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 ^R♦■I)rint♦>d from Bulletin No. VI. of the Naiurnl Ilislory SooU-ty of New Drunswick.) 
 O, U. HAY. I'll. n. 
 Last year I published in the Bulletin a partial list of the 
 marine algae of the Bay of Fundy, amounting to thirty-three 
 species. During the season of 1880, through the kindness of 
 Professor Macoun, Government Botanist, and Mr. Robert 
 Chalmers, of the Geological Survey, I was permitted to 
 accompany the latter gentleman on a canoe trip which he 
 made in July last, along the coasts of Caraquet and Tracadie, 
 and around the islands of Shippegan and Miscou. Later in 
 the season I visited Grand Manan, examining the alga' of 
 Dark Harbor, Southern Head and other points. On propos- 
 ing to Mr. MacKay, of Pictou Academy, to make this list 
 include the marine algic flora of the Maritime Provinces, that 
 gentleman heartily resi)onded, and has sent me not only the 
 result of his own observations, but a record of those plants 
 collected on the Nova Scotia shore by Dr. Harvey and des- 
 cribed in his " Nereis Boreali-Americana," together with some 
 observations made by Dr. Jeans, of Prince Edward Island, 
 and contributed to Dr. Harvey's work. To these may be 
 added a short list i)ublished in 1879 by Professor Fowler, of 
 Queen's University, in his addenda to the New Brunswick 
 flora, and these are referred to in the subjoined list. A col- 
 lection of marine alga? made by the late Professor 0. Fred. 
 Hartt on the shores of the Bay of Fundy has just been placed 
 in my hands, but too late to have the results of his investiga- 
 tions incorporated. It is, no doubt, the earliest collection of 
 New Brunswick algae. 
 Both Mr. MacKay and myself have been too busy with 
 regular work to give much more than a passing notice to this 
branch of our flora. Our aim has been to gather up the 
 knowledge that has been attained of our marine forms of 
 vegetation, and incorporate it in the form that follows, hoping 
 tliat it will serve as a guide to the more careful study in 
 future of these interesting plants. 
 I desire to express my obligation to Mr. J. E. Humphrey 
 and Dr. W. G. Farlow of Karvard University for their deter- 
 mination of critical species. 
 St. John, March, 1887. 
 Introductory List of the Marine Alqje of the Mari- 
 time Provin( Es, with Notes, by G. U. Hay, Ph. B., 
 Saint John, and A. H, MAt Kay, B. A., B. Sc, F. S. 
 Sc, Principal of Pictou Academy, N. S. 
 1. ChitlirocysUs roseo-persicina, Cohn. On mud in brackish pond, 
 Pictou harlmur, Mac Kay, on decaying alffjf along sliore of Gulf 
 of St. Lawrence, Haif. 
 2. O.scillaria subtorulosa, {Br§b). On floating balls of Poli/siphonia, 
 in Pictou harbour, JfarKai/. 
 !{. Lyngl»ya nmjuscula, Ilarv. Pictou harbour, MacKay. 
 4. L. lestuarii, Liebm. In brackish pond, Pictou harbour, MacKay. 
 T). Ulva lactuca. (Linn.) Lc Jolis, Pictou harbour, MacKay. 
 (a). Var. rigida, (Ag.) Le Jolis, and 
 (i). Var. actuca, Le Jolis, are common in tide pools along the 
 southern coast of New Brunswick, Hay. 
 (c). Var. latissima, Le Jolis, Richibucto River, Fowler. Common 
 in brackish waters along the whole coast of New Brunswick, 
 (5. U. euteromorpha, Le Jolis, also 
 (a). Var. lanceolata, Le Jolis, and 
 (A). Var., Le Jolis, Pictou harbour, MacKay; Frye's 
 Island, St. John, Hay. 
 (f). Var. intestinalis, Le Jolis. Very common, Richibucto River, 
 Fowler; St. John, Hay. 
7. U. clathrata, Ag. On Zontera marina, Pictou, AfacKai/; Miscou 
 Island, Ifa>/. 
 8. U. Ilopkirkii, (McCalln) Ilarv. Pictou harlxiur, .VaiKai/. 
 9. Ulothrix ('ollalK.'ns, (Ag.)Tliur. ? Grand Manan, /An/. 
 10. Cha?toinorplia molajjoiiiuiii, (Web. & Molir.) Kutz. Halifax har- 
 bour, Ma'-Knii. 
