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Bdwurs 'I'Lcimas 14 1(15 Boyle Henry 15 160 Boyle John 10 171 Butler John 17 48] Balantyne James 18 480 Beadle (ieorge 10 21 Curry Georije 20 53 Cidli's John 21 50 Clarke Alexander 22 07 Clarke John 23 81 Curran Kobert 24 125 (-lifton JoKepli 25 144 Cransou Hobert 26 145 (/ranson Ebeuczar 27 101 ('anii>bell (Jeor|,'e 28' 471 Clarke Samuel 2!) 499 C!ra\vford William .'10 19 DoddH Henry 31 38 Davidson James 32 57 IJunean .lames :« 77 Uunkeld William 34 470 Downs Kobert 'io 482 Day Alexander I I 36j 153 Eaglison Wilson 37 38' 39 40; 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 S3 54 .55 56 57 58 69 60 61 62 6.J 64 33 Fry Thomas 61 Fluker William 90 Fagan .Tames 91 Fitgan Josei'li 122 Fenigan Joliu 162 Fry Edward 16 Gardner Tlunnas 4.'i Girviii ('liarles 44 Girvin Charles 45 (xirviu David 123 Gibson James 12 Hardy Davirl 14 Hogan Nicholas 23 Hamilton Thouias 25 Hamilton James 60 Hill George 61 Hill John 75 Hastie Robert 76 Hastie William 84 Harris Geoi-ge 85 Hamilton John 105 Haskill Warren 116 Henderson Robert 474|Habkirk Joseph 473j Heapy William 173 Hickingbottnm John 177iHarri«on Jidm 178 Harrison William A. . O f-iOT OH PAIlTig u OK Lot or 7j\ NCMBKH OP Kl KKMAUKS. . s c^ H()l,SK &c. Si V w 1 pt w h 19 2 F nq 13 5; F 100 107 120 121; Manchester w h 23 ' 1 F » h 15 2 iF 17 2 , F n (( 13 3 T e h 22 1 3 F e h 23 i 3 i w li 18 14; F n e pt e h 19 ! 5 ' w ptl4 i5| F n w lolni F e h 13 1,50 71 Taylor .lohn V shnhl3 3whl7 1.57 127 Taylor Walter V pt 24 1.58 128 Taylor Henry l pt 24 159 129 Thompsiiu Hicliard 1 centre 24 100 152 'J'ruax .Tames V e h 17 101 492 Thompson Adam V 38 39 163 490 N'liencel Ose F 108 109 128 ■ 16,3 15 Watson George F n pt w h 16 ' 164 20 Watson James F s h 19 s w (1 22 165 30: Wilson Hugh F eq 22 \m 32i Windmill James F e h 23 167 34 Wilson Samuel I e h w h 24 168 35 Wilson Daviil T e h w b 24 169 0(i Welsh Edward F s w (| 20 170 70 Welsh Thomas 1' . n q 13 171 83 Ward .Tiiseph ( \. V sh 10 1 172 99 Washington .lohn F 25 n lieii srs Samuel 1 ilattliew e |)a\i(l irt Walter irt Alfred lei-Hcin .Tames nl Michael geiiur Alex. ArchiliaW 1 .laii.es 1 Aiuhvu < .((ihn Tack.soii r Kdliert r >l»hu r John r Walter r Henry iwciu Hielianl : James pson Adam -•el Dse m ("Jeorge m .Tames n Hugh mill .lames n Samuel n David 1 I'M ward 1 'I'hiimas .Tusepli ( '•. ingtim .(iilin n Jiicliard >u 'I'luimas u William s .Tames n Charles erMr ml .Tames ml Nathaniel m William in William .T. blut (leorgo g Robert g .Tames !F IF V ¥ K F F I' F h' V f V V V i F F K K F F F 1' J'' F V V F t' F V T ¥ F F F F F F '1' F r F 1' ¥ F F F F F F F F F F iF IF R I)t e h 21 n pt e h 21 n w q 22 eh 21 11 (J 27 eh 15 w (] Iti shH4H551to.">.'