left practice 15 or 20 years since, and went upon a farm 
 in Parma, where he now resides. 
 Anson House was an early Attorney and Justice of the Peace, 
 but engaged in business enterprises, has been but little known in his 
 profession. He was the founder, and is still the owner of the Mi- 
 nerva block. 
 Moses Chapin, was a graduate of Yale in 1811 ; studied his pro- 
 fession in Albany with Jones & Baldwin; in 181G commenced the 
 practice of his profession in Rochester ; was the Frst Judcre of Mon- 
 roe, from 1825 to 1830. He still survives in the praclice of his 
 Ashley Samson was a native of Addison county, Vt., a graduate 
 of Middlebury ; studied his profession in part with Col. Samuel 
 Note. — Mr. Pomeroy remarks that the project of a new county was started as early 
 as 1818 ; himself, Col. Rochester, Judge Strong, were at Albany at the same, and at 
 ditterent periods, to promote it. The opposition to the measure at Canandaitnia Batavia 
 and all along the old Buffalo road, was formidable, and retarded the consummation" 
 Crowded calendars at the courts of the old countlos of Ontario and Genesee helped the 
 matter much. This was the result of the financial revulsion that commenced in 1817 
 Johri C. Spencer, of Canandaigua, and P. L. Tracy, of Buflido, commenced each an" 
 hundred suits in one year in court of common pleas. In both counties protracted 
 sessions of the court had to be held. Judge Howell of Ontario would sometimes open 
 his courts before d.-iy-light. A specimen of his dispatch of busiiKss : — - Mr. Dixon 
 do you expect to prove any thing more in this case V" '-Well Sii- I can hardly tell 
 how that will be." " Clerk, enter a non-suiti" '' 
 Young, at Ballston ; commenced practice as a partner of Simon 
 Stone, 2d., in Pittsford in 1817; in 1810 removed to lloclK'ster. In 
 1823 he was appointed First Judj^e of Monroe county ; resij^ned in 
 1825; was re-appointed in 1838, and held the office until 1813. 
 He was an early Justice of the Peace in Brighton ; and was a re- 
 presentative in the Legislature from Monroe, in 1844. He atill 
 survives, mainly retired from the ])rofession on account of physical 
 infirmity, but with mental faculties unimpaired, enjoying the respect 
 and esteem of his fellow citizens. 
 The courts of Monroe were organized in 1821 : the first term 
 held in that year at the "house of Azel Ensworth." There were then 
 added to the bar of Rochester, and soon after: — Wm. W. Mum- 
 ford, Melancton Brown, Wm. Graves, Daniel D. Barnard, Timothy 
 Childs, Vincent Matthews, Ebenezer Griffin, Wm. B. Rochester, 
 Charles R. Lee ; and it may bo, others whose names have escaped 
 Though not a resident of Monroe county early enough to be termed a 
 Pioneer, lie bore that relation to all the western portion of this State, and 
 as early as 1810, was a resident upon Phelps and (lorham's Purchase. 
 He was the first lawyer located in practice west of Utica; at the period of 
 his death had been fifty si.^ years in practice. In reference to age, his ex- 
 tended years of residence, and professional life, he was a Father of the 
 Bar of Western New York; and lio was well entitled to that distinction 
 by his dignified professional e.xaraples, and the deference that was award- 
 ed to his legal opinions and personal character, by his cotemporaries. 
 He was of Irish descent ; a paternal ancestor was an officer in the Brit- 
 ish army stationed at Albany, when the Dutch surrendered New York to 
 the English. His grand father emigrated to America in 1702, becoming 
 a Pioneer in Orange county, settling upon a tract in the then wilderness, 
 back of Newburg, which took the name of " Matthew's Field." 
