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Las diagrammea suivanta illuatrent i» mAthoda. 1 2 3 32X 1 2 3 4 5 6 THE SEVENTH ANNUAL REPORT OF THE INCORPORATED RCH SOCIETY OF THl %bm$ dI 3mm, FOB THE YEAB ENDING 16th MAY, 1866. M LONDON, C. W.: PRINTID FOR THS CHURCH 80CIETT AT THE "FREE PRESS" STEAM PRINTING ESTABLISHMENT, NOBTH-ST. 1865. h; 7 V TIME FOR HOLDING THE ILiAR IHEETIHOS O^ TUB SOOIBT"3r. ,1 I \ ,.s»— , Quarterly Meetings at 2 p. m. Standing Committee at 7.30 p. m. on the evening before the r^ular Quarterly Meetings. Collections during the year, as directed hy Art. XVII., appointed hy the Bislwp. In January for Widows' and Orphans' Fund. April Mission Fund. July do. October do. Annual Subscriptions, Parochial Association Collections, and all moneys to appear in the Annual Report, should he sent in hy the \hth day of May m each year, otherwise they will not appear until the fol- lamng year's Report OFFICERS OF THE (Kbttvch Sfwitt^ of tU §iotm ri §ittvo»* I... TEE RIGHT REV. THE LORD BISHOP OF THE DIOCESE. 9ice - jpniibenii. * VEN. ARCHDEACON BROUOH. A.M. YEN. ARCHDEACON HELLMUTH,D.D. THE RURAL DEANS. HON. G. J. GOODHUE, M.L.C. p. TALFOURD, ESQ. L. LAWRASON. ESQ. CHARLES HUNT, ESQ. iftanbing (Committee. THE REV, PRESIDENT,VICE-FRESIDENTS, , J. C. USHER. J. C. GIBSON, BA. C. C. JOHNSON. S. DuBOURDIEU, R. J. ROBERTS, A.B. H. CAULFBILD, J. SMYTHE, M.A. E. E. NEWMAN, D. ARMSTRONG, S. TIGHE, A.B. J. GUNNE, A. TOWNLEY, DD. F. D. FAUQUIER, J. CARMICHAEL, J. MCLEAN, M.A. iVy SECRETARY AND SOLICITOR,^»-(U»et o C. J. KINGSTONE, ESQ. S. PRICE, ESQ. G. ROBSON, ESQ. H. JOHNSTON, ESQ. H. CROTTY. ESQ. DR. PHILLIPS, J. B. STRATHY, ESQ. D. J. HUGHES, ESQ. M. HARRISON, ESQ. WILLIAM ELLIOT, ESQ. G. F. RYLAND, ESQ. J. HAMILTON, ESQ. C. MONSARRAT, ESQ. J. BEARD, ESQ. P. ROE, ESQ. ^vtbtsbnmt anb JjTanb CommitUe. JAMES HAMILTON, ESQ. CHARLES MONSARRAT, ESQ. L. LAWRASON, ESQ. C. HUNT, ESQ. THE PRESIDENT AND SECRETARY, Ex-officio. H. S. STRATHY, ESQ. DR. PHILLIPS, B. T. LEDYARD. ESQ. JAMES SHANLY, ESQ. <Bpi«o)iaI J^tmb Commiitet. C MONSARRAT, ESQ. | JAS. HAMILTON, ESQ- I THE SECRETARY. ^ommiiitt to d^uk S^umtim. JAMES HAMILTON, ESQ. I CHARLES HUNT, ESQ. E. T. LEDYARD, ESQ. ' I J. BEARD, ESQ. Solicitor. V. CRONTN, ESQ., LL.B. X ^^■. Crtanirer. i l^ecrtisrs, THE GORE BANK. I REV. J. WALKER MARSH, M.A. K/EISOIjUTIOITS Pcused hy the Church Society of the Dioceae of Huron; tanctioned and approved by the JBUhop of the Diocete. Moved by the Rev. G. J. R. Salter, M. A., seconded by Rev. F. W. Sandys, D.D., — Whereas it frequently happens that persons from various parts of the Diocese, and from other Dioceses, make application for assistance in building Churches, Parsonages, &c., to the Clergy and Laity of the Church throughout the Diocese, without any recognized authority and proof of the facts of the case for which application is made : — Resolved, therefore, that the Bishop be respectfully requested to establish as a rule in the Diocese that no clergyman or layman be permitted to collect money for any Church purpose beyond the bounds of his own mission, or to proceed to any other Diocese for the same purpose, without the sanction and approval of the Bishop, given as a heading to his Subscrip- tion List ; and that it be the duty of such collector to communicate with each clergyman before he makes a collection in his Parish : and that, on his return from his collection tour, every person collecting shall present his Subscription List to the Bishop, and account for all moneys received. And further, that no person from any other Diocese shall make collections within this Diocese without first obtaining the sanction of itQ Bishop, under his hand and seal. Moved by Rev, F. W. Sandys, D.D., seconded by the Rev. G-. J. R. Salter, M.A.,— Resolved, That inasmuch as great inconvenience and loss arise from the delay that too often takes place in making the collections for the Church Society and transmitting them, to the Secretary, the Clergy are therefore requested to make the collections on some Sunday during the month appointed for each Collection, and to see that they are forwarded without delay to the Secretiury. RESOLUTIONS. Moved by the Ven. Archdeacon Brough, A.M., seconded by 0. F. Byland, Esq.,— Resolved, That all applications for grants of money, books, &o., shal. be submitted for the consideration of the Standing Committee previous to action by the Society thereon. Moved by the Rev. J. Qunne, seconded by the Rev. J. Walker Marsh, M.A.,— Resolved, That no change shall be made in the Constitution of this Society, unless notice has' been given at the previous quarterly meeting; and, further, that all proposed changes of the Constitution shall be brought before the Standing Committee for them to report upon. Moved by P. Roe, Esq., seconded by the Ven. Archdeacon Brough, A.M.,— Resolved, That the Lay Representatives of the Synod be considctcri ex-officio members of the Church Society, in so far as to enable theii to attend and take part in all meetings of the Church Society which may be held during any week in which the Synod meets, during their term of office as members of the Synod. Moved by the Rev. G. J. R. Salter, M.A., seconded by Rev. John McLean, M.A., — That, seeing it is absolutely necessary for the successful working of the Church Society and the furtherance of the various objects embraced by its Constitution, that all parts of the Diocese should co-operate : Be it therefore resolved, That no assistance be given to any Parish or Congi*e- gation unless all the collections are regularly made by buch Congregation, and a Parochial Association established in connection with the same, from which collections are annually made for the Society ; and, further, that the Bishop be respectfully requested to app](y the same rule to the S. P. C. K. Fund, for assisting in the building of Churches in the Diocese. RESOLUTIONS PARSED AT THE SEVENTH ANNUAL MEETING, HELD ON THE 27th JUNE, 1806. The Annnal Meeting of the Church Society was held in the City Hall, London, C. W., on Tuesday Evening, June 27th, 1865. The Chair was taken by the President, the Right Bey. the Lord Bishop of the Diocese, at 7 : 30 o'clock, P. M. The Bishop read the appointed prayers. The Secretary read the Report. Moved by J. Beard, Esq., seconded by Rev. Dr. Sandys, — Resolved, that the Report now read be adopted and printed for circulation. Moved by S, Price, Esq., seconded by Rev. M. S. Baldwin, B. A., — Resolved, that the continued peace and measure of prosperity which we have enjoyed during the past year; and the present prospect of an abundant return of " the kindw fruits of the earth," call for our heartfelt thanks to Almighty God, " the Giver of all good gifts." Moved by F. S. MacGachen, Esq., seconded by Rev. J. McLean, M. A.,— Resolved, that, while acknowledging that all our efforts without God's blessing are of no avail, we recognize the duty and importance of combined exertion in forwarding the objects of the Church Society, calculated as they are to promote the glory of God, by assisting to supply the spiritual wants of Churchmen throughout the Diocese, Moved by Rev. J. P. DuMoulin, seconded by Rev. J. Carmichael, — Resolved, that we rejoice to hear of the increased prosperity of the Church Societies in our fatherland, which have so generously helped us in this Diocese in our hour of need ; and we earnestly pray that the Great Head of the Church may pour upon them the abundance of His spirit, and enable them to go on enlarging the sphere of their important labours. Moved by Venerable Archdeacon Brough, A.M., seconded by Rev. J. W. Marsh, M.A.,— Resolved, that the thanks of this meeting are due, and are hereby ^ven, to his Worship the Mayor and the members of the Corporation for the use of the City Hall this evening. • I* ** J ' Hfii ■<' CONSTITUTION I'U,." «: OF THX (Kbuvrb J^0dets ^ tbe §kctft $1 §itim. ajj jj . \lim)ii ■ . . «' ADOPTED BY THE SOCIETY, AND CONFIRMED BT THE BISHOP, \ (, SEPTEMBER, 22nd, 1868. INCORPORATED FOR PROMOTING THE FOLLOWING OBJECTS t Firstly— For the encouragement and support of Missionaries and ^ Clergrmen of the United Church of England and Ireland within the Diocese of Huron, and for creating a fund towards the augmentation of the stipends of poor Clergj'men, and towards making a provision for those who may be incapacitated by age or ';>v;,. infirmity, and for the Widows and Orphans of the Clergy of the »»' ."'Bftid Church in the said Diocese. .3kc!0NDLY— For the encouragement of education, and for the support XiiT of Day Schools and Sunday Schools in the said Diocese, in conformity with the principles ot the said Church. Thirdly — For granting assistance, where it may be necessary, to those who may be jpreparin^ for the Ministry of the Goapel in th« '" said Church, within the said Diocese. Fourthly— For circulating in the said Diocese the Holy Scriptures, the Book of Common Praver of the said Church, and ^uuh other Books and Tracts as shall be approved by the Cent ml ({unl or '<u f> Managing Committee of the said Association. ■:L^.^ii: 8 CONSTITUTION. FiFTHLT—For obtaining and granting aid towards the erection, endowment, and maintenance of Ohnrohefl. according to the establishment of the said Ohuroh in the said Diocese ; the erection and maintenance of Parsonage-houses ; the setting apart of Burial Grounds and Church Yards; the endowment and support of Parsonages and Rectories, according to the same establishment, and the management of all matters relating to such endowments. I. That before the Society shall enter npon any bnstneis at any of its meeting!, the following prayers shall be said :— Pritint cs, Lord, in all our doings, with Thy most gracious favour, and further na with Thy continual help ; that in all our works, l^gun, continued and ended in Thee, we may glorify Thy holy name, and Anally by Thy mercy obtain ererlosting life, through Jesus Ohrist our Lord. Amin. God, from whom all holy desires, all good counsels, and all works of piety and charity do proceed, we humbly beseech Thee to prosper with Thy blessing tle'desigiis of tiiis Society, and to comfort with Thy grace those bfnSfaetors %ho contribute to its support. Visit with Tliy farour our Sovereign, Qobik Victoria, and all in authority under her, and so rule their hearts, that they may in all things seek Thy honor and glory. Bless the ministry of Thy servants, the Clergy ; the endeavours of all who are engaged in spreading the knowledge of true religion in this Province, and the labours of those Missionaries who are promoting the same in foreign parts. Inspire continually the Universal Ohuroh with a spirit of truth, unity, and concord, and because it cannot continue in safety without Thy succour preserve it evermore by Thy help and goodness ; and may Thy Holy Spirit direct all our consultations to the advancement of Thy glory, and the good of Thy Church, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Akin. OcB Fathib, which art in Heaven, hallowed be Thy Name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive them that trespass against US. And lead us not into temptation ; but deliver us from evil ; for ^ne is 'the kingdom, the power and the glory, for ever and ever. AmM. 11. \ AND WHEN BUSINESS IS ENDED. ALMtOBtlr God, Father of all mercies, we thine unworthy servants do give Thee most humble and hearty thanks for all Thy goodness and loving kindness, to us and to all men ; more particularly for the providential support by which this Soeiety hath been enabled to extend the knowledge of Thy 8a<Md truth. But above all, for Thy inestimable love in the redemption of the world by Thy blessed Son; for the means of grace and for the hope of glory, which thou hast given us, in the same our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ ; to whom with Thee and the Holy Ghost be all honour and glory, world without end. Amx. Thx OBAOi of our Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, « ad the fellow- ship of the Holy Ghost, be with us all evermore. Amsn. t ' i II. That the Society shall consist of the Lord Bishop of the DiooesS) and of all Clergymen and Laymen who shall contribnte to its fbnds. CONSTITUTION. 9 !■ i III. That th« Lord Biibop of the Dioceie be Preitdent, tnd the Dignitarieg within the Dioeeie be Viee-Preiidenti of the Society. IV. That the Corporation ihall coniist of the Bishop of the Dioceie, of the ■MmbiBre appointed by the charter, and of so many of the other membert as shall be eleeted members of the Corporation at the meetings to be from time to time holden, on the day and at the place appointed by the by>laws of the Oorporation for its stated meetings. V. That every incorporated member of the Society shall subscribe not less than Ato dollars annually, to the funds of the Society, or contribute not less than fifty dollars in one sum, or land to the value of one hundred dollars ; and it shiUl be the duty of the Secretary on the first day of April in each year, to notify all incorporated members who have not paid for the current year, and at the meeting in the month of June in each and every year to make a return to those who have not paid up the five dollars for the year ending the 3l8t of May previous, and such shall cease to be incorporated members of the said Society. t \ VI. That there shall be a Standing Gommittee (three of whom shall be a qnorum,) to prepare the business for the meetings of the Society. That the President, Vice-Presidents, Rural Deans, Secretary and Solicitor be ■z-orrioio members of the Standing Committee. That the Standing Committee shall consist of, in addition to the members ■z-orrioio,fif teen Clergymen and fifteen Laymen, who shall be elected by ballot out of the Incorporated Members at their quarterly meeting in June, of whom five of each order shall retire each year. H-i VII. That this Society shajl at the quarterly meeting in June, choose one or more Vice-Presidents, in addition to the Dignitaries ; one or more Treasurers ; two or more Auditors ; one Secretary ; and such other officers as shall be thotght necessary, provided that none but members of the Society be eligible to any office. VIII. That the paid officers of the Society shall be the Secretary, and an Assis- tant if required, and that the former shall fttrnish necnrity to the flatisfaotion of tb« Pr«ii4ettt iiid Standing Committee. 10 CONSTITrWON. IX. That if any vacancy occur by the death, remoral or resignation of any officer, notice of such vacancy shall be given to the Incorporated members of the Society, and the President sbi .11 appoint a successor until the next meeting of the Corporation. X. That the Oorporation shall meet in London, on the lirst Wednesday in the months of March, September and December, and in the month of June on some day during the week in which the Synod meets, provided, however, that thb Bishop shall have the power of changing the time of meeting in any of the said months if he shall see good cause, and the annual public meeting of the Society shall take place on some evening during the week in June in vrhich the Synod meets. The President or Standing Committee shall have power to call a special meeting of the Corporation at any time. XI. '^ » That no act done in any meeting of the Society shall be valid and effec- tual unless the President or some one of the Vice-Presidents shall be present at such meeting. xir. That with regard to all meetings of the Society, and to the making altering or repealing any by-laws, rules or regulations, it is to be specially noticed that by the act of the Legislature, 7 Vic, ch. 68, it is enacted that no act of the Society, or meeting of the Corporation, shall be valid unless si.Y persons of the Corporation, at the least, shall be present, and the major part of them consenting thereto. And, further, that no constitution, by-law, rule, or regulation of the Society ; nor any abrogation, repeal, change, or alteration of the same, shall be of any force or effect until it shall have been confirmed by the Bishop, in writing, under his hand. XIII. -,ll\ «!({! 5« t!lO That minutes of ^11 the proceedings of the Society be taken, and that at each meeting of the Society the minutes of the preceding meeting be read by the Secretary, and signed by the Chairman. XIV ■"^O!--' That the accounts of the Society be closed on the ISth day of May, in each year, and that the same be audited within one month from that date. ' v XV. That the Secretary conduct the correspondence of the Society, take minutes of the proceedings of the general meetings and committees, prepare the annual report of the Society, attend meetings of the associatioQS tbcoughout the Diocese, under the direction of the President, and take the superinteodence of the affairs and the accounts of the Society in all its departments. I CONSTITUTION. 11 XVI. That in order more fully to promote the objects of the Society, each con- gregation, in the persons of its clergyman and church-wardens, shall be a sub-association in correspondence, through its chairman, the clergyman, with the Parent Society, and may be denominated " Thk Parochial Association of THK Ohuroh Socibtt." The Committee, which shall consist of the above named, with power to add to their number, shall meet so often and at such periods as they themselves decide to be most convenient, inviting th6 co-opera< tion of all the parishioners in their deliberations and designs. They shall collect subscriptions and donations from the members of the Church, in such manner as they shall deem most effective, and endeavor, by every means in their power, to augment t he resources of the Society. All moneys raised to be transmitted to the Secretary of the Parent Society. XVII. That four collections be made annually, the proceeds of one of which shall be devoted to the Widows' and Orphans' Fund, and that of the other three to Missionary purpos<)S : and at such other times and for such purposes as the Bishop may direct. The collections to be forwarded to the Secretary of the .Society. It shall be the duty of every clergyman to give notice of these col- lections, and to call the attention of their congregations to the importance of the objects, and their claims for liberal support. xvni. That all moneys shall be paid by chequeb on the Treasurer, signed by the President, and in his absence by the person administering the Diocese, and in case of the vacancy of the See by one of the Vice-Presidents, and counter- signed by the Secretary. mmm- 'l'^ ii*^*? • ii-i{}M«it= f^'*,^»t' 'SO''''*'' fi: -rr;!, (i& ^^ J >;i- SEVENTH ANNUAL REPORT w OF HE iicoiriiBiTED ciiiti mm OF THE OIOOSSE: of HUR03V, « ^»»> By the good hand of our God upon us, the Church Society of the Diocese of Huron is brought to the end of the Seventh year of its work. Established at a period when the whole country was suffering under great depression, and having passed through years of severe trial, and being kow brought to the end of its first septennial epoch, the Committee, reviewing the past and considering its present condition, may well exclaim, '* What hath God wrought !" for although the progress of the Society and its present position are not all that they could wish, when they look at the wants of the Diocese, still they cannot fail to see that much has been done— the Clergy have been largely increased, and both Clergy and Laity, even if not yet fully alive to their duties and responsibilities, have been aroused to a greater sense of the necessity of exerting themselves to establish in our midst an organization for furthering the important objects which the Society has in view. 't I RBPOBT. 18 The past year has been one of great trial, the Agrioultnrist has suffered many privations from the earth withholding her increase, and commerce has felt the ill effect of the unsettled state of the political world ; it cannot then be a matter of surprise, though of regret, that the Committee is obliged to come before the Society, after a season of so great depression, with an income somewhat diminished, compared with previous years ; but as the war-cloud has now passed away from our neighbours, and the whole country ia smiling with the prospect of plenty, giving the promise that the earth is about to bring forth her increase, and that our God is, indeed, about to bless us ; the Committee therefore confidently hope that such exertions will be made by all who value these blessings that future years will show a steady increase in the means placed at the disposal of the Society to carry out its great work. Income, ■» "' The Income for the past year received from subscriptions* collections and donations, is $6,998.80, being $776.76 less than the amount from the same sources received in the previous year. This decrease is accounted for, in part, by the fact that there were only four collections made during the past year, compared with five in the previous year ; this would account for about one-half of the deficiency, that being the amount generally received from the collections made on the day of general thanksgiving ; no such day having been proclaimed by public authority during the past year; shortness of crops and positive inability, owing to the great scarceness of money in many parts of the country, and not want of sympathy and interest in the objects of the Society, the Committee believe to have been the causes which have led to the further deficiency in the last year's returns; still the Committee cannot hide from themselves, that if all had exerted them- selves, as it is evident from the returns that some have, the Income would have been at least equal to that of the previous year. General J^rposes Fmid, The amount received for this fund is $4,158.70 ; this with the balance in hand at the beginning of the year bus enabled the Society, be.< 14 RBFOBT. tiides meeting the expenses, to grant 1858.32 to oharohes and a parson- age ; $193.28 towards supplying Sunday Schools with Cateohisms, Hymn Bjoks, &0-, und, as directed by the by-law^ to carry $400 to the credit of the Widows & Orphans' Fund. The sum to the credit of the General Purposes Fund towards the work of the current year is $1|086.73. The disastrous fire, which, on the Ist of August last, laid in ashes the fine block of buildings in which the Society's office was situated, has caused serious additional expense to the Society ; as a new set of account books had to be opened, a new safe to be purchased, and another office to be sought for and furnished. This has led the Society to consider the expediency of procuring for its own use a permanent office, with fire proof vault, and steps were taken towards this object during the past year. As yet, however, nothing definite has been agreed upon, but the matter will probably be settled during the current year. Misaimt Fmid. This fund which respects the chief work which the Society has in hand, the Committee regret to report is not equal to its requirements. Although the number of the clergy has been greatly increased during the past few years, and is still steadily increasing, the Mission Fund, from which their support in great measure will have to be drawn, does not show a corresponding increase, and unless greater exertions are made to put it upon a more liberal footing, it will not be able to meet the calls which must be made upon it. The sum received during the past year from collections, &c., is $2,279.74, this with the balance in hand at the end of the previous year, and $5,833.32 received from the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts, $74.05 from investments, and $500 from the surplus interest of the Commutation Fund, has enabled the Society to expend $9,110.40 on Missionary work in the Dioceso, including $735>60 in the Indian Missions, leaving only $414.43 in hand towards the work of the current year. «/ i'L J Widow8' and Orplums' JFund, This fund, the Committee are glad to report, still maintains its hold on the sympathies of our people. The sum received this year KIPOBT. 