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THE PETITION OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF YORK, BY THE MUNICIPAL COUNCIL THEREOF ; Sheweth : That the Municipal Council of the said Corporation have adopted a resolution to the efiect that : " Whebeas it is often necessary to open new streets and to make other local improve- •' ments which would materially enhance the value of the property so opened up or improved, " it is the opinion of this Council that Township Councils should have conferred on them " the power to open new streets and to tax certain localities in whole or in part for the " maintenance of roads already established, and to make other needed local improvements, " after having obtained the consent of the parties owning at least one-half in value of the "property through which or alongside of which such street shall run, or of the property "to be benefited by such local improvement, and to impose a frontage tax on all property " immediately benefited by the opening of such new street or the making of such local ' improvement to pay all expenses incurred in connection with the same ; " And whereas it is desirable that Township Councils should have power to compound or " commute from year to year, or for a term of years, the statute labor in any jx different " portions of their Municipality, without first obtaining the consent of the ratepayers whose " statute labor it is deemed desirable by the Council to commute or compound ; " And whereas it is desirable that Councils of Townships should have the power to impose " a frontage tax for the purpose of building sewers or other suitable drains in parts o." Townships " where it is deemed advisable to do so, at the expense of the property to be so drained and " benefited thereby ; " Therefore, be it resolved — " That tliis Council do respectfully petition the Ontario Legislature, at \ii\ next Session, to " so alter and amend the Municipal A^t as to confer on Township Councils the powers herein- " before mentioned." Your petitioners therefore pray that your Honorable Body will be pleased to amend " The Municipal Act " in accordance with the prayer of this petition. And your petitioners will ever pray. The Council of the .Of - recommends the within petition to the favorable consideration of the House of Assembly Warden or Reeve. Clerk.