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 The ladies and gentlemen tvhose names are annexed, 
 feeling that it is both natural and reasonable that those 
 ivho have common lights to protect, common interests 
 to defend, and common objects to obtain, should act 
 together and know each other, have resolved to form an 
 association for the protection of ourselves and our 
 fellow-beings from the evils of intemperance — for 
 the securing of mutual assistance when needed - • and 
 for the elevation of our intellectual and moral charac- 
 ters; and being aware that through want of that organ- 
 ization which secures concentrated effoii, the benevolent 
 objects of patriots and. Christians are often frustrated, 
 and the best and noblest exertions for the public weal 
 defeated, ive do hereby pledge ourselves, with a view to 
 secure needed organization, to be governed by the con- 
 stitution and laws of the Order of Bntish Templars. 
 .*. . 
 iat those 
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 1. This body shall be known as " The Grand Lodj^e of the Order of 
 British Templars," of Nova Scotia, and all County, Primary and Juvenile 
 Lodges in this Province shall be subject to this Lodge, in all matters not 
 inconsistent with the Constitntion. 
 2. This G-rand Lodge has jurisdiction over all lodges represented or re- 
 cognized in the session held at Windsor, on the 12th of December, 1864, at 
 which time this Q-rand Lodge was instituted, and all other Lodges working 
 under Charters granted by this G-rand Lodge, and is the Head of the Order 
 in Nova Scotia. It possesses the sole right and power, in the manner here- 
 inafter provided, of granting or suspending Charters, of receiving appeals 
 and redressing grievances arising in the lodges ; of originating and regula- 
 ting the means of its support ; of deciding all questions arising out of this 
 Constitution, By-Laws and Rules of Order ; and of doing all other acts 
 necessary to promote the interests of the Order, subject to the Constitu- 
 tion and By-Laws of the Order. 
 1. Those entitled to sit and yote in this Grand Lodge shall be, its own 
 officers and Degree Templars, County Deputies; County Chiefs and 
 County Secretaries, and a County Representative for every five Primajry 
 lodges at work in the County, and the Provincial Deputy of each Primly 
 lodge, together with a Representative for each Primary lodge for every 
 twenty members elected trom the Present and Past Chiefs and Vices, at 
 the first meeting in August. No County or Primary representative shall 
 be allowed to speak or vote ijinlese the returns and capitation tax of his 
 Lodge have been regulai'ly sent in up to the time of meeting of the Grand 
 1. To form a quorum for the transaction of business in this Grand 
 Lodge, there shall be present not less than twelve members, representing 
 at least one County and live Primary Lodges. 
 This Grand Lodge shall meet in annual session the second Tuesday 
 !n Oc ber, at such hour and place in each year as may have been 
 deternaned by ballot at the next preceding session, and shall elect its offi- 
 cers and transact the other business of the Grand Lodge. 
 ■2. The Order ot Business shall be as follows : 
 Organizing lodge, appointing Cotnmittees on Credentials, Finance, state 
 of the Order, on Reports of Officers, Appeals, Memorials, &c., receiving re- 
 ports of G. W. C. Templar, G. W. Secretary, G. W. Treasurer andG. W. 
 Lecturer; receiving reports of Committees appointed at last session to re- 
 port at present ; notices of motion ; unftnishod business ; reports of 
 Finance and other Committees I'equired to report previous to election of 
 Officers; fixing time and place of next meeting; notices of motions; 
 motions ; nomination and election of officers, who may be installed Ju 
 public or in private as the vote of the lo(Jgo shall decide^ 
 3. Upon resiiming business after an adjoummont, the Cr. W. yecretary 
 •ball read the minutes of previous sitting, and always before ciosing the 
 Grand Lodge the minutes of last sitting shall be read. 
 1. The officers in this Grand Lodge shall be a— Grand Worthy Chief 
 Templar, — Lecturer, — Counsellor, — Vice Templar, — Chaplain, — Secre- 
 tary, — Treasurer, — Marshal, — Deputy Marshal, — Inner Guard, — Outer 
 .2 The election of officers shall be bv ballot at each annual session of 
 the Grand Lodge, and any member of the Grand Lodge present and in 
 good standing shall be eligible for office, a majority of all the votes cast 
 shall be necessary to a choice, the name of the candidate having the 
 lowest number of votes at each Ijalloting being withdrawn, and in case of 
 a tie between the two last the G. W. C. T. shall give the casting vote.. 
 3. The first seven officers, together with the last Past G. W. C. T. shall 
 form the Executive Council of the Grand Lodge, to act in the interval 
 between the annual sessions of the Grand Lodge, and are during the 
 term of their office, ex-officio, Provincial Deputies with power to organize- 
 new Lodges, and members of any lodge they may choose to visit and 
 entitled to speak and vote on any question, excepting the election of 
 officers, the bye-laws of the lodge and the distribution of the lodge funds. 
 They shall be the Committee cm the laws of the Primary lodges. Of said 
 Committee the G. W. C. T. shall be chairman, and he shall call meetings 
 thereof when business requires, and at such points within the jurisdiction 
 of the Grand Lodge as shall seem for the best Interest of the Order ; and 
 none but members of the Grand Lodge shall be admitted ; at which tlme^ 
 any ordinary business may be transacted. 
 4. The G. W. C. T. shall preside at all meetings of the Grand Lodgfr 
 and enforce a due observance of the Constitution of the Ord^r ; appoint 
 Grand Officers pro tern., ^nd all Committees not otherwise providod for; 
 give the casting vote when a tie shall occur, decide all points of order, 
 subject to an appeal to the lodge, see that the quarterly password Is 
 regularly sent to those entitled to receive it, appoint and instruct Prov. 
 Deputies, and perform such other duties as from time to ilme may be 
 necessary for the spread of the Order and of the principles of Temperance 
 in the Province. 
 5. The G.W.L. shall, when directed by the Executive Council, or by 
 the Grand Lodge, visit lodges and places in the Province for the purpose 
 of giving public lectures on the principles of Temperance, and explaining 
 to Lodges the unwritten work of the order, and otherwise to promote the 
 objects of the Order. 
 6. The Grand Worthy Counsellor shall support the G.W. C. T. in pre- 
 siding, and in his absence shall fill the chair for him. In the event of a va- 
 cancy In the office of G. W. C. T., the G. W. C. shall become G. W. C. T. 
 for the balance of the term. 
 The G. W, V. Templar shall assist the G. W. C. T. In conducting^ 
 the business of the Grand Lodge; heorshe shall have special charge of the 
 door, and in the absence of the Q . W. C. T. and G. W. C. shall preside ; and 
 incase of a vacancy of both, of those offices, shall become G. W. C.T.for 
 the balance of the term. 
 8. The Grand Worthy Chaplain shall conduct the opening and closing 
 solemnities, and other religious servic^es of theGi'and Lodge. 
