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Ne* ork U609 USA (' '6) 482 - OMO - Phone • ' IBB - 5989 ■ t-^ ? .I.i NATIONAL iIbhary 1 CANADA 1 MBI.IOTIIKQIIE NATIONAIX 1 B^VIN^QUET TO HON. srii charlp:s tupper, g.c.m.g., c.b. ON ins KIJXTION 1-OU THE COI'NTY or CAPE BRF/FON FEBRUARY Gth, IS'Jii f The ftillnwin;^' is a vorbatim roporr oi" Sir rhiirlcs 'l"uiiii''v's innstorlj- siK'.'C-li at the baii- (juut ti'!i;l»-,c(l liiii! by tli(> Llboval-Conserva- tives of llabfax i>n Tliursday nislit : Sir Cliarlos iuinii'i'. on nsin;;-. \va.s roceivtMl svitli prolong;!'!! oliocvs and applause. He iaid : Mr. Stairs, and Genllenien : 1 slmll liave til aslc \i!\t to l)e extremely (luiet wliile I a.ldrcss'a few word.s to you, as I tind. after the exhaustive efforts of the past fortuiKlit, Ihal 1 am bv no means in possession of that voice wliieh" I wmdd Mice to have at my eom- uiand 1o address so pfeat and iutliiential a body of Kentlenmn as 1 liave the pleasure of seeim: liefore me to-nij^iu. 1 lliank you from tlio bottom of my heart lor tlie l<;ndl' .'reeving' vou linve siven me. and I lle-nlv ^•■le chairman for the very l!atterin;4- m-iuu upon my .■(luiitrvmen. 1 rcijret. liowever. 1h:!l I must And fault with the chairman at the outset. In cnnmeratins; my titles lie oi lifted to reler to tlKit of wlucli I am more proud thi'U all tlie res: --llic title ol' ■• momber cf parlr-- metit •• wiiicli has just been conferred upoii me bv the electors of ti>e noble county ol cnpe'r.rcton. (l.oud applause.) The late ho-iouralde Air. Murray.-and I suppose I .am not spenklnc without reason when I say the ■■ vdio will soon be 1lie TTcni. ilr. iMurrav auain dau;rhter and loud applause^, and T take it as a remarkable tribute^ to my- self that before Mr. Murray was ab!- to op- ;.. ..;.!!;;• to be " !!(>'.!0'.U'ablf>, Mr Mnrrav issued ii card to county nf Cape Breton lie should be retnriKHl as p,.c.' vr.v y.r ■■■■■■'' -tliC Inte lion. till- cl.'ctors of ihowiiii;' cansi til ,l\v their representative at the election which has just closed. And in that card he made the slaiemcnt llial it v>as a "sfeat cmeij.'ency." What did he mean by that V I would like him to explain to tlie editor of the " JIorninK Chronicle" what the "great emergency " was. The " Moruinj;- Chron- icle " had announced that a feeble old man was about to assume the leader- ship of the great Liberal-Conservative parly, and tlie admiring readers of that in- terest Iiil: jonriuil \vcr(> informed that Sir Cliarles 'I'lipper was one of the most uusue- ccssful politiii.'ins that the conntry had ever seen. If tli;it were so, wiiere was tlie " grent emergency V" Was tiint not just what any sensilile opixment of tile'l- tive party would d(>slre, that instead of hav- ing a vigorous and suci'cssful piditici'in take liold of tlie leadersliip of tlie iiany. tiiey slioidd have in thai capacity a " feebli> old man," who had been only remarkable for his want of suecess in political life V t M-ould like 1(1 know wliat tlie brilli.- legislature assembled, in a roon'i occuiiied by one of llie iiKMubers. for ■the puriiose of coiniiaring notes, it w:is found that the Conservative party were repre'-ented in the House of Assembly of the provinc of \ova Scotia by fifteen members all told. My Lite revered and lamenfed friend, the lion, i Mr. .lohnston fapplanse). on tlnK occasion ; lii'oposed to lliis corporal's guard, for that 1 was all we were, he proposed to these tifteen ' geiUlemcn that I should be cntniSt-V, v.-it!; I the re-orgaui7,ation of the Conservative par- ty and from that hour down to the present, wiien in parliamentary life, T have had the fc iii,j ..) 1 R.««v>»C^.* liniiotii' III' liiililiui; il (liUllililMl JK Sili..ll l>l' : l.iltrDl^l. ml tli:i1 liill \v;is m iiodcl for 1.11. Ill' ..r llic l,ilici;il-fr I l,,,^i^l;||i.ill wliirli miL-'ln 111. r.ill.iwcd by Muy NiiVM Si< iiiiilcr tl .liii. iA|ipliiiisi. IciltllTsllill I WliMl lirll'P"""'' it cm miry In 1 lie world. lAi-pliHisi- 1 iliis'ssini i „p (iiicitlifr m'< UVMl'Ml •_•- MlMIl^- ill Mill V li I ,1,1. next,lcph...-w.Mun...c ..uiou 01 p.m(MUs. and mole onv s..nts on i h- i>'. ; hlslory or 111.- .v.irs is.... ■'"'' /Vi':„ i or ' P.uil..n,..n. 1.1 11.0 ^ouorid »"1'"'" " '' , ^ nl'l.'r wo svoro .li'lViiU'd. A ,r....slio ^^ils rills.'.! nnd nus...l bv ilu- "^ Cl.ron^ i,.l,. •• Von liiivo imly to Uirn to llio |>:ij:o> or ,i,„i si.ooi whirl, MOW ,.ror.|ss..s ;'\ ;;• •'I'l.;;;- h.M.siv.. ilm. r.iholios MH.l '■■■"'•.^'•"" r,,;.' ...lin" lo l„. s.'t l.v iho oMi-s m llus .■.mnti\. von?iiivo onlv lo turn lo tlio i'<'fiod whon wo won' in iiowoV. tfiMu isr,7 to isr.o. i„ l.i.d bo ..(•hroniiM..- of IbMt di.y t..onm.v;- ^;;"li ''"• vil.'st donnnoiMtinns of Konmn ( Mtliolios. nnn ,l...-lnnn._' iis ii onr.liniil i.nnni.l,. o l'"' l;' " ,.,■■11 i.iirtv tbiit no Itoniiin ( Mllndio >boulU ,,.. ,v.r,.dft,.d to ii.d.t 11 soiH in ''"■,.:';'■;','■'', ,no,U of tl.o country. I inn jrln-l to t.nd tint Mftor llio iMi.s.. of forty yours, it now dopL.tos ,1,0 iM.ssibility of snob n .■iitiisti'opbo iis ,b;,, wliioli tb.'y spent yoMrs in ..nd.'Mv.ntnnp lo inlli.^r on this country. Now. tl»' i';;''^";' wjiv no such dllliculty bus pros.-ntod itsoll sini^i. Hint tinio is tliiit iilihouL'h wo woro do- ,■...,(,.,1 bv M liiiro niiijority in the or is:.'.) wo bud the opporniniiy of nmliiiinu' i ho ,.,,,„„,.v from its ..(.ntro t.. its 'ircuriilon.iico. will, tiio result thiit Mlthouiili wo l.-ll m IS.';". , liil „ot full until wo bud sncc....d,.d n' idiiminL:- upon the ,■,•,, npnrts of the c.ninii'y tl,.. Ihi"- undi'V which w.' hud foi,-ht ot oquiil ri-lns Mild cniil .ii,sti.-o to nil. H.o,i,l np- ..iMUsci Kounl I'iiihts nii.l o.,niil .msti.M. l_o .,11 witliout ilistinclion of iMoe or creed. W t we,v <.. sucessful in I lie ;idv..oii.-v ol tb.'Se nriiu'lplos tiiiit wo biivo converted even Ibe " Alornini-'('h,..niclo." Whnt hiipponi'd ; NN o went into opiiosition. but w.- ^voro not ,d o W.. bv our mins mid iniuntiiiued mil ,„.i,„.i„ics with the ivsuit thitt |i';.:. ^";;''; i,.coud tbouu'iit of tb.- .■ounti'y m 1S(,.,. uav. us th.- most ovorwliolmiiu;- luii.iority tliiit ,>v..r known in uny c.uintry rclntivi' to inini- l,..,.s W.' hiid .-1 mn.iority of '^-^ o"t ot _ii l,o„so .,r .-.- 1 don't tliink tbiit is nn instnno.. of the woi-k of nn uusuccssful politi.'inn. ir,MU..:liior ^'"'^ ■l"'''''",-:'''' , ^Z mok up •in-iit .pii'stions. Uo to.ik up the viliil .Ttiestio,! of the free nnd wo bud the pleasuri' liiw which tlie ITon. :\ri recent occasion in the ■lit iiuosti.iii. on.' .1 • We lo.ik f Ibo most vital, of ;.'r(.:it iiiii^'nilndi wo look up the .lueslion .•ommon scliools. of passinj; that Kirdilitii.'. on a cilv of .\rontronl. .loclarod to be the best school law ovoi ,,„;,..|..d in any country in the world. (Applause.* And bo only paid a .I'lst tri- bute to tbat ;;-real measure of l.Mrislation .so vititl to tlie well-boiuir of the country, "whpn be said that under that law Homaii ratholics and rrot.'stants bad lived tosether in the most p.>rfect harmony (Hint scho.d bill for which tl,e country was indebted to Ibe piirtv wliicb I bad tlie lionimv of and i,i,poi^tance.— of uniting,' the iso- lated cidonles of wliiili Itrlisb .Nortli Ain- ,,,.•,,.,1 was .•.nnpos.Ml into on.' Kroat wli.d.'. \ud wo accoiiMdlsbed that wm'k. It is true ■,1,,,' wli.'ii w,. took up that qn.'Slion t was not wii'iont>t ami'ivinjr on I.. ■ par. of niaiiy l.'a.linv' I'lU'li'' ".on. Hut we s.ic- ce..b'.l. and after sp.'n.linK "■" "''.L"^'';,,, London, in tl.o y.-ars is.l.l an. I'^'''-/^ ' we wore .■arryluK i1i.m>uk1. th.' Imp. ml 1 a - li in.'Ut the A.'t wl.i.'h f.'.l.'iiH.'.l Hr.tisii N., Vm.'ii.-a. I ivtnrn.'d to lin.l that un.h'f :,„ aiiitaii.m h-.l by the most dist,m,'U,sh...l .,,,,1 ,„.,st brilliant Nova S.'.itian who has .'ver liv.'d. th.' lat.- II. .11. .I..s.'ph I1..W.'. (l.m.l applaus.'i publl.' sontim.'Ut ha.l b.'en so ex- ,|/.,,1 ,,,„^in^' th.' p.'rio.l that I was not lieiv ,1, i-mbt ti... batth'. that wh.'ii w.' w.'iit P. the ,.l..ctions in ISCT I fonn.l mys.'lf al.m.' out of 111 , who w.'iv r.'tiirn.'.l to tlu' Do- ,„i„i„„ House of ('..mmons from this pro- vii,..' th.' onlv on.' r.'turn.'.l wh.> was imt ph'dpd t.. break up th.' f.'d.'rati.m. (..'nth- m.'u. 1 was i,..t dismay.'.l. for I have always felt that if you fall in a ko.-.I eaiiso yon w'l s.Mm ris.' au-ain. (Applaus,... .\niinalo.l by tiiiit fc.'lin;; I n-Hfl "pon my .nt.lKiiiont ot what .■oiif.'.l.'ration woui.l .b. loi' tins i..'.)- vin.'c MS w.'ll as for th.