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Les cartes, planches, tableaux, etc., peuvent Atre filmte A des taux de reduction diff Arents. Lorsque le document est trop grand pour Atre reproduit en un seul clichA, 11 est filmA A partir de I'angie supArieur gauche, de gauche A droite, et de haul en bas, en prenant le nombre d'images nAcessaire. Les diagrammes suivants illustrent la mAthode. i by errata Imed to fnent , une pelure, » fapon A e. 1 2 3 32X 1 2 3 4 5 6 '-■' 1 [ i i 1893. ANNUAL REPORT AND FINANCIAL STATEMENTS, FROM THE MANAGERS OF THE TEMPORALITIES' BOARD, For the year ended May Ist, 1893. For the information of the Beneficiaries. 'i| sli 198 St. James Street, Montreal. JAMES CROIL, Secretary- Treasurer. !1 % • REPORT, 1892-93. v^.l The following is the annual report of the Executive Com- mittee, received and adopted by the Board at its annual meet- ing on May 9th, 1893. LwESTMENTs. — Fifteen thousand dollars were received dur- ing the past year in reduction of loans, and thirty-four shares of Merchants Bank stock were sold at $150^ to $152^ pCf share, realizing, net, $5152.50. The gross interest on invest- ments for the twelve months was $8400.66. The ordinary expenditure, including the payments to ministers and Queen's College in June and December with expenses of management were $24,439.28. The invested capital and other assets at the ist of May, as set forth in schedule A, represent a cash value of $152,349.54 — a reduction of $13,215.28, which represents approximately the draft on capital to meet the year's expenditure. $10,525 is the estimated amount required for the current half year, towards which there is cash in the Bank and available revenue $7,117.38. The balance at credit of the special account with the com- muting and privileged ministers is $52,863.09, which being deducted from the gross assets leaves $99,485.45 to be dealt with in the interests of the non-privileged ministers. Changes in the Roll. — Two ministers died during the past year, namely. Rev. Adam Spenser, of Bowmanville, on June i8th, 1892, in his 6ist year, and Rev. David Camelon, who died at Port Hope, on September 26th, aged 63. Rev. William Johnson's name was removed from the roll in Decem- ber last. / < '( ' II Rev. James B. Muir, D.D., of Hiintingdon, Que., was duly elected a member of the Board in the room of" Rev. Dr. Cook, deceased ; and Mr. William Darling was elected to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of Judge Maclennan. The Names ok the Membfps of the Board are as follows : — Mb. Alexa.ndrr Macpherson, Chairman, Rev. Robt. Campbell, D.D. Mb. John L. Morris, Q.C. Rev. James Patterson, Mr. Andrew Allan, Rev. Donalu Ross, D.D. Mr. D. B. Maclennan, Q.C. Rev. John S. Burnet, Mr. Geo. M. Macdonnbll, Q.C. Rev. James B. Muir, D.D. Mr. James Tasker. Mr. William Darlino. The Auditors are Mr. James Mitchell, and Mr. Philip S. Ross, chartered accountant, who have placed the Board under great obligations by their gratuitous services, and who have examined and certified the accounts for the past year herewith, submitted. 