15 J from the Diooese, notwithstanding the depressed state of tho country, is slightly in e2:cess of that sent in during the previous year ; and the Oommittee point with gratitude to a small legacy left to this fund, and which was paid during the year through the hands of the Bev. J. McLean, Curate of St Paul's Cathedral. The Committee rejoice to note these indications of interest in the work of the Society, and hope that such examples of liberality will not be without effect on the Diocese at large, particularly on those in whose hands God has placed the means of doing likewise. The total Income of this fund from all sourced, including 1400 from the General Purposes Fund, was $2,064.68. Out of this I860 have been paid in pensions to five widows, and $8 in law expenses ; a IK>rtion has been invested, and the balance still remains in hand for the same purpose. ^^ The past year has added largely to the claims on this fund, owing to the widows placed on it being increased from three to five; and as we must look forward to similar claims being made, as years roll on, the policy hitherto pursued of fostering this fund while the demaudb are few is proved to be wise, and the Committee are gratified in being able to report that it is in a very satisfactory position, as will be seen by the accounts published in the Appendix- DeposUoi*y, No collection having been made for this fund during the past year, the Commit!;ee can only report a donation of five dollars. Sales of books to the amount of $650;94 have been made, and a large stock of Hymn Books, &o., is now on hand for supplying the Diocese during the current'year. S, JP, C, K. JPund, fin" Buildi/n^ cAurches* During the past year $934.83 have been received for Churches, and $823.99 paid as shown in the accounts in the appendix ; a balance of $904.84 remains in hand, but this belongs to the places for which it was given, and is only awaiting the fulfilment of the conditions which 16 BIPOXT. the 8. P. 0. K. requires before it is paid. The Oommittee regret ttf report that the S* P* 0. K> is gradually diminiahing the amount given toGhurohe8,but this affords another proof of the necessity of greater exertion being made throughout the Diocese in support of all the objects of the Church Society. TRUST FUNDS. Com/mutation Fwnd, The Oommittee are happy to report that the arrangements, provided by Act of Parliament, have been completed with the City of Hamilton and the Town of St. Thomas during the past year, and thus the revenue from this fund is now more than sufficient to meet its liabili- ties. The debentures belonging to this fund amount to $273,289.00, besides 13,000, which have been carried as a temporary loan to the credit of the interest account of the Episcopal Fund ; adding this and the money now in hand for investment to the debentures, we have the total belonging to the Commutaion Fund, which shows that debentures, amounting to $10,267.50, have been added to the amount received from the Diocese of Toronto at the time of the division of the funds. The amount of interest from the Commutation Fund received during the year has enabled the Society to repay the capital, the $2,300 borrowed during the previous year, and also the $3,474 borrowed during the third year, and after paying the annual claims on it, and $500 to the Mission Fund, to leave a balance in hand of $714.12 towards the current year* The present position of this fund may be briefly stated thus :— * The present claims on it are $13,880.28; uid the present revenue amounts to $14,721.94, thus showing a surplus income of $844.66 per annum. REPORT. 17 ' I TT > Bpiacopal Fund, The capital of this fund is gradually improving each year, as the original subscriptions are paid and reinvested. Puring the past year the sum duo to this Diocese on the death of the late Archdeacon of Kingston, viz. 13024, has been paid by the Church Society of the Diocese of Toronto, and this is added to the capital of the Episcopal Fund, according to the terms of " the award." The interest account, as will be seen by the statement in the appendix, is in a bettor position than in past years ; this has been effected by the loan from the Commutation Fund, which has enabled it to repay the sum due the Gore Bank at the beginning of the year, and to meet all demands on it, and to close the year with a small balance in hand. The Annual Income derived from this fund is still below its liabilities, but now in a few years, even if not sooner, this fund, by the terms of the award, will be placed in a position to meet its requirements, and gradually to repay the money borrowed from the Commutation Fund. There are three other minor trusts administered by the Society vig. : — ^Wardsville ; Dunwioh, and Huntingford trusts. The accounts in the appendix will show the present position of these funds. Such is a review of the work of the Society as performed during the past year. The Committee would be glad to be able to report more work done, but lack of means alone stays the work, for that there is much yet to be done within our Diocese— the sphere of the Society's labours— none who are at all acquainted with its wants can deny ; and that the fields are indeed white for the harvest must be evident to all who take any interest in the objects which the Society has in hand* While, therefore, it is the duty of all, earnestly to pray to the Lord of the harvest to send forth more labourers into his harvest, it is equally the duty and the interest of all to exert themselves to the utmost to provide the means for carrying on this great work, and thus we shall emulate those venerable Societies in our fatherland, to whom we are still indebted for assisting in the Society's work, so that in time— though may that period be far distant— when their help shall be entirely withdrawn from us, we, if we are faithful to our trust, shall not only be able fully to accomplish the work amongst Ourselves, but also to assist in 18 RIPORT. the great work of evaogelizing the world, and then, like them, we shall experience that " the liberal sonl shall be made fat, and that he that watereth others shall be watered also himself." The Committee would briefly remark, in oonolnsion, that during the past year the hand of death has been laid heavily on our clergy, no less than three have been taken from our midst; one, the Rev. Richard Flood, in a ripe agd and after long service in the Diocese, one whom to know was to respect, and whose death was deeply regretted by all, but, to our consolation, we feel our loss was his gain ; the others, the ReV' R. A. Montgomery and the Rev. A' Potts were both young in the ministry, and early called from their labours, leaving a lessen to all, which the Committee would seek to impress upon themselves, and upon their brethren of the Clergy and Laity throughout the Diocese, '* work while it is day, the night oometh when no man can work." All which is respectfully submitted. I ^" y I n I ^" \ } « • 's > APPENDIX. •>♦■ Statevnent of Ea4sh Fund in DeiaiL Df. QBNERAL PURPOSES FUND. Cr. To i( «( Ad Postage 144 73 Gonting'ntEzp. 142 57 Rent and Taxes 88 66 *Stationery and Account Books. . . 59 97 tPrinting 107 41 Printing Synod Minntes, 5th & 6th Sessions 40 00 " Printing Synod Minutes, 7th Sess. 74 00 " Printing Sixth Report of Church Society 243 00 " Salary of Sec'y. 1,200 00 " Grants: Churches and Par. 858 32 S. S. Books 193 28 " Safe for Office 180 00 " Letter Press for Office 6 00 " tRentofSafe.. 2100 Com'tee Exp's : On Office 15 00 Mission F.By-Law 29 92 Church Temp. Act 45 50 Deputation Ex. 159 51 W. & 0. Fund. 400 00 Balance to Credit. 1,086 73 By Balance at end of 6th year 936 90 By Cash from Parochial Association CoU'ns 4,149 70 " Donations 9 00 i< <( $5,095 60 15,095 60 * New Aoeonnt Books had to be pnrohaaed on aoeonat of the fire. t This faiclades the Printing for the Synod,fto.,u well m the Church Society for the year. X A Safe was hired for some months after the fire, before one was purchased. so IV. APPKNPIX. MISSION FUND. Or, • 0. To Paid S. P. G. Mis- Bionaries 6,000 00 " Salaries 1,9S6 25 " Outfit and Ex. 418 55 " Indian Sohool- masters, &0' 735 60 Balance to Credit. . 414 43 19,524 83 $ c. By Balance on hand at end of 6th year. 837 72 By Gash, Gollcotion at Annual Meeting 50 03 " Donations .... 322 28 " April CoUeo'S) 6th year 3 18 " July GoUeo'ns, 6th year 426 91 " October Coil's, 6th year 423 56 " Meet'gs Col'ns ethyoar 599 71 " April Gollec's, 6th year. 464 07 •• S. P. G.Bills. 5,833 32 ** Interest on In- vestments 74 05 " from Com. P'd Interest 500 00 $9,524 83 I *' \ Dr, WIDOWS AND OBPHANB' FUND. Or, c. To Paid Pensions 860 00 " Investments . . 1,538 45 Solicitor ..... 8 00 tt Balance to Credit 721 07 13,127 52 By Balance on hand at end of 6th year.. By Cash, Donation " Legacy " Jan. CoUect'ns " Int. on Inv'm's '* Inv's Matured " from Gen. Pur. Fund » c. 208 84 400 35 00 516 36 1,109 32 854 00 400 00 $3,127 52 I ~~ ( • APPENDIX. DIPOSITOBT FUND. SI 0. To Paid for Books..... " Carriage on do. Balance to Credit • c. 646 19 51 07 346 61 By Balance on hand at end of 6th year . . By Cash from Sales " Donation * 1 $ c. 387 93 650 94 5 00 $1,043 87 a,043 87 J5r. MISSION FUND AND students' LAND. Cr, To Paid for Debentures " Taxes $ c. 690 00 630 74 05 67 06 By Balance at end of 6th year $ c. 249 86 " to Mission F'd Balance to Credit By Cash from Lands. . . " " Interest. 513 50 74 05 * $837 41 $837 41 Dr. GENERAL PURPOSES LAND. Cr, To Paid for Debentures " Taxes $ e. 536 50 54 81 1 65 600 Balance at end of the 6th year $ c. 108 00 •• Solicitor " Accrued Int'st By Cash on Land •' " Interest . . . Balance to Debit. 283 00 193 72 14 24 $598 96 $598 96 Dr. APPENDIX. B. P. 0. K. FUND FOR BUILDIMO 0HUR0H18. 1 c. To Paid Grant to New- bury Church 96 89 To Paid Grant to Wyo- ming Church 96 44 To Paid Grant to Sea- forth Church.... 96 44 To Paid Grant to Thorn- bury Church 73 00 To Paid Grant to Dawn Mills Church. . . . 96 89 To Paid Grant to Kin- cardine Church.. 73 00 To Paid Grant to Pais- ley Church 73 00 To Paid Grant to Lis- towell Church... 73 00 To Paid Grant to Cross- hill Church 72 67 To Paid Grant to Bel- mont Church 72 66 Balance to Credit 904 84 $1,728 83 • c. By Balance at end of 6th year 794 00 By Cash from S.P.CK. 862 44 " Rev. W. H. Smythe, being part of a Bill on S.P.C.K.,drawn byhim 62 89 ' " " » $1,728 83 TRUST FUNDS. Dr, WABDSYILLK TRUST. Or» $ c. To Paid for Debenture 86 25 " Rev.J.T.Wright 7 65 Balance to Credit 16 69 $110 59 . $ c. By Balance at end of 6th year 55 49 ** on J. Stout's Mortgage 60 00 " Interest on De- benture 5 10 •110 59 Dr. APPBNDDC. OUNWIOB TRUST. O. • c. To Paid for Debentttre 258 76 $ c. By Balance at end of 6th year 210 01 By Cash on InvestmeDts 21 00 Balance to Debit. 27 14 9268 75 9258 76 JDr. HUNTINOFOBD TRUST. o*. 9 e. ToPaidfor'Debonture. 2,012 50 Balance to Credit 3 04 92,016 64 9 c. By Cash from Revds. Geo. and Edward Huntingford, per Rev. F. D. Fau- quier 2,016 54 92,016 64 Dr. COMMUTATION TUND CAPITAL- Or, « t c. To Paid for Debentures 16,229 00 " Loaned Inter't Account of Epis- copal Fund 3,000 00 Balance to Credit 182 50 918,411 50 9 c By Balance on hand at end of 6th year.. 857 50 By Cash, Debentures matured.. 10,880 00 '' repaid Interest Acc't, forborro'd, during 3rd year . 3,474 00 '* repaid by Int't Acc't ior borro'd during last year. 3,200 00 918,411 50 24 APPENDIX. COMMUTATION FUND INTEREST. Or, Te Paid Salaries 14,623 60 " Capital Acc'nt for money borro'd 6,674 00 " Gore Bank for collecting ... 33 96 " Gore Bank for discount 124 43 Accrued Int'st 102 00 Mission Fund 500 00 Balance to Credit 714 12 $ c. By Balance at end of 6th year 63 70 By Cash, -Interest on In- vestments 22,585 13 " on acc'nt City of Hamilton costs 123 28 {( t22,772 11 $22,772,11 Ih. EPISCOPAL FUND CAPITAL. Or. % c. To Paid for Investm'ts 3 207 00 Balance to Credit 8 74 13,215 74 $ c. By Balance at end of 6th year 5 16 •By Cash from Invest'ts 3,200 58 Donation from J. Hamilton, Esq 10 00 (( f3,215 74 * This includes $24, cash, received from Toronto on account of $3,024 due on the death of the late Archdeacon Stuart ; the $3,000 was paid in Debentures. \ * r .;V,» niiqfinf :ff Wy 'B APPENDIX. 26 Dr. EPISCOPAL FUND INTEREST. Or. $ c. To Fd Bishop of Huron 2,400 00 Law expenses ■ • 63 92 insurance 65 50 Repairs 21 45 Taxes 25 67 Accrued Inter'st 3 00 Repaid Gore B'k 2,800 00 Balance to Credit 50 88 (I $ c. By Balance at end of 6th year 14 72 By Cash, Interest from Investments 2,415 70 " Loan from Com- mutation Fund.. 3,000 00 $5,430 42 $5,430 42 Dr. BALANCES. Cr. Gen. Pur. Land Dunwioh Trust. $ c. 14 24 27 14 $41 38 $ c. General Purposes Fund 1,086 73 Mission Fund 414 43 Widows & Orphans' F'd 721 07 Depository Fund 346 61 M. F. & Students' Land 67 06 Wardsville Trust 16 69 Huntingford Trust .... 3 04 Commutat'n F. Capital. 182 50 " " Interest 714 12 D. Jr. \j' Jv... ........... yU4 o4 Episcopal Fund Capital. 8 74 " Interest 50 88 $4,516 71 Less Debit. 41 38 Balance on hand $4,475 33 THS SECBITM of tlie (MCE SOdETT, in acoiiit FOR THE SEVENTH TEAR, DR. iaEOEII"rS. By Balance at end of 6th year $4,730 43 To Cash on account of General Purposes Fund, $4,158 70 « " Mission Fund 2,279 74 « " Widows & Orphans' F'd 555 36 « " Depository Fund 5 00 Income from the Diocese during the year 6,998 80 INCOME FROM INVESTMENTS AND SOCIETIES. To Cash, Mission Fund Interest on Investments 74 05 " " from Commutation F'd Interest 500 00 To Cash, Mission Fund, S. P. G. Bills 5,833 32 To. Cash, W. & 0.8' Fund Int't on Investments 1 ,109 32 « " from Gen. Pur. F'd 400 00 " Depository Fund Sales 650 94 S.P.C.K. F'd, for Building Churches 934 83 •'<* Income from Dividends, Societies, &o 9,502 46 ON ACCOUNT OP INVESTMENTS. ^. To Cash, G«neral Purposes Land Account... . 476 72 ' ' ' 'j « Mission F'd&Students'Inv't Lands 587 55 ' ^ « Widows & Orphans' Fund 854 00 On account of Investments 1,018 27 TRUST FUNDS. To Cash, WardsviUe Trust 55 10 « Dunwich " 21 00 « Huntingford" „ 2,015 54 « Commutation Fund Capital.... 17,554 00 « Commutation Fund Interest 22,708 41 "<* Episcopal Fund Capital 3,210 58 " Episcopal Fund Interest 5,415 70 50,980 33 $74,130 29 ': vitli tlie CEDBCH SOCim of tlie iOGSSfi of HURON. ENDING MAY 15th, 1865. ■FJ^-^i^:EiisrTa. or. By Paid on account General Purposes Fund... $4,008 87 " « Mission Fund 9,110 40 « « Widows & Orphans' Fund 2,406 45 « « Depository Fund 697 26 M « G«n. Pur, Land Account 698 96 « «' M.F.& St. Land Account 770 35 *i » S. P. C. K. Fund 823 99 4 $18,416 28 »^< »K{..'''*i, . . . ■ . . . . .-...-'. -** ■ ■ , - ' - . *■ < . , . ~ ,.. . - • . ■-.-.-,'...-.. ' TEU8T FUNDS. ' By Paid, Wardsville Trust 93 90 .,' " Tyrconnell « 258 75 » Huntingford " 2,012 50 " Commutation Fund Capital 18,229 00 " Commutation Fund Interest 22,057 99 " Episcopal Fund Capital 3,207 00 " Episcopal Fund Interest 5,379 54 ' . .1 -'■'.3! ; . '! 51,238 68 69,654 96 A Balance on hand 4,475 33 $74,130 29 We, the undersigned, have audited the Accounts of the Church Society Booksforthe yearendincMaylS, 1865, and found them correct, as above, having a balance in Bank and cash on hand of Four Thonsand Four Hundred and Seventy-five Dollars and Thirty- three Cents. Londoni June 16th, 1865. T. Ht BUCKLEY, » AnnrrnBa A. G. SMYTH, fAuDiTOBa. 28 APPENDIX. INVESTED FUNDS. / widows' & orphans' fund. Twenty-five Shares in Middlesex Building Society, paid. . . $2,651 02 County of Middlesex Debentures 8,700 00 City of London Debentures 2,000 00 Township of Malahide Debentures 1,700 00 Rev. T. Green's Mortgage 400 00 Bev* J. C. Gibson's Bond, secured by Assignment of Life Policy 300 00 Forty-eight Shares in Upper Canada Bank 1,440 00 Seventy-eight Shares in British American Assurance Co. . 1,935 00 819,126 02 MISSION FUND & STUDENTS FUND. Debentures $800 00 Mortgages 1,003 75 $1,803 75 GENERAL PURPOSES LAND. Debentures 1,780 00 Mortgages.. 1,649 00 $3,429 00 » TRUST FUNDS. COMMUTATION FUND. Debentures .$273,289 00 EPISCOPAL FUND. Debentures, Mortgages, Leases $40,708 97 WARDSVILLE TRUST. Debentures and balance of Mortgage 210 00 DUNWICH TRUST. Debentures and balance of Mortgage 1,490 00 HUNTINGFORD TRUST. Debenture 2,300 00 APPENDIX. 29 GBANTS FBOM THE GENEBAL PURPOSES FUND PURING THE SEVENTH YEAR* 1 \ BOOKS FOR SUNDAY SCHOOLS AND SERVICE BOOKS. Rev. W. Bettridge 9 84 " G. J. R. Salter. 6 00 " G. Keys 13 07 " P.G.ElUott 1809 " G.J. Low 7 20 " E.Softley 6 50 " A.E.Miller 4 00 " J.P.DuMoulin 19 81 " W.Davis 7 96 •' Dr.Caulfeild 2104 ♦' S.Harris 2 60 •' H.J.Evans 2 36 " J.S.Baker 4 00 •* J. Carmichael 7 18 *• J.Hurst 4 50 " J.Hutchinson 1104 ** Dr. Schulte 2 00 " J. P. Hincks 5 17 " J.Smythe 5 70 '• D.Armstrong... 13 84 " W.Watson 10 41 " F.W.Sandys 8 30 " Dr. Townley 144 " B. L. Elwood..., 234 ■'"' ' '■■^•' ■'' ■' '■' $193 28 '" " CHURCHES. All Saints, Windsor 60 00 Walkerton 100 00 Trinity, Onondaga 100 00 Church Ascension, Paisley 100 00 DawnMills 100 00 St. Paul's, Southampton 100 00 Mount Forest 50 00 Trinity, Mooretown 50 00 Crosshill 100 00 ' ^ ' $760 00 St. Mary's, Warwick, for taxes on Glebe 48 32 $808 32 PARSONAGE. St. John's, Eastwood 50 00 $858 32 APPENDIX. OBANTS FROM THE MISSION FUND DUBINO THE SEVENTH 7EAB. j I a. p. G. MISSIONARIES. (( (( t( {( (( Bev. J. P. Curran $ " T.E.Sanders J. Hutohinson W.B. Rallv H. F. Melhsh D. Armstrong J. Carmiohael S.Tighe J. P. Hinoks W. Clotworthy.... T. C. DesBarres.. S. B. Kellogg R. Fletcher Late Kev. R. A. Mont- fomeryi and Rev. S. larris Rev. E. E. Newman " J.P.Wright " J. S. Baker " W.B.Evans " J. Sohulte " A.S.Falls " G.Keys " S. DuBourdieu " E.Softley " R. S. Cooper " A.B. Miller " S.H.Phillips " W. Davis " G.J. Low " W.Green 400 00 200 00 200 GO 200 00 200 00 200 00 200 00 200 00 200 00 200 00 200 00 200 00 200 00 200 00 200 00 200 00 200 00 200 00 200 00 200 00 200 00 200 00 200 00 200 00 200 00 200 00 200 00 200 00 200 00 6000 00 S.P.G.BUls 6833 32 From M. Fund f 166 68 SALABII8, Rev. J. Sohulte 100 00 " J. HutchiTison 200 00 " W.H. S. vthe.... 26 00 " A.E. Mikr 150 00 '' S.Tighe 100 00 " J.T.Wright 66 26 •' R.J.Roberts 76 00 " J.Sims 100 00 " A.S.Falls 50 00 " R. S. Cooper 76 00 " S.Harris 100 00 Late Rev. A. Potts .... 25 00 Rev. T.E.Sanders.... 100 00 ' T. C. DesBarres.. 200 00 " G.Keys 200 00 " W. Davis 75 00 " E. Softley 100 00 " H. Caulfeild 60 00 •» G.J. Low 75 00 " E. B. Newman. ... 100 00 $1956 25 OUTFIT AND EZPBNSBS. Rev. W. Green 100 00 " G.J. Low 100 00 " H. J. Evans 100 00 Mr. J. G. Davis (Exp.) . 50 00 Rev. A. E. Miller 10 00 " J.S.Baker 10 00 " S. H. Phillips .... 10 00 Missionanr expenses by order of the Bishop .. 38 66 $418 65 INDIAN S0HOOLMASTEB8, STC. Mr. H. C. Hogg, School- master 200 00 Schoolmaster, per Rev. A. H. R. MulhoUand. 200 00 Schoolmaster, per Rev. A. Jamieson 200 00 W. Doxtatcr, Interpreter 50 00 J. Nichol, " 50 00 Rev. H. p. Chase (Exp.). 36 60 $736 60 I APPENDIX. % COLLECTIONS FQR THE SIXTH YEAR RECEIVED AFTER THE BOOKS WERE CLOSED. I i I MISSION 1 17ND. St. Mary's, Warwick, per Rey. J. C. Gibson, St. Paul's, Wisbeach, " «* tl 66 1 62 $3 18 DONATIONS DURING THE SEVENTH YEAR. GENERAL PURPOSES FUND. A thank oflTeringjCanonymous) Mrs. Col. Imlaoh, Stratford . 15 00 4 00 19 00 MISSION FUND. C. Hunt, Esq., London |240 00 J. Gordon, Esq., per Rev. F. Maok Miss Brpece, Chatsworth From Sunday School, Gait, per Rev. J. P. DuMouliu J. V. Battersby, Esq., Guelph Leslie Battersby, Esq., Guelph Mrs. Battersby, Guelph Sunday School, St. James, Biddulph, Rev. T. E. Sanders. Luoan " " Woodstock, J. Beard, Esq^ St. Paul's, London, Miss Dyas' class Christ Church, Zorra, Bev. F. D. Fauquier Atkinson's, Rev. T. E. Sanders Neil's, McGillivray, '• Lady Helena Tr^oh, per S. P. G. (£2 10s., stg.) Rev. M. S. Baldwin.. u (( It 41 n 500 3 00 7 48 10 00 4 00 4 00 5 20 2 00 13 21 68 .3 32 1 76 63 12 11 10 00 $322 28 WIDOWS' AND orphans' FUND. Legacy, late Mrs. Egan, per Rev. J. McLean $35 00 Mrs. Col. Imlaoh, Stratford 4 00 DEPOSITORY FUND. The Misses Miller, Gait. $39 00 $5 00 32 APPENDIX. tf < •A Pi H ••1 S •A lA » «0 00 *-4 A » {H <1 II ^ s o ^ 00 tf a" H i-H {H fa <1 S3 a w o o M i* o a o H o H I M H o in o e in CO 9 • CO cs CO «n CO to CO eo e eq M CO CO (O CO f-l ^4 a *^ o o o CO CO lO 00 o CO o to CO CO ^ w* *' a o o o to ta CO ^333 & _a_ .a S«8 o o 00 in CO m O o CO »H c4 CI in ■* o •>* «*< C» 1^ C4 o o e CO •H o CO 00 00 CO eo i-i ^ i-( efl 1^ CO 00 o o CO CO ^ Oi in C9 CO c» ^ CO 00 CO CO 00 CO m o m 00 o •^ i-l 00 ^ in o> CO rH o H o § o •3 I o CQ II ' o u .a o 4> o I ^ QQ ^ • - » ta .a (4 EH V J a o I O Cg ca." .0 . m HC4 « to «> a d a O ■♦J =< d WW HJ W a> a •< a 2 • «> ••a «2 •3 W «> 1 1 APPENDIX. 8S s S) d 9 S eo A m m •* 00 m CO C4 CO *- 00 ■ ^HIP 8 S fH «- m CO CO © CO FH cc C4 '" *- « "^ m ^5 et CO e«i *- 0> o o •n (0 94 00 ©*- 1- o> CO t^c- m CO CO '4< 00 m ^ CO m 00 OS OS © OS 00 OS OS pj © •* ^ CO © <e ' M CO l-H ««» 1-1 M W »H N o o F^ M C^ m C4 fH M m fi s > . in m • 11 o> 0> t- in in O O O C<l O (O CO CO CO c» •* s t- o •O CO CO OS fH ■* m M © © F^ • • •* © © .1 • • CO m w < • • ^ M l-H N M 1-1 M fH ft f) C-A OS f4 CO '^ 00 CO • • • • • 00 fH > 0> O CO CfifOt- o o CO M o CO m M 00 CO fH 00 o CO OS m © m ^ C4 fh m m e<i ■« • © © m CO © • © OS CO fH rH 00 e^ CO M in ft •H M i-t © F-< • « "* fH d F-t • • ft fH 1-1 to • 0> 1-1 00 00 ■* § mom O -"Ji CO OS CO -^ CO CO e<i © m e>» OS N w ■^ *- m CO m © © CO © *- fH © © t- © o i-t © Oi > f* ft ft eo M CO rH m f^ fH F-4 1-1 fH F^ ^ en ro (H iH e<i f4 fH *- CI to ©>• • o o» <o 00 in in CO o CO . CO FS © . 1- d m © • e>« CO t« • m © © OS © OS m in © ^ "H< CI 00 CO m in M • C4 C4 (0 m*- « • • •* m • t- M ^ « • • eo 00 CO t- © CO CD CO *- eo »- o *- »- o oc «- lO © 0> lO *" in <o t- CO o 00 O OS m CO © m £> © m OS © © CO CO m m CO m ^ © © m M © m C4 m o in C4 « « OS « »H il • *- to f* ■<1< M © W pH N 00 i-t ^ m CD CO oo»- fH f-I 5 © r-l 00 fH CO N CO •* 04 w eo ■^ • © CO > f-i o 6-s A JM V I s o ja H <i> I to t» "C • (► • CO C3.2 « pqj .>^'S 2 9^ «Jo Or^OHOQCQO) CQCQ 02 O»JC0 CQ M CQ iZ! O i-» ^ s\. ■*' -* t -.^_ ** . J O « .a : a r «» : s • « 00 -a m bo a <s t>- {2 c4 OQ • Si iS bo •c OQ i* ** -Z «"" =3 .S3 • • o o l4 E3 ft u bb *-^ » en tM i^ £ e « « Qi^ .s ^ SB' •4 (0 •a. i4 ■a M o Q bo • • « ^ ,S .a » ^i I I 8i CO rH o EH CO CO rH •\ i-i ;^ o P3 >H Eh > (4 o o I— « H O w >^ 8 APPENDIX. h4 133 03 82 30 [ 78 50 A e o o ' 0> > (0 CO "tf o e o to o »- Oftaio OO 00 N ^ -H 1- e^ i-i o» 00 CO 00 e to 111 M o ■* "O lO o . O C? 00 O 00 o • M lO M •-* «o m C4 totooco^-oco^O»-t-^ ©e^o-^toto-^coocomt- t- to *» 1-1 ^ en ,^ to i i 1-3 i <o o o in CI M O O 0) >a la M rH ■ «-H > tn CO oooooooio>MOcoee ^r>00»AtOCOMO«0^<-i C>OC4FHrH fH N I-I MCI rH CO hi o e e tf> o o 00 n O K» C4 e^ to CO ?o oeoo .oocoo .i-ico to O O CO .t-*-©© • 1-1 © *O^C0>-4. i-liH-COCO o c« o o o o o O O to lO o • O >0 N P» !-• I.H o o rH M o©oerH(oeiie<ie© . . C»©©COl-l©rH©CO© . • «0*-CO'-<rHi.HiHe«i.HrH • . rH to -2 .a O O C^ 00 o o o O CO M t- ^5 t- o < lo <o «o fh e« ^ to M oo©ec<i(o .tooo .t-o oto©*-»*- .«*- 'tow t> 00 to CO C4 CO ••^(•N • ■^ N t • • • 00 to to • Big B-ao to >n CO >o m cq t" ^ <o t- *- ■* 0> «0 W -H o> 0! CO to CO i-H M o o 09 tn 09 *- i CO tft>00©'»»<Tl<00«0*-0*-tO MC4tO<0-<tlCOCO©rHOO©«- *-c««ooje^t-F-«ooi*o>coto tOtOrHN^-Hi-l C4 « to a o s & IS « ti : ^ • 01 " o IH u o n ...SoQHcQEHtJ^ja OOWH P a "'J '^ K t»' S t>' > > «> R « U 0) 63 >>=icisi d a H ^ ^ > ^ ei o w « rH ••a a> « h Ih a ci u o« „ u ^ £* c o *» s „ • (H I o 09 t) ■30 a o -o : a — o M a a 121 :? gw i APPENDIX. 