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Fitted foff Halifax, fLat. 44° 39' 20 "N. and Long. 63° 36' 40" W. from Greenwich, but will answer for all parts of the Province, wdnding the Island of Cape Breten. Containing, besides the large number of Astronomical Calculations, and the Farmer's Calendar for every month in the year, a greater variety than any other Almanack, of ^ZlWt USSFlTXi AMD SMTERTAIXnZYG- IQATTZai. " " " ' CSsUMisTned in 1824.] .■ ■ li «. By C. H. belcher, PUBLISHED BY C. H. BELCHER, Halifax, N. S. Sold at all the City Bookstores, ind liy the Booksellers and Traders throughout Nova Scntia nnd Cape Breton. ( ' . mmma BELCH:eB » FARMER » [1856. SIOxNS OF THE FLANlTfS, Ac. fj) O The Sun. ^ Mercnry. © The Eartho $ V'emis. 1^ Xew Moon. <j Mars, O I'uU Moon. a Veste-. 5 First Ciuattei:. 25 Juno. d Last Quai'tcr. $ Ceres. IJ. Jupiter. 1-j S4aturn. y ller.sthci'orUran'ua $ Pallas. " f ^ Th« aeceuding, y the desconding, node. SIGNS or THE ZODIACV pring C, Spring signet Autunan signB 1 Winter signs. T r^ Libra, reins; 8 m Scorpio, secrets. 9 / Sttgittarius, thir 10 fj CapricornuSjkn. 11 «s. Aquarius, ifegs. 12 H Pisces, feet. 1 cp Aries, head. 2 y Taurus, neck. 3 n GerainiV arms. „ V 4 G Cancer, breast. S"?^™^'^- ) 5 ,P Leo. heart. signs. ^Q^^ Virgo, bowels. The letters M. A., m. a., denote morning and after nooru N. North. E. East " Degrees. S. South. W. West. ' Minutes of arc-. " Second* of arc. CHRONOLOGICAL CYCLES, FOR 1855. Golden Number Epact - - - Solar Cycle Jewish Year - Mondiane Era - February May r - 14 23 17 5616 685£^ Dominical Letters Roman Indiction ■ Julian Periot^ - - Mahometan Year - BMUKR DAYSP. 13, 14, 15 & 16 1-6 & 17 September December FE 14 6569 1272 17, 19'& 20 17, 19- & 20 aO&ATION DAYS. April 28, 29 and 30, PLAWETSr Mercury will be ithe Evening Star tmtil Feb. 18 ; affer which it will be the Morning Star until April 26 ; then it will be Evening Star until June 21 ; it will then be the Mariwtg Stai- until Augu;4t 7 ; after which it will be the Evening Star until October 15 ; then Morn- ing Star until Dec. 12 ; thence Evm/ng Star to the close (rf the year. Venus will be the Morning Star until July 14 ; aftar whieh it will be the Evening Star to the eiid of the year. Mars will be the Morning Star until April 4 ; then the JEv^e^mng Star to the close of the vear. » Jupiter will be the Evening Star until March 9 ; ;xfter which it will be the Morning Star until Sept. 2o ; it will then be the Evening Star to the close of the year. Saturn will be the Evening Star until June 25 ; it will then be the Morning Star until the close of the year. ' 'W^Sf?" 5!B" 185G.] ALMANACK. ECLIPSES IN 18:^G, There will be Four Eclipses tliis year— Two of the Svx and Two of the MooK. I. April 4. A total Eclipse of the !§un, invisible in North and South America, Europe and Africa, but will be total and central in Australia. It will be partial in New Guinea and Borneo. II. April 20. A partial Eclipse of the Moon, part of which wiU be visible in Nova Scotia. First contact with the Penumbra First Contact with the Shadow Middle of the Eclipse - Last contact with the Shadow Last contact with the Penumbra 2 13/ 1 3 20 3/ I Mean 4 62 JVf )■ time at 6 24 M ! HaUfax. 7 43 M J Magnitude of the Eclipse (Moon's diameter = 1) 0,706 on the northern limb. The moon will set eclipsed at sunrise. III. Sept. 28 and 29. An Annular Eclipse of the Sun, invisible in Nova Scotia, but will be seen in the northern part of North America and northern part of Europe. It will be central in Siberia, and the Sun will set eclipsed at Behring's Straits. This Eclipse will begin Sept. 28, 9h. 15m. A., and will end Sept. 29, Oh. 14m. M. mean time at Halifax. IV. Oct. 1 3. A partial Eclipse of the Moon, visible in America and Europe, as follows : — First contact with the Penumbra - First contact with the Shadow Middle of the Eclipse - - - Last contact with the Shadow Last contact with the Penumbra - The Moon will rise partially Eclipsed. 4 8^1 ^ '' 6 7-4 I Mean 6 40 ^ y time at 8 15 ^ I Halifax. 9 13^ J Magnitude of the Eclipse (Moon's diameter = 1) 0,994 on the southern limb. The first contact with the Shadow occurs at 90" from the northernmost point of the Moon's limb towards the East. The last contact at 146° towards the "West. !HS" HKLOniUl 3 FAKMEU 3 [185G. BEGINNIIVG AND LENGTH OF THE SEASONS. II M Sun enters Vf (Winter bci^'ins) Dec. 21, 1 8.5.5, at - - - 4 Ct .V •• " <-p Sprinj,' bo^nns) March 20, 18.)r), at - - - 5 35 M " " G (Summer begins) Juno 21, IB.jf), at- - - 2 21 3/ " " :£?r (Autumn begins) Sept. 23, 1S5G, at- - - 4 3D A " " ]ff (Winter begins) Dec. 22, 1S.5G, at - - - 10 25 M 1). H. M. Length of the Winter of IS/j.'J-G, -------- 89 1 1 '• «• Spring oi" 18,50, - 92 20 49 •« " Summer of 18/3G, 93 14 15 " " Autumn of 185G, -------- 89 17 4G Length of the Tropical Year, --------- 305 551 The year 5G17 of the Jewish Era commences Sept. 30, 1856. EumAdan (Month of Abstinence observed by tlie Turks) commences May 6, 185G. The year 1273 of the Mahometan Era commences Sept. 1, 1^56. FIXED AND MOVABLE FEASTS, ANNIVERSARIES, &c. Circumcision - - Jan. Epiphany - - Sept\iagesima Sunday Scxagesima Sunday - Martyrdom K. Charles I, Qumquaffesima Shrove Sunday Ash Wednesday First Sunday in Lent Q. Victoria hi 1840 St. David - - Mar. Palm Sunday - St. Patkick - Princess Louisa b. 1848 Good Friday Easter Sunday - Annunciation — Lady Day Low Sunday Prince Leopold b, 1853 St. Georok Princess Alice b. 1843 Rogation Sunday Ascension Day ) Holy Thursday \ Prince Arthur b. 1850 1 6 20 27 30 Feb. 3 6 10 1 16 17 18 21 23 25 30 7 23 25 27 1 1 April May I Pentecost — Whit Sunday Trinity Sunday - Corpus Christi - - Q.Victoria 6. 1819 - Princess Helena b. 1846 Rest. K. Charles IL - Accession Q. Victoria, '3T June Proclaimed - - St. John Baptist > Midsummer Day 3 Coronation Q. Victoria,'38 St. Peter and St. Paul Prince Alfred b. 1844 Aug. Prince Albert b, 1819 St. Michael > Michaelmas Day J " '^^P*' All Saints - - Nov. Gunpowder Plot - Prince of Wales 6. 1841 Princess Royal b. 1840 St. Andrew ) 1st Sunday in Advent ) Christmas Day - Dec. St. Stephen - - St. John, Evangelist 11 18 22 24 25 29 20 21 24 28 29 6 26 29 1 5 9 21 30 25 28 27 [185G. 36 M 21 M ;ji) A \ 25 M H. M. 1 1 20 49 U 15 1 17 46 1 6 51 i — 11 — 18 — 22 — 24 — 25 — 29 me 20 — 21 — 24 30 fi R1 1 I 1866.] ALMANACK. EXPLANATION OP THE CALENDAR PAGES. LEFT HAND PAGE. Column. 1 & 2 — Contain the days of the month and of the ■week. 3 & 4 — The rising and setting in mtan time of the highest point, or of the upper limb of the Sun, corrected for refraction. 6 — Days' length in hours and minutes. G — Eciuation of time, (or quantity by -which the sun is alow or fast of tlie clock at noon, apparent, not mean, time at Greenwich, or at a quarter before 8 o'clock in the morning at Halifax.) 7 — The Sun's declination for the same as the Equation, 6th col. 8 — Tlie rising or setting of the Moon — the setting being given from the New to the Full Moon, and the rising from Full to New Moon. 9 — The place of the Moon in the Ecliptic. 10 — The time of the Moon's southing or passing the meridian. This column also gives the time of High Water at Parrs- boro', Horton, Cornwallis, Windsor, Newport, Truro, &c. The top of the columns of each month gives the Moon's phases, or times of New and Full Moon, and of the first and last quarters, or two quadratures with the Sun. The Farmer's Calendar is placed at the foot of the columns of each mouth. RIGHT HAND PAGE. „;:i ; r ' '•/ 1 — Contains the days of ihe month. "'' ' ' 2 — Sundays, Weather, Anniversaries, &c. ' , . 3— The time of High Water at Halifax, N. S. • ■ ' • 1 ' 4— " " " Pictou.N.S., and CapeTormentine, P.E.I. 6— « " « Annapolis, N. S., St. John, N. B., and Portland, Maine. 6— " " " St John's, Newfoundland, of that tide which immediately precedes the southing of the Moon, These four columns are computed on the supposition that the time of High Water on the days of New and Full Moon ( L' establissment du port) is at Halifax, 7h. 30m. — at Annapolis, St. John, N. B., and Portland, llh. 14m. — at Pictou and Cape Tormentine, lOh. — and St. John's, Newfoundland, 6h. 30m. All the calculations are made to mean solar time, which has super- seded the qld mode of reckoning by apparent time. The Planers. — The hour of meridian, passage, right ascension, and declination of each of the principal planets, is given for the \st and 15fAof each month — to which is added the mean time transit cp, or the mean time of transit of the first point of a Arieties, being the mean time corresponding to OA. Cm. 0«. of Sideral time on each of those days. By the aid of this table the time of the meridian passage of any heavenly body may be readily found. From the right ascension of the body subtract the retardation, which is at the rate of 83s. .for each hour, or 16s. for each minute of its R. A. ; add the remainder to the mean time transit fp ; the sum, divide if necessary, by 24A., will be the mean time of the meridian passage of the body in question. For any other day than the 1st and 15th of the month, apply a correction at the rate of 3w. 55.91s. per day, reckoned from the nearest given day, to be added if for a n c^arlier day, subtracted if for a later day. 11 i JA!VlJillV begins on Tuesday. 1826 % N(>w Moon. 7tli (1.. 7h. '-'m. in Ihi- nrt<Tn<)f>n, bcltiw tho Imrizon. > Kii-'t (iiiiirt<T. Utii il., nil. •-"■111. ill 111'- nmininn, ImuHiik Q Kiill MiHiii. 'Jlst il.. nil. Mm. in llif iit'tniiiKiii, IhMiiiiin .smitli. (I Last Quaitur, 'MlU d, 4h. liUni. lu tho moniing, bulow tho horizon. l«ii DavH of the iir 1 ©'s upptT liiiili. LuiHtth ol' (1 1- 0'h (Ic- uliiml'ii pla(;o. South. p Week. Tiie.sday. Kl.SO:4. 7 38 SotH. 4 30 8 52 Clock. South. 23 3 1 3 25 1 6 26 2 VVeda(>s(lay. 7 38 4 31 8 53 4 4 22 58 2 m 7 20 3 Thursday. 7 37 4 32 8 55 4 32 22 53 3 I'l 8 14 4 Friday. 7 37 4 33 8 56 5 22 47 3 59 t 8 53 5 Saturday. 7 37 4 34 8 57 5 27 22 40 5 23 t 9 47 6 SUNDAY. 7 37 4 35 8 58 54 22 34 6 48 yf 10 46 7 Monday. 7 37 4 36 8 59 6 21 22 26 sets. V? 11 48 8 Tuesday. 7 36 4 38 9 2 6 47,22 19 4 56 A4V A. 52 9 Wednesday. 7 36 4 39 9 3 7 12 22 11 6 14 Sf 1 53 10 Thursday. 7 36 4 40 9 4 7 37 22 2 7 32 X 2 50 11 Friday. 7 36 4 41 9 5 8 1 21 53 8 50 K 3 43 12 Saturday. 7 35 4 42 9 7 8 25 21 44 10 8 T 4 33 13 SUNIJAY. 7 35 4 43 9 8 8 48 21 34 11 29 T 5 21 14 Monday, 7 35 4 44 9 9 9 11 21 23 morn. r 6 8 15 Tuesday. 7 34 4 45 9 11 9 32 21 13 1 10 H 6 57 16 Wednesday. 7 34 4 46 9 12 9 54 21 2 2 16 H 7 47 17 Thursday 7 33 4 47 9 14 10 14 20 50 3 22 fr 8 40 18 Friday. 7 33 4 48 9 15 10 34 20 38 4 28 n 9 35 19 Saturday. 7 32 4 49 9 17,10 53 20 26 5 34 £5 10 31 20 SUNDAY. 7 31 4 50 9 19 11 11 20 14 6 39 iL6 11 26 21 Monday. 7 31 4 51 9 20 11 28 20 1 rises. iio morn. 22 Tuesday. 7 30 4 52 9 22 11 45 19 47 5 25 SL 18 23 Wednesday. 7 29 4 53 9 24 12 1 19 33 6 38 SL 1 7 24 Thursday. 7 28 4 54 9 26 12 16 19 19 7 34 rrjtj 1 53 25 Friday. 7 27 4 55 9 28; 12 30 19 5l 8 38 ^ 2 36 26 Satunlay. 7 26 4 57 9 31 12 44 18 50' 9 40 ■"J? 3 16 27 SUNDAY. 7 25 4 58 9 33 12 57 18 3510 42 ■rx 3 57 28 Monday. 7 24 4 69 9 35 13 9 18 19 11 44 j% 4 34 29 Tuesday. 7 23 5 1 9 38 13 20 18 3 morn. in 5 14 30 Wednesday. 7 22 5 3 9 41 13 30 17 47 46 ^ 5 56 31 Thursday. 7 21 5 5 9 44 13 40 17 31 2 4 f 6 42 The column of PaiTsboro' , Coinwallis the moon's southing gives the tim^of high water at , Horton, Hautsport, Newport, Truro, &e. iMACjiNE, for a moment, what a difference it -n-ould nmke in the pleasures of the conn- try, in tho plcftsures of every ouo who ever pioes into the country, if our lands, instead of being marred and deformed, as is often the ease, by the hand of ignorance and iu- differ-L-nce, were embellished by taste and art — if every fiinnhouse were itself an object of beauty, if every cottajre pleased the eye. if the fertile and well-managed tields, the ample barns, the tine cattle so often seen had in the home of tho farmer its ftarden and lawn, its trees and tlowers and shrubbery, its m'atnes.s .and order, their appropriate and becomint; crown and ornament. All this mi^jlit easily be, with scarcely an addi- tional expense, if the desire and t.-iste were not wanting;. Flowers and a snuHith lawn around a dwellin,!? require but little attention or money ; and as for trees, the most beau- tiful for shade or ornament are the jzrowth of our native woods. ^Vllilst the chief olyect of the f irmer's attention must be, and shouM be, the increa- 1; of his crops, the care of his cattle, the adding to his yearly profits. In- still has time enon;;h, and he ous;ht to have Boul and spirit enough, for other and higher objects, the improvement of his miud and tho cultivation of his ta«te. '^t Jdi Ja Vr J-JU U {, 18^6 South. 'H^ / ' /^^ ^^^ ^J^^' *^^^ ^^^ //«A^. ^'^ y /in>^ fjil^ Mz^j <:^'>tiit^M<^^^^ ^tu^ ^jj/t/.^ .Z'^%^ / Co^eJ^^^-^^ Vt*y^ x^-!^ ^^.y^ ^ i^^ .^^/ If y^^ ^u A ii,.^^^3g /^^f.. t^^rZ /'■ » V / < o ed -r^-t^ i r O ( c5 /^ \> ^,, ■A i-.'v^ -i ./. ! 7^2/ ^JU^ Uj ^^^ \ . ■ ¥ ", '! ' Winter. JAIVIARV 31 days. 7 Tho principal Planetn. Ist January. 15th January. Moria. UiRht Abci'U. Dt'cliaa- tiuii. 1 Murid. 1 r.iRht Asccn. Jifi-litia- tioli. II. M. n. M. 8. • f M n. M. ... M. 8. • » (( li .71 1) 6 A. IH 4tl .'•.« •24 50 14 S. m H 4f) W. I \'l 4U S. 50 A. y 1 M. 1 f. IS M. ■Zn 2H 45 IH :i7 40 12 .04 :t4 22 :n s. lit 32 5f>S. u u ;iit s. 8 W) M If) :vi 10 h f.l» M. 12 ;i4 Itl \x* pit(>r .3!!1 A. 'J'i i:i f) \2 8 .'U S. a 47 A. 22 2:j ftlt 1 1 5 40 S. ■ Ijl Ui t u n t , .•••.«•■••• 10 fi7 A. 8 1fl A. 5 40 2) 2 01) a I'iW 14 N. 1»13«24 N. ' » f.7 A. 7 20 A. .'i :ttl 22 15 5 N. 2 58 14 16 :m 17 .\. HlltiS, Mean 1 imo of traniit of 6ir A. 1 69 3 22 46 62 N. 4 22 A. 1 59 3 22 4»') 51 N. t o o SUNDAYS, -WEATHEB, AN- NIVERSAEIES, &c. High Water, moau time at H a a c'-o 1-5 w C/jSh a* 1 It . ■ii 1;^ 1 gM 4a Q »*4 5 <>-« 1 1 Happy New Ykar. Circum- 1 41 4 11 5 25 41 ! 2 Low tides. [cision. 2 39 5 9 6 23j 1 39 1 3 Clmr and 3 37 6 7 7 21 2 37 1 4 $ in aphelion. 4 45 7 15 8 29j 3 45 b very cold. 5 41 8 11 9 25 4 41 FE Epiphany. 6 33 9 3 10 17 5 33 7 9 greatest Hel. Lat. N. 7 21 9 51 11 5 6 21 8 High tides. 8 7 10 37 11 51 7 7 9 Look out for 8 51 11 21 morn. 7 51 10 <r perigee. 9 33 morn. 35 8 33 11 10 14 3 1 17 9 14 12 henvii 10 57 44 1 58 9 57 FFJ 1st Sunday after Epiphany. 11 46 1 27 2 41 10 40 14 Low tides. morn. 2 16 3 30 11 39 15 snow storm. 39 3 9 4 23 morn. 16 ¥<5C. 1 51 4 21 5 35 51 17 3 5 5 35 6 49 2 5 18 Dull and 4 29 6 59 8 13 3 29 19 overcast, s 5 29 7 59 9 13 4 29 FE Septuagesima Sunday. 6 20 8 5oil0 4 5 20 21 toith 7 4 9 34|lO 48 6 4 22 High tides. 7 53 10 23|11 37 6 33 23 appearance 8 19;10 49iA. 3 7 19 24 8 5i;il 21 35 7 51 25 Conversion St. Paul. 9 2211 52 1 6 8 22 26 <r apogee. of more 9 53 A. 23 1 37| 8 53 FE Sexagesima Sunday. 10 23 53j 2 71 9 23 28 <y (5 C • snow. 10 57 1 271 2 44' 9 57 29 Low tides. 11 36| 2 6 3 20 10 36 30 Martyrdom King Charles L A. 22i 2 52 4 6 11 22 i 31 Much colder. 1 28: 3 58i 5 12iA. 28 j y N FEBRUARY begins on Friday. 18d6. # Now Moon, Cth lU Oh. 21ni. in the morning, below the liorizon. > First (iuiirtor, I'ith d., C'l>. 57ni. in tlio ni'ti'irioon. tearing south-west. O VnU McKiu, 20th d., 5h.2')m. in the afternoon, bearing past- el Loft Uuartur, 2btli il., 9b. 27m. in the at'toruoou, U'low tlic horizon. Day.s of the ©"s ui^per linili. Len o Kthl©SU.\vi©-s (ie- t' 1 of H'linafii d C's place. t a o Week. Rises. Sets, 5 8 Days. Clock. 1 South. fcouth.j 1 Friday. 7 20 9 48 13 4917 14 3 20 7 32 2 Saturday. 7 19 5 9 9 50 13 57,16 57 4 34 t 8 38 3 SUNDAY. 7 18 5 11 9 53 14 4'16 40 5 29 V? 9 38 4 Monday. 7 16 5 12 9 55 14 10; 16 22 6 24 ^ 10 30 5 Tuesday. 7 15 5 14 9 59 14 16,16 4 7 20 11 33 6 Wediie.sday. 7 14 5 15 10 1 14 20 15 46 seta. A. 33 7 Thursday. 7 13 5 17 10 4 14 2415 27 6 34 3C I 30 8 Friday. 7 12 5 18 10 6 14 27|15 8 7 51 X 2 23 9 Saturday. 7 10 5 19 10 9 14 30 14 49 9 9 r 3 14 10 SUNDAY. 7 9 5 21 10 12 14 31 14 30 10 27 T 4 3 11 Monday. 7 7 5 22 10 15 14 3214 11 11 45 H 4 53 12 Tuesday. 7 6 5 23 10 17 14 32 13 51 morn. K 5 44 13 Wednesday. 7 5 5 25 10 20 14 3lll3 31 1 2 n 6 36 14 Thursday. 7 3 5 27 10 24 14 29 13 11 2 n 7 31 15 Friday. 7 2 5 28 10 26 14 27 12 50 2 57 SLo 8 26 16 Saturday. 7 1 ;> 30 10 29 14 24 12 30 3 55 S3 9 21 17 SUNDAY. 6 59 5 31 10 32 14 20,12 9 4 52 ^ 10 14 18 Monday. 6 58 5 32; 10 31 14 15 11 48 5 ^ 11 4 19 Tuesday. 6 57 5 33 10 36 14 10 11 27 6 48 11 50 20 Wednesday. 6 55 5 35 10 40 14 4 11 5 nses. TTJJ morn. 21 Thursday. 6 53 5 36 10 43 13 57 10 44 6 27 »K 33 22 Friday. 6 51 5 38 10 47 13 50 10 22 7 30 n 1 14 23 Saturday. 6 49 5 39 10 5013 42 10 8 33 £\. 1 54 24 SUNDAY. 6 48 5 40 10 52 13 33 9 38 9 36 d2: 2 32 25 Monday. 6 46 5 42 10 5613 24 9 16 10 39 m 3 12 26 Tuesday. 6 44 5 43 10 59 13 14 8 54 11 42 m 3 53 27 Wednesday. 6 43 5 44 11 1 13 4 8 31 morn. m 4 36 28 Thursday. 6 42 5 45 11 3 12 53 8 9 54 t 5 24 29 Friday. 6 41 5 46 11 5 12 42 7 46 2 4 t 6 16 The column of the moon's southing gives the time of high water at Parrsboro', Cornwallis^ Horton^Hautsport, Winsor, Newport, Trtiro, &c. Good nuinagement and pystt-m are eqnsvlly necessary to success in fi»rmin-g. If farmers intend to "make money," they must keep up with the times, study their business, and adopt new implements and l.-^>.t><>r-8avini^ machines. Old sayings, old maxims, and old tools are poor capital, aivl double th.3 money wouM be made if greater liberality was used in manaj^emeut. Wo try to live by starvintr our laisiness, and in turn irct starved by it — a result which no reasonable man ean find fault with. It ia an old saying that '• INIore corn (i'rows u.'i crotiked rows than on straight " — and why ? Because every liody plants crooked rows. Now, still nioro would grow im straight om>s if every Ijody laiil tliem strnipht. 5*0, likewise, every larnier who ploughs Btraiglit furrotVH raises tho litrgest crops. " Why so ? " a«ks the reailer. Because the man wlio ^(Av,^• pniti-K to ii'o tfiingf: will is nlw.iy^ most suicessful. Whoever will tarn over straiirht and eren furrows will lio oUior thhigrt equally well; there is no slip- shod ikriniiig about him — no broken fences, no giant weeds, no ricitety tiwls, but all i.s neat aud tlourisliing. Show me the style in which a man plouj^hs his fields, and I will tell you whether he is u good or bad liirmer. .if ^ 1 if ]8d6. zon. )iith-we8t. horizon. place. South.' 7 32 8 38 VJ I 9 38 "tj llO 30 111 33 |A. 33 I 30 X I 2 23 V 3 14 f I 4 3 4 53 ^ I 5 44 I 6 36 I I 7 31 8 9 2] |I0 1. in in 50 (naorn. 33 1 14 1 54 2 32 3 12 3 53 4 36 5 24 6 16 }l ^r^ .'/?J^r:l^^^ , i/ ^^^^ O-/ ^(i^ J^^ ^^ ^ 'I / ^- tri t*- ///r^' ^> ^. 'jh^^f>-7^h ://>-, _^ /. - -Cldi^^ Cil^^Cif /U^i^-'^ i/TA'^ Z-^. /^^c. .. / juo^^ ^Ccc^^ 6 cl^^y<f u/^- h^Z^ ft^'di<^^(/' ^^ ^l: /c^ VZ>t-c_ A. /?^V* ' It / < iV ^--^ - V ^^ / t ^ii^ i!^ ,<y* tr //*.•' t, ^ f-t ater at ig. If 3' their 'g», old fJ'eater '» /C Zt.^" J -/ "/ /$ ■ an. a^ j^Jl- a^c^^ fa . and It m is why? •aJght oiighs «e tho turn • slip, at nil tflvs^ Z-< ^^-t.^ ru'cU/ 't * if l2 aw A-. ^ro/Tuy/^ iz^ A^ ^..^ ( > I /I II 4; jfjjl Zy y/-:^-^-^ /r ^ Py ,}V>xij c -tul"^^^ 11.^^ ->^/^ III Aru^ H '/ U.. A /.^ ~.//^ ^ f' c ..^■-a/J X^ 'O -^ ^' '^ / / / H l*-*^^ f ^ftc4. A jAtii^L, >%typi ■// »tMifc^ «l—l lull Irlri.'^ I'i Winter. FEBRUARY 29 days. 9 The principal Planets. 1st Februaty. '; i5tli February. Merid. RiRht Ascen. Declina- tion. > Mcrid. Right Asoen. Bpclino- tion. H, M. 1 H. M. s. o ( »( H. M. a. M. 8. • ,' " 5 Mc '^ Ve rnif V. ......... 1 36 A. 22 S 34 11 12 47 S •M 42 1& S . 20 A. 42 5 lU . 9 36M.|19 14 4fi 7 56 2 S. irns, 9 19 M. '18 2 4J 21 22 65 8. (f M; rH, 4 31 M.W 13 30 4 52 8S . 3 41 M.!l3 22 45 5 35 13 S. -J^ Ju pitwr, 1 64 A. \-l-^ 38 16 9 41 ii2 S . 1 11 A. 22 50 34 8 27 12 S. }.{ Ur iji'n, >.... 8 47 A. 1 5 8U 4 6 13 A. 1 2 68 ti 1 3 15 A. 1 &9 8 22 11 40 ^ 10 MO -art > . 7 50 A. . 6 IP A. 6 30 22 +> '5S 50 22 17, 2f, X. finite, 10^0 37 N. Moai> t ■f iino of transit of 22 <1G 61 ^ I. 2 20 A. 1 59 2 22-46 49 N. 1 c © JSigh Water, mean time at H CD SUNDATS, WEATHER, AN- 32 t Is £ fj VJfr, ^* fi JJJIVEBSAKIES, &o. ;•?; ^s i:*3 .rl O s" • U "a* fia , n-^ « ts r-4 ^^. 1 Middling tides. Becomes 2 45 5 15 6 29 1 45 2 Purif. B. V. Mary. ^ gr. elong. 4 24 6 54 8 8 3 24 FE 5 32 8 2 ■9 16 4 S2 4 mucli colder^ 6 19 8 49 10 8 5 19 5 S '•ove Tuesday. High tidf^s. 7 9, 9 39ll0 S3 6 9 6 Asli Wednes. 1st day of Leiit. 7 54 10 24 11 38 6 54 7 <C perigee. More 8 35 11 emorn. 7 35 8 ^ atat. ^noW '9 13 11 43 19 8 13 9 may le 9 51 morn. 57 8 51 FE 1st Sunday in Lent.. Queen Vic-j 10 SO 21 1 35 9 SO 11 11 15 1 2 14!l0 15 1-2 ^ 6C- expeded. ] mom. 1 45 2 5^9|tl 9 13 Lew tides. Ember Day. 9 2 39 3 53 mom. 14 Valentine's Day. 1 21 3 51 5 5 21 15 ^ gr. Ilel. Lat. k Etnbev Day. 2 43 5 13 6 27 1 43 16 Ember Day. Modei'cUes, 4 7 6 37 7 41 3 7 FE 2d Sanday in Lent. 5 14 7 47 8 51 4 14 r8 iWitk 6 5 8 35 9 49! 5 •*> 19 appearance 6 47 9 17; 10 vSl 5 47 2« High tides. 7 22 9 52 11 « 6 22 21 of falling weather. 7 54 10 24111 48 6 54 22 C apogee 8 23 10 53' A, 7 7 23 23 Look Qitt 8 51 11 21 35 7 51 FE 3d Sunday in Lent. $ stat. 9 20 11 50 1 4 8 20 25 $6<i> f<^r 9 51 A, 21 1 35 8 51 26 more nrww. 10 21 51 2 5! 9 21 27 11 1 30 2 44110 28 Low tides. Cfiangvahle 11 47 2 17 3 31^10 47 29 and unpleasant. A. 50 3 20 4 34 11 60 I 10 MAIICII begins on Saturday. 1856. 1- H ^ N,'W Mfion, 6th (I., 4h. 24m. in tho mornint:, bt'low the horizon. ]> First (iunrtLT, Wth il., l(Hi. i'im. in the uiorninjr. l>earii\g enat. O ^"11 Moou, 21»t il., lib. 50nv. iu tlie nwrning, Li«!ow the horizon. <i Last Quarter, 27th d, lOh. 17m. in the moruiug, hearing south-west. s Days of the ©?s upper liiub. Length of © Slow of O's (le- ciinat'n C place. V? <r o Week. lUses. 6 38 Sets. 5 48 Days. Clock. South. Sotith. I Saturday, 10 12 30 7 23 3 18 7 12 z SUNDAY. 6 36 5 60 14 12 17 7 4 26 V? 8 12 3 Monday. G 34 5 51 17 12 5 6 37 5 13 9 13 d Tuesday. 6 32 5 52 20 11 51 6 14 6 10 13 5 Wednesday. 6 30 5 54 24 11 38 5 51 6 49 K 11 11 6 Thursday. 6 29 5 55 11 26 11 24 5 28 sets. K A. 7 { Friday. 6 27 5 56 11 29 11 9 5 4 6 55 T Of 59 8 Saturday. 6 25 5 57 11 32 10 54 4 41 8 12 T I 50 9 SUNDAY. 6 23 5 59 11 36 10 39 4 18 9 29 y 2 42 10 Monday. 6 21 6 11 39 10 23 3 54 10 46 § 3 34 11 Tuesday. 6 20 6 1 11 41 10 7 3 30 morn. n 4 28 12 Wednesday. 6 18 6 3 11 45 9 51 3 7 52 n 5 24 13 Thurs<tay. 6 16 6 4 11 48 9 34 2 43 1 42 n 6 21 14 Friday. 6 14 6 5 11 51 9 n 2 20 2 32 iio 7 17 15 Saturday. 6 12 6 6 11 54 9 1 56 3 24 96 8 10 16 SUNDAY. 6 10 6 8 11 58 8 43 1 32 3 54 9 1 17 Monday. 6 8 6 9 12 1 8 25 1 8 4 24 9 48 18 Tuesday. 6 7 6 10 12 3 8 7 45 4 54 o 10 32 19 Wednesday. 6 5 6 12 12 7 7 49 S. 21 5 24 t4 11 14 20 Thursday 6 3 6 13 12 10 7 31 N. 2 5 55 -njj 11 53 21 Friday. 6 1 6 15 12 14 7 13 25 1 rises. j-\. morn. 22 Saturday. 5 59 6 16 12 17 6 54 49| 7 25 u^ 32 23 SUNDAY. 5 57 6 17 12 20 6 36 1 13j & 32 J^ 1 11 24 Monday. 5 56 6 18 12 22 6 18 1 36 9 39 TH 1 52 25 Tuesday. 5 54,6 19 12 25 5 59 2 10 47 ITj 2 34 26 Wednesday. 5 52 6 20 12 28 5 40 2 2311 58 t 3 20 27 Thursday. 5 50 6 22 12 32 5 22 2 47 morn. f 4 10 28 Friday. 5 48 6 23,12 35 5 3 3 10; 1 18 V? 5 4 29 Saturday. 5 466 24 12 38 4 45 3 34! 2 19 V? 6 1 30 SUNDAY. 5 44 6 25 12 41 4 27 3 57| 3 20 V? 7 31 Monday. 5 42;6 26 12 44 4 8, 4 201 4 21 7 68 1^" The column of the moon's southing' gives the time of high water at Parrsboro', Cornwallis, Horton, Hautsport, Windsor, Newport, Tnuo, &c. No one can travel throHftli any section of our province withont beinj; impressed with the fact *hat school houses arc genenilly. coustnict(.'(l without taste, convenience, or even comfort. Erected, i)erliai.'s. on a bleak hill sidn or in » frog pond, at a» little cost Its possilile, with nothing without or within to niaico it attractive, with no grounds save tlie public hi.u;hw'ay Ik longing to it, like some relic of the past stands the school house. Popular seutinnent demands better schools and more highly quali- fied teachers than it did twenty years since: but in f(^w instances has a conespond- ing improvement been made in the I'dificcis devi>ted tt) tho priniar)', and aloMst the only education of children. Kext to the attractions of tho home tii-eside, the school should bo the moat desirable and inviting place. An air of neatness and eleganco should be given to the school house, and in point of finish and furniture it should be equal to the l>est room of a private residence. Children would resp(!Ct such a bitild- ing. wouM love to bo in it; and what is more, would form there habits of propriety which would save many a bitter les6(jn of murtiflcation. i 1856. b, !on. ;U-we8t. Soath. 7 12 8 12 9 13 10 13 U 11 A. 7 i> 59 1 50 2 42 3 34 4 28 6 24 6 21 7 17 8 10 9 1 9 48 10 32 11 14 11 53 morn. 32 1 11 1 52 2 34 3 20 4 10 5 4 G 1 7 7 58 water at ■uro, &c. mpressed venieiico, t as little with no St stands ly qaali- Tespond- nost the 10 gchool elegance lould be u bitild- topriety £.4^ /. x;^ ' Li/L.ay^c^^ /^>y ^^ -K /5 ^. ^wi f I '■' ■■»■ , ^\ ^^ I J'', f , t" ^ • "yC Y^lyt^ 4^-^^^ V e^j^ \ - ~i ^'■fR I ^N ^^^ I '■ y • . Spriiip^. MAK< 11 31 days. 11 The principal Planets. 1st March. 15th Maruh. 1 Merid V-'^^'^ Declina- Merid. lllKht Decliha- aiena. J^^^.^.J^^ tion. Ascen. tlou. n. M. n. M. s. f II H. M. n. M. 8. • 1 II S AT •rniry, 18 47 M. 2;! 24 Oh 9 uI! M. 20 21 1,-) 13 17 19 H, IS 49 43 S. 10 27 M. 10 7 M. 22 4 13 15 54 a. V V, 'iiii.i 21 40 ,S 14 37 20 S. cf M.-irs.' 1 2 47 M. i:i 23 46 5 31 24 S. 1 44 M. 13 14 6!i| 4 37 8 S. % .1. 1) Sa !)it(»rj 2'i A. 23 4 1 7 4 30 S. 2210 27 N. II) 40 10 X. 1143 M. 5 57 A. 3 28 A. 23 10 35 5 40 7 f*. 5 31 61 20 20 23 N. 3 2 10 10 54 45 N. torn •••«■• « 51 A. 5 30 17 4 21 A. 3 IS H Ui 'anus Mt'an ( iino of tninsit of 121 A. 1 59 2 23 40 isy. 20 A. I 59 2 22 40 47 N. 1 c o High Water, moan time at 1 11 ^T5 Tl 1 0) SUNDAYS, WEATHER, AW- 03 ^^ Z% r^ 2 a VJPh >^^G NIVERSARIliJS, &c. >i K '3 ^:^ o 1= 2 •.= a d'2 m i %a 11- 2 a •9 5» % ^^ C ^-4 s S:^< V2 1 St. David. High loinds 2 14 4 44 5 58 1 l4 FE 4th Sunday in Lent. 3 48 6 18 7 42 2 48 3 Middling tides. and 5 6 7 36 8 50 4 6 4 i? (5 C . cold. 6 5 8 35 9 49 5 6 5 21 6 O- ^now, 6 52 9 22 10 36 5 52 6 ^c5(r. /w/, 7 35 10 6 11 19 6 35 7 (£ perigee. Very high tides. 8 12 10 42 11 56 7 12 8 and sleet. 8 49 11 19 morn. 7 49 FE 5th Sunday in Lent. 9 27 11 57 33 8 27 10 Battle of Sobraon, 1 840. 10 7 morn. 1 11 9 7 ! 11 More snoio. 10 52 37 1 51 9 52 12 St. Gregory. 11 47 1 22 2 36 10 47 13 h 6€- ^ storm of ^ morn. 2 17 3 31 11 57 14 rain 57 3 27 4 41 morn. 15 Low tides. at hand. 2 20 4 50 6 4 1 20 FE Palm Sunday. 6th Sun. in Lent. 3 45 6 15 7 39 2 45 17 St. Patricif. 4 54 7 24 8 38 3 54 18 Princess Louisa born, 1848. 5 42 8 12 9 26 4 42 ! 19 h, in perihelion. Blustering 6 21 8 51 10 5 5 21 20 <C ^r"- ©enters °f. Spring com. 6 56 9 26110 40 5 26 21 Good Friday. and raw, 7 23 9 53 11 7 '6 23 22 Eastkr Eve. High tides, zoith 7 53 10 23 11 37 6 53 FE Easter Sunday. ^ 6€- high 8 21 8 50 10 51 A. 5 7 21 24 Eastek Monday. winSs. 11 20, 34 -^7 50 1 25 Annun B. V. Mary. Lady Day. 9 21 11 51| 1 5 8 21 26 Duke of Cambridge born, 1819. 9 56, A. 261 1 40 8 56 27 Becomes milder, 10 36 1 6j 2 201 9 36 28 *- hut still 11 25 1 551 3 91 10 25 29 ven/ cold. A. 27 2 57| 4 11 111 27 i FE Low Snnd. 1st Sund. aft." East.! 1 55 4 25 5 39 A. 55 1 31 Low tides. 3 28 5 58: 7 12i 2 28 ' I '} 12 APRIL begins on Tuesday. 18;i0. 1^ o_ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Now M(ioni nth d., 1h. HRin. in tlio morning, below the hoii/.on. J) i-'iiht QiiiirtiT, IJlli <l.. nil. ■'>xn\. in the luoiiiinji. heiiriug O J'lill Aloi.ii. liotli il., 41i. ryjiii. in tlie iiKiniing. liiiirinj; wctt. (I liwt Quarter, ;i7tli d., 7h. 12m. iu the aftoruoon, below tlio horizon. Days of the VVet'k. Tuesday. Wednesday. Tfiursday. Friday. Saturilay. SUNDAY. Monday. Tuesday. Wednesday. Tliursu".^. Friday. Saturday. SUNDAY. INIonday. Tuesday. Wednesday. Thursday. Friday. Saturday. SUNDAY. Monday. Tuesday. Wednesday. Thursday. Friday. Saturday. SUNDAY. Monday. Tuesday. Wednesday. © s uiiper liiiiti. Klses. Sots. 40 6 39i6 37:6 35,6 33|6 31 6 30 [6 28j6 2() (5 24'() 22 '6 2l!6 19'6 17 6 15i6 14:6 126 10i6 96 716 5i6 46 26 06 59 6 576 56 7 54'7 537 51 7 LoHRth of Diiys. 28 12 29 12 30' 12 8llr2 33 13 34' 13 35 13 36'l3 38 13 39' 13 40 13 4i:i3 4313 44113 45 13 47;i3 48 13 49 13 50 13 51 13 52 13 54 13 5.^ 13 56 13 58 13 59 14 14 1 14 2 14 314 48 50 53 56 3 5 8 12 15 18 © HI')W of Clock. 50 52 14 57 39 22 4 48 31 14 58 ©'s (!('- cliiiiit'n North. 20; 24' 27 S. 30 F. 3? 36, 39! 41 i 4J| 1 47 1 50 53 56 59 2 4 7 9 12i 2 4 5 5 5 6 6 7 7 7 8 8 42! 8 27 j 9 11 9 3| 9 17|10 32 10 4510 59 11 12 11 25,12 37 12 49,12 13 11 13 21 13 3l!l3 40 14 48!l4 57 14 43 6 29 52 15 38 23 45 7 29 51 13 34 56 17 38 59| 201 40 ' li 2l! 41 1, 20, 40, 59| 18| 36; 551 c d'H rit(oa. place. 4 41 A4V 5 18 K 5 40 K sets. r 6 52 <Y> 8 2 S 9 12 8 10 22 n 11 33 n morn. 02 1 20 s 1 52 9.. 2 23 a 2 54 SX 3 25 "^ 3 55 "^ 4 15 ^ 1 4 35 ;C^ 4 59 ^ rises. n 8 36 n 9 57 f 11 17 t morn. t 15 V? 1 7 V? 1 46 -KT 2 35 *** 3 4 X 3 31 X <r South. 8 9 10 11 A. 1 2 3 4 5 6 6 7 8 9 9 10 11 11 55 50 33 34 26 19 13 10 9 7 3 56 45 30 12 53 32 11 51 morn. 33 18 7 59 45 53 51 47 40 32 The column of the moon's southing gives the time of high water at Parrsboro' , Cornwallia, Horton, Hautsport, Windsor, Newport, Truro, &c. The commoii vice of jumping and throwing fences is tattqht to cattlo, with scarcely an exception, by their owners and cari!-takors. Fences liulf down soon fall by the rubbing of cattle, and teuch the tirst lesson, especially if cattle have any shrewdness in observing cause and effect ; very fine feed just over a pour fence is the next les- son ; letting down bars and rail fences to the halves from laziness, so that the animal has to take a leap, is tlie third lesson — and this last is often first, second, and third, with sheep — until they will scale any thing. The.'^o three lessons are usually quite enough ; but a fourth is often added, namely, i)la :ing one additional rail on the fence eich successive day, as they become more skilful, for the ostensible object of keeping the jumper within bounds, but roally operating as a most ingeninus contiivance to teach the art of vaulling. Let the wood lie cut iu [iroper sea.sini — have ncirie rotting about tlie premises. It should be put undercnver in a wondlion-^e ; this is good economy. It should also be neatly piled, not tumbled and pitched in helter-skelter, and cross- wise, like a brush heap. The more e.vact you are in this, the more the house will hold. t( 1850. izon, •It. liorizoft. (I'h pluco. <r South. 8 55 K 9 50 X 10 33 U 34 A. 26 water at uro, &c. scarcely 11 by the rewdness nuxt lex- e animal ifl third, fly quite he fence keeping to teach g about I my. It j I cross- I ill hold. ^/^' Y ' ^/1^^,> ^^^-4 P^ U 2 y«6<iJ JhcJmuO J^O i^yiA^iy cj^d^yl^ i'^'^'^'^*' * I ' ' V. » i i SI>rill|^^ APRIL 30 days. 13 The prlncipnl riftnpti. iBt April. 1 IBth April. McilJ. KI^Mit Dcrliiui- Morid. ItlKht Dfiiiiia- Akcuii. llon. Astin, tioll. H. M. n. M. ». • 1 u II. M. It. M. 8. • ( (/ 5 M V V cf M If .li '^rourv, ••••••••* 10 45 M. 10 19 M. 10 M. 10.^1 .M. •2a •J,'-. a:j 22 59 50 12 W 41 •i'J 81 34 21 15 H. 7 40 no 8. 2 42 1:1 y. 4 11 40 S. 11 17 M. 11 2H M. 10 50 A. 10 5 A. 5;i 15 3 25 12 3:j 42 23 43 20 3 40 16 X. 1 1H21 M. 1 5 50 H. 2 50 40 S. arrt.» •••■••*••••• iititoi\ ») .Sitmii 4 hi A. 5 35 44 22 20 3N. 4 4A. 6 40 22 22 30 50 \. i;i u 'aiiiiA, '1 48 A. 3 6 19 1 fig 2 17 7 40N 132 A. 3 8 14 17 19 4«5N. Moun 1- .1 iniu of tratifiit of 11 20 M. 22 40 40 N. 10 2-1 M. 1 69 2|22 46 46 N. .,. o ■ High Water, msan time at 1 L an *-i ,0 fi a f<i H ~ B i s of the SUNDAYS, WEATHEB, AN- NIVERSARIES, &c. 1.1 4 d H -§3 J? Sm ^^ O H s ^« 1 All Fuols' Diiy. 4 47 7 17 8 31 3 47 2 ^ 6 ^- Changcnhle, 5 44 8 14| 9 28 4 44 3 9 (5 (T • toilh some 6 32 9 2,10 16 6 32 4 <r pRiijfpe. (2) eclipsed, invis. 7 10 9 40,10 54 6 10 5 Very lii^'n tides. wind 7 48 10 18:il 32 6 48 EF 2d Sail, iifter Easter. 9 i" aph. 8 27 10 57;morn. 7 27 7 Prince Leopold born, 1853. 9 6 11 36 11 8 6 8 and a Utile 9 48 morn. 50 8 48 9 ^ greatest Ilel. Lat. S. 10 35 18 1 42 9 35 10 rain. 11 29 1 5 2 19:10 29 11 morn. 1 59 3 13jll 31 12 Low tides. America disc. 1492. 31 3 1 4 15 morn. £F 3d Sunday after Easter. 1 50 4 20 5 34 50 14 ram may 3 6 5 36 6 50 2 6 10 4 12 6 42 7 56 3 12 1 K' be expected. 5 5 7 35 8 49 4 5 17 <C apogee. 5 47 8 17 9 31 4 47 18 S 6(C- Clears tip 6 21 8 51 10 5 5 21 19 pleasant, 6 52 9 22 10 36 6 62 EF 4th Sun. aft. Easter. © eclipsed, 7 23 9 53 11 7 6 23 21 partly vis. High tides. 7 54 10 24 11 38 6 54 22 and becomes 8 26 10 56 A. 10 7 26 23 St. Geohgk. ■ , , , 9 1 11 31 45 8 1 24 much, toarmer. 9 39 A. 9 1 23 8 39 25 Princess Alice b. '43. St. Mark. 10 24 54 2 8 9 24 26 ^ in sup. ($0. Occasional 11 15 1 45 2 59 10 15 EF Rogation Sunday. A. 17 2 47 4 1 11 17 28 Low tides. Rogation Day. 1 36 4 6 5 20 A. 36 !| 29 Rogation Day. showers. 2 58 5 28 6 42 1 58 i 30 11 (^C- Rogation Day. 4 14 6 44 7 58 3 14 $ !i i|P 1 14 MAY bfp^liis on Thursday. IN^O. % N.w Miion. nil il.. nil. Vi^'iii. ill tl"' iii'TiiiiiK. I)fiirlii'.f smith. ]) Kii^t tiii:iit>'r. 1 Mil il., -Hi. ;iIiii. In llif iiftrriicjoii. Ii.iulnn houth-civet. O Knll Miiiiii. lUlli il., 7li. 4,!m. in tli" Htli'i ihpuii, iM'iiiliijr I'liKt. a IjiMi Wuiirtcr. ililli il., Ih. I'.dii. in thn iiioinlUK', lu'lnw tlii^ horiznii. to-! Days of the VVeok. 0H\ till Illocs. 4 r)0 ii). 7 or )t8. Lrn (1 Da K'th 1 15 Ka8t of Cluck. clilliit'ii North. 15 13 d rlst's. 3 58 placi'. d South. 1 Thursday. 6 14 3 4 9 22 2 Kriiliiy. 4 48 7 6 14 18 3 11 15 31 4 26 r 10 12 3 Siitiirdiiv. 4 47 7 7 14 20 3 18 15 48 4 53 H 11 3 4 SITXDAY'*. 4 46 7 9 14 23 3 24 16 () set.-^. H 11 56 6 l\l()ii(hiy. 4 45 7 10 14 26 3 29 16 23 8 35 n A. 53 6 'J'licschiy. 4 43 7 11 14 28 3 34 16 40 9 39 n 1 52 7 Wfdiics.lny. 14 41 7 12 14 31 3 38 16 'U'^ 10 43 25 2 62 8 Thursday. 4 40 7 13 14 33 3 42 17 13 11 47 25 3 51 9 Friday. 4 39 7 14 14 35 3 45 17 29 morn. 25 4 47 10 Saturday. 4 38 7 15 14 37 3 47 17 44 20 ^. 5 38 11 S LINDA V. 4 36 7 17 14 41 3 49 18 53 6 26 12 Mondav. 4 35 7 18 14 43 3 51 18 15 1 26 ^ 7 9 13 Ta<!sday. 4 34 7 19 14 45 3 52 18 30 1 59 ^ 7 50 14 WediiP.sthiy. 4 33 7 20 14 47 3 52 18 44 2 32 »K 8 30 15 Thursday. 4 32 7 21:14 49 3 52 18 58 2 52 rr\. 9 8 16 FriiUiy. 4 31 7 22 14 51 3 51 19 12 3 10 £V 9 48 17 Saturilay. 4 30 7 24 14 54 3 50 19 26 3 38 "1 10 30 18 SlTiNDAY. 4 28 7 25 14 57 3 48 19 39 3 59 ^n 11 14 19 Monday. 4 27 7 26 14 59 3 45 19 52 rises. ^ r-orn. 20 Tuesday. 4 26 7 27' 15 1 3 42 20 4 8 25 t 2 21 Wednesday. 4 26 7 28 15 2 3 39 20 17 9 33 f Tvt 22 Thursday. 4 25 7 29 15 4 3 35 20 28 10 36 V? 1 50 23 Friday. 4 24 7 30 15 6 3 30 20 40 11 39 1-? 2 48 24 Saturday. 4 23 7 3l!l5 8 3 25 20 51 morn. :st 3 46 25 SUNDAY. 4 22 7 32 15 10 3 19 21 2 42 4 43 26 Monday. 4 21 7 33 15 12 3 13 21 12 1 4 K 5 36 27 Tuesday. 4 20 7 34 15*14 3 621 22 1 26 X 6 27 28 Wednesday. 4 20 7 35 15 15 2 59 21 32 1 48 r 7 16 29 Thursday. 4 19 7 35 15 16 2 52 21 41 2 10 r 8 5 30 Friday. 4 18 7 36 15 18 2 44 21 50 2 32 r 8 63 31 Saturday. 4 18 7 37il5 19 2 35 21 59 3 6 8 9 44 ^^ Tho column of the moon'H soutliing eivcs the time of high water at Parrsboro', Cornwallis, Horton, Haiitsport, Windsor, Novport, Truro, &c. A WRITER, in spcnking of tho practice which prevails In some families of keeping a portion of tho dwelling almost wholly closed, says, Let the front part of that house he thrown open, and the most convenient, agree.ilile, and pleasant room in it be selected as tho famili/ room — let its doors be over open ; and when the work of the kitchen. is com))leted, let mother and daughters be found there with their appropriate work. Let it be the room where the family altar is erected, on which the father offers the morn- ing and evening sacrilico. Let it be consecrated to neatness, au<l purity, and truth. Let no hat ever be seen in that room on the head of its owner ; let no coatless individ- ual be permitted to enter it. If the coat father wears by day is tcx) heavy for tho evening, calicoi^s and cotton wadding are cheap. A few shillings placed in his dangh- ter's hand insures him the most comfortable wrapper ; and if his boots are hard, and the nails cut mother's carpet, a bushel of wheat ouce i/x three years will keep him in slippers ot'tho easiest kind. O/h^ A-./o. 4* .^^^ ^>7^t^^^^^ Z ^My'^ ]85«. '•ii'i'. SoutL. •Iter at "ping ft Juso he L'loctl'll •hen ia t. Lot inorn- truUi. liivici- ur the angb- li and iiu in Ce/'i^ ft 1 ^ ^ ^ / ■' y^ :/ < 111 '4 .:*■■ Spring?. WAY 31 days. 15 The principal Planets. Ist May. 15th May. Mf'rifl Kight Declina- Mnrid RiRht Declina- * Ascen. tion. Ascen. tion. H. M. H. M. H. • 1 n B. M. Jl. M. 8. " ' " 5 Merciiry, J 8 M. •2 bi\ 39 17 22 51 N. 1 15 MM 49 11 24 44 59 N. 9 Vt'iiiis 10 ;i7 M. 1 15 31 C 17 48 N. 10 40M. ■2 20 Cjl2 32 37 N. rf IM 9 37 A. 9 18 M. 3 8 A. ;« A. 1'^ 17 i4 !£i 50 13 5 4(5 58 3 11 52 6 11 S. 1 35 58 S. 22 31 1 N 17 34 27 N. 8 37 A. 8 .33 A. 2 19 A. 11 41 J! . 10 28M. 12 12 62 15 59S. 6 29i 31 44 ?. 6 65 39 22 39 29 N. 3 15 9 17 47 27 N. »? .Si riiinifi, Mean time of transit of ^ 22 M 1 59 2 23 46 45 N. 1 1 69 3,22 4C45N. J3 a TXigb. Watev, mean time, at A pri % ^ A ^ 0) SUNDAYS, WEATHER, AN- NIVERSARIES, &c. t5 11 "On x-3 !1 1 xn s "3 e4 il 2 v*?^ C s ^^ •*> 1 Ascension Day. Holy Thnrsd. 5 14 7 44 8 58 4 14 • 2 Pr. Arthur b. 1850. St. Philip 6 4 8 34 9 48 5 4 j 3 Very high tides. [& St. James. 6 47 9 17 10 31 5 47 EF Sun. after Ascen. C perigee. 7 26 9 56 11 10 6 26 6 lijl ($C. 8 7 10 37 11 51 7 7 6 1 Dull aiid 8 50 11 20 morn. 7 50 7 h6€.. 9 35 morn. 34 8 35 8 overcast, 10 20 5 1 19 9 20 9 vnth same 11 9 50 2 4 10 9 10 :Lo\v tides. ram. morn. 1 39 2 53 11 3 • EF j Pentecost. Whit Sunday. 3 2 33 3 47 morn. 12 Whit Monday. Colder. 1 5 3 35 4 49 5 13 ^ greatest Hel. Lat. N. ' 2 10 4 40 5 54 1 10 14 C apogee. Ember Day. 3 14 5 44 6 58 2 14 15 (^ (5 C . Becomes * 4 12 6 42 7 56 3 12 16 17 > Ember Days. ,., , ) -^ more settled. 5 1 5 42 7 31 8 12 8 45 9 26 4 1 4 42 1 EF Trinity Sunday. 6 9 8 39 9 53 5 9 ! 19 High tides. 6 55 9 25 10 39 5 55 20 Fine grotvin^ 7 30 10 11 14 6 30 21 weather, 8 9 10 39 11 53 7 9 22 Corpus Christi. with 8 50 11 20' A. 34 7 50 23 seasonable 9 32 A. 21 1 16 8 32 2-1 QuEKi; VicTOHiA born, 1819. 10 18 48. 2 2 9 18 i EF l8t Sun. aft. Trin. Prs. Helena b. 11 6 1 36 2 50 10 6 26 Low tides. and [1846. A. 1 2 31 3 45! 11 I 27 ^6h- 1 6 3 36 4 50 A. 6 28 plentiful 2 20! 4 50 6 4 1 20 29 Restoration of King Charles II., 3 39 6 9; 7 231 2 39 30 i (L perigee. [1660. 4 45 7 15; 8 29 3 45 31 shoicers. 5 38' 8 8 9 22! 4 38 ■**-^ 16 J|].\E begins on Sunday. 1856. I Q Niw "^FoDii. -d d., 7li. 'i.'im. in tlin afturuoon, bi-iinni; Routh-Wivt. I> Quarter, lutli d.. fli. aiiin. in tlio rnviriiiuK, below the liori/.on. Q Full Mtioii. IMli (1., 71i. ."Tin. in tlic luorui.ip;. l),lu\v tlio Imrizuu. (I LiiMt liitarter, '.lOtli d., Oh. 2ni. in tho moruiug, buariut; euiithv Sheep should not generally he sheared before June. After haring been 'sheared, thoy should bo protected by shade from the hot sun. and if the weather turns cold, or a storm arises, they should be allowed the shelter of sheds. Throe or four days after the sheep arc sheared, tho ticJ.s, if there are any, will all go on to tho lambs. Immerse the lamb.s in a weak <lfCiiction of toliacco, and you will|thus got :id of them. Take care to wet the skin fairly, but do not keep tho lamb too !on;4 in the liquid, and take care that it does not ,r;et into liis ears, eyes, or mouth. R9 it will make hiin sick. Ticks occasion the .sheep much trouble — to relievo themselves from the in- tolerable itching which the ticks create, the sheep bite and .scratch themselves with their teeth, by which much wool U pulled out and wa.sted. and the sheep, besides, lose flesh rapidly. Ths mode here mentioned i.s the readiest one of e.xtirpating them. It is Bomethues an ohjei;t to fatten Hh>ep rapidly in summer, and also to fatten off old sheep which cannot be readily fattened on pa-iture alone. In eiiher case, grod pasture and the feeding of a moderate ijuantitv of uraln d'lily vvlll generally effect it odvantagcouslv. One bushel of grain fed to sheep iu sui imer will make as much fat as three or four fed iu winter. Days of the Week. — _%_ SUNDAY. ©'s upper limit. Length of Days. © Fact of Clock. ©•s de- iMinat'n North. rises. d's place. d South. O Uiscs. Sots. 1 4 17 7 3815 21 2 26 7 3 54 H 10 30 2 Monday. 