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'ZJ ^^i^W^-~-w.' . f ' ^ f mmmmm m m ^ mwfmm ^mm- it.* >Vhole8ale and Retail Dealer iri Stoves, Ranges, —AND— TIISrW^ARE, P^oiia stoneware, MARBUIZED IROU MANTEIS AND JRATES, Vmp^ lead and Iron Hpd ^^__^ _ toden from the country Mlicltod. MILL STdtEET^ Nead Commercial, SEAHLE, W. T. IF mis Victoria and Puget Sound Route. THE STEAMERS Qimo? THS PACIFIC iM USSCa dARRYINC HER BRITANHIG MAJESTY'8 MAILS. FOR Victoria, b. c. port townsend SEATTLE. TACOMA. STEILACOOM, AND OLYMf^lA, Making dose connections with Steamboats, £tc., for Skagil Rivei and Cassiar Mines, Nanainio, New Westminster, Yale, Sitka, and all other important pqints. e3s:B; ma.p for time schedule. li^lllll^tiHTOfc PASSAGBi ApPI.Y TO , J. A. HARDER, Agent, O. I. Company's Ocean Dock, SEATTLE. EITHET Jc 00.. Victoria, B. 0. $1.00 per Year. Single Copies, lOc. Railway and .Navigatiom For Puget Sound and British Columbia. SEATTLE. - VICTORIA. Contains the Latest Time Tables of all Railway Steamship and Stage Lines, Together with Distance Tables, Mail Schedules, • Rates of Fare and General Railway and Shipping Information. Distributed on Ocean, Sound and River Steamers, Railways and Stages. To Hotels and Leading Business Houses throughout the Northwest. KEVisun A\n puhTjIhhisd monthly by Wra. C. lajwead & Cq., SealUt,; W. T'„ and Victoria, B., C. With PRESS PUB. CO. Seattle, W. T. Cor. 9th St. & Pac. Ave. Tncoma, Vf. T. With RAND BROS. fr'ort M. Victoria. Kt'. THE GUIDE win be on Sale with th<' lending Stationers and New.sdealerH Address all communlcHtlon.<» to the. ''linihraij and Xnt'ljfutiou Gaiih-," Seattle, Washington Territory, or Victoria, B. C. ADVERTISE IN THE GUIDE —The (iniile i i one of the most valii.iDe Advertising Metllums on the Nortli Pacirte (;oast. Ii will I)'' foiiud on all Transportation lilni.^, In every Hotel, Railway and Steamship Oillc-, and the leading bnsiness houses throughout I'ugei, .Sound and Uritish CoUinihia. Offleials of Transportation Cotnpanies will confera favtjr upon tlie travel. ling public by notifying us of all changes In time an routes. CONTENTS. MI90KIil.ANEOtT8— AdvtS. Pajfo. Chllhoru, A. & Co., Com. A Tkt. AKts.SO Confcdcriitlon Life AsHOolatlon ?5 Dally I'rosH.Heattlo 17 liaHriiiK)^, Photographer 20 Hack Uatos, Victoria 17 Jones, T.I,DentlHt 84 Pn(!lflc CJoast Laundry 22 Price, Dr(} W \ Qiiliilan, W J. Dentist I Hallway anil Shipping 7, 8 Hand Hros, Heal Estate 38 Mwan K J . 4 Htrcet Car linos 20 The British Columbian !15 Van Waters, W, Ticket Agent 24 Victoria Marble Work-) Back cover, Inskle Williams, RT Bookblnacr..f rent cover TIME TABLES. KAILWAY LINE.S. Canadian Pacific 10, 11, 12 Columbia and Pugel Sound 31 Cascade Division, N P R'y 32 Esquiinalt& Nanalmo R'y ; 15 OlymplaA Ohehalls Valley 32 Puget Hound Shore 32 Northern Pacific 33 STEAMSHIP LINES. Alaska Route, see map Canadian Pacific Navigation Co....... Eraser River Lines 9 Pacific Coast 8 S Co, see map People's Steam Navig'n Co's Llnos...IO Han Francisco Lines a") Skagit River Lines .....23 Victoria and Vancouver Lines 9 •' Nanalmo 19 PUGET SOUKD STEAMERS. Seattle and Pt Blakoly Route 27 " and Whatcom Route 21-25 " and Olympla Route 27 " and Oakland Route 27 " Pt Gamble & Union City Rte..24 " and Tacome Route 29 " and Snohomish Route 21 " and Port Madison Route 29 •' Big and Little Skookum 23 Pt Townsend and Neaii Bay 27 Skagit River Route 23 Seattle and Colby Creek Route 23 " Pt Onjhard * Pt Wash Route..27 " and Vancouver Route 2 Tacoma, Seattle & Vic. oria Route...25 Tacoma. Sealtle & Port Townsend 21 " A Henderson Bay Route 29 STAGE lilNES. Brit Columbia Ex Co's Stage Llne8....16 K R & TRANSPORTATION— Ads. British Columbia Express Co 16 Nanalmo, New West and Vancouver 13 Westminster Branch CPR 13 Chicago, Milwaukee A St Paul R'y. ..30 Canadian Pacific Railway 24 E.squimalt& Nanalniw Railway 16 Oregon Railway & Navigation Co 20 Oregon & California Railway Co 34 Oregon Short Line A Union Pacific R..26 RocTt Island A Albert Lea Route 28 Pacific Coast S S Co.front cover, inside Victoria Transfer Co front cover North Pacific RR, Back cover, outside BUSINESS HOUSES— AdvtS. B. C. stationery and Printing Co.. 3 BarnsleVjJohn, Guns .35 Durle, D E, Commission 21 Ellard, .lames & Co 14 Fullerton, J, Boots and Shoes back cover inside Gllmore, A,Ta:!cr 3 Hlbben,T N A Co 40 Jamieson, Robt, Bookseller 13 Leask A Morrison, Tailors 2 Lynch A Wood, Furniture 37 Miles, Z C, Stoves and Ranges front cover, 'nslde McPherson.W A, Grocer 17 TIppins, W J 22 Turner, Beeton A Co 39 Weller, John, Furniture 1 Wlghtman, C E, Grocer 32 HOTELS— Advts. Clinton Hotel 13 Brighton Hotel, Hastings, BC 19 Clarence, Victoria 17 Drlard, Victoria 16 Gold House, Back cover, inside Hotel Directory 36 Pcodle Dog, Victoria m THE COMPLETION OF THE C. P. R. The C. P. R. Co. linvo at last iiindi* a jioiiit in the Btniggle with tliOBO who have liad iiijunutioiiH put up >ii th»;ir aiul to preveiit the l'oni|... ■ ex- tending the road to the City of Vancouver fro'n Fort Moody. It i.' .ow clear that tlie road will ko into the ('ity, and thoii>;h it may tal'^c sotnu months time, activd' prop nations are heing made towards thr'"viiig nsid'! all interference and towards the comjdetion of the ext< imion I'lie I -m- pany are at present ni 'ting all possihle arrangements for having the t'-rin- inuB there, and ho^i.i.