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New York 14609 USA (716) 482 -0300 -Phone (716) 288 -5989 -Fox .f . ?■: ADAM MILLER'S OF r afe SCHOOL BOOKS. sa?A.TioisrB3E,Y ^ ke. Ac. 4o, 62 KDIG ST.; EAST, TORONTO. A LIBERAL OrSCOUNT /OR CASH. TORONTO. 1867. % :t V. H.- . i^isJ_>.-.-.ssi ■1 \ I ^"W^^fi^TP?'*T-?fRS^-' P ill < ! ■^ ^*"a •^. 1^ Orders for Books, &o., of every desoription, respect- faUj Bolioited, wbiob will be added to my regular orders for Eaiope and the United States^and received at the earlicFt poMible date. V J" .1 K» J|^. \%^1 '« '. J^c '•' " -r ;, (■ -t"^"'^*"""''.'t^-^' CATALOGUE. \.« spect- ra for rlicFt Vassey'B Classical Engj^ish Spelling Book N — KngliBh Gramitoir Made Easj . . .^. ABC Simplified. iOTeU'0 Series of Sohool Booki. LoTell's General Geography each. Eaaj Lessons in General Geography *w^" Hodgins' School History of Canada and the other British Provincei -. " SangBter*s Elementary Arithmetic. ............. ". Key to Do. do " Sanglter's National Arithmetic. 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Analjticftl and PrftoUcftl Sngliah Oraaitoar each |0 60 Inirflactioiito do. do. do. " 80 Btoddaid'a JoT«nil6 Mental Arilhmetio *' 18 ■■ ..i ■■ Intellectaal Arithmetic " ~ ' ^6 Palton and Eaiitm|ui's BookSeeping " ^ '* Blanks for do. do. per aett. " 80 EleipenU of Book-keeping Dedmalited, " M Keyto do. do. " «<> Edwardi' Sommarj of Engliah Hiitory " 13 Oarpentei'a Spelling Book " 1® KaTor'i do. .. *' 1® Pinnock'a Catechiim of History of England ; " 10 - -Bible aijd Gospel Hiitoiy.. *' 10 Seqael to the Second Book of Lessons. .' " 18 Hensman's Rndimentirj Algebra • • • • • • " ^® Miller's Table Book " ^^ Duties' Table Book - " ^^ Table Cards (small) " 02 Alphabet Cards— plain (small) " ©^ -. -Colored O^ge) *' ®* - .-...... ........... " L-Xboping. BryiBt k Stratton's Book Keeping, High School . . ** Do^ do do. 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