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OOTENAY 4^11 Mf*^ til the IWIiiiii;^ C'am^M » o\ x.iit'i), muds K'<,]iiir<-urat«*«l i«7o Complete Klondyke Outfits. ^ Calgary. N.W.T A. G. Buchanan & Go General Merchants § Miners' f| Supplies y a Specialty Gi'ocri i*'« Mill! (JenHCHl Pi o\'i-*»inn« alwnys Nelson, Salmo and North Fork, British. (\)lunii>i* 8684^' TAIiLK OF COSTFS Ts AltUiidcs /JS List of Articles Tmiisniil- B ir.'«8 SiisiK'iuU'd ^>-2: tcfl by mall ,70 Mitiiks ill B. C .'n") lyc^'iRhitiiicol U. (; 7t Hiiitk Holidays 1^ M:iiM>f Ko'.iciinv 41-M (LW.Io Riitt'8, .* 31 M. 1'. I'.'s ■ 7i ('iiliiiH't Ministers •>;! Mapof X"rtli Hciid r>ii ('alcudnr 78 Miuiiifr Hecvirders 47 Laws. B. C ;J7 C)ntariu...;»fi Dorn U Camps i8 Terms U P\h'S ()5 Slj.listics 52 Orders, 1>. O -.5 " Exytrc'SS. ..fin Order nffii-os ;"4 Calfiiirv liusiiiess Dlrec't'v 3 CaiiadM I'osta^'c Rates.... 53 (^.uiitv Court Jud},'t'S 62 C.r:K'. Olflcials 2o c-u.s'niiis Tariff ♦«> DictiiHinry of Minlmr . . . .ftl DishviH'e? (see tiiuc table) . 6 '* Doniiiitoii Govei'iuneiit ...r.3 Money I)u(ie?i d) F:x|)ress (>>nii)aiiie.s, H. C. ..V) E.xpress rates (in I inie tables) Xels in C<>u!H'il 7(5 Exeess Uajjryafre 12 Ontario Minintr Laws ."5 Exehanj.'C, Rates of .55 Postafre Rtites 7ii Fares (.see timt^ tables) Population 58 Fees, Miiiiiif'' Act <>5 Pr<;8;eftor's Ontlit 65 Festival.?, Fixed and Pr.ivmcial Lejrislatnre. .74 [Movable. 78 I'n'vineial News|)ai)er8. .76 Fisiieries .58 Provincial Post Offices . .72 Game L.r.vs 66 R-ites oi ExeliaiiKe 55 Gold Commissioners 47 Rossland City C^>uncil . . .76 Government Atreuts 47 Seas »n3 58 Government A.s.say ()ffl<.e.48 Sleeping: Car Tariff 28 Government of B." C 74 Stajre Routes 32 Governme'it Oflficials 63 Steamboat Time Cards . .25 Judcres in B. C 62 Supreme Cf)urt Judges . .62 Kaslo Council 76 Tables of Measurement. .68 Kootenay passenger tariff .S3 Time Taldes (see below). . Kailway and Stkamshm* Time Alberta Rv J9 Xakusp & Slywin C. P. R. . ." 14 Xels -n & F >rr Sbeppard C. P. Navigation Co 28 Xortljern Pacific 25 Columbia & Western 20 Okanagan branch 22 Columbia & Kootenay 22 Okauagan Lake zl Consolidated Ry Co."! 31 Red Mountain 22 Edmonton In-aiich 18 Slocan Lake Brancli 57 Int. Nav. & Trading C'>... 2/ -^ k h- i- nsoc A'urilieru22 Kaslo & Slocan 23 The Soo Line 26 Lardeau Service 31 Upi>er Col. Tram Co 30 Lethbridge branch i» V.UK'.juver & Se..aie ..j Macleod branch . . 18 CLONDIKE DEPARTMENT Dyea and Chileoot Pass ' ^[ackeuzie Route 10 Route 8 Map of Clondike 4-5 Distance Victoria to gold- Norton Inlet Route .... 8 ^li«ltl8 »,Peace River Cimutry ... 12 Distance Edmonton to Stickeen Rjute 9 Yukon 10 Supidies for one man for Liard Route 11 one vear 77 .2.-) 9.-> J. L. J. J. The c XAI F. 3 ■iiiit- 7') 7t .41-11 74 "i!! 47 :t7 U). . .;(n . . .84 ...18 . . .*)4 ...(if) ...5l' . . .:.f) ..J>:> ...;'4 .. 7(5 . . .'ir> ...7ii ...aS , . .65 uro..74 f'is..76 i'e8..72 ...55 ■il ...76 ..f)8 26 i]2 •da . . 25 ?CS . . 62 eiit..(;8 )W). . 25 ard .22 25 22 -^l 22 57 iieiMi'2 2(5 W) -'J .... 10 ...4-5 .... 8 {... 12 9 for .... 77 BUSINESS DIRECTORY OF CALGARY a MART & CO., Undertixkt'isi and Ein)>aliiiors Stephen Avenue T B. KELLY T h^ Fine Lilies a Six'olnltv Tliii leadinfi" Boot and Shoe Hfiuse L. H. DOLL Jeweller and Optielan Mall Orders promptly attended to T H. KERR Merchant Tailor Stephen Avenue T W. CLARKE O . Geiieral Agent The Singer Mfg Cnnipany J)R. E. C. IIOLBROOK Surgeon Dentist Crown Work a Specialty Stephen Avenue PARSON & SHORE ^ Wliolt'Sitle Saddlery, !Iarnes.s and Horse Fi'iriiialiing Goods Send tor our Hlustrated Catalogue F. VAN THIEL, Agent and Accountant Offlee: Clarence Block Calgarv, Alberta 'pHOS. UNDERWOOD, Builder and I'ontrai tor Calgary W R. WINTER; City I'ollee Magistrate, Banis'ter, Notary I'ubllc, etc., etc." Harher Hlock rp H. CHURCH, Iluilder and C'i)ntractor, Calgary, Alta. A. ALLAN & CO. Dry Goods, Cloniing, 'Millinery, Etc. Write for Samides H UDSON'S BAY CO. Estal»lisliedl670 The Leading Store of tlie West Stephen ,\ venue J\ W. MARSH Geniral Mercliant Stephen Avenue T INTON BROS. Tlie Booksellers Calgary B OURCHIER & GOUIN Auctioneers, Brokers and General .Agents " 2^' '^'"^^'-^ ^ACt f-f Q o c e /. ^ SKerch SH^^iNq. ROUr-e.$ TO THE fijuJiMtm/i ...« « Ram*^ cv, ji«*«M.w«w( ■■ ■ . — , The Printing of I*r()s[)ec!tiises, Stock Certifi- cateH, Conipanie.s' Statioiiory aiid all kinds of Mining;' Forms is a specialty with us. ALL KINDS OF PRINTJNG Hill Heads, Letter Heads, Note Heads, Envelopes, Posters, (colored or plain, from double sheet to HUh sheet) etc., etc., . neatly and pT'oinptly executed. When you need anything in tlie printing line write or wire The Heraid Printing Works OaLWAKY, Al.HKItTA Steam Power Modern Plant Klondyke Guide. Are You Goinj;?? Thofl<> who (•(Milt'innhvtc Koiii^' to tlic jjroh' ; Ids shouUl consider whnt Dr, \V lllc siiys iil>out who sh. ild ^fo: "Mt'ii HhfiUhl hn sober strong iiud licil hy. T\h>y should )•»' pnu-tlciil invii, alilc to adapt 'houi8"lvi'8 <|id«'K. ly to llu'lr Hiirroinidliijjrf. Siieclal <':i shuiih^ he taki-ii til HfO that their liin>r» nrr sound, thai ihoy a'l.' fn <. [roni • hcuniatlsni and rlx-nnuitlc ti'nd<'ncy, tino that th(!ir Joints, t'«|)«.'('lally knei- .'olals. jirt; strong ' u(. iiavi- nevi-r tuMMi woakcnt'd )>y Injury, synovitis, (ji other diseas»;s. Mi'U should he of cnoe'rt'uf, hopeful dispositions and wllUuL'' workiTs. Those of .H*dU'n, luorosi' naturea, al- thuuK'i they uiuv he i,'oo(l workers, are very apt, as soon as the novelty ol" the eountry wears otF, to het'oine die- aatlartert, peaalniistle, and uielanelioly. The Climate As Is well known tln^ cllnmte Is extreme In the Yukon hnsln. The thernionu^ter in winter often reMriaturs as low as 70 heiow Koro, while in suninier it runs up to liu above. Asa rule winter sets in al)out the niiddh; of Se])tenilier and\CH>ntituu!S until the beKlnniiiK of .hni<>, and Is decidedlyM'old. Ht»wev»>r, the averavr*' I'o'd in winter is not nearly so >;reat as here indieuted. The followlujj: shows the refKUnjrs of the thernionteter at Fort (3on.stantine during' tho year 18iK5. l.UWKHT UUmKST •Jaiuiary (W^ ))elow. ;) heiow February ♦UJ Mareh ;w April •*; May ; ;■» June 28 July 2.'J August 27 September 4i October 1 November -W December 44i 82 40 51i- above above G3V " '• 81 " 81 " " 7fi " «8 below fii " ' 22^ " ' 10 Surgeon A. E. Wills says:— "The climate is wet. The rainfall last summer was heavy. ^ Ithough there is almost a continuous sun in the Bummer time evaiK)lrn- tion is very slow owing to tire thick mess which will nol couduct the heat, In consequence the ground is al- ^^ ays swampy. It is only after several years of drain- ing that ground will become suflfleiently dry to allow the frost to go out and then only for a few feet. During the winter months the. cold is intense with usually ccn- sideral'le wind. A heavy mist rising from open places in the river settles down in the valley in calm extreme Aveather. The dampness makes the cold to be felt much more, aud ia coupuctive to rheumatic pains, colds, etc. The RonteH. ' T|j<' lollowliiM art.' tlu! routes l)V Avliit-h tin- Clumlikc and adjacoiit country pan 1m' readied. Tlie n-adcrwill rem(Mnl»<'r that the distances are driven as accurately as posslhle, hut owlnjf to tlie fact that a larji-e i)ortiori of the country has never lieen surveved, tliey must in I some cases he necessarily apin'oxima'te only," I NORTON INLET ROUTE I r-This is the ionffest route. The traveller proceeds hy I eteanier from Victoria or Vancouver U. C. u\t the A iaska I cffast to St. Michaels on Norton Inlet in Behrinm" Sea. From there a river steamer runs ui) the Yukon riv(!r to I Fort Yukon, Circle City and Forlv Mile Creek. This ' route is only open for a short tim*! (lurhifr the vear, as the Behrinj,' Sea is only free from Ice In the months of June, July and August. , DISTANCE I Victoria to St. Michaels 27'>0 miles I St.MIchaels to the Goldflelds 17(I0 " ! Total 4450 BY DYEA AND CHILCOOT PASS Stenmer is taken from Victoi'la li. V. toJinieau .Vlaska FruniJimeaua small steamer runs to Dyoa, whi«'li tiKjjUJirlionly KKi miles. oi'cuples.Whrs. At Dyea tlieminei nuiAt walk and hire Indians to pack his stiiff over tlu. summit of the Chllcoot Pass to Lake, Linderman. 'file Lake jrlves you a ride of five or six ni'les and then follows another lonjr journey overland to the head waters of Lake Bennett, which is 28 miles lon^. f>ii foot you iu:o a^aiti for several miles, and then tin; cari])oo crossing of the river furnishea transportation for four miles to Tufri^ti Lake, where another twenty-one mile hoat ride Tuav be had. For the lake trii) it is .necessary for 3'ou to huild your own boat. This is followed by a weary stretch of mountainous country, and then Marsli or Alud Lake is reached. You jjret another boat ride of twenty-four miles, and then (to "k)WH-th<> creek for twenU' seven miles to Miles Conyoii hnd to WWte Ho«ft^ Rfl^)^l9.,v.■ Thi8 is qu(^ of the mpst (Wngortaife and Lewes river Is reached, where you Imye a 200 mile Journey which brhiKS you to Fort Selkirk. At this point Pelly and Lewes rivers 'cojxie.stOKctlier, forming the Yukon, from'tliat,poInt it l8 practicallv ^smooth sailing: down to Da>v8<>u City , Cudahy, Foit IkHle and Circle City The route over the mt)uutalh9f from Dyea throufrh the ChllCoot i*ate'ls Yiazardo\ui,ieni\ally so Is the White Pass Avhloh is 10 miIf!S( ^yestof Ulii? Chllcoot and forms an altei - uatl<^«J route. The WWte Pass is 2(1 M) feet above the sea- leval, Is b«low tTie tln\l»er limit and the B, C. Develop- ment C.J- ha Vie 'tntt fll pack trail over the summit. The ChlldoatFaw te 3600 feet alK>v* «ea level and the descent is verj steep. X/)4iau packers cliarge 20 cents a pounc} ■■f.. v^..' for i)acklii^r y'oods ovt-r. and tin' iinlnn' of tlx' wtallu-r owiiij; to the cxpofsnul jM)Hiltloii of tlif i>!i»s, Is always bad icndiTlnir It iiiUKj.sslltlc lor any l)nt «'Xi)('rlcn('( at all fcasfhio for connnorfial imrposca it would be, lU'iM'-^sarv to fonstriu-t a raihvav fronill)y<'a'totlio Ia-avoa Rivera "disVanco of I.Vindh'S tlirouf,''* n distrk-t wIrtc the grades arc trcnioudous and tin; snow fall is yreat. DISTANCE. Victoria to Dyoa Kxm) "i Hcs Dvoa to the Sununlt !;'« Sunnnit to Laki' Lindcnnan i' '* liindtM-man to foot of lake 1:2 " jroot of lake (o i:Milo!Ri\ er I '* iMiloKlvor lofootolfBi-' iT* '* Foot of B.'jnu'tt loi;j.>rilo River » " a Mile River lu Tanyish Lake 20 " Taiii 'sh Lake o 4 Mile Rlv»r 4 " < lanvou Head to Head of Rapids 2 " Head of Rapids to Takhena Rvr lo '* Takhena Lake to L La liarKo l'» " 4 Mile River to foot of Lake Marsh... .10 " Foot of Marsh L to Canyon Head ar, " Lake La Bar^e to Foot of Lake 44 ■ Foot of Lake La Barjro to Hootalinqua R32 " Hootalinqua Rvr. to the Blp: Salmon ;)3 '* Blfi- Salmon to Little Salmon !m ' Little Salmon to Five Fhifrers. • CO " Five Fhiff ers to Rush RapU's t! ', Knsh Rapids to Pelly River M " Pellv River to White River fKi White River to Stewart Rhcr 10 " Stewart River to <«) Mile I'ost -JO '♦ 00 Mile Post to Indian Creek 18 " Indian Creek to (Mondlke 4il " ( 'londlke to Fort Reliance (5 " Fort Reliance, to 40 Mile Post .^.'> " 40 ^lllc Post to Circle City LV) " Total 1931 " Victoria to the Clondlke- 1".*]1 ndlcs. It must be remembered In connection with this route that the first 15 miles from Dyed to tlie summit of the Chllcootpass are In United States Territory ,and, further that the Ciondlke is in British Territory, i These facts are Imnortant, because a prospector bound for theClon- dike who purchases his outfit h» the States will have to pay duty on entering Canadian territory. It is then af'',i8able to purchase all supplies lu Canada. BY THE STICKEEX RIVEii The Yukon country can ))e reached by means of llie Stickeen River, some distance south of Juneau, The route Is from Victoria B. V. by steamer to the mouth of the Stlck(!en, up the river some 200 miles and by a loufjr portage, the head of Teslln Lake Is reached. From there to the Lowes River and Fort Selkirk It Is comparatively easy. The fict that the Stickeen is for a considerable portion of the year unnavlj^able owinj? to tfie shallow- wesjiof tUo water. This road is seUloni used by the miners, to Till-: MACKENZIE UinjTE This roiiti' is nliuoPtentiroly l»y wntor.aiul offers (jrrcat a(lv!\uta>r«'S ovim* all f>th<'r roads. Men liy their own iai)or can laud ii larjrc^ stock of provisions at cost as near the diK^hijrs as the salt water I'nd of the Cliilcoot Pass. Tliat i»art of tlie journey whidi is taken by land is not difficult and tlie water way alnnj; the Mackenzie Uivor is down stream all the way and (sisy. Froiii Edmonton there is a trood wagon road to Atha- ])asca LandinjJT, Avhere the Athabasca 'Kiver is reached. Here boats must Im; Imilt as tlierean; none available. The route from the Landinjr is down th<'. Athal»asca to Grand Kaijids. Fron\ there to Fort McJiurray a distance (tf 87 miles, tlie river is not navij^able for'Steamers. but f reiyht is run down in barj^esaud rowltoats with no jiortaji: iuf?. BVoin Ft, Mc Murray vi/..F^t. (Miipiu'wyan to Smith Lnudhig there is good steam boat navigation, and boats meet with no trouble. .Vt Smiths Ijandinw a !