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Meps. plates, cherts, etc., mey be filmed et different reduction retkM. Those too lerge to be entirely included in one expoeure ere filmed beginning in the upper left hend comer, left to right end top to bottom, es meny fremes se required. Tlie following diagrems lllustrete the method: Les certes, plenches, teMeeux, etc., peuvent ttre fllmis A dss taux de rMuction diffirents. Lorsque ki document est trop grend pour Atre reproduit en un seul clichA, 11 est fUmi A pertlr de I'angle supArleur geuche, de geuche A droite, et de heut en bee, en prenent le nombre d'Imegee nAcesseire. Lee diagrammes suhrants lllustrent le mAthode. 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 T isci THE CHAR TEE or THB CITY OF MONTREAL; TOQBTBXB WITB KSCELUHEODS ACTS OF THE LEQISUTDBE REUTIM TO THE CITT : COMPILED BT OBDER OF THE CITY C0C5CIL. •T CHS. GLACKMEYER, OITT CLERK. PRINTED BY JOHN LOVELL, ST. NICHOLAS STREET. - 1866. ,1. G-5 .5 171580 M P^RT FIRST. CITY CHARTER AND OTHER ACTS or THE LEGISLATURE, BBLATIKO TO THE CITr OF MONTREAL. CI An C C Si' tl tl ] ¥ of th passei respe( and : Ordii and < passec Majee ameni incorj certai certm first incorj decisi in th CHARTER OF THE CITY OF MONTREAL. (14 AND 16 ViCTOMA, Cap. 128.) An Act to amend and consolidate the pro- visions of the Ordinance to incorporate the City and Town of Montreal, and of a certain Ordinance and certain Acts amending the same, and to vest certain other powers in the Corporation of the said City of Mon- treal. (^Sanctioned on the ^Oth August, 1861.) WHEREAS it is expedient to amend and consolidate the Preamble, provisions of two certain Ordinances of the Legislature of the heretofore Province of Lower Canada, made and passed in the fourth year of Her Majesty's Reign, and respectively intituled, An Ordinance to incorporate the City ordinances of 3 and Town of Montreal, and An Ordinance to amend the and ae, cited! Ordinance to incorporate the Oity and Town of Montreal, and of certain Acts of the Legislature of this Province, passed in the eighth, ninth and eleventh years of Her Majesty's Reign, and respectively intituled. An Act to ordinances of s amend and consolidate the provisions of the Ordinance to vie'.', c.'2i and incorporate the City and Town of Montreal, and of a iilTited. ' certain Ordinance amending that Ordinance, and to vest certain other powers in the Corporation created by the said first mentioned Ordinance, — An Act to amend the Laws incorporating the City of Montreal, and to facilitate the decision of cases wherein the right of any party to any office in the Corporation may he called in question, — An Act to OUT CHARTER AND OTHER ACTS. Corporation continued. amend an Act therein mentioned^ and to make better pro- vision for the Election of Councillors and Assessors of and for the City of Mordreal^ — and An Act to amend the Laws relating to the Incorporation of the City of Montreal, and to vest certain other powers in the Corporation of the Mayor, Aldermen and Citizens of the City of Montreal, constituted by the said Ordinance therein first mentioned : Be it there- fore enacted by the Queen's Most Excellent Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Council and of the Legislative Assembly of the Province of Canada, constituted and assembled by virtue of and under the authority of an Act passed in the ^Parliament of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, and intituled. An Act to re-unite the Provinces of Upper and Lower Canada, and for the Government of Canada ; and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same. That the inhabitants of the said City and Town of Montreal, and their successors, inhabitants of the same, incorporated under the said Ordinance herein first mentioned, shall continue to be, and shall be, as pro- vided in and by the said Ordinance herein first mentioned, a body corporate in fact and in name, by and under the name, style and title of The Mayor, Aldermen and Citizens of the City of Montreal, and as such shall have perpetual succession, and a Common Seal, with power to break, renew, change and alter the same at pleasure ; and shall be capable of suing and being sued, and of impleading and being impleaded, in all Courts of Law and Equity, and other places, in all manner of actions, causes and matters whatsoever, and of accepting, taking, purchasing and holding goods and chattels, lands and tenements, real and personal, movable and immovable estate, and of granting, selling, alienating, assigning,- demis- ing and conveying the same, and of entering into and becoming a party to contracts, and for granting and accept- ing' any Bills, Bonds, Judgments or other Instruments or Securities, for the payment or securing of the payment of any money borrowed or lent, or the performance, or securing the performance, of any other duty, matter or thing what- soever. (jcncral cor- Iiorato powers f; ranted. V OITT CHARTER AND OTHER ACTS. 2. And be it enacted, That for the purposes mentioned Powen to grant in the preceding section of this Act, and especially for the payment or securing the payment of any money borrowed, for the purpose of paying loans already made, or debts now owing by the said Corporation, or of taking up Bonds that may be due or may hereafter become due, or for the purpose of making a new loan or loans, to the extent hereinafter by the fifty-second and fifty-third sections of this Act prescribed, or for any other legitimate and sufiicient purpose whatsoever, the said Council may grant and issue Bonds for the sum or sums of money therein to be specified, payable at such time and times after the granting and issuing thereof, and in such place or places in this Province, in the United States of America, in any part of Great Britain, or elsewhere, and either in the currency of this Province, or in sterling money, or in the currency Of the country where the same may be respectively made payable, as by the said Council may be thought. advantageous or expedient. 3. And be it enacted. That the tract of land which, in Limits of tiie and by a certain Proclamation of His Excellency Alured reaf defined. Clarke, Esquire, Lieutenant-Governor of the heretofore Pro- vince of Lower Canada, issued under the Great Seal of the said last mentioned Province, and bearing date the seventh day of May, in the year of our Lord, one thousand seven hundred and ninety-two, was and is described as being comprehended within the City and Town of Montreal, and which it was therein declared, should be thenceforward called by that name, shall, as provided by the said Ordinance herein first mentioned, constitute and be, and be called, the City of Montreal. 4. And be it enacted^ That for the purposes of this Act, city divided jn- the said City of Montreal shall, from and after the passing of this Act, be divided, for the purposes of the same, into nine' Wards, called respectively. East Ward, Centre Ward, West Ward, Saint Anne's Ward, Saint Antoine Ward, Saint Law- rence Ward, Saint Louis Ward, Saint James Ward, and Saint Mary's Ward, 5. And be it enacted. That the said wards of the City of Boundaries of CITY CHARTER AND OTHER ACTS. the gevenl Wards. Efut Ward. Centre Ward. Wo«t Ward. Montreal shall be divided, bounded and limited as follows, that is to say : The Hast Ward of the said city, on the south-east by that part of the River Saint Lawrence opposite to, and extending from Lacroix Street to the extremity of Walker Lane ; on the south-west by the middle of Walker Lane and Saint Gabriel Street, to Craig Street; on the north-west by the middte of Craig Street, from Saint Gabriel Street aforesaid, to Sanguinet Street, and continuing down Sanguinet Street until it meets Saint Louis Street, from thence, along the middle of the said Saint Louis Street, to where the said Samt Louis Street meetti Lacroix Street aforesaid ; lastly, on the north-east by the centre of Lacroix Street aforesaid, from Saint Louis Street aforesaid to the River or point of departure. The Centre Ward of the said city shall continue to be, and shall be divided, bounded and limited as follows, that is to say : on the south-east by that part of the River Saint Lawrence opposite to, and extending from the middle of Walker Lane to the middle of the extremity of Callidres Street ; on the south-west by the middle of the said Callidres Street, and crossing the interval between the said Callidres Street and Saint Francois Xavier Street, by the middle of Saint Frangois Xavier Street, to Craig Street ; on the north- west by the middle of Craig Street to Saint Gabriel Street ; and lastly, on the north-east by the middle of the said Saint Gabriel Street and Walker Lane, to the River, or point of departure. The West Ward of the said city shall continue to be, and shall be liivided, bounded and limited as follows, that is to say : on the south-east by that part of the River Saint Lawrence opposite to, and extending from the middle of the extremity of CalliSres Street to the middle of the extremity of M'Gill Street; on the south-west by a line passing through the centre of M*GiH Street and through Commissioners* Square, to Craig Street ; on the north-west by the middle of Craig Street as far as Saint Francois Xavier Street ; and [lastly, on the north-east by the middle of Saint Fran9oi8 CITT CHARTER AND OTHER ACTS. Ward. Ward. Xavier Street and Gallidres Street, to the Biver, or point of departure. The Saint Anne* 8 Ward shall be bounded as follows : on saint Anne't the north-east bj the centre of M^Gill Street, commencing at the River Saint Lawrence ; thence north, along the centre of M^Gill Street, to its junction with the centre of Saint Joseph Street ; thence along the centre of Saint Joseph Street to the City boundary ; thence along the said boundary line in a south-easterly direction, to the River Saint Law- rence, and thence to the place of beginning. The tSaint Antoine Ward shall be bounded as follows : on saint Antotne the north-east by the centre of M' Gill Street, and through Commissioners' Square to Craig Street; thence north, through the centre of Craig Street, to Alexander Street ; thence, through the centre of Alexander Street, to the centre of Saint Catherine Street ; thence, the north-west side of the centre of Saint Catherine Street to City Councillors' Street ; thence, the south-west side of City Councillors' Street to Sherbrooke Street ; thence, the north-west side of the centre of Sherbrooke Street to Durocher Street ; thence, the south- west side of the centre of Durocher Street, and the extension of the same to City boundary line ; thence, along the same line so far as it may extend towards the south-west ; thence, along the said line, in a south-east direction, to the centre of Saint Joseph Street ; thence, to the north-west of the centre of Saint Joseph Street, till intersecting the centre of M'Gill Street, the point of commencement. The Saint Lawrence Ward shall be bounded as follows: SHint Lawrenov on the north-west side of the centre of Craig Street, commen- cing at Saint Lawrence Main Street, and continuing to Alex- ander Street ; thence, the north-east side of the centre of Alexander Street, to Sunt Catherine Street ; thence, the north-west side of the centre of Saint Catherine Street to City Councillors' Street; thence, the north-east side of the centre of City Councillors* Street, to Sherbrooke Street ; thence, the south-east side of the centre of Sherbrooke Street, to Durocher Street ; thence, the north-east side of the centre of Durocher Street, to the City boundary line ; thence, along Ward. 8 CITY CHARTER AND OTHER ACTS. gaint Lewis Ward. Saint Jamos Ward. the said line towards the north-east, until the same joins the centre of Saint Lawrence Main Street ; thence, the south- west side of the centre of Saint Lawrence Main Street, to Craig Street, or the place of beginning. The Saint Lewis Ward shall be bounded as follows : commencing at the centre of Saint Louis and Saint Denis Streets, continuing south-west along the centre of Saint Louis Street to Sanguinet Street ; thence, along the centre of San- guinet Street until intersecting the centre of Craig Street ; thence, the north-west of the centre line of Craig Street, until it arrives at the middle of Saint Lawrence Main Street ; thence, the north-east side of the centre of Saint Lawrence Main Street, to the City boundary line ; thence, along the said line, towards the north-east, until intersecting the centre of Saint Denis Street ; thence, the south-west of the centre of Saint Denis Street, to the middle of Samt Louis Street, the point of commencement. The Saint James Ward shall be bounded as follows : the north-east side of the centre of Lacroix Street, commencing at the River Saint Lawrence and continuing to Saint Louis Street; from thence, the north-west side of the centre of Saint Louis Street, to Saint Denis Street ; from thence, the north-east side of the centre of Saint Denis Street, with the extension thereof, to the City boundary ; thence, along the City boundary line towards the north-east until it intersects the continuation of the centre of Visitation Street ; thence, continuing the said line of the centre of Visitation Street, in a south-east direction, until the same shall reach Saint Mary Street ; and thence, from the centre of Barclay Street, to the River Saint Lawrence ; and thence, along the said River, to the place of beginning. The Saint Mary's Ward shall be bounded as follows : the north-east side of the centre of Barclay Street, commencing at the River Saint Lawrence, to Saint Mary Street ; and thence, continuing from the centre of Visitation Street to the City boundary lino ; thence, along the said line, towards the north-east, so far as the same may be found to extend ; thence, continuing the said line in a south-easterly direction Saint Mary'a Ward. CITY CHARTER AND OTflBR ACTS. 9 until the same shall reach the River Saint Lawrence ; and thence, along the said River, to the place of commencement. 6. And be it enacted. That there shall be elected in the manner hereinafter mentioned, one fit person, who shall be and be called the Mayor of the said City of Montreal, and a certain number of fit persons, who shall be and be called Aldermen of the said city, and a certain number of other fit persons, who shall be and be called Councillors of the said city ; and such Mayor, Aldermen and Councillors, for the Mayor, Alder- men, and Coun- cillors to bo elected, and to be called the Council of the City. time being, shall be and be called the Council of the said city. 7. And be it enacted. That no person shall be capable of being elected Mayor of the City of Montreal, or an Alder- man thereof, unless he shall have been a resident householder within the said city for one year next before such election, and unless he shall be seized and possessed, to his own use, of real or personal estate, or both, within the said city, after payment or deduction of his just debts, of the value of one thousand pounds currency. 8. And be it enacted. That no person shall be capable of being elected a Councillor of the said City of Montreal, unless he shall have been a resident householder within the said city for one year next before such election, and unless he shall be seized or possessed, to his own use, of real or per- sonal estate, or both, within the said city, after payment or deduction of his just debts, of the value of five hundred pounds currency. 9. And bo it enacted. That no person shall bo capable of being elected Mayor, Alderman or Councillor of the said City of Montreal, or of voting at any election of city officers, who shall not be a natural bom or naturalized subject of Her Majesty and of the full ago of twenty-one years ; nor shall any person be capable of voting or of being elected at any such election who shall have been attainted for treason or felony, in any court of law within any of Her Majesty's domin- ions. 10. And be it enacted, That no person being in Holy Orders, or being a Minister or Teacher of any Dissenting or B Qualification for Alderman. Qualiflcation for Councillor. Persona inca- pable of beinx elected Mayor, Aldermen, or Councillorn, or of voting at any election of city offlcors. rertons inca- pable of being olootod I'oun- oillon. 10 CITY CHARTER AND OTHER ACTS. Election of Mayor, fcc. Religious Sect, nor any Judge or Judges, Clerk or Clerks of any Court, or any Member of the Executive Council, nor any person accountable for the city revenue, or receiving any pecuniary allowance from the city for his services, or any officer or person presiding at an election of a councillor or councillors, while so presiding, nor any clerk or assistant employed by him at any such election, while so employed, shall be capable of being elected a Councillor for the said city, or of being a Mayor, an Alderman or a Councillor of the said city. [Section 11, relative to the qualification of Voters, repealed by 4th section of 23 Vic, cap. 72.] 12. And be it enacted. That the Mayor of the said city shall be elected by the majority of the votes of all the Elec- tors of the said city, qualified as aforesaid, taken in the wards in which they are severally and respectively entitled to vote in the election of councillors as aforesaid. 13. And whereas provision for the Registry of Voters has been found equitable and convenient. Be it enacted. That before the first day of January, in every year, the Assessors hereinafter mentioned shall make out from the last Assess- ment Roll, an alphabetical list of the Voters qualified to vote at the election of Councillors in each ward, to be called " The Voters' List," to which they shall add the names of all such persons, not on the said Assessment Roll, as they know are then entitled to vote at such election, according to the provisions of this Act, and the said Assessors shall sign such list, certifying that it is correct to the best of their knowledge and belief, (and shall also keep a true copy thereof,) which list they shall deliver to the City Clerk, to be by him sub- mitted to the Board of Revisers. The Voters' Lint. Lists to bo pub- 14. And be it enacted. That the said list shall be kept ibr one month, in the City Hall for the examination of all concerned, at reasonable hours, from the first to the fifteenth day of January, inclusive, of which fact the City Clerk shall give immediate public notice, cither by printed placards, or by advertisement in not less than one newspaper published in the English lan- guage, and one published in the French language, in the said CITY CHAETEB AND OTHER ACTS. 11 city ; and any person who shall claim to be added to the said ciainw, how to " Voters' List," or any elector who shall desire to have any name erased therefrom, shall prefer his request in writing, signed with his name, stating the ward to which he belongs, and shall cause the same to be delivered to the City Clerk on or before the said fifteenth day of January. 15. And be it enacted. That at their last Quarterly Meet- Board of Be- . «.i.» i /^- n visors to bo ing m every year after the passing of this Act, the City Coun- appointed-its cil shall choose from among their own number four Members of the said Council, who, together with the Mayor for the time being, shall be and constitute a Board of Revisers, any three of whom shall be a quorum to revise the said Voters' List, 8ind decide, according to the best of their judgment, upon the claims previously made as aforesaid, for the insertion or omission of names in or from the said Lists ; and the Mayor, or in his absence, such person as the other members of the Board shall choose at the meeting, shall preside at the who shall pre- meeting of the Board, and such Board shall, on their first day of meeting, be duly sworn by one Justice of the Peace for the District of Montreal, well and impartially to perform their duties as such Revisers ; and the said Board shall give Board to gjvo public notice, before their first day of sitting, of the order in order of pro- which they will take up the Lists of the several Wards ; and they shall meet on the twentieth day of January, or on the day following, if that day be a holiday, at ten o'clock in the forenoon, for the purpose of hearing persons concerned in making the said claims, and deciding upon them, and shall adjourn from day to day until all the Voters' Lists are revised and settled ; and the Mayor or peraon presiding at the said Board for the time being, shall have power to examine per- sons upon oath respecting the said claims and all matters connected with the revision of the said Lists ; and the said Board, after hearing the best evidence of which the cases will admit, shall, and they are hereby required to decide ujjon and make the necessary additions or erasures to or from the said Voters' Lists, in relation to the applications before them ; and the said Board shall also have power to correct any mistake, or supply any accidental omission made by Assessors in the 12 CITY CHARTER AND OTHER ACTS. said Lists ; and the said Lists, so revised and settled, shall be signed by the presiding Officer of the said Board, and sealed with the City Seal, and shall be the only, correct Voters' I'rovifo; Lists, Lists : Provided always, that the said lists shall be finally piotcd.and Completed- before the tenth day of February : And provided voters to receive . \, , , , n , *, « a .1 notice of objeo- also, that no person s name shall be erased from any of the said Lists without his being informed of the claim to that effect, and having an opportunity to be heard in reference thereto. Publication of tlio revised lists. 16. And be it enacted, that the Voters' List for each Ward, when so settled and signed, shall be again placed and kept in the City Hall until after the close of the elections, I'orsons named and shall then be filed in the office of the City Clerk ; and in tliem, produ- • 1 iir j oing a certifl- that cvcry porsou whose name shall appear m such. Ward cato, may vote. ft- * * List, and who shall produce a certificate as hereinafter men- tioned, shall be entitled to vote at the election for Mayor of the said city, and for a Councillor or Councillors, as the case may be, for sueh ward, without any further enquiry as to his qualification, and without taking any oath other than that he is the person named in such list, and has not before voted at such election, which oath the Mayor, or any Alderman or Councillor, or the Recorder of the said city, is hereby re- quired and authorised to administer. Voters to obtain 17. And be it enacted, That on the application of any nottovote'witii- porson whosc name shall be on the Voters' List for any ward, at any time on or after the fifteenth day of the said month of February, and until the close of the said elections, the City Clerk shall deliver to such person a certificate signed by him, that the name of such person is on the Voters' List for such ward, and that he is entitled to vote at the election to be held for Mayor of the said city, and for a Councillor or Councillors for such ward, and such certificate shall be deposited by the Voters in the City Hall in the manner here- inafter provided.; and no person shall be entitled to vote at the election without producing and delivering such cer. tificate, although his name be on the Voters' List for the ward. Public notico of 18. And bo it enacted. That public notice shall be lko.,"obogimi. given by the City Clerk, in both languages, and in at least CITY CHARTER AND OTHER ACTS. 18 one newspaper published in the English language, and in one published in the French language in the said city, of the time when the elections shall be held, and the said certifi- cates may be deposited in the City Hall ; such notice being *^ven at least three days before the election to which it shall refer ; but no want of or defect in such notice shall vitiate any election. 19. And be it enacted. That the election of Mayor and Election of Councillors aforesaid shall annually take place and be held in counciuore. manner following, to wit : The Corporation of the said city shall cause books to be prepared in which shall annually be entered and recorded the names of all persons who, being qualified to vote at the said elections, shall produce and deposit their certificates of qualification in the City Hall of the said city at any time between the hours of nine o'clock in the forenoon and four o'clock in the afternoon, from the fifteenth day of the month of February until Thursday inter- vening between the first and second Mondays in the month of March, in each year, both days inclusive ; that the said certificate shall be prepared and made out on a sheet of paper having two leaves thereto, on the inner one of which shall be printed or stamped blank lines, followed by the words, " For Mayor," and " For Councillor in the Ward," printed or stamped as follows, to wit : For Mayor, For Councillor in the Ward. For Councillor in the Ward. That the party entitled to the said certificate, and desirous of voting, shall fill up the said blanks, or, if unable to write, shall cause the same to be filled up in the presence of two subscribing witnesses, with the names of those persons for whom ho may desire to vote, and whom he may wish to have elected Mayor of the said city and Councillor or Councillors thereof, as the case may be, for the Ward in which he is entitled to vote ; That the holders of the said certificates being the parties named therein, may produce the same to the City Clerk of the said city, in the City Hall thereof, at any time within the hours and periods hereinbefore specified, 14 CITY CHARTER AND OTHER ACTS. and after entry made by the City Clerk of the name of the said Voter, and the date of the production of the said cer- tificate, the holder thereof being the party named therein as aforesaid, may deposit the said certificate in a suitable and closed box, in the said City Hall, labelled with the name of the ward in which the said party may be entitled to vote, of which description of box, appropriately labelled, the said Cor- poration shall furnish one for each ward of the said city ; That at the time of producing and depositing the said certi- ficate, the said Voter shall be under no necessity of declaring or making known for whom he may vote either as Mayor or Councillor, and no entry or record of the party or parties voted for shall be made by the City Clerk, but only an entry of the name of the party voting and of the date when he shall produce and deposit as aforesaid his said certificate and vote ; That it shall be lawful for the said Mayor, or for any Alderman or Councillor of the said city, or for the Kecorder thereof, to administer the oath prescribed in the fifteenth section of this Act, to any party producing a certificate of qualification, and claiming a right to deposit the same and vote at the said election ; And it shall be imperative on the said Mayor and Recorder, and on each and every Alderman and Councillor of the said city, to administer the said oath, upon the requisition to that effect, of any duly qualified Voter in the said city, and likewise in all cases whei-e doubts are or may be entertained of the identity of the party desirous of voting ; and any person who shall swear falsely upon the said oath being administered to him, shall be guilty of wilful and corrupt perjury, and shall be liable to all the penalties of the said offence ; That the said nine boxes (one for each ward) shall severally be locked with five locks each ; that each lock shall be different from the other, and shall bo opened with a key of a different construction from the keys of any other of the said locks, so that no two of the said locks may be opened with the same key ; That the keys of the said locks shall be given in custody to the Board of Revisers appointed by the Council, each of whom shall keep one key, so that the said boxes cannot be opened unless in the presence of all the CITY CHARTER AND OTHER ACTS. 15 members of the said Board; That immediately after the said Thursday intervening between the first and second Mondays in March, the said Board of Re visors shall meet in the City Hall, shall open the said boxes, and shall cause the entries and record of the City Clerk in the said books to be per- fected, by entering and recording in the said books the names of the persons for whom each Voter shall or may vote, to be elected Mayor or Councillor as aforesaid ; And the said Board of Revisers shall ascertain and report to the Council of the said city, at its next Quarterly Meeting, on the Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday following, or if prevented from so doing, then at its next Special Meeting, the total number of votes given for each candidate, the name of the candidate for the office of Mayor for whom the greatest number of votes shall have been given by the Voters in all the Wards, and the candidates for the offices of Councillors, for whom the greatest number of votes shall have been given in each of the said several Wards ; and the said Council shall, after examination of the said books, certificates, and report of the said Committee, thereupon declare the parties having the greatest number of votes to be respectively elected Mayor and Councillors of the said city ; and in case of an equality of votes, the said Council shall determine which of the parties having the said equality shall be elected to office : Provided, that the newly elected members, respecting whose election there is no question, shall? if present, be first sworn in, that they may vote in the said cases of equality of votes, if desirous of so doing ; and the said Mayor and Councillors elect shall afterwards respectively take the oaths prescribed by this Act ; and the said books, with the names of the said Voters, and the names of the parties for whom they have respectively voted, together with the certificates produced and deposited by the said Voters, shall remain in the office of the City Clerk, where they shall be open to inspection by any elector, on payment of one shilling. 20. Provided always. That in the event of the decease or absence, from illness or otherwise, of any one or more of the members of the said Board of Revisors, the Council shall Council to dc- clai'o the parties liRvinK a majo- rily of votes re- spectively elect- ed Mavor and Councillors. Case of equality of votes. rroviso. Ifanyoftholic- visors be dead orabffiit, others to be appointed iu their stead. 16 CITY CHARTER AND OTHER ACTS. appoint from among themselves, other Revisers in the stead of those vrho shall be so deceased or absent as aforesaid, which said Revisers so appointed shall be sworn in the same manner as those in whose stead they shall be so appointed, and any member who shall be so appointed in the stead of an absent Reviser, shall only act as such for the purposes of the election which shall be then going on ; but if the Council shall be unable to appoint such other Revisers in the stead of those who shall have so deceased, or be absent as aforesaid, then it shall be lawful for the remaimng members of the said Board, to perform all the duties in and by this Act directed to be done by the said Board of Revisers. 21. And be it enacted, That if any Revisor appointed under the provisions of this Act shall neglect or refuse to perform any of the duties required of him under the next preceding section, he shall incur a penalty of two hundred pounds currency. 22. And be it enacted. That the said Mayor so elected, shall continue in office as Mayor of the said city, until his successor in the said office of Mayor shall have been elected and sworn in ; And in case a vacancy shall occur in the office of Mayor by reason of any person who shall have been elected to that office not accepting the same, or by reason of his dying, or ceasing to hold the said office, the said Council shall, at the first General or Special Meeting thereof after such vacancy, elect from among the members of the Council, another fit person to be Mayor for the remainder of the period for which the Mayor whose place is to be supplied was to have served ; And if any person be elected at the same time Mayor of the said city and a Councillor for any of the wards thereof, he shall be held and bound to declare within four days after notice given to him of the said elections, which office he will accept: Provided that if he be not legally excused from accepting the office of Mayor, he shall be held and bound to accept the same, and shall incur and pay a fine or penalty of one hundred pounds for non-acceptance thereof, and the said fine or penalty shall be incurred and paid, notwithstanding that he may, at the same time, accept To act for the purpose of the eloction onljr. If Council be unable to ap- point ReviBors In the stead of those who are absent, &e., du- ties to bo per- formed by the remaining mem- bers of the JBoard. Penalty if Re- visor neglects or roftases to per- form duties. Mayor, his term of office. Case of a vacan- cy occurring in the office of Mayor. Any person being elected Mayor and Councillor, to declare which office ho ac- cepts. Proviso. Penalty for non- acceptance. CITY CHARTER AND OTHER ACTS. 17 the oflSce of Councillor : Provided also, that if any person so elected Mayor and Councillor at the same time, shall accept the said office of Mayor, then a new election of Councillor shall be held for the Ward for which such person was elected Councillor, within a period to be appointed by the Mayor for that purpose, and in the manner, and subject to the same conditions, as are hereinafber provided for extraordinary vacancies in the said Council. 23. And be it enacted, That each and every person who shall at any election of a Mayor or Councillor or Councillors to be had as aforesaid, wear or carry any flag, ribbon or cockade, or other badge or mark whatsoever, to distinguish him or them as supporting any particular candidate or can- didates at such election, or who shall be armed with, or carry, or have in his possession any cane,^tick, club, stave, blud- geon, axe-handle, or any other offensive instrument or weapon whatsoever, or who by violence, menace or malicious practice or in any manner or way whatsoever, shall or may impede or disturb, or thereby endeavour to impede or disturb any elec- tion, or thereby prevent or endeavour to prevent any elector or electors from giving his or their votes at the same, accord- ing to his or their wish or desire, shall and may be liable to be forthwith arrested on view, by any Justice of the Peace for the said City of Montreal, or by any Peace Officer or Constable, present on duty at any such election, or by war- rant issued by any Justice of the Peace, and so arrested to be committed to safe custody or confined in the Common Gaol of the District of Montreal, till the close or termination of the said election, and till good and sufficient security may be taken from the parties so arrested for their future peace- able conduct, and that they shall duly appear and answer to any charge that may be made against them, and for or on account of which they may be so arrested ; and each and every such person, on conviction of any of the offences hereinbefore enumerated, for which he may be so arrested on view or by warrant as aforesaid, shall forfeit and pay a fine or sum of money not exceeding twenty-five pounds current money of this Province, and be liable to an imprisonment not exceeding c Provlgo : If tlio office of Mayor be accepted, a new election of Councillor to be beld. Mo person to carry flatrs, rib- bons, or badges at elections. Nor to act vio- lently, nor dis- turb the elec- tion. Under pain of being arrested anew and con- lined. And of a penal- ty and imprison- ment. 18 CITY CHARTER AND OTHER ACTS. In what ward an elector may vote. three months' detention at hard labour in the Common Gaol or the House of Correction of the said district, for every such offence. 24. And be it enacted, That persons entitled to vote at tho election of Mayor or Councillors as aforesaid, shall vote mthin the particular Ward in which the property constituting their qualification to vote shall be situated, and not otherwise ; and if any such person shall be possessed of property qualifying him to vote in two or more Wards, he shall be entitled to vote in that Ward only in which he may reside. 25. And be it enacted, That from and after the first Mon- day in the month of March now next, the said several Wards shall be represented in the Council of the said city by three Councillors, each independently and exclusively of the person to be elected Mayor as aforesaid ; that the said Mayor shall not continue in office without being re-elected longer than one year, and until his successor in office shall have been elected and sworn in ; and no Councillor elected or to be hereafter elected for any of the said Wards shall continue in office without being re-elected, for any longer period than three years ; that at the next annual election of a Mayor and Councillors in the said city, to be held in the City Hall thereof, between the fifteenth day of February now next, and the Thursday intervening between the first and second Mon- days of the month of March following, tho inhabitant house- holders and persons qualified to vote as aforesaid, shall elect from the persons qualified to be Councillors, two fit and proper persons to be Councillors for each of the said Wards hereinbefore designated as the Saint Anne's, the Saint Antoine, the Saint Lawrence, the Saint Lewis, the Saint James, and the Saint Mary's Wards respectively, and also from the persons qualified to be Councillors for each of the other three Wards, such number of persons as shall be required to supply the places of those who shall then go out of office ; and that on the first Monday of the month of March, in each and every year, that Councillor for each and every of the said Wards respectively, shall go out of office who shall have been member thereof for the longest time without Koprosontation of the wards after the Ist March, 1852. Mayor, how long to remain iu offlcc. Councillors, their term of office. Councillors to be elected at the next elections. Onthe first Mon* day in March, in each year, a Councillor to go out of office, and which. CITY CHARTER AND OTUER ACTS. 19 re-election : Provided that whenever any two Couiioillors are elected at the same time in any ward, that Councillor shall firat go out of office who shall have been elected by the smaller number of votes ; And provided always, that when- ever any two members of the Council for any of the said wards may be elected by an equal number of votes, then it shall be determined by a majority of the Council, which of the members thereof for such said wards shall go out of office : And provided further, that any member going out of office may be re-elected, if qualified according to the provisions of this Act. 26. And be it enacted. That if at any election of a Coun- cillor or Councillors as aforesaid, any person shall be elected a Councillor for more than one ward of the said city, he shall, within three days after notice thereof from the City Clerk, make his option, or, on his default, the Mayor of the said city shall declare, for which one of the said wards such person shall serve as Councillor, and thereupon such person shall be held to have been elected in that ward only, and in no other. 27. And be it enacted. That to facilitate the decision of cases in which the right of any person to hold or exercise any office in the Corporation of the said city may be called in question, the Superior Court for the District of Montreal, sitting in Term, or at its weekly sittings for the cognizance of suits and actions of a civil nature, shall, on the information {requite lihelUe) of any citizen of the said city qualified to vote at the election of Councillor for some ward thereof, supported by affidavit to th'e satisfaction of the Court or of such Justices, and complaining that any person illegally exercises, or assumes, or attempts to exercise the office of Mayor, Alderman, or Councillor of . the said city, have full power and authority to order the person so complained of to appear before such Court or Justices, and to shew by what authority he exercises, or assumes, or attempts to exercise such office ; and such order shall be served (with a copy of the information) upon the party complained of, at least three days before that on which such party shall be ordered to appear ; and the said Frovtso. I'roTiso. ProvlBo: May be ro-olected. No person to servo as Coun- cillor for more than one' ward. Superior Court in term, or at itS' weekly sittingH, to try and ad- Judge caE<cs un- der this Act. Process. 20 CITY CHARTER AND OTHER ACTS. rrovlso. I'rovlso. Court shall have full power and authority thereupon to try and adjudge upon the rirjht of the person so complained of to exercise the office in question, and to make such order in the case, and to cause (if need shall be) such writ of Mandamus or order to be addressed to the Corporation of the Mayor, Aldermen and Citizens of Montreal, as to right and justice may appertain ; and such order or writ shall be obeyed by the said Corporation, and by all other parties whatsoever, and from the judgment of the said Court in any such matter as aforesaid, there shall be no appeal ; and the said Court shall have full power to tax and award such costs against any party as in their discretion they shall deem right : Provided always, that so far as may be consistent with this Act, the forms of proceeding in any such case as aforesaid, shall be as summary aa may be consistent with a duo examination into the merits of the case : And provided also, that the authority and powers conferred by this section on the said Superior Court in Term, or at its weekly sittings, shall apply to cases where the party complained of, exercised, or assumed, or attempted to exercise the office in question before the passing of this Act ; and that any proceedings commenced in Term before the Court may be continued before the weekly sittings of the said Court ; and any proceedings commenced before the said Court in the weekly sittings thereof, may be continued before the said Court in Term. 28. And bo it enacted, That whensoever hereafter it may happen that from any cause Avhatsoevcr, an election for a member or members of the said Council of the said city shall not take place for any ward or wards of the said city at the time fixed therefor by law, or appointed therefor by the Mayor of the said city, it shall bo lawful for the said Mayor, as soon thereafter as expedient, to appoint a ])eriod within which an election or elections, in lieu and place thereof, shall be held and take place, in the City Hall of the said city, in the manner liereinafter iirescribtMl. 29. And be it enacted, That there shall be in each year four Quarterly Meetings of the said Council, which shall be held on the following days, that is to say, on the second Men- Mayor to ui>- Ituiiit a day for I'loctiuiio. Kour quarterly iii(>ctln)i:ii ill CHcli year, of tliroo(lay«cach. CITY CHARTER AND OTHER ACTS. 21 day of the months of March, Juno, September and December, in each and every year ; and the said meetings shall not at any one time bo held for a longer period than three days succes- sively, in which holidays shall not bo included. 30. And be it enacted. That the Mayor, Aldermen and Mayor.Ac.now Councillors of the City of Montreal, who shall bo in office tinuoin'.ifflci?. when this Act shall come into force, shall continue in office until required to go out of office under the [)rovi8ions of this Act ; and the person who shall so be the Mayor of the City of Montreal at the time this Act shall come into force, shall continue in office until his successor in the said office of Mayor shall have been appointed and sworn in, according to the pro- visions of this Act ; and on the first Monday in March in each and every year, one of tho Members of the Council for each Ward shall go out of office; and on the first Monday in onpniomhorror March now next, and on the first Monday in March in each onfot-'office 'in succeeding year, those Members of the Council for each Ward Joir'"'"'^ respectively shall go out of office who shall have been Meuiiters thereof for the longest time without re-election : Provided if at muh oicc- always, that ii' on tho first Monday in March next, or in any lu "ancy '"ilollia succeeding year, there shall be a vacancy or vacancies in the m(M.'ibcr""o"u' office of any Member or Members of tho Council for any Ward, "'""""'' who would not, under the provisions of this section, have gone out of office on that day, then a Member or Members of the Council shall be elected for tho Ward to fill such vacancy, as well as in the place of the Member who shall then go out of office under the provisions of this section : And provided also, that it shall be allowable for any Member of tho said Council to resign his said office of Councillor, and vacate his seat in the said Council, if tho reason assigned by him for so doing be considered good and sufficient, and his said resignation bo accepted of by not less than two-thirds of the Members com- • posing the said Council. And if in any year, tiie first Mon- c.so ..c a hoii- day in March be a holiday, all that by this section is ordered ''"^' to be done on that day, shall bo done on the following day. 31. And be it enacted, That at the first Quarterly or Ki.-.tio., Special greeting of tho Council of the said city, after tho '''""'"• election of Members thereof next year, and each subsequent on of A|. 00 Aid CITY CHARTER AND OTHER ACTS. Alderman )fuiiiR out of olHcu may bo re-clectod. Kxtraordhmry vaciiiicipM ill Council, how to bo tilled up. IVriod for which Hurl) poi'' 8<in tihall lio cli'ctcd. Limitation of iiorlod for hold- Injr siicli oxtra- ordlnarv elec- tion. Vacancies iinioiiK tho A1- (lernitMi. how SU|l]lli)Ml. year, the said Council shall elect from among the Members of the said Council, so many as may then be requisite, with those Aldermen remaining in office, to make the number of nine, (if so many Members there be duly qualified, and if there be not, then such less number as may bo so qualified,) to be Alder- men of the said city, until the time when they shall respec- tively cease to be Members of the said Council under the pro- visions of this Act, and no longer: Provided always, that any Alderman going out of office, in any year, may, if re-elected as a member of tho Council, at tho next or any subsequent election of Councillors, bo re-elected as an Alderman. 32. And be it enacted. That if, after the passing of this Act, any extraordinary vacancy shall occur in the office of Member of the Council of the said city, for any Ward thereof, the inhabitant householders and persons qualified to vote in tho Ward for Avhich such vacancy shall have occurred, shall, within a period to be appointed by tho Mayor, after such vacancy shall have occurred, elect from the persons qualified to be Members of the Council, a person duly qualified to fill such vacancy ; and such election shall be held, and tho voting and other proceedings shall be conducted in the same manner and subject to tho same provisions in this Act con- tained, with respect to other elections of Members of the said Council ; and every person so elected shall hold sucii office until the period at which the person in the room of whom he shall have been elected, would, in ordinary course, have gone out of office, and shall then go out of office, but may be immediately re-elected if then duly qualified : Pro- vided always, that no election shall take place to supply any such extraordinary vacancy between the first day of January and tho first day of March in any year : And provided also, tlrat as soon as any such extraordinary vacancy in the office of Member of the said Council shall have been supplied, if the Member of the Council whose office so became vacant, was an Alderman, it shall bo lawful for tho said Council to elect from the Members of the said Council, qualified to bo Aldermen, a person to be Alderman in the room of the Alderman whose office may have so become vacant. CITY CHARTER AND OTHER ACTS. 23 33. And be it enacted, That whenever and so long as the in case of ob- Mayor of the said city may bo absent from the said city, or ness of the from sickness bo incapable of discharging the duty of Mayor to eieo't an ai- „ , . , . , . 1 r^ •% ^ ^^ t L f ,^ 1 1 i dorman to aot of the said city, the said Council shall elect trom the Alder- in iiis piaoo. men of the said city, one who shall, during such absence or sickness of the Mayor of the said city, have all the power, authority and rights vested by law in the Mayor of the said city, and shall, during any and every such absence or sick- ness of the said Mayor, discharge and perform all the duties imposed by law on the Mayor of the said city ; and when- ever and so often as a vacancy shall occur in the office of Mayor of the said city, the said Council shall elect from among the Aldermen thereof, one who shall, during such vacancy, act as Mayor of the said city, and shall, until such vacancy be filled up, have all the authority, power and rights vested by law in the Mayor of the said city. 84. And be it enacted. That at any Quarterly or Special council to ap- Meeting of the said Council after the election of Members ^^ " thereof, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and fifty-two, and in each succeeding year, the said Council shall appoint as many Assessors for the said city, not ex- ceeding nine in number, as may be necessary, and the said Council may grant the said Assessors such remuneration for their services, us they the said Council may deem fitting ; and the said Council may order and determine in what and May how many wards the said Assessors shall act, and if they hp( fit, that the Assessors to be appointed shall act as such, throughout the whole city limits ; and it shall bo the duty of the said Assessors to make the Assessments, to assess all property, and to make returns of all persons liable to pay any rate, duty, tax or impost for or by reason of any cause Avhatsoevor, hi the said city, in like manner as the same has been hitherto done in the said city ; and the said Assessors shall not hereafter, in the performance of the duties vested in and imposed upon them by law, base their proceeding, estimate or assessment of property, on a fancied value or rental thereof as has heretofore often been done, but that they the said Assessors shall bo, and they are hereby ro* romiino- rntu tlioni. CITY CHARTER AND OTHER ACTS. Acsc-sors to bo sworn. quired to determine the assessment to be made by them on Asaessnunt to all such property, upon the actual and bond fide rent thereof, bo inado on the .iip- i • ^ -i actual value of if the said rent be a lair and equitable one, and proportionate property. , . to the value of the property, but if otherwise, then on the interest of the actual value of the property assessed ; and where property to be assessed is in the occupation or posses- sion of the proprietors thereof, the said Assessors shall be, and they are hereby required to determine the Assessment to be paid thereon, upon and according to the rent, which the said property may be worth, and ought to obtain, were the same to be leased, at a fair and equitable rental, by the V said proprietor at the time ; and henceforth, all vacant and unoccupied lots of land within the limits of the said city, . shall be assessed in all their depth, to their whole extent, and at their full value, that is to say, on the interest of the actual value thereof. 35. And be it enacted, That every person to be appointed Assessor as aforesaid, shall, before ho begin to act as such, or execute the duties of his said office, take the oath of alle- giance, and also the following oath, before the Mayor of the said city, or any two Members of the Council thereof, that is to say : " I, having been appointed Assessor for the said City of Montreal, or for the said Ward of the said city (a8 the case may be'), do swear that I will faithfully, impartially, honestly and diligently execute all the duties of the said office, according to the best of my skill and know- ledge. So help me God." 80. And bo it enacted. That notwithstanding any thing to the contrary in any Act or Law heretofore passed, or in force in this Province, it shall not be necessary for the Assessment in the said city to be made between the tenth day of May and the tenth day of June in each year, but that the powers and authority of the Assessors elected and appouited or to be hereafter elected and appointed under and by virtue of this Act, shall bo and continue in force, and may be exer- cised for and during the period and term of their election and Oath. For what i)crlort AssessorK nmy Mt. CITY CHARTER AND OTHER ACTS. 2A appointment, to wit, until the first Monday in March in the year next following their said election and appointment. 37. And be it enacted, That it shall be lawful for the said council to make ^ By-IawB rolat- Council, at any meetmg or meetmgs composed of not less ingtoAsscMors. than two-thirds of the Members thereof, to make a By-law or By-laws, which shall regulate and determine the time when the Assessors of the said city shall annually commence their duties, the manner in which they shall perform them, the period within which they shall annually make their first general return of the Assessments to be levied and obtained in the said city, and the time and manner in which they may or shall correct their said return, by extending the same, and adding thereto the names of any parties omitted or who shall have become known to the said Assessors, or shall have arrived in the said city subsequently to the making thereof, or who shall have become liable to pay any Assessment, Tax or Duty to the said city, at any time after the said general return shall or may have been made ; and in the event of any vacancy or vacancies occurring in the office of Assessor or Assessors, by the non-election of any Assessor or Asses- sors, at the time fixed by law therefor, or by the absence or death of any person or persons elected or appointed to that office, or by the refusal or inability of any Assessor or Assessors elected or appointed, to attend to, perform and fulfil the duty or duties which he or they are or may be bound or required by law to attend to, perform and fulfil, it shall and may be lawful for the said Council, at any Quar- . terly or Special Meeting thereof, to elect, nominate and appoint one or more competent and duly qualified person or persons to fill and supply such vacancy or vacancies. 38. And be it enacted. That at the Quarterly Meeting to Eioction of be held by the said Council in the month of December in the year one thousand eight hundred and fifty-two, and at the Quarterly Meeting to be hold by the said Council in the month of December of every succeeding year, the Members of the said Council shall elect, by a majority of votes, from the persons qualified to be Councillors, two persons who shall be, and be called Auditors of the said City of Montreal ; and every AuditorM. 26 CITY CHARTER AND OTHER ACTS. Thoir aualiflca- tion and term of office. Disqualification of certain por- 8ong to bo Au- ditors. Vacancy in office of Audi- tors, how flllcd up. Oaths to bo talcon by tlio Mayor, Alder- men or Coun- cillors. Oath. Fines for non< accoptauoo of office. such Auditor shall continue in office until the second Monday in the month of March in the year following his election : Pro- vided always, that no Member of the said Council, nor the Clerk, nor Assistant Clerk of the said city, shall be capable of being elected an Auditor as aforesaid : And provided further, that any vacancy that may occur in the office of Auditor, may be filled up by the said Council, by an election to be had in the manner and under the provisions aforesaid, at any subsequent General or Special Meeting; and the person so elected, shall hold his office until the time when the person whose place he shall have been elected to supply would have gone out of office. 39. And be it enacted. That no person elected to be Mayor, Alderman or Councillor as aforesaid, shall be capable of acting as such, except in administering the oaths herein- after mentioned, until he shall have made and subscribed before any two or more of such Aldermen or Councillors (who are hereby respectively authorized and required to administer the said oath to each other), the oath of allegi- ance to Her Majesty, Her Heirs and Successors ; and also an oath in the words or to the effect following, that is to say: " I, A. B., having been elected Mayor (or Alderman or Councillor, as the case may he) for the City of Montreal, do sincerely and solemnly swear, that I will faithfully fulfil the duties of the said office, according to the best of my judg- ment and ability ; and that I am seized or possessed, for my own use, of real or personal estate, or both, in the said City of Montreal, after the payment or deduction of my just debts, of the value of One Thousand Pounds (or Five Hunured Pounds, as the case may fte), and that I have not fraudu- lently or collusively obtained the same, or a title to the same, for the purpose of qualifying myself to bo elect'^l ^^lyor, (Alderman, or Councillor, as the case may be), as aforesaid : So help me God." 40. And be it enacted. That every person duly qualified, who shall be elected to the office of Mayor, Alderman or Councillor, or appointed Assessor or Auditor, of the said CITY CHARTER AND OTHER ACTS. •27 jlected to be sill be capable oaths herein- id subscribed r Councillors [ required to >ath of allegi- rs ; and also ig, that is to Alderman or Montreal, do ully fulfil the of my judg- Bssed, for my ;he said City nyjust debts, ive Hunured not fraudu- to tl\e same, ct^^ 1 ^Myor, as aforesaid : ttly qualified, A^lderman or of the said city as aforesaid, shall accept the office to which he shall have been so elected, or shall, in default thereof, pay to the Treasurer of the said city, and for the use of the said city, a fine as follows, that is to say : for non-acceptauce of the office of Alderman or Councillor, a fine of Fifty Pounds ; for non-acceptance of the office of Auditor or Assessor, a fine of Fifty Pounds ; and for non-acceptance of the office of Mayor, a fine of One Hundred Pounds ; and every person so elected or appointed, shall within four days after notice of his election or appointment, accept such office by taking the oath of allegiance, and in the case of the Mayor, Aldermen and Councillors, by making and subscribing the declaration hereinbefore mentioned, and in the case of the Assessors and Auditors, by taking and subscribing the oath hereinbefore prescribed, and in default thereof shall be liable to pay the fine aforesaid, as for his non-acceptance of such office, and such office shall thereupon be deemed vacant, and shall be filled up by a new election, to be made in the manner here- inbefore prescribed : Provided always, that any person not qualified to make the said declaration, may be permitted and shall be held and bound to make oath that he is not seized or possessed of real or personal estate, or both, in the terms of the said declaration, of the value of One Thousand Pounds, or Five Hundred Pounds, as the case may be, in which case, but not otherwise, he shall be exempted from accepting or filling the said office : Provided also, that no persons disabled by lunacy or imbecility of mind shall be liable to pay such fine as aforesaid : And that every person so elected to any such office, who shall be above the age of sixty-five years, or who shall already have served such office, or paid the fine for not accepting such office, within five years next preceding the day on which he shall be so re-elected, shall be exempted from accepting or serving the same office, if he shall claim such exemption within five days after notice of his election from the City Clerk : And provided also, that no Military, Naval, or Marine Officer, in Her Majesty's Service, on full pay, nor any Member of the Legislaturi of this Province, or of the Executive Council, nor any Surveyor Aa Aldorman or Councillor, as Auditor or As- gossor, as Mayor. Aooeptanoe of offlootobemado by taking oaths, rorsoiiB not qualified, to Hwcnr to their non-quaiilica- tion. Kxomptlon fVom said offices. 28 CITY CHARTER AND OTHER ACTS. Vtiwa in which the Mayor, Al- dermen or Councillors Hliall become disqualified. General, Adjutant General of Militia, or Provincial Secre- tary, nor the Provincial Postmaster General, or his Deputies, nor any Custom House Officer, Sheriff, or Coroner, nor the Clerks and Commissioned Officers of the Legislature or of the Executive Council, nor any Schoolmaster, shall be held or bound to accept or hold any such office as aforesaid, or any other office in the said city. 41. And be it enacted, That if any person holding the office of Mayor, Alderman, or Councillor, shall be declared Bankrupt, or. shall become insolvent, or shall apply to take the benefit of any Act for the relief of Insolvent Debtors, or shall compound by deed with his creditors, or shall take or enter into Holy Orders, or become a Minister or Teacher of any Religious Sect, or a Judge or Clerk of any Court, or a Member of the Executive Council, or shall become account- able for the City Revenue, or receive any pecuniary allowance from the city for his services, or shall be absent from the said city for more than two calendar mouths at one and the same time, or shall be absent from the Meetings of the said Council for more than two calendar months consecutively, (unless in case of illness, or with leave of the Council) then, and in every such case, such person shall thereupon imme- diately become disqualified, and shall. cease to hold such office of Mayor, Alderman, or Councillor, as aforesaid ; and in the case of such absence, shall be liable to the same fine as if he Had refused to accept such office. 42. And be it enacted. That the Mayor of the said city for the time being, shall be Justice of the Peace for the City and District of Montreal : and that the Aldermen and Coun- cillors of the said city for the time being shall .severally be Justices of the Peace for the said City of Montreal, and it shall be lawful for the said Common Council, from and out of the moneys belonging to the said city, to grant and allow to the said Mayor, for the time being, in Ueu of all fees and perquisites, such salary not exceeding Five Hundred Pounds, and not less than Two Hundred Pounds, as the said Council shall think fit. 43. And be it enacted. That it shall be lawful for the said Mayor, Alder- men, and Coun- cillors to be Jus- tices of the I'cace. Mayor to have a salary. Council to name City Clerk. CITY CHARTER AND OTHER ACTS. 29 Council of the said city, from time to time, as occasion may require, to appoint a fit and proper person, not being a Mem- ber of the Council, to be Clerk of the said city, and another fit person, not being a Member of the said Council, and not being City Clerk, to be the Treasurer of the said city : one or more fit person or persons, not being of the Council, to be the Clerk or Clerks of the Markets of the said city ; and one or more Surveyor or Surveyors of highways, streets and bridges ; and such number of Overseers of highways, streets and bridges, as they may deem neces- sary ; and one Collector for each of the Wards of the said collectors, city ; one or more Pound Keeper or Pound Keepers for the said city, and such other Officers as they may think neces- sary, to enable them to carry into execution the powers vested in them by this Act, and to prescribe and regulate the duties of all such officers respectively, and at their plea- sure to remove any such officer, and appoint another in his place ; and the said Council shall take such security for the due execution of the offices of City Clerk, Treasurer or other officer, as they shall think proper, and shall and may grant and allow to the City Clerk, Treasurer and other officer, to be appointed as aforesaid, such salary, aid, allowance or other compensation for their services, as they may think fit ; and whenever and so long as the said Clerk of the said city may be absent from the said city, or, from sickness or any such cause, be incapable of discharging the duties of the office of the said City Clerk, it shall be lawful for the Mayor of the said city, by a writing under his hand, to appoint a fit and proper person to be Assistant Clerk of the said city ; and every such Assistant Clerk shall, during the time for which he may be so appointed, dissharge the duties of the office of the said City Clerk ; and all acts, matters and things done by the said Assistant City Clerk, during the time of his appointment, shall have the same force and effect as if per- formed by the City Clerk of the said city. 44. And be it enacted. That so much of a certain Act of the Legislature of the heretofore Province of Lower Canada, passed in the thirty-sixth year of the Heign of His late Ciiy Treasurer, Clerks of Mar- kota. Surveyors of Highways. Overseers. Found keepers and other officers. To prescribe duties. Security to be taken. Salaries to be given. In case of ab- sence or sick- ness of City Clerk, Mayor may name As- eistant Clerk. Powers of Trea- surer, Assessors, Surveyors, &o., under 3 George III, c. 9. (L. C.) 30 CITY CHARTER AND OTHER ACTS. Majesty King George the Third, intituled, An Act for mak- ing^ repairing and altering the Highways and Bridges within this Province and for other purposes^ as provides for the appointment of Assessors and of a Road-Treasurer for the said City of Montreal ; and also a certain Act of the Legis- lature of the said heretofore Province of Lower Canada, passed in the ninth year of the Reign of His late Majesty pjGoo. IV, c. 16. King George the Fourth, intituled. An Act to increase the number of Assessors for the Cities of Quebec and Montreal; and also so much of a certain other Act of the Legislature of the said heretofore Province of Lower Canada, passed in the thirty-ninth year of the Reign of His late Majesty King (L.C.) 39 Geo. Ill, C.6. George the Third, intituled. An Act to amend an Act passed in the thirty-sixth year of Sis present Majesty^ s Jieign, inti- tuled " An Act for making, repairing and altering the JTigh- ^^ ways and Bridges within this Province, and for other " purposes, ^^ as provides for the appointment of a Surveyor of the highways, streets, lanes and bridges in the said City of Montreal, by the Governor, Lieutenant Governor, or per- son administering the Government of tj( said heretofore Province of Lower Canada, and which were repealed by the said Ordinance to incorporate the City and Town of Montreal, shall continue to be, and shall be and remain repealed ; and all and every the powers, authority and duties, which, in and by the said Acts, or any other Act or Acts of the Legislature of the said heretofore Province of Lower Canada, were before the passing of the said Ordinances to incorporate the City and Town of Montreal, vested in, and imposed on, the Assessors appointed in pursuance of the provisicais of the said Act passed in the thirty-sixth year aforesaid, and the powers and duties of the said Road-Treasurer, and of the said Surveyor of Highways, Streets and Bridges in the said city, appointed under the said Act passed in the thirty-sixth year aforesaid, and which under and by virtue of the said Ordinances to incorporate the City and Town of Montreal, are now vested in and imposed on the Assessors appointed in pursuance of the last mentioned Ordinance and on the Treasurer of the said city, and on the Surveyor of Highways for the said Transferred to the same ofliccra appointed un- der this Act CITY CHARTER AND OTHER ACTS. 81 Tnor, or per- The duties of AsMiRsors may be performed by a majority of them. Case of dilTer- ence of opinion, how met. City of Montreal, appointed respectively under the authority of the last mentioned Ordinance, shall continue to be, and shall be and remain vested in, and imposed on the Asses- sors, Treasurer of the said city, and on the Surveyor of highways for the said City of Montreal, respectively, who may be in office under the authority of the said last, mentioned Ordinance when this Act comes into force, and in their suc- cessors in the said offices respectively, to be appointed under and by virtue of the present Act : Provided always, that all duties that may be performed by the said Assessors, may be performed with equal force and effect by a concurring major- ity in number of the said Assessors, and that in all cases where there may be a difference of opinion among the said Asses- sors, the opinion of a concurring majority in number of them, any two or more shall have the same force and effect as if the whole of the said Assessors had concurred : and if the said Assessors, acting without a third, or preponderating Assessor, differ in opinion, the third, remaining or preponderating Asses- sor shall examine the premises respecting which such diffe- rence of opinion may have occurred, and by his opinion confirm that of one or other of the Assessors or divisions of Assessors who may have so differed, and the opinion so confirmed shall have the same force and effect as if the three or more Asses- sors had concurred in it ; and in each of the cases above mentioned, and in every other such case, the Assessor or Assessors dissenting may make an entry in the Assessment Books of tlio reasons of his or their dissent. 45. And be it enacted. That the Treasurer of the said city, shall, in Books to be kept for that purpose, enter true accounts of all sums of money by him received or paid, as such Treasurer, and the several matters for which such sums shall have been received or paid ; and the Books containing the said accounts shall, at all seasonable times, be open to the inspection of any of the Aldermen or Councillors of the said city ; and all the accounts of the said Treasurer, with all vouchers and papers relating thereto, shall, on the first day of February in each and every year, be submitted by such Treasurer to the Auditors elected for the said city as afore- Treasureroftho city, liis duties. Accounts to bo annually sub- mitted to the Auditors and to tlie Council for examination and audit. 32 CITY CHARTER AND OTHER ACTS. said. Members he said Council, as the Mayor of the said city shall name ; and the said Books of accounts, accounts and all vouchers and papers relating thereto, shall, from the first to the last day of February, inclusively, in each and every year, be open to the examination of the said Audi- tors, and Councillors to be named by the Mayor, for the pur- pose of the said Books and accounts being examined and audited for the year preceding such annual examination ; and Abstract of ao- if the said accounts shall be found to be correct, the Auditors counts to be an- • ' Dually printed, shall Certify the same to be so ; and after the said accounts shall have been so examined and audited, in the month of February in every year, the Treasurer shall make out in writing, and cause to be printed, a full abstract of his accounts for the year, and a copy thereof shall be open to the inspection of all the rate-payers of the said city, and copies thereof shall be delivered to all rate-payers of the said city applying for the same, on payment of a reasonable price for each copy. On what orders 46. And be it enacted. That the Treasurer of the said city shall not pay any moneys, in his hands as such Treasu- rer, otherwise than upon an Order in writing of the Council of the said city, signed by three or more Members of the said Council, and countersigned by the Clerk of the city, or in pursuance of a Judgment or Order of any Court of Justice. 47. And be it enacted. That the Clerk, Treasurer and other Officers of the said city, appointed by the Council as aforesaid, shall respectively, at such times during their con- tinuance in office, and within three months after they shall respectively cease to be in office, and in such manner as the said Council shall direct, deliver to the said Council, or to such person as they shall authorize to receive the same, a true account in writing, of all matters committed to their charge, by virtue or in pursuance of this Act ;- And also, of all moneys which shall have been by them respectively re- ceived, by virtue, or for the purposes of this Act, and how much thereof shall have been paid and disbursed, and for what purposes, together with .proper vouchers for such pay- Treasurer may make pay- ments. City ofBcers to render detailed accounts. CITY CHARTER AND OTHER ACTS. 88 ments : and every such Officer shall pay all such moneys as shall remain due from him to the Treasurer, for the time being, or to such per^ in as the said Council shall authorize to receive the same ; And if any such Officer shall refuse or wilfully neglect to deliver such account, or the vouchers relating to the same, or to make payment as aforesaid, or shall refuse or wilfully neglect to deliver to the said Council, or to such person as they shall authorize to receive the same, within three days after being thereto required by the said Council, all Books, Documents, Papers, and Writings in his custody or power as such Officer as aforesaid, then, and in every such case, on complaint made on behalf of the said Council, of any such refusal or wilful neglect as aforesaid, to any Justice of the Peace for the District or County wherein such Officer shall reside or be, such Justice of the Peace shall be, and is hereby authorized and required, to issue a Warrant under his Hand and Seal, for bringing any such Officer before any two Justices of the Peace for such District or County ; And upon the said Officer appearing, or not appearing, or not being found, it shall be lawful for the said Justices to hear and determine the matter in a summary man- ner ; And if it shall appear to such Justices, that any moneys remain due from such Officer, such Justices may, and they are hereby authorized and required, on non-payment thereof, by Warrant under their Hands and Seals, to cause such moneys to be levied by distress and sale of the goods and chattels of such Officer ; and if sufficient goods and chattels shall not be found to satisfy the said moneys and the charges of the distress, or if it shall appear to such Justices that such Officer has refused or wilfully neglected to deliver such Ac- counts, or the Vouchers relating thereto, or that any Books, Documents, Papers, or Writings which were or are in the custody or power of such Officer, in his official capacity, have not been delivered as aforesaid, or are wilfully withheld, then, and in every such case, such Justices shall, and they are hereby required, to commit such Officer to the Common Gaol or House of Correction for the District or County where such Officer shall reside or be, there to remain without bail, E To pay ovor all moneys by them duo. How thoy may be proceeded against for refu- sal or neglect of such duty. Judgment tn be obtained in a summary man- ner. In default of payment, the party may be Imprisoned. 