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Las diagrammes suivants illustrant la methods. 1 2 1 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 SLi J[ SS^ "A"" OF FOB SUB-DIVISION NO. 1 OP THE VILLAGE C ''• c NAMK ■ Btnicl L.» ■X % NAML. = Miiet - O 5> /; ><< 1 4tt " A AcbebOii Jo»eih Ocul. f Hurcn Mill k Main 2D i4 59 71 7-2 70 74 U G 68 Gil! lulwaid, laborer f Huron •1 r.o Acbesoii Jamui Famierl f Huron MilUMiiiu 28 21 5!) 71 72 7!1 74 65' 75,Oonlil Richard, cm peutrr "Curliiip; 8 112 Alloa Alfred Carpenter f Simoop pt, r 50118;Oritfiri Giiorgo J., moiobnutj I Simcoe 4 114 Allen Alfrid tatpeiiWr 11 1 Simcoe 84 57,188 Gill John, constable fJamts »8,143lGreotiway Tboraae.m'ijh't 'I Main .59'l54iGris!{ Wil'jianMailoT '(Main («)'l66,Ori^'g J^lin tailor ."jMaiu :> 15 Bused WilliHia Merchant f Moin k William pt. (", pi. K pi. B, pt. K tJlilflO (irceu Cornelius paiutor " Audifw « 16 Bissett Kobcit Tinsmith • • Main k William : 1 M 7 17 Bissotl TbnnjBS " * ■ Main k Willi'-m pt. ."', M. V ■ H 1 1 H 9 BisHott llobtit Sa^yrlnlMain 1. •- ! i u 20 Biodcrick J.W. Merohautj r Main 9 62 8 Hawlidhaw Wm, hotel k'^epcr; t'Miin 10 27 Browiiiijg JoHii|ili W.,M. D.[ f Main Huron k Wm 10 ■:.■, -If, u 68 22'H.).vard James bricklayer'"' Hill Con. 1 pt. 11 ;)8 BiKsett hicbiird (r. Crert.j r Main 18 aij BllHodgssn Wbariou Geiit| f William 1-2 14 Bavrdon Ii<r><o Laboreri r William 47 -48 12 1 t C6i 45jU:ck6 Andrew Geut|'jWilliam 1«! SlBisMtt Murk ' Main pt 1 2 OOJ 64 \iari is Francis laboreri" Mill 14, 07 BulkvMll William (ient. t Huron 29 ;i(i ii7. 82'Hanfnrd Isaac blacksmith'" Mtiii ]»i (il Oncliiiifliitm Sam'l blLi-ta'li' ' Mill k Muin (i.-) HO -25 68| Ct Higgins Benjamin sawyerl",Hnnin ]8 fiOBiHHCtt RichaMl, luborour [Huron lit. -21 in oi! 69' 79 H" ut Edward laoorer"Mill 17: 77!HircL Willi.m f Curling t (16 70 84 Hooper Willam merobiat'tlMnin ]8 124 Hack Jobn, monhrtnt \ Huron k Simoiie 25 U 71,100 Hodgins George laborer] f Saaders l9 14<)liulVv.ill JjLii, carpoutet r John pt. II) v^ 72118 Hutchinnon Thos caipenter|"!Simcoe t 78 181 Uyndmar. John M. D. "'Huron 74 161 Harrison Richard , : 1 1 ' Anilrew iO 20 Calling IpBiic. ni«r.ihnut IMaiu Of 1 1 ! ^!] 24 Crnuicnu John, merulmnt [ Main pt. 9 i 1 22| 4LCrocher Tbuuma, L. Stable William k Ann 39 W 76'l03lves W. H. Tailor t Snndcrs 28 60Crtoker J., ciirpeiJtcr ' Huron A Ann 4 IK m 7U 144 Irving William M. D. 1 IMiiin 24' 78Ciulni'irp Johu, ulncksmitb ' Huron 81 'A-l ,' 26. HS.CreGi li .Tnniug, kborer ' Huron k Mill 84 m J 1 281 H4|Crpe('li William, luborer Mill UR 1 27 8(3 Cudinoio GeoiRO, laborer |' Hnron 78 77 28 Jones S. E. Watohmakcr t Mail) 28 90 Cam William, coo^^er 'Ann 16 78 65 Jory Uri J. Carpenter t Hnron k Ann 29| 92 Clarke Jobn P., clerk ' Huron 27 28 79 147 Johns David Tinsmith 9 Main k Union so! 98 Crocker Riohaid, Uborer •John 48 41 81 128 Crocker Jobn, carpenter ' ' Hnrou 88 K 82 1S8 Christie Edw'd,hotel-keep'r ' 'Main 45 88 1B7 Clarke Mdrk, teamster ' ' Main k William 80 in 88 81 »o 80 99jKitolieu Jaiaeri Painter \{'Iobn 84 22<i Cowen Youiig, M.D. tMain .56 1 ^ ( D 81 25 Lightbourn A. H. Merchant tMkin 96 11 Drew John, cab't-maker. fMaiu pt k »2 81 Loftus James Carpenter t'MiU nn 12 Drew Willinn, hot'l-keep'r ' • Klizabetb ser 83 101 Leggea R. A. Merchant f Sanders H7 981Down James, wngonmaker t Huron 83 84 158 L»..nbrooko H. Cab't-m'k'r f Mtin k .Andrew «R liyiDelve Robert, laborer r Simcoe pt. i' 89' 12U Darling Inaac, plafteter tjHuron & Bimcoe 8C43 11 M 1 40.182|Dearii)(; Tboiuau, teamster f£lizHbetb 18 41 ]42>Davi8 llichcn), blacksraiibl' ' Main 25 SO 85 87 Mogg Jacob Bricklayer f Huron £ 86 128lMari,han John P. Bricklayerl 1 ! f Huron k Albert 42 a Elliot B. v., solicitor o i f ^faiu Wm. ,k Marl. 7 5 18 19 r, 1 Mo ! 1 1 48 t" Ellidt Glinu, Gent. ' Mam 28 29 30 87 48iMcDonn.ll John , Gent. f Win.. Mill. Car. 44 7iKd*oiiby Gcorge.laborer ! •Main a liiilf ft Sanders 4fi 28 F.ACieit Cnarles, rsddler • Main 10 88 116 Mclnnin Jolm Gent. •' Eiizabtth 46 189 Eucrett George, r::ddler ' Main 8 ' 8U l61lMoPhillips Patrick Gent. '• Andrew k North F UO 162 McPhillip.'j Poter ■• Main k Andrew 47 jfi Fittou Thomas, watebmak'r f k oMain k Simcoe B 41 12 N i 48 21 Fau>:ou William, saddler ' Main 7 91 68iKaiig|p Thomas Merchant f Main k Si-ncoe 49 88 Fansou James, Oent ' William 4 John 29 '.8 in 50 ,VI 1 CO lOf Fuke John, carpenter 'iSandera 80 61 110 Farmer John, yeoman ' Main 1 62 111 Farmer Hiebard, veomau 'i Main 1 92 19 Oke James Hotel-keeper fMaie i Mill «9 Jl69'FieLourD Jobn V. S. ! ' North VI 98 80 Oram William Carpenter 94 128 Oke Thomas Gent' fHuroa I, Michael Eacrctt, Clerk of the Municipality of the Village of Exeter ii hereby certify that the above list is a correct list for the year 1876 of all persons ap division No. 1 of the said Municipality to bo entitled to rote at elections for Membe was first posted up in ay office at Exeter, ou the 2lBfc day of July,A. D. 1876, list, and it any omissions or other errors are detected therein, to take immediate prt to law. Dated at Exeter this Twen tvfirst day of July, 187G. B I r TTO VERS :HE VILLAGE OF EXETiiJK FOB THE YEAK 1876 ML. "• utrml a ft 111, laborer f Hurnn Ijurd, ciiipeutrr "dirliiif! ir(,'o J., luoiobnutj I Situcoe oonntikblu ^ f James Tbor.i»e,m'uh't 'tMain iiiim,tttiIoT '{Mnin n tftilor ,"jM»iii irnoliiis prtiutor " Aiidifw H i I ' Wm.liotel Ic^eper! t Miin iiuie* briolUyer" Hill Con. Vbariou Gei)t| f.Willium }pt. sawyer I' laoorer ' irew Geiit]' inois laborerj" Isaac blaukduiitli;" enjaniiii aril ^illam loerobiMt'tlMnin reor({t) Iftborerj f Saaders a Thui c*rpenterj"!Siract)<i John ^f. D. "Huron liicbnrJ ," Anilrew William Mill Mciii Huron Mill liam J Tailor M.D. Saiulci-s Mnin S. AVatolimakcr J. CarpMuter rid