♦» miles jKn'tafrp liaft-to be taken to Ft. Smith as tnere arc some very bad rapids. From Ft. Smith thenavi^'atlon is fj:ood f or lifH) miles jtast Fc)rt liesolution, throuKli (Ireat Slave Lake, then down tin; Mackenzie River, pass- ing Forts Provulence, Simpson, Wrijjrhn-, Xorman and Good Hope, to theconfluence of tlie I'eeland Mackenzie Rivers. Ft Macpherson is situated 18 miles up the Peel River. From liere there is a povtaireddndlesIouK" over the divide to the head waters of of the i'orcupine liiver. The Hiidsons Hay Co. transport their gi^ods for the Yukon Trade across this portaire on mens backs in summer and by doff trah> in whiter. There is anotlu'r route however by wliich row boats may be taken clear throuffh with only a porta^:*^ of three (juarters of a ndie. By this route tliere is not more than ;}'> miles between steaih lioat navi- jratlon on the waters of the Mackenzie and Porcu- pine rivers. Once on the Porcu])ine there is nood navi- gation to any part of the Yukon. Unfortunat«'ly the Porcu ]>lne johis tin; Yukon about ;{iN) miles bi-low the Clon- dilte ffold fields. This distance would )«• tip stream. All the rest of the jonrm^y would l»e down stream. The Peel river portaffc can be. made in winter over to the Clondiko dif.r;^infj:s by takhip: a roul«' followed by surveyor OfflTvie sonie winters ago. The Mackenzie route at tlie present time cannot be surpassed us a cheap freiffltt route. It is the old Hudson Bay trunk lii\e that has been in usci for over a century. Wtiere ever there is a lake or a long stratch of deep water the company has small freight steamers, which plv hack and forward during the summer Ixitween the porf- age pohtts or shallows. With comparatively little expen- diture tlie company or the goverment caii improvi^ the facilities along the line so that any amount of freiglit or I)a88enger8 can be carried to the gold regions at less time and cost than it takes to go aromnt bv the coast from Seattle or Victoria to St. Michaels at the mouth of the Yukon to tlic Clondike, DISTANCE Edmonton to Athabasca Landhig 90 Athabasca Landing to Grand Rapids 167 Grand Raiilds to Fort McMurray 87 Fort McAiurray to Smiths Lauding 287 Smith's Landing,to Fort Smith 16 Fort Smith to Fort Regolutlon 194 II Fnvt Rosolutidii to Ft>rl rrovUlciico i(».s Kni't I'vovidcncf t.S(»!i KU Fort Slnii)8fiii to Fort WrisjU'V l:n» Fort Wriirlfv to Fort Xoniuni IKI Fort Xoniian to Fort Good Wopv 17 1 Fort (iood H(»|K' to Fort Marplicrsoii lTK* Fort MiicplH'rsoii to Lu Pierre's Hoiif^e GO La Pierre's to tlie Poretipiue 2(> Porcupine to tlie Yukon M) Total L>li'4 It may he \v*il to remark timt ,tlio»i,uh the' Hudsons* T\i\y ("'oinjiauy liave steamers runniny on the Mackenzie Klvor from and to Ft.Maepherson .tliese boats are solely for tlH'. use of the (Jompany, and do not carry pnsstinvrers. THf; LIAKI) UOUTK Tills routi' i'rom the lati.'s! ;vailahleiiiformati(»n, otfers more advaiitafre tlian any of the. routes above descritted. It is shorter than the Dyea •: id Chileoot I'ass road, there are no hii,'ii or (lan-jeroii.^ mouniaius to cross, the co- untry is for i lie. most partopi) miles. There is a wapron road tlirou;.rh St. Alal)ert toAthabasca River, and from thence to Lesser Slave Lake is an old ])ack trail. To the crossing- from Lesser Slave Lake, is a dis- tance of 7(» miles, there is a wa^on roadlin fjrood condition. Lea vln J,' Peace River C'rossin p. where there is a sett- lement, tlie river is cr(i,ssean» to the Koldflelds. The distance to the Clondike is 4'20 miles and with the, exception of two rapids affords ■;ood navifrafion. The flrstlof the above ra[tid,><, at the [loulc River, Vflii '>t traveracd in safety, but the second V4 10 miles fuvtluT (Umni imisthc cro.sscd l>y mciiiis of ii 1)ortii>ri*. hn\( ft mile in loiijfth. The, t'ounlVy is (lcsiTil»o(l as not at all rouji-h Avltli thick timber and irrass. This Liard route is through an aiirifcroiis eountry, whicli has never been prospected. The Athal)asca, Peace, and Pellv Rivers arc all ^old bearinjr, and it is not at all improbable thattravellersseekinffto j^et into the|CloMdike country this way, may make rieli finds on the road. DISTANCES Edm^Miton toPeace River Crosshi^- L'C ) l*»'acc River toXelson Forks -Jin Down Xelson to Junction with Liard VJi) Up liiard to Deaso River lt;o Dcase River toPelly River 17(t Pellv River to Junction Mith Ijewes i.'L'() Lewes River to Clondikc -'(hi Total I.i7l» The Peace River Oonntry. The followhij,' letter is from a Hudson liny official at Jan. 12th, Inuiveiran, on the Peace RiA'er, and dated In answer to your ■relled on ice up to the Peaceriver, and than on that river to a iioint near the place where the al>i)ve mentioned 11 udson's Ilope trail crosses the river. Vou may know, however, that from St. John's to this noint on' Halfway river, there is a ffood pack trail for liorses. d am referrinj:: to the route Inspector Moody and jiarty travelled.) 1 had never heard of any cause 'why tins route should not be thoroujrhly praeticale : once at the foothills there is plentv of te(!d for horses, bni in the Middle [tass there is very little for a day or two. in ^oin,ir )>y the Middle pass you woulil not yd by the LlanI river unless yon cross'etl it on the wellt side beyond the junetl(»n withthe l)eaB.». The air line, route sel down (tn Dawson's ami Harrison's map, will, in my opinion, be the. one ust d. Inspector Moodv and party Avent by this jias^s and when heard of they were on the sunntdt on the -j-jnd December, and in'all prob.ibility they will be. at Fort (iraham on the lis of January, and from there a {.rood trail exists to Svlveston : this extends from LesserShive Ijake to Peace River crosftlnj.' and then overland on the north side of Peace river for sixty miles of tine jtrarie land terndnatlnjj: twenty miles' north of herti, when Dnnvej.'-an is reached, »n(l then o)i U* the ixiint where luspt'ctor Movdy left the Ice on Halfway river, not 2(5) . 240 . 120 . ItiO . 170 . 220 . 2*K» .l.'iTO 1^ Imu'lilnjr nl Korf si .Jolni n) all. wliloh WnwM Ik; fully 20 iiiih'8 rtiiulli. Tlicrc Is no r«'nsle tlien the Stur^reon at St. Albert, and (.'ven tlien there ai'e only two. Yon do nol cross I hr north Pine at all, uidtss'you lurn direct oui nf yon r course and ji-o to Si. John." After leaving' the Peace, the North Pine runs diu' nortliwest for ei^rht or ten miles, and then it s.)enis to run parrellel with Ihe Peace towards Halfway river, hut soon comes to a head. TIds is tin- pack trail iii use l»y the Indians on Ihe horth side, lint I hev say the direct' road is throujirh a irood countrv. and it is mor<' direct route to take in travellitii^' to the Malhvay river. In winter, it is said, hy parties who liave (ravdhd ihroujfh and know the," countrv thoroughly, that It is the hest trail U> take to Fort Si. John. Tlie winter has heen very mild, with liardly any snow. when YuKop Groceries KlondyHe Groceries Wo keep the very best, and can supply you with what you want at the best figure. J. C. Vanvart, Stephen Ave., (^algary. The Alberta Tribune. A Weekly Liberal Newspaper Ciiculaling in Albcita, Western Assiniboia and Columbia Subscription $i.oo a year W. 1^. BEUXARD, Pyiblifither CALGAKY, - - - ALBERTA 14 GanaJian PaBlfic fiailwai[ Trains— Qncl>rc to l^ovt Arthur, run on Ea8((M'n Stan- dard tinio; iM'twoen Port Arthur and Brandon, on ('ontral Standai'd tinio; botw<'(>n Brandon and Donald, on Mountain Standard time; hctwocn Donald and Van- couver, on Pacific Standard time. Time— Tlic 24 hoiir system is used on the Western and I'acirtc divisions. Explanation of references—' Flaj; stations; t dhiinj;^ stations; D departure; A arrival. riain Line, Winnipeg: to Vancouver Going Ea ;i -Read ui). Ooiu}? fi'cst— Read down »i r-l ff> 1^^ 1? STATIONS Cen. StaiHlard Tune in 10 si 9 7 .50 A... Winnipeg — D 2 7 15 Air Line .let.... 10 15 • • • ■ t • 45 15 7 l5 Rosfier 10 40 .V) M) 2!) () 4(1 Marquette 20 13 75 1 Oo ik'i . (> 33 Reaburn 20 25 75 1 20 40 <; 22 Poplar Point Hitrh Blutf 20 ;«'. 75 1 4.') 4« (; 05 20 i>t !K) 1 {'/> .5(j 5 48 .Porta>jre la Prairie.. 21 11 !M) 1 5*0 (Jit 5 30 Burnside 21 30 1 00 2 1.1 71 5 14 Baj{ ot 21 48 1 OO •J ;{5 77 5 00 McGrejior 22 02 1 00 2 ,1.5 84 4 45 Austin 22 18 1 25 ;j 2<) 105 4 00 C'arberry 2;{ ()!♦ 1 25 ;; 4.5 114 8 42 Sewel! 2.3 27 1 50 ;} .'!.") Hit 2 J Mt Oak Ijake 21 .lo 1 75 ii !tO J80 21 o:; \'irden 1 20 2 00 t; CO J!m; 23 22 Klkliorn 2 fiO 2 (Kt 7 .'.0 SJ'.t 22 .'13 ... .'.Moosoniln 2 .55 2 25 .S 10 2;i5 21 .57 Wapella .{ .•!2 2 .50 '6 7C 2ir» 21 25 .... White wood .1 05 2 .50 9 25 2r>i 23 (Kt 20 .50 [^^ Broadview jj 4 .'{5 4 15 2 .50 9 8.5 280 20 03 «», . Grenfell .5 17 2 75 10 A'i 2f»5 19 30 Wolseley 5 48 2 75 11 iO .314 18 45 ...Indian Head.... fi 31 3 00 11 (Wi 324 18 25 Qu'AiJpelle .... Balfronie ,57 3 00 12 .'«i5 :mi 17 41 7 40 3 (Kl 12 !t5 .S.5i3 Pcaec S 55 3 25 15 JklAiN Link— Continued. Goin« Kast— Rpiul up Goin>,' Wrst—Kcad down A m-mil DC t OB 91 9! "It stations . o'rt — %'A^ K* h S 1 ^ 23 m ., I'ortal h 40 i;{ !X) 717 is (K» .. .. Minneapolis... . 10 or. 11 20 7:;i 18 45 . .... St I'aul it 20 .... !) ;jo . ....Cliicafro . 18 ;«) IJ 30 14 »;". 15 H5 l(i (K) It) 75 18 25 10 15 20 («» 21 75 22 f>0 2;{ a') 2:1 85 21 80 25 15 25 55 2(i no 27 80 28 ») 28 80 30 45 yi 00 yi 40 »1 85 i\2 20 wi m ;{;j 10 m «5 ai 10 in 55 ;{.'. 25 35 10 .'Sii 20 HC 80 ;17 20 .'17 45 ;»7 05 .•18 10 .•W .TO ;)!i 00 .^!• 40 4G 20 40 35 40 55 41 10 41 40 41 80 .ii la ;3i)0 308 423 43;i 4.52 480 510 540 575 59(5 (515 028 {\h'\ {'m mi «i!»5 713 723 - 733 7«b' 770 785 798 801 80!» 81!) 8:50 840 8.3!) 810 8(!;t 8(U5 881 804 002 !)07 017 022 028 O.W o4t; 05<> 062 064 973 080 080 low 15 45 15 .30 14 30 14 1.3 13 32 12 05 11 15 .55 t 8 8 7 7 22 52 11 31 10 ■>-> ♦( 00 5 22 1 27 3 53 3 35 3 17 2 18 2 00 1 45 1 12 1 04 24 47 24 27 21 05 23 40 2.3 45 2.3 15 22 45 22 20 22 02 21 ;wi 21 20 21 10 2(t .32 20 20 20 07 1!) 45 10 28 10 05 18 45 18 .35 17 .50 17 25 17 00 10 40 ]0 10 16 id .I'asqua Moo8»gaw * Mortlach rarkbcf,' Cliaplin ■ ....Rush Lake t . . . Swift Curnuit . . . * Guli Lake ' Crane Lake Ma])le Creek * Fnrres Walsh Dunmore ... MedichioHat.... '■ Stair ' , ... Lan^evin '-■ Tilley ■■ Bantry '■ Cassils * (Jrowfoot * Cluny Gleielien ' Namaka .... *....Strathniore * Cheadle * Lanjfdon .... * Shepard .Calj-'arv Junction. ».:::.<=*k?ftr::::; Cochrane ■ Radnor. * Morley ' Kananaskis .... ^ TheGap .... ....... (.'/anvnoro ...*. Antlu'acite. Banff ',... Cascade ' .Castle ISfountuin.. * Eldon Lajr^'an * Steplieu Hector a +Ficld 3 >••••• tFicld .Otter Tail.. . l^eanchoil rallisrr .. Glcnojj'Ic. :l .35 10 10 10 58 11 18 12 05 13 30 14 ;to 15 40 1(5 50 17 38 18 15 18 10 10 »t 20 20 20 .38 21 32 22 10 22 2G 22 44 23 4!) 24 13 24 15 1 12 1 20 1 37 2 00 2';24 2,4(5 2 50 3' 10 3 i-.5 4 21 4 '43 5 14 5 32 5 55 (i i'2 (5 35 10 7 15 7 .34 8 00 8 20 8 35 9 15 45 10 12 10.30 10 55 11 lb 3 25 3 .50 3 .V) 3 75 4 00 4 25 4 25 '■4 '.50 *"4'75 5 (H> 5 00 5 (K» • '"5".50 "h U) 7.> •••••• • 5 75 (5 2.5 I J 25 50 (5 .50 (5 75 (5 75 7 00 7 00 7 2.5 7 25 7 25 7 ''5 16 ^lAlN LiXK— Contimiod Goln;j: P'ast— Koad up Goiiif,' West— IJoad down EC a 09 C 9! -„i:' a-i:' t:sS 1 « o K oV. Stations . c'cC >-2 ^y.^ <; s..- .— ^ ^ IJ 1 » mm 15 15 (lOldlM' 11 4.-; 7 iV) \j «:► lOl.J 15 57 Moix- 12 05 7 U> la 25 102a 14 .r. 1:5 15 a T)ona' jj • 12 35 12 00 1 'M ruc'Kie Standard Time— Donald to Vancouver i;j h:, 10.'5i'. 12 ;r. Hoavi-rnioutli .. 12 .55 7 75 tl 10 1040 12 17 ..Six Mil<- Cretk.. 13 ()0 l[ w 10-»!> 11 15 Bt'ar (!r«'ok 13 ;)0 7 75 44 !»:. 1(»54 n 25 lioKer'8 J'af?.s 14 10 7 75 45 05 1050 11 05 10 ;i'> Jj tOlat-ior Hsc \ 11 .-«> 15 tH> 7 75 45 ;i5 10(55 10 05 . Ro« IN-ak Sidinjr. 15 20 8 m 45 8() 1074 !) ;to ....IllecilUwaet .... 15 45 8 (X> 4(5 15 1081 00 .. .Mlicrt Canvon .. It; or, 8 00 4(> t!5 ICMK) 8 15 '....Twin liuttp... 10 .'SO 8 (xr 47 2() 1102 7 40 Hi'Vi'l.stokf 17 20 8 25 17 »i5 1111 i> jV) ... Clanwilliani 17 .'"0 8 25 48 05 1110 (! 30 ....Griffin Lak** 18 12 8 25 48 ()5 lli«) 1: 00 '.. CraifTpHafldc 18 40 8 25 4!> 10 114« 5 15 Sic-anious Junrtion . 10 ;;•> 8 50 .w a;-) 11(>5 \ 20 Salmon Arm 20 15 8 .50 51 20 1181 3 •'$5 '.... Notch Hill .... 21 or, 8 75 5:' (H) 1107 2 42 SJnisunp 21 53 8 75 52 80 121.H 2 IH Drnk.' 22 32 (X) 53 1245 21 20 ' Chorrv Creek.. 24 2(t .... 54 !«) 125<5 23 53 ■ Savona.s 24 55 !( (HI 55 20 4.'Jt',2 23 33 ...... P«!nnv.s 1 15 ft 00 55 1(0 1278 22 47 .'i -\8licroft 2 12 !» (K) 5;; Gil 12J)1 22 m (!1 or> 1370 17 02 Vali' 8 47 m «il 75 13! »2 10 m HOIM- Kuliv rrc-i-k !> 17 00 ^ Wo8t— Read «loxvu S ? "o"? Stations ^ci ''^2 til ;V> 1118 11 i'(! .... Whiirnock ..., 11 :io iMK) c, 1 S.". 1 I.'k'* II 11 Hancy 11 K! !• (K) Gl t»i> llfi? 11 (»;') Hiuiiniond It r>2 IMM) ^14iU_JI.'l 45 ^._W«'.«tiiiln8t<«r Jt-t.^ 12 17 it (X) (>.•> 75 145ii WJ^ ...VWcstininstonV.. 12 18' it (Kl imt ^iVnio"- r.TrPort MooV(.7 . . . 12" 27 i) w 1177 l.t 12 Hastin^'S .■ . . . . 12 l(J it (Ht 1481 13 (10 (I VniK'oiivor ...a in (W it (ki 12 (to (I Victoria. ... a It) 15 it (Kt riain Line East of Winnipeg Central standard Tinio Goinj^T East— ri'a 10 75 <> !t5* 7 ;;5 7 (i5 8 5!) !) (Xt it (i'J 10 25 10 81 > 11 :;o 12 20 12 .'.0 12 85 12 !t5 21 i;;;j ir>« 18!) 10!) 