4 16 7 39 15 23 2 17 22 15 sets. n 11 55 3 i 16 7 39 15 23 2 7 22 22 8 39 n A. 35 4 Wednesday. 4 16 7 40 15 24 1 57 22 29 9 25 5Z 1 35 5 Thur.sday. 4 15 7 41 15 26 I 46 22 36 10 11 25 2 33 6 Friday. 4 15 7 4-2 1 5 27 1 36 22 42 10 57 ,Q. 3 28 i Satu rdav. 4 15 7 42 15 27 1 25 22 48,11 44 a 4 18 8 SUNDAY. 4 15 7 43 15 28 1 13 22 54 morn. »'V 5 4 9 Monday. 4 14 7 44 ]5 29 1 2 22 59 15 m 5 46 10 Tuesday. 4 14i 7 4415 30 50 23 3 46 n 6 26 11 Wednesday. 4 14 7 45 15 31 38 23 7 1 6 •^^ 7 5 12 Thursday, 4 H t 45 15 31 26 23 11 1 26 -ri. 7 44 13 Briday. 4 14 7 46 15 32 13 23 15 1 46 ^ 8 25 14 Saturday. 4 14 7 46 15 32 F. 1 23 18 2 6 TTI 9 8 15 SUNDAY. 4 14 7 47 15 33:S. 11 23 20 2 26 m 9 54 16 Monday. 4 14 7 47 15 33 23 23 22 2 47 f 10 45 17 Tuesday. 4 14 48 15 34 33 23 24 3 38 f ill 40 18 Wednesday. 4 147 48 15 34 49 23 26 rises. V? morn. 19 Thur.sday. 4 14 7 48 15 34 1 2 23 26 9 30 V? 39 20 Friday. • 4 14 7 48 15 34 1 15 23 27 10 25 1 38 21 Saturday. 4 147 49 15 34 1 28 23 27 10 54 cr 2 37 22 SUNDAY. 4 157 49 15 34 1 41 23 27 11 23 3 23 23 Monday. 4 15 7 49 15 34 I 53 23 26 11 52 K 4 25 24 Tue.«day. 4 15 7 49 15 34 2 6 23 25 morn. X 5 14 25 Wednesday. 4 15 7 49 15 34 2 19 23 23 23 cy, 6 2 26 Thursday. 4 16 7 49 15 33 2 31 23 21 50 Of> 6 50 27 Friday. 4 16 7 49 15 33 2 44 23 19 1 49 7 39 28 Saturday. 4 16 7 49 15 33 2 56 23 16 2 48 W 8 30 29 SUNDAY. 4 17 7 49 ^5 32 3 8 23 13 3 47 n 9 24 30 Monday. 4 18 7 50 15 31 3 20 23 1 10 4 48| i n 11 2 t^" The column of the moon's sout] ling gives the time of high water at Parrsboro', CornwiiUis , Horton, Hants] )ort, SVindsor, Newport, Truro, &c. 185671 •Wl-.-t. tiori/.oa. izuu. ff's place u South. 10 30 11 55 n \A. 35 1 35 2 33 3 28 4 18 6 4 5 46 6 26 SI "I t t 7 44 8 25 9 8 9 54 10 45 11 40 Vy I morn. ^ 39 1 38 2 37 3 23 4 25 5 14 6 2 6 50 n 7 39 M 8 30 r I 9 24 [ In 2 I water at ruro, &c. 1 "sheared, urns colli, four daya •n to tho us get :i(l 'lit,' iu the *ill make >ni the in- Ives with s besides, ng them, ittoii off iise, gf od effect it much fat ^/^^^ a^^-<_j? ( fkt<^ H^*^ J^mii-C^ --^'^ >^'V /^Cl^/^ ^3 '"^•f'**— I'l I '1 1 1' 'I- i I w i ; Snmmer. JUiVE 30 days. 17 Tho principiil Planets. 1st June. 15tli June. i Merid. P.iKlit Ascou. Docli na- tion. Merid. Kirtlit Ascon. Declina- tion. H. M. H. M. 8. " ( II )I. M. H. M. 8. • 1 II § Mcipurv 1 32 M. 6 12 47 24 24 3N. 38 M. 6 14 54 20 47 20 N. V Vt ^ "M • tillg. ,, 11 1 >I. 7 37 A. 7 37 M. 121 A. 10 38 M. 3 42 31 12 19 26 27 26 6 2 35 3 19 6 18 48 28 N. 1 39 15 8. 35 41 N. 22 41 54 N. 18 2 40 N. Ill 18 M. 6 58 A. 6 49 M. 34 A. 9 46M. 4 54 18 22 14 42 \. 12 32 63! 3 33 18 a. 24 54| 1 20 20 N. 6 10 2t) 22 42 6 N. 3 22 918 14 13 N. turn, auuH n: : Moan < ime of transit of 7 20M. 1 59 3 22 46 47 N. 6 25M. 1 59 4 22 46 47 N. ■•i r6 StJU-DAYS, "WEATHEB, AN- High Water, mean time, at OQ 1 2 '='2 h o NIVERSARIES, &0. is, Si a* c a rt a '4 "5 ^« ■4^ ■> EF 2d Sun. after Trinity. :^ <$ C • 6 26 8 56 10 10 5 26 2 High tides. 7 11 9 41 10 55 6 11 ■i 3 Some thunder 7 56 10 26 11 40 6 56 4 ^(5C. 8 38 11 8 morn. 7 38 5 and lightning, 9 20 11 50 20 8 20 « 6 , with warm 1*0 3: mom. 1 4 9 3 7 Middling? tides. rain. 10 43 33 1 47 9 43 EF 3d Sunday after Trin. ^ stat. 11 25 1 13 2 27 10 25 9 Warm morn. 1 55 3 9 11 12 10 Low tides. 11 2 42 3 56 morn. 11 (T apogee. St. Barnabas. 1 5 3 35 4 49 5 12 $ 6(L- and 2 3 4 33 5 47 1 3 13 3 5 5 35 6 49 2 5 14 4 5 6 35 7 49 3 5 EF 4th Sunday after Trinity. 5 1 7 31 8 45 4 1 1() 5 in aphelion. Still 5 48 8 18 9 32 4 48 17 continues 6 32 9 2,10 16 5 32 ; 18 Battle of Waterloo, 1815. 7 15 9 45;iO 59 6 15 19 [High tides. 7 i59!lO 2911 43 6 59 ,20 Accession of Q. Vic, '37. Jine. 8 4111 11 A. 25 7 41 -21 (v) enters ^. Summer Qpm- 9 27; 11 57! 1 11 8 27 EF 5th Sun. after Trinity, [mences. 9 58, A. 28{ 1 42: 8 58 j 1 23 Warm and 10 50 1 20 2 34i 9 50 ! 24 St. .John Bapt. Midsummer day. 11 36 2 6 *3 20;10 36 ■i 25 C perigee. sultry, A. 29 2 59! 4 13 11 29 26 Middling tides. 1 40 4 10 24'A. 40 27 with some rain. 2 57 5 27: 6 41 1 57 28 Queen Victoria crowned, 1838. 4 12 6 42 7 56 3 12 EF 6th Sun. after Trinity. St. Poter 5 17 7 47 9 14 17 ^ 30 :^nO. [and St. Paul. 6 13 8 43 y 57| 5 13 u p ■yfi'i^'A 'Ml 'n 1 m 18 JULY begins on Tuesday. 1856. — 'f D O NfW Mwn, 2(1 (I.. Oh. It'iii. in tlio iniirniiif,'. hrariiia oast. First (iii!ii-ti'i', liiili (I., oh. I'^iii. in tlic nn'i-ain;.;, huluw tho horizon. Full .Moon. ITtli il., 51i. Him. in the iit'tonn'oii. hrarin^; vmA. L;wt (iuaitur. 24tli d., 111). -ITni. in the ninriiing, brlow the horizon. Niivv .Moon, 31st il., 4h. 5;ini. in tho iitternoon bearing wi-nt. k-5 Days of the limb. Lull gth f ©s o low f ©•s fie- cliuitt'u C (i's c South. o Week. ilises. 4 18 Sets. 7 49 Dtt ya. Clock. North. 23 6 5 48 pliice. 1 Tiie.sday. 15 31 3 32 11 21 2 Wednesday. 4 19 7 48 15 29 3 43 23 1 sets. !io A. 20 3 Thursday. 4 20 7 48,15 28 3 55 22 56 8 35 ^ 1 17 4 Friday. 4 20 7 48 15 28 4 6 22 51 9 2 2 9 5 Saturday- 4 21 7 47 15 26 4 16 22 46 9 29 O 2 57 6 SUNDAY. 4 21 7 47 15 26 4 26 22 40 9 56 ^ 3 41 7 Monday. 4 22 7 47 15 25 4 36 22 33 10 23 ~.»I ^ 4 22 8 Tuesday. 4 23 7 46 15 23 4 45 22 26 10 50 £\. 5 1 9 Wednesday. 4 23 7 46 15 23 4 54,22 19 11 17 :^ 5 40 10 Thursday. 4 24 7 45 15 21 5 322 12 11 44 £V 6 20 11 Friday. 4 25 7 45 15 20 5 11,22 4 morn. n 7 1 12 Saturday. 4 26 7 44 15 18 5 1921 56 9 ^ 7 46 13 SUNDAY. 4 27 7 44 15 17 5 2621 47 34 t 8 34 14 Monday. 4 28 7 43 15 15 5 3321 38 58 f 9 28 15 Tuesday. 4 29 7 42 15 13 5 39121 28 1 38 t 10 25 16 VVednesday. 4 30 7 41 15 11 5 4421 19 2 21 V? 11 25 17 Thursday. 4 31 7 41 15 10 5 50 21 8 3 30 V? morn. 18 Friday. 4 32 7 40 15 8 5 54 20 58 rises. 25 19 Saturday. 4 32 7 39 15 7 5 58 20 47 9 3 1 23 20 SUNDAY. 4 33 7 38 15 5 6 2 20 36 9 48 K 2 18 21 Monday. 4 34 7 37 15 3 6 5;20 24 10 16 K 3 10 22 Tuesday. 4 35 7 36 15 1 6 7 20 12 10 44 T 3 59 23 Wedne.sday. 4 36 7 35 14 59 6 9 '20 11 12 T 4 48 24 Thursday. 4 37 7 34 14 57 6 11;19 48 11 43 5 36 25 Friday. 4 38 7 33 14 55 6 11 19 35 morn. y 6 27 26 Saturday. 4 40 7 32 14 52 6 1119 21 19 n 7 19 27 SUNDAY. 4 41 7 3114 50 6 11 19 8 1 2 n 8 15 28 Monday. 4 42 7 30 14 48 6 10 18 54 1 45 25 9 13 29 Tuesday. 4 43 7 29 14 46 6 9 18 40 2 28 •±0 10 11 30 Wednesday. 4 44 7 28 14 45 6 6 18 25 3 15 2Z 11 8 31 Thursday. 4 45 7 27 14 31 6 4 18 11 sets. a 11 59 _ _ The column of the moon's southing p;ives the time of high water at Parrsboro',Cornwallis, Horton, Hantsport, Windsor, Nowpo'-t, Tniro, &c. Both the round and tlie flat turnip may lie sown at any time in .Tulv or August. Sf^- cial pains should be takua to enrich tk^ soil, for in this way two objects are secured — the more mpiil growth of the plant, and a sweeter and more tender vegetable. Wo sut)pose it is generally well known tliat tho nioro rapid thegrowth of this and several oUier vegetables, the more mild and tender they are to the tasti>. Cabbages, onions, radishes, .spindlh, cauliflower, are all much more delicate in flavor, and agreeable to the palate when grown freely and rapidly. th:in when their growth !» stint. mI or slow, (,'ncumbers and celery may also Ih; addeil to the above named, as being niu'h milder when urown rapidly than when nf slow ;,'rowth. feoinoof tlioso m.'iy be raified late in the season, us well as turnips, so a« to supply tho table with tho dclicHcics of Bprin'.r and .s\imnier until (iuito late. What is not used lor the t:ible v,-ill be w,'ll rel- ished liy the catilo Farmers now yhould be all busy seeing to the hay harvest. Cnt your grxss when it Is in a fit state, make it well in the sutiahiiie. get it in wi.'U, anil there is no doubt of its spending well. Some do so hate the car(> and toil of hay- niaking,J;hat they put it off till the grass becomes dry, hard, and duail. h u 'lorizdij. >B horizon. '• I place; South S| S 111 21 23 jA. 20 a 1 17 d9 i^^ \l^ Ck/U^ c/y<^ c/^^in^ ,1 a I 2 1 5 40 r ^ ^'^ Jy >.M. Jit^^'^ /2: -^-^ ^^ 40 :^ I 6 20 ! n I 7 1 n 7 46 ^ 8 34 / 9 28 / 10 25 VJ (U 25 1^ imorn. -«r I 25 «!• I 1 23 K 2 18 X 3 10 r 3 59 T 4 48 8 1 6 27 n I 7 19 n 8 15 S 9 13 S 10 \\ G 11 8 ;i_[u^5y h water at i.u'iist. 8f^. !>re secured ■tiiWo. Wo md several <t's. ouioiis, tfi"W'aljln to Hfintv'il or t' 'ic raiMi'd 'i''«ci<s iif '(-' W;'ll rf'l- v«f. Ctit W""1I, (111,1 'il 01' ii;iy. 7 LCT^ i> ''-' ^Jm^o) t.^^X sf^J i^^HM^^^ ' ^ ''* ^. ^.^ 4^ i^^yi:^ :^^^^^:^ee> ■^iS^C"^*- ^-^a^^i/' ^^^''•^ '■M I, !? -m / ■l.f.X. t~ *< f'' i*-'^ V Of X. ^.\. El E ill !'ii il. i -v /^/y: 4 ^ z ^- ^.> :J pSummer. JULY 31 days. 19 I 1 1 The principal Planeth. Ist July. leth July. 1 1 >'-^'^- Si Dfoli na- tion. Merid. 1 niRht ABteu. Dpclina- tiuu. n. M. ! H, M. s. • r 1/ ilt. M. It. M. s. <• \ II 5 M.Tciiry, ill 5 A. : 5 4;i 4f, IS 4V 59 N. 10 37 M. (i 11 3H 31 10 \. V V.iiUH n 40 .^I. ' lit 2i, 2; J 40 » .\. 1 M. 7 34 8 22 20 53 N. 1 (f Mars : 6 1.-) A. 12 r.o IS lio S. f 5 54 A. 13 19 2 9 3 2(^ S. 11 .Iiipiler, ,'-. Wi M. ;!1 2(1 157 ISN. 5 1 M. 34 491 2 15 17 N. >j Saturn, 11 40 M.l 6 19 22 22 40 15 N. ;10 53 M. « 27 10 22 30 52 N. 1*1 Uranus 8 4B .M.j 3 25 17 18 25 47 N. ! 7 54 :,! . :t 2: 35 18 34 N. , Mean t Inie of transit of 5 22 M. 1 69 4 22 46 60 N. 4 27 M. 1 69 6 22 46 52 N. 1 ' i( Days of the Month. SUNDAYS, -WEATHER, AN- NIVEBSABIES, &o. Higb Water, moan time, at i - Halifax, N. S. 1^ 3< a i'i St. John's, New- foundland. 1 h6€. Cloudy 7 1 9 31 10 45 6 1 2 Visit. B. V. Mary, High 7 44 10 14 11 28 6 44 ! 1 ik ^ Dog Days begin. [tides. 8 25 10 55 morn. 7 25 1 " 4 and dull. 9 2 11 32 9 8 2 5 Clears tip 9 SS'morn. 46i 8 38 EF 7th Sunday after Trinity 10 13 8 1 22! 9 13 (II fe ^ [greatest Hel. Lat. S. 10 47 43 1 67i 9 47 \ r ' Very low tides. very fine, 11 22 1 17 2 31 10 22 1 . 9 C apogee. morn. 1 52 3 6 11 6 10 i6<l- loith 5' 2 35 3 49 11 56 11 56 3 26 4 40 morn, i 12 light shoiocrs. 1 56 4 26 5 40 56 .KF Sth Sunday after Trinity. 3 7 5 37 6 51 2 7 ; a 14 <£. JNIiddling tidn.s. 4 18 6 48 8 2 3 18 r ^^ St. Swilhin. Becomes 5 21 7 5lj 9 5 4 21 I, 16 much ivarmer. 6 15 8 45 9 59 5 15 V 17 Very S7dln/. 7 3' 9 33 10 47 6 3 18 High tides. Did'l 7 48 10 18'll 32 6 48 f 19 and overcast. 8 30 11 A. 14 7 30 1 *; EF 9th Sunday after Trinity. 9 9' 11 39 63 8 9\ 21 <r perigee. 9^ in sup. ^Q. 9 48, A. 18 1 32 8 48 1 I 22 Union of Eng. & Scotland, 1706. i 10 26; 56 2 10 9 26 1 23 21 6 (Z- Clears vp 11 10 1 40 2 54 10 10 24 Low tides. veryjine, A. l| 2 31 3 45 11 1 25 St. James. 1 6 3 36 4 50 A. 6 26 with vrn/ warm 2 26, 4 56 6 10 1 26 [ EF 10th Sunday after Trinity. 3 52: 6 22 7 36, 2 52 ! ' 28 [9 in perihelion. 5 6 7 36 8 50 4 6 l| : 29 days and 6 3 8 33 9 47, 5 3 j 30 cool nights. 6 oO 9 20 10 34 5 50 1 31 Hiirh tides. Warmer. ' 7 30 10 Oil 14 6 30 !| •20 AUGUST begins on Friday. 18.16. 5 First Qunrtt-r. sth d., Mi. «m. in tlio iiftcnuKiii. licuiinK Hinith. O Full Moun. liith (I., 111. 4iim. in t\\<- iiiorninx, houriiit; wmtli. (J Li.-.t Qu ii-tcr. ^-d cl., 41i. r).;iii. in ilic ivlU'i ikioii, In low (lie horizon. # i\fW .MooU, Wlh (.!., Gil. oitni. in tiiu mornint;, iR-iiiing Days of the <!5'ti npiwr lilUl). Ler f © Slow of 0's rliii (Ic- .'it'n d pliice. d Suutli. p Week. 4 S»'.«i. 46 SctH. 7 27 DajH. Clo<k. Si J ilh. 1 Friday. 14 41 6 17 55 8 A. 50 2 Saturday. 4 47 7 25 14 38 5 56 17 40 8 26 ^ 1 36 3 SUNDAY. 4 48 7 23 14 35 5 52 17 20 8 52 tnj 2 18 4 Monday. 4 50 7 22 14 32 5 47 il7 8 9 18 ■njj 2 58 5 Tuesday. 4 51 7 20 14 29 5 41 !l6 52 9 44 j-v 3 37 6 Wednesday. 4 52 7 19 14 27 5 35 16 36 10 10 -TL 4 16 7 Thursday. 4 53 7 17 14 24 5 28 16 19 10 36 ^l 4 56 8 Friday. 4 54 7 16 14 22 5 20 16 2 11 2 in 5 39 9 Saturday. 4 55 7 15 14 20 6 12,15 45 11 28 ^ 6 25 10 SUNDAY. 4 56 7 13 14 17 5 3 15 27 11 55 f 7 15 11 Monday. 4 58 7 11 14 13 4 54^15 9 morn. t 8 10 12 Tuesday. 4 50 7 10 14 11 4 4414 51 45 V? 9 8 13 W^ednesday. 5 7 8 14 8 4 33 14 33 1 41 Vf . 10 8 14 Thursday. 5 1 7 7 14 6 4 22 14 14 2 37 11 8 15 Friday. 5 2 7 5 14 3 4 11 13 56 3 33 morn. 16 Saturday. 5 4 7 4 14 3 58 13 37 rises. K 5 17 SUNDAY. 5 5 7 2 13 57 3 46 13 18 8 23 X 59 18 Monday. 5 6 7 13 54 3 33 12 58 8 53 Of 1 51 19 Tuesday. 5 7 6 59 13 52 3 19 12 39 9 23 r 2 41 20 Wednesday. 5 8 6 57 13 49 3 5 12 19 9 52 H 3 31 21 Thursday. 5 9 6 55 13 46 2 60 11 59 10 22; H 4 22 22 Friday. 5 11 6 54 13 43 2 35 11 39| 10 53! n 5 15 23 Saturday. 5 12 6 52 13 40 2 20 11 18: 11 19,' n 6 11 24 SUNDAY. 5 13 6 50 13 37 2 4 10 58' morn. n 7 8 25 Monday. 5 14 6 48 13 34 1 48 10 37 5! iLo 8 36 26 Tuesday. 5 15 6 47 13 32 1 31 10 16 59! 9-6 9 3 27 Wednesday. 5 16 6 45| 13 29 1 14 9 55 2 4j I 9 56 28 Thursday. 5 18 6 43 13 25 57 9 34 3 8 10 46 29 Friday. 5 19 6 42 13 23 39 9 13 4 12 "^ 11 32 30 Saturday, 5 20 6 40 13 20 21 8 51 sets. T1)J A. 15 31 SUNDAY. 5 21, 6 38 13 17 3 8 29; 7 14 m ! 56 The column of the moon's southing gives the time of high water at Parrsboro', Cornwallis, Horton, Hantsport, Windsor, Newport, Truro, &c. The true test of ability in farming, all tlio world over, is tlie greatest amount of success in the mnnagenient of those two practical antipodes, coxt and result. A niau who may raise enormous crops at a cost of ten tim.'s all that crops will repay — or who may compel liis farm lalwrers, however industrious and efficient they may be, to work without tools, or at best, to lioe his corn with a garden trowel, or to water his cattle in an egg shell — would bo set down as decidedly n bad manager. On the contrary, the farmer who applies his means in the best possible manner to obtain tho greatest amount of results, whether by enriching his land ultimately, or increasing its immediate products — who turns all the currents of wastes into profitable channels — sliows that tho touch of his hand is that of a ma-ster, and that he pos.«esseH tho triw philosopher's stone, whic h turns all his applied energies into gold. There are other very iiniiortaut requisites iu frood farniiu;?. but they are all accomplished with an in- crease of expeniliture and labor. Manuring is a most powerful means for improve- n»eut. Under draining has wrought wonderful results, but the cost is always a large item ; and the same may be said of duvp 4)loughiug and subsoiling. // /^ • %. ^ V is.'se. >ntli. til. Iioiizon. C's Sutitli. 6j -njj £v 6 1 VI 18! rr{ t t 11 A. 50 1 30 /^l^ J^cx^ 0^^ J^ {%^^^^ o<Cc^ f^^ 6 25 7 15 8 10 X jmorn IjSUjc ioU!. ^^/^ ^^^- IfMgxX ^'tV^', 59 1 51 2 41 3 31 4 22 5 15 6 11 I 7 8 8 3G 9 3 U^ ^ A. 15 i • i SI 2. /c^ /- Ci4^ 7 (^ / r««. liph water at t, Truro, &o.' test amount of •emU. A nuiu s will repay — t thoy may be, 3l, or to water ager. On the * to obtain tho or increaKiiig able channels esses tho true lere aro othor !(! with an in- f for iniprovi'- Iwaya a laige LlA^>^ *K u>7 <^^****^ ^2 a^^et-'^C^:^ 2f ' .^.*we^^ '^(^^J €' ^ /^*-^ ^ -L2tzx::=> \ Sill T)>il >k|fjl \ V*' 1:' MviJ -. i,^ N V MA Mil .•%. *.' /.^ ?=^ • t • n ^■' ^ Siimuier. Thi> principal PlanelB. 9 V I 111 Vl'llUH, .. .M.irH ./iipitor, . HiUiii'ii, .. rniiiiiM, . »•••••• ilvtiu <iiii<! (ir truusit or I jVUGIlSi ai days. Int AuKUst. 21 M.irid. IXiltht Asri'ii. II. M. 1 1 HI M. 20 A. f. 11 A. :t .'.ft M. U.V) M. ») 4» M. Drrliiia- tl»n. II. u. H. - I II 8 I'i 21 2111 MN. » 1 46 l»i i:j f.7 \. i;j O.i 2 12 3£)i,.2 S. » atl o| 2 17 2it N. .3ft 12122 30 f.K N. li 20 41|lK4ia2N. .T 20 M. 1 C9 6 22 46 M N. 16th August. Merid. l{|;<ht Anl'cu« Dtrlllift. tioll. III. M. ;!0 A. 3H A. 4 4S A. 2 6'J M. 9 7 M. & 6 M . 2 25 M. H. M. P. • « " l(» f4'ia 2.T :J7 X. 10 10 1 1 2 (.0 44 N. 14 24 as K. ai IS .^. .'!4 22 2 2 4a .V. ft 4a 2 22 25 5 N. a »0 44 IS 45 11 N. 1 69 C 22 4ft 68 N. 1 a o *-t f<( o >-> a Q 1 2 EF 4 6 6 7 8 9 EF 11 12 13 14 15 1« EF 18 19 20 21 22 23 EF 25 26 27 28 29 30 EF SUNDAYS, WEATnER, AN- IflVEIlSAIlIiCS, &o. Lamma.s Day. Hiirh [ti(]e.«». Hot and 1 1th Sun. aft. Trinity. sultinj. Tna tinstuaed in Kna:., ICfiG. <r apof^ee. Pleasant Pr. Alfred b, 1844. and Low tides. cooler. ^ in Slip. (5 O. Sweaborg t. '55. 12tli Sunday after Trinity. Dog-days end. Rnnarknhbf fine, ^ « with pleasant km. B. V. Maty. High tides. ^ ($ 9 • showers. 13th Sunday after Trinity. <Z perigee. ? gr. Hel. Lat. N. 216<1- Still continues pleasant, loith clear Low tides. warm days, and cool 14th Sunday after Trinity. 116<L- [St. Bartholomew. Pr. Albert b., 1819. evenings. St. Augustin. Perhaps St. John Bapt. beheaded. High 9 ($ C • ftide.?. some 15th Sunday after friiiity. rain. High Wator. moan time, at 8 8 9 9 40! I 8 38! 10 10 10 42 11 18 morn. 5 1 2 2 19 3 45 5 1 6 1 6 50 7 34 8 12 8 51] 9 27: 10 5 10 47 11 37 A. 43 2 8 3 40 4 56 5 50 6 33 7 9 7 4l! 8 10 i * . ^r ~ D *' z o.a V2C^ 13 B"3 ■A a «* T © Ti g=^ U Pic 10 36 11 50 11 10 morn. 11 38 24 morn. 52 8 1 22 40 1 54 1 12 2 26 1 48 3 2 2 35 3 49 3 32 4 46 4 49 6 3 6 15 7 29 7 31 8 45 8 31 9 45 9 20 10 34 10 4 11 18 10 42 11 56 11 21 A. 35 11 57 1 11 A. 35 1 49 1 17 2 31 2 7 3 21 3 13 4 27 4 m 5 52 6 10 7 24 7 26 8 40 8 20 9 44 9 3 10 17 if 7 7 8 6 40 8 8 38 9 10 8 27 9 5 9 47 10 37 11 43 9 39 10 11 10 50 10 53| 11 251 morn.' 8 40 56 50 33 9 41 10 9 42 10 18 11 5 morn. 2 1 19 2 45 4 1 5 1 5 50 6 34 7 12 7 51 «M ill '% 22 SEPIEMBER bcfflns on Monday. 1856* P First Quarter, Til: (1.. lUi. 42ni. in tin? luonrmi^. boiiring o;i8t. O l-'ull M<i"i). lltii il., ill). o4iii. in llir iiinriiiiiir. lid >w tin; ln'iizon. (I Lust QuiirtiT. iJlst d., 111. oliii. in lliu mniuii:!;, liL-;iiiiiy; A New ML...I1, -JStli il., nil. oLlui. in the ultLrniton, bulow the Lorizon. I—! Days of the ^X" Length of Fiust of olin (1,- it'ii c fl's plaoi;. d Q Week. ,^. •sc's. ! Sots. Days. Clu ck. Soiilh. 1 Monday. 5 22'6 36 13 14 15 8 8 7 38 -TV 1 36 2 Tuesday. 5 246 34 13 10 34 7- 46 8 2 ■ru 2 14 3 Wednesday. 5 25 6 33 13 8 53 7 24 8 35 m 2 53 4 Thursday. 5 276 31,13 5 1 12 7 1 9 5 n 3 35 5 Fritlay. 5 286 29 13 2 1 32 6 39 9 37 ^ 4 19 6 Saturday. 5 296 27 12 59 1 52 6 17 10 10 t 5 7 7 SUNDAY. 5 31 '6 2.J 12 56 2 12 5 54 10 43 t 5 58 8 Monday. 5 32 6 23 12 52 33 5 32 11 15 y} 6 54 9 Tuesday. 5 32 6 22 12 50 2 53 5 9 11 46 V? 7 52 10 Wednesday, io 33; 6 20 12 47 3 14 4 46 morn. 8 50 11 Thursday. 5 34 6 18 12 44 3 35 4 23 58 -K? 9 48 12 Friday. 5 35 6 16 12 41 3 56 4 2 13 10 43 131 Saturday. :o 36 6 14 12 38 4 17 3 37 3 29 .^ 11 37 14 SUNDAY. \5 38 6 12 12 34 4 38 3 14 rises. K morn. 15 Monday. 5 39 6 10 12 31 4 59 2 51 7 10 r A. 28 16 Tuesday. 5 40 6 8 12 28 5 20 2 28 7 51 r 1 20 17 Wednesday. 5 41 6 7 12 26 5 42 2 5 8 32 H 2 12 18 Tliursday. 5 42 6 5 12 23 6 3 1 42 9 13 s 3 6 19 Friday. 5 43 6 3 12 20 6 24 1 18 9 54 n 4 3 20 Saturday. 5 446 M2 17 6 45 55 10 35 n 5 1 21 SUNDAY. 5 45 5 59 12 14 7 6 32 11 16 ^ 6 22 Monday. 5 46 5 57 12 11 7 27 s. 811 57 £5 6 58 23 Tuesday. 5 47 5 55 12 8 7 48 N. 14 morn. ^. 7 53 24 Wednesday. 5 48 5 53 12 5 8 8 38 52 ^l 8 44 25 Thursday. 5 49 5 51 12 2 8 29 1 1 1 59 ^, 9 31 26 Friday. 5 50 5 49 11 59 8 49 1 25 3 6 ^ 10 14 27 Saturday. 5 51 5 48 11 57 9 9 1 48 4,13 "^K 10-55 28 SUNDAY. 5 52 5 46 11 54 9 29 2 11 5 20 -ru 11 34 29 Monday. 5 53 5 44 11 51 9 48 2 35 sets. .r\. A. 13 30 Tuesday. 5 54 5 42 11 48,10 8 2 58 6 8 £1 52 The column of the moon's southing? p;ivcs the time of liigh water at Parrsboro', Cornwallis, Horton, Hantsport, Windsor, Newport, Truro, &c. There should be in every town, villKKC, or district, ti '* Farmers' Club," not consist- ing merely of a few of tho moro woiilthy, but of the entire body of farmers. This club should o^/n a lil)rary of agricultiiri'. consi8tln(? not only of the more popular class of a{!;rieulturiU publioations, but also of all the En;;lish and American .standard works on this .suWect. In this way a va,st amount of instruction and informatiuu might be derived, md the expense, wlum divided amonjx a largo number, would not be very considerable. This club should hold Iroijuent meetings, in which discussions on various topics, the communication of individual experience and the results of pri- vate reading, should form the distinctive feature. In other occupations men club together to maintain the position of their craft ; they call for tlie jirolection of their interests, and they tind n;eans to secure their ends. And wlion ovv farmers come to feel the truth of the remark which i>oliticians love to weave into their honeyed speech- es, that the '' bone and sinew" of the province lies in them, they will then go man- fully to the Legislative Asseml)ly for the riglits wliich have too long been intrusted to those who neither sow nor reap, nor gatlier into barns, but eat the fruits of others' labors. /s *l If 1856* TT -A filSt. mvizun. t' hoi'izou. plttCL'. South. Mtc/CctMyA <J»^L. . 38| £i: J5 6 1. 1 36 2 14 « 2 53 i 3 35 I 4 19 5 7 5 58 ,:l a 8 50 9 48 10 43 11 37 raorn. A. 28 1 20 2 12 3 6 4 3 5 1 6 6 58 7 53 8 44 9 31 10 14 10 •55- 11 34 A. 13 52 , ligh water at »," not consist- iirmors. This more popular ican staniliirtl il inforniatiou '•T, would not .'h iJisrussions I'OBults of pri- ns men club I'tion of thi'ir uiT.s coniu to leyed spoech- len Ro inari- "H intrusted lits of others' / J / 2U^ (2/PiJ\/L ^ Oy^t^^^^t^.^ <^^-^ cZiA^A^ ^-'t-V^ iC JX-/J 28 J ill sf- U^ «u ■XV.' .'^,^. r<A^^<.^e<^ UU4.„^^ ,/y ^^4^^ e^ tTJ^U^/L -?/' i.i/*"' cu J- ^u^uciju-iy;^ y \\ ^^c^^U d) c3 1 S:. ^^^4^^ ff I^O '^ ^^A^ 7 ^ Autumn. SEPTEMBER 30 days. 23 Tliu principal Planets. 5 1st September. Mcrld. Rifflit As'jfu. H. M. 1 10 A. Dccliua- tiuu. Men iiiv, 1 10 A. U 54 4 41 .31 N V.-nus, ' ' 45 A. 12 28 48; 4 50 19 N Mars 42:<A.a5 7 51S6124S, .Jiipin-r, 147M. 29 25 1 26 41 N Saturu, 8 7 M. 6 50 17 22 17 35 N rjnniiis 4 40 M. 3 31 8 18 40 30 N H. M. 8. ' ' '11 54 4 41 Mean tinio of transit of TV 4 2:< A. 1 47 M. 8 7 M. 4 40 M. 15 7 5 29 25 6 50 17 3 31 8 1 18 M. 1 59 G 22 47 2N. 15th September. Mend. ir. M. 1 24 A. 53 A. 4 A. 47 M. 7 17 M. 3 53 M IJiKht Asc'en. ir. M. 13 3 12 32 15 45 2;j 6 5-5 3 30 Dedina- ti(;n. s. • ' 8 43 2' 2 18 18 21 14 28i 46 6 22 11 43 18 44 13 S. IS.". 5(1 S. 7 N. 52 N. 67 N. 19 M. 1 59 6l22 47 4 N. o o m Q SUNDAYS, WEATHEB, AN- NIVEBSAKIES, &c. 1 ^ in ^. }V(.alhf.r changes, 2 <r apogee. Loinlon burnt; 1G66. 3 and becomes 4 colder^ with ^ $6^' appearance 6 of rain. EF 16th Sun. after Trinity. Low 8 Nat. B. V. Mary. [tides. 9 JVights become 1 colder, with 1 1 frost in 1 2 many places. 13 i^ in aphelion. EF 17th Sun. after Trinity. Very 1 5 <l perigee. [high tides, li) I Clears up pleasant, 17 j Ember Day. and grows 18 j^ (5 C- warmer. 19 Ember Day. 20 I Ember Day. Bat. Alma, 1854. EF 18th Sunday after Trinity. Low 22 ; ^ greatest elong. High [tides. @ enters :Di. Autumn com. winds, accompanied ivilh muc1\ Middling tides, rain, may now he looked for. 19th Sun. aft. Trin. 0ecl., invis. St. Michael. Michaelmas Day. [(£ apogee. High Water, mean time, at OD ,05 U o H gg o 8 39 9 6 9 10 35 8 10 44 11 28 morn. 25 1 48 3 4 5 20 41 42 6 30 7 7 13 50 8 27 9 5 9 45 10 30 11 22 A. 27 11 9 11 36 morn. 5 38 14 58 55 18 50 11 8 12 9 9 43 10 20 10 57 11 35 A. 15 a-3 .a c . It u: a o si 5'^ morn. 23 50 1 1 2 3 4 5 7 19 52 28 12 9 32 4 <^ a '«=a 39 6 52 15 31 25 r 1 1 2 4 5 7 7 52 57 22 45 1 55 8 25 9 26 10 14 10 57 11 34 A. 11 49 29 14 6 11 36 8 35 9 8 9 44 10 28 11 25 morn. 48 2 3 4 5 20 41 42 30 6 13 6 50 7 27 8 5 8 45 9 30 10 22 11 27 6 40 7 10 7 8 8 36 9 10 9 40 4010 10 7,10 37 6 59 8 15 9 9 9 50 10 24 10 54 11 24 11 51 A. 2 3 4 5 5 6 6 7 52 15 31 25 6 40 10 40 7 m ill H!4l .i.- !i / <y 24 * .1 OCTOBER begrlns on Wednesday. 1856. I ^ ^ ]> First Quarter, 7th tl., 11<. 2!im. in the morning, benring east. Q Full .Moon, ]3tli d., (ill. 45iii. in the iil'ternoon, bearing cant. a Last Qnarter, 20th d., IJi. 52m. in tho afternoon, boiiring west, a New Moon, 2Stli d., 6h. 40m. ju the afternoou, bearing west. 1^ Days of ihe ©'s upper limt). Lengtli of © Fast of clinat'u <r C's d c Week. Ilisc!*. 1 Soto. 5 58 5 40 Days. Clock. South. BUtS. place. South. 1 Wednesday. 42 10 27 3 21 6 31 1 33 2 Thursday. 5 59 5 38 39 10 46 3 45 7 7 in 2- 16 3 Friday. 6 5 37 37 U 4 4 8 7 43 t 3 2 4 Saturday. 6 2 5 35 33 11 22 4 31 8 19 t 3 52 5 SUNDAY. 6 3 5 33 30 11 40 4 54 8 55 t -.4 45 6 Monday. 6 4|5 31 '^ *■ 27|ll 57 5 17 9 31 V? 5 41 7 Tuesday. 6 65 29 11 23;i2 14 5 40 10 40 V? 6 38 8 Wednesday. 6 75 27 11 20 12 31 6 3 11 49 7 34 9 Thursday. 6 85 26 18 12 47 6 26 morn. 8 28 10 Friday. 6 9 5 24 15 13 3 6 49 1 K 9 21 11 Saturday. 6 10 5 22 .2 13 18 7 12 2 25 X 10 12 12 SUNDAY. 6 12 5 20 8 13 33 7 34 3 40 Y 11 4 13 Monday. 6 n 5 19 1 1 6 13 47 1^ 57 5 4 T 11 56 14 Tuesday. 6 14 5 18 4 14 1 8 19 rises. H morn. 15 Wednesday. 6 15 5 16 1 14 14 8 41 6 35 8 50 16 Thursday. 6 17 xi 10 57 14 27 9 3 V 26 n 1 47 17 Friday. 6 18 5 12 10 54 14 39 9 25 8 17 n 2 47 18 Saturday. 6 19 5 10 10 51 14 50 9 47 9 8 iLo 3 48 19 SUNDAY. 6 21 5 8 10 47 15 1 10 9 9 56 S 4 49 20 Monday. 6 22 5 7 10 45 15 11 10 31 10 48 5 47 21 Tuesday. 6 23 5 5 10 42 15 21 10 52 11 50 ^ 6 40 22 Wednesday. 6 25 5 3 10 38 15 30 n 13 morn. 7 29 23 Thursday. 6 26 5 1 10 35 15 38 11 34 57 »•)? 8 13 24 Friday. 6 27 5 10 33 15 45 11 55 1 59 "n 8 57 25 Saturilay. 6 29 4 59 10 30 15 52 12 16 3 1 j~\. 9 34 26 SUNDAY. 6 30 4 57,10 27 15 58 12 37 4 3 j-\. 10 13 27 Monday. 6 31 4 56 10 25 16 3 12 57 5 6 j^ 10 52 28 Tuesday. 6 33 4 54'l0 21 16 7 113 17 sets. TT( 11 32 29 Wednesday. 6 34 4 53 10 19 16 11 13 37 4 55 >n A. 13 30 Thursday. 6 36 4 51 10 15 16 14 13 57 5 29 t 1 31 Friday. 6 37 4 50 10 13 16 16 114 16 6 3 t 1 50 ^.^ The column of the moon's southing gives the time of hi^ water at Parrsboro', flornwallis, Horton, Hantsport, Windsor, Newport, Truro, &c. The farmer now realizes the reward of his toil, labor, and attention. He is ready to burat into song.s of gratitude to Uim '' who causes bread to spring out of the earth, and who loads all with blessings." Is it not labor that makes a man happy? 'Would not the soul, for want of exertion, become enfeebled and enervated? Society would, indeed, be in a wretched state. Then move on, and crowd your garners with the golden ears ; till your cellars and bins to tho brim ; gather in the fruits of your gar- duns and your orchards; let nothing be wasted or lost. Leave not your tools in tho field, as the manner of some is, who do business without system or order. Your good wife is, no doubt, engaged in doors, iind understands her business — industrious, care-taking, active and obliging. There is nothing better for a fai-mer than a good wife. Much of the success, prosperity, and comfort of every farmer depends upon the managemout of his in-door concprns by his wife. If we look around us, we shall soo that wherever there is a wife of the right s^amp, if thi husband possesses ordinary ability and industry, they will be prosi)erous. 6. M C^ «^ 'a J 1856. St. place, South. 8 '^y '^ 1 .4 '^^~tt*u- ^ /, ^- ,/r/ c/o^ JZ Jd^l 7 34 8 28 9 21 10 12 h water at rruro, &c. :Ie is ready if the eaitli, j* py? ■Would iety would, 3 with the ' your gur- 3ols in tho Your good idustrious, lan a good s upon the ■e shall spo s ordiaiiry \ ^ Jo {j^j <A ly.T^CJty yJcr^ jOay^l ^u^ . ^^ = ' /^ ' (Mi^ ^ a^ft^ /yo-^ ^ ^ /I t> JP Ul. ua^ %J'1' /htJif a^t^ /^ 0^^ oaJ // ^u^^ ^^ ^*^c^ ^1*'V //^Ji^J^n^y As^ C^'^Ca/^J. f k "H ^4- J/^ Auti MoarJ rt ^' > '/ ^ -^tv^r. .: ■> Autumn. OITOIJER 31 (lays. 2p let October. i 15th October. T!lO 1.1 !ui:ii)al Plaacts. Moiid. l^idit A.-.TIJ. Di^li;ia- li'JU. 1 j yiL-rid. Ki,;r,t A.Sfon. D<vliiia- tiou. n. M. ' B. sr. s. ( (/ in. M. n. M. I;. • 1 II ^ Mcintrvi 1 11 A.w. iV) .I'.i ir).^i;u.'! p. i 1 A. i;{ 37 1.? 12 14 34 S. 'IiUM, .., • 1 :! A. ]:{ •!.■) :M0].n4') S. ^,ii>^^ A. 11) -M 1^ 'j:; 22 ."O H. 1 1 14 A. i .".It A. 14 51 4S 1G;!2 11 s. UN 17 15 57 24 .32 18 .S. \\ Ti nitpiti'v, 11. T2 A. : 1.^ 42 ■! .M S. ;lo;;i) A. 1) 9 10 4O 4S. 1 turn, •••... OW .M. r)9 22 f. 4ii X. 2 49 )l.' 3 21' 2S 18 4ll 2tj N. ! 5 2.5 M. 1 52 M . 10 21 A. i , V 1 5 :? 27 47 22 4 15 S. 1'<.''.4 24N. -anuH Mcar. timo of transit of 11 10 A. 1 50 7 22 47 7 N; 1 1 59 8 22 47 ON. j High Water, mean time, at 1 ^ H oi3 •f © ^ SUNDATS, WEATHEB, AN- CO Q ■ i?1 o NrVEBSAEIES, &c. ',^, ^"1 So m g a c & -. •5 3 r-i 1 C4 C "" >^<a Q 1 a P^ -<^ •M 1 Cold 8 37 11 7 morn. 7 37 1 2 Middling tides. 9 8 11 ss 21 8 8 3 and bliKleri><!X 9 41 rnorn. 62 8 41 ; ! 4 ^ (^ 9 . xveothcr. 10 23 11 1 55 9 23 EF 2Ulli Sua. aft. Trinity. 11 7 53 2 7 10 7 6 Low tides. morn. 1 37 2 51 11 6 7 Cold, frosty ?i ?>/(?.?. 2 3G 3 50 morn. 8 St. Denis. IHirh 1 2-1 3 54 4 8 24 9 winds and 2 49 5 19 6 33 1 49 10 considerable 4 10 G 40 7 54 3 10 11 Colunsbus discov. Ainoiic;i, 14f)2. 5 14 7 44 8 58 4 14 EF 21st Sun. aft. Trinity. 216<L- (3 4 8 34 9 48 5 4 13 <C per. High tides. Q eclipsed i G 47 9 17 10 31 5 47 14 ipaitiai. rain. 7 27 9 57 11 11 6 27 15 Coniinues 8 G 10 36 11 50 7 G 16 '^ 6(L. rather 8 48 11 18 A. 32 7 48 17 unpleasemt. 9 31 A. 1 1 15 8 31 ■ 1-8 St. Luke. 10 19 49 2 3 9 19 EF 22d Sun. aft. Trinity. h6<L- 11 12 1 42 2 5G 10 12 ; 20 Low tides. A. 12 2 42 3 56,11 12 21 Chancres 1 25 3 55 5 9 A. 25 22 and hecomea 2 42 5 12 6 26 1 42 23 very pleasant. 3 49 6 19 7 33 2 49 24 ^ in perihelion. 4 49 7 19 8 33 3 49 < 25 St. Crispin. Bat. Balaklava, 18.54. 5 28 7 58 9 12 4 28 EF 23d Sun. after Trinitv. ^ slat. (J 5 8 35 9 49 5 5 1 27 (£ apogee. Look oid 6 37 9 7 10 21 5 37 28 High tides. St. Simon 7 9 9 39 10 53 6 9 29 [and St. Jutle. 7 41 10 11 11 25 G 41 30 for sonve 8 13 10 43 11 57 7 13 11 31 Allhallows' Eve. snowJ 8 49 11 19'morn.l 7 49 1 / ill I 1^ 2& I^OYl^illRER bcffins on Katurday* 1856. > Kiwt (iuartcr. 5lh d.. Ih. Knu in tl'o iifU'rnouP, l>(.'iiiiiiQ[ ea'it. (( Irfist (iiiMrtur. I'.tSli (I.. (.Ii. r.'m. in tli<' iiinrniii,;;. Iniuiii;; riiuith. m iNew Mouii, •JTtil (I,. Mil. 4tlm. in tin.- lU.Muiii; ,, luMrili;;' ^uulli. Days ef the Week. (3j>'s n|)per ' linil>-. lUscs. Si't.-i. J 2 3 4 6 7 8 lOl Hi 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Satu-rday. SUNDAY. ]Vk>n<}«y. Tiiesi^ay. Wednesday.- Thursday. Friday. Saturday. SUNDAY. Monday. Tuesday. Wednesday. Thursday. Friday. Saturday. SUNDAY. Monday, Tuesday. Wednesday. Thursday. Friday. Saturday. SUNDAY. Monday. Tuesday. Wednesday. Thursday. Friday. Saturday. SUNDAY. fr 3« 't 48 6- 40 4 47 «• 41 4 46 6 42 4 4& fr 44 4 4a 6 45 4 42 6 46 4 41 6- 4»4 40 6 4t> 4 39 6 51 4 6 52 4 6 53 4 36 6 55 4 35 6 56 4 34 6 57 4 33 6 59 4 32 4 31 1 4 30 34 lit' I Divys. I 10 10 Q FttHt 0'8 tUi-l of iliuiifa: (I sets. 10 10 10 9 7 5 59 38 37 29 4 4 28' 5 4 27 7 4 26 8 4 25 : 9 4 24 10 4 23 11 4 22 13 4 21, 14 4 20 15 4 19 16 4 18 9 57 9 55 9 50 9 47 9 45 9 43 9 40 9 38' 9 36 9 33 9 31 9 29 9 26 9 24 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 22 19 17 15 13 11 8 6 4 2 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 14 14 14 14 14 13 13 13 13 12 12 12 11 11 10 57 18- IT 16- 14 12" 8 4 59 53 46 38 30 20 10 59 47 34 20 6 51 34 1» 41 22 2 41 20 58 14 36> 14 55 15 15 15 1& 16 16 17 17 17 17 18 18 32 50 8 26 43 1 17 34 50 6 e 57 7 3» 8 3& 9 40 10 43t ::f naonvl yi 1'8 pliice. South. 18 37 18 52 2 3£ 1 22 K 2 42 Of 3 55 Cf 5 8 8 nses. H 5 41 u 6 42 u 7 43 Sio 19 19 19 19 20 20 20 20 20 21 21 21 21 21 7 21 35 49 2 15 28 40 51 3 14 24 35 44 8 45! 9 47: SI 10 49, SI 11 50; ITI^ morn.! ttjj 1 TTIJ 2 1 :Ch 3 4 5 j-\. 4, VI 5: v\ 6 6 T»x sets. ! f 4 40' f 5 37 VJ 35 "V5 The column of tlio moon's Povitliin<^ gives the time of hi,f;h water at Parrsboro', Cornwallis, Horton, Hantsport, Windsor, Newport, Truro, Ike. 4 ,//« // The improyemont of tlio soil in one preat ol'joct to lii> attained by tlie kimhI farmer. All the fertilizing substanci'S within Iiis roach will t>e duiotoil to this i>uri)ose. in-» order toincrease the present quantity of his froi)s. and to insure u greater fertility of soil for the future. Annually remii\ins thr [iroduotii lis of tlu> .soil jiroves ex- hausting, and in time would render the soil Ikutcu. It is the duty of all that culti- vate the earth so to direct their la'iors that all the fcrtiliziuji- elements whieh they m take from the eaikh shall be letunied to it airain, that the soil be ncitiier ••barren * nor uufruitfiil.'" That tluvu arc many who take an ojiimsite C' ursc is nut to be de- nied. Till' precept. •• Kei^p what vuu have !i;:d i^ct what you enn." is as effectually obeyed in ilireeting the labors of tluir I'lxnns as in tluir trailie with their fellow-nicn. But thouj;h the iinprovenient of tlie soil is reeicoued of tile lirst importance, the im- provement of the farm in otlicr ies|ii'ct.s sle i.ld oertaiuiy not be mj.; lee ted. 'the judicious nud enterprisiuir firmer will see where improvemcuts should be made, and be will Bee that they are made. 1856. vest. -^ >? 'V J 2 27 I water at riiro, &c. 'x^l farmer, iiirjM)se, iir 'r fertiliiy irovfs ex- j tluit culf r llkll t!lL'V J -M/^/ -^ llow-iiirn. I I', tliu iiii- 1 lade, iiud ' ..^ ^ ii i^yyvA^ /:Z^ ^ /n-z-t^^' £z:^n^ Ji^ ^oICk, ^JpC eJ^/S €1^1.^ d^ (^€^ (^?u^H^ J^/i/X^ 4}^ i/f^fM Aiitl TlK y^ Meail % I '"^^ ^^ Autumn. IKOVEHKi: K 30 aber. (lays. I' '-27 • 1 Tho iiriiiripal rianctH. lat Noven — ' 15th Novombor. Miri.l. U p-ht A.-^ix'ii. tiuii. McriJ. IMu-lit i P.^-lina- ' Asci'li. i ticill. 1 1 » 1 1 n. M. ir. M. t<. » ( II II. M. II. M. H. * ' " 1 5 Mercury 10 .••>.-. .M. i;i III i;: () ;j :!'j s. ' 10 r.l M. 14 :!o JUII! 15:5.", *<. , ! V Villus \ .".:? A. Ui i: :i;; ■2\l 1:i 1!) s. 1 (■):( A. 1; ;;2 H Jl422t5 s. 1 (f Marn a-JT A. 18 11 14 •J4 iVi :;;, s. ;) is A. IS .'.7 41 2i i;j44 S, 1 '^ •'" niftT !) 17 A. '2 5!i 4 IS M. 7 1 L>.-. 1 -l-l M .-i. ■22 4 14 N. 18 25 6X. 8 lo A. 3 22 M . 11 41 A. 111 1 ;;7 28 s, (; fill I'll 22 « .vi .V. ' a 22 .M IH ic. .•11 x. lll'll • . , . , aillia luio (if transit of 43 JI. 3 25 i:i Mean t 9 14 A. 1 69 7 •22 47 10 N. 8 19 A. 1 1 1 59 8;22 47 11 N. 1 ; Month. High Wit er, moan time, at j 1 V I5 i 0) •5 SUNDAYS, WEATHER, AN- NIVERSARIES, &o. .9 T.-3 '>4 o m >-» i s o 3 -5 3 1"^ 1 Q » 1 a -<» 1 All Saint's Day. Fine, bracimr- 9 27 11 57, morn. 8 27 ( EF 24th Sun. aft. Trin. All Souls'. 10 8 morn. 11 9 8 ii 3 _ >^ greatest along. 10 55 38} 1 52 9 55 ; i ' 4 cool weather. 11 50 1 25| 2 39 10 50 1 5 Gunpowder Plot, 1605. Bat. of !morn. 2 20' 3 54 11 55 6 Low tides, flnkermaun, 1854 55 3 25 4 39 morn. , . ;t 7 Blustering tvinds, 2 13 4 43' 5 57 1 13 l: 8 7/ / <r • find cold, 3 33 6 3 7 17 2 33 1* EF 25tli Sunday after Trinity. 4 39 7 9 8 23 3 39 . ]' 10 [Princeof Wales born, 1841. 5 44 8 14 9 28 4 44 \ 1 11 <r periiree. accompanied 6 21 8 51 10 4 5 21 12 i Very hii^h tides. 7 5 9 35 10 49 G 5 , 13 prohabUj tcith 7 49 10 19,11 33 6 49 ! ''- 14 snow, hnil, 8 34 11 4' A. 18 7 34 i ! 15 sleet, and 9 10 11 40| 54 8 10 ' f ; EF j26th Sunday after Trinity. rain.'lO 6 'A. 36 1 50 9 6 1 1 17 9 in aphelidu. [T^c^d. 10 54 ; 1 24 2 38 9 54 1 18 Jl rrreatest Hel. Lat. S. 11 45 [ 2 15' 3 29 10 45 19 Low tides. A. 41 i 3 11; 4 25 11 41 i 1 20 More rain. 1 43 1 4 13 5 27 A. 43 1 21 Princess royal born, 1840. 2 45 ' 5 15 6 29 1 45 ; \ 22 Continves 3 48 G 18 7 32 2 48 ; EF 27th Sunday after Trinity. 4 41 : 7 118 25 3 41 ! i 24 Jil Stat. f<r apoiree. uniilcasant, 5 24 i 7 54 9 8 4 24 ' ! 25 6 4! 8 34' 9 48 5 4 i 2(5 wilhJhUinor G 41 9 11 10 25 5 41 ! 1 2^ Hiirh tides. wenther 7 IS 9 48 11 2 6 18 28 $.in ^. to the end 7 57 10 27 11 41 G 57 i i 29 of the month. 8 CG 11 6 morn. 7 36 ' EF 1st Sun. in Adv. St. Axduew. 9 16 11 4G: 20 8 16 1 mm^ 28 l>K< r:iUUi:ii bo^iuM oh Monday. 1S;^6. I ■ 1 3) I'ii-t (Jiiiiitr-r, -llli il. nil. l-in. in llic ;it'tt>riin<'n. liciiiiuK west. (J lull Mil, n. llili li.. ;ili. -Mil. in tli • aric'rii"iiii. liciuuu I'.i"'. (( l„i/<t (flatter. I.illi il.. ^li. :i tin. in lln' innriiu,;;. li' minic I'list. A New Muua, -7th d., ih. OKui. in Uit^ nupiiiing, bulmv Ihi' Imrizon. Diiys ol" ilie Week. 0"s npiHT Mini). Loiigtli of Daya. i Q'O'H (1... uf I'lillllt II Clock. South. Buta. (T'H plucc. South. Q Klm-N. 7 17 ma. 4 21 1 MoiidiiV'. 9 4 10 35 21 54 7 24 3 22 A* 'I'lU'sdiiy. 7 18 4 21 9 3 10 12 22 3 8 31 A4V •** 4 16 3 Wcdiiffiday. 7 20 4 21 9 1 !> 48 22 11 9 52 5 7 4 'riiiiisday. 7 21 4 21 9 » 24 22 19 11 6 X 5 56 5 Fridiiv. 7 22 4 20 8 59 8 59 22 27 morn. K 6 43 6 8jitiirdiiv. 7 23 4 20 8 57 8 33 22 34 22 T 7 31 7 SUNDAY. 7 24 4 20 8 56 8 7 22 41 1 38 T 8 20 8 jNloiiiliiy. 7 25 4 20 8 55 7 41 22 47 2 54 y 9 12 9 Tuesday. 7 27 4 20 8 54 7 14 22 53 4 14 § 10 8 10 Wednesday. 7 27 4 20 8 63 6 47 22 58 5 30 n 11 8 11 Thursday. 7 28 4 20 8 53 6 19 23 3 rises. n morn. 12 Friday. 7 29 4 20 8 52 5 5]|23 8 4 40 225 11 13 Satiirdav\ 7 30 4 20 8 51 5 22 23 12 5 55 9o 1 14 14 SUNDAY. 7 31 4 20 8 50 4 54 23 15 7 10 2 14 15 Monday. 7 31 4 20 8 49 4 25 23 18 8 25 ^L 3 10 16 Tuesday. 7 32 4 21 8 49 3 55 23 21 9 40 bb 4 1 17 Wedne.sday. 7 32 4 21 8 49 3 26 23 23 10 55 ■nv 4 46 18 Thur.sday. 7 33 4 21 8 48 2 56 23 25 morn. ^ 5 29 19 Friday. 7 33 4 22 8 48 2 27 23 26 2 rr\ 6 9 20 Saturday. 7 34 4 22 8 48 1 57 23 27 69 .r\. 6 47 21 SUNDAY. 7 34 4 23 8 48 1 27 23 27 2 1 n 7 27 22 Monday. 7 35 4 23 8 48 57 23 27 3 3 TH 8 7 23 Tuesday. 7 36 4 24 8 48 F. 26 23 26 4 6 ■^ 8 51 24 Wednesday. 7 36 4 24 8 49 S. 3 23 25 5 7 f 9 38 25 Thursday. 7 37 4 25' 8 49 33 23 24 6 12 t 10 28 26 Friday. 7 37 4 26 8 49 1 2 23 21 7 14 V? 11 22 27 Saturday. 7 37 4 27 8 50 1 32 23 19 sets. V? A. 19 28 SUNDAY. 7 37 4 27 8 50 2 2 23 16 5 16 V? 1 16 29 INIonday. 7 37 4 28 8 51 o 31 23 12 6 31 2 11 30 Tuesday. 7 37 4 29 8 52 3 23 9 7 46 3 4 31 Wednesday. 7 37 4 29 8 52 3 29 23 4 9 K 3 54 Ig^ The column of the moon's southin<]f pivcs the time of hiph water at rarr^boro',Cornwallis, Horton, Hautsport, \Vindsor, Newport, Truro, &c. Srcii preparations for winter as have not already been made sliould bo attended to without deiii}-. Doine.stic animals should he provided withcomluitablu sliel er. This is a duty enl'orced by the obliiratioua of huniauity. as well as a matter of policy iii a pecuniary view. Animals should bo kept dry in winter. Farmers that have not al- ready suitable buildings for their stock may readily make those which will serve for a while. Sheds for sheep may be made of boards, rails, or pole.<<. If the latter are used, they may be thatched with straw; they will afford good protectiou. Sleds should bo got ready for use at a minute's warninfc, for none can tell how soon the snow may come, and the first that falls of sufficient depth should lie improved. Imidements not ill use sliould be houscMl. Slock should not be pinched the fore part of the winter — it had better bo done the latter part of winter, as tliey will then have to he kept poor a less time. But with the t;eneral abuudanco of forage the last season, there will, with prop^jr economy, be no necessity of any stock suil'cring for food. ]S;)6. 'f, 'I'i/.'in, plttcc. Huuth U «8 3 22 4 Jf) 21 «!r 5 7 K 5 5fi X 13 'I Y 7 :n T 8 20 I y 9 12 8 |10 8 n u 8 n I morn. 11 <^ < * <- ^tX^-H^ Til water at Truro, ttc, attended to ''1 er. This l'"'ieyiii a liiue not nl- ill serve lor er are used, s shourd bo snow 1110 7 ntpli'iiierits tliowinfir to be kept Json, tJiero - c ^t/ 7^>-UC^^ J-trU^^ ^ t/e^ J^P<^ J-^i^^ 'e»^ / fLLo^ ^ J^^^^tAyu^'Ui^L /l^^ ^^ ^li^ ^^Z. ^ /nd Uc^ ^'^ eore^^^ ''ik c* Cy i u^u k^^^^ ^ /lO iufu^ j^^<^ "^^-"-^ ' lU'^ *■*-'-' .;:..:y . ^^-A— --^'^'^ \-2L . •^^ "^ 1 Winter. DECEIIiYeR 31 days. 29 i| 1 Tho principal riancti'. 1st December. i 1 16th December. 1 McriJ. ir^'iit Al-LUU. Dcliua- ' liou. ! 1 1 i 1 Mcrid. Ui^'lit Astun. DooHn.a- tii.n. 1 II. M. 1 U. M. S. ° 1 II 11. M. n. M. .s. " 1 II ir^t«-y H » Mcrciirv 11 2a M.ilO To 48 21 23 47 S. 8 A. 17 45 37 25 2 53 f<. { V V. 210 A. IS ns 41) 3 8 A. llO 60 40 24 :;s 10 S. 22 24 8 K. 1 2 :!;-. A. 2 6S A. 20 12 20 22 1 40 H. 20 ;i() ft 19 50 6kS. II H % .1, 7 16 A. i23 69 64 2 10 >f. 1 50 ;!4 1 34 17 8. 