^ are building a large hotel, which is situated on tiie hill commanding a splf.ndid viuw of the Inlet .ind the rest of t' u l.ity. The unceriainty which has so long lning over the provincf as t'> thf future prosperity of its respective parts a.s t-rt'ected hy the mail, i;- rai)idly <lis- appearing, and Port Moody will lose the terminal interetts and fail far short of the once possible City. The wharf accommodation (jnce i)roiniHed by the Imperial C5overnment will undoubtedly mostly bo given to Van- couver. The Company are constructing a suitable station house, a turn- table and several side tracks in the weatein part of New WestnnnHter, which will enable that City to bettor accommodate a portion of thj con- tinental trade. MISCELLANEOUS. The Steamer Evangel has been newly repaired and is now plying as be- fore between the Sound and Seattle. The Steamer Yosemite will soon be ready for use again ; her new shaft ha« arrived from Philadelphia. The new Steamer of the C. P. N. Co., purchased in San Francisco, is expected to make its trip in about four hours from the Island to Vancouver City. The South Pacific Coast Railroad has passed under the ow ership and control of the Southern Pacific Company, but it is not probable that any radical changes will be made in its management for the present at least. Eastern papers state that it is reported in Ottawa that t' a CanadiiUi Pacifid Navigation Company has ordered from the Union Iron Works, of San Francisco, a magnificent steel screw steamer to ply on Puget Sound as a feeder to the Canadian Pacific Railway. The vessel is of 1 ,000 tons burden, and the price is $200,000. The Union Pacific has leased the lines of the Oregon Railway and Navi- gc.tion Company, comprising about 700 miles of track, thus giving that gr^at system an independent connection with the Pacific Coast. It is un- derstood that thia lease does not interfere with the use of tlie O. R. N. linos by the Northern Pacific, whose trains now run over them into Portland. V. 8 RAILWAY AND MAVIGATION GUIDE. The Stoainer EUle- will take the place of the Queen of the Pacific until the close of .Fanuary. The latter is now on the Portland route in the place of the State of California now being repaired. The Canadian Pacific Railway Co. has comphted an extensive Hystem of snow-sheds in the Selkirk range of the Rocky Mountains ; 22,000,000 feet of lumber have been used in their construction. It seems to be the in- tention and determination of this great railway to keep its lines open through the winter. The New Road Nearly Completed. — President Harris, of the North- ern Pacific Railroad Company, stated : "The work is goini? on rapidly. On December 15th there will be a gap ot but six miles between the line from the west and that from the east, and by the 1.5th of January the whole line over the mountain will be completed and the rails laid. We shall not open the line until later, unless we are compelled to do so, but by early spring it will l)e in full operation to Puget Sound. As to the tunnel the workmen are 2200 feet from the mouth nearly, one-third of the whole distance to be bored." New Coast Steamer Line. — A conference of managers of the Southern Pacific Coast system of roads, will soon be held for the purpose of perfecting plans for a new Pacific Coast Steamship Line. It is stated the company will have the line extended from Portland in the North to San Diego on the South. The vessels will be of light draft and capable of entering harbors where the water is shallow. Thei-e is some talk of taking some of the steamers from the Morgan line between New Orleans and South American ports for the New Pacific coawt enterprise. PERSONA.L. Northern Pacific. — Gen. Adna Anderson, formerly Chief Engineer, has been appointed Second Vice-President, vith office at Tacoma. Wash- ington Ter. He will have special charge of the Pacific Division of the road. Mayor Beaugrand, of Montreal, Geo. Olds. General Traffic Manager of the C. P. R., W. St. vena, brother of Sir Georc,'e vStevens and one of the C. P. R. Directors have lately paid a flying visit to the Western Terminus. T. J. Miller, Asst.Snpt. of the Columbia and Puget Sound Railroad, has notified the public that W. B. Spencer is appointed agent for these com- panies in the place of T. W. Corbett resigned. MATRIMONIAL. A refined and accomplished young lady, with an income sufficient for her support, M-ishes to correspond with an honorable, kind hearted Wash- ington Territory gentleman. Object matrimony. References exchanged. Address : Mary Lyle, 152 6th Avenue, New York City. 'acific until in the plac« e system of )00,000 feet be the in- lines open the North - on rapidly, le line from whole line all not open ly spring it e workmen ;ance to be e Southern f perfecting e company )iego on the ng harbors »me of the I American Engineer, na. Waah- )f the road. lanager of 5ne of the Terminus. ilroad, has hese com- icient for ;d Wash- langed. k City. -J I RAILWAY AND NAVIGATION GUIDE. f,mim Pacific Naviiatioii Co., LI JOUN IRVING, Manager. 6. A. CAKLBTON, G>;n. Agt. F^Ri^SER RIVKR ROUTP:. FROM VICTORIA. To New Westminster, Ladnei '3 nud Lulu Island Plumper Pass Mon. Tuea. 6 A.M. Wed. Thurs. / A. M. Frid. Sat. / A.M. 7 A.M. TO VICTORIA. From New Westminster 2 A.r.i. 1 . i 7 A. ?a. ' . . , 17 A. m. FROM NEW WE:STMINSTER. To Hope, Chilliwhack, Su- mas and Way Places . . To Plumper Pass ... 7 A M. 7 A.M. 7 A. M. TO NEW wp:stminster. From Hnpn " Chilli whack 3 A.M. 8 A.M. 3 A. M 8 A. M . . /. . VANCOUVER AND PORT MOODY FROM VICTORIA. ROUTE, To Port Moody and Van- couvei daily, except on Monday, at '2 a. m. To Moodyville & Hastings 2 A. M. 2 A. M. To VICTORIA. From Port Moody — Daily except Monday at 12:30 P.M. •' Vancouver — Daily except Monday at 1:30 p.m. Vs •1 it lO RAILWAY ALD NAVIGATION GUIDE. CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY W. C. VAN HORNE, Vioe-Presioent. CEO. OLDS, General Traffio Manager. General Offioes-MONTREAL. H. ABBOTT, Gen. Supt., Port Moody. ROBERT KERR.Oen'l Frgt;& Pass. Agt. Winnipeg. D. E. BROWN, Dist. Frgt & Pass. Agt. Pout Moody. GOING WEST. READ DOWN. Mixed. 10 00 a. m. 8 00 a. m. 4 30 p. m, 8 00 p. m, 11 35 a. m, 11 54 a. m, 12 05 p. m. 12 25 " 12 50 " 12 58 " 1 10 " tl 29 " 40 " 52 " 37 " 57 " 12 " 22 " 34 " 54 " 19 " 00 " 13 " 26 " 45 " 6 08 ". 6 21 " 6 50 '« 7 31 " 8 04 " 9 07 " 9 42 •• 10 14 " 10 28 " 10 41 " 11 10 '• U 30 " 1 I 2 2 3 3 3 3 4 5 5 5 5 Pacific Express Mb 2 30 p.m. 8 00 " H"45" " 4 05 " 12 50 ♦' 5 00 " 12 55 a.m. 1 10 " 1 28 I 47 2 00 " 2 12 " 2 28 X2 45 t 3 00 3 41 " '4" 36" f; 24 C 28 " '7 21 " 8 19 " 8 27 " 8 56 9 10 9 35 9 45 172 120 193 490 379 148 155 158 163 171 174 177 183 186 180 198 205 211 215 219 224 234 246 251 255 262 270 274 284 297 307 318 330 340 344 348 358 364 374 378 STATIONS. Lv. . .Quebec Ar Montreal Ottawa .... Brockville . . . St. Thomas .... Lv. .Toronto. . Av Lv . Carl'ton Jc . Ar Almonte JSnedden's Pakenhani Arnprior JBraeside . . . . . . . .Sand Point . . . . .... Castleford. . . . .... iRiissell's Renfrew Haley's Cobden . . . iSnake River . . . .... Graham's . . . :I:Govt. Road . . . .... Pembroke . . . tPettawawa. . . . . . ..Chalk River.. . . ;WyIie .... Bass Lake .... jMoorlake Mackey Rockliflfe Bisaett . . . Deux Rivieres . . . Klock .... .Mattawa .... Eau Claire .... Rutherglen . . . . Callander . . . jNosbonsing . . . . Thorncliif .... North Bay . . . . .... jBeaiieage . . . . . . . iMeadowside . . . (iOING EAST. read up. Atlantic Express. 