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Magazines, dec, - Index of Subjects, Page 29 " 31 ■n« _ ST. JOHN, N. B: Y The Sun Friniino Company, Lt'd. 1898. THE SAINT JOHN LAW SOCIETY, COUNCIL FOR 1897-1898. WILLIAM PUGSLEY, Q. C, Pbesidbnt. CHARLES N. SKINNER, Q. C. ALFRED O. STOCKTON, Q. C. ALLAN 0. EARLE, Q. C. ARTHUR I. TRUEMAN. GEORGE C. COSTER. D J ;ELMULLIN. A. PERLEY BARNHILL. GERARD G. RUEL. GEORGE C. COSTER, Secrftary-Treasdrer. ABPATTATVr n UTATW-D T CATALOGUE or LAW LIBRARY OF THE SAINT' JOHN LAW SOCIETY. RB3FOR.T3. . , , Vols. Abbott (Am.), 3 Addanis (Vols. 1. 2, 3), j Admiralty Reports (English) 9 Adm. ife Eccl. Cts. The Law Rpts. 4 Acton (Vol 1,2), Adolphus & Ellis, " M N. S. Allen (Mass.), .. N. B. R. (Vol. 6-11) Ambler, American R«-ports, " State Reports, Andrews, Anstruther (Vol. 1, 2), Anthon, N. R,, -cij^j ,„..,,.,. m^ xjaw jtvfporcs. Atkyns, 1 12 18 U 6 1 60 1 1 1 1 Adm., U. S, Eccl. Adm. Adm. K. B. Chanc. K. B. Exch. N. Y. S. C. L-utrent Chanc. Casi. C. F F 1^ B F D D P 8 B SHRLr. 4 3 4 4 i,6 6 3 2 5 R 1, 2, 3, 4 R D E Q A B t 2 5 1 1.2 6 REPORTS. Ball & Beatty, Barbour, BHrnes' Notes, Barnwell & Alderaon, ' " <fe Adolphus, II & Cresswell. Beatty, Belt's Sup. Vesey Sr.. Berton (Stockton), JST. B. Best & Smith, Bearan, Bingham, N. C. Black (Miller) Blackstone, W. " H. » Blatohford & Howland (Am Bligh, Bligh's N. E. Bosanquet <fe Fuller, British Crown Cases, Brown Pari. Cases, Brown's (Eden) Broderip & Bingham, Burrows, (Vol 2), Vols. 2 Irish Ch. N. Y. Ch. C. P. K.B. K. B. K. B. Irish Ch. Chanc. ) 3 1 5 5 10 1 1 1 6 36 10 6 1 2 2 1 4 11 5 6 7 4 3 6 Q. B. Chanc. C. P. C. P. U. S. S. C. K. B C. P. Adm. 17. S. C. H. L. H. L. C. P. Ca8E. SilKLK. Q 6 Q 3 E 2 D 3 D 4 D 3,4 Q 6 B 5 S 3 E 1 C 2. 3 H. L. Chanc C. P. K. a E E O D E F B Ji E F B B E D Cababe & Ellis, Caines, II Cas., Campbell, Canada, Supreme Cotirt, ij Exchequer, Carleton, N. B. R. (Vol. 33), Carrington & Kirwan, " & Marshman, — A re j- lie, 1 3 3 4 2 1 y N. p. N. Y. N. Y. N. P. Current Current Current N. P. N. P. JV . P. p 3 Q 1 Q 1 F 2 s 1 s 2 s 3 F 3 F a F 3 REPORTS. Shrlp. 6 3 2 3 4 3,4 6 5 3 1 2,3 2, 3 3 1 2 2 4 3 3 2 5 3 5 2 2 3 1 1 2 1 2 3 3 3 3 Cartwright, B. N. A. Act, Cases on Cas. terap King (MacNaughten) . . It It Talbot, Chancery Appeals, The Law Rpts. It Div , The Law Reports . . Chipman. N. B. R (Vol. 1) Chitty, Clarke, ' Clark & Finnelly, Cochran, N. S. R. (Vol. 3), .... Coke, Coleman, II & Caines, Colles Pari. Cas. Collyer, Common Pleas, The Law Reports. Corn. Pleas Div., The Law Reports Common Bench, N. S., Comyn, Cook Cases (,Que.), Cooper. G., ti C. P , It temp Cottenham, Cowen, Cowper, Cox, Vols. 4 1 1 10 Chanc. Chanc. Current II <fe Thompson, Craig «k Phillips, Cranch, (Curtis) Croke, Crorapton & Jervis, It & Meeson, It Meeson ife Roscoe, .... Crown Cases Res., The Law Repis. Cuiteis, (vol. 1, 2, 3) 1 2 1 11 1 6 1 1 1 2 10 5 19 2 1 I 1 2 9 2 2 17 1 1 3 4 2 2 2 2 2 Chanc. Prac. N. V. H. L. K B. N. Y. N. Y. Ch , c. p. K. B. V. Adm. Chanc. Chanc. Chanc. N. Y., S. C, K. B. Chancery. Cr. C. Cr. C. Chancery, u. s., s. c K. B. Exch. Exoh. Exch. Eccl. Cask. S B B A A S E Q B S C 5 Q Q B B B £ D F C c Q D B F F O C F F F F F Shelf. 2 5 6 2 3,4 2 1 3 3,4 4 D 1, 1 1 1 3 4 2 2 4 1 4 1 1 1 1 2 5 5 5 1 1 5 1 1 1 6 3 REPORTS. Curtis, (Am.) Cushing, (Mass.) Dallas, " (Curtis) Daniel, Dearsly, " & Bell, I)e Gex, Macnaughton & Gordon; Fisher & Jones, " <fe Jones, " Jones & Smith, " ifeSmale, Denison, " ' " • " <fe Pearce, « Denio, " • • • Dodson, (Vol. 1, 2) Douglas, (Yol. 1 4) Dow, ' '' Dowlings, N. 8 Dowling A Lowndes, <feRjland, Drewry, " • • " <fe Smale, Drury, " «fe Warren, Durnford & East, Dyer, |^& I. Appeal, The Law Repor'ts 7' Ecclesiastical Reports. ••" 1^^ Eden. (Vol. 1-2), ' ' ' ' ^'^ Edwards, ' ^ .1 1 Ellis & Blackburn, ""■ ^ Vols. 23 U. S., S. C 12 Casb. o p 1 i 2 1 4 8 3 • 1 Pa. • 1 U. S. 8. C • 1 Exch. 1 Cr. C. 1 Cr C. 8 Chanc. 4 Chanc. * Chanc. 4 Chanc. 5 Chanc. 1 Cr. C. 1 Cr. C. ^ N. Y. S. C. 1 Adm. 2 K. B 6 H. L. 9 Prac. 2 Prac. Prac. N. P. Chanc. Chanc. Irish Ch. Irish Ch K. B. K. B. KB. Eccles. Chanc. Adm. N. Y. Oh. p o F F F C C F F Q F D B E E G F C Q Q D C A D F B P Q D 5 El 1 2 6 1 2 6 5 2 2 3. 2 4 5 5 2 4 2 3 1 1 1,2 3 4 4 6 6 2 5 1 3 ^ 3 6 4 4 REPORTS. OiSB. P SlIBLK. 1 2 6 1 3 5 5 2 2 o 1. 2 4 5 5 2 4 2 3 1 1 2 3 4 4 6 6 2 5 1 3 • 3 5 4 4 EI Ellis, Blackburn Jk Ellis, " & Ellis, Eng, Eccles , English Ruling Cases (Series) , Espinasse, Equity, The Law Reports, Exohequer, n „ Exch. Div., „ „ Exchequer Reports, Canada, Federal Reporter, Pergusson Scot. Consist. Freeman, Foster, " & Finlason, Pox & Smith, Geldert & Oxiey, N.S.R. (Vols. 7-9) 3 & Russell, N. 8. R. Giffard, Gilbert's Cas. Law & Eq. Gow, Grant (U. C), " (Ont.), Gray, (Mass.), Vols. 1 Q. B. 3 Q. B. 6 6 N. 20 10 5 . 41 U.S. . 1 Eccl. . 1 K. B. . 1 Cr. C. . 4 N. P. . 1 Irish K. B Current 5 Chanc. 1 1 N. P. 3 E. «fe App. 29 Chanc. 16 Haggard (Vol. 1-3) g Adm. " " 2 Eccl. " Consistorial (Vol. 1, 2)... 1 Eccl Hannay, N. B. R. (Vol. 1 2, 1 3). . . . 2 Hay & Marriott, .... ^ j^^^ CA8E. E E P M P A B B S Hare, 1 1 Chanc. Q F D P F Q S S C D P N N P P P P S P c SniLF. 1 1 2 3 2 2,3 2 2 2 3,4,5 3 1 5 3 6 4 4 4 1 3 1 3,4 2,3 4 3 3 2 4 S 6 REPORTS. Hevawing ,k AfiJier, - •• &Denio,SuppJn>t., Hobart, ' Hoffman, Holt's Eq Holt, Hopkins, Howard (Curtis-xMilier) House of Lords Cas, Hurl8tone& Gordon,' <fe Norman, •fc ^oltman, )r Irish Reports, " J-aw Reports, " Jacob, " & Walker, James, J7. S. R. (Vol 1) Jebb, ^ ^' Johnson, Sir H. B. " *fe Hemming, " Cases, Jones <fe La Touche, Jurist. II II (Ont.), Kay, " <fe Johnson, Keen, Kerr, N. fi. R Kuapp, (Vols. 3-5), Vols, 2 7 1 I . 1 . 2 1 1 12 II 2 7 3 Chanc. ^- Y. S. c. ^- Y. S. C. K. B. ^- Y. Chanc. Chane. N. P. ^- Y. Chanc. U. S. g. c Casb. Q Q r> Q Exch. Excb. Exch. ^3 Chanc. IS C F Q O B F P F Q6 R 1 2 I 1 . 1 . 2 20 7 3 3 18 12 2 Chanc. Chanc, Cr. C. Chanc. Chanc. N. Y. ^- Y. Chanc. N. Y. Irish Chanc U- C Q. B. ^ Chanc. ^ Chanc. 2 Chanc. 3 •'^ P. C. C 8 F C C. q' Q Q Q A B M C C U S B SlIKLF-. 5 2 > 2 I 3 5 3 .S I 4 2 2 R 6 6 1 1 4 5 5 5 1 3 1 6 6 6 1 5 5 2 2 ^*»«- SiiBLr 6 Q 2 Q ^ 2 D I Q 3 c 5 p 3 Q 3 i B 4 F 2 P 2 F ^ Q6 R6 R 6 I 1 J 1 \ 4 1 5 5 1 5 1 3 1 6 6 6 1 5 5 2 2 4 Latch, Law Journal, Enulisb, The Leach, Lee (Vol 1, 2, 3), Leigh & Cave, Levinz (Pt. 1, 2, 3), Lewin, Lloyd & Goold, Lofft, Lowell (Am.) Lowndes & Maxwell, t. Maxwell <fe Pollock, Maddock, Manning k Granger, " Granger & Scott, Marshall, Massachusetts Report, Maule Jk Selwyn, Meeson «fe Welsby, Merivale, Metcalf (Mass.), Miller, Modern, Moody, It <fe Robinson, •I it Malkin Moore, '- N. S,, II II & Payne, Myers (Am., Vol. 2, 3), Mylne & Keen, II (fe Craiff. Macnaughton, S. O., temp King, II «fe Gordon, REPORTS. 7 Vols. Casi. SniLF. •^•. 1 K. B. D 1 • • • • C6 D6 E6 F6 2 Cr. 0. F 5 2 Eccl. P 3 1 Cr. 0. F 5 .... 2 K. B. D 1 1 Cr.C. F 6 .... 2 Irish Ch. Q 6 1 K. B. D 2 2 Adra. U, s. a F 4 1 Prac. E 2 k, • • • - 2 Prac, £ 2 .... 6 Chanc. C .... 7 C. P. E 3 .... 9 C. P. B 3 2 C. P. E 4 Current P 1,2,3,4,5,6 .... 6 K. B. D 3 16 Exch. F 1 3 Chanc. (J 1 .... 