22 12 31 N. 24 A. 1 17 M. 2 li-i 1 14 IS S. tiini 52 -M 22 18 59 N. ,»i;W'iiiniH 10 30 A. 7 16 A. -20 10 18 6 4aN. 1 311 A. 5 18 5 17 59 1 N, 1 % iuic of transit of 1 59 8 22 47 12 N. j 21 A. 59 8 22 47 12 N. ' 1 1 o SUNDAYS, TVEATHER, AN- High Water, mean time at 1 OQ C-3 1 J<f/"»^»*-^^^.:Mj o ri NIVEBSAEIES, &c. .a 6.3 la 2 <^ a 1 ^ (5 d . Settles and becomes 9 57 morn. 55 8 57 ^1 2 colder, 10 42 27 1 41 9 42 ^B 3 with some 11 28 1 12 2 26 10 28 im 4 Low tides. snow. morn. 1 58 3 12 11 22 1 Im 5 Clear and 22 2 52 4 6|morn. {| mm G y 6(C- coW. 1 30 4 5 14 30 Wm FP^ J2(l Sunday in Advent. 2 44 5 14 6 28 1 44 ijm 8 iConcep. B. V. Mary, t^ in 3 59 6 29 7 43 2 59 ^m 9 \<Z peiiiroe. aphelion. 5 5 7 35 8 49 4 5 ■n 10 ' 5 in superior ($ Q. 6 1 8 31 9 45 5 1 Hf 11 Hiirh tides. Jlppearance 6 50 9 20 10 34 5 50 wm 12 ^ in perihelion. 7 39 10 9 11 23 6 39 B 13 i>2 (5 C- of snow. 8 22!lO 52!A. 6 7 22 ^E i FE i3d Sunday in Advent. 9 5 11 35 49 8 5 ■| ; lo Changeable., 9 48iA. 18 1 32 8 48 ^K i i<5 and not so 10 281 581 2 12! 9 28 11 SK 17 Ember Day. '11 9 1 39| 2 53 10 9 | ^P 18 pleasant.^ 11 53 2 23! 3 37 10 53 i K|- 19 Low tides. Ember Day. A. 39 3 9 4 23 11 39 J ■B 20 i Ember Day. 1 36 4 6 5 20 A. 36 1 mm FE '4th'Advent. St. Thomas. 2 38; 5 8 6 22 1 38 1 Hi 22 ©enters VJ. C apo. Winter 3 40, 6 lOJ 7 24 2 40 || ^K 23 ' (commences. 24 Christmas Eve. litcoincfi 4 43; 7 13 8 27 3 43 1 IH 5 32' 8 2 9 16 4 32 ^B j 25 CiiRisT.-MAs Day. colder, 6 17, 8 47 10 1 5 17 ? H 2t) St. Steplicn. lli^h tide^;. 7 1, 9 31 10 45 6 1 ^B 27 St. John Evanjrelist. 7 43 10 13 11 27 6 43 i ^B ' FE li^t Sundiiv after Christmas. 8 24 10 54 11 8 7 24 5 It ■ 2<> \^ 6(!i- it'>lh 9 4 1134 morn. 8 4 HI ?>0 9 (^ C . symploins of 9 44 morn.: 48 8 44 ^^^Hic .•;i : more snow. 10 23 14 1 28 9 23 30 MELCIIEU 8 FARMER 3 [1856. PROYINCE OF NOVA-SCOTIA. Lteuteiiatit-Govomor a?ul Co?nmn)i(Ier-in- Chief in and over the Pro- vince of Nova- Scotia and its Dependencies, His Excellency, Major- General, Siu JOIIX GASI'ARD LeMARCHANT, Kniffht, Knight Commander of the Orders of St. Ferdinaud and of Charles the Second of Si^aiji. Private Secretary, Rev. R. II. Bullock, M. A. EXECUTIVE COUNCIL. Hon. Michael Tobin, /'resident Legisiatii'c Council. Hon. James McNab, M. L. C, Receiver- General. Hon. Samuel Creelman, Financial Secrefari/. Hon. William A. Henry, M. P. P., Solicitor- Getiei'al. Hon. James McLcod, M. P. P. Hon. William Yoimg, M. P. P., Attorney- General, Hon. Lewis M. Wilkins, M. P. P., Provincial Secretary. Hon. Stephen Fulton. Clerk of the Council, Hon, L. M. Wilkins. Retired Members of the Council, reiaininfj their rank by Special Per- 7nission of Her Majesty. Hon. Cliarles Raraagc Prescott. Hon. Euos (yollins. Hon. Samuel Canard. Jlon. Sir Rupert 1). George, Bart., C. B. ]lon. James W. Johnston, M. P. P. Hun. Simon Bradstreet llobie. Hon. James B. I'niackc. Hon. Joseph Howe. ^;' « [1856. 186G.] i.US.K-KXCS.. 31 .^IIE LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL, 3TIA. ?r the Pro- Excpllency. RCHANT, I^'errliiifuid KkLcel Tobin, r^L E. C.) Prcddep.t, William lludolf, - - - .. Eobert MoUihou Cutler, John Morton, - - Hughlkll, _ - , - Stayley Brown, - - - - Mather Byies Almen, - - - Edwai'<l Kenny, _ - - Jemes Delap Karris, - Aflc'Eander Keith, _ - , Yv iJliam Anderson Black, - David O-ichtcn, - - - - Henry Gesncr Pineo, - - - , John lilea/er Fairbanks, , Janice McXab, J?eceiv-Gen'l, (M, E, , Jonathan McOully, - - - , WilJiam G rigor, - _ - - , William MeKeen, . - - , llichtcd A. McKcfiV-y, , Themas ¥j. Aj^hibald, , Anaeka. F. >Coaioan, - - - C.) IIai^ifaX. lunenbuhg. Gci'SnOBOUGH. KENTVn.LE. Halifax. Yakmouxh. Halifax. ^^ KEKr/ILLE. Halifax. PicToir. Wallace. Dautmouth. Haluak. MAEOt, C B. WlXBSOE. SffDN£.Y, .C. B. Clape. cial Per- Ten. 1 rchd.^teen WiEia, "D. D. John C. Halliburton, Eso. John W. E,itchie, Esq. Genflennan T'shur cf G-a I' 2!cd, J. J. Bawyoi', JEsq^. Moetcn^sff "bSLr. Joseph Skallish. J 32 BELCHEK 3 TAKMIill 3 [1856. HOUSE OF A.SSEMBIiY. [Elcctsd MAy 5.1 Speaker, \ AxiTArOLIS, AuiCH \T, Amherst, Aroyle, CoRN-WAIiUS, Clare, Falmoi'th, Granville, IIalisa:^, HoRTOX, liONDONDERRT, Liverpool, LuNENliURO, - Neavpout, Picrou, SiTELnrRNr, - Sydxey, C. 13., TRL'liO, "Windsor, Yarmouth, Laurington, - - *Alfred "Whitman, Esq. " *IIenry Martell, Esq. - «William W. lient, Esq* - *Johu Ilyder, Esq. * Samuel Chipman, Esq. - Maturiii Kobicliau, Esq. - *John G. Wade, lisq. - Ezra Churchill, Esq. - *Stephen S. Thome, Esq. - *Beiijamin "Weir and Jo)m Tobh), Efeit- - *Edward L. Brown, ^L D., Esq. Thomas T. Morrison, Esq. Matthew McLearn, Esq. Henry Bailey, Esq. William ('hambtrs, Esr;^. *IMartin I. Wilkins, Esq. *John I.ocko, Jr., Est;;. James McKeagney, Esq^ Hiram Hyde, Esq. *l[oii. Lewis M. Wilkins* Nathan Moses ^ Esq. llobert^lobertson, Esq. COUNTIES. Annapolis), - *Uon. James W. Jolmston. CoLCHESTKK, « Adams G. Archibald and *0. W. ^IcIiCnnan, Esqs. Cumberland, Chas. Tupper, M. I)., and Alex. McFarlane, Esqs. Capp. Breton, '^Jwu. James McLeod, M. E. C. GuYsnoRouGii, *Jno. I. ^Marshall and *Stewart Campbell, Esqs. Halifax, - *Jno. Esson and *Wm. Annand, Esqs. Hants, - *Ichabod Dimock and Francis It. Parker, Esqs. Inverness, - *J[on. Wm. Young and Peter Smyth, Esqs. King's, - Caleb B. Bill and Wm. B. Webster, ^L I)., Esq,?! LuNE-inrRO, - Geo. Geldert and Beivjamin Heinard, Esqs. PiCToxT, - Geo. McKenzie and Alex. C. McDonald, Esqs. IliciiMONB, - *Thomas H. Fuller, Esq. Qu33en's, - *Jno. Campbell and Edw. D. I>aVMOn, Esqs. SiiELRURNK, - Cornelius White, Esq. Sydnei', - *non. W. A. Henry, M. E. C, and J. McKinnon, Esq. Victoria, - *Hugh ^lun-ro, ajid Chas. J. Ci\mpb«ll> eqs. Yarmouth, - *Thomas Killan, Esq. DiOBY, - "*Francis Bournouf, Esq. TOWNSHIPS* Clerk, Henry C. Chaplain, llev. J. T, Es(|, Asist. Sci'ffeunt-at-Arms, I>. Twining ; Astst Twining, 1). I Cleric, Ales. JaaiP.?, Esq*. Scri/caiit-uf-Anvs, . Mcssenr/cr, ^ if ' M-\ 4 ! ^■ t : M si If aiv*3 markcii thus * were Jfeiubcrs of formar IIoui?e. [1856. ;' an, Esrjs. 'i lie, Escis. i'- ii;' i'sis. I i .SQS. ., Esq,3i SOS. I. on, Esq. s. Esqfj. » rs 18S&.] XXXANXCK. 33 BAURISTERS ANI> ATTORNEYS aiESII)E>TT IN KOVA-SCOT-TA. KirJKS. BarristcTd. Adnflttcd AtCi riicys. ^Hcgifionco, James S. Morse, Jbiqcs W. Nutting, William {Sterns, [Q. C :JJofu Jas. W. 3eliiis3.(?n, John Creif^hton, Q. C. WilU^.m Q. Sawcrs, Sam'l P. Fairbanks, Q.C. N5f;i*ni:cl W. \Vhilc, (Jeo. T.Solomon, [Q. C. Ho, I. Lewis M. Wilkins, B&aroii:h Murdocli, 1^)11. J. 13. ITjiiacke, Q. C. ("liarlos Twining, Alexander PriiaroseiB Charles 33. lloach, James Scott Tromain, John James Sawyer, (Vc'orge 11. Grassic, James S. Oavkc, [Q. C. Ifon.Wm, Yoinic'r A .G. , C^harles W. II. Harris, Chai-}<'s 13. Owen, Ilugli Hartsliorne, JiiRies A.. Dcnnison, llnbert 13. Dickson, Jy.iaes Stew«i<, Martin I. Wilkins, Ed w&vd II. Ilarringtou, Silas C. ^[orse, Harry King, n. c. l. Sfeplien H. Moore, I. O'C. Doyle, Q. C. Juhn C Halliburton, William. IL Keat iu<.'-, William Sutherland, Edward Uoach, Snow 1'. Freeman, Henry Fryor, Thomas B. Akins, John W. Ritchie, Silas L. Morse, Nepean Clarke, James 11. Smith, Archibald McQueen, And. M. Uniacke, D. c, L. llobert 13. Dickey, Donald N. McUueen, ill 1 2 3 iu 1 23 :i8 122 1 15 16 ;19 ! 9 14 I 5 H i 9 lis i28 il3 24 '2i ,23 125 Ui |23 23 123 ;22 28 i27 |27 27 27 '23 3 3 1 27 25 3 24 1 30 23 23 29 21 21 Octr., Octr,, April, Octr., A^il, Octr., A pril, April, April, July, July, April, April, July, Octr., Octr., Jany., April, Octr., Octr., Jany., Jany., July, Octr., Octr., Octr., Jany., Octr., Jany., Jany., Jany., Jany., July, Nov., Nov., May, July, Jany., May, Jany., May, Octr., July, July, Octr., Jany., Jany., SlGill 81023 8H 14 814 23 816 18 S17'22 818 15 818 16 821 19 822 9 822 U 823' 5 823 5 823 1^ 823 9 823 18 825 28 825 13 826 25 826 'Vi 827 23 827 24 827 24 827 24 827 24 827 24 828 22 828 23 829 23 829 27 829 22 829 22 829 22 829 28 829 28 830 5 830 28 83125 831 4 832 25 832 3 832 I 833 23 833 23 833 29 834 22 834 22 Octr., Octr., April, Oclr., As^itil, Octr., A:pi"i5, April, AjKil, July, July, April, April, July, Octr., Octr., Jany., April, Octr., ^^'i.^tr., Jany., Jany., Ju'r, Octr., Octr., Octr., Jany,, Octr., April, Jany., Jany., Jany., July, Octr., Octr., May, July, Jany,, May, Jany., May, Nov., July, July, Octr., Jany., Jany., 810'Amhetst. 8ie'Hs.lifa2C. 8 13' Liverpool. 813;Halifex. 815 Lunenburg. 817 Halifax. 817 « 818 <* 820 Lunenburg. 822 Halifax. 82? 823 « << 822 Amherst, 822 IlaJifux. 824 " 8 24 'Annapolis. S2oLialifax. 825i •' 827|TCenrville. 826; Yarmouth. 827jHalifax. 826Digby. 826iTruro. 826 Halifax, 828Pictou. 827 Antigonish, 827 Amherst. 829 Windsor. 828 Kentville. 8 28. Halifax., S28 «« 828 " 8281 " 829rictou. 829 Liverpool. 831 Halifax. 8301 «< 83ll " 831 Bridgetown. 831 Halifax. 83l| «« 832P.nood,c.B. 833 Halifax. 833 Amherst. 833 Sydney, c.B. J 3* BEIXIilil'- S PAK:iEll d riSyO. ITAMSiS, AiiiiiitUil Bar.lsiera". Attornevp, EcJklence. Gcorf,'e H. Milledj!:e, Chark's E. Vn'. Schmidt, Daniel Owen, James L. DeWolf, Henry II. Graiithaiti^ Henry 13. "Webster, Stewart Campbell, Perez M. Cunainghamy Thomas N. Jeffery, John D. Kinnear, John 3Ic(iref!;or, Giistavus IlahbuTton, 7/on. Jonathan McCulley, IG 21 29 ,20 ! -1 1 4- 5 2.5 2^3 14 i2.6 Ebcnczcr F. Munro, Charles F. Ilarrington, William C. AV hidden, David Mathesen, Peter liynch, Henry P. Hill, Samuel Gray, James Pogo, Frederick W. Grantham, Daniel Dickson, James Mclveagney, Adams (jr. Archibald, S. Leonard Sliannon, Henry C. D. Twining, James Ilobeyt Prescott, Edward A. Pyke, William Howe, George A. Blanchard, Charles Morse, John C. Wade, Gilbert Seely, [Q. C. Hon. W. A. Henry, S.G., William H. Troop, James C. Cogswell, James Murray, Jr. Hiram Blanchard, I'eter S. Archibald, Itobert McCully, A. F. HaTibi\rton, John D. McNutt, Timothy D. liuggles, Philip C. Hill, niomas Wra. Harris, James Hall Thorne, Alexander McFarlane, Alexander James, Charles James Stewfut, Edward P. Nutting, K, 31 31 31 31 IG IG 1 I 24 ;m) 1 1-) IG 30 L'jo 23 23 29 3 24 30 30 10 10 26 18 18 18 18 7 7 7 23 23 3 6 G G Janv.-, April, April, Nov., Nov. , May, July, July, Jany., July, Nov., Nov., Jany., Jany., Oc<ir., Octr., Octr., OctT., Jany., Jany., May, May, .1 uly, Octr., Jany., Jany., April, April, July, July, Octr., Nov., July, Nov., Nov., April, April, July, April, April, April, April, ^lay. May, May, July, July, Deo., May, May, May, IS. 74 30 1834 22 1834 .'^.0 1831' 20 18.34 29 183.5 29 183-5 22 i8;{.5 2.5 1.S3G 3 1836 25 183G 3 183G 1 1837 14 1837 14 1837 1837 1837 1837 1838 18 1838 18 1838 2. iS3H 2 1838 2.5 I83.S31 1830 16 1830 IG 1830 31 1830 30 1830 24 1830 23 1830 30 1340 29 1841 28 1841113 1811: 3 1812| 9 1842 19 184227 181330 1843 19 1843 19 1843!l9 181420 1814' IS 18441 7 1844 2-5 1844 23 18441 5 1845 7 1845 7 1815! 7 April, Jany., Ai)ril, Octr., Octr., April, July, July, Mar,, July, Nov., Nov., Jany., Janv,, Nov., Nov., Nov., Nov., Jany.j, Jany., May, May, July, (ictr., Jany., Jany., May, April, July, July, Octr., Octr., July, Nov., Nov., Jany., April, April, Nov., April, April, April, April, April, May, July, July, Dec, May, May, May, 1833 Annapolis. ISSSHalifux. 1833 Lunenburg. 1833 Vuudsor. 1833 Yiirmouth. 1834 Kentville. 1 834 GuysboTo'. 18.35 "VVinds^or. 1835 Halifax. lb 35 Amherst. IS 35 Halifax. I83G ^helburne. 1«3G Halifax. 1836 Truro. 183G Arichat, c. n, 183fiShelbu?ne. 183GPictou. 133G Mali fas. 1837 Antigouish. 1837 Halifax. 1837 Pictou, 1837 Yarmouth. 1837 Pictou. 1837 Sydney, c.-B. 1837 Truro. 1830 Halifax. 1838 ♦• ISSOCornwalHs. 1838i •« 1830 Halifax. 1838 Kentville. 1830 Liverpool. 1840 Digby. 1840 Liverpool. 1840 Antigouish. 1841 Bridgetown. 154 2 Halifax. 1841 Yarmouth. 1841 P.nood,c.B. 1842 Truro. 1842 Amherst. 1842 Baddeck. 1842,Truro. 1843 Bridgetown. 1344 Halifax. 1843 Kentville. 1844 Bridgetown. 1843 Amherst. 1814 Halifax. 1844 Amherst. 1844 Halifax. 1 t I ■t; •a i f ■J", ■I riSyC K<j:(lence. nnapoiis. alifux. unenburg. indsor. iirmouth. eiitA'ille. uysboro'. •'iiulsor. alifax. niherst. alifix. lelburne. alifax. ruro. ricliat, c. B. iclburne. ctou. alit'as. iitigonisli. alifax. ctou, xnnoiith. ctou. 'dncy, c. T», uro. ilifax. << '^rnwaHis. «i ilifax. ntville. >'tTpool. 3by. 'crpool. tigouish. cTgetown. lifax. rmouth. ilood,.c,B. iro. iherst. Ideck. ro. igetown. ifax. itville. Igetovm. herst. ifax. hcrst. ifax. ! I' I ■t : 13o6.] AI.MA.V.VCK. 35 NAMES. AilmUlcil Uurrlsters. /tt::;!,Vi:i «"'^««"- William II, Cutler, 22 Julv, 1840 .'3 July, 1844 Arichat. Jolui McKiiiley, 22 Julv, 184.) 23 July, 1814rictou. ; Simeon C. Irish, 22 April, 184(i 29 April, 1845 Antigonish. ! James W. Johnston, Jr. 18 Julv, 184(1 ■13 July, 18 40 Halifax. Pfctor II. licNoir, 20 April, 1847 22 April, 1846 •• Ilichard Hands, Jr. 20 April, 1847 •20 April, 1847 Granville. I Alexander C. McDonald, 2G Julv, 1847 28 ""ulv, l«4Crictou. i Francis S. Beamish, 26 Julv, 1847 28 Tub,, 1846 Halifax. 1 Amos IJ. Ciiandlcr, 16 Nov., 1847 28 Julv, 1846 Amherst. , Xorman F. Uniacke, 24 Julv, 1848 20 Julv, 1847 Halifax. James Thomson, 24 Julv, 1848 26 July, 1847 •• ' Hon. James McTiCod, 2o Julv, 1848 26 July, 1847 Sydney, c. n. I'khvard Cutler Cowling, 4 Dec., 1848 29 Nov., 1847 Annapolis. I [o ward D. Steele, 4 Dec, 1848 29 Nov., 1847 Halifax. Daniel J. Janvrin, 4 Dec, 1848 29 Nov., 1847 Arichat. Tliomas II. Fuller, 4 Dec, 1848 29 Nov., 1847i •' ! Samuel Cunard West, 16 April, 1849 24 April, 1848TIalifax. William A. Johnston, 16 April, 1849 16 April, 18491 " Henry William Smith, 23 Julv, 1849124 Julv, 1848 Shelburnc. \ Thomas P. Ryan, M April, 1850 16 April, 1849 Halifax. Isaac J. Wykle, 22 Julv, 1850 2;} July, 1849 G uysboro'. ^Vm. Henry Blanchard, 2 Dec., 1850 3 Dec, 1849 Windsor. Matthew H. lliehey. 2 Dec, 1850 3 Dec, 1849 Halifax. William Seaman, 21 April, 1851 15 April, 1850'AmherHt. ' Mather I>. Desbrisav, 21 April, 1851 1 May, 1850 Halifax. Jlichard IJ. O'Flahe'rty, 21 April, 185121 April, 185 li " John Skerry, 21 April, 1851 21 April, 1851' •• William E. Chandler, 21 Julv, 1851 26 Julv, 1836 Arichat. | James McDonald, 22 Dec, 1851 2 ■ Dec, 1350 Pictou. | Benjamin (K Gray, 22 Dec, 1851 22 Dec, 1851 Halifax. | Daiiiel McDonald, 19 April, 1852 21 April, 1851 Antigonish. | John Shannon Marshall, 26 July, 1852 21 July, 1851 Liverpool. John Burnyeat, 29 Nov., 1852 21 July, 1851 Truro. j John Stubs, 29 Nov., 1852 22 Dec, 1851 Amherst. ! r. S. Hamilton, 29 Nov., 1852 22 Dec, 1851 Halifax. Lewis W. DesBarres, 18 April, 1853 19 April, 1852i " George A. McKenzie, 19 April, 1853 22 Dec, 185llPictou. Bobcrt G. Hali burton, 25 July, 1853 '25 Julv, 1853llalifax. Thomas J. Wallace, 28 Nov., 1853 :28 Nov., 1853 •' Ilobert Molten, 4 Dec, 1854 !25 Julv, 1853 «« James (f. Tobin, 4 Dec, 1854 ,28 Nov., 1853 ♦♦ Otto Weeks, 4 Dec, 1854 ,28 Nov., 1853 «' Evanson Leonard, 4 Dec, 1854 28 Nov., 1853 Sydney, c.b. William ]SI. Fullerton, 16 April, 1855 25 Julv, 1853iAmherst. Alex. H. Winniett, ;24 July, 1827 Bridgetown. Wm. H. Buckerfield, |22 July, 1845 Amherst. ; i LLiT Most of the B arristers and Attorneys are Notaries Pub- lie. - • ! 33 UELCUEll 3 I'ARMKH 3 [1858. LIGHT HOUSES ON THE COAST OP NOVA-SCOTIA, AND OX TUK COAST OF NEW BRU^iSWICK, IN THE BAY OF FUNDY. Mcar/hor's Beach— V^mt side Halifax harbor. A fixed light. Hanihro Island — Western entrance Halifax harbor. A fixed light. Devil's Island— An Octagonal Light Beacon on the S. \V. point of Devil's Island, at the entrance of the Eastern passage to Halifax harbor, and exhibits a red lujht on the seaward sides to distinguish it from Sambro and Meagher's Beach lights ; stands forty-five feet above high- water mark ; rise and fall six feet. Tlie Tower is painted dark brown, with a white belt between the Balcony and Lantern, to distinguish it in day time. Cross Island — Entrance to Lunenburg harbor. Two lights — flash liglit above ; fixed liglit below. Liverpool — South end ot Coffin's Island. A plain revolving light. Port Medwaij—Hewcoix light on Admiralty Head west side of the entrance to the Port. Building s(iuare, ])ainled white, with black square in tlie centre of the seaward sides, plain white light forty-four feet above sea level, and stands within thirty fathoms of the shore. .sytc/(';j«v<e— McNutt's Island. Two fixed lights, one above the other. Barriii(}ton — Baccaro Point, east side of the entrance to Barrington Bay. A Hash light of fifteen seconds. Yann'juth — West side of the harlior. A plain revolving light. Cape Sable, Seal Li/and — The first light on api)roacliing the Bay of Fundy is on the south point of Seal Island. A plain white light, elevated about eighty feet above high-water mark, and may be seen on approacliing tlie island from any point of the compass. A very dangerous rock, under water, but upon which tlie sea always breaks, called Blonde Hock, lies about three and one-third miles S. by W. by compass from tlie Light House. Between this rock and the Island there are .some dangers : the ground is rocky throughout, and large vessels, therefore, ought not to attempt passing between theiu. Brier Island — A plain white lig'.it, situate about half a mile N. E. from the N. W. point of the Island. Westport — Peter's Island at the south entrance of the east side of the Bay of Fundy. Two Wiiixr. liiOKTs, placed horizontally, (to distinguish it from Brier Island Light) at an elevation of forty feet above high- water mark. Dii/hy Gat Li()ht — On the west side of Digby Gut, fmm Brier Island north-eastward. This light is chiefly intended as a guide into Digby Basin. A fixed white light. Black Rock Light — On the South Shore of the Bay of Fundy. A fixed light. Ilorton Bluff Light — In the Basin of !Mlnes, ninety-five feet above sea level high water ; rise and fall fo.ty to forty-five feet. Building square, painted wliite ; stands sixty feet from the Bluff, and shows a White Light, which may be seen in clear weather over the greatest part of the Basin of Mines, (after passing Cape Blowmedon,) and above the Five Islands and up Windsor River, until intercepted by the continuation of the BlufF to the southward of it. Apple River Light — North side of the entrance to Apple lliver, in Chiguecto or Cumberland Bay. Two fixed lights placed horizontally. Partridge Island River — An Octagonal Light Beacon on the west 1856.] ALMANACK. 37 side of the entrance to Partridge Island lliver, Tarrshoro', on the north side of the Basin of Mines, and exhibits a plain uliitc light, at an elevation of thirty feet above high- water ; rise and full about forty- five feet ; the Tower is white, and stands close to high-water murk on the beach. Vessels can only enter the harbor at high-water, and must lio aground on soft bottom when the tide is Ioav. Eastern Beaver, or Williams' Island— A. revolving light. Canseau, Cranberry i /tr/— Two fixed lights, one above the other, tcest side of the Gut of C'ansean. A lixed light. Eddi/ or Sand Point Light— On Eddy or Sand Point, on the west side of the south entrance to the Strait of Canseau, distinguished by two white lights placed horizontally, twenty-live feet above the sea level. Building square, painted white with a black diamond on the seaward side. (i iiijshorowjh Harbor Beacon — On the west side of the entrance to the liarbor, liead of Ci)ediil)ucto Bay. A fixed light. PirloH Light — On the south-euht side of the entrance to the harbor. A fixed light. PictoH Island Light— On the S. E. point of the Island. Building square and painted irhite. A fixed light, 52 ft. above high-water mark. Arii'hat Beacon — A Light on Point Mariclii, on the east side of the soutliern entrance to the harbor. Building square, painted icJiite. A whitfi light tiiirty-four feet above the sou level. Lrtnisbnrg — On the east side of the entrance to the harbor. A fixed liglit. L'.tu) Point Light — East side of Sydney, Cape Breton, harbor. A fixed light. Bagged Island Harbor Light — On the Gull Hock, at the entrance of tlio harbor. Building square, and painted irhite, exhibiting a clear lixed light at an elevation of fifty-one feet above the sea level, and is situated in latitude 13" .'JG' N.,' and longitude Ga*^ GO' W. Puhnico Harbor Light — A Beacon light on the S. E. side of the enlranee to Pul^nico harbor, situated on the east side of the entrance to tlip Bay of Fundy, about tliirtcen miles northerly of Cape Sable. Building square, painted white. A fixed red light on the seaward side, twenty-eight feet above high-water level, (rise and fall twelve feet,) and stands fifty fathoms from low- water mark. White Head Island Light — On the S. W. point of White Head Island. Tlie Tower is square, painted ?(;/«'<!«, standing seventy- five : fatlioms from the water's edgC; with an Octajironal Iron Lantern, sixty ! feet above sea level at high water; rise and fall six feet. The light is distinguished by l)right flashes of ten seconds duration, followed by i eclipses of ten seconds, displaying alternately three flashes and three , ecli])ses in a minute. Tlie light will not be totally obscured duriiig I the eclipse. | Sea Wolf or Margarie Island Light — Situated on the N. W. side of • the Island of Cape Breton, nearly midway between Port Hood and j Cheticamp harbors, and distant from Cape Breton two and a half i miles. A plain lohite light. The lantern is placed on a square wooden , Tower, painted white, near the centre and summit of the Island. The \ lantern is two hundred and ninety-eight feet above sea level — visible i from all points of approacli. To vessels in proximity to the Island, I the light may become observed by the abrujjt cliffs or sides of the % I I.I I ■ \ 'i I 38 }!K(r,HKU S I'AllMr.U rf [1850. Island, which may serve as n Riiide to tack or anclior by, as hundreds of vesselH find anchoraj^'c on the S. E. side. The chief landing is near tlie S. W. end, in shore, where a lew tishing stages and bouts are kejit in use during the fishing season. Port Jlood 7v/V///^— Changed from white to red, Avhcn Rccn from the northern entrance, to distinguiali it from Margarie and N. Canso lights. Sf. Vaiil's Island— X iixed liglit on the north-east cud ; and a Flash Light on the south-wcit end. S-attayie fs/diiil—X Kcvolving I-ight on the cast end of the Island. Gannct Jlock J.i(jht — This light is intended to warn vessels of their approach to a very dangerous range of shoals and ledges, which extend from the Old Proprietor to the .Seal Islands ott' Machias, a distance of about twenty miles. A avuitk Flash J.iiiht, twenty seconds dark, and forty seconds light in each minute. Uuikling painted" in stripes, ver- tical, black and Avhite. Mavhias Sral Jslaml Lifjhffi — Two Fixed White liights upon the Machias Seal Islands, forty-live feet above high-water, and bcarin-; from each other 1*1. fS. ¥,. and W. X. W., distant about two hundred feet, by which circumstance, of two light liouses at the Fame station, they will be immediately distinguished from all other lights upon the coast, British or American. Hoth buildings painted ii'/iiic. Vessels standing to the nortliward between these lights and the (iannet Kock should tack or hard off tlie moment they bring the.-ic lights into one, as they will be then not more than three-fourths of a mile from the Muu Ledges, if more than five miles to the E. of the lights. Ifead Harbor Lirjhl — Next in order, after passing (Jrand Manan, and the plain White Light (American) on West (iuoddy Point, is Head Harbor Light, placed on the N. E. extremity of Campo Bello, and is a guide to vessels entering the main channel to West Isles, Moose Island, and the Inner Bay of Passamaquoddy ; it enables ves- sels also, at all times, to enter Head Harbor. A fixed white liyht. Building painted ic/iilr, Avith a I'cd cross on it. roinf Lo Prcau Lijhts — Upon this projcctin^r headland Two Lights are placed, one above the other, in the same house, and distant twenty- eight feet. Both lights can be seen from every point of the compass where they may be useful ; both are fixed and white. Building painted rod and u'liite, in stripes, five feet broad each, horizontally. Partrid;;/'. Island Lirjht — At the entrance of the river and harbor of St. John, N. B. A Iixed white light. The building painted red and while in vertical stripes. Beacon Liriht — Within Partridge Island, and upon a spit or bar which extends about half a mile S. S. E. off Sand Point, and which dries at two-thirds ebb, stands the Beacon Tower. A fixed white light. Building painted white and hinclx, in stripes, vertically. Qi'ftoo Li(jht — A lleA'olviug White Light, placed on a small rock off Quaco Head, showing twice full and twice dark in a minute. The light can be seen from any (luartor where a vessel can approach. Building painted white and red in horizontal sti'ipes. Cape Enracfc Li(/ht — On the Point of that name in Westmoreland, nearly opposite Apple Iliver Harbor, N. S. Building painted white, about 120 feet above the tide. A plain white light. West Qiioddy Light — This is an American light, placed on the west side of the entrance into the St. Croix, by Lubec and Eastport. 1856.] ALMANACK. .TJ (Is of neur kept and. their tend ic« of Hiid vcr- I i per cwt., Free. I* per lb., It «< 9 6 5 3 4 8 TAHIFF OF DUTIES IIV THE PltOYIIV€E OF NOVA-SCOTIA, IN rOllCE UNTIL APIJIL 1, 1850. Dntr.— Sterllnir. Apples, frosh or dried, - - - per bbl., £0 4 Anchors, (Jrapiicls, and Anchor Pnlras, 2d per ct. ad. \ al. Aslies — Pot and Pearl, - . - , Free. Asses and Mules,* - - - - <« liaeon, - - . . « Ik'cf, salted, - - . . •« fresh, --.... Biscuits, line, called Crackers or Cakes, - - - Hutter, ---.... Baggage and Apparel C7f Passengers, not intended for sale, . - _ » . Free, Barilla and Soda Ash, - - - - •» Beans, - - - - - - «• Biscuit or Bread, - - - - _ « Booksf not prohibited to bo imported into the United Kingdom, - - - - Bullion — Gold or Silver, - - - Burr Stones, - - . , Candles, Tallow, - - - - AH other Candles, - - - Cattle, viz. : Horses, Mares, or Geldings, - - each, Oxen, or other neat Cattle, three years old or upwards, _ . . - each. Cows and Cattle under three years old, each, Sheep, - - - . Hogs, over 100 lbs. weight, '• 100 *• •• and under, Cheese, - - - - . per cwt.. Chocolate, or Cocoa Paste, - - per lb., Coffee, green, - - - . '* roasted, burned, or ground. Clocks, - - - - 20 per ct. ad. val. Confectionary, Syrups, and Articles maufactured from Sugar, - - - 20 per et. ad. val. Cigars and Snuff, - - - 10 «• •• Currants and Figs, - - 10 ♦• ♦• Cables of Hemp or other vegetable substances, or of Iron Cordage, tarred or untarred, whether fitted for rigging or otherwise, - 2J^ per ct. ad. val. 2 1 1 10 10 3 2 5 1 3 1 1 2 •Animals certified by the Preslilent and Secretary of any ApTicnltnral Society to have been iinijorted Ibr the piiriioae oi' improvini,' the breed, admitted duty I'reo. + AU printed hooks admitted duty free, except reprints of hdoks the cojiyriKht •whereof is protected by the Acts of tlie Imperial Parliament. f)n the Importation of any reprints of l)ooks, l)oinid or in covers, tlie eopyrij-'lit of which is protected by the Acts of the Imperial IVirliament, there shall be paid an advalorein duty of twenty per cent., but lliis duty siiall not extend to newspapers, or other regular periodicals, con'.aiiiin^' extracts on I3' Iron: biich hooks — such reprints not lialile to (lutv unless the originals shall liavo been register^'d accordinf; to the provisions of the lu.perial Act, passed in the 0th and 6th jeurs of ller Majesty's reJgn, enUllcd, "An Act to ameud the Law ol Copyright " 40 nCLCUEU's FARMliu'S [1850. «< << Copper, vijE. : pUtcs, sheets, bars, or bolts, for Hliip-biiild- inj?, wrought or cast lor iimchiiicry, pure or witliout otiier motttl. Copper Cnstiiij^s of every doHcription, for machinery for mills or stoiuu- boats ; Copper and Composition Xuils and Spikes for ship-biiild- inj?, - - - 2\ per ct. ad. val. Copper Ore, or in Pips or Bricks, old or worn, or tit only to be romanulactured, . - - Free. Coal, • Cacoa, - - - - - - «« Coin, Gold and Silver Coiiix, and British Copper Coins, _ - - - - Corkwood, _ _ . . - Corn, viz.: Wheat, Rye, Indian Corn, "Barley, Oats, Kiee, and Buckwheat, ungrouud ; Barky Meal, Bye Meal, Oatm'Ml, Ijuli;m Meid, Bm-kwliout Meal, Boas, Biiins, and C.ilavuncos, - Free. Flour,* viz.: Flour, - - per bbl., £0 1 Canadian, coming from the United States, in bond, ----- Free. Fish, vi/, : fresh, dried, salted, pickled, - . •« Fish Oil, viz. : Train, Siwu-maceti, lload Matter and Blubber, Fins and Skins, the produce of lish or creatures living in the sea, - - Free. Fish Hooks, - - - - - •« Flax, - - - - . ■ - <« Furniture, that has actually been in use, "Working Tools and Implements, the property of emij^rauts or persons coming to reside in the I'rovince, and not intended for sale, - - - - Free. Hams, smoked or dried, - - - per cwt., 9 Ilay and Straw, - - - 20 per ct. ad. val. Hemp, ------ Free. Hides, or pieces of Hides, raw, not tanned, curried or dressed, ----- Free, Horns, ._----«« Horses and Carriages of travelUrs, and Horses, Cattle, Carriages and other Vehicles, when employed in carrying merchfaidise, together with the necessary harness and tackle, so long as the same are actually in use for that purpose, - - - F'rce. Iron, viz. : Unwrouglit or Pig Iron, Ores of Iron of all kinds, Iron Hails for railroads, Boilers, Plate.'', and Plough Moulds, Hoop Iron, - - Free. Iron, viz. : In Bars and Bolts, Castings for Mill or Steam Engines, and Cast or Unwrouglit Pipes and Tubes, Siieet Iron and Iron Spikes, 2.^ per ct. ad. val. •The (lovernor in Council mny, wlicnevor it shnll be lliouf-'lit advisable bo to do, declare hy I'roclaiiKition what articles, the jirowth. proUui'tloii, or manufacture of the lirittsh North Aiiu'Vican I'ossosslons of CiinaiUt, New I'.rtinswlck, I'rinco Edward Island, or Newfoundland, or any of tltoni, niav he inniortcd into the I'rovince free of duty, and niav dei'laro in "hut niunni'r, iitid under what restrictions, the oaine be &i> imported; but if Wliciit Flour, the produoticui cf C'minda, he allowed under such I'roflainatiim to be imported duty free, such Klouv shall be ailinitted duty free whc'th'T it conu'S I'ircct f/mn Ciinuda or throu^di warehouse In the United States, but in the latter case it uiiist be oertilled to be tli.- production of Canada. 1H6G.] ALMANACK. - Free. Nets, Ilosin, Raisins, in boxes, • «' in other packages, Sail Cloth of all kinds, Canvas included, 2^ per ct. ad val. Sails, lligging, and Ship Materials saved Irom vessels wrecked on the coast of the Province, Salt, Seeds, of all kinds, _ - - Skins, Furs, Pells, or Tails, undressed, - Stone, unmanufactured, - - - Sugar, of the Majjle, - . . " Refined, - - - - " Crushed and Bastard Facings, ** Candied, Brown, - - - - - '« Brown, or Muscovado, not refined, Spirits, viz. : Brandy, Gin, Rum, or other spirituous liquors, which by any way or method whatsoever shall be manufactured, compounded or extracted, distilled or made within this Province, not exceed- ing the strength of proof by Sykes' Hydrometer, and so in proportion for any greater strength than _ the strength of proof, - - per gal., per lb.. Free. << (( <( (( - Free, per cwt.. I.'ird, ----- per cwt, £0 Leather— Hole TiOathcr, including Hides and Skins ])ar- tially drcHsed, - - - j„.r lb,, q Tx.'ather— Upper lieathcr of all sorts, including IJides and Skins partially dresj'ed, - per lb., Leatlxcr— Jloots, Shoes, and Leather Manufactures of all sorts, - - . lOpt-r ct. ad. val. Molasses, ..... per gal , Meat, fresh, - - . lu per ct. ad. val. Manures, of all kinds, - - . „ l^rco. Maps and Charts, - . - . _ «« Materials of Ships registered and owned in this Province, and wrecked or stranded on the coasts of tlie adja- cent colonies, or elsewhere, - . . iVce. Nets — Fi.ihing Nets and Scins of all kinds, - «« Onions, - . . . _ per cwt., Oakum, - - - - 2i per ct. ad. val. Ores, of all kijuls, .... Pfgo. Peas, fresh or dried, ... ppj. ^bl., Pork, salted, - - - . <« •' fresh, .... per cwt.. Pitch, - - - - 2i per ct. ad. val. Paintings, --.-.. Pree. Palm Oil, - - . - . . «« Plants, Slu-ubs, and Trees, - - - . ' «i Plate of Gold and Silver, old and fit only to bo remanu- factured, - . - . . J'ree. Potatoes, - - . - - . »« Printing Presses and Typos, - - - «« I'rintin,'.' Paper, not less than demy size, - - «« Rags, viz. : Old Rags, Old Rope, Junk, and Old Fishing, 41 8 1 2 2^ 2 6 4 4 4 14 10 10 7 Oi 11 m 42 maCHKR S FARMiai s [1856. << << Spirits— Brandy, "Whiskey, Gin, Cordials, and other Spirit,^ (excc'i)t Rum,) not exceediu;^ the strcnj^th of proof iy >Sykes' Hydrometer, and so in proportion for any groatcr (strength than the 8tren«th of proof, jx-r gal., £0 Spirits — lium, not exceeding the .strength of proof liy tSykes' Hydrometer, and so in ])roportion for any greater strength tluiu the strength of proof, per gal., Shrub, or Sautee, - - - - - - Teas, viz. : Souchong, Congo, Pekoe, Ijohca, Pouchong, and all other lihiek Teas, - - per lb., Teas — Gunpowder, Hyson, Young Hy.son, Twankay, ;ind other Green Teas, - - per lb., Tobacco, manufactured, (except SnufF and Cigars,) ♦' " unmanufactured, _ _ _ Free. Tongues of Cattle, dried or pickled, - per cvvt., Tar, - - - - 2.i per ct. ad. val. Tallow. ....-- Free. Twines and Lines, used in the fisheries, - - «« low, __-■-. Turpentine, . _ - - Whale Fin, or Jione, . - - . Wood, viz. ; Poanis, Planks, Staves, Square Timber, Shingles, and Fire-wood, - - - Free. Wines, viz. : lliK;k, Constantia, Malmsey, Tokay, Cham- pagne, Purgundy, Hermitage, Claret called Latitte, Latour, Lafayette, Margaux, or Hautl)rian, per gal., Wines — Madeira, i'ort, and Sherry, of which the first cost is €"_'() ])er ])iiio or upwards, - ])er iTul., Wines — Other Claret \Viues, I'arsae, Sautenec, Viw do (xrave, Moselle, and other French Wines, and Lis- b(>n*und German Wines, - - j)cr gal.. Wines — All otiier Port, Madeira, Sherry, Tenerifie, Mar- pella, Sicilian, Fayal, Malaga, and all otlicr Wines, - _ - _ per gal.. Zinc, vIk. : Zinc Sheathing, of a .size 18 by 11 inches, intended for and to be used as sheathing for vessels, and Zinc Sheeting Xails, 2.^ per ct. ad. val. All other Goods, Wares, and Merchandise, not otherwise charged with duty, - 6\ per ct. ad. val. 2 8 i 2 4 9 3 2 1 3 1 3 The follnv.'lnir nrUcloB. liolns dip trrowth and prortuop. of the Unltott Stat<»« of America, iiri^ jidiilttod into iliis I'roviii'c 7»vf' (//■(//■*/. iiikI'T tlio treaty liciwoon Her .Majn-tv lUiil tlii' Initccl Si.itcs. signi'd on tin? .')lli .'liiiic, IHM : -(iniiii, t'loiir, and IJread Stii'l's oi' all kinds ; Aiiiiiiuis ol' all kinds : Kresh, Sniokfd, md Salted Meat^: Cotton Wool, Si e<I;-i, mid Veuet.ililes: IMItd and Indi ii d Kniits ; Ki-li, of all kinds : rrodiK.'ts of Fisli and all other crfatiues livi i: in tl:e water: I'oiiltrv a^d 1;l';;«; Miiles. Kurs, skin«, or Tails, undressed: .sinne or Marlili' i'l Its crude or iinwroii^dif still"; Sl:ile; Uii'ter. ('ll<> -^e. I allow ; l.,,r I. Horns. .Alanines. Ores of .\lelals. III i|i; kinds; Coal, I'iiili, Tar. rnrocniino. Ashes ; I iniher and I, inn her of all klmlN, roii'.d, Inwiil, and srtweil, iinnianiMaetiirecl in v\ hole or in iiarl; Kirewooil, I'laiits, .-^hralis, and frees; I'elts; AVod; Kisli Oil; Kiee. Jirooui Corn, and liark ; <.;.v|)suiii, Kroiiinl «ir uiitrrouiid; liewn. wrouplit, or inuvriMirht llnir or Oriiulsloncs; Dye BtulfB; Flax, Kemp, and Tow t Uiiiuuuufacturcd i'obauuo; Ku^a. 1856.] ALMANACK, 43 CJE.\ERAL. POST OFFICE, MALHFAX, N. S. rosTMASTKu-GExr.RAL, ARTHUR WOODGATE, E-^q. First C/t'i-A; C, II. Ilamnton, Estj. ; C/rr/.- Ace, 101/ l>V«;;r/<, F. M. Passow, E-i(i. ; Junior Clerks, Me.ssrs, Wm. Siuull, Jiio. M. lii};lis, llusli Ki'ir and Iloiiry l»riK;oll; M.sscitf/er, .Mr. Godlrcv Sclnvuit?:. L"/(cr Carriers.— ^nuthiTu District oi' llie City, Mr. Wm. Crai^ ; Northern District, Mr. Alex. Church. J:xtra Carrier, Mr. George Crai;jf. OtHcc open every day, (Sundays excepted,) from 4 o'clock in the morninif, until 8 at nif^ht. ^ The Mails for the United Kingdom arc made up at Halifax every alternate T/utrsdai/ Isveniuy, at 9 o'clock. Tfic Royal Mail Steamers iir'ave Boston for Halifax and Liverpool, G. 1'., every alternate Wednesday; arrive at Halifax on 'I'/i 11 rsda 1/ c\en'm<^, or very early the succeeding morning, leaving Halifax immediately after receiving tlie MaHs. Letters to or from England, lhi\.,, j)re-p(njinent optional; — can be pre-paid by using a (>d. or two JJd. Stamps, together with half of a thrccpc)in]i Stamp cut diagonally. Xows])apers free. Closed Maili for the United Kingdom, via United States, are made up at Halifax to meet the Steamers leaving New York for liiverpool. Letters to be specially addressed ♦* via Xeio York." Letters lOd. ; Newspapers Id. each. Tlie flails for the United States by Packet are made up immedi- ately on the arrival of each Mail Steamer from Liver])ool, G. 15. Let- ters /5d. : if posted in the interior, 3d. additional, which must be pre- paid ; Newspapers l^d each, which must be paid by Stamp at the time of posting. A closed Mail for Canada is made up and forwarded at the same time in charge of the Rritisli Officer. Letters so forwarded must be specially addressed " Closed ^Lail lor Canada ; " postage 7Ad. ; viz. : 5d. Packet Rate, and Ihd Colonial Rate — pre-paijmvnt optional. The Mails for IJermuda and tiie Uritish West Indies are made up at Halifax once a month — closing on the arrival of the Steamers from lioston. Letters 5d — when posted in the interior, 3d. additional, this must be pre-paid. Newspapers l^d. each, which must be paid by Stamp. Letters are forwarded via Bermuda for Chagres and the Pacific, Chili and Peru, Ilavanna, Honduras, Laguyra, Mexico, Vene/uela, and the British and Foreign West India Islands. Postage to Foreign West Indies, Is. 3d. when posted at Halifax ; Is. (id. when posted in the interior — must he, pre-paid. Newspapers lA each, to he pre-paid hij Stump at the time of Postinij. The Mails for Newfoundland, (and Cape-Hreton during the Sum- mer months,) are madr up at ilalil'ax onrc a nimth during the months of December, January, Fel>riiary and March; and onfc. a fortniijht during the montlis of A}>ril, Slay, Junei July, August, September, (Jitoher an<l Noveiul)er, clo.sin;.'; im tlie arrival of tlie Mail Steamer liom Bost<»n. Postaije id. ; when posted in the in- terior, 3d. additional. Newspapers li each, which must be paid by Stamp at the time of Posting. 41 ]ir.i,ciii:u s FAUMr.K s [18oC. i* Kcturn Mail at 10 o'clock. For Dartmouth, f,V//y— postage Id. I'or !kIus(|iind(il)oit i[url)or, eviry 'J'lU'sdoy morning, at 9 o'clock. lU'turu Mail duo on Monday aftirnuon, at o o'clocl;. Por I'rospect, on Saturday al'ternoon, at 2 o'clock duo on Saturday morniui!;, at 1 1 o'clock. For Ketch Harbor and Sambro, on Friday eveninjj, Return Mail due on Saturday. 'J'ho Mails for St. Pit ne and Miquclon arc forwarded to Sydney, C. 15., from wlience tlioy are despatched by the French Packet dur- ing the summer months, and from 1 1 alifax direct in the winter months. Letters od. packet rate, and 3d. inhmd, jire-jKn/mcnf optlonaL All letters are ciiarj^ed by weiulit, and a uniform rate of postage of 3d. on a letter not exceeding half an ounce in weiglit has been established tluoughout British Xortli America. To any part of the United States, fid. ; to Oregon and California, '■M\., prc-jnnitnrnt optional. Newspapers y/r/M/'/w to any part of the Province, Uritish North America and the United States, when sent by land mail. I'rinted Circulars, Prices Curn-nt, Handbills, and other printed matter of a like description, put up in covers open at t^ n ends, and witlioiit any Avritten communication, may be sent frr < ^^y part of the Province to any place within the same, as well as th. iVova Scotia, ;it the rate of oiw pcvnij ])er oz. — pri'-pa>iincnt optional, excej)t Avlieji addressed to the United States, in which tusc the postage must be pre-paid. J'amphlets, Magaxlues, Periodicals, or Books, bound or unbound, done up in covers open at tlie ends, unaccompanied by a?iy written communication, may be transmitted as above mentioned, at the rate of one hiilf-pcnini per o/,., up to iS ounces, beyond which weight they cannot be sent by Mail.