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Tous les autres exemplaires originaux sont film6s en commenpant par la premidre page qui comporte une empreinte d'impression ou d'illustration et en terminant par la dernidre page qui comporte une telle empreinte. Un des symboles suivants apparaitra sur la dernidre image de cheque microfiche, selon le cas: le symbols — ^^ signifie "A SUIVRE", le symbols V signifie "FIN". Les cartes, planches, tableaux, etc., peuvent dtre filmds d des taux de r6duction diffdrents. Lorsque le document est trop grand pour dtre reproduit en un seul clichd, il est filmd d partir de Tangle supdrieur gauche, de gauche i droite, et de haut en bas, en prenant le nombre d'images ndcessaire. Les diagrammes suivants illustrent la mdthode. 1 2 3 32X 1 2 3 4 5 6 RECOLLECTIONS AND EXPERIENCES OF AN ABOLITIONIST. Entered according to Act of the Parliament of Canada, in the year one thousand eight hundred and seventy-five, by Alexander Milton Ross, in the office of the Minister of Agriculture. Toronto : Printed nv Rowsell & Hutchison, King Street. J- one Ross, Remember them in bonds y RECOLLECTIONS AND EXPERIENCES OK AN ABOLITIONIST; From 1855 io 1865. in' " Whatsoever ye Vrould that men should do to you, do ye CTcn so to them."— Matt. vii. 12. I TORONTO : ROWSELL AND HUTCHLSON. 1875. Entered according to Act of the Parliament of Canada, in the year one thousand cij^'ht liundrcd and seventy-five, hy Aikxandkr Milton Ross, In the office of the Minister of Agriculture. Toronto : I'RINTRD BY RoWS1;LL & IIUTCHISON, Kino Stuert. THIS VOLUME OK RECOLLECTIONS AND EXPERIENCES IS, WITH SENTIMENTS OK rROKOlND HOMAGE AND RE.SPECT^ DEDICATED TO HIS IMPERIAL MAJESTY ALEXANDER II. EMPEROR AND AUTOCRAT OF ALL THE RUSSIAS, WHO, OF HIS OWN SOVKKEKJV AVII.l. AND rLEA.SUKE, GAVE FREEDOM TO TWENTY MILLIONS OF SERFS OF THE RUSSIAN KMITRE. Toronto, May ISTo. PREFACE, Tiii:sE Recollections and Experiences arc given to the public in compliance with the repeated solicitations of many of m\' coloured friends, some of whom were personal i/ inter- ested in the experiences herein rerorded. In the preparation of tMs narrntivo, I have strictly refrained from any attempt at embel- lishment or amplification, and I have aimed at accuracy of statement, briefness of description, and simplicity of style. A. M. R. Toronto, May, 1875. CONTENTS, CHAP. I.— FIRST nrPRESSIONS OF HUMAN SLAVERY. Uncle Tom's Cabin- -Pi-eparations for the work— Into the Land of Bondage— The work begiiis Nine fugitives from bondage— At work again — Seven candidates for freedom— Twelve luni- dred dollars reward— A poor negro spurns the reward— Arrival in Chicago with a "chattel" —Safe on the soil of Canada— First interview with John Brown— Hia opinion of Abolition- ists—His disappointments— Character of John Brown — He leaves for Kansas Pages 1-25 CHAP, n.— NEWS FROM THE SOUTH. Keeping quiet— OflF to New Orleans— Arrival in New Orleans — Slave auctions - Horrors of human slavery— At work near \'icksburg— Sowing seed at Selma— In a dangerous position —Into the jaws of death— Manacled and in prison— A desperate situation— Fidelity of a slave— Released —Two passengers by the Under- ground R. 11.— Leave Columbus for other fields —At work in Augusta— Eleven followers of the Norj.h Star— Exciting news— Fast travelling to the North— In ^Vashington— Two fugitives from Hunt.-nlle 2&-48 XIV CIIAl'. 111. — MEET WITH AX OLD FRIEND. PagfCH Second interview w-ith John Brown— Letter from Captain Brown — Refugees in Canada — Second letter from John Brown — In Richmond — Cap- tain Brown attacks Harper's Ferry — Defeat of Captain Brown — Dough-faced Nftrtherners — Effects of Brown's attack — Bravery of Captain Brown — John Brown victorious — "His soul is marching on" — His martyrdom — Interview with Governor Wise — He would like to hang Giddings and Gerrit Smith— Extracts from the Press— Letter from Victor Hugo — Wliittier's Poem — John Brown song 48-100 CHAP. IV. — AT WORK IN KENTUCKY. A wife torn from her luisband and sold — Lil)eration of the wife — Crossing the Ohio — A Kentuckian in search of his " chattel " — Safe arival of man and wife in Canada — Net results — Number of refugees in Canada — The Fugitive Slave Law — Presidential Election of 18G0 — Rejjublican " Platform " — Democratic " Platform " — Na- tional Democratic "Platform" — Constitutional Union "Platform" — Electoral vote, Presidential election — Secession of South Carolina , 110-130 CHAP. V. — THE SLAVEHOLDERS REBELLION. Confidential service in Canada — Confederates in Can- ada — Rebel postal service — Arrest of a rebel mail carrier — Interview with Pi'esident Lincoln — Confiscated re})el despatches — Rebels in New Brunswick — Mr. Lincoln's favourite poem — Off to New Brunswick — Occupy a room with a XV rebel — War on the New Brunswick frontier — Arrest of a rebel officer — Persecution of Joshua R. Giddings— His arrest— Death of Mr. Giddings — Steps toward emancijiation — The Emancipation Proclamation— Republican Plat- form of 1864— Lincoln's Second Inaugural Ad- dress (March 4, 1866)— Constitutional Amend- ment, Article XIII 132-166 CHAP. VI.— EXTRACTS FROM LETTERS. Letters from William H. Seward, Joshua IJ. Gid- dings, Horace Greeley, Gerrit Smith, Wendell Phillips, Charles Sumner, George B. Lincoln, Governor Fenton, Wm. Lloy.l Garrison, John G. Whittier, W. C. Bryant, G. Garibaldi, Victor Hugo 167-179 CHAP. VIL— EFFORTS TO AROUSE KINDLY FEELINGS IN CANADA IN FAVOUR OF THE NORTH. Slaveholders' Rebellion, its Internal Causes— The Rights of Man— In Memory of Joshua R. Gid- dings— Slavery in the Southern States— Re- marks before the " Society for the Abolition of Slavery "—American Reconstruction— Reorga- nization of the Southern States -American Politics-The Blacks in Canada-Position of the Freedmen in the South— Why I Desire the Success of the North— RatiHcation of the Con- stitutional Amendment and Proclamation of ^^•""^^^"^ 180-22a i ! c'STcn RECOLLECTIONS AND EXPERIENCES ov AN ABOLITIONIST. CHAPTER I. FIRST IMPRESSIONS OF HUMAN SLAVERY. Y first impressions of human slavery were derived from the published speeches and writings of Wilberforce, Brougham, and other English abolitionists, which I read in my youth, and in later years from the eloquent appeals for the freedom of the enslaved, made by Wendell Phillips, William Lloyd Gar- rison, Theodore Parker, and Gerrit Smith. The impulses gained from the above sources excited my sympathies, and impelled me to seek for further and more practical information as to the workings of the institution of slavery in the ! I 2 Recollections and Experiences American Republic. I had not far to seek for the desired knowledge, for there were in Canada hundreds of escaped slaves, living witnesses to the hideous barbarity of that wicked institution. From them I heard heart-rending stories of the cruelties practised upon the poor oppressed coloured people of the Slave States. In proof of their statements I was shown the indelible marks of the lash and branding-iron upon their bodies. These refugees were, as a general rule, superior specimens of their race, and possessed qualities, in the majority of cases, which fitted them for all the duties of citizenship. Many of those I conversed with were quite intelligent, having held positions as coachmen, house servants, and body servants to their masters, and the informa- tion I obtained from them enabled me, in after years, to render some service to their friends in bondage. i I I 1 I ! I . UNCLE TOM S CABIN. While I was engaged in my inquiries among the coloured people of Canada, Mrs. Stowe's work, " Uncle Tom's Cabin," was published, and excited the sympathies of every humane person who read it, in behalf of the oppressed. To me Of an Abolitionist. 3 it was a command ; and a settled conviction took possession of my mind, that it was my duty to help the oppressed to freedom, to " remember them in bonds, as bound with them." My reso- lution was taken, to devote all the energies of my life to " let the oppressed go free." I had learned from the refugees in Canada that there existed in the Northern States relief organizations, formed for the purpose of extend- ing aid to fugitives from bondage. I also gath- ered from the same sources much information relative to the various secret routes leading from the Slave States to Canada, as well as the names and addresses of many good friends of freedom in the States of Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Michigan, who cheerfully gave shelter and aid to the escaped slaves whose objective point was Canada — the Land of Liberty for the slaves of the American Republic. PREPARATION FOR THE WORK. In November, 1856, I left Canada to prepare for the work which had absorbed my thoughts for years. A prominent abolitionist of Northern New York had invited me to visit his home, and confer with him in respect to the best way of accomplishing the most good for the cause we T 1 1 I 4 RecollcctioJis and Experiences both had at heart. From this noble philanthropist and true Christian I obtained most valuable and interesting information as to the workings of the different organizations having for their object the liberation from bondage of the slaves of the South. He accompanied me to Boston, New York, and Philadelphia. I was introduced to many liberty-loving men and women, whose time, talents, and means, were devoted to the cause of freedom. The contact with such noble, enthusiastic minds, imbued with an undying hatred and detestation of that foul blot on the escutcheon of their country, served to strengthen my resolution and fortify me for the labour before me. I was initiated into a knowledge of the relief societies, and the methods adopted to circulate information among the slaves of the South ; the routes to be taken by the slaves, after reaching the so-called Free States ; the relief posts, where shelter and aid for transpor- tation could be obtained. m. The poor fugitive who had run the gauntlet of slave-hunters and blood-hounds was not safe, even after he had crossed the boundary line between the Slave and Free States, for the slave-drivers of the South and their allies, the democrats of the North, held control of the United States Government at that time ; and Of an Abolitionist. 5 under the provisions of the iniquitous " Fugitive Slave Law," the North was compelled to act as a police detective for the capture and return to slavery of the fugitives from the Slave States. My excellent friend also accompanied me to Ohio and Indiana, where I made the personal acquaintance of friends in those Slates who, at risk of life and property, gave shelter to the fugitives, and assisted them in reaching Canada. READY FOR THE WORK. On my return to Philadelphia I made the necessary preparations for work in the Southern States. In undertaking this enterprise I did not dis- guise from myself the dangers I would most certainly have to encounter, and the certainty that a speedy, and perhaps cruel, death would be my lot, in case my plans and purposes were discovered. And not only would my own life be exposed, but also the lives of those I sought to aid. My kind friends in Boston and Philadelphia had warned me of the dangers that were in my path ; and many of them urged me to seek other and less dangerous channels wherein to aid TT I I ^ i: ': 6 Recollections mid Experiences the oppressed. I felt convinced, however, that the only effectual way to help the slaves was, to aid them in escapintj from bondage. To accomplish that, it was necessary to go to them, advise them, and give them practical assistance. With a few exceptions the negroes were in ab- solute ignorance of every thing beyond the boundary of their plantation or town. The circulation of information among the slaves would also have a certain tendency to create a feeling of independence in the minds of the negroes, which, ultimately, would lead to insurrection, and perhaps the destruction of the institution of slavery. At length all my preparations were completed, and I was ready to enter the land of bondage, and discharge, to the best of my ability, the duty that rested upon me. Two years had passed since I had finished reading Mrs. Stowe's work, and the resolution which I then made, to devote my energies to " let the oppressed go free," was still fresh and strong. Before leaving Philadelphia a mutual under- standing was arranged between my friends and Of an Abolitionist. J myself in respect to confidential cor -espondcnce, by which it was understood that the term " hard- ware," was to mean males ; and " dry-goods," females. I was to notify my friends in Phila- delphia (if possible) whenever a package of" hard- ware" or "dry-goods" was started for freedom; and they in turn warned the friends in Ohio and Pennsylvania to be on the look-out for runaways. INTO THE LAND OF BONDAGE. On a beautiful morning in April, 1857, ^ crossed the Potomac en route for Richmond. My outfit was compact, and contained in a small valise. The only weapon I had, was a small revolver, which had been presented to me by a Bostonian, who, in after years, honoured the office of Governor of Massachusetts. On arriving in Richmond I went to the house of a gentleman to whom I had been directed, and who was known in the North to be a friend to the slaves. I spent a few weeks in quietly looking around, and determining upon the best plans to adopt. THE WORK BEGINS. Having finally decided upon my course, I invited a number of the most intelligent, active. ^^ 8. Recollections and Experiences 1 ! and reliable slaves, to meet me at the house of a coloured preacher, on a Sunday cveninfj. On the night appointed for this meeting forty- two slaves came to hear what prospect there was for their escape from bondage. I shook each by the hand, asked their name, age, and whether married or single. I had never before seen, at one time, so many coloured men together, and I was struck with their individuality and general kindness and consideration for each other. I then explained to them my object and purposes in visiting the Slave States. I also carefully explained to them the various routes from Vir- ginia to Ohio and Pennsylvania, and the names of friends in border towns who would help them on to Canada. I requested them to circulate this information discreetly among all upon whom they could rely. Thus, each of my hearers became an agent in the good work. I then told them that if any of their number chose to make the attempt to gain their freedom, in the face of all the obstacles and dangers in their path, that I would supply them with weapons to defend themselves, in case any attempt was made to deprive them of their right to freedom ; and also, as much food as they could conveniently carry. I requested as many as were ready to accept my offer, to come to the same house on the following Sunday evening. Of an Abolitionist. NINE FUGITIVES FROM IJONDAGE. On the evening appointed nine stout, intelli- gent young men had declared their determination to gain their freedom, or die in the attempt. To each I gave a few dollars in money, a pocket compass, a knife, and as much cold meat and bread as each could carry with ease. 1 again carefully explained to them the route, and the names of friends along the border upon whom they could rely for shelter and assistance. I never met more apt students than these poor fellows ; and their' V'es, massa, I know it now," was assurance that they did. They were to travel only by night, resting in some secure spot during the day. Their route was to be through Pennsylvania to Erie, on Lake Erie, and from thence to Canada. I bid them good bye with an anxious heart, for well I knew the dangers they had to encounter. I learned many months after that they all arrived safely in Canada. (In 1863, I enlisted three of these brave fellows in a coloured regiment in Philadelphia, for service in the war that gave freedom to their race). Two of my Richmond pupils were married men, and left behind them wives and children. The wife of one made her escape, and reached Canada within six months after her husband gained his liberty. (I visited their happy little home, in Chatham, Canada, in 1\ 10 : I Recollections and Experiences after years, and was delighted to find them prosperous and contented). AT WORK AGAIN. The day following the departure of my little band of fugitives from Richmond, I left for Nashville, in the State of Tennessee, which I decided should be my next field of labour. On my arrival in Nashville I went direct to the residence of a Quaker lady, well known for her humane and charitable disposition toward the coloured people. When I informed her of my success in Richmond, and that I intended to pursue the same course in Nashville, she ex- pressed great anxiety for my safety. But finding that I was determined to make the attempt, she sent for an old free negro, and advised me to trust him implicitly. This good man was nearly eighty years of age, and had the con- fidence of all the coloured people for miles around Nashville. He lived a short distance outside the city limits. At his house he preached to such of the slaves as were disposed and could attend, every Sunday evening. I requested him to invite as many of the most reliable and intelligent of the slaves as he could to meet me at his house on the next Sunday evening. On the evening appointed I found thirteen k Of ail Abolitionist. II fine able-bodied men assembled to see and hear an abolitionist. Seldom have I seen a finer or more intelligent looking lot of coloured men than those that composed my little audience on that occasion ; their ages ranged fi'om 1 8 to 30. Some of them were very black, while others were mulattoes, and two of them had straight hair, and were very light-coloured ; but all of them had an earnest and intelligent look. My host volunteered to stand guard out- side the house, to prevent interruption and to intercept any friendly or evil minded callers. I talked to my hearers earnestly and practically for two hours, explaining the condition and prospects of the coloured people in Canada, the obstacles and dangers they would have to encounter, the route to be taken, and the names of friends, north of the Ohio river, to whom they could safely apply for aid to help them on to Canada. No lecturer ever had a more intensely earnest audience than I had that evening. I gathered them close around me, so that I could look each in the face, and give emphasis to my instructions. In conclusion, J told them that I should remain in Nashville until after the follow- ing Sunday evening, when as many as felt disposed to make the attempt to gain their free- dom could meet me in the same house at 9 p.m. I requested those who would decide to leave 12 Recollections and Experiences \% i on that night to inform their old friend before the next Friday, that I might make some pro- vision for their long and perilous journey. Early in the week I received word from five ; and by Friday evening two more had decided to make the attempt to obtain liberty. At 9 o'clock, on the Sunday evening ap- pointed, I was promptly at the house of my friend. He again stood guard. It was nearly lo o'clock before I heard the signal agreed upon — " scratching upon the door." I unlocked the door, when in stepped four men, followed soon after by three others. They were all young men and unmarried. I asked each if he had fully determined to make the attempt ; and receiving an affirmative reply, I very carefully explained to them the routes to be taken, the dangers they might expect to encounter, and the friends upon whom they could call for aid. To each I gave a pistol, a knife, a pair of shoes, a compass, and to their leader twenty dollars in money. They were also supplied with as much food as they could conveniently carry. :" SEVEN CANDID.\TES FOR FREEDOM. At midnight I bid them good-bye ; and these bra/e-hearted fellows, with tears in their eyes, Of an Abolitionist. 