86 S e eef~e>Mc<iotn w I-* e<i O O O M 00 o O C) o o ^ o o M o 00 m <<<• O C« W C4 00 X) • e M o • lO lO iO * lo lo cj m ^ A ^ <o <o ^ e* OOOOSt-OMO CO !-• « OOOf-OOMX) • « « M M « C« N • o o • CO m in in eo (o ^ 0> n M C4 e 00 CO eo CO CO C4 3 CO CO o e C4 m 00 CO o op 94 e o -« o w ^ m ««• 00 r-4 »4 C4 M o in m m in o O (O «0 rH ^ o in CO eo M m m M m <o 00 C4 00^ ^ ^ C4 fH iH i-I CO W *• 00 CO 00 *^ •n CO ao<^ *4 o pH p4 ^ M *ii« s CO oooomoin^H 00><OOC400^«d « eo c« « O <-> <0 CO t^ m CO o o •^ <o CI <o eo o ci . o M in*» • m CI fh i-i • w ^ eo o in (o C4 o m p^ i-^ f-t in*- 00 (o m o> ^ t- lO i-l »H ^ ^ c» ^ ■4« o> •-« o> CO iH ^ in CO m in M • C4 in eo in • • • is i 14 i «i^^ j»o5 Paul ist's Sain ^5 OQ % : 2 : o • .a : • «> > o o d •I SS :.a<ftcS a GQ •> r Cq M Q Pk 04 A H &4 S • 43 • o SO^ ^2 a « •d ^ pQ d S .a u ti .a b S ^ s c) •J if 3 * tt -^H^-^ :co„. •SF « s tt o a ^ .ti n: a *; 6 (^ Hi 2 ^ Hi OQ * • Sr o GQ s QQ i 4> .3 •o id eS d d o M «> M I &• •a 86 APPKNDIX. CO 00 i-H O EH CO 00 £3 P3 <^ IH H t> o TO o O )^ o VJ H u H O 12 © - 9 V lit M «0 * M e* M I-4 ; 1 CO "* s CO • lO lO >H F-i «^ M ^ • CO ; • • en • t^ 00 • cot- • ^4 IN' a . oboooooeooeio -e t- O 0> CO 00 Ot- 0> 00 • c A 00 C4 CO m m • « • CO 5 ^ -• . © -< CD « «o rt t- *• M i-l • CI ^ »- > OQ ^ « e4 O f4 . ; 00 00 (0 ©e^©i-4'«iSfo' • e4 Frf 04 f4 _I ^ I s H O 9 M © >n © © e o 00 CO C4 ^ • A • <*••-< CO Jt- CO • M '• l-l ; ■ . in ic 'H . • C« M M • • (0 -H l-t • • ■ • * O • fO < ^ •« •< • ■ Mem. Sab. and P. A. 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I -I !:i r n aO rH *• MO ^ o^•»-■^) la ^ c4«> ^c-o Ok o<«'M t- CO H<0» too*- 0> OMCO 0) 00 o I—I o ^ - / — -^ — . -*- «0 •\ U5 a . o .o • • .•-■r»mooiaioio o .o rH iia CO • o • • • c<ic~coaoe4«>eii • o • to • • • 0» fH • CO • r-i 04 ^ 04 rH F-t CO lO . C» . » >H f-4 • • • • FH • • • • ^ << .^s s o o o o . •* lO -«*« O o o • • • • • " «" •^5^"° in «o o o 04 o> o o o o o 04 o i lO »H -^ « FH 04 FH FH F4 CO CO CO fe a • o o o . FH^oooeotaooeotn lO o H i Of o • •H I-) «*< • FH'«o>oioo4<aiocoo4co rHrHFHCOFHFHFHFl <o • f4 ^ S • CO ?o a . otaoootaoaocoootaoot'O-^-^ciic^ ^ , F-l 00 8 •Sll o c^co ft- <s-^ nn o >ot' o o vnoc^ a> -f to • • 0> ri « eq CO m rH fH iH i-H fH NN f-t * • 00 CO lO ■Lf oioooe<iaoinrHC4oo .ooo .oooo . . ro4 m iH oi?- o la i-i ro 00 >a lO o o 'Ooo • o co '« o • • • • • • ft 00 fH a<iS iac4<o^'<i<cocoeo^eoo 'Cootco •comi-hco • • • rH O l>l a 1 ft • • • fh < « * C4 ^ O O '^ - O Ci 00 « tf> -i** O ^ O CO c lO OS « 00 C4 • 00 ^ O >0 -co • JCo e^ tf) C4 ^ 0> i£) O CO 0> lO •'^iflOC^- •« • 00 00 f-H W t- -^ ^ ^ 0> 00 oe- 04 CO lO CO <0 F-l «0 0) 11 J>- -COrH rH •<© • C^Wf-ii-lCO 04 04 ■* :^ • • • • • • • • ■<*• o ^^•^^^^^ pj -a . . . . _~ ^ * • a • : :•§« •§S : ; :«*: : B ■ • • • « 5 : :S : •.o o la : c s * : :fe i : ft • • • • -a1 1 "* -* ^ ■ .; gill- o o • o£ : ~ - * i •a JB t« •gal" _« "S '«' V c ft ft OJ » • "O fl - • ill. ■a 1 MHacQ(nHM0Q0QCQHOaj^O0QWQQO^'<J'3{aO* r~- ^-—y— ' «— V— ' ^— v—- — V— "^ V- ' ^— r— ^ - • • • • • - P4 • • • < : n : > »y- H5 Em ij (4 • Si : a o P3 O !z; 1 8 1 • d Hi • • S 8 S5 3 g S • o g m ^ a ^ s • d <1 oa H •? eu O ;. •^' fi Hi 02 <i w ^ • • • • • _ • • • o 1— 1 >■ >■ >.^t>- t* ^S;t* (S(S (SS(^ (§ KMtf H a : : : : g : O •§ P^ J : : g : 2 ; o 3 •I i 1 i 1 1 J 1 o or s e ^: n ^ (2 APPENDIX. 39 *• CO 04 9) 3 3 ■ 3 • m m s CO • CO ta fi o i-i I-* c o » 1 ta 4 CO 00 ea 00 CO o CO o> o C>1 C> I-I C4 in «9 fe» CO o CO o H o 0) >o • o KJ -« • O r-l O • *- CO •-< • t OS - 15 14 9 56 5 70 lO lA 00 CO 1-4 16 11 5 28 7 00 •N CO e« to n '-> CO in o ( - N o >n -< i OJ •1 CO , o o o >o I O O O --I o o o o • ^- rN ^ •-• c* l-l 00 **■ 00 00 • *<• O O CO • • CO CO '^ CO • M O O « O 0> O 00 00 o a> et o oi <o '<<l M M CO , e« s> . . •* 00 • . 11 lO • • • • • • o o • • o in • • 1-t a> ' i-i • to -4l 00 o m o !0 O — 00 o in a CO l— lO CO O <N • T O Ir- O O • ;s Tji 04 CO • 00< 00 lO o 00 O Til ^ la CO -.0 1 ^^ r O "J" O TT o •A lA O O O 04 CO Tj< ^^ iM . 00 t» CO 00 m • CO o '^ CO o CO f-l I-I I-I C9 o m o CO ^- «n o tn ^ o CO o o) c- >0 CO OJ I-I CO 04 1 O ift o »o o O T CO V OJ •-< O CO 04 — 1— 1 m 04 c w m OS ^ lO o 1- rs 1 o M J I- lO -H C4 m 04 o CO o I o o Ifl o o c •1' o CO iO OJ IC5 0> 'OS • 04 • 00 ' o o o c o o O O »^ ^ I-I Ol 04 CO 04 r- i " n . O >A O la 1 CO o o 1^ 1 OS O CO • CO 1 -^ : o o o CO f o (a CO Tf 04 OV ■* « CO o 04 M O t- CO N 04 N ^ I O m N J CO , ?0 co' CO . o •■0, ► t» « a> pl3 M »i:i •J § CQ §■ ra % a •-9 MM a •a o 4> Hi O O 1^ • B * • o • • ja • ••S : • o • I^a :-" . jr <u a a &i o! o •c • • •" ® »H ♦* *a "- E-ieocQ>- 1^ ^ :x, a ; S ' bo ~ CO ..a ■.Pit _^ CO a ja « "fci .2 . « . V to a > ii CO St u O • a • CQ :«• • ^^ • 09 • a 09 CQ tl^ «>•■ > i>^ t»" (►' «> V 4> 9i W V OJ «oa tf « » o o M E-i if- o P O u at . a g M-91J3 S *S ♦J *J ;a J B 2 43 03 a 4> 0* S*-* i -as H CQ 8 M • • fcL • *» *» p» *» 4> 3 S 60 o o B a 08 43 a 03 "oi Ui .0 09 s I 6 g o I I •!; CO I g on 40 APPENDIX. o ^ 2^ ■J ® ■+5 O s ® c^ "S to MO S 3<J 0> *-7 vS M E M B E K S OP €\t €\m\ Sodetg of t|e §mm of ^uron. *•• I^IJPXS. The Right Reverend the Lord Bishop of Hnron. Blake, E., QuC-. Toronto Blake, Mrs. E., Toronto Blake, S. H., Toronto Blake, Mrs.S. Hm. Toronto Blake,MasterW.H.,Toronto. Buckley, T. H., London Cronyn, Mrs., London Francis, Dr., Delaware Francis, Mrs., Delaware Geddes, J. C, Dundas Hellmuth, Yen. I., V. P., London ■Hunt, C, V. P., London Lawrason, L., V. P., London Lawnvson, Mrs., London Palmer, Rev. A., Quelph Smyth, A. O.. London W allbridge,Hon. L.,BeUTille I3VCOIlI»OIlA.TEr> BY CHARTER. Bayly, Bev. B., London Beoher» H. C. B., Q. C, Lon- don Bettridge, Rev. W.» V. P., Woodstock Boomer, Rev. M.,V. P.. Gait Brough, Yen. C. C, V. P., London Township CaulfeUd, Rev. St. G., V. P., St. Thomas Deeds, Sheriff, Simooe Dewson. Dr., Windsor Elliott, Rev. A., Tuscarora Elliott, Rev. F. G., Sandwich Blwood, Rev. B. L., V. P., Goderioh Gibson, Rev. J. C, Warwioh Fauquier, Rev. F. D., South Zorra Goodhue, Hon. G. J., V. P., London Onnne, Rev. J., Florence Jamieson.Rev. A., Walpole Island Jessopp, Rev. H. B., Port Burwell Johnson, Rev. C. C, Clinton Kennedy, Rev. J.. Tyroonnel Lampman, Rev. A., Morpeth Lemon, H., Brantford Mack, Rev. F., Amherstburg Marsh, Rev. J. W., London Monsarrat, C London MnlhoUand, Rev. A. H. R., V.P., Owen Sound Nellos, Rev. A.. Brantford Padfield, Rev. J., Burfbrd Patterson, Rev. E., Stratford Revell, Rev. H., Woodstock Rally, Rev. W. B., Mitchell Salter, Rev. G. J. R., V. P., Samia Salmon, Rev. G., Simooe Sandys, Rev. F. W., V. P., Chatham Smythe, Rev. J., St. Mary's Talfourd, F., Samia Townley, Rev. A., Paris Townley, Mrs., Paris Usher, Rev. J. C, Brantford Vidal, T. G., Samia Vidal, W. P., Samia iH>M:iTTEI> BY VOTE. Armstrong, Rev. D., Moore- town Awty Foljambe, Mitchell Adamson, G., Oil Springs. Baker, Rev. J. S., Wyoming Barrett, T. B., Port Dover Burrows, Col., R. A., Kings- ton Buiiowii Alt Rowan Mills Burrows, D., Rowan Mills Blackburn, S., London Beard^ J., Woodstock Baldwin, Rev. M. S«, Port Dover Bently, R., Katesvillo Bacchus, Stephen, Tyroonnel Blair, J.^ondon Belcher, Rev. S.iThamesford Beatty, J., London Boulby, Dr., Berlin Bryant. H., London Cauifeild, Rev. H., Mitchell Cowan, James, Sombra Cooper. Rev. R. S., Paisley Craft, J. J., Gait Cronyn. V-, London Carmiohael, Rev. J., Clinton 42 MEMBXnSa Shue, Rer. H. P.. Sarnia lotworthy, Rev. W., Mount Pleasant Clark, Antrobus, Sarnia Grotty, H., IngeraoU Claris, Q. T.. St. Thomas Ourran. Rer. J. P., SoutH- atnpton Cronj-n, U., London Cronyn, K., London CaiHtor, James. South Zorra DuBourdiott. S., Baytield Des Barres, Rev. T. C, Dor- chester Station DuMoulin, Rev. J. P., Gait Dyas, J., London Dampier, J. L.. London Davidson, J., Gait Davis, Rev. W., Round Eau Ebberts, H. J., Chatham Ellis, Am London Township Elliot, W., London Esden, W., Sarnia Evans, Rev. W. B., Durham Evans,Rev. H. J.iPort Royal Evans, Thomas, London Fisleish, John, Mitchell FriseUe, Sutton, East Zorra Farley, James, St. Thomas Falls, Rev. A- S., Adelaide Fralich, B., Dingle FiUGerald,Lieut.-CoI.,R.A., London Fletcher, Rev. R., Colchester Frank, C. W., Luoiin Graaett, Rev. E., Simcoe Guest, T. B.^t Mary's Green, Rev. W., Sombra Harris, E., London Hamilton, J., London Harpur, DrM London Harrison, M., St. Mary's Harte, D., Paris Herdsman, R., Onondaga Hicks, Jm Mitchell Hindu, Rev. J. P., IngersoU Harris, Rev. S., Simcoe HiU,S.C.,Hillsboro Hodgetts, Capt., London Hogg, H.C., Munoeytown. HugliM. Rev. T., Dresden Horat, Rev. J., Windsor Hutohinson, Rev. J.Meaford Hugbus. D J., St. Ttiomas Innes, Rev. G. M.. London Jell, R. N.. Preston Johnston, Dr. T., Sarnia Jones. E. R., Sarnia Jackson, M-. Westninster .'ackson, U. F. J.. Berlin Johnson, J., London Town- ship Johnston. H , Goderich Kingstone, A. J.. Warwick Kennedy, Mrs., Tyrconnel Keys, Rev. G., Sullivan Kaina, G. T., St. Thomas Kellogg,Rev. S. B., Eastwood Kingstcno, C. J., Warwick Let'roy, A., Goderich Livingston, W., Delaware Lucas, G., Sarnia Labatt. J. K., London Low, Rev. G. J., Millbank Ledyard, E. T., London McCauehey, J. IngersoU Marsh, li. R., InKersoU Miller, J. B., St. Thomas Mockridge, Rev. J., Port Stanley Mortimer, H., Toronto MoQiT'v. J)., East Zorra McLean. Rev. J.. London. Moore, Miss, Biddulph Manning. R* J., London Mellish, Rev.H.F.,Haysville Miller. H. J., Froomtield Miller, Rev. A. B., Listowell Macklem, Dr., Oil Springs Massingberd, Rev. H., Lon- don Meredith, J. C, London Mitchell. B. A., London Marshall, E., London Town- ship Newman, Rev. E. E., St. Mary's Pearce, J-, Tyrconnel Penton, J. A., Paris Phillips, Dr., London Poussett, P. J. Sarnia Powell, A. London Township Payne, R. a. K., Chatham PoUooh, S.. Goderich Price. S.. Port Stanley Philips. Rcv.S.H., Hillsboro Pope, W.. London Reynolds R.. Amherstburg Rubson, G., London Town- ship Roe, P.. St. Thomas Roe, Mrs.. St. Thomas Roberts. Rov. R. J.. Newport Robinson Judite Sarnia Ryland G. F.,London Town- ship Racey, IS-, Brantf rd. Sanders, Rev. T. E.. Lucan Stephenson, J., Exeter Stephenson, W. H., Port Rowan Smith, J. Sidney, Stratford Scott. G. B., London Schulte, Rev. J., Berlin Shanly, J.. London Sandys, Mrs.. Chatham Softloy, Rev. E.. Wnlkerton Smith, Sheriff, Brantford Strathy. J. B.. London Smith, J. W. P., London Strathy, H. S., London Trivett, l'., Exeter TrivettLMrs., Exeter Tighe, Rev. S., Kincardine Taylor, E. A., London Turvill, W., London Town- ship Thomas, P. W., Goderich | Taylor, Ingram, Chatham | Thompson, T.. London i Vicars, Rev. J., IngersoU ' Vidal, Mrs., Sarnia Wright, Rev. J. T., Wards- viUe Walkington, T., IngersoU Walkington, S., IngersoU WiUson,0.,LondonTownship Winstanley. E.. MitcheU Wilson, Capt. T., London ;i Warwick, J., Sarnia Wood, Rev. W., St. WiHiams Waring. Captain, London Township Tarwood, E. M., St. Thomaa :u4t t»>'^— -•' SM:-t- ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTIONS •V 6? TO TB8 €hmJ& ^mti^ d tJie §imm 0t ^mm. ;* t Li/* Members. rw>^\^N#*»^«^'./*».'».'"w-«^ t Incorporated Members. COUNTY OF MIDDLESEX. LONDON CITY. ST. PAUL'S. t Capt. T. Wilson, (6th year) 5 00 tDr. Harpur 6 00 t Col. Burrows (6th yr.) 5 00 t Hon. Q. J. Goodhue. . 5 00 fBer. J. McLean 5 00 Collected by Mrs. Crony n. t Col. Burrows, B.A. . . 5 00 t V.Cronyn 5 00 t B. Cronyn 5 00 tF.Cronyn <> 00 IE. Blake 100 00 }8. U.Blake 60 00 i Bishep of Huron- ... 10 00 {Mrs. Cronyn 5 00 Collected by Miss Bayly. Mn. Ashboiy 100 tRer.B. Bayly 10 00 Miss Bayly 5 00 t John Beattie 5 00 Thomas Beattie 1 00 t Henry Briant 5 00 Mrs. A. T. Chapman. . 2 00 J.H.Jackson 2 00 t Bev. H. Massineberd 5 00 C.Mahon 100 T. J. McDonough 1 00 tB. A. MitcheU 5 00 W.Morrison 100 Thomas Peel 100 t William Pope 5 00 tJ. B.Strathy 6 00 Robert Waddell 100 tCapt. T.Wilson 6 00 JohnOverell ICO George EUis 1 00 tE. A. Taylor 5 00 tDr.PhiUips 5 00 Collected by Mrs. Ham- ilton. t Hon. G. J. Goodhue 15 00 Mrs. Goodhue 5 00 t Captain Hodgetts . . 5 00 t H. C. R. Bccher. . . 6 00 E.W.Harris 5 00 J. Meredith 5 00 J. K.Labatt 5 00 J. Hamilton 6 00 Taylor 100 E. Rogers 50 Mrs. Usbome 60 Mrs. Braoger 26 Collected by Mrs. Row- land. $ c. Dr. Cattermole 60 iW. Elliot 600 Mr.Eokley 100 " Samuel Gibson. .. . 2 00 " Robert Manley. .. . 100 Mrs. 0. .MoClary 5» Frederick Rowland ... 4 00 Collected by Mrs. Hyman tMr Dyas 500 Mr.Siddons 2 00 Mrs. Kent 2 00 Miss Mitchel 1 25 Mrs. Brown 100 Mr. Parkinson 1 00 " Leather 50 " G Laing 50 Mrs. Cornish 60 Collected by Mrs. Jewell Mrs. Bugler 60 " Code 60 A Friend 60 A Friend 50 Mrs. Griffith 25 " Hill 25 Mr.Jewell 200 Mrs.MoBeth 20(. T.F. McMuUen 10(' Mrs. Oakley 25 *• Reed 100 D. Battle 60 " Benj. Shaw 100 44 COLLECTIONS. Gollected by Miss Best. $c. tT. Evans 500 J. W. Lester 2 00 "R. Hart 100 Mrs.Peters 100 " Coombs 100 " Stiles 50 W. Kent 60 " W. Baskerville.. 25 Mrs. Laing 25 " W. Wright 25 " Niohol 5 F.S.Clarke 100 Collected by Miss Dyas. tG-B.Scott 500 tH.S.Strathy 5 00 tS-Blaokbum 500 C.C.Abbott 500 H.Howitt 500 H. L. Church 100 E.W.Hyman 300 WUUamk. Kains .... 1 00 Mrs. W. S. Smith 100 " E. D. Parke.... 50 Mr. James Brierley ... 2 00 Mrs.BrierIey 200 Mrs. Kirkland 100 Mr. Kirkland 100 E.Main 100 Mrs. W. Bayly 100 Friend 50 Mr8.Platt SO Mr. BalkweU 75 Collected by Miss Has- kett. t Rev. J. W. Marsh . . 5 00 Mrs. Marsh 500 Miss Marsh 500 " H. T. Marsh .... 5 00 » E. S. Marsh.... 4 00 ♦' H. F. Marsh.... 4 00 " D. L. Marsh.... 300 » A. A. W. Marsh. 300 Master G.W.C. Marsh 300 " W.L.E. Marsh 3 00 Miss Haskett 100 CHItlST CHUBOH. tRev. Goo. M. Innes. . . 5 00 Mrs. Innes 5 00 Miss Mary E. Innes. ■ . 1 00 " R. C.Innes 100 "N.McD. Innes... 100 JohnC.Innes 100 tTbomo^ Thompson... 600 Gollected by Miss Seaton. Ic. Mrs. Eldridge 25 J.H.Greer 25 JohnTibbs 25 J. B. Seaton 25 JaneTibbs 15 Mrs. Hunter 35 OoUectedby Mrs. Thomp- son. Mrs. Sudcliff. 10 Mrs. Job Cousins 25 Mrs. Thornton 20 Mrs. McNorton 5 Mrs.Mason 50 Collected by Miss Hortoa Mrs. Brookman 100 Mrs Hogg 25 Mrs. Taylor 100 Mrs. Thompson 1 00 Mrs. Whetter 50 Miss Horton 50 Mrs. Whitehead 100 Collected by Mrs. Mack- intosh Mrs.Bartlett 100 Mr. Philips 75 Mr.Stead 100 Mr. Kennedy 75 Mr. B. Taylor CO Collected by Mrs. Drury. J. Shanly 2 00 J. B. Cooper 100 C.C.Abbott 100 A.S.Emery 100 W.H. Barber 100 W. H. Higginsou 100 W.Robinson 100 DavidGlass 100 William Glass 100 Thomas Drury 100 D.C. McDonald 100 P.C. Barnard 100 J.W.Boyer 100 John Cameron 1 00 Mr.Soatcherd 100 Hon. John Carling — 1 00 Frank Smith lOO Richard W. Johnstone 1 00 Wn. R. W. Johnstone. •' Slater $ e. Mrs. Chambers 1 00 Dr. Woodruff 100 Mrs. Wallace 100 Ch8S.Han8on 100 Mr. Franks 100 H. Chisholm 100 Mr. Butler 100 Mr.Raply 75 W. Warner 62 J.B.Sabine 50 Mrs.Butler 50 Dr. JNelles 50 Wm. Saunders 50 Mr. Scandrett 50 W.M.Dyson 60 Mrs. Parker 50 Mrs. Moorehead 50 J. Whitaker 60 Dr. Cattermole 50 G.Trimble 50 A. Cleghom 50 R. Lewis 60 R.W.Puddicombe.... 50 Mrs. Watson 50 J. Pannel 50 Mrs. BalkweU 50 Mrs. Vigar .... 60 Mrs. Bonfasher 50 Mrs. Priddis. 50 S.Morril 50 S.H.Graydon 60 Mr. Garter 50 A Friend 50 Mrs. Churcher 50 Mrs. Brock 50 AFriend 25 T. Hall 25 Mrs. Slater 50 G.Hali 50 Mrs. Price 25 Mm. Chambers 25 Mrs. Conway 26 Mr. Moore 25 Miss Galpin . -. 25 Mr8.NeweU 25 Mr. Williams 10 ST. JOHN'S chafe;., hubom COLLEOE. Collected by Mrs. Hyman Mr. H. Bartlett 50 G.Brett 50 t James Blair 5 00 Mrs. CoUett 100 Mrs.G.Cox 200 W.Daunt 50 D.Deacon 60 Mrs. Geary 100 " Gill.... 100 tRev.W.H.Hal^n.. 5 00 tVen.Archde'A.Hell- muth 600 Mrs.Hellmuth 600 F. Harding 60 E. M. Heal 100 R.HiU...... 60 0. S. Hyman 60 J. W. Hyman 60 OOLLSOTIONS. 45 f c. W. Loftan 00 Sfias Meyer 100 W. Murphy 50 Mn. Nixon 150 " Nioholl 60 B. 8. Patterson 50 Mn.PhilUiM 26 Mias Shoebottom 100 J.D.Sherman 75 G.U.Squire SO Mrs. Wilson 100 X.Y. Z 10 LONDON TOWNSHIP. ST. JOHN'S CHURCH. Collected by the Misses Johnson. t Ven. C. C. Brough ■ . 5 00 Mis. Brough 100 B.B. Brough 100 Mies W.E. Brough... 100 Mr. Bradshaw 50 " Broadwood 25 " Bougue 25 " Carry 100 " Dempster 200 tMr. ElUs 500 Mr.Esseiy 25 A Friend 60 Miss B.Geary 50 Mrs. Uibblethwaite . . 1 00 John Hillary Hibble- thwaite... • 25 Mary Jane Hibble- tbwaite 25 Nelson Uaskett 25 Mrs. Henderson 100 Miss Henderson...... 50 Miss A. Henderson.. 50 tMr. Johnson 5 00 Mrs. Jackson 50 Mrs. Kent 50 Mr. Luard 300 " McMartm 100 "Mason 40 " John Mason 100 " MarshaU 100 t " E. MarshaU 500 Mrs. Marshall 100 Master J. U. Marshall 100 Miss J. Marshall... 60 Miss Helen Marshall. 60 Mr. O. Shoebottom.. 1 00 Mrs. Shoebottom 50 Henrietta Shoebottom 60 Mrs. B. Shepherd •... 26 Mr. StUes 100 Mr8.Stiles 60 rMr.IorviU 500 $ C. Mr. TambuU 5 00 " Waring 400 " Soandntt 35 " Jenkins 60 Collected by Miss Powell and Miss Shoebottom. t A. Powell 600 Mrs. Powell 100 MissPowell 100 W.Armitage 100 J. Armitage 25 Mr.Willson 30 C.Hudson 25 MissSmibert 25 MissSmibert 25 Mrs. Hetherington ... SO Mrs. Montgomery. ... 85 W.Edwards 25 T.Talbot 60 E.Talbot 25 J. Mitcheltree 25 — Oarmiohael 18 G.Beir 25 J.MoGuffin 25 H.MoGuffin 37 Mrs.McGuffin 25 W.Perkin 25 W.Guest 50 Mr.Winocot 50 Mr8.Harris 25 Mrs. Eraser 25 J. Gowan 25 J.Colbert 25 W.Colbert 50 Mrs.Herbert 10 D.Clair 30 T.Johnston 50 Mr. Carmichael 40 J. Shoebottom 1 00 T. Shoeb«'ttom ...... 100 Mrs. J. Shoebottom.. 75 Mr. Shoebottom 25 Miss Shoebottom 60 W. Shoebottom 50 T. C. Shoebottom .... 50 J. Shoebottom 60 J.Shoebottom 25 Mrs. Shoebottom 25 Mr. J. Shoebottom ... 60 J. Shoebottom 60 Miss Shoebottom 25 H. Ganson 50 Mr.Ardiel 100 Collected by Miss Rout- ledge. Bx)bt. Routledge 1 00 W.Routledge 100 G.Kennedy 100 T.Boutledge 100 G.^Routledge 50 John Boutledge 60 Heniy BouUedge 60 $ c. Thos. Smith 25 John Kennedy 25 T. Armstrong 25 John Long 25 Robt.Gray 25 H. Jackson 25 A. Routledge 60 Collected by Miss Owens Geo. Owens 60 R.Watson 25 B.Ralph 60 Mrs.Selby 50 Mrs. Ralph 26 Mrs. Knapton 60 Mrs. Dunlop 60 Joseph Marsh 25 Collected by Miss M. Lewis and Miss Carrie. W.Carrie 200 J.Carrie 100 Miss Carrie 60 W. Shoebottom 100 Mrs. Shoebottom 25 W.B. Shoebottom... 25 C.Harrison 100 F.Lewis 100 Miss Lewis 1 00 Mr.Lewis 50 J.Lewis 100 Mis. J. Lewis 60 Sarah J. Lewis 25 W. Blackwell 25 W. J. Blackwell 25 J.Mayes 25 Annie Mayes 25 R. Hodgins 25 F. Blackwell 25 R. Blackwell 26 B. Blackwell 25 C.Owen 25 J.Wilson 25 J.Hughes 25 A.Ferguaon 25 Mrs. Fitzgerald 25 Mrs. F. Fltsgerald ... 25 " T.Harrison 2a W.Aroher • 25 J.Howard 25 W.Ardiel 25 Mrs. J. B. Sifton 40 Kate B.Lewis 25 Mrs. J. Harrison 2') T. Blackwell 15 TBINITT CHURCH. t G. F. Byland (6th year). 500 Collected by Miss E. Goulding. Thos. B. Goulding. ... 76 John Kennedy 50 4% OOLLEOTIONS. Robert Hodftlns 50 Geonso Patrick 25 Hugh Kennedy 25 Jamef) Emblinir 25 Mrs. John Taylor. ... 50 John Taylor 50 William Bowc 15 William Patrick 25 Charles Gouldinc — 50 Mrs. Thomas Murphy 50 The Misses Murphy. • 50 John Nelin 25 Robert Hobbs 50 Mrs. Hobhs 25 Mrs. John Feriiruson.. 50 James Murphy 25 Thomas IIoJRins 25 Miss Marva't Hodsins 25 Ralph O'Neill 25 Mary Roberts 50 Mrs. Edward Roberts 25 " David Hodgins-. 25 Collected by Miss Maria Ferguson. Margaret Hodsius — 25 John Stephens 50 James Sinclair 25 iamesBryoe 25 riah Monoghan 25 William Shoff 25 James A. Ferguson . . 25 H. Mcintosh 25 Joseph M. Young 25 Charles Kennedy — 25 Thomas Willis 50 t Geoi-pe F. Rjlaud- . 5 00 Michael MoCann 60 Philo Hughes 25 Collected by Miss Mary E. Frank. James Evans 1 00 W.Frank 50 John Frank 50 Mrs. W.Frank 50 Miss Frank 25 Mrs. Guest 25 R Dagg 25 F.Ryan 25 F.Friar 25 Mrs. D. McRoberts.. 25 James O'Neii 50 Mrs.R.O*Neil 25 J. Ashworth 10 TC. Hodgins 50 W. Colfinan 25 J. McDonald 10 I. Nicolson 10 Mr.Proton 23 8T. OEOBOK'8 OBUHCH. Collected by Miss Mar« garet Robson. $ c. tRev. H. Caulfield 5 00 tGoorgo Robson 5 00 John Bowman 50 Mrs. Bowman 100 Wm. Shipley 50 Thomas Freeborn 50 Mrs. Roberts 50 Harvey Hall 50 Wm.Walkor 50 Robert Robson 25 James Robson 25 Andrew Robson 1 00 Edward Parker 25 Mrs. Wm. Bobson 50 Edward Lialo 20 Collected by Miss Annie Thexton and Mrs. J; Robson. Jeremiah Robson 1 00 Margaret Robson 25 Wm.T. Robson 10 Albert Robson 10 Thomas Blair 10 Thomas Thexton 25 Annie Thexton 25 Lionel E. Shipley 50 Edward T. Shipley. ... 2^ John G. Armstrong. . . 25 JohnBaird 25 Mrs. Thirlwall 25 Arthur Thirlwall 25 AVm.Parker 25 James Robson 25 Robert Robson 50 Charles C. Robson — 10 William Thexton 10 Collected by Miss Hannah Calvert. William Calvert 1 00 Robert Calvert SO Ann Calvert 50 John Robson SO George Robson 50 Ann Robson 50 Reginald Robson 50 Collected by Mrs. Wm. Armstrong. Mrs. Mclntyre • 10 Mr.Laverty 25 AFriend 10 Catherine MoTnekar . 10 William Park 25 Jane Armstrong 50 William Armitronf ... SO Mrs. Charlton 50 AFriend 25 Robert E. Allen 10 Mrs. Tumbull 12 C.McVicker 10 John Lamb SO Deborah Lamb 25 Johanna Atwood 60 AntoinettaC. Atwood. 10 Emma Brown 10 AFriend 10 A Friend 10 Robert Campbell 20 Mr. Henderson 25 Jas. Barnes 50 John Davidson 16 AFriend 12 CABMSLE. Collected by Miss Waugh. Robert Waagh 50 Mrs. Waugh 25 R. Lambert 25 L. G. Shipley 30 Joseph Haskett 1 00 W.Hooper 50 JohnBell 25 Wm.Bosser 25 James Priestly 25 Thos. Merrills 13 ThoB. Stephenson 25 John B. Shipley 1 00 Thomas Rosser 25 ST. mart's, u'cillitbay. Collected by Lewis Ohris. Corbett. JohnCorbett 7 00 Rev. H. Caulfeild 50 Edwin Patching 50 Wm.Macklin 50 George Lewis 25 Wm.Marsh 50 Mary Say 25 Elisabeth Lewis 25 Susanna Sholdice 25 GeorgeSlaok 25 Wm.Lewis 25 Spearman Corbett — 50 Susanna Corbett 50 Angus Dickie 50 Alexander Dickie 50 James Nelson 25 John Henry 25 Alexander Lavetta .... 50 John Wreaner SO COLLIOnONft. 47 $c. Isaao Irwin 50 Angus MoKinnon 25 James MoHugh 26 Joseph Nelson 25 John Urawford Corbett 50 James Thompson 50 Andrew iSrskine 60 A Friend 60 Mrs. MoMui-try 13 Othersums 76 Collected by Miss*Slater. Wm.MaokHn 60 Mrs.MoMurtry 25 James MoMurtry 25 Elisabeth Lewis 25 Mrs. Slack 25 MarySay 25 Mr. Brewer 25 John Watson 15 Joshua Morgan 25 Mrs. Lewis 25 Wm. Lewis 25 Mr. T. Benton 25 Mr8.Tindal 10 Sophia McMartry 25 George Gilbert 25 Clifford Lewis 25 John Lewis 25 George Pezton 25 A.Scott 25 Zelotes Portice 15 Edward Portice 13 Mary Jane Ames 25 Mrs. Hardy 25 Dorothea Rowe 26 Daniel Oaliver 12 Mrs. Sarah Darling ■ ■ . 36 Mrs. Pierce 25 Mrs.Harlton 25 John Brown 5 Thos. Morley 25 Mrs.Slater 25 George Slater 25 Wm. Portice 12 DELAWARE. tW. Livingston 500 Collected by Miss Garnet John Johnston 100 W.Graham 100 D.Johnstone 25 H..Tell 100 J.Henley 100 Mrs. Wold 100 Mrs.D.Seott iS R.Gamett 200 ICUunmond 60 Collected by Miss Bar- well. 9c B. Bnrwell 60 Mrs. Burwell 60 Mrs. Robinson 20 Mr. Faulds 25 R.Price 50 Mrs. H. Price 60 " Bateman 60 W. Cox 60 Mr. Blaquire 60 Mr. PulliuK 25 Collected by Miss Webb. Tom O'Shanter 100 Edward Handy 60 Friend 25 T. C. JaiTis 25 J.Price 25 J. Arnold 25 A sincere Friend 37 Mr.Miller 10 H. Branton 10 Emily 25 K.W. 25 LAMBETH. By Miss S. Beattie. J. M. Bangfaart 25 H.Besc 30 D.B. Burch 25 F.Kato 25 A. G. Deadman 25 H. J. Deadman 25 A. W. Deadman 25 B.Ferguson 25 F. Mewbum 50 A. Bontledge 50 G. Rnutledge 60 W.Routledge 60 Mrs.Routledge 60 W. Thomas 25 J.Thomas 25 R, Thomas 25 R. Thomas, jan 25 J. Uptigrore 25 — Watson 6 By Miss L. Pincombe. AFriend 10 George 25 Leathome 15 Massinder 60 Mrs- Nixon 25 W.Nixon 25 Mn. Pincombe 60 9 0. E. A. Pincombe 2S H.R.Pincombe 26 Trowbridge 25 Vanderburg 30 Mrs. Walters 25 W.Walters 28 THAUKSrOBO. Collected by Mrs. Belcher Stev. S. Belcher •.-. 6 00 ra. Belcher 100 Dr.Dawes 100 S. Henderson 25 J. Henderson €0 J.Martin 25 Mrs.Martin 25 J. Gourley 25 Mrs. McCarty 60 J.Milta 26 J. Johns 60 W.Johns 60 E.Day 25 Mrs. McMurray 25 Mrs. Teetzel 25 W. Golding 25 E.MoCarty 25 E.Cogswell 20 Mrs. Ccgswell 26 J.Snitsinger 25 Collected by Miss Jami- son and Miss McFarlane. Mrs. McFarlane 25 T.Ovens 25 W. McMurray 25 Mrs. Barber 25 Mrs.Teepel 25 Mis. Alderson 26 Mr8.Wallis 26 J.Rupell 26 W. Jamison 25 J. Johnston 25 M.Sutherland 20 M. Macaulay 50 Mn. Ross IS " Counter 25 " Dundas 25 " Halpin 60 Collected by Mrs. Mat- thew Henderson. A.SIeator 60 J. Stainton 25 Mrs. Downham 10 A. Henderson 50 J.Fallows 20 J. Keen 12 M. Henderson 25 J. Tomlinson 25 W. McKey 25 Mrs. French 6 48 OOLLEOTIONS. OnAOE CHUHCB. Collected by Miss Pardj JohnTaylor 100 S.Pardy 50 R.Mahon 60 W.Douglas 50 6. Massey *o M.Barber 50 Mm. Weston ,26 W.Fram 100 A.Frarn 50 W.Fram 25 T. Taylor 80 E.Koarns... 