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Les diagrammes suivants illustrent la m6thode. 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 , ^ . j1 > ■--■, * f rtt %'rr^ttt.At nkE i f i :>*•, »>■'• . "*-•: fd f life People of M^i^t kt. € • I 4 TWO VERY SINGULAR ADDRESSES T O THE People of England: Faithfully printed from the Originals, ' after performing a Quarantine of ^ more than Forty Days.' Inter dum populu$ vtQiyxm putaU HoR. LONDON: Printed for J. Scott at the Black Swan ^ Pater-noJier-Row, M Dec L VII. t rf <-•!( tr. .f.it' >i"6 ;i '^•■V'A ' Ti r ^^ t:\itn riCr^ »; %iU'f. 'I *^;jH-' Efqi Member of t^— i 1- *— i and all /to;— ^Sub- Governori and all that,-^h-^ of T — - and all /to.-Secretary of B-^ — j, and all that,^ P— *te of / *i4ta**tiW'-"*^'^ ■■*'M-'i^. '■ t' .. ! i fide by worfe Beads, Beads of Prey, as his Royal G r has been, and as is, too often the Fate of many honeft and good-natured Men. Though we are only Lodger s^ and cannot exped: to be Houfekeepers in thefe ftrange Times, yet we are equally con- cerned in the Event of Things. And as as we cannot appear Abroad, at leaft at the Court End of the Town, for Want of Breeches and other Trifles, as they may feem to you, dread Sir ! We truft you will (hew this to your r — 1 P . And we further truft, that he will carry it a Step higher j otherwife, with Hands and Faces unwafhed, fince the Lofs of MinorcUy we muft, fome Sunday Morning, that being a Day of Leifure, Safety, and Qeanlinefs, if ever at all, make a long Arm, and lay our Miferies at the Feet of his moft very gracious M y ! • Whom God grant long to Reign. ' 'v Sealed :i [ 13 ] Sealed with our Common Thumbs, for Want of a Common Seal, and given as our poor Opinion, this ift Day of February, 1757. Mark'd (not Sigtid) by A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, (^c, &c. &c. Who, whenever we appear, canjhew a Ihoufand nay, perhaps tenlhoufandpong. THE li. [ '5 ] THE Loyal Irijh Address OF THE Kingdom of Ireland^ ItsOwnfelf; T • T H E Duke of, ^c. ^c, &'c. &c. Mc. « Out of thy own Mouth will I judge thee:\ WE the whole Nation of the People of Irelandy not daring even to whifper to one another in private, our many Griefs, Anxieties, and DiftrefTes, beg Leave therefore, to fpeak them aloud thus in Public. And having long waited at Ring's End for a cpntfary Wind, tonoPurpofe, to attend your f:,' / [ ^6 ] your Grace have now aflembled ourfelvcs in a very fmall Room, for Privacy, and, according to the excluiive Cuftom of this Country, do it thus in Writing, — which we know will reach you, let the Wind be ever fo unfavoural j, , , Our Troubles, infupportable as they ftill aie, and may be, we flill bear with Eafe, tlio* we can bear them no longer, for the lafl ten Years pall. And that we may not be flil'd Grumblers without Rea- fon, we beg you will permit us by Way of Confufion, to mention them in Order as they ougjht to ftand,— one Thing following the other all at once. The ruinous Condition of the College of the Univerfity of Dubliny tho' now- entirely rebuilt, more immediately con- cerns your Grace, as C thereof. A College founded by Queen Elizabeth^ — endowed by her,— and now repairing by her own fweet Hands, almoft two hun- dred Years ago. The u. [ ^7 3 The Lofs of Minorca, lately by No- body, — and our Liberties here, by Some- body are equal Jewels in our imperial Dia* dem. And we congratulate your Grace, as a Native of England, that a Native of the Kingdom of Ireland, did more than he could, to preferve the former; as No- body, neither of one Country or the other, ftirred a fingle Step to fkvc and pre- ferve the latter. By being hindered the Exportation of Wod to any Part of the Briiijh Domi- nions except France, of which we read in every A(ft of Paiiiament, that your ■ ■ ■■ « is ftill the right King, prevents us drinking Claret privately, here for lels than a Thirteen a Bottle. Whereas in London, its own City, we hear they pub- licity pay a Britijh Crovrn, — which makes us a little jealous and not without Rea- fon, that they love the People of France more than we our ownfelves. A Lie We can always prove upon ourfelves, both ' ' '■' ■ ■' Yefler- / [.8] Yefterday, To-day, — nay, every Day^ and all Night long^ Always confcious of thefe perilous Times, and ever carelefs of promoting Manufadures and Pieces of Mechanifm, we beg leave in thefe alarming Days, to fend you an Alarum-clock, made by a very curious Native of this City, tho* for* merly born in London. The Ufe of it is too invifible not to be feen by more dii^ cerning Eyes*than thofe of your Grace. — For, as Dangers and Invafions may hap- pen at Midnight, when you are faft afleep 5 your Grace need but pull a fmall String and you may wake yourfelf, whenever, and as often as you pleafe, — ^in the Day- time. . , We hope a certain A 1, who (hall be namelefs, by Name Mr. B — g^ may> if he deferve it, be brought to that Shame his Actions will and have intitled him to, whenever he (hall be employed again^ which we hope a will prevent. — Being willing to overlook the firft Fault, b€5 ^j%- C *9 3 feaufe he is not a Native of this Impenai Realm. We alfo beg, that all Setrayers of their Country hcre^ niay be markcdi ibme one Way, and fome another i and others with no Marks at all, the better to diftinguifh them from thofe who feem toi be Patriots, but are not fo outwardly^ 1*0 encourage the fireed of Sheep arid horned Cattle in this Imperial Kingdom^ we beg the Heffian Horfes may not te teturned to their own Country, but fent by Land-Carriage over Sea to us. We alfo hope your Crace will ufe your little influence with a late M y, to promote