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Maps, plates, charts, etc., may be filmed at different reduction ratios. Those too large to be entirely included in one exposure »r9 filmed beginning in the upper left hand corner, left to right and top to bottom, as many frames as required. Tha following diagrams illustrate tha method: Los cartes, planches, tableaux, etc.. peuvent Atre filmis A des taux de reduction diff Arents. Lorsque le document est trop grand pour dtre reproduit en un seul clichi, il est filmA A partir da Tangle supiriaur gauche, de gauche i droits. et da haut en baa, en prenant la nombre d'imagas n^cessaira. Las diagrammes suivants illustrant la mAthoda. 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 MIC«OCOfY KSOIUTION TBI CHART 'ANSI and ISO TEST CHART No 2| ^ r^PRJED IIVHGE i ^=i '6^J to,. Man '^, ^-^ ^^ *5'*'> ^C" Tori. t„f;no jc* ^S^ ("6) ^88- 5989 - Fa, REPORT OF THE CANAPIAN ARCTIC EXPEDITION 1913-18 VOLUME IX: ANNELIDS PARASITIC WORMS, PROTOZOANS, ETC. PART B: POLYCHAETA By RALPH V. CHAMBBRLIN SOUTHERN PARTY -1913-16 1^ I p f . H OTTAWA THOMAS MULVEV PRINTBK TO THB KINOS MOST EXC=iLLENT MAJESTY 1920 Isaiicd Novfn-hrr Ifi, 1920 R.-port of the 0,„udian Arctic 19..M8. VO... ,,K ,X, ANN„,,«. p,K,s,„.. «OKA,.S. ,.ROTOZ,.A.N.S. KTC '';irt A: OI.IGOCllAI/r.\. l.'iiMl.ri.uli,i,io. MvFr.nkSnurh ■■"'•hytrudiJa... liv I-iiulS. UH.1> Par, B: l.<,UV.,Al.r.V. By ,UIph V. C W::.,!,! ^'-'>i ^.p'-.,. ... /,,,^. Parte: Illliri),^,,;^ ,j^. J ,, ^j^^^^^^ Un,>ress). ''"»'lIVliiA. liy Halph V.n.anU.rhn "" l'rn..raUon) iVt K: .V(.'A.\Tllu(;i,l'llAI.A. Hy ll. j. Vh„ . V.vo (f'^^"'-IJH,u' Jn, ,o?o). Pju-t ].': M.AiATojM. |iy .\. .^ c,,^,,, ' ''"" (''"""-'^ -ipril 7. lOSO). Part (i: 'l'I.M:.\IAioi)A. Ijy A. R. c;,)„ „■ ^^" '"■''/"""'"'")• Pan If: ( T.sTOOA. I',y A. H. Coopor. . . ' ''" I"''''"'"'""). Part I: Tl 1{»|,I,J,A|!|A. H_v A. Ila^.']! ''" '"'''P'""''""). Part J: Cil^JIDr.VfJI.A, ''" VfP'irntioti). P^it, K: XKMKitTIM.. l'artL:Sl.ui:,.Z0A. Hy J. U. .Mavor Part M. I'OliA.MIMH.ltA liv r a < , , '^" '"n^ration) . REPORT OF THii CANADIAN ARCTIC EXPEDITION 1913-18 VOLUME IX: ANNELIDS, PARASITIC WORMS, PROTOZOANS, ETC. PART B: POLYCHAETA By RALPH V. CHAMBBRI.IN SOUTHERN PARTY— 1913-16 ii«r— 1 OTTAWA THOMAS MULVKY PRINTER TO THB KINGS MOST EXCBLLKNT MAJESTY 1920 luurd November 16, 1920 (pk'iC The P chaetra Collected by the Canadian Arctic Fxpedltion, I9IJ-1II. \\\ i{ M.I'll V < II VMIIKIll IN. Mimiini III' ( iiiiiiiiiniliii /•■.i/iii/i/, Ciinihi'iilffi-, .Wilr"- I'olvcluih win llt.lcil \i\ till (niiiHliiin Arrtir hlxiHilitidii ; t viiiinii* IMiillt" lilolin the N 'til AlliilM -ii •'"la-^t fri m -fiiilti-ni \l;i«ki' iintlliuiir'l Mini •■astwiinl 111 Hiitlii..-! iiilrt. Niirtli\M.-l i.ini ri(:«. |.> I. i ;Ih nn-sitcr iiiii"i'iit iif iiinltriiil niiiiinu frum tlir ri(ti'iiiM iilmiil •iiiifi'l'' lii.rli.iiii r nrt ( 'lull HIT) a IK I < 'iillii -nil |Miiiit. ,\lM>kii. n"(l tniiii I >iilpliiii ninl I ukui -iniii .1:4! j riii iilarly Hmmril liarliuiir, Nnithwi-t 'I'lriiliPi ii « 'r'AriitN-tivc i-iMcit s wcic rrprociili fl ill till- iiiati'iial -( ciirid r'!ii.t <if tlir ininilli nl the .Nlarkriizir livrr ami I wtiil v-two friiiii the rcKinii west iif tlii> pi. int. M\ lar llir cni.l'f pall nf llif iiiatiTial \va* I:ikiii aliiinj -liiiri' at -mall iliplh«. A IVw t'nrlii- arr ptii irir ami a iVw will' i|ri'il|ii'i| I'l'iiiii a ilrptli lit' a liiinilni! iiii'tii^ in Dnlpliiii ami t'l ion rait. 'I'lir pi'l.'.uif l'iiriii-4 im'iiilr "I viral >piiiiiiil larva' a'al mii- larval l'iirii>.iiili!<. '1'Im' »pciiiiii'i"« wrrr I'lilli Til il liv Mr. 1''. ,lnliaii«iii mi ilir i'\pi ilitiiiii t'roiii WH'.i III HMli, 'I '« rrpiirt riiviT". i.Kii MitlH' iilliir 1,111 iliii llialilial trnlii llnrtlicrii rr^lnin n-ci'ivcd fur iili'iititiralinii Irmii the ('aiiMJiaii ( irnlnui'iil i^urvry, flii» I'tiilirM'iiijr (•i>lli'i'tii)iM iiii.ilr ill Iliiil«nii liav ami IIiul-iiii >liail li.\ llic Siiiliim an I Ihiinn <'\piililii>nfi, a iVw fiiriiis fnuii tlif <■li^*t^'rn sii|i' nf liiiiiMm liny I'nll rtcil l>y A. I'. I.iiw, iiiiil M'Vcri.l aililitiiiiUil forms I'riuii Krilisli ('olumliia ami Halifax. Ax wii!< to lit- uiitiripatril, llic -pfcii s nprrMiilnl arr for thr iiio,'«t part Wfll-kiiown iii il mi.stly widt>priail ari'tii' ami Miharctir furiii*. thr polyrliii'tc fauna of tli?' .Xrrtii' liciiig our of tin lopjri 1 .»tiicliii| ami lii'«i km wii in llic world. All till' .•'pi lit M takin I'V the Arriic I'Api'ilition last of thr .Muikiii/ic riviT wt-rr forms iinvioiisly well known fnun (lurnlaml ami other 'inlir locnli- tics. West of the Markcii/ir. whi'ii- till rirh I'l'iiiji; Si a fauna \va> approai-hi'd or I'lllrrril. till' rollrrlions viililcil seven ineviously linile^crilii il -perils. In uilditioii a new S'ljithiin is ileserilud from materi; I taken liy the .\iiiliini in Hudson hay ami a new ('hum- from that taken li\- the hinmi in HiliNnn strait. 'I'lius the report ilielude- d< set''|)tions of nii.e new speeies from iIh' total of forty-nine. The following lists indicute the forms secured at the several umieriii localities. Hkiti.'^h Commiii.v. l/iiliisiiiliiii liinlii (Hainl). S<ri>i(lii ri rmiinlnri.1 I.iiine. I'kht < 'i..\ui;ni k. .Vi-.vska. Iliiniutthoi' inihriciitd (I.innei. Arclinior lilt, n. sp. I'aniiKiilix ^'. larvie. I'siiiiniiiitr (I, ' iiilltiiiihs I Kahriciiisi. Si>ii>niil. larva. CiKti'nlilf" (jiiinuldtii (l.inne). ( 1)1.1,1. \.so\ Point, .\i..\sk.\. Antituic sai-ni Kiiiliern. Kphisielhi iiiiiiiita 1 Webster and Meiie- diet). >S'/"" mi mux. n. sp. ScolfcoUpid'x itrctliix. n. sp. 71927 Ii Aniisiiiii hiiri iix, 11. sj>. T< I'l lit lliili ■■< xln end Sars. A iiiiiliiuu II jiihiiii'. Ill, 11. sp A inphiiriti iiihivtn, n. sp. Otiiku Vi,.\sk.\\ I,(>r.\I,ITlKS (\|(P^11.V SOI ril <IK HUI.NT Dakkow i A /ill mil ill sp. (Mcallfort Sea. Sta. 2!y.) A iitoliitii-t iirisiiiiilini.<< ( l'"ahrii'iusi. (.s^tii. (i. it, 17, 21. 'uii.) Aiiliili/tu.t (ilfxiinihi I .MaliiiKreii '. i.'^'tii. 17)'. Sfiioniil, larva Hli. (Martin point, Sta. 32r). Tinbflliikx ,sln:eini Sars. (Sta 2;>). Sdmijlhn scxcinaUi (Sars). iSta. 23). Ampharcte eiipalin, n. sp. (Sta. 23). ''(/•cci'.s xpirillam (Liimi'') (I'rincc Wil- liam sound, St I. i'iOa). 4 B Canadian Arctic Expedition, 1 'J 13-18 IJdLPHlN ANIJ InION HTKAIT, NoHTH- WEsT Tkrritories. Ilnrmothov imbricaUt (Linn6). Gnttyana cirrhoxa (PiiUas). Nepthjiti ciliala (Miillcr). Autoli/tim prismoticns (Fahricius). On II phis cunrhi/laja Sars. Lumhrincnis sj). Spionid. larva Ha. FUibdliyrrii affinix (Sars). CisUuiiUs (jratiuhila (Liiiii<''). Spirorliis spirorhis (Liiiiu''). Circcin Kpirilliiiii (Liiuu'). BeKNAHO Il.\KH()t k, Xokthwkst Tekuitokies. Ilnrmothof imhricaln (Liiim'"). I'holof mitiuta ( Faliricius). EvnrnvUa impar (Johnston). Antinoi- sarni Kinbcrg. Gnttj/iuKi clrrhnsn (Pallas). Atiaitidcft (jriii'nliimUcu (OcrsttMl). Eteotie lonijn ( Fahricius). Psammatc nphniditoides (Fahricius). Nereis pelngiai Linn<^. CimituUiH cirrntiis ((). F. Miiller). Arenicola marina (Linno). Flahelligera ajfinis (Sars). Brada villosa (Uathkc)- Nicolea venuMida (Montagu). Cistenides grnnulata (Linno). Capitella rapitata (Fal)ricius). Euchone anali.s (Kroycr). Spirorbis spirorbis (Linn6). Circeia spirillum (Linn^). Bathurst inlet, Northwest Terri- tories. Trai'inia forbesii Johnston. Melville isla.m), Northwest Terri- tories. Ana it ides ijroenlandica (Oersted). Hudson ha v. Ilarmothoe imbrieota (Liinu'). Xepthys hiidsoniea, n. sp. X ere is pelayica (LinnC'). Lumbrinereis fragilis ((). F. Miillcr) Cistenides granulata (Linne). Hudson strait. Ilarmothoe imbrieota (Linne). Lagisca rarispina (Sars). Nereis pelagica liinnt^. Paraxiothea cntenala (Malmgren). Amphiirite cirratn (Miiller). Thelepus cincinnatus (Faliricius). Chone ungavana, n. sp. Circeis spirillum (Linnc). Halifax, Nova Scotia. Spirorbis s}nrorbis (Linne). POLYNOIDAE. Harmothoe itnbricata (Linnc). 17()(). Aphrodita imbrieota Linn^:, Nat., cd. 12, vol. 1, p. 1(184. 17()8. Aphrodita violacea Stroem. Kongl. Norsk. Viilcnsk. Sclsk. Skrifter, Dccl 4, p. 800. 177(5. Aphrodita eiirata (). F. Miller, Protlr. Zool. Dan., p. 218. . Aphrodita lepidota (). F. MuLLER, il)i(l., j). 218. 1822. Polynoe cirrata Savicny, Syst. Anncl., p. 20. 1828. Eumolpe eirrala Hlainville, Diet. Sci. Nat., f}7, ]). 459. 1848. Lepidonoliis eirratiis Oersted, (irocnl. Ann. Dorsihr., p. 14, f. 1, 5, G, II, 14, 1.5. 18.58. Aphrodita variaris Dalyell, Pow. Croat., 2, p. 1()8, pi. 24, f. 11, 12. 180.5. Lepidonolus cirrosus (iuATREFACiEs, Syst. Annel., p. 201. 18().5. Harmothoe imbrieota SIalmuuen, Ofvers. af K. Vet.-Akad. F6rh.,no. 1, p. 06, pi. 9, f. 8a 8e. Numerous examples of this widesj)read species occur in the collection of the .\rctic Expedition. The species is common in the Atlantic on the North American shore from the Arctic regions south to C'ape Cod, and on the European I'olychaeta 5k shorn to southern Enuhind. In thi- Pacific it ranges south to San Diego on the Ameriean eoast, and to Japan on the Asiatic. It is well known from the shores of (Ireenland, Davis strait, etc., and the present collection extends its known distribution along the northern Canadian shores to Alaska. Loc.\MTiES. -Alaska: (iranth-y harbour: Teller. Stations 206-c JulylU), 191S. Many specimens taken at a depth of 2 '.i fathoms. Alaska: Port Clarence bay. Station 2()(/. August 4, I!U3. Numerous mostly large, specimens taken at a depth of 2 .i fathoms on a muddy bottom among" thread algir." , .. .,>,. . , Dolphin and Union strait. Statum 4:jr. N'ptembcr 14, H»l.). Several specimens taken at a depth of 20 ;{() meters on a bottom of gray mud with stones and alga'. Northwest Territories: Bernard harbour, outer part. >tation 41. July 21), 1915. Numerous specimens taken at a depth of 10 meters on a muddy bottom among Laminaria. Northwest Territories: Bernard harbour. Stati(m 37/;. .\ugust 2.), I!>14. Several siiecimens taken at from 2 to :{ fathoms on a rocky and sandy bottom among Liiminnrin, etc. Northwest Territories: Bernard harlxnir. Station ;{7»'. September], 1014. Many specimens taken at from 1 to 3 fathoms on a .sandy bottom among alga\ Northwest Territories: Bernard liarbour. Statitm \\h. July 24, 1015. Several sju'cimens taken at a depth of about 5 meters. Northwest Territories: Bernard harbour, out(>r part. Station 41/. August 1, 1015. Three si)ecimens taken at 5 meters. Northwest Territories: Hudson bay, west side: FuUerton. Xviituiic h\- podition. A. Halkett, collect(,r, September 10, 1004. Davis strait: Ungava: Port Burwell. Xcptunc Kxpedititm. .\. Halkett, collector, 1003-04. One small sjx'cimen lacking elytra. Lagisca rarispina (Sars). 18()0. roh/noe rarlsi)iii(i Sak.s, Forh. Vid. Selsk. Christiania, ]). tiO. 1805. LiKjisai rarinpinii M.\LM<iUKN-, Ofvers. af K. Vet. Akad. Torli., p. 05. Eight specimens conforming to this species are in the collection from Hudson strait. Cnfortunately they have lost all their elytra. Tlie largest specimen is 40 nnn. long. This species is comnum along the shores of (ireenland and also occurs abcmt Iceland, Spitsbergen, Norway and southward uito the North sea, Finmark, Nova Zembla, ami the Kara sea. LcKALiTY. -Hudson strait: Ungava: Port Burwell. Scptunc Kxjjedition, 1003-04. A. Halkett, collector. Pholoe minuta (Fabricius). 