26 W Kirkpatriok 50- J. Kirkpatriok 25 R.Walker 25 T.Walker 26 W. McMartin 25 S.Taylor 50 T. Douelaa 50 W.Gambel 25 H.Cox 26 M.Scott 25 Collected by Miss Morri- ' son. David Foster 50 John Morrison 25 Robt. Barber 20 John Wallace 25 THORN»ALI. Collected by Miss Sted- tnan and Miss Howard. A friend — 10 ^. Stedman 10 E. Faires 25 J. Fitzsimons 60 Hugh Davis 'iiO Henry Fitzsimons — 25 James Dawson 50 Joseph Dawson 50 JohnMcGist 25 John Blow 50 J.Loe 25 J. Fitzsimoni; — ■ ■ ■ ■ 25 Mrs. J. Fitzsimons — 25 " Wheeton 25 " Fox 25 " Dundaa 50 " Colins 20 Miss Thompson 26 Richard Logan 25 ThomasEvans 60 Thomas Stedman — 50 $ c. W.L«e 25 William Dawson 26 W. Cunningham 60 G. Fitzsimons 10 Col ected by Miss Guest. T. A.Guest 100 L. Ardiel 1 00 J. Mossip 60 Joseph MoGufiin 50 Ellen Guest 60 A triend 25 Joseph McGulBn 26 JohnMoGuffin 25 William McGuffin.... 25 Robert Wilson 26 Thomas McLean 26 Thomas Wonaoot 26 .rames Salmon 12 Collected by Miss Love- lock and Miss Holland. William Lovelock • ■ . . 1 00 W. Lovelock 50 W. R. Harding 60 W.Harrison 60 Isaac Ratbbone 60 Mrs. A. Humble 50 James Warwich 60 G. M. Harrison 25 George Holland 26 George Martin 25 G. Logan 25 Charles Roooh 76 Thomaa Harrison — 25 T.Blackwell 26 Robert Gainer 25 Richard Scott 25 Rebecca Logan 25 Robert Lee 25 John McCutohin 25 Mrs. R. MoCutchin ■ ■ 25 " E.Logan 25 " W.Logan 25 " E.Logan 25 " Fitzgerald 25 Mr. Sims 25 Wi liam Molland 25 Mr. Bradley 25 Henry Mossip 25 Donald McTagart .... 25 A friend 25 G.F.Bryan 15 A friend 10 A friend 16 A friend 10 Mrs. G. Fitzgerald- ... 20 " W. Moore 16 James Scott 10 A friend- 5 Mrs, Keast I A friend 1 LAUSIDI. Collected by Mifs Sin- kiM. • «. William Sinking 60 Alfred Sinkins 25 Robert King 60 George King 25 JdwbKing 26 obn Hartley 12 A. H. Fotheringham . - 26 R. Armstrong 60 Mrs. R. Armstrong. ... 60 John Thompson 26 John Brazier 26 D.D.Roae 60 Charles Shrubsole — 60 Isabella Pelton 26 W. Seaton 25 A friend 25 Dominie 26 James Harris 26 David Sturges 10 JohnSturaes 10 Edward Broaieri- 26 Samuel Towlo 26 Gilbert Towle 12 HTowle 25 Alex. S. McKay 26 Mrs. Beams 10 " Hallook 25 " Weston 26 " Truman ^ 26 " Timons f. 1 John Aries Collected by Miss Thorn- ton and Miss Towle. Thomas Towle 26 Henry Towle 26 James Towle 26 Wm.Towle 25 Miss J. Towle 25 " M. Thornton - - - - 25 HughMtClure 26 David MoClure 25 Mrs. Johnston 25 Daniel Qttinn 26 JamesHeid 25 S. A. Swayze 25 Elizabeth Swayze. .... 25 John Marshall 25 William Murray 25 James Potter 26 T.Ardle 25 Peter Craig 60 Poole Macdonald 25 Mrs.Shaw 25 " Ardle 25 " N.Shaw 25 " Patterson 16 Phi ' Macdonald .... 25 Hug ,'. Macdonald 26 John Xhomton 25 R.Thornton 25 Afriend 10 COLLECTIONS. Sin- fiO 2S 60 26 26 12 25 60 60 26 26 60 60 25 25 25 26 25 10 10 26 25 12 26 25 10 26 26 25 12 25 26 25 26 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 SO 25 25 25 25 16 25 ^ A, 25 10 Oollected by Miss Baker. $c. Mrs. Baker 6^ George Kirk 60 Ansus Shaw ?A Mr8. Sutherland 25 JiitnoR Sutherland • • ■ ■ 25 N.P. Alien 60 Mrs. Richardson 25 J.A.Baker CO Mrs. McConkey 50 Charlotte McConkey. . 26 •Tames Dawes 50 .Tohn Manson 25 Sranois Richardson. . . 25 [ary Mitchell 15 Charles Shrubsolo- ■ ■ . 8 David Lore 2S Mrs.Ozfortli 25 $ e. ADELAIDE. ST. ANN'S CIICRCH. Collected by Miss Rad- cliif. Mr. Bishopp 1 00 " Billett 50 "Down 80 tRev. A. S. Falls .... 5 00 James Freele 25 Mr.Ivor 60 Mr. Payne 50 Miss Pennington 25 Mrs.Houlton 25 Mrs.Radclifif 50 STBATHROT. Collected by Mrs. Good- win and Mies Keefer. A Friend 10 A Friend 10 AFriend 25 A Friend 25 Mr. Andrew 25 " Bole 25 " Cane 25 " Cook 25 Mrs. Coy r>0 Dr. Cowan 50 Mr. Chapman "5 '* Dewan 25 " De la Mere 20 Dr.Edwords 25 J.English 25 Mr. English 60 " Forbes 100 ** Ferguson 60 Mrs. (Goodwin 26 Mr. Hill 25 ** Hose 60 " Johnston 2r> Col. Johnston 25 Mr. Kettridgo 26 •' Long 60 '* .1. Ijonfestry.jr.. 60 •* Lemon 25 " Maine 50 Dr. McKellar JIO Dr. Mclntyre 25 Mr, Murray [iO ' Mann 25 " Napper 25 " Archard 25 " O'Dwyre 25 " Pincombe 50 " Richards 25 " Ranley 25 Mrs. Ricnardson 25 " Small ^^n " htonehouse 25 Mr. J.A.Sooon 25 " Stonehouse 25 " Thompson 25 " Thomas 25 •• VanHadin 25 '« Winlow 25 " Young 76 METOALF. BT. IIARY'S CHDRCR. Collected by Mrs. Moyle. Mrs.Beer 100 " Blain 50 " James Large.. ■■ 50 '• R 25 " .TacobBeer ^ W. Purcell 25 H. Hawkins 25 Mr. Richards 25 W.Harris 60 Mr. Jackson 25 Mr. Shearer 25 S. Mollwain 25 J. Richardson 25 J. Hawkin 25 B. Moyle 100 A.Lyons 25 C. Taylor 25 Mr. Course 50 J.Hnghes 25 Mr.Dodd 60 Jos. Hawkins 25 Mr.Smith 25 G.Hull 25 Mr. Dunlop 60 P. Emerick 25 Miss Harris 25 Collected by Miss Large 9 c. Mrs. Sutherland 60 H.Hiok 2S R.Brock 25 T.C Bateman 60 Mrs. Ilendcffcon 1 OO Edward Thomas 25 W.Hawkin 60 Mrs. McCann .60 Anthony Toohill 1 00 J.T.Martyn 50 Edward Large 60 Mrs. Buchanan 25 John Buchanan 25 James Buchanan .... 16 JohnDening 26 Harrison Thompson. . 26 JohnMoColl 25 JohnBowlby 25 Robert Buchanan. ... : 6 Henry Buchanan 26 Hnmilton Buchanan. ■ 12 William Brook 25 John Arthur . 60 Mr. Large 1 00 Miss Large 1 00 NVilliam McCaw 60 Wm. Bundle 60 Eliza Ann Buchanan. 12 Wm. Woods 26 ThomasWoods 60 Mrs. T.Woods 26 Samuel MeClelland... 60 Elias Clothier 25 Mrs. Heagarty 25 William Heagarty — 25 Robert Coroan 25 Mrs. Elisabeth 26 Mrs. Roane 26 Wm.Hick 26 A.MoDormid 25 Robert King 50 Mrs. Wright 26 William Benton 25 James Gardner 50 John Gardner 60 Mary Gardner 25 Elisabeth Gardner ■ ■ ■ . 25 DORCHESTER ST A ION. Collected by Mrs. Peter Hunter. Peter Hunter 60 Mrs. Peter Hunter ... 26 Matilda Williams 26 Mrs. W. Wade 25 George Williams 25 AFriend 12 Joseph Vanston 25 Dorinda Hardy 30 James Hunt 25 AFriend 15 COLLECTIONS. f c Jnr. Itpnlo 10 JniDPH Knfrnn fft Ml*. Alibott I.'i Mr. Abixitt rr. Mrs. Tiiine IT) •' Ridlflr. 25 Philip Hudcmoro '2!'i John Poinfro I'S P. CbiHiek jTi Potor.'^pilnjr... fiO tUov. T. V. Dcf DnircB ft 00 Mr«. DocBiiircti 100 Alex. Parker fO <ieonre lliintor 2fl John Irwin 2A Mrti. Irwin 25 Jfltio Irwin ?.5 I>iidlry Riflfging 20 Mr*. Kent ftO A friond 60 Tol'y T,e Loi^Tc 60 Mrn. Turpin 26 E. WHterinnd 2.'> AV alter Ilnycs % Mrd. ]Inyc8 V\ llliza lluyos — 25 Collected by Miss Huff- man. fleorpe Chittick a*) Joseph Mitrhell 2!^ Charlcfi McClnry r5 Hush McDonald .V) A friend ]0 Nilod Calanau 25 r. 8age 26 C ll.SSha'n 26 ■Mifihard Wado 25 Henry N ilea 2>'^ HARBIKTSVILLK. Collected by Mrs. Tooley Thos. Hodcins 10 Mr. Cooner — ; .'•0 " C. H.8h(iin m " John J. Jelly 50 " John Johneon — .'iO Mrs. Jackson £") Mer<5y.Tni!o Aylsworth 25 Mrs. IDnsterbrook i'5 Fanny Ka^terbrook .. I ThirmT-Easterhrook 5 BichM T. Eas>teibiook 10 Mra. K. Marsh 25 Mr. R. Marsh 25 Mrs. Mahon...<. 2') Mr. M. Thick 12 Mrs. Tooley 100 Richard Tooley, jr.... 25 Wm, S. Tpoloy 25 9 c. JfhnE. Tooloy 2ft K. M.TooIoy .'>6 Mrs. Stritip 2ft Mi^s ll. Thick 26 Rnndle (Irnat .')0 M. AV. Miufh 2ft M. P.Oroat 12 ir. Mourn 8 Mr.WuUaoc £6 Collected by Misa John- Bton nnd Miss Evans. Mr Roneo 26 Mrs. Rouse 26 John Rottso 12 Mrs. Riokard 25 PhilinUickard 26 Mr. Grire 26 Mrs.GHpK 25 Mr. Fitzpntrick 26 Mrs. Fitzpatriok 26 •Tohn Evans 2ft Mrs. Evnns 25 Mai"y C. Evnne 25 John Evnns. jr J3 Martha Evnns 12 Andrew Jelly 26 W.H Jolly 26 Mrs. Jolly £6 Thomas Patterson — fiO A. Barr 2.') Wm. Rarr, jr 26 Mrs. Barr 26 Mrs Duval 26 Andrew Penny 26 Joshua Kindell 2ft .TohnWnllaco 25 Charles W.Johnston.. 25 Eliza M- Johnston. ■ • . 26 Daniel Black 25 Mr. Rickard 25 BELMONT. Collected by lilisa Nu- gent and Miss Tisdale. Mrs. Nugent 60 AFriend 25 Mrs. Wvijtht I.'i RJr. R. Creamer 25 Mr. J. Creamer 2ft A Friend 15 Mrs. Ohnsfead 26 Mrs. F. Cline 25 Mrs. Simpson •.. 10 Mr. Watcher 26 Mrs. M. Prowse 25 Mrf. Waterbury 25 Mi8. McCallum 25 $ c. Mr. J. House 26 Mrs. M'. Krkert 20 Mrs. Walker 26 Mrs. T. Harkness 60 Mrs. Barton 26 Mr. Jolly; 26 AFriend 17 WARDSVILLI. Collected by Miss Ann Ward and Mrs. Luxloy. tRev. J.T.Wright... 6 00 R. J. Hammond '2a Jolin MoConnel 60 Mrs. Paris 26 'IhomasKont 2 00 Mrs. Edward Lilloy. ■ 60 Mrs. W.Neil 50 Mrs. Archer 1 00 H.R. Archer 100 Mrs. T.Kent 60 Friend 10 W.Kiefor 100 Mrs. Widow Ward... CO Friend 25 John H. Munroc 1 00 W. D. Hammond 60 Mrs. Hammond 60 Miss C. F. Dunlop .... 5(1 MissE. Luxley 20 NKWBDRY (WARDgVILLB MISSION.) Collected by Miss Fanny Ball. Miss Ollis 13 Mrs. W. Robinson .... 60 W. M. Clements 15 T.Story 25 Mrs. Smith 25 Tbof. Robinson. ....... 15 W.Gnppy 12 Mrs. Switcher 10 ** Large 60 " Mylno 25 W. Crawford 25 Miss Romese 25 A. Purdy 25 Dr. Melnnis 12 JobnPeurman 40 COLLECTION'S. 51 e c. 25 20 2(5 'Ji 2b 17 lily S 00 '2ii 60 :?6 200 SO 50 1 00 100 60 10 1 00 CO 25 100 60 50 50 20 la 60 15 25 25 15 12 10 50 25 25 25 25 12 40 OLB-iOOl (WAROSVtLLB « MISSION). OoUeeted by Mlas Weeks. John fl. Walkar 60 ohnFord 20 William Watterwortli 25 Qeorite U'eeki 1.'5 Willlnm Cudo 10 John Campbtlt 25 Daniel Cameron 25 John Moi'ohead 25 Alexander Lutoh 25 A. .MoDouguU 2;> Mn.Goohrm 23 Eliiabeth Walker .... 60 John Walker 60 ^. Gurrie 100 Isaoo Walker 25 Mark Walker 25 H.J. Walker 26 JohnMoilae 100 D. Patton 1 UO Mrs.Philips 50 J. McCraoken 60 johkbtom's sgttlimknt (wabosvilli mission). Oollected by Miss Sbep- perd and Miss C. Jobn- ston. Hugh Johnston 50 Wm. Shepherd 60 Francis Cox 60 Celia Armatrong 50 Isaao Brown 25 Mrs. Nash 10 a. L.Elliott 60 S.aritRths 25 Jas. Swallvell 50 A. Duncan 25 «.(*. Ward 25 Francis Cox.jun 25 John Powell, jun 25 Wm. Powell 25 Qeorge Armstrong .... 25 Angus Smith 25 Daniel Smith, jun 25 Mark McMaster 25 William Martinson .. 25 Mrs. Beamish 25 Mrs. Smith 20 J ames Johnston, jun • • 25 Mrs. Wm. Johnstcm.. • 25 " O. Johnston . • ■ • 25 " BuU 25 MU.VCEY TOW.V. ST. JOHM. til. C. Hogg . $ a. SOD Collected by J. Francli. Rayntond Brant 50 Susanah Fi'onoh 23 JobnFt'onuh ^0 James Fintrer 25 JohnHonry 1.00 Adam Halfday 25 Abratn Sagaraah 2!'> Qeo. King 25 TV'iiiiam King 25 Maria King 25 JohnRiley 100 St. John Ri Joy 20 Betsy Riley 1 00 Nancy Riley 15 Jacob Riley 12 ONBIDATOWN. Collected by W. Doxda- tor. William Doxdator. ■ ■ ■ 1 00 Aaron Cooper 25 Simon C.John 25 James Hill • H Thomas Charles 10 Wm. Doxdator, jr. . . . 12 James Farmer 10 Elizabeth Thomas. ... 25 Esther Doxdator 12 Susan Doxdator 13 Aaron Thomas 21 Elizabeth Thomas .... 4 John Jones 4 Jane Fanner 12 Jacob Antone 4 COUNTY 0? 81\MT. BRANTFORD. ORACB oncnoiT. $ e. EJ Brollirtur 5 00 AlisM D.inricli 4 0<) II J. Jonus 2 00 R. Gorman oO E.U. Wood 4 00 J. Thurbtirch 10(1 W.B. Hurst 2 00 F.Watt* 100 A. Watts 2 00 C.Watts 400 P.O. Hardy 100 T. U. Mu.Mahon 2 00 tShoriff Smith 5 00 J. Read 2 00 M. Cariieagie 2 UO T. Townsend 1 00 E.Bunnoll 100 (l.Newton *>0 tU. Racoy 5 00 C. H. Stokoo 1 00 Mr8. Patrick 611 Mi's. Catton 2 0(> P. IlarriHfin 50 Mrs. F. II Leonard.. 50 W. Muduo 100 M. Voatman 50 tKov.JftH.C. Usher. .. 5 00 Arthur Usher 100 Warren Totton 100 Mrs. Smith 50 Mrs. Daores Ilart .... 5 00 tU. Lemmon 5 00 F. Jones 1 00 PARIS. J. W. Acres 2 03 Mrs. Acres 1 00 D.H.Allison 100 E.Burnham 100 Mrs. Bosworth 1 00 N.A. Bosworth 100 Chas. Btewett 25 Mrs.Brown 100 H. B.Benedict 50 W. H. Canron 100 Thos.Clarke 100 Mrs. Clarke 50 Mrs.Cole 20 Cash 50 52 COLLECTIONS. I $ c. Wm.Fnssoll 100 Mrs. Oeorge 50 F.H.Hayoock 2 00 A.P.Hopkins 100 Hoffman & Schaffer. ■ . 50 W.Howson 60 W. Jerread 25 C.Knight 50 Thomaa Mawgon 50 t J. A. Penton 5 00 H. Penton 100 F. Ponton 60 U.Penton 25 Mrs. Patterson 50 W.(i. Powell 100 John Punkridge 100 J.A. Pettit 60 A. Patton 60 J. Rispin 150 T. A. Richards 50 Mrs. Richards 60 Mis8."iohard8 60 Scott 100 Thos. Stevenson 50 Mrs. Stevonsuu 25 Wm.Sharpe 100 Georiro Stanton 2 00 Mrs. Stanton 2 00 Wm. Stiinton 60 tRev. Dr. Townley. ... 6 00 tMrs.Townley 6 00 H. Teskey 25 NamanTotten 100 Thos, H.Tate 100 Dr. Terry 100 Wm. White 100 W.H.yanIncen 100 BURFORD. Collected bj Mra. R. 0. Gage. Joseph Miles 1 00 J.A. Smith 50 Mrs.Smith 25 Jas. Thomas 25 Mary Brown 25 H. Lyman 25 Jos. Eddy 25 Mrs. Burton 25 Jennie Burton 2S Mrs.E.Flook 60 Eliaa Simmenban — 50 Mrs. Eddy 1 00 Mr.Bddy 100 Mrs. Simmerman . • • • 1 00 J.Moore 50 Mrs. Moore 25 " Elliott 100 MariaEUiot 25 RO-Oage 2 00 Mrs. Gage 100 Alice S. Gage 25 Maggie C. Gage 25 NOBTHFIKLO. Collected by Mrs. Bow- mbti. Paul Huffman 100 David Huffman 100 L. T. Whittaker 100 Peter Bowman 50 Mrs. Bowman 25 Collected by Miss Lloyd Jones. Mrs. G. Lloyd Jones- ■ 1 00 U. MoAlister 60 Mrs. Allen 50 Miss J. Cairns 20 P. Townsend 25 Anna Miles 25 Libbie Jones 25 A friend 25 J.C.Tisdale 100 Mrs. Tisdale 50 Mrs J. Gidney .... 50 U. G. Townsend 50 Mrs. G. Waters 25 Collected by Miss Holder G.W. Holder 60 Mrs. Holder 50 A friend 10 M. D. L. Tisdale 25 Mrs. Nelies 25 " Green 25 " Rowe 25 J. Brown 25 Mrs. Lawrence 25 Nelson .Temsley 25 George Brown 10 Jas. Holder 20 Collected on Burford street 5 06 WEIH'S SBTTLtUlNT. Collected by Wm. Mills. William Rixon 100 Mra. Wm. Rixon 100 James Rixon 1 00 Mra. James Rixon — 1 00 " Seoord 60 " J. Seoord 50 $ c. Robert Thomas 50 * Rioh'd Stevenson .... 1 00 Mary Ann Farrington 1 00 Wm. Farrington 50 Henry Weir 100 George Weir 100 John Stevenson 1 00 Mra. Jno Stevenson.. 25 Wm.L- Mills. 60 MT. PLBASAMT. Collected by Mrs. Dr. Cooke. • Mrs. Cooke 1 00 Robert Eadie 50 A. MoClausland 25 John Bingham 60 Mrs. Raoey 60 " Waltera 60 Mr.Cooper 100 Collected by Miss Helen Smith. John Toyne 60 Russell U. Gage 25 Mra.F.Snider 25 Mordeoai Westbrook . . 25 James Soott 25 Joseph- Roberts 25 Thomas Hall 60 Edward Hall 25 Walter Hall 25 (George Snider 25 Mra. M. Westbrook ... 50 Sarah Shelden 25 Mrs. John Vivyan. . ■ ■ 25 Collected by Miss Sarah Perrin. Mr. Cooper • • 50 Mrs. Hiram Phelps ■ . 25 " Mott 25 James Hetor 25 Mre.Oxley 12 Solomon Phelps 13 OAINSVILLE. 8T. mart's OBCRCH. Collected by Misses Ma- cartney and Augusta Smith. Sylvester L. Smith. ... 100 I » COLLECTIONS. 53 I \ ■ ^- $ c. Mrs. I. B. Smith 100 Mr. <fe Mn. Macartney 1 00 Roberts. Bown 2 00 J. 8. Minsyies 50 Joaeph Thomas fiO Mn. J. Thomas 25 Miss Thomas 25 Sophia Thomas 12 Wm. J. Thomas 25 Charles Thomas 25 J.S. Thomas 25 H. A. Thomas 12 Mrs. Hildrod 25 W. W. Hildred 25 Samuel Squira 100 Mrs. S. Squire 50 Peter Westbrook .... 1 00 P. Westbrook, jr 25 Mrs. John Westbrook 25 '• John Orr 50 " Gronny 50 F.J.Orenny 25 MissMordue 40 A. S. Cruikshank — 25 B. F. Sheppard 50 John File 25 Mrs. Malaohi File.... 50 Mrs. Carey 25 WiUie Allison 25 Oehasi Carpenter .... 25 Mrs. Wm. Beemor. ... 25 " Browett 25 " Clarke 25 " J.Clarke 25 •• John Reid 25 Mr. Warbrick 50 " Whiting 25 " Bennett 25 " Griffin 25 W.J. liovejoy 30 Wm. Flett 25 John Riepin 50 W. Duncan 25 Mrs. Hobson 25 MissJardin 12 AlontoMott 25 A friend 10 ONONDAQA. tR. Herdsman 5 00 MOHAWK AND TUSOAROBA. tRev.A.EUiot 5 00 Mn.ElUot 3 00 J.S.Kinnton 5 00 Isaac HUl 100 Hiram Johnson 50 Amelia Anderson . ■ ■ ■ 1 00 Oehwd Carpenter . ■ ■ ■ 2 10 $ c. H. Andrews 50 C.Styres 60 James StyroH 100 Mrs. P. Smith 50 G. H. M. Johnson ... 1 00 Mrs. Johnson. ■ 50 Mrs. Isaac Hill 50 Jesse Cusiok uC MaryArmstrnnK 50 tRev. A. Nelles 10 00 tRev. R. J. Roberts . . 6 00 Mrs. Roberts 100 Joseph Carpenter 1 00 Mrs. Caritenter 50 Isaac Lewis 50 John S. Johnson 1 00 H. Staats, jr 50 Anthony Miller 1 .50 Mrs. Miller SO James Bateman 1 00 Thos. McLean 100 D.B.Rolston 50 Robert R.Bown 100 Wm. Street 33 Isaac Barefoot 1 00 Mrs. Barefoot 1 00 Wm. Hill Jacket .... 37 John W. Hill 50 Albert Anthony 50 John Beaver 1 00 George Moses 1 00 Cornelius Moses 1 00 Sarah Moses — 100 Margaret Moses 1 00 John Latham 1 00 Hannah Anthony — 50 Henry Snake 50 Hannah Minture 50 Nancy Douglas 50 Susan Douglas 50 Michael Anthony — 50 Jane Williams 50 James Peters 50 Eliza SiiDons 50 Soobie Latham 1 00 Middleport S S. chil'n 1 00 Susannah Latham — 50 SilviaPetors 50 Sums of 25o.and under 29 (34 R. W. Mutchmore.... 50 James Beaver 25 Y.L.Beaver 25 COUNTY OF BRUCE. SOUTHAMPTON. Collected by the Misses Proudfoot. Mrs.Calder 50 " Conaway 25 Mr. Cooper . 55 $ c. MrsClarke 25 " Hilbert 59 Mi!<s K.Lee 25 Mrs. Lindsay 60 P. Proudfoot 1 00 Miss Proudfoot 25 " A. Proudfoot. ... 25 Mrs.Roborts 100 " Slocombe 25 Miss Sidney Thorpe . ■ 1 00 Collected by Miss Forrest Mr. Bowes 95 •' Cobb 1 00 Mrs. T. Davis 50 Mr. Davis 25 " H. Douglass 25 Mrs. A. Fritfior 2» Mr. Forrest 25 Miss Forrest 26 Mr. R B Forrest ... 25 '• C E Forrest .... 12 Miss M. B. Forrest. ... 13 " E A Forrest.... 12 Mrs W GUbert 50 " John's 25 Mr. Frederick King . ■ 1 00 Mis a Laurie 13 Mr and Mrs Lee .... 1 00 Miss Morton 12 Mia. MoKenzie 25 " G Smith 25 Dr.Scott 60 Mrs Turner 25 » Wilson 50 ARRAN AND PARTS ADJA« CRNT. tRev.J. P. Curran... 5 00 Collected by Mrs. Gra- ham and Miss M. Mary Riddel. Mrs Riddell 100 Dr. Francis 1 00 MrLinton 100 Mrs Morton 60 Mr.Pymm 60 Mr. Morrow 50 Mr Thomas Cairns . 40 " James Graham ■ ■ 50 " John Hall 60 Mrs.Dyer 26 " Thomas Clark • • ^ Miss Carlisle 26 u OOLLECTIONd. I Mrs. Chesterfield •••■ " John Trelfer, ten *' Marmion Miss Martha Diok .... Mrs Lego Miss Coleman c. 25 25 26 10 25 60 OoUected bj Miss H. Morrow. William Aoheson — 25 Wm Grandy 25 Ellen Box, jun 25 JohnHarran 25 James Harran 25 Edward Hineman — 25 Mary Ann Hineman . . 25 Isabella Harran 12 JHHenry 25 Thomas Leslie 25 Qeo Langstaff, jnn — 25 Joseph LangstaJBT- 25 MrsGLangstaff 25 Mr Wm Morrow, sen ■ ■ 25 Mrs Wm M Morrow . . 25 John Brinkman, jun. . 25 John Langstaff 25 John Sanders, sen — 25 George Morrow 25 Andrew Moran 25 Anne Morron 20 Isabella Moran, jun ■ . 10 Robt Morrow 12 Anne Morrow 13 John Moran 25 Mary Moran 13 Robert Moran 12 Isabella Moran 13 Mrs Anne Moran, sen . 17 Thomas Moran 25 Ellen Moran 13 Andrew Moran, jun ■ • 10 Mary Ann Moran — 10 William Perry 25 WmTippens 50 Collected by Miss Mary Ann Nelson. Wm Squire 1 00 John Nelson 25 Johanna Nelson 25 William Nelson, sen . 25 Mrs Nelson, sen 25 Samuel Nelson 26 William Nelson, jnn. . 10 Mary Anne Nelson ■ ■ ■ ■ 25 Dorothy Balmer 25 David Casoaden 25 JaneCascaden 25 Dngald Curry 25 MrsGebott 25 Archibald MoKUlop.. 25 Martha Jane Porter. . 12 $ C. Mrs.Powell 50 " Wane 26 Margaret Rushton — 25 WALKERTON MISSION. HANOVKR STATION. Collected by Miss Ker- nahan. Henry Hughes 25 WLawson 60 W Hughes 15 BSwitzer 25 Mrs W A Davis 26 DMoDonald 25 John Hughes 25 John Young 25 Robert Marshall 25 Collected by Mr. Thos. O'Neil. T HO'Neill 25 Geo Cooper 50 H Patton 25 JohnO'NeiU 25 James Pritohard . — 50 Elisa H Rowden 5 Ann A Rowden 5 W R Rowden 6 Collected by Mrs. Cun- ingham and Miss Hall. Moses Warner 10 WSeott 62 Friend 50 DMoKay 25 JA Wilson 25 J McFarlane 25 Mrs Ashdown 25 Pamelia Moares 25 Wm Bartleman 25 John Bartleman 25 GStewart 25 MrsCDavis 26 Friend 20 T Jamieson SO John Noble 26 John Johnston 26 G Landerkin 60 t e. D Campbell 16> SNorHwortby 25^ Friend 25 CHahn 10,' Mrs MoGann 30 P Lantcnsohlager — 80 EA Goodeve 1 CO CFGoodeve 100 D Stephenson 25 Wm Stephenson 25 Mrs McKally 25 SBrehm 25 RClement 10 Mrs Coppinger 25 Mrs Schumann 10 Friend- 25 C Telford 12 WHall. jun 50 Mrs John Johnston. ■ 50 WALKSnTOM. tRev E Softley 6 00 MrHall 100 Mrs Armstrong 22 Mrs Barnet 25 Mary Ann Bother — 25 W Brown.... 25 James Brooelbonk — 25 Wm Collins 50 John Chambers 2 00 H Davidson 25 Friend 10 James Flett 12 Friend 1'5 James Flenty 25 Two Friends...., 60 RJGeary.., 25 James Hutton 25 Mrs Hartley 23 U Hartley 25 J R Jamieson 25 Joshua Jamieson .... 25 WmKnapp 12 Wm Logan 25 Robert Lookhart .... 25 Mr McLean . . ; 25 Mrs Malone 10 JamesMyler 50 David Moore 25 Thomas Richardson.. 25 R Sutherland 25 JSmith 28 Hugh W Todd 25 James Waterson 50 T Wilson 50 UAWilson 25 Louis Nipper 10 Andrew w ilson 25 James Wilson 50 Collected by Miss Mary A. Rivers. CSmith Richard Rivers 25 50 COLLECTIONS. S5 15 25 25 10 30 80 100 100 25 !■ t 25 10 25 12 60 50 25 25 25 25 50 100 25 10 12 1:5 25 60 25 25 25 25 25 25 10 50 25 25 25 28 25 50 60 25 10 25 50 . "■ $ c. Mary Ann Rivers — 10 A Uurnham 25 John VV allace 12 TMcCoiinoll 10 WDeinroy 25 John Baxter 25 Wm MoConnell 50 kidd's school uous Collected by Miss M. A. Nixon. James Bell 25 A Brown 25 Sarah McCormick.... 12 James Craig 12 Isabella Foetor 10 Biohard Harrison — 25 Marie Mclntyre 10 JohnKidd 25 George Ringlet 10 John Nixea 28 Mrs Nelson 12 Mrs Rebecoa Nixeu . ■ 20 Mary Ann Nixeu — 10 Wm Quigglcy 10 I as KINCARDINE. ALL gAINTS CHCBCH. By A. G. Brown. ^.r-sl Thomn« Shclton 12 Samuel Avery 20 Samuel Shelton 13 John McCullough • • • . 25 Andrew Godfrey 26 John Evans 10 Mrs John Holmes • ■ • ■ 12 GeorgoRichardson.... 10 Patrick Quinn 13 John Norman 15 George Beoton 25 Mrs Geurge Becton. . . 13 John Browning 10 John Merry, jun 25 Wm MeiTitt 50 By Miss Rooklidgc. I c. Do Witt Martyn, M B. 100 tStearneTighe, AB.. 5 00 T Winter 50 Afriend u. 25 Thomas Wilson 50 Robert Wilson 60 DavidSmall 10 R Mcintosh 50 TGRooklidge 50 Francis Walker 60 Nelson No woombe---- 25 MrLang 25 'iss Smith 25 'lii'don 60 . r. - Bridges 25 , ;';; 25 <. ..b Mercer 25 RS 25 Mr Browning 25 By Mrs. Baird. Mrs Mercer 25 " Barnes 50 " Baird 60 A3 100 Thomas Baird 25 Nelson Nowoombo- ... .25 Mrs F Walker 10 Robert Walker 25 MrsTighe 50 PINE RIVER. ST. LUKB'S CUDBCa. Collected by Mrs. G. Humphrey's. Mrs Catherine Soott. 50 " Scott 85 Mr Campbell 25 Mrs Courtney 25 " Nesbett ^ " Oreenham 60 Mr Groonham 60 " Fraser 26 Mrs E SmeltBor 25 " LHumphreyt ■•. 35 Joseph SmeltzQr 25 Collected by Miss Ruth Wilson. f c. William WiUon 60 Mrs W Wilson 80 JohnMoTavish 25 Christopher Martin •. 25 Joseph Smith 50 Angus McCharles • ■ ■ • 1 00 John Curtain 25 James Sproat 25 Mr Christopher- 25 Mrs Christopher 10 Thomas Martin 60 William Featherson . . 50 Marfaret McDonald • • 25 Wiihani Wamsley — 60 Robert Martin 60 Robert Peacock 50 Mary McDonald 60 J.BeU 10 Joseph Peacock 50 John Stewart 25 JohnPeacock 50 Mr Emmorton 25 SamEel Blair 25 Henry Featherson • • ■ ■ 25 Collected by Misa Gam- ble. JauKjjj Hawkins 60 John Hicks 50 Mrs Emmorton 25 Frederick Tilley 50 Afriend 35 Gteorge Blair 50 Afriend 50 Miss Sharpe 25 Elisabeth Gamble • ■ . . 25 Collected by Mrs. John Hunter. Edward Hunter 25 Mrs Edward Hunter-. 25 John Hunter 25 Mrs John Hunter — 25 BERVIE. ST. JOHN'S CHURCH. Collected by Miss M. J. Dagg. Mary J. Dagg 26 WiUiamPagg 60 a!- '•I 56 COLLDOTIONS. !l $ c. Nathaniel Bradley- • ■ • 25 Dr Bradley 1 00 Susan Thompson 25 Mr Colvillo 100 Matilda Stringerfl — 14 Samuel Ncedham — 20 PAI8LKY MISSION. Collected by Mi^tses B. Orchard and A "Vance. MrsBaird 25 " Brighty 50 Miss Bowers 25 MrsTBradley 25 Mrs J Cooper 25 " Bowling 25 Mr Featherstonhaugh 25 MraFuUer 25 MrPieroe 25 Mrs Porteous 25 " Robertson 25 STRowe 50 Mrs. Saunders 25 Mr. Sergison 25 MrsSergison 25 Miss Smith 25 W State 25 BOKTOBD'B 8CH00L-H0DSK. Collected by Misses Mary Ann and Sarah Jane Hunt. William Boddy 25 John Boddy 25 James Boddy 25 Miss Boddy 12 Patrick Garland 25 John Hunt 25 Elizabeth Hunt 25 Master John Hunt — 12 Maiy Ann Hunt 12 James Hill 25 FMay 25 J May 2i5 Elizabeth McCoy 25 John McCoy 25 Thomas Todd 25 bearvam'S station. Collected by Misses H. Hope and I. Maxwell. $ e. Thos Floyde 26 Friend 25 Friend 25 Poter Hope 50 Hannah Hope 50 Margaret Hope 25 Margaret Kirkwood.- 25 John Patterson 25 CMcManus 30 Isabella Maxwell • • • . 60 COUNTY OF ELGIN. ST. THOMA." Collected by Mrs. Oaul- feild. tRev St Oeorge Caul- feild 600 tJames Farley 6 00 Id J Hughes 5 00 Samuel Ivor 2 00 Mrs JLuke 1 00 William Martin 100 Mrs Martin 100 TD Warren 2 00 AJAUworth 100 Thomas Williams .... 