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Lorsque le document est trop grand pour gtre reproduit en un seul clichd, il est filrn^ d partir de Tangle sup^rieur gauche, de gauche d droite, et de haut en bas, en prenant le nombre d'images ndcessaire. Les diagrammes suivants illustrent la mdthode. 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 1 5 6 MICROCOPY RESOLUTION TEST CHART (ANSI anci ISO TEST CHART No. 2) 1.0 I.I 1.25 ■56 13.2 iii 1 3.6 1.4 12.5 2.2 2.0 1.8 1.6 M APPLIED IIVMGE Inc ^^ 1653 East Main Street r^ Hoctiester. New York 14609 USA ■= (716) 482 - 0300 - Phone = (716) 288 - 5989 - Fax i*»^?i'i»rftt ,' 'S --'ijRs^v ' 'jh#>' :.W;;':^I * r v.; ,-f^i|y' wmM Ti 1 !■: ACT OF INCORPORATION \\ i. RULES AND RFXULATIONb , * (1| I ; K FOREIGN MISSIONARY BOARD OI- BAPTIST CONVENTION NOVA SLOTIA, NLW BRUNSWICK AND PHINCH EDWARD i>! AND, ST JOHN, N. i;, : ■'•' ' \. KN 'i)i':i,i., I'ur i ■ r,. rnri;fii stiikkt, THK ACT OF INCORPORATION A \ 1 1 RULES AND REGULATIONS OF THK FOREIGN MISSIONARY BOARD OF THK BAPTIST CONVENTION OF NOVA SCOTIA, NEW BRUNSWICK AND PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND, ST. JOHN, N. B. : '!K0. A. KNODELI,, PRINTER, CHDRCH .STREET. 1888. AN A<'T TO IN(J()Kl'01IA'rK TUM FOKKKiX MlSSIOXAUV HOARD (JK TIIK HAl'TIST CONVKNTION OK NOVA SCOTIA, NEW BllUNSWICK AND I'lUNCK KDWAHI) ISLAND: (l'a^^^.•^l liy llie N. S. ;,.;nisl.iiiirt. -^nd day i>f May, lH(l"i.) I)i: it ciiactcil ],\ the (lovci'iHir, Council and As.scniMy as fuUows : 1. Tiic K'cv. C. Arnistroiio', Llie Kuv. C. Tiippcr, D.I)., Ansel T. I5a- k.T, Ihc Ilcv. \V. (;. I'ai'kcr, tlio llvx. I. K Hill, tlic licv. A Stroiiadi, the \U'\: S. K'ohinson, tlic llcv. J. L. Ifeed, the Rev. -lus. Parker, the Rev. VV. 11. Wnivv, the Ilev. 1. Walhice, 8. Wheelock, A. McL. Seely. .Vmbroso Doil^e, tlie Hev. X. Vidito. and sueh other persons as may from time to time he appointed hy the lJaj)tist Convention of Nova Scotia, Xew Jirunswick, and Prince Edward Island, to form the IJoard of Forei,un Missions of that Uody are luirehy (nvated a body corporate li\- the name of tin; Forei.nn ^Missionary IJoard of the rjui)tist Conven- tion of Xova Scotia, Xew Prunswick and 1*. K. Island. 2. The Corporation may purchase, take and hold ival estate, and may acci'pt legacies or donations of real and personal proi)erty, and may dispose (jf, lease, sell, convt'y, or niortmi;,fe the same, and may in- vest any moneys which may come into their hands in such a way as they ma\- deem most advantageous for the pur])ose of carrying out the ohji'cts of the Cori)oration. o. All the real and personal property in which the Foreign Mission- ary Pxiard is now or may at any future time l)e interested, is and shall he invested in the Corporation liereby estuhlished, without prejudice, however, to private rights. \ i V/lf The FoitKKiN Mismionauv lioAUD op rm: iJAnrsr C'onvkntion ni' Nova Scotia, Ni:\v Hiunswick and ritiN<;K Kdwahk Ih^and, ho iikukiiv r,NA<;T THAT Tin: I'OI-LOWINC SIIAI,!, UK THK illl-KS AM) K i:iiri,ATI(»\S KOU THIC (ioVKHNMKNT OK THK iJoAltD AM) ITS ( )n'Ui:HS. RULES AND REGULATIONS, ■ I i AMTICLI': I. OFFICKKS OF TIIK i!().\l;l». Till! Ollicurs (it Ihc lioanl shall coiisisL of a rri-sidcnt, Vicc-j'rtsi- ilent, Secretary and Tivasiuvr. These ofUeers shall be elected \>y iio- iiiinutioii and hallot, at the ammal meetin,i;' of the I'.oanl, and shall (,'oiitimu! in oHiee tor one year, or until their successors are elected. These Officers shall enter upon their duties i)nniediatcl\ after their election. ARTICLE II. DUTIES OF OFFICERS, THK PRESIDENT. See. 1. — The President shall preside at the meetings of the Hoard, and shall have a ,yeneral oversi,uht of its ojierations, and shall perform such other dutie.s as may he incident to his ofliee. VICE-PRESIDKN'T. Sec. 2. — In the absence of the President the Vice-President shall peribrni the duties of the President, PROVISIO^ IS ABSENCE OF PRESIDENT. Sec. .3. — In absence of the President and Vice-President at any legally called meeting, a quorum being present, tlie Board may call any member to the chair, and such ('hairman shall perform temporarily the duties of the President. £ ?'