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OF 'I'flK
printp:d by ,j. stakke & cc, st. Francois xavier st.
T . . r, >» T t F l . I r . , > I I V , , . V f T f f T M H » M . i f, f V , I H M I I I .1 > f » T y?
e >
on tAtt, litlatui
Shmuuf //u- Oil Hmsllurem
Scalr 6 Milt^ Utl Inrh
I 105
or lake: —
I »
>- &
^^^^^^^^^H '"*
^^^^^^^K, '
^^^^^^^^^^^B }
^^^^^^^^^^^Hk* '
^^^^^^^^^^K' '
HHB^I^B ''''\ :
CAPITAL saoo.ooo.
■ St. Louis, 3Io.
^^— iMana,cr Ontari. Ban,), Mos.n..., C.E.
'~^^^^^^'' • • • • Montreal, C.E.
w »r iirqfors.
C"A.s. E. Panet . • • • . 3I0NTREAL, C. E. t^
J- H. R. Burroughs QriBBEc, C. E.
W. L. Baby ' " Quebec, C. E.
J- R. Beutiielet Sandwich, C. W.
H. Berthelet .... Milwaukee. Wis.
Chas. p. Thebo Milwaukee, Wis. "^
^ -r^/f rf>t-^jt_ ' [ Milwaukee, Wis. T
VICTORIA by the Grace of God, of the United Kingdom
To all to whom these presents shall come.
WHMEAS undorand by a„ Act of our rarlia„,.„t
intitulod • " All Anf fl lu "'^^^ >^^^^« «^ ^ur reign, and
iiKiy constitute such persons and others wh^ ^
become shareholders in anv ™„l. „ ""^ ""^o "ay
corporate and politic for a^ of th» '"'""''' ° '""'>'
mentioned, ^ ** P^'Po^es therein
day of Tprll i ,?h'" '" f°""f • '"'"™ff date the first
h»dr' d i",;'d" i i;:: : ™ ^-^ »- 'ho„sa„d ci,ht
lelet, 01 the C.ty ,j| ll,lvva„l„e, in the Slate of Wiscon-
sin one of the said United States of America, Esquire;
on; Wilmot AVilliams, of the City of New York m the
State of New York, one of the said ^J"^t«dJ.tates ol
America, Esqnire ; one Lyman A\ ashbnrn Cn bert, oi the
said City of New York, Attorney and Counsellor at Law ,
u d one Philip Baby Casgrain, of the City of Quebec, m
our sa d Prov nee. Advocate-have prayed that a charter
provisions of the above in part recited Act, may be
o-ranted to them and to such other persons as are or may
of boring for, opening and using Petroleum, bait and
other mineral springs.
ind whereas, in accordance with the pro.^sions
of the above in part recited Act, notice was pubhshed in
the Canada Ga^etU for at least one month, previous to
the presentation of the petition horeinl>eiore mentioned
in which notice it was stated that the said Anthony
LaGrave, the said AVilUam Louis Baby, the said Joseph
Kolette Berthelet, the said Wilmot ^^1^;-^- "
Lvman Washburn (lilbert,, and the said Phihp Baby
Cas.vrain, being not less than five of the Applicants who
have petitioned as aforesaid, intended to apply ior such
charter; that the proposed corporate name oi the Com-
pany is
" The Great Maiiitoulin Oil Company ;"
that the object or purpose for which Incorporation is
sought is to bore for, open and use Petroleum, bait, or
other mineral springs.
