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WHITBY : S»^, NEWTON, Btv«R & Job Printer, OaBette Oppicb» 18 0. 1 CERTIFICATE. Eastebn Stab Lodge, No. 72, I. O. O. F. , Ont. This is to certify that Brofher. .was duly admitted a member of ^iis Lodge by.. on the - „ day of.. in the year of our Lord One Thousand Eight Hundred and ninety .N. G, PBEFACE. Odd-Fellowbhip having Increased so rapidly, and sproad Its organization from the Atlantic fur out ou the bosom of tho Pa- cific, within a few years, has naturally attracted the attention of nearly all classes of the community. Fifty-five years have scarcely passed since the birth of Ameri- can Odd-Fellowship and now over three hundred thousand men are among its votaries. It cannot be said that its rapid growth was the result of accident, or in consequence of its novelty ; for it was solely because of its adaptation to the wants of mankiod. Odd-Fellowship teaches in the most beautiful and forcible man- ner the all-important lesson of FratemUy~-tha,t all men are of one family, and arc therefore brethren. The great duties of our Order by and through which we aim to improve and exalt the character of members, are five in number : 1st, To viiU the sick. 2nd, To relieve the diatreased. 8rd, To bury the dead. 4th, To educate the orphan. 5th, To aid the widow. And in obedience to these commands nearly one million of dol- lars have been expended during the past year for these noble pur- {)Oses. Yet Odd-Fellowship is not a mere beneficial society, hav- ug lor its single purpose the relief of its members in the strug- gles incident to human society. It seekfi to improve and elevate the character of man— to imbue him wiiih proper conceptions of his capabilities for good, to enlighten hi^i mind, and to enlarge the sphere of his affections. It therefore commends itself alike to the high, the low, the rich and the poor, as one of the noblest charities the world ever saw. The principles of Odd-Fellowship are those of humanity and religion, its object is to promote the general good of mankind, and spread abroad the light of morality and knowledge; it not only benefits the common cause of philanthropy, but enbures to its members in the hour of adversity and tribulation, a source of safety and comfort that none oan destroy. The ties that bind us together are never surrendered; our claims of brotherhood are only dissolved by death— no, not even death can rend them-^they descend to the widowi and orphan. The language of our Order is more potent than any strain of eloquence that ever fell upon the ear. A stranger, penniless and friendless, in a foreign land, breathes its tones, and his uecesaitiea are relieved. Sickness comes and lays its paralyzing hand upon him. and though no friends and relatives are near, a brother of the '* Mystic Tie " administers to his wants, and soothes his dis- tresses. The sick among our own brethren are not left to the cold hand of public charity; they are visited, and their wants provid- ed for out of the funds they themselves have contributed to raise, and which, in times of need, they can honorably claim without the humiliation of sueing fov public or individual relief, from which the freebozn mind recoils with disdain, until over- whelmed in insufferable want and misery. We are obliged, if need be, to perform the last solemn office to the remains of a de- parted brother, and see them consigned with respectful decency 19 the boBom of our mother earth. To the living our fraternal I ! |. PREFACE. . » Tf 4« our eniolued duty to watch flolioitucle 18 no »08« exorclHe<1. It fl out en ^^^^^^ intercourjo ovev the cmduct o'*''«<>^'^°"L®I!,nther- and to reiaonBtrat6 with %^th men. aa well as «"« ;^i',^,tba of ?eotltuie. or trespass on the those who wander from the paths oi rec»-i rnles of morality. .«„Kof Order, and that secrooy 18 I^haH been said that our« IB a Bewet O^^^^^ ^^^ j t a dlBConaonant with ip»^o««"°tVrrime? The world itself, the unf- Secret society ; but is «'««7°y J °il^^R«rro«nded with an impeno- verso, the God of eternal triith, are ««"• . ^ j^^^ jt be deni- trable veil that no moital eye e7«^P;l'J® "l^ not revealed at our ed that these exist because heir i^crets«jr^^^ bidding ? Shall we P^o^o^^f *Jjfve our comproheneion. are hidden from our view and above our co v ^^ ^^^^^ So far from secrecy being an objection to our^^^ ^ it as su recommendation. ^V i ^/i «romutintf us to deeds of gether m IndiSBoluble brotherhood. Pr^^ft^ng entv-ines itself brotherly love and benevolence ;jt cornea ana ^.^.^^^ ZolnA Sur fraternity, like ^^„^,/f/'^S forehead. iuvlgoratiu« thaH summer noontide fauu our burumgi^^^^ ^^ it th system with its ooolness. a^d J?la(iaeniii« eancUou of l?es^esa and purity. In ^^is reBpec* JJ«^ have ^^^^^^ ^^ ^ ^^ agea. We challenge any one to pomt out a s^^h^^^ ^^^^ ^ whose career is sketched onJJl^ .^^^^^ t^, g„ further, there is not there did not exist secret i"«^i*iutioa8 lo ^ ^^^^ ^^ ^^^ gl be an enlightened government now e^^^^^^^ that does not permit its legi8iaiiv« •-" ^ under our own Con- iS?o secret conclave Eveh in our cou^^^^^^^ ^^^^^ ^^ , Btitution. the legislative bodiea c'J" <JU^^^^ ^^ ^^^^^1 i ort: days, for weeks, for >^o»^^^^?.'^°*'^nd ghoX any member of that ance'to the entire ?XooeratiSSf he would subject himself to bodv dare to reveal its operax-iou" «*„ theL?e?,st.censure. if not to ^^^^^^^'^^ j. ^„,, ^« ^^„y sup- To be initiated as a fl\«»^«' °Sf '"^^^^^^ principles tiosey "to take a leap in the dark. f^** ^^^g ^^^ uot ooueealed L the Order are before the ^0'^^^/.^'*i:?utk^^^ Laws of our from public scrutiny ; while the Con«titu^ ou ^^ ^^^^ tbem. Booiety are within the reach of all who wmi ^ ^^^ But t^e^^. our mysteries withm the ^^^'J^^^,^ to behold ; none except members o/ the 'lateruity^ P ^^^^ j^^^^ ver solemn and sublime truths are thejre inouic themselves Jeached the ear of any sa'^^e those who nave v ^^^ ^^^^ worthyof the saered trust. They have remaine^^^^^^ hallowed archives i^J^^nd ?he?e we hope aJd pmy. they wiU Sever crossed its PO^'^Vr,v?olata and untarnished. . •xr«r remain, unsullied, invioiana auu. « religion and It mart OuJorder is the handmaid of 7."^"® ^'JeS ^d holieat leel- flmirish. It calls into life a«d action the best ^^ ^^^^ ^^ K of our mature, and success mus^c^^ to Surse is onward, aiid we may Ipef '^"^^Xll find an abiding place I. dJ). a^. i. PETITION FOK MEMBERSHIP, To the. 0j(]ftc4fn and Memhcrtf of 1^ astern Star Lndftf, No. TS, tOcrtli' in(f under thf! jurisdintion of the Oraml Ziudge of OntariOt Independent Ordsr of Oddfdltowa. t reRpectfally request iirlniissian into this Lcfdfie, and in con" ^idoration of such aclmiseiou I promise and a^ree that, if elected/ ] tvill conform to the Constitution and Hy-r>aWH of ya\ir liodfie find thoflw of the Grand I/odgo of Ontario, and ♦hat I will sook my teniedy for all rights on accotint of said meii^w-ership or connec- tion therewith in the tribunals of tLe Order only, without resort' iv'A for their enforcement in any event or for any purpose to the «ivil courts. My arte is..,.., ygars, my occupdiion id. » itty resPUnce.i .......,..< <..<...w........v^. ...... ff^ry respectfully ymirs. iVitnesa . Presented bij Sra. wiih the required proposition fee, Sff. tioferenc^. i CONSTITUTION. Preamble. For the purpope of ensuring, as much as possible uniformity iu the adraiuistration of th y)ivileges, honors and benefits of the Independent Order of Odd- Fellows within its jurisdiction, the Grand Lodge of Ontario the Supreme Tribunal of the Lodges within the limits of the Province of Ontario,— doth hereby ordain the following \rticlea, as the Constitution of all Subordinate Lodges working under its immediate jurisdiction : Title and Powers. 1.— This Lodge shall be constituted of at least five Members of the Degree of Truth, and shall be hailed and entitled, F-astern Star Lodge No. 72. L O. O. F., of Ontario, and shall possess the full powers and privileges of a Subordinate Lodge.holding a legal, unreclaimed and valid Charter, duly granted aud formally pre- «entt*d by the Grand Lodge of Ontario. MEMBERSHIP. Admission. 2.