- ..tii.'r's. for lb.' ..f lb.' P"lioy 1 bad pnr- snod Abli..ii^'b 1 st.....l al..ii<'. 1 .ltd ii.'t ro- l,,x mv ..x,','ti..ns. AVb.-ii b.'f.n'o the ..U'.'tu.ns 1 was ..ttVr.'.l a s.-at in th.' lirst (Jov.'riumm .,,• Cmum.Im. ami 1 may say in passm« that^ thai was form.'.l- 1 'H.l n..t take th.- seat olVen'.l m.' at tbat tin,.' b.'..aiis.. true to the oolb'v. trn.. to Ibo priinipb's that have KUid- ,.,1 ,„■.. fi.nn the p.'ri...l of n,y lirst oiitranco i,„„ pnbli.' lilV. .1..WI1 to th.' pr.'sont tinu. 1 b.'l.l that p.'fsoiial c..iisid.'rMti.>iis woiv in- si-niii.'anl .■oinpar.'d with tlm i"t«.'-''>*ts ot \W coimtrv. .Applaus.'.! Au.l fimhns that ,h.' iuier.'sts of th.' .•.miitry .u, tliat o.-.-asn^m woui.l b.' b.'tt.'rs.'rv.'d by my stamlnif; asid.'. I witb.livw aii.l .b'.^lin.'.l toa.^.-.'Pt Jb.' imrt- folio that was off.'r.'.l mo. au.l ask.^l that ,b.. Into Hon. Sir K.lward Kenny .applaus.; . ;l;.. ,„..'si,l.'iit of 111.' l.'^iislativ.' .^outi.'il. sii.mhl b.' in my pla.'.'. 1 th.'n took mv s.'at as a privat.' menib.'r ot the,'. ami .b'tormined t.. use all the p.iw.'rs [ ,,.,ss.'ssoil securiufr the a.'.'ompbsli- „„.„t ..f what I b..liev.' to be 11,0 .uivat.'st thiii^' that coul.l bo accomplish.'.!, that was to s.'curo tb.' success of th.' Kroat ineas- Mr.' whi.'b was cal.'ulatcd t.. mak.- out of ili.'s.' is.dat.-.l provinc.'s a frreat nation. (' \f>pbl.iso,, V-'aiii. iift.'r th.' .'Ic'tion. 1 was ofl'.'i.'.i a se'it" The lat.' ILm. Sir Adams Ar.'bibald b.''inf:- d.'tVato.l. and I beins the only one ,-cturn.'.l ..11 the Conservative side. I was \ MK.-iiii iilTcrcd II sent \n the ('nl)liici ; lull dc- clliii'M it iiiid iisUi'il Sir .liihii A. .Miii'duiiiild Ik tcildrl' llmt. scill lo lllc Hull, Joscpli lliiwc. rAiiplMiisci Mr. IIowc liiid Ih'imi sent wiUi ii Itir tJC ( IflfL'iillciii (ip l.iiiiddii tci ciidcnv'iur III si'ciiri' till' MpiMiiiiiiiii'iil III' ii I'liyiil coui- iiiissloii 1(1 si'i- wlii'lliiT llic Ai'l of ('i)iifi'd('ra lion could iioi bo lirojjcii down. I viis .soiif li.v llic (Jovfi'miicT.t ol' Ciiiindii to opiioso Hint I'lTmi on llio juiil ol' Mr. llowo. mid lo p\'c- vciit Miiy iiiii'; rcri'iico wilii llic Iniiiciinl .Vet ;iH il stood. On Hint occnslon 1 liiid nn in tc I'vicw with .Mr. IIinvc Ik llic \*'i .-;iniinslcr I'lihuM' Ilorcl. 'I'lic lirsl cull I iiiiidc in Lon- don \Mis on .Mr. IIowc, mid lie rcinrncd it tlic followini; diiy. \Vc siil down to^'cilicr mid discus.'^cd tlic (iiicxiion in all its bcnriiifis. lie .snid lo me. " Well. 'I'lipper, I cniinol say that 1 mil (.dad to see you here, liiit since you are here. 1 suppose we niiisl make llic iicst of il." I said lo liiin, " .Mr. IIowc. I Bill Koint; lo lell you with the ulinost frank- ness tile ]iosilion that I occupy, and .vmi inav ;;ivc llic in return as iiiucli as yon please You liave been sent liei'c to )ircal< vlown tlic .Vet fif ('onfcderalioii. and 1 expect you to do all yon can to accinnplish that mission. Hilt yon will I'nil, Von will lie confronted liy an ovcrwliclmiiij.' ma.lority hotli in the lioiise of Conimons and the House of Lords, who will refuse to inicrferc willi ll;e risht of self-jrovcrnmcnt whi<'Ii has Ioiik mlto lieen conceded to the provinces of Canada. I tlicn went on lo say " wlien you hav(> failed, as fail you will, the (|iiestioii will tiieii come, 'what next' and I want to put it lo ymi as a statcsiiiMii, I want to init it to you as a pnlilie man. who has done so inucli in thi' past to elevate and advance ilie interesis of the jirovincc to wliicli you beloii};. I want lo put it to you as a man wlio did more to ac- coiniilisli responsitdc Kovernnicnt than all otiier public men in Nova, Scotia put to- f:tilier. 1 want to jiut it to you. when you liave used nil the efforts in your itower to ae- ccMiiplisli I lie niissiou on wliicli you have been sent licre. and liav(> failed, tliat your next duty will be to take advantasro of your position of liaviiiK the Kreat Imdy of reprc- sentalivcs of liie iicopic of Nova Scotia at your l)ack. and assume the responsibility of KCttliiiK the a^'itation on the basis of better terms for the province of Nova Scotia. l)iit at all events lo assume tlie responsi- bility of worUiiiK out tiiis (|ucstion in such a way as will be ,iust and in tlie best in- terests of the proviucc." Mr. Ilowe met mc ill the most open spirit, and after discus- sing the hiatter in all its be.'iriiiKS, 1 felt cer- tain that he would ado]pt a patriotic course. I said to him tiiat I had .inst refused a seat In the Cabinet, because I wanted to see a man who had the province of Nova Scotia at his back occupy tlie seat. And I saio to him "if you .■iccopt that position and assuni'- tho responsibility which the more >v)U consider it. the more you will fe(>l it yotir duty to your country to adopt, in- stead of finding me an opponent, I am pro- Hon Sir C T-lVa Iiarcd to become ymir liuinble follower, and will (.'ivc you as ardent support as I have over kIvcii you oppositio knew tliai devoted a> (.Vpplanse.) had been lo IiIm lirovini-e and misled as lie liail been in re- gard lo confederation, there was ml iiiider- lyimj slralum of pali'iolisin wliicli would compel Iiliii to adojit llib course suggested. I said to him, .VIr. Howe, "read that note." and 1 showi'd him a note addressed to Sir Sir .lohii .V. .Macdoiiald the nigiil before I left ('.■iu;ida. dccliiiinu- and rcfnsiiifr lo ac- cept the iiositlon of cliairman of the Iiiler colonial Hoard with a salary if.Sl.bOOa year, and a scat in rarliaiuent. 1 said 1 would tell him my reason for declinini,' tliat piKsi- tlon. I siihl. " ir you refuse to come lo your country's aid with the great biid.\- of support- ers you have ill your back, I will take iii.y coat olT mid iigiiat(> the lu-ovincc of Nova Scotia from end tci c;id. and I can do it tlie lictter unlrmninellcd by any ollicinl jiosition. 1 iilcdge myself ucvei- to accept a seat in liie Cabinet until I am in a |iosition to feel tlial I iiave the coulidence of the representa- tives of Nova Scotia." .VIr. Ilowe. anim.ilcd by the loftiest iiatriolism. decided to atJopt the course 1 suggested, we came back and entered the Cabinet, with a result that he soon had around him the whole or almost the whole rtolcgntloii of tlie reprcsentJi lives of .Vova Scotia. And I have no hesitation in saying that it was tlie jiroud- est inomi'iit of iii.\- life when I was able to induce 0(1(1 of the iudeiiendent electors of the county of Hants to poll their votes for the man wlioiii they iaul always previously op- posed. I now come lo the next subject. .Vt a very early day in l.S7(l. wiliiin two years after tlie discussion with Mr. Ili'we. to wliicli I have just rcfcri'ed, I was approached by almost the entire bod.v of tiic represcnt.-itives of Nova Scotia, wlio had been sent to I'iirlia- ment lo oi)])(;se mc, and w.'is asked to take a seat in ilie (hivernmeiit, and was assured that if I did so I would have their support, I went into Ilie Cabinet and Mr. IIowc and 1 were uniled. In \X~2 we went lo a general election with llic result tiiat botii Mr. How-e and myself were snstjiined, and we had re- turned by tile province of .\ov;i Scotia every man pledged to snppon the (Joverii- ment of which we were members. Both Mr. Howe and 1 liad been for long .vears, as you know, In an attitude of the bitterest politi- cal antagonism. It was a siiyingof Mr. Ilowe. whether original or n'"^ I do not know- though he was a mar - t had no occasion to make use of expre.!.-: r.s tliat were not original— that the sma! er the jiit tlie fiercer the rats would light. That was the state of things between us in the olden times ; we exchanged nian.r severe blows. Rut \v!!(>n the lieutenant govcviior.tihip of Nova Scotia became vacant I went to Sir .Tohn A. Macdonald and said to him, " I want you to olTer tliat position to Mr. Ilowe. Ills health has been severely broken (Inwn nnd I l.oll.-v.. tluit li- will will n>:l> tnkc It : iin.l I nm suiv iluil \\u-' "I N„va S.M.tli. w.MiM 1..- a.-ll^'hlrd to imvo l.lin ill tliMl r.usillon." Mcrmv fiiM'cptlii!,' tin- Ijo- slll„i, Mr. now.' invlt.'.l .•very mnn wlu. n.„n.s..nt-(l Ilu- pnu-ln-'o of >«'<'V" i^''" " '' „ iin.'I n Mt Ills lios,.llnl)lo l.onnl, and tli.' liist words li.' SMld to lliosc wlio w.'iy piv- Bi.iit w.Tc -. " I wfint yoii to sinnd l.y '1 upper IIS he hns Hlood l>y mo." (I.oud iiiii'lii'is-M In ISTI! tli.