 9. The G. W. Secretary shall have charge of the Seals, Charters, Rituals, 
 and other property of the Grand Lodge ; attend the meetings of the Grand 
 Lodge, and keep a correct record of its proceedings ; conduct its correspon- 
 dence, keep true accounts between the Grand Lodge and the lodges under 
 its control : receive all moneys due the Grand Lodge, and pay over the 
 same to the G. W. Treasurer, and present at each annual session of the 
 Grand Lodge a written report of the state and progress of the Order in this 
 Province: loi'ward to the County Secretary, and other parties entitled to 
 yecclYe them, the quarterly passwords, the blank forms, reports, Rituals,. 
W. Secretary 
 e closing the 
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 esent and in 
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 Constitutions, and other necessary stock, as often as required ; and perform 
 such other duties as may be required by the Grand Lodge or the Constitu- 
 tion of tlie Order. He shall give such security for the faithful discharge of 
 bisduty as may be required by the Executive of the Grand Lodge, and 
 when letiring from office, or when required by the Grand Lodge, he shall 
 deliver up all the Lodge property in his possession to the officers appointed 
 to receive the same. 
 10. The G. W. Treasurer shall have charge of the funds, securities, 
 vouchers, etc., of the Grand Lodge, and pay ail bills properly attested ; he 
 or she shall present an annual report to the Grand Lodge, and shall at each 
 annual meeting produce his books and accounts for audit. He shall givet 
 such security for the faithful performance of his dut.v as maybe required 
 by the Executive Council, and when going out of office, or whenever re- 
 quired by proper authorities, shall deliver up all the property of the Grand 
 Lodge tliat may be in his or her possession. 
 11. The G. W. Marshall shall, assisted when necessary by the G. W.D. 
 Marshall, introduce candidates for initiation, and the Grand officers for in- 
 stallation ; regulate the Grand Lodge Room, tell the vote*, have charge of 
 matters relating to the regalia worn by members and visiters, and msmage 
 all processions and public services of the Grand Lodge, and perform such 
 other duties as the Grand Lodge may assign. 
 12. TheG. W. Deputy Marshall shall introduce the female candidates for 
 initlatiun, and see to the regalia of ladj^membcrs and visitors. 
 13. T\\o. G. W. Inside Guard ^all have charge of the inner door, and al- 
 low none to enter or retire without the proper password. 
 14. The G. W. Outside Guard sliallhave charge of the outer door and 
 ante-room, and allow none to enter hut those duly authorized. 
 The expenses of the Grand officers attending the Session of the Grand 
 Lodge, and the expenses of the Executive Officers attending meetings of 
 the Executive Council, shall be paid by the G-rand Lodge.. 
 Each Primary Lodge shall as often as necessary elect by ballot and re- 
 commend to the O. W. C. T., as the Provincial Deputy for the Lodge, a 
 member in good standing wno shall have attained the full age of twenty- 
 •one years. If the appointment is approved, the G. "W. Chief Templar 
 shall grant the Brother a Provincial Deputy's commission, signed by the 
 O WC T, and G W S, fo'* which the fee ot one dolar shall be paid, and 
 which shall remain in full force so long as the Brother continues a member 
 >of the Lodge or until sufficient cause be shown for its revocation. It shall 
 be the special duty of this Provincial Deputy to instal the officers of 
 the Lodge, sind to' see that the quarterly returns are properly made out 
 .ind the dues paid previous to installation. He shall be the medium 
 of communication between his own Lodge and the Grand Lodge, upon 
 all matters relating. to the general work of the Order, and shall exercise 
 a general supervision over his own Lodge. 
 '2 \Vheil<neces8ary the Executive shall appoint County D G- W C T's, 
 who shall be the mediums between the G W C T, and the subordinates 
 tn their Counties, and have power to organize new lodges, as per Consti- 
 tution, forwarding the returns at once to thcG. W. S. They shall see that 
 -the work of the order is performed uniformly, forward immediately to the 
 G. W. S., all monies due the Grand Lodge, which they may reefcive from 
 lodges In their Counties, and report quarterly to the G. "W. C. T., of their 
 proceedings. They shall take cognizance of and report forthwith to the 
 O- W C T, all cases of violation of the Constitution and By-laws of this 
 Grand Lodge, or of disobedience to its lawful commands on the part of 
 Primary Lodges. 
 3 Each lodge shall elect and recommend a suitable member in good 
 atandlng as Degree Templar for their respective lodges, who shall he 
 appointed by the G W C T, and whose term of office shall be for one year 
 thereafter, and may be re-elected, and who shall have charge of the Key 
 •$,0 Password, and the Degree Books; bo the medium of communicaJtioa 
 between his own lodge, and the County Chief TerapUir upon all matters 
 relating: to the unwritten work of the Order; and whose duty it shall be 
 to see that the Degrees are conferred in accordance with the Ritual and 
 usage, and exercise a general supervision over the Degree Lodge. Also, 
 to install the officers of his lodge in the absence of the O W C T or his 
 1. Any Officer of the Grand Lodge who shall have violated his pledge 
 or obligation, shall be deprived of all hia official honors, and if reinetated 
 shall not be eligible to any Grand Office sooner than two years thereafter. 
 2. Any Grand Officer may be removed from his office by the Grand 
 Lodge for misconduct or neglect of duty ; but he shall be entitled to » 
 fair trial, and two-tliirds of the votes of the Representatives present stiall 
 be necessary to removal. 
 3 No officer shall officiate in the Grand Lodge during the time occupied 
 in his trial. Whenever the G W C T, or the officer acting as such, shall 
 be on trial, or whenever a resolution for his removal shall be submitted, 
 the Grand Lodge may direct any P G W C T present to occupy the chair. 
 4 Any Representative may be expelled from his seat, as such, for mis- 
 conduct, upon the vote of two-thirds of the Repre8entati:<^e8 present at any 
 meeting, after a copy of the resolution of cxptilsion shall have been served 
 upon him or her, 
 5. Vacancies in the Grand offices shall be filled by Grand Lodge, if in 
 Session ; if not then, by the Executive Committee, and for the term of th.e 
 former ineumbent. 
 1. There shall be appointed at each Annual Session the following stand- 
 ing Committees, which shall regularly perform such duties relating to the 
 subjectson which they are appointed, as the Grand Lodge may direct; 1st,. 
 Committee of Finance ; 2nd, Correspondence ; 3rd, Appeals; 4th, Petition* 
 and Credentials ; 5th, On the State of the Order. 
 2 The above Committees shdll each consist of three members. 
 3 The Finance Committee (jhall, in addition to other duties, aecertaiiv 
 and report at the commencement of each Annual Session the amount 
 required for the expenses of the Gi'and Lodge for the ensuing year, an<J. 
 suggest such measures of finance as they may deem expedient. 