* Letters posted in any Town within thcIVovince for delivery m the same Town, are liable to a rate o^ one poui]/ for everj' 1^ oz. Pamphlets, Newspapers, &c., to be sent with covers open at the ends. Pritish reprints of copyright works from the United States, by land mail or steamer, char;!;cd letter postage. liCtters Vrr-paid hif Stamps, aiiri dropped into the Letter Box any time during the night, and \ip to .> o'clock, A. M., will he forwarded by the mails despatched same morjiing. When tlie mails from l']ng]aiul arrive bofore 'J P. M., t'ley are (kv livered the same evening, — when after that hour, 7 oclock uex! morning. All other mails arriving before 7 P. ^F., will be delivered the same evening, — if after tliat lionr and befon; 8, at G o'clock, — aud if ui'tt*^ 8, at 7 o'clock the following morning. •The Postnco on Kooksfni'n drcit Hrit.iin to tlip Brltl-ih Wc* Kiiliii I.<l*i«»«, Bor- niiKlii, Canada, Nova Sen in. New riniiis»vi-:k, I'rlncn Kilwanl i-land, Nt jt'diuuI- lard. MaUa. (Hl>ralfur, l(iii:,iii iJlaiiiM, St. Mflcii.i. (Wild Coa^t, Laic Towfi. New Souili Wales, Ac, or ric rei ah, lo at the riitc of T'ml. 11' imt cm (.'ctji S id. ; ex- ceeiliiiK S ll>. and not cxcii li.iii,' 1 Id., Is. aitil ;id. ; and so on aJUiiis,' 1- nd .3d lor every additional pound iir I iictlon oi a inuiinl. One hn.k iiackaue iii contain separate It.mks, I'liblicatioin. .Vlinanackx, anil Maps ami Taper, TanloM" ' nr Vel- lum; the latter tlire ■ ni.iteiiids may lie written or printrd on— the paeka^e i.civ con- tain the n.ime and u lilit ss m the sendur. Kellers mav aecompuns' iirints and maps, and markern nciy ho m'W. wltii hooks. No leiter must he-sent \vltn or written on a hook paeka^e, and no sn. li paekuLe mii>-t exceed iicofett in leUBtli, wiUtii or Ueplh. riie postage must in all eases he iire-puld hy Stamp. ISoQ.] ALMANACK. 45 J ["i^Letters intended to be licr/isfered, must be posted half an hour previous to tlie clo.siuf^ of tlie particular mail by wlueh they are to bo forwarded, and the postage aa well as the registration fee must be pre-paid. Tiie Postmaster- General is not liable for the loss of any letter or packet, unless such loss should arise from his own default. Land Mails made up at Halifax, at 8 o'clock, P. M. By Eastern Itoute — For AMftiuisx, LoxDoxniiiiRY, llivr.R Pinur, the United Statks, NkavBuun'swick and Canada, on Tuesday, Tkurs- liai/ and Safunla^': — For Auichat, Antkionisii, Aliuox Minus, liAU- UECK, Gi'YsHoiioufiii,Xi;w Glasgow, North Sydney, Plaistkii Gove, KivKR John, St. Peter's, Sydney, Sydney Mines, Tatamaoovciie, and West lliVEu, on Monday, Wednesday awd Friday: — For Canso, Pout Hood, and Suerbrooke, on Wednesday and Friday : — For Dru- iivM, on Tuesday, Wednesday, 'Thursday awd Saturday : — For Lower STKWiACiCE, Middle and Uiter MusauoDoitoiT and Suuuenacadie, on Wednesday and Saturday : — For PuGWAsiiand Wallace, on Mon- day, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday :— Tor Parrsroro'.ou Thurs- day and Saturday : — For PicTou and Truro, DAILY, (Sunday ex- cepted): — For St. Ann's, and Whycocomagu, on Monday and Friday : — Ffjr Prince Edward Island, on Monday and Wednesday : — And lor Maitlaxd, on Afonday and Saturday. By Western Koate — For Annai-olis, Avleseord, Bridoeiown, Clemexts-port, DioitY, Laurence-town, Wilmot, Weymouth, and YAivMourii, on J/a/id!a//, Wednesday and Friday: — For IIants-i'ort, on Wednesday and Saturday :—Vov Kextville, Lower IIorton, Windsor and Woleville, DAILY (Sunday excepted):— For New- port and WAT/roN, on .U')/u/ayand Thursday: — For Westi-oh'" on Monday and Friday: — And for New Brunsv\-ick and the United States, on Mondat/. By Shore Kuato— Fir BRinnRWATEU, Barrington, Chest.or, Liverpool, la'XENHURi;, Mill Vill.vge, MAi[o>fE Bay, Sueliierne, and Yarmouth, on Tuesday, Thursday und Saturday :~Vur Iahmkh Island, Port Medway, and St. Margaret's Bay, on Thursday and Saturday. IIETURN MAILS DUE AT HALIFAX. From Amherst, Antigonisu, Arichat, Alrion Mines, Baddeck, GuysiioRou(}H, Londonderry, Nr;w Glasgow, North Sydney, Plaisi-kr Cove, IIiver John, Kiver Philip, St. Peter's, Sydney, Sydney Mines, Tatamagouche, West IIivkr, Canada, and tlie United States, on 3/o//rf('/y, Wednesday and Friday, at !) o'clock, P. M. :~From Annavolls, Ayleseord, Bridgetown, Clements-port, Digby, Laurence-town, Wilmot and Weymouth, on Monday, Wed- nesday and Friday, at o'clock, P. M. :~-From Bridgi:water, Bar- niNGTON, CunSTEil, LiVEUPUOL, LuNENBUUG, MiLL ViLLAGE, MvHONE BvY, and Shklburne, on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, at (5 o'clock, P. M. :— From Canso, St. Ann's, Wuycocomaoh, and Prince Edwvrd Island, on Wednesday and Friday, at 9 o'clock, P. M,;— From Durham, on .^r;/ir/((//, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday, at y o'clock, P. M. :— From Hants-port, on Wednesday and Saturday, at () o'clock, P. M.:— From Kuntville, Lower IIorton, Windsor, Woleville, and Yarmouth, at G ; and from Pictou and Truro, at iJi ae 4G HKL(.Iir,U 3 FAKMKR S 1856.] 9 o'clock, r. M., DAILY (Sunday excepted):— From Locke's Island, on T/iiirsdai/ and Saturday, at o'clock, P. M. :— Fvom Lower Si'kwi.vckk, on Tuesday and Friday, at 9 o'clock, V. M. : — From Maitlanj), on Thursday awii Friday, at 9 o'clock, P. M. : — From Middle and Urrr.ii Musarononoir, on Monday aiid Saturday, at 9 o'clock, P. M. :— From Niowi'uur, St. Mauoauet's Bay and >V ALTON, on Tuesday and Satttrdai/, at 6 o'clock, P. M. :— From Pout Mkdway, on Tuesday and Thursday, at G o'clock, P. M. :— From PccavAsu and Wallace, on Motiday, Tuesday, Thttrsday and Satur- day, at 9 o'clock, P. M. :— From PAUusnoiio', Pout Hood, on Monday and Friday, at 9 o'clock, P. M. :— From SnuRENACADiE, on Monday and Wednesday, at 9 o'clock, P. M. :— From Sheuhkooke, on Wednes- day, at 9 o'clock, P. M. :— From WESTronT, on Monday and Friday .— From New Buuxsavick, on Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Satur- day, at 9 o'clock, P. M. in A S O TV I € . THE MOST AXCIENT AND lIOXORABLIi FKATEBNITY OP FREE MASONKY. Grand Master of England — The Earl of Zetland. Grand Master of Ireland — Tlie Duke of Leinster. Grand Master of Scotland — The Duke of Atholl. ENGLISH. PROVINCIAL GRAND LODGE, UNDER ENGLISH JURISDICTION. Provincial Grand 'Master for Nova- Scotia and New Brunswick, and the Islands of Newfoundland and Prince Edward, k. w. Hon. Alexander Keith. !)ep. Grand Master, ii. w. Jas. Forman, Escj. Senior Grand Wardeii, u. w, 4-rchibald Scott, Escj. Junior Grand Wfirden, u. w. Wm. II. TuUy, Es(^. Grand Treasurer, v w. Arthur Woodj^ate, Esq. Grand Secretary, v. w. Henry C D. Twinincr Esij. Grand Chaplain, V. w. Rev. Jno. TIiom. Twininj^, 1). 1). Assntanf Grand Chaplain, V. w. Rev. Geo. W. Sprott. Senior Grand Deacon, w. Jno. H. McNah, Emj. Junior Grand Deacon, w. T,om\U'l J. Morton, E>(i Grand lUnctorof Ccrein')nies, w. Mr. Francis Bolton. Grand Supcrintendtiitof Wor/is, w. Mr. Jiio.Wicr. Grand Sword Hearer, w. Mr. (ieo. S^jmerville. 'Grand Oryanist, yy. Mr. Louis ("asseres. Grand Standard Bearer, \v. Mr Wm. Sims. Grand I'ursuivant, w. Mr. Jas. Sneliing. Grand 'i'yler, \\. Mr. Jno. Baxter. Grand Stewards, Mei-srH. u. Jno. I). Nasli, h. Ilonry Grain, ii. Jas. B. <.)xley, n. Geo. J. Troop, n. Jas. Jennaway, and it. Henry ('. Tullv. Committee of Charily, v. w. R-jv. Dr. Twining, Pa^t Ma-.ter St. John's Lodi^e (Uliairiii;in) ; av. Mr. Jno. Woodill, Past Ma,ster St. Andrew's Jiods^e ; av. Mr. Wm. L. Murison, I'ast Master Vir^'in Lo(l!i;e ; av. Mr. Jno. Cuinpholl, Pu>t Master Royal Standard Lod^.>e ; AV. Jas. W. Johnston, Jr., E>q., Past Master jtoyal Lodge. 1856.] ALMANACK. 47 LODGES UNDER ENGLISH AUTHORITY. St. Anpukw's LonoK, No. 137, held at Mason's Hall, Halifiix, on the first Tue-iday iu every mouth. W. Master, Mr. Geo. DriUi». Treasurer, Mr. Jno. NVoodill. Sccrdary, Mr. A. K. McKinlay. St. John's Lodge, No. 187, held at Mason's Hall, Halifax, on the first Monday in every month. W. Master, Major Ferns. Treasurer, Jas. Forman, Esq. Secretary, "NVm. Twining, Esq. ViiioiN lioncE, No. 668, held at Mason's Hall, Halifax, on the fourth Monday in every month. W. Master, V.t. ^V. A. Hesson. Treasurer, Arthur Woodgate, Esq. Secretary, E. C. Twining, Esq. RoVAL Standard Lodge, No. 664, held at Mason's Hall, Halifax, on the second Tuesday in every month. W. Master, Sergeant Pen- ton. Treasurer, Mr. Jas. Easton. Secretary, Mr. Geo. Somcrville. Royal Sussex Lodge, No. 794, held at Mason's Hall, Halifax, on the first Thursday in every month. W. MaMer, Mr. Jno. R. Willis. 'Treasurer, Mr. Wm. II. Tally. Secretary, Mr. W. J. Vieth. St. Anduew's Lodge, No. 732, held at Sydney, C. B., on the third Tuesday in every month. W. Master, Henry B. Forman. S. W., Chas. C. Read. ./. W., Lewis Johnston. Sea-etary, Wm. Turn- bull. Treasurer, Henry V. Rrown. S. D., Donald Matheson. J. D., Evansou Leonard, Esq. Tyler, Mr. P. T. Clarke. Unity Lodge, No. 8.3G, held at Lunenburg on the first Monday in every mouth. W. Master, II. M. Moyle, Esq. Albion Lodge, held at New Glasgow. }V. Master, Mr. Donald Forbes. St. Mary's Lodge, held at Digby. W. Master, Jno. C. Wade, Esq. " New Caledonia Lodge, No. 826, held at Pictou. W. Master, Mr. M. T. Smith. Treasurer, Alexander Patterson, Esq. Secretary, Thos. H. Mulholland, Esq. Zetland Lodge, No. 891, held at Liverpool on the fomih Thurs- day in everv month. JT. Master, Mr. Jas. Forbes. Secretary, Mr. M. F. Agnell. HiUAM Lodge, held at Yarmouth, on the first Monday in every month. Tl'. Master, Mr. Chas. White. Secretary, Mr. Geo. Killam. Acadia Lodgk, No. hSS, held at Pugwash. IT. .Ifas^tr, Rufua F. llent. S. If'., Jolin C. Warner. ./. W., Edward Pineo. Treasurer, Wm. Cooper. Secretary, Angus McLeod. S. I)., Rufus F. Page, Esq. J. D., Geo. Dimock, Esq. • Keith Lodge, No. 911, held at Ilillsburgh. IF. Muster, "Mr. Henry Illackslee. Secretary, Mr. S. B. Ueiineg ir. Makixeu's Lod(;e, Granville, working under dispensation. AxNAi'oLi.s Lodge, Annapolis, working under dispensation. SCOTTISH. rUOVINCIAL GKANn LOHGIC OK NOVA-SCOTIA, NKW HUrN'SWirK, AND rUINCK F.i'WAlU) ISLAND, rNDKlt SCOTIlSll JllUSDICTlON. Provincial Crand Master, u. w. Hon. Al(>.\.. Koilli. Deputy Grand Miisfer, u. w Mr. Jjio. H. Fay. S'l/n/i'utc Urand Mashr, k.. av. Mr. Wm. 1). Cutlip. Srnior (Inind ]\ (ird,'/i, n. w. Mr. K. J. Lordly. Junior (iraud Deacon, u. w. W. K. Gri^nr. V.^^\. Urand Scretary, K. w. Mr. Gi'o. Fraser. Ch'und Trcafnircr, n. w. Mr. 11. J. llomans. (irand Chaplain, u. w. Rev. (ieo. W. Si)rott. Grand Senlur Ueact.n, ■■% 48 HKLCUKU H FARMEU 8 [1856. w. Mr. Jas. Thompson. Grand Junior Deacon, "vv. Mr. D. H. Cutlip. Grand liiblo Hearer, w. Mr. Jas. llcid. Grand Architoct, AV. Mr. J. H. Drake. Grand Director of Music, w. Mr. Louis G. Casseres. Grand Director of Ceremonies, w. Mr. Win. Grant. Grand Jeiceller, w. Mr. W. 11, Adams. Grand Sivord Hearer, av. Mr. Jas. Fortune. Grand Stewards, v.". Messrs. Chas. Major, A. Campbell, A. K. Doull, A. Blackailar, Thos. Shohan, and T. Veacy. Grand Pursuivant, w. Mr. Jas. Wallace. Grand Tyler, av. Mr. Jno. Baxter. Quarterly communications, at Free Mason's Hall, Halifax, on the third Tuesday of February, May, August, and November. TuisTLK Lodge, No. 322 — Warrant recalled, and. erased from the roll of Lodges. Acadia. Lodge, No. S-lo — Warrant returned to Grand Lodge of Scotland. BruN's Lodge, No. 352, meet at Free Mason's Hall, Halifax, on the first Wednesday of each month. Master, n. av. Mr. James Wil- liamson. Senior Warden, Mr. William H. Lee. Junior Warden, Mr. J. Fiddler. Secretary, Mr. Deake. Treasurer, Mr. James For- tune. Tyler, Mr. J. Baxter. Athol Lodge, No. 361, meet at Free Mason's Hall, Halifax, on the second Monday of each month. It. W. Master, Mr. George Fra- ser. 1'. Master, Mr. Edgir Dodson. Deputy Master, Mr. E. J. Lordly. Senior Warden, Mr. I). R. Cutlip. Junior Warden, Mr. Chas. Major. Secretary, Mr. Thos. Short. • Treasunr, Mr. A. Keith, Jr. Senior Deacon, Mr. Chas. W. Lyle. Junior Deacon, Mr. Jas. Wallace. Inner Guard, Mr. T. W. Tapper. Tyler, Mr. Jno. Baxter. Keith Lodge, No. 365, meet at Free Mason's Hall, Halifax, on the second Tuesday of each month. 11. W. Master, Dr. W. E. Grigor. Senior Warden, Mr. Ja.s. Thompson. Junior Warden, Mr. A. K. ^IcKinlay. Secretary, Mr. R. J. Romans. Treasurer, Mr. Geo. KnoAvlan. Senior Deacon, Mr. C. C. Vaux. Junior Deacon, Mr. A. K. Doule. Liner Guard. Mr. Thos. Bentley. Tyler, Mr. Jno. Baxter. (Amicitia jxntor et Veritas.) INDEPErVDEIVT ORDJHB OF ODD FELL.01VS. (Odd FeUows Hall, Bedford Roav, Halifax.) GRAND LODGE OF THE L0^\ ER PROVINCES OF BRITLSH NORTH AMERICA. M. W, Grand Master, C. II. Hamilton, Esq. E. W. D. G. M'lster, Thos. Abbott, Esq. R. W. G. Warden, Daniel Dickson, Esq. R W. G. Secretary, Sam'l C. West, Esq. R. W. G. Treasurer, W. J. Williams, Esq. Ji. W. G. Chaplain, C. Bout, Esq., M. D. R. W. G. Jii'prcsentativr, E. G. Fuller, Esq. jr. G. Marshal, Mr. Wui. Grant, Jr. W. G. Conductor, Mr. I). W. Ross. W. G. Guardian, Mr. W. F. Knight. 185G.] AIM.tNACK.. 49 ENCAMPMENT BRANCir. R. W, District Di'pulii Grand Sire for the Produces of Xovr-Srofia, Xvw Brunsiriek, Princa Edivard hlund, and Nofjoundlaiid, lilbridge G. Fuller, Esq. MAMBEllTON ENCAMPMENT No. 9, 1. O. OF O. F. Officers. — Mr. J. Barnes, C. P. ; Mr. Jno. Narthiip, Jr., II. P. ; Mr. Joseph Austen, S. W. ; Mr. C. W. Lvlo, Scribe ; E. G. Fuller, Esq., Treasurer ; Mr. John A. Fuller, J. W. Mr. W. M. Har- rington, P. C. P. ; B. Wier, Esq,, P. C. P., M. P. P. ; I*Ir, Jos. Wier, P. C. P. ; Mr. D. K, Harris, P. C. P. ; Mr. Peter Ross, P. C. P. ACADIA LODGE, No. 2G, I. O. OF O. F. Meets at Odd Fellowa Hall, Bedford Row, Halifax, every Monday evening. Ofi'icers.— Mr. Thos. A. Hyde, N. G . ; Mr. John A. Fuller, Y. G. ; Mr. Joseph S. Rogers, It. S. ; Mr. R. Taylor, P, S. ; Mr. Jas. Scott, Troas. ; Mr. John E. Cabot, Warden ; Mr, H. A. Tavlor, C. ; Mr. D. \V. RosS, P. G. ; Mr. John Campbell, P. G. ; Mr. R. Boake, P. G. ; Mr. E. Creelman, P. G. EASTERN STAR, No. 27, I. O. OF O. F. Meets at Pictou every Monday evening. Oil- jcEiis. — Mr. Jas. Ives, N. G. ; Mr. Robt, Doul, V. G. ; Mr. James Skinner, Sec.; Mr. Sam'l Taylor, Treasurer ; B.H.Norton, Esq., P. G. ; Dan'l Dickson, Esq., P. G. ' '. ' COBECiUlD— No. 34, I. O. OF O. F. , Meets at Truro. Oji-'icKus. — Mr. John Barnyeat, N. G.; Mr. Jas. K. Blair, Y. G. ; Mr. Chas. R. Pearson, Secretary; Mr. C. B. Archibald, P. Sec'y; P. S. Archibald, Esq., Treasurer ; Mr. Chas. Bent, P. G. i J GOYERNJUEIVT OFFICES AMD OFFICERS. PROYINCIAL SECRETARY'S OFFICE. j Provincial Secretary, Hon. Lewis M. Wilkins. Chief Clc-rl; W. II. Keating, Escj. Clerk, Mr, Jno. B. McDonald. j FINANCIAT- SECRETARY'S OFFICE. ' Financial Svcrelary, lion. Samuel Crcolmnii. f'lW/.; Mr. I. ', Blaucliard. : RECEiVER-(TENERAi;S OFFICE. I Rer.cicer'Gcneralt Hon. James McNab. dcrk, Mr. Edw. Duckctt. COMMISSIONER OF CROWN LANDS OFFICE. ' Comntiisianer of Crown Lanrls and Surveyor- General, Hon. Jas. | B. Uniacke. Deputy, W. A, Hendry, Ji^q. Clerks, Messrs. Edw. Morris and Frederick LeBlanc. (^ mtt^m kAMk! 50 BELCH KU 8 FAUMEU .S [1350. BOAICD OF M^QRlvS. For tliP sui^c'rintemlenco and maiiagcraont of the Provincial Build- ing. Government House, Provincial Penitentiary, and all otlier build- ings and property belonging to the Province ; Light Ifouscs, BuojK, and Beacons erected or to be ejected within tlio Province, Sable Island, and the Seal and Mud Islands. CoMMisMOffKiw. — Ho7t. Hugh Bell (Chairman), ITon. Samvvel Cunard, Wm. Murdoch, Matthew McKonna, and Jacob P. Miller (Superintendent), Esqs. CUerk and Super mtaiukht, J. B^ McNab, Esq. Architect^ Hobt. J. Chambers, Esq. PKNITENTI..RY. Medical Aitendant, K. S. Black, Esq., M. D, Bennett. Governor, Mr. Wm. Fish. SABLE ISLAND; Resident Superintendent, Philip J. Dodd, Esq. SnpcrintcndentH - - ^ ^ Paul and Scattarii Chaplain, Rev. Wm. Siiporintendenfn of t/ie flumaine EHfaoli^hmcnts on the Inlfcnds of St. io, Messrs. Jno. Campbell and Pliilip J. Dodd, Esq. INDIAN AFFAIRS. CoMMissiaxEus. — Cc])e Breton, Bev. N. Courtcaux, H. W. Craw- ley, Esq., and lion. Jas. McLeod. Wc»tern Countien, Wm. Chearu- ley, Esq. CoiiMisgioxEits lou Issufxr, Pkovixct Notes. — ITon. Edw. Kenny, Jno. Dutfus, and Jno. Nay lor, Esi^s. ^ BOARD OF REVENUE. CoMMissif?srEn3.- Secretary, Jno. B. Esqs. Chrk, B. B. -The Receiver- Oeneral (President), the Financial Bland, Jno. Williamson, and Juo. W. Ritchie, Oxley, Eh(1. Cunf roller af ('untoins and \aciija- tion Laws and licgistrar of S/n)>piiij, H. B. Paulin, Esq. Surcei/or of Shspj)inff, Samuel Murphy, Esq. Office op I'^■^osT and Excise. — First CflcrJi to the Receiver- Gencral and Acting Collector of Impost and Excise, Edw. Biniiey, Esq. WareJtousc Keeper, Wm. G. Fife, lis([. Landing Waiters and Searchers, Jno. U. Ross and Jas, M. Tidmarsh, Esqs. Guagcrs and Proof Officers, Joseph Austen and Wm. Conduit, Esqs. Clerks, Messrs. Peter Donaldson, Jno. l''itzgerald, Juo. R. AVallacc, and Thos. P. Ryan. lievcniie Waiters and Shipping Officers, Messrs. Robt. Hodges, Errol Boyd, and Jas. Hills. Warehouse Lockers, Messrs. Fras. Johnston, Wm. Hays, Jos. W. Quinan, Jas. Miller, Robt. Boak, Jas. P. Tropolet, M. Riidolf and Wm. Foster. Tide Waiters, Messrs. Jno. Hatch, Edwd. Kelly, Wm. McLean, Jno. Dirrcen, Jno. Twaddle, Robt. McDonald, Edw. Sliann, Geo. Ryder, Edw. Kavanagh, Jno. Nugent, Wm. Hammond, Wm. Hatch, and Matt. Campbell. Tide Surveyor, Mr. Jas. Wall. Boatmen, Jas. Kerr and Thoa. Walker. Seizing Officers. — Halifax, Edwd. Bowen. Liscombs, St. Mary's and Mary Joseph Harbours, Wm. McKinlay. Sheet Harbour, Jas. Browner. Collector Light Duty, Liscombs Harbour, Mr. Leouaid Pye. 1836.] ALMANACK, 61 SUrERVlSOllS OF OllEAT KOADS. Halifax to I'icfou County Line, Win. Dowling ; ^'ouiit;/ Line of Colchester to the Hut of Cunso, Adam McKenzie ; I'olloc/is to the (rui/shoroiu/h Coantij IJne, Jno. Parker ; liichmond County Lino to Sydney, C. 7i., Jus. McKenzie ; Dartmouth to Ship Harbor, Wm. Anderson ; Halifax to Lunenbury County Line, Forbes Black ; Halifax to Windsor, J. Lockhart Sweet ; Truro to Amherst, Henry Purdy ; County of Itichniond, Jaa. McKenzie ; County of Lwerncsa, Geo. C. Lawrence, Esq. COMMIHSION'ERS i'OU THE CoNSTRTTCTIOX AND MaNAOEMENT OF llAir<WAY8 IN Nova Scotia. — Hon. Joseph Howe (Chairman), Hon. Jonathan McCulley, Wm. Pryor, Jr., Jno. H. Anderson, Perez M. Cunningham, and Thoa. S. Tobin, Esqs. Chief Railway Engineer, Jas. R. Forman, Esq. ; Assistant Engineer, Jas. li. Moss, Es(i. ; Aeeountant, Jno. Morrow, Estj. CoMMISSIONEKS TO EXAMINE AND SeLECT PilOTS FOH THE PoRT OP Halifax. — Jno. Williamson, Hon. Jas. McNab, Hon. John E. Fairbanks, Geo. P. Lawson, and Jno. W. Ross, Esqs. Commissioners to earry out the I'rovisions of the Reciprocity Treaty between Great liritain and the United States, Moses H. Perly, of New Brunswick, and (iustavus G. Cushman, of Maine, Esqs. Commissioners fou the Construction of St. Peter's Canal. — Hun. Jas. McLeod, Thos. H. Fuller, and Isaac Le Viscoute, Esqs. COURTS. SUPREME COURT OF TUDK ATURE. HAVING LAW AXD EQUITY JURIS- DICTION* TllROUGIIOUI THE PROVINCE. Chief Justice, Han. Brenton Halliburton. Assistant Judyes, Hon. William Blowers Bliss, Hon. Thomas C. Haliburton, Hon. Edmund Murray Dodd. and Hon. William Frederick DesBarres. Attorney' Geiieml, Hon. William Young. Solicitor- General, Hon. William A. Henry, (iuccn's Council, Hon. James W. Johnston, Hon. Lewis M. Wilkins, Jo) in Creighton, Samuel P. Fairbanks, Hon. James B. Uuiacke, Hon. Wm. Young, Lawrence O'C. Doyle, and Hor,. Wil- liam A. Henry, Esqs. Clerk of the Crown and Prothonotari/, James W. Nutting, Esq. Master, N. W. White, Esq. COURT OF ERROR. The Lieutenant-Governor and the Members of Ilcr Majesty's Executive Council. 1 COURT OF MARRIAGE AND DIVORCE. The Leiutenant-GoA'crnor (President), the Hon. Judge Bliss (Vico-Presideut), and the Members of Her Majesty's Executive Council. Reyistrar, Hon. li. M. Wilkins. Advocates and Proctors, the Barristers and Attorneys of the Su- ' prcme Court. \' 62 lIULCill'Ul S I'AilMEU d [18f.G. COURT OF \WE ADMIllALTV OF HALIFAX, N. S., (IN'CLUI)INO CANADA,) HAViNO rnizE JunisDicTiox ovr.ii iiui i i.sit nohtii AMr.nirA. Vice-Admiral, The Governor- Gcnerul; Judi/i; The Honorable and Worshipful Alexander Stuart. Sutro;/<ites . II vlhax, Clias. Twining, Jno. C. Halliburton, Law. O'C Doyle, Alux. rrimroHC, Jno. W. Ritchie, Saml. 1'. Fairbanks, and Jan. R. Smith ; Wallack, Alex. MeFarlane; Tiuuo, EI)onezer Munro ; Windsoii, Harry King; Aiiu'iiAT, Chas. F. Harrington; Syo.vkv, C. R., Jas. McKoagney ; ANTKiONisit, Hon. Wm. A. Henry, Es([S. lieccicer-dcncral of tho Droits, C. U. Hamilton, Ilscj, Jin/isfrar, Jas. St-ott Tremain, Esq. Marshal, Hugli Ilartshorno, l']s([. Adcorate and l^rociirator-ilcnvrul, lion, VVm. Young. Advocates and J'rorforn, the Rarristera and Attorneys of tlie Supreme Court. Interpreter and Translator in the (xcrman and French Lcinguaries, Robt. (i. Ilaliburton, Esq. Tlie Sheriffs, Mayors, Constables, and other Ofiicers are also Othcers of this Court. I 'slier and Messenger, Mr. Jas. Venables. Bank of Ad- mirally Deposits, Tlie Rank ot British North America. This Court ordinarily sits at Halifax on the first and third Tuesday in every month, and also at other times when business recjuires, NOVA-SCOTIA BARRISTERS' SOCIETY. Patrons, The Chancellor and the Chief Justice. IIonora.r}f Members,'V\\e Judges of the Sujjrcrac Court. Coniniittec, hio.'SS . Ritchie ( Chairman), Samuel Gray, and Jas. C. Cogswell, Esqs. Treasurer, S. L. Sliannon ; Sccretarii, Wm. Howe ; Librarian, Jas. Thompson, Esqs. The Society has in connection with it an extensive Law liibrary, in the Province Building, to which the Members have access. COLLEGES, ACADEiniES, CLERGY, Ac IxsPECToRS OF ScuooLs.— Tlcsifem /^/si-Wc^ Charles D.Randall; Eastern District, Hugh Munro, Es([s. PuiXCirAL AND SuPi;UINTK.NJ>EXT Ol- NoKMAL AND MoDKL Schools, Rev. Alexander Forrester. KING'S COLLEGE, WINDSOR. FOUXDED, A. D. 1789. CHAUTEKED BY II. M. G JO, Patron, The Archbishop of Canterbury, A. Boaud of Goveuxoiis.— The Rt. Rev. Hibbert Binney, D. D., Bishop of Nova- Scotia, Ex-OfHcio President of the Board, and Visi- tor of the College ; lion. Chief-Justice Brenton Halliburton ; Rev. Geo. McCawley, D. D. ; Hon. Jas. B. Uniacke ; Hon, Lewis M*. Wil- kins; Hugh Hartsh(jrne, Escj. ; Hon. M. B. Almon ; Rev. Geo. W. Hill; Rev. Wm. Bullock; Jas. C. Cogswell, Esq.; Jno. W. Ritchie] Esq.; Rev. J. W. D. Gray, D. D., and Andw. M. Uuiackei Esq. 18.50.] AT.MANACK. 03 IW.siilriif, llov. Ooo. 'McCnwIpy, P. P. Prnfrsmr nf Dirinih/, iiirhidinif I'astnral 'I'/iro/ni/i/, Rtv. (Ico. W. IliU, M. A.* /'rDfcu.sor of Mat/iriudfics, A'atnnil J'/iilnsophi/, and As/ronnmj/, Mnmu'l Ji»o. Ilejislcy, Esi^. Pr.ofrssor of Xadira/ flisfori/ ni/'l C/ir/iil.i/ri/, Henry IIow, Esq. rrnf,'ssor of M')(/r nt L(i»i/i(a;jos, /•/-., French, (irriii'iii, Spanish, anil ffa/ian, llonry Sticfolhu^cn, Esq. Lihrarlaa anil lUn-sar, I'rdfessor Hcnsley. Treasurer, Jno. C Halliburton, Escj. Sacrrtari/, Kev. J as. (J. Cochran. TEU MS. — The Acuflcniical year hoji^ins in September, and contains tliree terms, in which all scholastic exercises are performed and de<;rees conferred. Miciiaiu.mas Ti:um extends from the first Monday in September to the loth December; l.r.ST Tkum from the /tr.sf Monday qffer the loth January to the Saturday hcfore Palm Sunday ; PI^stijr Tj:km from the Monday after Easter Monday to the 1.-st July. COLLEGIATE SCHOOL, WINDSOR. UNDER THE CONTIIOL OF THE GOVEUNOB-5 OF KING'S COLLEGE, Prindpu:, Rev. I). W. Pickett, A. M. Varalionn. — From July 1 to August 15. From December 15 to January l."i ALUMNI OF KING'S COLLEGE, WIXDfeOR. J'atron, His Execllency Sir J. Gasjmrd LeMarchant. I'rcsnlcntt Aud\N'. M. Uniacke, Es(j., D. C. L. Vice-Prt'sulcnf, "NVm. J. Alnion, E>(i., M. D. and A. IJ. Comniittee — Rev. Jas. C. Cochran, A. M. ; Rev. (ii>o. \V. Hill, A. M. ; Rev. Jas. Slireve, D. D. ; S. L. Shannon, A. IJ. ; Wm. Hare, Jas. G. A. Creij^hton, and Nojjean Clarke, Esqs. Treasurer, Hon. M. B. Almon. Secretary, V. C. llill, Esq., A. B. Scholar, Mr. Thos. Cxnsp. COGSWEI-L SCHOLARSHIP. (In memory of the late Rev. Wm. Cogswell, A. M.) Trustees, Rev. Jno. Thos. Twining (Chairman), Rev. R. F. Uiiiaeke, Rev. H. L. Owen, Henry Pryor, N. T. Hill, and Jno. \V. Ritchie, E,s([s. Secretary, P. C. IliU, Esq. S^fwlar, Mr. Thos. DALHOUSIE COLLEGE, HALIFAX. GovKUN'oits, ILju. Wm. Young, Ifnn. Hugh Bell, Hon. Joseph Howe, Hon. Wm. (irigor, J.t-*. F. Avery, M. D., Andw. McKinlay, and Juo. Xaylor, Es<is. Secretary, Jas. Thomson, Esq. ACADIA COLLEGE, WOLFVILLE. GovEfiNOKs. — The President and the Principal of the Theological Institute, ex-njfieio ; Rev. I. E. Bill ; Rev. Wm. Burton ; Rev. A. S. Hunt, A. M. ; Rev. H. F. Miles ; Rev. S. Robinson ; Rev. Chas. Spurden, A. ^L ; Rev. Jus. I'arker ; Rev. (Mias. Tupper ; //on. Jas. W. Johnston ; lion. W. B. Ivinnear ; Hon. A. McL. Seelv ; Jno, W. Barss ; Caleb R.Bill; N. S. DoMill ; Jas. R. Fitch, M. t). ; Simon Fitoh, M. D. ; Stewart, Freeman, Jas. W. Nutting, and Wm. Stone, Es(|s. 6i HEr,nii;u s kakmi:k s [18r,fi. This Institution is now divided into two purts, viz. ; — I. Acaiiia CoNct/e.—livv. K. A. ('nnvh y, J>. D., I'lc icUut, and rrofcssor of (/'lu.-f»i(:al I.iti'iiitiU' , liiti'lUctuiil ami Mural I'liilosojjliy, and Jvhctorlc!. lltv. J. M. ( riiiui), 1). 1)., I'roU's.sor of I'olilii-al EcouDiny, Iliftory, and Lo^ic. A. 1'. St\iart, Escj., A. M., IVofcH- ^ >r of Matliciiiiitics ami Nutural lMiil()s<)j)hy, iiicliuliiif^ Civil I'hiRi- ncoriiijj; and (Jliemistry, t',si)i'cialiy in il> itlatiou to Aj^riculturc and the Arts. II. T/tr Tlicohvjirdl [nsfidittu—Uov. J. M. Cramp, I). D., Princi- j)al, and Professor of Tiieolo^'v and l'',(rlt'sia>ti('al History, liev. E. A. Crawley, I). I) , I'rofessor of llel>rew and HiMical Interpretation. Fiu.sT Ti;uM — Conimcncin}^ 'JOtli January and ends 2()th June. Siaoxi) 'I'fum — Commences 1st 'September and ends liOth December. Trciisunr, Rev. Jno. Chase. HccordiiKj Sccretari/, Kev. Dr. Cramp. Steward, Mr. Alfred Eisk. IIORTOX ACADEMY, AVOLFVIELE. Prlndpah J- W. Ilartt, Es(|. Assisfnnf. Tcarheri, Mr. Thos. A. Ilijii^ins, A. Ij., and Mr. Alfred Chipman, A. 13. Stiinird, Mr. Al- ii-ed Ei.-,k. The Academy is under tlie !naTiaii;cmejit of the Board of Directors of the Nova-Scotia Uaptist Education Society. The Academical year is dividcil into Two Terms; the first consist- ing; of 21 weeks, commenciiiij each year .'Ul January, and endinf^ 2()lh June ; the second of 20 weeks, commeuciiig 1st August, and ending 20th December. FREE CIirRCTI COLLEGE FOR THE LO^yER FROYIXCES OF BRITISH XOR ril AMERICA, AT HALIFAX. Professor nf' Thcohxjij am! Church llisfori/. Rev. Andrew King J'ruJ'i'.ssor of Classical' Lifrrafare, and Mental and Moral J'hilosojihi/, Rev. Wm. Lyall. Hebrew, kc, Rev. Mclvnight. FuKE Chuuch Ac.vokmy, Halifax. — Mathiinaiics, Xatural Philos- ophi/, &.C., Rev. George Munro, Rector ; Classics and Ilistori/, Mr. Jas. Fowler ; Primary Department, Mr. J. 11. Roussclle ; Modern Lan- guages, Mr. II. (^Idright. CoLT.KfJi". Axn AcAUKMY BoATin. — Rcv. Professor King, Rev. Pro- fessor Lyall, Rev. McKnight, Ajidw. Mclvinlay, Robt. Romans, Jas. H. Liddell, (ieo. Bixist, Jno. Mcintosh, Peter Ross, Robt. Boak, II. D. Steel, Esqrs. Treasurer, Jas. Forman. Chairman, Andrew Mclvinlay. Secretanj, Jas. H. Liddell. Auditors, Geo. C. Whidden, and Jno. Grant. Bursary and Library Committee, Rev. A. King, Rcv. W. Lyall, Rev. Alex. Forrester, and Mr. J. II. Liddell. Con- vener, Rev. W. Lyall. GORIIAM COLLEGE, LIVERPOOL. Under the sanction and control of the Congregational Union of Nova- Scotia and X'ew Brunswick. President and Professor of Mathematics and Xatural Philosophy, Rev. Fredk. Tompkins, A. M. Professor of Classics and Belles Lettres, Ilev. Alex. Sim, M. A. ,>•« [l8r,n. (lent, and liloHopliy, rolilical ,, I'rDl'CH- vil I'liiRi- Iture unci ., Princi- lUv, E. pretulion. June. )econibor. r. Cramp. Than. A. I, Mr. Al- Directors ^t consist- idinj,' 20tli nd ending iVIN'CES X. ?\v King /iilon()j)/ii/, , Mr. Jus. dcrn Lan- lev. Pro- Romans, )l)t. Uouk, , Andrew Whidden, A. King, ;11. Cun- Union of hilosophy, I. A. m^(uj AIMW.VCK. fi5 ST. M.MIVS COM-EdK, IIAUrAX. )'iifron., Most Uev. William Walsh, 1). D., ArcW)ishnp of lialirax. Pn'fltli'ittt llcv. Mifliacl Ilinnan. Ph()I'i;s>,ous — f'/assirs, French, Mufhi'imidm, ami M'ifid I'/iit'D.^oph;/, Kcv. P. Pnwor, and Hov. J. Woods. liooK-hcrjiini/, Al/i-i'-rn, Arif/nitclir, Jvc, Mesi+ra. C^uiuu uiid O'Neil. HAl.IFA?; GPAMMAU SCilOQX. TitrsTKi's. — The Lord 7?ishop of Xova-Scotiji, the Hitn. the Chief Justiw!, tl>e Jloti. JikVo lUisH, and Veu. Archdciu;ou Willid, 1). D. I'riruipa/, Ruv. E, (iilpin, Jr., A. M. NATION AT. SCnOOT., HALIFAX. • Tktstrf.s. — TIk; I<ord Hislnip of Novjv-Scotio, tho Chief Justice, Rev. R()l)ort V/illis, I>. D. und 1>. C. L., and the Cluirch Wardens of St. I'ani's ('hurch. Prinripal, Mr. Jno. W^illis. SnjufriiUcndejit Jo- male JJi'parfmnit, Mrs. Maxwell. WESLEYAN ACADEMY, SACK^^LLE, N. B. Preftidcnt of the lioKrd of T^-unfres, llcv. R. Kniglit. St^retcu';/, llcv. Wm. Temjjle. lIorATiior and Chapluin, Rev. E. Evaiis, I). D. rnncipa/, Rev. II. I'ickard, A. M. Trei-'siircr, Che.s. E. Allison,^. Mat,k Beanck. — I'rofesKor of Mental luul Morul Sciences, iVc, Rev. H. Pickard, A. M. I'rojcsnur of i'rciic/t, and Asiii.stunt in ClasKicnl I)cpnt\'ment, Mr. A. lliid. Teachei- in Intermediate Department, Mr. A. McX. Patterson. Teru'Jur in J'rininri/ hapa^-tnient, Mr. J. R. Inche. Afhtintant in fallei/itite Depnrtnwiit, Mr. J, W. Webb. Lec- turer upon Xatut'nl SiMcncc, J 'ronannj, i^c, Teacher of local and Iii- etrummtal Musi< , Thos. I'ickaid, A. M. Fkmvlk Rk\n< II. — Chief Precept rass, S.c., ^<?,,Miss MaryE. Adams. An<'iist(tnt in Fine Arte and ColU'ijiuta Department-, Miss Augusta M. A<htms. TcKclm- in Inferni'tdiate Department, Mrs. Eliza Xe\iUe. Anhiaiuni in Pri^narif Di'jH'.rtnmnt, Mrs. Amelia Walker, PI( TOU ACADEMY, PICTO.U. BoAKT) or T.ursTEi;s — Alex. P. Ross, (Jhairman ; Jaa. Criehton* Treannrer ; Daniel Dickson, i<cerc.tarij ; J. D. U. Eraser, Peter Cxerar, llugli II. Ross, Alex. Eraser, M. R., Jas. Eraser, A. D. Gordon, Jas. Dawson, Peter Ross, and W. Gonloti, Es(irs. Tkacueus. — First Dcpartmenf, Mr. Wm. Jack. Stcond Department, Mr. Thos. Mulholland. Third Jicpnrtment, Jlr. . Ti.UMS. — Firxi Term commences an the iirst Mtrnday in January, and ends on the Iirst Wednesday of Jidy. Second Term commences first Monday iii August, and ciidsatthecommeneeiaontof theChrifjt- mu8 Holidays. EOYAL ACADIAN SCHOOL, HALIEAX. Patron, The Lieutenant- Goveni or. President, lion. Hugh Bell. Vice Frcst., Jjio. Williamson, Esq. 'Treasurer, Wm. Murdoch, Esq. S(ic'y, Jas. C. Kume, 'E;H|., M. D. Executive Committee, RolX. Noble, Jno. MetzJer, Jno. II. Anderson, Jas. C. Cogswell, Aivliil)ahl Seott, and Jno. Gibson, Esqrs. Superintendent, Mr. Stephen Seldeji. .S'«- ju'.rintendotf Female DejMtrtmcnt, Miss Daniels. t ■; 56 BELCUE71 S FAKMEU S [1856. CLEliGY OF THE UXrJ'ED (^IlT'llCII OF ENGLAND AMD IllELAND, IN NOYA-SCOTIA. The Riglit Kcv. Hibbcrt ]>i:iney, D. D., Tjord Bi:-iinp of Nova > Scotia, cxorcituug Fpificoi)ul Juribdktion over Novu-Scotia and Prince f Edward l.^iliind. j^ Vol. linbcrt Willis, D. I)., and 1>, C. I.., Archdeacon of Nova- f Scotiii and Prince P'.dward Islivud. t Ila/if(tx,\vn. ]f.obcrt Willis, U. D., and D. C. L., Kccior ; nnd | llev. SVxn. l$allock, liev. Edmund Matiiriii, A. M., and Kcv. Ileber I ]5ullock, A. M., (;ur;vtC3, uf St. Paul's Church, ilev. R. Fit/gd [ Uniacko, A. M., Hector, of ^'t. (Jcorye's Church, llev. Jno. Thos. | • Twining, ]). I)., f'arrison Chaplain; V.ev. E. Gili)in, Jr., A.M., [ I'rin. IIx. (irara. School; liev. Jas. C. Cochran, A. M., oHiciating in | vacant settlements in the nei;i;hboihood of Alalifat ; Htv. llobt. Dunn, C Agent of tVie Colouiu' Church and School Society; Kev. J. G. Mul- | lioiland, A. M. ; and liev. ( k'O. E. W. Mortis, A. M., retired. Ayka- \ ford, Rev. Iliehard Avery. JimajitiUs, llev. Edwin Gilpin, A. ^I.. and | llev. Jas. .T. llitcliie, A. M. Amherst, llev. Geo. Townsh.enr', A. B. 5 Albion Mines, llev. Jos. Forsyth. Aii'tf/oniih, llev. A. W" Alilledge, | A. B., and llev. Lewis M. W. ilill, A. B., retired. Arv.hut, llev. K. F. Brine, A. B., and llev. Jas. A. Shaw, retired, llridiiewnter, llev. Henry D. DcPi'-'^, A. M. Vountnj Jhubor, llev. Abraham Jordan. Curnwaf/is .7»a' WoU'villo, llev. John Storrs, A. B. CletiieiUs-port, llev. Wni. M. (iodfiey, A. 1!. ChcK/e.', llev. Chas. J. Shrcve, A. B., llev. Richard Pr»3'^ne. (hir/woHfU, llev. Jas. Shreve, I). I)., and Rev. Jas. Stewart, A. M. -l>itjl-ii. Rev. Archibald Gray, A. B. Faltnuufh, llev. Geo. McCawley. 1). 1). (irancUh, llev. J. M. Campbell, A.M., and Rev. Rupert V/. Cochran, A. B. (cini.ihoror.i/.h, Rev. G. T. Jarvis, A. B. Kentcille, Rev. Henry \owcn;i. J.icerj)ool,}:ic\. Edw. B. Nichols, A. M. Lui'cii/>nr(/, Rev. Henry Ij. Owen, A. B. Man- chester, Rev. Wm. Thos. Mcnris, A. B. Ma!;-i>nv Bay, Rev. W. II. Snyder, A. M. Muaijuadohtii, Rev. S. D. Gre'jn. S'ewjiort, llev. I'enry Spike, A. B. .A'< .'/• Duhfin a:>d Petite liieicre, llev. Jno. Am- brose, A. B. I'arrsboro', llev. Wm. B. King, A. M. Victou, Rev. Chas. Elliot, A. Ji. I'i(.i/!, ll^'v. Henry SLanier. ^'/wrArooAe, Rev. T. 1). lludiUe. NA/;; Hurler tuul Jeduore, Rev. Robert JcUuieson. Sahnon River and Bcc.Kei' f'arh)r, Rev. Jas. Breadinij. St. Mary';i, Rev. J. Alexander. Sae/cvi/h', Rev. Thos. Maynard, A. ]}. St. Maryarut's Bay, Rev. Jao. St:tnua'j,e, aiul Rev. Jno. Pearson. Sl>id- hurne, \U)\. Thos. IT. While, A. B. Sydney, C. B., Rev. Richard J. Uniacke, A. B., and Rev. ('hi^. In;;les, .V.. 1?., refirid. Sydney Mi/ies, llev. llobt. Arnold, A. B. 'iruro, llev. Tiios. C. Leaver, A. M. Tusket, Rev. Philip Toct^ue. Windsor, Rev. Geo. McCawley, D. 1)., Prc.iidant oi' Kind's Cnlu't-o ; Rev. D. W. Pickett, \. M., Principal \ Collegiate Academy ; R(!V. (ieo. \V. Hill, A. M., Professor of The- J olof^y, Ivin<:'s College; Rev. W. Hensley, A. B., Professor of Mathe- f inatics, lung's College ; Rev. AUred Gilpin, A. M.^ and Rev. Wm. C. King, A. M., retired. \Veij>n»uth, Rev. I'hillip Fillevil, A. B. Westjiort, Rev. J. II, Clare. Xarinuv'k, P.ev. Jno. T. T. Moody, A. i M. Wilnwt, Bev. Jan. Robertsuii, A. M. ( TiiAVEi.Li.N'u M'ssi.oN.vKfiis, — (/(/;jt' Breton vJiuid, Rev. W\ Y. Por- ter. ir(?«^ C'o(w/ o/"AVjtJu-i!s't-t)<t(c, Rev. Philip Tocij[ue, [1856. AND Nova Pxiiice Nova- •T ; :iiid , Ilebcr Fitzyd I. ThoH. A.M., ;itin;; in . Dunn, I i . Mul- Aijies- V.. and , A. B. LJllcdj^e, Uev.K. .-)•, Kev. Jordan. if.s-port, ,A. B., d Uev. liiiouth, , A.M., G. T. . Edw. Man- W. II. Uev. i^.m- llev. Li'.eson. Man)' a, ,?. ' St.. Shel- lliiiid J. Mi/ify., A. M. ID. 1)., jiiu'ipaJ If Thc- Mutlm- Wiu. A. a. Idy, A. Tor- \ 185-0.] ai-v.v> 67 THE INCORPORATED DIOCJ->SAN CH'TTiriT SOCI!BT\' OF N()VA.S(J()TIA. P/VTRriNs, — Ilis Exce'loncy Sir Gaspard ] ,o^IaTf'hnn( ; firt So- ciety forr the Propnarttior: of the G(^spd in For.'ifjn >';»rt^ ; ami tlw^ Society iw rioimttiu}^ Chrixtirji Kri'iT^'lodfje. Prrsiarnf, 'lie lyOfl Bishop ot Nova-Scotia. ]'ice I'lrsuinifs, Yen. Archdeacon Willis, D. D., f.nd D. (!. L., Mr,i. Chief Justice ITidlilmrton, //ow. C. R. Prcscott, Law. Jlartshorne, David Karo, T-.u). Spry Morrin, Esf^ri*., and /fo/i. W. R. Blis.s. .sVr'^-, Rev. E. Giljjin, Jr., A. M. Asa/. Sc.-., Ilonry Pryor, Es(j., A. M. Tren.^tirrr, "W m. ('. Silver, Esq. >?^- fr?t<tFC Ci)}nrr,i/f<'c, nil (IlergyiiK'n liii'eiiN'd by the Bishop of the Di'. cpse, — Ifon. M. B. Akuoii, Tlios, B. Akiiis, Tlios. A. Brown, P. ('. iiill, Wra. (iossiji, Jr., \Vm. !I. Marvin, Jno. W. Ritchif, Jw*. R, Do Wolfe, M. D., N(>i)ean Clarke, Kdw. il. T.owe, A M. Uniap^, Jas. U. Smith, //"».. Alox. I-^tewnrt, Win. M. Brown, Htnry Mo;p»'. Win. Hare, W. J. Aiinon, M. D., lireiiton Collins and tiu<;h I^art^- hovnc^ E>qrs. TJJh Mrinhcr.s, II"i,. Enoa Collin**, Ifnn. Ale?:. Stewart, ]lev. E. (iiipin, Jr., Hun. C. R. Preseott, Hon. S. Cunanl, ISIiss Tot- ten, David Hare, IF. G. Farish, M. D., J. G. t"ari«h, M. D., K. K. S. Bu'liT, licwis Bliss, and Joseph Stan, E-qrs. ENit()\vMi;N r — Rc\ . T. C. Leaver, Rev. Wra. Bul- lock, Hev. E. Gilpin, and P. C. Hill, Win. C. Silver, Henry Pryur, and li. Murd(x;h, Esqvs. Ni /-,"//, Fee v. E, Gilpin, Jr. Treasurer, Wm. C Silver, Esq. Nov.v-Scoxiv Foiu;uiN Distui'T CoMMriTEr; or Tiir. Soi tirrY von PiioMOTiNci CiiuisTi v\ K NOW i.KDc 1'.. — TliG Lord Bishop, the Arch- dcitcon, Hdij. (Uiief Ju.-Hlice Hallinurtou, Iloti. Wnu. B Blis.s, Rev. Edwin (iili)in. Rev. Wim. Bulluek, Ri v. Tlios. H. White, Rev. E. Gilpin, Jr. (Secretary,) and Mr. Wm. Gos.sij), Jr. Tlie annual nivetiiij^ of the society is held at Halifax, between the middle of September and the end of October, in each your. COLONLVL CHITRCH AND SCHOOL SCiCH^.TY. Patuon*. — Her Mo-.t Gracious Majesty the (iueen. Vici; Patuon.s. — liis (irace the Archbishop of Canterbury, and His Grj»ce the Arclibisliop of York. n.vt.ii'Aj: A.ssoci.vTio.v IX AJi) or tiiu Colonial Cuih<h and S«.uooL SociKiv. (Incorporated by Ac^t of the Provincial Legi.sla- ture) — I'a/ro/is: — His i'^xccUcnoy Sir J. Gaspard I-e.Muichunt, and the Right Rev. the Lord lUsiinp of Xova-Scotia. l'rrii>/iMf, the Hon. the Chief Ja.-,tiee. lii.v 1 'residents, .l\ev. J. T. Twininj;, I). D,, Rev. R. F. UniiK'ke, Hon. M. B. Alnion, and S. P. Fairbanks, Esq. Tnasiirrr, ]a1\v. Binncy, Es(j. Sic'i/, Rev. Tlios. Dunn. Hon. Src'i/, Wiia. Howe, lisq. Kj-cci'tlcv ('uminiHrv, Jas, (i. A. Crc'j^hton, Jas. W. Merkel, E. F. Stewart. Thos. ]], Akins, Tlios. A. lirown, P. ('. Hill, I'eter Lyncli, Henry Iiiee, Wm. C. Silver, Ja.s. C. Cooswell, W. A. MrAgy, Juo, C. Ilolliluirton, Wm. Dunbar, Jas. W. Feiurty, Wm. II. Tajip, S. A. White, Wm. Hare, Law. Yan 15uskirk, David Clarke, W. II. 'J ully, iuid ]-:. J. Lordly, Es.[rs., and all Clergymen of the Church of England who are uieiubers of the Association. Life Mcmbcn, Wm. Cunard and Jas. C. Cogswell, Esqrs. 3* 6S- HFC'IiUEU S r.VUMKU !4 [185G. MINISTERS OF THE RSTAni.ISIIED CHliRfTlI OF SCOT- I LAND IN CONNKCnuN WITH THK .SYNUI> (>!•' NOVA-SCOTIA. PuDSFATKUT oi' HALIFAX. — Halifax, St. Matlhew'H^ llfv. Juo. Srott, \.- M. ; !^t. Andnnv's, llov. Jno. Miirtin ; Hcv. (joo. W-. ISprott, Missiomu y ; and JUv. Fni.-. Nico', St. Johns, N. F. L. PuESUYTKUY ov I'u.Tor. — Mcl^-lldus Maiintuin, llev. Alex. Mc- Gilljvray. I'irtoi:, llev. A. W. lltrdin m, A. >i. West (ind MidiUe Rivers, llev. Alex. Mcl.tan. Ilnrrm HUt, ^si\, licv. Alex. McKay. Xcio Gla.v/ow, Uev. All.iu roilot'k. Catec/iiifis-, Mfcssrs Juo. Melx-od, Alex. Ko!*H, and Alex. I'ruuhart. I'llKSllYTKKY ov ruUN*. I, EdWAUU I^T.AN1>. — Cluulotic ToiCU, KcV. j William Snod^'ras;!. ' I'arsiiYTiniv oi' Cai'K Ijukton. — Jtircr liihabt'ant», Mr. Eneas Mc- Donald, CiUcchist. \i\\ AssodATSoN IN SvppoiiT oif- tuv. Chuuch oi-- Scoti,amd. — Pre.H., 7/i'>/».*Alex. Keith. I in: /'/v.s., llohr. Noble, K«(}. 'JVca.'itiri'r and (J(jrrcsj/'»i'iin(/ Scv'ii, Arcliibald iScott, Iv-si. Jicc, Sec' u, Mr. Alix. F. Etter. Cotnmifhn:, Wiu. Meriiek, Juo. Doull, U. 1*. Miicliell, G. E. Morton, A. McLeod, and J. Tuylor, Kstir.s. SYNOD OF THE FREE CHURCH OF NOVA-SCOTIA. Moderator, Rev. M. Wilson. I'hrh, Rev. Win. Duff. FuKsnYTKUY or Hai.uax. — Jlaiifax, Rev. I'lol'essor Kinp, Rev. Frolessi)! Eyall, Rev. Alex. Romans and licv. ^Vln. Murray ; Corn- iral/is, Rev. (ieo. Struthers ; J^uiiinhurf, Rev. Wni. Duff; Si, Jolmr., X. F. I.., Rev. Mcsrs Haivoy and Rev. Alex. Rots ; Ikrinnda, Rev. W. Thorburn, and Rev. Jno. A Ross; Jlostox, Rev. A. S. Muir ; Mnsiim>dolH)it, I^ticn in'c Tofit, and Jjikr I'orici; Rev. Ueo. .Sutherland. Licentinfru, Rev. Mclvnij^ht, and Rev. A. !McKay. Catcvhist, Mr. AT.urdoch McGro<i;or. Pr/;si!YTi;RY oi- Pit rou. — Sew Clusfjoir, Rev. Jno. Stewart; S(. Mary's and LocJuihor, Rev. Alex. Can\])bell ; W'aliacc, Rev. Jno. Munro ; IktrnvijH Iticcr tend Uluc Mjiuitaiufi, Rev. D. li. Blair; 7'jV- ton Town, Rev. Murdoch Sutherland. Llccntidlc, Rev. Kenneth MtKenzie. ('afrr/ii.'