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Les diagrammes suivants illustrent la mdthode. rrata o )elure, ! a 3 - 64, 61 - 62, 38, 63 - 64, _J J2X 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 S 6 m Wr BIBLIOTHEQUF. i>E U LEGiSUTURE IPS^VXInTO El X)E3 Q,TJE]B:E]0 -J. 5 ''* 'l ' Jj J- V * i. •I /•A CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRi^RY OF THK LKGISLATURR ^'K.O^HsTOE OF Q^TJEBEO QUEBEC 1884 CATALOaUE DE LA BIBLIOTHEQUE DE LA LEGISLATURE FlEtO^XlSraBl IDE Q.-CrE!BEC . QUEBEC 1884 I INi Chan Dave am INDEX ALPHABETIQUE DES MATIERES ET DES AUTEIIRS ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF AUTHORS AND SUBJECTS ARCHfiOLOGIE. ARCHEOLOGY Champollion, le jeune. Catalogo de papiri Egiziani della bibUoteca Vaticana. 4to, Roma, 1825. M^moires sur les signes employt^s par les anciens Egyptiens k la notation du temps dans leurs trois syst^mes d'($criture. 4to. Paris, 1841. Monuments de I'Egypte et de la Nubie. Notices descripti ves conformes aux manuscrits autographes r^ig^s sur les lieux. 2 vol. fol. Paris, 1844. : Monuments de I'Egypte et de la Nubie d'aprfes les dessins executes sur les lieux et les descriptions autographes. 4 vol. fol. Paris, 1835-1845. Davenport (Adams W. H.) The buried uties of Campania or Pompei and Herculauum. 12mo. London, 1869 -1 [■Hi ARCHfiOLOGlJi;— AllCHEOLOGY Davis (Dr. N.)— Carthage and her remains... Hvo. London, 1861. Da-wrson (Mr. le I'lincipal) — Areli«5ol()gie Canadionnc. De quelques s^^pulturcs d'amiens indigenes de rAnu'rifpio di'couverUJH a Montreal, ln-8, MonMal, 1861. (Traduction.) £gypc«. — Description de I'Egvpte, ou recueil des observations et dfjs rechorches qui out (5to faites en Egypte i>eiidant I'exjM^- * dition do I'anndo iunc^aise : (ouvrage puhlio jirincipale- nient sous ie direction de M. Jomaud, et ex(5cute aux frais de Ititat.) 9 vol. infolio moyen et 1 vol. gd. infolio de textti, .et 1 1 volumes gd. infolio de planches. 2^uri», 1809-1828. Ci't ouvriigo coniiti sous It; uoju de Grand ouvraije iVEijypie, «t!t coiiijiatiu du irniu |iartii-H, (|iu! Ton .'i dcHigiiticH (itir leu iioiiitt KiiivuiitH : 1° Aiiiiquite, 1!° Ktul iMi>dL-nie, U° IliHtoire iiatii- relie. 'J'kxtk. Antiqiiitea-Degtriptions. 2. vol. 2(5 clmiiitiei* iinpriiiifiR Bepaienu-iit. AntiqfiitvH-Mimoires. 2 volniueg. EUit-Modetue. 2 volumes relies en iroiu. Histoiie Naturelle. 2 volumes. Preface ete.'plkationa di'n planchea. 1 vol. gd iu-folio. Les planches sont au nomhre de 894, uuii contpris Ui que coii- lieiiiient les volumes de texte. Les aiitiqiiltes en coiiticiinoiit 352 reliees en 5 volumes. L'utlas j,'eogrupliiijne, 5:J en 1 volume. L'Etiit moderne, 151 en 1 volume, (le 2e vol. comprend Alexan- drie, les arts et metiers, les costumes, portraits, vases, meu- bles, instruments, inscriptions, mdnnaies.) LMtistoire naturelle se compose de 3 vol. de planches, savoir : Vol. 1. Mammiferes, oiseaux, reptiles, poissons, 02 planches. Vol. 2. Cephalopodes. gasteropodes, coquillei?, anneliden, crus- taces, etc., 105 planches. Vol. 3. Botani(jue, mineralogie, 77 planches. Au nombre diis ouvrages importants relatifs a I'ancienne Egjpte, compris dans ceixe collection, sont les suivants : Oescription de Syene et des cataractes, par M. Jomakd. AKCH^OLOarE— ARCHEOLOOY led. L'utlas D^'Hcription dc I'IIb d'j. - lmiitiri4>. pur li> ni*me. Dcdoription d'Hrnu'iit ou d'Hi-r iitliiH. pnr le ui*iiu>. DoMtription ,h 'VMhi'f, pnr MM. Jc.m.oih,, JOMAHD {>t COttTAK. Dencription dc Miiiidp,par k mime. Depcription dps antiqiilN's d'Alcxaiidrio vt des t-iivirong, par M. DK Saint-C'v.nis. DeBcription dcH antiqnit«'« Hitnei-H dans Plto'imo dc Sin z. DcFcripiion d«g antiqiiit^s de Deiiderah, pr- J6i,i.ors et Dk- vri,r,iKKS. - Rechcrches snr ics l)(iB-rtli<.frt aMtroriomi.|iu'8 dc i Egj-|itionM, par MM. Joi-LOis et DKVir.r.iKKs. Anliquites-Mmwires. Vol. 1. Memoire Biir la niHsiqne do I'antique Egypte, par M. Vii.r.o- TKAi;. Mcrnoire anr le cystime motriiiuo dcs ancicns Egyptiens, par M. JoHAun. Uccherclies sur les sciences et le goiu-cfMeitient I'Egypte an- cipnno et rnodernc, par M. Fouimkk. Memoire nur la population coinparce do I'Egypte aiieieniie et moderne, par M. Jomaud. Vol. li. Reinanines et recherches sur les pyramidca d'Etrynto Vol. 2. Oailhabaud (Jules). Bibliotheque Arch^ologique. Cahiers d'lnstruc- tioas sur I'arcliitecture, la sculpture, les meubles, les arme3, les ustensiles et la musique de I'antiquit^ et da moyen age. Publics par le Uomit^ Historique des Arts et Monuments. Gd 8vo. Paria. I-oftus (Wm. K.) Travels and researches in Chaldea and Lusiana, Gd 8vo. New York, 1857. t ,41 ♦ M II ■I ( :u1 8 ART HfiEALDIQUE— HERALDBY • Parkyns (G, F.) Monastic and baronial remains, with other interest- ing fragments of antiquity, in England, Wales, and Scot- land. Illustrated by upwards of 100 plates. 2 vols. in-8. London, 1816. (don) Prlsse-d'Avennes (E.) Monuments Egyptiens, bas-reliefs, peintures. inscriptions, eto, d'apr^s les dessins exdcut^s sur les lieux, pour faire suite aux monuments de I'Egypte de Cham- polUon, le jeune. FoUo. Paris, 1869. Sharpe (Samuel) Egyptian inscriptions from the British Museum and other sources, folio. London, 1837. Witte (J, De) Gazette Arch^ologique, recueil de monuments pour servir k la connaissance et k i'Histoire de I'Art antique, 4to, Park, 1875. ART HfiRALDIQUE HERALDRY Aemoeial GfeNfiRAL DE LA FRANCE (par D'Hozier) 7 t6mes en 11 Vol Gd 4to, Paris, 1738-1866. Betham (Sir William).— Dignities Feudal and Parliamentary, and the Constitutional Legislature of the United Kingdom. Vol. 1, in-8, Lublin, 1830. Bouton (Victor) Nouveau trait(5 de blason, ou science des armoiries mise k la port^e des gens Ju monde et des artistes, d'apr^s le P. Mdn^trier, d'Hozier, Segoing, Palliot, etc. 400 blasons, 800 noms de famille. In-12. Paris, 1863. Burke (Sir Bernard) Dictionary of the the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1867. Genealogical Dictionary of the Landed Gentry of Great Britain and Ireland. 1 vol. 8vo. London 1868. ART MILITAIRE-MILITaEY SCIENCE Museum and Burke (Sir Bernard; Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire. Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary. 1 vol. 8vo. London,1869. Dod's Peerage, Baronetage and Knightage, of Great Britain and Ireland for 1867, including all the titled classes. 1 vol 12mo. London, 1868. Hozie, D'). Armorial, Vide : Aemobial. Lodge'(Edmund). The Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1879. Thomas (William J.) The book of the Court ; exhibiting the hisLory, duties and privileges of the English nobility, great offi- cers, &c:, &c. Gd in-8, London, 1844. ART MILITAIRE 3 en 11 VoL MILITARY SCIENCE Baronetage of Armes de guerre se chargeant par la culasse. (Livre bleu soumis au Pari-ment par ordre de sa Majesty Britannique) Coru. mission d'examen. Traduction textuelle du rapport de la commission anglaise. M^canisme de culasse. Canons et munitions. Armes k repetition. Poudre comprimde 8vo. Paris, 1869. ' ^ Brialmont (Lieut. Col.) ConsidtJiations sur la reorganisation do I'ar- m6e. In-8. Bruxelles, 1866. ^^"•^'^ «"^ I'organisation des armies et particuli^remenf de I'armde Beige. 8vo. Bruxelles, 1867. Desfardins (Capt. L. G.) Prdcig historique du 17e Bataillon d'Infan- torie de Ldvis. In- 18, LMs, 1872. vn M-11 , I ^ t j Hi ■if 10 Atft MILItTATRE-MlLlTAIlY SCTEl^CE ExEKOiCES ct dvolnticns d'infniitciio tcls que rcSviac^a par ordte do Sft Majc8t6. Traduits de rAngkia. In-8, Quebec, 1863. Fairfield (Edward). Colonial ofTico list for 1881: comprising hia- toricnl and Statistical Information respecting the Cdlo* niul dependencies of Great Britain. In-8, London, 1881. Jomini (le baron do\ Vr^m do Tort do la giierro, ou nouveau tableau analytiquo dos principals combinaiaons do la stratdgie, do la grando tactiqno ot de la pratique militaire. Nou- Vello ddition. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1855. Mont£cuCULI. Mdmoires divis(?8 en trois livres. lor De I'art militaire en geniJral. 2o Do la guerre centre le Turc. 3o Relation do la cam})agno de 18G9. Nouvelle les3is (George). Histoire de la gravure en Italie, en Espagne, en AUeraagne, dans les Pays-Bas, en Angleterre et ea France, contenant 73 reproductions de gravures an- ciennes, suivies d'indications pour former une collection d'estampes. In-4to. Paris, 1880. Les merveilles de la gravure. Ouvrage illustr^ de 34 gravures par Sellier. In-18, Paris, 1877. Du Sommerard (E).- Musde des therrnes et L'Hotel de Cluny. Cata- logue et description des objets d'art, Iq-12, Paris, 1866. Elnaes (Jos). A general and Bibliographical dictionary of fine arts con- taining explanations of terras used in painting, sculpture, architecture and graving. Historical sketches of their different schools, etc., Svo. London, 1876. iiii 14 BEATJX-ARTS— FINE AKTS Emerio-Davld (J. B.) Vie des artistes anciena et modernes. Voir BlOORAVUlE. ''""' Histoire de la peinture au moyen tge auivie de rhiatoire de la gravure, du discoura sur I'Influence des arts du dessin et du mus^e Olympique ; avec une notice sur I'autour, par Paul Lacroix. In-12. Fai-is, 1863. — — . nistoire de la sculpture franqaise, accompagniJo de notes, par M. Du Seigoeur, et publico par Paul Lacroix. 1 Vol. l2mo. Paris, 1862. '"• Recherches sur I'art statuaire consid(5r(5 chez les auciens et chez les moderues, ou mdmoire sur cette ques- tion proposde par llnstitut N'ational de France. Quelles ont 6t6 les causes de la p^iffection de la sculpture antique et quels seraient les moyens d'y atteindre. Ouvrage cou- ronnd par I'lnstitut National, le 15 vendimiaire, an IX. Nouvelle t^dition revue sur les manuscrits de I'auteur, publi(5e par Paul Lacroix. Iu.l2. Paria, 1863. '*' ~ Histoire de la sculpture antique precddee d'une notice sur la vie et les dcrits de I'auteur par le Baron Walckenaer, publide pour la p-emifere fois par les soins de Paul Lacroix (Bibliophile Jacob). In-12. 1862. ' Notices historiques sur les chefs-d'oeuvre de la peinture moderne et sur les maltres de toutes les dcoles. Mfses en ordre et publii^es par P. Lacroix (Bibliophile Jacob) 1 Vol. 12mo. Paris, 1862. Evelin (John) A Parallel of the ancient Architecture with the modem, in a collection of the Principal Authors who have written upon the five orders. In-4to. London, 1773, Fergusson (James) Rude Stone monuments in all contries. Their age and uses. 8vo. London, 1872. P6tia (Edouard) Catalogue descriptif et hiitorique du Mus^e Royal de Belgique (Bruxelle,). Pr^c^d^ d'une notice historique sur sa formation et sur ses accroissements. 1 Vol. In-12, Bruxelles, 1865. , PEUILLET DB CoNCHES. Causeries d'un curieux. Vari^t^s d'histoires et d'art tiroes d'un cabinet d'autographes et de dessins. 4 Vol In-8, Paris, 1862. BEAUX-ARTS^FINE ARTS rnes. Voir Fortoul (Hippolyte). De I'art en Allemagne. 2 Vols. 8v6 Part*. 1842. Foulnet (Ernest).' Gerson, on le manuscrit aux enluminurea. 6e ddition, ln.l2, Tours, 1854. Fromentin (Engine). Les Mattrcs d'autrefois. Belgique, HoUande. 3e Edition. 1 Vol. 12ma Paris, 1877. Gauthier ^I'hdopbile) Les Beaux-Arts en Europe, 1855. '1 Vol. 12 mo., Paris, 1855. Gisors (Alphonse) Le Palais du Luxembourg. In-8. Paris, 1847, Glimpses of Plea.sant Homes, by a member of the Order of Mefcy. 1 vol. 12mo. New- York 1869. Guilmard (D.) Les maitres omemanistes, dessinateurs, peintres, archi- tectes, sculpteurs, et graveurs. Ecoles francaise, ita- lienne, allernande, et des Pays-Bas. Publication enri- chie de 180 planches tir(?es k part et de nombreuses gra- vures dans le texte, et prdcedi^^e d'une introduction par M. le baion Davillier. In-4to. Paris. Guizot (M) Etudes sur les Beaux- Arts en gdni-ral. Svo. Paris, 1868. Houssaye (Henri) Histoire de L(k)nard de Vinci. Svo. Paris, 1869. Hurel (I'ahbfJ A.) L'art religieux contemporain. Etude critique. 8vo. Paris, 1868. Indicator of the Palace and Museum of Versailles. 12mo. Versailles. Laoroix (Paul) iBibliophile Jacob) XVIIe si^cle. Lettres, sciences et arts. France 1590-1700. Ouvrage illustre de 16 chromo lithographies et 300 gravures sur bois (dont 20 tirees • hors texte.) D'apr^s les monuments de l'art de r«5poqua 2me edition. 1 Vol. 4to. Paris, 1880. Les .arts au moyen Sge el :i I'epociue de la renaissance. Ouvrage illustre de 19 plan.:li 'r, chromolithographiques ex(^cutdes par Kellerhoven, et de 400 gravuies sur bois. 2e Mitiou. 4to. Paris, 1869. Le moyen age et la renaissance. Histoire et description des moeurs et usages, du commerce et de I'industrie, des sciences, des arts, des littdratures et des beaux-arts en Europe. 5 vol. 4to. Ports, 1848. n 16 BEAUX- ARTS -FINE ARTS .Ml! X^aftver (Menard). The Beauties of modern architecture. Illustratedl by forty-eight original' plates, designed expressly for this work. Third edition. 1 Vol. Gd. 8vo. New York 1839. Iia«rax}ge (L^on). Joseph Vernet et la peinture au XVIII sifecle,. avec le texte des livres de raison et un grand nombre de documents in^dits. 1 Vol. 8vo. Paris, 1864. "^ Piferre Puget, peintre, eculpteur, architecte, d^corateur de vaisseaux. ln-8, Paris, 1868. Laprade (Victor de). Question d'art et de morale. 1 Vol. 8vo. Paris, 1861. h oonte (Casimir). L'ceuvre de Fogelbert, D^di^, k Sa Majesty Oscar ler, roi de SuMe et de Norwige. Infolio. Paris, 1856. tenormant (Charles). Beaux-Arts et Voyages. Prdcddes d'une lettre de M. Guizot. 2 Vol. 8vo. Paris, 1861. lilvernols (J. B.) Galerie photographique des Evgques de Quebec, depuif MgT dei Laval jusqu'k nos jours, dddi^e k Mon- seigneur C. F, Baillargeon, administrateur du diocfese. Gd. In-4to. Qudhec, 1863. Lodge (Edmund). Portraits of illustrious personages of Great Britain engraved from authentic pictures in the galeries of the nobility. 10 Vol. 4to. Marie (T. G.) Elements d'architecture, dessins lin^aires tir^s deS' monuments et des auteurs classiques k I'usage de I'en- seignement scolaire. Folio, Paris, 1875. Menard (Is. R^n^) Tableau historique des Beaux-Arts depuis la re- naissance jusqu'i la fin du 18e sifecle. Ouvrago couronn^ par I'Acad^mie des Beaux- Arts. Bvo, Paris, 1860. " De la sculpture antique et moderne. Ouvrage cou- ronn^ par 1' Academic des Beaux- Arts. 1 Vol. 8vo. Paris, 1860. Mercy (F. B. De) Etudes sur les Beaux-Arts, depuis leur origine jus- qn'k nos jours. 2 Vol. 8vo. Paris, 1856. BEAUX-ARTS— FINE ARTS 17 Miohiels (Alfred) Histoire de la peinture flamande, depuis ses debuts jusqu'en 1864. 2e Edition. 7 Vol. Iu-8. Paris, 1865-69. Montabert (P.) Traitd de la peinture. 9 Vol. 8vo. Paris, 1829. Traitd de la peinture. Figures explicatives. In-16, Pai-ie, 1829. Mus6e-Fran9ais (le)— RecueU des plus beaux tableaux, statues, bas- reliefs qui existaient au Louvre avant 1815, avec I'ex- plication des sujets, et des discours historiques sur la peinture, la sculpture et la gravure, par Duchesne, aln4 4 vol. Gd. fol. Paris, savoir: Ecole frangaise. 1 vol. # Ecole allemande, 1 vol. Ecole italienne, 1 vol. Statues, 1 vol. Les tableaux contenus dans ces volumes se di- visent en quatre parties, lo Tableaux d'histoire ; 2o Tableaux de genre ; 3o Tableaux de paysage ; 4o Tableaux des antiques. ECOLE FRANgAISE. 8UjJft». 1 La Siiiute-Famille. 2 Clelie PETNTRKS. • Vouet. •J T -rv/i " •----••-•........... '••-•........Stella, ^ ,f .. , , , Nicolas Poussm. 4 M.-ise eufant foul.iiit aux pieds la couro.ine de Pharaon Nicolas Poussin SL'HdoratioudesMagoa.... Nicolas Poussin. 6 La SH, e Nicolas Poussin, 7LA8son,ptu.ndelaV,erge Nicolas Poussin. B Mars et Venus »7. , ^ . o, .j.Ai ■ NKolas Poussm. y La inort d'Adoiiis ivr- 7 t^ ^(, T> , , ■'Sicolas Pousstn. i,r» \ A Nicolas Poussin. 11 Oi|ili6e -KT 1 T, ,or, i> . , r, , . Nrcolas Poussin. 2 L onlove,nc..t .108 Sabmes Nicolas Poussin. 3LeCa.npo\ac, Claude Gelee, dit Claude Lorrain. 4 Un« danse au soleil couchaut Claude GeUe, dit Claude Lorrain. 5 Faysage Claude Gel^e, dit Claude Lorrain. Ih Lejng.'uit'iit do Salmiion ^ vi f II l^a u haste ou^hiiiio i.. »>■ i .. 10 r , . , „, Valentin. IB Lo denier de Cesar tt- . ^^ mj p, Valentin. „,, ^ ,. .' Philippe de Champagne. 2 Les .•..hg.eusos PhUippe de Champagne. 2 Labanchorchantsesidules Laurent de la Hire, 22 Les Baigueuses Laurent de la Hire. i i1 1^1 18 BEAUX.AE TS-FfKE ARTS 23 Paysage au soleil oouohant r-^.^* j i o- 84 S«i4to-Cro««.s. BRAUX-ARTS-FINE ARTS 1» ECOLE ITALIENNE, SUJKTH. PRIMTRR8. I Saiuto- Anne, In Viorge et I'onfant J^«„s L^„nard de Vinci. 4 liii J(K-()ri(lt» ,,,.„., ., , u,. I *. . Leonard de Vtnc%. . , ,,. . Jf^ra Bartholomeo di San Marco. 4 L« ooiir„un(mioiit d'^jiiiiM 5 Mm tyro il» St. Pierre le Di.miuimiiu. . . . ......'.. ■ w. J.,""' 6 FrauVK's for 7 Lii lf9on (le oliiint '^ " ' „.' u r . Georges Barftarelh. o Lo cKiicort ., o e.„ (• 11 >•. I T. .."V Ueorgea BarbarelU. 10 Ste.f.i...ille, .lite le Silence. Tk/i U Sto. famine, dite la Vlergo A U Ch^^^':!!'!!""", j^JT,: 12 L'Eiifaiit Jesiia carcHsaiit St. Jean n \ ••/ 13 La Trausligurution.... Raphael 14 Lh Vision d'Ez^ehiel .".V", Raphael. 15 Saiut-MirheltorrassantSatau.. ''^T.^ Ki Sainte-Cecile Raphael 17 Portrait '.".'. Raphael 18 Portrait .Raphael 19 Raplmel «t so.. .mrftVe' d'AV..".e8'.'. Raphael 20 Jupiter ..tAutiope .........Raphael 21 Ladau«o,i«a Mu«os.. AlUgrt dit Corr^ge. 22 Ve,.us et V.,!c«i„ Juks R.matm yi a..i..... VI ■. . ,,. Jules Romain. 2 L C ;. ; '"7 1 ''^ "^'"^^ ^^-f-' ^««"0«. dit Parmesan. •it Uu er.mte ea .ridd.tatiou . i w, 26 He.cul<> e„fM.,t Anmbal Carrache. 27 r u ni,.: » .x . , -..Annibal Carrache. -J/ Le Lli.i8t port6 a.i toi..beau TUi^\.iA j ^ f A„.,„ ., .„ .^-*. .« p.»,i,..;;.:::>;-*-i„^t:^r„*,r™f:' -iy David la tfito do Goliath.. Vr -^ ... 40 Le ,epo. en Kgypte "' ^"'^^ ''*"•• ;n Massaco des Innocents GuidoReni. 32 Joan liapti«te et ^""f ^ '"*.• «3 Saiute-MHrie.Ma«delei..o . . 2"*"' ^''*'*- 34 Sai„to-.Mario-Mai,Ml..|ei..o .. Cr,wlo Rent. 3.5 La Gutdo Rem. 36 Lo dessin et la coM!e..r. GuidoReni. 37 L'Eufant Prodigne '.".!!'.".'.'.!]! " ^^*"*" 38 La uaissiuico de la Vierte "J,* Spada 39Lofeu Frangois AJbani. 40 L'air ^'ranfois Albani. 4 1 L'eaii .".' Francois A /ban i. 42 Lh terre.V.'.".V.'.'.V ".V, Francois Albani. Frangois Albani. 30 BEAUX-ARTS— FINE ARTS 43 Sainte-Cdclle Dominique Zampieri, dit le Daminiquin. 44 Iloroulo flt Achrr« Berrctttni, dit Pierre de Cortone. 5H Salute- Marline Pierre Berrettini, dit Pierre de Cortone. 57 La Saiute-Fainille Jules- CSsar Procaccini. 58 LoCiiristau toinboau Bartohmi Schedone. 89 Sainl-Komuald Andr6 Sacchi. 60 Ropos do la Saiute-FauiiHe Simon Catarini, dit le P^eariae. 61 Feinuies sonant d.i bain Grimaldi, dit le Bolognise. 62 notour d'uue proinoua.le sur I'eau Grimaldi, dit le Bologniae. 63 Passage. Voyageurs en repos Gaepard Dughet, dit Guaspre-Poustin. 64 Borgera dans une vallde Gaspard Dughet, dit Guaspre-Pouasin. 65 La Viergeet I'Enfaut Jeaua... Murillo. 06 Uu joune mendiaut Murillo. 67 Tobie ot Azuriaa ^.Salvator Bosa. 68 V^uuset Adonis RomanelU. 69 Samt-Fran^oia eu extaae , Philippe Lauri. 70 Agar dans le d^sen Pierre-Frangoia Mola, 71 Tancr^de bles86 Pierre-Frangoia Mola. 72 Honninie en borgftre Pierre-Frangoia Mola, 73 Mariage de Salute-Catherine Charlea Maratti. 74 Adam et Eve Charles Cignani. 75 Paysage. Troupeau pr6s d'une rivifere Lucatelli. 76 L'Annonoiation Solimine. 77 LaPantb^ou Jean-Paul Panini. 78 Le Temple de Vesta Jean-Paul Panini. 79 La maltresse d'6c"le Jean-Marie Creapi ECOLE ALLEMANDE •r. 80JET8. PKINTRK». 1 V^nua et I'Amour Zeuatri*. 2 La fuite en Egypte *. . '.'.'.''^.''.''..'''.Elzheimer. 3Pauet Syrins.. Paul Brtil. BEAUX-ARTS— FINE ARTS 21 4 5 G 7 8 9 !0 II 12 1.) 14 15 ir> 17 18 19 20 21 22 2.*! 24 25 2f> 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 aQ 40 41 4? 4;i 44 45 46 46 48 Un p(iy«afi[e nt ilos p/^nheura Paul Brill' Lii (lo8(^«iit« lie Croix „ Pierre-Paul RHbene. I^ ClirUt lui Sopulore . . ; •. ,:..Pterre-PaulIiuben». L'iiinr^tlnllt^ de Siiint-Tfcoinaa Pierre-Pml Huhent. L» fumillo d« HiilieEis Pierre-Paul Hubens. La Kcriiii'iwB Flitinaiide Pierre-Paul Ruben$. L'Aro-on-clel Pierre-Paul l{uhena. Horciile oiitro la v<»liipt6 et la vortu Oaepard de (Jrayer. La Vie.Ke aiix Corison BartholomS Douven. Le rniiieinoiit de Saint- Pierre David Tenier». Jdueiirs dfl cartmi David Teniera. L'lilolilinisto • David Teniert. Lo r<5in ilenr David Teniera. Uu fiiiiieiir David Teniera. Douxfiimeura David Teniera. I jDUoiir do coruoiniise.... David Teniera. I'onmh David Teniera. Cliasso du h6roii David Teniera. Cabaret prfts d'uue rividr* David Teniera. Lu9 quatre Evangolistcs ^ Jacques Jordaena. Leroi bolt Joequea Jordaena. La diu^odos vo/ageiirs Jean Miel. Lo pr^sidaut Richardot Va nDyck, Unportriut , Van Dyck. ' Uu portrait Van Dyck. La famille de Tobio Rembrandt Le manage dii monuisier Rembrandt. Lo bon Sainaritain Rembrandt. Lo8 di8oi[»le8 d'Eininaus Rembrandt. Saint- Mathieu Rembrandt. Un vioillard m^ditant.. Rembrandt. Philosophe en meditation Rembrandt. Pbilosophe eu contemplation Rembrandt, Portrait de Rembrandt Rembrandt. 26me portrait de Rembrandt Rembrandt Portrait No. 1 Rembrandt. Portrait No. 2 Rembrandt Portrait No. 3 Rembrandt PorfThit No. 4 Rembrandt i'">"trait Rembrandt Portrait d'un g6om6tre Ferdinand Boh L'annnuce aux bergera Flinch Benediction de Jacob Coning. La le^on de inunique Terburg. Un officier pr^s d uue jeune feuime Terburg. 22 BEAUX-ARTS— FINE ARTS 49 Un o^ilitaire offrant de I'or 4 uue jeune femme Terhurg 50 LWo.npagnerneut du luth ^„,„ ,, , trVJ 51 Lafamille Gerard Douw . ' Gaspurd NetsclK^. 52 LWacbeurdedeuts i;!."."'/.!.* %7ad' 53 Uu militaire faisant 8errir des rafrLichi's^^.nVnts'^'.m; .'""''. Mu. 54 Lauiusicienne hoUandaise... . Vr 55 Laeha3tet6deJ,) .. '^"'^^^"*' 56LafulteeuEgynte,... Van Ber Werf. 67 Sainte-Magdeloino dans ie' 'd w' .' ! '. .' ." ! ! 7«n n!I ^"'•i* 58 Deux Nymphes dansaat v^ Z""^; 60 Leioisirdupfttre Pierre, d,t Pierre de Laer. 61 LechansomL. Pierre drt Pierre de Laer. Adrien Van Ostade. Adrien Van Ostade. Adrien Van Ostade, ' Adrien Van Ostade. Adien Van Ostade. 62 Inconvenient du jeu. 63 Les patiiieurs. .. .. 64 Le matti d'ecole . . 65 Du fumeur ,. . 66 Le bon manage 67 Atelier de-Craesbeck V. Corneille B6ga. 68 Vued'un village.. . ..Graeshech. 69DepartpourlachasseauVor."V. r l^T' •72 Jesns-Cbrist chez Marthe et Marie "' ' o,,; ' ^T, ^.°'^"'* 73 Int^rienr d'une eglise.. Steer^w^ckU j^ne. 74 Cbevet de r^gliso de Deif ' ^^ ^fj" ^««/». 7"? no„..i- Emmanuel de Witte. 78 La chasseauccrf'. *.".;; Jecm Asselyn. 79 11altedecbasseurs.... ■■"; Womermans 80 Halte ,ie cavaliers . ■;. Wouvcrmans. ' fii rn,„„ 1 1 . '" Wouvermana. e I Olioc (ie eavalene „r 82 Le manage . Wouvermam. 83Le,nanege ....".' Wouvermam. Q i T „„ e ■ Wouvermans. 85 Ruiuedu CHmpo-V;cd"n"oV "^ Worcvermans. 86 RnluedeRo,„eauCa,npo-Va.ciuo. •"■.■■;.■.■.■.■.;.■;::; B,TT^' 87 Uu passage au soleil couchant . tt ' c^ erg. 88 Paysage . Herman Swancvelt. 89 Marine ,^ Swanevelt 90 Ruines du Colis^e....'." Adam dc Pynacker. 91 Vue des c6tes de Nice ... Perghem. 92 Ricliepaysage ' P^ghem. 93 Le passage du lao Perghem. Berghem. BEAUX-ARTS-FINE AETS 23 94 Le gu6 m Le pacage .., [ ' - ■ ■ Bt^rghem. 96 Ba3uf8 pr68 d'une ohaimie Paul Potter. i)7 Vuede Tivoli Paul Pottet: 98 Uu coup (le vent...*."..*.'.'*.". Vander Ulft. m Lea plaisirs (le fa.nille*'' ..'. Bakhuystn. 100 Joiiuefeminemalade.....'.." *• Jean SUen, lUl Une belle soiree.. - Jean Stem. 102 C«rp8-.le-garde Hollandaia *. ' ". Moucheron. im Petite viUe de Hollaude .■•■■■■• ■■■■Le Due. 104 Village .urlebordd'un canal...".'.' Jean Van d^ Heyden. 105 Paysage aveo deux bergors .... "^ ^"" ^ ^'^''«» 106 Le soleil levant . Gmllaume de Heusch. 107 La plage Scheveliage'n.. '.■.". 1^*'" ^^""^ ^'^^^ m La plage Scbevelingen '. ^dnenVanden Velds. 109 Le charlatan ^^xtn Van d^n Velds. 110 Lafileuse .' ^^ Jardin. 111 Le paturage -.......*'' " ^ Jardin. 1 12 Le bocage ..',.."." ^^ Jardin. 113 Portrait de Du JaVdia !*."..! I>u Jardin, 111 N6g(.ciant dans son cabinet...'. ^f* Jardin, 115 Lecoupde soleil ' -^ ^^ ^^V^' 116 Environs d'un village Ruisdael. 117 Pay^age. Ua -u(Uant .■:::::: ii^Z/.l^;^/ i.-i,;^;--^««^^^^ \l p:3;„ ^:"^ ^"^""' - '-'-' '- ^' ^- ^^T-' '' ''^' 120 Passage ave(.rivi6re et ruinea....'.*" " r ^"" ^"2"'*»'- 121 Lalaiti6re ■■ Jean Van Huy sum. i'tcrre Ya/n der Leeuvo. '"!, STATUES. SUJETa. DESSlNATEtJHa. 1 Tgte de Jupiter et de Triton Granger. 2 Jupiter et deux d.'.'^sses Molinchon. f -^"""^ Carmu. 4 Junon, petite statue Be Sceine. f Mercure dlt le Lantin Granger. ^f«'-<'"'-« Ingre. 7 ApMojx vaiuqueur de Python.. .^owiWon. fi Apollon Lycien j„^^g 9 Apollon dit I'Adonis '.'.Chati'llon. 10 Apollon Cithar^de Bartolini. " ^"° £artaini. OBAVBlTRg. J- B. B. Massard. Avril, fila. Morel. Morel. Alex. Massard. Chatillon. Avril, fila. F^lix Massard. Chatillon. Pierre Fontana. Morace. 24 BEAUX^ARTS— FINE ARTS 12 Eiitor[PO Intjre. l-\ Mcl|ii)irit^ii6 , litirtoHni. 14 Mt>lj»(nii6iio (HtHtiK) cdosBiilo) .. Chaiillon. 1 6 'J'imlio Jiartolini. 16 TerpBiooio Ingre, 17 Eriito Jiartolini. 1 8 Poly iiiuio Jiartolini. l\) Caltiupo Ingre. !iJ(( Uiimio , Ingre, 21 Muso dito la petite C<5ri'8 La (Juichc etArtavd 22 Mum) roatauruu uu Ceieu La (J niche. 2;i llauuliiia JiouiUon. 24 Hiioolius Oraiiijcr. 2.) Uucclius (lit le Siinlaimpalo ..... Granger. 2U Diane Bouillon. 27 rHlius lie Vellutii Granger. 28 Miiiervo Granger. 29 Mhiierve JJe Heine. 3U Miiieive victuriouse ilea g6iuta ..Desenne. 31 V6uus tie Mediuis JiouiUon. 32 Villus dite la Vetiiia du CJapitoio . /Juo^. 33 Viuus d' Arlea., Granger. 34 Veuus Geuiirix Jiartolini. 35 L'AtDour i.... Ingre. 3(i L' Amour et Paycli^ Ingre. 37 Cerfee Eleuaiuo Granger, 38 Flore JiouiUon. 39 Esoulapo Mranger. 40 Eaculape ot Tolespliore La Guiche. 41 Ygieu oil la Siiiitu Jiarloiini. 42 llunimpiiroditu, otatuo HouiUon. 43 Horoulo eulevaut lo tropied de Uclpliea . . MoUinihon. 44 llerciile et Telfsjtlie. Granger. 45 Oiuitiiaio Mt'liueite ou Paleinou ..Granger. 4ti AriadiKi dito la Cloojiairo Bouillon. 47 Biicliatite Ingre. 48 Le t'auiie ou ropoa Gautherot. 49 Fauue et Pautliere Artaud. 50 Leucotii^e Granger, 51 Lo faiiiie uiiaaauur Bouillon. 52 Nyinplie Granger. 53 CliuBur de Nereidua. Sarcopliage. i/«»rie«e. 54 Victoire Clionigique Molenchon. 6;") Geuie fuu^bre . Granger. B. B. XL Mansard. Saphael Mugsard, Chatillon. B, li. U. Masmrd. B. R U. Massard, Bierre Fontana. Aiidouin. Morel. Bomaitot. lieindel. SchuUze. J. B. It. U. Massard. liichomme. Morel. Baijuoy. Mo race. Lignon, Morel. JJequevauvillers. B. E. U. Massard. Bourgois. Muller, filn, B. Li. U. Massard. JJesnoyers. Bennoyers. Morel. Urbain Massaiyl. Sehul/e. P. Bellefonda. ^ Morel. Bourgois. Moiigeot. Avril, Jils. Massa, d, pirt. Jieindel. Morel. Pierron. Schultz. Aloys Kessler. B. li. U. Massard. Avril, fils. F6Ux Massard. DequevauviUers. Avril, Jils. BEATTX-ARTS— FINE ARTS 25 Lo La..(u.„„ BouHlon Bervio ' •'^ l*I'''<5n»(i-o (hanger. Oudnn 'lliT'\ niichemin. 8,.hulh,, (.I.Iliil(.,so,,li„grcc (hanger. Morel iU II,',r,.« p,e« .lit 1„ Phocim. LanraU. Laura'tt. OJ l'ofsoimiis,n) groc corinu lo noiri d» Snxtns.lo ChA, eo ff,a„^cr. f?,j,„,f,n. J? «•:'•••'«"■•;'•""• /^.un Lanrcnt. n,nri Laurent. f.) Drscohol.) on r 'pos Orauger. 1>Mc m I)iso„l,„l„ ,,„ Hctior. Thwhi'min. J'^rde. (i7 Ln GI,i,]iiit.Mir inoi.riint Ilarrktte. Onttmhrq (58 PcrsonimK.) li^rolqiio inconnii ..Granger. AnUert (i!> •'"MiiniitliIfttoroin(.|Ti,uit,lc8di()iixi;««(7/«,t, Andonhi 70 r;oiinmH\l'„i,.. Lo tlvmn- iVeimwChatUhn. CImlillon. 71 Joinin (illo joiiiint iiiixosaoIoU ..J^M((/7/»H. Moiiqvot 7.} C..H,u- Angnsto a,anger. Avriljils. ^^^"'■"" ^".Vf. /%m 7.) f ciHciitiiigo roinain on fonrio do ^ 7() Ai.Mii.iii.s on i.Iolo Egyptionno. . ..Lu/re. Chatilhm 77 .iMlio f,.m.„„ ,Io iVunporeur S6v6nJA>„/7««. n a. (Jh„tHh,u ^f, *: ,""" '■"""""" -»""'■'/««. • JI.Lanrent. ^; ^ "^'rj" ; ■ • • - ^'•"«.'/«'-. m.,/oo^ 8 . S,.,.r,hco aux Lures. Granger. a. Okatillon. el li((|iio(l .1 A|)()il()ii (Jolphiqiio nt an.«i ,io Mara ... Troe,jn,t. Victor Tejcier. oj rontaliio oil fonno do tre|iinly to D'Est, Cardinal do Medoois Titien. 26 Portrait do do! Sarto Del Sarto. 27 Uu enfant eml.)rmi Donato CrM, 28 Lo c(Biir .lo Notro-Daino Jouvenet 29 Uu interiour .I'^glise Delorme. 30 La fomnio hydropiqne Oirard Doaw. 31 La cui8ini6re hoilaiidaiso Qirard Douw. 38 Laj.Mine fenmio & la fenfitre Q6rard Douw. 33 Lo niandie an poisson y^j,j (hUide 34 Ciiarhitans et aniinaux savants jj^i Jardin 35 Lo potit fuisour do biillos de savou D^aprin MiSria. 3<> Los H(inrgueiB(\stro8 distribuant io prix du jon de Par.; ,.... V »!. ■ 07 L'lllMOIIVOir n , ej \r IT. II • .. . •'••••■•• .... Jaeigkem. on VllO e. 8a.nt<,-FamilIo p„„j p.,,^,,^,„. OUNativitd A.Cairccche. n La c...,n.iuui„n de Saint-J<5rfl.»o i« i>om,W«um, ;* ;^" "i'""!'''" 'le I'uMH.ur j^ Dominiquin. I J Lo mvissoMKM.t do Saint-Paul j^g Vominiquin. 14 Faiistiilns apiuntaiit H.5i.>n8 o» Koim^lua p de Corlone. 15 La ...aladio d' Oer. de Lahem. 16 IJo. culo ontro le vioo ot l,i Toitu Ger. de Lairesse. 17 La Magdoloiiio au dosort ^ Gennavu 18 La inort do CIoiiiHk) ' r,,„„ VJ Saiut-Fraiicoia d'Asaiso Lahire. 20 Si.zauno at. bain '.V.V.V.V.V.V.'.V.V.V.V 'sanUrre. 31 Lo.imriagodola Viorge. Carle Vanloo. '^-•^"*""' Van-Dyk. 2;} Portrait do foiaiuo ^p^ul Veronese. 24 Aasoiiibl^o do bu vcurs Manfredi. 25 MaraetV^uus ".^.'. "'.'Lucas Giordano. 26 Lo concert Valentin. 27 Portrait do Nicobis Kroetzor. Holbein. 28 Uue dame ot sa fiilo Van-Dijk. 25) Portrait do Rouibrandt Itembrandt. 30 Uuo foinino acorocliaut line volaillo Gdrard Douw. 31 La uiarcbuudo de vol ail lea Metzn. 32 Uiio foinme accordant uuo guitaro Metzu. 33 La feimno cliaritable Metzu. 84 Uno ctiisiuiiro ...., j^.^^^' 35 Uncl.asseur. ' j)/g,^„_ 36 L'aldiimisto on meditation Wick. 37 Uii iutdrieiir bollaniiais Gomai Coqiiss. 38 Uno balte do voyagours Linielb'tch. 39 Portrait do Mi^ris ot do sa femiiio ; MUkis. 40 La niiinvaise nonvollo Netscher pdre. 41 Portraits do deux jcuues gous Netscher, pire. 42 Concert snr I'eau a. Carrache. 43 La rciieoutrt! du prophfete Elio el d'Abtliaa Elzheimer. 44 Paysago , Gaspre Pous^ia. 45 Paysago Salvator liosa. 46 Paysage Salvator Rosa. 47 Paysage j^an Both. BEAUX-ARTS— FINE ARTS 29 48 Diog6ti.)jfltiint8on^cuollo Le Poussin 4i) IJnn Muriuo Oelie dit le Lor. •2"?^'"'"° 'JeUe dit le Lor. f *'">''"'K° raulliril. 6'i ChuHHo mix caimrds Fanl Bril ^'^ ™'t •'"«"'"" i..".";v;;*.";3";;".".;;..ien6m«; ^* '''^y'"'«*' '• Swenwelt. ^•' ''"y^W 5M;m«;dt. 5(i Lo lolotir ilos aiiiiriiiiix Berghem. ^^ ^""y""^" •' '..'.. ".'.".'".'.'.*!'.'*.'.*.'.'.!'."..Ber<7;,m! ^^ """"^ Karl Dujardin. 5!) Lo v,.ya«oui- flha.ital.lo Xavl l)„jnrdm. <^"^'"y""K" Glauter. *" '^''"""'« Chatillori. ^2 P"'y""''" L. GnV/te/. «;} L'oinpor(3ur C his CaliKula • Granger. ^^ A,loninto '.'.'^".'.'..Granger. •'•^ '^^'""'■y« ^ Granger. (!6 I'ditriiits Uouiiiiiia Brallc ()7 L'osi.<5ranoo '.*.'.'!'.".(? m« //en 08 Hdios eoinbuttaut, dit lo gladiatour , _ Granger. "■ -.. Granger. • Granger. ......... Granger. Granger. Granger. Granger. " Granger. Apollon Sauroctouo. Chatiilon. Fauuo dansant Granger. V^unspudique Granger. ^^"'"^ '^« ^i'« Lancrenon. L«™'« Granger. G!) Ainazoiio l)loss<5e 70 Eiitoipo , 71 Voniis d'AloxundrJa Troad Eiiterpo Paycli6 Soxtus P()inp(5o Adoranto Owen (R. Dale). Hints on public architectures. Gd 4to, New York 1845. Painting, its rise and progress, compiled from the beat authorities. 12 mo, Boston, 184G. Perrier (tuarles). Etudes sur les Beaux-Arts en France et k I'dtran- ger. 1 Vol. Brno. 1863. 80 BEAUX.ARTS— FINE ARTS i^i'ii ' PlOTUKESQUE WoRLD (The). Or scenes in many land.s, with one thou- sands illustrations on wood and steel. Picturesquo views from all parts of the world comprising Mountains, Lakea and River sceneries, Parks, Palaces, Cathedrals, Churches, Castles, Abbeys, and other views selected from the most noted and interesting parts of the world. 2 Vols. Gd 4to. Boston, 1879. Piton (Fred). La cathi^drale de Strasbourg. Extrait de Strasbotirg illustrde. lUustrde do 3 Photographies, par M. Ch. Win- ter, et de 7 Lithographies. 1 Vol. 8vo. Strasbourg 1863. Pugin (A.) Paris and its environs displayed in a series of 200 Pic- turesque views from original drawing taken under the direction of A. Pugia. The engravings executed under the direction of M. Healt with topographical and histori- cal descriptions by L. T. Ventouillac. 1 vol. Folio, London, 1829. Remarques sur I'architectiire gothique et sur les imita- tions modernes de ce style. Tiaduit par A. LeRoy. 2 vol. en 1 vol. 4to. Paris, 1867. Quatrom6re de Quinoy Dictionnaire historiqne d'architecture, com- prenant dans son plan, les notions historiques, descriptives, archdologiques, biographitpies, tht'ori(iues, didactiqucs et pratiques de cet art. 2 vols. 4to. Paris, 1832. Histoire de la vie et des ouvrages des plus cdl^bres architectes du Xle siccl-j jusqu'il la fin du X Vllle, accorapagm^e de la vue du phis renianiuable ddifice de chacun d'eux. 2 vols. in-8. Paris, 1830. Ram^e (Daniel). Histoire g^uhnh de I'architecture. 2 tSmes dans 1 vol. Gd 8vo. Paris, 1800. Ram-Raz. Essay on the architecture of the Hindus, with 48 plates, in 4to, London, 1833. Rigollet.~Histoire des arts dn dessin depuis I'c^poque romaine jusqu'il la fiu du 16e si^cle, accoinpagnc^e d'un atlas compost? de 58 planches. 2 Vol. 8vo. Parii, 1863. BEAUX-ARTS— FINE ARTS 31 Rio (A. F.) De I'art chrdtien. Nouvello Edition entiirement refondue et conaiddrablement augmentde. 4 vol. 8vo. Faria, 1861. Rome. Les ddificea antiques de. In-folio ; Paris, 1682. Salon de 1867. Explication des ouvrages de peinture, sculpture, archi- tecture etc.. des artistes vivants exposes aux Champs Jilisde, 1867. In-18, Paris, 1867. Sauloy (F. De). Histoire de I'art Judaiquc, ti-de des textcs sacrda et profanes. 1 Vol. 8vo. Paris, 1858. Shakspeare. Josiah Boydell's most celebrated collection. Collection of prints from pictures painted for the purpose of illustrating the dramatic works of Shakspeare, by the artists oX Great Britain. 