> novcrmuiMil of wliUli 1 "iis n ,„ foil, iind Sir .Tolni MMod,.nMld took „,„• r,.sli.'n:i11ons to Ills Kx.cllonoy tln^ Loy ;:;:„,„. ,„„„.,,„ ,„„i ,vo w""' ;"/"„'?."7";; tl,,n Sir .Tohn A. Miu'doiiMld holloyod mI dmt' tliiio llml lio lii.d fnlloii novor to riso an.nln nnd l.o prossod n.o In tl.o stronpost iirnnnor tliiil one man oan anntlior to r.'n.n- strnol tli(> pnrtv nndor my own loadcvsliip. plodKlnu' lUn.solf i.. u'lvo mo nil tlio snppor n Ills powor. T rofnsod to do so and I wi toll vo. wl.v. I told him tliat I l.oliovo,! in niv i..-art and oons.-ion.M. that ho was novor n oro nUstalcon In his lifo : that nstond o bolns a l.arrlor tn tho rotnrn of his part? to po\voi' hofoi-o two yoars ^'>]'\"'''''\Z''\\.!vlv most p. 'ont intlnonoo to indnoo >' •' l';'»'^ to liirlu tho hattlo would ho tho ohj.-t of •ostorlnL' him to tho position of londor of tho Oovornmont. T t(dd liim that it ho ro- ivfusod to load tho party as holoro, I w.ndd rofnso to havo nnythintc wha ovor to do wilh politics, no was rolnolantly ••oni- pclli'd to assont. As you know, a p'uorai Plooiion was sprnns npon tho count r.v holoro thoro was an opportr.nity ol h;iyinL; tno nnestlons of tho day voniilatod. .md, as yon know, tho rosult was Hint wo woro .•ilinost wip.Hl out of oxistonoo. Wo camo hack to rarllamont. as tlio fonsorvativo party ot Nova Scovin cano' ha.-k in IS.",, a nioro oor- poral-s u-u.vd. iitK'rly broken down and par- nlv'/od ■ P.nt wo woro not dismayed ^^ o felt ihat we wore iiiaintiiininjx a j-rood o;nise, nnd wo 1oo,< our position on tho Oppositioii honohos and wont to work. Sir T.oonard Tillov had aeeeptod tho liontonant-uovorn- nr-^hii" of \ew r.rnnswick. Sir Krancis Hinrks had boon dof.'atod, and tlio duty do- volvod npon nio of hocomin,!.' tho tinanoinl .•rinc of iho .\dministvatinn. Tlu> duty was nlsn iissiiinod mo of licconiint: the critic ol tli<. rnilwav policy of tho r.ovorninont. 1 iinde-t-ol; till, duties assi-ni'd mo of lieconi- lii" lie critic of tho Minister of Finance nnd of llie Minister of I'lil'lie Works, .-md nlthontrh s:, able a man as Aloxandor Mae- k(-u/.ie was Miuistor of Public \\ .irks. 1 found tho la-U an easy one. T fonnd as a ivstilt of the bliindors into which tho Oov- ornipent foil, lliat iiothin.i; was easier than to .-..evinoo the .■.■untry that t!io (Jov.M-ninont were Mil wvoivj. Ill atlackiivr the iiolu-y ol Sir liicliard Car'. 'Arijzht. wlio the Fi- nance Minister of tho Oovornmeut, and was then as he Is now, iho aldoi man m tho ranks of tlie I;lherais, I pvopoundod to th.> House of Cniiinions. .-md throiiuli that body to the pooplo of Canada, tho imlicy of pro- toctlm,' nnd foslerlnf sn<'h Industries as ('•ina(ia was host able to sustnln, (Ap- plaiiso,) At tho last session but one we sue .vodod oven in <'onvoriiir^' Mr. Carfwrlirlit, iind 1 niav sav that abl.' as he is, the most dliii.ult IhiliK in the world Is to convince jdiii that anv one knows anytlilu!.' hut him found that there was to be no iiioreaso he denounced Hie ( ;overniiient for lUroo hours, bocauso thoro was no incroase. Hut niv friends paid mo too uroat a compll- iiMMit 'l found out that they not only had deternilnod to Incroase Iho t.arilT. but tlirouah one of rhoso little birds tliat occ.i- si,.nallv catches thinirs tliat are roIu!-' In llio nil- I learned iust wliat they wore ■j;oinj; to do. When 1 hoard this. I wont to Sir Tcdin \ Mncdonald, nnil t confess that I wont to him with rather a lonp face. I wanted tho tariff increased, hut 1 ^v'lntod llKit wo should have the credit of dolnp t ourselves. (TIcar, hear.) I said to Sir ,T went toMr. Fartwrij-'ht and said : "I ""derstand that von are iioin- to increaso tho taritt. it von (io so. if vou admit that the. Opposiuon have been riirlii iind wo wrou^'. every man from Novn Scotia will walk across tlie floors of tlio ITonse and oppose yon." Mr. Cart- vvri"lit. thimch he was convinced as to what Irs dutv to tiie country was, felt that ho was not prepared to sacrifice his position as ^ifinistor "f Fiii.uioe. nnd ,so ho hacked down fit the threat of Mr. Jones and his Nova Scotia supporters, and the tariff stood as It was W-^11. Kontlemen, if you will read my I npivrh ill reply lo iIk' lluil>.'<'l s| di d Mr. Cnrtw ^l^,'lll on tluit orciiHloii, you will llnti the policy oC llK' i-'vi'iit T,ll)iMiil-("oiiNervii- tlvi' piirlv, llic Nnlliiiiiil I'olUy ns It cxintH t()-(liiv. Voii will lliul the polley tliiil now : governs tlilH coiinlry enniielnteil In IS7S. In' II eleiir iiiiil uniiilstiikiilile iniiiiiwr, Mini wllli iill the force tlint I wiis iil.Ic to emnu'liile U. WliMl more V I went Into the eoiinty o( f'lipe IJreton. iind from wh.'it Ih cmIIciI the InteiiiMtloiiiil I'iei' liecMilse tliei'c wiis no pliice In t'!\pe Mreton, then or now. tlnit woiilil hold the viiNt tiody of electors tliiit I .'iddre^scd I liolsted the lliiK of the Niition- iil Policy for ('.•inildii (clieers) iind I iioiiited out tlint not only to the eleetoin of Cape Breton l>nt for the electors of the i-ntlre Iiomlnion. the (nie pr!lcy wns to foster and protect such Industries us were adnptod to onr eoiinlrv. as a me.iiis of raisiiia; mir conn- try from a position of ih>spondency and de- pression, such an had r.'irely Mtlllcled any ; country In the world. That policy i)ropound- ; ed th.'it day u'ave the key-note to Canada. | 'Pile voice heard that dav from the Inter-; iMtloiial I'ier. reV(>rlierated and was echoed ami re-echoed fro'i s(>a to sea until the re-, suit was. that when the peojile who for n , period of live years suffered such inis-KOV- ernmeiit as has rarely heen Inllleted upon any peoitle found the panacea offered them, they took it. and the corporal's cuard of 1S7I. came haek to power in 1878 witli a ^'renter majority than ever before to carry out and sustain that policy. (Applause.) Tiie •• Moruliiji Chronicle " may consider this bad statesmanship and imiy consider a record like that oni' that they have a ri:.'ht to bnind as unsuccessful, but I tell Ih'MU this, that if I had been the unsuc- cessful politician they would hiiv(> people believe a fortnijiht aRO. If sncli had been my record, they would not have taken tlie trouble to send a score of jieople from Ottawa and ITnlifax down to Cape P.reton Willi any amount of material in the sliape ol' '• liuiiiau ileviees " to back tlieiii up, for \\"- luirimse of secui'iuii' my defeat. (Ap- pl ins ' ' r.ut Mr. Murray in tlie luuocenco (if 'li:; licavi iT'ive til > true reason why this desjirv.-ite battle was made. Tie s,iid. "that 11 was a jrreat emeri.'eucy." They siiid to llieir friends ;ill over Caiiaila tliat Sir ( ha lies Tiijiiicv was coMiiii;;' linclc I'lto the Cabinet, that he Ind been induced to assume the le.i(!"vs1iip of tli^' t.ibei'al-Conservative iiarty in itii-: country, and that his lendership had ri'-i!l;cil 111 siK'li acclaim from sea to sea. I'l I il'c .\ll;Hitic to the I'acitic. lliat unless i-niiM-i'iiii'.; ciiiild lie done to strike down the |iri-ii.:r o!' tills new movement tliat was aniiiiMlliiu' tlie f.iberal-Ci'iiservative jiarty vJtl. new life, tliroiich the who' of Canada. The hopes of t'le I.ilieriil |.;!rty . . ;,er>inL,' tlie Treasury b-'iicbes (biriim' llie i. 'M hve years niih^t be abandoned. Tills was tlie " ,^reat ,.,,,,...^., .,„.,._•■ .|i,,; ;,| vle'.v of '• r:iy ofjp'^uerit- fonulit with nil the eiiercy of d(>sp'iir. l>el'ev- ill!;-, and belleviiii; .lustly. tint unless th' y onld detrilt me. llllli-s 1 hc.\ eolllil striko il.iwii the lioiies that were iiiilinatlna- the liarlv which has made Canada wliiii It in, llieir winie was up. and the party respoiided fr.-eh. I am in a iiositloii to stale tliiil rf~.>.- iiiMi were sen ilowii to til uility of Cape ibi'loii Ipv Ibis party of iiurlty ; were sent iliiwn b\ this party which wants to elevnto the st.iiidard of public luoriillty In Ihb conn- try : ."S'-'.'i.oiiu were sent down to .Mr. .Murray's friends to enable them to buy the seat from underneath my feet. And they had some iviisoii for their hopes. My friend. Mr. Mc- Keeii lajiplansei. had been eh'cted by a R'-eat iiiajorltv as member for Cape llivloii. Tlie I •let that lie is a man of «reiit wealhi and iHipiilaritv. and that in addition he v\>p- .cuts a Rreat eoinpaiiy «li!eh has expcinted Iirtweeii S:!.(iiilMMt'i and .«l,lMMi,noo oi , be eciuntv of Cape liretoii. •.'live biiii such a Icihl upon the county that he was reiiarded -.s per- [•'..•tlv iiivuluerablc. and ids frliMiiN liavliifr ..eiii'hiui to I'arlianient thouiibt that the ■vork of th.irlife was don-. The Oppositiou, ,,ii the other hand, always on '1'" !''»