34 CITY CHARTER AND OTHER ACTS. until he shall have paid such moneys as aforesaid, and shall have delivered a true Account as aforesaid, together with such Vouchers as aforesaid, and until he shall have delivered up such Books, Documents, Papers and Writings as afore- said, or have given satisfaction in respect of the matteiis aforesaid, to the said Council : Provided always, that no per- son so committed shall be detained in prison for want of suffi- cient distress only for a longer space of time than three calendar months : Provided also, that nothing in this Act contained shall prevent or abridge any remedy by action against any such Officer so offending as aforesaid or against any surety for any such Officer. 48. And be it enacted, That in all meetings of tliQ said Council, to be held in pursuance of this Act, a majority of the Members present at such Meeting shall determine all questions and matters submitted to, or under the considera- tion of the said Council, provided that the number present at the said Meeting be not less than one-third part of the whole Term of iinpri8> uiiinciit limited. Ucmcdy by ac- tion not to bo abWdgod uKainiit such olticororhis Kurety. At meetings of (.'ouMcil, niHjor- ity to decide all <lue8tiou8. Who Hhnll prp- fide. Casting vote to member i>roi<id- ing. Special mcct- Ingi, how called. cal In m(o of rent- aalby theMayor to call »uch . meetings, Uvo number of the said Members of the said Council ; And at all such Meetings, the Mayor of the said city, if present, shall preside, and in case of his absence, such Alderman, or, in the absence of all the Aldermen, such Councillor as the Members of the Cotmcil so assembled shall choose to be Chairman of any such Meeting, shall preside at the same ; And in case of an equality of votes, the Mayor or Chairman presiding shall have a casting vote, that is to say, such Mayor or Chairman shall not in any case, while so presiding, have a vote as a Member of the Council, nor unless the votes bo as aforesaid equally divided. 49. And be it enacted, That it shall be lawful for the Mayor of the said city, or, in case of his absence from the said city, or sickness, for the Alderman of the said city, elected in the mnnner hereinbefore provided to fill his place, to call a Spe- cial Meeting of the said Council, when and as often as the said Mayor, or, in case of his absence or sickness as afore- said, the said Alderman of the said city, may deem it proper, after throe days' previous notice thereof ; and in case the said Mayor, or the said Alderman, during the absence or CITY CHARTER AND OTHER ACTS. 35 sickness of the said Mayor as aforesaid, shall refuse to call mpmbere may *' . . . rt ,1 . -J <'*'! '^ meeting any such Meeting, after requisition for that purpose, signed after certain by five or more Members of the said Council, or in case of the absence or sickness as aforesaid of the said Mayor and of the said Alderman at the same time, it shall be lawful for any five or more Members of the said Council to call a Meet- ing of the said Council, after three days' previous notice, which notice shall be signed by the said Members ; And every Business bofor such notice, whether given by the Mayor, or by the said to Vc specially . /. ■»«• 1 <» ii • 1 i-^ mentioned in Alderman, or by any five or more Members ot the said Coun- such notice, cil, shall specify the business for which the proposed meeting is to be held ; and in all cases of such Special Meetings as aforesaid, a Summons, to attend the Council, summarily spe- cifying the business to be transacted at such Meetings, and signed by the City Clerk, shall be delivered to every Member of the said Council, or shall be left at the usual place of abode of every Member of the said Council, three days at least before such Meeting. 50. And be it enacted. That the Minutes of the proceed- Miuuics of pro- ings of all meetings to be held as aforesaid, shall be drawn up meetings to be and fairly entered in a Book to bo kept for that purpose, and "*' ' shall be signed by the Mayor, Alderman or Councillor pre- siding at such Meeting, and the said Minutes shall be open to the inspection of all persons qualified to vote at the election of Councillors, on payment of a fee of one shilling ; and the Moptinp to be said Meetings shall be held with open doors, and all extracts iioor»* ' "''*'" from the Book required to be kept by this section of this Act, and all copies of entries therein, and generally all Ccrtifi- copicii of en- cates, Deeds and Papers signed by the Mayor of the said by niericik' city, and countersigned by the. City Clerk of the said city, ci'ty seai, to be and under the Seal of the said city, shall, in all Courts of via facie ovi- Justice in this Province, be taken and received as primd facie evidence of the facts set forth in such Extracts, Copies, Certificates, Deeds and Papers, respectively. 51. And bo it enacted. That at any Quarterly or Special (ounciimay Meeting of the said Council of the said City of Montreal, Iluliulllji!'"""*'' when the business before the meeting cannot bo gone through witii, or be fully disposed of, it shall be competent to the said 36 CITY CHARTER AND OTHER ACTS. Council may iiHiiio commit' tlH'S. Council to adjourn the said meeting from time to time and as often as may be necessary or be thought expedient by the said Council, for the consideration and disposal of the said unfinished business ; but that no new business shall be brought before, or be considered at, any such adjourned meeting, or any other subject or business than the unfinished business of the previous meeting : that it shall not be necessary to give notice of any such adjourned meeting to any Members present at the time of the adjournment of the said Council, but that notice thereof and of the unfinished business to be considered and transacted thereat, be given in all possible cases, to the Members of the said Council not present at the said adjourn- ment ; and for that purpose, that, except in cases of great emergency, no adjounied meeting bo held within less than twelve hours' delay from the time of the adjournment of the preceding meeting. 52. And be it enacted. That it shall be lawful for the said Council to appoint, from and out of the Members comprising such Council, such and so many committees, consisting of such number of persons as they may think fit, for the better transaction of the business before the Council, and for the discharge of such duties within the scope of their powers, as may by the said Council be prescribed, but subject in all things to the approval, authority and control of the said Council. 58. And be it enacted, That all and every the powers and [n moKigtratos'* authorities which, in and by any Act of the Legislature of by thViuHiudi!' the heretofore Province of Lower Canada, in force at the time of the passing of the said Ordinance to incorporate the City and Town of Montreal, had been, and were at the time of the passing of the last mentioned Ordinance, vested in the Court of Quarter Sessions of the Peace for the said District of Mon- treal, and in any Special Sessions of the Peace for the same District, and in the Justices of the Peace for the said District of Montreal, or any of them, for, touching, or concerning the laying out, making, erecting, keeping in repair and regulating the highways, bridges, streets, squares, lanes, causeways, pavements, drains, ditches, embankments, water-courses, Cortain powprn CITY CHARTER AND OTHER ACTS. 37 sewers, market-houses, and weigh-houses, and other public erections and works in the said City of Montreal, or any of them, and for, touching and concerning the dividing of the said city into divisions, and the appointment of Overseers of highways, streets and bridges in the said city, and for, touching and concerning the laying, imposing, raising, levying, collecting, applying, paying and accounting for, a rate or rates of assessment upon occupiers of lands, lots, houses and buildings, in proportion to the annual value thereof, within the said City of Montreal, and which, under and by virtue of the said Ordinance to incorporate the said City and Town of Montreal, became and was vested in the said Council of the said City of Montreal, shall continue to be vested in and exer- cised by, and shall be and remain vested in, and exercised by the said Council of the said City of Montreal ; and all real and personal property within the said city, which, before the passing of the said Ordinance to incorporate the City and Town of Montreal, were subject to the management, control or authority of the Justices of the Peace for the said District • of Montreal, or any of them, S'^d which, under and by virtue of the last mentioned Ordinance, have become, and are subject to the power, authority, order and control of the said Coun- cil of the said city, shall continue to be, and shall be and remain, subject to the power and authority, order and control, of the said Council of the said city ; and the said Council council to shall, moreover, have the exclusive power to grant or refuse fic"iiB/»r^ Ferry Licenses to persons plying as Ferrymen to the said City of Montreal from any place within nine miles of the said city ; any law, usage or custom to the contrary notwith- standing. 64. And be it enacted, Tliat it shall be lawful for the said council autiio- Council of the said City of Montreal to borrow, on the credit uf •''certiTn 'ix^ of the said city, such sum or sums of money as the said Coun- ^" ' - cil of the said city may think proper to borrow on the credit of the said city : Provided always, that the total amount borrowed, and remaining unpaid, exclusive and independent of the amounts due, or to become duo, for the purchase of the Montreal Water Works, authorized to be made in and by the 38 CITY CHARTER AND OTHER ACTS. City i-cvonuag charged witli tlip payment of such debt and all other dobts coutractcd by tlic Council. Act passed in the seventh year of Her Majesty's Reign, and intituled, An Act to authorize the Mat/or, Aldermen and Citizens of Montreal, to purchase, acquire, and hold the pro- peril/ noto known as the Montreal Water Works, shall not exceed at any one tim'" the sum of One Hundred and Fifty Thousand Pounds, currency ; and all and every public moneys raised, or to be raised, by assessment as aforesaid, and all moneys now due and payable, or that may hereafter be due and payable to the said Council of the said city, as well as all other moneys hereafter, to be raised or received by and under the authority of that Act, or of any other Act, or by any other cause or causes whatever, shall be charged and chargeable with the payment of the sums of money so to be borrowed by the Council of the said city, and with the pay- menc of the sums of money which have been already borrowed by the said Council of the said city, and generally with the payment of all debts which have been or may be legally con- tracted, or which are now or hereafter may be legally duo and owing by the said Council of the said City ; and all sums of money heretofore legally borrowed by the said Council of the said city, and still remaining unpaid, and all sums of money hereafter to be legally borrowed by the said Council of the said city, and generally all debts now legally due or hero- after to be legally due by the said Council of the said city, shall be payable from and out of all or any moneys that may be raised or received by the said Council, under the autho- rity of this Act, or under the authority of any other Act now in force, or that hereafter may bo in force in this Province, or by any other cause or causes whatever. 55. And be it enacted. That for the purpose of extending and improving the said Water Works, it shall and may be law- ful for the said Corporation of the said city, to borrow over and above the sum of One Hundred and Fifty Thousand Pounds, current money aforesaid, to which the said Corporation is limited in the next preceding section of this Act, such sum or sums of money not exceeding the sum of Fifty Thousand Pounds current money aforesaid, in all, as the said Corpora- tion may find it necessary or expedient to borrow for the Corporation may borrow a I'urihor 8uni, for tlu> oxt(>nt<ion and imiirovo- nicnf of Wafer Work;*. CITY CHARTER AND OTHER ACTS. 39 extension and improvement of the said Water Works, and it shall and may be lawful for the said Corporation to issue under the Hand of the Mayor, and the Seal of the Corpora- tion, Debentures or Corporation Bonds, for the sum or sums of money to be so borrowed as aforesaid for the extension and improvement of the said Water Works, payable at such time and times after the granting and issuing thereof, to the bearer thereof, either within this Province, or any place or places without this Province, and either in the currency of this Pro- vince or in sterling money, or in the currency of the place where the same may be respectively made payable, which said Bonds shall bear interest payable semi-annually, on the first days of May and November in each year, and at a rate not exceeding six per centum per annum, and all such Debentures or Bonds may have Coupons thereto annexed, for the said half yearly interest thereon, which Coupons being signed by the Mayor shall be respectively payable to the bearer thereof when the half yearly interest therein mentioned becomes duo, and shall on payment thereof be delivered up to the Corporation, and the possession of any such Coupon by the Corporation shall be pritnd facie evidence that the half year's interest therein mentioned has been paid according to the tenor of such Debentures or Bond, and all the provisions of this section shall apply as well to the Debenture or Bonds, heretofore issued, as to those to be issued after the passing of this Act, and all .such Debentures or Bonds, and as well the interest as the principal thereof, are and shall be secured on the general funds of the said Corporation, as well as by special privilege on the said Water Works, immediately next in order to and after extinction by payment of the Debentures or Bonds already issued for the purchase of the said Water Works under and by virtue of the provisions of an Act passed in the seventh year of Her Majesty's Reign, intituled, An Act to authorize the Mai/or, Aldermen and Citizens of Mon- treal to purchase^ acquire and hold the property now known as the Montreal Water Works^ and all the privileges and advan- tages granted and secured to the said Debentures or Bonds, already issued as aforesaid for the purchase of the said Water Mny ifsue do- bClltUIC!', &c. To bear interest. Coupons of de- bentures, iVc. Po8.se8siou of coupons, to Ik- evidence of payment of interest, in h certain case. Debentures to come under t (lis gcotion. To be secured on eeneral funds, &c. 7 Vict., c. cited. I'rivtJoftcs of said Act in Ik- vor of Boudit HJreadv iwuod extended to 40 CITY CHARTER AND OTHER ACTS. those to be issued uiidt-r this Act. Proviso : na to priority of pri- vilege. A rate or assess- ment to bo le- vied for supply- ill^ water. Who is to bo subject to such rate. Rate, when payable. Not to exceed Is. 6d. in tlie pound, &c. Ity whom paid. Notice to bo given. For a broken period, tlie rate to be in propor- tion. As to tlio rate Iter annum. Troviso : no Air- thor cliarge to bo made. Works, in and by the above mentioned Act, shall be and the same are hereby extended to, granted and secured for and in favour of the Debentures or Bonds which shall or may be hereafter issued by the said Corporation in pursuance of this Act : Provided that nothing herein contained shall be held or construed to aflFect or destroy the priority of privilege of the said Bonds so as aforesaid already issued for the purchase of the said Water Works. 56. And be it enacted. That it shall and may be lawful for the said Corporation, when and so soon as they are pre- pared to supply the said city or any parts thereof with water, to specify and declare by a By-law, that the proprietors or occupiers of houses, stores and similar buildings in the said city, or in such parts thereof as they are ready to supply as aforesaid, or both the said proprietors and occupants shall by reason thereof be subject to an annual rate or assessment payable at the periods to be fixed by the said By-law, to thvi said Corporation, which rate or assessment shall not howover be made payable before the water is ready to be supplied to the said proprietors or occupiers by the said Corporation, and shall not exceed One Shilling and Six pence in the Pound on the assessed annual value of the said houses, stores and simi- lar buildings, and the said rate or assessment shall and may be imposed upon, and shall be payable by all such proprietors and occupiers, fta well by those who consent as by those who refuse to receive into their houses, stores or other buildings, the water-pipe to receive the same, but such rate or assess- ment shall not bo payable by the proprietors or occupiers of any such house, store or building, in the said city, until after the said Corporation shall have notified him, that they are prepared and ready to supply such house, store or building, with water ; and if from the time of such notification, to the next period appointed for the payment of such rate or assess- ment, there shall be any broken period, then such rate or assessment shall be payable pro rata, for such broken period as if accruing day by day ; but the rate per annum shall not exceed that limited by this Act : Provided that no other or further charge than the said rate or assessment shall be made CITY CHARTER AND OTHER ACTS. 41 te or assesa- Froviso : as t(i who shall bear certain expen- ses for the supply of the water as aforesaid, any thing in the said last mentioned Act to the contrary notwithstanding : And Provided also, that the expense of introducing the said water into the said houses, stores or other buildings, shall be borne by the said Corporation, and the work performed by the same, but the distribution of the said water through the said houses, stores or other buildings, after being introduced into them, shall be borne by such proprietors or occupiers, if required by them. 57. And be it enacted, That the said Corporation shall have power to make special agreements with parties inter- ested for the supply of water for any Steam Engine, Baths, Breweries, Distilleries, Manufactories, Livery Stables, Hotels, or other special cases: And in all cases where any party receiving or entitled to receive a supply of water from the said Corporation, shall neglect or refuse to pay the said rate or assessment, it shall be lawful for the said Corporation to turn off the water from the premises of the said party, and to discontinue the supply of water to the said party ; but the said party shall notwithstanding continu > to be liable for, and shall be bound to pay the said arrears, and likewise the rate or assessment thereafter to become due under the said By- law. 58. And be it enacted, That it shall be lawful for the said Council, at any meeting or meetings of the said Council, composed of not less than two-thirds of the members thereof, to make By-laws, which shall be binding on all pereons for the following purposes, that is to say : For the good rule, peace, welfare, improvement, cleanli- ness, health, internal economy and local government of the said city, and for the prevention and suppression of all nuisances, and all acts and proceedings in the said city, obstructive of, or opposed, or disadvantageous to, the good rule, peace, welfare, improvement, cleanliness, health, in- ternal economy or local government of the said city. For the raising, assessing and applying such moneys, as may be required for the execution of the powers with which tlic said Council is now, or may be hereafter invested, either Corporation inav make spe- cialagrcements, in certain cases, forthosupplyof water. Supply of water may bo discon- tinued for non- payment. Party to remain liable to arrears and subsequent rates. Council to make By-laws for cer- tain general purposes. For the oloanli- ncss, hcalth,and local govern- ment of the city. For raiding and applying mo- lievs, by lolls, rates, or assoKs- monts. F 42 CITY CHARTER AND OTHER ACTS. Or dutio8 on public houses, rotailers of spi- rituous liquors, podlars. Tlipatres, &c., horscF, carri- ages, billiard tables, dogs. Wholesale and retail dealers, Itanks, Forwarders, lirokcrs, by imposing tolls and rates, to be paid in respect of any Public Works within the said city, or by means of. a rate or asse3sment, to be assessed and levied each and every year, on real or personal property, or both, within the said city, or upon the owners or occupiers thereof in respect of such property, provided that such assessment may in any one year, amount to, but shall not exceed (excepting as hereinafter provided) One Shilling and Six pence in the Pound on the assessed yearly value of the property, liable to such assess- ment ; and by imposing a duty or duties on the keepers of houses of public entertainment, and the retailers of spirituous liquors, and on Merchants and Dealers and the Agents of all such resorting to, or visiting the city, to take or receive orders therein, or to sell therein, or buy according to sample, contract or agreement, or in any other manner or way what- soever, and on all hawkers, pedlars, and petty chapmen within the city ; and on all proprietors, owners, agents, managers or keepers of Theatres, Circuses or public enter- tainments. Exhibitions or shows of any kind ; or of horses or carriages of any kind kept for pleasure, for use, for working or for letting or hiring out, or of billiard tables, ball alleys or games, amusements or means of gambling of any kind, or of dogs within the said city; and on all wholesale or retail dealers in goods, wares or merchandize of any kind, withiri the said city, and the premises occupied by any and all such ; on Bankers, Banks and all agents of Bankers or Banks and the premises occupied by all such, and on all Banking Insti- tutions, and all premises occupied as Banks, Bank agencies, or for Banking purposes of any kind whatsoever, in the said city, except that particular class of Savings Banks in the said city which are or may be established for the benefit and advantage of the industrial and labouring classes of the people, and not for the profit of the Stockholders, which said class of Savings Banks are hereby exempted from any special rate or assessment, other than the ordinary rate or assessment levied on all real property in the said city ; on all Forward- ing Merchants or Forwarders and the agents of all such, and all premises occupied by them ; on all Brokers and money CITY CHARTER AND OTHER ACTS. 4ii ners, agents, Insuranco com- pauies, Agents, Gas companies, Coifeo houses, Auctioneers, &o., changers and the agents of all such, and the premises occu- pied by all such Brokers, money-changers or their agents in the said city ; on all Insurance Companies, and all agents of, or for any Insurance Company or Companies in the said city, and all premises occupied by such Insurance Com- panies, or by any agent or agents of, or for any such in the said city ; on all agents of merchants residing in any other city or place in this said Province, or elsewhere ; on all Telegraph Companies and the agents of all such in the said city, and on the proprietors of all Telegraph wires or means of communication in the said city, or passing through any part thereof ; on all Gas Companies, and the premises used and occupied by all such within the said city ; on all keepers of Eating Houses, Coffee Houses and Ordinaries; on all Auctioneers, Grocers, Bakers, Butchers, Hucksters, Pawn- brokers, Livery Stable Keepers and Carters ; on all Traders Manufecturore, and Manufacturei*s, and the agents of all such ; on all Bowers and ' o ' distillers. Brewers, Distillers,, Soap or Candle Manufacturers ; on all timudicrs, Camphine or other Oil Manufacturers ; on all Ginger Beer, Spruce Beer and Root Beer Brewers, and the Agents and Agencies of any and all such ; on all Brick Manufactures, Brick makers. Dealers in Wood and Proprietors or Keepers of Wood Yards ; on all Proprietors and Keepers of Tanneries and Slaughter Houses in the city, on all Inspectors of Pot or Pearl Ashes, of Beef, Pork, Flour, Butter, or any other produce, articles or effects whatsoever in the said city, and generally on all trades, manufactories, occupations, business, arts, professions or means of profit, livelihood or gain, w^hether herein before enumerated or not, which now are or may hereafter be carried on, exercised or in operation in the city ; on all persons by whom the same are or may be carried on, exer- cised or put in operation therem, either on their own account or as Agents for others ; and on the premises wherein or whereon the same are or may be so carried on, exercised or put in operation ; and on all persons acting as Ferrymen to Ferrymen, the said city or plying for hire for the conveyance of persons by water to the said city from any place not more than nine miles distant from the same. Inspectors of aslies, &c,, All trades and business gene- rally. 44 CITY CHARTER AND OTHER ACTS. To increase commutation money, or to exempt parties tliorcfrom. To cliangc sites of market places when necessary. Saving the rights of parties Rggiieved. I'o determine powers of Clerlts of Mai^ kets and otiier oificers employ- ed about the markets. To lot stalls, and regulate the sale ot articles on the markets. For increasing the amount of the commutation money pay- able by each person liable to statute labour on the highways within the said city^ to any sum not exceeding five shillings, currency, for ea,dh person so liable ; and for obliging each and every person, so liable, to pay the amount of such com- mutation money so fixed, without being allowed to offer his personal labour on the said highways instead thereof, and for exempting from the payment of such commutation money, any class of persons to whom they shall deem it right to grant such exemption on account of the limited pecuniary means of such persons liable to pay the same. For changing the site of any market or market-place within the said city, or to establish any new market or market-place, or to abolish any market or market-place, now in existence, or hereafter to be in existence in the said city, or to appropriate the site thereof, or any part of such site, for any other public purpose whatever, any Idw, statute or usage to the contrary notwithstanding ; saving to any party aggrieved by any act of the said Council respecting any such market or market place, any remedy such party may, by law, have against the Corporation of the said city, for any damage by such party sustained by reason of such act. For determining and regulating the powers and duties of the Clerks of the Markets in the said city, and of all other officers and persons employed, or to be employed by the said Council in or about any of the said markets ; and for letting the stalls and other places for selling or exposing to sale any kind of goods or commodities in the said markets, or upon the said market-places ; and for imposing, regulating, fixing and determining the duties, taxes or rates to be paid by any per- son or persons selling or retailing, in or at any of the said markets, any provisions, vegetables, butchers' meat of any kind, grain, fowls, hay, straw, fire-wood or any other thing or things whatever ; and for regulating the conduct of all per- sons buying or selling in or at any of the said markets ; and to provide for the weighing or measuring, as the case may require, at the instance of any party interested, by any officer or other person to be named for that purpose by the said CITY CHARTER AND OTHER ACTS. 46 Council, and on the payment of such fees as the said Council may think fit to impose on that behalf, of any thing or things sold or offered for sale in or at any such market. For regulating all vehicles of every kind whatever in which To rcRuiatc any articles shall be exposed for sale in any public market, ket, anii impose '' 1 ,V , •,! • ,1 -J •. 1 i» duties thereon. or in any street or public place, withm the said city, and tor imposing a duty or duties on such vehicles, and establishing the mode iii which such duty or duties shall be collected and paid. For establishing a Board or Boards of Health for and within the said city, and for appointing the Members thereof. To cBtabHsh a and for making all such regulations as they may deem neces- Health, sary for preserving the inhabitants thereof from contagious and infectious disease, or for diminishing the danger of, or arising from the same. To confer upon and to convey to the said Board of Health all the privileges, power and authority in relation to the To confer cer- • tftiii DrivilGircs duties of the said Board, and all Ordei's to be made, and all on the Board of things to be done by the said Board, as are possessed by the said Council, and the said Council is itself invested with in reference to health. To prohibit interments within the limits of the said city, or any particular section thereof, or within any particular To prohibit in- burying-ground, vault or other place therein ; to compel the city, taking up or the removal and re-interment out of, and beyond the said city, of any Body interred within the said limits contrary to such prohibition : Provided that nothing herein contained shall prevent the interment in Roman Catholic Churches in the said city, of Priests or Nuns of the said Roman Catholic faith. For regulating the weight or measurement of all fire-wood, coals and salt, and of all grain brought into the said city, for To regulate sale and consumption therein ; for regulating and determining wowi', c^oais^ in what manner, either by measurement or weight, or both ** ' '" ^^ " measurement or weight, any or all of the said articles shall hereafter be bought and sold in the said city, and for appoint- ing Measurers and Weighers of all such articles, and establish- ing and regulating the fees to be paid to such ofl&cers, and the duties they shall perform. 46 CITY CHARTER AND OTHER ACTS. To twsogg roal |)ri»|)orly for coniiiion HOW- on. To CDiniK'l the cnrlo«iuro of all roni proporty. To regulate the oponiuft of HM'COtS. To compel occu- paut8 of un- ibnced lots of land to fonco the same. For assessing the Proprietors of Real Property, for such sum or sums as may at any time be necessary to defray the expenses of making or repairing any common sewer in any public street or highway within the said city, and imme- diately in front of such real property respectively, and for regulating the mode in Avhich such assessments shall be col- lected and paid. To compel the Proprietor or Proprietors of all Real Pro- perty within the city limits, their Agents, and all others hav- ing or assuming charge of such property, to enclose the same ; and to regulate the height, quantity and material of every such enclosure. To prohibit the opening, making or extending of any street, lane or roadway, either public or private, within the city, unless the same be opened, made or extended at a width of at least sixty feet French measure : Provided however, that lanes made in rear of lots solely for the purpose of communi- cating with the out-buildings and yards on such lots, be specially exempted from the operation of such By-law. To compel the Occupants of unfenced lots of land in the said city, or of land therein, having stagnant or filthy water in or upon it, or of land in the said city that is in other way offensive or dangerous to the public health, and the Agents of the Proprietors of all such lands, and all persons having or assuming the charge of any such land, in the absence from the said City of the Proprietors of the said land, or in case the said Proprietors may not be able to be found, to properly fence in the said land within such delay, and with fences of such height, and of such material as the said Council may direct, and to drain off all stagnant water from the said land, or any water thereon that may be otherwise offensive or dangerous, to remove therefrom all filthy and offensive matters or things, and to fill up and properly level the same ; And if there be no persons in occupation of the said land, and no Agent or other person representing the Proprie- tors of any such land in the city, or their Agents, or should the Proprietors of any such land in the said city, their Agents or the Occupants of the said land, or other CITY CHARTER AND OTHER ACTS. 47 assuming charge persons in charge of the said land, or thereof, refuse or neglect to fence in as aforesaid, to drain, cleanse, fill up and level the same, when so directed by the said Council, or the proper officer thereof; or should the , said Proprietors, Agents, Occupants, or other persons, be unable for want of means, or any other cause whatsoever, so to fence in, drain, cleanse, fill up and level the said land when 80 directed as aforesaid, then, and in all such cases, it , may be competent to the said Council, and the said Council is hereby authorised and empowered to have the same done at the cost and expense of the said Proprietors of the said land, and to acquire thereby a special mortgage on the said land for the amount or sum of money so expended on the same. For directing and requiring the removal, at any time, of To require tho , , , .,. ., . ,. . , removal of door any door-steps, porches, railmgs, or other projections into, or stops, obstructions in, any public street or highway within the said city, by and at the expense of the Proprietors of the Real Property, in, or on which such projection or obstruction shall be found. For defraying, out of the funds of the said city, the To deivay the expense of lighting the said city, or any part thereof, with f$fkti"ng tiie gas, or with oil, or in any other manner, and of performing *" ^' all such work of any kind, as may be necessary for such pur- poses ; and for obliging the Proprietors of Real Property, in any part of the city so lighted or to be lighted, to allow such work to be performed on or in such property, respectively ; and such pipes, lamps, lamp-posts, and other contrivances ^ or things as may be necessary for the purpose aforesaid, to be fixed in or upon sucli property, or any building thereon ; the expense of all such work being, in every case, defrayed by the said Council, and out of the funds of the said city. For altermg the level of the foot-paths or side-walks 'ia any to alter street or highway within the said city, in such manner as the said Council shall deem conducive to the convenience, safety and interest of the inhabitants of the said city: Provided proviso for always that the said Council shall and may make compensa- ''"'"^'*'°*"* tion out of the funds of the said city, to any person whose levels. lOU. 48 CITY CHARTER AND OTHER ACTS. To pull down old wHlU, &c. To rogulato wt'ifflit and i|U»lity of bri'iui. To rcKiiliito ser- vaiitd. property shall be injuriously affected by any such alteration of the level of any foot-path in front thereof. To pull down, demolish and remove, when necessary, all old dilapidated or ruinous walls, chimneys and buildings that may endanger the public safety ; and to determine the time and manner in which the same shall bo pulled down, demo- lished, or removed, and by what party or parties the expense thereof shall be borne. For regulating, fixing and determining the weight and quality of all bread that may be sold or offered for sale within tho said City of Montreal. For restraining, ruling and governing apprentices, domes- tics, hired servants and journeymen, in the said City of Montreal, and for tho conduct of masters and mistresses towards their said apprentices, domestics, hired servants and journeymen within tho said City of Montreal. To prevent Gaming or tho keeping of any Gaming-house, or place for Gambling in tho said city. For tho government of persons plying as Ferrymen, to the said City of Montreal, from any place within nine miles of tho said city, and to establish a tariff or tariffs of fees to bo taken by such Ferrymen ; and also to fix and determine what places hi the said city may be used as Landing-places, and respecting all other matters and things connected with such Ferries and Landing-places. To compel tho atten«lance of tho Members of tho said Council at all Quarterly and other Meetings of the said Coun- cil, and the regular performance, by the said Members of the said Council, of their respective duties as Members of tho said Council. For the governing, regulating, arming, clothing, lodging and paying of tho men and officera of the Constabulary Force to be established under this Act, and for regulating the resi- dence, classification, rank, service, uispection and distribution of the said force ; and for the Government generally of the said Constabulary Force, so as to prevent any neglect of duty or abuse of power on the part of the Members composing the force last mentioned. To prevent KiuninR. To n'Kiilate lori'viiieii nnd IniiilinK-pInceo. To comiM'l tlic nttendiiiico of iiienilHTH. To rt>/iul»fe tho roiixliibiilniy force. CITY CHARTER AND OTHER ACTS. 49 uch alteration To establish as many Pounds and in as many different places in the said City of Montreal, as may be deemed expe- dient for the impounding of horses, horned cattle, sheep, goats and hogs which may be found astray, and impounded according to law. To compel and require that all kinds of live stock and all kinds of provision and provender whatsoever, usually bought and sold in public markets that may hereafter be brought to the said city for sale, shall be taken to the public markets of the said city and there exposed, and that neither the said live stock nor the said provisions or provender, shall be offered or exposed for sale or be sold or purchased elsewhere in the said city, than on the said public markets thereof without the special license and permission of the said Council. To impose a duty on all the private marts in the said city, or that may hereafter be established therein, for the sale of cattle, provisions or provender, or of any thing else whatso- ever that is usually sold in public markets, with power to regulate and fix the said duty as regards each particular mart, as the said Council may see fit. For assessing the Citizens residing in any particular street, lane, square, or section of the city, in any sum or sums necessary to meet the expense of sweeping and watering the said street, lane, square or section of the city, provided that not less than two thirds of the said Citizens residing as afore- said, in such said street, lane, square or section shall have first prayed or demanded to have the same swept or watered ; and provided also, that the said assessment shall in no case exceed the amount of Three Ponce in the Pound. To impose a special assessment over and above all other rates or assess- ments which the said Council are empowered to impose, to defray and meet the expenses of any building or buildings, or other property whatsoever that may be demolished, destroyed? injured, damaged or deteriorated in value, by any mob, tumultuous assemblage, or riotous person whomsoever in the said city ; provided, that in the event of the demolition, destruction, injury or damage to any property in the said city by any mob or tumultuous assembly, if the said Council a To oetablish Pounds. To compel )ivi> stock and pro- visions brought to tlie city to be taken to tlie markets. To impodo a duty on privato marts. To assess tlio citizons for watering and swooping any particular street. To assess Tor property de- stroyed by mob or fiuring riots. 50 CITY CHARTER AND OTHER ACTS. kli or stoiio. omit to provide, by such special assessment, to defray the expense thereof within six months after the destruction or injury of the said property, then the said Council shall be liable to pay the same, and the Proprietors of the property destroyed or injured may recover the amount or value there- of by action against the said Council. To prohibit the To prohibit and prevent the construction of any wooden wooden build- building, of anylcind or description whatever, or the covering oifir. ' " of any building of any kind whatsoever Avith shingles or wooden materials of any kind whatsoever, within the city limits ; And to require and enforce the erection of separation- Waii8 of brick walls of stonc or of brick, and of such height and thickness as the said Council may deem necessary, between all lots of land belonging to diflFerent Proprietors, and situated within that part of the said city, which is bounded by the River St. Lawrence, by Craig, Lacroix and M'Gill streets ; any law, usage or custom to the contrary notwithstanding. To prohibit the erection of any steam-engine within the limits of the said city, unless the building containing the same, shall be distinct from any other building, and from the line of any street, square, lane, or other thoroughfare, at least one hundred feet. To punish, cither by fine or imprisonment, or by both, any person or persons who shall ill-use, or cruelly treat any animal, within the limits of the said city. And by any such By-law for any of the purposes aforesaid, the said Council may impose such fines not exceeding Five Pounds, or such imprisonment not exceeding thirty days, or both, as they may deem necessary for enforcing the same. Council may 69. And for the bettor protection of the lives and pro- to prcvoiit scci- perty of the inhabitants ot the said city, and for preventing accidents by firo therein. Be it enacted. That from and after To prohibit ctoaui onginofl. ("niolty to ani mnli!!. I'cnalty. the passing of this Act, the said Council of the said city, at a meeting of the said Council, comiK>sed of not less than two thirds of tho Members of the said Council, shall, more- over, have full power and authority to make By-laws* which shall be binding on all persons, for tho following purposes, that is to say : CITY CHARTER AND OTHER ACTS. 51 For regulatmo; the construction, dimensions, height and And to regulate elevation of chimneys, and specially where any houses or pre- ciiimneyn, mises are built or elevated above other houses and premises to which they may adjoin or be near, by whom, at whose cost, in what manner, to what height, and within what delay the chimneys of the less elevated houses or premises shall be raised or built up so as not to endanger the adjoining or neigh- bouring premises, and to prevent all hazard of accident or loss by fire. For establishing such rules and regulations as they shall And conduct ot deem expedient for preventing accidents by fire, and for the ^"°"* " conduct of all persons present at any fire within the city. For appointing all such Officers as they may deem neces- To appoint otn. CGTB to cftrrv sary for .; '^yiug such rules and regulations as aforesaid, rules into eflbct. into effec' " or prescribing the duties of such Officers, and proviv I jr their adequate remuneration out of the funds of the said city. For defraying, out of the said funds, any expenses that To defray ex- they may deem it right to incur, for the purchase of engines voat rtrts. or apparatus of any kind, or for any other purpose relative to the prevention of accidents by fire, or to the means of arresting the progress of fires. For authorizing such Officers as shall be appointed by the To authorize Council for that purpose, to visit and examine at suitable buiidinK*, for times and hours, to bo established in such By-laws, as well ci'ifJrdng w/cii the interior as the exterior of all houses, buildings, and real property, of any description, within the said city, for the purpose of ascertaining whether the rules and regulations to bo made as aforesaid, have been duly observed and obeyed ; and for obliging all Proprietors, Possessors or Occupants of such houses, buildings, or real property, to admit such officers and persons into and upon the same, at the times and for the purposes aforesaid. For vesting in such Members of the said Council, and in To anthorim such Officers as shall bo designated in such By-laws, the oi*^buiidin^'""n power of causing to bo demolished or taken down, all build- *"" " "" iiigs or fences which such Members or Officers shall deem necessary to be demolished or taken down, in order to arrest the progress of any fire. 52 CITY CHARTER AND OTHER ACTS. To prevent depredations at fires. To defray the expenses incnr- red by wounds or diseases con- tracted at fires, or to grant pen- Hions. To cause an en- (|uiry to be made as to the cause and origin of fires. To make a fur- ther assessment of three pence in the pound. Finos and im> firisonmsnt 11m- ted. For preventing thefts and depredations at fires, and for punishing any person who shall resist or maltreat any Mem- ber or OflScer of the Council in the execution of any duty assigned to him, or in the exercise of any power vested in him by any By-law made under the authority of this section. For defraying out of the funds of the city, any expense to be incurred by the said Council, in assisting any person in their employ, who shall have received any wound or con- tracted any disease at any fire, or in assisting or providing for the family of any person in their employ who shall perish at any fire, or in bestowing rewards in money, medals, or otherwise, upon any person who shall have performed any meritorious action at any fire. For establishing, or authorizing and requiring to be esta- blished, after any and every fire in the said city, a judicial enquiry into the cause and origin of such fire, for which pur- pose the said Council or any Committee thereof, authorized to the effect aforesaid, or the Recorder of the said city, is hereby authorized and empowered to compel the attendance of parties and witnesses before them, under pain of fine and imprisonment, or both ; to examine them on oath ; and to commit for trial any party or parties against whom well- grounded cause of suspicion may be found of their having wilfully or maliciously originated the said fire or fires. For imposing over and above all other rates, assessments or duties, which the said Council are empowered to impose, an annual rate or assessment to be assessed and levied on all real property within the said city, or upon the Owners or Occupiers thereof, in respect of such property, provided that such assessment shall not, in any one year, exceed Three pence in the Pound on the assessed value of the property lying and being within the said City, and for regulating the time and manner in which such rate or assessment shall be collected ; and by any By-law, for any of the purposes for which the said Council are authorized by this section of this Act to make any By-law, the said Council may impose such fines not exceeding Five Pounds, or such imprisonment not exceeding thirty days, or both, as they may deem expedient for enforcing the same. CITY CHARTER AND OTHER ACTS. 68 60. And be it enacted, That any person enrolled and serving in any fire, hose, hook or ladder, or property protect- ing company, established or to be established by the said Council, or in any such company under the control and man- agement of the said Council of the said city, shall, during the time he may so continue enrolled and serve, be exempted from the payment of the commutation money for statute labour, and from serving as a Juror, Constable, or Militiaman, except- ing during any war or invasion of the Province. 61. And be it enacted. That it shall be lawful for the said Council of the said city, at a Meeting or Meetings of the said Council, composed of not less than two thirds of the said Council, to impose by By-law, a penalty not exceeding One Hundred Pounds, currency of the said Province, on any assessor or assessors of, in or for the said city or any ward thereof, refusing or wilfully neglecting to attend to, perform or fulfil, the duty or duties, which he or they, the said asses- sor or assessors, are or may be bound and required by law to attend to, perform and fulfil ; and a like penalty not exceeding One Hundred Pounds on every such assessor performing the said duty in a negligent, partial or imperfect manner. 62. And whereas the different systems of chimney-sweeping that have heretofore been in use in the said city, have proved to be defective and bad, and it is highly important to establish an efficient system of chimney sweeping : Be it therefore enacted. That it shall be lawful for the said Council to grant to persons intending to pursue the occupation of chimney sweeping in the said city, or in any such part thereof, licenses to sweep chimneys for gain or hire in the said city, or in such part thereof as the license or licenses so to be granted may extend to, upon the payment of such duty or tax in that behalf, and upon such other terms and conditions as the said Council may deem it expedient to impose ; and from and after the passing of this Act, no person shall, for gain or hire, sweep any chimney, or part of any chimney in the said city, or for gain or hire cause any chimney iik the said city to be swept, without having received a license from the said Council to sweep chimneys in the said city, or in some part of the said Firemen ex- empted from certain duties. Council empow- ered to impose penalty on as- sessors neglect- ing their duty. Chiraiioys, how to be sweut. Sweepers to bo licensed. 61 CITY CHARTER AND OTHER ACTS. Allowances to such sweeps to bo ostabllshed by a tariff. City to be designated in the said license ; nor from and after the passing of this Act, shall any person, having received any such license, for gain or hire, sweep any chimney or part of a chimney, nor for gain or hire cause any chimney or part of a chimney to be swept, after the time for which such license shall be granted, or at any place within the said city to which such license shall not extend, or beyond the limits mentioned in such license ; nor shall any person, having obtained such license, charge or receive, either directly or indirectly, any greater sum or allowance of any kind, for the sweeping of any chimney or part of a chimney, or for any work or service connected therewith, or for any service to be performed under such license, than he may be allowed to charge under the Tariff to be established in that behalf, as hereinafter provided for, under a penalty of Twenty-five Shillings currency, for each and every o^ence against any one or more of the fore- going provisions in this section of this Act contained. 63. And be it enacted. That it shall be lawful for this said Council, at a meeting or meetings of the said Council, composed of not less than two-thirds of the said Council, to make By-laws, which shall be binding on all persons, for caus- ing all chimneys, within the said city, to be swept by a Licensed Sweep in such manner, at such times, and so often as the said Council shall appoint, and to establish a Tariff of the rates or prices to be paid to such Licensed Sweeps for the sweep- ing of chimneys ; and in every case in which a chimney shall take fire in the said city, the occupant of the house in which such chimney shall take fire, shall pay a penalty of not less than twenty-five shillings currency, and not more than fifty shillings, currency, at the discretion of the Court before which the recovery of such penalty shall be sought, together with the costs of suit, unless the occupant of the house in which such chimney shall take fire, shall have caused, and proved that he caused the chimney that may have so taken fire, to be swept, by a Licensed Sweep, and unless it appear that according to the By-laws of the said City of Montreal it was not incumbent on such occupant to cause such chimney to be swept, between the time of the sweeping thereof by By-laws to be made respecting sweeps. CITY CHARTER AND OTHER ACTS. 65 Chimnejr takiti); tire, a penalty to be paid, and by whom. Construction of the liability ot occupants, and as to the nature of such chim- neys. such Licensed Sweep, and the time at which such chimney may have taken fire ; Provided always, that any occupant of any part of a house in the said city, who may use, or cause to be used, the whole or any part of a chimney in, or attached, or forming a part of any such house in the said city, shall be considered, for all and every the purposes of this section of this Act, as the occupant of such house ; and provided fur- ther, that if any chimney that may so take fire, be in the use, or be used by the occupants of different buildings, or by the occupants of different parts of the same building, each such occupant shall be subject to the same liabilities, in all respects, as if such chimney had been in his sole use ; and provided also that any chimhey which may be used in any way, for tho piypose of heating any building, or of conducting the smoke from any building or for any such purpose, whether such chim- ney be inside or outside of such building, or partly inside and partly outside of such building, shall be considered as a chim- ney in such building, for all and every the intents and purposes of this Act. 64. Provided always, and be it enacted. That a copy of every By-law to be made by virtue of this Act, shall be trans- mitted with all convenient speed, after the making thereof, to the Governor of this Province for the time being ; and it shall be lawful for the said Governor, by and with the advice of the Executive Council of this Province, within three months from and after the receipt of such copy, to disallow any such By-law ; and such disallowance shall without delay be signi- fied to the Mayor of the said city, and thenceforward such By-law shall be void and of no effect : Provided also, that all By-laws repugnant to any law of the land, or to any Act of the Legislature of this Province, shall be null and void. 65. Provided always, and be it enacted, That all and every the Rules, Orders and Regulations and Acts of Authority, legally made by the said Council since the passing of the said Ordinance to incorporate the said City and Town of Montreal, or by the Justices of the Peace for the District of Montreal, before the passing of the last mentioned Ordinance to incorpo- rate the said City and Town of Montreal, which may be in force All By-laws to be submitted to the Governor, and may be dis- allowed. All Uy-laws in force, to con- tinue in force. 56 CITY CHARTER I^ND OTHER ACTS. Oorpormtions may invest price or compensa- tion for pro- perty. Council may purchase pro- IKTty for public cemetery. at the time of the passing of this Act, shall continue, be, and remain in full force and virtue, until the same shall be rescin- ded, repealed or altered by the said Council, under the autho- rity of this Act, or by other competent legal authority. [Sections 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, relating to expropriations, repealed by 27, 28 Vic, cap. 60.] 72. And be it enacted. That all Corporations, ecclesias- tical or civil, whose property, or any part of whose property, shall be conveyed to, or taken by the said Corporation of the City of Montreal, under the authority of this Act, may invest the price of compensation paid for the property so conveyed or taken, in other real property in any part of this Province, and may take and hold the sante without Her Majesty's Letters of Mortmain ; any law to the contrq^ry notwithstanding. 73. And be ijt enacted, That the said Council shall have full power and authority to purchase property, to wit : real estate, in the said City of Montreal, and also without and beyond the limits thereof, if deemed expedient so to do, for any purpose whatsoever, having for object to promote or preserve the public health, and especially for the purpose of establishing a public cemetery or cemeteries in or near the said city, for the use and benefit of its inhabitants in the environs of the said city. [Section 74, relative to local improvements, repealed by 27, 28 Vic, cap. 60.] 75. And be it enacted, That in all cases of the non- payment of the assessment on any real property in the said city liable to assessment, an increase of ten per cent, on the amount at which the said property may and shall be assessed, shall annually accrue upon, and be made to, all arrears of assessment due on such property, so long as the same shall remain unpaid ; and the said property, or any sufiicient part or portion thereof, if the same be easily susceptible of divi- sion, shall, after five years' non-payment of the said arrears of assessment, and increase of ten per cent, thereon, be liable to be sold therefor ; and the Sheriff of the District of Montreal is hereby authorized and empowered to sell and Non-payment of asKOSsment to lie liable to ten per cent, increaso per annum. Property to bo sold niter tivo yours' non-pay- ment of assots- niont. Uo^f property ix to t>c sold ibr arrears of as- CITY CHARTER AND OTHER ACTS. 57 dispose of any and all such property, after six months' notice to that effect, given by him, the said Sheriff, in the usual manner and form, in payment and satisfaction of any judg- ment that may be obtained for the said arrears of assessment, and the increased per centage due thereon, for the said period of five years, whether the said judgment be obtained in the said Superior Court or in the Recorder's Court, upon a Writ or Order to that effect being duly made and directed to the said Sheriff from the aaid Superior Court or the said Record- er's Court ; and the moneys levied by the sale of the said property to be so as aforesaid sold, the said Sheriff shall in all cases return before the said Superior Court, sitting in the District of Montreal, to be by the said Court adjudged upon, distributed and ordered to be paid according to law, and the rights and privileges of the parties claiming the same : Pro- vided however, that any balance or amount of the said moneys to be so as aforesaid levied by the said Sheriff, remaining in the hands of the said Sheriff, after the judgment and distribution pronounced thereon by the said Court, shall, within fifteen days thereafter, be paid over by the said Sheriff to the said Mayor, Aldermen, and Citizens of the City of Montreal, to remain in their hands, at the legal interest of six per cent, till demanded and clainied by the party or par- ties having a right to demand and claim the same. 76. And be it enacted. That any rate or assessment with which any real estate within the said city may be legally rated or assessed, • may be exacted and recovered, either froni the owner of the real property so rated or assessed, or from any person occupying the same or any part 'thereof, either as a tenant or otherwise ; and when any such rate or assessment shall be paid by any tenant not bound to make such payment, by the lease or other agreement under which he holds or occupies such real estate, such tenant shall have the right to deduct the sum so paid by him, from the rent payable by him in respect of the enjoyment or occupa- tion of the real estate so rated and assessed ; Provided always, that a judgment obtained or execution issued against cither party. Proprietor or Tenant, shall not debar or hinder H 8088nicnt, and per contago thoroou. Kcturii uf Slio- rilT to bo made to tlio Court of Uucon'g UpiicIi Ualaiico to bo paid over to tbc Corporation, and liable to M\ per cent, inter- est, till demand- ed by the party claiming the same. Tenant lluble tn pay assessment, with right to deduct amount paid from rent. 58 CITY CHARTER AND OTHER ACTS. proceedings against the other party for payment of the said rate or assessment, if the same cannot be had or obtained from the party first proceeded against. riiviicKo giaut- 77. And be it enacted, That all debts that, from and years' assess- after the passing of this Act, shall become due to the said Corporation, for any rate or assessment, assessed or imposed on any real or personal property, or both, within the said city, or upon the Owners or Occupiers thereof, in respect of such property, or for duty on business, or for any other rate, tax, or impost levied under and by virtue of any By- law of the said Council, shall be privileged debts, and shall be paid in preference to all other debts, excepting debts due to Her Majesty, and shall, in the distribution of the proceeds of property, whether real or personal, of any person liable to pay any such debt, be so held, considered, and adjudged, by all Courts of Justice, and by all Commissioners, or other persons having jurisdiction in Bankruptcy in Lower Canada : Provided always, that the privilege hereby granted shall not extend beyond the rates of assessments due for five years, that is to say, for the current year when such claim may be made, and for the five years next preceding that year : And provided also, that the said privilege shall not require registration to preserve it, any Act, Ordinance, or Law to the contrary notwithstanding. 78. And whereas many cases arise of enquiries into facts before the said Council, as well as before Commit- tees thereof when the interests of justice would be pro- moted, if the witnesses brought forward could be examined on oath, and power were given to the said Council and Com- mittee to compel the attendance of witnesses before them : ' Be it therefore enacted. That upon any enquiry or investi- gation being entered into before the said Council or any Committee thereof, other than those already provided for by law, it shall be lawful for the Mayor of the said city, or other person representing him, to issue liis Summons requiring any person to appear before the said Council, or .any Committee thereof as aforesaid, for the purpose of giving evidence touching the said enquiry or investigation ; and if any person Witness sum- moned on en- quiry at facts may bo exam- ined on oath. CITY CHARTER AND OTHER ACTS. 59 SO summoned shall neglect or refuse to appear at the time ' and place appointed by such Summons, and no reasonable excuse for his absence shall be proved before the said Coun- cil or Committee, or if any person appearing in obedience to such Summons, shall refuse to be examined on oath touching the said enquiry or investigation, it shall be lawful for the said Mayor to enforce the attendance of all such persons, and to compel such persons to answer all lawful questions by the like means as are used for such purposes in the ordinary Courts of Civil Jurisdiction in Lower Canada : and every person so neglecting or refusing to appear, or refusing to be examined on oath as aforesaid, shall, moreover, on con- viction thereof before the Recorder's Court of the said City of Montreal, forfeit and pay such sum of money not exceed- ing Five Pounds, and be liable to such imprisonment not exceeding thirty days, as to the said Recorder's Court shall seem meet ; And any person who shall wilfully and corruptly penalty, give false evidence upon any such inquiry or investigation, shall be deemed guilty of wilful and corrupt perjury, and shall be liable to all the penalties of the said oflFence. 79. And whereas it is expedient to provide a summary Kocordors . and inexpensive mode of recovering the debts, fines and ed "*^ penalties, and of hearing and determining the offences here- inafter mentioned: Be it therefore enacted. That there shall be a Court of Record in the said city, which shall be called the Recorder's Court of the City of Montreal, and Avherein the' Recorder for the time being shall preside, assisted by one or more of the Aldermen or Councillors of. the said city, or in the absence of the Recorder, from sickness or other causes, or when there shall be no Recorder, the Mayor, or one of the Aldermen or Councillors of the said city, shall preside ; and such Court shall in all cases possess the like powers, and have the like jurisdiction, as to crimes, ofFence^, and misdemeanors, committed in the said city, as the Court of Weekly Sessions of the Peace, for the said City of Mon- treal, now has or hereafter may have by law, as to crimes, offences and misdemeanors, committed within its local juris- diction, as well as in all those matters of civil concern, not fiO CITY CHARTER AND OTHER ACTS. belonging to the ordinary jurisdiction of a Court of Justice, as have been or may hereafter be by Law vested in the said Court of Weekly Sessions of the Peace ; and it shall be law- ful for the said Recorder's Court to hear and determine all causes and suits that may be brought by the said Corporation of the said city, for the recovery of any sum or sums of money that may be due and payable to the said Corporation of the said city, as the amount of any rate, assessment, tax, duty or impost lawfully imposed by any By-laAv, Rule, Regu- lation or Order now in force, or that hereafter may be in force in the said city, and all causes and suits that may be brought by the said Corporation, for the recovery of any sum or sums of money that may be due and payable to the said Corporation, for the rent or occupation of any Butcher's or Huckster's Stall, or other* stall or stand whatsoever, in or upon any of the public markets of the said city, or as and for the amount of any rate, tax, duty or impost now levied or collected, or that may hereafter be lawfully imposed, levied or collected on any of the said public markets ; also to hear and determine all causes and suits that may be brought by the said Corporation of the said City of Montreal, for the recovery of any water rent or revenue, or any sum or sums of money whatsoever that may be due and payable to the said Corporation for water rent, or for any supply of water given or furnished from the Montreal Water Works, now the property of the said Corporation, to any house or premises, or to or for the use of any person or persons in the said city, or for the introduction of any pipe or pipes from the said works into any house or premises in the said city, or the enlarging, extending, repairing, altering, removing or changing of any such pipe or pipes, in any house or premises, or at the instance or request, or for the use or benefit of any person or persons in the said city ; and also to hear and determine all ofiences against any such By-law, Rule, Regulation or Order, or against any law concerning any market or markets in the said city, or against any law concerning any assessment, tax or duty, to be levied in the said city, or against any of the provisions of an Ordinance of CITY CHARTER AND OTHER ACTS. (51 tho Legislature of the Province of Lower Canada, passed in the second year of Her Majesty's Reign, and intituled, An Ordinance fof establishing an ejficient system of Police in the Cities of Quebec and Montreal; and also to hear and determine all suits and prosecutions that may be brought for the recovery of any fine or penalty that may hereafter be incurred, and be due and payable under any such By-law, Rule, Regulation or Order now in force, or that hereafter may be in force in the said city as aforesaid, or under this Act, or under any Act or Acts concerning any Marke or Markets in the said city, or under any Act or Acts con- cerning assessment to be raised in the said city, or under any of the provisions of the said Ordinance, passed in t\e second year of Her Majesty's Reign, and intituled, as above mentioned. An Ordinance for establishing an efficient system of Police in the Cities of Quebec and Montreal : and for the purposes aforesaid, the said Recorder's Court shall be held from time to time, as occasion may require, in the City Hall of the said city, or in such other place in the said city as the said Council of the said city may ordain ; and the City Clerk of the City of Montreal shall be the Clerk of the said Recorder's Court ; and the Precepts, Writs and Processes, to be issued out of the said Recorder's Court, shall not rccjuire to be under any Seal, but shall run and be in the name and style of Her Majesty, Her Heirs or Successors, and shall be signed by the Recorder of the said City of Mon- treal, or in the event of his absence or non-appoirtr •t, by the said Mayor or Alderman or Councillor presiding, and be countersigned by the said Clerk ; and it shall be lawful for the said Court to summon, by a Writ to \ ■ signed and countersigned as aforesaid, the party ace g d of any oflfence as aforesaid, or from whom any sum of money shall be claimed for any one or more of the causes in this section before set forth, and the witnesses to be heard as well in hi.-i favour as against such party, and upon the appearance or default of the party accused or complained against, in not appearing, upon proof of service of such Summons by the return in writing of the person who made the service, to proceed 02 CITY CHARTER AND OTHER ACTS. with the examination of the witnes9 or witnesses on oath, and to give judgment accordingly, awarding costs for the successful party ; and when the party accused or complained against shall be convicted of such offence, or if judgment be given in favour of the Prosecutors for the sum of money sought to bo recovered, or for any part thereof, on proof or by confession, to issue a Warrant or Warrants, to be signed and countersigned as aforesaid, requiring any Constable or Bailiff, of the goods and chattels belonging to the party convicted, or against whom such judgment shall be rendered, to levy the amount of such judgment, or of any penalty or fine to be imposed by such conviction, as the case may be, and costs of suit, and to cause sale thereof to be made ; whicli Warrant shall authorize any Constable or Bailiff to execute such Warrant in any part of the District of Montreal, by saiaie and sale of any goods and chattels which shall and may be found in the said District, appertaining to the person or persons against whom such AVarrant shall thus be issued ; and when the goods of a person so convicted, or against whom a judgment shall be given, shall not prove sufficient to satisfy such Warrant, upon a return to that effect, the said Court, by a further Warrant to be signed and countersigned as afox'esaid, to be addressed to any Constable or Bailiff, may and shall cause to be apprehended and committed, the per- son against whom such judgment shall have been so given, or the person so convicted, to the Common Gaol of the District in which such i)or8on may be found, there to remain until the penalty imposed by such Court, or the amoimt of the judgment given, with the costs in either case, shall have been paid and satisfied : Provided always, that no person so committed shall bo detained in gaol more than one calendar month ; and provided also, that such imprisonment shall not in any case have the effect of satisfying the said judgment, or of debarring tlie said prosecutors from enforcing payment of the said judgment, by seizure of any goods or chattels, or lands and tenements, liable to seizure, tiiat may afterwards be found belonging to tiio said parties, or by any other legal means or process whatsoever, other than imprisoimient of the CITY CHARTEK AND OTHER ACTS. 68 said parties ; and where imprisonment for any time is the punishment to be suffered by any person or persons under any. conviction or convictions to be pronounced by the said Recorder's Court, the said last mentioned Court, by a War- rant, to be signed and countersigned as aforesaid, and to bef addressed to any Constable or Bailiff, shall cause such per- son so ordered to be imprisoned, to be forthwith apprehended, if not already in custody, and when so in custody, or sub- sequently apprehended, to be committed to the Common Gaol of the District in which such person may be found, there to remain for the time he may be so condemned to be imprisoned. 80. And be it enacted. That it shall be lawful for the said powers of tn.. Recorder's Couft to cause order to be preserved in the said couii rnrtiicr Recorder's Court, aftd to punish by fine or imprisonment any person guilty of any contempt of the said Court or of any member thereof, if such contempt be committed during the sitting, and in the presence of the said Recorder's Court ; tn enforce the attendance of any witnesses in any action, cause or prosecution, that may be pending before the said Recorder's Court, and to compel such witnesses to answer all lawful questions ; to authorise and require the examination of any party on interrogatories on facts and articles faits et articles, or on the juramentum litis deeisorium, or on the juramentum judiciale, in the same and like cases and cir- cumstances in which such examination may bo lawfully re- (juired and had in the ordinary Courts of Civil Jurisdiction in Lower Canada ; and to cause the execution of, and obe- dience to any Order, Precept, Writ, Process or Warrant, that may issue from the said Recorder's Court, for any one or more of the purj)oscs aforesaid, by the like means as are used for any sui5h purpose or purposes in the ordinary Courts of Civil Jurisdiction in Lower Canada. And it shall be lawful for the Council of the said City of Montreal, to appoint so many Ikiliffs of the said Court, as the said Council may think fit ; and to make and settle a tariff of the fees which should bo exacted by the .Clerk of the said Recorder's Court uud by the Bailiflb and other such Officers, to bo euiployod 04 CITY CHARTER AND OTHER ACTS. A" til tilt' n|i- iiiiintiuciit of II Itccoi-ilcr for iIk'( itviil Moil- iiiiil, iiV. in and about the said Recorder's Court : Provided always, that no fee shall be exacted under such tariflF until such tariff be approved of by the Governor in Council. And it shall be the duty of the Clerk of the said Recorder's Court, to prepare and make out all the Precepts, Writs, and Processes severally that may issue from the said Court, and in a Register, to be kept for that purpose, to enter in a succinct manner all the proceedings had in the said Court, and to record at full length all the judgments rendered, and convictions pro- nounced by the said Court, but not to take in writing the depositions of witnesses or of parties examined in the said Court; and any person who shall, either as a pf rty or as a witness, wilfully and corruptly give faise evidence, in any cause, suit, action, prosecution, or other pr«ceedhig in the said Recorder's Court, shall be deemed guilty of wilful and corrupt perjury, and shall bo liable to the penalties of Avilful and corrupt perjury ; and any Member of the said Council, excepting the Mayor, Aldermen, or Councillors ol the said Council then sitting in the said Court, and any Member, Officer, or Servant of the said Corporation, shall bo a com- petent witness in any suit or prosecution that may be insti- tuted in the. said Recorder's Court, if he have no direct interest in the issue of such suit or prosecution, or be not otherwise rendered incompetent ; any law, usage, or custom to the contrary notwithstanding. And any toll, assessment, tax, duty or impost, fine or penalty, that may be sued for in the said Recorder's Court, shall be recoverable there, upon the oath of one credible witness ; and any person prosecuted in the said Cotirt, for any offence that may bo heard and determined by the said Court, shall be liable to be convicted on the oath of one credible witness. 