2 Vol. Gd In-folio in one London, 1803. SIret (Adolphe) Dictionnaire historique des peintres de toutes les dcoles, depuis I'origine de la peinture jusqu'i nos jours. 2e ddi- tion, 8 Vol. Paris, 1866. Sutter (David) Estdtique gdndrale dans les arts plastiques. Gd 4to. Paris, 1865. / Talne (H) Philosophic de I'Art. Legons professdes k I'dcole des Beaux- Arts. 12mo. Paris, 1865. Bhilosophie de I'Ait en ItaUe. 1 Vol. 12mo. Parts 1866.^ Philosophie de I'Art dans les Paya-Bas. 12mo Paris 1867. ■ ' . De L'iddal dans I'Art. l.2mo. Paris, 1867. Vaux (Culvert). Villas and Cottages. A series of designs prepared for execution in the United States. Illustrated by 370 en- gravings. 8vo. New-York, 1874. * Viardot (Louis). Les Musdes d'Espagne suivis de notice biographiques sur les priricipaux peintres de I'Eapagne. 3e ddition, 1 vol. 12moj Paris, 1860, Musdes d'AUemague. Guide et Memento de L'Ar- tiste et du Voyageur. 3e ddition, 1 vol, 12mo : Paris 1860. 32 BEAUX-ARTS— FINE ARTS Viardot (Louis). I^s Must^es do France. 2e Edition. 1 vol. 12rao ; PaH8, 1860. Les Musdes d'ltalie. 3e dditiou. 12mo, Par-ia, 1860. Les Musdes d'Aiigleterre de Belgiquc de Hollande et de Russie. 3e (Edition. 12rao ; Paris, 1860 <« « « « M < • Pai-ia, 1866. Vlolet-LE Due. Dictionnaire de I'Architecture Franqaiso, du Xle au XVIe si^cle. 10 vol. Gd 8vo. Parts, 1867. VuE A VOL d'oiseau (Birds eye view) de St. Hyacinthe. deSorel. St. John. Trois-Rivi^res, Lennoxville. St, Jdrome. Sherbrooke. Derby-line and Rock Island. Montmagny, Farnharm. Coaticook. Ldvis. Bedford, Waterloo. Gd iu-folio contenant 14 feuilles. Weidenmann (J.) Beautifying country homes. A hand bdok of Landscape Gardening. Illustrated by plans of places already Improved. Gd 4to. Netv York. Wey (Francis) Rome. Description et souvenirs. Ouvrage contenant 352 gravures sur hois dessindes par les plus cdlebres artistes francais et un plan de Rome. Nouvelle Edition Gd 4to, Paris, 1873. BIBLioaRAMnE-Sl^lOf^RArHY BFDLIOGRAPHIE BIBLIOGRAPHY ge contenant i;rfaaa a, *(onwr (le cWaTier). C»db di J-omvitlo. ftMimiU' Ambrm* Krmft, D.d'oi; et <„irt d'u»e t«d„etio. ^ Itan(i»ia moderne. Petit 4lo, /am, 1870, from 1816 K> 1851, gvo. Io«*)«, I857. ^ C*T»,«auK De U BibH„tM„,e du Pariement 0„v«ge, roUtif, I Ctaiooce, «,«,. 1872. (2 copie^.. *"^ H„b.i.t (D-; BiWio,M,„, OAnUK 1 Vol folioift^^oiUi 1776. BIOaRAPHIE— BIOaRAPHT Mann*, (E. D. do) Nnnvoau diotionnniro don oiivr»)(ns Mnonynu'i ot pwuidonjrinoB, Od 8vo. 1 Vol. l}fon, 1868. Morgan (Ilunry) liililiuth«c» canadonois, or n iiiauual of Canadian litemturo. lioy 8vo. (Mtawa Iti€7. Vtlgnot (G) Dtctioiinairo raisoimiJe de biUliologie. 3 Yok In- 12. rarin 1802. Ternanz (H) Bib]i«thj>(]Vo Atndrtoifno on eaUilogtin tlvii oiivrnges rtdatifii k I'AnK^riquu qui out ])aru depuia m dticouvQito juBqii'ik Vm 1700. 1 Vol. In-8. Jans 1837. Wood & Co's Canmlinu Nowspajnir Diwtory. Containing tho liota o( all tho now8})ai)oni and {wriodicals jtublidliod in the Donuuion of Canada* 8vo. Montreal, 1876. 1 > BIOGRAPHIE , • ' BIOGRAPHY Abbott (Jacob) History of Marguerite of Aiyou. 1 Vol. 18mb^ If mv . Yl.»aigent. In-8, ParU. Bethune (A. N.). Memoir of the r v. reverend John Stiacban, first bishop of Toronto. :-i~.b. »-, ;.. counts of his aasooiatos in tlu) coniiuost of Toru. 1 vol. juondon, 18G9. Tho Lifo of Las Casas. " The Apostle of the Indies." 1 vol, 8vo. London, 18G8. Heyden (Rev. Thomas). A memoir on tho lifo and character of tho Rev. Prince Demetrius A. de Oallitzin. In-18, lialti- viore, 1869. Hollings (J. F.) Tho lifo of Marcus Tullius Cicero. In-12. London, 1839, Houssaye (Henri) Histoiro de Lt^onai-d do Vinci. In-8. Paris, 1869. Histoire d'Appelles. 8vo. Paris, 1867. Hulton (R. H.) Studios of Parliament. A series of sketches of leading politicians. Iu-8. London, 1866. Hutchinson (Widow Lucy) Life of Col. Hutchinson. 1 vol. 8vo. Gd. IbnMao Guckin de Slane. Ibn Khallikan's. Biographical Dic- tionary. Translated from tlio Arabic. 4 vols. In-4to. Pari*, 1843. INTEIINATIONAL Portrait Gallery (Tho). 1st, 2th. 3th. 4th. 5th. Gth. series, G vols. 4to, London, Paris and New York. Irving (Washington). Life of George Washington. 2 vol. In-12, New York, 1856. Jal (H.) Dictionnaire critique de Biographic et d'Histoire. 1 vol. In.8, Paris, 1867. BrOORAPHIE— BIOanAPTIY 43 the IndioB." fol. 8vo. Gd. Johnston (Dr.) A Oollootioii of Epitiij.hs and Moi « 'riontal hmtip- tioiiH &(;." 2ijd. vol. J -'mo. Loiiaun, 180G. Jones (Rov. Potur.) hifi, ,ind J,„nimla of Kiili-ko-wa-ciuo-na-by (llov. P(itor JouoH) 1 vol. l,2iuo. Tor unto, ISOO. King iJ^ord) Tho Lifo and LottoiH of John Locko. 1 vol, 8vo. London 1858. Laorolx (I'aiili {mhll„i>h}h Jacoh) Lo moyon ftgo et la renaissance Vide : BKA.ux-Arta. -XVIIo si6clo. Vide : Biuux-Arts. Lafayette (Manniis do) A complete history of Lafayette in the army of the United .States of America. JJy uu oilicer of tha army. 1 vol. Hartford. 1850. Lagrange (Li5on) Pierre Pnget, peiiitre, 8cnli)U)nr, arcl.itecte d»5cora- tour do vaisseaux. 1 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1808. Lamon (Ward 11.) The lif« of Abraham Lincoln ; from his })irth to his inauguration aa laesident. With illustrations. 8vo. Bodon, 1872. Lan (Jules). Parall^lo ontre lo Marquis de Pombal, 1738-1777, et le liaron Haussman, 1853-1860. In-8, Paris, 1869.' Langevin (l'abbi5 Edmond.) Notice biographi(iue sur Franqois Laval do Montmorency, ler Evfiquo de Qudbec. Deuxi6me cen- teuaire, 1674-1874. In-8, Montrdal, 1874. Lasteyrie (Mine, de) Vie do rnadame do Lafayette, prdcddc^e d'uno notice sur la vie de sa mire, rnadame la duchesse D'Ayen. ln-12. Paris, 1869. LeBer (Mile.) Vie de— /oir Faillon. Leprohon ArchiprStre (Joseph 0.) Notice sur— Foir Raimbault. LiVKs of British Fhyscicians. 1 vol. 12mo. London, 1857. •i t.i 44 BIOaUAPHIE— BIOGRAPHY LiVKg of eminent and illnstiioua Knglishnion, from Alfred the Great to tlio latest times. On an original i>lan. Edited by G. G. Cunniiigimm, illiiHtruted by a series of finely executed portraits, selected from the best authorities, sources, and engraved by eminent artists. 8 vols. 8vo, Glangow, 1837. Looke (JoluO. His life and lectors by Lord King. New edition. 18mo. London, 1838. Lombard (L.) Etudo sur Lambert Lombard. TAige, 1858. In- 8. Broch. franc. Vol. 7. Lorgues (R. doi Christopbo Cobnnb, histoiro dcsa via otde sea voyages. 2 vol. In-8. Pai-in, 1856. Lutfullah. M(5moiro8, traduits do I'aiiglaia ot a^mot^s par Tautour de Undo contemporaine. ln-8, Paris, 1858. Lyttleton (Lord) and Glaustonk t^Hon. W. E.) Translations. Vide; 1)U01T CONST. ANG. Maoaulay (Lord). Biographies contributed to the Encyclopcedia Britannioa, with notes of his connection with Edinburgh and extraits from his letters and speches. 12mo. Edin- burg, 1860. Mao'Sheny (JamesX Le P6re Laval. Traduit de I'anglais. In-8, Pa'da, 1861. Mahon (Lord). Life of Louis, Prince of Coud(5, surnamed the Great. 8vo. London, 1845. Maintenon. Vie de Madame de.— 1 vol. In-8, Paris, 1786. Manoe (Vie do Melle.) et histoiro de I'Hotel-Dieu de Villomarie dans rile de MontrtJal, en Canada. 2 vol. In-8, Villemarie, 1854. Manfred. Lord Byron Vindicated or Rome and her Pilgrim. 1 vol. 12mo. London, 1876. Mangin (Arthur). Les savants illustres de la France. Nouvelle (Edition refoprlue et augment^e, ornt5e de seize portraits. In-8, Paris. BIOGRAPHIE— BIOGRAPHY 45 Manning (James Alcxrndor). Tho lives of the Speakers of the House of Coinm -ns. Ii!-8, London, lyCl. Marmontel (A..^ Syinplionistos ot Virtunsofl. Silhouettes et M6- (liiillons. 1 vol. 18mo. PaHn, 1881. . ,| MoGee (Thonuw T).) O'Cormoll and his Friends. 1 vol. 12mo. Boston, 1854. Morrltt (J. P.> Hiography of tho Hon. Wm. H. Mon-itt, including on account of hoiuo of tho most iini)ortant works in Canada. 1 vol. 8vo. at Catherviies, 1875. Millet (I'abbd^ Dialogues ot vie du Due de Bourgogne, p6re de Louis XV. ln-8, Paris, 1810. Motrin (Abb6 Alfred). Life of tho Cur(5 D'Ars. 1 vol. 8vo. Baltimore, 18G5. ♦ Montrond (Maximo). Los prolats les plus illustroa de la France. In-8, Lille, 1855. Moore (Thomas) Memoirs, journal, and correspondence. Edited by the right Hon. Lord John Russell. 2 vol. Gd in-8. New York, 1857. * Xjife and death of Lord Fitzgerald. 2 vols, in-12. New York, 1831. Morgan (Henry). Sketches of celebrated Canadians, and persons con- nected with Canada. 8vo. Quebec, 1862. Mountain (Armine W.) A memoir of George Jehosaphat Mountain, late Bishop of Quebec. In-8, Montreal, 1866. Noaille. Marquise de Montagu. Seme ddition. In-12, Paris, 1868. NotnaaniW.) and Taylor (F.i Portraits of British Americans by W. Notman, with biographical sketches by M. Taylor. 3 vols. 8vo. Montreal, 1865-1868. Ouseley (Sir Gore) Biographical notices of Persian Poets. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1846. Partbn (James). Life of Andrew Jackson. 3 vols. 8vo. Boston 1870. i:/i; aJJ.4J 4(1 modUAPiriK-iucHiuAniY lit I II ., t\ III lln .hi XViMim «li\i-|i.. In-ia. /jVj/f, IHfi?. iM.fT^H.-uV Mvi.;h. ('|„««i,H| |li„Hn.|.l,v. I v..l, Hv.., h\fh,l,m',ih, lH(ir.. roulpvoy yU^ \\ A. ,1,0 Tho llv.,„r (,|.,> |.",, UaviK„„.i. TimmmIuUmI HttSt. IUiuio'm ,<,»ll„m,. Ilim... AVir I'Mti. iHtlU. Pougpolii ^[\\UU\ A. > Viitwh.h. mi vl.s my (lidMirt,-,.. mm (Knvi,>N, In M, /'t»n>, IH(M». Poiv|ouUt(n.) \.o m\>\m\\ Mnur.v. hu vi,u.l «.«« ,i.,ivivh, m\ m,.rl. — .- LoMivs Hiie n.mBiu.t i\ nti hoitnii,' ,IVlul, 2,\ MMm hi- vu,M>lmi};iii,,( I.M«ii,)ii,m. •• K|,u,l,m l>inKm|.|ii,|in lifo iin.l tinum „rsi, n.u-nmil. T.'iuihIi.UuI l.y H. V. Miim»iiij(, rjtn,). AVfc I'ocil', iHAfi. Redimth (.r.nn.^s,) Tho ruhlio lifo ,.f t^ipt. .lolm Hnvwii. In-H, liodon, RlohMtdc^RU (r,U>lH< P. R) Vio ,l„ Murio ,lo rinoar.mli.m. hVitj Hup. QiuUh'o. Sv,i. 7',mi »•»,»/. IM7;» Ritchie (J. K.\vinj;>, iintish SouiUovh : or \hAH'wx\ Nk,>loh,'H. TuHt autt IVwut. ln-8. iouiion, I Hill). RussoU ( *. Kxdnonlin.n y \Vonu>«» ; Thoir OitlluKul mul Eurly \ l.ilV. I vol. 12nio. !oihioii, 1857. Ruyter ^Sr Miohcl ao\ lw\ vio ,>( l,«.s nv(ir ,>t \.\. Aiuirnl (Ji^iusiul do8 IVovinoos I'tiios. I vol. in.24, /I ))»**/»?»•,/,» »)i, lt57(). S\l?NnKR8* PoKTK.UTSaiui Moiuoirs of ,>iniiiont livinj,' Political Hofor- moi-s. Cnl. ln.8. llUKstraUul, lomfoii, 1840. HKKIUAnmC-IIKKlUAI'IfV 4T HHUUwrotd/ul.lM^). ICIo«.. lliNt.,i'i*|iin (In lii H • Mnrumriim W 1011 r. K.uiy«, hm.lMlii.M, (I,, 1,1 (!.mKiV.«(iliuiM|« Vi||„ \Umi^ ,m UiuiimIii. Ill H, Tro}/(m, |H(14. M(toitKHiit..lA(iKHoN. Tim liCn „f Win. t^mimhy. I vnl Mvc LmUnn I Mil I. ' flnorntnu ( Kiik," ). (I.ilmlo HiiI«nm. Hi.iKm|,|,i«« ,mtloiml«». y vol. Ili-H. htmrniitM, IH7;j. 8<5Kur((!..iiilo A .In). VIn (III (Jomto tin lM..j.(!|,lm.. | vol In M BiiilloM (Miuminll. Liln „r (J,.,.i«n Hl,n|.liniiN,.ji. I V(.I. Jn-H HuhLou I Hill). ■ ' _ . llilnf M(,«m|.I,|n„, Willi HUud |,(,Hmll,H. VMnn, Jhnlon IHIII. ' Smith in. HunmlM. Tim ||f« „f |1,„ UiKJ.t II„„. vVilliuni ICwml (IIiulHldim. Iii-H, iV«w Ktt'/'/(!, IHHO. HddltATM, H(l vin. I V(tl. lii-lU. 8|mlcllnB(M. .1.) Kile, tiiimH, and (ilmirtctnr ..f Urn Uij^t. U«v. Uoim,. tliiit .loHnph lldj^nl,. I vi.l. Hvd. Louimiilk, \M,2. Sparks (.IimMii Mr,, „r (L^orgn W.iHl.iiiKl..,ii. I V(j|. (id Hvo. itonlun WM). . ' Stanley (Arlliur P.) TIu, lif,. and (v,rrnfi|,nnd„„(!., of TlioniBB Ain.jld. 2 Vdl. In-H, HuHton, iHlil). Stono (Willimi. I„) TIm, liln and lini.m of Hir William .Jol.ii«on, JJaii 2 vol. Hvo. Alhany, iHlin. Straszowloz (.Iom.,,,!,). Kmih, |'|,il,()r, mi vin ..f, m um%. /Vm, 18;15, I vol. Hvo. Tanguay (L'al.l.^ (J.) U,'.,,nrloir„ K-'-n.^ial du .l^rK,', .anadinn ,,ar ordm oIironoIoKi-iurt, dnpiilH la fot.dation dn la oolonio jum,u',\ lloHJourH. «vo. quSoc, |H(!H. |2 (w^pioH). Diotionnairn Ki'iiuklogiquo doH farnillcH canadieniics, dnpuifl la fondatioii do la cohmJo j.ih(|u'/i tio« joura' I'loniicr voluiuo : dopniH 1608 jusqu'ii 1700. In-4to MonlNal, 1871. (2 copies.) ! H 48 BIOUHAJ'IIIK- inCHnfAl'IlV Tardlvel f.f. I'.) Vin dn I'upo Pi« IX. Sen muvrcm et mm tlmilmirM, luifunvii|iliin. Hv(». Qii^Ihw, IH7H. Taii96 .To«ioph\ l.o? Cati(uli»*ii(« do I'otu^Ht. 2 vol. 8vi>. MontrAil, 1878. Ttiylov iFtniniiij^'H). Tlui Inst Thnic HiHlmpa iippoiiilcd by tlm ('rowii, lor llic iiini;licim cliurili of C.'iiimdii. I11-8, Montreal., 1870. — • I'ortriiiU of HritiHli AJiuMifiiiiH. Voir Noimvn. Th^venot (ArstNiuO, Hioi,M-ivphi(( do tlhurUm Kiig6iio Dolaimy. 1 vol. 8vo. Troytm, 1878. Thierry (Aiiu^di^o). Siiint .It'romo. Lii socit'lo clnV'ticiino ^ IJotno ot IV'inij^rutioii lioiuiiitio uii ivnw Suiiilu. 2 vol. 8vo. I'arin^ 18(17. Thiers (A.) llistoiro do Law. lUmo. Ptirin, 1858. Tliomas (tk'orgo, Karl of AlluM'iiiarloi. Fifty years of my lifo. 2 vols. ln-8. 7.()/((/(>H,1870. Timon. Lo livro (Km ondcurs. i;?o I'dition, oriiro de 27 ])ortmit8. Gd in-8. far in, 1844, Trevelyan (Otto. G.\ Th«' iifo and lottora of lord Macaiday. 2 vols. 8vo. New York, 187«. TroUope (Adolphu.s). Tlio sto./ f the Iifo of Pius the ninth. 12mo. Toronto, 1877. Tucker (Goorj^oX Tho livo of JolTorsou (Tliouias^ third pn'.sidoiit of the ITnitod Statics, with parta of his cor rosptjud once, 2 vols. ii>-8, PhiUuMphhi, 1837. Valentin (F) ' Li'8 peintros wliMa-os, 1vol. in-12. Towtn, 1857. Vapereau (,G. ) Diciinmiairo nuiverael dos contcuiporuins. 1 vol. 8vo. Paris >.l Lomhn, 1865. — — SuppU'inont i\ la 4o i5dition du Diotioiinairo do Vaporeau par Li^on Garnion. 1 vol. in-8, /'(»Ws, 1873. Vere (Aubrey dc\ Heroines of Charity, cnntjiining the siaters of Vin- cent, the little sisters of the poor, &c., &c. 12mo. New-York, 185o. v.>. Montrdal, OULTURB-OULTTrnK 49 Notro.I)a,„odoMontr^Hl. lN.r„„-H.le„Hu,l,ur ooinmiumut<5, Hvo. MmUHaL. iHTtJ. Vn.UMAm. Vie .,., M. do Cl^toauhria..... I vol. gd. 8vo. Pan,. Webster Danidi. Monu.irH „f hin ,,„hIio lif,, by Kd. Evorott. Vide ■ DhOIT AMKItlOAIN. WkhhTKU. Wright (llobort) A Memoir of Oonoml OKlothonH,. 1 vol 12mo London, 1867. " '^^" ^f" '''■ ^'»'"' ^«"«'-«l Jamos Wolfe founded on ongmd documeute and iUustraUul by his correapuudeuoa 1 vol. 8vo. iMnd'm, 1804. Youville (Mine) Vie 'o-Foir.' Faillon. ,-< CULTURE ninth. 12mo. AORrctJLTURE— IIOBTICULTURB AGIUCULTURE Bouaslngault rj. B.) F.ono«ie ruralo conaiddrde dans sea rapports avec la chimie et la physique. 2e Edition. 2 vol Gd In-8. ParU, 1861. Dawson (J. W.) Contributions toward the improvements of Agricul- ture xn Nova Scotia, with practical hints on the MaLo ments and improvements of Live Stock. 8vo. HaUM. 50 CULTURE— CULTURE ISilSii Evans (William) Supplementary volume to a treatise on the theory and practice of Agriculture adopted to the cultivation and economy of the animal and vegetable productions of agriculture in Canada. 8vo. MontrM, 1836. Fermes-Ecoles (Les). Les Fermes-^coles ou Ecoles professionnelles de I'Agriculture. Svo. Paris, 1872. Gasparin (Le comte de). Cours d'Agriculture. Troisifeme Edition. 6 vols. 8vo. Paris. Gaume (Alexandre). Causeriea chevalines. In-12, Paris, 1865. Giraudidre (H. De Chavapnes). Une Ferme-Mod^le ou I'Agriculture mise k la port^e de tout le monde. 8vo. Touts, 1881. Grandeau (Li. Comptes-rendus des travaux du Congrfes agricole libre tenu k Nancy les 23, 24, 25 et 26 juin 1869, publics au nom du Bureau, avec 6 planches. 8vo. Paris, 1869. Heoquet-D'Orval. De la destruction des insectes nuisibles aux r^- coltes. 8vo de 27 pages 1878. Hind (H. Y.). Essay on the insects and diseases injurious to t^he wheat crops. In-8. Toronto, 1857. (2 copies). JouKNAL OF Ageiculturb. 1858 to 1862. 5 vol. Svo. Edinburgh and London. Journal d'Agriculture (Le). Organs of&ciel du conseil d'agriculture de la province de Quebec. Vol. ler commence le 12 juiUet, 1877. 5 vol. 4to. MontrM, 1877-82. Johnston (James F. W) lo Agricultural capabilities of the Province of New-Brunswick. In-8. St. John, 1850. 2o Lettres on Emigration. 3o Ashburbon Treaty. 4o Agricultural Progress. 5o Reports on agricultural capabilities of the Province of New-Brunswick. CULTURE— CULTURE 51 essionnelles de sifeme Edition. isibles aux r^- Jonnes (Alex. Moreau De) Statistiquea de TAgriculture de la France, compreuaiit la atatistique des cereales, de la vigne, des cultures diverses, dea paturages, des bois et forSta et des animaux domestiques, avec leur production actuelle compar^e k celle des temps anciens et des principaux pays de I'Europe. 8vo. Paris, 1848. ' Keelhof (J.) '''rait^ pratique de I'irrigation des prairies. 8vo. Bruxellea, ioo6, Lynch iW. H.) A manual for scientific butter-making. Br. in-8. Toronto, 1883. Landry (A. C. P. R.) Traits populaire d'agricuture th^orique et pra- tique. Svo. MonMal, 1878. Maison Rustique CLa) ou ^conomie g^n^rale de tous les biens de la campagne, la mani^re de lea entretenir et de les multi- plier, etc. 2 Vol. 4to. Paris, 1772. Payen (A.) et Richard (A.) Precis d' Agriculture. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris. 1851. Qu'inoy (Josiah). Essays on the soiling of cattle, illustrated from ex- periences, and an address containing suggestions what may be useful to farmers, with a memoir of the author, by Ed. Quincy. In-12. New Yorh Rapports du Commissaire de I'Agriculture de la Province de Qu(5bec, 1868 h 1880. Relies en un volume. Reports of the Commissioners of Agriculture and Public Works of the Province of Quebec, for 1868 to 1880. Bounded in one Vol. Richard (A.) Dictionnaire raisonn^ d'agriculture et d'(5conomie du betail, suivant les principe? (51t5mentaires des sciences natuielles appliqu(^cs. 2e (5diton, 2 vol. Gd 8vo. Paris, 1874. Sohmit (J. P.) Des moyena de recueillir et d'utiliser les eugruia. Im8. Li&ge, 1850. sa CULTURE— CULTUEE TaoW (J. C.) La mouche ou la Chrysom^le des patatea. Chrysomela ^ecemlmeata, et le moyeu d'en combattre les ravages ■Br. 8vo. Montrial, 1877. Tisserand (Eugfene.. L'agriculture k I'exposition Universelle de Vienne. 8vo. Paris, 1874. TBANSACTI0N8 of the Highland and Agricultuml Society of Scotland, pu- bbshed annually. 1865, 1866, 1867, 1868, 1869. Fourth senes. 2 vol. 8vo. Aberdeen. Vianne (Ed). La Ferme et les champs. Guide pmtique de I'Agriculture comprenant la description, le choix, I'emploi des machines et instruments agricoles. Description des principales races bovmes, ovines, chevalines et porcines. La valeur des engraio._r)es notices sur les principes de culture. -8, London, 1869. p '. m 66 DEOIT COxN-STITUTIONNEL-CONSTITUTIONAL LAW DoD's Parliamentary companion, fortyfirst year. Th^ eighth Parlia- mcut elected, November & December, 1868. In-24, London, 1873. Ellis (Charles Thomas). Practical remarks and Precedents of Proceed- ings in Parliament on Private Bills. 8vo, London, 1810. Featherstonhaugh (Geo. Wm.) Observations upon the treaty of Wash- ington, 1842, with map. In-8, London, 1843. Forster (William). Political Presentments. In-12, London, 1878. Forsyth (WiUiam\ Cases and opinions on Constitutional Law and various points of English Jurisprudence, coUected by ♦♦• In-8, London, Freeman (Edward A.) The growth of the English Constitution, from the earliest times. In-12, London, 1872. Gladstone (W. E.) Questions constitutionnelles (1873-1878). Traduit. de I'anglais par Albert Gigot, In-8, Paris, 1880. (Hon. W. E.) The Financial Statements ol 1853, 1860-63. In-8, London; 1863. Gneist (Eodolphe). La constitution communale de I'Angleterre. 2 vol. In-8, Paris, 1868. Grant— The House of Lords, Kandom EecoUections of . . . from 1830 to 1835. In-8, London, 1836. -— House of Commons, Eandom Recollections of the . . . with Personnal Sketches. In-8, London, 1836. ■" I^ords and Commons, Random Eeoollections of the . . . Second Series. In-8, London, 1838. Grey (Earl). Parliamentary Government, with reference to a Reform of Parliament. In-8, London, 1858. Halea— The original institution, power and jurisdiction of Parliaments. In-8, London, 1707. HaIto-book to Govemjnent situations, In-12, London, 1872. Bare (Thomas). The election of Representativea, Parh^mentary and Municipal. In-8, London, 1873. DROIT C0NSTITUTI0NNEL-C0NSTITUfI0N4L LAW 67 tution, from Harle (William Lockey.) A career in the commons, or letters to a young member of Parliament. In^, London, 1850. Harrfe (George) The true theory of reprentation in a state. In-8, LondQn, 1857. Heam (Wm. Edward). The Government of England, its structure a^d Its development. In-S, Londbn, 1807. (3 copies). Button (R. H.) Studies of Parliament. A series of sketches of leading politicians. 8vo, London, 1866. Knapp (Jerome Wm.) and Ombler (Edward). Cases of controverted electi6ns in the twelfth ParHament of the United Kina. dom. In.8, London, 1837. . "^ Hazlitt (William). British Eloquence. The Eloquence of the British Senate, being a selection of the best speeches of the most distinguished parliamentary speakers, from Charles 1st. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1808. Journal of the House of Lords, fiom Henry VIII (1509) to 46 Victoria (1883) 116 Vol. infoKo moyen. Journals of the House of Commons from Edward VI (1567 to 46 Victoria (1881) 140 vols. infoHo moyen. Leigh (Hon. Chandos) and Le Marchant (Henry D.) A Guide to election law and the law and Practice of Election Peti- tion. Edition 1874. (1 copy). Edition 1880. (2 copies). Lolme (De). Constitution de I'Angleterre. 2 vol. In-8, Paris, 1822. ^'^- ^- ^^)- • • • The Rise and Progress of the English Constitution, with historical introduction and notes, by A. J. Stephens. 8vo, London, 1838. Lyttleton (Lord) and Gladstone (Hon. W. E.) Translations. 8vo. Lon- don, 1861. Maeauly (Rt. Hon. T. B.) Speeches. 2 vol. 12mo, Bed/ield, 1853. I 68 DEOIT CONSTITUTIONNEL-CONSTITUTIONAL LAW I :? May (Ths. Erskine). A Treatise on the Laws, Privileges, Proceedings, Usage of Parliament. 5th Edition, 1863. (5 copies). 6th " 1868. (3 copies). 7th " 1873. (3 copies). 8th « 1879. (5 copies). Mm (John Stuart). Considerations on Eepresentative Government. In- 8, London, 1865. O'MaUey (Edward Loughlin; and Hardcastle (Henry). Eeports of the decisions of Judges for the trial of Election Petitions in England and Ireland. 3 vol. In-S, London, 1870. Palgrave (Eeginald S. D.) The House of Commons. Ilustrations of its History and Practice. In.l2, London, 1869. Parkinson (Joseph Charles). Under Government: An Official Key to the Civil service of the Crown and Guide for candidates seeking appointments. London, 1869. In-12. Paeliamentary ivEFORM. A series of speeches on the subject, delivered by the Eight. Hon. B. Disraeli, 1848-66. In-S, London, 1867. . Parliaments (the) and Councils of England from William 1 to the Eevolution in 1688. In-8, London, 1839. P«okerln^ (Perceval Andr^). Eemaiks on treating and other matters relating to the election of members of Parliament, &c., &c. In.8, London, 1852. Peckwell (Eobert H.) Cases of controverted elections in the second Parliament of the United Kingdom. 2 vol. 8vo. London. 1805-6. Perry (Henry J.) and Knapp (Wm. J.) Cases of controverted elections iu the eleventh Parliament of the United Kingdom. In.8, London, 1833. Petyt (William*. The ancient right of the commons of England as- serted. In-8, London. 1680. I DKOIT CONSTITUTIONNEL— CQNSTITUTIONAL LA.W 69 eminent. In- PhUipps (John). Election cases. In-12. Vol. 1, London, 1782. Power (P.) Hodwell (H.) Dew (Ed. L'Ea.) Reports of the decisions of Committees of the House of Commons in the tral of controverted elections during the fifteenth Parliament of the United Kingdom. 2 vol. In^l2, 1847 to 1856, Lon- don, 1853-57. Practical Instructions on the passing o^' Private Bills through both Houses of Parliament. In-8, London, 1827. Precedents of Proceedings in the House of Commons ; with observa- tions. 4 vol. In.4to, London, 1818. (2 copies). Proceedings and Forms used in conducting the elections of members of Parliament. In-8, London, 1868. Pulbrook (Anthony). The Ballot Act, 18*^2, with analytical references and copious Index. In-12, London, 1874. Raikes (Henry. ) A popular sketch of the origin and development of the english constitution. 2 vol. In-8, London, 1851-54. R-Ueigh (Sir Walter;. The Prerogative of Parliaments in England. In.l2. Published in 1640. Rationale (The) of Political representation. In-8, London, 1835. Riddell (Henry). Railway Parliamentary Practice: Standing Orders relating to Railways. A treatise on the rights to oppose Railway Bill. In-12, London, 1846. Rights of the colonies upon principles of Law. In-18. London, 1764. Rogers (James ThoroM\ A complete collection of the Protests of the Lords with historical introduction. 3 vol. 8vo. Irst 1624- 1741. 2d. 1741-1825. 3rd. 1825-1874. Oxford, 1875. Rowland (David). A Manual of the English Constitution. In-8, London, 1859. (2 copies).- Sharkey (P. Burrowes). Election Committees. Appendix of Statutes and forms. In-12, London, 1866. Simeon (John). A treatise on the Law of Elections, in all its branches. In-8, London, 1789. #..- J ■ 70 DROIT CONSTITUTIONNEL-CONSTITUTIONAL LAW Smethurst (James MeUor). A treatise on the locus standi of petition, ers^inst private Bills in Parliament. In-12. Londim, loo/. Smith (Henry Stooks). The Parliaments of England, from George I to the present time. 8 vol. In-12, Zotui^. 1844-45-50. SulUvan (FmnciBS.) Lectures on the Constitution and Law of En- gland, with a commentary on Magna Charta. (Second edition by G. Stuart. 1vol. 4to, ioridon. 1776. Taylor (Edgar). The book of rights : or constitutional acts and Par- liamentary Proceedings. In-12, London, 1833. Thrlng (Sir Henry). Practical Legislation ; or the composition and language of Acts of Parliament. 8vo. London. Thomas (Ernest C.) Leading cases in Constitutional Law. In-8 London, 1876. ' Thurloe (John). Collection of State Papers. 7 vols folio. Vols 2 to 6. London, 1742, Todd (Alphens). Brief suggestions in regard to the formation of local Governments for Upper and Lower Canada. In-8 Ottawa, 1866. ' * T^aitd sur les formalit^s k suivre pour obtenir ou con- tester la passatiou de Bills Privds. In-8, Ottawa 1869 (18 copies). :^ ^'^'''^^'^^ °° the Proceedings to .be adopted in conduct- ing and oi)posing Private Bills. In-8, Ottawa, 1869 (14 copies). Parllamentaiy Government in England. 2 vols 8vo London, 1867-69. (10 copiesj. ~ Pariiamentary Government in the British Co- lonies. In-8, Boston, 1880. (5 copies). DROIT CONSTITUTIONNEL-CONSTITUTIONAL LAW 71 Townsend (W. Charles). History of the House of Commons, from the Convention Parliament* 1688-89 to the passing of the Reform Bill in 1882. 2 vol. In-8. London, 1843. Tremenheere (Hugh S.) The Constitution of the United States compared with our own. 1 vol, 12mo, Londoi, 1854. Walsh (Sir John). The Practical results of the refonn adt of 1882. In-8, London, 1860. Warren (Samuel). A manual of the Parliamentary election Law of the Umted Kingd^n, &c., &c., &c. In-8, London, 1857 (4 copies '. Western (Tho9 George). Commentaries on thu Constitution and Laws of England, with the Political text of the late J L. De Lolme. 3d edition. In-8, London, 1841. Wilkinson (P..bort>. Seform Acts 186.-68, with practical and expl^ planatory notes. In-U, London, \m. "^^ «^^ Wm (John S.) The practice of Referees' Court* in Parliament, in re- gard \o Engine- rlag details, &c., &c., with a chapter on Claims to compensation. In-8, London, 1866. Wright (G.) Debates of the House of Common, in the year 1774 on the Bill for making more effectual provision for the Go- vernment of the Province of Quebec. Drawn from notes oftheRgt Houorable Sir Henry Cavendish. London. 1839. 1 vol, 8vo. ^ Wynne (Edward). Eunomus, or dialogues concerning the Law and Constitution of England. 2 vol In-12, Lond(m, 1822. 1 it ' V - ( ^1,..,:,. • 72 DROIT CANADIEN-CANADIAN LAW DROIT CANADIEN CIVIL. CONSTITUTIONNEL ET DOCUMENT DE LA L^GISLATUK CANADIAN LAW CIVIL, CONSTITCTIONAL AND ?ARLIAMENTARY 'pAPK RS I ACTE des flections f^d^rales de 1874. 8vo, Ottawa, 1874. Annuaike de I'Institut Canadien de Montreal, de 1866 k 1870. (Affaire < ' Guibord). 4 brochures -relives ensemble. %vo, MontrM 1870. ' Beaudry (Hon. J. U.; Code des cur^s, marguiUiers et paroissiens, ac compagn^ de notes historiques et critiques. In-8 Mont- T4al, 1870. ' (Edouard A.) Le questionnaire du Code Civil du Bas-Ca- nada. Vol. ler. 8vo, Montreal, 1872. BellefeuIUe (E. Lef. de). Code Civil annot^. (Voir : Code). ■ Berton (George F. S.) Reports of Cases decided in the Supreme Court of New-Bruuswick, from Hilary term, 5 Wm. 4to • to Hilary term, 2 Vic, both inci'-iive. 2nd edition, 8vo EdinhuYgh. 1882. ' Blbaud (F. M. U. M.) Essai de logique judiciaire. 12mo, MontHal 1853, ' Bonner (John). An essay on the Registry Law of Lower Canada. 8vo Quebec, 1852. ' LW L^GISLATUKE V' PAPKRS r4. 1870. (Affaire 8vo, MontrM,, laroissiens, ac« In- 8, Mont- il du Bas-Ca- 3DE). • upreme Court Wm. 4to ; to edition, 8vo, 0, Montrdal, Canada. 8vo, DROIT C ASADIliaT^CAKADlAlf UW „ Bra^d 4 a., v,- Ho.. H, L I^i^ii^^irTr^ii^^^^^^^^T- DamiDion Contovertod Heotiott Act 1874 X./ i District of Cliarlevoii (Th. n . j Electoral to^« '^"'""™*- (The DefeBdanta factum'. Br. Canada Law Joorkjii (Th„) „a i«d c„»rt Ga^tte. fW,» . i , . 8, 9, 10 lost). In-8, Toronto, 1866-82. ' CtttM (fidwsrt). A ifeatise on the La* and IW,-^ o , f»f;c.To™-doHe«b,I:t^.te.:e •:r'' *«i to«r c.„«b>, with „,„,„^ refe-ir'to E^r^ Crt^Jht CJohnROCa^a Voided o„. the B«i,t Korth America Act, 1867, m Phvy CbuMl U.« Supreme Court SX ^ • ^°'- I- ln-«. ^o'-mto. 1882. (Do„) Cfcerm. (CS.) Mtooire «,«en.m un rieumi d« „t.:, Caoulnard: Voir: Codes'. ^ Civil CoDEof Lower Canad* Reports of fH^ r ^ - • ' Code Civil. PkS! Comm.s8xoaer8. Ttc^e .' [CmL GoDB ^he) of Low.r Canada, by Th.3; McCor« M.A^r ' I w,t^ notes , fall oha«,<3s up^t. 1880^' l„1^ l^? '^^1880.. (6 copies),. 1°-18, Jlfo^^ r"'° ''■ "'■lus'^'r'^"'-'^ -^eing annotation, of the var. 74 DROIT OANADIEN- CANADIAN LAW CoDE.-Analytical table of the municiiml code of the Province of Quebec, by D. Forget, (4th edition) Br. iii-8, Montreal 1882 (16 pp.) B. U. vol. 234. Code Civil du Bas-Canada d'aprts le r6Ie amendd d^pos^ dans le bureau du greffier du CcuicJ. LtJgislatif, tel que preacrit par I'acte 29, cbr.., 41, !B.^^ parE.Lef;de Bcllefeuille. 18ma Montreal, 1866. (5 copies). Code Civil ANNOxfe (le) Etant le code civil du Bas-Canada en force, depuis le ler aofit 1866, tel qu'amend^ jusqu'au ler oc' tobre 1879, auquel on a ajoiiu:- ltd luitorit^a cit^s par les codificateurs, etc., la jurisprudence des arrets, diverses annotations, par E. L. dc Bellefeuille. Gd in.8. Montrial 1879. (4 copies). Code Civil du Bas-Canada ler, 2e, 3e, 4e, 5e, 6e et 7e rapports des commissaires pour la codification des lois du Bas-Canada qui se rapportent aux mati^res civiles. 3 vols. 4to , Quebec, 1865. (3 copies). Code Civil du Bas-Canada.' Projet. Eapports des commissaires. Reports of the commissioners. (Fran9ais et anglais dans lea mgmes volumes.) 2 vols. In.4. Quibec, 1865. Code de procedure civile du Bas-Canada, deuxi^me rapport des commis- saires charges de codifier les lois du Bas-Canada en ma- tiferes civiles, 4to. Ottawa, 1866, (2 copies;. Code db Pbocedure Civile du Ba.s-Canada. D'apr^s le r61e depos^ dans le bureau du greffier du conseil l^gislatif, tel que present par I'acte 29 et -30 Vic. chap. 25. 8vo, Ottawa 1866. (8 copies). . Code op Civil Procedube (The) of Lower Canada, together with the •amendments thereto made since its promulgation; the authorities, as reported by the commissioners, by Thomas P. Foran. 8vo, Toronto, 1879. (6 copies). Code de I'lnstruction publique dans la Province de Quebec. Etant una compilation des divers statuts sur cette mati^re, par M. Chouinard. 12mo, Quebec, 1882. DROIT CANADIEN-CANADIAN t.AW 7B f^Vi Code Munfcipal de la Province de Quebec. (Divera projets). 8vo, Quebec. CoMPTES Publics de la Province du Canada, pour les anuses 1861, 1866 k 1877, 1879 k 1888. 19 vols, in-8. -held at Montreal in March Court Martial. Proceedings of a- 1809* 8vo. Cr^mazle (Jacques). Manuel des notions utiles sur lea droits poli- tiques, le droit civil, la loi criminelle et municipals lea lois rurales, etc. l2mo, Qmdbec, 1852. Criminal Law. A collection of somes of the most useful acts and ordinances in force in Lower Canada, and the duties of Magistrates. 8vo, Qxiebec, 1854. CiiiMiNA/. Law and the procedure in criminal caaes. Dominion of Ca- nada, 1875 and 1877. 2 vol., 8va, Ottawa, DEBATES on the subjet of the confederation of the British North Ame- rica Provinces. 8vo, Quebec, 1865. . 1 vol. I DfcBATS sur la question de la confederation des provinces de rAm^rique Britannique du Nord. In.8, Qmbec. 1865. (2 copies;. Debates of the House of Commons, Dominion of Canada, Ottawa. 1875 Edited by Burgess. Gd in-S. 2 copies. 1876 Gd in-8, 1 copy. 1877 Edited by Richardson & Bradley. Gd in-8, 4 copies. 1878 2 vol, Gdin-8, 3 copies. 1879 Edited by Richardson. 2 vol., Gd in.8, 4 copies. 1880 2 vol., Gd in-8, 3 copies. 1880-81 Edited by Bradley. 2 vol., in-4to, 1 copy. 1882 Edited by Boyce. 2>ol., in-4to, 1 copy. J883 . 2 vol., .in.4to, 1 copy. w DnoiT CANADIEN^AKTADUN LAW I^^-s do la dea co«n,.n. <,. Caaada. T.duiu de I'an^Iaia. 1875 Gd in-8. 2 copies. 1876 Gd in.8. 3 copies. 187T Gd in.8. 4 copies. m3 2 vol. Gd in-S. 1 copie. 1879 2 vol. Gd in-8. 3 copie.. . 1880 2 vol. p^d in.8. 2 copies. 1880-81 2 vol. 4to. 2 copies. 1883 4to. 6 copies, 1883 2 vol. in.4to. 1 copie. PEBATEa of the Senafflfl nf f i, t^ • . 1877 r87 t„i^°°";""'°'°™'''^ '874, 1875,1876. .mVS ,!:„! '' ''''^' ' ^"^ ''''«-. 1874.1882: »«»*« de la Ugia^wre de Quebec "MoambM 1877 au 9 mara 1878. Gd in-S. 19 Juin au 31 Ootobre 1879. 1 oopie «8 Mai an 24 Juilht 1880. 'S copies 2« Ami au SO Join 1881. 3 copies. 8 Mara au 27 Mai 1882. 6 copies D.Mm.0.,o» Act (The), 1874. 8vo„ 0«a«, 1874 I.out,e (Joseph^ ^„-««on „r Ca^da. Il.e British No«h Au.e.ica Ofthe0ii%'i';!'"