■''' '" secure an advant.av'e. devoted their nt en- ii,„i to the electoral lists. The Liberal- on- .:,.rvallve iiartv beinii Inlleil into a position „f security, and Mr. McKeeii bidii- charged witii the dutv of niauauinR the business of the TXiminhm Coal Company, and not hav- ie- lime to u'ive persmial attention |o the nvisinii of llie ch..'toral lists, the most cl-nii- ,1,. riauds were perpetrated in the coniiiy. 1 ,.,,ufess that if I had known ot this earlier I would have th.pu^iht twice about JntrnstiiiR luvself to the county of ( ape loli With this advantage, and attcv they liad canvassed the county, the reiuvsenta- lives of the party went to Ibcir trieiids or sent an emissary to their friends to sa.y. that, -iveti so much money they would uii.l.vtalie I,, reluni Mr. Murray, When 1 ■•'(! w IS freelv uiveli to men to reiii.ii'i at liuiiie and refuse to vote v>!;cu I '."H V."" that as much as >;liM> was j.-iveti lo iiidivd- ,ia!- to use tbeii- vole and Ini'neuee airniiis.t ,11, voii can uiKhM-sland Ihe sH-eiirMii el the ,,l,iiositioii I liad to meet. I say it is a proud iioMtion for me to oecui.v. when T am able to stand before vou i..-ni-lii and tell you that the iiicorruptilile patriotism of the (dcctors „f Mie county of Cai'e T.reteii .ap|i:i"-^e> ,,rov(Ml to f-ll Canada ni->ve,l lielldeut. less iiatrloilc and ^■^., i-lie-t electors to practice ujion. (.Viiplaiise.i Gentlemen, as in 1«7S, the Itey-note of iriumnlianl maH-Ii from one ( nd of this •..,i,iiirv to thi- other was iriven tr: m ni b'> In 1R0<;. 'Apnlanse.i -^ "'■ ihe same ib^iMi kudl to I' e hones of lh<' Liberal I'arty iliiii wiiH niii: II I'l'Mi' iiii.l illin III ISTSlliii'l II projM'li' till .•rt'iHt. not (inly In Onl.irlii. Imu liiis i\nt\\u Ihm'Ii niiu' "III III rlciir iiiitl ilistllict llirou Kliimt llif DdiiiIiiIiiii, iiihI liast thrn-forf In- Kilii's, ill: I JM 111.' liiiililiii.''T of iiH iiiii;;illlli'i'iil liiri'il 11 I'.K^at fli'Muiii iif miri'rtnliity In a vIc'Imvv 111 l^l"i ">* ' r 11.11.. ihlu K'xiil I'Miiiy i(mstini rviilh" inii'ty hi 1^" In .Nuvii Ki'Dtlii Mu- lt I'liik Ih IiiiiI. iiiul the nily !i.)|i>' lit 1)111- hiilcllnn "ur nwii ilii-ip la your riiiil Im wIhiI -^Iv. .Miirr:iy imiiiit wln-ii In- i,„.|„.,nati« rftiirii uinl vlK'H'otiM m-tlon. It jnay spoki' III' till- •• JiU'llI Clllfl'lf-IH-.V." Now, Mr. .Murni.v siiiil. iiinl 1 'U'l ""l MHif'' lllHllTSl.-lllll Wlllll 111- IIH'.-llll. lIlMl 1 '':lil ••I'll"' iliixMi 111 Ciil"' Hn-ttMi 1(1 (iniill'.v my imiMllni 1 ili> mil lliiiik lliiil III'' I' Ill "I' 111.^' "I"'' '•'"■■ iim- llif !lll^l I" y<'iii'« will slunv lli;ii I liiivt- liccii iimliiiliiiiH, ' 1 liiivc tiilil yoii tliiit wli' n I \v;is iisk'il I" inkf till' liiiiliT^'tiii' »( 111" '1' - i.i-;il.r.Mi-i'iviiilvi- I' iriy. iilil'.imili I wns cini- vinctul tlisit It would Mooii 111- l<-il to vli-tory. I ii'I'iisi'il. Wliiil inon- ■.' Ill 1HS:t 1 iifccjitril tJH. i.iijcc o!' i;'.;;li ('n:iiml«.'* nf till- lltllUlSI ImiKirliim-i- Ilinl ii in.ili WfU iK'M'iiiln'i'd wllli i!i(>' );ii!iIm-,-iI'I'ji1i's of Ciiiiiid-i s1i"h1iI ri-|iri-.^'iil this Kninli-y III llio Coiifl :i,ihmi for ox iii.ii-:i-s, was i-ni >'i:iii.|i-ni to i-ualdo Idm t" llvi' ill II Niiitii1il<' iiuiiim-r 111 tlio flly of Koudoii. ami 111- ri'fiisi'd to n-m.iiii ilioro Iio- iiiosi' Ilii- toiv.-riioii'iil wniiM not liioroaM' tlw- (.iil.ary. I'livliiu' lici'ii liromrlii up in n iiioi i.iii ii-al si-liool lli'-i Sir .V!cNaml"v (iah. I llion:.-.lil that [ could mali.- Imlli cud- iiK-i-t on thai snlnry ; mid I havi- imt hi-nrd jiiiv piTsoii say, not cvcii llio -^tromrost oji- poiH-iil who \isilod London, -tliiil hi- lia« fnil.-d lo ri'i'civf alti-iitioii ; ln-'-;insc I liavi- !ii-i.|i always n-adv lo Ltivi- my altoiillon t-i ovi-ry man. no nialii-r wlnHior ho wtis si T.ili- oral'or a Consirvailvi-. Tin- strongest Tal-- crals ill llu' -I'ui'tiA "ill ''''.'ir ii-stimoiiy to my readiness lo i;o lio fnrilier ilian to ask w-iii-tlH-r a man was n faiiadian. .-ind if lie was he i-iiiild i-iiiiimatiil anyiliiii'-' 1" n-y tuiwi-f. and 1 am inonil to know that to-dny 1 on.1oy the coiilidenie and porsoiinl re- ■.rard'of tin- most dislin-oished iiu-mliirs of the l.llieral party. (Hear. lie,-ir.) Now. 1 eame liaek in the year lS.S(i, iiml 1 ^^•ill (ell veil why HdS nil'Olec, -:> fill pol'lifiaO eame liaek to Canada, siv .lohii .\. >iliiediiii- ald did me tlie m wiite Ibis letter to l-.e oil tl"- Viah Deeeli'lier. ISs:-!. Hi- did dot rNa.-tly i'.a\" ll:e niiinioiis (i-rM ihe "Cliron- i(.le " seems: !.• Iiav,- jmliilii'd Ihil I w'as a political failinc. 'le says : On the Train. 2nth Oi-rombrr, IS.SC. My lionr Tiirr''!'. I a'li on my way hack tr. Ottawa iift'-r a sin-ccstul tour In wistern Ontarifi \\'.-. h:>\r- •■.■,;iil(i n -.Trv good iivp''.".:'?!"" "nd 1 think will li il'l our own in thp provini'c. We have, however, lost ni-arly tho whole Cailiollr vote by the course of the " Mail," and this uoiirse has he lUTCHhuty that .ton nIihiiIiI, ev.-n If only for a llttli! time, r.'tiirn In the ('ahiiii-t, Mr; lull, I linow, wiMilil i-aHlly niakt- way (or you. Now, the ri-siinnglblllly on you Ih very Kreat, for Mhould liny illnanter cirlHe, iK-c-aime of your not lotnlng out, 'he whole hianie will he thrown upon you. I (!■->' Ihiit AiiKlIn in no* starrlnu; 11 'n .Vova Seotia. 1 "eiul you un extract from a lonilenscd report of hl» reniarks, nhhh a)ipeuri-il in the MoMtrcil ■■ (;ii/,eltc," Thin Im n tiiMio; pro- aianuue for the inarltliiie provinces, and hs» to he met, and no one can do II hut yourself. But ellouKll of IltMiiinloil lioUtlcs, I c^uinot, in ciincln.sion. too ^trll!1l!l^' prcK:) upon you the iihmlutc nccaslty of your coining out ,it nn'-e, and do not like to conic nplate the evil coiiMequeiu-e of your decllnInK lo do ho. ! tdiall calile you the time for holdluK our election the iiionient It l« .xettlcd. Ileliove ui". yours falthrully, (Shniedl ,K)HN .\. M.\('I)0\.\ LD. Till' Men. Sir '•|uirle« Tupper, (!.(". M.G. : I • Mil e 11 i- llio reilNon why 1 I'o- - • !i, i Ij o:,., ,,( llili'il Comilll.'^Sienel' of • 'iiiiida. at liiiil lime, and eunie liaek lo olaee my si iviees lit llu- disposal of till- (.'1-eal leader of llu- I.iiieralCoiiservatlvo iwrty and i dare say yo'.i know thai out- Jnini i iTerts ill l''i--. eolllltV.\ were 111. I IIIWIK SSfltl. .Nt-'lill \e '-ad Iho I'voiid satisfael'ici <,r -i i l-.ri' the 'aimer of the l,ilii-ral-« 'i.iiservat ive cirty li.rne Iriiiii-phaillly to vletor- . as. I trust, at ,i: II, i< ilir it will ii'/aie. l.\iiiiiMU--o,1 \' . ■ ■ .;, . 1,,, il..iiia, Icr- i.ceii >ind'. iii'_' iliat very iinr:.|ial)le ors_'an nf his inirty. llu- •• Moriiili^' Clironicle." and has eoiiie to tlie eoivelesiou that 1 wmilil siieriilee anyliiiiiL' to salisfv my wild ambition. 1 iiin hero to sav to .vou to-iiij.'lit. for we ntv a family inivly aiid may exehuiif;!- eonlidcnees, that it was' never uiv wish at any iiotir of my lit'o to ill- Prime Minister of Canada. i.\ voice. AVe want vmi tliere. Sir Charles, i (.\pplanso.i C.eiiilemen. I wiU tell yon why. I f(-lt that no man know the late Sir .Tolm A. .Macdoiiald lienei' lliaii 1 did. and "" '""' roco;:iiized more sln-tmly or more imi|iiestioiialily than I did llial lio 111. Ill in tin- wide Itoniiiiion of Canaila eoiild compare witli him I'm' that pnsiiioii. 1 felt Ih.-il so l.iiii,' as liis life and I'Mcrirv eiuililed him lo till that position, a position so his-'li and so t;reat that it mit;ht Im veled liy any statosinaii in Hie world. It would be treason lo Canada for any one ",1 iliiiik of takini: llio lu-lm from one who ',ail shown sncii wonderful aiiilily lo steer llu- ship of Slate as he iiad. Sic .lohn .\. Maciliiiiald died in I.S!»1. afler a very desper- ate elecloral st ri!'j-,'le which «e liad made in^ tills country In ii'.ainlain tin- asceiideney of: l.iiieral-Coiiservalivf- priiuipl'-s, I do not iicsilaio TO say iiiai hf was animated, as I was. by the conviction tliat existence of llrilisliilislitntions was al stake, and by the 111.' Illll\l(l|..l| tlllll Ullll'XH 111! LllMTnl-riiiiHi'i'MiilM' piuiy Mllllllllinl "if till' ip'cldck. hit r..fllBf(1 til.' iMNllUlllHl <>t llli' MullllIlT riiiitd Im' Miain- liir ihi' thniln' ttml cvniliiK. nii.l all iinliiiil'>tiN lilllH'il III llilx '""" ll'.V, till' lHlll>'.V III' tl »lni' It imW Ml'CMIM I lull 111'' IH 111! Imi" lIHiHllI'MI WMH mil' llml will ,1,1 hiiw iiiyHtci'lmiK nri ■ ever III lilH Imis; niu: till' »Hy» iif I'riivlili'iii'c . 1 iiHi'riil Ilfi' hnvt' hit! In- piirly llii'ii III . -'.n - - li'itil Ml lii> illHliiMl liny III till' liiHM III nil' RiTvlci'H liffii Kii iii.iiortmit to Ciiimila ami j{l')l'l.iilf< lii.