 The subject of this sketch was the son of James Matthews; was born 
 m 1766; was one of a family of six sons and six daughters, all but one of 
 whom lived to adult age, and became heads of families. In 1781 he left 
 his paternal home, and became a student in an Academy at Newburg, of 
 which Noah Webster, the afterwards renowned lexicographer, was the 
 Principal. He was afterwards a student in an Academy at Hackensack, 
 of which Professor Wilson was Principal. In 1780 he entered the law 
 office of Col. Robert Troup in New York and after four years of study, in 
 1790, was admitted to practice in the Supreme Court. The fame he ac- 
 quired in after life as a sound and thoroughly educated lawyer, may in a 
 great measure be attributed to a long and severe course of study, and to 
 the fact that he was a uiember of a society of students (most of whom be- 
 came emincat ia their profussioii,) instituted for practice. Coui ts were 
 organized in which Brockholst Livingston, Judge Jones, Robert Troup, 
 presided as Judges; feigned issues were made, and tijus the youno- aspir- 
 ants to professional excellence were enabled lo make theory and practice 
 go hand in hand. And it should also be observed, tliat his law studies did 
 not end with the obtaining of his diploma, but continued through life.* 
 In the winter of 1700, '01, the counties of Tioga and Ontario were 
 erected from Herkimer. A friend of his who had emigrated to tlie new 
 region, and located at what is now Elmira, importuned him to join him 
 there, and commence his professional career in the backwoods. He had 
 married soon after the termination of his studies. Leaving his wife be- 
 hind until he had pioneered the way himself, he got credit for a horse, 
 which he mounted, and mado the journey to the newly established county 
 site at Newtown Point, now Elmira, The embryo village then contained 
 but three or four log buildings, one of which was used as a court house. 
 Obtaining board with a new settler three mile.-' vvn the River from the 
 county site— at a place then called Tioga, he opcai^l :m office; thus becoming 
 the Pioneer in his profession, in all the region west of Utica — if indeed 
 there was any there as early as 1791. His practice soon extended to On- 
 tario county. He was present at the opening of the first court in Canan- 
 In 1793, '4, he was the representative of Tioga in the Legislature. In 
 '96 he was a Senator from the Western District Before the expiration of 
 his term of service, he was appointed one of a board of commissioners to 
 settle questions of disputed land titles upon the Military Tiact, some ac- 
 count of which has been found in a preceding chapter. He was elected 
 to Congress in 1809. From 1812 to 1817 was District Attorney of Tioga. 
 _ Like nineteen twentieths of all the early adventurers in the western p'or- 
 tion of this State, he had commenced poor; in debt for the horse he rode, 
 and for a portion of his acndemical education; but at the end of twenty 
 years he had not only gained professonal eminence, but had accumulated 
 what was then regarded as a large estate; a portion of which was a valua- 
 ble tract of land, which embraces a part of the site of Elmira. At an un- 
 fortunate period he embarked in the mercantile business, which venture 
 proved disastrous, even to the extent of the loss of his entire property. 
 In 1816 he changed his residence to Bath, Steuben county, and formed 
 a partnership with the late Wm. B. Rochester, in the practice of law. In 
 1821 he removed to Rochester, where he practiced until a few months 
 preceding his death, which occurred on the 23d of September, 1846. 
 He was District Attorney for IVIonroe, for several years; in 1826 one of 
 its representatives in the Legislature, His military rank of a Brigadier 
 General was attained through the several gradations, commencing" with 
 the command of a company of cavalry in a regiment of which Thomas Mor- 
 ris was Major. He was a General at the early period when the beat of 
 his Brigade was all of the territory lying west of a line north and south al- 
 most through the centre of the State. 
 The deep sensation that his death produced in the city of Rochester — 
 * The anecdote of the celebrated Dr. Parr, would apply to his case : — '< When did 
 you fiuisli your studifs," s.iid .i vord.iiit Rtiident tc. Ins jiiecoptor, Or. Parr. " Nerer 
 aud I never expect to finish them," was his lacouic answer and reproof. 
 the demonstrations thnt followed its announcement — are already recorded 
 witnesses of the esteem and respect entertained for him by his immediate 
 neighbors;— and in fact throughout the wide region with which he had 
 been so long and intimately blended, there was heartfelt sorrow; a feelincr 
 that an eminently exemplary and useful life had terminated. A nionu° 
 ment erected in ih^t well ordered and beautiful city of the dead — Mount 
 Hope — erected with the spontaneous offerings of all classes of his fellow 
 citizens; his venerable features preserved upon canvass, and hung un in 
 the court room; are additional evidences of the manner in which his mem- 
 ory is cherished. 
 'I"he remarks made by his friend and professional cotemporary. Judge 
 Samson, at the meeting of the Bar immediately following the announc'e- 
 ment of his death, deserves a more enduring record than that affored by 
 newspaper tiles : — 
 "Mr. Chairman: — The event we are met to consider and take action 
 upon, has not come upon us suddenly, or by surprise, and may be thought, 
 therefore, to lack some of the impressive solemnitv which attends an°un- 
 expected and afthcling dispensation. Death has been in our midst and 
 taken away a most dear and esteemed friend. It has been said that the 
 deceased was fifty six years in practice. I am regarded by associates as an 
 old man, and certainly my feelings go strongly in corroboration of this 
 opinion; and yet, Mr. Chairman, I was born the year our venerable broth- 
 er was admitted to the Bar. 