81. And be it enacted. That the Recorder for the said City of Montreal shall be a Barrister of that part of the Proviiice of Canada heretofore Lower Canada, of not less than five years' standing, and shall be apjM)inted by the Crown during pleasure, and such Jlecorder shall bo ox-officio a Jus- tice of the Peace, in and for the said City and District of Montreal, and shall receive a salary of not less than Three CITY CHARTER AND OTHER ACTS. en Hundred Pounds per annum , payable monthly ou }; of the Funds of the said city : Provided always nevertheless, that the said rroviso. Recorder shall not in the first instance be appointed until after the Corporation of the said city shall have communi. cated to the Governor General of this Province, through the Provincial Secretary thereof, their opinion that such an Officer is required for the better conduct of the affairs of the said city, and administration of Justice therein. 82. And be it enacted. That it shall be lawful for the Further powers said Recorder's Court to be held and to sit daily, and as era court, many times as may be necessary each day, without previous notice or time fixed, to summarily hear and determine upon the case of any person offending against the provisions of the said Ordinance passed in the second year of Her Majesty's Reign, and intituled, Jn Ordinance for establishing an efjUeient system of Police in the Cities of Quebec and Mont- real, or the provisions of any Act or Acts concerning assess- ments to be raised in the said city, or concerning markets, or against any By-law, Rule, Regulation or Order now in force, or that may be hereafter in force in the said city ; and upon the case of any vagrant, loose, idle or disorderly person, and other offenders arrested by or in charge of the Police of the said city, the cases of persons arrested on view, (»r immediately after the commission of any offence, or by warrant issued out of the said Court, or by the said Recor- der, or by any Justice of the Peace for the said Dis- trict of Montreal ; and it shall and may be lawful for the Police or Constabulary Force of the City of Montreal, or for any other Peace Officer or Constable, to bring before the said Recorder's Court, or before the said Recorder, or, in case of his absence as aforesaid, before the Mayor, or such of the Aldermen or Councillors of the said city as may be appointed to act in his stead, in the City Hall of the said fity, any person offending as aforesaid against the provisions of the said Ordinance, against any Act or Acts concerning iissessmonts or markets, or against any By-law, Rule, Regu- Ifttion or order now in force, or that may hereafter bo so, in the said city, and any vagrant, loose, idle or disorderly per- 66 CITY CHARTER AND OTHMR ACTS. son, and every person arrested as such, to be then and there dealt with according to law, as the said Recorder's Court, the said Recorder individually, or the Mayor, Alderman or Councillor aforesaid, may adjudge and determine. How certain 83. And be it enacted, That all fines and penalties tines, &c., are to . , -r»i t»i/-\i t* i- i • t bo recovered imposcd by any By-law, Rule, Order or Regulation, which may be in force at the time of the passing of this Act, whether made by the Justices of the Peace for the said District, before the passing of the said Ordinance to incorporate the City and . Town of Montreal, or by the said Council, since the passing of that Ordinance, or hereafter to be made by the said Council, and all fines and penalties imposed by this Act or any Acts concerning any market or markets in the said city, or by any Act concerning any assessment, tax or duty to be raised in the said city, or by the said Ordinance, intituled, An Ordi- nance fir establuhing an efficient iyntem of Police in the Citieft of Quebec and Montreal, which shall or may be prosecuted • for, or recovered in the said Recorder's Cour-t ; and generally, all fines and penalties, sued for, recovered, imposed or levied in the said Court, shall be recovered in the name of " the Mayor, Aldermen and Citizens of the City of Montreal," and for the use of that Corporation, and shall belong to and form part of the General Funds of the said city, and in no other name or for no other Ubc. And it shall be lawful for the said Council to remit any such fine or penalty, or to ac- cept payment of any such fine or penalty from any party willing to pay the same without prosecution, and all fines or penalties that may be so paid without prosecution shall form part of the General Funds of the said city. KecordH, rogig- 84. And be it enacted, That all and every the Re- Mayor's" court, cords, Registers, Documents and Proceedings of the Mayor's Court. Mil over to the Court of tho Said City of Montreal, shall forthwith after this Kocordor's ^ ... Act shall come fully into effect, bo transmitted into, and make part of tiie Records, Registers, Documents and Proceedings of tho said Recorder's Court hereby established, and the said Mayor's Court shall, after the time aforesaid, cease to bo held in the said city, and that no Judgment, Order, Rule or Act of tho said Mayor's Court legally pronounced, given, hoard or CITY CUARTER AND OTHER ACTS. «7 done, before this Act shall come fully into eifect, shall be here- by avoided, but shall remain in full force and virtue, as if this Act had not been passed ; nor shall any suit, cause or proceed- ing commenced or depending in the said Mayor's Court, be abated, discontinued or annulled by reason of the change made in the constitution of the said Court by this Act, but the same shall in their then present condition be respectively transfer- red to, and subsist and depend in, the said Recorder's Court hereby established, to all intents and purposes, as if they had respectively been commenced, brought or recorded in the said last mentioned Court, which shall have full power and authority to proceed accordingly in and upon all such suits, causes or proceedings, to judgment or execution, and to make such Rules and Orders respecting the same as the said Recorder's Court is hereby empowered to make in suits, causes or pro- ceedings, commenced in, and depending before, the said last mentioned Court. 85. And be it enacted. That it shall be lawful for the Police Force os- said Council to establish and regulate a Police Force for the said city, an(l for that purpose from time to time as occasion may require, to appoint either fron the Police Force, now under the control of the said Council, or from any other persons, a sufficient number of fit men, who shall be sworn before the Mayor or Recorder of the said city, or before some Justice of the Peace for the District of Montreal, to act as Constables for preserving the peace, by day and by night, and preventing robberies and other felonies, and apprehend- ing offenders against the peace ; and the men so sworn shall not only within the City of Montreal, but also within the whole of the District of Montreal, have all such powers and privileges (and be liable to all such duties and responsibili- ties) as any Constable or Peace Officer now has, or here- after may have, within the place to which his appointment extends, by virtue of the laws now in force, or hereafter to be in force, in Lower Canada ; and it shall also bo lawful for the said Council to appoint such Officers to superintend and assist in the management of the said Constabulary Force as to the said Council may seem needful, and to give to such 68 OITT CHARTER AND OTHER ACTS. Officers, so appointed, such names, and to assign to them such duties as to the said Council may seem proper ; and the said Officers and Men so to be appointed, shall obey all such lawful commands as they may receive from the said Council; and any Officer or Officers, so to be appointed, shall, during his appointment, have not only all the powers and privileges of a Constable appointed under this Act, but also all such powers as may be necessary for the legal fulfil- ment of any duty or duties lawfully assigned to him by the said Council ; and the said Council, or any Member or Mem- bers of the said Council, authorized to that effect by the said Council, may, at any time, suspend or dismiss any Officer or Constable appointed under this Act, whom they shall think negligent in the discharge of his duty, or otherwise unfit for the same, and appoint others in their place ; and the Officers of the said Constabulary Force shall have such power in relation to the government, control, dismissing or suspending of the Constables, so to be appointed, as the said Council may think proper, by a By-law in that behalf, to give to the said Officers respectively. 86. And be it enacted. That it shall be lawful for any Constable, during the time of his being on duty, to ap- prehend all idle and disorderly persons whom he shall find disturbing the public peace, or whom he shall have just cause to suspect of any evil designs, and all persons whom he shall find lying in any field, and highway, yard or other place, or loitering therein and not giving a satisfactory account of themselves, and to deliver any person so apprehended, into the custody of the Officer or Constable appointed under this Act, who shall be in attendance at the nearest Police Station or Watch-house, in order that such person may be secured until he can be brought before the Recorder's Court of the said city, the Recorder of the said city, or in his absence before the Mayor of the said city, or such Alderman or Councillor as may be appointed to act in his place, to be dealt with according to law, or luSLy give Bail to such Con- stable or Officer for his appearance before the said Recorder's Court, the said Recorder, or the said Mayor, Alderman or Authority to iipprehoiid Idle iitui disorderly porKoiifi. CITY CHARTER AND OTHER ACTS. 69 Councillor, if such Officer or Constable shall think fit to take Bail in the manner hereinafter mentioned. 87. And be it enacted, That in addition to the powers Furtiior pi and authority conferred by the preceding section of this fice Force. Act, on the said Constabulary Force, it shall and may be lawful for any Officer or Constable of the said Force, by day as well as by night, to arrest on view any person offending against any of the By-laws, Rules and Regulations of the said City of Montreal, or of the Council thereof, the violation of which is punishable with imprisonment ; and it may and shall be lawful also for any such Officer or Constable to arrest any such offiinder against any such By-law, Rule or Regulation, immediately or very soon after the commission of the offence, upon good and satisfactory information given as to the nature of the offence, and the parties by whom committed ; and all persons so summarily arrested shall be forthwith conveyed to the City Hall for trial, before the said Recorder's Court, if then sitting, or if the said Recorder's Court can be soon thereafter assembled, or if not, that Bail or Recognizance may be taken by the said Recorder, by the said Mayor, or any Alderman or Councillor of the said city appointed to act in his stead, that the said parties shall appear at the next sitting of the said Recorder's Court, to answer the charge or plaint preferred against them, and for which they may have been so ari'ested as aforesaid ; and every Recognizance so taken shall be of equal obligation on the parties entering into the same, and liable to the same proceedings for the estreat- ing thereof before the said Recorder's Court as Recognizances taken before a Justice of the Peace, and estreated before the General or Quarter Sessions of the Peace for the said District of Montreal : Provided that nothing herein contained shall prevent the persons so summarily arrested as aforesaid, from being at once examined and tried, when taken to the City Hall as aforesaid before the said Recorder, or in his absence before the said Mayor, or any Alderman or Coun- cillor appointed to act in his stoad, if the offence for which the said parties have been so arrested as aforesaid may legally be tried by the said Recorder, or in his absence before the owpro lie I'o- 70 CITY CHARTER AND OTHER ACTS. Itail to be taken in certain cases. said Mayor, Alderman or (Jouncillor as aforesaid, being a Justice of the Peace in the said City of Montreal, under the provisions of the said last mentioned Ordinance or any othjr Ordinance or Act now in force in the said Province. 88. And be it enacted. That when any person charged with any petty misdemeanor, shall be brought, without the Warrant of a Justice of the Peace, into the custody of any Officer or Constable appointed under this Act, dur- ing his attendance in the night time at any Watch-house, within the said city as aforesaid, it shall be lawful for such Officer or Constable, if he shall think fit, to take Bail by Recognizance, without any fee or reward from such person, conditioned that such person shall appear for examination within two days before the said Recorder's Court, the said Recorder, or the said Mayor, Alderman or Coun- cillor, within the said City of Montreal, at some time and place to be specified in the Recognizance, and every Recognizance so taken shall be of equal obligation on the parties entering into the same, and liable to the same proceedings for the estreating thereof before the said Recorder's Court, as Recognizances taken before a Justice of the Peace, and estreated before the General or Quarter Sessions of the Peace for the said District of Montreal ; and if the party not appearing shall apply by any person on his behalf, to postpone the hearing of the charge against him, and the said Recorder's Court, the said Recorder, or the said Mayor, Alderman or Councillor shall think fit to consent thereto, the said Recorder's Court, the said Recorder, or the , said Mayor, Alderman or Councillor shall be at liberty to enlarge the Recognizance to such further time as he shall appoint ; and when the matter shall be heard and determined, ^ either by the dismissal of the complaint, or by binding the party over to answer the matter thereof at the Session, or otherwise, the Recognizance for the appearance of the party before the said Recorder's Court, the said Recorder, or the said Mayor, Alderman or Councillor, shall be discharged without fe«i or reward, oiticer or ton- 89. And be it enacted, That if any Officer or Con- OITY CHARTER AND OTHER ACTS. 71 stable, to be appointed as aforesaid, shall be guilty of any neglect of duty, or of any disobedience of any lawful Order, every such offender, being convicted thereof, before the Recorder's Court to be established under this Act, shall, for every such offence, be liable to be imprisoned for any time not exceeding thiity days, and to be fined in any sum not exceeding Fifty Shillings, or to be dismissed from his office, or to any two, or to all of the said punishments, as the said Recorder's Court shall in their discretion think meet. 90. And be it enacted. That if any person shall assault or resist any Officer or Constable appointed under this Act, in the execution of his duty, or shall aid or incite any person so to assault or resist, every such offender, being convicted thereof before the Recorder of the said City of Montreal, or iu his absence before the Mayor of the said city, or any Alderman or Councillor thereof appointed to act in his place, shall for every such offence forfeit and pay such sum, not exceeding Five Pounds, and be liable to such imprisonment, not exceeding thirty days, as the said Recorder, or in his absence, the said Mayor, Alderman or Councillor may adjudge : Provided always, that nothing herein contained shall prevent any prosecution by way of indictment against any person so offending, but so as that such person shall not be prosecuted by indictment, and also proceeded against under this, Act for the same offence. 91. And be it enacted. That every law, and every part of any law, repealed by the said Ordinance, to incorporate the City and Town of Montreal, or by the said Ordinance to amend the last mentioned Ordinance, shall continue and remain repealed ; and all the provisions of any law inconsis- tent with the provisions of this Act, are hereby repealed. 92. Provided always, and be it enacted. That nothing in this Act shall extend or be construed to extend to revoke, alter, or abridge or in any manner affect the powers and authority now by law vested, or which may hereafter be vested in the Master, Deputy-Master, and Wardens of the Trinity House of Montreal, or in the Commissioners appointed or to be appointed for the execution of any Act now in force or stable punisli- ablo for nogloct of duty. Fcrson assault- ing nn Officer oi- Constablc, liow puiiishod. Certain laws to continue repeal- ed, anil certain laws repealed. rowers of the Trinity House, of the Harbour CominisHiouers, or the Lachinc Canal Conimis- Hioners, not to bo atrcctc<l by this Act. 72 CITY CHARTER AND OTHER ACTS. hereafter to be in force, relating to the improvement and enlargement of the Harbour of Montreal, or any of them, or in the Commissioners appointed or to be appointed for making, superintending, repairing and improving the Lachine Canal, nor to the wharves and slips erected or to be erected by the said first mentioned Commissioners, nor to the Avharves and grounds under the direction of the said last mentioned Com- missioners : Provided always, that the said Corporation of the City of Montreal shall have power, so often as the same be requisite, to open any drain leading from the said city to the River St. Lawrence ; to employ the Constabulary Force of the said city in the maintenance of peace and good order on the said Wharves, and to appoint and designate stands or places of rendezvous for Carts and Carriages thereon. 93. Provided always, and be it enacted. That nothing How this Act is to be under- stood with re- gard to powers . conl'errod on ' Police Inspec- tor, Ac, by pre- vious enact- ments. Reservation of Her Majesty's riglits. Certain words interpreted. in this Act contained, shall be construed to abridge or inter- fere with the duties, powers, authorities or jurisdiction of any Inspector or Superintendent of the Police, or of any Member or Members of the Police Force of the said City, appointed or to be appointed by the Governor of this Province, under and in virtue of the provisions of the said Ordinance of the Legislature of Lower Canada, passed in the second year of Her Majesty's Reign, and intituled, An Ordinance for establishing an efficient system of Police in the Cities of Quebec and Montreal, but the same shall continue to be executed and exercised as if this Act had not been passed. 94. And be it enacted. That nothing in this Act con- tained, shall in any manner derogate from or affect, or be construed to derogate from or affect the rights of Her Majesty, Her Heirs and Successors, except in so far only as the same may be expressly derogated from or affected by the provisions of this Act. 95. And be it enacted. That the words " Governor of this Province," wherever they occur in this Act, shall be understood as meaning the Governor, or any person authorized to execute the commission of Governor within this Province for the time being ; and the word " Councillor" and the word Councillors," wherever they occur in this Act, shall be CITY CHARTER AND OTHER ACTS. 73 understood as meaning any Member or Members of the said Council of the City of Montreal, unless by the context it shall appear clearly that the words " Councillor" or " Councillors" respectively, are intended to apply exclusively to a Member or Members of the said Council, who is not or are not the Mayor or Alderman or Aldermen of the said city ; and the words, " the said Corporation," or " the said Corpo- ration of the City of Montreal ," wherever they occur in this Act, shall be understood as meaning the said Corporation of " the Mayor, Aldermen and Citizens of the City of Mon- treal," unless the context necessarily requires a diflFerent meaning to be given to those words ; and that the words " Lower Canada," wherever they occur in this Act, are to be understood as meaning and comprehending that part of the Province of Canada which formerly constituted the Province of Lower Canada ; and any word or words implying the sin- gular number, or the masculine gender only, shall be under- stood to include several matters of the same kind, as well as one matter, and several persons as well as one person, and bodies corporate as well as individuals, unless it be otherwise specially provided, or there be something in the subject or context repugnant to such construction. 96. And be it enacted. That this Act shall be held and pubiioAot. taken to be a Public Act, and as such shall be judicially taken notice of by all Judges, Justices, and other persons whom- soever, without being specially pieaded. K 74 CITY CHARTER AND OTHER ACTS. (16 Victoria, Cap. 26.) An Act to authorize the City of Montreal to raise a Loan to consolidate their debt. (^Sanctioned 10th November, 1852.) rroamwe. X¥ /"HEREAS by the Act passed in the Session held in the ' ▼ ▼ fourteenth and fifteenth years of Her Majesty's 14 and 15 V., o. Reign, and intituled. An Act to amend and eon»oUdate the provisions of the Ordinance to incorporate the City and Town of Montreal, and of a certain Ordinance and certain Acts amending the same, and to vest certain other potvers in the Corporation of the said City of Montreal, it is among other things in eflTect enacted, That it shall be lawful for the Council of the said City of Montreal to borrow, on the credit of the said city, such sum or sums of money as the said Council may think proper so to borrow, provided the total amount borrowed and remaining unpaid, exclusive and independent of the amounts due or to become due on account of the pur- chase or improvement of the Montreal Water Works, shall not exceed at any one time the sum of one hundred and fifty thousand pounds currency, which debt so authorized to be contracted for general purposes, is hereinafter called the Q-eneral Debt of the said city ; and whereas by the said Act it is also in effect enacted. That, for the purpose of extending ' and improving the said Water Works, it shall be lawful for the Council of the said city to borrow a sum not exceeding fifty thousand pounds, currency, exclusive of the said sum of one hundred and fifty thousand pounds, and in addition to the debt contracted for the purchase of the said Water Works, under the authority of the Act passed in the seventh 7V.,o.4t year of Her Majesty's Reign, and intituled, An Act to authorize the Mayor, Aldermen and Citizens of Montreal, to purchase, acquire and hold the property now known as the Montreal Water Works, which said debts so authorized to be CITY CHARTER AND OTHER ACTS. 76 contracted for the purpose of purchasing or improving the said Water Works, are hereinafter called " The Water Works Debt " of the said city ; and whereas the said "General Debt" and the said " Water Works Debt " are both secured upon the general funds of the said Corporation, and the said "Water Works Debt" is also secured by special privilege on the said Water Works ; And whereas it is expedient to make provision for consolidating the said debts, and placing the financial affairs of the said city on a better footing, by providing means for paying off the said debts either by means of terminable annuities or of a Sinking Fund ; and with this view to enable the said Corporation to borrow money for the purpose of paying off such portions of the existing debts as it may be found conducive to the attain- ment of the object aforesaid, to pay off: Be it thercfovo enacted by the Queen's Most Excellent Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Council and of the Legislative Assembly of the Province of Canada, constituted and assembled by virtue of and under the authority of an Act passed in the Parliament of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, and intituled. An Act to re-unite the Provinces of Upper and Lower Canada^ and for the Govern- ment of Canada^ and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same. That in addition to any portion of the sums corporation which the said Corporation is now authorized to borrow, and bonow^money which may remain unborrowed at the time of the passing of pn'seutrtebtl" this Act, it shall also be lawful for the said Corporation to borrow from time to time under the provisions of this Act, such further sums as may be necessary to pay off any part of their debt, (whether forming part of the said General Debt or of the said Water Works Debt, or of the debt to be con- tracted under this Act, hereinafter called the Consolidated Bebf), which shall be overdue or which they shall deem it advantageous to the city to pay off; Provided, that the total proviso: Total amount of the debt or debts of the said city shall never um?tod. " exceed the total amount of the General Debt and the Water Works Debt now authorized, except for such short intervals of time aa must necessarily occur between the borrowing of 76 CITY CHARTER AND OTHER ACTS. any sum for the purpose of paying oflF any sum due by the Corporation, and the actual paying off the same, and then only by such sum as shall be actually in the hands of the Treasurer, or at the call and disposal of the Corporation, with the intent and for the sole purpose of its being used for pay- ing off any such sum as aforesaid owing by the Corporation. How and where 2. And bo it enacted. That any sum which the said Cor- may be'bo^ poratiou is empowered to borrow under this Act, may be bor- rowe I either in this Province or elsewhere, and the principal and interest thereof may be made payable, either in this Province or elsewhere, and either in the currency of Caimua or in that of the place where the same shall be payable, and generally all the provisions of the Acts now in force as to Debentures issued by the said Corporation, shall apply to those to be issued under this Act, except only in so far as they may be inconsistent with this Act. Terminable an- 3. And be it cnactcd. That it shall also be lawful for the uranted for said Corporation to grant Bonds for Terminable Annuities to parties from whom they shall borrow any sum of money under the authority of this Act, instead of issuing to such parties Debentures of the nature mentioned in any preceding Act or Acts ; and any such Annuity may be made payable ; * either in this Province or in any other Country, and cither in the Currency of this Province, or in that of the Country in which the same shall be payable, and the amount of any such Annuity, and the term during which it shall bo payable may l)o such as shall be agreed upon by the Corporation of the said city, and the other party interested, any law to the Form of bonds, Contrary notwithstanding ; and any such Annuity may be made payable to the Bearer of the Bond or of the jn-opcr Coupons, and either by yearly or half yearly payments, and generally the provisions of former Acts as to such Deben- tures as aforesaid shall bo applicable, so far as the case will admit, to Bonds for Temiinuble Annuities to bo issued under this Aoi ; Provided always, that in calculating the amount of tl< •)oht of the said City, for the purpose of ascertaining whether the amount limited by this Act, has or has not been exceeded, each such Bond shall be reckoned as rcpreaenting &0 rrovldo. CITY CHARTER AND OTHER ACTS. 77- Money »o bor- rowed to form Consolidated Debt. OutxtandiiiK <!<'• bcnturcN over duo may bo called ill. an amount of Debt equal to the sum which the Corporation obtained for it ; And provided also, that the term for which Proviso, any such Annuity shall be granted shall not exceed twenty years. 4. And be it enacted, That any Debenture or Bond issued by the said Corporation after the passing of this Act, sliall be held to form part of the Consolidated Debt of the said city, whether it be issued to any party actually making a new Loan to the Corporation or to a party taking such Debenture or Bond in exchange for another or others issued before the passing of this Act, and forming part of the said General Debt or of the said Water Works Debt. 5. And be it enacted. That it shall be lawful for the said Corporation to call in all Debentures or Bonds issued before the passing of this Act, the jirincipal sum secured by which may be over due ; and such calling in shall bo by advertise- ment inserted three times at intervals of two Aveeks in the Canada Gazette in both languages ; and three times at inter- vals of two weeks in some Newspaper published in the said city in the English language, and in some Newspaper there published in the French language, and after the day named in such advertisement, (which sliall not be before the time at which the laat insertion thereof may be made as aforesaid,) no interest shall be payable by the said Corporation on any Debenture or Bond so lawfully called in and not presented for i)ayuient on or before the day named as aforesaid. 6. And be it enacted. That it shall be the duty <>f the Trcadurer of the City of Montreal, before the (^laiterly Meeting of the Council of the said city, in the mouth of Sep- tember, in the year o e thousand eight hundred and fifty- three, and in each year thereafter, to take from and out of the anniuil revenues and funds of the Corporation of the said City of Montreal, (from whatsoever source 'rising), and before the payment of any ap[)r(>printion whatsoever of the said revenues or funds, a sum of money ecjual to two jier cent, on the then outstanding Consolidated Debt of the city secured otherwise than by Bonds for Terminable Aimuities, which said sum of money the said City Treasurer shall keep apart from Duly of 'rrcu- Hiitcr to providi' a Hiiil(iiif( fund for debt not t'ccincd l)y Ullllllitl('l<. 78 CITY CHARTER AND OTHER ACTS. I all other moneys, to bo invested and applied under the orders of the City Council, solely and exclusively as a Sinking Fund, towards the extinction of that portion of the said Consolidated Debt secured otherwise than by Bonds for Terminable Annu- AiMi to provide itios : it shall also be the duty of the said Treasurer at the lor payment of . in ^ r> \ aunuitios. same time to take from and out of the annual revenues and funds of the said city, from whatever source, arising, and before the payment of any appropriation whatsoever of the said revenues or funds, such sum of money as will be sufficient to pay all the sums then duo or to become due during the then next six months for Terminable Annuities granted under this Act ; and it shall be the duty of the Mayor, or person acting as such for the time being, and of the Aldermen and Councillors of the said city, to see that the provisions of this section bo strictly carried out in each year, by the person whoso duty it is to carry out the same, and withhi the time prescribed therein, and that the sum set apart as a Sinking Fund be invested without delay in the Public Provincial Se- curities, or in the Stock of such of the Chartered Banks of this Province as shall aflFord the most ample security and bo the most advantageous to all the parties concerned, and that any sum so set apart for the payment of Terminable Annui- ties be invested in the most advantageous manner consistent with its being at the command of the Treasurer wjien rc(iuired TroB!.iirei- to lav to pay such Annuities : And it shall bo the duty of the City iiiiviiift i*<>m- Treasurer to place before the Council, at its First Meeting plied with thin . i « oi , i • i l'i* l • i Hoctii.n btforo m tho uiouth of September ni each year, a certificate signed by himself and countersigned by the Mayor of the said city, to the effect that he has faithfully fulfilled the obligations imposed upon him by the jiresent section of this Act, and 'm default of his so doing tho said City Treasurer slinll, ipso facto, become and be liable to i)ay to the said Corporation a fine of Five Hundred Pounds currency, Avhich said fine the said Council sha'l exact from the said Treasurer within the shortest pos.sibie delay, and the same shall fortn part of the Sinking Fund aforesaid, or shall be ajiplied to p»iy off the said Annuities, if not re(|uircd tor the said Sinking Fund ; aikd for the purpoye of furnishing additional and more ample secu- CITY CHARTER AND OTHER ACTS. 70 rity to the lenders of the said money, it shall be the duty of the Auditors of the said city annually to lay before the said Council a statement under oath showing whether the said Treasurer has or has not fulfilled all the obligations imposed upon him in and by the said section. 7. And be it enacted, That all the Revenues arising from sinkinfr ruiui or out oi the supplying of water to the said city, or from the works ucbt. property movable or immovable connected with or belonging to the Water Works for supplying the same, shall, after pro- viding for the payment of the current expenses of the Water Works Department, and the interest accruing on the Deben- tures or Bonds issued by the said Corporation before the pas- sing of this Act, for moneys borrowed under the authority of the Act hereby amended or of any i)rcce(ling Act, for the l»\ircha80 or improvement of the said Water Works (and so forming part of the \\rator Works Debt of the said city), bo formed into a fund separate and apart from all other funds of the said Cori)oration, and shall be applied by the said Corpo- ration towards the extinction of the said Water Works Debt, • and after the extinction of the said Debt the said Revenues sliiill make part of tlie (Icneral Funds of the Corporation, and may be applied accordingly. 8. And be it enacted, That if hereafter at any time it shall Dm/ or xicn- happen that the moneys in the hands of the Treasurer of the umJu' hImiii""^ said city, and applicable to *' o payment of the interest or of il'i' iii'"ViiiidH"ti» the principal of the said ( -onsolidated Debt of the said city, uiiDuifUHiiuc or any Terminable Annuity forming jiart of the said Consoli- dated Debt, shall be insufficient to pay any such interest or principal or Annuity then due, it shall be the duty of the said Treasurer to calculate what Rate in the pound upoi. the assessed atnuuil value of the property liable to assessment in the said city, will, in his opinioa, (after making fair allow- ances for expenses, losses and deficiencies in the col'ection of such Rate) bo retjuired to j)roduce a sum sufficient, with the * moneys in his hands applicable to the purjwse, to pay the siun due for such principal, interest and Annuity, and to ecrtify such Rate under his hand to the Clerk of the said eity, for the information of the Council, in the following form, or to the like oflfuct : 80 CITY CHARTER AND OTHEE ACTS. " SiR,^I hereby certify, for the information of the Council of the City of Montreal, that a Rate of in the pound, on the assessed yearly value of the property liable to assessment in the said city is in my opinion (after making a fair allowance for losses and deficiencies in the collection of such Rate required to produce a net amount equal to that now due for interest, (principal, if any he dm) and Annuities forming part of the Consolidated Debt of this city." And such certificate shall have the like eflfect as a By-law of the Council of the said city lawfully imposing the Rate therein mentioned, and shall be obeyed and acted upon by all Officers of the Corporation and by all others, and the Rate therein mentioned shall be forthwith levied and paid accord- ingly, and in addition to any other Rates lawfully imposed by any By-law of the City Council, notwithstanding any provi- sion in the Act hereby amended or in any other Act, limiting the amount of Rates to be imposed in any one year, or as to the time of the year at which Rates may be imposed, levied or collected ; a. id the proceeds of such Rate shall be applied first to the payment of the principal, interest and Annuities, as the case may be, for the payment whereof the Rate was imposed, and if there be any surplus of the said proceeds, such surplus shall make part of the Sinking Fund for the extinction of the said Consolidated Debt, ov if there be no part of the said Debt for which a Sinking Fund is re(i[uired under this Act, then such surplus shall be applied to the general purposes of the Corporation. 0. And be it enacted. That if hereafter at any time, any Sheriff shall receive a Writ of Execution, commanding him to levy any sum of money due by the said Corporatio!! for the principal or interest of any Debenture or Corporation Bond forming part of the said Consolidated Debt of the said city or for arrears of any Annuity forming part of the said ^Consoli- dated Debt, the Plaintiff may require, and the Court may order that such execution be levied by Rate ; and if such order be made, the Sheriff" shall cause a c()))y of such Writ to be served up(m the Treasurer of the said city : and if the money thcrciu mentioned, with all the lawful interest and CITY CHARTER AND OTHER ACTS. 81 costs which the Sheriff is commanded to levy, be not paid within one month from the time of such service, the Sheriff shall himself calculate, as nearly as may be, what Bate in the pound upon the assessed annual value of the property liable to assessment in the said city, will, in his opinion, after making fair allowances for expenses, losses and deficiencies in the collection of such Rate, be required to produce a net amount equal to the sum, interest and costs he is commanded to levy, and ten per centum thereon in addition, and shall certify such Rate under his hand to the Clerk of the said city for the information of the Council thereof, hi the manner and form mutatis mutandis, prescribed for the certificate of the Treasurer in the eighth section of this Act, and shall attach tbftreto his precept commanding the said Corporation and all officers whom it may concern, forthwith to cause the said Rate to be levied, and the proceeds thereof paid over to him; and such certificate shall have the like effect as the certificate of the Treasurer, in the eighth section mentioned, and such precept shall be deemed an order of the Court out of which the Writ issued, and shall be obeyed by the said Corporation, and by all Officers thereof, and others whom it may concern, on pain of their personal responsibility to the said Court ; and the Rate mentioned in the said certificate shall be forthwith levied and paid accordingly, and in addition to any Rates lawfully imposed by any By-laws of the City Council, or by any certificate of the City Treasurer, notwithstanding any provision in the Act hereby amended or in any other Act, limiting the amount of Rates to be imposed in any one year, or the time of the year at which Rates are to bo levied and collected ; and it shall hr, the duty of the Treasurer and Clerk, and of all Assessors, Collectors and other Officers of the said Corporation, to produce to the Sheriff, on his demand, all assessment books, papers and documents requi- site for enabling him to fix the Rate mentioned in this section, and to give him any information or assistance which ho may recjuire for the purposes thereof ; ftn<\ all auch Officers of the Corporation shall, for all the purpt •tos of this section, bo doomed Officers of the Court out of which the Writ issued, L 82 CITY CHAttTEU AND OTHER ACTS. l'rovl»o. Sccuritios for prcvunting debt and amenable to and punishable by such Court accordingly, in case of any failure to perform any of the duties hereby assigned to them respectively ; and the proceeds of the said Rate shall, by the Treasurer, be paid over to the said Sheriff, and by him applied to the satisfaction of the debt, interest and costs he was commanded to levy, and if there be any surplus after satisfying the same, the said surplus shall be paid back to the Treasurer and form part of the Sinking Fund for the extinction of the said Consolidated Debt, or if there be no part of the said Debt for which a Sinking Fund is required under this Act, then such surplus shall bo applied to the general purposes of the said Corporation. 10. Provided always, and be it declared and enacted. That nothing herein contained shall be construed to impair or aifect iiot to iioTin- any special privilege or hypotheque, granted by the Act hereby amended or by any other Acts, to the holder of any Debenture or Corporation Bond issued before the passing of this Act, forming part either of the said ♦' General Debt," or of the said " Water Works Debt" of the said Corporation, or any remedy which, without this Act, any such holder would have to recover the principal or interest of such Debenture or Corporation Bond, or in any way to relieve the said Cor- poration from the obligation to make provision by all lawful means for the payment of the same ; and that no further provision which the Legislature of this Province may deem it expedient to make for enforcing the provisions of this Act, or the due payment of the principal and interest of any Deben- ture or Corporation Bond, whether issued before or after the passing of this Act, or of any annuity secured by any Cr> "no- * ration Bond, shall be deemed an infringement of the privi- leges of the said Corporation, or of any citizen or member thereof. CITY CHARTER AND OTHER ACTS. 88 (16 Victoria, Cap. 27.) An Act to amend the Law relating to the Recorder's Court of the City of Montreal. (Sanctioned lOth November, 1852.) WHEREAS it is desirable to amend the Act of the Par- I'lcnmbio. liament of this Province hereinafter mentioned in so far as relates to the Recorder's Court of the City of Mon- treal : Be it therefore enacted by the Queen's Most Excel- lent Majesty, by and with the advif" and consent of the Legislative Council and of the Legislative Assembly of the Province of Canada, constituted and assembled by virtue of and under the authority of .an Act passed in the Parliament nf the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, and intituled, >»-4/? Act to re-unite the Provinces of Upper and . Lower Canada, and for the Government of Canada, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same. That so much incoiiHiHtonfcn- of the Act of the Parliament of this Province, passed in the niuiif.v.c. J2s, Session thereof held in the fourteenth and fifteenth years of Her Majesty's Reign, intituled, An Act to amend and coriHO- Vidate the provisions of the Ordinance to incorporate the City (Old Town of Montreal, and of a crrtain Ordinance and rcrtain Acts amendintj the same, and to vest certain other /lowers in the Corporation of the saiil Cifi/ of Montreal, as is inconsistent with the provisions of this Act, be and the same is hereby repealed. 2. And bo it enacted, That it shall be competent for the conH moy be Recorder for the said City of Montreal to hold tlic Recorder's wi'ihmH m'"^ Court of the City of Montreal with or without the assistance ^''''■""'"'• or in the presence or absence of any one or more of the Aldermen or Coiiiicillors of the said city. y. And be it enacted, That it shall not be necessary that procc-w ncod i»c any Precept, Writ or Process to be issued out of tlu^ said naJutyTu'rw*'' U'jcorder's Court be signed by the Recorder of the said City 84 CITY CHARTER AND OTHER ACTS. of Montreal, or in the event of his absence or non-appoint- ment, by the Mayor, Alderman or Councillor of the said city presiding in the said Court, and countersigned by the City Clerk of the said city, but it shall be sufficient that any such Precept, Writ or Process be signed by the City Clerk of the said city or his Deputy, as hereinafter mentioned, city Clerk may 4. And be it enacted, That it shall be lawful for the City tv as Clerk of Clerk of the said City of Montreal, from time to time, by an Kooordor'8 '' ' ' * (!ourt. instrument under his hand and seal to be acknowledged by him before and duly deposited and filed in the office of the 1 said Recorder's Court, and entered and recorded in the Register thereof, to appoint one fit and proper person to be and act as his Deputy in the discharge of all and every his duties as Clerk of the said Recorder's Court, and to remove any person so appointed and appoint another in his stead; and each and every person so appointed shall at all times, ♦ while his said appointment shall remain in force and unre- voked, be to all intents and purposes a Clerk of the said Recorder's Court. Uocorder's ^> ^^^ ^^ i^ enacted, That it shall be lawful for the said cnsorofiwsaufi^ Recorder's Court to hear, try and determine any case of w?thin°ihe*city. common assault or assault and battery arising within the said city upon complaint of the party aggrieved praying the said Court to proceed therein under this Act, in the same manner and to the same effect, and subject to the same provisions as any Justice of the Peace may by law now summarily hear, • try and determine any complaint of any such offence, and also to hear, try and determine any complaint under the above cited Act against any pei'son for assaulting or resisting any officer or constable appointed under the said Act in the execution of his duty, or for aiding or inciting any person so , to assault or resist. CITY CHARTER AND OTHER ACTS. 85 (16 Victoria, Cap. 128.) An Act to amend the provisions of the several Acts for the Incorporation of the City of Montreal. (Sanctioned 23rd Mai/, 1853.) WHEREAS the Corporation of the City of Montreal have by their petition prayed that divers alterations should be made in the provisions of the Act incorporating the said city, and it is expedient to grant the prayer of the said petition : Be it therefore enacted by the Queen's Most Excellent Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Council and of the Legislative Assembly of the Province of Canada, constituted and assembled by virtue of and under the authority of an Act passed in the Parliament of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, and intituled, An Act to re-unite the Provinces of Upper and Loiver Canada, and for the Government of Canada, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same. That from and after the passing of this Act, the delay for the pro- duction and deposit by persons qualified to vote for the election of Mayor and Councillors for the said city, of thei^ certificates of qualification to vote, shall be between the hours of Ten in the forenoon and Four in the afternoon of the last six judicial days in the month of February of each year. 2. And be it enacted, That it shall be the duty of the Council of the said city, and they are hereby empowered, at each and every Quarterly Meeting of the said City Council, to elect from among themselves a Member to act as Mayor, in the event of the absence or sickness of the Mayor of the said city, or of any vacancy in the office of Mayor of the said city; and such Member so elected shall, during such 86 CITY OIIARTBH AND OTHER ACTS. absonco or sickness, or vacancy, have and exorcise, until tlie ensuing Quarterly Meeting, all the power, authoiity and rights, vested by law in the Mayor of the said city. 3. And whereas in and by the seventy-seventh section of the Act passed in the Session held in the fourteenth and fifteenth years of Iler Majesty's Reign, intituled. An Act to amend and consolidate the proviaiona of the Ordinance to incorporate the Oitij of Montreal^ and of a certain Ordinance and certain Acts amendin</ the same, and to vest certain othr powers in the Corporation of the said City of Montreal,, it is provided that a privilege shall ho granted to secure five years' assessment, and doubts exist as to the nature and extent of the said privilege as regards third persons having mortgages or other privileged claims ujwn the real property aftccted thereby; Be it declared and enacted, and it is hereby declared and , enacted by the authority aforesaid, That the privilege of the said Corporation was not intended to have and slmll have no priority or preference over all or any mortgage or })rivileged claims of third parties upon the real property of any person liable for such debts, save and except of the assessment actually due and owing upon or by such real property, but the proceeds of the said real estate sold and realized by justice shall, after j)ayment of such as- sessment actually due thereon, be distributed among such mortgage or privileged claimants according to their respective legal rights, and the b&lance, if any, to the said Corporation pn account of or for the said debt, and no assessments for which the said Corporation shall liave been collocated by any judgment of distribution of the proceeds of any real property, to the prejudice of any mortgage or privileged claimant thereon, other than for the assessments \xpon such real pro- perty shall be held to be paid by the person or persons owing such assessments, but the mortgage or privileged claimant so prejudiced shall bo to all intents and purixtses subrogated in the rights of the said Corporation, as to such assessments, and shall have the power to proceed in his or her own name for the recovery of such assessments either by action or op- position to the same extent, and in the same manner that the CITY OIIARTER AND OTHER ACTS. 87 said Corporation could have done if such collocation had not taken place. 4. And bo it enacted, That when the said Corporation deposit any price or compensation in the hands of the Pro- thonotary of the Superior Court under and in virtue of the provisions of the sixty-ninth section of the Act last above cited, or any other Act or Law in that behalf, the said Court shall proscribe the mode of calling before it all parties in- terested, and make such orders in relation to the same as in its discretion shall seem just. 5. And be it enacted. That the Recorder's Court of the said City of Montreal shall have jurisdiction to hear and de- termine all suits and prosecutions that may be brought for the recovery of any fine or penalty that may hereafter be incurred and bo due and payable under any of the provisions of the Act passed in the seventh year of Her Majesty's Reign, intituled. An Act to authorize the Mayor^ Aldermen and Citizens of Montreal to purchase, acquire and hold the projicrty now known as the Montreal Water Works ^ or of any Act amending the same. 0. And be it enacted. That all and every the provisions of any law in force in respect of the Incorporation of the said city, inconsistent with the provisions of this Act, shall be and are hereby repealed from and after the passing of this Act. IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) // ^ A <^ 4^ ^ ^ 1.0 I.I ■tt lU 122 Sf 1^ 12.0 11.25 "V ^ p> ^iV^ ^ ^^ V HiotogFaiJlic Sciences Corporalion 4^ ^V ^^i>^ <^ 33 WIST MAIN STMIT WltSTH.N.Y. MSM ( 71* ) 179-4309 ^ ^"^ ^^^ ^ 6^ 88 CITT CHARTER AND OTHER ACTS. I'reamble. 18 v., c. 162. Act 18 v., 0.182, rc|M?t)od. 8eet. 2 of 14, 16 Victoria. 0. ia», •mendea. ' (23 Victoria, Cap. 72.) An Act to amend the provisions of the several Acts for the Incorporation of the City of Montreal. (Sanctioned 19th May, 1860.) WHEREAS it is expedient to repeal the Act passed in the eighteenth year of Her Majesty's reign, intituled, An Act to amend the provisions of the several Acts for the Incorporation of the City of Montreal, and also to repeal in part, and to amend the provisions of other pre-existing Acts relating to the Incorporation of the City of Montreal, and to vest certain further' powers in the Corporation thereby con- stituted, and to remove certain doubts which have arisen as to the true intent and meaning of certain clauses in the said Acts : Therefore, Her Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Council and Assembly of Canada, enacts as follows : 1. The said Act passed in the eighteenth year of Her Majesty's reign, intituled. An Act to amend the provisions of the several Acts for the Incorporation of the City of Montreal, shall be and the same is hereby repealed. 2. The second section of the Act made and passed in the Session held in the fourteenth and fifteenth years of Her Majesty's reign, and intituled. An Act to amend and con- solidate the provisions of the ordinance to incorporate the City and Town of Montreal, and of a certain Ordinance and certain Acts amending the same, and to vest certain other powers in the Corporation of the said City of Montreal, shall be, and is hereby amended by striking out the words " fifty- second and fifty-third," in the fifth and sixth lines thereof, and substituting the words " fifty-fourth and fifty-fifth " in their places respectively. CITY CHARTEK AND OTHER ACTS. 89 3. The eleventh and twentj-fourth sections of the said last cited Act, fourteenth and fifteenth Victoria, chapter one hundred and twenty-eight, shall be, and the same are hereby repealed. 4. The Mayor and the Councillors of the said City of Montreal, at the periods hereinafter appointed, shall be chosen by the majority of the votes of the following persons, who may not be disqualified by law from voting, and whose names shall remain duly registered, on the revised voters' lists of the said city, as ordered to be made and revised by the Act fourteenth and fifteenth Victoria, chapter one hun- dred an4 twenty-eight, that is to say : 1. Every male person entered on the then last Assessment Roll, revised, corrected and in force in the said city, as the owner of real property within the Ward for which the elec- tion shall be had, of the assessed value of three hundred dollars or upwards, or of the assessed yearly value of thirty dollars or upwards ; Provided that when such property is owned by several persons par indivia, they may severally vote thereon, if their respective shares in the said property be assessed at not less than three hundred dollars value, or at a yearly value of not less than thirty dollars each ; 2. Every male person, being an inhabitant householder in the city, whose name shall be entered on the said last As- sessment Roll, as the tenant or occupant of a dwelling-house in the Ward for which the election shall be held, of the assessed value of three hundred dollars or upwards, or of the assessed yearly value of thirty dollars or upwards ; Provided that every such person shall be possessed of the said dwelling- house on the first day of January next preceding such elec- tion, that he shall have been a resident householder in the said city from at least the first day of May next before any such election, and that he shall have resided within the par- ticular Ward for which such election shall be had not less than three months next before the first day of January pre- ceding such election ; and part of a dwelling-house in which any such person, being a tenant as aforesaid, shall reside as a householder or occupier, but not as a boarder or lodger. Sects. 11 and 24 of 14, 16 v., c. 128, repealed. By whom the CounciUori* shall be chosen. Qualification as voters. Owners. Proviso. Qualification a» voters. Tenants or occupants. 90 OITT CHARTER AND OTHER ACTS. Qiwlification as Toters. Tonanta of warohoaws, oountlng houwa, fto. and having a separate outer door bjr which a communication mth the street may be afforded, shall be considered a dwelling- house within the meaning of this enactment ; 3. Every male person, though neither a proprietor or house- holder, who shall have been resident in the said city, or within the parish of Montreal, from at least the first day of May next preceding any such election, and who, either individually or jointly, as a co-partner with any other person or persons, shall have been entered on the said last Assessment Boll as the tenant or occupant of any warehouse, counting-house, shop, office or place of business, within any of the said Wards of the city, during three months next preceding any such election ; Provided that the said warehouse, counting-house, shop, office or place of business, when occupied by the sud person individually, be assessed as aforesaid at not less than three hundred dollars value, or at a yearly value of not less than thirty dollars, pr when occupied by him as a co-partner, that his proportion or share thereof be not assessed at less than the said last amounts respectively ; 4. Provided, however, that no such Proprietor, Tenant or other person aforesaid shall be entitled to vote at any such election in the said city, unless he shall previously to the first day of January next before the holding of any such election, have paid the amount of all rates and assessments, and of every tax, duty or impost, (drain accounts excepted) lawfully imposed by any By-law, Bule, Begulation or Order now in force, or that hereafter may be in force in the said city, that may be due and payable by him, in any capacity or way whatsoever, either as an occupant himself, or as the owner of property either vacant or in the possession of other parties, who may neglect to pay the assessment due on it, up to the first of January next before the holding of any such election. 5. Every voter shall vote in the Ward in which he is they thftii rote, ngg^gged, unless he be qualified to vote in more than one Ward, then in the Ward in which he shall reside ; and each voter qualified to vote in one Ward only shall vote in such Ward, and each voter qualified to vote in more Wards than one and resident without the limits of the city, shall declare Provito. Previous pay- ment of taxes, In what Ward CITY CHARTER AND OTHER ACTS. 91 at least one month before the election, in which Ward he wishes to vote, and in default of so doing, the Board of Revisers shall determine in what Ward he shall vote at such election ; and no person shall be permitted to ^ve more than no -person to . . 1 I* vote more tban one vote at any election. once. 6. And whereas doubts have arisen as to the true intent Doubts as to and meaning of that enactment of the fifteenth section of the Seoos of i4, is Act last cited, whereby power is given to the Board of mo?ed. Revisers to correct any mistake, or supply any accidental omission made by the Assessors in the Voters' Lists: it is therefore declared and enacted, that the power so given shall not extend to the adding to, or erasing from, the said lists, or any of them of any voter's name, unless a request be made in writing to that effect, in the manner and within the delay prescribed by the fourteenth section of the said Act ; Provided, proviso : Act however, that nothing herein contained shall prevent the said the exercise of Board from erasing from any of the said lists the name of of'tho SoZa of Itovisors any person that may be proved to them to be dead at the time of the revision of the said lists, or of any person whose name may have been em)neou8ly included in any one or more lists other than the Voters' List of the Ward in which, according to the provisions of the preceding section of this Act, he is alone entitled to vote ; neither shall it prevent the said Board from correcting any mistake made in the Christian or first name of any voter whose name is inserted on any of the said lists, or in the spelling of the surname of any such voter, or from adding to, or reinoving from the said lists, any second or intermediate name or names that may have been erroneously omitted from, or added to, the name of any voter thereon, or from correcting any obviously clerical error in the name, residence, or occupation of any voter in the said lists. 7. And whereas it is necessary to make provisions where- Reoitai. by a poll or contest may be avoided in certain cases where no division of opinion exists among the electors, in respect of the person intended to be elected Mayor of the said city, or in respect of those intended to be elected Councillors in any or all of the Wards thereof ; and it is also necessary to provide 92 CITT CHARTER AND OTHER ACTS. How, when, and where the elections of Mayor and Councillors Hhallbohadand conducted. Nomination of candidates. 1 that the candidates for any of the said offices shall he publicly known, and that none other but those named shall be or may be elected : Be it therefore enacted, that hereafter the twelfth day of February in each year, or if that be a holiday, then the next following not being a holiday, shall be, and the same is hereby fixed as the nomination day for all candidates for the offices of Mayor of the said City and of Councillors for the several Wards thereof; and such Alderman or City Councillor as shall, at the last previous meeting of the City Council, have been named and appointed for that purpose, shall preside at each of the nominations of candidates for the offices of Mayor and of Councillors respectively, which shall be held in the open air ; that for the office of Mayor at the Bonsecours Mar- ket, and those for Councillors at such places in the several Wards, to be fixed by the said Council, as that all the electors may have free access thereto ; and at ten o'clock in the fore- noon of the said day, the Alderman or Councillor appointed to preside at each such nomination shall proceed to the place where the same is to be held as aforesaid, and shall then and there require the electors there present to name the person or persons whom they wish to choose as Mayor, or as Councillor or Councillors, as the case may be, and any two duly qualified electors of the said city may openly and publicly address to the Alderman or Councillor presiding at the nomination for the office of Mayor, a demand or requisition that the person by them named be elected Mayor of the said city, for the next ensuing term of the said office of Mayor ; and in the event of there being only one such demand or requisition made as aforesaid, or that all the demands or requisitions so made shall be for one and the same person, then the Alder- man or Councillor presiding shall proclaim the said person duly elected Mayor of the said city for the next ensuing term of the said office ; and any two qualified electors in any Ward of the said city may, on the day aforesaid, openly and pub- licly address to the Alderman or Councillor presiding at the nomination for the office of Councillors in such Ward, a demand or requisition that the person or persons named by them be elected Councillor or Councillors for the said Ward in which I'roclamation if thoro b4> no contest. \ CITT CHARTER AND OTHER ACTS. 93 blicly : may en the ime is br the or the incillor I, have side at Mayor in the rsMar- Beveral electors he fore- )pointed tie place hen and lerson or juncillor (qualified dress to ition for person I, for the id in the qmsition litions so Alder- person ling term |ny Ward md pub- ig at the demand them be in which the said requisitionists are electors as aforesaid ; and if there be only one demand or requisition made for the election of a Councillor or Councillors in any Ward of the said city, or if all the requisitions made in any such Ward be for the election of the same person or persons as Councillor or Councillors for the said Ward, then the said Alderman or Councillor presiding shall proclaim the said party or parties named in the said requisition or requisitions, (as the case may be,) duly elected Councillor or Councillors for the said Ward for the next ensuing term of the said office or offices ; and each and every such election made as aforesaid vrithout dissent or division therein, shall be forthwith published in at least one English and one French newspaper in the said city, and the said presid- ing Alderman and Councillors respectively shall in due course report the said elections to the Council of the said city ; in in what case a the event of demands or requisitions being made by two or more granted!' ^ duly qualified electors as aforesaid for the election of two or more persons as Mayor of the said city, or as Councillor or Councillors in any Ward thereof, a poll shall be granted for each and every such election by the said presiding Alderman and Councillors respectively, and the said election shall be » proceeded with in the manner heretofore and now done, in all cases of contested elections for the office of Mayor of the said city, or of Councillor or Councillors in any of the Wards thereof ; Provided, however, that no person may or shall be provigo. voted for at any such election, or may or can be elected thereat, for whose election a demand or requisition shall not have been made as aforesaid on the twelfth day of February aforesaid. 8. If after the passing of this Act, any extraordinary Prococdingg vacancy shall occur in the office of Member of the Council of occurs* nT'o"*''^ the said city, the Mayor of the said city, or in the event of luhecoun^' his omission or refusal, the Council thereof, shall fix a day and place for the nomination of candidates for the said office, to be made in the form and manner, and between the hours pro- vided in the next preceding section of this Act ; and the said Mayor or Council (as the case may be) shall at the same time fix a period, within which the election for the candidates 94 CITT CHARTER AND OTHBR ACTS. to be named maj subsequently take place, if necessary ; and in the event of there being only one demand or requisition, made on the said nomination day, or of all the demands or requisitions made thereon, being for the same candidate, then the said party shall be proclaimed duly elected, in the form and manner already provided for; but in the event of their being two or more persons nominated for any such vacancy, a poll shall be granted, and the election shall be proceeded with in the manner provided for, in and by the said Act fourteenth and fifteenth Victoria, chapter one hundred and twenty-eight. 9. For and notwithstanding any thing to the contrary con- tained in the said Act fourteenth and fifteenth Victoria, chap- ter one hundred and twenty-eight, the salary of the Recorder of the said city shall not be less than two thousand dollars per annum, payable monthly out of the funds of the said city, and so much of the! said Act as provides that the Recorder of the said city shall be assisted in holding the Recorder's Court by one or more of the Aldermen or Councillors of the said city, or that in the absence of the Recorder from sick- ness or other causes, the Mayor or one of the Aldermen or Councillors of the said city shall preside in the said Court, shall be, and the same is hereby repealed ; and it shall be Salary of R«- cordor Hxed. Itccorder may pSty.lind how. lawful for the said Recorder, from time to time, by an instru- ment in writing under his hand and seal, to be deposited, filed and registered in the oflBce of the Clerk of the said Recorder's Court, to nominate and appoint some fit and proper person, being an advocate of not less than five years' standing at the Bar of Lower Canada, to be and act as his Deputy in the event of his illness or necessary absence from the said city, and any such nomination and appointment from time to time to revoke and again to make, as circumstances may seem to him to require ; and each and every person so nominated and appointed shall, for and during the period of time limited in the instrument containing his appointment, or if no period of time be therein limited, then from the date of the regis- tration thereof as aforesaid until the revocation thereof, have, hold, use, occupy, possess and enjoy, and be vested with all v OITT CHARTER AND OTHER ACTS. 95 Proviio. and every the jurisdiction, rights, powers, privileges and authority, and be bound to discharge all the duties of the Recorder for the said city, to the exclusion, for the time being, of the person so nominating and appointing him as aforesaid : Provided, nevertheless, that the said Recorder's Court shall not at any time be deemed to have been illegally held, nor shall the acts of any Deputy Recorder of the said city be deemed invalid, by reason of the absence of the Re- corder not being deemed to be necessary within the meaning of this Act. 10. It shall be lawful for the said Council, at any meeting, or meetings of the said Council, composed of not less than two-thirds of the Members thereof, to make By-laws, which shall be binding on all persons, for the following purposes : 1. For the preservation of peace and good order, and the suppression of vice in the said city ; — ^for the benefit of the trade, commerce and health thereof; — to restrain and pro- hibit all descriptions of gaming in the said city, and all play- ing of cards, dice, or other games of chance, with or without betting, in any hotel, restaurant, tavem, inn or shop, either licensed or unlicensed, in the said city; — to prevent and punish any riot or noise, disturbance or disorderly assem- blages ; — ^to give power and authority to enter into all groce- ries, grog-shops, taverns, hotels, and all other houses or places of public entertainment, whether licensed or unlicen- sed in the said city ; — to detect and arrest on view such per- sons as may be found gaming, playing at cards, dice, or other games of chance, or cock-fighting or dog-fighting there- in, contrary to any By-laws restraining or prohibiting the same, or making, causing or creating any riot, noise, dis- turbance or disorder therein ; to restrain and punish vagrants, mendicants, street-beggars, common prostitutes and disor- derly persons ; — to license, regulate or prohibit the exhibi- tions of common show-men, and shows of every kind, and the exhibitions of any natural or artificial curiosities, caravans, circuses, menageries and theatrical representations ; — to pro- hibit or to punish cock-fighting, and dog-fighting, and all other cruel sports in the said city ; — and also to prevent and City Council may malce By- laws for certain parposes — For preserva- tion of the peace and good order, the anp- presBion of gam- ing and Tice, &o., and as regards- Riots. Grog-shops. Gaming. Prostitution. Shows. Cocki-flghting, fco. Racing, Ac. 96 OITT CHARTER ASD OTHER ACTS. Flying kites, punish horse-racing and immoderate driving or riding in the streets or highways thereof; — to prohibit and puniah the flying of kites and every other game, practice or amusement in the public streets or elsewhere, having a tendency to frighten horses, or to injure or annoy persons passing in or along the highways of the city, or to endanger property ; — to compel all persons to remove the snow, ice and dirt from the roofs of the premises owned or occupied by them, and also from the side-walks in front of such premises, and to punish them for not so doing ; — to prevent the encumbering of the streets, sidewalks, squares, lanes, alleys or high- Removing snow, ke. Kncumbering gtrcots. reddling fruit, Nuisances. Doad bodies, &c. Steam engines, Roap factories, ways, with carriages. carts, sleighs, sleds, wheel-barrows. boxes, lumber, timber, fire-wood, or any other substance or material whatsoever | — to prohibit and punish, or license, or regulate the sale or pedlery of fruits, nuts, cakes, refresh- ments, bread, jewellery, and merchandise of all kinds, in and upon or along the wharves, streets, side-walks, alleys, and public squares of the city ;■ — to compel the owner or occupant of any grocery, cellar, tallow chandler shop, soap-factory, tannery, stable, barn, sewer, garden, field, yard, passage or lot of ground, or any other unwholesome or nauseous house or place whatsoever, to cleanse, remove or abate the same, from time to time, as often as may be necessary for the health, comfort and convenience of the inhabitants of the said city; — to prohibit any person from bringing, depositing or leaving within the city limits, any dead body or any dead carcass, or other unwholesome or offensive substance, and to require the removal of any such substance, or of any article or thing about or liable to become unwholesome, by the owner or occupant of any premises on which the same may be ; and on his default, to authorize the removal or destruction thereof by some city oflScer, and to recover the expense thereof from the party or parties refusing or neglecting to remove or de- stroy the same ; 2. To prohibit, if deemed necessary, the erection, use, or employment in the said city of all steam-engines, soap and candle, or oil, or oil-cake factories. India-rubber or oil-cloth factories, slaughter-houses, dyeing establishments and other A CITY CHARTER AND OTHER ACTS. 07 and loap and loil-cloth Id other factories or establishments wherein work, operations or pro- ! cesses, is or are carried on, liable or having a tendency to endanger property, or to affect or endanger the public heal.th or safety ; and the said Council shall have power also to per. mit such erection, use or employment, subject to such restric- tions, limitations and conditions, as the said Gouncil may deem necessaiy ; 3. To restrain and regulate the keeping and running at cauie.&crun- large of cattle, horses, -swine, sheep and goats, and to autho- °°** "^^' rize the distraining, impounding, and sale of the same for the penalty incurred, and cost of proceedings, as well as the ex- pense of their keeping ; to regulate and prevent the running at large of dogs in the said city, and to authorize the destruc- tion of all dogs running at large contrary to any By-law of the said city ; 4. To authorize the seizure and confiscation of grain, flour, conflscaHon of butter, potatoes and all other vegetables, articles and effects, for sate for '* brought to the markets of the said city, for sale or otherwise, weigift"'!