1780. Aphroilitii minntn F.\ni{Uirs, Fauna (iroeid., p. 314. 1822. Pnli/noc minidd Savkinv, Syst. Annel., j). 20. 1828. Paimijra occllnta Jounston, Zool. Journ., 3. p. 320. 1830. I'holoc iiioiinto JouNsro.v. .\nn. Nat. Hist., 2, p. 437, pi. 23. f. 1 5. 1843. I'hnloc iiiinidu Okustk.d, (Irocnl. Annul. Dorsibr., p. 100, pi. 1, f. 3, 4, 8, 0, l(). . I'litiloc Ixilticd Okusted, Aimel. Dan. Consp., p. 14, t.21, 34 30. 40. 1844. I'holov as^imilin Okkstkh, Kniyer Nat. Tids.skr., Anden Haekke, I, p. 401. 1800. I'holoi- <.rliiil(i MiniAKLsKN, Polychaet. Fauna, p. 12, pi. I, f. 2. Locality. Northwest TiTntorics: Bernard harbour: inner harbour. Sta- tion ■37c. September 1, 1014. Two fragments together composing a ctmiplcte individual taken in a sandy bottom amcmg alga". Northwest Territories: Bernard harbour. Station 41f. July 28, 1915. Two pieces of a larger indiviilual taken at 3-8 fathoms on a bottom of sai.-iy mud with algie. G H ('(UiikIiiiii Aniic ExiiiiUlion, l!)l.i-tS Arctonoe, n. rph. Hodv of inuilcratc tcnutli, tapciiiid caiKlad. NuiuImt (if siniiiciits iiKHlcnitc. rrostoiniiiin licariii^; tlircc tentacles \\\uA\ are inserted marjiinally. ("era- luiiliiires distinct, the stylo >liort and thick, each more or less enlarfjed jiroxiniad of the sien(hT ternnnartilanient, Paljii lonK, with a slender terminal filament. Two |)airs of eyes, these typically on posterior half of ])nistominm, Parapodia hiranions,' hut \\ith the notopodia much i lu<M'd, Notocirri with cirrophores lartfe, the styles moderate, with terminal filaments. Neurocirri exi'e|)tin}; the first, very small. Moth notopoilial ami neinnpodial seta' present, liotli simi)le, Notoi)odials shorter, setose or scaled, dislally eotched or liidentate. Neind|)oilials of first ]>osti)eristoini;il sefrm, nt slender, disliilly l.identale, scaled. 'I'lie neuroi)odials of siK-ceedinn -cuments, ex<'el)tiiiu sometimes one urou)) of those on x (■on<l ])arapodia. coarser, with curved hastate heads and simple tips which are not prolonged., more we.iklv scaled or serrulate. I'llylra present on somites II. IV, V, Vll, I.\, <tc., :s in Iliilini/diiii. with typicallx- near thirty-five jtaii's i)resent. ( !enot.\pe. .1. //", n. sp. 'rhi> jieuus is nearest to lldlDsijdHii, of which H, pdliiiiiniicii Kinherfi; ( = //• birrisitosa Kiulieru) may he regarded as the tyiie. It is seiiarated fr<>m this Heiius i)rimarilv hecause of the difference in the noto|)odial seta", which are distallv incised or t>identat(>, and in the neuropodials of the first i)arapo<lia, whi<di lire di.stally hidentate. instead of both neuro])odials ;.nd rotopodials of these paraixxlia lieilif? ju-oloufted into line, hair-like, (>ntire tijis. Ar(li»iiir includes also a second Pacific form. S. frii,ii!i-'< (Haird). which is closely related to the (jcnolyix'. Arctonoe lia, n. sp. 'i'yiM' s|)ecimen. Calaloiiiie No. 2t), \ictoria .Menioiial .Mu>e\nn. OlCiwa. I'aratyjics. N'icloria .Memorial Museum, Xo.'.-^ 27. 2S: Museum Coinparalive Zooloiiv, Xo.'s 21'.U) and 21".U. Five specimens. Ceneral colour of the liody l)ale yellow. The elytra in fr,'iseral |)ractic;dly colourlos, or .sli-jhtly whitish, and transhnent to transiiareiit . or nearly m). The hodv is of moderate length. It is widest over about the sec(Uid fourth of its length in front of which it narrows a little and hack of which it narrows continuouslv and (U'cidedly. The type is 2.') mm. loufj, with a maxinuim width, to cuds of seta', of 4-.") nun. The number of scfiments .ijipears to be typically l)etween .V) and (>0. thouiih none of the tyi>es is entirely comi)lete at the caudal end, the maximmn number actually i)resent beinf! •'>'•• The )>rostomium continues into the ceratoi)liorcs of the hiteral tentacU's anteriorly, though risinp; back of the base of each of these in a rouudeil elevation, the cerat'ophores often rather abrvii)tly s<'t off; with a median notch anteriorly in which the median tentach' is inserted. All tentacles short and jjroportionately thick, with terminal 'ilaniei s as shown in PI, I, fig, 1. The i)ali)i are inuch longer than the tentacles, subcylindrical, distidly abruptly narrowed into ii terminal filament. Two pairs of eyes are present on the posterior half of the I)rostomium of which those of the anteri()r pair are slightly the larser and are much more widely sei)arate(l. The posterior eyes are more strictly dorsal m jiosition and are near the cau<lal border. The tentacular cirri, i.e., the cirri of the iieristomial parajxidia, are attached at the h'vel of the of the ceratoi)hores of the lateral tentacles. They exceed the tentacles, which they resemble in form, in length, and the ventral on each side is shorter than the dorsal. i- i i The metastomial segments are moderately convex above and a little less =o vcntrally, with a distinct neural furrow. Intersegnient;d furrows di.stinct. Most segments divided above by a more or less distinct transverse sulcus. I'objchactii I H Tl... iK.iai..Mlia ii.T ratlur slmtt an.l sul>. Imt a l.ttlr .-..mi.rrss... .„,..r„,.,'t,.norlv. Tl.- n..uro,„„lia ris. .....uwliat at tl.- .hstal ..,,.1 alM.v.. an. Xav tl.- us,.ars.ihv-lti-al M-W^rruHs khm.v->, tlu- -...1 a.ul al.m-. 1 lu , t ,.o 1 a ar- sn.all -l-vatiu„s arising frun, th- .IcMm, nt tl,.. parapu.ha t.,war. ' ..r si.l.' an.l -lista.l ..f a .■ylindri.-al. I.n»:-r- hk.. pn-.^s. n.t.. w ...•. the- , .„ an.l th- TUr nnU.nn ar- atta-l.-.l at tl... .as-> \ , ,,„,,,,.„lia ai».v... Th.. w larjr,., a 1- ..a.m^^.■.l |l.>ta. , u nu .'h .■x.......linK th- styl.. in>s. Tl... latt..r .s .,t n..., !..-.« 1 , !x vu .' tc.war.l .listal ..n.l, an.l f..n..inat..s in a si.....!...., al>r..ptly s..t-..ll hlan.-„t. M^a.l...' ..a.h ..n th,. „ .s,.tr.n....ts .s a s„l.,.nn.,;al pn-.- „ U ,. with th,.,.r..> thai, whi-h it is s,nall-r. Ih.- ......•.„•..•.■. .n K-'-.-.a ! i pi-uxin'a,l .-f tl... n,i,i.ll.., tl„. p.,.u.,m .n tl.,. p,.st,.n„.; rv^>>n .,...niny.n„n. t,.wanl th- .•a.wlal >i.l... Th,- ,,.n.s ar- pmp,.rt...nat,.l> '. t -k an,l .listallv f,.n,.at... Th,. >tyi,.^ in K...; ar. ah.nptly,..-, 1 .t i.,l V...V thi-kiv M.l,f.>-ih,.„. ...■ .n„i,l, with ai.n.i.tly th...i...r, hht.,m t .iM.i-t i^V,. I'l r lit:. •->:. Th,. n<.m-,,.iiT. ol th- lii-st ....nnal paiap...! la, £•.;: an' , .., . Ion,.;. at,:„ni„. ..-■ ..x,.,.,,!,.., .h- .-.1 -;.■ th- pa.-ap... ha pr^U, a..,l ..lavat,. in Inn ,,n,xh,.a,i of th,. t.p. Lnni. .loMly > t., th- """Th-'n...opo,lial s,.ta. a>-.. pn^.nt. th,u.,h r,.,lu,.,.,l to v..,y ^;- j" J?;,;;^ ,..„„l.„l Th,.v an. n..nH..-o..s ,.n th,. ii.'st pa,.apo,l,a. ,;n th.. M.,.on,l ar. t..«.r vl il . n th s . .,f th,. p,.st,.rior ...^ion ih.y ar.. r..,lu,..;, t,. , ...... ..r t^^.. ..r . "t.Hv ar.. n.n,.l.lhort,.r tha.. th.; n..ur„p..,lials. Tl...y a... Hat an.l ....-v.. , sw,.r,l-l..iP.'.l in.'is-<l <»• M.h.ntat.. at tl... t.)., an.l s-'ah..! almj: on.. m.I... M. U, r ) Th- -un.po.lial s,.ta.. ..x....ptin!I th..s.. ui th.. h.->t pa.ap.M.a a,.,l s.,n...- hn.-'i.. ■ rt .,!• ... ,. ..r a f,.w io\\o^^\vir. .li.tally with n, hastat.. h,.a,U li.l. ■ n .^^^^^^ >1'1. 2, fi^'. :U Tl... n-u,-opo.lial s..ta. .,t th,. parapo.ha r lit... ft,, at th,. ti). aT.,l i\urW ^r-Avd al,...*: tl.,. ......vvx -'.Ij:.; ..t th,- h.-ad. ■ >1 ' i. •' ) In th,. s-,.,.n,l parap,.,lia th,. snp,aa..i,...lar p.jM.p -jt s..ta.,n of tl is -um. .-1 ara..t..r. tl.,...f^l. -•oa.s.r an.l lonti.r. wh.l.. th.. s,.ha,..-ulars an- ::Hir::oa.;::" .itl. h..a,l> n.„r^ s, -nrv,.,!. th- tips -,.,>,•... -;; J';.,;;; J=;- smooth .A....ptint!; for a r..ww..aks..rrations. ->-- IM. II.fiK..5.i 1 ■"""'■"!"' Cl ' pr- an.l s„l.a,.i.-nla.-s hav,' th,. latt.'r.,.nt.aliy >n„.,.tl.. t,.. n. V ,. r. tip^ Tl... n,.topo,lials in tl... first parapo.ha ar.. .u-t th».n..r, rh..!..'h I.,t..r. than tl... u,.,lrop.„lia!s hut th,.y ar fi....r tha,. th.. onhnary "'■•''■l'|;::':S,^r;hu:Vi;ou:;h'n..,,i..ra, t........ T1,-v a... ..h,.ir....lar ,n outlin- a,ul ar- atta,.h,.,l n.hlway U■X^^■o.u th...r ..uU.. :m,l th...r ,.,.tal^.s^ ^. rt ^;-'l::i:!;:in.,:t.;i-v::..l^:^\;::'r:i:;:th:::'o^h;^ v.-l. u.<..llv h.avins a n,i,hl,.r>al nak,,! str.p... Th.'y o-,.nr npon t\v-ntv-fiv(. or ni,)r- iiairs lit.inf: l)ri.-,.nt. i,,.,. .^ii lor.^UTiKS. Alaska: C.-anth.y l.a.-l.,.n; ■r,.H,.r. >tat.,.n iO/w. ,l,.h M. MWi lli'nth 2-:i fath,)ins. I'j.ittoin, sanuy. , .i » Vl- ir P.rrt ( an.n,... Lav. Station 20,,. 4. i;.U3. San... .l..,.th - - T is sp.. -h.s in..,.!. ...M.n hhs S. Jrawl'^ (Hinnl). a torn, ....n.n.on on th,. Pa-if .; ^aHh" s..nth. It is a ratl...r n..,r.. ''-:'-" l,,---^,::'*^- Tl„. not,mo,li.ils in B-n-ral ar.. nui..h m.)r- niini..r.)us. 1 h- sp ... ■> may )t . is i,rS M ; "^^ - ^1- -•»" "f '^'' "'™"'^ para,.o.lia. /..../- a, the sp.*.!aVsupraac.i-,.lar ^roup ..f api-^ally t.i,l..t>tat m.ur..po.l.als pn.s..nt .n ha. Evarnella impar (Johnston). 1839. Poh/noe impar Johnston. Ann. Nat. Hist. 2, p. 43tl, pl. 22, t. 3 9. 1840. Li'pidonotus impar OKKsTK.n. Annul. Dan. ( <n>sp., p. i.i. . Lepidoiwtus impar (".kliu., raiu. Annol.. p. Mi. 8b Canadian Arctic Expedition, 1913-18 1865. 1888. 1896. lf>l!>. 1865. 1879. 1912. Evnrne impar Mulmgrcn, Ofvcrs. uf K. Vet. Aka<l. F'irh., p. 71, pi. 9, f. 7A7D. Hiirmothoe impar St. Joheph, .\nn. Sci. Nat., scr. 7, 5, p. 162. Unrmothne impnr, var. I'ayenMechcri Micn.\Ei.sKN, Polycha-t. Fauna, p. 7, pi. I. f. I. EvnrncUa, uoin. iiov. pro Evnrne (nom. proopc), ( mamberlin, .Mem. Mils. Coinp. Z()i>l., 48, p. 40. Two sin-ciincns seeniinn fully to agree with this species m) far as innv he juiltjeil in the absence of elytra, all of which are lost. The larger specini, ti is 21 mm. Umg, with a width" across setie of 7-2 mm. Proboscis 5 8 mm. loiiR. LcMALiTY. Northwest Territories: Bernard harbour, outer i)art. Station 41. July 20, 1915. l)ei)th, about 10 metres. Bottom, mud with Laminaria and Delesnarid. Antinoe sarsi Kinberg. Aniixof sarsi Kinberg, Malmoken, (ifvers. af K. Vet. .\kad. P'orh., p. 79, pi. 9, f. 6A-6K. Poll/nor sarsi Theel, Annul. Nov. Zembla, p. 16. Hnrmolhof sarsi Ditlevsen, .\nnul. Danmark Kxped., p. 415. Tills is another sp(>cies common in arctic and nortliern waters of i)oth hemispheres. It is alunidant on the Siberian coast, in Bering sea and along Kanu-hatka, as well as on the Euroi)ean and North American coasts. It has been taken at several poitits along the coast of (ireenland where nearly all the captures have been of single individuals. The Canadian Arctic Expedition took two specimens at each of the two first of the following stations and one at the third. Localities. -Northwest Territories: Bernard harbour. Station 41. July 20, 1915. Depth, about 10 metres. Northwest Territories: Bernard harbour, outer i)i»rt. Station 41f. July 28, 1915. Depth, about 5 fathoms. Alaska: off Collinscm i)oint. Station 27e. .September 17, 1913. At the last-named station was taken one specimen noted in the field journal as " pelagic under ice at one foot water." It is further noted by Mr. Johansen that " The Polynoid came up with the water as the hoh' was cat in the ice. It swam quicklv along by moving its parapodia successively (as a myriopod), but not (or onlv to a sinall degree) by wriggling its body as pelagic cha;topods generally do." Tiie specimen is somewhat aberrant in structure from the ordin- ary non-pelagic form. Gattyana cirrhosa (Pallas). Aphroflitn cirrhosn Pallas, Miscell. Zool., p. 9.'), pi. 8, f. 3-6. Aphrndita scabra Fabhuus, Fauna Ciroeni., p. 311. Aphrodita punctata Fabkhiis, ibid., p. 311. Aphrodita i-iridis M()\TA(iU, Trans. Linn. Soc, II, p^ 18, pi. 4, f. I. Eiiniolpc ycahra Blainville, Diet. Sci. Nat., 57, p. 459. Polunae scahra .Vino; IN" and Miln'E Edwards, Annel., p. 87. Pohl-iDc viridis Johnston. Ann. Nat. Hist., 2, j). 