J • t H^ ^ 1 , CIHM Microfiche Series - (IMonograptis) ♦ ■ \^i •** ^ iciyiH Collection de microfiches (monographies) f :f ^ CsnadiMi Iratitut* for Historical IMicroroprdductiOfM/ liwtitut c«nadi«n4lo /' - - f t rwoproductlora hittorlqiMi A J " ." / A ■ ■ /. -f .- '' -:;-;v:';.; ■^ '" ■-.,■•''"'■■■■■'" \ '. -J . ". " ■\." . ■ ' • ,- /■ "•••■/ ■ ■' . !■ ■-■■ ^■■-JFH ■ ■■■•■■,■■ 1 M^^^^^^k" •"' ^^m ■:- : . '.^^^B' . y;"T "■ ■ gg^^-T-^J- qiMii TiM iMtlMli iMt atlMipiM to oMriN llw bwt 0VifliMil copy MiUiMl for fHmhit. FwMw of tfiit oo^ «HiMi OfliMiMMHiM** □ ColoMfod oo<)tn/ Co w wrtw f di oevlMir d Covort r^ CoMrt ratlOforf and/or ItMihMttrf/, CoMf titis NitainsA U tHrt dt cowNTtur* □ CotoiMod inapt/ '. - Carm ftofnpliiqiM in aoulMMr '■ . ."'■ . . ^ * □' ColoMf«dink(i.«.ollMrtfianblMaorMaek)A Encra da eoOhnir 0.a. autra q«a Mhm oh noiia) ' '■ ■ ■■ ." ■ ,\. . □ Cdoiuad pla^ and/br iUostratioiMA Plan^lMS at/ou iHustratiom an aoolaur ^ Bound wHh othar matariai/ RaM avac d'autrat doaumantt Tight Mndini may onnaHtadows or distortion alone intarior naniin/ D D This Ca U raiiura aarrte paut eainar da I'onihra ou da la distortion la lon§ da la^marpa ii^tariauta Blank laavas addad during lasioration niay appaar wnnNi ma wm> iwiMnawr. pamnM, vnwiivwv;' baan'OniittBol.froni fihningf ' / II ta pautqua aartainas paps Manehas aioutAas tors d'una rastauration appMaissant dans la taxia, niais, lorsQua.aato atait poasiMa. cas pagas n ont lihsMfilintes. Additiainal eommants:/ Conmiantairas supplimantairas: is f ilariad at tha rad uc tion ratio ast film* au taux da re duction bakHw/ indiq u* cl-dastous. I'M DC ca □ l>agas rastorad and/or laminatad/ PagM rastturiat at/ou paNlauMas Rpgas ditaoMiNada stainad or fomdr □ Quality of prinl varias/ • Qiialiti intga l ada I'imprassion □ C)Mitinuou| pagination/ fagination oontinua □ Includas indax(as)/ Cemprand un (das) indait - f itia on Naadar takan from: / ia titra d* I'an-ttta proviant: Titia pagi of toua/ Paga da titra da la liwaison Caption of issua/ L^ Titra da dipart da la liwaison <*• .•^:'M Oihiriciua ( p ir i od i quasi da la livraison TOr f4X ItX □ 22X 2!SX SOX 12X ^— •* itx »x 24X MX n 32k TlM oopy fUmMl h«r« to th« gMMTMlty of: roprotfiMod thanks Tfiomii FWMr Ran Book Ubrwy; Uqfvwiitvof Toranio Ubmy Tho ifiMgoo oppoaring koto aro tlfo poMlblo coiMidaring tho oondMofi of fho original oopy and in kaopkig filming contraet apacifloatlona. quality logibillty thf Original ooploa Mi printad papar eovara aia fNmacT boginning with tho front oovor and aiftfkig on tho laat paga ¥vlth a printad or Hhiatratad llnpraa- •ton, or tho book oovar whon appropriata. All othor original oopiot ara fllnlkad bagkining on tho first paga with a printad or illuatratad Imprat- afon, and anding on tha laat paga «vith a printad or illuatratad imprasiion. Tha laat racordod frama on aach miorofteho shall contain tho aymbol -^> f moaning "CON- TINUED"), or tho>symboi ▼ (moaning "END"), whichavar appllaa. » Maps, platas, charts, ate., may ba fHmad at diffarant raduction rattos. Thoaa too Mirgo to bo ontiroly bicludod in ona axposura ar^-fiimad baginning In tha uppar laft hand comor,'toft to right and top to bottom, as niany fra'mos aa raquirad. Tha following diagrama Nlustrata tha mar*--"* ■|- •thod: 4 L'fxamplaka fNm4 fut raproduft griaa A la g4n4roolt« da: , TkomM PidMr Rara Book Ubiary. UnivMiHy of Toronto Ubisry taa Imagaji suhrantaa ont 4t4 raprodultfp avac la plus grand aoin. eompto tofNi do la condltton ot do la nattat« da i'axamplalra film*, at an oonformit* avac laa condMona du contrat da flimaga. U»axamplairaa origl^x dont la couvartura an papiar aat