— Candidates for Membership by Initiation in this Lodge, must be free white males of not less than 21 years of age, of good moral character, and in soun d heal th, aud residents within the jurisdiction of this Lodge at-toitBL nU i«oaW>». 3. — Every proposition for membership must be submitted in writing by a Brother of this Lodge, and must state the name of the Applicant, anti his residence, age and occupation, supported by a reference to at least one other member of the Lodge. 4. The proposition so made shall be referred to a Committee of three Brothers, two of whom shall be appointed by the N. G., and one by the V. G., who shall report thereon at the next regular meeting, unless excused by a two thirds vote of members present, or the petition be withdrawn by the proposer. 5.— A~ballot shall be taken on th© proposition, immediately after the presentation of such report ; when, if less than three black balls be found, the Candidate shall be accepted ; if three or more, he shall be rejected, and so declared. 10 CONSTITUTION. I ,» 6 -Any Brother or Ancient Oda.Fe^U.w ae«i|S^,?,,n» Sfflolte To ae must present a Witharawal Card or Q ^3, a„a bis ^ih^h\S^t^^^^''^'oT:A.. to t.e awe re- ''r-Erery member, on his a'\«i>,t^'jS By-flws Si Cf Eodgo and to pay au i«^«*» " fiiirtpeti -S.'° I -«&ate ",nirin^ ,'?r^<jr."ana»or, *'?l-N^?opositi<.n »or '^t'"\^'?^'^,^i^"„^\lo«,r,VB resWen^o tainod. •^^„««^»- ty«?tS ^'gbe >J^^J,, ,,,„ be granted njitii atu. «>« cinaira"t;'.h!inta;«°^W»>>e«^»« re-T^ired tberef«. and a 'n^<>.it,^l?X°'^^ty^f^'^^<^^^- « .e."i?;«?'i'lt1he«' S;:,Sb« pfe'^n%'^etnse-tS.«rant sueh "^fi^^Ve^^tSi-sMp, an« CONSTITUTION. 11 ? this ificate ttd his ve re- lise to Lodge iall re- lirteen ted for, be im- e City, •oposecl ion. fship ia Subor- D or by jsiden<50= a Grand! Bsidenca , bo ob- ie Three 10 18 not B for the fpear, he |ibl© ana . In case ^ven, be- after the oks, desir- sire either Secretary, all ballots, acessary to ity of the 5P_nt tbere- )r8hip, an^ the seal of ership awe* brother wa3 in good Btandiuf* at the time of his resignation ; provided that, upon tho refusal of the card, the member applying for the same shall have right of appeal to the Graud Lodge. Re« Admission. 17.— Should any Brother receiving a Withdrawal Card from this liodge apply witbin twelv^ mouths thereafter to be ve-admitted a member, and be acceptwd, the Lodge may remit iu his favor the Kutrauce Fee, or such proportion thereof as thoy may think fit. OFFICEES. Elective OflT leers. IB.— The Elective Officers of this Lodge shall be Noble Grand Vice Grand, Recording Secretary, Permanent Secretary, and Treasurer; and the Lodge may also provide, by its By-Laws for the election of a Degree Master and a Physician. 19.— Any Brother to be nominated for the office of D. M., must be a P. G. having the three P. O. Degrees ; for the office of N. G., a V. G. or P. V. G. and for any other of the Elective Offices, ex- cept Physician, he must have served at letst twenty-Mix nights iu some inferior office, and have attained to the Degree of Truth. 20.— All officers shall be eligible for re-election. 21.— Nominations for the Elective Officers shall be made only et the two meetings next preceding that fixed for the elections thereto, and no Brother shall be nominated who has not signified hi'« willingness to accept the office for which he may be named, «,nd no Bomioee shall be allowed to retire after the nominations have been declared closed, 22. — The election of officers shall take place at the last regular xaeeting of each term, except in the case of D. M., P. S., and Phy- sician, who shall be elected to serve for a term of six or twelve "months as the Lodge by its By-Laws determine. 23,— If, for any Elective Office, only one Brother shali be in nomination, suoh Brother shall be declared elected by acclama- tion ; should there be two or more «andidatas duly nominated, the members present sh Ul proceed to elect one of such candi- ■dates by ballot, and only naembert) in good standing shall be eu> titled to a vote. 24.—- A m«jority of all the legal votes east shall be necessary to •election. Should there be no ohoioe of an officer at any ballot, a new ballot shall forthwith take place, and after each ballot, the name of the candidate who may have received the smallest num- ber of votes, as well as those who shall receive no votes, shall be withdrawn. <# 12 I ■» s CONSTITUTION. Appolniefl Officers. 25.-The appointed Offloe^B of thjsLod|e*aU be W^C^^^^^^ ^'lis -These Officers s6>Jl bo 'W"i,°,',''^^/^''s v &-'^bo shall ly after his lustallatimi, except the U. and 1..S. v. «, Lodge. - Tacancies. 29 -Any office, the occupant of .^Jjf ^^^.^^ .^^^^^^^^ without satisfactory excuse from three Bucce^^^^ b^ ^ ^^^.^^^ infis.inay be declared vacant by 7°,^^, ^^^'Jfouhaa been given ab tS that effect ; provided "^J,if ?„^*Ct ^.^^Vcii tS« vote is taken, the regular meeting previous to tha^^ or appoint-- 30.- Any vacancy in » Jf f„*'Sf " ^^^ o^^^^^^ officers the elec- ZSltX^^rq^l^^i^^SFn^ e?tltWiSth»e" frfvlil ^l^'^JSirors^trJ^e-'^^o^dSd^^e/c^^ ]»uti«s and Powers. SI -The Officers cf this Lodge shall Pe^orm such duties, ami and the I»dge to "W«^ ^^/.^Siy to add thereto, s.,ch d,,tle« preceding Clause. SESSIONS, TEEMS,AND EETURNS. Session*. 3S.-This Lodge .han how its meetiugs we«« VA'^iSy t'w'f; nuch evening ami at snsh time as ">"•{' °*J5°Jd Lodge of the Unit- ' .-ovMed always, that as decided by the tetauu^o^B ^.^^ ^ id"state8,tweity-Bixuigl.t8 service V,u .=uU"— "?r-: Special 8o«loos .nay be eallea by the N G ^ch notice tS^^r^^ S:S^^>u:^^^^^SL. U. callii* CONSTITUTION. 13 the game, and no business but that expressed in such notice shall be entered upon at such special meeting. 35— No business shall be transacted at any regular or special meeting unless at least five members of this Lodge be then pre- sent, nor otherwise than according to the Rules of Order, annex- ed to this Constitution. 36.— Members or other Lodges may be admitted as Visitors, pro- Tided they give the Pass- Word for the Term, present a proper Card.or are iutroduoed by an Elective Oflacer of the Grand Lodge, or by any representative to the Q. L. U. S., fror» the Grand liodge of Ontario. to resolve itself, at any 37.— This Lodge shall have no power time, into Committee of the Whole. Terms. 38.— The Terms of thiR Lodge shall be SemiAnnuttl or Annual, as provided by its By-Laws, and shall commence on the first re- gular meetings m July and January, rospectively if semi-annual ; and on the first regular meeting in January, if annual. Should theD. M., P. S., or Physician, be elected Semi-annually, their Terms shall commence at the first regular meetings in July and January respectively ; and, if annually, then at the first regular meeting in January. 39.— Every Term shall be held to close on tlie day on v^hich the succeeding one may commence. Returns* 40.— It shall be the duty of the last Past-OflBcers to prepare and forward to the Grand Secretary of Ontario, immediately on the expiry of tneir term of Oflice, a regular return of the work of such Term, with the result of the Election of Officers, &c., in ac- cordance with such blank form of semi-annual or annual return, as the Grand Lodge may from time to time direct to be used. 41.— Such semi-annual return shall be accompanied by the amount due the Grand Lodge ; the samo being 2.5 cents for each unsuspended member on said return. 42.— A flue of two dollars shall be payable by this Lodge for every month that may elapse after the close of any semi-annual term previous to the iteturus required by Clause 41 being placed in the posseasion of the Grand Lortge. 43.— Should this Lodge, or the Officers thereof, fail to make the Returns lequired by the preceding Clauses, for 12 months, it shall thp:'eby become liable to the forfeiture of its Charter ; and it shaL V the duty of the last installed Officers to transmit or surrender to the Grand Master, on requisition from him to that effect, (or to such other Brother us may be appointed, by the Grand Lodge or Grand Master to receive the same,) the Charter books, papers, furniture and fatids ot the Lodge. 