221 228 240 250 278 Dail Sato 2!)lJ ifM j;;;7 ;(55 ;i7i 4o;-i 4i;5 424 427 l:j M5 4;u 15 75 405 IS 25 ;V.;t 2;i 05 077 is 28 8;»!t 21 1 20 082 :i2 i'J HX)l 12 iK> ;ti) 75 13 05 41 !«) 14 25 44 00 15 !t7 V.\ 70 50 'JO 21 ba ivajl down Cioin^'W 8 50 D WinnliK'fJT . . . .\ 8 50 ... Winniiiof; Jot... .-W Solkirlv 11 CO ...,Kat rcn-taLic... 15 08 Hawk Lake- Hi Vi ...V'rrniilion Hav... l(;|;w .... Eafrlo River". . . . 17 10 Barclay 17 ;w ....Wal)i«()on 18 05 Brule 18 27 Taclie lit aa If^nnice y exc. rdav l(t'21 Bonlieur 21(H) ...En^'li.'?!! liiver... 21 15 Carlstadt 22 22 Savatnie 22 r»8 Dexter •j:i 55 , . . Kan)inisfi(iua . . . 21 17 ^lurillo 21 :iit AVei?t Fort William 1(^ d-I^'^^'-t^^'^U^^"'-;! Eastern Standard Time Daflv 1 7 2()a I'ovl Artiinr — 40a Xepiiioii 12 18p Sclirlt'hrr 1 ;V»p ....Wliitf Itiver.... 10 olp Cliapleau 4 40a Sudbury 7 10a North Bay 4 25l) Toronto 4 OOp Ottawa 7 45p Montreal ('. :K)a (Quebec !t lop Xew York !• 25i» A Halifax 1) est— I'ea d ui>. 18 10 00 18 0« (N) 17 20 75 i:j (kj 1 fiO 11 18 1 75 10 28 10 05 2 00 it 18 2 25 !l 0;! 2 25 8 ;J7 2 ;")() 8 10 2 r.0 7 20 2 75 27 5 .50 (K) 5 05 4 27 5 25 ;( 52 :{ 25 2 :(5 .n 50 2 07 ;t 50 1 m .'! ;V) 1 a) 21 ;!i) ;( :.() )ailv 10 Kip .•J .V) 7 J5p ;; .v» 5 15p ;i .i(t 12 ;t5i) ;i 50 7 :j8a ;t ;V) 12 45a ;; 50 10 15p 4 75 12 ;V>p 5 50 1 5()[) 5 hO 50a 5 75 11 (K)|» 5 75 C. 25p 7 25 < (_)0a 7 00 IH Stockholm Hotel REVELSTOKE, B. C. First class liar and ai'i-omodation li>r tlic travelling.' publif J. A. STONE, Proprietor C.Joln^ \o lid moil ton Krniieli rth-Mun. \\t'd. and Fri. -(ioiiif,' Soiilli- Thur. and Sat. Tuef». ffc — ," * to.* (ioioi; (i North STATIONS & rt'ad .Mountain Tinio down oing .. onth .. •end .. up « 00 (N» 1 5(» 10 1 (H» 20 1 .50 30 2 05 41 2 40 18 2 !»0 r)8 3 .35 ()7 3 80 77 4 25 85 4 75 !»5 5 .-50 107 5 (55 113 C. 10 122 (J TK) 130 7 05 141 7 (JO 1.52 8 10 ItU 8 70 174 !( 15 183 (M) 1!»2 Kxtra.s Iv. 8 (Kt ]) (\dKarv A 8 Of) Cal«arv '.I net ■■ 8 34 lioddlofrton 05 Airdiic * .35 ("rosptiold 10iii7 Carstairp "10 .30 Did.slmrv 11 (K» Old.s .' 10 00.. 18 55.. "IS 25.. 17 55 . , 17 25. 10 55.. •10 33. Hi 0.3. . •11 .30 Howdon 12 05 innisfail *12 m IVnhold 13.30 D RedlMr ^^ •14 07 Blackfahls 14 30 Laconiix' '15 0(» Moniinifsidc. 15 23 . . Pen oka . . 15 .32.. 15 0.3 . . 14 30.. 14 (H( 13 30 •• 'V2 .50. . 12 30.. n2^MI.. n .37.. *11 00.. 10 25.. • '10 02 Hol)b('ina 16 .35 W A Edmonton I) ('alitrary Tw.». 8.00, Iv. Edniontt " 52.. 08.. ■ 8 30.. 8 (K).. )n We( l.8.(K». Macleofl Branch >\'(mI and Sat (Join^ t^oin^ .. South North .. read STATIONS read ., down u]> 1 ! ;« 00 (M> 1 hi) 10 !tl) 18 1 10 27 2 00 40 245 4!) 2 85 57 3 60 72 4 10 82 4 (i5 03 5 25 105 Mixed Try 7 30 I) Calttiiry A 8 o.'» (Jaliiavy .Jucl 8 .3;i Midnaiiorc ;• 22 lU'Winton 30 . .<')koloks 20 (Kt.. 20 I'l."* 20 28., 20 03.. i 10 35 . . 10 10 JD . . . . Higli River ...^ 10 54 Cayley 11 10 Nanton 12 (H) . Stavelv 18 40 19 00*' 18 18. 17 .50.. 17 0(5. Hi 35. 15 .57.. 15 30. 1 ( 12 27 Claresholm 12 58 Leavings 1.'. :iO A Matdood D liu Mou. Tuep. Tliiive. FrJ, 19 Paterson, Johnson & Company REAL EST.\TE AND MIXING UROKERS 9 East Columbia Avenue — P. O. Box 1 ROSS LAND IiCthbi*i<1|se Braneli. ^Tut.'s. Tlmvs. Sat.) West read down STATIONS Mountain Time (join^ read up (K) « IK lit (!l 7;i 81 !H) 117 7 i.'r..O .Medicine Hat. . .. Dnnmori' . . . A. :?:? ;to... 10... ;'»!) .S .■>8.,. ..liull'sHead... Seven IN'Tfuons . Whitia 22 ...'I'i *21 ".".'.''I'O ... lil ...■IH ...^IS ...17 I), m iX) 50. . . 1 "i'l 'Ji't... 4«... 10... 40... 15... 47... 10 1 (k') '!• 4:>.. . . Winnifred .. t)') 10 .O 15 10 .W... '11 l>:>... ■11 rK».. . ■1:.' 17... l!l 50.x. . (ira8.s.V'Iiake . I*iir>»l<' S])rinf?.s . . W lietnH)r(! . . . \Voo 15 42 C^ 2 75 54 t- a {(5 «>«! ;{ ;}5 («5 4 00 70 •m* 4 (iO 02 a 5 25 104 - 5 80 115 75 1.'14 7 (to 158 9 00 180 ft 9 40 189 10 00 200 ^ 7 OOaX Lethbrld>;e D 5 4(5 StiriinR. Tyrrell Lake. 4 ;{() 4 10 Brunton :t ;«) Milk River 2 30 CouttS 1 80 8\v(!et Grass 12 40 Kevin 11 50 Ro^y SprlnfJTS IJJIif, }.. Shelby Juet..{ J 9 15 Conrad 7 55 Ponders « 30 a t PolMliq i <^ (5 10 d I Collins J ^ 4 50 Steel 4 20 Vaughan 3 30 D Great Falls A 830p~^ !;55 I 1130 I 1210a 110 2 15 ;J15 4 05 5 00 5 50 7 35 815 930 a n ►a 73 1100 1220p 12 50 140 , sso V. p. K. Mleei>iii||r Vaiv TiirilT. lift ween Drnw lii^i- VaiK'uiivcr iuul - Hcrflif* Scc-tloiis Kooiii llovelstnki' »t (Ml .* K ((() !Sii4 (Ml (tIucIcI- MoUSO i'l (HI .10 (Ml 18 (Kl Donnld r» (H) 1(» (H> iH (Ml Field C (M» V2 (Kl •_'!> (Ml UuiilT Hot SjirliijfS. (i (M) 1l> cm I'a (Mi CalfTMl-V 7 (HI II 00 '_>() (Kl Mt'dlcrim Hilt H (Ml 1<) (Ml no (Ml Dmiiiiorc 8 (Mi id (mi ;i(i (M) Swift Current i» (mi 18 (mi m (mi Moost! .law 10 0*1 20 fX) :!8 (mi Recinn 10 (Mi ■.'o (Hi ;t8 (mi Moogunilii 11 (M) i»L* 00 'L' ^M) U'iimiijc^' [2 fHJ L' 1 00 k; 00 Mi'lwct'n WL no I 111.'!,'' :md - Kaiidoops •J-' (HI 00. :.M (HI.. It; Hat Porta !u«! 2 (hi t (Hi.. , . . . . . 7 (X>. 8 (H). n 00. (HI (.10 . (! (JO 10 (H) .i(i (K) m 00 Port Arthur ;j Toronto \ Ottawa Montreal ) St* Paul .T 00 (I (HI. 'liicapo .') (M) 10 (HI New York lo (Mi -jo (Hi Scat* are sold in SIccplnji' cars at a rate ol -'.'»c-. for tho llrst (i.'i luik'S (or less) antl -j:> cents for each additional (k") mi lee. Two porsons of same p irly. uijon 1 ravoUiuf; tofrether and hoardinjx car at sanm 'pl.iilon, will \h'. allowed to occupy a berth on one liertli i -kel , four a st^ction on one section ticket, and six s\ (lra\\ liiji- r lum on «)ne drawing room ticket, providlii:.- .iivv:i,\."i each presents tirst class railway transportatl' n. EXt"ESS liAGG.\GK - I'lissenjrers allowed ir>0 lbs. free. Over that, rate chnr^ed about 12 per cent, of iirst class fare. Columbia & l¥e»tern Railway SCHEDUI.E— EFFECT NOV. 22. 18i)7. WesUiound Eastbound ■ NO. :» No. ;J No. 1 No. 2 No. 4 No. (( HA') pm }i.(X) pm . . Robson . . 8.00 pm 2.30 pm r».(JOiim 2.0()pm 10.(Xipm... Trail... 7.00pm 12..5.'Spm»pni ll.L5pm.Ro8sland.(i.()Opm 12,(M)m No's. 1 and 2 connect with C'.l'.R. main line steamers and trains to and from Nelst^ at Robson. No's ;J and 4 are local trains between Trail and Ross- land. No's '» and (i are local trains between Trail and Rob- son. No (i connects witli train No. I from Roaslaud. All srains daily. G.encral offices :\ F. P. GUTELIUS, Tbail, B C. / iBfineraJ Sppt L; 21 [4 (K) IS (M) [H (Ml jL'l' (K) Ki-J (N) ttO (K) )l(» (H) m (HI ;;M (HI (IS (HI m; (H) THE CLARKE HOTEL E. C. CLARKE, Trop. Lute of the Royal Hotel, CalK'U'y- Kfites i*2 iier day. Choicest biauds of Ihiuors and el>,'ur.] Jo8(ii)hiiie St, NELSON. H. C. W, J. HWITZKll C. II. M CKL'HKKY KOOTENAY HOTEL Dinins Room SANDON, B. C. W. Furnivai., Manager Lake View flotel Hrrowheail, B. B. J. J. FOLEY, Proprietor Senate Hotel... l^lne Liquors and Cigars — First class Accomodation FIELD & BOURKE, Proprietors REVELSTOKE, B. C. C. FlKLD J. BOURKK LOUGHEED & BENNETT Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. - Calvary, Albert* Solicitors for the Bank of Montreal, Hudson's Bay Company, Birkbeck Investment Conipany, Great West Life Assurance Company, Ontario Loan & Debenture Company, etc. Compaiiy and private funds to loan. Hon, J, A, LouGHEKD, Q. C. B. B. Bennett, L. L. B. '4'4 MpokaiK^ Fallt^ A IVortliern Ity. JVelson and Fort l^heppard Sl Bed Monntain Ry». THE OXLY ALL RAIL ROUTE without ('hon|?o of oar* between Spokane. Rossland and Nelson. Loavo .' Arrlvo 8 Ot) a. ni Siio'ca u- ..,,!.. / I . .« 00 ji. ni. l<» :jo a. m RosHland .{ -in ]>. m. 8 ;7» a. ni Xelson r> .'K'l a. m. No ohanKT' of time )>etwi'en Spokan*' it Uossland Close eonnectlons at Nelson with steamers lor Kaslo and all Kootenay lake points. PagseuRers for Kettle River and Boundarj' Creek conneet at Marcus with stano daily, 18 X't 17 fiO 17 10 V, r,'t 1« 10 10 45 14 30 Okaiiaj^aii Branch Fares Stations Miles Ar .;'» Mai'ti 1 li» Kuderl-y 1 (50 Ai'\n8t"r /njr 1 00 Larkin 2 ao '/t'tiion 2 65 De '^laxua^-aii ar Monday. Wednesday, Friday. Vi :i2 »H 4G 51 7 ;«) 8 05 8 40 }» 05 40 10 00 Columbia & Kootenay By. Head down No. S No. 1 18 40 10 00 10 22 10 iV) Read No. 2 Oo.De .... Nelson \r.l4 20 20 ivootenay Bridge 14 oo 42 Bonnington Falls 13 38 f .50 Slocan Junej;lon 13 :{0 &o. 4 22 lis 22 10 21 48 21 :w 10 20 11 20 11 20. Ar.. . . .Park Sidlntf. 13 (M> . . Lcnjon Creok.. ..Slocan CUy... 12 15 ...De.l2 00 l!» 4'» !Ar.'. ..Slocan Kivcr.. 21 »0 20 2.) . . . , , .Robaon ...De. 20 50 Trains Nos. 1 and 2 connect daily, except SuuOa}', with steamer Slocan for and from Nakusp & Slocan Ry. Trains Nos. 3 and 4 connect daily with Columbia riv- er steamer at Robson from and for the North, and with Columbia & Western Railway trrins from and to frail and Rosaland, VaiicouTer, Wetittiiiinsti^i*. Xenr IVIiatcoin and Seattle 1>AILV Read down Stations Read up IS « '^> !l (K) 1 i 00 d.. Vancouver .a i;{ 00 17 50 !fO 00 !t 11 11 12 HastiiiifS — 12 4(i 17 37 00 !l U 14 ;«» .. I'ort Moodv .. 12 27 17 10 00 f» 40 11 la \\'«'Stlnlll8t(>r Jl't 12 12 17 01 00 • • 1 • !t ;■»() 14 ;")!) Westminster Jet 12 17 17 (M! » 00 10 or» i.'i or* .... Millside .... 11 55 1(! 43 10 10 1.') 10 .. . Sapperton . .. 11 48 10 38 9 OO 10 18 15 18 . . Westminster . . 11 40 11) 30 9 00 Extra daily— Leave Wostmiiistcr Jet 17.10 a'^l 1U.20, ar- rive at Westminster 17.38 and 12.48; leave Westminster H.IO and 14.10. arri vd Westminster .If t 0.38 and 14.36. 1 G.5 10 n-.) a. ivdssion .Ict..d 15 .*>() 9 00 2 00 11 2:^ ...Abljotsford... 15 20 9 00 2 15 11 43 liuntinnton Jet. 15 07 9 00 2 1.'. 11 .50 . ..Sinnns City... 14 ^5 9 00 2 8;". 12 45 .New Wliatebm. 14 (Mj 9 (M» i:» ;{2 .. .Fairliaven — 12 ."to .'. 8.-. If, 02 Everett .... 10 14 '> Hf, 17 :h) Seattle 15 (J 8.'. 1!» ;!5 — Tjieonia 18 r»o 12 8.-, 10 40 ..Portland, Or.. 13 00 ;i2 8.-, n 15 a. San Franeiseo.c 19 (K) .Maslo a ikI {imooaii Railway- Goinjf cast Ctolnc west STAItOXH 3g ^..H a U3 10 .'iOa Ar Sandon Lv 1 «)i» 10 39 Codv Junction 112 10 30 ifialley's 1 21 10 18 McGuljjran 133 10 03 Bear Lake 148 9 51 ^\■llitewat(■r 2(H) 9 'Ml Si)ronles 2 15 8 2(! South Forks 3 15 8 (H) 10 00 Lv Kaslo Ar 3 .50p 9 iH> Sr. Iv Connects Nakusp and Sloean Kv at Sandon. C. S S Nav. (.k). & Inter. >;av.'& T. Co. at Kaslo. Subject to change without notice Cody iiranch leaves Sandon for Cody (five miles) at n.(K) a.m. Itctnrning leaves Cody at 11.25 a. m. Daily. Pacific time. Comiections with C. P. R. at Kootonav lake. liUlJT. IRVING. (ilX). E.'COl'KLAXn Secretary and (Jcneral Superintendent. Freijfhl and I'assenjrer A^ont Kaslo. B. C. »4 3*4 Spokane Falls ,u Nortliern Ri|. Go NELSON A FT. 8HEPPJRD R'Y GO The Cheapest Fastest and Best Route to EAST AND WEST KOOTENAY • Through tickets from Spokane to Rossland, Nelson. Waneta, Northport, and all other mhiing camps in the Kootenay. General OI'Fices, Spokane, Wash AUSTIN CORlilN, I). C. COHBIN, (Icn. Man^S; AjssI. Trca.s. rrcsidcnt. S|)r>kanf, Wash. Si5 Xoi'tlieni Pac'ifte Knltwiiy East-Road up. MAIN LINE. Wcst-Koad down No 2 Dailv HTATIl'NS d r)-):.i» II St raid <> -'Op Miniifaijolis !il:>a Far^o r> loa Jnim'f»l(>wii L'(H)ji lJii=iiiiiirk 12 ;>ria i\iandon liOda 15il!iiijrs •I .V»a Livlim'Stoiic 11 2.'»a Helena Butte n ()0p SpDkaiu' •> 4()p Tarouia <) ()0|) Seattle l()()p d.... Portland a Xo. 1 Daily 7 (f >p 7 II ip ."> iVtp 7 a ]() I'.'ia to 4(ta 1-2 .')"•[) I ihUl KHioa r. a»)a 10 451) 2 ma L> .".Oa 7 ;}i)a !WakuNp and Hlocan Branch GoiuK' East, read dou-u Goiiijj: West, road up s ;t') .de Ilevelstoke ar. 1(5 ;t(» J» iV) Arrowhead 14 .'«> 12 f(» .ar Xakusp de, 11 ao Xo. 2 Mixed i.t ;i) 14 2i) i:> -JO i:i r.o HJ 10 1<5 i,> 10 ,v» Xaku,Hp . . .Suminlr Sldiiiv: .. Sloeau Ijake Kosehery .. Denver Cai'iyon.. ,\lamo (^oneeutrator ... .Three Korlts Sandon Daily Service Xo, 1 Mi.xed 11 i:» JO !U» !) 40 !» 2!) S 4:") ,S 2;-) 7 4.-) Canadian Pacific Steanit^liip l oo J •' steamer '» a 12 oo 2.1 00 a Xakusp, stcanicr | [| ^ [*|! Dailv exeept Mon. Daily exeept Sun. ^""*'*^ Rohson '^tenner ' T d2-t !!0 12 {K)d ( Konson, i?i(,amti ^ ^.^.^ ^^^ 14 kane. rail d 7 :!0 Slefimers call at Flot Sprinirs.Xakusii.llurton.FireValh'y . N'iinllonlcii (reek. Deer I'nrk.l'iiampion (reek, Murphy's (reek. .Mont;i<>mery and >\'alerloo, .McCormack, «« The Hoo liine Daily Goinff. East read down STATIONS Ooinu: West .... road — 111) . . . . • • • • (Ht j() ;jo :5.T 7 11 :» 8.5 i:t 17 2;i 1 .'to ;t2 17 50 2 20 ')t 18 :t.n 2 ().'» 71 >lit 12 ;; 70 »i i!» in 4 10 lost '20 15 r> 10 129 '20 48 5 8.'> 141 21 20 21 25 (i 25 l.'ii^ 21 50 U 75 167 22 15 * • • • • . • « (K)l) .... 717 (5 .lOp \) Mooseja w A !• 55 Pasqilil !t 28 Drinit water !• 02 Kouh'au '8 ;{•") iMlli'stonc Yellow (jrass Wovlturn Halbritc Mac'ouu p Estovan . . . . . ^ Roche Poreoo North Portal Minnoapoiis A St. Paul D 7 17.. ■7 (18.. ^(J ;t().. *() 02.. *5 28.. 4 .55.. 4 50. . 4 2.T.. 4 00.. !> 35a. t) 05a . Canadian Pacific Railway. chief Officials, Hoad Offices. Montreal, Canada. Sir William C. Van Home. K.C.M.O. ProsNIt.. Montreal T. C. Shanirhnessy. Vlce-IM-CB rhas. DriiikAvater. Sectv I. (J, Oirden, Comntrl. . ." (ieo. A. Macdonald, Statrv. Ajrt W. S. Taylor, Treas ." D. McNiroil, Passen^-er Traffic Alannjicr G. M. Bosworth, Freiffht Traffic 3SIana>jer J. Osborne, Assistant to Vice i'rcs '. '* C E. E. Usser, Asst. Gen. l*aR.