< s w (| 21 w i n U 27 w i 11 b 27 s h 27 n h H h lo sq Vi sq l.H sb l."i II b IfJ pt 11 e (| ]() lit n e q 1(1 11 e <| 21 e h 2S s h 2.) 2(> «■ h e h ITi 40 41 42 pt'27 eh 1:! e b U avids(Hi 'I'homas :10 208 Davidson William ;il '2;{rl).ibl)s William ;J2 21)7 Diinobue I'eter .'ili 257 Deverneux Fatrick ;i4 277 Diamond I'eter ;!5 28:{ Dunlin William ;i(i 28(j Durniu I'Mward 37' 200 Donovan Daniel I i .'18 273 Edwards James 311 40' 41 42 43 44 45 4(i 47 48 40 .50 51 .52 53 54 .55' 50, ..! ni .50 00 fil 02 03 04 05 00 188 Fowler William Senr. 180 Fowler William 200 Fowler Thomas 210 F'owler James 212 l''erguson Edward 213 Ferguson .Tames 214 Fowler Itobert 247 Fitzi)atrick .Tohn 2,50 Fovsler .lohn 2.50 Fenloii Tbomas 203 l''eiiloii Martin 204 Flynii James 280 Fra;;er John 287 Foreheii .Tobn 280 Ford J ames 202 Forehen Michael 203 Forenen J'i 8.". Haiiiiltdti.lolm * senlHswqlO, 3 1 58, 10.') Haskill Wam'i. F sh 13 4 1 (•)!»: 110 HumltTsoii Kiilurt 1* eh 17 4 1 60 474 Halikirk .Insepb F 80 87 Manchester «1 473 Heapv William T 135 136 137 Manchester i 02 173 Hickin;,'l)()ttiini John F eh 24 5 ('■:)' 177 Harrison John iF 1 27 5 • 1 Hi 178 Harrison William A. i F i '-^^ 1 '"' 6;-. lDl,Iver» Anthony F w h 17 e (1 16 -^ fifi 2 Jackinan Jamet* '^ l)t H w q 13 1 atritk Alix. F ,«•' }'-,. 2| i 77l 143 Kitson (teor;,'e . F e h w h 14 ; H ! 78| 157 Knight James ^ F nc <| IH ; g 1 1 70 40 IxJlor Thomas j'l' w i)t B b 27 i ] 80 14l'l..)ckhart W. K. 1 V s (1 13 ii i 81 170!l..e(l(lv William F 22 S 82 172' Ive lllMcIlwain Koliert F 15 .] i«i 4():Mc('racke\v James 1" h 14 \'>' '.•7 58 McC'abe John 1' nh22nw(i232; !I8 59 McCahe Alexander F nh22 nwii23 ' ( lOO 98 McKcnzie Thomas I" e h 24 : < 101 102 McKenzie William '1 26 i 102 106 McMath Williaai r lit n h 13 \ '• io:» 107 McLean John !■ e lit n h 13 i w h 14 4th r 104 i:« McCJonnell James F w h 27 4th - 26 105 139 McN all William » • s h n h 13 i "» , 100 154 IVTcOann Peter h . w h 15 1 'I 107 175 Mcfiuire Edward F n 11 'Jfi 1 "> 1 108 176 Mc(}inre Patrick )l ' s h n h 25 \ i> i 109 493 McGratton John I ;«i 50 ! I Dnngannon I 110 50 Nevins John 1 n h 16 1 2 il Ul 89 Nugent Patrick 1 K w .1 22 ! 