Tiuamitb K tiaeii Paiater \t'I'ihn L 4 M»i" t Hnron & Anu Main & Uaian ] A. H. Merohnut aes Carpenter A. Mercbant 3 H. Cab't-m'k'r M lb Brioltlayer ohii P. Bricklayer Mo IJobri olin I Patrick I Poter N Gent. Gent Oeot. somns Merehaut O 9 Hotel-keeper iam Carpenter an Geut Mill fHuroa lf)t 08 ar, 84 17 82 '47 50 47 50 47 4«l S3 «4 1 -z 18 HO 17 41 B 6 7 62 63 5 41 42 pt F pt 16 12 6' 62 48 c ■J SAX'E. •trMt )rll 42 t Mtin t'MiU f SMidem f Mtin & Andrew f Huron f Huron & Albert fiWia.. Mill. Car- J >'|Elizab«th • Andrew & North Main & Andrew f Main k Si*uooe 37 pt81 7 4 18 19 82 41 42 46 46 47 48 ;7 ,76 '40 67 106 107 12 12 la 14 15 45 46 66 57 58 54 6 16 17 D 58 54 20 2 48 49 27 81 6 76 4 I 06; 20 , 96i 42 87 1 80 98I125 901141 100168 101 164 102 36 '.1081 87 104i 40 106 78 Pettier Oeorgj Piokard Richard Po in worthy \Vm. Prier TbomM Piokard Richard Pickari*. Jamea Pjckar.1 Kobtrt R Merchant Laborer Batcher Merobant Mnrebant Merchant fU t RantoD John Merohftnt Hoaehragh Melviu Draggiiit Kollii,t William Benoldi W. H. Carpenter* ! 8 10<i ii)Stratby£. W. Banker 107{ 18 San lien Samuel PoelmaBter 108 l4 Snnderi George Merchant 109 81 Soulboott Charles Tailor 110 82 Senior Chas. Photographer 111 85 Snell Wm. Wagon-maker 112 89 nandon William Gent 118 16 Sweet William V. 8 114 72 Bandcn Richard Carpenter 115 74 Sweet William Carpenter 116 94 Sweet Sila.t bricklayer 117 97 Sanderi John Bricklayer 118ll7StewariiJamea Tailor 119 122 Smith Jon, wagon maker 120 l25jSpioor David Carpenter 121 140|Samwell George Merchant ) 122 i48|Seldou Richard Merchant 128 leOjSamwtil George Merchant 124 152 Sonthcutt John pampmaker 125 168 Spaclcnan Juhn Oeni Main uron Anu HnroQ Main Main HoroB flWilliain William William * Aan flMill 126 127 128 120 180 181 182 188 46 Taylor Henry 52 Tap William 71 01 186 188 148 Taylor Francis Taylor Donald Treble William Tftit Sinclair Treble John Gent Laborer Laborer Gent Carpenter Merohont S>ioemaker 30 134 185 186 187 138| 180! 140 141 142 148 1 2 70 76 96 96 108 109 120 121 1441127 Vanstouo James Gent Gent Laborer Gent 146 146 147 180 184 185 W. Weir Ihomas. Wilkins E. J. Westeott G^orire Westoott John VVolsh William sr Carpenter WeUh William Carpenter Willis George Willij John Wilkins W. E. Willis George WakeUnd Charles WilgoD Thomas iWhite W. J. Welsh Richard. Gent Farmer Gent Gent Gent Owner Printer Gent flUain Main k William Main h Harou Main A Huron Main William William William * Main Huron Carling Mill John Simeoe Main A Haron Huron Main John Main Main Main 11 13 17 10 pi. 19 4 6 18 70 78W 80 8182 88 84 89 40 66 |p4* *a8a7 1011 12 88 84 la 86 26 22 44 66 88 84 67 68 68 64 ■ 86 11 10 40 48 88 89 44 86 nWilUam 8.B. Haron Ann Main Main & Gliiabath Main fMain f Huron 1 1 William i f Haroc t Main Carling Huron Sim. i Wm Huron Sim, & Wm Main & Hnron Huron & Simooe Main Main Elizabeth & Sim f Hnron A