13 P 2 4 U. S. S. C 1 .... 12 K. B. D 1 .... 2 Cr. C. F 5 .... 2 N. P. F 3 .... 1 N. P. F 3 ....15 P.O. B 4 . . . . 9 P. C. B 4,5 . . . 12 C. P. E 4, 5 .... 5 C. P. E 5 1 Fed. Decisions. F 4 . . . . 3 Chanc. C 1 K riL f% gi . • 1 Chanc. c B 1 6 ... 3 Chanc. C 2 s REPORTS. ^cCJeland, ^«-Brunswiet Report. ^ova Scotia Reports. ' ' ' ' ^^ Coo,. Law Current ^^oott (Ah,.;, Oidright, N. S. R /v«. - - iey & Hardcastle rirish^ 0-^"o Chamber ReporL,^:: S S Q 8 2,3 1.2 4,5 Appeals, Reports, Election Cases, ■Practice RepoHg Chancery (v^j. 26, 27) ' • ^ Adm. 2 2 E/ecn. Cas. 4 Cbanc. Current. Current I Current 2 F F R N N N N N Paige, Peake, P«ere WiiJia^^, Peters (Ain.) ^Wllimore, ^ickering (Mass.), Piowden, • • . Price, Jrince Edward Island R ^rivyCoun.Apn n t^°'''•••• Prob.andDivtr^;Th ^"^«P*- 4 4 6 1 1 4,5 5,6 6 6 4 •• 11 •• 1 . 3 . 2 . 2 . 2 3 24 2 13 ^- Y. Chanc. N.P. Chanc- ^^«'- U. 8. C ^. S. 8. C. Chanc, EccJ. 6 3 K.B. Exch. Current n.. uiixint Q F B F O C F P C B5 8 A B B S 2 5 4 1 1,2 3 1,2 5 Fl 5 I 2 ■A 3 Cass. F F s«et,K. w S S Q s 2,3 1,2 4,5 P F R N N N 4 4 6 1 I 5,6 6 6 4 ^f 8 F 2 B 5 F 4 1 C J, 2 F 3 P 1.2 C 5 35 Fl t > 5 I § :i. 3 REPORTS. VOM. 3 Pugsley, N. B. K. (Vol. 14-16)... " 'fe Biirbidge, N.IJ.R. ( V;.i ) r, <' & Trueman, N.aR. (V. 22) 1 s 8 SuaLp. 2 2.3 3 Queen's Bench, The Law Reports, 10 •• Div.. The L.Repts., Current. A A 5 B 1 Raymond, Lord, " Sir T., Revised Reports, The, (Series)!.^ Ridgeway, Robinson (1-6), " w. (1, 2, 3), *; Ruling Cases, Eng., Russell, " ^■^•> .... " '^ Chesley, (N.S.R. 10-27), 18 " & Mylne, _ _ g " & Ryan, 2 Ryan <fe Moody, , 3 1 3 3 2 13 5 1 K. B. D K. B. D M Irish Pari. Cas. Q Adra. Adm, Chanc. Fquity Chanc. Or. 0. N. P. F F M C S s p F 1 1 I 6 4 4 3 1 6 4 1 5 3 Salkeld, Sandford, Saunders & Cole (Vol. 1-2) " Williams, Schoales & Lefroy, Scotch Appeals, The Law Reports" ' fcscott, J., ' Shower, Simons (fe Stuart, ■ • 4 • II " N. 3. (Vol, 1-2), Smale & Giffard, 3 K. B. 4 N. Y. Chanc. 1 B. C. 3 Prac. K. B. 2 Ir.Ch. 2 9 C. P. 2 K. B. 2 Chanc. 1 6 Chanc. 1 Chanc. 3 Chanc, D Q E L Q A £ D C C C C 1 2 2 3 6 1 4 1 3 3.4 4 4 10 i I ^REPORTS r!::i:,'^-'-p., 2 3 1 2 2 3 ^^. P. Adnj. K B. Adm. Cbanc. D C 4 I Taunton, ^;''" Reports. " W tr -(^^l 23.32) •• 8 • I • 2 • 20 ^'lano. C'hanc. C. P. Kb. Cr. C. • • . 6 I Curien6 ^Ppea/s ^^lanc. fi £ D a 8 a N 2 2 5 2 6 4 3 4 1 II II II II II Reports, n " "'""St, 0. 8 "'^M Grant.. C'urrent Q. B. Q. B. 32 C. p 2 6 46 1 1 3 ^ernon (Vol, j 9) • • « . .9 2 20 3 C'hanc. Chanc. C'Aanc. C'iianc. ^Aanc. 2^ B 1 1 1 1 B5 cj C I IX Ira. inc. Cahk F P RL D ■'"'HI,. 4 3 :^ 4 6 E D P 8 S a 5 2 5 4 i 1 O N N N N JV 1 2.3,4,5 I 2,3 ,2 1 1 1 1 B B B B5 C 5 5 J n i 1 I III ill REPORTS. 11 Wallace, Ware (Am.), Welsby, Hurlstone & Gordon, Wendell, Wheaton (Curtis), WiUes, Williams, Peere, Wilson, " Ex. Eq., Vols. 23 3 9 26 5 1 3 3 1 U. S. S. C. Adm., U. S. C. Exch. N. Y. S. C. u. s. s. c. c. p. Chanc. K. B. Exch. Yates, S. C, i xr ,, Yelverton, * " " ' 1 K R ' "^ "^ Younge& Collier. 'Z: , ^- ;; ^^''''''' 3 Exch. .. & Collyer Ex. Eq 4 e^.j, Young (Nova Scotia), j ^^'^^ Case. Suxir. 1, 2 F 4 F 1.2 Q 1,2 1 E 2 B 5 D 2 F 2 Q D C P F F F 1 1 4 1 2 2 4 V Hi !! f TEXT BOOKS. Bacon's Abridgement, Ball, Leading Cases on Torts " Contracts and Torts, 1, *^^^tSZ:^:l^^Sf7'''' ' "*^'^'" the fo,.owi„« manner, e. ,., ed. Am. °' " P"'"' American work the order is reversed, e. g., 4th Abbott, Railways, .... Can. 1896 "h '"''' .. Trial Evidence, Ara. 1884 H Adams, ^ectment, .... 4th (Am.) Ed. 1854 H Addison, Torts (2) .... 1st (Am.) Ed. 1876 R .. Contracts, (3) 8th (Am.) Ed. 1883 H Agabeg&Barry,BillsEx.Act,1882 loo. „ Agnew, Patents, .... J°°^^ ^ Am. & Eng. Encyclopedia of Law ^ • " Electrical Cas. (4) ,,^,_^^^^ ^ " Law Review, (30) . Angell. Water Courses, .V. .' ." 7th Ed.. Am. 1877 H^ " I;^™f«o°«. 6th Ed., Am. 1876 H /• ^'^^^^^' 2nd Ed.. Am. 1868 H Anson, Contracts, .... ^^h Ed. 1876 H " Constitution, (2) 2nd Ed. 1892 H Archibold, Practice, (2) mh Ed. I860 H '< Criminal Evidence,... 18th Ed. 1875 H Armour, Titles, ^ 'Jf ^ ' Can. 1887 H A ",, ,/'. . 2nd Ed. Can. 1894 H Arnold, Municipal Corporations... 4th Ed. 1894 w Arnould, Marine Insurance, (2)... 5th Ed. 1877 H Audette,Prac.Exch.Ct.Can.... Can. 1895 H 1st (Am.) Ed 1846 H 2 1884 H 2 1880 H 2 e following manner, e.g.. )rder is reversed, !. g., 4th Cask. SUELK. 1896 H 1884 H . 1854 H . 1876 H . 1883 H 1884 H 1874 H M 1,2 -1894 M OP 1877 H 1876 H 1868 H 1876 H 1892 H 1862 H 1875 H 1887 H 1894 H 1894 H 1877 H 1895 H 846 H 2 884 H 2 880 H 2 TEXT BOOKS. 13 Banning, Limitations of Actions, Barron, Bills of Sale, M Bills of Sale, M & O'Brien, Bills of Sale. . . Barbour, Payment, Batet., Partnerships, (2) Bateman, Auctions, Baylies, Sureties & Guarantors. . . Bayley, Bills, Beach, Contributory l.egligence. . II Corporations, (2) II Injunctions, (2) M Insurance, (2) Beams, Ne Exeat, Benjamin, Sale, Bentham, Legislation, Best, Evidence, (2; " " (Chamberlayne's)... Beven, Negligence, Biddle, Warranties, 7 • • • • Bigelow, Overruled Cases, (2) .1 Bills, ' ■ • • • II Estoppel, II Fraud, (2) II Torts, Billings, Med. Diet., (2) Bingay, County Court, Bishop, Crimes, II Marriage and Divorce, (2) II Married Women, (2) II Contracts, 7 • • • • I' Non Contracts, II Directions and Forms. . . . Bispham, Equity, Blackstone, Commentaries, (3)..., xJiacKDui'ij, fcjaie, Bligh & Todd, Dom. L. Index. . . 1st Ed. Can. 2nd Ed., Can. Can. Am. Am. 1st (Am,) Ed. Am. 5th Ed. Am. Am. Am. Am. 2nd (Am.) Ed. 2nd (Am ) Ed. 8th Ed. 1st (Am.) Ed. Am. Ed. Am. Am. 1873, 2nd Ed., A.m. 2nd Ed., Am. Am. Am. Am. N. S. 2nd Ed., Am. 6th Ed., Am, Am. Am, Am, Am. Am. Cabc. 1877 H 1880 H x888 H 1897 H 1888 H 1888 H 1883 H 1881 H 1830 H 1885 H 1893 H 1895 H 1895 H 1841 H 1877 H 1894 H 1876 H 1893 H 1889 H 1884 H 1877 H 1880 H 1875 H 1888 H 1875 H 1890 H 1891 H 1883 H 1881 H 1873 H 1887 H 1889 H 2nd Ed. Can. 1885 H 1882 H 1811 H 1885 H 1891 H Shelp. 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 o 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 \\ m 14 TEXT BOOKS. Botsford, Rules Sup. Ct. N. B. ... Boys, Coroners, .... Bourinot, Pari. Procedure, II Public Meetings, .... II Canada Government. . . Bouvier, Law Dictionary, (2) Bray, Discovery, Brett, Commentaries, (2) . . , , Brice, Ultra Vires, Broom, Legal Maxims, II Common Law, M Constitutioual Law, .... Brown, Limitations, II Fixtures, .... Browne, Statute of Frauds, M Trade Marks, .... II Civil Law & Adm'lty,(2) II Judicial Interpretation . . Brown <fe Theobald, Railways BuUen & Leake, Pleading .... " " •" .... Bump, Fraudulent Conveyances . . Burbidge, Digest Criminal Law. . . Burroughs, Taxation, .... II Public Securities, Burn's Justice of the Peace, (5) . . Burrill, Assignments, Buswell, Personal Injuries, .... 1 1 Limitations, .... II Insanity, .... BuUer, Nisi Prius, Byles, Bills, Cababe, Interpleader, Attacnment a, 'amilli*r\in Tk^, Legal Opinions, Can. Can. Can. Can. Can. 15th Ed., Am. 2nd Ed. 2nd Ed. 7th (Am.) Ed, 6th Ed. 2nd Ed. 4th Ed. 4th Ed., Am. 2nd Ed., Am. 2nd Ed. Am. 2nd Ed, 3rd Ed. 4th Ed. 3rd Ed., Am. Can. Am. Am. 30th Ed. 4th Ed., Am. Am. Am. Am. 7th Ed. 12th Ed. CA8B. 1865 S 1893 H 1884 H 1894 H 1895 H 1885 H 1884 H 1891 H 1887 H 1874 H 1880 H 1885 H 1869 H 1881 H 1880 H 1885 H 1802 H 1883 H 1888 H 1868 H 1882 H 1882 H 1890 H. 1877 H 1881 H 1869 H 1882 H 1893 H 1889 H 1885 H 1817 H 1876 H SlIILF. 