 I. In all cases where a member of a lodge has been fined, rejffimandctt 
 suspended or expelled, or has been deprived' of any right, honor, privilege- 
 or benefit by his or her lodge, he or she may appeal to the D G W C TV 
 by filing with the Secretary of his or her lodge a notice of the ap|>eal, with 
 the grounds thereof ; and thereupon the lodge sHall, without clelay, send 
 under its seal to the D G W C T for his or her lodge, such notices of 
 appeal, together with certified copies of the minutes, charges, evidence, 
 and other books and papers in their possession or under the control of the 
 lodge, relating to the subject and matter of appeal, and thereupon the D- 
 G W C T shall hear and determine the appeal. 
 2 The D. G. W. C. T. shall file his decision, with the grounds thereof, 
 with the lodge; and deliver a copy to the opposite party. Either party 
 feeling aggrieved by his decision , may take an ap4)ealto the County Lodge 
 and from thence to the Grand Lodge, Avhich appeal shall be heard upon 
 the same papers submitted to the D. G. W. O. T. It shall be the duty of 
 the D.G. W. C. T., on notice fmm tlie ai^pellant, to transmit all suclv 
 papers to the County Secretary. 
 1. Every Lodge shall be entitled to one vote where the number o^ 
 members returned in the next preceding quarterly report shall be twenty 
 or less, and one vote for each additional twenty members. Each Repre- 
 sentative shall, whenever the vote is taken by ayes and nays, be entitled, 
 to cast the number of voles to wliich the lodge or lodges he or she repre- 
all be 
 il and 
 or his 
 pcnts is entitled. Eacli Grand Officer sliall be cntillod lu one vote. All 
 questions and votes before this Grand Lodge, not otherwise provided for 
 in this Constitution, shall be determined by a majority of the votes of the 
 Representatives and Grand Officers present. 
 2. The votes on any question shall be taken by ayefi and nays, when- 
 ever required by five lleprcsentatives ; and when so taken it shall be 
 r»'C(n'ded on the Journal, provided however, that all questions for the 
 expulsion of a Representative shall be by the votes of the Representatives 
 The Revenue of this Grand Lodge shall be derived from the following 
 sources : — seven dollars for each charter and the property accompanying it 
 to new lodges within the Province. The capitation tax fixed by the Grand 
 Lodge as the dues to be paid by each member of the Order in the Primary 
 Lodges under its control. • ••. 
 The Regaliato be worn by members of the Grand Lodge shall be a collar 
 of scarlet velvet, trimmed with silver lace, with a red, white, and blue 
 rosette in the centre. 
 2. Members of the Grand Lodge shall be deprived of the privilege of 
 speaking or voting unless clothed in the prescribed regalia except by per- 
 mission of the Grand Lodge. 
 The G. W, Secretary shall send with each charter granted to open a Pri- 
 mary Lodge, the following property : Two Primary Rituals, two return 
 nheets, two Constitutions, two ode cards, tour Degree Rituals, and one full 
 set of Primary Officers' cards. 
 2. On the written applications often or more persons, of good standing 
 ill the community, praying for a Charter to open a Lodge, the Grand 
 Lodge, or Executive Committee during the recess, may grant the same, if 
 the majority consider it expedient, and such Lodge shall receive its charter 
 and the necessary instructions from the GWCT oraoyDGW C T, having 
 the requisite authority, crone specially deputed, all necessary expenses, if 
 any, of the Installing officers to be borne by the Lodge so opened. 
 3. At the end of each quarter, every Primary Lodge shall report to the 
 Grand Lodge, the work thereof for such quarter, which shall include the 
 number of those initiated, admitted by Card, withdrawn by Clearance 
 Card, reinstated, rejected and deceased, and the names of those suspended 
 and expelled; together with the number of Degrees conferred, the whole 
 number In membei'ship, amount due the Grand Lodge, and the result of 
 the election of officers for the succeeding quarter. 
 4. All laws, regulations, or rules for the government of Primary Lodges, 
 or officers, or the members thereof, shall be Incorporated into the Constitu- 
 tion thereof 5 and no changes therein shall be made, except as hereinafter 
 1. No Subordinate Lodge shall be expelled, suspended, or deprived of 
 any of its rights and privileges, except as provided in the Constitution, 
 2. "Whenever any Subordinate Lodge shall violate the Constitution, By- 
 Laws, Rules or Regulations of this Grand Lodge, such lodge shall be liable 
 to trial and punishment as herein provided. 
 3. Before any lodge can be put on trial, charges shall be preferred, duly 
 specifying the offence to the Grand Lodge by the D G W C T of the 
 County in which such lodge is located, by another lodge, or any member of 
 the Grand Lodge, a copy of which shall be served on the said lodge, audits 
 answer, together with the charges, shall be handed to the DGW C T, and 
 by him sent to the G W S, when the Grand lodge or Executive Committee 
 shall take such action as shall seem most expedient to determine and settle 
 the case. 
 4. Upon the suspension or expulsion of a lodge, or surrender or forfeit of 
 it« Charter, the ofBcers of the lodge shall surrender to the O W C T, or his 
 deputy, all books and papers belonging to such lodge, and the same shall bo 
 held subject to the order of the Grand Lodge. 
 5. Any Primary Lodge failing to hold meetings for six months, or to make 
 its returns as required by this Constitution for one year, shall be deemed 
 an extinct lodge, and its Charter shall be forfeited. 
 6. Members of a suspended or expelled lodije, or of a lodge where the 
 Charter was surrendered or forfeited, who were in good standing at the 
 time of such suspension or dissolution, shall upon the recommendation of 
 the D G WC T of the County in which the lodge was located, receive from 
 the G W S a certiflcate under the seal of the Grand Lodge, to enable them 
 to make application for admission to membership in another lodge, provi- 
 ded such members are not excluded by the i^rovisions of the Constitution. 
 7. Upon the application often or more members of an extinct lodge to the 
 Grand Lodge, fot the restoration of such lodge to fellowship, accompanied. 
 Avith satisfactory evidence that a fair opportunity has been given to all who 
 ■were members m good standing at tl^^ time the same became extinct,to unite 
 in such application, may be restored to fellowship in such lodge, together 
 with the Charter and books belonging to said lodge, at the time of its extinc- 
 tion, unless such effects have been previously disposed of by Grand Lodge, 
 This Grand Lodge may enact, alter or amend such Bj'-laws as may bo 
 necessary to carry into eti'ect the provisions ofthis Constitution, andofre- 
 gulatingthe proceedings of its offlcei's and committees ; and providing for 
 the safety and security of the funds and property, provided at least one 
 day'snoticein writing be given at the annual session, of such By-laws or 
 amendment, and that the same do not in any wise contravene tljis Consti- 
 2. The Grand lodge may, in like manner, make such Rules of Order as 
 may be necessary forthe regulation of its session, and. for securing good or- 
 der and the despatch of business. Such Rules ot Order may be suspended 
 at any meeting by a two-third vote, provided that such suspension shall not 
 extend beyond the meeflng which voted therefor. 