14 n ii '• CONSTITUTION . FUNDS. contribution*. ^ • ti d e to be 44.-There shall be two regu^r Funds of ^^tb^^^^ Faudf and the known respectively as /^t«X thrLodae may provide, by its By- Geaeral Benefit Fund ; and t\^« .^^i^f^ JJ ir Funds for any «rf Laws, for the institution of a b,)e.a^^ai ^^,^^^ . ^^^^^^^^ the benevolent pu-rpoaea pontemp axea uy receipts Ilwa^s? that in t^c^ae of every h^^^ Fu ^^^^^^^^^^ rtite^^«^ case prt^ro'L"?oThrarssn^^^^^^^ «^-^^^ -^ ^^ ^^^^ than five dollars. , ,, . ^ye at a leas rate than two ifi — The charges for Degrees shall "OJ^ P« "{' ^^neva received on ^"4? -The contribution of oach m^b« to the «'8«te^,''.-„th Fuads of this Lodge shall be detoiminoa by tnoB^ ^ ^ ^ portion thereof shall >•« J'l»f «*A°i„'^ u" be not leB. than one-flftb L' m.';en'^.n"o*nVtS.'!'th^e"erilaer to be placed to the cred.t °'4^''^?lteto\g"e''ru ^a?e* the power o^e.^^^^^^^^^ VWting Tr Withdrawal Carda. aud D'™'|»» to be applied t> tte when otherwise pi ovided by the G. L. Uj^ ^j (J" ^^"^ ,to be , ap- «,1SITo'fhr^'Sii™fndXarei>°aB miy be detern^med by bi.o By-Laws. Dlsbnrsementa. .^ ,0.-Every --nher cjualifled ^ oYhefatt^af^Sre^c- reaaer«d incapable of following m^^^ occasioned by druckuu- cupation by sickness .of^^^^^f abiuty^ n ^^^ entitled to re- ness or other immoral conduct on niai.* Benefit aamay be clfve from the General F\"f,'«^c?^^^r that the Lodge 8»^ali uot filed by the ^y-laws ; provide^^^^^^ ^^^^rter than be held to pay such Je^ieflyo' ^^^ ^^ ^ j^g By-Laws. . "".r in^as^o? t^ dea»TBiotber! qualified as required by the -Jylwl'there shall '>« paid to his "earest cf k m^^ defraying legal Representative, froDi ^bo General Fund, tow* or legal the funeral expenses if '^"^ a. e incurred uy j ^y-laWs of this x,ux3 *"*__^„^.„/a aunh sum as may oe nxoa uy u*^ ^j ^„„a fnr the Lodge, and the ^^^^%.''^''l.^ll\^Av^[^f qualified Brother, on the SoVlli^^r'^o' a-°'' '^ -^^^^^^^^ ">» «P--»"^" ♦Ti^-he Lodge may. by its By-laws, make each provision, as CaNSTITUTION. 15 bo be d the 18 By- Luy df vided jeipts (ether / case te less xn two ved on Baue&t Benefit ; such . Fund ne-fiftb e credit •ees for except L t> the be ap' Birmined Laws, it able oc- U'uckoii- Led to re- smay bo jhali uot ter than juired by or other defraying ' or legal ve of this TO fnr the r *f — — — )r, on the jes of her visions as shall seem meet for the relief of Brothers in a state of pecuniary ^?7T'^t® ^"9^® ^^^" ™*^® 8"ch dispositions of the Widows' and Orphans Fund, for the relief and benefit of the Widows and Orphans of deceased Brothers of this Lodge, who were in good standing as required by the By-laws at the time of their decease. Penalties. 53.— Any Brother who shaU violate any of the principles of the Order, or infringe the Constitution or By-laws of this Lodge, shall be subject to be fined, reprimanded, suHpended or expelled, as the By-Laws may direct, ancient usage requirs, or the Lodge deter- mine. ° Trials. 54.---Every Brother charged with any offence involving repri- mand suspension or expulsion, (unless for non-payment of dueP.) shall be entitled to a fair trial. In accordance with the provisions of the clauses following. 55-Nomemberof this Lodge shall be put on trial, unless charges duly specifying his alleged offence shall first be submitted to tbe Lodge, m writing, by one or more Brothers of the Order in good standing. 56.- Any charge or charges so preferred, shah be referred to a committee of five Members, three of whom shall be a quorum, to be chosen by ballot ; which committee shall, with as little delay as tbe case will admit, summon the parties, and examine and de- termine the matter iu question in accordance with the Constitu- tion and Rules of Procedure on Trials. In selecting this Com- mittee, only one name shall be written upon any ballot. o7.--Should the decision of the Committee not involve the sus- pension or expulsion of a member, and should no appeal be made therefrom, it shall be final, without further action from the Lodge. 58.— Should the Committee be convinced of the necessity of Buspeuding or expelling a Member, a motion to that effect shall pe su omitted to the Lodge by three or more of their number in tntir name. \?^:7l^^^ motion for the suspension or expulsion of a Member snail be announced at the two regular meetings previous to that on which It 18 to be decided, which last meeting the Brother under charge shall be summoned to attend ; and at the time so appoint- ed, whether the implicated Brother be present or not, the Lodge ^rn ^^^? *° Consider and determine the question. * zr i^® Lodge shall have the power, at the meeting anpointed lor the decision, to vary the penalty to one more or less severe tban that contained m the motion submitted by the committee. (For the convenience of Lodges the Rules of Procedure on Trials are placed here, tJwugh not part of the Constitution.) 16 CONSTITUTION. m m RULES OF PBOOEDURE ON TRIA.LS. , , AU ChMRo. against ■nen'^'^rA'S^Fo^ A^aii'd bt'sub ?SXt Signed. vy a »emb«^o.^^^^^^^^ Btatiug the time. plMo and ^^ ^^^^ charge, clioo^^?,^^ ^era of the accused, three ot ^^"^i^cting this '-^Tto"«wWe-.ae^^^^^^^^^ *f FSSS^--75 ^^ - X^na^e ''at 3rd.-The accuBou „ chaUeage, tor cauaj, ttu:y stated oA'w .Uarsl and ^rfi^«,tJSe^r^oauafth? 'ame to be served cording to "Fom » g"* '|J^onally or by Jeavms it at Ins usua UDon tbe acouoed, "i!f ' fp^etarv shall also eertily, nnaer > tbe feaine upon the_^;gn in ''Form E. receipt of the :^SrbTle«e^o_*.theJommittee.^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^j^^^^^^^ SlSHiSSIrortr.^ rb» to t... C0N8TITUTI0M. 17 Should there be a minority report, It may be presented in a simi- lar manner at the same time. The minutes of the committee should show : — Iv ^m,? ^**^® and place of eaah meeting, and the parties present. II. The exceptions taken by either party, and the decisions thereon. III. Parol evidence in full, subscribed by the witnesses. IV. All documentary evidence, marked as exhibits. 9th.— The finding of the Committee shall be entered in the Lodge minutes by the Secretary, who shall forthwith notify both parties that the report has been submitted, and all parties shall be en- titled to uiake a copy theraof, lUth — The Lodge shall take up the report for consideration at the regular meeting to be held two weeks after it has been sub- mitted, and may amend, affirm or reverse the finding of the Com- mittee upon anyone or all of the allegations in the charge or tboir ruling thereon. 11th.— The final decision of the Lodge shall be notified to both parties by the Secretary, immediately. 12th.— Either party may appeal from the decision of the Lodge to the Grand Lodge, within three months from the action .of the Lodge thereon. The Lodge shall transmit to the Grand Secre- tary a copy of all the proceedings, regularly certified, upon re- ceiving the coats and charges of copying and mailing the same- FOEM A. CfeMrge and SpecUacatlons. To.... ,.... .Lodge No I. O. O. F. :— The Undersigned, a member in good standing of ...„ Lodge No ...., does hereby charge Brother A. B., of Lodge No , with conduct unbecoming an Odd Fellow,- the grounds of svich charge being more fully set forth in the following specifications, to wit:— Ist.— For that he, the said A. B„ did, oa the day of iB9 , at the (Specify the offence and circumstances, and con- tinue with further specifications. Each separate thing in viola- tion of law to be under a separate place in the charge,) Contrary to^aws and usages of the order. I>ato ...(Signed) B, B, FOEM B. Notice of Charge to ttae Accused. (Date) 189.. ..„ Bro I herewith enclose a copy of charge !a4ad specifications preferred against you by... of ., si ill 18 CONSTITUTION, ..;... l-he »me preferred U, a ~"»Sp'J°tS^n';!„°'-;i;;^ time and place of trial. . *^ *^ Fraternally, Secretary. [Sbal.1 FOEM 0. N««ic« ioConveow of Commltt**. Date .189, ...°! wbich charge was ^J>^^"^^ ^-y^^er; T^^ accused ior trial, if which Committee jo^ «^e the !• ! .day of -., 'was served with a copy of *^e ^JJJf fL**°itS you within one week, »«;'^U eau^feTrSrori'^raSd proceed with «.. Fraternally, Secretary. FORM D. Notlee te A«en»er or Acceded. .189 A.SOT%i>r(asthe'caM'*^^^^ be, one TO • '"T'SS'bSffilt.e on trial o. the "'"^•.S'.