°r«'''«°-- -" *= eo„stituti* United States. In-S, jlf„^^«,,. jggo. (3 ^^j^^j (Go„.aIve). Los lois de la procMure civile, savoir- Te«e d„ ' etc. J vol., 12mo, MontHal, 1867. MOITCANADIEN-CANADrANLAW 77 Dubr.un (J. F.) The „.f„„„e„ '^{h^iiTTZZTT:, Statute affecting the ..rJvi^^Vott,/" "' "" .olidated Statutes of c3 ^l"*?; '"■" "" '=°- ty the parUament o thV l''.',;:' "uT^ ".""T"""' (2 oopie,). »■ < .- 8vo, J/on(rea(, 1879. EI.ECTI0N3 OfafaAtra. R, . , ^,„ cellerie tW.T u '*'''* ^''"«'»''« en Chan. "^ ''■ 'tin- trr '"""^.r "" ^'"'"'" "f "-'a «»^ On. «n:Te:?;;ra:rorzr.rorc'";"' to. and inclusive of the year 1872 « ""^ ^'''^''' ^^^n f 5 copies). 1^^ t«e year 1872. 8 vo. Toronto, 1874. The same. 2ud Edition. 1879.' (2 copies) EXTHAITS des rapports Statistiques Judiciaires de 1867 k 1875 Q T, Ponm (Thomas P.) Koir; Codb. Fraser Intitute Case (The). 4to Dominion Pa.Ua™e„t, a'nd t tt l ^rn^ , t "" iatures ; to whioh ia or. j i i^rovincial Legis- i !> 78 DROIT CANADIEN-CANADIAN LAW GouVERNKMENT des paroisses. Trait,5 du gouvernement spirituel et ten> porel des paroisses oi Ton examine tout ce qui concerne les fonctions, droits et devoirs des marguilliers, dans radministration des fabriques, des biens des pauvres et les dcoles de charitd. Par M. J . . . Conseiller au Pr^si- dial d'Orl^ans. Iu-18, Pari^, 1774. Gregg. George R. & Roden, E. P._Trials of the Fenian Prisoners at Toronto, who where captured at Fort Eri^. 1 vol. 8vo. Toronto, 1867. Harrison (R. A.) The statutes of practical utility in the civil adminis- tration of justice, in Upper Canada, from the first act passed in Upper Canada to the common law procedure acts, 1856. 8vo. Toronto, 1857. The common law procedure act ; and other acts relating to the practice of the superior courts of common law, and rules of courts. Second edition. 8vo. Toronto, 1870. Hodgins (Thomas). Reports of the decisions of the judges for the trial of election petition, in Ontario. Relating to the elections of the Legislative Assembly of Ontario, 1871-5-9 ; and the House of Commons of Canada 1874-8. 8vo. Toronto 1883. ' JOURAUX de I'Assemblde Legislative du Bas-Canada. Anglais et fran- .§ais en regard, 1792-1837. Appendice rduni au journal. Journals of the House of Lower Canada. Frencli and English in the same vol. Appendix in the journal, 1792-1837. Ann(5ea.— Years 1793, 1795, 1797-8, 1801, 1802, 1804 1812, 1814, 1815, 1817 k 1837. In-4to., jusqu'ii 1816 et in-folio-moyen, de 1817 i. 1837. 31 vol., Quebec, Appendices spdciaux. Special appendices. lufol. 1817, 1 vol; 1820-21. 1 vol; 1824, 2 vol; 1829, 2 vol; 1830, 1 vol;' 1832, 1 vol ; 1833, 2 vol ; 1834, 1 vol; 1836, 3 vol. JOURNAUX du Conseil Spdcial (183d-1841). 4 vol., in-4to, Quebec. ^%^' DROIT CANADIEN-CANADUN LAW y, Appendices 1841. 1 vel._18«. 1 vol. le „„. X-UU 5 1 vol le no. 1.-1840. 1 vol. le no. 3-1847 2 vol ipj no,. 2 et 3.-1849, 3 eopie,, 8 vol. cZlinjfsm ■ '7"^^^2™'-^«"--1861,Ic„pie,4v^-1852: uLr r'- ""«>--- 1854-5° 1 eopie, 14 ,„, » vol.— jMbU, 3 copies de 4 vol lfi«i q • , vol— 18^^9 ^ • J ^ voi.~iabl, 3 copies de 4 stpledeVvjr^ls 3 '"'T""'' ^'™''"' F"*- P." °f "vol.— 1863, seeonde partie, 1 vol.-1864 3 p.ead. 9 vol: 1865, premiere partie. 3 eopi d' 3 :^« dfaVr""' ^'"'^' ' »"« ^« 3 vol.-:i866. '~^"tXir48^Trjf85rv2'rf ■' ^'^ -- 2nd of 1858 ; .^ "pLfef is^ 861°' ^62 :d ^" ]t)fnft«R3 *i . ^""". -lODi, l«b2 and part 1st of 1863; three copies for part. 2nd of 1863 IfiV ' both parts of 1865 and 1866. 30 vol.. in 8 * Xt^; wTv'r T' ' '-' ' '^' '- ''''' ' vol. two lor 186J, 5 vol. each ; two for 1863 nart Uf « i' eaeh; two eopie, for 1864: 4 vol eaeh '(S wan inlv two copies for the first part of 1866 2 wanting) 24 vols, infolio-moyen, Quebec. JOUHNAUX Ju Conseil L^gislatif du Canada. Anndes 1844-5 1846 et 1849, 3 copies~l852-3. 1854 et 1854-6, 1 copie-1856 1858. 1859. 1862, 1864. 1865 et 1866. 2 copies. Journals of Uie Legislative Council of Canada, 1854. one copy-1856 and 1859. 3 copies— 1865 bis. one copy. JOURNAUX du Sdnat du Canada (1867-1883) 17 vol. In-8. Ottawa 3 copies. 51 vols. Journals of the Senate of Canada 1867-1883 (2 copies). 34 vols. JouRNAUX du Conseil Ldgislatif de la Province de Quebec 1867-83. 3 copies. Journals ofthe Legislative Council of the Province of Quebec 1867- 82, 3 copies. Journal of the House of Assembly of Upper Canada. 1883-40. LifoUo TorontOi JOU NALS of the Legislative Assembly of the Province of Ontario. 1867- 1883 From vol. 1 to vol. 4. one copy; from vol. 4 to vol. 15 two copies J vol. 16. one copy. 16 vols. in-8. luronto. Sessional papers, 18684883. 15 vols.. 8vo, Toronto. Journal of the House of Assembly of the Province of New-Bruns- wick, 1862-182. 20 vols. in-4to. (1873 wants). Journal of the Legislative Council ofthe Province of New Brunswick, 180 J- 1882. 21 vols. in-4to. DROIT CANADIEN-CANADIAN LAW 81 Journal and proceedings of the House of Assembly of the Province of Nova Scotia 1867.1881 (12 vol. iLto) I8747T79 (raanquent), Montreal. '* ^0 /y, JO.™, and proeeedin^ of the Leg. C„„„„„ „, ^ova Scotia. 1867- ■1074. 1 infoho and 11 vol. 4to. I« de de Magdeleme liapport d„ comity ' ,p&ia, i, VAn^mW. Po,.i; . I ^ ""^ ^^« sessional papers of Pa.Wn, from 1867 to 1876. inclusive. In-s!^.!:' Kerr (Wm. IT) The Magistrates acts of 18G9. annoted for the use of Mag, j-ates with forms, precedents and an int "ductio; to the law of evidence. 12mo, Montreal, 1871 Lafontaine (L. H., Analyse de I'ordonnance du Conseil Special sur es bureaux d'hypoth^qnes. 3uivie du texte ang 1 fran,,us de I'ordonnance ; des lois relatives k la crStion des ci-devant bureaux de comtds • p^ rl„ i i • ! V de ratification. In-8, Montr^^'/ '' '' '' '" '" ^^^^-« r~,^'''o '"' ^'^■"^'"•^^ibilit^ des cur^s dans le Bas Canada. 8vo, Qudbec, 1837. Lan.tot (Magloiro). Le livre du Magistral 8vo. Montreal 1874 - Lan,evi„ cHc.. L. H) General Eoport of the Minister of Public Works. from30Jun. 18G7 to 1st July 1882 ml "^aps. 8vo, 0«a.m, 1882. (2 copies). Z~ ^^'^ administratif ou mauuel des paroisses et fabnques. 8vo, QuSec, 1863. t^a^oisses et Aussila 2e edition, J878. Laperri6re (Aug.) Speaker's decisions, :n.^4872 «vn nu 1872. (7 copies). ^^''' ^^^'''^^■' Lareau (Edmon. Ec'formos ,th^^ J^es • va^pn ^ codification des «t--TVAT!.f '''^^''^ ^'^ luu uLs ^t?, ,, i,v,,3 MontrM, 1882, %:-'-i ^■^, iil 92 DEOIT GANADIEN-CANADIAJ^r LAW ii^ Laws of the Customs. The pravincial, and a coUection of those parts of the imperial acts 61k the same subject, j^plicable to the province of Cenada, and of most general use therein; with an appendix, notes, and index. 8vo, Montreal 1844. * Legal New» (The) from 1878 to 1882. 5 vols., 8vo, Montreal LeUfevre (S.) et Angers (F. R.) Revue de l^gi^ation et de juris- prudence. 3 vols., in-8, Qii^eo, 1845-1848. Leve«aue (Louis). Abstmct of the provincial ordinance for quartering the troops and conveying effects belonging to government, and for better regulation of the militia in this province 8vo, Quebec, 1812. ioi Cbhonklle du Bas-Canada. Collection de plusieuts actes et or- donnances concemant la Ioi crimineUe et las devoirs des magistrats. In-8, Qu4bee, 1854, - Lois des Magistrats. Actes relatifs aux pouvoirs, aux devoirs et i la protection des Juges de Paix dans le Bae-Canada 8vo Qu4bec, 1853., Aussi les lois de 1863. (3 a^ies). Lois des Municipalit6s du Bas-Canada. 8vo, Toronto, 1851. Loranger (T. J. J.) M^moire compost de sa plaidoirie devant la Cour Seigneuriale. 8vo, Montreal, 1855. Lusignan (A.) Index analytique des decisions judiciaires rapporw^es, de 1864 h, 1871, dans les vols. 8 ^ 14 du Jurist, 14 k 17 des Reports, 1 i 4 du Law Journal, 1 et 2 de la Revue I^^e. 8vc, Montreaf', 1872. (2 copies). MaoKenzie (Alexander;. Speeches during his recent visit to Scot- land, with his principal speeches in Canada. In-8, To- ronto, 1876. Magisteates Laws, Lower Canada. Statutes relating to the duties of Justice of the Peace in Lower Canada^ 8vo, Quebec, 1863. (2 copies). t MoCord (Thomas). Vide : Civil Code. DROIT CANADIEN-CANADTAN LAW 83 Monthly Review (The) Devoted to CivU Goverrunent of Canada, 1841 Vol. 1. 8vo. Toronto. Montlgny(B.^A^Testerdde) Histoire du Droit Canadian. 8yo. MonU Morgan (Henry J ) The Canadian legal directory. A guide to the bench and bar of the Dominion of Canada. 8vo. Toronto, MUNICIPAL Code of the Province of Quebec. Put into force the 2nd day of November 1871, by proclamation dated 21 Sep- tember, 1871. 12mo. Quebec, 1875. ,2 copies). Notman (John) The Law and Practice concerning controverted Par- Quebec, 1863. (2 copies). Orders and Rules of practice in the Court of Kings bench for the district of Quebec, Lower Canada. 12mo. Quebec, 1809. ORDERS in Council, Proclama.-.ns. Departementai regulations &c. having force of k u. Dominion of Canada. 8 vo. 0«a^a ORD...c^ of the No..h-We.t^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ,,,3ed in .he year 1878 and 1»79. 8vo, Battleford, 1879. 0™n*noes made by the Special Counca Fide : Si*!.™ (ftovincial). 0«DO»NAKo,ig, ia56 nore (Pas,„ale). Jfouveau D,„it International Pnblie euivant >». Gardner Paniel). Institutes of Inteniational law. public and nnV.f aa settled by the Supreme Court o Ct^L^T^' and by our Bepublic. With referenl L j^l J dJ cisiona. IvoL 8vo, N^.7 International Epo,ne Eomaine. depuTI^-.^™' fia dn .^gno de Commode. (193 .J. 1 .o^To!Zi I-», on I~nal Eehtions before and during .be war of 1870 l-evi (Leone). International law being thp nWn • i ^ Swsden Swit»r>and^nitedrCi::'''rr^-J^; 2 vols. 8vo, Zowr^o^ 1863 L„,..g.„ ^ay W, Of .a™, pri. U. 0, 3.O.- Maude (Frederic P.) et Pollock (Charles E.) A oompendiun, of , ~ant.Shippin, 3rd edition. Tfofrz^: il •8 DROIT INTEENATIONAL-INTERNATIONAL LAW Ortolan (Eugene). Des moyens d'acqudrir le Domaine International ou propri^t^ d'dtat entre les nations, d'aprta le droit des gens public, compares aux moyens d'ucqu(Srir la propri^t<5 entre particuliers, d'apris le droit privd. 1 vol. 8vo Farie, 1851. Paxdessiia (J. M.) Collection dea lois maritimea, ant<5rieure8 au XVIIIq sifecle. 6 vols. 4to, Paria, 1828. Paraoxui (Theophilus). A treatise on Maritime law; including the - laws of shipping, marine, insurance and admiralty. 2 vols. 8vo, Boston, 1859. A treatise on the law of shipping and the law and practice of admiralty. 2 vols. Gd 8vo, Boston, 1869. -• '■ ^ treatise on the law of Marine Insurance and General Average. 2 vols. Gd 8vo, Boston, 1868. PataiUe (J.) Appendice au Code International de la propri^t^ indus- trielle, artistiq^e et litt^raire, contenant les trait^s inter- nationaux. 1 vol. 8vo, Paris, 1865. Phlllimore (Eobert). Commentaries upon International law. 4 vols. 8vo, Boston, 1854. Plooque (Alfred). De la Mer et de la Navigation maritime. 1 vol 8vo, Paris, 1870. PuflFendorf (Baron). Of the law of nature and nations, written in latin. Translated in English from the best edition. Petit folio Oxford, 1703. Eevue de Droit International et de l(5gislation compar^e. Publico par Asser, Eolin-Jacquemyns et Westlake, avec la colla- boratioa de plusiours jurisconsultes et horames d'etat. 7 vols. 8vo, Paris, 1869-70-71-72-73-74-75. TwlsB (Travers). The law of Nations, considered as independent po- htical communities. On the right and duties of nations in time of Peace. 1 vol. 8vo, Oxford & London, 18^1. DROIT INTEENATIONAL-INTERNATIONAL LAW 99 Vattel (M. ,el The law of Nation ; ^he principles of th. law "^ Nature, applied to the conduct and affairs of nations am* sovereigns. New edition, by Joseph Chitty. 1 VdL Gd 8vo, London, 1834. Wharton (Fmnds). A t«atise on the conflict of laws, or Private International law. including a comparative view cj AnglcAmenoan, Roman, German and French Jurispr- . dence. 1vol. 8\o, Philadelphia, 1872. (Henry). History- of the law of Nations in Eu«>pe and Amenca ; from the earliest times to the treaty of Wash- mgton,1842. 1vol. 8 vo. iVe^;- ForA:. 1845. 2 copies Wendt (Ernst E) Papers on Maritime legislation; with a translatio. of the German Mercantile !aw, relating to maritime commerce. 2nd edition. 1 vol. Svo, I^ndon, mi Weatlake O^ohn^ A t. t- e on Private International law. or the conflict of laws, with principal reference to i^^ practice m the English and other cognate systems of jurisprudence. I vol S,o, London, 1858. 1 IOO"ECONOMTE rOLITIQUE Eic-POLITICAL ECONOMY. &o. ECONOMIH i'OLniQUE ECONOMIE SOf ALE, ET C0MMERC8 POLITICAL AND SOCIAL ECONOMY COMMICKCE, C0C., &C. Appert (B.) Engnes, prisons [ct criminols. 4 vols. 8vo, Paris, 1836. Arnold (Arthur) Social politicB. 8vo, London, 1878. Atkinson (Wm.) Prindvlcs of political economy, or tlio laws of the formation of national wealth. 8vo, London, 1840. Bank of England (The) And the organisation of cre(ii^ &c. 8vo, London, 1867. Barreau (H.) Conscils aux ouvriers sur lea moyeus qu'ils out d'^tro heul-eux. In-18, PaHs, 1850. Bastiat (Fred.) (Euvres. 2e ([-dition. 7 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1862. Batble (M.) Nouveau cours d'liconomie politique, 1864-1865. 2 vol. 8vo, Paris, 1866. Mt^langcs d'dconomie politique contenant: 1" mdmoire sur le pr6t k int(5r§t; 2° m«5moire sur l'imp6t avant et apr^s 1789. 8vo, Paris, 1866. Beaumont (G. D.) et TooqueviUe (A. De) Systfeme pdnitentiaire aux Etats-Unis et de son application en France. 3e Mition. 12mo. Paris, 1845. ECONOMY, &o. o, Paris, 1836. ECONOMIE POLITIQUE Em~POUTICAL ECONOMY &o. 101 Berrlat-Salnt-PRix. Recherches sur .. .;aup^ri«me «n Fmnoc. an Tfi^ Bi^ole. Obflervatlou» but la Idgislation relative aux nullit^s des uctos de procodiiro. Bapport sur lo syaWsnxe p*5mtoutiairo. Rapport aur un voyugo en Brotagno, 1840 et 1841, par MM. Benoigtan de Chateaunouf et VeU lerme. De la Police chez los Rouiains, par M. Naudet. etc. 4to. Paris. Bentham. WoAs. Vide: Bowrino. Blanqul. Petits traitds publioa par I'Acaddmie des scioncos morales et politiques. Dos clnsaos ouvrifiros on France, 1843 In- 18, Paris, 1849. Block (Maurice) UEurope Politique et sociale. 8vo, Ihiris, 1809. Dictionndro g»5u(5ral do la politique. S -ol. Gd 8vo Paris, 1863-64. Puiasanco compar(5o des divers Etats do I'Europe 8vo, Ootha, 1862. Bolteau (Paul) Los Traitds de Commerce. Texto de tous les trait^s en viguour conclus avoc l'Aiiglot(;riv, la Bolgique, la Prusse et I'ltalie. Avec uno introduction historique des ronseignements sur les monnnios, les mesures, les douanea etc. 1 vol. 8vo, Paris, 1803. Bonnet (Victor) Etudes d'Economie politique et - financi^re. 8vo Paris, 1868. Bowring (John) Tho works of Jeremy Bontham, published under the superintendence of his executor. 11 vol. 8vo Edin burgh, 1843. Boucher de Peuthks. Opinion de M. Cristopho sur los prohibitions et la libertd du commerce. 2e (Edition. In-8. Paris, 1831. Baucherville (G. B. de) Lo crddit foncior; annexe au rapport du comity spt5cial nonmid par I'assemblde legislative, le 3 mars 1863, poura'enqudrir s'il ne serait pas oxpMient de I'iutroduire dans le Bas-Canada. 8vo, Quebec, 1863. t P I, - bh m JmomUlE politique Etc-POLIIIOAL ECONCMt 4o. Bourn, (H. E. F.) EngliA xaerchaata. Memoira m in„atr.Uo7o7^ progress of British commorce. 2 toL 8vo, londm.. 1865 B^wey (Thomas) Work .ad wages praoticaUy aiustrated. 2nd edibon. Svo, londm, 1872. Breton (F.) Ecooomie agricole. Organisation d« orMit agrioole dan, lmt«r«t public. I2nio. i>am. Capeflgue (M.) Histoire dea grandes operations Bnanoiires. 4 vol 8vo, Pans, 1855. Carey (H. CO^Principles ef social science. 3 vols. Svo. Philadelphia, "'. J^^ ^'™°°f °^ ^°*«^««*^ agricultural, manufacturing and commercial. 2 vol 8vo. Philadelphia, 1868. ^ Paun^ont (AMrick) I..itution du crMit sur marchandises. ou le com- me ce du monde d'apr^s les travaux l^gislatifs et Z ^glemeut. d'administration pul,lique .uf les wa^ts frau9ais. Gd in-8, Paris, 18.59. • ^ 1;7;"^^"^ ^" P^"-°Ptie du travail.. Gd in-8. Cherbuliez C . E.) Etudes sur les causes de la mis^re tant momle que "^^"^' ^^t ^^^1^3^^^^^^^^ -^^ M^diter. «nrl« ^'**''','^' 1 organisation du tmvail, ou Etudes sur les pnncipales causes de la mis^re et sur ies moyei^ proposes pour y rem^dier. In-18, Paris, 1848 "fIT. ^T ,^'^'°"°"^^« P^^tique, fait au college de France. 3 vols. Svo, Pam, 1855. ECONCMT&o. I ^""''OMIE POLirmUE Eio._POtmOAL ECONOMY & 103 co^er^ale, et slides qu'elfe pe„t avoir et dea LZ queUepnivoque. In-8, Pam, 1859. OlamageraB (J. G.) Bi^^ ao l-tap«t en r»„«, u, j^, ! ,^,^ ' ^tabhsaement de la taille pemauente. en 1439 iuLu-i la naort da Colbert, 1683. Svo, Porfc/lses. ^^ Cobbe. (John and James) Selectiona from political ,orks. 6 voIb Svo London, 1835. " vois. ovo. OoBDBNC.^EssAvs.-Sec„nd series, 1871-2 by Laveleye, Broderiek Wells, 8vo, London, Paris, New York, 1872. Co^^eL.s,ooiationUWged„jenne onvrier. 1.12. C0M«B<».rmv:a.x,0K. liste des fait& entre ,a Grande-Breta^o et lea pmssances Arangtes. 8vo, Ottawa, 1880. I^Couppey (Uas^n) De Timpat foneier et de, garantie, de la pr. pn^t^ temtonale. Svo, Paris, 1867. CouroeUe^eneui. CJ CJ.) T»it. tMori,„e „t p.ti,„e dea entreprisea mdustnellea commercialea el agriooles, ou manud Tel affiure. 2e Mition. 1 vol 8vo. Pane, 1857. Cox (H„me,riu^^,^ Jbe British Commonwealth, m : i.„oir co»ST. Cunningham (David). Conditions of social well-being, or inodries ' into the matenal and moral position of the popuIaCrf Europe and America. 8,0, London. 1878 Dameth (H.) U mo„vement aocialiste et I'^conomie politique, E^. um^ d ,,n e<,„rs public fait 4 Ly„„, sons L aLces de iitique. 12mo, Farw, 1869. mi 104 ECONOMIE POLITIQUE Etc-POLITICAL ECONOMY &o DiCTiONNAiKE de I'^oonomie politique, contenant I'exposition des prin- cipesde la science, I'opinion des dcrivains qui ont le phis contribu^ k sa fondation ct h ses progr^a, la biographie g^n^rale de I'^conomie politique, des notices biographi- ques, etc., etc. Bastiat, Blanqui, Baudrillar, Say, Key. ^^^> S^oek, Chevalier, Legoyt, etc., etc. 3e Edition. 2 vols. Gd 8vo, Pans, 1864. Public sous la direction de Coquelin et Guillaumin.' DiOTiONNAiRE P0LI17QUE. Encyclop^die du langage et de la science politique. Eddig^ par une reunion de ddput^s, de publi- cistes et de journalistes, avec une introduction, par Gamier Pag^s. Public par E. Duclerc et Pagnerre. 7e Edition. In-4to, Paris, 1868. Documents Parlementaires et discussion concernant la legislation sur le projet de loi sur les dtablissements de bienfaisance. Vol. 1, 2, 3 et 4. 8vo, Bruxelles, 1857. Duop6tiaux (Ed.) La question de charity et des associations rebgieuses en Belgique. 2e Edition. 8vo, Bruxelles, 1859. : Projet d'association' financi^re, pour I'am^ioration des habitations et I'assainissement des quartiers habitus par la classe ouvrifere k Bruxelles. 8vo, Brmelks, 1846. DuMesnil-Marigny. Catdchisme de I'tJconomie poHtique. 6e edition In-18. Paris, 1873. Dimokley (Henry), The Charter of the Nations or Free Trade and its Eesults. 1 vol. 8vo. (two copies). London, 1854. Duplu (M. le baron^ Histoire de radministration des secoura publics In-8, Paris, 1821. Le petit producteur franQais. Petit tableaux des forces productives de la France, depuis 1814. (3e Edition) 2 vol. In-32, Paris, 1827. Constitution, histoire et avenir des caisses d'^pargne de France. Tn-18, Paris, 1844. Bien-etre et concorde des classes laborieuses du peuple francais. In-lS, Paris, 1848. ECONOMY &c position des prin- »s qui ont le plus ^8, la biographie otices biographi- rillar, Say, Key- 3e Edition. 2 50US la direction Bt de la science ^put^s, de publi- atroduction, par it Pagnerre. 7e la legislation sur de bienfaisance. itions rebgieuses 3S, 1859. r ram^ioration uartiers habitus iruxelles, 1846. lue. 6e edition. e Trade and its Ion, 1854. Bcoura publics. t tableaux des 4. (3e Edition) isses d'^pargne aborieuses du ECONOMIE POLITIQlJfE Eti.-^POLmCAL KCOl^OMt Aa m Etude stm l'impSt, les assurances fonci^res. Des quatee ^tnbU- tiona directes. Gd im8, Vichy, 1869. Pauoher (L^on) Etudes sur lAnglPterre. 2 vol 8vo. Paris, 1856. -^~ Eecherches sur Tor et I'argent consid^i^s comms <5taIons de la valeur. bvo. Pom, 184». Pavarel (demerit) Throne du credit. Etude ^conomicjtte o4 s, trouvent expos^ les nxoy^is pratiques d'(?tablir la justice dans les transactions, dans la l^gi^latiott civile et dans limpet. 3 vols. ]2mo. /Wm, 1875. Fawoett ^ei^) Manual of Political economy. ' 3rd edition, fttd. London, 1869. — —- Esaays and lectures on social and political snbieti 8vo, London, 1872. ^ ToKnoi, Am> GONIAL import duties. Eetuma of the rates of mpori duties levied in European Countries «nd the uJtTd States, and m the principal colonial an^ other possessions of he United Kingdom, upon the produce and manu. facture of the United Kingdom. Part I. Foreign import duties. Part II. Colonial import duties. 2 br. Gd in-8, London, 1882. Fbkb Trade and the European treatise of coimnerce. 12mo. London. Pa'na and New York, 1875. ^onaon, Oaume (I'abb^) Histoir. de la socidt^ domestiq«e chez tens les P^"P^«^ 2e edition. 2 vol. In.8, Pcm., 1854. ailbort (Jas. K)^ A practical treatise oa »».king. 2 vol. 8vo. London, Girouard (D^sir^) Essai sur les lettres de change et les biUets promis- ' soim ltt.», M^iM, 18«0. ea copie«r). Gouraud (Charles). Essai sur la liberty du commerce des nations • er amen de la th^orie anglaise du libi^-dchange. l' Z{ 8vo, Park, 1853. • Harris (John). Political Economy ^ ^n^. 8vo. Xcvtreal. 1876. IJ h 106 ICON riE POLITIQUE Etc.—POLITICAL ECONOMY, &o. Hobart (Lord). The mission of Bichard Cobden. In-8, London. Hubbard (,G.) De I'oigauisation des boci^t^s de pr^voyance ou de se- cours mutuels, et des bases scientifiquea sur lesquelles elles doivent fitte Stabiles, publics sous la direction du comit^ pour la propagation des soci^t^s de pr^voyanoe. 8vo, Paris, 1852. Husson (J. B. E.) Bevue populaire des sciences, principalement dana leurs rapports avec la production agricole, la sant and national review. 6 tomes in 3 vols, fo» the years ltt72, 73 and 74. Gd 8vo, TorontQ. Ohamb«ni (Robert). Oyolopwdia of English Literature; a history, critical and biographical of British Authors. 2 vols* Gd Svo, London, 1854. » CouEKiM DK Montreal (Le). Journal des families (hebdomadaire>. 17 sept. 1874, an 26 avrU 1876. In-folio, Montr4aL 1 vol CouBBiBB DK MONTREAL (Le). Journal quotidien publi<5 & Montreal, 'tflpuis le 26 mai 1878 jusqtt'4 pr^nt 6 vols, foiio^ Mont'4al, 1879-1884. CouBBra" uu Canada (Le). Journal des int^rfits canadions. fonde en 1857. 21 vols, folio, QxUbea, 1857-1883. Deaobry (Chs.) et Baohelet (Th.) Dictionnaire gdndral de biographi« et d'histoire, de mythologie, de geographic anoienne et moderno. 2 vols. 4to, Paris, 1876. Desbarats (Geo. E.) The Canadian Illustrated News. Portofolio and Dominion Guide, for 1872-1873. 2 vols. Folio, MonU rial. DiCTlONAKY. A new dictionary of the French and English languages, compiled from the dictionaries of the French Academy, Bescherelle, Littrd, &c., by E. C. Clifton, and Adrian Grimaux. French-English and Anglais-rHin9ai8. 2 vols. In-4to, Paris, 1881. Dictionnaire. Nouveau dictionnaire anglais-franqais et franqeis-anglais compost sur un plan nouveau, d'apr^s lea travaux d'Ogil- vie de Worcester, de Webster, de Johnston, de I'Acadd- mie franqaise, de Littr^, de Bescherelle, etc., par E. C. Clifton et Adrian Grimaux. Nouvelle Edition, revue et corrig^e. 2 vols. In-4to, Paris, 1881. Dictionnaire national ou dictionnaire universe! de la langue franqaise, par Bescherelle, aind, biblioth^caire de Louvre. 18a . Edition. 2 vol. Gd in-4, Paris, 1882. II« mCYCfLOTtDms, Etc. - ENCYCIOPCEDIAS, &o. thcnovvAna de h convereatioft et cl« U lecttae. Inventolre faisonn* de? notfoas g^n^rales les pins indapensables k toua. Par uae soei^t^ de Sava&ts •! de geo» de )ettR« tmu h direction deW.Duekrtt. Sfo. 16 vol et supplement 4 vol. lari^ 1872, PlonOMMUM PhilMopluque de kwligion p«r rMteut de» •»«»• d« Voltaire, la-a^ Ifo«, 177a. Echo dk la France (L"). Kevue ^trangfere des sciences et de Utt^ra. tare, piibli4e i MoatnSal. Vol 2, % 4, 5, «, 7, 8, et » 8 vol 8vo. 1865-ia6&. EcHODBLfevis. Journal tri-hebdomadaire fond^ en 1871. 6voLfolioL l^vi», 1871-1876. DcHO DV Cabinet de lecture paroissiale de Montreal. Recueil litt^raire historiqae, 1859 k 1866. 4to. Be 1867 k 1875. In-g. '2 vol. en tout. Montrial Perdu 1862, 63-64. llNCYCLOPiDiE des Gens du Monde. Repertoire univerael des sciences, des lettres et dea arts, par une soei^t^ de savans, de litt^ratou.s et d'artistes. 22 vols. 8vo, Paris, 1833. f OYER DOMESTiQUE.~Biblioth6(iue des fai dlles. Eedig4 par un comlti d'&rivains catholique. Religion, Iiistoire, voyages, litt^ rature, sciences, beaux-arts, agriculture, etc. 6 vol 4to (1876-1879.^ Friohette (Ovide). Grard annuaire de Quebec pont 1880 et 1882. 2 vol. 8vo, Quebec, 1880, 1882. 6«rlaiid (the literary). A monthly magazine of tales, sketches, Poetiy, &e. 2 vol. 8vo, Montreal, 1843-1846. Claneur CLe). Journal litt($raire, d'agriculture et d'industrie. Publi«S k St Charles Eiv., Chambly pat J. P. Boucher BelleviUe. In-4to, 1836-1837. Oriaaaux (Adrien) Nouveau dictionnaire. Vide : Dictionnaire. Hone (William) Eveiy-Day Book. 2vofe. 8v&, Xotwfon, 1841. mfctowftiDmi, DfA - Eire YCLOfffiDiij, Ae. nf '—'-•—•■ — '.I Hflssdji (jr. II. Hetn* |)0j>til4lfB des 8ftiea<5^. 1 vbl. 8ys^ BfmdUs, l88d. JovurAi. (U) d'Agrie>iltnfo f ^Mtt^ puiiiid pa» It 44^artiD«iil ll r«g9ivemhrt 1837, et 1842 ii 1844 et 1845 k 1847, et depuis 1849 josqv^ii p^^seafe, 49 vol. Folio, MGntr4al. Monde illustrI: (Le) Journal hebdomadairek Depuis le 6 Janvier 1867 au 30 d^cembre 1876. 18 vol. folio, Paris, (le 2e vol 4e Ymxn^ 1874 iMiiqti«.) Monde (Le). Journal qnotidien. FdEa Mordr4at, 7 f dl. r * 118 ENCYCLOPfiDIES. Em - ENCYCLOPCEDIAS. &c. MoNiTEUB Canadien (Le) Journal du peuple. loi septembre 1849 au 28 f^vrier 1851. 1 vol. fob"o, Montr^l. Moreri Q'ahU Louis) Le grand dictionnaire historique ou le melange curieux de rhistoire sacr^e ou profane, qui contient I'histoire fabuleuse des dieux at des hdros de I'antiquit^ payenne, les vies et les actions remarquables des patriarches, des empereurs et des papes, des p^res de r^glise, etc., I'bistoire des religions et sectes des Chretiens, des juifs et des paiens, des conciles g^n^raux et particu- liers ; I'^tablissement des . rdres religieux et militaires. 10 vol. In-folio, Paris, 1759. » Morgan (Henry J.) The Canadian pari, companion. Vide : Parliamen- TAKY COMPANION. Nbw Dominion (The) Monthly for 1876. 2 vol. 8vo. MontrM. NouvBAU Monde (LeJ Journal catbolique fond^ k Montreal en 1867. Depuis le no. 95 du vol. ler jusqu'i present 15 vol. infolio, Montrial, 1867-1882. Obsebvateur (D Ci-devant la Biblioth^queCanadienne . . . M. Bibaud, ^diteur. In-8. 2 vol. Montreal, 1830-31. , Opinion publiqub (L') Journal Illustr^. De 1870 i\ 1882. 13 vol. ^olio Montreal. Ordre Social (U) Journal politique, litt^raire, industriel etc., etc Vol. 1, 1850. In.4to, Qu4heo. Parliamentary Companion (The Canadian), for 1874, 75 and 1876. • Edited by Henry J. Morgan. , In-64. Ottawa. 3 vols. For 1877, 78, 80, 81. Edited by C. H. Mackintosh. In- 18, Ottawa. 4 vols. Patrie (La). Journal du soir. PubU^ i Montreal, depuis 1879 4 vols Folio, 1879-1882. PlONNiER DE Sherbrooke (Le). Journal hebdomadaire, 6 f^vrier 1869. 18 d<' Tomllnsor, (Charles) A cyclopcBdia of useful arts, mechanical and che- mujal. manufactures, mining, and engineering. 2 vol Gd in-8, London. The whole illustrated by 40 steel engravings, and 2477 wood engmvings. Tribune (La) Journal hebdomadaire. Vol. ler ,1880) et vol 2e et 3e (1881 et 1882) cesderni^res relics en uo. Folio. Atont^. Tial, J True Witness ^(The, Catholic journal. Montreal, Abt. since 1855- 25 vol. Folio, 1855-1882. '' William, (senior). Encyclopedia Metiopolitana. or system of universal ^nowledge ; on a methodical plan, projected by Samuel laylor Coleridge. 12mo, London, 1860. -I . Jl U. ^UI1M.1IUIII"J.IL.I|.IJJJ ' L-U I I KJ J . 1 "- .11. EXPOSITIONS EXHIBITIONS Bitard (A.) L'exposition de Paris (1878) aveo la collaboration d'^ori. vain* sp4ciaux. Edition enrlohie de vuoa, de tcinei, de reproductions d'objeta d'art, de machinei, de dessins et IpsQYium par le« w^iUeurs artistei, f(xr%^ 1873. Blake (W. P.) Reports of the United States commissioners to the Paris universal exposition, 1867. Edited by ' ■ 6 vols. 8vo, W(%f^\m^o%, 1876. Canada (Le) et l'exposition nnivenelle de 1806. TwwAo^ 1866. OhevaU^r (Michel) Expoeitioii universelie de 1867 2i Paris. Bapports du jury international 13 vol. Gd 8vo, Paria, 1868. Bxposmwir TTWYHtsKttB ^•) de 186T. Guide de ^exposition et du Yisiteur, aveo les documents offioiels, un plan, une vue de rexpoflitioB. 12mo. L(md,r«i^ 1866. lljDPQsrQQN UNiyE«8tEUji PR 1878 A PABiSk Catalogue de la section anglaise, l^re 2e Editions. 2 vols. 8vo, ^axis, Bxposmoir Um^naaKiLB de ViBNim iss 1873. France, OeHnnusttoa Sup^rieure. 5 rob. QA 8vo, PaWa, 1875. |j(](9Qimgt)r I{(XIIUlATlOlfALi| V» PmXAPSLrHm DS 1876. Bapport de 1% Qprnwiwion C«n«4ienne« Iii.^, QiUimJ^ 1877. GfiOGHAWlIfi, 8x0. - i5K6GMlPFr, &<,. I21 Ingrem (J. 8.) The centennial exposittbn deacribed and illustrated, being a oonsive and graphic description of this grand enterprise commemoratlvB of the first centennaiy of Amencan independence, jlvo. pkiladetpnia. Laoroix (Eug ) Etudes snr Texpositioa de 1867. ou les archives de 1 mdustne au 19e si^cle. Description g^n^rale, encyclc pMique, m^thodique et misonnfe de I'^tat actuel dee arts, des sciences, de I'industrie et de I'agriculture, chez toutes les nations. 7 vols. Textes, etc. 2 vol atlas Od 8vo. L'Empibk du BufesiL k I'exposition universelle de 1876, k PhUadel- phie. Gd Svo, Rw de Janevro, 1876. Linas (Charles de) L'histcire du travail 4 I'eTposition universelle de 1867. In-8, Arrae et Paris, 1868. NapoWon (Le prince) Rapport; sur I'exposition universelle de 1856 pr^sent^ A. L'Empereur. Gd 8vo, Paris, 1867. Paris Universal exhibition, reports on the-3 vol. Sro, London. 1866. Eappobts du juiy Beige de I'exposition nniverselle de Paris, en 1865 Gd Svo, Bmxelles, 1866. Reports" on the Paris Universal Exhibition. 3 vol 8vo. io«^* iaaa Te,.e,(Edmond) Let^s sur I'Angleterre. ' ^tve^^r^^^iHS universelle. In-lS, Paris, 1851. GfiOGRAPHIE. TOPOGRAPHIE », OeHnnuKtten GEOGRAPHY, TOPOGRAPHY Ara«i. (Louis) Lake Superior, its physical character, vegetation, and animals, with a narrative of the tour by J. Elliot Cabot. lUustrated. In-8, Boston, I860. " 122 GfiOGEAPHIE, Etc. — GEOGEAPHY, ^ Atlas . . of the town of Sorel and county of Eicholieu — of the city of Sherbrooke — of the city and county of St Hyacinthe — of the town' and county of St John — of the "ity of Three Eivers and county of St Maurice — of the county of Levis. From actual surveys based upon the cadastral plans deposited in the oifiice of the department of Crown- Lands, by and under euj rvision of H. W. Hopkins. 6 In-folios, 1879-1880. Bouohette (Joseph) Topographical description of the Province of Lower Canada, with remarks upon Upper Canada. 1 vol. Gd 8vo, London, 1815, The British Dominion in North America ; or a topographical and statistical description of the Province. 3 vol. 4to, London, 1832. A topographical dictionary of the Province of Lower Canada. 4to, London, 1831. Map of the Province of Canada, &c 1853. Port. folio. i Calkin, (J. B,) The Geography and History of Nova-Scotia. In-12. Halifax, 1871. Canada. A Graphic description of the Dominion of Canada and its provinces. 12-mo. Montreal, 1875. Cabtes des cotes db Fkance. 3 vol.. Gd, In-folio. Gary's New Universal Atlas, containing distinct maps of the principal States and Klingdoms throughout the world. In-folio. London, 1808. Cary (H. C.) and Lea (J.) Historical, chronological and geographical American Atlas, being a guide to the history of North and South America, and the West Indies. In-folio. Phi- ladelphia, 1822. Cousin (Paul). Cadastral plan of the City of Quebec and St. Sauveur Village. ■ ■ Book of reference of the City of Quebec. In-8, 1875. GfiOGRAPHIE, ETo.~GEoaRAPHY, &o. 123 Dufbur (H.) Atlas universel physique, historique et politique, de gdo- graphie ancienne et moderne. Folio. Paris, 1861 GAZETTEER of the province of Upper Canada, to which is added an ap- pendix describing principal towns, fortifiviations and rivers of Lower Canada. 8vo, Kew-York, 1813. Maury's Wind, Current and Thermal Charts. 1 vol, folio. Heylyn (Peter.. Cosmographie in four books, containing the choro- graphie and historic of the world and all the princial kingdomes, provinces, seas and iles thereof. 4to, London 1669. HiSTOiRE GfiN6RALE .0 Paris. Topographie historique du vieux Paris, par feu A. Berty, revis^e, annot^e et coiapl^t^e par L M. Tisserand, inspecteur principal du service historique de la viile, avec la collaboration de M. Vacque- archi- tect^. * ^ Vol. I. Region du faubourg St. Germain. In-4to, 1876. Vol. II. Region du Louvre et des Tuileries. Continude par H. Legrand. In-4to, Paris, 1868. Holmes (YahU). Nouvel abr^g^ de gdographie moderne. 8e Edition revue et corrig^e par I'abb^ L. 0. Gauthier. In-12 Montrdal, 1877. Joh^ton (Ale.. K.) The physical ath, of „at„«l phenome-a. I., toiio, Edinburgh S London, 1866. North West terhitories of the Dominion of Canada. Map of part of the districts of Assiniboia and Alberta Shewing Dominion land surveys, to 31 dec. 1882. Une feuille. Nova Scotu. A geographical history containing an account of the situation, extent and limits thereof. 8vo, London, 1749. Plans des difk^rents Lacs et Rivieres entre le Lac Huron et la Kivi^re des Outaouais, pour accompagner lea Rapnorts Gdologiques du Canada pour les annt^es 1853.54-55-.56 In.4to, Toronto, 1857. I 1^4, HISTOIHE (AM^RIQUB). — HISTOI^y (AMEIUCA). I ^ * QuEBBO AND ITS ENVIRONS, being a picturesque guide to stranger, 1831. Sae the Vol intituled : " M^moires et relatione sur lo Canada." Sandhavi (Alfred) Ville-Marie, or sketches of Montreal past and present^ witl) numerous engravings of cburchs, public buildings, street Views, antiquities, &c. 1 vol. 8vo„ ^tmtreal, 1870. Sftoaon (8.) L*Am^rique en plnsieurs cartes nonvelles et exactes, etc., ©n divers feraitez die g^ographie et d'histoiee. 