 1. No part of this Constitution shall be amended, altered, annulled or 
 suspended, nor shall any addition be made thereto, except at the Annual 
 Session, and in the manner hereinafter provided. 
 2. A proposition to amend this Constitution shall be recommended by a 
 Majority of the votes of the Representatives present, constituting a quorum 
 of the Grand Lodge. The amendment proposed shalh be referred to a com- 
 mittee of thi'ee,who shall report thereon at the present session and the Grand 
 Lodge may consider the same ; but no amendment shall be made to this 
 Constitution except by a vote of at least two-thirds of the Reprosentivti vea 
 present at an annual se»sion of the Grand Lodge. 
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 COUNTY lodge: 
 1. As soon as there are five Primary Lodges in ^jV-od stand- 
 ing in any County, the County Deputy shall call, by n ;tice to 
 the W. C. T. of each Primary Lodge in the County, a meeting 
 at such time and place as he may deem most c/j i.venient, for 
 the purpose of organizing a County Lodge. 
 2. The Couuiy Deputy shall preside at such meeting until 
 the Conty officers have been elected and the County C. 'V. 
 installed, after which his duties and powers shall be merged i.i 
 the County Chief Templar, who shall then instal the other 
 officers of the County Lodge. 
 3. In Counties where there are less than five Primary 
 Lodges, those Lodges may unite for County purposes with tiitj 
 adjoining County which may be most convenient, and maice 
 returns and pay dues through such County Lodges, and receivo 
 the quarterly password from such County Chief Templars. 
 Lodges, when not so united, shall make their returns to the 
 County Deputy, and if there be none, to the Grand Lodge and 
 receive the quarterly password direct from the G. W. ^ec. 
 / , ! i . 
 • 1 • 
 1. County Lodges shall be composed of the Grand Officers 
 its own officers. Provincial Deputies, Degree Templars, the 
 W. C. T., W. V. T., W. Secretary and W. Treasurer, and 
 last Past W. C. T., and Secretary of each Primary Lodge 
 in the County, together with a representative from each 
 Primary Lodge, for every thirty members, to be elected 
 on the niq:ht of installation of each term. • *. . . • 
 •. ( 
 1. County Lodges shall have power to adjudicate on any 
 appeals from the decisions of Primary Lodges, or of Provincial 
 or County Deputies residing within or belonging to any Lodge 
 within the County ; to settle disputes arising between two or 
 more Primary Lodges ; to send its Chief or Lecturer to visit 
 Primary Lodges, for thfi purpose of delivering public lectures 
 on the Order, or on the principles of Temperance ; recommend 
 to the Executive s'lch Provincial Deputies as it may deem pro- 
 per, to be invested with authority to institute new Lodges ; 
 redress grievances arising in Primary Lodges, and of doing all 
 the acts necessary or wise to promote the interests of the Order 
 in the County over which it presides. 
 2. The County Lodge shall receive one cent of the capitation 
 tax per quarter for each and every member of the Primary 
 Lodge?, which shall be sent by the Provincial Deputy of each 
 Primary Lodge, with the quarterly returns and otlier dues, to 
 the County Secretary, who shall pay over the County dues to 
 the County Treasurer. 
 3. The County Lodge may by a two-third vote levy an ad- 
 ditional tax in its own county, if necessary. 
 1. County Lodges shall hold a regular quarterly session on 
 the last Wednesday in the months of March, June, September 
 and December. -^ 
 2. The County Lodge shall always work in the County 
 Degree, hence none save those who have attained to that De- 
 gree can gain admission to its meetings. 
 3. The wearing of Regalia in County Lodges may be dis- 
 pensed with at the option of each County Lodge ; but when 
 worn it shall be of the following description: — A blue velvet 
 collar, untrimmed, and a red rosette made in the shape of a 
 heart in the centre. 
 1. The officers of the County Lodge shall be the same in 
 number, bear the same name, .discharge the same duties, and 
 enjoy the same privileges respectively in their County Lodges, 
 as do the officers of the Grand Lodge. 
 21 County officers and representatives to the Grand Lodge 
 shall be elected at the September session. 
 3. The County Chief Templar, in the absence of the G. W. 
 C. T shall be the senior officer in his County, the medium of 
 communication with the Grand Lodge, and to liira shall be sent 
 by the G. W. Sec, the passwords of the Order, to be by him 
 sent to the Degree Templar of Primary Lodges ; he shall pre- 
 side at the meetings of the County Lodge, and enforce in his 
 County a due observance of the constitution and laws by the 
 various Lodges therein, llis ruling on questions of order, as 
 well as his decisions on iurisprudence, shall be subject to ap- 
 peal to the Lodge over which ho presides ; and when an appeal 
 against his decision is put to the Lodge, it shall be thus, 
 " Shall the decision of the County C. T. be sustained?" He 
 may appoint all pro tern officers and committees not otherwise 
 provided for; ho shall sign all orders ^^^ W-ent «- ^he 
 fcounty Treasurer; he f-,;^^"^VseSry, immediately 
 make out and forward to t^^%^; }Vountv Se, ^ 
 after the September nj^^^mg of the Couu^y l^oage ^^.^^^ 
 "rScounty secretary shall within gn ^ays after th. 
 close of the County Lodge, send to the G. W. bee. 
 and true account of all the business done therein. 
 P R I M A R Y L B G E S . 
 ART. I.— NAME. 
 This Lodge shall be hailed and entitled as a 'Lodge of 
 lie Order of British Templars, holding a legal charter, granted 
 ty the Grand Lodge of Nova Scotia, and shall consist of at 
 least ten members, and cannot voluntarily surrender its charter 
 or dissolve so long as ten members in good standing object 
 No member shall make, buy, sell, or use as a beverage any 
 spirituous or malt liquorg, wine, cider, or otlicr intoxicating 
 drinks, and shall discountenance the manufacture and sale 
 thereof in all proper ways. 
 Sec. 1. No person can bo admitted to membersliip in this 
 Lodge who is under 14 years of age. And in the case of Char- 
 ier members, no one will be eligible to receive the degrees till 
 he or she has arrived at the age of 18. 
 Sec. 2. The name and residence of a person offered for 
 membership must he printed, or in writing, and the proposition 
 made by a member of the Lodge, with two references, which 
 nmst be entered on the records, and the subject referred to 
 lliree members for investigntion, two of whom shall be appoint- 
 ed by the W. C. T., and the third ^y the W. V. T., who shall 
 report in writing at the next regular meeting, (except where 
 the interests of the Order require, when at the request of the 
 Lodge, the D. G. W. C. T., Degree Templar or Senior P. W. 
