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. 'v 
 Report of a Committee appointed by the Committee of 
 Trade of JHontrealf to consider of and enquire into 
 such matters as might be thought advisable to be re- 
 commended to the notice of the Government of Lower 
 4...V: Canada. / _^ . ., ... '",„":■' ■'•,---■■ ,•■••<«:: .-...wt,' 
 itiee think the following rabjecti worthy of the atteatioa of the Executive : — , .-x ,»7, . 
 . -A General Bankrupt Law for the Province. 
 2d.— An Act conwiidating the Provincial Cuctoma Dutiea, a Iteviaion of the Tariff, the carrying out of the 
 Warehouaing Syalem, and the erection of Montreal into a Free Port. • , >.>: j / 
 3d.— Reminion of the Poelage upon Newspapers, Printed Papen, and Pamphleta. 
 4th. The ealabliihment of a Sleam Packet communication between Great Britain and the North American 
 Slh. — Inspection Laws for Ashes, Beef and Pork, Flour, Fiih and Leather. 
 6th. — The incorporation of Chambers of Commerce in Qutibec and Montreal. 
 7th. — Construction of a Canal at St. Ann's Bapids, to render the Navigation of the Ottawa River and Ri- 
 deau Canal available to the public at large. 
 8th. — The regulation of the Currency on a correct basis. 
 9th. — ^The general improvement of the Navigation of the St. Lawrence. 
 10th.— General Internal Improvements. 
 On reference to the firat named subject, understanding that a Bankrupt Law engages the attention of the Go> 
 vemment, it was determined by your Committee not to enter into details, unless it phould be thought desirable ; 
 confining themselves to the general recommendation, that it should be so framed, that while it protected the Cre- 
 ditor in his rights, and punished the fraudulent Debtor, it should enable the honest man, who might be unforttinate, 
 after a fair division of his property, to recover his position in the mercantile body ; taking ahM due care that such 
 Trustees or Assignees as might be appointed, should duly account for receipts, and be under the control either of - 
 Officers duly appointed, or of some Court for that purpose. 
 2dly. — Upi the subject of the consolidation of the Duties, your Committee framed a number of Questions, 
 which they put to Wm. Hall, Esquire, the Collector, and R. H. Hamilton, Esquire, the Comptroller, of Her 
 M'^jesty's Customs ; and from their answers, together with their own deliberate opinion, your Committee advise 
 as follows : — 
 That the Duties collected under 
 53d Geo. III. cap. 11 ; the 33 . Geo. III. cap. 8 
 Amended by 35th " III. "9 
 55th Geo. III. cap. 2 ; the 55ih « III. "3 
 4l8t " III. « U 
 providing for the payment of the duties on Wines and other liquors, be consolidated into one Act, and a credit be 
 given of six months on all duties amounting to JS50 and upwards — all duties incurred between die Ist November 
 and Ist May next ensuing, to fall due on the Ut May. 
 That the duties collected on Spirits imported, be reduced to four pence per gallon, provincial duty, but calcu- 
 bt.'^d on Sikes's Hydrometer proof; all above to be calculated in proportion ; and that it be recommended to the 
 Lords of Her Majesty's Treasury, to reduce the Crown duty on Brandy and Gin to eight pence steriing, and on 
 Rum to four pence steriing, to be calculated in the same manner. 
 That the provincial duty on all unmanufactured Tobacco be reduced to one penny per lb. ; on all manufac- 
 tur«ji Him, to two pence. 
 On all Bohca Teas, to Id. per lb. 
 On all other Teas, to 2d. per lb. 
 On Coflee, to Ss. per cwt. 
 On Salt, to Id. per rainot. 
 On Molasses, to 2d. per gallon. 
 On Muscovado Sugar, to 2s. Gd. per cwt. 
 It being the opinion of your Committee that such reduction would rather add to than diminish the revenue — ft,- 
 the following reasons : — 
 First— Because large quantities of Tea and Tobacco arc smuggled intb the Province, to the great injiirj- of the 
 Revenue, the high duty affording a great inducement. 
/ - ,a 5 ? 
 Secondly— BccouM the consumption ot Salt, Mulassea ami Muscovado Sugar are much Jiininiiihed, owing to 
 the high price caused by an excessive duty. 
