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y] / <^^ ^^^ > ^^ " M.'^ >"> ¥' 'S J^ 'm iiUiU^ cipiilLi Sciences Corporation 23 WEST MAIN STREET WEBSTER, NY. M580 (716) 872- ^^ 4^ ,WM««M>'*i*tWMHiM JR^UIiIiiS 41tB .% or TKX UNION FIEK CtUB, rOilMIO AT FREDERICTON, N. B. KovitiiBEa, ta4 1821. '■'«:: ^r" «»!' ! 'V ♦ I. That this Society shall be called the Union Fire Club, and shall not exceed in number forty effective Members, including the Pro- sident, Vice President and Secretary, who shall be elected annual- ly, namely, on the 22d of Movembcr, and any person refusing lo act as an officer, when pioposed and elected, shall pay a fine of ttn Shillings, II. That each and every Member shall at his own expejise, provide himself with, and keep in perfect order and readin^ssj astfong Bag consisting of about three yards of Duck, a Basket sufficient to hold one bushel or upwards, and a Lanct-m, with about six inches of Candle therein, a Jack-knife, Screwdriver, and Bed-ke^ ; and that ihere shall be provided at the expense of the Club, three small Axes, to be separately kept by the President, Vice-President and Secretary, all these utensils shall be marked with the initials U. F. C. and, wid|j the exception of the Axes, those also of the owners itame, and^<*ll be kept together in the most convenient place of. *he owner's dwelling, and not on any account to be used except at fires, under a penalty of len Shillings for eveiy otfr?nce. At»d for the more easily distingi»ishing the members of the Club, from other persons, each shall at ail fires, wear a white Hat, marked as above, ufuler » penzliy of two Shillings ind Sixpence^ unless he gives a satisfactory reason for appearing without the same. ' III. That the Secietary be furnished with one or more Books, if ne. ccssary, at the expense of the Club, wherein he shall duly Register these regulations and other proceedings necessary to be inscrttd— ro'lect fines, and pay from the funds of the Club all necessary expences incurred -be one of all Comi^nntees. -go round and in- sjject the state of the Utensils, (such inspection to take place not less than once in each quarter, and not less than ten days subsequent to |ipy general fire) attended 'fry two others of the Club, who shall be warned fur that purpose, in rotation as they stand upon the list, at iojchtitrufs as the Secretary shs'! ihink proper, and every utensil kstt .^. .¥ "^s^ mML m0f j'mM, and o be go- , and shall g the Pro- id annual- : fusing fo line of Un se, provide tr'dng Bag ifficLent to six inches ke) ; and three small isident and ials U. F. he owners t place of. except at And for from other 1 as above, he civcs a >oks, if ne . y Register inserttd — necessary id and in* ace not less ibsequtnt to ftho thall be the list, %t utensil k»ty liHtplaceJ or ottt of order, shall be noted and reported to the Prest-' dent, who shall «t the next meeting, cause to be levied for every ar- ticle to lost, misplaced, or out of order, the turn of two ShiilingSf ftnd one Shilling for each and every day such Member shall be da-* ficient of either of the respective articles enumerated in the antice- dent Section, and the Secretary «hall, for every neglect of his duty pay a fine of Jive Shillings ; also any Member refusing to attend him, shall pay a fine oijivc Shillings, except in case of 'Sickness, Off when out of Town. IV. That on an alarm of fi''e, every Member shall proceed with all possible haste to the House in danger, and there use every exer> tion in his power to »ave the property within from destruction, by^ expeditiously removing the same to a place of safety, as directed by the President, or those appointed io act in his absence. If any Member shall purposely neglect to repair to fires wi.h all his uten- sils, or withdrawv therefrom without le,ve, before the property re- moved is deposited in a place of safety, he shall, if the offence ap- pears wilful, be excluded iIk Club. V. That the Member who first gets to the