 11. C. Pic(iuotiana, (Mont.) Kutz. Halifax, JIarvctf in N.B.Am. 
 12. Khizooloniiini torluo.suni, Kutz. Halifax, Harvey in X. B.-Atn.; 
 Sliippegan Island, T/d//. 
 13. Cladophora arcta, (Dillw). P. E. Island, Dr. Jeans; Halifax, 
 Ilarvfji; Grand Manan and Frye's Island, Haii. 
 14. C. lanosa, (Holh) Kutz, V'ar. uncialis, Tliuret. P. E. Island, Jcam. 
 Halifax, Jlarvei/. 
 15. ('. ruixjstris, (Linn.) Kutz. Sbippegan Island, I/ay. 
 Hi. C. refracta (Hotb) Arcschoug. Frye's Island, JIai/. 
 17. C. glaucescens, (Griff.) Harv. Halifax, Ilari'ei/; North Miscou, 
 18. C. flexdosa. (Griff.) Harv. Miscou Island, Jfat/. 
 19. C. gracilis, (GrilT.) Kutz. Frye's Island, J fay. 
 20. Phyllitis fascia, Kutz. Halifax, Harvey. 
 21. Scytosiphon lonicntarius, Ag. Halifax, MacKa;/; Frye's Island, 
 Caraquet, Grand Manan, Hay 
 22. Punctaria latifolia, Grcv. Halifax, Harvey. Var. zostenc, Le Jolis. 
 Mouth of Pictou harbour, }facKny; Halifax, Harvey. 
 255. P. plantaginea, (Uotb) Grev. P. E. Island, Jcnna. 
 24. Desinarestia aculcata, Lam.x. Pictou, MacKay; Kouchibouguac 
 Bay, Fou'ler. 
 25. D. viridis, Lam.x., Halifax, llai-vey Frye's Island, Grand Manan, 
 Miscou, Hay. 
 26. Dictyosiphon fwuiculaceus, Grev, Pictou, Macluiy, This species 
 has been found growing as regular branches from a stem formed 
 of the filiform frond of Vhordaria Jfaydliformh, at Pictoii, 
 in such a manner that the whole appeared to be but one 
 plant. The conundrum was — how can the microscopic section 
 of the branch show the structure of Didyosiphou, while that of 
 the stem shows with equal distinctness the structure of Vhordaria; 
 Further examination, of course, demonstrated the character of the 
 interesting union. Frye's Island, Grand Manan, Miscou, Iliy; 
 Kouchibouguac Bay, Fowler. 
 27. Ectocarpus tomentosus, (IIuds.)Lyngb. P. E. Island, Jtam. 
 28. E. confervoides, (Roth) Le Jolis. P. E. Island, Jeaun. Var. 
 siliculosus, Kjellman. Pictou, MacKay; Frje's Island, Caraquet, 
 Miscou, Hay. 
 29. E, littoralis, Lyngb. Pictou, MacKay; Grand Manan, Miscou 
 Shippegan, Hay. 
 E. fftsciculfttus, Ilarv. Cnraciuet Bay, //»///. 
 E. bmchintiis, Ilnrv. P. E. iNlniul, ./m»M. 
 E (?) (A still undefined Kpcrics). 
 Sliipprgan Island. 
 ElachistcH fucicola, Fries. Pictou, AfacKay; Halifax, I/arvei/; 
 Fiye's Island, ^Miseou, Grand Munan, //«//. 
 Lcathesia dilTormis, (Linn.) Areachoug. IIalifa.\, Jlantri/. 
 Chordariii fUgelliforniis, Ag. Pictou, MavKivi; Halifax, Hamoj; 
 Frye's Island, Caraquet, Haji. 
 Mesogloia divaricata, Kutz. Pictou, MacKay: Frye's Island, 
 M. vermifularis, Ag. Halifax, Ilarvcy. 
 Custagnea Zostene (.Molir.) Tliurct. Halifax, Harvey. 
 Chorda filum, Linn. Pictou, Mach'ay; Frye's Island, Gulf Shore, 
 Fowler, JIay. 
 Laminaria longicruris, Dc la Pyl. Halifax, Mneh'ay and Harvey. 
 Stipes three or four yards long have Iwen observed. Prof. 
