%. ^ n% IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) y- / O 1.0 I.I i^mk 121 t I4S 120 — fe" 1.8 1-25 11.4 ii.6 Photographic Sciences Corporation 23 WE3T MAIN STREET WEBSTER, NY. 14580 (716) 872-4:)03 .■" ;*« T. EATON & CO. TO OUR PA TRONS : WE take much pleasure In presenting our many customers with this, our f irst Catalogue. Owing to the immense increase in our Mail Order Department, wefmd it has become a necessity to issue a catalogue of this style, and even this is incomplete, In that it contains only a limited description of the stock, and therefore does not give you a correct idea as to the immense varieties and extensive stock carried by us, and in the thirty-five different departments there are thousands of articles and prices which are not mentioned herein ; also, any order of goods wanted, which are not in Catalogue, will be executed to our best judgment. Another fact of interest to purchasers is that of our cash system, both buy- ing and selling, which means no bad debts, runaway debtors, etc., or in other words, cash prices, small profits and Increasing trade. Samples sent to any address in the Dominion. Any goods ^, bought, and found not suitable, will be exchanged for other goods ^ or money refunded. To visitors in the city, our immense establish- ment is full of interest, being of immense dimensions, abundance of light, no dark corners, four separate floors, all reached by two hydraulic elevators, together with electric lights, electric call bells, quick change system, rapid parcel office, and every necessity for a live colossal business, such as will be found at 190 to 196 Yonge Street. Send for quotations or sample of any goods not in Catalog-.e. Address, Mail Order Department. When arriving at the Union Depot or by the boats, take the Yonge Street cars, as they all pass our store. T. EATON & CO., IQO, 102, 194, IQe "SronSTG-E STI^EET. (BE£ BACK COVER) f *< vith lase y to hat fore and ent are are :h er )uy- stc, (ins ods ods ish- nce two ills, )r a ^ge ..e. f •' the I \iji~LMi ^z^zx..sa.rTTz: ■ I I T. EATON & CO., Dry Goods Importers. 1 iiiiiiiiiijiiiiiiii!iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii,i,iiiiijiiiiiiii,iiiiiiiiiiiiiiinii^ ,.^ Fancy Ottoman Cord, in all new shades 20 Extra Fine Costume Cloth, new shades 15 Fancy Colored Crape, for Dresses, new shades 16 Extra Fine Foule Cloth, newest shades 20 Fancy Spot Foule Dress Goods 20 Special Line of All-Wool French Serges, in twelve new shades 25 Extra Special All-Wool Ottomans 23 Extra Value Fancy Stripe 25 Thirteen new colors in Fine French Twills, pure wool 25 All- Wool French Saunglea, in 13 new shades 28 Extra Hea\-y All- Wool S :rges, in 13 new shades 28 Beautiful line of All-Wof 1 Ot'.oraans, in all new shades 30 The new Canvas Cloth just out, all-wool 30 Genuine Jersey Cloth, in all new shades 35 Extra Hea\-y French Canvas Cloth, in twelve new shades 35 Fine Spot Dress Goods, in all-wool 35 Plain to match 25 Fine French Fancy Crape 38 Eight colors in large twill, all-wool 38 Plain Sei^e, with stripe to match, in four patterns 38 A magnificent range of pure wool Fine Fancy Dress Goods, in every new color. . . 45 The range at 50 cents is more limited, but includes a beautiful selection in the very latest and most exquisite things from the French markets. Nearly all of the above goods, over 15 cents a yard, are to be had in black at same price. DRESS TRIMMINGS— We have an excellent range of Stripe Checks and Fancies, suitable for trimming, in all shades, at 15c., 20c., 25c., 32c., 38c., 40c., 60c., 75 WINCEYS— 24 inches in three Browns, three Greys, two Bronzes 7}4 27 II II 11 II II 10 30 II II It II II Black 12,'/^ 30 II II II II II II 15 Check Wincey for trimming I2>i 2 T. EATON & CO., Dry Goods Importers. lil:litllili|ilililMiliimillilililili|i|illl«llilllilill|i|>|i|ilillli|i|lllll|i|i|llllllili|ilillllllllllll|i'i|i|llllllllllllllllllili|illllllllllllllllltl1lllllllllllllllll^ Dress Department— Co ntinued. Mill Per CC COLORED FRENCH CASHMER S In this class of goods we have spared no pain 'o get the best to he had, o( pure I'Vench dye and finish, warranted to ktep the color. AH- Wool 1' rench Cashmere, in lo new shades 30 M II M 14 II 38 11 Extra Fine n <> 46 inches wide, 14 new shades. .45c., 50c., 6or., 75 m Colored French Twill Cashmere, double fo!-.l 20c. , 25c. , 30 „ M II 11 42 inches 38c., 40 ,, II II 11 4^ 1 5*-* " BLACK AND MOURNING GOODS DEPARTMENT— Black Cashmeres. In this class of goods we need say nothing. Our brands are an old established thing, and we have secured the very best cashmere for the least money to be had. Per yard. All-Wool Cashmere, blue black, 36 inches 7.0 cents «i ii << I. Xp j5 " All-Wool Cashmere, French make .... 38r. , 45c. , 50 m Extra Fine .Silk Finish Cashmere, 46 inches wide 60c., 75c., 90c., $1.00 Extra Heavy Make Cashmere, for costumes or mantles $1.10, $1.25, $1.50 Black Union French Twill, double fold 20c., 25c., 30c., 35 „ Extra Fine Finish Union 4Sc., 50c., 60c., 75 „ Black Foule Costume Cloth, 24 inches 15c., 20c., 25c., 35c., 40 n Black French Serges, 24 in., warranted all- wool.. 22;'^c., 25c., 30c,, 35c., 40c., 50 m Black Saungleas, all-wool 30c., 3Sc., 40 n Black Fancy Curl 30c.,' 40c!! 50 Black Crape Imperial, heavy 27^0., 30c., 3Sc., 40 Black Crape Imperial, fine make, all-wool 40c., 50 1. Black French .Serge, 50 inches wide 50c., 60c., 75c.| 80 ,1 Black All-Wool Ottomans 25c., 30c. 35 « Black French Ottoman, extra heavy 45c., 50c., 60 n Black Wool Jersey Cloth, 50 inches wide .450.,' 50 ,1 Black Fancy Curl, newest thing out 40c., 50c.', 60 m BLACK CRAPES- Courtals's Pure Silk Crape, rain-proof 45c,, 50c., 6oc„ 750., $1.00, $i.2S, $1.50, $2.00, $2.25, $2.75, $3.00, $3.25, $3.75. Black Veiling Crape, with woven border. GREY DRESS GOODS and HALF MOURNING— Plain Grey French Serge, Union 20c. 25 h All-Wool French Serge, three shades of Grey ..'...2t)C.\ 30 1, Extra Heavy French Serges .350!' 45 Grey Stripes and Checks, for trimmings. Black and Whitf; Stripes and Checks. . Full "'^ariety of Half Mourning Goods. In the Colored Dress Goods, where it is marked all new shades, it includes three shades of Brov-n, three shades of Garnet, two .shades of Green, two shades of Blue, Olive, Moss, Mouse, Cuba, Tobacco, Peacock, Tan, Black, Fawn ; in all, about twenty different shades, SILK department- No department in the business requires as much attention as this department, and to n» department in the house have we paid more attention than this. We find from experience thi on mi as 1 »V ■ 1^»W»'**»«««W*«^*W! IMH old to ard. tits. i ♦ V> Of se, ce T. EATON & CO., Dry Goods Importers. « iwiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimMiiiiiiiiiiiiuii>iiiiiiiii(iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii|>iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii^ Dress Department — Continued. 75 2 OO SILK DEPARTMENT— Continued. that ladies, in buying silk, besides using their own judgment, have got to depend a good deal on the seller ; and in view of this fact, our stock is under a special department and special manager, and placed before the customer in such a way that there can be no misrepresentation, as every piece of goods is just as it appears and is represented. Per y.ird . Black Gros Grain Silk, 22 inches wide $0 50 II II II for dresses o 75 II II II extra value o 90 II II II fine finish I 00 II II M extra heavy i 25 II II I. for mantles or dresses $1.50, $1.75, 200 Black Satins, 18 inches wide o 40 II 20 II fine face 50c. ,60c., 075 II 22 II for mantles $1.00, $1.25, i 50 Black Silk Marvilleaux, pure, 22 inches, very suitable for dresses 75c, i cxa Black Satin Marvilleaux, mantle weight, will not cut or gloss $125, $1,50, These goods arc extra superior in value. Black Cashmere Oriental, very soft and durable, a most becoming goods for mantles and dresses ... .$1.25, $1.50, $i.75. BLACK SILK BROCADES— All pure Silk, in 6 patterns o 65 Black Silk Brocade, heavy weight, in 12 patterns 75c., 90c., i 00 Black Silk Brocade, very heavy, for Mantles and Dolmans . .$1.25, $1.50, $1.75. 2 00 Black Silk Ottomans, suitable for all mantle purposes, 24 inch 90c., i 00 Extra Heavy ditto..! $1.25, $1.50, $1.75, 200 COLORED SILKS— Colored Gros Grain, 20 inches, in 15 new shades o 50 This line is usually sold at 75c. Colored Gros Grain, 22 inches, in 15 new shades o 65 „ „ II superior value o 90 Extra special colored Gros Grains, new shades $1.00, i 25 Colored Silk Marvilleaux, pure, 22 inches o 90 „ 11 extra value, will not cut $1.00, i 25 These goods are the newest dress silks. COLORED SATINS— Colored Satins, i8 inches, in 15 shades o 25 II 20 II 30 I ■. 50c., 060 Extra he.'ivy Satins, for dresses, 22 inches 60c., 75c., i oe TRIMMING SILKS - The newest things available have been procured. Plain Stripes, suitable for dress or millinery purposes o 60 Plain Stripes or Spots o 75 Plain Stripes, Spots or Brocades 75^. 90c., $1.00, $1.25, $1.50, i 75 These goods will match all the new colors in dress goods. •V ' 4 T. EATON ^. CO., Dry Goods Importers. iiiiiiiii!iii!iii;iiMiM iiiiiMiiiiiiiiii.iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiii iimiiiiiiim m mm\m umi niiiiii iiihiiiiiiiiii hi m> VELVETS DEPARTMENT Velvets are to be much worn this season, and are coming out in most beautiful shades. No dress material gives the same appearance or wear for tlie same price as a velvet. VELVETEENS— Every yard stamped and warranted fast pile. Black, 23 inches wide, silk finish 35c-. 