^e.'S?!!"'::'*'?!?'"?^' by ,aga.n»t...„.. •;;;i^J^™m., to hear and de- the .day °*;--ir™1:re «aulred to atteod with your wit- ^S^r^nl ^Teou W lIS.n"^he Bame, « the case may be. I am, yours fraternally, • Convener of Committee. FORM E. Pleas in Defence. I A. B.. mentioned in the charge and specifications preferred CONSTITUTION.' 19 by B. B., on the day of iay:— l8t.— That the offence in the charge mentioned in not within the leeal jurisdiction ut the Lodge. 2nd.— That I aju not guilty. 8rd.— Guilty, 4th.— 1 admit the fact stated, but will justify the alleged offence. 6th. -The complaint is frivolous. FORM F. Report of Committee on Trial. _ (Date) 189 To Lodge No L O O. F. : The Undersigned (a majority of the) Committee appointed to investigate the charge and specifications preferred by against respectfclly report as follows:— [state the find- ing on each specification.] The minutes of the Committee, evi- dence taken, and papers pertaining to the trial are submitted herewith. [Signed by Committee.] FORM a. Beelaratlon oTWItnemi. Yon sincerely declare upon your honor an an Odd-Fellow, that %he evidence you shall give ii the matter of against , now pending, shall be the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. Thus you declare. SECTION II.— Evldeace and Witnesses. 1.— The evidence competent to be admitted before the Com* mittee of trial shall be— a. Parol evidence [t. «., testimony of living witnesses before the Committee J b. Depositions, procuied in the manner prescribed by the Grand Lodge of the United States. e. Begularly certified minutes of Lod^e. d. Begularly proved documentary evidence. Hearsay evidence cannot be received. The Committee will determine the admis> sability of evidence offered, subject to exception by either party, its minutes. 2.— Members of the Order shall testify under their obligations as Od l-Fellow8, according to "b^orm Q.,' to be administered by the Chairman of the Committea 20 CONSTITUTION. ti q— DeuoBltions of absent witne^Hes Shall tfb proourod bv inteir- rogat?r1Srand oro8» iuterrc^sa^ the form ^ P^n becl by thi Grand Lod^e of the United StoteB^ Bubjeob to objection by either party, to be determined by the Committee. 4 -The attendance of witnesBeRiuust be procured by the party ^'s'-Anv membe^r'o'f the Order refusing or ne«lectin« to give evi- den7e^7p?odScl documentary eV^«'^-^i%,bi« ^rthril XS the application of the^ party requiring his test inouy, 8t»*^" {^^^^ be reSSired by the Committee to f^^« «"°*\,^X^?,X^ ^"Ive o? still refuses, after being so required ^y^i',«^«°f^J;7^5^e ^^hio^ T.roduoe such evidence, he shall be rwported to ms A>oage, wuicu todgesha^f take such Action as they may deem necessary to com- pel the production of such evidence, 61.-Any Member shall hare the right «« «PP*«\ *f **^®^if ^^, from the Seoision of a Committee given under clau«e 58 - af d no tice of the meeting appointed fm- trying the appeal Btaall be given at least one regular meeting previous. C2.-0n the evening appointed the C^'""al"«t?.^';^^L?!rons° wa» the Lodge, in writing, the grounds on which their dHcsio^sw^^^ founded and the parties interested shall have tn®, P^^^ue^e oi ue ng heard before the Lodge ; and the deci^sion «balf tb^ be con firmed, atmulled or modified, aUa majority of the members pre- sent shall determine, 63.-Any member interested shall h»ve the riR^it oj SJWded th?Gr.ind Lodge of Ontario, prprided ^^^'^l^^^^'^.^.l i^I^S{\^^^ to the Grand Secretary within three month* from *^^^«, «f^,f °^„;*;® final action of the Lodge on the matter to be appea ed »«»}?«*" SSdtSe*£?d^e shall Se required to provide th« JPJ? f'^unon ;Sp5' of all the proceedings in the case, jegnlarly cerUfl^. up^^^^ receiving the costs and eharges for wpymg a;°<\5^i^V"7 *^«^Xof T^hich charges shall be refunded to the appellant in the event of his appeal being sustained. ,. • a /i „« M.-In case of charge and trial where the, P«°*;*y >» ^^^^ J"^ Buspeusiou or expulsion, the accused °»ay i'^°^.^*f,^5,^yK?ran an- lore the timeof making his appeal to tl}e '^-.^^'^'.^^J^I^.^® *? "Z^ plication lor an aiTest of judgment with ^^^'K - '^^^f^Z^'l Ji! Louge, and send a copy thereof to the Gr r r? .'^ ^ (whv k ^ plieation the Grand Master may refuse,, ^d u-C ^Je- .same time the accused shall pay all dues and denaands agamst Inm to «>» t date ; and thereupon his statm in the Lodge shall not be affected by reason of such trial and conviction, while ««ch appeal lapendr Sfg'unless, after filing such application, be BhaH fad to f^J«^ M^ Appeal in the time provided, or the Grand ^8*f^ «^«Ji ^^^^S ifc. u^lication, , Then, in such case, too J,^dgemeat^of ^the^^^^ rB^% ot judgment has been applied for. Such Member snail not ie entitled to a visiting or withdrawal card or dismissal cortift' liate during such a-wesc of xu<igiuent. CONSTITUTION. Ke'jnuiateineiit. 81 ft^.-Wheu any Brother, suspended for a doanlte period for anv other oauHe than non-payment of diiofl. desires to Ve re-^nstatoS before the expiration of his Busponsion, hia case shall bl referred Jhallrr^;Va??h2'«'*V Brothers, who after due Investigation ra^rLr^To^^S^^^^^^ ^^^ r ^ro«n"tTf 66.— No Brother shall bo re-lnatated until he sh.ill have naid anv Jw^.T**'''* "'^^'"'* *""\ '^* '^« *i°^« o' Ws RuspeuHion uul an duej ft^'n;r,^a',^LVt°rdtr^^*^^"'^^°^^ ^' -«Venr^ «H^I«"^°„^^°'^w*' ^J^** ^^"^ ^^^^ legally expelled, or who has ceag- defmiot LoS*'an-/7!;r"'P*'y^^.°* ^'.^^^^^ «^o«^* members of bfacai.1 adm?f/« 1 Vn ^'^''^ possessing dismissal certificates, shall oe again admitted to membership in any Lodge of this Order without the consent of the Lodqe from which he was expelled or ancS^wiVanSi'Jn^''^^^^'^" ^^^^ re-admitted withouroompU- m'i,'nTof ?nftia?ion "'"'' '''' ""^ applicants, excepting the ce'ie- GS.-Any Brotlier suspended for non-payment of dues mav at any time prior to six months thereafter' beconio re-lu'stat^d fn his Lodge upon payment of the amount due by him at the date of his suspens on. together with such sum as may hare accrued ra^e tVT^jz^'''''''' '' ^"'^^^"^^^ '- «^ mSr.^hrxM EEGALTA AND JEWELS. ResTRlla. I ^•-'^he regalia of the Order shall be as follows to wit--rol- blematica. color of the degr«e intended to be represent -d name- ly r-First Degree (Degree of Friendship) Pink, Second Degree Sclflir ""^S^titto^J ^T^^'"^' 'f "]''■" ^^f'-'^ (Degree" of ?r?th) bcarlet, Imtiatoiy Deg.ee, (plain white collar. Itosebtes Of the ap|)ropnate colors can be worn on the ooiUrs Among those who have attained the Boyal Pur??e Doqree roJ jettes composed of black, yellow and purple, may be wo?n on' the ?S ette^'*T'hVNoKr°"?J*°V^\^ the oiher^olorslr as a separate rosette. The Noble Grand shall wear a scarlet collar • Vice S.r^"f«'p^ ^S?^^^^^' Secretary, green collar ; Treasure?? gJee'n ooT Nohiri^lJ.l*^.r.S'„"i^j^i^^^ -^i^?..«r «ilver.. Supporters of W^-den;^^-(ionduct^^^^^ Gu&aS'r"e? rah"'^''' ' "' ' ^"'^^^^ Guardian,"Ki«"| I^^i^dl 22 CONSTITUTION . II 1 Jewels. ^^^^ ^j^^^^^ "A The iewel of a P. G. is a five-pointed Btar. ° ^^^^^^y, cross miMs of yellow. j r^m1». ,,,.,,,„«» ^°be4«n«Sonemon.,i.. ^^^ Encampmeut Degeo», ?<r— Past Officers and Mempere oi »u vislTiNO """"'j^„ BY-LAWS, ETC. ,4 Thie Lodge sball -*^l)^^ kf^ tT£e ml ''bJ^^J' dinates. CONSTITUTION. 28 A m eiiflment ■• ..»31orZ5*® Constitution, or any part thereof, shall not be altered amended, suspended or annulled^ unless by action of thA atn »,i Lodge of Ontario, and th«n only bv a tWo-third ^rSi ^* Grand presentatives present and voting. ^ tWo-third vote of the re- EULE8 OP OEDEE. RulbL—Ab soon as the Presidins Officer shall hurra fot«« *v,^ Chair the officers and Brothers presenrshalltaL their res^^^^^^ tive stations and the Lodge shall then be opened in anc^^nt fo^rm" loS?f^ "--The order of procedure after opening shall be as fSl o ~m^® calling of the Roll of Officers. 2,-The reading by the Secretary of the Minutes of the l«.Ht Lodge night ; the consideration of any objections which ma v be made to any part thereof, and their approval; with or Sithon? amendment, as the case may require. "'^''™^*^' ^"^ o' without 3.