That the places where the operations of the Com
pany are to be carried on, are the Manitoulin Island m
Lake Huron, and elsewhere, in our said Provmce; that
the amount of the nominal capital of the Company is
three hundred thousand dollars ; that the number oi
shares is thirty thousand, and the amount oi each share
is ten dollars; that the amount of the stock subscribed
ca, Esqviire ;
fork, 111 the
)d States of
ilbert, of the
ellor at Law,
f Quebec, in
hat a charter
ti the general
A.ct, may be
IS are or may
r+Ve purpose
am, Salt and
le provisions
; pviblished iii
1, previous to
re mentioned,
said Anthony
e said Joseph
ams, the said
Philip Baby
pplicants who
pply for such
e of the Com-
any ;
corporation is
oleum. Salt, or
IS of the Com-
vilin Island in
proA'ince; that
LC Company is
the number of
t of each share
ock subscribed
have complied with all f hi, "'""^ Applicants
under the authority of the Win C" ^''^^"' ^""^
«-ery «,cl> other person o^pt^.T "'"^ "" ""''
shall at any time hereatt,., 1 '"^^ " "' '"■« »■■
-id compauy,u„a::rh p;ri"r„nr°"r: ■" ""•
the by-laws made under the. ,„?.., '""' ^'='' •■"""
^«eoe.„r, a body cotral^a d'^^itr-r'^'I'l
™cce..„,, .„a , eo„™ou seal by the llreV P°"""'
" ^''o tf^"' Manitonlin Oil Company "
and capable forthwith of ey .■hm„ ,„ „ , ' ,.
an Incorporated Comnanv« if, ° '""et.ons of
Act of riliamonr. d bv'tt ""="''l»''""'d hy a Special
and bein^ ™id pWin , ",'' r'"""''' "™'">f ™h,iv
court, wh'ether of it "?,:;;' '™« ""^'^^^^'^ "' »"
and nltt'Xnn'y,';^ ^^JP^'-^^Y *,o bore, or, open
the said the Com mn v I, t """"''' '^''''S"- A"d
-.bJecttotlu...er ; Lt r'^>' "■o».-porated, shall be
-id recited ActJirat ifto s" '""^ "' '■™"' "' *«
a Bo.n:7 o!-° ,:f ts °'if'^r'""'"'"" ^'^"'"'»S«1 "^v
Directors. ' "'™ ""■•"=• '«"■ """-e than nine
o—The said Anthony LaGrave, the said William
Louis'^Baby, the said Joseph Kolette Berthelet the said
Wilmot Williams, the said Lyman Washburn Cnlbert, and
the said Philip Baby Casgrain, -shall be the Directors ot
the Company, until replaced by others dul.' chosen in
their stead.
3 __No person shall be elected or chosen as a Director
thereafter, unless he is a shareholder, owning stock abso-
lutely in his own right, and not in arrear m respect ot
any call thereon.
4— The alter Directors oi" the Company shall be
elected by the shareholders, in general meeting of the
Company assembled, at such times, in such wise, and lor
such term, as the by-laws of the Company may prescribe.
5.— In default only of other express provisions in
sucL behalf, by the by-laws of the Company,
(a) —Such election shall take place yearly, all the
Members of the Board retiring, and (if other wise qualihed)
beiii"- eligible for reelection.
°(b) —Notice of the time and place for holding gene-
ral meetings of the Company shall be given at Jeast ten
davs previously thereto, in some newspaper pubhshed at
or as near as may be to the office or chief place of busi-
ness of the Company.
(c).— At all general meetings of the Company, every
shareholder shalfbe entitled to as many votes as he owns
shares in the Company, and may vote by proxy
(d) —Elections of Directors shall be by ballot;
(e).-Vacancies occurring in the Board of Directors
xnav be iilled for the unexpired remainder of the term^
]>y the Board from among the qualified Shareholders ot
the Company ; „ . ^ ,- i„„+
(f ) —The Directors shall from time to hme elect
from among themselves a President of the Company ;
e said William
helet, the said
rn Crilbert, and
he Directors of
ul ' chosen in
en as a Director
ling stock abso-
r in respect of
mpany shall be
meeting of the
ch wise, and for
T may prescribe.
;s provisions in
3 yearly, all the
srwise qualified)
or holding gene-
iven at least ten
iper published at
ef place of busi-
Company, every
votes as he owns
)y proxy.
le by ballot ;
;oard of Directors
tider of the term
L Shareholders of
me to time elect
jf the tJompany ;
stock and o?f] ""^^-P/^y^^^"^' "^^
l«"™-' <"■ -"« 'h«-eono.