437. I.f'pidonotus assimiUs Oersted, An ' Dan. Consp., p. 13, f. 3, 6, 14, 32, 33, 37, 38, 45, 46. Unniinthoe scahra KiNBERG, Annul. len. Ilesa, p. 21. Polijnite scabriuscula Sars, Forh. Vid. Selsk., ]). 61. Lcdidonotus cirratiis var. parasiticus Baihd, Trans. Linn. Soc. Lepidonolus imhricutus Johnston, Cat. British Annel., p. 118 Nychia cirrosa Malmcren, ()fvers. af Vet. Akad. Forh., p. 58, pi Iphione muricata (iibsoN, Verm. Liverpool, p. 150. Nychia cirrosa, vur. Ch(vtopteri Malmcsrev, .\nn. Boulon., f. Ve-Vd. 1897. Gattyana cirrosa McIntosh, Ann. Nat. Hist., ser. 6, 20, p. 167 1766. 1780. 1815. 1826. 1834. 1839. 1843. 1858. 1861. 1864. 1865. 1865. 1886. 1890. , p. 161. 8, f. I-IE. 15, pi. I, }'olyrh<uta 9 H This northern f<.rm is fXc-tMlinnly coniinon in tlu> fjonls of (.rccn an.l im is kn. "-^ lo fr<.m D.ivis .strait. Fron. this rrjcion .t runR.s alouK th. Anu-r ran CO, to ho gulf of St. l^awrenc.., t.. th.- n..rth,.rn Kurop.-an shores ""« i^'" - ^v nl to I "huul. It has luM-n .IrciR.-.l in thr Ath.ntic at a .l.pth of i.HO »..«) at mis ( ir up,„p). Th. colloHions of th.- Cana.lian Xrviu- '•-XP- ' ""; Somis th.. niniie w.-stwanl to H.-rnanl harlx.ur an.l other p.nnts on Dolphin and Union strait. , . , ^.. .• j-, LocAUTiKM. -Northwest Territories: Hernar.l mirhour. •■^»"""" ,■*' ; Octolu" 1!) 1914. Several specimens tak.'n at a .h^pth of al.out one fathom on !i bottom of samlv mud amonu alKa^ .,. i. :.., Northw.-st Territories: Dolphin an.l Ini.m strait : Nvvst of ( oek .urn poin . Sfition VAc. September 14. lltir,. Several s,)ecimens from a depth of -0 .«> metres on a bottom of gr.'V mud with st«mes and alga'. 1803. Halosydna lordU (ilaird). i«n.v Lfi>i<lonotn^ hmlii Haiui.. I'roe. Zo<.l. Soe. I-o""'- 1«<'-*;, J'; "'"• 18().-). Halo^inhm lonlii, Journ. Linn. Soe. Loiul. /ool., .H. p. \M) 18<»7 l>ob,noe lonii JoiiNso.v, I'roe. Cal. A<'ad. ^<•l., ser. 3, /ool., i, f.V,, 44. 51. Loc\LnY. Hritish ( ..lumbia: Ciueeii Charlotte islands. One spee The specimen has the characteristic cros.s-markinKs of dark piRine the broader solid band across somite VIII. It is a common form on he North American coast from San Diejio northward to Alaska bnt is 1< >s ( in the more southern part of this range. p. 17"), imen. nt with western •ommon APHRODITIDAE. Aphrodita sp. Two fragments of an Aphrodita taken from the stomach of a /'/'"o' hl^imh Sehrel er are not in condition to permit spe-'ifi.' identih.'at.on. 1 j;;/'''!"' . taken Apil4. 1914. off the coast of Yuk.m Territ.jry at Matu.n 2!.J. (latitude 70° 13' N., longitu.le 140° 50' W.) Water depth about .50 fathoms. NEPTHYDIDAE. 1781) 1843 18(W Nepthys ciliata (Muller). Nereis aliata O. F. Mi llkk, /ool. Danica, 3, p. 14 Xepthi/s ciliatn I?.\tiike, Heitr. Fauna Norweg., p. 1 < 1. Xintlu/s hnmilis Oekstki), Annul. Dan. ( onsp , p. 3 J. Xrpth'ns cmra (ex. part.), Okustkd, C.r.H.n. Annul Dorsibr., p. 194. Diplobmnclnis ciliotus (iiATKF.F.v;ES, Hist. Annel., 1, p. 434. Two fragments of this species ar.' in the collecti.m This is a species of circu!,M>^lar distribution, having bee:, previously n.onle.l rom N'U.bergen, Nova Z..mbla, Kara sea, Siberia, A' 1 rince of ^^/'>''^','^'; ''.;;>, :,^^""i Greenland, Iceland, Faroe, am. .<uuthwird in the Atlantic to the I mttd States and Franci . . . „ , - i i , . I ocALiTY —Northwest Territories: \\<'] ain and I nion strait: off ( oekburu point S^tatLn4:VaSepte erl3. 1915. /.epth, about 100 metres. Bottom, mud with pebbles, no aka-. Two fragments, an anterior an.l a posterior, perhaps parts "' the same in.lividual. 10 B Ciiiiiiiliiui .\n-lic Exi'xliliiiii. IHI.S-IS Nepthys hudsn ' n- >!•• Typ.' ^iM'ciin.'ii. Cat. No. :.l. Victuiiii MnnuiiMl Mus.-um. Oltaw.i. l';ir;itvi«'. M"^- <' P-/'""'- Twi. s|i,.,'iim'iis. • , ■ , .• tiic K.iicnil n.luur uf tlir tvi.r is linl.t l.rowii ui M wcuklv |m.kisli tiiiji.'. Th.rc i> •! ilistiii.t ....Mliim loniiiiu.lii-.i.l .lark liiu' i.l.mij \Uv . ..i>.iin, tlu- vriitrjil n,.i.n.l lin.. h.^ii.^' m1«o xMnrwlu.l .liukrr. 'I'li,. ,mn.tyi.r is . i.rkrr. imrU.M.lMrly so in s,)..l> i.roxiniM.l u< >,,„„• paiMimdin mUovv ainl -m ).Mrt ui t .<• pivsctMl U.Im's. Tl..tvprisron,pu>..1.4riKl,ty-MXH.niilrs, ll has a tut,. Irnji h .-I (..» 1.1.11., .■xrhisiv.' i.r thf ))n.b.isris wl.i.'li is only p.artially prMtr.hl.Ml, I lir iiiMXinnmi \,i,ltli is .-, mm., tliis iMii.n at tli- anl.Tinr rial near tin rjtjlill. tins ,,f th.. ImmIv l..inn im.aa.T, mn.'l. nain.w,,! .•.•i.iiala.l, than. .;.«., in .V. ,;„,■;,. Frniii this ivni'Mi th.^ l...(ly narr.nvs at Inst m..iv rai.Klly ami th.'ii viiv maaualiy t.. th.' .ail.lal .■11.1. . „„ ■VW „n.-t,.minm is s.,m.uhat Irap.'/it.Mni with ini.l.ll.. ul th.' nain.u.T ,,,u.lal Hmi.what an«ulaily pr...lmM..l. th.^ lorm Unis s., MiLiunla- il.,iial; ant..ri..v margin I'n'a.i, ti.'ntly ...iiv.x. Ant.imr lytJi.-n n.-t pruliu.lm« forwanls as it .h.cs in an.l nli-ta.,.r t,.nta..l..> atla.'h.M ..n ..i.^h si.h' at .•.•tal .'IkI .>f ant.TK.r marnin I'Ut littl.' iaith.T .•au.l.a.l than th.. .•..m's- p.M..liiin ant.Mi..r l.nta.l.'. T-nta.'l.- sh.,il ami th.-'k. l,.ss sl,.n.l..r than in nln,ln, \hv i),,st,.n..r ..r ..ut.T ..n-.s st..ut..r an.l a litti.' than tl... inii.T oiws ( I'l. II, fitf. l.i On .■a.'h si.l.' at .• an^M.. is a pn.nnn..nt s..ns..iv papilla. Th.. month app.virs not t.. 1... h.M-.l..n;.l l>y sii.-.i H.'shv lat.Tal lips\vith pai.ilia. as ar.^ so promimnl in .-.r.,. .■t.'. u' l.n.a.lly triangular m.nihran.. api).ariiin at th.- .MiLlal .Ml,r,. ot tlf nmutli lik." a h.w.T li). shows tian>v.Ts,. sul.i or in pla.-.. ..f th.' usual lom;itn.linal ..n.-. Th.. iirst ^.tiu'.r.'us somit.' is in.'.,, L.^intl .■vKl.'iit ..nly .m .'ach si.i.. of th.. i)r.,, whi.^h it \n \\u- .)t th.. month on .'a.-h si.l,., h'.mn thus in....mpl..t.. l..,tii,.|lly ami v.ntially. It L.^ars ..nly th.- n..t..po.lia a> usual. Th.. s..,-..n,l >..m;t..,•in^' als,, ..nly imtopo.lia, is ..omiil.. c above thoi.tili th.. .'aiulal aiifil.. of tlu' prostomium int.. it ai,.l n..arly l.isc.ts it. In th.' sm...<....liiin somiti's th.' paraiM.ilia afc I irain.>us. (>...■ 1 i. ii, "^ Tl... n..t..p...Aa ..f th.. >.-..on.l s.,mit.. ar.. farth..r -h.rsa.l than th..s.. ..f th.' first an.l than tlw.s.. of tl... thir.l, tlms.. ..f tl... su.......;.lin« s..imt... .h;s....n.hHii to the sixth or s..v..nth after whi..h th..y r.niain at the same U.v.'l. 1 he Inst tw.) pairs of iiot.M""lia have the saiii.. f:..n..ral stni.tur.' as th.' sn......e.lm« on.'s, th.mKh si,.ml..r ami with the hranehial ai.p..n.h.>:.s slmrt.'r an.l ....meal. (...inj: tin- s..-..alle<l tenta.'ular .irri .,f Khl.'fs. In a typi.^ai p,..rai..Mlnim the i...stsetal lam.'lla ..f the notopo.limi' is a l..w .•.mv..x lol.e sul,v..r1irall.y iiml .l...Teasii,i; an.l .lisapp.arinK -lista.l in strong ....ntrast with the pn.inin.n lol..- ..f (wrn an.llow<.r thiin usual in ciliata, or.linarily not exee.Mliiitf th.' summit of th.. lol.... Th." l.ram-hial aopi.twlage 's h.nd an.l ..r.lmarily eiirv.'. m a semi- eirele with its ....m.avitv ..-t orsa.l. The .irrus, arising; In.m the has,. ..t th.' bram.hial api)en.lafre, is si, .'r an.l subulate. The n..iirop...liuni js l>r..a.l wi.l..ninii .lista.l ami with th, listal eml;, siently eonvex ami im'sally iiiei.s.'.l like that ..f th.- n,.t..i)...lium. Posts, t.-.l lamella low, short, scareely ex.'ee.ling the ap.'xof th.. lobe. (See PI. II, tip;. •">. •>•) , . . . . , The a.Mcula an- .lurk. The tip of eaeh int.. a projecting eonieal papilla as usual. The setie hav.' th.- usual p.-neral arran^.-m.-nt. 1 he coarse jwsterior setip are .lark, whili- tin- fine, .-am.-rat.-.l antermr setiP are pale, (hee The*^ami's is terminal. Froir. its thi..k.-iie.l ventral .-.Iso arises a median tai)erinK cirrus of mo.lerate IcnRth which reaches only t.. th.- p.-milt setiRerous segment, ^^^^j^^,^^,^ _^^ oxfiul.-.l in the paratype i^ 15 mm. Kan- an.l widens from base to bevond middle where it is 3-4 mm. wide. Bearnig twenty-two I'iililchiiiUl II II IS12. lS(i7. IHCT. ISS'J. l,.n«,.Ml row. of papilla, as in ....•mh-r. of tl... ah.,i.> «roup, with a >i,nihr '""''ioi'm'v'"' Huasou l.av: .as, m-I., Ki.t.n.on-l «ulf. .lun... is,.,.. D-p.i. |:'!!!,,,[:.ll,v tl... sa.n. l.vrl witl. tl... antrrior ,..,.• a. tia.y ar.. ... tl... S»'— 'l'"^' lll'SITilllll. PUYLLODOCID.VK. Anaitides ftroenlandica ( >..r>t. .li. l'l,,illu,l„iT „i;>n,U<i„l>i-n t.KiiMKi), Nat. I. p. l-'l. I'lnilliiilon 'hiitlui M\i.M<.iti.N-. Aimiil. I'olycl.a.t., p. --• A,Llnhs ,;n.,.././m/;n, ('/..nuaw^ky. Hull. S,,.-. ln.p..r. Nat. M..-..,,,.. ..,. This'i's '.;'"w..ll-ku..wn nortlur.t fori., of appanHly .■i.-.u...|.olar .li>tril.utio,. Wr \,.Kus| I. 1,11.-.. <>,... sp....i.u.... tak..u at a .l.^ptl. ot 2 .1 tall..u..> ,l,.v..l..p..<l sp,..-i.n..n, tak..H i.. T-.". tatho...s .,t wat..r. An'h, 1 .xp. .lit...... Eteonc lonfta i l'al>ri..iu>i. ITSl). .\rn.. hmi" I'-AHU..i.s. Fauna (ir.Mnl., i.. :5n(.; Natinh. Sl-k. Skr., T. WJ't /••/.',mr /m/<M Okkstkd, (' Auiiul. Doisit.r., p. ;« t. 2lt. -JS. *'''-n. ;t s .. n !.;.s .If K/. ..... a«...... W..11 with ..xaiiipl-s .. l-^ W./'' ^1?^^;;^^ \l..<s 'rhc -o.M- iiu'iis arc .lark anil the lait;.'>t lu> a itnui. ^ o..i.;s has n..! IKMM.,usly r -nh^.l ^'^^^u^ 'iT f luX:) M S ' ! 41. July 20. 191.x n.'pth, :? .-. fath..ins, > mu.l with alp.. . Paranaitis sp. T-arva. al.,nK with spioni.Uarva. an.l ----;-'^^1Sr^'^::^- f^^'Zo^^^^ i.' "'H f-.n from 11? to 20 ^^f'^'S^-.u.s sogtnon^s^^ h^^ ^TI qui" -IM. that those larva" SJf tVp"SKAS;:;;r;^S:h - ^l.n r^oor...... fr...n H.rin. .ea by Wirtni' and is a cominon an.l widesproail form. 'Chaet.. Vega-Expcl., Votensk. I.ikttftg., 1H83, 2. p. 401. 3 3 12 M Citnadiiin Antic Kxpfililii»i, I It 1.1- IS l.iMAi.iTY. Alaska: (Irantlcy harliour. Station 20<», .July M), \'M.\. ?*\ir- fu«'«'. 17M0. IS7»! 1H4:{. 1H()7. SYLLIDAE. Autolytus pristnaticus (Falmriux). Xiirin pn'smiilini l''Aiti{i(ii s, l'"auiia (Irociil., p. HO'i. \inin hifriins I'aiiuhhs, Ihid., p. W.i iKi'iualf). I'liHiriuii (iriirlli.H N'kuuili,. Aiiicr. .lourii. Sci.. j). \',i2, pi. ^, f. 1. 'WnUtbilHs nUxiindri I.kvinskn, Vid. Mcildcl. Nat. Forli. 1HS2, p pi. 7,' f. H). I'lihjhiintriihnx liinijiscloHun Oku.stki), (iroi-iil. Annul. Diirsihr., p. Aiiioliilii.1 incertiis Malmcirkn, Annul. Polyclia-'t., IHCJ, j). :?.'), f. 40 lOK. .'17. IK2. pi. (i, Both sexes (if thi'iU'laKic staRc arc rciHfscntcil in tli.