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The Grand Tableaux or Tint APOCUrPSB Beettived with unanimous fovor by att cluwi dwing its reuKMnta- tioni last week, and {wonouneed by all to be the most roblinw and (tartiing wries of Tableaux ever preaented to the citiseaa of St. John, 2SBOWIN6 WflAT ST. JOHN SAW When a Door in Heawi was Opened^ And ending mil3a. the Vtaicna of tbe MY m mmm hm tm nv jmasMi ThU £anby,aad odwt Altiati, diu^tiB tboa OtviM mm — '^ ^•iar Hwtf liahw Jww'juiwifwt iBiiia»TOr-t%iMai a twla iMm apM oftuM ail atitaity. > ■aranHooa Tl« Miiaa af Tableitnx latdy added, eanpridaf new deaigna of the CUOn^lDilllUi TAItEllIX LOST surpass all previous lepraMUtations of SU grand subfeot, aad the whole combined form an entertunment ttoparalelled in beanty, interest and attraction. A HEW ft MfOTI£i WRXfOMt intraduood each evening by the Proprietor, as an enconrageBMnt for the appreciation of the Arts, and us a means of advertising the enter- tainment, meets with universal satisfi;xtion in ail communitiea n Gieem aumff each migM I CompriiiBg trtiGlea af great value which are diatril^ted in a \awx impartial man- ner, WITHOUT BBOARii TO EiTHBE Ao% RBX Ok Aamk, ail tkc Froprictof asking in return i» that thoae whote good fettuna it it to receive one will mention the entar> tiiianMnc to their friends and advite them to vtiit it. la this manner is dittributed aigbtly ELEiUIT 8B.TEBIUTEDICE FffHEBt, CORLT C&IE BASKETS, SOU) CLiSP PAlir imB, Cw rt fiiHBii tf i» iniB, iikm. CiH Beiii, fi^ (Mm, btfo, SOfir CKii; k. k, XXiora OCWB at 7, OuBUMNM* •» S eVtloak' 0. W. DAT, PBilfTCa