 (\ T. present may grant a dispensation to propose and initiate 
 tlic same evening.) But any Lodge may, by a By-Law re- 
 iiularly adopted, dispense with the two References and the 
 C/ommittee. Any member, (however,) in good standing may 
 demand the appointment of said Committeo, who shall act in 
 ticcordance with tliis section, notwithstanding such By-LaAv. 
 All candidates must be balloted for with ball ballots, but if not 
 more than four black lialls a])pear against him or lior, he or 
 she shall be declared elected, but if more than four black balls 
 appear against him or her, or if all the vote? cast be black, he 
 or she shall be rejected, and so declared. No person so reject- 
 ed shall be again proposed or initiated in any Lodge of the ^ 
 Order under three months, unless by dispensation from the G. 
 W. C. T., or his Deputy. 
 Sec, 3. A proposition for membership shall not be with- 
 drawn after it has been returned to a Committee for investiga- . 
 tion, without the consent of the members present. 
 Sec. 4. No suspended member of the Order can be received 
 in membership in this Lodge, except on being reinstated and 
 receiving a Card of Clearance from the Lodge which suspended 
 him or her. 
 Sec. 1. The initiation fee of this Lodge shall not be less 
 than fifty cents for males, and twenty-five cents for females. 
 Each Lodge shall regulate their weekly dues so as to meet the ir 
 expenditure, the dues shall be paid quarterly in advance. 
 Sec. 2. Each Lodge granting a certificate for Degrees to a 
 member, shall receive for each degree such sura as may be re- 
 gulated by the Lodges, which shall go into the funds of the 
 Sec. 3. Persons in destitute circumstances may be adniiitod 
 without initiation fees or dues, by the unanimou3 vote of the 
 Sec. 1. A member wlio is eighteen years of age and has 
 been in membership one month, shall be eligible for Degrees, 
 but shall not be evicted to more than one Degree at the same 
 meeting, unless by dispensation from the G. W. C. T., his 
 Deputy, or Degree Templar of the Lodge. 
 Sec. 2. Applications for Degrees shall be accompanied with 
 the amount required, and shall be made to the Financial Sec, 
 who, at the proper time, must apply for the same to the Degree 
 Lodge, and state that the member is entitled to the Degree 
 applied for, that he or she has paid for the same, and that the 
 applicant is in good standing, and of proper age. Whenever 
 the Lodge is opened in said Degree, a Isallot shall be had, and 
 if not more than four black balls appear, the Degree shall bo 
 Sec. 3. All applications for Degrees nmst be balloted for in 
 the Lodge opened in the particular Degree applied for, and the 
 proceedings of the Lodge, when balloting for Degrees or con- 
 ferring the same, are to be recorded in a separate record book 
 kept for that purpose. 
 Sec. 4. Tlie Degrees sliall 1)0 conferred by the Degree 
 Templar of the Lodge, or the G. W. C. T. or his Deputy, and 
 the officer conferring the Degree:j may call to his aid such 
 members of the Order as he niiiy require ; or the Degree 
 •-*»»»*» f>- ^; ,\ U i m 
 Lodge may elect its own officers from tliose members who have 
 taken all the Degrees, whose term of office shall be for one 
 year. , , .. 
 Sec. 1. The elective officers of this Lodge shall consist of 
 W. C. T., W. V. T., W. C, W. S., W. T., W. F. S., W. M., 
 W. I. G., W, O. G. No person shall be eligible to the offices 
 of W. C. T. or W. V. T who have not received the First and 
 Second Degree. 
 Sec. 2. The appointed officers shall consist of W. A. S., W. 
 D. M., W. R. H. S., W. L. H. S. 
 Sec. 3. After a Lodge has been instituted three full terms, 
 no member shall be eligible to the office of W. C. T. unless he 
 has served a term in some subordinate office, and no officer 
 shall be installed until clear of any charges on the books. 
 Sec 4. The election of officers shall be by written ballot at 
 the last regular meeting in each term, and installed at the first 
 regular meeting in the succeeding term. A term of office shall 
 not be less than three nor more than six months, and shall date 
 from the beginning ot a regular quarter. 
 Sec. 5. Vacancies in any elective office may be filled at any 
 regular meeting. 
 Sec. 6. Any officer absenting himself or herself from the 
 Lodge for three successive meetings, their seat may be declared 
 vacant by a two-thirds vote of the members present, after one 
 week's notice, unless sufficient excuse for absence be given. 
 Sec. 7. In case the seat ol any officer becomes vacant, such 
 vacancy sliall be filled, and any member who shall be elected 
 to, and installed in such office, shall be entitled to the full 
 honors of the term. , 
 Sec. 1. It shall be the duty of the W. C. T. to preside in 
 the Lodge, 'enforce a due observance of the Constitution and 
 By-Laws, and exact a compliance to the rules and usages of 
 the Order; to sec that all officers perform their respective 
 duties; appoint all committees and officers not otherwise pro- 
 vided for : give the cas ing vote on all matters before the Lodge 
 when A tie may occur ; inspect and announce the result of all 
 ballotings or other votes ; direct the W. S. to call special meet- 
 ings, when application shall be made in writing, by five mem- 
 bers of the Lodge ; draw on the W. T. for all sums necessary 
 to pay the appropriations made by the Lodge. He shall on the 
 night he vacates the chair, see that the quarterly returns are 
 prepared for the Grand Lodge, certified by him with the seal 
 jf the Lodge, and also see that whatever amount may be due 
 the Grand Lodge, is paid to the installing officer. He shall per- 
 form such other duties as the Lodge or his charge shall require. 
^l-lllj "■■"■ 
 1st of 
 Sec. 2. It shall be the duty of the W. V. T. to render the 
 W. C. T. such assistance as he may require of him or her, and 
 in the absence of the W. C. T. the W. V. T. shall perform his 
 duty, or appoint a Brother to fill the chair in his or her stead. 
 Sec. 3. Ths W. S. shall keep a fair and impartial record of 
 the proceedings of the Lodge ; write comitfunications ; he shall 
 fill up certificates ; notify meetings, when ordered by the "W. C. 
 T. ; attest to all moneys ordered to be paid at a regular meet- 
 ing and none other; he shall make out at the end of the 
 term for the Lodge a full report of the proceedings during his 
 terra, and also the quarterly returns to the Grand Lodge, and 
 witli the W. C. T. certify to the same. He shall perform such 
 other duties as may be required of him by the Lodge or his 
 charge, and deliver up to his successor, within one week from 
 the expiration of his term, all books, papers or other property 
 in his possession, belonging to his office. He shall notify all 
 Primary Lodges, not more than ten miles from its place of 
 meeting, within one week after, of the name and residence of 
 every person suspended, withdrawn, rejected or expelled from 
 his Lodge. 