^c. for or on account of deficiency in measure, weight or quality, or any other good and sufficient cause ;— to regulate bakers in the said city, and persons in their employ ; — to regulate the sale, weight, and quality of bread to be sold or exposed for sale in the said city, and to provide for the examination and weighing of all bread exposed for sale, and for the seizure, forfeiture and confiscation, and also the disposal after confis- cation, of any and all such bread so exposed for sale contrary to the said By-laws, or that may be light or unwholesome ; and for that purpose to authorize and empower proper officers or persons to enter into bakers' shops or other places, and to stop vehicles carrying bread for the purpose of examining and weighing the same, and to do any other act or thing needful or necessary, or that may be deemed so for the public benefit and security, to carry out such purpose, or to enforce such By-laws ; 6. To authorize the granting of licenses to carters, and carters' owners and drivers of pubUc vehicles for hire, in and for the said city, and likewise for the better government of the owners and drivers thereof, and to establish rules and regu- N 98 OITT OUARTER AND OTHER ACTS. lations in reference to carts, cabs, caleches, carriages, or other public vehicles for hire, in and for the sud city, as well as to fix a tariff of rates and charges for the same ; and further, it shall be lawful for the said Council to make all such owners responsible for the misconduct or negligence of their servants, drivers, or persons in their employ, or having charge of their horses or vehicles for the time being, and liable to the same fines and penalties as are or may be im- posed by any By-law or By-laws of the said Council upon such servants or drivers, or other persons aforesaid, the 'actual offenders ; 6. To regulate, clean, repair, amend, alter, widen, con- tract, straighten or discontinue the streets, squares, alleys, highways, bridges, side and cross walks, drains and sewers, and all natural water-courses in the said city ; and to prevent the encumbering of the same in any manner, and to protect the same from encroachments and injury ; and also to deter- mine the course of all natural water-courses passing through private property in the said city, and to regulate all matters Cleaning ud repairing of the ■tfecto, «o. Water Works. concerning the same, whether the said water-courses be covered or not ; they shall also have power to direct and regulate the planting, rearing and preserving of ornamental trees, in the streets, squares and highways of the said city ; the said Council shall also have power to cause such of the streets, lanes, alleys, highways and public squares, in the said city or any part or parts thereof, as shall not have been heretofore recorded or sufficiently described, or shall have been opened for public use during ten years, but not recorded, to be ascertained, described and entered of record in a book to be kept for that purpose by the City Surveyor of the said cityj and the same, when So entered of record, shall be public highways or grounds ; and the record thereof shall, in all eases, be held and taken as evidence for their being such public highways and grounds ; 7. To regulate the management of the Water Works, Aqueduct, Reservoirs, and other works connected therewith, and for the maintenance of order and cleanliness on the said works ; OITT CHARTER AND OTHER ACTS. 99 8. And whereas great inconvenience and loss has been ex- perienced in the City of Montreal, in consequence of the sale of hay, coal, peat or turf, firewood and other woods, on streets, and other public places not allotted for that purpose, be it enacted that the said Council shall have power and authority to make and pass By-laws to regulate the sale of hay, coal, peat or turf, firewood and other woods, and the sellers thereof, and to prohibit, if deemed necessary, the sale of such hay, coal,' peat or turf, firewood or other wood, in all places other than public markets, or public or private wood- yards, or such places as the said Council may allot or appro- priate for that purpose. 11. And the said Council shall have power to fix a tariff of fines and rates to be paid at Pounds, now or hereafter to be established in the said city, in lieu of those fines and rates now paid at the same ; any law or custom to the contrary notwithstanding. 12. And the said Council shall have full power and autho- rity to pass By-laws for the better observance of the Lord's Day, commonly called Sunday, in the said City of Montreal, and for that purpose to prohibit the selling, vending or retail- ing, by store or shopkeepers, pedlars, hawkers, petty chap- men, hotel-keepers, tavern-keepers, or other persons keeping houses or places of public entertainment in the said city, and all other persons, on the said Lord's Day, of goods, wares, or merchandise, wines, spirits, or other strong liquors, or the purchasing or drinking thereof, in any hotel, tavern, or house or place of public entertainment in the city, by any person or persons ; and also to enforce the closing of saloons and taverns from seven o'clock on Saturday evening until Monday morning ; and the said Council may, by any such By-law, give power and authority to enter into all stores, shops, hotels, taverns, or other houses or places of public entertain- ment of any description whatsoever in the said city, for the purpose of arresting on view such parties or other persons suspected of so selling, vending or retailing, or offering or exposing for sale, or of purchasing or drinking, as aforesaid. 13. And by any such By-law, for any of the purposes Torefnilate tlio lale of fliel, Ae. Council may Mx the fines to be paid at poundfl. May prohibit sales on the Lord's Day. Fines to enforce By-laws. 100 CITY CHARTER AND OTHER ACTS. Suits asainst ui>ii-roNd«nt«. ( 'timplction of AHooHsmont Itolla. Notice of Much complotion. aforesaid, the said Council may impose such fines not exceed- ing twenty dollars, or such imprisonment not exceeding thirty days, or both, as they may deem necessary, for enforcing the same. 14. Suits for assessments or taxes against non-residentH may be brought in any Court of Justice having competent jurisdiction. 15. The Assessors shall complete the Assessment Rolls of the several Wards of the city with proper diligence, and shall make out fair copies thereof to be left with one of their num- ber, in their office in the City Hall of the said city ; they shall also forthwith give public notice thereof in the order in which the said Wards may be completed : 1. Such notices shall set forth that the Assessors have completed their Assessment Roll of the Ward or Wards stated in the said notice, and that a copy thereof is left with one of their number at their office in the City Hall, where the same may be seen and examined by any person interested during the delay specified in the said notice, which delay shall in no case be less than fifteen days from the publication of the said notice ; and that, after the expiration of that delay, at a day and hour to bo stated in the said notice, the Assessors will meet, at their office aforesaid, to review their assessments of the real estate set down in the said Assess- ment Roll or Rolls ; on the application of any person con- ceiving himself aggrieved, it shall be the duty of the said Assessors on such day to meet at the time and place speci- fied, and to hear and examine all complaints in relation to such assessments of real estate that may bo brought beforo them ; and they are hereby empowered, and it shall be their duty to adjourn from time to time, as may be necessary, to hear and determine such complatats ; a. Whenever any person, or. his own behalf or on behalf of those whom he may represent, shall apply to the said Assessors to reduce the value of his real estate, as set down in any of the said Assessment Rolls, it shall be the duty of such Assessors (if they see fit) to examine such person touching the value of his or their real estate ; and after such lloarinK com- plaiiiU. I'roviaion when any onn nooks a reduction of lilt amcMinont. CITY CHARTER AND OTHER ACTS. 101 examination, they shall fix the value thereof at such sum as they may deem just ; but if such person shall refuse to answer any question as to the value of his real estate, or the amount thereof, the said Assessors shall not reduce the value of such real estate ; the examination so taken shall bo written, and shall be subscribed by the person examined, and shall be filed in the office of the said Assessors ; 8. And any persons complaining as aforesaid to the said Appoai to no- Assessors of their assessment on their real estate, and apply- ftgaiiiKt the ing for a reduction of the same, who may think themselves AgseMorH. aggrieved by the decision of the said Assessors on their said application, may, at any time within fifteen days' delay, com- plain thei'eof by petition to the Recorder's Court, which shall have exclusive jurisdiction in all cases of complaint against the judgments of the said Assessors on the applications made to them for a reduction of assessment on real estate ; all such petitions shall be filed with the Clerk of the Recorder's Court, Avho shall, from time to time, give due and sufficient notice, by publication in one English and one French paper in the said city, of the days and hours when the said Recorder's Court will proceed to hear and determine the merits of such complaints generally, or any class or number thereof, respec- tively ; and any party aggrieved by any decision of the said Apponi trom Recorder's Court with respect to any such complaint, may cor<U'r'"roHrt'. appeal therefrom, by summary petition, to any one of the Judges of the Superior Court for Lower Canada, sitting at Montreal, presented cither in term or vacation, within a delay of eight days from and after the rendering Huch decision, and thereupon it shall be lawful for such Judge to order that cer- tified copies of the entry or entries in the assessment book complained of by the Petitioner, and of the decision of the said Recorder's Court on his complaint thereof, together with such complaint itself, be transmitted to him, and upon receipt thereof he shall, after having heard the Petitioner, either in person or by his attorney, make such order in the premises as to law and justice may appertain ; 4. When the Assessors, or a majority of them, shall have |{„i|^ j^ in> .i.- completed the Roll of any Ward or Wards, they shall deliver iS^or! '"* the same, duly certified, to the Treasurer of the said City. 102 CITY CHARTER AND OTHER ACTS. I)i80ouiit on assogsmentg in certain cases. Council aiitlio- rizod to olR>ct a further loan for certain purpoHCJi. ItoniN may bo iMKueil. Certain provl- nions to apply. Now debt to Ibrm part of the 16. It shall be lawful for the said Council, by a By-law thereof, to allow such rate or rates of discount as may be considered expedient, on all assessments and taxes, including the water rates, paid within such delay or delays, after the completion of the assessment in each year, as the said Council shall fix upon and set forth in the said By-law ; and the said Council may, by any such By-law, charge interest, not exceeding six per centum, on the amount of all assess- ments and taxes which may remain unpaid after such delay, from the completion of the assessment in each year, as the said Council may determine and fix upon in the said By-law. 17. For the purpose of enabling the said Council to pay off certain open accounts and outstanding debts which are not included in the Consolidated Debt of the said city, estab- lished by the Act, sixteenth Victoria, chapter twenty-six ; and also for the purpose of enabling the said Council to carry out such improvements, make such repairs, and generally to per- form such works as are required in the said city, it shall be lawful for the said Council to borrow a further sum of money, not exceeding one hundred thousand pounds sterling, over and above any sum or sums of money which the said Council may have been heretofore authorized, or is now empowered to borrow on the credit of the said city ; which amount the said Council may borrow from time to time, and in such sum or sums as may be required, either in this Province or else- whore ; and the said Council may grant and issue bonds for the same, bearing interest not exceeding six per centum per annum, and having coupons annexed to them for tiie interest aforesaid, which coupons shall be signed by the Mayor and Treasurer of the said city, and shall be payable to bearer ; and the said bonds may be made payable either in this Pro- vince or elsewhere, and either in the currency of Canada or in that of the place where the same shall be payable ; and, generally, all the provisions of the Acts now in force as to bonds issued by the said Council, shall apply to those to be issued under this Act, except only in so far as they may be inconsistent with this Act. 18. The new debt to be created and established under the CITT CHARTER AND OTHER ACTS. 103 Jy-law lay be lading cr the 9 said r; and iterest, aasesB- delay, as the By-law. to pay lich are r, estab- ix; and Eirry out J to per- shall be : money, ng, over Council powered tunt the ich sum or else- fonds for itum per interest lyor and bearer ; ;hi8 Pro- inada or le ; and, Ice as to Ise to be may be Inder the authority of the preceding section of this Act, shall be added (^onHoHdatPd to, incorporated with, and form part of the Consolidated Debt ^ " "'*'''■ of the said city, established by the said Act, sixteenth Victoria, chapter twenty-six, and shall be secured and paid by means of a sinking fund of two per centum per annum on the amount thereof, in the manner provided for, in and by the said Act ; all and every the provisions of which said Act to secure and provide for the payment of the Consolidated Debt therein mentioned, shall extend and apply to, and be held and deemed to be in force, and to be incorporated with, and form part of this Act, in regard to any debt that may be incurred under the authority of the said preceding section of this Act, the establishment of a sinking fund to repay the same, the autho- rity given to the Treasurer to levy a rate to repay the same or any part of the principal and interest thereof, in the event of the moneys in his hands proving insufficient for the pur- ])03e, and the power given to the Sheriff, in the event of the contingency therein stated, to levy a rate for the payment of the said debt, or any part thereof, in the manner and form prescribed by the said Act. 19. Inasmuch as the Mayor of the said city is annually (^ongtitution or eligible to be re-elected, and so likewise are the members of ""Sm."' ""* the Council, whose term of office will expire in the next suc- ceeding month of March, and neither the Mayor nor the said members of Council consequently form part of the Board of Uovisors, established by the twentieth section of the Act four- teenth and fifteenth Victoria, chapter one hundred and twenty- eight ; the said Board shall hereafter be composed of sucii five members of the Council, to be taken exclusively from among the Aldermen and Councillors thereof, whoso term of office will not expire in the next succeeding month of March, as the said Council may annually choose to select and nominate in the manner otherwise specified in the said twen- tieth section of the said Act. 20. In addition to the persons already disqualified by law Membcn of from voting at any election of Mayor or Councillor in the said ma/not^'oU). city, no officer or servant in the pay of the said Council, nor any officer, constable, or other member of the Police Force 104 CITY CHARTER AND OTHER ACTS. How notices sliull be givcu. piiblUlied. of the said city, shall hereafter be qualified to vote at any such election. 21. All notifications, generally, which are required to be given by this Act, or by the Acts hereby amended, relating to the Incorporation of the said city, and specially all notices in relation to the Water Works of the said city, or which are required to be given to the tenants of the Water Works of the said city, or the parties supplied with water from the said works, or liable to assessment therefor, may hereafter be made and given by public advertisement thereof in at least one newspaper published in the English language, and one newspaper published in the French language in the said city ; iiowg|gnedand And such notifications shall in all cases have appended to them the name of the officer of the said Council or other person authorized to give the same ; and they shall be pub- lished in each case for such periods of time as may be deemed reasonable and sufficient by the said Council, or by any Com- mittee whose duty it may be to order the said publication thereof to be made. •22. For the purpose of constructing and establishing Market-houses and Market-places, in the West, St. Ann's, St. Antoine, St. Lewis, St. James, and St. Mary's Wards of the said city, it shall be lawful for the said Corporation to eifect a special loan of ten thousand pounds, sterling money of Great Britain, to be designated " The Market Loan," and to issue, under the hand of the Mayor and the seal of the said Corporation, Debentures or Corporation Bonds, to the said amount of ton thousand pounds sterling, aforesaid, pay- able twenty-five years after the date of the issue thereof respectively, and beai'ing interest payable semi-annually on the first days of May and November in each and every year, and at a rate not exceeding six per centum per annum ; and all such Debentures shall be headed with the words or title " The Market Loan," to designate the object and purpose for which they shall be issued ; they may be issued from time to time, at such periods, and for such amounts as shall be doomed expedient ; and they may have coupom annexed to tiiem, for the half-yearly interest payable on them ; which coupons, being Loan for erec- tion of Market- liouseg, &c. Itondg. €ITY CHARTER AND OTHER AOTS. 105 b any to be lating lotices jh are >rk8 of ic said ber be t least nd one deity; ided to p otber be pub- deemed y Cora- )licatioH Wishing . Ann's, ards of [ation to money jin," and tl of the ,, to the signed by the Mayor and Treasurer of the said Corporation, shall be respectively payable to the bearer thereof, when the half-yearly interest therein mentioned becomes due, and shall, on payment thereof, be delivered up to the said Corporation ; and the possession of any such coupon, by the Corporation, shall he primd facie evidence, that the half-year's interest therein mentioned has been paid, according to the tenor of such debenture ; and all such debentures, and as well the interest as the principal thereof, are and shall be secured on the general funds of the said Corporation, as well as by a special privilege on the Market-houses and Market-places, to be constructed aud established by means thereof. 23. The amount which the said Corporation is empowered where aud how to borrow by the preceding section, may be borrowed either boeiiboted. ^ in this Province or elsewhere, and the principal sum, and interest thereon as aforesaid, may be made payable either in this Province or elsewhere, and either in sterling money afore- said, or the currency of this Province, or in that of the place where the same shall be payable, and generally all the provi- sions of the Acts now in force, as to debentures issued by the said Corporation, shall apply to those to be issued under this Act, except only in so far as they may be inconsistent with this Act. 24. The said Market-houses to be constructed and estab- Markot-uouM-B lished by means of the special loan authorized to be made for na repay- under this Act, and also the land to be acquired for the pur- pose thereof, and every matter and thing therewith connected, shall be, and they are hereby specially charged, pledged, mortgaged, hypothecated for the repayment of any sum or sums which may be borrowed by the said Corporation, for the construction and establishment of the said Market-houses and places, as well as for the due and punctual payment of the interest on the money which may be so borrowed as aforesaid ; and all, each and every of the holders of the debentures issued for the said loan, shall have a concurrent pledge, mort- gage, hypothec, or privilege on the said Market-houses, and property appertaining thereto, for securing the payment of the said debentures and interest thereon. - » 106 CITY CHAft'r&R AND OTHER ACTS. < 'ounoil may rpgulate the laying of rail- way§ and tlio paxsine of traing through the 8treot8. Hy-law8 to bo public laws within the city. l<icon«'8 to carters and chimney Kwecpg. Jurisdiction of Kccorder'g •Court ex- tended. Fnrmsinoap. 108 of Con. Stat. Canada to apply. 25. The said Council shall have power, whenever, in its opinion, public convenience requires it, to sanction and permit the track of any railroad to be laid in or along any street or public ground ; and to regulate the use of locomotive engines, and of steam or any other motive power on any or every por- tion of any railroad within the city, and to prescribe and regulate the speed of cars upon: any and every part of such railroad ; and to enact By-laws in' pursuance of the powers hereby granted, imposing a penalty of not more than four hundred dollars upon the proprietors or corporations owning any such railroad, or their servants for each and every viola- tion of any such By-law. 26. The By-laws of the said Council shall be held and taken to be public laws within the limits of the said city ; and as such shall be judicially taken notice of by all Judges, Justices, and other persons whomsoever, without being spe- cially pleaded. ' ' 27. The said Council shall have full power and authority to suspend or revoke all licenses granted to carters and owners, or drivers of public vehicles, in and for the said city ; to ferrymen plying to and from the said city ; to chimney-sweeps, and generally all licenses whatsoever granted by the said Council, for any offence or cause of misconduct, or violation of any By-law relating to or concerning such per- sons, holding any such licenses, or their trade, occupation, or business in respect of the same. 28. And whereas it is expedient to extend the jurisdiction of the Recorder's Court of the said City of Montreal, to all matters, complaints or offences cognizable by one or more Justice or Justices, Commissioner or Commissioners of the Peace, or one or more Magistrate or Magistrates, the said Court shall have full power and authority to hear, try, and determine all matters, complaints or offences, which hereto- fore, by the laws and usages now in force, were cognizable by and within the jurisdiction of one or more Justice or Justices, Commissioner or Commissioners of the Peace, or one or more Magistrates, and further the forms of proce- dure, informations, complaints, summonses, warrants, recog- CITT CHARTER AND OTHER ACTS. lOT in its ermit jet or ^nes, f por- Q and ; such )0wer8 tt four >wning viola- Id and 1 city; fudges, ng spe- ithority >r8 and [he said ity; to granted jonduct, ch per- pation, nizances, proceedings, orders, convictions, commitments, and all other orders, writs, warrants and proceedings generally, established in and by the Act forming chapter one hundred and three of the Consolidated Statutes of Canada, intituled : An Act respecting the duties of Justices of the PeacCj out of Sessions^ in relation to summary convictions and orders, and set forth and contained in the Schedules of the said last men- tioned Act, shall be, and the same are hereby extended and applied to the said Recorder's Court, and mutatis mutandis may henceforth be used and employed in all cases of a like or corresponding nature in the said Recorder's Court ; and further all and every the provisions of the said last cited Act, And other m regard to otfences and the mode of prosecuting and punish- Iho Act. ing therefor, and all the proceedings, orders and convictions authorized and commanded to be made in and by the said Act, shall be incorporated with this Act, with such modifications as are necessary for their application to the said Recorder's Court. 29. Any one or more joint owners or occupiers of any lot, suite against house, or premises, or other real property in the said city, of property tor complained of for violation of any By-law of the said Council now or hereafter to be in force, bearing upon the said joint owners or occupiers, or upon the said lot, house or premises, or other real property, in any manner whatsoever, by reason of nuisances committed thereon, or other offences of what nature soever, may be sued alone, or conjointly, in the said Recorder's Court, as may be deemed advisable, as well as the agent or agents of the said joint owners or occupiers or of any one of them, and the oral testimony of such ownership or occupancy, whether sole or joint or of such agency, or that the parties complained of are reputed to be such owners or occupiers, either sole or joint, or such agents as aforesaid shall be deemed sufficient. 30. The Mayor, or other officer for the time being presi- Maintenance oi ding at any meeting of the Council, shall have power to j^jRHof ti"** enforce his authority, for the maintenance of order and decency, by causing to be forcibly put out of and excluded from the Council Chamber, until the adjournment of the 108 CITY CHARTER AND OTHER ACTS. rrovlao: As to cxoroiao of powers of pcr^ son presiding. Sootion 86 of 14, 16 v., 0. 128, repealed. liOoso and dis- orderly persons may be appre- liondcd on view. meeting, any member of the Council, persisting in misdemean- ing himself, after the Mayor, or officer so presiding, shall declare him to be out of order ; Provided that upon a motion to that effect, it shall be resolved by a majority of at least three-fourths of the members present that the Mayor, or officer presiding, should enforce his authority in that behalf; and any motion to that eifect shall always be held to be in order, and shall be put and deSded upon without debate. 31. The eighty-sixth section of the said Act, fourteenth and fifteenth Victoria, chapter one hundred and twenty-eight, shall be and is hereby repealed. 32. It shall be lawful for any police officer or constable of the said city during the time of his being on duty, to appre- hend on view, all loose, idle and disorderly persons ; that is, all persons whom he shall find disturbing the public peace, or whom he shall have just cause to suspect of any evil designs, or whom he shall find lying, loitering or wandering, either by night or by day, in any field, highway, yard or other place, and all prostitutes or persons wandering by night or by day, or found lying down, loitering, lodging or sleeping in any bam, shed, out-house or other building, unoccupied ; or in the open air, or under a tent, cart, waggon or other vehicle, not giving a satisfactory account of themselves, and all persons causing a disturbance in the streets or highways, by shouting or other- wise, and to deliver any person so apprehended into the custody of the officer or constable appointed under the said Act, who shall be in attendance at the nearest Police Station or Watch-house, in order that such person may be so secured until he or she can be brought before the Recorder's Court of the said city, to be dealt with according to law, or the provisions of this enactment, or to give bail to such officer or constable for his appearance before the said Recorder's Court, the said Recorder or his deputy, if such officer ohall think fit to take bail in the manner prescribed by the said Act ; And it shall further be lawful for the said Recorder's Court, or the said Recorder, or his deputy, by whom any such loose, idle or disorderly person shall be convicted of any of the said recited offences, by confession, or by the oath of one or more credible How such por> Hons shall be dealt with. Towers of Re- corder's Court nt) to such per- sons. OITT CHARTER AND OTHER ACTS. 109 witnesses, to adjudge that such person shall pay a fine not exceeding twenty dollars, either immediately, or within such period as may be thought fit, and be imprisoned in the Com- mon Gaol or House of Correction, at hard labour, for any time not exceeding two calendar months, or to adjudge that such person shall pay a fine of twenty dollars, either immediately or withui such period us may be thought fit, and that in de- fault of such payment, either immediately or within the time appointed as aforesaid, such person shall be imprisoned in the said Common Gaol or Hou»e of Correction, at hard labour, for any time not exceeding two calendar months ; the imprison- ment, however, to cease upon payment of the fine imposed. 83. The ninetieth section of the said last cited Act, four- soot.nonf h, tcenth and fifteenth VictorJa, chapter one hundred and amomipd. twenty-eight, shall be and the same is hereby amended with respect to that part thereof imposing fine and imprisonment ; and it is hereby enacted that the said Recorder's Court shall rowon m- it<>- have power and authority either to fine and imprison any person convicted before it of having assaulted or resisted any officer or constable appointed under the said Act, in the execution of his duty, or of aiding and inciting any person so convicted, to assault or resist, as declared by the said section, or to ad- judge that the person or persons so convicted as aforesaid, shall, for every such offence, forfeit and pay such sum not exceeding twenty dollars, either immediately or within such time as may be thought fit, and in default of such payment either immediately or within the delay mentioned, such peraon or persons shall be imprisoned in the Common Gaol, or House of Correction, at hard labour, for a period not exceeding thirty days. cordcr'H Court. 84. The said Council shall have full power and authority rroMcution lur in all cases of offences tor the commission whereof fine and uiuior it) -lawM. imprisonment are imposed by any By-law of the said Council, to proceed against and prosecute parties charged therewith, either by summons or by warrant issued upon affidavit taken before the Recorder of the said city, or his deputy, as may be thought more advisable for the attainment of justice. 85. And whereas it is enacted, in and by the seventy- iicoiui. 110 CITY CHARTER AND OTHER ACTS. 14, 16 v., 0. 128, fourth section of the said Act hereinbefore recited (fourteenth and fifteenth Victoria, chapter one hundred and twenty- eight), that in all cases where the proprietors of the majority of the real estate in any street, square, or section of the city, that is to say, the proprietors of the larger part in value of the said real estate, and according to the then assessed value thereof, may apply to the said Council for any specific local improvement in and to the said street, square, or section, other than the repairing of the streets thereof, it shall be competent for the said Council to allow the same ; and for the purpose of defraying and covering the cost of the said specific improvement, or any part thereof, which the said Council may determine to be borne by the parties interested in the same, the said Council is empowered to impose and levy, by By-law, a special rate, tax or assessment on all real estate in the said street, squara, or section of the said city, benefited or to be benefited by the said improvement, accord- ing to the assessed value thereof, sufficient to cover the expense of the said improvement, in whole or in part, as the said Council may decide ;. but no provision is made in the said section to fix and determine what real estate in the said street, square or section of the said city is so benefited or to be benefited by the said improvement, or to apportion the said special rate, tax or assessment, on the said real estate, as nearly as may be in proportion to the benefits resulting or How property to rcsult from the said specific improvement ; It is enacted, shall Be assegsocl r r ' ' jn respect of that in all cases where land or property may have been taken local improve- _ ; . ments. an(j appropriated for any specific improvement by virtue of the said in part recited seventy-fourth section of the said Act, or where the same may hereafter be taken and appropriated by virtue thereof, the whole of the real estate in such street or streets, square, or section of street or streets, with the exception, on each occasion, of the lot or lots from which the ^ land or property aforesaid may have been or shall hereafter be taken, shall be held to have been equally benefited by such improvement, and shall be equally rated, taxed, or assessed, to provide the expense of the said improvement, as nearly as may be, in whole or in part, according to the man- CITY CHARTER AND OTHER ACTS. Ill ner in which the said Council may havo already decided, or shall hereafter decide, that the said expenses thereof were to have been, or shall be, borne by the said Proprietors ; and so much of the said section as empowers the said Council to regulate and apply such rate, tax, or assessment, to and upon any such real estate to bo so rated, taxed or assessed, and according and in proportion to the amount of benefit which will be conferred thereon by the said improvement, shall bo and the same is hereby repealed ; and the assessed value of all real estate in any such street or streets, square, or section of a street or streets, for the year in which any such aforesaid improvement may have been heretofore made, or in which any such aforesaid improvement may hereafter be made, under the said section, shall be held to be the assessed value thereof, for the purposes of the said improvement ; Provided rrovino. that no real estate in any such street or streets, square or section of street or streets, shall be exempted from being rated, taxed or assessed towards any such improvement except in the particular occasion of a pai^t thereof being taken for the purposes of the said improvement, or to carry out the same ; Provided further, that in case any real estate shall bo FroviDo. situated on two or more streets or on one or two streets and a public square, the said Council, in passing such a By-law, shall determine what portion of the said real estate is bene- fited by the specific improvement made in the said street or square, and shall accordingly apportion the special tax or assessment to be levied on the said real estate, by reason of the said improvement. 36. In all cases where the whole or any part of any real in ciwo nro- estate, subject to any lease or other agreement, shall bo taken to aiVieiwct by the said Council, under the said section of the said Act, tho'counoii. all the covenants and stipulations contained in such lease or agreement, shall, upon the passing of a By-law by the said Council, to impose and levy the special rate, tax or assess- ment, required for the purpose of defraying and covering the cost of any such specific local improvement, cease, determine, and be absolutely discharged ; and in all cases where a part only of any real estate shall be so taken, the said covenants 112 CITY CHARTER AND OTHER ACTS. and stipulations shall be so discharged, only as to the part so taken ; and in passing, such a By-law, the Council of the said city shall determine the rents, payments and conditions, which shall be thereafter paid and performed, under such lease or agreement, in respect to the residue of such real estate. MomiiitK of coi^ 37. And whereas doubts have arisen as to the meaning of Moot. 74 »tu, 16 the words " Section of the City,'' contained in the said se- V. c IM . venty-fourth section of the said Act, fourteenth and fifteenth Victoria, chapter one hundred and twenty-eight, it is enacted, that the said words " Section of the City," shall mean and be taken as comprising any portion of the city, square or street, for which any such specific local improvement has been, or may hereafter bo applied for, by any such petition as aforesaid. ciiriKtian riki 38 . In the lists and certificates of voters in the several Wards Hiirimim>8 to bo .i . <. w i ;<-, .., « , .i . wt forth in tho of the Said city, for Mayor and Councillors of the said city, lint ut vut«>r«. 1 11 /v 1 11 there shall hereafter be stated and set forth, at full length, the Christian and Surnames of the said voters, their occupa- tions, and the streets in which they reside, in the said city, ' or in which they have their places of business therein, when- ever the right of vote arises out of the business carried on by the said voters. 17th Hoot. of 39. And whereas it is necessary to amend the seventeenth ainciidoii. ' ' scctiou of the Said Act, fourteenth and fifteenth Victoria, chapter one hundred and twenty-eight, with respect to the formalities to be observed by the City Clerk, prior to the delivery to any person whose name shall be on the voters' list for any Ward, for a certificate to the effect that the name of such person is on the voters' list, and that he is entitled to vote at the election to be held for Mayor of the said city, and city Clerk may for a Couucillor or CouuciUors for such Wards, it is enacted rcHiuire an oath . ■, r-,. ^, , • «. i • Ota voter. that the said City Clerk, or any person acting for him, shall have full power and authority, whenever deemed necessary, to administer to such person requiring such certificate, the following oath or affirmation, before delivering the said certi- ficate, viz : Form of oath. " You swcar (oT Solemnly affirm) that you are the person (( CITY CIlAllTKR AND OTHER ACTS. 118 ruiiiHiimoiit of brllN'ry nt city oloolioni. *' named and described in the cortiflcato claimed by and now " shown to yon, {readimj to the said part}/^ at the same " time^ the name^ occupation, and name, of the utreet, get "forth in full, in the said certificate,) and that you aro ** entitled to vote at the election to bo held for Mayor of the ♦' City of Montreal, and for a Councillor {or Councillorn, an " the case may he) for the {naming the ward) Ward of the " said city. So help you God." 40. If any person, who shall have or claim to have any right to vote at any election of a Mayor or of a Councillor in the said city, shall, after the passing of this Act, ask or take any mohey or other reward by way of gift, loan or other device, or agree or contract for any money, gift or office, employment or other reward whatsoever, to give or forbear to give his vote in any such election, or if any person, by himself or by any person employed by him, shall by any gift or reward, or by any promise, agreement or security, for any gift or reward, corrupt i»r procure, or offer to corrupt or pro- cure, any person to give or forbear to give his vote in any such election, such person so offending in any of the cases aforesaid, shall, for every such offence, forfeit the sum of forty dollars, to bo recovered, with full costs of suit, by any one who shall sue for the same in the Circuit Court for the District of Montreal ; and any person offending in any of the cases aforesaid, being lawfully convicted thereof, shall for ever be disabled to vote in any election in the said city. 41. The sixteenth section of the said Act, fourteenth and fifteenth Victoria, chapter one hundred and twenty-eight, shall be and the same is hereby repealed. 42. The Voters' List for each Ward of the said city, when settled and signed in the manner provided for in and by the last cited Act, shall be again placed and kept in the City Hall, until after the close of the elections, shall then be filed in the office of the City Clerk ; and every person whose name shall appear in such Ward list, and who shall produce a certi- ficate in the manner provided for by the said Act shall be entitled to vote at the election for Mayor of the said city, and 8oct.l(tofl4, 15 v., 0.128, re- pealed. Upon coinplo- f ion of votcri«' liHtH, they shall buoxnoBod in tlio <lty Hall and filed with the Clerk. ItiKht* of per- HonH on Bucli liKtH. 114 CITY CHAUTKU AND OTHHIR ACTS. for a CouiiCillor or Councillors, as the case may bo, in the Ward stated in his cortifiuato, witliout any further incpiiry as to his iToviHo: Cor. qualification ; Provided that it shall be lawful for the said bo roquircd of Mayor, or for any Alderman or Councillor of the said city, or for the Recorder or City Clerk thereof, to administer either, or both, of the following oaths, marked one and two, included in this section, to any party producing any such certificate, and claiming a right to deposit the same, and vote at the said election ; and it shall be compulsory on the said Mayor, Alderman or Councillor, and upon the said Uecordor or City Clerk, to administer either or both of the said oaths, ti|)on the requisition to that effect of any candidate at the said election, or any duly qualified voter in the said city, and likewise in all cases where doubts are or may be entertained of the identity of the party desirous of voting, of his being of the full age of twenty-one years, or of his having received or been promised any consideration for his vote ; and any per- sons required to take the said oaths, or either of them, and refusing so to do, shall bo prohibited from voting so long as he shall persist in his refusal, and until he shall have taken the said oath or oaths. IVraong rcftiH- iiffti ot V not vote. Oath Number One. Formofoatii. " You swoar (or if he he one of the persona permitted hf " law to affirm in civil eaHea, you affirm) that you are the " person named and described in the certificate now shown " to you (reading to the said partji, at the same time, the " name, occupation, and name of the street set forth in full, " in the said certificate) ; and that you have not voted " before at this election. So help you Cod." Oath Number Two. Form of oath. <' You swcar that you verily believe you are of the full " age of twenty-one years ; and that you have not already " voted at this election ; and that you have not received any " thing, nor has any other person, to your knowledge or CITY CHARTER AND OTHER ACTS. iir> " belief, rccoivod any thing for you or on your accotuit or " behalf, either directly or indirectly ; neither has there been " any thing promised to you, or, to your knowledge or belief, " to any other person for you or on your behalf or account, " either directly or indirectly, in order to induce you to give " your vote at this election, nor do you expect any remune- " ration, gift or reward, either directly or indirectly, for " voting at this election. So help you (Jod." 43. Any person who shall swear or affirm falsely, upon Fnino nwoarjnj? the said prescribed oaths, numbered one and two, contained " " •'" ■""'^' in the preceding section, or either of them, being administered to him, shall bo guilty of wilful and corrupt perjury, and shall be liable to all the pains and penalties of the said offence. 44. Hereafter no Auditor, elected or appointed under oatiitoitfiakin the said last cited Act, shall be required to take an oath that '^ "' '"'" he is holder of real or iwrsonol estate, as one of the cpialifica- tions for holding such office ; but the following oath shall ))e administered to such Auditor by the Mayor, or any Alderman or Councillor thereof, or the City Clerk, to wit : " You (name of Auditor), having been elected Auditor Fonn. " for the City of Montreal, do sincerely and solemnly swear " that yo»i will faithfully fulfil the duties of the said office " according to the best of your judgment and abilities. So " help you God." And no other oath shall be re(piired of such Atiditor. 45. 'i'ho nineteenth section of the Act last cited (fourteenth hoc». i!» ..»• u, and fifteenth Victoria, chapter one hundred and twenty-eight) tti'imiiVicd. ' shall bo and the same is hereby amended, by substituting in the said nineteenth section the words " sixteenth section," in |)lacc of " fifteenth section." 40. The thirty-third secticm of the Act last cited shall be scct.saofHni.i and the same is hereby repealed. 47. The forty-eighth and forty-ninth section of the said 4HthBn.Nnfii last cittMl Act shall be and the same are hereby amended, in buk li.i.d. '" so far as respects the manner of appointing a Chairman at any meeting of the said Council, in the al>sence of the Mayor and Acting Mayor of the said city, so that the said Council shall 116 CITY CHARTER AND OTHER ACTS. r)fith MCtion ro- Tariff of rates to bo flxod for water supply. have full power and authority hereafter, in the absence of the said Mayor and Acting Mayor, to choose any Alderman or Councillor to be Chairman at any such meeting. 48. The fifty-sixth section of the Act last cited, fourteenth and fifteenth Victoria, chapter one hundred and twenty- eight, shall be and the sanieis hereby repealed. 49. It shall and may be lawful for the said Council of the said city, when and so soon as they are prepared to supply the said city or any part thereof with water, to establish a tariff of rates for water supplied or ready to be supplied in the said city from the said Water Works, which said tariff of rates shall be payable at the times and in the manner to be estab- lished in the said By-law, by all proprietors, occupants or others supplied with water from the said works, or whom the said Council are prepared and ready to supply with water from the said works ; which tariff of rates shall not, however, be made payable before the water is ready to be supplied to the said proprietors, occupants or othere, by the said Council ; the said tariff of rates shall and may be made payable by all such proprietors, occupants or others, as well by those who refuse as by those who consent to receive into their houses, stores, shops, offices, places of business, or other buildings, the water-pipe to supply the said water ; but the said tariff of rates shall not be payable by the proprietors or occupants of any such house, store, shop, office, place of business, or building, until after the said Council shall have notified them that they are prepared and ready to supply such house, store, shop, office, or place of business or building, with water, and if, from the time of such notification to the next period a\h pointed for the payment of such tariff of rates, there shall bo any broken period, then such tariff of rates shall be payable pro rrta for such broken period, as if accruing day by day ; Provided that the expense of introducing the said water into the said hoitses, stores, shops, offices, or places of business, or other buildings, shall be borne by the said Council, and the work performed by the same ; but the distribution of the water through the said houses, stores, shops, offices, places of business, or other buildings, after being introduced Wlion to \xi' I'oiiio payable. rrovUo ; Ah to cimt of hitro- iliicliig water. CITY CHARTER AND OTHER ACTS. 117 into them, shall be borne by such proprietors or occupiers, if required by them ; Provided that in every case where sucli rrovixo: AHto proprietor shall refuse or neglect to make the expense re- lc"naut." ^ quired for the distribution of the said water, and that the said Council shall exact the payment of the water-rate im- posed in and by the present section from the tenant, then, in every such case, such tenant may withhold from the said proprietor, out of the rents to be paid him for the property he occupies, the amount of water-rate thus paid by such tenant, unless such tenant be bound towards the said proprie- tor, by his lease or otherwise, to make the expense required for the distribution of the said water. 50. And whereas, in cases whore the said Council have Rocitai. purchased or taken and entered into property for the use of, or the improvement or extension of the Water Works of the said city, by virtue of the Act passed in the seventh year of Her Majesty's reign, intituled. An Act to authorize theTy.c.n. Mat/or, Aldermen and Citizen% of the City of Montreal to purchase, acquire and hold the property now known as the Montreal Water Works, and of the Act passed in the six- teenth year of Her Majesty's reign, intituled. An Act to i6V.,c.i27. authorize the Mayor, Aldermen and Citizens of the City of Montreal to borrow a certain sum of money, and erect there- with Water Works for the use of the said City, and to extend and amend the provisions of any Act relatiny thereto, doubts have been raised as to the authority or power of the said Council to grant mortgages (Jiypotheqws) for the price of such property purchased, taken, or entered into, or any part thereof, remaining unpaid by the said Council : It is enacted, woubtn hh to that in all such cases the said Council shall have power and l;ouiicii*t() authority to grant mortgages (^hypotheques^, on the property tiipcn rcmovj'ij. so purchased or taken, to the person or persons from whom such j)roj)erty may have been heretofore, or shall hereafter be purchased or taken, or to any other person or persons having a right to receive or accept the same, for the price or purcliase-monoy thereof, or any part thereof, remaining un- paid and owing, in the like maimer as any individual pur- chaser of the said property might or could have done, or may or can hereaiter do. . • 118 CITY CHARTER AND OTHER ACTS. Certain powora conforrod on Siiperintondcnt of Police. Certain suits formerly brought hy Hovenuo fii- upectors mav be brouglit "by Policemen, and ill Itecordcr's Court. JndgmentB of Kecorder'R Court may be n'ginteren Huminarily. 51. All the powers conferred by th« sixty-eighth section of the said Act, fourteenth and fifteenth Victoria, chapter one hundred and twenty-eight, upon Justices of the Peace residing in the City and Town of Montreal, relative to the pro- ceedings to be adopted in case of expropriation, are hereby granted to and conferred upon the Inspector and Super- intendent of Police for the said City of Montreal ; and the said Superintendent of Police shall, on presentation of a petition for the purpose, and in the manner specified in the said section, adopt the proceedings which Justices of the Peace are required, in and by the said section, to adopt in such cases. 52. All suits, actions or prosecutions that could, before the passing of this Act, be brought and commenced in the name of one of the Revenue Inspectors, in virtue of the forty- secoad section of the Act fourteenth and fifteenth Victoria, chapter one hundred, may hereafter be brought and com- menced before the Recorder's Court in the name of the said Corporation or of any member of the Police Force of the said city, provided they are brought for offences committed within the limits of the said city ; and all and every the provisions of the said last cited Act in regard to said offences and the mode of prosecuting and punishing therefor, and all the proceedings, orders and convictions authorized and com- manded to be made in and by the said Act, shall be incor- porated with this Act, with such modifications as are necessary for their application to the said Recorder's Court. 53. Notwithstanding any thing to the contrary contained in the Acts fourteenth and fifteenth Victoria, chapter one hundred and twenty-eight, and eighteenth Victoria, chapter one hundred and sixty-two, it shall not be necessary hereafter to enregister at length the proceedings and judgments of the Recorder's Court in cases respecting the recovery of assess- ments, taxes and other duos of tlrc like nature, but such pro- ceedings and judgments shall bo enregistered summarily ; and it shall not bo necessary, in any summons or action before the Recorder's Court, to specify or recite the By-law under which such action is brought, but it shall be sufficient to state that it is in virtue of the By-law in that behalf made. CITY CHARTER AND OTHER ACTS. 119 54. The forty-fifth section of the Act, fourteenth and fif- 8wt.45of u, teenth Victoria, chapter one hundred and twenty-eight, is amoiiued. ' hereby amended so that the word " February," wherever it occurs in the said section, shall be replaced by the word " April." 55. All the provisions of any law inconsistent with the contrary provisions of this Act, shall be and the same are hereby re- pealed. 56. Nothing herein contained shall be construed to repeal Act not tore- any By-law heretofore made under any Act or part of an law. Act or provision of law hereby repealed ; and notwithstand- ing such repeal every such By-law now in force shall have the same force and effect as if this Act had not been passed unless and until the same be repealed or altered by virtue of this Act. 57. This Act shall be deemed a Public Act. ruwicAct. (ntaincd ;er one chapter ereafter of the assess- ch pro- marily ; action By-law ufficient f made. [By the 9ii;xth section of the Act 24 Vic, Cap. 68, passed riipcifyny- on the 18th May, 1861, it is enacted, That notwithstanding rPHtrictHm .,., . . ,/-. n 1>"W*"*H of Hie any thmg contamed m the Acts mcorporatmg the City of "mbour com __•' f ,. , T. , n 1 ^ mlsHioncrg. Montreal, or amendnig the same, no By-law of the Corpora- tion of the said city shall restrict or affect in any manner the exercise of the powers conferred upon the Harbour Com- missioners of Montreal, under the various Acts relating to the said Harbour.] 120 CITY CHARTER AND OTHER ACTS. (7 Victoria, Cap. 44.) An Act to authorize the Mayor, Aldermen and Citizens of Montreal to purchase, acquire and hold the property now known as the Montreal Water Works. {Assented to 9th December, 1843.) Proambio. TirHERE AS the Corporation of the Mayor, Aldermen and IT Citizens of the City of Montreal, incorporated by law, ■ have, by their humble petition, addressed to the several branches of the Legislature, represented their having nego- ciated with " the Proprietors of the Montreal Water Works," incorporated by the Act of the Legislature of the late Pro- vince of Lower Canada, passed in the forty-first year of the Reign of His late Majesty King George the Third, for the purchase of the said Water Works, including the whole of the property, movable and immovable, connected therewith, and have concluded an agreement with the said proprietors for the purchase thereof, for the sum of Fifty Thousand Pounds, currency, payable in Debentures or Corporation Bonds, redeemable on or before the first day of November, one thousand eight hundred and sixty-eight, and bearing interest payable semi-annually at the rate of six per cent, per annum ; And Avhereas the said Corporation have not funds at their disposal, or which they are now empowere'l by law to raise, sufficient to effect the said purchase, unless they suspend all the public works and improvements now requisite in the said city; And whereas under the ; ;'wi- eions of the Ordinance of the Governor and Special lyuancil of the late Province of Lower Canada, incorporating the said Mayor, Aldermen and Citizens, it is enacted that it shall not be lawful for the Council of the said City of Montreal to borrow, on the credit of the said city at one time, any sum CITY CHARTER AND OTHER ACTS. 121 or sums of money exceeding the aggregate amount of the revenue of the said city for five years, and that no sum or sums of money shall be so borrowed, while the said city shall be in debt to such aggregate amount, unless the said Council shall be authorized in this behalf by an Act of the Legislature of this Province ; And whereas the said intended purchase will be greatly profitable to the city and highly beneficial to its inhabitants by enabling them to obtain a plentiful supply of pure and wholesome water at greatly reduced rates from those at present exacted by the said " Proprietors of the Montreal Water Works ;" And whereas it is expedient to grant the prayer of the said Corporation as aforesaid, for authority to complete the said intended pur- chase on the terms in their said petition and hereinafter spe- cially set forth ; Be it therefore enacted by the Queen*s Most Excellent Majesty, by and with the advice and con- sent of the Legislative Council and the Legislative Assembly of the Province of Canada, constituted and assembled by virtue of and under the authority of an Act passed in the Parliament of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, intituled. An Act to re-unite the Provinces of Upper and Lower Canada and for the Qovernment of Canada, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, that it shall and may be lawful for the said Corporation of the Mayor, Aldei'men and Citizens of the said City of Montreal, on or after the first day of January next, provided due notice be given by the Council of the said city at least ten days prior to the now next annual election that the final purchase of the said Water Works will be a question to bo decided by the City Council, one month subsequent to the said annual election, if they shall then deem it expedient, to make and perfect the purchase from " the Proprietors of the Montreal Water Works " or their representatives, incorporated under an Act of the Parliament of the late Province of Lower Ca- nada, passed in the forty-first year of the Reign of His late Majesty King George the Third, intituled. An Act for sup- plying the City of Montreal, and the parts thereunto <(\ja- centtwith TFafer, of all such buildings, houses, sheds, cn^j^incs. ThoCorporation of the City of Moiitioiil, after certuiii notice, authorized to ninl<e tlio pur- chase of " the Montrcul Wator Works" fioni the proprietors thereof, incor- porated by Act 41 Ueorgo III, c. 10, witli all the movable anrt immovable pro- nerty thereunto belonging, and all riehts, au- thorities, and privilegea now enjoyed by tlio said proprie- tors, for the sum of .£60,000 currency. 122 CITY CHARTER AND OTUBR ACTS. water houses, reservoirs, resorvatorics, water wheels, fire engines, machinery, working gears, cisterns, ponds, basins of water, main pipes, rider pipes, stand pipes, service pipes, conduct pipes, branches of iron, lead or other metal, plugs, cocks, chambers, cocks in common, stop-cocks, stop-backs, valves, fire plugs, air plugs, fire-cocks, boxes, forcing mains, ferrils, feeders, campirs, drains, pumps, sluices and other works, devices or things ; and generally all movable or immovable property connected with or belonging to the said Montreal Water Works, situated, lying, or being within the said City of Montreal or in the vicinity thereof, or requisite and necessary for the support and maintenance of the said Water Works, as also all lead, leaden and other pipes, brass cocks, fuel, tools and materials of every description, now possessed by the said " Proprietors of the Montreal Water Works," or appertaining to the establishment thereof, or that may have been ordereil for the use of the said Water Works and not yet in their possession, together with all rights, privileges, powers and authority heretofore or now vested in or possessed by the said " Proprietors of the Mon- treal Water Works," under the Act aforesaid, at and for a sum, price or purchase money not exceeding Fifty Thousand Pounds, current money of this Province, to be payable in the manner hereinafter mentioned. 2. And be it enacted. That from and after the completion of the intended purchase, sale, transfer and conveyance as aforesaid, by and to the Corporation first above mentioned, all the powers, privileges and authority given and conferred upon, or possessed or enjoyed by the said " Proprietors of the Montreal Water Works," and all the propei*ty and possession of the said Water Works, in and by virtue of the said Act of the Parliament of the late Province of Lower Canada, incorporating the same, or in and by virtue of any other Act or Acts whatsoever relating to the same, shall be transferred, conveyed, made over to and conferred upon, possessed and enjoyed by the said Corporation first above mentioned in as full and effectual a manner as if the same Avere herein more specifically detailed, and all the powers, rights, title, interest, Aftor giich pur- cha8c, all the powers, prlvile- ?:o8, rights, tl- lo8, and inter- est to tho mov- able and im- movablo pro- perty connect- ed witli tlio Montreal Water Works, and Tor supplying tho city witit water, to be transferred to and vested in the said Corpo- ration. CITY ClIAUTEtt AND OTHER ACTS. 128 fire privileges or claim, of the said " Proprietors of the Montreal Works," to, in, or upon all or any part of the said movable and immovable property, or for supplying the said ^ity or the parts thereunto adjacent, with good and wholesome water, and all powers and authority heretofore and now possessed, enjoyed or claimed by them for that purpose, shall from thenceforth be vested in and belong to the Corporation, first above mentioned, and shall be managed by the Council of the said city as other property of the said Corporation, sub- ject always to the provisions of this Act. 3. And be it enacted. That it shall and may be lawful for tiio corpora- the said Corporation of the Mayor, Aldermen and Citizens prove, aiLr, o'r of the City of Montreal, after effecting the intended purchase wat«r workn, as aforesaid, by any By-law to bo hereafter passed in the iiitfonar r«ai tw. manner provided by the said Ordinance incorporating the <)i>J«'ot, or dia- Til- #.1.1. 1 1 1 POBOofthatiiow Inhabitants of the said city or by any Act that may here- "X *•'""» «"J">:- •'•'•' •' od or poBiuwMxi. after bo passed for the same purpose, and they are hereby authorized and empowered to improve, alter or remove the said Water Works, or any part or parts thereof, and to change the site of the several engines and place or sources of supply thereof, and also by themselves, their Agents, Deputies, Officers, Workmen, Servants or Assistants, from time to time to erect, construct, repair, and maintain any where Avithin twelve miles from the nearest limits of the said city, all such buildings, houses, sheds, engines, water houses, reservoirs, reservatories, water sheds, fire engines, machinery, working gears, cisterns, ponds and basins of water, and the other works, devices and things horeuibefore recited in such manner and of such construction as they shall think neces- sary, proper or expedient for forcing, conveying and con- , ducting, into and throughout the whole of the said city and the parts thereunto adjacent, or conducive to the existence, improvement or continuance of the said Water Works ; and for effecting the foregoing or any other purpose or pur|)08es connected with the said Water Works, it shall and may be lawful for the said Corporation, and they are hereby autho- rized and empowered to purchase, hold and acquire any lands, tenements and immovable estate, servitudes, usufruits. 124 CITY CHARTER AND OTHER ACTS. hereditaments, or other real property of any deacription, within the said City of Montreal or in the vicinity thereof, not distant more than twelve miles from the hmits of the said city, which shall or may be necessary for the said Water Works, or for improving, altering, enlarging or extending the same ; saving nevertheless to the Seignior or Seigniors within whose censive the said lands, tenements, immovable estate, hereditaments or other real property as aforesaid, go purchased, may be situate, his or their several and respec- tive rights that may become legally due upon the commuta- tion of the tenure of such lands and tenements, which com- mutation it shall be the duty of the said Corporation to effect with the least possible delay, and also to sell and dispose? of any lands, tenements or immovable estate now possessed Ly the said Mayor, Aldermen and Citizens as aforesaid, or that may be hereafter purchased, acquired or possessed by them, if deemed requisite so to do for the purposes of the said Water Works. Corporate bo- 4. And be it enacted. That it shall and may be lawful for other persons, all BodicSj Politic or Corporate or Colleg)i*^o Corporations, sell any real aggregate or sole. Communities, Husbands, Tutors or Guar- by tho Corpora- dians, Curatora, qrev^s de substitution, and all Executors, tion under tliis . , . . , ^ "^ , ^, ,„ , , , Act, and indoni- AdmmistratorS and other Irustees or persons whatsoever, iiiHoil for the ^ ' Hilled same who are, or shall be seized or possessed of, or interested in, any lands, tenements, immovable estate, servitudes, usufruit and hereditaments, or other real property, within tho said city, or within twelve miles thereof, which may be selected and desired by the said Corporation for the purposes of the said Water Works, after the purchase thereof as aforesaid, not only for and on behalf of themselves, their Heirs and Successors, but also for, and on behalf of, all persons whom they represent, or for whom, or in trust for whom, they are, or shall be seized, possessed or interested as aforesaid, whether Minors or issue unborn, Lunatics, Idiots, Femes Covert, or other person or persons, to contract for, bargain, sell and convey such lands, tenements, immovable estate, servitudes, usufruit and hereditaments or other real property, and such contracts, sales, agreements, assurances and con- CITY CUARTER AND OTHER ACTS. 125 Corporntloii may take and enter upon any Innd, b<>in(; pri- vnto priiperty rei|uiruil for tlio pni posos (if tlii!< Act, ufter pny- nit>nt or teiiilor of the vuluo tlit'icof. veyances so to be made, shall be valid and effectual in law, to all intents and purposes whatsoever, any law, statute, usage or custom to the contrary, notwithstanding ; and all Bodies Politic, Corporate or Collegiate, Communities, Corporations and persons w^hatsoever, so contracting, selling or conveying as aforesaid, are hereby indemnified for, and in respect of any such sale, which he, she, or they shall respectively make, by virtue of, or in pursuance of this Act ; securing always the rights of any person or party, to the whole, or any part of the purchase money, to be paid by the said Corporation, for any real property purchased, as aforesaid. 5. And be it enacted, That the said Corporation shall have full power, notwithstanding any law to the contrary, to take and enter into, after paying, tendering or depositing the value thereof, such land, ground, or real property of any description lying within the said city or within twelve miles of the limits thereof, not belonging to the Crown or vested in any officer, person or body for the public uses of the Province as may be necessary for enabling the said Corporation to carry this Act fully into effijct, according to the true intent and meaning thereof, in the same maimer^ and under the same provisions, limitations and conditions, as if such land, ground, or real property lay within the City of Montreal, and were required for opening a new street or for any other purpose for which the said Corporation may lawfully take and enter into land, ground, or real property within the said city after paying, tendering or depositing the value thereof ; and it shall be lawful for the Governor or person administering the Government, in Council, if he shall deem it expedient, and on such terms and conditions as to him shall seem meet, to grant or lease to the said Cor- poration such portion of the Beach or Ground covered by the Waters of the River Saint Lawrence or other river, or of any other lands of the Crown, or such right or privilege of using the steam or water of any such river, as may be necessary to enable the said Corporation, more fully to carry this Act into effect ; any Act or law to the contrary notwith- standing. '.-- (Jovcrnor in (.'onncil may Rrant or \ca>o to tlic Corpora- tion any lioacli lotH, or Crown landf, or rinM of usinff water of any stream. 126 CITY CHARTER AND OTHER ACTS. Tlio Corpora- tion authorized to open streets and erect worlcs for conducting tlio wator. Corporation not to maico use of private proper- ty witliout con- sent of tlie own- Grounds open- ed for the lay- ing of pipes, and trenches to be tilled, and the pavements made good. 6. And be it enacted, That it shall be lawful for the said Corporation, and their Agents, Deputies, Officers, Workmen, Servants and Assistants, to dig, break up, and remove the soil, posts, sewers, drains, pavements and gravelled ways, of any of the public highways, roads, streets, squares, hills, market-places, lanes, open areas, alleys, yards, courts, waste grounds, footways, quays, bridges, gates, gateways, closes, ditches, walls, precincts and other passages and places within the said city, and within twelve miles of the limits thereof, doing no unnecessary damage in the premises, and to enter into, and make use of, any private lands or grounds, within the said city and within twelve miles of the nearest part thereof, and to dig and sink branches, and lay and drive pipes, and put, fix and establish stop-cocks, fire plugs, air- cocks and branches from such pipes, and to widen common passages, for the laying and fixing such pipes, and all such matters and things as aforesaid, in such places and in such manner, as they shall judge necessary, for conveying the water to the respective houses, offices and other tenements of the said inhabitants of the said city, and the parts there- unto adjacent, and from time to time, as occasion may require, to alter the position of, and to repair, relay and maintain such pipes, stop-cocks, plugs, machinery, conduct- pipes, devices, matters and works aforesaid, and to do and perform all such other Acts, as shall from time to time be necessary or proper, for completing, amending, repairing, improving, and using the works already made or provided, or to be made, done or provided, for the purposes aforesaid : Provided always, that it shall not be lawful for the said Cor- poration, or any person acting under their authority, to enter into and make use of any private lands or grounds within the limits of the said city, and within twelve miles thereof, without the consent of the owner or owners thereof, except after paying, tendering or depositing the value thereof, as hereinbefore provided : And provided also, that the respec- tive persons, who shall open and break up, or cause to be opened, or broken up, any ground, for laying, taking or repairing any pipe, or other work, as aforesaid, by virtue of CITY CHARTER AND OTHER ACTS. 127 this Act, shall, and they are hereby required to take care, as far aa may be, to preserve a free and uninterrupted pas- sage through any street, lane, alley, road, square, public place, highway or < .her places, while the works are in pro- gress, and to cause the trenches to be filled in, and the pavement or ground made in as good a condition as before the commencement of the work, without any unnecessary delay, and the rubbish occasioned thereby to be carried away as soon as reasonably may be, and in the meantime, to cause the place where the ground shall be opened or broken up, as aforesaid, to be fenced or guarded with lamps or with watchmen during the night, so that the same may not be dangerous to passengers, upon pain of forfeiting for every neglect, to any person suing for the same, in a summary manner before any Justice of the Peace for the District, on the oath of one credible witness other than the party suing, a sum not exceeding five pounds, current money of this Pro- vince, over and above all such damages, as may be recovered against the said Corporation in any civil action. 7. And be it enacted. That where there are buildings wiien buildings within the said city, or the parts adjacent thereto, the dif- diffoiontpropif. „ • , « 1 11 1 7 !•«• • ctors or tenants, lerent parts whereoi shall belong to dmerent propnetors, or iiow tiic corpo. r&tioii is to Act shall be in possession of different tenants or lessees, the said making oatis; '^ ' faction lor all Corporation shall have power to carry pipes to any part of damages, any building so situate, passing over the property of one or more proprietors, or in possession of one or more tenants, to convey the water to that of another, or in the possession of another, the pipes being carried up and attached to the out- side of the building, and also to break up and uplift all pas- sages which may be a common servitude to neighbouring proprietors, and to dig and cut trenches therein for the pur- poses of laying down pipes or taking up and repairing the same, the said Corporation doing as little damage as may be in the execution of the powers granted by this Act, and making satisfaction to the owners or proprietors of buildings or other property, for all damages to be by them sustained in or by the execution of all or any of the said powers ; sub- ject to which provisions this Act shall be sufficient to indem- 128 CITY CHARTER AND OTHER ACTS. Water Works so to be Hituatod nB not to (uulaii- cor tins piilWic health or salcty. Corporation to bo liable to pros- ecution for pub- lic or private nuisance. nify the said Corporation or their servants, or those by them employed, for what they or any of them shall do in pursuance of the powers granted by this Act. 8. And be it enacted. That the said Corporation shall so maintain or locate their Water Works and all apparatus and appurtenances thereunto belonging and appertaining or there- with connected, and wheresoever situated as in no Aviso to endanger the public health or safety : Provided always, that nothing in this Act contained shall prevent the said Corpo- ration, their Officers, Servants, or Workmen from being pro- secuted for public or private nuisance arising from the said Water Works, or any apparatus or appurtenances thereof, wheresoever situated, or from any neglect or want of skill on the part of the persons employed by the said Corporation, or to prevent the effect of any sentence or judgment lawfully rendered upon any such prosecution. 9. And be it enacted. That if any person or persons shall lay or cause to bo laid any pipe or main to communicate with any pipe or main belonging to the said Corporation, or in any way obtain or use its water without the consent of the said Corporation, ho or they shall forfeit and pay to the said Corporation the sum of twenty-five pounds current money of this Province ; and also, a further sum of one pound for each day such pipe or aiaiu shall so remain ; which said sum, together with costs of suit in that behalf incurred, may be recovered by civil action in any Court of Law in this Pro- vince, having civil jurisdiction to that amount. 10. And be it enacted. That in order to preserve the Avatcr now or hereafter to be conveyed into the said city, and the parts thereunto adjacent, clean and wholesome, if any person shall bathe or wash, or cleanse any cloth, wool, leather, skins, animals, or any noisome or offensive thing in any of the re- servoirs, cisterns, ponds, sources or fountains, from which the water to stipply the said City is to be obtained or con- voyed, or cast, throw or put any filth, dirt, dead carcasses, or other noisome or oft'onsivc things therein, or cause, permit, or suffer the water of any sink, sewer or drain to run or be conveyed into the same, or cause any other annoyance to bo IVnalty on pro- ciirin;; water without tlie consent of the Cori'oration, tVoni their Water Works. I'enalties on iiersons pollut- lug waters in reservoirs. CITY CIIAUTER AND OTHER ACTS. 129 them lancc lall 80 IS and there- rise to 3, that Corpo- g pro- lie said hereof, gkill on tion, or awfully lus shall ate with n, or in ,t of the the said loucy of [for each Ad sum, may he this Tro- done to the Avater therein, every such person shall, on con- viction thereof he.fore any Justice of the Peace of the District, on the oath of one credihle witness, he by the said Justice before whom such person shall be tried or convicted, adjudged and condemned to pay a penalty for every such offence, not exceeding five pounds, current money of this Province, one half to be applied to the use of the said Corporation, and the other half to him or her who shall sue for the same ; and in case the party suing for the same shall be the Corporation itself, or any of their Officers or Servants, then the whole of the said penalty shall be applied to the uses of the said Cor- poration, and the said Justice may also in his discretion further condemn such person to be confined in the Common Gaol of the District for a space of time not exceeding one month, 'IS to such Justice may seem meet. 11. Anu be it enacted. That if any person or persons shall r.maitv on por- wilfuUy or maliciously hinder, obstruct, embarrass oi' interrupt or'injurTiiK* "" the said Corporation, their Agent, or Agents, Officers, Work- woVkB. men. Servants or Assistants, or any of them, in making, erecting, repairing or doing or performing any of the works aforesaid, or in the exercise of any of the powers and authori- ties by this Act granted, or shall break up, pull down, take away, put out of order, destroy, damage, or injure, any engine, water-house, pipe, plug or other works, or any matter, apparatus, device, or thing already made or provided, or which shall be made or provided for the purposes aforesaid, or any of the materials used or provided for the same or or- dered to bo erected, laid down or belonging to the said Cor- * • poration in connexion with the said works, or shall in any wise wilfully do any other injury or damage for the purpose of obstructing, hindering, interrupting or embarrassing the construction, complctioik, maintaining or repairing of the said works, or in any wise cause or procure the same to bo done, every person or pei-sons so offending shall, for every such offence, forfeit and pay to the said Corporation the amount of damages sustained by means of such offence or injury, to bo recovered by the said Corporation, with costs of suit, by 180 CITY CHARTER AND QTIIER ACTS. Corporntion may inak» liy- laws for the re- gulation, llUlill- tiiimiioo, and itrotoclion of \\w Watoi- WorkH. Corporation to have no powor to enact iiny liy-law lni|u)H- iiiK any Ruuoral water rent or tax.nntl toconi- iH'lleuiints,&c., to take tlie wa- ter. action of debt before any competent Court or Tribunal within this Province. 