4iiiiiHiiiiUiiiiiiii!iitiiiii« riiiiiiii>iii>iiiiiii r^ MANTLE DEPARTMENT NEWMARKETS- Lailies' Tweed Newmarkets, doulile box-]il,iits in l)Iack, with lirocade jiliish set in top }>laits, lieaded with ornaments; shoulder cape trimmed, with ornaments on shoulder; collar and cuffs of brocade plush; from $S.oo to $20.00. Ladies' Sin^le-Hieasted Newmarkets, novelty cloth, stitched cdj^e, rolling collar, and sleeves stitched and trimmed, with buttons; from $9.00 to $22.00. Ladles' Jersey Cloth Newmirkets, with double box-plaits, trimmed with beaver fur, headed with handsome ornaments ; from $12,00 to $25.00. Ladies' Silk Matclassc Newmarket?, full back, headed with el-^^ant ornaments, trimmed with Black Russian Hare, sleeves and collai to match ; from $16.00 to $50.00 DOLMANS— Ladies' Tweed Dolmans, short back and long pointed front; Japanese sleeves, trimmed with Black Astrachan; from $5.00 to $25 00. Ladies' Dolmans, in elegant mourning brocade; Japanese sleeves, trimmed all around with Black and White Chenille Fringe; from $12.00 to $30.00. Ladies' Plush Dolmans, short back, drooping to front, trimmed with feather trimming all around; sleeves the same; Fre. h shoulders, with handsome ornaments; from $25.00 to $75.oo. Ladies' Ottoman Cloth Dolmans, long front and back; Japanese sleeves, trimmed with Black Astrachan; from $5.00 to $25.00. Ladies' elegant long Brocade Silk Dolmans; narrow Japanese sleeves, satin linings, trimmed with Black Russian Hare; from $15.00 to $40.00. Ladies' handsome long Brocade Satin Dolmans, with long pointed flowing sleeves, trimmed with Black Cony Fur; collar and front trimmed with same; from $20.00 to $45.00. CIRCULARS— Ladies' Cloth Russian Circulars, trimmed with Hercules Braid, edged with Black Cony, box-plaited in back, collar trimmed with same ; tight-fitting sleeves, trimmed with braid ; from $10.00 to $25.00. Ladies' Russian Circulars, of Sicilian Silk, elegantly braided on sides and box-plaited in back ; trimmed with Black Russian Hare, fur-lined ; from $15.00 to $35.00. JACKETS— Ladies' Tweed English Walking Jackets, double box-plaits in back, narrow double-breast, broad stitch edge, sleeves to match, and rolling collar ; from $4.00 to $15.00. Ladies' Single-Breasted Ottoman Cord Jackets, tight fitting ; edge bound with braid ; collar, pockets and sleeves trimmed with same ; from $6.00 to $18.00. Ladies' Single-Breasted Jersey Walking Jackets, trimmed all around and up back to v.'aist with Hercules Braid ; neck and sleeves trimmed with same ; from $5.00 to $20.00. Every lady should have one. ULSTERS- Ladies' Single-Breasted Tweed Ulsters, stitched edge, rolling collar, and sleeves stitched and trimmed, with buttons ; from $3 00 to $10.00. Ladies' Ottoman Cord Ulsters, close-fitting, trimmed with Black Astrachan around collar and down both sides of front ; from $9.00 to $20.00. Hr- I. 6 T. EATON & CO., Dry Goods Importers. :iiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!iiiiiiiiiiriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinr''iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii^ Mantle Department — Continued. MISSES' and CHILDREN'S NEWMARKETS- Misses' Single-Breasted Newmarkets, with cape, two box-plaits in back ; cuffs and collar trimmed with natural Beaver ; from $6.00 to $14.00. Children's Heavy Cloth Newmarkets, with cape, trimmed with braid around neck to bottom, finished with handsome ornaments ; collar and cuffs of plush ; from $3.00 to $12.00. CHILD'S GARMENTS- Child's garments, tight-fitting ba k, with t\.'o single box-piaits set in front, double-breasted, half tight-fitting, with two rows steel buttons ; from $2.00 to $10.00. Child's Mother Hubbard, three box-plaits back and front, finished with collar and cape, and belt of same ; belt fastened with two steel buckles ; from $3.00 to $9.00. MISSES' and CHILDREN'S SUITS— Misses' and Children's Colored Suits, skirts trimmed with two deep fine plaiting, extending to waist ; polonaise trimmed with velvet, plaited from shoulder to waist, fastened with clasps, edged with a narrow piping ; collar and cuffs of silk ; from $2.00 up. LADIES' COSTUMES— Ladies' Worsted Costumes, skirts two- thirds plaited, with broad silk panels on side, headed with short drapery in front, full drapery in back ; basqv s, with square of fine plaiting to bust, extending to bottom of basque ; collar and cuffs of silk ; from $5.00 to $15.00. Ladies' Elegant Silk and Satin Skirts made with full plaited sides, trimmed with narrow box-plaits in back. These, worn with a Jersey, make one of the handsomest suits a lady can wear ; $5.00 to $15.00. Also a large assortment of Ladies' Handsome Overskirts in Black Casiimere and colored novelty goods ; from $4.00 up. CLOTH DEPARTMENT Black Ottoman Cord, 54 inches wide, from $1.25 to $6 00. Jersey Cloth, in Brown, Blue and Black, 54 inches wide, $2.00, $2.50 $3.00, .$4.00. Leading shades in Meltons, 54 inches wide, at 60c., 75c. and $i.oc. Colored Ulster Cloth, 54 inches wide, from $j.oo up. Tweed Ulster Cloth, 54 inches wide, from 6oc. up. Victoria Twill, All-WooI, in all colors, 54 inches wide, 7Sc. and $1.00. Chinchilla Beaver, 54 inches wide, $1.50 to $3.50. Matelasse Cloth, 54 inches wide, $1.25 up. Fancy Brocade, 54 inches vide, from $1.10 up. Sealette, in Silk, Mohair and Worsted, 54 inches wide, from $4.00 to $20.0(». Silk Plush, 24 inches wide, from $5.00 up. All the newest things in Black and Colored Astrachan Plushes, etc., fur trimming purposes, from $1.00 up. T. EATON & CO., Dry Goods Importers. 7 lllilil;l:l!|i|i|ilililililililiniilil i.iiiinrMii i.iiM m in iiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiin i vi i:miiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii:iiii|iiiiiiiiii ri.iiMi iiiilililiiilii!i!l:l:l:l 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 tiJi VM lU GLOVE DEPARTMENT JO 40 35 50 The new Fall Glove, manufactured expressly for our trade, made of spun silk, Jersey shape, 6 button length, with fleecy wool inside ; the most convenient and comfortable g ove manufactured. Per pair. To be had in all new shades at $o 50 CASHMERE— Ladies' Cashmere, Jersey make, 4 button length, in 10 new shades. .20c. , 25c., 11 II 11 finer quality, same colors 35c., 11 1. woven seams, ribbed wrist, all new shades, 4 button length 25c., Same glove in 6 button length 35c., Children's Jersey Cashmere, from No. i to 6, in all new .shades, from 15c. up. II II M woven seams o 25 No. I fits a child 3 years old. No. 6 fits a girl 14 years old. RINGWOOD— Ladies' Ringwood Gloves, fancy colors , . , o 3^ II ti II fine make o 40 Misses' Ringwood Gloves, from No. i to 6 , o 30 Gents' II M o 20 " Cashmere Gloves, woven seams o 35 II Cloth Gloves, lined o 40 II Knitted Woollen Gloves 20c., 25c.. 35c., o 50 KID GLOVES— Ladies' Undressed Kid Gloves, 4 buttoned, in Tans, (ireys, Browns o 50 11 Undressed Mousquetaire Gloves, 6 button length, in Tans only c 75 M Ladies' Castor, or Driving Gloves, 6 buttons o 75 II Mousquetaire shaped Gloves, 6 buttons i 00 II French Kid Gloves, 4 buttons, in all shades and Black o 50 Eaton's Special quality, 3 buttons, in all shades o 50 Ladies' 6 button French Kid, in all shades o 75 Eaton's Special quality 4 button glove o 75 Ladies' Mousquetaire French Kid, in all shades o 75 II 4 clasp fastener French Kid Glove, all shades 075 M 4 buttons, embroidered backs, all shades o 75 "Alexandra" Kid Glove, Eaton's Special, noted for perfect fit, warranted not to split, 4 buttons, in all shades i 00 Ladies' French Kid, 6 buttons, in all shades i 00 II Mousquetaire Kid, 6 button length i 00 Dents' 4 Clasp Fastener Kid Gloves, special i 10 Eaton's Special " Alexandra," 6 buttons i 25 Ladies' Mousquetaire, 6 button length, in all shades i 25 J6sephine Gloves, double stitch sewing, every pair warranted, 3 buttons i 25 " Jouvin " Kid, 4 buttons, double stitch i 35 II M 6 buttons, warranted , i 50 II II Mousquetaire, all si ades i 50 Eaton's Special "Alexandra," 8 button length, Mousquetaire, warranted.... i 50 " Conversier " Kid, 4 buttons, every pair warranted i 50 Eaton's Special Alexandra Kid, 10 button length, Mousquetaire, in Operas, White and Tans only i 75 " Jouvin," ID button length, Mousquetaire, in Black, Tans andO peras only. ... 2 00 Misses' French Kid Gloves, 3 buttons, embroidered backs, all colors o 60 II " Jouvin " Kid Gloves, 3 buttons o 75 It French Kid, in Operas and White o 50 WViere it is marked, "In all shades," it includes the following: Black, White, Cream, Pink, Tan, Brown, Golden Brown, Bronze, Moss, Grenat, Navy, Myrtle, Grey, Mode Shades and Cuba. .^.J 8 T. EATON & CO., Dry Goods Importers. Illllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll:lllllllllllllllli:|illil 1 1 1 lilllllMillilliMililillilllililililllilil lliililililil I lililililiMI nil llllillililirMililililililililill Glove Department — Continued. GENTS' KID GLOVES- Perpair Eaton's Special, z clasp fastener glove, embroidered backs, colored $ o 75 Gents' I bution Kid, in all colors and Black o 50 II 2 button Kid, fine quality I 00 Eaton's Extra Fine, 2 clasp fastener i 00 Dents' Extra quality, 2 clasps, colors and Black 125 Gents' Best Pique Kid, embroidered backs, warranted to wear, in colors and Black I 75 Gents' Castor Glove, 2 button, for driving i 00 11 Antelope, Eaton's Special, 2 clasps i 25 GENTS' LINED KIDS— Flannel-lined Gloves ., o 75 M 2 clasps, embroidered backs i 00 Fur top glov«6, flannel-lined i 00 II ti M spring fastener i 25 Eaton's Special, flannel lined, otter cuff, spring fastener i 50 Gt fits' Kid Mitts, fur top, lined o 75 II II It spring fastener i 00 II II otter cuffs, extra fine i 25 11 Buck Gjove, flannel-lined $1.25, $1.50, 1 75 II Chamois Gloves and Mitts, flannel-lined i 00 II Buck Mitts, lined i 25 LADIES' LINED KIDS— Ladies' flannel-lined Kids, 2 clasps o 75 II fur top, flannel-lined i 00 II II lined, spring fastener i 25 11 II extra long wrist i 50 II Kid Mitts, lined (Special) o 50 11 Fur Top Mitts, lined o 75 Children's Kid Mitts, lined 35c., 40c., o 50 II Gloves, Fur Top, flannel-lined, spring fastener 75 EOOT and SHOE DEPARTMENT. Per pair. Ladies Pebble, Button and Lace Boots 90c., $1.00, $1 20 II Kid, Button, worked button-holes $i-SO, i 75 II Fine Oiled Pebble, Laced Boots i 50 II Oiled Goat, Button Boots , $i.7S. 2 00 •I Calf and Kid, Button Boots $2.00, 2 25 II Extra Quality Calf and Kid, Button $2.40, $2.65, 2 75 II Oiled Goat, Laced $2.00, 2 25 II Calf and Kid, n 2 40 It Fine French Kid, Button $2.00, 2 75 11 Extra Qualities, $3-0o, $3.50, 500 M American Button Boots, finest qualities, at very low prices. Mi.' ses' Pebble, Button and Lace Boots i 00 II Kid, Button, worked button-holes i 25 II Fine Oiled Goat, n n i 50 11 Calf and Kid $1.50, $2.00, 2 25 II Some fine lines in French Kid. Children's Boots in great variety, at all prices. T. EATON & CO., Di'y G>ois Importers. 