2 8 4 1 5 11 20 p.m. 20 a m. 38 a.m. 30 p.m. .35 p.m. 45 a. 'n. 3 30 a.m. 3 14 " 2 54 2 37 2 25 2 12 1 58 t 1 41 i 1 27 12 48 '^ i2 02 " 11 04 p.m. >0 00 " '907 '• J 7 59 " J 7 32 •• 7 22 " 6 52 " 6 42 " Mixed. 6 30a.m. 9 00 J. m. 5 25' " 8 20 " 12 35 p.m. 8 27 a.m. 5 3 days. 4 30 p.m. 17 " 07 " 58 *• 40 " 3 32 3 27 :3 12 3 04 2 56 2 37 2 22 2 12 2 07 2 00 1 49 1 28 1 05 12 44 12 32 12 lop .m 11 53a L.m 11 38 11 10 10 30 9 58 9 28 8 48 8 19 7 58 7 45 7 18 7 00a i.m LWAY , Port Moody. rff t;& Pass. Agt, p't & Pass. Agt, IT Moody. W EAST. KAD rip. IC IS. .m. m. III. m. m. '11. m, Mixed. 6 30a.m. 9 00 J. m. 5 25 " 8 20 " 12 35 p.m. 8 27a.m. 5 J days. 4 30p.m. 4 17 " 4 07 '* 3 58 " 3 40 " 3 32 " 3 27 " t'S 12 '« 3 04 " 2 56 " 2 37 " 2 22 " 2 12 " 2 07 2 00 1 49 1 28 1 05 12 44 12 32 «' 12 15p.m. 11 53a.m. 11 38 " 11 10 «« 10 30 9 58 9 28 8 48 " 8 19 " 7 58 " 7 45 " 7 18 " 7 00a. m (I II II RAILWAY AND NAVIGATION GUIDE I I GOING WEST. KEAD UOWN. Mixed. H •a a • c ^ ^ S O CD I* m a be H Pacific Express. 10 03 10 26 10 51 11 14 11 22 11 42 11 55 12 10 12 42 12 55 a.m. II a. 111. p. in 1 1 2 2 3 10 45 15 45 20 4 05 4 45 5 23 6 16 7 01 7 53 8 38 9 23 10 08 10 48 11 08 11 48 12 38 II II p. 111. a. in. 27 30 15 57 37 4 51 5 15 5 45 7 0! 8 01 9 27 10 26 11 30 12 20 1 06 1 52 2 34 3 21 4 U(t Mis. a. m p. m, 15 10 15 30 17 40 387 397 408 419 422 4.S1 '436 443 4,55 461 467 478 489 501 515 532 549 564 .■^81 599 615 629 644 661 675 681 694 710 72 74 76 776 791 797 802 811 8;m) 846 865 880 896 912 928 946 961 979 993 993 10(X) 1052 STATIONS. . .Sturgen Falls , . . . . +Verner. . . . .+Vexive River , . . . jMarkstay. . , . . .jHillcreast . , . . jWahnapitae , . . . jRomford . . Sudbury. . . , . . jChelmsford . . . jLarchwood . , . . ..JOnaping . . Cartier. . . . ..Straight Lake . . JPogamasiiig , . . .JMetagama. , . . . Biscotasing. Ramsay . . . . . .Woman River Ridout ... , . .NemegoSenda Chapleau . . Pardee . . . . . . Windermere. Dalton . . . . . . . Missanabie . JLochalsh . Otter.... (J raaett . . Amyot. . . . ...White River. Bremner.. . Trudeau . . . . . .Round Lake. Mclgund . . . . . . Heron Bay . Peninsula. . Middlofon . Jack Fish. . . . . . Selireilier . . Rossport . . . . . Gravel River. . . . Mazokama . Nepigon. . . . . . . Wolf R iver . . . ..Pearl River. Mackenzie. A r..Pt. Arthur. Lv.*Pt. Arthur, ....Ft William Dexter . . RKAD UP. Lv Ar Atlantic Express, Mixed. 6 24 p.m. 6 01 " 5 36 " 5 13 '« 5 03 " 4 55 " 4 32 " 4 17 " 3 45 " 3 32 " 3 15 " 2 48 " 2 15 " 1 51 " 1 16 " J12 32 p.m. 11 52 a.m. li 14 " 10 30 " 9 45 " 9 00 " 8 10 " 7 30 " 6 45 " 6 05 " 5 45 " 5 05 " 4 15 " 3 25 " 2 25 " 1 29 "• 12 45 " 12 01 aim 11 40 p.m. 11 20 " 10 56 " 9 40 " 8 40 " 7 30 " 6 30 " 5 29 " 4 44 " 4 00 " 3 14 " 2 34 " 1 39 " 1 00 p.m. 5th day . . 4tli day 11 45 11 28 9 23 ..... . . 12 RAILWAY AND NAVIGATION GUIDE. GOING WEST. READ DOWN. Mixed. B 1 I I -2 I CO I 1 I Paoilic Express. 18 20 21 30 24 33 33 38 52 6 40 8 10 9 40 10 43 11 48 12 37 14 10 15 20 16 35 18 38 19 40 20 58 22 16 23 45 25 00 00 10 124 2 7 11 14 20 16 53 18 36 20 25 22 50 2 25 3 03 4 5 6 00 25 50 9 03 9 00 li 57 16 05 18 56 23 1 4 6 10 43 29 10 8 55 12 00 Mia 1069 1145 1235 1249 1290 1342 1362 1402 1423 1452 1479 1500 1529 1556 1589 1642 1687 1717 1747 1779 1789 1821 1934 2020 2083 2136 2173 2208 2262 2329 2342 2361 2385 2395 2429 2446 2482 2525 2559 2654 2699 2748 2775 2824 2892 2906 STATIONS. .... Savanne . . . Ignacc . . . . . Eagle River . . . . Parry wood . . . . Rat Portage . Rennie . . . . VVhiteniouth. . . . .Selkirk. . . . . . Winnipeg. . . . . Marquette. . Portage la Prairie . . ..McGregor . . .... Carberry . . . .... Brandon .... . . . Oak Lake . . . . . ..Moosomin. . . . . .Broadview. . . .... Wolseley. . . . . . Qu'Appellc . . Regina . . . . . Grand Coulee . . . . Moose Jaw . . ..Swift Current. . . Maple Creek . . . .Medicine Hat.. Tilley .... Latliom .... . . . .Gleichen . . . Calgary . . . .... Canniore . . . BanflF . . Silver City . . .... ^Stephen . . . Field ...Golden City.. Donald .... . .Glacier Hotel. . . . Revelstoke . . .... Sicamous . . . . . . Kauiloops . . . .... Ashcroft . . . Lytton .... . . North Bend . . . ..Ruby Creek.. . ..Port Moody.. Ar . . Vancouver . . liV GOING EAST. HEAD UI'. Atlantic Express 8 45 5 50 2 3 . I 33 23 32 21 01 20 10 18 40 17 50 16 08 15 05 14 13 11 10 8 15 10 45 16 11 6 30 3 38 i 17 24 50 24 25 22 55 18 05 14 05 11 15 8 44 7 07 5 35 3 00 24 01 23 18 22 21 28 18 20 25 17 55 17 10 13 28 9 15 6 14 2 10 23 25 20 3.-) 19 00 16 05 13 00 Mixed. Supl 3rd day . and mil Por twc Wo WM 2nd day . froi pro s 1st day. B ifFlag stations ; I ruins, wlicn tirncMl, stoplf pa-^songors at or for. StcMiiicrs leave Port Arthur on Tuesdays and Sat unlays, on arrival of tlieovorlanii train from Port Moody. Train loaves Montreal dully except Sundays, and leave Port Moody dally excopt Monday. IJ.G, BllOWN, DIst. Fieifiitt * Tiiss. A sent, PI. IMoody. D.R.MUNRO, Ticket AfjT., ti A CARLKTON, FuEKiiiT Aut. Wliarf St., Victoria, B. C. Victoria, B. C. I RAILWAY AND NAVIGATION GUIDE. Mixed. 13 Canadian Pacific Railway. PACIFIC UIVISION. Supplementary Time Table to be worked in conjunction with Time Table No. 2, To take effect 1 o'clock, Saturday, Nov. 13th, 1880. TRAIN EAST. READ DOWN. WESTMINSTER BRANCH. Mis from Pt. Moody TRAIN WEST. READ UP. EXPRESS No. 12. EXPRESS No. 11. 12:47 de 13:12 13:25 ar 13 Westminster. 1 Westminster Junction. H Port Moody. 13 4i ar 12:23 fde 11:58 (ar 11:43 de 11:35 Main Line No. 1 on Mondays will not run between Westminster Juiiclion and Port Moody, l)Ut wDl run as No. 11 from Westminster Junction to West- minster. Returning as No. 12 to Port Moody. Nj). 11 will not run l)etw('en Port Moody and Westminster Junction on Mondays. Main Line Trains be- tween Westminster Junction and Port Moody have right to the track over Westminster Branch Trains of same class. WM. DGWNIE, A8st.-Supt.. H. ABBOTT, Genl.