-llliil'"""* '''"' w.' Iiini' Hk' l|';i"'"i' I,, 1)1,. KniDlri', iiii.l ( til' III ■' We liliv III'' fVlili'lK'r t,.i,.i?niiii Hiiyliivi lliii' ili.T.' wu« u .Uhimi-'MIiiii In ixl lirllllMllt. lll'iHl 111- I'Tliiln 1(111111. r^ lliiil Sir .luliri TIu.iiiiim.hi hIkiuI-I UsIIiii-'IiInIi.'iI iiii'I lllill mvvcv In liii-^ I'vci' hiiil «»•"«'• "f pt'iHiiiiu ll('|M'll(l"lll. iiiul 1 ii^t 1 till' Mlii'lill liiH.y "I' "'iiii'ii .., , ill IIK iMiiks, ilii' II'. II. K'hMiril lUiiKf. wli". III,. tlllV lll'ItT IlK' ''If il'lll. |>llllli«l"''y III'' l.llifi'iil P'li'i.v "" "I'll im'<'iih1wt'r, Imt I foiiinl lllill 111" striij-'jiii' iiml tin- iiniiin'iii (His issues lllill were Ml sliike were w.'tirill>.' upon liim Mini slriUiii}.' liiiii down i.i Mil ex- tent tiiMI I wiln.'ssi'd Willi tin' lUiimst dis- niiiy. Afli'i- 111!' I'leeli.iii 1 went liMeU t.i l.'tli- .loii Mini WMS si'iit by the (iovernmenl of ('MliiitiM to ri'liri'sciil it Ml tlie ).'i'e:lt iiosiMl (■iinl'''ience iit VieniiM. 1 iim a^tiiiii in il ixisitiou to filve yon evidence Hint iln- posi- tion of rrinn' .Minister of faiiMda wiis not the object of my Miubition. 1 bold in my iiaii'l M copy of il l''ller wliicii 1 M.idressed to my son on tlie ocnsioii of tiie deMlii of Sir .loliii A. .MiiciloiiMld. It is in the liMiiil- writiiif; of Mr. m j;eiitleniMii in my ile- partiiieiil wlm wms M.-lin;; ms my seiretary in X'ieiiiiM. 1 will liMinl il to .Mr. SiMirs lo read il I.I Mini tlu'ii .'an JndKe wlie- liier 1 WMS Miixi.ins lo lie rrime Minister of ('a Hilda : V'ii'uiia. 4tli June, 1S;U. Jly Doar :^on.— I, as yoii know, liave always felt tlie (teepost personal attiiohnient for our great leader. Sir John A. Mai'diiiiiilil, but I myself .bd not know how iiiucli 1 lov.d lilm until ou my ar- rival here last Saturday, i learned that he was Rtruck down by illness. The news was then ri'- assurlng, and 1 attended the lUnner at the llol- burK palace with the Emiieror and King at 4 1 rclli't. Y'lii know I told you 1 .im r>co, aii'l I'.'pcal.'.l l.i yo'i when la.*! In oitawu, thai nii''iliii< imilil bnlin'.' iie to ai'ri'pt ill.. poMllliM, in .a^e the iiremlerMhl|i lifeaine viii'.int. I lol.l you that HIr John looked uy wi'arily troiii his pupcrH ami Hahl to me : " i wliili lo (iii.l you were 111 my \plac.'," and Hint I an- nw.'reil, "Thank do'l I am not." lb- afterwanl.'*, Will knowliiK my .leleni'liialion. "ubl h" ihi.UKht ThompMon, as malter.i no.v stood, was the only avallalile man. nf conrjie Im had in vii'w the .'harK.'H Hiat wen' mad.' aKaluHl Laimevbi ami Kitll pendbij,'. Had It been otherwise, and I had Ix'iii In I'arllaim'Ut, I woiil.l have ^U•en hini inv Hupiiort as you w.ll kii.iw. 'Wh.'ii this terrUil.' blow eaiiie, I naturally .Irea.b'.l that my ol.l rolleaKUO", and the parly for whom 1 have done no much, nilKlit unite In asklliK me to take the leaderslilp, ami 1 felt that In that case, a serious re,sponHlblllt> would rest upon me, Bell.'vliiK a^i I do, thai eomiiilance would have liividved a malerlal sh.irtenliiM; of the fi'v years iit |i most ri'inalnini; to me, you ran I'miifliU'. iiiv .1. ,11' son, llie relief with whieh I learimd Unit I was alisolved from any such re- sponsiliiiity and abb' to nssnre your dear imiiber. that all diinm'r was pait, Voiir course, my dear son, is lo think only of your iliily to Canada, and thai Is to Klve your hearty support lo whatever .'an I'ombiiie the m.'mh.'rf. of the party in the KM'eat.'st deKre.'. 1 necl not '.n you hov.' Blad I will be If our mutual friend. Thoiiipson. should lie the man. His Kn at ability, Mi;h le^•al attaln- fcrensii' pcw.'r'-, am' -ibove all bis per- I'lltS, of 11 , I at of of \. sonal charact'T. all riiider bis I'hoii'C ' ;)e which onr party and louiury should be pi i'', ll ',sas a stranKc I' that about n'.'loi'k en Wednesday niiOit, tlie llTth ult, comlnded mv speech in response to a toast, a baminel nlven to mys.'lf by .. birge number peers and membeis of the 11. .'is.- "f I'd'umons both liartic:', by an euloniii,,. I'l' 'Mv Jchn Maudonald, when by u slip of the louKii" I u.ied the, " an.i now at I he .'lose of Ids long and useful life," whiih i iminediately eorrectcHl icysi-lf by e'ipr.'sslnf? the hope that he would be spared many vears to serve bis country as he I'ad done in the past. While this prayer, for such it was, was enthnslasti. ally .'lieer.'d by the liu'd nuivor, three e.x-seci'.tari.'s of state of the .'111. mi.'. . of b'llh parties, ami many me'ubers oC the Hon e of Commons, both Liberal and Con- servative, my dear frlen.l appears to have been ■Irui'k by the fala! shaft, and our prayer denied. We can onlv bov. with suhmissbin. knowing that the blow caine from th.' (liie who .loeth all things wel!, Let us emleavour lo -vork as untiringly and a« unselMshly, for the peril y of our country as Sir come what may, wo will be been, by the conviction tha duty. It is a source of great satisfaction to me In this sad hour to feel that through good and evil report. I have stood at his si.le. and in sunshine and in storm, have lione aii in my iinvei lo sustain and aid him in the great work to which ir igress and proa- iiiiii has done, and onsoleil, as he has we have done our T^; rour.ouatry. Mild I siiy to-.lMy that ihore is no uiau ^vIlo Yum- lovinK father. k!i,,»vs Sir MacUnizic I'w'WrU 1).'U.T tliiiii I (SlLMUMii ctiAHLES TUPPEit. ilo. -r who njiiinls hiiu ni..n' ihorouslil.v a*. '^'■^" ' , , ,.„ the rinlMiaiinvul ..r hciK'Sty autl iiit,.«m.v (ieuilcnieii, I niiuk I iii'cd u.>t say iiiou ^^^^^^^ j ^|^_ , ^.|^. ,,,,,, ,-,.,, i,, ,i,r lirst lunir hf> to coiivico you Uiiii 1 liavf not lu'cn niKluly ^^^.,.,,^, ,,„|,ii,. ijVo, to this.ho has iii the iiio>t anxious to till tho lii^ili and distinKUished „„^,|„t,,,, i,ianinH' doiio his lirsL to cxofcisi' position of Trinic Minister of Canada. ^^j j^. . .„,^^.,,,.^ ,„ u,,. ^v;ly lie lias felt to bo But I now I'onio to tlio lu-cscnt stas.'o. j.,„. ij,;, !,,,..;( |„,^,,.,,sts of the i-ountry. in viow Wlioii I .nine out to (';uiada on llic pn'>«'iir ,^,. ||„. ,.,„||,,iivs rc-cntlv sn ailo.-it. I fool occasion I caino in rcsiions(> to an tiriront ,„;,,„■,,„ |,,iiUc tins slalcincnt in tlio I'^'soncc iuvitalion or rccincsl from the 1 rcniior "t , ^^p ,,^,, , j,„.|..|i_,-,,„srrv;iliv(' party bcf.irc inc. Canada. Sir .Mackenzie Bowi-ll. who re- .,,,,,,,,.. ,,„,.,is wilHie luirnc on llie wiiifj;- of quested to come for Ihe i(Ur|iose of aid iiif; Ihe (lovenitneni in carryinu' on to coin- pletion tlie u:real work in whidi llie Covern- nieiit ;iiid invself have been arduously eii- "a"ed for some lime past, t lie underlal'c(ions. and a pxid deal of consteriiatioii was sjuvad over tin and my words will lie luirnc on I lie wiiifj;- of 'llie ic'lcyraph lo every portion of Caliada. 1 sav that notwithsiaiidinfj: an unhappy dit- fcn.'uce of ;■ of i'c.c Ccvernmeiit V. iih -ir M.-icUi n/.ic r.ov.cll .and myselt. Sir V-i, I ri/'" I'owell not only invited mc io ",■,,,,,, ' ,, ■; -Mul -o inio i!:e Covcrnmeut ot deal of consteriiatioii was sjuvad over the ',''■',,„, |,,,, J. 'p,,, I'le jircsscd uiion my son that, coumr.v. 1 i.eed not say that liy-eleciions ,,.,„ .,|,;„;i,i come hack, a" ■" that we both are often siunilie.ant. but if the people would .,;,,, ,,„ ,,, ,|,,i„ ,-s of the .ncl. lie c.\-- take the tfcuble to |,,oU at the by-elei-tions ' ;,^^^,,, ,„ ,,,,, ,1,,, pi^Uc..! a(. ation for my which have taken place in Canada since the i^^^^^ ^^^^^ ^^.,^^,j| , ,„,,[ ,,i„i ,i ,,, „iy -.,„i had. last election, they would feel that there '*^ i f,,,, ',," n,,, |-,|,;t moment that any iiuestioii ot from the first moment that any ut the fact was lliat iiiel-e w;l le in Canada for rea- lo <-oiiie •I; to Ine House of Commons, and , ,„, ,,, |. iMc'-.rlp ci- 111'. i,;bcr;il-CoUser\;l I'iv uall.'. llielv. 1 lold ihosc livmlcimn ;il ^^^^^_^ ^ ,,uce'il,ii 1 would noi even discuss the 'l'"'^'-l,..,,,;,„_,^ ,„„, von c,io readily s,'e ihat under lat- 1 .' , .,,, ;(• 1,, ,1 i„. o:';i'iical>le in Canada for rea- , ,1 ,1 cJ.viou;-.. I'.verv i|U(>stion Ihat .„;;,. ;up'befor.' ifc fabinet in ('anada is l,.,.l,ica \^v a vol" of Ihe UlcUib. rs el il>e I 'cU en I i,ait.\ ill Ihi- ccunn'\. i hko' . ■, -.' idle i aiii referrinir to this, tleit | , M-ic T.owi! was one ..r ill" Lib- | ,vMMve nic'id.-' ■. i!i ll'.c llous;^ o1 , ,.1-iiM.ii we sat side by side durin.U llie tiiue j iP-,1 the I ilieral-Conservative party was in .H.xu.,., and w sat there -ide by sid.' when the Liberal-Conservative party was reduced ],V the rle.Mious of ISTl loa "''■'■>V''^',''i'";:' If, -Minrd \l all luues we stood should.'l to .Shoulder batllim; for what we believed to be the besi int.