- collcctiDn, tlif niah-s liy many specimens. A female taken at cape Smyth, .\laska, Ix-ars a law linioil-sae which lias liroken open, allowing most of the ckks to escape. This is a characteristically arctic tipecies jireviously known from iiliout (Ircenland, the tyiie-locality, the North .\inerican .Vtlantic coast as far south- ward as Maine (Casco hay, Hasti)ort), and Spit/.lier({en. The present records carry the known raii^c in the .\rctic westward to .\laska and Herinu sea. LocAMTiKs (all in surface).). Off Alaska: Station 14 (latitude .>r 23' N., hmnituih- lt)4'' 4.')' \V.) ,lulv 2, UiVi. One small jielaRic male. HerintJ sea, off Ahiska. Station 17(i and 17/^ r. (latitude t)()° !»' N., hmKitudc lti7° 38' W.I .July t). l'J13. Ahout twenty-five pelagic males. Off Alaska, Staticm iib. (latitude .')t)° 2(i' N., longitude 133° 0' W.) Alaska: Cape Smyth, Station 'ua. August 8, I'JKi. One pelagic fenude iSaccoiinris) and one male ( l'oli)hontrichus). Alaska. Station 21</, e. f. (latitude (18° 48' N., hmgitude l().j° 10' W.) August It). I!n3. Si:v ])elagic males. Northwest Territories: Off Young jwunt in Doljjhin and I'nion strait. Station .")()/*. 'uly 17, IIMO. One large jielagic male. Autolytus alexandri Malmgren. lS(i7. Aiitoh/tus nUxnwhi. Mai,M(1rk\, .\nnul. Polychaet., ]>. 37 (l.")t)), pi. 7 f. 30 30k. (Femah- or Sacconereis.) 1874. Sli phitiiDni/Uis oniittd Vkuhim., .\mer. .lour. Sci., 4, p. 132. (Stem form ) . 1874. Stf'phaiinsiillis jiivUt Vkuhill, ibid., pi. 4, f. ti. Also as nomtn nudum in tcxi, 1). 43. (Stem form.) 181)4. Xoti I'rnccrrn pirtn F.iilkks. Die Borstenwurmer. p. 2.')t). 1881. AiitnhilKs alexandri Vkkuill, Trans. Conn. Acad., 4, p. 204, pi. 12, fig. 8 8a. (Male or I'olijhostrichiiK.) 1802. Aiitohitiis virrilli., Zool. Jahrh., Syst., (i, i). U(i, j)!. 10, fig. 4. This species is represented hy two epitokous. or pelagic, males taken in the plankton net in Bering sea. It was previously known from off the coasts of Spitzhergen and (Ireenland and southward in the Atlantic to the shore of New F^ngland. T,f>r.M,iTV. — Alaska; Bering sea. Station V,a,h,r (latitii<le ()()° 0' N., longitude 167° 38' W.) Surface. 1780. \m-. Polychaeta HESIONIDAE. Psammate aphrodJtoldes (FHliricniJ". \fnis (ii>hro<litoi<liH Faiikk II s, I'liiiim (Iniciii., p. '2W>. '('iintiilin Fiihricii MAiAKiKKN, Aiiiml. Polycliiitt.. p. Hi. CiiMnliii iirrtim M AiAKiiiKN, il>i'l.. p. ;<-'• ,. , . , , ,- Sim Ciixtiilia arctitit M(, British Aiiiu'luls, 2, pi. 1. p. l-'.>. l.\ H Oiip f-ntin- ami two incompl.-t.- Hp«Tim.'i.s H.rimr.l harl.our arr n; .t- hIiI,. 1.) till-- sprcics, MS iir.' also scwral from l'..rt ( larcii.'!'. Alaska. III.' Hcriuinl liarlM.ur specimens are the iarner. tlie eoinplete one liavinK a lenntli „f 17 mm., an.l aiv .larker in eulour. The l'..rt Clareii.e -p''''i"><;','' measure un.ler 10 mm. in length. They are i.ale in part .,) a weakly ^reems . en • but no re.l lines, siieli as mentione.l l.y lal.rieiiis as fre(pienlly pns.iit, are detectiililc . i- i • In the eharufttT of the parapodia these s| imens eontorm to lal.rieiiis oriuinal .h'seription, though .litT.Tii.K ..l.viousl.v from the form taken on the west roast of Ireland at a <h'pth of '.tO l-T. fathoms, and deseril.e.l and hnure.l bv Mcintosh un<h>r the name CnMolln nnlint Malmuren.' 'I he paraix-dium m iri.neral form much more resembles that of /'. i,„nrtal,i l(». F. Mtillen, exceptmtJ f.,r the i)resenc.' of notopo.hal seta- in the latter. It termmates sinnlar y m thr<'e conspicuous impilhe us mentioned by Fabricius. Mcintosh s h(?ure slums the parapo.lium of his specimen to be strongly corneal, relativ.'ly very deep at Ims... instead of havinn the louKcr, n.on- n.-arly eylin.lncid form ol the tru.' arctica or aphro.litoides, and to i)resent but a singh" paialla at the end. 1 lie he-id (.f the Hritish form is represented as anteriorly much more convex than in the specimens of uphrodi'Miilrn secured by tne ( anadian Arctic lApcdition. The British form seems not to be the same sjiecies, and may be tentatively designated us /'. hrHnnniin, n. sj). P. nphrmlitoiiks has been previously recorded from (ireenlan<l, ."Liberia Bering struit. LocAUTV. -Alusku: (Irantlcy harbour. Station 20 /-, r. Deiith, fathoms. Bott;)m, sandy mud .vitli algir. July :J0, lObi. Alaska: P)rt Clarence. Station 20!/. Depth, 2 3 fathoms. Bottom, gray mud with brown and red alga". August Ki, lili:{. Northwest Territories: Bernard harbour. Station ■M,. Depth, 2 fathoms. September, 1. 1014. SPHAERODORIDAE. !ind 2 3 Ephesiella minuta (Webster UIkI Belicdi -t). Comm. I'ish. for 1887. Ephfsia miniiln Wkh.stkk and Bknkdk t, Keiit. V 188.'>, p. 728, pi. I, f. »» «•»)• Locality.— Ala.ska: off Coliinson point. Station 27.s'. October H, VM.i. Depth, :} fathoms. Bottom, mud ami gravd with alga-. Two specimens from this locality seem not to differ from »n>nil<i, whic' was previously known from th. coasts of Maine and Spitzlx-rgen Ivich is neui T) mm in length. No seta with appendage in place was found, the siiecimen.^ having been considerably rubbed. The capsules and papilla- of the general surface appear to be typical anu the parapodia have and papulation. characteri>tic form 'British Anaelids, UI08, 2, pt. I, p. 125, pi. 5S, f. U, p!. 63, f. 15. pl 14 II t'liniiiliiiii Arihr F.XfHihtiiiii. I'.U.i-lS NKREID.VK. Nereia pdufticu l.inn<'. \;:,s. S\>t. Nat cd, 10. I. p. ti.M. 177(1. Siiii* firniiiniiii fiiwK.K, Skritt. Kjuliciili. SrUkiili., Ill, p lii'.t, pi. ►;, f. 111.' 177(1. .\irii.-' rirniniKd ( •. !•'. Mi I,I,KH, '/.i»>\. I)iiiiir;i I'lmlr.. p. '■'17. , \irii- tiiithnntii <>. V. Mi, iliid., p. •.'17. 1H2H, Xiriis niiiriiiiliiTiii Hl.\lN\ il.l.K. Dirl, Sci. Nut., .'»7. p. 170. l^'2'.K Lfiioiis niiii-iiniiliiciii .lnii\>iii\, /iiul. .Iiiiir.. I, p. I'Jd. '*>'-'1t. l.iinin's ririilis .]i>[i\>Mi\. iliiil., p. I I'.l. ;. .\ini^ fiilijiiis l).\l.\ KI.I,. I'-'" ('rent.. 2, p. !.'.;{. pi '.''J. f. (> H. ISKI. .VwM.v riiiiilis .li>nN.-.rt)\, A n. NmI. Hist., .">, p. 17(i. I llpitnkciii- iiialc.) IM'J. Ilili iiiiii ri is 11 liini ( >Kii.>iKi>. Nat. 'I'iil-^k., I. p. I 17. ' llpitukinis t'( liialc.i lst_'. Jh ti iiiiii n i.i ii.Hfii mills OKI SIKH, iliil.. p. 1 17. I'.pitc)kiiii> iViiialci IMIi. Ihli iiHini i.s iiiilini (ditsihi), (Inicnj. .\niiul. Dm^iln'.. ]>. 17'.(. t. .")(',', ."il, till. (■>."), (is. 7(1*. iKpitukuii- inalr.i . . .\i mil IIII.1 fiisrii ( (Kii.sri-.i), .\imul. Dmi. ( 'oii-p., p. '_'l. I'. I'.'. ">(•. ( I'lpitiiktiiis ffiiialc). . Sri-ils iiiiiiiilijitliii II. |{.\IIIKK, Mfilr. la Norwn;.. p. I.'i.'i. pi. 7, f. |;{, i 1. ( Ki>ittikiiiis malr.) IS.VJ. S'lni.s ilnilliiiliilii Sti.mi'siin. Cr.inil Manaii. p. :{:{, f. 2:{. i iipi- tiikmis fciiialc.i ISli.'i. .\irii.y Hiiiiiiniili t^i .\i KKK.\(;i;s, Hisl. Nat. .\m!(l., I, p. .">l'.' - - . Siriis Hiiirnliitiicl.ii (.liwur.Ywiir.ri, iliiil., 1, ]i. oil. Seven larjje speiiiiielis p.irtl> disiiitenrated. were takiu I'lulii the -tuiiiaeli of Sfiinliiiii/i iniiliKii W'alli. at I'e hard liallniur. In t! e |)riilM(sees nl' these -iieei- nieiis tlie j)araniiatlia of \I vary from tlir.c to live, with four as the most fre- (|iieiil nuinlier, these !)eiii>; larjii' in si/.e as is t\i)ical. The iiarajtnatha of I vary from one to four, in llie latter case liein(j arranjied as at the angles of a diamond-shaped area instead of in a liin', as is more usual. The hand aeros-* \ll and \ III with the smaller caudal |)araniialha in all the specimeii> examined ill fewer series than usual. A specimen from I'oit Hiirwell on Hudson sirait is atypical in deiititron, liearinn in eiich area \'I only two iarjie stout teeth con- tinuous with e.'icli other in a transverse line. The minor jiosterior denticles of \'ll ;ind \'11I an comparatively few. This i> a cosmopolitan speiiis widespread in the .\rctic and .\ntarctic oceans and in the .\tiantic and Pacific oceans alon;; tile iMiropeaii, * nerican, and Miiroiiean coast*. I.oi Ai.rni:>. Nort!i\ve>t Territories: Hernard harlumr. Station V2(l . Se))teinlier '.i. l'.U.">. Six s|)ecii,iens from stomach of Sdlnliinis niiihiin Wall.. Northwest Territories: Hernard harbour. Station I Ik. August 21. nU.'i One s|)ecimen from the stomach of a ;50-iiicli Siiln liiiii!< ninlimi Walli. Hudson hay: Northwist Territori's: I'ulli rtoii. Si/iliiin lAi)e<lition September I'.t. litOI. .\. Halkett. Two specimens. Hudson strait: I'nuava: Tort Hurwell. Xiiilmn Kxpedition. IIKK? I. \. llalkett. Two sprcimeiis. one very small, with posterior portion of a third. Hudson strait : I'nuava: Kinn < leorne's sound. Depth, 40 fat homs. Diti.ia l",.xi)edition. S( ptemlier '.I, IS07. Three small spccimeiis. I'olitrhnrtn '•' " OMPIIIOinXE. OnuphiH conchyli'ftu Siir>.. h„lni„ Saks, n.-kr. •>» lakft., |., til, |.|. 10. f, •>,. JNr /,,'.<7./N Okumki.. (In.iiil. Aiimil. P-imIt., p. '.'O. pi. .J. I, if».ii I, inn.,,,,, , hifihh, Cm iiK, rmii. Aim. I,. |>. »:t. is.i:.. .V..r/;„„ ,,., './/<'/" .luHNMoN (Mt. Wur.n- Hnt. .\ u.., P^ U^. IHS-.'. <//w,/,/^-.v h!,,'rh„n„ IIan^K.n, NvI M^tl. I. S'Mni. .M, p. .M.S. I M\irn \. iliw.-l ■I'.rritnrir-: Dolpliiii .■if.l I niuii Mi^it . utl >iap> iimi Lay. 'St:il'i..h IM: -( pl.n.h.r H. I!> |.V 1 ).pll,. .Vt •!() m. t. r- Hotm,,,, himv llitlii will pr''lM - U" :ilU!<'. ... .p,„. ,,„„,,inl .1,,, ,„„-i-liim Hf f..,lN-.wn ..^.^:.■l,t-. .,1 1. Mimlr -.prrrnHn WM. takri, i- M,M in '^ tul..-. It 1-, in.,K nmII, n NVl.lth, .a-Im-'v <-» , ;,.|1 „,.. 'I'lir,.. MKl.Mlit- at. ,|n-..| hy rr.i.ll-l.-l.rowii ., ,|(,|,- rnis- lllf alllfli'.r ImpIiI.t III ■.iniiiihl. I lir tlllx' l- •Klilc.l. !'•• uiinlit" lit' >li' ll^ anil n': iti' "• -'"'"' '" ''"' |s:{.'i. thmlilii- I |H|:{. Otiiililii/' I :{:{ II. I IH.'il. l)i,iliilli<i I piilil' ii .•^tri' fill! lypi tiiitttni :,.,'i.- i' w«ll-i '.vMi Ifurii Ni.r\\:y. I ii.mark. / in lam , IV,vi >tniH .liiiK sni, til. .aMnii n.aM .il Niiitli Ain.rna •..nth „i<i ..' 'hi- Ku iH^aii -uull. Ill tlrcat I'.ritain. In tlir >i.iitliirn ii.ti.H, i I' i* II ftllv lak.n at li.ptii- i.l' «•« ami I- Inw. 1,'Tti. I." I- A .--. V sr.i. i.>: \hm. f I AfBRINFREIDAE. umbrinvr s fraftiUs <>. K. Mull.ii. f •<///,. V O. r. .\li l.l.Kli, ZiMil. i>Mi;iia I'riiilr.. p. -.Mii ri.MNMi.i.i:. Dill. S.i. Nat.. ■'>\. p. I'll- ,r Ul.AlNV IM.K, iliiil.. •". p- •'■'-• . ;,/;.s \i i„u IN ami Mu.m: IIdwakhn. Ann, mi. Nat..'.'s - r,n(//7'v tliti UK. i .1111. Aiiml.. p. I'l. .,/'-,■,„/ ,v KinhiitJ. ( »tv. IS. ;if K. Vft.-Akail. 1 nrli.. f". HL |> "8** ()i, .,. 11, ,- ,..<•,■..> ,> ; L. •„' Miattrial froin Ilml-.n I. ay. aliiiut 1 11 alijiiai with li\< iii'tVi!' .\tl:, I'ir aliui'ti 1 "li'l !■ North AnnTiran' ami tlii' Kiiii.p. an ^hmi -. 1,.,. Ai.Mv Hm! -1 Lay, Kast in iiirlmn.n.l (iulf. .lui.'. \SW- I"- -'•"'>. \ !'• 1-"^^ .ll..t.>f. ■ .••■■riT.l t.i thi- -|)ci'i«s is aimii « th.' ma ,1.1 is IMlmm. I..I1H. iiicln.linn a r.'t:.i!.iat.i: .•ami: I r.(ii.>n ..ii'ic<>isi-.tiiiti.ital.i.ilt f.>rtv-(ivcs.t:!n.lit>. '1 he pn-lniniiiin ~uu\rW rath.r l.ri.a.l.r a.T.i-s hax' than nsiial. .MaxiU;.' 11 Thi- I'.