1 00 J RapeUe 50 MrsVail 60 Mrs Pearoe 25 Mrs WesUake 20 A friend 25 HF Ellis 100 Collected by Miss Erma- tinger and Miss Whit- comb. C Lawrence 1 00 Xhomae Arkell 1 00 J Mann A. la) MrsCole 60 William Neal 60 Mrs James Mitnhell ■ • 60 A J Allworth, Jr 60 S c. JECmisa 25 CWHarte 25 J Hillis 26 Collected by Mrs. Man- deville. Mrs MandertUe 100 " Futoher 100 " RBNioholl 100 CDPaul 100 MrsTFntcher 60 J Gnsack 60 G Ermatinger 60 Mrs Stanton 60 " Potteoary 25 " OLawton 25 " Casaok 25 John Crocker 25 Mrs L Thompson 60 Collected by Mrs. Askew SEMTarwood 5 00 IGaldwf/ll..v 100 Edward florton 1 00 JLCraVford 100 Thos Mac t^s.'tney 1 00 Chas Askew 60 Mrs Bates 60 WESTMINSTER. OHBIBT OHCKOH. Mrs Wright 25 " Erington 25 John Jarmain — 26 Mrs Shore 26 RFSmith 26 MisaSmith 100 Maiy Biddulph 26 JShore 25 JCTester 60 Vioars Fisher 25 MrsFisher 26 PhilipSmith 60 Kate Going 25 Henry Bonnet 25 Mrs. Edward Wright . 25 Walter Smith ^ 100 Augustine R Smith • • • 26 MrsJackson 25 Minohin Jackson ••.. 60 Letitia Jackaon 13 aryEJaokion 12 iisMShore 25 OOLLIOTIONB. 67 , I I ,' By Mrs. Hountford. Yimn Fisher 25 Mrfl Fisher S5 wRCurey 26 James Mpuntford — 1 00 Mrs James Mountford 50 " iJewis 60 *' Legijr 60 " Cook 60 *' Bnrbfhistle 60 Thomas Weldon 1 00 William Taller 60 Thorn aa Dawfoo 25 Jonathan DawsoD • . • • 60 gugh Mfl«phersoa . . • • 60 shertMoCally 25 aaoois Jones 1 00 nsTMeddiee 26 Bj Miss Hopkins. James Hopkins 60 Mrs Hopkins 60 Charles Hopkins 25 Mary Hopkins 26 John Hopkins 25 MrsSewell 60 Oeorge Anokland — 26 JohnMeCully 50 JohnMDrake 25 William Undsay — 25 John Lindsay 50 Thomas Lindsay 60 John Lindsay, jun • . • . 1 00 MrsGafeny 60 Ifni B Lindsay. 60 PORT STANLEY. OHBIST OBCRCH. Collected by Mrs. Holm- TTOod and Miss Hemp- hill. tSamuel Price 5 00 tRevMr Watson 5 00 WHohnwood 100 Mrs Holmwood 50 Miss Holmwood 60 Master W Holmwood. 25 MrsMiller 50 JElHson 200 Mr Groat 50 Mrs B Thomson 50 " BThomson 50 SissHemphill 50 rsTennant 60 rGann 60 % c. Mrs Gnnn 60 " Chandler 60 " Batt 60 " Shepard 50 " Minor 25 " LonB 26 " SEdKoomb 25 MrWebb 25 GeoLIwd 25 Mrs P Thomson 25 " JFindley 25 " Liyincston 26 " EadT. 25 *' Strathder 25 " AMonroe 25 " JWaddel 25 " ALighten 25 " GHemphiU 25 OMattise 26 Mrs MeCorqaodale.-. 26 A friend 10 MraDuften 26 " Bradbury 60 " Martin 10 A friend 10 MrsMattocks 16 MissTisdale 26 A friend 26 MrTremain 26 TTBOONNIt. OoUected by Mrs. John Kennedy. tMr Backus 5 00 Andrew Backus 1 00 MrsABaokns 100 Mrs Robert Brown — 25 Afriend 25 Mr Fox 50 JFrome...- 25 tRev John Kennedy. . 5 00 tMrs John Kennedy- . 5 00 MrsLiberfy..... 25 MrMitoheU 100 MrsMitdiell.. 100 Malcolm Allum : 1 00 Mrs Thomas Morish . . 50 " Richard Morish. . 25 Mr Richard Morish ... 25 Mrs Thoinas More. • . • 25 MrsOrchard 26 tJohnPearce 5 00 Mrs John Pearee apd family 2 00 Mrs Pearoe and Tam'y 1 50 Mrs Thomas Pearoe. . 1 00 Thomas Pearee 25 Mr Stewart. 100 Mrs Nothen 25 " Waldron 25 GoUeeted by Miss Backus and Miss Bobier. te. John Brown 1 00 Mrs. Stephen Backus. 60 Joshua Bobier 100 Mrs. John Bobier 60 Alfred Bobier 12 Richard Bobier 20 RobertBaokus £5 Mrs. Robert Backus- . 25 Willie Backus 1 Freddie Backus 1 Mrs.Crane 100 Mrs. Kcrsick 25 John Sanders 60 POBT BUBWIIiL. tBey. H. B. Jessopp . . 6 00 rntOiXi. OoUected by Mrs^ Mock- ridge and Mrs. Mc- Gormick. tRev.J.Mookridge. . 5 00 Mrs. Mockridge 1 00 Mrs.Cassey 2 00 Mrs. MoGormick 100 Mrs. Dr. Gustin 100 Mrs. Cochrane 100 W.B. Burgess 60 Levi Fowler 26 Samuel Tubby 25 John Partridge 25 Wm.Partridge 25 Dr.Fulton 25 Mrs.Boughner 100 Mr. Medoalfe 25 M.Blackwood 25 Mrs.Wm. Arkell 100 Ed.Bnrwell 100 Chas. Edmunds 50 Hannibal Burwell. ... 1 00 Mrs.Col. Burwell .... 60 JohnOrehard 25 AmasaWood 100 mi y J III 68 OOLLECTIONS. COUNTY OF E88EX. AlfHIRBTBCBO. IReT.F.MMk 8 00 j.Oordoa 10 00 Collected by Misses Rich- ardson and Gornwnll. Mr. Stronts 1 00 " Anderson 100 Mrs. Peto 1 00 " Horaeman 1 00 Major Crawford 1 00 Major LoTosoonte 1 00 Mr.Boure 100 Mrs. Bell 100 GaiitDoherty 100 Mr. Cole 60 " Reynolds 60 " Harvey 60 " Menzies 50 " Maeganell 50 " Ayres 50 ** Templeton 50 " Bmwn 60 " Baker 50 F. Bmwn 50 Mrs Mean 25 " Letocett 20 Miss E.Stokes 25 Mr. Meek 25 Mrs- Young 25 Mr. Borrowman 60 " Ksne 25 Friend 25 Friend 12 Mr. Braee SS " Hamilton 1 00 Mrs. Lambert 1 00 Mii>8 Riohardson ?6 Friend 10 Friend 10 Mr.Kolfnge 100 Mr8.Ko]fnRe 50 " Gordon 2 00 Collected by Mr. J. Wil- kinson. .T.Wilkinson 25 Mr.Hyde 13 " Sample 12 " Tonnett 25 " Booth 20 " Kerr 10 " Dawson 10 '* MoKnight 8 •» Piver 8 Mr.Poooek 25 " Viney 26 " Wjolridw 25 " England 25 " BiTCB 20 " O'Callahan 25 J.Dunbar 25 Collected by Miss Petty- pieca and Miss Harling. .T. Bailey 60 Mrs. Bailey 60 *' Peltypieee 60 Mipn Pettypieee f T. Honner 16 Mr.PolIrtok 60 W. Hnrling 80 Mm. Harling 50 MissHnrling ?S " Colbrm 2S W. Pettypieoe 60 R. Golden '0 Mary .T. Bailey 60 Mrs. A. Bailoy 25 W.Allen 15 E. W. Honner 60 Mi(.d Campbell 25 Friend 25 Mrs. .T. Pettypice 60 Misp Borrowman 25 W. Borrowman 25 Mrs. A. McGee 25 " Smith 60 " Marhew 25 " J.Mason 60 Friend 11 Mrs. Fid«idale 10 MissRidsdftle 10 Mrs. A. Pettypieee — 18 SANDWICH. BT. JOHN'S OHUROH. Collected by Miss Grant and. Miss G. Elliott. Capt.Arm8lronftR.C.R 1 00 Mm. AUis«n 60 C. Bertenfhaw. ■ ..... 25 Mrs.W. Biiby 60 Mrs. Chewetk 50 Miss Chewett, per a friend 50 Miss Cowan 60 Mrs. Dnbson 60 " Ellis 25 J.B Gouthier. 26 •Tohn Green 60 H.O.GuiUott 100 $ e. Mrs. G. JesDop 60 Mn.C. Hignett 60 Mrs.Hults 60 G. O'C. Leaoh 60 Mrs. Leggett 60 Sheriff McEwan 1 00 Mrs. Mears 25 Mies Mean 26 J. Miller 60 Mrs. Mercer 100 A88t.-8urgeon O'Brien 1 00 A.Prince 100 C. Prince 100 H. Prince 100 Jacob Stuts 60 Thos. Teakle 60 Thos. Wright 100 Miss J. Wilkinson . • • • 26 " Wiggi J 26 John Wearer 2 00 Mrs. Winter 60 Mrs. Woodbridge 60 Rev. F. 0. Elliott 76 WIMDSOB. Collected by Miss Hurst MrsShiel 100 " Taylor 60 " Baker 36 " Woods 20 Mr. McEwen 80 Mrs. Clement 60 " Kennedy 100 Miss Williams 60 Mrs. Mason 25 Friend 16 Mrs.J. Dougall. 50 " T. Dougall 60 Mr.Fulton 100 tKer. J. Hurst 5 00 Collected by Miss Fulton and Miss Watson. Mrs. Calvert 60 " Richards 25 " Parent 26 Mr. Laurie 25 "E».ly 25 Collected by Miss John> son and Miss Shipley. Mrs. Forbes 10 Friend 50 Mr. Crow 6 •• Shipley 60 •' Fulten 00 COLLECTIONS. 69 |9 e. 00 80 100 25 25 50 1 00 100 1 00 100 1 00 60 50 100 26 25 200 50 60 76 100 60 35 20 ao 60 100 60 25 16 60 60 I 00 100 4\ $ c. Friend 10 Mra.Butlett 25 MiuClark 25 Miu Johnson 15 Mr.Hirons 25 Friend 25 Mm. Moore 12 I'riend ,.... 6 Mr.Sutton 60 Mni.Sutton 50 Mn. Woodbridm p,0 Mr.Brown 60 Collected by Miss Mor- ton and Miss Pringie. Mr.CIater 20 " Balis 10 " Roohford 20 Friend 10 Friend 15 Mr. Johnson 25 Mrs.Augan 25 " Soott 100 " Cresswell-. 100 Mr. Rice 25 " Irwin 100 " miUamson 10 " Lightfoot 25 Friend 10 OoUected by Miss Porter. W.C.Davis ...■ 12 Miss Porter 50 Friend 10 Mr. Irwin 25 AWellwisher 10 Mr.Nutt 20 Mrs.Howson 20 Miss Duncan 12 MissBrodhoad 39 ntlBH BBTTLKMBNT. Collected by Mrs. nett. Ben- Mrs. Hensman 25 Mrs. Thornton 60 U. Thornton 25 M.Macary 25 J.Irwin 25 Barah Collins 25 T.Jones 25 Robert McEwen 25 Wm.Taylor 12 Stephen Collins 60 Mrs.Gollins 60 $ c. Alfred Jones Miss. N. Oobren... ku J. Neal 26 Mrs. Davies 25 " Tenn 26 " W. Ellis 26 " Taylor 26 '* Huntingdon 50 " arades la Mr. Teller 25 G.Quinn 25 Miss Uarrett 50 Mrs. MitoheU 60 •• A. Wilson 12 Joseph Hill 25 John Greenery 23 Charles Soatton 10 John ti^. Seatbrt 15 Mr. Bain 25 Mr.Farough 25 H.O.Arnold 60 Harriett Arnold 50 <leorBe Arnold 50 W.Kerr 25 Thos. Summerling • • . ■ 60 JSusan Dixon 10 Henty Arnold 26 Wm. Arnold 26 Mrs. M. Whitson 60 Elizabeth W hitson .... 25 Henry Quinn 60 WmBennett 16 EdwinBennetl 25 Joseph Bennett 60 Friend 10 OoUected by Miss H. VoUans. O.Vollans 76 Mrs. G. VoUans 25 T. Vollans 50 Mrs. T. VoUans 25 Sarah J. Brannisan . . 25 Samuel VoUans 25 laaao Vollans 25 Hannah Vollans 35 Emma Vollans iO E. Vollans '^ Mrs. E. A'"ollans 10 Miss A. Vollans 6 Elisha McKee 25 Bobert CampbeU 30 Mrs. Nicholson 30 C. A. Atwood 10 Mrs. T.Taylor 30 J.ShueU 25 JohnThrashor 25 J.Fisher 25 Gordon Brannigan.... 25 John S. Moclcridgo • . . ■ 2 > Mrs. Halsal 60 Mr. Jessop 25 Mrs. Jussop 25 J. F. Jessop 5 W. Jessop 5 Mr. Taylor 25 E.Taylor 25 W. VoUans 23 $ c. frs. W. VoUans V. 'I.Page ; Collected by Mrs. Ban- well. A. BanweU 60 H. BanweU 60 Mrs.H. BanweU 60 £. BanweU 25 Mrs. E. BanweU 25 Mrs. ShueU 25 Mrs. W.Kadeliffe.... 2S James Cheque 25 Mrs. Gunn 12 Mr. Gunn < 20 Joseph Adkerson .... 25 J.T.BanweU 25 Mrs, J. T. BanweU.. 25 Mrs. R. Uerdman 26 John Uerdman 25 Robert Uerdman 26 JohnHerdman 25 Mrs. K. Uerdman — 25 G. Sullivan 25 EiishaMoKea 100 Collected by Mrs. White. Mrs.Ross 60 J. Holden 25 Mr.Hartly 25 Mrs.Woods 25 Mrs.Shuel 25 R.Shuel 25 Mrs. A.Shuel 26 Mrs. W.Shuel 30 Mrs. A. Shuel 26 Mr. White 25 Mrs. White 25 H.White 26 Miss M.White 25 " Ellen White .... 26 " Louisa White.... 26 Collected by Miss O'NeU. Mrs.J.O'NeU 25 Mrs.Daly 25 Mrs.O'NeU 25 " ShueU 26 A. O'NeU 26 Mrs. A. O'NeU 25 " M.J. O'NeU.... 26 oolosbstbr. SLer. R. Fletcher . . . rs. MoCormiolc 500 25 60 COLLECTIONS. $ c. Min MoCormiok 25 MiuE.MoC.nniok .. 26 Mn. Cheque 25 S. M. Cheque 25 Helen Cheque 25 Mn. Bell 50 MuaBell 25 MnJ.W.Oraff 25 " Hughaon 25 S. Hughaon 50 W.Jlughson 60 A.Haffman 25 Mn.Ridadale 26 Her. W.Bell 26 Wm.Duflf 100 Mn. Duff 50 Mn.J.A.Iler 20 H. RusaeU 25 Mn. Oruff 25 T. 0. MoGonniok • . . . 60 Mn.A.Fox 25 Mn. Adams 20 J.R.Park 100 Mn.Park 115 J. 0. Iter... Mn. J. Q. BnehanaQ. 1 J. H. Lookhart 50 Mn. Lockhart 50 Friend 20 Mn. Woodbridge .... 50 J. Shay 25 Mn.Shay 26 Ann Shay 10 M.Baldwin 50 Mn. Baldwin 25 Mn.CraiK 37 " Howie 26 *' R. MoCormiok.. 25 OoUected by Misses Aik- man and Cornwall. MalyinaAtkin 10 Mrs. Samuel Atkin ... 23 Mr. Goble 20 Curtia Brush 12 Mary Brush 15 JohnC. Brush 25 Mrs. John C. Brush . • 25 Miss Brush 25 Friend 10 Thomas Bailie 10 Amoa Bailie SO Mid A. Bailie 25 Mrs. Kichard Atkin . ■ 25 Miss Alvira Wilcox- . • 15 Mr. Waldron 1 0( Mrs. Joseph Sheply . . • 25 Oliver Aikman 60 David Aikman 25 Misa Aikman 25 Annie Aikman lO C. W. i;oi-nwall 1 00 Mrs. Cornwall 25 Miss Cornwall 25 Charlotte Cornwall ... 20 Lizzie Cornwall 20 Mast. Willie Cornwall "25 James Brush 25 Henry Leighton 60 Ic. Mn.Sellen 60 John Sellen 60 JohnAndenon 80 Lauretta West 25 Franoia Richurdson. . . 26 Mr-3. W. Riohardaon. . 25 " Bertrand 50 Charles Bertrand .... 35 Mrs. Thomaa Lyppa. . Friend ..V... Miu Peden 60 Cornwall Pettarpiece. • 10 Curtis Bertrand 26 By Mrs. S. Brush and Miss Dowler. Geo. Livergood 25 JohnDoWler 25 Samuel Dowler 25 StenhenBmah 25 Riohard Jarrett 26 OornwallBruah 26 Sumaunder25c 42 Ooltected by Hiss Ellen D.King and Miss Ellen Baldwin. Mr. Hedrich 25 Mn.Rae 12 Mr. Sinaaaok 25 JudgbLeggett 60 Miaa J. Wright 50 Mn. John Brush 100 Amelia Wright 75 Oeo.Uubble 25 Mr. Hutchins 50 Mn. Hutohins 2> Miss J. Wilcox 25 •• C. Wilcox 25 Asa Wilcox 1 25 P. Aikman 50 Wm.S.King 25 EUen D.King 25 Collected by the Misses Boyle. Mn. Fox 26 Alexander Quick .... 26 Mn.C.Quiok 50 '* M.Ferria 60 Mr. Andrewa 25 MissT.M.Senioua.... 25 LauraBoyle 26 Collected by Misses Julia and Louisa Thomson. Se. L. Thomson 60 Maat Alfred Thomaon 25 J. Taylor 25 Mn. AnnTaylor 25 «' Lookwood 25 Mr. Affleok 26 Mn.Aldridge 25 Small aums 20 COUNTY OF QREY. OWEN SOUND. ST. obobgb'b oburoh. Collected by Mrs. Chat- win and Miss Clarke. Mra.Atkh)8 100 Mr. Baker 50 Mn. Campbell ...... 60 Mi8<iClarke 100 Mn.Chatwin 100 MissChatwin 25 Comubienais • 13 00 Mn. Creighton 25 Mn.C.Fox 75 " Johnston 60 *« Malone 2i tRev. A. U. R.MuI- holland 5 00 Mn. Preston 100 Mr. Preston 100 O.Rankin 50 D.Kankin 5U Mr. Sadler 25 O.Spencer 100 Mn. Spragg 25 Collected by Mrs. Kongh and Mrs. Preston. Mr. Boyoe.w--->'-- 26 Mn. J. Butchart .... 60 Margaret Canson — 60 Mn. Coulson 60 . " Douglass 26 Mr.Edgar IS " Fxizzel 26 H M t N "V J I I ( ] OOLLIOTIOHS. ei la e. 60 26 25 25 25 25 25 » MrrOordon 25 0;J[»n 26 BCn-Hewitt 25 " Konrii loa au.Koxtgu tab Mn.L«iuioz 28 " Lerm fiO Mr.I«pM.. 100 T-AD.^ryinf 100 ]ui.Pu'ker 80 S.PMke 60 Hr.PoBM 60 " Pottinmr 1 gO Hn.Rankin 100 MinlUnkiii 100 W.O.Robinson 36 Mr.Ranuey 100 D.AW.Spaaoor 60 A.Spenoer 80 H.Stophena 12 Mm. Taylor 26 R.Trottor 25 HOLLAXD. ST. PAUL'I OHiTSOH. Collected bj Mtsiei Cole- man, Dudgeon and Hembriff. Mr. Oardwell 25 W. Coleman 25 Mn. Ooleman 26 Mils E. Coleman 26 John Coleman 26 MIm J. Coleman 25 R,Conger 12 W.Dudgeon 25 Mias J. Dudgeon 25 a. FoUu 60 Mra. Froat 2S T.Frost 25 Mn.areen 25 T. Hamilton 28 MiM S. Hembriff % K. Knox 10 Mr.Sprottl 28 Afriend 100 DURHAM. Collected by Mias Shep- pard and Hiss Sybella Hoohler. tRev. Wm. B.JE!vani- .8 Mn.Andenran $c. Aroh.Bntler 25 Mn.Baily 25 Adam Cochrane 60 gr.Crawfwd 60 .Dald)ah 2 00 8. M. Diirkee 25 Mn.Bdwarda 25 FrH.Bdwardfl 25 P. Era 25 Mn. Foreman 60 Wm. Gaines 25 Mn.J. H.Hm)ter.... ao Geornlsaacs 80 Mn. Wm. Jaokson ... 1 00 ThomasJonea 60 Ilagh Jones 100 Mn.Koily 25 l&.KeUy 60 Mn.KeQy 60 ThomaaKelly 25 JohnKelly 25 Albek-t Kelly 25 Mn. Kincaid 25 Mn.MM4au|th 25 CharlesMAlSmon. ... 25 H. Parker.. 100 Mra.Rowswell 60 W. M. Robertson 26 Wm.Slatcher 100 Mn.SalliTan SO W.R. Tomer 60 Mn. Walton 25 lOBlifOirT. Collected by Miss Brown. Jai9e« Alien 25 Mrs-. Brown ■■.• 60 JohnBrown 26 MmBradley 25 *♦ CaldweU K John Calvert 26 Jamea L. Doyle, aen. . 20 Jamisa L. Doyle, Jon- • 10 Wm. Q.Doyle 20 AmiDoyle 20 E" Ida Doyle 20 coa Doyle 16 R. Freeman 25 Mr. Howson ... 1 00 Sarah Aon Howaon ... 20 Wm.McIlvain SO A.PoUook 25 Mn.O.JPoUook 25 John Race 25 H. Wakefield 60 Collected by MUb Mead. StnartAoheaon 10 Sfu^uel Acheson. ..... 20 MrTslaney.. 15 $ e. Wm. Downey 25 Mn.Dodd 10 Thomas Fleming 28 JoonFleming 20 Robert Horton 28 BarahLowtber 60 Charlotte A. Leopard . 25 Mn.Lindle 8 Maria Mead 12 EmmaMead 25 Oeorgo Matthews 25 J.C.Robinson 25 Collected by Miss Mc- Kenzie. Ann Chapman 20 Mn. McKenrie 20 Robert Morrison Mn. Wakefield Collected at a Wedding. S^m* Alexander 26 eorgeCuff 25 Mr8.G.Cuff 12 Levi Hopkins 25 Charles Hopkins 30 Thoinaa Haskin 25 Edward Httlton 60 ThbmaaHolton 26 MEAFORD. Collected by Miss Hestor Hutchinson aud Miss Smith. Mn. James Smith.... 26 MiMSmith 28 Mrt-Symes 60 " Carney 60 Sidney Carney 76 Gtoorge Brown 25 AfHend . ^ J.Qeddes 100 R.J.Moffett ^ F. & J. Andrews .50 T. MoKenny 25 Mn. Hendenon 80 A-CoUins 60 Jethro Shepperd 50 Robert Young 22 JohnPaul ^ Mn. JohnPaul 80 " Foster 60 62 00LLX0TI0N8. A Mend 60 Tbomas Donovan 1 00 WUIiam Taylor M W.D. Pollard 100 Mr.B.Verrell 60 Mn. A. M. Lindaay . . 00 John Alberry 60 Robt. Plunket 26 Mn. Andrews, Mn. • ■ ■ 12 " Minery 26 " Barber 26 inPHRASU BRAKOB. Collected hj Hiss Irwin. Mra.MeoombB 26 MaryClarko 26 Robert Quinton 26 T.N.Beynoldi 60 Samuel Snelgrove 26 John Duke 25 Mrs. Lesly 26 " Wilson S A friend 26 Mrs. Smith 26 Thomas Wilson 26 Wm. Brinkman 25 AndrewGrier 25 Little Irwin 26 John Taylor 26 OLABKSBUBO BBANOB. Collected by Miss H07. Thomas Veitoh 26 Cornelius Wheatland. 21 WiUiamR.Hoy 26 William Sparling 26 B.J. Marsh 25 Mn.Leroy 10 Mr. Clark 26 S. Jeooy 26 Mrs. Albeny 5 John McCourt Mrs. H. Lyne A. W.Walker MitoheU Atkins Sampson Webf 26 OOLUXOWOOO BBAKOH. Collected hj Mii*s Brown and Miss Taylor. Ic. Jeramiah Taylor .....' 50 Edward Galloway .... 60 Mrs. Robt. Shore 25 Emily Spenoe 10 Qeorce Korke 25 Miohaellrrin 23 Mrs. J. Longhead .... 26 James Longhead 12 Mr. Johns 60 Mrs. J.Corsoadden. ... 25 HOLLAND ft SULLI- VAN MISiSION. QBAOB OaUROB. Collected by Miss Sarah Welsh. John Welsh 60 Jason Spencer 25 Thomas Welsh 25 AnnSutcliff 25 Catherine Welsh 25 Sottthwork Able .... 10 Wm.Orisp 25 James Duvison 25 John Davison 25 MarthaFoUis 25 Mary Roy 10 RobertHaU 10 W.Dobbin 25 Alivia Bulger 12 W.Montgomery 26 Irwin Montgomery- • • • ^ W. Bradshaw 12 Elisabeth Irwin 10 ST. jobn's, BirLLnrAir. Collected by Miss J. Carson. Jemima Carson 1 00 John Carson 60 Robert Hanberry .... 12 Thomas Bass 25 Arthur Wright 60 Wm. Wilde 25 Susan Benedict 12 James Oillespie 26 Francis Hinds 16 WILLIABSrORD. Collected by Miss Ann Craig. tRev. Geo. Kevs (6th and 7th years) .... 10 00 W. Bryans 26 John Doyle 10 Robert Gillies 25 W.E.Markla 60 D.B.Douglas. ....... 26 N.Hopkins 60 A.E.Strathey 25 JamesCraig 10 Margaret Biyans .... 60 Joshua Bell 25 Mary Ann Walker .... 10 BOLXiAND. Collected by Mrs. Troughten. Samuel Troughten . • • . 12 Samuel Watson 26 Sarah A. Price 26 Sarah Hare 26 Friend 25 AnnDravitt 25 Margaret J. Dravitt • ■ 25 Catherine M. Dravitt ■ . 25 Martha E- Dravitt. ... 5 Wm. Givins 25 Mrs. Robt Giving.... 25 Samuel Irving 26 Wm.FareUey 25 Mrs. James Farelley . . 26 OOLLIOTIOMS. 68 c. 25 60 25 12 25 16 COUNTY OP HURON. ■M tl 2S 10 26 60 26 60 25 10 60 26 10 ,1 OODUICU. Collected by HisseB Johnston and Elwood. $c. IIUv.E.L. Elwood... 5 00 Mr. Johnstun 6 00 Mr. Lefroy 5 00 Mr.PoUook 6 00 f r. Robs 2 00 Mrs. Maokie 100 " Wataon 1 00 Mr. Watson 100 " Finley 1 00 Mrs. Sinolare 1 00 Miss Sectmiller 100 Mr. Andrews 25 Mrs. Uosker 25 Mr. J. Scgmiller 75 Mr.Detlor 100 grs. Gooper 1 00 r. Weatberald 100 " Campaign 100 " MaoOregor 60 " .7. Weatborald . . 60 " Flood 60 " Miller 60 . " O.Johnston 60 " Robertson 60 V. Elwcod 50 Dr.MoLean 60 Mr. StotU 60 " Spenoe 60, " (Summers 40 " Dixon 26 Mrs. Chandler iS Mr.Sinsmons 25 Mrs. Robertson 25 Collected by Mrs. Brown and Miss Parsons. tMr. Thomas 6 00 Mrs.Rioh 800 Mrs. Brown 8 00 Mr. Grace 2.00 Mr.Davison '.. 2 00 Mrs. Lawson 1 00 *' Thomas 1 00 " Parsons 1 00 " McDonald 1 00 " Allen 100 Mr. Cattle 1 00 " Haldan... 1 00 '• Hunter 100 " SaUceld 100 J.Salkeld 100 Mrs. Lonsworth 60 " Andrews 60 " Morgan. 60 $«. Biss Brittain 60 r. Dark 60 *' BuUer 60 " Owen 60 " Roddy 60 " Wrlaht 60 " Cliflbrd 50 MissNewton 26 Mr. Fidler 25 " Donugh 25 " McLean 25 " J.Donach 25 " Archibald 25 BATFIELO MISSION. BATHILO. Collected by Mrs. Rob- son and Mrs. Bateman. tRer. 8. Du Bourdien 5 00 Mrs. Du Bourdieu — 1 00 " Middleton 60 Wm.Uankin 60 Friend 25 Wm. Plunkett 60 W.W. Connor 50 Mrs. Cameron 25 " Esson 25 " Robson 26 Andrew Elliott 60 E. Wakeford 76 Mrs. Grainger 50 John Grainger 25 A. Campbell 37 George Campbell .... 1 00 JohnKeya 25 John Bolton 25 Mrs.Haaoke 25 Aaron Walwin 25 C. 8. Bateman 60 Tudor Marks 60 T. H. Bateman 60 B.J.Philips 60 Mrs. Gower 50 George Bates 40 R.Ching 25 John Rouse 25 Una 26 A. Hoyter ^ Mrs. Bateman 60 George Erwin 20 Peter Deasing 25 gTS. Brownson 50 enry Wainwright ... 50 James Pollock 25 Firiend 26 008BM UMI. Collected by Miss Parke and Miss Stephenson. $e. James Parke 1 00 Ralph Stephenson. ... 1 00 JamttsBoyes 100 Mrs. MoKinley 1 00 gdward Fee 100 iohard Eaorett 60 Thomas Curry 60 Michael Nicholson — (iO Wm.LonniUff 60 George Pollock 60 Mrs. Clarke 25 " Martin 26 " Elliott 26 " Curvin 25 " Pieroy 25 " John McKinley. . 25 " Andrew Johnston 26 "Josh. Dowson. ... 25 David Stephenson .... 26 Wm. Eacleson 25 Godfrey l^ioholson .... 26 Michael Nicholson .... 25 Walter Fee 25 John Dowson 25 Mr.Stogdale 25 Robert Armstrong — 25 Mr. MoClinchy 25 Wm. cjheritt 25 Wm. Elliott 26 Edward Robinson — 26 Henry Johnston 26 Wm.Peck 26 Charles Wells 26 Elizabeth Parke 25 Robert Medcalf 25 Wm.Fee 25 Mr. Martin 20 Ralph IStephensont jr . ■ 14 David Pollock 14 Henry Dowson 15 JohnEagleson 15 Thos. Redmond 12 Chas. Redmond 12 Mrs. Johnston 10 Small sums 13 OODBBIOH TOWNSHIP- JAMES. 'ST. Collected by Miss Cluff and Miss McKidd. RobtCluff SO James Stonehouse — 26 Alfred Stonehouse .... 26 Henry Stonehoose .... 26 JohnCluff 25 OOLLBOnOHI. i $e. Sn. MlddUUm » ihn Mlddleton 25 ra.WyM 100 m. .Loft 10 Mri. Rkthwell 2ft J«Mnt« Rathwctt .... 10 Edward Rkthwell . ■ ■ ■ 2fi Tho«. Cook 10 Geors* Sherman 2B James Beacon 25 Oeorge Banwtt ^ OeorgeShepperd 25 Benjamin Switier 25 Robt. MoAuley 26 JohnManhell 40 ThomanJewitt 25 Wm.Blftir 26 Friend 25 Wm. MoOlennen 26 Jamea Anderson 25 Andrew Bmeraon • • . • 25 Jacob Shepperd 25 Collected by the MUies NaftU. John Thoi. NafUl • • • • SO M.J.Kinahan 25 SobtMcClean 25 Mrs. Oolwell 20 " Wilkinson 25 James Wilkinson 25 Marjr JaneWalturs.. 12 Friend 10 Mrs.MoOlean 26 " Wallia 26 W.Blair 20 Mrs.Aldworth 10 " A. Jackson 60 Wm.Aldworth 26 James Elliott 25 Thomas EUiott 26 James Wallis 26 VABNA. OoUected by Miss Stin- son and Miss Johnston. Andrew Stinson 60 Thomas Johnston.... 50 Mrs. T. Johnston.... 50 Matthew Johnston — 50 Oeorse Beatty 25 JobnBowers 25 Mn.'Snmmenrille..... 50 " J.Walker....... 25 James Wilson 25 Thomas Cook 26 Mrs. Ward 25 Ellen Tamer 25 Elisabeth Turner t . • . Mn. Secord.. ....•••• Blend 10 n. Eliott » " MoNorton...... 16 JohnTumer 26 Wm. Purdy 26 Wm.Evitt 16 Mrs. Morrisoo ■"•••. • 26 Ghas. I^taa tf James Forent 16 John Oalbreath 16 Henry Uudsoo 26 James Johnston 26 JohnOook 26 JobnWatt 16 Oeorge Anderson 16 John Rattenbunr . . ■ • 46 Daniel L. Sills S Wm.Jas.Sills S Wm. MoDongall U Hugh Oilmour 20 Krtend^.^ » Josh. Higiins 26 RobtM^u 2S Mn. BriMS M Wm. Johns 26 Mr. Campbell 80 N. Munio M Mrs. Rattenborjr 26 David Bowers 26 John Smith 26 Mr. Johnston 96 Thos.Kedslie 26 BAUBia Lnm. Collected by Mlu Stin- Bon and Miss Westlak*. HenryHoward 28 Edmond Westlakej ... 26 &s.Slack 16 " Tolbot 16 Frederick Manns Robert Watson Wm. Tolbot Mn. Higatobotham-. 26 Chas.Dewar. .'.... 26 Andrew Baonennao. . 26 Henry Snowden 26 Mn. Claror 26 John English 26 Friend 10 Friend 10 Friend 10 ^os. Stinson 28 WiUiam Stinson 10 Robert Spaokman 25 James Wamsley 10 Mra. Johnston 10 Elijah CasseU........ 26 A J. BaUey H l^nry Farmer T.Gowie Mn. Doak..... DanielStewart... IC A^Stewart ' 18 • e. W.SK".::::.::: 1! '. Dempsey . lentf s; OLIMTOll. tR«?. J. Oatmiohael. . 6 00 SUMMERHILL. ■T< 'imS OIUMB* OoVMttd by Mra. W. Rer. 0. p. Johosen . 6 00 i.W.Maivhy.'..... 26 _jrIaB«ae(n 28 imimaBMaa a 28 uMorphy 28 ** Thompson IB HanryMniphy 16 Atriend.. 28 WiUiamBaktr 28 jbert Baker 78 Tonathan MoBrien. ... 26 T.WatUas 25 »bertMUler 100 _ J.MUler 28 SamuelLowry 28 Joseph WatUns 28 Henry Watkins 37 James Pollard 28 JaasMi CHakier 28 MSsTOlasier 28 Mn. Wn. MeBrien ... 60 Wm. McBrien 00 Ohwlotte MoBrien. ... 8 M. J. Connelly 28 jTwhltely 28 AfHeAd 28 Blward Mnrphy 78 HOLMBSYILLE. ST. joHx'i onmoK. CjoUeeted by Hlfi Jane Holmes. im Whltetoy 60 UUamFMd 100 I ' OOU.I0TIONI. 05 • e. soo 600 26 16 86 26 S 26 26 76 26 26 100 26 26 26 87 26 26 26 60 80 6 26 26 26 7f .'ilL Ul« 100 I • $e. Sir. Hortoa 100 [rt.llorton M uMpn Holmes 1 (lO onai Copp 1 00 hAinuel Iiolm«i 1 00 R. r)iin«y 100 H. Diiney 2n B. UiiMV 25 >VilliamPiere 25 II. Bturoy 100 II. Jarvis 60 Noble Whitelcy 100 Annie Whiteley 25 William Proctor fO Ihomaititnrdy dO In. Fneyd 60 " Copp 60 Miff {Sturdy 26 Uohnos 1 enry Ford n. Whittingbam..-. 26 [enry Erani It. Burns John Peaiou '25 Sinny Knttenbarg — I3 rs. w. Rattetiburg.. 33 J«ibn Slieppard 25 »ary K. Proctor 25 m. Wakefield 25 Jos. Jordan 25 Ghaa. Williams 25 Wm. Johnston 1 OO 6EAF0ETH. ST. JOHN'S. Collected byMissmek- SOQ. B. Hiokson cq Mary Meyer 25 Liscie Meyer 25 A. Meyer 60 Mrs. Fowler 25 " Carter 60 " Knox J8 H. Oatzemeyer 15 Louis Gatzcmej-er. ... 15 B.Kdcn 25 n.McDermid 25 Angus MoDormid • ■ . . 25 Mrs. Hiokson, sen. . . . SO Wm.Hiekson •...,!.... rS Mri.PoweU 2J ' Collected bj lira. St. Jobo. f c. Peter Ramsay CO L.VnnBiimon CO A. Von Egmon f.O MlMCieitweil 50 •lohnLoffan N) Mrs. Johnson 6li " Jackron 1>5 W. F. MoLyon M J.D.Collins 25 Mrs.St.Jobn £0 Collected by Mrs. and Miss Kcrby. T. Jarvis . 1 00 B. Hallott 25 Afriend 60 A tViend 100 John Seatter 25 Mrs. Strong 60 " Montgomery ••■• 25 A ftiend 10 Afriend 60 T.Adams 50 Mrs.Kerby 25 Joseph Bulger 25 Mrs. J ame^ Bulger ... 25 " D'Arcy 25 *• Oldflefd 25 " Adam Sbovldico 25 Samuel Scarlett to James 8t. John £U tB.Fraliok, Dingle.. 6 00 BIDDULPH. tRer.T.E. Sanders-. 6 tW. Frank, jun 5 BT. JABfES'. Collected by Rev. T. E. Sanders. John Armitage, sen • • 25 Wm. Armitoge 25 Thos. Armitago 25 Thos.Abbott 60 Ricbard Atkinson .... 26 James Ardell f6 Thomas Atkinion ■ . ■ ■ 60 James Atkinson 1 OO Mrs. Thos. Atkinson.. iS " T. N.Aikintou !5 Ellen Atkinson :6 J.BlHck 28 Mrs.Brien 16 Matthew Cautblan... 60 I'.'dward Caugnian — 60 Richard Courcy 17 JobnCourcy 25 Thomas Courcy CO John Courcy Jun 16 Mrs. Tbns. Courcy. ■ • . 15 James Daig !6 Willium Dobbs 60 Richard 8. Daig 60 JohnDaiv S6 Edward Uuiirnii 16 JubnUodgins (0 Adam llcdsins <0 VVilliamUotUrirs 16 James Uodsins 16 John U. Uodgins 25 James Uodgins £0 James Uodgins 25 Thomas Uodgins 15 James Uodgins tO Georve Uodgins i5 John Uodgins iS John Uodgins 46 James lloUgins 15 Mrs. John Uodgins • . • 2^ *' George Hodirins.. H> " Esther Uod^ns.. Vf " Amelia Uodgins. • 60 " James Uodgins . • 16 " Elizabeib UodglDS mS " John Uodgins.. ■• l5 " Uodgins ■ . 