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The following diagrams illustrate the method: Lea cartes, planches, tableaux, ate, pauvent Atre filmte A dee taux da rMuction diff^ents. Lorsque le dpeument tet trop grand pour Atre reproduit en un seui clich4.'« il est fiimA A partir da I'angle sup4rieur gauche, de gauche A droite. et de haut an baa, en prenant la nombra d'imagdS nteassaire. Les diagrammes suivants illustrent la mithoda. 1 2 1 f^% 3 , 1 1 6 '^^'^^TT^^^Sf^^^ CATALOGUE Pi ■ 'Vi i Elmwood Stock Farm Sth CON.., LONDON TOWNSHIP. amiMiMinnminma T. O. BOOQSHS, Firop^letor. m- By Rysdyk's Hambletonie^n. (Londnn Free Pre m) ' / (( ^^ r' Sired by Eysdyk> Haiiibletoniaii ; 1st dam by Fiddler, son of Monmouth Eclipse ; 2nd dam Col. Felter's mare, of Newburgh, N. Y., by a son of imported Messenger. Monmouth Eclipse's 2nd dam was by imp. Messenger* giving Middlesex two direct ^crosses of Messenger blood through his 1st and 2nd dam's, and a cross that has blended well when united.with that of Hambletonian. Middlesex, with a very limited number of naares of no particular breeding, has sired a number of fast and good lookij^ horses; among them tady Greenwood, reeo^ 2^42, at four years; Bell's Pet, 2.40 ; ^am Eob, Grace Greenwood, Major Brown, Hetenen, and Lady Hamilton, all of which have trotted close to 2.40, being used altdgetiier as road horses .and never had regular tmining. Mr. Willis A. Jones, of Huntington, Indiana, Avrites me ^t he has a daughter of Middlesex that haa shown him several trials better than 2.30, but meeting with an iieeillent, he pot her to breeding. APPOINTMENTS. T^ndoo— Western Hotel,S3tttJTday,ahd tQ9o' Tuesday. - Nilestown — Tuesday, noon. London — Tuesday evening and until 9 a. m. Weitatesday. Bally mote — Wednesday, noon. Bryanston — Wednesday ev^iuing, until 9 ajn. Thursday. Birr — .Thursday, noon. am ^ ^ I I ' l i iii i'- 1 / \ - I * - . - I r . ,_ ,, ■■ — .- ,. . . — •,'■'"■ Ildertcm— TImrsday evening, and until 9 a. m. Friday, and continue during the Reason, coifiinenMngSaturday, April 25th, and ending Saturday, June 27tli, health and weather k permitting. TERMS FOR "MIDDLESEX."' . . *To iiisaire that a mare gets with foal, ^20 ; season (cash before service)^ $15. Mares on insurance must be returned regularly for trial during the season, otherwise they must be paid for as season mares. Insured xilaies payable Ist February, 1886. All accidents and escapes at owner's risk. Good pasture will be found for mares sent to this horse at $3 per month. " \'\ ■ i( ALBION." /^ BicoKD, 2.33i. Sired by Highland Soy, he by Hamlet, he by Volunteer, he by Han^bletonidn. Dam, Lady Martin, by Whitbeck*s Black Hawk. . REMARKS. Albion, ch. h.-, nearly 16 hands high, and of very strong muscular form. His colts, though yet too young to be developed, are showing a; great; amount of speed, and those that have been exhibited in the Shows throughout the county have been prize winners in their class nearly alwaj^s when shown. ' Albion travels the same routfe as Middlesex, and same time. Teums : $15*00 to insure th&t a mare gets with foal. Other conditions same as Middlesex, SK ' * ! ..,Jg !... ' .!:, ?. ' Li!!??fflg!i. 'ILL Standard. ^ No. 378&. Woods' hy, American Star Jr.j 2nd ditra by Long Island.^^'^J^!^^**^ NoTE.-^Superior is a darl^ bay or teown, two wMte heels behind, one front foot white ; j a fast and relial^le trotter. "edsalL star." Standard. No. 3781. • ' ■** . ■ jstnutJbors&^^g^^^6^ars, was sired by Major Edsay,*the sire of that grejit stallion Robert McGregor (record^2.17i, made in 188{5)] dam Lady S, by Niver*s American Star ;* grand dani % Long Island. rem|rks. .Edsall Star is a very strong mover and fast trotter. I look |pr this horse to sire spefeSy colts. The few that he has sired are very superior ^ri every way, considering the ma^es that were bted to him. i \ / Superior and Edsall Star ^land at their owner*s private stables, London. 1 Terms.— 125.00; to insure that a mare gets with foal ; other conditions same as Mid&sex. CHA8. LACKEY, T. D. HOOGENS, Proprietory « 1 . 1 I iff Pimm I ''J "