-rm i- ahiimlant in northirn waters, as alxmt ( .ni rian.l. -inil/lii^iin, ^iti.ria, ami I'.iTir,}; sirait. ami .xl. n<!s s,,iiili\varil I.umbrJnereis sp. A sijule specimen nnlv 7 mm. l.mK of "ixfrtain si.n-iis ..H luTV Ar.-ti,' C.umda: Hnli-hin :md rni-.n s.nnt. ..IT p.nnt Station V.ia. S.'ptemSer Hi, l',tl5. Di'pth, ID!) imters,,.m, ^rray mvnl ami pehliies. No algu'. j,., „ ('(iii(u/iii/i Arrltc Kifuilittott, l!tl.1-tS SPiOMDAE. Kplo mimua, ii. np. -n„. ,.n. ^iH. 11... I. ..f thi* f..rin -.•.Mir..! m hIm.iiI jft iniii. I.HiK. Il in lm.a.l.»l ai.l.r . Iv ...H II..' .....(>. «', in fr....t ..f wl.i.h it ih |H.|..t.'.l an.l ." .... ...rr.,w. .•.,,v I., tl... ,...,t..n... .n-l a. t.r.l «,a.l.mll.v a...l ll..., "^ •' •i^: ,^:'':,:::i;;l:;: ra,. n.. ;n, v.,.,..r.a M..,..,.n:.iM )..awa '11... p.. M. .......... pr..t....l.». ii. a ru.m.l.'.l pm.-.,. ......l. a« ... S /i/ , rJ -n..' M.l.-i at.- .ul.p:uall..l ha-k In tl..' l.'V-l ..I ll..' hrM parap...ha . . .wh .' .i...l.'.l an.l at ll..' a..f...M .■.!«.• "t H." s.m,...,I H..|.«.n,... s,....,t- .1 . , . . slm^h tl... .'vs a... I....-...'. Tli.T.. a.v t«.. pa..s ..t .v;.. nliuht !!;">».. M..all.r ......1. ...anr to . ..1. otl.-r tl.a.. tl..- untmors. (>.■.• PI. Ill, "*'■ 'lNrap.Ml... all ..f tl..' «|M..i l-i.a.....u. ly|H-. H-tl. ,...t..| „,..l ,;.,.. L 1.11... th,-....«l.....t l.av.. w..|1-.I..v..|..,hmI p..sts..tal la...-lla. wl...'.. ... « ,. .1 a. ■ l"^^ v.M.i.'ally ..|....^ut.- a...l .; .........I..!. I h.' i..- ...Ih.. ial . V ..■ la .> t..MHl at ll.c witl. th.' l.n....'l..a. It ......a....H at ll..- sa....- in .. .,.,■..,■ ,....>t ..I- tl... l....l> l...t a. tla- puM..,-...,- ...,.l K.r....... «.a. nal .V , os^., t . . all pa,ap...lia .■x.vptinu tl.o las. tvy. pa.,s. II..' i.s. l..a...l..a- . ' 1, .M 1... f. ;inJi..U .'...'s i...'n'a.i..B i.. l.'..Bll. a,..l s...... ut.a,.....« I..' X.. h-v ..nli..aril- .'Xt.'...! ....m- «"■ 1-- ..l.v..,..sly b.-y....;! tl..- .....I.l...'sal n. ',..".• pn'lv h.'avy. A. tl..' p..>t.r,..r .'...1 tl..' .,a.„'l..a- Imv......' . n.l i„ tl..' last f.'w naiis a..' ......'I. «'X'' I<''1 '" !'•"»£"' '""' ••'"■k'"'"'* [;;'";::' "a. 'llal^-h '.^H..- ....'a,.t...... has 1„'.',„.H. .'ir.-.f..r,.. .....I s...,.,- ^L^Au{. .lava..'. Th.. la^ bt-an.'hia- ;"•••"-"'- ' U fj^''^ '""'" fn.i.. th.' la".! an.l an- i.uMvlv sll«hl t.llK'i'.'U'S. (>.<• I 1. HI. tl(J. .«). ( ,lv .'ap la V s.-ta- a.'.^ pfs.-nt i.. llf first s.xt.'.M, <.r s.-v.'., .-.•.. .,f oar.M la 'ri si' -f tl,,- p- 't.-r....' s.-ri.'s an- l,>-..a.l l..l...»l.:.t.- s.-U,. h...- tT' vii.K ps. -H" a..i.'.i..r s...a- an- tin.-r. Tl..- s„p,.n..r .l-.rsals a..' ..f I, h. .■ .''"pil u-v t.p.'. ().. th.- s.'V....t.M'nth parap;..l.a .■n..'l..'ts .uak.- the..- ,™. .. • h ^..•"^.p...lial fas.'i.l.., at first ...... an.l tw.. ... ....... ..'r. a>..l t h.-n i ! :.;,,U t . nin.'. whi.'h s.'..,ns t.. I..' Ha- pn'va,li..|j ...unl-.'r 11..' .•.•...■..• s ,1 ' ulv wi.lth ..v.-r ..f th.-ir l.'..j:tl.. th.- f.v p...t...n ...... h'rat.-ly •- Iv ■ rvi..i -Vt th.- .listal .'...l ..( th.' shaft nar.; ,. a .ath.-r .sU-... .-r , .'k .!..•• hi'l. it,-s i.. tw., t.-.-.h ..f whi.'h th.- ap..'al .s ...n.^. s,..all.'.- .la'.'. Distal .'...l .■-....l.l.-t.-ly slu-ath.-.l th.- sh.'ath ^v..l.;M...tI -Us a.l an.l ,, r in.l. .1 at tl..' .'...1. Shaft st.-....^''v fil..-.llat.-. (S.-.- IM. Ill tni. 4 . T ' . I e...l ..f tl..- 1....1V .'...Is i.. lo..r papilla- -f whi.'h th.- v.'.. ral an- „„„.h st.M.i.'r than th.' .l...sals. .■.'V.'rs.nK th.- .'...nliti...,, .-.B., ... -S. "'-,m/< ihus,,,.. Mi'li.toshi. (S.-c IM. 111. fiH- -'■ ,_ ... -)<! uwi ,,.u..Y \laska: ('..lli..s<.n po...t. Stat...n JT... N'pt.-n. h.-r 20, n» • • - I'.-lHui,' ..I.-U'V .-. in.'l..'s ,.f i.'.. ..v.-r 1 f.M.t ..f wat.-r. l.aKo.... at (■..lh..s..n p...nt. ' ""■ Sis sl^i-'^ .•.-s.....l,l.-s N. fiUcrni. (O. F. MulUr). It .liff.-rs i,, tlu; .hara.'tor of inr' .... In >.hI hran.'hiu- in tlu-,-ri..r n-p...... th.- K-vat n-. ...-t.-.n ..f lu- .r i ■ 1 th.' oU.nKat.-, .'irrifor.n ..r s..l..'irr.forn. .haracl.-r „f th.- lanu- la V'h, I'l'tinc <nnsi,i™ou-lv with tli.- cmiditi.m in hbronns. m which th.- ;;L,'h.::^ n:™^^a th.^a,noUa> an- n t thus n.o.lifi.-.l. The cn.rhcts first appoar farth.-r .'au.l.'i.l than in Jilicornis. otr. Vtiltlfhiutn Scolvcolvpides arctluk, n <■;>(. No. ;iti 17 It .l>. \iitiiil:i Mniiilliil N... M. Mn>. .\ril>' illii, Hllaw; ( iilli|i. /.mil., Nil, I M wiillll i.t' I 7 liilti. Il rolisistH of III.' I">«lv IS ll:iii'"''l liui-i.-viiiinilly l':iru»,v|M-i, ViiK.iiii M.iiM.iial Mu-tuni •>iltl iiii'l .M'.O. I'.Hir r.|M-.inMiis •flic l,v|>' 1^ iilxHil -M mm. I<>ii«, wH alM.iit M'V.' ,.imiTnii« M«m.nt-. "•"' !n!;";r' :Mmm''."i-«. I-"-' '••■'""•' -"' '■•'-'• •";:' '"""■?":'"/'::::■ .. . ,lv il ..•■i.Ih.s t.. 111.' - imI vliu.Muu.'. I. .111 .'>.•- ;;;;:;:::;: p.. '.•,;; X- '. ."-'..„. .. ... /.. -'..- .,..«.... r ■•... iii'iilcr I" <'iicli itlli"! tliHii 111'- |ici^it'ni>i- m»i<'!ii 1 i.t it.c iwci"' Till' apiMi.- ^l^::::z':^:^Xt.:^:^ATX^.^ :;.... ..,,.1, .,......• 1....... "" ,' V ..„;„.,„, tl.,ll,ll...l li..«l».-t;.t in... ul W lirll 1 1... Ilul..| ™ ' ' .^^ ti..m., i .,:..ruw...- v...,..m11v :„... :.. ....■ >■.....; ...m' liml..r (I'l. II! (.a.nliil ...uio..- Uraiicliiii. ;».r |).( -^t...! 'Ill lire f...<. ..""" .'"' i."'"'l':'l '"'" I (.\..«.i.'i.iti ill llirir l>;i-(->. <'vli.Hli-i..i.l iiml , . , vv„ (1, .,f 11... M.m ii. M..1I ........Hi :i... m'.i.iw piiL.t...! ivuian s,.;u.,...|.\ nu. Mirm ..f m..l..l..s\.s ..ML.' t.^t-- '-' 'L" ."-'-'^'' "'■'"•"^^'- ' "" t,.|i,i.. rfu.n.. vvI.mHv I'll... ti'i... 1.1a. ....Ul'. 'I'Ik. M.t;i' il. Loll. .inl,ip,i,l...t li..iirop.i,l,a ill two stiit's, an ai.1|..'ior I , ,,. 1 'rl... s.i.H..ior .loi'-al s..|a. an- i........ i'."i'' <'lo.i!:au- uiai , in- .,.-.., V ;,rd i.-s .. ' V ■=! .I-U...P0.I...... -If .1... ...i.iai.' a,..l p.^.i-.o,. n.«,oa., il :.-.. is also alu,.,...spo,.....,. .lo.sal .M....opo, «n.,.p o ^^^^^^\: ^i!::'^-:.^::;r.:;r:r';,:;''-:ii';.ii;:;.;r;:r\i^ a,„l li,'.,.l'.ll. TlM. I,„.i.l...l ivpoi, ...ilorlcss, mon. o,- . i.m- ^.'uft in pai-t stron^lv fil-iillato. iS,... I'i. IV fill. 1 '• \iniss.irn>ilti'l'''l will. iiiii"i<'i""s ^l"'"' 1>:>I"":''- . , , , i ... ,i.v. Alaska: ( •olli..s.m pom. S.a....... -i.-. ^'P -' ' „,,„. ^„„. Mr«.irs lu.l.l-not.- tl.''s<" spc.'.m....s stat.-s t at tl... w. n, ^ PhS^ m . .r 5 . n'lU of i... ov!.,- l' foo. of wa...r i., kuoo,. a. ( "'";;'-■."- Vhsk- at Colliiiso.. Stat..m -In > ;. 1>, ..Ml. ;.U .^ in..he. <.f i|... ov... » f.vt ..f wat..,.." Two ant.-no.- t.-a.m....t>. •2(1, i'.u:{. Tliis mM'..fs, so far iis apiM'ars fiom MiUts ... oiim 'i *,-„. <,i co„p,;;'hc with tt... latter, tl..- .„.ly otl... k^.wn ^<=f'=-^>i:^yJ^':J''''-yt S. henkami xnus taken by Prof. U..'nl.a.n at Moi-raki. N.uth New /< ..Lm-i 'Abh. K. Ci'^ Wisi. (1 .ttinu™. Miitl, -pliy-^ Kl , n t 71927-2 IDUT .1. !>■> I u. 1-4- Anaspio, n. fjiii. I'nistoiuiuin witliout (■(irtiii;i. rouiidi'd Miilcridrly ami pvolonjicil cMiidail; witlioiil iiii.'lKil .■inns. In (iciK.t yi)c on.' pair <>l" csfs. Hraiicliia- m nciiotyiM- Iwu pairs, on lliird and f<)\litli s.nuitcs, wlioliy free from the parapudial lamella-. I'araijodia all I'rcr from cadi otlicr, none of the nciiropodia hcmu conncclcd hv a nuMuhram'; no intrrparapodial i)ouclics. Antirior parapi>dia l.i'armti only (••'ipillarv M'ta' Ho<idcil rn.clicts appearinsr in ncuropodia caiidad hut noto|)odia ivmaininn with oldy capillary s.lav Crochets with Leak hifid ami lacking; apical tooth. (•.(■not vpc. .1. Ikii-i IIS. n. sp. ... , , (■ioM''to Sinoiiiilis l)ui wholly lacking the charactcristn' lateral pouches of the latter ami the nm-hal lirnis. The crochets seem to he ol di-tiiiclive form. Anaspio boreus, n. sj). ■t'i^e^^.:,:: ^^^L I'liliirliiiilii M) B the iiotdpiiiliul laiiii'lhi- aliuvc lln' tips of which they ilo n<it rise mihI liy which llicy MIC liil'licly cniiccalcil. As Usual, only capillary seta' arc t'oiind in lioth liraiichcs of ihi' anicrior parapodia. In liotli notopodia ami nciiidpodia ihcy ari' very lunni'rous and arc arraii);c(l in the usual two scries. ('idchcts (irsi ajjpcar on or near the eleventh parapodia, one or two in eacli, incri'asint; in nnndicr caiidad. 'Die ordinary capillary seta' arc characterized \>\ licinu <lenscly and coaisely punc- tate, the punctae in part eloniiate or in form of short lines. 'I'lic ciochcts are hooded, the memliraiious shields somewhat clavately wideniiii; distad and cxtcmlint; c(iniplclcly over the head. The head is larsie and extends at ridht angles to the axis of the adjacent part of the shaft; it lacks an apical ilenti<'le and the process is cleft somewhat like the lieak of a hird. (See I'l. I\'. fi^;, I.) Locality. l'nfort\nialely the locality laliel with the type, after its sepaia- tion, was <lisplaced. There seems little <loulit. however, that it was from CollinsoM point. .Maska, |)rolialily from Station I'Tn. I,.\l(\ \l. Si'KlMl) .\. Two laiva' of this form weie secured in plankton .imonfi the more numerous plnllodocid \-Ar\ir i I'linniiiilis sp.). These a ic Neiiiie-liki' forms. The prosto- niium is anteriorly iiointeil. the point less prolonjicd and h'ss acute than in i(>rres|)oi'dint: slaijes of .V( /■/»( cirrdtiiliis. Two pairs of eyes are present. I'alpi well-developed, thick. In one specimen twenty scli^eious seirments are present. The development of the parapodial lamella' has profjicssed coiisideralily. the jjostsetal notopodial lamella' on the anterior segments showing already a distal cloiifialion. Capillary seta' alone are present on the first thirteen pairs of par.a- podi.i. On the fourteenth hooded crochets appear in the neinopodia and coii- liiuie to the last, the maximum nund)er attained lieinK three. (See pi. IV, fijt. ().) No crochets were detected in any of th<' notopodia. I.eniith 1 ."> nun. The general form and structure of the specimen is shown in PI. I\', lif;. ."). The second specimen is of nearly the same lenp;th, hut is proporlioiialely more slender and presents twenty-four oi- twenty-five setifierous setcments. It i^ othci'wise similar in irencral form and sInn 1 (U'c to the other specimen. I.oiAT.n V. .M.aska: (leant ley harl-iir. Station 2()(/. .luly :{l». MUo Smface. I.AKV.M. Mlo.VII) H. ^\'itll the field notes made liy the maiine zoologist of the ex|)e(lition (.Mr. .lohansen) are two sketches of larva- which are obviously spionids. Specimens of these forms, howex'er, were not in the matciial suhmilled for study, so that \:irious desirable details cannot he asceitained with reference to them. ((() The lirsl sketch reprc^ents a s|)ionid, noted as less than I nun. in leiifiih. in whi( h lartli anterior and prcanal ciliary riiifis are presi'Ut. There are Ininleeii selif^cidis sejiinciils. 'I'he p.-ilpi are, distally I'oun led I'ljiaiis and |)rojcct caudocctad. .\cross the anterior end of the prostomium aic shown eijiht eyes, of wliii h three on each side form a triamiular uroup. The pKistoniium is .•uilciiorlx- slij^htly indented, not at all pointed. .