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 J 5 5 6 51 5 1881 H T) Can. 1882 H 5 Can. 1878 H Cash. SlIILF. Can. 1865 s 3 Can. 1893 H 3 Can. 1884 H 3 Can. 1894 H 3 Can. 1895 H 3 L, Am. 1885 H 3 1884 H 4 1891 H 4 1887 H 4 tu.)Ed 1874 H 4 1880 H 4 1885 H 4 1869 H 4 1881 H 4 ., Am. 1880 H 4 ., Am. 1885 H 4 1802 H 4 Am. 1883 H 4 1888 H 4 1868 H 4 1882 H 4 ., Am. 1882 H 4 Can. 1890 E 4 Am. 1877 H 4 Am. 1881 H 4 . 1869 H 4 ., Am. 1882 H 4, Am. 1893 H 5 Am. 1889 H 5 Am. 1885 H 5 1817 H 5f 1876 H 1881 H 1 5 uaii. ioSii H 5 Can. 1878 H 5 if TEXT BOOKS. 16 Campbell, Sale, " Negligence, tJartwright, Cas. B. N. A. Act, (5) 3arver, Carriage Goods by Sea. . . IJassels, Prac. Sup Ct., Canada. . '. '< Rules & Orders. " Sup. 6. Excb. Ct. Manual Chalmers, Bills and Notes, M Constitutional Opinions phamberlain, Scare Decisis, fhitty, Contracts, Pleading, (3) ' ." .' .* " (2) Practice, (3) Criminal Law, (3) Prerogative. Bills and Notes, Forms, burchill. Sheriff, I I • • • • |arke. Insurance, Landlord and Tenant Insolvent Act of 1875 . . . Criminal Law Bills and Notes Magistrates' Manual, Bements, Canadian Constitution, |ement, Insurance, Dbbett, Lea, Cas. Intern! Law Dbbey, Replevin, Ohen, Admiralty Law, t)ke, Institutes, (6) . ' ' ' ooke, Corporations, (2) ^oley, Limitations, Taxation, ote. Mortgages, bpinger, CoDyri^bt Ind. to Precdts, Conv'cg 2nd Ed. 1881 1878 1882-1897 1886 Cask, Suklk. H 6 2nd Ed. Can. Can. An: 11th Ed. 6th Ed. 16th (Am.) Ed 2nd Ed. 4th (Am.) Ed. 1841 1820 11th Ed. 9th Fd. 1888 1876 1877 1881 1868 1885 1881 1836 1876 1834 1878 1862 1879 1877 1895 1877 1882 1876 Can, Can. Can. 2nd Ed., Can. Can. 2nd Ed., Can. 1888 Can. 1892 Am. 1893 1885 Am. 1890 Am. 1883 17th Ed. 1817 3rd Ed., Am. 1894 5th Ed , Am. 1883 2nd Ed., Am. 1886 4th Ed. 1880 2nd Ed. isai 1872 H S H H H H H H H H H H H H H I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 6 2 6 6 6 5 6 5 5 5 5 5 6 6 aBli* (IM h 16 TEXT BOOKS. Uahk. SiiRLr. Cordfiry, Solicitors, » .... 1878 Coulson & Forbes, Waters, .... 1880 •I Cox, Trade Marks, .... Am. 1881 II & Gradv, Elec. Tiaw & Prac. 13th Ed 1880 Orankshaw, Criiuinal Code, .... Can. 1894 II Magistrates' Manual. . Can. 1895 Crawley, Life Insurance, .... 1882 Cripps, Compensation, .... 1881 Crocker, Notes Common Forms... 3rd Ed., Am. 1883 Curtis, Equity Precedents, .... 4th Ed., Am. 1869 Dale «fc Lehmann, Overruled Cases 1887 2 Daniell, Chancery Practice, (3). . . 4th (Am )Ed. 1871 2 II Negotiable Instrum'ts, (2) 3rd Ed., Am. 1882 2 Dart, Vendors, (2) 5th Ed. Am. 1876 2 DeColyar, Guarantees, .... 2nd Ed. 1885 2 Deering, Negligence, .... Am. 1886 2 Devlin, Deeds, (2) .... Am. 1887 2 Dicey, Parties to Actions, .... Ist (Am .) Ed. ) 'o^Q 2 Dillon, Municipal Corporat'ns, (2) 2nd Ed., Am. 1873 . 2 II II II (2) 4th Ed., Am. 1890 2 II Law and Jurisprudence . . . Am. 1894 2 DosPassos, Inheritance, Succes- sion Taxes, 2nd Ed. Am. 1895 2 Doutre, Constitution of Canada . . 1880 2 Drake, Attachment, .... 6th Ed., Am, 1885 2 DuBreuil, Index to Stat, of Can... 2nd Ed. 1888 2 Dwarris; Statutes, .... 2nd Ed. 1848 2 Earles, Supreme Court Rules, . . . Can. 1881 s 3 Eddis, Administration, .... 1880 I 3 Eden, Injunctions, (2) .... 1821 T 3 Edmunds, Patents, 1890 1 cce: I 3 iiipnmstone is . Ois u., int;erp. ueeas iooo I o Emden, W inding Up Companies . . . 1883 I 3 UA8E. SiiELr. 1878 1880 * .1 Am. 1881 . 1880 Can. 1894 Can. 1895 1882 1881 , Atti. 1883 Am. 1869 1887 V 2 .)Ed. 1871 2 , Am. 1882 2 , Am. 1876 2 1885 2 Am. 1886 2 Am. 1887 2 .) Ed. .^ ".'^6 2 , Am. 1873 2 Am. 1890 2 Am. 1894 2 , Am. 1895 2 1880 2 , Am. 1885 2 1888 2 1848 2 Can. 1881 s 3 18S0 3 1821 3 1890 3 1050 1883 o 3 i ii i i * 1 1 i 1 ! ! 1 ! i ! i ! 1 1 H h' 1 1 1 t mM TEXT BOOKS. Encyclopedia Britannica, (25) . . " '• Suplt (5) Endlich, Statutes, Ermatinger, Fran, and E1p( Lawg Ernst, Marriage aud Divorce. Evans, Principal and Agent Everest & Strode, Estoppel, .... Eversley, Domestic Belations .... Ewell, Disabilities, Am. 1888 Can. 1886 1879 2nd Ed. 1888 1884 188.5 Am. 1876 Farwell, Powers, Fearne, Remainders, .... Qth gj Fisher, Mortgages, (2) .... 3rd Ed. II it Strahan, The Press Fithian, Bills of Sale Acts, .... 2nd Eu. Folkard, Libel and Slander, 4tb Ed. Foran, Criminal Digest, Foss, Judges, (Biography; Foster, Joint Ownership, Partition Freeman, Co-tenancy, Partition . . II Judgments, .... Fremont, Index to Dom. Statutes, Fry, Assessment, Taxes, .... II Specific Performance Can. 2nd Ed., Am. 3rd Ed., Am. Can. 7th Ed. 2nd Ed. 1874 1891 1876 1891 1884 1876 1HH9 1870 1878 1886 1881 1884 1887 1881 17 M ifcO xM&O I I I I I I I I I I T I I I I I I I I I I Gale, Easements, .... 5th Ed. Garrett, Nuisance, Gemill, Divorce, Gibbons & Uttley, Lab. Contracts, Glen, Summary Jurisdiction 6th Ed. Gorman, County Court Practice. . Gould, Waters, ' * • • • « " Catalogue, Law Books ^r nn.,™!.^ xT-i T> . . " -^ «va^i , J.-! uLcs -on xvensea Statutes of U. S., Can. Can. Am. Am. 1876 1890 1889 1892 1887 1892 1883 1888 I I I I I I I I 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 Am. 1889 J 1 ! 1 1 i 18 TEXT BOOKS. - ^M Case. SlIKL?. ^^^^^^^m Gray, Perpetuities, Am. 1886 4 ^^^1 II Telegraph, .... Am. 1885 4 ^^^1 1 ' ' II Restraint on Alienation. . . Am. 1883 4 ^^H II Costs, .... 1853 4 ^^H i Grady & Scotland, Crown Practice. 1844 RL ^^H Grant, Chancery Practice, (3) . . . 4th Ed, 1839 4 ^^H II Corporations, .... l8t(Am.)Ed. 1854 4 ^^H Greaves, Criminal Law Acts, .... 2nd Ed. 1862 4 ^^H ; Greenhood, Pnb. Pol. & Contracts Am. 1886 4 ^^H 1 Greenleaf's Cruise, Real Property, Am. 1849 4 ^^H [ Greenwood, Real Prop. Statutes... 1878 4 ^^H Gresley, Evidence in Equity, .... 1836 5 Griffith, Mar. Woman's Prop. Act, 5th Ed. 1883 5 1 Grinnell, Deceit, Am. 1886 5 1 Grotius, De Jure, 1853 5 J^H ' 1 Hall, Sea Shore, .... 2nd Ed. 1875 5 II ^ Foreign Jurisdic. Brit. Crown 1894 5 ^^^^^H 1 \ Hale, Pleas of Crown, (2) 1st Ed., Am. 1847 5 I^Hi 1 1 ( Hamilton, Legal Medicine, (2). , . Am, 1894 5 1 - f Hardcastle, Statutes, .... 1879 5 1 Hardy, Canadian Law List, . . . - 1896 6 ^H 1 I Hare <k Wallace, Am. Lea. Ca.s (2) Am. 1871 5 ^H^^^H ; i It Contracts, Am. 1887 5 ^H:| I II Discovery, 2nd Ed. 1877 5 ^1h' Harrison, Municipal Manual, .... 4th Ed., Can. 1878 5 M C. L. P. Act, 2nd Ed., Can. 1870 5 II Chancery Practice, (2). . 1779 6 H^H Hargraves, Law Tracts, (2) 1787 6 ^^m Hawkins, Pleas of the Crown .... 8th Ed. 1824 S Ih Wills, 1st (Am.) Ed. 1872 1 ^^^H ^^^^B Healey, Joint Stock Companies, 2nd Ed. 1886 5 ^^^^^^H Hewitt, Statute of Limitations... . 1893 5. ^^B - i 1 High, Injunctions, (2) .... 