-Supt., Port Moody. Four Moody. Nanaimo, New Westminster and Vancouver Route. The steamer "Robert Dnnsuiuir," Captain Rogers, makes weekly trips from Nanaimo to New Westminster and Vancouver, with the following ap- proximated time : AllRIVK. l.KAVE. AU'VK F.KAVK. Sat. 8 p.m. '-' 10 " Sun. 6 " Wed. 3 " Nanaimo New Westm'r Vancouver ... Nf-w Westm'r Xar.umo Hnt. fia.m. " 4 p.m. Sun. 2 " V/ed. 7 a. m. 3 p. m. 3 p. in. Niinaimo.. Comox Nanaimo.. 'I'luirs. 7 a. m. Friday 7 " WMI CLINTON, B. C. Board anfl Loflging liy the Day, Week or lontli BEST WINES. SPIRITS AND CIGAHS. GOOD STABLING. EXCELLEM FISHIKG m SIIOOTI\G l\' THK VIOIMFV. MARSHALL & SMITH, Proprietors. 14 RAILWAY AND NAVIGATION GUIDE. d IL®BJ1)®K IIlI®irSE ^-^ \ II JAMES ELLARD & CO. Direct Importers of DRY GOODS Gents' Furnishings ILLINERY AND FANCY .& GOODS. No. 125 and 127 Columbia Street, (CORNER MARY STREEi) NE\V WESTMINSTER, B. C. RAILWAY AND NAVIGATION GUIDK. IS ! Esquimalt & Nanaimo Railway. 0. s GS s. eet, R. DUNSMUIR, President. JOSEPH HUNTER, Superintendent. GOING NORTH RKAn DOWN. STATIONS. GOINCi SOU'I KKAn UP. H R. No. 2 PASSENGER. No. 1 PASSE NGE^ De. 8.20 " 8.30 A. M. . . . Russell's, Victoria West . . Esquimalt Ar. 4.40 " 4.30 " 4.05 " 3.10 " 3.00 «' 2.45 " 2.35 " 2.30 " 2.20 " 1.58 De. 1.00 • • " 8.55 Goldstream " 9.50 " 10.00 Shawnigan Lake Cobble Hill « 10.15 McPherson's " 10.25 Koksila h " '10.30 Duncan's " 10.40 Someno s " 11.02 Chemainus Ar. 12.00 Nanaimo p. M. Shortest, Best and Quickest Route to Nanaimo ! Pa.ssing through the Finest and Richest Portion of Vancouver Island. Magnificent Scenery, Rich Agricultural Valleys and finest Mineral Lands in British Columbia. THE SPORTSMAN & TOURIST'S PARADISE. New and Elegant Coaches are run on all Passenger Trains. Time to Nanaimo, ; hours and 40 minutes. — — -© — — — 1 6 RAILWAY AND NAVIGATION GUIDE. VICTORIA, B. C. REDON cfe MA.KTIsr^GLE, - - Proprietors. FIRST CLASS In every respect. Accommodations equal to any House on the Coast. CONVENIENTLY LOCATED in the OPERA BLOCK. The Tourist and Traveler will find THE DRIARD unsurpassed. BRITISH COLUMBIA i:EBI?I^Si^ ^(]_ii:ivin?3i!iD.)^ OFFICES. YALE, LYTTON, SPENCES' BRIDGE, ASHCROFT, SAVONA, K AM LOOPS, VICTORIA, VANCOUVER, NEW WKSTMI'VSTER, NANAIMO, LADNERS, HOPE, Packages, Parcels ana Money carried at Reasonable Rates. Head Office- VICTORIA. FRANK S. BARNARD, Manager. t CLINTON, SODA CREEK, QUESNELLE, STANLEY, BARKERVILLE Tinvs/^E TA.BLEI, LXNES OF STJkCS-ES: FOR BARKERVILLE, Quesnelle, Soda Creek, and points Noith of Clinton, Stage leaves Ashcroft Station, on Canadian Pacific Rail- way, every Sunday morning. FOR CLINTON, Stages connect with each rrain at Asftcroft Station. FOR NICOLA VALLEY and Granite Creels Mines, Stage leaves Spences Bridge ev6ry Monday moving. K. irpassed. ON, CREEK, iELLE, -EV, :rville Rates. Manager. orth of flc Ran- itioo. spenceq RAILWAY AND NAVIGATION GUIDE. 17 m.^ i>M@iQ!i Corner Yates and Douglas Streets, FRANK C, RICHARDS. JR., LESSEE. l/ICTOI^Ifl, B. G. Tourists' Headquarters. New and Elegant in all its Appointments. Fully Supplied with all Conveniences of Modern Hotels, First-Class in every Respect. Prices the same as in all First-Class Hotels. Passengrer Elevator, Hot and Cold Water Baths. Victoria Transfer Company, Limited. From the Stand to any point within tho city limits, one peroon $ 'J o any point within tlio city limits, two or three persons Ordered at Stated Time (between thehcureofS a.m. and 7 p m. to any point witliin the city limits, one or two persons Each additional person To outer wharf, each person To inner wharves, each person To tisquimalt, one or two persons 1 y ach additional person N B. — After hours, double rates. From Steamers to hotels or residences, from outer wharf, one person 1 Each additional person To hotels or residences from inner wharv'es, each person Trunks, 2S cents extra EJinner Parties and Theatres— One person to and from i Two or three persons to and from 1 Four persons to and from 2 Driving by the Hour — winter months ( 1. e. 1st Nov. to 1st april) per hour 1 J-ummur months (i. e. Ist April to 1st November), per hour 1 Bails and "At Homes" when hour of feturn Is after midnight. In the city, each carria^,'e • • 2 At Egquimalt, each carriage 5 Weddl ngs— Each Ca-riage 4 Funerals— Each carriage 3 25 50 fiO 25 50 25 00 50 00 SO 60 00 50 00 00 60 60 00 00 00 w. A. Mcpherson , cash crocer , I. Occidental Squire, Mill St., Saattls, W. T. Is the People's Paper. It is cheap, reliable and newsy. It has a large and rapidly increasing circu- lation, reaches the fireside of che laboring masses, and con.'^";quently is an excellent advertising medium Address THE PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY, Box 146, SE/>rTLE, W. T. O"0nly 25 cents per week by Carrier. $1.00 per month, by mail. for the business man. i8 RAILWAY AND NAVIGATION GUIDP:. P. O. BOX 358. TELEPHONE 134. ROBT.JAMIESON, . BOOKSELLER (i^ AjjTr) STATIONEH» Government Street, - VICTORIA, B. C. Sole .A.greaa.t for Xi. H. TKOXwdl-i^S' CeleTsratea. laa-lcB, 1^-w.clX- ' SLgres, Stc, 133. Fatteaat BlllPffl^l f^^ Gillott's & Easterbrook's Steel Pens, Faber's Rubber Goods, Dennison's Law3jers Seals, Labels and Tags, Gage's School Books, Admiralty and Imray's Charts. Winsor and Newton's Artists' Materials. BLANK BOOKS. COPYING PRESSES- Photographic Souvenirs of British Coiumbia. NE 134. RAILWAY AND NAVIOATION GUIDE. '9 :r B. C. lv<E-«.cJ.l- >a ■ags, Charts. lIs. 3SES. bia. People's Steam Navigation Co., Ld. J. H. TURNER, Chairman Board of Directors. VICTORIA AND NANAIMO ROUTE. STBS A TVTBR -A-I^/IEXjI-A- O.A_I»T. TVI«-0Xri.Xi003SI. Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. — To Nanaimo and Way Ports, leaving Victoria at 7:00 a.m. RETURNING. Tursdays, Thursdays and Saturdays.— To Victoria, leaving Nanaimo at 7:00 a.m. NEW WESTMINSTER & THROUGH TO YALE. Leaves Victoria every Tuesday and Saturday at 7:00 a.m., connecting with Steamer Gladys for Hope and Way Ports. RETUF-nlNO. Leaves New Westminster on Wednesday's and Sunday's at 7:00 a.m. TURNER, BEETON & CO., Agents, Wliarf, foot Yates Street. BRIGHTON H^TEL HASTINGS, B. C. !) Beautifully located on the Banks of Burrard Inlet, commanding a fine view of the Mountains and Bay. The best of fishing ard hunting, delightful home for tourists. Accommodations First- Class. At reasonable rates. ^Cood Wines and Liquors at the Bar.