14.— No shareholder beinr. m
any call .shall be eutitlerl fn x^f ! ^"'"" '" '*'"i'^''^ ^^'
arrear in respect of
15. — The Directors of ihi^ CoiTniiiinr if +u
at any ti.ne alte. the whole ct >itauSV h^cC™ fv
m, ki. a by-law lor uicreosing the capital ,tock of the
Company to any amount which they mav co-^iid..
shareholders, at a general meeting of the Company, duly
called lor the purpose of considering- such by-law nor
un^l a copy thereof duly authenticated shall Lave C
lied as hereinalter mentioned with the Provincial Secre^
iirLr "" ''''"■ ''''" "*'^ ^°^'"-^^"^- "^ ^'---j 4
. .,J?r'^''y ^y-^^^ i'"^'' i^^^^'^'^^ing the capital stock
the L C^' '^'^^ ^'^^""^ '^^^^ "^"^^^^^- -^^ value of
the shares o the new stock; and may prescribe the man-
ner m which the same shall be allotted ; and in deGt
oi Its so donxg. the control of such allotment shall be hl/d
to vest absolutely in the Directors.
dnlv ^ V^!"" ^T^'""^ "''">'' '^'^^^"^ «^^ ^««^^ths after a
duly authenticated copy of such By-Law has been tiled
with the Provincial Secretary, or such other officer as
the Governor in Council may have named lor the pur-
pose require and cause a notice under the siga.ature of
pasl^l Ld fil T" ."""'; '^'' ''''^' ^>'-^^^' has been
amount ott 1 " T""^' and stating the number and
rbscdbe 1 fT""^ '''''' ''''^'' '^'' ^^"^«^"^t actually
s bsuibed and the amount paid in in respect thereof
and Irom the date of such notice the capital stock of the
Company shall be and remain increased, to the amount
in the manner and subject to the conditions set forth by
«uch By-Law; and the new stock shall become suic'
to all the provmons of law in like manner (so far a ml
be), as though the same had formed part of the st^ck of
the Company originally subscribed.
be kenfr^l!'"..^''"'?"''^ '^'^^ '"^^^^ ^ ^^^^ «^ books to
be kept by the Secretary, or by some other officer specially
charged with that duty, wherein shall be kept recorded-^
l6t.-A correct copy of the Letters Patent incor-
«^m»m»^i -i-mrnvf-'
fipany, duly
by-law, nor
have been
iicial Secri--
'ouucil may
pital stock
id A-alue of
e the man-
in delimit
■all be held
ths after a
been iiled
officer as
r the pur-
.iiature of
I', to be in-
■ has been
mber and
t actually
t thereoi",
>ck ol' the
; amount,
forth by
3 subject
ir as may
stock of
books to
corded —
it incor-
t^hTeor *^' ^'^'^P^"^^' ^' ^^''' ^^■'^'^y '-^^id every By-Law
2nd.-The names, alphaboticallv arrano-ed of all
persons who are or have been Shareholders ;
3rd.-The address and callin- of every such per-
son, while such Shareholder ; ^
SharehlldTr^'^ ™'" °'''""" ^^'^^^^ ""^'^ ^^ ^^^
5th.--The amounts paid in, and remaining unpaid
respectively, on the stock of each Shareholder f '
6th.-All transfers of stock, in their order as pre-
sen ed to the Company for entry, with the date Tnd
other particulars of each transfer, and the date of the
entry thereof; and
7th.— The names, addresses and calling, of all per-
sons who are or have been Directors of the Companv •
vvith the several dates at which each became or ceased
to be such Director.
19.-The Directors may refuse to allow the entrv
into any such book of any transfer of stock, whereof the
whole amount has not been paid in ; and no transfer
made with the view of relieving the transferor Trom
pre-existing debts of the Company, shall be valid o^
prevent any antecedent creditor from exercising his
remtedy against such transferor, in the same way as if
he had continued to be aShareholder in such Companv •
provided that nothing in this sub-section shall prevent
the eflect of chapter seventy of the Consolidated Statutes *
ot Canada, as regards any such stock seized and sold in
2O.-N0 transfer of stock shall be valid for any pur-
pose whatever, save only as exhibiting the rights of the par-
ties thereto towards each other, and as rendering Te
tiansferee liable ad interim jointly and severally with
the transferor, to the Company and their creditors, —
until entry thereof has been duly made in such book- or
21. — Such books shall, during' reasonable biisiness
hours of every day, except Sundays and obligatory holi-
days (fetes (rohligution), be kept open for the inspection
of Shareholders and Creditors of the Company, and
their personal representatives, at the office or chief place
of business of the Company ; and every such Shareholder,
Creditor or representative may make extracts therefrom.