13 and hearts swelling with thankfulness toward me, started for the land of freedom. I advised them to travel by night only, to keep together, and not use their pistols except in absolute necessity. Next morning I called upon my Quaker friend and informed her of the result of my labours in Nashville. She expressed her delight and satis- faction ; but feared for my safety, if I remained in the city after the escape of the slaves became known. jse That evening I sent letters to friends in Evansville, Cincinnati, and Cleveland, to keep a sharp lookout for " packages of hardware." As I was leaving the Post Office a man handed me a small printed bill, which an- nounced the escape of thirteen slaves from Richmond ; but nine only were described, toge- ther with the names of their owners. A reward of $1,000 was offered for their capture and return to Richmond. I now thought it was time for me to leave for other fields of labour. Early next day I bade farewell to my kind Quaker friend, and started for Memphis. On my arrival there I sought the house of an anti- slavery man to whom I had been directed. The husband was absent from home, but the good . H Recollections and Experiences wife received me most kindly, and urged me to make her house my home during my stay in the city. I felt, however, that I had no right to expose the family to trouble and suspicion, in case I got into difficulty. I went to a hotel, and being tired and weary, laid down upon a couch to rest, and must have fallen asleep, for I was aroused by the shouting of a newsboy under my window. The burthen of his cry was, the escape of several slaves from Nashville in one night. I opened the window, and told the boy to bring a paper up to my room. T! e news was as follows : — I ili; 11 1-< TWELVE HUNDRED DOLLARS REWARD. "Great excitement in Nashville — Escape of seven first-class slave-men, by the aid of an abolitionist who had been seen prowling about the city for several days previous." Three hun- dred dollars reward was offered for the capture and return of each of the slaves, and twelve hundred dollars for the apprehension of the "accursed" abolitionist ; then followed a descrip- tion of the slaves, and a very good description of myself, considering that I had kept very close during my stay in Nashville. At a glance I saw the danger of my position, and determined to leave the hotel at once, which I did ; returning to the house I had first visited, I told the good Of an Abolitio7iist. 15 wife my position. The paper, which contained the exciting news, also contained the announce- ment that a steamer would leave for St. Louis that night at nine o'clock. It was now three. Six long hours to remain in the very jaws of death ! I made enquiries for the house of a coloured man, upon whom my old coloured friend in Nashville told me I could rely. Having received the proper direction, I went to his humble dwelling, and mentioning the name of his old friend at Nashville, he cor- dially welcomed me. He was a fine looking man, with honest eyes, open countenance, and of more than ordinary intelligence, for one of his race. T handed him the paper, and pointed to the reward for my apprehension. When he read the exciting news, he grasped my hand and said, " Massa, I'd die to save you ; what shall we do ?" I told him I had determined to leave by nine o'clock that night, if possible, on the steamboat for St. Louis, and asked permission to remain in his house until the arrival of the steamer. The noble fellow placed his house, and all he possessed at my command. On many occa- sions I have placed my life in the hands of coloured men without the slightest hesitation or fear of betrayal. Night was now approaching, and my friend suggested the propriety of shaving off my whis- kers and changing my dress. While engaged making these alterations I overheard an animated conversation, in the adjoining room, between my host and a female. The woman earnestly beg- ged of him to ask me to take her to Canada, where her husband then was. The poor man told her my life was already in great danger, and that I might be captured and killed, if she was seen with me ; but still she continued to beg. When I had completed my change of appear- ance, he came into the room, and told me I: ! f«P 1^ !ii' 1 6 Recollections aiid Experiences A POOR NEGRO SPURNS THE REWARD. This poor despised negro held in his hand a a paper offering a reward of $1,200 for my cap- ture. He was a labouring man, earning his bread by the sweat of his brow ; and yet I felt perfectly safe, and implicitly trusted this poor man with my life. In fact, I felt safer in his house than I should have felt in the house of a certain Vice-President of the U. S., who, in more recent times sold himself for a similar amount. This poor oppressed negro, had everything to gain by surrendering me into the hands of the slave- masters, and yet he spurned the reward, and was faithful to the trust I had placed in him. )i^ ft i Of an Abolitionist 17 that in the next room was a coloured woman that had lately fled from her master on account of his cruelty to her. I told him to bring her in, and let me talk with her. She was about thirty- five years old, and a light mulatto, of bright, intel- ligent appearance. She told me of the escape of her husband to Canada about two years pre- viously, and of her master's cruelty in beating her, because she refused to marry a negro whom he had selected for her. She showed me her back, which was still raw and seamed with deep gashes, where the lash of her cruel master's whip had ploughed up her flesh. She earnestly implored me to take her to Canada. I told my friend to dress her in male attire, so that she might accompany me in the capacity of valet^ and that I would make the attempt to take her to Canada. The poor creature gladly accepted the offer, and was soon ready for the journey. I gave her the name of " Sam," and myself the title of " Mr. Smith, of Kentucky." At half- past eight, p.m., we left the house of my faithful friend, and started for the boat, "Sam" walking behind me, carrying my valise. Through some cause or other the boat was detained until near eleven o'clock. Oh, what hours of misery! every minute filled with apprehensions of dis- aster, not only to myself, but to the poor crea- ture depending upon me. No one, not similarly 2 II i8 Recollections and Experieiiccs placed, can imagine the anxiety and dread that filled my mind during this long delay. The moments passed so slowly, that they seemed hours. " Sam" stood near me, looking as anxious as I felt. At length we got aboard the boat. I secured tickets for myself and servant for St. Louis, and when the boat left the levee, I breathed freer than 1, had for several hours. * I arrived in St. Louis without the occurrence of any incident of importance, and sent telegrams to different points along the Ohio river to friends, warning them to be on the lookout for fugitives from Tennessee. I remained in St. Louis but a few hours, and left for Chicago, accompanied by my happy servant, whose frequent question, " Massa, is we near Canada yet," kept me con- tinually on the alert to prevent her from exposing herself to arrest. ARRIVAL IN CHICAGO WITH A CHATTEL. When we reached Chicago, I took my servant to the house of a friend of the slave, where she was properly cared for. It was deemed prudent, however, that she should continue to wear male attire until she reached Canada, for it occasionally occurred that fugitives were caught in Detroit, and taken back to bondage, :o a, e e. ^ Of an Abolitionist. 19 after having come in sight of the land of pro- mise. Their proximity to a safe refuge from their taskmasters, and from the operation of the infa- mous Fugitive Slave Law, rendered them careless in their manner, and so happy in appearance, that they were frequently arrested on suspicion by the minions of the United States Government, ever on the watch to obey the behests of the slave power. After a few hours' rest in Chicago, I left with my charge for Detroit, where I arrived in due time on the following day ; and, taking a hack, drove to a friend's house in the suburbs of the city. Here I made arrangements to be rowed across the river to Windsor, Canada, in a small boat, as soon as darkness would render our passage safe. I also sent telegrams to friends in London, Chatham, and Amherstburg, to ascer- tain the whereabouts of her husband, and finally heard that he was working in a barber shop in London. SAFE ON THE SOIL OF CANADA. At night the poor fugitive and myself were taken silently over the river that separated the land of freedom from the land of slavery. Not a word was spoken until we touched the soil of Canada. I then told her that she was now a free woman, and no one could now deprive her of ! I 20 Recollections and Experiences '! I her right to " Hfe, liberty, and the pursuit of hap- piness." She dropped on her knees, and uttered a sincere prayer to the Almighty to protect and bless me for bringing her to Canada. I took her to the house of a friend, and on the following day sent her to London, where she and her husband were united, after a separation of two years, (In 1863 I dined with them at their pretty little home, which they had paid for with the proceeds of their industry and thrift). Returning to De- troit I took the cars for Cleveland. On my arrival there I received a telegram from Boston informing me that Capt. John Brown, of Kansas, would meet me in Cleveland in a day or two, and that he desired to confer with me on a subject of importance, connected with the Anti- slavery cause. FIRST INTERVIEW WITH JOHN BROWN. On the evening of my third day in Cleveland, while seated in my room at the hotel, a gentle tap at my door aroused me ; I said, " come in " (thinking it was a servant) ; the door opened, and in walked a plain, farmer-like looking man — a stranger, but with a remarkable countenance, strongly indicative of intelligence, coolness, tena- city of purpose, and honesty. He appeared about five feet ten inches in height, slender, but Of an Abolitionist. 21 wiry and tough ; his glance keen, steady, and honest ; his step light, quick, and firm. He was, although simply and plainly dressed, a man of remarkable appearance ; no close observer would pass him on the street without making that observation. He introduced himself as "John Brown, of Kansas," and handed me several letters from friends in Boston and Philadelphia. While I was engaged reading the letters, and occasionally asking a question in reference to their contents, he was closely examining a revolver of mine which he had found on my bureau. When I had finished reading the letters he remarked, " How very strange that you should have a pistol exactly like one I have in my pocket," which he produced. They were, indeed, fellows in every respect, and presented to us by the same generous Bostonian. Capt. Brown remained with me until after midnight, eagerly listening to a narrative of my trip through Vir- ginia and Tennessee, and in relating incidents connected with his labours in Kansas. His manner and conversation produced a magnetic influence which rendered him very attractive, and stamped him as a man of more than ordinary coolness, tenacity of purpose, and devotion to what he considered right. He was, in my estima- tion, a Christian in the full sense of that word. Ill i 22 Recollections and Experiences No idle, profane, or immodest word fell from his lips. He was deeply in earnest in the work, in whicli he believed himself a special instrument in the hands of God. During our long (and to mc deeply interesting) interview, which lasted from 8 p.m. until 3 in the morning, he related many incidents of his life bearing upon the subject of slavery. lie .said he had for many years been studying the guerilla system of warfare adopted in the mountainous portions of Italy and Swit- zerland ; that he could, with a small body of picked men, inaugurate and maintain a negro insurrection in the mountains of Virginia, which would produce so much annoyance to the United States Government, and create such a feeling of dread and insecurity in the minds of slave- holders, that slavery would ultimately be abol- ished. HIS OPINION OF ABOLITIONLSTS. Capt. Brown had little respect for that class of abolitionists who, from their abodes of safety in the North, spoke so bravely in behalf of the oppressed coloured people of the Slave States, but who took goci care to keep their precious bodies north of the Potomac. He stoutly maintained that the only way to abolish slavery was by conveying to the slaves Of ail Abolitionist. 2^ such information as would aid them in making their escape to Canada, and by encouraging insurrection among tlie slaves ; thus producing feelings of dread and uncertainty in the minds of slaveholders, that would end in the eman- cipation of the slaves. HIS DISAPrOINTMENTS. John Brown was now returning to Kansas, from the riastern States, where he had been for several weeks trying to collect means to carry on the war in Kansas. He said he had found by expe- rience that those abolitionists who made the most noise from the pulpits and lecture-rooms, were the last to offer a dollar toward any prac- tical means for the liberation of the slaves. He had met with disappointment in the East, and felt it most keenly. He had sacrificed his own peace and comfort, and the peace and comfort of his family, in obedience to his sincere convic- tions of duty toward the oppressed people of the South, while those who had the means to help him make war upon the oppressor, were luke- warm or declined to aid him in his warfare. CHARACTER OF JOHN BROWN. I have been in the presence of many men whom the world called great and distinguished, ; I I 24 Reco!leciio7is and Experiences but never before or since have I met a greater or more remarkable man than Capt. John Brown. There was manifest, in all he said and did, an absorbing intensity of purpose, controlled by lofty moral principles. He was a devout Chris- tian ; and sincerely believed himself a chosen instrument in the hands of God to let the oppressed go free. HE LEAVES F'OR KANSAS. Capt, Brown left me at an early hour in the morning, to take the cars for Kansas. Before parting I urged him to accept from me a portion of my funds, to aid him in the purchase of material for his Kansas work. This he did reluctantly, expressing his fears that I was depriving myself of the means to continue my labours. jater 3wn. I, an by iris- Dsen the the fore :ion : of did vas my CHAPTER II. NEWS FROM THE SOUTH. HE excitement in Richmond and Nash- ville, consequent upon the escape of ^=1 so many valuable slaves, extended to all the surrounding country. In the reading room of the hotel at which I was stopping, I picked up a Richmond paper, which contained a lengthy account of the escape of slaves from Richmond, Nashville, and other parts of the South. The writer stated that a general impression prevailed in that community, that a regularly organized band of abolitionists existed in the South, which supplied the negroes with information and means to escape to Canada. The ..*horities were urged to offer a large rev ard for the apprehension of the "cursed neg'O thieves" that infestec <-he South, and that an example should be made of such as were caught, as would for ever deter others from interference with the rights of the South. l\'*'ii I Ifil ' I 26 Recollections and Experiences KEEPING QUIET. I concluded it would be better for the cause, I tried to serve, that no further attempt should be made until the present excitciuent in the South quieted down. From Clcv^eland I went to Philadelphia, where I remained until Noveiii ber, 1857. During my stay n that city I was busily occupied in collecting statis- tics of the slave populations of the diffv^rent Slave States, and in consulting with various friends as to the best methods of circulatinj:^ information among the slaves of the Cotton States. Any one acquainted with the institution of slavery, as it existed in the Gulf States, will fully appreciate the difficulties that environed such an enterprise as the one I now contemplated — that of conveying direct to the slaves a knowledge of the best routes, the distances to be traversed, difficulties to be overcome, and the fact that they had friends in the Border States to whom they could apply for aid, and on whom they could implicitly rely for assistance to forward them to Canada. Of all the dangers to myself that loomed up before my mind, the last and the least was the fear of betrayal by the slaves. Once they became satisfied of your friendship Of an Abolitionist. 27 \ and your desire to help them escape from bondage, they would willingly suffer torture or death to protect you. Such, at least, has been my experience with the negroes of the Slave States. OFF FOR NEW ORLEANS. Early in the month of December, 1857, I left New York, by steamer, for New Orleans, on a mission, the subject and details of which had occupied my mind exclusively for many months. I was accompanied to the steamer by two noble-hearted and steadfast friends of freedom. One of these friends (a resident of the interior of New York State) had been my principal supporter, and active and unflinching friend from the commencement of my career as an abolitionist. The other, was a resident of Brooklyn, a prominent philanthropist, long identified with the abolitionists of the North. All my correspondence, while in the Slave States, was to be sent to them. Whenever a slave succeeded in making his or her escape i was to send them the information, and they in turn notified our friends north of the Ohio river to be on the lookout for " packages of hard- ware" (men) or "dry goods" (females), and these Ohio friends concealed the fugitives for a time, I 28 Recollectio7is afid Experiences I m , ;' |i i! 1 ii 1 1 i! i ji ■ ii f \ 1. ; 1 ' i 1 1 ; !^ 1 r i i '■ 1 » li ''. if necessary, until they could be safely sent to Canada. In many parts of Ohio, Michigan, Indiana, and Pennsylvania, we had fast friends, in the majority of cases belonging to the Society of Quakers, whose doors were always open to the poor fugitive from bondage, and whose hearts were open to the fugitive's appeal for help. ARRIVAL IN NEW ORLEANS. On 1 ' arri^'al in New Orleans I secured board w. . private family, and began my preparation., "r work in the interior of the country. From childhood I had been passion- ately fond of the study of Natural History, especially of Ornithology. I consequently deci- ded to follow the pursuit of a naturalist, as a guise to my actual object. SLAVE AUCTIONS. During my stay in New Orleans I occasion- ally attended the slave auctions. The scenes I witnessed there will never be effaced from my memory. The horrid traffic in human beings, many of them much whiter and more intelli- gent than the cruel men who bought and sold them, was, without exception, the most mon- strous outrage upon the rights of a human being that can possibly be conceived of. The cries Of an Abolitionist. 29 and heart-rending agonies of the poor creatures as they were sold and separated from parents, children, husbands, or wives, will never cease to ring in my ears. Babes were torn from the arms of their mothers and sold, while parents were separated and sent to distant parts of the country. I have seen tired and overworked women cruelly beaten because they refused the outrageous demands of their wicked overseers. HORRORS OF HUMAN SLAVERY. My experience in New Orleans served to intensify my abhorrence and hatred toward that vile and unchristian institution of slavery, and to nerve me for the work I was engaged in. On several occasions I attended divine worship, and I invariably noticed that whenever the subject of slavery was mentioned, it was referred to as a "wise and beneficent institution"; and one clergyman in particular declared that " the insti- tution of slavery was devised by God for the especial benefit of the coloured race." Finally my preparations were completed, and, supplied with a shot gun, and materials for preserving bird-skins, I began my journey into the interior of the country. I' I i" 30 Recollections and Experiences The route I had decided upon was from New Orleans to Vicksburg, and thence through the interior of Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, South Carolina, North Carolina, and Florida. I had never before visited that part of the United States, and my field of labour was consequently surrounded by difficulties not experienced during my visit to Virginia and Tennessee, from the fact that I had not a single friend in the Cotton States. AT WORK NEAR VICKSBURG. On my arrival at Vicksburg I obtained board in a , rivr-te family, and was soon busily engaged in collecting ornithological specimens. I made frequent visits to the surrounding plan- tations, seizing every favourable opportunity to converse with the more intelligent of the slaves. Many of these negroes had heard of Canada from the negroes brought from Vir- ginia, and the border Slave States ; but the impression they had was, that Canada was so far away that it would be useless to try and reach it. I was usually accompanied on these excur- sions by one or two smart, intelligent slaves, to whom I felt I could trust the secret of my visit. In this way I succeeded in circulating a knowledge of Canada, and the best means of Of an Abolitionist. 