-ivsts of the country. Ji}c went into the Covernnient tofjother in IS. 8, when the people of the country tho Liberal-Consoi- vative party, with Sir ,lohu A. Macdonald at Its head, was brought triumphantly back to ,-,,.,,,., ,,.,,.. ji vill probablv be tlieoiduion ',,■ .•..,cc|a ■flKil the fnthev should dtsapiicav ,,„l' the son reaPlier (rries of No. c,,-, Sir Macken/ii' sa.d at onc(>. ^.^'i"' Jnn will not cnuic into tVM. Cnbinet wih you ^vin■ slMMdd he not lake the position o! TTish Commissioner at London V Kvery one knov > tint he received tributes of the -reatesi !?;;in;r!uion. not ouh rron, Uird IMsebeirs Covernnient. but fnun T,,u'd ^;.'l'" ""> *:,'^'".;, .„,,„„.,„t in Ihe di.chara- "1 '''^'"V,- j^ .,,,,,,,1 for Her Maicsty-s Covernnienl at the In '..■'tonal arbi. ration at Paris: m .;on- ;;::Vlon with mc B<'ln-l,i.,Soa nuesuni. Wl.v iliorcfore. should he not lIKe ,o •■ post on in London ?" I ^aid. in J..^ly, ' n,!.t my son's ambition was to I I 1/ f I sf-rve his country in the House of Com- 1I1..11S in CiuiiHla, iin.l while In- woulil ho h;ii>pv to sliiud llu-ro :is ;iti iiuloiieiKli'Ut nuMiiiicr of tlio House, no snhir.v or position wouid tomiii him for !i moment to lo;ive the House of Commons. It is only my duty lo ■^ir M.ickeii/.ie Uowell .Mini mysell that 1 should make that statement to-niplit, .nnd I leave vou to imasine whether, under those oireumstanees. I eould have any feehnu other than that of the liiRhest regard to- ward a gentleman who had expressed sueli kindness and good feeling both toward my son and myself. Xow one statement made liy my opponents , I confess tliere is some lv\ith in. They say I that ■• Tupper has heeome a feeble old man " | lories of "No. no"'i. and tluy say that yon | want vigour itud pliysieal ability as well as i experiein-e. No pers(Ui c'an lie more eon- i seious (if tlie ftiet lliiin I of thi> responsibil- ities that rest upon tlii> loader of a great partv like the T.ibeniirnuservative party, •iiid at mv time of life 1 feel them to be over- wiielmiiig. (Cries of " You are the mau."i In tliis mntter, however. I liav- rehiclantly : yielded mv own judgment to that of others. I have dune iiuire. I lia\e reliietanlly yielded mv own (l(>sire to retire into priv.ate life, and spend llir few remaining years tliat may lie allnlteil to me ill a more iiiiiet and restful position. Rut T have acted in this matter as I have acted from the first hour ihtit 1 entered pnhli.' life. 1 have aeieii under a deep sense of my responsibility to the great p.'irty tliat has inaile Can;ida wli;it it is to- dnv.' T sav tliat trusted. 1 say tliat suiip"rle.| and sustained as I have b ?n by thttt groat partv. I should feel it an aet ..f treasor set up my own inclination against w!i: believe to be the overwlielming (i)iinioii of the TJberal-Conservative party. Xow. gentlenii^n. 1 have lieeil light itu' ihe first battle, and that in tlie ishin.l of Crijie T^retiin. but it was iierfeel eliild's ]\i\\. am! .■ippl;iuse.1 \\'liat 1 say ii ireat laii'.;ht(i , , — is perfectly true. It is true that it was an inelenient season i\v -1 temperature. 'y eln- tiui lit and brilli.iut men from all jiai'ts of Caiiailn : \xi' were opjiosed by gtuitleiuen wlm were f'-i'iil'icd will! an .abniidanl supply e! what lins t;of been inaptly termed " Iniiiiati device-:." ii.aiiuihter.i 'I'li^y m:\de a " iiig luisli ■' and •■ cam(> d.\n li;Midsoni(-l.\-." Hot n-hv was it eliild's play V ("lentlenieii. 1 will tell yon : It was child's play because we a pollcv that the people eould nnderstaml. Wlieii we stiKid bi'fiire the inlelliger.l elecTera of the eennty of Cape llretuii. it was not to tell them wiiat we would de if we had tlie o^iiorttinity. We had had the opportunity, and il v.a's only necesstiry to iioini to the hrllliani recdrd in tlie past, ef the (iovern- meiil. sustain..! by tiic -rcai T.i'-vlT.l-*''""- servalive party of tiiis eountry. We wer( able lo iioint to the face of the country and show that we had not held power in vain, and that llie ))ower in our liiinds hiid been used in such ii Wiiy as to promote the pro- gr<>ss and prosperitv of the country. We had snccessfnllv linlced tog"ther the various por- lions of this great lialf-continent. the great- est portion of the continent show<>d that we had carried out the policy of confed- eiation until it reached from' the island of Prince Edward Island, in the Gulf ot ht T.awivnce. to Vancouver, on the shores of j the Pacific. , , ._, ... ' Wlieii I went to Washington with Mi. I Chamberlain in 1SST-SS lo negotiate the treatv with the (iovernment of the T nit.'d i States 1 met there the distinguished :gcnfleinan Mr. Hayard. who now repro- : sents the United States as their ambassa- dor in T-ondon. He said to me, ■' the li'dera- tion of North America and the con- i Rtniotion of the Canadian Pacific Railway have brought us ftice to fiiee with a na- ' tiou." Instead of the weak, disunited .nnd ! sometimes antagonistic provinces, of wlucn ' Rritish America was formerly composed, a i time had come when they saw one govern- ' ment extending from sea to sea, and found that we had not only formed a ptipor eon- federation, but that we had made the feder- Ttion a realitv bv the construction of the iron band that extends all the way across ,1„- .•ountrv, and binds together the continent f,„in Cape Breton to Vancouver. 1 he.v found themselves not only fac,^ to face with n nation, but they found themselves face to face with a nation possessed of all those enormous resources with wh ch Providence has generously endowed this northern part of the continent. They found themselves face to face with a country in a position to pass on from stage to stage until it becomes .as such an eminent auth- oritv IS Professor Giffkin dechired. not onlv .>nual to some of the continental states of Europe, but tit no distant day to become one of the most powerful and progressive nations of the world." We are able, tlien. to tell the people of Cape Breton, not only what we would do if lliey gave us the power but we were able to show them what we had done and exhibit that as an envnest of what w.> would do in the future. We pointed not only to what had been ac- 'tuallv accMimplished. but we pointed to I pending measures of the utmost importance I to the people of Canada, as showing will be done at no distant day to make this great country even greater than it is. What did our opponents point to .' \ou mav bo sure that they did not point to the period when they were in power, tor they knew that their only hope ot getting back to power was to lull the people to s eep .■lud make them forget that time, it they still had any recollection of it. 'lliey had been in power for a period of live years, but all 10 the VP< •onootion that the. peoi>l lind of it , ouly 1<> Uwk iiort was thill it was ii pi'vio 1(1 of livi- It'aii yai I sec tli(> pro^ii'css a 'fiioy ouly rciiuMuiMTcd it as a pi riotl of livi Thci't- is ovidi'Uic o ^^'^iN am'inu whi('li tlioy w(mv oatiuir tip ..^mv!^ that hail i-o... ^"•••""i'' ^:,!;;V;l ' : ins tlie pivvious tivo yonrs ot '''.•;.':, Soraf^.- IH- was aisinissoafnnn us ma- ter's s,Tvi.'<'. set up as a '"'■'l'^'^' ,.":'■„.=,'. Walter S,.oi,.|is,;....t,.e.nau.^^^^^^^ wl "e ua'oss the honlev, he eanie his ,1, roa..h,nan. aval the fnl ow.n-^ oo - l^W on ensued: Said «i'. )Val..M- ; >o - ,M, .vhat are you ahout V J -'^ .^j;:: nli,.d " I am a doetor now. A '!"' t' u. ^- id Sir Waller. - Wlul do v.m mean i Y I'm-l know .nythin^ almu- n,-!';' ' ■ What do ven doV -Well.- tv,,lud l.ou- nld "1 Uisl eonfine myself to twa simples 'f-alnmnv and laudanum." Th.MV is tlie 1 eral peliey. and simple '■'''"''•^•'' (l.aud'ter.; - W.dl." said Sir A\aP.'. "hut wlial lH'<-onies " Well." said KouaM. " whiles tliey dies, hut rmif to mak<' up foi " simples." made us(^ Viartv. tlie "ealumn.v ' the liey has aeeomi of the houndnry line and lid iirosperity of Canada. of what the Xational Po- ilished. The construeiion of _ li- il is, Scolt. of llie patients V " wiiiles lliey liv<'S .-ind il will laU.' a lout;- I'loddell." Of tlie of hy tlie l.iheral is intended to raise hilse issues, and to divert inens .ni'»'l>- ; "^ Mliei.tion from the fri.Lrhtlnl I"'''"" ,"' . "r ,,„,,, „,„,,,, ,u,.ir nlis^L:■<;venllm'nt. II hat u, wlini the .•alumiiy is tor. what is the la til , ^num forV It is K- ^iv<"""""";h.T u'v ' rtoses to put them to sleep, so ""> '^^ ; t,,. \ ol Id ilU'v paper in Km^land. ami <;vo.;y pape r on the' continent of Kurope. ;;"!