^fs, Messrs Murdoeli, and Jno. Stewait. PiiKSHYTKiiY OI' Cap!'. Rukton. — Middle liivo; Rev. Alex. Farqu- harson. Uunlardtrio Island, Pa-v. Jas. Frazer. Broad Core and Mar(jarcc, Rev. Jno. (junn. Stjdix'ii Mines, liev. Matthew Wilson. St. lieortjeH Channel, Riv. Murdoeli Stewart. Sydney, Mint iind Cafelnno, Rev. Iluj^h AlelA-od. Cat of Cai "o and River Inhabitunts, Rev. Wra. G. Forbes, i I rand Kie-r and Lneh Lnniond, Rev. Jas. Ross. Licentiate, Mr. Abraham Mclniosh. Catedilsts, Messrs. ('has. Ross, Malcom Melieod, Donald Ross, Donald MeDonald, and Angus Bcthuno. I'lii-.sitYTEUY or PuiNCK T'owAiiD IST.AND. — Rrown's Creek, licv. Alex. Munro ; Xetc London, Rev. Alex. Sutherland ; Marray Harbour, Rev. Neil McKay. Catvehist, Mr. Jno. MeDonald Tlic Synod meets this year at New (ilasjjow on the second Thurs- day of June. CoMMiTTr.r<» OP TiTr, Fukh Svnoh or NovA-Sfonv^. (Jolleye and Aendeniy Hoards. — liev. A. Iving, Rev. W. Eyall, Rev. McKni.t;ht— A. McKinlay, ((Jiiairman). R. Roak, H.'D. Steel, P. RosH, Robt. Romans, Jas. 11. l-iddell, (See'y), Escirs. m 180G.] ALMANACK. Ot) Missionary Iheoid. — liev. A. Kin<jf, llcv. W. Lj'all, Itev. Mc- Knislit, (Convener) ; Ktv. Win. Mnrray, (Editor) ; II. D. Steel, G. Munro, Jno, Mclntosli, auil Jas. II. Jiiddull, E.siirM. Si/noil I'lind.—liev. A. Kin}-, (Convener). Itev. W. Duff, Ilev. — Bhur, Mov. Jno. Munro, ll-jv. Jno. Gunn— ruterMcNab, and Angus Mclvuy, EstpH. Sahhafh Obsirvuncc. — The Presbytery of rictou. Convener, Rev. M. Sutherlui.d. Pupery. — Rev. G. Sutherland, (Convener) ; Rev. Alex. Sutherland, Rev. M. Sutuerland, Rev. Jas., Rev. D. B. lilair. Rev. A. King, and Mr. Tuyler. IIoMi; Missions. — The Professors of the College, Rev. Mc- Knij>ht, Rev, Jnu. Stewart, Rev. llusjh McLeod, Rev. A. Sutherland- Messrs Win. Anderson, and Jno Mulntosh. Caitr.nn; Rev. A, King. FoHKK.N Missions, — The Presbytery of Pictou, Ineornnr::ti''e with the Synod of New Hrunswiek, I'lofessor !vinj»:, (Convener) ; Rev. ilessrs, Forrester, Duif, McLeod, Jno. Stewart, A. Sutlierland, and Mr. Smith. (■onj'crc/ice with I'rosbi/fcrinii C/ivrch of Xora-Srofiii. — Professor Kin<j;, (Convener) •• Rev. Messrs Me Eeod, Dutf, Stewart, McKnight, and Messrs Newcomb and Faninharson. PRESDYTinilAX CHURCH OF NOVA-SCOTIA. Moderator, Re^-. Jnc, Cameron. Synod (Urrlt, Rev. P, G. Mc- Gregor. Synod 'J'nui surer, Abrain. Patterson, 1\,m[., Pictou, Pui;;iii\Ti;iiv or Turito, — I'jijwr Londonilcrry, Rev. Ehenezer E. Ross. Louder L'unionderry, Rev. Alex. L. Wylic, Truro, Rev. \V in. McCuUoch, Onslow and Hearer Brook, Rev. Jno. I. I'uxter. Mait- litntl and Mod, l{ev. Thos. S, Crow. Slciriackc, Rev. Jas. Smith. J'arsboru', Itcv. Jus. Mc. G. McKay. Presbytery Clerk, Rev. E, E. Ross. Pui'.sBYTintv or ir\i,ri'Ax. — Windsor and S'eirport, Rev, John L. Murdoch, A, M. llaH/a.r, Rev. I'cter (», McCiiegor, .V//((! Mile J'ircr, Kennefeouk, and (lore. Rev, Jno, Cameron. Yarntout/i, Rev. Geo. CMiristie. S/irlbnrne, liarrinylon, and (-lyde Hiier, Rev, Geo. M. Clark. P/iper and Middle Miis(iin)d^>boit, liev. Robt. Sedgwick. Pres- bytery Clerk, Rev. P. G. Mc(iregor. J'lir.sitvTKUV OK Vxvvctv. — r.ast liraneh, I'.ast Hirer, Rev. Angus Mc(iillivray. West liirir, Rev. Jas. Wat'^on. Mrrriyoniish, Rev. Andw. P. Miller, Pietoii Toicn, Rev. Jas, Payne. River , John, llcy. Pev. Jas, Waddell. Xne (llasyow, Pcv. J)avid Roy, and Rev. (Jeo. Walker, (Ireen Hill, Jiev. (ieo. Patterson. 'J'afaniayoaeke, li(>v. Jas. Jiyers. Autiyoninh, and Cape Ueorye, Rev. Diivid lloneyman. Chatham, Rev, Jno, MeCurdy, Caleilonia, Sherbrooke and (ilenely, liev. Jno. Campbell. Mew Annan, and 't'ataniayoaehe, Rev. Robt. Ulackwood. Presbytery Clerk, \iv.\. Geo. Patterson. Pui;siivTi:uv ok P. E, I. — I'rineetoirn, Rev, Jno, Keir, T). D. Cora Head, Rev. Jas. Allen. JSedeijae, Rev, R, S. Patterson, A. M. Xcw (ilasynw. New London and Cavendish, Rev. Isaac Murray. Uii'hmond Hay, Rev, Jno, M, MeEeod. St. Peter's and Hay Fortune, Mvw Henry Crawford, Caseumpee, Rev, Allan Fraser. Presbytery Clerk, Rev. Robt. S. Pattcr.von. ■■ L ! 60 IIBLCIIKU S lAllMKU S [IHoO JInmr, Mminnnririit, llcv. Jno. Sprott, Ilev. Dnniel McCurdy, Rev. J. Tlionisoii, \iv\. lliiijh Koss und llov. Alex. McKcii/.ic, niul Moshts. U(il)t. (rnuit, S.imiiel Mc( 'alloy, Win. Kcir and Samuel Johnson. /'i)tw';/n Mis.siunurio.'i, Ilev. J. (ieddie und Uev. G. N. Gordon, New IIe!)rides. IJoAiii) oi' IIoMi; Missions. — Ilev. Professor lloss, Tlcv. Messrs. Patterson, Watson anil Walker, with the Presbytery Elders of Green Hill, West Uivci and Primitive Cliurch. Scc'i/, Ilev. Geo. Patterson. Po.vui) or PoiiKiGN Missions. — Ilev. Messrs. David llov, Jas. AVud- dell, Jno. 1. Paxfer, Jas. Pajiie, Jno. Keir, I). ])., (i. Walker and I'.bene/.er McLeod and Uaniel Cameron of W'r.sf Hii-i-r ; Alex. Fraser of \ow (i/as^ow, and Jno. Yorstou of I'ictou, E.-(j[rs. .Sc'y, llcv. Ja.s. Payne. J'iDL'CVTiovvi- PoAKD. — Mev. Mcssrs. .Smith, Mefirepnr, ('am])bell, lloss and Uayne — and Abram Patterson, (Jhas. 1). Hunter, Adam Diekie, Isaac, l.o;;an, Jno. I). C'hristie, Jas. MeCirci^or, Jno. Vorstou, Anthony Smith, J. W . C;irmiel>ael, J. I). MeI)onald and ('has. llol)- son, I'lsqrs. I'.x OJfwio monhrrs, the Modir.itur and Clerk of Synoil for the time beiiii;. Sd'i/, Rev. Jas. Payi.o. Tlie Synod meets at New Glas;^ow on the fourth Tuesday of June, at 11 o'einek, A. M. Tiii;oi,of!ic'.\i, Sr.MiN.vav. — Prnfcxsor of Systoiuitic 77ic»f(if/if,l{vv. Jno. Keir, I). J). I'rojrssor af llihiicdl [.ilrralure. Rev. Jas. Smith. I'r ifcss'))- of MfH/d! (tiid Monil I'/iil.ifiop/n/, Rev. Jas. Ross. I'roJ'r.s.sor of tho I'iasiiics, MathcinatiiH, and Niitiwal J'/iihsoj)/!!/, Mr. Thos. Are(;ull()eh. Sec' ij to lln' JSmird of Siijk riiifcixh-nvc, Kcv. J. Watson, West River, I'icton. 'J'kkm for the Seeular l^rane'u's, aix months, commeneinjjf March 1. Ticuu for instruction in Theology, nix weeks, counuencin}.; Sept. 1. CLERGY OF THE RO^rAN CATHOLIC CHURCH IN NOVA- SCOTIA. His Grace tho ^^ost Ilev. William Walsh, D. D. I<ord Archbishop of Halifax, residiuij at Halifax, witii the Hishoj)s of Charlottetown, Frederit'ton, Hernnida, and Arieliat, as Sa//ra(/ans. lli^ht Rev. Colin F. McKinnon, I), i).. Lord Pishop of Arichat, ro- fiding at Arichat. DiocKSK or H.\r,trAx. — Hut i fax, llcv. Michael Hannan, Rev. Patk. Power, Rev. AV. llannigan und Rev. Jno. P. Wood. St. Mat'ijani's lin;i, Ifcrn'n;/ f-ot'i', /'rr^fason's Core, I'rosju'it and Krf<'h ll(!r/)otn;\ii^\', Jno. Keunedy and Rev. A. Melsaac. Li(iu'nl)nrij. ('hcftter and Shrr- (n-ooko. Rev. Philip M. llolden. IJcerpool. Caledonia, Shvllturne and J{<if/!/)'d /stands, Ki'V. Thos. Walsh, liarrimiti'i, J'^cd lirook and St. Ann's, Ilev. Jno. (ioudet. Varnioitth, J'as/ad, ivr.. Rev. Jos. P. Roles. J'niiniro, Rev. Henry Warlop. Salmon liivcr, Mctct/han and Manda- fns, Rev. Win McLeod. St. Mary's, ]Vi'iimouth, i\-r.. Rev. Doinin (Jary. Annaju/is, IH'jhy, \r., Rev. l<](Uv. Jkitler. Cornir.tltis, Kcnt- vilfc and Ay/t'sford, Rev. David O'Connor. 'mhrrst, Puywash, Wal- lace, iV'., Rev. Jas. Rojiers. Truro, Dartmouth und Shw ir'/:(idie. Rev, Piitk. Dunphy. Cliczctcook, Ship llarlxuir, w., Rev. Jno. Carnioily. 1850. licv. IIISOII. New Icssrs. (/reca tcrson. Wad- er and ''riiser . Ju.s. June, 185G.1 ALMAXACli. 61 l)locr;si; or Anirii.vT. — Arichnt, Kov. II. (Jcroir and liov. Dr. Cam- eron. Si/(liici/, Itev. Ja.s. tiuinan. Syihicij Mi/ui, Very llev. Jno. Laujihlun, Vicar General. Li'tiinbioy, llov. K. Milian. .S'^ Piter's, and r.iist Jill/, llcv. Neil McLeod. }'ort Unwl ami Mahoii, Ke\. A. Mel)onald. Jioisda/n liiua d' Or, liev. II. McDonald. J,' Ardoisa imd nicer lh)iirf;poii, liev, N. Corteau.x;. Crrii/nish, Jtcv. J. MeDonald. JiidiijKc, Uev. Grant. C/iificainp, llev. II. J. ( Hienel. Tracadii-, Rev. Jii". (iuii\an. St. Atidrvir s, llev. 11. McCiilveray. Arimuj, llev. W. IJ. MeLood. Pictoit, llev. Shulte, D. 1). A/hion Mines and Mcri'/omis/t, llev. Ilu^h O'lleilly. (itn/s')t)r'iu(/h,1ii:v. Duily. Titrhnf), llev. Drummond. Antii/nnish, llev. Swuine. Trap- ^lonastery. llev. l*ere Francois, I'rior. Society o I' St. Vinckxt ok Pai;l. — /'a^roji, His Grace the Arch- Inslio]). Spiritaal Director, llr-v. Ilaiinan. Preside/if, J. S. Ker- ry, Ks([. ]'icc Presl., Mr. Jas. Donohoe. .Jv.v/V. I'. /'., Mr. Jno. Barron. Trmntirar, Mr. J. 1*. llagarty. Sec'i/, Mr. Win. Comptou. WESLEY AN METHODIST MISSIONARIES. President of the Westeijan Methodist Conference of Eastern liridsh Xiirfh America, llev. Jno. Heecliam, D. 1). Co. iJc/ci/alc, llev. Mat- thew Rieliey, D. D. Scc'i/, llev. Wiu. T'emple. IIaliiax ViHTVACv.— Ffd/i/ar, llev. J. IK Rrownell, Rev. Jas. Eng- land, and Rev. Wni. Bennttt and Henry I'ope, Supernumcrariis. Mtisi/H(tdo')oit, llev. llezekiah McKuown. St. Mnnjaret's liaij, llev. ^Vlu. Tweedy. Lunenhuni, Rev. Jos. F. Bent. Pitife liiricre, llev. Ileury I'ope, Jr. Mills \illaije, llev. Fredk. W. Moore. Licerpool, llev. In^diam Sutclille and llev. Samuel Avery. Windsor, llev. Ro- land Morton, Finiincial See'y. Xcwjjort, Rev. Tlios. 11. Davies, Chairnnui of the Dis., and llev. Joshua Hart. Muilland, Rev. Geo. \V. Tuttle. Cu.vuLOTTK Tow.v DisTUTCT.— T^v/rfl, Rov. Goo. O. Ilcustis and Rev. Jno. Marsliall, Supernumerary. Hirer Philip and Pai/irask, Rev. lloht. E. Crane. Wallace, \{v.\. Wm. McCully, Financial See'y. nicer John, llev. A. B. Black. Charlotte Town, Rev. Jno. McMur- r;iy, Chair'.nan of the Diw. (Juijshorouiih and Cunsi, llev. Jas. R. Narraway, llev. Thos. Gat.-ty and Rev. \V ra. C. McKinnon. Si/dnei/, C. .»., Rev. Jos. Herbert Stau. Manjaric, llev. Jas. Burns. Sackvitj.e Distuict.— Nrtf/.r//A', Rev. E. Evans, D. D., Chairman of tlie Dis. Amherst, Rev. Richard Smith. J'ursboro', Rev. Jas. Buckley. M)nchfon, Rev. Jas. Taylor, Financial See'y. An.vm'oi.h l)i»rnicr.— Annapolis, Rev. Geo. M. Barratt. Jiriih/r' town, Rev. Wm. Wilson, llev. Richard WilMams and llev. (ieo. Mil- ler, Supernumerary. Ai/les/nrd, Rev. Wesle/ C!. Beals. Cornwallis, Rev. Thos. Harris. Ihrton, Rev. Fredk. Smull;vood, Financial See'y. l)ij/l)i/ and Scissiboo, Rev. Robt. A. Cheslcy. Yarmouth, Rev. Micliael ri«;kies, (Jhairman of the Dis. linrrin;/lon, llev. Christopher Lock- hart. Shulburnc, Rev. Jno. L'Sponagle. ^! 62 HELCUEll 8 FAIIMLU S [18(>6. WESLEYAX METHODIST MISSIONAllY SOCIETY. Trcasunr, M. G. IMack, E.sii. Secretanj, S. L. Slmnno)i, Esq. Cominilti'a—nalifnr, T. A. S. Dcwolt'e, Wm. Fall, J. II. AndcrHOii, { ILm. Hugh Ik'll', Judge MarshiiU, Edw. IJilliug, Juo E. Stau, 8. F. J Uaiss, F. Johnson, A. Morton, II. \). Frost, and G. II. Starr; Licer- pool, Jas. and Jno. Campbell ; Lttnoihurrj, Win. Drew ; Shcl- bitriie, Alex. 11. Cockon ; linrt'iixitoa, Jno. Sargent, Robt. (iuest and Geo. Allen ; UV/jy/w/', Jno, Smith ; .Vcv/vw/V, Jno. Allison ; Maitland, Richard Smith; Jlorfoii, J. N. Crane; CorniraffiH, l!ialhan Tui)i)tr; IF a//rt(t', (ico. Wells and Unn, Samuel Fulton; (lin/sfioroii;/h, E. J. (/Unningham; Sj/diiri/, ('. B., Geo. E. BurchcU; Ainlicnt, W. W. Bent and S. Read, Esqrs. MINISTERS OF THE ASSOCIATED BAPTIST CIirRCIIES IN NOVA-SCOTIA. Amherst, Ilcv. E. B. DeMill. Aiififion'sh, Rev. J. Whiddcn. Aijlcs- ford. Rev. Clias. Tupper. Jicnvcr Hire-, Rev. T. I)e Eong. BarriiKj- ton. Rev. P. F. Murray. lirid>jt:>rat<ir,i, V. Tubor. llrid<ii'lGicn, Rev. G. Armstrong, A. M. (.'/icsftr, Rev. Stephen W. Dc lilois. Cfcn- cntsy Rev. A. CogsAvell and Rev. J. Potter. Cornwalhs, Rev. A S. Hunt, A. M., Rev. AVm. Chipraan, and Rev. J. Parker. Dartnumtli, Rev. S. McLearn. Di'jl»j, Rev. R. W. Cunningliam. Ihijhij .\'cr/,-, liev. J. C. Morse, (utspvrcaux, Rev. J. Stevens. Italifux — Urcnrille Strei'f, Rev. David Fre'.man — Xurfh C/iurc/i, Rev. J. Miller. Jf'tin- iHoiids l*/(tiiis, Rev. N. Baker. Ifaiitsjtorf, liev. W. Burton. IliHs- biinjh, Rev. Ohcd Parker. Lower (Inuivilfe, Rev. J. Speneer. Kempt, Rev. B. Vaughan. Lake (Jcorf/e, Rev. J. Stub})ert. Liverpool, Rev. S. N. Ik'utley. I.'>ek Ishuid, Rev. J. E. Balcom. Lunenbur)), Mv\. B. Taylor and Rev. A. W. Barss. Maccan, Rev. D. MeKeen. Mtiit- Innd, Rev. M. I'arker. Milton, Rev. II. Angell. New GKysboroiii/h, Rev. J. Allen, \ewport. Rev. Geo. Dimoek. Xicfax.r, Rev. W. (x. Parker, and Rev. L. Morton, yorf/i llirrr, P. E. I., iiev. M. Ross. North Si/diiei/, Rev. II. lioss. O/iio, Rev. J. L'eid. Oiis/oir, Rev. D. W. C. Dimoek. J'arf Meihnii/, Rev. J. J. Skinner. I'urnboro', Rev. S. Thomps(ni. J\ir^cr's ('ore, Rev. 11. Aeliilles. Pk/on, Rev. Wni. Hall. I'ort iieorije, Rev. J. Ring. Rawdon, Rev. J. Baneroft. Sis- Hih'X), Rev. C. Randall. St, Mari/nrct's Ba;/, Rev. J. C. Hard. St. Mtirifs Rev. II. Eagles. Three Birrrs, J'. E. 7., Rev. J. Shaw. Traradie, IWx. P. A. Shiells. Wilinot, Rev. N. N'idito. Wilinot M.nintain, Rev. R. S. Mortem. M'csiport, Rev. AV. Caldwell. Cpper Stcwidehe, Rev. I). Luwson. Widfcille, liev. J. M. Cramp, D. D., Rev. E. A. Crawley, 1). D., and Rev. Jno. (Jhaif. Yarmouth, Rev. A. Martell, Rev. J. Davis, and Rev. \W C. Goucher. Mis.siunari/ to the Acadian French, Itev. Obed Chute. BoAUi) 01- FouKiox Missions. — Rev. Wm. Chipraan, Rev. J. lO. Bill, Rev. S. Robinson, Rev. A. S. Hunt, A. M., Rev. J. M. Cramp, D. I)., Rev. Geo. Armstrong, A. M., Rev. Jno. Chase, Rev. S. N. Bentley, Rev. Jas. Parker, Rev. W. Burton, Rev. A. Stronaeh— Lewis Johnston, M. D,, Wm. Johnson, Asa Coy, Jno. W. Barss and J. W^ Ilartt, Es(irs. Corro-pondimj Sce'y., Rev. A. S. Hunt, A. M. Treas- urer, Jno. W. Barss, Escj^. 185G.] ALMANACK. G3 The Wcsfcrn .Usncinfinii, comprising; the Counties of Varmoiith, Dif^by, Hiiull)urm', (iuocu's and AunapolLs, meet on tlie second yalur- day in June, at lirookticld, Caledonia. The Central Assficiad'on, conHistin<i; of tlie Churches in tlic Cuuntios of Kinf!;s, Hants, liUncnburj, and llalifax, meet on the fuurlh Satur- day iu June, at Chester. Tl\e ]]asfern Asanciation, composed of the Churches in the Coimties of ColchestiT, Cumberland, Ouyslmro', Pictovi, Sydney, C. ]i., and I'rince Edward's Island, on tlie^Va^ Saurday in July, at Amher.->t. TiiK Baptist Coxvkntiox of Nova-Scotia, New Brunswick and Prince Edward's Island, meet on tl\e third Saturday in Septem))er. NovA-Sc'OTi i B.WTisT EoucATiox SociiiTY. — I'rc.siiUuU, llev. Wra. Chipman. I'uv J'resf., llev. Chas. Tuppcr. Scc'i/., llev. A. S. Hunt, A. M. Treasurer, Rev. Jno. Chase. E.rcrudce Com mi /tec, Kev, E. A. Crawlov, 1). D., Rev. I. E. Rill, Rev. Win. Burton, Rev. J. M. Cramp, I). l).,—lIon. Jas. W. Johnston, Caleb R. Bill, Jas. W. Nuttin;j;, Win. Johnson, Simon Fitch, Lewis Johnston, M. 1)., Jas. R. Fitch, M. D., Jno. W. Barss, and Ward Eaton, Edqrs. ASSOCIATED FREE CHRISTIAN IJAPTIST MINISTERS. Cormrallis, Elders Jacob B. Norton and Samuel Cox ; Yarmnu(/i, Elders Chas. Kuowles, David Oram and Calvin (^ann ; Jiarriiii/ion, Elders Henry A. Stokes and Albert Swim ; Aryylc, Elder Chas. J. Oram; I'ort Medwu>i, Elder Beiij. Uaskill. VREE WILL BAPTIST MINISTERS. Cape Sahh Island, Elder II. W. Harris ; Solid Jlych; Elder Edw. Reynolds; Yarnionth, I'^ldors Thos. I5ra(.'y and Jno. Jenkins ; liridije- iraUr, Elder A sa Bent ; Barrin>jtoa Head, Elders S. McKeowu and W. W. Ashley. MINISTERS OF THE INDEPENDENT OR CONGRECiA- TIONAL DENOMINATION. Liiiprpnol, Rev. F. Tompkins, A. M., and Rev. Alex. Sim, A. M. Corniru/lis, Rev. Joseph Peart. Mar'jarcc, C. Ji., Rev. Jos. ILu't. , Rev. J. Whitman. Evangelical Lutiikkan Chuucii. — Luncnburr/, Rev. Chas. Cross- man. L'nivi'.rsalist CiiuKcu. — Hidifax, Rev. Win. Hooper. Ai'JiicAN EeiscoPAL Mktiiodist Chuuch. — Halifax, Rev. — Posey. Afuican Baptist Association. — Halifax, Rev. Richard Preston, (Moderator,) and Rev. S'|)timus Clarke. Ihnnntond I'lai/is, Jno. Hamilton. Biar Juicr, Henry Jackson. /'/,"'''.'/ Jn.ji/iNS, Uov. Clias. Jordan. Slwlbarne, Rev. Jas. Shepherd. iJartnionih, Rev. Oeo. Cauery. Cleric, Rev. Sept. t'larke. ;; I MUM €!4 liKLCIIIUt. H FAUMKR S [1860. Nt)VA-SCOTIA lUliLE SOCIETY. Patron, Ifis KxccHonni Sir J. Oaspard I.cMarchaiit. Vrvnidrnf, . I'm' J'/Y.sii/riifr,, lion. J. W. .Toliiiston, M. Lu Ulack, Jas. W. NuttinK> tiud Wm. Pryor, Jr., K^^rs. Trrdsmrr, M. (i. •Ulitck ; S<tc'i/, S. L. ShamiDii ; Assist. Sic'i/, Isaac S'liith, Ksiirs. Citiiimittcr, ilev. J. T. Twiuin}^, D. 1)., Ut'v. Jiio. Scott, Rev. U. 1-". I'liiacke, Kev. Jiio. Martin, Ucv. P, (i. McOregor, Rev. 1>. Pn't'inan, Rev. J. R. HrowiR-ll, Rev. Matihcw Richoy, D. D., Rev. ICdmuiul Maturiii, Rev. Jiio. Miller, Rev. Alex. Forrester, Rev, Jus. C. (/ochrun, and Picv. (ieo. W, Sprott. — Unn, M. P.. Alition, lion. W. A. Rlaek, lion. IIui!;h Pell, Ilinry Pryor, Jas. N..Sliunnon, David Allison, Jno. 11. Anderson, Henry Ince, S. Selden, T. A. Brown, W. C. Silver, T. A. S. Deuolf, Jas. F. Avery, M. I)., A. McKinlay, J. ii. A. ("'rri;^litcm, ("iias. Rohson, Peter JiVncli, Jas. Thomson, Jur. W. Ritchie, P. (!. Hill and Jas. C. Co^'swell, Escirs. Di-posifori/, No. 4S Parrin<!;toii Street, opposite St. Raid's CVinrch. /.//(' Mi-mhrrs, lion. ('has. R. I'rescott, lion. Samuel Creelmun, Jus. C Cogswell and Wra. B. Webster, M. 1)., R^c^rs. HALIFAX AUXILIARY NAYAL AND MILITARY lUBLi: SOCIEIY. 7'n/ro».?, His ExcoUenry Sir J. Gaspard licMarchant, Rear Admiral A. Fansliawe, and the Lord Risliop of Nova-Scotia. J^irsidrnf, Rev. J. T. Twinin;^, I). 1). ] ire J^re.^., Lt. Col. Fraser, R. A. Treasurer, Hon. M. IS. Almon. .S-c'vj Henry Ince, Estj. NOYA-SCOTIA SARI5ATII ALLIANCE. Ooncral Coinwi/fce, Rev. Messrs Twiniii'^, I). D., Crawley, D. D., Scott, Uniacke, l-lvans, I). D., JIartin, MeLeod, D. 1)., Smalhvood, Miller, Forrester, Mc(uegor, Hill and Iknnet, — Wm. II. Marvin, Nepeaji Clarke, Jno. W. Ritchie, J. (1. A. Crci}j;hton, J. F. Avery, M. I)., David AHison, Cico. Jiittlc, Jus, Tiiomuin, M (», P.lack, Jno. 11. Anderson, T. A. S. Dewolt, (ieo. II. Starr, C. I). Hunter. Clias. ]{obson, (ieo. McLeod, Jas. Forman, Jno. Nay lor, Thos. Wesley, David McPherson, \V. H. RohinsOn, H. Ince, I'eter Lynch, J. J. Sawyer, Thos. Hosternian, S. L. Shanno'i, and Richard McLcarn, Esters. Joint Senrtarics, Rev. Alex. Forrciter and Rev. Geo. W.Hill. THE MICMAC MISSIONARY SOCIETY. President, Rev. J. T. Twinin^, D. D., J'ieo Presidents, Jas. F. Avery, M. D., and Jno. W. Ritchie, Emjis. Trea.snrer, Geo. E. Morton, I'lsq. ^V'r'y, J'ev. Geo, W. Sprott. CommiHee, Ivcv. M. Richey, D. D., Rev. P. G. Mc(iregor, Rev. J. J5. Rrownell, Rev. Jno. Martin, Rev. A. Forrester, Rev. Jno. Miller, — Henry Ince, Jas. Thomson, Jno. H. Anderson, Edward Rilling, S. L. Shannon, Chas. Jiobson, Wm. Howe, Jno. Burton, Peter Lvneh, Jas. C. Cogsvell, Wm. Hare, Chas. Alli.son, P. C. Hill, T. A. S. Dcwolf, Wm. i ull, Thos. A. Brown, and Jno. Orlchar, R. N., Esi^rs, Treasurer, Geo. E. Morton, Esq. .SW^, Rev. Goo. W. Sprotu 185'; •tirlrvf, Hhick, M. a. It. F. •c'luan, dmuiici jclirun, Black, 1, Jno. Silver, a. A. . W. 1850.J ALMANACK. 65 IIAIJI'AX YOUNG MEN'S rilUISTIAN ASSOCIATION. Prciiidciit, the Hon. Chief Justice llallihurton. Virr rrct'f.i, Jus. (i. A. Crci^'htou, Jas. V. Avery, M. I)., T. A. S. DevvoU, /A;/,. Jus. W. Johnston, and Martin (J. IHack, M'^nrs. C'onusjiondi,,,/ S,c ,j, Win. Hare, Escj. Jtrrtu-dimj Svc' ij ami l.ihruriau, lloljt. Murray, Esi[. Tnusiirer, Chus. Allison, Em^. Maiuu/itif/ Cununlttce, Jno. W. Kitcliie, Eras. Johnston, S. L. Shannon, S. A. White, P. C, ilill. Win. Miller, I'eter Lynch, Thos. A. Ikown, < lias. Alli>on, (ico, \l. Stan, Win. How, ]). McN. Parker, M. I)., Jas. U. Dewolf, M. !).[ J. K. Eorman, AV. S. Sterling, David II. Clarke, Sain'l (iray, Win. Hare, Clias. Kobson, Nepeau Clarke, Henry luce, uiul Tiio». U. Akiiirt, Esqrs. rOTJMTY OF HALIFAX. JUifli Sheriff, John James Sawyer, Escj. Coroners, lion. Win. (jrri;j;or, and Dr. Wra. Harrison. Terms of tlie Supreme Court at Halifax : — Easter Terra commences on tlie frut Tuesday of April ; ami MIcliaclmas Term on the thinl Titexiliiii of Noveinher. Sittings for tlie trial of Causes at Halifax : — After Easter Term on the /A//v/ Tuesday of April, and after Michaelmas Term on the xerond Tue.-day after the third Tuesday of November. Prothunotunj and Clerk of the Croua, Jas. W. Nutting, Ek(|. (ieneral Sessions of the Peace, held at lEalifax, on i\\c first Tuesday of March, June, Sej)teinber and Decemb( r. (Jonini rH,for ijirin(j relief to uisolrent l>ehtors, and ftr ((diuij Ajfida- v't.s to hold lo /ill//,— Jno. Liddell, Jas. Treniain, flnn. Alex. Keith, Andw. MoKinlay, Jno. H. Anderson, Jno. Es.-,<)n, Esters. JifSTicErt or THE Pkaci:. — Andrevi" Mc Kinlayc Custon j. Law. Harts- horne, Adams Arcliibald, Henry V. ^lott, (ico. 15. Creigliton, Henry A. (jiladwin, Jas. Kent, Wm. Lo<.;an, Angus Mclnnes, Jas. Crouelier, ll!>n. Hugh Jh'll, Wm. J. Lydiard, Alex. Eaniubarson, Jno. I,eslie, J'etcr Power, Jno. Martin, C'luis. Hamilton, lloht. A. Loj^an, Matt, (iuild. Matt, liurris, Jos. Jennings, Jno. IL Anderson, Andw. Shiels, Thos. King, I'liilip JiClson, Jas. Black, Alex. Stephens, Thos. Pijtts, Jno. Esson, Patk. Power, Eras. Munro, Johnson, Jno. Thomas, Laughlin Mc'iuarrie, Daniel (J"(iorinan, CJeo. Lesier, David Annand, Matt. D. McKeiina, Jno. Burton, Thos. Wallace, Alex. Eraser, Chas. D. Hunter, Jeremiah Nortiiup, Jas. Cochian, Josepli Bennett, Wm. Tidiuarsh, (ieo. Koberlson, Westcote Lyttlclim, IMiilip J. Dodd i Sa- ble Island), Kubt. Eox, Jno. Lambert, Jas. (irillin, Estji-.s. And the ilayor and Aldermen for the City of Halllax only. Cleric of the. Pean, Jus. Stewart Clarke, E.^c^. CouHT oi" Piion.vTi:. — Judife, Hon. Joiuithau McCuIlcy; Jlejintrar, Jno. Spry Morris, Escj. Iie;/i.-:/rin' of Driii.s, 'i'hoH. N. Jeffrey, Esq. Qaein'.s Printer, Wm. Annaiid, Es([. ^Ir/ent for tho (leiierul Mining A.i:iutiation of London, Hon. Saud. Cunard. I'nilid States Consul, liobt. W. Eraser; Prus- sian Cnnsi/I, Tho.s. K. Grassie ; Portajiaese Cnhsal, Fredk. Cliarman ; Brazilian I'iee Consul, lion. M. Tobin ; Sjjnnis/t I'iev Consul, J. G. A. J ■*• (W JIKLCIIKU 8 FAHMI'.U A [ISoO Crrif^liton ; Cnnaol for the Free UnmmtU Cttii of ITamhur;), Win. Pryor, Jr. ; CimstU for the Fixa llannatic Ciiua uf Un nuti and Lii- back, Wm. Ilaru; Vice Consul of I'rnnco, Wm. Canard, Kscjrs. A'/etits for IJoi/fl.'i and for i'ndcrict iters Jiooins, Liverpool, G. D.^ Messrs. J. it M. I'ubin. Dep. Postmasters — St. Margaret' a Thii/, J. E. Ikine ; Mi'Idle Mii.ifjuo- dnhoit, U. Kuiilbiick ; Durtinouih,}L*\.\\'. l-'oster; I'jipcr Musfjiiodoboit, Saml. Henry, Kscjrs. Health Officer, Jas. Allen, M. D. ; Aasislavt, Jas. C. Hume, M. D., Esfirs. Sup of ttuaraittiiie, Jacob Miller, Kstj. ( '/lief Inspector of I'iclded I'iali. — Wm. T. Townscnd, Esq. Warden of the Hirer Fis/ieyies. — Wra. Chearnley, E^ii. Cdntiial Hoaui) of Afiiucui/niii;. — At Halifax, Prest., lion. Jnn. E. Fairbanks. ('. I'rests., Alex. Funiuharson, Matt, liieliardson, Jas. X. Shannon ( Treasurer ), J no. Kin<j[, Andw. Shiels, Jos. Jen- nings, //o/(. Jno. Morton (for Middle Division), (feo. iJrenan, (for Eastern Division), and Edw. Sutherland (for Capo 15reton Division), Estjr.s. Sec II, Mr. Jas. Irons. Aas't See i/, Mr. Wm. Seott. Ckmiim, JJoAUi) or HicA./ni at Haluvx. — Wm. Stairs, A. Ileni- racon, (ieo. 1'. Lawson, Uenj. Wier, Wm. 15. Fairbanks, Geo. 15. Creighton, Ifon. Wm. Gri^or, and Tho.i. 15. Desbri-say, M. D., Esqrs. Sec'i/, Jus. C. Hume, M. D., Escj. CoMMissioNKKs oi' S('U()()i,;i. — Citij of Halifax, Veil. Archdeacon Willis, D. D., Rev. Alex. Forrester, llev. Mattliew liicliey, D. D., llev. Jno. Miller, Rev. Miehael Hannan — Jno. W., Wm. An- nand, Jno. Xaylor, Jno. S. Tiiompson, Andw. McKiiday and Thos. S. Tobin, E';([rs. , Western. District, Rev. Jno. Stannage, Rev. Jno. Kennedy, Rev. Peter (J. McCirej^or, Rev. l*atk. Riieian — Law. Harts- liurne, Jno. Lambert, Chas. Hamilton, Peter Martin, Jas. Tiiomson, and M. G. lilack, Jr., Esiirs. ; llintcrn District, Rev. Jno. Sprolt, licv. Robt. Jamieson, Rev. Jan. IJreadinij, Rev. Jos. Alexander, Rev. Jno. (^armody, Rev. Robt. Sed,i;ewiek, Rev. I'atk. Phelan, — Adams Arehibiild, \Vm T. Lydiard, U. A. Mludwin, Mitt, liurri.s, Wm. Anderson, and Dominiek Farrell, Esters. DARTMOUTH. Mkciianio'3 Ixstitutk. — Trustees, Edw. TI. TiOwe, Jas. W. Tur- ner, R. MeLearn, H. Elliot, and T, J5. Desbrisay, M. D., E^(irs. AouicuLTi'UAL SociKTY. — Pres., A. Far(inbar.son, Emj. }'ic.e Pres., W. Liiwson, Esq. Sec'i/, Mr. A. Farquhjirson, Jr. Treasurer, Mr. Walter Robb. Tku.stkks 01' THK CoM^MOx. — 110/1. Jno. E. Fairbanks, II. Y. Mott, and Wra. Foster, Escirs. Finn Waudkxs. — X. Russell, J. Synott, and Edw. FoRtcr, Es<irs. F1U12 CoMi'AXY.— 7'>r,v., Jl. Ilartshorne; ]'. ]'., X. Russell, Esips. Fire Enoixk Company.— 15enj. Elliot [('apt.), Sam'l Hunstone (Lieut.) Micliael Murray, Wra. jiowers, Ilicii. Walker, 1). Farrell, T. A. Hyde, W. Elliot, and W. Walker. Coaim'us of Stukets. — Messrs I). Farrel, J. Parker, T. Marvin. TuisTEKs OF Waxeu Lots.— Walter liobb und Chus. W. F banks, Esqrs. a^^" 18')G.j ALMAX.VCIt. TntsTKKs or Tin; Hiitiv!. ( Juoind.— lUch, McLcarn, Joimthun Klliott, aiul Alex. JiiiiKw, J'",-(jrs. Will/ ojfici'. hWpi'i-, Mr. Kihv. Foster. D.viiTMoiTii t'rui.iNd C'l.t II. — I'lifrnn, linn. AVm. A. l?lark. I'rvs- iihnf, Mr. Ja><. (Irti;^. I . I'rcs., Mr. Juo. Jainicson. Itrpirnrnt, Mi-mhors, Jn(». IllcIiariNon, TIkh. Tlimiphn'y and Jiio. IMiwr, Ksqrs, 'I'lcit.iiirer, Mr. Sackville Mclviy. Sn-'i/, Tlios. Iluinphrcv, Kt<[. ('nini)iittfc of 7nntfiiffriitt'iif, Messrs Jas. Williaiusoii, J'atrick (Shields, Alex. Oy-^ton ttiid Jus. Keid. E A H T J-: K ^ CIRCUIT. COUN'I V OF COLCIIKSTEIl. I!ti;h Shnr'iff, (Z\\M. IMaiiehard, Esq. I'nrom-rs, Sural. Muir, M. 1)., (Urns. Creed, M. I)., Silas II. Crane, iJavid V. Crow, uud Juo, U. Dickey. Supreme Court sits at Truro sccnml Tuesday of June, and second Tuesday of October. I'l-of/KiiiDfari/, Jas. F. IJlaiicliard, IOs(|. (.'otHiiiis.sioiicrs fur f/irini/ liilicf In l/isolri iit Dihtms, iniil /'or tahiini (tflidaritti tn hnld to Hull, Edw. I. lUiiiehard, Sand. Arohihald, Jno, Wier, l)avi(lll. T<yiids, Jos. Dickson, Win. Kutlicirord, Win. Cami)- hell, Silas II. Crane, Eras. U. I'avker, Jas.E. iJluncbard, \\'\\\. McKin- uon, and Ciius. Tucker, Esiirs. General Sessions of the I'eaee held at Truro, on the second Tues- day of Jamuiry. Jam ices of th" Peace, David P. Crow, ((::ii.s/os,) Jno. Dickson, Tlios. I. Ikown, Edw. S, IJlanehard, Jno. Wier, Win. llntlurfonl, Saiul. Archil)ald, '>U\, Silas II. Crane, Duncan Ulack, Alex. Kent, Jiis. Moore, David IJ. Lynds, Isaac Kayne, Eras. 1{,, Parker, Ja.s. M. Sptn- eer, Wm. (Campbell, Jos. M. Dickson, Win. Dyers, Jr., Don. Ross, Dav. Fulton, Senr., Uobt. Fletelier, EliakiniTupper, Itb, Sand. Creel- man, ;iil, Isaac; McCurdv, Jno. Kiiy,', Jas. U, Yuill, Jas. 1). mair, Jno. Eulmore, A.I. Arcliibald, Uobt. Hamilton, Jas. Dickson, Don. Mc- Donald, Danl. Morrison, Jas. Munro, Saml. Wau;.;li, Matt. Creelinan, Uenj. Tupper, Matt. McCurdy, Wm. McKim, Alex. D. Morrison, Wm. A. Dickey, Adam Johnson, Wm. Faulkner, Wra. C. Eaton, Jno. Smith, Alex. Conkoy, Jno. Carter, Jr., Ceo. Keadin}^, Jas. Campbell, Geo. I-ombard, Jno. Irvine, Chas. Tucker, Jno. McKay, and Jas. D. i'utnam. Clerk of (he I'eaee, Jos. Dickson, Eiitp CouiiT OF I'uoiiAri:. — Judife, Adams G. Archibald ; Hei/Utrar, Alex. L. Archibald, E-«irs. lief/intrar of Deeds, Jas. K. IJlair, Escjr. Deputy Postmasters, — Truro, Jno. Uoss ; Londonderri/, Jas. Campbell ; Tatuniuijouehe, Jno. Eombard; Lower Stewiac/ce, W Mole.« worth, Esqrs. Collectors of Colonial and Lifjlit J)uties, — Truro, Tlios. M. Crow; Tatamagouche, Wm. Campbell; Londondernj, Alex. I). Mor- rison; Surcfli/ors of Shij)j)ini/, TatuDianouehc, Wm. Campbell; ('o. of Colchester, Alex. I). Morrison, Es([rs. ScLiu:/ Officer, Jno. Wier, Esq. Conim'rs to License Pilots for Tafainai/ouehe and Point lirule, Jno. Miller, Wm. Eraser, Kobt. Lo<j;an, Hen. Roberts, and Geo. Mat- tital, Escirs. Comnirs of Schools for the ('o, except the Dis. of Stirling, Rov. Jno. Ilaxter, Uev.'Jas. Smith, Rev. Thos. C. Leaver, Rev. Wra. McCulloch, Rev. David Dimoek, — Edw. Rlanchard, Alex. D. Morri- IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) // 4. y. % f/. 1.0 I.I 11.25 12.0 1^ 1.8 U IIIIII.6 ^. % <$> ^. /a ^ ^a ^^ > > ^ ^ ''^^ ^v ^ 'V' // '/ /A Photographic Sciences Corporation 23 WEST MAIN STREET WEBSTER, N.Y. 14580 (716) 873-4503 \ iV % y ^^ -r^^ % <> ^ c.^ C> m 68 HELCUEll S FAKMEll S [I80G. 18^ son, Silas II. Crane, David Y. Crow, Jno. Koss, Jas. T). Baird, Henry AVier, Fras. Jl. Parker, Alex. AVylie, and liben. E. lloi^s. Escp-s. ])is. of attiiutij, Kev. Kobt. Hlackwood — Jno. lionnymun, Chas. >lc- Curdy, Cluir^. Creed, M. 1)., Roljt. Bjers, Win. McKay, Jno. Eocker- by, Arcli. Patterson, David Williamson, Jno. Mcintosh, Kobt. Logan, Jno. Irvine, liobt. Purvis, and Jno. Mnnro, Esqrs. Trustees of the. Academ;/, llev. Thos. C. Leaver, liev. Wm. MeCulloeh— Adanis (I. Archibald, D. B. Lynds, Sainl. Creelman, Jno. King, T. M. Crow, and Jos. Crow, Esqrs. Trustees of School Lantls — loioitshlpof Onsloic, Jno. King, Jos. M. Dickson, and Isaac McCiirdy ; Township of Trn- ro, Alex. Kent, and David Page, Escu's. Cuuniij Treasurer, Thos. M. Crow, Es([. Clerk of License, Mr. Saml. G. W. Archibald. Health Officer, Chas. Creed, M. I)., Esq. Inspector of I'iekled Fish, Mr. David Ivogers. Warden of the liiccr Fisheries, \Vra. C. Eaton, Esq. Comm'rs of Streets — Truro, Saml. Arcliibald, Jas. Blair, Chas. B. Archibald, and Wra. C. Smith, Es(irs. Uep. Surveyor of Lands, Wm. Eaulkner, Es(i. COUNTY OF CUMBEIILAND. ni(/7i Sherijf, Joshua Cliandlcr, Escj^. Drputii at Parrsboro', Mr. J. W. Smith. Coroners, Jno. Morse, Wm. W. Bent, Lewis Jcnks, Thos. I'age, and Chas. Ward, Escp's. Supreme Court sits at Amherst on the third Tuesday of June, a. id on t\ic Jirst Tuesday of October. I'ruthonoturi/, Silas II. Morse, E^c^. Conuiirx for (jiein;/ relief to Iitsolvcnt Debtors, and for talinei ajp- darits to hold to Bail, Hon.. H. G. Pineo, Silas II. Morse, (.Uias. D. Boach, Mich. Gordon, Wm. W. Bent, Jas. Page, Chas. G. Donkin, Eras. Carroll, Joshua Ileustis, and Wm. H. Bogers, Esqrs. General Sessions of the Peace held at Amherst on xhefrst Tuesday of January. Justices of the Peace, Thos. Logan (Gustos,) Gaius Lewis, Jas. McXab, Jno. John.ston, Mich. Gordon, Joshua lleu.stis, Hon. II. G. Pineo, Jacob G. Purdy, Amos liiack, Jos. N. B. Kerr, Wm. Yv''. Bent, Ebcn Kerr, Jesse Lewis, Jos. Oxley, Nat. Angus, Jas. Kirkpatrick, Jas. Page, Hon. Stephen Fulton, Jno. Blenkhorn, Thos. Heed, Henry Harrison, Jno. W. Oxley, Asher Black, Bobt. K. Smith, Jos. Head, Fras. O. Begun, Den. Macnamarra, Jas. Bent, Jno. McFarlane, Henry Purdy, Bobt. C. Bead, Thos. Johuhton, Wm. Pipes, Horatio N. Da- vison, Jno. K. Eldcrkin, Geo. Knowlton, David Purdy, David Pugs- ley, Fras. Carroll, Chas. G. Doiddn, Jas. FuUerton, Jno. McKenzie, Moses liowe, Hance Hunter, David Lawrence, Jno. H. Peers, Saml. Webb, Norman McLeod, Wm. Baker, W. W. W'augh, Jas. Itatcli- ford, Randolph Morris, Wm. P. Chisholm, Bobt. Donkin, I<evi W. Eaton, Amos S. Blenkhorn, Bobt. W. Salter, Wm. Treen, Bufus F. Trueman, Bobt. McElman, Martin Chapman, Geo. Glcndcning, Jno. S. Smith, and Wm. F. Cutten, Esqrs. Clerk of the Peace, Silas C Morse, Esq. ! Cot'UT op PuouATE — Judfjc, Bobt. B. Dickey, Registrar, Jno. D. Kinncar, Escj^rs. liegistrar of Deeds — Parrsboro\ Jas. Batchford ; Amherst, Gilbert Purdy, Esters. ContrdL-r of Customs and Xarir/a- ti<m Laws ; and Surveij'jr ff Sliipping, I'arrsboro', Thos. I). Dickson, Esq. Surveyor of Shipping, Wallace, J. B. Davidson, Esq. Coll'rs ._ !i II [18o6. I Henry Es(ir,s. as. Mc [.ocker- Logaii, of the. ims (x. Crow, f'Tni. los. M. IJcallh h, Mr. Esq. lia.s. JJ. }p', Mr. Jeiiks, le, and e, Eyq. "// «#- las. J). 'onkiii, Liesday s, Jas. ir. G. ! . Bent, atrick, \ Henry J Head, j Elenry | ^. l)a- Pugs- I cnzie, j Saml. I 'atch- I vi W. us F. , J no. as C. 0. D. brd ; fl'ja- ifcon, oli'rs 1856.] ALMANACK. G9 o/' Cohiiial and Liyht Duties — ylw/icrAV, E.obt. McCulley ; Thigivash, bavid llogers ; Wallace, Jas. B. Dav-dsou ; Joinjui Mine, Beauraont B. Boggs ; Parrnboro', T. 1). Dickson ; Advocate Harbor, Chas. Ward, ]vs{[r.s. Dcp, Postmasters — Amherst, J. A. Chipnian ; I'lir/icas/i, Levi Borden; Wallace, Joshua Hcustis ; I'arrsboro', P. Blake, Esqrs,, Uiter P/ii/i/), Mrs. G. Philips. Comm'rs of Schools — Cumberland Proper, liev. Jno. Munro. Rev. llobt. E. Crane, Kev. llicliard Smith — Jas. S. Morse, Jos. Oxley, Thos. Logan, Thos. Bead, Chas. Cr. Don- kin, Thos. ^L Morris, lion. H. G. Pineo, and Jno. Bent, Esqrs. Parrsboro" Dis,, llev. Wra. B. King, llev. Jas. Watson — Jas. Kirk- Inspector of Pickled Fish, Mr. David llogers. Warden of the River Fisheries, Saml. Betts, Esq. Comm'rs of Pilots — Puf/ioash, lion. II. G. Pineo, Thos. Page, Jas. Bent, Chas. B. Dewolf, Daniel llogers ; Wallace, Josh. Ileustis, Jas. B. Davison, Jos. N. B. Kerr, and llich- ard Scott, Jr., Esqrs. COUNTY OF PICTOU. Jliflh Sheriff, Jno. W. Harris, Esq. Coroners, David Mattheson, Mitchell, M. I)., and Edw. lloach, E*(irs. Supreme Court sits at Pictou frst Tuesday of June, and on the third Tuesday of October. Protkonothary and Clerk of the Peace, \ Jas. Skinner, Esq. j Comm'rs for givinrj relief to Insolvent Debtors, a tid for f akin /^ Affi- davits to hold to Hail, Hon. D. Crichton, Jas. Skinner, Abram Patter- son, Geo. Campbell, Jas. Eraser, llobt. ^Murray, and D. Hocken, ■ Esqrs. General Sessions of the Peace, held at Pictou on the frst Tuesday of February AmXfrsl Tue-~(l,'.y of July. Notaries Public ; the burribters of the Sup. Court, and Jno. R. Noonan, Esqrs. Justices of the Peace — Robt. McKay (Ciistos,) Abraham Patterson, Wm, Mattheson, Jas. Carmichael, Jno. Olding, //)«. David Crichton, Jno. Holmes, Ken. McLean, Jas. Eraser, llobt. Murray, Geo. Camp- bell, Peter Ross, Alex. McKenzie, Danl. Hockin, Jno. McKay, (ieo. McLcod, Don. McDonald, Wm. Eraser, Adam McKen/ie, Jas. Skin- ner, Wm. Gordon, Peter Crerar, Jas. D. li. Fraser, Jas. Prinirose, Jas. Turves, Don. McGrigor, Jas. Crerar, Angus Sutherland, Hugh H. Ross, Alex. Fraser, Neil McKay, Anthony Smith, Jno. Grant, Neil Gunn, Hugh McLeod, Andw. Robertson, Jas. Murdoch, Jno. McKenzie (Saw Mill,) Alex. Fraser (N. G.,) ."/as. McGrigor, Wm. II. Davis, Jno. McP. Eraser, Jas. McLean, Jno. liOgan, Wm. Liuig- villo, Geo. Mitchell, Jas. Grant, (James' son,) Robt Copelun'.\ Wm. Smith, Jas. Henderson, llobt. Lowden, Ron. McDoiudd (Bailey's Brook,) Tlios. Munro, Jno. McDonald (Donald's son,) Murdoch Mc- I'herson, Saml. Cameron, ^latt. Sproul, Alex. McKay, Jiio. McLeod, Geo. McDonald, Wm. Dunbar, Geo. McKenzie, Alex. Peter Ross, and Alex. Cameron, Esqrs. 70 liiaciIEU S I'ARMEU S [1S56. Court oi" VnoiixXK—Jurhjc, Jos. Fogo ; Hrfjis(m)\ Danl. Dick- son, Esqrs. ncijistrar of Dcch, VcU-r Crcrar, Esci. i><7A Post mas- ters— Pictou, Alex. r. Itoss ; .\'tv# Glasgow, Jas. Trascr, Jr., Durham, A. Cameron ; ,l/i/9;i .U//«eA-, 11. ^SIcKenzie ; Hhcr John, Adams Ar- chibald ; West Nicer, W. Munro, Esqr.s. Controller of Customs and Naviqation Laws, and Coll'r of Colonial and Light Duties, David McCulloch, Es(i., Clerk, Surveyor of Shipping and Warehouse Keep- er, Geo. Hattie, Esci. Seizing O/fi-cr, Alex. G. ]MoKay, E.s(i. Har- bnur Masters, Messrs. Kobt. McKay, and A. G. McKay. Light House Keeper, Mr, Henry Louden. Comm'rs for examining Pilots, Jas. Primrose, Rodk. McKenzie, Alex. P. lloss, Jas. Purves, and Geo. McKcnzie, Esqrs. Comm'rs of Streets— Pictou, Jas. Primrose (Chair- man,) J. T. Ives, and Saml. Taylor; Xew Glasgow, Jno. F. McDon- aid, Wm. Cameron, Jno. Baillie, Wra. Eraser, and Wni. McLean, Jr., Es(irs. Suj}erintendent of Streets— Pictou, Mr. Adam Gordon. Com- niissi-mcrs of Schools— Anrth Dis. Rev. Chas. Elliot, Rev. Jas. Bayne, Rev. A. W. llerdman, Rev. Jas. Waddell— and Jas. Crichton and Robt. P. Grant, Escirs. South Dis., Rev. Jno. Stewart, Rev. Jos. Forsythe, Rev. A. McGilvray, Rev. David Roy, Rev. Allan Pollock, Rev. D. B. Blair— and Jas. Cprmichacl, Jno, McKay, Jas. Crerar, and Jno. Campbell, Esqrs. Trustees of Public I'ropertg, Jas. Crich- ton, Geo. Campbell, and Jno. Yorston, Esqrs. Agent for Llogd.s, Jas. Dawson, Esq. United States Consul, Benj. H. Norton, Esq. Fire Wardens— Pictou, Alex. P. Ross, R. P. Grant, Jas. Purvis, Jus. D. B. Eraser, David Fraser, Danl. Hocken, Jas. Fogo, Jas. Crichton, Robt. Doul, Jno. T. Ives, Rodk. McKenzit, and Wra. Gordon; New Glas- gow, Jas. W. Carmichael, Rodk. McGregor, Geo. McKay, Jas. Fra- sei^Thos. Graham, and Thos. Fraser, Esqrs. Fire Engine Company — Captain, Jas. Adamson, Don. Munro, (1st Lt.,) and" Henry Stephens, (2d Lt.,) 1st section; Walter Tanner, (1st Lt.,) and Rich. Tanner, (2d Lt.,) 2d section. Axe Fire Compa- ny — ('ajitain, J. D. B. Fraser. Superintendent of Pumps and Wells, Mr. Jas. Hepburn. Clerk of License, Adam Gordon, Esq. Clerk of the Market, Mr. J. Bannerman. Weigher of Hay, Mr. Alex. Scotc. Inspector of Pickled Fish, Mr. Wm. Walker. Warden of the Bivcr Fisheries, Jas. Murdoch, Esq. Dip. Surveyor of Lands, Peter Cre- rar, Esq. County Treasurer, Mr. Matt. Patterson. Pictou Cuiilixo Ct.ub — Patron, Jno. Taylor, Esq. Patroness, Mrs. Jothara Blauchard. President, Danl. Hockin ; Vice Prest., Jas. Murdoch, Es(irs. Represent. Member, A. G. Kidston, Esq., of Glas- gow. Chaplain, Rev. Jas. Bayne. Treasurer, Zsm. ly^^; Secretary, Jno. McKinlay, Esqrs. Committee of Ma^iagement, Alex. J. Patter- son, David Taylor, and Jno. H. Noonan, Esqrs. Agent for the Bank of Nova- Scotia, Jas. Primrose, Esq. WESTERN CIRCUIT. COUNTY OF HANTS. nigh Sheriff, Joseph Allison, Esq. Coroners, Jno. A. Jenkins, Drs. McDowall, and Wm. Dcnison, M. D., Esqrs. ^M* 1856.] ALMANACK. 71 Supremo (,'onrt sits at Windsor, Just Tuesday of May, and third Tuesday of October. Prothonutartf and Clerk of Iho Peace, E. F. Harding, M. D., Esq. CoiHiii r.t for (jiciiui rellff to iiisolccitt Debtors, and fur takin;) Ajfida- vits to hold to Bail, E. F. liurdiug, M. I)., Hon. 11. A. McHettey, Jacob Witlirow, Elkanah Young, Jus. Sangstcr, Jno. Otis King, and Jno. M. Smith, Esqrs. General Sessions of the Peace, held at "Windsor on\X\Q first Tuesday of October. Justices of the Peace, IIdh. Ilichard A. McHefFey (Cusfos), Danl. Wier, Jno. Allison, Jno. Otis King, W. Mumford, Saml. Falmer, J. M. Smith, Arthur McN. Cochran, Geo. McKay, Ichabod Dimock, Jas. Allison, Edw. Murphy, Alex. McPhee, Geo. Armstrong, Jas. Salter, Jacob Withrow, David Frieze, Jno. McUougall, Alex. Thompson, Chas. 13. Bowman, David Scott, Benj. Wilson, Chas. Smith, Edw. McLatchej', Elkanah Young, Jas. J. O'Brien, Jos. JIadill, Jos. Keat- ing, Jno. S. Brennan, Abel Tomlinson, Jno. Lockhart, Geo. Ilarvie, Arch. Smith, Jr., Jos. Ilickards, Constant Church, Jno. Manning, Jr., Jno. Smith, Jas. Wardrop, Wm, 11. Wallace, Stephen C. Card, E. K. S. Butler, Wm. Chambers, Chas. L. Jeffery, Jas. Cochran, Nathaniel Smith, Jno. Burgess, Jas. Withrow, Jas. Putnam. CouiiT OF PiioiiATE. — Jmhjc, Harry King; licgisfrar, Perez M. Cunningham, Esqrs. l{e//istrar of Deeds, Jas. O'Brien, Esq. (Con- troller of Customs and Xaci(jati-)n Lnws ; and Surveyor tf Shippiw/, 11. B. Porter, Esq. Collectors of Colonial and Light Duties — Windsor, lleginald B. Porter ; llantsport, N. T. Harris ; Maitland, Adam Hoy ; Walton, Chas. 11. Allison, Esqrs. Seizint/ Officers, Messrs. Alex. D. Whidden and Wm. T. Harris. Dcp. Postmasters — Windsor, Peter Burnham ; Shubenacadic, F. K. Parker ; Xewport, J. F. Coch- ran; Ilantsp-jrt, N. T. Harris; Maitland, A. Roy; Walton, C. li. Al- lison, Esqrs. Cotnm'rs. of Streets — Windsor, Saml. Caldwell, Peter Burnham and Jas. Geldert; Fala^outh, E. Pay/ant, X. Davidson, C. Wilson, Jno. Armstrong, Thos. Curr\, Mich. Baker, and P. Walker; Maitland, Richard Smith, Wm. McDougain A. IM-Jde, Alex. Nelson, Jas. Putnam, and Jno. Waddle, Esc^rs. Co,n:!ii-s of Schools — West- on Dis., Rev. Wm. C. King, Rev. Jno. L. Murdo'^h, Hon, R. A. Mc- llelfey, E. F. Harding, M. D., Wm. A. Bennett, and Jas. O'Brien, Esqrs. Dis. of Dou(jlas, and liuwibn. Rev. Wm. Taylor, — Jno. Mc- Dougall, Wm. O'Brien, Arthur M. Cocliran, Jas. A. Scott, Jacob Withrow, Adam Dickey, and Isaac O'Brien, Esqrs. Comm'r School Lands, Township (f Ncirport, Wm. Chambers, Esq. Clerk if License, Mr. Daniel Mosher. Coauti/ Treasurer, Edw. Curren, Escj. D,p. Surveyor of Lands, Benj. Smith, Es(i. Warden of the River Pisheries, Jas. Sangster, Esq. Health Officer, Benj. DeW." Eraser, M. D., Esq. Avon Bridye Company — Directors, Hon. T. C. llaliburton f /'/fAvV/e/i/j, Benj. Dewolf, Esq., and Hon. L. M. Wilkins. Sec y and Treasurer, Harry King, Esq. Aycntat Windsor, for Bunk if yova-Sc-tia, Harry King, Esq. Avon Marine Insurance Comp'y, I'rcst., P. M. Cunning- ham ; Sec'y, Jos. Allison, Es([rs. ]Vinds)r Fiiir— Held at WuKhov, on the Fair Ground annually, j on the first Tuesday and Wednesday of Octnl)er, for the Exhilution \ and Sale of Ilorsesj! Horned Cattle, Swine and SheeiD, Farming Uten- I sils, Seeds and Agricultural l*roduce. 