25 John Uatboumo.. .. 16 Thorn as Uarlin>,to :< . . (0 Mrs. Uamilton 1 CO " Mayo {0 Miss Mayo '.5 Thomas Morgan ... bJ Mis. Maiadcn 60 Georae Porte '5 William Ryan 15 Nathaniel Ryan 40 Mrs. VVm. Ryan 15 "Remington 16 " RawlingB 25 " Sparling 16 " T. E. Zanders. .. ■ 2 00 Miss A. S. Sanders . • • 50 Emily Sanders 60 Miss A. M. Sanders • . 60 T.O Sanders fO W.C. Sanders 60 C.D.Sanders 10 Thos. Stanley 60 RobertSoeli 60 JamosSceli 13 Frank Sadler £5 Miss Sinclair 25 John Thompson 15 Joseph Thompson .... 25 Mrs.'iaylor 25 Mr. Wood 60 HmoD Young 2'> Thomas Young 16 OOLLEOTIONS. LUCAN. Collected by Mrs. W. Ar- mitage and Mrs. Smith. to. John Armitiige 25 W.B.Annitace 50 A. Armitage 25 T. Atkinson 25 B.BIaokwell 25 H. Benn 10 Mrs. Bowey 25 T.Greak 25 VT. Curry 25 C.Gavanagh 25 H. Collins 25 Mrs.Dight 25 M. Fox 25 A friend 25 A friend 25 Mrs.T.Foz 25 " W. Prank, jun... 60 W.Frank 60 J.Farrell 10 Mrs. Fairbom 60 " Fountain 25 A. Goodaore 25 W.Hutchins 25 A. Haslem 26 J.Houston 26 L. Hodfrins 25 W.HodKins 26 T.Hodenns 6 J.S. Hodgins 60 E.K.Hodgin8 50 J. Jameison 25 W. Jones 25 Mrs- Long 25 B. Monedon 25 J.D. MoCoah 60 J. O'Donohue 26 R.O'NeU 60 W.Porte 26 W.Perry 25 Dr. Quarry 25 W.Quigly 25 J Beynolds 50 W. Rcid 25 C W.Sanders 100 W.Stanley 60 T. Sproat 50 Mrs- B. Stanley 60 " Smith.... 26 J. Sparling 26 W.Thompson 26 W.Taylor 26 R. Thompson 26 Mrs.Young 26 TILLAGE OF IRELAND. Collected bj Miss Gal- braith and Miss S. Car- ter. Mrs.O.Carter 26 • Oalbraith 76 " Gordon 60 •> Qlendinnipff..... » $ c. Mr. Howard 25 Mrs. Hodgins 10 " Johnson 50 " Jones 26 " Shoff 60 " D.Sutton 26 " Jas. Sutton 50 m'gillitrat. Collected by Misses Jane and Mary Simpson. J. Carter 10 W.Carter 25 W. Cunningham 60 T.Lewis 10 James Simpson 25 John Simpson 25 MissM.Shoults 60 Friend 15 NUIL'S B. H- STATION Collected by Miss Eliza Neil and Miss Marga- ret Maguire. J. Allen 10 R.Gobby 15 N.Clark 26 W.Clark,; i 16 Mre.Gawley 12 M. Hodgins 10 W. Hodgins 26 W.Hunter 26 J. Lewis 16 W.Lewis 26 Iram Miller 26 James Maguiro 30 W.Maguire 15 F- Maguire 15 Jas- Miller 10 J. Murd}^. 26 J. Maguire 16 T. Maguire 10 W.Morgan 25 Alex. Neil 26 JohnNeil 25 James Neil 25 Richard Neil 25 Jas.Neil 10 R. Simpson 10 G. Shoebottom 10 H.Thompson 26 G.Willis 50 J.MoCann 26 G.Carter 26 Mn.G.Carter 25 $ c. J. Armitage 2S C.Ryan 25 John Hodgins 25 DUNGANNON. Collected by Miss Dough- erty and Miss Caldwell. Peter Murry 60 James Walsh 25 Mrs. Wm. Murry 60 Thomas Hawkins .... 50 Miss A. Maize 25 BbbertQuade 25 Matilda Quade 15 Nanoy Quade 12 Afriend 60 Mrs. Wm. Hayden — 60 " J. Dunbar 25 " A.Bennett 25 " Thos. Christilaw. 25 Andrew Peacock 25 Robert Johnston 25 Andrew Graham 10 Mrs. John MoMilne - - 25 " Hawkins 50 Thomas Gardiner — 25 Jane Dougherty 12 NILE. Collected by Miss Mat- thews. Elisabeth Matthews - - 26 Elizabeth Allen 25 James Rhinoas 25 James Whiard 25 John Roberts 25 JohnMcBrion 25 John Chitlow 25 JohnMoQratten 20 John Cook 25 Mrs. Crawford- ---••-. 15 " Black 25 " Swift-- 25 " Diruar 25 " Biokle 25 •• HoUond 25 " Blake 15 » Fnr 12 Afriend -.- 10 Afriend 10 William Ryan 25 Owen Jones 12 Mrs. Jane Stuard • - - • 60 James Trimble 25 acob Ryon 1 Mr.HoUand 25 GOLLE0TI0N8. 2S 25 25 50 25 50 50 25 25 15 12 50 60 25 25 25 25 25 10 25 50 25 12 25 25 26 25 25 26 25 20 25 15 25 25 25 25 25 16 12 10 10 2S 12 50 2K £ 2B WAWANOSH. Collected by Miss E Ir- wia and Miss E . A. Durnin. 5 c. James Geason 50 Henry Geason 2,5 Edward Durnin 50 Mrs. Durnin 50 WiUiam Durnin 10(» Charles Durnin 60 Miss A. Fowler 25 Moses McBrine 25 George Smyth 20 Mrs. Stuart 25 Samuel Smyth 25 Wm. Stuart 37 Thomas Ta«gart 13 Small Bums - ^ • > 46 COUNTY OF KENT. CHATHAM. Collected by Miss Tiddi- man. James MoFarlane — 25 Mrs. White 14 Mrs.Smith 50 tBav. Dr. Sandys .... 5 00 Mr. Delanie 50 J.Smith 100 Mrs. Green 60 Friend 4 00 Friend 50 Collected by Miss E. Lit- tle. Mrs.Hyslop 25 " John E. Brooke. 25 " Stringer 25 " Gregory 50 " VanAUen 100 " J. Northwood ... 50 " Taylor 25 MissSmith 25 John Degga 50 Mr8.JohuDegse 60 % c. John E. Brooke 50 Dr. Pegley 100 Mrs.Bennet 25 '• Earl 50 " Woods 60 " HeniyNorthwood 1 00 Martha Wrenoher — 25 Collected by Miss Eberts. J.M.Eberts. 2 00 T.B.Harri8 100 A. M.Smith 50 tMrs. Sandys 5 00 tH. J. Eberts 10 00 Mrs. H. J. Eberts 100 Collected by Miss Foster. Mrs. John Sheriff. .... 1 00 Isaae Smith 60 Mrs. I. Smith 60 D.McNabb 50 Mrs. William Baxter. 50 Samuel Barfoot 60 Mr.Mess 60 " Farrell 50 Mrs.Taylor 60 George Sherriff 50 Wm. Singer 25 Friend 25 Wm. Payne 25 Mr. HiUman 25 Wm. Sutherland 25 Wm. Lewis 37 Friend 25 Friend 25 Friend 25 Mr. Francis 25 John Sparks ;... 12 Wm. McKeough 12 Mr. VerraU 12 George Gowan 60 John Weir 25 Malcolm Weir 25 Mrs. W. Shaokleton . . 15 Friend . 25 Friend 25 Friend 12 Friend 100 Friend 25 Collected by Miss Read. G. D. Boss 2 00 Edward Robinson .... 1 00 Henry Reed 60 Donald Morrison 25 Robert Atkinson 25 tU. K.Payne 5 00 Mrs. James Baxter ... 1 00 P. MoKeUar 100 W.MoKeongh 100 James Richardson. ... 60 George Winter 60 U. Richardson 25 JohnMcColl 50 Robert Wilson 100 S.Smith £0 John Mc Vicar 50 John Tevers 60 James M.Smith 50 RobertLowe 1 OO John Douglas 50 J. Wall 60 A Mend 25 Gash.... SO Cash 50 W.Rolls 60 J.B.Ellison 60 Joseph Northwood .... 60 W. W. Sherwood .... 20 C. G. Charteris 25 Gash 25 U. Lament 25 Friend 25 Mrs. B. O'Heire 50 George Young 50 Mr. Monson 50 Mrs. brown 25 Aldis 100 Mrs. Smith 2& Mark Richards 25 Mr.Smith 60 HOWARD, tBcT. A. Lampman.. 5 00 Collected by Miss Ellen Williamson and Miss Susan Desmond. Mrs. Thos. Backus ... 60 " Barteen 26 " Bie 25 " Alex. Bell 25 Miss H. Growder 25 Mrs. John Desmond . . 1 00 John Green, sen ...... 1 00 Mrs. R. Green 60 John Green, jun 50 Mrs. John Green 25 " DugaldGillis.... 25 " Alex.GUlis 10 " A. Gillis 25 " Hewitt 25 " Helen Keyes ... . 25 Fred. Lampman, jun . . 60 Colin McCormick — 25 John Stewart, sen .... 1 00 Mrs.Shaw 60 " D. Williamson . . 50 " James White.... 25 " Yates White.... 25 ■ I J 5 t» C0LLI0TI0N8. Collected by Mias Sarah and Misd Marjr Ana P«:arce. $ c. S.Diick ra. T. llarrison 1 " tt. Kenniy .... 25 William Wright 25 Jolin Palmer 60 Jonathiin Palmer .... 50 W. a. Pearoe 25 Loonwd Sponsor 2 03 i^raelSmith SO [.«. B. Wade 125 •• Walters 60 " B. VValters 25 OoUected by MUs Sitfali Wilion and Mii9 Tobias. Stn. Miss Misit M>'8. • ft Miss JnhnD'tck 100 IsaisDack 26 ■> . tlenJersun •. 50 J. H jnderdoa ... 2>5 JohuKitshen.... 60 Fanny Moi'ullum 60 William Wilson. 1 00 Matthew VVilxoo. 1 OU Sarah Wilson — 25 Collected by Miss Ros- anna Teetzel. CharlesClark 50 Miss Cornwall 60 Julias Uindy 25 U. M^Kiiiloy 25 MissH McKfitn 15 llunry Stewart 50 John Stewart 25 Miss Jiiue smith 25 Mi's. Simmoniis 12 " John Teeuel • • . . 1 00 " Thompson 60 " Unsworth ^ Wood Lawn Cottage • . 1 00 Afriend 26 Collected by Mrs. A. Ueyward and Mias M. Ann Wilson. Mrs. Bennet 60 Ueortte Uaok, 1 00 Ii.U.Uent 100 Mil. A. Hey ward .... 1 00 " W. Husband.... 60 Samuel Kitohen 60 C. Miison £0 Miss C.Miller 26 Wm. MuClure 25 MrK.A.T. Williatauoa 60 L.Ii 25 Collected by Miss M. Finley and MUa B. Mason. Mrs. Edward Bai7<- " Letri Oreen ■ ... " ArNtwITiU... Josiah Jowett Mrs. John Patterson- " C. Sheldon " Mary aimmondi. " Joseph Wilson . 25 1^ 10 10 OBroftl^. Collected by Miss Maria Gesner and Miss Lizzie Ridley. Mrc. Joseph Backan- • 1 00 Miss H.Bury 60 Mrs. Uujant 25 '• Brophy K " Bonton 10 " D. H Oesuer.... 60 Miss Sarah Qesner. ... ^ Mrs. Garton — 25 Mr.Qiimore 26 Donald Patterson 50 £dward H. Ridley.... 60 Robert ftubinson . 60 Airs. Thos. Ridley .... 25 •' Wm. Ross 26 Noohie Ruthven 6 JrhnScott 60 Collected by Miss Sarah Cleeve. J. R. Bury 60 Wm. Burohell 25 Robert Bryaten 25 R.S. Cleeve.nn 126 ILS. GleeveJun 100 Mra-U-Eastlake 25 C. (Ireenway, 26 Christopher Abbott ... 60 Mr.Uustun £6 Thos. Johnson 90 $ e. Mrs. Thos. Johnson . . 60 Henry Johnston 25 U. Manning 100 Mrs. B. Manning 50 W. N. Miisiiey 60 Kdward MuCoUum .. 10 W.Newoombe 25 Mrs. Sarah Kettenmar 25 W.Tiiit 25 W.Wilely 60 Joseph Warren 60 OBXibf K. Collected by Mrs. Stigbea and Mrs. Turuer. t Rev. Thomas Hughes 6 00 Mrs. Hughes 1 00 U.S. HuKbes 60 A. H Hushes 60 Thomas Hughes 25 W.H.Hughes 25 Miss I'unks 25 Mrs. F. M. Turner. .. . 60 " M. £. vtebster.. 160 " Willis i5 Miss HoUensworth — 25 E. HoUensworth 25 A. Hollenswoith 25 Mrs. Terrice 25 " Watson 25 " J.Johnston .... 25 " Highgato 25 " Mount 25 Alex. Watson 50 Mrd. E. J. Bow 25 " ibmith 26 Wm. W. Smth 12 Mr8.Hall ^ Samuel Clemens .25 S. Cleinensjun 25 Mrs ThOtuus.... 'j& J.H.Hall 60 M.H.Lonv 60 OAWx uiua. Collected by Mhs Smith. Dr. Mclnnes 100 D. Wallaoo 100 M<s. Prangley ICO MissPrangley 1 OU Miss E. Prang.oy 23 Mrs. Baxter 60 JamesF.Smith 100 OOLltOTIONS. 69 I e. CO 25 100 60 50 IQ 25 25 25 60 60 600 loo 60 60 25 25 25 50 160 i& 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 50 25 25 12 25 25 25 25 50 60 f C. David WaUaee 50 Misi Smith 25 AV.A. Ward 26 T.S. Araold 6U Mies Fanslier 75 Mrs. Cratt 60 Mr. and Mn. Hioks • • 1 00 BLENBEIM. TBINITY OKOBOH. Collected by Rev. W. Darls. tKer. W.Davis 500 Mrs. Davis 3 00 BvaosDavis 100 Thos. K. Davis...... 100 JohnA.tiewoll-. 60 Mrs. L. D.Walker.... 100 Miss Wallace 60 Mrs. Van Velsor 1 00 K. Hugbson 100 Joseph Meredith 1 00 W.U. Follows 100 Wm. MjQregor 100 R. Creaford 100 Robert S. Smith 100 Oeorge beales 1 OO Friend 25 Friend 50 Dr. Van Velsor 160 John Millilien 1 00 E. C.Jaokson 5 00 C.T. Complin 2 00 F. Rosa 25 Mrs. Nelson Wright ■■ 50 '• Bicum 50 Joshua Wellwood • • ■ . 1 00 James Wellwood • . . ■ 1 00 W.D.Sheldon 100 Philip Cofell. 2 00 Ebenezer Cofell 100 Caleb Coatsworth • . ■ ■ 1 00 Thos. McCoIlum 1 00 Wm. Wilson 100 Samuel Bioknm 1 00 Mrs. Bass 25 G. B. Kinney 50 JamesOiffin 100 A.D. Oiffin 25 S.Giffin 25 John McGregor ^ 60 C.L.8toddard 6 00 Mrs. btoddard 2 00 Eddie L. Stoddard... 100 J.C. Jaokson 100 WiUiam Thurlow.... 100 OyrusBeU 200 Samuel Sewell 100 $ 0. Barnes Maxwell 60 K. Franois 25 Henry Sewell 25 Efther Whitley 2S Mrt.Bayley 25 " Alley 60 P.D.Fraser 60 William Kinney...... ,50 Stephen Lane 100 Adoniram Lane 2 UO James Lane 100 PutMeUan 100 Adoniram Young 1 00 Collected by Mr. Aaron Robbison. Conrad Row 100 C. Row.jun 60 Ira B. Row 25 A.Robinson 60 ,Mr8. Robinson 25 Miss Robinson 10 Collected by Mrs. J. K. Morris. J.K. Morris 100 Mrs. Morris 100 Wm. Morris 60 J. H. Cavenagh 25 Mary A. Griffith 25 James Sampson 25 Mrs.Engliflh 100 " TTMorris 60 Mr. Putnam 1 00 Daniel Hall 50 William Hall 50 Thomas Hioks 50 James iJall 60 JohnMUls 50 Edward Wands 25 lYom Wcod Lawn Cot* tage 1 00 Cfaaa. F. Complin .... 1 00 Moses Newcomb 20 Collected by Mi6s Brown. Mrs. Benj. Rice 50 Hester M. Brown — 50 Frederick Rice 50 Benj. Rioe 100 B.T. Rice 26 Sios. E. Carlett 50 rs. J.Clark 50 Louisa Penmati 25 R. O.Andrews. ....... tiO William Smith, sen.. 100 < $ c. Mr. Brother 60 (Sylvester Wright .... 60 John B'ckum 100 Collected by Miss Mc> Micbal. Martha A. MoMiobal 50 Dawson Wright 50 gobert Wright 50 harlos Kenny zS Collected by Miss Btirlc*. Mrs. Burke 1 (|0 " Towser 100 Collected by Miss Ann* Drewrey. AnneDrewrey 25 Oliver Drewroy 10 James Mills 23 Juno Dowswell 10 David Walker 50 Mrs. Hart 100 " Gay 25 " Oliver 25 John Knott 25 Mrs.MoEaohran 25 " Laurie 50 Oeorge Vestor 60 Mrs. Moore 25 George Crakle 25 Elizabeth Drewrey — 25 R.B.Parr 60 James Fell 25 Mrs.Dalo 25 Wm. Hodffkins 10 Mrs. Hodgkins lO George Drewroy 60 Collected by Mrs. Os< bourne. Mrs.Hughson 25 *' Osbourne 100 " A. Bisnett 60 " J. McGregor .... 26 " Smiley 25 Friend £5 Mrs. Fellows 25 " F. McGregor .... 25 " Augur 25 " Anderson 26 " Baird 25 70 OOLLECTIONa. BALXIGH STATION. Collected by Miss Ben- nett. $ c. H. Shipley 12 Louisa Shipley 12 John Bennett 12 Henry Bennett 12 AnneBennett ,. 10 Robert Bel^ury 25 Stephen Bennett 10 Violet Pike 25 Hester Shipley 10 Maiy J. Scanunan. ... 25 MaiyTaylor 20 SarahShipley 25 M.Reynolds 12 HenryReek 25 Bliiabeth Bennett. ... 10 Moses Bennett 25 M. Bennett 26 Oollected by Mrs. Parr. J. Roe 50 Mrs. Parr 50 D.O.Echlin SO John Broadbent 100 Mrs. J. Broadbent — 50 Andrew Broadbent . . 25 Henry Broadbent .... 25 Agnes Broadbent — 10 Lydia Broadbent .... 10 £Ua Broadbent 10 Eli Broadbent 10 Collected by Miss Hinds. Mrs. Hinds 25 S.Hinds 25 HenryReek 25 M'B. Bennett 12 Miss E. Bennett 12 C. Cutmore 1 00 LITTU'S SCHOOL-HOUSE. Collected by Miss Toll and Miss Huffioaan. Mrs D.Stanton 60 N. Flater 60 Mrs. Mills 25 Xhomas Moore 25 $ C. S.E.Price fiO L.A.LitUe 50 Isaac Coats 20 JohnDeClute 25 Mr8.DeClutd 25 Walter DeClute 25 Jeremiah De Clute — 25 Mr. Pike 60 HenryToll 60 WEST TILLBDBT. Collected by Miss Corn- well and Miss Nichol- son. Albert Peel 100 RobertPeel 60 Edward Parr 60 Joseph Mark 60 William Latreille . . . . 50 Qeone Manning 50 William Ford 60 Mrs.Ford 60 Henry Brown 25 George H. Ogle 25 MaryJ.Miller 25 Thos. Atkinson 25 Mrs. Atkinson 25 " Latreille 25 Mr.Comwell 25 Miss Gomwell 25 Anna Nicholson 25 John Nicholson 25 James Dodd 25 Mrs.Allea 25 " Bould 25 " Weir 25 " EUiott 25 George Elliott 25 PeterEUiott 25 Mrs.Frankfort 25 Augustus Frankfort.. 25 Wm. Richardson — 25 JohnWatkins 25 James Newman 26 Joseph Thomas 25 Mrs. Manning 25 J. Dudluw 25 Mrs. Vinter 25 Wm Henderson 25 Wm.Comwell 25 John Stratford 25 JosephBast 25 Christopher Wiley ... . 25 Nathaniel Hillman ■ ■ 25 Thomas Carr 25 Mr. Beasley 20 Henry Morris 25 Emma J. Morris 12 Miss McDowell 12 Mr. Dodd 12 Mrs. Pearson 10 George Latreile 10 Thomas Comw^ .... 12 $ c. Gkorge Comwell 12 Mr. Taylor 10 Sarah A. Kingswell- ■ 10 James Manning 25 EAST TILBCRT. Collected by Mr. Henry Wilson. Andrew Wilson 100 Mrs.Wilson 50 Henry Wilson 50 James Wilson 25 Francis W. Wilson.. 12 Arthur A. Wilson .... 12 Mary Anne J. Wilson 12 Eliza J. Wilson 50 Barbara Wilson 25 Anne Wilson 60 Frederick Rook 25 Thomas Burkby 60 Thomas Funston 60 James Ainslie 60 Charles Funston 60 Wm. Smith 60 Jane Stewart 10 Alfred Nichols 25 John W.Foster ^ 00 Charles Walker 25 John Walker 25 RalphMather 60 Henry Richardson — 25 Miss Funston 25 H. Funston 25 Mary Anne Wilson — 25 Collected by Mrs. Arnold Wilson. Lester Malott 60 Friend 60 Joseph Ainslie 25 John Coutts 25 Mr.Dodge 2i MissMoCully 100 A. Graham 25 A. MoLeod 25 Angus Grant 60 Wm. Richardson .... 15 George Ainslio 25 Duncan McAlister. ... 25 James Lang 25 Peter Coutts 25 Donald Coutts 25 bidney Malott 60 Mrs. A.Sloan 100 John L. Dean 25 Donald Mc^ aughton . . 25 W. H. Breckenridge.. IS JohnWUson 60 Thomas Smith 25 0OLLX0TION8. n c. 12 10 10 Bnry 1 00 60 60 25 12 12 12 50 25 50 25 60 60 60 60 60 10 25 )00 25 25 50 25 25 25 25 %C. Jas. Qt. Stover ...... 26 Charles Dean 25 Friend 10 Cash SO John Wilson 100 Robert H. WaddeU.. 25 Mrs. Waddell 25 Samuel Wilson 25 John Davidson 25 $ e. MERSEA. ST. JOHN'S CHURCH. Collected by ^iss Eliza Robson. Wm. Hazleton 100 Edward Robson 50 Eliza Robson 50 James Edwards 1 00 Elizabeth Loveless — 1 00 Mary Anne Robson. . 25 W.W. Loveless 25 James McGowen 25 Mrs. W. Wadsworth. . 25 Mr. Bell 50 Anne Robson 50 Mrs. Bell 50 George Robson 25 Peter Ford 25 By Miss Siddle. Mr. Thamer 5 " Noble 25 Mrs. Noble 12 Mr. Noble 10 "Robson 10 " Dresser.... 25 By Misses Handford and Dcmming. Amelia Demming • . ■ . 25 Sarah Handford 25 H. F. Demming 25 {rs. Handford 2/> Handford 25 Martin Wetzel — .... 25 Oorden Wigle 26 Mr. Kimble 26 VS. Ketohum 2S F.Smith 25 J. N. Demming 25 E. R. Demming 50 Joseph Carr 60 Dr. Lambert 60 ,Che8terPruax 25 Joseph S. Robinson . . 20 John Ley 25 William Ley 25 Joseph Ley SO Charles Ley 50 James Lee 25 Mr.Baley 25 George Pearse 25 Alexander Bouser .... 25 William Mayoook — 25 Thomas Kelly 25 Martha Brown 25 Mrs. i?. J. Wigle 25 " L. Wigle 30 " Palmer 25 " J. N. Demming. . 25 Mr. Hodgson 20 By Mi^ises Hairsine and M. A. Robson. Isaac Emerson 25 Anne S. Wilkinson . . 20 Harriet Coulson 25 Henry Coulson 15 PheboPoir. 25 F.A.Wilkinson 25 WiUiam White 25 Rebeoca Preston 25 M.C.Wilkinson 26 Edward Foster 25 John Foster 26 Maria Wilkinson .... 50 MaryWhite 25 Captain Fox 25 Thomas Emerson — 10 JohnPigott 25 Geone Derbyshire .... 15 Sarah Jane Watson ■ . 35 JaneFox 25 Arthur A. Thompson 5 Caroline Setherington 10 MaryB Reid 10 Anne Derbs^ire .... 25 Maiy Anne^igle. ... 25 J.Wirfeld 25 Mrs Thayer 20 Mrs. Gosling 25 Mary A. Gosling. 10 Hiram Lane 25 H.M- Franklin 26 Isaac Lane 5 Jennie Hairsine ...... 26 Thomas Hairsine .... 25 Leonard WilkinsoQ .. 25 BOH NIT BOHOOiHOCBI. Collected Misses Whittal and Imison. James C Sheppard-- 25 Nancy Whittal 12 Isabella Imeson .... > i" RiohardCrue 18 William Dales 25 Sarah Anne Dales .... 6 Thomas Dales o Elizabeth Dales 6 Sarah Anne Dales. ... 20 Joseph Dales 16 WiUiam Smith W Mary Thompson 25 Elizabeth Healy 10 HenryHealy 10 MaryHealy M John Simpton 10 William Simpton .... 10 John Simpton 10 John McNarland .... 10 MaryAnneMoNarland 10 David W. Reid 10 John Sparrow 6 Mary Williams 11 Hugh Williams 20 Brasia Mills J Joseph Pane ^ James Gane \^ Samuel Pane. 10 J. Pane's Children- ... 46 J.Diles 10 WiUiam Mills -• 25 Mrs.Mosey W COUNTY OF LAMBTON. SARNIA. Collected by Mrs. Wilson and Miss Davis. Mrs.Carter 25 Miss Gibbon; ^ Mrs.MoKenzie w T.G.Johnston -g W.Wanless g D. A. Loud g Mrs. Smith 25 " Williams 25 '< Chalmers 25 " D.Clark 80 •' GUes 25 " ^mington 25 " Weston • 25 " Hendricks 75 " Rogers 60 *' Boyc9 ^ ^ OOLLIOTIONI. $e. -Wilion 100 J.Lanooster 26 JDr. Johnaon 5 00 Ir. Lipsoombe 60 A. Young 60 Friends i iz Ooriected by Mrs. Cope- land. Mirs. Pardeo •. 100 H. M- P'>'"««t' 2(S C,H.Gibbon 100 j.MoKenue oO R.Gurd 60 Mirs. Adams 2 00 L.C. Clark 2 00 'jriend ••• •• »2 By Mrs. Salter and Mrs. Farrell. ♦Mrs-Vidftl 20 00 kr8.Bnby... 100 tW.P.VidRl 5 00 tT.G.Vidal 5 00 T.Essex 100 Wane Brown 50 Mrs Gray , 25 ft. A. Carman 1 00 O.Ridout , 50 Mr. Glass.. 100 Mrs. Flintoft 100 — Pierie » MissOrris 25 Mrs. Goohan 25 " McCoU 25 tP.J.Poussett 5 00 Mm.Talfonrd 100 T.S.Farren 100 +Eav. G. Salter 6 00 Mrs. Salter.. 5 00 Friend 37 Collected by Miss Morgan G. Morgan 50 T.Moody 60 T.Bulman 60 Mrs. Livingston 75 " Watson 50 Emily Carrich 50 T.Calvert •• 60 T.Leggett £0 W. Hackney 60 W. Hoskins 25 W. Thompson ?5 Mrs. Calvert 25 ly.Hellinne 25 T.PuU 25 $ e. W.Kirk 16 Mrs.Green 12 Friend 41 PLORENOB. Collected by Miss Plea- ted and Miss Herson. Col.Kerby ... 200 Mrs. Kerby 100 Edwin D. Kerby 6 00 John A. Young 2 00 Isaac Unsworth 1 00 Mrs. Unsworth 50 MissPlested 50 Miss Herson 60 " M.J.Herson ... 25 Heniy Osborne 25 Charles A. Turner — 50 Mrs. Bourne 50 " Lowe 60 JohnElliott SO Hosea Carey 50 Andrew McGuire 25 W.A.Gordon 100 Doctor Davison 60 Charles Elsworth 12 G- Whitehonse, M-D. 25 Jer.Steward 25 Wm. Dunbar 25 William Simmons — 25 Mrd. Bassett 25 " Cooke m Solomon Huff 25 A. Sayers 25 R. Bloom 25 Mrs. R. Bloom 4o Henry Paddiok 75 HP.Paddick: 25 Mrs Browning. 25 James Blain:.. 25 Mrs. Herson 25 Collected by Miss Morri- son and Miss Forey. Robt. Morrison 1 00 Miss Morrison 50 Alex. Morrison 1 00 Wm. Morrison 25 Elisabeth MorriMO ... 25 Sarah A. Morrison — 25 Robt Morrison, jun ■ . 25 Robert Gunne .....;.. 1 00 Mrs. R. Gnnne 100 SarahA. Gunne 25 tHev. John Gnnne .... 5 00 Alex. Watlen.. 100 Mrs. Wallen 100 James Drew 60 Miss MoGreeiy 60 $e. Arthnr MeCreeiy .... 60 Col. A.Kerby 100 George Webster fiO John Dobbyn 60 George Axford 25 Mrs. Tiffin 25 Lena Thomas 2S John Stephenson 60 giehard Stephenson . ■ 60 nab McCreery 60 Wm. Cragg 80 John Cragg 25 Collected by Miss Storey and Miss Turtle. James C. Lament 1 00 Mrs. Lament 100 Wm. Webster 50 James Webster 50 Bernard S. Kerr 60 Miss TurUe 60 Miss M. A. Turtle .... 60 "■ Laura Kerby. .. . 25 Mrs.MoNabb. ....... 25 Wm.MoCreery 100 MissStorey 25 " Elisabeth Storey 25 " Caroline Storey. . 25 " Charlotte Storey 25 James Shaw 50 Mr8.6haw. 60 aioige Thompson •• • • rs. Turtle .......... Collected by Mi^g Stur- geon. James Sturgeon 60 Mrs. Sturgeon 60 James Sturgeon, Jun. • 25 Miss (iturseon 25 " BPlested 25 Mrs. Gunne 100 MissGunne 25 Charles R. Gunne .... 25 Kathleen F. Gunne .. 25 JohnM Gunne 2S Robert Johnston 1 00 Oliver Bilton 60 M(8 Bilton 50 William Bilton 60 Oliver Kerby Bilton.. 25 Edwin Amsden 1 00 Mrs. Amsden 25 Henry Douglas 26 Mrs Butler SO Miss Stover 25 JohnBuacr 12 MaryBuUer 12 Jas. Butler 12 Thomas Sturgeon .... 25, David Fansher 50 David Fansher; Jan. . SS^ '. D.l»atter8on.... ;.'..'.. ILPrangtoy iv OOLLSOnONi. 73 Mrs. Prangley 60 JohnEtliott 60 JohnFansher 26 THAHESVILLB. Collected by Miss Mayhow. MisaShaw 100 John Wall Tibedeau . . 1 00 Dr. Kuthven 1 00 F. J.Mayhew 100 W. B. Cloterbout 100 ■William Watts 50 AldisMaybew 100 James Maybew 50 G.M. Oordon 100 AUOHRIM. BT. JOHN'S IN TUB WOODS. Collected by Misses Brownlee and Moore- house. William ArmstroBg- . . 1 00 John Pierce 1 00 WilliamCox 50 Honry Brownlee 1 00 EdwardTully 50 Jas. MoKeune 60 Christopher Brownleot sen 60 John Brownlee 25 James Hands 1 (X> Jas Bell 60 Walter Armstrong — 60 William Hands 100 William Clements. ... 50 Henry MoCabe 50 Christopher Brownlee 1 00 Mrs. McKonne 25 Mrs. Moorehouse — 60 Walter Moorehouse ■. 60 Joseph Cox 60 Catherine Tvlly 25 Mrs Brownlee 60 Alexander Orabam ... 39 'S^as. Johnston 60 Mary Jane Brownlee. 25 Miss Brownlee 25 George MoCabe 25 M.Burr 25 Henry Eaoott 25 Robert John Foster .. 25 KINT BBIDGB. Collected by Mrs. Parr. f c. Jas.Shaw 100 JohnShaw 100 JohnLansford 100 Richard Eglin 100 MajorWhite 100 Edward Langford — 60 8. B. Williams 60 Mrs. E. Pickard 25 Miss Williams 25 Mrs. Holmes . 25 W. E. Hardey 60 Frederick Arnold .... 50 Mr. Steers 50 Mrs. Prisoilla Steers. . 1 00 Jas. Laird 100 Miss Webb 60 Miss White 60 Mrs.Rnight 100 Miss Knight 100 M. Shaw 25 Mrs. A.Shaw 100 J B. McLaughlin.... 1 00 R.O. Knight 100 E W.Williams 60 MissEglin 25 Mrs. W.Shaw 25 WARWICK. ST. MARY'S. Collected by Miss Marga- ret Lawson. Donald M.C.Leay — 50 Robert Bailey 60 Edward Aroner 50 James Hawkins 50 M.Eentley 25 David McKay 25 Edward Bailey 25 Elizabeth Bailey 12 Sarah Bailey 12 Will.Bailoy 25 Jane Bailey 25 John Dodge 25 ThomasDodge 25 John Bailey 25 Mary Jane Bailey — 15 JohnCope 25 Collected by Misses Su- sannah Tanner and Kenward. William Shannon .... 25 John Shannon 5 MiohaelWiokeU 25 John Tanner 60 MissJ-J. Aald 2S Amanda Rogers 25 Miss E. MoCollnm. ... 12 Maurice Falloon m JohnWestley 25 •Tohn Johnson 2S Mrs. Bartley 2S Mr.Uaines 2S Thomns Kenward .... 25 Mrs. Liddy, sen 25 RjchardCox 100 Mrs. Wilson 25 " FRestorick 25 " Liddy. ir 25 Edward Boyle 2S James Elliott 15 Alex. Elliott 13 JohnBartley 25 John Burger 75 Miss M.Milne 25 James F. Elliott 25 tA. J.Kingstone 6 00 tRer. J. C. Gibson. ... 5 00 WISBEACH. ST. PAUL'S. Collected by Miss How- den. Benjamin Parker 25 Samuel Howdon 50 DavidWatson 25 Will. Shepnard 25 Michael Monagban. . . 25 James Kells. 25 Robert Kells % John O'Brien 25 Alfred Evans 25 Will. Brison 2& George Smith 25 Mrs. Williams 25 Mrs. Elisabeth Tanner 25 " Jane Tanner — 30 Johanna Bowes 25 Mni.S.Killen SS " ElizabethWatson 25 Isaac House 25' Mrs. Wade Rothwell. . 1 00 P.J.Alison 100 B.H. Alison 100 Mrs. Shanks 25 Hiram Harrison 25 JohnEvans 25 Friend 10 JobnMitohell 25 Mrs. Messender 25 Richard Moore 25 E. McGilliouddy 25 Morris Smith 25 Will.Ma«wood 25 74 OOLLEOTIONS. Collected by Miss Mary Clarke. le. Mr.Kersey 60 Mrs. Kersey 25 Jameo Keney 2R Mre. James Keney. . • 2S Mr.Ward 25 " Chambers 100 James Clarke 50 JohnCIarke 60 John R. Jones 50 Mrs. Cleverton 50 " Clarke 26 Josiah Fair 25 Collected by Miss Sey- mour. Alex. Seymonr 25 Mrs. Seymonr, sen. ... 25 " A.J.Peymonr... 25 Charles A. Barnes — 25 Pichard Wilson 25 Old Bachelor 25 HenryCable 25 S.Trneman 15 BROOKE. BT. JiXES'. Collected by Mrs. James Newell. Jas. and Nancy Newell 1 00 'William Cowan 1 00 Mrs. William Cowan • . 60 JohnFnlloek 25 JamesGowan 25 lfn.O.E. Murphy.... 100 Alex.Cowan 100 WiU.Whitcraft 100 Bdward Gowao 50 John Cowan 100 Thomas Holbrooke... 