— The consideration of any excuses which mav be offerer! hv Absentees from previous meetings. ^ onerea by »^f .""^^^'eceiying and consideration of an\ reports from th« Visitmg Committe.s or from other Brothers who mav have tnr« Ch\7a^c^eTan1^KiS|?Sli^^^^^^^^^^ fl"~S&! ^"^Ha-^io" of Candidates for Membership. fe?i^c?tV^SXt^o'nThl^^^^^^^^ Membershi;,. and their re- «,^br^^^® '®*l?^^*"S and consideration of any Reports of OffiftAra cZ4'L%rin&'iStri'S^^^^ «»-<»^ "' special 11.— The Reading and consideration of Accounts unri otiio,. communications in the hands of the Secretary ^ ''^^®' orderS'^nricfX ^f^f?"' ^^^"8 /»"««.• Unfinished Business, in order of priority at former meetings; &ad secondly, New Bus? 13.— The closing of the Lodge. , Rule in.— Any, member offering a motion must do sn in -orrif tion untd so put ; and. when nut. no nth^r m" f.3 . J°? considera- aoio, uuiess it be a motion- "*"'" """^* 1. — To adjourn ; 2.— To lay on the table ; 3.— To put the previous question ; Kf\3 xecQiv " 24 CONSTITUTION. \l :i I ^ I 4.— To postpone ; 5* -To refer ; or , »« «„ 4-Via ^r^fee Yeas and Nays shall be taUeu and recorded ou 4?^»eTa'Sr^ie«x^^^^^^^^ illsilglilisfss necejeary explanation, or appoai CONSTITUTION. 25 Rule XV.— In all cases where a member may appeal from the decisiou of the Chair, he shall use the words following, and none other, unless it be for necessary explanation :— "N". Q., I would re- spectfully appeal from the decision of the Chair to the Lodge" and the liodge shall, after such explanation from the Presiding OflScer as he may deem necessary, proceed forthwith to consider and vote upon the question :— " Wilt the Lodge sustain the decision of the Chair ?" XVI.— Any Brother who may have been called to order for mani- festation of temper, or improper feeling, must apologize to the Lodge or to^ any aggrieved party, if required so to do by the Pre- siding Officer ; and shall not sneak g.gain on the pending question, except to explain or apologize, ^unless specially permitted so to do by the Presiding Officer. Rule XVII.— ThQ Presiding Officer of the Lodge may, at any time, require all members present to vote upon any pending question, or may excuse any member or members from so doing. Kule XVIII.— Brothers, not members of this Lodge, may ad- dress the Lodgo, on receiving permission to that e£fect from the Presiding Officer. XIX.— No Brother shall retire while the Lodge is open, without the permission of tbe Presiding Officer. Rule XX.— A motion to suspend or -ilter the Order of Procedure, as contained in Rule II., for the remainder of a meeting, may, at any time, be carried by a vote of not less than two-thirds of the members present and voting thereon ; but no motion to suspend ■or alter such Order of Procedure for a longer term, shall at any time be put to vote. Rule XXI.— These Rules or any part thereof, shall only be altered, amended, suspended or annulled (except in the case pro- vided for by Rule XX.,) by action of the Grand Lodge oi Ontario. BY-LAWS. L Every proposieion for membership Lodge o jLjyao tw -o mwot i no n i flbta, irm shall be read il be read in open itflly prenai^' || '' '" lS::;Si^^^t;^5»fe ^ o Tfctro otrmo U t aka r ; also the Committee Jm character shall have two we^ks to report if required. 9 No S?«lication for Membership shall be made known to any person eTept a Member of this Or^er. until a«=er the same shall VAri5^l£.TgJ?MeS^^^^^^ prescribed form .tfri thSlTe aSoramnied by the sum of Two Dollars. (S2,) which ?«i!htlihloSdtotheeredit of the Candidate's initiatiots f^prc^ded heTppea^^^^^^ within thii teen (13) weeks J bthOTwire such dep^it shall be placed to the credit of the Wid- Sws^^nd Orphans' Fund; but in the event of rejeoti ai it shall ^V E^Cthe'rfo^'^s^^mission to the Lodge. shaJl sign an aar^t?t to aWde by its Constitution and By-laws, and to pay afl SS^l deZnds agJnst him. so long as he «hall remain a Memj ber thereof ; and shall give his place of 'esidence tothe P. S. and whenever he changes his residence he shall notify the P- »• «* JJich change; OT lot-feit his claim to the attention of the Visiting ^ 5"N!?B?Sther shall enter or rehire from the Lodge during initia- *Tfn S?ll5fn??or'Ml'Xr8. the ballot. box shall be placed in fnli vfew of the N. G., and the result having been inspected by 'g^^j'^^^/ewaidenshallproceedwithittothe chair of the V G wbo,haviug inspected the same, shall '^n^ounce whether the ballot is favorable or uufavorable, and theN. G. shall declare '^'^lAe'gSarMSngsofthis I^dg--^^^ ^,^^1^^ ItTsi day eveninfTof each week, from 1st Oetober to 1st Apr^. at 7^ o'clock. Specal meetings may be tilled by theN. G., or by the ^"•^ each month for the purpose of Conferring degrees. Klectlon of Officers. 11 Before proceeding to open the poll for an Election Oflfcersrtbe N. G. shall appoint two Brothers of the Degree of of BY -LAWS 2jy ^Svl° ^®,? ?»»»d*nff. *o be tellers, whose duty it »han be to i^^t^""^ Candidate is in nomiuation, ti»e namTof the &iXte IS«T?T *^®;roJf *« <'ft8t. shall be written upon the ba^iSs and the election shallin other respects be conducted as provided bv the Constitution. Every Candidate lor an elective office « re V10U8 to an election, must have attained the De«ee ^ TrSth and must be clear on the books and otherwise in good standSg! ll«(les of Oflloen. 19. It shall be the duty of the Jr. P. Q. to attend reeularlv tha meetings of the Lodge, to act as sitting P a tor the t^rm of « x months; to deliver the charj?e of that Office at initiation or tS eee that the same be done bv a P G or N a - t^ »I,S!1.^ * • wiio;i'i*n'd^?£^'°' '^^^^^^Pote%f^^e and rS^side'at'^'of e?.r^- widow, and the name, a«e and residence of every orphan child receiving Benefits from the Funds of the LodgeT to watch over thexr welfare and interest; to visit them, if raSdin« in tWs ti^Irl or within H mile thereof.at least once in eaoh quaiter and oft^n ;L'L°^^''*'y • *** ^®^«'<= *^«i^ ooniition to thrwg; whenevw U. It shall be the duty of the N. a. to oreslde in *h« T.n^io^ . f« enforce a due observauJe of the ConsMtSwon and By-wl and &'??f T^iP^^P^*"* '^J^« (*'»«** I"*^* J to see that all^he Offloera oftheLod«e, and Members of Committees, perform theS?S 'rtakl^lre^fL^' f ff tr^^n^^^ w xaKe care taat all fines, not requiring a vote of tha T^ndaA fm^ their imposition, be punotuaUy charged on the books of thip H- to exercise a vigilant supervision in Regard to all iweeultritiM Lodae^To^frinl^fl" *^ ^»"S« ?' ^**^«' Penalties, at th^^t^^ of ?h| l^odge to bring th« same before the Lodge whenever known tn him without fear or favor ; to take charge of the Charter of tlS Lodge ; to have it always in the Lodge while in session -to sam^ mon Special Meetings whenever he may cons de? U nSs^sSrv or ^^^^ ^^^ \^-^^^ J** ^° «° ^y »oy F*^e Members of the ffiS' ?n good staudmg ; to appoint all Officers and CommifcteLH nS otherw«e provided for; to fill by appointment aH vT^an^fea^! enriug in Committees or in Offices oViSly flUed bv his ^. pomtment ; to examine the ballot boi after everv ballot fSr ™f "^bers ; to asoertiin and announce to the K. S the result of all ballotings and votes ; to give the easting vote in case of a t?i on any ques ion except those decided by ballot ; to prewSt a oonv of the Constitution and Bv-Laws to *,a«h R;°*HV°il'®f^S.*„^??y %o a^ertain from the P, S.'hie reoeiptVs'inM iaTb Lod-e"SShT aSci announce the same to the Lodge ; to cauS the R s to inWte Brothers to attend the Puue^Tl of any Brother for whom the if a.*'^"'^^ ^"^ chargeable with a Funeral Benefit ; to take o^argS of such Funeral in the absence of competent relatives to receiSe r 28 BY-LAWS. 1:1 It \ ♦hi* nmonnt of and regulate the disbursements ; to draw upon the Trtas^wr fo? airsumi voted by the Lodge, or necessary for the «I?SS5t8 of any Benefits due under these Laws ; to act '^a chaxr ^^VoTtte VisiLg Committee and in absence of an Elect ve Officer or other Officer appointed by the N. w^;..oe f"»", *\P,»i."";. L«r^j?^^iLThrd4^^^^^^ ?r SI part in any debate wh.le in the Chair, except in case of *TftshSbi%he"u??oftheV.a. to assist the N. G.. and in his ibLnce tS tSe h?s c^ir. except during an . initiation visita- Bafe^ the Seal of the Lodge ; to keep <»'«*^|iy'J*?J.f J?