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Those too large to be entirely included in one exposure are filmed beginning m the upper left hand corner, left to right and top to bottom, as many frames aa required. The following diagrams illustrate the method: Les cartes, planches, tableaux, etc., peuvent §tre filmte A dee taux de reduction diffirents. Lorsque le document est trop grand pour Atre reproduit en un seul clichi, il est filmi i partir de Tangle supirieur gauche, de gauche i droite, et de haut en b«s, en prenant le nombre d'images nicessaire. Les diagrammes suivants illustrent la mithode. 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 CATALOGUE SALE OF THE FURNITURE AND EFFECTS OF THE LATE SIR GEO. E. CARTIER, On THURSDAY, AUG. 14, 1873, At his late residence; Cor, Maria and Metcalfe Sts., A. ROWE, AUCTIONEER. SHED. 1 Large Water Barrel 1 " Wash Tub 2 Wood Palla 1 Lot of dry Soft Wood 1 Box of Coke I Clothes Horse I Pair of Steps BACK KITCHEN. 1 Box Stove 18 Lengths of Stove pipe, one Elbow I Butter Tub 1 Watering Can 1 Tin pail I Slop pail I Tin pan 1 Lot of Candle sockets 2 Dripping pans a GridlronB 1 WasMng board 1 Brush 1 Broom 1 Clothes line 1 Lot of Clothes >pias 2 Kaire Boards I Bird Cage 1 Ice-cream fVsezer ILai^eTIn boiler 1 Enamelled Preserving Pot 2 Large Saucepans '2 famuli «> 2 Prying pans 1 Washing basin 1 Axe 1 Trowel 1 Kitchen table I Pair of Stove brushes I Fire Guard 1 Cubt paa :!IITCHEN. 1 Cooking Stove with 4 pieces of Furniture 16 Lengths of Stove pipe, 1 Elbow 1 Plate warmer 1 Piece of Sheet iron 1 Piece of Zinc 2 rhalrs 1 Baking sheet 1 Washing bench 1 Large Kitchen table 1 Large Cupboard with drawers 1 Window Blind and roller 1 Tin dipper 1 " coilender 1 Coal oil Can and Funnel 2 Candlesticks 1 Grater i Cofi&e pot 1 Tea pot 1 Set Bkewera 1 Stair Brush 1 Toasting rack 6 l<'lat lions and stand 2 Ice-creom shapes 1 Soufle shape 1 Pudding shape 1 Blanc mange shape 1 Patent Flour Sifter 1 Funnel 3 Brittaniu metal dish oover* 1 Boned Turkey shape 8 Measures 1 Gravy sieve 1 Fmr wipe 1 Meat chopper ITray 17 Large dinnerplates 6 Pudding plates II .'< ^i„i — 2 Large 1 Mshes 2 Bowls CATALOGUE. "Kitohen.—^CoMinwii.) 1 Enamelled Tart dish 1 Large .fug 1 Coloured Jus? 2 Hot water Jugs 1 Htone Jellv shape 6 Cups and three suucerK 1 Sugar Busln 1 Tea Cannlster 38 Preserve Jars I Bronze lamp 2 Small lamps 1 Pair Bronze Candlesticks 1 Scales with 8 weights 7 Pound weight 1 Iron shoo lift 1 Hour Dredge '1 Scoops 1 Malehhox I Block-tin Jelly shapes 1 " Pudding " 1 Small " '< •' 2 Pack°ts of Gelatine 1 Jar Candied Voilets 1 Can f^ove Ov^tara 1 " Star Lobster 1 " Truffles : . ■■> Bottles Preserved Fruits 1 BoxTaffev \ Tin Bread box T " Cake " 1 Large Tea Canister 1 " Coflee " T Comnlete Dinner Sett, 68 pieces \ S'de taiile 1 T L'lrare Frosted (xlass dishes 2«mall " " <• 2 Round Glass di'hcs 4 Oval " » V Suijar dish 1 Tjarsce rflnsR Jus? with pair of Goblet-i 1 Doz. Champacine glasses 5 • bustard Glasses '?. doz. Cut Wine Glasses, Port and Sherrv 8 Pressed Tumblers 1 .lupanKntfeTray 1 doz. best Ivory Handled Table Knivelt 1 " " Desert Knives ii fiitrge (Jarvers and Forks 2 Game " " » Table Knives 1 Steel 2 Nichel Silver Sauce Ladle 2 " Siuicepans I " Teaspoon 3 " Forks 1 Knife 1 Sardine Opener 1 Large Pair of S<>issor8 Ijemnn Squeezer Cni!!