12. And be it enacted, That it shall and may be lawful for the said Corporation as aforesaid, and they are hereby au- thorized and empowered to make such By-laws as to them shall seem requisite and necessary, for prohibiting, by fine not exceeding five pounds, currency, or imprisonment not exceeding one month, any person being occupant, tenant, or inmate of any house, supplied with water from the said Water Works, from vending, selling, or disposhig of the said water, from giving it away, or permitting it to bo so taken or carried away, or from using or applying it to the use or benefit of others, or to any other than to his, her or their own use or benefit, or increasing the supply of water agreed for with the said Corporation, or wrongfully, negligently or improperly wasting the water, for regulating the time, manner, extent and nature of the supply of water to be provided and supplied by the said Works, the tenement or parties to which and whom the same shall bo furnished, the price or prices to be exacted therefor, the time and mode and circumstances of payment therefiir, and each and every other matter or thing, relating to or connected therewith, which it may be necessary or pniper to direct, regulate or determine for issuing to the inhabitants of the said city, a continued and abundant supply of pure and wholesome water, and to prevent the practising of frauds upon the said Corporation with regard to the water so to be supplied. 13. And be it enacted, That nothing in this Act contained shall extend or be . construed to extend to confer upon the said Corporation any additional right of assessment beyond that now by them enjoyed, or of enforcing any general water rent or tax, or to permit the said Corporation by any By-law or other Municipal regulation hereafter to be determined upon by the said Corporation, in reference to the said Water Works, to subject any proprietor, householder or other person Or persons to any general water rent or tax, unless ho or they be actually supplied with water, or to compel any such pro- prietor, householder or other jwrson or persons to roeeive CITY CHARTER AND OTHER ACTS. 181 tlio said water, or the conduits thereof, into his or their premises. 14. And ho it enacted. That for the purpose of effecting the purchase of the said Water Works, as aforesaid, if it shall then ho deemed expedient hy the said Corporation, it shall and may he lawful for the said Corporation, on or after the completion of the purchase oi the said Water Works, to issue under the hand of the Mayor, and the seal of the said Corjwration, debentures or Corporation honds, to the amount of fifty thousand pounds, current money aforesaid, payable on or before the first day of November, in the year of Our Lord, one thousand eight hundred and sixty-eight, and bearing interest, payable semi-annually, on the first days of May and November, in each and every year, and at a rate not exceedhig six per centum per annum. 15. And be it enacted. That all the revenues arising from or out of the supplying of water, or from the property, movable or immovable, connected witli the said Water Works, to be acquired by the said Corporation under this Act, shall, after providing for the interest accruing on the debentures or Corporation ')ond8 issued by the said Corpo- ration in pursuance of this Act, and the expenses attendant uj)on the maintenance of the said Water Works, be applied towards the immediate extinction of the principal of the debt incurred in the purchase thereof; and the said Corporation is hereby strictly prohibited and enjoined from applying any surplus revenue arising from the Water Works to any other purpose whatsoever, until the whole of the said debt and interest shall have been fully and completely discharged and extinguished, after which such surplus revenue shall make part of the general funds of the Corporation, and may bo apjilied accordingly. 10. And be it enacted. That receipts for any interest due on all debentures or Corporation bonds that shall lawfully be issued by the authority of this Act, and which shall from time to time remain undischarged and uncancelled, as well us such debentures or Corporation bonds themselves, shall and may, ailer the period therein ap)K)inted for the payment C^orporation nil. thorliiodtuiHHiii^ (lolioiituruH or hoiidH t() tlui amount of -C5()- (KK), r(Mloi)inal)l(> on or Ixit'oio IhI November, iWlH, with iiitei't'Ht Homl-annuully. Itovoniit'H arlM- inu from tlitt Wntf-r VVorkH <o l>« n)i|ilii'(l to tlio iiuymcht of tli(t |irin(;i|>ul nnd hiteriwt of |)iircliuMuui(l to no other piir- poHe until the Humu lit puid utf. DelienlureM or the interest thiM'eon muv he iiiild to the I'Uy TreitNurer In piivmcnt of uny deht dun tlie olty. 132 CITY CHARTER AND OTHER ACTS. Iiitorost not to run on dobon- tiirvK wliou in tlio hands of tho ritv Trensurcr. IVrsonH paying di>lH>ntHrt>» to ("Hy 'rruBsiin'r to (MidorKU tlio tinjo of piiy- niont. of either thereof, bo received and taken, by the 'J'roasnror of the said city, from any person making payment to him upon any account or for any cause whatever, on account of the said city, and that the same shall be deemed and taken as money, and as such shall bo charged against, and credited to, such 'treasurer aforesaid in his accounts with tlie said City : Provided always, that no interest shall run or be paid upon or for any such debenture during the time such de- benture or Corporation bond so paid shall remain in the hands of the Treasurer as aforesaid, but for such time the interest on every such debenture or Corporation bond shall cease. 17. And be it enacted, That the person or persons who shall pay any such debenture or Corporation bond so bearing interi K<t, to the City Treasurer aforesaid, shall, at the time of making such payment, put his, or her, or their name or names, and write thereupon in words at length, the day of the month and year in which ho, she or they so paid such debenture or Corporation bond, bearing interest ; all which the said City Treasurer shall take care to see done and perform accordingly ; and to the day so ascertained, the said City Treasurer shall be allowed the interest which he shall have paid or allowed upon such debenture or Corporation bond hi his accounts with the said city. 18. And be it enacted, That if any person or persons shall forge, alter or counterfeit any such debenture or Corporation bond which shall be issued under the authority of this Act, and remaining uncancelled, or any stamp, endorsement or writing therein or thereon, or tender in payment any such forged, altered or counterfeit dcbenttiro or Corporati<m bond, or any debenture or Corporation bond with such <"^'.nterteit endorsement or writing thereon or therein, or shall demand to have such altered or counterfeit debenture or Corporation bond or any debenture or Cor[)oration bond, with such altered or counterfeit endorsement or writing thereon or therein, exchanged for ready money by any person or |)cr- sons who shall be obliged or ro<piired to exchange the same, or by any other person or persons whomsoever knowing the runislimont on IMtnonH forffiuff, altorhifr or \*»u- ing foi'ffod or countorlt'lt do- bonture*. CITY CITAHTRn AND OTIIKR ACTS. 1B« <lol)onturo or Corporation bond, m tondorcd in payment or (loniandod to bo oxcbanj^od, or tho ondorHoininit or writing thoroon or thoroin, to bo tor^cul an<l count(M't(nit, and witb intent to deiVatid tho said city, or tlio ])erHo»i appointed to pay oft* tho sanio, or any of thoni, or any other pcrHon or l)errtons, bodies politic or corporate, tlien every such [xn'Mon or permms ho offlMulin;^, beinj; thereof convicted, Hhall be ad- Jadj^e<l a fphm, and shall bo liable, at the discretion of the Court before which he, she or they may be tried, to be con- Hned at hard laboiil* in the Provincial I'onitentiary, for any period not loss than three years, or to be imprisoned iti any otluu* Prison or place of confinement for any period not ex- ceeding two years. 11>. And bo it enacted, That it shall be tho duty of the cny rnnHincr City Treasurer aforesaid, whenever calhMl upon to pay or jmynI."i"t''or in- allow tho interest upon any of the debentures or ( Corporation (um. bonds issued under the authority of this Act, to take care; to have the same en(h)rsed on such dobcnture or ( Corporation bond at tho time of payment thereof, oxpnisslng tho period up to which the said interest shall have been so paid. . ' 20. And bo it enacted. That at any time afttu* th(» de- <oiiiomiion iiy /-I L- I ^ i> xi i^i i^ I II I nolIcK to ciill III bcntures or Corporation bonds, or any ot them that shall he (i«'iM<ii(iiii'H<tv(r issued under tho authority ot this Act, shall resi)ectivoly "••• <" xt.ii. >,» , 1 . . 1 11 1 '''••"•"••ii''" •Mill- become duo accordui'? to tho terms thoreot, it shall and '"' '"' "H'r hIx " _ _ iiiiiiilliH hIiiiII may bo lawful for the Corporation aforesaid, if tiny shall ••uvufxiiin'ti. think proper so to do, to direct a notice to be inserted in two or more of tho Newspapers jiublishcd in the said city, in tho Kn;^lish and French liin;;ua;^('s, r(M(uiriiig all holders of the said debentures or Corporation bonds to present tho same for i)aym(!nt, accordinjj; to tho conditions • thereof; and if after the insertion of such notices for thnto months, any debentures or (Corporation bonds thciii payablo shall remain out more than six months from tho first publi- cation of such notice, all interest on such debentures or Corporation bonds, after tho exi)iration of the said six months, shall ceaso and bo no further payable in n^sjtect of the time which may elapse between the expiration of the said six months, and their presentment for payment. 184 CITY CHARTER AND OTHER ACTS. Corporation may call in do- bcnturcs boforo thoy are niado nnyablo, and af- ter six montlis' notice all inter- oat thereon to bo stopped. Corporation not to bo pre- vented IVom borrowing mo- ney for the gen- eral purposes of tliecity.ashere- tofon>. Particnlarstatc- ments of the re- venue and ex- penditure of the . VValerWorksto " be kept and an- nually publish- ed. 21 . And be it enacted, That whenever it shall be deemed expedient by tfie said Corporation to redeem the said de- bentures or Corporation bonds, or any of them, at any time prior to the date at which the same may be made payable, with a view to diminish the debt to be contracted in the purchase of the said Water Works, it shall and may bo law- ful for the said Corporation to direct a notice to be inserted in all the newspapers published in the said City of Montreal, requiring all holders of the said debentures or Corporation bonds to present the same for payment; and if after the insertion of such notice for three months, any debentures or Corporation bonds, then issued, shall remain out more than six months after the first publication of such notice, all inter- est on such debentures or Corporation bonds, after the expiration of the said six months, shall cease and be no further payable in respect of the time which may elapse between the expiration of the said six months, and their pre- sentment for payment. 22. And be it enacted. That nothing in this Act contained shall extend or be construed to extend to diminish the power and authority of the Corporation, aforesaid, hereafter to borrow on the credit of the said city, for the general uses and purposes of the said city, as fully and effectually as though the said city were not indebted for the purchase of the Water Works as aforesaid, or that debentures or Cor- poration bonds had not been issued by them for the amount or purchase thereof, or as if this Act had not been passed, any Act, Statute or Law or provision thereof to the contrary notwithstanding. 23. And be it enacted. That the said Corporation shall be, and they are hereby required to keep or cause to be kept separate books and accounts of the receipts and dis- bursements for and on account of the said Water Works, distinct from the books and accounts relating to the other property, funds or assets belonging to the said city, and shall annually, on or after the first day of January in each and every year, cause a statement of the affairs of the said Water Works to be published in two or more of the News- CITY CHARTER AND OTHER ACTS. 136 . shall to be nd dis- Works, other ty, and in each he said News- papers of the said city, in the English and French languages, wherein shall be stated, the amount of the rents, issues and profits, arising from the said Works, the number of tenants supplied with water, the extent and value of the movable and immovable property thereunto belonging, the amount of debentures or Corporation bonds then issued and remain- ing unredeemed and uncancelled, and the interest paid thereon, or yjet due and unpaid : the expenses of collection and management, and all other contingencies, salaries of oflScers and servants, the cost of repairs, improvements and alterations, the prices paid for the acquisition of any real estate that may be required for the use of the said Water Works, as also the value received for any real estate that may be sold and disposed of by the said Corporation, and generally such a statement of the revenue and expenditure of the said Water Works as will at all times afford to the Citizens of the said City of Montreal, a full and cemplete knowledge of the state of the affairs of the said Montreal Water Works. 24. And be it enacted. That nothing in this Act contained Act not to prc- shall extend or be construed to ex.ond to prevent any person Water woik.s. or persons. Body Corporate, Politic or Collegiate, from con- Legislature, structing any Works for the supply of water to his or their own premises, or to prevent the Legislature of the Province at any time hereafter, from altering, modifying or repealing the powers, privileges or authorities hereinbefore granted to or obtained by the said Corporation. 25. And be it enacted, That nothing herein contained itigiitH of tiic shall affect or be construed to affect, in any manner or way saved. ' whatsoever, the rights of Her Majesty, Her Heirs or Suc- cessors, or of any person or persons, or of any Bodies Politic or Corporate, except such only as are herein mentioned. 20. And be it enacted, That if any action or suit shall be Limitation of brought against any person or persons for any thing done in pursuance- of this Act, the same shall be brought within six calendar months next after the fact committed, or in case there shall be a continuation of damages, then within six calendar months after the doing or committing such damages. 136 CITY CHARTER AND OTHER ACTS. Cionoral Ishuo and speoini mat- tor in ovidouco. shall ccosc, and tlio Defendant or Defendants shall and may plead the general issue and give this Act and the special matter in evidence at any trial to be had thereupon, and that the same was done in pursuance of and under the authority of this Act ; and if it shall appear to have been so done, or if any such action or suit shall be brought after the time before limited for bringing the same, then the judgment shall bo entered for the Defendant or Defendants, or if the Plaintiff or Plaintiffs shall become nonsuit or shall suffer dis- continuance of his or their action or suit, after the Defendant or Defendants shall have appeared, or if a judgment shall be entered against the Plaintiff or Plaintiffs, or if upon ex- ceptions or otherwise, judgment shall be given against the Plaintiff or Plaintiffs, the Defendant or Defendants shall have treble costs, and shall have such remedy for the same, as any Defendant hath for costs of suits in other cases of law. 27. .And be it enacted. That all the enactments and pro- visions of the Ordinance of the Governor and Special Council, of the late Province of Lower Canada, passed in the fourth year of Her Majesty's Ileign, and intituled. An Ordinatice to incorporate the City and Town of Montreal^ as amended by a certain Ordinance of the Governor and Special Council aforesaid, passed for that purpose, also in the fourth year of Her present Majesty's Reign, and intituled. An Ordinance to amend the Ordinance to incorporate the City and Town of Montreal^ shall, in so. far as they shall not be repugnant to or inconsistent with, the express enactments and evident intent of this Act, extend to, and govern each and every act and thing required or authorized to be performed and done, under the authority of this Act, as if this Act had formed part of the said last mentioned Ordinances, or of either of them. 28. And be it enacted, That all Acts or Provisions of Law in force in this Province, or in any part thereof, before or up to the time when this Act shall come into force, which shall be inconsistent with, or contradictory to this Act, or which make any provision in any matter provided for by this Act, other than such as is hereby made in such matters, shall, Treble costs. Ordiiiniices in- cnrporntiiiff the City of Mon- treal, in 80 iUr a« tliey aro not renuKnant to tll»8 Act, to flfOV- orn any matter riHiuircd under tliiA Act. All Act* or pro- visions of law, repugnant to or inconsistent witlitliisAct, to be repealed, ex- cept as to i)n8t transactions. CITY CHAllTKll AND OTHER ACTf». m: or from and aftor tho timo when this Act shall como into force, bo and they arc hereby repealed, except in so far as may relate to any circumstance, act or thing occurring, done, or effected before tho commencement of this Act, which shall be dealt with, adjudged upon, and determined, as if this Act had not been passed. 29. And bo it enacted. That this Act shall be and is here- by declared to be a Public Act, and shall as such be judicially taken notice of by all Judges, Justices and other persons in this Province, witliout being specially pleaded. To bo <I(>oiiii'() H |)ublio Act. of Law ire or up Ich shall \v which lis Act, 3, shall, 138 CITY CHARTER AND OTHER ACTS. rrcamblc. I'roviniong v., 0. 44, toiidod. (16 Victoria, Cap. 127.) An Act to authorize the Mayor, Aldermen, and Citizens of the City of Montreal to bor- row a certain sum of money, and to erect therewith Water Works for the use of the said city, and to extend and amend the provisions of any Act relating thereto. (Sanctioned 23rd May, 1853.) "^17" HERE AS, the present supply of water for the City If of Montreal, and the mode adopted for supplying the same, have been found to be insufficient ; And whereas it is necessary greatly to increase that, supply ; And whereas the Mayor, Aldermen and Citizens of the said City of Montreal by their Petition have prayed that powers be granted them for that purpose : Be it therefore enacted by the Queen's Most Excellent Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Council and of the Legislative Assembly of the Province of Canada, constituted and assembled by virtue of and under the authority of an Act passed in the Parlia- ment of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, and intituled. An Act to re-unite the Provinces of Upper and Lower Canada, and for the Government of Canada, and it of 7 is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, That all and every the powers, privileges and authority of the Corporation of the said City of Montreal under the Act of the Parliament of this Province passed in the seventh year of Her Majesty's reign, and intituled. An Act to authorize the Mayor, Alder- men and Citizens of Montreal to purchase, acquire and hold the property now known as the Montreal Water Works, shall, in so far as the same apply to the construction and extension of Water Works in the City of Montreal and the parts adja- ex- Cc CITY CHARTER AND OTHER ACTS. 189 men, bor- erect f the i the 3. he City ^ing the ;as it is Teas the Montreal id them [Queen's consent imbly of ky virtue Parlia- I Ireland, )er and , and it all and rporation [rliament [ajesty's ', Alder- ind hold ;«, shall, ixtension Irts adja- tu m cent thereto, be and belong to the said Corporation for the erection and construction of the Water Works constructed or erected, or intended so to be, under this Act ; and all and every the clauses of the said Act shall be held to be a portion of this Act, in every particular thereof not inconsistent with the provisions hereof. 2. And be it enacted, That for the purpose of establish- corp..i«ti«.ii ing the said Water Works as aforesaid, it shall and may be aU"'7gg"j?*'',io. lawful for the said (Corporation to borrow a sum not exceeding ben<«"'«'''- one hundred and fifty thousand pounds sterling money of Great Britain, before or after the completion of the said Water Works, and to issue under the hand of the Mayor and the seal of the said Corporation, debentures or Corporation bonds, to the said amount of one hundred and fifty thou- sand pounds sterling, aforesaid, payable on or before the first day of November, in the year of our Lord, one thousand eight hundred and seventy-eight, and bearing interest, pay- able semi-annually, on the first days of November and May in each and every year, and at a rate not exceeding six per centum per annum ; and all such debentures may be in any form not inconsistent with this Act, and may have coupons thereunto annexed for the half yearly interest thereon, which coupons being signed by the Mayor or Treasurer of the Corporation, shall be respectively payable to the bearer there- of, when the half yearly interest therein mentioned becomes due , and shall, on payment thereof, be delivered up to the Corpora- tion ; and the possession of any such coupon by the Corporation shall be primd facie evidence that the half year's interest therein mentioned has been pp,id according to the tenor of such debenture ; and all the provisions of this section shall i>ioviMi«tun «u apply as well to the debentures heretofore issued as to those xwcln^vMXyt to be issued after the passing of this Act ; and all such de bentures, and as well the interest as the principal thereof, are and shall be secured on the general funds of the said Corporation, as well as by the special privilege on the Water Works mentioned in the fifteenth section of the Act above cited, which said privileges shall nevertheless only rank in order next after the privilege secured to the holders of bonds itucrt. 140 CITY CHARTER AND OTHER ACTS. Deboiitiirus may bo ixtyablu I'ithcr within or without tlio rnniiiop, &c. Water Works pledged for the loan contracted under tliis Act. ( 'orporatioH may sell exist- ing Water Wtirks. issued under the provisions of the said Act, passed in the seventh year of Her Majesty's rei^, or of any Act or pro- vision of law in amendment thereof. 3. And bo it enacted, That any sums which the said Corporation is empowered to borrow under this Act, may bo borrowed either in this Province or elsewhere, and the prin- cipal sum and interest thereon as aforesaid may bo made payable either in this Province or elsewhere, and either in the currency of Canada, or in that of the place where the same shall be payable ; and generally all the provisions of the Acts now in force as to debentures issued by the said Corporation shall apply to those to be issued under this Act, except only in so far as they may bo inconsistent with this Act. 4. And be it enacted. That the saicl Water Works to bo erected and constructed under this Act, and also the land to be acquired for the purposes thereof, and every matter and thing therewith connected, shall be and they are hereby spe- cially charged, pledged, mortgajrcd and hypothecated for the repayment of any sum or sums which may be borrowed by the said Corporation for the purposes of this Act, as well as for the due and punctual payment of the interest there- upon ; and all, each and every of the holders of the De- bentures in the last previous section mentioned shall have a concurrent pledge, mortgage, hypothec or privilege on the said Water Works and property appertaining thereto for securing the payment of the said debentures and the interest thereon. 5. And be it enacted, That the said Corporation shall have power to sell, alienate, lease, and convey all or any paito of the existing Water' Works and property appurtenant thereto or connected therewith, and to let and lease for life or for years, or for any number of years, any water privileges or ground therefor, belonging or appertaining to the said Cor- poration or which may be acquired by the said Corporation for the purposes of the said Water Works, upon such terms and conditions as to the said Corporation may appear just and expedient. CITY CHARTER AND OTIIQR ACTS. 341 G. And 1)0 ifc enacted, That for and notwithstandin<' any iFowcompciiMi. 1 • 1 . , . , ,,,, , Jlon for iiripiicr- ihmrr to the contrary contained in the nith or any otiier sec- ty taken. &<•.. L- n , •!* 1. , 1 /.TF h1ih1II)oI1.\<(I1ii tion ot tlio said Act passed m the seventh year of licr iiwo oi hoh- Majesty's reif;n, and incorporated with this Act as aforesaid, the price or compensation to be paid hy the said Corporation for or ui respect of any real i)ropcrty to be taken or entered into hy them in pursuance of the said Act or of this Act, not being within the limits of the said city, shall be ascertained, fixed and <lotermined not by a jury, as provided by the sixty- eighth section of the Act passed in the session held in the fourteenth and fifteenth years of Her Majesty's reign, in- tituled. An Aet to amend and consolidate the provisions of i4, isv.c. i2k. the Ordinancj; to incorporate the City and Town of Mon- treal, and of a certain Ordinance and certain Acts amending the same, and to vest certain other powers in the Corporation of the said Cit// of Montreal, but by appraisers to be indift'er- ently chosen, in manner following, to wit, one by the said Corporation, another by the said person or party, and a third or umpire, only in case of difference of opinion between them, by the said two others ; and in case of the person or party neglecting to choose and appoint an appraiser within four days after notice in writing to that effect served upon him by or on behalf of the said Corporation, or in case of the apprai- sers chosen and appointed not agreeing upon the nomination of such third or umpire, an appraiser for such party o; such third shall be appointed by any of the Judges of the Superior Court residing at Montreal ; and the said appraisers and third ji.m). .. in... or umpire shall be sworn before such Judge l)efore their iipprniifei's. operation, which shall be conducted in the manner provided by the law of Lower Canada for, proceedings by experts; and they shall hear ^tny witnesses who may be brought before them in relation to the matter of the said appraisement, the said witnesses first sworn before a Judge or a Commissioner for taking affidavits or before any one of the said appraisers ; and the decision of the said two appraisers if they shall agree, or of any one of the said appraisers and the umpire shall be conclusive, notwithstanding any want or defect of form in their proceedings. 142 CITY CHARTER AND OTHER ACTS. Corporation may extend their works thirty miles trom the city. Uridseg to bo built by the Corporation in certain cases. < 'orporatiun may purchase ci'i'tulii pro- perty, ^^ith the coMHont of the owncrH. Corporation to make I'onccit. 7. And be it enacted, That the said Corporation shall have power to extend all or any of their works for the said Water Works, to a distance not more than thirty miles from the limits of the City of Montreal : and all and every the provisions of law under the said Act in the first section of this Act mentioned, shall apply to the said extension, save and except as is herein and hereby expressly excepted. 8. And be it enacted. That if the said Corporation shall conduct the water for the supply of the said city and parts adjacent thereto under this Act, by or through a canal, the said Corporation shall have the power to lay out a road on cither or both sides of the said canal, and upon the land by them acquired for the purposes thereof, of sucl\_ width as the said Corporation shall deem expedierit for public use or for the agricultural purposes of the proprietors through whose lands the said canal shall pass ; and the Corporation shall, at their own expense, construct and maintain a good and suffi- cient farm bridge with a hand rail on each side thereof across the said canal, opposite, or as nearly so as possible, to the centre of the width of each farm divided in its length by the said cf,nal, unless it shall be otherwise agreed upon in any case between them and the proprietor of any such farm. 9. And be it enacted, That it shall be lawful for the said Corporation to purchase and ac({uire, take and hold with the consent of the proprietor or other person having the right to sell or dispose of any real or immovable property intersected or divided by the line of the said canal, the rear portions of such property separated by the said canal from the residue thereof, as shall not be necessary for the purposes of the said Water Works ; and it shall be It^wful for the said Corporation there- after to sell the same for the benefit of the said Water Works in the manner hereinafter mentioned. 10. And be it enacted, That the said Corporation shall con- struct and maintain, at their own expense, good and sufficient fences and ditches on each side of the land acquired by them for the purposes of the said canal, and along the lines of division between the same and the properties on either side thereof. CITY CHARTER AND OTHER ACTS. 148 11. And be it enacted, That it shall be lawful for the said Corporation, and they are hereby authorized, to dredge, widen, deepen, and otherwise improve the little river, brook, or stream known aa the River St. Pierre from the place where it may be reached, crossed or intersected by the said canal to its mouth, in such way and to such extent as may be necessary to adapt it to the reception and discharge of the waste or surplus water or drainage and leakage from the said canal or to make a new tail-race or discharge apart from the said little river ; and for any such purpose, as well as for the purpose of making all such and so many catchwatcr and off take drains as may be found necessary in connection with the said canal, or for the purpose of diverting the drainage thereof or therefrom in other directions, by themselves, their deputies, agents, workmen and servants, at any time to enter into and upon and pass and repass over, across and along any lands and premises within the said distance of thirty miles from the said city, doing as little damage as possible •jind paying to the owner or other occupier thereof, or person interested therein, such compensation as may be agreed upon or as may be awarded in that behalf by appraisers chosen and appointed for the purpose of ascertaining, fixing and determining the same in the manner hereinbefore provided. 12. And bo it enacted, That it shall not be lawful for the said Corporation to sell or lease any real or immovable pro- perty under this Act otherwise than by public auction, to be held at some certain time and place within the said city, of which at least fifteen days' public notice shall bo given, by advertisement in at least one newspaper published in the said city in the English language, and in at least one other news- paper published in the said city in the French language, which said advertisement shall bo published at least six times in each of the said newspapers during the said period of fifteen days. 13. And bo it enacted, That this Act shall bo hold to be a Tublic Act. Corporation may drodgo the littlu Kivor M. riurro, &e., and provide for tlut carrying off of surplus water. In wliatinaiinur onlv tlio Corpo- ration shall soil any r<>al pro- ]iprty under this Act. Publio Act, 144 CITY CIIAKTKll AND OTHER ACTS. I (19 Victoria, Cap. 70.) An Act to autliorize the Mayor, Aldcnnen and Citizens of the City of Montreal to borrow a sum of fifty thousand i)ounds for the purpose of conipleting the new Water Works in the City of Montreal. (Assented to I9th June, 1856.) Preamble. TXrHEREAS the Mayor, Aldermen and Citizens of the If City of Montreal have, by their Petition, represented that, in order to complete the New Water Works, now in course of construction in the City of Montreal, a larger sum of money will bo required than they have it in their power to borrow, and thoy have prayed to bo authorized to borrow a , further sum not exceeding fifty thousand pounds to be applied ♦ solely to the construction of said works : Therefore, Her Ma- jesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Council and Assembly of Canada, enacts as follows : roiporation 1. It shall and may be lawful for tho said Corporation, for 'wiWTt^iinR the purpose of completing tho Water Works now in course of »}•' u'lVwtttcr construction in tho City of Montreal, to borrow a sum not exceeding fifty thousand pounds sterhng money of Great Britain, in addition to any sum thoy are now authorized to borrow for tho same purpose, and to issue, under tho hand of the Mayor and tho seal of the said Corporation, debentures or Corporation bonds, to tho amount of the said sum of fifty thousand pounds sterling, payable on or before the first day of November, one thousand eight hundred and cighty-ono, and bearing interest, payable semi-annually, on tho first days of November and May in each and every year, and at a rate iM-rm of dobcn. not cxcccding six per centum per annum ; and all such de- «i!ro-, &c. bentures may bo in any form not inconsistent witli this Act, and may have coupons thereunto annexed, for the half-yearly . CITY CUAUTKll AND OTlIKtt ACTS. HA 3rmen )al to ids tbv Water 18 of the n'cscntcd 9, now in irgcr sum • power to borrow a )c applied , Ilcr Ma- .of^islativo interest thereon, which coupons beinj; Hi{j;ne<l by the Mayor or Treasurer of the Corporation, shall be resjoetivoly payable to the bearer thereof, when the half-yearly interest therein mentioned becomes due, and shall, on payment thore(>f, bo delivered up to the Corporation ; and tho nossossion of any To ii« m'.m i such coupons by tho Corporation shall bo pnnut jane, evi- vii<'«<' on Ww dence that the half year's niterest therein nientioned has VI'"'"'" '' ..^' • '• *' ^ 41, iiM well ii« (III been paid according' to the tenor of sueh debenture : and all !'"' H''"i:':'l' ' " ' Unitlxiit I lid such debentures, as woll the interest as the principal thereof, c»y. •'"< »»«'i- shall bo secured on the general finids of the said Corporation, as well as by special privilege on the said Water Works mentioned in tho fifteenth section of the Act pas^'ed in the seventh year of Her Majesty's reign, intituled. An Act to authorize the Mujfor^ Aldermen ami (Htizems of Montreal to l>urel'isi>., 'Kujnire and hold the propertif noto known an the Moi'fr ' Jl'nter Wor/cfi, which said privilege shall neverthe- less ( ;, r.,nk in order next after the privilege secured to the holders of bouds issued luider the provisions of the said Act, or of any Act or provision of law in amendment thereof, or subsequent thereto, and prior to the passing of this Act. 2. Any sum which the said Corporation is empowered to hiiM-nfnnH 1 1 !•». II I'li'ti- '""y '"' i"'v"ii'<' borrow under this Act may be l)orrowe(l in this iTovince iii<iinH.iiior • , , , , ... , . , <'Ihi'wIii>iii, itiiil or elsewhere, and the principal sum and interest thereon in «itin imy or .... Htnlliix. as aforesaid may be made jiayable citliei' in this Province or elsewhere, and either in the currency of Canatla or in that of tho place where the same shiiU bo i»ayal)le, and generally all tho provisions of the Acts now in force as to the debentures issued by tho said Cori)oration shall apply to those to bo issued under this Act, except in so far as tlmy may be inconsistent with this Act. 15. The said Water Works now in construction in the said Wutcr w.iik», City of Montreal, ami also the land acquired for the purpose nimyni.nior • 1 • 1 iir iir 1 1 1 I • 1 llliMli'VH lior- ol the said Water Works, and every matter aiK) tiling there- rowifl iiii<i»r witli connected, shall bo and they are liereby specially charged, pledged, mortgaged and hypothtfcated for the re- payment of any sum or sums which may be borrowed by the ' said Corporation under this Act, as well as for the due and |iunctual payment of the interest thereupon. 146 CITY CHARTER AND OTHER ACTS. Tho moiioy may 4. It shall be lawful for the said Corporation to borrow the Ilncw iH^v.*! said sums of money under the provisions of the Act passed in the eighteenth year of Her Majesty's reign, intituled^ An Act to extend and amend the Act to establish a Consolidated Municipal Loan Fund for Upper Canada, by applying the same to Lower Canada, and for other purposes. < ( CITY CHARTEll AND OTHER ACTS. 141 (24 Victoria, Cap. 67.) An Act to authorize the Mayor, Aldermen and Citizens of the City of Montreal to borrow an additional sum for the purpose of completing the new Water Works in the said city, and to restrict the annual expenditure of the Council of the said city within certain limits. (Assented to ISth May, 1861.) WHEREAS, it is necessary for the good working of the Preambi.'. Water Works of the City of Montreal, to complete certain works and to make new ones ; and whereas the Council of the said city have, by their petition, asked for the authority they require to borrow the sum necessary for that purpose ; and whereas it is expedient to restrict the annual expenditure to be made by the said Council within certain limits : Therefore, Her Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Council and Assembly of Canada, enacts as follows : 1. All the powers, privileges and authority already pos- acn 7 v., c. «. flossed by the Corporation of the said city, in and by the Act incorporated XI ^r. . . 1 . n . « 11 ,, » . . . WiUl thlH Act. seventh Victona, chapter forty-four, and by the Act sixteenth Victoria, chapter one hundred and twenty-seven, are hereby conferred upon and shall appertain to the said Corporation, in so far as they may apply to the purposes of this Act, and the same may be required for the objects hereinafter men- tioned ; and each and every section of the two above cited Acts shall be held to form part of the present Act, in so far as the same may bo consistent with the provisions of this Act. 148 CITY CHARTER AND OTHER ACTS. I ('orporation may increase the power in the wheel-liouBC, and construct a tail-race. Corporation may borrow «200,000 for certain pur- poses relating to tlie Water Worlis. l>el)enture!i. 2. The said Corporation is hereby authorized to increase the motive power of the wheel-house by means of which the water conveyed through the newly constructed aqueduct is forced into the reservoirs of the said city, either by adding one or more wheels to the said wheel-house, or otherwise, and to construct and open, upon such site as will appear most convenient, a tail-race, by which the waste water coming from the new aqueduct into the wheel-house, may be carried into the river St. Lawrence ; and for that pur- pose to acquire, in the manner and form and upon the con- ditions prescribed in and by the said Act, sixteenth Victoria, chapter one hundred and twenty-seven, all real estate, or any part thereof, which may be acquired for the construction of the said tail-race. 3. The said Corporation is hereby authorized to borrow, for the purposes mentioned in the preceding section, as also for enlarging the storage for water, for providing an addi- tional rising main, and for completing the laying of the distribution pipes throughout the said city, a sum not ex- ceeding two hundred thousand dollars, and to issue, under the hand of the Mayor and seal of the Corporation, debentures or Corporation bonds, to the amount of two hundred thousand dollars aforesaid, payable twenty-five years after the date of the issue thereof respectively, and bearing interest payable semi-annually on Ihe first days of May and November in each and every year, and at a rate not exceeding six per centum per annum ; and all such debentures may be issued from time to time, at such periods, and for such amounts as shall be deemed expedient ; and they may have coupons annexed to them, for the half-yearly interest payable on them, which coupons, being signed by the Mayor or the Treasurer of the said Corporation, shall be respectively pay- able to the bearer thereof, when the half-yearly interest therein mentioned becomes due, and shall, on payment thereof, be delivered up to the said Corporation ; and the possession of any such coupon by the Corporation, shall be priind facie evidence that the half-year's interest therein mentioned has been paid, according to the tenor of such dc- ^'•"W<. CITY CHARTER AND OTHER ACTS. 149 benture ; and all such debentures, and as well the interest as the principal thereof, are and shall be secured on the general funds of the said Corporation, as well as by a special privilege on the Water Works of the said city, on the property to be acquired, and on the works to be made under the authority of this Act, the same being hereby spe- cially mortgaged for the payment of the debentures, both in capital and interest ; provided however, that the aforesaid privilege and mortgage shall in no manner or way interfere with or injure the rights of holders of debentures or coupons issued in virtue of the above cited Acts, or of any Act amending the same. 4. The amount which the said Corporation is empowered to borrow by the preceding section, may be borrowed cither in this Province or elsewhere, and the principal sum and interest thereon as aforesaid, may be made payable either in this Province or elsewhere, and cither in sterling money aforesaid, or the currency of this Province, or in that of the place where the same shall be payable, and generally all the provisions of the Acts now in force as to debentures issued by the said Corporation, shall apply to those to be issued under this Act, except only in so far as they may be incon- sistent Avith this Act. 5. From and after the civic year, which shall commence for the said city on the first day of February, one thousand eight hundred and sixty-two, it shall be the duty of tlie Council of the said city to make every year, on or before the first day of May, an appropriation of the amounts neces- sary to meet the expenses of the current year, by providing — 1. For the payment of the interest, and sums required for the Sinking Fund on the debt due by the said city ; 2. For the general and ordinary expenses of the city ; 3. For the sums required for contemplated improvements ; 4. For a reserve of not leas than five per centum to meet unforeseen expenditure ; Such appropriation shall never exceed the amount of the receipts from the preceding year, added to the balance of the said receipts which shall not have been ex[)ended. MortgaKO for securing pay- moiit of prin- cipal and in- terest. How and where debcntnreH may lio made pay- able. Yearly appro- piintiorN to be made by tlio City Council. . . rnpriationH limited. 150 CITY CHARTER AND OTHER ACTS. (Council to limit llie city expend- itiiro to tlio 8aid appropriations, be. I'oimltvon CouncHlors aiithoriKiiig any excess. Except in cases ofurffont neces- sity, &c., on im- posins a special tax, &c. Inconsistent enactments repealed. Public Act. 6. It shall not be lawful for the said Council to expend beyond the amount so appropriated and the amount of the other sums at their disposal out of the receipts' of the current year, except in cases and under the conditions hereinafter set forth ; but the Council may at any time vary the appli- cation of the sums set apart for improvements, and make use of the amount reserved for unforeseen expenditure. 7. The Mayor and Councillors who shall have sanctioned the expenditure of any sum of money beyond the amounts appropriated and the amounts at their disposal, in conformity with the foregoing sections, shall alone be personally res- ponsible therefor. 8. In cases of urgent necessity, the said Council may, by a majority composed of at least two-thirds of the members composing the same, pass a By-law to make any appropriation they may think necessary beyond the amounts at their dis- posal, provided, that by such By-law an additional tax shall be imposed, payable during the course of the year in which such By-law is dated, and sufficient to cover the amount so appropriated, which said tax shall be levied and assessed on all real estate in the said city. 9. All the provisions of any law inconsistent with the provisions of this Act shall be and the same are hereby repealed. 10. This Act shall be held and taken as a Public Act. \ CITY CHARTER AND OTHER ACTS. 151 (25 Victoria, Cap. 44.) An Act to authorize the Mayor, Aldermen and Citizens of the City of Montreal, to borrow certain sums of money for drain- age and other purposes therein mentioned. (Assented to 9t1i June, 1862.) WHEREAS it is necessary to provide means for the more rrcambic. effectual drainage of certain sections of the City of Montreal, where serious danger is apprehended to the lives of the inhabitants of the said city ; and whereas it is expedient to establish an Electric Fire-alarm Telegraph in the said city, the more effectually to guard against accidents by fire, and to subserve also the purposes of the Police and Water depart- ments ; and whereas the Council of the said city have, by their petition, asked for the authority they require, to borrow the sums necessary for the purposes above referred to, and it is expedient to grant such prayer : Therefore, Her Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Coun- cil and Assembly of Canada, enacts as follows : 1. For the purpose of draining the localities above referred Loan of sfHTo.oiuo to, and also to assist the said Corporation in making tlie im- tirHinngc. provements and street repairs that may be required in the said city, during the present year, the said Corporation is hereby authorized to borrow a sum not exceeding one hun- dred and seventy-five thousand dollars, and to issue, under the hand of the Mayor and seal of the Corporation, deben- Dobenturos. tures or Corporation bonds, to the amount of one hundred and seventy-five thousand dollars aforesaid, payable twenty- five years after the date of the issue thereof, respectively, and bearing interest payable semi-annually on the first days of May and November in each and every year, and at a rate not exceedi]ig six per centum per annum ; and all such 152 CITY CHAKTER AND OTHER ACTS. How Mjcurcd. Lunii of $20,000 Hutliorizod for City 'rt'legrnpli. Debentures. debentures may be issued from time to time, at such periods, and for such amounts as shall be deemed expedient ; and they Coupons. may have coupons annexed to them, for the half-yearly inter- est payable on them, which coupons, being signed by the Mayor or Treasurer of the said Corporation, shall be respec- tively payable to the bearer thereof, when the half-yearly interest therein mentioned becomes due, and shall, on pay- ment thereof, be delivered up to the said Corporation ; and the possession of any such coupons by the Corporation shall be primd facie evidence that the half-year's interest therein mentioned has been paid, according to the tenor of such debentures ; and all such debentures, the interest as well as the principal thereof, are and shall be secured on the general funds of the said Corporation. 2. For the purpose of constructing and establishing a City Electric Telegraph as aforesaid, it shall be lawful for the said Corporation to effect a special loan of twenty thousand dollars, to be designated the " City Telegraph Loan," and to issue, under the hand of the Mayor and the seal of the Corporation, debentures or Corporation bonds to the amount of twenty thousand dollars aforesaid, payable twenty-five years after the date of the issue thereof respectively, and bearing interest payable semi-annually on the first day of May and November in each and every year, and at a rate not exceeding six per centum per annum ; and all such debentures shall be headed ' with the words or title " The City Telegraph Loan," to desig- nate the object and pui'pose for which they shall be issued ; they may be issued from time to time, at such periods and for s.uch amounts as shall be deemed expedient ; and they may Coupons. ^8,ve coupons annexed to them, for the half-yearly interest payable on them, which coupons being signed by the Mayor ■- or the Treasurer of the said Corporation, shall be respectively payable to the bearer tliereof, when the half-yearly interest therein mentioned becomes due, and shall, on payment thereof, be delivered up to the said Corporation ; and the possession of any such coupons by the Corporation shall he primd facie evidence that the half-year's interest therein mentioned has been paid, according to the tenor of such debenture ,* and all CITY CHARTER AND OTHER ACTS. 153 jriods, dthey r inter- by the respec- -yearly >n pay- q; and m shall therem of such i well as general g a City the said 1 dollars, to issue, •poration, p twenty after the interest ovember ig six per headed to desig- >e issued ; and for hey may interest be Mayor spectively interest t thereof, possession imd facie tioned has •e ; and all is Ql t' such debentures, and as well the interest as the principal how secured, thereof, are and shall be secured on the general funds of the said Corporation, as well as by a special privilege on the works and apparatus to be constructed and established by means thereof. 3. The amount which the said Corporation is empowered Howandwiiero debentures niRy to borrow by the two preceding sections, may be borrowed be made pay- either in this Province or elsewhere, and the principal sum and interest thereon as aforesaid, may be made paya,ble either in this Province or elsewhere, and either in sterling money, or the currency of this Province, or in that of the place where the same shall be payable, and generally all the provi- sions of the Acts now in force as to debentures issued by the said Corporation, shall apply to those to be issued under this Act, except only in so far as they may be inconsistent with this Act. 4. And whereas the said Corporation of the Mayor, Aiders Recital of loan men and Citizens of the City of Montreal, under the authority and Atlantic r. of an Act of the Provincial Le^slature, passed in the twelfth year of Her Majesty's reign, intituled, An Act further to 12 v., 0. no. amend an Act incorporating the St. Lawrence and Atlantic Railroad Company, and with a view to promote the speedy completion of the said road, subscribed for five thousand shares of the stock of the said St. Lawrence and Atlantic Railroad Company, the said shares representing a capital of one hundred and twenty-five thousand pounds, for which the said Corporation issued their bonds or debentures, as a loan in favour of the said Company, payable as follows, viz : 1. Twenty-five thousand pounds ou the first of March, one thousand eight hundred and fifty-seven ; 2. Twenty-five thousand pounds on the first of June, one thousand eight hundred and fifty-nine ; 8. Twenty-five thousand pounds on the first of October, one thousand eight hundred and sixty-one ; 4. Twenty-five thousand pounds on the first of October, . one thousand eight hundred and sixty-three ; 6. Twenty-five thousand pounds on the first of September, one thousand eight hundred and sixty-five ; 164 CITY CHARTER AND OTHER ACTS. : ! 16 v., c. 89. And whereas an Act was passed in the sixteenth year of Her Majesty's reign, intituled, An Act to empower any Railivay Company whose Mailway forms part of the Main Trunk Line of Railway throughout this Province, to unite with any other such Company, or to purchase the property and rights of any such Company, and to repeal certain Acts therein mentioned, incorporating Railway Companies; and whereas under the powers and provisions of the hereinbefore last cited Act, the said St. Lawrence and Atlantic Railroad Company has been united with and incorporated into the , Grand Trunk Railway Company, under the name of " The Grand Trunk Railway Company of Canada," upon certain terms and conditions embodied in an agreement made and passed between the Directors of the said St. Lawrence and Atlantic Railroad Company; and the said Grand Trunk Rail- way Company, bearing date the twelfth day of April, one thousand eight hundred and fifty-three, and which agreement has since been ratified and confirmed by an Act passed in the 18 v., c. 33. eighteenth year of Her Majesty's reign, intituled. An Act to amend the Acts relating to the Grand Trunk Railway Company of Canada ; and whereas the said Grand Trunk Railway Company have, by the said amalgamation and by the said agreement of the twelfth of April, one thousand eight hundred and fifty- three, assumed and become responsible for all the liabilities and debts of the said St. Lawrence and Atlantic Railroad Company, including the payment of the bonds or debentures hereinbefore referred to ; and whereas the said Grand Trunk Railway Company have, by virtue of the said amalgamation and of the said agreement, paid and redeemed the first and second instalments of the said bonds or debentures, amounting to twenty-five thousand pounds each, and respectively due on the first of March, one thou- sand eight hundred and fifty-seven, and first of June, one thousand eight hundred and fifty-nine, as aforesaid ; and whereas the said Grand Trunk Railway Company have failed to meet the payment of the third instalment of the said bonds or debentures, due on the first of October last past, as well as the interest accrued on the said bonds or debentures since CITY CHARTER AND OTHER ACTS. 155 the first day of March, one thousand eight hundred and sixty- one ; and whereas there is reason to believe the said Grand Trunk Railway Company may not meet or redeem the pay- ment of the balance due as aforesaid, or to be due on the said bonds or debentures at the period and periods fixed for such payment and redemption ; and whereas the said Corporation have no funds at their disposal with which to meet or redeem the payment of the said bonds or debentures at maturity, and it is expedient that some provisions should be made 'x) enable the said Corporation to take up or redeem the said i>onds or debentures at their maturity, in the event of the said Grand Trunk Railway Company failing to do so; — Therefore, for Loanof#850,ooo the purpose of enabling the said Corporation to pay the instal- pay'off^remun^ ment due as aforesaid on the first of September, one thousand ilfan? tf*'?^.^ n^ eight hundred and sixty-one, on the said bonds or debentures, Grand Trunk and also the last two instalments thereof, to be respectively pttnvT"^ *"" due as aforesaid, on the first of October, one thousand cigb:, hundred and sixty-three, and the first of September, one thousand eight hundred and sixty-five, and the interest there- on, if not previously redeemed by the said Grand Trunk Railway Company, the said Corporation may and they are hereby authorized to borrow a sum of three hundred and fifty thousand dollars, and to issue, under the hand of the Mayor and the seal Of the said Corporation, debentures or bonds, payable twenty years after the date of the issue thereof re- spectively, and bearing interest payable semi-anrvally on the first days of May and November, in each and ev, ry year, and at a rate not exceeding six per centum ; and all such Debentures, debentures or bonds may be issued from time to time, at such vFsio^s simiT periods, and for such amounts as may be <^ enJed necessary, ^^^^ " *""' and they may have coupoi/ts annexed to them, in the same manner and form as the bonds or debentures referred to and authorized to be issued by the first and second sections of this Act, and generally all the px'ovisions of the first, second and third sections of this Act, as to the debentures to be issued under the authority of the same, shall apply to the deben- tures or bonds to be issued under the present section, except only in so far as they may be inconsistent with the present 156 OITT CHARIER AND OTHER ACTS. rrovlso. rroviso. i IncoHBlttent oiiactments repealed. riibllc Act. section ; Provided, however, that nothing herein contained shall in any way interfere with, alter or affect any right or claim which the said Corporation may have or possess against the said Grand Trunk Railway Company of Canada, as regards the payment of the original bonds or debentures granted by the said Corporation to the said St. Lawrence and Atlantic Railroad Company as aforesaid, and that the obliga- tion to redeem the said bonds or debentures, and interest thereon, at maturity, assumed by the said Grand Trunk Rail- way Company, as aforesaid, shall continue to have its full effect and remain in force, notwithstanding any thing con- tained in the present Act ; Provided, also, that nothing in this section shall be construed to exempt or relieve the said Grand Trunk Railway Company from any of the liabilities incurred or assumed by them, in regard to the payment of the said bonds or debentures, by the amalgamation of the said Grand Trunk Railway Company with the said St. Lawrence and Atlantic Railroad Company as aforesaid, and the agree- ment entered into, as aforesaid, between those two Companies on the twelfth of April, one thousand eight hundred and fifty- three. 5. All the provisions of any law inconsistent with the pro- visions of this Act shall be and the same are hereby repealed. 6. This Act shall be held to be a Public Act. f CITT CHARTER AND OTHER ACTS. 157 (18 Victoria, Cap. 142.) An Act to transfer to the City of Montreal, all the property, rights and privileges hereto- fore enjoyed by the Wardens of the House , of Industry, in the City of Montreal, and for other purposes. (^Assented to 19th May, 1855.) WHEREAS by an Act of the Legislature of Lower rionmbio. Canada, passed in the fifty-eighth year of the reign of King George the Third, intituled, An Act to etablish a Act of l. c, 58 House of Industry in the City of Montreal^ a corporation and body politic and corporate by the name of the Wardens of the House of Industry in the City of Montreal^ was erected and established for carrying into effect the last will and testament of the late John Conrad Marateller, who died on the seventeenth day of May, one thousand eight hundred and eight, having by his said will bequeathed certain real and immovable estates, and the rest, res'due and remainder of all and every his estate, property and effects, after payment of his debts and legacies, for the purpose of establishing in the said City of Montreal, a House of Industry ; and whereas the said Corporation so established hath been found ineffectual for the proper establishment and management of the said House of Industry, and the benevolent intentions of the said John Conrad Marstcller in bequeathing the aforesaid estate and property are thereby likely to be defeated, unless the control and direction of the affairs of the said House of Industry be transferred to and vested in other management ; And whereas by the joint petition of the said Wardens of the said House of Industry and of the Corporation known as The Mayor y Aldermen and Citizens of the City of Montreal, it is prayed that the powers, rights and privileges conferred on 168 CITT CHARTER AND OTHER ACTS. the said Wardens by the aforesaid Act, as well as the pro- perty, estate, chattels and effects of the said House of Indus- try so incorporated, may be transferred to and made to vest in the said Corporation, known as The Mayor, Aldermen and Citizens of the City of Montreal, and the entire management and control thereof in future be confided to them, and that such further powers may be granted to them for the making of By-laws and the appointment of overseers and other oflScers for the well governing and management of the said House of Industry and of the estate and property thereof, as may by them be deemed necessary effectually to carry out the object of the late John Conrad Marsteller, as expressed in his said will ; And whereas it is believed that the purposes for which the said late John Conrad Marsteller so bequeathed the said property will be more effectually accomplished by such transfer of the said estate, property and effects to the said Mayor, Aldermen and Citizens of the City of Montreal : Be it therefore enacted by the Queen's M( ^t Excellent Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Legisla- tive Council and of the Legislative Assembly of the Province of Canada, constituted and assembled by virtue and under the authority of an Act passed in the Parliament of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, and intituled, An Act to re-unite the Provinces of Upper and Lower Canada, and for the Government of Canada, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, as follows : 1. From and after the passing of this Act, the said Act of the Parliament of Lower Canada, passed in the fifty-eighth year of the reign of King George the Third, chapter fifteen, and the several Acts of the said Parliament of Lower Canada amending the same, passed in the second year of the reign of King George the Fourth, in the seventh year and in the ninth year of the said reign, shall bo and the same are hereby repealed. 2. From and after the psssing of this Act, the real or immovable estates, and the rest, residue and remainder of all and every the estates, projKjrty and effects, after the pay- ment of his just debts and legacies, left by the said late John Tlio tiaid Act, HiulthoTthGeo. IV, 0. 4, and <ic(). IV, 0. 43, iimciidiiiK It, rcponlod. l'i(ii)orly iiDW held for tli(> Hitld tiiftltution • r«iiHft'rr<'d to flic Corporation of Muntrrnl. CITY CHARTER AND OTHER ACTS. 169 he pro- f Indus- I to vest nen and stgement md that 1 making td other the said .ereof, as »arry out (xpressed purposes queathed iished by 5t8 to the !^ontreal : Excellent 3 Legisla- Province ,nd under nt of the intituled, id Lower and it is ows : lid Act of ly-eighth er fifteen, of Lower ear of the year and the same real or naindor of r the pay- late John Powers of tlio Corporation on fo such pro- perty. Conrad Marsteller under and by virtue v^ his said last will and testament, for the purpose of establi ?hu g in the said City of Montreal a House of Industry, and all and every the real and personal estate, property, chattels and eflfects in any way belonging and pertaming to the said Corporation or body politic and corporate, known as Hie Wardens of the House of Indus- try in the City of Montreal, in the hands and possession of whomsoever the same may be, shall vest in and become and be the property of the said Mayor, Aldermen and Citizens of the City of Montreal, for the purpose of sustaining and keep- ing up in the said City of Montreal a House of Industry, as contemplated and provided for by the said will of the said late John Conrad Marsteller ; and the said Mayor, Aldermen and Citizens of the City of Montreal shall and may take and claim, and if necessary, sue for and recover the same, of and from the said Wardens and every of them, and of and from every other person or persons in whose possession the same or any part thereof is, may be, or be found. 3. The said Mayor, Aldermen and Citizens of tlie City of Montreal, are hereby authorized and empowered to establish, sustain and keep up a House of Industry in the said City of Montreal, and to use and apply the property, estates, moneys, chattels and eflfects by this Act declared to be vested in and to become the property of the said Mayor, Aldermen ajid Citizens of the City of Montreal, for the purpose of establish- ing, sustaining and keeping up the said House of Industry, and from time to time to make and pass sucli ]?y-laws, Rules and Regulations for the management and direction of the said House of Industry, as they may think fit, provided the same are not icpugnant to the laws in force in this Province ; and from time to time to appoint, discharge and re-a[)point such overseers and other officers as they may deem it neces- sary to appoint for the management of the said House of Industry. 4. Tlio said Mayor, Aldermen and Citizens of the City of Montreal, at all times hereafter, sliall and nuiy have power and authority to purchase, take, acquire and hold by will, gift or otherwise, lands, tenements, real and immovable Corporation emi)owered to OHtablisii and maintain a lIouBoof IndiiK- try In tlio city, nndtoniakuKy- iawH for its gov- ernance. <'orp'oration to have power to uciitilrc and hold property for tliepnrpoNOH of the Institu- tion. 160 CITY CHARTER AND OTHER ACTS. estates, rents, usufructs, servitudes and hereditaments, and to erect houses and buildings thereon for the use and pur- poses of the said House of Industry in the f-ty of Montreal, and shall also have power and authority at all times hereafter, to sell and dispose of the real and immovable estate by this Act vested in the said Mayor, Aldermen and Citizens of the City of Montreal, or which may be hereafter purchased or acquired by them for the purposes of the said House of And to alienate Industry ; but ih case the said Mayor, Aldermen and Citizens tlio samo and „ , X. n ■%*■ i i n n if i p acqiiiro other of the City of Montreal, shall so sell and dispose thereoi, or of any part thereof, they shall, as soon as may be convenient thereafter, apply the proceeds thereof to the purposes of the said Institution, by the purchase of other lands and tene- ments, real or immovable estate, more fit and proper for promoting the permanent establishment thereof. Public Act. 6. This Act shall be deemed a Public Act. CITY CHARTER AND OTHER ACTS. 161 its, and nd pur- ontreal, sreafter, by this is of the lased or louse of Citizens lereof, or )nveiuent es of the md tene- roper for (24 Victoria, Cap. 84.) An Act to incorporate the Montreal City Pas- senger Kailway Company. (Assented to ISth May, 1861.) I WHEREAS the persons hereinafter named have, by their petition, prayed that they may be incorporated under the title of " The Montreal City Passenger Railway Company," for the purpose of constructing and operating Street Railways in the City and Parish of Montreal ; " And whereas it is expedient to grant the prayer of the petitioners : Therefore, Her Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Council and Assembly of Canada, enacts as follows : 1. William Molson, John Ostell, William Dow, Johnston Thomson, William Macdonald, John Carter, Thomas Ryan, William E. Phillips, and such other persons as shall become shareholders of the said Company, are hereby constituted a body corporate and politic, for the purposes herein mentioned, by the name of " The Montreal City Passenger Railway Company of Montreal." 2. The capital stock of the Company shall be three hundred thousand dollars, in shares of fifty dollars each. 3. The Company may commence operations and exorcise the powers hereby granted so soon as one hundred thousand dollars of tliu capital stock shall be subscribed, and twenty per cent, thereon paid up. 4. The Company are hereby authorized and empowered to construct, complete, maintain, and from time to time remove and change, a double or single track iron railway, with the necessary side tracks, switches and turn-outs, and other appliances, for the passage of cars, carriages and other vehicles and particularly those adapted to the same, upon and V Preamble. Incorporation of the Com- pany. Capital. When the Com- pany may com- mence. Comi)any may conHtriiut and work n Street Kailway by animal |iower. 162 CITY CHARTER AND OTHER ACTS. May U80 tho streets and highways, sub- ject to the B." law on tho sub- ject. along any of the streets in the City of Montreal, mentioned in the By-law of the Corporation of the City of Montreal, numbered two hundred and sixty-five, and in conformity with the said By-law, and upon and along any other streets in the said city which they may be authorized to pass along by any subsequent By-law of the said Corporation, and with the divi- sions and subject to the limitations set forth and provided by the said By-law, or by any such subsequent By-law, and upon and along the highways in the Parish of Montreal, lead- ing into the said streets and contiguous thereto, or any of them ; and to take, transport and carry passengers upon the same, and to construct and maintain all necessary works, buildings and conveniences therewith connected ; and to use and occupy any and such parts of any of the streets or high- ways aforesaid as may be required for the purpose of their railway track and the laying of the rails and the running of their cars and carriages ; but the Company shall not be per- mitted to use steam power upon the said railway. 5. The rails of the railway shall be laid flush with the streets and highways, and the railway track shall conform to the grades of the same so as to offer the least possible impediment to the ordinary traffic of the said streets and highways ; and the gauge shall be such that the ordinary vehicles now in use may travel on the said tracks, which it shall and may be lawful for them to do, provided they do not interfere with or impede the running of the cars of the Com- pany ; and in all cases, any carriage or vehicle on the track shall give place to the cars by turning off the track. 6. The affairs of the Company shall be under the control of and shall be managed and conducted by a Board to con- sist of five Directors, each of whom shall be a stockholder to an amount of not less than five hundred dollars, and shall be elected on the first Wednesday of November of every year at the office of the Company ; and all such elections shall be by ballot, by plurality of the votes of the stockholders present, each share to liave one vote and stockholders not personally attending may vote by proxy ; and the Directors so chosen shall, as soon as may be, elect one of their number to be Pre- Not to use steam power. Railway to be flush with the streets. Hoard of Direc- tors. <jualilication. Kloction. CITY CHARTER AND OTHER ACTS. 163 ntioned ontreal, ity with a in the ; by any the divi- rided by law, and 3al,lead- r any of upon the y works, ad to use 3 or high- 3 of their unning of ot be per- with the [1 conform it possible reets and I ordinary I, which it Ley do not the CoTO- the track Vacancies. First Directorii. Directors to make By-laws for certain purposes. sident, which President and Directors shall continue in office one year and until others shall be chosen to fill their places ; and, if any vacancy shall at any time happen of the President or Directors, the remaining Directors shall supply such vacancy for the remainder of the year. 7. The said William Molson, John Ostell, William Dow, Johnston Thomson, and William Macdonald, shall be the first Directors of the Company, and shall severally hold their offices till the first Wednesday of November next after the Company goes into operation. 8. The Directors of the Company shall have full power and authority to make, amend; repeal and re-enact all such By-laws, rules, resolutions and regulations as shall appear to them proper and necessary, touching the well ordering of the Company, the acquirement, management and disposition of its stock, property and effects, and of its affairs and business, the entering into arrangements and contracts with the said city or the adjoining municipalities, the declaration and pay- ment of dividends out of the profits of the said Company, the form and issuing of stock certificates, and the transfer of shares, the calling of special and general meetings of the Com- pany, the appointment, removal and remuneration of all officers, agents, clerks, workmen, and servants of the Com- pany, the fares to be received from persons transported over the railway or any part thereof, and in general to do all things that may be necessary to carry out the objects, and exercise the powers incident to the Company. 9. The stock of the Company shall be deemed personal estate, and shall be transferable in such Avay as the Directors shall by By-law direct. 10. If the election of Directors bo not made on the day appointed by this Act, the Company shall not for that rea- son be dissolved ; but the stockholders may hold the election on any other day in the manner provided for by any By-law passed for that purpose ; and all acts of Directors, until their successors are elected, shall be valid and binding upon the Company. General powers. stock deemed personal estate. ('ompanv not disKoivea for want of clec* tion. 164 CITY CHARTER AND OTHER ACTS. Power to ac- quire real estate. Tower to bor^ row 9100,000 upon Deben- tures. Frovlso. I'lie citjr and adjoining municipalities may agree with the Company as to oertafu mat- ters. City and muni- cipalities may pass By-laws for giving effieot to such agreement. 11. The Company may purchase, lease, hold, acquire and transfer all real or personal estate necessary for carrying on the operations of the Company. 12. The Directors of the Company may, from time to time, raise or borrow, for the purposes of the Company, any sum or sums not exceeding in the whole, one hundred thousand dollars by the issue of bonds or debentures, in sums of not less than one hundred dollars, on such terms and credit as they may think proper, and may pledge or mortgage all the property, tolls and income of the Company or any part thereof, for the re-payment of the moneys so raised or borrowed and the interest thereon : Provided always, that the consent of three- fourths in value of the stockholders of the Company, shall be first had and obtained at a special meeting to be called and held for that purpose. 