9 lllililililllltllil I ri:l;i:l'lil:l:l:illii;iilii;i I lU lil lailUllllilin ill I l)lilil:i:ii|:iil'l |i|;|i|ii;ii|;ii|!|il!lil liiiiililJj I |:|i|:|i|i|ji|;^ Boot and Shoe Deparhnent — Coniiiiued. SLIPPERS— Ladies' House Shoes, from 50c. up. M Kid, Turns' Rosette, 75c. up. M Fine Kid Slippers, 95c., $i.oo, $1.20 ,1 American Slippers, $1.50, $1.75, $2.00. ■1 French Kid Str.ap Shoe, with bows, $2.00, $2.25 up. 11 Very Fine Kid Shoes, beaded toes, $2.00 to $3.^0. Misses' Slippers, 50c., 75c., S5C., $1.00, $125 up. Children's Slippers, 3Sc., Soc, 75c., Qoe., $1.00 up. Special Line of Youths' Laced, $1.15, worth $1.50. Extra Quality, n n hand-s'jwed, $1.50. TRUNKS, VALISES AMD SATCHELS DEPARTMENT. For the convenience of people from a distance, we keep a consignment of Trunks and Valises in every size, which we will sell at manufacturers' prices, less 10 per cent. Prices a'; under. Goods can be packed and sent to any depot. Full range of Packing Trunks, in Wood and Tin, from 35c. to $1.50. Travelling Trunks in great variety, Wood, Leather and Crystallized, in all prices and sizes. An immense assortment of Travelling Satchels and Valises, from 50c. to $5.00. Rug, Shawl and Bag Straps of all kinds. A Special Line of Solid Leather Trunks, 28 in. to 36 m., from $2.75 to $3.75. RUBBER CIRCULARS— Special Line of Ladies' Rubber Circulars, in al' sizes, at 7Sc. Ladies' Alaska Circular, sizes from 50 to 60 inches long $1 00 It " Excelsior " Circular, fine quality i 35 It Silver-Finished Circular i 5° It Circular, Checked Lining i 75 1, II Extra Quality, Silver Finish 2 00 It 11 Plaid Lined, Silver Finish 2 50 II " Newport " Circular, with Cape and Sleeve 2 00 II "B.'st of All," newest shade 2 00 II " Star " Circular, very fine 2 50 The same Circular, finest quality. Silver Grey 4 cx) Misses' Alaska Circular, from 36 in. to 48 in i 00 It " Excelsior " Circular i 25 Boys' Rubber Coats i 5° Fine assortment of Gentlemen's Rubber Coats, $1.75, $2.50 up. In sending for any of the above, .send measure of chest and length fiom neck to the length required. r /^ J- 10 T. EATON & CO., Dry Goods Importers. iilllilil;lilUi|jililil,l:ri;iill:|iWilil(liiilililil,lililililililili,ililji4iMjilil!lilii:iililiiililililili(ilililililililili<:l'lilil^'i'i'i''''i'i''''^ Laflies' Merino and Woollen Underwear Department LADIES' SCARLET UNDERWEAR- Scarlet Vests, all pure wool, nicely finished; sizes, 28, 30, 32, 34, 36 inches, each. . Ladies' Clerical Merino Vests, all sizes, in three qualities, each 6sc., 75c., Ladies' Scotch Lamb's- Wool Vests, three sizes, S.W. women's, O.S. women's, each Extra finish Siietland Lamb's-Wool Vests, three sizes, each $1.50, $1.65, LADIES' COMBINATION SUITS— In Shetland Wool, full finished, in three sizes, S.W. women's, O.S. women's, prices $1-75. $2.00, Ladies' White Merino Vests, medium or fall weight, all sizes, each 11 II fi ti winter weigh;, each Drawers to match, per pair Ladies' White Merino Vests, medium weight, short sleeves, all sizes, each Ladies' Balbriggan Vests, with short or long sleeves ; sizes, 26, 28, 30, 32, 34, 36 inches, each Ladies' winter weight Balbriggan Vests, with long sleeves ; sizes, 26, 28, 30, 32, 34, 36 inches, each Ladies' White Cashmere Vests, with long sleeves, in three sizes, S.W. women's, O.S. women's, each $2.50, $3.00 Misses' and Children's Wool and Merino Underwear— Children's Merino Vests, winter weight : Size: 16 18 20 22 24 26^_ Price : $1 00 I 00 I 00 I 75 $2 25 50 (>5 50 SO 60 75 3 50 25c. 30c. 3SC. 40c Drawers to match. Children's Grey Merino Vests : Size : 16 18 Price : 30c. 20 22 30c. 3SC. 350. Drawers ttrmatch. Children's Lamb's-Wool Underwear : Size : I 2 3 4 Price : 40c. 45c, 50c. 5©c Drawers to match. Children's Heavy Ribbed Lamb's-Wool Underwear: Size : I 2 3 4 Price : 38c. 45c. 24 40c. 55c. S 50c. each. 50c, 40c. 40c. 4SC Drawers to match. Children's Combination Suits in Merino and Lamb's-Wool. Fine Finished Merino Combination Suits : Size: 3 4^ 5 Price : 26 4SC. each. 6 60c. each 6 50c. 75c. 8sc. Fine Lamb's-Wool Combination Suits : Size : 00 o I 2 Price : $1.00 3 $1.25 4 S $i.oo $1.10 $1.15 $1.20 $1.25 $1.35 $1.50 $1.65 LADIES' NIGHT DRESSES— Well made and finished, nicely trimmed with friUing and tuclced, each Ladies' Night Dress, trimmed with cluster tucks, frilling and insertion, each Fine Night Dresses, beautifully made and trimmed ; . . •; each 75c., 8sc., $1.00, $1.25, $1.50, $1.75. Lonsdale Cambric Night Dresses, trimmed with Swiss Muslin embroidery, each. The " Mother Hubbard " Night Dress is entirley new, tucked cambric yoke and embroidery, each o 50 58 2 00 1 65 I 75 T. EATON & CO., Dry Goods Importers. 11 •IIUi|ililililllllllllilllllllllll>lllilllllililllllllllllllll!IJHIIItillllllllllllillllill|:|il!|illillllllllllllllllllllllllllllll|i|lllllllll|i|IINIIUIIIMIIil't:|:iriiil:^ Ladies' Underwear Department — Continued- \) LADIES' NIQHT DRESSES— Continued. " Mother Hubbard " Night Dress, with yoke of all-over embroidery and nicely trimmed, each 2 75 Ladies' Handsome Sack Night Dress, tucked, and frilled with embroidery whole length of front, each 3 50 LADIES' CHEMISES- In white cotton, trimmed with frilling, each o :'.5 Ladies' Nice Chemise, trimmed with frilling and embroidery, each 035 Ladies' Chemises to match different styles of Night Dresses each 35c., 4Sc., 5Sc., 75c., 85c., $1.00, $1.25, $1.50, 2 00 LADIES' DRAWERS— Per pair. Special make of white cotton, nicely trimmed, with edging $0 33 All styles in Drawers to match Chemises and Night Dresses., 33c., 35c., 38c., 45c., 50c., 65c., 75c., 8sc., $1.00, $i.2S„ 1.50 Ladies' Corset Covers, Sizes: 30, 32, 34, 3 38, 40, 42 inch, bust mea.'jure. Prices: 25c., 30c., 38c., 50c., 65c., 75c., 85c., $1.00, $1.25, each. Lonsdale Cambric Corset Covers to match sets. LADIES' SUNDRIES— Chemises, Skirt Chemises, Corset Cover Chemises, Extra Sized ChemLses, Low Neck Corset Covers, High Neck Corset Covers, Drawers, Extra Sized Drawers, Under-skirts, Nightgowns, Bridal Sets, Pillo v Shams and Sheets, Dressing Sacques. INFANTS', CHILDREN'S AND MISSES' SUNDRIES— Long Dresses, Long Skirts, Long Flannel Skirls, Flannel Shawls, Linen Shirts, Robes, Short Dresses, Short Skirts, Merino Cloaks. Misses' Chemises, Drawers and Night-gowns, all sizes. „ Underwear, to fit children from 2 to 15 years of age. Children's Short Dresses, 18, 20 and 22 inches in length. Misses' White Dresses, 24, 26 and 28 inches in length. Coats and Capes, 20 and 22 inches in length MILLINERY DEPARTMENT OPEN NOW 1 12 T. EATON & Co., Dry Goods Impcrters. iiiimiiiiiiiii;iiiiiiiiiii:iiiii!iiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiii:iiiiiiiiii'iiiiiii!iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii' 1 1 n 1 1 1 1 1:1 1 1 II nil I k liiiiiiiii Ladies' Jersey Departient ■mi The Jersey Waists have become very popular, and —the leading fashion reports say— a garment that has come to remain in style. Ladies' All- Wool Plain Black Jerspys, 5 sizes, 72, 34, 36, 38, 40 inch, bust measure, each $1 25 Ladies' Heavy Black Braided Jerseys, all the si^es, each I 50 Handsome line Ladies' Black Cashmere Jerseys, with coat back ; sizes, 34, 36, 38, 40 inch, bust measure, each 2 00 Ladies' pretty Black C ashmere Jersey, with braided front and scolloped bottom ; sizes, 32, 34, 36, 38, 40 inch, bust measure, each 3 00 Ladies' Fine Ulack Cashmert Jerseys, with fitted front and coat back ; all the sizes, each $3-00, $3. 75. 4 25 Ladies' Extra Heavy Black Cashmere Jersey, richly braided and coat back ; all sizes, each $4.5<^> 4 75 COLORED JERSEYS— Ladies' Braided Jersey, in Navy, Seal and Grenat ; full range of sizes, each 2 00 Ladies' Colored Cashmere Jerseys, with shaped front and coat back, in Tan, Seal, Navy, Grenat, Cardinal and Creme, each 2 65 Ladies' Handsome Colored Jersey, coat back and heavy braid ; sizes, 32, 34, 36, 38, 40 inch, bust measure, in Tan, Seal, Navy, Grenat, Cardinal and "^rown, each. 3 00 Ladies' Fine Cashmere Jersey, nicely braided, with scollop bottom, 'n any of the above shades, each 3 00 Misses' Jerseys, in Navy, Sky, Cardinal and Black ; 3 sizes, each. . .$1.50, $1.65 i 75 Children's Jersey Dresses, in Cardinal, Navy, Seal Brown and Grenat shades, with plaited and frilled skirts, each $3.00 3 50 Children's handsome Jersey Dresses, with polka dot trimming, each $3-50 3 75 Boys' Jersey Suits, in Navy Blue, with colored shirt fronts, trimmed with black or white military braid ; sizes, 1,2, 3, 4, per suit $1.65, $1.75, $2.00 2 25 Boys' I^ibbed Jersey Suits, trimmed with military braid in Navy Blue, all sizes, per suit $1.25 2 00 Millinery Department This department is under the management of one of the most expert managers from New York; and as it is a department that requires taste, aptness and judgmentf'to discern what is suitable without hesitation, we can confidently say that the department is now in excellent shape for procuring the latest American and Parisian novelties. T. EATON & CO., Dry Goods Importers. 13 'l|llllirlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllMllllllltlllllllllll|l|lllllllllll|llllll!ll|l|l|l|llllJ>|.