1 vol. Gd ' 8iw>, Paris, 1667. Short Topographical descriptions (A) of His Majesty's province of Upper Canada in Norih America, to which is annexed a p«M-:ncial gazetteer. 8-vo. Zondon, 1799, SutherlAiid (Eev. Geoige). Manual of the Geography and natural and civic History of Prince Edward Island. In-ia. Char- lottetown, 1861. Taokabury's Atlas of the Dominion of Canada with general descrip- tions. Tn-folio. Montreal, Toronto and London. 1875. HISTOIRE AMERIQUE — AMERICA Antique (LO d'api^s les voyageuw les plus cdl^bres. In-12, Lille, 1859. Am6rique (L') Septentrionale et M^ridionale ou description de cette grande partie du monde. 1 vol. Gd 8vo, Paris, 1835. Beauohamp (Alphonse de). Hiatoire du Br<53il, depuis sa ddcouverte en 1590 jusqu'en 1810. a vols. 8vo, Pa?^, 1815. HISTOIBK (AM&HQUl). — HISTORY (AMERICA,). 136 Boiubourg (I'abM BM^geut de>. Histoire des nations civilian du Maxique Ceubmle, durant lea alleles anWrieurs k Olris- tophft Colpaab. 4 voli. 870, Porw, 1857. —----—— —.—»..__...««^ Le livre sacr^ ot lea mythes de Tanti- quitd am^ricaine, avec lea livres Wroiques et historiques dea; Quichw. Ouvragie original des indigifenes de Guate- mala. Texte Quiche et traduciiioii franqaise en regard, acoompagn^ de notes philosophiques et d'un commentaire sur la mythologie et les migrations des peuples anciens de.l'Am^rique. 1 vol royal 8vo, Parie, 1861. BreTOort (G. C.) Verrazano ihe navigator, or noies on Giovanni Da , Verrazano and on a planisphere of 1529, illustrating his american voyage in 1524. 8vo, New York, 1874. Brissot (J. P. de Warville). Examen critique des voyages dans I'Am^- rique Septentrionale de M. le Marquis de Chastellux. 8-vo, London, 1786. BrowneU, (Gharles de Wolfe). The Indian Races of North and South America. The History of their most powerful tribes^ customs &c., illustrated. 1 vol., 8-vo, Nenv-York, 1856. Bussidre, (Th. de). L'Empire Mexicain. Histoire des Toltfeques, des Ghiehimfeques, des Artiques et de la Conqugte Eapagnole. 1 vol., 8-vo. Paris, 1863. Calvo (Charles). Annales Historique de la E^volu^ion de I'Am^rique Lat:ne. 5 vols., 8-vo. Paris, 1864. Castillo, (Bemal Diaz del). Historia Verdadera Conquista de la Nueva Espana. 2 vols., 8-vo. Mexico, 1854. Catlin, (-I'Hcn. Jos.). Manners, customs and condition of North Am«- rican indians. 2 Vol. Gd 8-vo., London, 1841. CaUin. Notes of eight years travels and residenoe in Europe, with his North American Indian collections. With illustrations. 4 edition. 1 vol., 8-vo, London, 1848. 126 HISTOTRE (AMfiRlQUE). -HISTORY (AMERICA). Charlevoix (Le p6re F. X. de). The history of Paraguay, containing amongst many other new, curious and interesting parti- cularsofthat country, a full authentic account of the establishments form there by the Jesuits from among the savage natives, in the very center of barbarism. Esta- , blisments allowed to have realized the sublime ideas of F^n^Io.y, Sir Thomas More and Plato. Writing originally in french, by the celebrated Charievoix. 2 vela. 8vo, London, 1769. IfJ ' Histoire de I'lsle Espagnole ou de S- Domingue, ^crite particuli^rement sur des mdmoires ma- nuscrits du P. J. Bte le Pers, j^suite, missionnaire k St. Domingue, et sur les pieces origiiiales, qui ae conservent au ddp6t de la marine. 2 vols. 4to, Paris, 1730. Oiavyero (Francisco Javier). Historia Antigua de Mejico, sacada de los Mejores Historiadores Espanoles y de manuscritos y pinturas Antiguas de los Indies. 1 vol. 8vo, Mejico 1853. > J ' Cortes (Hernando). The despatches of Hernando Cortes, the conqueror of Mexico, addressed to the Emperor Charies V. Written during the conquest and containing a narrative of its events. I vol. 13mo, New York, 1843. Costa (B. L. De). The pre-Columbian discovery of America, by the Northernmen. Illustrated by translation from the Ice- lender. 8vo, Albany, 1868. Crespel (R. P.) Voyage au Nouveau Monde et histoire intdressante du naufrage, avec des notes historiques et geographiques. 1 vol. 12mo, Amsterdam, 1778. De la Casas (Bartholomceo) Regionum Indiarum per Hispanos olim devastatarum accuratissima descriptio. Insertis figuris ceneis ad vivum fabrefactis. 8vo, Heidelhergoe, 1664. Denys. Description G(5ographique et historique des Costes de I'Arae- rique Septentrionale. Avec histoire naturelle du Pais In-12, Paris, 1672. 2 vols, en 1. HISTOIRE (AMfiRIQUE). - HISTORY (AMERICA). 127 Du Tertre (Le R. P. J. Bte) Histoire G.5n^rale dea Isles Des Chris- tophe de la Guadeloupe, de la Martinique et autrea dans 1 Am^nque. 1 vol. Petit 4to. Pam, 1654. Oaffarel rPaul^ Etude sur les rapports de rAm^rique et de I'ancien continent avant Christophe Colomb. 8-vo, Paris, 1869. GABCILLA8S0 DK LA Vega. Le commentaire royal, ou I'histoire deJ Incas' roys du Peru ; contenant leur origine, depuis le premie; YncaJUanco Capac, leur .^tablissement, leur idoiatrie leurs sacrifices, leurs vies, leurs loix. leur gouv.mement en paix et en guerre, leurs conquestes ; lea mervilles du lemple du Soleil ; ses incroyables richesaes, et tout 1 Estat de ce grand empire, avant quo les Espagnols s'en Assent maltres au temps de Huascar et d'Atahuallpa Ensemble une description particuli^re des animaux dea fruits, des mindraux, d«s ->l.ntea et des singularitds de Pans. (Euvre curieuse et tout k fait n^cessaire k I'intel- hgence de I'histoire des Indes. Traduite par J. Baudoin In-4to, Paris, 1633. Graty (Alfred M. du) La R^publique de Paraguay. Seconde Edition. 1 vol. 8vo, Bruxellea, Leipzig, Gand, 1865. —- I^a Confederation Argentine. 1 vol. 8vo, Paris. lo58. Halket (John). Historical notes respecting the Indians of North Ame- nca with remarks to attempt to civilise them In-8 London, 1825. ' Heumann(G) Histoire de Christophe Colomb ou la d^couvei^ de I Amdnque. In-8, Mouen, 1860. Jeffreys (T.) The natural and civil history of the French Dominions in the North and South America. Illustrated. 2 vol in 1 vol. folio, London, 1760. Jones (George). The history of Ancient America, anterior to the time of Columbus ; proving the identity of the aborigines with the Syrians and Israelites ; and the introduction of Christianity into the western hemispheres by the apostle bt. Ihomas. 8-vo. London, 1843. iEiix 128 HISTOIRl (AMfiBIQUE). — HISfOBY ( AMERICUL). Kane'f (PauJ). Waiwieringn of an artist Muong the indiuM ^ account of the british and other protestant inhabitants, of the pro- vince of Quebec in North America, in order to obtain an house of Assembly in that Province. 8vo, London, 1775. Anderson (Alex Caulfield). The Dominion at the west a brief des- cription of the Province of British Columbia, its climate and resources. 1 vol. 8vo, Vidoi'ia B. C. 1872. CANADA & POSSESSIONS ANG. 131 que, ou de la L691. 3nts, resources, undred original 1 vol. 8yo, the Island of physical con- slavery in the id sketches of 1-18, Toronto, SES DE ^ITISH -Unis. In-8, ts, of the pro- r to obtain an Ivo, London, a brief des- ia, its climate 1872. Anderson (David). Canada-br a view of the Importance of the Britidi American Colonies. In-8, London, 1814. Appointments (Political) and Elections in the Province of Canada from 1841 to 1865. Ottawa, 1866. ArfWedson (C. D.). The United-States and Canada, in 1832 1833 and 1834. 2 vol., 8vo, London, 1834. ASHBUKTON Theaty. See vol. entitled : "Agriculture of New-Brun^ wick. Bedard (T. P-) ^stoire de cinquante ans. 1791-1841. In-S. QuSec. 1869. (2 copies;. Begs (Alex). The creation of Manitoba ; or a history of the Red River troubles, 1 vol. 12mo, Toronto, 1871. Beuder (P.). Old and New Canada 1753-1844. Historic scenes and Social pictures of the life of Joseph-Fran^ois Perrault. In-12, Montreal, 1882. Bayard (Col. Nicholas) and (Lodowick Col. Chorbe). Journal of the Bibaud(M.) Histoiredu Canada. 4 vols. Iu-18,. ^on^,,,^. Vol I ^Hr"'?io'.'o^'°''^' '°"' ^" domination fran^aise. /2e ditiou) 1843 Vol. II Histoire du Canada et des can.v diens sous la domination anglaise, 1844. Vol. Ill aunnl^ ment aux travaux sur I'histoire du Canada. Les instL- tionsdel histoire du Canada ou Annales Canadiennes jusqu'^ ran 181 7 et 1855. Vol. IV Histoire du Canada et des canadiens sous la domination anglaise, 1878. Bibaud (jeune) Dictionnaire historique des hommes illustres du Canada et de lAm^rique. In-8, MontrM, 1857. Bigot (Le Rev. P^re Vincent) Relation de ce qui s'est passd de plus remarquable dans la mission des Abdnaqui, 4 L'Acadie. lann.iel.Ql, 8vo, .Wawa^e, 1858. m 132 CANADA & POSSESSIONS ANG. ti Bouneohose (Charles de) Montcalm et le Canada fronqaia. Deux ^ditioHB. 1 copie de 1877 et I copie de 1881. 2. In-18, Paris. Boucher (Pierre) Histoire veritable et naturelle des mceurs f ^ produc- tions du pays de la Nouvelle France. In-12, Montrial, 1882. Bouohette (Joseph) General report of an official tour through the new settlements of the province of Lower Canada. Performed in the summer of 1824, in obedience to the commands and instructions of his excellency George Earl of Dalhousie G. C. B. captain general and governor in chief of British North America, etc. 8vo, Qviehec, 1825. Bouriuot (John George). The intellectual development of the Cana- dian people. An historical Eeview. In-8, Toronto, 1881. BresBiani (Le Mv. Pfere F. G.) Relation abr^gde de quelques mis- sions des P^ios de la compagnie de Jdsus dans la )Tou- v*'" ^-France, Truduit de I'italien et augment^ d'un Utant-propos, de la bicgraphie de I'auteur et d'un grand nombre de notes et gravures, par le E^v. Thve Martin. 8vo, MontrM, 1832. Brown (Kichard). A history of the Island of Cape Breton, with the discovery and settlement of Canada, Nova Scoti*, and Newfoundland. 8vo, London, 1869. Browne (G. Eoss). Eesources of the Pacific Slope. Vide : Statistics. BABBLES or Canada (The) by the author of the clockmaker. In-S, London, 1838. Buokingham (James S.) Canada, Nova-Scotia, New-Brunswick and the other British Provinces in America. 8vo, London, 1843. Buies (Arthur). Le Saguenay et la VaUde du lac St. Jean. Etude historique, g^ographique, industrielle et agricole, faite d'apr^s lea renseignements les plus authentiques, et con- tenant les statistiques les plus rt5centes» en mime tempa CANADA & POSSESSIONS ANG. 133 que I'expos^ de toute les questions qui ont trait k ce Pays, et des descriptions pittoresquea des endroits les plus renomm^s. 12mo, QuSec, 1880. Calendar of historical manuscripts, relating to the war of the revolu- tion, in the office of the secretary of state. 2 vol. Gd 4to, Albany, 1868. Campbell. (Duncan). Nova-Scotia in the Historical Mercantile and Industrial Eelations. 1 vol. 8-vo, Montreal, 1873. Canada (Recollections of; by Lieut-Carlisle E. A. and Lieut-Col. Mar- tindale C. B. 9 vol. Folio, London, 1873. Canada (A state of the expedition from) as laid before the House of Commons &c., with a collection of authentic documents. 1 vol. 4to, London, 1780. Canadiak crisis (The) and lord Durham's mission to the North American colonies. Br, 8vo, London, 1838. Canadian Feeeholdeb (The) In two dialogues between an englishman and a frenchman, settled in Canada. 3 vols. Svo, London, 1777. CannlflF (Wm) History of the Province of Ontario (Upper Canada) containing a sketch of Franco Canadian History, the battles of the French and Indians, the American Revo- lution, &c., biographies of prominent settlers and the census of 1871. 1 vol. Svo, Toronto, 1872. Cartler (Jacques). Voyage au Canada en 1534. Nouvelle Edition, publi(5e d'aprfes I'edition de 1598, et d'apr^s Ramusio, par M. H. Michelant, avec deux cartes. Documents inedits sur Jacques Cartier et le Canada, communique par M. A. Ram^. 8vo, Paris, 1865. ^ref r(5cit et succinte narration de la navigation faite en 1535 et 1536, par le capitaine Jacques Curlier, aux !les du Canada, Hochelaga, Saguenay et autres. R4- impression figurde de I'ddition originale, rarissirae, de 1515, avec les variantes des manuscrits de la biblioth^- I 134 CANADA & POSSESSIONS aNG. ^1 que imp^riale. Pr(5c6d(5 d'une brfeve et succinte intro- duction historique, par M. D'Averzac. 12mo, Pans 1863. :^ Oartwrlght (George). A journal of transactions and events, duriug a residence of nearly 16 years on the coasts of Labrador. 3 vol. 4to, Newark, 1792. Casgrain (I'abbd H. R.) Histoire de rH6tel-Dieu de Quebec. 8vo, Qn^hec, 1678. Une paroisse canadienne au XVIIe siicle. 1 vol. 12mo, Qu4bec, 1880 Histoire de la M^re Marie de I'lncarnation, premiere sup«$rieure des UrsulinesdelaNouvelle-France. In-8, Quebec, 1864. Cavendish (Sir Henry). Government of Canada. Vide : Debates. Centenaire (le deuxi6me) de I'drection du Diocfese de Qudbec. 1 vol. In-8, QuSec, 1874. Centenaire de I'Assaut de (Judbeo par les Amdricains 31 ddcembre 1775. In.8, Qudbec. 1876. Champlain. Voyages du Sieur de Champlain ou Journal des Ddcou- vertes de la Nouvelle France. 2 tdmes en un vol, 8vo, Paris, 1830. Chandonnet (I'abbe T. A.) Notre-Dame-des-Canadiens ou lea cana- diens aux Etats-Unis. In-8, MontrM, 1872. Chappell (Lieut. Edward). Voyage of His Majesty's Ship Rosamond to Newfoundland and the Southern Coast of Labrador. 8vo, London, 1818. Chouinara (H. J. J. B. ) Fete nationale deg Canadiens-Francais, cdld- brde k Quebec en 1880. Histoire, Discours, Statistiqucs, Documents, IMesse, Procession, Banquet, Convention, 2 vols. 8vo, QuSec, 1881. Christie (Robert) A history of the late Province of Lower Canada, parliamentary and political, from the commencement to the close of its existence as a separate Province. 6 vols. 12mo, Quebec, 1848. CANADA & POSSESSIONS ANG. 186 13 31 d^cembre Christie (Robert) A brief review of the political state of Lower Canada, since the conquest of the colony, to the present day. 8vo, New-York, 1818. Code of Laws. Plan of.... for the province of Quebec. Bvo. London, 1775. Oalden (Cadwallader) The history of the five indian nations of Canada. 2 vol. 12mo, London, 1755. Collection de MfiMoiREs et de relations, d'apr^s des manuscrits obtenus des archives et bureaux publics do France. Voyez vol. intitule : " Mdmoirea et relations sur le Canada." COLONUL Policy of the Great Britain considered with relation to her North american provinces, and India possessions. Svo, London, 1816. Cooney (Robert). A compendious history of the northern part of the province of Now Brunswick and the district of Gasp^, ia Lower Canada. 8vo, Halifax, 1832. Coopers — Sermon occasioned by the reduction of Quebec. Svo, Boston. Dablon (E. P. Claude). Relation de ce qui s'est passd de plus remar- quable aux missions de la Nouvelle-France, 1672 et 1673, 1673 k 1679. 2 vols. 8vo, Nouvelle York 1860-61. Dambourgfea (Le colonel Dambourg^s\ Etude historique canadienne. Voir le vol. intituld : " Divers r(5cits du si^ge de Quebec." Daniel (I'abbi?). Prt^cis historique ou abrdgd de I'histoire du Canada, avec un apergu sur les priucipaux personuages du pays.* MonMal, 1867. - Le vicomte C. de Uxy et sa famille. Svo, Montreal, 1867. Histoire des grandes famiUes franQaises dn Canada. Svo, Montreal, 1867 i 136 CANADA & POSSESSIONS ANQ. II Dansereau (A.) La crise politique de Qudbec. Notea et prdo^dents. 8vo, Quebec, 1879. Davln (Nicolas Flood). The Irishman in Canada. Gd Svo, Toronto 1877, Debates of the House of Commons in the year 1778, on the bill for making more effectual provision for the government of province of Quebec, drawn up from the notea of the Eight Hon. Sir Henry Cavendish. Published by J. W. Wright. Svo, London, 1839. DeL^ry (le vicomte). Voir : Daniel (I'abb^). Dent (John Charles). The last forty years : Canada since the union of 1841. 2 vols. In-4to, Toronto. With portraits and engravings. DEUXCENTiiME ANNiVERSAiRE de la Fondation du S^minaire de Quebec (calibration du). In-8, Quebec, 1863. Dialogue in hades (A). Montcalm & Wolfe. See the vol. entitled : " M^moires et gelation sur h Canada." DlSreviUe (Mr.) Kelation du voyage du Port Eoyal de I'Acadie, ou de La Nouvelle France. In-I2, Eouen, 1708. Doige (Thomas . An Alphabetical list of the merchants, traders, and housekeepers residing in Montreal to which is prefixed a descriptive sketch of the town. 12mo ; MontrM, 1819. ]>uane (William), Canada and the continental congress, delivered be- fore the Historical Society of Pensylvania, as their annual address. Svo, Philadelphia, 1850. DuoalTet (P.) Appel a la justice de I'Etat, ou recueil de lettres au roi. In-8, London^ 1789, ———(Case of) containing an account of his imprisonment in Quebec. 8vo, London, 1784. Dufiferin (Lord) Lettres Veritas des regions polwres, et traduites de I'anglais par F. de Lanoys. Gd in-8, Paris, 1882. CANADA ft POS8ES8IONB AKa. 1 et prdo^denta. 1 8vo, Toronto, 107 Durham. (Her Majesty'. High Oom^iaaionat and .t Q^neHX The Earl of-;. The tet>ort and Despa^hfea of 1 vol 8vu, London, 1839. "" "inl^"* *"' ^'' '^'^''' ^' ^'^^"•^'^^ Britannique, DusBleux (L.)Le Canada sone la domination Fran^ae, d 'apr^ I„ str^M r.r ^^ '^ '^ «"""- ^ ^°^- «-'^«-^ 1855. Et la 2e Edition. In-12, Paris, 1862. li^Hrr YUm ptogm^ of British N^. An,«i.oa; showing the wonderful development 6f ita fla«««a tfesonrces. In-S Toronto, 1863. (Illustrated.) Quebec in 1769. By colonel Malcolm Fraser. See vol entitled : •• Divers rdcits du sifege de Quebec " ralllon(L'abb^) Sa vie et ses cenvres. In-4t., Montr^,^ 1879. Pubh^ par I'abb^ Desmazures. . Vi. de Mll^ M«nde .t hJ«toir6 d^ m«tel.Dien de ViUe- marie. 2 vol. In^g. ViUeTAarii, I^W. T^??^^' '^'^^'°'*' ^'^ ^°*^ ^^'^ ^^« de MUe LeBer. Charity de ViUemarw. I11-8, Rifemttmi 1^62 Paucher d« St Maurice. Relationde qui s'est pass^ lors dei fouilles faites par ordre d«. Gouvet^ement dans tne jkrtie d« Ferguson (Adam)^ Practical hdtWmWe d^rtiig a to in Canada and a^p<>rtxon of the United States i. 1831. 12m<,Zo^ FWland (J.RAO Cour«d.histfci,.d« Canada^ 2 Vbls. De 1534 4 1769. ler vol. 1534-1653. U-^, Qmc, mi. I 18B CANADA & POSSESSIONS ANO. liiii •i Ferland (J. B. A.) Observations sur un onvrage intituld : Histoire du Canada, par M. I'ubW Brasseur de Bourbourg. In-8, Faria, 1854. Notes sur les n^gistres de Notre-Damo de Quebec. 1 vol. 8vo, Quebec, 1863. Tleming (John). Political annals of Lower Canada ; being a review of political and legislative history of that province, under the act of the Imperial parliament, 21 Geo. Ill, cap. 31, which established a house of assembly fjid legislative council, &C. 8vo, Montreal, 1828. Oarneau (F. X.) Histoire du Canada, depuis sa d^couverte jusqu'i nos joui-s. 16re Edition. 4 vols. 8vo, Qiubec. '""— — — - Histoire du Canada, depuis sa d^couverte jusqu'i nos jours. 3e Edition, revue et corrig^e. 3 vols. 8vo, Qudbee, 1859. " History of Canada, from its discovery till the union (1840-1841). Translated and accompanied with illus- trative notes, by Andrew Bell. 3 vols. 8vo, Montreal, 1869, and the 2nd edition. 2 vols. 8vo, 1866. -.*— Abr^g^ de Thistoire du Canada, depuis sa d^couverte jusqu'en 1840. In-12, QuSbec, 1856. Ctesner (Abraham). New- Brunswick with notes for Emigrants. In-8, London, 1847. Gray (Hon. John Hamilton). Confederation or the Political History of Canada. From the conference, at Quebec, to the ad- mission of British Columbia, 1871. In 2 vol. Vol II missing. 8vo, Ottawa, 1872. Oreoe (Charles). Facts and observations respecting Canada and the United-States. 8vo, London, 1819. Goooh, (John). Manual or explanatory development of the Act for the Union of Canada, Nova-Scotia and New-Brunswick with the Text of the Act, etc. (2 copies). 1 vol., 8vo Ottawa, ]°'^7. CANADA & P0SS2SSI0NS ANO. 189 iW : Histoire du urbourg, In-8, imo de Qudbea eing a review of province, under eo. Ill, cap, 31, ?*,nd legislative juverte jusqu'^ }uebec. 3Tte jusqu'& nos 3 vols. 8vo, till the union ied with illus- 8vo, Montreal, 1866. sa d^couverte ligrants. In-8, litical History bee, to the ad- i vol. Vol II inada and the 3f the Act for 3 w- Brunswick 1 vol., 8vo, Quay (L'abM Chs.). Chronique de Rimouski. 2 vol. In-S, QuSec, 1874. Hamilton (J. C.) The prairie Province ; Sketches of travel f^om lake Ontario to lake Winnipeg. In.l2, Toronto, 1876 (2 copies). Hardy (Captain Campbell) Forest Life in Acadia. A sketch of sport and natural history in the Lower Provinces of the Domi. mon. 1 vol. in.8, illustrated, London, 1869. Hennepin (R P. Louis). Nouveau voyage d'un pais plus grand que 1 *.urope avec les reflections des entreprises du Sieur de la Salle, sur les mines de Ste Barbe, &c. Enrichi de la carte, de figures expressives, des maurs et maniferes de vivre des sauvages du nord, et du sud, de la prise de Quebec, ville capitale de la Nouvelle France, par les An, 8, et des avantages qu'on pent retirer du chemiu racourci de la Chine et du Japon, par le moyen de tant do vaatea contr^es, et de nouvelles colonies. 1 vol 12mo 1698. ' ' ^"7T~ i^"""? * d^couverte d'un trfes grand pays situ^ dans rAmdrique, entre le nouveau Mexique et la mer glacide avec les cartes et les figures n. .saires, et de plus 1 histoire naturelle et morale, les avantages qu'on en pent tirer par I'dtabiissement des colons. 12mo Am- sterdam, 1698. Le tout dim k Sa Majestd Britannique par I'auteur. ^ Henry (Josephs An accurate and interesting account of the hardships and sufferings of that band of heroes, who traversed the wilderness in the campaign against Quebec, in 1775. 12mo, Lancaster, 1812. Heriot (Georgel Travels through the Canadas containing a description of the picturesque scenery on some of the Rivers and Lakes : Account of the productions, commerce and inhabitants of those Provinces. Illustrated with maps. •1-to, London, 1807. - 140 CANADA A POS8RS810N8 ANO. Li 9iiik« (Sir Francis) The Political Hiatory of Canada between 1840 and 1865. In-8, Montreal, 1877. ■'"< I'" Mill limply toi th» ipa^h of the Hon. Joseph Hqw« oi Vlw Vnion ^f t}^ NwHi Awericiw Viovinces. In.8, London, 1855. ^TO^ Pfs qr^lNdf^ CamillQs frj^nqaiae* dn C^anad^ on a^i^u sur l«r Q^^yali^r Bfinoipt, et; ^u,elq,UW (waiU^e contemporainea. ^WTOwj DU Ghy^^K ^ VftbW Belroont, Voir le vol. intituW : " M^, Woir^a ^t; relatiooa au» h, Canada." Historical documents, Third series. In-8, (Quebec S Montreal, 1871. ^TO^QA^ DpcujftSNTfl, Fiftli 9evm of. IbtB, Quebeio, 1877. Howe's speech on the Empire. Letter to the Hon. Francis Hincks being a review to his reply to,... In-8, London, 1855. ^ttffbrya (Ti) The natural and civil history of the fireneh Dominion in North and South America. Folio, Londkm, 1761. JRpu^NAjL. DU stiGE psQufeBBO EN 1759, par tP. Claude Panct Yoyezk vol. iAtituW : " M^moirei^ qt, nelatioas £mr le Canada." Journal of the voyage of the sloop " Mary," from Quebec, together with on account of her wreck off Montank Point, L. J., anno 1701. With introduction and notes by E. B. O'Callaghan. In-12, Albany, 1866. Journal of the Bishop of Montreal, during a visit to the church missionary society's North- West America Missions. 12mo, London, 1849. JUGEJIENT IMPARTIAL sur les Operations militaires de lb campagne en Canada, en 1759. Voir vol. intitule : " M^moires et rela- tions sur le Canada." i|UJ9liu|« A W'ter to an honorable brigadier generaj» commander in chief of His Majesty's forees in Canada. 12mo, London, 1760. CANADA St POSSKSSrONS ANO. I4t« ween 1840 and intituW : " M^, Jureneio (Josepho). De regione et moribus csnadeiMiuiik seu barb*, rorum Novee Fre.iciae. Petit 4to, Borne, 1710. King William's war and the consequent negotiations between th« French and Indian in America. 4to. Kingdom (William). America and the British colonies. Abstract of all the most useful informations relative to. In-8, Lon- don, 1820. Klrke (Henry). The first English conquest of Canada, with some ac- count of the earliest settlements in Nova Scotia and Newfoundland. 1 vol. 8vo, Z 1871, 3 eopie* Knox (WilliamX The justice and policy of the late act of parliament, for making more effectual provision for the government of the province of Quebec; %vo, London, 1774. Lagrange (M. D.) La conduite des Fran^ais justifi^e ou observations Bur un ^crit anglais intitule : conduite des fran^ai» ^ r^rd de k Nouvelle Ecosse, depuis son ^tablissemenl jusqu'i nos jours. 12mo, Utrecht, 1756. Lambel (Le comte de). Le Canada. 8vo, Paris, 1875. LaRue (Hubert). Hisfcoire popukire du Canada ou entoretiens de Mad. Genest h ses Petite Enfkntei Ia.12, Quebec, 1875. Laral-Montmorenoy (Mgr). Eaquisse de la vie etdestravanr apos^ toliques de Sa Grandeur Mgr F. X. de Laval-Montmo- rency, premier ^v^que de Quebec, suivie de I'^loge fu- nfebre du pr^Iat. 8vo, Quihec, 1845. Laverdldre (C. H.) Hiatoire du Canada h 1' usage des maison d'4du- cation. In-12, Quebec, 1869, Lo^go- (William,) The History of the administration of the right honorable Frederick Temple Earl of Dufferin, late Governor General of Canada. 1 vol. 8vo, Montreal, 1878. LeMolne (J, M.) Quebec past and present. A History of Quebec 1608- 1876 ia two parts. 1 wl, 8vo, Quebec, 1876. 143 CANADA A POSSFASIONS ANO. L«Moiii« (J. M.) Histoiro doa fortifloatioiw etdei rueade Qu«5beo. la-S, Qu4bM, 1876. . rioturog Quebec. A npquol to Quebec Paat iind Prowut. Ia-8, MontrtaL, 1B82. " Tlio chronicles of tlio St Lowronoe. In-8, Montreal 1878. ~ Mttplo lenvos. A Budget of logendory, hiatorio*!, criticttl, and jiK)rtiMg intelligonce. 8 vol. 1803-64-66. , lu-8, Quebec, "■~""~~'""~— Q>»oboo, its Ofttos and Environs. Something about the Btwuts, lanes and early History of the auoieot oopi. tal. Iu.8, Quebec, 1880. — .— — . Album Canadion ; Histoire, Aroh(5ologio. 1 vol, 8vo, Quebec, 1870. "~~"~~"~* L'Album du touriste ; Archdologio, histoire, littrfra- turo, sport etc, 2e iklition, 8vo, Quebec, 1872. Lk pays, I^ parti et Le grand homme. In-S, Montreal, 1882. LeSafe. Les avonturos do Monsieur Robert Chevalier, Dit Do Beau- chine, capitaine de flibu iers dans la Nouvelle France. 12mo, AmaestriofU, 1783. LMoarbot (Marc). Histoire de la Nouvelle France. 8 vol, in-S, Paris, 1612. Li8 JfcsuiTKs Martyrs du Canada. In.8, illustrtJ, avec carte, Afon. tr^l, 1877. Letellier (His Honor Luc). Copies of the Petition addressed to the Governor in Council by the Hon. MM. Chapleau, Church and Angers praying for the dismissal of. . . In-S, Ottawa, 1879. Lkttkrs of Vkritas. Republished from the Montreal fferald ; con. taining a succinct narrative of the military administra* tioa of Sir Geoi^ge Prevost. 8vo, Montreal, 1816. CANADA A P0SSKSSI0N8 ANO. US Lettla'i. The sUte of tmdo in tho north«rn colonic considered ; wiUi au account of their i,r8. Manusobits coucernant la Nouvelle-France. Vol. I, 4, 6, 8, 9, 10 et 11. 7 vols, foKo. Manuscbits concemant la Nouvelle-France. (Recencement 1766j. 1 vol. folio. Manuscbtt concemant la Nourelle-Fhince. Voyage snr le fleuve St, Laurent et sur le lac Champlain, au Canada. 1 vol. toUo. Mcur.nier (Xavier^ Lettret sur rAm^rique, Canada, Etats-Unis, Havanei Rio De la Plata. 2 volat In-l 2, Paris, 1881. Masdres (Baron F.) Occasional essays en various subjects, chiefly political and historical, extracted partly from news papen and partly from tracts published, in the reigns of Elizabeth, Charles I, Charles II, and the bishop Burnet's history of his own times. 8r, Londhn, 1809. — — — — An aceouirt of the proceedings of the British and other protestant inhabitants of the province of Quebeci in North America, in ordev to obtain aik house of assembly. Pvo, London, 1775. Maurault (L'abb^ J. A.) Histoire des Ab^naki^ depuis 1605 jusqu'i nos jours. In-8, Sorel, 1866. ISoLeaosi. (John) Notes of a twenty-five years aervic* in the Hudsons Bay territory. 2 vols. 8vo, Londoin, 1849. HoXieod CM») Peace river. A canoe voyage from Hudsoa's Bay te Pacific, by the late Sir Geoi^ge Simpson in 1828. Jour- nal of the late chief factor, Arch. McDonald, who accom- panied him. Edited with notes by Mr. McLeod, 8vo ; Ottawa. 1872. CANADA & POSSESSIONS ANG. 145 6, 8, 9, 10 et aent 1766j. 1 MWzs Du S. de C. Contenant mistoire du Canada durant I. gue^e. et 80U3 le Gouvernement Anglais. In-S. Quihec^ M.MCZBK du Sieur de R ,, 3 ,, ,^ ,^ ^^^^ ^^ ^ M.MOIBES da la So..t. Hi3tonque de Montreal Neuvi^.e livraison Les V nobles motifs des messieurs etdames de la Soci"^ de Notre Dame de Montreal. Br. in-8. Montreal, 1880 M6MOIRE3 coneernant les graves du Saut-au-Matelot. Voyez le vol' intitule : " M^moires et relations sur le Canada." MfiMoiEESet Relations surle Canada. 8vo. , r Journal du voyage de Saint-Luc de la Corne dan« le navire I'Augusta, en I'an 1761. 2° Jo^,^rnaJ du si^ge de Quebec, en 1759, par Claude M($moire coneernant les graves du Saut-au-Matelot : Siege of Quebec in 1859, by Col. Mai. Fraser 5" Siege de Quebec, en 1759, d'apr^s un manuscrit ap- port6 de Londres, par D. B. Viger. - 6° M^moire du Sieur de Ramsay, au sujet de la reddi'. tion de Quebec, 1759. (2 parties). 70 Manuscripts relating to the early history of Canada. " 8° A dialogue in hades. (Montcalm and Wolfe) 9° Quebec and its environs, being a picturesque Guide to stranger, 1831. 10° Reminiscence of Quebec. : ; '^' ^H^spta?'^'' '" ^^^^' ^^ ' ^"^ '^ "^^ ^'""''^^ 12° 13e et 17e collection de m^moires et de relations dapr^s des manuscrits obtenus des archives et bu reaux publics de France. 15° Histo^ro du Cahada, par I'abbd Belmont. 3° 4° 146 CANADA & POSSESSIONS ANO. 16° Eelation du sifege de Quebec, en 1769. 17' Jugement impartial sur les operations militaires de la campagne en Canada, en 1759. 18° R^flexiona sommaires sur le commerce en- Canada. 19* Histoire de t'eau-de-vie, en Canada. MeuobiaLS (The) of the English and French commissaries concerning the limits of Nova Scotia or Acadia and Ste Luda. 2 vols. 4to, Lo7id. its k I'usage des 1872. Traduitde 9S de la colonie n missionnaire. prising sketches L Essay. In-8> vol. 8vo, Hali- I Poem in Eigbt lelect committee — In-8, Ottawa, les volontairea k TiaX, 1871. NOTIOB 8W la&milleGuy etsurqnel(iue8autre8fi«nille8,avecgravure8. in-8, MovUrial, 1867. NoTA^oom. Present state of, with a brief account of Qmada and the British islands on the coast of North America. 8vo, Edi/nbwgh, 1787. — Beports and oolleotionB of the HUtorical Society of vol 1 for the year 1878, and vol 2 for the years 1879-80. In-8, Halifax. O'oallajhwi (E. B.). Journal of the voyage of the sloop Mary, from Quebeck, together with an account of her wreck off Mon- taulk point, L. J. Anno 1701, with introduction and notes. 8vo, Albany, 1866. ■ Belations des J&uites sur les d^couvertes et autres ^v^nementa arrives en Canada et au nord et k I'ouest des Etata-Unis. (1611-1672). 12mo. Montreal 1880. Papiiwau (Hon, L. J.) Histoire de I'insurrection du Canada, en r^fu- tation du rapport de Lord Durham. 35 pages. In-12 ^lontrM^ 1839. Paquin. — Journal historique des ^v^nements arrives k St. Eustache, pendant la rebellion du comti du lac des deux monta- gnea, depuia les soui^vemens commences i la fin de novembre, jusqu'au moment ou la tranquUit^ fut parfai- tement r^tablie. In-lS, Montreal 1838. Patterson (Rev. George). A history of the county of Pictou, Nova Scotia. 1 vol. 8vo, MorUreal, 1877. Pemberton (J. Despard). Facts and Figures, relating to Vancouver Island and British Colombia. Showing what to expect and how to get there. With illustrated maps. 1 vol 8vo, London, 1860. Perrault (Jos. F.) Abr^g^ de I'hiatoire du Canada, depuis aa d^cou- vertejusqu'isa conqugte par les anglais. 2e Edition. 12mo, MorUrial, 1832. 5 parties en 1 vol. I f , 148 CANADA & POSSESSIONS ANG. Perrault (Jos. F.) Extraits ou pr^cddents tir^s des r^gistres de la pr^. vost^ de Quebec et dddids aux honorables juges, aux gens J du roi, aux avocats, procureurs, et patriciena de la pro- vince du Bas-Canada. 8vo, QuSec, 1824. / PiCTCRE OF Montreal or Hochelaga depicta embracing the early history and present state of the city and island-of Montreal. 12mo, Montreal, 1846. Political and Hiblorical account of Lower Canada with remarks on the Present situation of the People, ln-8, London, 1B30. Present State of the Canada, containing a practical and statistical information respecting the climate, soil, produce, agri- culture, trade, currency, banking &c., of Upper and Lower Canada. 12mo, London, 1833. • " Prevost (Sir George). Some account of his Public life in Canada. Gr 8vo, London, 1823. Quebec. Observations and reflections on the act 1774 for the settle- ment of the province of Quebec. 8v6, London, 1782, Additional Papers concerning the Province of In-8, London, 1776. QuEBECE Papers. Vide Mas^res. Rameau (E.) La France aux colonies. Etudes sur le d^veloppement de la race fran^aise hors de I'Europe. Les Francais en Amerique. Acadiens et Canadiens. In-8, Paris, 1859. Rebellion in Lower Canada. Report of the State trials before a gene- ral Court Martial, in 1838-39. Vol. I, 8vo, Montreal 1839. -, . ' Reeves (John). History of the Government of the Island of New- foundland, with an appendix. 1 vol. 8vo, London, 1793. Relation de ce qui s'est passd au si^ge de Qndbec, et de la prise du Canada ; par une Religieuse de I'Hopital Gdndral de Quebec. Voir le vol. intitule : " Divers rdcits du si^ge de Quebec." a Canada. Gr CANADA & POSSESSIONS ANG. 149-' Eelatton du sifege de Quebec, en 1759. Voir le vol. intituW : " M^- moires et relations snr le Canada." Eeminiscences of Quebec. See the vol. M^moires et relations sur U ' Canada. " Reminiscences of Quebec. Derived from reliable sources; for the . ; use of Travellers. 8vo, Qtteftec, 1859. . . , .• Report from the select committee in the civil government of Canada. 8vo, Quebec, 1829. Report and collections of the Nova Scotia historical society for the years 1882-1883. Vol.111. Br. in-8, ^aK/aa;. 