 Sec. 4. The W. A. S. shall be an aid to the W. S., under 
 whose direction he or she shall act. He or she shall render to 
 the "W. S. such assistance in the performance of his or her 
 duties as he or she or the Lodge may require of him or her. 
 Sec. 5. It shall be the duty of the W. F. S. to keep just and 
 true accounts between the Lodge and its members, credit the 
 accounts paid, and pay the same over to the Treasurer imme- 
 diately, taking a receipt for the same. At the end of his term 
 he shall make out for the Lodge a full report, and furnish the 
 W. S. with the amount of receipts, initiation fees and dues 
 during his term, with any other information connected with his 
 office necessary to enable the W. S. to prepare correct returns 
 for the Grand Lodge. He shall deliver up to his successor all 
 matters appertaining to his office, in his possession. He shall 
 perform such other duties as the Lodge or his charge may re- 
 quire of him. 
 Sec. 6. It shall be the duty of the W. T. to give a bond of 
 not less than one hundred dollars, if requested, with such sur- 
 ety as may be approved by the Lodge, to pay all orders drawn 
 on him or her by the W. C. T. attested by the W. S., and none 
 others. He or she shall receive all moneys of the Lodge, and 
 hold the same until the expiration of his or her term, unless 
 otherwise ordered by the Lodge. Shall keep a full and correct 
 account of all moneys received and expended, and deliver up 
 when legally called upon, all moneys, books, papers, and other 
 property of the Lodge, to his or her successor in office, or to 
 whom the Lodge may especially appoint. He or she shall 
 make a report at the end of his or her term, and perform such 
 other duties as may be required of him or her by the Lodge or 
 their charge. 
 Sec. 7. It shall be the duty of the "W. M. to introduce for 
 initiation persons who have been previously elected; also the 
 Grand Officers and visitors. He shall examine those present 
 at the opening of the Lodge. He shall see that the officers' 
 regalias are in their proper places at the opening of the Lodge, 
 and take charge of the same at the close. He shall have charge 
 of such property of the Lodge as may not otherwise be provid- 
 ed for. 
 Sec. 8. it shall be the duty of the W. D. M. to render such 
 service as the W. M. or the Lodge may require of him or her. 
 Sec. 9. It shall be the duty of the W. I. G. to attend the 
 door, to admit none but raembcjra of the order and candidates 
 for initiation. 
 Sec. 10. The W.O.G. shall guard the outside door and keep 
 off intruders. 
 Sec. 11. The Degree Templar of the Lodge shall, in the 
 absence of the G. W. C. T., or his Deputy, install the officers; 
 provided always that the quarterly returns are made out, and 
 the per centage pdid previous to their installation. 
 The regular quarterly terms of this Lodge shall commence 
 on the first of November, February, May and August ; and any 
 Lodge refusing or neglecting to make their returns to the 
 Grand Lodge for one year shall forfeit their Charter. 
 Seven members shall constitute a quorum for the transaction 
 of business. 
 Seel. Any officer of this Lodge who shall viola* 3 his or 
 her pledge shall be deprived of all official honors previously 
 attained to, and shall not be eligible to office 30oner than one 
 year thereafter. 
 Sec. 2. Any member who shall violate his or her Pledge, 
 Obligation, the Constitution, or the By-laws, shall be fined, re- 
 prmanded, suspended or expelled. 
 Sec. 3. — Any member who may have good reason to believe 
 that a brother has violated his obligation or pledge, the Con- 
 stitution or By-Laws, or has been guilty of conduct unbecoming 
 a Templar, shall prefer a charge in writing, stating the nature 
 of the offence ; he shall also give the time, place, and circum- 
 stances, as near as possible, under which said offence was 
 Sec. 4. When such a charge has been preferred, (ohould 
 vf 'h, 
 the Lodge decide that it can be sustained) the W. C. T. may 
 be authorized to appoint a Committee, whose duty it shall be 
 to see the accused, notilying him of the charge. They shall 
 invite him to attend the next regular meeting of the Lodge, to 
 answer to the same. Said Committee shall report to the Lodge 
 the result of their interview, on the first regular meeting after 
 this appointment. Or, the Lodge may order a copy of the 
 charge, signed bv the W. C. T. and W. S., to be served upon 
 the accused by the W. M., notifying hira when to appear to 
 answer to the said charge. Should the accused refuse or fail 
 to appear upon the request of the Committee, a copy and notice 
 should be sent to him. Should the accused appear and plead 
 not guilty, the W. C. T. shall appoint a committee of five 
 members in good standing, whose duty it shall be to hear, exa- 
 mine and receive all witnesses and testimony that may be 
 brought before tliem relative to said charge. He shall also 
 appoint one or two members to conduct the trial on behalf of 
 the Lodge, and the accused shall have the right to select one to 
 assist him in his defence. 
 Sec. 5. All parties shall be duly notified of the time, when 
 the committee propose to receive testimony, and all witnesses 
 should attend. All testimony shall be reduced to writing, and 
 when complete, shall be read before the Lodge upon which the 
 Lodge shall take final action, which will be to declare the 
 accused guilty or not guilty, and if guilty to afiix the penalty in 
 accordance with the Constitution and By-Laws. 
 Sec. G. If the accused fail to appear, when duly summoned, 
 he or she shall be declared guilty of contempt by the Lodge, 
 which declaration shall be final, and the Worthy Chief shall in 
 two weeks thereafter declare the member expelled, unless it 
 shall appear that the accused was unavoidably absent, in which 
 case the accused shall be entitled to a re-hearing. 
 Sec. 7. All votes for reinstatement or expulsion (except for 
 contempt) shall be by ball ballot. 
 Sec. 8. Should a member come forward and acknowledge 
 the violation of Article 2nd of the Constitution, the Lodge shall 
 accept his plea, and may, at their option, reinstate, reprimand, 
 expel, or affix such penalty as they may deem expedient, in ac- 
 cordance with the Constitution. . ".,". 
 Sec. 9. A member who has been reinstated and who does not 
 come forward to be ro-obligated .vithin six 'veeks shall be de- 
 clared expelled by the W. C. T. 
 Sec. 10. If the accused be not satisfied with the decisijn of 
 the Lodge, appeal may be taken to the D. G. W. C. T. to whom 
 the minutes of the trial shall be delivered ; and his decision 
 shall be final, unless appealed from to the County Lodge, from 
 thence to the Grand Lodge. 
 Sec. 11. A member under charges, arid during the investi- 
 gation thereof by the Lodge is under a state of suspension, and 
 cannot vote or speak on any question before the Lodge unless 
 by permission of the Lodge. 
 Sec. 12. Any member who shall wilfully or maliciously 
 bring charges against a member, and fail to prove the same, 
 shall be fined, reprimanded, suspended or expelled as the Lodge 
 may determine. 
