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May it please jur Eoyail Highness. — We, the Mayor, Aldermen and Citizens of the City of Montreal, moEt respectfully beg leave to approach Your Royal Highness, to felicitate you, on behalf of the Citizens of Montreal, on your safe arrival in this Province ; and to ofiFer to Your Royal Highness our most cordial and hearty welcome to this City. We avail ourselves of this propitious occasion, of a visit from the Heir Apparent of the British Throne, to express to Your Royal Highness our devoted loyalty and attachment to the person and Government of Our Most Gracious Sovereign, your Illustrious Mother ; to declare our humble but fervent admiration of h?r wisdom, moderation and justice, as our Sovereign ; and our love and veneration of the virtues and graces which adorn iier private life. As circumstapoes did not permit Our Beloved Queen to honor this distant but im- portant section of Her Empire, with a personal visit ; Her Majesty has been graciously pleased to confer on Her faithful Canadian subjects, the next dearest boon it was in her power to bestow, by authorizing this most welcome visit of Your Royal Highness. This gracious manifestation of Her Majesty's consideration and regard, is hailed with thankfulness and joy by all Her loyal and devoted subjects in these Provinces; but We beg most respectfully to assure Your Royal Highness, that by none amongst the millions who compose their number^ is it more highly esteemed, more fully apprccisited, or more enthusiastically felt and acknow- ledged, than by Her Majesty's devoted and loyal subjects, the Citizens of Montreal. The immediate object of Your Royal Highness' most gratifying visit to Canada is to open the Victoria Bridge — that magnificent monument of enterprise and skill — with which the fame and prosperity of this City will evermore be most intimately connected — most per- manently identified. In this stupenduous work. Your Royal Highness will not fail to observe how natural obstacles, almost insurmountable in their pondc-rous strength and complicated variety, have been triumphantly overcome by the combined power of British enterprise and capital and of Canadian energy and skill. And, in all sincerity. Wo beg to assure Your Royal Highness that this wonderful achievement of engineering and mechanical perfection will henceforth possess a new claim on our interests and regards, associiited as it must evermore be in our memories and affections with this auspicious Visit of Your Royal Highness, and the interesting ceremony of its perfect consummation by Yoar Rcyd Highness' hands. We earnestly hope Your Royal Highness' Visit to this City will be one of unmixed satisfaction and delight ; and We pledge ourselves for the Citizens of Montreal, that they will one and all, esteem it the highest gratification and honor, to use every means in their power, to render your too short stay amongst them, agreeable, happy and comfortable. We pray that Your Royal Highness will be pleased to communicate to Our Most Gracious Queen, Your Royal and Beloved Mother, our feelings of ardent loyalty and devotion, __ T> .J V o- gracious evidence of Her Royal condescension and favor- aud grateful visit to this City and Province. fUAO AUlbJif Your Royal Highness' most welcome