2nd Ed., Am. 1880 5 ■HK II Extraord'y Legal Remedies, Am. 1874 b 1 II Receivers, I 3rd Ed., Am. m 1894 1 5 Oasb. Shelf. Am. 1886 I 4 Am. 1885 I 4 Am. 1883 I 4 1853 I 4 1844 RL I. 1839 I 4 m.) Ed. 1854 I 4 i. 1862 I 4 Am. 1886 I 4 Am. 1849 I 4 1878 I 4 1836 I 5 I. 1883 I 5 Am. 1886 I 5 1853 I 5 i. 1875 5 1894 5 I., Am. 1847 6 Am. 1894 5 1879 5 1896 5 Am. 1871 6 Am. 1887 5 d. 1877 5 1., Can. 1878 5 l, Can. 1870 5 1779 5 1787 6 I. 1824 5 m.)Ed. 1872 5 d. 1886 5 1893 5 i., Am. 1880 5 Am. 1874 5 l, Am. 1894 5 I ] TEXT BOOKS. 19 ■Hill, Trustees, iHilliard, New Trials, " ' ^ [Hodgins, Dom. Franchise Election Petition Cases, " Companies Act, iHolmsted <fe Langton, Ont. Jud. Act iHolIand, Jurisprudence, iHopkins, Average, jHorrigan & Thompson, Criminal Defences. (See Lawson) . . lowell. Surrogate Ct. Pr " Naturalization. ' • • • • ' ' Probate Court Practice . . . ' Admiralty Practice, louston, Canadian Constitution ■Hudson, Building Contracts, (2)... |Hughes, Insurance, lunt. Fraudulent Conveyances... " Boundaries and Fences Tunters, Real Prop. State, of Ont. Sale under Mortgage,... . Insur. Corporation Act. . lurd, Habeas Corpus, 3rd (Am.) Ed. 1847 2nd Ed., Am. 187:i Can. 1889 Can. 188.3 Can. 1888 Can, 1890 3rd Ed. 1^86 4th Ed. 1884 Case. Shelf. 2nd Ed. Am. 1886 Can. 1880 Can. 1884 Can. 1895 Can, 1893 1891 T I I I I I I I 3rd Ed. 1895 1828 1872 1884 Can. 1894 Can. 1892 Can. 1892 2nd Ed,, Am. 1886 J I I I J J J J J J J J J J 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 [vatts, Carriers, 1883 J Jack, Appeals Sup. Ct, Can. . . . . Jacob, Domicil, farman, Wills, (2) ' [ " * ^ones. Pledges, Corporate Bonds and Mort. Index to Legal PeriodicaI«, Prescription, Bailments, 4th Ed. Am. 1895 1887 1881 Am. 1883 Am. 1890 A _- Toon iOOO 3rd Ed. Can. 1878 1823 J J J J J o J J 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 f I I ! Kill l!i 20 TEXT BOOKS. Jones, Mortgages, (2) .... II Com. and Trade Contracts, 11 Liens, (2) .... Joyce, Injunc, Law and Prac. (2) II II Doctrines & Frin., Kay, Shipmasters and Seaman, , Keener, Quasi Contracts, (2) . . , Kehoe, Choses in Action, Kent, Commentaries, (4) Kerr, Fraud and Mistake, II Contempt of Court Case . 3rd Ed., Am. Am. 2nd Ed., Am. 1882 1886 1894 1872 1877 Case. J J J J J Shelf. 2nd Ed. 1895 J 2 Am. 1888 J . 2 Can. 1881 J 2 12th Ed, Am. 1873 J 2 1st (Ara.) Ed. 1882 J 2 Can. 1883 J 2 Lawson, Criminal Defences, (5)... Aui. 1885 J 2 It Presumptive Evidence.. Am. 1885 J 2 It Concordance, . . . . Am. 1883 J 2 It Carriers, . . . . Am. 1880 J 2 It Usages and Customs ... . Am. 1881 J 2 It Expert Evidence, Am. 1883 J 2 Leake, Contracts, 1878 J 2 Leggo, Chancery Forms, . . . . 2nd Ed. Can. 1876 J 2 Leggett, Bills of Lading, . . . . 1880 J 2 Leigh & Le Marchant, Elec. Law , 4th Ed., 1885 J 2 Lewin, Trusts, .... 7th Ed., 1879 J 4 Lewis, Justice of the Peace, . . . Can. 1884 J 2 Lieber, Interpretation, . . . . 3rd (Am .)Ed. 1880 J 2 Lindley, Partnership, (2) . . . . 1st (Am )Ed. 1888 J « (2) ... . 4th Ed. 1878 J t! It It Act of 189( 1891 J •- It Companies' Acts, 1891 J Lovelass, Wills, . 12th Ed , 18.38 J Lowell, Transfer of Stock, Am. 1884 J Lowndes, General Average, .... . 4th Ed. 1888 J Ca8B. SlIBLP. I., Am. 1882 J Am. 1886 J 1., Am. 1894 J 1872 J 1877 J i. 1895 J 2 Am. 1888 J . 2 Can. 1881 J 2 i, Am. 1873 J 2 a.) Ed. 1882 J 2 Can. 1883 J 2 Aw. 1885 J 2 Am. 1885 J 2 Am. 1883 J 2 Am. 1880 J 2 Am. 1881 J 2 Am. 1883 1878 J J 2 2 i.i , Can. 1876 1880 J J 2 2 1., 1885 J 2 I, 1879 J S Can. 1884 J 2 m .)Ed. 1880 J 2 m. ,)Ed. 1888 J * I 1878 1891 1891 J J J n !d ,, 1838 J 1 Am. 1884 J 1. 1888 J ( ■ I i, I 1 ^^H 1 1 1 !■ 1 ■ Hi i t 1 1 ' 1 1 f 1 i i 1 i 1 1 f ill! ■ 1 ■ I 9j • ii 1 i ill 1 11 ' I J! ., r. TEXT BOOKS. 21 lacDowull, Master and Servant, 1883 J lacKenzie, Roman Law, 6th Ed. 1886 J [acLaren, Bills and Notes, 2nd Ed., Can. 1896 J Banks and Banking, . . Can. 1896 J [acLachlan, Shipping, 2nd Ed. 1876 J " " 4th Ed. 1892 J racPherson, Practice of the Privy Council, .._ 2nd Ed. 1873 J [acqueen, Husband and Wife . . 2nd Ed. 1872 J laddock. Chancery Practice, (2) 1815 J Fanning, Exchequer Pr., 1827 J lanson. Companies, 2nd Ed, 1893 J Dog Law, .... 1893 j larkby. Elements of Law, .... i889 J [arsh. Chancery Court History... Can. 1890 J larsden. Perpetuities, .... 1883 J •I Collisions, 2nd Ed. 1885 J rasters, Canadian Appeals, Can. 1894 S lathews, Married Women, .... 1392 J II Restraint of Trade 1393 j ^attinson & Macaskie, Cor. Prac. 2nd Ed. 1884 J lather, Sheriffs, jgg^ j kaude & Pollock, Mer. Ship,, (2). 4th Ed. " 1881 J lay, Insurance, .... 2nd Ed., Am. 1883 J " " .... 3rd Ed., Am. 1891 J -II Fraudulent Conveyances.... i87i j layne. Damages, .... 3rd Ed. 1877 J IcArthur, Marine Insurance. . . . i885 J [cMurrich & Roberts, Schl. Law, _ Ont., 1894 J lechem, Public Officers, .... ^m. 1890 J lerwin, Patentability Am. 1883 J Jitford & Tyler, Pleading, Prac- tice, Equity, .... lat (Am.) Ed. 1876 J oaks. Arcriimonfa < . »•.« - • — = ' Am. iovy J n. Underbill Torts, .... Is* Ed. Am. 1881 J [)ntgomery, Liquor Lie. Laws. . I895 j SURLF. 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 3 3 3 2 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 22 TEXT BOOKS. eASK. SllBLF. Moncreifl, Fraud and Misrep Moore, Foreshore, • • • • M Extradition, (2) Morawetz, Private Corporations . . (2) Morgan, Chancery Orders, It & Davey, Costs, Morris, Replevin, Morse, Banks and Banking, (2) . . „ Arbitration and Award, . . Newson, Salvage, Odgers, Libel and Slander Oliphant, Horses, Oldham & Foster, Distress, Ortolan, Roman Law, O'Sullivan, Gov't in Canada, Oswald, Contempt of Court, 1891 J 3rd Ed. 1888 J Am. 1891 J Am. 1882 J 2nd Ed., Am. 1886 J 3rd Ed. 1862 J 1865 3rd Ed., Am. 1878 3rd Ed., Am. 1888 Am. 1872 J J J J 1886 J 1st (Am.) Ed. 1881 4th Ed. Paley, Convictions, Palmer, Winding Up Companies, Parson, Ship, and Admiralty, (2) Patterson, Lib. of the Subject, (2) Peachey, Marriage Settlements, . . Peake, Evidence, • • • • Perry, Trusts, (2) Phillimore, International Law, (4) Phillips, Insurance, (2) ,, Mechanics' Lien, „ Circumstantial Evidence Pierce, Railroads, • • • • 2nd Ed. 6th Ed. 2nd Ed. 1882 .1886 1871 1879 1892 1895 Am. 3rd Ed., Am. 3rd Ed. 5th Ed., Am. 2nd Ed., Am. 4th Ed., Am. Am. 1879 1893 1869 1877 1860 1804 1882 1879 1867 1883 1879 1881 J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 5' 0- 5 Gask. ^iiblf. 1891 J 4 1888 J Am. 1891 J Am. 1882 J l, Am. 1886 J 186-2 J 1865 J I., Am. 1878 J I., Am. 1888 J Am. 1872 J 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 41 1886 J m.)Ed. 1881 J i. 1882 J .1886 J 1871 J 1879 J 1892 J Id. 1895 J 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 Id. 1879 J Sd. 1893 J Am. 1869 J 1877 J 1860 J 1804 J Sd., Am. 1882 J Sd. 1879 J Ed., Am. 1867 J Ed., Am. 1883 J Ed., Am. 1879 J Am. 1881 J tl i j m ! i I i \ i I . li II ■'" ill 'III ■ J p 'ft I HI! I • mum ■ I! ii (II) I ;i!ii H i I Hill TEXT BOOKS. 23 ?i'ggott, Foreign Judgments, " •• Torts, ?itt-Lewig, County Court Pr., (2) Pollock, Contracts, M Torta, 11 Partnership, " <fe Wright, Possession.... Pomeroy, Eq. Jurisprudence,(.3) . . iPope, Lunacy, »r Confederation Docu'ts, IPorter, Insurance, iPotter's Dwarris, Statutes, iPowell, Mortgages, (2) Evidence, IPreston, Conveyancing, (3) .... iPrice, Annuities, (2) iPulling, Attorneys, 2nd Ed 3rd Ed. 4th Ed. 4th Ed. 4th Ed. 5th Ed. 3rd Ed. 4th Ed. 3rd Ed Cahe. Siinr. 