| I I I I IllllllllilllilllllllllllllilllllllllllJ I I lllllilll lllil^ Ribbon Department Per yard. All-Silk Ribbons, in all the leading shades and widths, X, J^, '» i/^« 2, 2% in. Price 3c. , 4c. , 6c. , 9c. , 1 2c. , 15 cents. New Ottonr.an Cord Ribbon, in 30 different shades, widths, %, i, i^, 2, 2|^, 3 in. Price 6c., 8c., lOc, I2j^c., 15c., 20 n Satin Ribbons, in colors and Black, 3c. per yard up. Gros Grain Ribbons, colors and Blacks. Satin and Gros Grain Ribbons, colors and Blacks. Trimming Velvet Ribbons, colors and Blacks. Velvet and Satin Ribbons, colors and Blacks. Handkerchief Department Each. readies' White Japanese Silk Handkerchiefs, hem-stitched $0 60 II White Brocade and Spotted Silk Handkerchiefs Soc, 75c., $1.00, i 25 !• Colored Silk Handkerchiefs, Brocade, Spotted and Striped, 38c., 50c., 7 Sc, $1.00, I 25 Gents' White Japanese Silk Handkerchiefs o 90 II White Brocade and Fancy Pattern Silk Handkerchiefs, 75c., $1.00, $1.25, $1.50, 1 75 II Colored Silk Handkerchiefs 60c .to 2 50 Boys' Fancy Silk Handerchiefs, in Stripes, Spots and Checks 25c. to o 50 Gents' White Linen Hem-stitched Handkerchiefs, }^ size -250., 35c., o 50 II }i Size Linen Handkerchiefs 15c., i8c., 20c., 25c., 30c., o 35 II ^4 Size Linen Handkerchiefs i^yic, 15c., i8c., o 20 Per doz. II 1^ White Linen Handkerchiefs, (Colored Borders 75c.. $1.90, $1 25 Ladies' White Linen Hem-stitched Handkerchiefs, }4i i/^, 2 in. hem, $1.00, $1.50, $2.00, $2.25, $2 50. $3.00, $3.50, 3 75 11 White Linen 4/8 Size Handkerchiefs 75c., $1.00, $1.25, $1.50, $1.75, 2 00 II White Linen, ^ Size, Handkerchiefs 75c. to 3 00 II White Linen Handkerchiefs, Scolloped Border, worked in white, 20c., 25c., 30c., 35c., 40c. and see. each. II Linen, Colored Border, Handkerchiefs, }4, i and l}4 in. hem I 00 II Solid Mourning Border, Hem-stitched Handkerchiefs, hem all black, K, I and l>^in., price $1.50, $2.co, $2.50, $2.75, $3.00, 3 50 II Fancy Colored Border Handkerchiefs 35^., Soc, 60c., o 75 Boys' Colored Border Handkerchiefs o 75 II White Damask Handkerchiefs o 60 ji Turkey Red Handkerchiefs 6oc. , 75c. , o 85 14 T. EATON & CO., Dry Goods ImpoPters. Mi|i|llltlllllil>Mllll ll'lillilHiHf Hosiery Department CI 'ti FANCY COTTON— Per pair. Ladies' Cotton Hose, in wide fancy stripes with dark colored grounds $o lo Fancy Striped Cotton Hose, in Balbriggan, with small and wide stripes in colors to contrast 25c., 38c., o 50 Hlack and Grey Mixed Cotton Hose, Oxford and Cambridge mixtures o 10 PLAIN COTTON— Ladies' Colored Cotton Hose, full fashioned, regular made, all sizes, in Navy, Seal, Grenat and Cream colors o 25 Ladies' Extra Fine Balbriggan Cotton Hose ; sizes, 8, S)4, 9, g^ inches, finished with French Toe, and made specially to our order, which has been a leading line this season o 25 Ladies' Plain Lisle Thread Hose, nil the new colors o 50 Ladies' Brilliant Lisle Hose, in the most fashionable colors o 50 Ladies' Colored Cotton Hose, with silk clock, in Navy, Seal and Grenat o 35 Ladies' Black Cotton Hose ; sizes, 8, S^, 9, Q^ inches, with French Toe, regular made 25c. , 30c. , o 38 Ladies' Extra Heavy Black Brilliant Lisle Hose, selling at 50c., regular value, J$c. Our full line of Ladies' Rockspun Silk Hose, in all the fashionable colors and Black, selling at 90c. per pair, worth $1.50. LADIES' CASHMERE AND WOOL HOSIERY— A big line of Ladies' Canadian made Cashmere Wool Hose, in Navy, Seal, Grenat and Black ; sizes, 8, 8}4> 9, 9/4 inches, seamless and extra length, selling at 38c. per pair, woith 58c. Ladies' English made Cashmere Hose, in Black, Navy Blue, Seal Brown and Wine colors o 28 English make of Cashmere Hose, with French Toe, in colors and Black o 38 Ladies' German made Cashmere Hose, extra length, full fashioned, popular colors and Black o 50 Ladies' extra made Cashmere Hose, with spliced heel rnd French finish, in the popular shades o 65 Fine German made Cashmere Hose ; sizes, 8^, 9, g}4 inches, extra length, in Navy, Seal, Wine and Black o 70 LADIES' RIBBED CASHMERE HOSE— A full fashioned, extra length and very elas c. Colors: Navy, Seal, Wine and Black. Sizes: Sin. 8^ in. gin. 9^ in. Prices : 75c. 80c. 80c. 85c. per pair. LADIES' WOOL HOSE— Per pair. Ladies' Heavy Machine Knit Grey Lamb's- Wool Hose o 25 Ladies' Shaped Lamb's- Wool Hose, made of fine Australian Wool, in Navy, Seal, Grenat, Wine and Black, Sizes : 8, 8^, 9, gyi inch o 50 Ladies' Hose for evening wear, in Cotton, Silk and Cashmere; Colors: |Pink, Sky, Cardinal, Cream and White, firom 25c. to $1.50 per pair. • i T. EATON & CO., Dry Goods Importers. is >♦!'•'»•»»» M»«MM««M:Hil.liilililllilllllllill|i|i|i|Mi|i|i|i|i|l|imilllllillllll|l|i|i|||i|i|i|i|i|i|||i|i|iini|i|i|i|j^ Hosiery Department — Conti?iued. CHILDREN'S HOSIER ~ Misses' Cotton Hose in Grey mixtures, 5c. per pair. •t StrifK.'d Cotton Hose in dark grounds, 8c. per pair. Children's German made Cotton Hose, extra length, in Navy, Seal, Grenat and Black, aho Sky and Pink. Sizes: 4>^ in 5 in. 5J^ in. 6Jn. 6)4 in. 7 in. y'/^ in. 8 in. S}i in. Prices : 1 20. 13c. 15c. 15c. IOC. IOC. 20c. 20c. 23c. perpair. Children's Cotton Hose with Silk Clocks, full fashioned, while toe and heel, all the leading colors. Sizes: 4^ in. to 8}4 in. Prices: 18 to 38c. per pair. r-RENCH BALBRIGGAN- Children's extra length, full fashioned. Sizes: 4j^ in. 5 in. 5^ in. 6 in. 6}^ in. 7 in. 7^ in. 8 in. 8^ in Prices: 15c. i8c. 20c. 20c. 23c. 23c. 25c. 25c, 30c. perpair. Children's Lisle Thread Hose, in Navy, Seal, Grenat and Black. Sixes: 4i in. sin. 5i in. 6 in. 6J in. 7 in. 7i in. 8 in. Prices: 33c. 350. 38c. 40c. 43c. 45c. 50c 55c. per pair. CHILDREN'S CASHMERE HOSE— English Liade Cashmere Hose ; Colors : Black, Navy, Seal and Grenat. Sizes: 4J in. 5 in. 6 in. 7i in. Sin. 8J in. Prices- 20c. 20c. 23c. 23c. 25c. 25c. per pair. Misses' German made Cashmere Hose, extra length and full fashioned, all the popular shades. Sizes: 5 in. 5i in. 6 in. 6^ in. 7 in. 7i in. 8 in. Prices: 25c. 25c. 25c. 30c. 30c. 3Sc. 40c. perpair. Boys' Heavy Ribbed Knickerbocker Hose in Cashmere, double heels and finished toe. Navy Blue, .Seal Brown and Black : Sires: Tin. 7)4 i n. 8 in. 8 )4 in. 9 '"• Prices : 50c. S5c. 60c. 6$c. 70c. per pair. The Extra quality in German Cashmere Hose, full fashioned, in the newest shades : Sizes : 4^ inj n. s H 'n. 6 in. 6}i in. 7 in. 7)4 in. 8 in. 8>^ in. Prices : 40c. 40c. 45c. 45c. 50c. 50c. 55c. 60c. 65c. Misses' Ribbed Cashmere Hose, full fashioned, extra length, in colors and Black, very elastic : .Sizes: 5>^ in . 6 in. 6>^ in. 7 in. 7)4 m- 8 in. 8>^ in. Prices : jsc. 40a 45c. 550. 60c. 70c. 75c. per pair. Children's Canadian Made Cashmere Wool Hose, in Navy, Seal, Grenat and Black, in seamless and extra length : Sizes : 4) ^ in. 5 in $)4 in. 6?in. 6)4 in. 7 in. 7)4 in. 8 in. 8)i in. Prices : i8c! 20c. 22cl 25c. 28c. 30c. 30c. 3Sc. 38c, per pair. Extra Heavy Lamb's-Wool Hose for_Chiidren, Ribbed, in Light and Dark Grey, extra length : Sizes : 7 in., 7)4 in., 8 in., 8)4 in., 9 in., at 25c. per pair. Ribbed, in Self Colors and Black, a splendid stocking for Boys' wear : Sizes: 7 in., 7)4 in., 8 in , 8)4 in., gin., at 35c. per pair. ^J:T • I \ , IG T. EATON & Co., Dry Goods Importers. llllllllll|llllllllllllllllllll>llllllllllllllllllli|IIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIillHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII'IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUI^c., 15c., Fine Crape Lisse Ruching, three double 20c., Two Row White Lisse Frilling, with a Heavy Gilt Edge A pretty White Lisse Frilling Shell Pattern, with Gilt Edge and Tucks White and Creme Lisse Q^iadruple Box Plait Frilling, with Lace Edge Two Row White Lisse Frilling, with heavy Silver Edge Three Row Cieme Lisse Frilling, with Colored Edge Four Plait Silk Gauze F^rilling, in Coffee, Jreme, White and Beige Colors BLACK RUCHINGS— Single Row Crepe Lisse Double Row Crep',' Lisse Three Row Crepe Lisse Black and White Lisse Ruching White Lisse Ruching, with Black Edge 20c., 2Sc., Per yard 2 cents. 5 8 ?l 1 10 It 18 It 25 tl 30 II 30 II 40 60 tl tl 30 It 50 11 8 II 10 II 20 It 25 II 30 II liir Ladies' Linen OoUar Department Ladies' Plain Band Collar, in fancy colors or White ; sizes, I2> 12^, 13, 13^^ inches, 4c. each, or 7 for 25c. Ladies' Plain White Band One-Stud Collar, in all the sizes, made specially for our trade, price, 5c. each, or 6 for ?.$c. Ladies' Fancy Colored Band Collar, with one stud, all sizes, 5c. each. A pretty Three-Ply White Linen Collar, with one stud ; sizes, 12, I2>^, 13, I3>^, 14, I4|2» 15 inches, price, 7c. each, or 80c. per dozen. The growing demand for Ladies' Collars has become so great that we have found it necessary to make a separate department exclusively for the Collar trade. The Cape Collars have become the most popular for their neatness ; once they are adjusted lo the neck no pins or hooks are required to keep them in their place. Ladies' Three-Ply White Linen Cape Collar, with stud, made from the laiest Americau shape; sizes, 12, I2>^, 13, 12}4< 14, I4>^, 15 inches, price, loc. each. A High Cape Collar, in Four-Ply White Linen, two studs, all sizes, price, 20c. each. Ladies' Fancy Striped Cape Collars, in Cardinal and White, Sky and White, Pink and White, Black and White and Blue and Cardinal, price, loc. each. Ladies' Polka Dot Collar, in the popular colors, with cape, all sizes, loc. each. Ladies' Cape Collar, in Navy Blue with Cardinal lining, all the sizes, 15c. each. MOURNING COLLARS- Black and White Band Collar, with stud, all sizes, 8c. each. Black Band Collar, with white corded edge, two studs, all sizes, 17c. each. Black and White Striped Cape Collar, lined with Black, all sizes, 15c. each. All Black Cape Collars, with turn-over corners, any size, 15c. each. Mourning Cuffs, to match CoUa.?, in the new Jersey shape, 17c., 20c., 25c. per pair. White Linen Cuffs, Jersey shape, 2\ inches wide, iSc per pair. The Jersey Cuff, with thin centre, 20c. per pair. Jersey Cuffs, in all colors, to match Collars, iSc. and 20c. per pair. ( \ ^J T. EATON & Co.. Dry Goods Importers. 