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Sharp, I wish to thank the former friends and customers who have placed confidence in the stock, and for the generous patronage bestowed in the past, and trust that it will htill continue to receive your custom ; and I assure you that it will be my constant aim to improve on the well tried methods of grov/ing, shipping and delivering stock, so you may receive your trees in a good thrifiy condition. FRANKLIN SHAEP. WOODSTOCK, N. B. : PRESS PRINT, QUEEN STREET, 1887. APPLES. NEW BRUNSWIoK— Large size, roundish, streaked with red and yellow »* flesh whitish, juicy and spriirhtlysub-aeid; ripening early in the fall; tree Ji vi^'-or- ous grower, having fine, large foliage, bearing abundantly and when very youT^o- ; succeeds in nearly all sections of the country, speciallv adapted to the exti-eme noiLh bearing continuously from year to year. " ' WEALTHY.— Medium size, whitish yellow shaded red and rich deep crimson ; flesh white stained with red, tender, juicy and sub acid; extremely hardy; a good grower and abundant bearer. Season, from November to January. GIDEON.— It was raised from seed of a seedling Crab by the veteran fruit grower, Peter M. Gideon, of Excelsior, Minn., and pronounced by him "as hardy as a native oak." The fruit is of a rich, golden yellow, with a very clear skin, hand- some I'osy blush, juicy and fine vnth an excellent sub acid flavor; ranks well as an eating apple, and its handsome, showy appearance makes it a most tempting fruit. While Its crab origin seems to be thoroughly developed in the hardy, rugged charac- ter of the tree, there is no trace of this in the fruit, which in eve y respect is a fine eating appce. October to December. ALEXANDER.— Large size, deep red and crimson; flesh yellowish white, crisp, tender, with pleasant flnvor. This is a very handsome Eussian apnle, and like all others coming from that country valuable on account of its haidiness, being suited to the extreme north. Season, from October to January. i'EACH (Irish Peach).— Large size, round or a little flattened ; skin yellowish green With small dots in the shade and streaked with beautiful brownish red in the sun ; flesh tender, juicy and well flavored. The great beauty and good quality of the fruit and the hardiness of the tree render it desiiab'e in high latitudes. Einens through autumn. ^ TETOPSKY.— Medium size, nearly round ; flesh white, very juicy and acid Tu \? P'«a«^^nt aromatic flavor; a handsome Eussian apple, being fully as hardy as the JNew Brunswick, and producing regularly abundant crops of beautiful fruit Suc- ceeds over a large section of country, and is especially desirable in high latitudes where many other fine varieties fail by reason of extreme cold. ' ^ SOOTT'S WINTER.— A valuable variety, which originated in Vermont and IS one of our hai diest and most profitable kinds. Ti'ee a thrifty grower and an early and profuse bearer. Fruit medium size, roundish, surface deep red and light red in blotches and stieaks; flesh yellowish white, slightly reddened near the skin ; rather acid and good in quality. Keeps till June. PAMEUSE.— Mc(i very white, UTuler, c:ii hardy and a regular be YELLOW TRAl Do|)aitmcnt of Ai^ricul an unusually early bej clear white at tirst, tur it extensively waj- that weeks ahead of tlie Eet ST. LAWRENO] with crimson; flesh w I HAAS.— Large siz moitled with lii^ht red, little stained i ext the u to March. RED ASTRAOA white, crisp, with a ni( FISHER PiPPD suited to our rigoious ( red tinge on sunnv sid juicy crisj/, with a sligj son December to Marc MAGOG RED S and vigorous, and of u roundish, skin light ye over half the fruit. F March. TOLMAN SWE sweet. In season fron KENNEBEC SV orous and productive; BLUE PEARM^ red in broken stripes c uary to March. PAMEUSB. — Medium size, deep crimson, roundiwh, somewhat flattened; flesh ly white, lender, c.ispand juicy, with a slight perfume. Tree a good grower, rdy and a icguiar bearer of handsome fruit. October to December. YELLOW TRANSPARENT.— A new Russian variety imported in 1870 by spaitment of Agriculture at Washington. Tree hardy and a strong grower and unusually early bearer. Fruit pale yellow; good size and good quality; skin ar white at tirst, turning to a pale yellow when ripe. Parties who have fruited Dxtensivelj' say that it ripjns earlier than any other variety, being ten days or two eks ahead of the Eed Astracan, ST. LAWRENCE. — ^Lai ge size, round or oblate, yellowish striped and splashed th crimson; flesh white, crisp, juicy, tender and of good quality. HAAS. — Largo size, somewhat roundish, conical, light in color, splashed and )itled with lii^ht red, with many dots and dark centers; flesh white but often a' tie stained i ext the skin ; an apple of the best quality. In season from November March. RED ASTRAOAN.— Large and handsome, crimson with a white bloom ; flesh lite, crisp, with a nice spicy flavor. Tree hardy, and a good grower. FISHER PiPPIN. — A new variety oriifinated here in Woodstock and speciaMy ited to our rigoious climate, tree being hardy and productive. Fruit medium size, 1 tinge on sunny side, green in the fall and yellowish in the winter ; flesh tender, cy crisp, with a slightly sub acid flavor, and when not fully ripe quite acid. Sea- ri December to March. MAGOG RED STREAK.— A variety of extreme hi /diness; tree very thrifty d vigorous, and of great productiveness ; is a very long keeper. Fruit medium, undish, skin light yellow, shaded and faintly striped and splashed with light red er half the fruit. Flesh yellowish, moderately juicy, mild sub acid. December to Lirch. TOLMAN SWEET. — A vigorous and productive tree; flesh firm, rich and 'eet. In season from November till April. KENNEBEC SWEET.— Tree rather more hardy than Tolraan Sweet; vig- ous and productive; a tirst-class sweet apple. Season, September. BLUE PEARMAIN. — Yery large, roundish, inclining to oblong ; dark purplish d in broken stripes on light ground; flesh yellowish; mild subacid. Season Jan- ry to March. -^ c t^ 0^ \ PLUMS. MOOER'S ARCTIC— This very remarkable and wonderful plum origii with Mr. A. F. Mooer, of A^