«eiijfer A^rt J, A. Sheffield, Snpt. Sleephiff.DinhiR. and I'ar- lor Oai*8 and Hotels '. Arthur Piers, Supt. of Steamship Lines " C R. Hosmer, Manager of TelegrajJis " Lt. A. Handlton, Land Commissioner Winnii)eg' Robt. Kerr, Traffic Mgr. Lines West Lake Sup. H. P. Timmermnn, G;>n, Supt. Atlantic Div St. John J. W. Leonard, Gen. Sujit. Ont. & Que. Div Toronto C. W. Spencer, Gen. Snpt. Eastern IMvislon .Montreal Thos. Tait, Mgr. Lhics East Ft. William Wm. Whyte, Algr. Lines west Y\.. William Winidpeg R. Marpole, Gen. Supt. I'acllic Div Vancouver C. E. McPherson, Awit. (ien. Passenger .\gt Toronto J. N. Sutherland, Gen. Fgt. Agt. AtlanlicTMv. .St. John W. B. Mullhig; Gen. Fgt. Agt. East«'rn Div. (.'tc. Montreal E. Tiffin, Gen. Fgt. Agt. Ontario Div Toronto A. ('. Henry, Purchasing .Agent Montreal H. li. Penny, Auditor of Disltursenients '* J. H. Shearing, Auditor of I'assenger Recciiits. C. J. Flanagan, .Vnditor Fut. and T Wed Wed. &; 1 00 a.m Boundary .... 5 (K) I Sun. 8 00 |.> I ^oni i tn'.'j Ferry Lj 2 oo ' . Pasaeuffors on SS InleniatioHai from Nelson, Spokane et('\ for points on Kootenay Lake south of I*ilot Hay will connect at that point with the SS. AMiorta. PasscnK«'»"8 for Nelson via SS. Alberta, from pointH south of l*ilot Bay. can by arrangement with purser, have stop-over at Pilot Bay or Ainsworth. or connect with SS. International at Kaslo. GEORGE ALEXANDER, Gen. Mnfrr. ^locan liake Branch steamers leave RoselwM'ry dail.v e.xcept Sunday after arrival of train from Nakusjt'for New Denver and Sllverton, Ten Mile and Slocan City, returniufr in thn»^ to nnike coimectiou with train from J{f»9ef)erry to Nakusp. Okanag^an TiUke, Sir. Aberdeen Mon.. Wed. and Fri, Tues., Thurs. and Sat. 1(1 Jjod Okanajran Landhif; all 00 la .'Mia Kelowna all (H) 17 OOa l^enticton d 7 0th of (\ach month at 8 o'clock, and for Queon Char- lotte Islands tin; ir»tli of each month. ItAlU LAY SdUXl) KotTi: Steamer "Tops" leaves Victoria for Alherni and Sound Ports the lOtli, 20th and ;«rth of each month. G. A. CARLETON, JOHN IRVING, General AffO"!. Manaf?er. Northern Pacific R R Solid Vestilniled Trains MODERN EQUIPMENT TiiROnr.ii Tickets to Tacomn, Seattle, Victoria, Vancouver, Portland and California points Si. Paul, St. Louis, Chicago, New \'ork, Boston and all i)oints cast Also Euiopean Steamship Tickets 'ri.MU sciiKDia.i-: leavino spokane No I, west (lej)ait 10:55 P- '" No 2, east " 6:50 a. m For information, time cards, maps and tickets call on or write F. n. GIBBS, (ieneral Agent, Spokane, Wash, Or A. D. CHARLTON, Asst. (jenl. I'tissepger Agent, Portland, Or. a. _ _ »i l liarileau Her vice Steamer Illeclllewao.t— Loaves Arrowlioad for Galena Bay. Tjardoau and Thompson's liandiu^, daily. exc(!pt Sunday in ()() Arrives Thompson's Lan'dinjf, daily except Snn ao ;;o 'Leaves Tliompson's Landintr and Lardeau City for Arrowhead, daily except Monday 10 (to Arrives at Arrowhead. ! VJ iH) Ijeaves Arrowhead lor Galena Hay daily except Sun- day at ll.(X) o'clock, and returns sann- aft«'rnoon. Steamer does not call at Galena Hay on return trip from Tliompson's Landing. Maslo & I^arilo O. p. R. Service.— Boat leaves Kaslo every Monday a. m., for Lardo, returnin^r same day to Kaslo, \i.m. CoiiMolidated Railway €o. New Westminster Branch Trams leave Vancouver and New \Ve8tn>lnster cycry- liour from 7 a m to !t n m On Sundays tram.g;leave Vancouver at and 10 a in, 12 m, 1 H '• Tand !> p m. Trams leave Westminster at !» and 11 a m and 1 H ;'> 7 and J» p m BaKKftfrf ft"d express vans every serond hour Cable Rates Atlantic rates to Great Britain. France and German j' 37 cents a word front Manitolta. N W T and B C. Address and sijrnatui'e char^fed for EAST KOOTENAY OEORQE 5. ncCAK.cR, Notary, Conveyancer, Miulnir , Broker, Minhnf Propertlos Nefrotiaiod. OoLDKX, - British Columbia. ESTABLISHED 188!> Calgary Tent Factory Miners and Prospectors Tents and Supplies CALGARY, ALBERTA in 30 Upper Columbia Navigation and Tramway Company, AND International Transportation Co. Time Table 1897 GOLDEN-FORT STEELE ROUTE— Steamers leave Golden 4 a.m., Tuesdays and F .lays, connect- ing with stage at Adela and aniv ..t Fort Steele Thursday and Sunday 17 o'clock, i^eave Fort Steele Tuesday and Friday 8 o'clock and arrive ai Golden Thursday and Sunday 15 o'clock. FORT STEELE and JENNINGS ROUTE— Leave daily except Sundays Head office — Golden, R. C. F. P. Armstrong, Manager Wilsoo Architects, Draughtsmen, €lvil, Hydranlie an«l Ciieiieral Kiigineer«(. Correspondence Invited Calgary, Alberta. JAMES T. CHILD J. LLEWELLYN WILSON Asc'te Mem. American Soc. Architect. Etc of Irrigfition Engineers, HI Kootenay Passenger Tariff. Tiililft 8howinfr Fnro.s i\\\(\ possciiffor ralos from Rpvel- stoki! to Points in Kooti-iiay. RKVKt.sToKi: T«» - Miu:s Fauks WiK'.vjun ( (ruin) !'• s 7'» Anoviufad '* 28. Halcyon . . . ; fateamer; 38. . , Leon *• 4t.., Xaknsi) *' (wJ... Summit Siding: (train) 7<». . , Slocan Lake ' 87... Rost'hcrry *' :)2. . . Xt'\v Dcn'vrr Staioii " fti'i. . , Alnio ConciMitnUor '* !)!».., Tlirt'o Forks •* 1(K».., Sandoii '. •■ vn... liurtoii " h:\... Fiiv Valley.. " !i;!... Vail Hoiiton Cn-i'k " 1(W... DfiT I'ai-iK.. '* Via... Sliiclds " i:(8.., Fritz •• l.'iit... AlcConnack " II.".., shoits " ii:>... HobsoM. 1 40 1 80 2 ori 2 80 H 4!') 4 00 4 2.0 4 40 4 00 4 (m J H-> ;; Oil I 00 4 0(1 :. 7.") f) 80 r> 8.-. (M) 10 '• i:>2 40 Boomers < steamer) I'tl a rents. Meals and berths are not iueliulvd in ticket. Meals 75 cents, Iterths siii StajcoM A^assiz to Hrtrrisoii Hot Sprliijjrs, /> p.m. daily. Aslicrofl Station to Hat Creek, Tactie Treek aiul Clinton, Mon.. Wed. and Fri.. at .">.;«»«. in. ;n;! :\llle Moude, KW .Mile House, Lae La Hacli.». l.V» Mile House, So:.K); to Barkervllle, ^'an Winkle, Coltonwood to QiU'sn«iUe, Forks and K«'lthiv Creek, alternate .Mondiivs at ."istft a.m., Horsefly, Cliilccti en,. Monday air>.;«); to liillujet and I'avilion. .Monday, .">..«» a.n).' Clinton to liillooet and I'avUlon, Tlnirsdi'v, "> a.m. Dinican's Station to Cowlelifiu Lake, Friday, 11 a.m. Goldcui to Galena. Colmnlua \ alley. U'lnderniL^re, Wild Horse, Tliinuier H 111, l<'ort Steele FairmiintSpriiiKS and St. Eujxone Mission tivery Tuesday. Kandoops to Rockford," QuiU'heiin, Nicola L.iko, (!outl«e and Lower Nieoln, Monday, <> a.m. Lower Nieola to (Jranlte Creek aiid I'rincetoii, Friday, a.m., on arrival of stajre from Spenee's Hridjfe. Xanainio to Xanoose Hav. French Creek. I'arksvllle, Frrinjfton. .Alliernl. Tnes(fay and Friday 1 p. ni, I'entlcton to I'^airvlew, O9;\voos, !i. ('.. Oro, Loomls- town, Conconnlly, and Hnhy'city, Wash., on arrival of steamer front (>liana^^^n Landing', due Mon.. Wed., Fri, I'entlcton to Camn .McKlnney. Sidley, Ifoek Creek, lioundarv l^'alls, .Midway. Keltic Iflver and Grand Forks, T"ue, Tluir and Sat'at 7 a.m. Spenee's Hridjxe to 22 Mile House, liOwer Xicola, ('out- leowiih €o. Wholesale Fine Wines^ Liquor^ and Cigars * REUELSTOKE, B. C HH KniikM ill It. V. (■liUliwnck-Vnrksliin' (iimraiittv & Socurltlos C'or- IMjrntioii. Iilinlt<.'(l. Kaiiiloojts— I5i\iik of Hiitlsh rolnnibla. Kasld—Hauk (»r llrithli ("olunildn; H. Wilson, Mj;r. Hank lii-itisU Xoitli America. XaiiaiuK) — liaiik <»r Ilririsli (''ilnmlda. Xolsoii— Hank of Moiilifal; Hank of Hrltlsli Columbia. New Denver -Hank of Monlreal. \(>>v WeHtniinj'ter— Hnnk of ISritish Columbia; Hank of Montreal. Ke veli-t ok e- Imperial Hank. Ko8slau(l— Hank of Moiitreal; Hank of H. N. A. Sandoi-Hank of Hritisli Coliunbla; Hank of Hritlsli Xorlh America. Slo<-anCirv- Hank of Hrill.sli Xortli Anu'rlca Trail-Hailk of H. X. A. N'anconver -Hank iJrltlsli Columl>ia: Imitcrial Hank; HanU of H. X. \.\ Hank of .Montreal. N'ernon -Hank of Montn-al; Wnin'.Holin & Hc\vick«', l.imited. Victoria—Hank of ISritisli Columbia; liankof H. \. A.; Hank of Montreal. Failefl Canadian Bank<4 and liaiik.« in Lifjuidatloii, fliowin^ Value of Hills A^^ricultural Rank of Upper Canada Worthless liank of Acadia. Xova Scotia " Hank of ( anada. Montreal '' liank of Clifton '* H.)nk of Ijivcrpool. Xo\a Scfttia '* Hank of IVin<'e, I<"d\vard Lslnnd '• iiank of l^ondon •' Hank of Upper ( "anada , , Refuse Central Hank of Canada. Toronto Worthless Central Haiik of X. H. Frederickton. X. B (.:ity Hank of Montreal < 'olonial Hank of Canada '* Commercial iiaidv of Xew Hrnn.>»\\ick '" (Commercial Hank of Alanitoba. WinnipejU'-.Heilm at par C()nsolidat«'d Hank of Montreal Worthless I'i'.xchan^'e Haidc of (''anada. Montreal ^ FarnuM-s' Bank of Kustico. I'. F. I Refus<' Farmers' Hank. Toronto ( )ntario Worthless Fe per a'cre I'or scifi coal. <-i'(t pcriicn^foraiitliraciti'. I'liichasiT lias lo pay uo royalty, nor yrt compt'llcd (o work f'ainc. KKIIIT TO KXl'LORK KoU COAn On staking out, iioundarii'S noilh and soutli, cast, and woflt lines, niarkluM' on uacli post tlio nanui of indlvlilual staking sanu!, dati'. of such fltakliiM'; t'.unj apply to Mmis- l(!r of Int»M"Ior, who will M^rant rl^l't to fxplorii for (»(» days, on I'xptinditnrc of at h^astsi per day. At exiiira- tion of t!;) (lays a furtlicr extension may 'be f^ranted if asked for. Tills riirlit to explon; enables parties to satisfy themselves wliether there is sutHeient coal on the propc'rty to warrant the purchase. <»Tlli:U MIXKKAI.S Size. maxlnuMu l.VKi' x<)!H)'. and in any otlier shape so that th(' It-nvrtb dctes not exceed three linies tlic breadth, of bimndaries any direction desired. Thi.' boundaries to l»e four straight Hues, opposllc side*! or liuds parallel except in cases win re from jirior locations tliMt cannot be oltlained. in wliicb caseslbeSupeiinteud- cut of .Mines will permit liiat condiiion to be w. lived. To be Slaked out by claimant personally marking,' bis name, date t>f stakinjr. etc.. tliereon; if in" tlmlier te cut out aiul well blaze tile boundaries, .Vfter stalviiii;'. has (M) (lays to rc^risti'r witli local Laud Affcut, pays fee >;'». recelv(!S a receint. All a.ssimuueiirs must be endorsed on hack of ori;rinaI n'ceipts. and if unconditional, on tiling' same with af-'cut and on imyuK-nt of a fee oi >fj a rcceipi in favor of the assi;rnee will be issued. Development to be jit least s^iu!) i)er aunuui in actual minium; operations, )(roof of such (leve!(/!nneiit to l»e tiled with a^ent; fnilure to do so will ))e eoii.-i|("rTe,d as abandomneiit (d" claiiii. So soon as s.VMi (!» ■ elopmeut lias been performed on clahn he may pu e|) ,3c, iiavinjrs'tiH'r acre. If in unsur- vey(Ml territory -..iiiSt survey and description of same, or deposit .ri')0. for wliicli suni'fhe l)e|)artinent (d" Interior will BO soon as is jiossible niake the ju-cessary surveys. Xo royalty on any of the out|>ut of minerals. Anyone can stakeout, X'o certificate necessary, hut one party can only take one claim on the same lode, ledjfo or' mine; cannot stake out f«.>r another. If not recorded within »;» days after staking, it at that date hecomes vacant Dominion lands. Tlu! iilni.ster of Tiiterior on a|»plication may ^'rant for iron an ar(\i to tlie extent of K!'.) acres if be is.satistied of tlie ,t?ood faith and ability <>i (he api)licants to oiK-rate tliiW ansa. Quarry lots, wliether for buildiufr material, lime, slate or clay for pottery, liricks, etc., can 1k' laicen ui> under these re!,''u{atlon.s, tliat is to an area not cxceedlnju' I'liMi' X iVKi', etc,. recordinjr.assifrnhiK', etc.. as heretofore, development at least ^-KX* per annum, and the .Minister assunu'S the rii^ht to sell the same to tlie claimant .it price agreed ujKju, or work tlie saine under a royalty not exc(M'dinjr .'j per cent on output. i'i,A(t;k mining Tin; size of cluim varies Xroui luoft in widtli cxtcndiDfj V— :)3 UT08S ImmI oT (tnlliinry wtn'mn rnmi hinik <•> Imiik, to «ii area (•!' Jl» acres wImmv ihvvv. is n liir^rc ann. INitroltMun— Coiuiitious ini(l«'r wlilcJi rl^Hlt8 to iM'tro- Imiiii can Itc acMnilrod may ho ohtniiicd <»f tlic Minister of tiic Interior. Tiiev vary'accordinfi' to location and area d»slred to l»e tt-'Slcd. 'IMie reiiulatiftns reirardin^' niinin^^ can l)e had on aiiplicatlon to any Dondnion liands Ap'iit. and any cfininnniication relrardinjr ndnerals niav ))e addressed to WllililAAl IMOAKCK. Siipt. of Mines. (.'alKury. Ontario ]fIiiiiii|Bi; LawM Any iicrsitn nniy explore Crown liands for ndncrals. Aliiinj.- lands may Itc talvcn up as surveyed locations or stated cl'i'ms. l.ocntlins rnnpre from K) to 32(1 acres. (l.iinis ran^e from lo to 20 acres on vein or lode. Locations may be accjuired In fee or under leasehold. IVice of locations north of French river, f*2 to ifft pei- nciv, and south of it, !S2 to ^l.r»o, accordhi^r to distance, from railway. R(?nt of locations, first year, (;oc to .*! per acre, and snl)?e(iuent years, ir>c to 2')C i)er acre. Rent of claims !»1 per acre each year. ^ (.'laims nuist ]h' worked continuously. Royalty on ores specified in tlie actJ2 percent of value at pit's niouth. less cost of labor and exi)Iosives. Rcyalty not charjied until seven years from date of patent or lease, nor (as provided ins 1 (it) of tlie Miners' Ad, 1S!»L>i initil l.'