Simeoe James f Jamee 3190 6168 00 18 14 16 1 88 81 la 11 13 8 10 16 08 86 86 16 48 84 86 16 48 94 pt. 16 pt. 16 86 86 81 F 89 48 44 16 16 16 ty of the Village of Exeter in the County of Huron, and Province ot Ontario do the year 1876 of all persons appearing by the last revised Assessment Roll of eub- to vote at elections for Members of the Legislative Assembly; and that Raid list i 2lBfc day of July,A. D. 1876, and I hereby call upon all electors to examine the 1 therein, to take immediate proceedings to have the said errors corrected aooording , 187G. n. ESaorettp CLERK K.IST OF U FOE SUB-DIVISION NO. 2 OF THE VILLAGE Q — — -^ — h i & § NAME n street Lot 5 3 1 :267 2 i 6 (> 7 8 a 10 11 170 171 177 176 197 191 194 AtkioBon Biobard, carp'r B Balkwill John Oont Brown Harry, school-t'cL'r Brawn John, er Brawn John, jr. Bnwcien William BisBett ThoB, tBrswer John Bright "William, Bilker J. W. zai'Bawdcn Joseph, 12 229 Bahden James 235 BiBHstt William, 261'BBlleutineTho8 2()5;Brown Ilobeit 277 ;Balkwill Jumes 285 Brown James 287'BeftrB8 Clayton 288 Brooks George iaOBrowElce Wm. 82'ii|BeTerl7 Jas. tailor cab.-m'kr yeomati teamatei' Creut tailor buti'har Andrew o Mnin 1» 14 16 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 28 24 2Si20!>Ca9e Biohard 26 2i7!v'»r' lag Thomas 27'247'Crnnioftn Michael, 28:250 Crocker James 29 2«S Carling I. 80 S78 Crocker Isaao 3ll280Carrick William 32'800'crawford William 83|£"8|Currelley John 34l838,Couuor William .•)6;889 Crawford JanicH D Gent " Gent carp'r Gent bailiQ Gent Gent laliorer laborer WftBOD-m'r 385 Brauud Diggory, bl'kBra'h 836 Brooks Ueorge blacksmith 844 BlatchforU Geo farmer Gent Main Main Main William A Mr.iu William William Mnin > Main f'Maia & North Andrew Andrew " Main "Maiu&Wm 15 t Market f Eliz & Main "iMarket "lElizabpth Lake Boad Thames lload Main & Elizab Main Thames Boad part 4 pt. 4, 21 10 10 28 la 14 13 pt. 4 18 14 15 10 17 11 17 11 1 20 103, pt. 102 OS 43 14 18 30 29 28 69 60 45 3 4 62 63 61 80 78 79 49 50 14 15 10 35 87 17 18 rt 21 merch't Carp r laborer farmer Merchant 86 178 Dignau James bl'kem'h 87 '170 Dignan John wftgou-makor 1881 Trew Edred Gent 88 89 40 41 214 215 884 Dyer Alexander DavrdaoD Wm Davis William, E 47 carp'r «arpenter carpenter Mailb & Carling 8 4 22 23 24 Victorift 45 46 Main 6 7 10 Main 17 1« ' udrev E",- Elizdb 878 879 bjiiznta.a 84 Lake Bead . pt. 18 19 Main 3 Main 22 23 pt 21 Main 24 25 63 42117 Elston Sobert Gent 48i216Ea8terbroak James Gent 44 228 Edworthy Emanuel, laborer 46!272Eacrett John bl'ksm'h 461271 Eajrett Michael, painter 286 FoUand William, laborer a ft Main Mnin William & Main Carling & Main Andrew" Main Main Carling & Main Andrew William William 16 17 • 18 17 2231 2 7 15 110 13 673 8 23 104 105 69 60 Andrew F 48 172 Gonia John 49 60 61 25 68 Chardler 18o!Qidley Chas. Cab't-maker ISllGidley Samuel 201'Qidlej Thomas