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 hn/^' ^J^'"'^'-' 
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 Washington, September 18, 1882. 
 BY Majou N. W. WALLACE, 1st Battauon K/R-'r. 'Corps, 
 (iJ,.o»jyjiyMIHi;!IIJJI)llLllll.lL[iUl i lMl i miH* ii Li 
 ( From the Journal of th&.Jioi^al-JJnUe(L Service Institution. ) 
 It is not luv intention this afternoon to take up the few minutes allotted to me 
 in aavoc'tingtl.: absolute necessity for shelter in the tieUl iron, moaorn breech- 
 '"" ™s'""artmittea by all who have stu.lie.l the question. Taking that faet as 
 ,.v s arth t S I will so on at once to show how, in my opinion such shelter 
 my staitni- point, i mu ^ offectual wav. Foreign nations long ago 
 becnnenlneto lieimiw an^ ascertain, tliu most, and 
 ,„^i„l tools .-an ici oitluT on nntlM or by transport or on tho person 
 ,ntr,i clnns ools. '•"■<»' , i„„,j,,,,„i tl,e nnuiLcr carriert per 
 T,f b, n . ti^'n -1. I i" '"^l it is sai.l tbe »-ant of tools was so severely 
 ,■;;; ;:;t;ue :":»•»:» anven to nse .belr cooking tttenslU a, snbstttntes. Cbc 
 "■'■r ir r:,;;r:o;;r:''a;::irin Anterica, o».in« .o ^.^.o.^.^ »„. 
 , , n. tbe sn„lc on every possible occasion, were cUristencd -tbe masters 
 !;^«:e r ,f lil i K." AtulM »as sai,l, t believe, of .be Anstvians tbat"a 
 ot the art ot (iiKr-'"n- spade." Hitherto our army has 
 ;::;r ;:;\be enemy n, a. ope. Tins. nbe.^^^ 
 n,r.,rcncb exerctsc a PjU- <^t^^^ n^^^^^ 
 I;;:;;;;!!.;;::,:;:',;,™™ ;,"'; ,1;::. .liK^in. an<l brm,. n,ay ,» co„a.inea, a, won,,. 
 '"■ ''rn:::^',a'rarv irtbTlins sbo„„l ,. enconrage,, in onr reserve forces, npon 
 , J,. „f i„v,sion tbe safetv of Enslan.l would so greatly depend. 
 " ''" vVr »1 ig 'inl^enibblg tool, bave been invente,. and many of tbe,n 
 ,rie.l Ze bave faired from being too complicated, frou, betng too bea,, , 
 •■'^''l'"::^:l:^:£L^ t„ ne between tbe Linncnatrn or Ronn.anian ami 
 tbe S ME p tern spade. I was iovtonate enongb to witness and „r one ntstanee 
 t ,ave ;.. r^^port on .be perfornntnces of tbo,se spades wben ,ss„ed tor trtal. 
The diief advuiitago of the Kouiiiiiuiaii spailo appeared to ha its portal»ilit,\ , 
 hut t'xccpt in soft jiiound it was useless, 
 Tlic engineers' pattern, with its pointed blade and loufjer handle, seemed more 
 suitaltle for various work; it was, however, apt ty buckle up at the eiul and to 
 l(»se its cruteh, while in tlie use of both spades, and especially in the Koumanian, 
 the men's knuckles suffered greatly. 
 These trials taught me what were the essentials of a really serviceal)le 
 intrenching tool which may be summed up in four words — 
 Streiufth, Portability^ UandinesN, Power. 
 The tool should be adapted for use in every kind of ground, rocky or soft. 
 lie able to cut roots and lever up stones; to break oi)en boxes and barrels, 
 and, at a j>JHc/i, loophole walls. 
 The tool which I have the pleasure of showing you this afternoon has passed 
 through these tests under the supervision of Col. Sir Andrew Clarke and the 
 l{oyal Engineers' Committee. 
 >(^. \ 
 ■^ \, 
 As a specimen of these ofdcial trials it will be enough to say that in ordinary 
 soil a shelter jn7 was dug in six minutes and a shelter trench in twenty minutes. 
 On a consolidated parade ground one hour proved enough for the regulated 
 trench; gun-pits and epaulements were thrown up, and, as an experiment, a 1-t-inch 
 brick wall, strongly constructed, was loopholed in forty minutes. The proposed 
 trials on a large scale, which I am glad it will have in the coming maneuvers will 
 doubtless yield some useful hints for further improvements of the tool, and my 
 suggested mode of carrying it, which I shall gladly avail myself of, whether I am 
 permitted to have the advantage of witnessing the maneuvers or not. 
 I suggest it will be found useful not only for cavalry— where it saves consid- 
 erable weight — and infantry in the field and camp life — for marines and naval 
 brigade on shore, but also for steam launches, for mining purposes, and for car- 
 riage or gun limbers. I have also adapted it for the use of the Ordnance Survey 
 by the addition of a hammer and bill-hook (Fig. 2), and in this form I think it 
 coidd with advantage be carried either by the pioneers or by a proportion of the 
 rank and file. 
 In conclusion, let me say that 1 do not propose that this small tool, weighing 
 about 2.^ lbs., and measuring 23 inches in length, should take the place of the 
 heavier and more powerful service pick and shovel; still less do I claim for it 
 perfection or indestructibility. 
 A tool so limited in weight and size cannot reasonably be expected to bear 
 anythinfi and do everything which the British soldier may be pleased to require of 
 it ; simple as it looks it is not so easy to make. But I do not hesitate to say that 
 when made with care, and of the best material, as are all which my contractors, 
 Messrs. Lucas & Sou, have turned out, it is a marvel of strength and poicer for its 
 -Tirt r i-^i r-'^'f i i "- ^ '--i.n^-rM /m'^--^^--- 
 ./«i/f iiiid wcijilit, and most coiivciiiciit fur its hiUHliiicss iiiid yriii'iiil adaptaliility, 
 and I am saii<;uiii(' that it will rnllill my rxpcctatioiis and Jiistily tlif piod (»iiiiiioii 
 lormi'd of it by tlif many friends \vln> have taki-n an interest in it, and by tlie 
 (jivil and military enjiineers who have tried it. 
 The thanks of the meetinjx were voted to Majoi' Wallace for biin<:in<; his 
 invention to their notice. 
 Washino'I'ON. Septeuiher is, ISSI*. 
 Publication authorized by the Skcretary ok Wak : 
 S. V. r.ENl^T, 
 Jiri(i<i(lier General, 
 Chief of Ordnance. 