1879 J 5 1881 J 5 1885 J 5 1883 J 5 1881 J 5 1896 J 5 1888 J 5 1881 J 5 Am. 1881 J 5 1887 J 5 Can. 1895 J 5 1884 J 5 Am. 1875 K 1799 K 1895 K 1819 K 1783 K 1862 K IBam, Judgments, iRattigan, Private Inter. Law iRawle, Covenant for Title, iRead, Lives of Judges Canada,. iRedfield, Wills, II Railways, (2) I Rideout, Patents, I Robinson, Patents, (3) II Income Tax, [Rogers, Elections, (2) •• Mines and Minerals, " Expert Evidence, .... " Medical Men, Romilly, Notes of Cases, Ronpr. Tjonani^o /o\ Roscoe, Criminal Evidence, l8t(Am.)Ed. 5th Ed. Am. Am. 5th Ed., Am. Can Am. 15th Ed. 2nd Ed. Am. Can. 3rd Ed. 9th Ed. 1871 K 1S95 K 1887 K 1888 K 1874 K 1873 K 1894 K 1890 K 1895 K 1890 K 1876 K 1883 K 1884 K 1872 K 1828 K 1878 K 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 o 24 TEXT BOOKS. Roscop, N. P. Evidence, (2) . . Russell, Awards, It Crime", (3) . . 16th Ed. . . 5th Kd. 1884 1H78 Oadii. K K SlINLP. 2 .•. 9th (Am )Ed. 1877 K 2 I ! Sansura, Digest Tnsur. Cases, . . . . Sanders, Uses and Trutts, Saunders, Warranties, .... II Reportw, Williams, (3). . »i Negligence, .... Salaman, Liquidation, .... Schouler, Executors and Admins., II Personal Property (2)... Scrutton, Mer. Ship. Act, 1894... Seaborne, Vendors and Purchasers, Sedgwick, Damages, (2) II Lead. Causes on Dam . . Seton, Decrees, (3) Sharp, Civil Code, L. C, (2) Sheldon, Subrogation, Shelford, Real Prop. Statutes.. . Sheppard, Touchstone, (2) Shearman <k Redfield, ^eg.,.(2). . Shortt, Inform'ns, Quo Warranto, Sichel, Witnesses, II «fe Chance, Disco ve.y Simpson, Infants, Sinclair, Division Courts Act, Smith, N«gligence, II Chancery Practice, (2) t» Leading Cases, (2) II Executory Interesis, Snell's Equity, Snow, Annual Practice, (2) SoulOi Rsfsrencft Muni'^l Spear, Extradition, Am. 1881 K 3 2nd(Am.)Ed. iHS.'i K :\ lb74 K 3 6th Ed. 1845 K 3 1871 K 3 1882 K 3 Am. 18S3 K 3 2nd Ed., Am. 1884 K 3 1895 K 3 3rd Ed. 1884 K 3 Am. 1880 K 3 7tb Ed., Am. 1878 K 3 4th Ed. 1877 K 3 Can. 1889 K 3 Am. 1862 K 3 8th Ed. 1874 K 3 l8t(Ain.)Ed. 1808 K 3 4th Ed., Am, 1888 K 3 1887 K 3 1887 K 4 188,'! K 4 1875 K 4 Can. 1888 K 4 1880 K' 4 2nd(Am )Ed 1842 K 4 8th Ed. 1879 K 4 l8t(Am.)Ed. 1845 K 4 7th Ed. 1884 K 4 1894 K 5 A.iu. iSb'd K 4 2nd Ed., Am 1884 K 4 CaKR. SlIRLr. 1884 K 2 1878 K 2 fld. 1877 K 2 m. 1881 K Id. 1885 K 1871 K 1845 K 1871 K 1882 K n. 1883 K n. 1884 K 1895 K 1884 K n. 1880 K 1. 1878 K 1877 K 1. 1889 K 1. 1862 K 1874 K I. 1808 K 1. 1888 K 1887 K 1887 K 188;' K 1875 K . 1888 K 1880 K' 1842 K 1879 K 1845 K 1884 K 1894 K io83 K 1884 K 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 5 4 4 TEXT BOOKS. 25 Cabs. Shrlf. Spencp, Chancery Jurisdiction, (2) Ut (Am .)Ed. 1846 K 4 Steeves, Prob. and Administrat'n, Can. 1891 K 4 Stephens, Dig. of Law of Evid'ce, 3rd Ed. 1877 K 4 (1 II Criminal Law , . . , 1st (Am )Ed. 1878 K 4 II M It Procedure, 1H83 K 4 II History n Law, (3)... 1883 K 4 M Joint Stock Co's Can. 1881 K 4 kevens, Indictable Offences, .... Can. 1880 K 4 Stimson, Cor| oration Statutes. , . Am. 1892 K 4 Stockton, Vice Adm. Rep. & Dig. • 1894 K 4 Stokes, British Colonies .... 1783 K 4 II Power of Attorney, .... 3rd Ed. 1861 K 4 Itone, Eles:it and Equit. Execut'n 1882 K 4 itory, Baili"ents, .... 9th Ed., Am. 1878 K 4 II Equity Pleading, .... 9th Ed., Am. 1879 K 4 II Agency, .... 9th Ed., Am. 18'^2 K 4 It Equity Jurisprudence, (2). . 12th Ed. Am. 1877 K 4 troud, Judicial Dictionary, .... 1890 K 5 ugden, Powers, .... 8th Ed. 1861 K 5 II Vendors and Purchas,, (2) 8th (Am .)Ed. 1873 K 5 uth^rland. Damages, (3) .... 2nd Ed , Am, 1893 K 5 weet, Catalogue Law Books, . . . 2nd Ed- 1883 K 6 ["app. Maintenance, Champerty, . . . tarring, Colonies, .... faschereau, Crira. Law of Can. (2) <i II II II II II II II Faswell-LangmeaJ, Con. History, fay lor. Titles, .... II Equity Jurisprudence .... II Medical n (2) II Evidence, (2) .... [emperley, Mer. Ship. Act, '94... leobald, Wilis, .... lompson. Electricity, . . . , It Private Corporiit'ns,(6) 2nd Ed. 3rd Ed. 4th Ed. 2nd Ed., Can. Can. 3rd Ed. 7th Ed. 2nd Ed. Am. Am. 1861 1882 1874 1888 1893 1890 1873 1875 1873 1878 1896 1881 1891 1895 L L L L L L L L L L L L L L I li I I! 26 TEXT BOOKS. Cask. Shelf. Thompson, Negligence, (2) • • • „ Charging Jury, „ Highways, ••• „ Carriers, „ Stockholders, Thring, Legislation, Tidd, New Practice, M Forms, „ Practice, (2) •• Tiffany, Registration of Titles, ... Todd, Col Par. Government Toller, Executors, ' Tomlins, Law Dictionary, (2) . • • Travis, Sales, (2) • • • ' Tremaine, Pleas of Crown, (2). . • Trowe, Debtor and Creditor, .... Tudor, Leading Cases, Mer. Law, „ „ EealProp., Turner, Pawn, Twiss, Law of Nations, ••;• Tyler, Boun.. Fences and Lights, Tyser, Marine Insurance Losses... 9th Ed. 7th Ed. 4th Ed. Can 2nd Ed. 3rd Ed, 2nd Ed. Am 1880 L 1880 L 1881 L 1880 L 1879 L 1877 L 1837 L 1828 L 1828 L 1881 L . 1880 L 1838 L 183!) J 1892 L 1794 L 1860 L 1868 L 1879 L 1873 L 1884 L 1876 L 1894 L TJnderhill, Trusts, .... 4th Ed. 1894 L Viner, Abridgement and Sup., (22) Wait, Fraudulent Conveyances, . . Walkem, Wills, Walker, Banking, „ International Law Wallaxje, Law Reporters, -^ • • ■m^__Js. R'holders and Direc s Man. Warvelle, Vendor and Pur., (2)... Washburn, Easements, • • • • „ Real Property, (3)... Am. Can. 2nd Ed. 4th Ed., Am. 4th Ed , Can. 4th Ed., Am. 4th Ed., Am. 1761 L 1884 L 1873 L 1886 L 1895 L 1882 L 1892 L 1 QQA T; 1885 L 1876 L 3 3 3 3 3 3 I nil' Mil J ,1 Oabk. Shblf. .0 10 $1 JO ?9 77 37 ,28 ;28 81 iSO ?38 J3i5 892 L L L L L L L L L L L L J L 794 L 860 L .868 L L879 L 1873 L 1884 L 1876 L 1894 L 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 o 2 2 6 2 2 2 2 O 2 2 2 1894 L 1761 L 1884 . 1873 1885 1895 ,. 1882 1. 1892 1 OQA L L L L L L T. Q. 1885 L n. 1876 L 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 3 3 \ ^ TEXT BOOKS. 27 Watson. Compendium of Eq., (2) II Can. Parliament, .... Waterman, Set Off, Weeks, Dam. Ab. Inj., Weir, Banking Corporations M Bills of Sale, Wells, Replevin, Westlake, Private Inter. Law. . . . Wharton, Law Lexicon, .... II Legal Maxims, Wheeier, Privy Council Law Wnite & Tudor, Leading Cases Equity, (4) Whiteway, Solicitors, Widdiiield, Costs, Wigram, Wills, Wilberforce, Statutes, .... Wilcox, Corporations, Williams, Executors, (3) II Real Assets, »• & Yates, Ejectment. . . M & Bruce, Admiralty Pr. II Saunders', (2) Wilson, Registration of Titles, . . . II Judicial Acts, Wilbsie, Foreclosure, Winslow, Debtors and Creditors, Woerner, Administration, (2) Wolstenholme, Convey'c'g Acts. . Wood, Limitation of Actions II Landlord and Tenant, .... II Carriers (Browne), " Master and Servant, II Nuisance, Woodfall, Landlord & Tenant. . . . Woolrych, Legal Time, (2) .... Cask. 1873 L Can. 1880 L 2nd Ed., Am. 1872 L Am. 1879 L Can. 1888 L 1896 L Am. 1880 L 3rd Ed. 1890 L 6th Ed. 1876 L 1st (Am.) Ed 1878 L 1893 L 4th (Am.) Ed. Can. 2nd Ed. 6th (Am.) Ed, 2nd Ed. 6th Ed. L L L L L L L L L L 3rd Ed. Am. Am, 4th Ed. Am. Am. Am. Am. 2nd Ed., Am. nth Ed. 1876 1883 . 