/9:'9 THE SKflfKTAIM. •S'< I Tlio Sucrt'tury sliall roc't'ive all /v. /r/.,, I IIK TKKAseaKK. See. (i.— The Treasurer shall receive all Mi.ssionary ( 'oiitrihiiti..ii^ IVom the Secretary, and under the direction of the I'.oard .shall deposit, invest or disl.nrse the .same. He sliall collect all interest from mort- .-ages, receive all Trust Funds, and Le-acies for investment, and col- lect all revenues therefrom, and shall invest, deposit and disburse all receipts from Trust Funds, lAfortga-es and Lejracies, in pursuance of the resi.eetive trusts and the direction of the Finance Committee of the lioard, herein provided for, and constituted, and of which he shall Ik! a The Treasurer shall keep an accurate account of all re- ceipts and i)ayments in regular hooks of accounts, and shall take and carefully keep vouchers for all payments of money. He shall keep r.'/ < f K 1/ oil ';" ^"l'""" "■'■'"""-1... ..1 ul.irl, shall Ih. knuwn a. the Mksjonun •^'■'"""'' ■""' " ""■'■ ^'^ "i<' Trust huhl. Mn,ma,v an.I I,...,,.; ■^'■'''"""- "" ■^''"" ''"P"-^'' i" tl.r nam., of fl„. lioar.l. all iv.vipi. 7'"'' ""•^' "^'^••"^"t'- tiny "1 ■> nu „>n.v, in ,, ,,, V I!;,„k s..I..,.,..,l !,v "" '•••"••'I. Il-^l,all,l,.,,ns„ in san! I'.ank ii. 1 1,, nan., nr,].,. i;.,,,.,! "" ^''"-^ iirvsinnaiv Ar, , i.^imI all iv.vipi t>""i Inist hiiul, Mori,ua-. ..r l.,..a..i,.s. ( ImmpI M,„|.,,„, ,;,„| '-•yury Arconnt, Ifr shall inakr all payiuruls l,v ..hrrk ,,aN,,|,j,. ,,, '"■'''''■ ""'•'"" nlli..|uis,. ,li,v,t..,| I.v Ihr,|. ||„ ,|,„i| ,,.,„[„,, , unii,,, i.iunihlv , v|,u,i,nr., II, ,,..!■ if r,.,|„i,v.I,„r;,|l ivr-.j-.ts aii.l ..xpni ' Knn.s,,;,- ,ai liaial an-l in l!aiik,a'lsu uu Anm. ,' ';'1""'". I'",, h„Mks, V,.n..| ami Srcu-iti..s, shall !.,• ;,[ „Il tmu..s luak.r thr siiiaM-visioii .,1' tin- l;.,anl. fTlic ^..niitirs .], ,|1 l'„, ,'| |'<'-.oanl shall ,,.or,tra(.t anv .Id. or in any way n.ake the Hoar.l liable unh, aulhorizcl hv a ^ot. the Jioard. ARTICLE V. OFFICERS SALARIES. . ^^'■J-~^j'^^^^'^^' ''f^l'*' Officers of the Hoard shall he .leci.led at the Annual ^reetin,ir. I, (i ARTICLK VI. AUDITORS. •Sr. l.^Thc Hoard sliall a])].oiiit t.\\(. Auditors, iiol lieiiin- inemlHTs "I' >'•*' n<.ard, dutius it siiall he to t'xaiiunc- and audit all iiccomits •■nid voucliers and repoit in writiii- at tlie lust K'e-ulur ^rectiu- of t!„. I'.oiird prec'dinn- the Aimual Mvatlnrr oUhr UapList CoiivciitioH. ARTICLE VII. KlNAiNCE AND INVESTINc; COMMITTKK. Soc. I.— There shall he iippoiiited annually hv the I'.oard ihrec iucnd)ers, who, in a.Hanh.,I .,r superseded except l,y a two third vote of n.euihers present I'lauy '«',^nlar Mc'tin,,-, written notice of said an.enduu.ntnr alteration liiivmn- been u-iven at a previous iJeu.,,!;,, Mcetiu"'. UlfDER OF BU81NK8S. Tlif" Order of Business at all Regular Meetings of tlic P.oaid sliull Kc as follows : 1. — Invocation of the Divine Blessing. '2. — Reading of Minutes of the preceding Meeting. ■■{.-Signing of the Minutes liy the President and Secretary after approval. i. — Introduction of New Menil)ers. ;■).— Invitation to Visiting Ministers or Brethren to a seat at the Board. 0. — Election of Officers. 7. — Report of the Secretary. i^. — Report of the Treasurer. 9. — Report of the Finance Coinniitte(!. 10.— Report of the Coniniittee on Mortgages, Trust Funds and Lega- cies. 1 1- — ^Reading of Correspondence. 1-. — Unfinished Business. l."5. — New Business. 14^. — Adjournment with Benediction. ^ :i>i<^ . / ■; A er