1883. Re-Union of the provinces of Upper and Lower Canada. Copies or extracts of correspondence relating to. Petit folio. Richardson (Major). War of 1812. First series, containing a-full and detailed narrative of the operations of the Right division of the Canadian army. In-8, 1842. Richaudeau (I'abb^). Lettres de la R^v,irende M^re Marie del'In- carnation. 2 vol. In-8, Tournai, 1876. Roger (Charles). The rise of Canada from barbarism to wealth and civilisation. Vol. I. In-8, Quebec, 1856. Rowan (J. J.) The emigrant and sportman in Canada. Some expe- riences of an old country setler, with sketches of Canadian life sporting, adventures and observations on the forests and fauna. With map. 1 vol. 8vo, London, 1876. Ryerson (Egerton) The Loyalists of America and their times; from . 1620 to 1816. 2 vol. 8vo. 2nd edition, Toronto, 1880. Saint-Luc de la Corne. Journal du voyage de . . . dans le navire I'Augusta, en I'an 1761. Fic?e ; vol. " M^moires et re- lations sur le Canada." Saint- Valier ^Monseigneur de) et I'Hopital G^n^ral de Quebec. His- toire du monastere de Notre-Dame des Anges In-8 Quebec, 1882. . ' 160 CANADA & P0SSB8SI0NS AKG. Saint- VUler (Monseigneuf de) Xtat piisent do I'Uglia© et d« k eolooie fran9aise d«na la Nouv^Uft-France. 8vo, Qua>ee, 1856. (B^imprea^ion). Sandham (Alfred). Montreal and its fortificatloai. In-S, Morvtreal, 1874, Sanaom (Joseph) Sketches of Lower Ciinada, historical and descrip- tive; with author? rqooUeotions of the soil, and aspect; the morals habits and religious institutions of that isolated country ; during a tour to Quebec in July 1817, 12mo, New York, 1817. Saxf ent (W.) The history of an expedition against fort DuQuesne, in 1756, under general E. Bradock . . . Od 8vo, FhUadel. phia, 1856. Soaddinir (Henry). Toronto of old. Collections and recoUeotions. Ia-8, Toronto, 1873. Schoolcraft (Henry E.) Notes on the Iroquois, or contributions to the statistics, aboriginal history, antiquities and general Ethnology of Western New- York. In-8, JVew; York, 1846. Soropc (G. Poulett). Memoir of the life of the Right Honorable Charies Lord Sydenham, with a najrrative of His adminis- tration in Canada. In-8, London, 1843. Sh«iMtoii (Thomas S.) The Oxfowi Gaietteer containing a complete history of the County of Oxford. 1 vol, 8vo, Hamilton, 1852. S«TCMB of CSanadian Life. Lay on Ecclesiastical. By a Presbyter of the Diocese of London. London, 1849. 1 vol> in-12. SiRGB OF QuiBKc on 31st December, 1775. The century fgte on the Literary and Historical Society. 1 vol, 8ro, Quebec, 1876- SitGE D» QufcBKo en 1759 d'aja^ un manuscrit apport^ de Londres, par D. B. Viger. Voyez le vol. intitule : " M^moires et relations sur le Canada." OAKADA 4 ^OSSfiSSIOKd ANG. ISl 11-8, Montreal, reoolleotioos. SffiOB Of qvMBK in 1769, by a Nun of the GenenJ HoapitoL Set : " M^moirea et relations sur le Canada. BiBOB 07 QOMBO in 1759, by Col Mai. Fnwer. Sm : "M^moires et relations sur I'histoire du Canada. Srf»ts x>B QuiBKC. Divers r^cits du si^e de Qu^beo; 1759. Ift.8. 1° Relation de ce qui s'est pass^ au ai&ge de Quebec, et de la prise du Qftnada ; par use religieuse de I'Hd- pital Gtb^ral de Qn^bea 2' Operations before Quebec in 1769, by MaL Fraser. S* irouriial du si^ge de Quebec en 1759, par CL Panet 4« Si^ge de Quebec en 1769. Manuscrit apport^ de Londres, par raon. D B. Viger. 6* le Colonel Dambourg^s. Etude historique canadienne. 6* Souvenirs historiques sur la seigneurie de Laprairie, par J. Viger, feuier. Sillimun. — Remark, made on a short tour between Hartford and Quebec, in the antum of 1819. 18mo, NevAmen, lg24 Small (H. Beaumont). Annuals of Korth America. 8vo, Montreal 1864. Chronicles of Canada or a concise history of the leading events in the old provinces of theKew Dominion. In-8, Ottawa, 1868. Smethurat (Gamaliel). A naxrative of an extmordinary escape out of the hands of the Indians in the Gulph of St Lawrence 4to, Lofitdon, 1T75. Smith (Hon. Wm.) Observations d'un catholique sur I'histoire du Canada. Extraii de la "Gazette de Quebec" du ll Janvier, 1827. In-8. History of Canada from ite fitst discovery to the year 1781. 2 vol. 8vo, Qmhec, 1815. «mfth (GoMwin) The poUtical destiny of Canada with a reply, by Bii F. Hincks. 1 vol avo, Toronto, 1877. I 152 CANADA & POSSESSIONS ANG. Souvenirs historiques du Canada. 1 vol, 12mo. Montrdal, 1856. •' Souvenirs historiques sur la Seignenriede Laprairie, par J. Viger, dcuier, Voir: levol, intitule : ' Divers rdcits sur le si^ge de Quebec en 1759." Strauss (Louis) Le Canada au point de vue ^conomique. 8vo Paris 1867. Stewart (feeorge Jr.) Canada under the administration of the Earl of Dufferin. 8vo, Toronto, 1878. Missions in Canada.— A series of letters and jour- nals, calculated to exhibit to british christians, the spiri- . tual destitution of the emigrants settled in the remote parts of Upper Canada. 12mo, London, 1838. ^^ account of Prince Edward Island in the Gulph of St Lawrence, North America. 8vo, London, 1806. Taoh6 (MgrAlex.) Vingt anndes de missions dans le Nord-Ouest de I'Amdrique. In-8, MonMal, 1866. .Taoh6 (J. C.) Notice historio-graphique sur la fgte c^ldbrde k Quebec, . le 16 juin 1859, jour du deuxcenti^me anniversaire de rarriv(5e de Monseigneur de Montmorency-Laval. In-8, Qudbec, 1859. Talbot (Edward Allen). Five years residence in the Canada. '2 vol. 8vo, London, 1824. Teissier (F.) Les Fran^jais au Canada. Histoire de cette ancienne colonie (1562-1763j. In-8, Paris. Thoughts on the Canada bill, now depending in parliament. 8vo London, 1791. ' Tour trough Upper and Lower-Canada. 12mo, 1799. Transactions of the literary and historical society of Quebec. Vol. I. In-8, Quebec, 1829. New series, 1863 to 1882 6 vol In-8. Trul of David McLane for high treason at the City of Quebec in the . province of Lower Canada. 8 vo, Quebec, 1797. ^ord-Ouest de CANADA & POSSESSIONS ANG. ______^ 161 Tuttl. (Charl« E.) An in„,.„.ted history of the D„„l„i„„ , ,„, JOUB. i vol. I„.8, Q„,6«, 1863 4 66. ^ ^ Vorre.u,r.bM, Invasion d„ Canada. CoUection da „,^„„i„3 „ oueUhsotannot^s. In-8. ..„„,.^U879. ^^"eZsT" V.U^M.«« (An i„ de) Snivi de «cherche, arch&logiones ,t W„burton. The con,ne,t of Canada. 2 vol, 8vo. Z„ndo„, 1849 WiHia™ (M.., The nent., r.„eh. „. the Exiles of Nova-ScotU.' - voi. m 1. in.l2, Providence. Wilson (F. A., Mtain redeemed andCanada p.served. 8v.. London, Toung {George K.) The British" North Ameri«.n Colonies. Upon he e.,sfng treaties with France and Ameriea i „J1 "the. rights of fishery " „^,n the ecast, ofl^lZtt Labrador and Newfoundland, io«do». 1834. tWHOBamv.' ' E^;' It 154 HISTOIRE, ETATS-UNIS—HISTOEY, UNITED STATES HISTOIRE DES ETATS-UNIS HISTOIKK, MilMOIRES, DOCUMENTS HISTORIQUES HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES HISTORY, MEMOIRS, HISTORICAL DOCUMENTS Abbott (John S. C.) and Oonwell (R. H.) Lives of the Presidents of the United States of America, &c. Vide : Biographib. Adams (John) The works of John- Adams, second president of the United States, with a life of the author, notes, and illustra- tions by his grandson, Chs. Frs. Adams. 10 vols. 8vo, Boston, 1856, viz : Vol. 1. The life of John Adams. Vol. 2. Diary ; passages from an autobiography. Vol. 3. Autobiography. Vol. 4. Controversial papers of the re- volution. Vol. 5-6. Works on government. Vol. 7-8-9. Official letters, messages. Vol. 10. General correspondence. Address of the people of Great-Britain to the inhabitants of America. 8vo, London, 1775. Allen (Col. Ethan). A narrative of his captivity, from the time of his being taken by the british, near Montreal, on the 28th , day of Septomber, in the year 1775, to the time of his exchange, on the 6th day of May 1778. 12mo, Albany, 1814. American Archives. Consisting of a collection of authentick records, state papers, debates, and letters and other notices of publick affairs. The whole forming a documentary his- tory of the origin and progress of the North American colonies ; of the causes and accomplishment of the Ame- HISTOIRE. ETATS-UNIS-HISTORY, UNITED STATES 155 ts of America. ncan revoluUon ; and of the constitution of government for the United States, to the final ratification thereof, iourth series, 6 vols, and fifth series, 3 vohj. 1875-76 9 vols. Gd 4to. Amkrioan's Guide. Declaration of Independence, constitution of the several states. In-8, Phil&delphia, 1841. American Goveknment. An Inquiry into the moral and religious char- acter of the American government. 1 vol. 8vo, New York, 1838. Aw.,«K W*». View and evidence relative to the conduct of the Amencan war. Sva, London. AH Ekolishmah'8 Sketch-book ; „ letter, from New York. 8vo. ir«„ York, 1828. AUTHENTIC COPIES of the provisional and preliminary articles of peace, signed between Great Britain, France, Spain anrthe Umted States of America. Br. 8vo, London, 1783. Baoon (A). Considerations on the present state of the North Ameri- can Colonies. 4to, London, 1769. Bancroft (G.) Histoire de Taction commune de la France et de I'Am^ nque pour I'ind^pendance des Etats-Unis. 3 vol In 8 Parw, 1876. ' , ^''^'y °^t^« United States, from the discovery of the Barry (John Stetaon). The histoiy of Massachusetts in 3 vol 1st Colomal Period. 2nd Provincial Period. 3rd Common wealth Penod. 3 vol 8vo, Boston, 1857. Barry (Edmund I^ ) The United States ; its power and progress. 8vo, Philadelphia, 1851. ' Benton (Thomas H.) Thirty yea.' view ; or a history of the working of aie amencan government for thirty years, fit)m 1820 to 1850. 2 vols, Gd, 8vo, New-York, 1861. 168 HISTOIRE. ETAT S-UNIS^HISTORY. UKITED STATES Bernard (Montegue.. A Historical account of the neutmlity of Qr^t Britain during the american civil war. 1 vol. Gd. 8yo London, 1870. Bouquet. Relation historique de l'exp. th. Oct 1777 from the ongm.l manuscript deposited at W«h,„gton. h»ad ,uart.a Neuburgh. 4to. Albany. Buxk. C^mond) A„ .ecount of the euro^.„ settlement, in Amerie. 45 voJs. 8vo, London, 1777. Burnet (Jacob) Notes of the early settlement of the North-Western Territory. In.8, Cincinnati, 1847. Oamngt«n (Henry B.) Battles of the American revolution 17W-1781 Histoncal and military criticism with copographical illus-* tration. 8vo, New-York, 1876. 0» (Mark, The Natn«l history of Ca^lina, Florida and th, Bohama Islands. 2 vols, folio, London, mi. Ohalm.™ (Oe«^), ^^ i„,^„^i„„ of the history of the revolt of"'^'™"' ^ ™'' S™' 1845, (reli&enl Chamber, (William). Thing, „ ,hey are in America. 1 vol, 8vo London, 1857. ' Charlevoix. History and general description of New France. Tmns- lated with notes by John Gilraary Shea. Vol 1. 2 3 4 ando. Table lost. 5 vol, 4to, iVety. Fori, 1866. ' Clinton. Narrative relative to his conduct of the kings troops in North America. 3 vol. 8 vo, Zonrfon. I' x orcn coffin (Charles Carleto.). The seat of Empire. In-12. Boston, 1870 CONCILUTORY Addkkss to the people of Great Britain and of the Colo- nies on the present important crisis. 8vo. London, 1775 colonies in north america. The second edition with an appendix relative to the present state of affairs on that continent. 8 vo, Zont^ow, 1774. m ill' 158 HISTOIRE, ETATS-UNIS— HISTOHY, UNITED-STATES II ■ Contest in America between Grea« Britain and France, with its conse- quences and importance. 8vo, London, 1757. Cotton (C.) Tour of the american lakes, and among the indians of this North- West territory, in 1830. Disclosing the character and prospects of the indian race. 2 vol. 8vo, London 1833. Cudmore. — The civil government of the States, and the constitu- tional history of the United States. 8vo, New York 1875. Curtis (George T.) History of the origin, formation, and adoption of the i- Constitution of the United States, with notices of the principal framers. 2 vol. In-8, New York, 1865. Bankers' Journal of a voyage to New York and a tour in several of the american colonies in 1679-80. ito, Brooklyn 1869. Davis (Jefferson) The rise and fall of the confederate government. 2 vol. 8vo, New York 1881. Day (Thomas). Eeflections upon the present state of England, and the independence of America. 8vo, London, 1782. Dean Tuckers concluding tract. A series of answers to certain popular objections against separating from rebelleous colonies. 8vo, Gloushester, 1776, Desssaulles (L. A. Hon.) La guerre am^ricaine, son engine et ses vraies causes. In-12, Montreal, 1865. DeWitt (Cornelius). Histoire de Washington et de la fondation de la r^publique des Etats-Unis. 8vo, Paris, 1859. Draper (G. W.) Thoughts on the civil policy' of America. 8vo. New York, 1865. Dumont. Histoire et commerce des colonies auglaises dans TAm^rique Septentrionale. In-8, Londres, 1755. Eddis (William) Letters from America, historical and descriptive, comprising occurrences from 1769 to 1777 inclusive. Svo, London, 1792. ;e government. HISTQIRE, ETATS-UNIS^HIS TORY. UNITED-STATES 159 EdwardB (N. W.) History of minoi^i^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ times of Nmian Edwards. 8vo, SpringfieU, 1870 Edwards (Bryan) The History Civil and Commercial of the British Colonies m the West Indies. Fourth edition. 4 vols. 8vo, Philadelphia, 1805. Elllbt (Jonathan) The Debates in tJie several State Conventions, on the adoption of the Federal (Tonstitution. as recommended by the General Convention at Philadelphia in 1787 together with the Journal of the Federal Convention Luther Martin's letter. 5 vols. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1866 Pauohet (Joseph). A sketch of the present state of our political rek ' tions with the United States of North America. 8vo, Philadelphm, 1797, Finlay (Hugh). Journal on the continent of North America dnv-,. his survey of the post office between Falmouth and Casso Bay, m the province of Massachusetts, and Savannah in Georgia : between 13th Sept. 1773 and ended 20th June 1774. Gd 4to, Brooklyn, 1867. FIRST Century of the republic. A review of American Progress. 8vo New-York, 1876. ' Franklin (Benjamin). Works &c. Vide Politique et Legislation Further Examination of our present measures. 8vo. London, 1774 Gaffarel (Paul) Histoire de la Floride frangaise. 8vo, Pari^, 1875' Giddings (Joshua E.) History of the rebellion : its authors and Causes 8vo, New-York, 1864. ^' Greeley (Horace). The american conflict. A history of the great x^ bellion m the United States of America (1860-1865) its' causes, incidents and results, &c., &c. Illustrated bv portraits on steel of generals, statesmen, &c., views of places of historic interest, maps, diagrams of battle fields 2 vol. Gd 8vo, Hartford, 1869. Hamilton, Madison and Jay/ The Federalist on the new constitution m the year 1788. In.8. Washington, 1818. Hamilton (Alexander ^ The Federalist. A commentary of the con stitution of the United States. 8vo, Philadelphia.\Z. 160 HISTOIRE, ETATS-UNIS— HISTORY, UNITED-STATES Y". Helps (Arthur) Thoi;glitB upon Government. 1 vol. 8vo, Boston, 1872. Heroes of the American Revolution. 1 vol. In-8, Boston, 1853. Hiokey (W.) The Constitution of the United States of America, the Declaration of Independence, the articles of confederation the prominent political acts of George Washington &c. Fifth edition 1 vol. 12mo. Philadelphia 1852, Hoist (H. Von) The constitutional and political history of the United States 1750-1833. States sovereignty and Slavery. 8vo, Chicago, 1877. Hough (Franklin B) History of Duryie's brigade during the campaign in Virginia under general Pope, and Maryland under Gen. McClelland in the summer and autumn of 1882. 8vo, Albany, 1864. American Constitutions : Comprising he constitu- tion of each State in the Union, and of the Luited States, with the Declaration of Independence and Articles of Confederation with Historical Introductions and notes &c. 2 vols, roy. 8vo, Albany, 1872. Hubbard (William) A Narrative of the Indian wars in New-England. Bvo, CMckbridge, 1803. Hughes (Thomas) The Scouring of the White House. 1 vol. 12mo. Boston, 1859. Ingraham (Rev. William). The eariy Jesuit mission in North Ame- rica ; compiled and translated from the letters of the french Jesuits, with notes, (part first). 3vo, New- York, 1847. James (W.) Naval occurences of the late war between Great Britain and the United-States of America. 8vo, London, 1817. Jkmeson (John Alexander). The constitutional convention ; its his- tory, powers and mode of proceedings. 8vo, New-York, 1867. )-STATES 8vo, Boston, on, 1853. i America, the »f confederation ATashington &c. '. 1852. ' of the United Slavery. 8vo, I the campaign aryland under ^umn of 1882. Z he constitu- Uuited States, nd Articles of ms and notes New-England. 1 vol. 12mo. I North Ame- letters of the 3vo, New- Great Britain ondon, 1817. tion ; its his- 0, New-York, HISTOIEE. ETATS-UNIS-HISTORY, UNITED STATES 161 Jogues (Eev. F. Isaac) Novum Belgium ; an account of New Nether- land m 1643-with map and notes by J. G. Shea In 4to, New York, 1862. Johnson ,0. B.) Letters from north america. 12mo, London 1821. Jones (Paul) Ses M^moires. oi il expose la part qu'il a prise dans la revolution am^ricaine. In-18, Paris 1798. Journal d'un voyage dans I'amdrique septentrionale. 2 vol 8vo Paris, 1793. °' Kalm (Peter) Travels into north america, containing its natural his- tory &c. with the civil, ecclesiastical and commercial state of the county, &c. translated into english by J R Forster enriched with a map, engravings and notes! 6 vol. 8vo, Washington, 1770. Kidder (Frederic) Military operations in 'eastern Maine and Nova- Scotm, during the revolu.„u, chiefly compiled from the journals and letters of colonel John Allan. 8vo Albany, 1867. Knowle's (Admiml) A refutation of the charge brought against him 8vo, London, 1759. Lanman (Charles) Biographical annals of the Civil Government of the United States during its first century. 1 vol. Gd In-8, Washington, 1876. Late occurences in north america, and policy of great britain considered 8vo, London, 1764. Latrobe (Charles Joseph) The Rambler in North America. 2 vol 8vo, London, 1835. Leake (Isaac Q.) Memoir of the life and times of general John Lamb 8vo, Albany, 1850. Lossing (B. J) The pictorial field book of revolution, or illustrations by pen and pencil of the history, biography, scenery rehcs and traditions of the war of independence, with engravmgs. 2 vol. Gd 8vo, Nojj York, 1852 m mt HBH hR ^H^H M^^^^B B^^^PI hHH 162 HISTOIRE, ETATS-UNIS— HISTORY, UNITED STATES liossiiio (B. J, ) A pictorial history of the United States, for schools and families. Illustrated. 12mo, New York, 186U. Lyell (Sir Charles . * 2 vol. A second visit to the United States of America. 12mo, New York, 1849. Mackenzie (Roderick). Strictures on Lt-Col. Tarleton's history of the campaigns of 1780 and 1781, in the Southern provinces of North America. 1 vol. 8vo, London, 1787. Maguire (John Francis). The Irish in America. In-8, London, 1868. MaT.llard (N. Doran). The history of the republic of Texas. London, 1842. Gd 8vo, MoFherson ^Edward). Political manual for 1866, including a clas- sified summary of the important executive, legislative, and politico-military facts of the period from president Johnson's assession, April 15, 1865 to July 4th, 1866. 8vo, Washington, 1866. McPherson (Edward). The political history of the United States of America, during the great rebellion, including a classified summary of the legislation of the second session of the of the thirty-sixth congress, the three sessions of the thirty-seventh congress, the first session of the thirty- eight congress, with the votes thereon. And the impor- tant executive, judicial, ard politico-military facts of that 6 antual period. 2nd edition, 8vo, Washington, 1865. Mead (S.) Some considerations on the consequences of the French settling colonies on the Mississipi. 12mo, London, 1720. Memokials of Courts of Great Britain and France, since the Peace of Aix-la-Chapelle, relative to the limits of the territories of both crowns in North America ; and the right to the neutral Islands in the West-Indies. Mflmorials of the French and English Commissaries concerning the hmits of Nova-Scotia' or Acadia and Ste Lucia. 4to, Hague, 1756. Moore (^Frank). Life and speeches of Andrew Johnson, President of the United States, 1 vol. In-8, Boston, 1865. \ D STATES tes, for schools York, IWo. ;es of America. 's history of the thern provinces s 1787. London, 1868. exas. Gd 8vo, eluding a clas- ive, legislative, from president aly 4th, 1866. nited States of ling a classified session of the sessions of the of the thirty- nd the impor- ry facts of that ington, 1865. of the French London, 1720. 56 the Peace of lie territories of le right to the 'inorials of the •ning the hmits , 4to, Hague, Resident of the HISTOTRE. ETATS-UNIS-HISTORY, UNITED STATES 163' Moreau (M. C.) Les prgtres fran^ais dmigrds aux Etats-Unis. 12mo, Paris, 1856. Mulfbrd (E.) The Nation the foundation of civil order and political life in the United-States. 12mo, A'ew-York, 1872. Nasou (Elias\ Sir Charles Henry Frankland, Baronet, or Boston in the colonial times. 8vo, Albavy, 1865. News from New England, reprinted from the edition of 1676. 4tc Boston, 1850. Nolle (Frederick^. Histoire des Etats-Unis d'Amdrique depuis hn temi)3 les plus vecwUs jnsqu'i nos jours. 2 vol, 8vo, Paris, 1879. Noyes (John Humphrey) History of the American Socialisms. 8vo, Philadelphia, 1870. O'Callaghan (E. B.) The documentary history of the State of New-Yoik. 6 vols. 8vo, Albany, 1849. T^aws and ordinance! of New-Netherland 1638-1674. 8vo, Albany, 1868. Voyage of George Clarke to America. 4to, Albany, 1867. Voyages of the Slavers St John and arms of Amsterdam, 1659, 1663, together with additional papers illustrative of the slave trade under the Dutch. 4to Albany, 1867. ' Ouseley (William G.) Remarks on the statistics and political institu- tions of the United States. 8vo, Philadelphia, 1832. Paine ^Thomas) A dialogue between the ghost of general Montgomery just arrived from the elysian fields, and an American delegate in a wood near Philadelphia. 8vo, 1776. Palfre/ (J. G.) History of the New England. 3 vols. Gd 8vo Boston 1859-1864. Parkraan (Francis) Vassal Morton. 1 vol 8vo, Boston, 1856. I li 164 HISTOIEE, ETATS-TJNIS-HISTORY, UNITED STATES Pasohal (George W.) The constitution of the United States defined and annotated. 1 vol. In-8, WasJiington, 1878, Pensylvania. Historical review of the constitution and government from its origin, so far as regards the several points of controversy which have, from time to time, arisen between the several governors of that province and the :3veral assemblies, founded on authentic documents. 8vo, London, 1759. Present State of North America, &c. Part I. The second edition, with amendation. 4to, London, 1755. Eights of Great- Bkitain asserted against the claims of America : being an answer to the declaration of the general con- gress. 8vo, London, 1776. Robertson (William). The History of the Discovery and settlement of America. In-8, New- York, 1831. Rolph (Thomas, jr.) Observations made during a visit in the West Indies and a tour through the United-States of America. In-8, Dundas, 1836. Rowlandson (Mrs. Mary). Narrative of her captivity and remove when taken by the indians at the destruction of Lan- caster. 12mo, Lancaster, 1828. Sabine (Lorenzo), Biographical sketches of loyalists of the american revolution 2 vol. Gd 8vo, Boston, 1864. Schoolcraft. (Henry E.) Notes on the Iroquois ; or contributions to american history, antiquities, and general Ethnology. Gd. in-8, Albany, 1847. Semmes (Raphael). Memoirs of service afloat dm-iug the war between the States. 8vo, Baltimore, 1869. Simcoe's Military Journal. A history of the operations of a partisan corps called the Queen's rangers, commanded by Lieut. Col. J. G. Simcoe, during the war of the American re- volution. 8vo, New York, 1844. D STATES ates defined and 1878. ind government leveral points of , arisen between md the :3veral (cuments. 8vo, md edition, with is of America : he general con- and settlement 3it in the West ttes of America. y and remove uction of Lan- 3f the american '64. )r contributions Tal Ethnology. le war between of a partisan ded by Lieut. American re- HISTOIRE, ETATS-UNIS-HISTORY, UNITED STATES 165 SouWa (Eranqois). Histoire des troubles de l'Am(5rique anglaiso, 6mte sur lea m^moires Ics plus authentiqucs. Dediee a Sa Mftjest^ tr^s-chrdtienne. 4 vol. 8vo, Paris, 1787. Thomas (Isaiah). The history of printing in America, with a i.iogra- phy of printers, and an account of Newspu^^ers. 2 vol. Svo, Worcester, 1310. Thoreau (Henry D.) A Yankee in Canada, with anti-slavery and reform papera. In-12, Boston, 18 60. Tkeaties and Conventions concluded between the United States of America and others powers, since -^nly 4, 1776. 8vo, Washington, 1871. TiiEATiES AND NEGOTIATIONS between Great Britain and the United States of America, relating to 'he bondary. In-8. Tucker (Jos). The true interest of Britain set forth in regard to the colonies and the only means of living iu peace and har- mony with them. 8vo, Philadelphia, 1776. Tucker (Josiah). Cui Bono ? or an inquiry, what benefits can arise either to the english or the americ ns, the french, Spa- niards, or dutch, from the greatest victories, or successes in the present war ? being a seri(!s of letters, addressed to monsieur Necker. 8vo, Gloucester, 1771. United States and England being a reply to the c. iticism on Inchi- quiu's letters. 8vo, Few-York, 1815. View of the controversy between Great Britain and her colonies in a letter to the author of " A full vindication of the mea- sures of Congress. 39 pages, 8vo, New-York, 1774. » Williams (Samuel). The natural and civil history of Vermont. 8vo Walpole, 1794. Winterbotham (W.) An Historical, Geographical. Commercial and Philosophical View of the United States of America and of the European Settlements in America and the West Indies. 4 vols, Svo, Few-York, 1796. 166 HISTOIRE ANCIENNE— ANCIENT HISTORY IS';' Winthrop (John\ A journal of the transactions and occurences in the settlement of Massachusetts and the other New- England Colonies from. the year 1630 to 1644. 8vo Hartford, 1740. Winthrop (R. C.) Address and speeches on various occasions, 8vo, Boston, 1852. Wooley'g. Journal of a residence in New- York. 8vo, New-York, 1860. Wynne {M.) A general history of the British Empire in America. 2 vols. 8vo, London, 1770. Young (Andrew) The American Statesman. Vide : Dkoit Amekicain. HrSTOIRE ANCIENNE ANCIENT HISTORY t Ckskn, Les commentaires de CMsar. In-4, Paris, 1652. Herodotus. Opera, textus Johannis Schewighceuseri. 6 vols. 8vo, Glasguoe, 1818. Joseph (Flavius) Histoire de la guerre des Juifs centre les Remains, et sa vie 6cnte par lui-mgme, traduite sur I'original grec, par M. Arnauld d'Audilly. Nouvelle edition, illustrde. 3 vols. In-12, Bruxelles, 1703. Poi\joulat (B.) Histoire de J<5rusalem. 2e Edition. In-8, Paris, 1848 • Tacitus. The works of Cornelius Tacitus ; with an essay on his life and genius, notes, supplement: by Arthur Murphy. A new edition. Gd Iu-8, St Louis, 1856. Thuoydldes. De bello Peloponnisiaco libri octo, cum adnotationibus . integris H. Stephani et J, Hudsoni, recensuit, et notas suas addidit J. Wasse. . . . Folio, Amstelvedami, 1731. Taine (H,) Essai sur Tite-Live. In-12, Paris, 1856. HISTOIEE D'-ANGLETEERE-HTSTORY OF ENGLAND H7 8 occasions, 8vo, HISTOIRE D'ANGLETERRE HISTOIkK, MKMOIUES ET DOCUMENTS IIFSTOUIQUKS ROiT Americain. ■i. 6 vols. 8vo, 8, Paris, 1848 HISTORY OF ENGLAND . HISTOKY, MKMOIKS, HISTORICAL DOCUMENTS, &C. AN EXAMINATION into the conduct of the present administration from the year 1774 to the year 1778 and a plan of accommo- dation with America. 8vo, London, 1779. Earrlngton (Sir Jonah). Rise and Fall of the Irish Nation 1 vol 12mo, Kew-York, 1833. Blaokwell (John). An essay towards cairying on the present war against France. 12mo, London, 1695. Bonaparte (Loufs). Histoire du Parlement Anglais. In-8. Paris, 1820 Braybrooke (Richard). Diary and correspondence of Samuel Pepy F. E. S secretary to the admiralty in the reigns of Charles 11 and James II. 4 vol. 8vo, London, 1854. Charles 11 and James II. History of the Count.r-Revolution in England by Armand Carrel. Reign of James II by the Hon. Chs. Fox. Memoir on the reign of James II by Lord Lansdale. In-8, London, 1857. Crooke (George Wingrove). The history of party, from the rise of the Whig and Tory factions, to the passing of the Reform iiill. 3 vol. 8vo, London, 1836. Cox (Homersham). The British commonwealth, or a commentary on the institutions and principles of british government. In.8. London, 1854. !l « 1«8 HISTOIRE D'ANGLETERRE-^HISTORY OF ENGLAND CUCHKVAL— Clarigny. Lord Beaconsfield et son tempa. In-12, Pans 1880. Defence of the opposition in answer to a pamphlet, intituled a short history of the opposition. 8vo, London, 1779. Douglas' Letter to two great mou on Ihe ; rospect of peace; and the terms necessary to bo insisted upon in the negociation. Svo, London, 1760. EssAis HiSTORiQUES sur I'Angleterre. In-12, Paris, 1761. Essays on Reform. 1 vol. Svo, London, 1867. (2 cop.) Featherstonhaugh (Geo. Wm.) Observations upon the Treaty of Washington, 1842, with the Treaty annexed. With Map. 1 vol, Svo, London, 1843. Freemaw (Edward A.) The Growth of the English constitution from the earliest times. In-12, London, 1872. Grant. The House of Lords, Random recollections from 1830 to 1836. In-8, London, 1836, Grey (Earl.) Parliamentary Government considered with reference to Reform. In-S, London, 1864. (New edition.) History of the opposition during the last session of parliament. Svo 1779. Howley (Edward). A concise history of the English constitution. In- 12, London, 1S57, Letter to the Prince of Wales, on a second application to parliament to discharge debts wantonly contracted since May, 1787, Lookhart (Ephraim), Narrative of the law proceedings, and other measures, resorted to by the British Government and numerous private individuals to overpower the Earl of Sterling, and subvert his lawful rights. Written by him- self. Also a genealogical account of the family of Alex- ander, Earl of Sterling, &c. 4to, Edinburgh, 1834. LoNDRES, la cour et les provinces d'Angleterre, d'Ecosse, et d'Irlande, ou esprit, mceurs, coutumos des habitants de la Grando Bretagne, 2 vols. In-8, Faris, 1816, ENGLAND 3. In-12, Pai'ia^ ntituled a short 1779. peace; and the the negociatiou. rei. * .p.) 1 the Treaty of xed. With Map. !OU8titutiou from I. IS from 1830 to yith reference to jdition.) irliament. 8vo, onstitution. In- 1 to parliament uce May, 1787. lings, and other rovernment and ^er the Earl of iVritten by him- family of Alex- wjh, 1834. et d'Irlande, ou I de la Grando HISTOIRE D'ANGLKTERRE-HISTORY OJ TOLAND 169 M««ul.y. (I.M) Citicl and m,^^^i^^^^2 vX^^i^ Speeches. 2 vole. In-18. Jtedfield, 1853 MaoOeohegan (The abM, The hiatory „f Ma„d. «„*« .„„ modern. 8vo, 2fetu~ York. M.y (^»- E"=kij.„) J.e conaUtutiona. hU^r, of England ainea Edition of 1873. 3 vols. In-12. MoGee (Thos D'Arcy) Historical sketches of O'ConneU and hi, fnends. 4th edition. 12mo, 5o«in| |i 172 HISTOIRE D'EUROPE— HISTORY OF EUROPE ■ Hefele (Dr. Ch.) Le cardinal Xim^nfes et I'Eglise d'Espagne k la tin du XVIe sifecle, pour servir k I'histoire critique de rinquisition. 3e Mition. 8vo, Lyon, 1869. Henaud (Ered.) Histoire du pays de Lifege. Suivie de la Constitu- tion du pays. Nouvelle Edition. 3 vol. en 1 vol, in-8. LUge, 1856-58. Jermann, (Edward). Pictures from St. Petersburg. Translated from German by F. Hardman. 1 vol. 12mo, New-York, 1852. Lacroix (P.) Vie militaire et religieuse au moyen &ge et k I'^poque de la Renaissance. 4to, Paris, 1873. La question Juive. Etude historique. In-8, Bruges, (92 pages). Llorente (D. J. A.) — Histoire critique de I'inquisition d'Espagne. 2e (Edition. 4 vol. In-8, Paris, 1818. MaoParlane (Chailes) Popular customs, sports and recollections of the south of Italy. 18mo, London, 1846. Margotti (I'abb^) Rome et Londres, traduit de I'italien par H. G. Mar^chal. In-8, Paris, 1859. Marmier (X.) Lettres sur le Nord, Danemark, SuMe, Norvfege, La- ponie, Spitzberg. 5e Edition. In-12, Paris, 1857. Meronri (Paul) Costumes Histoiiques des 12e 13e 14e 16e si^cles, tires des monuments les plus authentiques de peinture et de sculpture, 3 vol. Gd 4to, Paris, 1860. Miohaud. — Bibliotheque des Croisades. 4 vol. 8vo, Paris, 1829, Savoir : Vol. ler chronique de France. Vol. 2e chro- nique d'ltalie et d'Angleterre. Vol. 3e chronique d'Allemagne et du nord de I'Europe. Chroniques, Grecques, Turques et Armdniennes. 4 vol. Chroniques Arabes, traduites par M. Reinaud. Aussi I'Mition de 1854. MtiUer (Wilhelm) Political history of recent times, 1816-1875. With special references to Germany, revised and enlarged by the author. Translated with an appendix covering the period from 1876 to 1881, by the Rev. John P. Peters, ln-8, New-York, 1882. 3PE 'Espagne k la jtoire critique e la Constitu- en 1 vol, in-8. ranslated from w-York, 1852. I k r^poque de 92 pages). i'Espagne. 2e icollections of Q par H. G. Norvfege, La- 1857. ! 16e si^cles, s de peinture Faria, 1829, Vol. 2e chro- 3e chroiiique Chroniques, 1. Chroniques 3i r^dition de -1875. With I enlarged by covering the thn P. Peters. HISTOIRE DE FEANCE-HISTOEY OF EEANCE 173 Nisard (D.) Histoire et description des principales viUes de I'Europe In-4to, Paris, 1853. Planche (James Eobinson) A cyclopaedia of costumes, or dictionary of dress including notices of contemporaneous fashions on the continePt, and a general chronological History of the costumes of the principal countries of Europe, from th^ commencement of the Christian era to the accession of George the third. 2 vol. Gd 4to, London, 1876. Prootor (M.) History of the crusades ; their rise and progress and results with over 150 illustmtions. 