72 JIKLCIIEU a PAIIMKU S [18-5G. COUNTY OF KIXGS. Ili(/h Sherljft ^\'in. C. Campbell, Es(i. ('■, A. Yan Eu'^kirk Jno. Fisher, Cluis. NV. H, Harris, Joii. IJorden, M. J)., Chas. C. Ham- ilton, M. D., and Holmes Marsters, M. 1)., Esqrs. Supreme Court sits at Kentvillo, sccmd Tuesday of May, and second Tuesday of October. rr)th')nnfanj, Geo. A. Harnaby, E'^q. Cominrsforf/ioin;/ relief to Juso/reiit Dehfors, and for iokhvj Ajihlrt' vils to h'M to Bull, IT >n. Jan. D. Harris, Jno. F. Hutchinson, Hugh L. Diclcev, Seth Eurgess, Mavlicw Beckn-ith, Thos. E. Campb^dl, Caleb 11. Bill, Richard Starr, Henry McGoe, Wm. Crane, Wm. H. Chipraan, and Caleb H. Hand, Esqrs. General Sessions of the l^oace. lii'ld at Kentvillo on the hist Tues- day of April, and /asi Tuesday of Octol)cr. Justices of the Pcuec, Hm. Jno. Morton (^('mtos,) Hon. Jas. D. Har- ris, Jas. N." Crane, (^aleb H. Hand, Wm. C. Campbell, Samuel Chip- man, Hugh L. Dickey, Seth Burgess. Caleb R. Bill, Henry Magee, Geo. Lockwood, Rich'd Starr, Jno. F. Hutchinson, Wm. Johnson, Mayhew Beckwith, Nath. Parker, Alex. Patterson, AVm. Miller, TJios. Lovett, Saml. Sharp, Natlmn Lockhart, Edw. P. Borden, Jas. W. Harris, Jno. M. Caldwell, Jos. Crane, Arch'd Walker, Theodore Reid, David Ells, David Davidson, Jas. Eaton, Amos, Sheffield, Benj. Rockwell, Thos. Cox, Richard W. Kidston, Jas. Griffin, Jno. H. Cox, Wra. B. Webster, M. D., Griffin Miner, Jas. T. Davidson, Eras. adij Cree/c, Cornelius G. Rawding ; Bcii/ Shore West of IIciU's Harbor, Jno. Givan; French ('ross, John CJrpin, Esqrs. Seizing Officers, Messrs. Isaac Hamilton, W. H. Lovett, and Jno. Givan. Dep. Postmasters — Kentville, Jno. F. Hutchinson ; L')H'er Harton, D. Cunningham ; Wolf- ville, Wm. Johnson ; Ai/lesjord,, Jas. D. Yan Buskirk, Esqrs. Com- missioners of Schools, Wm. H. Chipman, C. W. H. Harris, Hugh L. Dickey, ilton, k man abv T. E. E. Armstrong Edw. L. Bro Chipman, Esq. and Thos. Lydiard, Esqrs. IJejy. Surveyor of Lands, E. g, Esq. Health ()ffictjrs, Wni. B. Webster, 'M. D., and wn, M. D., Esqrs. M^irdcn of the Iticer Fisheries, Suml. COUNTY OF ANNAPOLIS. High Sheriff, Welcome Wheelock, Esq. Coroners, Peter Bonnett, Gilbert F. Ditmars, Jno. Rdss, Walter Willott, Stephen Croosscup, Isaac B. Bonnett, Jno. Kennedy, Alex. Fowler, liaAV. Phinney, David llall, and Benj. L Cochran, !M. D., Esqrs. 1856.J AL>itAKACTr. 73 Supreme Court sits vi Annapolis, f/iird Tuo'^d-iy of May, and ^rst '[\;iy of October, i'roth iiuifmij, imd C/n-k of the. J'eare, Geo. Tl, (jrussie, lv;q. Comni' rn for <jiviu(j relief ii Ins'dvrnt Deblirs, anrl fur tdkliKj AJfil-wils in h>!tl to Ball, Goo. R. Gfassic, Jiicliard Juines, Ma- jor UnifJiuaii, Israel W. Jlui^ijles, Peter I'onuett, Ro'ot. II, I'ath, Jos. vVln'olock, and Jas. <iray, E>qrs. (<euer.d Sosneiis ol'the Peace held at Annapolis on tlic i/ilrd Tues- day of April, and lust Tuesday of October. Ju-ifiiUo (f t/i(i J'riicp, Major Clupinan (Custos), Wra. Randall, Zebulon Pliinney, Rich'd Jaine.s, Jno. II. Cniiuuan, Peter Delaiieey, Alex. Fowler, Suth I.eonard, I. W. Ru<.>,p;les, Jos. Shaw, Jas. Whit- man, Peter lionnett, Vvm. Harris, Edvv. Eaton, Weston Hall, Jas. (^•ay, Jno. Ross, Thos. C. Wlieelock, Eri Wclton, Gilbert Reifrh, E hv. Fit/, Ri'.ndolpli, Walter Rickerson, Miner Tapper, Jos. Wheel- ock, Robt. II. Bath, Jno. F. Bath, Robt. Parker, Robt. Mills, 2d, Jno. Kennedy, Andreas Hohaker, Jas Balcoml), Jno. Wilson, Peter Mid- dleinas, Arthur J^udge, Joel Baukes, Saml. Baloud), Jordan Mcssen- s;er. Andvv. Henderson, Mo>es Siiaw, Rees Stronach, Jas. Potter, Uavid (J. Landers, Abel Cnute, Ilaudley Starratt, Danl. Nieholls, Benaiah Spinney, Jas. Poyutz, and Ambrose Bent, Esqrs. CouuT OF PiiOKATi:. — Jtuhji^, Geo. S. Milied;i;c ; Hcijlfitrar, Edw. H. Cutler, Esqrs. ltc'.iifi'r<ir<fDc'c.ih, \\. 11. Cutler, Esq. i'Dlfrs of i'ohr.lal and Liijht l)ath-'i~-Aaiut]) ^lis, Timothy ('. Tobias ; Clcmenfs- porl, Gilbert F. Ditraars; \Vilni>t, Robt. Stone; Thome's Cov;, (Jrun- ville, Abraliaia B. Thoriie ; liruhjefoirn, Robt. G Troop, E*qrs. ^ekiii'j Officers, Gilbert F. Ditmars, Robt. Stone, Robt. Parker, Jno. Clarke, Jno. Orpin, and Edw. \V. Foster, Esqrs. Landing Waiter, Ganyer a/>d Sciziiiff Offi'\'r, T. C. Tobias, Esq. Snarckers and Seizing Officers, Messrs. Jno barr, Tinot'iiy Brooks, and Jno. L, Rice. Com- missioners ofSchjols,lio\'. E. Gilpin, B»:?v. Jas. Robertson, Rev. J. M. Cami)beil — Major Chipman, Ale.x. Fowler, Jno. Primrose, Jas, Gra}*, Peter Bonnett, Thos. James, Escps, Clerk, V\"m. Troop, Esq. Comm'rs of ,*<l reel's — Bridiwt iwii, \Vm. H. Morse and Nathan Randall; New Cale- (hnia,\Vxa.- H. NVeatherspoon, Jno. MUls, and Alfred Troop; Annapo- lis, T. A. Gavaza, Lan'. Hall, and Edsv. Barteaux, Esqrs. Dep. Post- musters — Amiaj)')lis, A. Henderson ; Laicrence Toicn, Milledge S. C'hii)man ; Bridgetown, Tlios. Spurr ; Clamcnts-2r)rt, .Moses Shaw ; Gibbiiioille, Arthur Gibbon ; Wilmut, J. D. Van Bu.skirk. jjcputg Surcegor of Lands, Alex., Campbell, E-q. Trustees of the Annapolis Academg, Edw. II. Cutler, Jas. Gray, and Peter Bonnett, Esqrs. Trustees of Sek^Is — Bridge'.otni, S. S. Tliorne, Tiios. Spurr, and Richard James, Esqrs. Sapercisirs of the Annaj)olis Toion Marsh, Peter Bonnett, Ichabod Corbitt, and Ed>v'. II. Cutler, Esqrs. Warden, of the Rioer Fisheries, Thos. W. Chcsly, Esq. Health Officers, Benj. L. Cochran, M. 1)., Geo. L. Buigay, M. I)., and Robt. Leslie, M. Ij"., Esqrs. C'.nmtg Treasurer, Avery B. Piper, Esq. Clerk of License, ; Robt. H. Bath, Esq. Bourd of JLja.ith, Pctei' Buiniett (rrcst,), Edvv. , II. Cutler, Andw. Henderson, Jno. Mills, Eras. \V. Pickman, Law. Hall, Alfred Troop, E^tp-s., and the members for the County and Towasldps. A)inap:)l's liogal AgrieuK'itral iS Yv/y — Presf., Edw. H. Cutler; .hV,'c'.'/, G^o. S. Mdledge; Trtasurer, (xeo. KuuCiman, E>qrs. ; Fire Wardens — Bridgetown, liiciiard James and Thos. Spurr, Esqrs. tt X JW W M. tU» W— »■ lllllffli IH'-lUn fill! 74 UELCHER S I'AKMKU S [i8r>o. Fire Emjine C(n)ipa>i'/ — Anaap'tlh, .T;i>«'. llniiclj T/'' r/)Of Jii"'- I'oach, Win. Roach, Clms. Liiw&ua, Ja-. Cortiitt, Win. II Kuaeli ; Ilrid'jc- tnini, Jiio. Ea-nn (Ct:pt.), (Jeo. Hoyt, \V. II. IIay.<, C. J. C'lahc, CIkih. Hoyt, Sumuel T. Niely, iieo. Keiviu, Miner C'lurke, and Jno. iT. Hoyt. COTTNTT 01? DIGRY. Hiijfi Shcrijf, Jolin K. Ycits, E'i(). Coronrrs, Sftinl. Douccttc, J. Ward, Edw. J. Budd, Kobt. WtqilitMis, and Jidw. 11. Oakcs, Iv^-tirs. Supremo ('ourt sits at Digby, fourth Tuesday of May, and htnl Tncsday of Sc'iJlember. J 'rnfho7iu(nt >/ and I'lvrli of the Peace, Henry Stewart, Esq. ('otnm' rs for t/iriixj rdUf t) litatlrcnt Debtors, and fur taliiiifj Affidavits to hold to Bui', Henry Stewart, Jno. Itobinsou, Cha^i. Budci, Edw. Hegan, and Jas. 3'.. Holdrfworth, Esqrs. Gc]\eral Session.s of the Peace, held at Clare on tlie last Tticsday of April, and at Digby on ihcfrsi^ Tuesday of November. Justices of tha Fence, Ja-i. B. lioldsworth [t'listoa], Clias, Budd, Jno. liobuiHon, Colin Campbell, ElishaPayson, Satul. Daueelte, Beuj. Potter, Jno. "Wurd, l/redk. A. lvol»iciiau, Jas. Harris, Edw. IIei,'an, Hon. An.selm F. Coiueau, Steplien l'ay.-;on, Edw. A. Jones, llobt. Journey, Jones, (.'hi.iton Sabaen, Thos. O'Brien, Jos. Bancroft, Holland ¥,. Pavsoii, Edw. 'M. ^-farshall, \Vm. B. Bent, Edw. Hardwiek, Jno. Eldridiv', Benj. H. Kng,';les. Koss. C. C. Pan- ning, Saltine SaA'ary, Jno. iIo;j;an, Eras Boumcuf, Wva. ''aunder.s, Laucblin McKay, Alex. ITurdwiek, Edw. J'lveriit, Jno. Dakin, Na- than Tupper, Edw. K. Timpany, llobt. Hankerson, Arlen\us O'J'ell, Bazil Kobiehau, Reuben Perry, ira Raymond, J5onaventrxre R.obieliau, Stern.s Jones, Jno. i)nniieg;>.n, Mendal <'roeker, and Wm. JSLeKay. Esqrs. Cm;RT OF PnoR.vTE — Jnd;fcj Jas. A. .Dennison ; Jiea/strur, Chas. Budd, Esqrs. livf/isi.vr cf Dm-ds, Uuy C. Jones, !is(p <!:iiitroii<jr <>/' CtistoHis and Xaci-jaiioii Lan^^i, and fsurveijur of !Ship/>iiif/, Jd.i. An- nand, Es((. ('o/intors of (hdoiii;//- and Lijht Duties — Diijo;/, Jas An- nand ; JSew Kdiiibarf/h, Henry I>, Ruggles ; IWstjiort, Beiij. H. Ruggies ; Chai-eh ]'oi/i>, Ambi> sc l5ourneul', Weymouth, H. D. Rufj;- gles ; t<attdii (.'ore, C'ahin Giditey, Es(|r.s. Seizing OJficcrs — IVei/- mouth, C. P. Jones. Drp. I'o.'ifnia.s'./nj — ])i'jl>ij, Henry Stewart", Weymouth, Cei'ino P. .Jone.s; ]\'e:ilj)ort, J. Bancroft. ('onim'rs of Schools (except Din. nf Clare), ivev. Clias. Jiandall, Rev. Jno. 0. Morse, Rev. Arch'd. Gray, Rev. Edw. liutler, Chas. Budd, Jno. Rob- inson, B. H. RuityUs, A. Hardwiek, Jno. 8. Mallet, Jas. Annand, Esqrs., and Rev. llr)bt. .V. ClievU-y. Dis. of Clare, Rev. Dennis Geai'y, Rev. Wra. Mc. Leod — Era-i. Bonrneuf, Benj Belliveau, Edw. Dauphy, C'has. M. Rayr'ond, a)id Ira. Raymond, E^qrs. Tnuttes of Schools, Jno K. Veits, and I'i. R. Oakes, E^qrs. Cumnirs of Streets, Wm. Parnhain, J. B. lioldsworth, Jacob l)akin, Jas. Warrington, and Austen Adam.*, P^sqrs. Clerk of License, Wra. H. Taylor, Esq. C .unty Trcdsurer, Ja.'<. J). Holds \>orth, l]sq. Supervisors of J^ublic Liiids, Edw. K. Timpany, E. R. Oakes, and Jno. Bennett, E.^tp's. Drp, Surveyor of Land, Ai;>hcus Jones, E^q. Ih-altJi- Ojflcer, Robt. Stephen, M. l3. Est^. li.t.pecfor of I'ic/deu Fish, Mr. J). .Bayley. Warden of the liiver Fisheries, Jno. K. Yeits, E^q. S i 18,50.] ALMANACK. 7") SIIOK i; CI KC LIT I , Budil, Iligaii, I ni, Jtjs. t ;. Ik-iit, C. ran- luiulcr.s, I ;in, -Xa- ! O'Dell, { 1 Chas, 'rvilof of xi. An- Jas An- tiij. II. J.'lius- itfcwart ; im'rs of Jiio. (J. 10. Rob- ^niiaud, Dennis u, EcUv. n.t/ccs of ' Streets, riiiglon, or, Esq. f J'liblic , E>qvs. , Kobt. Bayley. COUNTY ()¥ IJ'NENHrita. Ilif/h S/);riJf. John II. K uil'>ack, Em|, Co/\>iwr,s, Jno. Crcigl.ioii, Geo. Turner, Daiiitl Diniock. Suprcrnr Court sits at I.ur.cnbur!^ on the ^/t//Yrru(.','-day ol' April, and on /"//i'/v/ TuL'sday ol Octobor. Pr ithoutjiuri/, IIc;nry Eni>;t, Exj. General Ses.-ions of the I'euco laid ut Lunenburg on tlit imcmd Monday of April. Com in rs for 'jivivrj rr lief to Tufiolvent Dehtnra, and for takinj AJfida- vits to hold to Bail, Win. Ross, Juo. lleckiuau, lion. Wm. Rudolt, and Henry Ernst, Esqrs. Justices of t/ie Peace, Jno. ileckmau ( Citstos J, Hon. "\Vm. Rudolf, Wm. Alexander, Jaa, Moshcr, Daniel Dimock, Martin Ilenneberry, Henry Ernst, Wm. Ross, E. J. Rohm, Henry 8. Jost, Whitman Mor- ton, Robt. Brimmer, (Jlias. Church, Henry Bailey, Geo. Kaulbaek, W. V. Andrews, Wra Slocomb, Thos. Bryden, (Jolumbus Mogan, Mortem Wheeloek, Jno. Kedy, Lemuel W. Drew, Benj. Rynurd, Benj. Zvvieker, G* o. Ross, Josepli P. Miller, Jno. Hurley, Geo. liicli- ardson, Benj. W. C. Manning, Jas. Wiadden, Thos. K. Cragg, Esqrs. Clerk of the Peaee, . CouuT or PiioBATE — Judfjo. Jiio. Crcighton ; Reijistrar, Geo. T. Solomon, E-itirs. Registrar of Deeds, II ,n. Wm. Ruiiolf. Controller of (hist nns and Navifjuti >n Laws, and Survei/or of Shipping, Henry M. Moyle, E>q. Coil's of ('olonial and Light Duiies — Lunenburg, H. M. Moyle; La Have, J a^. W hidden, Esqrs. Seizing Ojfieers, Messrs. Jiio. Davy, Daniel Owen, Wm. Bates, Wm. Gelderi, and l)avid .)a8. Lantz. Cotnin'rs of Sehxds, Rev. II. I,. Owen, Rev Ciias. J. Slue^c, Rev. Geo. Armstrong, Rov. Chas. E. Coss, Rev. Wm. Duff, Rev. li. DeBlois, Rov. J. V. Tabor, Rev. iiiciiard SVeddal, Jno. litckman, Jno. Hebbe, Estjrs. Dop. Postmasters — Lunenburg, Hon, VVm Rudolt; Chester, Amos Lovett ; Muhnie Big, Lewis Knaut ; Bridgetrater, Aaron Morse, Ksqrs. Cumin'rs of Streets — Lunenburg, A>.olpiiUs (iaetz, Jos. Rudolf, ai.d Jno. Blair; Cheder, Jas. Barry, Amos Lov- ett, and Edw. Butler, E-(p's Dp Surregjr of Lands, Wm. Tliomp- son, Esq. Inspect )r of Piekled Pish, Mr. Casper Met/ler. Wardei of I lie River Fisheries. D uuel Duuock, Esq. Trustees of La Have Common, Messrs. Jno. Himmelman, and Martin .Sperry. Trustees of Ocklind Commui, M.ih-tue Big, Mes-rs. Aduiu Lant/, Geo. Eiiseiiuuur, Eredk. Ernst, and Jno. Hysou. COUNTY OF QUEENS. ' High Sheriff, John W. tScott, E^q. Coroners, Freeman Tupper, and Jas. F. Forbes, E-qrs. Supreme Court sits at Liverpool on the fourth Tuesday of April and second I'uesdaV of October. Pr ifhjnot trg, Edward C. Harss, Esq. Coinm'rs for giving relief t) Lisoloent Debtors, andfjr taking Aj/iUavits t) hold t) Bull, Jno. Campbell, Robt. Robert.-, Jas Bars.s, Edw. C., Juo. Carten, Jas F. Morse, Caleb Seeley, and Tiios. R. Patiilo, E^qrs. General Session.s of the Peace litld at Liverpool on the second Tues- . day of January. 70 HKIiClIKK S I'AUMKU S [18r>fi. Jiisiices'iftho Peace, Fr(!Oinau Tapp t f Cant is), J.h. U.irss, Natlian- iol Siuitli, "Jao. Ciuiiplu'll, Wiiiriuaii KiiTmaii, C'alft) St'cly, Jiio. L D Colin McVicluT, Jii-^. F Piiilij) ' arteii, W'lu. McCiili, arnj.v, Au'lw. Uowic, injury i'aUiU', MoiT, llichard (JunliT, Srnitli Frt'oiiian, P Eilw. Vanlioni, /'olictli Frcv-man, Sami. D. Kcmpton, Jos. DcxI.t, Geo. I\IcLc;)d, W'lU. Hcmmcoii, jildrt'd Coliooi,, llobt. iJollivi'V, Su;- phen Muck, Jas. Mel, earn. Jas. liivden, Lewis Smitli, Znuis Water- man, David Frt'oraan, Allan McJitan, llobt. Smitli, Juo. Harlow, Donald Caniphcll, Sylvaiius Morton, Ja^. W. Ilutcliinson, Nathaniel Minard, Unas. W. Foster, Jas. Mnlliall, Geo. Payzant, Jno. D. Mack, Kohl. UoberlH, and I.svucl Ilcudry, I'^<[rs. Clcfk of (ho rcace, Wni. Jkydcn, E.-.q. Cot'HT OK Ptton.VTi'.. — Judgp, Charles Morse ; liorfisfrar, Gilbert Seely, E-i(ir.s. ('oiUr'tUer of dastomH and -\ai:ii/nti'>n Jjiir.s, otu/ Jit'(/'r of Shipping, Ji.o. II. Freeman, Ej<q. Surveyor of S/iippitiif, Tide Wuiftir and Senrc/icr, Wm. Bryden, Esc^. Ca/i'rs rf l.'obnial ami L>f/hi Diitien — Liverpool, Jno. H. Freemuu ; Port Med way, \Vlntman Foster, E.Htirs. lifjistrar of Deedti, Jno. Carten, Es(p Comm'us of i^TiiKKrH — IJvcrpoot, Wm. Jackson, Chas. Davis, and fhos. li. Putd- lo ; Port Mad/cay Town, Wink. A. Cogswell, Geo. Mauttiorn, and W'm. Mortimer ; Milt >u, Zoheth Freeman. IS'atlian Ellis, Jas. Ford, and Abner Harlow, E>(irs. Cunnnrs of Sc/m//s, Haw E. B. NicMols, llcv. Fredk. Tomi)kins, llev. Daul. O'Gaskdl, Kev. Jas. Parker, liev, Saml. X. Benil(!y, Rev. Thos. Wulsh, Uev. !S S. Murkland, Rev. Jas Melvin, Edw. C. J5arss, Zenas Smith, Edvv. Christopher. Esijrs. Tra.'i- tecs (f the Licerpwl AcAdeniy, S P. Freeman, Edw. C Barss, A. Covvie, and Thos. B. I'utillo, Esqrs. Trustees (f Public Property, Jno. Campbell, and , J'i-qrs. Dep. Potitni.tstvrii — Livtrpool, 'yihoa. P. Calkin; Mills r/7/(/_7i', L. X. Young ; Port Mcd- icay, E. Cohoon, E-:qrs. (.'unintrs for the- reniornl of obstructims in, Liverpool River, Wl.itman Freeniin, Sand. Freeiuuii, Sonr., Chas. Harhnv, Sdvanus Morton, and Xalhan 'J'upper, E>qr.-<. inspector of Pickled Fish and \Varde)i of the Ricer Fisheries, Mr. Patrick Goiigli. Dep. Survey n' of Lands, Wnitman Freeman, Esq. Licerpjol Murine LiSurance Conipiny — Broker, llobt. Roberts, Esq. Queen's County Friendly Society— President, Jo.s. Burnaby; Vice President, Edw. C. Barss; Treasurer, Uiciiard Mulnall; Secy, W. A. S. Blewitt, Esqrs. Held at Freeman's Hall on tlie Jirst Monday of every month. E>itablisiied lr>:i\). Zetland Lodg^i. Xo. 821, litid at Liverpool yi;M?'^A Tuesday of every montu at Froemau's Hall. 'COUXTY OF SHELBURNE. Hiyh Sheriff, Audw. Barclay, E^q. Coroners, Israel K. "Wilson, Wm. J. Bell, and Jno. W. Homer, Esqrs Supreme Court sits at Barrington in tlic Dis, of Barrington, on the 1 second Wednesday after the fourth i'uesday of Aprd ; and at Sliel- j burne in the JD/«. of Shelburne, on the second W cdnesday after the last Tuesday of September. Prolhonotary, Jiio. Tottie, Esq. Comnitssi'jners for (jiving rdiif to Insolvent DeOwn, and for talcing Ajjiduciis 10 hold to Bail, Cornelius Wi.ito, Jo.-iali Cotlin, Giil)irt McKenuH, Geo. H. Deinstadt, Robt. Currie, Andw. Barclay, Alex. McXaughton, Isaac G. Enslow, and >\ ijithrop Sargent, Esqrs. [ISuC. Gough. trine Vice l8o(j.] i HANACK. 77 I (ronrral Sessions of the Pojicp, held at HarriiiKton on tit- Monday ncxl al'ti r \]<cf\ji(r'h Tuesday of April ; and at Shelburuu on the Mon- day ntxt at'lLT the l((.st Tuesday ot' Sijjtcmbci'. >» ni. ^./unniiig'iuin, i»o<ian onow, ,ju, >v in. iioitun, Wni. J. liiU, Alex. McXaughton, Launhhin McPhcrson, and Thos. CotKii, ^^(p-s. Clirk of till! J'e(i(r, U. Tiionison, Esic^. C^oriiT oi' PuoiiATt:.— ./(^fZ/i Wni. Stilkor, Escjrs. Svizinr/ OJicers, Nathan Snow, Jr , and Jos. Baiik.s, E^qrs. Cinnm'rs of SchooLs — Eastern District, Andw. Barehiy, Kobt. Currie, Alex. AlcXaughton, Geo. Snyder, Lewis P. Churchill ; Wesfern Dis., Wm. Hobertson, Thos. O Geddes, Jno. W. Homer, Paul Crowell, Winthrop Sargent, Josiah Snow, Thos. ('ofHn. Prince McLaren, and llobt. liobertson, Ks(jrs. Trunteea of the Acadoui/, Cornelius White, and Winthrop naigent, Escjrs. Dep. Surcajor of Laiidn, Alex. Handlton, E-q. Clerk of License, Mr. Angus McKay. Hedlth O/ficers, I. K. Wilson, and Geo. Snjder, E-<qrs. Inspector of Pickled Fish, Mr. David Swain. Warcleti of the River Fisheries, Chas. Stalker, Esq. COUNTY OF YARMOUTH. High Sheriff, Joseph Shaw, Esq. Coroners, Geo. Bingay, Mutt. Jelfery, and Jas. M. Lent, Esqr.s. Sui)reuie Court held at Tusket Village, on the Tuesc'ay next hut one atter thofuirrth Tuesday of April ; and at Yarnioutli on the last Tuesday of Sejitember, Prufhonutarij, Jno. W. H. Kowley, Escj. Comni'rs for (jicimj relief to Insolvent Debtors, and for takimj Ajfidavits to hold to Bail, Henry G. Parish, Reuben Clements, and Jno. Bourque, Esqrs. General Sessions of the Peace held at Tusket Village, on the last Tuesday of April ; and at Yarmouth on the third Tuesday of Sep- tember. Justices of the Peace, Henry G. Parish (Ciistos), Abraham Lent, Hon, Stayley Brown, Jno. Mackinnon, Reuben Clements, Thos. KU- 1am, Jno. Ryder, Simon D'Enlremont, Caleb C'ook, Jr., Jno. Sanders, Jno. Murray, Matthew JeiUry, Jno. Bourque, Elisha W, B. Moody, Israel Harding, Rol)t. S. Eakins, Leonard Weston, Benj. Rogers, Jr., Edmond Lonnergan, W^ alter Larkin, Reuben Abbott, Thos. D. Chip- man, Jesse Shaw, Wm. H. Townsend, Robt. Guest, Nathan Hilton, Jas M. Lent, Isaac S. llatfiuld, Esqrs. Clerk of the Peace, Jno. Took- er, Esq. CoriiT OF VMOW\'TV..~Ju(hje, Jas. ]M array ; Pc-zis/rar. Henry A. Grantham E.-qrs. liei/is/rar of Deeds and D-rp. J^ostniaster, llrury G. Furihb. Cjntroflcr of Customs and Naciijation Lutes, I'iios. E. Mo- berly ; Surfe>/nrs of Shipping, Chas. lliMitington, and Jas. M. Lent, Esqrs. CuU'rs of Colonial and Lvjht Duties — Yarmouth, Thos. E. ^! 78 iii:i,( itr.u rt I'AiiMiai m [ISiiu. Moberly ; Art/i/fr, Ahiam Lout; Piihiii'ro, Simon T)'7',iitiPitiriiit : lirnfci' Itiiii'i', Win. S. JJaymoiid. Ks(jrs. Clrrk, Wtirrlii^itaf hrrpn- att(/ (l(ni(/( r, i'hiis. Iliiiifinc^toii, 1*',>(|. J.aixlin;/ W'aifrr inii/ Sedrr/wr, Mr. liVmaii DiukfH*. Schiui/ O/fiiTi-.s, Messrs. Ucuhfii Spinney. Jub. II. Mcliiirrcii, J;h. M. Lent, and Watson Nickcr-.oii. Ofjico- for pro- tection nf tlir lifViiiii,', Di;. of Ar'Pjl'', SoUtmou A. Sjiinncy, l">(i. Comtn'rs of Schoo/s — Ynrinnuth, II. (i. Farish, Jno. M'trray, //<;/(. Staylcy Brown, Wni. IIarri^, and Jno Uicliardi, I'^^ni). ; Dis. of Ar- (Ji)lo., llcv. Al)h(' (jfoudot, Kc'V. Jno. T. KoIch — Jno. I'ouiciuc, Jno. Ryder, Tlios. Willet, Doininiciiu' Houdrean, iNracl Ilardinii, Jr.,U(u- ben Abbott, and Jus. M. Lent, E-iirs. Dc)). Posftnantrr — Yarniout/i, 11. (Jr., Estj. Tninives Yurmottth Acadeiin/, E. W. H. M'.iody, Jiu). Murray, Jos. B. Bo tl, Hun. Stayloy Brown, and Benj. llogeis, E^t^rs. Tdur/irr, Mr. Jno. J. Moody, Jr. Health OJ/iccrs — Ar;/!//r, Jas. Kirby, M I) ; Yarmoui/i, (ireijg.s Jo.s. Farisli, M. 1)., E-<(ns. Conun'rs of the Public Ccnietari/, lion. Stayley Brown, Ehen I'orter, and Wra. IL Townscnd, Esqrs. 6'. .S. Consu/ar Ai/mf, Henry A. Grantham. Esq. Ai/cntfor JJni/ds, E. W. B. Moody, E-(i Inspector of Pickled Fish. Me. DanL (jrardner. Warden of the Itivcr Fisheries, Jos. Shaw, ^>i{. Dcp. Sunei/or of Lands, /acciieuH Ciiurchill, E»ti. Com)h'r.s of Sewers, Benj. Killani, VVm. llobertson, Uichurd Harris, Lemuel Ciiurchill, ira llobbins, Thos. Allen, Jos. Perry, and David Landers, E8qr.s Fire Enf/in:; Company — Captains. No. 1, Jno. Tookir, No. 2, \Vm. llobertson. Marine Insurance Association — Directors, li. Clements, E. W. B. Moody, I'hos. Killara, Jno. W. Lovitt, Jo.-j. li. I3ond, and Geo. KiUaiu, Esqrs. ; Broker, Jas. Murray, Jr., E>q. Afjents at Yarmouth for Bank of Xova- Scotia, Jas. Bond, and Nor- man J. Bond, Esqrs. CAPE BRETON CIRCUIT. COUNTY OF SYDNEY. Hi()h Sheriff, Henry P. Hill, E^q Coroners, Wra. Currie, M. D., and Jos. Synionds, Escjis. Ndaries Public, I'he Barristers of the Cjup. Court, David Condon, and Hugh Me Donald, Esqrs. Supreme Court Sits at Antigoni,sh on the second Fuc'^day next alter the fjurth Tuesday of June ; and on the second Tuesday next after tlieyoi«/-i/j Tuesday of October, Prothinolary and County Treasuitr, Altx. McDonald, M. D,, Esti. Comrn is for giviny relief to Insolcent Debtors, and for takiny Affidavits to hild to Bail, Ah'.x. McDonald, M. D., Itobt. N. Henry, llugli McDonald, Jas. Itandall, Geo. Bren- nan, Angus Gillies, and Wm. G. Hierlihy. General Se,s.-iion8 of the Peace, held at Dorchester on the second Tuesday of January. . Justices of the Pe/ce, Alex. McDonald, M. D. (Custos), Robt. N. Hijiry, Jas. Uai.clall, Hugh Molionald, Jos. Syniond-. AVm G. Hier- lihy, Geo. Breinian, Aug. A. O.^'ion, R 'l)t. McDonald, Angus Gnlifs, Alien Cameron, Angu.s McDonald, Dugidd (.^amiT m, la.■^. Rom-, Da- vid i'ovver, liohi. Tmlter, Duncan Giani, Alix. McDonald, Arci/d McGiIvary, Jno. McKuiizir, Jno. .McKumun, Alex. Mclntos!!, Jno. McDonald, Jo.-i. Smith, David Cuudou, Don. McDonald, Allan Smitli, i^axi tieTTiont ; V Kvppir Sciiir/icr, iK'V. Jus. 'for pra- i( y, K^ii- ray, lion, is, of Ar- l\0, JlK). Jr.llfu- 'uniiotit/i, . Moody, |. llogt'lH, —A )':/!//(', >., E><(ns. 11 I'ortor, loniy A. Inspector Fisheries, tiiU, E-(i. [I llarriM, id Duvid ). TookiT, 'ectors, K. , Jo.4. li. and Nor- e, M. D., 13 ot the next II iter fxt after 'rea surer, Insolveiif cDonald, ,■0. Bren- \e second lobt. N. U . Hii r- > Unlit"', 1, Arci.'d 0»\:, Juo. n Smith,, ALMANACK. 7'J l,aiicl:lau Catnrrnn, Norman McDonald, Don. McMillan, Jiio. Mc- Millan (St .-Siidivw.-*) j)i)ii. Chisliolni (Fiii)ay's Son,) Juo. MeDi.i. ■ aid, ilodk. C'l.i ,holm, (MivistoplwT McDonalfi, Win. Cliishohn ( Ar- i'hil)al(rs i'-.m), and J.aucliUiu Mv Ivithcrn, IvMj[rd. Ck-rk if the J'ntve, Ja<. Wilkic, lv(i. CoviiT oi' P.ii()i;\Ti; — .//<.'/■, Alex. "Mcr^ouaW, JI. ])., Ucijistrar, (mo. lircnnan, ICmji-!. Itiiistnir oj' l><'< ,,'>i, Aaron J), llarrinjiton, Jv-i(. Coll'ftur (if I'oloniiil anil l/njld Dntin; — An/if,"nn's/,', Allan Mc- iJonald ; ILirboar au Ito'i-hc, Edw. Corl)et ; Weslcra Strait of d/nso, iJavid I'ovver, Ei<ir.-(. Dej). r,>ifin<isicr—Ai'ti</otiis/i, Uoiry P. Ilill, Esq. CiniDi'rs if Sr/i,)ofs, lit. Ilev. Dr. McKiimon, \lvv. Alex. MeLcod, liev. A. \V. MiUed^e, Uev. .Tno. Cjuiimn, Kev. David Iloneyinan — Alex. McDonald, lluy;li MeDonuld, (ico. IW-ennan, Arcli. McGilvary, and Duikmii Ciraiit, E;,(|r.s. J„spcctor nf I'ic.Wcd Fish, Mr. David Pov^ r. \\\ir(h:a of Ihr Rirer Fishtrinf, Ale^. Campbell, Escj. Jhp.^urcct/or of Lands, Hugh 11. MoKenxie, ^■•■■i. COUXTY OF GUYS150 ROUGH. Uiyh Shcri^P', Mmdocli McLean, Escj. Cironers, Stewart Camjj- bcll, and .Sijinney Whitman, E-qrs. Xi>titri>'<i Fn.blit\ Tfie IJarristiTs of the Su}). Court, Jas. J. Hill, Isane J. AN'vlde, Ju^^. IJ. Hadley, Je.sse Anderson, and Smith, Esqrs. Supreme f\)urt sits at (iiiy.-l)(>rough or the Tuesday next after the fourth I'lusday of June; and on tlie Tm^sday next after the fourth Tuesday of October. Proth-i/iofarn, Edw. C'arritt, Es(i. Chuun'rsfor ijivin<j reliif to Insolvent Dch^ )rs, an.dfir ti>/cinr/ Affidnrits to h)ld to liuif, Edw. J. Cunnin^diam, lion. \i. M. Cutler, Eras. Cook, AI)ncr Atwater, Don Sinclair, O. W. Scott, and Jno, Mahoney ; St. Manfs Dis., Hugh McDonald, Thos. Ukncross, and AV. McKeen, Ehcji's. General Sessions of tlie Peact, held at (iuysborougli, on thofrst Tuesday of January, and /i'/aY Tuesday oi' May ; and at St. Jlary'rt on they(/-,s7 Tuesday of July. Justices (f the I'm c, If<ii. Robt. M. Cutl<r (('ustos), Chas. Archi- bald, Chas. Ilrodie, Eras. f,\:ok, Abner Ai water, Jos. G. Hadley, Wm. O. Heirernyu, David Dobson, Edw. J. Cunningham, Edmund n. Franchville, NVm. J. lligeluw, Jno. J. Marshall, Wm Hart, Alex. Manson, Jno. Campbell, \Vm. Moir, Jno. Mahaney, Wm. G. Scott, David Bears, Jno. Eider, Thos. Keatiii:,', David Kerby, Ja.s. Handlon, Jesse Anderson, Thos. C. V»'hitmaii, Martin Mcairher, Abner P. Mc- Konzie, Jno. A. Steel, Wra. Ferguson, Thos. H. Patterson, Jmi. Ja- iiiie.son, Jno. Sinclair, Wni. A. McKeen, Jno. McMillan, and .T.-^s. Wallace, Esqvs. ; Si. Marfs iJis. Huvh McDonald I^Cnston), Thos. Glencros-", Wm. McKeen, Jno. W. McKeen, Tlios. O'Flavln, Jno. Clerks of the Fence — Gwjsborongh, -, E.>qrs. Ilariie, .ind Asji llude, Esqrs. Styles Hurt ; St. Mc.njs, CoLKT or I'HOJiATK — Judtjcs—Dis. of Guysborouffh, Stewart Camp- bell ; St. .U«>-^'s Z>/«., Hugh McDonald; Fei/istrars, St. MarfsDis., Jno. A. Molntosh ; Dis. rf (iuiislioroinjh Wm. Hart, I'ls^rs. Regis- trars of Deeds — Gu>/.fb(jr(Hti//i, Wm. Moir, St, Mary's JJis. ilugn lUc- Donaki, E.-qrs. ControUer of ('vstcms and N vajatiun Lmus ; una Surrci/.v of Shipping, TliOs. .^IcColi, Ilsq C dl cf •« 'i^" (' /> ial ->»(/ L'l/ht .Duties — (\i'i/sborou;/h, Thos. JNlcColl ; St. Mary's liicer, Jno. 80 liELCIIEli d rAllMKU\S [185G. McDr)nald ; Cape Canso, Goo. Xorria, E-^qrs. Coll'r of TJ;iht. Duties — Caimo, W. J. 15i;j;('low, Esq. i^eizh'ij (f/p'ers, Messrs. Tlios. Fla- vin and Leonard I've. Af/riiifor Eniii/nuil >'liifsnH(l Preventive OJfi- ccr, Jas, 13. Iladlev, E-q. Drj). Po.sti'Kit.ler-i — (Tiit/.-kinn't/h, ILni.. lioht, M, Cutler: Sficrhroo/cc, ,S'. M(tr>/'s, Huuh Mi'Doiiiild ; Cmuio, Geo. Norri-s, Esqvs. i'unim'rn nf Schiols, Tlios. II. I'attcrson, Cliri:-topher Jest, Jiio. Maloney, Edw. Irisii Cinniinjj;liairi, and Edw. H. Frani-h- ville, Esqrs. ^S';? Marn Dis., liev. J. Camphc If, llev. Alex, Campbell — Hugh McDonald, Thofs. Glencross, \\ m. McKecn, Jos. Alexander, and Wm. Bent, Esqrs. C'omm'rs of Sfreo/i, Wm. Scott, Jiio. Grant, and Jairus Iladley, J'^scirs. C/erfc of License, Mr. Jas. E. Torey. Dep. Surveijors of Lands, Win. Hartshorno, Esq. J/i.y)ccfo)- of Pickled Fish, and Dep. Af/en(for TJoyds, Edw. II. Franchvillc, Esq, Warden of the River Fisheries, Murdoch Mcl.ean, E;-:q. Jleallh Officer, Edw, Carritt, Esq. Light House Keeper, Mr. Godfrey S. Peart. COUNTY OF CAPE PRETON. High Sheriff, Richard Gibbons, Jr., Esq. Coroners, Jno. L, Hill, I Chas. McAlpine, Don. Js , McQuc37i, and Lauchlan ]lobertson, Esqrs. j Supreme Court Sits at Sydney on the frst Tuesday of June ; and on tliefrst Tuesday of October, rrothomtanj and Clerk (f the Peaes, Chas. E. Leonard, Jr. Esc[. Comm'rs for gn-ing relief tu Insolvent Debtors, and for taking Affida\-its to hold to Xkiil, Chas. E, Leonard, Chas. McAlijine, Wm. Ouseley, Jno. Bourinot, Peter H. Clarke, Esqrs.. General Sessions of the Peace, held at Sydney, on iX\efiisc Tuesday of March, and second Tuesday of July. Notaries Public, The Barristers of the Sup, Court, Peter H. Clarke, C. E. Leonard, Thos. S. Bown, Chas. McAl})ine, J. D. Gillies, and Jno. McLean, Esqrs. Justices of the Peace, Chas. E. Leonard (Cus- \. tos), Peter H. Clarke, Jno. McKinnon, Chas. McAlpine, Wm. Ouse- [ ley, Jno. L. Hill, Thos. S, Bown, Jno. D. Clarke, Geo. Hill, Jno. \ Bourinot, N. H. Martin, Arnold Holmes, \V m. Armstrong. Wm P Butler, Wm. Grammell, Hugh Munro, Thos. Caldwell (8. Mines), [ Lauchlan Robertson, Jas. McNeil, Don. McNeil, Benoni Shepherd, i Jno. McKinnon (Narrows), Anthony Martsll, Gfeo. Ri^by, Jas. Mat- i theson, Don, Ross, Jno. D. Gillis, Steplicn Mc.Vherson, hot- Thos. ? D. Archibald, Angus McDonald, iJon. Gillis, Don. ML-DonaJd, Mar- : tin McDonald, Wm. Corbett, Jno, Ferguson, and Henry Ingles, j Esqrs. I CocriiTO'^PKOBATK — Jiidgo Jas. McKoagney, Esq. ; Ilegi.v'rar, Hon. \ Jas. McLeod. Registrar of Deeds, Jas. 1'. V^ard, Esq, Conirolhr of \ Customs and Navigation Laws — North Sf/dneg — Thos. S, Bown, I'sq. j Surveyor of Shipping — North Sydney, Jno. Bourinot, Esq, ddfrs of I Colonial and Light Duties — Sydney, Chas. E. Leonard; (h'eat Bras d' i Or, Alex. Monro ; North Sydney, Thos, B. Bown, Evqrs. Seizing f- Officers, C. Barrington and Angus Morrison, T. qrs. Dep. J'ostn:asl- \ ers — Sydney, Robt. Martin; North Sydney, C. A. Martin; Sydney i Mines, I), G. Kigby, E:-qvs. Comm'rs of Schools, Very Wkv. Jno._ \ Laucldan, Rev. M. VV'ilson, Rev. Ilnj.h McLeod, R;;v. Geo. Riohard- ] son. Rev. R. J. Uniacke, Rev, Sos>, 3/rastv, Rev. Jno. Quinna'.i, Rev. i Alex. McL. Desbrisay — 11. W. Crawley, Chas. E. Leonard, Peter H. \ M.3 ruesday I ^ 1856.] ALMANACK. 81 Clarlte, Henry B. Forman, M. D., "Win. Ouseloy, Hvi<?:h Munro, D. N. McQueen, and Wni. (iamraell, Esqrs. Comm'rs of Sydney Com- mo)i, VvXex JI. Chirkc, Jus. McKeajjney, Hugli Munro. Neil Campbell, and Geo. liurchiU, Estqrs. domt^iirs of Stecets, Peter ]\Iihan, E. Archibald, and J. I). Clarke, Esqr.-^. Harbour Masters — Si/dnei/, Tlios. Saml. Bown, /Jr/f.'//e;;.>r^, Walter Ilandrickan, Esqrs. Vornnirs f(M' grn)Ui)i(j Licc/isus to J'iloLi, CUias. E. Leonard, '.riiOH. S. Bown, P. 11. Clarke, and Hon. Thos. D. Arcliibald, E?i(jrs. Clerk, Jno. 1„ Hill, Esq. fVeii//icrs of Flour, Me^srs. J. 1). Clarke, and Jno. Barriugton. Supervisors tf Public, Groundfs, lien. Inglis, Wm. Otiselcy. and Lauch- lan Kobertson, Esijrs. Dep. Survci/or of Lauds, Jas. McKenzie, Esq. ImpeHor of Picklnl Fish, 'I'hos. fS. Jio'M ji, E-(|. Warden of Uie River Fisheries, li. Gibbons, Jr., Esq. Fiiu: I'K:(;Ai)f- — ('aptain, Henry Inglis ; Lieut., Cha.s. C. Head. HcaWt. Ojficers, II. B. Forman, M. D., and Thos. E. Jeans, M. D., Esqrs. U. S. Consul, Lutlier Brackett, Esq. Consul of France, Jno. Bourinot, Jiiq. Aijont for Lloyds, Pe- ter II. Clarke, Escj^, COUXTV OF TICTOniA. Hi'ih SAcri/fy Duncan MeDt>ui'ld, Esd. Coroner, C;luvs. J. (Jamp- bell, Esq. Supreme Court held at Baddeck on the scmj??^' Tuesday of June, and A''.'C(j«{/ Tuesday of October. ProfkonnUiry. Jos, Ehnsley, M. I)., Es([. Con>iii'rs for (jirijuj relief to Iiisol''riif Ihhtors, and fir faking Ajtldavif-i to hdd to Bail, Ali'X. Tayl')r and Wm. Kidstou, Esqrs. General Sessions ol" t'.;e l^eaee \uiW at Bavddcek, on the thh-d. T i' s- d;iy ol' March, y.nd fkir-: Tuesdijy of July. \r.iarics Publi'', The Bar- rL'iters of the ISup. Court, and l)on;<alii B. MeXab, Escj. Justircs of the Peace, Murdoch McKaskill ( Custos), Ken. MeLeod, J3on. Melicod, Dougald B. Me Xab-, Dun, McUao, Wm. Jone.^, Jno. Munro, Jno. Cainp>x.dl, Jas. 8ut'iierlani.I, ('lia^i, MrKcii;:!", Cl!a><. J. Camplicll, Alox. Taylor, -Jno. Bohertson, Alex. Munro, \\'\n. Kidsion, Joji, J [art, Alex., Wm. Uos.s, Aiigus Bueiianaii, W. Bttrke, Alex. Mc- Kav, Lewis Hr.nvn. Duncan r(r^';uson, l>on. McLcod, -Mox. McKay, and Jiui. Caijipbii! (of St. Pjiui's), E^jr'^. Clerk if thu Peace, A. F. llaliburlou, Esq. Court of I'lioaii'i: — Ju/hjc, W'la, .Jones ; 7iV.//,v,'>vtr, AHVed Ilali- burton, Escp-.s. li, lislrcr of Deeds and- Dcp. Laud Surrr,/or, Dou- gald B. M'-'Nab, Es!]. Coiiiut'r.-! "'' S'hooi-^. liev. A. Farquliar-on, Itev. Jas. Fraser. Kev. Alex. McCiilvray, Dnn;>y.Id B. Mc.N'.ib, Jno. llobertson, Jos. ]-]lmsl. y, M. D., and Wm. Kidston. JJ,p. Pos'rnast- ers — Badd:ck, W'va.. JCidstou ; St. Ann's, J, Munroe. Esf[r,'^. ('(dl'r of ('oh>i;ial and l.ijJjl lJuti,s-~S(. Ann's, Henry (f. Si'llon ; Jli,/ liras d' Or, Gt o. Old, Esqrs.; Si::ini/ Ojfieers — Iniionish, Lmvis Bown; Entrance Great J>a-i d' Or, D^n. McKiinmn ; Hay St. Fairrcnrc and Cape North, Geo. Burton, Es(ivs. Health OJfJccr, Jos. J'llnisley, M. D., Esq Inspector of Pirklcd Fish, Mr. Bobt. Howell, llardc/i of the River Fisheries, Jno. Mum'o, Jr. E:?q. COUNTY OF INVEBXESy. High Sheriff, Geo. C Lawrence, Esq. Coroners, Duiisier Troraain, Jno. Munro, and Jas. G. MclLeeu, E^qrs. 4*^ •: jeiiWino(A&tt»sKUi«wxc»«>*nur.>iu<»KJwujuHJc. r-i-,»'f<(Mg^if ■ n¥irTMnn<fcfiiT 82 BECLIIKn S FAllMEr. S [1856. P- •Supreme Court Held at Port Ilnofl, on the fliud Tuesday of June, and t/H/-d Tuesday of October. I'mf/tonofartf and Uhrk of tht Vv.ace,, Jno L. Treraain, E'^ci. Comnirs for ;iivin(j relief to InsofveMt IJebPirs, and for takiiuj Afjidcvita to hold to Bail, Jiio. L. Treiiiain, lion Wra. McKeen, Duiicier 'I'rpinain, Patk, Delaney, Peter L. Broiiard, and Laiichlan McDoug;'.ll, Esqr.^. General Sessions of the Peace, held at Port Hood on the second Tuesday of Janitary, and first Tuesday of Oc+ob: -. Notaries Public, The barristers of the Slip. Court, Jno. McLeod, Jno. L. Treniain, Sainl. liawrence, Henry Taylor, Jas. G. McKeen, Hirairi Elancliard, Isaac Mcleod, Tlios. Martell, Philip lie Montais, and Geo. C. Ivawrence, Esqrs. Justices of the Pccce—IIo-n. Wm. McKeen (Custoa), Jno. L. Trernain, Ilenvy Taylcr, Matt. Hawley, Jno. Camp- bell, Win. Buck, Peter J. Eronard, B'.>n. Cameron, Geo, C. Law- rence, Patk. Delaney, Thos. Elhridge, Jno. McLeod, Dunsier Tre- rnain, Jas. Doyle, Jno. McLellan, .Tas. G. McKeen, Peter Smith. Don. McDonald, Jno. McLean, Wm. McDomuld, Hugh Campftell, Don. Beaton, Alex. McIiCan, Allan MsDonakl, Jilartin McPlierson, Miles McDonald, Ltmclviin McDongall, Arch'd McDougall, Don. Smith (of the Island), Jas. Purcell, Allan Cameron, L--.2;'.c McLeod, Neil McLeilan, Saiul. Camjjbell, Jno. L^eaton, Alex. McLelLin, Arch Mc- Intyro, Malcolm McKay, J. H. McKeen, Alex. Chisho'm. Hiip;h Mc- Kay, Pliilip J. LeKiche, Don. McDonald, Jas. McDonnell, Saml. Lawrence, Don. J^IcLelian, Malcolm. McDonald, Saxnl. Beaton, and Don. McLeilan, Esqrs. CovHT OF Pi'wOiJAJF, — Judge, Jno. L. Trernain ; Registrar, Hiram Blanchard, Esqrs. Registrar of Deeds, Jno. L. Trernain, Esqr. Col- lectors of Colonial and Lighi Duties — Part 7/oorf, Hiram Blanchard; Shi2> Harbor, Peter J. Bronard ; Margaree Island^ Xat. C. McKeen, Esqrs. Collector of Light I)i(tiJ — Plaister Cove, Jas. G. McKeen, ;| Esq. Dejy. Postmasters — Port Hood, J. J). Trernain; Plaister Cove, l J. G. McKeen ; Whgkokamagh, L. iMcDougall, Esqrs. Commrs of \ >^chooh — SoHthern Dis., llev. Alex. McDonald, Pev. Wra. G. Forbes, • Rev. Hugh McDonald, liov. Jno. Y. MoDownall, r.ev, Me- \ Lean (of Mabovv), Rev. Por. McCTilvray, Rev. McLean (of | Craignish),— Wm. Wati::-;, J. J,. Treraain (, Hon, Wm Me- \ Keen, Peter Jno. Brcnurd, aiid Peter t:imyth, Esqrs. ; yorthcrn IJis., l Kcv. Patk. McKeagncy, Rev. H. J. Clicnal,, Rev. Jno. Grant, Rev. | Jno. Gunn, — Henry Taylor, Malcolm McXay, Saml. Campbell, Thos. ■» Ethridge, Angus McLeilan, aivd Hugh McMillan^ Esqrs. Zh'p. .S»r- i|^ r^yor q/' -Lajjf/s, Messrs. R. C. Austin and Jas. McKenzio. Trustees !f of Port Hood Ae(idem>i,l\uv . Alex. McDonald, Rev. Patk. McKeag- [ ney. Rev. SVm. Milicr, — Peter Smyth, and J. L. Trenuiin, E.sqrs. K Inspector of Pickled Pish, Peter J. Bronard, Esq. lUuer Fisheries, Wm, McDonald, Esq. Warden f ike COUxN'TY OF RICHMOND. High Sheriff, John Fuller, Esq. Coroner and Clerk cf ike Peace, Geo. E. Jean, Esq. Supreme Court si's at Arichat on the fourth Tucsd:\y of June ; and fourth Tui^.'iday of October. Profhonotanj and Health Ojftcer, Andw. Madden, M. D., lisq. Comni' rs Jhrgici ng relief to Insolcent Dcbiors, ISofi.] ALMANACK. 83 Cove, rs of' bes, Mc- (of Me- ])is.y ,iev. hos. isfces yace, and Hors, and for taking AJfi'lnvifH to hdd to Bi>K A. rl v. M uld'Mi, Potsr T)n- Cartorct, Win. C'reightoii, and H. Mirtell, E^qrs. Xotarics PubUc, Tiie IJarristurs ot' the Sup. Court, and LaucUlui J. Carrie, Es([. General Sessions of the Peace lield at Ariehat on the second Tues- day of February. Jasticcs of the Pnicc, Aiidw Madden {Cu'^tis), Win. Crichton. Peter DeCiirtertt, Geo E. Bissitt, Jno. i^itjitV, Jno. Morrison, Henry Martell, Desire Houdrot, Hector McDonald, Thos. LeNoir, Jiio. 11 Smith, Alex. Miirchison, Anthony OHver, .Simon Donovan, Chas. Fi.^ott, Alex. Cameron, Jiio. Mclnnis, Simon Le Blanc. Geo. T. Hundley, Norman McXeil, Fredk. Bondrot. Peter Campbell (R, Island), Jno. Jolmstone (K I.dand), Jos. Martell, Jr., Patk. C. Brennan, Patk. McCarthy, Jno. S. Briand, Jno. Strachan, Corneliu.s Rile_) , Geo. Wincey, and Jno. Mathe.son, Esqrs. CouuToi' Viiov.x'rii — Judge. Chas. F. Hirrington; Registrar, Thos. H. Fuller, E.stir.s. Registrar of Deeds, Geo. E. Jean, E ^q. Controller of Cnsfonis and Xacigation Luios, 8imon Donavon, E^c[. Reg'r of Shipping, Geo. E Jean, Esqr. Coll'r of Colonial and Light Datins and Seizing OJficers, Simon Donovan ; Arichat. East side of Cuiso, — Peter J Bronard, E-jcirs. Seizing Officer- and Landing Waiters — Little Arichui, Sam). Burke; 7)'/i,vc,'o/(.v5f^ Jno. Hearn, lv'-(irs. l)ep. J'ost/nastcrs — Arichat, Miss E McDonald ; St. Pett-r's, Geo. T. Hand- ley, Esq. Cjinm'rs of Schools, Rev. J. A. Shaw, lltv Ik-rbert Ge- roir, 11*. V. N. Co- aux, Rev. Jas. Ros.'' — Peter DeCarten t, Andw. Madden, W. CricI nu, De.-^ire Boudroit, and F. Marmaud, Esqrs. Dcp. Snrvegors of Livttds, Messrs. Roht. iSntherland, Jas. G. Melven- zie, and Taos. Cromly. Inspector of Pickled Fish, Jno. F. Fuller, E.^q. Warden (f the liiuer Fish'Vies, Henry Martell, Esq. Cnm/n'rs nj-' Slree's, Norman MoNeil, Isaac Forrest Jno. Balinin, I'atk. C. Brennan, and Peter LoBlauc, Jil-qrs. Cnn.nrsfor the Si. J\ter's Canal, Hju. Jas. McLeod, i'iiu.;. H, Fuller, and Isaac Le Viscoute, Emp-.s. C; I I Y <> F II A L I F A X . COUroUATION. Mayor, Archibjdd Sc'Ott, Ks-q. Itecorder, Bt'amidi Murdoch, Esq. ('//// Marshal, or High Const ;'.'.■, Goo. Irwin, Esq. Citg Clerk, Ja.ue> Siewart C'larke, \^mi. Assistant Clerk, Mr. John W. ('raj^r;^. Treasurer, Jiawreute llartshorne, E-c^. Audit >rs. Allied G. J'Uies and Jeremiah Nortliup, Esqr.s. I'ity Assessors, \Vm R'.;clie and Francis Stevens, E><pd. ALDF.U.MK.V AM) JU.-iPICK?; OF TUK IT-ACF,. Ward No. 1, II. (i, Pu;>sley, Wm. (i. Anderson, and Wm. J. Stairs ; No. 2, Donald Murray, Maurice Mcllreitli and Jno. W. Young; No. 3, Peter Morri.scy, Josepli Bennett and Jas. Cochran ; No. i, Wm. Evans, Peter Ross and Jno. J. Wills; No. o, Henry E Harvey, Jas. Pollock and Jeremiah Conway ; No. (5, Wm. Sutherland, Jno. King and Jno. Longard, Esqrs. 84 BELCUEU 3 FAllMEll B [1856. The Mayor's Court is licld in the County Court House on the sec- ond awd fourth Tuesday in every montli. The l\ilice Office is open every week day from 1 till 3 o'clock. One of the Aldermen presides weekly in rotation. "NVaud Asskssoks. — No. 1, Jas. IJ. Oxley, and Alex. McLeod; No. 2, Azor Stevens, and Jiio. Litiigow ; No. 3, Ciias. Murdoch and Thos. Feneriy; No. 4, Cluis. Wallace, and VVm. H. TuUy ; No. 5, Henry liogg.s, and Andw. McGrigor; No. 6, Jno. T. Longard, and Sanil, Forsythe, Er^qrs. Clerk of License, Mr. W. J. Morris. C'ler/is of the Mark (s, Messrs. Clias. Fielding, and John McCartny. Keeper and Superintendent of Markets, Mr. Henry Parker. Health Inspector, Mr. James Spike. Underkeeper, Finh Market, Mr. Daniel McGuire. Superintendents of Streets, James H. Lovett, and Robert Austen, Esqrs. Vlcrk (f Streets, Mr. John C. Craigen. Inspectors and Wcifjhcrs of Fresh Beef, Pickled Beef and Pork, Messrs. i'tios. U. Bcaiui^li, and Jas. Mooney. Found Keepers — north, Hc!nry Keitli ; south, Michael Powers. Weiyhers of Han. Messrs. Thomas Keating, and Mictiael Doren. Weiyhers of Fluur, ^litry.Yri. tSanuicl Uarten, John Ptu'ker, William Grant, and John Winters. Keeper of Bridewe/l, Mr. William McDonald. Keeper of the Powder Mayazine, Mr. Samuel Marshall. Keeper of the Cemetery, Mr, Jo&eph K eelier. Suryem of Briden-ell, Jas. C. Hume, Esq., M. D. Commrs of the Common, Aid. Stairs, Young, Bennett, Evans, Pol- lock and King. Comm'rs of the Cemetery, Aid. Anderson, Murray, Bennett, Wills, Harvey, and Sutnerland. Comm'rs Public Accounts, Aid. Stairs, Murray, Cochran, Ross, Conway, and Longard. Comm'rs Tenders for Works, Aid. Anderson, Young, Morrisey, Ross, Conway, and Longard. Comm'rs of City Properly, Aid. Pugsley, Mcllreith, Cochran, Evans, Pollock, and Sutnurland. Comm'rs of Llickney Coaches and 'I'rucks, Aid. Pugsley, Mcllreith, Morri.