\i,i r\. Dolphin and I'nion strait lot'f Hei'iiard harlioin-i. Station IDc. .lune 7, I'.ll,"). I'clasiic. Ice t> feet, over '.» feel of water. (/)) The second sketch is of an ajipaivntly older larva alioiit 2 mm. lonj;. It is similar in jii'neral ai)pearance to the pn'ceclinj:. Nineteen setit;crous somites' are icpresented. Hotli anterior and prcanal ciliary hainls represented as still ]>resciil. I'rostomiiuu and palpi similar to those of (i/i. Only four c\i's, two of each outer tiroup of the iircccdintr form hein^ ah.sent. The sk<'lili also )('|)re.s('nls the eyes as farther caudad than in the other form, licini: shown, in fact, as just tiehiml the ciliaiy hand insteail of in front of it. I.oc.M.Vrv. .Maska: olT -Martin point. Station :V_'c. .July :{l), I'.il t. k T1W7-2! m mm iS^«P(»Mi'l 20 H ('(iKitiliiin Airtir Kxiudiliiin, l!>l.l-IS CIRRATl LIDAE. Clrratulus cirratus (O. V. Miillpr). 177t). Liinibrinis rirnttits (). V. Mfi.i.Kii. Zool. Datiica Prodr., p. 21 \. IS'2."). Cirrotiihis fiiscrsccH^ .Ioiinston, Kdiiih. I'liilos. Joiirii., i:i. p. 2I'.>. . Cirr(itiihis'll(iri.<cinx .Ioiinston, ibid., p. 21'.t. 1S2S. Cirmtiihis'hornilis lii. vinvili.k. Diet. Sci. Nut., .")7 p. KM). 1833, Cirnitulii.i miilumc .Ioiinston, Man. Nat. Ui>l., li. i). 12t, fig. V.\. 1844. Ciniitulux mKln'<(i \V. 'l"iio.\n-soN. .Vim. Nat. Hist., VA. p. 4S7. 18r)7. ('irr(ituhi.i cinntus Kokkn, Nyt. Man. t. Natiiivid.. II. p. ill. 18.')S. Cirrnhiliis hon-ili.s ( lluilK. .\rcm. Sav. Etiaiifj. St. Peters!.., .S, p. 1.). Tlie one small s))('eimen of Cirntlnhix in tlie eDlleetioii is apiiareiitly tliis species. It is a small si)eeiiiieii measuring not iiiDve than 1.') mm. in lennlli. It lacks all inaiichiu- at ptcseiit ; l.ilt the scars show a nniiip of .seven special hrancliiu' on each side of the first setineious segment to have lieeii present. The eye liaiids are consi)icn(>ns and of the typical form. The specimen at present is dark lnown. This is a widely distrilmteil species known from Sc.indmavia, I'lnmark, (Ireeiiland. Lr'-iador, Siberia, and Merinn sea, and from southward in the .\tlaiitic to tlie coasts of the I'nited States and Cireat Britain. Loc.M.iTY.- Northwest Territories: Bernard harhotir, outer part. Station 41. ,lnly 20, 191",. I)ei)th, .i .'> fathoms. Bottom, sandy mud uith aljia'. OPHELIIDAE. Travisia forbesii .lolmston. 184(t. Trnri.-'in FoWfcs// .Ioiinston, .Viie Nat. Hist., 4, p. 'M.i, pi. H, f- H IS. 1S4;V Aiinnolriiixuw <h stroiila H. K.\riiKE, Nova Acta Acad. I.eop. Car. '_0, p. llt2', pi. 10, f. '.» l'.>. , 184:5. ()i)h<liii mnmmilata Okustkd, .\nniil. Dorsihr., ))..");}, pi. S, t. KM. U-, 114, 111) 120. .V form raiininn from (treat Britain northward to Scandinavia, Spitzhernfn, Iceland, and <^i enlaiul, and from there .southward to New Eufiland. Locality. Northw(>st Territories: Bathurst inlet. Banks peninsula. May 18, lOKi. Station 48/,. Numerous si)ecimens taken from the stomachs of two female individuals (,f tomcod. .l//Vm/(w/u.s proxiimix (Jill, respectively 14 and l.T..') inches in length, e )llected by li. M. .Vndi'is ,n. ARENICOLIDAE. Arenicola marina il.inne). 1758. l.uinl)ri(-H!i iiiarinus \ass{:, Nat., ed. 10, I, p. t)48. 177,"). LiimliricuK liltonili^ Ol.vfskn' and Pox i.i.skn, Reisc (lurch Island, 2 1). 478, pi. ."), f. 8. 1780. I.iDiihrinis p(iiiiUiisu.'< l''.\iuii( us. Fauna (Inenland., p. 270. 1788. Xini.i lumhricoidci, Xova Acta Acad. Petroj)., 2, p. 233, pi. .5, f. 8. 1801. Annicdld jilsnildnun L.\.mau< k, Syst. Anim. sans Vert., p. 324. 1802. .4n7(/cii((i curbonarin Bosc, Hist. Nat. Vers. I, p. 101, pi. ti, f. 3. ISlti. Avfuif'.ila tiurtorif! Lka'TI. Kncycl. Brit,, Supi>l, to ed. 4 4), I. ]). 4.")2. 1817. Art'tili-dld rinrnta Ran/am, Opusc. Sc, 2. j). 110, pi. 4. 18.J4. Arenicoln mital'--' (iiKAud, Proc. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist., .'), p. 88. I'll! Ill IkuUi 21 H isr>3. CliiiiKiitdf.^ sidiihiinn I'hAVAHkm), Hcohaclit. AriMt \\iil> u :{ii i,l i -, fin. 24 27. •■ 1 ■ . I ■ • . ]8K4. Aniiifolii (jldciiilis -Ml UDucii, I'roc. U.S. Nat. .Mil-., 7, p. ,')22. Tliis. the coiiimoii lujiwiirm, is primarily a iimtli .Vllaiilic and .Victir form occnrriiifi at Spit/liciucii. Kara sea, about ici'iand and < licridaiid. ami sDiuJi- ward on the Noitii .\inciicari coast to New Kiinlaud and on tlir Iviiop-an to (M-oat Hritain and I'oitiisial. It also occurs ratiicr nii-cly in tlic .\[rdil("i rancan. \ specimen collected by .Midilendoif in eastern Sibi'iia and idenlitied by ( Irubc (IS.'iJ) as A. i)i''ciit(in(iii, is witli little d()u!)t the pi-e~eiit spi'cies. wliic'ji seems thus to have a ciicumpiilar distribution. It is supplanted in the north I'aeilic by A. piisllla (^iiatrelajiivs. It is somewhat doubirully record"d from Chile, the .Mar(iUi'sas, etc., in the southern Pacific. l.ocAi.iTv. Xorthwot Territorii's: Heriianl hariiour. Station \'.\l, .inue 17, l!M(i. .\ >in^de specimen of the >pei-ies was taken I'rom ihe -tomach of ;in S ■ 7.'> in(he>l<ui(i sculpin. Ciiltus sp.. caujiht in .aiiont 2 fathom- of w.-iter. flabei,lk;erid.vf.. Flabelljgera aflfinis Sarsi. 1n2!>. Fliiliilliiicra iiffi,il.<< S.viis. HidraK til .^oedyr. Xat., I, j). Ml, p|. :;, f. Hi ls;5!t. ('Iilonidna Kilinirdxii 1)t.i.\udi\, .\nn. S('i. Xat., ser. 2 II n ''SS ol 7 f. I-,-). . 1 . - . . I 1. ,, 1540. Sijihiinostiiniiiin pupillosum (liuiii':, Aotin. Kchin. u. Win-m.. p. (iS. 1541. SiplioiuistoiN,! (llidiH-hiiilos Dklle ('iii.\.(k, DoscriK., 3, j). 77, p|. <)!), f S 1S4:{. SiphonnxloniHin vnijinifo-iim H. K.\ti{kk, Nova Acta Acad, l-col) -('arol 20, p. 211, pi. U.f. :5-l(). ' ' . >'''/'Ao//(W(;w(/ L>(/jon/)/u ()iATitF.K.\(iK.s. Ann. Sci. Xat., ser ;5 l-> d •>S'> pi. it, f. 1 <), ' "' ' \x\\). ChloriHiiHi nordiihiiii (iiATitKF.vciKs, Ann. Sci. Nat. -er 'A r> o -'S'l 1)1. !t, f. 10. ■ - I — • ■ ' IW}. Siphonos'iiiiKi ijilitlhiom Dalvkli., Pow. Creat., 2, p. 2.">(;. j)l. is. f. Ill 12. ,." '^'<<'liii'illfi fl'iiri'lc Stimi'son, luverteb. Cirand .Man;m, ]k ;!2. :i, f. 21." ]S(j.->. SiplHiiiosloniii Ktii-iiKilii .JoM.NsTox, ( 'at. Annel. Hrit. Mus.. p. 22;} and";{ 44. lSlj7. Fl(d}tlli(i(rii iiJUin's Mai.Mokkn. .Viuuil. Polycluet., p. So. 1S7:}. Cldoroi iiiin/i iiilliicidiiiii Sahs, Xyi .Matt- f- Xaturvid., l!t. ]). 2.'i2. -Many larfie" specimens of this sjjecies wer.' secured. It is a form common on the shores ol (Ireenland and is known to occur as well at Iceland. Spitzber-ei Scandmavia. Finmark .■ind Herinn sea, an<l southward .alonji t!ie c(i,im~ of Xorth America to the nortliern shores of the Ciiited States and along tlie I'uro- jteaii -hore to Ireland. l.o. ALlTlKs. XorthwisI .-rritorie-: Hiriiaid harbour, Station II. .Iiilv 2(1. I'.il.-). I)(iith, about 10 -neiers. Ten >i)ecimens taken on a saiidv bcitum amoi.n' Ijiiiiiiiiinii. Northwest T( riitnries : Hirnard harbour. Station 12'. Septembi r :; l!'l.") Several -])ecimi lis taken from the .-loinach of a iaifie I'emale bcMr.leil ~eaV r.niiiiiilliiis luirhdiiis (KrxMnii}. ' ' Northwest Territories : Doliihiii and Tnion st rait : < 'oekburn p lint Statioi. ;}-e. October;}, 1<.»I4. Many siteciniens W(i-e takm at this station from the stomach of a male Kn'ynidfnis bn/bulux (Krxlebdii, 7;{ inches loiifr. Northwest Territories : Bernard harbour, outiT jiart. Station 41/'. Au}riisf 1. 191,"). Depth, about o meters. Hottoiu, sandy mud with stones .•iiid brown aliiic. dne small specimen ( Is mm. loiift.) A colored sketch of tlii- si)ecimen made in the held by Mr. ,Iohan.s<n shows that in lif.' tlie colons were es.sentiallv typical, the green branchiip, etc., b( ing prominent. 22 1. C'lindilitin Arrtic Kxpiiiiliiiii. ll>hi-lS Brada villosa iHutlikc). |St:{. Sii>h(uiiist<n>i<i illlii.yiuii H. Katiiki:. Novii Acta Acail. l,(M)]),-(';(r., 2(t, p. 21.">, 1)1. 11, f. ii 1111(1 12. 1858. Siithiniosliiiiiiiiii (///o.s/i//; (Iiuhk. .Mem. sav. rtraiin. St. I'ctcisl)., S, p. "(i. 18()"i. I'hrnisii iilli)S(i (jr\TUi:i'A<;Ks, Aiinci., 1, ]>. IS:5. |S((7. Hniilii rilliisn Mai.\I(;kk\, .Viiiuil. I'niyclia't .. p. St. 1882. Tri>i>liinii(i (irctirii IIwskn. N'oiw. North Allantir Mxind., .Xniicl., ]>. ;$!), pi. 7. f. 17 20. I,o( Ai.nv. Xorthwot 'rcrrilDiics; Mcniard hait>i>ur, outer ])art. Station 41. July 20. 1!M."). Two spcciniriis from a ilt])tli of 3 •") fathoms on liottom of sanil.\' mud with alfja-. MALDAMDAE. Paraxiothea catenata (Malmunn) 18t)o. mr.i. utoo. Ajn'othco ciitoiiitii Mai.m(ikk.\. Ofvcrs Svcnsk. \'ci. Akail. Korli., j). Chjinoif ciili'iKitii Lkvi.nskn, Viil. .MciUU'l. nat. Forcn. Kjohcnh.. p. ('h/in<ii(llii (A.rlt>lh(ll<n c(tt()iiiUi Vkukili,, Trans. Conn. .Vcad. .Vrts Sci., 10. p. 0.')7. HI07. Axii>thiU(i aitiiKitii .Vuvidsso.n, Zool. Jahrh. Suiipl., !t. p. 20!t i>l f. UK) 170, 1)1. 0, f. :<08 ;5ll. This is csscutialls' a purely aretie species, the more southern record.- those about Scotland, heiiift apparently due to misidentification. It lii circumpolar distrihution, having been previously recorded from White Spitzbernen. Creenland, Siberia, and Herinn strait. In the material of present collection is a fragment consisting oi Or ten .segments, i.s 07 nun. long, with a maximum diameter of 4'.", .m... Locality. -I'ngava: Port Mnrwell. XiplitiK' Kxpe. .lion, 1!I03. 190. MS. and s as IS a sea, the It TEREBELLIDAE. Amphitrite cirrata Miiller. 177t). Amphilritr rirrcitii O. F. Mi'LLEK, Zool. Daiiica I'rodr., n. 2til7. 1788. Trnlxlld cinntn Cmklix, Linn. Syst. Nat., I. 180;i. Sahflla cirrata Montacu, Test. Hrit., p. ")")(). One specimen of this species is in the collection. .\ species wide; in boreal and arctic regions of the Atlantic ocean and its branches and r: to the Mediterranean. It is common about Iceland and along the sh( (Ireenlaud from where it extends southward along the >s'orth American Winn doubtfully refers a specimen from the Bering strait to tlii> specie Locality. I'ngava: Port Hurwell. XijiIkiic i'^xpedition. WHYS Hulkett, collector. Nicolea venustula i. Montagu). spread mging ires of coast. L A. 1818. TtrdxHii niiiiMnUt MiixTAcr, Trans. Linn. Soc. London. 12, p. :{44. pi. i:l f. 2. 1S44. TcnMla zasii-ririila Okkstkd, De Reg. Marin., p. ()8. 1849. Ttrihilla iKirnihi Lkickakt, .\rchiv Naturg.. 1"), pt. I, p. 177. ISH'). Xiroica urctlai MALM(iitK.\, Ofvers. af K. Vet. .Vkad. lorh., p. 381, pi. 24, f. t)() tiOl), 07 ti7(\ Locality. Northwest 'I'lrritories: l^ernard ii.irbinir, outer ;i:irt Station 4i. Julv 20, 101."). Depth, 10 meters. Hottom, sandy mud with Laiiiinaria. One broken specimen. l'oliirli<i(tn 2:{ H Well kiiDWii from the Arctic and N'ortii Atlantic, and occiirriiin as far south as the Mediterranean sea. On the American side it lias heeii i)revii)ii.sly recor<h'd from (irecnhind and Davis strait. I.ahrador, New Mnjjland, and liering sea. Thelepus cincinnatus ( Kahricins). I7S(). Aiiiiihilrili ciiiriniKifiis I'".MiiU( n s, Fauna <lroeiii., ]). '2S(i. ISl". Td'thrUit rliin'iniitlii Savkiw, Syst. Anneh ISIS. Snhrlla Cdiii-hilifiii .\r()NTA<it', Trans, l.iiin. Soc. I.onii. 12. 1S2(>. Trnlxllii hilni i{, Hist. Xal. Kur. .Merid., \ 1SJ7. Tirdidld iNiuiillil'i. 1'kkv and I.KrcKMtr. Heitr. Wirii. Thiere, j). {."il. ISHt. Tluhjiiis lUriiiiKiuin I,ki( K.