^Qfficl dSr, all Books, Papers and other property b»lo^^^»8 to ^i^ ij^^e. and to deliver the same to Mfi successor m like good wn^er , w> mi upaU C^ificato^and Cards gr-tnte^, l>y the ^,^«^ ^^^^^^q^: and duly dispatch and copy in*o tiie letter book all Communioa tions or^ereS by this Lodge, and to 'fad the same at the next Begttlar Meeting, under the head af «»finis^®J,^^^'*??^„V of the fttTfftUv issue aU notices required by order o-f the N. t». or oi ine ffle^- to i^f?«S all cLnd^ of their election or /ejection, when the p^opSSraf such Can iidate declines ** ^o so but with^ rait disclosine any other fact or circumstance connected tnere ^fh • to exSmineVhe Black Book in reference to- all ^„^;SfS?5f Tor membership, and acquaint the Committee ^gCharacter with the result of such examination ; to fill out for the . {^^ami an oi ^h Committee a notice containing the names of the Commit fSS. aSdX tCot the Candidate «nd referees ; to ge«e^«^JJ^^ file all written resolutions, motions, ao(rount& and reports upon which ^tion has been taken by the. Lodge; to l^®PJ«*^*!?„i".? S^good order, all booksplaced in bi» chai-ge, and t^^^are^^^^y m-eserve all papers left with him ; to attest "H ^arrants lor Lo^y8^?ie^to be paid at regular meetings -to advi^ the P, S. of all vrvtes of the Lodge i^P<>«»°g «,^y „^«««!.«g^?w^^^^^^ inff or lemitting any fine ; and also all fines otherwise incurrou ly^nVrotff ;'aL shall, at^^the^second meeting^in ^each month, enter upon tue mmuces oi cuo g?^"y^":"r:e;,"r"f'"4ved 'd ment, containing the name of every Brother who received ^e Sees at the last Degree Meeting, and also what IJegJ^e® ^^^^i^^ IJ^l he then received, and to record the same in a Bepaiato book andto perform all such other duties consistent with his By-LAWS. 29 office, as may be req^uired of him by the Lodge, or hie Charge of an^um "" service he shall be paid at the rate of $6700 per 17. It shaU be the duty of the P. S. to keep just and true ao- counts between the Lodge and its members ; to charge and col- lect punctually all Dues, Charges, Assessments aSd Fines; to notify every Brother, by meana of a written or printed circular mailed to his address, at least two weeks previous to the close of each quarter of the amount of his arrears, and the amoimt of regular dues for the three months in advance ; to call the Spec- ial attention of every brother owing dues for eleven or seventeen calendar months, as the case may be. to the provinions of Jheae Laws in such cases, by means of a written or printed notice, to be mailed to his address ; to advise the N. G.. from time to time, of wheuames of aU Brothers owing dues for twelve or eighteen cal- endar months to the end that such provisions may be puncSl- ally carried mto effect ; to receive all moneys due to the Lodee and pay over the same forthwith to the Treasurer, taking his re- ceipt for the same ; to furnish the Lodge at the first meeting in each terna with a written statement of all moneys received bv him during the past term, to have his books written up for the Fmance Committee, within twenty-four hours of the last meet- i^Fv^" ^^^^ ^^^^ ' *^ deliver up in good order for his successor all books, papers, and other property p'^rtaining to hU Office • to make out at the end of his term for the Grand Lodge a full return of the proceedings of the Lodge during the term, and for such service he shall be paid quarterly, at the rate of k.OJ per annum> a 18- It shall be the duty of the Treasurer to receive from tlie P. §• , ^f.l'P^^^^y^ °' *'^® Lodge, ahd carefully take char^»e of. and deal with the same, m such manner as may be required bv the By-laws of the Lodge, or by any vote of the Lodge, duly oasaed in conformity therewith ; to pay all warrants signed by the N. G. or K. 8. but none other ; to keep a correct account of all moneys coming into his hands; to advise the P. S. punctually of the state of hi8 books whenever the P. 8 may require the levying of an Assess- ment under these laws : to lay before the Lodge a st^temerit of its receipts aid disbursements, at the first regular meeting in each Term ; to have his books written up for the Finance Com- mittee within twenty-four hours after the last regular meeting in each Term; and to deliver up, when legally called upon. aU moneys, bonds, papers, books and other property of the Lodge which may be in his posseMiou or charge, to his successor in office, or to any ether Brother or Brothers whom the Lodge may appoint to receive the same. Prior to his installation in Office, the Treasurer shall give to the N. G. or V. G. or the Lodge, as the case naay be, a bond with two sureties, to be approved by the Lodge.for the term for which he may serve, subjaet to such 1 ---= - — -— — — — — ■' — •••i^iiui-j'tto, wo iiwtii uiixio liu bimu xuu/V oe prescribed by the Lodge. 19. There shall be three Trusteos of this Lodge, who shall, at the second meeting in January in each year, be elected by ballot, ihe duties ot the Trustees shall be to take charge of the Funds 30 Bf-LAWf. Of the Lodge, except iiuoh Fnnds aa may be deemed neoessary to remain in the hands of the Treasurer, and invest the aame. sub- iect to the ap oroval of the Lodge. Each Trustee, before ntering upon his term of office, shall give a bond, with two sureties, to the N. Q. and V. G., or to the Lodge, ps the case may be, to be approved of by the IiOdg=», for their faithful perforncanoe of his duties as such Trustee. All Brothers elected as Trustees must be members of the Degree of Truth at the time of their election 20 It shall be the duty of the | Warden to take charge of the Regalia, and other property of the Lodge, except when a keeper is employed for that pu?:pose ; to act as Chairman of the Pro- perty Committee, and perform such other duties as are prescrbi- ed by the Charges of his office. , , , ^^ t j- 21. The Chaplain shall assist in opening and closing the Lodge according to the requirecients of his offloe. ^ ^ ^, ^ ^. . 22 Every officer who taav be required to state his duties, or to deliver any charge in the Lodge, shall commit his part to mom> ory within four weeks after his installation. Blsmlsaal of Offleemi. 23 Any Officer charged with official mlsoondttot may be sus- pended or dismissed from office, by a vote of two-thirds of the Brothers of the Lodge present, and voting on any motion to that efifect : provided alwaj s taat he has first received a fair trial, ac- cording to olaa«e«6-»l-of Constitution. CammltteMi. 24. The N. G.,on the night of his installation, ahall apiK>int Subject to the approval of the Lodge) the following Standing Committees, to serve for the current term, via : A VUiting, a Finance, and a Property Committee. ▼lalttns G^miBttte^. memtOTBiOf 5» The visiting Oora'tiittee shall ooasist of savon whom the N. G. and V. G. ahall be two, ex officio. 26. It shall be the duty of each member of this Committea (on the dav set apart for him,) to visi*! every sick Brother of this Lodge, after receiving information of his illness (provided he be in this place or within one mile and-a-half thereof ,) and to render him such necessary aid as the law provides or the Lodge directs. 27. It shall be the duty of the Chairman of this Committee to make Huoh arrangements that sick Brothers of this Lodge, il within one mile and-a-half of this place, shall be visited at least once each day during their illnesa.by one or more members of this Committee ; to keep a correct roll of the names of the Brothers, in the order in which they weru uiitiated. for mittee (the roll to be furnished by the P. 8.;) and when circum- stances require, it shall be the duty of each member, on the day set apart for him to visit, to call upon so many of the Brothers, in the order in which their names have been enrolled, BYLAWS. »1 of at Whether he ^11 atten^or no^\'n?wh«i^H^ '"-^^^ notice is give^ ?fW"'P^ sicknesB. he JhIS^be chI?Z 'LT^^^^ to attend plied as in case of reaidnnta^if ^#^u ^® , *^' •'"^ liiB place bud- ber not inform theT Q.Vt Mb i^^^^^ Should any° mem- attend after signifying that he wonM<?.i«^?