'i * 112 150 Neibergall (ieorge 1 whl6 5 ■■ 113 469 Nixon James 1 - 126 127 132133 Manchester 114 64 Oliver Alexander 1 ^ w h 21 i 2 115 68 Orr Johnstone 1 ? n h 27 O llf G Pentland Robert 1 whl4 1 117 7 Pentland Samuel 1 w h 14 1 lie 8 Pentland Robert ^ «' e h 14 1 ii'j 9 Pentland John i" e hl4 1 12( 37 Pearce John i* 8wqnwqeh25 1 121 88 PlunUet John P 21 3 125 94 Phalen William P pt w q 23 3 12r 111 Pacey Edward F e h w h 16 4 , 124 119 Pollard Patrick r whl9 4 12£ > 148 Parks John ' r 8 his 5 12e ) 164 Pollard Edmund F ept20 5 I, EGBERT :MURR(IY, Clerk of the IMnnicipality of tlio Township of AVest W'awanosh, iu tlic Conuty o sons entitled to vote for members of the Legislative Assembly in Polling Divisions No's. 1 and 2, of the Townsl the year A. D. 1875. And I further certify that a copy of the foregoing was first posted, up in my office on the list, and if omissions or other cnore are perceived therein, to take immediate proceedings to. have the said errors c Wort Wawanosh Tp. Clerk's Office, 10th July, 1873. '8aXTTXinBL"P>iixt, ] ."i7 \s» (;ii'ii Wiiiiiiiii r.H L'U'M (ianlli.r .I..'" I' .V.) 2i:t (Irciiiiiclii' .Iciiish «iO, -JIM (Jliis^'uw Mirluiil nil till iriiiiilin.Tohn (i'J •.'(Mi Haiiimfdnl (iciii-gu (i.S 'J^'l M'ilMc 'i'llHlnils (U iV.Hl41lUT.lnlm 05; 2")8 Uuiitur Douirlan I 1 (id 21X1 Irwiii Steiihen I (i7i ;!02 Kee Davi.l li8 '.".iri Kiiuiliiin Williiini .Ir. (li» •J'.m; Kiiiahiiii Williiiiu 8r. i.t n li 1. iM-.' » Iv -J ,1. 1.-. f h •-'•J 200 T.eddy David 201 lA'tUly John _ 22") Mm'iihv Micliaul 7):' 2:i2.Milliii-t'''.arlfH 74l 24H Milliir .liiin.'S 751 2">2 M iiiTiiy Uiihcrt 7Ii.'rl).lolin m\ 205 lial.li ('liai'lrH 04| 220 I!ol)iiisiiii .lames 0". 2:tt> liobiMsdii I'Mward Or>| 274 Kvaii Heiiiv 07; 201 Hiuiclitfo .T.iseiih 00 i 100 101 102 lOiii 104 105 10(1 107 1 108 100 110 111 112 ii;! 114 115 110 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 18(i Smith William .T. 102 Smith (iem^B 103 Smith William 215 Stuart Charles 210 St\iart Alexander 245 Smith Hubert 288Stiirdv Itf.bert 300 Scott William W, Jr. i 107 Thompson .Tohii 218 Taylor Alislom 235 'l'homi).s(m Hobert 241 T.aj,'gart Kobert 253 Taylor James 20(1 Tisdale (Jeorge 270 Tisdale James I 281 Vogan Mr 211 Wilson Joseph 233 Wallace Thomas 234 Welsh Thomas 238 Woods Thomas 24(1 White George 251 Watson Tcter 254 Welsh Peter 2.55 V'^oods Thomas 202 WMah Thomas 27(> Woods Matthew 278;Wat8on David 304|Whitehead James V ptl3 7thehl« « il." : sell 20 I 'I K I w h 22 23 23 22 F i n e (1 w i[ 2(1 ¥ V r ¥ VI Fl r V w h 23" e h 23 pt s h n h 24 pt n ([ 24 pt s h n h 24 e h 25 n h 18 e h 10 w II e h 15 n h 21 23 s h 21 -23 jK s wci20 s h 10 IF '¥ V F jF :f !F ¥ n h 10 21 ne(|27(>sec27 w h 18 pt e h 18 n e (1 20 sh 13 w lil5 e h Ki w h 17 9 "I 6 7l 8' 8i !l (i (i 7 7 7 I (i 8 F F F F iF If iF If 1? iF !F iF F F F F F F F |F F T ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ T F F F F T T e h 15 nil IS w h 10 e h 2(1 w h 27 e li 20 w h 27 n \v <\ 25 s w iat, Luokxiov.