>ey, Wills, Harvey, and Kuig. Comm'rs of Bridewell, the Aldermen, monthly. CoNSTAHLES Ward No. 1, Jas. Ham, and I'atrick Caullield ; No. 2, Garret Cotter, and David Evans; No 3, Piuhp Par.-^ons, and Do- nald Eraser ; No. 4, Mattliew Gardner, and Thos. McUov ; No. o, Jno. Steele, and Jno. Artliur; No. 6, \Vm Roddick, and Jno. Campbell. Bo HI) OP Health. — Ward No. 1, Jno. B. Fjiy. and Jno. Wliit- raan ; No. 2, Geo. C. WJiidden, and Bernard Gilpui, M. D. ; No. 3, Dr. MoUey, and Wra. Ackliursts ; No 4, Jas. Parker, and Thos. Bain ; No. 5, Thos. Donnovan, and Wm. McKay ; No. G, Chas. Black, and W. J. Jordan, Es(ira. Clerk, Mr. Jno. C. Craig. Health Wak»ens. — Ward No. 1, Andw. Mitchell, Joseph Gra- ham, Jno. Durters, Jr., and Jus. Pryor ; No. 2, Jos Sutton, J. T. W ylde, Robt. G. Noble, and Edw. Chipman ; No. 3, Patk. Drum- 1856.] ALMANACK. 85 mond, A. McLean, Matt. Lowud, and Jas. R. Gilbert ; No. 4, Jno. 11. Clevcrdoij, Wm. Pallister, David Slieppherd, and Jno. Murphy; No. 5, Robt. Graliam, Win. Hurnpiircy, Arthur Anderson, and Wm. Brown ; Xo. G, Wm. Howe, Jos. Kayo, Jos. Ik-ll, and M. G. Black, Jr., Esqrs. Surveyors of Ltuuber, &;c.,Mesf<r». Henry Spike, Jas. Sutton, Gra- ham W Lovett, and W. Henderson. Siirvet/ors of Brick and Lime, and Measurers of Masons' Work, Messrs. Nicholas Wright, Robt. Maleom, and Jas. Reid. Fence Viewers, Messrs. Benj. I). Crowe, and Fied. Merkil. Sealers of Leather, Messrs Tlios. McMurray, Jas. Norwood, and Wm. Jenkins. Measurers and Inspectors of Painters' Work, Messrs. Geo. Smithers, Jas. Smitli. and Emanuel Defraytas. Measurers of Wood, Messrs. Eben McNab, Malcolm, Brown, Wm. Holland, and Jos. Findlay. Wei(jhers and Measurers of Sa/t and Grain, Messrs. Michael Mur- phy, Jas. CuUen, Tlios. McCann, W. Robb, Jas. Aull, Jno. Martin, Andw. Keating, and Jas. Mahaney. Measurers of Coal, Messrs. Jno. Connell, Saml. King, W^ra. Mad- den, Alex Grant, Andw. Smith, Jas. Bresluw, Andw. Nisbett, Wm. Bilby, and Mark Muddison. Citi/ Crier, Mr. Jas. McFurlane. FiUE Wauukns. — No. 1, Tbos. Holloway, Jas. B. Oxley, Jno. H. Crosskill, Jno. Hall, and Andw. Mitchell ; No. 2, Archibald Scott, Jno. Doull, and Jas W. Fenerty ; No. 3, Tlio-i. Bayne, M. S. Brown, and Geo. A. Van Buskirk ; No. 4, Jiio Richardson, P. Ross, and Jas Pnelan; No. 5, G. A. S. Crichton (Chairman), R. Nugent, W. J. Coleman, and 1'. W. McKie ; Xo. 6. Jno. I.ongard, Wm. L, lUack, and Jno. Edw. Stau, E.sqr-s. Secij, B. C. Brehm, E>q. C imniillce of Manayeinent at Fires, Jno. Longard, Arch. Scott|,\V. J. Coleman, and Jno. iJouU, Esqrs. Fire Constables to attend the Committee. Messrs. Chas. H M. Black, Jno. B. Flowers, Jos. Wooding, Andw. MeKinlay, and Jas. B. Duilcrs. Connnittee in Charfje of Fire Plurjs. Ifi/ilrants, Pumps, Wells, &c. — Ward i\o. 1, J. H. Oxiey ; No. 2, Jno bouil ; No 3, Thos. Bayne; No. 4, Jno. Richardson; No. 5, R. Nugent; No. 6, Jno. Longard, Esc^rs. Committee in charge of Enr/ine IIjusbs and other Propertij, G. A. S. CricUton (^Cuairmauof Fire Wardens), A Scotl, and Thos. Holloway, Esqrs. Committee to receive Tenders, R. Nugent (Chairman), A. Scott, and Thos. B.iyjie, V,y,i.\iA Keeper of Enijino House, and Supervisor of Tanks, Mr. Wm. Sturmy. UNION ENGINK COMPANY, EST.VnLLSIIED AUGUST 8, 17(58. Thomas *lIollo\vay, Captain. No. 1 Engine; Station, Parade.— J uo. R;cliard-on, and Geo. A. Buskirk, Firewardens; Saml. Caldwell, 1st Lt., {Treas ; Wm. Cald- well, 2dLt. ; Wm. Murmv, Geo. Hay, Hen. Merrick, Dan. McPher- 86 nEtCHER A FAKMEU S [1856. 8on, Jno. Jost, J. R, Willis, Jno. Archil )akl, liichd. Vinecove, Jno. Dnllio, Jno. Dugwell, 'I'lios. Rhind, Geo. Scarrle, Jno. Hopkins, Win. Longaid, Tlios. Way, and Wra Muir. No. 2 Engink; Station, Parade.— Jas. Fencrty and Jas. Phelan, Fireimnleiis ; Jno J. Bennett ( Lst Lt. ), Robt. VVoodill (^2d Lt.), Alex. Roljertson, Chas. Fielding, Jas. Gordon, Tlios. Uentley, Alex. Wil- son, Wm. Studley, Jno, J. Hamilton, Wm Dunn, Wni. E. Knight, Tnos. Wilson, Chas. Williumbon, Jas. Ritchie, Win. Roast, Jas. Gore- ham, and Donald Fraser. No. 3 Engine ; Station, Parade.— Thos. Rayne and M. S. Rrown, Fireioardeiis ; Jas. Jackson (1st Lt.), Jno. Mcllreith (21 Lt.), Wm. Pyke, Saml. Morris, Robt Austen (marshal), Jno. Taylor, Walter C. Manning {Secretart/), Edw. Longard, Robt. Cleverdon, Wm. Veith, Jno. D. Longard, Jas. Law'.jr, Jno. W. Wills, Jno. Davy, Thos. Power, and Jno. Carter. No. 4 Engine ; Station, Maitland Street.— T. W. McKie and W. L. Black, Firewardens ; Wm. Morris (1st Lt.), Wellington McNally (2d Lt.), Rcbt. Mntton, Jno Hetler, Jas. Lindsay, Jno Lindsay, Edvv. Hart, Wm. Winton, Chas. Greentieid, Jno. Patterson, Alired T. living, ilichard Martin, Dai.iel S:uith, Robt. Storey, Jno. Wm. Flohr, T. R. DeWolt, and Edw. Power. No. 5 Engine; Station, Gov't House Lane. — Jas. B Oxley and P. Ross, Fireioardeiis ; Jas. Reeves (1st Lt.), Henry Reid (2d Lt.), Fiedk. Bacon, Chas. Bluckadar, Wm. Tully, Wm Murray, Henry Flowers, \\ m. A. Penny, Robt Urciuhart, Tlios. Archibald, Jas. Norwood, Jr., Zebina Hall, Jr., and Jiichd. Beu/.ley. No. 6 Engine ; teiation. City Bridewell. — Jno. II. Crosskill and Andw. Mitchell, Fireioardeiis ; (.'has. Barustead (1st Lt.), Jas. Smithers (2d Lt.), Jiobt. Davis, Eliakim Creelinan, Saml. Wallis, Geo. Forsythe, J' no. Scrivcn, Jno. Bastey, Tlios. Hall, Saml. Weir, Richd. Abbott, Edw, Price, 'J'hos. Hume, Wm. Rubinson, and Jno. McLf^an. OxiUNANCB Exgin):;. — R. Nugcnt, Firewarden. Dock Yahu Engine. — Jno. Edw. Siarr, Firewarden. Honorari/ Members. — '•••(Jeo. Little. Geo. Simthers, *Ed\v. Sturmy, Arch, Goreliain, *Jas. Mahauey, Jno. Sinithers, *Fredk. Sturmy, *\Vm. Crawford, *Heiiry Spike,"* Jos. McGill, *Geo. Caldwell *Juo. J. Willis, *\Vm. Stevens, *Jao. Erving, *Audw. McGrigor, *Zebina Hcdl, *l)avid Calder, and *\Vm. Bentley, Axe Fiuk Co.Mi'.wNY. — Jno lhi\\\^i'apfaiii),li.T.\i'^on\o (Lieut.), Edw. R. Jost (Set"'*/ and Treasurer), Martin Bturee, Tuos. Harn.son, Chas. Sullivan, Jos. Stafford, Jas. R. Graham, Alex. Robinson, Geo. Isles, Richaid Currie, Walter Ckiriie, Wm. Carey, Geo. Wiswall, Jas. Graiiam, 1). Sullivan, Riclid. t'ower, Wm. Grant, Jno. McNeil, 'Allan McDonald, Wm. Frtdericks, Thos. Frame, Jno. Holland, Jno. Coblentz, Wm. Mclireith, I'atk. Kelly, Jas. Johnston, Wm. Fox, and Clarke Caldwell, llouarari/ Members, Henry Miller, Thos. McKie, Wm. H. Marvin, Jas, Grant, Erroi Boyd, Palk. Mahoney, Jno. Me- Pherson, and Peter Art/. * Mcinl)prs lluis intirkt^d have forvcd tlie l('j.'iil term (10 ypar."!,) as P'lrrmon. -wliirli expiiipts tliiMii t'roni tho pprlinniuiHu'. ol iho same |iiil)lic (liitics as oiijoyccl when ac- tual .Mi'iuiicr.s <jl tlie i oiiiii ii.v i lioaf imt so iiiiuh.iHl have ruUrcii li'y luasuii ot'ioss ut IiuaUh, In cuiiaequoicu ut cxpu.sure at tires. i uiimiwapw KMMmmmmmKtm* 1856.] ALMANACK. 87 T^ The Fire Ensiiio Oorapany and Axe Firemen are exempt fiom Militia Duty, and f ram scrninf/ as Jurors. Sun FiiiK Comi-any. — President, Jas. Dniialrlson, Esq. I'icc Prest. Jas. B. Oxley, Esq. Treasurcry Jus. Trcmain, Eyq. Secy Mr. W. B. Lee. IIaxi)-in-ITand Firk Comivwy. — President, Jno. 11. McNab, Esq. Vice Prent., Geo. E. Morton, Escj. Sect/., J. K. Wallace, Esq. EXPLANATION OF SIGNALS. Made on the Ship Staff at Citadsl Hill, when vcsseh arc seen from the Citadel, or reported from an Out Post. One ball close up, I sq. rigged. One ball halt'hoistcd, 2 do. Two balls close, 3 do. Two balls separated, 4 do. A Pendant of anv col. 5 do. A Pendant under a ball, 6 sq. rign;ed do. over a ball, 7 do. do. under 2 balls close, 8 do. do. between 2 balls, 9 do. A flag of any color, 10 or more do. The above Halls, &c., are hoisted at the or west yard-arm, ac- cording to the quarter tiie vessel first appears in. When vessels are reported from an Out Post, the following signals are shown under the Yard Arm as repeats. For a scjuare rigged vessel, two balls of a size, one at the outer, the other at the inner halliard, close up. A Ship or Barque, a largo ball at tlie end of.tlie yard, with a small one at tlie inner halliard. A Brig, a small ball at the end of the yard, and a large oue at the inner halliard. A Brigantine, a cross close up at the outer halliard. Two or more do., a cross half hoisted. A Schooner, a cross close up at the inner halliard. An upper yard having been added to the Ship Staff, it an ill be used exclusively to designate Steam Yes.sels, thus: — One ball E or \V. indicates a Steam Vessel repeated in that ijuarter. A s;raali ball out and a large one in, a Branch Packet or Mercliant Vessel. A large ball out and a small one in, a Man-of-war Steamer, or lloyal Mail Steamer. Numbers Avill be indicated as directed from the lower yard. The lower yard is now used for sailing A-es.sels only. Wiieu ti:e (Ilsci i^.'Tioa of vessel in sight is ascertained from the Cita- del, the following descriptive colours will be hoisted at the mast head. A TJnion J;ick. a Flag Ship. Do. with a red Pendant over it, a two decker. Do. with a blue Pendant over it, a Frigate. Do. with a blue and white Pendant over it, a Ship or Baniue rigged Sloop of War. Do. with a white Pendant over it, a Brig rigged Sloop of War. Do. with a red and white Pendant over it, a Schooner or Cutter of War. A white Pendant, with two blue crosses, a Transport, or a vessel with troops on board— if a Man-of-war, the Union under. A wliite Pendant, with a blue ball, a Steamer— if a Man-of-war, t e Union under. 83 BELCUnua r.VUMEll s [1856. A red Flag pierced white, Royal Mail Steam I'acket from England. A blue and red Flag crossed white, ditto. from liostou. A white and blue pendant, do. — from St Johns, Newfoundland. A wliite and red Pendant, do. from Bermuda. A blue Pendant, a vSliip. A blue and white Pendant, a I3arque. A red Pendant, a Brig. A red and white Pt-ndant, a Brigantine. A white Pendant, a Sloop or Sciioonor. A blue and white Flag horizontally divided, a Foreign or Neutral fleet. A white and blue Pendant vertically divided, a Foreign or Neutral Man-of-war. A blue Flag, a Foreign or Neutral Merchantman. Wlieii an English Packet arrives between Evening and Morning gun fire, a red triangular flag will be kept flying at the mast head from 7 till 8 o'clock. ExPiiAXATioN or Signals — Made on the Ensirjn. S(n/f, to denote the Poi'tfrom whence Vessels arc arrioiag from, A red Flag, from ( Britain. A red and white Flag vertically divided, red next the mast, tlie Mediterranean. A red Pendant, the Continent of Europe. A white and red l*eiulant, Madeira, Canary or Western Isle^. A blue Flag, the West li.dies. A blue Pendant, Bermuda.-;, Bahama:"!, or Turk's Island. A blue and white Flag vertically divided, blue next the mast, the United States of America. A white Flag, Newfoundland. A red and white Flag, horizontally divided, Quebec, or Gulf of St. Lavvreuce. A blue and white Flag liorizoi. tally divided, New Brunswick or Bay of Fuiidy. A wiiite Pendant, coasts of Nova Scotia or Cape Breton. MEliCHANTS PRIVATE SIGNALS-PORT OF HALIFAX. RED— J. & M. Tobin, a Red Flag crossed wliitc. Creighton iK; Grassie, do. crossed while diagonally. Deblois ilv: Merkel, do. centre a while square. Robert Noble \: Sons, do. centre a white N. Richard .UcLearii ^i: Co., do. centre a wluleball. J. L'. WaiinM'iglit & Co , a red, white and blue do., red and white next tiie mast, red ii,j,ienuost ; blue at tiie end. T. A. S. DevVoife, a red and while do., red uppermost, with a red and white ball in the centre — the red half on the white, and the white half on ttie red. Young & Hart, a red and white do., stripel horizontally, with a blue star in tlie centre. Daniel Cronau, a red and white Burgee, red next the mast. Joiin VViiitmau & Son, a red and white do., red uppermost. Barss & Harris, a red do., with a white St. George's Cross. 185G.1 ALMANACK. 89 WIlITi:-J. >';■ T. AVilliiunsoii v^ Co., a White Flag do. Cfiitrt' a blue square. do. bordt ltd red. do. cros,xed bluo. do. centre a tl.istlc. do. crossed red diagonally. \Villi;iin Stairs, Son Sc Morrow, Jiimes A. Mnren, Jolui H McXab & Co., Jiilni n F.iy, l^alter v\: Twining, liiack, Biothcrs it Co., a wliite and blue Hag, while next tbe mast. , T. C. Kir.nrar & Co., a -wliito do., centre a red star, bordered red at toj) and bottom. Jolni Straclian, a "wlntp, red and ivliite do., -white ne.xl the mast. Jo,s( p!i Fiiirbanks, a white and Idne do., the blue meeting in the centre, at a point from the four con -.s. (ii orge II, Starr i*v: Cf)., a white burp;ee. Fritli iS; Ilarveys, \ Ijliie and white do., "white next the mast, with a red eross in the wliite. Hugh Lyle vV Co., a wb.ite and red do., white next the mast, a red H on tlie wliite, and a white L. on the red. Hauld tSc Gibson, a white and red checkered do. BLUE— Samuel Cunard & Co., a Blue Flag, centre a white star. Wm. Prior it Sons, a blue and white do. blue uppermost. Wm. B. Hamilton is; Co., a blue, white and blue do., blue up- permost. Almon, Hare & Co., a blue and red do. crossed white, blue next tlie mast. Wm. Lawson, a blue, white and blue do., blue next the mast. Benjamin Wier it Co., a blue, red and white checkered flag. Henry Yeomans, a blue and white do., blue next the mast. John Esson it Co., a blue do , crossed white diagonally. C. D. Hunter, blue, white and red flag, blue next the mast. Allison it Co., a blue burgee. X. li. it J. T. West, do , centre a white star. G. it A. Mitchell, a blue; and wliite do., blue uppermost. Oxley it Co., a blue and red do, red uppermost. Cociiran it Co., a blue do., crossed white, diagonally. Thos. liolton, a blue Pendant, crossed white, diagonally. Wm. Full, a l)lue and white do., blue next the mast. LIFE, FIllE AXD MARINE INSURANCE COMPANIES AT HALIFAX. The Star Lifh Assuuance Socikty or Lonuox. — (Capital, £100,- 000 Sterling.) Affeitt, M. G. Black, Jr., Esq. Ali^ianck British and FoKKUiN Life anh Firk Assurance Com- i>ANY of London.— (Capital, Five Millions Sterling.) Agent, Hon. W^iu. Young. Rovai. Fire and Liie In.surance Company of Liverpool, G. B. (Ca|>itai. Two MiUions Sterling.) Agmt, Hugh Ilartshorne, Esq., liollis Street. Till; I.lVKRl^OOL AND LoNDON FlRE AND LiFE LvsriiANCE CoMPANY. (Cajiital, 'Iwo :\JilJious Sterling.) yl.^P/,^ Charles W. Dickson. E>q. 1nvi:pnatxonal Lifk Assurance Socikty (u- London.— (('apital, £uOO,000.) Mauacicr and Agent, P. C. Ildl, Esq., Halifax Bank Building. 90 HKLCUKU a 1 AUMKU S [18o() T'.viTF.n KiNonoM TiiFK AssruANcR Company op London. — (Capi- tiil, i;i,00(),<)On .Sttrlii.g.) Jf/ciif, Hi'iiry Yconi.ins, Esq. C-'OI.OM.VI. LlTK AsSLllANt,!: t'uMrA.NY OK ElUMll'JU.U. (Ciljlitlll, £.")OU,()iK).) Afft'ht anil Sevrctdrij to l/n: Bonn! ojMiUKVjonci'.t in llnl- ij'ax, MiittlK'w 1,1. Kiclu'v, Esc^. 'ri{i; iMi:K( ll\NT-i' AM) TuADli^M V.n's MlTlTAr, 1<IIK AssuuANci; 8o(ii;ty or Eonuon. — Ai/vu/, .las. \\ . Joliiistoii, Jr., Esq, 'J'Uli EN(iMsU WlltOWS ElM), UKNliliAL EH'I-; Ai^SI.l'.ANCK ASSOCIA- TION OF London. — (^Capital, i.'2,0!i(),t oo yicrliug.) J^/nit, Jiio. liur- toii, Esq. EiioFKssioNVL LuT. AssruANCT. CoMi'ANV OF LoNDON. — Capital, £-ioO,()00.) A'/ntf, B. G. (Iriiy, Esfj., (U) liollis Strict. ►Scottish l'](iL'iTAi!i,i; Liii: Assfhaxck Isocikty. — Agent, Jas. II. Liddt'U, lv(i. Union Mutuai, T/Ife Ivsukancf Coaipant of Boston. — (Capital, $1.")0,()()0.) Atjcnf, Win. L. Evans, E-(i. PliLKAN LtFF ASSUIIANCK CoMl'ANY OF liONDON. — AffClliS, McssrS. Almoii, Ilai'c & Co. Eagli; LiFii AssiriivNCE Company of London. — (Capital, One Mil- lion .Sterling. ) Ayciit, Arch. Scott, E.-q , liO IJcdlbrd liow. CONNFXTICUT MlTVAL LiFK AssTRANCF CoMPANY 01' HaHTFOUD ; and Manhattan Life Insuuanck Company of ^Jew York. — A(/cnt, Arcli. Scott, E>(1., 30 Hcdtord How. American Tempeuance Life Insurance ('ompany of HvRTroRn, Conn.— ^^Capital, )$ 100,000.) Ar/eui, Jnc. Eurton, Esq., 40 Bedford liow. Aeihon Life Insurance Company of London. — At/cnt, Samuel P. Eairhanks, Ei-^q., o I Hollis Street. The English AND Eoreion Life and Fnu; Assurance Sod ':ty AND Metropolitan Loan Company. — (Cajntal, £260,000.) Ajjtmt, J. G. tluddock, 69 Gran vi lie Street. Halifax Fiue Insurance Company. — (Capital. £60,000.) Direc- tors, Jouattiau C Allison (President), Andw. M. Uniuckcf ['. Prest.J, Jno. W. Young, Kobt. Noble, Jno. Esson, Chas. 'J'wininf^, and Thos. Bolton, E.sqrs. iiecy and Trvasurtr, Kicluud '1 remain, Ehq. EuurrABLE Fire Insurance Company of I/OXdon — (Capital, £oOO,000.) Aiient, P. C. Hill, Esq., Halifax Bank Building. Washington County Mltual Fire Insurance Company. — (Capital, $yO0.000 ) Agent. E. G. Fuller, Esq. ilil CN A— i^ Capital, $t500,000); IIartfold— (Capital, .tsSOO.OOO) ; Phcenix — (Capital, !f520O,00O), Fire Insurance Conipunies of .Hart- ford. HoMK— (^Capital, $600,000), Fire Insurance Company of New York. Agent, Arcidbald Scott, Esq., ;iO Btdiord Row. PutENix Fiue Insurance Companv of London. — Agent, Wm. Hare, Esq. - Nova- Scotia Marine Insurance Company. — (Capital, £-10,000.) PresL, VVm. Pryor, Esq. Directors, Jas. G. A. Creighton, J. C. Al- lison, Jno. Williamson, Law. Hartshorne, /Zo/<. Miei.ael Tobin, Kobt. Noble, Hon. W. A. Black, i'lios. S, Tobin, Ja.-s. Trcmain, VN ra. Pryor, Jr., Wm. Murdoch, and VV. B. Fairbanks, Esqrs. Broker, Henry Yei)mau-', E^q. Union Makine Insurance Company or Nova- Scotia. — (Capital, £iO,OijO.) Prtst., Jos. Fairbanks, E^q. Dtrcclors, Jno. Stvactum, TIO fl'ii). ftal, I hi', f kci; [■lA- ur- IS.jfi.] ALMANACK. 91 Ja.M. A, Moron, Jiio. U. Koss, Wm. Roche, Jiu). T. Wuinwrlglit, Dii- vicl Alli>oii, T. C. Kiuiioar, Jiio. Es^on, Nat. L. WcKt, IJcMJin. War, Jno. (iil Mil), jiiid Henry I.iiwson, K><ns. .V,'//, Mr. Edw. Goudgc. Audit ,fs,_ \\m. I). Ilmm-r, and Juo. W'utt, E-cjrs. Tin: T'.Nrn;j) Statios Mitiai, LAru.Mir.i; and I'liovinr.NT Associa- tion oi' PiiNNsYi.VANiA.— .!//<-/,/, Mattl.iw H. Uiol cy, Esq. I'uoviNciAi, Maiunk Inmiianck CoMi'ANY oi Toronto, C. W.— (, Capital, i;.;()0,000.) A,jt;it, Uto. C. Wliiddeii, Esq. COJTIPAlVIESii. NOVA-SCOTIA ELECTRIC 'lELECiRAriT COMPANY. Incorporated by Act ot the Provincial Ligislature, I80I. Capital, £20,000, in Shares of £0 each, with power to increase the Capital to co-^t of additional lints. Chief Station, 37 Granville Street, Halifax. Presidott, James Stewart E.xq. ; Executive CoMMiTTKi; of Manaokmicnt and Halifax DinECTons. ' — Jas. Stewart ( President), VVni. S. More (\ . Prcst.), Jno. Eison, Geo. E. Morton, and Jas. (J. Cogswell, Esqrs. Sx.vrioNs AND Local Dihectohs ottof Halifax. — Amhemt, Chas. Jas Stewart; y|/(/t«yw//s, Alfred Wliituum ; Anfi(/nnish, A. 1). Har- rington ; Arichat, W. R. Cutter ; liun'liKjton, J. K. Wilson ; Lri<hjc- tniP/i, Tlios. Spurr ; Brir/i/ewa'cr, Reuben Gardner; (huisn Eimf, Ojfice I'laister Cove, J. G. McKeen ; Canso MV*', OJfu^e Mi.Mair's Cove, ; Cape Canso, Geo. Norris ; Chester. Geo. Ricliard- son ; Di'jby, Chas Uudd ; Gui/sborout/h, Wm. Clarke; ILmtsport, ; Kent tulle, lion, Jno Morton; Zy/ivr/yon/, Aug. Kiuiut, and Thos. R. PatiUo; Lunenbur;/, Henry S. Jost; Middlotun, VV. O. Fowler, Supt. ; Xew Gla-tujotc, J. SV. Cannichael; Victou, D. Dickson, Supt. ; I'ort Htjod, tlriun Blunduird; Pw/ wash, Amo?^ \i Chandler; Ra(jged Islunds, Ojjiie L>ckes Inland, Jacol) Locke; Suckcillc, X- li., ChaN. Jas. Stewart; Shi-lhnrne, Uoht. 1*. Woodill; Sydmy, Win. TurnbuU : St. Peters, ; Tatamayoachu, Arcli. P itterson; Windsor, liiiuy T)e\V oh'; IFiV/rto/", Jas. A. Gibbon, Supt.; Wolfcille, ; Weymouth, C. P. Jones, Supt ; Yarmouth, , Esqrs. Supfrhitendent of L'ncs and OJfioc.s throufjhout the Province, Alex. McKav, Esq. S.ilieitv, Jas. R. Smith, Escj^, Sec'y and Treasurer, Wm. H. Wiswell, Esq. Halifax Gas Light Company. — President, Andw. McKinlay, Esq. Directors, Hon. Wm. A. Black, Jno. Naylor, Jno. II. Ander- son, Jno. B Bland, Jas. Tremain, a^ri Jas. Donuldi-on, Esqrs. Sec'y, Mr. P. Borden Manager, Mr. G. Bui.t. Clerk. Mr. F. C. Cleury. Halif.\x Water Company. — President, Hon. W. A. Black. Di- rect'irs, H)n. A. Keith, Jas N. Shannon, Jno. Gibson, Ja:- 1". Avery, Jno. Darters, Tiios. C. Kiniiear, and W m. Murdoch, E ^jrs Sec'y an I T iiiimirer, S. L. Siirinnon. S.tUcitjr, A<idvV. M. Uuiuciie, E-q. Superintendent, Mr. Jno. P. Muir, 02 UKLCUUUB FAUMKU8 [18jG. IIamfw ani> Dahtmiutii Stkamhovt Company.— /';v.v<V/o/*^ Hon. Smiil. Cu'iard. F /ce /';■<'.•*/., Tlios. l{();:<^s, K-.^. .Sc'//. I.iw. IlartN- Ihiiik', Km[. Trc(f<Hwr, II'jh. M U. Allium. Ai/int ii/id Maiidinr, K(l\v. II. liowc, Km[. Dti'vdon, Law. Iliirishoruu (Stcy.j, Hon. Wiu. A. Hlufk, Will. Stairs, //o/t. Jno. E. Fuirbuiiks, unci \Vm. Mur- doch. Jv!(irs. IIamkax Tkmi'I'.uanck Hall Company. — Preiifknt, Mr. Oco. G. Gray. iJirerforfi, Messrs. II, (i. I.aiuilliard { I'fcrtsiurr), A. J. Ritchie, Eliiikiiu ('rL'flniaii, Wm. II. Marvin, and Jan. Jacksun. l^tri/,, Mr. Win. Scott. Kccjicr, Mr. Edw. Joyce. Tin; AcADTAN Ikon anu Stkkl (Jomi'any. — (Incorporated by Act of the PrDviucial liC^'inhituro. ) C'upitul, !^ I, .500. 01)0, in I'j.OOO Stiarcs of )}; 100 each. CorponUoi's in Nona- Sctitia, lion, Enos ("ollins, Hon. M. |{. Alinon, lion. Win. A. Henry, lion. Jonathan McCuliy, Uun Jas. McNah, llm. Kdw. Kenny, lion. NVm. A. Ulack, lion. Jno. E. Fairbanks, linn. Alex. Keith, Iknj. Wier, and Jno. Essnn, Esijrs. Inland NAViuAriuN Company.— /Vva/V/c//^ Jas. F. Avery, M. D., Escirs, Directors, Wm. Stairs and Geo. i'. Mitchell, Esi^s. En(jinccr, Chas. W. Fairbanka, Escj. iiac'u., Saml. Gray, Esq. Mi;ucHANT«' lli:\ni\a Room — Cmnmittee, Wm. Stairs (Chairman), Thos. C. Kinnear, Eddy Tapper, Robt. Noble, S. A. White, Don. Murray, Jos. VV ler, Jas. G. A. Creighton, Geo. U Starr, J. II. Har- vey, Jno. Dufi'ers, and W. H. Creightou, Esqrs. Superintendent, Mr. Jno. Munro. • BANKS. The hours of business at all the Banks, are from 10 A. M. to 3 P. M., and the Discount Days, Mondays and Thursdays. HALIFAX BANKING COMPANY. Wm. Pryor {President), Jas. C. Cogswell, Enos Collins, and Mar- tin G. Black, Esqrs. Cashier, N. T. Hill, Esq. Clerk, Mr. J. C. W. Wilkie. Mdssen(/er, Mr. Fredk. Sturray. BANK OF NOVA-SCOTIA. DiKJ:;cT()us— 7/o>?.. M. B. Ahnon, President. Jno. H. Anderson, Edw. Billing, Jas. Donaldson, Hon. Alex. Keith, Jno. Robinson, Jno. 1 Esson, David Starr, and Jas. Tremain, Esqrs. Cashier, Jas. Forman, I Jr., Esq. Tellers, Messrs. Geo. McLean and Jno. Freshney. Mes- \ senr/er, Mr. Geo. Anderson. Agknts — Pivfou, Jas. Primrose ; Yarmouth, Jas. Bond and Nor- man J. Bond; Windsor, H. King, Esqrs. BANK OF BRITISH NORTH AMERICA. [EsTAflLISlIKD IN LoNDON CAPITAL, OnE M ILL ION STtRLINO.] Halifax Branch— Lical Birednrs, Hon Wm A. Black, Hon. Jas. McNal), Jiio. ]>. Bland, and Jonathan C. Allison, Esqrs. Manaf/er, Stephen N. Binney, E.-jq. Accountant, W. Sawers Stirling, Esq. [on, riH- !Hr, Ion. ur- (i. lie, Mr. Act i8/5a.] ALMANACK. 03 ' I cs Jil. Tc/lcn, yiossva. V Jack luid J. II. viri'^or. Citrk, Mr. A. Ross. M:-s\rniiri\ Mr. I>. Mcl'liorsnii. Standin'/ < 'onnmil, ioA. i^XiisiiiVi, Km^. SiiUriti)i\and Soti'rj, II in. Win. Vuiili;;. This Bunk ImH Uraiiclieri m Uuchuc, Montreal, Toronto, Ilaiuilton, llytown, Hrantiord, Dundas ;iikI Ivihs^sion, Canada; >>t. Julm and Freik'ricton, N. U , and St. Jiihn'n, Mewloundluud. Inspector ot" Uran(!ht's, Tlios. I'aton, Es'[. A^ants ill Nuw York— Ufll iSi McLau-^hlaii. PROVINCIAL SAVIN(;S BANK. Tills Bank is kept at tlie Riceiver Cieiiorid'M OlHoc in tlip Province Building. Hours of attendance, from 10 to .'< o'clttck every Monday. Director, The lieeeiver (ien(>ral. Vnshur, Edward Ducki^tt, Ks<i. S O € I c r I F. s . St. Gkouok's Socikty. — Pafrons, Ilis Excellency Sir J. Gnspard LeMarciiunt, and the Lord l{i-ho])ot' Nova Scotia. President, Henry Pryor, Escj. ; Vice J'rcsf., Edw. Binney, Esi^. ; /l.v,v/. Vice J'rest.i., II. C I). Twining, and Wni. Ronnel.-,, ItlMjrs. ; Trrasnrrr, Joseph B. Hennett ; Asst. Treusuror, U'. Wills, E-'(irs, ; .Sc'//, \^ in. (ios^ip; AnHt. Secy, Jo.-ppli W. .Marriott, Esi^rs. ; Marsha/, Mr. Jolm Slieaii ; Chaplains, Yen. Arclideacon Willis. I). 1)., and Rev. Win. BuUnck ; Conunittce of Chari/j/, Mes.srs. Jos. D.irby, Jno Brown, .Ino T. Ed- wards, Wm. Ackhurst, and Wm. C'ooiul's; I'hi/striaii.s, I'ernard Gilpin, M. 1)., and .las. Allan, M. D., E-.(ps. ; Cnnnill'cc of Manaya- ment, the Marshal ( (.'hairman ), Edw. (ioudge, R. Davis. S. Siinders, Jas. Crosskill, Roht. Woodill, and Clias. Silver. St.v.nd.vud Bi..\n- Tius. — St. llaoryo's Banner, Geo Payne, and J. B. Sinithers; Q:{cin's Armi, Alex. Adams, and W'm. Ilnnipluey ; Welsh Arms, Win. Johns; .S'^ (Jenrye's Ciiuur, J. B. Oxley ; ,SV. (t'eorye's llnsiyn. R. Al- lison ; British Knsiyn, Geo. Hos.suiu ; Royal Standard, Jno. W. Yeomans ; Union Jaih, G. Nicliols ; National Ensiyn, Geo, Uross- kill. ' Messcnycr, .Mr. Jno. Williams. Ck.vuhahle luisu Sucikty. — President, Wm Condon, Esq. Vire Prcsfs., Benjra. Wier, Ric!iard Power, and T'lios. Walsli, E-qrs. Trea.-iurer, Tlios. Ring, Es(j. Secy, Mr. Jolin Meaglior. Asst Sec'y, Mr. Jno. Murphy. Marshal, Mr. Peter 13 ulger. Convnittee of Char- ity, Messrs. Peter LaUi^hlan, Jno. .VIcUariney, Thos. Murjitiy, R. Anderson, Jno. O'Mailey, and M. Campl)ell. ('om. of Collection and Incest iyation, Messrs. P. Hemsworth, Win. Brown, Thos, Keating, and Arthur Murpliy. NoKTii Burnsii Society. — President, Chaa. W. Dickson ; Vice Prest., Geo. Buist, E>(irs. Asst. V. Pre.its., Jno. A. Sinclair, and Jno. Doull, Esqrs. Treasurer, Jno. Watt, E>q. Secy, Mr. Jno. McCuUock. Asst. Sec'y, Mr. Jas. Paiker. Chaj)lni/is, Rev. Jno. Scott, and Rev. Jno. Martin. Marshal, Mr. Win. Grant. Committee of Chirity, Archbd. Sinclair, Alex. McDonald, Win. A. lles^on, Adam Reitl, and J R. Su-wart, Estjrs. Mrssmyer, Mr. Ruid. lIiGiiL.vM) Society — President, Jno. Straciian, E-([. Vi.c Prcst., Jno. Doull, Esq. Asst. I'. I'rests., Jiio. Muuro, Wm. Finlay, and M UKLCHEU S I'AKMKU 8 [1856. Jiio. McKay, Esqrs. Treasurer, Alex. Primrose, Esq, .SVc'i/, Mr. Alex, .vlclvuy. JJiredars, \V lu Murdoch, Don. Murray, Juo. Wil- liams, liout. xSoblf, lion. Alex, Ktitli, Jno. Richardson, Hon. Win. Young, Adam Iteid, and SucRville McKay, Esqrs. • House of KiiFuaii. — Comoiitiee, Hm. M. M. Almon, \Vm, Law- son, J. A. IS. JJeVVolt, Jno. VV. Kitcme, Hon Jas. VV. Joimslon, and Clias. Kob>on, Esqrs. Hecy, liev. P. G. McGregor. Treasurer, Andw. M. Uniacke, Esq. ,superintendent, Mrs. VV ilson. I NovA-iScDTiA PuiLAN rHKOPic SOCIETY. — I'residsnt, Jas. R. Dewolf, Esq., M. U. Vice Prest., Mr. Geo. G. Gray. Anst. Vice Presis , Mcfisr." Finlay McLean, and I'hos. VVesley. Treasuritr, Mr Saml. R. Caldwell. iSec'i/i Mr. Jas. Eielding. Asst. Secy, Mr. Jas. Isles. Steward, Mr. Edw. Maubtield. Messenger, Mr. 'riios. Angus. Cakpknxers' Uhauitadle Societv. — President, Mr. Geo. Butler. Vice J 'rest., Mr. Jno. I waddle. Treasurer, llobt. Richardson, E.sq. Sec y, Mr, I'hos. Peters. Ai'uiUAX Pen^y Csociety. — President, Mr. Prince W. Sport. Vice Prest., Air. (Jlias. Roan. Treasurer and Secy, liev. Septimus Claike. Committee, Messrs. Juo. Roan, i'hos. Steward, Saml. P. Gardiner, and \V m. liarratt Afukjax Aholition Socif,tY — President, Rev. Septimus Clarke. Vice Prcdt., Mr. VVm liarratt. Treasurer, Mr. Chas. Roan. Secy, Mr. Ciias. IriUl. Asst. Sec y, Mr. Tnos. Jouil^ou. Committee, Mes.'^rs. Jos. Eublow, Tobias vViUiamson, Jno. Tohver, R. be. White, Danl. Grose, Tnos. Steward, i<i^, liarns, Prince VV^ Sport, and Cnas. Dickson. BttirisH A.MKHicAN Fkiexoly Society of Canada. — Agent, Jas. W. Joauston, Jr., E.>q., 42 iloUis Street. Halifax rKMrEUANCE society. — Presidunt, \Vm. M. Brown, Esq. Vice P rests , Jno. Siiean, and vV. C. Silver, Esqrs. Treasurer, l\,ohl. Noble, Esq. Sec y, Mr. D. Gallagiier. St. Mahy'.s Total Abstinence Society. — President,TiaM\. Creanur, Esq. Vice Prests., Mes.srs. G. Butler, and P. Maiiouey. Treasurer, B. O'Neill, Esq. Secy, Mr. J, W. Quinan. ATUENiEir.M OF TUE SoNS OF 1 E.MFiiKANCE. — President, Wm. M. Brown, Esq. Curator, Mr. l:idw. Jo>ce. Treasurer and Sjc'y, W. L. Bell, E->q. Comnutlce, Jno Devlin, R. McMillan, G. G. Grey, Jno. Sheaii, J. A. Bell, J. Laanigan, and J. B. Plowers, Esqrs. Inis in- sliiutiou is open every day (^Sunday excepted; iVoiu 7 A. M. to 10 P. M. Halifax Mechanics' lii»Tn:vTE.— President, Andw. McKinlay, Esq. Vice Prests., Jas. Tiiomson, and Geo. A. V. Paw, Esqrs. Treasurer, Jas. Eormaa, Esq. Secy, Mr. Jas. Barnes. Curator, Mr. Errol Boyd. Committee, R. H. W^etmore, Geo. L. O'Brien, Jus. Tiiomson, Jas. lies, Jos. Quinan, Robt. Noble, Donald Murray, Jno. McCuUuch, and A. J. Ritciue, Esqrs. Halifax Mechanics' LiiuiAitv. — President, Thos. B. Akins, Esq. Treasurer, Mr. R. H Wetmore. C jmmittee, Messrs. Jas. C. Haine, M. D., S. Seidell, Jos. Austen, Henry Brown, and H. D. C. Sutton. Sec y and Librarian, Mr. R. M Barratt. liALiFAX LuuiAKY, — President, Hon. Alex. Stewart. Treasurer, A. Horsliavv, Esq. Librarian, Mr. Henry Lockyer. Committee, S. L. Suannoa (^CUairjuaa), Area. Sent (V. C), II. C. D. Twining, Benj. tSulter, Wm. Sutueriand, uiid Juo. Stairs, Esqrs. 856. 185G.] AI.MAXACK. 95 Mr. NoVA-Sc'lTIA T^ RANCH OF Xlir JlOYAL OALKDONnN CfHr.INU ClJ-B (as at Julv 1, lS5a.) J'rrsiih iif, A']im\ ]1> id ; SV' \y anr/ Tnasvrcr, Roht. Hoak, Jr., Esqiv-i. RKP.<f:M;xT.\rivK Mi mhdks— //«///}/x C ub, Jno. llicbardsou and T. \V. McKie, E^tp-.s. ; Halifax 'J'hi.s(/e Club, Adam Reid and Geo. McKfiizie, Escjrs. ; Dartmouth Club, TtiOH. Humphrey and Jas. Grcig. E^qrs. ; J'ictou Club, Roht. Bduk and Uobt. Doull, Esqr.s. : New Calcrhmia Cub. C. W. Diclfsoo, and Jus. Ives, Es(ir8. ; Xcnr Gla^xjow Club, R. (i. Eraser and G. W. Under- wood, E>iqrs. Halitax Ci.uj}. — Vdlrnn, \\'m. Murdocli, Esq. Patroness, Mrs. Janet Richardson. PrvsUlrtd, Mr. Wm. R. Cogswell. } iee Prest., Jos. Bennett, Esq. liepresentative. Members, A. Casstlls, Jno. Rich- ardson and T. W. McKie, E^qrs, Chaplain, Rev. Jno. Martin. Treasurer, Mr. Roht. Davi^. See'//., Mr. T. W. McKie. TiirsTLK Ctj.I!, II.vr.iFAX. — J'ntron, i ion. Alex. Keith. President, Mr. Wm. Finlaj'. lice Prrst , Mr. G. Ruist. Repret^entafive Mem- bers, Adam Reid and Gen. McKcnzie, E-i|rs. Choplain, Rev. Alex. Forrester. '!<eA'y. and Tri-asurer, Mr. Wm. Forsyth. Dai!TM0UT)i (JiarB. — Patron, Hon. Wm. A. Black. Patroness, Mrs. T. Humphrey Presidmit, Tlios. Humphrey, Es(j. Viee Prest., Mr. A. Ogsten. Pepres, nfatire Mcmbirs, Thos, Humphrey and Jas. Greig, Esqrs. Chaplain, Rev. (ico E. W. Morris. Treasurer, Mr. Saekville McKay. See'//., Mr. Jno. Brander. PicTOL C'l.rii. — Patron, Jno. Ta\lor, Esq. Patroness, Mrs. J. Blanchard. President, AV. H. Harris, E-^q. Vice Pr,st , A G. Pat- terson, Esq. Poprcscntatiro ^finihers, Roht. Boak. Jr., and Roht. Doull, lisfirs. chaplain, Rev. Jas. Bain. Treasurer, A. G Doull, E-!(i. Sec' I/., Mr. Ju.s. S. .Eorraiu. Nr.w CAi-i;noNiA C'un. — Patron. Murdoch McPlierson, E^q. Pres- ident, Jas. Primrose, E>(j. \'iee Pr/'sf., G. M. Jolui-ton, Esq. P'p- rescntative Mrimbers, (.'has. W. Dickson and Jus. Ivts, Esijrs, Treas- urer. J. Taylor, E-!(i. See';/ , Mr. Howard Prim/oso. NiiAV (Jlaswow (.^r.trn. — Pulnm, (ieo. McKcnzie, Esq. President, Thos. R. Praser, Esq. I'iee Prest , James DoncUy, Estj. R( />re- sentatice Members, R. G. Frascr, (i. W. I'udi rwood and J. G. McKay, E?qrs. Treasurer, Mr. Don. McDonald. Sie'i/., I'ldw. Roacli, E.sq. Halifax AGUicri/iuKAi- Sdcikty. — President, C. D. Hunter, E.-tq. J'iee Prests., E. CrecJmaii and J. Nortiiup, Esqrs. Treasurer, Jos. Jennings, Esq. See' y., Mr. Wm. iScott Committee, Jno. K clnird- son, Adam Reid, Thos Durney, Geo, McKcn/ie, M. Dorun, G. A. Y. Paid, and Wm. McCulloch, Esqrs. PuovixciAii Association' fok the Puotkction of the Txi,\nd Fish- EUIES, AND GaMI; OF THE PKOVIMCE OF NoVA- JSCOTXA. (Instituted ac Halifax, March, 1853.) l^tron, His Excellency Sir J. Gaspard LeMarchant, Kt. Presi- dei.t, Lt. Col. Wm. Ciicarnley. Mee Pret., Wm. Sutlioriand, E.-q. See' !/., Tho.'^. Humphrey, E'^q. Treasurer, Mr. Ja-^. Stanford. Coni- ■tniUee of Mana,;/ement, Jno. Longard (^(Jluiirman), K. Jennings, M. D. ; Tlios. liumpiirey, Wm. Fmlay, Geo. McKenzic, Clias. Beamish, Wm. Grant, and Geo. Piers, Escjrs. Scc'i/ to the Committee, Mr. T W. McKie. =£ 96 KELCIIKK S FAllMEll ,S [ISoG. XoVA-ScOTIA UkNEFIT BuILDINO SOCIKTY AND SaVINDS FlM). — Trustees, Hon. J. W Jolniston, \V. J. Almou, M. 1)., and 8. tSeldoii, E-qrs. Directors, Jiio P. Mott (President), \\\ M. litii-riiigtoii (V. Prest. ), JjiO. Jas Sawyer, Win. LawHon and Jus. A. Mureu, Esqrs. Auditor, S. Xoblo, Es^j. Jhtuk'/rs, The Halifii-rv Bniiking Company. Solicitor, J AH. W. Johnston, Jr., E>(|. Surcci/jr,'Slv P. (J rant. Seo'i/. and Trcas., Jno. Burton, Esc[. Office 2\n. -12 Bt-dfurd Kow. Permaxknt Building Socikty. — Bro/cu; Jas. T^enmin, Esq., Hol- lis Street. Solicitor, Muttlicw II. Ricney, Esq., HoUia Street, Nova-Scotia. IIokticultural Society. — Prcst., lion AVm. A. Black. Vice Prrsts,, Hon. Clias. K. Prescott, llm. Jas. B. Uuiacke, Jno. Williamson, and Wm. Stair.s, Esqrs. General Coiiimittee, Jas. W. Nutting (Chairman), Chas. Twining, Alex. Troup, Jas. F. Avtrv, M. D., Wm. N. Sdver, Robt. Dupor't, P. C. Hill, Goo. E. Morton, Geo. McKenzie, Jas. Scott Tremain, Tlios. S. Tobin, E.-jqrs.— and llev. Alex. Forrester, and Ptev. E A. C'rawley, D. D. Halipax Disi'EXhiAHY. — J/(Ji/7«j/ Attendant and Secretary, lion. Wm. Grigor. Treasurer, Jas. W. Nutting, Er^q. Dispensary Gran- ville Street, open every week day, from I to 2 o'clock, P. M. Halifax Yesiting Dispensahy.— -(llu Argyle Street.) President, Wm. Murdoch ; Vice Prcst., Wm Hare, E-qrs. Treasurer, P. C. Hill, E-q. Secij., Otto VV^eeks, E-q. Trustees, Jno. Naylm", Wra. M Harrington, and B. O'Neil, Esqrs. Governors, Edw Jennings, M. D., Wm. J. Almon, M. D., D. McN. Parker, M I)., F. W, Mor- ris, M. D., Jas. C. Hume, M. I)., Bernard Gilpin, M. D., Jno. Slay- ter, M. D., Jos. Creamer, M. D., Wm. Murdoch, Jno Duffus, Hun. Edw. Kenny, R. McLearn, Benj. Wier, Wm. Hare, Wm. Law.son, Don. Murray, and Jas. Scott Tremain. Esqrs. Consult imj Physicians, Drs. W. J, Almou and D. McN. Parker. Resident Physician, F. W. Morris, M. D. Open daily (Sundays excei)ted) from 12 to 2 o'clock, to the sick poor of the city. STAFF OF THE ARMY IN ."UOVA-SCOTIA. Captain General and Governor in ( 'fiief, Sir Edmund Walker Flead, Bt. Lieutenant Governor, — — . Major Ge.eral on the Staff, Major General Sir J. Ga,spard LeMarchant, Kt unatt. As'^t. Military Secretary, Lt. Col. Thos. LeMarchant, unatt. Aid dc Camp, Capt. W'ilford Brett, 76 F. De^}. Quarter Master General, Lt. Col. Thos. W. E. Holdsworth, h. p. 2F. Town Major, Lieut. J. 0. Clarke, 76 F. Cha2)lain, Rev. Jno. Tho.s. Twininqj, D. D. Dep Commissary Ge.mral, Fred. Tlios. Mylrea, Esq. Asst. Commissary Generals, Jos. Wra. Wybault and H. W. W. Plant, Esqrs. JJ p Asst Com. General, Chas. II. Shiel, Esq. Dep In'^pector Geniral, William Bell, M. D. Siiiff Surf/con, Jn ). Donald, Escj Staff A,ssf. Suryeon, T. O'Keariiey Gordon, E-^q. Artniij Asat. Sw^eon, Jas. Wiiuer, E^q., M. 1). Barrack Masters— Halifax, T. Stephens, bite 1 F. ; Sydney, C. B,, S. lligljy, late lOl F. 185G.] ALMANACK. 07 OrduHuce Brpailment. Storrlrcptr, ITrtiry tnco, E-(i. Drn. Sloxkupcr^ ^Vr.l, H. Tap-), F,sq. CVer/cs, Llewelyn Poole, H. iS. Baj^eiuii, E. W lluynos^.nd \Vm. Marvin, Esqrs. Assi. Clerk, IJ. tiiephcns. Sforchoi/<e men, and I. Hil- ton. Annori'v, 11. Folcv. Gate I'oif.o, J. Coimick. Office. Messenr/a-s^ J, Todd and A. Kclh, ' Royal Engineer Department. Commandl'iJiX Officer, Pnyal Ivtifjincers, Co'onel, Rich. Jno. Stotherd ; Clerks of TrorA-.s%''I'. F. Hanlon, ,J. W. Sliinas, and W. Gordon, Esqrs. Foreman of Wirrks, Mr. Thos. llecs. C'cr/.-.i, Thos. Goudge and G«o, J. Creed, Esqrs, Mess-cnytr, Mr. W. Pickles. Barrack Department. Barrach Master, T. Rtophciis, Esq. Barrack ^ergfantu — IlaUfax, Jno. Sbean, P. Kenny, and Wm. Grant 4 \\ incUor, Jas. lions. OFFICLUS OF THE ARMY IN KOVA-SCOTIA, Commandant, lloYAL Atitilleuy. — The Royal Arms and Supporters, with a Cannon, " Ubiqiio" over the (inn, and" Q«o Fas el Gloria ductrnt" below it. Lieut. Cel. Fran.-'is Diek. Captains, W. I£. Cox. A. R. Stokc-s. Lieuts. J. Blackvvell, C. liardy, G. J. Su; xrc. Adj.. C. Hardy, It. Blue — facings red. Kov.vii EXGIXKEUS. — The Royal Arms and Supporters, with a Can- non, " Obiqiio " over the Gun, and " fiwi) Fas rt (lloria ducunt " below it. LicHt. Col. Rich. Jno. Stotherd. c. CapUiim P. J. S. Rarrv, H. Grain, G. E. L. Walker. Lkuts., E. L. Puud, C. P. Carey. Hcdrlet— blue velvet facinp;s. 76th Reg't.— The Elephant, " Ilindoostan." •' A'ivo." "Poninsiila." Colonel, Wm. Jervois, K. H. //. '4cn. Lieut. Col. Jo.s. Clarke, c. Majors, Richard Gardiner, IL col. ; Robt. C. Lloyd. //. ad. Captains, Geo. F. C. Scott, It. col.; Henry Brewster, w. ; Colliny;wood Fcawick, »i. ; C. S. S. E. Gordon, m. ; ileiiry I). Smart, m. ; Morley S. T. Dcnni'], /,j. ; Thomas Tydd, AVni. W. Senhouse, Tiios. Wu'. Cator, Honry H. Lacy, Chri?. O'Donoghue, Wilford lirett. Liriifenanlf;. Jno, Wm. Preston, Benjamin Risin;;, James C. Clarke, Jr.o. C. Clarke, adi. Allen N. Adams, G. Wedderb-irne, Jas Fox Bland, :\Iitthew White, W. M. Westropp, Jno. Geddes, Henry J. Robinson, Chas. T. Caldecott, Jno. Henry Tripp, Jno, Vincent, E. \V. F. Acton. Fnsii;n?;, Wm. B. O'Mal- ley, Geo. Edw. Cor.'-.vnce, Geo. Hollings Best, Chas. Cameron Lees, Jno. A. Palliser. Luke E. O'Connor, Jno. Bland Sawyer, Henry F. Hooper, U;iniel 1' ArnoUli. Pay., Robt. Thos. He irn. Adj., Jno. C, Clarke, /^ Q. 3/,, Hem y Tyler. .SV;-,/., RotjC. T. Soott. Asst. i<ury., G. A. Wilkinson, I). A. C. Eraser, M. 1). Fncinf/s red. 5 98 JSFX'LIIEK S IWRMEU S [13-JG. T Bi B N A V Y . (Jomrii'in(lcr-in-Chirf(m Ihii Noith Amniran (hid West Indin Station, Hia Excellency, Ainiiuii Fanshawe, Hear Admiral oi the Jicd. Commodore, Henry Kelletr, Esq. Secretary to the Adniind, Wm. L. Inch, Esq. Secretary to the ('(■•• moilorc, Wm. T. Grieve, Esq. Flay Lieutenant, Henry W. Corneck, Esq. Mr. Jas. licnry. 11. M. Viotnaling Yard, Halifax. Store/Deeper, Alex. Eliott, Esq. Navul IlO'^pital, Halifax. Clerk in Charye, Chailes J. Hill, E-jq. OflBcers of H. jI, Naval Yard, Halifax. Storekeeper, Alex. F.liott, Es-q. Clerks, J. Punc-hard, R. Hartshorne, \ mul Chiis. H. Kigby, E.-.qrs. Gate Porter, Mr. E. Fryett. Jlcusen'^er, i AisATi, 12. Sloop. Comrn'mder, Cirahnm Oirlo. Lkv.'^i. .Tun. Tr'n-e- I npn. EtUv. Stuhbs. JSlaster, V.h.x-^. A. S'in;iit. S/rrj;., J no. Elli'itt. /*"//- master, Geo. II. Appielon. .l/^/Zc, . As6t. Sia\., Thcs. McGihan. AiiGX-s. G. Paddle Wheel Sfenm SIo-ip. 300 Imrso power. Commander, Richard Purvis. Units, llciiry 1). Ilickl. y. W. V. (luUock Mt^ler, R. J. C. Grant, t^ur^eon, John Kins. ' /i/e/' En/incer, . /'afynia-^/w, Geo. H. Whillier. Mufc, " -. A'-^t. .'->ii'."g., Wm. F. McClinton. Paym , John Poolcy. BosrAWEN, 70. Flay Ship. Ficar .' Arthur Fansha^7p, F/a^ JJeiitencint, 11. W. Corneck. Stcrclnry, William E. Inch. Clerks to Sec'i)., Jno. Pittis, H. 11. Burniston. ('(tptain. Win. F. (ilanviUe. Additional, 11. W Bayfield. [For Sarveyiai; Serciee.) Commander, Fredk. A. Euerton Addiiiorial, Jno. Orlebar. (Fiu- Siirveyinti Se>vice ) Linit^., H. F. W. Insvaiti, Roit. G 'i'tit'iiel> J. II. Ilatc'ard. Horace Johnson, A. 11. J. Jolnistone. Addifional, F. J-'. Wiiddiniitnn, Jno. Hancock. (For Si/rveynh/ Service.) J.'a.