 "In his death crowned as it was with years and honors, he resembled 
 an ancient oak falling mighty and majefctic to the earth, after braving the 
 storms ot uncounted winters. He c< onded long with disease, but the 
 last enemy, death, prevailed, and he jwed his venerable head and died. 
 His pure and useful life affords an impressive lesson to the profession. 
 He confined himself mainly though not exclusively to the single object of 
 professional pursuits. Sometimes indeed he listened to the call of his 
 countrymen, and entered publiclife, but he always leturned with alacri- 
 ty to his professional labors. 
 " One feature in his character I desire particularly to notice. He was a 
 Christian. Though much occupied by hi. ordinary pursuits, he did not 
 neglect the higher interest of his soul. Even before he made a public 
 profession, he was known often to leave his bed, not to prepare his briefs, 
 but to peruse the oracles of eternal truth. In process of time he publicly 
 acknowledgedthe Lord Jesus, and connected himself with the Episcopal 
 church, to which his preferen^-es inclined. He was no technical theologian, 
 or mere sectarian. 
 In a conversation I had with him a few days since, his eye lighted with 
 unusual brilliancy when I adverted to the glorious hopes of the gospel, 
 and he expressed his undoubting trust in the cross of Christ. To a friend 
 who called upon him when near his end, he declared that he relied solely 
 upon the merits of Jesus Christ, 
 " In conclusion, I cannot conceal from my brethren of the Bar, my solici- 
 tude that wo may one and all imitate his example, and that this bereavement 
 may be sanctified to us all." 
 Mrs. Mathews died at her residence in Rochester, in December 1850. 
 nL°?!! '""' f^^^'u ^' '^^^"'^«^^«' resides near the Lake shore in Somerset 
 Niagara county, where he was an early merchant and h>,^ZJn f^^^^^' 
 iZ; hTT'"^.^^' useful citizen.' The surWvTng £gt ers ITJ 
 Albert H. Porter, of Niagara Falls, Mrs William Fv?rotf „ ? 
 ried da„gh,er, residing iAloebeste'r. S.UmZI:,!^:^^ ZS:::Z' 
 Frederick F.Baokus,M.D., is a native of Richfield countv r„nn . 
 a„f*''phM°/v"'''&'"'''»"°,' f"^'"^ ^^ profession in NeS^'fc 
 and Philaclelpliia. He settled in Rocliester in 1818, wlferehe has 
 continued in practice until the present time. In addWon to loV.,1 
 Ts one oi- ,h? .- f ' h' •"= '•"/ ^'™ .'' T"''" <"■ *•= State Snate He 
 inmost of'dl itfl'i;' "" "'^' --P-»-'y identified with i^ 
 Dr^^l^hS, ^ cVr:;tV;-^SS a-Etj'!!; 
 Wilkenson, Dr. Dyer Ensvvorth. Dr. Jonah Brown; and Dr Mat 
 thew Brown, and the elder Dr. Ensworth, practiced occasbnlv as" 
 exigency required. Dr. Gibbs died four or five years si^ceVr 
 early aa 1817. He died 15 or 16 years siiu \ 
 nei.-lv tl IT'^-'^'" '"'"''''"'' ''^^'".S been in practice in Rochester 
 n.n^ u^ '''' f ' ' ~ \'f' ""^ usefulness, and somethinc. of em- 
 inence in his profession ; while in other respects he has maintained 
 a prominent and influential position. Infil™ health a TwveTrs 
 since induced him to make a winter's residence in Flor da vJhere 
 he met with a serious accident, with which the public wer^ made 
 famdiar a the time; from which he has mostly recovered 
 Comfort Williams was the first settled clergvman in Rochester 
 His charge being that of the First Presbyterian churc 1, vhfch uas 
 1^ first organized rel.giou. society of Rochester, in th; earlvVea? 