^n GEO. BLACK, Proprietor. Victoria Street Cars. Leave Cor. t^ovcriinient and JolinNon St8. for Point ElDce and Topaze Avenue 7:15 a.m. iinil every hour to 7:45 p.m., last trip. For Outer wharf and Pemberton street 8:15 a.m., and every hour to 8:15 p. m. Leave Point Elllce and Topaze 4vcniic for Outer wharf and Pemberton streets 8 a.m., and everj- hour to 8 p.m , last trip. Leave Outer Mharfand l*eniI>erlon St. for Government and Johnson sts, 8:30 turn., and every hour to 8:30 p.m., last trip. Cars connect at corner of Government and Johnson every half hour, where passengers can exchange on same fare. 20 RAILWAY AND NAVKIATION tlUIDK. OREGON Railway and Navigation Compy PUGET SOUND SERVICE. The fine steamers of the 0. R. & N. Co. form the following lines; Tacoma, Seattle and. Victoria Line. Steamers leave Tacoma at 4 a.m. ; arrive Seattle 1 0. 1 "> a.m. Leave Seattle 7 A.M.; arrive Victoria ii.'M) I'.M. Leave Victoria 6 a.m.; arrive Seattle 2.30 P.M. Leave Seattle 2.45 p.m.; arrive Tacoma 5.45 p.m. Touching at Madison, Gamble and Port Towiisend, both ways. Tacoma, Olympia and Seattle Route. Connecting with N.P. trains at Tacoma each way daily. SOUTH. Leave Seattle 4.00 a.m. Arrive Tacoma 6.15 " " Leave " 7.00 " Leave Stellacoom 9.30 " Arrive Olympia ll.HO " NORTH, Leave Olympia I-SOp.m. Leave Stellacoom 3.30 " Arrive Tncoma 5.0O " I,eave " 6 30 " Arrive Seattle tl.OO " No boat between Tacoma anrt Olympia Sundays. To Portland and the East. Money is Saved by purchasing Through Tickets from Puget Sound points to all Eastern Cities. Trains run daily from Portland to all Eastern Cities, carrying Pullman Sleeping Cars and Dining Cars These combined comforts ai*e not furnished by any other railroad to the East. JOHN MUIR, JNO. J. BYRNE, C. H. PRESCOTT, Traffic Manager. Gen. Pass. & Tkt Ag't. Manager. |i>i RAILWAY AND NAVIGATION (JUIDE. 21 SEATTLE AND WHATCOM ROUTE. npj les: e Seattle (Seattle rouching 1.'!0p.m. ;i.;!0 " r).(M) " (t;iO " 9.00 " d points Cars 3TT, lanager. \VAHIlIN(!'rO\ STKAKHOAT AND THANSl'OHTATION COMPANY'S LINK. (Jko. S- Ja(uiiih, Secretary, STHAMKK W. K. MKKWIN.— CAir. 1). Bkn.son. Carrying U. S. Mails and Kxpress, leavoB YeHJer's wharf every Humlay, Tuesday and TliurHday. At !) p.m. for Mukiltdo, Pt Oeorgc Tjilalip, Couperviile, Oak Harbor, UlBalii'ly, La CoiMur, Fidiil^o, AnMcortcH, Uncinos, Samisli, liellinghp.iii, and Whatcom, arriving at Wliatoomat 10:.S() p.m. RKTiKNlNd.— liOavtts Whatcom iivury Monday, Wednesday and Friday, arriving at Seattle on Tlmrsday and Sitturday. NoTK. — Time may vary on account of tides at La Connor. Seattle and Snohomish Route. ONE OF THE STEAMERS W. F. MONROE OR NELLIE Lkavks Seattle every a.m. on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, for Mukilteo, Lowell, and Snohomish City. KKTUKNINO. Leave Snoliomish City on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. NoTK. — Time varys owing to tides and cannot be given accurate'y. Tacoma, Seattle and Port Townsend. ONE OB' TIIK W. S. it T. Co's STKAMKHS, WASHINGTON OK EDITH, Carrying U. S. Mails, Will leave Tacoma daily at (i^W p.m. for Seattle, Port Madison, Port Gamble, Port Jjudlow and Port Townsend. RETURNING. Leave Port Townsend daily (exoept Sunday) at I p.m. NoTK. — Sunday evenings the boat runs from Tacoma to Seattle, and return, only. CONSIGNMENTS AND CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. — DEA .iR IN — Flour, Feed, Meals, Grain of all Kinds, Hay, PRODUCE AND PROVISIONS, Forwarding and Commission Merchant, p. O. Box 891. Yesler's Wharf, SEATTLE, W. T. 22 RAILWAY AND NAVIGATION GUIDE. THE FIRST AND ONLY s Ca IN THE PROVINCE. Having nddfd to my fuotory a st' sim boiler of fli • lalf'st aiiil iiioKt improved deslj^n for tlie manufacture of I am now prepared to supply the trade with an article of Superior - Quality - to - Any - Imported, O EC E! -A. IP El 14 Tl.an foreign goods can be laid down here. Every descriplion of iiomk man- ufactured CANDY for sale, wholesale or retail, and warranted pure and free from adulteration. . W. J. TIPPINS, Victoria Steam Candy Factory, Fort St. ~~ A. CHILBERG & CO., CoMissioQ M^rdiants i Ticket igests. S. E. CORNER MILL AND COMMERCIAL STREETS, SEATTLE, W. T. Tikets lo and from ths Eastern Slat&s at Mmi Sates. DRAFTS AND MONEY ORDERS Sold on England, Ireland, Scotland, France, Belgium, Germany, Switzerland, Holland, Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Austria, Italy and Russia. Esquimalt Road, near Half Way House, MRS. J. W. MARTiN, Proprietress. - VICTORIA, B.C. Makes a specialty of washing Fine Embroideries, Window Curtains, Blankets and Gents' Underwear, White Shirts, Collars and Cuffs. Muslins, Laces, and Ladies' Wearing Apparel done in the neatest manner on short notice, and satisfaction guaranteed. ^"Leave orders at Brown Bros., Yates Street. Special attention given t« onlers from HutelH, SteaniNliips, etc. RAILWAY AND NAVIGATION GUIDE. 23 SKAC3IT RIVER ROUTE. STEAMER GLIDE— Henry Baily, Master. Carrying U. S. Mall. Leaves Yesler's Whnrf, foot of Mill St., every Wednesday and Saturday. Vor Mukilteo, Pt. Susan, Stanwood, Utsalady, Mann's Landing, Skagit City, Mt. Vernon, Avan, Nucacliamp. Sterling, Sedro, arriving at Sedro at at 11 a.m. Returning.— Leiives Sedro on Sundays and Thursdays at 11:30 a.m. Arriving at Seattle on Mondays and Fridays at 9 p.m. Time will vary on acconnt of tides at Stanwood and Skagit. SKAGIT RIVER ROUTE. The Washington Steamboat and Tra,nsportation Coy's Steamer CITY OF QUINCY— Capt. Jacobs. Carrying U. S. Mall and Express, leaves Yesler's wharf every Monday and Tliursday. 