31 reaching that country, to all the plantations for many miles around Vicksburg. I was often surprised at the rapidity with which informa- tion was conveyed to the slaves of distant plantations. Thus, on every plantation I had missionaries who were secretly conveying the intelligence to the poor downtrodden slaves of that benighted region, that in Canada there were hundreds of negroes who had, through the aid of friends along the border, escaped from slavery, and were now free men and women. No one but a slave can fully appreciate the true meaning of the word freedom. I continued my labours in the vicinity of Vicksburg for two months, and then went to Selma, Ala. • SOWING SEED AT SELMA. I made this place my base for extensive excur- sions to the surrounding country, pursuing a similar course to that I adopted at Vicksburg. My ornithological collection had by this time assumed respectable and interesting proportions, and some of the planters became so much inter- ested in my apparent pursuit, as to offer me every facility to foam over their plantations, of which I I 32 Recollections and Experiences I ^ availed myself. I had my choice of assistants from among the slaves, and selected those pos- sessing qualities suitable for my purpose. There was not a plantation within fifteen miles of Selma that I did not visit successfully. The seed planted at Vicksburg and Selma fell upon rich soil, the products of which rapidly spread throughout the Gulf States, as was plainly evinced at the time of the Harper's Ferry inva- sion, when the planters in the interior of the South were surprised to find that their slaves were well informed about Canada, and the pur- poses and efforts of friends in the North to aid them in escaping from bondage. IN A DANGEROUS POSITION. Having completed my labours at Selma, I selected Columbus, Mississippi, for my next field of labour. I had been at work \x\ Columbus about two weeks when a difficulty occurred which, but for the faithfulness of a negro, would have ended in my death at the hands of an infuriated mob. During one of my visits to a plantation near Columbus, I met with a negro slave of more than ordinary intelligence. His master was a man of coarse and brutal instincts, who had burned the initials of his name into the flesh of several of his slaves, to render their Of an Abolitionist. II capture more certain in case they attempted to escape from this merciless wretch. I saw several of the victims of his cruelty, whose backs would forever bear the marks of his branding iron and lash. He was a veritable " Legree." On one of my excursions over his plantation I was accompanied by the slave mentioned. During our rambles he gave me a history of his life and sufferings, and expressed an earnest desire to gain his freedom. I felt that he could be relied upon, and imparted to him the secret object of my visit to the South. He listened with absorb- ing earnestness while I explained to him the difficulties and dangers he would have to encoun- ter on so long and perilous a journey. He, how- ever, declared his determination to make the attempt, saying, that death itself was preferable to his present existence. On the following day (Saturday) I again visited the plantation, and selected this slave for my companion. He informed me he had decided to start for Canada, as soon as he could communicate with a brother, who was a slave on a plantation a few miles distant. He wished to take this brother with him, if possible. I gave him instructions for his guidance after he should cross the Ohio river ; the names of friends at Evansville (Ind.), and Cleveland (Ohio), to whom he could apply for assistance. I also furnished him with a pistol, w i ^!j 34 Recollections and Experiences knife, and pocket compass, and directed him to travel by night only until he reached friends north of the Ohio river. !# ■if 'I INTO THE JAWS OF DEATH. On the following Monday evening, while seated at the supper table of the hotel at which I was stopping, I heard loud and excited talking in the adjoining room. In a few minutes the landlord came up to me with an excited look, and said, " Col. wishes to speak with you. You had better go out and meet him." I immediately rose, and went into the room from which the loud talking emanated. As I entered, the Colonel, in a loud and brutal tone, said, " That's him, arrest him," Upon which a man stepped up and said, " You are my prisoner." I demanded the reason why I was arrested. Whereupon the doughty Colonel strode toward me with his fist clenched, and charged me with being a d d abolitionist ; and said he would have my heart's blood ; that I had enticed away his nigger " Joe ;" that the nigger had not been seen since he went out with me on the previous Saturday. The room was filled with an excited crowd of men, who glared upon me with fierce and \ Of an Abolitionist. 35 fiendish looks. I tried to keep cool, but I con- fess I felt that my work was done. I knew the character of the Colonel, and also knew, that he possessed much influence with the worst class of Southerners of that section. MANACLED AND IN PRISON. In the meantime the constable had produced a pair of iron handcuffs, and fastened them around my wrists. After the Colonel had exhausted his supply of curses and coarse abuse upon me, — for the purpose of exciting the crowd to hang me,— I quietly asked if I would be allowed to say a few words, at the same time making a Masonic sign of distress, in hope that there might be a Mason in that crowd who would have courage sufficient to sustain my request. I had no sooner made " the sign of distress," than a voice near me said, " Yes, let's hear what he has to say"; in a moment several others spoke up and said, "He ought to be allowed to speak.'' I was encouraged, and very quietly said : Gentle- men, I am a total stranger here, without friends ; I am your prisoner in irons. You have charged me with violating your laws; will you act the part of cowards, by allowing this man (Col. ) to incite you to commit a murder ; or wi) ■ :' >u, like brave men, grant the only request I have to 36 Recollections and Experiences make, that is, a fair trial before your magistrates. Several persons at once spoke up in my favour, among whom was the landlord and his brave little wife. I was then, much to the chagrin of the Col- onel, led to the lock-up, and consigned to a filthy pen. There I remained all through that dreary night, fearing to lie down on the straw in the corner, on account of the number of vermin that infested it. In fact, I dare not stand still through fear of being bitten by the rats that kept running about the floor all night. At length morning came, and I was taken, hand- cuffed, weary, hungry, and filled with dread, (of what appeared my impending fate), before a Justice. A DESPERATE SITUATION. A crowd of people had gathered to see an abolitionist have the mockery of a trial. Col. "Legree" was asked by the Justice to state his case, which he did in true slave-driving style, as if determined to force the case against me. In fact, my case seemed hopeless. I saw no way of escape from my desperate situation. On every side I was surrounded by men apparently thirsting for my blood, and anxious to vindicate the outraged laws of the State of Mississippi. Of an Abolitionist. 37 At length the Colonel finished his statement, which, reduced to simple facts, was, that I had called at his residence on Saturday last, and requested permission to roam over his plantation to shoot birds; tliat he had given me permission, and allowed his servant "Joe" to accompany me; that "Joe" had not returned, nor could he be found ; that he was sure I had aided him to escape ; and demanded of the Jus- tice that I should be punished as a "negro thief" deserved. His remarks were loudly ap- plauded by the slave-hounds that surrounded him. The Justice turned to me, and in a stern voice said, " Have you any thing t< say ?" At this moment a voice outside the room shouted, " Here's Joe ! Here's Joe !" and a rush was made toward the door. I FIDELITY OF A SLAVE. "Joe" was ushered into the court room, and fell on his knees before the Colonel, asking his forgiveness for leaving the plantation without permission. He said he wanted to see his brother "powerful bad," and had gone to the plantation on which his brother lived, about i 1 , 1 : i 1' i Ci 38 Recollections and Experiences eight miles distant, on Saturday night, expecting to return by Sunday evening ; but having sprained his ancle, he could not move until Monday evening, when he started for home, travelling nearly all night. As soon as he reached the Colonel's, he was told of my arrest, and early that morning had come into Columbus to help me. The Justice ordered the constable to release me at once, and expressed his regret that I had been subjected to so much annoyance. RELEASED. The Colonel was completely chopfallen at the turn affairs had taken, while I was surrounded by several Masonic friends, who expressed their joy at my release. I addressed the Colonel, saying, that as he had put me to much inconvenience and trouble, I claimed a favour of him. He asked what it was. I begged him not to punish "Joe" for what he had done, and to allow me to present him with a gift as a mark of gratitude for his fidelity to me. As these favours were asked in the presence of the crowd, he could not very well refuse my request. He sulkily promised that "Joe" should not be punished, and said if I pleased I might make him a present. I then handed "Joe" twenty dollars in gold, for which the noble fellow looked a thousand thanks. i Of an Abolitionist. 39 I was thus enabled to evince my gratitude for what he had done for me, and at the same time present him with means to aid him in escaping- from bondage. Two years after this occurrence, while dining at the American Hotel, in Boston, I observed a coloured waiter eyeing me very closely ; at last he recognised me, and asked if I remembered him. It was "Joe," my saviour, the former slave of Col. " Legree." I grasped the noble fellow's hand, and congratulated him, in the presence of all in the room, upon his escape from bondage. In the evening I invited him into the parlour, and introduced him to several influential friends, to whom, I narrated the incidents above related. He afterwards gave me some of the particulars of his escape from slavery, as follows : — On the Sunday evening following my arrest, his brother joined him in a piece of woods not far from Col. "Legrec's" plantation, where he had secreted sufficient food to last them several days. TWO PASSENGERS BY THE UNDERGROUND R. R. At midnight they started together, moving as rapidly as they could through fields and woods, m W ■ n 40 Recollections and Experiences keeping the north star in front of them. When- ever it was possible they walked in the creeks and marshy grounds, to throw the slave-hunters off their tracks. Thus, night after night, they kept on their weary way, hungry and sorefooted. On the morning of the seventeenth day of their freedom, they reached the Ohio river, nearly opposite a large town. All dejy they lay secreted in the bushes, at night they found a small boat, with which they crossed the river, and t elled rapidly, taking a north-east course. They finally, after enduring many hardships, reached Cleve- land, Ohio, and went to the house of a friend whose name I had given "Joe." They were kindly received, and supplied with clothing and other comforts. After a week's rest they were sent to Canada, where his brother still lives. Before leaving Boston, I secured "Joe" a good situation in a mercantile house, where he re- mained for many years, rendering faithful service to his grateful employers. LEAVE COLUMBUS FOR OTHER FIELDS. On the day following my release from peril, I took the stage for luka, a station on the Charleston and Memphis Railroad. There I purchased a through ticket for New York, which I took pains to exhibit to the landlord of the \ Of an Abolitionist. 41 hotel, so that in case I was pursued, (as I cer- tainly would be, if "Joe" and his brother succeeded in escaping), he could state the fact of my having bought tickets for New York, which would probably check their pursuit. From Tuka I went to Huntsville, Ala., where I remained four weeks actively engaged in circu- lating information among the slaves. My next point was Augusta, Georgia. AT WORK IN AUGUSTA. Finding that Augusta was favourably situated for my work, and that the slaves in that section were sharp and intelligent, I determined to make it my next field of labour. Having secured a good home with a Quaker family, I was soon actively engaged in collecting birds and insects, and in becoming acquainted with the more intel- ligent coloured people of that section. I deem it my duty to place upon record the fact, that among all the religious denominations in the South, none were more faithful to the principles of freedom, or to the dictates of humanity in respect to slavery, than the sect called Quakers. Wherever I have met the members of that society, whether in the North or South, they have always proved themselves friends in deed as well as 42 Recollections and Experiences name. They could always be implicitly trusted by the poor fugitives flying from bondage. I know of many instances where, at great sacrifice and risk, they have shielded the outcasts from their pursuers — the slave-hunters and United States marshals. Hundreds of the negroes of Canada will bear testimony to the unfailing fidelity of the peaceful and worthy Quakers of Ohio and Michigan. ELEVEN FOLLOWERS OF THE NORTH STAR. I laboured in Augusta for two months, and finally succeeded in equipping a party of elev^en fine, active, intelligent slaves, for the long, dan- gerous, and weary journey to the north. No one not actually engaged in similar work, can clearly appreciate the extreme delicacy of my position. There was not a day, in fact scarcely an hour, that I did not live in expectation of exposure. The system of keen and constant espionage, in practice all over the Slave States, rendered it exceedingly necessary to exercise the greatest prudence in approaching the slaves. If a stranger was seen in conversation with a slave, he became at once an object of suspicion. I found, by experience, that a frank, open, and apparently indifferent course, proved the wisest. My ostensible scientific pursuits also opened a Of an Abolitionist. 43 way for me to come in contact with the very classes of both whites and blacks best suited for my purposes. I was greatly aided in my work in Augusta, by a remarkably intelligent negro, who was coachman to a prominent citizen of that town. This man was chosen leader of the band of fugitives from Augusta, and proved the saviour of the whole party ; for they all arrived safely in Canada in less than two months from the time of their escape from bondage. Two members of this party are now living in Canada, and in good circumstances. On the day following the exodus of these brave fellows, I quietly left the scene of my labours, and went to Charleston, S. C. EXCITING NEWS. On the third day after my arrival there, one of the Charleston papers contained a despatch from Augusta, which stated that several first-class negro men had disappeared from that place within a week ; and that a very general impres- sion prevailed there that abolitionists were at work inciting the negroes to escape from their masters. I left Charleston that evening, and r ( 44 Recollections and Experiences Kill If!' fi went to Raleigh, N. C. While at breakfast next morning, two men seated themselves near me, and entered into a conversation relative to the escape of slaves from Augusta. One of them remarked, that an Englishman who had been stopping in Augusta for several weeks was suspected, and that it was supposed he had gone with the fugitives, as he had not been seen since the slaves were missed. He said, if the aboli- tionist was caught, no mercy would be shown him, as it was time an example was made of the negro thieves that infested the South. FAST TRAVELLING TO THE NORTH. Having finished my breakfast, I went to the office of the hotel, settled my bill, and to avoid suspicion enquired for the residence of a promi- nent pro-slavery man, a member of Congress. Having obtained the information, I bid the landlord good day, and left Raleigh by the first train, taking no rest until I reached Washington — nearly six months from the time I landed in New Orleans. IN WASHINGTON. During my stay in Washington, I became acquainted with Mr. Sumner, at whose hoise I it next ar nic, to the f them d been Ks was id gone en since e aboU- :; shown e of the PH. it to the to avoid a promi- 3ongress. bid the the first ishington landed in Of an Abolitionist. 45 became ho'ise I had the pleasure of meetinj^ many distinguished people, who evinced a warm and kindly interest in my labours. The slaveholders, at that period, held the balance of power in the United States, and the Democratic party was used by them to strengthen the bonds that bound the coloured people of the South in the chains of slavery. The slave-masters were not satisfied with the recognized boundaries of their institution, and sought by every device to obtain some portion of the new territories of the south-west, in which they could carry their vile institution. Northern men of the Douglas and Seymour stamp were willing to yield to the slave lords, and even sacrifice the dearest interests of their country, providing they could advance their individual claims to the Presidency. The haughty and out- rageous demands of Davis, Mason, and Toombs, were abetted by the cowardly democratic politi- cians of the North. Towering above these contemptible political demagogues stood Charles Sumner, the brave champion of freedom. No prospect of political advancement could tempt him from the path of duty. Nor could the brutal threats and blows of his cowardly opponents, cause him to halt in his warfare for the rights of man. ni ... t 46 Recollections and Experiences Toward the end of April, i85^ ^^llb- M. ,:ii^ r%- 1 stopped ic passen- ik my seat gentleman ure I had : and when recognized a whisper, le moment d recalled apt. John BROWN. :e, looking IS covered dress was in. There 4r f t-7 6 ■cn,j^,^ Pli m 1 F>i CHAPTKR lil. MKET WITH AN OLD FRIEND. j»x. the train stopped , it '. iM,. passen- my scat nticman I.lci ,aiX- I had r Springfield, Mas^^ - ' gers to gel s 4.-, . at the table t observed ai. look i iiff ver)' earnest}' ' "«, seen him before sofnc\=» = ^nil where and when I had quite forgotten. At . . i j^th he recognized me, and taking a seat nciir nn** *aid, in a whisper, '* How is the hardwar ' 3 \ stopped • :^^y seat ^. r.lkman ^ had • when ..agnized I whisper, uioment i recalled I pi. John .,r;o\vN. looking ail. V " CP^^r'n/7^^ u Jyo Hx^-T'X^ ' t .■- » i.ii Pfli t 4f f ' -<< ',-/'.' ,, ,, 'a"'"^ Of an Abolitionist. 49 was no change in his voice or eye, both were indicative of strength, honesty, and tenacity of purpose. Learning that I was on mj' way to Boston, whither he was going on the following day, he urged me to remain in Springfield over night, and accompany him to Boston. After supper we retired to a private parlour, and he requested me to teil him all about my trip through Mississippi and Alabama. He remarked that our mutual friend, of Northern New York, had told him that when he last heard from me, I was in Selma. He listened to the recital of my narrative, from the time I left New Orleans until my arrest at Columbus, with intense earnestness, without speaking, until I described my arrest and imprisonment, then his counte- nance changed, his eyes flashed, he paced the room in fiery wrath. I never witnessed a more intense manifestation of indignation, and scorn. Coming up to me, he took my wrists in his hands and said, " God alone brought you out of that hell ; and these wrists have been ironed, and yoii have been cast in prison for doing your duty. I vow, henceforth, that I will not rest in my labour until I have discharged my whole duty toward God, and toward my brother in bondage." When he ceased speaking he sat down and buried his face in his hands, in which position he sat for several minutes, as if overcome so Recollections atid Experiences by his feelings. At length, arousing himself, he asked me to continue my narrative, to which he listened earnestly during its recital. He said, " The Lord has permitted you to do a work that falls to the lot of but few"; taking a small Bible or Testament from his pocket, he said, " The good book says, 'Whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do ye even so to them'; it teaches us further, to 'remember them in bonds, as bound with them.'" He continued, " I have devoted the last twenty years of my life to preparation for the work which, I believe, God has given me to do." He then gave me some details of a campaign which he was then actually preparing for, and which he said had occupied his mind for years. He intended to establish himself in the mountains of Virginia with a small body of picked men — men in whom he could trust, and who feared God. He felt confident that the negroes would flock to him in large numbers, and that the slaveholders would soon be glad to let the oppressed go free; that the dread of a negro insurrection would produce fear and trembling in all the Slave States ; that the presence in the mountains of an armed body of Liberators would produce a general insurrection among the slaves, which would end in their freedom. He said he had about twenty-two Kansas men undergoing a H *;■ 1: Of an Abolitionist. 51 course of military instruction ; these men would form a nucleous, around which he would soon gather a force sufficiently large and effective to strike terror throughout the Slave States. His present difficulty was, a deficiency of ready money ; he had been promised support — to help the cause of freedom — which was not forth- coming, now that he was preparing to carry the war into the South. His friends were disin- clined to aid offensive operations. During this interview, he informed me that he intended to call a Convention of the friends of *:he cause at Chatham, Canada, in a few weeks, for the purpose of effecting an organization composed of men who were willing to aid him in his purpose of invading the Slave States. He said he had rifles and ammunition sufficient to equip two hundred men ; that he had made a contract for a large number of pikes, with which he intended to arm the negroes ; that the object of his present trip to the East was, to raise funds to keep this contract, and perfect his arrangements for an attack upon the Slave States in the following September or October. Captain Brown accompanied me, on the fol- lowing day, to Boston. During our journey, he informed me that he required a thousand 'i 'r { , 52 Recollections and Experiences i ■ ! ■' !