 1814. He was a graduate of Yale. Ministering to but fevv and 
 most of those but illy able to contribute to his support he labeled 
 dilhgently " with his own hands." Purchasing 40 acre of land in 
 the then woods, on what is now Mount Hope Avenue he wa'thp 
 firs after Messrs Carter and Scrantom, to make i np^overnts in 
 that portion of the c ty. He died in earlv vp-ir« ^''"/^'"eV^s m 
 hands ofthpf ■'?*.''^ u"^ ^'' purchased has remained in the 
 hand, of the family, and has been mostly sold out in city lots under 
 the auspices of Charles H. Williams. ^ 
 The Carter tract in the same neighborhood, mostly went into the 
 hands of Lyman Muncrer, under whose auspices much of the im- 
 provements along on Mount Hope Avenue have been made. That 
 locality, where the reader will have seen Mr. Scrantom placed his 
 family that they might not be found in the event of British invasion ; 
 a dark and gloomy forest, as many will recollect who used to ap- 
 proach the falls and the mouth of the river, via. the Henrietta road, 
 is becoming the especial pride of the city. There are there, Mount 
 Hope, a resting place for the dead, scarcely inferior to any enter- 
 prise of the kind in the older cities of the Union ; and to say noth- 
 ing of other attractions, beautiful private residences, &c., there are 
 the extensive grounds of those tasteful, practical, and enterprising 
 nurserymen, horticulturalists, and florists, Messrs. Ellwanger and 
 Augustine G. Dauby, who had served his apprenticeship with Ira 
 Merrill of Utica, first introduced the printing press into the county 
 of Monroe. He established the Rochester Gazette in 1816. John 
 Sheldon and Oran Follett were early associated with him. Mr. 
 Dauby returned to Utica, was for a long period the editor and pub- 
 lisher of the Utica Observer, and P. M. of Utica. He still resides 
 at Utica, retired from business. John Sheldon has since published 
 a paper at De-lroit, in Wisconsin, has held a government office, been 
 a reporter at Washington ; still resides at the west. A daughter 
 of his is the wife of Dr. Nott. Mr. Follett, who, with his family, 
 are noticed in another connection, resides at Sandusky. In 1818, 
 Everard Peck, & Co., — who had established in 1816 the pioneer 
 bookstore in Rochester — established the Rochester Telegraph. Mr. 
 Peck si ill survives, enjoying a competence of wealth, and the es- 
 teem of his fellow-citizens. He is now the President of the Com- 
 mercial Bank. The mechanical department of the paper was con- 
 ducted by the two brothers, Derick and Levi W. Sibley. In 1824 
 Thurlow Weed became its editor; in 1827, ass'i'-iated with Robert 
 Martin, he purchased the establishment, and the two issued it semi- 
 weekly until 1828, when it was published daily by Mr. Martin. The 
 Sihleys were the successors of Dauby & Sheldon. Levi W. 
 Sibley died in Rochester in 1844 ; Derick Sibley resides in Cincin- 
 natti. Edwin Scrantom, who is named in another connection, was 
 the first apprentice to the printing business in Rochester. In 1820 
 Luther Tucker vvho had served a portion of his apprenticeship in 
 the first office established at Palmyra, issued the Rochester Daily 
 Advertiser, the first daily in Rochester, and the first west of the 
 Hudson river. Henry O. Rielly became its editor. In 1829 the 
 two daily papers were united, and a paper published by Tucker & 
 Martin, called the Rochester Daily Advertiser and Telegraph. 
 Luther Tucker is the widely known and highly esteemed proprietor 
 and editor of the Albanv Cultivator. Jessee Peck, David Hovt, S. 
 D. Porter, Thomas W. Flagg, Elihu F. Marshall, D. D. Stevenson, 
 Daniel N. Sprague, Erastus Shepard,E. J. Roberts, Elisha Loomis, 
 Albert G.Hall Peter Cherry, John Denio, Alvah Strong, Nahum 
 Goodsell Franklin Covvdery, Sidney Smith, George Dawson, Samutl 
 ileron, George Smith, Thomas Barnum— are names blended with 
 the history ot printing and newspapers in Rochester. 
 Add here the author must leave the Press of Rochester, as all else 
 must be left, in this history of the beginning of thinffs ; — with 
 something more than usual reluctance — for it is of his own craft • 
 and no where is the whole history of its progress marked with greater 
 enterprise or more creditable to the "Art preservative of all Arts " 
 Koswell Hart, was of the large family of that name, in Clinton, 
 uneida county. He commenced mercantile business in Rochester 
 as early as 181G ; died in 1824, aged 37 years. His surviving sons 
 are, Thomas P. Hart and Roswell Hart, of Rochester, and Geo. W 
 Wart, ot iM. Y. Daughters became the wives of the Rev. Francis 
 • , .T'^S-. now of Grand Rapids, Michigan ; Henry E. Rochester, 
 and M F Reynolds, of Rochester. Thomas Hart, a brother of 
 Koswell Hart settled in Rochester in 1820 ; still survives. Seth 
 baxton was the early clerk of Roswell Hart, subsequently his partner 
 and that of his brother Thomas Hart. His widow still survives 
 and three daughters, one of whom has recently become the wife 
 ot Major Sibley, of the U.S. Army, now stationed in Santa Fee. 