<. brush £veakfkst-RoOJ0. — (Continued.) 1 Table Mats 1 Folding Loaf Table 1 (Jreon Table Cover SettThreO'Travs 1 Small Round Tray 1 Feather Uuslor 1 Small Broom 1 Hat Brush 1 Large Rocking Ohalr 4 Chairs I VenetlHn Blind 1 Red Valance DINING ROOM. 1 Black Walnut Extension Dining Table 1 Table Cover 6 Black Walnut Cane Bot'om Chairs 1 Cane Bottom Rocker 1 Large Bbick Walnut So'a covered Green Dam- ask, with drawer 2 Cushions (Feather) 1 Pair of /> ntlmacasses 1 F'of>t Cover 1 Mahogany H^ir CI. ifh Sofa 1 Black Walnut Sideboard 1 Pair of Silver Glass Candlesticks X Vase 1 English Cut Glass Water Jug ard P G? 2 ' '< 11 up ,t,^ip(< 1 Pair of Electrf) lated EntrCo Dishes with cover 1 Liqueur Cruet Stand 1 Electroplated Cake Basket 1 " HiscuitBox I " Toddy K"t11e 1 " E'-'ff Frame; 4 Cups and Spoons 1 " Butter Cooler 2 " Breakfast Cruets 1 " VI Mich Box 4 " Owls 1 Pair T>iqueur Bottles with Elactro Labels aiul Stopjiers 1 >'-iiich Rleefro Salver 1 Ln rge Book Case ■ ' 2 Whatnots 4 Trebsses 4 Frosted Fruit Dishes. 1 Fa;f: B'vil«>r fi Hound Salts with Syioons 1 Electroplated Tea Service, 4 pieces 1 " Dinner Cruet, 5 bottles J " Toast Rack 1 China Handson Dessert Sett, 2:i Pieces 4 " Bre 'kfiistCu' and Saucers ' (! '• Plates 1 " T 'a nott. '>7 T cen 4 Large Frosted Fruit Dishes, Gold Edge 4 Small " '< ' I Electronlated Call Bell fi Huhy Candle Guards 4 Ivory Fruit Dishes II Ice Cream Piat-'s 1 Dessert Sett Electroplated Pearl Handle Knives and F'"orkx in case * 2 Electmnlated Bedroom Candle ticks 2 Tahle-Eleetro Candlesticks 4 Ensrriiv'd Flower Vases with Gold Stands 4 Svv;in SaUs"llers with 4 spoons 3 Winestopiiers 1 Salad Fork and Spoon 1 Ti^ipctroplatefl Butter Knife 1 Bread Knife 1 Electroplated Su2:ar Tongs I " Soun Ladle IS Best " Taiile Spoons 15 " '< Dessert Spoons n " ToaSpoiais 15 " T.tble Forks 15 '' Dessert Fork^^ II Huhy Champagne (xlnsses 1 doz. (!ut Claret fillasses 1 " Plain Cut Port Glasses CATALOGUE. \ DniM- h cover toons ?ls uiid KniA'es Dining-Boom.-(C'o«(;iM«erf..) '» Plain Cut, Sherry Glasses 18 Out Greeu Htick Glasses 10 Candle (Inanls I CiitGlus-t OltifPt JiiK 1 FioHt Cut Gliiss Claret Jug, Elootro Imndlc and RlopiHjr 1 (loz. Plain Cut FingerGliisses *2 Gliiss Flower vasoo ■J Cut Htivr foot fruit dlshos 1 Pjilr of Quart decanters 1 " " Pint " 1 " '< Fine out pints 8 Velvet stands for fruit dishes 12 Iil()Uor glasses 'Z Doz. plain cut goblets 4 Plain cut Chanipngne glasses 1 Small roand table 1 Table cover 1 Japan coal skuttle 1 Pair tongs and joker 1 SnltfKtn 1 Firescreen 1 Ilparthrng I Pair Antique Bronze Candalabres 1 Kiiiht Day Clock 1 Pair Kli'Ctroplatel Cups 1 Plate Mirror (illt Frame 1 Large Pair Colored Picturcii 1 Pair Small " 1 Large Pbotograpli View of Quebec (gilt frame) 1 Framed Flags of all n>tionS 2 Pair of Wlilte Curtiins (wilii trimming) 'Z Pair of Green Damask Curtains (winter usse) '1 Window-bllii|is HaLL. i!S Yds Hail oil Cloth 1 Oak " Table a " " Chairs 1 Cloak and Hat Stand ;i Sheepskin door Mats 1 Cocoa •< " 1 Box Stove Black Giant 27 Lengths Stove plpos 1 Square piece tin 1 " " under stove l-!i yd', liiussells sta.r Curpet 10 •• St 1 l.inen 2;} Hrass Kods 1 Figure for niche D'Arcy MoGce 1 Large Map Province ofQ,uel)ec 1 " " Manitoba 1 Small Map Province of Quebec 1 Window lilind 1 Blue Canailian Flag 1 Red " " 1 Union Jack 1 Evaporator 1 Electroplated Card Basket DBAWING-ROOM. tiO yds Klderminster 3 ply Carpet Square KoseW(KKl pianO Green Cover for " H.jsewofKl l)rawing»yom Sett Sofa, Six (Miairs and iwo easy Cliairs Hearth Rug Black Walnut centre table " " Whatnot SmaJIvoiind Table with velvet cover 1 P;>ir'blu»>N'i«fis 1 Sliijg ^\^,^^ Flowers 1 Pairchlna-'uby and Whits Flower Pots :! Shad, ., 1 Red Va.