17 Mllllllllllllllltllllllllllll'lll'lll'l 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 1 1 1 II 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 M 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 1 IHM 1 1 II 1 1 1 It III 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 lit lilllHil 1 1 1 1 Ladies' Collar Deparlmefit—Contbiiied. A pretty round-shap-'d Sailor Collar for boy^, in fancy colored spots, 5c. each. Boys' Sailor Collars, witb white groiiml an 1 rolored horses' hiads and whip;, bugles, dogs' htjads, and other pretty desij^ns, lo,-. each, ^r three for 250. Boys' Sailor Collars in stripes, loj. each. Boy.-i' White Siilor CoUars; sizei, 12, 12^, 13, i 3i inch-j^ ; pricey 10^., I2jc., IS:, each. LACE COLLARS- Children's Anioricm Lace Collars, warranted to wash, 7c., qc, loc, I2jc. each. Children's large-sized Lace Collars, with embroidery, and all-over net, la^c. , 15c, 17c., 20c., 25c. each. Children's Oriental Lace Collars, in White Creme and Beige, 250., 30c., 38c. each. Children's Guipure Lace Collars, new designs, 25c. each. Ladies' Lace Collars, in Oriental, 250 , 35c., 50:, each. Guipure Hamburg Collars, 75c., $i.oo each. Irish Point Collars, $1.00, $1.25, $1.50 each. LADIES' LACE FICHUS- The Pompadour Lace I*"ichu, $1.25 and $1.50 each. Oriental Lace Fichus in Creme and White, 75c., $1.00, $1.25, $1.50, $2.00 each. Imitation Duchesse Lace Fichus, 75c., $1.00, $1.25 each. Black Spanish Lace Fichus, $1.00, $1.25. $1.50 each. Black Spanish Scarfs, li yards long, 4 inches wide, 75c., 90c., $1.00, $1.25 each. Black and Creme Spanish Scarfs, i j yards long, 50c. each. Lace Department This season we import large quantities of Wool Laces, to match the coming styles in Dress Materials. The Wool Bareeje Lace is a heavy pattern, and trims richly. Many f tyles in Wool Laces for this season's trade are equal in pattern to the real Duchesse ' Lace. Widths : 2 in. to 9 in. ; prices : I2jc., 17c., 20c., 25c., 3Sc., 50c. per yard. New Black Matelasse, Spanish, Chantilly and Guipure Laces for Dress and Mantle Trimmings. New Black Flouncing Laces in Soutache, Spanish, Chantilly and Matelasse. Widths : 6, 9, 12, 18 to 36 in.; prices : 35c. to $2.00 per yard. REAL WHITE LACES— Valenciennes — J in. wide, 17c. to 25c. per yard ; ^ in. wide, 25c. to 37AC. per yard ; i in., 37^0. to 50c. per yard. Thread Laces— i in., 25c.; | in., 30c.; i in., 38c.; ij in., 50c. per yard. IMITATION WHITE LACES— Valenciennes— i in. wide, 2c., 3c., 4c., per yard ; J in., 6c., 7c., 8c. per yard ; i in., loc. to 15c. per yard ; I J and 2 in. 17c. to 25c. per yard. • Antique — 2 J, 3, 4 to 6 in., I2ic. to 25c. per yard. Torchon — J to 3 in. wide, 5c. to 30c. per yard. Oriental Laces in Beige, Creme, Coffee and White, Sc. to 50c. per yard. LACE VEILINGS— Imitation Thread Spot, 13 in. wide, 15, 20,-25c. per yard. Chenille, Small Spot, 12 in. wide, 20, 25, 30. per oard. Black Beaded Net, 12 in. wide, 30, 3Sc. per yard. Spot Net on Tinsel, Gold on Black, Silver on Black, Steel on Black, 12 in. wide, I2jc. per yard. ,> is T. EATON & Co., Dry Goods Importers. 1 1 I I I I I M 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 til I'l llMllil ll|<|l|.|l«l|l|l|l|l|l|i|Jlli|ll IJII tllilll l>lill«lllllllllililil Knit Eroods Departient Ladies' Slepveless Wool Jackets, in Cardinal, Navy Blue, Brown and Black colors ; three sizes, S.W. women's, O.S. women's, $i.oo, $1.25, $1.50, according to quality. Ladies' Imitation French Cardigan Jackets with Sleeves, three sizes, S.W. women's, O.S. women's, $2.00 each. Ladies' Wool Gaiters, plain knit, fine Shetland wool, in Black, White, Brown, Cardi- nal, Navy Blue and Grenat colors ; sizes, from 12 to 30 inches ; 35c. to $1.00 per pair. Ladies' Wool Hoods, hand made, fine material, in Sky, Cardinal, Black, Ntvy, Seal and Grenat colors ; 75c., $1.00, $1.25 each. Misues' Hoods, fine zephyr yarn, all the leading shades ; 60c. to $1.25 each. Infants' Hoods, in White, Sky, Pink, Cardinal and Dark colors ; 30c., 40c., 50c., 60c., 70c., $1.00 each. Ladies' Boating and Shoulder Wraps, German Knit Shawls, in White, Sky, Apricot, Cardinal and Grenat shades, ranging in prices from 75c. to $5.00 each. Three Corner Shoulder Wraps, in all the colors, from 25c. to 75c. each. Promenade Scarfs and Clouds, in the most fashionable shapes and all the new colors ; 65c. to $2.50 each. The Peg WofFington is to be a very popular Head and Neck Wrap this season, ia fancy colors — Red and White, Sky and White, Pink and White, Creme and White, also in the self colors ; price $1.25 to $2.50 each. Skirt Department Ladies' White Skirts, with tucks and frill, each $0 $0 Ladies' White Skirts, made with cluster tucks and Hamburg embroidery, each 75c., $1.00, I 25 Ladies' White Skirts, with wide embroidery and tucks, each. .$1.50, $1.75, $2.00 to 3 50 LORED SKIRTS— Ladies' Melton Cloth Skirts, knife plaited, piped band, each 50c., 75c., I 00 1. French Felt Skirts, in different colors, each 75c., $1.00, $1 25 to 2 oa Black Alpaca Skirts, with yoke nicely quilted, each $l.oo, $1.21;, $1.75 2 00 I. « Italian Cloth Skirts, with deep quilting, each.. $2.00, $2.25, $2.50 to 400 T. EATON & Co., Dry Goods Imporiers. 10 MHiKiiiniiiiiitiDMo. '•iiiiiii'iii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii|i|iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii>iiiiiiiiiiit|iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii|i|iiiiiniiiiiiirii|iiiiiKiiii|i| 1 1 1 1 1 1 ii 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 irim Small Wares Department SEWING COTTONS— Kerr's & Clark's Sewing Cottons, jc. per spool ; j6c. per doz. Kerr's colored Sewing Cottons, 3c, per spool. KNITTING AND CROCHET COTTONS— Wnn. Parks & Sons' Knitting Cottons, White; Nos. 8 to 20, 4c. per ball. 11 « M II Navy IJlue, Red ; Nos. 8 to 20, 6c. per hall. '1 ■' II 11 other colors ; Nt)s. 8 to 20, 5c. per ball. Clark's Crochet Cotton, White ; Nos. 4 to 40, 4c. per ball. M M Colored ; Nos. 4 to 40, 6c. per ball. LINEN THREADS— Lindsay, Thompson & Co's Black, 100 yards spool; Nos. jo to 70, 5c. per spool. " 11 11 200 'I 11 8c. M Finlayson, Bousfield & Co's Grey, 100 n n «c, ti H 11 II 200 II II 8c. >• Dunbar, McMaster & Co's White, 200 h No.; 40 to 70, loc. h White Linen Floss; Nos. A A to C, .^c. per bunch. SEWING SILKS AND TWIST- Belding, Paul & Co's 50 yard .Silk spoohi, 5c. per spool, 60c. per dor. M M 100 11 II IOC. II $1.20 M Twist, ID yards spool, 2c. per spool, 24c. per doz. Filoselle, 8c. per skein. DRESS SHIELDS AND STEELS- The "Kleinert" Stockinet, Nos. i, 2, 3; 25c., 30c., 35c. Rubber Dress Shields, covered: Quality N covered with Nainsook, all sides, 35c. per pair. " E II Silk, II 30c. II *' D I Nainsook, two sides, 30c. n " R II Cotton, II 15c. II " W II Sateen, n 30c. n •• T 1. Cotton, II I2ic. M White covered Skirt Steels in sets, 15, 18, ii inches; loc. per set of 3. Skirt Steels in Black and White, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24 inches; loc., 12c., 14c., iSc. per set of 3. Covered Waist Steels, in Black and White, 4c. each, 45c. per doz. Dress Belting, in White, Black and Grey, 3c. per yard. ALPACA BRAIDS— Colored Llama Braid, No. 65, ic. per yard. Black Skirt Binding, No. 65, 2c. per yard ; No. 73, 3c. per yard ; No. 77, 3c. per yard. Full line of Black Silk, Black Mohair, Black Alpaca, Fancy Gilt and Silver mixed Braids of the latest styles, for trimming. WHITE HERCULES BRAID— X in. ^ in. ^ in. '^ in. ^ in. I in. wide. 2c. 3c. 3c. 4c. 5c. 6c. per yard. Cotton Tapes, in White and Black, Nos. 00 to 8, 2 bunches for 5c. Stay Binding, Twilled, m Black and White, 8c. per roll. ' 20 T. EATON & Co., Dry Goods Importers. , 1 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiwiniimi iiiii'',iiiiii Sinall Wares Department— Continued. FANCY COTTON BRAIDS- iiiiiiiiiiiii CR Vandyke, No?. :o 30 4° 50„ 5c. y.. 4c. 5c. per bunch. Picot Vandyke, 12 )ard pieces, Nos. 12345 8c. IOC. IOC. I2C. ISC. Feather Edge, Nos. 00, o, i, 2, 5, 4, 6c. per piece. Cordon Braid, Nos. 00, o, i, 2, 3, 4, one piece, 36 yards, 25c. White Cotton Star Braid, Nos. o i 2 3 4 2C. 3c. 3c. 4c. 5c. per piece. ELASTICS- Black and White Cotton, i{ in. wide, 5c. per yard. Elastic Looms, %■ in. wide, 5c. per yard. Elastic Frills, ^ in. wide, 5c. per yard. Black Cotton Elastic, 8 cord, 10 cord. Round" Silk Elastic, in White and Black, i cord stout, Ai cord stout, 4c. to 6c. per yard. Colored Silk Elastic, i in. % in. wide, 13c., 15c., 20c. per yard. HOOKS AND EYES- No. 6. White, Black and Brass, 2c. per card. Patented Spring, Black, 6c. per doz.-n. Mantle Hooks and Eyes, Black, 5c. per dozen. NEEDLES- Sharpe's and Miiward's Sewing Needles, 4c. per paper. No. I Drilled Carpet Needles, Sc. per paper. Darning Needles, Nos. 16, 18, 20, two needles for ic. ; 8c. per paper. Steel Knitting Pins, Nos. 12, 13, 14, 16, 18, 20, 4c. per set of four. HAIR PINS- Taylor's Double Japanned Invisible, 4c. per paper. " Best Double Jap.^.nned, 5c. per paper. " Nonpareil, " Assorted in Boxes, 5c. per Box. PINS- Eaton's Celebrated, 2c. and 3c. papers of Pins. Taylor's "Queen's Own," 15c. per paper. " Book Pins, I2}4c. per book. " Graduated, loc. per paper. " Black Pins in boxes, assorted sizes, 5c. per box. Safety Pins. Nos. I 2 3 4 5c. 5c. 6c. 7c, per dozen. Safety Pins, assorted ui boxes, 5-:. per box. THIMBLES— Enamelled, 5c. each ; Celluloid, 5c. each. Tape Measures, Yellow and White, 4c. and 8c. each. • C'.rpet Bindings, in Cardinal, Green, Black, Cream, Scarlet and Drab mixtures, 1)2 inches wide, 3c. per yard. Window Cord and Tassels, worsted, cotton, woollen and silk, all colors. mil T. EATON & Co., Dry Goods Importers. 