13. The said city and the adjoining municipalities or any of them, and the said Company, are respectively hereby authorized to make and to enter into any agreement or cove- nants relating to the construction of the said railway, for the paving, macadamising, repairing and grading of the streets or highways, and the construction, opening of and repairing of drains or sewers, and the laying of gas and water pipes in the said streets and highways — the location of the railway and the particular streets along which the same shall be laid — the pattern of rail — the time and speed of running of the cars — the amount of license to be paid by the Company annually — the amount of fares to be paid by passengers — the time within which the works are to be commenced — the manner of proceeding with the same and the time for completion — and generally for the safety and convenience of passengers — the conduct of the agents and servants of the Company, and the non-obstructing or impeding of the ordinary traffic. 14. The said By-law number two hundred and sixty-five of the Corporation of the City of Montreal is hereby confirmed, and the provisions thereof shall be binding upon the said Corporation and upon the said Company to the same extent as if the same were incorporated into this Act ; and the said OITY CHARTER AND OTHER ACTS. 165 city and the said municipalities are hereby authorized to pass any further By-law or By-laws, and to amend, repeal and enact the same for the purpose of carrying into effect any such agreements or covenants, and containing all necessary clauses, provisions, rules and regulations, for the conduct of all parties concerned, and for the adjoining obedience there- to, — and also for facilitating the running of the Company's cars, and for regulating the traffic and conduct of all persons travelling upon the streets and highways through which the smd railway may pass ; Provided also, that no such further By-law or By-laws shall infringe upon the privileges granted to the said Company by the said By-law, number two hun- dred and sixty-five, and by this Act. 15. This Act Jiall be deemed a Public Act. public Act. 166 CITY CHARTER AND OTHER ACTS. ACTS DELATING TO THE RECORDER'S COURT. CONSOLIDATED STATUTES— CANADA. . (Chapter 105.) An Act respecting the prompt and summary ^ - administration of Criminal Justice in cer- tain cases. HER Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Council and Assembly of Canada, enacts as follows : ' * Power to Ke- 1. Where any person is charged before the Recorder of corders to try ., •.! i • -ix i persons guilty any City With having committed — an amount not 1. Simple larceny, and the value of the whole of the pro- doiiar, &c. perty alleged to have been stolen does not in the judgment of such Recorder exceed one dollar ; or 2. With having attempted to commit larceny from the person ; or 3. With simple larceny ; or i' 4. With having committed an aggravated assault, by un- lawfully and maliciously inflicting upon any other person, either with or without a weapon or instrument, any grievous bodily harm, or by unlawfully and maUciously cutting, stab- bmg or wounding any other person ; or " 6. With having committed an assault upon any female whatever, or upon any male child whose age does not in the opinion of such Recorder exceed fourteen years, such assault being of a nature which cannot in the opinion of the Recorder be sufficiently punished by a summary conviction before him under any other act, and such assault if upon a female not amounting in his opinion to an assault with intent to commit a rape ; or CITY CHARTER AND OTHER ACTS. 167 mary '' a cer- t of the ,, enacts order of the pro- 3nt of "rom the ;, by un- person, grievous ng, stab- Accused to 1)0 asked whether ho consents to the charge being tried summarily. 6. With having assaulted any magistrate, bailiff, or coni- stable, or other officer in the lawful performance of his duty, or with intent to prevent the performance thereof; or 7. With keeping or being an inmate, or habitual frequenter of any disorderly house, house of ill-fame, or bawdy house ; Such Recorder may hear and determine the charge in a summary way. 20 V., c. 27, s. 1, — 22 V., c. 27, s. 1, (1858). 2. Whenever the Recorder before whom any person is charged as aforesaid proposes to dispose of the case summarily under the provisions of this Act, such Recorder, after ascer- taining the nature and extent of the charge, but before the formal examination of the witnesses for the prosecution, and before calling on the party charged for any statement which he may wish to make, shall state to such person the sub- stance of the charge against him, and if it is in the election of the person charged, shall then say to him these words, or words to the like effect: Do you consent that the charge against you shall be tried by me, or do you desire that it shall be sent for trial by a jury at the (naming the Court at which it could soonest be tried) ;" and if the persoii charged con- sents to the charge being summarily tried and determined as aforesaid, or if it is a case not within the election of the per- son charged, the Recorder shall reduce the charge into writ- ing, and read the same to such person, and shall then ask him whether he is guilty or not of such charge ; 3. If the person charged confesses the charge, the Re- corder shall then proceed to pass such sentence upon him as may by law be passed, subject to the provisions of this Act, in respect to such offence ; but if the person charged says that he is not guilty, the Recorder shall then examine the witnesses for the prosecution, and when the examination has been completed, the Recorder shall inquire of the person charged whether he has any defence to make to such charge, and if he states that he has a defence, the Recorder shall hear such defence, and shall then proceed to dispose of the case summarily. 22 V., c. 27, s. 3. 4. In the case of larceny charged under the first, second If lie consents ; And admits \\i^ guilt; Or if he pleads not guilty. If convicted. 168 CITY CHARTER AND OTHER ACTS. I Piinlnhmcnt. Form of con- viction, &c. If not proved, tliR case to be (lismiascd. Wlicn the case may bo dealt with in tlie ordinary way. or third sub-sections of the first section of this Act, if the Recorder, after hearing the whole case for the prosecution and for the defence, finds the charge proved, then such Recorder shall convict the person charged and commit him to the Common Gaol or House of Correction, there to be imprisoned, with or without hard labour, for any period not exceeding three months. 20 V., c. 27, s. 1. 5. Every such conviction and certificate respectively may be in the forms A and B, in this Act, or to the like eflfect. 20 v., c. 27, s. 1. 6. If in any case the Recorder finds the offence not proved, he shall dismiss the charge, and make out and deliver to the person charged a certificate under his hand stating the fact of such dismissal. 20 V., c. 27, s. 1. 7. When being in the election of the person charged he does not consent to have the case heard and determined by the Recorder, or in any case if it appears to the Recorder that the offence is one which, owing to a previous conviction of the person charged, is by law a felony, or if such Recorder be of opinion that the charge is, from any other circum- stances fit to be made the subject of prosecution by indict- ment rather tban to be disposed of summarily, such Recorder shall tleal with the case in all respects as if this Act had not been passed. 20 V., c. 27, s. 1, — 22 V., c. 27, s. 3. 8. If upon the hearing of the charge such Recorder is of opinion that there are circumstances in the case which render it inexpedient to inflict any punishment, he may dismiss the person charged without proceeding to a conviction. 20 V., c. 27, s. 1,-22 v., c. 27, s. 2, No. 6. 9. Where any person is charged before any Recorder with simple larceny of property exceeding in value one dollar, or with stealing from the person, or with larceny as a clerk or servant, and the evidence in support of the prose- cution is in the opinion of the Recorder suflScient to put the person charged on his trial for the offence charged, such Recorder, if the case appear to him to be one which may properly be disposed of in a summary way, and may be Wlion the Re- corder may dis- migg tlie case witliout con- victing. > How Recorder to proceed when certain larcenies ex- ceeding one dol- lar are deemed fit to be dealt with sum- marily. CITT CHARTER AND OTHER ACTS. 169 if the on and corder to the isoned, seeding ily may 1 eflfect. ice not )ut and lis hand 1. rged he nined by lecordev Dnviction Recorder circum- ►y indict- ly, such ,8 if this 2 V.,c. rder is of ;h render [smiss the 20 V., (Recorder [alue one ;eny as a |he prose- put the jed, such |hich may may be adequately punished by virtue of the powers of this Act, shall reduce the charge into writing, and shall read it to the said person, and shall then explain to him that he is not obliged to plead or answer before such Recorder at all, and that if he do not plead or answer before him, he will be com- mitted for trial in the usual course. 20 Y., c. 27, s. 3. 10. The Recorder shall then ask whether he is guilty or not of the charge, and if such person says that he is guilty, such Recorder shall thereupon cause a plea of guilty to be entered upon the proceedings, and shall convict him of the offence, and commit him to the Common Gaol or House of Correction, there to be imprisoned, with or without hard labour, for any term not exceeding six months, and every such con- viction may be in the form C, or to the like effect. 20 V., If the accused admits his guilt, he may be con- victed and sen- tenced forth- with. C. 27, S. 3. 11. In every case of summary proceedings under this Act, the person accused shall be allowed to make his full answer and defence, and to have all witnesses examined and cross- examined, by counsel or attorney. 20 V., c. 27, s. 4. 12. The Recorder before whom any person is charged under this Act, may by summons require the. attendance of any person as a witness upon the hearing of the case at a time and place to be named in such summons ; and such Recorder may bind by recognizance all persons whom he may consider necessary to be examined touching the matter of such charge, to attend at the time and place to be appointed by him, and then and there to give evidence upon the hear- ing of such charge ; And in case any person so summoned or required or bound as aforesaid, neglects or refuses to attend in pursuance of such summons or recognizance, then upon proof being first made of such persons having been duly summoned as hereinafter mentioned, or bound by recogmzance as aforesaid, the Recorder before whom such person ought to have attended may issue a warrant to compel his appear- ance as a witness. 22 Y., c. 27, s. 4. 13. Every summons issued under this Act may be served by delivering a «opy of the summons to the party summoned, or by delivering a copy of the summons to some inmate of w ♦ Accused person allowed full de- fence, &o. Recorder may compel attend- ance of wi(- Summonsei, how served. 170 CITT CHARTER AND OTHER ACTS. VTben the oon- aent of the par^ tj charged to bo tried by tho Re- corder not re> quisite. When consent to be so tried not necessary in the case of sea- Akring men. such party's usual place of abode ; and every person so required by any writing under the hand of any Recorder to attend and give evidence as aforesaid, shall bu deemed to have been duly summoned. 22 Y., c. 27, s. 5. 14. The jurisdiction of the Recorder in the case of any person charged, within the police limits of any city in this Province, with therein keeping or being an inmate or an ha- bitual frequenter of any disorderly house, house of ill fame or hawdy house, shall be absolute, and shall not depend on the consent of the party charged to be tried by such Recorder, nor shall such party be asked whether he consents to ^d so tried. 22 V., c. 27, s. 2, No. 1. 15. The jurisdiction of the Recorder shall also be absolute in the case of any person, being a seafaring person and only transiently in this Province, and having no permanent domi- cile therein, charged, either within the City of Quebec as limited for the puiposes of the Police ordinance, or within the City of Montreal as so limited, with the commission therein of any other of the oflfences mentioned in the last preceding section, and such jurisdiction shall not depend on the consent of any such party to be tried by the Recorder, nor shall such party be asked whether he consents to be so tried. 22 V., 0. 27, s. 2, No. %—See 2 V., c. 2, L. C. 16. In any case summarily tried under the fourth, fifth, sixth or seventh sub-sections of the first section of this Act, if the Recorder finds tho charge proved, he may convict the person charged and commit him to the Common Gaol or House of Correction, there to be imprisoned with or without hard labour for any period not exceeding six months, or may condemn him to pay a fine not exceeding, with the costs in the case, one hundred dollars, or to both fine and imprison- ment, not exceeding the said period and sum ; and such fine may be levied by warrant of distress under the hand and seal of such Recorder, or the party convicted may be con- deiniiefl 'in addition to any other imprisonment on the same cou.icti n) to be committed to tho Common Gaol, for a fur- ther period not exceeding six months unless such fine bo sooner paid. 22 Y ., o. 27, s. 2, No. 8. Punishment in cases sum- marily tried under the 4th to the 7th sub- sections of sec- tion one. LarytBff ilne. lapriMnment tr not paid. tho CITY CHARTER AND OTHER ACTS. 171 17. In such cases as last aforesaid, the forms given at the end of this Act, shall be altered by omitting the words stating the consent of the party to be tried before the Recorder, and by adding the requisite words stating the fine imposed (if any) and the imprisonment (if any) to which the party convicted is to be subject if the fine be not sooner paid. 22 v., c. 27, 8. 2, No. 4. 18. Where any person is charged before any Justice or Justices of the Peace, with any offence mentioned in this Act, and in the opinion of such Justice or Justices, the case may be proper to be disposed of by a Recorder, or by an Inspec- tor and Superintendent of the Police, or by a Police Magis- trate, as herein provided, the Justice or Justices before whom such person is so charged may, if he or they see fit, remand such person for further examination before the Recorder or before the Inspector and Superintendent of the Police of the nearest city, or before the nearest Police Magistrate, in like manner in all respects as a Justice or Justices are authorized to remand a party accused under the general Act respecting the duties of Justices of the Peace out of sessions in like cases. 20 v., c. 27, 8. 5. 19. No Justice or Justices of the Peace in Upper Canada, shall so remand any person for further examination before any Recorder, Inspector and Superintendent of Police, or Police Magistrate in Lower Canada, nor shall any Justice or Justices of the Peace in Lower Canada so remand any per- son for further examination before any Recorder or Police Magistrate in Upper Canada. 20 V., c. 27, s. 6. 20. Any person so remanded for further examination before the Recorder of any city, may be examined and dealt with by the Inspector and Superintendent of the Police or Police Magistrate of the same city ; and any person so remanded for furihor examination before the Inspector and Superintendent of the Police or tho Police Maaiistrato of any city, may bo examined and dealt with by the Recorder of tho same city. 20 V., c. 27, s. 6. 21. If any person suffered to go at large upon onLoring into such recognizance as the Justice or Juotices are autho- Forms mity b« altered to suit the last scctluD When J. 1'. may remand accused party to be dealt with by a Recorder, But within U. C. or L. (!., aa the case may be. Such party may 1)0 dealt with by tho Kocorder or I'olico Magi*- trate. rroooodinft* il iinrty remanded iUll tu appear 172 CITY CHARTER AND OTHER ACTS. pursuant to ro- rizod undor tho last mentioned Act to take, on the remand of a party accusod conditioned for his appearance before a Recorder under tho preceding sections of this Act, does not afterwards appear pursuant to such recognizance, then the Recorder before whom he ought to have appeared shall cer- tify (under his hand) on the back of the recognizance, to the Clerk of the Peace of the District in Lower Canada, or County or Union of Counties in Upper Canada, the fact of such non-appearance, and such recognizance shall be pro- ceeded upon in like manner as other recognizances, and such certificate shall be deemed sufficient primd facie evidence of such non-appearance. 20 V., c. 27, s. 6. Convictions 22. Tho Rccordcr adjudicating under this Act shall trans- ccwdinga^uifdor mit tho conviction, or a duplicate of a certificate of dismissal, returned to with the written charge, the depositions of witnesses for the prosecution and for the defence, and tho statement of the accused, to the next Court of Quarter Sessions for tho Dis- trict in Lower Canada, or the County or union of Counties in Upper Canada, there to be kept by the proper officer among the records of the Court. 20 V., c. 27, s. 7. 23. A copy of such conviction, or of such certificate of dismissal, certified by the proper officer of the Court, or proved to be a true copy, shall be sufficient evidence to prove a conviction or dismissal for the offence men- tioned therein, in any legal proceeding whatever. 20 V., c. 27, s. 7. 24. The Recorder, by whom any person has been con- victed under this Act, may order restitution of the property stolen, taken or obtained by false pretences, in those cases in which the Court, before whom the person convicted would have been tried but for this Act, might by law order restitu- tion. 20 v., c. 27, s. 8. 25. Every Recorder's Court, for the purposes of this Act, shall be an open public Court ; and a written or printed notice of the day and hour for holding such (^ourt, shall bo posted or affixed by the Clerk of the said Court upon the outside of some conspicuotis part of tho building or place where the same is held. 20 V., c. 27, a. 9. Copy of such conviction to be evidence. Restitution of tlio propiTtv ■tolon Miny do ordered. Ri>corder's Court to be an open public Court. CITY CHARTKR AND OTHER ACTS. 178 26. Tho provisions of the Act respecting the duties of Justices of tho Peace out of session, in relation to summary convictions and orders, and the provisions of the Act respect- ing the duties of Justices of the Peace out of sessions in rela- tion to persons charged with indictable offences, shall not bo construed as applying to any proceeding under this Act. 20 v., 1. 27,8. 10. 27. Every conviction by a Recorder under this Act shall have tho same effect as a conviction upon indictment for the same offence would have had, save that no conviction under this Act shall be attended with forfeiture. 20 V., c. 27, s. 11. 28. Every person who obtains a certificate of lismissal or is convicted under this Act, shall be released from all further or other criminal proceedings for the same cause. 20 V., c. 27, 8. 12. 29. No conviction, sentence or proceeding under this Act shall be (piashcd for want of form ; and no warrant of com- mitment upon a conviction shall be held void by reason of any defect therein, if it be therein alleged that tho offender has been convicted, and there be a good and valid conviction to sustain the same. 20 V., c. 27, s. 13. 80. Tho Inspector and Superintendent of Police for the City of Quebec, the Inspector and Superintendent of Police for the City of Montreal, and tho Police Magistrate for any city in Upper Canada, sitting in open Court, may respectively, in the case of persons -iiargcd before them, do all acts by this Act authorized to be done by llecorders ; and all the provisions of this Act referring to llecorders and llecorders' Courts und tho Clerks of tho Recorders' Courts, shall bo read and construed also as referring to such Inspectors and Superintendents of tho Police and Police Magistrates and the Courts and the Clerks of tho Courts held by them respec. tively, and us giving them full power to do all acts authorized to be done by Recorders in the case of persons charged before tliem respectively. 20 V., c. 27, s. 14. 81. All tlie jurisdiction and powers vested in the Recorder of any city are hereby conferred upon and vested in any two or more Jtistices of tho Peace for any district in Lower Tho Acti rc- HpOCtillK (IlltlOM ot <l. I'H. not to iipply to pro- cci'din^K uiitlur thin Act. Kflbctofcoiivlc- tioii uniler IIiIh Act. A cortillcato of (liHniiHflnt or u convictliin, a bar to fiirlliRr procoediiigH. Convict ioim, &c., not to li<> (lunxlioil for wttut of form. .TiirlHdiction of ItccordiTH ex- li'ndcd to In- HIH.'CtorH of l'oli(!i> iind I'olico MagiH- trutc'8. I'owcfd of Ho. ciirdcr vented In two .J. I'h.— or In Hiicrinii, Ac In L. <;. 174 CITT CHARTBR AND OTHER ACTS. Slicrifik exer- cising Jurisdic- tion as aforesaid to be attended by certain offi- cers. Canada when present at the chef-lieu thereof, and there sit- ting in open Court, aiiu upon and in the Sheriff of any district in Lower Canada, (other than the Districts of Quebec and Montreal,) and upon and in any Deputy Sheriff in the Dis- trict of Gasp^, sitting in open Court ; But the jurisdiction and powers aforesaid shall not be exercised by any two or more Justices of the Peace or Sheriff in any new district until such district has been established as such for all purposes of the administration of justice in criminal as well as civil matters, under a proclamation of the Governor to that effect. 22 V., c. 27, ss. 6, 10. 32. The Sheri£& of such districts as aforesaid in Lower Canada, or any Deputy Sheriff in the District of Gasp^, when sitting or acting under the provisions of this Act, shall be as- sisted, attended and obeyed by the Clerk of the Peace, Bailiffs, Constables and other Officers of such districts re- spectively, in the same manner as Justices of the Peace in and for the said districts respectively, would be attended, assisted and obeyed by them respectively, under the same or similar circumstances ; and the Clerk of the Peace for each such district shall be and act as the Clerk of the Court of the Sheriff of such district under the provisions of this Act and of the Act hereby amended. 22 V., c. 27, s. 7. 33. The Recorders of the Cities of Quebec and Montreal respectively, have been and are, by virtue of their offices. Justices of the Peace for the judicial districts in which the said cities are respectively situate, and vested with all the powers and authorities, within the limits of their respective jurisdictions, of any one or two Justices of the Peace, as the case may require. 22 V., c. 27, s. 9. 84. Nothing in this Act shall affect the provisions of the Act, Respecting the Trial and Ptmishment of Juvenile offenders ; and this Act shall not extend to persons punish- able under that Act, so far as regards offences for which such persons may bo punished thereunder. 20 V., c. 27, a. 15. 85. Every fine imposed under the authority of this Act shall be paid to the Recorder, Superintendent of Police, Sheriff, Deputy Sheriff or Justice of the Peace, who ha" liccordera of Quebec and Montreal de- clared to bo J. !•». This Act not to extend tu Act respecting Juvenile olR>nderH. I'aymcnt and a|i|ilicatlon of Hues. OITT CHARTER AND OTHER ACTS. 176 here sit- f district »bec and the Dis- cdon and or more mtil such es of the matters, . 22 V., in Lower sp^, when lall be as- le Peace, stricts re- Peace in attended, le same or e for each 3urt of the ^ct and of Montreal eir offices, which the th all the respective ice, as the imposed the same, or to the Glork of the Recorder's Court or Clerk of the Peace, as the case may be, and shall be by him or them paid over to the County Treasurer for county purposes if it has been imposed in Upper Canada, — and if it has been imposed in any new district in Lower Canada con- stituted by any Act of the session held in 1857, or passed in any subsequent session, then to the Sheriff of such district as treasurer of the Building and Jury Fund for such district, to form part of the said fund, — and if it has been imposed in any other district in Lower Canada, then to the Prothonotary of such district to be by him applied under the direction of the Governor in Council, towards the keeping in repair of the Court House in such district, or to be by him added to tbe moneys and fees collected by him for the erection of a Court Kov^e and Gaol in such district, so long as such fees shall be collected to defray the cost of such erection. 22 Y., c. 27, s. 8. S6. In the interpretation of this Act " property " shall be intorpretauon construed to include every thing included under the words " chattel, money, or valuable security," as used in the Act respectmg offences against Person and Property ; and in case of any " valuable security, " the value of the share, interest or deposit to which the security may relate, or of the money due thereon, or secured thereby, and remaining unsatisfied, or of the goods or other valuable thing mentioned in the warrant or order, shall be deemed to bo the value of such security. 20 V., c. 27, s. 16. ons of the Juvenile ns punish- which such 27, 8. 15- this Act of Police, who has 176 CITY CHARTER AND OTHER ACTS. FORM (A). See s. 5. it: ( CONVICTION. To wit Be it remembered that on the day of , in the year of our Lord , at , A. B., being charged before me the undersigned , of the said city, and consenting, to my deciding upon the charge summa- rily, is convicted before me, for that he the said A. B., &c., (^stating the offence, and the time and place when and where committed^ ; and I adjudge the said A. B., for his said offence, to be imprisoned in the (and there kept to hard labour) for the space of Given under my hand and seal, the day and year first above mentioned, at aforesaid. J. S. [L. S,] u FORM (B). See a. 6. CERTIFICATE OP DISMISSAL. To wit : I 1, the undersigned, , of the City of * , certify that on the day of in the year of our Lord , at aforesaid, A. B., behig charged before mo and consenting to my deciding u|X)h the charge summarily, for that ho the CITY CHARTER AND OTHER ACTS. 177 said A. B.,,&c., (stating the offence charged^ and the time and place when and where alleged to have been eommitted^^ I did, having summarily adjudicated thereon, dismiss the said charge. Given under my hand and seal, this day of • , at aforesaid. J. S. [L. S.] FORM (C). See s. 10. CONVICTION UPON A PLEA OP GUILTY. To wit : Be it remembered that on the day of , in the year of our Lord , at , A. B., being charged before me the undersigned , of the said city, for that he the said A. B., &c., (stating the offence^ and the time and place when and where committed,^ and pleading guilty to such charge, ho is thereupon convicted before me of tho said offence ; arxl i adjudge him the said A. B., for his said oflFcnce, to be imprisoned in the (and there kept to hard labour) for the space of Given under my above mcnlioncd, at hand and seal, the day and year aforesaid. first J. S. [L. S.] 178 CITY CHARTER AND OTHER ACTS. Fenons of not mora than 16 yean of age, oommitting cer- tain offbnces, majr bo summa- rilf convicted b)r two Justices. If oflbnoe not E roved, case to B dismissed. Form of oertifl- oate. CONSOLIDATED STATUTES— CANADA. (Chapter 106.) An Act respecting the Trial and Punishment of Juvenile Offenders. HER Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the . Legislative Council and Assembly of Canada, enacts ad follows : 1. Every person charged with having committed or having attempted to commit, or with having been an aider, abettor, counsellor or procurer in the commission of any offence which is simple larceny, or punishable as simple larceny, and whose age at the period of the commission or attempted commission of such offence does not, in the opinion of the Justice before whom he is brought or appears as hereinafter mentioned, exceed the age of sixteen years, shall, upon conviction thereof, in open Court, upon his own confession or upon proof, before two or more Justices of the Peace for any district in Lower Canada, or city, county, or union of counties in Upper Canada, be committed to the Common Gaol or House of Correction within the jurisdiction of such Justices, there to be imprisoned with or without hard labour, for any terra not exceeding three months, or, in the discretion of such Justices, shall forfeit and pay such sum, not exceeding twenty dollars, as the said Justices may adjudge. 20 V., c. 29, s. 1. 2. If such Justices, upon the hearing of any such case, deem the offence not proved, or that it is not expedient to inflict any punishment, they shall dismiss the party charged on finding surety for his future good behaviour, or without sureties, and then make out and deliver i > the party charged, a certificate under the hands of such Justices stating the fact of such dismissal. 25 V., c. 29, s. 1. 3. Such certificate shall be in the form or to the effect set forth in the form following : 0IT7 CHARTER AND OTHER ACTS. 179 V. hinent nt of the . enacts ad or having •, abettor, nee which and whose ommission bice before nentioned, on thereof, 3of, before in Lower Upper House of there to term not 1 Justices, ity dollars, 1. such case, xpedient to ty charged or without ty charged, stating the We, , of Her Majesty's Justices To wit : S of the Peace for the , of , (or if a Recorder, &c., under section seven, I, a » of the of , a« the case may he') do hereby certify, that on the day of , in the year of our Lord , at , in the said of , M. N. was brought before us the said Justices (or me the said ) charged with the following offence, that is to say : (here state hriejly the particular of the charge) , and that we the said Justices (or I, the said ,) • thereupon dismissed the said charge. Given under our hands (or my hand) this day of 20 v., c. 29, s. 1. 4. If such Justices be of opinion, before the person case may be charged has made his defence, that the charge is from any Jusu'ces tKtnk circumstance a fit subject for prosecution by indictment, or if the person charged, upon being called upon to answer the charge, objects to the case being summarily disposed of under the provisions of this Act, such Justices shall, instead of sum*- marily adjudicating thereupon, deal with the case in all respects as if this Act had not been passed. 20 V.,c. 29^ s. 1. 5. The Justices before whom any person is charged and Justices to give proceeded against under this Act, before such person is asked tho option «>f a whether he has any cause to shew why he should not be con victed, shall say to the person so charged, these words, or words to the like effect : " We shall have to hear what you wish to say in answer " to the charge against you; but if you wish to be tried by a " Jury, you must object now to our deciding upon it at once." And if such person, or a parent or guardian of such person, then objects, such person shall be dealt with as if this Act had not been passed. 20 V., c. 29, s. 2. 6. Any two or more Justices of the Peace, for any district I'ower to.i. f« trial by Jury le effect set • x /^j /• 'i i. ,.• p to hear and d^ in Lower Canada, or tor any city, county or utuon of coun- termiue. ties in Upper Canada, sitting in open Court, before whom any such person, as aforesaid, charged with any offence made 180 CITY CHARTER AND OTHER ACTS. Same power to Ilocorder, &c., and certain other flinotion- arieg. punishable under this Act, is brought or appears, may hear and determine the case under the provisions oC this Act. 20 v., c. 29, s. 3. 7. The Recorder, Inspector and Superintendent of Police, of either of the Cities of Quebec or Montreal, the Sheriff of any district in Lower Canada, other than the Districts of Quebec and Montreal, any Deputy Sheriff in the District of Gaap^, any Judge of a County Court in Upper Canada, being a JusticiD of the Peace, any Recorder of a city in Upper Canada being a Justice of the Peace, any Police Magistrate in Upper Canada, and any Stipendiary Magis- trate in Upper Canada, sitting in open Court, and having by law the power to do acts usually required to be done by two or more Justices of the Peace, may and shall, within their respective jurisdictions, hear and determine every charge under this Act, and exercise all the powers herein contained, in like manner and as fully and effectually as two or more Justices of the Peace can or may do by virtue of this Act. 20 v., c. 29, s. 3. 8. The Sheriflfe of such districts as aforesaid respectively, and any Deputy Sheriff in the District of Gasp6, when sitting or acting under the provisions of this Act, shall bo assisted, attended and obeyed by the Clerks of the Peace, Bailiffs, Constables and other OflScers of such districts respectively, in the same manner as Justices of the Peace in and for the S£dd districts respectively would be assisted, attended and obeyed by them respectively, .under the same or similar circumstances ; and the Clerk of the Peace of each such district shall be and act as the Clerk of the Court of the Sheriff of such district, under the provisions of this Act. 20 v., c. 29, s. 4. 9. Every person obtaining such certificate of dismissal as aforesaid, and every person convicted under the authority of this Act, shall be released from all further or other proceed- ings for the same cause. 20 V., c. 29, s. 5. 10. In case any person whose age is alleged not to exceed sixteen years be charged with any such offence, on the oath of a credible witness before any Justice of the Peace, such Sheriffs, when »ittihK under this Act, to bo attended by Clerks of the Peace. Certificate of diemigeal, or a conviction, a bar to flirthor proceedings. Mode of com- pelling appear- ance of person punishable on summary con- viction. y hear 8 Act. Police, leriff of ricts of atrict of Canada, city in ' Police Magi&- iving by 3 by two lin their J charge Mitained, or more this Act. )cct3vely, on sitting assisted, , Bailiffs, pectively, d for the nded and )r similar jach such irt of the this Act. smissal as ithority of r proceed- to exceed the oath jace, such CITY CHAllTER AND OTHER ACTS. 181 Justice may issue his summons or warrant to summon or to apprehend the person so charged to appear before any two Justices of the Peace, at a time and a place to be named in such summons or warrant. 20 V., c. 29, s. 6. 11. Any Justice or Justices t)f the Peace, if he or they think fit, may remand for further examination or for trial, or suffer to go at large upon his finding sufficient sureties, any such person charged before him or them with any such offence as aforesaid. 20 V., c. 29, s. 7. 12. Every such sUrety shall be bound by recognizance to be conditioned for the appearance of such person before the same or some other Justice or Justices of the Peace for further examination, or for trial before two or more Justices of the Peace as aforesaid, or for trial at some Superior Cri- minal Court, as the case may be. 20 V., c. 29, s. 7. 13. Every such recognizance may be enlarged from time to time by any such Justice or Justices or Court to such further time as he or they appoint ; and every such recogni- zance not so enlarged shall be discharged without fee or reward when the party has appeared according to the con- dition thereof. 20 V., c. 29, s. 7. 14. Every fine imposed under the authority of this Act, shall be paid to the Justices who impose the same, or to the Clerk of the Recorder's Court, or the Clerk of the County Court, or the Clerk of the Peace, as the case may be, and shall be by him or them paid over to the County Treasurer for county purposes, if the same was imposed in Upper Canada, and if it was imposed in any new district in Lower Canada, then to the Sheriff of such district as Treasurer of the Building and Jury Fund for such district, to form part of the said fund, and if it was imposed in any other district in Lower Canada, then to the Prothonotary of such district, to be by him applied, under the direction of the Governor in Council, towards the keeping in repair of the Court House in such district, or to be by him added to the moneys or fees collected by him, for the erection of a Court House or Gaol in such district, so long as such fees are collected to defray the cost of such erection. 20 V., c. 29, s. 8. Power to one Juiitice to re* mand or take bail. Condition of recognizance. Recot;nizancn may be en- larged. Application ot flues. IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) 1.0 1.1 11.25 1^121 125 £> Lfi 12.0 Photographic Sciences Corporation 33 wnT MAIN STRUT WIUTM.N.Y. 14SM (7U) 173-4503 182 OITT CHARTER AND OTHER ACTS. AnyJasticeof the Peace m^r ■ommon wit- ; And bind by reoogniauiee. Ineaaeofre- ftiml, JuBtioe may compel attendance of witness. How summons n^ayJlM served. Form of con- viellon. 15. Any Justice of the Peace shall, by summons, require the attendance of any person as a witness upon the hearing of any case before two Justices under the authority of this Act, at a time and place to be named in such summons. 20 v., c. 29, 8. 9. . 16. Any such Justice may require and bind by recogni- zance all persons whom he considers necessary to be examined touching the matter of such charge, to attend at the time and place to be appointed by him, and then and there to give evidence upon the hearing of such, charge. 20 Y., o. 29, s. 9. 17. In case any person so summoned or required or bound as aforesaid, neglects or refuses to attend in pursuance of such summons or recognizance, then upon proof being first given of such person's having been duly summoned as here- inafter mentioned, or bound by recognizance as aforesaid, either of the Justices before whom any such person ought to have attended, may issue a warrant to compel his appearance, as a witness. 20 V., c. 29, s. 9. 18. Evoiy summons issued under the authority of this Act, may be served by delivering a copy thereof to the party, or to some inmate at such party's usual place of abode, and every person so required by any writing under the hand or hands of any Justice or Justices to attend and give evidence as aforesaid, shall be deemed to have been duly summoned. 20 v., c. 29, s. 10. 19. The Justices before whom any person is summarily convicted of any such offence as hereinbefore mentioned, may cause the conviction to be drawn up in the following form or in any other form of words to the same effect, that is to say: Be it remembered that on the To wit : \ day of , in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and > ^^ , in the District of , (county or united counties, &;c., as the cote may he) A. 0. is convicted before us, J. P. and J. R., two of Her OITT dHARTBR AND OTHER ACTS. 188 or of our ,at \e) A. If Her Majesty's Justices of the Peace for the said district (&r « city, &c.,) or me, S. J., Reicorder , of the of yor 08 the ease may be") for that he the su^ A. O. did (^specify the offence and the * time and place when and where the tame was committedj as . the case may he, but without setting forth the evidence"), and we, the said J. P. and J. R. (^or I the said S. J.)> adjudge the said A. 0. for his said offence to be imprisoned in the (^or to be imprisoned in the , and there kept at hard labour for the space of , (or we (or I) adjudge the said A. 0. for his said offence to forfeit and pay ,) (here state the penalty actually imposed,') and in default of immediate payment of the said sum, to.be imprisoned in the ' (or to be imprisoned in the , and there kept to hard labour) for the space of , unless the said sum shall be sooner paid. Given under our hands and seals (or my hand and seal) the day and year first above mentioned. • And tho conviction shall be goad and effectual to all intents and purposes. 20 Y., c. 29, s. 11. 20. No such conviction shall be quashed for want of form, conrtoHoni or be removed, by certiorari or otherwise, mto any of Her defect, ao. Majesty's Superior Courts of Record ; and no warrant of commitment shall be held void by reason of any defect there- in, provided it be therein alleged that the party has been Nor oommiu convicted, and there be a good and valid conviction to sus- tain the same.' 20 V., c. 29, s. 12. 2t. The Justices of the Peace before whom any person is conviotionsty convicted under the provisions of this Act, shall forthwith to cieriu of the transmit the conviction and recognizances to the Clerk of the Peace for the District in Lower Canada, or for the city, county or union of counties in Upper Canada, wherein the offence was committed, there to be kept by the proper officer among the records of the Court of General Quarter Sessions of the Peace. 20 V., c. 29, s. 13. 184 OITT CHARTER AND OTHER ACTS. Who sball make Quarterly r* turn, &o., to the Provincial Secretary. No fDifeitnre on eonrlotion. But restitution may be made. Ifsueta pro* perty is not forthcoming, *0. The party so ordered to pay may be «aea, *0. Recovery of ponaltlet. Committal fbr non-payment. 22. Each such Clerk of the Peace shall transmit to the Provincial Secretary a quarterljc return of the names, oifences and punishments mentioned in the convictions, with such other particulars as may from time to time be required. 20 Y., c. 29, s. 13. 23. No conviction under the authority of tlus Act shall t>e attended with any forfeiture ; but whenever any person is deemed guilty under the provisions of this Act, the presiding Justices may order restitution of the property in respect of which such offence was committed, to the owner thereof or his representatives. 20 V., c. 29, s. 14. 24. If such property be not then forthcoming, the- same Justices, whether they award punishment or dismiss the com- plaint, may inquire into and ascertain the value thereof in money, and if they think proper, order payment of such sum of money to the true owner, by the person convicted, either at one time or byi instalments at such periods as the Court deems reasonable. 20 Y., c. 29, s. 14. ' 25. The party so ordered to pay, may be sued for the samff as a debt in any Court in which debts of the like amount may be by law recovered, with costs of suit, according to the prac- tice of such Court. 20 Y., c. 29, s. 14. 26. Whenever any Justices of the Peace adjudge any offender to forfeit and pay a pecuniary penalty under the authority of this Act, and such penalty is not forthwith paid, such Justices, if they deem it expedient, may appoint some future day for the payment thereof, and order the offender to be detained in safe custody until the day so to be appointed, unless such offender gives security to the satisfaction of such Justices for his appearance on such day, and suc^ Justices may take such security by way of recognizance or otherwise at their discretion. 20 Y., c. 5^9, s. 16. 27. If at the time so appointed such penalty has not been paid, the same or any other Justices of the Peace may, by warrant under their hands and seals, commit the offender to the Common Gaol or House of Correction within their juris- diction, there to remain for any time not exceeding three months, reckoned from the day of such adjudication ; such CITY CHARTEB AND OTHER ACTS. 185 Exponaes of groseoutioD, ow to -be paid. imprisonment to cease on payment of the said penalty. 20 Y;, c. 29, s. 15. . 28. The Justices of the Peace before whom any person is prosecuted or tried for any offence cognizable under this Act, may, at their discretion, at the request of the prosecutor or of any other person who appears on recognizance or summons to prosecute or give evidence against such person, order pay- ment to the prosecutor and witnesses for the prosecution of such sums of money as to them seem reasonable and sufficient, to reimburse such prosecutor and witnesses for the expenses they have severally incurred in attending before them, and in otherwise carrying on such prosecution, and also compen- sate them for their trouble and loss of time therein, and to order payment to the Constable and other Peace Officers for the apprehension* and detention of any person so charged. 20 v., c: 29, s. 16. 29. And although no conviction takes place, the said Jus- tices may order all or any of the payments aforesaid, when the^ are of opinion that the parties or any of them have acted bond fide. 20 V., c. 29, s. 16. 80. The amount of expenses of attending before the exam- ining Justices and the compensation for trouble and loss of time therein, and the allowances to the Constables and other Peace Officers for the apprehension and detention of the offen- der, and the allowances to be paid to the prosecutor, witnesses and Constables for attending at the trial or examination of the offender, shall be ascertained by and certified under the hands of such Justices ; but the amount of the costs, charges and expenses attending any such prosecution, to be allowed and paid as aforesaid, shall not in any one caae exceed the sum of eight dollars. 20 V., c. 29, s. 16. 81. Every such order of payment to any prosecutor or other person, after the amount thereof has been certified by the proper Justices of the Peace as aforesaid, shall be forthwith made out and delivered by the said Justices or one of them, or by the Clerk of the Recorder's Court, Clerk of the County Court or Clerk of the Peace, as the case may be, unto such prosecutor or other person, upon such Clerk being paid for If thoro bo no conviotion. Amount of ex- pon808, how agoertained and oortifled. Orders fbr pay- ment, how to bo mado, and upon whom. 186 OITT CHARTER AND OTHBR ACTS. Proteetion of persons acting under this Act. the same, the sum of twenty cents and no more, and shall be made upon the Officer to whom fines imposed under the authority of this Act arc required to be paid over in the* dis- trict, city,' county or union of counties in which the offence was committed, or was supposed to have been committed, who, upon sight of every such order, shall forthwith pay to the person named therein, or to any other person duly authorized to receive the same on his behalf, the money in such order mentioned, and shall be allowed the same in his accounts. £0 v., c. 29, s. 17. 32. For the protection of persons acting in the execution of this Act, all actions and prosecutions to be commenced against any person for any thing done in purauance of this Act, shall bo laid and tried in the District or Circuit in Lower Canada, or in the county or union of counties in Upper Canada vfl^ere the fact was committed, and shall be commenced within three months after the fact committed, and not otherwise. 20 V., c. 29, s. 18. 83. And notice in writing of such action or prosecution and of the cause thereof, shall be given to the defendant, one month at least, before the commencement of the action or prosecution. 20' V., c. 29, s. 18. 34. In any such action or prosecution, the defendant may plead the general issue, and give this Act and the special matter in evidence at any trial to be had thereupon. 20 V., 0.29,8.18. 85. No plaintiff shall recover in any such action, if tender of sufficient amends was made before such action brought, or if a sufficient sum of money has been paid into Court after such action brought by or on behalf of the defendant. 20 Y., c. 29, 8. 18. 86. If a verdict passes for the defendant, or the plaintiff becomes non-suit, or discontinues any such action or prose- cution after issue joined, or if, upon demurrer or otherwise, judgment be ^ven against the plaintiff, the defendant shall recover his full costs and have the like remedy for the same as any defendant hath by law in other cases. 20 V., c. 29, s. 18. Notice' in writ- ing to be given to deibndMit. Defendant may plead the gene- ral issue. If tender of amends made, plaintiff not (0 reoorer, fto. If tha defbnd* antbesno- otasftal. OITT OHARTEB AND OTHER ACTS. 187 II be the I dis- 3 was 3 the >med order mnts. cution leuced of this suit iti ities in hall be ad, and jecution 'endant, e action int may special 20 V., tf tender l)ught, or lit after 20 V., plaintiff lor prose- Itherwise, lant shall Ithe same \, c. 29, CONSOLIDATED STATUTES— LOWER CANADA. (Ghapt£b 102.) An Act respecting the Police in Quebec and Montreal, and certain regulations of Police in other Towns and Villages. . HER Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Council and Assembly of Canada, enacts as follows : 1. The Governor may, in the Cities of Quebec and Appointment of . •' . Superintend- Montreal, by a commission under the great seal, appoint fit enfeof Pouce. and proper persons to be Inspectors and Superintendents of the Police of the Cities of Quebec and Montreal, to execute the duties of Justices of the Peace at the Police Offices established therein and in all parts of the said cities, and such other duties as are hereinafter specified, or as may be from time to time directed by the Provincial Secretary, for the more efficient administration of the Police within the limits of the said cities : 2. The Governor may remove the said Inspectors and Governor may Superintendents of Police, if he sees occasion so to do, and udVpoint' may, upon any vacancy in the said offices, by death, removal or otherwise, appoint other fit persons as such Inspectors and Superintendents, to execute the duties aforesaid in lieu of the persons making such vacancy ; and the Governor may appoint any person to be Inspector and Superintendent of the Police, for either of the said cities, by virtue of this Act ; and any Tobeexqffcfo • , J J • xi i.' i< 1^ • Justioei or the person so appomted may, dunng the contmuance of his Peaoe. appointment, execute the duties of Justice of the Peace for the said cities, although he may not have the qualification required by law in case of any other person being a Justice of the Peace. 2 V. (1), c. 2, s. 1,-20 V., c. 44, s. 138, and see Contol. Stat, of Can.y c. 105, ss. 80, 81. 188 CITT CHARTER AND OTHER ACTS. Oath to bo taken on appoint- ment. Their powers and authority. To have the Sowers of two ustices of the Peace. Police Force mav bo em- bodied. Duties of the men composing It. 2. Every person appointed Inspector and Superintendent of the Police of the said cities, shall, before he begins to execute the duties of his office, take the following oath before a Judge of Her Majesty's Court of Queen's Bench or of the Superior Court, that is to say : . " I, A. B., do swear that I will faithfully, impartially, and " honestly, according to the best of my skill and knowledge, " execute all the powers and duties of a Justice of the Peace, " under and by virtue of chapter one hundred and two of the " Consolidated Statutes for Lower Canada." 2 V. (1), c. 2, s. 2. 3. The Inspectors and Superintendents of the Police of the cities of Quebec and Montreal respectively, shall be, in virtue of their offices. Justices of the Peace for the criminal districts in which the above cities are respectively situate, and vested with_ all the powers and authorities within the limits of their respective jurisdictions, of any one or two Justices of the Peace as the case may require ; and all judg- ments, convictions and decisions rendered by them respec- tively shall have the same force and effect as if rendered by one or two Justices of the Peace whose names are included in the commission of the peace for the districts within which such Inspectors and Superintendents of Police are respectively appointed to act. 20 Y., c. 122. 4. A sufficient number of fit and able bodied men shall, from time to time, by the direction of the Provincial Secretary, be appointed as a Police Force for each of the said cities respectively, who shall be sworn by the said Inspectors and Superintendents of the Police respectively, to act as Con- stables for preserving the peace and preventing robberies and other felonies, and apprehending offenders against the peace : 2. And the men so sworn shall, within the said cities, have all such powers, authorities, privileges and advantages, and be liable to all such duties and responsibilities as any Constable duly appointed has, by virtue of the laws of Lower Canada, or any statutes made or to be made, and shall obey all such lawful commands as they, from time to time, receive from the idle A CITT CHABTER AND OTHER ACTS. 189 Superintend- ent may make orders and re- gulations for its government. Inspector and Superintendent of. the Police for the city for which they are appointed, for conducting themselves in the execution of their office. 2 V. (1), c. 2, s. 3. 5. Each of the said Inspectors and Superintendents of Police may, from time to time, subject to the approbation of the Provincial Secretary, make such orders and regulations as they deem expedient, relative to the general government of the men appointed members of the Police Force under this Act for his city, the places of their residence, the classification, rank and particular service of the several members, their distribution and inspection, the description of arms, accou- trements and other necessaries to be furnished to them, and all such pther orders and regulations relative to the said Police Force, as such Inspector and Superintendent of the Police from time to time deems expedient, for preventing neglect or abuse, and for rendering such force efficient in the discharge of all its duties : 2. Each of the said Inspectors and Superintendents of the Police may, at any time, suspend or dismiss from his employ- ment any man belonging to the said Police Force for his city, whom he thinks remiss or negligent in the discharge of his duty, or otherwise unfit for the same ; and when any man is dismissed or ceases to belong to the said Police !Force, all powers vested in him as a Constable by virtue of this Act, shall immediately cease and determine. 2 V. (1), c. 2, s. 4. 6. If any victualler or keeper of any house, shop,* room, or other place for the sale of any liquors, whether spirituous or otherwise, knowingly harbours or entertains any man be- longing to the said Police Force, or permits such man to abide or remain in his house, shop, room, or other place, during any part of the time appointed for his being on duty, such victualler or keeper, being convicted thereof before any two Justices of the Peace, shall for every such offence forfeit and pay such sum not exceeding five pounds, sterling money of Great Britain, as they think meet. 2 Y. (1), c. 2, s. 5. 7. Any man, belonging to the said Police Force, may, during the time of his being on duiy, apprehend all loose, idle and disorderly persons, whom he finds disturbing the And may sus- pend or diemiss men composing ronalty on vic- tuallers, &c., harbouring rolicemeu ou duty. Polioemon on dutv may ap- preliond loose and disorderly persons. 190 OITY CHARTER AND OTHER ACTS. public peace, or whom he has just cause to suspect of any evil designs, and all persons whom he finds lying in any i^eld, highway, yard or other place, or loitering therein, and not giving a satisfactory account of themselves, and deliver any person so apprehended into the custody of the Const^able in attendance at the nearest watch-house, in order that such person may be secured untU he can be brought before a Justice of the Peace, to be dealt with according to law. Ibid.y s. 6. 8. K any person assaults or resists any person belonging to the said Police Force, in the execution of his duty, or aids or incites any person so to assault or resist, such offender, being convicted thereof before two Justices of ijxe Peace, shall for each such offence, forfeit and pay such sum, not exceeding five pounds, sterling money aforesaid, as the said Justices think meet. Jlnd.t s. 7. Penalty on per^ sons resisting Police. Application of next sections. Pruceedlnm as regards disor- derly persons. OF THE POWERS OF JUSTICES OF THE PEACE WITH RESPECT TO DISORDERLY PERSONS, GAMBLERS, ETC. 9. The ten sections next following apply not only to the Cities of Quebec and Montreal, but also to every town and village Municipality in Lower Canada, erected or existing under the provisions of chapter twenty-four of these Consoli- dated Statutes, subject to the provisions of section twenty-nine of tha{ Act. 23 V., c. 61, s. 29. 10. Any Justice of the Peace may condemn all loose, idle and disorderly persons convicted before him on his own view or by their own confession, or on the oath of one or more credible witnesses, to pay immediately or within such period of time as he thinks fit, a fine not exceeding five pounds sterling, and in default of payment immediately or at the time appointed, (as the case may be,) such persons shall be imprisoned in the Common Gaol or House of Correction of the district or in any lock-up house or other place provided by the Munici- pality for the purpose, at hard labour, for any time not exceed- ing two months, the imprisonment to cease upon payment of the sum due : OITT CHARTER AND OTHER ACTS. 191 I Munici- , exceed- sayment 2. But it shall be in the discretion of the Justice before Disoretion of , 1111 'iiii'ii the Justice of whom any person, apprehended as a loose, idle and disorderly the Peace, person is brought, either to commit such person or to dis- charge him, although an act of vagrancy be proved to have been committed by him ; — and it shall also be in the discre- tion of such Justice on discharging any such person, to bind him in sufficient recognizance to appear before the Justices at the next General or Quarter Sessions of the Peace, or Court of Queen's Bench, if no Court of Quarter Sessions be held in the district, to answer any charge or charges that may be alleged against him. 2 V. (1), c. 2, s. 8, — 7 V, c. 2, s. 1, —9 v., c. 23,-20 v., c. 41, s. 7,-23 V., c. 61, s. 29. 11. Persons who, being able to work, and thereby or by Persons rofljg- other means to maintain themselves and families, wilfully ^°' refuse or neglect to do so, — Persons openly exposing or exhibiting in any street, road. Exposing their public place, or highway, any indecent exhibition, or openly and indecently exposing their persons, — Persons loitering in the streets or highways and obstructing obstructing - passengers, by standing across the footpaths, or by using &o,; insulting language, or in any other way, — tearing down or defacing signs, breaking windows, breaking doors or door- plates, or the walls of houses, yards or gardens, destroying fences, causing a disturbance or noise in the streets or high- ways by screaming, swearing, or singing, — being drunk, and impeding or incommoding the peaceable passengers, — All common prostitutes or night walkers wandering in the Prosututw*, fields, public streets or highways, not giving a satisfactory " account of themselves, — Persons in the habit of frequenting houses of ill-fame, not Frequenters of . . « . i !• . 1 1 liouses of ill- giving a satisfactory account of themselves, — fame; Persons tippling in taverns or tap-rooms, after the hour of And taverns; ten at night and before the hour of five in the morning, between the twenty-first day of March and the first of October, and after the hour of nine at night and before the hour of six in the morning, from thp first day of October to the twenty-first day of March, — 192 CITY OHARTBR AND OTHER ACTS. (j amblers— Shall bo doomed disorderly por- song. Jugtioo may ig. 8U0 gcarch war- rantfi. llow sucb per- gons Rhall bo puuighod. Chargoa against them /to bo in writing. Commitments to gpccifV the fitctgofthecase. Persons winning money or other valuable thing in playing at cards, dice or other chance game, in taverns, — Shall be deemed loose, idle and disorderly persons, within the meaning of this Act. 2. V. (1), c. 2, s. 9. 12. Any Justice of the Peace, upon information upon oath before him made, that any persons hereinbefore described are loose, idle and disorderly persons, and are, or are reason- ably suspected, to be harboured or concealed in any house of ill-fame, tavern or boarding house, may, by warrant under his hand or seal, authorize any Constable or other person to enter at any time such house, or tavern, and to apprehend and bring before him or any other Justice or Justices, all persons found therein and so suspected as aforesaid : 2. And if, on examining such persons so apprehended and brought as aforesaid, it appears to such Justice or Justices that they or any of them cannot give a satisfactoi'y account of themselves, such Justice or Justices may condemn them to pay, either immediately or within such period as he or they think fit, a fine not exceeding five pounds sterling ; and in default of payment at the time appointed, they shall be imprisoned in the Common Gaol or House of Correction, or in the lock-up house, or other place provided by the Munici- pality for the purpose, at hard labour for any time not exceed- ing two months, in the City of Quebec or of Montreal, or thirty days in any other town or village Municipality, the imprisonment to cease upon payment of the sum due. 2 V. (1), c. 2, s. 10,-7 v., c. 21, s. 1, and 9 V., c. 23,-23 v., c. 61,s.29. 13. In all proceedings against loose, idle, and disorderly persons, the charge shall be reduced to writing, and shall be stated by the Justice or Justices of the Peace to the party accused, who shall be held to plead forthwith to the same ; and the said charge shall be summarily tried, due time being given to the party accused to procure the attendance of the necessary witnesses to establish his defence, if he so requires. 7 v., c. 21, 8. 3. 14. Every commitment to Gaol or to the House of Correc- tion or lock-up house, shall specify the particular fact or facts, as CITY CHARTER AND OTHER ACTS. 108 or lorderly shall be e party same ; le being of the equires. ' Correc- I facts, as to time, place and circumstance, which constitute the offender a loose, idle and disorderly person ; and any commitment which does not specify such facts, shall be held to be insufficient, and the party imprisoned under colour thereof shall be entitled to be discharged from imprisonment, upon application to that effect to any Judge of the Court of Queen's Bench or of the Superior Court, or any other person authorised by kw to act in the absence of such Judge. 7 V., c. 21, s. 6. . 15. Any Justice of the Peace may commrb any person con- How cruelty to . . „ . , ,,. . , 1/. animals oJiBll je victed before him, by his own view or by the oath of one or puuished. more credible witness or witnesses, or by his confession, of over-loading, over-driving or otherwise ill treating any horse, dog or other animal, to the Common Gaol, for any time not exceeding one month ; and all Constables shall and may appre- hend any such person, and bring him before a Justice of the Peace, to be dealt with according to the provisions of this Act. 2 V. (1), c. 2, s. 11. 16. Whenever any person is charged on the oath of a rroocodingg to credible witness, before any .Justice of the Peace, with any poaranco of a — .1111 1, • ,. , pcMon charsed offence punishable by a penalty, on summary conviction under under thia Act. this Act, the Justice may summon the person charged to appear before any two Justices of the Peace at a time and place to be named in such summons ; and if the person charged does not appear accordingly, then (upon proof of the due service of the summons, by delivering a copy thereof to such person or . by delivering a copy to his wife or servant or some inmate of the family of such person, at his usual place of abode,) the Justices, before whom he ought to have appeared, may either proceed to hear and determine the case ex parte, or may issue their warrant for apprehending such person, and bringing him before them : a. The prosecution for any offence punishable by a penalty Limitation of upon summary conviction by virtue of this Act, shall be com- menced within three months after the commission of the offence and not otherwise. 2 V. (1), c. 2, s. 12. prosecutioua. 17. The Justices of the Peace by whom any person is con- certain time victed and adjudged to pay any sum of money, for any offence for^ho nayment against this Act, may adjudge that such person shall pay the 194 X3ITY CHARTER AND OTHER ACTS. Application of flnes imposed under this Act. same either immediately or within such period as thej think fit ; and in default of payment at the time appointed, the said person shall be imprisoned in the Common Gaol or House of Correction, for any term not exceeding two months, in the City of Quebec or Montreal, or thirty days in any other town or village Municipality, which said imprisonment shall cease upon payment of the sum due. 2 Y. (1), c. 2, s. 14. 18. All fines and penalties imposed for offences against this Act shall make part of the Building and Jury Fund of the district in which they are imposed, and shall be paid over by the Justices or persons receiving them to the Sheriff of such district accordingly. 20 V., c.44,s. 113, — 23 V., c. 57, s. 2. 19. Any person, convicted under this Act, may appeal from such conviction to the next ensuing General Quarter Sessions of the Peace, upon giving good and sufficient security to pay the penalty awarded against him and all costs of such appeal; and the said Sessions of the Peace shall hear such appeal and dispose of the same and award costs in manner and form as practised upon other appeals. 7 Y., c. 21, e|. 4. Appeals from CO ur lotions undor this Act. rowers of In- spectors of I'o- ifco may bo Axorolsed bjr Recorders. POWERS OF RECORDERS OF QUEBEC AND MONTREAL. 20. All the powers and jurisdiction conferred upon the Inspectors and Superintendents of Police for the Cities of Quebec and Montreal, or upon two or more Justices of the Peace, by the foregoing provisions of this Act, shall be vested in and may be exercised by the Recorders and by the Re- corders' Courts of and for the said cities, and by those who by law may or are to act in the absence on account of sick- ness or otherwise of the said Rocorders, or when there is no Recorder, and discharge the duties of that office. 19, 20 Y., c. 106, 88. 1, 4, 8,-14, 15 Y., c. 128, ss. 79, 82,-18 Y., c. 162, s. 15. nor EXPENSES OP THE POLICE IN QUEBEC AND MONTREAL. Kxpentoi of I'ouoo to b« 21. The Governor may pay, out of any moneys in the hands of the Receiver General, not otherwise appropriated, such CITT CHARTER AND OTHER ACTS. 195 sums as are required for the. maintenance of the Police under this Act; and all salaries, allowances and contingent charges in that hehalf shall be paid upon pay lists to be made out on the first day of each month by the Inspector and Superinten- dent of Police, signed by him and approved by the Provincial Secretary. 2 V. (1), c. 2, s. 17. 22. Out of any moneys received for tolls, rates and wharf- age dues by the Commissioners for the Improvement and En- largement of the Harbour of Montreal, and remaining in their hands in any year after defraying all the special charges payable out of the same during such year, the Governor may direct the Commissioners to pay over to such Officer or person as he may designate, such sum as may be required to defray the expenses attending the employment of the additional members of the Police Force established under this Act, whom it has been found necessary to employ during such year to act more especially as Constables in the harbour and port aforesaid; the number of such additional members of the said Police Force to be so employed, and the remu- neration to be allowed for their services, having been, previously to their employment, determined by the Gover- nor in Council : 2. And the Officer or person to whom such sums are paid by the said Commissioners shall apply the same to the pay- ment of the expenses aforesaid, under such instructions as he may receive from the Governor in that behalf, and shall account for the same in such manner and form as the Governor shall direct. 14, 15 V., c. 24. 28. All moneys raised, levied and received under the au- thority of the Acts 14, 15 V., c. 25, and 20 V., c. 124 (to provide for defraying the expense of the River Police at Quebec) shall bo applied by such Officers or persons, and under such rules and regulations as the Governor shall from time to time appoint for that purpose, in defraying the expense of maintaining and paying the members of the Police Force acting as Constables in the Port of Quebec, undt?r this Act. 2 V. (1), c. 2,-14, 15 v., c. 25, s. 8, and 20 V., c. 124. paid by the Governor. Additional Po- lice for Harbour in Montreal to be paid by Har- bour Commis- sioners. Account of Hiich oxiienscH. Payment of Quebec Har- bour I'olioe provided foi. 196 CITY CHARTER AND OTHER ACTS. What the word uity shall in- clude. , INTERPRETATION. 24. For the purposes of this Act the word " eiti/ " or '' cities j" as applied to the Cities of Quebec and Montreal, wherever used in this Act, shall be held to denote the said cities, together with such neighbouring districts as the Governor has directed or may at any time direct by procla- mation. 2 V. (1), c. 2, s. 19. OF LABOURERS, SERVANTS, AND APPRENTICES FOUND GAM- BLING, ETC. Servants or ap- 25. If anyjoumeyman, day labourer, servant or apprentice, EiTnK inta^r™8 plays at any game of cards, dice, skittles or any other game, how punished. _ ,. xi. • • i i. i a for money, hquor qr otherwise, m any house, out-house, apart- ment or ground in the occupation of or belonging to any person licensed to sell spirituous liquors by retail, or to keep a house of public entertainment in Lower Canada, and such journey- man, servant or apprentice be convicted thereof before a Jus- tice of the Peace in the villages or country parishes, or before the Justices of the Peace in their weekly sittings in the Cities of Quebec or Montreal, by the oath of one credible witness, or by confession, he shall forfeit and pay for every such offence, a sum not exceeding four dollars, and not less than one dollar ; and in default of payment of such fine or penalty within six days, such journeyman, labourer, servant or appren- tice shall be committed to the House of Correction for a space of time not exceeding eight days, in discharge of such penalty oa aforesaid : 2. Nothing in this section shall affect any provision of the eighth chapter of these Consolidated Statutes relating to bil- liard tables. 67 G. 8, c. IH, s. 10. 26. The Justice of the Peace, before whom any such case is heard and determined, may award the cost which either of the parties shall have to pay the other, ns they judge fit ;and in case any person against whom any such costs are so award- ed, does not pay the same within seven days next after they Cap. 8 of thi'fo Con. Stat alfbctod. not Ijtuorction of Justice as re- gardr) coKtH. CITY CHARTER AND OTHER ACTS. 197 of the to bil- ih case lither of \t ; and J award- jer they have b( en so awarded, any such Justice or Justices of the Peace, whether in or out of session, may issue a warrant of distress for levying the same, by the seizure and sale of the oflFender's goods and chattels. Ibid.^ s. 14. ,; 27. One moiety of every penalty imposed in virtue of the renaiHes, how twenty-fifth section of this Act, shall belong to the informer, and the other moiety shall make part of the Building and Jury Fund of the district in which it is imposed, and shall accordingly be paid over by the Justice or person receiving it to the SheriflFof such district. 20 V , c. 44, s. 113, &c. 28. Upon every judgment under the said twenty-fifth sec- Appeals from tion, by any Justices of the Peace, an appeal shall lie to the der sect 26 Justices of the Court of Quarter Sessions of the Peace for the district where the judgment was rendered, upon which appeal the full merits of the original complaint may be heard and adjudged : 2. But the appellant, before the allowance of any appeal security for as aforesaid, shall give good and sufiicient security to pay the amount of the judgment appealed from, and costs as well on the original complaint as on the appeal. 57 G. 3, c. 16, s. 12. 198 OITT CHARTER AND OTHER ACTS. Thia Act to ap- ply to Montreal mid Quebec. KjicIi city to rorin a dlatinot Miiiiicipniity. AppniiitniPiit of School ( 'omniis- Rionerii. Ill euKO of ltoilur<> to nppolnt. CONSOLIDATED STATUTES—LOWER CANADA. (Chapter 15.) COMMON SCHOOLS. SPECIAL PROVISIONS RELATING TO THE CITIES OF MONTREAL AND QUEBEC. (Sec. 128.) In each of the Cities of Quebec and Montreal the provisions of this Act, with regard to the establishment of Common Schools in each Municipality, shall have effect and be applied, except in so far as it is otherwise herein provided ; and all persons appointed or called upon to cany this Act into effect in the said cities, shall have the same powers as the corresponding functionaries in the Municipalities, by whatever name they may be designated, and shall be subject to the same obligations and penalties. 9 Y., c. 27, s. 40. (129.) For all the purposes relative to the distribution and apportionment of School Moneys, and for all other purposes of this Act, where it is not repugnant to the other provisions thereof, each of the Cities of Quebec and Montreal shall be considered as one Municipality ; and it shall not be necessary to divide them into School Districts, but each School estab- lished by the Commissioners or put under their control by virtue of and in accordance with this Act, shall be con- sidered as a School District, and may be attended by chil- dren from any part of the city. 9 V., c. 27, s. 41. (180.) In Quebec and Montreal the Corporation shall appoint twelve School Commissioners, six of whom shall be Roman Catholics and six Protestants ; and such Commissioners shall form two separate and distinct Corporations, the one for the Roman Catholics and the other for the Protestants ; and one-half of each of the said Corporations shall be renewed annually by the said Corporation ; In case the Corporation of the City of Quebec or that of Montreal refuses or neglects to appoint such Commissioners or to renew them at the time pre- scribed, that is to say, in the month of July in each year, the \ OITT CHARTER AND OTHER ACT?. 199 Superintendent of Education shall appoint them ex-officio, with the approval of the Governor in Council. 9 V.,c. 27, s. 42. (131.) In the Cities of Quebec and Montreal, no rate No special shall be imposed for the purposes of Common Schools, but th6 be levied, but City Treasurer of each of the said cities shall, out of the amount to bo moneys in his hands forming part of the funds of the Corpo- ration, ration of such city, from whatever source such moneys are derived, (all Laws or Rules or By-laws of the Council of such Corporation to the contrary notwithstanding,) pay to the respective Boards of School Commissioners of such city, and in proportion to the population of the religious persuasion represented by such Boards respectively, a sum equal in amount to that apportioned to such city out of the Common School Fund, to be employed for the purposes of the Common Schools, under the direction of such Boards of School Commis- sioners respectively ; — And if the Treasurer refuses to make in cam city such payment, the Board of Commissioners, or their Secre- fu«cg to pay. tary, may recover the amount by action in the Superior Court, who shall order such Treasurer to pay the amount awarded by their judgment, principal, interest and costs, out of the moneys he may then have in, or that may thereafter come into his hands as such Treasurer ; and shall compel him, by . all legal means, even by contrainte par corps, to satisfy such judgment. 