1891 1835 1881 1827 1877 1861 1894 1886 1871 L 1845 L 1863 1882 1885 1885 1889 1885 1883 1894 1883 1877 1873 L L L L L L L L L L L Shbu. 3 3 3 3 3 3 a 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 1S77 1851 L - — •^— wtat^aTrr-fia IJI ffi It ! 3DIC3I-EST© American Reports, .... It Decisions, .... • • • • Brunker, Irish, . • • • Cassel, Supreme Court of Canada, Chitty, Equity Index, ti Digest, . • • • • • • • Oomyn • • •' • • • ■ • Congdon, N. S., . • • • * • • • • Coventry & Hughes Danforth, U. S. S. C, Emden, Annual, .... • • • • Federal Reporter Fisher, •••• Gamble & Barlow, Index Irish Equity, Harrison, Digest all Reports, 1756-1843, Law Reports, The .... • • • • Maine, Massachusetts, .... • • ■ „ Citations, • . . • Masters, Can. Appeals. Mew's, Fisher, Ontario, • • • • ■ • • • Pritchard, Admiralty, Robinson & Joseph, Ont., Stevens, N. B., Editions of 1880, 1886 and United States, .... „ M Annual, Oabb SlIKLF G 3 G 3 G 5 G .5 G 4,5 • • • ^ G 4 * « • • G 4 • • • • S 4 • • • • G . 5 G 3 G 4 • • • • ■ Q 5 G 3,4 • • • « 5 G 6 G 4 G 5 G 3 G 3 • • • • S 2 • • • • i\ 3,4 G 6 • • • • G • 4 • • ■ > G 5 1897, S 4 G 1,2 G 2 (28) 0A9B SlIKLV G 3 G 3 G 5 G 5 G 4,5 G 4 G 4 S 4 G . 5 G 3 G 4 Q 5 G 3,4 G 5 G 6 G 4 G 5 G 3 G 3 S 2 Q 3,4 G 5 G 4 G 5 S 4 G 1,2 G 2 c I L N N 0] U: STATUTES British Columbia, Oanada, Revised, ' • • • Unrepealed, Chitty, Statutes, 4th Ed. Index to The Law Reports, Stats., Canadian Stats., Steevens, " II Fremont, N. B. Stats., Steeves, Law Reports, The, (Stats.) Maine, Revised, Massacusetts, Public New Brunswick, ' • • • « II It • • • " •' Revised, . . . . •• II Local and Private, .. . " " Consolidated, .... Nova Scotia, Revised, II II Ontario, Revised, United States, Stats, at Large, . . . .. Cask. Shklf 1888 M 6 1867 to date I 6 18 6 I 6 1886 I 6 H 6 H 6 1876 8 3 1884 I 3 1891 S 3 H 6 1883 I 6 1882 I 6 1786- 1853 I 6 1854 to date S 3 1854 S 3 1865 S 3 1877 8 5 1884 8 4 1885 to 1892 S 4 1877, : 1887 M 6 1873-] 1875 I 6 (29) 'WfP ' t' \iir I I ■ REVIEWS, MAGAZINES AND ENCYCLOPEDIAS. VOIB, American Law Review, 30 „ & Ertg. Ency. of Law, 31 Canadian Law Times, . • • • Canada I-aw Journal, Encyclopcedia Britannica,' . . • • „ n Supp-... „ II Index . . Law Quarterly Review, Law Magazine and Review, „ Reports and Weekly Notes, Weekly Notes, • • • • 2nd Ed. 16 31 24 5 1 12 Oabr Siiklk. OP M 2, 3, 4 M 4 PQ Q R N O O R 1878-1896 R 1866-1878 R 1882-1892 R I i|: (30) :lopedias. 8-1896 i6-1878 <2-1892 Cask; Siibw. OP M 2, 3, 4 M 4 PQ Q R N O O R R R R ^^H ' ! ■ : ! 1 1 1 L m ! 1 DPIfj^ TlSriDEX OB" BXJBJB30TS. Nonu-" Am." sitpiiAvH a purely Americftn work "A Eoglish work. ' ni. e(l.,"an Anierli.-wi edition of »b ABRIDGEMENTS Bacon, 1846, Am. ed. Viner, 1871. ADMINISTRATION 8te«ves, 1891. Can. VVoerner, 1H89, Am. Ufa/ Assets. •Villiams, 1861. See also Executors. ADMIRALTY Brown, 1802. Coh«n, 1883. Parsons, 1869, Am. Stockton, 1894, Can. Practice. Howell, 1893, Can. Williams ik Bruce, 1 886. See also Collisions. Shipping. [agent AND AGENCY Evans, 1888. Storey, 1892, Am. [alienation Restraint on. Oray. 1883, Am. ANNUITIES Price, 1783. [appeals Index, Canadian. Masters, 1894, (31) ARBITRATION & AWARD Morse, 1872, Am. Russell, 1878. ASSESS^' «=-,NT i? y, ifis;. Sei ilso Taxation. ASSIGJ^;>WKNT-.. Bur. , 1882, Am. ATTACHMENT Cababe, 1881. Drake, 1885, Am. ATTORNEYS Pulling, 1862. See also Solicitors. AUCTIONS Bateman, 1883, Am, ed. AVERAGE Hopkins, 1884. Lowndes, 1888, BAILMENTS Storey, 1878, Am. See also Pledges, Pawn. BANKS AND BANKING MacLaren, 1896, Can, Mfipofi 1 QQQ A -.- Walker, 1885,"" Weir, 1888, Can. 82 SUBJECTS BILLS AND NOTES Agabeg & Barry, 1884. Bigelow, 1880, Am. Bay ley, 1830. Byles, 1876. Clarke, 1875, Can. Chalmers, 1881. Chitty, 1878. Daniel, 1882, Am. MacLaren, 1896, Can. BILLS OF LADING Leggett, 1880. BILLS OF SALE Barron, 1880, 1888, Can. Barron & O'Brien,' 97, Can. Fithian, 1884. Weir. 1896. BIOGRAPHY Judges of England. r-»8H, 1870. Judges of Canada. Read, 1888. Can. Lmw Reporters. Wallace, 1882, Am. BONDS Jones, 1890, Am. Ste also Public Securities. BOUNDARIES & FENCES Hunt, 1884. Tylei, 1876, Am. BRIT. NORTH AM. ACT Doutre, 1880. Cases pn G«c.i ght, 1882-1897. BUILDING CONTRACTS Hudson, 1805. CANADA Confederation Documents. Pope, 1895, Can. CANADA— a?«/'^. Cas. B. N. A. Act Cartwright, 1882-'97, Can. Constitution. < Doutre, 1880, 0«n. Houston, 1891, Can. Government in Bourinot, 1895, Can. O'SulUvau, 1879, Can. Parliament of Watson, 1880, Can. Courts. tSee Sup. Ct., Exch. Ct. CARRIERS Ivatts, 1883. Lawson, 1880, Am. Wood's Browne, 1883,Am. By Sea Carver, 1885. Passengers. Thompson, 1880, Am. Railways as- Redfield. 1873, Am. CERTIORAiil S« EXTRAO.'IDINABY REMEDIES. CHAJIPERTY Tapp, 1861. CHANCERY, COURT OF Decrees and Orders, MorKuii, 1862. Sefon, 1877- History. M/irsh, .890, Can. Jurisdiction. Speiiue, 1846, Am. ed. rieading and Practice. Ws.'.v-.cA 1.0.71 Ars- ~! Grant, 'l839. ' Leggo, 1876, Can. Maddock, 18 15. Can. H. Ct. i,Am. SDIEH. ►F CI CH CH CH' OIB CIV Cc I COL GOD Br i ■ 1 Pari 1 COM] MOl t E C E S] Com TJ Elet, SUBJECTS. 33 CHANCERY, OT O^-Confd. Pleading and Practice. Mitford«feTyIer,'76,Am.ed. Smith, 1842, Am. ed. Story, 1879, Am. See also Equity. CHARGING JURY Thompson, 1880, Am. CHATTEL MORTGAGES See Bills of Sale. CHOSES IN ACTION Kehoe, 1881, Can. CIRCUMSTANT'L EVID'CE Phillips, 1879, Am. See also Evidence. CIVIL LAW Browne, 1802. Code, Lower Canada. Sharpe, 1889, Can. COLLISIONS Maraden, 1885. See also Shippikq. COLONIES British. Stokes, 1783. Tarring, 1882. Pari. Government in, Todd, 1880, Can. COMMENTARIES k COM- MON LAW Blacksfcone, 1811. Brett, 1891. Coke, Insts, 1817. Kent, 1873. Shephard, 1808, Am. ed. Common Law. T* -t r\ .^ ^ Elements of Law. Markby, 1889. COM. LAW PROCED. ACT Harrison, 1870, Can, COMPANIES Acts. Lindley, 1891. American Statutes. Stimson, 1892, Am. Joint Stock. Healoy, 1836. Hodgins, 1888, Can. Manson, 1893. Stephens, 1881, Can. Stockholders. Warde, 1892. Winding Up. Emden, 1883. Palmer, 1893, Ultra Vires. Brice, 1877. See also Corporations. Taxation, Securities. COMPENSATION Cripps, 1881. CONCORDANCE. LawBon, 1883, Am. CONSTITUTIONAL LAW CANADA. Clements 1892. B. N A. Act, Cartwright, Cas. lS82-'y7. Doutre, 1880, Can. Documents, Illustrative of. Houston, 1891, Can. See also Canada. CONSTIT. LAW, ENGLAND Broom, 1885. History of. Taswei'l-Langmead, 1890. Law and Customs of. Anson, 1892. 34 SUBJECTS. CONSTIT. LAW, AMERICA Limitations State's Powers. Cooley, 1883, Am. CONTEMPT OF COURT Oswald, 1892, 1895. CONTING'NTREMAINDERS Fearne, 1891. See also Exec. Interest. CONTRACTS. Addison, 1883, Am. ed. Bishop, 1887, Am. Ball, 1880. Chitty. 