| N^l dollars at least to complete his preparations ; that he needed money at once to enable him to keep a contract for arms with some manufacturer in Connecticut. He also needed money to bring his men from Iowa to Canada. On our arrival in Boston, I went to the house of a friend, and Capt. Brown took quarters at a hotel. I saw him every day while he remained in Boston ; and regretted to learn that he met with but little success in obtaining money. It appeared that those friends of the cause of freedom, who had an inkling of his project, were not disposed to advance money for warlike purposes, except such as were for the defence of free territory. He finally did succeed in raising about five hundred dollars. An impression prevailed, in the minds of many sincere friends of freedom, that the persecu- tion of himself and family by the pro-slavery men of Kansas had so exasperated him that he would engage in some enterprize which would result in the destruction of himself and followers. I am persuaded that these impressions were groundless. I never heard him express any feeling of personal resent- ment towards the slaveholders. He at all times, while in my company, appeared to be controlled by a fixed, earnest, and unalterable determination to do what he considered to be Of an Abolitionist. 53 tions ; mable some eeded ^a to ent to took while 3 learn :aining of the of his money ere for lly did dollars, f many (crsecu- ■slavery m that which himself t these r heard resent- at all i to be .Iterable d to be his duty, as an agent in the hands of the Almighty, to give freedom to the slaves. That idea, and that alone, appeared to me to control his thoughts and actions. On the morning of his departure from Boston, I accompanied him to the depot, and bid him farewell. (I never again saw the brave old cap- tain in life.) A few days afterwards, however, I received the following letter from capt. brown. Chatham, Canada, May 5th, 1858. My Dear Friend, I have called a qtiiet Convention in this place of true friends of freedom. Your attendance is earnestly requested on the loth inst. * * * * Your Friend, {Fae-timile of Sttjnatiire.) In consequence of my absence from Boston, I did not receive the above letter until the 13th of May — three davs after the time appointed for the meeting of the Convention. 54 Recollections and Experiences % It REFUGEES IN CANADA. During the summer of 1858 I visited Canada, and had great pleasure in meeting several of those wiio had, under my auspices, escaped from the land of bondage. In a barber shop, in Hamilton, I was welcomed by a man who had escaped from Augusta, and who kept, as a souvenir of vay friendship, a dirk knife I had given him on the night he started for Canada. The; meeting with so many of my former pupils, and the fact that they were happy, thriving, and industrious, gave me great satisfaction. The trials and dangers I had endured in their behalf were pleasing reminiscences to me, when sur- rounded by the prosperous and happy people whom I had striven to benefit. The information I obtained from the Canadian refugees, relative to their experiences while en route to Canada, enabled me in after years to render most valuable aid to other fugitives from the land of bondage. On the 9th of October, 1859, I was sur- prised to receive the following letter from Captain Brown, announcing his determination to make an attack on the slave States in the course of a few weeks. The letter reads as follows ; — 1*1 Of an Abolitionist. 55 Chambersburg, Penn., October 6th, 1859. Dear Friend, I shall move about the last of this month. Can you help the cause in the way promised ? Address your reply to Isaac Smith, Chambers- burg, Penn. ****** Your friend, John Brown. IN RICHMOND. Soon after the reception of the above letter I left for Richmond, Virginia, much against the wishes of my friends. I had promised Captain Brown, during our interview at Springfield, Mass., that when he was ready to make his attack on the Slave States, I would go to Richmond and await the result. In case he should be suc- cessful in his attack, I would be in a position to watch the course of events, and enlighten the slaves as to his purposes. It mfght also be pos- sible for me to aid the cause in other respects. On my arrival in Richmond, I went to the house of an old friend, with whom I had stopped during my previous raid on the chattels of Virginia's slaveholders. f r 1 '• I p 1; » i^ ! -; .'t.i ' ■ i ' ■ t, i , i ;i; ■ :!;': III III y| ■, j' Vi t • M i ■ ■ ■..A •M lllj L-.! ] .7 .■;•■ 1" i:! P L i , 56 Recollections and Experiences CAPTAIN BROWN ATTACKS HARPER'S FERRY. On the morning of Monday, the 17th of October, wild rumours were in circulation about the streets of Richmond that Harper's Ferry had been captured by a band of robbers ; and, again, that an army of abolitionists, under the command of a desperado by the name of Smith, was mur- dering the inhabitants of that village, and carry- ing off the negroes. Throughout the day, groups of excited men gathered about the newspaper offices to hear the news from Harper's Ferry. On the following morning (Tuesday) an official report was received, which stated the fact that a small force of abolitionists, under old Ossawatomie Brown, had taken possession of the U. S. build- ing at the Ferry, and had entrenched themselves. I met an aged negro in the street, who seemed completely bewildered about the excitement and military preparations going on around him. As I approached him, he lifted his hat and said: *' Please massa, what's the matter .-* What's the soldiers called out for.?" I told him a band of abolitionists had seized Harper's Ferry, and liberated many of the slaves of that section ; that they intended to free all the slaves in the South, if they could. "Can dey do it, massa.?" he asked, while his countenance brightened up. Of an Abolitionist. 57 I replied by asking him, if he wished to be free ? He said : " O yes, massa ; I'se prayed for dat dese forty years. My two boys arc way off in Canada. Do you know whar dat is, massa V I told him I was a Canadian, which seemed to give him a great surprise. He said his two boys had run away from their master, because he threatened to take them to New Orleans for sale. That John Brown had struck a blow that resounded throughout the Slave States was evident, from the number of telegraph des- patches from all the Slave States, offering aid to crush the invasion. DEFEAT OF CAPTAIN BROWN. The people of Richmond were frantic with rage at this daring interference with their cherished institution, which gave them the right to buy, beat, work, and sell their fellow men. Crowds of rough, excited men, filled with whis- key and wickedness, stood for hours together in front of the offices of the Despatch and Enquirer^ listening to the reports as they were announced from within. When the news of Brown's defeat and capture, and the destruction of his little army, was read from the window of the Despatch i;ii ! i . ii • • : 58 Recollections and Expericjiccs office, the vast crowds set up a demoniac yell of delight, which to me sounded like a death knell to all my hopes for the freedom of the enslaved. As the excitement was hourly increasing, and threats made to search the city for abolitionists, I saw that nothing could be gained by remaining in Richmond. I left for Washington, nearly crushed in spirit at the destruction of Captain Brown and his noble little band. On the train were Southerners from many of the Slave States, who expressed their views of Northern aboli- tionists in the most emphatic slave-driving language. The excitement was intense, every stranger, especially if he looked like a North- erner, was closely watched, and in some instances subjected to inquisition. DOUGH-FACED NORTHERNERS. The attitude of many of the leading Northern politicians and so-called statesmen, in Washing- ton, was actually disgusting. These weak-kneed and craven creatures were profuse in their apol- ogies for Brown's assault, and hastened to divest themselves of what little manhood they pos- sessed, when in the presence of the braggarts and women-whippers of the South. "What can we do to conciliate the Slave States.^** was the leading question of the day. Such men Of an Abolitionist. 09 as Crittenden, and Douglas, were ready to com- promise with the slaveholders even at the sac- rifice of their avowed principles. While Toombs, Davis, Mason, Slidell, and the rest of the slave- driving crew, haughtily demanded further gua- rantees for the protection of their " institution ;" and had it not been for the stand taken by the people of the Northern States at that time, their political leaders would have bound the North, hand and foot, to do the bidding of the slaveholders. But on that occasion, as well as all others where the principles of freedom have been involved, the people of the United States were found worthy descendants of their revolu- tionary sires. EFFECTS OF JOHN BROWN'S ATTACK. The blow struck at Harper's Ferry, which the Democratic leaders affected to ridicule, had startled the slaveholders from their dreams of security, and sent fear and trembling into every home in the Slave States. On every plantation the echoes from Harper's Ferry were heard. The poor terrified slave, as he laid down at night, weary from his enforced labours, offered up a prayer to God for the safety of the grand old captain, who was a prisoner in the hands of mer- ciless enemies, who were thirsting for his blood. &y Recollections and Experiences BRAVERY OF CAPTAIN BROWN. How bravely John Brown bore himself while in the presence of the human wolves that sur- rounded him, as he lay mangled and torn in front of the engine-house at Harper's Ferry ! Mason, of Virginia, and that Northern renegade, Vallandigham, interrogated the apparently dying man, trying artfully, but in vain, to get him to implicate leading Northern men. In the history of modern times there is not recorded another instance of such rare heroic valour as John Brown displayed in the presence of Governor Wise, of Virginia. How contemptible arc Mason, Wise, and Vallandigham, when compared with the wounded old soldier, as he lay weltering in his blood, and near him his two sons, Oliver and Watson, cold in death. Mason and Vallan- digham died with the stain of treason on their heads, while Governor Wise, who signed Brown's death warrant, still lives, despised and abhorred. To superficial observers. Brown's attack on Virginia with so small a force, looked like the act of a madman ; but those who knew John Brown, and the men under his command, are satisfied that if he had carried out his original plans, and retreated with his force to the moun- tains, after he had captured the arms in the arsenal, Of an Abolitionist. 6i he could have defeated and baffled any force sent against him. The slaves would have flocked to his standard in thousands, and the slaveholders would have trembled with fear for the safety of their families. JOHN BROWN VICTORIOUS. John Brown in prison, surrounded by his cap- tors, won greater victories than if he had con- quered the South by force of arms. His courage, truthfulness, humanity, and self-sacrificing devo- tion to the cause of the poor downtrodden slaves, shamed the cowardly, weak-kneed, and truculent Northern politicians into opposition to the haughty demands of the despots of the South. "HIS SOUL IS MARCHING ON." Virginia, in her pride and strength, judicially murdered John Brown. But the day is not far distant when the freedmen and freemen of the South will erect a monument on the spot where his gallows once stood, to perpetuate to all coming generations the noble self-sacrifice of that brave Christian martyr. And when the Southern statesmen who shouted for his execu- tion are mouldering in the silent dust, forgotten or unpleasantly remembered, the memory of John Brown will grow brighter and brighter through all coming ages. »:! 62 Recollections and Experiences liii K,.» JOHN brown's martyrdom. December the 2nd, was the day appointed for the execution of Capt. Brown. I determined to make an effort to see him once more if possible. Taking the cars at Baltimore, on Nov. 26th, I went to Harper's Ferry and applied to the mili- tary officer in command for permission to go to Charleston. He enquired what object I had in view in wishing to go there at thac time, while so much excitement existed. I replied, that I had a desire to see John Brown once more before his death. Without replying to me, he called an officer in the room and directed him to place me in close confinement until the train for Baltimore came, and then to place me on board, and command the conductor to take me to Baltimore. Then, raising his voice, he said, "Captain, if he (myself) returns to Harper's Ferry, shoot him at once" I was placed under guard until the train came in, when, in despite of my protests, I was taken to Baltimore. Determined to make one more attempt, I went to Richmond to try and obtain a pass from the Governor. After much difficulty I obtained an INTERVIEW WITH GOVERNOR WISE. I told the Governor that I had a strong desire to see John Brown before his execution ; that I Of an Abolitionist. 63 had some acquaintance with him, and had formed a very high estimate of him as a man. I asked him to allow me to go to Charlestown (under sur- veillance if he pleased), and bid the old Captain " Good bye." The Governor made many inqui- ries as to my relation to Brown, and whether I justified his attack on Virginia. I replied candidly, stating that I had from childhood been an ardent admirer of Washington, Jefiferson, and Madison, and that all these great and good men deplored the existence of slavery in the Republic. That my admiration and friendship for John Brown was owing to his holding similar views, and his earnest desire to abolish the evil. The Governor looked at me with amazement, and for a moment made no reply. At length he straight- ened himself up, and, assuming a dignified look, said, "My family motto is, ' saperc aiide! I am wise enough to understand your object in wishing to go to Charlestown, and I dare yow to go. If you attempt it, I will have you shot. It is just such men as you v. ho have urged Brown to make his crazy attac!: on our constitutional rights and privileges. Y"ou shall not leave Richmond until after the execution of Brown. I wish I could hang a dozen of your leading abolitionists." 64 Recollections and Experiences .-ii, HE WOULD LIKE TO BAG GIDDINGS AND GERRIT SMITH. " If I could bag old Giddings ar-d Gerrit Smith, I would hang them without trial." The Gov- ernor was now greatly excited, and, rising from his chair, he said, " No, sir ! you shall not leave Richmond. You shall go to prison, and remain there until next Monday ; then you may go North, and slander the State which ought to have hanged you." I quietly waited a moment before replying, and then remarked, that as he refused me permission to see Capt. Brown, I would leave Virginia at once and thus save both him and the State any trouble or expense on my account. I said this very quietly, while his keen eyes were riveted on me. In reply, he said, " Did I not tell you that you should remain a prisoner here until Monday .?" I quietly said, •* Yes, Governor, you certainly did ; but I am sure the executive of this great State is too wise to fear one unarmed man." For a few moments he tapped the table with his fingers, without saying anything. Then he came toward me, shaking his fore finger, and said : " Well, you may go ; and I would advise you to tell your Giddings, Greeleys, and Garrisons, cowards that they are, to lead the next raid on Virginia themselves " ^ Till! ^w Of an Abolitionist. 65 Fearing that obstacles might be thrown in my way which would cause detention and trouble, I requested the Ciovernor to give me a permit to leave the State of Virginia. Without making any reply, he picked up a blank card, and wrote as follows : — " The bearer, is hereby ordered to leave the State of Virginia within twenty-four hours." {Facsimile of Siffimture.) C/l/^'T-^^ /<>z^O> i if m This he hc.ded me, saying, " The sooner you go, the better for you : our people are greatly excited, and you may regret this visit, if you stay another hour." I returned to Philadelphia as rapidly as pos- sible, where I remained until the remains of Capt. Brown arrived, en route for their final resting place at North Elba, in Northern New York. Having taken my last look at the dead liberator, I returned to Canada, where I remained until my preparations were completed for another visit to the South. I : ; it -I / ■ i \u 9 66 Recollections and Experiences EXTRACTS FROM THE PRESS OF THAT PERIOD. m The following Extracts from the Press of that period, will furnish my readers with a good index of the popular feeling respecting John Brown's raid, and his defeat, imprisonment, trial, and execution : — From Harper's Weekly, October 29, 1859. EXTRAORDINARY INSURRECTION AT HARPER'S FERRY. One of the most extraordinary events that ever occurred in our history took place last week at Harper's Ferry. We shall endeavour to give our readers a connected history of the affair, which, at the present time, has been brought to a close. ■ THE FIRST ACTIVE MOVEMENT. , The first active movement in the insurrection was made at about half-past ten o'clock on Sunday night. William Williamson, the watch- man at Harper's Ferry bridge, while walking across toward the Maryland side, was seized by a number of men, who said he was their t! Of an Abolitionist. 67 prisoner, and must come with them. He recog- nized Brown and Cook among the men, and knowing them, treated the matter as a joke, but enforcing silence, they conducted him to the Armory, which he found already in their posses- sion. He was detained till after daylight, and then discharged. The watchman who was to relieve Williamson at midnight found the bridge lig.hts all out, and was immediately seized. Supposing it an attempt at robbery, he broke away, and his pursuers .stumbling over him, he escaped. ARREST OF COLONEL WASHINGTON AND OTHERS. The next appearance of the insurrectionists was at the house of Colonel Lewis Washington, a large farmer and slave-owner, living about four miles from the ferry. A party, headed by Cook, proceeded there, and rousing Colonel Washington, told him he was their prisoner. They also seized all the slaves near the house, took a carriage horse, and a large waggon with two horses. When Colonel Washington saw Cook, he immediately recognized him as the man who had called upon him some months previous, to whom he had exhibited some valu- able arms in his possession, including an antique sword presented by Frederick the Great to 68 Recollections and Experiences George Washington, and a pair of pistols pre- sented by Lafayette to Washington, both being heir-looms in the family. Before leaving, Cook wanted Colonel Washington to engage in a trial of skill at shooting, and exhibited considerable skill as a marksman. When he made the visit on Sunday night he alluded to his previous visit, and the courtesy with which he had been treated, and regretted the necessity which made it his duty to arrest Colonel Washington. He, however, took advantage of the knowledge he had obtained by his former visit to carry oflf all the valuable collection of arms, which the Colonel did not re-obtain till after the final defeat of the insurrection. From Colonel Washington's he proceeded with him as a prisoner in the carriage, and twelve oi' his negroes in the waggon, to the house of Mr. Alstadt, another large farmer, on the same road. Mr. Alstadt and his son, a lad of sixteen, were taken prisoners, and all their negroes within reach forced to join the movement. He then returned to the Armory at the Ferry. THE STOPPAGE OF THE RAILROAD TRAIN. At the upper end of the town the mail train arrived at the usual hour, when a coloured man, Of an Abolitionist. 