8 00 p.m. 5 00 Arrive Seattle Miikilteo Leave 7 30 a.m. 9 30 4 30 Tiilalin 10 10 12 80 p.m. 11 00 Stanwood 12 10 TJtsalflflv 1 20 9 25 :::::::::::::::::.:;Fir:"r.::;;::::::::::::: 2 2.5 8 10 Skatrit 3 10 7 00 a.m. Leave Mt. Vernon. . . . . . . . Arrive 4 00 Returning leaves Mount Vernon every Tuesday and Saturday. SEATTLE AND COLBY CREEK ROUTE, STEAMER, GRACE-Capt. R. M. Cresswell. Carrying U.S. Mall, leaves f'olby Creek on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, II 10 a.m. 4 00 p.m. Arrive Colby Leave Seattle returning. Leave Coleman's Dock, foot of Columbia, St., Seattle, on Tuesdays, Thursdays & Saturdays. Seattle Colby 9 00 a. m. 2 00 p.m. Seattle, Big and Little Skookum Bays. STEAMER L1LY-.I. J. Crow, Master. Leaves Yesler's wharf, Monda>'s and Friday's at 7:30 a.m., touching at way ports. RETUKNiNfJ— On Tuesday's and Saturday's. For passage and freight apply on board. I 24 RAILWAY AND NAVIGATION GUIDE. If "STovL "VT'a-M.t to ZEiXL^oy tlie Hlg-lisst XJe^xee of Xj-V3.3:ia.r3r In. Tra-^el §•« East OTrer tla.e CANADIAN F^THOS"^ THE SHORTEST O F ALL T HE SHORT LINES. The only Route via Pnget Sound and Vletoihi that passes through the Grand Selkirk Range ! The Famous Gold Range ! And the Wonderful Rocky Mts. Switzerland Scenery viewed from the Cars. SNOW BLOCKADES ARE IMPOSSIBLE! The passenger has nothing to fear from this source. Splendid Dining Cars! Luxurious Sleepers! And the cleanest, neatest, and in eveiy respect the most comfortable Second-Class Sleeping Cars. FROM PUGET SOUND TO MONTREAL IN 6 DAYS "No change of cars between port muody ANnKA.STF;R' points. Rates are as Low as the Lowest, and ('omforlH of Travel eyond Compari- son, Apply or write for Tickets or full information to Pass. & Freight Agt. for U. S. Ports on Puget Sound. SEATTLE, W.T. Seattle, Port Gamble, Seabeck, and Union City Route. STEAMER JOSEPHINE— Capt. Hexky McQuillan. Carrying U. S. Mail from Port Gamble to Union C!ity— Leaves Soabeck on Mondays iin^l Fridays. 9 30 a.m. Arrive Seabeck Lea>e Port (iamble 7 30 a.m. 2 00 p.m. Seattle REarRNiNO —Tuesday and Saturday?: Seattle 7 30 Port G-'iiiibk 12 (K) m. 2 00 Seabeck 9 00 Union City 8 to 9 p.m. 3 00 a.m- Seabeck WEDNK-SDAYS AND TIH7R8DAYS, Between Seabeck and Port Gand)le only: Seabeck 7 30 a.m. 9 30 Port Gam1)le 10 00 12 30 Seabeck Seattle and Vancouver Routes. STEAMER ELIZA ANDERSON— Capt. Tom Wuioht. Leaves Yeslei-'sS wharf, Seattle, on Mondays and Thursdays, arriving in Vancouver the day following. Returning— Leaves Vancouver on Wednesdays and Saturdavs. Ij\x3:-u.r3r i.K. INES. Iirough the onderful irs. 5IBLE ! leatest, and g Cars. 6 DAYS (1 Conipuri- •c TLE.W.T. y Route. SfHbeck on 7 30 a.m. 7 30 •1 (K) 111. 8 to 9 p.m. 7 30 a.m. 00 arriving In ■s. RAILWAY AND NAVIGATION GUIDE. 25 PUBET SOUBD, VIGTOEIA AND SAN FRAKOISCO PACIFIC COAST STEAMSHIP COMPANY'S OCEAN STEAMSHIPS. Carrying Her Britannic Majesty's Mails, will leavo Broadway wharf No. 1, San Francisco, every Friday at 9 a.m. for Victoria, Port Townsend, Seattle and Tacoma, arriving at Victoria every Monday at (5 a.m., Port Townsend and Seattle every Monday p.m., and Tacoma every Tuesday a.m., connecting with steamers for Alaska, and with steamboats, etc., for Skagit River and Cassiar Mines, Nanaimo, New Westminster, Yale and all other important points. RKTURNINCJ LEAVE Seattle every Friday, at 1 p.m.. Port Townsend every Friday p ni., and Victoria every Saturday at 1 p.m., for San Francisco. The Company reserves the right to change steamers or sailing days. Tacoma, Seattle and Victoria Route. One of the O. R. & Go's STEAMERS, GEO. E. STARR OR NORTH PACIFIC Will li'ave Taco i a <liiily, except Sunday, for Victoria. GOING NURTH. J GOING SO.TH. Daily Except Sunday. Daily except Sunday. 4 00 A.M. de Tacoma 1 ar 5 45 P.M. 6 15 ar Seattle de ar de . . . ar 2 45 7 00 11 00 11 30 1 de Seattle ar Port Townsend (le Port Townsend .... 2 30 10 30 10 00 3 30 p M. ar ^'^ictoria de 6 00 A.M. Seattle and Whatcom Route. 0. R. & N. STEAMER IDAHO. Leave Seattle tor Whatcom and Way Ports on Monday, Wednesday and Fridaj', at 3 a. m., connecting with Steamer from Tacoma, arriving at Whatcom same day at 8 p.m. KETUKNINCi. Leave Whatcom on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, at 3 a.m., ar- riving iu Seattle 8 p.m. same day. J. A. HARDER, Agent, Ctiy Dock, Seattle. 26 RAILWAY AND NAVIGATION (iUIDE. The Oregon Short Line -.•AND:- SHOETESTLIHS between POETLAHDandtlie EAST By from 1 1 to 500 Miles. fi TI.M fFroin $8,301 Tit 1DWE5T -TO- Oma/ia, Comic?'/ Bhiffs, Kansas City and Other Points Trains Leave Portland Daily at 3 P. M., carrying Glbgant Pullman | Gmigi^ani? Slbbpef^s. TIME— To Missouri River, 3^ Days on All Classes of Fare; Chicago, ^\ Days ; New York, 5| Days. 4srWrite for Maps, Tim« Tables, Guides, Rates and full iiiformation, free of cbaBgc B. CAMPBELL, General Agent, No. I Washington St., Portland, Oregon. RAILWAY AND NAVIGATION GUIDE. 27 Seattle, Port Orthard and Port Washington Route. STEAMER HELEN— Capt. W. H. Ellls. Leave Harrington & Smith's wharf, Soultlc, on Monday, Wcdnosiiuy nnd Friday, at 9 a.m. For Coil)y, Mlschei's Coint. Pori Uiciiard, and ii' sid of Port Washington. Retiihning— Leaves head of Port. Washington at K::M) a.m.. Port ()v<'h ird at, 10a.m., Milchel's Point at 10:W a.m., Colhy at 12 in., arriving at .se;iltle about 2:80 p.m., Tuesd -ys, Timrsdays and Hiiturdays. Seattle and Olympia Route. STEAMER FANNY LAKE— Capt. E. W , Smith. Leaves Heattle on Monday.s, Wodnedsays and Fridiiy.s ;it 7 a.ni , for Olympia, connecting at Stellacoom with .Steamer Willie for Big and Little Skookum. Retuuning— Leaves Olympia on Tuesdays, Thur.sdsixs iind Saturdays at 7:30 a.m., (or later owing to tides) for Steilacoom and Seattle. Seattle, Tacoma and Olympia Route. Tacoma Steam Navigation Company's Steamer MESSENGER— .1. G. Parkrr. Master. Leave Seattle on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays at 7 a m. Tacoma at 10 n m. Leave Olympia at H p m. Arrive at shelton's Point at 5 p m. RETURNING. Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Leave Leave Shelton's Point at 6 a m. ' ' Tacoma at 9:00 a m. Leave Olyiupia at 2:00 p m. Arrive Seattle at 5:00 p m. Seattle and Port Blakely Route. STK.\MEK MICHIGAN.- (;ai't. James Nu(;ent. Carrying U.S. Mails, leaves Harrington & Smith's wharf, Seattle, daily, at 8 a.m. and 3 p.m. Returning— Daily at 1! a.m. and 7 p.m. Seattle and Oakland Route. STEAMER lOLA— Capt. John F. Vanueruoef. lieaves Seattle on Mondays and Wednesdays, from Harrington & Smith's wliarf at7:30a.m., touching at Arcadia, Tacoma and Stoilacootn. Returning— Ijcavcs Slielton's Point on Tui-.-days and Timrsdays at 7:3o am. Friday and Saturdays— Jobbing. Port Townsend and Neah Bay. STEAMER RUSTLICR.