\Kr, .\rchiv. Natuifi., 1.'). i)t. I, p. Itiit. 1S.')I{. l.iiiiiiird Jliini Sri.Mi'soN, Afarine Invertei). (Irand Manan, p. 'M). IStiO. Ti'-cIh'II<i piisliiliisii (luiHK, Archiv. Natur^., 2(1, pt. 1, p. 1(10. ISO'). Tlnl(iiiin tirciiiiialiis M.\LM(;iiK\, (■)fvers. vet. .\kai|. I'orh., i). HSi, pL 22, f. r,H. . Vciiiixin punrtatii .Joiinstox, Cat. Annel. Urit. .Mus. . Hitcrojihi/Ki'lin vitiviiiiiald (ir.\TUKKA(;Ks, Hist. .Vniiel., 2, p. :5S7. . Plunaciii l( r(h(lli)iihs (^lATUKKAiiKs, op. cit., p. '.',7'). . I'hennrid pulrhdld I'AiiKlTT. 1809. I'Iniidcid diiihi<jr<iild ('i..\i'.\iik',v.. .\niiel. (lolfe \ai)les, p. K)2, \>\. IS, f. (i. . I'hcudrid irtrigrddd ( 'LAi'i:Kt:i>i;. iliid.. ]). UY.i. p\. IS, f. 7. 1871. TldhiMildjiKis Jldfd Sahs, \'ideiisi<. Selsk. l''orii. 1!)()2. Thclcjiits dntdirticiis WilJ.KV, I'oiyidia't. Voyajie of Sodtlirni Crdss. Locality. Hudson strait I'nKava: King (leortje's sound. Seijtendier ',), 1807. Didiid V.\]n'd'\t'um. Low and Wakcham. One specimen in poor con- dition, with tuhe. A species of e.\cecdin(j;ly wide distribution, occurring in the .\ntarctic as well a.s the Arctic region, where it is aliundant, and also found in both the Atlantic and Pacific oceans, i)roi)al)ly more or less continuously between the two jiolar region.*. Terebellides stroemi Sars. 18:5.'). Tetrbellkhs Stioimi Saks, licskriv. og Likttag., p. IS, j)!, V.i. f. ;{la d. 1840. Corcphdnis i'lcfjaiifi (iiUHK, .\rcliiv. N'aturg., 12, I. 18.');}. TtriMId pirtrn Dalvkll, I'ow. (Ireat.. 2, ]). 208. i)l. 20. f. It. 1874. Tcirbvllidis (jracllis ^L\LM(;iiE.\, (loteborg. K. Vetensk. och\ltterh. Hiindl., ny tid.sf., 14. Localities. — North of Alaska: Station 2:} (latitude 70° 24' N.. longitude 101° 25' W). August 1!), 1!U:L Depth •» to 10 fathoms. ( Iray mud wUh j)ebbles; no alga'. .Alaska; Collinson jjoint. Station 27.s. October A, KtHL Depth, 3 fathoms. Bottom, mud with ])ebbles. Two s))ecimens which seem fully to <'onform to this sjjecies. It is a wide- spread ami commonly abundant sjiecies in Arctic iind northern waters, and e.\tends southward in the .\tlantic to the Mediterranean (pii the eastern and to southern New Lnglaiid on the western coast and in the Pacific to .lapan. AMPHARETIDAE. Samytha sexcirrata (Sars). 18.")(i. Sdfwllidrf: sc.rrirrntd Saus, Fauna litt. Norvegia:', 2, ]i. 23. 180.J. Samijthd scjicirrdUi AL\lm(;ke\, Ofvers. k. vet. .\kid. F'tirh.. p. 370, pi. 20, f. 49 4UD. Locality.- Isorth of Alaska. Staticm 23. (Latitude 70° 24' N.. longitude Mi1°2.VW.) August 19. 1913. Depth 9 to 10 fathoms. (Iray mud with pebbles; no alga?. 2 J It Ciiudiliiiii Airllc Exi)i(liti,,ii. t'JUi-IH ()nc ^iHriiiirn of typiciil .■.Inicttiiv. Scmts sIk.w ilic iiuiniid llinc jiiiirs of l.raiichui' t(. havf hccii pnMiit iii tun s.pMnitnl groups; hiil onlv on.. Krandiia rcniiinis in placi' on the sjiciiim ii at |)rf.-(nt. is a piiniariiy Arrtic .sp.<i(> of j.roKaMv ciniinipolar .li-triliiiii(.n. It was previously known Iroin the waters of SwciUn, Siiit/licmin (ircrnl-m.l Davis strait, Lahrador, and New KiiKland. Ampharete johanseni, n. >p. TyiH' spcrini,.)!. CMt. No. :;(», Vi.loria Mcni.uial Miismni. Ottawa J'aratypc, .Mils, Coinp. Zool., No. 2I!»:{. Two ->pr<ini.Miv 'l"li,s s|)e(i.> >,.|.ni-. generally to \,v rcadilv recomiizaMc from the eliaraeter- istns rl the liraiieiua'. The hranchia' of the two i;roii])s are oni\ verv narrowiv separated at the niKhlii' line and the two mesa! ones are eoiine'et,,! ;it l.asc hv a rather hi^h niemlaaiie. The (irsi . >< ,dnd, and fourth hraliehia' on ea<h <i.l'e eountini: Inun the most eetal, are in a transverse line and are of the sam.' neneral si/e; liut the third is erowded oflcn ;, Ijttj,. of th other- and is .•harai- teristleally niu.h sinalliM- in size, though varvinc eoiishleraMv in the amount of Its reduetion. The i)alea' iiumher typically from nine to twelve on (••■ich side. Sleiiderlv attenuate<l to a line tip, hut the latter not at all ahrui)tlv >et olT. (See I'l. V, fi^ I ") There are thirteen setinerous thoracic somites, the seta^ narrowiv limhate and hnely tipiied as usual. The uiicini have onlv four leetli in each .seri-s the plate as a whoh^ sulMpia. irate, witii the ahdeiitaledne eveiilv curved not shoul- dered or annulate. (See ))1. \'. fijr. 2.) First al.doniinal iiiicini}r,.,ous tori large, with edp-^ rounded, the others progressively reduced in sioinj"; caiidad. No cirri were detected on anv of them. 1 he tyi)e is ID mm. \n\\^. A second sjieciiiien, Avhich is iiic<miplete caudaliv IS considerably liroader. ' ' LiKAi-iTV. Alaska: otT Collinsoii jjoint. .Station iT.v. (Ictoher :\ 1<U:{ De])th, ;5 fathoms. I{ott(un. mud and gravel, with alga'. The tuiies are com))osed of firains of sand adhering to a toiii;h iiniiiL' mem- hraiie. Ampharete reducta, n. sp. Type specimen.— Cat. No. K). Victoria Memorial .Museum Ottawa Paratyjie, Mus. Comi). Zoul., No. 2I!t2. Two specimens. A species somewhat siiUKestiiiK .{.mrtini in the form of the i)alea'- l.ut the tips are much more elonnat.' and less ahruptlv >et off, not shortlv mucroiiate (See 1 1. \ , fijr. ;5.^ Also the i);ilea- are only half or le>s ;is numerous'as in arctiai the iiuinl)er in each jirou)) l.eiiifi five or six. The palea^ are ohviouslv coarser than in joliiniKrni. The hranchia' have the ordin.ary neniial arranu'emeiit, hut with theei-tal (m.. ol each fmnip caudad of the Keneral line, in Mie Ivpe h.mjr ;dmoM'd <tt the adjacent one. The usual fourteen pairs (,f fascaia" of (■a|)illar\- thoiacii' -eta' 'I'lie^c <efe limhate and finely tipped, as >hown in I'l. V. tin. .">. The uncini are of the same fjeiieral tvjte as in ji,l„nis, tii : hut ihev are .smaMer and tluae are hve teeth in each series in phuv of lour and the end'awav from which tlu^ teeth are directed is less rounded, heiiifr slinhtlv indented as iii oidu-(! hut without so distinct an angle or shoulder as in the latter (See nl V fifr. 1.) • 1 • ) Length, 20 mm. Locality.- -.Maska : ofT Colliiison point. Station 27,v. Octoher :{ l<)ri Depth, 3 fathoms. Hottom, mud and gravel with alga . > • • • Found with specimens of johnnsuii. Tlie tiihes of tiie two species -ire -dike m structure and ajipearaiice. I'lihirhittiii •-'.) II Atnpharvttf eupaleu. n. >.p. TyiM' spi'ciiiicri. (lit. Nd. HI, Mctoiin Miinuiial .Miimiiiii, Ott^iwii. ( MiC S|H'l'illlCll. Tlir liniiicliiii' ;irf hrtir jiiul ((imil. 'I'hcy fiiriii :i ((intiiiiKiu- -iriiinlil line aiToss the ilorsuni, tlic two iihsmI (Hks in cuiitiict. IcnviiiK iiu iiKliratluii of tin llilltus Ix'twi'di tlic two nidUJis. Till' pull!!' on ciicli side ail' arranged in a -Inmnlv ciirvril >cii.~ loiinint; al)oiit two-thirds of llir linninlVrciHT of a rirclc. In tlic type they nunil>fi- twenty-two or twenty-three in each series. The ))aleM' at the' ini sal end of tiie -ilies on the ilor al side of the eurve ;,-e niiU'li redileed in si/e. Kaeh paha i^ aentely pointed di-tally, the tip not t.uly niueronale, thoiiLdi with a -lijilit tendeiiey toward that condition. The tip is curved Keiitlv toward tji,. ccnire of the circle lilniled li.\ the series. (See I'|. \'. lii;. {t.\ The thoracic notopodial seta' narrowly linil.ate and finely tipped as u-iial. The iincini of the type are ol.vioii>|y than I lio-e of the two preceduiij; species. There are live teeth in each series, pjate ~liir|itl.\ indented at the iii.l, the corners rounded. (.•<(•<■ |'|. \\ fiji. 7.) Tiie ty|)e is iiicoinpletc einliracinti only the anterior region of the thorax ten setijieroiis somites hein;-: present. The diameter is :i mm. F.ocAi.iTV. North of .Mask.a. Station 2H, (Latitude 711" L' T .\.. lonirltude, l(jr2.")' W.l .Vn^ust l!>, n»i;{ Depth, !» 10 fathoms. I^ittom. mud with IH'hhles, no alfjir. One s])ecime... AMPHICTEMDAE. Cistenides granulata il.inne). 17ti7. Siihilld tjraniiUitd I.iwi-',, Syst. Xat., ed. 12, .'., p. 12(i,S. 17S(). Aiiijiliitritc (lurlcumii F.\hiu(1i s, I'aun.a ( Irocnl.'iiidica, j). 2.S!I. IHV.i. Aiiiiililtritr (scilclill JJ.vriiKi;, Nova .\ct;i .\cad. l.eop.-( ',ir., '_'(). ]). 2I!». 18.")1. I'lclindriii (jrci )il<iii(licii (iitinK, I'"am. .\iinel., )>. <s2, i:{S. A s])ecies of circumi)olar distrilnition. l.oiAI.lTIK.s. Northwest Territories: Heritard harhour, outer jiart. Station 41. .lul.v 20, I'.tl."). I)ei)th. alx.ut 10 meters. Mottom. sandy mud with /.^/w- iiiaria. Two s|)ecimens with t lilies. -Northwest Territories: Hernard harbour, outer jiart . St.ition tic. .Iul\- 2S, lOl.'i. Deiith, :5 S fathoms. Bottom, mud wit h alti:i'. Northwest Territories: Bernard harlioiir. St.ation -lit. ,lune 27, l!t|t>. .\ hroken tuhc from '' • stomach of :i I'acilic eider, Snimiti ri<i i-iiiiirn (Iray. Northwest Territories: J)oli)hin and liiion stniit, west of (dckluit'ii point. Station 4;k. Sc))tendier It. l<t|."). Depth. 20 150 meters. Hottom, iirav mud witli stones, IjutiiiKirid. Lltliolluiiniiioii, etc. Many of the characteristic t uhes. all em|)t.v. llu.lsoii hay: ('ai>e I'"ullerton, •■shore of island." Xijiliiiii Kxpedition, Seiitemher 2."> 2'.l. I'.tOH. Several tiilies with animals in sltit and preserved dry.' Alaska: Port Cl.areiice. Station 2(1;/. .Vu>;ust 4, l!li;j. I)ei)th. 2 :5 fat horns. Bottom, sandy mud with ;d(;a'. .V numher of specimens in their tulies. .Vlaska: ( Irant ley harlmur. Station 20 /;, c. .July :{(), lili:5. Bottom, s.andy mild with aljiie. A numlier of tulies with little douli't i)ertaiiiinfi to tlii- specie's. They are darker and rather more o]ia(|iie than usual. C.VPITELLIDAE. Capitella capitata (Faliricius). 178(J. Lninhriciiis cdiiiUitiis K.vhkich s, Fauiiji (iroenlandica, \>. 27'.!. 1827. lAunhricuK Utoralia Johx.ston-, Zool. Jouiii., ;j, j). 328. 1828. Capittlla Fahricii Bi..\invillk, Uict. Sc-i. Nat., 57, p. 44.'}. 2ti II I** i'2. I.iiiiihriciiiiilis CitiKiiliiin Aniiv hx/iKhhiin. l!)l.i-IS TTLi^'n"'!''"'" '"■'*''■'''■"• '^f"V'''< N»t"rh. Ti.l>.kr., J, ,, r.ij. iNMt. l.,unhrHo,i,,isrn,, ,!,,!,, I.kmka.m, Aiilr. \MliirK.. i:, „ |(i;j w twM 7.'il's'" '^ "^■^^■'"■^' "5"ii. A,M,i. i{oy,;,. MT 2, .1, p. i:;:, IHti.-i. V„ll„ ,.;n,„„ .lonvsn.v. (at. Wnrn.s. Mril. Mus., ,,. .is ,''":Uu" '"■"'"'•"'"' '■"/"'"'" ' /^:HMAW>kv, Hull. .\I.„..,,u S.,... Nat,. :,.i. . <'(ll)il,ll<i ,,(!,, tiinlni C/KltM.v'.Vskv, il,i,| , ., ;{f) . rnpihlld .sninll.t skv. il.i.i.. p, '|(i. .\n (Xtrcincly >p,.,i,.-. .\,i,|,. r,,,t„ iiliiSPliii •X. tin -'"'','>"•- •^'.'"■"'^^■'■■;' T<Trit„.ir..: H,.rnar.l l.arl.nur. S.ati.m U Julv \ T.M-rit„rH.s: Hj.rnar,lharl,.H.r: inn.T harlmur. Station ;{7,. S.p- SABELIJDAE. Chone unjiavana, n. sj). „.„. ■'js;,,,';;""'""""- '■"'■ ■■'■"■ ■'■'■ "'■'""" ■' "'I »"' ■ "<<■""■ i«,,,m:''''i;;;;;s'';;,;";";it;;i,"' ' ■'"■■■ " '- ■ '■""-'"' •"' '■■■ ■ • ( ..ll.'.r ..imi.l... „„ ,..,,•1, si.l,. foi.l.Ml into tli,. .jor.sal simis, with .,„all nu:;\ tol. .swl,a.ut,.. \j.„trally th. rollar not at all in..isnl at t h ■ , ■ ia lim hi't on th,; .ontrary. tluT,. sli^rhHy pnuiuc,.! in a ol.tUM and, '^ I'.iKlit .-^(■ti»:..roiis and one non-s.-tincrous soniif,. in the Iliorax •in.l al.ont forty-,..Kht somites ,n tlu' alMlonirn. Th.. is in Ln'tnT' •viin,' i 'd ..,,," '^* K'o'i i>t ttic alxlonicn m the u.