22. — Such books shall be prima facie evidence of all
facts purporting to be thereby stated, in any suit or i)ro-
ceeding against the Company, or again.st any Share-
23. — Every Director, Officer or Servant of the
Company, who knowingly makes or assists to make any
untrue entry in any such book, or who reiuses or neglects
to make any proper entry therein, or to exhibit the same,
or to allow the same to be inspected, and extracts to be
taken tl'^^refrom, shall be liable to a penalty not exceed-
ing twenty dollars, for making each such untrue entry,
and for each such refvisal or neglect, and also for all loss
or damage which any party interested may have sus-
tained thereby.
24. — The Company shall not be bound to see to
the execution of any trust, whether expressed, implied
or constructiA'e, in respect of any shares ; and the receipt
of the Shareholder in whose name the same may stand
in the l>ooks of the Company, shall be a valid and bind-
ing discharge to the Company for any dividend or money
payable in respect of such shares, and whether or not
notice of such trust shall have been given to the Com-
pany ; and the Company shall not be bound to see to
the application of the money paid upon such receipt.
creditors, —
ich book' or
le biisincss
"•atory holi-
mpany, and
' chiol' place
s therefrom.
deuce ol" all
suit or i)ro-
auy Share-
aut of tlie
make auy
i or neii'lects
it the same,
tracts to be
lot exceed-
itrue entry,
) for all loss
' have sus-
d to see to
>ed, implied
I the receipt
! may stand
1 and bind-
id or money
ther or not
;o the C om-
ul to see to
2.5.— Every contract, agreement, eno-ao-ement or
bargain made, and every bill of exchanoe drawn 'ac-
cepted or endorsed, and every promissory note 'and
cheque made, drawn or endorsed on behalf of the Com-
pany, by any agent, officer or servant of the Company
m general accordance with his powers as such, under
the by-laws of the Company, shall be bhiding upon the
Company ; and in no case shall it be necessary to have the
seal of the Company affixed to any such contract, agree-
ment, engagement, bargain, bill of exchange, promis'sory
note or cheque, or to prove that the same was made,
drawn, accepted or endorsed, as the case may be, in
pursuance of any by-law, or special vote or order ; nor
shall the party so acting as agent, officer or servant of
the Company, be thereby subjected individuallv to any
liability whatsoever to any third party thereibr ; pro-
vided always that nothing in this section shall be con-
strued to authorize the Company to issue any note
payable to the bearer thereof, or any promissory Aote in-
tended to be circulated as money, or'as the note of a bank.
26.— Each Shareholder, until the whole amount of
his stock has been paid up, shall be individually liable
to the Creditors of the Company, to an amoun't equal
to that not paid up thereon, but shall not be liable to an
action therefor by any Creditor, before an execution
against the Company has been returned unsatislied in
whole or in part; and the amount due on such execution
shall be the amount recoverable, with costs, against such
27.— The Shareholders of the Company sliall not
as such be held responsible for any act, default or liability
whatsoever, of the Company, or for any ein.-agement,
claim, payment, loss, injury, transaction, matter or thing
whatsoever, relating to or connected with the Companv
beyond thi' amount of their respective shares in the'
capital stock thereof.
28. — No person holding- stock in the Company as
an executor, administrator, tntor, curator, guardian or
trustee, shall be personally subject to liability as a Share-
holder, but the estates and funds in the hands of such
person, shall be liable in like manner, and to the same
extent, as the testator or intestate, or the minor, ward or
interdicted person, or the person interested in such trust
fund, would be, if living and competent to act, and hold-
ing such stock in his own name ; and no person holding
such stock as collateral security, shall be personally sub-
ject to such liability, biit the person pledging such stock
shall be considered as holding the same, and shall be
liable as a Shareholder accordingly.