01 1I|I|||||II111I1IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHH"I"I'""I'""""""""'"'*"""""'""""'""'"'"'"" iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiii iiiiiiimiiiin!iiiiiiiimiii"i"i;"'iii:""i"'"i''""""""" Small Waves Department— Continued, CRETONNE FRINGES- We show an immense stock of Cretonne Fringes, in great variety of newest styles. Bright and rich color effects. IS patterns 2V^ inch wide at I2^c., 15c. per yard. 15 " 2% " '* " I7;^c. 15 " Z% " '• " 25c. 10 " 4 '• " " 30c. 10 " 4>^ " " " 35C. <( <( (C i. Button Department DRESS AND CLOAK BUTTONS- p„,,, LATEST novelties in Metal Buttons, to match all desirable shades 8c. to 60 cents. Fancy Jet Buttons, in new and cha-^te designs ^^ ^^ 3 ,, Dull Jet Buttons, the latest patterns Black Ball Crochet Buttons. Flat Black, Plain and Fancy Crochet Buttons. ^^ _ New Patterns in Horn and Ivory Buttons, all colors • 5^ ^ Fancy Colored Pearl Buttons, 18, 20, 22, 24 lines 35c. ^ _ Plain and Fancy White Pearl Ball Buttons ■-■ ;; ^ _ Pearl Buttons, inlaid with steel -> ^^ „ Colored Roman Pearl Buttons • g^' ^^ ^o ,< White Pearl Buttons, 18, 20, 22, 24 lines. . . . ... . . . . • . • • • Eaton's 5 cent Button Counter. „ 10 t. „ 11 .> 15 " " " „ 25 M It " 22 T. EATON & Co., Dry Goods Importers. Wi|:lil;l:lJJJ:l1lil11llllil:ll'll'*llll>l Trimming Department Military Braids, Tubular Braids, Fancy Braids, Fancy Silver and Gilt Mixed Braids, all widths and colors. Feather Trimmings in all the fashionable colors and widths. Fur Trimmings in Black, Seal, Brown, Black and Seal, Opossum, Raccoon, Silver, Fox and Grey Rabbit, all widths. Chenille Loops, Chenille Ornaments, Chenille Ruching, Chenille Fringes, Passementeries, Jet Gimps, Silk Gimps, Insertions. I i it Corset Department Per pair. The Oxford Corset, in Dtab, side steels and spoon busk, nicely embroidered, only. $o 45 The Sensation Corset, in Drab, double busk and side steels, embroidered with silk, only o 50 Little Beauty Corset, in Drab, Black and Scarlet, corded, warranted unbreakable, embroidered, side steels and double busk, only 55<^' ^^'^ o 60 Paris Corset, in Black and Scarlet," in sizes from 18 to 27 in., nicely embroidered, double busk and side steels, perfect fitting o 65 Patti Corset, in Grey and White, made of iht best Jean, corded, glove fitting, embroidered with silk, only 075 Faultless Corset, in Drab and White, corded, double side steels over hips, double busk, embroidered, warranted unbreakable Cordaline Corset, heavily corded, guaranteed not to break, embroidered, perfect fitting, strong double busks and side steels o 75 Zeoline Corset, heavily corded, embroidered with silk, nicely finished, only o 90 Tampico Stayed Corset, with extension back, boned with a new material called Sisaline, will not break, and is more pliable than whalebone, only i 00 Health Corset, with shoulder strap and elevated busk, heavily corded, double busk and side steels, in Grey, White and Old Gold i 00 Beauty Corset, German woven, side steels, scolloped and embroidered at top, modelled i 00 Tricora Health Corset, with shoulder strap and back supporter attached, elevated busk, corded across the hips and embroidered with silk, only i 25 Thomson's Glove-fitting Corset, in Grey and White, boned with pure whalebone, spoon busk i 25 Nursing Corsets, in Drab only, boned with Coraline, made of the best English Coutil, side steels and double busk, only i 25 No. 75 Corset, in Black and Scarlet, heavily corded, each cording stitched with ■colored silk, double busks and side steels i 50 Unbreakable Side Corset, German woven, 500 bones, double steels over hips, scolloped top, stitched with silk, modelled 1 50 Abdominal Corset, in Drab, embroidered with silk, heavily corded, double busk and side steels, extra long, specially adapted for stout ladies i 75 Western Favorite Corset, German woven, heavily boned, each bone stitched with silk, modelled, scolloped top and bottom, in blue and scarlet 2 00 750 Bone Corset, German woven, thoroughly boned with pure whalebone, superior finish, extra long, embroidered and scolloped at top and bottom 2 00 Misses' and Children's Corsets and Waists, from o 45 A full assortment of Crompton's Coraline Flexible Hip Corsets ; also Ball's, Warner's and Thomson's, at the lowest market prices. Thomson's Unbreakable Busks, from loc. Corset Busks, covered with cloth, in Grey and White, only 7c. and loc per pair. limiiii al] ries. f T. EATON & Co., Dry Goods Importers. 28 I I I I I I I'l'IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIJ'l l:l:l!l:l I I'l I l'lllllllllllllllllllllllll>lllllll:l;lil'l!lllill|lllllt|lll|llllllllllllllllllllllllll!|:|llll:l lil.l mi IIIiMI llMlM'lll I Mlllllllllll Mil. Parasols and Umbrellas Cotton Parasols, 50c., 65c., 85c., 90c. Mexican Silk Parasols, with paragon frames, $1.25, $1.50, $1.75, $2.00, $2.25, $2.50, $2.75, $3.00, $3.50. Satin Parasols, 750., 98c., $1.25, $1.50, $2.00, $2.25, $2.50, $2.75, $3.00, $3.50, $4.00. UMBRELLAS— Alpaca, 75c., 90c., 98c., $1.00, $1.25, $1.50. Silk, $1.75, $2.00, $2.25, $2.50, $2.75, $3.00, $3.50, $4.00, $4.50, $5.00. Fancy Goods Department LADIES' LEATHER HAND SATCHELS— Imitation Seal Leather Bag, with outside pocket, and braided trimmings, in Black or Ecru, 40c. and 45c. Ball-Shaped Bag, in imitation of Alligator Leather, 65c. Imitation Alligator Satchel, in Black or Tan, 75c. Antique Leather Bag, raised figures, extension bottom, 85c. Black Leather Satchel, with double outside pocket, 90c. Square Ecru Leather Satchel, covered, outside pocket, $1.00. Alligator Leather Satchel, oval bottom, nickel-plated frame, in Black or Tan, $1.15 and $1.25. Black and Ecru All-Leather Bag, double catch, extension block bottom, lined with leather, $1.25. Genuine Seal Satchels, extra change pocltet, nickel-plated frame, leather lined, $1.75. Alligator Bag, with covered frame and double pocket, $1.75. Mottled Leather Club Bag, leather lined, $1.85. Alligator Bag, with calf trimmings, extension block bottom, nickel-plated frame, in Black or Tan, $2.00 to $2.75. Grain Leather Tourist Bag, leather lined, and covered outside pocket ; colors. Tan and Cardinal. Ladies' Plush Satchels in Cardinal, Old Gold, Myrtle, Brown, Bronze, Olive, $2.75 to $8.00. Picnic and Lunch Baskets, I2jc., 15c., 25c. Purses in Leather and Plush, 5c. to $2.00. Ladies' Leather Belts in Black or Tan. II Fancy and Plain colored Canvas Belts. 11 White Canvas Belts. Boys' Leather and Canvas Belts, in striped and plain colors. Shawl Straps at 15c., 20c., 25c. to 60c. SCHOOL BAGS— In Leather, 25c., 35c., 45c., 50c. 24 T. EATON & Co., Dry Goods Importers. II I MihiMi^Miri'ii^i4ii i>ri iiiiriiiiiiiiriii>iHiiiiii I riiiirriiiriiiiiniMi I III IM liii 1 1 III I ii'iiii lit Ml :iii:i:iinii:iiiiiiiilil:lililililil Perfumery and Toilet Articles m pi EXTRACTS - Palc'iouly, Stepbanolis, Millefleurs, West End Bouquet, White Rose, Jockey Club, Mag- nolia, Violet, Moss Rose, Pleliotrope Bouquet, Princess Louise Bouquet, Tea Rose, Village Nosegay Bouquet, Sweet Briar, Opopanax, Essence of Musk: J oz., 20c.; I oz., 30c.; 2 oz., 60c. SOAPS- MORSE'S SOAPS.- Pure Glycerine Bar Soap, 2 bars for 25c.; Extra Perfumed Toilet Soaps, 3 assorted tablets in a box, 2 boxes for 25c.; Royal, 2 cakes for Sc; Louise, 5c.; Transparent Glycerine, 5c.; Anchor Castile, 5c.; Anchor Assorted, 5c.; Oat- meal, 7c.; White Castile, 7c.; Honeysuckle, 7c.; Magnum Honey, 7c.; Bouquet, 7c.; Honey, 7c. ; Mignum Glycerine, 7c. ; Transparent Glycerine, 7c ; Sweet Briar, 8c. ; Sweet Briar Glycerine, 8c. WRISLEY'S SOAPS.— Uncle Sam, 2 cakes for 5c.; Morning Glory, 5c.; Apples, 5c.; White Castile, 7c.; Cochin Cocoa Oil, 7c.; Crown Honey, I2ic.; Clover Honey, I2jc.; Carbolic, 12^0.; Oatmeal, I2jc.; Brown Windsor, I2ic. ; Crown Glycerine, I2jc. OAKLEY'S SOAPS.— Elder Flower, 7c.; Tulip, 7c.; Turtle Oil, 7c.; Windsor, 7c.; Rose, 7c.; Wild Rose, loc. ; Full Hand, loc; Honey, loc. ; Elder Flower, lOc; Turtle Oil, lOc; Windsor, loc; Rose, lOc; Glycerine, loc.; Elder Flower, I2jc. COMBS AND BRUSHES— Dressing Combs, Black Rubber, 5c., 6c., Sc, loc, I2^c., 15c., iSc, 20c., 25c., 30c. Celluloid, 25c. " " Bone, 5c., i8c., 30c. Fine Combs, Ivory, 13c., 15c., 20c., 25c; " " Rubber, 5c., 6c., 8c., loc., I2c., 15c., 20c. Pocket Combs. Hair Brushes, solid wooden back, 25c. " " plain backs, 40r.., 50c., 60c., 75c,, $1.00. " " riveted backs, 25c., 7Sc., $1.00. " " Florence, with fancy oval backs, 4Sc., 60c., 70c., $1.00. " " Florence, with fancy square backs, 60c., 90c., $1.00. " " metallic, with wooden backs, 25c. " " metallic, Florence backs, 500., 60c. Nail Brushes, Sc, loc. Whisk Brooms, 20c., 25c. Tooth Brushes, 8c., loc, 12c., I2ic., 15c., i8c., 20c., 25c. Tooth Powders, Teaberry, 25c. per bottle. Sponges, IOC, iSc.,20c., 2Sc., 30c., 40c. NOTIONS- A large and varied assortment of Ladies' Dressing Cases, Gentlemen's Dressing Cases, Toilet Sets, Puff and Powder Boxes, Mirrors, Gentlemen's Pocket Mirrors, Glove Boxes, Handkerchief Boxes, Table Mats in sets, Note Paper, Fancy Hair Pins. IIIIU Mag- iose, zoc; T. EATON & Co.. Dry Goods Importers. 