-';, inaL'nifieeut achievement ot ""./',' ' ^1 ,7es U a matter worthy of the hiL'liest ad- mi tou yM^I^ the time the Ctiited SPUe^ ;;';;,.,HnialVoad.theyhadapopuaie. ot +^ (mi.nuii. oreii^ht n,nesilH.p;'Pnlat.nnol a ■ .,,1., still. Willi all iliai advantage et popu- ,;,„•„ , heir favour, they were nn^> 'l- ' .,„n,pr,sh an equally 5,'reat ^vo rl . ' ' ; time in which it was aeeon. isli 1 b ,hc r.ouiini.m of Canada. /, ^''y-; ' ' ' .[/^ , people of this c.mnlry ^'%'.l','- ' 'T.V ?, ' v . ,,• wlrii vc h.ive ac nidished b,\ the ^a etVMi.-v. ruder five trade .-oudUions , ;!'i\!,,l,.nies,>r,he,.,mn,rywere,..ray.^^^ Cnder ihe rcu-ime of our predeces.MUs e\ux hitu.- was suspen.ied. -riie -">;."-' '•;:;; I „„, ,,.,■„,- out of the people "I / '";^' •;. ! ,„!„ev enough by any laxatmn ihaf the> Imldlevy. to pay the ordinary expens.^ 1 ..overomen'. Tluw wi'iv r.dhnii' m. a deor ,,'-.ed oul of d..licits. and the progress .....Pi.'iil of Canada to represent it at ..-,,...1 Internaiinnnl Kailway Congress •T, has iust taken place in l.imdon. and I ,,„. opportunity of putting- before that ,.ni,'.-ss what Canada had achieved m the VM- of railwav ,.10-ress. Ilow do y.m snp- that dis.atssien came up'.' It came up heCiese Kiislam! has at last adopted the po- I liev of ••■ivin^' i-ov.'rnnient assisiaiu'c to dis- in.iets not served by railwa.vs in the same I'vliy that we have done In Canada, (I.oi.d i^'ShMuen. 1 now come ,0 an event, the ' ,„ost striking of any that has ever oc-airred ! -1 ..,:.. 1 ,,,,„o,>^.oio!w of the Crown. 1 ui any ciii.'iii.ii I'ossi ..,.n 1.. ,,,,,, :,, f\,,. ,.et-er to the iireat e.mtcreiice held 111 ti' I'iu- of Ottawa at which South Afru^a. Aiif<- have had ( ;e\-. I. 11 tralln, N>^^- Znnlaud. f'nnndn nnrt the Iin- poriii! (JovcniiiH'nt wi-n- all rci.ivs.'iitcd That confci-cncf took ui> tlic (luoslioii ot how tho coloni.'S coiiltl li(> drawn closer to- C(>th(M" • and. amon;; other tliiii;j:s. tliey adonteil llie i.olic.v ol' preforiMilial trade, dare sa.v von know that the (lovernnieut ol CimadM' iiilroilneed a resolulioii tluit. when the Ini|ievial (lovernnieut re.-eived colonial products on more favnnr Me terms than tlie iH'oducts of foreir'i lines C'anad.i would make a <-orre'^i,o: '■- .■; reduction in favour of ti-oods of iiiitisl, u.nufactnre com- ing into this coiinio'- 'III'" •Times" news- paper took tlie jiolicy up and said lliat men were not made for free trade, lull free trade made for men. and Ihat if the oilier colomes iidopted Ihat policy it mlirhl well demand careful c(Uisi(leration. 'I'lie lonferenee al Ottawa in which Soulh Afrialand an;l Canada were bronslit together on a comnion plat^ form to discuss the best means of increasiiij;- thi> trade of the Kni|iire. and the hest means of drawiny: llie colonies closer tofjcllier. placed upon reinrd. that this was a sound and a «ood policy and one that should lie adopted. I am told ihat this (piestion is one thai is not a jiarly ques- tion. I dare say yon kno v that 1 was in- vited to deliver'an address before tlie com- mercial men of the cily of Montre:il. and on that occasion I had the pleasure of address- inji an audience of a thousand men. iiiclnd- ini: many of the very tirst comiiuTci.'il men. financier's. baiil;ers and shipowners of ties country. And 1 may say that 1 iievi'r ail- dressed a nn're eiilliusi:istic commercial meeting: in all my life. WIk'ii I v,-iis invited to deliver adilress ! was not a member of the Ciovernment— I was the Hiffh Com- missioner for llie Dominion of ('an.ada in I.oudon— and llie .Mniitreal " ller.ild." and some of those Liberals who c:iniiof see aiiy- thim,' except throuyli |iolitic;il spe'i.'M-les. took exceiUion to my delivering;' thai address and endeavoured to set a i)(>tition siu'iied to induce Ihe board of tra-"." to willulraw the invitation. !5ut. when they had hawked the petitii>n all lhyoUi,'li the city, and onl.\- suc- ceeded in oblainin:,' about live names lo it. they concluded lo aliaiidou llieir opposition. (l,Mnj.'liler.i The 'I'oroiilo '■(Jlolie'" when it found that 1 was ^.'oiitfi' to dclivei' this ail- divss. said llial prer^reiilial liiide was all very well.— that e\ciy!indy in this country was in favour of iireferi'iitial Irade : but that till' cily of .Meiilretil was not the plai-c to ad\oi-;ite' it. To leave no doubi in your minds as to th(> p"* held in London in .lune next. A similar conu'resM was held in London in \S<.y.i. and 1 had the iileasure of lakiiii;' an active part on that occasion, and they did me the honour of Mppointin;; me one of the vice-presidents of the contrress which is Mbout to be held. The Kif,'lit Ilonourablo Joseph Chamberlain (loud and Imiir-coutinu- j ed npplausei no sbitesman lias ever de- served that cheer better than he, for never ! has the liijili ollice of Secretary of State for I the Colmiies been tilled by .'i man of more i striking- character who recof.'ni/,es that the iirreatest lield for the (leveloimient of I^ritisli interests is for Croat Hritaili. by every means in her power, to foster and ru'otect the in- ; terests of the colonies. Mr. chMinberlain has ncc(>pted the position of honorary presi- ileiit. Now. what is the tirst nrticle on the nrejiramme of this congress of chambers of .'•ommcrce V It is how b(>st to pp. mote trade benveeii the mother c bisl coutrress, and allhoimli it was. a new (|uestioii' it occupied two solid days, or more than four limes tluil was uiven to any other (piestion. Mv object ill addressi n.u' the cham- ber of comiru'rce of Montreal was to iiuluce them to send otil to every iiarl ol Canada Mil ur>:eni .ippeal to the boards of tmde and chambers of commerce, of whatever political proclivities the membership niiflht be, to send able men to rei>resent the interests of this Ciinada of ours at the eonfereuc-e. ' If tliat appeal is responded to. as 1 believe it ■ will be. that congress will not seiiaraie until it has placed on record its opinimi that the Pest means of increasitn;' iniercoiirsc be- tween the differeni ontlyin;.' portions of the Knipire Is bv llie adoption of tin' policy ot lirerereniial trade. (Loud applause.i At this kite hour 1 feel thai 1 must draw to a ch)se. (Cries of. no. no. I When 1 look at my watidi I am ashamed to see what time it is. but 1 will yive volt an illustration of what prefer- ential trade is. If iCniihind will remove the only obsiru<'lion tliai stands iii the way by seciirin!,' a modiiication of Ihe (Jerniau niid Uelcian treaties, and will impose a duty on foreijiu products ilial come into com- petition with ours, we will lie prepared to "ive Ihe mother country a cori'cspondiny ad- vmlnse in our inark..|. (Hear, hear.i Some people mav say " will not that be protectmn. and are not Eiifrlish statesmen t^'Worn to "''^^'asu.^^ t 12 I h Saturday and i>iii' of • (ircat Hri- liol Anil 1)111' liolil in my liand a cnpy <>f ^h •• U.-vii'W." OH- of till' most ihi' most inili'i'i'Htli'iit jonnials o - 'S'^;:,,;;; s::;:;';^^:;]""!;--:;:^" Iliroiiti'iii'il '>y 1 on on the the the to Oovniany :iiiil 1 tov imyiusr iho anil ili'volopmont hour of nooil will staml at 1 jiowoi- anil pn-stiRo iif any coinbinatiou iLond anil ipi'olonireil lii'sitato to say that 1 th,. worshii) oi- five tnuk" as of a fotish V " '"av oMV.i,n..s,io„ofpn.tonti.,n.h.;|s,.it ,d !• Lord Salisl.nry has ina.lf tho «h"'l'' •'; •.i'-,„at ^vhatovln• may lu- tho ar«unuMU> for or at:aiusi proforontial irailo it is a thins that -an bo I'ahc.l pn.ioot.ou y,y " I'roli'Hion is tho hnUilins "I'J'.v nation of a larill anothor naliou, whoroas proliu s sin.ply till, naposin- o . f-'J'- ■■^, ,' " 1^';\, ,'J (intv on tho proi nets ot tlio 1 mfd M>n' s. K ?„. lornnny ami othor ,onutn..s that .uull up hi.l> .aritrs against ^^^j^^^r'^^ whilo i:ni:lanil roooivos cvi-rythms I' h f vo. If suoh a iluty woro imposo. ■ •'"■ ^'=^i■l■■S^::li;:Sv'lr ,is,in.uishi.,l a as Mr. Oo^ohon, .onniM^ , ,,^;;' p,...-rs; n ^1 ^s ilnunod to 1,1. OHO or tho hvst '■■::'',;., ;:^,;,„, ,:,.ultivatoth,. n.ost MPud- " ".niToial nnlhofUios in tho ^V"••1'1• ";>^ '';; ',;. 1, „ ' i l-st volations with tho K.yat olan-n that no nation w1'm1;:vim. wonli hau' ; ' ,,,^, ^„„^,. ,,f „,. ,,„, wo h vo 11,0 sli-htost n,.,,una fortinilim: l!"ilt !l ':'"--'';"!' „iit an important h-sson. and 1 at and fd inasU^;roo, whatov ." ;^' ,„ i,„ ,,„.. „, thoso in- adnit 1 -Utols of thoir own ""•"»«'« ^ •'; 'it nUonst, at ^ivo somrity to lifo, 1 hor y nn d IT.Mvnt tovnis from tho lornis 'M«on stitu ti s t «nt . .^^^^.^^^^^^^^^^ ^ IX h lovalnnttho,M-dnrlsofotl,oi oonn^ '""M" ' Vf\ o ■ p. to ho trno lo that hori- ^. : V 'I'ho ootdd only t.dtnit that '"•■>•;;;,-",; j U'o a ro to tnaintain that pos - , . .,f !