 Sec. 13. Any member having been expelled shall not bo 
 again proposed for membership under three months from the 
 date of expulsion, unless by dispensation of the G. W. C. T. or 
 his deputy at the request of the Lodge. 
 Sec. 14. Any member six months in arrears shall be notified 
 of the same by the W. F. S. of the Lodge, and if such arrears 
 be not cancelled as the Lodge may direct, the member may be 
 expelled by a vote of the members at any regular meeting. 
 Sec. 15 Any member who shall be guilty of any objection- 
 able or disorderly conduct, or disrespectful language in the 
 Lodge, may be fined, reprimanded, suspended, or expelled, a^ 
 the Lodge may direct by ball ballot, at the time the offence is 
 committed, or at either of the next two subsequent meetings. 
 Sec. 1. A card of Clearance shall only be granted and used 
 when a member wishes to leave one Lodge to join another^ 
 which card shall be available for the length of time a member 
 pays his dues, but shall not exceed six months from the date 
 thereof. A Travelling card shall only be granted and used 
 when a member is about to go a journey, or to sojourn for a 
 definite time in another County or District. 
 Sec. 2. Application for either Travelling or Clear.ance cards 
 must be made in open Lodge, at a regular meeting thereof; the 
 same shall be granted, provided that there is no charge pending 
 against him or her, and the member shall be clear on the 
 Worthy Financial Secretary's books. 
 Sec. 3. A member receiving a travelling card must pay all 
 dues up to the time for which the card is drawn. 
 Sec. 4. No strarge member can visit any Lodge without 
 he or she is in possession of the Password for the current 
 quarter, unless he or she presents a regular travelling card, 
 and proves himself or herself in the T. P. "W. On the presen- 
 tation of the Card, the W. C. T. shall appoint a Commttee of 
 three to examine the visitors ; one member of the committee 
 must be the W. C. T. himself, and the other two members of 
 the committee must be of the third degree. The committee 
 shall first examine the visitor privately in the quarterly pass- 
 ward and T. P. W., and the visitor must commence. If the 
 committee is satisfied M'ith the result of the examination, they 
 will inti 
 cards co 
 to all th( 
 as other 
 simile t 
 tested b 
 The nar 
 his or h 
 card, n 
 the Car 
 by linii 
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 ling Ca 
 from tl 
 the W. 
 may b< 
 shall b 
 such ] 
 tion, < 
 or si 
 vill introduce the visitor into the Lodge without further 
 Sec. 5. Brothers or sisters holding travelling or clearance 
 cards continue to be members of the Order, and are amenable 
 to all the laws of their respective Lodges in the same manner 
 as other members. 
 Sec. 6, Every Travelling or Clearance Card must bear the 
 signature of the G. W. S. of the Grand Lodge, or a fac- 
 simile thereof. It must be signed by the "W, C. T,, and at- 
 tested by the W. S., under the Seal of the Lodge granting it. 
 The name of the holder must also be written on the margin in 
 his or her own handwriting. 
 Sec. 7. Any member applying for a tiavelling or clearance 
 card, may withdraw his or her application at any time before 
 the Card is actually granted. 
 Sec. 8. A person holding a travelling card that has expired 
 by limitation, can make application to his or her own Lodge 
 for membership, as if the time had not expired, but a person 
 cannot be admitted as visitor to a Lodge on an expired Travel- 
 ling Card. 
 Sec. 9. A member in good standing, wishing to withdraw 
 from the Order, can do so, by making application in writing, 
 provided that he or she is clear of any charges on the books of 
 the W. F. S. 
 Sec. 10. A member holding a card of clearance and who 
 may be desirous of again connecting himself with the Order, 
 shall be subject to the same ballot as a new applicant. 
 Sec. 1. Any Subordinate Lodge shall be at liberty to adopt 
 such By-laws and Hegulations as they may deem advisable ; 
 provided, however, that no By-law, Regulation or Order of 
 Business shall conflict with this Constitution, or the Constitu- 
 tion, of the Grand Lodge. 
 See. 2. Each Subordinate Lodge, shall send a copy of their 
 By-Law« to the G. W. S., for examination and correction by 
 the Grand Lodge, and a copy thereof must be deposited with 
 the G. W. S. 
 Each Subordinate Lodge shall pay to the Grand Lodge, such 
 assessment as may be made at the Annual Session of tho 
 Grand Lodge. 
 No member shall be entitled to receive the P. W. unless he 
 or she is clear of any charges on the books at the commence- 
 uient of the current quarter* 
 Sec, 1, This Constitution shull only be amended at an An- 
 nual Session of the Grand Lodge, by a vote of two-thirds of 
 the members present, upon a call for the ayes and nays. 
 See. 2. A proposition to amend the Constitution shall not 
 be entertained except by consent of a majority of the Represen- 
 tatives,' to be given without debate, unless such proposition 
 come from some appropriate committee. ■ > • .: :> jii.jir: 
 Clergymen may be admitted to this Lodge as members, on 
 being elected in the same manner as regular members, not to 
 be subject to the payment of initiation fee, or quarterly dues, 
 ftnd to enjoy the like privilege in the Degree Lodge, 
 •rni:ru i:,,^,r.,-: 
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 1. It shall be the duty of the W. C. T. to preserve order, and 
 to endeavour to conduct all business before the Lodge, to a 
 speedy and proper result. 
 2. He shall state every question properly presented to the 
 Lodge ; and before putting it to vote, shall ask, " Is the Lodge 
 ready for the question ? " Should no member offer to Bpeai, 
 he shall rise to put it ; and after he has risen no member shall 
 be permitted to speak upon it. 
 3. The W. C. T. shall have a casting vote in case of a tie, but 
 in ordinary cases shall not vote. He shall announce all votes 
 and decisions. His decisions on points of order shall not be 
 debatable, unless entertaining doubts on the subject, he shall 
 invite discussion. 
 4. He may speak to points of order, in preference to other 
 members of the Lodge, rising from his seat for that purpose ; 
 and shall decide questions of order, subject to an appeal to the 
 Lodge by any member. On such an appeal no member shall 
 speak more than once. 
 6. When an appeal is made from the decision of the W. C. T. 
 he shall put the question thus : " Shall the decision of the Chair 
 be sustained?" 
 6. It shall be the duty of the presiding oflScer, arid the privi- 
 lege of any member of the Lodge to call a membei »o order 
 who violates an established rule of the ojder. 
 /. r '.. 
 7. A motion must be seconded and afterwards repeated from 
 the Chair, or read aloud before it is debated. A motion shall 
 be reduced to writing, if any member require it. . 
 8. All resolutions shall be submitted in writing. 
 9 Any member having made a motion may withdraw it, with 
 leave of his second before it is debated, but not afterwards, 
 without leave of the Lodge. 