Gent 5i 202 221 Gillespie John Oidley Kiohard 192 H teamster yeoman Main 4 6 cflm 1 pt. 16 Main & Wm 18 19 20 6 7 18 19 20 6 7 Car),M'n&Jas 5672324 19 20 t Gidley pt. 4 22, Carling 8 O S!5 65 60 67 58 59 00 01 62 68 01 65 60 07 197 203 200 208 22r 238 244 263 204 208 20U 278 292 08,297 09 804 70[311 711325 72;327 73 328 74 75 70 329 333 347 77 31B 78 79 NAME. ITiinfor? Samuel llodgiub (iejrgo li.ioper Ni^lroii llimkshaw .lohn llivniliii William llollniid Anthony llcnley John Huston Uenry E iliivilBn Wm Howard Wm Hardy Lniicclot llosdale Wm Iloskiiis Wm Howiird R. H. Hibooil (Icorgo Holliiiid Anthony Horn Henry Horn luchiird Horn Williiini Horn Thomna Hf.jos John Hiii-ris Wm Harris Edw. btriut curp'r, t|Mnin & Mill iGC 80 81 82 83 84 85 m oiGl.lloy nior't' rCiul k Siunl. 13 farmer "(liiUoy Clunt" ,\liiin .V; Antl'.l! cont'r t^AnJruW liiborur f Andiew teiielitir "Miiiii Bt'n-master tJAiidrow brickl.iyer fjMiun i- Wm cariii'r "iMiiiii jolMurkflt hl'kflmitli I'Livko Uoiid ,":Lako ImiikI ulluk.! Riiid 1 iLdio ll.ikl laborer •• Androw mbuiiT ■•, Ali'xiviidm' Uborer •• Alox iinUr pMiiiiiniikor "' Main ('•unt t|Miiin dmnor " (.'on 1 biirriHtci!' f '1 avloi'a siirv-v 107 Jerniyn Wm 180 Jormyu Wm 16!)Kemn Gno 2l8 Kellfiwiiy BoLt 243 Kidd Wm 249 Kane 'liii,mas 282 Kilpatiick Johri 330 Kilpatrick Half 848 KilputncU George luli't Main William I Mdin 87 219 88 251 89 055 moich I laborer ' 'IN'iuloria Andrir.T yeoiuan [.Main ^ yeomiin^"'l'jlizal)etli ■ Laico Koad '' Mill Band^Mn I. Littlcjohn Snm'l Liixton Bichd Lewis Alex M labtrcr f Cftrp'',r|" psinter! t 90105 Mace Goo. 911183 Manning Ricli'd 9'2|l93,Moriiiore Jo'.m 93 200|Aloore B. C. 94 210iMay QeoiRO 95 274'Mt'cl)an Edward 90 279!.M<.rgiin TlioB. 97'V89! Merrill Henry 98 310'Millne Jani.>s 99 313 Mnttlnirt Gi'O 100 332,.MatliDe John Victoria Main Main & Willi merobr.nt Gjnt! cii'pt'r M.U. painter carp'tr tenniBtor farmer merelnuit Gfint painter 101 840 102 •M2 103 . 12 104 945 105 347 100 223i IO7I224' 108281 109 218 110250 111300 Mc McNabb James McLennan David McDonald .John McD ralu John McDonald John McConnell T.A Molntyre J. P. McWilliama W'm McVcy Patrick MePhillipsWm IMcTaggart L. turner miller barrister merch't morch't laborer yeomau f M v n Main Gidlov Oidley Victoria lizabetli ' Elizabeth f, Klizauetii •jMaiu • M.iiu 'Main iMiin iMiU Koad JMill Hoad " ^^ain t Con 1 27 1 112 218 113'286 N Northcott Thomas Newoombe John Andrew /i Ma '•jMain t'Andrew f Main Main &, Wra Lake Boad laborer t Carling laborer! f Andrew Hanford Bich Gent fjWilliam I Michael Eacrett, Clerk of the Municipality of the Village of Exeter in the^ heij-eby certify that the above is a coifect list for the year 1870 of the aaraes of PCBsment Roll of suhdivision No- 2 of the said Municipality to be entitler! ,(;o vote s bly ; and that b aid list was iirst posted up in my office at Exeter, on the -iist day electors to examine the list and if any omissions or other errors are detected therei errors corrected accordirg to law. Dated at Exeter this 2lBt day of July, 1876 F VOTERS CHE VILLAGE OF EXETJiiR FOB THE YEAR' 1876 NAMK. ? Samuel u (iejrgo N.