29. — Every such executor, administrator, tutor,
curator, guardian or trustee, shall represent the stock in
his hands, at all meetings of the Company, and may vote
accordingly as a Shareholder ; and every pt ••?• jn who
pledges his stock may nevertheless represent the same at
all such meetings, and may vote accordingly as a share-
30. — If the Directors of the Company declare and
pay any dividend when the Company is insolvent, or
any dividend the payment of which renders the Com-
pany insolvent, or diminishes the capital stock thereof,
they shall be jointly and severally liable, as well to the
Company as to the individual Shareholders and Creditors
thereof, for all the debts of the Company then existing,
and for all thereafter contracted dxiring their continuance
in oflice, respectively ; but if any Director present, when
such dividend is declared, do forthwith, or if any Direc-
tor then absent do, within twenty-four hoiirs after he
shall have become aware thereof, and able so to do, enter
on the minutes of the Board of Directors, his protest
against the same, and do within eight days thereafter
l)ublish such protest in at least one new^spaper, published
ompany as
uardian or
■ as a Share-
ds of such
> the same
DV, ward or
I such trust
t, and hold-
on holding
onally sub-
such stock
d shall be
itor, tutor,
lie stock in
i may vote
c :■>'• JU who
the same at
as a share-
leclare and
solvent, or
3 the Com-
ck thereof,
well to the
d Creditors
n existing-,
sent, when
any Direc-
rs after he
to do, enter
tiis protest
, published
at or as near as may be possible to the ollice or chief place
of business of the Company, such ]Jirector may thereby,
and not otherwise, exonerate himself from such liability!
31.— No loan shall be made by the Company to any
fcihareholder, and if such be made, all Directors and
other officers of the Company making the same, or in
any wise assenting thereto, shall be jointly and severally
liable to the Company for the amount of such lo >n,— and
also to third parties, to the extent of suchloan wahle"al
interest,-for all debts of the Company (•ontracted from
the time of the making of such loan, to that of the re-
payment thereof.
32.— Any description of arition may be prosecuted
and maintained between the Company 'and any .Share
holders thereof, and no Shareholder, not being himself
a party to such suit, shall be incompetent as a witness
33.— The Charter of the Company shall be forfeited
by non-user during three consecutive years, at any one
time, or li the Company do not go into actual operation
within three years after it is granted ; and no declaration
ot such iorleiture by any act of the Legislature shall be
deemed an infringement of such Charter.
By Command,
(Signed,) E. PAREUR,
Assistant Secretnry.
In Testimony whereof, we have caused these our
Letters to be made Patent, and the great seal of our said
1 rovince oi Canada to be hereunto affixed : Witness
oiir Right Trusty and Well Beloved Cousin The Ri-rht
Honorable Charles Stanley Viscount Monck, Baron
Monck of Ballytrammon in the County of Wexford
Governor OciKM-al of llvitish North America and Caiilaiu
Goiu'ral and (rovornor in (.Miicfiii and ovi-v Onr Provinces
of Canada, Nova Scotia, Now llrunswick and the iNlaiul
of Trinct^ Kdward, and Vice- Admiral of the same, kc,
y of Baylield's
Map and Chart attached.
The distance from the oil region to Collingwood —
the nearest point where railway communication may be
had to all parts of Canada and the United States, is one
hundred and twenty miles.
The Oil, as proved by samples taken on Cape
Smith, where surface indications most abound, possesses
the finest lubricating qualities. Samples were obtained
by sinking holes from eighteen inches to two feet deep,
which immediately filled with water and oil mixed.
The oil was skimmed from the surface, and in the short
space of one hour, a gallon measure of oil was collected
in this manner. It is thought, therefore, that the surface
indications are of a character so unmistakable and prom-
ising a{> to justify the inference, which will shortly be
practically tested, that an abvindant supply of the article
can be obtained from surface wells at a very trifiing cost.
The explorations also establish the fact that the oil
is brought to the surface by springs ol" water, =^ which
would appear to render it probabk^ that an abundant
supply exists at a depth beneath the surface.
Large masses of Shale also crop out of a ridge runn-
ing the whole length of Cape Smith, specimens of which
were found to be strongly impregnated with the Oil.