^?'*'.*'" neglect to can order that heIbB fined an add?tiWi^f *^^ i'''^^^' ^^ motion circumstances of the case may «ermT% ^^"^ °' °°® '^o"^''. »« the member 8o notified be exemSSSiS'^'"? ^^ no case shall the lar as specified in the forSna ni^^^ Ah^''''^, ^^^ ^'^^ »' one dol- 111 himself.) xoregomg part of this clause (unleeo ho was cumbeft on LfmS2j??;^?h^ro?S^^^^^^ «^*» «o* be in- other Brothers to watch -and if^?JL.^^ '^ ^i.''*' Personally, or of mittoe shall em ploVa comS«fiIn»^^«° ^*-^*'f '^^ '«*a"i''e<i.the Corn- Funds of the Lodge. ^'^^Petent nurse, to be paid from the v\ wu m- ■"*""»»«« Commute*. Whose duty^KlIblToT^^^^^^^^ «' three Members, f erred to them by thi Lodlf ^f* n??.!? P'"*.^^*'" *" accounts re- next following; and shall iSf/iSfi?'?^ *he Regular MeetiVg S. & T. at the^'nd of each'LSm -annn^^*}^^^ "-"^ accounts of the p^ ten report thereonVaiSo a reDo^MS^^Vf'''/?^*'*^ making a writ- of the Lodge at the second Eii.? li''^^'^^ *^® Financial Affairs auditthealcount8oraToffice???r?W^ ^l""^ ^^'^ '' ^^^ ireceipt or expenditure of moS/ys of ?he Lidge." ^^^'^ed with the qi T»,.i> ^ ^'operty Commit t«©. Including%heT&n?X*"hVb^^^ «'*»il««^ M^^be^s duty it shall be to takrcharSi nf tn^i^**'"^*'^ thereof whose of the Lodge,not especial] vSL?Lf" ^^^^^'^, and other effects Committers to procu?e s^uch ^^^^ particular Officers or other the Lodge may ffit?anf tS'Jaull al "^-^ ^-^ neoessary.or as SV"e^1?X^/ir^e-t7a^^d^f^ i^T^FPy «- ^? ^d^g/HeSrS- -^^^^^ Th^ 88. ■»- — »»ggBaaB8, m J S WU %>aSPACt01* and chareoter of the Candidate rifl,-?„Hf''';,,P™'*"'°'>' »'»W'» report thereon to the SS^Jtlb'^J'S S^fe'^ee^i^r"'" " 82 BY LAWS. i J -'I M Dlsmtssal of Comml«««». 34. Any Committee or member «' ^^^f acdon oF X'^Lodge failingtodiaoliargetheirdutioa to theBatiaiaction n may be di9ohar«ed therefrom by a v^te of the I.od,e^ ^^^^^^^ effect; and every Committee^ or Member or ^ ^^ ^^ ^y,^^ thus discharged, shall ^o^^t^^JJ^.^'iT^" Brothers as the Lodge ssas'sSSKKs."-- -"••■••••"' Admission Pee. 8,5. Every Pe™n ^*'?''"iri^?o''its'(afd8^a '."erJiS'llS to 35 tb 40, $6.00 ; 40 to 45, $7.00 ; 45 to 50, $8.00. <|aar(erly Daes. the 4th regular meeting mght of each term. Other Charges* 37. The Charges for I>egr.es in this Lodge^^^^^^^^^ Vosited ?n each Degree. The amount of such charges mii^^i- balloted for to the hands of the P. 8. bef?re any Brother can oe ^^^ obtain a Gertiflcate entit.mg *i^°^..i^%„'o®S^orndidate be Refused. BhallbereturnedbytheP.8. sboT^^^^^ ^^^^^ be a 38. For every Visitmg or Witharawai vyarv* charge of 50c. Funds. 39. There shall be carried to ^^^ £^,^1^^ .fth^^^ phans- Fund all moneys which, at the time ^f tne Pa ^^ |^^j^ ^.^ By-laws, may be at the credit jf tLe saio. .r un , ^.^ ^^^^^ of all quarterly dues:; all Fines J®' ^^^I'Seto ^ and a 1 Proposi- tions and bequests ^Ji^l^^*;^ ^t^sT who do nSt appear for Jnit- tion Fees of accepted Candidates wno ao uu ff ^ggess- Jation within the required ti^tne: and an m^e^^ rai ^y ^^^ He'd to thel^ccount of the General Beneiic i^unu. Assessments. 40. Whenever any Benefit or Benefits may become due and BY-LAWS. aa Lodge, the a.2oa JnrSL''.^'tS^^2et''LneSX'^rB.';(ei?.''. Invesimemts of Funds. be'LSere'?e\"st^yV„'leT7n° tt'l^mS'el.llwnr ""^ ^ by tbe .iameot the xS^'StUfi^^udf^.th^t' f\l° "■ """* .eMnX°K of i;f^Srri?ru'rotTo f^T',"' *"" orders of the Lodge treasurer subject to the By-laws aurt Siek Beneflts. attained the iSt^JorvXg?^^ ways that no BenXshalft'f^'SinL^t.P.^^^^ ^2- neas or disability, \^ "" "-^— —' v..t^^-^c -.vu^^b aicK- +bt^vi?«*¥®^®"^P' itHeins necessary under th^ By-laws for Ivk^ «,S1 *° l''''"'^^^. J'^^ P*y *0' ^ 'i^'-se to attend upSn an v ^sack member, he shall receive only one-half of the aSnt to »r-i,AW(. 88 ^w""" wSe^??!,'; SS/Cet"?,?-,^ "" P'oo-"-* By-law Brother, Viiym,nt7b"nbeL^J}lL fT™." *« »•>• Mooint of . auej „ „ay .. oha«,.abJ? ^""JSt Sfc" We'^n ^H? w. if he be not near any LodaehJ'J'V'' J^« ««*» «' «^oh Lo<!«e' Clergyman, or a licensed Ph vX'« Jo* i"*"<l® »' *he Peace or a Of tlm. «*t"SS*iebS^ bf thfr'^.i" "JL'^" "«»« '« »uoh l.ueth beueata while slot, ihaU bJM?™?/?!^"' W,' t"*""" '"'m dwwKi Mn of non-payment o, duSS) «»n 'Ji*^ •*" "■?* Deneats (by the tm. thetlme of ^uch^kLM^'o^^flL^f^v aVr"«f,?S^i ^b*^" at -Upmty as resulted In or was the cause Of death. BUHT! into the Funds of th( tlnuouBly a member. And as to the wld« annuities, it is enaoS grosg aa may be mut Widows regpeotively, orrived at. the said - deat forSfcSS n« ?®' ^•»*^^"** had paid lor mitialion fee and dues while con. the " V aereSd 1 Jf?„ i J^peive such a sum in r;,:u'-— ": «*"« aaia widoVs 8hai?TS2i^l*»,°.!?_°^.»«re«mentbeinS majTSSf, -3^ -■ «P«cil« 'e»e''ft^m tiirii^ire"asThtror^^ J^ldo A'fSt ?^^^^^^^^^^ no widow or should his conditions shall be l.ak'i^n",i^m«i1or'^fe S^n'elt a^l^ 7r! 86 BY-LAWS. nhtkn child or childrtaj, if any thera be tinder the age of fifteen ?e^8-Ue i»te?e8t ofSaoh sJch bJ"ld in each such Beneftt oeas- fn^as he or she 8ha?^ftttain th%ge of fifteen, unless in case of any female child or bi^ildren i\be otherwise ordered by the ^55^^8hould any widow \be guilty^of unbecoming conduct, the Lodgrmay withdraw frSto Inch wl^w tbe Benefit above set forth aid grant the same tSSJie orpha\child or children of the deceasedBrotheruuder the age of fifteen years. , _v,;i« 5if Should any widow <»f a deceased Brother marry again while anv'ohild or ohKu of s3U Brd^er si. all still be under the age of fifteen ?ears it shall be%tionS<with the Lodge to grant such Benefit or any part thereof . ti\8uchdhild or children. 57. No motioJaffectingUhe defeats of any widow or orphan in the manner referred to in\v^ privioua three clauses shall be put to v^e Snless two weeks' n%ioe t%eof be given ; nor shall such motion be adopted unless tw>^ris>>f the members present vote *'58^ ^Should the family of a deceased Brother he in need of a «rotecto?or guardian, the Lodge shall, to the best of its power, SrS and aTsist them, and endeavor to place them in such a posmon as to enable them to be useful to themselves and to society. Relief in Special Cases. 59 ■ Whenever it may become known that aay Brother of this LoLe has been reduced to a state ol pecuniary distress by any sudden and unlooked for dispensation, bia case shall .be referred to a Special Committee of three Brothers, whose duty it shall be tS examine into the same, and report to the Lodge whether any aSd what sum in their opinion should be granted for relief, and ft shTll beTomp.tent for the Lodge, by a vote ol not less than two-thirds of the Brothers present, to tyrant him any sum not ex- peedine $30. and the Brother must be in good standing. !i) li a member of a distant Lodge apply fo'^e^ief . on the pre- 8entation of his Card. Ws ease shall be refen-ed to the N (^^^^^^ fxrn nr mare memoors wlio bavo attained the Degree or iruun, who shXexSo him. and if satisfied they shaU be at libertv to Smtrfbiite at once a sum not exceeding one dollar. They shall ?eport their action to the Lodge at the next regular meeting when, if necessary, such further sum may be voted as shall be ^ AiJ^^mlSbS' making use of improper means to obtain benefits f rom^ this Lodg™ shall after due trial and conviction thereof, be suspended or expelled as the Lodge may determine. Fines. ni Anv Officer of tbe Lodge or Member of Committee neglect- higto^^formSsdut^andf ailing to give a satis aetory excuse, mlv be laned such sum as the Lodge may see fit not exceeding $2 ""el. aFi fines and assessments incurred by brother^, cr imposed by the Lodge, shall- be forth witn chargou uy luc x . ,^. »o ^.., BY-LAWS 37 Circumstances fch« T/^« ^*P' unless, on acemitVf ^/ * ^- *« be sfcanees, the Lodee spa Sv^k^®^^' «" acconut of anv ««?n-^- ^.'^ ^^^-^o so doing; or who «hJn^°* '"^^^''^ as lufficionfc fn w^ °'' evidence Shall be f , und KSnt?«A^''^!,^l«°t intention* of thfo.H^"^'^!'* <>« 68 Aiinffi , Kejfalla; !<. ^'";.^*^*^'ge shall €leftt n.nn«.. ji^. u.. , . 88 BYOiAWS, p Bick brother of this Lodge who has been a member 'o' j'»^J*°°^?