-lr.01) iiaw Jiihn I Williniii 1 AntlioDV Jolin llonry E. 1 Wm ) Wm Lniicclot a Wm s AVm 1 R. H. t (icorgo il Anthony lenry (ichiiril tVilliuiii i'homna ii'iniiiniikor .I')lm ('•uiit Wni liunior Kdw. baninti!!' oui'ij'r nior't fiirinor Clunt' conl'r liiliui'ur teaclior Bt'n-mivster brickl.iyor bl'kitmitli laborer mbiiii'r Uborer ktroct tMiiiii k Mill 'o'c.i.lloy rCivrl & Siunl. 13 12 "(li.Uoy '■ Miiin ,\; Ami'.- 18 11 t^AnJrinv f Aiuhew " Miiiii tIAiidrow 1( too :iii qMiiin .«■ Wm "jMiiin o|Miirkflt I'Livko UoikI ":tj.iko I'otvd llLik.jRiivd iLiko K.;k-I • Ainlrow -, Ali'Xiiuilm' • AloxiiiiUi- •' Muiii t|M:ii]L Con 1 f liivloi'a siii-vv 1 1 Wm '.\ Wm Ono ay Robt Vni liitmas lick John rick Half ncli George nlin Snm'l II llich'd Alex M Goo. ing llicti'd mro Jo'.m ; R. C. jeoi'RO an Edwftrd m TlioB. II Henry i! Jiimt>s nirt Gi!0 uo John rcU't Lot 5(U pt I 11 10 !l H VJ Irt 17 15 tjl) (U f.7 103 101) 10 r 1 17 20 27 1 ao2 ao,! 59 (10 121 122 11 15 21 lU 7 12 57 i>t. 71 nt. 71 10 II ,.t.l I! 10 12 13 M:lill Williiim morcb'l I t Miiin liiborer ' 'IN'iuloria Arnln-TT yeoiuan [.Miiin yeomiin^"'l'jUziibfitli ■ Lako Koad ' I. labtrerl f carp'U- pointer! t pait 2 •22 part -1 -17 ■!.■) part V 21 29 31 S2 3! part 17 177 Mill BoadlMmoliii 24 2S lOS Victoria Main Main & Willi ,n 4 5 C 48 41 1(! ?7 38 33 merc)ir.nt Gjnt!' Cirpt'rl' n.u. [ painter' carp'tr tennmtor, farmer i mercluuit Gent; painter'. Mo ibb James ninan David 5nttid .John raid John jnald John )nnell T.A tyre J. P. illiamfl Wm cy Patrick billips Wm iggart L. turner miller barrister merch't morch't laborer yeomau f iVI I' n Main Oidlov Gidlcy Victoria lizabetli ' Klizaboth f, Klizauotii •jMaiu • Main •;Main iM^iin iMiU Koad JMill Itoud •'Main t Uon 1 27 rart 1 2 12 13 part 4 part 13 141; 45 40 132 34 1 H5 7 17 18 10 20 355,850,380,180 24 25 24 25 12 51 Market 40 ptl N [icott Thomas lombe John laborer laborer ( flAndrc'.v fi Ma •jMain t'Andrcw f Main Main &, Wm Lake Road t Carling f Andrew J 101 102 in pt. 8 il 54 pt. 8 4 5 6 37 38 39 2 66 90 •/; n o c O o I NAMK slrcft l/t O 114 1H;I Otton Thiinis cari.f^nlorj f William i s-indiTH •22^,^ 115 212 n Ilyrn" j'.'^rnard .MorcUanl; I Andrew ''> 110'2;!l Okn Samuel curponl.'ii f •\ii'li">'w '•'"!••■* 117^2ll2;Oranj,'n John b:ij<i;aso masfr; t Main .^ Wni 15 II 133o 2;l '2M 118 305'l»ko TliomaH i.if.Mc'i int.;t l Mam 2 1191'JO I'ickard Williau l'20'2ti7 Pratt John 121 210 l^.[Mo^tone Joliu 122^2US Pinch Daniel i23 3U PurviH Jameit i I H 121182 Howe Cliarl.^s Tailm- 1^25 -201 I{>ot K. P. Ti'i'JUiith 1-20 22'p ItobiuHon Alexmd.'r Gout M.'rch'inl f.WilIi«m 3 (i-nt •' !