25 Andrew Norris 25 WiUiam Kelly 25 GeorgeKelly 25 James Kelly 60 Nancy Jane Kelly . . • ■ 25 Collected by Misses Ame- lia Kelly and Sarah A. Shirley. OeornShirley 60 Mr8.Shirley 26 f c. Sarah A. Shirley 26 Mrs. Carrall 60 JohnWhite 26 Thomas Holbrooke ... 26 .Tohn Holbrooke 60 Thomas Hinrins 25 Mrs.Correstine 25 .Toseph Tfiylor 45 Richard Copeland — 20 Mrs. Baxter 26 Wm. Ansley 60 Edward McQuillon ... 26 Samuel Sutton 60 Mrfl.Sutton 26 William Kelly 50 Mrs. Chr.rlotte Kelly . . 60 Amelia Kelly 25 Alex. Kolly 25 Ckonre Marshall 25 Joseph Lette 50 Andrew Atchison 25 Will. Shirley 26 Mrs. Morriscn 25 Paul Kingston 60 Henry Slater 26 James Slater 26 Henry Falahay 26 Collected by Misses Sa- rah Jane Lucas and Nancy Bryce. George Lucas 60 RobertKing 25 Robert Higgins 26 Mrs.JaneBryce 25 " Jane Saunders . • 10 " James Hillis 25 " Jos.HiUis 26 John Higgins 25 James Afdritt 27 Nancy Bryce 25 Sarah J. Lneaa 25 William Lucas 25 William Higgins 13 Thomas Edwards 50 Jane Larrat 26 John Leacook 25 $ e. MOORETOWN. TRINITY CHURCH. Collected by Miss Leslie and Miss Sinclair. Mr.Creighton 100 " Payne 100 " Sinclair 100 MissLeslie 100 Mrs. Neil 60 " Fishor 60 " Hisoott 26 " Nesbitt 26 MissSinclair 25 " L. J. Sinclair.... 25 Mr.Abemethy 60 Thomas Creighton ... 60 Collected by Mrs. D. Johnston. Thomas Bowlton 26 Daniel McKinnon .... 60 David Johnston 25 Mrs. David Johnston ■ . 25 Miss L. Hescott 20 Mrs.Ormerod 15 Mr. £. Gilchrist 10 CORUNNA. CHRIST'S CHURCH. Collected by Miss M. M. Wright. J. McGuire 1 00 John Wilson 50 ThomasCawen 25 John Cawen 25 Robert Cawen 26 William Cawen 25 James Cawen 75 James Wilson 1 00 Z.Wilson 20 John Allingham 1 00 Mrs.D. Galium 25 " W. Allingham. . . 10 Miss Austin 25 R.Fleck 60 Thomas Ellis, sen 50 Mrs. Thos. Ellis 50 " Chas. Ellis 50 " Wm. Ellis 60 " Thomas.... 12 " W.Thomas 13 tMr. H. .L Miller 5 00 MissH.Miller 25 Capt. Wright 2 00 Miss Wright 100 " M.M.Wright... 100 P. McGlashan 100 R.Met«e 100 Arthur Metgo 25 John Metge 26 Miss Mary Metge 25 " Louisa Metge — 25 Mrs. W.Ellis 25 " Penyman 25 •• M. Procter 6 OOLLEOTIONS. 75 Mr. John Lewis dO Mrs. WaUaoe 12 John Wallace 25 J. W. Hughes 50 Mr. Hughes 50 Miss L.J. Hughes.. ■■ 25 W.Hughes 25 J.A.Hughes 25 John Taylor 25 Thos.EUisJr 50 Mrs.Morsom 25 " Chislett 25 Mr. Jackson 25 Miss Proctor 37 Mrs. Overton 25 R. Watson 60 Mrs. Watson 50 Miss F. McPhadran . 50 FROOMEFIELD. ST. If ABY'S. Collected by Mrs. Major and Miss E. Sutherland. tCapt. Warwioh 5 00 MnMmt 100 " Sutherland. Mr. Warwick.... James Warwick. Mr. Gilbert Geo. Warwick. . . Geo, Telfer 50 50 60 25 12 _„. 50 JamesMaior 125 -- - ■ 12 25 20 12 Mrs. Canada E. Stone Mrs. Stone...- Wm. Tumbull Joseph Tumbull 10 Miss Tumbull 13 James Tumbull 12 B.A.Rose 50 Mr.Wheatly 100 *' Harpur 25 Geo. Harpur 10 Henry Stone 10 JohnStone 10 Mr. Baxter 100 Collected by Misses Rod* ey and Dods. $ c. Mr. Rodey 60 MissRodey 25 " M. J. Rodey .... 25 Mrs.Dods 50 Miss Dods 25 Mrs. Dobson 50 F.Baxter 50 Joseph Payne 60 W.Whingles 26 A.Gibb 25 R.Gibb,jun 20 J.Parks 20 Mr. Mowbray 25 " Shanks 10 Mrs. C.Bell 27 " A.Bell 10 " Hardiok 25 " Miller 15 " Coyne 10 Miss Brown 10 Two friends 17 Mr.Milner 12 Mrs. Gawling 12 Mr. Gawling 20 WYOMING. Collected by Miss Ward. tRer. J. S. Baker. ... 5 00 G. T. Barnwell 25 W. Givens 25 T.Ward 60 Mrs.T. Ward 25 J. T. Robertson 50 W. T. McGarvey 60 MissMoGarrey 50 R. Croblo 50 M.G.Roblin 50 Mrs. Roblin 50 Geo. Brown 50 G. B. Dales 50 Dr.Mott 200 Mrs. Baxter . " Ambrose • . • < " Robb *' Tumbull... Mr.F. Major " Impett ** Isaac Baxter . 50 25 10 26 25 18 25 $e. Mrs.FIether 100 Mr. Miller 100 "Thomson 80 "MoBride 60 " Brown 100 "Kelly 100 " Braund 00 "Jury 100 Mrs. Jury 60 Mr. Clarke 60 Mrs. Clarke 26 Mr. Rutherford 1 00 OIL 8PBING3. tDr. Macklem 6 00 Collected by Miss Brown. Gtoo. Adamson 100 Dr. Macklem 100 Mrs.Adamson 60 Mr.Fletoher 100 SOMBBA. tJamesCowaa 6 00 Collected by Mrs. Rad- cliffe. Wm. VeraeU 100 J.L. Bray,M.D 100 Alex.Hay 1 U> C. J. Johnson 1 00 A. Queen 60 Thos.B. West M Mrs. W. Green and family 8 00 Collected by Miss Mc- Millan. Mrs. Sawyer 100 G. Kenny 100 Jno. Volb' 60 Wm. Taylor 60 Collected by Miss M. J. King. B.King 100 H.King 100 Mrs.KTng 50 M.A. King 60 W. Nightingale 60 W.Littleton 100 GaptCraine 60 T.Ferguson 26 G. MoDongaU 10 78 OOLLIOTIONS. 8ILI.BI0R0. Collected by Mrs. PbiU Upi and Mrs. John HUl. Mr. Benion 60 C. Btunden 25 Mrs. T. Btunden 60 T. Blunden 60 C. Blunden 60 H. Blunden 50 M. A. Bailey 25 D.Clarke 100 Mrt. Clarke, 25 Mn. Cuultiir, sen..-. 60 " O. Coulter 60 Mr. Cowan 60 Miu Cowan 25 |li«8 Pither 60 Mre.UiU 2 00 Miu Hill 50 Mr>.JohnHill 100 Mr. John Hill 100 Milward Hill 100 ThoniaaHill 100 Mrs. Charles Hill..-- 100 Mr. Cliarles HiU 60 tS.C. Hill 5 00 T.Kendall 60 Mrs. Kendall 25 tKer. 8. H. Phillips.. 5 00 Mrd. PhUlips 2 00 A. Robs 25 R.Ilub8 60 S.Stoop 60 Mrs. Uiil 60 Mn.Jw.HiU iO Wm. Hill 80 Jas. HiU, Jun 50 Collected by Mrs. Wood. A. C. Anderson 25 H.Anderson 25 Mr8.Jone8 25 F. Jones 50 S.Jones 12 Mrs.Jones 25 G. Hart 25 A. MoPherson 25 J. C.PoUook 26 C.P.Reid 50 W. P. Held 25 Mrs. F.Wood 60 AUnaWood 25 BlvaWood Sr) PBROHB. BT. JOHM'B in TBI WItDIB> KIBB. $ C. A.B.Hyde 60 Mra. Uurtim 60 " Uanston 25 J. H. Jones (0 Mrs. Jones 25 " J.H.Jones 12 A. Sutherland 60 Mrs. Young 2i> Errol Sunday School. 60 Sunday collection — 67 Collected by Misa Re- becca Hyde Mrs. Cameron 25 J. Dod^ 60 Q.Hyde 60 Capt. Ingles 100 Mr. Kennedy 1 00 Mrs. Kennedy 60 E. Taylor 60 Mr. Whiting 25 FOREST, Collected by Mrs. Snart and Mrs. A. West. .ir. Buchanan 25 Mr. Cudlani 25 K. Dior 60 Mrs. Edgar 25 A friend 25 Afriend 10 Mr. Haley 50 GeorgeUave 26 Mrs. Jennings 100 Jas. McLaren 25 Mr. Morningstar 25 Mrs. Kay 20 Mrs. Snart 25 JohnSnart 25 Mr.Sp arman 25 " Stephenson. 25 John Troll 25 J. A. Woodroffe 10,) Mrs. Woodroli'e 60 A. West 25 Mrs. West 25 Sunday oolleotioa 2 00 WIDDIR BTATIOM. Collected by Misses Bish- op and E. Orr. I c. A. M.Atkinson 50 James Atkinson 60 Mrs. Bishop 25 Wm. Bishop 60 P.W.Brady 60 W.Clark 10 Mrj.Clark 26 W. H. Cololough 60 G.Cololough 26 Mrs. Coulter 26 0. Coulter 25 Mrs. J. BUiott 60 Mr. Elliott 60 Friend 25 Friend 26 Friend 12 W.Gattes 60 A. Gnnn 60 Mrs.HolweU 50 G. W.HolweU 60 Mrs. Long 25 Jacob Uury 25 Mr. Morgan 25 H.Watt8 25 J.Watts 50 WALPOLI ISLAND. tBsT. A. Jamieson (0th year.) 5 00 {Name omitted in latt vear*» report.) tRer. A. Jamieson. 600 BABMIA INDIANS. tRer. H. P. Chase.... 5 00 Collected by Joseph Wawanosh. Mrs. Charlotte Elliott. 25 Peter Gray 60 ElisaGray 60 Louisa Kabayosh .... 60 AntoineBodd 50 Elisabeth Rudd 100 OOLLIOTIOlfS. 77 c. Elizaboth Rilay 100 David Showuno 1 00 Eliiabeth Showuno . . 1 00 Adam Showuno 1 00 Chriitiana Showuno. . 50 Joahua Wawonosh ... 3 00 Joseph Wawanoah .... 3 00 Eliza Wawanoth 1 00 Thomas Wawanoah . . 1 00 Amelia Wawanosh. . . 1 00 Betsy Wawanosh .... 1 00 Jaue Wawanosh 25 EugeniaQuakegwow. . 25 Ellen Quakegwow ... SO COUNTY OF NORFOLK. SIMCOE. Collected by Mrs. Potts and Miss Wilson. J.H.An8ley 100 Miss Axt'ord 37 £. A. Colquhoun 50 tEdmund Deedes 5 00 Edith Deedes 37 James Ermatinger. ... 1 00 Mrs. Forte 50 Daniel Freeman I 00 Friend 25 Friend 25 C. J. Fuller 60 James Green 25 W.H.Uealey SO ElizaHobeon 25 Thos. Kendall 25 MariaKent 50 B.M.Ke8tell 100 Thomas Lee 25 Mrs. Lueas 25 W.H.Mulkin8 100 MariaPark 60 Mis. Plummer 12 Wm.Salmon 2 00 Mrs. Shaqx) 160 Wm.8harpe ICO Mr8.Tisdale 100 Mrs. Tewnley 25 " Viuoent 60 F.S. Walsh 100 C.L.Wal8h 60 Wm.M. Wilson 2 00 Collected hj Mrs. Curtis •nd Miss Sarah Walsh. D.Gampbell 4 00 Mrs. Campbell 2 00 U.Carter 60 Mr. Chivers 12 Miss Clark 150 Mr. Curtis 100 Mrs. Curtis 100 " Brearly 25 N.C.Ford 600 Mrs.E E.Ford 60 Robert Oalbraith '26 Mr.Oroff 100 Jas.IIarding 25 Mrs. Harding 25 " Harris^ 60 Rebecca Harris 25 AVoi. Hooker, Jon 60 •—Hooker, sen 25 Margaret Hunter 60 W. Tuskay 25 Dr. Wilson 100 Wm. Wilson 100 Mrs. Wilson 60 Collected by Mrs.Orasctt and Miss Kate Lowndes. Mrs.D.AIgeo .50 George Battersby 2 00 CaptBushell 100 Dr. Govemton 1 00 Margaret ElUott 26 tRer. E. Grasett 5 00 Mrs.Grasett 2 00 Mr. Uobbs 25 Dr. KeUey 100 Miss Kendall 25 Mrs. Kilpatriok 25 Mr. Laing 25 Mrs. Letterman 1 00 Miss Matthews 25 " J.Matthews 18 " S.Matthews 18 Mrs. M. Moore 25 Rol)ert Moore 25 Mrs. Osboume 25 Mrs.McGill 100 U. Laney 25 Mrs. Lowndes 60 Miss Lowndes 50 Daniel Matthews 1 50 Mr.Minohen 100 Janet Morrison 12 A.Park 60 Mrs. Powell 12 A.Pnrcell 100 Mr.Pusey 60 A.B.RapeUe 100 MatUdaRapoUe 50 tRev. Geo. Salmon ... 5 00 Mrs. Senden :... 50 Mr. Shepherd 1 OO Mrs. W.L. Smith 26 F.G. Stanton 3 OO W. Street 100 A. Walsh 4 00 Mrs. Waters 26 Mrs. Williamson 60 J. E. PoltH 2 00 Mrs. Ritchie 100 Chas.Ritohie 80 Emily Ritchie 26 Mrs Rogers 60 J.F.Smith SOO Neville Smith 100 Thos. Walsh 2 00 Jns. G. Williams 60 PORT DOTIR. Collected by Mrs. Hay- cock and Miss lligman. 0. Ansby 26 tRev. M. S. Baldwin. 5 00 A.Battersby 4 00 D. Buokwell 60 Mrs. Culver 60 • Dobbs 4 00 " Dixon 100 8. Gamble 25 E. Gilman 100 Mrs.Harvey 100 " Hugget 60 H.Morgan 100 C. MoNeilledge 100 Mrs. Newport 26 B. Powell 100 N. B. Scofield 2 00 Thos. Watem 4 00 Mrs. B. Williams.... 100 W. H. Higman 100 PORT ROWAN. Collected by Miss Ste- venson. tW. H. Stevenson .... 6 00 Mrs. W. H. Stevenson 2 00 G. A.VanSlyak 2 00 W. MoQown 2 00 C.G.Lane 2 00 Mrs. J. W. Chadwick. 1 00 R. S Stevenson 1 00 N. il. Biddulph 60 Mrs.N.H.Biddulph.. 60 Mrs.Turrili 25 T.A. Hall 26 '1| I 78 OOLLKOTIONfl. $ c. O.Franoifl 25 J.Klmball 25 T. Fry 25 J.Fiok 2ft Dr. Franklin 25 J. Btoami 25 J. Louoh 25 J. Kirk 26 Mn. Andenon 25 Afriand 10 A friend 10 A friend.*. 5 Collected by Miss M. Mc- Lennan. tRev.H. J.Evanf.... 5 00 8.P.Mabee KM) S.N. Holt 50 A. MoLennan 25 Mrs. John MoLennau • 50 J.O.Lane 2 00 C. H. Oilman 60 JameiBvan 25 Oeorge Patient 50 O. L.Dedriok 50 J. H. BaokhQuae 50 Joaeph Raymond 26 Mrs. S. PTMabee 100 Mrs. Leaton 25 P.Bennett 50 M. J. McLennan 50 ROWAN MILI.8. Gollected by Miss Hutch- inaon and Miss Lorenza Hutchinson. L. P. B. Hutchinson. . 1 00 Lorenia Hutchinson .. 100 Peter Backhoaae 1 00 Mr. and Mrs. Barrett. 1 50 Mrs. Q.H. Barrett... 50 Stephen Brown 50 EdwinMarton 50 \ViUiam Hutchinson . . 50 Mrs. Oeo. Hutchinson. 50 D. Swinton 50 Samuel Leboum 50 Wellington Franklin. . 50 Samuel Oasterhout • ■ 50 Mrs. W.Smith 30 Charles Hasen 25 John Forbes 25 OeOrgeMiller 25 Albert Origrid. 2S Oliver Mon^eun 25 John Steinhoff 25 WiUiam Denny 25 HarveyfirowQ 26 f e. Mrs. Morden 25 Malcolm MoDouBtall 25 Archibald MoLeUun. . '3 Mrs. Young 25 Mrs. U.Brown 25 Mrs. Uobertflon 25 Frederick Trumley . . 25 Mnsus Un>wn 25 James Anderson 25 iHaac Fry 25 Wm. Hanson 25 Duncan McDougald ■ ■ 25 Harvey Franklin — 25 Robert Cridland 25 JohnLafebre 25 Mrs.Train 37 " Cook 26 Nelson Franklin ... 26 J.T.Comor 26 John Wingrove 15 Mr. Ganflon 12 Robert Holmes 25 Timothy Abbott 12 Richard Cridland .■• 25 JohnDeWolf 8 JohnBiddle 7 Mrs. W.Franklin .... 5 Jacob Becker 8 Wm. Smith 6 James Hazen 5 HOCOHTON. Wm.Froeland 60 Mrs. Wm. Freelond . . SO MissFreeland 26 H. Guest 25 Mm Guest 25 John Alton 26 Mra.Alton 25 John Boyd 25 Mrs. NaUbit 25 Master B. Naisbit ... 12 Mr. Chamberlain • . . • 13 SAINT WILLIAMS. Collected by MissesWood and McCall. tR«v, W.Wood 5 00 Mrs. Wood 50 Mrs.C. Wood 100 Miss Wood 50 W.P.Millar 100 Mrs.D.MoCall 100 J.A.Baokhouse 100 D.A.MoMiohael .... 60 f e. F. K.MbCbII 60 W.A.Brandow 50 Mrs. Austin 22 Mrs. Mcbicmoy 26 " .fohn Mason ■..■ GO C. E. MoCall 60 H.H. Johnson 50 «. W. Waterbcrry... 25 Daniel Nowkirk 50 J. McLean 60 D. Procunier 25 Miss Anna MiUnr .... 50 Jos. Mason 60 H.Woodward 25 Jos. Procunier 26 Mrs.D. A. McCall .... 25 John Backhouse 50 Miss Maria Mc(.!all . ■ 2r> Jane Evans 2.) COUNTY OF OXFORD. WOODSTOCK. Collected by Miss Bird. Robert Bird 60 Mrs. Robert Bickle.. 25 WUIiam CoUen 25 John Downey 5 Jno.Freneds 50 Mrs. Harwood 12 James Ingersoll 50 " •• 25 P. H. T 25 Jos. Pope 25 Thomas iScott 50 J. Smith 6 W.Thompson 80 Collected by Master John Lindsay. James Rum 26 Mr.Ekins 160 Friend 20 Friend 25 Friend ... /SO Mrs. Hemey 10 " Hack 10 H.BobertHall 50 John Lindsay, sen — 4 00 Mrs. Lindsay 2 00 Miss Lindsay 1 00 John Lindsay, jun. ... 25 U. &C Lindsay 10 Roderick McKay .... 25 McKenzie 26 Charles Pope 60 Mr. Thompson 20 Miss Wier 25 Mrs. West 26 M 0< M M V> M C P M R OOLLBOTIONB. 7» 60 fiO 22 26 00 60 60 26 60 60 26 60 60 2i'> 26 26 60 '£^ 2.'* 60 26 26 6 60 12 50 25 25 25 60 5 80 25 160 20 25 .30 10 10 60 100 !00 100 26 10 25 25 60 20 25 25 Ooltected by Miss Bow- ditch. $ c. Mra. Arnold 1 00 Qeo. Bowditch 100 Mrs. H. DoBluiuier. . 2 00 MIhii Jano Ekina • . . . 60 Wllllatn (»rcy 2 00 Mn. Ilaok 60 CSetohfleld 23 Patrick John 26 Mrs. Goo. Weeks.... 50 Robert Woodroffo . . . . 60 Mra. Youns 6) Collected by Mrs. Parker. Mrs. .7. CharluH 1 00 Friend 25 Mrs. IngerHull 1 00 MrH. Parker 1 00 Collected by Miss Hart. Mrs. Blow 25 A Qreen 10 W. Howden 25 Mrs. Hart 1 00 W. Hart 60 Collected by Mr. Charles Love. C. Love 60 Mrs Love 50 Miss Love 50 D. Peacock 1 00 Collected by Wm. Carter. Hugh Richardson — 26 B. Richardson 26 Leonard Turauand — 26 Herbert McCleneghan 25 William Carter 50 W. Jackson 25 Jos. Jackson 25 Mr. Turner 25 Mr. Lakeman 60 KateBird 15 Amelia Bowditch — 10 C. Hankey 25 Mrs. Brown 12 Hanna MoKenzie .... 10 A.Powell 10 Dr. Wright 100 A.friend 25 Chas.FulIick 25 Wm. Collins 60 Jos. Nellos 60 C.Cwrstin 60 Master E. Webster.. ■■ 25 Mrs Edrar 80 Albert Webster 2ft Collected by Miss Isabel Wood. Mr Ambrose 50 A friend 60 Mr. Impet 1 00 Joseph Wood 2 00 Oollected by Miss Hadskis. MrA. Bain lo '• Couzens 10 Eliza Httdskis 26 Mrs. Iladskis 26 ," C.Huggins 13 Johnny Huggins 5 Mrs. J. HuKgins 6 Mrs. P.P. Medgloy... 30 T. Luster 25 Mrs. Poach 10 A friend 26 Collected by Miss G. Turquand. £. Ambrose 2 00 John Barwiok 2 10 J. Eddington 60 J. N. Geddes 60 S.Kezix 60 Mr^. Turquand 1 00 C. L. Wood 60 Collected by Miss Tur- quand. Mrs. Graham 100 Miss Groy 1 00 Charles Bean 60 tRev. H.Revell 5 00 Mrs.Revell 100 Mr. Stark 25 tJohn Board 6 00 Jolm Coghill 100 Albert Webster 25 Charles Brewer ^ tRcv. W. Bettridga . . 5 00 INCERSOLL. tRev. J. Vicars, 6th year 6 00 til. Grotty .••.•• 600 tT. Waikinfton, 6th 4 7th yearn 10 00 Collected by Miss Crotty. tRev. J.P.Hlrioks... 6 00 tS. Walkington 6 00 tJ. MoCaughey 6 00 James B«nson J 00 P.Brown J 00 S.Newcomb 100 Jos. Chambers , 60 M.Denroche 100 D. Canfleld 100 J. M. Chapman 1 00 Mrs. McLean ., , 80 Jaiiios Canfleld 1 00 Mr.llumsey ' w Collected by the Misses Jarvis. Joseph Jarvis... .••••• 100 Mrs. James Jarvis ... 80 Mrs. Charles Janns.. 80 A. Kluoho. .....•••..• 100 Mrs, J. Huntley, Jun.. 60 Mrs. James Huntley . . 20 Friend » Collected by Mr.s Cameron. A. Mra. James Chopraan . % Bell Cameron 26 Mjg. ■R<i. Chapman..' 60 " T. Bobier 26 William Moore 12 Mr. Foster 50 T. Chapman 50 Collected by Miss Eliza- beth Jarvis. Jonathan .Tarvls 1 00 Eliza Jarvis 25 i 80 ool:.ections. $ e. Mrs.Hide-.A 12 " ScoflBn 25 " Minkler 12 " Ookridge 10 *' Spearman 5 Mr. Conner 25 MisaDundas 22 Mrs. Clarke 25 Mr.McFadden 25 Miss Matthews 25 Mrs. Chapman 25 Mr. Clenuenninsc 25 Mrs. John Alien 25 Collected by Mrs. Havi- land. II. Haviland 25 Mrs. Muody 5 Mrs. Crawford 25 Sarah R. Crawford. ... 25 Mrs. C. Crawford 25 Charlotte Palmer 25 Susannah E. Crawford 25 George Brown 60 Mrs. G. Brown 50 Miss M.C. Chapman. 25 B.V.Crawford 25 EAST ZORRA. CUBIST CHL'RUH. Collected by Miss Bessie Moysey. tSutton Frizelle 5 00 Samuel Cawker SO Jos. Thwaites 1 00 Richard Moysey 1 DO Mrs. Millman 50 Robt Millman 25 Betsey Millman 25 William Pal ister 50 Mrs. Cross 1 00 Hiram Shodwick .... 1 00 Mrs. Shadwick 100 Mrs.Dawson 1 25 Eliza Marshall 50 Timothy Plaakctt .... 1 00 Mrs.Shadwiok 50 Collected by Miss Mar- shall. $ c. tDavid S. Maoqueen. . 5 00 Mrs. Macqueen tt 00 Thomas Buokle 2 00 .Joseph Turner 1 00 tRev. F. D. Fauquier. 5 00 Mrs. Fauquier 2 00 Miss Fauquier 2 00 Fred. Fauquier 25 GeorRo Collins 1 00 Mrs. Collii.s 12 Stephen Collins 10 Jemima Collins 10 Mary Jane Collins- ... 10 William Walcraft.... 60 Henry Rowland 50 Mfs.Pratt 25 Jas. Last 50 Jos Colman 25 William Marshall — 50 Martha Marshall 50 Adam Marshall 25 Anthony Marshall — 10 Mrs Jane Marshall . . 25 Rhoda Taylor 25 Mra.Skelton 50 J.C Vandecar 25 R. Millman 50 Mrs. W.Wadland.... 50 J.Donaldson CO W.Donaldson 100 Israel Caistor 50 Mrs. Robinson 25 " Piggot 16 TRINITY OHURCB. By Misses L. Caister and Ann Russell. t James Caister 5 00 James Reynolds 50 James King 50 John Norris 15 John Klein 25 John Grayson 25 Jane Bullard 25 J. Rutherford 25 J.Shrubshall 50 JohnWoon 100 James Grayson 12 John McKay 25 John Irwin 25 John Caistor 1 00 Alex. Patterson 35 Friend 25 AncuM Carr 25 Aruiur Armstrong — 1 00 Ann Harwood 50 Alfred Haiwood 100 Friend 10 AnnS. Russell 25 Friend 12 Ghorleslnnes 25 C.Zoellner 25 GharlesKnott 60 Daniel Lark 60 Fred.King 26 George Mattison ...... 10 Gtoorgo Skelton 60 Thomas Rowe 1 00 Henry Rockett 50 Henry Snorr 25 Hiram Harrington — 25 Hugh Cunningham ■ . 25 Henry Garrott 30 Henry Gishler 25 LeTiWildfong 40 Lavina Caistor 25 Mrs. L. Caistor 50 Mrs. M. Caistor 50 Mrs. D.Bell 15 Matilda Harrington . . 25 Mary J. Harrington . ■ 25 Mary A. Hatch 25 Mrs. Grayson 25 Mary H. Caistor 50 Mary Grayson 25 Mrs.King 50 Patrick Russell 25 Richard Varey 100 Richard Bale 100 Robert Webber 50 Susan Loveys 25 Susan Burton 50 Stephen Caister 50 Sarah Innes 15 Stephen N. Caister • . ■ • 25 V.SparkB 2a Wm.RuBSoU 25 Wm. Moorlook 25 Wm. Bell 25 Wm.M.Bell 10 Wm.Norri8 26 Wm.Rookett 25 George King 50 Friend 33 KA8TW00D. Collected by Mrs. R. Robinson. Mrs. Anderson 25 " Bigley 30 Miss Bell 25 Mrs. Cooper 60 '• Chesney 25 Wm.Costelli 25 Mrs.Dunn 25 James Ellis 25 Henry Edmonds 25 Mrs. J. Edmonds 25 " J. Ferguson 25 Robert Ferguson 25 Alexander Ferguson . . 26 ; ■ J fc^ K COLLECTION!!, it n [ $c. MrB.H.HaU 50 " Horton 60 Ann Horton 25 Wm. Horton 25 Mrs.A.Hayward 15 John Hayward 25 Qeorge Hillier 25 Richard Hooper. 25 Alfred Hayward 25 Mrs. Wm. Hewitt .... 25 tRev. S. B. Kcllogu. • . 5 GO — Kipp 5 Mr. Lundy m Joseph Lewton 25 Mrs. Mamford 10 A. McCulloch 25 Mrs. McForland 25 JohnOliver 10 Agnes Anne Perry — 50 Samuel K. Perry 50 Richard Robinson, sen. 50 Mrs. R. Robinson 50 Richard Robinsonjun. 25 John Ross 25 Mrs.Scott 25 John Scott 25 Mrs. White 25 " Wilson 26 Qeorge Walker 50 PhiUp Walker SO Collected bj Miss E. Harrison. Mrs. Brown 25 " Bolston 25 John Baiftoant 25 ThomasBoU 25 Wm. R. naskiville ... 25 Mrs.Bell 25 » Craib 25 *' JohnFrizelle.... 100 A friend 50 Mrs. Harrison 25 " Hayward 25 " James Lee 50 " McElheran 25 " Platts 25 Henry Robinson 25 Mrs. J. Robinson 50 Samuel Robinson 25 By Miss Trimble. Mrs. Ailinii 25 " Clark SO A. A. Farrington 25 James Farrington — 25 Mrs.Goble 2r. Joseph Potter 25 Mr. Potter ••.... 25 Mrs. Sabeau 25 George Taylor 25 Elizabeth Trimble .... 25 E.B.Trimble 12 > EAST OXrORD. Collected by Miss Lamp- man. Mr. Allen 30 Mrs. James Alien — 25 '• Joel Allen 25 Henry Brown 25 Mrs. Chambers 30 " Grey 30 " Green 50 Mary Green 25 L. C. Green 25 Frances H. Kellogg. . . 1 00 Peter Lampman 50 Mrs. Lampman 50 Phoebe Lampman > • • . 25 Mrs. A Lampman — 50 " Moon 25 James G. Pettit 50 Mrs. Pettit 50 F.C.Pet-it 25 Mrs. Parkins 25 " Wm. Thompson.. SO OoUected by Miss Brown. Mrs. Brown 1 00 Chas. Brown 50 T.J.Brown 60 Henry Brown 25 John Brown 25 Chas. Brown 50 Mrs. Blaohford 25 A. C. Glendenen 50 James Dunply 25 Samuel FrizoUo 50 B. Fowler 50 Mary Louisa Kellogg.. 1 00 Archibald Lampman. 25 tXNERKir. Collected by Miss Ball. Mrs. Bowman 25 Miss Ball 25 Mrs. John Cowan — 50 Wm. Caddy 25 Dr. Clement 25 Miss Day 25 Wm. Davis 25 Samuel Evans 100 Mrs.Bdwards 25 E. Daughtray 25 H. Horwood ,.... 25 $ e. Mrs. Hopkins 25 " E. Knights 25 " Knights 25 Ebenezer Knights 25 Asoott Locke 25 Mrs.MoColl W Thos. F. Mitchell ... 50 John Mitchell 50 Fred. Mitchell 25 Mrs. Moore 5 " R. A. NflUes . . . . 50 Clattlien Robes 20 Mrs.Quintoy 50 Joeepn St«phens 25 Walter Thompson .... 30 Mrs.Town 16 " Taylor 12 Wm. Walters 13 OIBEHAU AND TILSOMBVaO. Collected by Miss Hoebey and Miss James. Mrs. Hoohey 60 M. Bum 60 Mrs.Scott 60 A. Scott 50 Mrs.Beaurark 50 " Renedy 80 Mr. Molyneux 50 ''James 50 Mrs. WiUiams 50 M. Moisier 2S Wm.Pettman 25 Jas. Pottman 25 Mrs. Bodwell 25 Thos. Pettman 25 " Gunstone 25 Mrs. Pettman 25 John Pettman 26 John Wilson 25 Mrs. Thompson 25 Mr. Lungrell 25 ' Lowrie 26 "Curtis 26 MissHc^hey 25 Mr.Hall » W. Withers 26 C. Hawkins 10 A. James l^ Mrs. Smith 100 Miss Smith 50 Mrs Hawkins 25 P. Taylor 25 R. Winder 80 S. Bum g Thos. James... 2d 82 OOLLXOTIONB. COUNTY OF PERTH. STRATFORD. ■T. JAHI8' OHOBOa. Collected bj Mrs. Fuller and Miss James. $ c. tRer. E. Patterson. ... 5 00 tJ. Sydney Smith 5 00 W. Richardson 3 00 8. 8. Fuller 2 /iO R. Fuller 2 fiO J.Orr 100 W.Ow 100 Mrs. P. Watson 100 " C.James 1 OO A. Monteeth 100 J. A.CarroU 100 Mrs. Sewell 100 " Jamos 100 Mr. Londfoot 50 8. li. Roberts 50 Mrs. Jaokson 50 " G.Jackson 50 G. McDonald 50 Mr. Hammer 25 " Croker 25 " MarUiam 26 Mn.R.Smith 100 Collected by Mts. Law- rence. Mr8.H. Baker 25 •• Ruff 26 " H. Kinc 100 " Lawrence 50 " Liiars 50 lissSimmins 26 Watson 26 Collected by Mis. Luard. Hn. Cook 25 •' Wetherington . . . 26 " Woodwud 26 " Goodwin 50 " Aimes 26 «* HUton 26 " Hay 26 '• Allen 26 Mils Axmstrong 26 $ e. Mrs. Burritt 100 •' Hine 25 " Hopwood 25 '• Vivian 25 " Luard 25 Collected by Mrs. G. Davis and Miss Steele. J.Powell 100 Miss Ellison 1 00 G.Davis 100 Mies Stephenson 1 00 W. Watson 1 00 Mrs. Alcook 60 " Gladders 50 " Holmes 25 Mr. Steet 60 Collected by Mrs. S. L. Roberta and Miss Orr. C. Chapman 2 00 €• Rumsey 2 00 T. Winter 100 J. Dalton 50 W.H.Roberts 50 T. R. Hesson 1 00 G.Home 100 Jos. Knoith 25 W.Buckingham 100 G. Kahn 50 Mrs. Smithwick 50 Mr. Phillips 5$ Major Barretts 1 00 jTP.Woods 60 A. L. Willson 50 ST. MARY'S. ■T. JAMES' CHUBCH. CoUect'd by MissO'Orady and Miss Gleoghegan. W. V. Button 4 00 A.Smith 60 tM. Harrison 6 00 Dr. Harrison 50 J.W.Guest 60 F.R. Stephens 60 J. DeO. O'Grady 60 P.Hayes 60 f e. G.C.Hersey 60 J. A. Bayley 1 00 S.Blair 60 Mrs. Bussell 100 F. Pendue 60 Mrs. StephcDson 100 Collected by Miss Mac- artney and Miss Mc- Connell. J Rev. J. Smythe 5 00 Irs.HiU 100 D.MoDonneU 100 R.Guest 100 H. Colvert SO W. Coleman 60 J. M Guest 60 J. Robinson 1 00 Mrs.Oddy 50 T.Shortt 26 J. Coleman — < 1 00 D. Sambie 25 H. McDougald 25 Lewis Day 2 60 Friend 25 J.Huttonl 60 J.B.Abbott 1 00 Mrs. Ketehie 50 C.AUan 60 Mrs. Allan 2.5 T.Iredale 100 Mrs. G. Wilson 1 OO Dr. D.Wilson 100 J.E.Harding 100 Friend 100 J. Hodgetts 1 00! Friend 1 OO J.L.Cook 100 J. Robinson 1 00 Mrs. Morphcy 50 E.W.CoUey 60 T.Herbert 50 A. Bussell 25 Mrs. Johnston 25 Friend 25 Mrs. Park 25 J. Benton 26 J. Ingrain 2S Friend 80; D.Cuff 60 HITCHBLI.. tRev. W. B.^U y. • ■ ■ 5 00 Collected by Miss Hen- rietta Murphy. W.Forbes 160 A.Murphy 100 00LLE0TI0N8. as $ c. Josiali Murphy 150 Mrs. Carter 50 W.GibsoB 50 S. Leybum /io T. Hill, aen 60 Mrs. T. HUl, sen 50 Mrs. Steward 50 J. McCallongh 50 C.EUiott 50 Mrs, Greve 50 J. Murphy, sen 25 J. Miin>hy, jun 25 Mrs Lawrence 25 Mrs. Knoke 25 Mrs. T. HUl, inn 25 T.Carter 25 Mrs. Q-. Murphy . 25 J. Leybnrn 25 Mrs. J Leybum 25 Mrs. Jones 25 Mrs, Kushton 25 P.Shean 25 Ann Elliott 25 H. UUyott 25 Ms8. W. Smidi 25 W.Giltrapp 25 t PROSPECT HILL. TSINITT CH0RCH. UteT. E. E. Newman. 5 00 Collected by Miss Mary Webb ami Miss Learitt. Mary Jane Atklnsoa ■ 25 Albert Beatson 25 Sagii Cameron 25 rs. S.Crawford 25 JCiss Maggy Crawford 25 jCrs, Richard Eeay . 25 " Joaeph Bedy — 25 John Eedy 30 C. Foreman 50 (t. Foreman 25 Fred. Foreman 25 Friend 10 Friend 10 Friend 25 Friend 25 Isaac Garratt 50 James Grant, jr 15 James Grant, sen — 25 Mrs. Wm Grant 25 Alex. Grajt, Jun — 25 Alex. Gran^, sen 25 Mrif. Jauei ^^arrison 25 Jameri Harrison 25 Wm. Hodgins 26 David Herring 25 $ c. Miss ThoR. Harrison. ■ 25 Mrs. Richard Jermyn 25 Mrs. Thomas Jermyn 25 John Jermyn 25 Wm. Jermyn 25 .Tabez Jermyn 25 Henrj' .Jermyn 25 John Jermyn 25 Wm.Leavitt 50 Samuel Leavitt 25 James Lindsay 25 Geo. Langford 25 Samuel Langford — 25 Alex. Langford 25 Mr». E. Munaghan — 25 Wm. Mcintosh 25 James Mcintosh, sen. 20 John Mcintosh 20 Philip Mowbray 20 Robt. MoKenzie 25 Thos. Marshall 25 George Pain 12 Joseph Pain 50 Wm. Surplice 25 George Teasdale 25 Thos, Webb 50 Henry Westman 50 Cliristopher Webb 25 Mrs. Thomas Webb . . 