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Las diagrammas suivants lllustrant la mithoda. 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 niSS FLORENCE MABEL GLOVER - SOPRANO COMHENTS OF THE PRESS. BelkviUe Intelligencer. Miss Florence Mal)el (jlover is purely and simply a marvellous singer for her age. There is no douht hut that in the future she will with perseverance rank with Allrni and I'atti. Last night she was a very artistic rocket. She awed the Heavens with the splendor of her genius. It is only to l»e hoped we may hear her again and again. The Ontario,, Belleville. Miss Glover is a remarkable genius. Her rendering of the Cavitina, from Robert Le Diable, and Pattison's Waltz Song, were simply miirvellous, and it is doubtful whether a Belleville audience has ever heard her equal, Considering Miss Glover's age she has an angelic voice, and we bespeak for her a great future. During her singing the whole audience seemed paralyzed with amaze- ment and wonder, and should Miss Glover visit this city again she will find an enthusiastic audience awaits her. Collingwood Enterprise. Miss Florence Mabel (ilover is without exception the sweetest and best singer the town has heard. She is young, but that is a mistake she will regret sooner than the audiences who may hear her later on in life. Most of us are born old while Miss (Jlover gives promise of being always young, sweet and charming like her voice. But true enough, few singers in any tongue give us such sweet and charming music as the young girl who delighted the Cirand on Tuesday night. But with her voice, her musical ability and her beauty, why should we not have a Canadian- English singing Patti — or better? Stayner Sun. Miss Florence Mabel Glover was the star of the evening. See hjis a rich, powerful voice of wonderful compass, and all her selections were charmingly rendered. The Week,, Toronto. Vocal Society's Concert. Florence Mabel Glover, a pnpil of Mr. Buck, the musical director, made her debut at his concert, and in the opinion of her audience achieved a most remark- able success. Her first song was the Staccato Polka, which was met with con- tinuous encores, to which, she responded with Robert Toi (|ue J'amie, for which, the fair young cantatrice was repeatedly recalled to receive many beautiful Iwuquets, Miss Cilover has a brilliant future in store for her with careful training. 7'oronfo Mail. Miss Florence Mabel Glover is the best singer Toronto has produced in twenty years. Toronto Mail. Vocal Society's Concert. The debutante of the evening, Miss Florence Mal)el lilover, a very young girl, treated the audience to an agreeal)le surprise. The young lady has a brilliant soprano voice, and she sang, the Staccato Polka and the scena Rol)ert toi que J'aime from Robert le Diable with surprising executive ability for one so young. She has wonderful self-possession, and is evidently well fitted for the stage oi concert platform. But if her artistic maturity should fulfil the promises of her success as a student she has a l)right and successful career before her. The Robert toi que j'amie, givc-n as an encore, was certainly an ambitious attempt, Init Miss (Hover nevertheless actpiitted herself with a credit beyond general expectations. Toronto Globe. Vocal Society's Concert. Miss Florence Mabel Glover, a very young Member of the Society, won a warm reception, and sang Mulder's Staccato I'olka very effectively for so young a performer, and was greeted with tremendous applause, and had to respond to a genuine encore. Toronto Empire. Vocal Society's Concert. This was the first appearance as a soloist of Miss Florence Mabel Cllover, a member of the Society's chorus. She simply took the audience by storm with her treatment of Mulder's difficult composition the Staccato Polka, "Veni Venie Ognor." Her voice has force, animation, refinement and range, which makes future distinction an absolute certainty for this gifted soprano. Miss Clover is (piite young, but, if promise means anything, she will yet be famous. Mean- while the Vocal Society have a prize. She too, received many boquets, and the applause which accompanied their bestowal from all parts of the house was the most enthusiastic accorded to any of the performers. Extract of a Letter received from the Great Diva. Dear Miss Clover : — I write to you just before leaving, to tell you how delighted I was with your musical talent, etc. If I can be of any service to you in London, I shall be very pleased to see you there. Wishing you success, believe me, Voiirs sincerely, Queen's Hotel, Toronto, 1892. K. Almani Cuy. Ensasements for Concerts Receptions and At Homes accepted. Address-niSS FLORENCE MABEL GLOVER, 31 Hayter Street, Toronto, Ont.