<'ariill^; 14 I/ibiiv,- ••■Andrew 54 55 Y. oiuaiii^' Lake liocd lit C irpiMitei\ t Main 857 )5S 35i) r27 237 II is-i Jolm 128 211 11 'Hs John ) 29 '291 llolUns Thoiivu 130 311 lUm^ey Jamct 131317,liyaii jolm (irpeiUei I ihorn (.';irpenlei L:ilMirer f ItaM 22 t Gidlev part 4 (• WilUiin 22 • • .Main A Andrew 3 .1 ;. iX'-.W Sill .1 Andrew !;iart !■ : fLake li'iad .i iCIiz'I'i. 77 87 ■•• Main .V Andrew -IT 15 33 .11 !■• Main i Aiidiew (J 7-42 13 132160; 133175: 131184 135/209 •0 210 X30 137 188 1.19 2'27 242 254! 140!258! 141219; 142 303 143 303 144 310 145 323; 140 3'20' 147 337; 148 352 Stanley Thos. D. Samweil G^'orf^e Spioor R ibnt Sheie J'din Snore Alfrd Snell CharI(!S Schrani Jovaiiiinh 3110!)™!)!!" .Tiiniis Sutto'i Williim Smal'i William JlorfihADt; iM'"" indrcliaiit!0|Maiii merchant i f,Williaoi k San.t'.rs piut 1 2 <) 3 2 4 7 GentU,'Miii"""'"" bricklav(,l■if;^r•ll■ll"•'■''"■.■l| nierohantlt'lMaiu.V Amlrew 'I'.'aiuster^ t'Andr. . . Ii earpeMter^"Miin .v William 7 .■iU Oarpfiiter-'Lako Unad _ part -.-l 20 11 CH 50 mrl K io Unad Snow John 6h.emikor;-,Main & Lake Iload 5 1 SnowThnniai :-.Man. A Lake Load ;, 1 Smallacnubo William Tailor:- -iMain U) 11 12 13 Simiwon^ Geor;,'0 cir,.fiiiierp' An.ircw r., ,.r>r-. 'i'm Sander. l--ranci . I. diorerp •.Andrew C'J 1,0 , t on William Gent:- Mai-i 19 20 par. 21 149174' 150 210, 151 -259 152,H07| 153;309 154'3-20! 155.321 Simps' Staddon Thomas Hinoniaker!";-^''"'* T I i i L, . L'oni (.!hlU■l■^'^ Siiionvikeri V, "•>'" TomliiiMon 0. S. Painter;-|A"'.0''=;^' rre')lo Sam-iol W.i^'on mak'r; fiMi'" '^ NViH'^i-irt .Towers Jam.3.1 Ilotrl ke-nei;"|<;'i'.' 1, Tnek Jolm meroiant t .to'Mai.i x W .hiam ThomjMo., P..bert I-aborcrl f IIkiu'^^ H'>^^'! Tliomnson T.i.-ncai Uumstoi !•'. riianies 18 150 lOa'v.mdiiien Pni-i^isti f 157 312,Veriiy W. H. ^[aiu i^ounder:'-;'^^^!" 9 part V 11 12 3132 part 20 1 p.-.rt 17 25 part 25 3 21 22 23 w. 158 240, 1,59257 100 257 . 10'. •iOO 162 270 163 281 104 301i 105 815 100 819 107,810 Willis Jameis rierchan White JnliM IVintcr! White Thomas Pi inter: Wilhs Oaten Sla-.J driver' Wliitlock Isaac Gent; Wovdeu John Gent, Wilkie Chas. Gent: tj f'.\ndre,v i .Main 06 07 70 7121 Main Main Tdaiu Elizabeth Elizaheih Lako Roa'l 8 9 par 8 9 par 81 C5 50 67 82 Westawav Samuel Enp!incor| f|M«.iQ VilliamBbickamithpj Walper Abel Ujt::! keeper i".Maia Webster WilliamBl:.cksmithi"!Main & AiidrewO 4 .'5 44 45 12 82 58 83 13 10 10 1 ,1.0 )f the Village of Exeter in the County of Hurou, a nil rroviuce of Outino ii.i the year 1870 of the -aames of all person-^ arpearing hy the Ifist vevised As cipality to be entitle(l io vote at elections for Members of tlie Legislative Assera- ice at Exeter, on the -iist day ot July.A. D. 187C, and I hereby call upon all )ther errors are detected therein, to take immediate pioceodings to have the sait ■ this 2lBt day of July, 1876 ,^ *^ ^* * IKE. XSacrott, Clerk.