69 who acted as assistant to the baggage- master, was shot, receiving a mortal wound, and the conductor, Mr. Phelps, was threatened vvith violence if he attempted to proceed with the train. Feeling uncertain as to the condition of affairs, the conductor waited until after daylight before he ventured to proceed, having delayed the train six hours. Luther Simpson, baggage-master of the mail- train, gives the following particulars : I walked up the bridge ; was stopped, but was afterward permitted to go up and see the captain of the insurrectionists ; I was taken to the Armory, and saw the captain, whose name is Bill Smith ; I was kept prisoner for more than an hour, and saw from five to six hundred negroes, all having arms ; there were two or three hundred white men with them ; all the houses were closed. I went into a tavern kept by Mr. Chambers ; thirty of the inhabitants were collected there with arms. They said most of the inhabitants had left, but they declined, picferring to protect themselves ; it was reported that five or six persons had been shot. Mr. Simpson was escorted back over the bridge by six negroes. t ^o Recollections and Experiences THE STATE OF AFFAIRS AT DAYBREAK. It was not until the town thoroughly waked up, and found the bridge guarded by armed men, and a guard stationed at all the avenues, that the people saw that they were prisoners. A panic appears to have immediately ensued, and the number of insurrectionists was at once largely increased. In the mean time a number of workmen, not knowing anything of what had occurred, entered the Armory, and were succes- sively taken prisoners, until at one time they had not less than sixty men confined in the Armory. These were imprisoned in the engine-house, which afterward became the chief fortress of the insurgents, and were not released until after the final assault. The workmen were imprisoned in a large building further down the yard. EARLY CASUALTIES. A coloured man, named Hayward, a railroad porter, was shot early in the morning for refusing to join in the movement. The next man shot was Joseph Burley, a citizen of Perry. He was shot standing in his own door. The insurrectionists by this time, finding a disposition to resist them, had with- lifc Of an Abolitionist. n drawn nearly all within the Armory grounds, leaving only a guard on the bridge. About this time, also, Samuel P. Young, Esq., was shot dead. He was coming into town on horseback, carrying a gun, when he was shot from the Armory, receiving a wound of which he died during the day. He was a graduate of West Pomt, and greatly respected in the neigh- bourhood for his high character and noble qualities. The lawn in front of the engine-house after the assault presented a dreadful sight. Lying on it were two bodies of men killed on the previous day, and found inside the house ; three wounded men, one of them just at the last gasp of life, and two others groaning in pain. One of the dead was Brown's son Oliver, the wounded man, and his son Watson, were lying on the grass, the father presenting a gory spectacle. He had a .severe bayonet wound in his side, and his face and hair were clotted with blood. APPEARANCE OF THE PRISONERS. When the insurgents were brought out, some dead, others wounded, they were greeted with execrations, and only the precautions that had iii 72 Recollections and Experiences ^ been taken saved them from immediate execu- tion. The crowd, nearly every man of which carried a gun, swayed with tumultuous excite- ment, and cries of " Shoot them ! shoot them !" rang from every side. The appearance of the liberated prisoners, all of whom, through the steadiness of the marines, escaped injury, changed the currcn: of feeling, and prolonged cheers took the place of howls and execrations. brown's examination. I' 1 u \n A short time after Captain Brown was brought out, he revived and talked earnestly to those about him, defending his course, and avowing that he had done only what was right. He re- plied to questions substantially as follows : "Are you Captain Brown, of Kansas T " I am some- times called so." "Are you Ossawatamie Brown .^" "I tried to do my duty there." "What was your present object T " To free the slaves from bondage." " Were any other persons but those with you now connected with the movement .^" "No." "D'd you expect aid from the Nortli?" " No ; there was no one connected with the movement but those who came with me." " Did you expect to kill people to carry your point .^" " I did not wish to do so, but you force us to it." Various questions of this kind were put to Of an Abolitionist. 73 Captain Brown, which he answered clearly and freely, with seeming anxiety to vindicate himself. He urged that he had the town at his mercy : that he could have burned it, and murdered the inhabitants, but did not ; he had treated the prisoners with courtesy, and complained that he was hunted down like a beast. He spoke of the killing of his son, which he alleged was done while bearing a flag of truce, and seemed very anxious for the safety of his wounded son. His conversation bore the impression of the convic- tion that whatever he had done to free the slaves was right ; and that, in the warfare in which he was engaged, he was entitled to be treated with all the respect of a prisoner of war. CAPTURE OF ARMS. negroes During Tuesday morning, one of Washington's came in and reported that Captain Cook was on the mountain, only three miles off; about the same time some shots were said to have been fired from the Maryland hills, and a rapid fusilade was returned from Harper's Ferry. The Independent Grays of Baltimore imme- diately started on a scouting expedition, and in two hours returned with two waggons loaded with arms and ammunition, found at Captain Brown's house. M^ } 1 ' ti i. liL 1 IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-S) '/. / {/ A O s^ ///// ,<• €*o & f/ i/.^ m ^ 1.0 I.I ill IIIIM IIIIM IM 1140 IIM 2.2 1.8 1.25 1.4 1.6 -^ 6" - ► V] <^ -a ^I^ /a oS... 'a. s /. '/ /A Photographic Sciences Corporation S: s^ \ s V \\ % .V 4^. <\> «.'' ., «' c^ i. ^^ .<^ % '■% r<^ 93 WEST MAIN STREET WEBSTER, M.Y. 14580 (716) 872-4503 ..V ^'^'CP fe- fe % c^ \ /^o \ ■■I'W \ 1 h > 74 Recollections and Experiences The arms consisted of boxes filled with Sharp's rifles, pistols, &c., all bearing the stamp of the Massachusetts Manufacturing Company, Chico- pee, Mass. There were also found a quantity of United States ammunition, a large number of spears, sharp iron bowie-knives fixed upon poles, a terrible looking weapon, intended for the use of the negroes, with spades, pickaxes, shovels, and everything else that might be needed : thus proving that the expedition was well provided for, that a large party of men were expected to be armed, and that abundant means had been provided to pay all expenses. How all these supplies were got up to this farm without attracting observation, is very strange. They are supposed to have been brought through Pennsylvania. The Grays pursued Cook so fast that they secured a part of his arms, but with his more perfect knowledge of localities, he was enabled to evade them. TREATMENT OF BROWN'S PRISONERS. The citizens imprisoned by the insurrection- ists all testify to their lenient treatment. They were neither tied nor insulted, and, beyond the outrage of restricting their liberty, were not ill- used. Capt. Brown was always courteous to Of ail Abolitionist. 75 them, and at all times assured them that they would not be injured. He explained his pur- poses to them, and while he had them (the work- men) in confinement, made no abolition speech to them. Colonel Washington speaks of him as a man of extraordinary nerve. He never blanched during the assault, though he admitted in the night that escape was impossible, and that he would have to die. When the door was broken down, one of his men exclaimed, " I sur- render." The Captain immediately cried out, "There's one surrenders; give him quarter;" and at the same moment fired his own rifle at the door. During the previous night he spoke freely with Colonel Washington, and referred to his sons. He said he had lost one in Kansas and two here. He had not pressed them to join him in the expedition, but did not regret their loss — they had died in a glorious cause. BROWN S PAPERS AND STORES. On the 1 8th a detachment of marines and some volunteers made a visit to Brown's house. They found a large quantity of blankets, boots, shoes, clothes, tents, and fifteen hundred pikes, with large blades affixed. They also discovered 76 Recollections and Experiences ti \ mm III a carpet-bag, containing documents throwing much light on the affair, printed constitutions and by-laws of an organization, showing or indi- cating ramifications in various States of the Union. They also found letters from various in- dividuals at the North — one from Fred. Douglass, containing ten dollars from a lady for the cause ; also a letter from Gerrit Smith about money matters, and a check or draft by him for $ioo, indorsed by the cashier of a New York bank, name not recollected. All these are in posses- sion of Governor Wise. HIS WARNING TO THE SOUTH. Reporter of the Herald. — I do not wish to annoy you ; but, if you have any thing further you would like to say, I will report it. Mr. Brown. — I have nothing to say, only that I claim to be here in carrying out a measure I believe perfectly justifiable, and not to act the part of an incendiary or ruffian, but to aid those suffering great wrong. I wish to say, further- more, that you had better — all you people at the South — prepare yourselves for a settlement of that question that must come up for settle- ment sooner than you are prepared for it. The sooner you are prepared the better. You may Of an Abolitionist. 77 dispose of me very easily, I am nearly disposed of now ; but this question is still to be settled — this negro question, I mean ; the end of that is not yet. These wounds were inflicted upon me — both sabre cuts on my head and bayonet stabs on different parts of my body — some minutes after I had ceased fighting, and had consented to a surrender, for the benefit of others, not for my own. (This statement was vehemently denied by all around.) I believe the Major (meaning Lieutenant J. B. Stuart, of the United States Cavalry) would not have been alive — I could have killed him just as easy ac a mosquito when he came in, but I supposed he came in only to receive our surrender. There had been loud and long calls of "surrender" from us — as loud as men could yell — but in the confusion and excite- ment I suppose we were not heard. I do not think the Major, or any one, meant to butcher us after we had surrendered. brown's views. Brown has had a conversation with Senator Mason, which is reported in the Heerald. The following is a verbatim report of the conversa- tion : — i Mr. Mason. — Can you tell us, at least, who furnished money for your expedition } 78 Recollections and Experiences 'f .{ P ' Mr. Brown. — I furnished most of it myself I can not implicate others. It is by my own folly that I have been taken. I could easily have saved myself from it had I exercised my own better judgment, rather than yielded to my feelings. Mr. Mason. — You mean if you had escaped immediately .-* Mr. Brown. — No ; I had the means to make myself secure without any escape, but I allowed myself to be surrounded by a force by being too tardy. Mr. Mason. — But you killed some people pass- ing along the streets quietly. Mr. Brown. — Well, sir, if there was any thing of that kind done it was without my knowledge. Your own citizens, who were my prisoners, will tell you that every possible means was taken to prevent it. I did not allow my men to fire, nor even to return a fire, when there was danger of killing those we regarded as innocent persons, if I could help it. They will tell you that we allowed ourselves to be fired at repeatedly, and did not return it. Of an Abolitionist. 79 A By-stander. — That is not so. You killed an unarmed man at the corner of the house over there (at the water tank), and another besides. Mr. Brown. — See here, my friend, it is useless to dispute or contradict the report of yuur own neighbors who were my prisoners. Mr. Mason. — If you would tell us who sent you here — who provided the means — that would be information of some value. Mr. Brown. — I will answer freely and faith- fully about what concerns myself — I will answer any thing I can with honor, but not about others. Mr. Mason. — How many are engaged with you in this movement ? I ask those questions for our own safety. Mr. Brown. — Any questions that I can honor- ably answer I will, not otherwise. So far as I am myself concerned, I have told every thing truthfully. I value my word, sir. Mr. Mason. — What was your object in coming.^ 11 ii "T'Tra" So Recollections and Experiences BS.*.. ,1* ! f> if J SI Si iiliii t Mr. Brown. — We came to free the slaves, and only that. A Young Man (in the uniform of a volunteer company). — How many men in all had you ? Mr. Brown. — I came to Virp^inia with eighteen men only, besides myself. Volunteer. — What in the world did you sup- pose you could do here in Virginia with that amount of men ? Mr. Brown. — Young man, I don't wish to discuss that question here. Volunteer. — You could not do any thing. Mr. Brown. — Well, perhaps your ideas and mine on military subjects would differ materi- ally. Mr. Mason. — How do you justify your acts } Mr. Brown. — I think, my friend, you are guilty of a great wrong against God and humanity — I say it without wishing to be offensive — and it would be perfectly right for any one to interfere with you so far as to free those you wilfully and wickedly hold in bondage. I do not say this insultingly. Mr. Mason. — I understand that. I II •trifi-t • -- Of an Abolitionist. 8l Mr. Brown. — I think I did right, and that others will do right who interfere with you at any time and all times. I hold that the golden rule, " Do unto others as you would that others should do unto you," applies to all who would help others to gain their liberty. it HOW HE WAS COMMANDER-IN-CHIEF. • *♦«♦« Mr. Mason. — Did you consider this a military organization, in this paper (the Constitution) } I have not read it. Mr. Brown. — I did in some sense. I wish you would give that paper close attention. Mr. Mason. — You considered yourself the Commander-in-Chief of these " provisional " military forces .? Mr. Brown. — I was chosen, agreeably to the ordinance of a certain document, Commander- in-Chief of that force. Mr. Mason, — What wages did you offer > Mr. Brown. — None. Lieutenant Stuart. — "The wages of sin is death." Mr. Brown. — I would not have made such a 6 lit 7Tr 82 Recollections and Experiences i^ i IS' ; remark to you if you had been a prisoner and wounded in my hands. A By-stander. — Did you not promise a negro in Gettysburg twenty dollars a month ? Mr. Brown. — I did not. By-stander. — He says you did. WHAT HE EXPECTED. Mr. Vallandigham. — Did you expect a general rising of the slaves in case of your success ^ Mr. Brown. — No, sir ; nor did I wish it. I expected to gather them up from time to time and set them free. Mr. Vallandigham — Did you expect to hold possession here till then } Mr. Brown. — Well, probably I had quite a different idea. I do not know that I ought to reveal my plans. I am here a prisoner and wounded, because I foolishly allowed myself to be so. You overrate your strength in supposing I could have been taken if I had not allowed it. I was too tardy after commencing the open attack — in delaying my movements through Monday night, and up to the time I was f Of an Abolitiottist. 83 attacked by the Government troops. It was all occasioned by my desire to spare the feelings of my prisoners and their families and the com- munity at large. I had no knowledge of the shooting of the negro (Hey wood). Mr. Vallandigham. — What time did you com- mence your organization in Canada. Mr. Brown. — That occurred about two years ago, if I remember right. It was, I think, in 1858. Mr, Vallandigham. — Who was the secretary } Mr. Brown. — That I could not tell if I recol- lected, but I do not recollect. I think the officers were elected in May, 1858. I may answer incorrectly, but not intentionally. My head is a little confused by wounds, and my memory obscure on dates, etc. ■ir a CO d CO d in Ih kS PERSONAL APPEARANCE OF THE INSURGENTS. A writer in the Baltimore Exchange, gives the following account of the personal appearance of the insurgents : — Old Brown, the leader, is a small man, with white head, and cold-looking grey eyes. When not speaking his lips are compressed, and he has the appearance of a most determined man. His ^f *mmmmimmimm 84 Recollections and Experiences I i i* I two sons (one dead) were strikingly alike in their personal appearance. Each about five feet eleven inches high, with spare visage, sallow complexion, sunken eyes, and dark hair and beard. The beard was sparse and long, and their hair long and matted. The wounded man is of undoubted courage, and from his cold sullen manner, one would suppose did not ask for or desire sym- pathy. Anderson, mortally wounded, is tall, black-haired, and of dark complexion. His ap- pearance is indicative of desperate resolution. Although suffering the most intense agony from the wound in the abdomen, he did not complain, or ask for any favour, and the only evidence he gave of suffering, was occasionally a slight groan. He looks to be thirty years of age. Stevens, who was wounded on Monday afternoon, and taken prisoner, is physically a model man. He is five feet eleven inches high, with fine brawny shoulders and large sinewy limbs, all the muscles finely developed and hard. He is of dark com- plexion, and of undoubted resolution. When taken prisoner, he did not ask or expect quarter, and lay and suffered from his wounds without complaint other than a groan. COMMENCEMENT OF THE TRIAL. A fresh attempt of Brown's to have the trial postponed in order to obtain counsel from the Of an Abolitionist. 85 North having failed, the case was proceeded with. The jury having been sworn to fairly and im- partially try the prisoner, the Court directed that the prisoner might forego the form of stand- ing while arraigned, if he desired it. Mr. Botts put the enquiry to the prisoner, and he continued to lie prostrate o: Ms cot while the long indictment, filling seven pages, was read : First — For cmspiring with nej^rocs to produce insurrection ; Second — For treason to the Commonwealth ; and. Third — For murder. ii m THE SPEECHES AND THE EVIDENCE. • The case was then opened at length by Messrs. Harding and Hunter for the Commonwealth, and by Messrs. Botts and Green for the prisoner. OLD BROWN ASKS FOR DELAY. Mr. Brown then arose, and said : " I do not intend to detain the Court, but barely wish to say, as I have been promised a fair trial, that I 1.1 '^ i: I: or f i| mi- :;iiii iSiliili 86 Recollections and Experiences am not now in circumstances that enable me to attend a trial, owing to the state of my health. I have a severe wound in the back, or rather in one kidney, which enfeebles me very much. But I am doing well ; and I only ask for a very short delay of my trial, and I think that I may be able to listen to it ; and I merely ask this, that as the saying is, 'the devil may have his dues' — no more. I wish to say further, that my hearing is impaired and rendered indistinct in consequence of wounds I have about my head. I cannot hear distinctly at all ; I could not hear what the Court has said this morning. I would be glad to hear what is said on my trial, and am now doing better than I could expect to be under the circumstances. A very short delay would be all I would ask. I do not presume to ask more than a very short delay, so that I may in some degree recover, and be able at least to listen to my trial, and hear what questions are asked of the citizens, and what their answers are. If that could be allowed me, I should be very much obliged. At the conclusion of Brown's remarks, the Court assigned Charles J. Faulkner and Lawson Botts as counsel for the prisoners. SSaissaanuanutitmiim Of an Abolitionist. «7 THE EXAMINATION BEFORE THE MAGISTRATE. The examination before the magistrates then proceeded. The evidence given was much the same as that which we published last week. It established the main facts charged against Brown, but showed that he had treated the prisoners humanely. At the close of the examination, the case was given to the Grand Jury, who found a true bill next day. THE ARRAIGNMENT. At twelve o'clock on the 26th, the Court reas- sembled. The Grand Jury reported a true bill against the prisoners, and were discharged. li Charles B. Harding, assisted by Andrew Hun- ter, represented the Commonwealth ; and Charles J. Faulkner and Lawson Botts are counsel for the prisoners. A true bill was read against each prisoner: First — For conspiring with negroes to produce insurrection ; Second — For treason to the Commonwealth ; and. Third — For murder. >88 Recollections and Experiences The prisoners were brought into Court accom- panied by a body of armed men. They passed through the streets and entered the Court-house without the slightest demonstration on the part of the people. Ir I ti * Brown looked somewhat better, and his eye was not so much swollen. Stevens had to be supported, and reclined on a mattress on the floor of the Court-room, evidently unable to sit. He has the appearance of a dying man, breathing with great difficulty. Before the reading of the arraignment, Mr. Hunter called the attention of the Court to the necessity of appointing additional counsel for the prisoners, stating that one of the counsel (Faulkner) appointed by the County Court, con- sidering his duty in that capacity as having ended, had left. The prisoners, therefore, had no other counsel than Mr. Botts. If the Court was about to assign them other counsel, it might be proper to do so now. The Court stated that it would assign them any member of the bar they might select. After consulting Captain Brown, Mr. Botts said that the prisoner retained him, and desired Of an Abolitionist. 