 Lawson, of Dalhousie College, says that on taking charge of 
 chemistry on his arrival at Halifax he could get uo rubber tubing 
 in the city. While his order was coming he used the hollow 
 stipes of this sea-weed, which is always cast up in abundance on 
 the Halifax coast, and found it to answer splendidly for the con- 
 duction of gas. — Mai'Kny. A specimen of this plant thrown on 
 the Caraquet beach measur'^d seventeen feet in length, and the 
 widest part of the blade from two to three feet wide. But in the 
 masses of sea- weed thrown on the southern shores of Shippegan 
 and Miscou still larger specimens were observed. One measured 
 twenty-eight feet, while the stipe of another which was all 
 that could be pulled from the debris, measured fifteen feet. 
 This species makes up the great portion of the laminarite grow- 
 ing along the gulf shore of New Brunswick. It is distinguished 
 by its hollow stipe. Around Grand Manan and the southern 
 coast of New JJrunswick the forms of laminariic are far more 
 variable and confusing, the two following species (L. saccharina 
 and L. digitata) being most abundant.— 7/c///. 
 L. saccharina, (Linn.) Lam.x.? Pictou, MacKay; Halifax, Prof. 
 Lawson; Frye's Island, Grand Manan, Hay; Gulf St. Lawrence^ 
 L. digitata, Lam.x. Pictou, MacKay; Halifax, Harvey, Imwsou; 
 Grand Manan, Hay. (The stipes of this species are used by 
 surgical instrument makers in the manufacture of sponge- 
 Saccorhiza derraatodea, De la Pyl. Halifax, Harvey; Grand 
 Manan, Hay. 
 Agnrum Turneri, Post, and Hnpr. ITalifnx, MiuKaiiJlameii, Taiwmv; 
 Oraiul >ranan and Fryc's Island, //<«//. 
 Alaria t'scidcnta, Grov. Halifax, .\fnrKnii, llnrveti^ l.<vn»>n; fJrand 
 Manan, //««/. (This species is nsed as fcntd in S<;olland and 
 Ireland, where it is called hadder locks, henware, nmrlins,— 
 and also in Iceland, but it is not eaten with us — Dr. Farluw). 
 •in. Ascophyllum nodosum, Le Jolis. Pictou, .Warh'nn; Halifax, 
 MacKaif and J/arvei/; very common on soiithern coast of New 
 lininswick, //«»/, Fuwlrr. 
 47. Fucus vesiculosus, L. Piclou and Halifax, A/urKnit; Halifax, 
 llarrn/. The varieties of this species are very abundant be- 
 tween tide marks on the southern shores of New Hriuiswick, 
 //'«//; Gulf shore, FowUr. 
 48. F. serratus, L. Pictoii, Fovlrr; Pictou and Pictou Island, 
 MncKa>i. Not found elsewhere in N. E. America. 
 49. F. evanescens, Ag. Frj'e's Isliind, Grand >[anan, /A».v. 
 50. F. furcatus, Ag. Growing on the low. Hat shores northwest si<le 
 of Miscou Island, beyond low water mark. /A*//. 
 h\. Vaucheria (?) Pictou, .l/f/tA'»///. 
 52. Porphyra laciniata, Ag. Piclou, Mach'ai/; Halifax, /fni>'r>/; Fryc's 
 Island and Grand Manan, //«//. 
 .'»;>. Biuigia fusco-purpurea, Lyngb. Halifax, llanuii, 
 h\, Callilhamnion Kothil, Tiyngb. Halifax, Ilnrvfi/, 
 .■)"), C. Pylaisa'i, Mont. Southern Head, (irand Manan, washed a.-lion; 
 in great abundance at the biiseof the clilTs, //iv/. 
 r>(J, 0. Aniericanum, Harv. P. K. Isljuid, ■fruua; Halifax, Ilan'fi/, 
 57, C. corymbosiuii, Lyngb. Halifax, Unrvcu. 
 5H. Plilota elegans, IJonnem. P. E. Lsland, .Aow.v. 
 5J). P. scrrata, Knt/. Halifax, Ilnrvfy; Grand Manan, Frye's Island, 
 Shippegan, Han, 
 ()0. Ceramium rubrum, Ag, Very abundant. Pictou and Halifax, 
 MacKoji; Frye's Island, Shippegan, Hnii; Kouchibouguac IJay, 
 Fowler. Var, proliferum, Ag. Little Shippegan Hay, //"//. 
 61. C. circinnatum, Kutz. Liitle Shippegan Bay, Ilaij. 
 62. (). lenuissimum, (Lyngb.) Ag. Pictou, MarKn;/. 