The Stock of the Company consists of 30,000 Shares
of $10 each, and there is a balance of cash now on hand
sufficient to carry on extensive operations for the ensuing
year without depending upon any return from the oil
obtained. The Directors have secured the services of
practical men, and have already sent them, provided with
ample machinery, to commence operations on a large
scale on Cape Smith.
The advantages which the Company offers are —
1st. — An immense territory and indisputable title.
2nd. — No liabilities whatever on the part of the Com-
pany and Shareholders.
3rd. — No taxes or charges whatever, except the trifl-
ing one named, the Company being entitled to all the
oil produced.
4th. — Small working expenses, cheap manual labour,
and all materials at hand.
5th. — No possible interference from other parties
striking wells detrimental to those of the Company.
6th. — Cheap and easy communication for forwarding
7th. — Integrity of the projectors and their own per-
sonal interest in the welfare of the Company.
• Beyond Beaufort Bay, the shales run along the south side of the
small island north of Maple Point on the Great Mauitoulin, which has
already been alluded to, where they rest on the Trenton beds. From
Cape Smith to this position, the thickness of the deposit does not any-
where exceed about 50 feet. Some of the beds of the formation in this
part are more than usually bituminous, and on the island north of Maple
Point a spring of petroleum runs from them, — Logan's Geology of Canada,
chapter x., page 216 and 217.
$nnt PEnit0uIin ©il (J^ompuji,
1. — The chief place of business of the Company shall be at the
City of Montreal, and there shall be another place of business of the
Company at or near the place where their operations, under their
charter are carried on ; and such other branches or places of business
elsewhere as the Board of Directors may appo'nt.
2. — The Annual General Meeting of the Stockholders of the
Company shall be held at the Ofl&ce of the Company in Montreal, on
the second Wednesday in January, in each year, at twelve o'clock noon,
or at such other hour as the Directors may appoint ; at which Meet-
ing shall be exhibited the Annual Financial Statement of the
affairs of the Company made up to the 31st December preceding, and
a Report of operations by the Directors thereof.
3. — At all such Annual Meetings an Auditor shall be appointed,
for the purpose of auditing and verifying the accounts of the current
year, and such Auditor shall not necesBarily be a stock holder.
4. — Special General Meetings of the Stockholders of the Com-
pany shall be called by the Secretary whenever he shall be ordered
to cull such Meeting by a resolution of the Board of Directors; and
also, whenever the Directors shall be required so to do by a requisi-
tion in writing, signed by Stockholders in the Company holding one-
half of the subscribed Stock thereof; but, in every such case, such
resolution of requisition, as the case may be, shall contain a dintinct
statement of the purposes for which such Special Meeting is called,
and no other business shall be transacted at such Meeting than such
as shall be mentioned in such statement.
5.— Public notice of every General Meeting of the Stockholders
of the Company shall bo given, by advertising the same in two news-
papers published iu the City of 3Iontreal, one French and one
English, by at l«-ast three insertions in each, the first of which inser-
tions shall be at least fifteen days previous to the day fixed for such
Meeting ; and also by letter or telegram addressed (prepaid) to the
last known residence or place of business of such Stockholder ; and if
such Meeting be the Annual General Meeting, such notice may be
in general terms ; but if the Meeting to be held be a Special General
Meeting, then such advertisement and notice shall contain the same
statement of the purpose for which such Meeting is to be held, as is
contained in the resolution or requisition, as the case may be, under
which such Special Meeting is called.
6 —If, from any cause, the Annual General Meeting of Stock-
holder shall not be held, or legal notice thereof shall not have been
given • or if, from any cause, the election of Directors shall not take
place on the day hereby fixed for that purpose ; it shall be the duty
of the Directors for the previous year, who shall remain in office until
their successors are elected, to cause a Special Genera! Meeting of the
Stockholders to be called and held as soon as may be thereafter, for
the purpose of transacting the business of the Annual Meeting ; and
at such Meeting Directors may be elected, and all other matters or
things may be passed upon and done, as if such Meeting were in fact
the Annual Meeting of the Stockholders of the Company.