 Thirdly— Because although the duty nominally is proposed to lie reduced upon Spirits, it is in fact not so 
 much reduced as it appears, it being propoaed tatw levied at proof strength, the overpixMrio pay duly as Spirit ( 
 now jihe greater part of the Spirit imported is over-proof, and the increased consumption, owing to its coming easier 
 into competition with Canada-made Whiskey, would probably even augment the amount cijllected. 
 Your Committee also beg to call your particular attention to the subject of East India Sum being imported 
 free of Crown duty, to the great injury of the West India trade with these Provinces— a trade by far the most 
 valuable, as they take their principvl supplies from hence ; and likewise to the fact, that although Upper Canada 
 enjoys a proportion of all duties levied in the porta of Montreal and Quebec, that Sugar, Molasses, CoOee, Tobacco, 
 ■re imported from tlie United Stales without paying any Provincial duty whatever, and Salt at a very small ^ 7-':'' 
 thus net only diverting the trade from its legitimate channel, and giving their business to foreign poru am 
 but importing from a foreign country thooe goods which, were a uniform system of duties impoaed in both Frr- ^ 
 vinces, would be imported by way of the St. Lawrence from British Colonies in British ships. This sysWm o( 
 course injures the revenue ; and, although the proposed reductions would do much towards ameliorating the pre- 
 sent defective system, your Committee would suggest : — 
 First — That the same duties should be imposed on East India Rum as on West India. 
 Secondly — That either Upper Canada should levy the same duties as Lower Canada ; or, if such could not 
 be obtained, that the total repeal of all duties raised in Lower Canada, but not in Upper Canada, be requested, 
 placing fresh duties on such goods as are not likely to be imported through the United States, to make up the defi- 
 ciency in the revenue. 
 Thirdly — ^That the whole of the system of collecting the Bevenue in Upper Canada be revised, it being noto- 
 rious that great portions of the duties payable there are constantly evaded. 
 And also, that as there is no duly on salted Pork, nor on live Hogs, that the duty on dead Hogs in carcase be 
 also repealed ; and that the duty on salted or dry Hides, or Skins for tanning, be repealed, when imported by sea 
 in British ships. - 
 Your Committee likewise recommend the consent of the Treasury to be petitioned for, to allow the extension 
 of the present Warehousing Act, 3 & 4 Will. IV. cap. 59, to goods exported by inland navigation, bond being given 
 that sail' x>ds be duly exported, to be cancelled on a certificate of delivery being produced from some officer of 
 -the United Slates Customs, not nearer than the port of Whitehall. 
 Your Comml.tee, also considering that the fact of Montreal not being a free port, for the unloading of foreign 
 shipe, is sometimes detrimental, also advise that indulgence to be prayed for. 
 €dly — ^Your Committee advise the remission of the postages on newspapers and printed pamphlets, or a great 
 reduction thereof, to be prayed for, the present very high rates being prejudicial to trade. 
 4thly — The establishment of a Steam Packet communication between Great Britain and her North American 
 Colonies, your Committee look upon as a measure of the greatest importance, and which would |je highly advan- 
 tageous to the trade and resources of the Provinres. 
 5thly — Your Committee consider the draAs submitted to them of laws agreed upon by the Conimilleo of 
 Trade for the inspection of Beef and Pork, and Flour, and also that the law introduced by Mr. Leslie in the last 
 session of the Provincial Parliament for the inspection cf Ashes, (wltli the exception of the clause which provides 
 ihat Magistrates shall not hold the oflice of Inspectors,) will meet all the exigencies of the trade. 
 Your Committee also advise the renewal of the Inspection Law for Fish and Oil, lately expired ; and a law 
 for the Inspection of Leather, to be framed on the New York principle. 
 Having taken into consideration the project of protecting the port of Montreal by extending a Brcakwaicr 
 from Point St. Charles, of 900 yards and upwards, 
 Your Committee not being certain that the said proposed plan would have the desired eflecl, advise a re- 
 newed survey to be made, to ascertain its efficiency. 