house on fire, shaM,"wiih- the consent of the owner or tenants thereof, take charge of the door and allow no person to enter, ^ave the Members of the Club, Own*> er, Tenants, or Fire-wards ; but if possession should be denied, the Members are not to persist, but use their utmost exertions in co* operation with the Fire Company, to stop the progress of the fire. . VI. That the Glut meet at the Golden Ball, or such other place as • may be appointed by the President, four times a year, namely 6fl i the 2 2d of November, February, May and August, in the ^il^bt*- ing, at thehourofiiffd?? in the Winter, and eight in the Sumfifer, Every Member whether present or absent at such meetings, shall pay the sum of one Shilling to the Secretary for the wse of the Club ; and every absentee, when the list is called over, (which shall be within fifteen minaies from the time fixed for meeting) shall ^ay Sixpence more, and two Shillings and Sixpence if absent the *vhole evening, except in cases of sickness, or wheri out of Town ;, whoever also abscnis himself three q^uarterly meetings successively^ mmimi9*m I WIW II «mnm tif^m^. shall, (except u above described) be excluded from the Society, ami* shall not be re-admitted without the usual ceremony of election.- That during the meeting, the business of the Club only shall be discussed ; every Member while addressing the Chairman must stand up, and all motions, shall be made in writing, which shall be decidtd by the majority of the Members then -present. VII. That in the election of new Members, a majority of the Club- shall be present ; that Jive black Balls shall exclude ; and ho per-^ son be balloted for unless proposed, by his request, at a previous meeting. On admission, he shall be required to sign the By-Laws within three days from hi* election, which only constitutes him a Member, even though the votes should be unanimous. He shall within ten days provide himself with utensils, and pay the sum of ^ve Shillings to the Secretary for the use of the Club. VIII. That for the purpose of maintaining a good I'nderstanding, and orderly ii'ansacting the business of the Club at its several meciingS| it shall be the President's duiy to give all directions, and attend ge- nerally to mailers relating i« .he Club— attend to all motions made and seconded, and put the same to vote. IX.. The President's duty shall, in all respects during his absence, de-. volve upon the Vice-President, or Secretary ; or in the absence of those, on such Member as a majority of the Club shall 'immediaitt> ly appoint. X. That when from age or other infirmity, a Member is rendered incapable of taking an active part, he shall be continued as an ho- noiary Membei, be excused from attending at fires, and, unless a- greeable to him, the meetings also ; «nd in theeveni of the rem ival of any Member fr»m Ficd rictoii, be may at his reqiust, with ihe conient of the Club, beanticxed to the list of Honorary Members* * f :iety, and* election.' shall be an must khall be he Ciub- 1 tio per*' previuus )y-Laws es him a He shall sum of ing, and neciingsy ttcnd ge- 3ns made cnce, de-. bsencc of imcdiaie- rendered s an ho- unless a- rem ival wiih the lembers* r i. k MEMBERS NAMES. William Wilmot, Abraham Coburn, Thos. R. Roberts,^ WilliamHarned, James Taylor, George K. Lugrin. James Cameron, James Sloot, Sherlock Parsons, John R. M'Pherson, Benj. Wolhaupter, Thomas C. Everitt, Jedediah Slason, Jun. William V. Segee, James Willox, John F. Taylor, Williarrt M*Beath, ^ William Roberts, Daniel M*Pherson, Asa Coy, Thomas T. Smith, John Simpson, Joseph Estabrooks, John Barker, Charles M'Pherson, John A. Beckwith, Francis £. Beckwith^ Richard Dibblee, ^>.« A//^^^- £ '^^f^^'*'*^0m»(9»^ -"■"ta ntumuimr g ..■iiim^—.m • • •"t ii n i iii mm i ii i I— wM i -ii • .~: 'i'"'^"*^^ HONORARY MEMBERS. Robert Eggar, John Van Hornc, i t4, m ., m I'-i William M'Kay, Richard Winter, ■■-.•'■v. -.A- k • > - - .. - •• ^., ,* ^^£2^-- "taiii :.-^ ^:- iid