25 ;jilllllllllllllililllililililillil>l'li:lilil^l'l!l:lili:lil:l:lilii:iiriilil.llililitil.lilU:l:lilililil:lilil!lililjjillllllllll)u.l.li^ Lining Department I'er yard. Soft Finish Cambrics, 27 inches wide, in all colors 6^ cents. Glazed Linings, all colors 10 Silesias — Black, Drabs, Slates, Browns, and other colors, loc., I2.jc., iSc , i8c , 20 Jeans — Slates, i)rabs, Browns, and other colors I2jc., 15c., ibc, 2or., 25 Black Waist Lining, with Grey and White backs 20c., 25 Grey Striped Lining, with Black backs 20c. , 25 Linen Lining, in Grey 20c. , 25 Corset Jeans — White and Drab 15c., 20c., 25 Book Muslins 5c., 6c., 7^c., 8c., 10 Crinoline — White, Black, Grey 7Ac., lo Wiggans — White, Black, Grey, Brown loc., 12 J Turkey Red Cottons — Plain and Twilled lOc, I2jc., 15c., 20c., 25 fools and Tarns Department Baldwin's Wools, Peacock's Wools, Victoria, Berlin Fingering, Ice and Frosted Wools. Canadian Yarns, in common and high colors. Write for samples and prices. TaWe Oover Department Linen Table Covers, dice pattern, with colored stripe : 6/4 size $1.00, $1.25, $1.50 each. 8/4 $1.25, $1.50, $1.75 each. 10/4 $2.25, $2.35, $2.75, $2.90, $3.25 each. Wool Table Covers, plain centre, with Silk Embroidered edges : 7/4 size $1-25 each. 8/4 .t $1.90, $2.25, $2.50 each. Wool Table Covers, stamped Red and Black, and Crimson and Black : 6/4 size 50c., 60c. each. 7/4 .1 90c., $1.25, $1.50 each. 8/4 $1.50, $1.75, $2.25 each. Fancy French Tabaret, Silk and Wool, Table Covers : 8/4 size $3.25. $S-00. $750 each. TOWELS— Damask fringed Towels : Size 20 X 38 in 38c. per pair. It 20 X 42 in 55c- " u 23 X 44 in 65c. II . „ 24x45 in 7SC. •■< fl fl ?i 26 T. EATON & Co., Dry Goods Importers. iiiiii'iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii:iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiihi I li 1 1 1 1 ) Table Cover Department — Continued. TOWELS— Continued. Huckaback Towels : Size 19 X 38 in 25c. per pair. M 22 X 44 in 30c. 11 II 20 X 40 in 35c. II II 20 X 40 in 40c. II II 24 X 45 in 45c. 11 Cotton Towels, Bleached : Size 14 X 27 in 9c. per pair or 50c. per tloz. II 19 X 32 in i8c. 11 II 24 X 42 in 20c. II , II 21 X 49 in 30c. 11 Cotton Towels, Unbleached: Size 17 X 24 in loc. per pair. 11 17 X 24 in I2jc. II II 18 X 27 in 150, 11 II 20 X 36 in i8c. II Bath Towels, 30c., 35c., 40c., 50c., 60c., 80c., $1.00, $1.20, $1.50 per i^air. Roller Bath Towels, 2J yards long, 30c., 40c., 6oc., 75c. each. lilllllllllHil Linen Department This department is filled with a well-selected stock of the very best makes of Irish Linen, of direct importation. Unbleached Table Linen : 44 in. wide 20c. per yard. , 46 M 25c. II 52 28c. M 50 M 30c. II 54 " 35C-, 40c., 45c., 60c. per yard. 58 M 50c. per yard. 60 II 65c. II 62 75c I, 64 " 80c. ,1 72 ti $1.00, $1.25 per yard. Bleached Table Linen : 56 in, wide 45c. per yard. 58 II 50c., 55c. per yard. 60 II 60c. per yard. 62 M 65c., 75c., 85c., $1.00 per yard. 72 TI $1.10, $1.25, $1.50 per yard. Red and White Damask Table Cloth : 45 in. wide 35c. per yard. ■ , 54 " 40c., 45c. per yard. j 58 ' 50c., 55c., 60c., 65c. per yard. 72 II 70c. , 75c. per yard. Blue and Red Damask Table Cloth: 58 in, wide 65c., 75c. per yard 50 45c., 50c Illll nen, T. EATON & Co., Dry Goods Importers. 27 lilllllili|ilil>lil1llllllllllllll>llli>l>ll>l>'llllllll*l*>lll>l>l>*IIIIIIIIUII''llllllll><'l>lll>lll*llll*^^^ Linen Department — Continued. Brown Holland : 30 in. wide loc, lajc, 15c., i6c., i8c., 20c. per yard. Irish Linen, Bleached : 36 in. wide 40c., 75c. per yard. 32 II 50c., 60c. II Butchers' Linen : 33 in. wide 18c., 20c. per yard. 36 II 23c., 25c., 27c. 30c. per yard. Linen Diaper: 36 in. wide 18c,, 20c., 25c., 35c., 40c. per yard. Table Napkins, Bleached : 4/8 size 50c. per dozen. S/8, 3/4. 7/8 size 75c., 80c., 850., 90c., $1.00, $1.25, $1.50, $2.00, $2.75, $3.50, $4.00 per dozen. Bleached Table Cloth, 2>^ yards long, with twelve Napkins to match — $3.00, $3.50, $3.90, $4.50, $5.50 for full sets. Colored and White Doylies, Round and Square, fringed edge— 60c., 80c., 9SC., $1.10, $1.35, $1.40 per doz. Marseilles Toilet Sets, with five pieces, loc., I2^c., 15c., i8c., 2Sc. per set. Cretonne Toilet Sets, fringed border, of five pieces a set — 7c., IOC, I2>^c., 15c., 25c., 35c., 4Sc. per set. Figured Sateen Toilet Sets, ten pieces, $1.25 per set. Antimacassars, Cretonne with lace border, loc, i2}4c., 25c., 38c., 50c. f oollen Department White Flannel, all-wool : 22 in. wide 23c. per yard. 24 " 25c. and 30c. per yard. 25 " 32c. per yard. 26 " 3SC- " 27 " 45c. " 29 " 50c. " 36 " 60c. •' Scarlet Flannel, all-wool : 23 in. wide ,. 20c., 25c. per yard. 27 " 35c. per yard. 26 " 30c. " 29 " 40c. " .- , 30 " 45c. " '•"■ Heavy Blue Flannel, all-wool : recommended for its washing qualities. 26 in. wide 30c. per yard. 27 " 3SC- " * 28 " 40c. " 29 " 45c. " Grey Flannel, all-wool : perfectly free from grease. Manufactured expressly for our own trade. Plain and twilled, in 3 shades of grey « 25 in. wide 25c. per yard. 26 " 30c. " 28 " 33c. " ' - 29 " 35c- " •'^— ""' 28 T. EATON & Co., Dry Goods Importers. •iiii:iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit'iiiiiiMiiiiii!iii iiiiniiiMiijiiMi iii'iiiiii! II II III 1 1 1'l'iii I ri I i'Miiiriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitii Woollen Department — Continued. Fancy Shirting Flannel, all-wool : 29 in. wide 350. , 38c. , 40c., 450. per yard. Fancy Shirting Flannel, Union : 28 in. wide 25c. and 30c. per yard. Opera Flannels, in Scarlet, Navy, Light lilue, Pink, Light and Seal Brown, Myrtle, and Bronze Green : 22 in. wide 25c. per yard. 25 in. t 3Sf- " 27 in 40c. II Salisbury Flannel, Scarlet or Blue, with Black spot and figure : 21 in. wide 30c. per yard. 26 in. M 35c. II Hcme-Spun Flannels, various patterns : 28 in. wide 25c. per yard. Unbleached Canton Flannel, heavy twill back : 30 in. wide 7ic., 8c , 9c. , loc, I2jc., 15c., i8c. per yard. Bleached Canton Flannel : 30 in. wide loc, I2jc., 15c., i8c., 20c., 25c. per yard. Colored Canton Flannels, in Brown, Cardinal, Bronze, Myrtle, Navy, Royal, Old Gold, Scarlet : 27 in. wide 15c. and 18c. per yard. Table Oil-cloth, marble and fancy patterns : 45 in. wide 30c. per yard. 54 in. 45c. '« Shelving Oil-cloth, with scolloped edge, 8c. per yard. Tweeds, all-wool, full variety : „. „ 27 in. wide 4Sc., 50c., 75c. per yard. Navy Blue Serge : 27 in. wide 35c. per yard. Blankets, all wool : Size 56 X 74 in $1.75, $2 00 per pair II 60 X 76 in 2 50 II • II 66 X 84 in 3 00 n II 68 X 88 in 3 So " II 70 X 70 in 400 II " 72 X 72 in 450 „ "' 72 X 94 in 500 I, iiiii Cotton Department. Plain Bleached Sheeting: 7/4 or 63 in. wide 25c. per yd. 8/4 or 72 II 25c. and 28c. per yd. 9/4 or 81 » 30c., 35c., 38c., 40c. per yd. 10/4 or 90 350., 38c., 40c. per yd. Twilled Bleached Sheeting: 8/4 or 72 in. wide 25c., 28c., 30c., 3Sc. per yd. 9/4 or 81 II 30c., 35c., 40C. per yd. 10/4 or 90 35c., 38c., 40c. 45c. per yd. IIIIV tie, )ld T. EATON & Co., Dry Goods Importers. 29 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 M 1 1 1 1 1 II I III 1 1 11 1 |:|1!l'll:li|i|lllli|!ll|ililllillli|i|li;|i|ll'l !lililiMi|ili|i|t|'l'|i|i|>|i|:|:|:|i|'| 1 1 1 1 I'll 1:1 1 11 1 1 1 IIH I |i|l:|l|i|i|i|ilili|!l Cotton Department — Continued. Pillow Cotton Bleached : 40 in. wide I2jc. and i5c. per yd. 42 I \''c. 11 i6c. II 44 II iSc. II 46 I i8c. II 20c. II 48 M 25c. II Feather Ticking: Blue and White Narrow Stripes, 31 in. wide, loc, I2.jc., 150. per yd. Blue and While, Red and While, Hroad Stripe, 33 in. wide, 15c., i8c., 20c., 25c. per yd. Wide and Narrow Stripe, Blue and White, 36 in. wide, 25c., 27c., 30c. per yd. Straw Ticking: Plain, 54 in lOc, I2|c. Strij>e, 54 in lOc, i ic., i2^c., 15c., i8c., 20c. Our White Cottons are the very best makes, 36 in., 7c., 8c., 9c., loc.. I2jc., 15c. per yd. Special line 36 in. wide, soft finish, easily sewed, 9c. per yd. Factory, grand value, 36 in. wide, from 5c. up. Cotton Shirtings, ColcrAd Checks and Stripes, 27 in. wide, 7^0., loc, 12^0., 15c. per yd. Cottorade and Denims, 12c.,. 15c., iSc., 20c. per yd. White Duck, i8c. and 23c. per yd. Plain Unbleached Sheetings: 8 4 or 72 in. wide, 20c., 23c., 25c., 30c. per yd. 9,4 or 81 11 23c., 30c., 35c. per yd. 10 4 or 90 II 27c., 33c., 40c. per yd. Twilled Unbleached Sheeting: 8 4 or 72 in. wide, 25c. , 30c. , 35c. per yd 9/4 or 81 30c., 35c., 38c., 40c. per yd. 10 4 or 90 30c. 35c. , 40c. per yd. Cretonnes: Plain, 27 in. wide, lOc, in 30 patterns. « Twilled, 30 in. wide, 12^0., 15c., 17c., i8c., 20c., 25c. per yd. ft Reversible both sides, 30 in. wide, 25c., 30c., 35c., 40c. per yd. Prints: Fast colors, 24 in. wide, Sc, T\c., oc, loc. per yd. „ ,. 24 If IOC, I2jc. per yd. ■• Crum's fast colors, 32 in. wide, I2jc. per yd. Carpet Department PLAIN HEMP CARPETS, Stripes— 32 in. wide, loc, I2>^c. per yd. 34 " I2>^c., 15c. per yd. 36 " 15c., i8c., 20c. per yd. DUTCH HEMP CARPETS— 34 in. wide i2^c., 15c. per yd. 36 " 1 8c., 20c., 25c. per yd. Tuiil Hemp, 34 " 15c. per yd. 36 " £ 8c., 20c. per yd. UNION OR KIDDERMINSTER CARPETS- All full 36 inches wide. Ordinary patterns, 30c., 35c. per yd. Superior. t>eautiful pattern, and pattern on both sides, 40c., 45c., 50c., 55c. per yd. Extra Heavy Dutch Wool, 65c. per yd. 30 T. EATON & Co., Dry Goods Importers. lll|l|l|l|lli|ilJIII|i|l|illlllilllllllllillllll|i|llllllllllllilllllllilllllllllilllilllllltlllii|lllllllllltlllllllllllllllllllllllllilllllllllllllllllllllllUlllllllh^ Carpet Department — Continued, ALL-WOOL CARPETS, Extra Patterns- Full Two-l'ly, 65c., 7Sc., 85c. per yd. AU-Wool, Brassels patterns, 90c., $1,00 per yd, All-Wooi, Moresque pattern (looks like Brussels), $1.00, $i.io per yd. These prices for wool carpets are actually below the ordinary wholesale price. TAPESTRY CARPETS— i'lain Mottled Tapestry, 28c., 30c., 33c. per yd. Figured or pattern, 35c., 38c., 40c. per yd. Kxtra large patterns, 40c., 4Sc., 50c., 60c., 65c. per yd. TLe very best Tapestries, 75c., 8sc. per yd. BRUSSELS CARPETS— Best Jute Brussels, 55c., 65c. per yd. Best Wool Four Frame Brussels, 7Sc., 85c., $1.00 per yd. Veiy Best Wool Five Frame Brussels, $1.10, $1.25 per yd. STAIR CARPETS- Hemp, in 2/4 widths 6c., 8c., 10c. , 12c., 15c. per yd. Hemp, "5/8 " i2J4c., 15c. *' Dutch, "2/4 " I2>^c., 15c., 20c. •' Dutch, "5/8 " 20c., 25c. •• Tapestry, " 2/4 " 35c., 45c., 50c. •' Tapestry, " 5/8 " 50c., 60c. " Wool, "2/4 " 30c. , 35c. • " Wool, "5/8 " 38c., SQC. •• BORDERS— Borders for all T'apestry, above 50c. per yd., at 40, 45 and 50c. per yd. Borders for all good Brussels. Borders for all Wool Carpets, COCOA MATTING— In 2/4 widths 25c., 350. per yd. " 3/4 " 38c., 50c. " " 4/4 " soc, 70c. " " 6/4 " 7sc. " ■ ■ Imitation Cocoa Matting, stripes, 25c., 35c., 40c. per yd. WOOL DRUGGETING- 30 in. wide 20c., 25c., 30c. per yd. 40 " 40c., 45c. " 46 " 50c., 60c. " OIL-CLOTH- Hessian Back, fancy pattern, 1/2, 5/8, 3/4 and 4/4 widths, l8c. per square yard. Full Oil Back, soft finish and good patterns, in 2/4, 5/8, 3/4, 4/4, 5/4, 6/4, 8/4 