> years in the case of an orijrinal dis- j'overy of ore or mineral. Oriiiiual discoverer of ore or mineral on claim entith'd ti> stake out a second claim. Crown lands sold under provisions of laAVB in force pri'.ir to lib Mav, ISDl. exempt from rovaltv. Copies of the Mines Act, IWt', Anunidmeht Act, 18!;t, mav l)t' had on iipplication to AR(M1IBALD BLUK, Director Bureau of Mines, Toronto. Provincial Cwovernment Ai^encies Alherni, Thos. Fletcher, Alberni. (;;ariboo, J. Bowron, Barkcrville. Ca.ssiar, Jas Porter. Laket -n. Cowichan, II. O. Weilburn, Duncan. (,'oniox, \\'. B. Anderson, Coniox. Fort Simpson, .1. Flewin. Kamloops, a. C. Tunstall, Kamloops. Kootenay, f-Iast, J. F. Annstronji. Donald. Kootonay, West, Xortliern iwrtion, J. D. Graham, Reveistoke. Kootenay. West, Siouthern portion, X. Fitzstubbs, Nelson Lillooet," F So\u'S, Clinton. Nanaimo, M. Bray, Nanalmo, New Westnihister, D. Rol»son, Ncav ■\Vestminster. Nicfda. John Clai>perton, Xicola liake, Oknnayan. li, Xorris. Vernon. Uuesneile. W\n. Sieplieiison. (Juesnelle Forks. Vale, W. Dodd. Vale. ■■i II i \l:. tin IMPERIAL BANK OF CANADA HEAD OFFICE, TORONTO 1 Paid Up Capital, lleserve, - - $12,000,000 1,200,000 DliSKCroKS II. S. 1 lowland, rie.sidenl I T. R. Meirilt, Vice- Pros. (St. Calhaiincs)' William Ramsay, Roht Jaffny Hugh Ryan, 'i'. Sutherland .Stayner D. R. Wilkie, ( iencral Manager llrandou Cal;,'nry Forffus G'llt IntrtirsoU DRAXCIIICS Nortli Wi'StaiKl IJritishCohunbia I'orta^ifliirrairU! Var.» oiiviT Prince Alljurt WimdiK'JX Edmonton Uovolstoke. ONTARIO Xiairara Falls J'ort ("olliorni; Hat Porta^'^c Sault St Mario St. CatliariiR'S St, Tliomas Toronto Wolland Woodstock Agents in (ireat Biilain- Lloyd's Dank, J-td., 72 Ix^inbard Slicet, London, wilh whom anjney may l)e dc- ))Osited for transfer by letter or cable to any of above branches. Agents in the United States — New York, Bank of Montreal, Bank of America; ChicaTO, l'"irst National Bank; St. Paul; Second N;itionaI Bank. Savings Bank Department — Deposits of $1 and upwards received and interest allowed. Debentures — Provincial, Municipal and other iebentures purchased. Di.ifts and Letters of Credit — Available at all '^oints in Canada, United Kingdom, United States, Lurope, India, China, Japan, Australia, New Zealand, etc. Gold purchased. A. 11. P.. IILARN, Manager RevcLstoke Branch. ({ a e :e n ti n :iy I (1 a II ■e ■e 11 n n Ji. C Miiiiiii; ljai«M. SUMMAllY WHO MAY MINE Evory jmtsoii or compajiv ciijrnyt'd In mining must Inkt'dilra Iri'c minor's ccrHticatt'. whUli may he (»))• taincd from any mininjr n'cordcr or ^^'old conunlssi.jnt'r. The. fee jtayaltlc ifs s.'>.(H» a year, and is non-traiisfcralili . F.vcry fviH' miner can take ii|i one «'Iaim only on lln' samt'load or vein, ImU may lioid or purc'-.^oo ;'$ many as he pleases and tlic ' partii-s n iio may iH"ome free niineis are "every person o\-er IH years <)f ajre ni:d every joint stock company sliall lie entitled to full rights and "privileyes of a free 'miner on takiny out a free miners certiticate." Tf the certificate is allowed to (!X])lre all interest in mineral claim are forfeited, but no for- feiture after issue of ("rowu Grant. The Interest acquirc(l l>y a mlm'r in hif claim is a chattel interest in tiu>, nat- ure of a lease from year to year. J.OCATION OF CLAIM. The full si/.e of the claim shall ho l.'iOO siiuaro feet, in as nearly as posslhlo rectiUfjular form. Claims are marked by two lef;al jwsts, placed as near as jr.-sslble on the line of tlu' vein and numbered 1 and 2, Name of mineral claim, name of locator p.nd (lite, cf location must lie written on both posts,. No 1 i»ost nmst be marked "Initial Posf'with stat- nu'Ut of compass Ix-arin^'- of No2 post, and Xo. of feet to ri^ht and left of location line, A Discovt'ry Post must al- ."iu be fixeil where the flml is made. KKCOKDINti OK CLAIM Every (lain, nuist be recorded with the Mlninir Kecorder ef (he (list riet' see list of Recorders iii( in ide; within ladavs iifter lucallou.or if claim ismore than lu miles from the ofhec an additional day is allowedifor eac!> 10 miles. The applicant nuisi file with the Recorder ana ffid.asit ?«>ttiii;;- fV rth date of location iind partivise the claim is deemed vacant and aliandoned. .\ cei'.ificate of inprovements is firant- ed wiien >Ci III. worth )f work, ( vclnsive of linlldiiiK' has Ik'cii (ioiir (III tile cla'im. or s.">(K> has been paid to tlie jfov- eriiieiit. aiKhiaim has ••ecu surA eyed iiy a provincial sur veyor and other foniialitles complielwith. A ccownt/uirant is 1 hen issued liy the ^'•olrl commissioner if application is nuMie wifhin.'l inonthsof the date of (II in;.' tile certificate of improvemenis. The miner pays notiiiii;;- for the land unless it is witliin the ruliway bell when a fee of sr.-ou iier acre is charj^cd. A I -I EN AT I O Traiisfeis of mineral claims innst be in w but sealhiiT is not neeessar\. 'I'hev musl lie ritiiifr. .signed rec feet in len>ftb. and a party of fonr expiration of term. Leases of limited areas of placiM- ndnin^ ^'ronud for a period of not oxceediiiK 20 years ma> be obtained. .Anv location n\nde upon" a Sunday or jjublic holiday is valid. Hotel =^ Victoria Revelstoke, B.G. All Modern Conveniences. Head (juartero for tourists eonunercini and ndnliifi' men. larye spacious parbn'S readin^^ and conunerdal nxmis. will Ite driven to and from samjib' rooms- Jlolel porters meet all trains W. C«»% A\. l*i-oin'K«tor. The Kootenay Guide I $1 Per Annum issued the fitb (d' each tains np-todali' railway and Meundioat tal 'ns and lawsrcKUlatlnf."- julnln;;,vt<- :i9 DREWRY'S All Canada Halt LAGER A Li^ht, Refreshinjc Fieer la the- inamiiiu'luii- of tins hi^iT. i!ir' Aincrirju sysU'iii i>\ I'lfwin^' is strict!) !i)llovvt.'(i, liu* lnmiian ol iho laj^ei lifpr.itmcnt lu-iiit; n Miccf.-shil M,.vvaul>iii; i xiit-iicTice. \Vi' CiMT) as \:\r\n- a stock in pi'ipm tion lo ihr business done ns any <>! iln- fxtt-nsivp i>ri'\vcrit-' nf lii,- I'nitctl S'ai"> anti usr only till.' \(iy lu-si inau-rials ol)lain:\l>l(*. W t- rrv-i^- nize fully iIk- s'aliit.' (ft fsiablishin^ a liii^l' rrpmatioii in conntc'iion with any art'clo nt luaniiiaciiiu-. ami this principli' has al\va)s i)i'fn oiji ^uidf. Wc have never sought to incrinse oui oiitpnt by the intio ami tiasiiv lines. eith» r in the iirevvins^ ut Wtsttrii (" ,Mi«i .lekiiow !•. dj^^eil .i^ilie ln'^l in 'he market. hawi^' toir eneli (•nil- im ED. L DREWRY MAMl'Ac TIKI K, \VINMPK( MAMTOliA 40 li Why send to Ontario fur your Fin-ntfnrrf tr/irn i/on can ijrl it cheaper near- er home. Send your add rei ;in(l all «lrsciij»li'iii> ^il Woollen < i'Kuls c-ii»fcially maiiiif.ic'um.l For the Arctic Regions ;U tlif .Miiln;it><»rr WoolU-n Mills i>ther vv<>r(i> w. ninth ami liii lability, are the only things contained id these mills. The Alberta \V(.)ol, ainoi^st which is a larj^e quantity ot' merino, is bovijiht direct from the sheep miser and sold direct to the con.sunirr, and the und. KinnardSliawHo, Our store is vn Stcuht-n Avt-. near Hank >>[ Moi\treal. Calgarv Alta. n it ■ 47 fining; IStoek f^uotatioiiH. THAU. (KKKK DISTUU'T C.jinpaiiv Caiiitiil I'ar Valiio HutU'. ■. Sl.OO(),(KK) S 1 (H) Ooimnandor ;V»(».00(» ] iXt Deer Turk l.()0<>,()f)(t 1 (Hi P: vol I In;,' Star l.r.'M »,(!(»(» 1 (K» (ntrtriKlf r»(K).lt(K) 1 w (rood HdlM' l,7(Kt,(K)(» 1 ()(» (Jraiid rri/.i- 1,(MJ(),(KK> i tw (iroat Western l;(i(Ki,(K»o 1 (Ki HlH:li(>r!) 1 (hi 1 X L I.(m<),(i0(i 1 (HI Josli' 71HI,()!)0 1 (HI Jumbo :»(Ki,0(Mi i (mi \jV Roi i',5i)(i,(KMi r. (KJ JAly May 1 .(hhloimi l (hi MavrtowVr i,(H.h), l (hi Novelty l.(KH).(j()o 1 (HI Phoenix 5'.i(M»!l SI.OtAN DISTKKT Arlln^jton i,(M)().(mhi 1 (hi Aincriean liov 1,(H)(i.(KK) 1 (Hi BnlTalo '.' lf»0, Dardanelles 1.(HMI.(H»(i 1 (Hi (iOodonOVf?ll .'>(H».(HHI 1 (HI '(tllHOn (;r>(l,(HHI 1 (HI Teller l.i),o(hi i (K) AIXSWOKIII DISTlUCr Dellie 7r»0.(HHi 1(H) Twin 1,(«)(.I,»HHI 1 0(1 XKLSOX DisTincr Athabasca i,(KH),(Khi 1 (Hi Fern 2(),()iKi 2.'» riall Mines Ltd £ 3:mi.(hhi HI Nelson-roorman ;< 2')iM)tKi ;< 2.5 MM.OOKT llISTHU'r Alpha IJell .-.iiii,(HHi 1 (X> ( 'ayoosli ( ' .M .^hi,(XH> 1 (ki Dominion Oevclopnient -'2,r>'H) 2r» Kxcclsior ; ."rfHI.lHHI ] (HI <»olden('aehe 2(Ki,(HH) i (hi LlUooet U. U 2(Jo.(HM) 2.'> Priee !< 01.', .It .m • ii' .(i;i', .02^ .08' .(M" .11 .10 .27 .(•.:') 7.r.(l .18 .OH .2(1 .(m .08 .12 .IH .0.^ .0') .17 i.;jo .28 .10 '.'/'*' .IS .2(1 .J!» .2.'> l.(>f) n.(H.t 2.25 .m .06 .2i> .2.'» .28 .02 .;"»(» .T.\ .'((I .77 «Ji5 4H Y.W.K IMSIIIK T <' > :|»aiiv <'aiiit(tl Ilniiud ry cVci'l; s1..VR»,(HK( Cari'M'ii." 8 mi,(i;m) l\. 6i (i. (ruWII l,'i(H».IMH» Hid Irniisidcs i.(KN»,(hh» Till IlMni •jwxm.t CAItllHto IH-^I'UK r (';n-i;>i>n (.(.1(1 Fiflda •: KXt.oiKi Hoi'lctlv Mvi-iUllic S -.'iHI.IKK* II. ' . ,\:. (;;") l.(KHI,(KK) ('aiihiio M. k I) <"() ;;(HvwHi \'ic riydrniilic n(X»,(NM> I 'a; ■ N'alnc si (X) 1 IM> 1 (K> 1 tM» 10 (Ml 1 (M) 1 (K) I' 1(1 Altitudes* Above Sea lievel Koiiicnav Lakr 17:i.» Slocaii Laki- l«a!t Tlm-i' FnvkH 2540 1{ -a !• I >i kr .3480 ( laljua vv .S388 HaiiH" .' 4500 Stfplii'ii (.smiiimt oi till' Koi'kv Mouiilaiiis) ii2!H5 Doiialii ■ 25!X) Revels. nkc 1475 \orlh Mend 425 Ulylli'S; Peaks HIXK) to 10.000 riiiiiiiin; Caiiips aiiOMiIe House. li (• La Haehe— One hundred miles from Asheroft stajj' • line from Asheroft to IJarkerviUe. Liilooet— Weekly stafi(^ from Asheroft. liL.flitidng (.'reeic— Between Quesnellc and Barkerv hy stage to Stanle^v. One llimdred Mde House— Sta ire from Asheroft. One Hundred and Fifty Mile House— Stage fi Asheroft. Quej?nelle— Two hundred and twenty live miles fi Asheroft; stage from Asheroft. Quesiielle Forks- Stage from .Asheroft. S'>da Cnu'k -Stage from .\slieroft. Stanley -SI age from Asheroft. sloiijil'i Creek Stag'e from Asheroft. 4 ■ I'.ir ValiK' .•^1 (Ml 1 (M) 1 (H> 1 (K) II) DO I IM) 1 (K) Pi HI 'it liCvel i7;t.t 1«;V» :jr>l(t .....H48() H388 4')00 iitalus) 52! «5 2r»0() 147r. 42'} ..S()()() to 10.(KX» How t« It I with Vk'toria Vlbonii; coimu «ty live, iriilcsfi ta^o lines, •roft; stage fr croft station; St renollo. lile House; st ise. Voni Aslicroft le. )ft. canclBarlvcrv in Aslioroft. )U3o— Stage fi ;y five miles fi .ft. 4!l Tatia I iidles. McNlurdo District— Steamer and Trail from Golden, .'J.5 ndles. Ferry Creek -Steamer from (inlden to Fort Slceh;; tlieiK'c hv road. St. Mary.s— l^'rom Fort Steele, 2(; ndli'S tiy trail. Thmider Hill -Frf)ni Golden ll.t miles. Steamer in sunnner; stage in winter. Whulermere -Ste.'uner t'rom (iolden. Stage in wilder. ■Wild Morse Creek -Fi'om Fort Steele two miles trail to Ivootenay IJiver. A insworth- Twenty el!.rht miles from Nelson and 12 from Kaslo. Steanu-r eommnnieation. Albert Canyon- A station on the C. P. K., 400 mih ^ from Vancouver. Arrowhead— Rail from RcA-elstoke. Hig Bend District— Fifty ndles from Revelstoke by trail and boat. Cariboo Creek— Sl(>amer from Nakusp. 10 miles. Complix and Tliomson's liandlng — Steamer from Arrowhead, lu ndles. F*^rgnson— Sti^amer and stage from .\rrowhead. Fort Shei_>i)ard— Neari'St jiostottiee, Trail Creek; eonnnnnication by trail and steamer, and rail from Arrowhead. llleeillewaet— Cn the main line C I' R, 107 miles from Vaneouver. 2i;> miles from Calgary. Kaslo t'ity — From Nel.son ;>;') ndles; conununication h.y steamer, and by rail from Nakusp. Lardo-Duncan— Steamer from Ivaslo to Ijead of Jalie; thence river trail 10 ndles. Nakus|» -Northwest terndnus of Nakusji & Sloean railway. .">o ndles from Revelstoke. Steamer eomniuui- eationfrom Arrowhead triweekly. ; a 50 Ni'lwni -'Plilrly inilc!^ from h'uliHun: is tin- cnstii (•riiilims <»f tilt- ('(iliiiii)iiii ^ \\'r.«lt in railway; iilso I lie Spokam- & Nortlifin rallidad. Stcujiu'r fruiii Arro\ IicihI to Kolisoii; tlu'iicu by rail to X»'lson. Now Dciivor- J{ail and sicaiiur from Hcvi'lsitokc ai rail from N'aiHl^\ kuapand Thnv ^ ur and one hal Jlo or Nelson t(|S m^ 51 ■ixsmssx Tempest Jt Co,, 2^ )ke to Nakusii v-*i nt from Revol^f ,tlienc'0 8tenmo thence steamer lstokel;)() miles rom Kevelalokt iver. station on tlit l)y steaiiKir t( i a Aveek from IS. y boat from by sta{,'e. an Landin|< to agan Landin;?, >iis to Vernon, lajjran Landing teamer to I'en- iig, steamer to ^'s Rridfre and I l»y rail from iv n'ls Umes a A€;JEXTS (,"ana\vroii IJarkervUle Yai-k-NV. Todd Yale 1 4. Xorr 1? VcrnoH ('. A. R. La mill V Osovoos W. Me.Myim. . .' ^Lhfwav 11, fluiiter Granite Creek G. G.. Tinistiill Kan'looi)8 Grand Forks Ijri,U)OKT— G. A. IMialr Lillooet F. Soues Clinton Cassiak— Kzra I"]vans Mauson Creek, Oniincca .Janu'S Porter ; Laketon Ai.UKlixi— Thoujas Fletelier AIImmhI X'icToitiA- W. S. Gore Viettjria F<»l£ r SiMi'8oN— .1. Flewiu Fort Simpson ^fliniiin; NtatiHtioM Table showing; the value of the dilVerent nictnlf! and iiilneraLH i)rodiieed in liritish (.'oliunliia durinur the years l.S! 1 1, '!».") and 'w. 18!M lKii."t iHiti; Value of ffold s r.;(o :,:m si :iiit; icd si Ihh -joa " silver l7o :.'l!) !»77 L'-'i» i' ItiO CSii '• lea1 :JHI " copper K; i'!it 17 <>12 1!M» ;»:>(! Total if the fonr uieials 1 l«t! KVS :.' 8.'l omo I ml 'M', Valno of eoal ;i ().'W ft'.!i :.' HiH W2 '2 ;Ji'7 14.'. ' eoke -' I'fio .'t U7.'i *• " other ndiiernis lo ono 1.". (Kxi Total product of mines. I 2L'r. 717 .'i Ckm WW 7 lUi i2i» MIpIujj: I?ecelpls (fees). year ending' J une .... li 8.17 1.11 rm .MhiluK J{ee;'ij»ts (fees). U nios. endlnif l^ec 111 033 'H Offlcp .Naiminio ostminstcr Donald Golden 'inflormcn; Fort Stot'l(i ceo I'lains liovclstoko. Tront Lake, Rcvelstoki! . .Lardoau w Donver Kaslo N Olson ..RoBsland ...RvktMts h>(dllt'wact . . .Nakusp ii'llt' Forks Jarkcrvillc Vale VcrnoH .. .