-CAPT. A. (). Ben.ia.min. Carrying U.S. Mall. Leaves Port Townsend on Mondays and Thursdays, Returning on Wednesday's and Saturday's. Time for intermediate points cannot be given accurately. ii ¥,'> 28 RAILWAY AND NAVIGATION GUIDE. ^>r ^GREAT' 'S ,^^Jj^ L^Ml -AND- ^1 lilr" The Direct and Popular Line in connection with the NORTHERN PACIFIC RAILWAY from. St. Paul and Minneapolis. To Chicago and the East, To St. Louis and the South. To Des Moines, Leavenworth, Atchison, Kansas City and St. Joseph. TO ALL POINTS EAST AN D SO!ItH-EAST. Pullma - Palace Sleeping and Dining Cars ACCOMPANY ALL THROUGH EXPRESS TRAINS. TICKETS FOR SAIE BY ALL CONNECTINC RAILWAYS, AND C'lINECTIONS MADE IN ALL UNION DEPOTS I For full information msarding Rates, Maps, etc., apply to any Coupon ' Agent of the O. U. k N.. or Northern Pacific Railway Cohipanies, or to JOE A. ■ HARDER, Agent C. A P. S. R. R. Company's City Dock, Seattle. W. R. TH0RN2LL, G. P. Agent, C. P. S. R. R. Co., Seattle. ' A. CHILBEHG.t Co., Agents Northern Pacific R'y Co., Seattle. CHAS. KENNEDY, General Agent, No. 3 Washington Street, - - - Portland, Oreooh. R ST. JOHN, Gen. Tkt. and Pass. Aprt. C, R. I. & P. R. U., ObICAQO, lUi. S. F. BOYD, Clen. Tkt. jind Pass. Agt. M. & St, L. K. R., MiNNSAPOLis, Mnnir ' f^ mM PACIFIC 38eph. r. Cars ION DEPOTS Coupon o JOE A. :ooil. I 3', Mnnr^ RAILWAY AND NAVK;ATI0N (IUIDE. 29 Seattle and Port Madison Route. STEAMER AUGU STA-C. "^ H. Hamlin. Leaves Harrington & Smith's whnrf, foot of Washinston stre».t, ilally, ex- cept Sunday, at ^ p.m., arriving at Port Madison at rt p.m. Returning— Leaves Port MadlMon at 9 a.m., nrrlvlng at Seattle at 11 a.m. Seattle and Tacoma Route. STEAMER ZEPHER— Capt. W. R. Ballard. Carrying U. S. Mall. Leaves Yesler's wharf, foot of Mill st., Seattle, dally, at 7:30 n.cr,., arriving at Taeomn. dally, at 10:30 a.m. Hkturnino— Leaves Taeoma at 11 a.m., arriving iit Seattle at .3 p.m., tou<!hlng at Vashon Island each way. Tacoma and Henderson Bay Route. STEAMER BOB IRVING.— C. E. Bergman, Master. lieaves Railroad wharf. Tacoma. every Friday and Saturday at 7 a.m ., for Olc Harbor, Artondale, Burnt Point, Fox Island, Lake Bay, Balch's Cove, Minter, Purdy and Rosedale. Returning on the same day. Thos. R. Buown, Agent, Tacoma. Seattle Street Car Lines. BEl.LTOWN ROUTE. Cars Leave Belltown dally (except Sunday) as follows : FORENOON I afternoon Every hour from 7:30 to 11:30 | Every hour from 12:80 to 9:30 Cars leave foot of Main Street as follows : FORENOON I AFTERNOON Every hour from 7 to 12 ' Every hour from 1 to 9:30. L.\KF, UNION ROUTE. Cars leave foot of Main Street as follows : FORENOON I AFTERNOON Every hour from 7:20 to 11:20 | Every hour from 12:J0 to 9:20. Cars leave terminus on Lake Union as follows : FORENOON I AFTERNOON Every hour from 7:30 to 11:30 | Every hour from 12:30 to 8:30. SUNDAY TIME— BELL TOWN ROUTE. Cars leave terminus every hour from 9:10 a.m., to 9:10 p.m. Cars leave foot of Main Street every hour from 9: 10 a.m., to 9:10 p.m. Single fare, 10 cents ; four tickets, 25 cents; twenty tickets, $i.00. ^h:.a.sti 3^g-s# PORTRAIT. LANDSCAPE. FORT STREET, VICTORIA, B.C. 30 RAILWAY AND NAVIGATION GUIDE. The Chicago, Milwaukee ami St. Paul R'y -\S THE ^ : =:r= ;:e^.-^st li^j^xx^- "^^m mm. TO ALL POINTS «iintiiiiii|i|iiiiiiiiin III! I I'lU'iit'i > III I I'l ri iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii|iiiiiii|ira :^ aiil>liiiiiiililii<iiiiiiiiiiiii'i>iiiiii|i|iiiiii:i<iiiiiiiii'»i.i,i'iiiii,iiiii:iii<iiii|j|ii; Xi It R tms the Finest Dining and Sleeping Cars in the World, and Emigrant passengers are carried on First Class Trains. W. H. MARSHALL, General Agent, 34 Front Street, POllTLAND, OREGON. RAILWAY AND NAVIGATION GUIDE 31 ^'y in the nt, s 3 « 5 » 2 2: a «♦ c -6 -T % cc » 2 3 ft ?? 2? O S: 3 3 in 09 3 c o 2 S — rex <1 _. - ^ V -I. 7! ft ^ ft o i» ft 1- Ja - 5 5. ?3 C. B ■^ CO OTj » ii.ici>si>iM — — — i; ti — -1 4» i5 X i' tsS I ■ ^ »— : i : ? i': = i -t V • 1* ■A. \ • ; OC 00: : ! S g: : : > >: : '^ •^ • ^' i '■•' : >\ '> : a! X X ^ M M ~l "T P t' i" ^ '^ O ^> ^li O O) w •-i 5 ?> Cnf^ • ft O 3 : ?3 o o ci-^^-^ii .■CiiC'i'^i : r : < ;:;■►<; tox - 3 x;^ 3 i - c. 0.-5 :^ ■ „ — -;;■ pv : : : '.>: t i.^ ft 3 a- I WJiW IrVW D 2. c 3 r-Z.<t (t S- ^3 3f^ . I" .> 71 a; 33 ft «;;: M H > H O t^ 4^ 4^ (l^ kU 4* So — !i hi ifc MbiOi>0 •8 Mr: O H ^f^ (t^ 0^ 4^ 01 cn ^1 o -J i c Si o 1 "^ -! ' ►^r: of'", • > 1 1—0 Oft • s ?l s a a 4 ■t- a "t a: 3 ^ a o o c 03 (I) Z H 1" H "0 c (D pn II H M C/) > c z H 3D > r G > 32 RAILWAY AND NAVIGATION GUIDE. CASCADE DIVISION JMORTHERJM PAGIfie f^. R. and Puget Sound Shore Line. WEST BOUND. STATIONS. FAST BOUND. Accom- nioflation No. 24. Passenger No. 22. PasHenger 1 No. 21. Accom- niodation No. 23. 10:05 A.M. 9:20 8:50 6:20 P.M. 5:55 5:35 5:20 5:15 5:05 5:00 4:55 4:35 4:15 P.M. Ar Seattle Lv Black River Jc Kent 6:40 '.M. 7:05 7:25 :40 7:45 7:55 8:00 8:05 8:25 8:45 2:55 P.M. 3:40 4:15 8:20 Slaughter 4:45 8:10Lv. Stuck Jc 4:55 Ar. Sumner Puyallup Jc 1 Puyallup ! Reservation Lv Tacotna Ar Olympia and Chehalis Valley R. R. General Offices, Olympia, W. T. Chas Sprague, Superintendent. Trains run daily between Olympia and Tenino, connecting with the Northern Pacific Railroad Trains at Tenino, aa follows : Arrive Olympia Leave. .7:30 a.m. 9:00 A.M Tenino 4:25 p.m. i 5:30 P.M. . . Olympia C. E. WIGHTMAN. S\xccessor to T-^S. FXjSXT', Cor, Fort and Douglas Sts, VICTORIA, B,C. —DEALER IN— C*-roceries, ^roTrisioa:!©, lEtc- Three reasons why I should buy my Groceries at Wightman's : Ist. He keepB the best. "©« B®* 2nd. He sells the cheapest. 3rd. He makes a discount of i% per cent, on all ca'sh orders over !J5. RAILWAY AND NAVIGATION GUIDE. 33 R. )UND. Accom- iiodation No. -23. iii} P.M. .3:40 4:15 4:45 4:55 Ar. itendent. with the 7:30 A.M. 1 t:25 P.M. ! \, B,C, Stc. cheapest. r!j5. PACIFIC DIVISION. . NOF^THERJ^J f/cCIFie f^. f^. T. F. OA KES, Vice President and General Manoijer. J. M. BUCKLEY, Am. Gen. Manager. OTIS SPHAGUE, Supt. SOUTH BOUND Distance. PACIFIC DIVISION. STATIONS. NORTH HOUNIt Passenoer No. 2. Daily. Pas-senoer No. 1. Daily. 7:10 a.m. 7:20 1 9 14 19 25 30 39 44 45 51 55 57 62 08 71 74 77 84 88 94 95 97 101 105 107 112 114 117 12i 126 132 138 145 Lv Tacoma Ar. Pacific Avenue 6:15 P.M. 6:05 7:45 Lake View 5:45 ..Hillhurst 8:10 Media 5:17 8:25 Yelm Prairie . . 