89 to have Mr. Green, his assistant, to assist him. If the Court would accede to that arrangement it would be very agreeable to him personally. The Court requested Mr. Green to act as counsel for the prisoner, and he consented to do so. Old Brown addressed the Court as follows : — Virginians. — I did not ask for any quarter at the time I was taken. I did not ask to have my life .spared. The Governor of the State of Vir- ginia tendered me his assurance that I should have a fair trial ; but under no circumstances whatever will I be able to have a fair trial. If you seek my blood, you can have it at any moment, without this mockery of a trial. I have had no counsel ; I have not been able to advise with any one. I know nothing about the feelings of my fellow prisoners, and am utterly unable to attend in any way to my own defence. My memory don't serve me ; my health is insufficient, although improving. There are mitigating circumstances that I would urge in our favour if a fair trial is to be allowed us; but if we are to be farced with a mere form — a trial for execution — you might spare your- selves that trouble. I am ready for my fate. ur. of lied )ed tal. HIS PRINCIPLES ON SLAVERY. She asked him the direct question, — **\Vere you actuated, in any degree, in undertaking your late enterprise, by a feeling of revenge T' adding that a common impression to that effect had gone abroad. He manifested much surprise at this state- ment, and after pausing a moment, replied : " I am not conscious of ever having had a feeling of revenge ; no, not in all the wrong done to me and my family in Kansas. But I can see that a thing is wrong and wicked, and can help to right it, and can even hope that those who do the wrong may be punished, and still have no feeling of revenge. No, I have not been actuated by any spirit of revenge." He talked a good deal about his family, mani- festing solicitude for their comfort after he was gone, but expressing his great confidence and trust in God's kind providence in their behalf. When some allusion was made to the sentence which he had received, he said, very deliberately and firmly, and as my friend say.s, almost sub- 100 Recollections and Experiences limely : " I do not think I can better serve the cause I love so much than to die for it !" v''-m She says that she can never forget the impres- sive manner in which he utterred these solemn words. She replied : " It is not the hardest thing than can happen to a brave man to die ; but it must be a great hardship for an active to lie on his back in prison, disabled by wounds. Do you not dread your confinement, and are you not afraid that it may wear you down, or cause you to relax your convictions, or regret your attempt, or make your courage fail .-*" " I can not tell," he replied, " what weakness may come over me ; but I do not think that I shall deny my Lord and Master Jesus Christ, as I certainly should, if I denied my principles against slavery." When the conversation had proceeded thus far, as it was known outside the jail that a Northern lady was inside, a crowd began to collect, and although no demonstration of vio- lence was made, yet there were manifest indica- tions of impatience ; so that the sheriff called to the jailer, and the jailer was obliged to put an end to the interview. Of an Abolitionist. lOI lus to Ito in brown's interview with his wife. Mrs. Brown arrived at Charlestown, Dec. i, to see her husband. The interview between them lasted from four o'clock in the afternoon until near eight o'clock in the evening, when General Taliaferro informed them that the period allowed had elapsed, and that she must prepare for departure to the Ferry. Capt. Brown urged that his wife be allowed to remain with him all night. To this the General refused to assent, allowing them but four hours. The interview was not a very affecting one — rather of a practical character, with regard to the future of herself and children, and the arrangement and settlement of business affairs. They seemed considerably affected when they first met, and Mrs. Brown was for a few moments quite overcome, but Brown was as firm as a rock, and she soon recovered her composure. There was an impression that the prisoner might pos- sibly be furnished with a weapon or with strych- nine by his wife, and before the interview her person was searched by the wife of the jailer, and a strict watch kept over them during the time they were together. On first meeting they kissed and affectionately embraced, and Mrs. Brown shed a few tears, but I02 Recollections and Experiences immediately checked her feelings. They stood embraced, and she sobbing, for nearly five minutes, and he was apparently unable to speak. The prisoner only gave way for a moment, and was soon calm and collected, and remained firm throughout the interview. At the close they shook hands, but did not embrace, and as they parted he said, " God bless you and the children !" Mrs. Brown replied, " God have mercy on you !" and continued calm until she left the room, when she remained in tears a few moments, and then prepared to depart. The interview took place in the parlour of Captain Avis, and the prisoner was free from manacles ot any kind. They sat side by side on a sofa, and after discussing family matters proceeded to business. THE EXECUTION OF BROWN. At eleven o'clock on 2nd December, the pris- oner was brought out of the jail, accompanied by Sheriff Campbell and assistants, and Captain Avis, the jailer. As he came out, the six com- panies of infantry and one troop of horse, with General Taliaferro, and his entire staff, were deploying in front of the jail, while an open waggon v.ath a pine box, in which was a fine oak coffin, was waiting for him. I m i l l wn i. 'WB Of an Abolitionist. 103 Brown looked around, and spoke to several persons he recognized, and, walking down the steps, took a seat on the coffin box along with the jailer. Avis. He looked with interest on the fine military display, but made no remarks. The waggon moved off, flanked by two files of rifle- men in close order. On reaching the field the military had already full possession. Pickets were established, and the citizens kept back, at the point of the bayonet, from taking any posi- tion but that assigned them. Brown was accompained by no ministers, he desiring no religious services either in the jail or on the scaffold. JOHN BROWN OF OSAWATOMIE. John Brown, of Oaawatomie, Spake on liis dying day : " I will not have, to shrive my soul, A priest in Slavery's pay ; But, let some poor slave-mother. Whom I have striven to free, With her children, from the gallows -stair, Put up a prayer for me !" John Brown, of Oaawatomie, They led him out to die, When lo, a poor slave -mother. With her little child, pressed nigh. Then the bold, blue eye grew tender, And the old, harsh face grew mild. As he stooped between the jeering ranks And kissed the negro's child ! — Whxttxtr. 104 Recollections and Experiences On reaching the field where the gallows was erected, the prisoner said, " Why, are none but military allowed in the inclosure ? I am sorry citizens h: v^e been kept out." On reaching the gallows, he observed Mr. Hunter and Mayor Green standing near, to whom he said, " Gentle- men, good-by !" his voice not faltering. ON THE GALLOWS. The prisoner walked up the steps ^rmly, and was the first man on the gallows. Avis and Sheriff Campbell stood by his side, and after shaking hands and bidding an affectionate adieu, he thanked them for their kindness, when the cap was put over his face, and the rope around his neck. Avis asked him to step forward on the trap. He replied, " You must lead me, I can not see." The rope was adjusted, and the mili- tary order given, " Not ready yet." The soldiers marched, countermarched, and took position as if any enemy were in sight, and were thus occu- pied for nearly ten minutes, the prisoner standing all the time. Avis inquired if he was not tired. Brown said, " No, not tired ; but don't keep me waiting longer than is necessary. While on the scaffold Sheriff Campbell asked him if he would take a handkerchief in his hand Of an Abolitionist. I05 to drop as a signal when he was ready. He re- plied, " No, I do not want it ; but do not detain me any longer than is absolutely necessary." He was swung off at fifteen minutes past eleven. A slight grasping of the hands and twitching of the muscles were seen, and then all was quiet. The body was several times examined, and the pulse did not cease until thirty-five minutes had passed. The body was then cut down, placed in a coffin, and conveyed under military escort to the depot, where it was put in a car to be carried to the ferry by a special train at four o'clock. rV- JOHN BROWN S AUTOGRAPH. One of the jail-guard, a worthy gentleman of this place, asked of Captain Brown his autograph, He expressed the kindest feeling for him, and said he would give it upon this consideration — that he should not make a speculation out of it. The gentleman never alluded to the subject again, but on the morning of execution Brown sent for him, and handed him the following com- munication : — Charlestown, Va., December, 2nd, 1859. I, John Brown, am now quite certain that the crimes of this guilty land will never be purged io6 li( ■'• p'- r: 1 i* IlK Rccoll€ctio7is and Experiences away but with blood. I had, as I now think, vainly flattered myself that, without much blood- shed, it might be done. VICTOR HUGO ON JOHN BROWN. The following is part of an address which has been published : — When we reflect on what Brown, the liberator, the champion of Christ, has striven to efi"ect, and when we remember that he is about to die, slaughtered by the American Republic, the crime assumes the proportions of the nation which commits it ; and when we say to our- selves that this nation is a glory of the human race ; that — like France, like England, like Ger- many — she ^s one of the organs of civilization ; that she sometimes even outmarches Europe by the sublime audacity of her progress ; that she is the queen of an entire world ; and that she bears on her brow an immense light of freedom, we afiirm that John Brown will not die, for we recoil, horror-struck, from the idea of so great a crime committed by so sreat people. In a political light, the murder of Brown would be an irreparable fault. It would pene- trate the Union with a secret fissure, which would in the end tear it asunder. It is possible that the execution of Brown might consolidate ffl Of an Abolitionist. 107 rn slavery in Virginia, but it is certain that it would convulse the entire American democracy. You preserve your shame, but you sacrifice your glory. In a moral light, it seems to me that a portion of the light of humanity would be eclipsed — that even the idea of justice and injustice would be obscured on the day which should witness the assassination of emancipation by liberty. As for myself, though I am but an atom, yet being, as I am, in common with all other men^ inspired with the conscience of humanity, I kneel in tears before the great starry banner of the New World, and with clasped hands, and with profound and filial respect, I implore the illustrious American republic, sister of the French republic, to look to the safety of the universal moral law, to save Brown, to throw down the threatening scaffold of the i6th of December^ and not to suffer, beneath its eyes, and I add, with a shudder, almost by its fault, the first fratricide be outdone. For — yes, let America know it, and ponder it well — there is something more terrible than Cain slaying Abel — it is Washington slaying Sparticus. Victor Hugo. Hauteville House, Dec. 2, 1859. io8 Recollections and Experiences \M' JOHN BROWN SONG. John Brown died on a scaffold for the slave ; Dark was the hour when we dug his hallowed grave ; Now God avenges the life he gladly gave, — Freedom reigns to-day ! Glory, glory, hallelujah. Glory, glory, hallelujah. Glory, glory, hallelujah, Freedom reigns to-day ! John Brown sowed, and his harvesters are we ; Honour to him who has made the bondmen free ! Loved ever more shall our noble ruler be ; Freedom reigns to-day ! Glory, glory, hallelujah. Glory, &c. John Brown's body lies mouldering in the grave ; Bright, o'er the sod, let the starry banner wave ; IjO ! for the millions he perilled all to save, Freedom reigns to-day ! Glory, &c. John Brown's soul through the world is marching on ; Hail to the hour when oppression shall be gone I All men will sing, in the better ages' dawn. Freedom reigns to-day. Glory, &c. John Brown dwells where the battle-strife is o'er ; Hate cannot harm him, nor sorrow stir him more ; Earth will remember the martyrdom he bore ; Freedom reigns to-day \ Glory, &c. Of an Abolitionist. John Brown's soul L*,': ^T"'^ °^ *^« l>'«ve ; T?r« 1 ^'«^^' joy can crave • Freedom reigns to-day » ' GJory, glory, hallelujah f G ory, glory, hallelujah I Fr« ^ '^' ^^'''^' hallelujah ! Freedom reigns to-day ! —Edna A. Proctor. 109 ir I lii- I'.' I I! ^HI'i ^2 '^fSMi^ to 1,1 I i 1 CHAPTER IV. AT WORK IN KENTUCKY. FEW months after the death of John Brown, I felt impelled to go again into the land of darkness and slavery, and make another effort to help the oppressed to freedom. This time I decided to make Ken- tucky my field of labour. I consequently went to Louisville, where I remained for a few days looking about for a suitable locality for my work. I finally decided, to go down to Har- rodsburg, in the character of one in search of a farm. Securing a few letters from land agents in Louisville, introducing me as Mr. Hawkins, of Canada, I reached Harrodsburg in due time. After a little enquiry, I learned that a Mr. B , five miles from that place, had a very desirable farm for sale. Securing a conveyance, I was driven out to Mr. B 's, who received me in a friendly manner, when he learned that I was in search of a farm, and invited me Of an Abolitiofiist . Ill to remain with him wWa t conveyancc bTk 1 H '""f^"°". and sent the familv 7 Harrodsburg. Mr B ■! family consisted of.him^^« farm on vvliid, J,/ N ?' °""'^'' ^f the hundred ac," He alo """■?"'" "' "-- '"^ and women .„H '"'"'''' "''•~^^" '^'ave He inforn,ed nTe ,nu, Tf ''''"' ^""'"■-• "- farn, and stoelc ex ot t, t""'"''^'' '° -" and remove to Te^as "^ r. ■ ''"'"'" ^''^«^1'. conversations upon dt' , u"""^ ""^ '"'''^l"^"' climate, soi,, etc. I ", "d ^e" °' '''""'' ■''-'^- espccially if any of 1'!''^ °PPortunity, ^'""de to Canada Z f T' "'^''^ "'=«■•. 'o -' fail to oCe the "f ' '"'""■ ' '^''d evinced by the s Lve. ''"' ''"'P '■"''-'■^^' the third day'f ;;;. " ""'^ -"vc'sations. On the farm were 2nT\ °"'' "=S°"^tions about considered-a f. P' °f''""8^-^^hat «■■■ B v-icu — a lavourab p r-^,-,^1 • casually informed me that ,°"?"; ^'''^" ''^ ■■" Frankfort, and Zt ff .""^''''^eds were pleased with the farm L "'',T °"'''' --^^P^"^ fort and bring the T;^;^"' ^° '° ^'•-'^- expressed mv sati^f!! ^ 'nspection. I tow him I tUg f helr'n '"'^ '"'""• '^"'^ deeds that I migM look 1 ""'='" "^""^ the following mornTng he left fop" 7"- «" "^^ leaving, I asked him to allf """°''- ^^'"°^- to allow one of the slaves ■■i i 112 Recollections and Experiences to accompany me to the woods, while I amused myself j^unning. He replied that I might take any of them I pleased. I selected a bright, intelligent looking mulatto, whom I had frequently noticed listening most attentively to my conver- sation with his master. When we reached the woods, he begged and implored me to buy him and take him to Canada. 'Hi \H A WIFE TORN FROM HER HUSBAND AND SOLD. He told me that his master had sold his wife, to whom he had been married only a month, to a hotel-keeper in Covington, he spoke of his deep love for her ; that his master was going to take him to Texas, and that he should never see her again. The tears rolled down the poor fellow's cheeks in streams. I told him to cheer up ; that I would do my best to liberate him. I then confided to him the object that brought me there ; and told him that if liberty was precious to him he must prepare to make great efforts and sacrifices for it. I explained to him that if he could reach Cincinnati, Ohio, he would be safe from his pursuers, and that he would be sheltered and pn^tected until he reached Canada. I then gave him the address of a friend in Cincinnati on whom he could rely for protec- tion, and also furnished him with some money, a pistol, and pocket-compass for the journey Of a)i Abolitionist, to the Ohio. When h . , "^ vent ],;., capture. He ..r, ? f """'P' '° i'-^e- vice, and said, "Mas'a n "'^ ""^ P''^^"' '"«-■ a I am not killed." \ tw! ^f '° ^'''"e'nnati. if .'he other slaves were ctTbl"-' '"'" ''' ^"J- °f J°-"ey. For a mor^e U t " °' ""'"'^■•''"^■'•"1.' the 'hen he replied, "No na a'":,''''™'' """'^•'•"ff. gers ; don't you trust dem f ' j T "*= ''^^ "'?- "-o'lv on faithfully until S^f 7 ""'' ''im to now Weclnesdayland ',f';^ f/ "-ght-it was "on to leave at midnii^h? Tl ^^'''^ P^Pa^a- '-vel by night only ^ J," 1'?^' ^^y- -d to d'^ect to Covi„gto/„„ ;2,^^^^"» should go deavour to liberate his wife th^' '"'I ^"""''^ '^- he would find her at th„ t ' ' ''^ ^ succeeded ;■' ^^'ncinnati. wh^sl^J^ tsTh'^"^"^'""-^ J advsed him to carry vShL'^ ^'^^" '"■'"• a^ possible, so as to avoid ex no '' r'"* '"""d J°"™ey. Poor Peter w., '^ f "*■" ^'"'^ "^ h's P^spects; so much soTnl"?"^ ^'^^ ^"h his to repress his feelings for £ L"" ' "'■^^'' him be noticed by his S^ *"" '^°"''"et would particular disHk^tr 'w' "'^ ^^^ ''"'"hed a from his wife. Mrs B Tt '"' ^^Paration wicked niffffer • th,*' " me he was a -'d the S'P t ITd fl%''^- ^— "^d "vengeful ; that she hSed . ' f """^ ="'' could not understand toPe^rhaH^" ^~~- 8 ^ter had any right. 114 Recollections and Experiences not even the right to sorrow, when his wife was torn from him and sold to a stranger. On Thursday, Mr. B returned. He had been unsuccessful in obtaining the deeds, and told me that his lawyers in Louisville, were willing I should have every facility to examine them in their office, if I pleased ; but, as they held a small mortgage on the property, they were unwilling to permit the deeds to go out of their possession. This was very satisfactory, and afforded me an opportunity to get away without creating suspicion. During the night, previous to my departure, I obtained an inter- view with Peter, and reiterated my injunctions to be brave, cautious, and persevering, while on the journey, and again impressed upon his memory my instructions. Poor fellow ! his eyes filled with tears when I told him I was going direct to Covington next day, and should try and free his wife. When I bid him good-bye, he frantically kissed my hand, saying, "Tell Polly I'll be dere, sure. Tell her to wait for me." Oh ! Ti/hat a vile, wicked institution was that which could make merchandise of such a man as stood before me ! Yet, monstrous and cruel as it was, it had its apologists and abettors in the North ; while from every pulpit in the Of an Abolitionht. 115 Slave States went forth the declaration, that "slavery was a wise and beneficent institution, devised by God for the protection of an inferior race. On Friday morning I left, ostensibly for Louisville, but went to Covington, which place I reached on the following day. I had no diffi- culty in finding the hotel, having got the name of Polly's owner from Peter. It was a poorly kept hostelry ; the proprietor evidently had no knowledge of hotel-keeping. I however took quarters with him, and found him a very com- municative man. He informed me he had been a farmer until within a year past, but finding that farming on a small scale was unprofitable, he had sold out, and bought this hotel. He was the owner of two negroes, a man and woman ; " the gal was likely, but mighty spunky." He had paid twelve hundred dollars for her to Mr» B — — , near Harrodsburg. He wanted her to " take ip * with his negro boy, but she refused. He htid ihreatened to send her to New Orleans fc f.ale, if she would no^ obey him. He reck'.'i^J she would be glac •> "take up "with him before long ; a good whipping generally bro\ijjht them to their senses. He knew how to mar age such. The gal would bring sixteen hundred or two thousand dollars in New Orleans, becauf>e she ^vas hiiiiy. ii6 Recollections and Experiences m : i. m-: -i '' i Before retiring that night, I requested the land- lord to send to my room some warm water for a bath. He said he would send the girl up with it as soon as it was ready. In le^js than half an hour, the water was placed in my rooir by a bright, intelligent, straight-haired mulatto o^irl, apparently twenty years of age. As soon as she entered the room, I directed her to close the door, and said in a whisper, "Are you Polly, from Harrodsburg .-*" She looked at nie with a frightened look, "Yes, massa, I is," she said. ' told her I had seen her husband, Peter, and th^t he was going to run away from his master on Sunday night ; that I had friends in Cincinnati where he was going, who would secrete him until she could join him, when they would both be sent to Canada. She stood like a statue, while I was talking. I directed her to get ready to meet me on the following night, at twelve o'clock, in front of the post office ; that I should leave the hotel in the morning and make preparations to have her taken across the river to the Ohio shore. She was so much amazed that for a mo- ment she was unable to speak ; at last she said, "Please, massa, tell me it over again." I re- peated my instructions as rapidly as possible for fear I should be interrupted ; and warned her against betraying herself by any outward expres- sion of her feelings. When I concluded, she r ■M Of an Abolitionist . 