7. — At all Meetings of Stockholders the question shall be decided
by a majority of votes, every share being entitled to a vote ; and all
proprietors of shares may vote by proxy, as he, she, or they may see
fit, provided that such proxy be a Stockholder in the Company, and
produce from his. constituent, or constituents, an appointment in writ-
ing to that effect, in the following words, or in words equivalent thereto,
viz :
the Shareholders
hereby appoint
of the Great Manitoulin Oil
one of
Company, dc
to be my
Proxy, (he being a Shareholder, as required by By-Law) and in my
absence to vote or give my assent to, or dissent from, any business
matter or thing, relating to the said undertaking, that shall be men-
tioned or proposed at any Meeting of the Shareliolders of said Com-
pany, or any of them, in such manner as he, the said
. shall think proper.
8. — No party shall be entitled to vote upon any share or shares
on which any regular instalments have become due and remain unpaid.
9. — At any Annual Meeting, it shall be competent to the Share-
holders present, to determine and vote an aimual amount for the re-
muneration of the President and Directors.
10. — The business and affairs of the Company shall be conducted
and managed by nine Directors.
11. — The Directors at their first Meeting after their election,
shall elect one of their number to be President, and another to be
Vice-President for the ensuing year.
12. — It shall be the duty of the President to preside at all
Meetings of the l?oard of Directors, and of the Shareholders; to attend
generally to the executive business of the Company, under the
direction of the Board ; and he shall be ex officio a Member of all
Committees, and no cheque, bond, certificate of stock, contract, or
any other instrument in writing, shall be binding or obligatory on the
Company, unless signed by the President, and countersigned v the
Secretary or Treasurer.
13. — In the absence of the President, the Vice-President shall
have all the powers, and perform all the duties of the President ; and
in such case, his signature shall have the same ibrce and validity as
that of the President : and if the President shall bo absent from any
Meeting of the Directors, the Vice-President, if present, shall preside,
and in the absence of both, one of the other Directors shall be named
actinj; Prcsidoiit, and sliall be invested with the powers, and pertbnn
tlie duties of the President for the time being.
!•*• — The Directors shall hold Meetings as may be required, and
Special Meetings of the Directors shall be called by the Secretary when-
ever lie shall rocoivc an order from the President, or in his absence,
from the Vice-President, or a rc(juisition in writing, from any three
Directors to that effect ; Imt such Meetings shall not be valid unless
notice shall have been given to every Director of such Meeting fifteen
days previous thereto, or notice shall have been mailed or telegraphed
to his address tifteon days before the day fixed for such Meeting.
15. — Five Directors shall form a Quorum of the Board.
1(!.— No person having directly, or indirectly, any interest in
any contract witli the Company shall be a Director thereof; and if, at
any time, any Director shall acquire, or come to hold such an inter-
est, he sliall, ipso facto, cease to be a Director of the Company, and
his office shall become vacant within the meaning of the Letters Patent
of Incorporation, and another person, duly qualified, shall be forthwith
elected a Director in his place.
17.— It shall be the duty of the Directors, from time to time,
to declare such Dividends upon the Capital Stock of the Company,
or upon su(th portions thereof as shall have been subscribed for and
paid up, as they shall deen-. fit : provided always, tliat such Dividends
shall only be declared when they shall be justified by the actual profits
made by the Company.
18.— The Doard of Directors shall have full power to fix and
determine all salaries and renmnerations to be accorded to the
Auditors, Olfieors, and Servants of the Company, and to alter and vary
the same as they may deem fit.
19. — The Directors shall have power, with the sanction of the
Shareholders obtained at any General Meeting, to issue new Stock
within the amount limited by the Letters Patent of Incorporation ;
and to niako the same payable in Cash at any time, not less than
ouo moutli from the time sucli Stock sliallbe subscribed Ibr, provided,
liowevcr, tliat notliiiig herein contained nliall prevent the Directors
from maicing Calls payable in monthly instalments of 10 per cent,
each, if tliey see fit to do so.
20.— The Shareholders shall be held and bound to pay the Call
or Calls at the time or times named in a public notice to be given,
and in default of so doing, the Directors may charge interest on the
overdue instalments at the rate of the last declared Dividend.