^^^ and ia in good standing when colled upon bvauoh Brother or vw iting Committee, pro^^ding such Brother "sides in this town w within n miles thereof .and for every name upon the quarterly U members in good standing he shall be paid at the rate of »l.oo per annum. Cards. 71 The Lodge may by open vote grant a Visiting Card to any B Joth2?in gSof sSS5i/« oS his paySg up all ^^^^..^^^'^^^Jf^i ing the perio I for which this Card is desired, iajl^^*^? *;®/J! Jt. the Card. Withdrawal Cards shall be balloted for, after the ap plioact has paid all dues and charges to date including the fee for the Card; and if a majority of white balls appear shall be granted. Refrealiments. 72. All spirituous, vinous and malt liquors fj^^l )j® "°A"thig from the Lodge, and ante-rooms, when under th- control of tnis Lodge. Amendments. 73. No motion to repeal, suspend or amend ^^^^^e By-laws, or ftuvnart hereof, shall be put to vote until the same shall have b^Jn^^adfi Lodge at three consecutive R«g?i'^^,?^r*aU''be shall the consideration of. or voting upon, any a^° V^JJ"^?. °? JSStponed after such third reading, unless by a majority vote of the Lodge, nor shall such motion be declared ^ P.^^evfiAl ^seni upon the final division thereon, two-thirda of Brothers present and voting shall vote in favor of it. FORWS. Form of Appeal. ♦ To thi» R. W. Grand Lodge of Ontario. The underaigned>a member of lioage «o. Ke^ ^ •^^^^Wtlii^^^^^^^^^ co-rjainecl of" and the grounds^oints. upon whloh^e appeal the'^efrom is taken.) Your appellanS^speotf ully^^ °L^«?' ^U^f fs in your body to reserve said actSm or g"J^,",<Si^t ,t^^^ *'' ^°"' Judgment, you may deera>he n^s of the case demand. All of which%r^pectf uUy submitted -B (Beaidenoe.f No. for (state 'Bepoiion Application. To the N. G., V. G., Officers and B^em hers of Lodge No / LO. OvF. of Your ijoromHSwe to whom the ftpplioatlon of -— - „. whether memSSship by card or ini^iou.) respectfully report, That we hay^performed the duty aasig^l us. and find the oandi- * Should there be more than one offence, then continue specifl- cations 2nd. 8rd. ohKerving that each offence must be the subject or a different spucuii;atiGn. BYLAWS. 89 recelvei^^TorthTj '"''' ''^"^ *^« *e«ns on which he isrb [\ate. ^°"'« ^respectfully, in F.. L. and T 7 ^ No q /^ ..^ ^®*S°®<J by Committee 1 j7/^^^««/or Degrees. ^ ' ^ Thiscertifiesthtt ' " " "•^- ^-/ tfie Jv^Sfn'S: efe^Tf^^^^^^ ^o. -, the Order. You Slih^'jceive the ^ ^^^^/e^^ for. was to confer the samA®':??®'® be'^by reanfi«fo^/ ^^^freea of for 8o doing, f »"»«\on him, he Having pH**X?°^ authorized Witness the seil of t^ t «^ . ?^^ *^ y**" *^e 'ee» [Lodge SeSj ' *h\ Lodge this ^a^^, ■Fees received \ /a No. 4.-C5r<»;Jca^« o/ 8tand\n and a^r.^ / Scribe. I. O O. P.. of ^'"' '" 8«o<i B-^ding i?"^ **^*|,,^ ^s a member Witness the seal Of our LodithZ^ . [Seal of Lodge! \/ ^^''^ Attest: ^°"8ej X N. r M« /r . / secretary, Jo thee. P.. H. P Officer fc , BRETHBEN-Havine r^^^^ °' \ K'^oampment, feU^^J TiJfr^^i:^!^^^ and By. MyresiJnS^isS**^!/^? «^>anding in^^T"*^*'*^^'"^ Certificate IhX^/r^andof tZ ^'^^^^^ I Ir^ik'i^ V «-"Pa& p^JoSrff^^^ /ee received, and Proposition Wrred to I. O. O. F. oi' ^- ^^ ^®°«" ^^d Brethren of Lodge No ?ff^fBBN-On the rtayof . , 7~ ^ -~ :!!y^^____ja^nierly reported to t,roS*j''^'"p*°y No. 5. or for otheT^;;;;::;^!:^:: — — — • - -— - "~^'""'"'"*»c are lawful and 40 BY-LAWS. you,) I wa, Prostmlea by a severe mneBj and toaWedgomJoU Xi. (fe T. \ Physician's Certificate, ally, on the W "/have S?t'irdefwrfr''oZflSffto7he i-reeent ?S.^.''and knowWhe'waB unable to attend tjSfiB u.ual occu^^- tion before. \ ^^^^^^ graiul's StatemsK (Dated and addtessed as above) ^. /,,„„. ._ the nLvlng visited b^her ^.*rp^,*X ? 1^^^^^^ with anaa4!ain on the V B.naj^m, P«^-"f ^„« „„ a„ubt the Buch Claim. „ . .^ Ao^/i t / tN G] Fraternally, in F., L.Nand i . '^ Lodge, No. 7.— iippltcafton fo/ Admission hy Card TotheN.G..V. G. Office>8a(6d Brethren of Presented and recommei^ed by rresenw j^^j^j^^^^ ^^ (-^wfee brethre change of addressS'^aame of the bodV addressed. No^B.— Dwpensaticwi to ConVer Degrees. Moflf^Jof the in the \ do hereby authorize I, Mast^ of the in ^>u. x jurisdiction, to con- andempowe/ ^„ ^.^e^f?;/!? nn aVember of said Lodge, ni^J&s*,TeS!rve hereunto set my sV of oifioe, this day of 18 / No^ 'g-Pet-ition /or a warrant oi a Subordinate Lodge. TO the Grand Master,Officers and Members of the Grand Lodge ^he.petitionof^he^^nnd^^^^^^^^^^^ BY-LAWS. 41 Jesallv recogjiized by your R W Ti« i ent wiH, fi^te^®«P«c"«lly represents fch«^^?*Jr ,So.«imi8sion of Lodge No. « ^>. ij., V. tr.VOfficers and brethr^of Brethren T f ai ^" ^' ^^ y°?r (Lodged andl^loTde?"^^^^^^^ f 7 connections with nation of membershiV) therein tSt^'^*"® tender this my resia i-espectfufl? yoS?;P' Y '"^ ' ^ ^'^^'^ ™^ ^^^ ^ork. I remain X.od'^^'il V'^^y^' of ^^sionatio^u We certify that^^ ^''- LV, 1- 00. F. ig and Order, i.as resigned Kemh«r?h^ ^-^ ^^"-^ge^ i^ our Lodce SgXt^^/e a*?- H- --tto fori! ^ / ' xoecretarj'. ' v-l^.ct.; To a" ->>- I^St»^ oroi?BT.?L.ows, This certifi^ tha? * \ ''°'^^,' ^^^eting. ana no longer. ' "'~ *^"^> ^^^ tht ■M 42 BY-LAWS. In witness whereof, we have subsoribed our names and affixed the seal of -pnr Lodge, this day of m thej^ar K. Q. (seM.) Secretary. -'-^' "" Naie ^Form of Card for a Daughter o^JXibekah. Friendship^ Lovb Aia> JpCOTH. indepSndent order OR" aDi>-FEi lows. To all whom thes^resents shall c veeting: whosa This oertifkes that (mr well-belo^o . x. ^« T!„ «^ name ifendorsed onl£^ margin;<^ »ra. m l»®f,X>'0Pf'^J^<l; wiitins. has been dulylnitiatSd in the degree af I>aughter of SebSah auadisSJ^^ife) of our Brother, who is ?S?S£V of LodgTSLoXV held at and waking under aBthoritv of a charter^ly fented by authority of the Right Worthy &?Ld£oS^^ %> therefore recommend her to yoSrfrWdshiEK-iddand protec^n, ^ wherever she may be. throughout ib^orld for the spad* of and no longer. lu^tneirrwhereof. we havesubs^dbed our names _ ^"f^, *^«t^ th* seal of our Lodge, this ^P^l^. /a 'n **^®/ G oi onr Lord one thousaud eight hundreUand iSe&U ^. ^. At+est ; Secretary ^ ^- «- ''% i\ wA°anT.^ •^^. AM!X Hancock; .r «• s- o- L. i-ANsmLD;:;::;;;:;;;- :;•• ••.::::::;;.•:;;;:: ?• «• O. G; I wV^»S^^.-^:::;:;:::::::;::;:::::.;: p.g. «• J. H. perrI^'^^^S, ;:;;;; p. q] 10- A. C WTT Ho5' P. G 11. w. Adams'^' ..:;r;;::;;;' p.^: 12 GEO. J. Ho-Rp P- O. 13. w. EPPLBTT "• • :::: g- g^. K- JA8. CAMPBPT?'' '... ^- »• ??• H. M. ROSS ^' P- G. 18 ^'^- cARsoii^- .:..::::::::::; l- s- 20. WM. Pa^^^-rqX':; ' •' P. G^ 12- S''ll«%!°'* •'••■••;:.:;:.•;::;::: ^-'f- oo ?• WILSON ' ' " J!' ^• t S- j^adill:. ::::::-: g- ^^ ^^- T>. R y/Tm/r^-^^""" ^ P. G-- 25. ckAS.^TAYS ••••■"*:' ' ?• » 2''. M. MURrIv ^^ -. P. G. I?- C. B. RAY, ' S'^' S- f- A. POWELL ..:::.:" ?- ^- S^' S. CAMPR^tt ' P. G. S3. J. WORK '•'^'- ^- G. 34 A -n -^^ P n. **• A. R. Rowland: .:..■■•• p r' V ::: p; g; INDEX. ' 5il 21 22 Jewels ••. ".22 Funeral Kegalia : 22 By-laws &c "2'i Amendments 33 Kules ol Order 26 By-Laws......^---— ••••;;;;;_,.26 Election ol Officers ^7 Duties /'.. .. '.'.'.,...30 ....30 Committees ,;v;';b"""" 30 Visiting Committees ^^ Finance ^|' .......31 Property rWnVapter 31 Committee on Character... Dismissal of Committees J^ Admission Fee^.^ ■.■.■.*.'.*.'...32 Quarterly Dues 32 Ottoer Charges " 32 Funds ....32 Assessments^... ■••••• ••_••••;;; 33 i„-irA«tments 01 bunas „ 3 1 Regalia Ofertiftcate sj Be Instalment FeUtTn'-JorMombeiship:"-"'-' Constitution 9 Preamble...... •••• 9 Titles and Powers Membership 9 Adaiission Withdrawal Cards •••• ^^ \ Dismissal Be Admission Officers 11 Elective 0>ncer3 '-^2 Appointed 12 Vacancies..- Se-s^ar T-rina Betu™s^„_ Sessions 13 Terms 13 Returns Contributions ^* 1 iuvestments ol u uuu» •••••gg Disbursements ^g \ sick Benefits Penalties ^5 Form A. 17 Form x> .18 Form C ^ '.... .18 Form D ig , ^ Form E iq Befreshments Form 'P'" • 19 Amendments Form Gr ••. Vt Forms Section 11. -Q pravers „"' Evidence and WitneBses......l9 ^\^/o^ation Ceremony Funeral " 35 36 36 3? Funeral' — vVrnsfta ... Beliel in Special Cases...... Fines ••••.•••••••• VV'-Rxnuision... 37 Suspension and iiixpuia ^^ Begalia Degrees Cards 37 38 38 38 38 .43 .44 .^ Eegalfa^BdJewelis ^