 Charles J. Hill was in Rochester as early as 1816; he still sur- 
 vives ; one of the many enterprising millers of the " city of mills " 
 He erected in 1821, in company with Mr. Leavitt, and occupied 
 himself, the first brick building in Rochester, on Fitzhugh street, the 
 present residence of Wm. Ailing. Mr. Hill observes: In point of 
 health, the settlers immediately upon the site of Rochester, suffered 
 less than would be supposed, as it was literally, most of it, a swamp 
 without drainage ; still they were no strangers to sickness and suf- 
 tering, and occasionally from fevers of a very malignant type. 
 Solomon Close, who it will be observed, was one of the signers of 
 the handbill— " Canal in danger"— was a deputy sheriff of Genesee ; 
 resided in early years in Greece ; and was also an early resident in 
 Rochester. He removed to Michigan in early years. 
 John Odell was a merchant in Rochester as early as 1819 ; had a 
 small store on site now occupied by the Talman block; emigrated 
 to Michigan in early years. 
 Harvey Montgomery, who was an early merchant in Rochester, 
 the partner of John C. Rochester, still survives. He is the father 
 of Thomas Montgomery, an Attorney, and Dr. Harvey Montgomerv 
 of Rochester. j o j 
 Eli Stilson, was from Fairfield, Conn., emigrated to Cayuga coun- 
 ty as early as 1800. He was an early surveyor in Cayuga, a school 
 teacher, and had much to do in the early organization of schools in 
 bcipio and its neighborhood. He removed to the town of Brighton 
 in 1817; in 1829 became a resident of what is now Rochester, on 
 the east side of the river ; was a surveyor of a large portion of the 
 City east of the River, of lots and streets ; was at one period the 
 agent of Bissell & Riley, in the prosecution of their enterprise up- 
 on the tract purchased of Enos Stone. He still survives at the 
 age of 78 years. His surviving sons are, Daviu Stilson, and Eli L. 
 G. Stilscn, an Attorney of Battle Creek, Michigan, Jerome B. Stil- 
 son, division engineer upon the Erie Canal, George D. Stilson, a 
 contractor on the Erie Rail Road. Daughters became the wives' of 
 Dr. Caleb Hammond, and Gen. A. W. Riley, of Rochester, Ros- 
 well Hart, of Brighton ; another the second wife of Gen. Riley, and 
 another the second wife of Roswell Hart. 
 William Atkinson was early on the east side of the River, the 
 founder of the mills now carried on by Charles J. Hill. Hobart 
 Atkinson, of Rochester, is a son of his ; the widow is now the wife 
 of the Rev. Chas. G. Finney. William Nefus came in as the mil- 
 ler of Mr. Atkinson ; his widow still survives ; his daughter is the 
 wife of Nelson Curtis. Mr. Nefus was an early tavern keeper on 
 the east side of the River. 
 In 1817, there was residing on present city limits, on the Brighton 
 side, other than those already named, Aaron Newton, Moses iHall, 
 Ebenezer Titus. In that portion of the now city there was not 
 tvyenty acres of cleared ground. There was little else than prim- 
 itive wood's roads in any direction. Along where iSt. Paul street 
 now is there was a dense forest of evergreens, hemlock, spruce 
 and cedar. 
 The brothers, M'Crackens, were as early as 1805 or '6, Pioneers 
 in the neighborhood of Batavia. They removed to Rochester 
 soon after the war. Dr. David M'Cracken was a prominent citzen 
 of the old county of Genesee. A tract of land he purchased near 
 Deep Hollow, on the River, is now embraced in the city. He died 
 at an advanced age five or six years since, childless. Wm. J. Mc- 
 Cracken, was an early tavern keeper in Frankfort, still survives, a 
 resident with his son-in-law, Henry Blanchard. A daughter of 
 Gardner M'Cracken, is the widow of "Capt. Scott," the afterwards 
 Col. Scott, of the U. S. Army, who was killed in the Mexican war. 
 Other early landlords in Rochester, who have not been named, 
 Charles Millerd, Henry Draper, Elliott. The daughters of 
 Dr. Ensworth who has been named in another connection, became 
 the wives of John Shethar, Benjamin Campbell, and Rufus Meech. 
 George Ensworth, an only surviving son, resides in New York. 