117 said, " Oh, massa, I'll pray to God for you — I'll be dere sure." She then left the room. Next morning I delayed coming down to breakfast until after tlie regular breakfast was over, hoping to obtain another opportunity of charging her memory with the mstructioiis already given. I was fortunate — she served the table. When I was leaving the table, I said to her, " To-night, at tivclve d clock, snrcr She replied in a whisper, "God will help me, massa, I'll try to." After breakfast, I went to Cincinnati and with the aid of friends, made arrangements to cross to Covington at eleven o'clock that night. 11 LIBERATION OF THE WIFE. Before dark on Sunday evening, I had com- pleted all my arrangements. A short time be- fore midnight, I crossed the river in a small boat with two good assistants. Leaving them in charge of the boat, I went up to the post office, which I reached a few minutes before twelve. I waited patiently for nearly half an hour, when I observed a dark object approaching rapidly at a distance of several hundred yards from where I stood. As soon as I recognized the form, I went toward her, and, telling her to follow me, I turned down a dark street, and w^nt toward the river. We had made but little progress I ' i ii8 Recollections and Experiences before we were stopped by a night watchman, who said, " Where are you going ?" I replied by putting a dollar in his hand and saying, it's all right. He became oblivious, and passed on his beat, greatly to my peace of mind. We soon reached the boat ; she crouched down in the bow, and we left the Kentucky shore. CROSSING THE OHIO. H ^P- Vk% :#, I In a .>\: .t time we were safe across the river, and placing my charge in a cab which I had ready at the shore, we drove rapidly up into the city within a few blocks of my friend's residence. I then dismissed the cab, and we wended our way through several streets, until I reached the rear entrance to the house of my friend. We were admitted, and received the kind attention of our generous and liberty-loving host. Poor Polly^ who had never before been treated with such kindness, said to me : "Massa, is I free now T' I told her she was now free from her master ; and that, as soon as her husband arrived, they both would be sent to Cleveland, where I would meet them, and help them across to Canada, where they would be as free as the whites. Bidding her and my noble hearted friend good-by, I took the first train on Monday morning for Cleveland. On my arrival there, I drove a few Of an Abolitionist. 119 miles into the country to the house of a friend of the cause, where I remained waiting for news of Peter's arrival in Cincinnati. On Friday morning I received a letter informing me that Peter had arrived safely, though his feet were torn and sore. The meeting between husband and wife was described as most affecting. On Monday evening following, I received another letter stating that freight car No. 705, had been hired to convey a box containing one ** package of hardware," and one of " dry goods," to Cleveland. The letter also contained the key of the car. The train containing this particular car was to leave Cincinnati on Tuesday morning, and would reach Cleveland, sometime during the evening of the same day. I had but a short time conse- quently to make preparations to convey the fugitives across the lake. A KENTUCKIAN IN SEARCH OF HIS CHATTEL. v'V On Tuesday morning, my good friend with whom I had been stopping, drove me into Cleve- land. As we passed the American House, I caught sight of my Kentucky host standing in front of the hotel. He did not observe me, however, and we continued on our way to the lake shore. I then sent my friend back to make the acquaintance of the Kentuckian, and learn r ■!"»WP if m i 'is ^4 |;L.| 120 Recollections and Experiences the object of his visit to Cleveland. After a long search, I found a schooner loading for Port Stanley, Canada. The skipper said they would be ready to sail on the following day if the wind was favourable. I soon learned that the captain was a Freemason, and confided to him my secret. The result was, his agreement to stow my freight away safely as soon as they came on board, and carry them to Canada I then returned to a locality agreed upon with my friend, whom I found waiting for me, and was then driven to the country. On the way out, mv friend informed me that he had made the acquaintance of the Kentuckian, who felt very sore over the loss of his slave ; but he did not express any suspicion of me. He said he was having posters printed, offering a reward of five hundred dollars for the capture of the girl. Toward night, I again went into the city, and my friend made enquiry at the freight office of the railroad, and ascertained that the train containing car 705, would be in at 10 p.m. We then went to a hotel near the depot, and remained until the train came. I found the car, and my faithful friend brought his carriage as near as he could safely, without attracting attention. I unlocked the door of the car, went in, and closed the door after me. Listening ciarefully, I could not detect the slightest signs i tmm 1 0/ an Abolitionist. 121 of life in the car. I called in a low voice : "Peter." A reply came at once : "Yes, massa, shall I open the box .''" The two poor creatures were in a dry-goods box, sufficiently large to permit them to sit upright. I helped them out of the box, and making sure that no stranger was near, opened the door of the car, and led them quickly to the carriage. We then drove rapidly away to the boat, and secreted the fu .fitives in the cabin. I then bid mv friend farewell, as I had decided not to leave the two faithful creatures until they were safe in Canada. SAFE ARRIVAL OF MAN AND WIFE IN CANADA. After midnight the breeze freshened up, and we made sail for the land of freedom. We had a rough and tedious voyage, and did not reach Canada until near night on the following day. When our little vessel was safely moored along- side the pier, I led my two companions on shore, and told them they were now in a land where freedom v>as guaranteed to all. And we kneeled together on the soil of Canada, and thanked the Almighty Father for his aid and protec- tion. Two happier beings I never saw. Next day I took them to London, and obtained situa- tions for both Peter and his wife. I succeeded FT 122 Recollections and Experiences also in enlisting the kind interest of several prom- inent persons in their behalf, to whom I related their experience. NET RESULTS. ill! « Thc next three months I spent in Canada, visiting those refugees in whom I had taken a. personal interest. I found six in Chatham, two in London, four in Hamilton, two in Amherstburg, and one in Toronto — fifteen in all ; while several others had gone from Carada to New England. It afforded me great satisfaction to find them sober, industrious members of society. It has often been remarked by both Canadians and visitors from the States, that the negro refugees in Canada were superior specimens of their race. The observation is true, for none but superior specimens could hope to reach Canada. The difficulties and dangers of the route, and the fact that they were often closely followed for weeks, not only by human foes, but by blood- hounds as well, required the exercise of rare qualities of mind and body. Their route would often lay through dismal swamps inhabited only by wild animals and poisonous reptiles. Some- times the distance between the land of bondage and freedom was several hundreds of miles, every Of an Abolitionist. 123 \ mile of which had to be traversed on foot. It is, indeed, surprising that so large a number of fugitives succeeded in reaching Canada, con- sidering the obstacles they had to contend with on their long and dangerous journey. When I reflect upon the dangers that sur- rounded me during that stormy period, I ac- knowledge my indebtedness to God for Mis protection and support during my labours in behalf of the oppressed people of the Southern States ; and, although the results of my efforts were insignificant in comparison to what I hoped to accomplish when I began the work in 1855, I still rejoice that I was enabled to do what little I did for the poor and despised coloured people of the Slave States. NUMBKR OF REFUGEE NEGROES IN CANADA. The number of refugee negroes living in Canada, at the outbreak of the slaveholder's rebellion, was not far short of forty thousand. Probably more than half of them were manu- mitted slaves who, in consequence of unjust laws, were compelled to leave the States where they were manumitted. Many of these negroes settled in the Northern States, but the greater portion of them came to Canada. i\p 124 til iii'i I Recollections and Experiences THK FUGITIVE SLAVE LAW. When the Fugitive Slave Law was enacted in 1850, it carried terror to every person of African blood, in the Free States. Stung with hopeless despair, more than six thousand Christian men and women fled from their homes, and sought refuge under the flag of Britain in Ciinada. In the words of Charles Sumner : " The Free States became little better than a huge outlying planta- tion, quivering under the lash of the overseer ; or rather they were a diversified hunting ground for the flying bondman, resounding always with the * halloo' of the huntsman. There seemed to be no rest. The chase was hardly finished at Boston, before it broke out at Philadelphia, Syra- cuse, or Buffalo, and then again raged furiously over the prairies of the west. Not a case occur- red which did not shock the conscience of the country, and sting it with anger. The records of the time attest the accuracy of this statement. Perhaps there is no instance in history where human passion showed itself in grander forms of €xpression, or where eloquence lent all her gifts more completely to the demands of liberty, than the speech of Theodore Parker, (now dead and buried in a foreign land), denouncing the capture of Thomas Simms at Boston, and invoking the judgment of God and man upon the agents in Of an Abolitionist. 125 this wickedness. The great effort cannot be for- gotten in the history of humanity. But every case pleaded with an eloquence of its own, until at last one of those tragedies occurred which darken the heavens, and cry out with a voice that will be heard. It was the voice of a mother standing over her murdered child. Margaret Garner had escaped from slavery with three children, but she was overtaken at Cincinnati. Unwilling to see her offspring returned to the shambles of the South, this unhappy person, described in the testimony as 'a womanly, amiable, affectionate mother,' determined to save them in the only way within her power. With a butcher knife, coolly and deliberately, she took the life of one of the children, described as * almost white, and a little girl of rare beauty,' and attempted, without success, to take the life of the other two. To the preacher who interro- gated her, she exclaimed : * The child is my own, given me of God to do the best a mother could in its behalf. I have done the best I could ; I would have done more and better for the rest ; I knew it was better for them to go home to God than back to slavery.' But she was restrained in her purpose, ^'iie Fugitive Slave Act triumphed, and after the determina- tion of sundry questions of jurisdiction, this devoted historic mother, with the two children 126 Recollections and Experiences that remained to her, and the dead body of the httle one just emancipated, was escorted by a national guard of armed men to the doom of slavery. But her case did not end with ' •<5 revolting sacrince. So long as the human n^-art is moved by human suffering, the story of this mother will be read with alternate anger and grief, while it is studied as a perpetual witness to the slaveholding tyranny which then ruled the Republic with execrable exactions, destined at last to break out in war, as the sacrifice of Virginia by her father is a perpetual witness to the deccmviral tyranny which ruled Rome. But liberty is always priceless. There are other instances less known in which kindred w % has been done. Every case was a tragt^^ - under the forms of law. Worse than poisoned bowl or dagger was the certificate of a United States commissioner — who was allowed, without interruption, to continue his dreadful trade." THE PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION OF 1860. During no previous presidential election, (ex- cept that of 1856, when Fremont and Buchanan were the candidates), was there so much excite- ment on the slavery question as that of i860, when Lincoln, Breckinridge, Bell, and Douglas were the candidates. Of an Abolitionist. 127 To enable my readers to form a correct idea as to the political positions occupied by the different candidates towards the institution of slavery, I give below the "slavery plank of each platform " on which the presidential candidates went before the people for their suffrages : — REPUBLICAN NATIONAL (LINCOLN) PLATFORM. Adopted at Chicago ISOO. Jiesolved, That wo, the delegated representatives of the Republican electors of the United StateH, in Convention assendded, in diaeluirgc of the duty we owe to our constituents and our country, unite in the following declarations : — 1. That the history of tli nation, during the last four years, has fully established the jjiopriety and necessity of the organ- ization and periJetuation of the Kei)ublican party, and that the causes which called it into existence are permanent in their nature, and now, more than ever before, demand its peaceful and constitutional triumph. 2. That the maintenance of the principles i)romulgated in the Declaration of Independence and end)odied in the Federal Constitution, "That all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their creator with certain inalienable rights ; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness ; that to secure these rights, goverments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the ffovemed," is essential to the preservation of our Republican institutions ; and that the Federal Constitution, the Rights of the States, and the Union of the States, must and shall be preserved. 7. That the new dogma, that the Constitution, of its own force, carries Slavery into any or all of the Territories of the United States, is a dangerous political heresy, at variance with the explicit provisions of that instrument itself, with contemporaneous exposition, and with legislative and judicial precedent ; is revolutionary in its tendency, and subversive of the peace and harmony of the country. h e general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity. ELECTORAL VOTE, PRESIDENTAL ELECTION OF 1860. For Lincoln and Hamlin 180 For Breckinridge and Lane 72 For Bell and Everett 39 For Douglas and Johnson 12 \^^lole Electoral Vote 303 Lincoln's majority over all 57 When enough returns from the election had been received to render it certain that Abraham Lincoln would be the next President, public meetings were held in the city of Charleston and in other places in the State of South Carolina, at which resolutions were adopted in favor of the Secession of the State from the Union. DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE OF SOUTH CAROLINA. I i Done in Convention, December 24, 1860. The State of South Carolina, having determined to resume her separate and equal place among nations, deems it due to K\ 180 72 39 12 303 1 57 :h 9ume le to Of an Abolitionist, 131 herself, to the remaining United States of America, and to the nations of the world, that she should declare the causes which have led to this act. We affirm that these ends for which this government waa instituted have been defeated, and the government itself has been made destructive of them by the action of the non-slave- holding States. These States have assumed the right of deciding upon the propriety of our domestic institutions, and have denied the rights of property established in fifteen of the States and recognized by the Constitution ; they have de- nounced as sinful the institution of slavery ; they have permitted the open establishment among them of societies whose avowed object is to disturb the peace and to eloin the property of the citizens of other States. They have encouraged and assisted thousands of our slaves to leave their homes, and those who remain have been incited by emissaries to servile insurrection. Sectional interest and animosity will deepen the irritation, and all hope of remedy is rendered vain by the fact that public opinion at the north has invested a great political error with the sanctions of a more erroneous religious belief. We, therefore, the people of South Carolina, appealing to the Supreme Judge of the world for the rectitude of our intentions, have solemnly declared that the union heretofore existing between this State and the other States of North America is dissolved, and that the State of South Carolina has resumed her position among the nations of the world as a free, sovereign, and independent State. And for the support of this declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of Divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our lives, our fortunes, and our sacred honor. On the same day the remaining representa- tives in Congress from South Carolina vacated their seats and returned home ; and thus began the slaveholders' rebellion. I ; ! !( ii' if CHAPTER V. THE slaveholders' REBELLION. OR many months after the death of John Brown, I felt that the defeat of his plans at Harper's Ferry was a great calamity to the enslaved. I saw nothing in store for them but toil and bondage for another generation. For who, at that time, foresaw the mighty conflict that was soon to be inaugurated by the haughty slave- holders, in which they and their cherished insti- tution were to be completely overthrown. The seed sown at Harper's Ferry, had fallen into rich soil. The slaveholders were convinced that unless they could obtain from the North further guarantees for the protection of the insti- tution of slavery — that secession from the Free States was their only salvation. Their insolent demands upon the North were met by a quiet Of an Abolitionist 133 determination upon the part of the people ; that not another foot of the public domain should be given up to slavery. Northern politicians had become so accustomed to yielding obedience to the commands of the slave drivers, that strong efforts were made to effect a compromise with the pro-slavery leaders in Congress. ill ^ J But the patience of the peace-loving people of the Free States, was at length exhausted ; they had submitted to the outrageous provisions of the Fugitive Slave Law ; they had looked on and seen the champions of freedom in Congress in- sulted and assaulted by the slave drivers of the South ; they had borne for years the taunts and sneers of the Southern chivalry ; and now, they resolved to assert their just rights and privileges as citizens of a free country. The threats and demands of the slaveholders were treated with the contempt they deserved. CONFIDENTIAL SERVICE IN CANADA. A few months after the inauguration of Presi- dent Lincoln, I received a letter from a friend in Washington, requesting mc to visit him at my very earliest convenience ; that he desired to confer with me on a subject of importance. \\:\ !<■■ 134 Recollections and Experiences I ' 8) 1 :1 i The day after my arrival in Washington, my friend introduced me to the President. Mr. Lincoln received me very cordially, and invited me to dine with him that day. Assembled at the President's table were several prominent gentlemen, to whom Mr. Lincoln introduced me as " a red-hot abolitionist from Canada." One of the guests, a prominent member of Congress (severely injured in after years by coming in contact with the Credit Mobilier), remarked, in a slurring manner, that he wished all the negroes of the United States would emigrate to Canada, as we Canadians were so fond of them. Mr. Lincoln said : '* It would be all the better for the negroes, that's certain." "Yes," I replied, a little warmly, "it would be all the better for the negroes ; for, under our flag, the blackest negro is entitled to, and freely accorded every right and privilege enjoyed by native Canadians. We make no distinction in respect to the colour of a man's skin. It is true, we live under a monarchial form of govern- ment ; but, under that government, every man, and woman, v/hether white, black, or brovn, have equal rights before our laws." Mr. Lincoln, in a jocular way, said to the member of Congress, "If you are not careful, Of an Abolitionist. 