the opening and digging of Coal-Mine^ in this Nation, its ownfelf 5 that we, like our ever-glorious and prudent Anceftors^ may have the exclusive Trade ftill oi carrying Coals to Newcajtle : — for 'tis our undoubted Right, and never was or will be difputed ! V We beg alfo a finall keavy Tax ofi Soap and Candles to be laid on us by our Par^amenty to make it the furer 2 — Thai m ■i:%:: -Sji we may not, like the People of England be plagued and dawb others, in nftaking them ourfelves. We have fome diftant, though very faint Hopes of a Land^Tax alCo among us, though fear we are too prefumptuous to afk it ; that the Natives; of this Country may not draw a:ll the Ready-Money out of it, but leave a little Silver behind them, to prevent theTrou*. ble of counterfeiting Englijh Halfpence. We fhould not be forry to have the', whole Houfe of Commons niade Peers of j' that, for the future, we may all 'be of one Mind in an Houfe. Nor ranfacked, as Nature feems to be by Honours of this* kind in England and this Iriiperial King- dom, they will want Beafls for Supporters. The Afs, the Vulture, the Fox, and the Viper not being ufed by any^ Noblemaa out of our Knowledge. ^ . • . J ' ■ .. ^ To encourage Learning, we beg fbme more £«g-/?/Z> Bifhops among us the' firfl Opportunity, about the Equinox will be. a proper Seafon : As alfb Commiffioners4 *r Kl '■■■ [21 ] (^c, &c. &c. to teach us how to keep the Accounts of our own Duties. As alfo LefTons of Manners, by making us know our Diftance when we come near them ; and that we may have the Pleafure of feeing fomc of our Natives with Cloaths on, we humbly beg a dozen more Eng- Ufi Regiments of two Battalions each, our Nation in general, and more particu- larly the Ladies admiring the Colour of Red Scarlet. At the fame Time fpeaking of Troops, we inform you with all Aflurance, that we feel here, even in this Place, the heavy Weight of the fo- reign Troops in England \ and beg they may be removed from us. Troops who hire themfelves out to let from the King of G B to the E of H , are abfolutely againft the Conftitution of this Kingdom, and appear like common Kerry Stones in our Imperial Diadem, among a great many real and ineftlmable Jewels J — if we were but allowed to have a Crown of our ov^^n. Tired of feeing fucli Variety of Strangers in this Government, we pri- D 2 vately [ " ] vately wifli the K — g himfelf would com^ over to us, and be his own Lord Lieu?- tenant. Not but that wp exped great Things from the next Perfon, who went laft away. Moft of the preceding ones, wl.o followed him, having been ungrateful and ungenerous enough, always to turn their Backs upon us, while they Ippk'd us in the Face, it- We ftirthcr beg the Bounty pn Linncp may be taken from us, as we rather get than lo^e by it ! for we have always obr ferved, that in this Kingdom particularly, People are never fo well pleafed, as when they pay Great Britain a Balance. Nothing could more raife our Spirits than the making all Speakers of the Houfe pf Gornmons here. Peers immediately for the future, the Moment they are chofen. By which Means thp Chair of that Houfe will always be filled by a Nobleman : The Words my Lord having a better Sounds, tfian plain Mr. Speaker, To I 4, [23] To make our Rivers navigable we alfo be^, that Mills may be built, not exceed- ing the Diftance of a Mile from each other, with a particular Claufe, to make the firfl; and the lafl the neareft together^ according to the Cuftom of our Country, If we could fay more we fhould fay much lefs ! but we would recommend one Thing more to your Grace's Confidera- tion: AiTaults on Peoples Perfons are grown fo frequent here, that we beg fome Law may pafs to prevent fuch Injuries for the future ; fcarce a Week paffing but People, without the leaft Provocationy are beat by themfelves and others, till they often fpit Blood out of their Ears and Eyes. The Lois of Minorca^ and of courfe the X^j«/ Trade, will, we fear rdfethc. t*rice of Silk fo much, that Nobody will be able to purcliafe or wear our StufFManufec- tqrps. A Law paiTe^ to make our Ladies wear no Gowns t^t all, we think would greatly ill • I irf [ 24 ] greatly encourage the Sale of In'/b Stuffs ar-d Poplins among ourfclves. We beg more Divines to propagate the Gofpel in thefe foreign Parts ! We beg more Abfentees to be among us ! and wC: beg alfo, that Rewards and Puniihments, may be fo diftributed here, by fome Law yet unheard of, as for Nobody guilty or innocent to efcape unpuniftied. We hope the true Spirit of Gaming in this Country^ has reached England, and that they will not be behind-hand with us in any fuch Ads of Loyalty, and Greats iicis rf Spirit ; and we further trull, that an Aft may be pafled, that all EngUjl) B — ps, Commiffioners, ^c. who are fup- pofed to be lick and at Bath, always may be believed when they fay fo, without any Phyficians or Apothecaries Affidavit to prove it. — Still paying a Deference to thole few of our Country, who never leave us nor ever defire it, ■•:. We i>- \ [25] We have a great deal more to fay at prefent, and therefore fhall fay no more now. We hope alfo, that as the whole Kingdom have uttered th^ir Griefs thus, that the feveral Counties will follow our Example. To-morrow is gone and Yef- terday is coming ! Let us lofe no more Time, but the prefent. 'Tis not too late to fave us, though we by our Conftitution had rather fave ourfelves. Given under our Hands, having never learnt to write, by certain Marks we are ignorant of, but are ufed to* And fealed with the Arms of the King's Imperial Kingdom of the City of Dublin, for Want of a proper Sealj or any Seal at all. FINIS,