bnprim4a soni fllmAa an commoneant par 10 promior plat at an tarmlnant aolt par la dami#ra paga^ qui oomporto uno omprointo d'impraasion oil diNustration, salt par lo sacond plat, aaton la caa. Tous loa autraa axamplairas originaux sont filmis on eommon9ant par la pramMra paga qid eomporto uno omprointo d'improssion ou dlHuatration ot on torminant par la dami*ro paga qui eomporto uno totio omprointo. Un dos symbolos suh/ants apparattra aur to darnlAra imaga d^bhaqua microficho, solon lo cas: to symboto -^ sifTnifto "A 8UIVRE", to sym|»oto y signifto "FiN". - - ' / Laa oartaa, ptanchaa. tabtoaux, ate., pauvant *tra fHmAa A-daa taux da rMuctton diffAranta. Loraqua to dtooumant aat trap grand pour Atra ' " raproduit an un saul cHchA, II aat fllmA A partir da i'angto.aupAriaur gaucha, da gaueha A drolto. ot do haut an baa, in pranant to nombro d'imagas nAcassalra. Los diagrammaa auKtanta lliustrant to mAthodo. ' 1 V 1 • , «t 3 * Y -1 '•'■.• 1- -2.3.^ ■ ■ - •''■■<§ : , . : L_ . Ws —————— ^— ' I I I ■" 4 5 6 (ANSI onrf ISO TEST CHART Hp. 2} -<■ J. t 1.0 1^1^ ■"».•«.* I.I '*U m IM 2.a^ 1.8 1 1-25 m 1.4 11.6 ^ /APPLIED HVHGE Inc S teu Eoat Main Stract ~ Roch^mr. Nm York 14609 USA (716) 402 - 0300 " PtMMM (716) 28ft -MSO-FoK ■■■»»:• *.'..,• . .\ 1 ; h I , /, ewjF^K^^w^ --^1 ' -J. \.^ ^<«AUi^^»Ji^»L^d^B£ll4«d^ ir_W^: ":\ REGU FOR THE OF TItB TOWN OF YORK. 7 , IN THE HOME DISTRICT. '•■-%: -^ Made nnd ordained in Adjourned Quartet ^estiont, May \^h\,, \%n ^revised and amended in Adjourned General Quarter 6eMion<, June 2 If/; 1823< ., Jl^l O person cr persons to sell ot bake Bread or Biscuit Tor sale, without having previdus'y oU- tained a Licence, and entered into Hecognizauce before the Clerk of the Peac^, with two sufficient Sureties, in the sunn of Twenty Pounds, to sell the same ill coiiformrty to th
Krery Baker to stainp each Loaf or Bitjcuit with
. tbfe inillali of his name, and ii|»on condition of any
offpiue ogainat these regulations, shall foifeit and
pay a sum not le«s than Ten Shillings, tior nioro
IhiWi Tony Shillings for each offem e. An entry
shalKb*' made from tim.i to time> by the Clerk of
,th« Market, in a Book to be kept for that purpose^
^ of the Assize of Bread, as fixed each month, or
ofteuer if rVquirrd, which Book, any inhabitant
*. may iiisfiect at all reasonable houiifs, without fee.—
The Clerk of the Market, likewise, to keep an ac*
count of the Prices of Ftour, to layl^efoie the
Ma«ri.strates ivhen called for.
No Slaughter- House to be erected, or made use
of, (v^illiiu the limit* of the Towjr^ without the
owuer or occtipier thereof having previously ob-
tained espcvialperrtiissioo for that purpose, from
the Magistrates in Session, under a penalty of Forty
Shillings for each offence. No chips, shavings, Q€
cubbish, of any descriptibo, to be thrown into tiie
Street, or in the frontof the Town, under a penalty
of not less than Ten Shillings, nor more than Forty,
for each offence.
^ *''
No person to ga^op, or riae, or drive a horie or
horses, at an unreasonable rnle, in the Streets of tlit
Town, or on the Bank or Beach in front o( the
same, under o penally of not less limn Ten ShiUings,
nor more than Forty Shillings for each offence ; nor
to ride on the Foot-paths, under a penahy of Fiv«
Shillings lor feach offence.
- No WngKon, Cart, or Carriage, of any descrip.
tion, to he left standing in the Street, or any Fire-
wood, Timber, or other incumbrance, to be allowed
to remain in the Street for a longer period than
i twenty four hours, except in cases of budding,
* when one half of the Stre A front of tl-.e Lot to
be built OA will be allowedlf; be o