•,< .•oniooUod to tako a honioo- , ta^i . .mo n j ^^ . ,,, ^ll„l,l^^^.v m pa h ,.' oso of Vho'salno n,odioini. t.un ";'■>■! ;;;:;!,^y;;,e't,^so'!nstitntions and ,;fomoto Vo boon ll,on,solvo. doalif. -nt hy "" i ^" :,!: nioans in our powor ^vhato%ei t hlospoonrmtootho, nntrios. 'M'l'lMti'^''-' i '>; ''.•./,„ ,iraw ns olosor to oaoh other V ,u ha'o no doubt soon son.o spoonlatK.n : - _ \^ ,,,„„,.,• u, whioh wo owe .,. V what oatisod tho ohan^o oi l"""';. ! '^ ,, ,. , (Lond a,.pla.tso.. ;,,i4.„ U,at swopt tlM. labiM-al ,.ar y on 1^ ,s' '';;;;;;,^^^,^ ,,,wor iti Knshind. and brought tho Nal.s- ' .n.^'vo nTont in by snoh a larso ma.i- :. Vv I Inivo listiMiod to tho oxplatiatio ts .li o„ bv publlo n,o.. of yll partios o aooo, nt ?,lr thisi-ltan^o. and 1 havo ntado , .ny its i; ,,..<« i!iM-in"- tho iiasi twolvo yoars to sum.\ ". no^io s horout^hly iti Iho hea.;t oi ;V:,.pi.'o itsolf:and 1 atn in a pos.t.on , toll von. on tho authority ot -uu- of tho :;;osrotn;not;;'and.h;ni;.ni;hod,noni..tho nt.- ol' fominons. that it. this swoop.i v.- ,' „rtho liboral parly by tho Ldo ot pub- ','„„„ ,.i • tho most potont intlmmoos '^.,"'u.;'' that has soimltn'oi. ,,,'iMds of ih,. industrial Hassos who .aro ruuauvd in asrioultuir faci ;!!■ at til' the ( ■' prntO'. other. 1 di Ih. tho IH'OplO and inaiut- „.. ii,af ih-v aro n-t uottin- fairpli'.v MiMis of ioroii.:n ronnnios. and tiial ,;.:„,,vativoi'^nty willbonioroltkoiy to , ,!„> irado of tho country than any i.\nplanso.l , mil inloiid and 1 must iif my ho On an m ' personal wi-.olhoi' ponsalod by nu' that till your patioiK-i lorios of, •' g' by .ill. pr. not woa ry l,,.,;:inj: thoso roniail^s. „i ••, but 1 will say this. ri for this tna;:nifieont voeoptum. a. ion of this kind I fool that any ;,„.rirv.. IhMi :' man oan make. Juc^UV. or of lifo itsolf. is rnn- ,1,,. ovidonoo that I spo aron,\d ribh- and intolhsoiit pnl'l"' ^''"tl- ,0 nf tlio ooniitrv is prepared to stand l;;:•';;u.n^vln In-o wiUin. to maintain , n-tn- do not altotrol'.ior asroo with. It is pei ,, « von- leralofnl and un.^vnofous on my ■ .Tt, av "o b-o 1 would not havo p-.t up part to .-a, . < • 1 .. ^ ^ hmkin.s to ''^^^l,:!^?l::,.'" I warn 'th^T-nitod States to .andl wantthornit V , HM Mr! I-onpl.'.v. I am arvni.! thai so n o VI, l.MVO n..t von.l his latest eon- tr mtion 'lo this snb.l.-et. If you ha,! .one To von woul.l have seen that ^^f^^'^' ments of that Uinil Mr. r.ousiley nia> h.n ( hern at one tinu.. he has novv ehan.-ert then, I ave vo:u\ with i„-i.le a„,l pleasu.-e ,„ a T,o„.lo„ paper one of the most h.yal out Jnusts f.-on, his pen that has .'onje f,-o,n •uiv p„l'li<' man. anfl T would not fo, a moment ehalh-nse Mr. ^"neer.ty Thei-e is alwi'vs a " loeus penitentiae lo, ovei'v man. and Ihomrh foolish spepolies mav' liave been niade l>y a publle man at a time when ho had not lh(> amount of ex- norienee that a. publi.' man onpht to have. T bolieve tl,at the publie men of this eoun- t,-v one and all. williout even the < xci'P ion named, have eeased to "look to ^Vasl,„f.- ton" and are looUiuL. to the great heart of The e,npire. (Ai,pl:,use.1 I have ;vitnessed with i)ride and with pleasui'o. and I would be doins invself and you an ,n.1nstice If I omitted to mention it. that in tlie ,nost able and independent of the lil)eral ,iour- nals of tliis eountry tlie,-e has not been a diseo,-dant note and no n,an has been found who ln the hour of Ennland's tnnl has not been ,-eady to do and d^o in standing ny her. (T>ond applause.1 Gentle,iien. T have now trespassed mneh too long upon your kindness. (Cries of^- no, no'"! T .lon't know wlietlier any of you ren,ember what oeenrred in the l<>c;,slative couneil of tliis pi-ovinre on one oecas,(in. It wa-^ an oeension when a {lentlenian wIki was ,'atlie,- lon^' winded and eould speak for hou,'s on a ve,-y ti'ifiinir subject, .•id-, divssed tli(> eouneil at .creal lenstli on a s,i >- iect of no e(H,seiiuen<'e. Sir IJivntoii Ilali- burton was lu-esident of the eouneil at the time The iv- upon tl,e president of the eouneil said tlial if it was anv eonsolation to tlie hon. ire,itle- niiin to know it. lie had not been a solitary Kuffe,-er. I feel to-,ii);liV. witli my voire lost between ?>Iont,'( al and the Bras d'Or lakes and ■strained bv speakins day after day ami niu'h^ after ni-ht. that it is as painful for me to add,-ess yon as it must be for you t-'i listen (Cries of " no. no.", 1 must the,'e- foi'e eoneltide. (A voic,., " Wliat about \ortl,n„,lM'i-land ?") Wlio do"s not know .that f,'om one end of Canada to the othei- "«ie same note of joy that ,'ai,? tli,-on,url, tlie ^untry at the verdict, the niairnilicent ma- jority of S'Jtl tiivi'U by the noble eleeto,-at(> "of rl'.r.o P.i-eton. lins been canuht up and I'e- eehoed in North„n,lie,-land. T!,e Hon. Michael Adams. lat(dy elevated to the Sen- ate telesi-aphed his .■onRrntulatlons tipon .U,: noble vi'etmT we had won i" /"^Pe Bre- lon and said. " Noi'ti„,mlie,>land \m11 lol- low vour bi'illiant ,'xample." ( ienlleim'H. this will e<.ase to be a surprise soon, it w, „,,( lie in Cape Hn'lon an.l 1 alon.., but ti„.)Uul,o,>i eve.'y part (d the IK- ,„iuion you will hear the .-ame no e ot i- nmph as that sounded ov,'r the I'es, It ot the v!ct,"v aehi.'ved l>y the Iabe,'al-Conserva- live liartv in Cape Breton for the p„,;i,ose I,l„iaintai. 'ns power in the 1""" s ."t J •<; mm who have made Canada what U i>. and who if intrusted witl, a continuation of „„wer, will feel ti,en,selves ""•••^•i;^^" ,-";•?'; wa,-d in ti,e sa,ne dirction until tl ,e> l,a^e accomplished m'eater triumphs than we liave vet attained. „ ^ VneAl not tell yon ll,at in 18!« T rep,-e- senb'd Canada at tlie ln,e,-naiional < on- ft»,-enee in the city of Paris, where twenty- tU-o iiow.'rs were ,-ep,-esented. and wheie I liMd the bono,,,-, as the ,vp,'esentat,ve ot ;-anada, of sitting- alongside the rep,vse,,- tatlve of the (jer„,an eminre. clothed witn the same pow(>r and antliority that tlie re- ' pi-cseiitalive of that empi,v had. That was ,li,. [\v<\ occasion on wliich a n>p,-esentatlve of Canada ever took part in tliat prominent ' rnd iudeiiendent n,anner in siicii a uatlie,-- lu" and siiined the conclusions arnved at. Since that time the moliier country con- ceded to Canada the ritclit to ne.i-'iitiate her own treaties, and we liave lieeome pi-act,- c'lllv a nation. While we have been u'lven ■I's independent control of oil,' own govern- ment and as complete manage, nent of our own co,-.ntry as if we stood .alone ,n the woriil Knuiand knows that she ,s warrant- ed in jiivinii this power and influence to Canada, for whatever pai-ty may be in , „ower liere she can I'ely upon the Itominion lo stand at her back and aid her ,n her time of need. Canada, as you know. ,s n1- veady la'-rer than the i-epublie to the south of lis but w(> are not satistied yei. and 1 trust that at no distant day we will round off the confederation by lirinuiiii;- in the is- ln,d of Xewfon,idiand. And. •rentlemen. liostile as the jicople of Newfoni,d'.a,id liave lieen to sncli a consummation, liefore tiye rears have el.-ipsed they will liiel. ^'^ ihe ■people of Nova Scotia found, ilim ili-y w,.,'e deceived wliell they listened to the noople who take a different view, and the rovult will sliou- that tl,e iiapp,ness and prospcilv of ti,;,t island will be advanced as the p,'oi:r(>ss and p,'osperity of evei-y nai-t of Canada has been. The ndvanta.v'e 1 ,o ihi' people of Newfoundland will be CTeat land the advantage to ns of m.i.JuK that is- I land a part of the r>ominion will be ureiit. Take the iptestion of defence. What ,s it to have an island that dominates the en- trance to the St. Lawrence not in, !t,tcL;ral |)a,'t of the Hominion ? Tl,e imiH'n.iiice of this nuestion has been enormously advau'-'ea i,y what Eu;;laiid has been bi-on.;;ht face to f.ace > ithin the past few months, and we 14 miiy li»)k Id I'.ii^'land lor niil in any effort to iiriiijr Unit isliuiil within our borders ami make it a part of our own ciiuntry. 1 must a^'aiu ai)oloj;ize. II is (lilticnit, standing' face lo l'a<-e willi so many inlelli- Kcut men, reitreseirliuj; tlie I.ilK'i'al-Conser- vntlv(> party of Novn Scotia from end to end, to say " uood ninlit," hut, in juKtiee to yoti and to myself, I must now sit ilowu, ("mlcrlaininu Hie liope lliat at no disiani day I may ajiain have the pleasure of meeting tlie fienllemeli I liavi' uiet liere to-nifJtht. (Loud and prolonged cheers, and the whole audience rising to their feet.) ti('(> to down, Ml (Im}' leetlng -iiiu'lit. whole