25 James Weir 25 Montgomery Waldren 25 Richard Westman — 25 Isaac Westman 25 George Westman 25 Archibald Weir 25 James Westman 25 Collected by Mrs. Stan- ley. James Bisby 25 Angus Campbell 25 John Campbell 25 Isabella Clendening . 25 Wm. Clondeniug 25 James Dudley 25 James Douan 10 Friend 25 Henry Gooding 50 John Gooding 50 John W.Gilpin 25 B. Gooding 25 Charles Gowen 25 Mrs. Haw 25 George Hayes 25 John Hudson 25 John Hayes 50 John Haw 25 John Haw 25 Thomas Hughes 50 John Johnson 25 Joseph Kerr 25 Thomus Little 25 Robert Little 26 Joseph Mossey 25 John McConnell 25 Wm. MoGinnis 25 John McLaughlin — 26 John W.MoIntire.... 2S $c, Andrew MoOonneU .■ Alfred Padfield Henry Powell 25 Benjamin Stanley — 50 Mrs.B. Stanley 60 Samuel Stanley 50 JohnSkillett 50 Edward Steel 26 P.Stanley 25 Henry Sandboume . ■ ■ . 25 Thom ae Stanley 50 Margaret £. Stanley. 12 John Wilson 25 Joseph Willis 25 Archibald Weir 26 George Willis 50 James Walsh 25 JohnWelr 26 EdmondWritffat 26 Collected by Misa Dins- more and MtsB McDoMld. George Brown 50 James Crawford SB JohnChittick gS James Dinsmore 50 Samuel Dinsmore — 2,' Mrs. David Dinsmore. 26 Mrs. Dinsmore 25 Thomas Dinsmore. ... 25 John Dinsmore 2;i William Euffield ^5 Wm. Dodd 25 Friend 20 Mrs. Knowles .. 2& Mrs. Ann Lennox — 50 Mrs. Mosey 25 James Mcintosh 26 Mrs. McCauley .... 25 John Ridley 26 Mrs. John Slack George Smith Ann Somerville John Taylor Mrs. Taylor Collected by Mrs. Sans- bourne. Mrs. Chittick 25 Robert Fletcher ^ Mary Ann Fletcher. . . 25 Arthur Fletcher 25 George Gould 1 00 Mrs. Hayes 25 Richard Haves 25 Wm. Hayes 25 Mr. Northgrave 25 Robert Northgrave — 25 Samuel Peasloy 26 Henry Sansbourne — 50 Mary Sansbourne .... 26 Isaiah Styles g5 B. F. Sansbourat . . . . U ii COLLECTIONS. W. H. Sansboiirne- $ C. $ c. 12 I Samuel Miller. 1 00 Mrs. Willson 25 | Mrs. Saniuel Miller. Youngetono 25 KIRKTON. ■T. PAUL'S OHUROH. OoUected by Miss M. Richardson and Miss Mary Robinson. C. AnstansoB 25 John Armttnaig 1 00 Friend. ...-• 35 MiohaelFlaloher 50 Wm. Banna 23 Wm. Hanna '25 S. Ireland i'O David Kirk 25 Jamet Mahon 25 Juiiu MoGregor 25 Mn. Forter 10 J<din Richardson — 50 Win.Switzer 10 Thomas Smythe 25 John Wiseman 25 OoUected by Miss Paisey and Miss Bryans. Mr. Brcthour 50 Wm. Bryons 26 Wm. CoBifTove 25 Mrs. Joseph Ciesny . . 25 BobertCraeny 100 Mrs. Cnemy 25 John Creeny 25 Mrs. Catvei-t 10 John Donpe 25 JamesEUiott 26 Mrs. Elliott 25 JohnElliott 25 SamuelFord 25 Friend 10 Wm. Foreman 25 Mr.Fletcher 50 John Gould 26 Mr. Qilmoro 10 Mrs. Gilmore 10 Mr. Haines 25 D.J.Hunter 25 Miss Hanslem 25 Robert Huston 50 Mr. Johnstone 20 James Kirk 26 James Kirk 26 JohnKoUand 25 Mrs. David Miller. ... 26 James Mills Mrs. Joseph Miller. Mr. Mains Mr. MoLougblin ■ • • Mr&.McLouKhlin-.. Mr. McClollon Mrs- McKenzio — W.H. Paisey Wm. St. John David Walker John Walker Collected by Miss Emelia Burns and Miss Susan Robinson. James Armstrong — 20 John Balientine 2$ Berry Hugh 100 John Berry 25 John Baker 26 Robert Burns 23 Peter Burns 50 John Corduck 25 Thos. Eppleth 25 Friend 25 Friend 18 Friend 25 Thos. Irvine 50 Francis Robmson — 1 00 M. J. Sparling 25 George Spearon 25 Richard Switier 60 Robert Sampson 25 Mrs. Spearon oO Charles Willaon 2o Mn.Willson 25 MILBAMK. Collected by Miss Jane McKee and Miss Mary Griffith. John Crawford Edw. Crawford Robt. Gibson James Graham Frank Graham Lucy Griffith Wm. Herron Jane Herron John Herron Alex. Heiron James Irvine James Love James Montgomery . Geo. Morrow Samuel MoKee, sen. I Samuel MoKee, jun . 10 25 16 10 25 15 100 fO 50 50 25 25 10 25 35 50 Robt. MoKee 50 Wm. McKoe 25 And.McKeo 12 John MoKee 100 Mrs. J. McKoe 50 Jane MoKeo 25 Zeppora McKee 26 William McKee 26 Elizabeth McKee 2& John McKee 25 Wm. McKoe 25 Mrs. Wm. MoKee ... 25 Wm.McKee 26 Ellen McKee 25 Elizabeth McKee — 25 Ales. McFadden 16 Saml Miller 1 Oi^ AloxtMillor 2S Robert Strong 60 Goo. Thomson 26 Collected by Mrs. Thog. Caulfield. Mrs. Browrilow 25 Thos. Caulfiold 50 Mr.s. T. Caultield 25 G. F. Caultield 12 Miss Charlotte £ Caul- iield 12 JohnElliott 25 Mrs. J. Elliott 12 Robert Forsyth 12 Mrs. Forsyth ti Miss M. Freeborn — John Gillespie Hamiiix)n Griffith — Charles Lewis Mrs. C. Lewis J. W. Maxwell Mrs.J. W.Maxwell. J. C. Mitchell Miss T McCutcheon. Mrs. ,vL MoFadden. Mrs. A. McCuUooh.. A. F. Reiby Wm. Morton — Collected by Miss Maiy Ann Lang. Wm. Hamilton 25 Elliott Lang 55 Miss Rachel Lang — 50 *' Mary Ann Lang. 50 Simon Loner 26 Alex. Patterson 50 Wm. Riddle 50 James Roe SO Mrs. E. Scott 20 " R. Soott 26 COLLSGTIONB. 85 c. SO 25 12 00 50 25 25 25 25 £5 25 26 25 25 25 Collected by Miss Arm- strong and Miss Hall. John Armstroni? 25 Mrs. N. Beringer 25 James Carson 25 Hugh Freeborn 12 Alex. Graham 50 Chas. uones 50 Mrs. Jones 25 John Kerr 10 Robt. Patterson 25 James Perry 25 CROBSHILL. Collected by Mrs. Sut- cliffe. Mre.Airth 25 Benj. Bird 50 Mrs. Jennings ■ . ■ 25 " MoCracken 25 James McCracken — 25 Oeo. Oakley 50 Elizabeth Oakley .... 25 Jane Oakley 25 Geoi /P Kennie 50 Mrs. Geo. Ronnie 25 Misii Annie Kcnnie ■ ■ • 12 " jBIizabeth Ronnie 12 Xhotfi /3 Rennie 12 Jame." iltnnie 12 Alex. Rennie 12 John Rennie 12 Elizabeth SaXiey 25 James Starr 25 Edward Sutcliffe 50 Mrs. Sutoli£Fe 25 John Sutoliife 25 Fredk. Volker 25 ELUi. AND WALLACI. Collected by Miss Annie Coi/lter. Wm. Aldrid ) OO Charles Coulter 1 66 Aunie Coulter ] 03 C.R.Ellison ] 00 A friend... 50 G. R.Fostcr 25 A.P.Foster 10 Mrs.Grouset 2-5 F.Graham .50 Tbozjaas Hamilton — 50 $ c. Thorn ad Knox 25 John Lang 25 Thos. Linchain 1 00 John Love 100 W. D.Mitchell 50 Robert Mulvey 25 JohnB.Reach 50 Henry Shannon 25 Isaac Stewart i*) Charles Thomas 1 00 Mrs. Woods 1.3 Thomas Wilson 50 Wm. Shannon 1 00 Collected by Mrs.Waugh. W.T.Waugh 100 VE.WaugS 25 KateWaugh 25 Fanny Waugh 25 George Hume 25 Richard HoUiday .... 50 DavidRey 60 Wm. Gibson 35 George Mortimer 25 Afriend 25 D. D.Hay 50 Gteorge Draper 50 Miss Draper 50 Joseph T. Draper 25 Matilda A. Draper ... 25 Maria Draper 25 J.W.Scott 25 Afriend 50 Dr.Niohol 25 J.B.Christie 50 Mrs.Markle 25 Richard Wade 25 James Halstead 25 Geoffrey Ljmeh 25 J. M. Halstead 25 JohnTumbuU 25 James Lockio 25 W.Sloan 25 George Godsare • • . ■ 25 J ohn 1 .ivingston 50 Mrs. Barber 25 R. T. Huggard 50 Charles Thomna 12 D.D. CampbeU 25 George Clemie 25 Peter T wambie 25 JohnMorre 50 Mi*. Satman 25 James Birney 23 Collected oy Miss Martiu. Mrs. McMillan 25 Edward Leech 25 Mrs. Betisen 17 Mrs. Loeoh 12 Emily Leech 13 Thomas J. Leech 10 Wm.J.Leoch 10 Thomas MoLatcbey . . 30 $ c JoBupb Shepherd 25 D.M. Williams 25 Mrs. Martin Z'i Afriend 25 Mrs. Willoughby 25 Mr. Ramsay 25 A friend 26 Walter NichoUon-... 25 .Mr. Hayslim 20 Mr. Stevenson 10 H. Rolls 25 Richard Hayslim 25 Mr.McElroy 10 Mary Martin 20 Collected by Miss Mills. CAM. Mills 100 Miss Mary Mastin. ... 1 05 Peter D. Rothwell .... 60 James McElroy 25 George Mulvery 25 Thomas Mulvery 25 Daniel Eveleigt 50 Mr. Andrew 18 James Read 10 A Little One 3 Mrs. James Mulvery.. 25 Afriend 75 Jno. Oreighton 25 Jnseph Rogers 30 Thomas Bluckstook ■ . 25 George Bluckstook — 25 Wm. Tindale 25 Samuel Longhead .... 20 Thomas Frame 36 George MoKee 25 Friend 25 jane Mills 40 Collected by Mrs. nelly. Don- Matt. Donnelly 25) Mrs. Donnelly 25 J.H.Donnelly 50 Mrs. Craig, sen 25 Samuel Elliott 25 Payten Booth 25 Mrs. Rooert Craig — 25 J.W.Griffith 25 Friend 26 Thomas Allen 25 Mr. George Brown — 25 .John M. Bennett .... 30 Robert Henderson — 25 John Glazier 25 James Gray 25 Friend 12 Mrs. Jane Cowan 25 Mrs. Bishop 5 Mrs. James Long 25 James Moffat 25 sr. COLLIOtfONS. OoUected by Mrs. Wtn. McKeever. Joseph Ellifon 90 John Draper 13 Wm. McKeever ...... 25 Mrs. Wm. McKeever . 25 MUsLetitia McKeever 21' Mrs.Ueethers 12 Collected by Miss Susan McOoombs. SnsaD MoCoomba — 26 Eliwbeth Greaser — 13 Mrs. McGoombs 25 JosiahEnslish 26 Donald B. Fraser .... 26 Thomas Gnmberson ■ • 25 James Shaw, sen 25 James Enslish 25 John Mank 25 tarah Thompson — 30 tizab'h A. MoOoombs 25 Mr.Brooks 25 Mrs. McAuly 25 Isabella McDowell . ■ 10 Mary Ann McDowell ■ ■ 5 Mrs. McDowell 12 " Warren 10 James Shaw, jnn 25 Wm.Shaw 25 Wm. Bridge 25 Maiy Ann Bridge — 25 Collected by Miss Mary Hemswortb. Bev. A. E. Miller . . William Hemsworth M. T. Hemsworth . . C. M. Hemsworth . . Albert Hemsworth . ■ Miss Julia Hemsworth Mrs. Ellas Hemsworth Thomas Mulvey Miss Bell James Armstrong . • ■ • Mary Ramsay 200 25 25 f)0 50 25 30 25 25 10 HOWIOH. Collected by the Misses Drivfcc COUNTY OF WATERLOO. Edward Cottier A. Williams — 65 25 Mrs. Wade 50 " Dr>»7"r>ir 25 Elizolf Ml M. Oliver . • 25 Janet- Driver 25 Willi. • tiouthraa- ■. 25 Jame -irr, sen 40 John ' ' li).g 25 Heiir> ■ . -tor 50 "fterYou.ijc 50 . J fard ',' amble 60 •!' i 1 !?iji,ci8 25 I( -iiry.Mfiwton 60 Vriliriii. ''A'ade 25 Smt). -. K,- 18 Ncsbu '.Vellwood . • 30 Robert ii.i;aoaid 25 Collected by Miss Carter. Miss Susannah Carter 60 James Jordan 26 Henry Spinks 26 Sarah Wood 25 James Hu tchinson — 12 Mr. Bowling 25 Robert Mosgrove — 25 William Strong 25 Stewart Mosgrove — 2o James 25 John Carter 25 John 25 Friend 20 Friend .38 Alexander Crawford.. 25 James Wilson 25 Collected by Miss Worth- Ington. Dr. A. Worthington ■ . 1 00 W.Carson 60 John Cutwater 100 James Mitchell 25 R. Green 25 James Young 25 Collected by Mrs. Jnmes Perkins. .Tames Perkins 100 James McWade ..... 50 William Stubbs 1 00 Alexander Walker... 25 James Harrison 50 Robei-t Leach 50 Cash 25 Samuel Earmsy 25 James Padfield 50 Friend t) GALT. Collected by Mrs. A. Warnock and Miss Good- ing. . „ , $c. R.C. Allan 50 Mrs.AUan 50 J.M.Andrews 25 Mrs. Arnold 25 A T.H.Ball 500 tRev. Dr. Boomer. ... 10 00 Mrs. Boomer 20 00 " Bond' 50 Thomas Brownlow. ... 1 00 Mrs. Brownlow 1 00 M. E. Brownlow 26 W.W. Brownlow 26 G.A.Baker ,60 Dr.Betts 5 00 Geo.Bigland 100 Mrs. Barraclough .... 50 " Billings 80 Thos. Blain 100 Richard Blain 100 Mrs. R. Blain 100 J. Blain 60 J.Blain 50 R.Blai'> . 26 M.Blain 26 J.Blain 25 J.Blam 26 James i^ljiin 100 Mrs. J. Blain 1 00 Jas. Blain, jun 25 Miss Broad 26 John Barbour 3 00 Jos. Crombie 2 00 Wm. Cooke 3 00 John Clark 25 tThomaa J. Craft. ... 5 00 Mrs. A. Craig 25 Miss S. Church 50 " Crawford.. 50 Joseph Clouting 1 00 James Clouting 1 00 James Craig 2 00 Mrs. James Craig — I 00 Stewart Cock 50 Miss Davidson 2 00 t.Iohn Davidson 5 00 Mrs. DaviilHon 5 00 J.B.Davidson 50 M. S, Davidson 50 Elsie Davidson 50 J. A. Davidson 50 A. S. Davidson 50 George Dando 50 Mrs. Deans. 50 Francis Diggins 25 Mrs. Dowker 80 Jas. AY, Davis 100 0OLL19TI0N«. 87 L $ c. Wm. DavUi 60 John Davis 50 Wm. Diokaon 20 00 C. A. Durand 1 00 tRfiv. J. P. DuMoulin 5 00 Mrs. Findlator 25 Charles Dyatt 1 00 E. Granee 25 AGalt 25 Mis3 Gooding 1 00 Mrs. Grant 25 " Gunn 25 Tho8. Gooder 50 Mrs. Girdlestone 2 50 Miss Girdlestone 1 00 Mrs- J. Geddes 1 00 John G. Geddes 1 00 amcB D. Geddes. ... 1 00 Fredrick Guggisbem. . 3 00 James Haviil 1 00 Mrs. Haviil 50 D. Howell 200 Mrs. Howell 2 00 Harry Howell 100 Mrs. Hamilton 25 " Hall 25 W. A. Husband 25 Miss Johnson 25 " H.Johnson 25 W.H. Job 500 Miss C. Jukes 25 Jaffray Brothers 2 00 Mrs. Kippen 100 PeterKcefor 2 00 Miss Keofer, 50 Mrs. Kirkpatrick 50 Miss Kjapp .3 00 F. A. Knapp 2 00 Mrs. Long 25 " Lowell 1 00 Wm.March 50 Robt. Mellish 50 H. R. Munroe 25 Miss A. Martin 25 SSin Miller 5 00 rs. Miller 4 00 iss Miller 1 00 Mrs. Meanio 25 Miss J. Miller 2 00 Merser Rogers 25 James McTague 50 6. C. MoKemie 2 00 Mrs. G. C. McKenzie 2 00 Mrs. McKenzie 1 00 " McMillan 1 00 Wm. C. McBroom. ... 2 00 Mrs. McBrooin 2 00 R. C. Nicholson 2 00 Miss Nicholson 50 Miss C. Nicholson .... 50 R. F. Nellos 2 00 Mrs. Nelles 1 00 Miss Nelles 1 00 Mrs. Fier.<!on 1 OO Walter Pago Goorgo Phillip 1 ''O Mrs. Peck 30 Thomas Rich ...... ) Oft Mrs. Rich 1 (^J Miss Rich cV) Miss M. Rich 5l' Henry Rich 3(' Dr. Richardson '> i^) $ c. John Robertson 50 R. S. Strong 1 00 Mrs. Strong 1 00 R. Strong ^ M. Strong 26 F. Strong 26 B. Strong 25 H.Strong 26 A. Strong 26 Dr. Seagram 100 Mark Stookford 50 James Sproule 1 00 Mrs. Jas. Scott 1 00 W. A. Shearson 1 00 Mrs. Shearson 1 00 Wm. Smith 100 T.F.Soott 20 M. Shellard 100 Mrs. Strickland 50 " Tat'sie 5 00 R. G. Telfer 60 Wm. Taylor 100 J.Thomson 100 Mrs. Thomson 1 00 Miss Thomson 50 " E. Thomson 50 John Vanston 50 A.Warnock 2 00 Mrs. Wamook 2 00 J. Woods 100 Miss Willey 50 Mrs. Woodruff 100 Matthew Wilkes 25 00 Mrs. Young 25 Friend 50 Friend 25 BBRLIN. Collected by Mrs. Warren. T. Armstrong tDr.Bowlby Mrs. W. H. Bowlby. . Mrs. J. D. Bowman . tHenry F. J. Jackson . JohnFennell Wm. Fennell Friend Friend I Mrs. Jones " Keablo I J.Lillie I Mrs. T.Milki W.i.Mi'uf,.: j ,r<'V. '-v. ^k^|iuIu! 1 >daU ■ '.I'JSMOJi..... . MvtJii ■iiupaoi), sen. . •. "ivai, Sioipsou ', Mrs. TJsher ; Ci'aorgo Stanton 1 50 00 00 25 00 00 50 25 25 25 50 50 50 25 00 25 25 25 50 25 Oollected by Mrs. Mac Oachen. So. W. A.Bookus 100 T.A.Boy« 60 D.J.Crawford 100 J. Digby 50 MissErbs 25 F. S. MaoGaohen . ■ • • 1 00 Mrs. MaoGachen 1 OO J. Pearoe 50 Mrs. Ralph ^ 60 J. Colquboun 1 00 WILMOT. Collected by the Rev. H. F. Mellish. Mr. Allohin 2 00 Mrs. Allchin 100 Mr.Allen 50 Mrs. Allen 26 Mtiiiraret F. Allen. ■ ■ ■ 26 Wui. Anderson 50 Arthur Barber 60 Mrs. Barber 50 C.D.Brown 100 F.D.Brown 100 H/D.Brown 100 R. Campbell, sen 1 00 R. Campbell, jun 1 00 Mrs. Alex. Campbell- 1 00 Mr. Collum 1 00 Mrs. Collum 1 00 Hugh Collum 50 Simon Collum 1 00 Mr. Dinwoodie 1 00 Mr. Elliott 50 Mrs. Elliott 50 Wm.EUiott 25 Mr. Facey 80 Mrs. Facey 26 Robert A. Facey 25 Wm. Gilmour 80 Robert Gilmour 50 A. Hummason 60 Mr. lUingworth 50 Mrs lUingworth M Hannah illingworth . . 26 Jane Illingworth 26 H.M.Johnson 126 John Jury 25 Mrs. Jury 25 Wm. Kerr 100 Robert Kerr 60 Miss Kerr 60 Mr. Mallett 100 Wm. Mallett 26 Henry Mallet 25 Ann Mallett 26 Caroline Mallett 26 Mrs. Marks 50 {isabcUa Maxwell — 50 88 ooLLiqriONi. Ic. tRer. H. F. Mellish . . 5 00 MrcMelliah 100 F. 0-MelliBh 25 E. Stanton Mellish... 25 Mr.MitoholI 50 Mrs. Mitchell 50 Margaret Mituhell- ■ ■ ■ 50 Mr. Nicholson 25 Mrs. O'Connor 50 Henry Paddicombe ■ . 1 00 Mrs. H. Paddicombe . 1 00 Richard Puddiuombe. 1 00 William Puddioombe. 2 00 Mrs. W. Puddioombe. 1 00 Kobt. B.Puddicombe. 50 Thos. B. Puddioombe . 50 Frances Puddicombe. 50 Annie Puddioombe ■ . 50 Mary Sinclair 25 James Smith 50 Mrs. James Smith — 50 W.C.Smith 1 00 T.R.Smith 100 Mrs. T.R. Smith 25 Margaret Smith 12 JamesSmith 12 SusanSmith 25 Mr. A. Smith 50 Mrs. A. Smith 50 Eliiabeth Smith 12 $ e. Thomas Smith 12 A. Smithjnn 25 Mrs. A. Smith, jun.... 25 JohnSmith 10 HenrySmith 2 00 Misa Somenrille 50 Mrs. Toucbboumo — 25 Mrs. H.D. Tye 100 R.C.Tye 60 Mr8.R.C.Tyo 60 F.KTye 50 Thos. Walker 50 Mra.Walker 60 Sarah E. Walker. ... 25 William Walker 25 Wm. White 1 00 Wm. Woods 25 Mrs. W. Woods 25 Mr. Woodhead 25 Mrs. AVoodhead 25 Miss Woodhead 25 ■HAKMPIAU. Oollected by Mrs. UoU well. $c. Mrs. Carroll 60 " Cunninffham .... 12 Thos. llolwell 60 Mrs. Lewis 25 Collected by Mrs. McNi- cbol. Mrs. Carroll 95 MissFlynn 25 Mrs.Hungon 50 " O.Leonard 25 " J.MoNiohol .... 25 E. L. Morton 25 Mrs. S. Richardson. . . 25 Jacob Traohsel 25 TORONTO. tH. Mortimer 6 00 'U B^ST-Ij j^-w OF THK DIOCESE OF HUEON FOE THE MANAGEMENT OF THE MISSION FUND, PASSED DECEMBER 7. 1864. 1. That whenever a Mission is vacual, or a new Mission about to be established, before a Clergyman is appointed thereto, it shall bo previously visited by a Committee, who shall report to the Standing Coroniittec of the Church Society, the amount which such mission is able and willing to contribute towards a Clergyman's support. A Committee for this purpose shall be Appointed for every Deanery, to consist of th? Rural Dean ex-officio, of a Clergyman to be named by the Bishop, and of a Layman selected by the Rural Dean. 2. ThattheStandingCommittee, after duly weighing all tiie circumstances of each mission, shall recommend to the Society what sum, if any, be appor- tioned thereto, and for what period. That it shall be the duty of the Secretary to notify the Standing Committee at each meeting of all grants which are within six months of expiring, in order that action may be talcen, to renew the grant, if necessjirr, or that notice may be given at least three months before the expiration of the grant to the Clergyman and Church Wardens, that auch grant cannot be renewed. 3. That it shall be the duty of the Clergyman and Church Wardens of every congregation which is brought under the provisions of this By-Law to make half-yearly reports, according to the annexed form, to the Standing Committee, which shall bo sent to the Secretary of the Society by the 1st day of Hay, and the Ist day of November in each year, and all grants made by the Church Society, under this By-Law, shall be contingent upon these reports being regularly and punctually made. ^ FORM OF REPORT. CoDgregatioQ of We the undersigned do certify that the Stipend promised to the Incumbent for the past six months, ending (at Easter r 1st October) being has been fully paid. Incumbent. Ch. Warden. Cb. Wardeo. Date 92 MISSION FUND liYLAW. be signed, please answer the following If the above Certificate cannu questions : — A. ^^ hat is tiie amount of Stipoiid promised to tlie Clergyman ? n. Wliat is the amount of arrears at (Easter or October 1st)? c. Why has this arrear been allowed to accrue ? I). Is there any provision for paying this arrear promptly ? 4. That the Secr«tary shall lay these reports before the Standing Com- mittee at the June an-l December Quarterly Meetings, with a list of those congregations which are in arrears to their Clergymen. 5. That the Standing Committee, after considering each case, shall decide what action is to be taken, and, if necessary, shall dficct the Secretary to write to tlio Rural Doan, and request the District Oomndltoi! to visit the mission and to point out to such congregation, at a ■ f^stry meetiag to be called for that purpose by the Clergyman, the necessity of fulniling tlieir promises. The District Committee shall report, without delf.y, the result of such visit* to the Secretary, in order that it may be laid 'before the next meeting of the r^tanding C'^mmittee. i}. Tb . '-•> a mission, after having been visited once, oroftener, as may be consider ^; ' \ry by the Standing Committee, is still found to be in arrear to its CI") . ..i. sum equal to, or nearly equal to, six months' stipend promised "u. i"!i "• =;ion» the Bishop shall be respectfully requested to remove the Clergyma.. aother mission, and if the Bishop should so remove him, or sanction his remove 1 to another Diocese, tlien the arrears due by the mission to the Clergyman shall be paid to him out of the General Purposes Fund of the Church Society, provided always that in no case shall a larger arrear than a sum equal to six months stipend, promised by such mission, bo paid to the Clergyman under the provisions of this By-Law; and no Clergyman shall be appointed to such defaulting mission, unless good cause can be shown to the contrary, until the arrears advanced by the Society shall be repaid by said mission. 7. That the travelling expenses of the Committee of each Deanery, when- ever sent to visit any Mission, shall be paid out of the General Purposes Fand of the Church Society. That this By-Law shall come into force immediately upon its being adopted by the Church ? ,ciety ; and any mission now established may be brought under it, if desired by ::he parties interested, by an arrangement in accordance with the provisions herein contained, upon the express understanding that no action with regard to arrears having accrued previous to its coming under the provisions of this By-Law, bo taken into account. I / ' K . r I I ' K J, B Y- Xj A.'W OF TUB CHUaCH SOCIETY OF THE DIOCESE OF HURON, FOR RE- STAAININO UNDUE EXPENDITUEE IN CHUBCH BUILD- ING. PASSED JUNE 27, I860. -••♦- la all Parishea or Miasions where any aaaiatanco ia required from the Society to aid in building a Ghurch or Parsonage ; and in all Parishes or Misdions where assistance is given, under the By-Law for managing the Mission Fund, towards the Clergyman's stipend, all such assistance, both inOhurch building, and in assisting in the support of the Clergyman, shall be dependent upon the following Rules being complied with : That before any Ghurch or Parsonage shall be commenced in such Parish or Mission, a Report shall be made, by the Clergyman and people interested in the erection of said Ghurch or Parsonage, to the Standing Gommittee, containing the following particulars, a copy of which shall be sent to the Rural Dean : 1. When a Church is about to be built ; the locality and distance from any other Ghurch ; and the number of Ghurch families within a circle of five tiiiles of the proposed Ghurch; and when a Parsonage is to be built, its position with reference to the Ghurch or Churches in the Mission. 2. What kind of Church or Parsonage is proposed to be built, and what it is estimated to cost. 3. What amount is subscribed towards the said Ghurch or Parsonage, and in what manner ; and what amount has been paid. 4. The assurance that the building of the said Ghurch or Parsonage will not interfere with nor lessen the amount subscribed by the Congregation or Mission towards the Clergyman's stipend. 5. That the Plans of such proposed Ghurch or Parsonage shall be laid before the Standing Committee. That It shall be the duty of the Standing Gommittee to report to the Society what should be the amount spent upon, and what should be the size and material of, such Church or Parsonage; and what sum should be granted by the Ghurch Society towards the erection of such Church or Parsonage ; such grant from the funds of the Society to be made on the following conditions : 1. That the d3ed for the site of the Church or Parsonage, free and unin- cumbered, shall be vested in trust in the Society. 2. That no larger nor more expensive Church or Parsonage be built than Hhall be agreed upon by the Society. 3. That no contract shall be given out until at least one half of the Subscription List for said Ghurch or Parsonage shall be actually paid and in hand ; nor shall such contract cover work which shall cost more than fifty per cent, beyond the money in hand. 4. That the grant from the Church Society shall not be paid until the Church or Parsonage is enclosed and roofed, and, so far, paid for, but not by the debt being assumed by any person or persons, unless such person or persons relieve the Congregation or Mission from all fixture liability for the same ; and further, before such grant is paid the Churchwardens and Vestry, or Building Committee, shall promise in writing, that they will not engage in any further work upon the Church or Parsonage, until the money necessary for such further work is actually in hand. IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) 1.0 I.I ■^ U^ 12.2 I; I Hi 140 2.0 I 1 1.25 II U 1^ ^ 6" ► ?. HiotDgraphic Sdences Corporation 23 WEST MAIN STRUT WEBSTiR,N.Y. 14580 (716)872-4503 ^ s" 1 CONTENTS. * Colleotions to be made 2 Constitution of the Society 7 H Meetings, Quarterly, time of. 2 Officers of the Society 3 lleport 12 — 18 Kesolntions passed by the Society ; 4, 5 " " at the Annual Meeting 6 APPENDIX. By-Law, Mission Fund 91, 92 « Church Building 93 Collections received for 6th year 31 « during 7th year 32—40 Donations during 7th year 31 Funds, Statement of, in detail. 19 — 26 Funds, Invested 28 Grants from General Purposes Fund 29 « " Mission Fund 30 Members, Life and Incorporated 41, 42 Payments and Beceipts during 7th year 26, 27 Subwriptions, Annual 43 — ^90