^ual wav .•mfjlo adja..(.nt to tli.. straif;ht(.r .side (S..,. 1>1 VI t T 1 ,,"''*'.'' "^ "" ii( i)(aK oi tin licad. Head with hcak lar^i. and Uf.arlv 'it riirl.t ...wrl-. .> vTVX "Vh"V""' "ti ""■ 'T' p-'-' m tiu:'U^ va v^'^s ;: II. t., hK. _,. Jh.. ton o, .n.. al„h»ni(.n have uncini with l.,..,ks lonLr ■in.l l,.ss <l.v..rK,.nt than >u ,no..t oth.r .p..,.i,.s, the sinus enHosed 1 ■! . i^ln^ .^ I'ody of unnnus narrower at its opening than at hottoni. (,^...' P V L % '"/' 18..7 l^!;!,^- io"f:;r" ""'n'" ""'T^ I^*"^ <-..r,e's sound; Sepu:,nhr; specimen "'' '^"""' ''-^P*'<»'t'<'"- '"^ and Wakehaln. One mm I'liliiehmtn 27 11 This >|»Tic> "^ujJKt'sl-' '' ilithiri Malinurrii in tlif I'liriii uf the !ilMii)miiiiii iiiiiiiii; imt llic i)fiii\ is prn|Hirticniat<ly Imnicr ainl li'«> diMitjciit iiiul tlic ImmIv (if the iiiii'iniis iiiiich iiaiTiiwrr liriuw, iiiurr iiiiil'un:i. Tin ^patiiiati' tliiirarii- sftii" arc -diiifwliat siinilariy asyiimictricai Imt tlic riiiicruii is iiimiIi more diviT- \H'n\. from tllf asir* as slinwn in tlll' fiuurr. 'I'lic spcrics seems (•( lijtTerent from ihimri in the eharaefers of the iiranehia', whieli are united niueh farther distad, with the free apical region proportionately niiieh Kroader, \videl\ winded, and the tip free from harlis much shorter. In this respect the form ap])roaehes the Alaskan <'. (jiiirilin Mooi hoiinh the free tips of the Iiranehia- in the latter are also longer. In onicilin the collar i* iiotchecl veiitrally, whereas in the present speiies it is Inerc weakly annulate. The sjiatulate -•et: of iinirilis are symmetrical, or nearly so, iiisteail of strongly a.'-yminetrical. The lieak of the crochets is more elewtted, making a (jreater an^le with the axis. .\nd the iilidotninal uncini are dilTerent, the lieak lieinjj more divergent .anil the tiody jiroiiortionately wider and more strongly I'lirved. Moore ( IS'.IS) has recorded as i'htiiii sp. a caudal franmeiit from I'^nK harhour, l.ahrador, which is ipiiti' possilily the ]ire»ent ^pecii s. ,\t least it would seem to have uncini very similar to those of iiiiijiii mill. Euchone analis iKroyen. 18')t). Siihillit iiiKiliK KuoVKK. Danske \id. .s^elsk. I'orh.. ji. 17. 18t)'). t'.Hchone (iniilis M.m.muukn, Ofvers. af \'et. .\ka(l. I'"(irh., p. Miti, pi. 'JS, f. SM-HHd. l.iKAi.rrY. Northwest Territories: Heniard harliour, outer |)art. Station lie. July "is, IKl."). Depth, about .i fathoms. Kottom, (jray mud with LdniiiKiila. eti'. Many tuhes, in ]);irt with animals insiln. "Ilail dark criss- bands on the otherwise pale ♦iMitacles" '.lohanseii's lield-iiotes) . .\ common arctic form of circumixilar distribution, being known from Herinft sea, Davis strait, (ireenland, S])it/.ber)?en, etc. SERPLLIDAE. Serpula vermicularis Linne. 17(i7. Siriiiilii nriniciiliiria I.iWK, Syst. Nat., ed. 12. !>. I2()ti. !Hti;i. Siriiiil<i !'hHii>i>i Miiitiii, Naturh, Tidsskr., scr. :{, ."il. ji. :{M. bS;i8. Sd-piilii fai^riciiliiils I.,\m.\U(K, Hist. Nat. .\n. s. \ert. ed. 2, .'i, p. (US. 1817. Siriiiilii (■(iiilortiiiiliaitd S.wkiny (ni'c 1-iniu'i. Syst. .\nnel.. ]). 7:5. 18()1. Siri>iilii Jiikrsii M.viKi), ■lourn. I. inn. Soc. S, |). 2(1. - . Sii-jiitid zdiniiliai Maiui), ibid., p. 21. ISti.'i. S<ri>iilii (t/itiirrlicit (iiAPUKFACKs, Hist. Nat. .\nnel., 2, p. .'i():{. 1884. Sdiiiilii iininitliimi .Makknzki.lkh, I : nks. .\kad. Wiss. Wieii.. p. I'.l, pi. 1. f... 188."i. S,ri>iilii rii.sifcni Haswki>l, i'roc. Man. Soc. N.S. Wales, (1. p. (iss, jil. :{1. f. 1, ])1. 32, f. (18. 1()(H. Sirjiiilii riibinihiiiiin .Johnson, I'roc. Host. Soc. Nat. Hist.. \\K p. 1:52, pi. lit. f. I't'.t 204. li)02. S'l-pidii tttirnuiciisis, Semon's Forschunnsreise in .\u>tral. u. dem Malaveuarchipel. Polycha-t., ]). 100. LoiALiTiE.s. Hritish Colun'.bia: I)ei)arture bay, Uto;! 10. \V. Spread- Ixjfoush, collrctor. A hirsc- rhi-''T "f tube-- Uritish Columbia; Savary island beach. May 22, I'.tll. \V. Taylor, collector. .V cluster of tubes. ]?ritish Columbi.a: Port Simjison. Heacli. Winter, UMl 1") C. M. Barbeau, collector. Farts of two tubes i •'•'bablv this specie-. On them are 2S I'iDiiKhtin A nil,- F.xtuihl jriHililiiiii, l!)li-IS Ihr tulH- »S C.rr,,. ,,,n-illHm. TUv fiil,,., of l.<.tli ll art' III |mit tiiitjri 1 «itl I Krcfii. :iiic| I'nciti |>t;<i.-. ot cir.iiinl„,r,.nl <lislrihiiti.,ii <• or..:iii> In .i.rn-t.ix.ii.liiiK >...iitlurii latitu.l ir Siiinilii and the I'iiriig UK MS wi 11 ill Ixitli thr Atliiliti Nfw Zcalfiii.l. Aii-lralia, etc. | A I itri.i. Irmii Alaska to ( 'alif oniiii. t IS Ciiliiiiiiiii nil tlir I'acil IN strait- III' Mimdlaii r nia^t iif North SpirorbiN Npintrhis d .IIIIH'I, I7.">,H, Si iimlii Sim; his]. |S(M» IHIII. .N/(nii/7)(,y hiir i.vNK, Sysl. Nat., ,.,1, |ii. ,,. 7.S7, >/H/ "/'••< Dai I. IN, Itrciicil. p. its liiriirhin H IS(i;{. Siiiriiihlx Itiiniilin M iliitiloidis I.AMAIH K, S \>t. A 'mil. s. Xcrt., p. ;i2r.. 1SH7 Siilrnrlii I. • mil, Naliirli. ri.l..skr.. ji. 1211 p. -Ml, f. IS iliisitiiil) hnridlis ('aiI.I.KUV iinr Mksmi,, li„||. Sciciitif., .01 M.i rii;s. NortI i\M>t Trrriinri H .!«:. "UM-I I, lill.-,. |),.,„|, about .-. liirt iTiiani harl Olli' ut' the till lliis i.- larjfcly il Hull Hiir, outer Station iTollcd, tlic Mtlifr- of th,. (fat "in, iiiw<i with atones and 'iiu-tr; -|)iral Norll wi'st 'I'frriti ri I'ttiiin. 'r«-o till Ni.rtI iwist '!' ■ n aluii I'l'inn |M,int. Station -(I,/, .lul.v 21. I!l|il. |{,„'k Station i'.iii. X iTritorics: Dolol otn, triM.v mud Willi ova Sc.tia: Ilalihix. rdiruarv, liU >Uliicnius fillies on Fiinix, lin and I'liion sli 'It's; nil alj;;! lit : ofV Cocklnirn iioiiit. 100 H'.'icli. !•■. ,|o| meters laiisen, CO llert. i7.)S. ix\y.i. ri'idii CIrcels spirillum (I. inn liiiilhiw Li.WK. Syst. Nat., ed. 10, Srrpiilii luriilii MuNTAdl-, Test. ]i p. 7,S.'). IS2.I. Ill ll niili.srii liiiiiln I lSti:{. S/iirorhiti yiiirill .KMi;. Kd rit., p. ,"i07. mil. .Idiirn., I.'i, p. ^li ISO J. <■ IS! (7 inn MiiiK II, Natiifh. Tidssk tiionriinii Si. .I«isi:ni, Ann. Se. Nat,, 17 IT. ;{, I, 1,. 4:iS. l!t|!t. ^l>irorl,is UhxiDxiiinn siiinlliiiii Caiii p. I OS, f. -|,a ll. KKV am p. -i-'fl. pi. 12, ;. ;{S7 -Mksmi., Hull. Sei. IS sitiriUnm ( 'iiamhkuijn, Mem. Miis. ( ■kl. liiitt on /. .01 AIJ'IIKS. point. Miip. Zool., IS. J). 47S. Northwest Territories: Dolphi,, „,d r.uon strait: west n pth, .'lO (>o meters tatioii |;i,'. 11, lill.-,, J),,p,| oni, sandy mud with stones and al iiiiniiiinii am 1 />-/, Kii', Ml Alaska: t )ri'a -Cord ' fisiinii. iiy tulies will i animals //( silii a-weed. He.ieh Northwest Ter 2S, l!l|-|. Depth, a I Station CO,/. Septeinher ritories: liernard ha'-lioiir, out !)|ti line- on Ihh I'ssiinii. etc. Till) Ndrt iwest Territi out 10 meters on l)i sifiuri still . "' J""-'- Station \\r. .Jnlv bottom, nr..,y „„„i „i,|, i^,,„r,,i„ri<',. I fathom. Molt iries: \t miifr point. X In;;: 0111. roci iv;i: I'ort Hurwcll. A Wo tulie: umerous till I /iliiiii St.ilion .-Id,/. ,Iulv2l, liUti. Deiitl 111 .'ilira'. ptii. I les on SI .Xpedltioli. (•oiiimon and wk in the Atlanti li\droids. etc c ,•! ml I' ea-weed dred^'ed .Inly 2S, |!K)} i;spie;id species in .Arctic Halkeft, follecior. icltic T It in the t;jiic!i! flat d If sjiecitneii.- "••'•urs tre.piently ,,n kelj) ( /,„ nid teinjierate regions hotli rom stall ^ame form and a fi f r;ii :• J J ir;ii fi V.i c on /, I frw in part derolled or of thi orni. iiio.-e lioiii station -lie iiniinii, etc.), •nnliiiiriii have the shell 'ndin^ form (luciilus-t ire some of the ype). 'I jm.m'mieMmmBESsi m K ^ms ii m i m > 30 b CanniliiiH Arctic Hximlition, lUl.i-IS ri.vii; I. Tin. I. Arrliiinu //i(, II. -ip. Allli'lMrir i-lld, i|ur-<:ll vii-w. " J. AnIniiiM lid, n. f\t. Srciiiul |i:ir:i|Hi<liiiiii " H. AirliiniH /(/I. n. s|). Kirsl Irl'l ilylrcm. " t. .{nliiiiiii liii, II. >;i. SiMli rittlil i-lMnni 'cli'Vi'iitli sruini'iii 1, ^.U I'lili/rhiiilii 31 1 1 •■ n I . :V2 H CniKuliiiii Arctic Kxi'dlitliin, intS-lS V\\i. 1. •■ :i. •• t. " r>. .{iiiiiiiiii li'i, 11. >|i. AnliiiKii' till, n. sp. AnUiiini till, II. sp. niiilillr iif scrio, \i jitln/-^ liinlMHiirit, Xi iillin-i liiiit.iKiiim, Si /i(/i.V« tinilsiltlil-ll, ]>;ir.'iiH"iiuni. x iM. vii; II. N<il(iliocli;il sil;i, lii<l p;ir:ipo.liii"i. N,.un.|"HlKilH.|;i. n.i.l.ll.-ufscn.'s, tir-l |iiir!i|)(Mliuiu. (•(i:ii>rr i.ciinipoilKil. piiriipniliuin tniiii ii.i.l.lli' ivKi"" of IhmK 11 >1> II sp II sp AlltlTil.r ri'cinll, ,lnl>lll virw. 'I'liirtv-tliinl piinipnaiuiii. iiiitiTiur vi.u. , . . , . NoPiriiTUs ^iii.l linuicliial :ippciiil:iH'' "' 'l"' ilnr'.v-Uiiu .^U^ ■ j^ ■i^ ICH. ^g^^lW I'lllll( IliK III :;:•■ ti I'l Ml. II. /' ..---J ;) K (iiiKitliitu :\>(ltr K.TiMilili"ii. t!>l!-IS I'l.All 111 I'lH. 1. r/,/iH«.s, 11, S|>. Alllrllcir I'llil. iliil-:il \ iru iiiimii^. II. >|i. Ciin.lal I'liil. .Iiir>:il Viru Sniu niiiiiH.^. II. sp. Tliirlf.'Tilli l>iir:ilKMiuiii, .rm.l;.! vmv S,,,,, m,wus. n.^^I>. (■r...lMM frmn t wnily-.'V.-uU, -••ii.^rnMi- ~...iMl.' s-.v./.yv././Jc/c.v 'i)v/(((.<. II. >ii. Xiil.'Mor I'M.I. iloi-al vi.'U. <n,l.oilrpul,:< mrttns. n. s\,. Tw ciil v-1 liinl p.irMp."lmMi. Mnlrii.., Mr« Srnhn.hiwlr. anlin". n «p T^i'iity-loiiith p ir;i luiin in.n, r:,u.l:.l vii'W. Ii'l. ; :?•'. 11 ('iiiKiilidti Arctic Ex jK'ililioii. lOI.S-tS ri.vii: IV. l''it?. 1. Sriihroliiiitlrx iinln'^, ii. sp. ('niclift from t wciily-lliinl |):ir;i|iiMliuiii I'mm i'aiiil:il (•ml. 2. .Im/.s/iio '"ir< i/.s, n. s|). Anterior cinl. il<. view. (,Sct;r of tliini paraiHxliu ?iot rcprfsciili '.' :i. Aniisiiio lion 11.1, u.i>\t. TiMilli rit;lit parnpoiiuiiii, ;iiiliTior view. " \. Aimsiiio liori'is, n. sp. Distal portion of troi'hct from ni'uropoiliiim of tliirty-liflli parapoiliillM " .'). Spionid larva \. 'lorsal view. " (1. Spionid larva .V. (.'ro.lict. I'olyrliiii III :{7 II l'i.\n: IV. mMmmmnsmm ;{sit I'ttltililiilli AiiliC Eximlitiioi, t'.n.i-IS'i: \, KiR. 1. 2 I. \miihniiU- johiiiiKcni, w. sp \iiiiih(irili jnhiiii^i ni, 11. s|> \iiiphiiriir ralnclii, ii. <]>. XiiijihiiriU niliulii, ii. sp, I \ii(iih(ir<l( Tiiliirlii. II. .sp. \miih<iiilf I iiiiiiliii, II. sp. \iiijihiirili c\i)mUi>. !i. sp. I'lii'iinis. Distal pciilion iif p:ilr;i. "iiriMiis. \l)I(iplhil,'ll sriM. lllirlcclil Ii ~ilniinil|s si-;;iiii'lil . 'I'liii'i' p,'ilc:i' fiiiiii ii:irl of ^tiu's. riiriiLiis. I'olyrhmln :<!) R I'l VTK V, 10 Fl I'iiikkIuiu Aniir Ej]>(iiilii>n, Htl.l-IS Fift. 1. ('hone iiiiijdvatin, n. sp, " 2. I'Imni unijimitiii, n. n\). " '.i. ('hone ungnidiiii, u. ti\). " 4. ('hi»w ungnvnua, li. nyi. 1-I-ATK VI. Inferior spiitiilati' thiiracii' si'tii fniiii Miiniic ' Thoriii'ir iiiirlMiis iir cnichi't. Alxliiminiil iiiiiiiuis. A sociiiiil imciims fnmi sanii" lunix iicurcT ciul iif si'ric- I'ldyihtuia n II I'l vrt: VI. Report of the Canadian Arctic K,p.Hlltl«„. ,„3.„. "I U. .SouU...rn .V.y, .UI,M«. „, a,,,,,,,,,,, „,,^„„ r... I . ^oluni* III! InMfU Inrt h lit.„oml(l|,.4.rvali,',V.,n Ir , t' ''• .■..., ..^..... r-^^^^^^^^ "" "• -^""'i-"". .-tf. l;y A. . ,. hu./,,,,',;,. /',„ ■,,,, ,,„, ,„ „ l':.rt.\:i, ,p..,i (,.,„,„, „ „ ^"'""'«' <'«: rri„u.'ra. Hit I: Ily.lroi.i... llv\I,.|, ' ], ">''•'•■ I'l '.•!..». :/j,u,,'i.