198 St. James Street, Montreal, May 9th, 1893. A TEMPORALITIES' BOARD— INVESTMENTS, &c. At May Ist, 1893. PAR VALDE. CASH VALUE. Mortgages on Real Estate, 5 to 6 p.c. interest, $11 9,1 50. 00 $119,160.00 73 Shares Merchants Bank stock 7,300.00 11,680.00 122 " Corporation Stock, bearing 7 p.c. interest 12,200.00 19,520.00 Cash in Bank and interest to 1st May, 1893. . 5,239.88 5,239.88 $143,889.88 $165,589.88 Less Temporary Loan and interest 3,240.34 3,240.34 $140,649.54 $152,349.54 JAMES CROIL, Secretary- Treasurer. Montreal, May 1st, 1883. I'i »A 'i f I TEMPORALITIES' BOARD— ABSTRACT OP ACCOUNT 1892-93. Receipts. Balance from Iiixt year $ 1,803.57 Interest from Mortgages 6,930.66 Capital, Loans returned 15,000.00 Two Dividends, Mercliants Bk. ffi) 1 p.c. 616.00 Interest $12,200 Corporation Stock 7 p.c 854 .00 34 Shares Merchants Bk. sold 150-152 net 5,152.50 Temporary Loan (cb 6 p.c 5,167.00 $35,523.73 1892. Expenditure. June. Payments to Ministers per Schedule C. $11,175.00 " " Queen's College 1,000.00 » 4 Shares Merchants Bk. (new stock).. 581.61 " Expenses of Management, 6 months. .. 409.65 Dec. Payments to Ministers, per Schedule C 10,550.00 " Queen's College 1,000.00 " Loans repaid, with interest 6,276.16 " Bank interest for advances 19.30 " Expenses of Management, 6 months. . . 304.63 Balance in Merchants' Bank 4,207 . 38 $35,523 . 73 Audited and found correct, James Mitchell, Philip S. Ross, JAMES CROIL, Secretary- Treasurer }- .Auditors. TEMPORALITIES' BOAUD— PAYMENTS TO MINISTERS ^JT 1892. 30th Jimu. 3Ut Dec. John Cook, D.D. HuirH $226 Ooorjto Hull, LL.D 226 226 jKincH WilliiiinMon, LL.D 226 226 John B. Mowiit, D.U 226 225 Solomon Mylne, 226 226 Duni'un Mori'iMon, 226 225 Froduriik P. Hyni 225 226 William Jithntion 225 l!25 Kenneth Miu'Lcnniin, 226 226 David WiitHon, D.D 225 225 Peter Li ndsiiy, 225 225 JameH Sinclnir, IleiiH 200 John MacDonald, 200 200 William (Jli'iand 200 200 JameH McEwen 200 200 James Gordon, 200 200 Duncan Anderson, 200 200 George D. Ferguson, 200 200 Hugh Niven, 200 200 Peter Watson, 100 100 William White 100 100 James Sieverigl.'t 100 100 Charles Campbell,... 100 100 James Patterson 100 lOG William T. Canning, 100 100 David Cjinielon, Heirs 100 100 George Porteous, 100 100 .Taniea (-'armichael, D.D. (King) 100 100 William Stewart, Heirs 100 Walter li, UoHS, lOO 100 Archibald Ciirrie, loo 100 John Wells, 100 100 James S. Mullan, 100 100 Robert Campbell, D.D. (Montreal) 100 100 James Wilson, 100 100 James B. Mullan, lOO 100 D. J. McLean lOO 100 James C. Smith, 100 100 Duncan McDonald, 100 100 James B. Muir, D.D 100 100 John Jenkins, D.D 100 100 Donald Uoss, D.D 100 100 William Aitken 100 100 Alexander MacDonald, 100 100 M. W. McLean, 100 100 John S. Lochead 100 100 Evan Macaulay, 100 100 Henry Edmison, lOO 100 D. J. Macdonnell, B. D 100 100 Daniel McGillivray, 100 100 f I 'i <2 8 KliuH Miilliui $100 $100 JnmuH A. Miiimy, loO 100 D. M. Oordoii, H. D loo 100 John H. Hiuiiet, 