14, 16 V., c. 97, s. 9. (182.) The Corporations of the Cities of Quebec and An additional Montreal may pay out of their funds an additional sum equal paid"by corpo^ to that which they are authorized to pay to the Boards of "* "" School Commissioners, and also an additional sum of thirty per cent, to make good any unforeseen or contingent expenditure. 19, 20 v., c. 14, s. 1. (188.) The City of Montreal shall be entitled to receive proportion of out of the Common School Fund only one-fourth; and the afiowed to"^ City of Quebec two-thirds, of the sums they would without this Moutreal" provision be respectively entitled to according to their popula- tion. 9 v., 0. 27, s. 44. (134.) The School Commissioners for Quebec and Montreal ruIo» ibr com- shall, in their intercourse with the Superintendent of Educa- "'*''"""'" tion, be guided by the same rules and regulations as other School Commissioners. 9 V., o. 27, s. 45. 200 CITY CHARTER AND OTHER ACTS. Preamble. No pnblio mo- noy to be paid to any hospital, unless it baa a Small-poz ward. Certain cities may employ medical prac- titioners to vaccinate the citizens, &o. Proviso. (24 Victoria, Cap. 24.) An Act to provide for the more general adop- tion of the practice of A^accination. {Assented to 18th May, 1861.) HER Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Council and Assembly of Canada, enacts as follows : 1. No warrant shall hereafter issue for the payifaent of any sum of money granted by the Legislature to any hospital, unless, nor until, a certificate, signed by a medical officer of such hospital, to the effect that there is in such hospital a distinct and separate ward set apart for the exclusive accom- modation of patients afflicted with Small Fox, has been filed with, the Clerk of the Executive Council. 2. From and after the passing of this Act, it shall be law- ful for the Council of each of the Cities of Quebec, Three- Rivers, St. Hyacinthe, Montreal, Ottawa, Kingston, Toronto, Hamilton and London, and the Town of Sherbrooke, and they are hereby respectively empowered and required, to contract with some legally qualified and competent medical practitioner or practitioners, for the period of one year, and so from year to year, as such contract may expire, for the Vaccination, at the expense of the city, of all poor persons, and, at their own expense, of all other persons, resident in such city, who may come to such medical practitioner or practitioners for that purpose ; Provided, always, that it shall be a condition of every such contract, that the amount of the remuneration to be received under the same shall depend on the number of persons who, not having been previously successfully vac- cinated, shall be successfully vaccinated by such medical practitioner or medical practitioners, respectively so con- tracting. OITT GHARTEB AND OTHER ACTS.' 201 3. Within three months after the passing of this Act, the Council of each such city shall appoint a convenient place in each ward of such city for the performance, at least once in each month, of such Vaccination, and shall take effectual means for giving, from time to time, to all persons resident within each such ward, due notice of the days and hours at which the medical practitioner or one of the medical practi- tioners contracted with for such purpose will attend once at the least in each month, at such place, to vaccinate all per- sons not successfully vaccinated who may then appear there, and also of the days and hours at which such medical practi- tioner will attend at such place to inspect the progress of such Vaccination in the persons so vaccinated. 4. The father or mother of every child born in any of the said cities, after the first day of January, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty-two, shall, at some such appointed time, within three calendar months after the birth of such child, or in the event of the death, illness, absence, or inability of the father and mother, then the person who has the care, nurture or custody of the child, shall at some such appointed time, within four calendar months after the birth of such child, take or cause to be taken the said child to the medical practitioner in attendance at the appointed place in the ward in which the said child is resident, according to the provisions of the preceding sections of this Act, for the purpose of being vaccinated, unless such child have been previously vaccinated by some legally qualified medical practitioner and the Vaccination duly certified ; and the said medical practitioner so appointed shall, and he is hereby required, thereupon, or as soon after as it may con- veniently and properly be done, vaccinate the said child. -6. Upon the eighth day following the day on wliich any child has been vaccinated as aforesaid, the father or mother, or other person having the care, nurture or custody of the said child as aforesaid, shall again take or cause to be taken the said child to the medical practitioner by whom the opera- tion was performed, or other similarly appointed medical practitioner in attendance as aforesaid, in order that such City to appoint a couvpinciit place ii) each Ward for the purpose. Parent!", Ac, bound to take children to be vaccinated. And exhibit thorn to the medical prac- titloiHT on eighth day. 202 CITY CHARTER AND OTHUR ACTS. Certificate of siicce8AfliI Vac- ciiiation to be given. medical practitioner may ascertain by inspection the result of such operation. 6. Upon and immediately after the successful Vaccination of any child bom in any of the said cities, after the said first day of January, one thousand eight hundred and sixty-two, the medical practitioner who performed the operation shall deliver to the father or mother, or other person having the care, nurture or custody of the said child as aforesaid, a certificate under his hand, according to the form A, in the Schedule to this Act, that the said child has been successfully vaccinated, and shall also transmit a duplicate of the said certificate to the Clerk of the city in which the operation was performed ; and such certificate shall, without further proof, be admissible as evidence of the successful Vaccination of such child in any information or complaint brought against the father or mother of such child, or against the person who shall have had the care, nurture or custody of such child as aforesaid, for non-compUance with the provisions of this Act. 7. If any medical practitioner appointed as aforesaid shall be of opinion that ^ruy child brought to him as aforesaid is not in a fit and proper state to be successfully vaccinated, he shall deliver to the father or mother of such child, or the person havmg the care, nurture or custody of such child as aforesaid, on demand and without fee or reward, a certificate under his hand, according to the form B, in the Schedule to this Act, that the child is in an unfit state for successful Vaccination ; and such certificate, or any ^milar certificate of a legally qualified medical practitioner, respecting any child born as aforesaid, shall remain in force for two months from its delivery as aforesaid ; and the father or mother of the said child, or the person having the care, nurture or custody of the said child as aforesaid, shall, (unless they have within each succeeding period of two months obtained from a legally quali- fied medical practitioner a renewal of such certificate) within two months after the deUvery of the said certificate as aforesaid, and if .the said child be not vaccinated at or by the termination of such period of two months, then during each succeeding period of two months until such child has been successfully vaccinated, If the child be found unfit for Vaccination. Certifloate. Ito-prcwintation of the ciiild to be repeated un- til sueoeastbl Vaoctnatlon. CITY OUARTER AND OTHER ACTS. •203 take or cause to be taken to the said medical practitioner, so appointed as aforesaid, such child to be vaccinated by him ; and if the said medical practitioner deem the said child to be then in a fit and proper state for such successful Vaccination, he shall forthwith vaccinate it accordingly, and shall, upon or immediately after the successful Vaccination of such child, deli- ver to the father or mother of such child, or person having the care, nurture or custody of such child, as aforesaid, a certificate cortiflcmte. ' under his hand according to the form A, in the Schedule to this Act, that such child has been successfally vaccinated ; but if the said medical practitioner be of opinion that the said child is still in an unfit state for successful Vaccination, then he shall * again deliverto the fatheror mother of such child,or tothe per- son having the care, nurture or custody of the said child, as afore- said, a certificate under his hand, according to the form B, in the Schedule to this Act, that the child is still in an unfit state for successful Vaccination ; and the said medical practitioner, so long as such child remains in an unfit state for Vaccination and unvaccinated, shall, at the expiration of every succeeding period of two months, deliver, if required, to the father or mother of such child, or to the person having the care, nurture or custody of such child, a fresh certificate under his hand, accord- ing to the siud form B, in the Schedule to this Act ; and the Effbot of cortm- production of such certificate, or of any similar certificate from any legally qualified medical practitioner, shall be a suf- ficient defence agunst any complaint brought against the father or mother, or person having the care, nurture or custody of such child, for non-compliance with the provisions of this Act. 8. In the event of any medical practitioner employed if the owid be under the provisions -of this Act, or any other duly qualified tibioof"fie*vac- medical practitioner being of opinion that any such child as aforesaid, that has been vaccinated by him, is insusceptible of the vaccine disease, he shall deliver to the father or mother of such child, or to the person having, as aforesaid, the care, nurture or custody of such child, a certificate under his hand, according to the form C, in the Schedule to this Act ; and the production of such certificate shall be a suffi- cient defence against any complaint which may be brought cine diseate. 204 CITY OHARTER AND OTHER ACTS. Fees under this Act. Penalty for non-compliance with the re- quirements of this Act against the father or mother, or person having the care, nur- ture or custody of such child, for non-compliance with the provisions of this Act. 9. In all contracts to be made under the provisions of this Act, the sums contracted to be paid shall not be more than twenty-five cents for eyery person successfully vaccinated, including all or any of the certificates required by this Act. 10. If any father or mother, or person so having as afore- said the care, nurture or custody of any such child as afore- said, shall not cause such child to be vaccmated within the periods prescribed by this Act, or shall not. on the eighth day after the Vaccination has been performed, take or cause to be taken such child for inspection, according to the provi- sions in this Act respectively contained, then such father or mother, or person having the care, nurture or custody of such child as aforesaid, so oflfending, shall be liable to a penalty not exceeding five dollars, recoverable on summary conviction before the Inspector and Superintendent of Police, Police Magistrate, or Stipendiary Magistrate appointed for the city in which the offence was committed, or if there be no such officer, then before any two Justices of the Peace sitting and having jurisdiction in such city ; and the provisions of the one hundred and third chapter of the Consolidated Statutes of Canada shall be applicable to the recovery of such penalties. 11. After the expiration of two months from the conviction of any person for any offence against this Act, in respect of any child, no plea of such conviction shall be a sufficient defence against any complaint which may then bo brought against the same or any other person ibr non-complianc6 with the provisions of this Act in respect of the same child ; but the production of a certificate under the hand of a legally qualified medical practitioner, according to any of the forms in the Schedule to this Act, shall be a sufficient defence against any such complaint ; provided always, that if the certificate produced be in the form B, the production thereof shall not be a sufficient defence, unless the Vaccination be thereby postponed to a day subsequent to that on which the complaint is brought. Itcoovery. How far and when plea of conviction shall avail. OITT OHARTEB AND OTHER ACTS. 206 SCHEDULE. I Form A. i( I, the undersigned, hereby certify that , the child of , aged , of Ward, in the City of , has been successfully vaccinated by me. Dated this (Signed,) day of , 186 A. B. to a Form B. I, the undersigned, hereby certify that I am of opinion that , the child of , of Ward, in the City of . , aged , is not now in a fit and proper state to be successfully vaccinate u, and I do here- by postpone the Vaccination until the day of Dated this (Signed,) day of , 186 A. B. Form C. ' I, the undersigned, hereby certify that I am of opinion that , the child of , of Ward, in the City of , is insusceptible of the vaccine disease. Dated this (Signed,) day of , 186 A. B. 206 CITY CHARTER AND OTHER ACTS. (14 AND 15 Victoria, Cap. 129.) An Act to provide means to recover from the Corporation of the City of Montreal, part of the expense incurred in guarding the Com- mon Gaol at that place. (Aasented to 30th August, 1851.) rrcambic. TTTHEREAS by far the greater number of the prisoners Yr detained in the Common Gaol for the District of Montreal, are persons charged with or convicted of crimes and criminal offences com'mitted within the City of Montreal, and it is therefore just and proper that the Corporation of the said city should contribute towards defraying the ex- pense of guarding the said Gaol: Be it therefore enacted by the Queen's Most Excellent Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Council and of the Le^slative Assembly of the Province of Canada, constituted and assembled by virtue of and under the authority of an Act passed in the Parliament of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, and intituled. An Act to re-unite the Provinces of Upper and Lower Canada and for the Government of Canada, and it is hereby counoiiof Hon- enacted by the authority of the same. That it shall be lawful o?tii© siteriff to for and the duty of the Sheriff of the District of Montreal, on expense of * the first juridical day in each of the months of March, June, Raict uaoi. September and December in each and every year, beginning with the month of December, next after the passing of this Act, to furnish to the Clerk of the City of Montreal, for the* informatio 1 of the Council of the said city, a statement in writing of the probable expense of guarding the Common Gaol for the District of Montreal during the three months then next ensuing, over and above any sum of money applicable for that purpose which he may have in hand at the time of OTTT CHARTER AND OTHER ACTS. 207 furnishing such statement ; and the said Sheriff maj, hy his warrant or warrants from time to time, require the Council of the said city, out of the funds of the said city, to pay any sum or sums of money not exceeding two-thirds of the sum mentioned in the then last statement, and the Council of the said city shall thereupon cause the said sum or sums of money in the said warrant or warrants mentioned, to be paid to the said Sheriff by the Treasurer of the- said city, within forty days from the delivery of such warrant or warrants to the Clerk of the said city : Provided always, that the sum and Provigo. sums of money so to be required and received from the ' Council of the said city, for the purposes and in the manner aforesaid, shall not in any one year exceed the sum of six hundred pounds ; and that the application and expenditure thereof shall be accounted for by the said Sheriff to. the Council of the said city, on or before the last juridical day of each of the months of February, May, August and Novem- ber, in each and every year. 2. And be it enacted, That the Treasurer of the said Rccdpteaiui city, at the time and times of making payment to the said payments nn- ou -ir f V • J X u -J i. der this Act. Sheriff 01 any sum or sums of money required to be paid to him by this Act, for the purposes and in the manner afore- said, shall sign and deliver to the said Sheriff a note in writ- ing, specifying the sum or sums of money so paid, which note shall be kept by the said Sheriff as a voucher for his receipt of such sum or sums ; and the receipt of the said Sheriff, specifying the sum or sums paid to him by the said Treasurer as aforesaid, shall be a sufficient discharge and voucher for such Treasurer, and shall be allowed as such, in passing his accounts. 3. And be it enacted. That if after the lapse of forty Action given days from the delivery of any such warrant or warrants to pay8bi"e"iK) "not the Clerk of the said city as aforesaid, the sum or sums of certain tinu>. money therein mentioned, or any or either of them, or any part thereof, shall remain unpaid to the said Sheriff, an action shall accrue to the said Sheriff, on behalf of Her Majesty, to demand and have, of and from the said Corporation, to wit, the Corporation of the Mayor, Aldermen and Citizens of the 208 CITY CHARTER AND OTHER ACTS. City of Montreal, such sum or sums of money so remaining unpaid as aforesaid ; and the cause of such action shall be held to have arisen in the said City of Montreal, and the statement or statements of the said Sheriff, so by him fur- nished to the Clerk of the said city as aforesaid, in respect of which the warrant or warrants for the amount of which, either wholly or in part, any such action may be brought, shall be sufficient primd facie evidence in the said action, of the probable expense of guarding the said Gaol for the period or periods mentioned in such statement or statements respec- I'roviKo. tively: Provided always, that if and whenever it shall be pleaded by the said Corporation, by way of defence in any such action, that the said Sheriff hath not accounted to the Council of the said city for the application and expenditure of any sum or sums cf money paid to him by the Treasurer of the said city, for the purposes and in the manner aforesaid, under and by virtue of this Act, previous to the date of such statement or statements, the burden of proving that he did so account shall lie upon the said Sheriff; and in the event of his failing to do so, the action shall be dismissed with costs against the said Sheriff personally. CONTRIBUTION TO BUILDING AND JURY FUND. I By the 15th section of chapter 109 Consolidated Statutes of LoAver Canada, (12th paragraph,) it is provided that for keeping in good repair the District Court Houses and Gaols, erected or to bo erected, and for paying the Petit Jurors in criminal cases in the same, there shall be, in and for each such district a fund, to be called " The Building and Jury Ytiiriv coiifi-i- Fund," which shall consist among other things of a yearly Miiiiioipiiiitios; Contribution from each local Municipality in the district, Avhich contribution shall be : forty-eight dollars yearly from the local Municipality in which such Court House and Gaol are situate — twenty-four dollars yearly from each other local Municipality in the county in which such Gaol and Court Hous" are situate, — and twelve dollars yearly from each other local Municipality in the district ; subject to the following excep- tions and provisions, that is to say : CITY CHARTEU AND OTHER ACTS. 209 The local Municipalities or Corporations of the Cities of By Cities of Quebec and Montreal shall each contribute double the aggre- Montreal, gate amount to be so contributed by all the other local Municipalities within the Districts of Quebec and Montreal, respectively ; By the 30th section of the same chapter (109), it is pro- vided that : If at any time the ordinary funds of the Corpo- corporation of •' •' *^ Quebcoor ration of the City of Quebec or Montreal be insufficient to Montreal may •' , impose a Hpccial meet any contribution required to be made, under the provi- ™*geg"J,f^tM8 sions of this Act, or under the Act fourteenth and fifteenth A**- *>rJ,*' ^^ ' v., C, Via. Victoria, chapter one hundred and twenty-nine, it shall be lawful for the Council thereof to impose for that purpose a special tax or assessment, over and above the amount for which such Council is then authorized by law to impose rates or assessments, and to appropriate for that purpose any part of the fees of the Recorder's Court, or to impose upon proceedings in that Court a special tax, to create a fund for the above mentioned purpose. statutes Ithat for Gaols, lurors in )r each kd Jury yearly \t, which pom the [iraol arc ;r local ft Hous" iicr local oxcep- BB 210 CITY CHARTER AND OTHER ACTS. Duty of Ag808- sora in Lower ('anada. Valuators or A88Cfl8org in L. C. to insert certain matters in their rolls. 18 v., 0.100. I'ayments in nroducp, ftc, to be reckoned part of the rent. Valuation or aniteMincnt rolli to bo attested on oath. CONSOLIDATED STATUTES— CANADA. (Chapter 6.) registration of voters as regards lower canada only. 9. The Assessors in Lower Canada shall ascertain by the best means in their power, the owner and the tenant or occu- pant of all real property entered in the assessment roll ; and shall enter the names of such owner and tenant or occupant therein, distinguishing them respectively as the owner, tenant or occupant, as the case may be. 22 Y., c. 82, s. 5. 2. Notwithstanding anything in the Lower Canada Muni- cipal and Road Act of 1855, in the Acts amending the same, or in any Act incorporating any city or town in Lower Canada, every Assessor, Valuator or other person employed to make the valuation or assessment roll of property in any city, town, village, or other local Municipality in Lower Canada, shall insert in such roll, in separate columns and in addition to all other information required by law to be inserted, the actual value of every real property, the annual value of, or income derived or derivable from every such property, and the names of the owners, tenants or occupants (each in separate columns) of every such property ; 8. And whenever the rent, or any part of the rent of any real property is made payable in produce, or otherwise than in money, or any premium is paid, or any improvements are to be made by the tenant, or any other consideration is stipu- lated in favour of the owner, in reduction of the rent, — the Assessor or Valuator shall take into consideration and allow for such produce, premium, improvement or consideration in establishing the annual rent or value of such property ; 22 V. (1859), c. 10, s. 3. 4. Every valuation or assessment roll, every revised valu- ation or assessment roll, and every list of voters, made under the provisions of this Act, of the Acts hereby amended, or of <( . ti CITY CHARTER AND OTHER ACTS. 211 of any than its aro stipu- ,— the allow Ition in 22 valu- I under or of Tho oatli. any other Act, shall be subscribed or attested by the person or persons making the same, and by any person employed under the authority of the second sub-section of the sixty-fifth section of The Lower Canada Municipal and Road Act of 1855, if any such person be so employed, and attested by his or their oath or affirmation, in the following form: " I, (or, we severally and each for himself,) " do swear (or solemnly declare) that to the best of my (or " our) knowledge and belief, the above (here insert title of " document as valuation or assessment roll, revised valuation " or assessment roll, or list of votera, as the case may 6e), " is correct, and that nothing has been improperly and fraudu- " lently inserted therein, or omitted therefrom." And such oath or affirmation shall be made before a Justice of the Peace, who shall attest the same ; — And the wilful making of any false statement in any such oath or affirmation, shall be wilful and corrupt perjury, and punishable as such, as provided by the Interpretation Act, which shall apply to this Act. 22 V. (1859), c. 10. s. 4. 10. It shall be' the duty of the Assessors in every incor- porated city, and in every local municipality in Lower Canada, in which city or municipality assessment rolls are not required to be or are not made annually, to revise and correct every year, until tho next general assessment roll is made, the then existing assessment roll so far as regards the names of the owners and tenants or occupants of all real property, entitlod under the provisions of this Act to be entered on the list of voters at the elections of members of the Legislative Council or Assembly ; and such revision and correction shall be made annually at and during tho same period of the year at and during which the original assessment was made ; and every such revised and corrected assessment roll shalj be delivered to the Treasurer or Secretary-Treasurer of the Municipality, ill the same manner and within the same delay as the original assessment-roll is re«iuircd to bo delivered. 11. The Clerk, or Treasurer, or Secretary-Treasurer of every such city and of every such local municipality, shall, immediately after tho assessment-roll has been received by Dofbrc whom to bo made. FalMo Rtatcnioni to be nerjury. AsspsHorn to re- viMoand corwoi ascoHHiucnt roll every year, &e . In certain rei>- poots. At what lime. To whom to \m (loltvcn>ii. ThnClerkof the Miinici|iallty to make a lint ol nemouN i|H«II. hwl.to vote, ill)"- 212 CITY CHARTER AND OTHER ACTS. ttngiiUhliiK t4!ii- iiiitH IVoin own- CTB, &e. Sopamto Huts for oBcli Ward in cities. ri'0C«H<(Iillg8 wlieii 11 Miinioi* pnlity la partly III <>iio I'loctoral (tivisioii and partly in niiotlicr. Clorlc. Ac, to fortify on oati» of tlio corrpct- nPR8Of8U0lllil>t, Ac. hiiplicatototlie ItcRiRtrarof tlie county. Lint to l)C re- vidod, Ac, yearly. < 'opy to bo |M>»t(>d up, and where. the Clerk, Treasurer, or Secretary-Treasurer of the Munici- pality, make an alphabetical list of the persons who appear by the assessment-roll to be qualified, under this Act, to vote at elections of members of the Legislative Council or Assem- bly, in respect of property mentioned in such assessment roll, distinguishing such persons as appear qualified as owners from those qualified as tenants or occupants, and shewing the number of the lot or part of lot, or other description of the real property in respect of which they are so qualified ; and in every such incorporated city, the Clerk or Secretary- Treasurer shall make out fir each ward a separate list of the above kind, of all persons entitled to vote in respect of real property situate within such ward ; 2. If any Municipality is partly in one electoral division and partly \n another for the purposes of any such election, the Clerk or Secretary-Treasurer shall make out for each of such electoral divisions, one such alphabetical list containing the names, with such description of property, of all porsonw on the assessment-roll who are entitled to vote in respect of real property situate in each of such electoral divisions respectively ; 8. Such Clerk, Treasurer or Secretary-Treasurer shall certify by oath or affirmation, before any two Justices of the Peace, to the correctness of the list or lists so made out by him, and he shall keep such certified lists among the records of the Municipality, and shall deliver a duplicate thereof when finally revised and corrected, certified by oath or affirmation as aforesaid, to the Registrar of the county or registration division within which the Municipality lies ; 4. And the Clerk, Treasurer or Secretary-Treasurer in any city or municipality in which assessment rolls are not made annually, shall make out in the same manner an alpha- betical list of the same kind from the assessment roll a^ annually revised and corrected by the Assessors ; 5. A copy of every such list shall bo kept publicly posted up in the office of the said Clerk or Secretary-Treasurer, for the information of all parties concerned, such copy being corrected by the said Clerk or Secretary-Treasurer by the CITY CHARTER AND OTHER ACTS. 213 original when finally revised as hereinafter provided, and again posted up as aforesaid. 12. The list of voters made in the manner hereinbefore prescribed for any Municipality in Lower Canada (not in- cluding cities), shall be subject to revision and correction in the same manner and by the same authority by which the assessment roll may by law be revised and corrected ; and application may be made by parties desirous of having the same corrected, in the manner and during the period of time provided by law for making applications for corrections in the assessment roll ; 2. And in cities, such members of the City Council as shall be appointed by such Council for that purpose (or if there be a Board established by law for revising the list or lists of municipal electors or voters, such Board), shall be a Board for revising the list of voters, and application may bo made by parties desirous of having the same corrected, in the manner hereinafter mentioned during such time as shall be appointed by the City Council ; 8. The said Board or other authority shall take cognizance of any complaint made in writing by one or more electors, to the effect that any property designated in such complaint has been overvalued in the valuation roll, provided such over- valuation would fiave the effect of giving the right of voting to a person not otherwise entitled to vote : And the said Board or other authority shall detormit»e such complaints in tho manner, and with tho formalities appointed with regard to the complaints referred to in the following section. IH. If any person deems himself aggrieved either by the insertion or omission of his name in any such list, he shall, cither by himself or his agent, give notice thereof in writing to the (Jlerk or Secretary-Treasurer of the city or munici- pality, within the period aforesaiil, stating gonerully in what manner, and for what reasons he holds himself aggrieved ; and the coinplaint shall bo tried and determined by the said Board or authority at such time and i)laceas it shall ap|)oint, of which reasonable notice shall be given to the complainant and to tlie Assessor or Assessors who made the roll. 22 V., Lint Hlll)Jl>Ct to rovlHlon, Biiil by whom. In placoB other than citiuH. In cities. Hoard may c.or- roct over vahia- tion, if it would g\vo n votv to n party not other- wiM) eiitilli'd. How pcrnonH docmiiiK thcni- HelvcHiijtKrlcvod with rcRiird to 8uch llNtii, ithall procood. C. 82, S. T). 214 OITT CHARTER AND OTHER AOTS. I'orsonsoinitted fW>in tho list l>o> cause tlioy aro not on tlie as- Hossmont roll, &c., may com- plain and ap- ppttl. If any person <>nti>red on the lixt is objected to ; or any per- son Is omitted who is alleaed to bo <|iialiHed. Notice to par- ties. Board, after hparing parlies, final ly to deter- mine, &o. rroreedinfts of the Kevising Board on auy 2. And whenever the name of any voter entitled to have his name entered on the valuation or assesament roll, or on the revised valuation or assessment roll, is omitted from the list of voters, in consequence of its having been omitted from any such roll or revised roll, such person shall have the same right of complaint and of appeal in order to have his name placed on the said list of voters, as if it had been omitted from the daid list after having been inserted in such roll or revised roll. 22 V. (1859), c. 10, s. 6. 8. If any person, being himself a voter whose name is on the list, thinks that the name of any other person also entered thereon ought not to have been so entered because such other person is not duly qualified as a voter, — or thinks that the name of any other person not entered thereon should bo so entered because such person is duly (|Ualified as an elector, he may file a complaint to that effect with the Clerk or Secretary-Treasuiier of the city or municipality within the period aforesaid, stating his complaint and the grounds thereof, and the complaint shall be tried and determined by the Board or authority aforesaid at such time and place as it shall appoint, of which reasonable notice shall be given to the complainant and to the Assessor or Assessors who made the assessment roll, and to the person the entry of whose name on the list is objected to, if he' resides within the limits of the city or municipality (and, if not, such notice shall bo openly posted up in the office of the said Clerk or Secretary- Treasurer for the information of all concerned), or to the person whose name is not entered on the said list, but ought to be entered thereon if the complaint be admitted ; 4. At the time and place so appointed as aforesaid, or any other time and place to which the hearing may be adjourned the sud Board or authority shall, after hearing such of the parties notified as aforesaid as then and there appear, orwi)^ out hearing any of them who fail so to appear, finally del or- mine the complaint and affirm or amend the said list by entering thereon or erasing therefrom the said names, as after such hearing they think right ; 6. The said Board or authority shall hear and determine any such complaint as aforesaid, and correct the list of voters OUT CHARTER AMD OTHER AOTS. 215 Irmmc iroters according to such determination, and may adjourn the hearing in any case at pleasure, and may examine any party or any witness adduced by any party, or any documents or writings offered as evidence, and administer or cause any one of their number to administer an oath or affirmation to any party or to any witness adduced before them, or summon any person resident in the city or municipality to attend as a witness before them ; — ^And if any person being so summoned shall fail to attend at the time and place mentioned in the sum- mons (being tendered compensation for his time at the rate of fifty cents a day, such compensation to be paid by the party whom the said Board or authority condemns to the payment thereof), he shall thereby incur a penalty of twenty dollars, to be recovered with costs, to the use of the city or municipality, in any way in which penalties under By-laws can be recovered ; 6. All the proceedings under this section shall be summary, and the Board or authority hearing any such complaint as aforesaid (whether in any city or in any other municipality) shall not be bound by any technical rules of proceeding or evidence, but shall proceed upon and determine such com- plaint to the best of their ability, in such manner as they deem most conducive to equity and the substantial merits of the case ; 14. Any person who has filed any complaint to the Board or authority for revising the lists of voters in any part of Lower Canada, or concerning whom a complaint has been filed, and who deems himself aggrieved by the decision of such Board or authority touching such complaint, may, within eight days after such decision has been given, ftppcal there- from to the Superior or Circuit Court at its place of sitting in the Municipality or nearest thereto, by a petition setting foi'th briefly the grounds of appeal, and shall serve a copy of such petition on the Clerk or Secretary-Treasurer of the city or other municipality, who shall give reasonable notice thereof to the Assessor and other parties concerned. 2. Any Judge of the Superior Court shall have full pow ti and authority to hear and determine such appeal in a sum- such complaint, and tlioir now- ern to docitlc, fto. Evidonco— UatliH. WitncsRos compollablo to attend, Sco. Such proceed- iUKM to bo suni- mary, &c. Appeal given from thu Itevix- iiift Ituard to the Superior or Circuit Court, Judge to hear and determine on luoh appeal 216 CITY CHARTER AND OTHER ACTS. in a gummaiy way. His powen for tliat purposo. HiH decision to boflual. Costs of appeal, iiow and against Miiom taxable. As to evidence. Appeal not to aft'ect parts of list not appeal- ed from. List finally re- vi.'ied to bo re- turned and posted up. No one not upon it to vote. marj manner either in term or va<;ation, at such time and in such way as he thinks best for ensuring justice to all parties, and maj direct that any further notice be given to any party, if he thinks proper, and shall have the powers for summoning before him and examining on oath or affirmation, any party or witness and compelling the production of any document, paper or thing, and generally all other powers which are vested in the Superior or Circuit Court in relation to any matter pending before it, but shall not be bound to observe any form of proceeding, except such only as he shall deem necessary for doing substantial justice to all parties ; 3. The decision of such Judge shall be final and conclusive ; and the Clerk or Secretary-Treasurer having custody of the list of yoters to which it relates, shall correct the same, if any correction be ordered by such decision, immediately on receiv- ing a copy thereof certified by the Clerk of the Court by which it has been given ; 4. The costs of any such appeal shall be in the discretion of the Judge, and shall be taxed by him at such sum and for and against such parties respectively as he thinks right ; and any party in whose favour any such costs are taxed, may recover them from the party against whom they are taxed, by execution in the manner in which costs awarded by any judgment of the Court may be recovered ; 6. No evidence shall be received by the Judge on any such appeal, except such as he sees reasonable cause to think was adduced before the Board or authority to whom the com- plaint appealed from was made ; And the pendency of any such appeal shall not affect the validity of those parts of the lists of voters from which no appeal is made, but the same shall for all the purposes of this chapter be deemed finally revised and corrected so soon as the delay allowed for appeal ing has expired : And no proceeding on such appeal shall be void for want of form. 15. After any such list has been revised and finally cor- rected, it shall be restored to the Clerk or Secretary-Treasurer, who shall forthwith correct by it the copy posted up in his office ; and until another is in a future year made, revised CITY CHARTER AND OTHER ACTS. 21' Illy cor- jasurer, in his Iro vised and corrected in its stead, those persons only whose names are entered upon such list, as finally revised and corrected, shall be entitled to vote at any election of a member of the Legislative Council or Assembly for the city or municipality for which it was made, or the electoral division of which such city or municipality forms part. 16. The Clerk or Secretary-Treasurer of any city or muni- copies of lists cipality as aforesaid, shall furnish to every Deputy-Returning to Deputy- Officer acting in such city or municipality, or in any ward or officers, division thereof, a true copy or true copies, certified by such Clerk or Secretary-Treasurer, of the list of voters then last revised and corrected as aforesaid, or of so much thereof as relates to the locality for which such Deputy-Returning Officer *s to act ; and such Deputy-Returning Officer shall not receive the vote of any person as being a voter qualified by reason of his being entered on any assessment-roll, unless the name of such person is found upon the copy of the said list furnished to him. 22 V., c. 82, s. 5. 2. If at the time of any election, no list of voters for the if no list exisf^ current year has been made or exists, the Returning Officer the then last'iist and Deputy-Returning Officers for such election shall be fur- nished with the list of voters last made or existing, and shall govern themselves thereby ; and such list shall have the same effect as if it were the list for the current year. 22 V. (1859), c. 10, s. 5. 8. If the Clerk or Secretary-Treasurer of any city or muni- if the list oi cipality in Lower Canada does not furnish to every Deputy- furnished to Returning Officer acting in such city or municipality, or in any Keturniiig offi- ward or division thereof, a true copy or copies of the proper ing' officer simii «,,,,.„ procure it from list of voters, or of so much thereof as relates to the locality for tiio Registrar. which such Deputy-Returning Officer is to act, the Returning Officer shall procure from the Registrar of the county or regis- tration division, or if he be himself such Registrar shall furnish, a copy certified by him to be correct, of the then last list of voters for such municipality, part of a municipality or ward, filed in his office, and shall cause the same to bo delivered to the Deputy-Retuniing Officer ; and the cost of such (fopy shall cost, how puiu. be paid by the Clerk or Secretary-Treasurer in default, and CO 218 CITY CHARTER AND OTHER ACTS. No voting wlioro no list. I'roviKo: For tho case whon VnluutorH lui- i)oiiit«<i by tno Uoveriior, uu» tlor tlio miiiiici pal laws, ii<>- ftlcct to iiiiiko 10 valuation. If U>o Clerk, fco., of any Miinici|>ality ncKlcctii to draw up tlio alphabetical list re<iuircd, &c. may bo recovered from him or from the muiiioipality of which ho is 8uch officer, by the Returning Officer or Registrar who has procured or furnished such copy. 22 V. (1869), c. 10, s. 7. 17. No voting shall bo taken, nor shall any poll be held hi any municipality in which no list of voters has boon made : 2. But if the Valuators appointed by tho Governor, under the Municipal Law in force in Lower Canada neglect to make the valuation required by tho said law, the Governor shall, on tho complaint of tho Chief Officer of the Municipal Council, or of tho Registrar of the county, or of two proprietors duly qualified to vote in the said municipality, appoint in their place other Valuators, who shall be required |jp make the sai(ii valuation in tho manner in which it ought to liavo been made by tho Valuators whoso duty it was to have made it, and they shall in this rospoctj have all the same rights and powers to exorcise, and all the same duties to perform, and shall be bound under the same penalties in case of failure or neglect on their part, and the provisions of the said law shall apply to them in the same manner as to the first Valuacus appointed by tho Governor ; — And tho time to be allowotl to the former Valuators as well as to those subsequently appointed by the Governor for making tho said valuation, shall be twenty days from the day on which their appointment has been announced in the Canada Gazette ; 3. And if the Clerk, Treasurer, or Secretary-Treasurer neglects to draw up the alphabetical list as required by the eleventh section of this. Act, the Governor, on the complaint of tho Chief Officer of the Municipal Council of the city or other municipality, or on the complaint of the Registrar of the county, or of two duly qualified voters of tho said city or municipality, shall api)oint a Clerk ad hoc to make the said alphabetical list, and the said Clerk ad hoe shall in that respect be vested with all the same rights and powers, and shall have all the same duties to perform, and under the sam^ penalties in case of failure or neglect on his part, as the Clerk of the Municipality himself, and tho Chief Officer and the other Officers of the said Municipal Council (in so far as it shall CITY CHARTER AND OTHBR ACTS. 210 depend on each of them) shall bo bound to deliver up to the said Clerk ad hoc the said valuation-roll, under the penalties imposed by the twentieth section of this Act. 18. The list of voters mentioned in the eleventh section cf Lintof votomto 1 /. 11 • 1 1 I 1 ''•^ rovldcd anil this Act, shall be considered nnally revised and corrected corrootod by ' •' . Jtovi«oni. when it has been so revised and corrected by the authority of the Board of Revisers mentioned in the twelfth and thir- teenth sections ; 2. But if between the day of such final revision and cor- ivovIbo: if . 1 n 1 • • «« • «• I witliln B corfalii rection, and any time before the issuing oi a writ for the timo it i>o shown . '' " to tt.Jiiilflct (hat election of a member of the Legislative Council or Assembly, «"yHuoinii.tiiBH . "^ •' ' l)«<>n tniiiporod it be shown to any Judge of the Superior Court in Lower *'"'- &«• Canada, that the Clerk or the Secretary-Treasurer of a city or Municipality has altered or falsified the said list of voters as finally revised and corrected, or- allowed the same to be altered or falsified, the said Judge shall summon the said Clerk or Secretary-Treasurer of the said city or Municipality, or other Officer in charge of the assessment or valuation rolls, to appear before him and to produce the same, together with the list of voters, and to undergo such an examination under oath as the Judge may require ; 8. At the time and place appointed for the appearance of roiis and iiHt such person, the Registrar shall appear before the Judge, iM'fo^rdTho"*"' bringing with him the duplicate of the alphabetical list : And " *"" after an examination of the said roll and list, and Avith or without further proof, as he shall see fit, the Judge shall make Judgo (o ordor such alterations and corrections in the said list and duplicate necessary. ' thereof as ho considers necessary and proper, in order that the said list and duplicate may be in all respects similar to the list as finally revised and corrected. 22 V., c.82, s. 5, and 22 V. (1859), c. 10. 220 CITY CHARTER AND OTHER ACTS. I'ronrablp. Within what time tlie revised nsttossmout roll must bo made, under sect. 10 of (;on. Stat. Can., 0. (i. In dofanit, Assessors to bo appointed by the Governor to ninko it. When the list of voters must bo made. (27 Victoria, Cap. 8.) An Act to amend the law respecting the Qua- lification and Registration of Voters in Lower Canada. (Assented to 15</t October, 1863.) « HER Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Council and Assembly of Canada, enacts as follows : 1. The duties imposed upon Assessors by the tenth section of the sixth chapter of the Consolidated Statutes of Canada, shall be performed between the first days of June and August in every year in which a valuation roll is not required by law to bo made ; and if a revised and corrected assessment roll be not delivered by the Assessors of any Municipality to the Treasurer or Secretary-Treasurer thereof, on or before the first day of August in any such year, three Assessors shall be appointed by the Governor for that purpose, in the manner provided by the fifty-sixth section of the twenty-fourth chap- ter of the Consolidated Statutes for Lower Canada, and they shall revise, correct and return to the Treasurer or Secretary- Treasurer, as the case may be, the assessment roll of such Municipality, within fifteen days next after the date of their appointment ; and such revised and corrected assessment roll shall, upon such return, be held to be revised, corrected and in force, within the meaning of the said sixth chapter of the Consolidated Statutes of Canada. 2. The duty of making an alphabetical list of voters, im- posed by the eleventh section of the sixth chapter of the Con- solidated Statutes of Canada upon the Clerk, Treasurer or Secretary-Treasurer of each city or local municipality, shall be performed within fifteen days next after the return to him of the valuation or assessment roll, or the revised valuation or assessment roll, as the case may be. CITY CHARTER AND OTHER ACTS. 221 3. The Clerk, Treasurer or Secretary-Treasurer, as the case may be, of each city and municipality, shall deposit with the Registrar of th< registration division in which such city or municipality is situate, within fifteen days after the com- pletion of the voters' list, a duplicate thereof, certified and attested in the same manner as is required by law for the original voters' list, to be retained by him. 4. The voters' list then last made and in force in the Cities of Montreal and Quebec, according to the requirements of chapter six of the Consolidated Statutes of Canada, or in any other municipality, according to the requirements of this Act and of the said chapter six, shall be the voters' list, a co))y of which shall be furnished to each Deputy-Returning Officer, and which shall be used at any election of a member of the Legislative Council or Assembly, provided such list has been made, revised, corrected, and a duplicate thereof, duly certified, deposited in the Registry Office, at least one month before the date of the writ under which such election shall be held ; and in case such duplicate has not been dei)osited in the Registry Office at least one month before the date of such writ of elec- tion, then the voters' list last previously made and in force, and a duplicate whereof had been deposited in the Registry Office at least one month before the date of such writ of elec- tion, shall be used ; and no such copy shall be delivered to, or used by, any such Deputy-Returning Officer, unless there is upon such copy a certificate of the Registrar, that a dupli- cate of such list was deposited in his office at a date at least one month prior to that of the writ of election, which certificate the Secretary-Treasurer, the Returning Officer, or Deputy- Returning Officer, as the case may be, shall procure from the Registrar. 5. Nothing in this Act contained shall prevent the lists of voters, made as aforesaid, from being revised and corrected in the manner prescribed by the twelfth, thirteenth, four- teenth and fifteenth sections of chapter six of the Consoli- dated Statutes of Canada. 6. The actual assessed value of real property shall be the basis of the right of the owner thereof or of the person occu- Duplicato of lli>t tn bo do- noHltod with ItogUtrar. Wliat voters' liKt Hhall bo u8od nt any oloctiou. Itcgistrar's cer- titlciitc required on tlioli»t iifiod. Act not to Pre- vent revision and correction of list. AVIiut shall bo the value by which an own- 222 CITY CIIARTEll AND OTHER ACTS. or'g or tenant's riglit to voto Hliall bo oscor- tiiinud. Sect 17 of c. C Con. Stat. Can. nmondod. No vothift, nn- li>i!8lii$t hanbcon niado and do- iiositod with {pgistrar. I'ennlty for rcfVisal or noKlt'ct to comply with this Act. Limitation and eonHtructioti of Act. pying the same as the owner thereof, to vote in respect thereof ; and the annual rent or profit, derived by the owner of any real property from any other person leasing or occu- pying the same as tenant, shall be the basis of the right of such other person to vote as the tenant thereof ; and the annual value ascertained by the Valuators, to any occupant within the moaning of chapter six of the Consolidated Statutes of Canada of the use of such property, shall be the basis of the right to vote as the occupant thereof. 7. The first paragraph of section seventeen of the said chapter six of the Consolidated Statutes of Canada, shall be amended so as to read as follows: " No voting shall be taken, nor shall any poll be held in any Municipality in which no list of voters has been made and a duplicate thereof, duly certi- fied, deposited with the proper Registrar at least one month before the date of the writ of election." 8. Every Assessor or Valuator who shall refuse or neglect to revise the assessment or valuation roll, or to deliver the said roll so revised to the Secretary-Treasurer, on or before the first day of August in any year in which a new assessment or valuation roll is not by law retjuired to be made, — every Clerk, Treasurer, or Secretary-Treasurer of a city, town, vil- lage, or other local muncipality, who shall refuse or neglect to make the list of voters within the time limited by this Act, or to transmit to the proper Registry Office a duplicate of the lists of voters within the time limited by this Act, or to perform any duty imposed on him by this Act — shall be liable to a penalty often dollars for each day during which such Assessor, Valuator, Clerk, Treasurer or Secretary -Treasurer shall have refused or neglected to perform any such duty imposed on him by this Act. U. This Act shall api)ly only to Lower Canada, and shall be construed as part of the said chapter six of the Gonsoli- dated Statutes of Canada. CITY CHARTER AND OTHER ACTS. 228 •cspcct owner r occu- ight of nd the icupant statute? basis of ho said shall be taken, ih no list \y certi- lo month r neglect liver the or before [sessment , — every iwn, vil- lojilect to Act, or the lists perform kblo to a Lssossor, liall have bosed on lind shall 1 Cousoli- (27 Victoria, Cap. 2.) MILITIA. {Extract.) SERVICE ENROLLMENT IN LOWER CANADA. 10. The mode of enrolment of the Militia shall in Lower Modn of onroii- Canada be as follows, that is to say : — the Assessor or Asses- in't"'c. sors, Valuator or Valuators for each Muncipality in Lower Canada, in which a valuation or assessment roll is made in iioiu to bo each year, shall, annually, and the Assessors or Valuators SirHmVaiu." in each Municipality in Lower Canada, in which such roll * is not made annually, shall in each year after the present in which such roll is made, commencing with the year one thousand eight hundred and sixty-four, and at the same time when they are engaged in taking the assessment or valua- tion of real and personal property in their respective munici- palities, inchide in their valuation or assessment roll, the names and residences of all male persons in their respective municipalities between the ages of eighteen and sixty years ; and they shall prepare three additional columns in such valua- ooiumnn for tion or assessment roll, which will be headed respectively ciaHil'iffof'"* "First Class Service Militia Roll,"— and "Second Class "'"""'""'" Service Militia Roll," — and " Reserve Militia Roll." And they shall insert in the " First Class Service Militia Roll " ^int dans, the names of all male persons of eighteen years of age and upwards, but under forty-five years, who are immarricd men and widowers without children ; and in the " Second Class spconti. Service Militia Roll " the names of all persons of eighteen years of age and upwards, but under forty-five years of ago, who are married men and widowers with children ; and in the " Reserve Militia Roll," the names of such persons as are ucsorve. forty-five years of age and upwards, but under sixty years ; and the copy rc(iuired by law to be made of any such valua- copytranimit. 224 CITY CHARTER AND OTHER ACTS. ted to Warden to contain such rollg. Cortiflcatotobo attached to such rolls. And attested on oatli. ItoIIs to bo sent to County Warden tVom certain munici- palities in L. C. VroviRlon ns to municipalities in Lower Ca- nada wliere, as.so!<8munt rolls aru not made yearly. Proviso: Offi- cers of militia nuiy be ap- pointed to mal(o •uch rolls. Powers of ofneern making tlie rolls, tion or assessment roll for transmission to the Warden of the county, shall contain the additions herein specified ; and in addition to any oath or certificate required uijder the present or any future laws of this province, to be taken or given by such Assessor or Assessors, Valuator or Valuators, in respect to the assessment or valuation roll, there shall also be made and attached to the said roll the following certificate signed by such Assessor or Assessors, Valuator or Valuators : " I do certify that I have truly and faithfully and to the best " of my knowledge, information and belief, set down in the " above militia rolls, the names of all male persons within the " Municipality of (a« the case may ie), liable to be enrolled for " service by the militia laws of this Province ; " and such certificate shall be verified by him or them, upon oath, before a Justice of the Peace. 11. As respects any city, town, or village municipality in Lower Canada, the assessment or valuation roll whereof is not by law required to be delivered to the County Warden, the Assessors or Valuators shall deliver a true copy, certified as aforesaid, of the militia rolls on any such valuation or assessment roll, to the Warden of the county in which the Municipality lies, within fourteen days after they have completed such roll. 12. In those Municipalities in Lower Canada in which the valuation or assessment is not made yearly, the Assessors or Valuators shall, between the first day of February and the first day of May, in each year in which such roll is not made, make out militia rolls for the municipality, containing the particulars above mentioned, and shall certify the same as above directed and transmit them to the Warden of the county in which the municipality is situated, before the first day of June in each such year; provided always, that the Coni- raander-in-Chief may, in any year, appoint any one or more officers of the militia to make such militia rolls in any parish, township or other local municipality in Lower Canada ; and in respect of such rolls the said Assessors and Valuators, and each of them, shall have the duties and the same powers for obtaining the requisite information, as they have with respect (( CITY CHARTER AND OTHBR ACTS. 226 l*rovi8o : Commaiidor- in-Cliief may oau80 tho mili- tia rollH to bo mado by 3Iilltia OfflcorK in certain cancH. Their powem aud dutiex. Secretary- Treasurer to have tlio rollH and maico tlio countv roll from tbeni. to the ordinary valuation or assessment rolls and the militia roll forming part thereof. 13. Provided always, That in all cases where the Com- mander-in-Chief shall find that a failure to make the Militia Roll for any MunicipaUty has occurred, or sees reason to fear that such failure may occur, in any year, he may appomt one or more officer or officers of militia, resident within such Municipality, to make the Militia Rolls therein for such year; and such officer or officers shall then have, with respect to such rolls all the powers, and perform all the duties, and be subject to all the liabilities, which the Assessors or Valuators for such Municipality would otherwise have had or have been subject to, with respect to the same. 14. Tho Secretary-Treasurer of each County Council in Lower Canada, to whom the copies of the proper assessment, valuation or local militia rolls, shall for that purpose be forth- with, after their receipt, delivered by the County Warden, shall, within fourteen days after tho receipt by him of such rolls carefully compile from them the County Militia Rolls, shewmg the names aud residences of those on the " First Class Service Militia Roll," " Second Cla^s Service Militia Roll," and *' Reserve Roll," and shall make and attach to the said Rolls the following certificate to be signed by him : " I do certify that I have truly and faithfully compiled ^' from the assessment, valuation and militia rolls of the several " Muncipalities in the County of the County " Militia Rolls hereto appended." And shall verify the same on oath before a Justice of tho Peace, and such County Militia Rolls, so certified, shall bo by the said Secretary-Treasurer forthwith delivered to tho Registrar of the County, \o be filed in his office for use as aforesaid ; and the Socretaiy-Trcasurer of such County Council shall bo paid for tho same at tho rate of twenty-five cents for the compilation of tho names and residences of every ono hundred persons on tho said County Militia Rolls. 15. The several provisions of the Lower Canada Consoli- dated Municipal Act, and the Acts amending it, and tho provisions of every special Act incorporating or governing DD Cortincnio. Oath. County rollH tu be givmi to and ke|>t by tho KegiRtrar. Fee to Hecro- tary-TrcBHurt'r. Provitlonn anil powem Ibr making anKOHii. ment rolU, ex- 226 CITY CHARTER AND OTHER ACTS. tended to mill- any town or city in Lower Canada, relative to assessments or valuations, shall be applicable to the enrolment of the Service Militia hereinabove mentioned, and shall, in so far as such enrolment extends, be read and deemed as part thereof, and every Assessor or Valuator shall, as regards the making of the said militia rolls, have the same duties and powers and the same liabilities, in case of any default on his part, as he has with regard to the assessment or valuation rolls. Tavorn-keepera 16. All tavom-keepers, koopors of boarding houses, persons *c , to give »11 ,., J ..,./. ... J . J . ncoOTsary in for- havmg hoarders m their lamihes, and every master and mis- tress of any dwelling house, shall, upon the application of any Assessor or Valuator, give information of the names of all persons residing or lod^ng in such house, liable to be enrolled, and all other proper information concerning such persons as such Assessor or Valuator may demand. ^ > ^ CITY CHARTER AND OTHER ACTS. 227 ssments of the a so far as part ards the ties anil It on his valuation 1, persons and mis- on of any Qes of all enrolled, jersons as Copies of valu- ation rolls to bo Bent to the She- riflr of tli« H*- trict. ■ 27 AND 28 Victoria, Cap. 41. . ' {Extract.) Jury Lists. Sec. 4. Within two months from the tiroo at which this Act comes into force, the Clerk or Secretary-Treasurer of every Municipality, any part of which is within ten leagues of the place of holding the Court in the District in which such Municipality is situate, shall cause to be made and to be delivered without charge to the Sheriff of such district, at his oflSce, a duly authenticated copy of the assessment or valua- tion roll of such Municipality, then in force therein for muni- cipal purposes ; or if such roll has been revised and corrected under the provisions of chapter six of the Consolidated Sta- tutes of Canada, intituled : An Act respecting Election of Members of the Legiilature^ then of such roll as so revised and corrected : Sub-sec. 12 of sec. 4. — If any Clerk or Secretary-Trea- surer of any Municipality fails to cause an authenticated copy of its assessment or valuation roll, or revised assessment or valuation roll, as the case may be, to be transmitted within the respective periods of two months, and free of charge to the Sheriff, as hereinbefore provided, the Sheriff shall procure the same from the Secretary-Treasurer ; and ho may recover from the Municipality his disbursements in and about pro- curing the same, including all travelling expenses of a mes- senger, if one be sent ; together with a like amount by way Penalty, of penalty for such failure, with costs, by suit in his own name, bclorc any competent tribunal, Or of revised rolls, under cap. G Con. Stat. Canada If the rolls be not transmitted in due time to the Sheriff. An Cc foi < ( T the raj necessa lay out opened within i In the s Alderm powers of Inco: whereas ing out ( the purp consequ( whereas fications Therefor of the L as followi OITT OHARTBR AND OTHER AOTS. 229 (27 AND 28 ViOTOBiA, Cap. 60.) An Act to amend the Acts relating to the Corporation of the City of Montreal, and for other purposes. (^Assented to ZQth June, 1864.) WHEREAS the Corporation of the City of Montreal have Proiunbie. by their petition represented that in consequence of the rapid extension of the City of Mcatreal, it has become necessary to make out a general plan oi the said City, and to lay out, fix and determine the Public Streets and Squares opened or to be opened, continued, extended or widened, within the limits of the said City, and for that purpose to vest in the said City, incorporated under the name of the Mayor, Aldermen and Citizens of the City of Montreal, more ample powers than those conferred upon the said City, by its Act of Incorporation, and the Acts amending the same ; and whereas much difficulty is oftentimes experienced in the carry- ing out of the laws now in force relating to expropriations, for the purposes of public utility, and the delays and loss of time consequent upon the defective working of the said laws : and whereas it is expedient to make certain changes and modi- fications in the municipal administration of the said City: Therefore, Her Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Council and Assembly of Canada, enacts as follows : DD^ 280 OITT CHARTER AND OTHBR ACTS. Corporation to employ . Burvoyors to lay out atroots of tbo olty. i'roTiso. The said 8ur« voyors may enter upon property. They bLoII make out plana of •troets, &o. Thoy Rimll plaoo bound- ary stones at oornon of now Btroots. The laying outofstreetB and plan may OBNBRAL PLAN OF THE CITY OF MONTREAL. 1. It shall bo la>yful for tho said Corporation, at any time, to cause Public Streets, Highways, Places and Squares, within the whole extent of the limits of the said City, to be laid out, fixed and determined at tho City's expense, under the direction and supervision of the Road Committee and the City Surveyor, and to give a name to each of the said Public Streets, Highways, Places, and S(|uare3 : and for that purpose the said Corporation may employ a sufficient number of Surveyors or other competent persons who shall, with all due diligence, proceed to lay out, fix and determine under the direction and supervision aforesaid, and under as uniform a system as circumstances may admit, such Public Streets, Highways, Places and Squares, of such dimension, width and extent, as may appear to them most desirable for the public interest ; t*rovided any such Highway or Street shall not be less than forty feet in width. 2. The said Surveyors or other persons employed in tho exercise of the duties assigned to them, in and by the preceding section, may, and they are hereby authorized to, enter in day time upon any property or real estate within the limits of the said City; they shall, under the direction and supervision aforesaid, make out plans or maps indicating tho Streets, Highways, Public Places, and Squares now existing, as well as those which they shall lay out and determine, by and in virtue of the present Act ; and they shall designate upon tho said plans or maps, the new lines of the Streets, or sections of Streets, Public Highways, Places and Squares, that the said Corporation may have resolved to widen, in the interest of the public ; and they are hereby enjoined to place solid and durable Boundary-stones at each angle or corner of the new Streets and Public Squares, and Places by them laid out and established ; which said Boundary-stones shall be shewn upon the said plans or maps. 8. It shall be lawful for the said Corporation to cause tiio said Streets, Public Highways, Places and Squares, to be CITY CHARTER AND OTHER AOTS. 281 laid out, and the plan or map thoroof to bo mado for oaoh u maii(« by Ward separately, according to the preaont division of the City, beginning by such Ward as may bo doomed advisable ; but tho plans or maps of tho different Wards of the said Oity shall be so t« n*rnibut made as to correspond with each other in such a manner as oomiliotvd'. ^^ that, when completed, they shall make but ono and tho same plan, to be known as " The General Flan of the City of Montreal." 4. When tho plan or map for any ono of tho Wards of the Pi»n for naou said City shall be completed, the said Corporation, by their oompio'tod, Attorney and Counsel, shall apply, by summary petition to the ooniirmation Superior Court for Lower Canada, in tho District of Montreal, ^o^rt. to obtain the confirmation and ratification of tho said plan or map, after having given public notice of the day and hour at which such petition shall be so presented, in four newspapers, two of which, publislied in tho French language and two in the English language, in the said City ; provided that tho said notice shall have at least two insertions in each of tho said four newspapers, and that ono month at least shall elapse between the date of the last insertion of the said notice, and that of the presentation of the said petition; the same formalities shall bo observed for the plan or map of each of tho other Wards of tho said C.ty, as such plan is completed. 6. Evorysuchplanormapofa Ward, when confirmedbytho rianwhon . ~, 1 11 1 n 1 1 • • 1 1 • 1. ooiiflrmnd to said Superior Court, shall be final, decisive and binding upon ^ >ii>n> *ui(i tho said Corporation and tho proprietors therein .interested, »" pa"'"» and upon all other persons whomsoever ; and no indemnity or damage shall bo claimed or granted at tho time of tho opening of any of tho now Streets, Public Places or Squares shewn on tho said plan, or at tho time of tho widening of any of the Streets, Public Places or Squares indicated on the said plan, for any building or improvement whatsoever that the proprietors or other persons whomsoever may have made or caused to be mado, after the confirmation of tho said plan, upon any land or property, reserved either for new Streets, Public Places or Squares, or for tho widening of any of tho said Streets, Public Places or Squares of the said City ; provided that nothing con- 282 Omr CHARTER AND OTHER ACTS. tamed in this Act shall be construed as depriving the said Corporation of the right of ^ridening or extending any of the Streets, Public Places or Squares designated in the said plan, after its confirmation, if deemed advisable so to do. OnpUoate of plan provided for. New streets, when to be opened. Term, new streets, bow to be inter- preted. Penalty fbr interfering with boun- dary stones. 6. A duplicate of each of the said plans shall be deposited immediately after its completion in the office of the Prothono- tary of the said Court, and another in the archives of the said Corporation ; and when such plan shall have been confirmed and ratified by the Superior Court as aforesaid, the City Clerk shall make an entry upon the duplicate of the said plan depo- sited in the archives of the said Corporation in the following words : " confirmed by the Superior Cpurt on the day of , one thousand .^* 7. The S£ud Corporation of the City of Montreal shall have all the necessary powers to open to the public, whenever the said Corporation s|iall deem it advantageous to do so in the interest of the City, any new Street, Highway, Public Place or Square shewn on the said plans or maps, and also to widen any of the Streets, Public Places or Squares thereon indicated as widened, after having adopted, however, the formalities and procedure hereinafter prescribed relative to the mode of expro- priation and the levying of special assessmen1». 8. The designation of new Streets and Public Places or Squares, in and by this Act, applies to such Streets, Public Places or Squares as have not been opened and named before the passing of this Act. 9. Any person who shall remove, or in any manner what- soever injure, the Boundary-stones mentioned in the second section of this Act, shall be held as guilty of a misdemeanor and punishable accordingly ; and it shall be competent for the Recorder's Court of the said City to take cognizance of, and adjudicate upon, such misdemeanors. EXPROPRIATION AND SPECIAL ASSESSMENT. Repeal of for- 10. The sixty-sixth, sixty-seventh, sixty-eighth, sixty-ninth, relative to ex- seventieth, sevcntv-first and seventy-fourth sections of the Act propriations &o. i • passed in the session held in the fourteenth and fifteenth years OtSY CflARTER AND OTHER ACTS. 288 city Connofl may order opening or widening of streets, and acquire land for that puiv pose. of Her Majesty's reign, chapter one hundred and twenty-eight, the fourth section of the Act passed in the sixteenth year of Her Majesty's reign, chapter one hundred and twenty-eight, and the thirty-fifth, thirty-sixth, thirty-seventh and fifty-first sections of the Act passed in the twenty-third year of Her Majesty's reign, chapter seventy-two, and generally all the provisions of the said Acts, or any other Acts, inconsistent with the enactments of the present Acts, shall be, and they are hereby severally repealed. 11. The Council of the said City of Montreal shall have full power and authority to order, by resolutions, the opening, extending or widening of Streets, Public Highways, Places or Squares, or the construction of public buildings, and to order at the same time that such improvement shall be made out of the City's funds, or that the cost thereof shall be assessed in whole or in part, upon the pieces or parcels of land belonging to parties interested in, or benefited by the said improvement, and to purchase, acquire, take and enter into any land, ground or real property whatsoever within the limits of the said City, either by private agreement or amicable arrangement between the Corporation of the said City and the proprietors or other persons interested, or by complying with all the formaUties hereinafter prescribed, for opening Streets, Public Squares, Markets or other pubUc places, or for continuing, enlarging or improving the same, or a portion of the same, or as a site for any public building to be erected by the said Council. 12. All Corporations or bodies, and all husbands, tutors, guardians, curators, grevSs de substitution or trustees, who are or shall be seized or possessed of, or interested in any piece or pieces, lot or lots of ground or real property within the said City, selected and fixed upon by the said Couhoil for any of " the purposes aforesaid, may not only for themselves, but for and on behalf of all persons whom they represent, or for whom or in trust for whom they are, or shall be seized, possessed or interested, whether minors, issue unborn, lunatics, idiots, femes covert or other persons, contract for, sell and convey such piece or pieces, lot or lots of ground or real property to Under what formalities. Corporations, tutors, hus- bands, &.O., may sell and convey to the City CounciL 284 OITT OHABTER AND OTHER ACTS. the said Corporation ; and such contracts, sales and convey- ances shall be valid and effectual in law, to all intents and purposes whatsoever, any law or custom to the contrary not- withstanding ; and all Corporations and persons whatever, so contracting, selling or conveying as aforesaid, are hereby in- demnified for and in respect of such sale or cession which he, she, or they shall respectively make by virtue of or in pursu- ance of this Act, without however diminishing, in any manner whatever, the responsibility of such Corporations and persons towards those whom they represent, as regards^the purchase money or compensation of such sales or conveyances. Mode of pro- cedure in caees of expro- priation. Kotice of ap- plication to tlie Superior Court for ap- pointment of Commiasionera. 