1881. Hare, 1887, Am. Leake, 1878. Building Contracts. Hudson, 1895. Connnercial and Trade. Jones, 1886, Am. Labor Contracts. Gibbons k Uttley, 1892. Non-Contracts. Bishop, 1889, Am. Principles of. Anson, 1886. Pollock, t«81. Public Policy re. Greenhood, 1886. Quasi, Cases on. Keener, 1888, Am. ^ CONVEYANCING Acts. Wolstenholm, 1885. Common Forms^ Notes, re. Crocker, 1883, Am, Index to Precedents of. Copinger, 1872. Marriage Settlements. Peachey, 1860. Powers of Attorney. Stokes, 1861. Principles of. Preston, 1819. CONVICTIONS Paley, 1879. COPYRIGHT Copinger, 1881. CORONERS Boys, 1893. CORPORATIONS Grant, 1854, Am. ed. Wilcox, 1827. Municipal Arnold, 1894. Dillon, 1873, 1890, Am. Private. Morawetz, 1882, '86, Am. Public. Bpach, 1893. Stockholders Cooke, 1894, Am. Thompson, 1895, Am. Stock, Transfer of Lowell, 1884, Am. iiee also Companies. CORRUPT PRACTICES Mattinson & Macaskie, '84. See also Election Law. COSTS Gray, 1853. Morgan & Davey, 1865. Widdifield, 1891, Can. COTENANCY Foster, 1876. Freeman, 1886, Am, COUNTY COURT Bingay, 1891, Can. Gorman, 1892, Can. Pitt-Lewis, 1883. COVENANT FOR TITLE Rawle, 1887, CRIMINAL LAW Ohitty, 1841, Am. ed. .'iusst!!, 1887, Am. ed. Aas. Gren ,'* i, 1862. CHmmu Code, Canada. T-sc!u.reau,'74,'88,'93, Can CrauksJa^w, 1894, Can. Clarke, 1892. Defences. Ho-rigan k Thompson, Lawson, 1886 Am. Foran, 1889, Can. Stephens, 1878, Am. ed. Burbidge, 1890, Can. Evidence. Roscoe, 1878. Archibold, 1875. History. Stephens, 1883. Indict. Offences. Steevens, 1880, Can. Pleas of Crown. Hale, 1847, Am. ed, Hawkins, 1824. Tremaine, 1797. Procedure and Forms. Bishop, 1885, Am. Stephens, 1883. statutory Crimes. Bishop, 1883, Am. CROWN OP ENGLAND Prerogatives of. Chitty, 1820. Foreign Jurisdiction of. Hall, 1894. CROWN OFFICE Grady «k Scotland, 1844. DAMAGES Mayne, 1877. Sedgwick, 1880, Am. Sutherland, 1893, Am. Am. BAMAGES-Cb«/V/ Lea. Cases. Sedgwick, 1878, Am. DAM. ABSQUE INJURIA Weeks, 1879 Am, DEBTOR AND CREDITOR Trower, 1860. Private Arrangements, Winslow, 1885. DECEIT Grinnell, 1886, Am. DECREES Seton, 1877. DEEDS. Devlia 1887, Am. Interpretation of EljAinstone, 1885. DEFENCES Criminal. Horrigan & Thompson, ]^- LawsoQ, 1886, Am. DE JURE Grotius, 1853. DICTIONARIES Century, 1889. Law. Bouvier, 1885. Stroud, 1890. Tomlin, 1835. Wharton, 1876. Medical. Billings, 1890, Can. DIGESTS See page 28. DISABILITIES Ewell, 1976, Am. ae SUBJECTS. DISCOVERY Bray, 1884. Hare, 1877. Sichel & Chance, 1883. DISTRESS Oldham & Foster, 1886. See also Lan. & Ten. DIVISION COURT Sinclair, 1881, Can. DIVORCE Bishop, 1881. Ernst, 1879. GemmiJl, 1889. Can. DOMESTIC RELATIONS Eversley, 1895. Sez also Husband «fe Wife. DOMICILE Jacob, 1887. DOWER Cameron, 1882, Can. EASEMENTS Gale, 1876. Washburn, 1885. EJECTMENT Adams, 1854, Am. ed. Williams & Yates, 1894. ELECTION LAW Leigh & Le Marchant, 1885. Cox <fe Grady, 1880. Ermatinger, 1886, Can. Rogers, 1890. Corrupt Practices. Mattinson & Macaskie, '84. Dominion Franchise. Hodgins, 1889, Can. Eleciiofi PrHft.-vn r'.-^-.-.c Hodgins, i883,''ca'n. ELECTION LAW— CV^/V. Practice. Rogers, 1890. Reports. Ont. Elec. Cas., 1891. ELECTRICAL LAW Thompson, 1891. Am. Elee Cases. Morrill, 1873-'94. ELEGIT Stone, 1882. ELEMENTS OF LAW Markby, 1889. EQUITY. Compendium. Watson, 1873. Equit. Executions. Stone, 1882. Jurisprudence. Bispham, 1882, Am. Pomeroy, 1881, Am. Snell, 1884. Story, 1887, Am. Taylor, 1875, Can. Lea. Cases. White & Tudor, '76, Am ed. See also Chancery Ct. ESTOPPEL. Bigelow, 1876, Am. Everest & Strode, 1884. EVIDENCE Best, 1876, 1893, Am. eds. Peake, 1804 Powell, 1885. Taylor, 1878. Criminal. Archbold, 1875. _Roscoe, 1878. iJircumstantial. Phillips, 1879, Am. nfd. I. m ed. ry Ct. i. eds. 1 1 % » SUBJECTS. 37 I>igest Stephens, 1877. Equity, in. ' ' Gresley, 1836. Expert. Lawson 1883, Am, Bojfers, 1 883, Am. ■iVtsi Prius. Roscoe, 1884. Presumptive. -Lawson, 1885, Can. Trial. Abbott, It, ^4, Am. Witnesses. SicheJ, 1887. EXCHEQUER COURT Audette, 1891, Oan Cassells, 1877, ttu. Manning, 1827. EXECUTORS Schouler, 18, ' Toller, 1838. Williams, 187; EXECl 1 !RY INTER^TS Smith, 1845, Am. i^ee also Contin. nt Re-v EXTRADITION Spear, 1884, Am. Moore, 1891, Am. EXTRAuRDIN. REMEDIES Beames, 1841. Hia:h, 1874, Am. Shoffct, 1887. I''fiNCEH Hunc, 1884. Tyler, 1876, Am. i^'lHii INSURANCE. See iNSLiiANCii. Am. FIXTURES Brown, 1881. FORESHORE Moore, 1888. FORECLOSURE Wiltsie, 188.5, Am. FRAUD Bigelow, 1888, Am. Kerr, 1882, Aiu. eA Montcreiff, 1891. FRAUDULENT CONVEY ANCES Bump, 1881 Am. Hunt, 1872. May, 1871. Wait, 1884, Am. FRAUDS, STATS. OP Browne, 1880. GUARANTEES Baylies, 1881, Am. DeColyar, 1874. HABEAS CORPUS Hurd, 1886, Am, Hj hways Angell, 1868, Am. Thompson, 1881, Am. HISTORY Chancery Court. Marah, 1890, Can. Criminal Tmw. Stephens, 1883. Constitution, Eng, Taswell-Lnngi; ad. 1890, HUSBAND AND WIPE Macqueen, i 72 ^m wm. , Mt 38 SUBJECTS. INFANTS Simpson, 1876. INFORMATION Slortt, 1887. See also Extraohd. Rem. INHERITANCE Do8P.,8808, 1895, Am. INJUKTE8 Personal. ' Buawell, 1893, Am. INJUNCTIONS Beach, 1896, Am. Eden, 1821. High, 1880, j.m. Jojoe, 1«72, '77. INSANITY Bus well, 1886, Am. INSOLVENt Y Clarke, 1877, Can. INSURANCE Beach, 1896, Am. Clarke, 1877, Can. ilughes, 1828. May, 1883, '91, Am. Phillips, 1867, Am. Porter, 1884. ^f£esl of Decisions Sansiun, 1881, Am. Ftre. Clement, 1893, Am. Jns. Corpn. Acts. Hunter, 1892, Can. Zi/e. Crawley, 1882. Marine. Arnould, 1877, McArthur, 1886. INTERPLEADER Cabalw, 1881. INTERNATIONAL LAW Ccrbett, 1885. Phillimore, 1879 Walker. 1895, Twiss, M. Private. Batigan, 1896, Westlake, 1890. INTERPRET .4TI0N Brc^wne, 1883. Lieber, 1880, Am. ed. I>eeds. Elphinstone, 1886. J'OINT STOCK COMPANIES Sec CcMPANlKSw JOINT OWNERSHIPS Poster, 1878. Preeman. 1886, Am. JUDGES Biography. Poss, 1870. Read, U%^^ Can. JUDGMENTS Preeman, 1831, Am. Ram, 1871, Am. ed. ■Fori ign. Piggott, 1879, '81. JURISPRUDENCE Dillon, 1894. Holland, 1886. JUSTICES OF THE PEACE Burns, 1869. See also Magistrates. I SUBJECTS. 39 LANDLORD <fe TENANT Clarke. 1895, Can. Wood. 1883, Am. Woodfall, 1877. ■ Distress, Oldham & Foster, 1886. LAWTJt{/r;TS Hargreaves, 1787. LEADING CASES American. Hare & Wallace, 1871, Am Lommon Law. Smith, 1379. Equiiy. White & Tudor, 1876. International Law. Cobbett, 1885. Mercantile Law. Tudor, 1868. ■Real Property. Tudor, 1879. LEGACIES Roper, 1828, LEGAL MAXIMS Brown, 1874, Am. ed. Whai-ton, 1878, Am. ed. LEGAL OPINIONS Cameron, 1878, Can. LEGAL PERIODICALS. Index to. Jones, 1888. LEGAL TIME Woolrych, 1851. LEGISLATION Bentham, 1894. Thring, 1877. LIBEL ATSrnsT.AxrrkWT. Folkard, 1876. Cdgers, 1881, Am. ed. LIBERTY OF THE SUBJECT Patterson, 1877. LICENSES Liquor. Montgompry, 1895. LIENS Jones, 1894, Am, See Mechanic's Lien. LIFE INSURANCE See Insurance. LIMITATIONS, STATS. OF Angel], 1876, Am. Banning, 1877. Brown, 1869. Busweil, 18S9, Am. Hewitt, 1893. Jones, 1878, Can. Wood, 1883, Am. LIQUIDATION Salaman, 1882. LUNACY Pope, 1887. MAGISTRATES Manuals. Clarke, 1888, Can. Cranksbaw, 1895, Can. See also Justices. MAINTENANCE Tapp, 1861. MARINE INSURANCE See Insurance. MARRIAGE & DIVORCE Bihhop, 1881, Am. Ernst, I87f*. Peachej, I860. Divorce, GemmUl, 1889, Can. 40 SUBJECTS. MARRIED WOMEN Bishop, 1873. Am. Matbewe, 1892 Property Acfr. Griffiths, 1883. MASTER AND SERVANT MucDowa]], 1888 Wood, 1877, Am. MECHANIC'S LIENS I*hillips, 1883, Am. MEDICAL LAW Hamilton, 1894, Am. Rodgers, 1876. Taylor, 1873. Dictionary. BillingB, 1890, Am. MERCANTILE LAW Leading Cases. Tudor, 1868. See also SHippivg, MINES AND MINERALS, Rodgers, 1876. MISTAKE • Kerr, 1868. MISREPRESENTATION See Fraud. MORTGAGES Coote, 1880. Fisher, 1876, Jones, 1882, Am, Powell, 1799. Salt under. Hunter, 1892, Can. Foreclosure. Wiltirie, 1886 Am, MUNICIPAL LAW Arnold, 1894, MUNICIPAL i.AW Confd. Dillon, 1873, '90, Am. a»rrison, 1878, Can. See also Taxatiokt. I*UB. SECURITIEa ^NATURALIZATION Howells, 884, Can. NE EXEAT Beames. 