 Warham Whitney was from Northampton, Mass.; removed to 
 Rochester in 1820; was one of the early enterprising millers; a 
 flourishing portion of the city on the west side of the River, south 
 ot what was Frankfort, has grown up on his farm. He died in 
 JSt-" ^'^ surviving sons are, George L. Whitney and James 
 Whitney, of Rochester. Daughters became the wives of John 
 Williams and Samuel G. Andrews. John Whitney, a brother of 
 Warham, preceded him in Rochester ; has in later years been a res- 
 ident of Orleans county, and Ohio; is a<rain a citizen of Rochester, 
 rfalph Parker was a native of Salisbury Conn.; a resident of 
 Vermont, he was for fourteen consecutive years a member of the 
 btate Legislature. In 1816 he emigrated to Rochester, where he 
 stilJ resides, at the advanced age of 79 years. He was one of the 
 Judges of Genesee, before the erection of Monroe county His 
 surviving sons are, Daniel P. Parker, of New York, Medad P. and 
 Ralph A. Parker, of Rochester, Phineas Parker, Beaver Dam, Wis- 
 consin. Mrs. James H. Gregory, of Rochester, and Mrs. Richard 
 Ayres, ot Levviston. are his daughters. 
 So much m reference to Rochester, has been incidental to the 
 I'loneer History ot the whole region to which it bears so important 
 a relation. It ,s hoped that no reader of the work had anticipated 
 a history of Rochester ; such has not been the desian ; and it would 
 have been incompatible with the plan of the work.^ A wide rec^ion 
 ol primitive settlements, of towns and villages, has been embraced • 
 a long series of events recorded that preceded settlement ; brevity' 
 the quitting of one locality to hasten to another, has been an imper- 
 ative necessity that the author has had often to regret. 
 In another form — in a work especially devoted to the locality — 
 It would have been gratifying to have passed the pioneer period, and 
 step by step, from event to event, and from year to year, to have 
 traced the progress of Rochester from a primitive village to a popu- 
 lous city ;— a scene of wealth, enterprise and prosperity, creatines 
 wonder and admiration, even in an especial era of enterprise and 
 The "Falls of the Genesee," to which the reader has been intro- 
 duced when It was a lonely and secluded spot in the wilderness — 
 visited but by an occasional tourist — after that, for nearly twenty 
 years, the abode of but one solitary family of our race,— the local- 
 ity that remained a dense, unbroken forest, for vears after there had 
 been a near approach of considerable settlements and improvements ; 
 has now a popuhuion of nearly forty thousand, and even that is' 
 but an imperfect indication of its prosperity, the triumphs it has 
 achieved ! The " Hundred Acres," the germ of village and city, 
 has had added to it, first, other plats or separate surveys, then farm 
 after farm, in succession, until it has expanded to over four thou- 
 sand ACRES, nearly all of which is occupied with streets, business 
 establishments, public edifices, and private dwellings. The lots that 
 the venerated Patroon, Col. Rochester, in 1811, with moderate an- 
 ticipations, and liberal views, instructed his agent to sell at from -f 30 
 to ^200, are now worth from 5,000 to S25,000. There are annual 
 rents derived from the buildings upon some of those lots, from ^3,000 
 to 12,000. Of the staple article of home trade and commerce in 
 most of the civilized world, Rochester manufacturers more than is 
 manufactured in any other locality. Its mills are capable of manu- 
 facturing the flour consumed by the entire population of the state of 
 New- York; and this is but a part of its nianutacturinir enterprises. 
 In other respects it is pre-eminent. There is no other city in this 
 prosperous Union, where so large a proportion of the population are 
 house-holders ; none where active employment, industry, so gener- 
 ally prevails. In it the idler is out of his element ; the " man of 
 leisure" feels as if he was not at home. While at the same time 
 it naay be added, that no where are the institutions of religion, edu- 
 cation, moral and intellectual improvement, better provided tbr by 
 an equal cnmount of population. " As the twig is bent the tree is 
 mchned," is as applicable to the growth of communities as to phys- 
 ^al and moral youth and age : — The impress of the Pioneers of 
 Rochester in all this, is as indellible as would have been a record 
 chiseled upon its palisades of rock ! 
 And what of the future ? There are no clouds in its horizon — 
 no breakers in its path of progress. Never in any period of its his- 
 tory has there been less to create doubt, or justify croaking auguries 
 and misgivings ; never a period of so much promise of rapid advance 
 and continued prosperity. To a fortunate locality — a combination 
 of advantages seldom excelled, the enterprise of Its citizens has ad- 
 ded, and is adding, what else was and is requisite. 