widths, 23c., 25c. per square yard. Extra heavy in same widths, 32c., 35c., 40c., 50c. per square yard. These Oil-cloths all have the Soft Linoleum finish, and do not crack or break. ENGLISH LINOLEUMS— , . •.. This class of goods is a composition of cork, rubber and glue, and besides giving four times the wear of an oil-cloth, is much pleasanter to the feet, and does not break ; to be had in 4/4, 8/4, 12/4 and 16/4 widths, 60c., 75c., 85c., $1.00 per square yard, according to the weight. / T. EATON & Co., Dry Goods Importers. SI Mi'iii'i>iiiii'ii>i>iiii>i'^iiiiiii>ri'ii'i'i^ Carpet Department — Corftinited. MATS AND RUGS - Door Mats, yarn beam, 30c., 35c., 4CC. Tapestry, 50c., 5^c. Velvet or Wilton, 75c,, 90c., $1.09, $1.25. Tapestry Ru^s, in all sizes, 65c., 75c., 90c , $1.00, $1.25. Velvet Rugs, in all sizes, $1.00, $1.25, $1.50, $1.75, $2.00, ^3.00. Smyrna Rugs : These Rugs are all wool, and both sides alike, bright colors, and will outwear any other make ; to he had in all sizes, from door mat up to large hearth rugs, over 20 patterns, $1.00, $1.25, *i..SO, $1.75, $a.oo, $2.50, $3.00, $3.75, $4.50, $5.00, $6.00 Our Rug Department is one of great attraction, and the variety we show is something immense, and includes every style, color and shape. Sheepskin Mats, in Cardinal, Red, Blue, Brown, Gold, Green, Drab, Bhi k and White ; sires, 12 x 28 in., 90c.; 14 x 30 in., $1.00; 14 x 32 in.. $1.25 ; 16 36 in., $1.50 ; 20 X 42 in., $2.00 : 24 X 50 in., $3.00. Hearth Rugs, $5.00. 25 per cent, extra for Black. CRUMB-CLOThS- In Wool, Drugget or Felt, $2.50, $3.00, $3.5°. H-oo, $4.50, $5.00. All-Wool, $4.00, $5.00, $6.00. Linen, $1.00, $1.25, $1.50, $2.00, up to $6. BED MATTRESSES- Mixed, Seaweed, and Wool, single, $2.50, $3.00. „ M r. double, $3.50, $4.00, $5.cx). Wooven Wire Spring Mattresses, full sizes, $3.00, $4 00, $4.50, $5.00, $6.00 ; single sires about 75c. less. Pure Feather Pillows, $1.00 each. Iron Beds, English make ; the most convenient and r'.eanly bed made^ single sizes. $4.50 and $6.00; double, $4.50, $5.00, $5.75, #6.50, $7.00, $8.00, $9.00. Lace Cn rtams De partment ' We cannot say too much for this department. It is one of our best departments. We show a variety ' f three hundred different patterns, and this fall, without doubt, we show the best assortment we ever offered. Full pattern Curtains, 2J yds. long, 50c. and 60c. per pair. " " 3 " 85c., $1.00, $1.25 per pair. '• " 3i " $1.25, $1.50, $ I. /S, $2.00, $2.2 s per pair. 4 " $i.5o,$i.75,$i.90, $2.00, $2.25. $2.50, $2.75,13.00, $3.50, $4.co, $4.50, $5.00, $5.50, $6.00, $6.50, $7.00, $8.00. $9.00, $10.00, $11.00, $12.00 per pair. Taped and plain edges, same price. To be had in cream or white. The newest pattern is taped on one side with a very h°avy border. LAMBREQUINS- Full size, from 25c. to 75c. each. CURTAIN NETS- ,* Plain Scrim Cloths in Cream or colored, 20c. per yard. Curtain Net, 12 in. wide 5c., 7c. per yard. " 18 •' 9c., IOC, I2ic., 15c. per yard. " 30 " I2ic., 15c , i8c. " ...i •* 36 " 15c., 20c. per yard. ' ' •• 45 " 15c., 20c., 25c. per yard. " 54 " 20c., 25c., 30c. " 33 T. EATON Si Co.. Dry Goods Importers. l|i|lll|i|lll|i|i|i|i|>l1:lili|i|i|:|Nli|ilillll|i|illli|:|itilili|i|i|i|i|i|ilili'lilil11ilililililili|>|i|i|i|ii|i|ilililJililililililirililililili|ililililililllililllllllillllt(^ Lace Curtains Department— Continued. CURTAIN NETS-Continued. Colored Cotton Uamasks, lOc, I2ic., 15c., l8c. per yard. Colored Wool Damasks, 54 inches wide, 750., $1.00 per yard. The new Kelt Cloth, 72 in. wide, $1.25 per yard, to be had in Bronze, Crimson, Gold and IJrown. Raw Si;ks for Curtains, 54 inches wide, 75c., 90c., $1.00, $1.25 per yard. WINDOW SHADES- In these goods the variety is very great, covering over one hundred patterns, 3x6 feet plain, with spring roller, 650. each ; 3 x 6 feet, with dado pattern and spring roller, from 90c. up to $3.00, according to pattern. These are the most economical and convenient blinds made ; in sending for these, state width and length of window. Hartshorn Spring Rollers, 25c. each. Window Cornice Poles complete, 75c., 90c,, $1.00 up. CARPET SWEEPERS- Best Grand Rapids Carpet Sweepers, make no noise, no dust, sweep clean ; a child can use them. Price, $2.00, $2.50, $3.00, $3.25. mn Ymmm defmtment UNDERWEAR- In this department we ai.- .elling a large line of Men's Undershirts and Drawers at 50c. each, worth $l.oo. They are composed of Merino in Grey and White, Balbriggan, Gauze and Union goods. Men's Ribbed Shirts, in Grey and Flesh colors, 25c., with Drawers to match, 25c. Men's Double- Breasted Shirts, in Heavy Ribbed Shetland colors, 45c. '^ach, with Drawers to match. Men's Extra Heavy Double- Breasted Lamb's- Wool Shirts, ribbed, 18 oz. weight and 36 inches long, in Grey, Flesh and Shetland colors, at 65c. each, with Drawers to match, or $1.25 a suit. We show 25 different styles of Men's Wool Underwear, in light and heavy makes, suitable for fall and winter wear ; made in 3 sizes — S. Men's, Men's, 0..S. Men's. Price ranging from $1.50 to $5.00 per suit, comprising the best Canadian, English and Scotch manufactures. A visit to our Gents' Furnishing Department is worthy of attention. Full lines of Boys' Undershirts and Drawers, in Merino and Lamb's- Wool goods. UNLAUNDRIED WHITE SHIRTS- Good Cotton three-ply bosom, with wrist bands, well made and neatly finished. Sizes» Ui. 13. I3i. 14. I4i. 'S. 'Si. '6, 16J inch collar band. Price, 4SC. each. White Dress Shirts, with reinforced bosom, three-ply Linen fronts and bands or cuffs, 65c., 7Sc., $1.00, $1.25 and $1.50 each. Our White Shirts are made from the best Cottons and Linens, with the New Sectional Voke, which prevents their riding on the neck. Men's Cambric Shirts, in all the sizes. Prices, 6sc. to $1.50 each, with 2 collars or collar attached. Boys' White Shirts, dressed, 6sc., 75c., 85c. each. Boys' Cambric Shirts, with 2 collars, 65c., 7Sc. each. Men's Flannel Shirts, in Navy Blue or Grey, with or without collars. Prices, $1.00 to $2.25 each. Boys' Navy Blue or Grey Flannel Shirts. New Styles in Neckwear, Gents' Ties, Collars and Cuffs, Cuff Studs, Collar Buttons, Suspenders, Armlets, etc. :'t '^> :.#*'* • ■♦ r-- >»- '.^m"^ '>'i \^:' ,-V..^ ^.»'*., V T. EATON & CO. Mail Order Department IMPORTANT INFORMATION A careful observance of the following instructions will greatly facilitate quick, correfb and satisfactory returns. Address all letters to the Mail Order Department, T. EATOM ^' CO., 190 to 196 Yonie Street, Toronto, Out. 1st. All correspondence should bear the date of writing, also town, post office, county. 2nd. When sendhig for sample$, mention the kind of material you wish to see, the color desired, and for what purpose the goods are to he used ; also, whether light, medium, or heavy weights, and abotit what price goods are uanted. 3rd. Our trade is so enormous that the most desirable goods remain in stock but a short time, hence Ike advisability of making an early selection after receiving samples; and in order to meet the possibility of your selection being sold, it is advisable to make a second clioice. Occasionally goods ordered are closed out of stock, and are not procurable, in consequence of which, please state whether we thaU u»e our own judgment in making the selection. We cannot send goods by express, G.O.D., with privilege of examination, as the Express Company refuse to accept goods in this manner; nor can we send goods on approval, but will cheerfully exchange any that are not as r presented, the same to be returned at our expense. When returning goods to be exchanged, or for other reasons, be sure to mark distinctly your name and residence on the outside of the package, and address to the Mail Order Department, T. Eaton & Co., Toronto, Ont. Also advise us, on sending it, as to whether it has been forwarded by mail or express. Wlien returning goods by mail, no writing of any kind is allowed inside the package, except when sent at first postage rates, which are 3c. for each half ounce. When merchandise ahne is sent, the rate is 6c. for every four ounces. Remittance can be made by post office money order, registered letter, or express money order. Goods ordered to be sent by mail must he accompanied by a remittance covering cost of merchandise and postage. Orders unaccompanied by cash will be forwarded by express, cash on delivery, when desired, but cannot be sent in that way by mail. Customers, by sending cash in advance for payment of goods, will save the charges of ' the Express Company for returning money to us on C.O.D. packages. In ordering goods, please state how the same are to be forwarded, whether by express, tnail or freight. <,^- The leading Express Companies have greatly reduced rates. We strongly advise send- ■ ing by this means wherever practicable, as it ensures perfect safety. AU oriipr* will receive our best attention. :Mr T. EATOI S' ^^' T. DEj.A.TOisr & Oo I90, 192, 194, 196 Yonge Street, Thirty-five distinct and different departments, consti- tuting a complete world's fair. IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIItllltllllllllllllllllll>l>llllllllll<'l<>l>'<'<'l'l'l'IJ'>'l'l'l'l'l'*'l'l'*'l'l'l'l'l'l'*'''''''''''''''l'l''^ Colored Dress Goods. 1 Black and Mourning \ Goods. I Silks. I Velvets, I Linens. { Cottons. I Flannels. I Blankets. ^ I Mantles. | Costumes. | Children's Mantles. I Cloths. I Furs. I Millinery. | Ladies' Underwear. j Jerseys. | Corsets. 1 Knitted Goods. Ladies' Fine Shoei. Gloves. Umbrellas. Hosiery. Laces. Ribbons. Neckwear. Jewellery. Buttons. Dress Trimmings. Notions. Gents' Furnishings. Carpets. Curtains. Oil-cloths. House Furnishings. Trunks and Valises IIIIIIIIHIUUIIIIHUIIIHIIIIUMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMmilllllllllllllllllllllllllllltllllllllllltlllilllilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll (SEE INSIDE OF COYER) \ ■.I ,«■'■ I ^li