1841, Am. ed. NEGLIGENCE Beach, 1886, Am. Beven, 1889, Bus well, 1893, Campbell, 1878, peering, 1886, Am. Saunders, 1871. Shearman & Redfield ^^ '"^mith, 1880. ' """ Thompson, 1880, Am. NEGOTIABLE INSTRUMTS Daniel, 1882, Am. See also Bills and Notes, NEW TRIALS Hilliard, 1872, Am, NISI PRIUS Buller, 1817, Evidence. Boscoe, 1884, NON-CONTRACTS Bishop, 1889, Am, NUISANCES Garrett, 1890. Wood, 1873, Am. NOTES AND CASES Romily, 1872, Saunders' Williams, '45, '71. ed. '» Am. 1. JM'TS OTES. 71. p. Pi SUBJECTS. 41 OPINIONS Colonies^ Fisheries, dr'c. Chalmers, 1858. Municipal Law, dfec. Cameron. 1878, OVERRULED CASES Bigelow, 1873, '87, 4m. Dale & Lehmann, 1887. PARLIAMENT Government, Colonies. Todd, 1880, Can. Procedure. Bourinot, 1884, Can. PARTIES TO ACTIONS Dicey, 1876, Am. ed. PARTITION Foster, 1878. Freeman, 1886, Am. PARTNERSHIPS Bates, 1888, Am. Lindley, 1888, Am. ed. Pollock, 1888. Acts. Lindley, 1891. PATENTS Agnew', 1874. Edmunds, 1890. Ridout, 1894, Can. Robm:<on, 1890, Am. Patentability. Merwiij, 1883, Am. PAWN Turner, 1873. See also Bailments. Pledges, PERPETUITIES ^vikj, 1886, Am. Maraden, 1883. PERSONAL PROPERTr Schouler, 1884, Am. PERSONAL INJURIES Buswell, 1893, Am. PETITIONS See Election Law, Pleading, Practice, pjeading Equity. Mitford&Tyler,76,Am.ed, Storey, 1879, Am. Common Law. Chitty, 1836. 1876, Am. ed. Precedents in. Bullen dk Leake, 1868, '82. PLEAS OF THE CROWN Hale, 1847, Am. ed. Hawkins, 1824. Tremaine, 1794. PLEDGES Jones, 1883, Am. See also Bailments, Pawn. POSSESSION Pollock & Wright, 1881. POWERS Farwell, 1874. Sugden, 1861. POWER OF ATTORNEY Stokes, 1861. PRACTICE Admiralty. Ho^'eUs, 1893, Can. V -i.i.j!,:, ,k Bruce, 1886. Cka--i<:6i > Dm^-ni IHTI, Am. ed, 0. .*.'., i839. Harrison, 1779, 12 SUBJECTS. PRACTICE- •r •Confd. Chancery, Maddoc'k, 1815, Mitford & Tyler, 1876, Anj Morg«n (Orders), 1862. Seton (Decrees), 1877 Smith, 1842. Com. Law Proc. Act Harrison, 1870, Can. Common Law. Ohitty, 1836, 76, Am. ed. " (Forma), 1862. County Court Gorman, 1892, Can. Pitt-Lewis, 1883. Criminal. Crankshaw, 1894. Crown. Grady & Scotland, 1844 Hale, 1847, Am. ed. Hawkins, 1824. Tremaine, 1794. Election Court. See Election Law. Exchequer. Manning, 1827. Judicattire Ads. Holmstead & Laneton. fP Snow, 1894. ^ ' """• "Wilson, 1882. Probate, Surrogate. Howells, 1896, Can. Steeves, 1891, Can. Queen's Bench. Archbold, 1862. Supreme Court. Hilliard (New Trials), ^^' Waterman (Set Off),72, Am. iiupreme Court of Canada. Cassels (Prac.), 1888, Can. " (iVianual), l877.Can. '. (Rules), 1876, Can. PRESCRIPTION Jones, 1878, Can. ^ee also Limitations. PREROGATIV^ES Ohitty, 1820. PRESS, THE Fisher A Strahan, 1891. PRINCIPAL AND AGENT Evans, 1888. See also Agent and Agency. PRIVATE ARRANGEME'TS Winslow, 1886. PRIVY COUNCIL Wheeler, 1893. Practice. Macpherson, 1873. PROBATE COURT Practice. Howells, 1895. Can. Steeves, 1891, Can. PROMISSORY NOTES See Bills and Notes. PUBLIC MEETINGS Bourinot. 1894, Can. PUBLIC OFFICERS Meehem, 1890, Am. PUBLIC POLICY Greenhood, 1886. PUBLIC SECURITIES Burroughs, 1891, Am. QUO WARRANTO See ExTliAORDI^'RY Romedies. RAILWAYS Abbott, 1896, Can. Brown <fe Theobald, 1888 Redfieid, fsfsT Am. '^ J91. ENT lENCY. ME'TS •TES. lES. s. SUBJECTS. 43 REAL ASSETS Williams, 1861. REAL PROPERTY Greenleaf's Cruise, '49. Am. Washburn. 1876, Am. Leading Cases. Tudor, 1879. Statutes. Greenwood, 1878 Hunter. 1894, Can. Shelford, 1874. See also Easements, Limitations Joint Tenancy, Ac. ' RECEIVERS High, 1894, Am. RULES AND ORDERS BotsfoH, 1865, Can. Casso , 1876, Can. Earle, 1881, Can. Snow, 1894. Wilson, 1882. SALES Blackburn, 1886. Benjamin, 1877, Am. ed. Campbell, 1881. Travis, 1892, Can. BWs of. See Bills of Sale. Mortgage ISale. Hunter, 1892, Can. SALVAGE. REGISTRATION OP TITLES I ^e^soo. 1886. Tiffi..^ ,o„, ^ I SECURITIES, PUBLIC Burroughs, 1881, Am. SETTLEM'TS, MARRIAGE Peachey, i860. SHORE Foreshore, Moore, 1888. Seashore. Hall, 1875. SET-OFF Waterman, 1872, Am. SCHOOL LAW McMurrich <fe Roberts. J?"- SHERIFF Churchill, 1879. Mather, 1894. SHIPPING ^ffany, 1881. Can. Wilson, 1863. REMAINDERS Pearne, 1891. See Exec Int, REPLEVIN Cobbey, 1890, Am. Morris, 1878, Am Wells, 1880, Am. REPORTERS, THE LAW Biography. Wallace, 1882, Am. RESTRAINT Alienation. Gray, 1883, Am. Trade. Matthews, 1893. ROMAN LAW Mackenzie, 1886. Ortolan, 1871. Kay, 1895. Maciachlan, 1876, 1892. Maude k Pollock, 1881. Parsons, 1869, Am. ii SUBJECTS. SHIPPING- C^;/'^. Mer. Shipping Act, x8g.f Scrutton, 1895. Teniperiey, 1895. SLANDER See LiBKu SOLICITORS Cordery, 1878. Whiteway, 1883. See also Attorneys. SPECIFIC PERFORMANCE S'ry, 1881. STATUTES Dwarris, 1848. Endlich, 1888, Am. Hardcastle, 1879. Potter's Dwarris, 1875, Am, Wilberforce, 1881. Index to Sie page 2g. STATUTE OF FRAUDS See Frauds, STATUTE OF LIMITATIONS See Limitations, STARE DECIS Chamberlain, 1885, Am. STOCKHOLDERS Thompson, 1879, Am. Warde, 1892, Can. See also Companies. Corporations. STOCK Iransfer of. Lowell, 1884, Am. SUBROGATION Sheldon, 1862, Am. SUCCESSION TAXES Dos Passes, 1895, Am. SUMMARY JURISDICTION Olen, 1887. SUPREME COURT, CAN. Cases and Factums on Appeal Jack, 1886-1896, Can. ' Index to Appeals. Masters, 1894, Can. Practice. Cassels, 1888, Can. 1876, Can. 1876, Can. SURETIES Baylies, 1881, Am. De Colyar, 1885. TAXATION Burroughs. 1877, Am. Cooley, 1886, Am. Success ''"nxes D^ 3, 1895, Am. Ino . -' ,■ , • ■ Robu.;. ;., 1895. TIME, LEGAL. Woolrych, 1851. TITLE Armour, 1887, '94, Can. Rawle, 1887, Am. Taylor, J 873, Can. Tiffany, 1881, Can, Wilson, 1863. TORTS Addison, 1876, Am. ed Ball, 1880, 1884. Bigelow, 1876, Am. Moak's Underbill, '81. Am P: Pollock, 1895 . ^ ±±. I n j-i ^ tn. JTION .N. \ppeai. lDI. MICROCOPY RE'^OLUTION TEST CHART (ANSI and ISO TEST CHART No. 2) 1.0 1^ us u 28 1 3.6 1.8 ^' ^PLIED IIVMGE Inc 1653 East Main Street Rochester, New York 14609 USA (716) 482 - 0300 - Phone (716) 288-5989 -Fax SUBJECTS. 45 TRANSFER OF STOCK Lowell, 1884, Am. TRADE MARKS. Browne, 1885, Am. Cox, 1881, Am. TRADE CONTRACTS Jones, 1886, Am. TRADE, RESTRAINT 01? Mathews, 1893. TRIALS Charging Jury. Thompson, 1880, Am. Neiv Trials. Hilliard, lb72, Am. TRUSTS AND TRUSTEES Hill, 1847, Am, ed. Lewin, 1879. Perry, 1882, Am. Sanders, 18.5.5, Am. ed. UnderhilJ, 1894. ULTRA VIRES Brice, 1877. USAGES AND CUSTOMS Lawson, 1881, Am. VENDORS & PURCHASERS Dart, 1876. Seaborne, 1884. Suu'den, 1873, Am. ed. Warvelle, 1890, Am. WATERS Angel), 1877, Am. Coulson & Forbes, 1880. Gould, 1883, Am. WARRANTIES. ^ Biddle, 1884, Am. Saunders, 1874. WILLS Hawkins, 1872, Am. ed. Jarman, 1881. Lovelass. 1838. Redtield, 1874, Am. T'aeobold, 1887. Walkem, 1873, Can. Wigram, 183.5. WINDING-UP COMPANIES Emden, 1883. Palmer, 1893. WITNESSES Sichel, 1887. See also Evidence.