 Lake and canal commerce tend to it almost with a seeming favor- 
 itism ; Railroads connect and are connecting it with the Atlantic 
 sea board, and the long chain of Western Lakes ; a Railroad is con- 
 structing which will bring it still nearer to the Great West, and 
 make its connection with it far more intimate; a canal facilitates its 
 intercourse with the rich valley of which it is the emporium ; plank 
 roads reach out from it and i vite increased intercourse with natural 
 tributaries. But one enterprise more would seem to be required, 
 and that can hardly fail to enlist the co-operation of her public 
 spirited citizens. The march must be onwaud, and onward ! 
 The Pioneer period, in reference to Rochester, has already been 
 passed and the whole work is becoming larger than was originally 
 designed. Briefness —- little more than a chronology of events — 
 blended with a few statistics, must suffice : — 
 1817.— The village was incomomted iindir the name of Roclicstcrvillc — The first 
 Inistooa were Francis Brown, David J^vr)\ William Cobb, Evcrard Peck, and 
 Jehiel Barnard — The first public hou.. J worship wiw built— William Atkin- 
 son built tlie yellow miU on JohiLson's Race — An Episcopal church was or- 
 ganized, taking the name of " St. Luke's Church, Genesee Falls," by the Rev. 
 Henry U. Onderdonk, afterwards Bishop of Pennsylvania — The Rev. Francis 
 H. Cuming became its first settled clergyman— A I'^rieiid's meeting, or society 
 was organized — A Lodge of Master Masons was installed. 
 1818.— Gilmau <fe Sibley erected a imper mill near Atkinson's flouring mill— In Sep- 
 w°'^^;'n*"°'' """^'' °*^ '^^^^ ^'^ contained in these brief statistics, the author is indebt- 
 ed to Elisha Ely's "Rochester Directory," for 1827, and Mr. O'Reilly's "Sketches 
 of Rochester." "^ 
 tomher the flecond conaua of the viUaffo was Mken; population 10 10 -First 
 :• T'o^.S"^ organized- First Baptist Chur, a wak^orfani^ed" coulLting^E 
 .-At\v-iit..r Androws and :\ruinford, built a toll l.ii.kro over tl.o (Jimiuscc Rivor a 
 ■ w.(s a-Ved-F,' sru.n'''7-1'r " 'T'"''"*'"" ^^•'■'•'^ '■'"--«^' L"k'^'H Church 
 ^ f n-S^^ Hon.; Kev^oha 
 .-A law pa.s,sed in the State L.^gislature erecting? the eounty of Monroe from nnrta 
 Ontario an.l(Jene.see - Courr,. were ..rff.ani^Jed in Maf The Bene o.Fsist- 
 cer Assistant justice. Eiius Pomerov Joseph Snciici.r \^l.l,.v <3n.,, ' ' 
 apr.uute.1 to draft rules ..f Court ; ^oi^^r^^;!^ :^ J,^ ^ Q ::!:Z 
 -a^XlT\Ti:'^':T' I'^h^'""'"- ^'■•^ Sl'^'riff- The A,,ueduct was eo «e " 
 -Oct aDth, the hrst Canal Uoat left the village for Little Falls, laden wiu' W 
 -Census, Septeniber; population 2,700 ; including laborers on public wSs^ 
 ■~7tl,!'i"' year Canal navigation was opened from Albany to Rochester - Oct 
 7 h he Aqueduct was completed, and the event of the p.4*,ge of boats over it 
 of tJi'e viilal?.' ^"'°''-'''"" "^ '""'""^ '="'"I"'""^'^' ^^'^'>''^' .soeietiesand citLei 
 .—Census of the village in February ; i)opulation, 4,274 -Census of the vilh<rp 
 LofkS'' P"^'"'"''""' 'o>^'3.-ln thisi-ear CanaHiavigation was exlended !o 
 -On the acth day of Oetober, the Canal was finished in its whole extent and 
 t lie passage of a fleet of JJoats from Lake Krie to Sandy Hoc,k, con memo™ edbv 
 s icccssiou ot celebrations throughout the entire distance. There ~davs of 
 J:,?"f ; P.>'Wi.-- receptions, procession.s, cannonading, music, dan nrand 
 joyous hilarity. Never upon any occasion has all this been excelled Con 
 niencmg at luffido, a boat havinj,^ on boar.l Gov. Clin.,,n,an,lX State offil 
 cers,c,,mmittees, delegations from many counties of the State, &c, started off 
 Jdlowed by a flee ,,t boats. Tlie departure was announced bv a siS gun 
 and came.1 from gun to gun, statione.l throughout the entire dista cf T« 
 one hour and twenty minuUs the news was receive.l at Hook, that a boa! 