()90V008 ...>[i(fwav [inito ('reck .Kan-looi)s rand Forks . ...Liilooet ....Clinton k, Oniincca ... Lakoton . ...AllH-rnl . ..Victoria •rt Simpson no.talf< fiixl liirin!.' the iMitd si 7SS -' 100 721 1!)() 1 sol :',Hi •2 .•i-'7 i:. 14.'. 07.-. (NN) 7 ini \2ii 1.11 rm ni O'JS 5:1 Canada Posta^o U«t< .^ janada. Newfoundland and rnitcd stairs. .;, por 1 n/, or fraction Ihcrof. treat l»ritaiu and forc'irn ccuntrii-H. .V- ;ic;- .' o/. i»r fraction i hereof. , {e^'i9tration--l'\'e r> cent.t on h'tti ''s f.nd in-iil niMtlei to all part?. .Vrtidcs for reirist ration nni;i inr to mail cl'.sin^'. FcrC'nnndft and the United States, Ic each: f< r Great liritain, Newfoundland, and all IN-^tal Union c oini tries. I'c each. Reply card.=( iC.iiiada onlvi I'c cai( ai.s. ^'^uada and U.S.. Ic for I ounces; sin^-le ii.ipt-rs not more than 1 o/. .'c. (ireal Hritain nnri I', m.d Union count rii". Ic. i>er 1' o/.s. I'apersnuisi ]\'<[ lie ,4cal<'d aji-ainsi inspection, snust not contain enelosme. nni,«t hear no wrltiiiy other than name and ad(h"'-.-. \f <- )»ap«'rs and jierhtdicals to regular .•^nl eiilM'rs In Canada, Newfoimdiand ;-.nd Uidted St cs can lie mailed free from olUce of pulilication. ;,s second class matter. nnoKs. iWMi'iii.KTs. f'iKci i,.\i:s. i;rc 'anada. Ic jicr I ozs; llndls. wi'i;rhi ."> Ihs. si;, • .' ft \ I ft X 1 )• I'riiders' |>roofs. maps, priids. diiiwiuK". enjrra . inys. lithouraphs. photos, nnisic jind printed forms to Cana(la and United States. Ic jier :.' o/s. *nitcd Stati'S. Xcwfomidland. Great Mri;; in and ■ I\uropean countries. Ic jM-r i' o/s; Itudi of weiiiiit, .') Ihs. -J ft .\ 1 ft X 1 It. ieods, cuttlnKS. hulhs, <'lc. to Canada onlv. 'v pei- -l o/s, weijfht 5 11)8. si/e :,' It \ 1 ft .\ 1 ft. To . n'led Stati'S, Ic ])er 1 oz. nmst lie open to insicv tion an ! liahle tii j'ustoms: lindt welM"ht i> His. sixc -j ft .\ 1 li \ i ft. 'onmu'rcda! papers and lej^al documents m.-iy In' Seni to United States, (ireat Mritain and Kmope ,ir ."'i- fonic first 10 o/s, an His. si/e •.» it x 1 tt x 1 It, 'I'o Austria. Hunyarv . IJelM-inm. i:i,',\ pt. It.dx . France. Hawaii. l'ortiij.'nl, RoiOiiania and Suil/i'r land, 12oimc('S, Ihnil '.:.'.\Sxl in. or roll II' in n •; tlia. other counlrU'S, iu<*liidinfr United Slates, lludled to 54 M o7.», iK)sta i-enls i»or 1 ozs; liinit of Mei^lit r> Ihs. Re},ds- tration.ileents. Newfoundland, loe per lb. Jamaiea, Barbados, iiOc per lb. Limit 7 lbs. Great Britain, Honff Konj?, Itic for first lb, 12c each additional lb, Limit 11 lbs. New South Wales and New Zealand, 24c per lb. Japan. 20c i>or lb or fraction, y.imlt 7 lbs. Tnited States, Ic iMT ()/.. Limit ft liis. Must bo open to in!ii)ect!on and lialdi' to customs. j A customs ''. AUicrui, Avmstronii'. Alderffrovf, Aahcroft Station, llarkfrvilie. Bnrf^oyne Bay, Cliilli- wiek, Chemainus. < 'lint on. ('loverdale,"( "omox", ('orfield, ('(.urtenav, Coullei'. Donald, Duin-an Station, Enderl»y, Ks/iulmnft, Field, (ioldi'u, (Jreeuwood, Hatzic, Hope, lUeclllewai't, Kamloojis, Kaslo, Ladners, Lanjrley. Lansrley Prairie, liytton, Midwav, Mission City. Nanaimo, Nelson, Nl'w DenxH-r. >si'w Westminster. Nicola lijike,Pluni|)i'r I'ass, I'ort llannnond, Uuesnelle, I?ev»!lsloke, Ht'Vflstokt' Station. Ivp open to I ahicJuustlK' M oflllcc. -^^ Aldcrjfrovf. »:»y. Cliilii- io.\,('ohi«'l(l. n. I'^ii(liM'l»y, iitzit', Hopo, •s. liaiijfli'y, ipsiou City. A'(.'3tmlu8lor, I, QiH'Snelh', ■«s, Kos8laii(l. ton. Sunia.i, [iiE. nrs, Cigar'', K ISfen. ;>4> €oniiiiisHi«>ii on P.O. ItfoiK^y IH'dcrH Effectivo April 1,1807. On ordors in tho Dominion of Canada An ordtT tip to >2 .')'> ;$<• Over ^ 2..T(t and np to ??"». . Ic .'> •• 10.. cc 10 " ao..iOc 2J " 30..l2e .w "' Over !j^(> and np to $.50 r>o " (>o " GO •• 70 " 70 " 80 " 80 " JM) " 90 '* 100 liimit of sinprle order $100, ))ut as many of ^sioo may be driven as remitter recpiires. ".Money orders on United Kingdom and Br jiossessions abroad and other forelfrn countries which monej' orders may be obtained. If not exceedlnf? !!<10 10c Over Sio, not excecd.inK' *2i>. . . .2iH^ 2t. " :«> .•'•<»c .'(0. •• If) loc '• 40, " :k» "lOc .20c .21c. .28c .32c .3«5c .40c. each itish ui>on ^loney llrderis* Ex<'1iaiiie<^ Amount in «urrency (I'xclusiv*' of connni.s.'*ion) to bo. pais sterl, equivalent t<' .s 1.22 £1 sterl, - i valent to !gl!>.4« 108 •' 2.44 5 a4.a/. las " JJ.Oi') t> 2f>.12 dl " 4.87 7 '• MM 2 " {>.74 8 tt .J8.SH5 .'J " 14.01 <> «i 4:1. ftJ 10 i< •U- 70 lixpi*e(4f9 Money RatcM Remittances of ci.rrency or gohl cohi. according to distance. s ;V» or less 2i")C s 70 2.'. to.'ioc .« JW) I2.'i to40c ^•loo a'>to45c «12.'» 2i')to.'V0c siiV* 2;> to(!Oe m.') .HO to7r»c ^220 ..'«)to8r)C ^225....V. toJiOc ^2;V>.)tiV•to#ll.00 s<;joo..m'to!i'l.2'» Over to 10 •JO .'■, 4 10 ♦! 2i» 10 .'M» 12 10 .... „ If, jVI 18 (M) ■x) 7*1 . . . « 2.') (Kl ao 100 at same rates MONKV OIJDKHS l'AV*ur.K IN JCl'ltOl'lC ••?io or less lOc Ovorsf'io to!?2o 18c ^^>to !?•:«> 3,V K)o to !:<40 .nr,o .-<40 to ^.OO 4.10 Over ir-W flam rates, 1 I Express € 'oiiipaiiie» in B. C TIOMINIOX EXPHKS8 CO Vietorin F. Oliver, afront Vancouver ". F. Stcvoiif?. a jrcnt New Westminster ' I . ji. Johnston, ajrent Nanahno W". H. Dennison. airent Kosslaiul J. H. Vounfj: Kaslo Xelson J. Haniilton And all stations »: ilu? C V. \i. in British (Joliunbla. NOIJTIIl'UN I'ACIl-K' KXI'KKSH CO. Vk'toria E. K. IV.aikwood, npront Kaslo W. .) . Twlss. ajrent Nelson , J. H. Taekaberry, a^ront RosBlanil '. E. W. Ruff, a^cnt (iU^UI N innKKX kxpuksh »o. Victoria , , ,J. H. Roprers, ajront Xow WcstnilnsU'i- ,< 1). S. !';tU)(U>rson. ajrent Ih'ownsvllie. . I). S. Sauderfon, aj^ent W Tl.l.s. rMtdo & CO. Victoria KM'. Rlthot & Co., afe'ents Hutchings & Riley Saddlery, Shoefindings, Tents, Etc. The Ti'iulc Snppliocl Send for illustrated Catalocue P. 0. Box No. 6, CALGARY. Alta. T. A. Ciouston, ,, sign, AM) pKCORATIVE J'AINTIR. I |,'m I »•»!•.>• Alta, ^ €. 0119, aifcut toil, nfrciit 8<>ii, a.irciit H. Voiinjj: Mniiillton >liunbiii. lod, Ofroiit iss. iijrt'nt ry, n^ont nflF, afJTCiit rovs, ajiont ton, « front oil, ngiMit Jo., njjronts (iley >. Alta. THE INTERESTS OF INTENDING SETTLERS in the Canadian North West are specially looked after FREF. OF CHARGK l}y \V. ]•". McCRKAKV, Wi\xii>F.r., Commissioner of In'migration, C. W. .SPKKKS, Brandon-. C. W. SUTTER, Calcarv. THOS. KKNNKTT, Edmoxton. Immigration Agents. And by the Dominion Eand Agents, at the following places, viz. : MANITOBA: Brandon. MinnedoHa. l>ani>]iin. NORTri WEST TERRIT'^RIES: Alameda Yorkton Prince Albert WetaMkli«'ln Fdmonton Reiclna Battleford Ijethbridjse Calffary ReilBeer K. BRITISH COLUMBIA: lSe^Y WeHtmln»tvv KanilooiiM Halls for the free temporary accommodation of Immigrants are maintained by the Ciovernment ai |||Winnipcg, Calgary, Dauphin, Red Deer, lirandon, and Ivlmonton. .#^ 5» «MMMHW^ *-■■■«■ ■ ■ I ■■■II. I Jf n o. Victoria FKKS I'AVAUl.K IS ADVANCK Gold and silver § 1 50 Lead 1 .50 Copper .'{ o Fraser River sturjreon (lbs) .1^)5,500 Aj»proximatrt valife of salmon, fr<'3h and salted !!fl2,(Mio Total value of tiah for <'onnnerce !:f3,»)82.!KH) Ai)i)roximate value of seals taken ?1) the populailoii of the province was iil.!t;Vi. Population forl8!>7 estimated at 125,000. Voters Votes Electoral division Population on list iKdled'W! Burrnrd i!4.;s*"iO i(».5it>o ;i.i Ui New Westminster ll.tM8 8.002 M.ilS Victoria l8.-,;{8 0.071 <;.(Hii-» Vancouver 18.2:fO 4. Kit 'JAW Vale and Cariboo 10.18O 0.7 i;i :(.;((';; . Total S14.0.M . ;t8,oio I8,i(« ietoria ^ 1 50 1 50 ;j 00 3 00 , 5 00 5 00 5 00 5 00 f) 00 10 00 r» Mr> n -JW.TM It c,22.vm ;}() or, Xm/)0O !!?12,(M)0 !<.'),0824KH5 ■ . 2,«2-. ■'' i ><124.00(l f •JA'M) .'(.;!(>;; 18A(« Hi o rsi o m m s/5 "-1 &3 pr; 5' m crp y IT* 3 ■■■1 r> . •^ u m 70 n -< en C0 m o cr 3 ^ « ir 3 «-f I 7 "2. C i-t ,— • — -- • n D -1 3 - r> 75 - • a y 2 3 ^ H E- 5 ^? 041 THE !I»EW TARIt^F The following are some of the main items in the tarift' as announced by lion, Mr. I'ielding in the House of Commons on April 22, '97 Animals 20 per cent Snap 35 per cevit Live hogs i^c per lb Soap c;)iiimoii ic per lb Meats, cured 2c [)cr lb 1-ggs jC per doz fresh 3c per lb iJuttcr 4c per lb canned 25 i>ercent Cheese 3c lb. Candles 25 i)er cent Apples 40c a bbl Potatoes 15c per bush Vegetables 25 i^r cent Cornmeal 25c per bbl Oatmeal 20 per cent Wheat 1 20 a bush Flour 60c a bbl Malt 15c a bush Trees (fruit) 3c each *' (small fruits) 20 per c Fruit (canned) 2:ic a lb Tea 10 per cent Playing cards 6c a pack Salmon (fresh) ^'/ic a lb Salmon (cured) ic a lb Oysters (in bulk) 3c a lb Paints $1,123^ ^ gal Condensed Milk 3 j^fc per Ih " Coffee 30 i)er cent Hay $2 a ton Barley 30 per cent Oats IOC a luish Ale. beer, porter i6c a gal " " l)ottled 24c a gal Spirituous liquors $2.40" Hops 6c a lb Av>ples, dried, 25 per .nt Oranges $1.50 per lOv,J Honey 3c a lb < Ireen C'offee 10 per cenl ('offee (roasted) 2c a lb ("ocoa 4c a 11) H»)oks 20 per cenl Advertising circulars [15 per cent Coal, bituminous 6oca tun Printed or lithograjihed Bricks 20 per cent [foruis 15 per ceiU Leather 17^^ per cenl Music 10 per cent Boots and shoes 25 percent I'ap-er 25 pei cent Rubber 25 per cent Stoves 25 per cent Rubber clothing 35 per cent Wire nnils 35 per cent Sewing Machines 30 i>er c Nails 30 per cent Lumber 25 per cent Shingles 20 per cent Wool 3c a lb Asbestos 25 per cent Musical instruments [30 per cent Sacks 20 per cent Socks 35 per cent Hats 35 per cent .Screws 35 per cent Barlted wire free after [Jan. 1, 78 Wire rope 25 per cent Lea4cpcr 11) ee 30 per cent r cent msh orter 1 6c a gal ttled 24c a gal |Uois$2.40" (I, 25 per .nt 50 per iOv,3 lb e 10 per cent .cd) 2c a lb 1) ■r cent circulars [15 per cent thographed uis 15 per cent r cent .•I cent cr cent J5 per cent r cent ler cent free after [Jan. I, 78 5 per cent 15 per cent )er cent 10 per cent I implements [25 per cent 1 spades [30 per cen cent per cent «1 REVELSTOKE IRON WORKS Mining Work a Specialty Machinery He >aired ROBERT GORDOX Proi)rietor REVELSTOKE, B. C Quy Barber, Jeweler. UEVELSTOKE, BKITISH COLUMBIA CHAS. J. AH AN, st;iii (iK'i'y, Hooks and IMiot Vraplis. Japanese, (lootls ;\n*l ('iirlcis! Kii'jrli^h TohaecMs, Kj;yp)i. ji < 'iparcUcH, Imported uurl Diuiir.-ilir ('iirars. Ij)l)rai\\i. REVELSTOKE S'J ATIUN, li. C The Mining Journal E.stahHsliiMi l,s:i.-,. Annual .ouJiSCTlplinn for Cuim*!;), £1 S.s, post free The Mluiittr Jounijil ;i(1v(M:i.( -« lln' interests of tlio mluiii.^'- aiul mctnllnririeal Int.icss ai lio'mcund abroad, find has an c.xelusivc rt-puta ! )U for Its speeial eorres- pondcncc from all mining disluets of th(Mvorld, and also for its jiriet'S euircnl of Mit'tals. whieli are houjrlit un«l sold in all parts of tlnvylnhr upon the b:isi;j of the ""Soxt publislu'd Mininir Jouriial prieos." The oldest. iK'st. nmsl wldi-lx cirrulalt'd and influen- tial mining'- pap«'r in the world. js Fi.Nrn Evm;. EOXI)n\. K. c.. ENOLAXH •ft British €olnmbia n. V't* With number of votes cast for ouch candidate at last election : UUUItAHl* O. R. Maxwell 1,512 votes fJ. H. Ciowan 1 .214 W. J. Bowsi'r 110 Total votes east .'».iac. Majority lor Maxwell -".ts NKW WKSTMlNSTKIt Aulav Morrison 1,7.>8 votes Ulclmrd McHrldi' l.U«> lloi Total votes cast ;;,21H Majority for Morrison 208 riie Rt. of th iriu' Hon of Tr riie Hon The Hon lUBtl The Hon and I 'lie Hon Defer 'he Hon 'lie Hun 'he Hon 'he Hon 'lie Hon VANOOtrVKK „ „ Wm. W. B. Melnnls 1,020 votesf "'', f;|^,\' Andrew Haslam 82.1 ' James Haggart ■. «U7 ' Total votei"! east 2,-VM) Majority for Mclnnes 1!)7 VI« TOIUA Thomas Rarle 1 ,.'>r>l volts R. G. Prior I,t!l7 " W. Temnlenian 1 .L'ti ' ' tieo. L. Milne i;t.'W» " Total votes c;n»t (5.00.'> Majorltv f«)r Prior over Tmiplcnian !!•.'■» Majority for Earle over Milne Hk; Cana 'he Hon 'he Hon 'he Hon, 'he Hon, h»' Hon, Conti 'lerk of t nor, 'he Hon 17 Vk YALK AND<;A1UH()0 Hewitt Bostoek 1.K2.I voles J. A. Mara ;...1.17li " Total T(»to8 cast .'».3o;! Majority for Bostoek 'Mo iSnprenie €onrt Jiid^efii Chiek Justice, THE HON. THEODORE DAVIE Mr. Justice MeC'relf,'lit Mr. .lustlce Walkeni *' Justice Drake " Justice MeCoU Coniity €onrt JiKlgeH His Hon. f. F. Cornwall His Hon. ^V. Ward «uink Ell Harrison J. Forln No' man Bole I O ^^^'^ procure for you from any dealer «>r I ||0 agent on train a copy of the only complete I VU Guide and Mining Directory publishe" in the interests of the traveller to or from or in U. C. Published monthly I 'articular attention given matter before publishing. Up-to-date. Annual subscription $i i ]>epi lerk oft lerk of 1 lerk of 1 L L D, overnor ndltor ( »eputy ii leputy M omnilssi cputy >] 't'puty 1' eputy M ueen's 1 son, Lll unutv 'S\ {} M G, ".puty aJ t'puty il I'puty S omptrol ireetor L LD, eputy M nder Se ep.uty M I. V'H ndidntu ut Ins .1.512 votes ..1.214 '• , . no •' . 21 IX .1.7.')8 votrs .l.l<«> ll»iiiiiiioii CiiUiiiet MiiiiftttTH • .V(.((>ni»l,\<; TO l'HK<'KI>KNr. riu' Hon. Sir lilclinrd J. Cartvvrl>,'ht, K. V. M. G., Miiis. of Trade and Conuuen-c. rho Hon. Richard W. Scott, Secretary of State. The Hon. Sir Oliver Mowal, Iv C. M. 0.. Minister of Justice, The Hon. Sir Louis Henry Davlcp. Minister of Marine ami Fisheries, 'he Hon, li'red W m. l]orden, MhiLsttn* of Militiii and Defence. :;,2iH 2n8 .1,020 votes . 