8vo, Philadelphia 1854. ' Quioherat (J.) Histoire du costume en France depuis les temps lea plus recul^s jusqu'i la fin du XVIII si^cle. Deuxifeme Edition, contenant 488 gravures dessindes sur bois. D'apr^s les documents authentiques, par Chevicmard Pauquet et P. SeUier. 1 vol. 4to, Pai-is, 1877. ° ' Rousseau (J. J.) Considerations sur le gouvernement de Pologne et sur sa reformation projetde. In-64, Londres, 1782. Saint Genis (Virtor De) Etudes Historiques sur la Savoie Femmei D'Autrefois. 12mo, Pans, 1869. Les FRANCE Aflsolant (Alfred) 1812. La campagne .e Russie. Illustre de' 40 gravures par J. Worms, d'apr^s des documents authen- tiques. In-4to, Paris. Barrire (Pierre) Nouvelle Relation de la France dquinoxiale, avec figures. 1 vol. 12mo. Paris. 1743. Barruel (M. i'abbd) Mdmoires pour .rrvir U'histoire du Jacobinisme 4 vol. 8vo, London, 9. I miiT' 174 HISTOIRE DE FRANCE— HISTORY OF FRANCE Barth^lemy et Mery. Napoleon en Egypte, Waterloo et le Fila de rhomme. In-8, Paris, 1835. Beaumont-Vassy. Histoire de mon temps, l^re sdrie : Louis Philippe, seconde r^publique (1830-1851). 4 vol. 8vo, /'o^ris. Bourass6 (L'Abbt5 J.) La Touraine. Histoire et monuments. Illustra- tions par Karl Girardet et Francais. In-folio moyen, tr. doree. Paris, 1856. Cabibel (M. I'abbe) La revolution et le clergi5. 8vo, Paris, 1874. Carn6 (Le Cte Louis De) Vues sur I'histoire conteniporaine, ou essai sur I'histoire de la restauration. 2e edition. 2 vol. 8vo, Paris, 1835. Challamel (Augustin,; Histoire-Musee de la rdpublique francaise depuia I'assemblee des notables jusiju'a I'enipire. Avec les estampes, costumes, mc^dailles, caricatures, portraits his- toires et autographes les plus remarquables. 2 vol. 'Gd in-8, Paris 1842. Cousin (Victor). La Societe Frau'iaise au 15eme si^cle d'apris le Grand Cyrus de Mile de Scud(1ry. 2 vol. In-8, Paris, 1858. Dapping^. Histoires des expeditions maritimes des Normands et de leurs (5tabhssement3 en France au lOe siecle. Ouvrage couronn(5 par I'Acaddmio des Inscriptions et Belles Lettres. 2 vol. en 1 vol. 8vo, Bruxdles, 1814. DiCTlONNAlBE. Le Petit Dictionnaire du Temps pour I'iatelligenco des nouvelles de la Guerre. In-12, i'aris, 1756. Dix ANS d'imperialisme en France. Impressions d'un flaneur. 8vo, Paris, 1863. Dussieux (L.) Geni^alogie de la maison de Bourbon, "de 125G-18G9, 8vo, Paris, 1869. Duvernois (Clement) L'intervention francaise au Mexiqiu) aconipa- gnee de documents ini^dits et d'un long radmoire adress(S par I'empereur Maximilicn a TEinpereur NapDii'oii et remis k Paris par I'impdratrice Charlotte. 8vo, Paris, 1868. HISTOIEE DE FRANCE-HISTOEY OF FEANCE 17i 00 et le Fila do iatellisencG cles , "do 125G-18G9. Franoisque-Miehel Histoire des dues de Nomandie et des rois d'Angleterre, suivie de la relation du tournoi de Ham In-8, Paris, 1840. Guizot (M.) Essais sur I'histoire de France. Svo, Pans, 1857. Du gouvernement de la France depuis la restauration et du ministke actuel. 12mo. Paris, 1820. Halt (Eobert) Papiers sauves des Tuilleries. Suite k h correspondance de k famille imp4riale. Svo, Paris, 1871. H^ricault (Chs. D'.) et Moland (L.) La France guerri^re. E^cits histonques d'apr^a les cLroniquea et les nidmoires de chaque sifecle. Ouvrage enrichi de nornbreuses gravures sur acier, d'aprds les tableaux des grands peintres Gd In-8, Pa'^is. Laeroix (P.) XVIIUme si^cle. Institutions, usages et coutumes France 1700-1789. 2e t^dition. In-4to, Paris, 1875. " Laurent (P. M.) Histoire de I'erapereur Napoldon. Illustr^e d. 500 vignettes par Horace Vernet, types et costumes militaires , par Hppolyte Bellang^. In-4to, Paris, 1852. Le Normand (Mile L. A.) Memoirs of the Empress Josephine. 2 vol • 12mo. Translation. Philadelphia, 1852. Les Hommes de la Ei;:voLUTioN. 1 vol. In-12, Paris, 1876 Mignet (M.) Histoire de la revolution francaise depuis 1789 jusou'en 1814. 2 vol. Svo, Paris, 1861. J 4 « Monfalcon (J. B.) Histoire de la viUe de Lyon revue et augment^e Avec un grand uombre de gravures. u vol, 4to, Lyon, Normanby (I,e Marquis de\ Une annce de r.vo.ution dW^s nn journal tenue k Paris m 184?. 2 vol. Svo, Paris, 1858 Prevoat-Paradol. La France Nouvelle. •• -o r.^ris, 1868. Saint SiMON.-Mc^moires complets et mv le sikle de Louis XIV et la Edg.„.e. CoUationnds sur le manuscrit ongmaJ par M. CUrr .i -t d'une notice par M Sainte Beuve. 20 Vol Svo, ^\iri8, 1S56-185S. r r^ ■' m' *i 176 HISTOIRE UNIVEESELLE — UNIVERSAL HISTORY ^11 1 Kill Taine (H.) Les origines de la France, contemporaine. La revolution. 2 vol. 8vo, Paris, 1878-1881. . TooquevlUe (Alexis de) L'ancien rdgime et la revolution. 4e Edition. In-8, Paris, 1860. Nouvelle ' correspondance entifereraent in^dite. Iu-8, Paris, 1866. Vaulabelle (A. de) 1815, Ljgny- Waterloo, 40 gravures par J. Warms d'apr^s des documents authentiques recueillis en France, et i I't^tranger, et une carte de la campagne. In-4to, Paris. Walsh (le Vicomtei Saint Louis et son si^cle. Nouv. Edition, Gd in-8, Tours, 1859. HISTOlRIi UNIVKRSELLE Bernard (Frdddricl Les f6tes cdlfebres de I'antiquiti^, du moyen Hge des temps modernes. Ouvrage illustr^ de 23 vignettes. In-18, Paris, 1878. Fontaine (Marius) Histoire universelle. Les Iraniens' (de 2500 k 800 av. J. C. ) In-8, Paris, 1881. Histoire universelle. L'Inde Vddique. (de 1800 i 800 ans av. J.-C.) In-8, Paris, 1881. Histoire universelle. Les Egyptes. (de 5000 k 715 ans av. J.-C.) In-8, Paris, 1882. Herbelot (M. d') Biblioih^que orientale ou dictionnaire universel des peuples do TOrient, leurs histoires, religion .... In-folio. Maestricht, 1776. Lesage (A. comte de Las Cases) Atlas historique g^ndalogique, chrono- logique et g^ographique. Folio, Paris. Moreri (L'AbW Louis) Le grand dictionnaire historique. 10 vols. Folio. Fit^e : En CYCLOP^DIES, Paris, 1759. :» ■ La revolution. ion. 4e Edition. eraent in^dite. INDUSTEIE - INDUSTKY 177 INDUSTRIE ill i n » f\ idition, Gd in-8, INDUSTRY Armengaud. Le g^nie industriel. Revue des inventions franqaises et «5trangfere8. Annales des progr^s de Industrie acricole et manufacturi^res. In-8, Pai-is, 1858. Basset (N.) Guide tWorique et pratique du fabricant d'alcools et du distilateur. Premiere partie, alcoolisation. avec de nom- breusesfigur-^ ..u al^es dans le texte. Deuxi^me par- tie : (Enologi 9 /ol. 8vo, Paria, 1868-70. ' Guide pratique du fabriquant de sucre, couteuant lYtude h($onque et technique des lucres de toutes provenance les procdd^s usuels et manufacturiers de I'industrie su^ cnfere. Avec de nombreuses figures dans le texte. 2 vol. 8vo, Pans, 1861-1865. Berthelot. La m^canique appliqu^e aux arts, aux manufactures k 1 agriculture .... avec planches. 2 vol. en 1 vol. In-4to Paria, 1781. BiBLioTH^QUE DES Merveilles. Cast^l (Albert). Les tanisseries 12mo Pat^, 1876. ' Blenkairn (John , Practical specifications of works in architecture civil . • and mechanical engineering, and in roadmaking and sewenng ; to which ar. ao, led a series of practically useful agreements and repovr . Illustrated with numerous plates. 8vo, London, 1865. iflHWi. 178 INDUSTRIE - INDUSTRY Borgnis (J. B.) Traitd (.qementaire de construction appliqu^e h I'archi- tecture. 2 vol. 4to, (1 de planches . Paris, 1823. Trai'td de mdcanique appliqu^e aux arts: Vol. ler. Com- position des machines ; vol. 2. Mouvement des fardeaux; vol. 3. Des machines imitatives et des thdatrales ; .-ol. 4. Dos machines employees dans les constructions ; vol. 6. Machines employt-es dans diverses fabrications ; vol. 9. Thdorie de la niL^canique usuelle ; vol. 10. Dictionnaire de mt^canique appliqude aux arts. 10 vol. 4to, Paris 1818-1823. Boxer (E. N.) i he architects and artisans permanent price book and compendium of useful tables and practical scientific information. 8vo, Montreal, 1876. H Book of Plates to accompany the architect and artizans permanent price book and compendium of useful scientific information. 12mo, Montreal,, 1860. Brown (William) Silver on its relation to industry and trade, the danger of demonetizing it. The United States Mon'atary Commission of 1876. 8vo, i/ow^r^af, 1880. Byrne (0) The practical model calculator, for the engineer, mechanic, machinist manufacturer of engine- work. Naval architect miner and milwright. 8vo, Philadelphia, 1872. Campin (Francis) The practice of hand-turning in wood, ivory, shell, &c. also an appendix on ornemental turning. 12mo, Philadelphia. Principles and construction of machinery : A practical treatise on the laws of the transraition of power and of tlie strenght and propositions of the various elements of prime movers, mill-work, and machinery generally for the use of students and practical mechanics. 12mo, London. Camus — A treatise on the toeth of wheels; demonstrating the beat forms which can be given to them for the purpose of machinery such as mill- work and clock-work. (Translated from ffench by J. Howkias). 3rd Edition, Gd 8vo, London, 1868. ■ INDUSTRIE ~ INDUSTliY 179 Dehar^e .E.) Les merveines de la locomotion. Ouvrage illustrd de 77 vignettes. In-18, Paris, 1874 D-ncNxiRK ..isonn. unive^el des arts et m.tie.. cont^nVnt Thiatoire" FrtZTr '" "1" '" '^'"^"" ^^ manufactures de France et des pays dtmngers. Nouvelle Edition, revue et Dubief (L. E.) Guide pratique de la fabricadon des vins factices etdes boissons vineusea en gdn^ral. 12mo, Paris. Dupin (Charles) Rap^.rt du jury central sur les produits de I'indua- tne fran9aise exposd en 1834. 3 vol. 8vo. Pa,^, 1836. Avantages sociaux appliquda k I'industrie. en r^ponse aux observations de la commission du budget de 1825 faites dans^aon rapport k la chumbre des d^putds. 8vo. Paris, Duplais (Aind et jeune, A treatise on the manufacture and distillation of alooohc hquors, to .which a^ added the United States internal revenue, regulations for assessement. and collec- tion of taxes on distifted spirits. Illustrated by 14 fold- mg plates and several wood engravings, translated from the french by M. McKennie. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1871. Dussauoe (H.) A practical guide for the perfumer, edited from notes and documents of MM. Debay. Lunel. &c. with addiUons. 12mo, Philadelphia, 1868. •A general treatise on the manufacture of soaps, chemis- try of the art A description of all the mw materials and their uses &c., &c. 8vo, Philadelphia. 1869. -A genen.1 treatise on the manufacture of vinegar as well as the fabrication of pyroligneous add, wood vinegar &c ■ with iLustration. 8vo, Philadelphia, x869. * A practical treatise on the fabrication of matches gun cotton colored fires and fulminating powders. 12mo; Philadelphia, 1864. 'ill 180 INDUSTRIE - INDUSTRY Figuler (Louis). Le savant du foyer ou notions scientifiques sur les objets UBuels de la vie. Illustr^. In-8, Paris, 1862. ■ Les Merveilles de la Science ou description populaire des inventions modemes, machines k vapeur, bateaux k vapeur, locomotives, machine ^lectrique, paratonnerres, Pile de Volta, Electro-Magndtisme. 4 volumes, 4to. Paris. Pournier (Henri). Traits de typographie. 2e^dition. 12mo, Tours, 1854- Great industriiis of Great Britain. 3 vol. 4to, London, Paris and New York. Hunt (Robert"), Researches on light in its chemical relations ; em- bracing a consideration of all photographic processes. 2nd edition. 8vo, London, 1854. Jaubert (M. I'Abbc^) Dictionuaire raisonnd des arts et m(5tiers. Vide : DiCTIONNAIRE. Laboulaye (Ch.) Dictionnairie des arts et manufactures, de I'agricul- ture, des mines, etc. Description des proc(5dt5s de I'industrie franQaise- et ^trang^re. 3e Edition. 2 vol. Gd 8vo, Paris. Complement : 1 vol." 8vo, Paris, 1868. Laoroix (Paul) Les arts au moyen kge. Le moyen ^ge et la renais- sance, etc. Vide : Beaux-Arts. Lafkyette (Bryn M.). The complete practical distiller : 12mo, Phila- delphia, 1870. Lakey's. Village and Country Houses or cheap homes for all classes, comprising 84 pages of designs. Gd 4to. New- York, 1875. Lambert (Guillaume) Art c^ramique. Description de la fabrication actuelle des faiences fines et autres poteries en Angle- terree. 8vo, Bruxelles, 1865. Lardner (D.) Popular lectures on science and art 14e edition. 2 vol. 9vo, New York, 1852. INDUSTKIE — TNDUSTEY 181 m(5tier3. Vide Lasteyrle (Ferd. de). Histoire de I'orffevrerie depuis lea temps recul^a •jiisqu'h no8 jours. Ouvrage illustr^ de 62 gravurea. In-18, Paris, 1877. Lathe (the) and its uses ; or instruction in the art of turning wood and metal «fec . . . . 8vo, London, 1874, Lukin (Eev. J.) The amateur mechanic's workshop. A treatise con- taining plain and concise direction for the manipulation of wood & metals. 6th edition. In-8, London, 1878. Mahan (D. H.) An elementary course of civil engineering, for the use of cadets of the United States military academy. 8vo, New York, 1864. Marzy (E.) L'hydraulique. 2e Edition, ouvrage illustr^ de 39 gra- vures. In-18, Paris, 1871. McLaughlin (S.) The photographic portfolio, a monthly view of Cana- dian scenes and scenery. 4tc, Quebec, 1866. Monteil (Alexis) Histoire de I'industrie franqaise et des gens de me- tiers. 2 vol. 8vo, Pans. MuUer (F. M.) Chips from a German workshop. 3 vol. in 2 vol. 8vo, London, 1867-1870. Napier (James) A manual of dying receipts for general use. 12mo, London, 1858. -A system of chemistry applied to dyeing. A new and thoroughly revised edition completely brought up to the present state of the science, including the chemistry of coaltar colors, by A. Fesquet, illustrated. 8vo. Phila- delphia, 1869. . . 14e edition. Oueill (Chs.) A dictionary of dyeing and calico printing, with practi- cal receipts and scientific information, to which is added an essay on coaltar colors and their application to dyeing and calico printing, by A. A. Fesquet. 8vo Philadel- phia, 1869. 182 INDUSTRIE — INDUSTRY Osborn (H. S.) The metallurgy of iron and steel, ia all its branches, with special reference to american matetials and pro- cesses. Illustrated by 230 engravings on wood and 6 folding plates. 8vo, Fhiladelphia, 1869. Paris (E.) Traits de I'h^lice propulsive. Gd in-8, accompagud de 15 planches. Paris, 1855. I>ATENTS Office. Official gazette of the United States Patent office. From its commencement, January 1872 to 1879. 16 vol 4to, Washington, 1872-1879. General Index (the) From 1874, 1876 to 1879. 5 vol. 4to, Washington. (2 copies). from 1824 to 1857. 2 ^ol. 8vo, Toronto, 1860-65 List of Canadian Patents from the beginning of the Patents Office, 1824 to 1869. 8vo, Ottawa, 1868. The Canadian patent office record. From its com- mencementy (march 3873 to 1881). 9 vol. 4to. Ottawa. Proteaux (A.) Practical guide for the manufacture of paper and boards. Translated from the french by H. Paine. To which is added a chapter on the manufacture of paper from wood, and in the United States, by H. T. Brown. Illustrated by 6 plates, containing drawings of raw ma- terials, machinery, plans of paper mills, &c. 8vo, Phila- delphia, 1866. Reynaud (Jean) Histoire dl^mentaire des mim^raux usuels. 12mo Paris, 1873. Shipbuilding, Theorical and practical embracing ; 1° The hydraulics of Shipbuilding ; or buoyancy, stability, speed and design ; 2° The geometry of shipbuilding ; Or modelling, drawing and laying off ; 3° The strength of materials ; 4° Practical shipbuilding in wood and iron ; 5° Mats, sails and rigging; 6" Marine Steam engineering ; 7° Shipbuilding for purposes of war. Illustrated by a series of engravings from drawings furnished by some of the most eminent Shipbuilders. By its branches, Is and pro- wood and 6 ipagu(5 de 15 'atent office. 879. 16 vol 1879. 6 vol. .to, 1860-65 nning of the 1868. om its corn- to. Ottawa. paper and Paine. To ire of paper . T. Brown, of raw ma- 8vo, Phila- jls. 12mo, 'draulics of nd design ; ig, drawing t" I'ractical frigging; jr purposes n drawings lilders. By INDUSTRIE — INDUSTRY 183 , Isaac Watts, late chief constructor to the Royal navy D. W. J. M. liankine professor of civil engineering, Glasgow University, F. Earner, Jas. R. Napier and With contributions by eminent practical, shipbuilders. In-folio, Lndon, Glasgow, Edingburg, 1866. SoLiDiTfe ET UTILISATION de I'helice. In-8. Technical Educator (The) An Encyclopedia of technical education. 4to, London. Thirion(Ch.) Tablettes de I'inventeur et du brevetd (Vide: Droit fran^ais), page 152. Turgan. Les grandes usines. Etudes industrieUes en France et k I'otranger. Gd 8vo. Paris, 1869. Vincent (Charles) La fabrication et le coram -rce des cuirs et dea peaux. 2 vol. In-8, Paris, I87^ Watin. L'art du Peintre doreur vemisseur et du fabricant de couleurs. 2e Edition in 8vo, Paris, 1815. Weidenmann (J.) Beautifying country homes. Vide : Beaux Arts. WheweU (Wm.) History of the inductive . ences from the earliest to the present time. 3rd edition with additions. 2 vol In-8, New York, 1859. Worsaam.-On mechanical laws. Illustrated by 15 large folding plates. 8vo, Philadelphia, 1869. Mil ?li liiii: p»i« IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) k A ^ <;^ i^o .n+i.i,.^ ^^ „..•_._ '.^, ^"'^"reu, A, lo „ ".^— "vo .aiigues, et mcroauction, par rhebfeu h la connaissance ^Mmenteire des mcines et'^des forS de toutea les langues. In.8. Hennes, lU5. Lorain (P.) Abrdg^du dictionnaire de I'Acad^niie Fn.n^aise. 2 vol 8vo, Paris, 1836. ' ^ voi. . » Pandosy (Hev. M. C.) Grammar and dictionary of the Y.kama W T% rt''^ ^^ ^'°'8e Gibbs and J. S. Shea. 8vo, Few York, 1862. Qnloherat (t.) Thesaurus Poeticus Lingua Latins, i ^ol 4tot Paris, 1850. ^ " '^™*^ ^^ versification fmncaisa Deuxi^me mian, tevne et consid^Wement augment^. In-S, Paris, 1850 ^^^""T^-^^'^ Dictionnaire Latiu-Fran^ais. 1 voL Gd 8vo, Paris, 1875. Dictionnaire rran9aig-Latin. 1 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1876 Sacy (Baron Silvestre de). Alfiyya. ou la quintessence de la gram- maire arabe. Ouvrage de Dj^mal - Eddin Mohamined In-8, Paris, 1833. , . ' Scott 'Joseph Nicol. A new universal etymological engUah dictionary, - In-foho, London, 1765. . iwtj plli 186 POfiSIE — POETRY Summers (Kov, James). The rudimenta of the Chinese language, with dialogues, exercises and a vocabulary. 18mo, London, 1864. Ujfe.ivy (Ch. Ed.) Easai de graiuinaire vfipse ou tch'oude du noxd. D'aprfea les dounees de U. U. Ahlgvist et Lonmot. In-8, Fai-is, 1875. POESIK — POETRY >r' k":^ AUetz (Edouard) Caractferes po^tiques. Gd in-S; Paris, 1834. Asoher (Isidore G.) Voices from the Hearth. Collection of verses. 1 vol. 8vo, Montreal, 1863. Atkinson (James) "Laili and Majnun*' a Poem. 8vo, London, 1836. , Augier (Emile) Poesies completes. In-' 8, Paris, 1871. Autran (J-.) La vie rurale. Tableaux et Kecits. In-12, Pans, 1856, Beianger (J. A.) Mes Vers. 1 vol. 8vo, Outaouais, 1882. Blad6 (Jean-Franqois) Pot^sies populaires en langue franqaise, recueil- lies dans I'Armagnac et VAgenais. In-8, Paris, 1879. Boileau. (Euvres completes prdc^dt^es des CEUvres de Malherbe, suivies , . des CBuvres poetiques de J. B. Rousseau. In-8, Paris, 1870, Bornier (Henri de) Lafille de Rolland, drame enquatre acte, en vers. 40e euu -n. In-8, Paris, 1880. Brizeux (A.) Les Ternaires, livre lyrique. In-18, Paris, 1841. Cahour (Le P. Ars^ne) Bibliothfeqxie critique des pontes franqais. 3 vol. In-8, Paris, 1863 Poi5sies fran(^aises distribuees et annot^es h I'usage de la classe de seconde. In-18, Paris, 1873. POfiSIE — POETRY 187 '■i s ! kuf^uage, with 18mo, London, houde du noxd. t Lonmot. In-8, is, 1834, jction of verses. 8vo, London, m. 12, Pans, 1856, «, 1882. ranqaise, recueil- Paris, 1879. lilalherbe, su ivies lu. In-8, Paris, ire acte, en vers. 'is, 1841. j^tes franqais. 3 1 h I'usage de la Castil-Blaz'). L'Art dos vers lyriques. In-S, Pai-is, 1858. Chapman (W.) Les Qu^becquoises. 1 vol. In-8, Quebec, 1876. Ohauveau (M,) Souvenirs et L^gendes. Br. 8vo, Quebec, 1877. Child's Own Fable Book. 1 vol. 18mo, New York. Clement (F^lix). Les pontes chr^tiens, depuis le 4e sifecle jusqn'au 15e. In.8, Paris, 1857. Coussemaker (C. dt^ Chants populairo:, des Flamands de France, recueillis et publics avec les melodies originales, une tra- duction francaise et des notes. Illu8tr<5. Gd In-8 Gand, 1856. > Cowper (William). Poems. Edited by Eobert Belt, with a Memoi'-. 12 mo. 3 vol. London. Cr^mazie. CEuvrcs completes publi(5e8 sous le patronage de I'lnstitut Canadien de Qu(?bec. In-8, MontrM, 1883. Darnell (Eev. M. J.) Songs by the way. A collection of original poems for the comfort and encouragement of chrntian pilgrims. 1 vol. 8vo, Montreal, 1862. Duoros (Octa-- e) Podsies. Odea ct Priferes. In-8, Paw, 1856. Eiohhofi (F. G.) Podsie heroique des Indiens, comparde k I'dpopde grecque et romaine, avec analyse des jw^mes nationals de I'lude. In-8, Paris, 1860. • m Esope. Nouveau recueil de jies fables mii^ea en francais. In- 18, Paris, 1731. ' « Frechette (L. H.) Les fleurs bordales Les oiseaux de neige. Poi^siea Canadiennes courouni^es par I'acad^mie francaise. 12rao, Park, 1881. ■ P^le-mSle. Fantaisies et souvenirs podtiques. 12 mo, Montreal, 1877, Gagnon (Ernest) Chansons populaires du Canada rccueillips et piiblii^etJ avec autorisation. 8vo. Editions de 1875 et de 1880, Quebec Gilflllan (Robert; Poems and Songs. 1vol. 12mo, Edinburgh, lS5t. ■ MM^ , l34pj I", • i'l 188 POfiSIE — POETRY Goldsmith, CoUins et Warton (F.) Poetical Works with Lives. 1 vol, Svo, Edinburgh, 1863. Greene A Marlowe. Poems. Edited by Eobt. Bell. 1 vol. l2mo, London. Oresset (de) Le mdchant, Com($die en cinq actes, prdcddde d'une notice par G. D'Heylli. In-18. Paris, 1874. """ I^ Panain magnifique, poime en dix chanta. In-S Paris 1810. Hawley (W. F.) The Unknown or Lays of the Forest. 1 vol. 12mo, Montreal, 1831. ~~ Quebec, the Harp and other poems. In.l8, Montreal 182y. Heynes (Dr. J.) Poems. 12mo, QuSec, 1864. Hemans (Felicia). Poems. 1 vol. 8vo, Boston, 1855. Hesiodi opera Omnia. 4to, 1785. Howitt (Mary . Poems, with b memoir. 1 vol. 18mo, iVew; York 1853. ■ * Hugo (Victor). L'art d'etre grand-pfere. In-8, Paris, 1878. Jaoob BibUophile (P. L.\ La farce de maltre Pathelin, publide avec notices, notes et variantes. In-12, Paris, 1876. Jones (Sir W.) Poems, consisting chiefly of translations from the asiatic languages. 8vo, London, 1777. Justin _ Alfred Nicolas, ou la Httdrature monstre. (Satire). Br. In-8, Liige, 1836. Lab6 (Louise). CEu-res de Louise Labd, surnommde la Belle Cor- di^re. In-8, Brest, 1815. Labelle (Elzear). Mes Rimes. 8vo, Quebec, 1876. LRohambeaudie CP.) Fables couronnees par I'Academie Francjaise, prdcdddes d'une introduction pur Pierre L^roux, Edition illustrde d'aprfes les dessins de Daubigny, Gerard-Sdguin, Cabasson. Gd in-8, Paris, 1855. ka with Lives. . 1 vol. 12mo, pr^cdd^e d'une J74, a. In-S, Paris, 1 vol. 12mo, 1-18, Montreal, tno, New York, 878. 1, publi^e avec , 1876. ions from the ire). Br. Ir-8, la Belle Cor- aie Franijaiae, r^roux, Edition jerard-S^guin, POfiSIE — POETRY 189 La Fontaine. Fables avec les dessins de Gustave Dord. Qd 4to, Paris, 1868. Lamartino (A. de) Premieres meditations po^tiqnes. La mort de Socrate. In-12, Pam, 1880. I Nouvelles meditations potjtiques, avec commen- taires. Le dernier chant du pdleriuage d'Harold. Chant du sacre. In-12, Paris, 1856. . Laprade (Victor de) Idylles heroiques. In-12, ^m. 1858. Psyche. Odes et Poimes. In-12, Paris, 1857. Po^mes evangeliqnes. 3e Edition, augment^e d'un cha- pitre de la poetique chrdtienne. In-18, Paris, 1860. L«s Symphonies. In.l2, Paris, 1856. Lamennais (F.; (Euvres posthumes. La Divine comedie de Dante Alighieri. L'Enfer. In-8, Paris, 1856. Lannau-RoUand (A.) Michel-Ange, poete, premiere traduction com- pl6te. In-12, Paris, 1860. LeMay (L. P.) Evangeline. Traduction du poeme acadien de Long- fellow. 2e edition, corrigee. Gd. In-12, QuSec, 1870. I^es vengeances. Poeme canadien. In.l2. Qusbec 1875. ^ ' Une Gerbe. Poeme. In-12, QuSec, 1879. Deux poiimes couronnes par I'Universite-Laval. Gd In-12, QuSec, 1870. Fables Canadiennes. In-12, Quebec, 1882. LeNoir (Philippe) Emmanuel ou Paraphrase dvangeiique. Pofeme Chretien. In-12 Quevilly, 1673. Library (The) of choice literature, prose and poetry, selected from the most admired authors. Edited, with biographical and critical notes, by A. R. Spofford, and Chs. Gibbon. Illustrated with sixty-six engravings on steel. In eight volumes. In-8, Philadelphia, 1882. ¥ i .4 llltirl 130 POfiSlE — POETRY Longfellow (H. W, ) Outre-Mer, a Pilgrimage beyond the Sea. 1 vol. lliino, Boston, 1853. Tales of a Wayside Inn. 1 vol. 12mo, Boston, 1863. Poems. 2 vol. 12mo, Boston, 1855. Longhaye (Le R. P. G. ) Thdatre chrdtien d'^ducation. In-8, Tours, 1879. Lowell (J. R.) Poetical Works. Edited with an introduction by A. R. . Scoble. 32 mo, London, 1853. Maoaulay's (Lord) Speeches and Poems. 8vo, London, 1866. Maokay (Charles) Poeticals works. Illustrations by John Gilbert. 12mo, London, 1857. , Songs for music. 12mo, London, 1856 — Under green leaves. ISmo, London, 1857. Egeria and other Poems. New edition. 12 mo, Lon- don, 1857. i Marcellus (le comte de) Chants populaircs de la Gr^ce moderne. In-12, Pai-ia, 1860. Mar^ohal (R.) Fables et Apologues. In-18, Li^ge, 1862. Marmier (X.) Chants populaires du Nord. Irlande — Danemark — Su^de— Norvfege— Feroe — L'lvlande, traduits en franqais. In-18, Paris, 1842. May (George Thos. ) The over-living life. Br. in-8, New York, 1883. MoLaohlan (Alexander;. Poems and Songs. . 1 vol. 8vo. Toronto, 1874. McQee (Thos. D'Arcy). Canadian ballads and occasionals verses. 12mo, Montreal, 1858, M^zi^res (Alfreds Shakspeare. Ses oeuvres et ses critiquee. In-8, Paris, 1860. Miles (George H.) Christine and- other Poems. 1 vol. 12mo, New York, 1866. i the Sea. 1 vol. I. 12mo, Boston, 855. )n. In-8, Tours, iuction by A. R. on, 1866. y John Gilbert. L856 n, 1857. kon. 12 mo, Lon- Gi'^ce moderne. L862. ie — Danemark— duits en franqais. New York, 1883. .. 8vo. Toronto, jcasionals verses. critiquee. In-8, /ol. 12mo, New POfiSlE — POETRY 191 Milton (John). Poetical Works. 1 vol. 32mo, London, 1811. _______ Paradise Lost end Paradise Regained. I vol. 12mo, New York, 1863. Molldre. (Euvres completes. Gd in-8, Paris, 1874. Musset (Alfred de). Premieres poesies, 1829-1835. Nouvelle <5dition. In-18. Paris, 1863. Narbonne-Lara (M. de) Esquisses po(5tiques.- In-8, Monir4al, 1875. Neufohateau (M. Frs. de). Fables et Contes en vers, suivis des poemes de la Lupiade et de la Vulpdide. 2 vol. In-18, Paris, 1815. Oldham (John). Poems. Edited by Robert Bell, with a Memoir. 12 mo. 1 vol. London. » Poems for Young People. 1 vol. 18mo. Edinburg, 1851. PoiiTES Fbanqais (Les). Recueil des chefs-d'oeuvre de4a podsie fran- qaise, depuis les origines jusqu'k nos jours. Vol. 1, 2 et 3. (Vol. 4 manquant). 3 vol. Gd in-8, Paris, 1861- • 1862. PoiiTES MORALISTES de la Gr&ce.) Hesiode, Thdognis, Callinus, Tyr- tde, Mimnerme, Solon, Simonide d'Amorgos, Phocylide, Pythagore, Aristote). Notices et traductions par MM. Guigniault, Patin, Jules Girard, merabres de I'lnstitut, et L. Humbert, professeur au Lycde Fontanes. In-12, I^aris, 1831. Poitevin (Prosper). Petits poites francais, depuis Malherbe jusqu'ii nos jours, a/ec des notices biographiques et litt^raires, sur chacun d'eux. 2 vol. " Gd in-8, Paris, 1856. Ponsard (F.) Theatre complet. In-18, Paris, 1852. Pope (Alex.) Poetical Works. Edited by Rev. H. F. Gary. 1 vol. Gd 8vo, London, 1839. Popular Poetuy of Persia, as found in the adventures of Kurroglou, the bandit minstrel of northern Persia and in the songs of the peoples inhabiting the shores of the Caspian Sea. Translated by Alex. Chodzks. 1 vol. 8vo, London, 1842. 1% .,ti 192 VOtsm — POETRY Prarond (Erne8t\ De Montreal k Jerusalem. In.l2. Paria, 1869. R«t 1 (Henry). Lectures on the British Poet*. 2 vol. 12mo. Phi- ladelphia, 1857. Hymn (Carroll). Songg of a wanderer, by , of the 100th Prinoa of Wales royal Canadian regiment. 1 vol. In-12, Ot- tawa, 1867. Sallaberry (J. D. J.) Chants populaires du pays Basques, paroles et musique originales. Gd in-8, Bayonne, 1870. Sangster (Charleg). The St. Lawrence and Sagiienay and other poems. In-8. Kingston, 1856. Hesperus and other poems and lyrics. 12jno, Montreal, 1860. Soott, (Sir Walter). Poetical work .... 12mo, New-York, 1857. Smith's Standard Library. Poetry. 2 vol. 8vo, lortdon, 1339. Sotlau (Denis). Les chercheurs d'or au XIXe si^cle, suivis de po^aies Jiverses. In-18, ^LUge, 1856, — Aspirations. Poesies nouvelles. In-l8, Uige, 1857. (ces deux volumes aont relics ensemble.) Stevens (Paul) Fables. 8vo,Jifow Robert Bell, with a Memoir. 12mo, 1 vol, London. Whittier (J. G.) Home Ballads and Poems. 1 vol. 18mo. Boston, 1860. ^ Widow of the Rock (the) and other poems, by a lady. In.l2 Jlfon- ..oal, 1824. ' Yakkun Nattanna^va. A Cingalese Poem, descriptive of the Ceylon system of demonology ; and Kolan Natannawa. A Cin- galese Poem. 1 vol. 8vo, London, 1829. Young (Edward). Poetical Works. 1 yol, 12mo, London, 1855. ilH! i; I Hi ■Ml I' ;| % * IM LITTfiRATURE— PROSE— LITERATURE PKOSK Almard (Oustave) Les Trappcuia uo TArkensas. 14o ddicion. In-18' Tans, 1873. Alison (Archibalds Misoellavieous Essays. 1 yoI. 8vo, Bonton, 1864. AlUbone (S. Austin) Prose quotations fh)m Soorntes to Macaulay. 1 vol. Gd 8vo, Philadelphia, 1876. Ampere (J. J. ) La Or6oe, Rome et Dante. Ikudos litt^raires d'apris nature. 3e Edition. Id-8, Par'fs, 1859. Litt«5rature, Voyages et Podsie, 2 vol. In-18, Pa/ria, 1853. Assolant (A.) Montluc Le Rouge. lUustrd de 63 gravures. In-8, Paris, 1878. Bailie al (L.) Les chasseurs dlvoire. Illuatr^. In-8, Paris. Bard (Samuel A.) " Waikna, or Adventures on the Mosquito Shore, " 1 vol. 12mo, New-York, 1855. Barlovr (Henry C.) Contributions to the Study of The Divina Corn- media. (W 8vo, 1 vol. London, 1864. Beaumarohaid (do) CEuvres completes prdc^d^es d'une notice aur sa vie et sea ouvragss par M. Saint-Marc Qirardin. In-8, Paris, 1872. ■— ' ■ ' Clavijo. Avec une prdface par M. de Lescure, In-18, Paris, 1880. Beaumont (Gustave de) Marie ou I'esclavage aux Etats-Unis. 2 vols. In-S, Paris, 1836. Bender (P. M. D.) Literary sheaves or la litt^rature au Canada fran- qais. The drama, history, romance, poetry, lectures sketches, &c. 12mo, Monpreal, 1881. £ LITr£:BATUKE— PROSE— LITEllATURE IM (licion. In-18' BoHton, 1864. to Macau lay. ^raires d'apris In-18, Pom, 18. In-8, Pari a, ia. aquito Shore, " Divi."ia Oom- le notice aur sa firardin. In-8, [. de Leacure, s-Unia. 2 vols. ti Canada fran- oetry, lectures Berquiu (M.) The Chfldren'a Friend, a tranoktioa. 2 vola. bound in 1 vol. 18mo, Boitton, 186'' Bertliet (£lie) I^a petita dcf>Iien dau«i lea oinq parties du moude. In.8, Pari», 1878. Blbaud (Michel) Magasiii du Das-Canada. Journal litt^raire et fcien- tiflque. Vol. 1 et 2 relics en 1 vol. In-8, Montr^l, 1832. Bolfsieu (Arthur de) Lea vivanta et ha inoita, 3e a(irie dea lottrea d'un paaaant. In-18, Paria, 1870. Bolanden (Conrad Von) Barbarossa, a Tale of the Xllth Century. 1 vol. 18mo, Philadelphia, 1867. Bouoher de Perthes. Lea Mauaaades : complaintea. In-12, Pari$, 1862. — . Sfttirca, contea et chanaonncttea. I 18, Pari*, 1833. — — — — — Hommefl et chcaea ; alphabet dea paiiaiona et dea acnaationa. 4 vola. In-12, Paris, 1860. Bouoherville (George de) Une de perdue deux de trouv^ea. 2 vol. In.l2. Montreal, 1874. Bouraasa (Napult^ou) Jacquea et Marie, souvenir d'un peuple disperse. 1 vol. In-8, Montreal, 1866. Bourget (Jose^ih G.) Pusaetemps sur lea chars. R6cit« et Nouvellea. 1 vol. 12mo, Trois-RiviircH, 1880. Boussonard (Louis) A travera rAustralie, ronians g^ographiques. 8vo, Montreal, 1880. ^ - Lea Robinsons de la Guyane. Le tigre blanc. In-18, Paris, 1382. B«rvrman (Anne) The Kangaroo Hunters. 1 vol. 18mo, Boston, 1156. Breaoiani (le P.) Matilde de Canosse. 2e Edition. In-12, Tournay, 1871. Broerkaert (J.J.) Le guide du jeune litterateur. 2 vol. In-12, Pari«, 1857. ■ ~ n 196 LITTfiRATUEE—PKOSE— LITERATURE Buchanan (Robert). The Shadow of the Sword, a romance, i vol. 12mo, Montreal, 1877. By (R.) Stray Leaves. From the drama of every life. Dedicated to my mother. 1 vol. 12mo, Montreal, 1878. Caddell (Cecilia Mary). A history of ihe missions ia Japan and Para- guay. 1 vol. 12mo, New York. Cahun (L4ou), Les aventures du capitaine Magon, ou une exploration ph^nicienne, mille ans avant I'fere chr^tienne. 72 gra- vures et une carte. In-4to, Paris, 1875. Casgrain (I'abW). (Euvres completes. 1 vol. 8vo, Quebec, 1873. Opuscules. Iu-12, Quebec, 1876. ' L^gendes canadiennes. In-18, Quebec, 1877. Caswell (H. S.) Walter Ilui-land, or Memories of the Past. 12ir\o, Mmitreal, 1874. 1 vol Cervant6s Saavedra (Miguel). L'ing^nieux hidalgo Don Quichotte de la Manche. Traduit et annotd par Ls. Viardot. Vi- gnettes de Roy. Gd in-8, Paris, 1858. Chamber (W. & R.} Repository of Instructive and amusing Tracks. 1 vol. 12mo, London. Chapin (Gardner B.) Tales of the St Lawrence. Illustrated. 1 vc. 12mo, Montreal, 1874. Chasles (Philar^te) Etudes contemporaines. Theatre. Musique et voyages Vieillesso de Goethe. Jeunesse de Shakspeare. Shakspeare et Moli^re. Hamlet et Macbeth. Charles Mathews. Histoire de I'op^ra. Da Ponte. Les joueurs.Tenise en 1780. Comment I'opdra de Don Juan fut cx^L Mozart. Weber. Gr^try. Un compositeur Tyrolien. L'^pouse et la mal- tresse. (George IV). Voltaire. Le triomphe de Tart. In-12, Paris, 1867. Voyages, Philosophie et Beaux-Arts. Etudes con- temporaines. In-12, Paris, 1866. RE LITTfiRATU RE— PROSE— LITERATI JEE 197 omance. 1 vol. , Dedicated to 878. apan and Para- iine exploration iienne. 72 gra- uSec, 1873. . bee, 1877. 8 Past. 1 vol Don Quichotte Viardot. Vi- nusing Tracks, istrated. 1 vc. ique et voyages re. Shakspeare 'lea Mathews, /"eniseen 1780. [ozart. Weber, ouse et la mat- aphe de Tart, Etudes con- Chasles (Philar^te) Encore sur les contemporains. Leurs ceuvres et leurs mcEurs. (De raasociation). A. M. About, Mceurs des derniers temps. Les vieux jcunes. Les jeunes vieil- lards. La Russie et la Pologne. Le Mexique d'aujour- d'hui. L'auberge de Podolie. Aristocraties nouvelles. Caricature en Europe. Les ^mancip^es. Amdlioration du sort populaire. In-12, Paris, 1869. CJhatterton, (Lady Georgiana). Oswald of Deira. A Drama. 