^/(■(•, Juines Bodie. Add liunal, Win. Forbes. (F'>r Siirrfyhij; .s'trt/rc ) Cupt. of Mar H. G. J. ]) ivies. \st Lt^. Mar Philip Ilininf^ton, W, A. D lacombe, A. J. bilnart. Chan ain, Rev F. ).M. Ev.ins Stujf Siny , J}<o. F. Charlton, M D. /4<y(///'»0'i'//', I'hos. Stralton. M. D. (/-'or Surrey n:^ Seiiice.) Pdymt-^- ter, Wm. G. Parmtver, Xav. Tnstr., R. C. Saunders. Mate^, Geo. W. Carter, 1'. P. Luxmove. Asst. Surys., C. K. Old, M. U.. Thos. Daly, M, D. 2nd Mister, Robt. E. Jones. Asst. Paym., Henry Gray. BrzzAui), G. I'add'e IVherl S'cam Sloop, SOI horse power. Com- 'ma':d(;r, Wm. II. l)ol>bie. LieatH., U.chnioud Moore, Wm. H. Goold. Master, Wm. S. Luke. Sar.'cov., WuUrr Luvrunce. P.njmn-^tcr, Edvv. \) Hcvhirt. Chief En'Aineer, Wm H. Mi.iiiinnick. Male,' . A'.i^t. Sur^., Edw. Loney. Asst. Paym , Wiu. O. BigncU Col.UMiuA, f). Paddle Wheel S'eam Surrei/in^j; Jl.isel, 100 horse power. Commander, Peter F. Shorilaud. Livuts., Peter A. Scott, Fic N'w, Ch. D Icii 11. E Gee An [18-3(5. Ytution, lorne, Thcs. tnder, '■i-lir, VVm.* F!a^ fcs to VI lie. iidcr, •;icv. ) I race •fllO, inal, vip.s. lart. [ D. n !•<■ \V. 'om- old. iflvv. 185G.] ALMANACK. 9!) Frc'lk. llarvcv M istcr,'V\\o-. \V. ]l. I'ik .)hite ,ls.s/. S'li-ii , DiniLjliis N. Tuckt^r. '2d Miulcr, Wm. Ji. ^ciiniL-U. .-Is*/. Payni., C. Lk. D\iii!>Ci, 12. ('nm'naruh'i-. Gnrird J. Niijjior. Lieuts., llonry C. I'tn- Icii^h, .Inn. Swinhi!iiir'. Mister, ilcnry S. Icy. Sui-.roii, I'.iti-ick SI pvni. l''aymn>:tLr. C. J. Kv.m-;. Miti\ Ja.--,. llorie. A>iit. Snr-, \V It. B.ixtf r. A^sf. rmjnt., Chi.s. J. Warner. EsvnxiLE, 1. ''/oop. Loiiinum ■Icr, E. H. Cr. T/.u,l)crl. AiV D'.\rcv S. I'reNt'iii, Goo. V. IMiilijips. Mn.slrr, W M, lycs N(//-; HIS. run. Geo. II. Edwiuds, ?>I. U. Pai/ma.sttr, C. W. McDennutt. J/^/c, \V. G Annosicy. E';uYi)iri; -J.v.sY. )S'»i Z/- l.s.W p.ium., Allred Whilfin. Cii})tcni>, Jno. W. Tailot on. LifKf''-.. tS'ir Antjiis Cii,ii)bcll, 7ir/)-i'., Ilnht. A. I'iirr, David hoyle. Md.^trr, Wm. II Poioli. l^t' /J. Mir., E. U. XoDtt. ('Ii'ipldin, Rev. Iloury Gordon, t^iinftan. ma. Tli< in. M. U raijmtsfcr, W. I Diddlccoinbe. 2r/ J,'ai/67-, Knevitt, Win. Codrin<zt()n. Si//-;,'., G. J. A. McCuliiigh : — . .1.^^7. Pcijjm., . IIkumis, G. Puddle Wheel i< Sloop, 22") hor^e r^^ver. Com- mitiid-'r, Henry Cirylon. Liiuts , Ch;i-:. 'J'. Jau'o, II. R. Stewart. Muh- tcr, Jno. C Solileet. Hicri^eoii, Jno Ward. I'uii/iid.slcr, Eras. W. Cole. Chief Eiujinccr, Henry Newton. Muici, C. V/. Andrew, Henry IE Cox. I.M\'..'N', 72 Bcceifinij SInp, Jamaica. (I'ommandrr, Sainl. Morrish, Lii'iif , Geo. 'I'. Morrell. MarJcr, Geo J. Giboon. (Jliapliiiii, Rev. Jno. VV. L. IJamijfield. Surgeon, Jno. E. Bnrkc, M. 1). Pa ii master, Edw. J). Back. Mitc, . Asd. Sur-enii, Win. IE Carter. 2d Muster, . Asu. Paijm., . jVEvuixhi!, 12. Sloop. Coin'ri'indrr, Th-'s. Cochran, fdeufs., II. E- G. Eirle, C. I". WillJani-ion. Mi'icr, Arihur Thomas. Sur'j,eon, T. K- Mide.-< worth. M. I). P,ii/-n'i<ifrr. Wm E. lluvihue. Mute. Joho. L. Cjil- by. A-i't. Surji-on, A. tl. Woo.Elield, M. D. As^l. Paijm., Jno. H. S'hirretr. MnPiiA. G. Paddfi' Whei'l S'p'un S'onp. 3j") hov.sf power. Conimandcr, Aui-T Eliillimore Lien's., Eredk. IE Sm^th. U'. C. !•'. Wilson. Master, _ Eredk. Wise. Sur^^eott, Jaims Lair'l. Puijiu'isfer, Ilenrv IE Shaw. Chief Ens,enee> , ^nn L mdoii. i)]iitc, . Asat. Surj.,\.iohi. Bor- rows. Aast. Pai/m., Geo. Jeiheys. Nkim-.y, 8. Cu'ter. \^ Tender to Boscaveni.) Scouriox. 6. Snrreu'yix Ver,-icl. Wed Tiidiss. Mister Com., ^\\n. P.irsons. M iste.r. iw.i P. Dilljii. Suff^., W. M. Ogilvie. Aaat. Pai,n}.. ' 2!:. S'l-eir Steam Frir/ulo, olO lior.^e powe;-. Comnio- TnuM.vo.v: Henry Ivellett. Sfcrelari/, W. V. C Tne\e Lien! 11 \V..j. [i. Card, Henry E Cro:/;ier, K. E. Hniadrick. MiAfi-r, .) enry OS, B.icot Uii eti- msTs. (J eon, St )ne. \HtLt Mur.,\y T. Savary. Chap'ain, Rev. 'I'hos. .\sho Pa'pwi.o/er. Stnart Watson. C/i 'ef Eirxincer. .Sanil. Mali Andw. Edwards. VH:5r.\L 26. Captain, 'i'hos. P. Th Asf.t. Sia-f^., Jas. S. Barry. Aa^L P aipn. onmson. /: ieu's rv. Ma, II. B. Johnstone, IE II Knocker. Mister, 'I'. W. Snllivan, 1st IJ E V.iiiphton. ('Iiuidain. R.'v IE Pannintci .w/' ,'«W!, IE II. rurubuU, M. n Paijnvister. I'rodk. Gilbert. Male, IE E. Cleave'and. [sst. Stir.;., Henry Loncy. 2d M-istcr, Geo, P. Buiney. AssL Payin., Wm. E AUea. Woi.VKur.Ni',, 12. Slonp. Cnmwnder. Jno. Corbett. Lievta, C. G. F. Knowles, J.i^. Wil -ox. Mis'or \\. St. H Ciok, .Miriiinn T! ipeeoiiiii ,S:i/-y., C. G. Sy c. Paymaster, W. IE J. Brown. Mate, A. E. Mayuard. Asht mons. Iw/. Pa J 111 , J no \d i;ns. Arthur R. Hen- 100 HELCUKU 3 J'AUMKH S [1856. M I I. * T a A O li.^ i\ O V A - « € O '1' I A . (1ommiindcr-in Chief — lli'^ ExcuUency Major Gcncriil i^U' J. Gaspaiii) Lk.Mauchant, 'i\t Kiii.<r!il CdiiuikiiuIcv of tlie Oidci's of tSf. l'\'rdiiuiiul, and of Charles tho Second, of Npain. Au](S dr(.'iiinp, T,t. ('ol. Willhiiii Clicanily, xioalf , . Adjutant (I'ljicio/, Lt. Col. Jvlw.trd Wallace, iiiintt. (i'lurfer MdsUr (itnittral, Lt. Col. -iamcs Clack, iinalt. Pat/ master Gineral, . Briiicule Majors — Middle Division — Lt. Col. Ilnn. M. Tobin, loiaft. Western Division — Lt. Col. Thomas Adams, iinutt. Eastern Division — Judi/e Adrocnte (General, Andrew M. I'niackc, Esq. Suri/con (icncrcd, lion. WUliatn Grigor. Yoi.rNTRF.u AiiTiLLKUY. (Halifax.) TAeut. Col., James Cngawcll. Captain, Kiehard Ticinain. \st Ltx., James Forman, Wm, K. Cogs- well, or//. 2(/ /./"s., Tliomas Abbot, . {Dart mouth. ) Major, James '1 remain. (\tpt., Alex. Farquharson. \st Lt., James McNab. 2d Lt., Alex Lyle. 1st Halifax Regiment. Lt. Col., lion. Jas. McXab. Majors, Thos. C. Kinnear, llobr, ilomans. Ccpts., A. B. llichardson, 7 m., Edw. Biuney, p. m., Edw, Lauson, Wm. O. Fife, Arcli. Sinclair, Wm. G. An- derson, Andw. ^McKinlay, S. S. IJ. Smith, Geo. P. Mitchell, Geo. Pryor, Jno. IJ. McXab. 1st Lis., Wm. Scott, Eddy Tnnper, iienj. G. (jray, Thos. Adams, Jr., Andw. Mitchell, P. McS'ab, Jr., Alfred G. Jones, Rol)t. llomans, Jr., Daniel K. Harris, Wm. Creiijhton. 2d Lis., H. A. Jeimings, James Duii'us, Jno. A. Sinclair, Mather B. Alm(n\, Jr., Wm. Willis, Edw. Kenny, Jr., W. K. Ad;uus, J. C. Bremiier, Jno. Dufi'tis, Jr., Wm. Giant, Jr. Adj., . P. J/., E. B=nney, cupt. Q. M., A. B. 11 chardbon, capt. i-siir^., Jas. C. Hume, M. D. A. 6'., J. J. H. Slaytcr, M. D. 2d (or Qnccn's) Halifax Regtmext. Lt. Col. ILm. S. Cnnard. Majots, Lhas. J. Hill, /t. od., G. B. Creighton. Capts., Jas. S. Clarke, H. Mignowiiz, Thos. A. Bauer, Chas. W. Wright, J. A. Bauer, Henry Pryor, adj., Geo. H. Starr, F. B. LeCain, S. L. ^hannon. \>>t Lis., H. C. D. Twining, Jas. Cogswell, Wm. Canard, H. Harney, Geo. E. Mor- ton, G. A. F. LeCain, W . M. Harrington, Jno. H. Symonds, Jas. G. Tobin, Thos. Grassie, Jr., David Ross. 2d Lts., Saml. C West, H. Old- riijht, Jos B. Bennett. Jno. Willis, C. M. Almon, W, A. De Blois, John Miller, Geo. Eraser. Adj., II. Pryor, capt. P. M., 11. Boggs. Surff., Ewil. Jennings, M. D. 3d Halifax RKfiiMEXT. Lt. Co/., Adam Rnid. J7f7^br9, F-anl. Starr, . Cajits.. C. U. livlr.hcr, ad/., Edw. Duckelt, ;^. ni., Thos. Kenny, A. iiarshiiw, Chas. H. Rigby, Benjm. Wicr, Juo. H. Crossk'll, Wm. H. Knowl-.m, Jos. S. Belcher, (jeo. McKenzie, Thos. Bayne, W J. Wiswall, Jno. C.unpbell. lat Lis , John W.itt, Jos. Howe, Jr., Thos. E. Kenny, Jas. Parker, Thos. A. Hyde. 2d Lts , Otto Wreks, Jr., W. J. Allison, II. DriscoU, F. Traunwciser, D. R. Cutlip. Peter Ross, J. W, Craig, M. Kearney. Jr., Jno, Compton, J. T. Wylde. Adj., C. H. Belcher, ctijd. I'. M., E. Duckett, cajyt. (i. M., Samuel Gray, i^iirg., R. S. Black, M. D. 4th Halifax Regiment. Lt. CoL, Hon. W. A. Black. Majors, Edw. Pryor, Jno. Paiker. Capts., P. I'ower, 11. Yeomans, Aznr Stevens, N. Clarke, rtf//, \V. B. Hamilton, E Iw. Albro, Jas. Piyor, Jno. Yeomans, J. E. ilasterman, Jos. Wier, \Vni. J. .Staiis, W. Richardson, W. E. Brine, L-^ Ll-i , J. Martin, Chas. Hainiltcn, J. B. 0.\ley, Geo. Lawson, B. W. Salter, M. P. lilack, p. w., W. L. Miuison, Geo. "j. 'I'ronp, J. F. Richardson, Chas. Black, W. F. Uniacke, E. 11. Prjor, C. II. Hamilton, I 135G. J I' An J) (naiui, intnft. lion — 185G.] ALMANACK. 101 J. ir. IFiirvey. 2f! A.K, E, Rynn, J. Raul, G. Grnnn, fi . Munroc. C. Grev C. A. Cioiuliloii. F S. 13f Mil sh, W. 'Iwi Jiiii; J. T, ' iirriuv )()( 1. J III! 1! Fay. Jr//., N. (larlvp, r(//»/. 7\ .?/., ?.I. P. Black, «. >',■//•./,, B. McN. I'arUcr, M. D. (I M., T. ilostpnnnn. G '3th IIaju-av JlnoTMKNT. LL Co!.. II. A. filadwii M 'nmr, TLo mas jrrassic. (Jujilfi., I'. O.nlvio, S. licaflcn, Jiio. Paikor. Ja>. Brown, U. A. Lo' ail. 0. m 7- Udii. a. Kfitli, \ ■i rn. Dor.liiitr. Is/ [Js.. Jiif), Slniltz. W. (i. Arcliibalii, David Arclilhald, Howard Blades. 'Id Lh., W. S. Hutch- inson, U. I lOsran, God. Parker, Jno. 'i'u))pcr, M. McJuncs, /W//'., W. Gludwin, //. Q. M., Jl. A. Logan, cnpL Smy., W. J. Almon, M. D fith Halifax Rl'.f;T^rI;^■T. /./. foL, lion. J. Fi. Fairbanks. Mujorn, Ilpiiry Y. Mott, J. INI. Chamberlain. Caph.y Jas. A. jMoren, II. M. J. W. Johnston, Jr., ad/', Edw. J. ). m. Bavratt, Geo. C. Whidden, j . Lordly, Jas. A. Moren, Jr. 1st. J.iti., Wm. A. Johnston, Lemuel J. !\Iorton, Jno. J^. Whidden, J. W. K. Johnston, llobt. Forman, R. G. Ilalibiirton. 2(/ Lis., Jas N. lUtchie, Jas. B. Knowlan, Stewart Tre- niain, John Skorrv, -Matthew Richey, (.'has. iS. Silver, John Stairs. Af/j., J. W. Johnston, Jr . capt. /'. .1/., G. U. Whidden, rapt. Q. iM., Jno. D. Nash. Smy., T. Dcsbrisay, M. D. CoLciiKsiKR Reotmexts. IstBatt. /J. CoZ., James Kent. Mnjors, A. L. Archibald, James D. Blair. Adj., W. C. Eivton. Q.M.,i. R. Dodson. )S'»)v/.. W. B, Lynds. 'Jd Batt. J.i. Co/., Thos. I. Brown. Major, James Dickson. Q. M., W. Gotten. 3d Batt. Majors, llobt. B. Diokson, Alex. Conkey. Adj., Jos. McL. Dickson, cajri. ' Q. M., J. Hepburn, fajit. Pictot; Rfc;iment.';. 1st Begt. 1st Batt. Majom, Jas. Skinner, D* B. Eraser. C( p'l., Jas. Crichton, 'i honias McCabe, Ken. McLean, Mar- tin I. Wilkins, Caas. jMtKenz'c, Jas. Yorston, W. N Harris, udj , Jno. Ives, Unht Patterson, Jas. Mnrdock. 1>< fJ^., Jno. McKeiizie, Georye Mitchell, Jno. Crerar, James Foyo, Daniel Hockin, Charles McLellan, Nathan Styles, David Taylor, Don. McDonald, Samuel Taylor. 2d Lis., Geo. J Campbell, Ilodk. McKenzie. Jos L. .'Lrnison, Jno. G. Patterson, Wm. Roe, James Jves, Howard Primrose, Wni. Gammon, Bobt. Black- more, l^eter Crerar. Adj., W. N. Harris, capt. Q. M., Jno. Dawson, Sari/., W, J. Anderson. Major, Geo. McDonald. Adj., Jas. Carmichael. Major, Rodk. McKay. M. Cutler. 2'1 Batt. Lt. Co/.. Bobt. McKay McDonald. Surfi;., Geo. Johnson. 2d Regt. 1st. Batt. JU. Col., J. Jr//. , Jno. F. Holiues. 2d Batt. Lt. Co/., David Murray. .Sur^'., Jno. Mitchell. GUYSDOIiOL'CH RnOIMENTS. 1st Batt, /./. (,'o/.,^]T0}l. R Adf'., R. Boles, ca/it. (i. M., Jno. Jost. Sziri:;., Jno. Pvke. 2d Batt. /,/. ro/.. J. J. IMarshall. ylf//., Jno. Forbes. Q. -1/., J. B. Archibald. <Si"i;., HcTiry Flliott. Sydnf.v Riu;imi;nts. 1st Batt. />'. t'o/., John Munro. At/J., A.Vl. Chisholin. -S'u'y/., A. ^IcDon; Id, :\I. D. 2d Batt. J.t. Co!., Robt. N. lienrv. Major. J(^s. Symonds. Adj., Hon. W, A. Henry, (l M., R J. Forristall. 'Sarg., Chas. Creed, M. D. Ct\iiiK!!i,\M) RiiOiMENTs. 1st. Batt. Major, Benj. Chapman. Q. M., G Purdy. 2d Batt. Lt. Co/., Gcorcro King. Major, lienrv Purdy. Adj., J. Hurstis, ccpt. P. M., Thos. Page. Q. M., J. B. Davidson" ^urg., S. Mitchell. PaIvSkouo' Coups. Lt. Col., Jas. Ratijht'ord. Major, Jesse Lewis. Ad/., C. K.'hbo,!, vapf. ilAXTs Ri'.i.i.ML.NT.i. 1st Bitt. /./. Co/., Jlon. R. A. Mclicffey. Adj., J. Songster, (i. M., Edw. O'Brien. **im mf MMta 'i^ tt MKm w i 102 BKLCHKU S FAKMEIl S ALMANACK. [1850. .■U!J; J. 2(1 Batt. I.f. Cnl, Tk^nj. Smith. Miijor, Edw. .Alurphy- Witlirow. (I J/., ]). Vnv/M. 3(1 Ji.itt. yj, rW.. Danii'l Wier. J/« -or, Francis Parker. Jr.^., Job Ilarvoy, cajit. (i, AI., 1). Cocluaa. King's Ili:(iiMr,Nrs. 1st Ball. 7.^ To/., Samuel Cli^pinan. .Major, John Helchtr. A('j . il. U'^awcr, raof. Q. J/., Jas. M. iJickcv. Suig , C. C. Ilnniltou, M U. 2(1 Batt. JJ. Co! , Joseph Crane. Major, .Tohn Fuller. Ai!j., C. II. Rixx^d, capt. /'. J/., Jiio. Fi.'^hcr. (I .11., J. L, Lockhart. ^■»ry., W. B. Webster, M. D. A. S., E. L. Brown, ;M. 1). 3d Batt. J.L Col., David Davidson, lu/j., » Sharpc, capt. P. M., Jas. Silver. Q. .)/., 11. W. Morse. !^urg., J.J. Van Burin. AxxAr()Lis UE(aMT:NTs. 1st Batt. J.t. Col, . Adj., G. S. Millcdge. Q. M., James Gray. Suri/., B. Gilpin, M. I). 2d Batt. A;;, ('o/., Caleb Shafner". .1/(//oi-. Elijah Fhinney. Adj., li. Stone, capt. (i. 31., John Ross. Siay/., 3 no. Frimrosc. Dighy IIecjimknts. 1st Batt. Mnjor, J. A. Timpany. Adjt., II- Stewart. 2d Batt. Majnr, Samuel Campbell. Adj., II. Barr. Q. M., H. Barv, Jr. Su>s., H. b. Rugbies. Sheliuirne Rkgimknts. 1st, Batt. Lt. Col., Cornelius "Wliite. Major, Wm. Holden. Q. M., Andw. liarclay. 2d Batt. Lt. Vol., . Adj., Jno. Sargent. Q. M., S. O. Doane. Yahmoutu Regimkxt.s. 1st Eatt. Id. Vol.. Abram Lent. Major, J. McKinnon. Adj., D. Van Norden, cnDt. Q M., J. V. N. Hatfield. Surr/., G. J. Parish. A. S., J. C. Farish. 2'l Batt. JA. Col., John liin','ay. M„jorft, G. B. Van Norden, E. \V. B. Moody. Q. M , Jos. Tooker. P. M., W. 11. Keating. i<u>i;; H. G. Farish. -1. ^'., J. B. Bend. Queen's Regiment. Majors, Jonathan Dewolf, INIatthew Parks. Adj., W. Freeman. P. M., S. P. Freeman. Q. M., A. Cowie. LuNENiiUUG Regimkxts. 1st Batt. Lt. Col., JJon. Wm. Rndolf. Majors, Henry O.'iuer, Casper Oxner. Adj., G. T. Solomon. Q. M., U. S. Grant. Surg., G. Jacobs. 2d Uatt. Lt. Col., Jno. Heckman. Adj., II. Ernst, capl. Q. M., A. Gaetz, /,'. 3d liatt. Lt. Col., Jno. 11. Xaulback. Adj., J. P. Miller, cujA. P. M., Daniel Owen. Siir^j;., Edw. Biilman. •iih Batt. Lf. Col., John Creif.;hton. Majors, James S. Ihomson, Peter Strum, .idj., M. Sohmidt. .Sf'r^., J. Stevcrman. Cai'K Bketon Regiments. 1st Rc.ut. 1st Batt. Lf. Col., Charles E. Leonard. Mujurs, 11. W. Crawley, Samuel Plant. Adj., S. Rigby, capt. Siirff., Thos. E. Jean. 2(1 Batt. Lt. Col., S. G. Arehibald. Major, Jonathan Jones. Adj., John Smith. Q. M , D, McRae, It. 3d Batt. J.t. Co!., Peter O. Clarke. Major, John Seott. Adj., G. II. Gcsner. Surr/.. II. B. Foruuui. 4th Batt. Lt.CoL, John McKinnon. Major, Don. McLcod. 2d llEGiME.NT. Ist Batt. Lt. Col., Peter De C irtoret Capts., Elw. Le Viscompte, Simon Babin. Ut Lt^i., J. F. De Carteret, Wm. Le Vis- corn pte. 2d Butt. Lt. Col., N. II. Martin. Major, Jno Cameron. 3d Regiment. 1st Batr. Lt. Col., Hon. Wm. McKeen. 2d Batt. Major Henry Taylor. 4th Regiment. 1st Batt. A/. rW. Nat. Clomrh. w»pWij*<Mi' '<•»< - ^-..^ llSoG. 'li; J. .,J()b i 0. II. \ 31. IdJ ,1 I t; II- I iJarr, * Vhite. I ;■ °- 1 tfield. I H.G. I 'arks. I iflnlf. I, D. '., A. '.lU., ison, capt. , G. Iw. 1S56.] .VDVEnriSMEXTS. 103 INTF.UNATIONAL CF LONDON, NOVA-SCOTIA AOENCY, Head Office, .... Ilulilux Uauk Building* «L AE»E'4AJf., .C500,000 STEBSLIKC. By recent regulation, parties Instirinj^ arc allowed to borrow ouc- /{«//' of the AiiJiual Prtjuium, witiiout any security, except eiidorse- niein on Policy. Aj^ents are established throuf^hout the Pnn-iiice, from whom BLiuitH, Pamplilets and every information may be obtained. OFFICE-HALIFAX BANK BUILDING. x> I K i: c X o R s : Hon. Samuel Ccnaud. IIexiiy Puvoii, Esq. T. C. KiNXUAV., Esq., John SriiAcuAX, E-c^. J. (j. A. CuEKiirro.v, Esq. P. C. HILL, Esa., Acr.N-T. "\V. J. Alnioii, Esq., JI. D., Medical Examiner^ Hon. J. W. Johnston, t^landunj Counsel. The following Qentlej^Lfcji are Agentn for the above Company :— Alfred Whitman, Esq., M. P. P. John I). Kinnear, Silas L. Morse, Henry Stewart, Daniel Owen, ll-obeit lloberis, "William (Jooper, Howard Primrose, Annapolis, Amherst, lJrid<^etown, . Di^by,^ . Lunenburg, liiverpool. Pug wash and "Wj-Uacc, Pictou, Slielburne, Svdnev. Cape Breton, Woltviile, Windsor, W ;vm<j uth Yarmoutli, llantsport, Antigonish, Aricliat,. Port Hood, (< <i (( If Jlobcrt Tiiomi)s(m, Peter Hall Clarke, Uev. J. C'hasi- Mo! ISOH II. ( roudge, ('(jiin Caiupbell, Jr, E. W. B. Moody, N. T. Harris, E. H. Ilarrinia (;i I as v. H on, rrin^lon, Dansicr Tremaiii, " "^ ' .r '. ^ " j ' .ia. m^*»m*4 lot ADVEUTISEMEI^TS. fl85G. EQUITABLE FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, ISriO O TKT <(JA1»ITAJ., JC500,000 STERL.2K«. licgistcrcd and Incorporated under Act n/ I'urliameni, 7 ((id 8 Viciofia, CuAf. 110. LOCAL DIKECTORS AT IIxVLlFAX.. ! Ja5IE3 Txemaix, Esq., Chuir'n, 1 Thomas C. Kinnkau, Esq., j IIenky Pbyok, Esq., JoHX ScuACiHA-v, Esq., J, (i. A. Creiquton, Esq. This Company insures on all descriptions of Buildings, Ships on the Stocks, Goods, Wares, r.nd Merchandise. All losses are adjusted and 2Mid in Halifax, without reference to London. As a guarantee lor which the London Board hivve invested £5,000 sterling in this Province, under the control of the Local Board. Policies of three years standing, will participate in tlie profits. No charge is made for i'olicy. P. C. HILL, Agent, Halifax Bank Baildinff, The following Gentlemen are Agents for the above Company : — Annapolis, Amherst, Brigetown, Digby, Lunenburg, Liverpool, Pugwash and WailaGe, Pictou, . Shelburne, Tatamagou^he^ Wolfville, Windsor, Weymouth., Yarmouth, Hantsport, Antigonish, Port Hood, C. B., . Alfred Whitman, Esq., M. P.P. John I). Kinnear, " Silas L. Mosse,, Henry Stewart, Daniel Owen, Ilobejt lloberts, William Cooper, Howard Primrose, Kobcrt Thompson, Arch. Patterson, Moiison H. Gotidge, Colin Campbell, Jr., E. W. B. iNloodv, N. T. Hfirris, E. H. IlaiMiugton, Dunsier Trcmain, it (I .18/5(5. Y, [(oi'ia, 1866.] ADVKHTiaEMBNT8. 105 WILLIAM GRANT, Jr. IIus oil Sale, at his liook. Store, HxLiBrRTON's IlrsTouY OF NovA-ScoTiA, with Map and Illaslra- tions. 2 vols. Mf iiaAV's Ilistorical Account of Discoveries and Travels in North America, including the United StaK's, Canada, tlio Sl\ores of the 1 olar Sea, and tire Voyages in seiirch of a North- West Passage. 2 vols. Gesneu's Geology and Mineralogy of Nova-Scotin.. The Cultivator, in vols., bound in Cloth, Br.i/CHKu's Book of Interest Tables. «♦ " Ex-chanse Tables. *< Map of Nova- Scotia — Third Lditinn. With a great variety of other Iwoks. MOllTON'S MEDI3AL WAREHOUSE. ESTABLItSHED, 1842— RENOVATEIt, 1854. By the recent arrivals, the subscribers have completed their im- portations of genuine AND IE* U 3FJ. I* TT im: H. "TP" * In great variety, from the most approved sources, and arc enabled to offer them at Low Pkices, wholcsjili' or retail. The usual assortraer.t of TOILET BRUSHES, COMBS, SPONGES, Cleaver's and other Soaps, Spices, &e. 1^^ Orders from Physicians and others in the country will receive careful attention, if addressed to the subscri])ers. €}. K. MORTO:^ & CO. N. B. — G. E. MoKTOX & Co. are the Authorized Agents for the Illustrated London Newspapers, the Illustrated Times, and other pictorial publications, to whom all orders may be addressed, at the Medical Warehouse, No. 39 Granville Street, Halifax. 106 ADVIiUTWEMENTS. [186U. Established 1017. KNIGHT & SON, CAERIAGE TaiMMEES, Siibbltru, i)itniC5s, M\)\\)x Dorse Clotljiiig, TRUNKS, &.C., &c., Opposite tho Bmk of British North i^merica, A. 8c W. MacKINLAT, No. 16 GRANVILLE STREET, HALIFAX, ■Whole«:^lo and Retail BOOKSELLERS AND STATIONERS, General Importers of English and American Publications. A. & W. MacKINLAT, No. 16 GRANVILLE STREET, MAI IFAX, SOLE A G U :,' T S V U JOHN McCULLOgH, WATCH ATvD CLOCK MAKER, JEWELLER, &C., I¥0. SG OeAT^'VILLE STREET, Has alw{ scription WeddiiiR .Hit. ji^iv ..-3 -.-..■■ ^-'i .^. - .^..^. , ^...-.»^»^,, ^^v J ^, -I v-"vir^jii; .-a,uiuua, Sleeve Buttons, Tins, Karrings, and Loops, Silver bpoons, Eutter and Fruit Knives. Also, Eight Day and Thirty Hour Clocks, of every description, Marine Time-Pieces, Quadrants, Tele-copes, Barometcis, Thermome- l>iarillU Xlll»l=-J. li-v-«-.-., vv.."". »■■•••, *x .>. ^wf^^.,, i^...vji.,v-i.<.i r., X liCllIUIlUU- ters, Log Glasses, Surveyors' Compasses, and Levelling Instruments. The Tradk supplied with Materials of every description— Main Springs, Verges. Cylinders, Hand tforews, Files, Pinions, Brushes, Dials, Jewels, Holes and Slips. Clock and Watch Glasses, Chains, Hair Springs, Brooch Tongues, Fliers, 'I'v.cczers, .'ic, 8cc. l^°Agcnt for Ezra Kellv's celohrated WATCH OIL..^ Orders from the Connlry Puncluuliy nttended to. I H85(i. IBuO.J Auvi:uTii4i:Mi;Mi. 107 I J. M CHiiMBERLAIN", CITY STOVE STORES, No3. 212 & 213 HOLIia ST., near 11. M. Ordnance, OrroSlTH JMIlT^SAl.KM V/AUEIIorTSi:. fliiBport<'r, i^oiitsind ii>N'nl4'r iti S('ol<>linii<1 Aisiors- casi iJookiii;^^ and nil voi'lfit of Stoves fjiracoi, 4':iiiiiB)(M>'<*s. I'sii siK'i's* e:<>il<*rf«i, Fiir- attd Tit tilths. Philadelphia Globe Water Purifjliig Coolers, ALSO, COSSTASTl.Y ON HAND. NEW AND PaEPAPiEl) FEATHERS IN BALES FO?. BEDDING. t'^'Ordera from the country answered v.itli dosjiutcli. LOUDLY (Jc STIMPSOX, Coininissioii lilcrtjjants & €mmi\i %p\b. wiicLRSAi.:; AM> iiLiAii. ui;.vi,i;ii.-5 i;, FJLOUS2, mr,\i., 4'oa-Ff:a:. tkas, tobacco, Xo. .'5 (;j;:ORGE STliKET, INIAIIKET SCiUARE, KALIITAX, N. S. aHO. B. BOLTON, N o . G i: O 11 G E S T R E E T , ^"c/" Wedding, Yisiting, and otlicr Curds, executed witli the utmost neatness. Always on hand, the best description of Cards, Euveloijes, Silver- riutfcd Door Plates, ice. 108 ADVERTISEMENTS. [1856. MORTON & COGSWELL, Corner of Cheapside and Hcllis Streets, lower side of Provincial Building, East, Wholesale and Retail Dealers in ENGLISH AND AMERICAN DRUGS, PATENT MEDICINES, PERFUMERY,^ Seeds, S$pice!$, Dye Woods, &c., Which are offered for sale, wholesale and retail, at the lowest market prices. MouTON & Cogswell are Agents for the Illustrated London News, Punch, News of the World, and other English newspapers. J. & R. B. SEETON, GENERAL IMPORTERS, Wholesale and Retail Dealers in 1¥EST INDIA OROCIilRIES, Ac, I No. 5 Sackville Street, Halifax, N. S. JOHN J). NASH, j Corner of Sackville and HoUis Streets, i HALIFAX, N. S. I dealer in \ Stoves, Furniture, Chairs, Fpalher Beds, Iron I Bedsteads, Fairbanks^ Platform and other Scales, Clocks, Tinie-Pieces, and Yankee Notions. i i Consignments of all kinds attended to on the most reasonable terms. :S s: J 1866.] ADVERTISEMENTS. 109 R. & J. WETMOHE, GliMEIE Mi ©ILBia LOOKING-GLASS AND PICTURE-FRAME MAKERS, AND DEALERS IX 38 GRANVILLE ST., HALIFAX, N. S. Gilt Window Cornices, Picture Mouldings, Gold Leaf, Looking- Glass Plates, Picture Glass, &c. Billet- Heads for Vessels always on hand. JOHN LITHGOW, IMPORTER OP rL@iiii. R«ii^L. mi^®, PORK, LARD, Leather, Tobacco, Cheese, Crackers, Brooms, Buckets, &c. ALSO, BRANDY, GIN, WHISKEY, SPIRITS, WINE, ALE & PORTER. Constantly on hand, a very large stock of i I SUGAR, 9IOLASSES AKD GROCERIES, i Of all kinds,— all purchased in the best English and Foreign Mar- kets for cash. Cannot and will not be undersold by any other estab- lishment in the city. Place of business, ! Nos. 45, 46 & 47 BEDFORD ROW, j Opp* the Commissariat Office. no ADVERTISEMENTS. [1856. C^e Colonial fife ^ssiiraitre Conipnj^ Incorporated by Special Act of Parliament. CAPITAL, ONE MILLION STERLING. Governor, the E,t. Hon. Eakl of Elgin and Kincakdixe. Head Office — Edinburgh, No. 5 George Street. Nova- Scotia — Head Oflice, Halifax, The Hox. M. B. ALMON, Bankcy. The Hox. WM. A. BLACK, Banker. LEWIS BLISS, Esq. CHARLES TWINING, Esq., Barrister. JOHN BAYLEY BLAND, Esq. Tlie Hon. Al-EX. KEITH, Merchant. General Agent, MATTHEW H. KICHEY. AGENTS. Amherst, Robert B. Dickey. AunapsHs, James Gray. Brichjetown, Thomas Spun*. Livo'pool, J. N. S. Marshall. Kentville, T. W. Harris. Lunenburg, H. S. Jost. Piclou, James Criehton. Pugwash, A. B. Chandler. Sydney, (.'. B., C. E. Leonard, Jr. Yarmouth, H. A. Grantham. The extensive business transacted by tliis Company, has enabled it to confer important advantages on its Policy Holders, and attention is requested to the large Bonus addition made to Policies on the Par- ticipating Scale. Sums assured before 25th May, 1847, have been increased by lU percent. — a Policy of £1,000 opened in that year havivio; been in- creased to £1,1 GO as at 25th May, 1854, the date of the First Division of Profits. Later Policies have also derived proportionate advan- tages. I'he reduced rates on which this Coir iany now act, and the terras and conditions of Assurance generally, are more favorable than those of other Life Offices. Agencies and Local Boards in every British Colony, A\here Pro- posals can be made and Premiums received. Claims paid in Great Britain or in the Colonies. Home rates of Premium charged for British North America, the Cape, Mauritius, Australia, and part of the United Stau ?. Every information regarding the Company may be obtained by application at any of the Offices or Agencies of the Company at home or abroad. MATTHEW IT. RICTTEY, Agent. " I)I-VE. d, Jr. c. led it iition Par- jy It) n in- ision van- erms hose Pro- the by Drae 1856.] AUVEKTISEMENXd. Ill MAP OF NOVA-SCOTIA, SECOND EDiriOX. Corrected to 1855. FOR SALE AT ALL THE CITY BOOK STOKES. With the lines of proposed RAIIAVAYS through the Province laid down, and also the Routes and Stations of TELECiRAPII LINE. This is the largest and only correct Map published of the Province. It has been revised and corrected, and the new Counties and Town- filiips formed since its lirst publication accurately laid down, together with the lines of proposed Railways throu;j;h the Province, and the routes and stations of the T];i.K(iiiA?H Line. And may be had, mounted on «loth and rollers, colored and varnished, for the Office, the Library, or Hall ; and oi cloth, colored, in neat case, ibr tl'.e Pocket for Travelling. C. TI. BELCHER, rublisher. OriXlONS OF THE PRESS. AVc notice with much pleasure the appoarnncc of a second Erllfion of BF:.r,cni:u's Map or Nov.v-8cotia. 'I his Map, ori,i,'inany compiled in bSIii from actual surveys, by AVilhiim McKfiy, lias now been revised, and corrections down to tlic ])rcscnt, year liavo l)i'cn cnrctuUy introdmi-d. We observe that the piojectcd lines of Railway arc raarkc d nut, and the routes and stations of the 'J'clcL-raph line nre also indifated. A late Edition of a correct Map is one of the most ucsiraldc possessions. Wo bespeak, th( refore, a speedy and extensive sale for 13clchcr's Map of Xova-L^cotia. — Provincial H 'ci^hytii. Bklchku's Map or Xova-Scotia. — Good Office-Maps of our own Proviace have, for sonic years past, been in preat demand ; but we have not this want to complain of any longer, now that a second Edition of Belcher's excidlent Map is in the market. This is a great improvement upon the old one. iM'rors which must have bL-rn ail but unavoidable at the time the Map of 1834 was published, and which liecame niore apparent as the interior of the country came to be better known, have in tliis Map been, for the mnst part, carefully correitod. Not '.he least valuable of tdc many additions made, is the liyinp; down of the several lines of Railway lately surveyed, and the eouiscs of the Telegraph lines and tlic niarkiii"ir '•■t of localities where the Telep.raph offices are situated. The corrccticons and improvements reflect much credit upon the draughts- man, and must have cost him no small amount of labour. Tlie execu- tion of the work is, in the highest dciji-ee, admirable. — .kadian Recorder, Bhlcueu's Mai" op Nov.\-Sco";i.\ — A second edition of whii h has just been published, is a work that should be in every house in the Province. Besides beiiir; correct, it is on a much larrjcer scale than any other Map of the same kind, being ■') leet 2 inches l.>y '2 feet ; and as set forth in the advertisement which r.[)pcars in anoiher column, it has been revised and corrected, and tlie ncv,- Counties and rownships. formed since its first publication, accurately laid down, together with the proposed Railwavs through the I'rovince, and the routes and stations of the I'ele- graph fine. — British Colonist. lji;r,rnER's Map op Novv-SroTi \. — A copy of iIk: second edition of this ve'-y superior Map corrected to October, 18o.i, his been received from the Publisher.'?, John ?now, London, and C. il. Belcher, Halifax. At the present important epoch in our J'rovincc, when even the most skept'.cal cannot fail to be convinced that this country is turning the 112 ADVERTISEMENTS. tl856. corner beyond which lies the fair way of Provincial prosperity, such a referrnce as the one before us is invaluable. In addition to the bounda- ries, Src, of the several Counties of Nova-Scotia proper, and the routes of the Railway already projected, it includes the Inland of Ca])e Breton and the proposed improvements in that interesting locality, all of which have been compiled from the most careful surveys and the latest ar- rangements No person interested in the country who can atf,)rd the cost, should be without a copy, William McKay, of this City, is the Drau^'htsman ; William Neele & Co., London, are the Engravers ; and this Map, the i«sult of their united labours, may be purchased at all the Book Stores in Halifax," — Morning Chronicle. PUBLISHED BY JAMES DAWSON & SON, I»I OT O XJ, And for sale by A. & W. McKINLAY, AND ALL THE OTHER BOOKSELLERS. I. The Harmonicon. A Collection of Sacred Music adapted to the use of the Churches in B. N. America, with an Introduction to Vocal Music. Third Edition. 272 pages. Price, 5s. IL A Map of Nova- Scotia, Prince Edward Island, and part of New Brunswick. 29 by 24 in. Third Edition. Price, 2s. 6d. III. A Hand Book of the Geography and Natural History of Nova-Scotia, for the use of Schools, Families, and Travellers, with a Map. Third Edition. Price, Is. 3d, IV. Scientific Contributions toward the Improvement of Agricul- ture in Nova- Scotia. Price, Is. 3d. V. A Selection of Scripture Doctrines, for the use of Families and Sabbath Schools. Second Edition. Price, l^d. VI. Practical Hints to the Farmers of Nova- Scotia on the Man- agement and Improvement of Live Stock, and on General Hus- bandry. Price, Is. 6d. VII. Acadian Geology. An account of the Geological Structure and Mineral Resources of Nova-Scotia. By J. W. Dawson, F.G.S. Price, lOs. 856. ch a nda- lutes eton 'hich t ar- the the and ktall 185G.] A UVKKTISEMENTS. 113 D. P. lYES & CO. importers and Wholesale Dealers in ENGLISH, FFIENCH Sl GERMAN 83 Milk Street, Boston, U. S. CONSISTIXG, IX PART, OP Cutlery, Perfumery, Combs, Brushes, Soaps, Farina Colognes, Port Monnaies, Games, Accordeons, Flutinas, Pocket-Books, Cigar- Cases, Writing- Desks, Opera- Glasses, Chess- Men, Porttblios, Dressing- Cases, Bronzes, Back- guramon-Boards, Spy-Glasses, Playing Cards, Violin Strings, Thermometers, Wicker Flasks, Parian and Terra Cotta "Ware, SITAYING CREAMS, HAIR DYES, &,C. D. P. I. & Co. invite the attention of dealers to their superior and extensive assortment of RAllE AND BEAUTIFUL GOODS. One of the firm vi'^its Europe every season, personally to select the most rare and desirable goods. Druggists, Stationcrti, Dry Goods Dealers, Jewellers, and Furnish- iji.i- Stoves, -will iind a most desirable assortment to select from. Catalogues of our goods sent by mail, or otherwise, to any part of the United States, Nova-Scotia, New Brunswick, and Canada. 114 ADVERTISEMENTS. [1856. BOSTON PRINTING ESTA H^^IENT. • >^^N.^'-^^N»*' - WILLIAM WHITE, Executes every description of m •aSmS. I fivj ^i^ ^ ^ jS '^c' '^^^^ — AT — 4 Spring lene, cor. Devonshire St. BOSTON, U. S. A. The subscriber, having one of tlie largest and most extensive Establishments in New England, which contains all the facilities necessary to a first-class Printing Office, is fully prepared to execute ^ all kinds of Letter-press Printing, such as the following : — j CARDS, BLA\KP. BILI ETS, BOOKS, C I K C I L A R S, I' A M P II T KTS, BiLL-IlEAOS, CATALOGUES, POSTERS, SHOP BILLS, I'KOGUAMMES, IN A MANNER WARRANTED TO GIVE SATISFACTION. WILLLVM WHITE. m^„ t. k\ IS/jO.] IXDKX. 117 I N i> E X Aiinivorsrivios nnd FfU'-its, I Attonicvs luid l)avri-<trrs, |. Acadia Cnllo<;p. Wolt'villc, I African E. Mfthodi-^t Churcli, • " Ji.iptisl Ciiuich, , Accnts for Llnyds, .... Advtriiscmcni.H, .... Barristers and Attornoys, •' SiK'ictV, .... Board of Worli--, .... " Rcvrimc, .... " A^riculiuvo, Halifax, " l!'-alth, Halifax, Baptist .Ministers, .... " Missi )nary P.oard, " Education Sucipty, . " Free (,'luislian Minister, . " " Will Ministers, Chronological Cycler:, Calendar Pa^jjes, .... Conun'r Crown Land-; 011i.;o, . Coniin'r.s Indian Aii'dr--, " fur I^isuiii:: Prov. Notes, " Board of Kcvenue, . \ " of ll:ulu'avr-, . " of Pilots. Halifax, . Courl 4t «( (< Coll of Pilots. Hal " Rcciprocitv 'I'reaty, " St. Peter's" Cinal,' rt Supreme, of Error, . ._ . of Marriafre and Divorce, . " of Vice AdiuirMltv, Collea;iate School, Windsor, . Co<j;sweU Sihobrsii;;,!. . Clert^'y Estal li-^hed Cburcb., . " " llomau Catholic Church, . Colonial Ciuirch and Sciiool Society, " Life Assurance Company, CouLtre.c'ational Mini-3tc;s, County' of Halifax, .... of Colcliester, . of Cuinhcrla:;'!, . of Pictou, .... of Hants, .... of Kinif's, . . . • of Annapolis, of l)i!;hy, . . . • (,t LuiKn!)ur;.r, . of Queen's, of Khelburne, of Yarmoutli, It i< i< (( (1 II (i u n i( A •x\ (i3 83 52 50 50 6(5 G') (i2 G2 (;:} fi3 G3 2 6 to 29 4;) 50 50 5) 51 51 51 51 51 51 51 52 53 53 5(5 GO 57 G3 G5 67 G8 G9 70 74 75 75 r* ^» ( o 77 118 lNi>i;x. <( II 11 *« li «i II II II II << County ol .'^ydiiiy, . " of (iiiy-'li'iroD^h, of ('n\)o IJretun, . of Victori:!, (if Invcriics;!, of liiclinutncl, Consuls, .... Uiilhousie Collps^c, Halifax, Diocesim Church Society, Dartmouth Mechanics' Institute, Affricnltural Society, Common Trustees, Fire Wardens, " ("ornpaiiy, " En<iiue C'ompany, Street, (-oinm'rs, . AVatcr Lot Trusfees, Cemetery 'I'rustecs, Cuilini^ Club, Ember Days, . . *. Eclipses, .... Explanation of Calendar Pages, Executive Council, . E isturn Circuit, Farmer's I'alcnilar, Financial Secretary's Office, . Free Church Collcifc, •' " Acidemy, . " " Ministers, . *' " Coinmittres, Governor of Nova Scotia, G ivernmeot Olii :t's and Officers, Gorham CoUeuie, Liverpool, House of Assembly, Halifax Grammar School, •' National School, Acadian School, Ndv. atul Mil. liible Society, Corjx ration Eni^me Companies, . Siijn.ils, Insurance Companies, Ttlejrapn " G IS Light Company, W,iter' Steamboat " Temperance Hall Company, Acidian Iron and Slei i Cumpan)', Inl iiid X ivi,; ition " Mercliauts' lleading-roora. Banks, Societies, . Di>pensary, Inspectors ot Schools, Kin»"s College. Windsor, Legislative Council, Light Houses, Nova-Scolia and New Brunswick Lutheran Church, Lunenburg, Masonic LodgfS, i< i< u l< II II i: II II 11 i< II II II II II II [18.50. 7'J 8) 81 SI 82 03 53 t)7 GG GG GG GG GG 60 GG GG G7 G7 o 3 5 30 G7 6 to 20 •19 ,01 .•U 5S ■ ;jS 30 49 5i 32 0.5 G-i 83 85 87 80 fll 91 91 92 92 92 92 92 92 93 9G 52 o2 31 ;:g fi3 4G 0. 185G.] IN'DEX. HI) \7'J IS) lr.> lo.'J •37 IGG I Of) |r.() r.G OG GG GO GG 67 G7 2 3!) G7 29 ■li) 5i •It r>s «() 49 ,51 32 .1 Ministers, rimrch of StcDthiml, " Fwv (Jliuicli, " I'n^byt ri iii rhtitcli, Mic Mac Mis>i(iii,iry J^uuiotv, Xovii-!Sc'i)tiii 'I'uriir, " " l5il.lo >"oc'icfv, . " " S;il)lj;Uh Alliiiucp, " " Army Stall', " " Ordnai.cp Dopartincnt, " " R'lyal Fiiii^riu'tT, " " IJarrai k Department, " " Ollicers ot the Army, Normal Schools, I'r iicp. of, . 0(1(1 Felln'.vs. Older of . Ollicers linj)i>st ii.iid Mxci^e, Halifax, Orfl II rnritiiico I )c|)arliiieiit, ii ,1 II t< i» II I'ltigineer Di-panmcnt, JJarrick l)e|)Ui tmeiit, lloyal Artillery, . '• l'Jri<4;7ieer.s, 7Gtli llei;iiueiit, . Naval Yard, Halifax, . Yictualiini,' Yard. U ilifax, Ntival Hospital, llalilax, . of the iN iVv , N. S. Militia, • Planets, Si^'n>< of the, " Morninu; and Evening, «« rrincpai, .... Post Olliie. H.lifax, Provincial Secretaiy'is Ollice, . Pi'iiitentiary, Pictou Ac.idiniy, .... Ro^atiim U.iy:s .... Retired .Meuiijers of Couneil, Receiver General's Ollice, Seasons, Beginning and Length of, Sable Island, Sujjrevisors of Great Roads, , St. Mary's Cnlle^e, Halifax, , ■j'aritf of Duties, .... Univcrsalist (.Miiivch, Halifax, WolfviUe Academy, Wesleyan Academy, Sackville, " ^Mi'-sionaries, . " Missionary Society, ^^'estf'rn Ciriiiil, .... Windsor Fair, Yoiiii'^ Men's Christian Association, Zjdiac, Siyns of the, OS .18 /VJ (4 .19 GJ Gl W '••7 97 97 97 r>2 48 oO 97 97 97 97 97 97 98 98 98 i)8 Kit) 2 2 6 to 29 4.'} 49 .09 63 2 30 49 4 ■>o ;51 [}■') .19 G:} (H •')■') Gl 02 79 71 GJ 2 r^-r-rr—rarrr 120 iiKi.ciiru's lAUMini's ai.m.vx.vck. [is-in. MLOn MIL'S VA KM []!".'5 7\L?,IA.\' ACK, ro;i Ti:t: vr; vii of or a unny UL 3 :i^ <3 ... FOR 8,\LE AT ALl. TIIK CIIV J'.OOK-STOllES. Oi'INIUNS or TIIH rRES°. Bki.ciieu's F.\u:\rKii's Almanack. —'J'lii^ nnivcrs:illy ostoemcd pcri- oiliciil vvf liiivc iii:i(iviTtPiilly nc^'li viv<\ iU'kiiowlc ilLriii;:; lintil llic |)ict.oiit DcsorvciUy pDpiilar, Hflcl Vlia.iiKick iK'oiIs ni> -.[jci'liil iutroiluclioa tu onlar^f its circle of patrons, us it lu» Icon bO lony and rxteiUiivel;. known that every boily is i'ainiliar w'.lli its c-VcoIlon'T!. Tliu mnnbor for this v(Mr is, us nsnal, v.o inpilcu \v: li (vitrcnio skiil nnil care, and it aliounds in valualiln int'orniutiDii. I5y t!in way, wo may ob:iarvc fiiat reuiarlcablo iinin'ovi-mcnl Las hrou nia'di' in tlic nicchanic il excculion of tiie work, and the bound copied arc cu'iclied witli a liauddoiuo pUito. — Arailian lii'cord, /•. nni.cHini's FAKMrit's Av.MAWtic— This i-*, probably, the most com- plntf; work o( the kiiju liiat \\;v:i vxqv been i)iibli.>hod in No\a-Sciitia nunnot but f'Jil proud of this workjUnapproachcd a., it adn.ittedly is in tl;o_^l'iilnosH, accuracy and arran,!-;cmoiit of its iafurinalion, and' in ever y (fiiahty of uscl'ulncss boloni\in,ijj to a book, by any otlicr similar publication. The Tariff of JJutics elainis our especial notice lor the order in wliifh it i:? ro admirably avrar.ijcd. A newspaper notice is alto- Relhcr iuade(]uate to convey an i'lea of its uatuio and eontentsi. It ri quins to be si-en to lie ruiprc^lrited as il deserves, and a brief inspec- tion will show that t!ie Publislier, so lar from relaxin;^ Lis exertions, has used every means to render it f:tiil -.norc uortliy of the yearly increasin^^j patronajie with which it has been honored It ia tlio result of the labouirt, the re.scarcli, the taste, and the toil of a sin!:le individual, and it is difficult to overrate the aui'iimt of earo and labour expeiided yearly in its production. It has, therefore, now become the standaid rifercnCL,' of th.e iNew.^papcr Editor, t!ie Ollirial, the (Jlcn.^yuian, the lian'vei-, Itio Lawyer, tlie Merehnnl, the Tradesman, the MecLanic, — in a word, to every man in the community, — aifordin.j; a quick and ready re fereuee of every matter v>-luch a well arranjjed and wcU digested Almanack should contain. — British Colonist. ^Ve are indebted to Mr. C. IT. Tjch'hcr, of Halifax, for a copy of liis excellent .Almanack. It is neatly bound, and contaivis a great deal of valuable information for the Fiirmer and nuiu of business. A'o such persons in Nova-Scotia sliould be wiiL;)ut ouo. It contains a lumdsoiue Engraving on the first pa;.^c.— ^'iV. Jo/i.', :V. B., Moniiif; AVtcs. BELcmm's Faumhu'!;, Hai.ii'ak, A'. .S. — Ouv thanks arc due to tiie Publisher for two ciinies of this timc-lionored .Manual, one of them done up in the usual style — tlio other in bound up wilii blank leaves, (similar to the Bo.ston Almanack,) and contains a fine cngravir.g. After twenty-five years' experience, the Puljlisiu'r knows just what is wanted in an Almanack, and the result of !iis la!)ours is a compreh.en- sive and reliable hand-bnok of reference. — Boston Iiitcrna'AO))ol Juurnul. " BrLCHEu's Farmer's Almanack" U \\\ the press, and will soon be pubhshed. A limited time only is nllowed those who desire to ta'ie adv:inta<i;e of the Lir^^c circulation of this Annual for advertising. — Morn iihj C/i ron irlc. *V* fh(> bound and interleaved copies will cont.iiu a beautiful en- graving of •' A Winter Scene." inn I: ^ IS ro n- 3n n- i-iCtlij ''rini