 iSiSjcSi'" ""t" ""'"' """^ ^T 'T '^^ ^^' ""'averBinJ a new St., S 
 Atlantic Ocean." 1 hen ommenced a long .series of recepti.,ns and celebrations 
 along the whole line. Rochester, then a young, aspiri.lg village .' 1.' s tC 
 8 M)0 inhahitan s, as ,f insp re.l prophet had forcitoLlthat it was the dawn- 
 T^.Vl! ^■•■'I''7'y largely re;d.ze.l d..stiny, caught the .s..iritof the wh.,le thing ! 
 In their own L.cality, at Buftalo, and at other pla.'es the line ; and at the 
 gran, hnale ujH.n the waters of the Bay of New York, tlu^v were ■'present and 
 assisting." Vlhen th.. fleet from the west arme.l at theif vdhig. "^JuTe wo 'e 
 under arms, eight uniform coin]ianies, and an immense cncourse of citizens 
 Jesse Hawley nia.le an a.l.lress ^yhicll was replied t., by G.)v. Clint.)n an.l John 
 C. bpencer ; exercises w.-re had at the Fresbyterian Church — the Rev Jlr 
 1 enney ofhciatmg ; Timothy Childs delivered an a.l.lress ; Gen. Matthews nre- 
 Bided at a .linner at the Mansi.m H.^use, assisted by Hawley ami JonatW 
 <- ; in .he .venmg there was a ball an.l a general illumination. Those 
 will) ccime after us may consummate acliievements of greater mao'iiitude than 
 theLrieCana but non.^ of mor.^ practical dift'usive utility; ancF never in all 
 ]ir.)b;ibihty will iher.' be another such a "teoi-lk's .ji'iulee''" 
 -R.Kjhester was incorpr))ate.l as a city in the spring ..f 18,34. TJio first oflicers 
 of the citv were as t.iiows ;- Jonathan Child, Mayor; Erasmus ]). Smith 
 ADraham M. bcheniierli.irn. Supervisor elected by general ticket • the Alder- 
 men were, Lewis IJiooks, Thomas Kempshall, Fre.leriek F. Backus A W Rilev 
 Ja<M.b (irav.s; Assistants, J.,hn Jones, Elijah F. Smith, Jac.b Thorn". Lansin.^ 
 • n'' vl^ ?"r-T ^''^^'""^''y' •^'•"'^ f:""l'l. A. M. Schermerhoru, Thomas Kempt 
 sliall, iilisha Joliuson, were May ore in succession. ^ 
 RociiESTEK, Ist Ward, 
 Iroudequoit, . .. 
 Gates, i 
 No. of 
 No. of 
 Total of 
 popl 'n. 
 pop! 'n. 
 CHAPTER I.— [Commences page 497.] — Wheatland — Riga — Reminiscences of 
 Ehlm Church, of Henry Brewster — Ogden —Parma — Reminiscences of Levi 
 Talmadge, of Samuel Castle— Greece — Charlotte —War of 1812 — Gates — 
 Penfield — Reminiscences of William Mann — Pittsford — Perrrinton — Mendon 
 — Rush — Reminiscences of Joseph Sibley — Henrietta. 
 CHAPTER II. — [Ci>m. page 513.] — M onis' Reserve — Tlie Triangle — Le Roy — 
 Names of Early Settlers on Triangle — Reminisenees of Simon PierHon — Levi 
 Ward — Bergen — Swecden — Clarkson — Reminiscences of Dr. Baldwin and 
 Giistavus Clark — Connecticut .Tract — Names of Early Settlers— Brigliton — 
 CHAPTER III. — [Com . page 571.] — Early glimpses of the Genesee Valley — The 
 Falls of the Genesee and their immediate vicinity — General condition of all West- 
 ern New York — Pioneer History of Rochester. 
 taf- Omission. — A topographical skeic]; of Mumford and its neighborhood, and an 
 account of recent discoveries of ancient remains near Le Roy, referred to in the body 
 of the work, are necessarily omitted. The former will appear in the volume. " Livintr- 
 8ton and AUegany." " 
 popl 'n. 
 inces of 
 of Levi 
 ^atos — 
 — Levi 
 'ill and 
 liton — 
 — The 
 and an 
 le body 