135 you will bring on a war with Canada. I think we have got a big enough job on hand now." The conversation then turned on the attitude of England toward the Free States in their contest with the slaveholders. One gentleman remarked that he was surprised to see so many manifestations of unfriendliness on the part of the English and Canadian people, and asked me how I accounted for it. I replied, "How can you expect it otherwise, when there exists in the Northern States so wide a diversity of opinion as to the justness of your cause } The unfriendly expressions of an English statesman, or the avowed sympathy of a few English and Canadian papers, are noted by you with painful surprise ; while the treasonable utterances and acts of some of your own political leaders and people are quite overlooked. Besides, you cannot ex- pect the sympathy of the Christian world in your behalf, while you display such an utter disregard for the rights and liberties of your own citizens, as I witnessed in this city yesterday." ro vn, the ireful, Mr. Lincoln asked what I alluded to. I re- plied, " A United States Marshall passed through Washington yesterday, having in his charge a coloured man, who he was taking over to Vir- ginia under the provisions of your Fugitive Slave h ( ^! 136 Recollections and Experiences Law. The man had escaped from his master — who is an open rebel — and fled to Wilmington, Delaware, where he was arrested, and taken back into slavery." After dinner, Mr. Lincoln led me to a window, distant from the rest of the party, and said, " Mr. S. sent for you at my request. We need a confidential person in Canada to look after the rebel emissaries there, and keep us posted as to their schemes and objects. You have been strongly recommended to me for the posi- tion. Your mis.sion shall be as confidential as you please. No one here but your friciid Mr. S. and myself, shall have any knowledge of your position. Your communications may be sent direct to me, under cover to Major . Think it over to-night ; and if you can accept the mis- sion, come up and see me at nine o'clock to-mor- row morning." When I took my leave of him, he said, " I hope you will decide to serve us." The position thus offered, was one not suited to my tastes or feelings, but, as Mr. Lincoln appeared very desirous that I should accept it, I concluded to lay aside my prejudices and accept the responsibilities of the mission. I was also persuaded to this conclusion by the wishes of my friend. Of an Abolitionist. nr At nine o'clock next morning, I waited upon the President, and announced my decision. He grasped my hand in a hearty manner, and said : " Thank you ; thank you ; I am glad of it." I said : " Mr. Lincoln, if even one of the objects of your Government was the liberation from bondage of the poor slaves of the South, I would feel justified in accepting any position where I could best serve you, but when I see so much tenderness for that vile institution and for the interests of slaveholders, I almost doubt whether your efiforts to crush the rebellion will meet with the favour of heaven." t it, and I the He replied : " I sincerely wish that all men were free, and I especially wish for the complete abolition of slavery in this country ; but my private wishes and feelings must yield to he necessities of my position. My first duty is, to maintain the integrity of the Union. With that object in view, I shall endeavour to save it, either with or without slavery. I have always been an anti-slavery man. Away back in 1839, when I was a member of the Legislature of Illinois, I presented a resolution asking for the emancipation of slavery in the District of Columbia, when, with but few exceptions, the popular mind of my State was opposed to it. ■ i 138 Recollections and Experiences If the destruction of the institution of slavery should be one of the results of this conflict which the slaveholders have forced upon us, I shall rejoice as hearty as you. In the mean- time, help us to circumvent the machinations of the rebel agents in Canada. There is no doubt they will use your country as a communi- cating link with Europe, and also with their friends in New York. It is quite possible also that they may make Canada a base, to annoy our people along the frontier. Keep us well posted of what they say and do." n ^ 'fii After a lengthy conversation relative to pri- vate matters connected with my mission, I rose to leave, when he said : " I will walk down to ' Wiilards' with you, the hotel is on my way to the Capitol, where I have an engagement at noon." Before we reached the hotel, a man came up to the President, and thrust a letter into his hand, at the same time applying for some office in Wisconsin. I saw that the President was offended at the rudeness, for he passed the letter back without looking at it, saying : " No, sir ! I am not going to open shop here." This was said in a most emphatic manner, but accom- panied by a comical gesture which caused the rejected applicant to smile. As we continued ,1)1 Of an Abolitionist. 139 our walk, the President remarked on the annoy- ances incident to his position, saying : " These office-seekers are a curse to this country. No sooner was my election certain, than I became the prey of hundreds of hungry, persistent applicants for office, whose highest ambition is to feed at the government crib." When he bid me good-bye, he said : " Let me hear from you once a week at least." As he was about to leave me, a young army officer stopped him, and made some request, to which the President replied with a good deal of humour : " No ; I can't do that. I must not interfere : they would scratch my eyes out, if I did. You must go to the proper department." I could not help watching the receding form of the President, as with long, indifferent strides he wended his way towards the Capitol. What a dreadful responsibility rested on that man ! The hopes of millions of Republicans throughout the world were fixed upon him ; while twenty millions of his own people looked to him for the salvation of the Republic, and four millions of poor down-trodden slaves in the South looked to him for freedom. I i •■) t 1 i''\ it II I-' 140 Recollections and Experiences Mr. Lincoln was no ordinary man. He had a quick and ready perception of facts, a retentive memory, and a logical turn of mind, which patiently and unwaveringly followed every link in the chain of thought on every subject which he investigated. He was honest, temperate, and forgiving. He was a good man — a man of noble and kindly heart. I never heard him speak unkindly of any man ; even the rebels, received no word of anger from him. CONFEDERATES IN CANADA. Immediately upon my arrival in Montreal, I sought opportunities to familiarize myself with the names, habits, and occupations of the various- Confederates in Canada. I had bat little diffi- culty in accomplishing this purpose, as the Con- federates looked upon all Canadians as their friends. The principal Confederate agent in Canada at that time, was an ex-Member of Buchanan's administration. The contemptible conduct of this man (while still a member of the Go\ c ment), in warning the rebels of Ch H- .con ot the sailing of the Steamer " Star le West," with provisions for the beseiged gai ^on at Fort Sumpter, will furnish a good index to hi "har- acter. Of an Abolitionist. 141 's )f )t > Irt The plots and schemes devised by him and his subordinates to furnish the rebels with clothing, boots and shoes, &c., via Nassau and Cuba, and to keep open a channel of commu- nication with the Confederate States, kept me continually on the qui vivc to frustrate their designs. REBEL POSTAL SERVICE. Toward the close of 1862, I received satisfac- tory information that a regular system of postal service was in operation between the Confederate States and Europe, via Canada. Diligently and earnestly I sought for a clue, week after week passed away, but nothing was discovered. I placed detectives on all the trains leaving Mon- treal, with instructions to closely watch every stranger, and especially those of southern aspect. All my efforts, however, were unsuccessful. I finally concluded to go' to Detroit, and insti- tute some enquiries in that section. With that object in view, I sent for a cabman (one that I usually employed), to convey me to the depot for the 9 p. m. night train west ; he came to inform me that it would be impossible for him to drive me that night, as he was obliged to take a lady from Lapraire to Champlain, a small village in the State of New York, not far from the boun- J 142 ?'i ■ ■' Recollections and Experiences dary line between Canada and the United States. He said he had a brother living at Laprarie, who was regularly employed to carry a lady once a fortnight from Laprarie to Champlain ; but that he was ill, and had sent for him to take his place. Some further questions from me elicited the fact that my cabman had on one former occasion filled his brother's place to carry the same lady over the same route. My suspicions were now aroused, I felt confi- dent that this lady had something to do with the Confederate postal service, and I closely ques- tioned him as to her appearance and habits, and ostensible business, and why she travelled in such an unusual manner and by such a round- about route. I put these questions in such a way as not to excite suspicion in his mind as to my object. The information I obtained from him was of such importance that I decided to reach Champlain in advance of the cabman and his strange passenger. I consequently took the evening train to Rouse's Point, and from thence was driven in a carriage to Champlain. I engaged quarters at the principal hotel in the village, and in a short time won the confidence of the talkative and consequential little landlord, who finally, on my referring to Of an Abolitionist. 143 the lady in question, informed me that she was a Mrs. "Williams," (an alias, no doubt,) an agent for a religious tract society ; that she passed over this route from Canada about once a fort- night ; and that she was a very excellent person indeed. He, however, knew nothing about her, except that she said she was a tract distributer, travelling between Upper Canada and Boston. He finally remarked, " I expect her here either to-night or to-morrow night, on her way to Boston. She always arrives here in the night : sometimes it's early morning." In ie Securing a front bed-room, I was in a position to observe whoever came down the road leading from Canada, as the hotel fronted the road. Patiently I waited at the window from 10 p.m. to 3 a.m., looking out into the darkness. Shortly after three o'clock, I heard the rumbling of an approaching carriage coming down the road, and in a short time a cab drove up, and I saw my Montreal cabman alight and open the door of the carriage, from which a lady, closely muffled, stepped and entered the house. She was placed in a room on the opposite side of the hall to the one I occupied. To prevent her leaving the house without my knowledge, I determined to remain awake the rest of the night. At six o'clock I saw my cabman drive away towards Canada. 1 1- , (, m Is. Hi il 144 Recollections and Experiences At the breakfast table, I sat vis-a-vis with the object of my search. She was a keen, intelligent, witty, and handsome woman of medium size, with black eyes and hair, about 45 years of age. She conversed quite freely with the landlord's wife, but at times she would check herself, betraying a startled half-frightened look. Her conversation was principally upon her experi- ences as an agent of a "Religious Tract Society." At length an opportunity offered for me to engage in conversation with her. When I informed her that I was Canadian, she became less reserved in her manner, and chatted familiarly on her trips through Canada. I soon learned that it was her intention to go to Rouse's Point by the noon train, As soon as breakfast was over, I telegraphed to a detective at Rouse's Point to meet me, on the arrival of the train, prepared to make an arrest. When Mrs. Williams was seated in the car, I took a seat near her, to prevent her from escaping. Before the train reached the Point, it slackened up, and a detective officer came into the cars. I pointed out Mrs. Williams to him, and ordered him to take her to his house as soon as she stepped from the car, to watch every movement she made, and not permit her to have any communication with confederates. ! Of an Abolitionist. 145 led on lan :he )m Int, le to ise :ch ler ARREST OF A REBEL MAIL CARRIER. As soon as the train entered the depot at Rouse's Point, the detective arrested her, and, with the aid of an assistant, took her to his house, where I immediately followed. I directed the wife of the detective to rigidly search her, and, if any documents were found, to call her husband and give them to him. Notwithstanding her protests, tears, and prayers, Mrs. Williams was thoroughly searched, and with good results, for eighty-two letters were found sewed into her under garments. The majority of them were addressed to rebel emissaries in Europe, the balance, to private individuals in the Northern States. After copying the address, and placing a number on each letter, I secured them safely on my person, and telegraphed to the President the substance of the above facts. In less than an hour I received instructions to hasten to Washington with the confiscated letters. Before leaving Rouse's Point I had an inter- view with Mrs. Williams, during which I offered to secure her release, providing she would disclose certain information, that I knew she possessed, relative to the rebel mail route from the Confederacy to Europe via Canada. She, however, positively refused, and declared that 10 m 146 Recollections and Experiences she would die in prison before she would disclose the secret. I IK '; -} r ! H- I ■:.'? 4i rli'^ii^ Having instructed the officer to keep Mrs. Williams under close arrest until he received further orders from me, I left for Washington. On my arrival there (about midnight), I went direct to the Executive mansion, and sent my card to the President, who had retired to bed. In two or three minutes the porter returned, and requested me to accompany him to the Presi- dent's office, where, in a short time, Mr. Lincoln would join me. The room into which I was ushered, was the same in which I had spent several hours with the President on the occasion of my first interview with him fourteen months before. Scattered about the floor, and lying open on the table, were several military maps and documents indicating recent use. On the wall I observed a picture of John Bright, of England. INTERVIEW WITH PRESIDENT LINCOLN. In a few minutes, the President came in, and received me in the most friendly manner. I expressed my regret at disturbing him at such an hour. He replied in a good humoured manner, saying, " No, no, you may route me up whenever you please. I have slept with if!;p and I uch red me vith ^ t-^^MkrrS mmmmmmm i ^ rl 1 ! : J; "1 1 M 4 i !; 1 ; i P j >' Vi.-' 'H. id i: PI ■ 1 i iji 1 ] ) ! ' i Of an Abolitionist. 147 one eye open since I came to Washington ; I never close both, except when an office-seeker is looking for me." " I am glad (referring to a letter I had sent him) you are pleased with the Emancipation Proclamation (issued a few weeks previously), but there is work before us yet ; we must make that Proclamation effective by victories over our enemies. It's a paper bullet after all, and of no account, except we can sustain it." The President's efforts being now directed to give freedom to the poor, despised, and long suffering people of the South, I expressed my belief that God would now aid the cause of the Union. He replied, " Well, I hope so ! but the suffering and misery that attends this conflict, is killing me by inches. I wish it was over." CONFISCATED REBEL DESPATCHES. I then laid before the President the "rebel mail." He carefully examined the address of each letter, making occasional remarks. At length he found one addressed to an ex-Presi- dent of the United States, then residing in New Hampshire, and another to an ex- Attorney General of the United States, also a resident of that State. He appeared much surprised, ^1- '''hi a \i i 'iM m^ I*; ■ '. IL 148 Recollections and Experiences and remarked with a sigh, but, without the slightest tone of asperity, ** I will have copies made of these letters, after which they shall be sent enclosed in official envelopes to these parties." When he had finished examining the addresses, he tied up all those addressed to private individuals, saying, " I will not bother with them ; but these look like official letters : I guess I'll go through them now." He then opened one after the other, and read their con- tents slowly and carefully. While he was thus occupied, I had an excel- lent opportunity of studying this extraordinary man. A marked change had taken place in his countenance since my first interview with him. He looked much older, and bore traces of having passed thrc ugh months of painful anxiety and trouble. There was a sad, serious look in his eyes that spoke louder than words of the disappointments, trials, and discouragements he had encountered since the war began. The wrinkles about the eyes and forehead were deeper; the lips were firmer, but indicative of kindness and forbearance. The great struggle had brought out the hidden riches of his noble nature, and developed virtues and capacities which surprised his oldest and most intimate friends. He was simple but astute : he pos- Of an Abolitionist. 149 sessed the rare faculty of seeing things just as they are : he was a just, charitable, and honest man. REBELS IN NEW BRUNSWICK. Having finished reading a letter, he said : " Read this (handing me a letter signed by the Confederate Secretary of State), and tell me what you think of it." The letter was addressed to the rebel envoy at the French Court, and stated that preparations were being made to invade the Eastern frontier of the United States in the vicinity of Calais, Maine. It also expressed the opinion that an attack in so unexpected a quarter would dishearten the Northern people, and encourage the Democrats to oppose the continuation of the war. I told the President that this confirmed the truth of the information I had received several weeks previously, and satisfied me that the rebels would make an attempt to raid on some of the Eastern States from the British Provinces. He replied : " I wish you would go to New Brunswick, and see what the rebels are up to. The information contained in these despatches is of great importance. Two of them I cannot read, as they are written in cipher ; but I'll find some way to get at their contents." I , ♦ ' -^ i 150 RlxoUccHoiis and Experiences I then rose to go, saying that I would go to the hotel, and liave a rest. '" No, no ! it is now three o'clock ; you shall staj- here while you are in town. Come with me, I'll find you a bed," .said the President ; and, leading the way» he took me into a bedroom, saying : " Take a good sleep, you shall not be disturbed." Bidding me " Good-night," he left the room to go bnck and pore over the rebel letters until daylight, as he afterwards told me. If ever the Almighty raised up an individual to perform a special service, that person was Abraham Lincoln. No parent could evince a greater interest in the welfare of his family than he did for the safety and influence of his country. Every faculty he possessed was devoted to the salvation of the Union. I did not awake from my sleep until eleven o'clock in the forenoon, soon after which Mr. Lincoln came to my room, and laughingly said : " When you are ready, I'll pilot you down to breakfast," which he did ; and, seating him- self at the table, expressed his fears that trouble was brewing in the Province of New Brunswick ; that he had gathered further information on that point from the correspondence, that convinced him that such was the case. He was here Of an Abolitionist. 151 yen Mr. giy im- lible ck; hat ced ere interrupted by a servant, who handed him a card ; upon reading which he left me, saying, "Come up to my room after breakfast." On entering his room, I found him busily en- gaged in writing, at the same time repeating in a low voice the words of a poem, which I remem- bered reading many years before. Wiien he stopped writing, I asked him who was the author of that poem. He replied, *' I do not know. I have written the verses down from memory at the request of a lady who is much pleased with them. I wish I knew who was the author of them." He passed the sheet on which he had written the verses to me, saying, " Have you ever read them .-'" I replied that I had many years ago ; and that I should be happy to have a copy of them in his handwriting, when he had time and inclination for such work. He said, " Well, you may keep that copy, if you" The following is the poem as copied from Mr. Lincoln's manuscript given me on that occasion : oh! why should thk sphut of mortal be PROUD } Oh ! why should the spirit of mortal be proud ? Like a swift-fleetiug meteor, a fast ilyiug cloud, A flash of the lightning, a break of the wave, He passeth from life to his rest in the grave. 152 Recollections and Experiences ■ ' -1 i : : 1 ' 1 :i : '1 i i n ii i I J i!il I B"^j Thu leaves of thu oak and the willowH shall fade, Be scattered aroun