 63. Ilalosaccion ramentaceum, (L.) Ag. Halifax, Mach'ai/; Frye's 
 Island, Half, 
 64. Phyllophora Brodiiei, Ag. Halifax, Harwti. 
 65. Ahnfeldtia plicata, Fries. Pictou and Halifax, MacKay; Caraquet, 
 Frye's Island, Hay; Gulf St. Lawrence, Fowler. 
66. Cystoclonium purpurasccns, Kutz. Halifax, MacKay; Migcoii 
 iHlund, Half. 
 67. CliondruH criKpus, (Linn.) Stuck. Pictou and Halifax, MacKnn; 
 Mcogone Island, Frye's Island, //a//; Gulf of St Lawrence, 
 68. Kliodymcnia palmata, (Linn.) Grev. Pictou and Halifax, MacKay. 
 Very abundant on the Gulf shore and southern coast of New 
 Brunswick, Fowler, J/ay. (This and C/iondrtu vri*pfiH form the 
 the only sea-weeds on our couHts collected for edible pur- 
 poses. Chovifrwi criitpii» (Irish moss) yields a gelatine that is 
 nutritious as food, anrl on the coasts of Ireland and Scotland 
 helps to lengthen out the food supply in times of scarcity. IVtody- 
 menia jtalmata (dulse) is largely exported from St. John and other 
 ports in the Bay of Fundy to the United States and Upper Pro- 
 vinces. About fifty tons were exported from St. John last 
 season, with probably an ecfual amount from all the other ports 
 on both sides of the Bay. At Dark Harbour, Grand Manan, in 
 August last, I found the fishermen to the number of forty or 
 tifty, engaged in gathering dulse of very tine quality, for export. 
 As the season occurred during a slack time in Ashing, this new 
 industry was found to be very profitable, the dulse selling from 
 three to Ave cents a pound. It is eaten, says Dr. Farlow, by 
 sailors and the Irish population of sea-port towns; but others 
 appear to be cultivating a taste for it. It possesses anthelmintic 
 Khodopbyllis veprecula, J. Ag. Halifax, Harvey; Grand Manan. 
 Euthora cristata, J. Ag. Halifax, Harvey; Grand Manan, Hay, 
 Polyide.s rotundus, Grev. Pictou and Halifax, MacKay. 
 Delesseria sinuosa, Lam.x. Halifax, Harvey; Frye's Island, 
 Miscou, Hay, 
 I), alata, Lam.x., Vwi. angustissima, Harv. Very abundant 
 on south side of Miscou and Shippegan Islands where it is cast 
 ashore with the larger sea-weeds. Hay. 
 Gracillaria multipartita, J. Ag. Pictou, MacKay; Kouchibouguac 
 Bay, Fowler. 
 Odonthalia deiitata, Lyngb. Halifax, Harvey. Pictou, MacKay 
 Kouchibouguac Bay, Fonder, Shippegan and Miscou, Hay. Not 
 reported south of the Maritime Provinces. 
 76. Uhodcniela subfusca, Ag. Halifax, MacKay; Frye's Island, 
 Grand Manan, Miscou, Hay, Var. gracilior, J. Ag. Kouchibou- 
 guac Bay, Fotcler. 
 77. Polysiphonia urceolata, (Dillw.) Grev. Halifax, Harvey; P. E. 
 Island, Jeans; Pictou, MacKay; Miscou and Shippegan, Hay. 
 Var, formosa, Ag. P. E. Island, Jeam, 
 P. Olneyi, Harv. Plctou and Halifax, ifacKatf, 
 P. Ilarveyl. Bailey (?) Pictou, Mtwh'aff. 
 P. flbrillosa, Grev. North Miscou, Ha;/. 
 P. violaccip, Grev. Halifax. Harvey; P. E. iHlauil, Jeaw: 
 Pictou, MacKaii; Koiichiltouguac Buy, Fowler. Common ulonff 
 the whole coast New Brunswick, Hai/. 
 P. nigrescc'us, Grey. Halifax, Han'ei/; P. K. Islund, Jean»; 
 Pictou, MacKnii. Vur. fucoides, Ag. Caracjuet heach, Miscou 
 gully, Hail. 
 P. fastigiata, Grev. Pictou and Halifax, MncKaij; Frye's Island, 
 Corallina olHcinalis, L. Halifax, Harvey. Common on southern 
 and eastern coasts of New Brunswick, and usually found on 
 shells thrown ashore by the waves, Fuwhr. Hay.