1 vol. 12mo, London, 1867. Chauveau (Pierre J. 0.) Charles Gudrin, roman de mceurs cana- diennes. 1 vol, In-8, Montreal, 1853. Chevalier (H. EmileX Les grands coureurs d'aventures Jacques- Cartier. In-12, Pari». Coffin (F. Williami. 1812. The war and its moral : a Canadian chro- nicle. Iu-8, Montreal, 1864. Cooper (J. Eenimore). The Last of the Mohicans. 1 vol. 12mo, New York., 1859. . The Pilot. 1 vol. 12 mo, New York, 1859. • Lionel Lincoln, 1 voL 12mo, New-York, 1859. - Satanstoe. 1 vol. 12mo, New York, 1860. • Wyandottd. 1 vol 12mo, New-York, 1860. . The Pathfinder. 1 vol. 12mo NewYork, 1860. ■ The Redskins. 1 vol. 12mo, New-York, 1860. The Prairie. 1 vol. 12mo, New-York, 1859. The Bravo. 1 vol. 12mo, NewiYork, 1850. Home as Found ; Sequel to Hameward Bound. 1 vol 12mo, New- York, 1860. . Jack Tier. 1 vol. 12rao, New-York, 1860. Afloat and ashore. In-12. New York, 1861. Miles Wallingford ; Sequel to Afloat and Ashore. 1 vol. 12mo, New York, 1861. >.a,J '"llf liss ll i 198 LITTfiR ATUEE— PEOSE— LITEEAT UEE Cooper (J. Fenimore) The Ways of the Hour. 1 vol. 12mo, i^ew York, 1861. The Two Admirals. 1 vol. 12mo, New York, 1861. Precaution. With life of the Authbr by Wm. CuUeu Bryant. 1 vol. 12mo, New York, 1861. "-' ■ — — "^ — • • Heidenmauer. 1 vol. 12mo, New York, 1861. Cooper (Thompson.) Men of the time. A dictionary of contempo- raries. 1 vol. 8vo, London, 1875 and 2 vol. 1879. Cowaas (David I Anecdotes of the life on the Ocean. Portion of the experiences of twenty-seven year's service. 1 vol. 8vo, MontrM, 1876. Cuviller-Pleury. Etudes historiques et litt^iaires. 2 vol. In-18, Paris, 1854. Dashw^ood (Eichard Lewes) Chiploquorgan ; or life by the Camp Fire in Dominion of panada and Newfoundland. In-8, Lon- don, 1872. Daudet (Alphonse) Contes et r^oits. Le si^ge de Berlin — . L'enfant espion ^ — Les m^res — La derni^re classe, etc., etc. Uua- trations de Gill, Sahib, etc. 6d in-8, Paris. Debay (A.) Les nuits corinthienne 6u les soirees de Lais. 3e Edition. In.l8, Paris, 1872.. DeC^uise (Dr. Chs.) Helika, m^moire d'un viaux mattre d'^cole. 1 vol, %\o, Montrdal, 1872. DuCamp (Maxime) Souvenirs litt^iaires. 2 vol. 8vo, Paris, 1882. Dmilop (John) The History of Fiction, a critical account of the celebrated prose works of fiction. 1 vol. Gd 8vo, London, 1845. Dunn (Oscar) Dix ans de journalisme. Melanges. 1 vol. 8vo, Mont- rial, 1876. Dupin (M.) Travaux acaddmiques. Discours et Eapports. Discus- sions orales et opuscules divers. In-8, Paris, 1862. LITTfiRATURE— PEOSE-LITEEATtJUE m iw York, 1861. ol. 8vo, Mont- Duras (Mme de) Ourika. Avec une notice par M. de Lescttre. In-12, JParia, 1878. Duty and Affection. A Tal«j. 1 vol. 18mo, London. Duyokinok (E. A. & G. L.) CVclopoedia of American Literature. 2 vol. ■ Gd 8vo, New York, 1866. Edouakd le C0NFES8EUR roi d'Angleterre. Tragddie en cinq acteS. In-18, Moivtrial, 1880. Eliot (George) The wiU on the floss. In-12, New.York, 1860. Elwes (Alfred) " Guy Rivers, or a Boy's Struggles in the Great World. " 18mo, 1 vol. London, 1862. Emery (Marie) R^cits historiques et dramatiques. In-8, LilU, 1859 Erokmann-Chatrian Histoire d'un paysan. La patrie endanger 1792. neuvi6me Edition. In-18, Paris, 1869., , I^ Guerre. In-lS, Paria, 1866. Histoire d'un paysan. Le citoyen Bonaparte 1794-1815. In.18, PaHa, 1870 ^ banni, roman patriotique. 3e Edition, in-18 Paris. ^ Histoire d'un paysan de 1789. In-18, Paris, 1868 Everett (Fdward). Orationes and speeches. 2d edition. 2 vol. 8vo Boston, 1850. ' Fabre (Hector). Chroniques. 1 vol. 8vo, Quebec, 18^77. Pauoher de Saint-Maurice. De Quebec k Mexico. Souvenirs de voyages, de garnison, de combats et de bivouacs. 2 vol Gd in-12, Montr4al, 1874. Paughnan (Thomas). Stiring incidents in the life of a British soldier, an autobiography. 8vo, Toronto, 1880. Favorite Authors. A companion book of prose and poetry. 1 vol 12mo. Boston, 1866. !"1 r 11 200 I ^TTfiRATUEE— PROSE— LITERATURE n Fleldat & Aitiaiohe. Popular sayings from old Iberia. 1 vol. In-12> Qxiebec, 1877. Fleming (May Agnes). Kate Danton. A Novel. Toronto, 1877. 1 vol. 12mo, Poe (Daniel de) Robinson Cruao^, 1 vol. 12mo. London. ' Miscellaneous Works. 1 vol. Svo, London, 1855. Fornelles (Albert . La Campagne de I'lnvincible. Souvenirs de la piraterie barbaresque. In- 18, Paris, 1842. Frechette (Louis H.). Lettres k Basile k propos des causeries du dimanche de M. A. R. Routhier. Br. In-8, Quebec, 1872. (reli^ avec page blanches). Oasp6 (P. A. de). The Canadians of old. Translated by Georgiana M. Penne. 1 vol. Svo, Quebec, 1864. Gauthier (Th^ophile). Tableaux de si^ge, Paris, 1871. Les grotesques. Nouvelle Edition. In-18, Pxris, 1856. O^rin-Lajoie (A.) Jean Rivard. Scenes de la vie r^elle. Edition de 1872 et de 1874. In-8, MontrM. Goldsmith (Oliver) Miscellaneous Works. 1 vol. Gd Svo, Edinburgh, 1867. Grandville. Cent proverbes. Texte par Trois Utes dans un bonnet. Nouvelle Edition revne et augment^e pour le texte, par M. Quitard. In-8, J^sus, dor^, Paris. Gratry (A.^ Petit ma'" 1 de critique. In-32, Paris, 1866. Guenot i,C.) TancrMe prince de Tibi5riade. In-8, Tours, 1864. Le comte de Tyrone ou I'lrlande et le protestantisme au 16e sifecle. Gd In-S, Tours, 1863. Gviizot (Madame) Recreations morales. Contes r\ I'usage de la jeunese. In-12, Paris, 1855. Guizot (Mdme. de Witt) Motherless or a Parisian Family. 1 vol. 12mo, New-York, 1871. •^nmwH inrfiRATUEE-PROSJS— LITEI^ iTURE 201 1vol. In-12, 1 vol. 12mo, Hal^vy (Ludovic: Madame et monsieur Caidinal. Le rfive. Le cheval du trompette, etc. 24e edition. In-18, Paris, 1882. Heavysege (Charles) The advocate. A Novel. Iu-8, MontrM, 1865. Herbert (Lady) Three Phases of Christian Love. 12mo, 1 vol New York, 1869. HoltiMiss) An Autobiographical sketch of a teacher's life. In-8 Ouihec 1875. ' ^ ^ Hugo (Victor; Quatre-vingt-treize. 4e Edition. 3 vol. In-8, PaWs, 1874. Janin (Jules) Le Livre. In-8, Paris, 1870. Jeffrey (Francis) Contributions to the Edinburgh Review. 4 vols, in 1 vol. 8vo, Boston, 1854. Johnson (Frank) The village of Merrow, its past and present. In-8, Montreal, 1876. Jones (George) "Tecumseh and the Prophet of the West" an histo- rical Israel Indian Tragedy. " The Life and History of General Harrison " &c. 1 vol. 8vo, London, 1844. Kingston (Wm. H. G.) Our Sailors; or Anecdotes of the British Navy. 1 vol. 18mo, London, 1863. . Knot (Maple) The life and adventures or Simon Seek ; or Canada ia all shapes. In-8, Montreal, 1858. Kohl (J. G.) Kilchi-Gami. Wanderings round Lake Superior. 8vo, London, 1860. ' ' HuMARA Samhava miid^sae • Carmen. Sanscrite et latine edidit Adolphus Fred. Stenzgler. 1 vol. 4to, Berlin, 1838. Laoasse (Ildv. P. Zach.) Une mine produisant I'or et I'argent, d^cou- verte et mise en reserve pour les cultivateura seuls. In- 12, Quebec, 1880. Une mine de pierres d^tachi^es. A I'usaga dea cultivateurs. In.l2, Qnihec, 1881. Laoombe (Patrice). La terre patemelle. In-18, Qu^Mc, 1877. E i02 LlWfiRATtJRE— PROSE— LltEIlATUEH . Laoi^oix (Paul). Sciences et lettres, au moyen age et k r<5poque de la renaissance. lUustr^. 2e ^ditiom 4to, raria, 1877. Lanartlne (A. de). Le tailleur de pierre de Saint-Point. In-12, J'aria, 1855. Lamothe (Alex. de). La fiUe du bandit. Scenes et mceurs de I'Es- pagne contemporaine. Gd in-8, Fans. Marphu. Nouvelle edition. 2 vol. In-18, Paris, 1874. LanniE^i (Charles). Adventures of an Angler in Canada, Nova-Scotia and the United States, In-8, London, 1848. Lareau (Edmond). Histoire de la litt^rature cinadienne. 1 vol. In-8, Montreal, 1874. -* M«5Iange3 historiques et litteraires. Montreal, 1877, 1 vol. 8vo. LaRue (Hubert). MtJlanges historiques, litt<5raire3 et d'^conomie politique. 2 vol. 8vo, Quebec, 1870. Voyage sentimental sur la rue Saint-Jean. 1 vol. In-8, Qwihec, 1879. Lefkivre (Albert) Essai sur la litt^rature Allemande. La po^sie aux Etats-Unis. In-8, Qu4bec, 1881. LfeGENDES (Trois) de uion Pays. L'dvangile ignor^, I'^vangile prgcW, r^vaugile accept^. Iu-18, Quihec, 1876. Legendre (Napoleon). A mes eniants. In-12, Qu4hec, 1875. LeMay (Pamphile). Le Pelerin de Sainte-Anne. 2 vol. In-12 Qu^he'' 1877. Picounoc le Maudit. 2 vol. in-12, Qu4hec, 1878. Leprohpn (Madame). Armand Durand ou la promesse accomplie. Traduit de I'anglais par J. A. Genand. In-12, Montreal 1869. Lesp^ranoe (John . The Bastonnais : Tales of the american invasion of Canada in 1775-76. 12mo, Toronto, 1877. LITT^RATUEE— PILOSE— LITERATURE 20$ Le Tourneur. I,e jardin anglais, ou varit5t4a, tant origioales que trar . duites. 2 vol. Iu-8, Londrea, 1788, Lbttres portugaises publides sur I'^dition originale avec une notice pr^ liminaire par Alexandre Piedagnel. In-18, Paris, 1876^ LrsRA^iY of Qhoice literature, prose and poetry, selected from the moat admired authors. Edited with biographical and critical notes, by A. R. Spofford, librarian of congfess, and Cha. Gibbon, illustrated with 66 engravings on steel. In eight volumes. 8vo, Philadelphia, 1882. LmfeRATUBE Canadienne (La ' De 1850 k 1860. Publi^e par la Direc- tion du " Foyer Canadien. " 2 vol. In-8, Qu4hec, 1863-64 London Times. Essays from the " London Times." A collection of personal and historical sketches. l2mo, New-York, 19>ZT. Loyson (Charles) (Euvres choisies, publi^as par Emile Grimaud. In-^ Paris, 1869. Lude-wig (Herman) The literature of American aboriginal languages. 8vo, London, 1858. Lytton (Edward) Miscellaneous Prose Works. 3 vol. 8mo, London, 1868. Maoaulay (Rt. Hon. T. B.) Esayg, critical and miscellaneous. Gd 8vo, Boston, 1855. Maoaulay (Hastingsi Kathay. A cruise in the China Seas. 12mo, Neiv-York, 1852. Mao6 (Jean) Histoire d'une bouch^e de pain. In-8, Paris. Maistre (Jos. de) (Euvres completes precdd^es d'une note aur I'auteiit par M. Ste Beuve. 8vo, Paris. Malherbe. Lettres, orndea du fac-simile de son ^criture. In-8, Paris, 1822. Maroellus (le comte de) Chateaubriand et son temps. Iti-8, Purii, 1859. Margerie (Eug. de ) . Histoire d'un mendiant, ou contes d'un voyageur. In-18, Paris, 1879. \U 204 LtlT^RATURE-FROSE-LlTKRATURR Murmctte (Jos(.ph) FmnQoia do Bienville. Sc6i»u8 do la vie cana- dienne. In-8, QuSee, 1879. ^ chevalier de Moniac, chroiii(iuu do la Nouvelle- France. 1664. Svo, Montrdal, 1873. Marmier (X.) Lq Roman d'un Writier. Iu-18, Bruxelles, 1804. Recits amdricains. In-12, Tours, 1874. Marryat ; Captain) Masterman Ready. 1 vol. 12mo, London, 1857. Mayne-Reid (Captain) The Desert Home. 1 vol. 12mo, Zon(?ow, 1860. MfeMoiRES D'UN p6ro sur la vie et la mort de son fila. In-18, Paris, 1869. M6rlm6e (Prosper). Lettres ii une inconnue, prdciJdees d'une t^tude sur Mdrimde par H. Taine. 2 vol. In- 18, Park, 1874. Miscellaneous translations from oriental languages. 2 vol. In-8, London, 1831. Vol I. Translation of a H-ndoo book of fate. The last days of Krishna and the sons of Tandu. Vedala Cadai. Vol IJ. Geanological caUilogue of the kings of Annenia,,by Prince Hubboff. Siege and reduction of Chaitur. A short history of the secret motives which induced the decease Alemdar Mustafa Pascha, and the leaders of the imperial camp, to march from the city of Adrianople to Constantinople, with the stratagems they employed in order to depose Sultan Mustafa and restore to the throne Siiltan Selim the martyr. Miscellaneous Puose. Franklin. Burns, DeFoe &c. 1 vol. Svo, Edin- burgh, 1839. Modules de littdrature franqa.'se ou choix de morceaux en prose et en vers, avec des notices et des tables par M. Chapsal. In-12 Paris, 1848. Moneuse (Madame TuUie) Marguerite-Robert. In-12, Tours, 1852. Monmerqu6 (L. J. N.) et Pranoisque-Miohel Theatre franqais au moyen dge (Xle-XIVe si^cles) Gd in-8, Paris, 1842. Montajru (Basil) The works of Frangis Bacon Lord chancelor of En- gland. A new edition with Life of the Author. 3 vol. Gd Svo, Philadelphia, 1856. m ti la vie cana- do la Nouvelle- lies, 1804. London, 1857. London, 1860. i, Paris, 1869. I'uno «$tude sur is, 1874. 2 vol. In-8, ['"ndoo book of sons of Pandu. fllogue of the ) and reduction Motives which ascha, and the om the city of ratagems they .fa and restore )1. 8vo, Edin- prose et en lapsal. In- 12, mrs, 1852. i franqais au iris, 1842. jelor of En- »r. 3 vol. Gd LITTfiRATUEE-PROSE-LITERATURE 205 •\ i «* Moodle iSusnnnai Roughing it in the Bush ; or life in Canada. 2 vol. in one. 8vo, London, 1854. Moreau de Jonnds (A.) Avontures de guerro au temps de la Ri5pu- blicjuo et du Consulat. 2 vol. In-8, Paris, 1858. Musset (Alfred de . Comedies et proverbes. 2 vol. 12ino, Pans, 1866. Navary (Raoul de). La conscience. In.l8, Paris, 1878. " !-« marquis de Pontalloc. In-l 8, Paris, 1878. Osborn (Captain Sherard). My Journal in Malayan Waters. 1 vol. 12tno, London, 1861. Pellloo (Silvio). Kufaella. In- 12, Tournai, 1869. Pellisson et D'Olivet. Histoire de I'Acaddmie Francjaise. 2 vol. 8vo, Paris, 1858. . • Pontmartin (A. do) La fin du Proems. 12rao, Paris, 1869. Les corbeaux du Gevaudan. In.l8, Paris, 1878, Potts, D. D. (Rev. George) "The Preacher and the King" Translated from the French of L. Bungener. 1 vol. ]8mo, London, 1853. Provekbes FiiANQAis. Le livre des proverbes franqais pv6cm de re- cherches historiques sur les proverbes fran9ai8 ot leur emploi dans la litterature du moyen age et de la renais- sauce, par Le Roux de Liucy. 2e Edition. In-18, Paris, 1859. Puibusque (A. de) Le comte Lucanor, apologues et fabliaux du 14e si^cle. Traduit do I'espagnol. In-8, Paris, 1854. RlicoLTE DE L'HERMiTE (La) Un choix de morceaux d'histoire peu con- nus, anecdotes, contes, bons mots, etc. Iu-8, Paris, 1813. Richardson, (Major i. Wacousta or The Prophecy. 3 vol. 12mo, London, 1840. Roohdre (Mme la Csso de la). Nouvelles moiales. In-12, Tours, 1854. Ross (Mrs.) Violet Keith, an autobiography. In-12, Montreal, 1868 li I i I i :m 206 irrrfiBATURE— PEOS^^LITERATURE Roiuweau (S.) The Flowers of Persian Literature, containing Extract! from the most celebrated Authors. 1 vol. 4to. London 18U1. Routhier (A. B.) A travers I'Europe. Impressiona et payages. 2 vol. 8vo, Quebec, 1881, . 882. Sadlier (Mrs. J.^ The Blakes and Flanagans. 1 vol. 12rao. Xew York 1861. Con O'Regan. 1 vol. 8vo, New York. Saiate-Beuve (C. A.) Madame Desbordes-Valraore, sa vie et sa cor- respondance. In-12, Paris, 1870. , Chateaubriand et son groupe littdraire sous I'em- pire. 2e (Edition. 2 vol. In-12, Paris, 1861. Galerie des grands dcrivains frauQais, tirde des causeries du lundi et des portraits litterpires. Illustrde de portraits graves au burin. Gd in-8, Paris, 1878. Notice sur M. Littrd, sa vie et ses travaux. In-8, . Pcirie, 1863. CEuvres choisies de Pierre de Ronsard, avec no- tices, notes et commentaires. In-8, Paris, 1838. NouvcUe galerie des grands dcrivains franqais, tirde des causeries du lundi et des portraits littdraires. Illustrde de portraits graves au burin. Gd in-8, Paris, 1881. Etude sur Virgile, suivie d'une dtude sur Quintus de Smyme. In-12, Paris, 1857. liCttres k la princesse. 3e Edition. In-18, Paris, 1873. Samtard. Eomau politique sur I'dtat present des affaires de YAmi- rique. 12mo, A'msterdam, 1756. Sand (George) Franqois le Champi. Nouvelle Edition. In-18, Paria, 1869. La petite Fadette. Nouvelle ddition. Iu-18, Paris, 1881. LITTfiKATUKE— PROSE—LITERATURE dbir !S travaux. In-8, Sohooloraft (Heniy K., Th« Hiawatha Legends. 1 vol. 18mo Pkila- delpkia, 1856. Second (Alberic Le roiimn de deux bourgeois. 3e Edition. In-18 rari», 1879. ' Sedaine. CEuvres choisies. In.l8. Paris, 1869. Seeley (J. R.) Lectures and Essays. 1 vol. 8vo, London, 1870. Seguin. Le Robinson noir. In-8, Paris. S6vign6 (Madame de) Nouveau choix de lettres destin^ aux petits S(5niinaires. In-8, Tours, 1851. Smith's Standard Library Prose. 1 vol. 8vo, London. SoiBfeES Canadiennes (Les). RecueiUe de littdrature Nationale. 5 vol 8vo, QuSec, 1861 k 1865. Suite (Benjamin) Au coin du feu. Histoire et fantaisie. 12mo. Quebec 1877. Melanges d'histoire et de litt^rature. In-12, Ou4(bec 1876. Taillandier (Saint R^nd) Littdrature dtrangfere. Ecrivains et pontes modernes. In-12, Paris, 1861. Tales and Legends from history. 12mo, Few- York. Tales for travellers from Chambers's papers for the people, first & second series. 2 vol. 8vo, London, 1854. Talfour (T. Noon) and Stephens (James). Critical and Miscella- neous writings. 2 vol. in 1 vol. 8vo, Boston, 1854. Tassy (Garcin de). Histoire de la litt«5ratui-e hindoue et hindoustane. Seconde ddition. 2 vols. Gd. In-8, Paris, 1870-71. Theatre Lifioois. NouveUe Edition. In-18, Li^ge, 1854. Ticknor (GeorgeX History of Spanish Literature. 3 vol. Gd. 8vo, New York, 18'49. The Keepsake for 1831. Edited by Frederic M. Reynolds. In.l2, London. 208 LITTfiRATURE— PROSE— LlTElCATfJRE Thomao (C.) Tho Frontior SchfMilmanttir, the autobiography of a teach«r, an Kasay. In-8, MontNal, 1380. Thoreau, (Henry). Ca|)e Cod. 1 vol. 12ino, Boston, 1865. Topflfer (Rodolpho) Rdflectiona et menus propos d'un peintro Gcnevois. Iu.l2, Paris, 1858. —— Nouvelles gcJnevoises. Tn-t2, Paris. Trudelle (VohU, Trois Souvenirs. 12iuo, Quebec, 1878. Tuokerman (Henry T.) A month in England In-12, Redfidd, 1853. Une S(EUR de Fabiola, par M. I'abW L. A. 4e Edition, In-18, Paris, 1869. Verne CJules) L'tle mystorieuse. Illustrt?. In-4to, PaHs. Les Anglais au p61e nord, aventures du capitaine Hatteras. 24o i5dition. In- 1 8, Paris. Les enfants du capitaine Grant. Voyage autour du monde. 3 vol. In-18. Voyage au centre de la terre. 27e (Edition. In-18, Pari*. Le tour du motide en quatre-vingts jours. 52e Edition. In-18, Paris. Autour de la lune. 1 9e Edition. In-18, Pam. La Jangada, huit cents lieues sur I'Amazone. 7e Edi- tion. In-18, Paris. La maison k vapour, voyage k travers I'Inde Septen- trionale. He edition. 2 vol. In-18, Paris. . L'llc mysterieuse. Les naufragt^s de I'air. 25o t^dition. In-18, Paris. Aventures du capitaine Hatteras. Illustrd, 4to, Paris. Une ville flottante, illustrd. In-4to, Paris, • Hector Servadac. Voyages et aventures h traver ' monde solaire. 14e edition 2 vol. In-18, Paris. Vingt mille lieues sous les mers. Ouvrage couronni par I'Academie fran9ai8e. 22e ddition. In-18, Pa7'is. ii RE phy of a teacher, 1866. eintro Gcnevoia. I ?. •8. Redfidd, 1853. I a- 18, Paria, Pama. s du capituine yage autour du 1. In-18, Paria, ra. 52e Edition. ?, Paria. azone. 7e ^di- I rinde Septen- ir. 25o L^dition. trd, 4to, Paria. via, I Ji traver ' ^aria. rage couronni .8, Pa7'ia. LITTfiUATUnE-rROSE-LIT^RATURE 200 Verne (Jules) Une ville flottantc, suivie dm forceurs de blocuo. 17« (idition. Iii.l8, Paria. Five Weeks m a Balloon (TronslHtion) 1 vol. 8mo^ Loniion, 187t). I^ d»5sert de glace, aytotures du capitaine Hatteraa. 24e ddition, In-18, Paria, VeuiUot (Louis) Agn^s de Louvena, ou m( vrage th^oriquo et pratique. Avec vignettes. In-8. Quiihect 1866. MATHfiMATIQUES-MATHEMATIGS 2U it coDstitntionnel Bouchette (Joseph). Ta,ble8 showing the difference of longitude in time at the moat important places between Atlantic and Pacific Oceana, ^u-12, Toronto, 1857. Bouthillier (Jean Antoine). Traits d'arithjn^tique pour I'usage des ^coles, In-18, Quebec, 1809. Daroy (Henri). Recherchea exp^rimentales relatives au mouvement de I'eau dana lea tuyaux. 1 vol. 4to de texte et 1 vol folia Atlas. Paris, 1857. DeviUe (Capt. E.) Examples of Astronomic and Geodetic calculations for the use of Land Surveyors. In-8, Quebec, 1878. Dupin (le baron Chs.) G^om^trie et m^canique des arts et metiers et des Beaux-Arts. 2e Edition, 3 vol. 8vo. Parw, 1825. M^moirea divers. Situation progressive des forces da la France depuis 1814. M(5canique, experiences sur la flexibilitt^, la force et I'^lasticit^ des bois, avec des applications aux constructions en g^n^ral, et ap^cialement a la construction des vaisseaux, faites dans I'arsenal de la marine de Corcyre en IBll. 4to, Paris, 1827. ' Applications de gdomdtrie et de m^canique, k la mariu3, aux ponts et caaussdes, etc. 4to. Paris, 1822. Hogg (Jabez). The microscope, its history, construction and applica- tions. Illustrated. 2nd edition, 8vo, London, ISr.G. Laoasse (Napol^om. Tenue des livrea en partie simple et en pirtie double, ou comptabilit(5 gdndrale. Iu-8, Quebec. Editions imt) ec 1877. Ladreyt (Caaimir). Nouvelle arithm^tique raisonn^e ou coura coraplet de cftlcul th^orique et pratique, In-8, MontrM, 1836. La&anoo (J. C. L.) Nouvelle arithm^tique commerciale et pratique. ln-12, Quibec, 1867. Lagrange. Sea oeuvrea, publi<5ea par lea soins de M. J. A. Serret, . sous les auspices de M. le ministre de I'lostruction I'li- bliqiic. Tomes III ^ IX inclus. et Xllle. 8 vol. in-4to, i'ttm, 1872. '^ il 2 MORALE ET PHILOSOI'HTE-MORAL & PHTLOSOPHY Langelier (J. C.) Manuel de tenue des livres k i' usage des dcoles primairea, In-8, QuSec, 1877. Langevin (L'abb^ Jean). Traite (51«5mentaire de calcul diff,5rentiel et de calcul integral. In-8, QuSec, 1848. Le Sueur (Philip). Commercial tables. Sterling Exchange reduced to dollars and cents, .&c. In-S, Quebec, 1859. MiUer (Pierre) Ready reckoner for the use of lumber merchants, mea- surers of timber, ship buildeis, cabinet makers, sawyers, etc. In.4to, Quebec, 1869. Moxxge (G.) Geora^trie descriptive, suivie d'une th^orie des ombres et de la perspective. 6e edition. 4to, Paria, 1838. Toussaint (F. X.) Traitd »51^mentaire d'arithmdtique. In-12, QuSec, 1876. MORALE ET PHILOSOPHIE MORALE AND PHILOSOPHY Ahrens (Henri) Cours de Droit Naturel, ou de Philosophic du Droit, complet(5 dans les principales matieres, par des apercus • historiques et politiques. 6e edition. 2 vols, s'vo, Leipzig, 1868. Abistote, Opera omnia groece et latine 4 Vol. FoHo Paris 1639. BiiAO DE LA Perri^ke. Le socialisme. In.l8, Paris, 1880. Burke (Edmund) First principles selected from his writings. With and introductary essay by R. Montgomery. Iu-18, Loudon, 1853. J . , HTLOSOPHY MORALE ET PHILOSOrHIE— MOEAL & PHILOSOPHY 213 Burlamarqui (J. J.) The Principles of Natural and Politic Law. Translated from the Latin original. 1 vol. Gd. 8vo, Oxford and London, 1817. Cere (Paul). Les populations dangereuses etles mis^res sociales. 12mo, Paris, 1822. Channlng (W. E.) Sa vie et sa doctrine. Vide : Laboulaye. Chinlqny (Le Rev. 0.) Manuel des 8ociet(53 de Tetnp(5rance d^di^ k la jeunesse du Canada. 3me Edition. In-12, Jlontrdal, 1849. Com£die infeknale. Ou conjuration lib^rale aux enfers. Par un illu- 'mini5. 8vo, Montreal, 1872. Pieces justificatives publides par I'auteur, r^uniea au vol. ci-dessus. Coquille (J. B. V.) Les L^gistes, leur influence politique et reli- gieuse. 8vo, Paris, 1863. Delorme (S.) Les Hommes d'Homere. Essai sur les mceurs de la Gr^ce aux temps heroiques. In-8, Paris, 1861. Dupanloup (Mgr.) La charity chr(3tienne et ses ceuvres. Gd 8vo, Paris 1864. Conseils aux jeunes gens sur I't^tude de la philoso- phie. In.l8, /"am, 1872. Fontaine {Mv. Edm.) Hu-v the world was peopled. Ethnological lec- tures. In-8, New-York, 1872. Fossati (J. S. A.) Questions philosophiques, sociales et politiques, traiti^es d'apr^s les principes de la physiologic du cerveau. 1 vol. 8vo, Paris, Franklin (Benjamin) Works. Vide. Politique et Idgislation. Gaume (Mgr) La vie n'ost pas la vie ou la grande erreur du XIXe sifecle. 2e Edition, revue. In-18, Paris. iiai 814 MOK ILE ET rHILOSOPHIE-MOIlAL & PHILOSOPHY OenUU (A. D.) UatlKJismo rdfuUJ pnr la scionoo, suivi tie la critique du surnaturel, du spiritualiHino, dos systimya nthcJos, d« la niomlo indiJpeudante ot du nyisnio ct do I'ctudo dos causes do co mal, do soa gmvos oonsiVpioncoa ot do son romMe, ou I'ltWlsme enaeini do la libtirttJ ot du iirogrtH. In- 18, Pttm, 18C9. Oulaot. MtJditatious ot t5tudos morales. Svo, /'ttrw, 1868. Hello (Ernest) L'homrao. Vtioidi d'uue introduction par M. Heiwi Lassorre. In-S, Paris, 1872. iNSTiTirriONEs Philosophicno ad usum studiosio juvontutis. 8vo, Quehea, 1835. Joubort(J.) Pon3(5o3, Essais, Maximos ot Correspondimco. 2 vol. In-S. Paris, 1850. Laboulaye (Edouai-d) aiuvres socialos d« W. K. Olvmning. Truduitos do ran^lais, pri^ci5di5e8 d'un ossai sur la vio ot kvs doctrinus do Chanuing, ot d'uno introduction. 12ino, Parin, 1854. La Bruydre. (Euvroa. Nouvollo Edition, rovuo ot augtnontdo, par M. G. Servois. '2 vols. In-8, Paris, 1865. Lafbret (Mgr). Histoiro do la philosophic anoionno. 2 vol. In-S, Bruxellea, 1866-67. Lamennais (F.) CEiivroa posthumos, publidos scion lo vcbu do I'autcur, par E. 1). Forguos. MiJlangos philoaophiijuos ot poli- tiques. In-8, Pai*ia. 1856. Laprade (Victor del Question d'art ot do morale. Tn-8, Parts, 1861. Lesk/ (J. P.) Man's origine and destiny, sketched from the platform of the sciences, in a course of lectures, delivered tefoio the Lowell Institute, in Boston, 1865-66. ;in-8, Pkila- delphia, 1868. Luquet (Mgr).* De la vocation, ou raoyen d'atteindro aa fin dans le marlage et dans la vie parfaite. 2 vol. In-S, Paris, 1857-1859. Marmontel. Bdlisairo et fragments do philosopliie morale. Nouvyllo Edition. Iu-12, Mndree, 1805. 'HiLosoray uouAht ET rinLosoi»niR~.>foiiAL & nuLosoriiY 215 rule. Nouvelle Matter (M. J.) D,) rinflnonoo dns ma«iiM »ur \m hin, nt do I'iuiuieneo dw loin Bur Ion nupiirM. 8vo, Paria, 184;j. Maury (L. F. Alfred). Li miigi,. „t I'lisUoIo^lo duns runti.iniui d an moyon &g^^, ou tStude gur leu iiiporutitiotif imiontivM qui m mmt porpiSttK^ai jm(iti'i\ m» jouru. 4« Edition. In-ie Puria, 1877. M^Bl6rea (A.) U homM fmnijninn. Lo pnyjian. — TA.uviior. — U bommioiHio. _ I/uiiHtocmtu). — ].m fcimiuiH. Ktudoi momlofl 8ur lo Uunim pioaoiit. 1 ii- 1 8, J'aru, laC.U. Maulart (Ford. J.) I/Kglino ot I'Ktut .,u hn d«ux iniimawm, huir orl- Kino, loiirH nipiiurtH, lonrs droilB ot lours liniiUis. 8v(», Louvain, 1879. Nioolai (Michol) lutHKluction h IV-liulo do l'hi»toiro do k tMUmvhk ■ 2 vol. In.8, /'(trw, 1849-50. NIoolaa (Aug.) Ktudos philoMophiquosaur lo chrUtiunisnio. 9o (5dition 4 vol. 8vo, ParU, l8f.G. PAquet (IWv. U.) Lo lihdruliHn.o. Loc^ouh donn^-w .\ rUnlvor»iu5.Uval In-8, Hume, 1877 Paquin (IWv. P. I. V.) l.:H8tti snr lo droit nocial chrdtion. l8n.o, Ottawa 1877. ' Perln (Charles) Les IoIh do lu mm6t6 chrdtionno. 2 vol. 8vo PaAa 1875. ' ' ruACTiOAL Phil.mophyof tl.o IVoplo, tmnMlrttion oftho Akhluk-i-.TalHly, from tl.o I'(,rNiiui of KuUr .hmy Mu- harninad Asiiud, with roforcnco notes by VV, F, Thoiiijwon 1 vol. 8vo, London. 18:}9. Renaud (Artnand) L'luiroistno. 12ino, Parin, 187G, Roftldda (Antonin do) L.. i„,„Hour. du jour ot Ari.tot.,. Traih'. dos etros suhHtantiolH. (Frddault-Sai8««t-Ju„ot~Uv. Pope (Frank L.) Modern practice of the electric telogniph. A handbook for electricians and operators. 8vo, New York, 1873. Tables Tournantes. Nouvelles de I'autro monde. Spiritual Rappings, correspondances, &c. 10 pages. In-4to, Ahntrial, 1853. Tyndall (John) Lessons in electricity at the royal institution? 1876-76. 12rao, NewYoi'k, 1879. Sv **■ POLITIQUE ET LEGISLATION POLITICAL SCIENCE, LEGISLATION Adams (John) Works. Vide: Histoiuk de I'Amkriqoe, Etats-Unin, Arnold (Arthur) Social Politics. 8vo, London, 1873. Oauohon (Hon. Jose^jh) The Union of the Provinces of British No- th America. Translated by G. Henry Maouulay. QiL(ib<'.(^ 1865. CATfecnisMB politique k I'usage dos franQais. 8vo, Paris, 1875. 218 POLITIQUE ET LfiGISLATION-rOU SCIENCE & LEGIS. Ohambruu (Adul^.ho do). U rouvoir oxdoutil" uux Etttts-Uuia. lu-S, Pai-ia, 1876. Flourens (Emile). Organisation judiciairo et adininiatrutive de la Fmuce et do la Bolgique (1814-1875). Ouvruge cou- roun»5 im I'lnstitut. lu-S, /Urn, 1875. Franklin (Beujamin). Works containing several political and histori- cal tmets, not included in any former edition, and n)any letters, olHcial and private, with notes, and a life of the author by Jared Sparks. Vol. ler Perdu, i " 2. Essays on religious and moral subjects. " 3-4. Essays and tracts and political, (before the American revolution). " 5. Political papers during and after the American revo- lution. •* 6. Letters and papers on philosophical subjects, "7. Private letters to the time of the auUiora, first mission to England, 1725-57. " 8. Letters private and official (1757-1775. " 9 et 10. 1775-1785. 9 vol. 8vo, Boston, 1840. G6rln Lajoie (A.) Catt'ehhsme politique. Vide : DuoiT Canadien. SJEB ET AuJOURij'HUi ou I'opposition et le pouvoir suivis du traits de leciprocite outre le Canada et les Etats-Unis. In -8, Livis, 1874. Johnson (S. M.) The goveninient in England and America. In-8, New York, 1864. Lerminier (E.) Histoire dos It'gislateurs et des constitutions do la Gr^ce antique. 2 vol. 8vo, Paris, 1852. Lindsay (Charies ) Rome in Canada, the Ultramontane Struggle for Supremacy over the civil authority. 1 vol. 8vo, Toronto 1S77. . Livingstone (Edward) Capital punishment, argument of Ed. Livings- tone. 24 pages 8vo, Brock Can. Vol. 103. rCE & LFXIIS. POLITIQUE ET Ll^.GISLATION-POLI. SCIENCE & LEGIS. 219 ita-Uuis. lu-B, )litical, (before mencan rcvo- MoOee (Thos. D'Arcy.) SiHjechea and a.ldro.sHos cl.iofly on the Bubjoc4 of Britiah Anioricsin Union. 12mo, London, 1865. Notoa 8ur leg GouvemomenlH Ft^dt'ranx passdg et j.n'seiits. Tradnit do I'anglaia par Ls. G. Gladu. In-S, St Ilyacintlie, 1865. MoPherson (Edm.) Political manual for 1860. Vide: IIistoirk ox i.'AMfcitiQUE, Etats-Unis. Monroe ( Jamoa) Tho people, the 8oveioi«.i8. Vide : Duorr Amk Id. CAIN. Pklkt (le Bon). Opinions do NajioWon snr divers snjets do iK.litiqne et d'administratlon recueillios i)ar tin niombro de soti conseil d'6Uit. Et recitdo queKines (Jvi^-nements de I'eiHhiue. Svo, I'arltt, 18^3. PoLmQUB PttU8,siBNNK (La) et le catholioismo en Allcmagne. Con- Hidemtiona sur la dorniiro guerre Frauco-Alleiuando, par un caUioliijue allemand. 8vo, I'arvi, 1872. Pu|o8 (Maurice). Do la L(oo}K)r Iaw and Dr. N. UdgiiH. 1 vol. 8vo, Lunilon, 1840. Blumenbaoh (J. 1*'.) Manual of ooinparativo anatomy. Translated by Wuj. Liwinncit. Uovisod by Wm. Coulsun. i vol. 8vo, Loudon, 1827. Bouohut (K.) IliHttiim do la nii^docino ot dus doutrinus nuUliculuiJ. 1 vol. 8vo, Pur'iH, 18()4. Briand (J.) ot Ohaudrities, and the days. Gd in-4, I, and owls of -eal, 1876. mes contenues eillies pendant ntzjflbbon (Agnes) and Trail (0. P.) Canadian wild floweis. 4to, Montreal, 1869. Oourdon (J.) et Nandin (P.) Nou voile Iconogrnphie Fouragire. Histoire, Botanique ^conomique ot agricolo des plantos fouragferes avec planches grav«5o8 sur cuivre ot colori(5os. 2 vol. Gd In-8 de texte et 1 Atlas Tn-8 do 126 planches, Paris, 1871. Hooker (Wm. Jackson) Exotic flora, containing figures and descrip- tions of new, rare, or otherwise interesting exotic plants. 3 vol. 8vo, Edinburgh, 1823. Lafltau (Joseph FranQois) M«5moire pr^sont^ k son altesse royale Mgr Le Due d'Orl^ans regent do France, coucernant la pr4- cieuse plante du Gin-Seng de Tartarie. 8vo, Montreal, 1868. LeOoq (Henri) Traits des plantes fouragferes, ou flore des prairies natureUes et artificielles de la France et do I'Europe cen- trale. 26me Edition. 8vo, Paris, 1862. Mangin (Arthur) Les plantes utiles. Illustrations par Yan d' Argent et W. Freeman. 8vo, Tows, 1870. Miohaux (Andreas) Flora Borealis Americana. 2 vol. 8vo. ParisOs, 1820. In-1. Vol. . The north american sylva; or, a description of the forest trees of the United States, Canada, and Nova Scotia. Illustrated by 166 colored engravings. With notes by J. Jay Smith. 3 vol. in two, 4to, Philadelphia, 1859. Moyen (L'abb^ J.) Cours (51dmentaire de Botanique et Flore du Ca- nada, k I'usage des maisons d'^ducation. In-8, MontrM, 1871. Nuttall (Thomas) The north american Sylva ; or, a description of the forest trees of the United States, Canada, and Nova Scotia, not described in the work of F. Andrew Michaux. Illustrated by 121 colored plates. 3 vol. in two, 4to, Philadelphia, 1859. 230 BOTANIQUE— BOTANY Provanoher (L'ahU L.) Traits ^l^mentaire de Botanique k I'usage des maisons d'^ducations. 1 vol. In-12, QvJbec, 1858. Richard (A.) Iconographie V^g^tale. 1 vol. Bvo, Paris, 1841. G]^OLOGIE Badin (Adolphe) Grottes et cavemes, voir : Arci. c .; gib. Delesse De I'azote et des mati&res organiques dans I'^corce terrestre. In-8, Paris, 1861. / Gkologioal survey of lUinois, A. H. Warthen, director, vol VII. Geo- logy and palceontology, geology, by A. H. Warthen, Palce- ontology, by A. Warthen, Orestes St. John, and S. A. Miller, with an addenda by Chs. Wachsmuth and W. A. Bams. Illustrated by Julius Mayer & Co. Boston. Petit in-4, Springfield, May 1883. Bales, (M.) Histoire des Tremblements de Terre arrives k Lima et autres lieux ; avec la description du P^rou. 1 vol. 12mo. La ffaye, 1752, Longohdne (de). Le monde souterrain, ou merveilles g^ologiques. 6e «5dition. In-12, 2\>«r«, 1855. LyeU (Sir Charles). A manual of elementary geology ; or, the ancient changes of the earth and its inhabitants as illustrated by geologies monuments. Reprinted from the 6th edition. lUustrated with 750 wood cuts. Gd. In-S, New Ywk 1860. —— The student's elements of Geology, with illustra- trations. 12mo, New York, 1871. • AlanteU (G. A.) Geological excursions round the Isle of wight, and along the adjacent coast of Dorsetshire. Illustrative of the most interesting geological phenomena and organic remains. 3rd Edition. In-18, London, 1854. SILVICULTURE 281 x)rce terrestre. * Richardson (G. F.) An introduction to geoloRy, and .3 associate eeien/jes, mineralogy, foasii botany, and palceontology. A new edition, revised and considerably enlarged by Thomaa Wright. In-18, Zoridow, 1851. Raynau'l (Jean). Histoire ^l^mentaire des min^raux. 6e ^ition illuetr^e de deux planches en couleur et d'une planche noire. In-lS, Paris, 1833. Smithsonian miscellaneous collections, vol 22 to 27 incl. Gd. In-S. Washington, 1883. (D^u;. I — reports. Annual reports of the board of regents of the Smithsonian institution showing the operations, expen- ditures, and condition of the institution. Warthen (A. H.) geology. Voir : Geolooical 0/ Illvnois. SILVICULTURE ;^'i!l Ambmcan Journal of forestry (the) devoted to the interests of forest tree planting, the formation and care of woodlands and ornamental plantations generally, and to the various eco- nomies therein concerned. Edited by Franklin B. Hough. 