-o 1 Shade, Wl.teriilly I li irge hliu and gold Vase 1 " plate Mu-ror , ., 1 Pair large green and gold Vtises 2 B-mquet-: of ArtiUclal flowers Drawing-Room.~( Continued. ) 1 Flight day time- piece with Bhade 1 Palrof White and Gold Lustres 1 " Green and (iold Vases 1 Shade of 12 birds 1 Pair of Willie and Gold Vases 2 Bouquets ot artillelal Flowers 2 Pairs of White Curtains 2 " (ireen Damask Curtains (Winter use) 1 " Green and < Jold Cornices 2 Window Bllntls 1 Small Plate Mirror (Gilt Frame) 5 Antimacivssors 1 Cushion (Sofa) fl Water Color views of Montreal as it appeared in \m) 2 Sketches in Gilt Frames 1 Large framed photoj;raphlc view of Parliament BuiUilnifs, Ottawa 1 Framed vitnv of CnKjuet (iame (British Colum- bia) 1 " Photographic view of New Capitol, Albany, M.Y. 1st BEDROOM, Sir GEOBGE'S. ;iO yds Brussels Carpet 1 Black Walnut Bedroom sett 1 Small roucli Sjiring mi-ttrass. Hair mattrass \V& \hn. Hair bolster, 2 Feather pillows, 1 pairoT Blankets. 1 While Bed Cover I pairof fancy Pillow Covers 1 Hubhei Travellina: bath 1 Waste paper baslcet 1 Bedreom toilet sett 1 Water bottle and glass 1 Fancy towel raclc 1 Antlmacasser (i Colored pictures, dark ft'ames 1 Light wo d framed picture 1 Clock 1 pair Candlesticks 1 Pin box 1 Toilet, cover 1 Pot Ariiticlal flowers 1 inon table cloth, 6 yds 1 " " 8i " 4 '• •« 2J " eacli 8 " Hide board olothH :< Kitchen tabic clothM 2 Doz. Fine IJnen Dinner Napkin* K Brvakflwt Napkins 'JI Frtnged Dolleu 1 Doz. Red and White Dollets 3rd BEDROOM. I Bedrom Hett, conNistinc or liedotead, Cbeiit of Drawers, enclnsed Wat»h8tand, To'lot Tabic, Toilet Glass, 2 Cane Bottom Chalra, Night Stool I OTal Table 1 Table Cover I Book Stand t Large Bath I Htraw MattraKs 1 Hair " 2 White Q,ailt8 1 Ijarge Colored Quilt I Toilet Bett 1 Water Bottle and Glass 1 Pair of White Ourtolnc I Venetian Blind BED UNEN. 4 Pair Of Sheets » Pillow Caseo 1 Jjarge Bath Towel 5 BatE Towels I DoK. Linen Towelx " « Towels 1 Roller Towel 1 Toller Cover 4th BEDROOM. 1 Bedroom Carpet 1 Single Iron Bedstead ) Spring Mattrass 1 Mattrass 1 Feather Bed 1 " Pillow 1 Pair Blankets 1 White Counterpane I Chest-Drawers I Black Walnut Mirror 1 Toilet Cover 1 Washstand 1 Toilet Sett 1 Side Table 1 Book Stand 3 Cane Bottomed Chairs 4th Bedroom.— (Continued.) 1 Solid Ijeather Portmanteau (canvass covered) 1 Large Bonk Chho (kIuhh front) 1 Pair White CurtHlns, with Trimming 1 Window Blind 6th BEDROOM. 1 Eadroom Carpet 1 Single Bedstead 1 Mattrass 1 Bolster 1 Feather Pillow 1 Pair of Blankets Large Colored Quilt Chest of Drawers Toilet Glass Toller Cover Washstand Toilet Sett I Cane Bottomed Cliair 1 Sett Chintz Curtains WINE CELLER. Lot No. 1— " 2- doz. qoart It half pints Ctyimpagne pints " ii « M It <• (t II 11 New Claret pints, Chateau Margaux " '• Laflttee Claret quart Cliampagne