 6thly — ^A Charter given by His late Majesty George the Third to the Chomber of Commerce of New York, 
 in 1770, and on which Charter the said Chamber act at the present day, being submitted, it was considered thr^t 
 it is well suited for the Committee of Trade of Montreal, and that a similar one should be prayed for. 
 7thly — ^The construction of a Canal at the St. Ann's Rapids, to render the navigation of the Ottawa River 
 and the Rideau Canal available to the public at large, being of such very great importance to the carrying trade of 
 the Province, it being now monop61ised on that route altogether by a private Company, 
 Your Committee advise its being urged upon the serious and immediate attention of the Government. 
 Sthly — Your Committee thinking the subject of the Currency one that required great caution, consulted the 
 Cashiers of the various chartered Banks in Montreal ; and after duly weighing several plans brought before then, 
 were of opinion, that in order to secure a etendy basis for the rate of Excliange, the following alterations should be 
 recommended ; — 
 t- . 
 A '.<■ ,srS,-, 
 • ,, ,1.- 
 PIrst—Tlial llie SpaniHli, Mcxicrifi, UjutoJ Suies, ami oilier J.-IIum aiiJ hall' Jollars, of silver, of equal weight 
 and fi.ieness, to be specified, be, including a Colonial dollar and half dollar to be hfa-alkr coined, made the tnly 
 legal tender of tlie Province of !/» er Canada after a certain date. 
 Secndly— That the present French crownB and half crowne, and the varioua otlier coiirn in circulation 
 in Lower Canada, rabognised by an Act of the Provincial Parlioment; be called in at the expeiwe oftbe Go- 
 Thirdly— That until a date to be fixed, Spanish and American quarter, fifth, eighth, rixteenih, tenth and 
 twentieth of dollars pass current, jind be a legal tender to the amount ef £5 only, and alter that date a Colonial 
 currency be coined of shillings, sixpences, fourpences and Uireepenc* i, which should also be a legal tender to the 
 same amour.'', to the exclusion of the other small coins ; and that copper pence and half-pence also be coined, to 
 V ■> •■ ■* ♦"nder to the amount of one shilling. The silver to be one per cent, under the American sUndard; for 
 ■.r half a dollar ; the copper to be of the fineness and weight of the tokenf ■"•—-■'■■■ ' » 'he 
 Fourthly— That as the Spanish dollar at 4.3. 2.1. sterling, called 5a. currency, makes the proportion of iteriing 
 to currency as 5 to 6, 
 Your Committee wo\ild recommend all transactions to be based on tliat calculation, £5 sterling ao be consi- 
 dered X6 currency in all cases where no rate of Exchange is mentioned, and as the basis on which the rate 
 should be fixed — such being iho nearest approximation to the true par. 
 Your Committee, in the loregoing recommendations respecting llie legal tender, have disregarded gold, from 
 it never having been used in i .mmon in Canada, and also from its being overvalued in the United States ; if 
 adopted, it would consequently either have to lie arranged on the English basis, or that of the United States — if the 
 former, it would soon leave the country ; if the latter, it would affect exchanges, the object of the present scheme 
 of currency to avoid. 
 Your Committee would also remark, that to arrange a uniform Currency for all the British North American 
 Provinces, is most essential to their general prosperity. 
 9thly— Your Committee consider the general improvement of the navigation of the River St. Lawrence as a 
 matter of the greatest importance, although quite satisfied with the survey now going on at Lake St. Peter, and 
 express a hope that the measures adoi^led in consequence may open a deep and available channel for ships of 
 burden to Montreal. 
 10thly--On General Internal Improvements, your Committee beg your attention to the subject of Winter 
 Roads, observing that their condition is so very bad from cahots, caused by the faulty construction of the vehicles, 
 that there is fully double the expense attending the transmission of goods to and from Montreal, than if t\ie Ame- 
 rican or Upper Canada mode of building and driving trains and sleighs were adopted. 
 The Chambly Canal being, after so large an expenditure, still in an unfinished state, the Committee recom- 
 mend it to your attention, more especially the necessity of a lock at St. Denis, to render the navigation free. 
 All which IS nevertheless humbly submitted. 
 Chaxrman Sub-Commillee. 
 Approved and Confirmed 
 15th October, 183S. 
 Chairman CommiUee of Trade.