5:01 ... . Kaiiiier 9:10 Tenino 4:25 9:22 Seatco 1:04 9:27 Skookuin Chuck 3:59 9:40 Centralia 3:45 9:50 Cliehalis 3:35 9:55 Newaukum 3:29 10:07 Napavine 3:16 10:25 Winlock 3:00 10:.S2 Mill Switch 2:53 Little Falls 10:45 Olequa 2:37 11:04 Silver Lake 2:19 . Stocknort 11:28 Cow itz 1:54 W^allace's Montecello . ( jarroUs ii:55 Kalama 1 :25 12:40 P.M. Hunters 12:40 Deer Island 1:00 Columbia 12:24 Milton 1:19 Wiirren 12:05 P.M. 1:35 .... ScaDDOose 11:50 Holbrook 2:05 Linnton il:25 2:30 Ar Portland Lv. 11:00a.m. Connect at Tenino with Train for Olympla ; connect at Tacoma with train for Puyallup anp Seattle, and with O. R. & N. .Stpumers for Seattle, PortTownsend and Victoria. i 34 RAILWAY AND NAVIGATION (lUIDK. Oregon & California R'y Passing through ilic lnu'si pnriinn ol t)nL;>)ii, ilic Wilhuiiettc, Unipqua and kogue River Viilluys, which are noted lor their Fins andUaI'^ibd Sgenbp^y. Til those seeking Homes, these valleys ofter special inducements. M/ie Cliinate, Rich Soil and Abundant Harvests. — <=-4TIME^-«>- 3^ ■HV2 BETWEEN fOMLAHD AH5 SAS FEASCISM- -3^ At Ashland cId^c .•oimof tions are made vviih Stages of thf> California, Orej^on & Idaho CSage C'o, i^r all points in Northern Caliiarnia, San Francisco and the East. ghort<- staging •^and•^pi]7it^•Glass*£ccoInInodations PULLMAN PALA-^E SLEEPING CARS DAILY BETWEEN PORTLAND AND ASHLAND. lOURISIS SHOULD REfflER mis is the SCENIC RflOIE PI Hi 'For full and complete information, apply to the undersigned, E. P. ROOERS, GenL Freight and Passenger Agent, PORTLAND, OREGON. RAILWAY AND NAVICAIIOX GUIDK. 35 K'y pqua and IF^Y, ts. vests, -3i fomia, last. .ations ROUIE cnt, )REGON. CoiifedH'iitiiiii IJI'(^ Associiitioii. HKAI) OKFICK, lOHONTU. Capital and Assets, over - $2,200,000. A HOME COMPANY. HATES LOWER THAN AK V OTHEll .STUAKJHT LIFE COMP'Y T. R. PEARSON, Mainland Agent, New Westminster. ^M.t^»L,att»f,aLA.akJk.MLA»,.tk.tk.tk. Tli ^ BRITISH COLUMBIA]} STEAM PRINTING DEPARTMENT COr.rMBIA STRKF/r, NKW WESTMINSTER, B. C. ROOK, JOB, and COMMEBCIAL PlilNTINO of ever 11 Description, vromplly tweciiled in flrct-cluss style »3t.The British Columbia is tiie liost advortising niftlium on tlie maiiilaiui of Britisli L'olumljia. Dally Columbian, per year, SIO Weokly Columbian " : 2 |||||||g|||l|l|§||l|||§|t HOTEL DIRECTORY. PORTLAND. I NTEE NATIONAL HOTEL, i E. Lewiston, Propr. Cor. Third and E. Hts. Three blocks fiom the steamship landing and rail- road depot. Accoinmodatifiis equal to any second-class Hotel on the coast . No Chinese employed . SEATTLE. OCCIDENTAL HOTEL, John Collins, Pi-opr. Finest Fire Proof Hotel in the North- West . The accommodations are \in- surpassed . Special conveniences for commercial travelers. VICTORIA. T HE DRIARD, Redon & Hartnagle, Props. The only first-class Hotel in Vic- toria. Conveniently located in the Opera Block . THE CLARENCE, F. G. Richards, Jr., Propr. Cor. Yates & Douglas Sts. Tourists headquarters. New and elegant in all its appointments. First-class in every respect. Prices moderate. T HE POODLE DOG HOTEL AND RESTAURANT. New and elegantly furnished rooms. Pemberton Bloek, Vates Mt., between Government & Broad. Arrangements made for families and parties. Hamm & Marboeuf, Props. NEW WESTMINSTER. eOLONIAL HOTEL, J. E. Insley, Propr. The House and Furniture entirely new. Table supplied with every lux- ury of the Market. Headquarters for Commercial men. VANCOUVER. BURKARD HOTEL, W Martin, Manager. Leading Hote) In the City, sitnated on the cor. of Carroll and Cordova Sts. Large & well furnished rooms. Every accomm dsition aflorded tlie travel- ling public Rates $2 to 82:50 per day. THE GOLD HOUSE, Edward Goli ; I'ropr. Water St. Accommodations for 100 giiest.s. Public Parlors. Sample room for travelers. Bath rooms and all modern conveniences. Everything first-class. ^. - -^ •:i»^m lT-' '*s/. :.} ; I'ropr. ns for 100 II pie room H ami all Ivory thing K.'HI f.V; ■> J'^»fe4i*'^, c> i i i; " j. jp iifii ).iii ii Ui. i i' i' ' i ' ^ 'i ; im I II i[ in>nm«>*teii "wSi 4 ^^9 ""^KlW^W '■V 6nSY OR0EI«I8 - I I I I ji I I ii in ii ' I -' 11 1 1 1 11 1 -n I r5 i i 'i ^i^^ f mt ^fy 'W t * -f ' f ^ «««• i^ i(^imliax ^)i ti >' Mn - "" ' i^i> i» " * I "s* " wi 'i M i.n |i - '*^J<n '^^ i ''Ort.l^ili;^ *«a ia«n«ijed for tton.reai. I^GUJWIA^N M ■:%i '^'l^- If'' ' *i o^lft-i. •V to Order. »ty ^ ''"';*** ®*^.»«5» "ft^^**!*. )fWUf«r,i, Oon^y, •^tw fy^i . n ?.". --T ■^j. t\ „* £''WjI Vic FC Peo ACC( WA^s Victoria Marble Works, GEORGE RUDGE, Proprietor. MANUFACTURER AND DEALER IN lionunienls, Tablets I TOMBS, MANIiLS, FnTniture Work, Etc I//. Red and Gray Oranlte i'"„. Monuments. I DqUGLAS STREET BET. CORMORANT ^k FISQUARD, P.O. Box 377. VIOTORIA, B.O. FOR BOOTS & SHOES —TRY THE— People's Boot and Shoe Store^ 40 Johnson Street, VICTORIA, B. C. J. FULLERTON, Proprietor. S-^TH:B.-Tf ,^ Water Street, VANCOUVER, B. C. ACCOMMODATION - FOR - 100 - GUESTS, :o:- Pvitllc Farlora. Saxsaple IBooiaaL for Tra-vellere. 3B3i.tlx XSoom-a e.xa.cl etll 2w£3 :3.e m. Cssa.TTSsa.lexi.'ses. E-rreryt'h.lta.gr I^'lrfst-Class. EDWARD GOLD, Proprietor. <'W^'<ii><'ir'<li'«l!''«ll!'<ll!r''ll>"«ll>!'<to«|i''«l*'< The Great Transcontinental Route. The Ifireot Route! No Delays! Faet Traint! LOWEST RATES \ AUIETOT DATCO "^^ CHICAGO LUWtO I tiA I to And aU Points Kwrt. Tickets Sold to all Prominent Points throu^hovit the B^tst akid SontheasL BC CAAEFUL AND DO NOT MAKE A MISTAKE, ^UT BE SUAE TO TAKE THE NORTHERJM- ¥RA1LR0AD And Sbs that Youe Tiokrt beads via ^^ PORTUND^ND &T. PAUL OR MINNEAPOUS, To avoid obsnges and delays occasioned by other routes. tSluoM^ft Smi^'aWt 8l««f>lM9 6a«« a«« iiiitt om SU^ufar SotpccM ISraivM LOW R/cTESI . QUieK TIME! i-'ik PASSENGERSoWlLbSAVE^MONE Y fg By baying Tbroagh Tickets to the EhsI of EOBT. IRVING, Agent, Govimment St., Victoria, B C. A. CHILBEBG, Ticket Agent N. P. R.R., Seattle, W.T. W. R. THORNALL, G.P.*T.A., P S.S.R R., Seattle, W.T. J. A. HARDER. Agent O.R &N. Co., Seattle, VT.T. 0. W. PRITCHARD, Agent N.P.R.R., Pacific Ave., Taconia, W.T. C. 0. COOPER, Agt t, N.P.R.R., Wharf, Taooma, W.T, > 8. O. WARD, Olympia, W< T. Qen.eml Office of the Oompanr, jMO.,2 W/r8HI]vJGT0|^i vST,, fOHTL^-^ND, Of^EQ.Ojvf,. A. ». cnABLTVJf, «eaena Wenteni Fassewgeir Atenf.