21.— Any Share, or Shares, upon which any Instalment remains
overdue and unpaid for a period of fourteen days, maybe declared
forfeited by a resolution of the Board of Directors, who shall have the
power, after one month's notice of such resolution by letter through
the Post Office to the usual address of the party subscribing for such
Share, or Shares, to sell the same for tlic benefit of the other Share-
liolders in said Company, in proportion to their respective interests ;
and such party subscribino; shall have no claim whatever for or in
respect to such Share, or Shares, that shall be thus sold, or for any
payment lie, or they, may have made thereon.
22.— No Transfer of Stock shall be valid unless made on the
books of the Company, at its office in Montreal ; nor shall any Trans-
fer of Stock be made on the said Books at any time during the fifteen
days next previous to the Annual General Meeting of the Stockholders
of the Company.
23.— No Transfer of any Stock of which any portion remains
unpaid, shall bo made or be valid while any overdue Call thereon is
unpaid ; nor until any Call then made, and falling due within eight
days thereafter, (if any there be) shall also be paid.
24.— No Transfer of Stock shall be made or be valid, at any
time, within fifteen days next previous to the limo fixed for the pay-
ment of any Dividend.
25. — The Scrip Certificate of paul-up Stock sliall be in tlio
followinn; form : —
Capital Stock, 8300,000.
P>0,000 Shares of $10 each
No. of Certificate
Tins IS TO Certify that
is holder of
Shares in the Capittil Stock of tlic (ireat Manitoulia Oil Company,
whereof the full value of Ten Dollars jier Share has been paid, trans-
ferable only on the Books of the Company in person, or by Attorney.
S C0.M1'AXV'.S ]
2(i. — The Transfer of Stock shall be made, upon the books of
the Company, in the following form : —
For Value Received from
do hereby
as.sii>u and transfer unto the said
each of which has been paid
amountins; to the .sum of
Shares (on
in the Capital Stock of the Great JIanitoulin Oil Company, subject
tri tlio Rules and Regulations of the said Company.
(.lay of
dred aud
hand, at the Company's Office, this
in the year one tliousand eijilit hun-
do hereby accept the forcjioinfr Assiiiinnent of
Shares in the .Stock of the Great Manitoulin Oil Company, assigned
to as above mentioned, at the Company's Office, thi;j
'!''}■ f'f . - ^ _ _ one thousand
ci";ht hundred aud
-7. — Tlio Accounting Department aiul Office business shall be
managed by a Secretary appointed by the Directors. It siiall be
his duty to attend tlie Meetings of the Board of Directors, 'keep a
regular record of its proceedings, and give notice of Stated and
Special Meetings. lie shall countersign all cheques, bonds, certi-
ficates oi stock, contracts, and other instruments, when signed by the
President or Vice-President, as the case may be ; shall have custody
of the seal of the Company ; shall keep and have charge of the books,
records, securities, muniments, and accounts, pertaining to the Office :
shall conduct the correspondence and manage the general business of
the Company.
The wliole under the immediate direction of the President, and
under the instructions of the Board of Directors,
28. — The Secretary shall prepare a complete Annual Statement
of the receipts and disbursements, and of the financial affairs of the
Company to the thirty-first day of December of each year for sul)-
mission to the Stockholders at their Annual General Meeting, on the
second Wednesday of January.
29. — The Treasurer shall have the custody of all the funds of
the Company, until the same shall be divided or appropriated by the
lie shall make his deposits in such Banks or
Board of Directors.
other place of security as tlie Directors slii.ll appoint, ai;d liis Hank
account shall he kept in the name of the Company. He shall sign
receipts and acknowled-cmonts for all moneys and other i)roperty of
the Corporation or Company which may come into his hands, and
disburse and appropriate the same only under the direction and with
the sanction of the Board of Directors. He shall also render a full
and particular statement of his cash accounts, accompanied with
Vouchers at every annual mcctin,;;- of the Company, showing the
condition of its financial affiurs, and a similar account at any regular
meeting of the Stockholders, when required by a vote thereof so to
do. And he shall not draw any money from the bank of deposits
except by his drafts or cheques, countersigned by the Pi'esident or
;}0. — Tiie President shall have the control an:^ ;,.anagemcnt of
the OfBccrs and servants of the Company, with power to engage and
discharge them from time to time, and to make the necessary rules
and regulations for their conduct and guidance.
. ,u.-i
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