100 100 Adiini Spunrei', HuirH 1 Oo Domild Stinclmn, 100 100 Neil MiuNiHh, LL.D 100 100 Williiini AudeiHon 100 100 Jiiincs M. Omy, 100 100 Johi'pli Eiikiii, 100 100 Cliiirk'H A. Ddudict 100 100 George A. Yi'onmnH, 100 loO CliiiiU'H A. Tuuiier, 100 100 Jumi'M FrnsL-r, 100 100 Diivid P. Niven, 100 100 E. B. Hodgers, 100 100 JanieN Ciuiiiii liuel, (Norwood) 1,00 100 Smitli Hutchuson, lOO 100 Robert Ciinipbell, D. 8c., (Renfrew) 1 00 1 oo Hiigii Lamont, U. D 100 lou Joseph Qtindier, 100 100 W.T.WllkinH 100 100 E. \V. VVftitH 100 100 Ahviinder Cuinpbell 100 '.00 Jonies Cleland, 100 100 John B. Taylor, 100 100 John Fairlie, 100 100 D. W. MoriHon 100 100 Frederick Home, 100 100 Alexander Smith, 100 100 Jolin C. Cameron, 100 100 Alex. H. Cameron, 100 100 James Pullar 100 100 Malcolm McOiliivray, 100 100 Robert J. Craig 100 l.-O James Cormack, 100 100 Duncan McEachern 100 100 Hugh J. Borthwick, 100 100 Thomas Hart 100 100 Robert Laing, 100 lOO $11,175 $10,650 Si ^ NAMES OF THK HENEFICIAUIES OF THE TKMrOUALITIES' HOARD ON THE Ist of MAY, 1893. I, Co.M.MUTINd MiNISTKIIS. • Thosi' iniirkiil iIiuk (iri' I'rofeiaorn in Queen's Collryi; Kimjslon. George Bell, LL.D. 'Jainert Williiiinson, LL.D. 'John B. Jlowiit, D.D Solomon Mylne. Duncan Moriinon, D.D. Frederic k P. Syni. Kennetii Miulenniin, M.A. Diivid \ViitKi>n, D.D. Peter Liiulsiiy, B.A. IL PniVILEOED MlNIHTKim. John Miii'doniild. William Oieland. James McEwen, M.A. JnmeH Gordon, .M.A. Dnnian Anderson, M..\ ♦ George D. Ferguson, jj.iff r;f in. NoN-PniviLKOEi) Mixii KRs Retuiko. Hugh Niven. 1 \K i SI : II 10 IV. Non-Privileqbd Ministehs. Peter Watsou, B.A. William White. James Sieveright, B.A. Cbarles Campbell. James Patterson. William T. Canning. George Porteous. James Carmichael, D.D. (King) Walter K. Ross. Archibald Currie, M.A. John Wells James 8. MuUan. Rob:. Campbtll, D.D. (Montreal) James Wilson, M.A. James B. Mul'an, Donald J. McLean, B.A. James C. Smith, M.A. Duncan McDonald, M.A. Jam^'s B. Miiir, D.D. John Jenkins, D.D. Donald Ross, D.D. William Aitken Alex. Macdonald, B.A. M. W. McL> an, M.A. John S. Lochead. MA. E\'an Macaulay. B.A. Henry Edmison, M.A. D. J. Macdonnell, B.D. Daniel McGillivr.iy, B.A. Elias Mullan. James A. Murray. Daniel M.Gordon, B.D. John S. Burnet. Donald Strachan. 68 Neil MacNish, LL.D. William Anderson, M.A. James M. Gray. Joseph Eakin, B.A. Chas. A. Doudiet. Geo. A. Yeom^ns, B.A. Charles A. Tanner. James Fraser, B.A. David P. Niven, B.A. Edward B. Rodgers. J. Carmichael, M.A. (Norwood) Smith Hutcheson. R. Campbell, D. Sc. (Renfrew.) Hugh Lament, D.D. H.J. Borthwick, M.A. Joseph Gandier. William T. Wilkins, B.A. E. W. Waits. John B. Taylor. Alexander C'amp))ell, B.A. James Cleland. John Fairlie. D. W. Morison, B.A. Frederick Home. Thomas Hart, M.A. Alexander Smith. John J. Cameron, M.A. Alex. H. Cameron. James Pulhir. Mah'olm McGillivray, M.A. Duncan McEacliern. James Cormack, B.A. Robert Laiufr, B.A. Robert J. Craig, M.A. Montreal, May 1st, 1893. JAMES CROIL, Secrelar;i- Treasurer. («■ \i 4^