13. In case the Council of the said City, after having resol- ved upon undertaking and carrying out any of the said works or improvements for which it has been necessary to acquire one or more lots of ground or real property, or any part of such lots of ground or real property within the limits of the said City, cannot come to an amicable arrangement with the persons seized or possessed of, upoa any title whatsoever, or interested in, the said lots of ground or real property, or any part thereof, or who may be absent or unknown, as regards the price or compensation to be paid for the said lots of ground or real property, or any part thereof (the said Corporation, however, shall not be bound to take any step or proceeding towards securing such amicable arrangement), such price or compensation shall be fixed and determined in the following manner, to wit : 1. The Corporation of the said City, by their Attorney or Counsel, shall give special notice addressed through the Post OflSce to the person in whose name the property was lastly assessed on the Assessment Boll, as proprietor at his actual or last known domicile, and shall also give public notice in at least two newspapers, one of which published in the French and the other in the English language, in the said City, which said notice shall have two insertions in each of the said news- papers, that they will, by and through their said Attorney and Counsel, present on the day and hour mentioned in the said notice, to the Superior Court of Lower Canada, in and for the OITT CHARTER AND OTHER ACTS. 285 news- 3y and ie said tor the District of Montreal, sitting in term, or to any of the Judges of the said Court in Chambers, pending the vacation, and during the months of July and August in each and every year, a petition calling upon the said Court or any one of the Judges thereof respectively, to choose and nominate three competent and disinterested persons to act at: Commissioners to fix and determine the price or compensation to be allowed for each and every such lot of ground or real property, or any . part thereof, which may be required by the said Corporation for the purposes of the said improvements, and which shall be designated in the said notice by giving the boundaries (tenarUa et ahoutmantB) ; and one month at least shall elapse from the date of the last insertion of the said notice in the said newspapers, to the day appointed for the presentation of the said petition; and the said notice shall, moreover, be posted in said notice to both languages, twenty days previous to the date of the pre. pro^r^ to je sentation of the said petition, in three different places, upon each and every lot of ground or real property liable to expro- priation, or in the immediate vicinity thereof; expropriated. 2. The Court or Judge, as the case may be, to whom the said Appointment petition shall have been presented, shall appoint three Com- sionen bythe mi^sioners as aforesaid, and fix the day on which the said * Commissioners shall begin their operations, and also the day on which they shall make their report ; provided always, it shall be lawful for the said Court, or the said Judge, to extend the said delays upon reasonable grounds being shown to that effect ; 8. The judgment embodying the said appointment shall be commissioa- served, with as little delay as possible, upon the said Commis- copfarootat?* sioners, who shall be held to accept the said office and to p«naity° ^ perform the duties thereof, under the penalty of a fine of one hundred dollars, which it shall be competent for the said Supe- rior Court to inflict upon each of the said Commissioners upon proof of his or their refusal or neglect to perform the said duties ; but the exemptions provided for, in behalf of certaia Exemptiona. persons, by the second section of chapter eighty-four of the Consolidated Statutes :^r Lower Canada, relating to Juries, shall apply e(][ually to any of the said Commissioners, who may 236 OITT OHARTER AND OTHBR A0T8. appertain to any one of the olassea of persons mentioned in the said last cited section ; Immediately after the appointment of the said Gommis- Clty Survojror to nirnlih CommlKntonon with plan, &o. Commiuionora to bo iworn. Tholr powort, fto. StUrjr, Commliiriion- on to bu nir- niiliod witli tttlO<dfM<(lN of Iota to bo ox- proprktud. I'roooduro ft>r MoortAlning Tftluo of pro- party. sioners, it shall bo the duty of the City Surveyor to Aimish them with a plan or map shewing the proposed improvement, as also the pieces or parcels of ground or real estate to be expropriated ; 6. The said Commissioners, before proceeding, shall be duly sworn before the Prothonotary of the said Superior Court in the form specified in the annexed schedule, marked A ; and they shall be vested with the same powers and entrusted with the same duties as are conferred by the laws in force in Lower Canada upon experts in reference to appraisements ; and they shall be entitled to receive a remuneration not exceeding four dollars per day each, during the whole time they shall of neces- sity bo occupied in the performance of the said duties ; 0. The said Commissioners may, if they deem proper, call upon the proprietors or parties interested, to give them commu- nication of tlioir title deeds ; and upon their failing to comply with such demands, the said Comnii8sioners are hereby autho- rized to procure copies of the said title deeds at the cost of the said proprietors or parties interested ; and the amount of said costs shall be deducted from the price or compensation to be finally awarded to the said proprietors or parties interested for the expropriation ; 7. It shall be the duty oi the said Commissioners to dili- gently proceed to appraise and dotonnino the amount of the price, indemnity or compensation which they shall doom just and reasonable for each of the pieces or parcels of land or real estate, the expropriation whereof shall have boon resol- ved upon by the City Council or for the damages caused by such expropriations ; and the same Commissioners may act and adjudicate upon the price or compensation for all and every the pieces or parcels of land or real estate, buildings or parts of buildings thereon erected re(iuired for any improve- mont which the said Council may have ordered to bo made or carried out at one and the same time ; and tho said Com- missioners are hereby authorized and required to hear the OITY OIIARTBR AND OTHER ACTS. 287 to dili- , of the )m just and or I rosol- causod 's may all and ildings provo- mado II Com- ar tho parties and to oxamino and interrogate their witnesses as well Kxamiimtion OS the members of the City Council and the witnesses of tho witiiuM()ii, eaid Corporation ; but the said examination and interrogor tories shall bo made viv<t voce and not in .writing, and shfill oonsocpiently not form part of tho report to be made by tho said Commissioners, any law, usage or custom to the con- trary notwithstanding ; provided always, that if in the dis- r"-ovi«o; tie charge of the duties devolving on tho said Commissioners by <;im»miiMioii. virtue of tho present Act, there should occur a difference binding. of opinion between them as to the value of the i)ieco of land or real estate about to bo expropriated, or upon any other question within their province, the decision of two of tho said Commissioners shall have tho Hamo force and effect as if ' all the said Commissioners had concurred therein ; wo 8. In every case wherein tho Corporation of tho said City incrifwd v». may have resolved to carry out and execute any of tho works <•! |ir«ii.iity to or improvemontH aforesaid, at the City's expense exclusively, conNi.i.iinioii the said Commissionurrf hIiuII bo held to detoriuine and award when the expropriation shall apply to or affect but a portion of tho property or real estate, what may be the damage to or deterioration in value of the residue of tho property or real estate by tho separation from it of tho part required by tho said Corporation, and they shall determine, first, tho intrinsic value of the part of the ])roperty and promises to bo taken, and, secondly, the increased value, if any, of the residue of tho property caused by the projK)sed improvement, and tho differeneo between the intrinsic value of the [)art of tho property and premises reipiirod ; and tho increased value afore- said shall constitute the price or compensation which tho party or parties interested HJiall be entitled to, and when tho said Commissioners shall determine and award that tho increased value is o<iuivalent to or in oxcoss of the intrinsic value of the part of tho property and premises reiiuired, then they shall not award any price or compensation for the part so recjuired or liable to expropriation ; 0. If ono or more of the said Commissioners, at any timo in cmn ww after thoir appointment, shall fail in tho duo porformunco of onflliiin'th'o DD* 288 CITY CHASTER AND OTHER ACTS. duo perform- anoo of their dtiUcK, prooi)od< Ingii limy be Rtayod, ko. In euae of death, &o., of CominlMiion- era, others to bo appointed. IHkrtici to bo heard by Commissloncrt after public notloe. the duties assigned to them in and by the present Act, or shall not fulfil the said duties in a faithful, diligent, and impartial manner, it shall be lawful for the Corporation of the said City, by its Attorney, to apply, by summary petition, to the said Superior Court, or to a Judge thereof, as the case may be, to stay the proceedings of the said Commissioners, and to remove and replace the Commissioner or Commissioners who may have forfeited or violated his, or their, obligations ; and upon such petition the said Court, or Judge, may issue such orders as may be deemed conformable to justice ; 10. In case any of the said Commissioners should, after being appointed, die, or bo unable to act, the said Court, or one of the Judges thereof, as the case may bo, shall upon a summary petition to that cfibct, to be presented by the Corporation of the said City, after two clear days' notice to be established to the satisfaction of such Court or Judge, replace such Commissioner by another competent and disin- terested person, upon whom the said office shall be binding in the same manner as upon his predecessor ; So soon as the said Commissioners shall have completed 11. the proceedings relating to the appraisement, and determined the price or compensation for the pieces or parcels of laud or real property about to be expropriated, they shall give public notice by moans of two plaoai'ds, one in the French and the other in the English language, to bo posted upon or in the immediate vicinity of such pieces or parcels of land or real estate, that on thq day mentioned in the said notice, all parties interested or claiming indemnity, who may consider themselves aggrieved by the said appraisement, shall be heard before them in one of the rooms of the City llall ; and when such parties aggrieved or claiming indemnity shall have been heard as aforesaid, it shall be lawful for the said Com- missioners to maintain or modify, at their own discretion, the appraisement made by them of any piece or parcel of laud or real estate as aforesaid ; Report of U- On the day fixed in and by the judgment appointing onTobeiX ^10 Said Commfssiouors, the Corporation of the said City, by thei Cou cent the and be, i; hero! the shall sequ( CITY CHARTER AND OTAER ACTS. 239 mploted 3rmiued and or public und tho in tho or real (ice, all unsidor all be ,11; and 11 havo d Com- ion, tho laud or lointing their Attorney or Counsel, shall submit to the said Superior mittod to the Court, or to one of the Judges thereof, respectively, the report urmatiou. containing the appraisement of the said Commissioners, for the purpose of being confirmed and homologated to all intents and purposes ; and the said Court or Judge, as the case may be, upon being satisfied that tho proceedings and formalities No appoai heroinboforo provided for have boon observed, shall pronounce tho confirmation and homologation of tho said report which shall be final as regards all parties interested, and con-^ aequently not open to any appeal. 14. In case any Street, Public Place or Square shall be No indemnity laid out and determined before the confirmation and homolo- buiiiitngi erected on gation of any of tho plans or maps of tho said City, hereinbefore •'r"P»*"Ay ,^ provided for, or if any Strocfc, Public Place or St^uare shown Jj'^JJ™''^!?/^"*' and do'-ifo ;tod on the said plans or maps shall bo widened or «pofnouco. extondr . the confirmation and homologation of the said plans or :. ..^,6^ no indemnity or damage shall be allowed or granted for buildings, structures or improvements which tho proprietors or other persons whomsoever shall have caused to bo erected or made upon any of tho pieces or parcels of land, or real property which tho Corporation of tho said City may resolve to ac(i[uire for public purposes, from the time that the public notice mentioned in tho sub-section number one of the next preceding section, shall have been posted upon tho said pieces or parcels of land or real estate, as aforesaid. 15. Tho Corporation of the said City shall, within fifteen Anortuo days from and after the confirmation and homologation of ..f Uopurt. the report of tho said Commissioners, make, in tho hands of to .i,.|ioHit tho Prothonotary of tho said Superior Court, Avhoso duty it cmponia. shall be to grant to the said Corporation a written acknow- ledgment thereof, a deposit and consignment of the price or compensation and damages settled and determined in and by the said report; and the act of buch deposit and consignment KHMofde* shall constitute, in behalf of the Corporation of tho said City, a legal title to the property of each of the said pieces or i)ar- cels of land or real estate, and from thence all pro[)rietors of, or other persons whatsoever interested in, tho said pieces or IKWit. 240 CITY OHARTBR AND OTUBR ACTS. HortffaKM on land oxpro- printed, ro- moved. Recoil rso of mortKageot on the price. parcels of land or real estate, shall lose and be divested of all their rights or claims thereto, and the said Corporation shall be vested Avith the said pieces or parcels of land or real estate, and may of right and without any further formality enter on possession of, and use the same for any of the pur- poses authorized in and by this Act ; any law, statute or usage to the contrary notwithstanding. IG. Any expropriation made in virtue of the present Act shall have the oftcct of removing and paying ofif all mort- gages or privileges with which the said ])ioce8 or ])arcels of land or real estate may bo burdened or encumbered at the time ; but the price or compensation deposited in the hands of the Prothonotary, as aforesaid, shall bo hold to represent the said })ieces or parcels of land or real estate as regards all mortgagees or privileged creditors, whoso rank and priority shall bo preserved in the distribution to bo made of the money deposited conformably to this Act. 17. When the money shall have boon deposited and con- signed in the hands of the Prothonotary, in accordance with the provisions of the next preceding section, the said Supe- rior Court shall determine the mode of calling forth tho creditors of the party entitled to such money, or his legal representatives and all other parties interested, and issue such orders as may bo deemed advisable and just as regards the delivery or distribution of tho money, or any other matter in connection with the claims or demands of the parties inter- ested ; Provided always, that when the price or comi)on8ation and damages shall be paid in whole or in part to the party entitled to tho same (but this proviso shall not bo hold to apply to his creditors), tho amount of such price or compen- sation and damages shall not bo subject to the tax impo8ud by and in virtue of the twelfth Victoria, chapter one hundred and twelve, nor to tho conunission which tho Prothonotary of the said Superior Court is entitled to receive, nor to any tax, commission or impost. 18. All tho provisions contained in tho thirteenth sec- tion of tho present Act with regard to tho appointment of Money, Iiow to be dixtrl- butud. I'roviHo : com* iieiiiintioii not liiiblo to tax under 13 V. cap. iia. Exception. rrflvUlonR extended to coiniK)n!<ation OUT CHARTER AND OTHER AOTS. 241 GommisBioners and tho mode of osoortaining the value of the pieces or parcels of land or real estate taken by the Corpora- tion of the said Oity, shall be and are hereby extended to all oases in which it shall become necessary to ascertain tho amount of compensation to bo paid by the said Corporation to any proprietor of real estate or his representatives, for any damage he or they may have sustained by reason of any alteration, made by order of the said Council, in the level of any tbotpath or sidewalk, or by reason of the removal of any establishment subject to be removed under any By-law of tho said Oori)oration, or to any i)arty by reason of any other act of tho said Council for which they arc bound to make compen- sation, and with regard to the amount of compensation for which damage the party sustaining the same and the said Cor- poration shall not agree ; and the amount of such compensa- tion shall be paid at once by the said Corporation to the party having a right to tho same, without furtlior formality ; and any person who shall erect any building whatever upon or contiguous to any established or contemplated Street, Public Place or Sijuaro in the said City, without having previously obtained from the City Surveyor tlio level of such Street, Public Place or Scpuiro, shall forfeit his or her claim for dam- ages or compensation by reason of any injury caused to the property when such level shall bo settled and determined by the said Council, through tho Road Committee. 19. In all cases whore, for tho purpose of opening any Street, Square, Markot-placo or other Public Phico, or for continuing, enlarging or othorwiso improving the said Streets, Squares, Market-places, or other Public Places, or as a wito for any public building to bo erected by the said Corporation, tho said Corporation shall deetn it advantageous to purchase and ac(iuire, or take or enter upon, more than tho ground actu- ally reiiuired for any of tho said pur[)08es, it shall be lawiul for the said Corporation so as aforesaid, to purchase and ac- quire an extent over and above what may be recjuired for the above purposes ; Provided, nevertheless, such extent do not exceed one hundred feet in de|»th by whatever length may exist, and such extent of one hundred feet may bo taken out for nHerntioni of level*, Ao. rnrtinfi to iilitniii proper level before building. ('nrporatlon tiiiiy Hci|iilro a certHJii ex- tent of lund over iind iiliovii iMirtInn re(|iilre(l lor Iniiirovuniuut. I'rovlBO! ex- tent limited. 242 OITT OHAllTTUl AND OTHER ACTS. Provlno! party may ubjoot, and Cornora- tion Bhal) tlion tako only land required for tlio improvomout. of one or both sides of the said Street, Square, Markot-plaoe or site for any public building, in case the proposed improve- ment applies to both sides of such Street, Square, Market-place or site, as aforesaid ; Provided also that if any proprietor, a portion of whose property may be required for the above pur- poses, objects to the said Corporation taking or acquiring more than the piece or parcel of his lot required for any of the said purposes, such proprietor shall make known his objection by causing a written notice to that effect to be served upon the said Corporation at least two days previous to the day fixed as aforesaid on which the said Commissioners are to begin their operations ; in which case the said Corporation can only take and acquire the piece or parcel of land required for the improvement and no more. 20. The Corporation of the said City may open, continue or widen any Streets or Highways, and establisli Public Parks or Squares, beyond the limits of the said City, and acquire any piece or parcel of land required for any of the said purposes, in the same manner, and by following tho same formalities as those prescribed in and l)y the present Act for similar improvements withhi the limits of the said City ; Pro- vided, always, that before exercising any of tho powers confer- red upon it by the present section, the said Corporation shall be held to obtain the consent of the municipality within the limits of which such powers are to be exercised, and such last mentioned municipality is hereby empowered to exempt from any tax or assessment, if it sees fit so to do, the Public Parks, Squares or Public Places to be opened or established as afore- said. Power to open Btroots, fto., beyond the city limita. Proviso ! oon- Roiit of muni> oipality to bo flrat obtained. Corporations may lnvo«t price of ooin- pouiation, &c. 21. Corporations, ecclesiastical or civil, whoso property, or any part of whoso property, shall be conveyed to, or taken by the said Corporation of the City of Montreal, under the authority of this Act, may invest the price or compensation paid for the property so convoyed or taken, in other real pro- perty in any part of this Province, and may tiiko nnd hold tho same, without Her Majesty's letters of mortmain, any law to tho contrary notwithstanding. OITT OHARTBR AND OTHER AOTS. 248 22. So soon as tho report of the said Commissioners shall have boon coufirmod oud ratified by the said Court, or by one of tho Judges thereof, as the case may be, conformably to tho tenth sub-section of the thirteenth section of this Apt, it shall be the duty of the Assessors of the said City, in all cases where tho said Council may have ordered, in confor- mity with the eleventh section of this Act, that the cost of the said works or improvements shall be borne in whole or in part, by tho proprietors or parties interested, benefited or to be benefited by the said works or improvements, to assess and apportion in such manner us to them may appear most reason- able and just, the price or coinpunsation, indemnity, damage and cost of such expropriation or improvement, in whole or in part, conformably to the resolution of the said Council, upon all and every the pieces or parcels of land or real estate which have been benefited, or may hereafter be benefited by such improvement ; and the said Assessors shall have tho exclusive power or privilege to determine what pieces or parcels of land or real estate shall have been or may be benefited, and to what relative or comparative amount ; and tho said Assessors shall, for the purposes of the said improvement, base their valuation upon the actual value of the said pieces or parcels of land or real estate, in view of the said improvement. 23. Immediately after the completion of tho said special assessment roll, tho said Assessors shall deposit the same, duly certified along with a plan or map, designating all and every the pieces or parcels of land or real estate subject to or liable for the said special assessment, in the office of tho City Clerk, for the examination and ins[)ection of all parties interested: and they shall give public notice of the comple- tion and deposit of the said special assessment roll as afore- said, in at least two newspa[)ers published in the said City, which notice shall have at least two insertions in one news- paper published in the French laiij^imge, and a like number of insertions in one newspaper published in the English lan- guage ; and every proprietor or interested party may, within fifteen days from and after the lust insertion of the said In cnHOM whom i)i'()prl<<t(>n« iiHvo to pay ocmt or |iurt ofooit of im> nmvotnoiit, t'lty AHHcmion to NHMMs auoh cost. Aurommont Uoll, wliim c(iin|)luU>(l, to bu dupoiltodt Public notloo to bo givoii. •Revlxlon of AfiMmHmuiit Uoll. 244 OITT CHARTER AND OTHER ACTS. FroTiso. notice, apply to the said assessors to make known his grier-* ances, in case such proprietor or interested party shall deem himself aggrieved by the manner in which his property may have been assessed, and thereupon the said Assessors may, and they are hereby empowered to maintain or modify, at their discretion, the special assessment roll ; provided that the delay of fifteen days aforesaid once expired, the said special assessment roll shall of right be confirmed and become in force by the mere lapse of time. 24. The special assessment mentioned in the next preced- ing section may be recovered by the Corporation of the said City in the same manner as any other tax or assessment which the said Corporation are authorized to impose by their charter and the several Acts amending the same. 25. The duties assigned to the said Assessors by the twenty-first and twenty-second sections of the present Act may be performed with the same force and effect by the con- current majority of the said Assessors ; and in every case where a difference of opinion may arise between the said Assessors, the decision of the majority of all the Assessors shall have the same force and effect as if the whole of the said assessors had concurred therein. Special as- Bessmont, how reoorerable. Duties may be performed by a majority oftiioasaes- ■on. Now mode of expropriation oxiendcd to improvements ordered be- fore passing of tills Act. Local improve- ments extend- ed to stone paving, ke. 26. The mode prescribed in the precedmg sections for expropriations and for levying and determining special assess- ments shall have force and effect, and shall be followed and applied, not only as regards works and improvements which the Council of the said City may hereafter order to be carried out, but also with respect to all and every the works and improvements which the said Council may have resolved at any time before the passing of this Act to carry out. 27. It shall be lawful for the Council of the said City to order, by resolution, certain works or improvements in the Streets, Public Places or Squares of the said City, such as dressed stone paving, flagstone or brick footpaths or side- walks, or grading, and to defray the cost of the said works or improvements out of the City funds, or to assess the cost OITT OHARTER AND OTHBB ACTS. 245 thereof, in whole or in part, as the said Council may, in their discretion, deem proper, upon the proprietors or usufructuaries of the real estate situate on either side of such Streets, Puhlio Places or Squares, in proportion to the frontage of the said real estate respectively ; and in the latter case it shall be the duty of the City Surveyor to apportion and assess the cost of the said works or improvements, or such part thereof as the said Council may have determined should be borne by the said proprietors or usufructuaries upon the said real estate, according to the frontage thereof as aforesaid ; and the said assessment, when so made and apportioned, shall be due and recoverable, the same as all other taxes and assessments, before the Recorder's Court. 28. Every person without a domicile or place of business who shaii within the limits of the said City, shall be deemed to be absent. ° absent, within the meaning of the present Act. 29. Any Bailiff of the Superior Court for the District of Baiiiflb autho- Montreal, may serve and post up the notifications required notices, fro. by the present Act, and make a return thereof under his oath of office. WIDENING OF NOTRE DAMB STREET. 80. Whereas it has been found expedient and in the inter- Recital, est of the proprietors in Notre Dame Street, and also of the citizens of the City of Montreal generally, to complete the widen- ing and enlarging of the said street, which may be considered as the leading thoroughfare of the said City, the said Corpora- tion is hereby authorized to carry out the said improvement in the manner hereinafter prescribed : 1. Notre Dame Street, in the said City, shall be widened Notre Dame in its whole extent, from Dalhousie Square to McGill Street, Ulonedinits to a uniform width of forty-four feet, French measure ; and the necessary ground or land for that purpose shall be taken on the north-west side of the said street, with the exception of a small portion at the extreme east end thereof, which requires to be widened on both sides ; DD^ 246 OITT CHARTER AND OTHER ACTS. To bo divided into seotions. One year al- lowed for each section . Cost of im- provement, by wliom borne. Commission- en to talce up each section of Notre Dame street seria- tim, &c. 2. That said Notre Dame Street, for the purposes of the said improvement, shall be divided into four sections, as follows : Fint Section: That portion of Notre Dame street lying between St. Lambert and St. Francois Xavier Streets, between St. Peter and DoUard (late Guiilaume) Streets, and between Gosford and Bonsecours Streets ; Second Section: That portion of Notre Dame Street lying between St. Peter and St. Francois Xavier Streets. Third Section: That portion of Notre Dame Street lying between St. Lambert and St. Gabriel Streets, and between DoUard (late Guiilaume) and McGill streets ; Fourth Section : That portion of Notre Dame Street lying between St. Gabriel and Gosford Streets^ and from Bonsecours Street to Dalhousio Sq^uare ; 8. One year shall be allowed to complete each section, the first year to begiii from the date of the passing of this Act ; 4. One half of the cost of the said improvement shall be borne by the. said Corporation. out of the proceeds of the loan hereinafter provided for, or out of the general funds of the said City, and the other half by the proprietors in the said Notre Dame Street, by means of a special assessment to be levied as hereinafter provided, upon the real estate fronting on Notre Dame Street, the whole of which shall be held to have been equally benefited by the said improvement, and shall be equally rated or assessed to provide one-half the expense of the said impi'ovement, as aforesaid ; and the assessed value of all real estate fronting on the said street for the present year (one thousand eight hundred and sixty-four), shall be held to be the assessed value thereof for all the purposes of the said improvement ; 6. It shall be the duty of the said Commissioners, and they are hereby authorized, to take up each section of Notre Dame Street as aforesaid seriatim, but without intermission, and to complete their labours for the four sections as early as possible before the expiration of the present year one thousand eight hundred and sixty-four ; OITT CHARTER AND OTHER AOTS. 241 id they Dame and to possible Id eight 0. In the appraisement or valuation to be made by the said Commissioners, of the pieces or parcels of land or real estate required to widen Notre Dame Street as aforesaid, no claim for damages arising from leases made after the passing of this Act shall be considered as valid or binding upon the said Corporation. 31. After the confirmation and homologation of the report of the said Commissioners for each section of Notre Dame Street as aforesaid, the Council of the said City may levy, by By-law, a special rate or assessment on all real estate fronting on the said street, according to the assessed value thereof as aforesaid, sufficient to cover one-half the expenditure incurred in completing the widening of the section of Notre Dame Street referred to and embraced in the said report, which said special rate or assessment shall be payable at such period or periods as the said Council may fix and determine. 32. It shall be lawful for the said Council, by any such By- law, to extend the time or period fixed for the payment of the said rate or assessment, and to charge interest not exceeding seven per centum on the amount of all such rates or assess- ments for which a delay may be granted, as aforesaid. 33. Any proprietor in the second, third or fourth sections of Notre Darae Street aforesaid, whose property, or a portion of whose property, is required for the said improvement, who may be desirous of anticipating the time fixed for carrying out the said improvement in front of his property, may do so, by amicable arrangement, at any time before the confirmation and homologation of the report of the said Commissioners for the section of the said street in which such proprietor is interested, or after the confirmation and homologation of the said report by an acceptance of the terms or price sot upon his property in the said report. 34. For the purpose of enabling the said Corporation to meet its share of the expenditure to be incurred in widening Notre Dame Street as aforesaid, it shall be lawful for the said Corporation to effect a special loan, not to exceed One Hun- dred md Fifty Thousand Dollars, to be designated " The Notre *Dame Street Loan." As to le«w>ii iniido ftltcr the pasglnff of this Act. City Council may levy 8pc> cial assoss- moiit on real OHtato in Notre Dame street; And grant do- lay for nay- niont or said assessment. Proprietors in 2nd, Brd or 4tli sections may antici* Sato period xed for the improvemont. I^an of fflSO,- 000 for the Notre Dame street im- provement. 248 OtTY (lUAUTHU AND OTHISU AOTH. l.iwiiot'«tAO,< (NM) (o oiiiii |lt|lt«l llix tlrnliinKo of tlu> vily, LokMoflino,' (HHt Uir n MOW liny MKi'k«<l, rnriioriktlun nmy Imui* (Io> iMtnturoN ftir tli«> mIhivo lunnn, tluUr tUrm. fto. Interest, oou- IHIIIH, ftc. MIHdIQUiANUmiH I'llUVIXtONH. . nr>. For tlio pur|)OM0 nf oxtondiiiji; ami ootnplotirig t)io Driuniigo of tlio Nuid <Mty, it nIuiU I>» lawl^il lor tho Niiid (Joritorivtitui to l»orr(»w, ovor ami above tho ainoiitit of tlio loan whioli tho hkUI Corporation Ih authorisKod to tnako in and hy liio pi'oviMionH of tliu tirnt Hootion of thu Aot paNNod in tho twonty-fifth y(Mir of I lor MaJtJHty'K roign, ohajjtor forty-fonr, Hiioh Htun or Hunm of nionoy, not oxootMlinjy; Ono Kiindrod and Filly 'fhonsand Dollarn, nn tho naid Corporntion may find it noooHHary or oxpodiont to l>orr«)W for tho oxtcnwon and com- piotion of tho Draina^o of tho City. M, For tho purpoHo of oHtahlinhin^ a now llay Markot in tho Haid ('ity, it nhall ho hiwftd for tho Hiiid (y(»r[»oratlon to oftbot a spooial loan of Sixty Tiiotinand Dolhirrt, to ho doHig- nated " Tiio No\y Hay Markot Loan." H7. It shall bo lawftd for tho Coriwration of tho said City to mm nndor tho hand of tho Mayor and tho Hoal of tho Haid Corporation, dobonturo8 or Corporation bondu to tho aniount of tho rcHpootivo stuns >vhioh tho said (Corporation is omt)ow- onnl to borrow, in and by tho throo next jtrooodin^ sootions, payablo twonty-fivo yoara afbor tho dato of tho issno thorool" rospootivoly, and boarinjo; intorost, payablo somi-annually, on tlio firet day of May and Novombor in oaoh and ovory your, and at a rate not oxcoodinj^ six por contiun per annum ; and all such dobonturos shall bo hoadod with tho words or titlo " The Notre Dame Street Loan,'" " 'Me Drainage Loatiy'" or " .7%tf iV<*?<; Ifat/ Market Loan,** as tho case may bo, to designate tho o])joct and piu'poso for which thoy shall bo issued ; thoy may bo issued from time to time, at such periods and for such amounts as shall bo doomed expedient, and they may have cotipons annexed to them for tho half yearly interest payablo on them, which coupons, being signed by tho Mayor or tho Troasurer of tho said Corporation, shall bo ro8i)ectively payable to tho bearer thereof when the half-yearly interest therein mentioned becomes due, and shall, on payment thereof, bo delivered up to tho said Corporation ; and tho possession (]ITY OIIAIlTtCIl AND OTIIKIl MitH. 249 of miy Miiuh ooufMmN hy tlio Odrporatlon nhnll ho jmm4 fann ovitUiiKM) that tho half yoar'M itittiroMt thoi'oiii inoutiotiiMl hiw houti iiaid au<3or<UiiK to tho toiior of Hiioh dohotituroH or hotidrt; and aH woU tho ititoroMt mh tho prinuipal tlioroof arc an<l Mhall bo Hoourud on tho gonuml fiuuU of llio Maid Corporation. JIH. Tho amount which tho maid Oorfjoration \n oinpoworcd Amontitor to borrow hy tho noxt proccMlin^ HoctionH, niay I)o borrowed UHnowlihn oithor in thin I'roviiuMi or (ilHowhoro ; and tho prinui[)ul Hiim, or oiiKnviH.ro, and intoroHt thoroon an aforoHaid, niny bo niado paya! lo oithor iit thin Provinoo or olHowhoro, and oithor in Htr-rling t; nioy or tlio otirronuy of thiM I'rovinco, or in that of tho phioo whoio thu Hanio (thall bo i)ayablfl ; and gonorally all tho proviHioNK ol' tho Acti4 now in foroo aH to <lobontiiroM iHHiiod by i]u, Haid Oorporation Hhall apt)ly to thoMo to bo iHHuod undor thin Act, oxcopt only in so far im thoy may bo uiconHiMtont with thio Act. iWK Whoroas tho modo hithorto adopted of enforcing pay- ii,wi*,i, mont of aHHOHflntentM, taxoH, dutioN, wator-ratoH and other Cit) diien, by defa«dterH in tho said City, hart been found to bo cumborMomo and dilatory and attended with groat hm to tho roveniio of tho said City ; and whereas it w expedient to adopt a moro Htunmary and effectual tnodo of recovering tiio same: thoroforo, n|»on tho return by tho City AHSoHsors, of Notice to the assoHsmont roll for any of tho Wards of tho said City, and " "'i'"'"'"' tho revision and completion of tho same, or upon tho return of any supplementary roll of assossment, tho Treasurer of tho said City shall give public notice (according toFo^ i ^, in tho ForraB. schodulo hereunto annexed) in at least two nowspiij ors pub- lished in tho English language, and two newspapers published in the Fronch language, that the said assessr r nt roll or sup- plementary return is completed and doiK*- ed in his office, and that all persons whoso names appear therein as liable for tho payment of any assessment, tax or duty, are required to pay tho amount thereof to him or his assistants, at his office in tho City Hall, within twenty days from the date of tho last insertion of tho said notice in the said newspapers ; pro- vided that tho said notice shall have at least four insertions in each of the said newspapers. 250 CITY CHARTER AND OTHER .ACTS. Special notice to rate-payers in arrears. Form C. The preced- ing section not to apply to non-resi- dents. J r parties ne- glect to pay for the space of flfteeiidays, assessments to be levied by seizure and sale. FormD. SuitmKntion ol luirlio!* Iiav- ing liypotliecs. 40. If at the expiration of the said twenty days any assess- ment, tax or duty remain unpaid, the said Treasurer shall leave, or cause to he left, at the usual place of residence, domicile, office or place of business of the person owing such assessment, tax or duty, or with him personally, a statement in detail of the various sums and of the total amount of assess- ments, taxes or duties exclusive of water rates, and shall at the same time, in and by a notice annexed to such statement (according to Form C, in the schedule hereunto annexed), demand payment of the assessment, taxes or duties therein mentioned, together with the costs of the service of such notice, according to such tariflf as the Council of the said City may establish. 41. The provisions of the next preceding section shall not apply to persons residing beyond the limits of the said City ; the said persons shall be bound to pay their assessments, taxes or duties, within thirty days after the public notice mentioned in the thirty-ninth section of this Act, without it being neces- sary that any demand should be made upon them cither per- sonally or at their domicile, office or place of business. 42. If any person in the said City neglects to pay the amount of assessments, taxes, or duties imposed upon him, for the space of fifteen days after such demand made as aforesaid, the Treasurer of the said City shall levy the same, with costs, by warrant to bo issued b^ the llecorc'or's Court of the said City (according to Form D, in the schedule here- unto annexed), authorizing the seizure and sale of the goods and chattels of the person bound to pay the same, or of any goods and chattels in his possession, wherever the same can be found within the said City ; and no claim of property or privilege thereon or thereto shall bo available to prevent the sale thereof for the payment of the assessments, taxes or duties and costs, out of the proceeds thereof; provided always that any party having any hypotheque, lien, or privilege upon property real or personal out of the proceeds of which the said Corporation shall bo paid any assessments duo which shall have accrued in respect of other property, such party CITY CHARTER AND OTHER ACTS. 261 shall be subrogated to and shall have the right to exercise the rights and privileges possessed by the said Corporation at the time of such payment in respect of such other property as to such assessments. 43. Before proceeding to the sale of the goods and chattels Notice of gaio. of any person indebted as aforesaid, the Treasurer of the said City shall give public notice (Form E) of the day and place Form e. of sale, and of the name of the person whose goods and chat- tels are to be sold, which said notice shall be affixed or posted in a conspicuous place at the entrance of the City Hall of the said City, at least forty-eight hours previous to such sale. 44. If the goods and chattels seized are sold for more surplus of than the Avhole amount of assessments, taxes or duties levied Fniitogoto for and the costs attending the seizure and sale, the surplus to?.'*'"*'' *^ shall be returned to the person in whose possession such goods and chattels were when the seizure was made ; but if any irtheriKiitto claim for such surplus is previously made by any other per- cuISned by 1 « 11 J • 1 • i< . • -1 divers parties. son by reason of any alleged right of property or privilege upon such surplus, and such claim is admitted by the person for whose assessments, taxes or duties the seizure was made, such surplus shall bo paid to such claimant ; and if such claim be contested, the surplus money shall be retained by the said Treasurer until the respective rights of the parties bo deter- mined by the Recorder's Court. « 45. Within a week from and after the time appointed Notice to by any By-law of the said Council for the payment of the water rates imposed for any supply of water given or fur- nished from the Montreal'Water Works in the said City, the Treasurer of the said City shall give public notice (according to Form F, in the schedule hereunto annexed) in at Icaat two Form f. newspapers published in the French language, and two news- papers published in the English la.iguagc, that the snid water rates are due, and that all persons liable for the payment of any of the said rates are required to pay the amount thereof to him, at his office, within twenty days from the date of the last insertion of the said notice in the said newspapers ; pro- vided that the said notice shall have at least four insertions in each of the said newspapers. 262 CrrY CHARTER AND OTHER ACTS. Special notice to water tenants in arroan. Form 0. If water ten- ants neglect to pay, rates to DO levied by seizure and sale. City Cleric to cpoce boinff Clorlt of Ito- oordor's Court. Cleric to be appointed bv City Council. His powers, fco. Certain Judg- moiits of Ht'cordcr's ("oiirt to 1)0 iumnmrllv rogistoro«i. 46. If at tho expiration of the said twenty days any of tho said water rates remain unpaid, the said Treasurer shall leave, or cause to be left at the usual place of residence, domicile, office, or place of business of such person in arrear, or with him personally, a statement (according to Form C, in tho schedule hereunto annexed) in detail of tho various sums and the total amount of water rates duo by such person, and shall at the same time, in -and by a notice annexed to such statement, demand payment of the water rates therein men- tioned together with the costs of the service of such notice, according to such tariif as the said Council may establish. 47. If any person in tho said City neglects to pay the amount of water rates duo by him, for the spa !e of fifteen days after such demand mado as aforesaid, the Treasurer of tho said City shall levy the same with costs in the same man- ner as unpaid assessments, taxes or duties are levied under the forty-second, forty-third and forty-fourth sections of this Act. 48. From and after the passing of this Act tho City Clerk of tho City of Montreal shall cease to Act ex-officio as Clerk of the Recorder's Court of the said City ; but a fit and proper person shall be named and appointed during pleasure, by the Council of the said City, to act as Clerk of the said Court, with the same powers as those conferred upon the City Clerk, in relation to the said Court, by the Act fourteenth and fifteenth Victoria, chapter one hundred and twenty-eight, and the Act sixteenth Victoria, chapter twenty-seven. 49. It shall not bo necessary hereafter to register at full length the proceedings and judgments of the Recorder's Court of the City of Montreal, in so far as regards the prosecution and conviction of all persons charged with drunkenness or with any of the offences mentioned in the thirty-second section of tho Act twenty-third Victoria, chapter seventy-two, intituled: An Act to amend the provisionn of the neveral Acts/or the Incorporation of the Citjj of Montreal ; but it shall suffice in such cases that a roll of all convictions before the said Court, giving the name of tho Defendant, the date of conviction and OfTT OHAKTER AND OTIIBR ACTS. 268 tho nature of the offence, be kept, without further registration; any law or usage to the contrary not>viths<uiMling. 50. Tho Council of tho said City shall h..ve power, in any Finos and By-law or Ordinance passed for any purpose set forth in ttio violation of Act incorporatliig tho said City, or any Acts amending tho same, for enforcing the provisions thereof, to impose a Fine not exceeding Twenty Dollars and costs of prosecution, with Imprisonment in the Common Gad or in the House of Correc- tion, at hard labour, for a period not exceeding One Calendar Month. 61. All fines and penalties sued for, imposed, levied or KinoHin tiio Itoounior'a < '(iiirt to bo- lonf( to Coi^ Kino and pon* ally for ai- Ratiltiiig po- llcuniftn In the oxi«utlon of thoir duty. recovered in the said Recorder's Court, under and by virtue courttobo- of any Statute now or hereafter to bo in force shall belong puraUon to and form i)art of the general fund of the said City, any law to the contrary notwithstanding. 52. If any person shall commit an assault and battery on any Police Officer or Constable ajipointed under the Act fourteenth and fifteenth Victoria, chapter one hiuidred and twenty-eight, in the execution of his duty, or shall aid or incite any person so to do, every such offender, upon being convicted thereof before the Recorder's Court of the said City, shall, for every such offence, forfeit and pay a Fine not exceed- ing Twenty Dollars and costs of prosecution ; and shall, more- over be imprisoned in the Common Gabl or the House of Correc- tion at hard labour, for a period not exceeding Two Calendar Months ; Provided always, tho said Court slmll have the option to adjudge the said offender to the said fine and imprisonment with costs as aforesaid, or tho said fine and costs ; and in default of immediate payment of the said fine and costs, that the said offender be imprisoned at hard labour for a {Kiriod not exceeding Two Calendar Months, unless the said fine and costs be sooner paid. 53. The Recorder's Court of the said City of Montreal shall have concurrent jurisdiction with the Circuit Court, or with any Judge of the Superior Court in tho District of Montreal, as to matters between Lessors and Lessees, and I'rnvUo: a« to piinmbnuinA ofolRindor. Jiirlndlction oftlin Itooord* cr'K r«»urt ex* toiidi'il tfi cantH) iM'twMm IcMiin and IVUMNM. 264 CITY CHARTER AND OTHER A0T8. may act in virtue of tho Act of the Consolidated Statutes for Lower Canada, chapter forty, intituled : An Act concerning Lessors and Lessees^ and of the Legislative provisions amend- ing the same, in the same manner and with ^he same for. malities, as the said Circuit Court, or any of the Judges of he said Superior Court, is directed to proceed in and hy the above last cited Act, as regards tho ejection of the Lessee for committing waste upon tho promises or part of tho premises leased, or for refusing or neglecting to pay his rent or any part of his rent, or for using the premises leased, contrary to tho intent for which they wore leased, or because the term of his lease, cither written, verbal, or presumed, is expired ; and the said Recorder's Court shall have and possess, to that end, all the necessary powers and authority including that of issuing writs of summons, execution and possession, and to fix and determine the costs to be paid by the losing party, which cost however shall not include any Attorney's fees ; Provided always that tho competence of the said llecordor's Court shall be limited to cases where the consideration or annual value of the property occupied shall not exceed the sum of one hundred dollars, and which shall apply to premises or real estate situate within tho limits of the said City. I'rovUo: pow- er llinltod to property of a eertain value. And alro m- oovcry ofwr- vant'B wagoti, ke. Rooital. 64. The said Recorder's Court shall also have summary jurisdiction over all demands not exceeding twenty-five dollars for tho recovery of wages and salaries of servants, journey- men, or labourers employed by the day. 65. Whereas by an Act of tho Parliament of this Province, passed in the eighteenth year of Her Majesty's reign, chap- tor one hundred and forty-two, the property, estate, chattels and effects bc(iueathed by the late John Conrad Marsteller, for the purjMse of establishing in tho said City of Montreal a House of Industry, wore transferred from tho hands of tho late Wardens of tho House of Industry, to and made to vest in tho said Corporation of the City of Montreal ; and whereas it is believed that tho purposes for which tho said late John Conrad Marsteller so bequeathed the said property^ will be more effectually accomplished by transferring tho said OUT OHARTBR AND OTHER ACTS. 256 ovmco, chap- lattols stcUor, ontroal nda of ado to ; and 9 said perty, 10 said City Council aiitnoiixod to truiiffbr CH- tatn of Into <T. O. Mariitolloi-, to cnrtain iuatitutloiii. Proviao; oon- illtiuii of tranvfer. property to a duly established and permanent institution or institutions in the said City, having for object to relieve and assist the poor : therefore, it shall be lawful for the Corpora- tion of the said City, at any time after the passing of this Act, to transfer all and every the estates, property, moneys, chat- tels and oflfocts vested in and now in the hands and possession of the said Corporation, as aforesaid, to any duly established and permanent institution or institutions, in the said City of Montreal, having for object to relievo and assist the poor, and provided with a House of Refuge, with power to hold, use, appropriate, sell and dispose of the said estates, property, moneys, chattels and effects tor the best advantage possible, for the exclusive purposes of a House of Night Refuge, not- withstanding anything contained in the said last cited Act ; provided, however, and it is hereby expressly enacted, that in any institution or institutions to which a transfer may bo made of the said estates, property, moneys, chattels and effects, or any part thereof, under the provisions of this section, admission shall be given to the poor, indiscriminately and without any distinction of creed or nationality. 60. Whereas the Corporation of the said City is authorized in and by the Act passed in the twenty-seventh year of Her Majesty's reign, chapter fifty-four, to aid the Grand Trunk Railway Comimny of Catuida in the osttiblislunent of a City Terminus at or near Chaboillez Square, in the said City of Montreal, by means of a grant of money to the amount of fifty thousand dollars ; and whereas it is deemed more expedient that tlie said grant should be a[)plicd tcwards purchasing the necessary groimd to be acfpiired for establishing the said rail- way terminus : therefore it shall be lawful for the Corjioration of the said City to purchase and acquire, ui the snme manner as the said Corporation is authorized to acijuire or expropriate property or real estate for the opening or widening of streets generally, in and by the present Act, all pieces or parcels of land or real estate retiuired to establish, enlarge, or improve the said terminus, and to connect the rails of the said Company with the harbour of the said City from any point not more than four hundred feet beyond the south-western limits of the said Itooltol. city ('oiincll aiithorUnd to ii(;(|iilro pro- |M'rly to the I'.xtciit of KfWMKX) lor till) (irntifl Iriiiik Itall- wny t'lty 'rurniiiiui). m OITT CHARTER AND OTHER AOTB< FroTlso. Council to have power to license, regulate or prohibit mn- ileal saloons, Ac. To make rules and rexula- tions for the erection of buildings. Oity ; provided however, the price or Gompensation to be paid by the Corporation of the said Oitj for the said pieces or parcels of land or real estate, to be acquired as aforesaid, shall not exceed the said sum of fifty thousand dollars and that the excess of cost over or beyond that amount, if any, shall be borne and paid by the said Company. 67. In addition to the subjects for which the Corporation of the said City is authorized to pass By-laws, in and by the tenth section of the Act passed in the twenty-third year of Her Majesty's reign, chapter seventy-two, shall be included musical saloons or establishments wherein intoxicating liquors are sold, and wherein instrumental music or singing, or both, are used as a means of attracting customers ; and the Council of the said City shall have power and authority, by any such By-law to license, regulate or prohibit any such musical saloons or establishments, under such conditions and restrictions as the said Council may deem expedient to impose in the interest of the public. 58. The Council of the said City shall have power, from time to time, by a By-law or Ordinance, to make such rules and regulations, as to the erection and construction of houses or buildings of any description whatsoever, as the said Council may deem expedient for the safety of the citizens, or for pre- venting accidents by fire, or for the embellishment or better appearance of the said City, and also for the regulation of the height of the chimneys of factories so as to render such fac- tories as little injurious as possible to the health of the citizens ; and by any such By-law or Ordinance, the said Council may appoint one or more fit and proper persons whose duty it shall be, and who are hereby authorized, to visit and examine at suitable times and hours, to be established in such By-laws, as well the interior as the exterior of all such houses or buildings in the said City, for the purpose of ascertaining whether the rules and regulations to be made as aforesaid, have been duly observed and obeyed ; and the said Council may also, by any such By-law or Ordinance, impose such fines not exceed- ing Twenty Dollars, with Imprisonment not exceeding Two OITT OHABTER AND OTHER ACTS. 257 Calendar Months unless such fine be sooner paid, as they may deem expedient for enforcing the same. 59. All the provisions of any lavr or laws inconsistent with inconsistent the provbions of this Act shall be and the same are hereby repealed, repealed ; and the present enactment shall not have the effect of reviving any Act or part of an Act repealed by the said law or laws. 60. Nothing herein contained shall be construed to repeal By-Laws hero- any By-law heretofore made under any Act or part of an Act nouffeotea or provision of law hereby repealed ; and notwithstanding ^ such repeal, every such By-law now in force shall have the same force and effect as if this Act had not been passed. 61. This Act shall be a Public Act. Fubiio Act. FORM A. "I, having been appointed Commissioner " under the provisions of the (^cits the Acf) do swear that I " will faithfully, impartially, honestly, and diligently execute '* all the duties of the said office according to the best of my "judgment and ability. So help me God." FORM B. Public noticv) is hereby given that the Assessment Roll of the City of Montreal, for the Ward of the said City, (or the supplementary roll of Assessment for the Ward of the said City) is completed and is now deposited in the office of the undersigned, in the City Hall. All persons whose names appear therein as liable for the payment of any assessment, tax or duty, are hereby required to pay the amount thereof to the undersigned at his said office, within twenty days from this day, without further notice. City Hall, Montreal, (date.") City Treasurer. 268 CITY CHARTER AND OTHER ACTS. FORM C. Corporation of Montreal. Mr. Copy of Account. Notice Served, $ (^Date of Notice.') Costs, Notice, Corporation of Montreal. Mr. To the Mai/or, Aldermen and Citizens of the City of Montreal, To Assessment, &c ^oi' Water Rates, &c. (Here State Account.') Sir, Take notice that, having failed to pay the above men- tioned sum within the time prescribed by public notice, you are hereby required with- in fifteen days from the date hereof, to pay the same to me at my oflSce, together with the costs of this notice and service thereof, as below ; in default whereof, execution will issue against your Goods and Chat- tels. City Hall, Montreal, (date) Costs, Notice, (Signature) City Treasurer. CITY CHARTER AND OTHBR ACTS. 259 Province of Canada, City and District of Montreal ;i FORM D. In the Recorder's Court of the City of Montreal. The Recorder of the City of Montreal : Debt Costs • • • • t)p Warrant . . . * To any Bailiff of the Re- corder's Court of the City of Montreal, in the said City and District of Montreal. Whereas, A. B. (name and designation of debtor^ hath been required by the Treasurer of the said City of Montreal, to pay into his hands, for and on behalf of the said City, the sum of being the amount due by him to the said City, as appears by the collection-roll of the said City for the year 18 ; and whereas the said A. B. hath neglected and refused to pay unto the said Treasurer, ivithin the period prescribed by law, the said sum of ; these are therefore to command you forthwith to make distress of the goods and chattels of the said A. B. ; and if within the space of eight days after the making of such distress, the said mentioned sum, together with the reasonable charges of taking and keeping the said distress shall not be paid, that then you do on such day as shall be indicated to you by the said Treasurer, sell the said goods and chattels so by you detained, and do pay the money arising from such sale unto the Treasurer of the said City, that he may apply the same as by law directed, and may render the overplus, if any, on demand, to the said A. B., or others whom it may concern ; and if no such distress can be found, then that you certify the same unto me, to the end 260 CITY CHARTER AND OTHBR ACTS. that such proceedings may be had therein, as to law doth appertain. Given under the hand of the Clerk^ of the said Recorder's Court at Mon- ( Y. X. real aforesaid, this day of [ Clerk of the in the year of our Lord J Recorder's Court. FORM E. Public notice is hereby given that on next, the day of instant, (or next,") the goods and chattels of the parties hereinafter named and designated now under seizure for non-payment of assessments (or other duesj as the case may be,") will be sold by public auction, at the hours and places hereinafter mentioned, to wit : — NAMES. AMOUNT. PLACE OF SALE. No. Street. HOUR OF SALE. • 1 (■ ' City Hall, Montreal, ((fate.) (Signature,) City Treasurer. FORM F. Public notice is hereby given that the Water Rates for the current year are now due ; and all persons liable to pay the same, are hereby required to pay the amount thereof to the undersigned at his said office, within twenty days from this date, without further notice. City Hall, City Treasurer. Montreal, (date.') CITY CHARTER AND OTHER ACTS. 261 27 AND 28 Victoria, Cap. 56. An Act to regulate the Storing of Gunpowder in and near the Cities of Montreal and Quebec. {Assented to 30th June, 1864.] WHEREAS life and property are exposed to serious preamble, injuries from the storage of Gunpowder in private magazines, and the conveyance of Gunpowder to and from such magazines, in and near the Cities of Montreal and Quebec : Therefore, Her Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Council and Assembly of Canada, enacts as follows : 1. The Council of each of the said Cities of Quebec and powers of Coun. Montreal shall have power and it shall be their duty to make and Montreal as , ,„ ,. 11. 1 *" ^^^ storage and eniorce By-laws tor regulatmg the keeping and trans- and transport •' ° ° . *^ ° of gunpowder porting of Gunpowder or other explosive or dangerous mate- extended to a rials, as well within the said Cities and each of them as within """es p»>t»ido ' ^ ^ _ , the said citiei. five miles of the boundaries of the said Cities respectively ; for regulating and providing for the support by fees, of maga- zines for storing Gunpowder belonging to private parties ; for compelling all persons to store therein ; for acquiring land as well within as without the limits of the said Cities (within the distance aforesaid), for the purpose of erecting such maga- zines ; for granting licenses to keep such magazines ; for limit- ing the quantity of Gunpowder which shall be stored therein, and for the continuous inspection and supervision of such magazines ; Provided always that no person shall store, keep Proviso: or have within either of the said Cities, nor within five miles be""tored only from the boundaries of either of them, any quantity of Gun- witiiin^he sai/ powder exceeding twenty-five pounds in weight, at any one time, in any house, building or place other than a building of 262 CUT CHARTER AND OTHER ACTS. stone covered with metal, made fire-proof, surrounded by an external wall of stone or brick, at least ten feet high, and separated from the said magazine by a clear distance or space of ten feet at least, with one opening only in such wall, with copper fastenings. 2. All Gunpowder stored or kept, contrary to the provi- sions of the next foregoing section, or of any By-law made under it, shall be forfeited. Forfeiture for oontTAvention. Penalties to be imposed by B}r*Iaw8. Powers of Councils, recorders, Police &o. extended to the said limits. Act not to apply to-Her Majesty's magazines. 3. The By-laws of the said Councils respectively may impose such penalties, not exceeding two hundred dollars fine nor more than thirty days imprisonment, or both, for each offence, as they may deem necessary for enforcing the same, and may provide in what manner the forfeiture specified in the second section of this Act may be enforced ; and for all the purposes of this Act the jurisdiction and powers of the Council of each of the said Cities, and of the Recorders, Judges of the Sessions of the Peace, and other Officers and Police thereof, shall extend aftd apply to the tract of land lying within five miles of each of the said Cities, respectively as if such tract were included within the limits thereof ; any- thing in any Act or law to the contrary notwithstanding. 4. This Act shall not apply to nor affect any magazines belonging to Her Majesty nor to the conveyance of Gunpow- der and stores to and from Her Majesty's magazines by Her Majesty's forces on military service. by an ;h, and 'Space I, with provi- made r may rsfine each same, led in 'or all >f the rders, 3 and land iively any- r 3' zines pow- Her INDEX. PAOB ACCOUNTS, City Trearorer's 32 ACTING MAYOR, to be appointed quarterly 85 ADJOURNED, Meetings of Council ,... .........36 ALDERMEN, qualification of 9 " how elected 21, 22 ANIMALS, cruelty to 193 APPRENTICES, 48 APPROPRIATIONS, how made 149 ASSAULTS, 166 ASSESSORS, appointment and duties of. 23, 31, 100, 101 Their remuneration 23 Oath to be taken 24 Their powers 24 By-laws relating to 25, 53 ASSESSMENT, of Is. 6d. in the £ on real estate 42 Additional not exceeding 3 pence in tue £ 52 Non-payment of, liable to increase 56 Properties to be sold after 5 years' non-payment of 56 Mode of proceeding 56, 57 Tenant liable, with right to deduct from rent 57 Privilege for 5 years' assessment 58, 86 Applications for reduction of 100, 101 Collection of assessments — how made 249, 250 Special for street improvements — how made 243 Roll when completed to bo deposited... 243 Public notice to be given 243 Roll may be revised 243 264 INDEX. How recoverable 244 Majority of assessors to decide... 244 For street paving, sidewalks, &c 244, 245 ATTENDANCE of Members at Meetings 48 AUCTIONEERS 43 AUDITORS, appointment of, oath, &c 25,115 BANKS 42 BILLIARDS 42 BOARD OP HEALTH 45 BOARD OF REVISORS 11, 15, 16, 103 Their powers Airther defined 91 BONDS, power to issue {See Loan) 5 BOUNDARIES of Wards 5,6,7,8 BOUNDARY Stones 230,232 BOXES for election of Mayor and Councillors 14 BREAD, weight and quality of. 48,97 BREWERS 43 BRICK MAKERS 43 BROKERS 42 BRIBERY at elections 113 BUILDING AND JURY fund... 208,209 BUILDINGS, erection of. 60, 256 BY-LAWS for general purposes 41, 94 '' to be submitted to Governor General 55 " to be public luws 106 CARRIAGES, tax on 42 CARTERS 97,106 CASTING VOTE of Mayor ...34 CATTLE, running at large 97 " Markets 49 CEMETERIES 66 CHIMNEYS 63,64,256 INDEX. 265 « CIRCUS 42, 95 CITY BOUNDARIES *. 5 CITY COUNCIL— how composed 9, 18 CITY COUNCILLORS-how elected 89 their qualification 9 term of office 18, 21 maybe re-elected : 19 not to serve for more than one ward . 19 " to be Justice of the Peace 28 CITY CLERK 28, 29, 252 CITY TREASURER 29, 31, 32, 77, 78, 79 CITY SURVEYOR 29 CITY OFFICERS, disqualified from voting 103 CITY RAILWAY 161 CLERK RECORDER'S COURT 252 COAL 45,99 COCK-FIGHTING 96 COLLECTION of taxes and City dues 249, 250, 251 " of water rates 251,252 COMMISSIONERS {See Expropriation) 23i COMMITTEES 36 COMMON-SCHOOLS, contribution to 198, 199 COMMUTATION, money 44 CONFISCATION 97 CONSTABULARY FORCE 48, 67 CONTESTED ELECTIONS 19, 20 COPIES of entries of minutes, &c 35 CRUELTY to Aninmle 193 DF^^D BODIES 96 DEBENTURES 5 DECORUM at Meetinj?s of Council 107 DEPUTY RECORDER 94 266 INDBX. DEPUTY CLERK, Recorder's Court 84 DISCOUNT, on a8ses8ment8,&o 102 DISORDERLY peraons .190 DISQUALIFICATION of Members.. 9, 19, 20,28 DISTILLERS 43 DISTURBANCE at elections 17 DOGS 42 DOORSTEPS 47 DRAINAGE, loan for 151,248 ELECTION of Mayor and Councillors 13, 14, 15, 17, 18 " when to be held 85 " Mayor to appoint a day for, ^'n certain cases 20 ENCLOSURE of lots 46 ENCUMBERING streets, ko 96 ENQUIRIES in Committees 58 EQUALITY of votes 15,19 ESTATE, Marsteller.., 157, 158, 159, 254 EXECUTIONS for taxes, assessments, &c 250 EXEMPTIONS from office of Mayor, &c 27 EXPENDITURE, limited 150 " , penalty for excess of. 150 EXTRAORDINARY VACANCIES in Council 22 EXTRACTS of minutes and 35 EXPROPRIATIONS, mode of procedure 234 Appointment of Commissioners 234 , 235 Notice in the Post Office 234 " in Newspapers 234 " to be posted on lots 235 Court to appoint Commissioners 235 Commissioners held to act , 235 Exemptions 235 Commissioners to be furnished with plans 286 " to be sworn 236 iin>EX. 267 EXPBOPRIATIONS. Comniissioners their powers and salary 236 " to be furnished with title deeds 236 Procedure for valuation of property 236 Examination of witnesses 237 No indemnity for buildings erected after posting up of notices 239 Majority of Commissioners to decide a question 237 Increased value of residue of property 237 If Commissioners fail in their duties 237, 238 In case any one should die 238 When appraisement is completed, parties to be heard and notified 238 Report of Commissioners to be submitted to Court fjr confirmation 238, 239 Confirmation to be final and without appeal 239 After confirmation, Corporation to deposit amount of compensation 239 Effect of deposit 239 Mortgages removed 240 Recourse of mortgagees 24G Money, how distributed 240 Money, not liable to tax or commission 240 Provisions extended to compensation for alteration of levels, &c 240,241 Corporation may acquire a certain extent of land over that required for the improvement, under certain restrictions 241 New mode of expro^^riation extended to improve- ments ordered before the passing of this Act 244 FENCES 46 FERRIES 37, 43, 48 FINES. For non-acceptance of office 2Q, 27 FINES AND PENALTIES 52, 66, 263 FIREMEN. Exempt from certain duties 53 FIREWOOD A 46, 99 1268 INDEX. FORMS. Of convictions 176, 182 FORWARDERS. Tax on 42 GAMING .J 95, 192, 196 GAOL 206 GAS COMPANIES 43 GENERAL POWERS. Corporate 4 GRAND TRUNK. Railway Company 154, 155 Terminus 255 HARBOUR. Commissioners 71, 119 HAY. Sale of 99 Market [new] 248 HORSES. Tax on 42 HOUSE OF INDUSTRY 157, 158, 159, 254 HOUSES OF ILL FAME 167, 191 INNKEEPERS 42 INSPECTORS. Of Pot Ashes, &o 43 INSURANCE. Companies 43 INTERMENTS 4.. INTERPRETATION. Clause J 72 INVESTIGATIONS 68 JURY LISTS 227 JUSTICES OF THE PEACE 28 JUVENILE OFFENDERS 178 INDEX. 269 KYTES 96 • LABOURERS. Wages 264 LARCENY 166 LESSORS. And Lessees '. 253,254 LEVELS. Of streets may be altered 47 Compensation for p 47 LIGHTING. Streets, &o 47 LIMITS. Of the City ...5 LOAN. Of £160,000 for general purposes 38 Of £50,000 for Water Works 131 Of £160,000 Stg., for «' 189, 140 Of £50,000 for " 38 Of £60,000 for " 144,146 Of £60,000 for «• 148,149 Of £126,000 Stg., to consolidate debt 76 Of £100,000 Stg., to " 102 Of £10,000 Stg., for new Markets 104, 10.^ Of $176,000 for drainage, &c 151, 162 Of 6160,000 for " 218 Of 020,000 for Fire Alarm Telogruph 162 Of £87,600 to redoem St. Lawicnco and At- lantic Iliiilrond Bonds 156 Of 8160,000 for widoniujr Notro D.mic 8tro."t...247 Of $00,000 for the new Hay Market 248 Of $50,000 for the Grand Trunk Terminus ...255 LORD'S DAY. Observance of 99 LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS. Ske Expropriations 234 LOOSE AND DISORDERLY. Persons 190 270 INDEX. MAGISTRATES. Powers of, vested in Council 36 MARKETS. Sites may be altered 44 Bye-laws relating to ..44, 45 MARSTELLER. Estate 157, 158, 159,264 MAYOR. Election of. 10 Term of Office 16, 18, 21 Vacancy in the Office of..... 16 Penalty for non-acceptance 16, 26 Absence or sickness of. 23, 115 A Justice of the Peace 28 Salary of .„ ..28 To preside at meetings 34 Casting vote... ^. , 34 Excluded from Board of Revisers 103 MAYOR'S COURT. Abolished 66 MEETINGS. Of Council, quarterly 20 Special .• 34 Minutes of. ....35 To be held with open doors i....35 Who shall preside 34 Quorum 34 Adjourned meetings 35 Maintenance of order at ...107 MILITIA. RoUs 223, 224, 225, 226 MUSICAL SALOONS ,.256 NOMINATION. Of candidates 91, 92 NON-RESIDENTS. Suits against 100 NOTICES. How given 104 INDEX. 271 NOTRE DAME STEEET. . Widening of. ,.246 To be divided into4 sections .246 One year allowed for each section : 246 Cost of improveihent, how borne 246 Duties of Commissioners 246 Provision relating to leases 247 Special assessnient to be levied 247 Delay may be granted 247 Proprietors may anticipate time fixed for improvement.. 247 Loan of $150,000 247 NUISANCES 46,96,107 OATH. Of Voters 14, 112, 114 Of Mayor, Aldermen, &c , ..i 26 Of Auditors ,...115 Of Assessors ..^^ 24 Of Commissioners 236, 257 OBSERVANCE. Of the Lord's Day ...99 OFFICERS. Deprived from voting at Municipal Elections 103 To render accounts 32 To pay over moneys received 33 Maybe proceeded against 33 OIL FACTORIES 96 OLD WALLS. Buildings, &c 48 OLD WATER WORKS. , Purchase of. 120 OVERCHARGES. Of assessment 100, 101 PARLIAMENTARY. Voters' list 210 to 222 PEACE. And good order 95 272 INDEX. PENALTIES 52,253 PEDLING 96 PLAN. Of the City, how made - 280 Surveyors to lay out streots ; 230 May enter upon property 230 To make out plans of streets 230 Boundary stones 230 Laying out of streets may be made by section . ...230, 231 Plans to be confirmed by Court 231 When confirmed to be binding on all parties 281 Duplicate plan to be made 232 New streets, when to be opened 232 POLICE FORCE. Authorised to apprehend idle and disorderly persons.... 68 Further powersgivento 69 If guilty of neglect of duty 71 Assault on, punishable 71 POLICE MAGISTRATES. Powers of..... 187,188 POUNDS. Public ■.... 99 POWDER 261 POWER. To issue Bonds .5 POWERS. Formerly vested in Magistrates to be exercised by Council 36 PRIVILEGED CLAIMS. For assessments, &c .1.86 PROCEEDINGS. Against members unduly elected 19, 20 PROSTITUTION 95,191 PUBLIC POUNDS 99 QUALIFICATION. Of Mayor 9 " Of Aldermen 9 INDEX. 278 Of Coimoillora 9 Of voters 10, 89, 90, 210 QUARTERLY MEETINGS. Of Council 20 QUORUM. , ' At meetings of Council 34 RACING 95 RAILWAYS 106 RECORDER. Appointment of. G4 His salary 64, 94 May appoint deputy 94 RECORDER'S COURT. Established 59 Its powers defined 63, 118 Further powersgiven to..65, 84, 87, 106, 108, 109, 118. 194 Fines, how recovered 66 . To be held by Recorder only 83 Writs or processes, how signed 83 Clerk of. 84,252 Judgments summarily registered < 118, 252 Fines and penalties 66, 253 Jurisdiction of, extended to cases between lessors and lessees 2.53, 254 Acts relating to 166 to 198 REMISSION. Of fines ..V 66 REPEAL Of certain laws 7i REPRESENTATION. Of Wards 18 RESIGNATIONS. Of members 21 RIOTS 95 SALT. Weight and measurement 45 IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) .vv,^ ^ ^ 1.0 ;^i2A i^ ■tt Uii 12.2 I.I m m M ll^^s InllSB HIIIHH ^ -^ >>' v%. PhotDgraphic Sdenoes CorporatiQn 4^ V ^^ V \ \ 33 WnT MAIN STMIT WIMTm,N.Y. USiO (7l*)t73-4S03 ^C^ ^ \ ^"^2^ ^ ^ ^ 6^ ? ^'A<Sf 274 INDEX. SCHOOLS. Oommon 198, 199 SERVANTS. Conduct of. 48 Wages of. 254 SEWERS. Power to assess 46 SHERIFF. Duties of, in connection with consolidated debt 80, 81 SHOWS 95 SINKING FUND 77, 78, 79 SLAUGHTERHOUSES 96 SNOW. Remoral of. 96 SOAP FACTORIES 96 SPECIAL ASSESSMENT. For watering and sweeping Streets 49 For property destroyed by mobs 49 On Real Estate. See Assessment. SPECIAL MEETINGS. Of Council, how called 34 STATUTE LABOUR 44 STEAM ENGINES 96 ST. LAWRENCE And Atlantic Railroad Bonds 163, 154 STREETS. Power to open 233 How laid out 230 Plan of. 230 Paving of. 244 Beyond city limits 242 Register of. 98 Watering and sweeping of, 49 SUNDAY. Observance of 99 INDEX. 2t6 TARIFF. Of Recorder's Court.... 65 Of Water rates 40, 116 TAVERNS 95 TAVERNKEEPERS. Tax on..... 42 TAX ON BUSINESS ; 42 TAXES. How collected 249, 250 TELEGRAPHS 162 TENANT. Liable for assessment with recourse against proprietor.... 57 THEATRES. Tax on 42 TREES. Planting of. '. 98 TRINITY HOUSE. Powers not affected. ...71 VACANCIES. In Council '. 22,93 VACANT LOTS. 24 VACCINATION 200 VAGRANTS 191 VOTERS' CERTIFICATES 12, 13, 112 VOTERS' LIST How made.., 10 Open for public inspection 10 When completed 12 •To be filed in City Clerk's office.... 12, 113 Parliamentary 210 to 222 VOTES. Case of equality.... 15,19 WAGES. Of Servants 254 276 INDEX. WALLS. Separation 50 WARDS. Boundaries 5, 6, 7, 8 How represented 18 WATER COURSES 98 WATER RATES. Power to impose...... 40, 116 Collection of. 251 WATER WORKS. Management of. 98 Old Water Works 120 Introduction of water in buildings 41 Supply may be cut off 41 Power to extend beyond city limits 142 Bridges to be built, fences, &o 142 Tailrace w 143 Pipes 129 Property, how sold 143 Loans for. See Loan WITNESSES ...58,63 WOODEN BUILDINGS '. 50 WRITS. Of mandamus 19, 20 I ■