823 ' . »U7 ' .2. -UK) . li>7 .l,."»r»l votes .l,t!-17 " .l,l.'i2 " .1 ;{!').'» '• ...<>. 0()."» . . . i!>r> . . . hm; 'h<; Hon. Wllllaui Mulock, I'ostninsior (general. 'he Hon. Sydney .\. l"M»lu'r. .Minister of A^-'rieulture. 'lie Hon. Joseidi li*ra«'l Tarle, Midsterof Public Works. 'he Hon. Richard 1?. Uobell (without i)ortfolio.) 'he Hon. Wlllhun S. Fleldlnjr. .Minister of Finance. .'he Hon. .Andrew U. IJlair. Minister of Railways ami Canals, he Hon. ('hrlstopher .A. Geoffrlon (without i)ortfollo, 'he Hon. Clitlord Sifton, Mhdster of the Interior. NOT IN THK CAHINKT 'lie Hon. ('. Fitzpatrick, Solicitor General. 'he Hon. William Paturson, GontroUer of Customs. he Hon. Sir Henri G. Joly de liOthiiiiere, iv.C. M.G., Controller of Inland Reveiuie. 'lerk of the (ine(!n'8 Privy Council and Deputy Gover- nor. John J. McGee, Ewjuire. ilKill (.O.M.MISSIOXKK Koi: CAXADA 'he Hon. Lord Strathconn and Mt. Royal, G.C.M.G., 17 Victoria Street, London, S. W. .;».3n;; RE DAVIE NValkein McColl Waivl Soink man Bole any dealer cr only complete ory published )ni or in U. C. n t^ivcn iTiattcr >ul).scriplion$i Deputy HeactN of Departmental , ..l.H2'l votesllerk of the Privy Council— J J McGee .1.17it " llerkof the Senate— E J Langeyin. M P lerk of the Housi^ of Commons— J G Bourinot. C M G, LLD, DCL overnor-Generals Secretary— J Sinclair lUditor General— J L McDouKall, M A, C M G' >eputy Minister of Militia and Defence— Col C E Panet leputy Minister of Finance— J M Courtney lomm'issioner of Inland Revenue— Ed Miall leputy Minister of the Interior— James A Smart •eputy Po,stma8ter Geiu'ral— Dr. (.'oulter, eputy Minister of I'uhlle Works— .A Gol>eil iieen's Prhiter and Controller of Stationery— S E Daw' -son, Lit D. C R S O eputy Minister of Rnihvavs and Canals— C Sehrleber, (; M G, (J E ''.puty Minister of Trade and Com— AV G Parmeleo Jeputy Minister of Justice— E C Newconiljo^ C I'puty Super General of Indian Af¥air(H-H Beed omptroller N W M P-Fred White irectoi of Geolofjrieai Survey— G M Dawson, C M G, LLDFRS eputy Miuist'er of Acrl. and Statistics— W B Searth nder Secretary of State— Jos Pope epyity Min pf Jiarine and FiBherles— F F Gourdeau i : «4 Mi Hints IV I* III M Afllt— A tunnel from i > "in. ^ Apex— The cjIkc of « vein ufnrt-st the aurfnve. AvKontiforons—Con .••iiiiii;; Hllvrr. Assay— To ti-st on** l>.v clu-inlcal or 1)Io\viiIih! cx- antination. A urlfi'rous— Containing yold. H(!(l-ro('k— Solid roik hudcrlyinK' surface fornuitlon. HulHoii— Uncoined j^ull and' silver. Cai)i>in>,'— The couiiliv rock Ity wliidi a v< in is pinched at the surface. Carbonates — I)econi|)os' d ore ov ore containing: lari,'(> proportions of carbonai*.' of lead «ed fov'shool- lufx" ore down l»y ^ra\ iiy. Contact vein -A velnlvlnjir behvecn two dissimilar rofic masses or strata. Country rock- -(lenerMl voek mnssos in wlileli veins are foiinil. Dip— Tlie angle at which a vein crosses a hovizc ,al line. Drift— A tunnel in a mine witli neitlier end coini.i l,j dayliifht. Dump— Tlu; pile of ore ii lid waste ro(dv at the nxmth of a mine. Face— The end of a Innnel: a periiendicular wall of rook. Fault- .\ displacenieiil i'es which can be treated by crushluM:, without smeltliiK. Galena— Ore contaii iii;^ silver and lead. Ganwne— The vein fr.atter in which mineral is enclosed. The commonest f?anynes are quartz, calcspar, and tluorspar. Goiif^e— Clay or decojnitosed rock lylni? alonjj: the walls of a veiii. Han^finn: wall— The laver of rock lyinff above a vein, as dlstlnffulshed from ••footwall," the rock lyin^ on the lower si(i«' of a vein. Horse— Waste rock lylni? within a vein. Lode— A lai'Ke vein or fissure. Ore-shoot— A large J»od . of pay ore in a vein. Outcroi» — The portion n." a veiii exposed on the surface. Pay -streak— The thin l.i ver of pay ore in a mine. Pinch— A contraction ii the vein: sonn- veins phich out completely, others eoi.aln Idank portions. Porphvry— A y iiortli. Stop*'— To i',\«'avali' a vt'lii by ii .scries of Htops. S»li)luirot8-0('n»'rally a|)iill'('(l to nurlforous pyrites; TaU'— A Hoft mliicral, uciiallv frroonlsh, with n Ki't-asy feci. Tuniiol— A liorlzoiital imcsnK'i' Into a uiliic, generally about I feet by 7 foci. Ui)rnist'— Ail au.xlllary i«hnft from oiio level to a liluheroiie. Wiiizi! — An Interior shaft eonnoctlutf two levels. B. V. IVIIniiiff PeoM For everv free mlitcr'a ecTiiiicaic (eacli year) S C> 00 Kvery au'batitnti'U eerlHieiili' .' i (x> UeeortUntr any elaliii i' ?>o Uecordlun' every eertitieale tjf work a r>0 Ueeortllii;,' any recoril 2 fiO Ifeeordhi}^ every abandonment :; .7) For reeordln^r "every affidavit, where the sanu; does not exeeed threes folios of l(K) words f»0 For every folio over three, ;«) cents per folio Tlie above rate shall l)e ('harmed for all records made in the '"Reeonl of aflidavlts." For all records made in the "liecord of Convey- ances," wher(( the same do not exceed three folios 2 50 For every folic/ over three, a further charfje of 30 cents iM'r folio For all copies or extracts from any reconl in any of the above named books. wh»^rc such copy or extract shall not exceed three folios, per copy 2 C>0 Where such copies or extracts exceed threes folios, .'jO cents per folio for every folio over three. . . For tiling- any document 25 For a crown prrant Development, per year 100 00 The expenditure of ^.'ioo gives a crown grant. For placer claims the above rates tii)ply with exception that the total amount expended must be n^m. Pro8i)ector's Ontllt Compass Horn for panning Magnifyhifi: {ilass 2:; calibre rifle Map of counti y 25 ixmnds flour Note book ano pencil 1 pound tea Fair of blankets 5 [wunds bacon Small tent Fryinf? iMin Small axe Cup, small tin pall l»oll pick Hnntluff Icnife Matches, Siilt, soap and towel THE CALGARY HERALD is the mining and ranching paper for Alberta and East Kootenay $1 PER YEAR IMt V Ciiiiiiie l^awM. 1. Tills Vet iiiiu l»i- ciU'tl a!*tln' •'(;:nii«' l'riit«Tti.tii A«-t. IWio," 1:. In this Act tlif tonn '•.niinial" or **niilinals" sliall !)«> construed as uuniiiiif;- qniitlniiM (I ani'Mnlsof tl • xpc- fl»'S. and the tcnu "Ijlrd"' or -liirds" fliall mii.:! ootli old and yoiiu;.' of tiu- icathcicd animals. lWt.>..i. S-i. s. 2. 2\. Tilt' '■xiM't'Ssloit 'Vanif bird'" the same occurs in tais AC. shall moan a bird provcctcd l»y tlu' jirovlBions of this Act. IWK!. c. i'2. s. :». 3. >.onc of the following animals or hlrds slinll be hunt:'heasant liimet. si.ylark. tlirush. rftbin, nil fliMM'iesof (juail. ICn^flish partrldire and irull, or anv Itird KiHMvn by any of these names, except as reifaids rohin. as is [n'o'i ided iu .aub-section le of section l.'i. 18l)."» V. 23, H. :{, 4. 1( shall ce unlawful for any ]ierflon to take or to destroy in any manner, or l»uy or sell, or olTeror exhibit for sale, any hird which suljsi'sts uriwlpally on noxious Insects. IXW.'), c. 2.'t. s. :!. :>. It shall not be l;>wfnl at any rhne of the yoar to slioot anv wild fowl or ;">. c. :.'». s. ;'.. •t. No person shall buy or s«;ll. or oHVr or exjM«e f«»r Hale, any willow ffronse. quail, pheasant, prairie chi«'ken. iloe of any a^rc, or any deer under tlir ajre of tweive months, or any blue u'ronse, hare, deer caribiMt, wapiti. .up<\ nioiinthin jroiu, (n* mountain sheep, before the tirst dav of Octolier in each year. IWk;. e. i»2. n. -J. ti \. X«» deer shall Ik* cxiK»sed for sale without its head on. 1««>. c. a:i, s. n. r destroyed, <»r jairsued 'vii.i su<*h in- tent for two }'ears from the passiinr of this Act. IHJic, e. "^ n ii «t!. No henvor. marten «ir hnid otter shall b<' taken, hunted or killed, between the 1st day of and t!i.- Ist day of Noveml)er, nor shall any 'traits, snares, >rhis. or other contrivances be .set for them during such i>«-riod. IW«J. c. :*!', s. n. 7 \t» person shall at an'' time purchase or have in |»os.<*esHion, with intent to «!Xi)ort. or caiise to Im- rxistrted or carried out of the limits of this Province, or sliall at any time or in any manner extM>rt. ort aiiS'- to be ex|Mtrt- <'tl or carried out of the Ihnlts of this lV«t\ iiice, any or any part of the animals or birds mentioned in this Act, in rhcir raw state; and lUis provision shall ajiply to rail- way, 8t(>ainshii). .^nd ux|ireB8 coni|mnies. In deteriuininK the. tiupstion ot lnte.:« ot any party ••liar^red under this section . !Viiy c(mipetent piiibf thafthe accused has with- in ono year exiKJrted, or cnnsLKl to l.u'A^'orted or c-arried btivond tlie iiintoi of this I'rovhice. any .4rd or animal covered by this section, or any imrt of'sucli bird or ani- mal, shall be received as nrlma fade evidence of the existence of sucli unlawful liiteut cbargi'd iu the com- I'rutcctioii mis" sliall )f 11 • HllC- 15 itotli old 5. f. 2. tlx- Siiint* 0(1 l»y tlu' » Hlinli be (1. Injurt'd, viz. ."o\v »c. cwf or bliu'kbiril, i»li. robin, ill, or iiiiv »<» rtu'arrls on Ifi. 18!»:. tiiko or to or exhibit III iioxluus ic voar to itbiii thnt [lie drawn drk I'oliit >X|M)8I» f(»r ccliit-kctF. of Iwclvi.' )o. \va>.'lti. Ix'foro the lit it!* lit-ad nirii' lu'ii. Hliall not i SIK'h 111- . 1WII5, V. be tnkruiliiinK indcr this lias wlth- or cnrric*! or animal lird or anl- u'l' of the the com- 67 jilalnt or iiifornialion: Tnividtsl tFlai il Hhail br la'ivfnf for any pi-rson having-- a lircnsr iind«'r st'ctlon 2 b«^ (•xi.,)rt('d or carried out»»r tin' province, the hoads, horns, and skins of such ani- niais nicntioiHMl in section :.'! of this Act as have been le-;(!iy killed by such license-holder: I'rovided that the, provisions of tlils se«'tion shall not apply to b«>.r or Im«iv- er. marten or land ')tter. lH!tr>. c. -J'.',, s. 7; and JHM\, c. -j-j, s. ."'. N. It sliall no: be lawful on (he inainland of Mritish rf>lninliia lo shoo!, . 111. Noni' of the birds mentioned in this .Vet shall lie traiiped or taken by iiM.'ansof trajts, nets, siuires, jdi»>*, baited lines, or (ither c-ontrlvaiicos, nor shall such tr«j»s, nets, snaroM. juins, baited lines, or crMitrlvance.s, he sot f(U' them, or any of them, nt an.v time: and such trti[t», nets, snares. ;ihis". baited lines, or contrivances, when S4>t may bo destroyed bv aiiv persfin. wltliont such person incurr- f ^: .oiv llalddt'y therefor, mi:,, c. j'l s. in. 11. S'o <'jiKfS of any of th» birds nuMitioiied lu lliis Act shall be talien. destroyed or had hi iHtssessioii by an.v person at any time: I'rovhlcd. however, it shall lie law- ful for the Provincial Secrctar.v. on such conditions aH lie shall think tit, by writing: under his hand to at aii.v time authorise any i»ersoiitotrapor haveln his|»o3.«slve or itoi.'»oii, net. seine, draji- net, r»r other' device ittlrer than nook ami lli:e, nor use salmon roe as bait for llu- purpose of takhi»r or «-aptm-inK trout in any lake, poml, running or standintr water, river or .stream", in this Province, un- der a penalty not excee%* Justice of the I'eace. Hut iiothinu in thi,-* section .•halt be construed as applyiuu to an.v one usiiiy iiel, .«siiie or dray net in an.v lake tift.v miles' s^piare in extent or over,. lUiCi. c. SA. S. 11'. i:!. It shall b<' unlawful »«.'< IH'Xf, C. -JA. S. 11. ..■'. It shall be unlawful to kill anv traine I4rd betAvitii one hour after sunset and one, hour Infore sunrim! throu>rlioiit the year: and, furthermore, it shall he un- lawful for any ))erson to catch, kill, dt'8li:o.v, or pitrsuu with such hiteiit:-- (a,i To the east of vho Cascade Rnnpr.-— Hluo cnyxmc'^ ntarmltfan, Franklin's or fool hen, and meadow lark, from the ittth November to the ."list da.v of AU|rtis|, In- clusive. Wild duck of all kinds, blttf-ru, plover, ami Iwron. fnuii the ifit day of January tu theUlf!t Uay ol Aupist,inclueive. 68 (i>) Thron^'iioiit llu' rrovimc -ChHImm), (Wor, wapii (c'oniiiioiily known as elk'. nioo8«>,liiin>, inoinitiiin ^um niul inountniii Micrp from tlu; l»t day of January t the Jilst day of .July, inclusivr. (c) West of'th*' Casrach'S- Any Itliie jirousc. ptarndjiai diiek, niondow lark!*, or dti-r, from the, ;nst day u January to till- iutli day of Auf^ust, hii-hisivc; Av'tllo\ j;rousasturin;r Mithin his cultiVated tield; 1«»;'., e. a-l, s. Hi. IV. The ijrovisions of this Act slinll not ai>ply to Ti diansoftlus I'rovince, or to settlers in the I'Vovbie- ■with rcf^ird to any n-aine killed for their own immedial use for foon killln'if the same and Ids fandly, and not f. -'1, No one shall, duriniii' any on^' year or sea»(tn, kil more than ten deer, five cariiK»u, live mountahi sheeji five, mountain p»ats. two lndl Ma}»iti or elk, or two bul moose. IWC). c. l':(. s. ".'1. Fe Mile <'».t,J«»!<» I'AMTULL.VK MKAHJKKH OF • A hand, 1 Inches. Link. 7!)2 inclies. Cubit, 18 inches. A pace military, 2 ft (> in. Face, ireometrlcal .^ ft -FatJioni.O ft. ^''nble's length. VH\ fathoms. Leajrui miles. T)<>Rree. tv.*h miles <><• nautical knots or urf j,T{M»>»iti»l uiilcb. I'Kiioi, n.uiilcal._'.<'l.'7 yards. 