48 p. in.8, monthly. Cincinnati, (From Vol 1 No 1 Oct. 1882.) * * * Demontzey (R) Traits pratique du Eeboisement et du Gazonnement des Montagues. 2e Mition, revue et augment^, ornde de gravures. 8vo, Paris, 1882. Hough (Franklin B.) Report on forestry from the committee appointed to memoriaUze congress and the state legislature, regard- ing the cultivation of timber and the preservation of forests. 8vo, Salem, 1878. Proceedings of the American forestry congress, at its cession held at Cmcmnati, Ohio, in april, 1882, and at Montreal, Canada, in august, 1882. With a notice of the organization 0^ the american forestry association united with it. at the Montreal session. Br. in.8, Washington, 1883. ' 232 STATISTIQUE— STATISTICS Tallotte (M.) Am^nagement des forfita, estimation des for^ts en fonds et superfioie. R^p;ime Foreatier. 8vo, 1879. Hiomas (Jean Basile) Traits g^n^ral de statistiques, culture et ox- ploitation des bois. 2 vol. In-8, Pa'n.a, 1840. STATISTIQUE Begg (Alexander). The great Canadian North West, its past history, present conditions, and glorious prospects. 8vo, Mont- real, 1881. Block (Maurice). Statistiques de la France, compar^e avec lea autres 6tats de I'Europe. 2 Vol. 8vo, Paris, 1860. Boulton (D'Arcy). Sketch of His Majesty's province of Upper Canada. 4to, London, 1805. « Browne (J. Eoss). Resources of the Pacifique Slope. A atatiatical and descriptive summary of the mines and minerals, climate, topography, agriculture, commerce, manufactures, and miscellaneous productions of the states and terri- tories west of the Rocky mountains, with a sketch of the settlement and exploration of Lower California. 900 pages. 8vo, New York, 1869. Oanaj)A. Miscallaneous statistics of Canada, for the year 1866. Part I. In-8, Ottawa, 1867. Census of Canada. — Recensement du Canada. 1851-52; 2 vol. Gd in-8, Qu4hec, 1853. 1860-61. 2 vol. Gd in-8, Qu4hec, 1863. 1870-71. 5 vol. Gd in-8, Ottawa, 1873-78. 1880-81. Ottawa, 1883. Condition and prospects of Canada in 1854. In-8, Quebec, 1855. Oorbaux (Francis) On tb'^ natural and Matbematioal laws concerning population, vitality and mortality. 8vo, London, 1833. ' Upper Canada. 1866. Parti. STATISTIQUE-STATISTICS 233 North Weat Territory and other papers JZg toZ Dominion, 8vo, Ottawa, 1870. B. C«,(Pa„n Notes ,„r le Canada. Ap«r,„ g,n.«,. Kesum. histo- nqne, prodmts naturels et mannfactnr^s, oomnier«t navigauon, population, Mucation. ^migrati^n reniw ments divers. 12nio, Pa™, 1878. ""^ "^'gne- DOMIKIOK (the) of Canada, containing a la,^ amount „, staUstioa. in r8t:=nr8:' --"---.--: D0Mn„0» „f Canada and i^ Provinces, also Kewfoundland. kU West Temtories, Anticosti and Labrador A nl.,- j . tion of . . . . In.8. Montreal, mt ^^ "^'^ Douglas (Sir H.) Considerations on the value Mid in.,^^ , . British North American Provtar ^T"^ t *' 8vo^W«,„nvo>.a:ec*'d\:LrC Drapeau (Stanislas) Etudes sur la colonisation du Bas C.„^ a ■ aix «,s,185I 4 1861, consta J ,f "^^"t'dl^'dT fnchements, I'ouverturfi Hpq «!,« • ^ ^ ®^ ^^ connection with a reform of lie poor law3. iC « * London, 1822. "^ ^ ^°^' ^vo, Hogan (J. Sheridan) Canada. An essav f/. w^,- i, prize by the Paris exhbfti t ''*' ^""^"^'^ *^« «>•«' 8. .^o.Uu855 ''^""^"^^ °^ ^«-<^- I- Howlson (John) Sketehes of Upper Canada, domestic local and ^ racteriatic to which are added. liract^ Ide ^^^^0'^^^^^ formation of emiimn.. „« »■ "•> uetaus lor the in. 1825. '^ '''"^ ''''^- «™. ^rfmte-7, i I I 234 STATISTIQUE— STATISTICS Jones (J.) A series of tables of annuities and assurances calculated from a new rate of mortality amongst assured lives, with examples. 8vo, London, 1843. Langelier (J. C.) Esquisse sur la Gasp^sie. Br. in-8, L^vis, 1884. Langeyln (Hector L.) Le Canada, ses institutions, ressources, produits, manufactures, etc., etc. . In-8, Quebec, 1855. „__ . Report on the British Columbia In.8, Ottawa, 1872. .. Eapport sur la Colombie Britannique Ottawa, 1872. In-8, Lebrun (Isidore) Tableau statistique et politique des deux Canadaa. • In-8, I'aria, 1833. Lewis (James) Digest of the English Census of 1871. In-8, Londqn, 1873. MaoGregory (John) Commercial statistics. A digest of the productive resources, commercial legislation, custom, tariffs, naviga- tion. Port and quarantine laws and charges shipping. Imports and exports, and the monies, weights and mea- sures of all nations, including all British Commercial treatise with foreign states. 2nd edition. 5 vol. Gd 8vo, London, 1850. ' Moreau de Jonn6s. Statistique de I'Espagne. 8vo, Paris, 1834, Statistique de la Grande-Bretagne etde I'lrlande, 2 vol, 8vo, Paris, 1837. Statistique des peuples de Vantiquit^ EgyptienB, lea H^breux, les Grecs, les Eomains et les Gaulois. Economie sociale, civile et domestique de ces peuples. 8vo, Paris, 1857. Elements de statistiques. Principes g^n^raux de cette science. 2e Edition. In-12, Pai4s, 1856. .' Statistiques de I'industrie de la France. In-12, Les Paris, 1856. STATISTIQUE—STATISTICS 286 Recensement. Recapitulation par diatricts et comt^s Jle r^num^ration d« 1h population des habitants du Bas-Canada, etc., etc, 2 vol. 1 franqais et 1 anglais. Folio, Montr4al, 1846. Rbcensement du Canada, de 1851 & 1852. 2 vol. Gd 8vo, Quibeo 1853. Recensement. 1860-61. 2 vol. Gd 8vo, Qudhec, 1863. Recensement. 1870-71. 6 vol. Gd 8vo, Ottawa, 1873-78. Recensement. 1880-81. Gd 8vo, Ottawa, 1881. Rolph (Thomas). A description and statistical account of Canada; shewing the great adaptation for british emigrants. Pro- ceeded by an account of a tour through portions of the West Indies and the United States. Ivo, Lotidon, 1841. Saouenay (Le) en 1851 ; histoire du pass^, du prdsent et de I'avenir possible du Haut-Saguenay, an point de vua de a colo- nisatioa In-12, Qu4hec, 1832. Smith (W. H.) Canada past, present and future, being a historical and geographical and statistical account of Canada west, with maps, &c. 2 vol. 8vo, Toronto. Synge (Millington Henry/. Canada in 1848. Examination of existing resources of British North America. In-8, London. Taoh6 (Mgr.) Sketch of the North- West of America. Translated from the french, by Captain D. R. Cameron. In-8, Montreal, 1870. Esquisse sur le Nord-Ouest de TAmdrique. In-8, Montreal, 1869. (J. C.) Sketch of Canada, its industrial condition and re- sources. Translated from the french. 1 vol 8vo Parit 1855. ' ' TaS86 (Elie). Le Nord-Ouest In-8, Ottawa, 1880. ranee. In-12, 236 THEOLOGIE, EELIGIONS, Ao.-TnEOLO(JY,RELiaiONS&o THEOLOGIE, RELIGIONS, HISTOIRE ET DROIT ECCLESIASTigUES THEOLOGY, RELIGIONS, HISTORY AND ECCLE- SIASTICAL LAW Acta bt Decreta Primi concilii ProvincioB Quebeceusis in Quebeconai civitate, anno Domini M.DCCCLI. rontificatus Pii Papaj Noni vi Celebrati. A suncta Bude u visa et reco- gnita, 1852, in-8, Quobeci. Acta et deoreta secundi concilii Provinciee Queboconsis in Quebooenai ©ivitate. Anno Domini 18f 6 (I'abbd J. J. > ArchcV)l()gi« chr^tionno ou prdcis do I'histolre dos monuments roligioux du m<>yen-ftgo. 5e Edition, in-8, Taur, 1854. Log Apfitres. Histoire de I'iJtablissoment de I'Eglise Gd in-8, Tuura, 1869. Les Saints Evangiles d'aprfes la Vulgate Gd in.8, Toura, 1868. Histoiro de J^us-Christ. Gd in-8, Paris, 1862 238 THEOLOGIE, RELIGIONS, &c.— THEOLOGY, RELIGIONS &c Bourass^ (I'abb^ J= J.) Histoire de la Vierge Marie. Gd 8vo, Toura, 1863. Bxuke (Rev. Thos. N.) Lectures and sermons. Gd 8vo, New York, 1872. Butler (Rev. Alban) The lives of the Fathers, Martyrs and principal Saints 12 vol. bound In-4. 8vo, New York, 1853. Carpenter (Rev. Lant.) Sermons of practical subjects. Gd 8vo, Bri^ol, 1840. An apostological harmony of the Gospels. 2nd edition. Gd. 8vo, London, 1838. Carry (Rev. John B. D.) Sermons, Doctrinal, Devotional and Practi- cal. 8vo, Quebec, 1840. Casgrain (I'abb^ H. R.) Vie des Saints pour tous les jours de I'ann^e. In-8, Ottawa, 1868. Cherrier (0. de). Histoire de la lutte des pppes et des empereurs de la maison de 4 vol, in-8, Paris. Chroi ^ue concemant le prochain concile. Traduction approuv^e de la " Civita cattolica." 2 vol. 8vo, Quebec, 1869. Chaloner (Rev. Dr.) The lives of tho Fathers of the Eastern Deserts; or the wonders of God in wilderness. 12mo, New York, 1866. Holy Bible, containing the entire canonical scriptures, according to the decree of the council of Trent. Trans- lated from the latin Vulgate. 4to, Norwich. OONCILB (EcuMENiQUB du Vatican. D^crets et canons, en latin et en fran9ai8. In-8, Paris, 1871. Concilia. Pbovincle Quebecensis. I, II, III, IV in Quebecensis civi- tate celebrata et a s^ncta sede revisa et recognita, 8vo, Quebed, MD. G. C. C. LXX. LIGIONS &c n latin et en THEOLOGIE, EELIGIONS, &c.~THEOLOGY, EELIGIONS. &c 239 CoNQBfes Catholiqub. Actes et deliberations du premier congrfes catho- lique Canadien Franqais, tenu k Quebec, les 25, 26 et 27 juin 1880, Annuaire n" 5, du Cercle Catholique de Quebec, 1879-1880. Montreal, ISSO. Cornet (I'abbe N. J.) Beaut^a de I'Eglise Catholique. Gd 8\o, LUge, 1857. Oo'vles (Kev. Henry). Jeremiah and his lamentations; with notes, critical, explanatory and practical. Designed for both pastors and people. 8vo, New York, 1839. Cruden (A.) A complete concordance of the old and new Testaments, or a dictionary and alphabetical index of the Bible, to which is added a concordance to the apocrypha. 14th edition. 4to, London, 1865. ♦ Dallet (Ch.) Histoire de I'Eglise de Cor^e, pr^cedee d'une introduction sur I'histoire les institutions, la langue, les moeurs et coutumes. Gravures avec carte et planches. 2 8vo, Faria, 1874. Doellinger (J. J. E.) Histoire de I'Eglise. Traduit de I'allemand par Ph. Bernard. 2 vol. In.8, Bruxellea, 1841. Dupanloup (Mgr) Defense de la liberty de I'Eglise. ? vol. 8vo, PixHa, 1861. — La souverainete pontificale selon le droit catholique et le droit europ^en, 8vo, Paris, 1860. — Second pan^gyrique de Jeanne d'Arc prononc^ dans la cathddrale de Sainte-Croix, le 8 mai 1869. 8vo, OrUans, 1869. - La convention du 15 septembre et I'ency clique du 8 d^cembre. 8vo, Paris, 1865. -• La vraie et solide vertu sacerdotale, recueillie des ceuvres de F^neion. 8vo, Paris, 1837. Duraud (L'abbe A.) Le culte catholique dans -cea ceremonies et ses symboles. Gd 8vo, Paris, 1868. I'f m 240 TBtEOLOGIE,K£LlGI0NS&c.-THEOLOGY, RELIGIONS. &c ' " " "" ' ■ II i^h Earle (John Charles) Manual of the lives of tne Popes from St Peter to Pius IX. 12Tno, Baltimore, 1867. Fathees Historians (The) and writers of the church, Hterally translated. 12mo, Dublin, 1864. P^nelon. (Euvres completes 10 vol. Gd. 8vo, Paris, 1851-52. VoL 1. Traits da I'existence de Dieu. Vol. 2. De Summft Pontificis auctoritate. Edfutation du P6re Malebranche, etc Vol. 3. Espouse k I'^crit : Relation sur le quis^iame. Vol. 4. Seconde instruction sur le cas de conscience. VoL 5. Du silence respectueux. Sur le jans^msme. Vol. 6. Dialogue des morts. T^l^maque. Vol. 7 et 8. Correspondance. Vol. 8 et TO. Sur I'affaire du qui^tisme. Avec une biographic et des notices par Sauci^ 2e edition in-8, Paris, 1854. Poisset. Histoire de J^sus-Christ d'apr^g ks textes contemporains ' 2e edition, in-8, Paris, 1867. FOBMULES et annonoss des fgtes et des solennit^s qui doivent 6tre lues au pr6ne, dans les ^glises du DiocWde QuC. pubS par I'ordre et avec I'approbation de Mgr. I'Archevgque de Quebec. 8vo, Quebec, 1849. Freppel (I'abb^). lea Pferes apostoliques et leur ^poques. Cours d'^lo. quence sacr^e fait h la Sorbonne pendant I'ann^e 1857- 1858. 2e Mition, 8vo, Paris, 1859. Freppel (I'abbj). Les apologist^s Chretiens au lie si^cle. Saint-Justin Cours d'^loquence sacrde fait h la Sorbonne. pendant rann^e 1858-59. 8vo. Paris, 1860. — Orig^ne. Cours d'dloquence sacr^e, fait k la Sorbonne ■ pendant Faunae 1866-1867. 2 vol. 8vo. Pam, 1868. ' I 2LIGI0NS, &c from St Peter urch, literally 51-52. ). Refutation quis^iame. jnscience. ns^uisme. par Sauci^ 2e >ntemporains. ^ent gtre lues ibec, publi^ea rchevgque de Coura d'dlo- ann^e 1857- r Saint-Justin, ne, pendant la Sorbonne, iria, 1868. !^^^^;^^^™^^^ 241 Frappel (I'abb^ La vie chr^tienne. S^^^^^^:^^^^;i;~^ des Tuilenes, en presence de LL. MM. I'empereuVet nrapdi^atrice, pendant le cargme de 1862. In.8, Paria, ^ ' II ll !ir'° '"^'^"' ^' ^ ^^^ ^' '^^^"^ de M. Renan loe Edition, augment^e d'une rdponse k M. Havet, prcv feaseur au college de Fmnce. et de la i^futation de I'k tion populaire de la vie de Jesus. 8vo. Paivs, 1866 PuUerton (Lady Georgiana). The life of S. Francis: of Rome New York. 1855. 12mo, „li„„e. Edition corngfe, in.8, i'aW«,18S3. "'"'O'-que. G«.(Don.ioan„s, Derebnsoceanicisetnovoorbe. deeadest«s Petri martyri, ab 4„g,e™ „„eie, Item ejnsd'm^ Babylonica legationo, libri III. Et item de Eebus LL! p.o..Indiois,Ln,iu.„ieiset Hispaniois, opus U^^t tostorica doctissima, qua hodie non facili aUbi k^^JT^ Petit in-12, Colonic, 1574. repermntur. Ou««u.ger my. P. Dom.) De la monarchie pontificale ^ aa;- in-8, ParU, 1870. P<"«""a'e • . . . 3e 4ditioii Oui«t. MMitatious sur la religion dans ses rapports .vec Ktat de 1. sooiiibi et des esprits. 8to, Pant, 1863. ti 242 THEOLOGIE, RELIGIONS, &c— THEOLOGY, RELIGIONS &c. m-. Meditations sur I'essence de la religion chrdtienne. 2e Edition, 8vo, Paris, 1866. tienrion. — Histoire des ordres religieux. In-8, Bruxelles, 1838. Holmes (John) Historical sketches of the missions of the united bre- thren for propagating the Gospel among the heathen. 8vo, Dublin, 1818. Hue (rabb^) Le chr^tianisme en chine, en Tartarie et au Thibet. 3 vol. In-18, Paris, 1857. Hunter (Fr.) Histoire du Pape Innocent III et de son sifecle Tvaduction nouvelle. 2 vol. In-8, Parte, 1840. Hyde (John) Mormonism. 1 vol. 18mo, New York, 1857. Kavanagh (Julia) Woman of Christianity exemplary for acts of piety and charity. 12mo, New York, 1852. Kenriok (Mgr F. P.) The primacy of the apostolic see vindicated. 8vo, Baltimore, 1867. Khouans (Les) Ordres religieux chez les musulmans de I'Alg^rie. 2e Mition in-8, Paris, 1846. Klee (Henri) Manuel de I'histoire des dogmes chrdtiens. Traduit de I'allemand par I'abbe Mabire. 2 vol. 8vo, Paris, 1848. LaflSohe (Abb^ L.) Quelques considerations sur le rapport de la Society Civile avec La Religion et la Famille. 1 vol. 12mo Montreal, 1866. Lagao€ (L'Abbe P.) Les Chants d'^glise en usage dans la Province eccldsiastique de Quebec. In-4to, Pai-is, 1859. Iiagrange (I'abbe E.) Histoire de Saint-Paul. 2e edition. In-8 : Paris. 1868. LaRoohe-H^ron (C. de). Les servantes de Dieu en Canada. Essai sur I'Histoire des communautes religieuses. In-8, Mont- rM, 1855. Lks Jeunes Converties ou memoires des trois Soeuro Barlow. In-8, Montrial, 1866. Linard (I'Abbe;. Le genie du Catholicisme, 8vo, Tours, 1854. IGIONS &c. THEOLOGIE. RELIGIONS, &C.-THEOLOGY, RELIGIONS &c, 243 'hibet. 3 vol. ition, In-8 : Lives of the Fathers of the Eastern Deserts, or the wonders of God ia the wilderness. 18mo, New York, 1866. Lms of St. Paul Miki, St. de Goto and St. James Kisai, Canonized 1862. New-York, 1863. 52 pages 18mo. Broch. Can. Vol 118. LiVEE des Sept Nations (le) ou paroissien iroquois. In-12, MontrM 1865. Lorgues (R. de) Le Christ devant le si^cle, ou nouveaux t^moignages des sciences en favour du catholicisme. 17e Edition In- 12, Paris, 1851. Lowth (R^v. R.) Lectures on the sacred poetry of the Hebrews. Tran- slated from the latin by G. Gregory. 12mo, London, 1847. Maistre (I'Abb^;. Les t^moins du Christ. Histoire de chacun des 72 disciples de N. S. Jdsus-Christ. In-8. Paris, 1868. ^^® ^o°»te J. de). De I'EgUse Gallicane dans son rapport avec le souverain pontife. Pour servir de suite k I'ouvrage intitule Du Pape. 8vo, PaHa, 1864. Manning (Mgr.) Pictures of Christian heroism. 12mo, NewYork 1855. • '■ ^^® Vatican decrees in their reading on civil alle- giance. 12mo, New York, 1875. Maranoour (L. Massenet de). The echoes of the Vatican l2mo- Dublin, 1868. Maret (Mgr. H. L. C.) Du concile gdndral et de la paix religieuse. 2e Edition, 2 voL 8vo. Paris, 1869. Margottl (I'abb^). Les victoires de I'Eglise pendant les dix premieres ann^es du pontificat de Pie IX. In-8, Paris, 1858. Ma8sillon.-(Euvres completes. Edition coUationn^e sur'les manus- crits et sur les meilleurs textes, avec notes, variaatag, notices, pa I'abb^ Blampignon. 3 vol. 4to. Bar-U Duo, 1865. Maury (Alfred) Histoire des religions de la Gr6oe antique depuis leur origine jusqu'^ leur complete constitution. 3 vol In 8 J'aria, 1857. 244 THEOLOGIF, EELIGIONS. &c~THEOLOGY, RELIGIONS &c. Maury. (Alfred) La magie et I'astrologie dans l'antiquit«5 et au moyen fige, ou <$tude sur les superstitions paiennes qui se sont perp^tudes jusqu'i nos jours. 4e ddition. lu-S, Pat-is 1877. MfeMoiRES pour servir k I'histoire des dgarements de I'esprit humain par rapport k la religion chrdtienne, ou dictionnaire des heresies, des erreurs et des schismes. 2 vol. In.l2 PaHs, 1762. Mon»abr6 (Le E. P. J. M. L.) Conferences de Notre-Dame de Paris. Exposition du dogma catholique. Etre, perfections, vie de Dieu. Cargme de 1876. In-8, Albeuille, 1874. Conferences de Notre-Dame de Paris. Exposition du dogme catholique. Perfections de J^sus- Christ. Cargme de 1879. In-lS, . Paris, 1879. Montalembert (le Gte. de) The life of Saint Elizabeth of Hungary. Translated by Mary Hackett. 12mo, New-York, 1857. MosHEiM's INSTITUTES of ecclesiastical history, ancient and modem. A new and liteSul translation from the original latin, with copious additional notes, original, and selected by Jas. Murdock. Eevised, and many supplementary notes added by Jas. S, Eeid. 7th edition. 8vo, London, 1848. Neale (Mason J.) and Webb (Benj.) Du symbolisme dans les dglises dumoyenage. Traduit de 1' Anglais, In-8, Towrs, 1847. Newman (le P.) De I'Anglicanisme au catholicisme ou histoire de ma vie et de mes croyances religieuses. 12mo, Tournai 1865. Nicolas (Auguste) Du protestantisrae et de toutes les ht5rdsies dans leur rapport avec le socialisme. In-8, Bruxellea, 1852. Noethen (Eev. Thdodore). A compendiiim of the history of the catholic church from the commencement of the christian Era to the oecumenical council of the Vatican. In which are narated her combats, and her victory iu time of persecu- tion, heresy, and scaudal and wherein is shown that her preservation is a divine work. 12mo, Baltimore, 1870. ELIGIONS&c. 6 et au inoyen nes qui se sont In-8, I'at'ig, rit humain par ctionnaire des 2 vol. In.l2, )ame de Paris. >erfection8, vie nlU, 1874. me de Paris. 3ns de Jdsus- 879. of Hungary. ■York, 1857. and modem, original latin, d selected by- nentary notes ondon, 1848. ins les dglises Tours, 1847. listoire de ma 10, Tournai, it'rdsies dans lelles, 1852. f the catholic iatian Era to n which are ! of persecu- own that her more, 1870. THEOLOGIE. EELIGIONS, &C-THEOLOGY, RELIGIONS, &c. 245 Eecubil de notes diverses sur le gouvernemcnt d'une pai-oisse, I'ad- mmistratiou des sacrements, etc., adres8($es k un jeune curd de campagne, par un ancien curd du diocfese do Quebec. In-18, Pm-ia, 1830. Nougaret (P. J. B.) Beautds et merveilles du christianisme . aveo 8 gravures. 2 vol. in.I2, Paris, 1820. Orslni (El presbitero). U virgen. Historia de Maria .... 2 vol 8vo. Mexico, 1851. Paquet {YAhU A. C.) Le propagateur de la devotion k Ste Philo- mfene au Canada. Sdrie d'opuseules sous la direc tion de B. C. vol. 23e. I. Vie, martyre et premiers miracles de Ste Philomine Br. in-32, Quebec, B. C. vol. 237. IL Neuvaines k Sainte Philomftne, aoflt 1881. In.32 Quebec. ' ' Peltier (A. C.) Traits de la puissance eccldsiastique duns ses rapports avec les souverainetds temporelles. 2 vol 8vo Faria 1865. Petit Arsenal Catholique ou traits dldmentaire de controverse. 12mo, Coteau St. Louie, 1875. Petit Manuel des cdrdmonies romaiues k I'usage du diocese de Quebec In.l2, Quebec, 1832. PoHJoulat (B) Histoixe de St. Augustin. 5e ddition, in.8, Tours, 1866. Read (Thos. B.) "The New 'Pastoral. " A Poem. 12mo, Philadelphia, 1855. Eecueil des Ordonnances synodales et ^piscopales du diocese de Qudbec. In-8, Quibec, 1839. EiTCAiE EoMANUM. Pauli V. Pontificis Maximi Jussu editum et a Benedict© XIV. Auctum et castig^tum cui ad uaum mis- , sionariorum nova nunc priinum accedit benedictionum et instructionum appendix. 8vo, Quebed, 1870. 246 THEOLOGIE, RELIGIONS, &C-THEOLOGY, EELIGIONS. &c. r-i ,M| RiTUBL DK Quebec. Extrait contenant I'administration des sacrements de bapteme, de la conlirmation, de penitence, dtj I'eucha- ristie, de rextrfime-onction et de manage ; et aussi lea benedictions et diverses forraules d'actes. 8vo, Quebec 1836. RiTUEL RoMAiN. (Appendice au), A I'usage de la province ecciesias- tique de Quebec, public par I'ordre et avec I'approbation de NN. SS. rarchevfique et lea evgquea de la Province de Quebec. 8vo, Qudbec, 1879. Roman Martyrology. (The) Publiahed by order of Gregory XIII. Revised by the authority of Urban VIII and Clement X. 12mo, Baltimore, 1869. Saint-Albin (Alx. de) Hiatoire de Pie IX et son pontificat. 2e Edition. 2 vol. Gd In-8, Paris, 1870. Saint Teresa (Life of) Written by herself. Tmnslated from the Spanish by the Rev. John Dalton. 12mo, Philadelphia, 1860. Spalding (M. G.) The history of the protestant reformation, in Ger- many and Switzerland, and in England, Ireland, Scotland. The Netherlands, France and Northern Europe. 2 vol. in 1. 8vo, Baltimore, 1866. Spalding (Bishop). Miscellanea : reviews, lectures and essays on his- torical, theological and miscellaneous subjects. 8vo, Louisville, 1855. Tasohereau (Mgr E. A.) Discipline du diocese de Quebec. 8vo Quebec, 1879. Thayer (Rev. John). A discourse, delivered at the roman catholic church in Boston, on the 9th of May, 1798. A day re- commended by the president, for humiliation and prayer throughout the United States. 8vo, 1798. TroUope (Adol.) The story of the life of Pius the ninth. In-12, To- ronto. 1877. Trognon (Auguste). L'ap6tre Saint Paul. Etude historique. In-S 1869. 2LIGI0NS, &c. lat. 2e (Sdition. TRAVAUX PUBLICS— PUBLIC WORKS 247 Ventura (R. P. F.) Les beaut^s de k Foi, ou le bonheur de croire en J^sus-Christ et d'appartenir k la veritable Eglise. Tra- duit de I'italien et du latin des Pires de I'Eglise, par le chanoine Clavel. 3 vol. In-18, Paris, 1855. Veuillot (Louis) De quelques erreurs sur la papaut^. 12mo, JParw, 1859. Walsh (Le Vicomte de) Tableau po^tique des ffites chr^tiennea. Nouv. Edition. In-8, Toumai, 1850. Tableau podtique des sacrementa in-8, Tov/rnai, 1850. Wiseman. Four lectures on the offices and ceremonies of Holy week as performed in the papal chapels. 12mo, Baltimore, 1867. White (Rev. James) The eighteen christian centuries, 2nd edition. 8vo, Edinburg and London, 1859. TRAVAUX PUBLICS PUBLIC WORKS Audiganne (A.) Les chemins de fer aujourd'hui et dans cent ans chez tous les peuples. 2 vol. 8vo, Paris, 1858. Berlinguet (F. X.) Rapport et plans sur les ameliorations gdn^rales dans le Havre de Quebec soumis aux commissaires du Havre. In-4to, Quebec, 1875. Chemin de fer de Qu<5bec, Montreal, Ottawa et Occidental. Rapport des commissaires sur les operations de la commission et retendue et la nature des travaux executes jusqu'au ler D^cembre 1877. 8vo, QuSec. " " Documents ayant rapport k la commission du chemin de fer de Quebec, Montreal, Ottawa et Occidental. 1 vol. 8vo, Quebec, 1879. 1 frauQais et anglais. a48 TRAVAUX PUBLICS-PUBLIC WORKS Chkmik te fkh. Comptes Publics. Rapport du cotnit^ des Compte. Public conform^ment k la motion. " Que tous Etats et documents qui ont 4t6 soumis k cette chambre con- cernant le chemin de fer Q, M. O. & 0. doivent fitre r^f«5r^8 au comit(5 des comptes publics, et que ce comit4 aoit autorisd k s'enqudrir de tout ce qui concerne le dit chemin de fer depuis le 2 mara 1878. Gd In-S, 1881. Chemin DE FEB du Grand Tronc. Documents Parlementairec (sur le) de 1855-1861, 8vo. ' Chemin de fer du Pacifique (affaire du). Rapport des commissairea Koyaux nomm^s par commission, k eux adress(5e sous le grand sceau du Canada, portant la date du 14ejour d'aoOt. A. D., 1873. 8vo, Ottawa, 1863. Chemins de fer et Canaux du Canada. Kapportannuel pour I'exerdse 1878-79 et 1879. 2 vol. 8vo, Ottawa, 1880. Easton (Alexander) A practical treatise on street or horse-power rail- ways; their location, construction, and management &o 8vo, Philadelphia, 1859. Exploration du Territoire k I'ouest du Lac Sup^rieur. Documents parlementairea. 1 vol. In-8, Torovdo, 1858. Fleming (Sandford). Export on the intercolonial railway explomtory survey made under instructions from the Canadian gov- ernment, in the year 1864. 8vo, Quebec, 1865. ~7 Canadian Pacific Railway, Report of progress on the explorations and surveys, up to January 1874. Canadian Pacific Railway Maps and Charts to accompany report on the explorations and surveys up to Januaiy 1874, 8vo. f-." ■". ^® intercolonial. A historical sketch of the mception, location, construction and completion of the hne of railway uniting the inland and atlantic provinces of the Dominion, with maps and numerous illustratiors Svo., Montreal, 1876. TRAVAUX rUBMCS-rUBLIC WORKS 249 Fleming (Saudford). Report on Surveys and prelimiimry operations on the Canadian Pacific Railway up to January 1877. 8vo. Ottawa, 1877. ;— KnppoTt sur les arpentages et explorations pn;ii- niinniros accornplia sur le chemin de tor Canadien du I'a- cifi.jue dans les anndea 1877, 1878, 1879. 8vo, Vont- rial, 1879. Report in reference to the Canadian Pacific RaiU way. Ottawa, 1 879. Rapport et documents relutifd au chemin de fe» Canadian dii Pacifi.|ue, 1880. 8vo, Ottawa Report and docuraenta in reference to the Caua- diun Pacific Railway, 1680, 8vo, Ottawa. Preyoinet (Chiirlea De) Rapport sur rassainissement induatiiel et municipal on Frauco. 8vo, /'arw, 1800. Fremont (Capt. J. C.> Narrative of the explorina expedition to the Ri.cky Mouiuaiu.^, in the year 1862, and to Or>jg^)u. auj North CaHfurnia. Br. In.8, i\^ew.ForA:.. Gosohler. Trait.5 de Tentretifn et de I'exploitation des chemins de fer. 2 vol. In 8, avec atlas, 1870. Grant (R. George M.) Ocean to Ocean. Sandford Fleming's Expedi- tion through Canada in 1872. 8vo, Toronto, 1873. GuiUemln CAm^dde) Ln.s chemins defer. Ouvrage illuscix) de 135 vii!;uettt;8. 5e edition. In- 18, Pa>'w, 1876. H61dne (Maxime). Les galeries souterraiaes. Ot.vrago illuatrd de 35 vignettes sur bois. In-18, I'aria, 1876. Legge (Charles). Rapport sur le chemin de colon isatioii du nord, MonU tn'iil a Ottawa, avcT embratichemjut a St. .r^r3me. ^^PO'"'^ o« Montreal Northern Colonisation Railway Montreal to Ottawa, 1872. ^ Report of exploration from Heap River to the Geor- yiiin Bay. 860 TRAVAUX PUBLICS-riTBLIC WOKKS X.egf* (Clarlep). Rapport de I'exploraUou h la Ruie Geor}(ieiine. 1 vol. In.8. Montrtal. 1874. The Louise erulninkment and dock. Une feuille. MaoAdam (John London). Eomarka on the presrnt 8y«tem of road making. 8th edition. 8vo, Lomloii, 1824. Maoronell (Allan). The North West transpoi-tati.m. navigation and railway company; its obje. a. Twonto, nbii. 56 pp. 8vo, Broch Can. Vol. 97. MoNTREiLL Nohtiiehn Colonisation Railway (Reports). Viz : 1. On Montreal Northern Colonization railway, 1872. 2. Rapport sur le chemin de colonisation du nord, 1872. 3. Report of exploration from deep river to the Georcian bay, 1874. 4. Rapport de I'exploration ii la Baie Georgienne, 1874. 6. Report of the iutervews with Hon. A. Mackenzie. 6. Seymour, Grand Tronc Versus North Shore. 7. Report of an exploration for Montreal Northern Colonisa- tion Railway by Legge and MacDonald. 8. Rapport d'exploratioh de MM. Legge et MacDonald. Parliament Buildings, Ottawa City. Contract, SpecilicaUon &c. Prices. &c. Broch. In-12, Quebec, 1859. Perdonnet (Aug.) Traitt^ el^i.eutaire des chemins de fer. 3e edition, revue, corrigt^e, et. consid<5rablement augmeut^ 4 vd' 8vo, Paris, 1865. Perrault (J. ) Exploration de Quebec au Lac St. Jean. In-8. MonMal Quebec, Montrkal. OttaM-a and Occidental Railway. Report of the conimissioneis on the operations of the commission. The extent and nature of the works done uy to the Ist December, 1 Ml. %\o, Quebec. Quebec. Montreal Ottawa a.i.l Oc.udenial Raihvay. Copies of Docu- nients reluiiiig to the commission (of the). 8vo, Quebec, 1879. :s TRAVA17X PtrBLICS-PUBLIC WORKS m rgieiiTte. 1 vol. eatem of road i. flvigation and 850. 55 pp. z : 1872. nord, 1872. the Georgian 1874. Qzie. irn Colonisa- )nald. >n &c. Prices, r. 3e fcdiiion, nt^e. 4 vol. 8, Montreal. ieport of the ission. The ' to the Ist iea uf Docu- Jvo, (Quebec, Railroad and civil engineers. Pocket-Book. 12mo. Railways and Canalh of Canada. Annual report of (he minUter (of) for the fiscal year, 1st July 1878. 8vo, Ottawa. Railway Dwumknts. An.ivrer to an address from the legislative Assembly, 25th January, 1885. for copies of any report! up to this time made to the government, either by pro- vincial niilwtiy board, or its engineer; together with a statement of ail sums of money paid to railway com- panies by law entittled to pablic grunts, together with copies of the ap|)lications of companies or individuals fof money, to legal authority under which such sums of moufy have been paid, and the names of the recepients. 8vo, Quebec, 1875. . Railway Committek on public accounts. Report of the committee on pulilio accounts in aceordince with the motion "Thai all the accounts and documents which have been sub- mitted to this House, respecting the Quebec, M. 0. & 0. railway, should bf) referred to the comiuitte3 on publie accounts, and that such committee be authorized to etf- quinj into all that related to the said railway, from the 2ua March, 1«78." Gd iu-8, 1881. Railway. North Shore Railway, its legal and 'financial basis. Skf'tch by Hon. J. Young. Statutes and enactments con crrning railways, having r.'f.frtiitc! to thgT iirth Shorn Riilway. I^eport of the Chief Eng., 28th March, 1875. Act to provide for the granting of aid to cei- tain railway companies. Rapport du prc^sident du ehemin de fer du nord, 20 mai 1875. The some in english. RapiK>rt de M. Sand. Fleming, 10 fev. 1875. 262 TRAVAUX PUBLICS— PUBLIC WORKS ! ' *■ J 't.l Eailway. North Shore Railway The Times and corresp., on Canada railways, 1875. :— Grand Trunk versus North Shore. Report of M. S. Fleming, 10th Feb.. 1875. "■""" Rt^lements de la compagnie du chemiu fer du nord. Eappobt du comit<5 des comptes publics, concernant le chemin de Que- bec, Montreal, Ottawa et Occidental. Conformdment k la motion. Fiangais et Anglais. 1 vol. 8vo, 1881. Rapport sur le chemin de Colonisation du Noi-d, avec embranchement h St. Jdrome. Rapport de I'exploration k la Bale Georgienne, par Chs Legge, dcr. Report. The Northern Colouization Ry. C. The charter, Provincial and Federal laws, judicial decisions, and documents respecting the Company. Report on Montreal Northern Colonization. Rappout concernant le chemin de fer de Qu(5bec, Montrc^al, Ottawa et Occidental 1880. In-4to, QuSec, 1881. RfiPONSE k uue adresse de I'Assemblee Legislative, en date du 25 Jan. 1875 pour fliiro m-Ltro djvaut cofcto Chambre tous les rapports par le bureau provincial du chemin de fer ou ses ingi'-nieurs, aimi ainsi que les sommes d'argent payiJesaux oompagnips de chemin de fer q-ii ont droit k des octiois en vertu de la lui uvuc copie, des demandes et les autoriK^a en vertu desquelles ces sommes ont 6t6 payees. 1 vol. 8vo, Qudbr:, liJ75. i Report concerning tlie Qjeb3c, Montreal, Ottawa and Occidental railway, 1881. In-4to, Quebec (4 copies). Roudaire (le Capt. ; Uapport A. M. le ministre de I'instruction pu- bli'iue siir la inission des Chotts. Etudes relatives au projtit de mer intt^rieure. 8vo, Pans, 1875 iUAtOKiaB TEAVAUX runUCS-PUBLIC WOEKS 253 p., on Canada 'eb.. 1875. I chemin fer smin de Qu6- iformdment k Ivo, 1881. tbranchement ?ge, <5cr. r, Provincial documents 1, Ottawa et i du 25 Jan. bre tous lea le fer ou ses tpayiJesaux \. des octiois les autorit^a f^^es. 1 vol. Occidental ruction pu- •elatives au Saguenay. Eapport des commissaires pour explorer le In-8 Quebec 1829. Seymour (Siiaa) Vide : North Shore Railway. Simms (Frederick W.) A treatise of the principles and practice of levelling, showing its application to purposes of railway and the construction of roads, &c. 4th edition with practical examples for setting out railway curves. With plates andwoodouts. 8vo, London, 1856. St Maurice & Ottawa. Report of the commissioners appointed to explore that part of the Province which lies between the Rivers of In-8, Quebec, 1830. Trout (Edw.) Railways of Canada for 1870-71. The progress mileag. , cost of construction, the stocks bonds, traffic expenses. 12mo, Toronio, 1871. Williams (Frederick) Our iron roads their history, construction, ad social influences; with numerous illustrations. 8vo, Lon^ don, 1852. VOYAGES Basterot (le Viromte de) De Qn(5bcc k Lima. Journal d'un voyage dans les deux Amdriques en 1858 et en 1859. In-12, -/Wis, 1860. Dampier (Willium) New voyage round the Worid. 1 vol. 8vo, London, 1697. Donelau (Rev. J. P.) My trip to Fmnce. In-12, New-York, 1857. Livingstone (Ruv. Dr. David). Explorations dans I'intdrleur da I'A- frique Australe, 1840-185G . . . . Traduit par Mad. H. Lorcau. 2de t Military and Nautical sciences 9 Natural history (Anthropology, 'Zoology) 224 (Botany) 22d ; — (Geology) 230 Natiual philosophy, chemistry , 210 Philosophy (mental and moml) 213 Political economy , jqq Public works ^^,/^ 247 Silviculture ; 231 Statistics •. , 232 Theology (ite%ion, Eccl. Law) 236 Useful arts lyi* Voyages 253 i; "i: li — i I ! 1