 10. A motion to amend an amendment to an amendment 
 shall not be entertained. 
 11. An amendment destroying or altering the intention of a 
 motion shall be in order, but an amendment relating to a differ- 
 ent subject shall not be in order. 
 12. On an amendment to " strike out and insert," the para- 
 graph to be amended sliall first be read as it stands, then the 
 words proposed to be struck out and those to be inserted, and 
 finally the paragraph as it would stand if so amended. 
 13. On a call for a division on the question, the majority shall 
 decide. The call can only be granted when the division called 
 for will leave distinct and entire propositions. 
 14. When a member speaks or offers a motion, he or she 
 shall rise in their place, and 'respectfully address the W. 
 C. T., confining themselves to the question under considera- 
 tion, and avoiding personality or imbecoming language. 
 15. When a member is called to order, he shall take his seat 
 until the point is determined. 
 16. When two or more members rise to speak at the same 
 time, the presiding offtcer shall decide who is entitled to the 
 17. No member shall speak more than twice nor longer than 
 ten minutes each time, on any question without leave of the 
 Lodge, which leave shall be granted or refused without de- 
 18. While a member is speaking, no one shall interrupt him, ^ 
 except for the purpose of calling to order, or asking of the ' 
 presiding officer leave to explain or to call the previous ques-* 
 tion. A member allowed "to explain" shall only have the 
 right to explain an actual misunderstanding of language, and 
 shall be strictly prohibited from going into debate on the merits 
 of the case. 
 19. For any member in speaking to impeach the motives of 
 a fellow member or treat such with personal disrespect, shall 
 be deemed a violation of order, which may incur the censure of 
 the presiding officers, or of the Lodge. 
 20. If any member shall feel personally aggrieved by a 
 decision of the chair, he or she may appeal from such decision. 
 21. Any conversation, by whispering or otherwise, which is 
 calculated to disturb a member while speakmg, or hinder the 
 transaction of business, shall be deemed a violation of order, 
 and if persisted in shall incur censure. 
 22. When a question is before the Lodge, the only motions 
 in order shall be : 1st, to adjourn ; 2nd, the previous question ; 
 3rd, to lay on the table; 4th, to postpone indefinitely; 6]th, to 
 postpone to a definite period ; 6th, to refer; 7th, to divide, if 
 the sense will admit of it; 8th, to amend. To take pre- 
 cedence as herein arranged, and the first three to be decided 
 without debate. 
 23. When the previous question is moved and seconded, it 
 3haU be put in this form : " ShaJl the main <juestion be iiow 
 [ted, and 
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 e now 
 put?" If this is carried, all further amendments and debate 
 shall be excluded and the queation put without delay, 
 If the question has been amended, the question shall be 
 taken on the amendment first. If more than oie amend- 
 ment has been made the last made amendment in order shall 
 take precedence in the vote. It shall not be in order to 
 reconsider the agreement to take the " previous question." 
 24. When a motion is postponed indefinitely, it shall not 
 come up again during the session. 
 25. A motion to adjourn shall always be in order, except, 1st, 
 when a member is in possession of the floor ; 2nd, while the 
 yeas and nays are being called ; 3rd, when the members are 
 voting ; 4th, when adjournment was the last preceding motion ; 
 or, 5th, when it has been decided that the previous question 
 shall be taken. 
 26. A motion to adjourn simply cannot be amended, but a 
 motion to adjourn to a given time may be and is open to debate. 
 27. 1st, a motion to adjourn, when to adjourn simply; 2nd, a 
 motion to lay on the table when claiming privilege over another 
 motion ; 3rd, a motion for the previous question ; 4th, a motion 
 to reconsider ; 5th, a motion to read a paper ; 6th, a motion to 
 take up particular items of business ; 7th, questions of order 
 when not appealed from the decision of the "W. C. T., or 
 not submitted by him to the Lodge. 
 28. The Heading of any paper called for, relating to the sub- 
 ject under debate, shall always be in order. ■ •. - ■ 
 29. When the presiding officer has commenced taking a vote, 
 no further debate or remark shall be admitted, unless a mistake 
 has been made, in which case the mistake shall be rectified, and 
 the presiding officer shall re-commence taking the vote. 
 30. When the decision of any question is doubted, the pre- 
 siding officer shall direct the Marshal to count the vote in the 
 affirmative and negative, and report the same to liim. 
 31. The yeas and nays upon any question before the Lodge 
 may be called by two members, and upon the assent of one- 
 third of the members present, shall be so taken. They may be 
 called for at any time before a peremptory decision of the vote 
 by the chair. 
 32. In taking the yeas and naj's, the W. S. shall call the roll 
 and record the yeas and nays ; after the roll is called the result 
 shall be read aloud to rectify mistakes, if anr aittr which the 
 W. S. shall hand the vote to the W. C. T., who shall announce 
 the same. 
 33. In voting by yeas and nays, all present in regular stand- 
 ing in the Lodge must vote, unless excused by the Lodge, but 
 no member shall vote who was not in the room at the time the 
 question was put. A motion to excuse shall be decided with- 
 out debate. 
 ' •' - ■ FILLING BLANKS. ; u; oJ. 
 34. "When any blank is to be filled by the names of persotis, 
 a vote shall be taken on the names in the order of their nomina- 
 tion; but when a blank is to be filled by any sums of money or 
 time proposed, the question shall be first put on the smallest 
 sum and the mo«?t remote time. Gi* 
 i; ji 
 35. A question may be re-considered any time during the 
 «ession, or at the first regular session held thereafter, but a 
 motion for re-consideration being once made and decided in 
 the negative, sha.ll not be renewed before the next regular ses- 
 36. A motion to reconsider may be made and seconded by any 
 - t'STo members in good standing in the Lodge, who voted in the 
 majority. No question shall be reconsidered more than once, 
 nor shall a vote to re-consider be re-considered. To re-con- 
 sider a resolution, &c., the decision of which has officially 
 passed out of the Lodge shall not be in order. 
 37. A motion to repeal or rescind a resolution, shall be 
 offered in writing, and announced at a regular session two weeks 
 before action shall be taken on the same, and shall -only be in 
 order when the motion to rc-consider is no longer available. , , 
 38. The one first named on the appointment of a com- 
 mittee shall be chairman of the same, and shall call the com- 
 mittee together at such time and place as he may select ; but, 
 when thus convened, any committee may elect its own chair- 
 man and secretary. 
 39. All reports of comYnittees, except reports of progress, 
 shall be made in writing and signed by a majority. 
 40. When a majority report is followed bv a report from the 
 minority of a committee, the former after being read, shall lie 
 upon the table until the latter is presented ; after which, on 
 motion, either may be considered. 
 41. When a report has been read it shall be considered as 
 properly before the Lodge without a motion to accept. 
■1 ■ 