1 "— r , (li'or, wapil iiioinititiii inr.' of January t lli^C. ptuDiiI^-ai lie, .'Hrtt (lay < I'lusivc; '\v'ill(>\ • of .lanuarv t Provided tlui robins may I L any time In \y ol S«'jttt'nilM it8 from tlic 'Ju udK'V, int'luHiv 11, and canva AUKUPt. IKIN nod a8 proliilii any time, dci dtiV.itod tiold; [>t apply to Ti lh«' P'rovin'. own immi'dial ly, and not Ui is Act apply t or prosiK't'tini In^' th«'y ari". no arennunudncd Ml not a]»ply I »r his assii*t'aii! liilc <'Oll<>Ctill! incial MnBcmi lot H'sidcnts \ •-"2" Jim N slo !;;>;!» vd.^ I'M cii m 1 IS I 1.2li» I..S1U 1 i<; in 1 2.i 1 10 1 :U,.*»t)0 roods, ii.Kio >s,a,(»i>7.()(K>s scrunles, .) irialns .1 |»o»md ll» The .\vrht Wit componiided by Ap v.hecari 1 Huld drachm )UUCe uiut rnlloii RKS. i..lscrui»1e ..1 drachm c liondoii l»y A voir - lltOY WKUilll , :'.17 p-rains U.S. .•Ji'i . .,1 carat iM ^'rtiins I pen iiy Wcifriit •_M iM'uywei^'ht.s ; .. ..I ounce l-J ounces • 1 |K>uud AV«tiui)i rots ui:i trains I'i drachms i ounce (o/,. |:r TJ" frralns It; oun<-es I |H»niid Mti). , . Totm irraii ft, 2i"H! dr. :.'.■> [Mtunds .1 qii «a1ler (qr) 1 quarters I li'mrlredweivr hit (l) nilAT A c.VU,-. A popular work on ruilroa«lln>r e.:| hiiaies the « wflinnrv load for a ten-ton frel^fht car an full.iws: Wl iWky, w> barrels; salt, 7(»; lime, 70; cK»r«, l.*»:> i" li«> cnBon; *t»ur, 'A)u «ick(«; cuttle, 18 to 5JU head: hopA., "rfi 1 1 > iio; shcop, *»'to KM); lumber ^jfreeni. t!.oo(» feet; IuuiIm' r Kiavi. lO.oiNi f. y't; bar- Icy. :M)n Itushels; wheat.. •tm; apple-. 170; eoru, tt'JK; l»o- (Vtofj*; i:K): oai.x, liMo, aiui briiii. i.'Nio. 70 Iii»t of Principal AHicleM Trans- uiit ted b^"^ Mail (with postal rat en) ARTICLE. Ciiiiiin'a Klltl'9! Kank Pass IJooks 6c 402 Hank and Br okcrs' . , . quotations IMank Fr-nvs Jiooks Botanical a nd Entomo- logical S pecimens . . Bulbs ... Cards (Xn las or calling) i Circulars (, printed) i Circulars (produced by Cyclosf .yle or niulli- plying process City Let ters, Drop ilo. 2 4 4 2 4 Comme) xial Paper . . 1 I 6 Custom s Manifests Cutting ,S5 I Deed i Drawir i^s i Kngrav rings i Exami j.iation Papers.. (Scb wjol and College) I Exhibition Entry Ticket i EyeGUisses i Ealty I substances 1 Grafts^ I land t .ills Insuni) ICC I'olicies I ...^ I-«Ucr9 Letter} ;, Registered , c c addii .ion to posta{.Te . . . LroHid s I Liuiog raphs i Maps I M«nus cripts (of Book*, Lc.'^al ; Papers 2 I 4 or I 2 4 2 2 2 2 2 1 I 4 4 2 4 or 1 1 U.S. Kates per 1C20Z* OtJur Couutrirs icpcr 20Z I 2 2 2 2 2 I I 2 2 Pel. Post H IC i)er 2o7. icper 20/ I I I 2 1 2 I 2 Pel. Post IC per 2oz IC per 20Z Pel. Post II II IC per 20/. n 3 1 5cptr>2»' I I I 2 I 2 I 2 2 I'd. Post IC per 20£ NcM spapcri or Mub ic I 3 1 ^ n Trann- OtlKT Coiuitrh'S Icpcr20z* Tel. I'ost ic i)cr 2oz icper 20/*' i'ci. Post* ic per 2oz IC per 20Z I'd. Tost IC per 2()/. «i 5cper>2»z i'ci.* Post' IC per 201: M 71 C'iiiiiifla U.S. OtluT ARTR'l.K r?)i1.«h Kwtos Countries per per ic loz ic loz Microscopic Slides ... I 1 II Tel. Post Militia and Municipal Returns i 2 Music 1 2 :i IC per 20Z Music liooks 14 2 II Newspajjcrs (trajii^icnt) 14 4 •• Oils I 1 I Pel. Post II 1 /■ none ^^^■cch.-'-, (' 4 ,ealed Rates x-ary I'aniphlcts 14 '2 ic per 2oz Patterns 14 i 2 h t Pass Rooks 64 12 M * I'eriodicals I 4 ^ 4 " I'hotographs 12 12 « Policies of Insurance.. 1212 •< * Post Cards iceach iceach 2c each Post Cards in bulk ..12 12 ic per 2oz Prices Current (printed) 1412 -• Printed Forms 12 12 Pel. Post Roots 14 I I " .Samples i 4 i 2 leper 2ozt Seeds r 4 i i I'd- I'ost Stationery— blank 11 11 ic per 2oz \oters' Lists ,1 2 ' *A minimum prepayment of 5c. is required, cover- ing a rale of 10 ozs, tA minimum i)repaymcnt of 2c. is recjuired, covering a rate of 4 ozs. The Calgary Herald jr» till- only pap"'. tlia» urivi'H all fhp ucavh of .\1 hvYiii !ioll.'i Di'llil Coolii ItilWCll Isliiinl liiirnird Inlet « '.ixtoii ritrdv, IsIiiimI Kid't Sini|i*iit iMii-t Nrvillr Nl Al»l>()t!»f'>r«l AltUTj.'ri>\ r Mruwiisv'illf Cnilrnl I'.irU riicniii Chilli Wiirk < May I Mil ni»VfnlMli' ^'l<^\■^'\■ \allfy (\M|llitllllll Utrc:|i.' DcwdiH'v Kliiiriic " Klirlii KlIWKItll lil<> II ill <'ol\V(lO(l CfMlinN rolHrJd roiiiMiicy • 'owicliaii <'()\vlcli«ii l,iik<' I'owlclian Station 1)<-iiiiinn Jsl iimI l>fparHiri' Miy T>imrau> siiiiidii Kaf^t SooUe Kasi Wrlliii-tnii Kr^ill^''^Ml FrciM'li ('iT«-lv FuHonI Mnrliur A I", iwlicad KHtiiiliiiali Onijjiiiils Ila|>|iy \'all< s 15UHKAKI) Frock Mowc Suniid fyiinil MniaUatla MiMMlyvlllr Moiinl IMt-asaiif N'aas Harltof I'ort Miiody Head Hlaii'd K'oy :\V WKSTMINS llari-i!«iiti l?ivcr l!at/ic llat/ic rralrif Ma/.*>iiii<>ri> llinitliiirdoii liO'lllff liaiiiflry liaiiyli-y I'rairit- liiilii Inland McCdiincll Crcrk Mission ('i\ Mount l.i'lniian Mud May Xiw \\'i-*tniln»t( Niroi'in-Ixi Xii'ounn otter I'cardonvillf' VAX(*(>r\ KK naliiiola Island <.i»llano (iandiaiii (ioldstrcain av Nortlifleld XorMi Siuniieli Xorfli Sjilt S|irini niior IVdnt I'arksville Pender Island Vlmnper Tass VICTOhMA Mny\vft«»n \\e,Htlt«tlme Yotnitr \\'anl»oron«:li Victoria Victoria West il olumbia ^t'l-SllllcJ 'niii "•• ^'.•UK•(lll\l itiiiiiflli irliiii(K*k ' Rciifn'w iiiicliaii Hi «)ak .J^l'i'iii^' Isliiiid nia •It a viiiwiii Lak( ilniiil I'V ifVit 'IIOH Aliiswnrlli AU'xaiulria Ak'xisCrcck Alkali Lake A riii8troii'^- Aishorot't Ash croft; Station AtTowiicaU Hal four Htirtoii Marlvrrviilc HIk Hear ("rt'ck Hliui Spring's Houiuirv Falls Crtclu! (!r(M'k Cnmp McKlimcy ('licrry Cnck Clillcotcii (>-Mile, House. « )HOVOOS Palllwr I 'a vl lion rcuiherton 1 Meadows Vernon Waneta Wlilte Lake, AN'ild iforse. Windermere Vale Save Money Tliere. Is an lnsl«ie track on everytliintr, especially adver- tising III KoorKX.VY (SL IDK It Iwtke oose. <'!et It I Hay ii*rfon l»<»lm,. IS FILL LIST «VF KXl'HKSS UFFK 'ES AKD OTUEICUSKFUL •oroiiy^li ria ri;i W'm MATTER IN NEXT ISSUE /Ti' Look nni for it. Uuy it» A IltitV. niiryiiis. 74 Provincial fiioveriiitieiit of U. C'. lit. (;i«\ .. 'I'l!*' Iluii. KiIlt-ii- Diwdiit'.v. Triviite >M'«-n'tnry. ('jj|ii. M. UMcliarilHuii. KXMITIVi; rnt Ncri. Minii«lfr of Fihnii('f:iiiil At'rl«"Ultiir<'. Ilnn. .1. II.Tiinior, I'miiitT. Atturncy f;.-iiiTaI. M«»ii. I). Af. F\!M'ilf«. <'liii,f <'{)imiii««iiji!«r of IjIiuIs mimI Works, Hon. (i. 15. Martin. l*r(»viin-ial S»t.Trtarv ami MiiiiMrr of .Mliit-.s, llcoi. James Hak«T I'nsidnit of r..niM-il. Hon. «'. K. I'ool* y. C^. (' f'lrrlv of <"oini<'ll. Hon. Juiii<-s liaki-r. I.KfilM.ATIVK ASSKMUI.V TarilMM). S. A. l{oir«Ti«. rarllK»<>. \V. Atlaiii!*. rawinr. .lolni Irviiitr. ('oinox. .1. Tlnntrr. < ■owichan-AllM-riii. Major. I. M. Miittrr, (.1. Kast Kootfiiav. Hon. .Imiim'^ lli'.krr. Ksuuiniall. Hon. *'. K. INhiI.x . Hon. P. W l.lllooK. Ka.««t. U. A. St«i«l. Graliaui. Yale I)istriKKS iof CoinniisHlonrr. Hon. (i. H. Martin. , puty Coinniis-sloncr, W. S. iJorc. rvcyor (.tcMH-ral, T. Kalns. riMHKlt IXSPKCruH !l)nctov. K. .1. Skinner. sii' 1 on; r >,'i.strar, IJ. H. T. Drak.-. MISKIM rator, .1. Faiiiiiu. i.imtARV brariau, R. K. (losiu-ll. ; l'(»!,UK pi-rintondont. F. S. Hu'^'^cy. rjTi-ant, .lolui M. liaiij-'ley.' SKN.vroKS vil>oo. Hon. .lanii's li\'U\, rcsidt-ncf, Qucsncllo. '\v XW-stnilnstor. Hon. T. It. .Mi-Innos. n'f. Victoria. (toria, Hun. W. .J, Maiduiiald, rcsidi-nt'i-, Victoria. m HK.Vi: (>V STATISTirS UndiM" i'rovinciitL Secretary's Dcnartnicnt' U. !•:. (insnt'll. i!K«;isri:iMX(; okj'Ais tmk.v r "/[.•^Irar (iineral of Tillcsand Itc^isirarof .loint Slock co;)ii»anirs. S. V. Woolton Li OSLER & CO.. Mining: Brolcers O. lio.N 53 IJrilish Columbia Queen's Hotel, MACLEOD, ALTA. Hcgt cqulpiicd and most comfortable house in Soutlicrn Alberta Froo bua moots all trains )IJN GEXGE,Proi»riotor k. B. BARNES Dispensing Chemist, edical Hall, MA CLEOD, ALTA 7« , • ■ ■ - liicor|»ornted ClticM. HOSSLANI) Mftvor— N'. AVallat'c. Alficniicii— Uos)*, 'riuiuf'Mi. lialoiidc. I'liiitf, Kd^n-ii S.VNIX'N Muyor- -K. U. AllnTlMn. Alviill. KAi^I.O M;n'«n- -C. \V. M«'Aiiii AhltMiiieii- .1. J). Mo(.n'. D. W. Aloui*.'. Dr. .Nrarllli. !■ K. AiThiT. (.iuu. WliiifSidf. A. (luodfriouirh. .Mayor— .1. Hon^tmi AliI'TiiU'ii-Toi'tzol. Wliallt'V. nillv^T, (iilUcr, Araloii. Fk'tcliir. IM'Lfc Meal. ;d Oats s . . . . r . . . • (1 Provincial ]Vei¥f«papei*»«. Kruits lies. .. Sail r 1. Totait Onions fa ... tan I eo. . Ashcroft — Express, \v ; IJ. C. Mininj^ Journal, \v ('hllUwack— ProKTOfis. w. Cranbrook— Ht'vnld, w. ,• , J'ort Steele — Prospector, w (lolden — ICra, w ; Kasl Kootenay Miner, w Greenwood Ciiy — lioundary Creek Times, w (Jraml Forks — Kaslo— Kootenain, w ; News, w Kamloops— Standard, il. and w; Scntimd, w, Kuskonook— Searchlijrht, \v. Midway — Advance, w Nanianio — Kree Press, w ; Review, w Nelson — Miner, w : Tribune, \v ; Economist, w New Denver — Ledge, w New Westminster— Cdlumbian, d.. Sun. d. Revelstoke — HeraUi, s w ; Koutenay Mail, w RoBsIand— Miner, d. and w; Record, d; Tliues, w; Ro.«s lander, w; Mining Review, w. Sandoii— Paystrenk, w; Miidnp: Review, w. Siverton — Silvertonian, w .Slocan City — News, w ; Miner, w Trail — News, w ; Miner, w Vaneotn'or— World d., Xews-At'.verlisor, d.. rr(»vln«e d Mining Critle. w. Victoria — Times, d; Colonist, d; Province, w; Minin-; Record, m Vernon — News, w Wellington — Knterprise, w Wardner^IntprnatioDAl, w. (pressed egetablei ) lensed } St Cakes ches . . . er .. » ract of li acbo . . . aca Ginj p Vineg 'fore M LG. 77 •'H. Iiliif, Kd^icii lllllIlT, Mlirh 11)8. 400 M 20 1. 16 Meal . •d Oats i l»i-. Huriiii. I- OllL-ll. ilk'r, AfjilMnc ournal, \v er, w It's. \v >v. lomist, w fail, w Inics, w; Row I'ruits. . . . llles Sail I''>ik. . ). I'otaiofS.. Onions , . . fii ng Powder. er )t'r lard ec " 25 11 100 •• 75 ■• 75 n 20 n 50 " -25 '• 5 It 150 .. 10 •■ 3 .. 20 •• H « I " .'2 •■ 25 I. 10 ipressed Soup egetables 10 5 Icnsed Milk, .tins 24 St Cakes pkiy;. 6 ches 60 er . . » ract of IJeef . . ... acto aca Ginger |) Vinegar i (jt. 0\W] .11 .%X FOK FiAK (luld Pan I (iranite Huckvts. ... 2 Knife and fork .... .Sp()»)ii> a.ssorti'd .... 6 Hread Pan i Cups 2 Plate-., 'ttn 3 Whet .Stone Coffee Pot Piek and naiidies.. Hatchet .Saws Whip i .Saws I land .Sliovels Files assorted .\xe ans I Revolver T Stove I Frying Pan i Rope l)^in. ) 1 00 ft Nails 30 lbs. Sleds Pitch Oakum Medicine ^fore you go to the CXONDIKE get a I.. I'rovlnec n«'w Day. St. .lolm Itiii.tisl .Imif| AhIi \Vi'(liH'«ln'v..Mnr<-h Ist St l'Htri(k....."..,Mnn'li 17 Talni SuiMlay Apiil H Good Fridu v Ain-il m Enstcr Similay Ai)rH 1(» Ka8t«'r Moiidav A|till 11 Ht. tJoorjr*' ...AprlU'n AsvcTiBion Day— Holy Tlmnwlny M.ay !!• A»<'«*n»lnn'l»av May 18 Hlrth of '.^iitM'n Vlrtoiia'. lMil» May L'l l'»'iittH'opl May iii St. .loliii ItajttisI .hint Awonedon of (^iiccii V'lrlorln.'lKn ....hine»i snnimf^r Day .Iuin> iM (.'oroiiatloii (lH;ix»...Jnn«'i 'JH noinhiioii Day .Inly 1 Lalioiir Dav... . . . .'.St'])t. fi llallowi'N'ii Oct L' All Saints Xov. 1 Hlrth I'liiuc \Val«'9. 1K»1 ....N0V|!l SI. Ainlifw'8 Day Nov. :!<» (.'olici-ptloll ". . . .Dt'f. M ('Uiisimas Da v. Sun r)C'c i'.. CALEf ^DAR, 1898 FEHUUAHY 18}»H JANUAKY Suii...'.~ ""'2 !» IG 23 .10 •J l.'J 20 27 it 13 2(t 27 Moil . . . :» 10 17 24 .')1 7 14 "1 28 7 14 21 28 Tues .. 4 11 18 2S 1 8 1.'. ^2 1 8 1.5 22 2it Wwl... f) 12 1!> 5M 2 Jt 1« 2.J 2 Ifi 23 .HO Thrs .. •5 13 2(> 27 :t 10 17 24 U 10 17 24 Frl.... 7 14 21 28 4 1118 2ft 4 11 18 2r. Sn t . . . . 1 H ir. 22 :v.> T) 12 l!l 2t; ') 12 10 'JH\ APRIL MAY _ J UNE Su.i .. .'110 17 21 I 8 !■) 22 2J» r»i2ii»20 1 M • 4 11 18 2.*. 2 11 1 13 20 27 1 Tn.8 .. 'i 12 lit 2»i :» 10 17 24 .'.l 7 14 21 2» 1 Wed... « l.S 20 27 1 11 18 2r. 1 8 In 22 2> 1 Thrs .. 7 14 21 28 t> 12 lit 2« 2 !ll0 23;Xt Frl.... 1 8 lo 22 21> tt W 20 27 .J 10 17 24 Sat .... 2 5> 1() 2S ;«» 7 14 21 28 4 11 18 28 JULY AUGUST 7 14 21 28 SEPTEMBER ^^i 11 18 25 Sllllr . . . ;{ 10 17 24 ;ji Moil .. 4 11 1^ 2:. 1 8 l.'* 22 2!t j'>12 10.2(i Tuos . f) Li lt» 2tJ 2 » 1« 2.'J .'JO (i IS fiO 27 Wed .. n i» 5j»t 27 ;j 10 17^4 31 7 14 21 28 Thrs .. 7 14 21 28 4 11 18 2i'. 1 8 1.T 22 2J» Frl.... 1 8 In 22 2!l r> 12 IJ) 2(J 2 i) If) 23 .W Sat.... 2 JllU2;j;j(» (J 13 20 27 n 10 17 24 OCTOBER NOVEMBER DECEMBER Sun ... 2 !» l»i 2.H : t» «i 13 20 27 4 11 18 in Men .. 3 10 17 21 ;n 7 14 21 28 '. 12 1S> 20 Tuea .. 4 11 18 2". 1 8 1.5 22 20 13 20 27 Wed .. a 12 1!) 2 J 2 » 1<> 23 30 7 14 21 28 Thrs .. (i l.'{ 20 27 :. 10 17 24 1 8 LI 22 20 Frl ... 7 14 21 is 4 11 18 2.-> 2 !l i«; 23 ;(o Snt ... . 1 8 1.5 22 2.> .'. 12 li) 2«5 3 ll> 17 24 31 BANK HOLIDAYS New Year's, Good Friday. Easter Monday, Queen's Birthday, Domhiion Day, Lnl)or Day, Thanksgiving Day, Christmas; also any day appointed by prodama' tlon for ft general holiday or thanlcsgivlng. Iv«Ih, '«h I <;il(M'l| 'lw-'<7 ....Junosfii ^ny Iinn> i'.i h\y .July ] '....•...'.Sept. r. Oct 2 .... ....\<»V. 1 (' \\ alt«8. \ov|!i « l>)iy \(iv. ;i() Vh'f.H iiy.Sdii r)C'<'i';. MARCH 7 14 SJl JJ8 1 H 1.5 22 2!t -' » Ifi 2;) ») '.; 10 17 24 HI 18 2r, it 12 1!» 2«! __.JUNE ;'» 12 l!» ^r; <; in 2(» 27 7 II 21 2> 1 H la 22 2> iJ »l(t2J{;k) .J 10 17 24 4 11 18 28 ^^PTEMBEK 41118 2'» /■» 12 1!(.2(! (5 LS fiO 27 7 14 21 28 1 8 1.T 22 2f» -* -4) 1(5 28 30 !» 10 17 24 ECEMBER 4 11 18 2h i'» 12 IS) 2(i li(^ MH^. D. A. llelKIl «;AT.0. Profi. The ROYAL HOTEL RellJy & Archer. Proprietors. Calgary, Alta. fonier ofSfeplirn Avi'mi'* nibl CVntrr Slrrrt. Strlctlji' HrMt-rlaMM in ewer^ Htadquarters for tourists tn route to KIondiHe. I^iiip]« llooiiifi roiiven lentil •ItiiAted. . "m ♦♦••^♦#» t- #-#^ $1 p^r aopurn lOc. a Copy nrr^vK Caltrarv. Allnril ■■Si